#sara honda
japaneseadventures · 5 months
Marin Honda in Pokapoka 2024.03.11
Marin appeared in this live broadcast to promote the Worlds Figure Skating broadcast which she's a field reporter for.
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Some highlights from this broadcast:
Marin talks about the things she wants to try after retirement such as going to the beach, acting, eating as much as she wants.
Talks about the time she once got scouted for inline skating during her first time trying it out in a public rink.
She admires Mao and Shoma for being so strong mentally.
A lot of anecdotes related to skating and her family.
More details about it and other anecdotes under the read more:
The best snack Marin has ever eaten is Baskin Robbins ice cream. When her family wants to eat ice cream, they do have some in celebration of someone, even for just golf lessons. (The ice cream would be all gone though by the time their dad even comes home lol) She provided a photo of the ice cream (cake) that she and her family bought for her dad:
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Text on the cake: "Papa, Great job in your golf lesson!"
She has many things she wants to try after retiring.
When she was still competing, she usually skated everyday. She only takes a break from skating for about 1-2 days. Even during family trips she usually brought her skating stuff, and they usually look for a rink nearby.
Marin avoided getting sunburnt/tanned during her skating career since it would be obvious when she's wearing costumes. Now she wants to try getting really tanned, so she'd love to go to (somewhere hot like) Okinawa since she's never gone before.
From the moment she started university, Marin was set on retiring once she graduated. (Though she was willing to quit if she really started to hate skating.) However, when she actually did feel like quitting, she realized she can't imagine herself living a life without skating. So she made it a goal to at least continue until her brother graduated and retired from skating.
Q: So there really was a time when it got so difficult that you wanted to quit? A: Yes, I quit and took a 4-day break from skating for the first time ever. But even then, by the 5th day, I just ended up skating training again. I felt like I needed to keep going. Even now, I still love skating and make it my goal to do a performance that the audience would enjoy. During that time off, I realized I liked myself best while skating.
Back when they were kids, Marin had been her sister Miyu's acting partner when Miyu practiced her lines. Thanks to this, she also wants to try her hand at acting.
When she was still competing, Marin avoided eating until she was full. After she announced her retirement, she wanted to Abura Soba (Soupless Ramen Noodles), eat something she felt she'd feel too guilty to eat before then. Since she loves mayonnaise so much that she'd drink it (lol), she added a generous amount of it too. But then she felt guilty eating just that, so she had double the usual amount of onions to the mix lol.
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She's had a lot of instances where she'd wonder why people would pick that moment in particular to take photos of. People always posts photos of the weirdest moments. She says many cameramen are old men, so she has an idea of which weird moments they'd most likely take photos of. Such as during jumps and spins, when your face is screwed up due to centrifugal force. Even mucus from a runny nose flies out. She's disappointed when those get chosen but still thankful to them for being interested enough to always take photos lol.
Sometimes while she's skating in a competition, she's tempted to wave at friendly officials and judges who she's attended competitions with since she was little.
When she's not doing well, she can only focus on the competition. However, when she's doing well, she'd end up thinking about how that one person in the audience looks like they're about to go to the restroom soon.
She does jumps in her dreams sometimes, or falling during a jump, and when she wakes up, her legs are crossed like she does when jumping. Says she's heard of many skaters sleeping with their legs crossed. That position is relaxing for them.
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Very few kids started skating since they were 2 like she did so she's always felt small since she started skating, as most of the skaters in the rink were taller than Marin.
She's never had much free time hanging out with friends and stuff when she was young, compared to now when she has retired. Back then, skating practice already took too much time. It was also a long commute to and from the rink. She was also taking a lot of other lessons at the time, like ice hockey, swimming, gymnastics, piano, tennis, until she finally decided on skating during 2nd grade.
She suspects that her other siblings also chose to stick with skating because they're a big family. All of them want people to pay attention to them.
When she tried inline skating for the first time at Round1 (An amusement store chain in Japan) a guy tried to scout her for the sport, telling her she's very good. When she told him it was her first time roller skating, he told her she had talent.
Sawabe: You clearly looked like you skated before. Ijuuin: You should've left him hanging for a while, before going, "I've medalled in ice skating though." Sawabe: You never told who you were? Marin: No ?: They were probably wondering who you were the whole time. ?: You should've said, "Don't underestimate me!"
Fighting amongst siblings was somewhat intense. It doesn't happen much now, but Marin and her big brother used to fight on petty things often, while her younger sisters fought amongst each other. When the latter fights, she gets stuck in the middle because both of them fight to get Marin on their side.
Marin and Taichi even went physical against each other at times. They'd even compete in the rink, or chase each other down. It only ends when one of them gets bored of it lol.
Comments from her sisters:
They love how she prioritizes and dotes over them over herself.
Miyu doesn't understand why Marin feels more comfortable when her room is messy. (ex. she likes has 2-3 plastic bottles she hasn't finished drinking in her room) Meanwhile, Miyu likes things neat so she offers to clean up her room. When asked if she keeps drinking from those bottles, she shakes her head and said Miyu gets rid of it for her. Tsurube: Leaving around bottles like that is what you'd imagine how a talented hacker's room would be.
Marin says if things are too orderly, she clams up.
Sara says Marin uses ziplocks as a pencil case.
Marin shares that it's not even just for her writing stuff, but she also uses ziplocks for makeup stuff. She prefers ziplocks since you don't have to think about cleaning it. If it gets dirty, you can just replace it. Also, it's clear so you can see everything inside.
She admits she's pretty weak mentally. In the past, even the littlest happenings completely influence her performances and even her private life. Thanks to all that she's experienced, however, her mentality has gotten stronger now.
Back then, when things don't go well during performances or even practices, she'd feel depressed the whole day. (Though on the other hand, she'd be ecstatic the whole day when practice goes well.)
She feels that pulling yourself together after failing your first jump is harder to do than a flawless performance. This has always been a problem she's had since she was little.
Mentions that in the figure skating community, she thinks that Mao Asada has a strong mentality. It was amazing how she did a perfect performance in the free program even after screwing up in the short during the Sochi Olympics. It really inspired her and made her believe that if she continued training, she might be able to be like her too.
