#save me gay soldier
kappie-tol-shh · 10 months
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pav sketches from twt
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bread-is-my-life · 5 months
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(this animatic literally was the reason why I got into tf2 so GO WATCH IT IT'S BEAUTIFUL I PROMISE!!!)
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blasterb0t · 9 months
As soon as he got colourful he became my pookie and I instantly yanked the stoppers off his feet
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skywarpshydroflask · 5 months
rescue bots brings me so much turmoil (LIGHTHEARTED) but I gotta admit it's such a cute show... AND this optimus feels like A Guy Instead Of A Cardboard Cutout without sacrificing the never shows emotion coolest guy ever vibe that hasbro is obsessed with for him.. I never knew it could be possible
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hauntingblue · 7 months
Jinbe now as a strawhat just becomes a climbing structure for the crew. Now chopper isn't the only one who can get on people's shoulders
#this based on nami climbing him for like the second time til now#well at least the chef cares avout the people.... or not??? what was that#mama saved by the cloud.... whatever...#caesars heart!!! its been like 200 episodes lmao#and mama goes wild again!!!!! more distractions for her children letsgo#caesar wanting attention .... the new world's buggy#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 843#'my heart trembled. a beautiful lady must have talked about me' ajdhaksh#the germa soldiers are kinda mid for steuggling against moms forces.... like you were made for this.... whats the deal#episode 844#zeus new nami slave!!! two on her belt now!! she is gonna become invincible#oh nvm#nami hiding behind jinbe..... no new slave but yes new shield#king baum running to see her wife again lmao ajsjaksjak love is real in one piece#pedro offering to light sanji's cigarette.... gay sex is less subtle#are they basically clones... yeah but thats just what happens sometimes#i love how luffy just grabs nami and jumps whenever#rip king baum...... poor wife.... nami will shed a tear tonight on the sunny#chiffon saying no to the cake.... hell yeah#pudding do not fucking lie about saving them..... or was she lying before..... well she was jealous so i don't trust her yet..#but she is crying from her third eye....#episode 845#'looks like this time its about a wedding cake' *kicks a tree to oblivion*#it makes a lot of sense that zeus can be bought with 'food' considering whose soul it is#AND SANJI CAN FLY??? DAMN HELP CARROT GET HIGH IDK#well pedro to the rescue as always..... being a sanji copy with a sword is so.... well a choice... bc who else has a sword.... exactly. gay#NAMI CONTROLLING ZEUS????? IT REALLY IS HER SLAVE NOW!!! that was the most damage big mom has taken yet btw..... god nami when...#episode 846
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nerice · 1 year
Quick question! Are they soulless constantly in pain and suffer 25/8 or are they just kinda „eh; guess I‘m rotting“ like zombies or are they infinitely searching for something that feels like it’s missing (due to the no soul thing)?
What is the whole soulless experience like?
:D! oh all of the above though only the first is hardbaked into their nonexistent dna!! stuck in a human body that's unable to process sensory input the right way & still tethered to the invisible moon via their blood. granted, it's not burning blood jail 900% of the time, sometimes it's just an uncanny itch, random muscle aches, spasms, tingling nerves that sputter and spark; sometimes it's like nothing is wrong at all (esp prevalent with gray who will only notice some minor ache in response to linnea's touch driving it out of him <3 ofc that only makes it more painful when she withholds her cure, esp esp when she's in the mood 2 make him worse on purpose ww) this ask is getting away from me help
camp Rotting For Sport is mostly sky content as she heads towards soulless existence via blood rot/nascent pain (shoutout to dream game :)🔪) sorry babygirl say goodbye to your hard-won strength control we are unlocking the birthright you never wanted </3
nd the 'searching for something thats missing' is mostly a consequence of the condition nd manifests differently for all of them!! faye is chronically homesick for the invisible moon she just wants to go back n quit existence, less so because of the pain (it isn't helping, sure) but she's the only one who finds a weird solace in it. the proof of her origin, her destination calling out to her!! and gray is the direct opposite, violently chasing any human feeling and desire, compounded by the fact that linn indulges in life so brilliantly she has so much fun!! but it's russian roulette whether or not he can partake in the same way; longing to eat but unable to hold food down. longing to sleep but never rested. etc etc the list is longer than i'm willing to engage him as a complex character rather than the guy in the 10 of swords card 💀
long story short, being soulless sucks as much as any chronic illness sucks but they're very good at making the worst of it too <3
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matan4il · 4 months
Happy Pride month to all Jews and our true allies.
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On this occasion, as someone who used to volunteer for the Jerusalem Open House (the gay community center) let me offer you a bit of info about our country's LGBTQ history (and correct some anti-Israel distortions).
This is Chaim (Herman) Cohen.
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He was born in Germany in 1911, and came to Israel in 1930, to study torah at a yeshiva here. Inspired by his Jewish studies, he decided to turn to the study of law, returning to Germany for that goal and to get married. In 1933, with the rise of the Nazis to power in Germany, he decided to move to Israel permanently. In that sense, he's considered a refugee and Holocaust survivor. His younger brother Leo was murdered by the Nazis.
In 1950, he was appointed Israel's attorney general. In this role, he came across an anti-sodomy law passed by the British Mandate in 1936 (which prohibited all oral and anal sex, including between two men), and which the State of Israel automatically inherited once it was founded in 1948 (source in Hebrew). First he wanted to cancel it, but his jurisdiction fell short of that. As it was within his authority to instruct the Israeli police and state prosecution to ignore it, he did so in 1953. He explained his instruction:
"I thought it was my duty not to uphold a law, which I saw as immoral. [...] And if you should ask, in what is the immorality of the law prohibiting intercourse between men, I will reply to you that such a law against any consenting and private contact between adults contradicts the freedom of man over his own body, and depriving this freedom is a grave infringement against one of the basic human rights."
For comparison's sake, in March 1952, Alan Turing (who saved countless lives for the UK and the allies during WWII) was brought to trial for homosexual consensual private acts, was convicted, and his security clearance was revoked.
In 1978, a special committee of the Knesset (Israel's parliament) recommended several changes to laws addressing various sexual acts, including a recommendation to cancel this anti-sodomy law. In 1980, Israel's first right wing government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Menachem Begin, accepted the committee's recommendations with a corresponding bill (which eventually didn't pass). The bill was presented a second time in 1986, and was passed into law in 1988, decriminalizing same-sex intercourse in Israel (source in Hebrew).
