#saw them at some Event later n she acted all irritated I showed up but she was less Mean so.
bl00dw1tch · 1 year
I take back everything ive ever said abt wanting to have fucked up dreams, what the hell was that
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years
Hi! Can i request a hawks x fem! reader where hawks kind of has bird-like tendencies? She’s pretty good friends with him, and sometimes he whistles and stuff when she’s around (like a mating call/song) and one time she was talking to another pro hero and hawks gets jealous (but it’s his bird side so he can’t control it) and his wings puff up and stretch out as a show of dominance or something. And they get really bright too! The media reports the event and he confesses how he feels 🥺 tysm!
Of course! 🥺
I’m so happy to have actually gotten a request!! This is actually my... fourth Hawks story? And I feel I’m getting better at his personality! If any of you have constructive criticism I’m all ears! Ready to improve! I tend to over study characters before I write them so I have a good understand to deliver the best for everyone! :D
I wasn’t sure if you wanted smut or fluff... so I did both! A wholesome pure one and a spicy sexy one!
I really hope you enjoy this! ❤️
Both stories are almost exactly the same except for the ending, so in the end if you want smut, go to the NSFW one! 18+ only please! :)
➪ NSFW <3
Jealous Bird (Fluff)
Warnings: strong language, suggestive themes towards breeding, and that’s it!
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“Mornin’ chicken wing. What’re we doin’ for breakfast? I paid last time so this is allll on you.” Hawks sent a playful wink towards you as he landed beside you from his previous place in the air, holding his hand up and rubbing his index and thumb together as a sign he wanted you to pay. You rolled your eyes and rose your hand, mocking him. “Don’t forget who spent hours doing YOUR paperwork because a certain birdbrain was too lazy to do it.” Hawks held up his hands in defeat and slumped over, sticking out his bottom lip, over exaggerating his facial expressions. He whined and let his wings droop. “C’mon just one more time? Pretty please with your favorite pretty bird on top?”
“Stop dragging your wings, you’re gonna get them dirty.” You scolded and pat his back, slightly feeling how tense his shoulders were. You were about to offer to give him a massage later, not wanting your friend to have to sleep tonight with stiff muscles until you noticed something. His wings were almost glowing a whole new shade now. Such a vibrant and beautiful color. It was then realizing how close you were that you could hear a faint cooing bubbling from his throat. “...? The fuck are you doing Hawks?” He looked over confused and tilted his head. You grumbled at his lack of knowing exactly what he was doing. “Do you even have complete control over your body? You don’t even realize you’re whistling and cooing like some pigeon.”
You completely missed the pissed off look that crossed his face at your comment. He plastered on a cheeky smile and put his hands behind his back, picking his wings off the ground and tucking them firmly behind his back. “Nah, sometimes my bird-side comes out, especially during spring. God I go fuckin’ crazy. Sometimes it’s early and i have to take a whole week off a work!” You looked up to a couple trees you both passed while you were walking to your usual breakfast place, KFC —Although you always argue you want to go somewhere else. It was late winter, very close to spring, about March. You never kept up with the date. “Why do you take a whole week off?”
“Animal Mutant types like me would understand. Just like Mirko! Haha, I’m sure she’s the worst right now bein’ it’s early March!” He laughed and put his hands out, his hands snaking into his pockets to firmly stick there once more. You pouted, wanting to know exactly what Hawks was talking about. You told Hawks everything, but he didn’t give you the same treatment. “I’ll just ask Mirko later then if you refuse to tell me.” Hawks quickly wagged his finger side to side in front of your face, his other hand being placed on his hip now. You were familiar with his body language and how much he loved using his hands. “Nah ah, chicken wing. You do that and she’s gonna pounce on you. You won’t see light for days!”
“Mirko has accidentally jumped on me before, it’s not like we haven’t sparred before! I can withstand some punches and kicks!” Hawks sulked again, his hands digging back into his pockets, displaying his annoyance that you weren’t listening to him. He just looked away and shrugged his shoulders back. “Just trust me, kiddo. It’d be for the best you didn’ see Mirko, especially at a time like this. I know how she feels.” You were starting to get irritated at his lack of response to your question, only dodging it and making you sit in suspense. Finally you gave up and decided to bring it back up later. “I’m just gonna stop asking, you’re obviously not gonna answer me are you?”
“Haha! Nope! You know me too well, (Y/N).” You both arrived at KFC, immediately greeted by the manager and many of Hawks’ fans who knew he came there a lot. Many asked for his autograph or a selfie, but he refused politely. “I’ll do some after I get some chicken! I’m starved!” Super fans offered to even pay for his food, to which he declined, saying that you were kind enough to have already offered to pay for his food. A total fat lie! He begged you to pay! You sent him a glare and proceeded just to order both your meals while Hawks spoke with his fans. “Well, guess I can start then! Who’s first?” After he saw you were paying and ordering, he began to sign autographs and take selfies that would no doubt be on social media in minutes.
“Man! I sure do have a lot of supportive and loyal fans! Must suck never bein’ noticed.” Hawks passively insulted your rank as a pro hero by taking a jab at your ranking. You were somewhere in the mid thirties. Not popular at all, especially in this part of Japan where Hawks was born. “At least I have fans who aren’t thirsty for me! People who don’t dream of kissing me so passionately and marrying me.” You smirked and rose your hands shrugging your shoulders, before hugging yourself. You bit your lip, closing your eyes and squirming with a dreamy smile, mocking his thirsty fan girls. “Oh Hawks! Please marry me... I love you so much. Kiss me... let’s start a family, and be the happiest couple ever~”
You didn’t notice the way his wings trembled and his face reddened, his avian eyes widening as he watched you speak in such a way. He shook it off quickly before he got out of control and leaned forward towards you smirking. “At least I have fans cravin’ me~ haven’t heard of anyone wantin’ your boring ass!” He gave a closed eye smile and brought his hands up to give you a big fat thumbs down. Your eye twitched and you remained silent, not having a comment. That was until you remembered a villain hitting on you not too long ago. “Well at least I’ve had a villain fawn over me! I can still remember it clearly! ‘Oh fuck, I would turn good to get a piece of that ass!’”
This time you noticed how his brows furrowed, and his wings fluffed up, almost as if he just had a whole shiver rake through his body. “When was this?” He asked, his head now resting in his right hand, staring intently. You thought about it for a minute, before taking a wild guess. “Ehh, about like a couple months ago.” This only put him in a more sour mood. You didn’t understand why he was acting so strange. Maybe it was what you talked about? Obviously you’d never talked about anything romantic with Hawks, but on the topic of thirty fans want for him, you wanted to make jokes since he was always mocking you and making sly insults. “Sorry... I didn’t mean to make things awkward.”
“Nah, it’s fine. It’s not your fault. Well... it kinda is.” He admitted afterwards and smirked at you teasingly as if you would already know it was your fault. You frowned, about to open your mouth again before they called your number to get your food. You sighed and stood from your seat, walking over to the counter and retrieving the food, however, you were stopped by a man. He was young, about nineteen or twenty, quite handsome. “Excuse me miss, this may sound really straightforward and all but, you’re really pretty, and I was wondering if I could get your number?” You blushed a bit and looked away. You were a bit weary, but decided anyways. “I-I don’t know... I guess so. You seem nice. It’s-“
“Hey man, you gotta hobby of stealin’ other people’s things?” A gloved band came in contact with your shoulder, and a large shadow cast over you and the man in front of you. The man gasped in amazement at seeing the number two pro hero standing before him, it would’ve been a better experience if Hawks wasn’t threatening him with his looks and smart-ass remarks. “Huh? Oh! S-Sorry I didn’t-“ Hawks rudely interrupted the man, his gloved hand squeezing harder. His smile was obviously forced, and his feathers were starting to fluff up every second that past he stood in front of this guy. “Eh don’t worry about, you didn’ know. Now that ya do, don’t come near her again, Kay?”
And in the blink of an eye, Hawks pulled you away and out of the fast food restaurant. He aggressively pulled out the food and shoved yours against your chest, unwrapping his quickly and munching on it. “What the hell Hawks?! That was a bit much! He was being nice! It’s not like we’re dating or anything...” You trailed off, watching his wings twitch and fluff. You had noticed his strange behavior for a couple days now. His feathers would fluff up every now and again —you had no idea why— especially near men. And he would always make these weird sounds whenever the two of you got close. “You should be thankin’ me chicken wing. I just saved you from a world of heartbreak.”
“That’s not your place to decide, Hawks. I don’t intervene when women ask for your phone number.” You crossed yours arms and turned your nose up at his childish behavior. He didn’t respond, finishing his breakfast and throwing away his trash in a nearby can. His hands slipping back into his pockets, displaying that he was closing himself off from you now. Of course, you began to become irritated at his lack of voice, but you decided to let it go and not pressure him further. You unwrapped your food and took a bite of the savory meal. “You’ve been acting weird lately ya know? I’m getting worried...”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m fine.” Oh how you hated his emotionless voice, so bland and robotic, it honestly pained you. His eyes were sharp, quick to notice your saddened expression. Hawks sighed heavily and stuck his bottom lip out, wrapping his arm around your arms and pulling you close to him. “I’m one of the top five pros, you don’ gotta worry about me, chicken wing. Cheer up.” You smiled and shoved him off, only a bit happy his cocky and arrogant behavior had returned. The Hawks you knew and cherished. “You know, I hate you sometimes, but I can’t help but love you at the same time.”
“Who doesn’t love me? The sexiest bird-man around.” He smirked and gave you a flirtatious look, a small sound bubbling from his throat similar to a whistle. You returned his smirk with a teasing smile. You were almost immune to his flirty charm, key-word; almost. Hawks was definitely an attractive man. Those piercing eyes with dark markings around them, only making the color pop and glow. His messy hair swept back and disheveled. Let’s not forget about those bushy eyebrows of his, they almost look like feathers from his wings, only a beautiful blonde color just like his hair. You could probably do without his egotistical attitude and vulgar tongue, but that was still all part of his charm. “Move!”
You were surprised by Hawks suddenly grabbing you and jerking you out of the way of an attack from a villain. You were right there in his chest, feeling his warmth, hearing the harsh thumping of his heart at the thought of almost losing you. Before he had a chance to say what he wanted. “Well there goes our leisurely patrol. And more paper work on our desks.” Hawks grunted in annoyance and took to the air. You finally regained your composure and got into your fighting stance. “Ready to kick some ass Hawks?! Whoever lands the final blow is treated to lunch!”
“Heh, you don’t stand a chance! Show me whatcha got!”
“Thanks Edgeshot... I totally owe you one.” You scratched the back of your neck with an awkward smile as you stood in front of the current number four hero. While Hawks was on the assault, eager to show off and boost his already high ego, you tried to get a sneak attack in, but the villain noticed you. They were about to attack you, before Edgeshot came and got you out of the way. Hawks didn’t take this too well. He became angry immediately and finished off the villain in a matter of seconds. “No thanks necessary, (H/N). I was just doing my job.” You hated being in debt to someone more than anything, so you quickly threw out an offer.
“Please! Let me take you out for drinks! Honestly! I’ve gotta do something! I-“ Suddenly a large shadow cast over you for the second time that day. You turned around and shrunk down noticing Hawks’ wings spread wide, fluffed to the brim and shaking in anger and jealousy. His face was red and his eyes were narrowed at Edgeshot. He was angry at himself for not being able to protect you himself, and at Edgeshot for rescuing you and holding you close. That was supposed to be him. “H-Hawks? What’s wron-“ Edgeshot was the one who answered your main question earlier before Hawks could even get another word out. The answer shocked you to your core, finally understanding why he was acting so weird.
“He’s showing his dominance, and in a public place no less, how careless.” You looked at the ninja hero confused before you turned your attention back to Hawks. Dominance? His wings were such a beautiful vibrant color now. A shade of red you’d never seen before on him. A sudden flash captured your eyes, taking your attention away from his beautiful wings. The media was eating this up. Soon it would reach the Hero Public Safety Commission and the president would not like this one bit. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). But I’m impatient, I can’t wait any longer.” Your eyes widened as your attention was fully back on Hawks now. You opened your mouth about to ask what he meant, but something was preventing you from doing so.
Hawks’ lips were firmly placed upon your own, his bright red rings wrapping around the both of you to shield you from any watchful eyes wanting to take a peek at you. His lips were soft, his hands finding themselves on your waist, pulling you flush against his body. You were shocked, your eyes wide, heart hammering wildly out of your chest at the sudden action. Slowly, you began to kiss him back, falling victim to his charm and passionate ways. He was quickly heating up the kiss, but you placed your hands on his chest firmly, pushing him away just enough to separate your lips. He was chasing your lips, desperate to get another kiss. You sent him a silencing glare and he smiled nervously, unsure of what you were thinking.
“Uh... oops?”
“Breaking News! Pro-Hero Hawks was seen acting quite strange this morning. We have multiple eye witness accounts saying his behavior was aggressive in sorts. Many people claim after the latest villain attack, Hawks confronted Pro-Hero Edgeshot! What an intimidating display by one of the most top ranked heroes! We’re not sure on the full details, stay tuned for more on the story later.” The whole time the video played the camera was zoomed in on Hawks. His vibrant wings spread dominantly, visibly fluffed and shaken up. It was incredibly lucky they didn’t catch you both kissing —even though his wings were covering you both. You slid your phone in your pocket and sighed heavily, patiently waiting outside the presidents door, ready to see Hawks and talk to him about what had happened.
You attempted to talk to Mirko but... You couldn’t really understand what she was talking about, especially through all the panting. ‘Oh baby please, come to my place, I promise we’ll have fun okay? Forget about that birdbrain! Come to me. We can eat! Have dessert first and then a full course meal! And another, and another, a-and another~! Until I’m full and satisfied! Please!’ You sadly had to decline. Being treated to multiple full course meals and desserts was nice and all, but you really needed to talk to Hawks. A click of the door was heard, and you brought yourself off the hard painted walls to see Hawks walking out with a pout and a frown. He hated being scolded, he was a grown ass man with hormones. Of course he was going to lose it eventually.
He immediately jerked his head up hearing his name, plastering on a cheeky smile before coming up to you. “What’s up chicken wing, you came to check on me huh?” Sometimes you wanted to slap the smugness out of him, but sadly, it would probably grow knowing him. You honestly nodded and rose your hand to tell him to follow you. He did as you told quietly, his hands in his pockets, unsure of what you were even going to say. His feathers could faintly sense your thundering heart, how it hammered against your rib cage every step you took towards the door. “It’s... about what happened this morning.”
“...I see.” It was unusual for him to be so speechless in a conversation. He loved to talk. You rubbed your arm sheepishly and made your way out the doors with him. You walked for a bit, until you reached the agency you worked at. Well, this was it. “Hawks I...” you began, but couldn’t bring yourself to confess to him. You’d denied your feelings for years, pushing them aside to hold onto your friendship. You didn’t think you were good enough for him. He needed someone stronger, someone better. “Ah... never mind, I forgot what I was going to say. See you to-“ You were silenced once his gloved hands found your arms softly, and his lips met yours once again to share in a passionate kiss. You couldn’t help but melt into his touch, his warm comforting touch, never wanting to leave.
“Im... sorry for the way I acted today.” He spoke slowly, expression the sincerity behind his apology. Your eyes widened watching Hawks get down on one knee and begin to kiss your knuckles one by one. “I couldn’t help myself... seein’ you... with other guys, just thinkin’ about it makes my blood boil...” He stands back up again, spreading his large wings, their vibrant color remained, accompanied by soft whistling and cooing from your winged friend. His hand grabbed your chin, running his thumb gently over your bottom lip. “I’ve been tryin’ to impress you for weeks... drove out all my competition, so in the end you’d only pick me.”
It was all starting to make sense now.
“Spring is mating season for birds like me... so everything I’ve been doin’ is to get you to choose me to be your mate. I want you to be my dove. I want you to be mine.” Everything finally connected now. Even why Mirko sounded so weird on the phone earlier when you called to ask about what was happening. Your face flushed in embarrassment at this newfound revelation. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner... I... feel horrible for what I said earlier! Your jealous behavior... your weird noise making meant to impress me but I insulted it!” Hawks covered his mouth and started to laugh. You glared at him, trying to be serious and apologize the right way. And he was just sitting there laughing at you! “Oh man, sorry chicken wing, but I insult you, all the fuckin’ time, and its fun. Watchin’ you get all flustered and angry, I live for it. You shouldn’ feel bad at all to get a couple jabs at me.”
“Shut up you dumbass. Let me speak...” A pout spread across his face and he stared intensely at you, his beautiful golden eyes shaking you up to your core. You rubbed your arm a bit embarrassed, and averted your gaze to the ground. “Considering... everything you’ve just told me. I need to clarify and face my feelings.” His eyes widened and his mouth hung slightly agape, his wings flapping gently in anxiousness. You smiled and pulled him close by the collar of his jacket, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, before pulling away quickly not get him riled up again. “It’s safe to say I only see you, Hawks. And you don’t have to worry about me picking anyone else. You’re my pretty bird. You always have been.”
He sighed in relief and smirked smugly. “I knew you were in love with me, dove. I’m just too irresistible, even for you~”
“Don’t make me change my mind.”
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acreativeme · 3 years
Family Comes First
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Family Comes First OA x Reader
Y/N rushed around the kitchen, trying to pack her kids lunch as they ate breakfast. She looked over at the stove clock, noticing that it was almost time for her husband to leave for work. She prayed that he would be down in time to see their kids off to school. “Momma, can I get some pretzels for lunch?” Aria, their daughter, asked, shoving a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. Y/N grinned at her daughter. “There is already a pack in both your lunchbox and backpack.” She pressed a kiss to her daughter’s crazy curls. “Will dad be here to see us off?” Their son,Odion, asked, shoving a strawberry from his fruit salad in his mouth. Y/N went to reply but was cut off by the sound of their front opening and closing. She frowned, watching OA get into his SUV and pull out of the driveway. “I don’t think so, Oddi.” After they finished getting ready for the day in silence, Y/N had opted to take them to school instead of having them take the bus. She noticed the sadness on the kids face, which sparked anger in her heart. Aria and Odion pressed a kiss to her cheek as they hopped out of the car. “Love you, Momma!” they called as they headed towards their friends. “Have a good day!” she replied as the door shut.
She stepped out of the elevator onto her husband’s floor. She had to take a deep breath as she stepped into the bullpen, where it seemed they were working on a case. Jubial was the first to notice her, but reframed from saying anything so as to not interrupt whatever Tech was talking. Maggie was the next to notice her and didn’t hold back her surprise. “Y/N? What are you doing here? Are the kids alright?” Maggie asked, alerting OA to his wife’s presence. He turned and frowned. “What are you doing here?” “Can I talk with you alone, Omar?” Y/N asked, not breaking eye contact with him. Maggie raised her eyebrows at Y/N’s use of OA’s full first name. “Everything okay?” She asked him. He shrugged, whispering to her. “I don’t know.” He led Y/N off towards an empty conference room. “What do you need, Y/N? I am in the middle of a case.” Y/N sighed, trying to remain calm. “You didn’t say goodbye this morning.” He rolled his eyes. “You know that there is a possibility that I would get called out to a case at any moment and can’t always say goodbye.” “Yes, I know that! But do you want to know who doesn’t know that?!” Her tone was tense, her calm resolve cracking at his lame excuse. “Who?” He asked, irritation evident in his voice. “Our kids! Remember them? Their names are Aria and Odion, if you have forgotten.” She hissed, face turning red as she spoke. He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. “I know our children’s names, Y/N. I am their father.” Y/N threw her hands up, “well, you aren’t acting like it! When was the last time that you had a conversation with our children? Was it before or after Aria took up painting or Odion joined the soccer team? Because they sure can’t remember when you saw them off to school last.” “Painting? Soccer? When did this happen?” He asked, slumping against the wall. “4 months ago.” She whispered, looking down at her ring. “Omar, I think that we should take a break.” He looked up at her, shock on his face. “What are you talking about, a break, we are married?” She slipped the ring off her finger. “You need to find somewhere else to stay for a while. You can come over today while we are out for your things.” He started to hyperventilate, panic filled his chest. “You can’t be serious, Y/N. That is our home, you can’t just kick me out.” She dropped the ring on the table, turning to leave. “It hasn’t been our home for a long time, Omar.”
After she left, Y/N sat in her car for twenty minutes and cried. It broke her heart to say those things to him, but the look on her children’s faces broke it even more. She was tired of seeing them get let down time and time again by him and his broken promises. When she was finished crying, she cleaned herself up and went to the store to buy snacks for after soccer practice. Afterwards, she headed into work for a few hours-- wanting to get her mind off what happened that morning. During this time, she ignored the numerous calls and text messages from both OA and Maggie. She didn’t have time or energy to worry about them as she needed to focus on caring for her children and getting work done. Around 2:30PM, Y/N left work to make her way towards her children’s school-- making sure that she had an afternoon snack for all of them. They had immediately started ranting about what had happened at school that day, which made her smile as it seemed like the events of this morning were long forgotten. They had arrived at the soccer field about an hour before the start of Odion’s practice, so she had them get a head start on their homework as she started editing a new manuscript. She would pause her work to help, whenever one of them had a question or needed help. When they got home from practice, Y/N had sent them up to clean up and finish their homework while she worked on dinner. Neither child asked about their father, noticing that his absence was hurting their mother. Despite her pain, she kept up a brave face as she went through their usual nightly routine. She tucked them into bed and gave them both goodnight kisses, before running herself a hot bath.
...Three Months Later…
Y/N had been throwing up for a couple of weeks, which has only happened one other time and it was when she was pregnant with the twins. She had to wait until after the kids had gotten on the bus, before she could test her theory. There was a part of her hoped that it wasn’t true, but that hope was dashed when the plus sign popped up. She was quick to schedule an appointment with her doctor to get a more official result, silently hoping for a false positive. Four days later, she was sitting in a cafe-- waiting for the only person she could count on to show. She had been ordered for them both, one black coffee with sugar and one peppermint tea. She was picking at a chocolate chip muffin, wanting to both shove it all in her mouth and throw it up from nerves at the same time. “Hey, Y/N. How are you doing?” Maggie asked, taking the empty seat in front of Y/N. Y/N jumped, surprised by her sudden appearance. “Maggie, you scared me.” Maggie raised her eyebrows, not used to Y/N being jumpy. “What’s going on? Are you and the kids alright?” “Yes, we are fine. I just got some life changing news today and I had to share it with someone that I could trust.” Y/N admitted, breaking eye contact with Maggie. Maggie reached across the table to hold her hand. “What’s going on?” Y/N took a deep breath. “I am pregnant… and it is OA’s. My doctor said that I am around 20 weeks along.” A tear ran down her cheek as she admitted to both herself and Maggie what she had been trying to deny. Maggie squeezed her hand, wanting to comfort her friend. “Are you planning on keeping it?” Y/N gasped at her question, releasing her hand. “Of course! Just because me and OA are separated doesn’t mean that I don’t love who we created.” She caressed her slightly swollen stomach. Maggie nodded, happy to know that she was not going to get rid of the baby. “How are you planning to tell OA?” Y/N closed her eyes, trying to control her anxiety and tears. “I don’t know..”
...Two Days Later… The sound of pounding on the front door at 2:30AM, woke Y/N from a dead sleep. She wrapped herself in OA’s abandoned rob, having kept it after he moved out. She grabbed the gun he had bought her after she got her license to carry, which he had her get after they found out they were pregnant with the twins. She had it resting at her side, with her finger off the trigger of course, as she looked through the peephole. Standing there in the pouring rain, was OA. She could tell that something was wrong as he looked like he had been crying. She stepped aside, wanting to get him out of the rain as soon as possible. “What are you doing here, OA?” Y/N asked, moving to grab a towel from their downstairs bathroom. He thanked her as he took it from her. “Maggie told me.” Y/N froze, halfway turned around to head towards the kitchen. “She told you what?” “She told me that you were pregnant.. With my baby.” He replied, sounding surprised with the last part of his statement. She glared at him. “Did you think that it was someone else’s?” She crossed her arms, waiting for his response. “N-no. I am more surprised that you didn’t tell me.” He stuttered. She sighed. “I didn’t know how to tell you, as it was a surprise to me as much as it was to you.” Y/N sat on the arm of the couch. “I wanted to think about how I was going to tell you, as you haven’t really been a big part of our other children’s lives.” He looked down in shame. “I know, and I have been thinking about that. I want to be a better father, and husband as I seem to have been lacking in both departments recently.” She took a step towards him. “Do you promise?” She looked up at him with big eyes. He cautiously wrapped his arms around her. “I promise. Family comes first, no matter what.” She smiled, meeting in the middle to share a kiss. “Okay.”
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levis-hazelnut · 4 years
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Summary: when you and your best friend, Hanji, were younger, you had made up stories about your dream guys - what they would look like and how you would meet. What happens when the one you had made up appears to be real?
Warning(s): mentions of abuse (if you squint). Please do tell me if there are anymore.
Taglist (closed!): @castellandiangelo​
Status: completed!
part 1 > part 2 > part 3
series masterlist
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The raven-haired female marched closer to him, digging her index finger into his chest which I smacked off. She gave a dirty look which I countered with the nastiest face I could muster, and she soon turned away from me and crossed her arms, glaring at Eren, who still stood strong. "I'm tired of you, Mikasa. You either cancel our date or avoid me and go cheat on me with some idiot. I can't even use the fingers on my hands to count how many times that has happened. And, another thing, I may have been afraid of you at the start but now, I see no point in that. Your threats mean nothing to me. So, if you dare to try and do anything to any of my friends, especially (Y/N), you'll be sorry that I was the one you chose to mess with." "Wait... Was it her that made you act all rude and like a dickhead to me last year?" I suddenly realised. "Yeah. I'm so sorry about that, (Y/N). But can you keep your words for later, please?" he asked politely and I nodded with an apologetic smile before leaving the living room and going to my room to give them some privacy. 