Says Mao is way too out of league for Marin to contact and consult herself. However, Mao often gets in touch with her, often telling her that she loves Marin's skating. Marin describes Mao as a woman who has great skating technique, and a beautiful personality.
Among the currently competing skaters, she believes Shoma Uno is the one who is great at pulling himself together fast. You rarely even see him be nervous in competitions lately. He must have a lot of confidence to not be nervous while performing, so she finds that amazing. Says Shoma told her himself that he doesn't feel nervous at all.
Marin watches Japanese comedians rather than listening to music. It's relaxing for her.
Marin doesn't really wear skirts in her off time. Prefers all black and sleek clothing, in contrast to all the cute skirts she wears during skating
Her dad made her costumes when she was little
Her younger sisters get their hand-me-down clothes and toys, so those two are happy they get to wear nice new clothing when they're working in showbiz
Marin actually wanted a little brother, and made Sara wear their brother's old hand me downs. She also called Sara Ara-kun. Marin's very apologetic about it now though lol
She's bad at any sports with balls. For example, she tried tennis once or twice and quickly realized how little sense she had for it so she quit right away. Says it might be because she assumes her legs have longer reach than what her body actually has, probably because she's so used to wearing skating boots.
Actions she doesn't like from men, selected from the choices the show gave her:
She loves it when they tell her she's funny/interesting, so if something weird happens, she doesn't want them to ignore it lol. For example, she'd hate it if they don't react when she moves weird, or makes jokes.
Doesn't like it when guys keep making sports references and terms in casual conversation.
Doesn't like it when guys wear shoes that are very pointed and curved upwards. Doesn't seem like something just anyone could wear. Must be a very conscious prideful guy. (Lots of JP comedians apparently wear that though lol)
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sandreeen · 1 year
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Honda Sara & Domoto Koichi || Kinki Kids no Bunbuboon 2023.08.12
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illuminateloverycuties · 11 months
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Miyu Honda & Sara Honda #2
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8loom · 2 years
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Kimi No Hana Ni Naru Final Behind Photos
📍  at Tokyo Sky Garden
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halfpastdead · 1 year
sainthood by tegan & sara is such a good album
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aestheticaltcow · 2 months
The Social Media Manager: The Series (part 4)
Just some awkwardness and miscommunication.
The Bear Masterlist
Previous Part
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Bars and Miscommunication
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It was almost midnight, and Carmy was nowhere to be seen. You were annoyed; was he ghosting you? “Rusty, come play pool with us.” Sara waved at you. She was standing by the pool table with a pair of men. Both were tall, with dark hair, pretty brown eyes, and pearly white smiles. The one on the left looked at you like a piece of meat, while the one on the right stood directly behind Sara. You shook your head.
“I’m still holding out hope.” you laughed, trying to mask your disappointment, as you took another sip from your overpriced cocktail. Sara rolled her eyes; she’d made up her mind about Carmy. He wasn’t showing up tonight, and you shouldn’t invest more effort in pursuing a romantic relationship with him. You stared at your phone and watched the minutes tick by. At 11:59 PM, you finally gave up. After a weak wave to Sara, you started walking toward the bar's exit, feeling a mix of embarrassment and regret. Maybe you were too forward with Carmy. You felt stupid that you’d even tried asking out Marcus’s boss. 
You stood outside waiting for an Uber when you heard someone yell your name. Looking over your shoulder hesitantly, Carmy was heading in your direction. He may have been an hour late, but you still felt the air leave your lungs as he jogged in your direction. You wanted to say something witty, but nothing came to mind. “You’re not leavin’, are ya?” Carmy softly asked as he reached your side. 
You shrugged and avoided eye contact as you explained being tired. The words floated through Carmy’s mind. He noticed your shift in behavior immediately. He fucked up, and he knew it. “Can I take you home? I got held up at the restaurant-” he started to ask as a black Honda Civic pulled up to where you’d been waiting. 
“My ubers here… night, Carmy.” you felt defeated and stupid as you playfully nudged him. “I’ll come by the restaurant next week to get some more content for Instagram.” 
“I feel like such a dumbass.” you laughed as you took videos of Syd dicing an onion. Making videos of her making some of the new menu items felt like a good way to create buzz for The Bear- at least until you remembered the events of the weekend and that Carmy was currently hiding from you in the office ‘doing paperwork.’
“You’re not. Carmy just isn’t the one you know.” Syd explained as she scooped the onions into a bowl with garlic and jalapenos. “I haven’t known him that long, but-” Syd cut herself off and adjusted her shoulders. You looked over your shoulder to see Carmy had emerged from the office to help Marcus and Sweeps unload a produce delivery. You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to Syd.
And that’s how it went for weeks. 
You’d come into The Bear to take pictures and video, then sit in the dining area for a couple of hours to edit the videos into TikToks and Instagram Reels. Carmy would casually watch you from the kitchen and imagine ways he could make it up to you.
You were sick of it. After swallowing your pride, you’d decided to call Carmy. It was a little after midnight, and you didn’t expect him to answer, but he did immediately. “Hey Rusty, everything okay?” he answered. You bit your lip before responding, “Uh, I feel like things have been awkward between us. I guess I just wanted to say sorry?” 
“For what? I should probably be the one apologizing.” Carmy laughed as he brought his cigarette to his lips. He smiled when he heard you giggle in response, “How bout we’re both sorry, and we hang out outside of The Bear… like a date.”
“You want to go on a date with me?” you asked, laughing at Carmy’s surprise. “I do,” you answered, hoping you didn’t make a complete fool of yourself. “How about we get dinner tomorrow- since The Bear is closed on Mondays?” you gnawed on the inside of your cheek, waiting for Carmy’s answer. “Uh- yeah, that sounds good. Pick you at 7.”