For comparison's sake, in 1990, there were still over 110 jurisdictions in the world criminalizing homosexuality in the world. In the 2020's, RIGHT NOW, there are over 60 that still do.
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This is Dr. Doron Maizel (may his memory be a blessing) on the left, with his partner Adir Steiner.
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Doron was an army doctor. He was married to a woman with whom he had 3 daughters, before coming out to her in the late 1970's, getting a divorce and eventually openly moving in with his partner Adir. They were together since 1983. Being open about his sexual orientation meant that while Doron was allowed to serve, the same notion that gay men are a security threat (which was applied to Alan Turing), and therefore can't be allowed to serve in top/secret posts in the army, was to stop the promotion that he was about to get. Doron went to visit Ariel Sharon (at the time, Israel's right wing Security Minister, who's in charge of the army) in the latter's private home. IDK what was said in that meeting, but after that, Adir underwent the security check that all partners of a high ranking army officer do, and then Doron got his promotion. When Doron passed away in 1991 from cancer, Adir demanded to be and was recognized as an army widower. Doron's official army commemoration page states, "Left behind a mother, three daughters, a brother and a boyfriend."
Here's Adir with Doron's picture during a 2012 interview:
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In 1993, the army order that were meant to prevent Doron and other gay soldiers from serving in certain posts was officially canceled. In 1999, a soldier born as male asked to serve as a woman, because that's what she actually was (this would have made this soldier's service shorter, and in that sense "cost" the army). The request was accepted, and since then, trans soldiers serve in the gender they identify with.
The story of Israel's LGBTQ rights isn't only glitter and fairies. Just like I can talk about a lot of progress that the state made in equalizing our rights in many domains (because I have), I could also talk about the rights we still don't have (because I've done that, too). The situation here isn't perfect (though as far as I'm aware, it isn't anywhere in the world, there are at least a few rights denied to the queer community in every country I know of). But when I look at our history, I feel like Israel isn't just one of the more queer-friendly countries in the world, it was also at certain moments at the very forefront of the struggle to recognizing queer people as deserving of equal treatment.
Which is maybe the most instinctual reason for my fury at the form of the Israel's demonization using the false notion of "pink washing." It is DERANGED to think Chaim Cohen, in 1953, gave his pro-gay instruction in relation to an occupation that Israel wasn't being blamed of until after the Six Day War in 1967, and which didn't gain attention from the regular people (as opposed to foreign politicians, who didn't give a shit about Israel's record on gay rights) until the Derben Conference in 2000. Not to mention how the idea that having a good gay rights record is something a country can brag about is probably even younger than that conference.
The pink washing accusation is de-humanizing. It suggests that it can't be that Israelis simply have a set of values which happens to align with the west's when it comes to the gay community (or women's rights, or ecological awareness, or freedom of speech, or any of the other positives Israel has, which position it high in the Freedom Index, and which anti-Israel activists label "washing" with one color or another). No, the history of these fields in the Jewish state is all about what non-Jews will say about us! It's like you can't fathom that we have an existence of our own, and minds of our own, and desires and wants and struggles of our own, and not everything is centered about what you think of us.
And the source of this self-centered thinking seems to connect with an inability to accept the Jewish state as anything other than the ultimate evil. Because Israel has to be the supervillain of the story, then it can't have a single positive. Everything about it has to be black, otherwise that challenges the black and white narrative that's been developed to demonize the Jewish state. So if it is revealed that there's any domain in which Israel is actually doing good things, reflecting a respect for human rights or a closeness to the values that the anti-Israel crowd claims to uphold, then it must be just a cover up for how Israel treats the Palestinians.
Essentially, the pink/purple/green/whatever washing accusations are as insane and antisemitic, just like claiming that Jews have won so many Nobel Prizes (a reflection of how much our people have benefited humanity) to distract the world from all the non-Jewish kids we kill to use their blood to bake Passover matzos.
But it's actually worse. Because in the process of demonizing Israel, Israeli Arab and Palestinian queers get thrown under the bus, too. As a gay activist, I'm familiar with so many gay and trans Israeli Arabs who get to have a good life thanks to Israel's good gay rights record, who are aware that if the anti-Israel crowd is successful in de-legitimizing and destroying this state, they're fucked as well. I know a lot of gay and trans Palestinians, who only catch a break when they come to the Jerusalem Open House, or generally to Israel, the only place where they can be themselves safely. I know so many queer Palestinians who are scared for their lives because of the violent intolerance of their own families, society and governments. And all the western countries from which the anti-Israel people come from refuse them entry as refugees persecuted for their sexual orientation (yes, I have gay Palestinian friends who have tried, only to be turned down by country after country, no matter how "liberal" or "pro-Palestinian" they officially claim to be).
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Meanwhile, gay Palestinians can get temporary asylum in Israel (please don't tell me it's "pink washing" again, when no one from the anti-Israel crowd will even acknowledge this fact) if they fear for their lives, it's just not a proper solution, because just like Palestinian terrorists can get into Israel, carry out an attack and murder innocent civilians, Palestinian homophobes can get inside as well, and murder the queer people who had fled here.
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And just to make reality a tad more complex, you know how for the anti-Israel crowd, the worst of the worst of Israeli society, are the religious ("Fanatic! Extremist! Violent!") settlers? I know of more than one case where those religious settlers are the ones who are helping gay Palestinians, but here's one that made it into the Israeli news.
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Life is just not black and white, human nature is complex, Israel is a country where human beings are more than just their stance on the conflict and whether foreigners agree with it or not, and the "pink washing accusation" black and white washes all our colors away, trying to reduce us into caricatures that fit into their simplistic, reductive narrative, so they can go on playing "white/western/outsider savior" to the "poor Palestinians" without actually caring about many of the poorest, most marginalized ones.
This vid isn't a representation of all gay Israeli Arabs, but it's def a voice you will not see acknowledged on the anti-Israel side:
Happy Pride to everyone seeing us, all of us, Israelis and Palestinians, queer and straight, with all of our humanity and complexity!
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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ayy-junipei · 8 months
Why You Should Watch Bang Brave Bang Bravern
An essay by Junipei while they wait for they friends to come online so we can watch episode 3. Some spoilers for episode 1-2 I guess
Reason 1 - It be Nefarious
Ok so let me tell you how I came to actually watch this show. I have a friend who does one of those seasonal anime review podcast things and I was basically helping man go through the bottom of the barrel. Things that were either going to be cute for an episode before its gimmick ran into the ground or just straight up trash. I was the emotional support Juni.