I dropped onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling and thought if it was a good idea to bring Mikasa here. Well, it's too late to stop her now, and I'm doing this for Eren's sake. I just hope that he doesn't end up hating me for the rest of his life if something goes wrong. ~/~ A slam woke me up and I sprang up into a sitting position; my eyes were widened as I looked at my surroundings, seeing that I was in my bedroom. All was silent in my apartment, so I decided to get up from my bed and creep into the living room, only to find Eren sitting on the sofa. His elbows rested on his knees as he pinched the bridge of his nose. His teal orbs were hidden and I slowly approached him, voicing out a small 'hey'. His head tilted up and I gave him an uncertain smile as I sat next to him and draped an arm around his shoulders. "Everything okay?" "Not really. Well, I'm free from the burden of having a girlfriend. But it still feels like I lost something important." "Of course you're going to feel like that. However, you'll soon realise that there's nothing to mope over because you can now enjoy your life without worrying about anything. Other than uni, bills and all that other shit," I added reassuringly. "Do you want hot chocolate or something?" "No. I just want to lie down." I shifted a little away from Eren and patted my lap, wordlessly telling him to rest his head on my lap. He gave me a small smile and laid down on his back with his legs stretched across the sofa, leaning his head on my legs. He covered the top half of his face with an arm and both us remained in silence. Getting bored, I decided to fiddle with Eren's fingers. I leaned down and stuck one of his fingers into my nose, but he didn't even pull away so I put the index finger to his lips. That's when he tried to take his finger out of my grip. I softly laughed at the slight entertainment I earned when I got a reaction from him. "Idiot," he breathed before closing his eyes. "Thanks, hun. I know I'm an idiot." He snorted and then told me to hush so he could relax. I shut up and joined him, once again falling asleep as I tilted my head back to rest against the sofa. My hands still gently gripped one of his as I drifted off into a nap that wouldn't be disturbed until Hanji came home. It's not my fault I stayed up watching Netflix when I knew I had a lecture in the morning... Well, it is my fault, but still. Surprisingly, we weren't woken up even when Hanji had come home. Maybe she was considerate enough to let us sleep, or maybe she knocked out as well. The latter was more likely because she would never be that thoughtful to let me rest properly. Eren and I had fallen asleep at around eleven, and I awakened from my snooze at half-past two. The brunette probably had an early start at work today, which is why he was still asleep when I woke up. His head was still on my thighs so I decided to stay on the sofa instead of moving and waking him up. Luckily, I had my phone on me so I wasn't going to get bored by staring at the black screen of the TV in front of me. "(Y/N)!" "Shh. You're going to wake Eren up," I whisper-yelled to Hanji, who was about to burst our eardrums. "Too late," a gruff voice spoke and I glanced down to see that Eren was awake. I smiled at him before he lidded his beautiful eyes again. "Hi, Hanji, by the way," he muttered. "What's wrong with him?" the female with glasses inquired and I shook my head, telling her that it wasn't something to talk about right now. "So, how was breakfast with Levi~?" "It was nice. He basically knows everything about me, whereas he barely told me anything about himself. Obviously, it's not unusual since we literally just started to get to know each other, but it felt like he was hiding something. And that made me realise that I live my life out loud. Is that a bad thing?" "Only if the person you're talking to is shady," the male stated with his eyes still covered. "So, today, it could be seen as a bad thing." "Eren, let me love him," I whined. "Though, I see why you're concerned." "Did you tell him about Levi?" "Yeah. Because he was working when me and Levi went to the cafe. He saw how comfortable I was around him and decided to question me about it." "(Y/N), I love and care about you. Wouldn't you be the same if someone I created in my brain years ago suddenly appeared out of nowhere?" "Well, when you say it like that, it sounds dodgy." "I'm saying the truth, so he is dodgy. Hanji, back me up." "... I kind of side with (Y/N). Both of her previous relationships didn't work out, so maybe Levi's here to solve that." "Tch!" Eren finally sat up, fed up with the shit that Hanji and I were spewing. "I understand you're thrilled because of the fact that your 'dream guy' has shown up. But how can you trust him right away when you don't even know him? (Y/N), you said yourself that he was hiding something. Please, just don't get yourself into danger by trusting someone you just met." "I'll be fine, Eren. One day, I'll prove to you that I was right to believe in him." "Oh, I got Levi's number, (Y/N)." "Give that to me right now," I squealed and leapt towards Hanji. "Wait." My male best friend stood up and approached Hanji, taking the piece of paper before I could. I pouted at him as he put the paper into his pocket before crossing his arms. "I'll give it to you when my suspicions are gone. Until then, you only speak to him in person and don't tell him your whole life story." "Whatever, Dad," I muttered, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. "Don't get annoyed just because I'm looking out for you," he said with a quieter voice than before. "I used to get irritated because you would constantly interfere with my life, but then I realised you always did it to protect me. I'm doing the same. So, don't blame me when something happens." Even though I was still mildly annoyed at Eren, I brought my arms around him, needing a hug from one of the best people I've met. He looped his arms around my form and drew me closer to him, stuffing his face into my hair. "Awww!" "Hanji, get in here," I said, my lips moving against Eren's clothed chest. I soon felt another person jump into the embrace as I giggled along with the male who lightly laughed. "I love you guys.” "Love you, too. Anyway, I think I'm going to head home. It's been a... troublesome day." "Damn, I almost forgot about that. How are you acting so normal?" "You guys are hiding something from me!" Hanji complained "(Y/N), you can tell her. I'm going to go," Eren announced and pulled away from the group hug. "I'll see both of you soon. Let's go out one day since we haven't in a long time." "Yeah, we should. You can bring Mika--" "Bye," Eren cut her off with a grin as I followed him towards the front door. "... Thank you, Eren." "I'm just returning the favour. Just promise me that you'll keep a distance between you and Mr Hot And Annoying Guy." "I'll try. And he isn't annoying. I love him," I replied just to tease Eren, who frowned. "I'm joking. But seriously, he isn't annoying. Okay, bye, my prince." "Bye, my queen," he smirked. I softly laughed at our stupidity and closed the door before locking it. Just as I was about to turn around, I heard something similar to a horde of rhinos in the corridor, coming towards me. Of course, I knew it was Hanji so I didn't get frightened by it. "Tell me what happened!" "Okay, okay. Let's go sit down." She followed me into the kitchen where I got a snack - a pot of cubed pineapple and a fork - and sat down on a barstool at the kitchen island, starting the story as Hanji sat opposite me on the other side of the island. She never knew about Eren's difficult relationship with Mikasa, so I began with telling her the first problem. And then, about some of the events when she cheated on him, forced him to do things he didn't want to, avoided him, threatened him, and about today. Surprisingly, no words came out of her mouth as she intently listened, sometimes showing shock or concern. "And that's why he cut you off when you were about to tell him to bring Mikasa when we go out," I finished off. "Wow... I thought they were going to last long." "Yeah, because she put on an act. She's a toxic girl, and I'm glad Eren broke up with her." "Why did you never tell me about this?" "Because I'm an amazing friend who doesn't tell others about someone's secret. Anyway, I need to do some work. But first, I'm going to go freshen up since I've looked like a decaying corpse ever since I woke up this morning."
~/~ A loud laugh exited my lips when I witnessed a very angry Levi sit next to me in the lecture hall. He just glared at me as I continued cackling until my stomach hurt and tears pricked the corners of my eyes. A click of the tongue was heard from the male beside me as I started to calm down, wiping away the moisture that resided on my face. "Are you about done, darlin'?" he asked bitterly and I nodded with a grin staining my lips. "Yep... Now, tell me why you're wearing that?" I spoke, stifling another cackle that threatened to leave my lips. He rolled his eyes before responding, "I was having tea on the way to school, with Isabel and Farlan, and some fucking idiot decides to bump into me. I spat some profanities at the idiot since he caused me to drop my tea on my shirt. Luckily, my trousers aren't spoiled. Anyway, I asked Farlan if he had a spare shirt or something in his bag, but he didn't. I didn't want to, but I had to ask Isabel and she said she has a top. She handed it to me with nervousness because it happened to be this - a stupid pink, unicorn t-shirt. I have no idea why she had this of all things in her bag but I had no choice but to wear it even though it's so fucking small and stupid. Please tell me you have a hoodie or a jacket so I can hide it." "Yeah, I have this hoodie." I chucked the black, zip-up hoodie at him after he told his story, which I chuckled at a few times. But damn, because the shirt was small on him, I could really analyse his abs. The fabric outlined his perfectly sculpted form and I just wanted to trace my finger over all the lines. How much does he work out? "Thanks," he mumbled, slipping it on and zipping it up. "No problem, Mr Moody. I'll suffer in the cold for you." "It's not my fault you decided to wear a crop top." "And it's not my fault you spilt tea on yourself." "Well, I'm not going to five lectures today, wearing a unicorn shirt." "Ugh, don't remind me that we have five lectures. I can't wait for this day to be over." "... Oi, darlin'? It looks like that guy wants your attention," Levi pointed out and motioned to behind me, towards rows on the other side of the hall. I turned my head and my eyes met Jean's, who had a smirk on his lips. "Oh my god! Jean!" I exclaimed and sprang out of my seat, pushing past Levi, who blocked my path, and rushed to the brown-haired male, tightly hugging him. "Where were you this whole time? You don't know how much I worried for you! I started to think you died!" I frowned and resisted slapping him across the face for the sudden disappearance. "It's a bunch of stories. And since Professor Mike has just entered, you should take a seat." "You bastard, you're explaining everything to me at lunch." "Yeah, I will. Now, go sit down next to whoever that is." I nodded and quickly went back to the row where I sat with Levi and a couple of other people who minded their own business. He threw me a questioning look, which I acknowledged, but kept silent for a moment as I had my attention on our lecturer. "Jean Kirstein. I've known him since secondary school, where we kind of dated. He's been gone for like a month. No one heard from him during that time and he hadn't told anyone he was going to disappear. People, including myself, literally thought he died," I summed up quietly to answer Levi's wordless inquiry. "I swear, I'm going to punch that smug face of his later." "Hold on... You just said you dated that guy?" "We were fifteen I think, and he asked me out, so I said yeah. Before that, though, he had asked me several times, but I didn't trust him or take him seriously because he's a serious flirt and a dickhead, who I love dearly, no matter what I say about him. Back to the point, we were together for about five months, but we felt like we were forcing it. I don't know, it just didn't feel right to me, so we decided to stay friends. I'm glad we aren't awkward around each other or whatever because I wouldn't want to lose him even though he still flirts with me and pisses me off." "I see..." Levi replied as if pondering about something. "You have some weird friends/friendships." "Oi, I treasure my friends because they are the best I could ask for. Some I met in secondary school, and some I met here. Eren and Hanji are the only ones I've known for the longest. I've been friends with Hanji since I was like four or five, and Eren - since I was nine." Wondering why I'm telling him so much about myself even after Eren's scolding? Basically, since I didn't attempt to keep a distance myself and Levi, Eren decided to barge in again (he doesn't even come to the same university as us and he still somehow interferes). We had another (not small) argument, and I chose to be a bitch about it by talking to Levi and hanging out with him most of the time. But I haven't gotten his number, and we haven't been to each other's house yet since we have only known each other for two weeks and I do think that it's a bit too early for that. I am mature enough to make my own decisions so Eren doesn't need to get involved. "Me and Eren are kind of... dealing with some problems right now. I mean, I want to talk to him, but that means we'll have to talk about the topic of our argument. What if that just makes things worse? He's a great friend, he's been there for me all the time and I don't want to lose him either. And damn, his eyes, I could stare at them all day," I was more mumbling to myself than actually talking to Levi, but I'm pretty sure he still heard me. "And his ass," Levi added quietly, letting a small smirk creep onto his lips. What I learned about Levi was that he doesn't smile or laugh, but he smirks. "But seriously, it sounds like you got a crush on the guy." "Keep your mouth shut, Ackerman. I love him as a friend, nothing more." "What are you arguing about?" he asked, pushing my retort to the side. "Uhh... I would prefer not to share." "Okay." He shrugged and we both decided to focus on the lecture and make notes instead of chatting away. He wasn't the one to stick his nose into other people's business and I was glad about that. ~/~ The sound of skin smacking skin against echoed in the canteen over the voices of students. Jean's head was forced to turn ninety degrees to the left once my hand connected with his.
Hey, I wasn't being violent or rude, don’t worry. He gave me permission to slap him because he knew how angry I would be since he left without saying a word. "Thank you," I muttered and picked up my handmade sandwich. "Do you feel better?" He rubbed his reddening cheek as I nodded. "Yes. Now, explain." "Well, a couple of days before I left, my mum's cousin died. She was really close to him, my mum and her aunt lived near each other when they were younger so my mum and her cousin always used to hang out. They kind of grew apart since they moved away from each other, but still tried to stay in contact. So, we went to Germany to see my mum's family and to attend the funeral." "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Now, I feel bad for being annoyed with you and slapping you." "Don't worry about it," Jean said, giving me a small smile. "And we were there for a month because my mum decided she wanted to spend as much time as she could with her family. I'm sorry for not saying anything about it or telling you while I was gone. I was so busy and had a lot on my mind." "Yeah, I understand. I'm so sorry. Ugh, I bet you hate me now." "(Y/N), stop stressing over it. I don't hate you," he told me, lightly laughing. "Anyway, what have I missed?" "Not much. People thought you died. Eren broke up with Mikasa. I made some new friends: Levi, Isabel and Farlan and they're all very nice. Eren and I got in an argument and that's about it." "I'm surprised he finally dumped her. And, what happened between you two?" "He's just being overprotective." "And you never are?" "... Kind of. But, he's not letting me do what I want," I pouted like a little child. "I'm sure he's doing it for your own good." "Since when did you decide to side with him?" "When it concerns you." I rolled my eyes and continued eating as we carried on conversing, getting interrupted by a Levi. I looked up at him questioningly as he plopped down in the space next to me. "Where's Isabel and Farlan?" "They both went home since they have no more lectures today." "Aw, so decided to sit with me - your best friend?" I teased as he clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. "Oh, Jean, this is Levi. And Levi, this is Jean." "Hi," the raven curtly spoke as Jean responded more politely. I was about to speak up but my phone's buzzing prevented me from doing that. I fished it out of my pocket and answered it. "(Y/N)?" "Yes?" I replied with uncertainty since I haven't gotten a call from him in a week. "Are you still at uni?" "Yeah, why?" This time, I spoke more confidently. "When do you finish?" "I have one more lecture." "Okay. Can you meet me at the cafe after your lecture?" "Why?" "I want to talk to you." "... Sure. Bye." I sighed and ended the call as the two males I sat with looked at me in question. "None of your b--" I was cut off when my phone rang again and I answered it. "Hey. What do you want, Hanji?" "Could you get some snacks on the way home?" "Please don't tell me you invited people over." "Hey, they're your friends as well. Most of them are, anyway." "I'm not in the mood for people right now. And I'm meeting Eren at the cafe after. So, since you're inviting them, go get the stuff yourself." "But I'm home, I don't want to go out again." I huffed. "What time did you tell them to come over?" "At around seven." "Fine. I'll get whatever you want, just send me a list." "Okay. Thank you so much, (Y/N)!" "Whatever. I'll see you later." "Bye!" "I never got an invite," Jean fakely whined. "Yeah, because she probably thinks you're dead. She hasn't seen you yet." "Oh, yeah. Can I come, though?" "You ask her. I'm sure she'll be happy," I told him before looking at Levi who was about to speak up. "Don't even think about it, Ackerman. I don't want you stalking me." "I wasn't going to ask if I could come. I was going to--" "Hey, Levi~" All three heads turned to a group of girls who stood behind me and Levi. I immediately rolled my eyes since I knew why they were here - they wanted the oh so charming Levi to notice them and try and get a date with him. He's only been here for two weeks and he's like a freaking celebrity. "Hi..." "Are you free later?" "No, sorry. I'm... going bowling with (Y/N)." I briefly frowned before morphing it into a smile to the girls whose eyes lingered on me. Oh, how jealous they were. "Oh, that's sad. We probably could have done something better. Maybe another time." "Yeah, sure, whatever." The three girls walked away, making sure to give me a dirty look, and I lightly punched Levi's arm. "Hey, don't bring me into this. I don't want people hating on me just because I hang out with you. Just give those bitches what they deserve and straight-up reject them. Unless, of course, you want them to be all over you." "I do not want them all over me, but I don't want to 'straight-up reject them' because that's... rude." I scoffed tauntingly. "I never knew you cared about others' feelings." "Well, you've only known me for a couple of weeks. You either have good judgment or just jump to conclusions." "The first one. Jumping to conclusions, which I don't do, causes problems." "What about the time--" "Shut your mouth, Jean." "That will be difficult if I'm kissing you." I playfully rolled my eyes and a smile remained on my lips as I lightly kicked his shin under the table. The table was silent for a minute so I decided to check the time, noticing that we have to get to our last lecture in a few minutes. There was no rush so we chose to stay sitting and just relax before flooding our brains with gibberish. ~/~ "(Y/N)." I slightly shifted in my seat to turn around upon hearing my name. There stood my (male) best friend who gave me a little smile before sitting down in the chair opposite me. He noticed the iced tea placed on the table in front of him and his smile slightly widened as I sipped on my coffee before leaving it on the wooden surface. "What did you want to talk about?" I inquired. "I'm sorry for--" "You don't need to apologise. I've done the same thing to you but you somehow put up with me. I'm sorry for not listening to you even though you're just caring about me. And, since I was angry with you, Levi sort of knows my whole life story..." I confessed as Eren sighed and leaned back in his chair, taking a sip of his beverage. "But, we haven't exchanged numbers or told each other where we live." "Good. I'm going to give Levi another two weeks before making my judgment. Only then will I give you his number." "... I missed talking to you. Sorry about everything." It's not only your fault. I get that you don't want someone to mess with your life." "And I might just hold back a little on barging into your life." "I'm actually glad you got involved, to be honest. I would still be controlled by Mikasa if it wasn't for you." I gave him a wink and a grin. We stayed there for about an hour, just talking and laughing before we decided to head home. Even though he would have to go home in the opposite direction, he walked me home. It wasn't even dark either so I scolded him for wasting time but he brushed it off with a grin and rested his arm over my shoulders. "Oh, shit," I whispered and Eren questioned what happened. "Hanji asked me to get some things for her since she's organised a party of sorts that I don't want to be there for." "Oh, yeah, she invited me, but I didn’t feel like going,” he told me as I abruptly changed our route. "And since you don't want to be there, why don't we drop off her things and leave? We could do something since it's Friday and we have nothing to do." "Hm. I don't mind. Where do you want to go?" "Don't know. Wherever our feet take us." He shrugged. "Okay, let's do that, then." After getting whatever was on Hanji’s list, we dropped it off before promptly leaving. And then, Eren and I had mindlessly walked around until we found ourselves at a bowling alley. "Oh, (Y/N)!" a shrill voice called, catching my attention as I took a sip of my slushie and watched Eren throw a bowling ball down the lane, knocking down seven of the pins. He turned around and I smiled at him, knowing he wouldn't be happy. I could tell he was forcing back a scowl as he approached me and the other three: Isabel, Farlan and Levi.
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derailedfiction · 3 years
The Most Wanted | Baron Zemo | The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairings: Helmut Zemo x Fem!Reader | Sam Wilson & Fem!Reader |  James Barnes & Fem!Reader
Word count: 6764
Warnigns: smut, a bit of swearing
Summary: After John Walker's outburst, Reader.and the boys ™️ follow a promising lead of a certain doctor.
A/N: IT’S FINALLY HERE :D enjoy <3 
tag list: @sea-murai you’re my smut queen 
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What a mess, you thought replaying in your head over, and over again how the poor man was decapitated. You returned to the empty apartment and made yourself a drink, which you drank at the spot and immediately you refilled empty glass. You looked at the amber liquid pensive. It was not the first time you saw somebody getting killed but the brutality of the act itself and the direct publicity it had from the very start, made you feel sick.
With heavy sight, you sat down on the sofa and closed your eyes. It was not the only haunting thought that was in your mind. The kiss. You suspected he did it to play with you, but you could not stop feeling his lips upon yours. How gentle and soft they were and Zemo’s gloved hand lightly caressing your chin as you succumbed to his actions.
What a nonsense, you thought and took away your own fingers that tried to trace his touch on your lips. But it was a pleasant nonsense, and you did not really want to let it go.
“Still here?” you heard Sam as he walked in. “Your great prize just escaped; you’re not following him?”
“Kein Problem, Sam. Ich verfolge ihm, [Not a problem, Sam. I’m tracking him,]” you answered him opening your eyes.
They both looked like they have been through hell. Weary, bruised up with some cuts on faces, but somehow victorious as you spotted the shield in Sam’s hands, still wearing some marks of blood on its surface.
“We must think what to do with Walker, he clearly snapped,” Bucky said as he was taking off his gear. “It’s hard to deal with what he’s done to the shield.”
That sounded way more accusatory than it supposed to be, and you saw Sam slightly tensing his jawline, listening to Bucky. It was something that you were used to, as James would from time to time throw such punchlines toward Sam, and how he has treated the shield.
You got up and went for the first aid kit, which still was in bathroom after Zemo helped you with taking out the bullet. You heard them heatedly arguing back in the room, so you grabbed the kit and went back.
“Sitz [Sit,]” you ordered James showing him the chair, and surprisingly he obliged. You then took a swab with sanitizer and tried to clean his face cuts, but he retreated catching your hand. “Komm jetzt, es wird nur für einen Moment kneifen [Come now, it’ll pinch only for a moment,]“
He let your hand go, rather unconvinced and allowed you to continue with the procedure.
“Sie mussen ihm neutraliziren. [You have to neutralize him.]” you referred to what they were arguing about, whilst cleaning James’ nose cut. “Er kann nicht ein Super-Soldat sein. Das ist zu gefährlich. [He can’t be a super soldier. It’s too dangerous.]”
“Well, that’s out of the question,” James answered with sigh.
“Yeah, but how do you want to take down a bloody murderer? It’s not like we can burst into his house and handcuff him, man,” Sam stood looking at the two of you, with crossed arms. “He’s a straight up killer, a super killer. He won’t go easy, especially as something broke in him.”
“I have told you something was not alright about him,” with nod you agreed to what Bucky has said.
“Warum hat er diesen Mann getötet? Was ist passiert? [Why did he kill that man? What has happened?]” you asked.
“Lemar, his partner died in action. It was actually Karli that pushed him into the wall, but Walker set his mind on that man,” you stood silent for a longer while, thinking intensively about something. In the meantime you let James to go, as you finished with cleaning of his cuts and invited Sam to take his place.
“Ich kenne eine Frau, sie ist eine Wissenschaftlerin und sie hatte an dem Super-Soldat Serum und einer Art Gegenmittel gearbeitet. [I know a woman. She’s a scientist and she worked on the super soldier serum and some kind of antidote.]”
“Really? – Nicht bewegen, [Don’t move,]” Sam looked at you as Bucky explained him what you have said. You found it utterly irritating and hard to tend his head cut as he moved all the time.
“Nun, ich kenne sie nicht persönlich, aber ich weiß, dass es diesen Wissenschaftler gibt, der versucht, die Wirkung des Serums umzukehren. [Well, I don't know her personally, but I do know that there is this scientist who is trying to reverse the effects of the serum,]” you took your time washing the wounds and bruised lip.
Only when you finished, you cleaned up and put the rest of the things back into the first aid kit. Then you took out your laptop and started looking for some useful information.
“Don’t you think is worth a shot?” Bucky asked Sam, who wasn’t that convinced to your idea. He didn’t trust you and you could not blame him for that. Especially, as you let Zemo escape their custody.
“Do we have other option? We should try this, it’ll be easier to do something with him, when he’s not a super soldier,” you felt Sam’s glances as he has spoken with James. “But still, I don’t trust her that much to do as she proposes.”
“For a bit we’re stuck with her,” they both stopped talking to look at you, working on the computer. You paused and looked back at them.
“Was? [What?]” you tilted your head and returned to your work.
“Anyway, we try to find this scientist and then we go back to States. I’m done with Europe for a while.”
“Mags du die offiziele Treffen? [Do you like official meetings?]”, you closed laptop and approached men. “[I know you have enough of Europe, but we’ll be here for a bit longer. In two days, there’s an annual meeting of scientist. What very little people know that it is also an annual convention of all sorts of medical freaks.]”
“Where is it?”
“Come sta il tuo gentiluomo italiano? Andiamo a Venezia. [How is your Italian? We are going to Venice],” you asked them with disarming smile as you saw confusion on their faces.
“How many languages do you know, woman?” Sam was highly shocked considering your ability to change languages so easily.
“A lot,” you smiled cheekily answering him in the purest English, much to his dismay.
“Do we have to go through the plan again?” you growled under your nose, hesitantly getting up from the bed you sat on.
You arrived in Venice in the early morning, when the whole city was still asleep. The three of you took that opportunity to do a short reconnaissance in front of the opera where later that day, the event was to be held. A square in front of it was rather small but provided enough space to set an observation station. You really hoped for a moment free to go and visit a bit more of the city you haven’t seen for a long time. Unfortunately, during the day you were seated in the nearby café as Sam and James went inside.
“Bucky and I go inside, and we try to find this doctor of yours. You Y/N, will be a watch-out in the nearby,” James looked at you for a moment, thinking about something.
“Can you tell me again, why you can’t go inside with us?”
“Wie ich Ihnen bereits sagte, wünschen mir einige Leute dort den Tod, [As I told you, some of the people there wish me dead,]“ you shook your head lightly. “So, denke ich, das ist keine gute Idee für mich in zu gehen. Jeder würde wissen, dass etwas lost ist. [So, I think it’s not a good idea for me to go in. Everybody would know something is going on.]”
James was visibly tormented by the idea of you doing things on your own.
“Es ist in Ordnung, ich verstehe dich und dass du mir nicht vertraust, James. [That’s alright, I understand you and that you don’t trust me, James,]” you gently put your hand on his arm. “Aber wir haben keine anderen Lösungen [But we don’t have any other options,]“ he sighed as he knew there was no other idea and that was your best shot so far.
“Right, but how do we get in there? We don’t even have clothes or anything?”
You smiled broadly as you were waiting for this question. You went to the phone and dialed a number, “Sie werden hinreißend aussehen, [You’ll look ravishing,]” you winked at them and started talking on the phone.
Within an hour, you were gaily sitting in a comfortable chair, slowly drinking your second mimosa and simply enjoying the view. Sam and James were trying on their tuxedos for the evening, which was truly captivating activity as you could look at two well-built men in smart clothes.
“Is it me or Y/N enjoys this a bit too much?” Sam turned around to see himself in the mirror.
“Ja, ich genieße die Aussicht, [Yes, I do enjoy the view,]” you smiled and raised your glass to toast and finished off the drink, which was immediately refilled.
Bucky stood silently in his dark-blue velvet jacket and you could have sworn he was mumbling something about you acting like Zemo.
“Komm schon Jungs, du muss anständig aussehen, um in die Oper zu gehen, [Come on boys, you have to look decent to go to the opera,]” the tailor took the last measurements from Sam and invited Bucky to stand on a low step.
“Ah, James, du siehst absolut schneidig aus [James, you look absolutely dashing],” you complimented the man as the dark shade of blue looked absolutely mesmerizing on him. “Du auch siehst absolut schneidig aus, Sam,” what was more to say, you simply took pleasure in both, observing them in those fancy clothes and how miserable they were at the same time.
“Aren’t you getting ready?” Sam asked, looking at himself in the mirror one more time. You sensed that he actually liked being dressed like this.
“Ja, aber ich bin schon bereit, schau. [Yes, but I’m already ready, look,]” with your free hand you pointed to a hanger with long, evening dress in your favourite colour, next to which stood high-heels.
As you finished your last drink, you got up from the armchair and spoke to the tailor, who informed you that there, is need only for small changes and outfits would be ready within two hours. You smiled to him and left the room with the dress and shoes to get ready.
It was not your first time to be a watch out but what concerned you the most about this evening, was the fact that you still had the Powerbroker’s men after you. The odds were rather unlikely for them to come but they were not zero. Then again, you did not really owe anything to James or Bucky, to stay and to help them here or to go after Walker and neutralize his super soldier abilities.
You looked at your reflection in a mirror, carefully observing how the fabric of the dress draped over your body. The sleeves were of right length to nicely cover the bandage on your arm. It was a simple, evening dress as many others, but it had something in it that made you checking-out yourself for a longer moment. Was it the cleavage, not revealing yet complementing your breasts? Or maybe a nicely cut waist, hugging your body well-fitted? You did not really know, and it did not bother you. The effect was stunning, and you loved it. It was a perfect camouflage for your position. Being in that dress allowed you to look as one of the guests, who casually went outside to smoke and was about to go back. The only thing that didn’t go well with this outfit was your purple black eye from the other day, but what make-up cannot solve?
It took you a bit longer than you wished but you managed to cover the bruised area with an evening look. As you finished the last touches of your gala outfit you took out two boxes with the equipment you got from a friendly smuggler you knew from the past.
“So, I brought some good stuff,” you said as you returned to the boys and put first small box on the table.
“She speaks,” escaped from Sam’s mouth. And it was not the only sense that was shocked as his eyes were wandering on your figure, as much as James’s. “You look really nice.”
“Yes, I do,” you replied in such way on purpose, so he had to think about it. You opened the box revealing small earplugs. “We’ll communicate through them. It’s so small nobody will notice it,” you handed one for each of them and put one in your ear.
“Why now?” Sam was still inquiring about your magical ability to speak English, all of sudden.
“I thought it would be easier if both of you would understand me, not just James,” you answered him. “And honestly, gentleman you should consider wearing suits more often… They really suit you.” Sam was visibly flattered by your compliment, while James mumbled something again. “Do you want to go over the plan again?”
“I think we’re good. You’re observing, we’re inside looking for your doctor. We get needed information and head out,” Sam summed up shortly, as you took out invitation. “Only one?”
“Yeah, you’re going as a pair. Settle between who is who’s one plus,” you handed him the piece of paper with grin. “You’ll do just fine.”
“I preferred when you spoke German at least I didn’t understand you,” he sighed heavily. You lightly shrugged your arms and turned on a little screen, which was showing halls of the opera house from different angles. You wrinkled your nose lightly observing one of the video.
“What?” you heard Bucky over your shoulder, standing behind.
“Nothing, I just spotted a bar I want to invade before we begin,” you answered him and turned off the device.