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landofanimes · 1 year
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Fruits Basket The Stage: 2nd Season
Coming to Tokyo on October 6 to 15, 2023
Ayano-Christie Yoshida as Tohru Honda Naoya Kitagawa as Yuki Sohma Shōhei Hashimoto as Kyo Sohma Yūya Asato as Shigure Sohma Shōgo Tamura as Hatsuharu Sohma
Iori Noguchi as Isuzu “Rin” Sohma Hiroki Nakada as Ayame Sohma Yū Imari as Hatori Sohma Ruito Koga as Momiji Sohma Yūna Sekine as Kagura Sohma Erena Kamata as Kisa Sohma Yoshiaki Jin as Hiro Sohma Chisato Minami as Arisa Uotani Yukari Nakamura as Saki Hanajima Masatoshi Shin as Kakeru Manabe Marina Horiuchi as Machi Kuragi Daiki Miyoshi as Kureno Sohma Seiya Inagaki as Kazuma Sohma Sho Ayanagi as Akito Sohma
Ensemble: Azusa Kawahara, Iori Hayakawa, Sara Maegaki, Ryu Yokomatsu
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girlbosswar · 2 years
So uh… yea
No I didn’t actually include everybody submitted but I included most of them
Polls will go up around tomorrow at 4:00 PM CST
If you make any edits or art or whatever make sure to tag this account
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Sharpay Evans (High School Musical) Vs. Misako Montgomery Garmadon (Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
Queen (deltarune) Vs. Tanya Degurechaff (Youjo Senki)
Reko Yabusame (Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-) Vs. Mai Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) Vs. Scheherazade (One Thousand and One Nights)
Megaera (Hades) Vs. Clementine (The Walking Dead)
Agent 8 (Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion) Vs. Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Nobara Kugisaki (Jujutsu Kaisen) Vs. Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog CD)
Lucretia (The Adventure Zone) Vs. Maya Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
Phi (Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward) Vs. Morganthe (Wizard 101)
Bo Peep (Toy Story) Vs. The Administrator (Team Fortress 2)
Audria Rose (Descendants) Vs. Chandrelle Stormblaze (The Hex)
Mion Sonozaki (Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni) Vs. Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
F!Nefarious Tropy (Crash Bandicoot) Vs. Toriel (UNDERTALE)
Nagisa Misumi (Futari wa Precure) Vs. Aspheera (Ninjago)
Sara Chidouin (Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-) Vs. Renée Minkowski (Wolf 359)
Callie (Splatoon) Vs. Romana (Doctor Who)
Marina (Splatoon 2) Vs. Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
Jolyne Cujoh (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) Vs. Kagami Tsurugi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Ema Skye (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) Vs. Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Edelgard von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Vs. Daisy (Super Mario Land)
Hinomori Shiso (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage) Vs. Nyota Uhura (Star Trek)
Regina George (Mean Girls) Vs. Lisa Lisa (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) Vs. Yor Forger (Spy x Family)
Lady Iron Fan (Monkie Kid) Vs. Claire Elford (Witch’s Heart)
MEIKO (Vocaloid) Vs. Hornet (Hollow Night)
Franziska von Karma (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All) Vs. Prudence (Papa Louie)
Ningguang (Genshin Impact) Vs. Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
Buffy Anne Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Vs. Kokomi Teruhashi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives) Vs. Larxene (Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories)
Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket) Vs. April O’Neil (ROTTMNT)
Sasha Waybright (Amphibia) Vs. Princess Carolyn (Bojack Horseman)
Madoka Kaname (Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica) Vs. Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased)
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job) Vs. Vera Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Jay Ferin (Just Roll With It) Vs. P.I.X.A.L (Ninjago)
Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries) Vs. Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Lumine (Genshin Impact) Vs. Korra (The Legend of Korra)
Bulma (Dragon Ball) Vs. Siobhan Roy (Succession)
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth) Vs. Alice (Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward)
Susie (deltarune) Vs. Kim Wexler (Better Call Saul)
Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2) Vs. Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck)
Rumi Usagiyama (My Hero Academia) Vs. Jess Valenzuela (National Treasure: Edge of History)
Lauren Mallard (Welcome to Night Vale) Vs. Hitori Gotoh (Bocchi the Rock!)
Bayonetta (Bayonetta) Vs. Erza Scarlett (Fairy Tail)
Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Vs. Banica Conchita (The Evillious Chronicles)
Frye (Splatoon 3) Vs. Piper McLean (Heroes of Olympus)
Ann Takamaki (Persona 5) Vs. Haru Okumura (Persona 5)
GLaDOS (Portal) Vs. Princess Leia (Star Wars)
Kyoko Sakura (Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica) Vs. Poison (Street Fighter)
Beidou (Genshin Impact) Vs. Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives)
Clawdeen Wolf (Monster High) Vs. Chiemi Serizawa (Raging Loop)
Alcina Dimitrescu (Resident Evil) Vs. Lois Lane (DC)
Miss Piggy (The Muppets) Vs. Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder) Vs. Homura Akemi (Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica)
Aradia Megido (Homestuck) Vs. Maika Halfwolf (Monstress)
Dahlia Hawthorne (Ace Attorney) Vs. Shiva (Final Fantasy)
Lucina (Fire Emblem) Vs. Jade Claymore (Willow)
Makima (Chainsaw Man) Vs. Marie (Splatoon)
Loona (Helluva Boss) Vs. Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) Vs. Misa Amane (Death Note)
Opal Koboi (Artemis Fowl) Vs. Solar Flare (Plants vs. Zombies)
Mia Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) Vs. Fleabag (Fleabag)
Adagio Dazzle (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks) Vs. Agent 3 (Splatoon)
Yashiro Uzuki (The World Ends With You) Vs. Isabelle (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
Panty Anarchy (Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt) Vs. Tabitha Chrysanthemum Scarlet (Scarlet Hollow)
Rosemaster (Cucumber Quest) Vs. Astrid Hofferson (How To Train Your Dragon)
Athena Cykes (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies) Vs. Lucifer (Helltaker)
Rapunzel (Tangled) Vs. Alana Bloom (Hannibal)
Nami (One Piece) Vs. Yukina Minato (BanG Dream!)