So we boot up Bang Brave Bang Bravern knowing only that it's a generic mecha show with a fucked up name and a bromance thrown in for fun. That's what we thought
We thought things were getting interesting when the aliens showed up. Ok it's not just a gritty anime it's a Pacific Rim Top Gun thing, ok, that's more interesting than what we thought, that's fine.
I have not had my jaw this dropped since episode 1 of Code Geass. We were played like fiddles bro.
So we watch episode 2, wondering where the hell its going to go from there. IT GOES TO-
Reason 2 - Robot Gay Hell
As a person who enjoys human sized people kissing 10ft tall death machines, I have been starved my entire life. I take what I can get.
So imagine my surprise when the show sets up that Bravern is head over heels in love with his pilot Isami. So much so that he refuses to let anyone else get in that cockpit. Wahey!
It has mostly been played for a joke, that's the one single downside. That's not very sustainable. BUT I am very curious to see where it goes. This leads into-
Reason 3 - Something is UP my Dudes
If the carefully planned bait and switch says anything, it's that the show has a lot more planned up it sleeve. And you see that in allmost every scene. Bravern and the one-dimensional aliens creates a massive tonal dissonance with the original part of the show.
You see, the realistic gritty mecha bit is still playing out like a realistic gritty mecha. Our boy Isami gets waterboarded by the CIA for any info he has on Bravern. Things don't magically get better after Bravern saves the main cast, the Earth is going to shit real fast.
So if you think of Bravern and the aliens in the context of the more realistic part of the show, shit is mighty sus. Are you really going to take man's word that he's a hero here to defeat the bad guys?
It could turn darker, it could turn spicy, or it could sustain the show past the "gimmick turns stale real quick" problem anime has these days.
If you've made it this far good job soldier, now get out there and make me some gott damnged robot yaoi. I HAVE STARVED FOR 20 YEARS FOR THIS CONTENT. GIVE IT- GIVE IT OT ME NOW
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alle-ni · 1 year
My thoughts about goodomensverse (I'm clinically insane) (my personal opinion) (long post)
Book Crowley:
- absolute disaster
- lonely boy
- grumpiest
- he's so in love with Aziraphale but didn't even realised yet
- a bit dumb sometimes ngl
- very tired
- he's trying so hard save earth and everything he knows but everytime he tries to explain why it's always AZIRAPHALE
- sometimes he's like... your old gay uncle, the old gay uncle of the family except it's a 6000 years old gender fluid demon
- got called dear once and them died (figuratively)
Radio Crowley:
- flirty
- "Humm have you ever seen me in a dress~~??"
- he's like flirting with Aziraphale 24/7
- 0 patience this man is a BOMB
- if Aziraphale ever EVER got slightly flirty with him back he will EXPLODE
- smartest of them all, he's very intelligent
- he's so in love with Aziraphale and it makes him SO FRUSTRATED
- his Aziraphale is the hardest one to reach, maybe this is why he's so deliberately obvious and direct with him (he's resilient, he will never give up)
- he's like a tsudere teenager collegial except he's a 6000 years old demon with serious issues
- not called dear yet poor soul </3
TV Crowley:
- he's the dumbest of them all, sorry 😭
- red hair
- he's so in love with Aziraphale and everyone notice it's SO OBVIOUS
- he's the most affected by The Bookshop Burning ™ event
- the only one who got to kiss the angel, good for him ig, or sorry, idk
- anxiety bomb he literally (literally) EXPLODE
- strongest soldier bc his Aziraphale is IMPOSSIBLE
- got dumped 2 times more than the others someone pls help him
- the most brave tho
- doesn't hiss a lot :/ free him from this madness let him hiss
- he's like a puppy with giant yellow eyes except it's a 6000 years old snake demon that lies all the time
- protective as hell this man wouldn't let anyone near Aziraphale if possible
- got called dear but at what cost??????????????
Book Aziraphale:
- Anxious all the time, religious trauma except the god is your father and he left you and never talk to you again and the guard angels are your siblings and they want you do be dead
- He's so soft he wants so bad to comfort Crowley but he's really hard to reach
- his Crowley is the most difficult of all of them, he needs to circle him a lot to get in touch
- this man got called names so often I don't think he even cares anymore
- he's very nerdy
- he's the calmest of them all
- really chill
- everyone is so mean to him for no reason
- he has 1 braincell tbh and it's really bad bc his Crowley is not that brilliant too they're both stupid sometimes
- he really REALLY wants to be with Crowley and Crowley only, he sounds almost obligated to be with heaven
- he is really kind to others even when they don't deserve
- he called Crowley dear once and then implode
Radio Aziraphale:
- full of himself
- bastard
- the most closed and oblivious of them all
- he tries to play cool with Crowley all the time (he's slowly getting insane and someday he will jump on this man)
- he's the most self sufficient one he barely holds on Crowley to anything and they're pretty independent
- Crowley can say shit like "Miss me angel~~??" and he would keep a bored face and not react at all (he screamed with the walls 4 hours later)
- he's also a tsudere collegial but he at least try to look cool and composed in public
- he's the Aziraphale that most believes in heaven, he's sure they are good and selfless and the right side
- he's not so brilliant tbh but he got a lot of spirit
- the most active Aziraphale ?? He really put his hand in the dirt and do the things alone
- the most angry and bad tempered of them all, bro scream "WE ARE CLOSED LOOK AT THE DAMN SIGN" when ppl barely touch the bookshop door
- he has a lot of patience with Crowley, not deserved tbh bc he thinks it's his personal job to get in Aziraphale's nerves
- overall he is polite
- he's really proud of their "arrangement" there not only one chance he let go without saying that
- he likes to provoke Crowley sometimes too but not as much as the other way around
- if he ever call Crowley dear he will explode
TV Aziraphale:
- bitchiest
- this man need to be sedated what the fuck Aziraphale
- most nuts of then all he's CRAZY
- he's the most up to do shit with Crowley they're insane together
- he doesn't let Crowley rest he is flirting and being cute and hitting on Crowley all the time
- he's so obviously in love with Crowley its embarrassing
- he's the fruitiest he's the entire salad
- the most... indulgent, if I can say, of them all
- more like an employer of heaven, different of book Aziraphale
- he's the only one with almost white hair
- he got kissed but at what cost
- he's the most intelligent of all of them how can he be this dumb
- he loves little things about earth and humans and life and he seems to be the Aziraphale that most love EARTH itself, like, the life, the humans, the food, the little pleasures we have, the little time of happiness we have between all the shit that is happening... he really loves humans <3
- he's conflicted about heaven, he seems to know that there's something WRONG with how heaven works but still doesn't understand what exactly it is
- "oh but saving me makes him soooo happyyyy~~~"
- overall kind and sweet, in a excited way
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natigail · 1 month
I wanted to see how insane their solo stories from this video looked written out, so please enjoy!
