#satan centric
darkleysgarden · 1 year
Angst and Hurt/Comfort. Happy with a sad ending.
Satan & Asmodeus.
Satan-Centric (Satan Suffers Series).
Inspired by the scene in Nightbringer where Satan gets out of his chains because Asmo made them too loose. (Poor Satan getting chained up. Sjahjagsjsg).
He acted up again. He didn't know why, he never knew why.
He was constantly angry, every day all day since the day of his birth one year ago.
Satan felt sick, he felt angry, he felt sad.
Everyone treated him like a pet, then turned around and called him their brother. It didn't make sense. It was unfair. He did not deserve this.
Those things were only a few of the many reasons his anger piled up. It was warm, firey, awful. It grew in the pit of his stomach, turning his face red. He hated himself, he hated this.
Yet, he could do nothing.
He got angry again, Asmodeus (Asmo, as the others called him. Though Satan did not deserve to use that title. He was not friends or brothers with the newfound demon) was the one appointed to chain him up this time.
The thin pretty boy grabbed Satan's arm reluctantly, dragging him to the book-filled room as Satan pouted.
Asmodeus looked down at him, grimacing, loosening his grip. "I don't like this any more than you do. But Lucifer ordered it."
"That stupid ex-angel should not determine my fate," Satan spit back, his fury building.
Asmodeus did not reply to that.
When they stepped into Satan's room, Asmodeus sighed and dropped the child's arm.
Asmodeus made a gesture towards the bed, pointing his well-manicured, long-nailed finger at Satan's bed.
One could hardly call it a bed. Sure, it was a bed. It had the frame, the mattress, the blankets, pillows, everything. But it didn't feel like a bed. Chains covered the bed, weighing down on the mattress. The chains hooked tightly to the bed posts, ones that were ripped up and bent inwards due to the excessive pulling Satan would do every time he got chained up for long periods of time. During those times he would sob and scream, anger and fury flooding his mind. Nobody ever responded to his calls.
He sat roughly on the bed, huffing as he sat, crossing his arms with a heavy glare.
Asmodeus sighed, looking sad.
"I feel bad that we have to do this. You're still a child, you're still my brother."
"Brother?" His anger burned whenever any of them dared to pretend as if they cared about him as a family or as a friend. "I am not your fucking brother! Do not pretend like we are some happy family! You are literally about to chain me to a bed! This is not how 'families' behave."
"I don't want to do it!" Asmodeus shouted, a pained look on his face, "It's way harder to be part of a family than you think! You can't always be perfect! You can't always do what everyone wants! You can't make everybody magically happy again! You can't do anything about your whole family being cast away or dead! It is not easy, Satan! Plus, what would you know about families anyway? You're a kid!"
Satan gasped, sadness showing on his face before anger took over. He glared, making a sound that almost sounded like a growl.
Asmodeus gasped, seemingly realizing that he made a mistake. "Listen, Satan, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. That was a real dick move on my part. You are still a kid. But, everything else I said wasn't right to say. I apolog-"
"I read about them."
Silence erupted through the room.
Asmodeus looked around cautiously. And quietly he asked, "What?"
"I like to read." Satan didn't feel angry at the moment. "I read stories about families, about brothers, ones who care for and look after one another."
Asmodeus began to tear up. The new Avatar of Lust reached his arms out, hugging the wrathful demon. Satan quickly began to thrash, trying to escape from Asmodeus's arms. "What are you doing!?"
"I'm hugging you."
"You needed a hug. That's all."
Satan stopped thrashing, he forced his anger down. Then, he relaxed into the hug. Was this his first hug? He did not know.
"I feel wrong chaining a child up. Not just any child either, my very own brother. It's awful. Why are we doing this? You don't deserve this."
"But- but what if I act out again? They always say th-"
"It doesn't matter what they say. You don't deserve that."
Asmodeus was saying the things he had been telling himself for the longest time. So why was he denying the things he was saying? It felt wrong. Asmodeus was confirming his feelings. But Satan was wrong. Satan has always been the one in the wrong. No matter what he thought, the ex-angels always told him that he was wrong and that they were right. That's how it always has been. Satan couldn't be right. He has never been right.
"Don't doubt yourself," Asmodeus spoke, holding tighter onto Satan.
"I can't chain you up, that's wrong. This is wrong. You're a child. You're my brother."
Normally Satan would yell when any of the six would refer to him as his brother or friend, he would yell and scream. But right now he couldn't. He was shocked. Asmodeus was being so nice to him. It was weird.
"You'll get in trouble," Satan whispered.
Asmodeus seemed shocked. Was this the first time Satan showed care for another person?
"How about this," Asmodeus started, hatching a plan in his head. "I'll loosely chain you up. That way you can get up and walk around, read, stretch, whatever without those heavy chains weighing you down. They cannot be good for your skin. They'll leave your skin all rough and red.... Anyway, that way if anyone asks, I did chain you. But, you are smart. So, you got out."
Satan smiled softly. How often was it that he truly smiled? Usually only when a book is present, in moments where his mind is lost in a different world where he is somebody else. A world where he is a hero, a friend, a brother. He'll find stories he relates to, read them as much as he can until he physically can't like the book anymore. Then, he finds a new one, and restarts the process.
"Do you have a favorite?" Asmodeus asked, trying to be kind.
"It changes by day," Satan tried not to be angry, he tried to be peaceful. He had seen others conversations, maybe if he could be more like them, they would like him more. If only his temper wasn't so out of control.
"So, what is the lucky book of the day," Asmodeus began to do up the chains as he spoke. Normally they were way tighter, Asmodeus wasn't kidding when he said he'd make them loose. Normally Lucifer did it, or had Beelzebub do it. They were strong. Beelzebub always seemed like he felt bad to be doing it. Lucifer seemed unbothered.
"Maybe Little Women. It might be more for girls, but I like it a lot."
"It doesn't matter who it was written for. It only matters if it resonates with you."
Satan smiled. Once they chains were 'done up', Asmodeus went to leave.
"Thank you....Asmo."
Asmo tried to hide how happy he was at the nickname, "Love you a bunch, 'Tan."
Satan blushed. He wasn't used to anything like this.
Asmodeus left. Satan was alone.
The chains were loose enough for him to easily take them off immediately. When he did, he decided to read his latest favorite book again. He wasn't bored of it yet.
Eventually, he got too mad to contain his anger again, he really hated that.
They were too happy in the book. Satan was never that happy. Not even with Asmo that day.
He left his room, anger throwing him into a fit of rage.
He didn't try to be like this. He didn't.
But, Lucifer never cared about that. Lucifer was still upset.
Asmo played innocent, acting like it was a simple mistake.
Asmo was never allowed to chain him up again.
The chains were extra tight the next time.
And when they began to hurt, he cried.
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beelzieweelzie · 1 year
Satan who can shapeshifter. His brothers are being hounded by Samandriel, a servant of Gabriel, and he’s saying they need to stop the school program or another war will start. The angel doesn’t care for Satan as he wasn’t ever really an angel, he knows little about him aside from his name and avatar. The brothers watch as Samandriel finds a little girl who is crying as she stares at the demons. He comforts her, telling her the vile demons will be dealt with. She asks him what he is, and he reply’s he’s a an angel, a messenger of god. He asks her name as he kneels in front of her, tucking her golden hair behind her ear, only for her eyes to cover over in a deep green, her arm changing shape to a sharp point that goes through his head and kills him quick, the last thing he hears is her name…
(Based off that tik tok one audio)
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sinner-sunflower · 3 months
Lucifer-Bowl : The Harem
I have an idea for another Lucifer au. Can be interpreted as platonic or romantic.
A Luci bowl.
Two hundred years ish ago, just a bit before Charlie was born, the Sins and Lilith had this game of sorts. Where for one week every year, they play this game of who can kiss Luci the most. There's different points depending on where the kiss is placed: hands, feet, cheek, forehead, etc. The lips of course has the highest point.
There's also the higher bonus point if it's Lucifer who kisses you.
The ranking goes as follows:
1st: Lilith, (becos of course)
2nd: Leviathan (the closest Sin to Lucifer so he didn't have to make an excuse as to why he's been extra clingy for a week)
3rd: Ozzie (Ozzie's always been a very affectionate person but he somehow still can't pass Leviathan)
4th-5th: Bee and Satan (They hella competitive and it's causing them to play hot potato with 4th and 5th place)
6th: Belphagor (She's a workaholic and doesn't really go out of her way to get said kisses but she visits Pride more often during this week and gets what she can)
7th: Mammon (He's somehow in last place even though he's putting in more effort than Belphagor?? Guy just has no charm - that and he's pretty sure Lilith sabotages his plan)
The winner is whoever comes in second. That rule was placed when Lilith keeps cheating because she can kiss Luci in the lips whenever she wants and she can get him to kiss her back which basically rigs the game (She argues that it's not cheating when it's just her loving her husband)
And one final thing: Lucifer must never know. (He knows but he won't say anything because he loves the attention)
Bonus: After Charlie was born, they argued whether they should make the winner be the 3rd placer because of course his daughter is gonna beat them all!
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fcxyviixen · 1 year
summary: mammon finds a young girl in the human world after being summoned once again. after hiding her for a little while, lucifer finds her and a fight starts. mammon leaves with the girl, however during that time a dark voice starts to pull at him. a deep feeling like tar by drawing strength on his wrath. he was gone for 14 years, the curse growing stronger.
pairing: n/a (mammon and brother centric)
rating: 14+
chapter wc: 1199
warnings: n/a
welcome "home"
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Mammon knew he had been out for a while, especially knowing Belphegor’s power. The demon opened his eyes slowly, closing them a bit at the sudden bright light that had hit him when opening his eyes. He felt he was on a familiar mattress. Mammon turned his head to the right, opening his eyes once more.
He was back in his old room, from what he could see. It had been 14 years, and his room still looked the same. Mammon pushed himself up off the bed, he felt a cold piece of metal on his arm, he looked to see his wrist had a chain attached to it, which was attached to the concrete wall.
Mammon tried to break it, but found out quickly it was a mana draining chain, so fighting against it was useless even with brute strength. Mammon noticed it was the only restraint, and it was quite loose either way. He looked around his room again, noticing spells on the garage door and windows, and even one of the bedroom door itself.
He was trapped inside his room.
Mammon clicked his tongue then his mind filled with worry, where was Riko? Where was his daughter? Mammon pulled against the chain, making a loud ‘clang’ sound. Shortly he heard the door open, but the seal was still active.
He looked up to see Diavolo of all demons come into the room. Mammon glared at him remembering what his servant said. The demon prince didn’t look mad; he actually smiled towards Mammon.
“Welcome back Mammon!” He said, cheerfully like this was a friendly reunion and he wasn’t just kidnapped back from the human world.
“Where’s my kid?” Mammon sneered at the demon prince.
Diavolo’s smile faltered, but he put it back on quickly. “You mean the human girl? She’s currently downstairs in the guest room. She’s made quite a problem in the human world while trying to bring her here.”.
Mammon frowned, “I want to see her.”.
“That won’t be possible for the moment.” Diavolo said he grabbed a chair from somewhere in Mammon’s room, bringing it to sit in front of the bed. Sitting down formally. “First, I’d like to talk to you.” the demon prince said.
Mammon frowned, he knew something was up. “If we talk, you’ll bring my girl ta me?” he asked.
“Depends on your answers, if she clears then yes. I’ll send Lucifer to get her.” Diavolo said.
Mammon grumbled a bit, but nodded his head. His blue eyes still glaring daggers at the demon prince in front of him.
“I have the basic idea of what happened before you left 14 years ago. You brought the girl-” “daughter.” “-daughter to the Devildom. Lucifer found out and had the girl, you two got into a large dispute and you left.” Diavolo explained, correcting his words, that Mammon corrected him.
“I saved that little girl 14 years ago, and I was going to hand her over to a witch friend of mine to take care of her. Lucifer found her in my room and rough handled her. I got pissed and I attacked him. I left with my daughter afterwards. We were doing fine before ya came after me.” Mammon said.
Diavolo sighed, listening to Mammon’s part of the story. “Alright..” Diavolo looked like he was thinking about something. Mammon watched his every move.
“What have you been doing in the human world then?” Diavolo asked.
“Stuff.” Mammon answered. “Just some odd jobs for a witch.”.
“Who is this witch?” Diavolo asked.
Don’t say anything.
The voice said quickly, but for some reason the words faded, like a blocked signal. Suddenly a sharp pain flooded through Mammon, causing him to grip his skull in his free hand.
Diavolo stood quickly to Mammon’s side. Magic on his fingertips. “So Barbatos was correct.” Diavolo stated.
“‘Bout what?” Mammon sneered, trying to swat the demon prince away from him.
“You’ve possibly been cursed.” Diavolo said, not moving away from the swats. Mammon frowned at his answer, then remembered what he said before.
“Don’t you dare think my kid did this ta me!” Mammon yelled at the demon prince, causing the man’s eyes to widen. “My kid wouldn’t hurt me. Never!”.
Mammon’s demon form began manifesting again, Diavolo quickly put it down. “We just suspected Mammon, calm yourself.” Diavolo ordered. Mammon continued to glare at the man with hatred.
“Let me see my daughter.” Mammon ordered right back. Diavolo sighed, he wished to question him more, but see he hit a nerve. Diavolo nodded before opening the door, saying something to a person outside, seeing the slight figure, he could guess it was Lucifer.
Diavolo didn’t leave the room, Mammon glared and watched him like a hawk the entire time. He could see how much that human meant to Mammon, seeing his reaction. “She’ll be here soon,” he said, sitting back down onto the chair.
Mammon frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. “Guess I’m a prisoner here now?” He asked. 
“We don’t wish for it to be that way. But it’ll stay that way for a while. Until we know you won’t attack anyone, or harm yourself.” Diavolo said. “You’re not in any trouble, well you haven’t broken any rules, but you might be in trouble with Lucifer though.”
Diavolo tried to make it sound lighthearted. Mammon almost responded before the door opened and a flash of black flew into Mammon. Mammon quickly put his arms around her, “Dad!” she hid herself in him.
Diavolo seemed a bit surprised at the interaction between the demon and human, seeing that this human truly looked up to Mammon like a father. Lucifer stayed in the room, closing the door behind him.
“So I guess she wasn’t the cause?” Lucifer asked, looking at Diavolo. Diavolo shook his head, “She didn’t do it, but a witch did.” Diavolo answered the elder demon.
Lucifer looked at Mammon, who held Riko close to him, glaring at Lucifer. “Welcome home Mammon.” Lucifer said.
Mammon didn’t respond. The tension in the room was thick. Lucifer sighed heavily. “Diavolo, could I try to talk to him alone?” he asked.
Diavolo nodded and left the second-eldest’s room. Lucifer took the seat Diavolo was sitting in. “What happened-”
“I didn’t say I wanted to talk to you.” Mammon grumbled, his tone irritated and his body showed it also.
Lucifer frowned, this wasn’t the same Mammon he always knew. Not his cute little troublemaker brother he always knew and loved, this was someone completely different.
Could this be from how far Lucifer and his brothers pushed him? Could this be from the curse he was inflicted with? Or could this curse bring out Mammon’s true emotions towards his brothers he hid for so long?
Lucifer did not know the answers to the questions, or even which question was the right one to ask. Lucifer took a deep breath, pride be damned, this was his brother.
“I’m sorry.” Lucifer said, bowing his head towards his brother. “Mammon… I am so sorry.”. Lucifer didn’t look up, he didn’t know what expression that was on his brother’s face, or if his expression had ever changed.
“Why should I forgive you?”
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tag list: @yuumaofc , @simpinginthecorner
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daytaker · 6 months
Let's All Be Shadows
Existing Sucks So Let's All Be Shadows!
After entering the NightBringer timeline, our noble MC is concerned for this new version of Satan, whose self-destructive hate for Lucifer (and himself) is beginning to have real-world consequences.
I have been pouring my heart and soul into this. I included some excerpts below the cut.
“Never play around with my body again.”
Predictably, Asmodeus gasped. “Are you sure you won’t end up regretting that, Satan? I mean, if we’re really going to have such a cutie around all the time, you never know–”
“I think I do know,” snapped Satan. “Not all of us think like you do, you pervert.”
Asmo gasped again, and Lucifer sighed, wisely turning on his heel and heading further into the house before he could get drawn into things.
“I accept your condition,” I said, hoping to interrupt the rising conflict.
“I can’t believe you’d call your adorable little brother a pervert!” Asmodeus whined, crushing those hopes.
Lucifer took his teacup and saucer. He held them near his mouth, but didn’t seem very interested in actually drinking anything. Staring into the liquid, he spoke quietly, almost to himself. “I don’t understand why Diavolo relies on you so implicitly. Making you our attendant, appointing you as one of the founders of his new school… I don’t understand it.” He looked up at me. “I hope you don’t take offense, but I have no reason to trust you.”
I shook my head, though I felt pretty dejected. “I’m not offended. Like you said, you don’t have any way to know if I’m trustworthy or not.”
Lucifer stared at me for a few seconds, then set his tea down and sighed loudly. It was a sound I instantly recognized from my time with the brothers back in my era. That was how Lucifer sighed when he knew he should be angry with me, but he wasn’t, and he was frustrated with himself for giving me such lenient treatment. It was a very specific sigh, but I’d heard it enough times that I knew I was out of the woods. There was a light at the end of the tunnel. I wouldn’t die today.
Asmo invited Levi, Mammon, and Cutie ♡ to the chat.
Asmo: Dun dun-dun duuuuun!~ Asmo: ♡ Levi: 0_o Asmo: Don’t make weird faces in my group chat, Levi! Levi: ,__, Cutie ♡: Why is my name set as Cutie? Asmo: As if you don’t know! ;) Levi: (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b Cutie ♡: Why can’t I change it? Asmo: :)
“Are you guys seriously textin’ when we’re all sitting right here?” snapped Mammon, whose phone was pinging repeatedly.
“The rest of them… The ones who call themselves my brothers. They all wish they were back there. Even Lucifer. They all regret it.”
He looked at me sharply for a few seconds as if challenging me to argue.
I took a more conservative approach. “…Why do you think that?”
“Because they failed.” He shrugged. “They lost everything. They didn’t even save their sister. It would have been better for everyone if they’d done nothing at all.”
I couldn’t agree with that for a whole host of reasons. But topmost on my mind…
“But if they did nothing, you wouldn’t exist.”
Satan grinned, and I got the distinct impression that he’d been hoping I’d notice that issue. Like I had made his point perfectly and saved him a lot of tedious explaining. But that grin of his… It was an awful thing to look at. It didn’t look like it so much as it felt like looking at the grin of a corpse.