“How professional,” Sam snorted.
“Come now, darling,” you smiled blissfully and grabbing their arms as you were leaving the apartment. “What can go wrong?”
As you soon found out quite a lot of things could have gone wrong, starting with your high-heels and Venetian pavement that was not co-operating with them to finish with a bottle of not-so-cold champagne you have hoped for.
“How is it going?” you asked through the earplug, observing incoming wave of smart-clothed people.
“So far, so good,” you heard Sam and you saw him with a drink in a hand, “How does our target will look like?”
“Tall, blonde, she’ll be probably with a cane. She had some sorts of accident and can’t walk without it,” you replied smiling to the passing by couple, “She should be easy to spot. Please, don’t scare her.” Sam let a short laugh.
“Well then, let’s get to it,” James was rather tensed, observing guests coming in.
“You should go and take your seats, the play is about to start.”
“What?” they asked simultaneously.
“Oh, I didn’t mention that?” you smiled to yourself, seeing their distressed faces in camera, “As a treat for guests, you’ll be able to see one of the finest version of Don Jovanni. Enjoy gentlemen –”
And you lost sound at that moment, you could have seen they were saying something to you but it was just lost.
“Hello? Can you hear me?”
What a piece of shit, you thought taking out the comm and gently hitting it in order to work.
“Problems in paradise?” a familiar voice, you thought you won’t hear for a time, asked as you turned around to see Zemo standing in the shadows like a common creep.
“As far as I’m concerned, we’re doing perfectly well,” you said, observing the entrance. Quite a lot of people were still going in, even though the opera has already started. “I’m surprised to see you here, to be honest.”
“I got a little bit bored, and I decided to come back,” Zemo said, walking up to you slowly.
“Don’t tell me you missed Sam or James’s company?” you scoffed him with a smile just in the corner of your lips.
“I missed your company Y/N, if I may speak freely,” you raised your eyebrow at his words. Zemo stopped next to you and observed the façade of the opera house. “It’s quite a crowd, isn’t it?”
“I suppose it is. I never liked those official meetings, really. The only one good thing about such parties is this,” you showed him a bottle of champagne you took earlier from the opera’s kitchen. “Want some? But I warn you, I don’t have any fancy glasses, so we have to drink straight from the bottle,” you drank from it and passed the alcohol to Zemo, which he gladly accepted.
“Are our mutual friend inside?” you nodded. “How did you make them go inside?”
“It wasn’t that hard, really,” he was standing with such close proximity, you had no problem with smelling his cologne nor with feeling his warmth. “Is it your doings that our communication is jammed?”
Zemo smiled innocently and pretended to turn the key against his mouth, “I know nothing of such thing, Y/N. But then again, we wouldn’t have had this opportunity to talk freely.”
“And you came, God knows from where, just to talk with me?” he opened his arms and shrugged them.
“Night is still young, and you don’t have to stand here waiting for them to return. They’re big boys,” he took the liberty to caress your neck skin as he spoke, giving you shivers along the spine.
“What we do here is important, Zemo,” you slowly turned your gaze upon him. “Honestly, I don’t really want to see any more dead bodies caused by this man.” You lazily leaned towards him, occasionally glancing at his lips. So, tempting to try them one more time.
“I can see that, Y/N,” Zemo answered in low whisper, still caressing your neck.
You moved even closer to the man and just inches before his mouth, you paused and said, “Give me back champagne.”
You saw how his face shifted as he gave you a short smirk along the bottle, from which you took another sip.
“So, hypothetically, where would you want to go, Zemo?” you asked, enjoying the sensation of his gloved hand against your skin.
“Hypothetically, there is a little hotel, not that far from here where, hypothetically, I have an apartment – Of course, you have – where we can go and talk,” you rose your eyebrow as he took his hand away and took of his signature coat to put it around your shoulders. “It’s rather chilly.”
“What a chivalry of yours, Zemo,” you stated, even though you accepted it with quite a pleasure, “Shall we go?” As for a true gentleman, hidden under a mask of a terrorist, he offered you his arm, which you gladly took.
The two of you went for a relatively short stroll, which raised questions you wanted to ask, how on earth he found out about this event and that you will be there, but you just let it go.
You shook your head for his proposition of a drink as you reached the apartment, you felt a little bit light-headed after the champagne and wanted to make a pause. You nonchalantly slipped the coat on an armchair and sat down on a small sofa.
“Well, you can now tell me why are you back? I mean, you had a clear way of escaping and be free as wind,” you pressed your lips tight, and you crossed your arms, waiting for him to answer you. He poured you two drinks and handed one to you even though you didn’t want any.
Just as soon as he sat down, he started, “It might sound strange, but I wanted to spend some time with a person who will not try to kill me.” You smiled to your whiskey and sipped a little of it, “And as much as I enjoyed co-operating with Sam and James, it was tiring after a while to look over your shoulder.”
You raised your eyebrow in amusement. It was the very Baron Zemo who just said, he must have looked if there was anyone wanting to stab him. You found that hilarious and couldn’t prevent a silent laugh.
“I must say, Zemo, that sounds rather funny, being said by you.”
“Why? Because I know my way out of any situation, even if it demands some stabbing?” he looked at you, gently smiling.
“Precisely,” you narrowed your eyes, observing him. In this dim light and with that smile on his lips he seemed to be quite relaxed and peaceful. A rare view for anyone watching. “You know what, I missed our little talks like that.”
“I’ll drink to that, Y/N.”
You observed him for a moment, urging to ask a burning question that you carried since the beginning of your reunion, “How do you feel?”
He stopped drinking and looked at you surprised, “Ravishing, what do you mean?”
“You perfectly know, what do I mean, Baron,” you slowly took another sip of the drink, “You know, you were severely depressed in the jail, so obviously I’m a little bit concerned how do you feel now. You wanted to kill yourself, Zemo. It doesn’t happen just like that,” you snapped your fingers, looking expectantly at him.
“If that will ease your mind upon this matter, I went through the therapy during my incarnation,” he looked at the peaceful night through the window. “ – and it helped for a certain extend.”
“I’m glad to hear it, Zemo. I really am,” you smiled lightly and finished your drink. “You want a refill?” You stood up from your armchair and took his glass, as you headed for the bar. “Same or you want to change for something else?”
“The usual,” you snorted and poured him whiskey.
“So,” you started, handing Zemo his glass back, “shall we speak about something a bit more cheerful?”
As the two of you engaged into conversation, the time passed by unnoticed. You must have admitted that Zemo was a delightful chat partner as he could talk about literary everything starting from political matters and literature to what knife would be the best for a hand-to-hand combat. It was that kind of dispute which was challenging you and yet allowed you to carry it on effortlessly.
Your engagement in conversation with Zemo, reminded you how the two of you had similar talks when he was in German prison. You were quite proud of yourself when you successfully infiltrated that prison posing as a trauma counsellor. There was no real therapy, but it allowed you to plan and implement the escape. Though, now you could see much more emotions and freedom in his talking and way of acting. You found it enjoyable to observe him a bit more alive than he used to be.
At one moment you were standing and slowly dancing to the music played from a gramophone and it was quite blurry for you to recall who came up with this idea. But it was pleasurable when you felt his arm gently resting around your waist as the other supported your hand, even though both of you had some percentages in blood. You were slowly rocking across the room, trying to avoid sneaky furniture that would appear out of nowhere, to your disapproval.
“Maybe it’s best if we sit for now, we’re not the best dancers after this amount of alcohol,” you led Zemo by his hand to the sofa, on which you sat down.
“You look lovely in this dress, Y/N.”
“I know, thank you,” you gave him a cheeky smile, much to his amusement.
“You know what…”
“Are you going to tell me it would look better on the floor?” you interrupted, and Zemo chuckled in response.
“Only if you want to, Y/N,” you shifted on the sofa to move a bit closer towards him.
“What do you want, then?”
“You,” this simple response made you astonished, uncertain what to say.
“Is this drunken you speaking, or real you?” your fingers started slowly caressing the back of his hand, in anticipation of Zemo’s answer.
“What would you like me to be?” you lightly shook your head.
“Does it really matter?” you asked, not really knowing whether you were asking yourself or Zemo. Before he could answer you in any way, you placed a short, uncertain kiss on the man’s lips, which was followed by much longer and needy one. You wanted to retreat after this, to think about it but Zemo’s hand in your hair prevented it sufficiently and pulled you back for another kiss, heated and passionate.
You felt the zip of your dress going down and as you leaned in the kiss, the material slide off revealing your shoulders. You pushed him gently on the sofa seat and comfortably nested yourself on Zemo. Your fingers were tenderly stroking his hair as your kiss became deeper and sweeter with each passing second.
His lips slipped from yours to your jawline and neck leaving trail of messy kisses, each of it awarded by your soft moan. You felt as if you were melting under every single touch, stroke or nip left on your skin.
“Would you like to go somewhere more comfortable?” he asked into your neck, kissing it possessively.
“After you, Helmut,” you placed another peck in the corner of his lips and sat up.
Baron swiftly got up and offered his hand to lead you to the bedroom, where he took his time stripping you out of the dress, along saying how much he admired you and your body. As your apparel hit the floor, it revealed you were wearing no lingerie.
“Y/N,” Zemo chucked huskily, grabbing you by your waist and turning around to see you, “You’re full of surprises, my dear.”
You rested your forearms on his chest observing how his eyes brightened. Your fingers played with the collar of the man’s shirt before leaning in for another kiss, which he tenderly gave you.
“Why am I the only one undressed?” you softly purred, revelling in his gentle strokes. You moved your hands to ably undo his belt and shoulder holster, which were now laying on the floor.
“Is it my fault you weren’t wearing any underwear?”
“Is it my fault you were so eager to undress me?” you replied with another question, working on his clothes. Zemo chuckled allowing you to do further undressing of him. “You know what…” you paused your doings and took your hands away, looking at him slyly, “You’re a big boy, do it yourself.”
You walked away from him with a cheeky smile and sat down on a bed, resting on your palms with crossed legs. Zemo tilted his head letting a quiet sigh of disbelief as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, still maintaining eye contact with you. Oddly, you found it quite erogenous, and your breath quicken a bit watching him stripping the rest of clothes.
“Like what you see?”
“Come to me,” you softly lured, feeling deprived of his touch and affection for too long. You climbed higher on the bed making room for Zemo, who was over you within seconds.
“So needy,” he chuckled darkly, leaving lazily trail of kisses starting on your collar just to end right next to your ear. His hand was exploring your hip, gently clenching fingers into your sensitive skin, enjoying each of your soft moans. “So impatient – and so welcoming.”
You deeply inhaled feeling his fingers inside you, already dripping wet.
“Y/N…”  Zemo caught each of your whines with his lips slowly fingering you, “You’re such a beautiful mess.” You laughed in his mouth which quickly turned into loud groan of pleasure as heat inside you was more and more mounting.
“Zemo, I want you,” you said quietly and whimpered as he took his fingers away from you.
“Good Lord, Y/N. You even taste as good as you look,” he smiled devilishly, licking off your juices and suspended any actions, glancing at you somehow distressed.
“What is it?” you looked up, searching for his eyes.
“It’s just been a while since I – ” you shushed him with your finger on his lips.
“Roll over,” you said sternly and surprisingly he was more than happy to oblige and pull you on top, “Good boy, Helmut,” you awarded him with a loving kiss.
You straddled him and helped yourself with your hand to position his member to your entrance, and you slowly lowered down on him. Both of you gasped at the same moment as you froze to feel him better inside you. “You’re quite to take,” you whispered slowly rocking your hips, much to Zemo’s approval. After a moment of his stillness, Zemo started to counter your movements.
“Oh, my – Helmut,” you gasped airlessly feeling his thrusts and trying to keep up with the pace. “Don’t you dare to stop,” you bit your lip, watching what hot mess he became beneath you. It seemed as his hands were all over you, all the time, yet you felt them mostly strongly gripping your hips as he kept thrusting in you.
“You are beautiful, Y/N. I cannot get enough of you,” with each next pound into you, you felt your legs were about to fail you. Zemo saw that as you were faintly allowing your head to fall down with sorrow moans of pleasure.
He unceremoniously flipped you on your back and trapped between the mattress and his body.
“That’s unexpected,” you said pulling him closer, sinking your fingers into his messy hair, “But not unwelcomed.”
“You were barely holding on. I couldn’t allow anything happen to you,” he stated, changing his pace to much slower and mor passionate lovemaking.
“You have well-rested, my dear Bar–ON,” a moan escaped your lips as he suddenly caught your nipple in teeth and bit it.
Zemo hooked your legs around his hips as he started to pound into you mercilessly, catching every single moan and scream of pleasure that escaped your mouth with his indecent kisses. Within a blink of an eye your arms were held by his hand, above your head, much restraining your movement. You tried to squirm your freedom, but he was relentless in overpowering you.
“Don’t move, be a good girl,” his whisper next to your ear made your eyes even darker from lust and you obliged to Helmut’s demand. “Good girl,” he praised you huskily, cupping your breast with the free hand.
“Helmut, I – ” you shivered strongly as your climax was almost there. Your hips were coming ahead his thrust gaining as much friction and stimulation as you could get. “Please, let me go… I want to touch you, to feel you when I come on you,” you pleaded sweetly arching your body toward him even more.
As soon as your arms were free, you clenched them around his upper body, dugging nails into his back. Your breath was becoming more and more frantic as you were on the very edge of your climax. All of your nerves were aching for it to happen, controlling over your body as you softly whimpered into Zemo’s neck nonsense. His brown eyes, now almost black were staring at you as if you were his pray, his victim.
“Don’t you dare stopping n-OW,” you were an absolute mess and him changing pace for the faster one was bringing you over the edge.
“Be a good girl and come for me,” Zemo’s hips were smashing into you with the force you have never suspected him. You nodded sloppily kissing his face wherever you could and then it happened.
You felt overwhelming wave of heat and shivers overpowering your body as your orgasm hit. For a moment you stopped breathing and allowed to be filled with this shake inside you and how your muscles tensed around him. Your arms were holding onto Zemo, whose moves became hastier and erratic, close to his own finale. He rested his head on your shoulder breathing heavily and babbling as with few last thrusts he came in you, with loud moan.
He stopped moving to catch his breath and slowly slipped out of you.
“You are intense, Y/N,” his soft smile was something amazing to observe. You could have sworn there was only affection and nothing more in him, at the moment.
“Well, I got to taste my own medicine, Helmut. I think I might have some bruises,” you looked at him out of breath and satisfied.
Zemo pulled you closer and left few short kisses on your forehead before he spoke to you, “Sleep now, I’ll get you back to boys tomorrow morning.”
As much as you hated the idea of being vulnerable in your sleep, you settled down comfortably next to Zemo, slowly falling asleep. His arm around your shoulder was holding you steadily, yet you could still hear his heart fast beating. Listening to it and how it was getting slower as to the regular hear beat, you found yourself drowsy enough to relax and fall asleep on his chest.
Your sleep was abruptly finished by the phone ring.
“Hallo?” you took the phone quickly not to wake up sleeping man next to you.
“Y/N? Care to explain your sudden missing?” you heard James on the other side and stopped breathing for a moment.
You got up and left the bedroom with sleeping Zemo and you replied, “Ich hatte einen Dinge zu machen.[I had some things to do.]”
“Yeah, right. I’m waiting outside,”
“Was? [What?]” a shocked question slipped your lips.
“Das. [That.] I put a tracker on you. I didn’t want another runner like Zemo. Come down or I’ll come for you,” he said and hung up.
FUck, fuck, FUCK, you thought shocked as you started quickly looking for your clothes. Outside the window, you indeed noticed Bucky standing under a street lantern on the opposite side of the hotel’s entrance. As you were gathering your dress and shoes, you noticed some kind of package on a chair, opposite to the bed. You almost omitted it as they were all black and only delicate shimmering in the streetlight, caught your attention.
 I hope these will be more comfortable to pursue me in.
 You smiled lightly and put the note in the pocket. How come that he could not speak about his feelings but had no problem with showing them in other ways. You took the pile from the chair and you noticed it was surprisingly heavy, as you walked into the bathroom.
How does that man know so much about me?, you asked yourself putting on clothes he prepared. And of course, they fitted you perfectly, which was quite amazing. You haven’t had a slightest idea what kind of material it was, but it felt so comfortable as if you were wearing a second skin. You slipped your feet into boots and laced them thoroughly.
The last thing from the pile was a black box in which you found lather shoulder holster, quite similar to the one Zemo was wearing himself. You put it on and adjusted to your preference and when it was perfectly laying on you, you inserted a gun into the holster.
Before you went away, you have left a short notice foe Zemo that you must have gone.
“Why did you left your position?” he asked as soon as you saw you leaving the hotel, and narrowed his eyes checking out your outfit closely. “Weren’t you wearing a dress?”
“Und jetzt trage ich das. [And now I wear this,]” you answered shortly, unsure how to feel about this whole situation. “Es ist nicht nett, dass du mir nicht vertraust. Aber ich verstehen es. [It’s not nice that you don’t trust me. But I get it].”
“Well, I was right not to trust you, Y/N. Why did you leave?”
“Ich habe dir gesagt, ich musste mich um einige Dinge kümmern. Es ist nicht so, dass ich an euch beide gebunden bin. [I told you, I had some things to attend to. It’s not like I’m bound to you two],” you snarled back at him. “Wo ist Sam? [Where’s Sam?]”
“Back at our hideout,” James sighed quietly and rubbed his eyes. “Alright, listen… You don’t have to tell me why you left, just –,” he stopped for a second looking at you. “Just leave any kind of note that you’re going…”
“Oh, warst du besorgt? [Oh, you were worried?]” you looked at him surprised as he growled with huff. “Das ist schön, James. [That’s lovely, James.]” you mocked him with light smile.
You never would have thought that any of them, James nor Sam, would display any kind of concern of your person. It was even funnier, considering the fact you just did write a note for Zemo, so he would not be troubled about your whereabouts.
“Just don’t do it again, ok?” he looked miserable as you laughed silently at this revelation. You gently patted his arm and nodded to his ask. “You’re not going back there? To your things?”
“Nein, alles ist gut, James. Wir können zurückgehen und darüber nachdenken, was als nächstes zu tun ist. [No, everything is good, James. We can go back and think what to do next,]” you said and started walking down the quiet road.
“I’m afraid no, she wasn’t even there,” Bucky answered and looked at you.
Sweet Lord, these boots are comfortable, you thought taking each next step.
“Haben sie mit diesem Wissenschaftler Glück gehabt? [Did you get any luck with that doctor?]” you asked after a while.
“Verdammt [Damn it],” you muttered under your nose silently, “You’re sure about that? [Bist du darüber sicher?]”
“Yes, we’ve talked to some other scientist that told us, she went missing like three days ago. Presumably taken by the Power Broker, as she was last seen in Madripoor.”
“Verdammt [Damn it],” you repeated louder, which caught Bucky’s attention.
“Why is she so important to you?”
“Willst du wirklich, dass Walker länger ein Supersoldat ist? [Do you really want Walker to be any longer a super soldier?]” you answered with another question. “Ich denke, wir müssen uns ausruhen und dann überlegen, was wir als nächstes tun sollen, [I think, we should take a rest and the think what to do next.]“
“That’s good idea,” he shortly agreed as you came in the apartment.
You noticed Sam sleeping on the sofa under a blanket. Surely something that was taken care of by James.
“I really enjoyed this opera, you know?” you smiled softly hearing it, “It was nice to do something normal? I guess.”
“Ich bin erfreut, das zu hören, [I’m happy to hear it,]” you lowered your voice not to wake the other man.
You looked at James trying to figure out what was he all about. No doubt, he was a caring and a caring persona and that softened you. It was truly awful what happened to him in the past because he did not deserved it at all.
“Es gab nie eine Schwester, [There was never a sister,]” this sentence sounded louder than you thought after a moment of silence.
“I know, Y/N,” you turned to him with surprised expression, a question painted all over your face. “It wasn’t exactly that hard to figure it out, especially since I found your file in published S.H.I.E.L.D. documents.”
You sighed heavily, “Wie viel weißt du [How much do you know]?”
“Pretty much all of it. That you helped Zemo going after the Avengers,” he took off his jacket and hung it over the chair, then continued, “And I just found out about your ailment, you want to treat so badly, Y/N.”
“Okay, willst du dich ausruhen oder darüber reden [Alright, do you want to rest or to talk about it]?” you rubbed your eyes. It was quite late and you dreamt only about continuing your sleep but you couldn’t leave it just like this.
“Let’s talk. We still have some time.”
“Nimm dann die Flasche und zwei Gläser [Grab the bottle and two glasses, then],” you moved to the bedroom and made him space on the bed. “Es wird einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen [It will take some time],” you said closing the door.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
The Christmas Party ~ KNJ [M] [Day Thirteen: Advent Calendar]
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GENRE: Smut, fluffy, enemies to lovers, college AU, non!Idol au
PAIRING: Namjoon x Fem!Reader
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The dress you were wearing looked perfect for the night, it was just a small Christmas party with family and friends but with your family that meant everyone judging one another for what they had and hadn't accomplished in life. You, like every other year, were judged because you didn't have a partner or were there alone but that was your choice. You gave them the same excuse every year, that you didn't need someone else in your life to make you happy only this year you didn't want to have to give the excuse again. Which was why you and your best friend from college had come up with the plan to get out of the excuses this Christmas. Jin was going to come along and pretend to be your boyfriend on the condition you go along with him to his family party and pretend to be his girlfriend. A loud buzzing came from your phone and you smiled seeing Jin's name pop up on the screen,
"I'm just putting on the heels and I'll be down." You practically sang down the phone. Normally you would dread going home to see your family with this sort of thing but somehow Jin seemed to make every event fun no matter how boring it may be.
"About that..." There was a sense of guilt in his voice and you knew something was wrong instantly, your heart fell flat as you thought about turning up to the party alone.
"Kim Seokjin if you tell me I have to go to this party alone I will-"
"You're not going alone, I just can't get there. My car won't start but there's a car waiting for you, just get inside and I promise everything will work out," He cut the line before you could question who he was sending you to the party with, you glanced out of the window to see Yoongi's black jeep waiting for you. He told you he had a football game tonight with the college team so why was he now taking you? You sighed grabbing your purse and rushed down the stairs making sure to flick off all the house lights as you headed out to the car.
"I thought you said you had a game!" You yelled excitedly getting to the passenger side door when you saw Yoongi and Hoseok dressed in their football gear,
"Back," You frowned as you looked at them, it was clear they hadn't been to their game yet since they were both clean and looked irritated about being there. You held a breath hoping it was Jungkook, Jimin, or Taehyung in the back of there anyone but-
"Namjoon," You whispered staring at him as he stared at you, he looked just as impressed as you did at this point but that was because neither of you wanted to be next to one another.
"The gas is running, I'm going to be late." You slammed the door and left the middle seat between you and Namjoon unoccupied. Namjoon eyed you up from the side and smiled on the inside, you were dressed in a long-sleeved backless red dress with some black heels. Even though he wasn't your biggest fan and in fact, you hated one another there was no denying that you looked amazing tonight. Even your hair looked fantastic but as soon as you could feel his eyes burning into you, you looked up and he looked away from you not wanting to get caught.
"You're going to have to talk to one another sooner or later," Hoseok reminded you as he turned around to look at you. The realisation that he was right was starting to hit you so you turned to Namjoon.
"I know we don't like each other-"
"Biggest understatement of the year," You bit your tongue as he cut you off from talking, it was one of the many, many things you found irritating about him. The way he would always cut you off when you were trying to speak, or the way he would always insist he was right even if he was blatantly wrong.
"I don't like you, you don't like me okay. I don't know how Jin roped you into this but you're here, let's just pretend we can stand to be in the room with one another for one night." You sighed turning away from him and checking your phone, sending Jin a lengthy message about how he owed you a lot for this one.
"Do I need to know anything about you?" He questioned as Yoongi pulled into the large driveway of your house, you took in a deep breath and Namjoon could tell there was something bothering you about being here.
"Family are a little much, they don't understand privacy and most of my cousins hate me so I mean...You'll get along great." You whispered when someone came to open the door, of course, your parents had hired people to serve the food and make sure people were arriving safely.
"You're rich?" Namjoon questioned as he came to your side and linked your arms together if he was going to play the role he was going to start now.
"Kind of," He scoffed as you answered them and you stared up at him as you walked to the front door,
"What was the scoff for?!" You felt offended that he'd done that to you, there was no secret about how Namjoon felt about you. He'd made it clear from day one that he thought you were nothing but a stuck up girl in college, who's mummy and daddy paid for you to get into the college of your dreams when it couldn't have been further from the truth.
"Typical, you really are just that stuck up little rich bitch," The door swung open right as he finished his sentence so you didn't have time to sit and accept the fact that he was openly insulting you. This was how it always was with Namjoon, the snide remarks about who he thought you were when in reality he had no idea about you or your life.
"Y/n! My little angel! And who is this!?" Your mother screamed drawing the attention of about 4 different aunties and 8 of your female cousins who were all eyeing Namjoon up the second your mother let him go from the beat hug she'd engulfed him into.
"I'm Namjoon, Y/n's boyfriend. Did she not tell you about me?" He placed his hand on his chest pretending to act hurt at the fact that your mother didn't know him, your mother frowned as if she was trying to remember his name.
"She told me about a nasty Namjoon at college-"
"Not this one, this Namjoon I love," You lied, wrapping your arms around Namjoon's waist and plastering the biggest fake smile you could manage but your bitchiest cousin smirked as she watched.
"Look what they're standing under aunties!" She screamed, your eyes slowly looked up at the ceiling along with Namjoon and you could feel the tension rising, everyone turning to stare now. All your uncles, your father, your siblings, everyone.
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Everyone began clapping and stomping as they chanted together waiting for a kiss to happen, you nervously laughed and shook your head.
"N-No, Namjoon isn't really into PDA...And I just-" You were cut off when Namjoon pulled you into a tight embrace and cupped your face in his hands,
"Shut up," He whispered as he bent down to kiss you lovingly, your eyes fluttered shut and you felt your heart begin to pound rapidly. Namjoon smiled against your lips as he felt you getting into the kiss, he licked your bottom lip to which your parted your lips for him and wrapped your arms around his neck,
"Enough! I don't want grandbabies yet," Your mother slapped you and pulled you away from one another making all of the attention got back onto her as she walked into the well-decorated house.
"Looks like Santa's grotto in here, do your family love Christmas this much?" Namjoon questioned as he looked around at the hanging lights, tinsel covered railings and a small tree in the corner of your foyer.
"Christmas mad," You stuttered out as you were still trying to calm your heart rate down from the kiss you'd just had with Namjoon, it had been one of the most amazing kisses of your life and it was with someone you couldn't stand to be with.
"You alright?" He questioned once he noticed how quiet you were being in front of him, you nodded and held your throat.
"Need a drink, a strong one." You pushed your bag into his hands while you walked over to the bar, downing the first four shots you could see sitting at the bar in your kitchen. It was going to be a really long night if your family were going to be hanging around Namjoon the way they were, your cousin was already flirting with him.
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A couple of hours had passed and you were sitting beside Namjoon while your drunken sister flirted with him in front of you,
"I'm flattered but I am in love with your sister-"
"How did you two meet?!" Your cousin - Mina - had been suspicious of you since the moment you both walked through the door. She could tell that had been the first time you kiss, it was far too awkward on your part to have been a kiss you've experienced more than once together,
"College friend," Your voices chorused together but Mina just hummed and moved closer to you, you could already tell she knew this was fake and was finding the best way to torture you with it.
"What's Y/n's middle name?" Namjoon arched his brow as Mina began to question him about you, it was like being on a game show but you sat back in shock as he hit back with all the correct answers one by one,
"What's the one book Y/n has in her dorm room she loves but won't tell anyone?" Mina licked her lip, she knew nobody would know this one since you rarely let anyone into your dorm room. Your heart sank at the thought of the plan being ruined so quickly.
