wanderingmind867 · 9 months
I know how to defend Kronos now! With the power of history! Kronos (or in Roman form, Saturn) was a god people loved. He had his own festivals (like Kronia and Saturnalia). Now tell me: would a man who wanted to enslave humanity be as beloved by humanity as Kronos was? I wouldn't think so. Now, I'm sure there's ways to make this work. After all, Kronos in the books is known for being incredibly persuasive (enough to make Luke trust him completely). But still. I think this could definitely hie used to make a clever analysis or a fun au or something! Something! I'd personally use it to say Gaia is worse than Kronos, especially since she was also the one for whom the books blame Ouranos's death.
I suppose this post is kind of like a loose sequel to a post I made a while ago (here's a link to it):
I mean, that old post is only slightly related to this one. But why not use this new post as an excuse to boost an old one, eh?
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igazikutya · 3 months
Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2024. 06.
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Lomha Lukács és a Multiverzum visszhangjai.
Lomha Lukács akinek szuperhős szkillje, hogy mindig később látszik, mint ahogy (ahol) van, többdimenziós lény, mint az egerek. Kevésbé ismeretes, de megjelenik néha 1st Bass, 4 Slots For Bill, Clementine, Deputy Dawg, Earnest Honest, Jan Van Janssen, Krispy Krouton, Lloyd Owes Me A Packet, Offset és Translucent néven is az multiverzumban. Luke Simon Arthur Slater Reading (londoni agglomeráció) szülötte, így az elektronikus bigbang kezdetekor már ott volt az expanzió közepén. Az eltelt 30 év alatt dj/produceri/szerzői tevékenysége, szerethető személyisége tette sikeressé. Négy, köztudottabb kivetüléséről még nem esett szó, The 7th Plain néven old school detroiti őstechnoidként, modern technoarcként a Planetary Assault Systems szervezet fedésében, Luke Slater néven pedig mainstream technomágusként jeleskedik, és valószínűleg, ami legközelebb áll igaz énjéhez, azt L.B. Dub Corp néven tapasztalhatjuk meg. A jelzőim meglehetősen pontatlanok, mint minden rendes többrétegűség esetében, itt is furcsa átfedések vannak, most is.
Az új L.B. Dub Corp albumot a múlt heti Traxelektorban már hallhatott Only The Good Times maxi vezette fel, és az még nagyjából illett a profilba. A most megjelent Saturn to Home album viszont kis híján beillene Luke Slater albumnak, pedig a detroit techno / chicago house / techno dub iránytól nem tért el Lukács. Inkább a vendégművészek hatnak változóként, Miss Kittin dark electro dub irányba, Robert Owens tulajdonképpen nem módosít, sőt hozza az erotikus house-minnesänger default alteregóját (You Got Me), viszont szövegben egy olyan művet fordított ki, ami egy magyar rádiók sújtotta elme számára régi mély seb, ez Roy Orbison – You Got It-ja, amit valamiért a hazai rádióadók hányásig játszottak egy időben. A blogon többször olvashattatok már a dominikai reggae-bariton Paul St. Hillaire-ről, ő egy 2013-as instrumentális LBDC szerzeményt, a No Trouble in Paradise-t ápdételte. A negyedik vendég pedig a Baal & Mortimer néven alkotó düsseldorfi Alexandra Grübler, aki a hangját adta a Dekmantel gondozásában megjelent albumhoz.
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Egyik jolly jokerem, az olaszkvótás Tagliablue. Nem ismerek tőle gyenge kiadványt, és ha van olyan lelkület, mint alkotói szándék, hogy intelligent dance music, annak minden ismérvében klubtag, még pedig a fiatalabb generáció képviselőjeként az. Vészjósló címe (Szakadék) ellenére az Abisso EP könnyen befogadható, agyas, mesterien kimunkált tánczene, egyszerre fotel- és klubzene, kívül laza, belül feszes digitális agymasszázs. Négyből három hibátlan.
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Actress kortárs elektronikája megint olyan sunyin csavarta fel az agyam, eszmélni sincs idő, már a nyakamon ül a súlya, sárhouse-ban taposok. A Statik néha feladja a leckét és buddhai türelemre késztet, húzza a figyelmet, de nem mindig ad cserébe, csak színtelen ürességet, vagy vapour-ös szőnyegeket. A hatodik Six például nem ilyen, Aphex Twin selected ambientjeivel egyenértékű darab, és akad, amikor a mocsárdubból kiemelkedő minimal techno töredékek sikerrel járnak, azért ne ezzel kezeld a depressziódat!