“So I went home!” I jabbed a finger in his chest. That stopped his relentless pacing, at least. “I went home, Satan, and I was miserable! I actually worry about you, you know!”
Satan’s tail recoiled before the rest of him could. He didn’t look convinced–in fact, he looked more suspicious than ever. But he was no longer quite so close, or quite so ready to lunge at any opening I might offer. His green eyes searched my face silently for a few seconds, then he spoke again.
Ah. There was the tricky part. Why indeed? I couldn’t exactly say, ‘Because I’m from the future and in that time I’ve developed a very close bond with you and your brothers, and I love and care for you, so seeing you in such obvious pain breaks my heart.’ And I didn’t think ‘because I’m your attendant’ would cut it this time either.
“If you saw a drowning cat,” I said, trying to choose my words carefully, “and you reached out to help it, and it scratched you because it was scared and hurt and flailing around. Would you just let it drown?”
I thought I was going to reach him with that. I thought that analogy would somehow click. What I didn’t expect was that Satan would look me straight in the face and respond by asking: “What’s a cat?”
“I’m not a shut-in like Levi,” Satan pointed out, shoving a book roughly into an open spot. “I like to get out of the house and do things. It’s Lucifer’s fault I end up stuck here so often. He doesn’t trust me to wander around on my own. I have to be sneaky just to engage with the world outside this house.”
I could see from the tightness in his jaw that Satan was getting aggravated just thinking about it. I opened my mouth and inhaled, ready to spit out something—anything—that might change the subject and catch his focus, but he spoke again before I had the chance.
“I’m not a child. I feel like I say that too often, and that makes me look like even more of a child. But even if I only started existing a few years ago, I’m not a kid. I came into existence with skills and memories and the body of an adult.” He swiveled around, arms crossed tightly over his chest. He wouldn’t meet my gaze anymore, but he kept talking, so I stayed quiet. “Lucifer loves to point out how naive I can be. Never mind that he keeps me locked up half the time. It isn’t like I’m not trying to understand the world better. Does he think I’m a voracious reader just because I’m bored?” Satan’s tail flicked, cracking like a whip. “I hate what he told me once. You were there, I think. He said that there are things about the world I don’t understand yet, and I can’t learn them from books. The only other way I’m going to learn things is by going out there and having experiences.”
Barbatos, you’re a little sleazy sometimes. 12:49 AM
Goodness, what an accusation. I was only outlining a potential course of events. Of course, you would have to consume a good deal for the contract to go into effect. Something along the lines of a pint, since that’s how much of your substance Satan ingested. A pint of vital substance is typically difficult to come by. 12:51 AM Though if you aren’t picky about which substance it is, urine luck. 12:51 AM
You didn’t just write that. 12:52 AM
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rainiishowers · 2 years
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A/N: My stupid ass deleted this request, thank fuck I had a photo of it 🤦‍♀️ Sorry about that Anon! These are long asf I hope you enjoy Warning: S*icide mention on Beel’s part ---
It was dinner time, Mammon was suppose to be on dinner duty tonight
He was already frustrated over the fact that he went out gambling and fought with the other brothers earlier, having to hang him up for the gambling alone
He went to Mammon’s room to remind him to start dinner, he did get MC to remind, thinking with them asking he would do it, but was he wrong?
When he got to the door, raising his fists to knock, he heard a voice
“You don’t get it, MC! My brothers wouldn’t care if I die. In fact, they’ll be happy to get rid of the most useless brother. I’m pretty sure they wished I was the one who died instead of Lilith!”
That seemed to of came from Mammon
He was flabbergasted as he let what he said sink in
Useless brother?
Wouldn’t care if I died?
They wished I was the who died instead of Lilith?
Obviously, all of that was preposterous
He wasn’t useless, he helped Lucifer during the aftermath of the war
They would all care if he died, he’s their brother for Diavolo’s sake
And while the death of Lilith affected them all, never once did he wish that
In fact, Lucifer couldn’t count the times that he was thankful Mammon was there
He truly failed as a brother if this is what Mammon thinks of them, didn’t he?
Usually he’s calm and collected
But now he was at Purgatory Hall, bawling his eyes out as he stained Simeon’s shirt with angry tears
The mix of anger and sadness made him miserable, between the countless fights with the brothers, pissing off Lucifer and being a disgrace to the family...
“My brothers wouldn’t care if I die. In fact, they’ll be happy to get rid of the most useless brother. I’m pretty sure they wished I was the one who died instead of Lilith!”
“I’m sure that’s not true.. They don’t hate you..” Simeon whispers in a calm and gentle voice
He always thought of the two angels as a second family, a family he could go to without being the butt of everyone’s jokes, being called a scumbag and bastard
After a bit of pep talk, he calmed down enough to have his vision cleared
He sat in silence as Simeon walks off to do some personal business he didn’t want him to go, but it felt too needy to ask him to stay, even if Simeon asked him if he’s okay on his own
Soon Luke walks over with a tray of treats and sets it down.
“I uh.. Made some treats for you!”
Treats..? For him?
He stares at him in shock before taking one of the treats
“Hah, this is pretty good, nice work”
Luke half expected Mammon to stick on the “Fido” nickname, but he just flushes up a bit at the flattery and smiles.
He was going to the kitchen to gorge on some food, but heard.. crying?
Levi quietly sneaks around the corner to see MC, with a Mammon in their arms, the sobbing coming from his older brother
“My brothers wouldn’t care if I die. In fact, they’ll be happy to get rid of the most useless brother. I’m pretty sure they wished I was the one who died instead of Lilith..”
That hit him straight in the heart.
He was so use to seeing loud and risky Mammon that he almost forgot that he had this side to him too
Why he was crying in the kitchen of all places he didn’t know, but that didn’t matter much
Obviously he didn’t think any of it was true, he didn’t seem him as a useless brother, as much as he says it
He ran back to his room, spiraling a bit himself
Is he a bad brother? What if Mammon hates all of them? Why did he always let his damn envy take control and say those horrible things to Mammon?
He calms down and just sat in his bathtub, hugging himself with a frown on his face.
Everything was so nice, and it all came crashing down...
Lucifer had asked him to help Mammon study
He wasn’t all that thrilled about it, but Mammon had the lowest grades in the family, and he wasn’t having that
He texted Mammon to meet in the library, but he saw a pissed off looking Asmo storming off from that direction
He wasn’t too sure why, but that didn’t matter
He shrugs it off, and walks to the library, opening the door to hear this
“Of course Asmo gets mad at me for something that isn’t my fault, all my brothers wouldn’t care if I die. In fact, they’ll be happy to get rid of the most useless brother. I’m pretty sure they wished I was the one who died instead of Lilith..”
Hearing that made him... angry.
How dare Mammon, someone vital to their family, ever say he’s useless?
Mammon held their family together during the aftermath of the war
Mammon took care of him when no one else would
Mammon did so many things yet he thinks he’s useless? That they’d be better off without him?
That was the only thing he managed to get out as he gripped the book in his hand
That caught Mammon by surprise, the second eldest turning to see the blond fourth eldest
“How could you think such a thing!?”
“You held the family together! You took care of me when everyone was too damn busy! Now you think you’re useless!? Such bullshit!”
He was shaking, trying hard not to burst out in demon form out of rage
Mammon approaches him, asking if it was okay to hug him before Satan just hugs him as a response
He felt like a kid again... Defaulting to rage when he’s feeling an emotion like this
That’s all he ever was before, after all..
He was the one besides Levi who always bully him
Until that is, Mammon starts ignoring him
At home, RAD, Majolish shoots
Majolish shoots were Asmo and Mams gossip time!
When he asked MC to ask why, and they did, all his response was
“My brothers wouldn’t care if I die. In fact, they’ll be happy to get rid of the most useless brother. I’m pretty sure they wished I was the one who died instead of Lilith.”
“Don’t deny it, you know it’s true.. Asmo especially hates me.. Yea I hate ignorin’ him but.. what else am I suppose to do when I’m scared to communicate?”
All of that was like several shots in the chest
He felt a heavy guilty feeling welling up inside of him
Of course he doesn’t hate him, of course he would care if he died
Sure Lilith’s death was sad but they all would mourn Mammon’s death if he replaced Lilith..
But he was thankful it wasn’t, he was annoying sometimes, but he would never wish death upon him.
“All of that is wrong!”
Asmo was shaking like a leaf as he stood in front of Mammon and MC, head down in guilt
“Of course I would care if you died! Just because you are my annoyingly charming older brother who I bully doesn’t mean I wouldn’t care!”
A moment of silence filled the room as Asmo rubs his arm, looking up to look at Mammon.
“...I’m sorry, for those time I’ve wrongfully accused you of things, bullied you because I like the sound of my voice so damn much”
I almost feel bad for doing this to my himbo... almost
Beel never liked the arguments that his brothers have
He wishes he could stop it, but either his stomach or simply choking up stops him
After an argument between him and Levi ended, MC requested Beel go check on him for them, as they had a lesson with Solomon they had to attend
He did what they asked, walking up to his older brother’s room
Before he could knock and peek in, he heard something
“My brothers wouldn’t care if I die. In fact, they’ll be happy to get rid of the most useless brother. I’m pretty sure they wished I was the one who died instead of Lilith.” 
That sent him in a instant panic mode
Worse case scenario he was going to attempt to kill himself
Best case scenario.. well, there wasn’t one he could think of when he says that
He bursts the door open and saw the second eldest on the phone with someone
“I’ll have to call ya back..”
He hangs up and glares at Beel.
“Couldn’t of ya knocked or somethin-- Gah! Beel!”
He was pulled into a spine crushing hug, soon being let down as Mammon saw a sad expression on Beel’s face
“..Ya heard what I said, didn’t ya?”
Mammon sighs as Beel frowns more
“..Please don’t die on us.. You aren’t useless..”
“Tell me if that wasn’t the case, then why did all my year long attempts to fix our family fail, but the instant MC came around everything just.. changed.”
He sighs. “I’m not plannin’ on dyin’ anytime soon.”
He was napping nearby when he heard this
It happened to be after Mammon and Lucifer fought, he just wanted to nap in peace, so he was about to tell Mammon to go whine somewhere else
“My brothers wouldn’t care if I die. In fact, they’ll be happy to get rid of the most useless brother. I’m pretty sure they wished I was the one who died instead of Lilith.” 
..Where did that come from?
He swallowed thickly and let a low growl
Belphie wasn’t mad at the second eldest, but at himself..
He already missed Lilith, so just the thought of Mammon dying scared him
Belphie got up and walks over, hugging him from behind
“..Please don’t go..”
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venusimi · 2 years
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《 I hate and love you 》
PROMPT: “It sucks because I want to hate you, but I can’t.”
Angst, emotional hurt/comfort, confrontation, angst with a happy ending
Mammon-centric, slight demon brothers bashing (it gets SOMEWHAT better I swear on my life as a writer), it might also be ooc so I hope I got it right.
TW: Implied alcohol abuse and mentioned drug usage
His accent also comes and goes and I'm too lazy to fix that lmfao
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Now, Mammon is a strong demon. As the second oldest and second strongest just below Lucifer he is someone powerful and rightfully feared by many demons and humans alike.
He rules over one of the 7 layers of hell and was—still is—Lucifer's right hand man since the beginning of their time.
However, despite the amount of things you hear from demons and humans, the truth behind close doors is something that would completely alter your perception of the 7 princes of hell.
Leviathan himself admits that he could never defeat Mammon in a fight and he's the third oldest.
But because of the fact that Mammon is the second born, powerful and all, he is forced to stay strong. To remain unaffected by the negativity and continue to rule over his part.
Remain unaffected.
Stay strong.
So he does, he lets his brothers feel comfortable enough to hurt his feelings. To tell him he's weak when he's not, to call him scummy, a douchebag, and to kill himself.
His brothers truly love him, no?
He loves all his brothers. He wouldn't swap them for anything, but the real question is would they swap him for anything?
He tries not to think hard about it, he can't show any form of weaknesses. Not even to himself.
He simply will not allow it.
If Lucifer could then why can't he? He's his right hand man, he must always be the great Mammon, otherwise, how would Lucifer feel relaxed and do his own work? Lucifer stands to help them live, Mammon protects his brothers if not from physical harm. That's his duty as the second born.
He was never good at lying so he simply never say anything and quickly changed topic while trying to act as normal as possible, he doesn't want his brothers' pity. Not in the absolute slightest.
But acting like nothing's wrong also meant that he had to take regular emotional beatings from his brothers.
It wouldn't have hurt as much if they weren't brothers, but they were. They knew each other for thousands of years, they've been together through even the darkest times so the amount of hurt it gave Mammon whenever they insulted him was like the fall all over again.
The pain in his heart, the agonizing pain as his head and back grew an extra set of body part was incomparable to hearing them say derogatory words towards him.
He was the one that swallowed his own feelings to take care of his brothers when they first fell.
He took care of Lucifer when his Pride wouldn't let him rest.
He stayed awake with Leviathan when his insomnia gets the best of him.
He helped Satan sneak in some cats and took the blame for it.
He made sure Asmodeus didn't get any disease from his outings every night.
He made sure Beelzebub is always fed but not overfed.
He was the one that brought Belphegor back to his room when Beelzebub wasn't home.
He took care of them when their body couldn't stomach the hellish food, he made sure they ate something to tide the hunger.
He made sure they slept when the nightmares were too awake for their liking.
He made sure they were healthy, happy, and safe when no one else could.
He did the dirty work when no one liked them.
How was that any fair to him? Sure they didn't ask for it but he still did it anyways, he made sure to keep them alive and well to survive.
He would have done so anyways even if it wasn't needed.
He loves his brothers after all.
The alcohol intoxicated his head, it flowed throughout his body and it felt like he was flying.
Mammon rarely ever gets drunk you see and because of that, he's a lightweight but not as much as Belphegor and the others. Compared to Asmodeus and Lucifer he definitely is a lightweight.
He comes home drunk with a bottle of Demonous in hand, he drank 3 whole bottles which is way past his usual limit.
He rarely gets drunk because of his modeling gig.
His headaches get so bad with flashing lights and he's very irritable which won't be good if demons started avoiding him, he needs money too.
What time was it? He didn't have his phone with him.
He practically breaks down the door if only it wasn't already opened to begin with, as if someone was waiting for him to come home.
He lifts his head up, "....Hah?" He slurs.
Lucifer sighs, "You promised to come home early tonight for family movie night. Why are you drunk? And it's an hour past 'early'."
Mammon frowns. He stumbles when he walks in and pushes past Lucifer then down to the common room.
"Mammon!" He ignored his brother's call.
He gulps the last of the Demonous and throws it across the hall, shattering the glass into millions.
He didn't know what he was doing.
His body burned with alcohol and some sort of drug that helps him get high and completely forget about it all, he didn't want to do it but it just felt so enticing.
He didn't notice how his brothers flinched at the shattering of glass.
His eyes were gold, all previous self control be damned.
"Mammon, are you... Drunk?" Satan frowned, he wasn't a huge fan of drinking. He hated the scent of alcohol and Belphegor could relate too but his twin sometimes drinks and it helps him fall asleep faster.
"'m not drunk!" He slurs, he was louder than usual which was a sign itself.
"Are you high?" Asmodeus would know.
"You are." Lucifer sounded angry, but Mammon wasn't really Mammon at the moment.
"I said, 'm not drunk." He walks up to the eldest and glares.
"You're so hostile, you're not usually like this Mammon." Leviathan scans the older demon cautiously, as if he would pounce at any given moment.
"Me? 'm always like this! What do ya mean!?"
"You're usually loud and arrogant, scummy and very stupid but right now you're neither of those things other than loud." Belphegor continued.
"...Haaah? Who're ya callin' arrogant and stupid?" Mammon was quick to stand straight, ready to let out his wings and show who's dominant but Lucifer stands in between as if trying to tell Mammon not to do something he'll definitely regret.
"You're drunk and intoxicated, let's go to bed."
"Shaddup! Ya act so high and mighty when yer really just the same as all of us so quit actin' like yer the boss of me!" Mammon does not move however.
Lucifer stumbles very slightly, "Excuse me? Who are you talking to?"
"Obviously you, who else would I be talkin' to?"
"You're so snappy today..." Beelzebub mumbled to no one in particular, he does his best not to be heard. He is powerful and incredibly buff but even then he still can't beat Mammon in a fight so if a fight were to break loose, his main priority would be Belphegor's safety, seeing as he is the weakest of them all, and getting Mammon to calm down.
Luckily, Mammon was too angry to hear Beelzebub.
"You're bold when you're drunk Mammon." Lucifer was in his demon form.
Mammon should be cowering in fear and yet he is standing tall with his own demon form out, "Woah woah woah! You two calm down!" Asmodeus leaps in between them.
"Satan! Help!" Asmodeus was panicking, he had never seen them fight before.
"Quit it you two! Mammon, do you know why we treat you the way we do? It's because of your shit attitude! You get so snappy at the smallest things and blame us for it." Satan couldn't stand it anymore.
"Oh so yer blamin' me for the shit I didn't even want? Callin' me names and makin' fun of me? Ya haven't seen shit so quit actin' like yer innocent! How is it any fair that I get to be the center of the blame? I never get to indulge in my sin like yall without getting hung upside down for it!"
"Your sin is expensive and it causes me trouble, it's not easy having to clean up the mess you made and try to sweep it under the rug to keep your pristine reputation as a prince of hell!"
"My reputation is my greed. As long as I keep takin' and losin' it all then everyone shouldn't raise a brow if I suddenly get killed for it plus, I can't control it! I am a demon, Lucifer. Ya should understand the best! Yer stupid pride just won't admit the fact that yer wrong, plus, Beelzebub is just as expensive as I am! He destroyed an entire restaurant because they had nothin' more to serve, ya think he's cheap? Ya really gotta redefine your version of 'cheap'."
"How does taking everything you own and losing it all apply to your reputation? Your logic makes little sense." Asmodeus rolls his eyes at his older brother, half aware of what he meant.
"If ya keep drinkin' eventually, you'll get drunk and throw up, right? But it's just too good to stop. It's exactly like that for greed. Every demon in Devildom is aware of how I work, but I will stop at nothing to get exactly what I want. I am aware of my shit actions, okay!? And so are you! But I can't help it!"
"You keep yelling like that's gonna help!" Leviathan yelled back at his older brother.