Nadja (What We Do in the Shadows) Vs. Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek)
Bridget (Guilty Gear) Vs. Liezel (Papa Louie)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) Vs. Fish Mooney (Gotham)
Nina Cortex (Crash Bandicoot) Vs. Yosano Akiko (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) Vs. Chloé Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)
Tsunade (Naruto) Vs. Helen Richardson (The Magnus Archives)
Akane Kurushiki (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors) Vs. Violet Muller (Court of Darkness)
Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan) Vs. Clementine (Stray)
Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things) Vs. Katelyn (Aphmau)
Annabeth Chase (Heroes of Olympus) Vs. Test Tube (Inanimate Insanity)
Tifa Lockheart (Final Fantasy VII) Vs. Jinx (League of Legends)
Jude Duarte (The Folk of the Air) Vs. Lotus (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) Vs. Dark Noël (Shadows Over Loathing)
Her Imperious Condescension (Homestuck) Vs. Kitty Softpaws (Puss and Boots)
Boss (AI: The Somnium Files) Vs. Nathalie Sancoeur (Miraculous Ladybug)
Coco Adel (RWBY) Vs. Mary Katherine Blackwood (We Have Always Lived in the Castle)
Harumi (Ninjago) Vs. Tina Templeton (The Boss Baby: Family Business)
Nya (NInjago) Vs. Lady with an Ermine (Leonardo da Vinci)
Edalyn Clawthorne (The Owl House) Vs. Leslie Barbara Knope (Parks and Recreation)
Kanon Tachibana (NEO: The World Ends With You) Vs. Darling Charming (Ever After High)
Pearl (Splatoon 2) Vs. Amelia (The Amelia Project)
Mira (Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma) Vs. Carmelita Montoya Fox (Sly Cooper)
Hollyberry Cookie (Cookie Run) Vs. Vex’ahlia (Critical Role)
Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui) Vs. Queen (Chess)
Lup (The Adventure Zone) Vs. Moonshine Cybin (Not Another D&D Podcast)
Taiga Aisaka (Toradora!) Vs. Sweetheart (OMORI)
Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun) Vs. Millie (Helluva Boss)
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Vs. Kyoko Kirigiri (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
Samus Aran (Metroid) Vs. Amelia Hughes (Infinity Train)
Mari Ohara (Love Live!) Vs. Clover (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Pomegranate Cookie (Cookie Run) Vs. Jessie (Pokémon)
Fiona (Shrek) Vs. Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Dana Cardinal (Welcome to Night Vale) Vs. Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep) Vs. Rose Lalonde (Homestuck)
Nadia Vulvokov (Russian Doll) Vs. Tron Bonne (Megaman)
Lucille Sharpe (Crimson Peak) Vs. Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg (Ride the Cyclone)
Statue of Liberty (USA) Vs. Undyne (UNDERTALE)
Ryūko Matoi (Kill la Kill) Vs. Bea Bottom (Something Rotten)
Mari (OMORI) Vs. Petra (Minecraft: Story Mode)
The Manger (The Hotel) Vs. Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy)
Mamimi Samejima (FLCL) Vs. Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Miriam Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) Vs. Elizabert Megafig (Bugsnax)
Cleo de Nile (Monster High) Vs. Green Shadow (Plants vs. Zombies)
Quinn (Papa Louie) Vs. Skylor Chen (Ninjago)
Barbie (Barbie) Vs. Shiver (Splatoon 3)
Cynthia (Pokémon) Vs. Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony)
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cordeliacordate · 8 months
jacegan brokerback mountain 👀
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cowboy like me
Cregan is a cowboy. Jacaerys is a hunter-jumper that moves into Stark Ranch so that he can train for the Olympics under the tutelage of Sara Stark.
He's gorgeous, and far younger than Cregan had expected him to be.
Oh. He also hates Cregan on-sight.
Blood pumps through Cregan’s veins as he steadies his mount in the box. He’s got one eye on the steer in the chute, the other on his partner as Cerwyn backs his horse’s ass into the corner of the heeler box. It’s the last run of the night and they’re up for the jackpot, meaning that unlike his partner’s mount, Cregan is more focused than he’s been all evening. It’s not much, but a thousand bucks is a thousand bucks.  The cowboy’s rope is ready; the extra coils stacked in his riding hand, the excess loop tucked around his back, and he’s got a good spoke set between his fist and the rope’s honda. People are laughing and drinking in the stands while country music blares from the speakers. There’s a row of cowboys lined up alongside the fence and it’s late enough, Sara probably already has her hand on the floodlights, ready to switch them off so the arena can be worked overnight.  She’s got some new Olympic hopeful in town for the summer. A rich guy from down south paying a shitload of money to train with the Sara Stark—Westeros’ leading gold medalist in three-day eventing.  (And from what Cregan has gathered, he’s pretty sure the ‘student’ is a middle-aged man having a mid-life crisis and using a sizeable trust fund to escape reality.)  But, all that valyrian-hunter-jumper-dressage-dance bullshit will have to wait.  Tonight, Stark Ranch is clinging to its roots; serving as a dusty western playground for midnight cowboys looking to make a little cash on a Thursday evening. 
ha ha ha... wow this moodboard had no effect on me at all. zero. none. i did not sit at my computer this afternoon and write an entire chapter between screaming at solar and mayim about how i did not have time for this. i did not.
anyway...i guess a horse girl is gonna horse girl whenever the opportunity presents. ty for this beautiful moodboard and idea. i clearly have absolutely zero self-control.