"Easy, she keeps a copy of twilight stuffed under her mattress," Your mouth fell open along with Mina as you stared at Namjoon, not even Jin knew the book you read as you guilty book and where it was kept. It had been your dirty little secret for years,
"Mina!! Your turn for pictures!" Your auntie screamed making her leave you alone as you stared at Namjoon for some kind of explanation as to where he'd gotten all of the answers from. But Namjoon knew you a lot better than you thought he did, he'd been best friends with Jin for years which meant when Jin was getting to know you so was Namjoon resulting in him being able to pass as a best friend or boyfriend even though he hated you.
"I don't even know your favourite food," You whispered as he turned to look at you he just winked at you as he went to get a drink. The thoughts about the kiss you shared before were rushing back to him, he wished he could do it again and was trying to plan some way of getting you back under that mistletoe again soon.
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The night was dying down which meant soon you would get to leave,
"I'll call Yoongi to take us both back," He went to stand up when your father came over to you both and wrapped his arms around either of you.
"I want to talk to you about something," You knew what was coming with a simple sentence like that from your dad and your eye widened in fear,
"Dad- No, Namjoon doesn't need to hear this-" Your dad held his hand up to tell you to be quiet and turned to face Namjoon, his eyes widened in fear as your dad stared up at him.
"I heard stories about a Namjoon from her college, he'd been torturing my girl for a few years now. Nothing much...Just name calling and small jabs but if I find out that you're the Namjoon making her life like that-"
"I promise sir, I would never do anything to hurt your daughter." Your father smiled and shook Namjoon's hand, thanking him for coming tonight and being brave enough to show his face.
"Y/n, it's snowing. I don't think you and Namjoon should be going home in that. Your room is all made up." This was like something out of one of those cheesy romance books, it was always the cliche 'there's only one bed so I guess we'll share' but that was not happening tonight,
"Thanks, mum, we'll go up now." You pushed Namjoon up the staircase as he yelled goodbye to remaining family members. You pushed him into your room and slammed the door behind you,
"Eager?" You rolled your eyes at him and looked around your room, you hadn't been in here for a couple of years. Whenever you came home on breaks you'd sleep on the sofa since your room was mostly used for storage most of the tears it was a wonder why they'd cleaned it out tonight.
"Pretty curtains," You rolled your eyes as he smirked at the blackout curtains with the playboy bunny in neon pink around it.
"Shut up, like you had the perfect bedroom." You scoffed going over to the wardrobe to find something you could wear, you threw Namjoon an old shirt of your dad's and grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top for yourself.
"I don't have much for pants so you'll have to sleep with your-" You cut yourself off when you turned to see Namjoon in your dad's shirt and his boxers, your eyes were drawn to the large bulge but you moved away before he noticed.
"Enjoying the view?" He quipped only to be met with a pillow to the face as you began giving him pillows and blankets to sleep on the floor with.
"What if someone comes in?" He questioned as he began laying down the blankets and pillows next to the bed,
"Then we're in a fight and that's why you're on the floor," Your voice came out shakey as you began making your bed to sleep in, you couldn't help but feel bad for making him sleep on the floor in the middle of December but you pushed the feeling down.
"Namjoon?" You called out later in the night, you'd both been laying there in silence for the last two hours not being able to sleep,
"Yeah?" He was shivering, you could hear his teeth chattering and you looked down at the floor,
"Are you cold?"
"Freezing," He stuttered out so you moved over and opened up the covers telling him to get inside. You were cold as well,
"Thanks," He whispered snuggling down behind you without touching you,
"How did you know about the answers to all of those questions?" It had been bothering you from the moment he started answering them back to your cousin,
"I've known you just as long as Jin..." He was trying to play it off but he knew you weren't going to believe him,
"You hate me-" You tried to say but he cut you off not wanting you to believe that. He'd never in his life hated you, in fact, he'd had the largest crush on you since he met you but the stuff he heard about you made you hate him. His feelings went from crushing on you to forcing himself to hate you and make you out to be the bad guy when you weren't,
"No, I don't far from it. You hate me though," He whispered back to you, you turned over to lay on your side so you could face him properly. Even in the dark, you could see him,
"Far from it? What does that mean? I- I don't hate you, I thought you hated me so I just went along with it." Admitting this to him felt like it was lifting a weight off your chest and you stared at him,
"So we've hated one another for three years without any real reason?" He questioned while he stared back at you, he started laughing softly so he didn't want to wake up anyone in the house since it was getting so late.
"I've had the biggest crush on you since the moment I met you and you're telling me that-"
"You had a crush on me?" You whispered in shock as he admitted it to you, he nodded shyly and you smiled moving closer to him and kissing him softly.
"I've had the biggest crush on you too," Your voice came out as a whisper again and he chuckled bringing you closer,
"That kiss...Downstairs, did you feel the sparks?" He questioned, cupping your face in his hands as he ran his thumb along your smooth skin,
"I did," Your arms wrapped around his neck as you answered him and he smiled bringing you into another loving kiss, this time neither of you breaking away from it as it began to grow in passion with each passing second. His hands rushed down to the edge of your shirt and you hissed as his cold hand came into contact with your skin,
"I'm sorry, is this too fast? I'll stop," He panicked thinking maybe he was moving too quickly, going from enemies one second to making love on your childhood bed was probably giving you whiplash.
"No, your hands are freezing," You laughed and he smirked at you, even in the low lighting you could tell he was smirking back at you.
"Let me warm them up?" You could practically hear the cockiness seeping from his tone as he ran his hands up the inside of your shirt and began playing with your breast. You whined out softly as your nipples hardened under his cold touch, he began to tweak with them and pull them listening to see what kind of sounds you made for him.
"Such pretty sounds," He whispered in your ear as he began kissing down your neck and sucking on the nip of your neck, you whimpered as he tugged harshly on one nipple and ran his thumb softly over the other.
"S-Shit, Namjoon," You panted as he began running one hand down your stomach and towards the pair of flannel shorts you were wearing.
Within seconds you were both stripped naked under the sheets together and you flipped over so you were above Namjoon,
"I want you in my mouth," His mouth fell open hearing the words come from you, he never would have expected it. You kissed down his body running your hands over his toned arms and chest as you kissed him until you got to his length. You almost choked at the sight of it, he was so large - larger than you expected him to be and your mouth watered at the size of him.
"It's rude to stare," He winked at you watching as you took him into your hand and began pumping slowly. Swiping your thumb over the head as he hissed at you,
"T-Take me into your mouth," He whispered as you looked up at him. His eyes were dark so you smirked licking around the head. The flat of your tongue touches the rim of his cock and he fights back the loudest groan not wanting to wake up anyone in the house but your family were like the dead once they were asleep. You smirked as you began taking him deeper into your mouth until his head hit the back of your throat.
"Shit," He grunted watching you as you began to bob your head up and down on him. Namjoon inhaled sharply as you pulled off and licked from the base along the vein that was prominent on the side of his cock,
"Fuck." He stuttered out, bucking up his hips as you took him back into your mouth. He pushed you down more and you hummed around him wanting him to feel the vibrations and he grunted loudly. Namjoon starts to thrust into your mouth as he watches you, being careful not to hurt you as his cock filled your mouth. You pulled your hair back and nodded softly at him to tell him that it was okay and he began to push in and out of your mouth. Watching the way your lips wrapped around him and you took him perfectly well,
"Shit, shit, shit," He hissed as he began to twitch in your mouth from the sight alone, his hips began to pick up speed and you fought back the gag that was trying to escape your throat. The vibrations almost sent him over the edge so he pulled away before he could cum,
"W-What are you doing?" He could sense the disappointment in your tone,
"I want to be inside of you, need it." He panted as he got up and hovered above you,
"Condoms?" He questioned, you pointed at the small nightstand beside your bed and he pulled out a box, checking the date on them before ripping one open and sliding it on.
"You're sure about this?" e questioned as he held himself at your entrance. You whined bucking up your hips to try and get him quickly but he pulled away at the last second making you whimper,
"I'm sure, just fuck me please." He smiled down at you and kissed you softly running his tongue along your bottom lip as he slowly pushed into you, you bit into his shoulder to stop yourself from crying out at the stretch of his cock.
"S-Shit, hold it." You whimpered letting a tear roll down your cheek as he hit your hilt, he kissed your cheeks and then your lips lovingly.
"I can stop-"
"No, it's good, just...Just big." You moaned out as the stretching pain began to fade and was replaced with pleasure.
"Move," You urged him as you brought him into a passionate kiss, your fingernails digging into the back of his head as he began thrusting in and out of you slowly. Filling you up as he pushed in and out of you his cock hitting your hilt with ease,
"F-Feels so good." You whimpered as he started to pick up on his thrusts going from small ones to a faster pace, you wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him deeper and arching your back off the mattress,
"Oh shit," You moaned loudly looking up at him as he grunted, you were clenching so tightly around him it was like a vice was around his cock but it only encouraged his movements as he began dragging his cock out of you quickly and pushing back into you.
"Yes," You moaned out into his shoulder as you tried to be as quiet as possible but it made him chuckle watching you struggle to stay quiet.
"Precious," He chuckled trailing his hand down your body and rubbing your bud in circles making you moan out his name as you began to get lost in the intense feeling he was giving you.
"F-Faster," You begged out as he bent down to kiss you, he smirked kissing you passionately as he began to drill into you quickly, angling one of your legs in the air so he could hit deeper into you.
"Namjoon! Fuck!" You cried out, completely losing yourself in his relentless thrusts, his name was the only thing you knew how to say.
"I-I'm-" He kissed you knowing what you were going to say and you dragged your nails down his back, digging into his skin and he let out a grunt as he picked up his thrusts. Slamming in and out of you so fast your bed was hitting the wall behind you -- thank god for it being utility room.  
"Cum for me angel," You looked up at him weakly and kissed him deeply wanting to feel him as close to you as possible as he continued to ram into you.
"F-Fuck, fuck," You whimpered as your hips began to buck up from the bed and you could feel your orgasm fast approaching you.
His thumb continued to rub circles into your clit and you went over the edge bucking up wildly as you clenched around him, your nails digging into his skin as he kissed you to drown out your moans. He continued thrusting until he emptied into the condom and whined out as he pulled out from you.
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The next morning you woke up to a cold and empty bed, you clutched the sheets around your body looking for a sign of Namjoon but the bedroom was empty. Your heart sank at the thought of it all being some kind of big joke to him but the bedroom door opened and Namjoon backed into the room carrying something,
"Morning," He whispered when he said you awake, you smiled at him and moved over so he could sit down beside you on the bed. He'd dressed you in his shirt from the night before.
"Your dad gave me some clothes to go home in, Yoongi will be by in about two hours. Here," On the tray was a bunch of breakfast foods and some hot drinks, along with some pain killers.
"I thought you could use them, I told them I had a headache." You could feel the heat begin to rise to your face as you thought about the night before with him and he smirked leaning down to kiss you.
"Tonight when we've both showered and stuff and you've thanked Jin for this...Cause I know I will, I'll take you out...How does a movie and take out at my dorm room sound?" You laid your head on his shoulder as you bit into the slice of toast on your plate,
"Sounds terrific." You admitted as he began sipping on the coffee in front of him, he leant back against the bed and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"Those curtains are still hideous," You rolled your eyes playfully at his comment and he chuckled at you making sure you took the painkillers and had something to eat.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @rjsmochii​ @callingmyangel​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @missmxqn​ @bisexual007​ @oosnapitskat​ 
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
The Arrangement Chapter 11
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Series Summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi.
Chapter Summary: You and Yoongi each share a little of your fucked up pasts
Previous chapter here
The two of you entered the studio. Yoongi headed for the desk chair. "You can take the couch." 
You gave him a bottle of water and pulled the gimbap out of your purse, handing one to him. 
"Thanks. Now do you see why I don't go to those meetings?" He began to tear the wrapping off the gimbap.
"Yep. That was brutal. They literally just read off of the PowerPoint slides." You took a bite of your food. 
Yoongi scrolled through his phone. "We should go shopping tonight. The stores will be packed tomorrow and Sunday." 
"I don't mind. I can just go tomorrow or something." 
He looked over at you. "I don't do crowds. Let's go tonight."
You sighed, it was clear you weren't winning this argument. "Sounds good. What time will you get done with work today?" You asked, glad some of the negativity was fading from him. 
"I need to do some producing. But I'll try to take a break at 7 and then we can go shopping." 
You almost died a little at how normal and domestic this all sounded. A small part of you wanted your life to be so different from the fucked up life you had experienced as a child. This could be your life. This could be it. It's fake. I don't care. 
"OK sounds good." you finished up your sandwich. "I'm off to continue answering questions that people could easily look up online." 
"Better you than me," he said. 
You stuck your hand out for the sandwich wrapper and sighed.  "Yep. It’s definitely not  work befitting Min Suga genius." You teased as you exited the studio. 
Yoongi smiled and turned around to face his computer. What the fuck was happening? Two days in and he had already bought you towels and was getting ready to go grocery shopping with you. Might as well skip to the wedding at this point, he thought jokingly. At least then someone else would have bought the towels for you. 
Yoongi picked at his cuticles, his alarm was set to go off in a few minutes. He had done some mixing, but for the most part he ended up writing. He had been very inspired lately for lyrics. Usually it was the beats that came more easily to him and he had to seek out experiences for his lyrics. But lately he had so many feelings and experiences just itching to come out. 
He was worried after that night at the bar that you would distract him from his job but so far he had found the opposite to be true. He was thinking about you less because he knew you were in the office or the apartment. He wasn’t wondering what you were doing all the time. Not that he cared.  Not that he had thought about you all the time. And it was nice to have someone answer emails and calls, and deliver coffee. 
He turned his alarm off preemptively and stood up. He exited the studio. There was no one left on the 14th floor. That wasn’t unusual. He stopped by your desk. It was totally empty. He frowned. How could a person the same age as him have only 2 bags of belongings he wondered. He took out his phone.
YG: What’s going on with Ms. [YLN] work laptop? I see it hasn’t arrived yet. She needs it immediately to help coordinate my collaborations. Additionally, she needs appropriate stationary.
JW: Of course Mr. Min. I will follow up with the IT department immediately and let you know. As for the office supplies I can provide her with some basic stationary immediately. If you require personalized stationary the lead time on orders is 2 weeks. I can send a link to have you/her look over it.
YG: Thank you Jiwoo. Please do that.
Satisfied with himself, he put his phone back in his pocket and headed over to the elevator. He got in. A girl he recognized as Alice, Jin’s main stylist was already on. She had a make-up train case with her and seemed irritated. He gave her a nod of acknowledgement and noticed the button for the 18th floor was already pushed. 
They both awkwardly stood in silence for the short ride. 
The elevator arrived at the 18th floor. Yoongi gestured to her to exit first. She did and headed down the other way towards Jin’s apartment. He must have some event tonight Yoongi thought as he went the other direction to his apartment. He walked in, just realizing he hadn’t been home since yesterday morning. He sighed. It wasn’t unusual for him to spend days at a time in the studio. The first thing he noticed was that his apartment smelled like coffee and girl. It wasn’t a bad thing. It was just different.
He continued into the living room and looked around. There was a light on in the kitchen and a half-empty pot of coffee.  He could see a light peeking out from under your bedroom door. He took out his phone.
YG: I’m home. I’m going to grab a shower first and then we can go. You don’t have to stay holed up in the bedroom.
He walked upstairs, put his phone on the charger, and showered.
You woke up from your nap right at 6:58. Yoongi hadn’t struck you as the type to ever get home from work early so you hadn’t worried about being ready right at 7. You checked your messages and saw where he had texted you as well as Jimin. You pulled on some jeans and a sweatshirt and headed out to the living room. 
JM: 2 pm. Meet me in the lobby of the 6th floor. Bring a tank top and leggings so you can try on clothes over them. Also I HATE YOU WE WERE THERE UNTIL 5 OMFG 
YN: Sorry sorry XD I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks again!
Yoongi emerged a few minutes later wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt and looking like a damn snack. “Hey.” He walked over to the kitchen and opened the cabinets to check the ingredients. He looked back over his shoulder, “Seriously, I meant what I texted, Make yourself at home. I'm never here anyways." 
You moved over to the barstool. "Thanks. I'm just so used to sharing small spaces with lots of people I don't really take up a lot of space. The coffee is fresh by the way. I had a cup before napping just now." 
Yoongi didn't really respond, opening up the refrigerator. The two of you were surprised to suddenly hear yelling and screaming in the hallway. 
"What the hell? "Yoongi asked, shutting the fridge and walking over to the front door. “Not again," he muttered under his breath. It sounded like a woman yelling. The blood in your veins ran ice cold, your tongue slowly turned to lead. You heard the front door open and felt dizzy. Suddenly you were in an apartment with Suho and there was screaming. You took a deep breath. No. No. That was years ago. You were in Seoul. You were safe. There were guards here and Yoongi was here. Yoongi? You shook your head, looking around. You started to panic again. 
The woman had stopped screaming. You heard the voices of two men and slowly staggered out towards the hallway. 
"What the fuck Jin?" you heard Yoongi yell. 
"I know. I know. She's just difficult."
"Your girlfriend is a fucking asshole." You heard a girl yell. You recognized her as Alice. She was pulling her make up case down the hallway and crying hard. 
"Alice I'm sorry. You know Lin is a little crazy. She didn't mean any of the stuff she said." Jin pleaded with her.
Alice was sobbing as she pushed the elevator button. "Tell yourself that, jin." 
You didn't want to stare. You felt wrong watching all of this happen but you were also numb at this point, almost experiencing it as though you were outside your body. 
Yoongi breathed in sharply. "Just go home Jin. But this is the second time this week. She needs some  anger management classes or something." Yoongi looked over and saw you standing there, peeking around the corner. 
"Enjoying the show?" He said irritated. 
You snapped back to reality and shook your head. You weren't nosy. You had been scared and didn't want to be in the apartment alone. Yoongi got on the elevator with Alice, leaving you and Jin in the hallway. 
" Goddammit," you heard Jin say as he walked back to his apartment. 
You stood there for a minute replaying everything that had just happened. You took a few deep breaths. Suho wasn't here. You were fine. Yoongi was fine. Apparently Jin had a crazy girlfriend. Alice was Jin's stylist. And Yoongi thought you were a nosey asshole. Great. 
You didn't feel like you could go back to the apartment right now so you decided to head out for a walk. 
"You don't have to come with me. You don't even know me." Alice sniffed. "I know how to ride an elevator." 
Yoongi shrugged. "Your name is Alice. You've been around for 3 years but became Jin's main stylist a year ago. You are hopelessly in love with him and his new girlfriend suspects. Tell me I'm wrong." 
Alice sniffled, her silence acting as confirmation.  Yoongi observed so much, quietly watching his coworkers over the years. “This is embarrassing.” She sniffled.
" You should file a complaint with the HR department. She can't just scream at staff members." 
"I'm just a stylist."
"Well I'll be filing a complaint. Her loud yelling is fucking annoying." Yoongi put his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels. 
Alice laughed a little at that. "Yeah. She's fucking mean. They've actually been dating on and off for years. She yells at Jin too and he always just takes it. That's why she screamed at me tonight. She called him a worthless idiot for like the 500th time and I finally just snapped and told her to shut up."
Yoongi pressed his lips together. He never would have imagined that Jin was being verbally abused. He suddenly felt bad he had been so short with him a few minutes ago. 
The elevator arrived at the 7th floor where several of the girl's dormitories were. "Rest up. She's a bitch." Yoongi said to Alice as she got ready to exit.
"Yeah, thanks. Sorry I've never really talked to you before."
Yoongi shrugged . "It's fine." He pushed the door close button and back to the 18th floor. He had been so surprised to see you standing there. He didn't think you'd be interested in gossip, you had seemed so mature. 
He walked back into the apartment. "Y/N I'm back. Are you ready to go to the store?" 
He sent a message to your phone and heard it ping from the countertop. 
Yoongi walked outside. It was a little cold out. He tried to tell himself he wasn't chasing after you or looking for you. He was just out stretching his legs. If he happened to run into you, fine. But if not, fine. He reasoned that without your phone or wallet, you had to be nearby. He had left a note for you in the apartment just in case you got back before he did.
Hey. Sorry for all the loud drama. Jin's gf sucks. Text me. You still owe me jjigae.
 He walked through one of the little parks that stood between the skyscrapers and the river. He figured he would do a short lap and then head back. He hated the cold, he thought again as he rubbed his hands together. 
"Yoongi?" he heard a voice. He looked over at the swingset and saw you sitting there. 
"Hey," he walked over. "You left."
"Sorry, I needed some fresh air."  You responded as you watched your breath form in the air.
Yoongi took a seat on the swing next to you. "Yeah. Sorry about that. Jin's girlfriend is apparently awful." 
"Yeah. Poor Alice. I met her the other day, she seemed so sweet."
“How do you already know so many people?” Yoongi wondered aloud. He had been there for years and barely knew anybody. 
You shrugged, “I guess bartending made me good at talking to people.” 
“How did you get into it?” 
“Bartending? Well I wanted a job where I could work nights so I could also have a day job. And the money was really good.”
“That's always your main job criteria?” Yoongi said flippantly.
Rude. “That's a little mean but yea. I'm the main adult who has to support my two siblings and I've had to since I was 20 years old. I had to drop out of college so there's not many options. I haven’t had the luxury of choosing jobs that I might actually be interested in.”  
Yoongi felt like such a shithead. “Sorry. That was a dick thing of me to say. You’re right,  it would be nice if you could have the ability to do a job because you like it. Not because of the money.” 
“It's OK. I'm just sensitive about it.” You looked off in the distance at the river.
“You should be proud. When I was 20 I wasn’t able to even support myself, let alone take care of anybody else.” 
You shrugged. “I’m sure you could have if you had to.”
“No. I’m telling you. When I was 20 I was on my own. And I was homeless because I couldn’t support myself. So the fact that you actually made it work while taking care of people is pretty amazing.”
“Thanks. And wow. I had no idea. That sucks. I’m glad you’re not homeless anymore.” You looked over at him. You never would have guessed. You just assumed he had always been well off. 
“Right? That would suck.” Yoongi agreed, glad you weren’t turning his trauma into a big deal. “Yeah, I got discovered by a talent scout and BigHit brought me to Seoul and set me up in one of the dorms here.”
“Wow. I got discovered by some rich asshole with dimples in a bar, who I thought was running a sex-trafficking ring.” You joked. Yoongi laughed, while gently swinging. 
"While we’re sharing our tragic backstories, that's actually one of the reasons I came out there." You began. You figured if Yoongi was willing to share some of his fucked-up ness you could do the same. "In the hallway. I didn't want to be alone. People yelling and screaming puts me on edge. I wasn’t trying to be nosy" you thought about how to best phrase what you wanted to say next. "I was raised in an environment where that happened a lot. Yelling. Screaming. And things got very violent, very quickly, in our house." 
Yoongi sat next to you on the swings listening intently to your confession. He never would have guessed that about you. You seemed so well-adjusted." I'm sorry that you grew up in a place like that." He said, carefully studying your face." And I'm sorry that Jin's girlfriend caused you to be uncomfortable. I had no idea or I wouldn't have said anything to you about being in the hallway" 
"it's OK. Well, I mean, it's not ok  what happened to me, but it's over now. Thanks." you looked over at him. He was blowing on his hands. "Are you cold?"
"Yes, it’s freezing out here" 
You scoffed, “It's a little cold. Here," you stood up and put your hands around his before he could object.
"How are you so hot?” He asked, enjoying the furnace of your hands. 
“You know I look in the mirror every day and ask myself the same question.” You replied with a straight face. Yoongi wrinkled his nose causing you to laugh. “Come on. I don’t want to get fired for letting you freeze to death.” You pulled on his hands to get him off the swing. “Do you still want to go shopping?”
“Yep. I have the list in my phone. Since we’re already out let’s walk to the real grocery store. The BigHit store has an ok amount of things, but not as much as an outside store.”
“Ok, I need to go back and grab my wallet.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“But I--”
“You’ve seen my apartment. Don’t argue with me.” He started to walk back towards the city center. 
You sighed. Yes. He was super rich and you weren’t. “Fine. But I am doing this under protest.”
“Your protest is noted, come along, assistant. I’ll let you carry the bags.” NEXT CHAPTER
@lidda @anpanman-sonyeondan​  @firefairy1​  @cuteipat​  @sugaslittlekookies​  @janeelizabeth1216​ @deeepvibes​ @gxldenhunny​
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theodora3022 · 4 years
Crown Jewel
(noun): a particularly valuable or prized possession or asset.
Pairing: Francis Scott Fitzgerald X fem! former assassin reader
Summary: Having betrayed the Order of the Clock Tower and fled to Japan, you hid your ability and worked at the ADA as a secretary for protection. Life was not as good, but you knew what Lady Christie would do if she discovered a traitor’s whereabouts. You knew someone would dig up your old dirt sooner or later, but why does it have to be this arrogant, awful man? 
Notes: This is really self-indulgent (to satiate my cravings and daddy issues), so read it at your own risk. I am not comfortable with cheating, so Francis is single in this one and never went bankrupt.(But he is still a family man, his wife Zelda passed away before the events in the show) He is an arrogant bastard in canon so you might find his behaviour offensive but that is just how he is. Excuse my pathetic Canadian English, as I cannot write in British English at all. This fic took me too many hours to write, thankfully it is finally done...
Special thanks to my friends for beta reading this long thing, your encouragement and praises are what kept my fragile sanity intact in the process!
Word count: 4.2k
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Warnings: Mild bimbofication, mild objectification, coercion, implied dub-con(We all know what happens in marriages right?), Yandere themes
She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines.
She was beautiful for the way she thought.
She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved.
She was beautiful, for her ability to make other people smile, even if she was sad.
No, she wasn’t beautiful for something as temporary as her looks.
She was beautiful, deep down to her soul.
-F.Scott Fitzgerald
The entire Fitzgerald Estate is finely, thoughtfully decorated, lavish even. Like photographs right out of a luxurious architecture magazine, with marble floors, persian carpets and high raised ceilings. A manor that sits on the top of a little hill, surrounded by trees and flowerbeds. But no matter how beautiful it may be, no one can never feel quite at home in prison. You thought as you lean back on the living room sofa near the patio, slowly dozing off in the afternoon sunlight with a half-read novel on your lap. Maybe you would go for a swim later, you could use a soak before he returns.
It’s easy to forget how much blood is on your hands in peaceful times like these. Ever since he made you dispose of your count book, you can barely remember how many people you had slaughtered.
Your hands were once covered with callouses from hours of training, but now they are as smooth as the velvet curtains. The glow from the big diamond ring on your ring finger irritates you so very often, but he had warned you not to take it off.
“Lady Fitzgerald? Mrs. Smith is here for your fitting session.” It is one of the maids. Ah, is the tailor here already? You put up a smile for the guest and got up, silently cursing your “husband” in the process. Good thing he is at work most of the time, so you can at least enjoy this glamorous life every once in a while without wanting to bury yourself in a bottomless pit.
Another week, another one of those frivolous social events. But you have no choice but to accompany him to every single one of them. While acting as the leader of the Guild, Francis is also the head of the Fitzgerald cooperation, therefore this high society life has always been the norm for him. You, on the other hand, prefer lurking in the shades. All these shimmering lights, noisy parties, fancy dresses and high heels leave you either dazzled or vulnerable. You feel more like his nice accessory, a Christmas bauble than a wife. However, you know your obligations. Be his arm candy, smile, be obedient and not to speak unless spoken to. The alternative of obeying these absurdities is simply unthinkable. Merely the thought can make you feel chills on this warm summer afternoon.
It’s either this or absolute hell. No, that is not an exaggeration.
As an experienced assassin, you had prepared for death since you first signed up for the position. However, no one can bear the Order’s punishments. You know that too well, having witnessed it first-hand countless times.
At least you can live a carefree life with this option. With infuriating restrictions or not, you are still alive and maintain a certain degree of freedom. You should take this compared to an excruciating death any day. Plus you also get to live in extravagance, you cannot hate that for one bit. This rich man has spoiled you to no end, willing to fulfill even your most absurd requests as long as you are his darling wife. Let it be cars, clothes or jewelries, whatever you wish for, Francis would always make sure you got the finest of them.  Not that is ever possible, but you could...get used to this.
However, you utterly despise this title, Lady Fitzgerald? No matter how much he pampers you or showers you with gifts, it would never make up for the fact that you only signed that marriage license under certain conditions. There are those sleepless nights, while you lay under silk quilts in his embrace in some exquisite mansion, you wish you were back in your humble Yokohama flat alone.