Mammon grits his teeth bitterly, "None of ya understand do ya? Do I gotta spell it out for ya so you'd understand? Do you have any idea how many nights I stay up thinkin' about my own mind and how I hate it here!? Have ya ever wondered why Lucifer hasn't hung any of ya for the shit you guys pull!? Ya think Lucifer would have let you off for stainin' his favorite coat, Satan? Or when Belphie spilled coffee all over his documents that he needed for next week? I fell instead of ya! It ain't fun but I knew how harsh he is, only I can handle him without breakin' but all of ya combined? There's only so much a demon like me can take..."
Mammon holds back tears because that's what he always does, that's all he does anyways. He can't do anything else about it other than to hold back any feelings that could be used against him.
The silence was loud, no one knew what to say.
Lucifer notices the tears.
"-Just... Shut up. Please."
They were silent again, eyes strayed away from each other. Suddenly the shattered bottle, the walls, and the floor was interesting.
They start to notice the little things.
How there's a new vase that looked similar to the one Belphegor shattered except it had gold lines as if it was being kept together.
Beelzebub hated this, Belphegor knew.
"...Mammon, listen. We're sorry, okay? We didn't mean to make it seem that way but if you had told us sooner-" Belphegor tried to reason but Mammon was far too intoxicated to bother.
He turns away.
"You were always good at manipulating others Belphie. That's the youngest for ya..." He mumbles before leaving.
Lucifer steps in front of him.
"Can you get out of the way? I'm tryna get back to my-"
"You are not leaving until this is resolved. What do you think of us? Do you think we don't love you?" Mammon stares at him with dead eyes.
"Ya love me? Doesn't feel that way."
They stared in silence, Lucifer felt awkward. "Believe me... Believe us, Mammon. We'll try our best to be better just please be honest with us, tell us how you feel?"
Mammon didn't respond, he honesty didn't want to.
"Y'know, it sucks because I want to hate you, but I can't. It's almost impossible to feel a tinge of hatred for ya when we've been together through the darkest shadows. But because I can't hate ya, I can't love ya either, right? So I feel nothing. Not anymore. I care for ya but that's definitely just because I have built a system in my mind to care for anyone I consider by family, I care, but not enough ta stay."
He pushes past Lucifer, stumbling through the halls. Though his words were slurred, it was clear as daylight. They knew and understood but they couldn't bring themselves to speak.
Lucifer straightens himself, "We'll fix this as soon as possible, but for now I think he needs time to himself."
The eldest's voice was low; like a whisper, almost.
No one said anything.
No one could.
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I’ll still love you
mammon’s hand laid upon that of his brother. a soft smile. “you k’now Satan” he says. eyes radiating nothing but pure love and adoration. “i love you. more than the amount of stars there are in our universe. no matter what you do, no matter what you have done. I’ll still love you” 
a lonely demon sat on his bed staring at a plushie, mind replaying that memory over and over and over again, as if it were still happening yet he was the only person unable to process that. 
he frowned sadly, despite the memory being so sweet, it was bitter. a memory so loved yet hated at the same time. and how could he not. 
how could he not. 
after all, he never returned that same love.
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mmeowxd · 2 years
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
I'm looking for a fic where Crowley is Satan, and has Adam by impregnating a female angel (angel of Justice maybe?). He knows Adam is his all along and watches over him too while doing the Warlock thing with Aziraphale. Ends at the airbase. Does this ring bells for anyone? (Yes, I've checked the "Crowley is Satan" tag many times.)
This sounds like...
Thy Kingdom Come by ShanaStoryteller (NR)
Crowley is just following orders.
- Mod D
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cnl0400 · 9 months
Bold move of the devs having a Satan arc where you barely talk to him....
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nocherryblood · 1 year
So, new Pop Quiz just got announced, and...
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Well, you can just tell people are going to be going wild once they notice this new little detail...
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I’ve been brainstorming a humanformers AU for several days now and I have no skill to draw or write this whatsoever, so….
There’s no way I can coherently talk about this dkdndkdns
To simplify it for myself: The bots and cons are humanoid cyber-beings that reside in a small town/city in Illinois. They previously served time as humanity’s guardians, and now spend the rest of days doing their own thing after a millennia of hard battle.
Basically: slice of life au but with a twist.
There’s so much more to this but I can’t explain it all at once so I’ll have to just drop story with my attempts at art 😭
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sinner-sunflower · 2 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 14/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
You guys ever read They Both Die at the End cos this is looking a lot like that the more we go on.
Lucifer had begun to tell them of his trip to Heaven, from what had prompted Michael to almost destroy Hell with his holy weapon to the brewing civil war.
They listened intently to every word he said, not once interrupting him again until they got the full story.
And that's what he gave them.
Well... almost all of it.
He left out the part where the Fates had prophesied his imminent death in the war. Revealing that particular information would raise more questions that Lucifer wouldn't be able to answer.
Charlie: I still don't understand. Why would they involve you, Dad? If Heaven goes to war, how does that affect us?
Satan: Despite what most might think, Heaven and Hell are not two separate entities. After the creation of humanity, it's impossible for one to exist without the other.
Lucifer: He's right. Back then, before... everything. Hell hadn't been made yet because, while yes there was darkness, there were no lower beings to corrupt. Thus no use for a pit to contain them. But then Adam and Lilith happened. Then Eve...
Mammon: So what? We're screwed?
He shook his head.
Lucifer: No. Just me.
Satan: Huh? What do you mean, just you?
Shit. What is with his mouth today?
Lucifer: ..... Michael told me that he took a look at the Fates and saw me among those on the battlefield.
Beelzebub: Excuse me?!
Satan: What the hell??
Leviathan: So it will happen down here? Because there is no way we are letting you go back up there for anything.
Belphegor: Were you also planning on keeping that to yourself? Really, Lucifer?!
Asmodeus: I don't like this.
Charlie: The Fates?
He understood their reactions; after all, this was too big of a revelation to keep quiet for this long about.
Alastor had been awfully quiet beside him, but he can't dwell on that right now nor will he call out the look of disdain the guy is giving Levi.
'Do those two know each other?'
In the end, he chose to ignore Belphegor's accusation (is it really an accusation if it's true?) in favor of answering his daughter.
Lucifer: The threads of life. Pre-written destinies of every being in existence. It might be placed in Heaven, but no one, not even Father, can change what has already been woven.
Charlie: And Archangel Michael saw yours? How?
Lucifer: I-You'll have to ask him that. I fell before the duty of guarding the Fates was passed onto me. I have limited understanding as it is.
He's digging his own grave but it's not a total lie.
Charlie: And do you trust him?
Her question throws him in a loop. Because what?
Lucifer: What?
Charlie: I can tell you have resentment for him. Do you not trust his word? Is that why you were not in a hurry to tell any of us because you think it's a trap or something?
Lucifer: Regardless of what my feelings towards Michael, I believe his words. He is not one to involve Hell in anything that can be solved within Heaven. And I want to say that I'm sorry for not telling you all the moment I got back. The only thing I can say is that I was tired and with everything that just happened in Sloth, all I wanted was to sleep. I promise that I didn't know any of that stuff you saw would happen.
Charlie: But what was that, dad?
Lucifer: My appearance might not be the only thing the ritual affected.
Lucifer: I'm handling it.
Lucifer: I swear it's nothing to worry about.
He gives her a smile that he hopes is comforting enough but based on her crunched up expression, it must have came off more strained.
Charlie: Dad...
Tense silence fills the room. Lucifer's well aware no one believes him but he knows they won't try to push further. They are well acquainted with his character, after all. Cowardly but stubborn.
Satan: We'll get our forces ready then.
Lucifer: Huh?
Satan: What? Did you think we'll just sit here and let our King fight alone?
Lucifer: Look, no one else needs to be involved. I am-
Satan: -the King of Hell, are you not? And whoever threatens our King is our enemy.
Everyone let out a chorus of agreement. The Sin of Pride crumples the bedsheets in his hold. There's tears threatening to fall from his eyes in his disbelief.
How did he find people who are all so willing to fight for him? He feels a pang of guilt for he knows that regardless of what they do, he will meet his end in that war.
But how could he tell them that? Tell his family, these demons he raised, that he'll be leaving them?
A Marigold being tucked behind his ear made him look at his silent pillar. Alastor grabs a hold of his hand and plants a kiss on top of it in a manner that makes his heart flutter like a lovesick teen.
Alastor: We will do everything in our power to keep you safe, my King.
Lucifer: I believe you.
He wishes he could stop with the lies.
Once the battlecries died down in favor of the Sins giving Alastor a weird version of a shovel talk, they hear shouts outside the room.
It kept getting closer and closer until the door bursts open revealing the rest of the hotel residents, all holding some form of weapons on them.
He would've thought they were under attack until Vaggie and Angel toss something, no someone, on the ground.
It was a face Lucifer never thought he'd be able to see again. Because he's dead. He should know because he burned the body in Hellfire himself.
On the floor, beaten and bruised, is a half-goat demon wearing a face of a dead man. It grunts and let's out an awkward laugh as it meets his eyes.
Adam: Haha..... Sup, bro.
Apologies if that last part is weirdly cut cos I wanted Luci to say that but then I also wanted Adam to appear now.
I'd appreciate any comments or DMs left on your thoughts about everything so far! Reblogs and likes are also much appreciated <3
Have a happy weekend everyone!
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fcxyviixen · 1 year
summary: mammon finds a young girl in the human world after being summoned once again. after hiding her for a little while, lucifer finds her and a fight starts. mammon leaves with the girl, however during that time a dark voice starts to pull at him. a deep feeling like tar by drawing strength on his wrath. he was gone for 14 years, the curse growing stronger.
pairing: n/a (mammon and brother centric)
rating: 14+
chapter wc: 1568
warnings: mentions of death, suggestion of manipulation
witches and curses
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Lucifer left Mammon’s room, his mind still swirling Mammon’s question around. He tried to speak with him more, but whatever the toll the curse put on him, along with the mana chain, it wore the second brother out.
Lucifer tried to identify the curse while it was active, but the girl refused to let the elder demon near Mammon. He wanted to move her, but knew it would only make things worse because Mammon would react horribly.
The girl tended to Mammon as Lucifer stepped back, seeing the human’s and his brother’s relationship first hand once more. The girl thought of his brother as her father, and Mammon thought of her as his daughter.
Despite the circumstances, Lucifer was proud of his younger brother. He had taken the responsibility of a child he rescued and raised her to be a fine woman, of what Lucifer could see anyway.
Diavolo was waiting outside Mammon’s room. “The curse has a strong hold on him. Especially since it’s able to stand off against a mana chain. Which shows this curse has either been dormant for years before the incident, or this curse has been placed multiple times on Mammon.” Barbatos spoke.
“This curse is so strong it even affects Mammon’s demon form. Which makes it much more powerful.” Barbatos explained. “But, the curse is almost untraceable and unreadable. Especially without cooperation from the host.”.
“So is the only way to figure this out is to find out the witch who placed this curse on him?” Diavolo asked. “If it was only that easy. Mammon won’t speak and the girl knows nothing.” Lucifer said.
“The curse won’t allow Mammon to speak.” Barbatos corrected. “If we can ward off the curse long enough for Mammon to speak, maybe he’ll tell us.”. Barbatos suggested.
“Do you think he’ll actually talk?” Lucifer asked. “Probably not willingly, but with a certain charm he might.” Barbatos said, suggesting they use Asmodeus’ charm to get Mammon to talk. Lucifer disliked what the butler was suggesting.
“I’d like to exhaust all options before dragging the rest of my brother’s further into this mess.” Lucifer said. Diavolo nodded, “We’re unaware how the curse works, if we try to use a mind power against a mind curse it could affect Asmodeus in some way.”.
“However, maybe Asmodeus can lead us to a few witches, possibly ones Mammon has interacted with, or ones that have a grudge against him.” Diavolo said. Lucifer agreed to this idea, much to Barbatos saying it would be a bit risky with how witches are close to each other.
After talking with Asmodeus, he gave the name of each witch that Mammon has ever interacted with, especially the witch he spoke with the most, the witch that was originally supposed to take in Riko before the incident happened.
Diavolo entrusted the integration to Lucifer and Satan. Which was almost protested by the wrathful blond who blamed Lucifer for this entire incident in the first place, but quieted down when he heard it was for Mammon, to help break the curse.
It didn’t take long for the two brothers to arrive at Mammon’s witch friend’s house, Kiyomi. Kiyomi noticed the two almost instantly and welcomed them in. “Did you ever find Mammon?” She asked, she had assisted the brothers in finding the second born.
“Yes, we wanted to ask you some things.” Lucifer said.
“About the curse?” Kiyomi asked. Lucifer nodded in confirmation. “The curse was there just as he found the girl.” Kiyomi said. “Meaning the girl may have been cursed, or carrying the curse and it got transferred to Mammon.” Kiyomi explained.
“Beyond that, my knowledge is limited.” She sighed. “What about another witch, a witch powerful enough to cast the spell?” Satan asked, furrowing his brows.
“Maddi would be someone able to cast the spell. Or the girl, Riko. There are powerful witches, but those are the two who have the most power who are near Mammon to cast the spell.” Kiyomi crossed her arms.
“We’ve already cleared Riko, then Maddi is the only other witch.” Satan said, glancing at Lucifer.
“Cleared Riko? There is no clearing a witch of Riko’s caliber of something like this. Even if the girl seems sweet and caring of Mammon, there’s a good chance her good nature could be something more sickening. After all, the girl’s origins are unknown. Which makes her even more dangerous.” Kiyomi said, her tone more serious than before.
Lucifer nodded, Satan growled. “You said when she was a kid the curse got there! Why would a kid of maybe 6 years old be able to do something like that?” Satan said, his temper spiking.
“Why not?” Kiyomi shot back. “Maybe there was something to gain? Especially someone of Mammon’s caliber. One of the Seven Rulers of the Underworld. The 4th strongest in all of the Devildom? The Avatar of Greed himself? There’s much to gain from obtaining him on one’s side.”.
Satan glared at Kiyomi, and the witch glared back at him. Green eyes piercing each other. “We’ll talk to Maddi, then turn back to Riko.” Lucifer said he was with Kiyomi, Riko was unknown to all of them. Maybe even to Mammon as well.
Satan almost lost control of his temper, but bit back. He stormed out of the witch’s home. “Be cautious around Riko. It’s the reason why I wanted Mammon to bring me the kid as soon as I got back, but I guess plans changed. Word of advice, Lucifer, which I’m sure you already know.” Kiyomi sighed.
“An unknown witch is the most dangerous witch of all.” She warned. Lucifer only nodded, understanding what Kiyomi was saying to him. Riko is the unknown witch, therefore, she’s dangerous.
Lucifer walked out, to see Satan petting a cat, which seemed to calm him down. “Let’s go Satan.” Lucifer said, walking up to him.
“You really think that witch girl hurt Mammon?” Satan asked.
“We’ll see, but I think we both know that Mammon wouldn’t keep someone like that around. Child or not.” Lucifer sighed, he knew, but he hoped the curse didn’t cloud Mammon’s judgment.
“So, it’s a good chance Maddi did it? After all, Maddi is a cunning witch.” Satan hummed. Lucifer nodded, opening another portal that led to Maddi’s territory.
Satan didn’t want to leave the cat, but it ran away when Lucifer opened the portal. Making Satan frown. The blond stood and left with Lucifer through the portal, getting chills just entering Maddi’s territory.
“Well, well. Lucifer and Satan, it must be my birthday or some special occasion.” Maddi chuckled, seeing the two demons. “Enough with the theatrics.” Satan scoffed.
“Yes, yes. You came about that scummy brother of yours.” Maddi sighed, it wasn’t surprising she knew, witches could see into the future for a short period of time, and Maddi of all people loved to keep up on rumors and news about the brothers.
“However, for you. I have nothing to share.” Maddi hummed, a smile playing on her red lips. “I know, you’re here to accuse me of cursing Mammon, but for once. I had nothing to do with it.” she said.
“How can we trust that?” Lucifer asked. Maddi frowned, “The boy already paid me back, I have no use for him anymore. I can’t get away with it if he doesn’t owe me anything.” She scoffed.
“Plus, I have much better things to do than try and hold a curse on Mammon for what, 13-14 years?” Maddi sighed. “Curses for that long get boring for me.”.
“What do you know about the witch Riko?” Satan asked, scowling right back at the witch.
“Riko..?” Maddi repeated, sounding confused. Maddi knew every witch, but never one by the name of Riko. “Is she a new witch? Who’s her mentor?” Maddi asked.
Satan and Lucifer exchanged looks. “Sorry, I can’t help you with this Riko person. But, if you give me something in exchange I could help you with your curse problem.” Maddi’s cheshire cat smile returned once more onto her lips.
Lucifer and Satan both frowned now, glaring at the witch, but Lucifer gave in a bit, but his guard was still up against Maddi. “What do you want?” He asked.
Maddi smiled, “So we have a deal?” she asked. “What do you want?” Lucifer repeated. Maddi clicked her tongue.
“Well, I guess I’ll be nice since you’re lowering your awful pride to ask me what I want in exchange for help with the curse.” She faked pouting a bit.
“Well, what I want.. Hm..” Maddi hummed, acting like she was thinking and stalling time for the brothers. “Spit it out already!” Satan snapped at the witch.
“You two were no fun, no wonder that Demon Prince sent you two to interrogate all of us witches. But, you only came to two so far, so I hope if I tell you what I want in exchange you won’t bother the rest.” Maddi scowled. 
“But, since you want to be that way I’ll tell you what I want.” She said, “If you, in 24 hours, can bring me the cursed novel of “The Great Sorcerer of Death”, then I’ll be more than welcome to help you with your problem, but if you can’t bring me the book in 24 hours..” Maddi gave a devilish grin.
“I’ll be sure to leave your lovely second-born to suffer an agonizing death.”.
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tag list: @yuumaofc , @simpinginthecorner
42 notes · View notes
hongjoongspoetry · 2 months
Too Sweet | Jeong Yunho
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🥃 Summary: Two complete opposites who are quickly falling for each other, one wanting more but the other afraid of all the things that could go wrong.
🥃 Pairing(s): upcoming rockstar!Jeong Yunho x F!Reader
🥃 Genres/Tropes: upcoming-rockstar au, opposites attract au, what could have been, fluff, angst, suggestive, hurt/no comfort
🥃 Warnings/Tags: Fem!reader, no use of Y/N, kinda yunho centric, explicit language, insecure yuyu, use of alcohol, smoking cig, arguments, mingi is a good friend, mention of religion and satan, stereotypes about rockbands, post-orgasm conversations, making out and brief nipple play (f receiving), a lot of crying, sad ending, not beta read and MDNI!!!