Dan's story "The Dragon Prince"
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Dan from the House of Fire who's motto was "the fire in our ass will never die!" And from Phil, House Amazing, the kingdom of squatting. They were sworn enemies whose houses were at war ever since the great lamp licking incidence. One day, Dan was bathing his fiery drake, Kamala, when he saw a glint in the reflection of his gauntlet. It was a surprise attack from that scallywag Phil! He mounted his dragon and yelled his signature war cry: "ZING!" Phil looked down at the fire kingdom. "Hah, more like squishy kingdom." But before he knew it, Dan was on his tail, he was so close he was practically on his toe. Their beasts, Kamala and Markiplier, released flames at the same time like a torrent of lethal piss. Double K.O. They fell to the ground and lost consciousness. Dan awoke to find Phil's brain stuck in Dan's eye. He shouted, "wow, this is a moist situation." Phil roused gayly. "You saved me," he said. They locked eyes and in that moment, they knew how futile their feud was. They saved each other. Did they have to slay each other? In that moment, Phil felt something skipping down his hips. He swam as hard as he could and suddenly, he felt it, Phil had birthed a beautiful, purple egg. Dan scoffed, "the prophecy is true." "It's our child," Phil said. "The legendary worm and we shall name him Gary." The end.
Phil's story "The Princes"
Once upon a castle in a kingdom called Evony, there were two princing belonging to warring families. Tonight was the last time they would meet before the great battle. Danielo awoke, sword in hand, as he heard a shuffle at the door. Philipus walked into his bedroom wearing a panty. "I didn't mean to disturb you but I thought I should tell you that my father is bringing a dragon to the party and also a large, enchanted hippo. Danielo cried a single tear. "I don't want to die for this stupid family, I just want to be a knight with you and help old ladies cross the street." "Why must we spill blood?" Danielo smirked. "Glory and Amazon coins. Philipus said, "it's our final night together, I thought we could do our favourite activity - twerking. It might make us a bit sweaty but it makes me constipated. As the sun rose, the two knights had fallen asleep in a hay field, using rabbit shit as bedding. This was the morning of the battle, they would be on opposing side. Danielo flew into battle on his dragon Jeff, scanning the skies for his prince Philipus. Philipus raised a sword into the sky as he was silhouetted by the beast. This was not a fair fight. The war had begun. Thousands were being killed. Philipus had a secret weapon, a medieval salami. His best friend flew down from his dragon and approached him. They crossed swords. "I can't do this, Philipus," screamed Danielo. "I want to move to North Korea, start our jobs as Only Phans models." Philipus tried to reason with him but suddenly, Danielo's dragon Jeff started to breath fire at them both. It was so hot, Danielo was on fire. He had one final word for Philipus: "yeee..." as both knights burned to death. They were then eaten by the dragon as a toasty, barbecue snack. They tasted like Takis Fuego. The dragon went on to kill all soldiers and both kings. It ruled the castle in a happy, gay life with his dragon boyfriend, Allisandra, and laid a dragon egg, which he called Kip. They never saw another human again. The princes would always be remembered as the tastiest snacks in the kingdom.
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critter-of-habit · 9 months
When I watched the new What If episode with Peggy & Nat I immediately thought of you, your art, and what your reaction would be. Especially since it was kind of a retelling of Captain America & The Winter Soldier.
What are your thoughts on the episode?
under the cut for length lol
First of all, as usual the animation, particularly the lighting, was incredible. Also the effects! The explosions, smoke, everything. Always blows me away how much effort and love these animators put in to What If.
I love that it's Winter Soldier based because by god do I love that movie - but I also love that it's so very different to my AU cos that means I can keep going with it lol.
Okay here we go with the highlights - Blatant flirting and showing off:
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Just how in sync they were with every fight scene - even in the Battle of New York when they had only known each other for a few hours.
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Angst. And how soft Nat is here:
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"Hey, Peg. I got you."
Natasha's inability to sit in a chair properly:
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Peggy making a star wars reference and Nat calling her out on it like .. Nat you RECOGNIZED the reference you're a nerd too
"You know I always wondered how you got all those GI Boys to follow a woman into war: question answered." ie. "I'm so into you right now":
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This Natasha stabbed Dreykov to death with a corkscrew and I love her for it.
Natasha instinctively putting herself in between Peggy and Steve even though they're both twice her size
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I've already mentioned but, the choice to focus on Natasha's face in this scene:
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Nat's face here:
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Natasha only getting taken down by the robots because her gay-Peggy-focused-ass gets distracted when Peggy runs off to protect Steve: (I'll come back to this point later as a negative)
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Was anyone else looking to see if Yelena was there
"Let's unpack that later, shall we?"
"I don't know whether to kiss you, kill you, or dissect you." "Let me guess, all three?"
I bet the Captain Carter film was baby Nat's gay awakening lol:
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Melina's glorious slo-mo "grandma, it's me, anastasia" coat drop:
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Peggy running to save Nat T_T
These shots:
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Nat wearing the same outfit from Winter Soldier:
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Natasha "too-loyal-and-infatuated-for-her-own-good" Romanoff going along with Peggy again to look for Steve without even being asked. (in stark contrast to the end of Winter Soldier when Natasha did not go with Steve to look for Bucky, I might add)
New reaction image:
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Peggy and Nat calling and reaching out to each other when the portal opens and ALMOST making it - then Natasha punching the ground in desperation T_T
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These two look SO COOL and I can't wait for the 1602 episode.
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Negative points:
Rehashing Ste/ggy all over again - we already HAD that and it was endgame, why do it again?