---a few months ago
Almost spilling your morning beverage due to running into one of your coworkers at the door, is surely a bad omen, but at the time you did not give it much thought. “Sorry, (y/n)-san. But there is an emergency.” Kirako Haruno?
Work has only just begun, and to your knowledge, there are no major events scheduled for today. Why is she in such a hurry?
Haruno is as terrified as if she just saw a bear in the middle of the street. Strange, since she is usually calm and collected. 
“What has happened? Are you okay?”
“There are foreigners here, they are demanding an audience with the president. (y/n)-san, you can handle them, right? Please, keep them occupied while I notify the president.” Looks like this is your problem now since you speak better English compared to any other in the ADA.
She said it quickly without any pause. Also walked away before you had a chance to refuse, so Haruno missed how the colours suddenly drained from your visage and your horrid expression. 
Oh, dear. Please do not let the foreigners be them… Although not many members of the Order recognizes you as you always don masks even at meetings, you still feel the world may have ended for you, as you wobble out of the office to the reception area with cold sweat. If Haruno had not hurried off, you would have found some excuse to get away from this troublesome situation. You should have called in sick today...
Are they speaking with American accents? Good gracious, you almost had a heart attack over this. You dealt with the Guild before, back when you were still in the Order when you still viewed Lady Christie as your older sister. She used to take you to negotiations meetings. You know how they are, so it should be a cakewalk to keep them occupied for at least a while. But...what if they identify you and report your whereabouts to the Order?! Would they be willing to do Christie this “favour”? The last time you checked, the two organizations were not on exactly friendly terms. So you should be fine as long as you act accordingly. Besides, the agency would not allow foreigners to harm one of their office clerks, precisely why you applied for a job ADA a year-and-a-half ago.
Get your act together, (y/n). Being this panicked is beneath you, everything will be alright as long as you conceal your fears. 
Finishing on your diplomatic front preparation, you greet them with a professional attitude. “Welcome to the Armed Detective Agency, ladies and gentlemen of the Guild.” You try to talk in the calmest tone possible, without stutters. “Now if you would follow me, I shall prepare you some tea. The President will be ready for you shortly.” Now that you have a chance to observe them up close, you had to dig your nails into your palms, pressuring yourself to maintain composure. Why is the leader of the Guild here?! You had seen him before, there is no way you could mistake that arrogant blonde for anyone else. Even though you are pretty confident he would scarcely recognize you without a mask, that tiny possibility feels like a sharp blade pressing against your throat, ready to strike anytime. 
Fitzgerald was not expecting someone who speaks flawless English to receive them. Not someone this cute, too. And here he thought this is just going to be like any other boring business discussion. But he cannot shake off this feeling of how he had seen your enchanting smile somewhere before. It was not easy to leave even a vague impression on the great Francis Scotts Fitzgerald, you must have been someone important. A business partner? A Government Official? Or perhaps a Socialite? You are someone with a high position, that he can be sure. But why would you Oh how he hates having blurry memories of something. As soon as he returns to the Guild base, Francis needs to look into their Database immediately. 
“Earl Grey, imported from England. Would you like some refreshments as well?” Taking out a can of cream biscuits from your desk drawer, you are glad to see the redhead young girl nodding excitedly. You return a genuine smile to her before bending down to fetch the plate. You were not sure if you were just being oversensitive, but you felt a burning gaze on your back when you turned. Your assassin instincts were almost always accurate, could it be that Fitzgerald had remembered something?
“Is there something wrong, Miss? You are sweating so much.” You do appreciate the ginger girl’s kind words, but could she not say it out loud for her boss to hear? You were planning on keeping your panics to yourself. Moving unnoticeable further away from the Guild leader, you gulped nervously. 
“My apologies. I am not feeling well this morning. Now, here’s your biscuits.”
“Aren’t they called cookies? They are truly delicious, thank you so much, Miss. I’m Lucy by the way.”
“In England, we call them biscuits. Would you like some more, Lucy? I have more if you’ll like it.” Her cheerful nature reminds you of a little sister, how could you say no to her pleading eyes. Unfortunately, this also made you forget how you are trying to remain incognito, and you let your hidden past out unintentionally. 
England? That certainly rings a bell for the bright mind of Francis Fitzgerald. And no, he was not eavesdropping. You are talking to his employee, after all. Francis even forgot to scold Lucy about being a demanding guest on cookies because he was so deep in thought, searching for any clue of who you might be. He was about to recall something when you received the president’s notice about the meeting. “The President is ready now, this way please.”
After they entered the office, you realized how you had accidentally exposed yourself while explaining about biscuits. No, now all you can do is pray Fitzgerald was not listening in to that whimsical tea-time conversation. Your stomach suddenly feels queasy, a sign that maybe you should request to go home early. You surely do not want to face those calculating blue eyes again. Heck, you never trembled this badly, not even before the toughest missions. 
He was planning on asking you some questions after that unsuccessful negotiation, but it would seem like you had taken a sick leave early. 
You seem to be rather nervous around him. Suspicious. 
Yet Francis cannot stop thinking about how you cared for Lucy. That consideration, if his little daughter is still around, she is bound to love you… It could just be professional kindness, but Francis had seen enough people to tell what is a facade or not. Zelda was like this too, in fact, it’s this admirable quality that had drawn him in the first place.
The great Fitzgerald had seen so many beautiful women, but your unparalleled warmth and grace outshine all appearances. 
Wait, Francis had finally cleared the fog now. Aren’t you that girl with Agatha Christie, the head knight of the Order of the Clock Tower? No wonder you speak of England. He was so shocked when Christie introduced you as one of her finest knights. You were so friendly and lighthearted, how can you be that notorious master Assassin? It does not matter whether you had a mask on or not, he remembers those lovely (colour) eyes too well. He had found you to be alluring back then, but at that time he was too busy to concern himself with amorous feelings. Going through the guild files, he found that statement from Christie about how you had defected from the Order and a bounty for your whereabouts.
So, you are hiding from your former Organization? That is unfortunate. Francis had heard a word or two about how the Order is feared for its gruesome torture methods, how they still implement the old ways without mercy. You would rather work as a low-wage secretary then continue being one of their most esteemed Knights, something must have gone terribly wrong. 
This is the perfect wager to let you, a kind, independent strong woman, bend to his will. 
Now that he had thought about it, coming back home to a loving wife once again sounds more than wonderful. Having someone by his side forever, to love, to spoil, to have a family with had always been what he wanted. But fate has been cruel to Francis on this matter and had taken them away way too soon. 
This time, he would make sure to do it right. Francis is determined not to let the tragedy repeat itself.
You were surprised by that clearly expensive gift box on your desk the next day you arrived at work. There is a letter attached to it? Your heart dropped when you saw the Guild's emblem embedded on the wax seal. What could they possibly want from you apart from...that?
“Dear Ms(y/n), Sir Francis S FitzGerald would like you to join him for dinner at (location). Please put on the dress in the box attached and be at (location) at seven p.m sharp.” 
What a condescending letter. Not even a polite invitation, just saying he wants you there? You knew how this Fitzgerald is, that arrogant and greedy type, who would value money above conscience. Well, you still got some savings left, if that could shut him up you would not mind emptying your pockets.
You can never let her find you. Suicide before she did is a possible option, but you decided to save that as the last resort.
That is why you decided to put on that dress and go to meet him at this high-end western restaurant. 
The hem of the dress is too short for your likings, but its sublime texture made you presume it costs a fortune. You cannot even recall when was the last time you had don such fine material. Life as a Knight major feels nothing more than a fever dream when Agatha was still your friend, your dear Commander.
What is Fitzgerlad’s intention of giving you such a scandalous dress? Is this some peculiar way to humiliate you? This is why you are better off acting as the blade, never as the tactician. Mind games were never your forte. 
You are wearing that dress as Francis asked, good. He knew you would look gorgeous in it. It’s such a shame you always covered yourself up. Why wear those cheap, conservative trash when you can wear this?
Someone like you needs to be cherished, to be coddled. You do not belong in the shades or some little office.
“Mr. Fitzgerald. How may I help you today?” God, you feel almost naked in this piece of cloth, but you know you had to grin and bear it as he has the upper hand for now. “If this is about that business permit, I am not the one to make decisions.”
“Why, you are not going to thank me for the dress? You look absolutely breathtaking if you are wondering.” Crap, he is wearing a suit of a matching colour. Has he done this on purpose?
You blush a bit at Francis’s generous compliment, but you did not foreget why you are here.
“Please, do sit. And call me Francis, Miss.” Pulling the chair out for you, Francis smiled politely before signalling the waiters to bring out the appetizers. He is acting way too nice if all he wants is blackmailing you. You were expecting a simple, cold business trade, not...whatever this can be called.
“So, how is Lady Christie doing?” You put down the wine glass, sensing his malicious intent and narrowing your eyes. Of course, he knows, you should have expected this much from the leader of the Guild and an accomplished businessman. Lady Christie must have sent out wanted advertisements, too. 
“If you know this much then you must know I am not a part of the Order anymore.” Just name the price already, then you can both go back to your respective businesses and forget your paths ever crossed.
Clever one, although Francis would expect anything less from someone like you. Not just anyone could be the Knight major of that Order after all. You sighed with frustration, clearly wanting to get this over with. “How much do you need? I still have a decent sum in my bank account.” It would probably be a large price, coming from this greedy man, but you are willing to pay for it as long as he stays silent.
You, trying to bribe him? How adorable. You must have been incredibly oblivious to not notice his intentions. Yes, normally a good check would silence Francis, but can’t you see he is not after your money here?
Instead of taking the pen, Francis shoved his smartphone in front of your face. 
You turn paler when you figure out the contents. It was an email draft, a draft intended for your former Commander. It tells how the Guild is doing her a big favour by returning her astray Knight major to her proper place. Did he type out an email already? You can already feel those cold dungeon bars on your skin. 
“Is money not enough? What exactly do you need?” Calm down, (y/n). If Francis did not send that email, it means negotiation is still possible. Just give him what he needs and be done with it. 
To your shock, the blonde smiled smugly and said: “I want you to join the Guild.”
Join the Guild? “As an assassin?” Of course, he is after your ability. It was what made you a high ranking knight, no wonder he would want that for his organization. 
“Not exactly. You see, I’m looking for a...personal bodyguard.” Hm, Francis is fond of the word “personal” in this context, it makes him feel like you are one of his possessions already.
“If you have any knowledge about my ability at all, you should know I am no good for frontal combat. With your status, fitting individuals would come running.” Is he toying with you? How despicable. Only a dastard would toy with someone’s mind, especially someone desperate.
Carefully taking your hand into his, feeling your soft skin and those light calluses on your fingers, Francis knows he has to do this the blunt way. You are such a fool when it comes to romantic relationships. 
“Be my wife, you don’t need to worry about being discovered ever again. Christie cannot touch you as long as you are by my side. You can have whatever you want, just say the word. ”
This has to be a hallucination. Be his...wife? “Mr. Fitzgerald, have you got hit on the head earlier?” Feeling his forehead with the back of your hand: “You do not seem to have a fever. Are you feeling unwell?” Is he out of his mind? You, his wife? You are a dangerous assassin with a high headcount, not exactly wife material. No one sane wishes to be involved with you romantically, or so you thought.
He was not expecting such an eccentric reaction. Most women would be over the moon with the mere thought of becoming his mistress, not to mention an actual wife. Francis knows you are different, but this is out of his wildest predictions. 
You are even harder to predict than the stock market of New York.
“This is a serious offer, love. Do you take my words as some jester’s joke?” He is not joking? Oh dear, you don’t want to marry this man. He did not even properly court you? And it is not like he is giving you a real choice either.
“What, are you going to refuse? That is fine, surely this email could bring a smile to Christie's face.” “No, please don’t send that email!”The way your pupils shrink suddenly gives him heartaches, but this is the necessary measure to make sure you are compliant. Francis had promised to spoil you, but sadly this is not a matter he can compromise with. He could make it up with gifts and attention later right? This life in exile is not fitting for a lady like you, so why don’t you let him take care of you? Don’t you understand what could happen to you had he not intervened?
That trembling little nod is all Francis needs for confirmation. As he brings your hand to his lips for a gentle kiss, he swore silently to himself how he would never repeat his previous mistakes.
“Now, let us go ring shopping. Pick the biggest diamond one if you like, but make sure to select it out with a matching one.”
----Back to present
After the fitting appointment, you decided to spend the rest of the afternoon with some confectionary practices. You remember well how Francis’s face would lit up like a Christmas tree if he comes home to the smell of your bakings. It disgusts you how much he loves your docile mask, how you are his perfect housewife, his Mrs. Fitzgerald. This bastard do take pleasure in others pain.
Still, you must keep your “husband” happy. Humming your favourite melody in a pink apron, you try to imagine you are just doing this for only your own amusement, in your own house to make this more bearable. 
Baking is one of the many hobbies you picked up after becoming Lady Fitzgerald. You could not work, neither as an assassin nor a secretary, as he is concerned about your “safety”: “Why should my lovely wife trouble herself with those headaches? You should spend your day doing whatever interests you, like painting or knitting! Tell me anytime if you need tutors.” Then Francis gave your head a few pats as if you are some cute puppy? You can never count how many screws he got loose.
What interests you? Well, stabbing Francis in his sleep could hardly count as a suitable hobby. Guess you’ll have to think of other ways to utilize those kitchen knives.  Since he forbids you to train with weapons, you are stuck with those pathetic feminine leisure activities. 
Placing the tray onto the preheated oven rack, you were cleaning up the mess from the process when two strong arms abruptly wrapped around your waist from behind. You knew exactly who it is since you had sensed his presence when he first set a foot into this ridiculously large kitchen. You also had to take deep breaths, reminding yourself why you shouldn’t just aim your fists at Francis’s nose then and there. These past few months with him had raised your resilience to an incredible level, you could tolerate his demanding physical affections without the urge to jump off a cliff now. 
Curling your lips upwards, you push yourself to leave a light peck on the tall blonde man’s left cheek. That is mandatory, you had learned that on the first day here. “You’re home early.” The way you say those words is so sweet, even sweeter than those sugary treats in the oven. Even though you have to be careful, not letting the venom underneath slip out.
This is what Francis S. Fitzgerald longs to come home to, the love of his life after a day of gruelling meetings and other work. Once a renowned assassin, a second-in-command Knight in a Prestigious Royal Order, but now you are just his little housewife. He could never find a shinier trophy to demonstrate his power and influence. The haughty Blonde knows you have not entirely given up on the idea of escaping, still holding a grudge towards him, time will tell whether you accept your place or not. But that does not matter now, right now the Guild leader just wants to watch some brainless tv show on the sofa, with you on his lap to unwind, some Bordeaux would be nice too. He could handle all those business meetings if that means holding you to sleep every night. The sight of your smile makes it all worth it. 
You belong to him now, his most prized possession, the crown jewel of Francis Fitzgerald’s collection.
And you have no say in the matter as long as you wish to stay in the land of the living.
It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving,
But like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living.
-F.Scott Fitzgerald
(Hey! Thank you for reading! Commetns and reblogs would be greately appreciated!)
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hq-lovin · 4 years
Just saw requests are open so I would love a scenario or long fic about the reader being Iwa's sister, she's sassy and rude and when she goes to see the boys practice, she tells off Kyoutani for being rude with the team. Somehow he doesn't go mad at her (as everyone thought he would) and instead he starts to treat them better. At the end he likes her or smth and when he asks her out Iwa gets all crazy but the reader tell him to f**k off or something 😂 Thanks 💜 you can change anything you want!
scolding kyotani // mad dog
hiii! I thanks for requesting, I made the reader not too rude lol hope that’s okie! 😳 this would be my first time writing for Mad Dog-Chan I hope its not too bad! 
➣ pairing : kyotani x fem!reader
➣ scenario [1260 words]
➣ warning : a lot of swearing 
kentaro kyotani
gif : @volleygifs
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“Damn, you guys were better than I thought.” 
“I swear- just go over there and try and not to piss anyone off.”
“It’s not my fault like 60% of the time,” you cry out and head to the bench where your brother pointed at and sat down, scrolling through your phone boredly. Minutes later, Oikawa approached you once he walked into the gym. 
“Hey there Y/n-chan, what’re you doing here?” He waves cheerfully, taking a seat beside you. 
“Don’t call me that, and Hajime said I had to come with him,” You reply cooly, putting your phone down.
“Ah there it is, the famous Iwaizumi sass,” you chuckle at his remark before spotting a guy with a blonde buzz cut along with 2 black stripes around his head. You tilt your head before nudging Oikawa. 
“Who’s that?” you ask, getting more confused when Oikawa lets out the biggest sigh and an expression of pure annoyance was planted on his face. 
“Mad dog-chan,” he groans and turns to you, “He’s in your year, I’m surprised you don’t know him.” You cringe at “Mad dog-chan” you’ve definitely seen him before. 
“He might have been in one of my classes,” you reply, ripping your eyes away from his figure instead choosing to look at your nails. 
“He only listens to your brother,” Oikawa states, letting his gaze on Kyotani fall and getting up to stretch. 
“Hajime? Weird.” 
“Yeah well he-” Oikawa didn’t get to finish his sentence before your brother chucks a volleyball at his face. 
“Hurry up Shittykawa! Stop gossiping with my sister!” he yells across the court, making you shoot him a glare and go back on your phone. 
“Don’t be jealous Iwa-chan! Just because she likes me better than you doesn’t mean- aH! Stop throwing volleyballs! I’m the captain!” 
You let out a loud laugh and relax on the bench. Putting on headphones, you get ready for a long day of practice. 
“Kyotani! You need to stop! You’re going to get blocked every time if you do that!” Matsukawa scolds, catching your attention. Raising a brow, you slowly take your headphones off getting a better listen to what was going on, especially because Mad dog-chan was involved. 
Kyotani grunts and shoves Matsukawa off with a huff. How immature, you think mentally rolling your eyes. You watch as the other third years try to calm him down, including Oikawa. Glancing around, you don’t see your brother anywhere. 
“Where’s Iwaizumi?” 
“He’s in the bathroom, this is the worst timing. Oikawa looks like he’s about to explode.” 
Indeed he was, you walked up to him and grabbed his shirt to whisper in his ear. 
“What the fuck is happening?” 
“I told you! He won’t listen to anyone but Iwa-chan!” Oikawa, and turns to you. 
“You have to help us,” he pleads, you glance at Mad dog who shoves Hanamaki out of his way. You feel the rage bubbling in your chest and stomp your towards him, effectively making the others back away. 
“Hey!” You yell and catch his attention, making him scowl at you. 
“Who the hell are you?” He narrows his eyes and cocks a brow, obviously very irritated at the whole situation. 
“Doesn’t matter, Mad dog, is it? You need to shut the fuck up and start respecting your teammates.” Kyotani’s glare turns sharper and he tilts his head.  
“I-It’s actually Kyotani-”
“Kindaichi, not the time.” 
You turn back to Kyotani, throwing him a hard look as he crosses his arms, shooting you a look that was mixed with anger and shock. You raise a brow and match his stance, before speaking again. 
“These guys have worked their asses off in practice especially the fucking third years, to not show them the fucking respect they deserve is insane and you need to get your ass in gear. They’re trying to help you and you repay them with this?! By being an arrogant whiny ass baby?! Look, there are other people on Seijoh, you’re on a fucking team, start acting like it.” With a final huff, you turn to the other boys who had their jaws on the floor. 
“Uh it’s okay Y/n! W-We can continue just fine, there’s no need to fight!” a scared Watari shouts from the crowd as you see Kyotani’s brows furrow in even more annoyance. 
“Dude! Where is Iwaizumi? How long does it take that guy to pee?” 
“If this goes on Mad dog’s gonna explode.” 
Staring straight ahead, your gaze on Mad Dog hardens. He looks stunned for a second, before huffing and turning away from where you stood. You raise a brow and before you could yell at him again he turns to his team. 
“Sorry,” He says yet his tone is stiff and awkward. He looks straight at Matsukawa and mumbles something. 
“Show me that block again.” 
The rest of the boys all collectively gasp, as your lips quirked into a smile. Sighing, you turn to walk away when you are suddenly met with your brother. He gives you a blank look before speaking. 
“Good job,” he says, and you shrug. It really wasn’t that hard to knock some sense into him, almost too easy.
“Iwa! Can we have Y/n as our team manager?!” 
“What? Why?” 
“She just dealt with Mad Dog, did you not see or were you too busy taking your time in the bathroom?” 
“Shittykawa I will not hesitate to throw another volleyball in your face, I’ve done it before and I will do it again.” 
By the end of practice, the guys were exhausted. Especially with the whole Mad Dog thing, although they were able to play a proper practice game with Kyotani actually cooperating properly. The boys were still shocked you could tame the wild beast.
“You,” a deep voice emerges from your right and you groan internally. Turning to the side you see the familiar blonde buzzcut and sharp eyes.
“What?” You ask and tap your foot impatiently, an annoyed frown etched on your lips from the previous events. 
Kyotani sighs and the slightest blush painted on his cheeks. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he turns to you again. 
“Go out with me,” he demands, making you confused. This guy looked like he was going to burst when you scolded him, very loudly, in front of his teammates. Now he was avoiding eye contact, instead choosing to look off to the side. 
“On one condition,” you stop him halfway. Leaning against a wall, you give him a serious look. 
“You promise to respect the third years, specifically Oikawa.” He looks at you like you just grew another head, making you sigh.
“He’s a good guy Kyotani, he knows how to lead a team,” you say. He thinks about it for a moment. 
“I’ll… try,” He finally gets the words out and you chuckle. 
“Good enough for me.” 
“Cool… um I’ll get your number tomorrow? I think we have English together.” Your eyes widen for a second before nodding, accepting his request. So we do have a class together.
You wave him bye as he walks off. Smiling to yourself, you spin around now facing your older brother all of a sudden making you yelp in surprise. 
“You have got to stop doing that,” Glaring at him. 
“Him?! Out of all the guys in my team, you choose the dude who looks like he wants to murder everyone?” 
“He’s not that bad! Fuck off Hajime, and please don’t give him the talk during volleyball.”
“Thank you.”
“I’ll do it during lunch.” 
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blackrose343 · 4 years
Hopeless - Chapter 5: The Consequences
Warnings: Angst, Language and PTSD
I am not a medical professional so I cannot say if this chapter accurately portrays PTSD. I did research it and compared it to what I have written. From what I saw, it looks like the reader is going through something along the lines of PTSD. So to be on the safe side, I decided to put PTSD in the warning.
Devil May Cry - V x Gender Neutral Reader
Fanfic summary:  You have been kidnapped by a Soul Snatcher clan that used to reside within Red Grave. They’re torturing you for more information about the one who helped you kill their leader. While being held captive you begin to think about how to escape, how this all started, and if someone will find you. Then again, what would happen if you escape?
Hopeless Masterlist
Sorry this took so long.
Part of the poem V reads is  Auguries of Innocence by William Blake.
Present Day
Vergil returned with you to Devil May Cry not too long after the others. Everyone gathered around, excited to finally meet you. (Although, they wished it was under better circumstances.) Nero covered Nico’s mouth, quieting her before she exclaimed her excitement about meeting you. Vergil reminded everyone you’ve been through a lot and needed rest. A lot of it. He also stressed the importance of giving you space once you regain consciousness. Vergil didn’t want you to become overwhelmed by everyone bombarding you at once. You would need time to readjust to your life; to relearn what you have forgotten.
“Try not to wake (Y/N).” Vergil left the room as V approached you. A big sigh of relief left him. You were okay just like Vergil promised you’d be. Lovingly, V stroked your hair. He got onto his knees, then placed a tender kiss on your forehead. A tiny smile graced your lips. To not disturb slumber, V took his leave.
Vergil was sitting outside enjoying the night’s cool breeze. No, he was still trying to figure out how to tell V the decision he made. Ever since he made the decision he has been trying to find the best way to tell V. Vergil knew V wouldn’t take it well. Especially since he didn't know if all or some of your memories were sealed.
It wasn’t hard for V to find Vergil. He recognized Vergil’s agitated sigh anywhere. V’s expression showed Vergil he wanted to know what happened. Vergil chose to explain to V what the healer explained to him. V’s grip on his cane was so tight his knuckles whitened. He was furious Vergil made the decision of you possibly forgetting him. But, he understood why. V expressed to Vergil he wanted you to be okay no matter what. And that’s what Vergil achieved. Before V said anything he shouldn’t, he left.
Slowly, you opened your eyes, then you observed your surroundings. You had no idea where you were. After further inspection, you realized you were in someone’s bedroom. The room more than likely belonged to the man next to you. You studied the sleeping man. A book with a “V” on the cover was on his face. Pale, slender, covered in tattoos and some bruises. You wondered who he was. That thought soon vanished. Silently, you freaked out when you saw a panther by his feet. Even more so when you saw the bird next to him. Does that bird have three pupils?!
“Hey Shakespeare, wake up! (Y/N) is awake.” The bird ruffled his feathers, then flew around the room. The panther lazily yawned then looked up at you. It would have pounced onto you but the man commanded it not to. His sultry voice soothed you yet you don’t know why. You’ve never met him. Or at least you didn't think you did.
Heartbreak filled V’s eyes when you told him you didn’t know who he was. You could tell he was restraining himself from approaching you. V wanted to hold you; to do whatever he could to make you remember him. To make him feel better you mentioned his voice was familiar to you. V’s saddened eyes lightened with hope. He knew you would remember him in due time.
To get an idea of how much has been sealed away, V convinced you to tell him about your life. You briefly babbled about your childhood. Nothing too unusual about it. You glossed over your demon hunting training. You didn't have many friends because of it. You slightly elaborated your demon hunting career. Honestly, you enjoyed it and would never leave it. When you reached recent events, nothing came to mind. All you could remember was meeting with a gentleman for a job. You couldn’t remember the conversation or what the job was.
V meticulously chose his words while explaining what happened to you and how you met him. He also kept some details to himself. You took it as him not wanting to offend you. V did not want to be the reason you regain your horrid memories so soon. He knew you would remember eventually yet he will try to prolong it for as long as possible.
Few Years Later
You were surrounded by darkness. The sound of your breathing was interrupted by an agonizing scream. A familiar scream. You couldn’t remember where you heard it from. But you knew it. You instinctively followed it. The scenery changed as you made your way to the scream. The scenes varied from a bar to chaotic parts of  Red Grave. It felt as if you were a part of each scene. As if you were reliving someone’s life. 
The screams were muffled when you spotted an out of place door. The same door you’ve been seeing for too many nights. You banged on the door. Its barrier forced you away once again. You stared at the door, cursing at it. Each time you approach the door, the same thing happens. You didn’t know why you let yourself repeat this scenario so many times: banging the door non-stop till your hands bleed and the screaming abruptly stops. You wanted to say it was because you wanted to save whoever was behind the door. For some reason curiosity was more of a reason. You were unsure if you were curious to see who was behind the door or what was happening. There was no doubt you would find out soon. The barrier was significantly weaker than when you first saw it.
The muffled screams were non-stop. Whoever was screaming seemed to be in more pain than before. Desperately, you kicked the door while reassuring whoever was on the other side you were there to help. Nothing seemed to be working. It made no sense. It was a simple door. Nothing special about it besides the barrier. It didn’t matter. You had to get through it. 
The door's final attempt to keep you away woke you. Your eyes shot open. Your mind felt hazy, then it was racing. Your heart was beating frantically. Sweat rolled down your body as you sat up. You growled from irritation when you realized you were in your room.
“(Y/N), are you alright? It seemed like you were having another nightmare.” V’s worried voice relaxed you. He softly caressed your face then kissed your forehead.
“The dream with the damned door...like almost every night now…” You were so frustrated with it. At first, you didn’t mind not opening it. You can’t always achieve something on the first attempt. After a couple weeks, well...It started to become frustrating. You tried to stop yourself from going near the door. The temptation of seeing what was behind it grew stronger with each attempt to open it. Not only did it create the most interesting scenarios the closer you got to opening it. It also seemed to be calling you to it. You were too close to give up on it now.