🥃 Wordcount: 19.9K
🥃 Author's note, pt.1: It's been a while....Here's a lil something inspired by hozier's too sweet. The way I have so many drafts for this story in different AUs. I couldn't decide whether to make it into an Idol AU or not, so I did a mix. 😭 It wasn't supposed to be that long either but apparently I have no limits when it comes to writing lmao. Keep in mind that I have little to no knowledge about instruments, rock bands, etc, so everything I know is from given (the anime), KISS and wikipedia. English isn't my first (or second) language, so if there are any errors please do tell.
AO3 masterlist moodboard Click on me!
This is all fiction and not meant to represent Yunho in any way or form.
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The first time Yunho laid eyes on you he knew you’d never be his. Not because of some ancient family feud forbidding you from one another or because you were star crossed lovers in a dystopian world. No, it wasn’t anything dramatic like that. 
You’d never be his because Yunho would simply not let it happen. 
Yunho jumped off the makeshift stage set up in the corner of the saloon that waited on them each Friday night and walked through the drunken crowd of people. The band finished their weekly gig at Crescent and were being treated to drinks by the owner for bringing such a big crowd to the bar. 
Slightly hunched over the counter, left forearm pressing against the smooth wooden surface while the other idly rested on his thigh and feet propped on the footrest, Yunho silently thanked the bartender for the drinks. One for him and the other for his bandmate seated to his right. The drummer brought a lot of attention to them, with his bleached hair styled to get that disheveled spiked look and handful of tattoos and piercings littering his body. Despite the flashy details, Mingi was quite the eye-candy. His thick lips and equally big and straight nose, made him popular with the ladies as well as the men, and not to mention his chiseled jaw. A big pair of shades covered his fox-eyes – he was too lazy to smudge some makeup on – and the miniature face tattoo reading ‘fix-on’ inked on his cheekbone, unlike the big butterfly on his neck that was fully exposed. 
Yunho usually didn’t like sitting at the corner of the long bar, but it provided more space for his long legs and a better view to the rest of the room which, on second hand, he was grateful for otherwise he’d miss the door opening and the group of girls coming through. Each was different from the other, he thought as he skimmed past them only to back track at the last one trailing in.
Staring at you from across the room – a place he never imagined a speck of purity in – he swiveled the drink in hand, allowing the whiskey to swish around in the bottom before tipping his head back and letting some of the brown liquor cascade down his throat. Despite having a speaker right above his head, your angelic laughter still managed to reach Yunho’s ears and it was better than any melody performed by the next indie group. Eyes wandering down your figure, body clad in a white sundress with a pattern of miniature pink roses, he stopped at the heart shaped front giving a little tease of what hid beneath. The fabric hugged tightly around your torso and hips, then widened like a flower in bloom and stopped right above your knees. A gold necklace with a delicate heart pendant rested subtly near the crevic of your chest. Arms and legs bare, only a matching golden bracelet glinting on your right wrists and nails painted in white. You wore the cutest pair of pink ballet flats Yunho had ever seen and it brought a little smile to his face.
“What are you smiling about?” Mingi asked with a teasing tilt to his voice, a brow curiously arched and bottom lip stuck between his teeth.
Yunho shook his head and took another calculated sip of his drink. 
“Right, so you didn’t just plan a marriage with the angel-look alike overthere, huh?” Mingi nodded towards the girls who were inching closer to an empty table. “She seems sweet.”
And sweet you were. Oh, so sweet. From your strawberry lip gloss to the notes of your brown sugar and vanilla perfume lingering in the air. Eyes twinkling in the dim lights and nose scrunching before a giggle came out at one of your friends’ jokes, hand automatically going up to cover your mouth.
“Well,” Mingi started and tapped his fingers against the bar, “if you’re gonna shoot your shot about now would be the time to do it.”
On cue you passed the two giants and stopped to the left of Yunho where you could get a clear view of the bartender, and hopefully catch his attention. Being the one to cancel the last outing, you took it on yourself to pay for the first round of drinks as a way of apologizing to the girls even if they didn’t chastise you for it. 
You were prettier up close, Yunho thought as he scanned your profile. Pretty lips, gorgeous eyes and captivating makeup. 
“Hey,” he finally said and slightly turned towards you. 
A friendly smile splayed on his face and ears were slightly red either from his drink or the warmth from the heavily packed bar. Never one to turn down a conversation, you greeted him back with upturned lips and faced the front again. Luck wasn’t on your side as the bartender brushed past you on multiple occasions, eyes filtering over you as if you weren’t there. Not giving up, you let out a huff of annoyance and stepped closer. Standing on your tiptoes – not that you needed it, but maybe then you’d get his attention – and arms crossed over the surface you followed his movements, eyes burning into him but to no avail. The man took order after order and not once did you get the chance to speak up. Yunho, who watched the whole thing play out, slightly raised his hand and the bartender spawned before him in seconds. Lips parted in disbelief, you couldn’t believe how easy the dark haired man made it out to be. There you were, waiting like a dog for a crumb of attention while he got it with a lift of his fingers.
“This pretty lady has been wanting to order for a while now,” Yunho stated calmly, yet his eyes were hard as steel. 
Saying nothing, the bartender turned to you with a raised brow, quietly urging you to spit it out. 
“Two mojitos, one martini and mai tai, please.” As the bartender got to work, you thanked the guy with the helping hand.
“No worries, it tends to get rather busy here on Fridays…That’s a lot for just one lady though.”
“Well, this lady didn’t come alone.”
In any other circumstance, Yunho would interpret the statement as snarky and a telltale of not being interested but your soft spoken words said the complete opposite. 
“Ah, there go my plans of buying you a drink.”
Taking a better look at the man you realized he was quite handsome. Face full of delicate features; a long nose, thin cupid’s bow mouth and eyes soft but dark as the handful of oak trees outside. The smokey makeup fit the whole wanna-be-rock-star-look and so did the ring protruding from the left side of his bottom lip. His mass of black and burgundy hair was ruffled up and parted in the middle, revealing his forehead. Blue pants with interesting design swirls fit around his legs and he wore a black sleeveless shirt that showed off his perfectly formed biceps and shoulders. A bunch of silver necklaces hung around his neck and each finger was adorned with one or two rings; some thin and plain, and others thick and covering whole digits. So not only was he handsome, but had a good fashion sense too. All he was missing was the sleeve of tattoos and you’d dub him a real rock star. Eyes crinkling and lips pursing in an almost teasing manner, you decided to take a huge leap of faith. 
“Who’s to say you still can’t?”
The teasing remark indicated you didn’t know he was a member of Blue Bird and it sent waves of relief through him. It wasn’t like he didn’t want you to know about the band, but most people that did only approached him because of it and not his personality. Starting a conversation with ‘fuck me like a rockstar’ quote unquote, wasn’t the best way to get into Yunho’s pants. 
“Perhaps the partner you came with.” 
Yunho’s chin rested against the palm of his hand, brows slightly raised and lips quirked up. 
“Lucky for you, it’s just me and my girlies.” 
“As much as I’d like to crash ladies night, let’s do this instead. I’ll give you my number and you text me when you’re feeling for another drink, on me, yeah?”
Like a moth drawn to a flame, you subconsciously leaned closer to him. Slightly swaying side to side with eyes trained on him, completely missing the entertained look on Mingi’s face who watched the interaction with glee. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d pick a person up from a night out, even upcoming rock stars had needs to quell, but something was telling Mingi you weren’t interested in a quickie in the bathroom. Forever engraving the image of his friend smiling at a girl that was the complete opposite of him, Mingi smiled. Perhaps you were the cube of sugar Yunho needed with his all too bitter coffee.
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The second time Yunho laid eyes on you he really wished for things to work out. That despite your differences you’d find a balance solid enough to keep a healthy relationship. While Yunho usually wasn’t a naive guy, his adoration towards you weighed heavier than any rational thought screaming at him to cut the interaction short. Wanting to bask just a little more in the sunlight that was you, Yunho decided – for once – to be selfish.
It was a Wednesday afternoon when you stepped foot in a, you wouldn’t call it a rundown neighborhood but it wasn’t that wellkept either. The playgrounds made for kids were far from eye-catching with the once vibrant colors taken over by rust that even you – an adult – wouldn't try out the rides. The navigation in your phone chimed as you entered a white building identical to the other structures and began climbing the several flights of stairs, re-reading Yunho’s instructions of how to get to his place. Chest heaving and cheeks ablaze, you sent three rapid knocks against the door. One would believe the resident’s surname to be somewhere near but that wasn’t the case as only the apartment number in metal was drilled on the wall beside. The door swung open and you were greeted by a smiling Yunho, the lip ring glinting in the corridor lights.
“Hey, I was worried you wouldn’t find your way here but you’re a pro.”
While you weren’t dressed in a cute sundress, you still looked as sweet with your pink knitted sweater and light blue pants. What really took his breath away were the bright bows in your hair. If you were the sun then Yunho was the moon with his dark bottoms and identical hoodie thrown over the only bright fabric on his body. 
“Now you know not to underestimate me, Yunho.”
Hands thrown up in surrender, he walked backwards as you followed in tow. 
“Consider the lesson learned.”
The apartment was neater than expected – white walls, laminated flooring and a few family pictures hanging here and there – considering it was in the care of two guys and the interior proved that as the living room solely consisted of a sofa big enough for two with a small coffee table in the middle and the biggest plasma TV you had ever seen nailed to the wall. On the brightside there weren’t any dirty underwear or rotten leftovers lying everywhere.
“Well this is my place, or mine and my roommate’s, but still welcome.”
“It looks nice,” you honestly responded and that counted as a victory in Yunho’s books.
“Thank you, obviously I do all the furniture shopping. My friend isn’t all that interested in the interior of the place as long as we have somewhere to sit and sleep.”
The kitchen was shaped in an upside down L with black tiled floor starting from the threshold, the walls were still white. The slimmer and oblong part consisted of black marble counters and the usual mechanics that had a little shine to them telling you they cost a good penny. In the wider part of the kitchen was a round table and a set of four chairs. Black curtains were drawn together yet you could make out an empty balcony through the small gap. There weren't a lot of miscellaneous decorations in the place, as if the apartment was barely in use but to stay the night. Taking a seat by the dinner table, you rested your chin against your palms and smiled as Yunho opened the fridge.
“Ah, is that why there’s a massage chair in the hallway?”
The cold temperature chilled Yunho’s burning cheeks. Collecting himself, he slid you a can of coke and took out the rest of the preparations he needed to make dinner.
“That’s one of Yeosang’s many dumb investments, once again why I’m in charge of the interior.”
“He’s the one with the neon green hair, right?” You recalled as the different faces came to mind. 
It dawned on you that all of Yunho’s friends were strikingly handsome, but Yeosang was by far the prettiest. With a face of both sharp and soft features he was sculpted better than any ancient Greek statue, and possessed a jaw sharp enough to cut through skin. His eyes were large and dark but with a gentle shape to them, just like his heart shaped lips. A raspberry smudge bloomed by the side of his upper cheek, another pretty and heart shaped detail to his already unique face. His hair was long enough to be tucked behind his ear with some neon green strands falling in his line of sight. This man could very well fit in the Louvre and no one would bat an eye.
The afternoon continued pleasantly as dinner was made. Yunho, who had barely any cooking knowledge, relied on you who relied on an online recipe. Saving you the trouble of accidentally burning down the kitchen, Yunho decided to cut up vegetables and prepare the table while you were responsible for the chicken and ramen that turned out great considering neither having prior-experience of making a real meal. The success was celebrated with a brand new flask of wine that Yunho apparently saved for special occasions, completely dismissing your protests.
“So what does the Yunho do for a living?” 
The question wasn’t foreign to him as everyone back in Gwangju asked it – some out of spite and others with genuine curiosity – yet anxiety seeped under his skin, raising the hair along his arms as his doe eyes widened. Noticing the lack of mischief behind your choice of words, he willed himself to relax and masked the surprised expression with a smirk.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Considering we barely know anything ‘bout each other…yes.”
Despite having alcohol in your system you noted the hesitation flash across his features, shoulders sagging and fingers slightly clenching around the utensils. It hit you that everything besides his governmental name – and the fact that he lived with a roommate who was working late – was undisclosed. For a moment you entertained the idea of Yunho going under a false name or that you could possibly be on a date with a geondal. Why else would he invite you to his home and not somewhere public? You made a mental note to share your location in the group chat just to be on the safer side. The motion of his hand going to scratch the back of his neck plunged you out of your wild fantasies.
“Okay, but it might come as a shock…or not, we’ll see.”
That did not help his geondal-agenda and Yunho took notice of your sudden silence, quickly waving his hand in a no-motion.
“It’s nothing bad I promise. It’s just…not a normal nine to five job and it’s, well, not many are supportive of it and it doesn’t…pay much.”
The piece of chicken in your mouth wasn’t as satisfying anymore. Thinking it probably couldn’t hurt to know considering he was so willing to share it, you slowly nodded. Instead of giving an immediate answer, Yunho inhaled deeply and ran his hand through his black locks.
“I’m the lead guitarist of Blue Bird with three other guys…and Yeosang’s our manager.” Yunho scratched the back of his head, “I’m sorry for not saying anything earlier but I figured you didn’t know and I wanted to keep it that way so you wouldn’t build an image of me based on what other people say. Now that I’m saying it outloud I realize how dumb that was and quite selfish of me and I’m sorry if that offends you?”
“Oh, oh!  Not that all! It explains a lot actually, I mean I thought you were just dressing as a rockstar but now that I know you’re one, let’s just say it makes sense.”
The sincerity brought him ease and eyes turned soft again. Yunho never blushed but his ears always gave him away, currently glowing red like the organic tomatoes in the cornershop and lips pulled in a gentle smile. The whole exchange was going smoother than anticipated and he only hoped it wouldn’t ruin the friendship you built up so far.
“Plus, it’s not that far from what I had in mind,” you continued.
“And dare I ask what you would guess then?”
“Fine, but you can’t laugh at me for it, promise?” 
Reaching over the table you held out your pinky finger, waiting for him to latch onto it with his own.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, darling.”
Ignoring the swarm of butterflies fluttering in your stomach, you took a sip of the red wine and cleared your throat.
“A body artist.”
Almost choking on his ramen, Yunho coughed and recovered before you could think much of it.
“I think you’ve got the wrong impression. I’m not anywhere near suitable for that job, like I hate the feel of shit piercing skin and I can’t draw for the life of me.”
“Well, I blame the rings and clothes. And besides, what is it really that determines how good of an artist you are? I mean art is a personal thing, just like music, right? Obviously not everyone’s going to like everything you do but it doesn’t mean it’s badly done. So I don’t think it’s a question of how good you are, rather a question of personal taste.”
Speechless. You had rendered him speechless. A few years ago, when Yunho revealed he wouldn’t be applying for college and would try the one in a million chance of becoming a superstar, everyone was against it, claiming that the career wouldn’t last long and he’d eventually return back to Gwangju empty handed (not to mention the claims he was being possessed by Satan). The only one giving him enough support to cover for his absent family was Yeosang, who followed Yunho to Seoul, and now you, practically a stranger he hadn’t even known for more than a few weeks.
As you looked up from your bowl, you were startled at his baffled expression and immediately put down your utensils. 
“Did I say something wrong?”
His heart beat loud in his chest and palms grew sweaty under your curious gaze. Mouth parted as he struggled to answer the question and finally settled on an awkward chuckle. 
“No, it just…caught me off guard,” he assured and quickly averted the spotlight on you. “Enough of me, I want to know more about you. Tell me, what do you do then, is it something more exciting than dancing in a room all day?”
“I don’t know about that, but it’s nothing cool like yours–”
“And I wouldn’t think anything less of you either way.”
Smiling like a thousand suns you said, “I’m a preschool teacher.”
Of course, Yunho thought, even your line of work had to be cute. It was only right for a kind soul like yours to be at a place surrounded by everything innocent and pure. Although Yunho liked performing and singing in front of others, staying awake until the early hours of the morning, perfecting different riffs and learning new pitches of singing, he didn’t like how it added to the growing distance between you. 
“Would you look at that, I think you’re even sweeter now.”
You took a bite of the food as you let the revelation sink in. The compliment getting to your head and warming your cheeks. You had been called every sweet adjective under the sun. Cute, endearing, angelic, the words were a repetitive mantra in your life but hearing them from Yunho made you feel like a high schooler buzzing to jump in bed and just write down the whole conversation – dotting your ‘i’s with hearts and stars – to read back in a couple of years and remember the affection bestowed on you.
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Waking up to the motion of his phone buzzing violently beside his head, Yunho groaned and pressed the off button without checking the caller ID. He mentally cursed Mingi for being an early bird and not knowing how to respect others' boundaries. The sun creeped through the blinds in his room, reflecting in the body length mirror and hitting him right in the eyes. Yunho covered his head with one of the many pillows surrounding him. A few seconds later his phone went off again and he gave up on catching some extra z’s. Sitting up, hair messy and face puffy, he rubbed the sleep from the corners of his eyes and squinted at the bright screen of his phone. The numbers showed 10:03 AM and below was your name followed by a picture of you staring at a sunflower stopping a few inches above your head. Entranced by the image he took of you a few days ago, when he was free from schedule, he startled as his home screen appeared with a message popping up seconds after.
You [10:06 AM] Does coffee sound like a good excuse to spend time together? :P
If there was one thing Yunho cherished more than his bed then it would be coffee. Black coffee that tasted bitter but warmed him up like a cup of hot chocolate. It dawned on him that he only got around four hours of sleep and he needed at least six to function like a guy who gets the recommended amount, but saying no to you was worse than making a kid cry by simply offering a smile.
Yunho [10:08 AM] Do you even need to ask? I’ll pick you up in ten 
Yunho [10:08 AM] Btw you don’t need an excuse to see me ;)
He threw on random clothes scattered around the room, a white shirt and black pants – but not before giving them a few excessively sniffs – and his obligatory leather jacket, the one with fuzz on the inside. Falling asleep with wet hair came to bite him in the rear as the strands wouldn’t cooperate now, refusing to lay down tidely. Lucky for Yunho, nine out of ten times he could just cover it with his helmet. Catching one last look in the mirror he sighed at the dark circles under his eyes. He quickly ventured into his bathroom and dragged the red-ish eyeliner pencil close to his lash line. It looked messy and nowhere near neat as when Seonghwa did it for him but it was alright. If you didn’t sneer at a sweaty Yunho with black liner smeared everywhere then you probably wouldn’t now either.
