#saving agnes
boookends · 7 months
“I always believed there would be a point where I would know if i was happy - when I would become myself, if you see what I mean, instead of just impersonating what I thought I should be. And now I feel as if I’ve suddenly woken up and things have gone by without me seeing them. They’ve just gone by in the night!”
“That’s life,” nodded her mother uncertainly.
— Rachel Cusk, Saving Agnes
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ghostbsuter · 10 days
"Quick!" A- a girl? Wraps their arm around Steph's own, dragging her close and shielding their own face. Their eyebrows are knitted together, they're biting their lip.
"Pretend we're out together please– there are some creepy people following me for some time."
Steph's eyes narrow, she scoots closer, practically glueing herself to the strangers side and smiling brightly.
"Gosh," she starts, then lowers her voice, "what should I call you?"
They fumble for a moment too long, and Steph takes a leap of faith.
The blond grins. "It's been so long since we met up again, isn't it, Beatrice!"
The stranger plays along, giggling behind their hand. "I'm sorry, you know I've been terribly busy," they raise an eyebrow at steph, asking for her name silently.
"Agnes," she whispers, and they repeat. "Agnes! My cats have been missing you too, you should come over more."
"I will, I will," Steph promises, peering behind her to watch out, and just like her new friend warned her, there were some weirdos in white lab coats and some in suits walking around, searching.
"Thank you." 'Beatrice' whispers as they walk around a building, leaving the place in the dust.
"No problem." Steph replies with a smile.
They separate once far enough, and 'beatrice' fiddles with something before handing it to her.
"My number," 'beatrice' explains at the bewildered look. "You're pretty cool, I thought– maybe you'd like to stay in contact?"
"Yes!" She jumps at the opportunity, taking the number with care and getting out her phone.
"My name is Danny, He/him." they speak in low tones, steph following right by their side as they continue.
"Steph, She/Her." She shoots him a quick wink before sending a text and hearing the sound of Danny's notification ping.
"I gotta go now. It was really nice to meet you, steph."
"A joy for me as well."
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lierenprotectionsquad · 8 months
“We want more morally grey female characters” motherfucker you couldn’t even handle Teresa
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pratchettquotes · 3 months
"Er...you don't like me very much, do you," said Oats.
"I've hardly met you." [...]
"A lot of people don't like me as soon as they've met me," said Oats.
"I suppose that saves time," said Agnes, and cursed. Perdita had got through on that one, but Oats didn't seem to have noticed.
Terry Pratchett, Carpe Jugulum
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bellzsad · 4 months
“we need more complex characters” u couldn’t even handle teresa agnes.
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ghostofadragon · 1 month
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i'm yours completely, 'til yesterday meets me, i'm yours 'til the war is done.
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ice-creamforbreakfast · 3 months
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It was Love Day, a rather lucky day for Gaia, as it meant she had the day off for her birthday! She wished that everyone got along (good luck lol) and her parents had more time for her (good luck again!).
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divine0 · 3 months
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some more ladies of moralton
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kindred-sims · 3 months
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A photo portrait of Miss Agnes Dailey on her nineteenth birthday, commissioned by her aunt Winifred Dailey, 189x. The young Miss Dailey protested being put in such a spotlight but her aunt insisted, saying that she'd "want something to remember this moment by" before she became too old and could no longer rely on her memory.
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aces-and-angels · 5 months
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this is what happens when you get too into re-writing the plot of a pb book lol- consolidating all of my beloved blorbos here:
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the-dist-ortionist · 10 months
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I'm so happy my phone finally fixed the automatic sorting of my photos❗Now I can see the right things in the right sections❗
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boookends · 8 months
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from saving agnes by rachel cusk
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buttrflyisland · 4 months
so far two things important, the hilltop center and the magnus institute have been burned.
agnes montague fans, this is how we can still win-
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sighed-the-snake · 6 months
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't see Newt and Anathema working out as a couple.
In the first place, their relationship wasn't really a choice, was it? Anathema paired up with him like a soldier following orders. This man was going to show up at her door, she was expected to sleep with him, and then they were going to go do this this and that, checking off the boxes leading up to Armageddon.
She didn't have time to think of him as a person. He was another part of Agnes's prophecies, the man she needed to collect so he could stop the bombs, and she did what she had to, because if she didn't, everyone was going to die.
But mostly, I don't think it will work because it never sat well with me, the way Newt stops Anathema from looking at the new prophecies. She reached for them reverently. She wanted to do it. She wanted to see what Agnes had to tell her, but he stopped her.
"Do you want to be a descendant for the rest of your life?"
It seems like he's trying to be kind, and I'm sure that is his intention, but I feel like he didn't have the right to stop her, and he wouldn't stop at the prophecies. I think Newt would extend being a "descendant" to doing anything occult at all, since her family are witches because of Agnes and her prophecies, and I think he would discourage her from being a witch altogether.
He is the last remaining witchfinder in England, after all.
Once the threat of destruction passed and they were able to relax and get to know each other as real people with quirks and flaws, I think the arguments would begin.
Newt stopping Anathema from being a descendant feels like Aziraphale asking Crowley to become an angel** and return to Heaven with him. Good intentions, but they really have no right to ask such a thing from their partners.
** For the record, I don't think it's physically possible for Crowley to be an angel again. I think appointing him to be an angel would just be on paper, and there would have been a state-sanctioned demon walking around Heaven, and that would not have gone over well at all.
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wah-pah · 6 months
Money issues are hard but they all seem way too pleased about the sudden fortune without even sparing a sole moment to think about how they only have it because poor Luke shuffled off this mortal coil.
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List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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Thank you so much for the tag 💜! I choose my Crumplebottom Chaos version of Agnes!
Agnes dearly misses her beloved pet bird, Edie Britt, who was eaten by a game glitch...twice. The second time sealed her fate.
She has more artifacts from other countries than the British museum. The Crumplebottom-Frio's are still living off of her last holiday.
Agnes did not in fact deliberately murder Erik. She did however spill sunscreen on the deck of the boat, causing him to slip and fall overboard before she had a chance to clean it up.
She wants a big family. She may take one more holiday to fund the required extension of her mansion if she has one more child.
Agnes once knocked out a mugger with her handbag. Her secret? It was weighed down by her favourite book, Special Snowflake; a book title that aged like milk. The mugger may have been Claire Ursine in a balaclava.
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