You yawned as you rubbed your temples. Lazily, you kissed V on the cheek then made your way to the bathroom. Whispered curses could be heard through the bathroom door. 
V’s eyes followed you until the door blocked his view. His worry for you grows each time you mention the door to him. Ever since you started to dream about that door, you slowly started to become different. When the door made its first appearance, you became more irritable. V thought the irritability was from difficulty sleeping. He read poetry to you before bed but it didn’t always work. 
The next thing V noticed was your interactions with everyone changed. Most of the time you would secretly observe them as if you were on a mission. Sometimes, you would barely talk to them or get lost during a conversation. V knew you were listening. It just seemed other stuff was on your mind. Other times you put up your guard when around a crowd of people.
Attempts to discuss your behavioral changes were made. Each time you yelled at V, confirming nothing was wrong. When you realized you were yelling at him, you automatically apologized. You explained to V you had no idea why you were acting the way you were. V would try to get some sort of explanation out of you. Eventually, you explained it was your dream with the door. The weaker the door got, the more realistic the dreams from it felt. 
V was certain the door in your dreams was the seal to your memories. V brought up his concerns for you with Vergil the first chance he got. Solemnly, Vergil explained to V once the seal was released it cannot be remade. V was furious but hid it well. Instead of dealing with his feelings about this, he focused on you. Whenever you needed him, he was there. Whenever you were feeling down or anxious, he would do everything he could to make you feel better and safe.
You and V were on a double date with Nero and Kyrie. Kyrie wanted to have dinner at a new restaurant on the other side of Red Grave. The subway ride there was like any other subway ride. Nothing exciting to see. All of you chatted with each other, trying to decide where else to go besides the restaurant. You were excited to see a whole new part of Red Grave. It took the government long enough to start rebuilding it after what happened. Yet for some reason an uneasy feeling started to consume you.
Kyrie and Nero got off the subway with V following behind them. They’re voices faded as they neared the exit. You sat in the subway, staring at the advertisement on the station’s wall. The advertisement seemed familiar to you in a way. Yes, you’ve seen this advertisement in many places but that wasn’t it. It was as if this specific advertisement contained something. You were convincing yourself it was nothing and to catch up with the others. You couldn’t think of any reason as to why you didn’t want to get off the subway. You forced yourself to get off when the last call was announced.
A flash from a faulty light took you to a destroyed version of the subway station. The advertisement you were looking at before was torn. Not from age but from claws. As you turned your head, you saw the subway was no longer on the tracks. It was stuck in the wall on the opposite side of the tracks. Chunks of the station were around you, along with corpses. Broken electrical wires and pipes were above you. You turned your head again. Your eyes focused on the claws about to strike you. Your instincts screamed at you to defend yourself. “Get away from me!”
“V, are you okay?!” Kyrie’s voice rang through your ears. Your eyes shot open. The station was intact. Not one thing was out of place. Nero was helping V get up. V reassured Nero he could get up on his own. You could see a bruise forming on his chest. You were petrified. Nothing could explain what just happened or why. I attacked V? No, that’s not right. I punched something else. I was being attacked.
“V, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” You examined V’s chest while apologizing to him over and over. V continued his reassurance. He didn’t want to ruin anyone’s mood, especially yours. He kept quiet about how much your punch hurt him. He gently wiped your guilt ridden tears. He kissed your hand, then led the way to the restaurant. You squeezed his hand, pouring your emotions into it. “I’m so sorry, my love.”
V kept himself composed the entire time. Within himself, V was more than worried. He felt your fear through your punch. Your eyes were filled with fear and yet they had determination. The last time he saw you like this was when you almost died. V had no doubt your memories will be freed soon. 
V and Nero froze as you and Kyrie crossed the street. Disbelief filled them. They couldn’t believe the shitty luck today was presenting. The restaurant was on the roof of the building you were held captive at. Nero was spitting out excuses for V to get you away from here. There was no way either of them could let you enter that building, let alone let you eat dinner exactly where you were almost murdered. Before either of them could get to you, they watched Kyrie pull you into the building. Nero muttered “fuck” as he and V made their way to the restaurant.
Nervously, you laughed as Kyrie pulled you to the building. The uneasy feeling from earlier strengthened the closer you got to it. The feeling continued to worsen as you reached the roof. Your stomach was in knots. Your breathing started to become shaky. Your mind screamed for you to get away. You couldn't understand what was going on with you. You noticed Nero and V were a bit hesitant about coming to this place too. So maybe it wasn’t just you freaking out over nothing. 
You wrapped a few ice cubes in napkins then placed it on V’s chest. You kept apologizing to him. You couldn’t understand why he wasn’t mad at you. All you saw was his concern for you. You wanted to explain to V what happened earlier. Just not with an audience. Everyone would think you lost your damn mind. 
You couldn't stop yourself from figuring out why the events from earlier happened. Your mind conjured up so many reasons. You tried to figure out which one was a plausible reason. You didn’t want V to hear it was because of your damned dreams again. You’ve been using them as an excuse for too long. You could only conclude work may be starting to become too much. Maybe you needed a vacation. Who knows? 
“(Y/N)”? You looked at Nero like a deer in headlights. Was he reading your mind? You weren’t sure. He was giving you a questioning look. Sheepishly, you apologized for not listening then asked him to repeat himself. You found out everyone was discussing the changes made when this part of town was rebuilt.
“What happened here? I know the Qliphoth was here. It just seems something else happened too.” Nero threw V into the spotlight. V’s explanation was vague. It barely gave you the answer you were looking for. You gave Kyrie a look, silently asking her if V was hiding something from you. Kyrie’s reply was a subtle shrug. She had no idea what was going on.
Dinner continued normally. It was as if everything from earlier never happened. Nero and Kyrie acting lovey dovey. You and V were trying not to tease them. It scared you how easily everyone was able to push something like that aside. 
V glanced at you, looking for any sign that you were well. Ever since you entered the restaurant he noticed you were shaking. He knew you were attempting to hide it. The shaking appeared so strong, everyone thought you were freezing. He noticed you barely touched your food even though you claimed you were starving earlier. V thought it was best if you and him went home after dinner.
You and everyone else walked along the edge of the roof to exit the restaurant. V used his cane to deviate your wandering eyes to him. He made absolutely sure you didn’t look below or beyond. He had to. He wanted to prevent you from feeling worse than you already are. He feared you would remember what happened here.
Kyrie managed to find enough room to take a couple of pictures. Nero tried to get out of it by saying he didn’t look decent enough. V attempted to convince Kyrie to wait since the restaurant was crowded. Kyrie asked what was the harm of taking a couple pictures. It’s been too long since Kyrie got to take group photos. Also, the sunset would be the perfect background. The guys sighed in defeat.
You and Kyrie gushed over the pictures as you continued to leave the restaurant. Nero pleaded with Kyrie to wait until she was out of the restaurant to look at them. Kyrie showed Nero the picture she was currently looking at. Nero made a quick comment, then placed his hands on her shoulders. You and V watched Nero guide Kyrie. It was entertaining, even impressive. Nero had Kyrie dodge everyone coming through the door.
Your laughter at Nero and Kyrie was abruptly interrupted. Someone forced their way between you and V causing you to slam into the railing. As you situated yourself, you caught a glimpse of a black haired figure below. For just a second, the figure looked like a beaten V. You knew V wasn’t down there, he was next to you. You couldn’t stop yourself from checking. You saw V, then someone strangely familiar looking at the table behind him. Briefly, you tried to remember how you knew him.
“Are you ok-tell me who killed Carmilla!” The calm voice evolved into an aggressive demand. You couldn’t figure out who was talking to you. The demand was repeated. You kept quiet. You had no idea who Carmilla was. You don’t remember any mission involving anyone with that name. The harshness of the demand escalated until it evolved into yelling in your ear. You covered your ears but it sounded like it was coming from all over. Even from right next to you.
“I’m not telling you shit. Give up.” The haughty voice was yours, but you didn’t move your lips. The sound of powerful strikes, along with your whimpers followed.  Frantically, you searched for help. Nothing. No one. It was just you and the one asking about Carmilla. You closed your eyes preparing for the next strike. You started to take deep breaths. It was the only thing you believed would put everything back into place.
Few people asked if V wanted them to call an ambulance. V persuaded everyone to leave you be. He reassured them you would be fine and needed to be left alone. He knew the best thing for you was to have as much space as possible. To have as much time as you need to gather yourself. He knew you needed him too, but there was no way to physically calm you without possibly making the situation worse.
You stood still, gripping the rail for dear life. V studied the rhythm of your deep breaths and heaving chest. It was obvious you were trying to calm yourself. Even more obvious you were currently reliving your time while held captive here. Nightmarish thoughts raced through V’s mind. Nothing he conjured could be compared to what you actually went through. He wanted to understand but couldn’t come close to. In hopes of helping you and calming himself, V recited poetry from his book. “To see a world in a  grain of sand…”
“WHO KILLED CARMILLA?! TELL ME! TELL...poor souls...dwell in night...does…” Softly, the harsh demands transformed into V’s poetic voice. You completely focused on V’s voice, hoping he wouldn’t stop. The man in front of you morphed into V. Tears cascaded your face as you tightened your closed eyes. You begged V to stay with you. You wanted nothing more than for this madness to end. 
Gingerly, you opened your tear ridden eyes. You were back at the restaurant. For the most part, everything was back to normal. It was darker and people were failing to not steal glances at you and V. V was still standing next to you. He gently closed his book, then turned to you. Concern and worry were radiating off of him. V pulled you into a hug as soon as he saw your tears. You gripped V’s hand for dear life as he led you out of the restaurant.
As soon as V opened the door, Griffon flew around the house. You headed to your bedroom with Shadow behind. You collapsed on the bed, burying your head in your pillow. You released the anxiety and fear you have been holding. You screams and cries could be heard throughout your home. To help calm yourself you cuddled with Shadow, letting her fur catch your tears. Shadow’s purring was the perfect lullaby to fall asleep to, especially after today.
“...H-HE-LP!...HELP!...He-help...” Those pleas were all the encouragement you needed to continue to get through the door. Nothing was going to stop you this time. You mustered your strength then delivered one final strike against the door. The barrier dissipated, as it pushed you away one last time. The door became ajar. 
Regret consumed you as soon as you stepped through the door. A blinding flash brought you to an abandoned building. Someone similar looking to the man from the restaurant was interrogating someone who looked like you. The person being interrogated was severely beaten. It was obvious the man was doing whatever he pleased. No one was around to stop him. It wouldn’t be long until the person was dead. In an attempt to stop him, you jumped on his back. He threw you across his back. Somehow you merged with the one you were trying to save.
The man deeply slashed your abdomen. He was merciless. It felt as if he was never going to stop until he got what he wanted. Not once did his sinister smile disappear. If anything, it grew with each of your screams, your pleas. You screamed for help but no one came.
The strike to your head was excruciating. You gripped your head, screaming, as your mind released every single memory that was sealed away. Meeting V at the grocery store. Tracking Carmilla. Working with V. Your fight with Carmilla. Your captivity. All of them. It was too much for your mind to process at once.
V raced to your bedroom as soon as he heard you scream. Quickly, he studied the room and determined nothing was amiss. V attempted to loosen the ironclad grip you had on your head. V winced from pain when you grabbed his hands. It was possible you may have sprained his finger or two. V didn’t care. He stayed with you, reminding you how strong you are and how you can get through this.
Once you were calm V asked if you were hurt. Hysterically, you described your nightmare. The torture, the pain. The rush of other dreams within it. It felt so real to you. As if it happened to you as you dreamt it. V tried to explain that even though you were attacked in your dream it doesn’t mean the attacks actually happened. You were having none of it. You described every attack explicitly while tracing each one on your body.
V tried his best to calm you. Nothing he did relieved you. Not one bit. Your mind was frantically processing the memories it released. You couldn’t think straight. V tried to hug you but you pushed him away. His hurt expression made you feel worse, but you had no choice. You needed to stay away from him. You weren’t sure if the one in front of you was V or a Soul Snatcher; friend or enemy.
“Who the fuck are you?” Shakily, you cocked your gun, indicating you weren’t playing around. Shadow immediately placed herself between you and V. Griffon babbled about you not recognizing V or them. You didn’t care. You just needed to know what was going on.
“(Y/N) put the gun down and I’ll answer all of your questions.” Your defensive aggressiveness from before your memories were sealed has returned. There was no way V could weasel his way to convince you nothing was going on. To V this situation felt like he was reliving his very first encounter with you.
Your eyes narrowed with suspicion. Would he attack once you lower your gun? Will he actually tell the truth? What if this was a Soul Snatcher? Too many questions raced through your mind. You had no idea what part of yourself to listen to. Fuck it. You needed answers. “Lie or attack, I’ll make you regret it.”
For your sake V had to prove he wasn’t a Soul Snatcher. He recalled when he gave you the ring you were wearing. Hearing your argument made V realize it was pointless to retell the time you spent together. He was determined to prove he wasn’t a Soul Snatcher. No matter what. The only thing he could think of that a Soul Snatcher couldn’t do was summon Nightmare. Doing so caused quite a scare for your neighbors.
Your neighbors panic soon turned into silence. Irritated tension was all either of you could feel. Both of you wanted to say something. Neither of you knew what to say or where to start. So you both stayed quiet, trying to figure out what to say. The silence was unbearable for Griffon but he managed to stay quiet. God knows what either of you would do if Griffon said anything.
You took one deep breath, then decided to tell V everything about your time in captivity. The torture, the Soul Snatchers involved, your thoughts. Everything. You turned yourself away from V when you started crying. V attempted to reach over to comfort you but you indicated for him to stay where he was. You didn’t want to be touched by anyone. 
V wanted to hold you. He wanted to do anything and everything he could to remind you you’re safe with him. But he fought himself from doing anything that would make you uncomfortable. He knew you would fulfill your promise if he did anything you saw as a threat.
If V had to be honest, he didn’t want to explain what happened when he found you. Besides the fact he was like you; not wanting to show weakness or vulnerability. He isn’t proud of how he reacted. That night was a tornado to him. It was fast and destructive yet it was a blur. Still. It was no excuse to not tell you. You told him everything. Now it was his turn. V sucked it up and reluctantly told you what happened.
You listened to V, unsure how to take it. At first, you were terrified to hear you almost died. (You remembered you made the choice but it was frightening to think about.) Soon fright turned into anger. You blamed V for having your memories sealed. Not long after, you questioned if being with V was the right thing for you. You even questioned if you would be with V after everything that happened. 
V sat across from you, waiting for you to say anything. He was aware you were angry. He knew you would need time to process everything. It could take a long time, but V was more than willing to do whatever he could to help you. Except for one thing.
“I-I...I don’t know how to take in all of this...I-I think I need to sp-spend some time away from y-you. To absorb everything I just remembered..a-and what we just talked about...I also have to think of what’s be-est for me.” V’s heart broke in two. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was at a loss for words. He was unable to argue with you.
“Don’t.” You froze. V’s hand was hovering above yours. Without touching you, he guided your hand to lower itself, then release the clothing you were holding. Was V going to convince you to stay with him? You couldn’t tell. You knew he was going to say something. He was close to you but stepped away. “You should stay here. I’ll leave.”
You couldn’t believe what you just heard. Why would he leave? You should be the one leaving. You whipped your head around to see if V was really leaving. He was. Already he grabbed his bag, then his book. It didn’t take long for him to gather the rest of what he needed. Once he was packed, he approached you. You anticipated him doing some gesture to say goodbye. Your heart broke when he did nothing except say his goodbye. With each step V took away from you, you felt more alone than ever before. When he was completely gone you believed you made the wrong choice.
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leejungchans · 4 years
random juliet moments.
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(a/n: this will probably be updated regularly as i think of more things to add!! i tried to organise these chronologically to the best of my ability but there may be some inconsistencies, so apologies in advance!!🤍)
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started crying when she saw yunho cry at their first fansign
when hongjoong forgot to say “dul, set” and said “8 makes 1 team” alone, san and juliet coincidentally said “1 makes 1 team” to clown him and they looked at each other like 👁👄👁
when san backwashed into his bottle of cola and hongjoong unknowingly drank from it which made her go 👁👄👁 and she made san pinky-promise that he wouldn’t do that to her
when felix, chan and somi hugged her when ateez got their first win on m countdown
when she wrote another one of their iconic instagram live “please leave” signs in her pretty cursive handwriting
she really said “𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒 ❤️” 😭😭😭
when that one australian interviewer asked “if you don’t have any sexiness or charisma like me, what do you do then?” and she half-jokingly went “yeah, that’d be tragic”
cried at their concert in sydney and couldn’t sing for the remainder of the song they were performing because she was crying so much
said “sorry, this is his mission, i’m just here for moral support” when the employees at the pharmacy heard her speak fluent english and asked her to translate for mingi during ateez treasure film
(disclaimer: i’m pretty sure mingi mentioned in a v-live that the producers (?) of ateez treasure film told him to exaggerate the mission for entertainment purposes. so this is in no way trying to make fun of anyone’s english, and is intended to be light-hearted. as someone whose mother tongue isn’t english, and is currently learning a fourth language, i can say with full confidence that learning other languages is really, really hard and i’m so proud of the boys for their english!! in conclusion, mingi english king and mingi bestest boy!! 🥺)
climbed the sydney harbour bridge with seonghwa and mingi for the former’s mission
when they all went to juliet’s house in sydney to have dinner with her family during ateez treasure film; she also saw her cat in person for the first time in years and teared up because it had grown a lot
also cried during the confessional activity on the beach while filming ateez treasure film and clung to seonghwa and yunho for the rest of the activity
reacted to the ateez meme song with hongjoong
“ateez meh-meh song?” pls he’s so cute
*dying in the background* “MEME song” 😭
laughed for 5 minutes straight after seeing yunho in his thor costume
showed off a hydro flask that she customised during a v-live before going “sksksksksksksksk”; this moment went viral on stan twitter
eating fairy bread and toast with vegemite during a v-live
making the boys and their staff try vegemite
san: “ewwwww!”
almost said “fuck” once during a v-live with wooyoung and he immediately slapped a hand over her mouth
“everyone, i apologise on her behal—JULIET WAS THAT YOUR TONGUE DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND”
after joking about choosing a leader for the ‘99 line on idol radio, the djs asked juliet what leader she was, and she teasingly replied that she was the leader of k-pop’s “aussie line”; felix later brought this up in a v-live with chan to clown her
when it was time to shoot her solo scenes for the music video for answer no one could find her and everyone panicked until they found her curled up in a corner sleeping
was close to snapping during a group v-live because of the hate comments and didn’t bother masking her irritation towards the end; jongho had to pat her head to subtly calm her; this was the first time atiny’s ever saw her angry on camera and realised how scary she could be
when a few atiny’s brought juliet flowers during a fansign which made her incredibly happy for the rest of the event, so now atiny’s bring her flowers all the time
was so focused on eating during a v-live that she was completely oblivious to some of the boys quietly watching her eat adoringly
when an atiny told her that they hadn’t eaten yet at a fansign and she asked them to pinky-promise that they would eat something after the event
almost lost her shit with san when seonghwa rapped on weekly idol
covering “someone you loved” on weekly idol which went viral
almost died laughing when they sang “wonderland” in spanish on hello82
fangirled over basically every artist during mama 2019; clips of her just having the time of her life went viral and many asked about “the girl in the boy group who was jamming out”
when san almost gave her a heart attack by spinning the gold play button; she was still very impressed
rounded up all 8 of her members to sing “thank you” to them during “thank u” at their seoul concert and make them all emotional
during the same concert, she accidentally whacked herself over the head with her mic when waving to fans and went “ ᵃ ʰ ”
she’s babie :(
randomly asked “toes for fingers or fingers for toes” during a v-live and the other members looked at her like 👁👄👁 for a good minute
got very passionate about having fingers for toes being better than having toes for fingers
“how will you even find shoes that are big enough?” “custom shoes, duh🙄”
almost died laughing during san and mingi’s round in the “scream in silence” game during their v-live
nearly lost her cool from playing the “scream in silence” game with yeosang
“yOU I D I O T”
made friendship bracelets for herself, the boys, and some of their staff members on an episode of juliet’s archive; they can all be seen wearing the bracelets frequently
when she couldn’t attach the wristband to her lightiny and asked seonghwa for help, but he couldn’t do it either so they looked at each other in exasperation for a few seconds before deciding to give up together
wore her huge platform boots in a v-live so she could be taller than hongjoong, much to his dismay
when she tried to show her boots off by lifting up her leg, she forgot she was wearing a dress; seonghwa immediately panicked and moved in front of her to shield her from the camera, not knowing she was wearing shorts underneath the dress
watching seonghwa’s birthday v-live in the corner with san
when their staff brought out a “cake” that was built from packets of timtams for her birthday v-live and it made her so happy she almost cried
reacted to hongjoong’s cover of “black or white” during a solo v-live and teared up
when an atiny asked her to help with their maths homework during a v-live and she said “uh...i’m probably the last person you’d want to ask...”
cried during an inception music show performance because she got so into the performance; it scared atiny’s until she went on v-live explaining what happened
helping yunho expose san on weekly idol
when she imitated seonghwa’s “num-num” and did the “ottoke” song on weekly idol and made everyone on and off set soft for her
when her and wooyoung both lost it when yeosang sucked on a piece of radish on weekly idol during a game
when she said “i have the only braincell in ateez” and was almost immediately clowned by atiny’s who made compilations of moments when she acted questionably
“jeez, you guys didn’t have to come for me like that”
said “wow, geography king” when yunho said “thank you, scandinavia” for his “thanxx” acoustic poem during idol live tv
during a game on idol live tv, she caught wooyoung and yeosang copying the answer to the number of days since ateez’s debut from atiny’s live comments and subsequently changed her answer, unbeknownst to them
when even san didn’t want her to eat the “detergent hwachae” he, hongjoong, yeosang and mingi made on studiok
she ate it anyways and it was instant regret
“we’re not friends anymore >:(” — to jongho on ateez fever road after hongjoong found the real key which was attached to jongho’s bag all along
was so scared when the masked man appeared during ateez fever road that she hid behind hongjoong and they freaked out together
but started laughing when the masked man “kidnapped” wooyoung
“if we let you have him you won’t come back for us, right?” “yAH! BAEK MINYOUNG!”
then did the “7 makes 1 team” chant with the others, excluding jongho and wooyoung after the former suggested “saving” wooyoung
was slouching in a chair in the background of an ateez log but immediately got up and sat upright once the cameraman came over to film her while pretending nothing happened
when one atiny showed their cat during a video call with her and she went “CAT :D”
when she went on and on about her coffee preferences and opinions during a solo vlive without realising, and wooyoung had to call her for her to realise that she had been ranting about coffee for five minutes straight 💀
when she was about to fight hongjoong for slandering mint chocolate chip ice cream
being an iconic legend when she was on the kpop daebak podcast with eric nam (and also fangirled over him)
dancing to what type of x by jessi with san and yunho during their kcontact 3 interview
“jessi-sunbaenim i love you!!”
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(a/n: ajshakjska this is so long i’m so sorry 😔😔)
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trulivin · 4 years
Family Troubles
A/N: Here’s another one finally! (I finished it last night and thought I would be really busy today, BUT I’m free now so I thought it would be good to post it!) To the nonny who requested, I hope this is what you were looking for! Honestly, I don’t know how I feel about this. I’m not saying it’s bad, but I just, I don’t know. I say that about everything I write don’t I lmao. I don’t know if I built their relationship good enough. Please send feedback, comment, like, etc. I do hope you enjoy though! I love writing! It’s so fun! Thanks for the request!
ALSO, this contains another sensitive topic. Mental abuse is real! I’ve experienced it. If you ever find yourself being manipulated by someone that causes you to doubt yourself or anything of that nature, speak up! Mental health is just as important as physical health! Reach out and get the help you deserve because no one deserves to be manipulated into thinking you are worthless! All love!
John B x Reader, Outer Banks
Warnings: Mental Abuse
*This isn’t my gif. Credit goes to original owner*
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The Pogues. A term Y/N found dear to her heart. Her best friends. Her biggest supporters. The family she was always looking for. Whenever she was with them, all of her troubles seemed to fade away. They could do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. 
And then there was John B. The best type of friend a girl could ask for. Y/N had known him longer than the two had known JJ. Her father and John B’s, before he went missing, were the best of friends automatically making their children become friends. Y/N had spent every waking moment with John B since she could remember. 
As the two got older, there was a point when John B became more than a brother to Y/N. And at some point, John B realized Y/N was a pretty girl. But, as their group went from two to five, a certain rule popped up: no-Pogue-on-Pogue macking. 
Y/N never really minded it. She was still one hundred percent convinced John B still saw her as his sister, and she refused to ruin their lifelong friendship over some silly crush. 
Kie, JJ, and Pope saw right through the girl, on the other hand. They honestly didn’t care if Y/N and John B got together. It would even be a relief to them so they wouldn’t have to put up with the constant longing looks from the pair. Not to mention the subconscious touchy shit that makes JJ gag. 
JJ would constantly bring it up to John B too. Yet, he would, as JJ would say, deny, deny, deny. 
But, regardless of John B and Y/N’s feelings for one another, the Pogues were always having a good time. 
Except when Y/N had to go home and face her real family. 
She never knew why she went back. John B was living without his father and seemed to avoid DCS fairly well. Why couldn’t she?
Yet somehow, she’d always wind up back in her tiny house on the Cut. 
It wasn’t that her home situation was horrible. It just wasn’t great either. After John B’s dad disappeared, Y/N’s father left her and her mother to fend for themselves. For awhile, Y/N and her mom wouldn’t even speak to each other. Y/N never knew why they didn’t speak, but then a week later, a stranger was caught leaving her house in the morning. After that, Y/N’s mother had finally started speaking to her again as more and more men would be caught leaving the house in the morning. 
Sadly, Y/N’s mother had changed. She would lash out at Y/N, telling her how useless she was and how Y/N should be helping her poor mom make money so they could eat. Y/N would take in every word her mom would say and try to explain she was doing little things to help out. The jobs were sporadic but it was something. 
Their arguments would usually result in Y/N storming out of the house, but then getting a call about thirty minutes later from her mom, saying  how sorry she was for saying all those things. She’d go on and on about how Y/N was such a great daughter and how she loved her so much. 
So, Y/N would always come home with the slightest hope that her mother was alright and meant what she said. But, the same thing would happen a few days later, and Y/N would find herself in tears as her mother screamed at her for being incompetent like her father. 
John B had a faint idea that home life for Y/N wasn’t very good. He could read her like a book after all. He could tell something had happened when the crew would be hanging out and Y/N was oddly quiet, but whenever he asked, she would just brush it off. Even Kie, JJ, and Pope could tell when something was wrong, but instead of pushing her, they left Y/N alone. John B, however, thought she shouldn’t be left alone and felt as if she was battling with something mentally. 
His suspicions were confirmed when he heard the little jabs her mother would give towards her daughter that Y/N didn’t even seem to notice. 
John B had swung by Y/N’s place to pick her up on the way to one of Kie’s family Kook events. While he was following Y/N around her room getting her stuff together, her mom had come in. “Where is it you’re going this time?” Y/M/N asked. “An outdoor movie thing that Kie invited us to,” Y/N replied, shoving stuff in her bag. 
“Total Kook stuff, Ms. Y/L/N,” John B added with a small smile. The woman just narrowed her eyes. John B dropped his gaze, slightly confused as to why Y/N’s mother was acting so weird. She had always been so kind and welcoming. 
“When will you be home?” she asked. 
“I don’t know, Mom. Late,” Y/N answered with an irritated ring. 
Y/N’s mother scoffed, “Just like usual. While I’m stuck at home slaving away.” 
John B saw Y/N roll her eyes before standing up straight and facing her mom. “What do you want me to say?” Y/N snapped. “That I should stay here and find someone else who will pay for sex?” 
John B’s gaze shot to Y/N’s at her statement. He didn’t have the slightest idea as to what was going on. 
“Save it, Y/N. I don’t want to hear it. Just go out with your stupid friends. They’re just as useless as you are,” her mother retorted. John B refused to look up at the arguing mother and daughter. 
“Are you kidding me? You’ve known John B for his entire life. You, and I quote, ‘absolutely adore that kid’, and you’re going to act like you hate him!” 