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Két hónapja szembejött ez klip a Nyege Nyege Tapes YouTube csatornáján:
Ez milyen drog lehet? Kitűzőkből van a farka? – két idézet ismerősi kör reakcióiból. Még aznap megvettem a lemezt, elővételben. Annyira nem jó, inkább kb olyan, mint a borító (ez nem volt szép). Így most ez nem egyértelmű lemezajánló. Violaine Morgan Le Fur multidiszciplináris művész és kurátor, és ami fontos, elsősorban nem zenész, csak néhány héttel a lemez rögzítése előtt kezdett el kísérletezni zenei szoftverekkel. Az utóbbi években dokufilmek készítésével foglalkozott a Párizs külvárosában, breton anya és kameruni apa gyermekeként felnőtt Violaine, akit foglalkoztatnak gyökerei, Bamiléké-földről (Kamerun) is készített filmeket. Violaine, művésznevén Violence Gratuite (ford. Felesleges Erőszak) az albumot egyedül jegyzi. A Baleine à Boss album minden felvételének megvan az az értékes vonása, hogy hibátlan alapokon fut, műfajilag sanzon, hip-hop, no wave, kísérleti elektronika rendhagyó keveréke. Sajnos a keverés az album felén katasztrofális, az én hangcuccom szépen bontja a legsűrűbb káoszt is, ezzel nem bírt szegény. Az albumot a Nyege Nyege sublabel-je, a Hakuna Kulala jegyzi szintén Kampalából (Club explorations from the East African and Congolese Electronic Underground).
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Sok szétnyafogott, elfűszerezett lemez után (között) – talán a jó témaválasztás okán – egy kiegyensúlyozott, az electroval szelíden és játékosan bánó Versalife-ot hallhatunk. Boris Bunnik most érzékkel mozog el analóg hullámvetőivel a trance, ambient, dark irányokba. A Technofeudalism EP az osztrák TRUST electro-label kiadványa. (3/4)
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Lehetne ez szép is, csak akkor nem volna igaz! Anthony Child és Karl O'Connor közös, 2003 és 2005 között aktív technoproject-je a hangzatos, de zeneileg teljesen valíd, British Murder Boys új stúdióalbumot adott ki. A fiúk, Surgeon és Regis a két dekád alatt semmit nem változtak, ez ugyanaz a warehouse technosound, amit anno lefektettek és ez így van jól! Valaki üvöltve: „Ezek állatoook!”
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A brit zenei hagyomány útján haladva, ahol a művészi kifejezés eszköztárában a szexuális energia rituális sűrítése, a punk attitűd, a fekete humor, provokáció, a szorongás kifejezése mind része az egésznek, mit része, ettől működik, ettől hat, a legmélyebb zsigerektől a felszínig. Az Active Agents And House Boys album velejéig kompromisszummentes anyag, működhet a klubokban is, de nem (csak) arra született. Azért, jó volna ezt élőben látni, hallani, mert még sokkal izgalmasabb lehet, és különös módon erre két lehetőség nyílik, júliusban Madridban a Code Summer Fest-en illetve novemberben a Mira Festival-on Barcelonában (én se értem, miért?).
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Interferenc új maxiján, a TeChNOtitLan, a húzótrack Kaprekarmában valami olyan az a fémes hang, tényleg csak örülni tudok, hogy nincsenek implantjaim, és a fogtöméseimben is cserélték az amalgámot, mert amikor az a hang megjön, bennem is mozgolódni érzek, hallok belül, valami teljesen idegen és értelmezhetetlen forrású bizsergést, és nem vágyom kronenbergi fordulatokra, bármennyire is kedveli őt a szerző. Élettani hatásai ellenére is sokszor meghallgattam, nagyon működik, eleve érdekes ez a táncoljatok, de kaptok a nyakatokba egy kis túlsúlyt filozófia. Minden loophoz ajándék ellenloop, mert kivittem magammal németbe az összes levetett ungarische féket és ellensúlyt, csak nem dobom ki! A b-oldalas postsessor erősen Silent Servant-meghajtású, vagy csak bennem hagyott túlságosan mély nyomokat Juan Mendez váratlan tragédiája. Grüss Got, csirkevéreshurka van?
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Meg kellett néznem, hogy ez a Kalumet, az a Kalumet? Dehát nincs másik Kalumet! (Mondjuk miért is lenne?) Őszintén, ezt a(z ozorai) vonalat nem követem, nem vagyok képben, merre jár Vajda Zoltán projektje. A dél-koreai Oslated labelnél jelent meg Kronosphere albuma a psy-trance / world-beat / dub vonalon mozgó úriembernek. Nagyon egyszerű, szinte csupasz eszköztárral felépített zen harmóniákat hallhatunk, a címadó Kronospere esetében is, pedig az kibillen a progresszív trance műfajig. Itt áll mellettem a gulyásmarci, ezért elmondom, hogy Kalumet kapcsán az ősélményem a Galagonya, a 2001-es Chi Glassic Volume 1. - Dub Local válogatásról. Ez se lett rosszabb az évek alatt.
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Alex Tucker – aki ifjúkori képein Genesis P-Orridge-nak néz ki – erős hardcore múlttal bír. Aztán a különféle bandáiban (Grumbling Fur, Imbogodom) a pszichedelikus rocktól a drone / experimental ambientig jutott. Amikor a Microcorps néven, techno-vonalon mozgó Tucker muzsikáját próbáljuk megfejteni, ezek is fontosak, de lényeg, hogy elektronikája annyira egyedi, eltalált és kimunkált, hogy masszív zárványként tündököl az underground szférában. A debut album XMIT a 2021-es Top 12, év albumai lista hetedik helyén landolt, azóta csend.