The sound of his motorcycle echoed through the block and he ignored the dirty looks passed from the elderly women sitting outside. As promised, Yunho was in front of your apartment with a few seconds to spare. He killed the engine and edged the kickstand into position with his left foot. While waiting on you, he unclasped the spare helmet from the chassis of the bike and made sure it was clean. Hongjoong, the leader and bassist of Blue Bird, had yet to get his driver’s license and would catch lift from the other guys which left everyone with a really small helmet in their possession. Yunho just hoped it would fit you.
The sound of someone clearing their voice caught his attention and as Yunho turned the breathe was knocked out of his lungs. He liked to think he was getting immune to the effect your skirts had on him, but no one warned him for the white lacy tank tops especially not when the material was hidden beneath your blue cardigan. Trying to play it off, he thrusted the helmet in your hands.
“I didn’t know you had a motorcycle,” you started and checked it out. 
Whatever brand it was, it looked cool. You especially liked how it played into Yunho’s rock star style and matched his hair; entirely black with red design stripes going from front to back.
“Are you okay with riding?”
The dirty thoughts were pushed to the far back of his mind as he reminded himself of who he was talking to. You weren’t just a random chick he picked up after one of his shows; figuratively. 
You hummed and stepped closer, your hand hovering over the seat. “I think so. As long as I don’t fall off.”
“As if I’d ever let that happen. Here, lemme help you with the helmet.” 
“It’s fine, Yuyu, you’ve proven yourself a gentleman multiple times and I think I can do this.”
Hearing nothing beyond the unexpected nickname, his brain crashed like a hard disk from overheating. Thoughts a jumbled mess where the only thing making sense was the new abbreviation of his name. Yunho gripped the helmet as if it were a lifeline keeping him from straying away with the tidal wave. The gentle touch of your palm against his brought him back to reality.
“Are you okay?” 
Chuckling like he always did when you caught him being weird, he shook his head and gently pushed the helmet over your own.
“Just a bit tired–” the worried scrunch of your brows stopped him mid sentence “–it’s nothing to worry about I promise. I’ll be back to normal after we get some caffeine pumping in my veins.”
“Were you sleeping? Oh, no, I woke you up, didn’t I? Yunho, I told you to tell me off when practices were running late!”
“And you know I’d never bring myself to do that, I like spending time with you.”
“And I’d rather not have you running on coffee and zero sleep! I could’ve just made myself a cup at home.”
“But then we wouldn’t be here enjoying each other’s company. Now, is this alright? Try shaking your head a bit and see if it's not too tight or too loose.”
You did as told and the headgear barely budged which earned you a thumbs up from Yunho. He then flicked the visor down and you let out a ‘hey’ in protest. Sucking on the inside of your cheek, you gingerly studied him. While he looked sleep deprived he didn’t act the part, and you didn’t know if he did it to keep you from worrying or if he was genuinely alright.
“It’s alright. Not too tight or loose, but listen! The coffee’s on me,” you declared and before he could protest you quickly filled the short silence, “or I’m never going with you anywhere again. I’m serious, Yunho.”
“...Only if you call me that again.”
“Call you what? Yunho?”
“No. The other thing, y’know…”
A smile broke out on your face when you realized what he was implying.
The rockstar whipped his head so fast you thought he’d snap it off his neck.
“Oh, you are mean.”
“No, I just did what you asked me to!”
The inbuilt bluetooth did a great job transmitting your sugary laughter and God was he proud of himself for thinking ahead. He could never get enough of it and it was like music to his ears and it warmed him better than the sun of a summer’s day.
“Put this on.” He handed you his leather jacket.
“What about you?” 
“Don’t worry ‘bout me, I’m a big boy.”
Yunho helped you mount the motorcycle, giving you tips on how to swing your feet and where to hold so the whole thing wouldn’t fall over. Not that it was possible as his legs were glued to the pavement. 
“And your hands go here.” He grabbed your wrists and placed them around his stomach so your front was flushed to his back. “Don’t be afraid to hold on.” 
The contact had your face burning and you wondered if he was anywhere near as flustered. You wondered if he was always this touchy or was it some exclusive treatment. 
The local coffee shop you frequently visited or stopped by before your shift at the preschool wasn’t packed, which came as a surprise considering it was almost lunch hour but nothing you complained about.
“Okay, what are you getting?” You asked and gazed up at the oversized menu on the wall behind the workers. 
Maybe you’d get a strawberry macchiato or a caramel one, you couldn’t decide– oh, the matcha tea didn’t sound too bad either. Yunho hummed in fake wonder with his eyes trained on an oblivious you. He didn’t need to read the menu to know what he was getting.
“I think I’ll take a caramel macchiato, I mean I had the strawberry one last time so it’s only fair I try something else now,” you argued mostly to yourself and like your coffee choice, Yunho found the rambling to be cute.
“That makes sense but I don’t think there are rules for what you can drink and when you can drink it, sweetpea.”
Toes touching the wall and hands holding the counter for support, you tilted your head backwards and looked Yunho right in the eyes. The top of your head barely grazed his chest and he restrained himself from gently grabbing your hips. You were slightly taken back at the pet name that rolled off his tongue. You expected a lot but not that.
“Sweetpea? That’s a new one.” 
“I figured you’ve heard most of them so I wanted to try something new.”
Trying to keep your eagerness on the low you stifled a giggle. 
“Ahhhh, you wanted to stand out, is that it?” 
“I didn’t know it was a crime to speak my truth, I guess I’ll just have to call you something cheesy like petal or sweet cheeks.”
“If it makes you feel better, no one's called me either of those things, Yuyu. So you’re doing a good job at both standing out and being cheesy.”
The tips of his ears burned and Yunho internally groaned as all his thousand good comebacks flew out the window, and right when he thought he was going to embarrass himself the barista – unintentionally – swooped in and saved the day. 
“Welcome to Star’s Coffee, are you ready to place your order?”
Jumping abruptly from Yunho, you politely smiled and nodded.
“Yu–yes. I’ll take a caramel macchiato”
“Will that be hot or iced?”
“Iced please, and then we’ll take a…” 
“An iced americano,” Yunho quickly filled in, “Black with no milk, thank you.”
As agreed you swiped your card and paid for the drinks even if it hurt Yunho’s pride. Deciding to sit at a table by the window, he quickly ran ahead of you and pulled out a chair and beamed brightly. It fit right in with the other chivalrous gestures Yunho spoiled you with and while you weren’t used to being pampered, you could totally get behind it. Before he could occupy the seat across from you, the barista’s voice stole the spotlight as she called out your orders and he was already walking in her direction.
“A caramel macchiato for m’lady and an iced americano for the fine gentleman keeping her company.” 
You looked up at Yunho and thanked him through a giggle as he handed you the beverage. An identical paper cup was cradled in his hand, fingers wrapping all the way around and nearly making it as if he was holding air. He occupied the seat across from you and as he got comfortable, you jokingly raised the drink and smiled as the cups bumped against each other. Taking your first sips together, you waited for the sweetness to hit your tongue and cringed at the strong metallic taste that followed instead. 
“Oh, God that’s sweet,” Yunho exclaimed as the heavily sugared coffee exploded in his mouth. 
“And this is horrible! How can you, ugh– How can you even drink this? It’s strong and bitter and give me back my coffee!” 
“Coffee?! That’s like unicorn piss mixed with water and sugar, how can you drink that is my question.”
“At least it doesn’t taste like something straight out of my grandma’s garden,” you bit back and tried washing out the dirt-ish flavor with extra big sips of your so-called unicorn piss coffee. 
Spoiler: it didn’t help.
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“I don’t get it,” Mingi voiced from beside Yunho, fingers quickly fiddling with the joysticks on his Xbox controller.
The drummer looked nothing like on their nights out. Face bare from makeup and his usually gelled hair was combed and took on the resemblance of a cloud. Instead of skin tight clothes he had a worn out Fall Out Boy shirt he bought a few years back and paired it off with some loose fitted pajama bottoms. His neck and fingers were bare from kilos of jewelry, it was just his colored nails and chest tattoo that were still there. Yunho took ‘bare’ to another level as he walked around in his underwear and just a pair of Spiderman socks.
The boys sat on the sofa which was barely big enough to fit both of them, knees touching and eyes glued to the TV-screen. The gaming session had been running for at least an hour or two and the street outside Yunho’s apartment was slowly being emptied of cars and people.  Yunho would soon have to start getting ready for the dinner he invited you out to. Reservations were made at a little pricier restaurant for people with enough money to be deemed important or idols and celebrities who wanted some privacy from the prying eyes of locals and camera lenses. Yunho obviously didn’t have the money for it but with a few pulled strings and a call to his friend in the fashion industry, he made it work. 
“What don’t you get?” 
The question came a few seconds later and it wasn’t anything Mingi paid attention to as they were both occupied with protecting their base from demons and gargoyles. 
“Why you don’t just ask her out. You’ve been hounding her for like, what? Four months now?”
“I haven’t been hounding after her,” Yunho argued, the corner of his mouth tugging upwards in a sneer.
Pausing the game Mingi turned to his childhood best friend and the guy had the audacity to stare back at him with an equally deadpanned look.
“What? I haven’t.” 
“Don’t what me, Yunho. Is this thing serious or are you just having fun because from what I understand she’s not a one and done type of girl, is she?” 
Almost as if defeated, the lead guitarist slumped back against the couch and sighed. Mingi was right, you weren’t just a girl he picked up from a nightclub hoping for a quickie that would leave him waking up to an absent space the morning after. You were a girl who liked to take things slow. Three dates and maybe on the fourth one you’d reward him with a peck on the cheek. If he was lucky you’d hold his hand as you walk side by side, slowly unraveling each other’s preferences. Early bird or night owl, cats or dogs, sunrise or sunset, the list was endless and he’d know more about you than his own best friend by the end of the day. 
Gigs, parties and one night stands were fun. It was a fast life that made him feel alive, like he had a purpose being on stage besides signing autographs for random people or finding a minimum wage job. Then he met you, the girl with the pretty bows in her hair and an unhealthy addiction to strawberry flavored pocky rather than his cancer sticks, and realized you brought him that joy too. Through the jokes you could barely get out between your giggles or your affectionate yet worrisome words reminding him to drink two glasses of water for every cup of coffee he poured. And it was always a pleasant surprise waking up with you knocking on his door, a freshly baked batch of brownies in hand as you bid him a good morning despite it being three in the afternoon. It was the small things Yunho liked, but also despised, because if you were everything good – the white marble in his sack of charcoal – what was he?
“I don’t know,” Yunho finally answered.
“Don’t know if it’s serious or…?”
“I don’t know what I want. If I want a serious relationship or just someone to pass time with, and I know how that sounds; it’s fucking awful, and she doesn’t deserve that nor would she be up for it either. She dates to marry, and well, let’s be honest here I’m not the guy she wants to spend the rest of her life with anyway.”
Yunho pressed ‘resume’, seemingly putting a stop to the conversation he wasn’t currently in the mood for. A conversation he purposely avoided every single time Mingi questioned his lack of action with the exact words of ‘put a ring on her finger, man'. And it was funny the first three times then it just became a walking reminder of why Yunho precisely didn’t do it. Having had enough of his friend's stupid antics, Mingi stood up and parked himself in front of the TV. Hands on his hips and bottom lip jutted out.
“That’s bullshit, Yun. I get being indecisive. Your last serious relationship was ages ago and it’s weird going from being single to taken in one night, but the thing about not being the one for her? Don’t be fucking stupid.”
Growing agitated himself, Yunho paused the game again and tossed the controller onto the sofa as he looked up at Mingi with tired eyes.
“Yeah, what good can I bring her? Tell me, Mingi. I’m nothing. My sleeping schedule is fucked and I work more than twelve hours a day for a minimum pay. If it weren’t for Yeosang’s parents I’d practically be living on the street. I eat take out for breakfast, lunch and dinner and have no college degree and probably won’t be getting one anytime soon. She’s educated, has a respectable job and lives a healthy life that won’t coax her into bad habits. She shouldn’t be associated with someone like me. It isn’t ideal for her to be with me, it’s not safe.”
“Oh my God, would you shut the fuck up?”
Yunho startled at the sudden raise in tone, not expecting Mingi to get so worked up over nothing. 
“What does that even mean; too good for you? Yunho, dude, you’re the most selfless guy I know. You’re a kind, funny and quick witted gentleman who cares about those around you and always tries to make everyone smile, even if you’re going through shit yourself. So if you aren’t worthy of her then I should just stop looking for a partner all together! We are going to be rock stars, yeah, people look at us like we’re out of our mind or worship Satan, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t deserving of living like a human. And don’t even start with the homeless shit. I’d never let that happen…”
The little speech slapped Yunho across the face and only Mingi’s heaves of air resonated through the apartment. The two rarely got into arguments and while this conversation wouldn’t be jutted down as one, it still left Yunho at unease. Usually being the one to reprimand his friends, he didn’t know how to act while on the receiving end. Especially not when it was Mingi – the softie who took hours to eat a slice of bread and liked being called a princess – beating sense into him. 
“It’s true she’s good for you, Yunho, and I doubt she’d stay around if you weren’t good for her either. She’s kind, not gullible.”
On the other side of town you sat before your vanity mirror and carefully applied make up. Yuqi sat on your bed, fingers hastily scrolling through social media apps and updating you about the recent gossip at her workplace.
“I can’t believe you’re not telling me anything about this mysterious man!” Yuqi exclaimed from your bed, legs in a pretzel position and fingers frozen mid air as she stared at the picture you airdropped her. “And the fact that I only now find out you’ve been seeing someone, that hurts you know!”
It wasn’t intentional. You knew if you told them a super cute and handsome man asked for your number, they’d rush right up to the counter and harass any guy who fit your description which, admittedly, only a few did. After the long night out you were all tipsy and too focused on getting everyone safely home that the handsome stranger was pushed to the back of your mind and forgotten until the next day when you woke up to a message from an unknown number. 
Everyone was so caught up in their lives that you hadn’t thought of telling them about Yunho, then the whole rock star-identity was revealed and you certainly couldn’t tell them about him after that – already knowing what they thought about guys like that – not even your best friend who with just one glance knew something was different. Not necessarily bad, but just different. The outline of two massive hearts reflected in your eyes and you wore a smile so wide she thought you won the lottery, she didn’t stop to think the reason behind your gleeful expression could be because of a man. Not that you were an untouched woman, you had done a few things here and there, but because you were selective with your partners. So to hear you gave away your number and meet up with Yunho on multiple occasions piqued her interest.
“I told you it wasn’t on purpose! We were just both busy with work,” you pouted and applied mascara to your eyes.
“I know babes I’m just messing with you.”
Yuqi slumped back on your bed and tapped open your Instagram following list, quickly trying to find the guy you had been ‘unintentionally hiding’ from her.
“Are you like a thing now?”
“No or at least I don’t think so.”
Abandoning her search at your words, Yuqi put her phone down and stared at you through the mirror.
“What do you mean? Either you’re or you aren’t.”
“Well we haven’t really talked about that sort of stuff. When we go out we just let the conversation flow and I mean, it’s not like he’s explicitly asked me out on a date-date. And neither have I, for the record. We just go out for lunch or dinner, sometimes coffee, like we do with the girls.”
There was also the fact that he was going to be a rock-star who didn’t even have time to wipe his ass, let alone be in a relationship.
“Yeah, but I don’t invite you to my house and cook you an expensive dinner with expensive ass wine.”
“No, you’d rather tell me how you’d take me then and there if you weren’t painfully straight.”
She waved her hand in dismissal and pushed up to sit on her knees. “Guys don’t just do all those things if they aren’t interested, babes. You know that, you’ve dated a hundred guys before.”
“Yeah, but this is Yunho and not one of my previous dates. Maybe he just wants to be friends, like permanently.”
“You are insufferable. The guy likes you! I mean, you’ve already gone on a hundred mini-dates so this doesn’t come as that big of a surprise but why the hell would he ask you to dinner – only giving you the instructions to dress accordingly – on a Friday night if he absolutely wasn’t smitten with you?”
You sighed and closed the eyeshadow palette. In the softest voice possible you whispered out, “To get in my pants…” 
“Oh, sweetie.” 
Yuqi was up in seconds, throwing her arms gently around you and caressing the flesh of your biceps. 
“Guys are douchebags and I can’t say for sure but what you’ve told me about Yunho, he doesn’t sound like the type to do that.”
“I know but then I start thinking about the what’s and the if’s and it all leads back to that one thing. It would be easier if he just said what he was thinking and feeling out loud.”
“Considering you guys haven’t talked about more serious things, you don’t know each other on that level. You don’t know what’s going through his head, if he’s been wronged before or is scared of commitment, bubs. Maybe he’s scared you don’t feel the same and is trying to play it safe, waiting for a sign that indicates you want more.”
Or maybe he was scared of what his bandmates would say, what their little group of fans would say. Maybe he wasn’t interested in girls like you at all, mayne he was drawn to the…flashier ones who were there for a good time and not a long one. A small sliver of you hung on the hope that it didn’t have to mean anything. That not all rock stars were up for that dirty and fast life.
“I baked him my specialty,” you pointed out, that alone was enough to tell him how you felt without vocalizing it.
“And I’m sure the brownies were delicious, bubs, but he doesn’t know they are reserved for special people, now does he?”
You shook your head and the frown that followed really didn’t suit your dolled up face. There was no time to sulk as Yunho would be arriving in roughly half an hour, but the thought of your intimate gesture flying over his head as friendliness set a bitter taste on your tongue. The thing you could think of to be more obvious was to decorate the dessert with swirls of chocolate reading out ‘I like you’ and while it would be a cute way to confess, you weren’t that confident.
“Enough sulking,” Yuqi suddenly declared and pulled you up by your wrists. “What are we wearing, huh? Are we going for something bold, something that will give poor Yunho a hard time keeping his thoughts in check or are we leaning for a more cutesy approach?”
By the way your lips curved up in a smirk, Yuqi knew exactly what you were going for.
The nerves danced across Yunho’s skin as he aligned the bike with the curb outside your apartment. He stole a quick glance up at your window and sighed. This would be the closest thing to a date and he wanted to impress you, so in good ol’ Yunho fashion he planned ahead. First he’d treat you to a tasty meal at one of the best restaurants in the city, dessert was a given so that would be the next stop and if the night didn’t turn too cold maybe he’d decide on a quick stroll across the Dongho Bridge, but not until he knew what the weather would be like, it was still late February. Otherwise a quick ride through town wasn’t a bad idea either but it left no space for the little things like hand holding, unless he wanted to jeopardize your safety.
Yunho sent you a short message, notifying his arrival and leaned against his motorcycle. There was a slight breeze in the air and the weather wasn’t too hot indicating the approaching end of winter, and Yunho wondered whether to scratch the promenade from his plans. Too caught up in his own mind he missed the apartment door swinging open as you sashayed out, head held high and purse in hand.