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drvcxrys · 4 months
i'm going to transition the event convos that i have and i'm gonna drop the pre event convos for our sanity haha some of my muses changed their status so i'm going to put it here and you can go ahead and feel free to request even new starter for our connections if you prefer or out of fandom as well just feel free to ask as many as you want (:
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alice cullen newly unaware (0/5) alicent hightower (0/5) anna of arendelle (0/5) annabeth chase newly unaware (1/5) - thalia anne boleyn (1/5)- shanks annie cresta (0/5) beverly marsh newly unaware (0/5) bianca di angelo (0/5) bree tanner (0/5) buffy summers newly unaware (1/5) - giles caitlin snow (0/5) caroline forbes (1/5) - josie/enzo carrie white (0/5) cherri bomb (0/5) choi nam ra (0/5) claudia newly unaware (1/5) - rosalie daenerys targaryen (0/5) daphne bridgerton (0/5) elizabeth afton/circus baby (0/5) elizabeth midford (0/5) emma swan (0/5) hanna marin newly unaware (0/5) heidi volturi (1/5) - alec hope mikaelson (2/5) - landon, kol isabelle lightwood (1/5) - max jean grey (0/5) jessica riley (1/5) - ashley jill roberts (2/5) - henry, sidney kagome higurashi (1/5) - kikyo katara (0/5) lila pitts (0/5) lissa dragomir (0/5) loona (0/5) lori grimes (1/5) - judith lucy gray baird newly unaware (0/5) mal faery (1/5) - uma malia tate (1/5) - erica mary stuart (0/5) myrcella baratheon (0/5) nancy wheeler (0/5) niffty (1/5) - bee rapunzel corona (0/5) regina george (0/5) rhaena targaryen (0/5) samantha carpenter (1/5) - tara samantha fraser (0/5) sara lance (0/5) tohru honda (0/5) usagi tsukino velvette (0/5) wednesday addams (1/5) - diana win wanichakarnjonkul (0/5) yelena belova (1/5) - natasha
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vickiabelson · 13 days
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Rumer Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson 
It had been too long, too many years, since I’d last seen Rumer, whom I first heard about through our mutual friend, the late, J Marshall Craig a decade ago.  As soon as I had my first taste I became obsessed with her and made it my quest to have her sing in my living room.  I saw her perform at a benefit concert for Jeff Jones about 10 yrs ago and vowed to make it happen. A great friend and collaborator of the late, beloved PF Sloan, Rumer oft lived across the country and abroad, I met her at last at PF’s memorial 9 yrs ago, just after he’d performed in the living room. Rumer and I became fast friends and I’ve listened to her in heavy rotation almost non-stop since. We came thisclose to her appearing at Women Who Write in 2016, and it’s taken all this time to get her on Game Changers… good things come to those who wait. 
We went deep today, fittingly on 9/11. First, into Rumer’s past. Her humble beginnings, at the time, one of seven siblings. A secret revealed long ago, which led to unwarranted shame, and an ongoing almost unfathomable generosity. The origin of her name, another sweet, and loving familiar story. Adele, the 16-year-old down the street who had the record deal that Sara sought, La Honda, her early band, the years, the hard work, finding the right producer and manager, and grit determination that finally paid off. Her platinum debut album, Seasons of My Soul, which garnered her numerous Brit and MOJO Award nominations and a couple of wins. Performing in the UK with Dionne Warwick and meeting her musical director, Rob Shirakbari, who would become Rumer’s partner in music and life, Elton John became enamored of her talent, an oh-so-sweet story there! Touring brought her to the United States, where she began a long ongoing collaborative relationship with Burt Bacharach, to the White House to sing for the Obamas, to Jimmy Webb to sing his P.F. Sloan, and ultimately to sing it with the man himself, so important to this day as we ready to vote, to Daryl Hall and his Daryl House, great story about that, an email from Richard Carpenter, after being likened to his sister for years, a series of albums, motherhood, moving to Arkansas, a visit back to LA, where last we met, first giggling like girls in my car and then at a party at Stephen Bishop’s, her Nashville Tears, then back to the UK. where she, husband Rob, and son, Denny, currently reside, and where Rumer will be performing her now Triple Platinum, Seasons of My Soul, to a Sold Out crowd, and soon, a new album, with her 9/11 song, will drop. Rumer shared her September 11th story, and I, mine. 
I’m so grateful to have had this reunion with Rumer, a treasured friend, and an artist I adore to my core, who gives me goosebumps every time I hear her sing. Her Slow remains in my top 5 of all time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvYUfwMBCrU. Her duet of I Can’t Go For That with Daryl Hall is unforgettable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rzr6mvDar30as is her cover of his Sara Smile - that her first given name is Sara, just makes it that much sweeter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh7y--Mc7kk.
Rumer has the voice of an angel and the soul of one.
Rumer Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson 
Wednesday, 9/11/24, 1 pm PT, 4 pm ET
Streamed Live on my Facebook
Replay here:
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suzuki-ecstar · 9 months
hello thank you sara @captainbradmarchand for tagging me!
rules: answer these 15 questions then tag 15 people you'd like to know better 💐
1. are you named after anyone?
no. i think my parents asked their friend what a good american name would be and went with that lol
2. when was the last time you cried?
this is Somewhat Embarrassing but i think it might have been while watching the honda thanks day video
3. do you have kids?
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
unfortunately i have the athletic ability of a limp flower
5. do you use sarcasm?
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
their height probably. people are never as tall or as short as i expect them to be
7. what’s your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings, if only because i am a big ole scaredy cat
9. any talents?
oh gosh idk i guess my special talent is i can spell most words correctly based on vibes alone
10. where were you born?
michigan, usa
11. what are your hobbies
film photography! cooking and trying new recipes. making motorsports-related shitposts. watching old movies
12. do you have any pets?
no but we have a rotating group of roomates' cats
13. how tall are you?
14. favorite subject in school?
15. dream job
yknow what the dream job is a low pressure email job that funds all my hobbies and passions
mm i will nominate @its-always-silly-season @skitskatdacat63 @flyingfabio @comradejoanmir @hxvphaestion @raulfernandez but no pressure!