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2024. május 10. A The Tapeworm sajtóközleménye a 100 példányban, csak kazettán megjelent kiadványához: „A MICROCORPS, Alexander Tucker mutáns techno alteregója bemutatja a Macrocorpse – 2021-2024 című nyolc számból álló válogatást, mely szerzemények mostantól azon mutáns tér részei, ahol egyazon zónában létezik a techno-alapú kompozíció, mikrofelbontású időskálák hangjai, a drón és a zaj.” Tucker hangja fontos része az experimentumnak, mármint azok az elektronika által fragmentált szemcsés törmelékek, amik idegen nyelvnek, alien papok kántálásának tűnnek. A cselló rétegek, a szintén szemcsés, de olajos dobok terei szűkek és folyamatosan mozgásban vannak, mutálódnak, mint egy sokdimenziós labirintus. A mozgó elemek szemcséken gördülése a MC-sound fontos ismérve. Egy újabb The Tapeworm kazetta, ami ott lesz az év végi Top 12 album versenyben. Érzékeny veszteség viszont, hogy bár 6 felvételt is beválogattam a Traxelektorba, az online verzióból ezek teljesen hiányoznak, mivel a Spotify egyelőre csak a debutalbumot ismeri.
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Terence Fixmer a belga határ közelében, a francia Tourcoing-ban nőtt fel, s azon áldozatok egyike, aki nem tudta megállítani Brüsszelt. A kilencvenes évek new wave-je legalább olyan ellenállás nélkül haladt át Nord megyén, mint más történelmi alakzatok. A belga new beat, az electric body music, a Front 242 és Nitzer Ebb, Klinik és DAF hatása Fixmer-re nyilvánvaló, meghatározta és meg fogja határozni mit játszik, s ne feledjük, évtizedes együttműködésben van Douglas McCarthy-val (Fixmer / McCarthy). A két évvel ezelőtti Shifting Signals album egy izmos ipari techno lemez lett, az új The Paradox in Me album inkább egy széles panoráma a németalföldi impulzusokból. Zajhatárig driftelt ebm riff, industrial-noir himnusz, végtelen gerjedelem, old school menetelés bakancsban, setétben fürkészés, dark technö lődörgés.
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Azt hiszem, ami hallható a Convictions That Stick hatszámos minialbumon, az Timothy J. Fairplay igazán hazai pályája. Tavasszal, a hazai Dalmata Danielnél kiadott Norwell-lel közös DDS09 nem lett jó, ez most nagyon. Elegáns, nyakkendős szalontechno, nem láttad a napfénybélyegem? A Foggy Beach dark-electro-break indulója a sláger, nagyon sok réteg, még némi acid is elfér benne, végig egyensúlyban a perpetuum mobile. Fairplay kiadót is váltott, a Pinkman-hez igazolt, sajnos ennek eredményeképp a Spotify-on nem található meg a lemez.
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Az év dancemaxija címre hajt rá a Remotif, a négyszámos The Elevated Place EP-vel. Annyira old-school, hogy meghajlik tőle a téridő, és prodigyért kiált a pszi mező. A bristoli Joe Reddick már a lemez A oldalán letudja az évet, A1: U15 A2: Glint's Pursuit. Még az is kerek, hogy az Emotional Response sublabel-je, az [Emotional] Especial Specials jegyzi. Viszontlátásra!
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Megjelenések (2024.06):
Actress - Statik [2024, Smalltown Supersound][LP] British Murder Boys - Active Agents and House Boys [2024, Downwards][LP] Forest on Stasys - Lotus Island [2024, space lab][EP] interferenc - TeChNOtitLan [2024, Self-Released][S] Kalumet - Kronosphere [2024, Oslated][EP] L.B. Dub Corp - Saturn to Home [2024, Dekmantel][LP] Microcorps - Macrocorpse – 2021-2024 [2024, The Tapeworm][MC-Comp] Orlando Voorn - No Cellphones [2024, Kompakt][EP] Remotif - The Elevated Place [2024, Emotional Especial][EP] Tagliabue - Abisso [2024, Subject To Restrictions Discs][S] Terence Fixmer - The Paradox In Me [2024, Novamute][LP] Timothy J. Fairplay - Convictions That Stick [2024, Pinkman][EP] VA - 030313 [2024, Tresor][EP-Comp] Versalife - Technofeudalism [2024, TRUST][EP] Violence Gratuite - Baleine à Boss [2024, Hakuna Kulala][LP]
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Traxelektor 2024 06
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Traxelektor 2024 06 Spotify Playlist - link
(58/74, 5:32/6:57, 78%)
OffSpot Data
Microcorps - Macrocorpse – 2021-2024 [2024, The Tapeworm][MC-Comp]
Timothy J. Fairplay - Convictions That Stick [2024, Pinkman][EP]
interferenc - TeChNOtitLan [2024, Self-Released][S]
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Traxelektor 2024 06 Playlist
Actress - Mellow Checx [Statik, Smalltown Supersound] Actress - Six [Statik, Smalltown Supersound] Actress - Static [Statik, Smalltown Supersound] Azu Tiwaline & Forest Drive West - Fluids in Motion III [Fluids In Motion, Livity Sound]