Y/N’s mother glared at her child and Y/N rolled her eyes. 
“Whatever. Let’s go,” she said, grabbing John B’s hand and shoving past the woman blocking the door. John B heard Y/N’s mother let out a breath and follow them down the hall. Y/N marched straight to the van with John B trailing after her, still shocked at the scene that had just unfolded before his eyes. 
As they were about to drive off, Y/N’s mother came outside and called in a kind voice, “Be safe, Y/N! I’m sorry!” John B noticed Y/N’s face contort in pain before she shot her mother a small smile. 
As if a switch flipped on in John B’s head, he realized what was happening. And he didn’t like it one bit.
“So,” he started slowly and felt Y/N’s gaze on him, “You’re seriously not mad at her anymore?” “What?” Y/N asked. “Who says I was mad?” 
John B really couldn’t really believe what he was hearing. 
“You were just arguing with your mom,” John B replied.
“Oh, that. That wasn’t arguing. Just a normal day in the Y/L/N household,” Y/N let out a strained laugh. John B looked at the girl with concern swimming in his eyes. “Y/N,” he said softly, “Does your mom do this a lot?”
“What call me useless, incompetent, stupid, but then says she loves me? I mean I suppose,” she mumbled. John B’s jaw clenched. “That’s not right,” he said, not taking his eyes off the road. “She still loves me,” Y/N said defensively. 
“She says she does, but--” John B started but was cut off.
“Just drop it okay?” Y/N snapped, “I’m fine. Everything is fine.” 
John B glanced at Y/N and saw her looking out the window, signalling that this conversation was over. He didn’t like it, but he kept his mouth shut anyways. 
Ever since that day, John B tried talking to his best friend and show her how abusive her mother really was. But, Y/N refused to listen to him. She didn’t want to hear it because she wanted to believe she still had her mom after her father left. 
Until one day, Y/N finally heard all of John B’s concerns in her mind. 
Y/N had just gotten back from a day out with the Pogues, and her mother had already brought a new guy home. The teenager walked in on her half naked mother and stranger on the couch. “Oh god!” Y/N shouted, covering her eyes. 
“What the hell?” the guy shouted at her mom. “Who is this?”
Y/N’s mother glared at her daughter and gritted her teeth, “This is my daughter.” 
“You never told me you had kids! Geeze how old are you?” the man said, shoving Y/M/N off of him and grabbing his clothes. “Wait, don’t!” Y/N’s mom called after the guy who was storming out. 
Y/N still stood there in shock. She wasn’t prepared for the storm that was about to enter the home. As soon as her mother came back in, she started screaming. 
“I live here!” Y/N snapped back, her temper rising. 
“You little brat! You are always coming around when you aren’t wanted!”
“Mom! How was I supposed to know you were having someone over?” Y/N said. 
“Oh don’t play dumb,” her mother rolled her eyes, “You never approved of what I did. You’re just trying to sabotage me! All I’m doing is trying to help keep a roof of your head and food on the table! You don’t appreciate anything I do for you!”
Y/N was so confused. “You’re making no sense!” she screamed trying to hold back her tears of anger. “I appreciate everything you do! I was helping Heyward with grocery deliveries today! I was tipped big! I was trying to help!” 
“You never do anything helpful! All you do is go out with your stupid little boyfriend and friends! You’re the most worthless person I have ever met!” her mom screamed.
With every insult she spat at her daughter, Y/N felt a knife twist in her heart, and John B’s words echo in her head. Your mom may not be physically abusing you but she still is abusing you. Y/N, you need to get out of there. 
“God, you’re the worst daughter someone could have asked for! You worthless piece of shit! Are you listening to me?” Y/N’s mom screamed, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. Y/N shrunk back in fear. “I wish you were the one who left instead of your father,” Y/N’s mom hissed. 
Y/N felt as though a boulder had crushed her heart. Tears flowed down her face as she shoved her mom off of her. Her mom’s face immediately fell as she realized what she said. “No, sweetie, I didn’t mean it,” her mom tried touching Y/N’s arm, but the girl jerked away. 
Y/N had a look of horror written across her face. How could she do a complete 180? Y/N thought to herself. 
“Y/N, baby. You know I didn’t mean it. I love you.”
“No you don’t,” Y/N cried, backing away from her mother. “You’re sick. I’m sorry your husband left you, but that’s no reason to take your pain out on your child. You’re supposed to protect me! I lost a father too! But you, you just act like a complete idiot!” 
“No, sweetie--” Y/N’s mother started.
“I wish you were the one who left! Better you than Dad!” 
And then Y/N ran. 
She didn’t know where she’d go, but she knew she just needed to go anywhere but her home. Y/N let her legs carry her subconsciously and somehow wound up on the porch of the Chateau. Sobs racked her body as she collapsed on the ground.
John B opened the door expecting an animal or burglar but looked down to see a sobbing Y/N. 
“Hey, hey, what happened?” John B said immediately, scoping her up in his arms, bringing her inside. 
He went to set her down on the couch, but Y/N clung on to him and cried harder. John B sat down with her in his lap, a hand wrapped around her waist and head as he let her cry. John B knew what happened. He knew something like this was coming. Her mother must’ve said some awful thing and Y/N must’ve finally seen what was really going on. 
“Shhh,” John B soothed as Y/N cried harder. “Whatever she said to you is a lie. You’re worth it. You’re worth something,” John B whispered in her ear. Y/N seemed to quiet a bit at the sound of his voice so John B continued. 
“You’ve always been perfect, Y/N,” he said. John B didn’t really know where he was getting these words from. He never admitted his feelings for Y/N to JJ, but now, now he just knew he couldn’t deny it any longer. She needed to know that someone still loved her. 
“You’re always putting everyone’s happiness first, so when she says you’re useless or incompetent, she’s wrong. You’re a selfless, beautiful girl.” 
Y/N’s heart began pounding out of her chest as she listened to John B’s words. 
“I know you don’t want to hear this,” John B continued, “but she doesn’t love you. She’s not your family anymore. You have other people who love you. JJ, Kie, Pope. And me.” Y/N had stopped crying at this point. Does he mean it more than a friend?
“I,” John B hesitated, “I love you. And I think everyone has known that except you.” 
John B fell silent after that, holding his breath. He had no idea what Y/N would do. Y/N slowly lifted her head off of his chest and looked up at him. John B’s eyes were full of concern, but a little apprehension. He was waiting for her to say something. 
Instead, she leaned up, pressing her lips to his. John B instantly kissed her back. The kiss was sweet and slow. Y/N felt a warmth spread throughout her body as his grip tightened around her frame. She finally felt at home. Never in a million years did she think she would be kissing the boy who put sand in her hair as little kids. 
When they broke apart, Y/N’s mouth quirked up, “I love you too, John Booker Rutledge.” John B grinned and pulled her back in for another kiss. She moaned quietly as he bit down on her lip causing his hands to grip her waist a little tighter. Soon enough, Y/N found herself straddling John B. 
Her hands found the bottom of his t-shirt and began tugging at it. However, he quickly grabbed her wrists to stop her. “Wait, wait,” he said, pulling away. Y/N pouted a bit. “We aren’t doing this right now.” “Why not?” Y/N whined a bit. 
“You just ran away from home,” John B replied. 
“Y/N,” he said with a stern voice, “You need to tell me what happened. Now is not the night for us to be ignoring this and you know it.” 
Y/N contemplated his words for a moment, but reluctantly agreed. They resituated themselves to where she was laying on his chest while his arm was around her waist again. 
“Well,” Y/N started slowly, “I came home and found my mom with another man. The man flipped out cause I guess my mom lied about her age and about having kids. And then she proceeded to blow up at me. Kept telling me how I was trying to sabotage her work and how I was worthless. The usual nonsense you know.” 
John B nodded in the dark and gave her a squeeze telling her to continue. 
“And,” Y/N paused, “and then she said she wished it was me who left instead of Dad.”
John B’s heart sank. “But then,” Y/N continued, “It was like she flipped a switch. She claimed she didn’t mean it and that she loved me. I didn’t believe her this time so that’s when I ran.”
Y/N shifted so she could look at the boy. John B had a mixed look of anger and sadness on his face. “Y/N,” he started, “you’re not going back there.” And for once, Y/N listened to him. “Ok.” John B was slightly surprised, but mostly relieved she didn’t try to defend her mother. 
Y/N laid back down and closed her eyes as John B started speaking again.
“You don’t know how much you are loved. Especially me, but the group. JJ would fall apart if you weren’t here, and Kie and Pope, you know how much they care about you. Don’t let anyone tell you you are nothing because you are far from it. I promise you. You are worth everything to me. Promise me you won’t ever doubt yourself,” John B said. 
Y/N smiled in the darkness. “I promise, John B.” He wrapped both arms around her and pulled her even closer as she finally drifted off to sleep. 
The next morning, the two were woken up by a very loud voice. “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” JJ smirked. Y/N curled into John B’s chest mumbling something about killing JJ for waking her up. 
“Leave them be JJ,” Kie’s voice snapped softly. “Thanks Kie,” John B groaned, slinging his arm over his face to block out the sunlight. 
“Let’s go, we’ll meet up later,” Kie said before John B heard the porch door open and close. 
“Congrats man,” JJ added kindly before slipping outside after Kie. “I love you,” Y/N mumbled before her soft snores filled the room again. John B grinned like an idiot and whispered, “I love you too my sweet girl,” before he slipped back into a comfortable sleep.
I hope you enjoyed! More fics coming soon! And feel free to send in requests! Xoxo
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erin-bo-berin · 4 years
Surprise, I’m back guys with more fics! I was so happy when I finally was in the right mood and headspace to get some writiing done, I had missed it dearly. I also missed being able to share my work with you guys. This was an older request by @theitcaramelchick​ for the reader to meet Spencer at a sort of animal activist event. I apologize for it taking me so long to post, but I spent a little extra time perfecting this one than most. Happy reading!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Word Count: 1,885
Rating: G (fluff)
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Spencer grumbled as the SUV pulled closer to the crowd of people.
He thought of the earlier conversation he’d had with Emily Prentiss, his supervisor and boss, the unit chief of the BAU.
Now, when it came to the BAU, you’d automatically think the team would always work on cases involving serial killers, profiling them, planning take downs, saving lives. This current assignment he had wasn’t part of his credentials.
“Emily, I should be here to help out with the case,” he pleaded.
“And you will be.”
“But why do I have to do this when you need me here?”
Emily gave him a look.
“Spence, it’s really not that big of a deal.”
“We catch serial killers, not supervise protests.”
“It’s not supervising. You’re just there to keep the peace. Besides, Anderson was going to do it but his wife just went into labor so I obviously can’t send him.”
Spencer had to bite back the groan he felt like releasing. 
“All you have to do is just make sure no one is harmed, no crime is committed and that it remains peaceful on both sides,” Emily instructed, “It shows that the FBI cares about matters like these and has an interest in all parties’ safety. It will take a few hours, tops.”
He sighed heavily. 
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
“Thanks,” she grinned, patting his arm, “See you soon.”
That was how he was roped into “supervising” this protest.
Spencer had no idea what it was for, but when the SUV pulled into the parking lot of an abandoned looking building all he saw was a lot of chaos.
Well, this would be fun.
“Okay everyone back up!”
Spencer grimaced as he attempted to make his way through the throng of people.
Shouts from officers rang in his ears as did the protesting voices from the crowd. If only he could get closer to see what was actually going on, he might be of more use.
He finally made it to the front of the crowd where one, aggressive police officer was tightly gripping the arm of a girl. He couldn’t see the rest of the girl other than the arm that was bright red where the officer’s hand was clasped.
“Hey, hey!” he rushed forward, “There’s no need to be so hostile,” he told the burly cop.
The man narrowed his eyes at Spencer, scrutinizing him.
“Who are you?”
Spencer pulled out his badge, showing him.
“SSA Spencer Reid from the FBI. You know, the Federal Bureau of Investigation? You might have heard of us.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw the woman’s eyes widen at his statement.
“What’s the feds doing here?”
“To help keep the peace. Which you definitely don’t seem to be doing. Do I need to make a report to your superiors,” he squinted at the man’s name tag, “Officer Graham?”
A sour look crossed his face.
“No. You can take it from here, agent.”
The man all but stomped away leaving Spencer alone with the woman.
“I’m sorry about that ma’am, he had no right to-” he froze, mid-sentence, when he turned towards the woman.
She was wrapped with chains like prisoners he’d seen put away. But instead of them restraining the criminals, these chains connected her to something.
She was chained to the building behind her.
He was quite literally standing in front of a woman who had chained herself to a building.
A quite attractive woman, at that.
You peered dubiously at the agent as he stared at you, mouth hanging open.
“You trying to catch some flies in that venus flytrap of yours?” you asked.
He closed his mouth quickly, snapping out of it.
“Uh, why was he rough handling you?”
“Maybe because I happen to be chained to a building.”
“Yeah, that’d make a lot of sense,” he mumbled, his gaze still lingering over your restraints.
He still looked like he couldn’t believe what was happening. You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes.
“Um,” he licked his lips, his eyes squinting at you a tiny bit, “Why exactly are you chained to a building?”
You sighed.
“You wouldn’t understand. Anyway, I’m fine. You can go now.”
“Try me,” he challenged, folding his arms.
In truth, Spencer was intrigued.
“I don’t want them to tear down this animal shelter. The city wants to tear it down to build apartments here.”
“And that’s bad?” Spencer asked, quirking an eyebrow.
You huffed, annoyed.
“Yes. It is. I told you that you wouldn’t understand. Anyway, the officer was trying to forcefully remove me and stop the protest now that the contractors decided to save the building, but I can’t move.”
“Why not?”
“I might’ve accidentally lost the key to the padlock and I can’t get out. Officer Graham thought I was lying just to be a nuisance, but I’m actually stuck.”
“Well…” Spencer paused, holding back a smile, “I have to say at least you’re dedicated.”
“I’m pretty proud of it if I do say so myself,” you chuckled a bit.
“Hey, um, would you like me to help though? I could get someone here faster than anyone else here could.”
“Yes, please. I really don’t want to spend the night stuck here.”
“One second.”
Spencer excused himself, dialing a familiar phone number.
“Hey Spence, how’s it going?” Emily asked from the other side of the phone.
“It’s going. Do you know if Rossi still has that pair of bolt cutters in his car?”
“Uh...I’m not sure? Why?”
“It’s a long story. If he does, can you ask him if he’d mind running them out here to me?”
He can hear Emily’s hesitation and he assured her everything was fine and that he’d explain later.
The girl was glaring and hollering at someone when he returned.
“What was that about?”
“Oh just some people who think animal activists are scum. They’re just mad the city responded to us and decided to keep the shelter open.”
“Tell me, why this place? Not to be rude, but it’s pretty worn down.”
He braced himself for the girl to yell at him for saying such a thing, but it didn’t happen. In fact, you just looked sad.
“I used to volunteer here. I still help out every now and then, but it is getting pretty run down. I wanted to save it because I want to help restore it. Whether it’s raising money to help restore it or actually physically helping with it, I wanted to be a part of it. This shelter has helped so many abandoned animals. Cats, dogs, bunnies. It was such a rewarding feeling taking care of them and seeing them being adopted out to a good family. I want it to stay here.”
“Wow,” he said, moved by your dedication to the shelter, “That’s amazing.”
“I guess,” you shrugged, “Most people find us irritating or a nuisance.”
The crowd of protesters had begun to thin, leaving a far less amount of people then there had been when he’d arrived.
“If it helps any, I don’t think that’s true. I think it’s brave what you and your friends did. Plus you won the battle. I mean you even chained yourself to a building.”
You broke into a grin, laughing.
“You’re still not over that, are you?”
“It’s gonna take a while,” he chuckled.
“So, are you really an FBI agent or did you just say that to annoy officer Graham?”
“I actually am.”
“Jeez, you think what I do is brave,” you mumbled.
“It’s not all that bad,” he said, “Okay, maybe it is.”
You gave him a knowing look and he broke into a smile. It was a rather gorgeous smile at that, showing off a row of perfectly straight, white teeth. You couldn’t remember the last time you met a guy with such a genuine, contagious smile.
“So how did the FBI get roped into appearing at a riot?”
“That’s a long story.”
You looked down at the chain around your waist, then back up at him.
“Well I’m not exactly going anywhere and I’ve got time.”
Your statement dripped with sarcasm and it made him laugh again. You couldn’t help but smile at it. He had a nice laugh as well. You suddenly had the irrational urge to make him laugh again.
He didn’t argue any further though and dove into the story.
He had just finished it up when an older gentleman came running up to the guy that you’d been talking to for the last half hour
“He’s with you I’m guessing?” you nodded towards the other man.
The second man eyed you curiously before turning back to the agent you’d been bonding with.
“Should I even ask, Reid?”
“Uh, I’ll explain later Rossi. Thanks for bringing the bolt cutters.”
He took them and you tried to suppress a grin when you noticed him give the other agent a shooing motion, as if trying to get him to leave. You acted like you didn’t notice though, even though you heard the salt and pepper man mutter something to him.
“Details later, huh?”
With a quick look that you sure meant for him to scram, he turned back to you, the other man walking away from the two of you.
It took a few good hard squeezes of the bolt cutters to finally break the chain, but it finally gave way. You were pretty sure you’d never take advantage of freedom ever again.
“Thanks,” you said, stepping away from the tangle of the chains, briefly losing your balance.
His hand was on your arm, steadying you.
“So, um. Thank you for everything today,” you smiled slightly, “Especially for listening. Not many people bother to do that.”
“You’re welcome. I enjoyed it, oddly. But I never got your name.”
“Spencer,” he smiled at you.
“Well thank you again, Spencer.”
You turned to grab your things that you’d set aside earlier in the day. Picking them up, you turned to head for your car when he stopped you.
You looked back over your shoulder, curiously.
“Would it be okay if I, uh, take you out some time? Maybe we can talk more about you wanting to help the shelter. If you want to, that is.”
You shouldered your backpack that’d been in your hands and turned to fully face him.
“I’d love to.”
He smiled, holding out a hand for your backpack.
“I can carry those to your car, if you need help.”
You obliged, picking up the rest of the signs and posters you’d created for people to hold today. It was a good feeling knowing that these signs had been put to good use and helped you and your friends save the shelter. Not only had that occurred, but you had met Spencer as well.
“You know you remind me a lot of a friend of mine,” he stated as the two of you walked towards your car.
“Oh? Is that a good thing?”
“Definitely. I have a feeling she’d love you and love to help you with your cause, if you don’t mind some extra hands occasionally.”
“Never can get enough of those,” you replied, earnestly.
“Good because I can’t wait to introduce you to the outstanding Penelope Garcia.”
Tag List: @dreatine​ @reid-187​ @groovyreid​ @reidslibra​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @fuckthealarm​ @whatspunispun​ @iamburdened​ @cindywayne​ @thomasfoockinshelby​ @tinyminy88​ @theitcaramelchick​ @missprettyboy​ @hushlilbabydoll​ @sammy-jo1977​ @theonlyone-meeeee​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @lemonypink​ @multifandommandy​
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damedamedame · 4 years
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akane aoi + reader | so and so : chapter i
| description ! |  aoi protection squad !! and akane does an oopsie.
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The next day, Akane sneezes.
“Someone must be thinking of you, Akane.”
Aoi smiles, gleefully putting the palm of her hand on her cheek as Akane stares at her, bewilderment prancing about in his chocolate eyes. The two of them, having lived right beside each other since they were but small children, always walked to school together. It was for their safety (and for him to beat up anyone who dare try to steal her away).
“Is it… you?”
Akane shoots his shot, attempting to flirt with the pretty girl beside him.
“Mm… no.”
Yet she turns him down, like all the other attempts from before. He feigns a surprised look on his face when he hears her answer. Truthfully and ‘shamefully’, no absolute shock comes to him after hearing her various negative responses anymore, but he continues to entertain her with flattering remarks and honest compliments. Even sometimes everyday, actually going a tad overboard.
He still did these sorts of things, albeit knowing that the probability of her liking him back was more-or-less on the verge of turning to zero.
Once they enter the campus of Kamome Gakuen, most of the people around the two have different thoughts and opinions when they see them walking with each other and chatting amidst themselves. Usually, it would be about how diviningly stunning Aoi-chan looked this fine day, some would give Akane pitiful stares when they hear her reject more of his daily advances as per usual.
Others, even when the majority of the school’s population adored the cute girl, partook in various gossip and rumors which rooted from the stems of jealousy and envy.
“Ao-chan, why don’t you go on ahead?” Akane stops in the middle of the staircase after hearing another pair of students talk badly about her in hushed whispers and murmurs. Aoi, as much as she tries to hide the obvious discomfort in her cheerful acts, looks back at him with a strange mock-up of her usually petite smile and he can’t help but give her a comforting beam in his eyes in return. “I’ll be right back, I swear.”
He knows she hears what they’re saying, which is exactly why he took it upon himself to protect her from mindless haters. Which is also exactly why he sticks a baseball bat in his locker for when opportunities such as these arise. Not that he would actually hit anyone, the hassle he has with the Student Council President was already far too much to deal with.
Before Akane could face the two particular students, he hears the voice of someone confronting them with no sign of falter.
“What’s the point of badmouthing the poor girl?” 
You frown, crossing your arms as you hear them continue talking as if your presence wasn’t there at all. The two girls, both you recognize as second-year students, look you up and down when they finally decide to notice that you had been there the whole time.
This was a courageous step that you took so very early in the morning and probably the only courageous step you took in your whole life, bearing in mind that you were only a puny first-year scolding your seniors, but you could care less about what could happen next. With your sense of justification and recklessness flowing through your veins, you keep giving them a piece of your mind.
“You have no right to keep bullying her, she’s a human being too, you know…!”
Surely, you’ve dug yourself your own grave. The girls seem extra annoyed with you at this moment, and you feel the vulnerability start to lurch from the waves of anxiety that hid deep inside of you.
An alarm ringing of danger overtook your system once you’ve finished with the last few words from that long and drawn out speech of yours. Perhaps you might get karma for this later on, which you thought was fair enough.
“I get it, (L/N)-san!” One of them spoke out with clear irritation laced in her voice, arm sticking out to corner you with no chance of escape. She leans in close to your face to whisper something so quiet that only you could hear and the action sends a shiver down your spine. “You’re just doing this to get Aoi-kun’s attention, but honestly? It’s being such a pain.”
‘What?’ You clench your fist. No hidden intentions lied beneath the words that you spouted a while ago. After months of hearing such disturbing rumors sprout out about poor Aoi, and seeing the slight pale of her face when she accidentally overhears some of these ridiculous atrocities, you spoke up about it. But… this is what you get? The justice that you wanted to speak up about was being knocked down as a way of seeking attention from your crush?
“That’s not--!”
You found yourself frozen on the spot. The words, your voice of reason, completely halted before you had the chance to defend what little worth you had left. Your face pales and you’re left with the ridiculous feelings of anxiety in your nerves and frustration slowly caving in your mind. The two pesky girls only stared at you in amusement, and some part of you wondered if what they were saying was right.
No, you refused to believe that you were doing this for the sake of making Akane notice you. 
Embarrassment merely found you at the worst possible moment. Not that you were embarrassed for protecting Aoi from their harsh words. You even felt a bit of pride come to your senses because you were doing what you deemed right. You were embarrassed because once they brought Akane into the mix of things… you stiffened. They affected you in one way or another, and you cursed yourself for having such strong feelings.
Unknown to you, a certain red-haired boy had been listening in on your conversation.
A hand comes to your shoulder, and you expected the Principal or Minamoto-senpai to be the owner of that particular hand. Instead, you saw… Akane…?
“(L/N)-san, you’re going to be late for class again.” You didn’t expect someone like him to pull off some shoujo-type move, but shit, here he was. Akane had an irked grin, not even trying to hide how much disgust he held. His eyes showed off an ‘Ew. How dare you disrespect Ao-chan like that?’. Because of course, anyone who regarded Aoi as some sort of rubbish had to face his undying wrath. He clenches your shoulder and you barely contain the yelp at the tip of your tongue. “You should probably go before Nagisa-sensei marks you late again. Tell Ao-chan I had some minor business to do for the Student Council!”.
You nod, hurriedly speed-walking away with the warmth blooming on your cheeks once again.
Once you were out of sight and out of mind, Akane reveals the baseball bat hiding behind his back.
“Now… what were you saying about Ao-chan?”
The girls were frightened. Even going as far as to run away before Akane, who wasn’t even going to do anything very harmful to any of the two, could do anything to them. He heaves a sigh, shaking his head in a degree of disappointment. “Tsk, they never learn.”
Having quite the observant eye which he prided himself upon, the mumbles escaping their mouths as they nyoomed away from him didn’t go unnoticed. He barely heard the ‘That (L/N) >:00’ from them and he ends up wondering throughout the day about what they might do to you, earning a few strange stares from Aoi. She’d ask him if he was alright and he proclaimed right then and there in the hallway that he wanted to marry her, immediately diminishing any other thoughts.
Just as classes ended and Aoi asked him to leave earlier than her since she had to tend to the gardening club today, Akane steps out of the high school building to stretch his legs and walk around. He’s always believed that having a large amount of stamina could come in handy whenever he had to sprint over to Aoi when she was ever in danger, being the simp that he is.
Besides, those troublesome ‘co-workers’ of his, including that devil of a President, didn’t ask for his help for once, so he had a rarity of free time.
‘On second thought… they could have something planned--’
He shudders at the thought. Having to deal with Mirai again was going to be a real pain, and having to be punished by that damned exorcist was not something he had in plan for today.
Minutes later, he had realized that he’s been standing and grumbling to himself in the high school building’s entrance and everyone merely passed him by like him being crazy was normal sight to see. What made him snap out of it? Oh, well, it was the strong gust of wind that flew past him, of course. Beside him, he hears a string of curses muttered under someone’s breath. Looking through the corner of his eyes, his eyes widen at the sight of you.
‘Weird…’ He cups his chin. In all honesty, Akane had never really thought that much about you. But he’s seen a minority of the little things you do when he wasn’t focusing on Aoi or when the lecture really was too boring to handle.
How the pen your nimble fingers held wrote on its own when you were writing in that notebook of yours or how you twirled that same pen in your hands in random directions when you didn’t intend to listen and absent-mindedly flicked it off somewhere.. It was certainly an interesting and funny event when you had accidentally hit the back of Nagisa-sensei’s head once and hid yourself in the pages of your book with shaking hands.
‘Befriending her would be nice.’ He thought, reminiscing the display of sheer confidence he witnessed from you earlier that morning. However, that moment wouldn’t be now because you already walked away and--
Akane eyes bulged, expression aghast at the scene playing before him in horror. You had simply been waiting for the traffic light to turn red for you to cross to the other side of the street. Standing timidly on the sidewalk while clutching your bag close to your chest, a big truck that obviously lost its control crashed into you.
Almost crashed into you.
Thankfully his reflexes kicked in just as the truck was almost at the point of colliding with your body. 
Swiftly stopping time with the pocket watch he held in his hands, he managed to push you away before any sort of absurd incident could happen. He… may have pushed you too hard, seeing as you were sprawled out on the cemented pavement, but you were safe. 
Then he realized his mistake.
‘D-Did anyone see me transform?’ He looks at his surroundings and heaves a sigh of relief. There were no people present at the scene. Most students were probably working around in their clubs and everybody rarely used this exit, so it was unquestionably safe to say that his identity was safe and not a person in sight would ever find ou--
Oh no.
“(L/N)-san!” Akane jumps and speedily twirls around to face you. You? Oh, you looked unbelievably star-struck. In spite of knocking at the doorstep of death, your eyes twinkled in amazement and wonder and he can’t help but want to ask the ‘Why?’ on the tip of his tongue. A forced chuckle comes out of his throat, breaking down the silence that washed over between you two only a few seconds ago.
“Are you...” You paused, standing up and patting the dust away from your dress uniform. He doesn’t miss the way you almost trip on your own feet. “Are you an apparition?”
“You could say that.” You were right, sure, but he still didn’t like being wedged in as one of those dishonorable apparitions that lurked in every corner of the school. “Will you.. tell anyone?”