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csajokamotoron · 2 months
A legnépszerűbb YouTube csatornák motoros csajoktól - a lista folyamatosan bővül
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Aki rendszeresen nézi motorosként a YouTube-ot, egyre gyakrabban botlik bele motoros csajok csatornáiba. Én is követek jónéhányat, és vannak olyanok is, amelyeket már nem követek, mert nem a motorozásról, hanem a magamutogatásról szólt. Sajnos a motorozást és a nőket a legtöbben még mindig csak úgy tudják összefüggésbe hozni egymással, hogy egy csinos lány pucsít tangában egy jó motoron - lehetőleg a hátsó ülésen vagy úgy, hogy közben a motor áll. És nagyjából ennyi elég is lenne egy népszerű YouTube csatornához. A YouTubot böngészve azonban találhatunk néhány említésre méltó motoros hölgyet, akik valódi értéket teremtenek, és bebizonyítják, hogy pucsításnélkül is lehet érdekes, motoros tartalmat gyártani. Most megpróbálom összegyűjteni azokat a csatornákat, amikkel eddig találkoztam, aztán döntse el ki-ki magának, hogy melyikük érdemli meg, hogy állandó követői legyünk. Az csatornákat követőbázis alapján rendeztem sorrenbe, és a leírásukhoz - ahol találtam - a csatorna tulajdonosának bemutatkozását másoltam be. 1. Sarah Lezito: 4,87 millió feliratkozó A franciaországi Reims mellett egy farmon nőtt fel, így Sarah mindig is hozzáférhetett a motorkerékpárokhoz és quadokhoz. Amikor 13 éves lett, egy YouTube-videót látva az interneten elkezdett egy kicsit koncentráltabban edzeni, először quadon, majd később átült egy teljes méretű országúti kerékpárra. Egyike azon kevés női sportolóknak, akik a férfiak által dominált sportágban a nagy címekért versenyeznek. Amikor nem versenyez, akkor azzal van elfoglalva, hogy kaszkadőrmunkát végez olyan hollywoodi filmekben, mint a Bosszúállók, az Inferno és A lány a pókhálóban. 2. Itchy Boots: 2,34 millió feliratkozó "140.000 kilométert tekertem egyedül a világ körül, és még mindig számolom! A nevem Noraly, holland vagyok és szenvedélyesen szeretem a motorkerékpárokat, az utazást és a kalandozást. 2018-ban felmondtam a munkahelyemen, eladtam a holmimat, és azóta teljes munkaidőben motorral utazom a világban. Több mint 40 országgal később Észak-Afrikában vagyok, és most dél felé tartok. Hűséges társam az Alaszka nevet kapta, mert egészen Alaszka északi csücskéig motoroztam vele, mielőtt Afrikába jöttem. Ő egy Honda CRF300L Rally, rengeteg módosítással! Kalandjaimat minden hétfőn, szerdán és pénteken megosztom itt a YouTube-on! Üdvözöllek a csatornán, és remélem, élvezni fogod az utazást! LET'S GO!" 3. motoTanya: 2,19 M feliratkozó Ugyanaz a lány piros motoron táncol a forgalomban. motoTanya/tanechkaozolina/motoTanya - sportmotorozás Moszkvában - 10. éve utazik Oroszországban és más országokban (lásd a lejátszási listákat) - több mint 110 000 km-t tett meg - vasfarok 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023-2 - orosz versta 2017, 2020, 2022, 2023 - az év legjobb motoros bloggere 2023 (KickStarter díj) - az év utazó-bloggere 2024 (KickStarter díj) - könyvek velem a Leonardo hálózat borítóján és a vb-n - az egyik legnépszerűbb motoros a világon, a feliratkozók száma alapján (több mint 8 millió az összes közösségi csatornán posztolok néhány pillanatot a motoros életből) általánosságban-motorozás az én örömömben! 4. RiderGirl Vishakha: 1,1 M feliratkozó "India első női Motovloggere🇮🇳5 INDIA REKORDOK KÖNYVE birtokosaHihetetlen szóló kalandos utazási vlogjaimról ismert a YouTube csatornámon, "RiderGirl Vishakha". A MotoVlogging világának hagyományos sztereotípiáinak megdöntése.Egy szóló női motoros, aki az indiai szubkontinens hosszát és szélességét térképezi fel."EZ ITT TUMCHI VISHAKHA A AAMCHI MUMBAI🇮🇳" 5. Rosie Gabrielle: 648 000 feliratkozó "Egyedülálló női motoros kalandutazó, fotós és videókészítő vagyok. Remélem, hogy inspirálhatom az embereket, és segíthetek nekik felfedezni a világot a szememmel." 6. Sara Aydin: 399 000 feliratkozó Supermotos csaj, aki YouTube-csatornáján mutatja be a trükkjeit és vlogjait. Arról is ismert, hogy magas sarkú cipőben motorozik.16 évesen kezdett el motorozni, amikor megkapta az első 125-ösét. Ő az egyetlen motoros a családjában, így minden motorját saját pénzéből kellett megvennie. 7. onherbike: 318 000 feliratkozó "Kinga Tanajewska kalandvágyó motoros naplója.2017 áprilisában indultam el Ausztráliából, hogy egyedül körbeutazzam a világot egy BMW F800GS motorral. Azért neveztem el "Are We There Yet", mert nem tudom a végcélomat és az utazás időtartamát.Eddig bejártam Ausztráliát, Ázsiát, Európát, Afrikát és most Észak-Amerikában vagyok. Üdvözöllek a csatornámon :)" 8. Sakira Sahrin Dipa: 234 000 feliratkozó "Hé mindenki ez Sakira Sahrin Dipa .Én egy őrült szerelmese a kerékpározás és az utazás .Szóval ez az én YouTube csatornám a kerékpározási tapasztalataim és néhány más tevékenységem bemutatására.Remélem tetszeni fognak a videóim és támogatni fogtok .Szóval élvezze a videóimat és adjon egy kis inspirációt.És ha úgy gondolod, hogy tudsz adni nekem néhány javaslatot, hogy én is, hogy a videóim jobbá tegyék, akkor nyugodtan kopogtass rám a facebook oldalamon .Megtalálod a linket e leírás mögött.A motorom Honda Repsol 150cc . R15v3 és Suzuki GSXRSzóval srácok köszönöm előre és vegyétek szeretettel ezt a deshi motoros.Szeretettel a szívem legmélyéről." 9. BlondieMotoVlogs: 227 000 feliratkozó Blondie nem írt magáról semmit, és a csatornája is határesret. Nála a motorozásba belefér néha egy kis pucsítás is. 10. Doodle On A Motorcycle: 218 000 feliratkozó "Csatlakozz, amikor bakancslistás kalandokra indulunk, és az iparág legizgalmasabb, legképzettebb lovasaival edzünk. Azért vagyok itt, hogy megmutassam neked, hogy a megfelelő gondolkodásmóddal bármit megtehetsz." 11. lil_hanne: 208 000 feliratkozó "hello :-)ez a fiók főleg az életemről szól általában, de mivel a motorjaim (ninja zx6r & zx10r) nagy részét képezik, sok motoros videót fogtok látni.az anyanyelvem nem az angol, így elnézést kérek, ha nem értitek a videókat, ahol beszélek. csak hitelesebb, ha németül beszélek. :)" 12. Pauliane: 195 000 feliratkozó "Imádom feltörni a kódokat! Testépítés, motorozás, extrém sportok, sportéletmód és egészségügyi tippek! Nem fogsz unatkozni!Háromszoros svájci bajnok Bodybuiliding (bikini), motoros, zenész és művész a szívemben, ígérem, nem fogsz velem unatkozni!Ne habozz feliratkozni és megosztani! Ez mindig szórakoztató!" 