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British Murder Boys - I Saw the Set Up Man [Active Agents and House Boys, Downwards] British Murder Boys - It's in the Heart [Active Agents and House Boys, Downwards] British Murder Boys - It's what you hide [Active Agents and House Boys, Downwards] British Murder Boys - Keep it Down [Active Agents and House Boys, Downwards] British Murder Boys - This is a Calling [Active Agents and House Boys, Downwards] Ciel - Divide & Conquer (Original)[Sada's Dream, SUZI] dBridge vs Forest Drive West - Spiteful Lips [EXITVS009, Exit] dBridge vs Forest Drive West - Vignette [EXITVS009, Exit] DJ Merlin - Chasing Coral [VA - Slam Jams Vol​.​ 4, Holding Hands] DJ Stingray 313 - Dynamic Instability [VA - 030313, Tresor] Dungeon Acid - Affirmative Body Sequences 3 [Dungeon Acid, Russell Haswell And Evol, IDEAL] Dungeon Acid - Affirmative Body Sequences 7 [Dungeon Acid, Russell Haswell And Evol, IDEAL] FaltyDL - Further [In The Wake Of Wolves, Central Processing Unit] FaltyDL - New Friends [In The Wake Of Wolves, Central Processing Unit] Forest on Stasys - Prism of Nature [Lotus Island, space lab] Forest on Stasys - Torre De Alquimia [Lotus Island, space lab]
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interferenc - kaprekarma [TeChNOtitLan, Self-Released] interferenc - postsessor [TeChNOtitLan, Self-Released] JakoJako - Metal Goat [VA - 030313, Tresor] Kalumet - Kronosphere (Moon Patrol Remix)[Kronosphere, Oslated] Kalumet - Kronosphere (Original Mix)[Kronosphere, Oslated] Kalumet - Providance (Original Mix)[Kronosphere, Oslated] Kalumet - Tao (Original Mix)[Kronosphere, Oslated] Kanding Ray - Four Interwined Spirals [Polar EP, Spazio Disponibile] L.B. Dub Corp - Krank [Saturn to Home, Dekmantel] L.B. Dub Corp feat. Baal & Mortimer - Golden Star [Saturn to Home, Dekmantel] L.B. Dub Corp feat. Miss Kittin - Saturn to Home [Saturn to Home, Dekmantel] L.B. Dub Corp feat. Paul St. Hilaire - No Trouble In Paradise [Saturn to Home, Dekmantel] Microcorps - KDAK [Macrocorpse - 2021-2024, The Tapeworm] Microcorps - LIIOI [Macrocorpse - 2021-2024, The Tapeworm] Microcorps - MYR [Macrocorpse - 2021-2024, The Tapeworm] Microcorps - PYN [Macrocorpse - 2021-2024, The Tapeworm] Microcorps - VLOJ [Macrocorpse - 2021-2024, The Tapeworm] Microcorps - WRM [Macrocorpse - 2021-2024, The Tapeworm] Model 500 - I.D.L.E. [VA - 030313, Tresor] Not Even Noticed - Lemon Posset [VA - Slam Jams Vol​.​ 4, Holding Hands] Orlando Voorn - No Cellphones [No Cellphones, Kompakt] Orlando Voorn - Raise The Bar [No Cellphones, Kompakt] Orlando Voorn - Tech IQ [No Cellphones, Kompakt] Peter Van Hoesen - Nirvana Short Circuit / Listening To Cells [Towards The Center Of Time And Surrounded By Spirits, Vlek] Peter Van Hoesen - Schemerzone / Voor JMH Berckmans [Towards The Center Of Time And Surrounded By Spirits, Vlek]
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Planetary Assault Systems - Clap Trap [Deep Heet Vol. 5, Mote-Evolver] Planetary Assault Systems - Grid Livers [Deep Heet Vol. 5, Mote-Evolver] Priori - Ruins [This But More, NAFF] Priori - Weight [VA - WITNESS05, One Eye Witness] Priori feat. Jesse Osborne-Lanthier - Basalt Tones [This But More, NAFF] Priori feat. Sabola - Learn To Fly [This But More, NAFF] Reflex Blue - J2px [VA - WITNESS05, One Eye Witness] Remotif - Glint's Pursuit [The Elevated Place, Emotional Especial] Remotif - U-15 [The Elevated Place, Emotional Especial] Significant Other feat. James K - RPG [When It Rains, Pain Management]
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Tagliabue - Abisso (Original)[Abisso, Subject To Restrictions Discs] Tagliabue - Insidie (Original)[Abisso, Subject To Restrictions Discs] Tagliabue - Venula (Original)[Abisso, Subject To Restrictions Discs] Terence Fixmer - Another End [The Paradox In Me, Novamute] Terence Fixmer - In Synthesis [The Paradox In Me, Novamute] Terence Fixmer - Shore Break [The Paradox In Me, Novamute] Timothy J. Fairplay - Bronx Warriors [Convictions That Stick, Pinkman] Timothy J. Fairplay - Convictions That Stick [Convictions That Stick, Pinkman] Timothy J. Fairplay - Foggy Beach [Convictions That Stick, Pinkman] Timothy J. Fairplay - Outdoor Survival [Convictions That Stick, Pinkman] Versalife - Axon Terminal [Technofeudalism, TRUST] Versalife - Cataclysm [Technofeudalism, TRUST] Versalife - Syndicate War [Technofeudalism, TRUST]
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Viels - Il Quarto Respiro [Il Quarto Respiro, Semantica] Viels - Lontano da Casa [Il Quarto Respiro, Semantica] Violence Gratuite - Bad à Bras le Corps [Baleine à Boss, Hakuna Kulala] Violence Gratuite - Iséo [Baleine à Boss, Hakuna Kulala] Violence Gratuite - Les Prisons de Nantes [Baleine à Boss, Hakuna Kulala]
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Youth feat. Allen Ginsberg - Iron Horse (The Orb's End Hate Remix)[Iron Horse, Cadiz Music]
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bronzewool · 7 months
Fun Ocean Planet Facts I love learning for my book
A water planet needs a strong magnetic field to protect its atmosphere, otherwise greenhouse gases will cause the planet to heat up over time, the ocean to boil, and vapour to escape into space via solar wind (like Venus and Mars)
Gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn, thought to lack surfaces and have a stratum of liquid nitrogen.