The click-clack of your boots snapped Yunho out of his daze and eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets at your appearance. The cutesy pastel colored clothes, bows and lace were replaced with something out of your usual wardrobe; a short black dress that clung to your body like a second skin. The hem made it to mid thigh and Yunho just knew it’d ride up even shorter when you’d sit down. The dress was backless and left your shoulders exposed while the front accentuated your chest. You looked hot and you’d be even hotter with his leather jacket on. Your designated heart necklace was still in place and you paired it off with small golden hoops. A pair of leather boots reached up to your knees, revealing a snippet of glowy skin (thanks to your body lotion).
“You look good,” you said and smiled, lips painted a deep red and Yunho imagined the trail of kisses it would leave on his neck.
Clearing his throat, he cast a look at his own attire and chuckled. He too was wearing something out of his usual closet. Instead of ripped jeans and a fishnet shirt, he borrowed one of Mingi’s old high school suits that still miraculously fit. He looked sharp and important, something Yunho wasn’t all that used to, but it balanced it out with his scarlet helmet and motorcycle.
“Well, I couldn’t let you take all of the spotlight, now could I?” 
Dressed as a couple even the universe rooted for you to snap the translucents restraints of fear.
“Before I forget.” He snatched the single rose tucked neatly between the windshield and handlebars of the bike. “You are absolutely beautiful.”
Day met night as you reached for the flower, fingers brushing against Yunho’s. You smelled the red petals like the main girls do in movies but with a real smile that their fabricated ones would never reach. When Lord Byron claimed chivalry was dead he didn’t take count for men like Jeong Yunho. Men who bought their dates their favorite flowers after mentioning it one time in passing, men who gave up their jackets when a light breeze swiveled through town or men who never let their eyes wander from one diamond to another. While the acts were nothing of a grand gesture they still sent squeezes of affection straight to your heart. Taking it as a sign of the stars aligning and sending a normal guy your way for the first time in what seemed to be forever, you allowed yourself to relax and follow the stream.
“Right when I thought you slipped up.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart.”
Like always Yunho helped you with the helmet and to get on the bike, and heat pooled beneath the skin of your cheeks as you huddled closer to him. Your legs were glued together and slung over one side of the motorcycle, and Yunho promised he’d drive slow so you wouldn’t fall off – as if that was ever going to happen – with the order that you hold on tight. The thrownless flower was in your hold as you reached around him. He patted your hand twice, the mute signal that he was starting the engine. Throughout the whole fifteen minute drive, Yunho refused to disclose the name of the restaurant, arguing it would ruin the suspense and feigned hurt when you said he hadn’t even planned anything. You couldn’t have been more wrong.
With your arm looped through Yunho’s, you approached a tall building that reminded you of a hotel and just the exterior had you gasping, fingers pressed to your lips. The outside was sculpted with details from ancient Greek architecture. Marble columns pushed out from the black walls as pediments marked the beginning of the second floor. The rest of the building changed hues from black marble to beautiful cream colored bricks full of golden rimmed windows and black balcony railings with swirls and fleur-de-lis. You walked the little path leading up to the double doors and suddenly the pavement underneath turned soft and drowned out the click-clack of your heels. The carpet underneath was a rich red and you were curious how they kept it nice and clean from rain and other mud. By the entrance stood an elderly man dressed in a neat costume, his white gloved hand already pushing down the golden doorknob at the sight of guests and greeted you with kind eyes. 
Your whisper of Yunho’s name tugged at the corners of his lips and he wanted to tell you that there was more, keeping his excitement at bay he reached and patted the hand clutching his elbow. Allowing Yunho to guide you, he stopped at what seemed to be a reception where a young lady with a bright smile and red lips waited.
“Welcome to the Red Ruby.”
Completely lost in the details of the place, you didn’t bother tuning in on the brief exchange. The inside was even prettier, you came to realize. It was a small space not much bigger than your living room but probably held more worth than your whole apartment. A big chandelier hung in the center of the room that reflected against the black and white tiled floor. The left side sported a big entryway that led to a big dining area. Its primary colors ranged from red hues to matte gold. Further inside you made out a few tables draped over with long tablecloths and exquisite centerpieces bigger than your head. The chairs were big and soft to the eyes, made out of the finest velvet material you ever borne witness to.
“Thank you. We have a reservation under the name Jung Wooyoung.”
If you weren’t so mesmerized by the place, you’d give him a weird look and ask about this so-called Jung Wooyoung.
The lady scrolled through her tablet and smiled as she came to a halt. “Of course. The elevator will take you to the upper floor and my colleague will further assist you. Have a wonderful evening.”
“Thank you,” Yunho replied once again and gave you a soft tug, finally catching your attention. 
“Are we not sitting there?” You nodded towards the majority of people who were happily dining and conversing in the red room.
“Not quite. Only specific people are allowed in the Red Ruby, besides those seats don’t require a reservation and it’s a lot more open than where we’re sitting.”
Specific people meaning celebrities, actors, important people. Not locals like yourself. The ding of the elevator cut the conversation short as the doors parted and for the second time in ten minutes, you gasped. Flashing lights of the outside world stared back at you through the windows stretching from the floor to the high ceilings. Blue and purple hues of the night sky blended with the fading orange color. As the sun was slowly setting, the moon made its appearance with smaller stars dashed across the dark blue canvas, shining brighter than any streetlight and airplane. The view resembled a watercolor painting and its beauty couldn’t even be captured with the most developed camera.
As promised, another worker – a man not older than yourself – waited by the doors wearing a maroon red suit that was adjusted to his precise measures, a towel thrown over his forearm and hair slicked back with gel.
“Reservation for Mr. Jung?” He asked and Yunho nodded. “Right this way. My name is Sieun and I’ll be taking care of you tonight.”
The second floor – what you soon came to realize was actually the twentieth – was a stark contrast from the dining area downstairs. The whole outerwall consisted of just windows with an overview of the heart of South Korea and the interior took on more of a modern design with black and white colored seats, marble tables and crystal chandeliers that did little to lighten the room. The floor was pipsqueak clean and you could even see your own reflection in the black tiles. Instead of flower bushes, literal trees popped out every now and then and you couldn’t figure out if they were real or manufactured. Mouth open and eyes wide you were at a loss for words as the waiter led you to a table further away from the other guests. Two menus bigger than your head laid neatly on the surface and the waiter left with a promise of someone coming back to take your orders. 
“This is beautiful,” you exhaled, eyes glued to the lively city below. 
“Right?” Yunho smiled, chest exploding with warmth and pride. 
While you were occupied with watching the ant-like people and shimmering stars, Yunho stared at you as if the view outside wasn’t anything special. And it wasn’t, not with you sitting there looking breathtakingly beautiful. 
“Personally, I prefer their food over any other restaurant. Their yakisoba is the closest thing I’ve tasted to what they have in Japan.”
“I have no doubt, their water probably tastes like heaven, too. I mean did you see that crystal fountain, in the middle of the room?”
Yunho chuckled at your words and it tore your eyes from the windows. “I can assure you their water is just normal tap water.”
As you opened your mouth, Sieun came back and the ten minutes of thinking were up.
“Are you ready to place your orders?”
“Yes, please.” Yunho closed his menu despite not taking a look inside. “We’ll take a full course dinner with your evening's specials, that way we can try a little bit of everything.”
“Of course, sir and in the meantime would you like anything to drink? If I may propose one of our finest wines, perhaps?”
Eyes on you, Yunho quirked a brow letting you decide. Picking up on the memo, you cleared your throat and agreed to the proposition. Sieun nodded and bowed politely before venturing back to the culinary side of the restaurant. 
“This will cost you a fortune,” you sighed and fiddled with your fingers. “And I don’t know what you thought but by the looks of the interior, the food’s probably a month’s worth of salary, my salary.”
Yunho laughed at that. As if he’d ever let you near the bill, let alone split it.
“Don’t think about that, let's just enjoy it and I’ll deal with the rest.”
“Yunho,” you began, leaning forward and mustering up your biggest puppy eyes that he was quick to shut down.
“I know you’re worrying, but seriously don’t. It’s a favor I’ve asked of my friend so it won’t make a dent in my wallet. Besides I wanted to do this for you, okay. Something nice.”
“But why?”
The overwhelming feeling to reach over the table and place his palm over yours was stronger than anything pull he felt before, but he kept it glued to its current position and flashed a smile that made his cheeks pop and eyes crinkle.
“Because it’s what you deserve.” 
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Preparations for upcoming gigs and events were truly draining him. Practices started early in the morning, hours before the sun peeked over the horizon, and ended after the moon was high up in the sky. It left barely any time for the Blue Bird members to indulge in their own interests. Yunho wanted to spend as much time with you as but it was quite difficult as your schedules didn’t align, mainly because of his impractical working hours. Instead of going out for lunch or dining in grandiose places you couldn’t afford without giving up a kidney on the blackmarket, you opted for quick coffee breaks and late night drives to vacant places; the beach, some random hill with a great view of the city, a kids’ playground.
The clock was well past midnight and your eyes were surprisingly wide open, brain awake and ready to run laps around your apartment. How you’d survive the morning shift was beyond you, but with the faith that it wasn’t anything an extra spoon of sugar couldn’t fix, aimlessly continued counting each bump on your popcorn ceiling, willing the time to move faster for something – someone – to happen. Days off were spent alone in your apartment reading books to rid of your boredom but every once in a while you found yourself yearning for even the tiniest interactions with a certain puppy eyed man who also happened to be a future rock-star carrying a calendar with all three-hundred and sixty-five boxes marked. Maybe that’s why you didn’t hesitate at his sudden offer of going for a late night walk to buy slushies; his treat as the message read.
“I’m surprised you were still awake.” Was the first thing Yunho said as you ventured out of the apartment complex. 
You pushed the black beanie further down on your head and by the creases around your eyes Yunho knew you were smiling hard beneath your white scarf. A breeze blew through the neighborhood and that white hoodie of yours looked to do little against the chilly night. Yunho pondered if he should wrap you up in his leather jacket or clasp your hand in his – if daring enough, maybe even braid your fingers together – and hide them in the pocket of the black material. 
“What? I don’t always sleep early…” 
The sprinkle of sulk to your words squeezed his heart affectionately and he imagined a little pout to your look, head free from his previously temping thoughts.
“No, but you never stay awake to see the clock change from PM to AM.”
Yunho moved away as your arm swung in his direction. Chuckles bubbling out of him as he jogged ahead of your punches, they barely did any damage anyway but it was endearing to see you run after him.
“I’m kidding, kinda.” 
“Where are we going anyway…Won’t your friends worry?”
“Not really, I mean even if they did it’s not like we’re doing anything illegal. We’re just getting some slushies.”
Your face scrunched together like you bit into something sour and lips set in a thin line. While you enjoyed Yunho’s company more than you wanted to admit for your own mental health, you also despised it. There was something so gut wrenching about not being able to hold his hand as you walked down the streets of Seoul or adjust his unruly strands of hair after a stronger gust of air messed it up. The worst thing about it all was that his future image was the last thing holding you back, it was the fact you weren’t anything but friends.
“So, what have you been up to today? How was work?”
“It was alright, a bit annoying with the pollen season having everyone act up and sneeze every five minutes but it’s nothing I’m not used to and the kids are cute so it evens it out. What about you, I thought practice wouldn’t be running later than eight?”
It wasn’t supposed to but in the last quarter someone suggested a change in the performance with an added solo, and the three hours of practice were done in vain as they had to re-learn the most important part. Yunho loved his members, his brothers, but they sure could get on his nerves at the most unexpected time. Safe to say the sudden change in Yunho’s demeanor had everyone on edge – despite him not trying to show it – and they were diligent in their learning. It still didn’t stop Hongjoong from having a talk, or a check-in as the leader liked to call it, with Yunho. After some brief but believable words of assurement he was off the hook like nothing. Yunho was lucky he roomed with Yeosang, their manager, and not with Hongjoong. The lead guitarist would never leave the apartment without the elder breathing down his neck. Yeosang was more laid back like that, keeping to himself but still indulging in Yunho’s interests every once in a while and simultaneously taking care of him in his manager role.
“Yeah, no, we had to change up the performance so we were running later than expected…It’s crazy that after all these years it still surprises me that practice doesn’t end on time.”
“I think that’s just wishful thinking, everyone has it Yuyu.”
“What’s your wishful thinking then, sunshine?”
“Well wouldn’t you like to know?”
A laugh skipped through the chilly march night. The smug words he once threw at you long before you knew who he was coming to bite him in the rear; cutie-pie style. Eventually the all too familiar corner store – in which you spent way too many mornings contemplating between choco-chips and strawberry pocky – came to view and the conversation dissolved. The young boy behind the counter paid you no mind, sleep evidently tugging at his eyelids as he barely kept upright in his chair. Working in tandem you separated like the branches of a tree, one pouring up the slushies and the other filling a basket with snacks. 
Despite how much Yunho disliked seeing you reach for your wallet, he couldn’t do anything about it – as you argued it to be unfair if he paid for it all – and settled with a mental note lingering in the back of his mind to pay you back. Plastic bag in hand and card tucked back in your wallet, you slowly walked towards the exit.
“I’ll take a pack of red Marlboros, too.” 
Out of all the facts about Yunho this was the most surprising one, followed right by him being in a rockband and never having watched Twilight. You stepped out in the open with Yunho close behind, the outline of the pack in his pocket and a slushie in each hand, one brown – seemingly coca cola flavored – and the other a pretty mix of blue and red.
“Thank you,” you murmured as he took the bag from you in exchange for the drink. 
“Come on, let’s go somewhere away from the street.” 
Yunho’s hand hovered over your lower back as you turned into a random street with different local restaurants and stores, all closed at this late hour much to your pleasure. The further you went, the fewer shops there were and more houses instead. The neighborhood was on an uphill path leading to the top of the mountain and soon a set of stairs popped out of the sleek pavement making it easier to venture by foot. To break the silence settled over you, Yunho first slurped on his slushie.
“Everything alright?”
The question worked as a needle breaking the layer of a balloon, bringing you out of the bubble you were stuck in. 
“Hmmm, yeah I was just lost in my thoughts.”
“Are you tired? We can walk back home if you want.”
“No, no! I’m good, I promise.”
Yunho bobbed his head up and down, bag gently swinging from between his fingers and then put down on the ground beside his plastic cup.
“Okay, then at least take this.” Immediately you opened your mouth to say no, but Yunho wasn’t finished. “And I’m not taking a no for an answer.”
Your body was covered in a layer of warmth – the warmth of his jacket – and you gave him a small smile, a thank you for not letting you freeze to death even though that was impossible. 
“Don’t get sick on me now, Yuyu. If you feel just the smallest tingle of a cold you tell me right away, okay.” 
He pouted, “Why not? Won’t you come and take care of me then, hmmm? Some chicken soup to heal my tummy.”
The motion of his hand rubbing against his stomach had you giggling. The cheerful expression that made him fall pathetically in love with you was back and that was better than any jacket or hotpacket to keep him warm. 
You trudged up the last flight of stairs and in front was a bus stop big enough for two, maybe three people if you could squeeze in on the tiny bench. The road wasn’t connected to the path and continued in two directions, one going further up the hill and the other leading down and around the neighborhood to what you assumed was the city. The bus stop was placed right on the curve of the road with a great view of Seoul. It wasn’t anything like looking out the windows of the Red Ruby, this was less hectic. Mountains nearly blended with the dark sky and the distant lights of cars and billboards twinkled light stars, you were sure if you walked a little bit more out of the city the real stars would prevail. It was much quieter here too, no chatter of people or overproduced vehicles making whirring noises. 
You leaned your hand against the road barrier and smiled as the wind kissed your cheeks. Following your lead, Yunho did the same but with both hands and knees slightly bent as he put his whole weight against the metal fence. Turning your head to the left, you were once again taken back by his beauty. Features perfectly illuminated by the moonlight and jaw sharp as ever you couldn’t help but step back, snatch your phone up and tap open the camera icon. 
“What are you doing?” Yunho asked, amused as he caught sight of your abrupt movements.
“Don’t move! Look out again, it’s great Instagram material and although I’m no professional photographer I think they’ll still turn out amazing. Just fix your hair a bit.”
Heat spreading to his cheeks, Yunho bashfully smiled and did as told. Looking through the rectangular phone screen you moved around a little, stepping closer and inching a bit to the left before completely freezing up in place. The perfect shot was in view and with a few instructions aimed at the unofficial model, you snapped a handful of photos. In some where Yunho looked mysteriously out, others where his gaze was locked in on the circular camera alternating between a relaxed expression and cheek-popping smiles.
You pushed the device in his hands and waited patiently for his reaction. 
“Maybe I should buy you a camera,” he said more so to himself but it still drew a sharp gasp out of you.
“Don’t you dare!”
And all you got back was a teasing wink, telling you your words entered in one ear and out the other.
“Send these to me, would ya? It’s been a while since I posted something on Instagram.”
While you got busy airdropping him the pictures, Yunho frantically patted the front and back of his jeans, searching for something that was in the pocket of his coat.
Clearing his throat and gauging your reaction, he said, “Can you pass me the cigarettes?”
In all honesty, you forgot the packet was even in your possession. Digging around in the pockets – first the left and then the right – you passed him the packet along with a red lighter in silence mainly because there was nothing to be said.
“Does it…Will it– I mean…Ah.”
“You can go ahead and light one, it doesn’t disturb me if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Oh-okay. Wait, let me just.” In three quick strides he stepped around you. “Now the smoke won’t get in your face and clothes.”
You weren’t new to the smell or taste of tobacco. Having friends who smoked and even took a few puffs when offered, you quickly realized it wasn’t something to your liking. The taste was worse than any cup of black coffee and you’d opt for the caffeine filled drinks rather than those sticks. Despite that you couldn’t stop staring, almost as if mesmerized, as Yunho opened the sealed packet, tore out a cigarette with his teeth and lit it with a flick of the lighter. You definitely couldn’t stop staring when a whistle of smoke blew out from between his lips making him somehow more attractive than he already was.
“I didn’t know you smoked.”
“I don’t do it often, just when I’m stressed.” 
He tapped the cigarette ash into his empty slushie cup and took another drag of the intoxicating stick. You watched it mix with the few droplets of blue water and replayed his answer. 
“Are you stressed right now?”
Always the gentleman, Yunho blew out a cloudy stream of smoke in the opposite direction before looking at you. 
“With you here? Not a chance.”