13. Her Two Wheels: 190 000 feliratkozó "Jess vagyok. Mit várhatsz a csatornámtól; Könnyed életmód vlogok. Motoros kempingezés és az apró pillanatok élvezete. Egyéni motoros utazások és események dokumentálása, őszinte vélemények és elfogulatlan kritikák mellett. És ami a legfontosabb, minden, ami TWO Wheels." 14. Got2Go: 137 000 feliratkozó "GOT2GO by LEA RIECK: EGY NŐ, EGY MOTORKERÉKPÁR, EGY VILÁGLea Rieck vagyok, és meghívlak, hogy csatlakozz a motoros utazásomhoz!A világ felfedezése - nem turisztikai célpontok és olyan helyekre megyek, ahová a legtöbb ember nem.2016-2017 között szólóban megkerültem a világot, és most meglátogatom azokat a helyeket, amelyeket korábban kihagytam." 15. Chameli Nadella: 130 000 feliratkozó Indiai motoros lány, aki szintén szólóban motorozik, a csatornáján ezeket a túrákat dokumentálja. 16. A Girl and Her Bike: 118 000 feliratkozó "Üdvözöljük egy olyan csatornán, ahol a rossz a jó és a jó a rossz... vagy mégis? Elmebajos? Ha szereted, ha az elmédet elborzasztják, akkor rossz helyen vagy a megfelelő időben..." 17. Lali: 103 000 feliratkozó "Én egy motorkerékpár-szerető tudós vagyok. 🤓🏍️ Itt a közösségért, a barátokért és a jó időért!Motovlogger vagyok (egy 2019-es MT07-es Spicy Boi nevű motorral), és olyan tippeket osztok meg, amelyek segítenek más motorosoknak és új motorosoknak. Szeretnélek oktatni és segíteni felfedezni, hogy a motorozás szórakoztató, és a motorozás olyan sporttá válhat, amit egy életen át élvezhetsz.A motorozás a hobbim az iskolán kívül. PhD hallgató vagyok adattudomány/bioinformatika szakon és egy kocka. Nagyon szeretem a madarakat, és van egy házi kedvencem, a Dutchess nevű kakadu, aki megjelenik a videóimban. Romániában születtem és éltem (salut!), most pedig az Egyesült Államokban élek. Küldetésem az, hogy kiváló legyek önmagam és mások számára, hogy soha ne hagyjam abba a tanulást, és hogy megosszam a szenvedélyeimet, és másokat is inspiráljak arra, hogy megosszák a sajátjaikat." 18. tomboy_a_bit: 64 600 feliratkozó "Hello motorosok és nem! Hajlandó vagyok megosztani, hogy milyen lenyűgöző az élet, ha az ember motorozik.Motorozások, túrák, bemutatók, építők, közösség és egy szenvedély. Olyan mélyre ásni, amennyire csak tudok a motoros kultúrában. Köszönöm a támogatást és az időt♥︎" 19. The Girl On A Bike: 62 100 feliratkozó "Vanessa Ruck Az Egyesült Királyságban élő motoros, versenyző és kalandor vagyok, aki egy életet megváltoztató kerékpáros balesettől a motorok felfedezéséig vezető utamat kezdtem el megosztani. Ennek következtében krónikus fájdalommal élek, utazom és motorozom, több mint 28 országban motoroztam, részt vettem a legkeményebb motoros versenyeken, és megosztom az élet teljes valóságát.Használjuk fel az élet csatáit az erőnlétre! 🙏" 20. Meg's Motorcycle Journey: 37 300 feliratkozó Meg 2020 októberében indította a csatornáját, hogy dokumentálja hogyan kezd el motorozni. Egyébként ügyvédés anyuka, nem mellesleg ex tornász, vagy pompomlány. A motorozások közben akrobatikus gyakorlatokkal szórakoztatja a nagyérdeműt lehetőleg lenge ruhában, ami megmagyarázza, hogy hogy sikerült két év alatt ekkora követőbázisra szert tennie. 21. Meghan Stark: 29 400 feliratkozó "Meghan Stark vagyok, webfejlesztő, motorkerékpár-rajongó és a Great Lake Supply Co. alapítója, aki a wisconsini Milwaukee-ban lakik és motorozik. 2016 óta motorozom az utcán (a földön már jóval korábban), és jelenleg egy 2017-es Ducati Scrambler Cafe Racer tulajdonosa vagyok. Ez a csatorna motovlogokat, gondolatébresztő és videó esszéket, termékértékeléseket és egyebeket tartalmaz." 22. Dragoness Moto: 6300 feliratkozó "Helló. Helló. Üdvözöllek!Egy walesi (brit) nő vagyok, aki az Egyesült Államokban él, és meg akarja osztani a motorozás és minden motorkerékpárral kapcsolatos dolog iránti olthatatlan szenvedélyemet.A csatornámat azoknak szánom, akik kíváncsiak a motorozásra, akik jelenleg is motoroznak, vagy bárkinek, aki szeretne hallani egy akcentust és látni néhány gyönyörű tájat a világ ezen részén.A célom, hogy megosszam a szenvedélyemet mindannyiótokkal világszerte, és inspirációs forrás legyek a saját motoros utatokhoz, a lehető legtöbb hasznos tudást nyújtsam, és mindenkinek motoros barátja legyek 😄.Minden héten töltök fel videókat. Maradj naprakész és iratkozz fel! 🛑" 23. Csajok a motoron: 2650 feliratkozó A Csajok a motoron csatornán elsősorban a közösségünk életét próbálom dokumentálni, emellett motor- és felszereléstesztek, és rövidebb motoros túrák láthatók. 24. Amanda Jo: 1040 feliratkozó "Szia! Amanda Jo vagyok! Ez a csatorna egy olyan hely, ahol követheted az utamat, mint a motorozás és a motoros ügyességi versenyzés újonca. Megnézheted az utazásaimat és tapasztalataimat az LA Riderrel, hogy ossza meg az eseményeket, motoros találkozókat, és a motorozásokat szép helyeken Louisiana körül kiterjesztve az ország különböző részein. Szeretnék megosztani tippeket és trükköket is, amelyeket az út során nagyon tehetséges motorosoktól és civil motorosoktól tanultam. Izgatottan várom, hogy hová vezet ez az út, mivel imádok a kétkerekű család tagja lenni!" +1. Pink motorkerékpár szerviz: 951 feliratkozó Motoros Cica élményeim és szervizem pár jelenetben Ha ismersz még olyan YouTube csatornát, amit motoros csajok készítenek, írd meg hozzászólásban, és felveszem a listára! Read the full article
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illuminateloverycuties · 11 months
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Miyu Honda & Sara Honda #1
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8loom · 2 years
230301 🌼 TikTok Update
hondanowing : ♫ 最後なにが起こったでしょう なつかしハプニングメロディーです💁‍♀️ #おすすめにのりたい
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roxwritings · 9 months
This list is the list for characters that are from their original media that I like to write or have had extensive practice writing. All characters alphabetical* by the way.