Although still not fully understood, ice giants like Uranus and Neptune have hot, highly compressed, supercritical water. However, the "ocean" on Neptune, might actually be liquid diamond.
There are currently five known water planets in habitable zones. Kepler-22b "Super Earth" is 2.4 times the size of Earth. It is currently unknown if it has a rocky, gaseous or liquid composition, but it does have clouds.
Kepler-453b is 60% bigger than Earth, orbiting a star 10% larger than our sun and 20% brighter. The temperature is warm enough to have an ocean and house life.
Kepler-62 has five planets orbiting a star 2/3 the size of our sun and only 1/5 as bright. At 7 billion years old it is older than our solar system and two of the planets are habitable zones and 40% larger than Earth.
HAT-P-11b is a planet the size of Neptune, making it the smallest exoplanet to have water, it sits so close to its sun in a five-day orbit, it's too warm to have an ocean, but it still has water vapour and cloudless skies.
Ganymede (Jupiter's largest moon) proves that satellites can have their own magnetic field and underground saltwater oceans.
Callisto, Jupiter's second largest moon, is equal parts rock and ice with the lowest density of any moon. Its structure is composed of an icy-rock crater exterior, a thin saltwater secondary layer, and finally an ice-rock core.
Enceladus, Saturn's sixth largest moon, is covered in a thin smooth sheet of ice, making it the most reflective body in our solar system. It also has an underground ocean, with venting plumes of water vapour escaping into space from giant fissures in its southern pole that are so big the moon looks like it has tiger stripes.
Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has the saltiest subsurface ocean of any moon. It's currently unknown if Titan's ocean is a very thin layer sandwiched between sheets of ice, or if it extends all the way down to its rocky interior. There are lakes and rivers visible on Titan's surface, but it's not saltwater, its liquid hydrocarbons (methane and ethane)
Triton, one of Neptune's moons, has active geysers that spew nitrogen into the atmosphere, and volcanic fixtures cover the icy rock surface, most likely the result of past tidal heating.
Dwarf Planet Pluto has mountains of water ice and flowing glaciers of nitrogen and methane ice. Mysterious fault lines, some hundreds of miles long, suggest that Pluto has a hidden subsurface ocean.
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describe-things · 8 months
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[ID: Two versions of the same pride flag, with seven stripes of black: dark grey, grey ,white, pale gold, orange, and red. The first version has just the stripes, the second has two venus symbols connected to a nonbinary symbol. End ID.]
Originally posted by the now deactivated saturnic-vapour, on or before June 24th, 2018.
Surviving reblog with ID is here.
Original post text:
Agatic - person who is a woman and loves women and nonbinary people. The colors represent agate colors and love between woman and woman(red-yellow) and and love between woman and nonbinary(blueish grey shades). Author of term is anon, flag is by me.
original tags unknown.
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eirian · 9 months
Our moon is so useless and pathetic compared to all of the cool moons out there in the solar system. While so much other moons have all these cool features, all our Moon did was hit us, and then get a free ride orbiting us for a few billion years.
Europa is such a cool moon, that it could potentially have liquid water underneath. The gravitational effects of its planet Jupiter, and some of Jupiter's other Moons (including Ganymede, a moon so sick, it is bigger than the planet Mercury, and almost as big as Mars; Callisto, another huge ass moon bigger than ours, one that might even have water as well; and Io, a pizza coloured moon with fucking sulfuric volcanoes) cause internal movement for the body, meaning there might not only be the biggest ocean currently known in the universe there, but it could very well have geothermic vents. Geothermic vents mean that there could potentially be life there! Our stupid ass moon can't do none of that shit, it's just barren.