As much as I adore Natasha's intense loyalty, it's very one sided in this episode and I'm wondering if that's intentional. Peggy is hyperfocused on Steve and leaves Nat behind to run after him multiple times, even though he is in an entire suit of armor and is FINE and Natasha is the one actually getting injured. Then she's leaving at the end without saying goodbye to go find Steve again (despite there being no reason to think he's alive? he EXPLODED??) even though Natasha just went through a trauma too and shouldn't be abandoned. Kinda feels like Peggy is taking Natasha's always being there for granted and I really hope it's addressed in following episodes (though I doubt it will be - it'll just be Steve focused again -_- )
Okay I think I'm done. This was a LOT I'm not sorry I've been waiting for more content for SO LONG I can't wait for the rest of the episodes to rip my heart out and stomp on it :3
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Love Doth Run Smooth
Brienne of Tarth x Fem!Princess!Reader
Hello girls, gays and theys I am back with one last fic before the old year ends and the new one starts. Enjoy this short little fluffy and angsty Brienne fic and Happy New Year 🥳🥳❤️❤️
Thank you again for @weemssapphic and other friends for beta reading my silly little fics <3
Disclaimer: English is not my first language!
Warnings: Little Angst, mention of war and wounds, fear of abandonment, fear of loss, taking care of Brienne, lots of fluff.
Authors Note: Brienne comes back home to you after another victorious war. What will you do to make her feel at home?
Words: 1'500+
A03 Link
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You were anxiously waiting, pacing back and forth in your chambers. It had been months since you’d last seen your knight and you missed her dearly. It didn’t sit right with you that she had to go to war. You were worried, scared she wouldn’t make it back, but evidently she IS the best and most skilled knight in all seven kingdoms. Still… war wasn’t something you wanted her in. The knight has fought enough. Her whole life has been a fight. She deserves to relax, to sleep, to rest. 
You knew very well that she first had to go to the king and queen, telling them of the war. You knew you had to wait, but you couldn’t. With trembling hands and a hammering heart, you left your room, against your father’s wishes. Sneaking through the hallways, you made your way to one of the balconies overlooking the great hall, where your eyes immediately fell onto your lover. 
Her short blonde hair was dirty and matted with dried blood. You knew why your parents didn’t want you present. The sight of her bloodied and injured physique made your heart ache. She stood stoic as she recounted the events of the war, how many soldiers they’d lost and how many had been injured beyond saving. But they were victorious. SHE was victorious. She always was. Your knight in shining armour, the strongest woman in all the seven kingdoms. But also the gentlest, the softest and the one deserving of all the love. 
It wasn’t a secret that you were courting the blonde warrior. Your father and mother have blessed your courtship, proud to have such a strong knight defending their lands and, at one point, continuing their reign with their daughter. Seeing her stumble when trying to get up from her kneeling position almost made you gasp out loud. She was injured more than she led on to believe. Your strong love. With quiet but quick feet, you made your way back to your chambers, calling the maids to get the bath ready for your lover.
Gathering some fresh clothing and a soft towel, you suddenly heard the door to your chambers opening and closing again. 
“Y/n?” A low, hoarse and quiet voice called out. You dropped everything you were holding onto the bed and rushed out to fall into your lover's arms.
“Brienne!” You whispered, your arms slung around her neck and nuzzling into her, holding back tears. She had her arms wrapped around your waist tightly and hid her face in the crook of your neck. You missed her, oh you missed her so very much. Pulling away, you looked into her eyes and your heart broke. She had cuts and bruises on her face and she looked tired, but she looked at you with so much love. 
“Oh, my love…” you whispered with a shaky breath and brushed some hair out of her face, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
“I am sorry you have to see me like this my Lady…” she said quietly, searching your eyes for any negative emotion but all she saw was concern and love. It made her want to sob. The letters you sent her had kept her on her feet, fighting, fuelled by her love waiting for her. She still held you close against her, almost afraid of letting go. 
“No! No, don't apologise. Let me take care of you. Please. Let me tend to your injuries.” You said quickly, pulling away softly, taking the towels and clothes on the bed and grabbing her hand, gently tugging her towards the great bath. She was about to protest but seeing the determination in your eyes, she just gave you a small nod and a sweet smile. 
The bath water was ready, steaming up the room slightly and the maids had added some scent oils, making the room smell heavenly. You sat Brienne down on a chair and started taking off her armour. You made sure to be careful, as not to hurt her, in case she had any hidden injuries. Brienne tried to help you, but you just grabbed her hand, kissed it and put it back on her lap. Once all the armour was off, you started unlacing her underarmour, carefully peeling it off her body. Your breath hitched, and your brows furrowed in worry as you saw all the bruises and hidden injuries. 
“Oh Brienne…” you whispered out, looking into her eyes and she looked away quickly, ashamed of herself for making you so worried. With a soft hand, you lifted her gaze back to you and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. 
“Please don’t feel ashamed of your scars. They're proof you’re still here. With me.” You whispered and stroked her short blonde hair back. She wrapped her strong arms around your waist and held you close, leaning her head against you and burying her nose in the fabric of your dress. The both of you stayed like this for a while, just basking in each other’s presence. After a few minutes, you pulled back gently. 
“Come! Let’s get into the bath!” You whispered as you pulled your dress and undergarments off, holding out a hand for her, which she gladly took. Leading her into the hot water, you were careful to not go too fast and help steady her.
Once in the bath, you sat her down again and moved to grab a washcloth. Dipping it into the water, you started gently cleaning her face, pressing kisses to her nose, her cheeks, her forehead and her lips. Brienne hummed gently, and a small, relaxed smile settled on her lips. After her face was all clean, you moved onto her arms, torso and back, making sure to pepper small kisses over her face as you went on. After her skin seemed to be cleaned from the dirt and blood, you moved on to her hair, grabbing a small bowl and pouring it over her hair as she tipped her head back. With gentle fingers, you washed the blood out of her hair, checking for any head injuries and just finding a dried-up cut. You cleaned it as well as possible and then set the bowl down. 
“Let's get you dressed in something comfortable,” you whispered to her and stroked her cheek lovingly. Brienne grabbed your hand and pressed a soft kiss to the palm of it. She didn’t answer but just nodded in agreement. 
Out of the bath, you helped her dry up and get dressed in some comfortable linen trousers and shirt before drying off and getting dressed yourself. When you entered your chambers, the maids had already placed a bowl of fruit, some fresh water and some pastries on the table. You placed Brienne on the bed gently, telling her to lie down and get comfortable. You grabbed the bowl and a glass of water for Brienne. 