You could never find anything to hate about Yunho. He was funny, kind hearted, thoughtful, smart, handsome, everything, and yet you really disliked the way your heart fluttered at his cheesy lines that would fit right in a K-drama. Your face burned like the end of his cigarette and you forced yourself not to look away, cheeks hurting from your wide smile. With one last drag of his cigarette he extinguished it and let it fall in his cup. Eyes finding yours again he smiled goofily, tracing all crevices of your face, finding you as beautiful as the first time he saw you. 
“I really, really want to kiss you right now.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, the blood practically boiling beneath your skin and fingers tightly clutching the long sleeves of his coat. Of all the days you spent with him, from the extravagant dates to domestic hangouts at your place, not once did you think your first shared kiss would be under the stars while dressed with minimum effort. Nonetheless you really wanted to kiss him too.
“What’s stopping you?”
The last string keeping Yunho from doing what he’s been dreaming of snapped and he quickly dropped everything in his hands to cup your face. Thumb gently caressed your cheek like he was molding clay into a beautiful piece of art, his palm rested against your jaw, fingers long enough to graze the back of your neck as the other hand fell to your waist, the touch burning through the thick layer of his coat. High on his touch, your own hands clasped around his wrist and neck in a poor attempt to ground yourself. The faint stench of tobacco reached your nose but it was quickly drowned out by his pleasant scent of rain-soaked earth and camp fire.
Gaze flickering between your eyes and lips, Yunho slowly inched closer, noses millimeters away from brushing. A light smirk crossed his features as you rose impatiently on your toes, quietly yet so loudly telling him to do it already. Right before you took matters into your own hands and nearly yanked him by the collar of his shirt, Yunho tilted his head and brushed his lips softly against yours, and they fit perfectly. The little squeeze he gave your waist sent shivers down your spine and cliche as it sounded, fireworks and confetti poppers exploded in your stomach. Eventually relaxing in each other’s embrace you worked your lips against his, parting them and allowing his tongue entry as you simultaneously stroked his wrist in a slow motion. Your fingers tangled in the hair at the back of his neck. The kiss was great with no tongue being shoved down the back of your throat or mouth vacuuming your whole face. All your senses were overtaken with Yunho, Yunho and Yunho.
It was sweet, gentle and soft – everything you hoped for – and then it was not. The aftertaste of his cigarette and coca cola slush rolled off his tongue and left quite a bitter tang on yours. It wasn’t strong, but it wasn’t pleasant either and you willed yourself not to pull away too soon yet that’s exactly what you did. Yunho, still lost in the daze of the kiss, chased after your mouth wanting to claim your lips again. Panicking, because on one hand you wanted to feel him on you again – the perfect curve of his lips massaging yours and noses brushing against each other – but on the other hand you also didn’t want to taste ash and smoke, and would rather kiss Yunho and not the remainder of his cigarette. 
The soft call of his name brought him back to earth, ears painted that perfect shade of crimson clover and you probably weren’t looking any less flustered. Going from this confident guitarist with the world beneath his feet to an awkward man who still hugged his pillows to sleep, Yunho visibly deflated like a balloon.
“Did I do something wrong? Did–uh, did I make you uncomfortable?” 
The whisper hit you square in the heart and you shook your head. There was no bone in your body that didn’t think kissing Yunho was perfect, in fact it was everything and more and you’d want to do it again but maybe with the taste of something sweeter like chocolate covered strawberries.
“No. Yunho, no, I promise. It was great, I liked it a lot actually–”
“But…? I’m sensing there’s a but coming.”
“But the taste– the cigarette taste isn’t that nice.”
Yunho licked his lips and surely there was an ashy sprinkle besides the faint flavor of strawberry that was you. He had never wanted to smash his head against concrete as much as then or go cliff diving without a parachute. 
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Winter surrendered to spring and days turned longer, and so did the time you spent with Yunho. The kiss you shared with the moon as your only witness was one of many, much to your delight, and ever since then it was as if you became inseparable. Late night drives turned into weekly hangouts at each other’s places (mostly at yours), hand holding was exchanged for cuddles on the couch – bodies pressed together and legs intertwined – the empty side of your wardrobe was suddenly full of large hoodies with prints of different bands and sweatpants, and your digital phonebook showed hundreds of calls to a ‘yuyu 🐶💘’ lasting up to hours. Nights together were always an adventure as Yunho watched you fall apart on his tongue and fingers, and then put you back together with those same limbs.
“Have you ever considered getting a tattoo or more piercings?” You asked one night as you laid bare in his bed, skin against skin and his blue blanket the only thing shielding you from the outside world. 
It wasn’t the first time you imagined his body covered in ink or new shiny rings glistening in the moonlight and from his sole lip piercing, you knew you’d need a few days off work to recover if he were to get some more. Heat flooded your cheeks at the idea of Yunho sporting a full sleeve and the previously subdued ache between your legs slowly grew again. Most of Blue Bird had done some body art and were eager to do more. You knew Mingi’s body was prickled all over, from his face down to the tips of his fingers, and the man was always eager to do something more. Hongjoong and Seonghwa had a few tattoos here and there although Hongjoong’s was the crown holder of having the most piercings. Yunho was the one with least the altercations and if it weren’t for a dare back in his last year of high school, he probably wouldn’t have added anything. 
“Yeah, whenever I accompany Mingi to a tattoo parlor and lemme tell you, that bastard really does a good job at persuading people.”
“But I know I’ll change my mind in the future or probably regret getting it done and then I think of how it will look when I’m eighty and all wrinkly. Like imagine an eighty year old Mingi with a face tattoo…and I get that not everyone thinks that far or simply doesn’t care but I don’t know…It’s just weird to me. I like my skin bare.”
“I like your skin like this too,” you replied and kissed the spot beneath his collarbone. “I’ve always wanted a tattoo since I can remember.”
Not in a million years did Yunho expect to hear that. Caught so off guard, he leaned back on his forearms to get a better view of you.
“Yep. My parents blame it on my uncle. He was like eighteen, I think, when he got his first tattoo – without grandma’s approval of course – and I was the only one who knew. I could barely speak back then so I guess he didn’t think it would matter if I saw it or not. Well, no one could explain the sharpie-drawn cat on my forearms that they definitely weren’t allowed to wash away or I’d throw a tantrum. Long story short, I accidentally rated him out to my grandma when he was sleeping, pulled up the sleeves of his shirt and everything so yeah.”
You chuckled at the fond memory and Yunho fought the urge to kiss you until he was on the brink of passing out.
“What would you get done then?”
“I don’t know, I’m really indecisive but I’m thinking of a back tattoo, you know those that go along your spine?” 
For being someone opposed to getting tattoos, Yunho nearly took note from Mingi’s 101 guide of persuasion and got down on his knees. A back tattoo – any tattoo really – on you would have him barking like a dog and living up to the name of being a golden retriever and he felt no shame about it.
“Th–at would look good on you,” he coughed.
“Yeah, I’m sure you’d like that perv.”
Yunho poked you in the side and you immediately curled up on yourself which only made matters worse as you moved closer to him. 
“Stop! I’m sorry,” you said between giggles and he immediately ceased his advances.
“That’s what I thought, now up. Gotta give you a bath.”
The gentleman he was, took care of you in many ways besides worshiping between your legs. Always attentive and vocal about your needs, he made sure you were comfortable even while you floated between consciousness and dreamland.
“Nooo! I’m tired.”
The grip around him tightened but with legs like jello and your brain only recently coming back from the post orgasm haze, Yunho could have you in the bathtub in seconds. You nuzzled against his chest and blinked slowly while asserting your thoughts. As dizzying as your vanilla perfume was to him, Yunho’s scent of burning wood was completely intoxicating and it nearly lulled you to sleep if it weren’t for his fingers caressing the back of your neck. How he got you to pee was a mystery of its own.
“Okay, a few more minutes but I’m getting you in that shower either way.”
“Thank you, Yuyu!”
He earned a kiss to the apple of his cheek and triumph fluttered through your veins at his red tinted ears. It was funny how he was more flustered over an innocent peck than staring straight at your wet core. Yunho felt the smugness radiate off you in waves and quickly redirected the attention elsewhere.
“Have you always wanted to be a preschool teacher?” 
“No,” you started and softly ghosted your fingers on the spot beneath his peck, a trail of goosebumps trailed after your touch. “It’s silly, but I wanted to be a cat shop cashier.”
“A cat shop cashier?”
Yunho craned his neck and if you weren’t so tired you’d laugh at his frozen expression. Instead you mustered up a hum and drew an invisible cat on his body, much like the one from your childhood days.
“I warned you it sounded silly.”
“I’m not judging you, I’m just…what is that?”
“A girl who sells things with cats on them,” you said like it was as clear as the sky being blue and the grass green.
“Why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t have the money for it. A shop doesn’t just fall from the sky, you know? Plus my parents weren’t, I wouldn't say they were against it but they were worried I’d end up on the streets or something so I did the next best thing and studied hard, enrolled in college and now I’m waving bye to kids wearing backpacks with dogs on them.”
Wordlessly, he wrapped his arms around you and squished you closer against him, and leaned down to press a chaste kiss to the crown of your head. Hearing about your cat-shop-dream not even having the chance of leaving the four walls of your childhood bedroom really struck a chord in him. If it was someone who understood how it felt to not have anyone in their corner, it would be Yunho. With a five dollar bill, a guitar case and a poor impression of Spongebob he took the first train to Seoul to pursue his dreams and while he wasn’t exactly famous, he wasn’t whatever his parents thought he’d be. 
“But it all played out in the end,” you finally said and closed your eyes.
“How come?”
“Because I found something better.”
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One of the many Spiderman movies played on the TV in your living room. It was Yunho’s idea to have a movie marathon over the weekend and you were currently watching the second movie starring Tobey Magiure. Snacks and soft drinks littered the table, but you weren’t craving them as much as Yunho’s touch. Laying in his embrace, back against his clothed chest and one arm thrown over your waist, you wondered if the movies were an excuse to get cozy with you. 
Throwing a quick glance at the digital clock in the corner of the tv screen you realized it was nearing midnight and you could feel the sleep sneaking up on you. It was gradually becoming harder to keep your eyes open and just when you were about to succumb to dreamland an electric like jolt shocked you awake. The hem of your shirt had risen through the night and Yunho’s fingers found comfort on the exposed skin of your tummy. His hand flew from you as if being burned by a hot stove.
“I’m sorry, was that too much?”
You shook your head and smiled at the instinctual worry. There was something so attractive about his attentive side. You were one month into…whatever this labeless thing you were having and not once did he make you feel uncomfortable. He always checked in on you, made sure you were on the same level and asked for permission about the smallest of things but it was appreciated, nonetheless. 
“No, it was just unexpected…but not unwanted.” 
You steered his hand back over your stomach and fought the shiver wanting to glide down your back. Despite their humongous size, his fingertips were soft and gentle, and the warmth of his touch sent goosebumps trailing along your skin. Face burning and heart doing somersaults, you nuzzled against his bicep taking on the task of a pillow under your head. Pushing yourself, you pressed a chaste kiss to the muscle and glued your attention back to the movie, refusing to meet his eyes. In that moment Yunho swore he could feel his heart jump in his throat and he didn’t even need to touch his ears to know they were burning red. 
You had gotten quite intimate with each other. Never being able to finish a movie without locking lips or being in the same room for more than five minutes without one hand straying to the other. Not to say Yunho wasn’t affected by your sudden displays of affection – because he was – yet those small innocent acts did far worse things to Yunho’s well being than anything else.
“Who’s your favorite Spiderman?” You asked to distract him from what the hell you just did.
The lack of answer didn’t go unnoticed and as you turned your head sideways, lips parted and ready to ask again, your breath hitched in your throat at his half lidded eyes drinking you up. They were blown out with lust and desire, a look you’d gotten familiar with.
“I want you so badly,” he said, voice low and soft that you simply couldn’t deny him. 
You also couldn’t fight the fact that you wanted him equally as much. Saying nothing you pressed your lips against his and he was quick to set the pace, starting gentle and then turning needy and sloppy with tongues rolling against each other. Consumed by the heat of the moment, Yunho grabbed your hips and perched you on his lap while he simultaneously sat up against the sofa. Like two puzzle pieces completing each other you slid your hands to the back of his neck and played with the hair on his nape. The movie was long forgotten and all the sound effects were drowned out by the muffled whines and moans filling the apartment.
“Yunho,” you panted and rolled your hips against his.
In return his hands roamed the sides of your body, squeezing at every curve and dip, and smirked at your beautiful noises. His every kiss and grope of flesh was driving you crazy and you were seconds away from begging for his fingers, mouth, cock. Whatever he wanted to do, you’d let him. 
Breaking apart for air, Yunho didn’t stop showering you with affection and peppered kisses from your jaw down to your neck that you oh-so generously exposed by tilting your head sideways. Sucking, nipping and licking, he gave you no rest and awakened a needy pulse between your legs. Your breathy moans grew louder and shot straight to his groin and he had to physically restrain himself from bucking up against you. Thighs so thin you could feel the hard tent in his sweats that also did barely anything to cover his length. Wanting something else to occupy your hands, you slid them down his shoulders and chest, and with burning cheeks you sneaked them under his shirt exploring the muscles over his stomach. You traced each and every outline with feather-like touches that sent his stomach contracting and a deep groan reaching your ears. Your ego rocketed at the bodily reaction and quickly faltered as licked over the spot right between your jaw and ear, earning himself another breathy moan, 
“Yunho, please.”
“Please, what?” 
You could feel his devilish smirk against your skin. To coax you into speaking, he did it again followed by the graze of his teeth. 
“Need yuh, please.”
“What, darling? What do you need?” 
You whined as he continued the assault on your neck, covering it in beautiful love bites, and all you did in return was grind against his cock trying to find some relief to your aching cunt.
“Want me here?” 
He flicked his thumb over your covered left boob and a sharp sensation shot from your cunt to your breast like lightning. The sudden change of atmosphere left you more courageous than usual. Grabbing the hem of your shirt you tore the material off yourself and left Yunho stunned. Despite not being completely nude, he’d be damned if he didn’t appreciate you like the art you were. 
“You’re beautiful,” he said and traced the edge of your bra cups. 
Not expecting the night to take a drastic turn, you didn’t think to wear anything nice but a set of black underwear. 
“May I?” 
He reached around your body to the clasp holding your bra together. High on love, you nodded with your bottom lip stuck between your teeth. His fingers grazed the skin on your back and left exploding tingles in his wake. With your consent he unclasped the top and cupped your breasts in his hands, giving them light squeezes that had you arching your back in response, pushing more into his touch.
“You’re perfect,” Yunho whispered and hovered his thumbs over the hardened nipples. “I wonder if they taste as sweet as they look.”
He breathed hot air over them making you squirm more in his lap and looking up, he was meet with your fucked out gaze – eyes barely open, lips swollen and shiny from his spit – and he was yet to even touch you properly. Easing you into it, he pressed a chaste kiss to your breastbone before latching around your left nub and sucking hard. Your hands flew up around his hair, pressing his head further into your chest. Yunho then released and blew gently on your puckered nipple. 
“Mo-h, more!” 
“I haven’t even touched you, baby, and you’re already whining? Are you sure you can handle it?”
“Yes! Yes, I can handle it, I’ll be so good, just pleas–”
Wasting no time, Yunho wrapped his lips around the other boob, giving it an equal amount of attention. His tongue drew circles around it, making it shiny just how he liked it and then sucked again. It was messy and nasty but felt so good. Your brain was already short circuiting and hips moved on their own, practically humping his hardened dick that stood proudly against the gray fabric. The thought of his cock – large and thick – had you soaking through your panties and you wondered how he’d make it fit. Would he use his long, nimble fingers or his tongue?
A lewd image of you laying in bed on your stomach with Yunho behind, dick aligned with your wet pussy, popped in your mind. Him groaning in your ear from how hard your pussy clenched around his cock and you moaning from the delicious stretch that came with every thrust, reaching deep into you. That alone could make you come right on the spo–
A sharp ring cut through your sinful thoughts, but Yunho kept sucking on your tits. In your dazed state he even shifted to the other one, saying something about taking care of his girls as he pinched the wet nub between his thumb and index fingers, squeezing and rolling it until you were left breathless.
“Yun-ah! Yunho! The phone,” you whined out.
“Ignore it,” he growled and kissed your neck again, hands coming down to squeeze your ass. 
The feel of his large hands on your backside quickened the pace of your moving hips. You almost obeyed his order as the phone stopped buzzing only for it to pick up again. Finding the light in your hazed mind you put the intimacy on pause. Hands pushing at his shoulders until he complied and leaned against the sofa. 
“It may be important. What if it’s one of the guys?” 
Your words were distant as his eyes were locked on your chest dripping and bruised from his work.
“Wha– I’m listening!”
“Answer the phone, you weirdo.”
Standing up on wobbly legs you nearly toppled over and you would, hadn’t Yunho caught you by your hips. The ‘thanks’ died in your throat at the sight of his stiff cock. It wasn’t the first time he got hard from a make out session and it probably wouldn’t be the last either. You quickly put the shirt back on while he awkwardly grabbed his phone.
“Don’t cover up just yet, doll, I’m not done with you.” He answered the call with a, “This better be important.” 
And it was judging by the way his jaw unclenched and eyes widened.
“Finally! Where the hell have you been?!” You could make out the faint and distressed voice of Yeosang. “We’ve been trying to reach you for a while now, we need a group meeting.”
“Group meeting? For what?”
Panic rose in a sickening surge as you listened to the one sided conversation. 
“That’s the thing. I can’t say over phone so get your ass to Hongjoong’s.”
“Is everything alright?” You whispered from beside him.
“I’ll be there, just give me a few.”
The call ended and Yunho stuffed the phone in his back pocket.
“Yeah, or at least I think so? Yeosang called for a meeting but didn’t say why...”
A mischievous smirk tugged at your lips as you took his hand in yours.
“Well then, pretty boy. I say you get over there and hurry back to me.” 
The wiggle of your brows had you both bursting out in laughter and Yunho closed the distance between you once again.
Of all the things Yunho could expect the meeting to be about, he never imagined it to change the trajectory of his life. In less than twenty four hours Blue Bird would be signing a record deal with one of – if not the – biggest music companies in Seoul. Their teenage dreams of making music and performing in front of thousands would come true and Yunho couldn’t be happier. The one thing he was praying for, despite not feeding into his parents’ religion, came to life and in that moment he cursed himself for not sharing the same joy as his bandmates. Because all Yunho could think about was what that meant for you.
“We have to celebrate,” shouted Mingi and slung one arm over Yunho’s shoulders. 