How about Titan? Easily the biggest moon of Saturn, it is so big its gravity helps Saturn's smaller moons from crashing into the ringed planet - it is literally saving their lives! Could our moon do that? Nah, it's too pathetic to do anything of the sort. Not only that, but it is the only moon with a proper greenhouse effect going on, it literally has an atmosphere, and oceans made out of liquid methane (and some scientists think there might even be water). Could our moon have an atmosphere? The flimsy little dust bubble it has around it hardly counts, it's so shit.
Look at our friend Triton. It was a dwarf planet in its own right, and not only any dwarf planet, but the largest one, bigger than Pluto and Eris. However, the poor thing was brutally captured by Neptune, and is now in a orbit around the planet, going the opposite way from the other moons to show its uniqueness. It also has geysers that throw out gaseous nitrogen that it carries around in it, creating its own atmosphere, and making it one of the 4 places in the solar system with known geological activity, apart from the Earth, Io and Saturn's Enceladus (that motherfucker is covered in fresh ice and it's of the shiniest things in the solar system, cos it erupts water vapour). Could OUR moon have geological activity? Of fucking course not.
Even Charon is cooler than the moon, and it doesn't even orbit a real planet. Its around half the size of Pluto, and its so massive, it actually makes Pluto wobble around a point outside of Pluto itself, making it more of a duo-planetary system then a moon. It affects the environment so much scientists say that the other moons, rather than orbiting Pluto, orbit a Pluto-Charon system. Can our tiny-ass moon do that? No it can't.
So anyways, fuck the moon.
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niroke · 2 years
Does anyone have a theory of how witches get water? Do they even need water? There necessarily is water because otherwise Luz wouldn't have survived but where is it from??
The boiling isles have both boiling rain and a boiling ocean, meaning most likely the whole weather cycle is composed of the acid. Which is actually a real thing! Just not for us. Venus has a similar weather cycle as we do which runs off of sulfuric acid, but the rain boils away before it could ever hit the ground. However Saturn's moon Titan (Yes Titan!!) does have a completely functional weather cycle run entirely off of methane. It's liquid in the rain and in Titan's oceans and lakes, vapour in the atmosphere, and even freezes! What's really sad is that it's not going to last, current predictions say that it's only going to be around for 10s of millions of years. Which might sound like a while but dinosaurs were alive for 165 million years and died 65 million years ago. This is to say that it's possible that the "water" cycle could actually be methane, and since we know witches have slight differences biologically like the bile sack it's completely reasonable that this would work. However Luz lived there for months. If the entire water cycle is made up of methane she wouldn't have survived because people really need water, so how is it incorporated in there?? Please tell me your theories this is killing me
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prose2passion · 1 year
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moonspower · 1 year
there arent rainbows in outer space but exoplanets seem to have capabilities to have rainbows from what ive read. also there’s this:
this week’s question comes from tyson nordal from new westminster, b.c, who asks, “if i were floating in space by saturn’s moon enceladus and caught the sun’s light through the geysers that enceladus sprays up into space, would i be treated to a space rainbow?” dr. mohamad ali-dib, an astrophysicist from the university of toronto, says there’s almost a constant eruption of water geysers coming from saturn’s moon enceladus. since saturn is about ten times as far from the sun as earth, it’s much colder out there, so the water vapour erupting from the moon’s surface would freeze very quickly into ice crystals. ice crystals behave differently than water vapour droplets that can create a multicolour rainbow here on earth. water ice crystals will instead create a single colour yellowish or white rainbow, otherwise known as a sun dog. we can see such sun dogs here on earth in very cold temperatures, but due the distance between saturn and the sun, any sun dog coming from enceladus would be much fainter than anything seen here. dr. ali-dib says you’d have to be floating fairly close to the surface enceladus to witness it.
i kind of want there to be an actual rainbow road like this one in vi’s lore lol…
like a rainbow road that you can actually walk on if you have the power and can actually fall off of… insert mario kart music here…
imagine vi taking you up to rainbow road just to kick your ass off.
and you end up floating… somewhere. like you can come back. he’ll bring you back. but just imagine.
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moonglittering · 2 years
there arent rainbows in outer space but exoplanets seem to have capabilities to have rainbows from what ive read. also there’s this:
this week’s question comes from tyson nordal from new westminster, b.c, who asks, “if i were floating in space by saturn’s moon enceladus and caught the sun’s light through the geysers that enceladus sprays up into space, would i be treated to a space rainbow?” dr. mohamad ali-dib, an astrophysicist from the university of toronto, says there’s almost a constant eruption of water geysers coming from saturn’s moon enceladus. since saturn is about ten times as far from the sun as earth, it’s much colder out there, so the water vapour erupting from the moon’s surface would freeze very quickly into ice crystals. ice crystals behave differently than water vapour droplets that can create a multicolour rainbow here on earth. water ice crystals will instead create a single colour yellowish or white rainbow, otherwise known as a sun dog. we can see such sun dogs here on earth in very cold temperatures, but due the distance between saturn and the sun, any sun dog coming from enceladus would be much fainter than anything seen here. dr. ali-dib says you’d have to be floating fairly close to the surface enceladus to witness it.
i kind of want there to be an actual rainbow road in vi’s lore lol…
like a rainbow road that you can actually walk on if you have the power and can actually fall off of… insert mario kart music here…
imagine vi taking you up to rainbow road just to kick your ass off.
and you end up floating… somewhere. like you can come back. he’ll bring you back. but just imagine.