“Drink my love.” You said gently, handing the glass to her and watching her drink it all. She looked way better now that all the blood and dirt were washed off, but she still looked exhausted and defeated. Climbing into bed next to her, she immediately turned to snuggle in. Your strong and deadly warrior. Pride and honour spread in your chest, knowing that Brienne only showed her vulnerable side to you, and you promised to protect her no matter what the cost would be. Laying like this, Brienne gently ate fruit from your fingers, and you made sure to be very careful when running your fingers through her soft blonde locks. A hum escaped her lips and she nuzzled her nose into the crook of your neck.
“Thank you”, the blonde whispered quietly. You knew she wasn’t used to this type of care and love, but you were determined to show her just how much she deserved it. 
“There is no need to thank me, Brienne. Everything I do, I do because I love you, because I care, because you are my soulmate,” you whispered softly, so as to not startle the calm moment. 
“I love you,” Brienne sniffled and wrapped her strong and toned arms around your waist, pulling you close. You set the bowl aside and wrapped your arms around her as well, placing gentle kisses on her hairline as you hum sweet praises and words of affirmation to her. Feeling Brienne relax in your arms, was the most wonderful feeling to you. It almost brought you to tears every single time she fell asleep in your arms. Your strong knight. You vowed to protect her heart, even if you’d have to kill. You would keep her heart safe. 
“I love you, Brienne,” you whispered against her and continued rubbing her back and running your fingers through her hair, keeping her safe from nightmares and anything that could keep her awake. You were her safe haven, her love, her everything, and she loved you more than anything. She wanted to marry you, and she wanted to marry you soon. Being a knight, her life was a dangerous and short-lived one. If she dies… when she dies, she wants to die knowing that she belonged to you, and you belonged to her. That your hearts and souls were one and that even in the afterlife you would know that she would be waiting for you. 
You were hers, and she was yours, and no force of nature could change that. Because when she’s with you, Love doth run smooth.
Taglist: @erinyaya @vivendraws @phexyce @aemilia19 @weemssapphic @gela123 @winterfireblond @xxmecverxx @unicorniusfallapatorius
As always: Comments likes and reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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thegnomelord · 5 months
That's good. Even the small ones can be hella pricey, which is understandable and all. I wanna get a big one on my back when I save the money up and when I decide I have the courage to go through that pain because I have some scars on my back that I don't want to be tattooed over, they'll hurt too much.
My dad was an asshole but he always taught me to be considerate of others and I know how it is to be overwhelmed so I try not to be too, like, annoying when sending in asks.
Also, sorry, I've been trying to restrain from sending in anything long and shit but I've had a thought lately and I just need to know, how did the sexual thing between Hound and Makarov start? Like, was it just one time Makarov was feeling horny and Hound appealed to him? Was it a reward or punishment? I'm curious
- 🪒
Okay sorry for the late reply lol
Yeah the back scars are understandable, depending how they are you could maybe make a design flow around the scars so you don't need to get them tattooed?
Nah dude, normal chatter doesn't really overwhelm me nor is it annoying in any way! It's just with the requests that I get a little overwhelmed lol. With just chatting it's like, I intend to respond when I see the message, but then I get the ADD and forget about it lol.
Also for the question; I think there were a few reasons. It started as an ego thing for Makarov. Seeing a much larger, much stronger man than Makarov submit to him was a boost to his pride. Making Hound into his sex pet, essentially, also was a dig at Price. Makarov hadn't yet been sure whether he was going to keep Hound when he was completely broken or if he would just kill him when he had his fun, so the sexual aspect started as a way to horrify Price; 'see how I can make your most loyal soldier willingly choke on my cock before I kill him' type of psychological attack on Price, ya get me?
Plus I reckon it had to do something with the fact that Makarov grew up in the USSR times, and back then and now there are very strict social norms. Being gay is wrong, but being on the receiving end is worse, and Makarov has an image to uphold. But with Hound? He can do what he wants, why not enjoy himself?
Also yes, a part of Makarov was just straight up horny, and got hornier when Hound gave him his first prostate orgasm while sucking him off.
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whatwouldsylwrite · 1 year
I saw a lot of spider!Ellie lately but what about captain america!Abby? (only based on cap movies because fuck everything else)
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Abby who was a sick weak child with so many diagnoses she had a book with her medical records
Abby who grew up with a father who was helping people during 2 wars already, and wanting to go and be a nurse on the front lines because she couldn't stand suffering
Abby whose father created a serum to improve his daughter's health and it caught hydra's attention
Abby whose father was killed by nazis just after his serum turned her into 6ft beefcake (we will leave Joel's death for tony stark!Ellie i said what I said)
Abby who instead of going to be a nurse goes over everyone's heads until she is put into army training and eventually sent to fight the war
Abby who proves to be an excellent soldier and a strategist
Abby who drives the plane into the ice to save the world, sacrificing herself
Modern!Cap Abby slowly adjusting to the new world but still having her 1940s manners and incredibly dark sense of humor
Modern!Cap Abby who barks orders on the field and is a shy sweetheart at home
And for the good parts: I feel like the story with reader can go two ways.
Bucky!reader who is her best friend, pining after each other for 100 years (literally)
Bucky!reader who falls from the train and becomes the Winter Soldier, forgetting Abby
"it's hard to find someone with shared life experience" Thank you cap!Abby for confirming your type is "frozen for 70 years, didn't know were on the wrong side, nazi victim"
"(Y/n)?" "Who the hell is (y/n)?"'
"You're my mission!" "Then finish it, because I'm with you till the end of the line"
I swear these stupid movies are so gay and so angsty I remember those lines by heart
And obviously hurt/comfort, Cap!Abby helping Winter Soldier!Reader get memories back so ws!reader can fall in love with cap!abby all over again
And then they finally break and kiss and the peace is restored and the greatest love story of the century is all over the news
Modern!reader who just can't catch a break and somehow always in Avengers' way when shit hits the fan
"Are you okay ma'am?" "Do you need help ma'am?" "Go back to safety ma'am"
Just cap!abby calling you "ma'am" with her old-fashioned politeness and that serious look because she's working and she is concentrated on her operation
Cap!abby putting her shield in front of you to save you and then carrying you to safety
Cap!abby who starts to lowkey flirt with you but it's so polite you don't notice at first (the classic "we need to stop meeting like this")
cap!Abby who comes to your work and apologises for it because it's literally the only time she had between fighting assholes and bickering with Ellie so she could ask you on a date (she gives you flowers! her dad raised a lady)
cap!Abby who takes you on a date on her harley
she so respectful! so polite! she doesn't kiss you until the end of the second date!
cap!Abby who is very well aware of marvels she could find in the modern sex shops (does she have any shame? no)
cap!abby completely obliterating you and being all shy about it later, a little polite puppy
just fuckin.. abby in that cap costume from the ca:tws that has straps and pockets and the gloves?? don't get me started on the gloves
abby putting the shield on her back
just captain america!abby yk
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siancore · 20 days
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One World, One People
Samtember Day 5 - Canon Divergence
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Everything after Sam's feet touched the asphalt was a blur. Sharon being hit. Karli’s young life being taken from her. The sounds of sirens and the crowds that had gathered. The flashing lights and the people rushing toward him looking for answers.