Hongjoong, Seonghwa and Yeosang jumped in tow, all sporting wide grins and even tears shining in their eyes.
“I’ll call Wooyoungie and see if he wants to come,” replied Yeosang as he left for the kitchen.
“We should see if he’s up for designing us some clothes. It would give us more exposure for sure.” 
Seonghwa clapped his hands together and immediately imagined the crazy clothes he’d have on stage. He’s always wanted to try corsets and heels, and pretty skirts and with Wooyoung’s magic he’d definitely not be disappointed.
“I’m bringing out the champagne!”
Yunho watched Hongjoong run after Yeosang, his platinum hair shining in the dim light, and slumped back against the couch. It was weird. He’s been dreaming of this opportunity ever since he was introduced to KISS back in middle school (secretly of course, God forbid his parents heard what their eldest son was listening to) but he couldn’t shake away the bittersweet feeling festering in his stomach. A rough shove against his side snapped him out of his dazed thoughts. 
“You good?” 
Mingi, always the observant one, noticed the flicker of sadness in Yunho’s eyes. The taller of the two nodded despite feeling his dinner climbing its way back out.
“Yeah, it’s just…crazy.”
“Tell me about it, but hey we’re just getting started. A whole new life’s waiting on us. Girls, money, fame, everything we’ve dreamed of, Yunho.”
For once, Yunho’s dreams of a fast and luxurious life with expensive bikes, clothes and VIP parties lasting until the early hours of the morning changed into something quiet and humble; an apartment big enough for two and a dog lingering between his legs as he laid in bed with you in his arms. His dream of swimming in money burst as a new cloud came to mind. A dream of a girl who brought out the best in him with her kind words and soft touches of affection. His own thoughts were taunting him just like his relatives did back in Gwangju – about the dream he’d never achieve – and unlike then he was starting to believe it. 
That night Yunho didn’t allow himself to sleep. His mind tortured him with flashbacks of all the times the universe sent him signs that you were two stars on completely different sides of the galaxy. Yunho couldn’t light a cigarette without seeing your scrunched up face or drink a cup of coffee and not imagine your downturned lips and tongue sticking out in disgust. At the same time, he avoided anything and everything sweet as it worked as a reminder of the very person he deprived himself of.
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After tossing and turning for the most part of the night, you woke up to the sound of heavy rain splattering against the windows of your bedroom. You couldn’t shake away the inkling feeling that it wouldn’t be the best day of your week, and considering last night’s scare you insisted your worry wasn’t unjustified. The time on your phone showed you still had a few hours before your alarm would go off for work. You wondered what Yunho was doing and what the meeting was about. There were no messages or calls from him, which wasn’t that unusual, but you were used to good morning texts and an array of different emojis. 
Willing yourself not to think much of it, you made yourself a cup of coffee and clocked into work earlier than scheduled. You couldn’t stop thinking about Yunho and decided to send him a quick message despite the moral part of your inner-self telling you not to. The following embarrassment was locked in your work cabinet with all your belongings and worrisome thoughts. For the next eight hours you busied yourself with work; playing with the kids, serving them food, changing diapers, putting them to sleep. You moved on autopilot and didn’t, not once, think of a certain tall boy who could play the guitar blindfolded.
The clock struck five PM and you kept your dignity in mind as you refrained from bolting down the hallway. The last group of kids had just been picked up and you made a beeline for the locker room. 
You [06:05 AM] Good morning 🌷how’d the meeting go? Delivered
The message was left unread and the delivered status was exceptionally bright. You couldn’t shake away the thought that something wasn't right, but you didn’t want to overwhelm Yunho as you still didn’t know what the meeting was about. You’d be damned if it turned out to be something bad. The last thing he needed was a girl pestering him about it. Doing what you did best, you put on a smile and went back home, but not before stopping by a bakery for some strawberry pastries with the hopes of sweetening up your gloomy afternoon. 
The red bike you were very accustomed to stood parked outside your apartment building but its owner was nowhere in sight and your phone was still void of notifications. It could only mean one thing. You raced up the flight of stairs and lo and behold there he was; sitting on the stair outside your door with a lighter twirling between his thumb and index finger. He looked nothing like the Yunho you knew. His face was bare and lacked the usual dark makeup smudged on his skin, and he only wore a gray hoodie and sweatpants while his fingers were void of silver bands and whatnots. He still looked handsome as ever though.
You jumped in his arms and he grabbed onto the railing not to fall backwards. Your body slotted perfectly against his and your breath tickled his neck. Yunho had one arm around your waist and the other moved to cup the back of your neck. He inhaled your vanilla perfume and tried engraving in his mind.
“I thought I recognized your ride. What are you doing here?”
“Just needed to see you,” he replied as you moved to unlock the door. 
His hand itched to reach for yours. To have you tucked under his arm or back glued to his chest, elbows or knees touching, anything really. He just needed the feel of your touch.
“Ah, you had me worried! I mean I’m happy to see you, but you didn’t reply to my text this morning and seeing the bike I really thought something happened.”
A forced laugh made its way past his lips and he was quick to pat your head. 
“You always worry about me, don’t you?” 
His hand slid down to your jaw and thumb caressed your chin, grazing your bottom lip.
“I’m sorry. I forgot my phone at Hongjoong’s and he’s still at work so I couldn’t get it. Was it something important?”
“You’ll drive me into an early grave, Jeong Yunho.”
“Yah, don’t say that!” 
Yunho nearly ascended like a helium balloon at the sound of your laughter. The Heaven’s gate came to view as you blessed him with that bright smile of yours. Teasingly you got closer to him so your breaths mingled in the air.
“Who will be the death of who now?”  
The question was soft and came out in a hushed whisper, and if you weren’t a pinky away from him you’d completely miss it. Yunho gazed into your eyes and you had never felt so seen before. He looked at you as if you had the world in your palms and he was ready to risk it all. A bit flustered under his loving stare, you tried reflecting his attention elsewhere.
“How’d the meeting go?” 
The moment the words left your mouth Yunho visibly sagged and his lips pursed into a tight line. You tried finding an answer in his suddenly softened eyes but all you could see in them was sadness. Yunho cleared his throat and widened the distance between you as if it would lighten the blow of his news.
“So…Blue Bird is signing a record deal with Brother Choi Industries…”
“Oh my God! Yunho, that's great!” 
Yunho caught you in the air. Your arms and legs wrapped around him and your cheek squished against his. The happiness surged out of you like rays of the sun and instead of warming him up, it pierced his body to the core. You planted a quick kiss to his cheek that left a prickling feeling after and then you were down again, feet meeting the floor.
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?! We have to celebrate! C’mon, we’ll do whatever, it’s on me.”
Fingers latched around his wrist and the purse with all your belongings thrown over your shoulder, you headed for the door again but Yunho didn’t budge. Like an oak rooted to the ground, he stood in place and it dawned on you that he didn’t match your excitement.
“Can’t we just, I don’t know, stay inside? Watch a movie or something…”
“Yeah– yeah, of course,” you whispered and led him to the living room. “Put on whatever and I’ll bring some snacks.”
You couldn’t help but worry. News like that usually called for drinks or a nice dinner with one's friends or family. The thoughts of what could have happened were endless and did nothing to soothe the growing ball of anxiety in your abdomen. Patient as always you didn’t push further on the matter and just gathered whatever snacks you had in your cupboards (oreos and a half-empty packet of chips). Your eyes traveled the length of Yunho’s body stretched out on the sofa and then shifted to the TV.
“I like the gentle-parenting,” Yunho whispered and you nearly turned into a puddle on the spot.
“It’s a good show. I give it five stars and the preschool teacher approval stamp.”
As you laid down everything on the table, Yunho raised one arm in the air, a silent request for you to make yourself at home in his hold. Head on his chest, you could hear the rhythmic beat of his heart and the warmth seeping through his thick clothes. His hands were intertwined on your lower back, occasionally rubbing his thumbs over the fabric which would have any cat purring in seconds. Your left arm was squished against the sofa while the other played with one of the strings on his hoodie. 
The series of colorful dogs wasn’t new to you as almost the entirety of the kids at the preschool had some kind of product with the cartoon characters splayed on, whether it be a backpack, water bottle or bandaids. It was either that or Paw Patrol, and personally speaking you preferred the Australian doggos. 
For a good hour or two Yunho just laid there with his eyes glued to the animated show but mind running laps. He didn’t reach for any of the goods on the table or excused himself for a pee-break he so desperately needed because he knew the moment he moved, you’d look at him with pleading eyes and ask what’s on his mind. And although he’d been camping outside your apartment for three hours, he still couldn't find the right words to tell you what’s been bugging him since Yeosang’s revelation. He wasn’t there to tell you about the stupid record deal or how he forgot his phone (it was in his back pocket). Yunho came to break things up, something he knew was inevitable since the first night he laid eyes on you.
“Yuyu,” you whispered and poked his cheek, trying to get his attention. 
The guitarist was there physically but where he had gone mentally was a mystery and you noticed it early on when he didn’t mention anything about Bandit playing the toy drum set.
He blinked back to reality and turned to face you who had changed position to lay flat on him, chin perched on top of your hand and pouty lips.
“Your heartbeat’s really loud. Is everything okay?”
Nothing about this was okay. 
It wasn’t okay that your bodies fit like puzzle pieces. It wasn’t okay that you were great together despite your contrasting looks. It wasn’t okay that the girl of his dreams was the polar opposite of himself.
“I’m just thinking…a lot.”
“About the record label?”
Fuck the record label, is what Yunho wanted to say. It was the last thing on his mind, right below his parents and every other person who had their doubts about him. The real words lingered on the tip of his tongue, waiting to be spoken out in the open and he nearly swallowed them back down, but he couldn’t bring himself to lie, not when you looked at him with worry written all over your features.
“About…you. About us.”
“What about us?”
Your voice came out higher at the end and he knew the question you were thinking of was something completely different than what he was about to say, and it hurt so much.
“It's just not…I don’t think we’re that good of a match.”
He caught the moment your world came crashing down. How the light of worry turned into confusion.
“We shouldn’t keep doing this.”
By that point you both sat back up on your knees and hands on your thighs, while he moved so his legs were drawn up to his chest.
“I don’t understand. I thought you liked me...” 
“I do, but it’s not– I’m…sorry.”
This was all too much for you and you were torn between lashing out in anger or hearing him out. Your heart pounded against your chest and you could feel it crack from the pressure of his confession. As if that wasn’t enough a stinging sensation burned behind your eyes.
“Why didn’t you say anything from the start then? If you never wanted this to happen, why’d you kiss me in the first place or take me out on dates? We’ve been tiptoeing between friends and something more for the past six months and suddenly we can’t be either?!” 
The desperation dripping from your words was clear as a summer’s sky and while you tried to prove a point, Yunho wasn’t having any of it.
“It felt right in the moment, but the more time we spent together I realized that we’re too different, it just won’t work–"
You were quick to follow up. Tongue sharp and fire behind your words, they were nothing like the sweet scent of strawberries and roses he was used to. Yunho had never seen you so upset.
“This has nothing to do with our differences, Yunho! We are great together and we’ve proven it countless times. There’s something deeper than that, something you’re not telling me and I don’t know why. What have I done to ruin your trust in me?”
A beat of silence passed. The apartment was completely quiet and you wondered if the neighbors were listening in on the argument, and if they did then what a great first impression Yunho was leaving them with.
“I’m afraid I’ll ruin you,” he whispered, lips in a pout and eyes glistening like an ocean’s reflection of a night sky.
As if a pair of invisible hands, the words plunged into your chest and forcefully grabbed at your heart only to tear out the poor beating organ and throw it across the ground. To think Yunho saw himself as a problem – as a stain in your life – that he was depriving him (and you) of something beautiful, it fucking hurt.
“Don’t do that. That’s not fair, Yunho. You’d never ruin me, do you understand? This is the happiest I’ve been in a long time and I need you to know it.”
“It’s not going to work. You’re too good and I’m– you’re, I’m bad for you.”
“You don’t get to decide that for me! It’s not like I’ve never touched a cigar before in my life, or tried strong liquor or, I don’t know, had flings here and there! You’re talking as if you’re a drug lord or something. You’re just a– a– an upcoming rockstar! With an ambition that takes up a lot of your time and who occasionally smokes and drinks to de-stress. Don’t think I’m some saint you’re going to corrupt because I’m far from it, Yunho.”
While Yunho knew everything you said to be true, it didn’t fit the image he created of you and he could only fault himself for it. You noticed his eyes wandered around, jumping from furniture to furniture, all to avoid yours. So with shaky hands you gently – like he was a baby chick – cradled his chin and turned him towards you.
“I want you, so why won’t you let me have you?”
The crack in your voice confirmed his stupid theory of being bad for you. It was better this way, but goddammit did he want to wrap you up in his embrace and kiss the top of your head and whisper soothing things in your ear. To say ‘I’m not going nowhere’ and ‘I’m sorry’ a thousand times over until the damage would glue itself back together. He wanted to be the one giving you strength and not stack rocks upon rocks on your shoulders.
“It’s not just about that. I’m going to be a…rockstar soon. The fans, some of them are going to be nice, but not all will wish the best for us. If something were to come out about us, they’d leave you restless. I’ve seen it happen to others and I don’t want you to suffer that same path.”
And if you could see through his lies, you mentioned nothing of it.
“That’s not your decision to make and you know it! I like you and you obviously like me, nothing else matters besides that, please, listen to me. Yunho, I don’t care about anything else but you.”
He nuzzled against your palm and leaned closer until his forehead rested against yours. He wanted to remind you of your agreement, to call him Yuyu and only that, but it was a privilege he wasn’t granted anymore. You squeezed your eyes shut, not bearing to see his wet cheek, but even that didn’t stop your own tears. You felt the soft pad of his thumb wipe away the streams of salty water flowing down your skin and you didn’t know what was worse. That he was the reason behind them or that it was the first and last time he’d ever wipe tears from your face again.
“You’re gonna have a good life without me, you’re gonna grow and go places. You’re gonna get that cat lady shop and be the best cat shop cashier the world has ever seem, and you’ll meet someone way better than me–”
“But I want you!”
“You’re gonna forget about me and find someone deserving of you. Someone that can shower you with unconditional love.”
“Then be that someone. Get better, do better and stop trying to ruin this thing we have!”
“And I want you to stay just as you are. Okay? Gentle and loving and sweet. This world doesn’t deserve you and neither do I, but you deserve someone, yeah, sweet pea?”
Yunho’s voice cracked and you quickly dragged him into a bone crushing hug. He hid in the crook of your neck, arms going around you in a tight grip as if you’d disappear the second he let go. In the safety of your arms he let down his guard and the loud cries that followed prickled your skin just as much as yours clawed at his heart. You stayed in each other’s hold and drew soothing shapes on each other’s backs as you cried your hearts out.
Your arms were numb and your body refused to produce more tears to cry, but even then you didn’t budge. You knew if you let go Yunho would take it as his cue to leave and you couldn’t bear that just how you couldn’t stop whimpering as he pressed soft kisses to your temple or whispered apologies in your ear. 
“I have to go,” he eventually whispered and your heart – that you were still picking up the pieces of – broke all over again, sending shards of blood and tissue everywhere.
Your hold tightened and he truly felt evil as he broke out of your grip and got a good look at your swollen face.
“I’m so sorry, sweet pea.”
“Pluh-please, don’t do this.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“Kiss me, then,” you wailed. “If you can’t stay, just kiss me one last time.”
Never one to deny your wishes he slotted his lips against your and tasted the mix of your salty tears. Your fingers curled painfully in his cheeks and the hold he had on your waist was sure to leave bitter bruises in the morning. Yunho poured every ounce of affection, his heart and soul – his everything – into the kiss. It was something he’d never done before but he needed you to know that while you maybe hadn’t reached the stage of love just yet, his adoration of fondness was never fake. Whatever feeling he had for you that was the closest to love, it was never fake.
Teary eyes stared into each other as you parted, breaths heavy and lungs ready to burst through your chest. He gave you one last peck on the cheek and broke free from your grip, and like the broken record left in his childhood bedroom, he repeated the useless apologetic words until they lost all their meaning. Your muffled cries shot straight to his heart and he could feel it crack with each step taken further away from you
As Yunho passed the threshold of your apartment for the last time, he kept telling himself that it was for the best. Your undeserving love would just be ruined in the palms of his hands and he had to leave before it became something he was too afraid to let go off. He had to leave even if meant snapping free from the vines you barely managed to twine around his limbs. It would be sharp and quick and hurt like a paper cut but with no permanent scars.
The more he lingered around you, the deeper and tighter the roots went and more sweetpeas would grow and wrap around his body, and fill him with a love and warmth that was impossible to flee. And when the seasonal change began and all the birds fled somewhere warmer, he’d have no choice but to forcefully cut the vines curled around him and hurt you beyond repair. That wasn’t something Yunho could ever see himself do and before it turned into a cloying love, he’d save you both the hurt and pain, and just leave. You’d eventually grow your sweetpeas somewhere else.
Because in the end, you were all too sweet for him.
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Author's note pt.2: I've read a lot of different interpretations of the song and I wanted to share my (if you haven't kind of already grasped it). While reading the lyrics, I understood that person A doesn't believe they are worthy of person B because of their different life styles and nature. In short, they are complete opposites. While that can be good (opposites attract) person A doesn't see it that way. They know right from the start that they aren't destined to be (the reasons to this are endless) yet they still try to pursue a relationship with person B until something tells them "this isn't right". Now being polar opposites, Person B thinks that person A is the one for them despite their differences. As mentioned, I know there are a lot of different opinions of what the actual meaning of the song is and I can totally get behind those too, but this was my first interpretation and what kick-started this whole oneshot.
Disclaimer For this fic, I didn't want to make it into an experienced x inexperienced trope. Mainly because a lot of people associate innocence with dressing/acting cutesy which I believe isn't valid. People can still like pastel colors, cute trinkets, dress cute and still be experienced (with sex, smoking, drinking, tattoos, piercings, etc). I think it gives a little more depth to the story by not making the MC new to all that, but I'm not trying to spread shame on those who are inexperienced as there's absolutely nothing wrong with it!!!
Also it's my first time ever writing something close to smut and it was so hard! I can't stress it enough 😭 I'll have to practice it way more before even attempting the real deal lmao. While we're at it, it's also my first time writing for Yunho so I hope I brought him justice!
If you've made it this far I just wanna thank you for reading (everything) and I hope you've enjoyed ❤️
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© HONGJOONGSPOETRY 2024 - All rights reserved. Copying, editing, reposting or translating my work is not allowed.
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