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undeadedits · 6 days
Pokemon SWSH GNC and PNC icons
According to my saved google drive files these were originally made on or around June 26th, 2020. I can't remember if I uploaded them with this url or when I was @spideredits but here they are again.
I'm not really interested in finding the old post for these because I've decided to revamp them using flags that I'm actually comfortable with this time. I did not like the older flags and felt pressured to use them, so I'm not going to anymore.
Femme Klara / Using the flag by @loops-flag-archive
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She/Her Gay Klara / Using the flag by saturnic-vapour found here
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Butch Avery / Using the flag by @loops-flag-archive
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He/Him Lesbian Avery / Using the flag by saturnic-vapour found here
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You can ignore my old interaction criteria. These are free for anyone to use and while I would prefer some kind or credit or a tag (because i like to see things people make with my stuff for fun) it's not needed.
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ramtracking · 5 months
If Europa has Geysers, They're Very Faint [ Europa ]
If Europa has Geysers, They’re Very Faint [Highlights] In 2013, the Hubble Space Telescope spotted water vapour on Jupiter’s moon Europa. The vapour was evidence of plumes similar to the ones on… If life exists on moons orbiting Saturn and Jupiter, instruments headed there in the fall may just need a tiny ice grain to find it. ALMA HCN (J = 4 − 3) spectra of Europa (blue) averaged within 0.14′′…
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juliehowlin · 8 months
There is such a thing as a volcano which spews ice instead of magma. Needless to say, it’s not on Earth, but on Enceladus, one of Saturn’s moons. It happens when ice deep below the surface gets heated and turned into a vapour that erupts into the moon’s atmosphere as ice particles.
10 things you didn't know about ice:
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jcmarchi · 9 months
Unlocking Secrets of "Hot Saturn" and Its Spotted Star - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/unlocking-secrets-of-hot-saturn-and-its-spotted-star-technology-org/
Unlocking Secrets of "Hot Saturn" and Its Spotted Star - Technology Org
Led by researchers from Université de Montréal’s Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx), a team of astronomers has harnessed the power of the revolutionary James Webb Space Webb Telescope (JWST) to study the “hot Saturn” exoplanet HAT-P-18 b.
An artistic representation of the “hot Saturn” exoplanet, HAT-P-18 b. Image credit: NASA/Eyes on Exoplanets
Their findings, published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, paint a complete picture of the HAT-P-18 b’s atmosphere while exploring the great challenge of distinguishing its atmospheric signals from the activity of its star.
HAT-P-18 b is located over 500 light-years away with a mass similar to Saturn’s but a size closer to that of the larger planet Jupiter. As a result, the exoplanet has a “puffed-up” atmosphere that is especially ideal for analysis.
Passing over a spotted star
Observations from the JWST were taken while the HAT-P-18 b was passing in front of its Sun-like star. This moment is called a transit and is crucial to detect and further characterise an exoplanet from hundreds of light-years away with surprising precision.
Astronomers don’t observe light that is being emitted directly by the distant planet. Rather, they study how the central star’s light is being blocked and affected by the planet orbiting it, and so must try to disentangle signals caused by the presence of the planet from those caused by the star’s own properties.
Just like our Sun, stars do not have uniform surfaces. They can have dark star spots and bright regions, which can create signals that mimic a planet’s atmospheric attributes. A recent study of the exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 b and its star TRAPPIST-1 led by UdeM doctoral student Olivia Lim witnessed an eruption, or flare, on the surface of the star, which affected observations.
In the case of planet HAT-P-18 b, Webb caught the exoplanet right as it was passing over a dark spot on its star, HAT-P-18. This is called a spot-crossing event, and its effect was evident in the data collected for the new study. The iREx team also reported the presence of numerous other star spots on HAT-P-18’s surface which were not blocked out by the exoplanet.
To accurately determine the exoplanet’s atmospheric composition, the researchers had to simultaneously model the planet’s atmosphere as well as its star’s peculiarities. In their study, they point out that such consideration will be crucial in treating future exoplanet observations via the Webb to fully harness their potential.
“We found that accounting for stellar contamination implies the existence of spots and clouds instead of haze and recovers a water vapour abundance of almost an order of magnitude lower,” said lead author Marylou Fournier-Tondreau.
“So considering the system’s host star makes a big difference,” added Fournier-Tondreau, who did the work as a master’s student at iREx and is now pursuing a Ph.D. at the University of Oxford.
“It’s actually the first time that we clearly disentangle the signature of hazes versus starspots, thanks to Canada’s NIRISS (Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph) instrument, which provides wider wavelength coverage extending into the visible light domain.”
H2O, CO2, and clouds in a scorching atmosphere
After modelling the exoplanet and the star in the HAT-P-18 system, the iREx astronomers performed a meticulous dissection of HAT-P-18 b’s atmospheric composition. By inspecting the light that filters through the exoplanet’s atmosphere as it transits its host star, the researchers discerned the presence of water vapour (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
The researchers also detected the possible presence of sodium and observed strong signs of a cloud deck in HAT-P-18 b’s atmosphere, which appears to be muting the signals of many of the molecules found within it. They also concluded that the star’s surface was covered by many dark spots that can significantly influence the interpretation of the data.