*Marvel and Sword Art Online are the only excuses, just due to how many characters I can write in SAO and how similar names are in Marvel
? = I don't have 100% confidence in them
-RWBY: Amber, An Ren, Arslan Atlan, Blake Belladonna, Cardin Winchester, Cinder Fall, Coco Adel, Emerald Sustrai, Fiona Thyme, Fox Alistair, Grimm, Gwen Darcy, Harriet Bree, Ilia Amitola, Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, May Zedong, Mercury Black, Neopolitain/Trivia Vanille, Neon Katt, Neptune Vasilias, Nora Valkyrie, Penny Poledina, Pyrrha Nikos, Qrow Branwen, Raven Branwen, Roman Torchwick, Ruby Rose, Salem, Saphron Cotta-Arc, Sienna Khan, Summer Rose, Sun Wukong, Taiyang Xiao Long, Terra Cotta-Arc, Velvet Scarlatina, Weiss Schnee, Whitley Schnee, Willow Schnee, Winter Schnee, Yang Xiao Long, Yatsuhashi Daichi
-DC: Batgirl, Batwoman, Beast Boy, Black Canary, Bumblebee, Cassandra Cain, Catwoman, Cyborg, Damian Wayne, Enchantress, Harley Quinn, Jessica Cruz, Katana, Lois Lane, Nightwing, Poison Ivy, Raven, Red Hood, Robin, Starfire, Supergirl, Tim Drake, Zatanna
-Overwatch: Ashe, DVa, Echo, Emily, Genji, Kiriko, Mei, Pharah, Sombra, Tracer, Widowmaker, Zarya(?)
-Resident Evil: Ada Wong, Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Ethan Winters, Jill Valentine, Leon S Kennedy, Rebecca Chambers, Rosemary Winters, Sherry Birkin
-Silent Hill: Heather/Cheryl Mason
-Marvel*: Aero(?), Amiko(?), Araña, Black Cat, Danika Hart, Gwen Stacy, Mayday Parker, Silk, Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Anya Corazon, Spinneret, 2099, Peni Parker, Venom (Symbiote, not the attached being)
-Zootopia: Judy Hopps
-Soulsborne: Doll, Emma The Doctor/Gentle Blade, Fire-Keeper (DS3), Karla the Witch, Lady Maria, Maiden in Black, Melina, Melania, Ranni, Sellen, Shanalotte (Emerald Herald),
-League of Legends: Ahri, Akali, Ashe, Caitlyn, Elise, Evelynn, Irelia, Jinx, Kai'Sa, Kayla, Kindred (Lamb), Leona, Lux, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Neeko, Nidalee, Quinn, Samira, Senna, Seraphine, Shyvana, Sona, Vayne, Vi, Xayah, Zeri, Zara
-Valorant: Fade, Jett, Killjoy, Neon, Reyna, Sage, Skye, Viper
-Sword Art Online: Kirigaya Kazuto | Kirito, Yuuki Asuna | Asuna, Shinozaki Rika | Lisbeth, Hosaka Carina Tomo | Argo, Alice Zuberg | Alice Synthesis Thirty, Ayano Keiko | Silica, Sachi, Hoshiyama Midoriko | Zeliska, Takamine Momiji | Kureha, Kirigaya Suguha | Leafa, Strea-MHCP002 , Yui-MHCP001, Asada Shino | Sinon, Afasys | ArFa-Sys, Premiere, Nanairo Arshavin | Seven, Karatachi Nijika | Rain, Shigemura Yuuna | Yuna, Takemiya Kotone | Philia, Quinella | Administrator, Honda Koharu
-Genshin Impact: Amber, Barbara, Beidou, Collei, Eula, Fischl, Ganyu, Jean, Keqing(?), Kujou Sara(?), Kuki Shinobu(?), Lisa, Mona(?), Noelle, Raiden, Sucrose, Xiangling, Yae Miko, Yelan(?), Yoimiya(?)
-Guilty Gear Strive: Elphelt Valentine, Ramlethal Valentine, Giovanna, Baiken, Millia Rage, Bridget, I-No
-Rainbow Six Siege: Ash, Alibi, Azami, Buck, Caveria, Doc, Dokkaebi, Echo, Ela, Finka, Frost, Gridlock, Hibana, Iana, IQ, Lesion, Lion, Mute, Nøkk, Sledge, Solis, Thatcher, Thermite, Thorne, Valkyrie, Vigil, Ying, Zofia
-Tekken 8: Alisa, Asuka, Azucena, Jun, Lili, Nina, Reina, Xiaoyu, Zafina
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