Who had made him Captain America? Was the threat over? Gratitude for saving the hostages. For doing his part for dealing with so-called terrorists. He paid no mind to the people looking for answers; he needed some answers of his own.  
“Are you still going forward with resetting the borders?” asked Sam; his voice came out tired and sad.  
All he heard was that the ‘terrorists’ only set their efforts back marginally. Soon, the haze lifted, and righteous indignation replaced it.  
“You have to stop calling them terrorists,” said Sam.  
“What else would you have us call them?”  
“Your peacekeeping troops, carrying weapons, are forcing millions of people into settlements around the world, right? What d’you think those people are gonna call you?”  
No one answered, so Sam continued speaking to the two senators.  
“These labels: Terrorist; refugee; thug. They’re often used to get around the question: Why?”  
“Those settlements that happened five years ago,” one of the senators spoke up. “Do you think it is fair for governments to have to support them?”  
“Yes,” said Sam, firm and strong and resolute.  
“And the people who reappeared, only to find someone else living in their family home, they just end up homeless?”  
Sam sighed as the senator continued.  
“Look I get it, but you have no idea how complicated this situation is,” he said before walking away.  
“You know what?” Sam questioned, causing the other man to stop. “You’re right. And that’s a good thing.”  
He turned to face Sam as the police held journalists back.  
“We finally have a common struggle now. Think about that. For once, all the people who’ve been begging, and I mean literally begging for you to feel how hard any given day is – now you know.”  
Bucky’s heart swelled at Sam’s words. All of Sam’s compassion, empathy, and love for his fellow man poured out of him then.  
“How did it feel to be helpless? If you could remember what it felt like to be helpless, and face a force so powerful it could erase half the planet, you would know that you’re about to have the exact same impact. This isn’t about easy decisions, Senator.”  
“You just don’t understand,” the senator replied, almost stuttering.  
Sam scoffed and said, “I’m a gay Black man carrying the stars and stripes. What don’t I understand about making tough decisions? About decisions being made about me and my life. Every time I pick this thing up, I know there are millions of people out there who are gonna hate me for it. Even now, here, I feel it: The stares. The judgment. And there’s nothin’ I can do to change it. Yet, I’m still here. No super serum. No blond hair or blue eyes. The only power I have is that I believe we can do better. We can’t demand that people step up if we don’t meet them halfway. You control the banks. Shit, you can move borders. You can knock down a forest with an email; you can feed a million people with a phone call. But the question is: Who’s in the room with you when you’re makin’ those decisions, hmm? Is it the people you’re gonna impact? Or is it just more people like you?”  
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The rest of the evening went by in a flash. Sam helped with clean-up while Bucky made sure Sharon got the care that she needed. The media was buzzing with reports of what had transpired. A terrorist attack. A new Cap. Sam Wilson coming out to the world. Sam Wilson supporting terrorists. Gossip around whether or not Captain America and the former Winter Soldier were more than just partners. It was a lot.  
By the time Sam was ready to lay his head down, it was late, or early, depending on how one looked at it. Rhodey had already contacted him and wanted to meet. Sam had told him he would speak to him later in the day. Sarah was concerned for her brother’s welfare, and he assured her he was fine. Sam’s phone buzzed one more time. It was Bucky.  
“Where are you?” he asked, his voice laced with equal parts worry and exhaustion. 
“Sitting on the roof of a building,” said Sam, sounding just as tired as Bucky. “Is Sharon okay?” 
“She’s fine. Are you okay?” 
“What do you need?” asked Bucky.  
“A shower and a bed wouldn’t be so bad,” Sam replied with a little laugh.  
“I’m comin’ to get you,” said Bucky. “You can come back to my place.” 
“Buck, you don’t need to offer your space. I can get a hotel.” 
“Don’t fight me on this, Sam,” said a resolute Bucky. “You’re comin’ with me for a shower and to get some sleep. Away from all the cameras and questions. Come with me. Where it’s quiet and safe. Let me take care of you. I wanna take care of you.” 
“Okay,” said Sam with a smile. “Okay.” 
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
I'm not sure if requests are open so if not feel free to delete this ask! Can you do the mercs realizing they're into men because of the reader?
Of course! By the way, this is my 100th post! lucky lucky Anon! This goes out to all of the rest of my followers! Thank you for all the support and followers! I'll always look at your messages and write for TF2! I couldn't be here without all of you! Thank you for letting me be the weird gay man who likes writing about old gay men kissing! -PrinceThomas :>
Tf2 Mercs x M!Reader || Gay Awakening! +18
Super in denial at first, compares you to actors he likes or thinks are hot and kinda shelves it. Is MAD jealous that you just somehow look great no matter what (to him hehe)
Realizes he has a crush on you when his usual spank bank material of girls isn't really doing it for him anymore. It's 4am, he's tired and horny and a little drunk... his mind just wandered, okay?!
Daydreamer 100%, but his feelings for you and his feelings for Miss Pauling kinda fuck him up ngl?? Is he a homo or not?? I mean, he likes boobs and lipstick and girls, but the rough and tumbled grease in your stubble just gets him rarin in a way girls didn't.
Bisexual struggles fr. Assuming that you're a Stonewall riot supporter, he'd probably try to roundabout ask if he can experiment with you.
What really set you apart from the other mercs is that you just look good compared to them! Yeah, there are some conventionally attractive guys, but you're h o t.
Soldier, like Scout, assumed his attraction to you was something more akin to respect or friendliness. I mean, no other soldier he's ever met sacrificed himself to save him! That takes guts! Yeah, you respawned after, but the honor was still there for him.