An earlier analysis of the same JWST data led by a team at Johns Hopkins University had also revealed a clear detection of water and CO2, but also reported the detection of small particles at high-altitudes called hazes and found hints of methane (CH4). The iREx astronomers paint a different picture.
The CH4 detection was not confirmed, and the water abundance they determined was 10 times lower than previously found. They also found that the previous study’s detection of hazes could instead be caused by star spots on the star’s surface, highlighting the importance of considering the star in the analysis.
Could the exoplanet support life? Not likely. While molecules like water, carbon dioxide, and methane can be interpreted as biosignatures, or signs of life, in certain ratios or in combination with other molecules, HAT-P-18 b’s scorching temperatures of close to 600 degrees Celsius do not bode well for the planet’s habitability.
Future observations from another JWST instrument, the Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec), promise to help refine the team’s results, such as the CO2 detection, and shed even more light on the intricacies of this hot Saturn exoplanet.
Source: University of Montreal
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laocommunity · 1 year
Mind-Blowing Discovery: Saturn Moon Spouts 6,000-Mile Water Vapour Plume - Scientists Left in Awe!
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Mind-Blowing Discovery: Saturn Moon Spouts 6,000-Mile Water Vapour Plume - Scientists Left in Awe! Mind-Blowing Discovery: Saturn Moon Spouts 6,000-Mile Water Vapor Plume - Scientists Left in Awe! The discovery of a 6,000-mile water vapor plume spouting from Saturn's moon is awe-inspiring. Scientists are amazed and excited by this finding, which has altered their understanding of the Saturn system. Many new questions have emerged, and more mysteries await for scientists to uncover. In this article, we will explore this incredible discovery and the impact it has on the scientific community. The Discovery The discovery of a massive water vapor plume originating from one of Saturn's moons was made by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. The plume spouted around 125 miles (200 kilometers) into the space from the southern polar region of Enceladus. Cassini detected the plume's existence back in 2005, with data collected by the Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) and the Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA). However, it wasn't until later that scientists realized the full extent of the plume, at a staggering 6,000 miles (10,000 kilometers). The Implications This discovery changes the way scientists understand the Saturn system and the potential it holds for extraterrestrial life. The presence of a water vapor plume indicates the existence of a subsurface ocean on Enceladus, which could harbor microbial life. The discovery also raises questions about the origins of the water and the possibility of life existing elsewhere in the universe. What the Future Holds This discovery has opened up many new avenues of exploration and scientific research. Several missions have already been planned, which will focus on investigating the plume and the ocean beneath the surface of Enceladus. The future of space exploration looks bright, and we can anticipate many new discoveries in the years to come. The Science Behind It The 6,000-mile water vapor plume is a result of the hydrothermal activity within the subsurface ocean beneath the surface of Enceladus. The plume originates from the southern polar region of the moon, where four "tiger stripe" fractures are present. These fractures release jets of vapor and particles, which create the plume observed by Cassini spacecraft. The Significance of Water on Enceladus The discovery of a subsurface ocean on Enceladus alters the understanding of the moon's potential for harboring life. The presence of water on Enceladus is exciting because it is one of the key ingredients necessary for life as we know it. Scientists are keen to explore the ocean further and uncover its mysteries. FAQs 1. What is Enceladus? Enceladus is a moon of Saturn, discovered by William Herschel in 1789. It is the sixth-largest moon of Saturn and measures approximately 310 miles (500 kilometers) in diameter. 2. How was the water vapor plume discovered? The Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) and Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) on board the Cassini spacecraft detected the presence of the plume back in 2005. 3. Why is the discovery of the water vapor plume significant? The water vapor plume indicates the presence of a subsurface ocean on Enceladus, which could harbor life. 4. What is the future of space exploration? The discovery of the water vapor plume and the subsequent missions that will be launched to explore it has opened up many new avenues of exploration and scientific research. 5. What do scientists hope to learn from exploring Enceladus? Scientists hope to learn more about the subsurface ocean on Enceladus and the potential it holds for harboring life. They also hope to learn more about the origins of the water and the potential for life existing elsewhere in the universe. Conclusion The discovery of a 6,000-mile water vapor plume spouting from Saturn's moon is a mind-blowing discovery that has left scientists in awe. The possibilities this discovery offers are endless, and the future of scientific exploration is brighter than ever before. We can only anticipate the many more discoveries that await us as we continue to explore our universe. #TECH Read the full article
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mthomasapple · 1 year
Plume of water seen on Saturn’s moon
The record-breaking plume reached nearly 6,000 miles into space – covering the distance between Ireland and Japan – and poured water into the void at an estimated rate of 300 litres a second. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/may/30/astronomers-see-6000-mile-water-vapour-plume-blasting-from-saturn-moon Note that the water jetted out into space nearly 40 times longer than the actual size…
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knarsisus · 1 year
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