“No, not at all!” Chirping at your own words, you held one finger up to silently say ‘one second!’ and then quickly rummaged around in your bag to get something. To say that he was curious was an understatement. (Y/N) (L/N), who hummed to herself while checking something in her shoulder bag like she didn’t just almost die, was a strange one indeed.  
Examining the surroundings, he understood where he made the mistake in his actions. He only froze the truck. Originally, he had enough power to freeze both the truck and (Y/N), but after recently using up his time to freeze Aoi, he weakened himself quite a bit. He grimaces at the simple error, but decides that he shouldn’t beat himself up for it because the future wasn’t in his hands. The future was with Mirai, not him. 
‘What the fuck am I supposed to do with this truck.’ 
Akane’s nose scrunches, arms crossed as he tries to figure out a solution. A shudder goes down his spine when he suddenly feels someone tapping on his back. Lo and behold, it was you, holding up the notebook he’d see you with in class all the time. A sheepish grin appears on your face. He sees the slightest tint of pink appears on your cheeks, which he excuses as a form of embarrassment seeing as what you were holding up was...
“A picture book for apparitions and supernaturals...?”
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END NOTES: 2000+ words let’s gOoooO (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
oshit i forgot to tag: @astrxrism @sparkleswritings
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acciocriativity · 4 years
Helpless||Harry Potter
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
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Summary: You are one of the students of the Beauxbatons commission and like the others you are determined to win the Triwizard Tournament but instead of the Goblet of Fire, you ended this season at Hogwarts with something better . 
Word Count: 2,0 k  
N / A: This story is based on the Helpless of the musical Hamilton and if you want, I recommend listening to the song along with the lyrics.
Part II 
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Ooh, I do, I do, I do, I do (hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
Hey! Ooh, I do, I do, I do, I do (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
 I have come to be known for some characteristics over the years. For most of my colleagues, determination and patience, but for my family and especially my sister, I was always going to be a hopeless romantic. 
But then we heard about the Tournament and I would have to concentrate fully if my name came out of the Goblet of Fire, so I decided to leave this side of me in France. But that change did not last more than a few hours. 
Boy, you got me helpless
Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit
 We were all sitting at the Ravenclaw table while the director finished announcing the Triwizard Tournament formalities and I couldn't be paying any less attention. From the moment I entered that room, a pair of bright brown eyes caught my eye. I couldn't help noticing the incredible amount of redheads on one table, but only one of them left me with a different feeling that I didn't know until now. 
Of course, I didn't spend much time looking. My goal here is very specific, I would not have time for distractions as my name could be called up tomorrow. 
- Of course, to travel to a swamp on the other side of the world, you're going to have to give up putting your name in the cup, right? - my sister asked in an irritated tone of voice and I had no idea why or what she was saying.
- Oh sure, I think it's a great idea, sis - I replied with a smile as I looked back at the director, but he was no longer standing - has he finished? Has he talked about the Yule Ball too?? - I asked, looking back at the older one. 
- Yes, why are you acting like this? Eat a little, I think the trip didn't do you much good - she replied with a worried tone, leaving the anger aside. 
I agreed to a nod and concentrated on the French food that had been kindly prepared for our arrival, but my eyes kept looking back at the table where he was one last time. 
I'm helpless
Down for the count, and I'm drownin 'in' on
 The next day, during the morning there was a circle of students around the Goblet of Fire but as soon as we arrived, they made room and then each one of us put the paper with our name in there. I chose to be the last in line, because I was in no hurry and for a single reason. He was there again. 
The same eyes, but now I could see more closely and without having to worry because it was not in my direction that they were. The boy was having a lively conversation with some other students and his own twin. 
After my turn passed, I walked over to where a friend was standing because I also wanted to see the rest of the competition, that's not exactly what happened. 
I admit it was a funny scene to see the two of them being thrown two meters out of that circle but at the same time, I was a little worried. 
I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight
We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night
 After a few months, we were finally at that ball that promised to be one of the best events of the year and perhaps the decade at Hogwarts. A lot of things changed in the meantime, the first was that I wouldn’t be the champion but I was vehemently rooting for Fleur, the second thing is that a minor had entered the competition and that turned this castle upside down and finally, I had managed to get close to that redhead. To be fair, me and Alexia. We both agreed that only an idiot would voluntarily sign up as a minor, this caught the attention of Harry Potter's friends and himself. 
In fact I learned his name, it's George, it's easy to tell when I can see his face. From the back, I don't have much of a guarantee and it's hard to see them standing still somewhere, so it's even more difficult for me that way. 
Laughin 'at my sister as she's dazzling the room
Then you walked in and my heart went, "Boom!"
 I had been invited by some boys before accepting to come with a student from Durmstrang, I confess that I hoped to be invited by George but I preferred not to risk waiting. 
I looked for my sister with my eyes and it was not difficult to find her, she was dancing with her own partner in the middle of the dance floor, impossible not to notice. They were even a beautiful couple, but I knew she was interested in someone else, I just didn't know who. Just as I hadn't told her about my feelings yet. 
My attention changed completely when I saw the door to the Great Hall open and the unaccompanied Weasley twins came in. My heart stopped for a second and I could feel it beat faster, some questions crossed my mind. I hadn't seen them before, did they come alone? Hope had returned. 
Tryin 'to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom
Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume
 The slow song was over but I only noticed it when I saw the girl in front of me and then I smiled, trying not to lose sight of George but didn't go like that, since I was on the other side of the dance floor. 
- You were having fun out there, weren’t you?? - I asked with a smile, giving up looking over her shoulder, so I just focused on her face. 
- Yes, and where is your partner? You should be having fun too - she replied leaning against the wall beside me. 
- He said he was going to talk to his friends but so far he hasn't returned - I couldn't hide my indifference, because I never had to hide anything with her.  
Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine
Grab my sister and whisper: Yo, this one's mine
- I know he wasn't your first choice, so who is it? I’m willing to know - his gaze left me and scanned the party full of people, looking for who could be right for me. 
- I wanted to make sure he was interested in me before I told you. It's George, from the first moment we arrived here for the first time - I didn't try to hide my smile or my passionate look when I finally found the redhead again. 
My sister made her way across the room to you (ooh)
And I got nervous thinking
"What's she gonna do?" (Ooh)
 In a moment, she was beside me with an expression I didn't recognize and a second later the brunette was walking towards the other side of the dancefloor. 
- Alexia, what are you going to do… - I didn't even try to speak out loud, because the music was incredibly loud for anyone but me to hear. 
To my horror, she walked towards the Weasleys and I
paralyzed. One of my sister's characteristics comes down to doing basically everything for me, I already knew that nothing bad could be in her intentions but that didn't relieve my nervousness. 
She grabs you by the arm
I'm thinkin ', "I'm through" (ooh)
Then you look back at me
And suddenly I'm helpless
 I couldn't look away even though I looked crazy to those outside, so the two stepped aside a few meters and I could hear my heartbeat increasing by the second. 
Would I like to be able to hear them? Certainly, but before I could think better about it. He looked directly at me. 
Oh, look at those eyes (look into your eyes)
And the sky's the limit
I'm helpless (I know)
Down for the count and I'm drownin '
Helpless (I am so into you)
 Few things in life have left me so nervous as that moment when George Weasley was walking towards me, with that smile on his face, the kind of smile I hadn't seen yet but perfectly matched his features. 
She accompanied him halfway and winked at me before returning to the dancefloor. I didn't know what to expect but I would thank her forever, if that was what my hopeless heart was telling me. 
Look into your eyes (I am so into you)
And the sky's the limit
I'm helpless
I know I'm down for the count
And I'm drownin 'in' in
 The night ended perfectly and I almost felt like it was fate, because his partner ended up dancing with my partner. So they didn't even care for a second about being "abandoned", not that I was going to let this opportunity just slip through my fingers. 
He was cute and kind, we danced and talked a little bit alone before going back to our friends. 
But this time it was different because we were never so close to each other, I couldn't help but notice his arm around my shoulder, making me stay even closer to him. 
That was my signal, the signal that this night meant something more to him too. 
One week later
I'm writin 'a letter nightly
Now my life gets better, every letter that you write me
 A week later, I had come to Paris with Ale to spend the Christmas holiday with our parents, but it didn't mean that we would lose contact. At that point it was past midnight when I was replying the letter I just received. 
The owl that brought it was barely able to flap its wings when it arrived here and as it was freezing outside, I left it in the cage with mine to rest. She drank some water and practically passed out, poor thing. 
- As I was saying, he really cares about you. Who wouldn't want someone like that? - she said after reading the letter I received. 
- You will find one of these soon, there is a whole group of boys waiting for the chance of their lives to show you that - I replied with a smile while thinking of the right words to answer, everything had to be extremely perfect.  
Laughin 'at my sister 'cause she wants to form a harem
I'm just sayin ', if you really loved me, you would share him
- Yes, but still, it is not enough - she replied pouting but then smiled as if an idea had crossed her mind - we shared everything, why not that too? - She completed folding the letter and I just laughed. 
- That's the only thing we can't share in this life and you're too jealous to share someone - I replied laughing even more at the expression she made. 
- I'm going to sleep, just don't take too long to answer this letter, ok? Tomorrow we will all go out together, in case your little head has forgotten - she gave me one last hug before leaving, but I noticed that the light in her room was on for a while longer.
 Many other things happened afterwards, but my hand is hurting and my ink is running out, so I'll leave the rest for later, ok? I promise don't keep you waiting to know what's happens next. See you tomorrow, dear diary. 
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 4 years
together | ho x fem!reader
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@allegra-soleil​ asked: Chérie, ma belle, that last blurb BROKE ME. Can I have something similar but with Haz? Cuz we both know he is more hot tempered, and would probably make things worse before making them better, yelling and crying later when he realizes he really fucked up💔 Maybe he was the jealous one? Feeling left out by your sudden friendship with Tom? Mercy, baba. Je t'adore💖💖💖
Warnings: MAJOR ANGST including language/swearing, harsh arguments, screaming, cries, insecurities, anxiety, lots of emotions tbh BUT FLUFF at the end because we want happy endings in this house, dammit!
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: ALLIE. MY GORGEOUS ALLIE 💞 your request turned into an oneshot because, well, inspiration i guess? 😂🙄🙊 so this one is for you bae, an angsty as hell but with that fluffy ending we all want 🥰🥰🥰 love you girl and as always, stay safe sweetheart 💖💗
‘Stay safe, Cheer up’ blurb event  
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Despite whatever people say, no human on Earth could escape the reality of how feelings work. No human was perfect, that was for sure. Not even Harrison. And now, the boy was massively experiencing jealousy at its best. Or maybe at its worse.
Which actually lead to now, when you tried to catch up your blond boyfriend as he stomped towards his bedroom, at Tom’s house.
“What was that just now?” you yelped as you were now both in the bedroom, Harrison facing away from you and not a single word addressed since what happened just before.
“What?” Harrison said with a harsh tone.
“The way you just addressed both Tom and I a minute ago, acting like a complete douchebag. Care to explain?” you asked again, slight irritation now audible in your voice.
“Oh sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt your private time with Tom!” scoffed Harrison while turning towards you, and your eyes widened at what you were looking at.
The face of your boyfriend displayed a look of mixed emotions you never knew was possible; anger, disgust, sarcasm and pure jealousy. His whole body screamed tension but the worst part must have been his voice, each word accentuated by the fakest playful tone of all time.
And that vision was almost scaring you.
“What are you saying, Haz?” you demanded with clear and proper authority, the need to know what was going on in your boyfriend’s mind being your main goal at the moment.
“What am I saying, you’re asking!?” Harrison sneered at you, “I’m just noticing that my own girlfriend looks like she’s having the blast of her life with my freaking best friend ever since we started the quarantine, is what I’m saying!”
Harrison’s voice got louder as the sentence kept going, each word heavy enough to weight more and more upon yourself.
“Are you joking right now?”
Now you were expecting anything, but that.
“I’m just by myself mostly all the fucking time like I don’t even exist in this house! But don’t mind me, really, it’s not like I’m your damn boyfriend in the story! So don’t waste your precious time with somebody like me and just go back to your dear Tommy to laugh and be lovey-dovey like two stupid kids!!”
“Are you out of your mind or what?!” you retorted before Harrison had the chance to continue, your ears still not believing what you just heard.
“If you wanted to go out with Tom Holland himself, you should have said no to me in the first place, instead of using me all this time to get closer to him-”
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Harrison?!” you shot, you voice getting as loud as Harrison’s one.
The back and forth argument kept getting worse, you two now becoming entire messes as both your faces were reddening at the same time your words got louder.
The scene definitely drew the attention of the other residents of the house, the first one being Tuwaine as the man was passing by and just stopped at the doorframe, not believing what was actually happening. Soon Harry followed, the screams loud enough to wake up the deaths or the neighbours next door, or even the entire neighbourhood.
“Oi guys, what’s up in there?”
And obviously, the next and last person to arrive was Tom.
“Why the fuck are you all screami-”
Just then, you simply exploded like a grenade that waited and took too much already on yourself. Your voice was screaming of anger now, but also distress and sadness, the rage definitely showing now from head to toes that you shocked all four boys, Harrison included.
That was it. You lost it, all your usual nice and sweet composure just vanished in a snap. But you felt hurt, badly hurt like you never once thought you would be that your feelings just washed over you that you had to scream as loud as possible.
You never had that kind of harsh arguments with Harrison, even knowing the boy was sometimes short tempered but right now, everything he said to you still resonated in your head. Every words. All of them. Even the degrading ones. Each of them were said with pure and bad jealousy, something you couldn’t imagine coming from Harrison.
In the end, even him was capable of hurting people.
Your face was now a red mess, your entire body tensed but at the same time shaking, and your eyes full or tears that soon started rolling down your cheeks when you finished screaming to his face.
Then a cold, tensed and awkward silence settled in the room. No one dared to say a word. And after a loud sob escaped your lips, you ran outside the room, not even glancing once more at the blond guy in front of you, nor at the other boys as you made your way past them. Your cries echoed in the hallway as you then barged inside the “office” room, slamming the door behind you with such violence it made everyone jump, locking it right after. Finally alone in your own despair, you slid your back down the door and sat against it, the back of your head slightly bumping onto the wooden door as you now let out your sobs openly.
“The actual fuck was that just now?!” Harry finally dared to speak, snapping out after what he just saw and heard. “Did you literally accused (Y/N) of cheating on you?!”
“Were you out of your mind to be rude to her like that?!” Tuwaine added, dumbfounded by all the argument.
Harrison was not moving, not a single inch. He was like petrified on the spot, now standing alone in his bedroom as his friends were still staying outside of it. But compared to a few minutes ago, his face now lost all colour, being as pale as if he saw a ghost.
He was completely shocked at himself.
“Mate” Tom addressed his friend, the tone of his voice calm even after being badmouthed by his own best friend, the one who just stood there like a lonely and wandering soul.
Not really expecting an answer from Harrison, Tom slowly walked inside the room, to then stand in front of his blond friend.
“That’s totally normal to get jealous, you know?” Tom began in his most understanding and serious voice, “But jeez, (Y/N) is like a sister to me! Never would I see her more than that!”
Tom’s words were making their way though Harrison’s brain, but the lack of reaction from him was getting really worrying.
“But mostly, I’d NEVER betray my best friend! Never, you hear me Harrison?” Tom insisted firmly. “And just now, you completely misunderstood everything and hurt (Y/N). And yourself.”
And at that moment, Harrison felt like the entire universe fell on top of his head. For good. He finally realised he badly fucked up.
* * * *
It’s been four days since the argument. The four longest and tougher days of Harrison’s life.
Since then, you’ve closed yourself into the office room, not wanting to be near or see your boyfriend after everything he said to you. You ate there, slept there and cried there. You just locked yourself in, as if wishing for everyone to forget you were even there. But that was impossible for Harrison.
When Tom somehow brought back his friend to himself, after being completely out of his mind like he never did, Harrison panicked and just wanted to rush back to you. Tom, Harry and (mostly) Tuwaine could hold him back, even when he started screaming your name for you to forgive him, pure agony in both his voice and written on his face.
After, Harrison was like an undead. His usual shining blue eyes were no more, but replaced by empty one, completely dull and lost into nothingness. His body was even too heavy for him to stand properly, as if everything he told you came back to him to just put the blame on him and only him, the guilt heavier like an entire building. He even lost his appetite and his sleep, not finding any purpose to any matter while being away from you after what he did. What he made you endure.
You didn’t want to see him anymore, and just kept ignoring him while he stood on the other side of the door for hours, pleading for you to open and talk about it together. Nothing. You never replied. If you ever needed something, you would simply ask to Tom, Harry or Tuwaine by text. But never Harrison. Never. And Tom would have to drag his friend away from the door as he would just start crying, desperately trying to open it or even bang his forehead on it on total despair.
That situation weighted on everybody else, too. The once joyful house became a pure living hell of agony, the air thick with tension all around. Being under lockdown for so long was already a pain in general, so nobody needed that kind of additional stress to make it worse.
It had to stop, but not any which way.
On the sixth day, Tom was cooking some lunch while Harry and Tuwaine were in the backyard, enjoying the beautiful weather that London was offering them. And Harrison was at the exact same spot he occupied since the incident, slumped onto the couch, head thrown on the back to fix the ceiling for hours.
“Hey, Harrison.”
The blond lightly glanced at Tom, his body not moving, as the brunette stood next to the couch with a tray in his hands.
“Do you want to bring this to (Y/N)?” asked Tom to his friend.
Harrison’s head slowly turned towards him at the sound of your name.
“She doesn’t want to see me anymore” whispered Harrison almost inaudibly, his eyes red and puffy after so many sleepless nights spent with cries.
“If you just force yourself into her like you did the past days, like a mad man, for sure she’ll just keep ignoring you...” sighed Tom, trying not to sound so done with his friend during that tough path he was going through. “Man up, be yourself and go.”
Still hesitant, Harrison looked between Tom and the tray in his hands a few times, before slowly sitting down properly on the couch. Tom nodded at him to encourage him a bit and after what seemed like the biggest effort of his life, Harrison finally stood on his own two feet, now facing Tom.    
“Come on and make up properly, idiot” ironically chuckled Tom, hoping to lighten the mood a little.
He held once again the tray out for Harrison to take, insisting. Gulping, the blond boy lifted his arms to soon grab the tray, hands still slightly trembling. Tom waited for his friend to calm down, knowing perfectly his mind was just a complete mess at the moment as so many scenarios of what was about to happen kept playing on and on, each of them at the same time.
Once he emptied his mind from the negativity invading him, Harrison took a deep breath in before holding the tray properly by himself. Tom gently patted his shoulder, another supporting move of his and moved aside to let his friend walk past him.
His steps were as light as a feather, not wanting to make too much noise on his way to the office room. Harrison’s heart was beating like crazy, each beat almost wanting to break through his ribs, the pain almost unbearable.
But there was no coming back. Not anymore. Harrison was so scared to mess everything up again, like he did when he started an argument that was not even supposed to exist. But he brought it up, like the dumbass he was sometimes. And now, he had to made up for all the abominations he said to you. So yes, Harrison was scared and even worse... he was scared to loose you.
Without realising it, the blond boy was now standing in front of the wooden door. That door that could be the epitome of your heart right now, completely closed and unknown to him, acting like a barrier to protect you from more sadness you may not be able to handle anymore. But Harrison had to make the first step to you because he was the one who caused all this.
He had to fix his mistakes, once for all and good.
“... (Y/N)?” the boy called in what sounded more like a whisper.
He clicked his tongue, sure you didn’t even hear him. After glancing at the living room and noticing Tom had left to join the boys outside, Harrison cleared his voice and tried again.
“(Y/N)... It’s... it’s me.”
Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, you were curled up onto the couch that became your bed for almost a week. Your lack of sleep was beyond your own understanding, as not even a single one of your college projects managed to keep you awake at night. Your body has been aching and heavy, the simple fact of rolling over being painful to you. And the painkillers did nothing to your constant headaches that kept coming and going whenever they wanted. You were sad, hurt and now tired.
But out of nowhere, you caught a faint voice coming from the door. At first you were not really sure as your mind was rambling all over the place, but then you heard it again, and a bit clearer. That familiar voice you knew too well, that particular one you were trying to avoid at all cost since the argument.
Hearing it now awakened all your senses again, against your own will but you preferred to stay quiet, bringing your knees closer to your chest and hoping he would just go away.
“Please, (Y/N)... I-I’ve brought your lunch...”
You gulped, hiding your face into your knees. His once energetic voice was no more, sounding now more morose and... hurt. And somehow, it still saddened you a bit. The silence invaded the place again. Now you felt torn between two rather difficult choices: still ignoring him because the hurtful words he screamed at you that day were the cause of your sleepless nights, or... maybe confront him and see how it goes. Maybe.
“Fuck, what did I expect really... Of course you’re still angry at me, and you have all the rights to be” Harrison murmured along with a sigh.
Lowering his head, Harrison’s eyes fell on the lunch tray Tom kindly prepared to you and mindlessly inspected it. The smell was mouthwatering and the steak sure looked delicious, but Harrison couldn’t help but note you always liked your meat less cooked and with a lot of oregano. And regarding the sides, the boy was pretty sure you would leave the cucumber slices of the salad, as you liked more carrots instead.
All these little things, even the most insignificant ones, were part of your being. And Harrison learnt to know all of them by heart, and to cherish them. And so did you, ever since you started dating. The specific tea he loved to drink depending on how he was feeling, the vegetables he couldn’t look at - even after you desperately tried to cook them in many different ways -, what to do when he was feeling tired and grumpy, the movie he could binge-watch all the time, and so on...
Harrison loved you as much as you loved him.
And he had to fucked this up like a bastard to finally realise he just imagined the stupidest things ever, and hurt you in the end.
“... I’m the fuckin’ worst.”
As any chance of this door opening vanished into thin air, Harrison loudly sighed, badly depressed but still trying his best to contain his tears a bit more, and put the lunch tray down at the door to then walked away.
But after only taking two steps, two click sounds suddenly reached his ears which made him stop on his track, turning quite fast towards the door to see it... slightly opening. And that was when Harrison caught sight of you and his body froze, eyes wide open.
Through the half-open door, you were there, your entire frame partially visible but still. He was finally able to see you and notice how fragile you looked. Facial features slimmed down, dark circles and red eyes. You were a mess, just like Harrison was during the past few days. After what seems like hours of total silence, both your eyes finally met, hesitant at first but then, you slowly opened the bedroom door a bit more. The heart of Harrison started beating all over again, his lungs working fully as if he learnt once more how to breath.
“... Harrison.”
Oh, your voice. Hearing it after so long brought shivers down his spine.
“(Y-Y/N)... I-”
But words got suddenly mixed up in his mind as Harrison wanted to tell you so many things at the same time. How much he was sorry, how much of an idiot he was, how much he regretted, how much... he missed you. So much. But then, he remembered Tom’s advices.
“If you just force yourself into her... like a mad man... she’ll just keep ignoring you...”
Harrison had to think calmly, but most importantly wisely. So he decided to stay quiet waiting for you to speak first, if you ever did.
You’ve never seen Harrison this tense like he actually was. Never this... all over the place. Hair sticking in every directions, his stubble more visible than ever and baggy clothes. Well, you were pretty much the same anyway. But what saddened you more was the look in his eyes. His ocean eyes you loved getting lost into turned into two empty orbs, dull, deprived of any joy but tears, now.
“... We need to talk” you muttered in a low tone, your hand grabbing the door harder to get you some extra support, you hoped.
As you slowly lowered your body to take the tray off the floor, Harrison got quicker and grabbed it before you. This brought you two face to face, crouching with only the space of the tray between you, eyes locking for some seconds. No word spoken but only looks, and that was a lot.
You averted your eyes at the same time before getting up again, a bit awkwardly. Harrison followed you inside the office room while you closed the door right after him. Not paying too much attention at the mess around, he went to place the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch and stood there, not knowing what to do or if he could talk. Silently, you advanced to then sit on the said couch, pushing away the blankets and pillows you used to sleep on the side. You patted a few time the space next to you while looking at Harrison or, at least, trying to draw his attention as the boy was looking anywhere but at you, fidgeting with his fingers like a child who just did something stupid.
Well, maybe that was the case, actually.
Finally, Harrison heard the muffled sound of your hand against the couch and, after looking at you like he wanted your approval, slowly but surely walked and sat next to you. He brushed his thighs a few times, feeling his muscles stiff but still trembling. His heartbeat kept pounding on inside his chest, one foot slightly tapping in rhythm on the carpet. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to remain calm. But Harrison knew he had to speak first. After all, everything was his own fault.
“(Y/N), listen I’m-”
“I’m sorry...”
Harrison stopped and looked at you, mouth still open as he was not sure if he heard right. Now frowning, he noticed your head dropped as you were desperately fixing your knees, the grips of your hands on your sweatpants making your knuckles slightly turn white.
“I’m sorry, Harrison” you repeated once again, your voice trembling and just above a whisper. “I-I shouldn’t have insulting you l-like I did. You deserved it b-but I said such horrible things to you, instead of talking about it with you... I-I’m an idiot, I should have-”
“W-Wait (Y/N), what are you saying? I’m the one who has to apologise to you, not the other way around!” retorted Harrison, quite shocked and confused by your words.
“But I just got things worse, Harrison! A-And in the end, we were just screaming at each other a-and I-I-”
Your body started shaking again, your throat tightening as more words wanted to go out, soon followed by sobs. Your breathing became halting and tears were forming at the outside corners of your eyes, you couldn’t stop any of this as guilt kept growing inside of you during these days.
Harrison couldn’t handle seeing you like this anymore, nor hearing accusing yourself for what happened to you both. That was impossible, and it had to make it stop. He had to make you understand that any of this was not your fault. He had to comfort you as much as you needed to be.
So the boy slid from the couch, both knees on the carpet as he was now facing you. He pressed his torso against your knees, trying to be as close as possible to you, and put his hands on your thighs. The touch brought you out of your inner upheaval and your teary eyes met again.
“Listen, (Y/N)” began Harrison, gulping, “I’m the one who started all this mess whereas nothing of this would have happened, okay? I-I’m the stupid one here, the selfish one, the... jealous one who imagined horrible things because I got... I got insecure and lonely. I shut myself away enough to awaken the worst side in me. And like a complete asshole I accused you of... of cheating on me. You, the person I love the most and that loves me so much in return. The person I trust with all my heart. I just- I fucked up so bad a-and-”
Harrison didn’t notice the tears already rolling down his cheeks until now.
“I-I’m just the worst boyfriend- no, the worst human being ever-”
But then, your trembling but soft hands gently raised to wipe his wet cheeks with your thumbs making him stop spouting any more gibberish about himself. And it was like your touch instantly appeased him, like the best medicine that could exist and just closed his eyes, his breathing slowly calming down.
By instinct, his bigger hands raised to gently rest on top of yours and just leaned his face on your palms, appreciating the skin contact he missed since then. God did he miss your touch.
You both sniffled, forehead resting against each other as you leaned more towards the blond boy. The tears kept going for some time actually, neither of you really knowing for how long. But that was needed.
After some time spent in a rather calm silence, you parted from each other and you gently brushed your boyfriend’s wet cheeks with your thumbs again, a comforting smile now on your face.
“I think... we both messed up” you gently whispered.
A light smile appeared on Harrison’s face, the left corner slightly raising more like it always did when he was getting shy or embarrassed... or comforted.
“We did” replied the blond, a soft chuckle barely audible, “... well, mostly me.”
“Never hesitate to talk to me, alright Harrison?” you stated quite seriously but still with that kind tone of yours your boyfriend loved so much. “Even for stupid matters, I don’t care, just let’s talk about it. Promise?”
“I promise, love.”
You shared another smile, rosy cheeks and eyes still shining with the last few tears. But now, the atmosphere felt way lighter as any ounce of negativity washed away around you both. You kept the eye contact and your hands connected, a way to slowly treat that deep link between you both.
Then you gently brought Harrison’s face closer to you and left a light kiss on his forehead, the kiss lasting for a few seconds but Harrison made the most of it, his eyes closing again which let the last tears roll on his cheeks.
“I’m so sorry, love” Harrison whispered like he was in trance.
“I know, dear. I know. But we will go through it. Together.”
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