Develops or at least tries to develop a friendship like what he with Demoman. He might come off like a very determined puppy, but you know he means well.
When he does realize it's love, he is upfront and honest about his feelings with you. After all, if Jane did like men, he could find more powerful army and recreate that unbeatable ancient army of homosexuals!
Asks around about romance, probably interrogates Medic about how to court another man because let's be honest Medic looks gay as he'll and I will die on the hill that every merc just assumes that man is queer.
In Pyroland, you're a prince on a unicorn. You're straight out of a fairy tale. They're overjoyed to have a prince in Pyroland rather than just babies! Yeah, it's fun to be childish, but a whimsical joy that are more complex are fun too!
Absolutely follows you around and talks about you to Engie non-stop. Engie jokes that Pyro might have a crush on you and they seriously consider it. They realize you're attractive when you do a party trick of spitting out Bug spray and lighting it on fire, making it look like you breathe fire.
As you cough and retch at the lingering taste of bug repellant in your mouth, Pyro applauds your trick and keeps trying to talk to you. They eventually are able to communicate to you, asking if you have any more fire tricks. You show them that you can twirl a pencil between all your fingers when the eraser tip is lit up like a candle.
You can kind of tell that they like you romantically, but you're not sure how to tell them that you know. A few chats with Engie tells you all you need to know: Pyro has never pursued a romantic interest, Pyro likes you, and that you can probably get their attention with an honest conversation.
The most casual about their realization that they like you- and men in general. Just a peek at you in the showers after a particularly clutch victory caused a few rather dirty thoughts. It wasn't that big of a deal to him and kept his attitude of a drunken "Well, a hole's a hole, I bet he's tight."
Probably offers a little bit of fun after a long night of party, definitely a lot more drunk than usual as he leans a tad too close for friendship. That deep, gravelly, and warm voice growled in your ear with an open offer to join him in his room that night.
If you joined, he wouldn't remember the night and regret that he forgot the night in the morning when you and him snuggle awake. If you decline it's no harm no foul.
One of those types of guys who actually can balance his feelings for you along with his friendship- he keeps the ball in your court and stayed professionally friendly, maybe a tad brotherly competitive.
This man is an iron wall to hide his feelings. He had the idea that he just wasn't the type to want a relationship- which was fine, more time to work to keep his family safe- but then you jumped out into danger to protect him. He was on the brink of death and you selflessly risked your life for him! Yeah, you both respawned, but it was the gesture that mattered!
His eyes trailed you a lot more often, like a security camera. He pretended to be read his book, but he knew exactly where you were. Medic is the first to notice this change.
Medic asks about Heavy's feelings for you, since Heavy had never ordered Medic to go heal anyone else before! Hell, the both of you tended to stay behind Heavy during battles after that, so you two had a sense of closeness.
When you all went out on a trip to the beach, Heavy loved watching you in the water, and even allowed himself to be dragged in by you to play water polo with Soldier and Demoman. He's a long game of chess, hopefully you can win him over!
Is a bit more protective of you out of battle, but that's something only the people he threatens is aware of.
Oh fucking god holy shit what the hell man's fucking gay PANICS. DELL IS HEARTSTOPPINGLY FROZEN IN FEAR WHEN HE REALIZES THAT HE LIKES MEN.
All you did was scale a chainlink fence with ease, albeit with a small growling as the metal dug into your fingers. Dell swallowed the feeling thickly. He didn't mean to stare at your ass, really! It just sorta... happened.
And then it happened again as he kneeled to construct a sentry. Then when he was sat down at the kitchen table as you walked by. The only time he didn't catch a glance was when you turned to him with a smug look and a "if you wanna look at my ass, you could just ask."
He knows a lot of gay cowboy culture, but was far too scared to go ahead with a few of the gestures. Although, you weren't as shy, giving him a grey handkerchief when he spillied oil on himself.(translation: grey handkerchief=bondage kink)
Finally- FINALLY! He offers you his hat on a very hot day with his head looking straight at the ground.(translation: if a cowboy puts his hat on your head, y'all fucking)
In the top 3 of "chillest reactions to realizing he likes men", but barely on the podium yk?
Mick was doing some target practice and had lost track of time, his pot of coffee and snack pile had been long empty. Right as he was about to get up to stretch his legs, he saw you on the last rung to the ladder of his nest. "Oh hey Snipes! You missed lunch and dinner, 'decided to check in on our favorite sharpshooter." When you stay for a few moments and hand him the bottles of water and leftovers from dinner, he realized that nobody made him feel that loved.
You just being kind sends him into a "did he do that to hit on me? Does he do this to everyone?" Yeah he panics about everything you do, but not because you're a man- it's because a crush is a crush to him!
Sniper does genuinely try to show interest, but in a subtle way like inviting you out to take a smoke break, target practice, maybe offer to let you join him to survivalist camp for a few days.
Silver medalist of the chill reaction podium, mainly because he laments to himself about all the potential money he had lost by not seducing more men in his more freelance espionage days. He could have hooked up with Saxton Hale to swindle that oaf out of millions- if he had thought of that.
Does a full background and thorough investigation into your personal life, how you reacted to the huge news event of Stonewall, if you had ever hooked up with a man, anything to see if he had a chance to sneak into your dating pool.
He treats you a lot like how he treats the women he seduces, but has to overcome how you brush him off casually like a man. Women were a language Spy speant years studying, so much so that he seldom kept up with the more masculine way of communicating.
At his wit's end, he just asks you bluntly. "Listen, I find you hot. I've been trying to get into your pants for almost 2 months now, do you want to have sex?"
This man already knew he was gay before you pulled up, sorry. BUT BUT BUT you are the first crush he's had! Yeah, he knew he liked the idealized version of a man he made up in his head, but you are better than the fictional men in books!
Despite the stereotype for Medic, he didn't fall for you when he saw you on his operating table. You and Engie were theorycrafting about hypothetical cybernetic enhancements. Engie had said something biologically inaccurate about the immune system, and before Medic could interrupt your private conversation, you corrected Engie! Not in a demeaning way, but in a way that clearly showed that you had a love for biological science. Medic's heart skipped a beat.
Constantly offering you new enhancements for your body and coddles you about painful proedures (he actually gives you anathesia! How sweet!) and sends his experimental ideas to you for a betaread over. For Medic, that's essentially a confession in and of itself!
Has written your name in little hearts on his note margins and uses you as his anatomy sketch references when he needs to visualize the human skeleton.
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