#say you only heard the tone and not our actual words without SAYING--
gaylordscooter · 3 days
You're at the Party
“so you brought mass murderers to my place without warning me beforehand?” Cross said.
“Haha, nice.”
“don't humor them, chara.”
Blue wrung his hands together, opening his mouth to explain only for Ink to cut in.
“Listen, these guys aren't gonna cause any trouble. Besides, I thought this was a place where people could start over.” Ink crossed his arms.
“Two of them killed everyone in their universe? Hm, a Sans killing a bunch of people…Where have I heard that before?” XChara nudged Cross’s arm.
“you know that isn’t the problem here.”
Everyone gave Cross a look as if he was the one that was being unreasonable here.
Cross sighed, “fine, they can stay. but they need to pass a test first.”
Blue narrowed his eyes skeptically. “What kind of test?”
“well, i guess it's more of a favor.”
“Is this what I think it is? You're not sending them there.”
Cross waved away his concern. “it’ll be fine,” he insisted.
“What are we talking about?” Ink questioned.
Blue leaned close to Ink. “He’s totally planning to use them to retrieve his friend.”
“Oh! Hah. Ahahahahaha!” Ink giggled like he told him a joke. His eyelights reflected his amusement as he stared at Cross. “So we’re at this part now, huh?”
Cross looked confused while Blue huffed at his words and XChara looked bored.
Ink clapped his hands together. “Well then~! Have fun with that~!” he said cheerfully.
“I'm sure those tildes have no malice behind it,” Blue deadpanned.
“Oh, when have my tildes ever held malice~?”
Blue opted for putting his hands on his waist rather than gracing that with a reply.
“Anyway, I gotta bounce! I’ll see y’all later. Don't have too much fun without me~!” He painted a hole in the ground and hopped into it while waving goodbye.
“Eugh, he's like a kid that just learned about emoticons,” XChara said.
“you can't even see the tildes,” Cross pointed out.
XChara rolled their eyes. “I don't have to. I can hear it in his voice.”
“Never mind that. Cross, you can't send them there! I’ve already been making a careful plan. To just toss it out the window and replace it with an improvised one isn't a good idea!”
He rolled his eyelights and crossed his arms. “It doesn't need to work, anyway. I don't expect it to.”
Blue’s sockets widened as he gasped. “So you're just,” he gestured wildly, “sending them off to their deaths? Where's your compassion?”
“Where was their compassion when they hurt all those monsters?”
Blue narrowed his eye sockets. “Where's your compassion?” he repeated in a duller tone.
“Don't you have a Mettaton to serve? This isn't your business.” he snapped back.
Blue threw his hands up, “Wow! Sheesh. Fine. Go have fun torturing the prisoners of war.” He stormed off with a frown.
XChara and Cross watched as he walked in a direction that definitely led to nowhere rather than towards the town.
“He has a point,” XChara stated.
“Awful navigation skills is what he has,” Cross spat. He noticed XChara’s unamused face and did a double take. “Do you actually agree with him?”
“Huh! Do I agree with him that you have no right to judge these morally messed up monsters and that sending them to that freak’s place as punishment is completely hypocritical of you?” They stroked their chin and pretended to think about it hard. “Yes, Mr. ‘the reason why our world has become a hotspot for people who messed up like you!’”
“You don't care about them at all. You're just saying that to spite me.”
“I am, thanks for noticing,” they deadpanned.
Cross brought a hand to his face and sighed.
Killer awoke. He wasn't refreshed in the slightest and he nearly panicked over waking up in unfamiliar surroundings if it wasn't for Dust smacking him on the head.
No wait, he was called Dusk now. He even came up with that name for him.
Sheesh, the sudden change is gonna be hard to get used to.
Right. New chapter of his life. Again. Again again, actually.
Ironically, he was starting to get sick of new experiences.
This wasn't a bad change, really. In fact, it was a clear upgrade. Well, that's what he thought back when Nightmare first found him too, so.
He was waiting for the catch. He was ready this time.
There was a knock on the door.
Both of them had the knee-jerk reaction of summoning a blaster angled at the door but then the rational part of their minds took over and they scrambled out of bed to hold their blasters' mouths shut.
“good morning to you guys too,” said the voice behind the door.
They managed to desummon their blasters once they recognized that it was, in fact, Horror that knocked.
There was unmistakable joy on Killer’s face. He didn't say it, but he was convinced Horror was going to avoid them since they got settled in.
He skipped over to the door like a gleeful idiot and opened the door.
Killer was surprised by his getup. It was the first time he's seen him in different clothing. If it wasn't for the red eye in his socket he wouldn't have recognized him.
The first thing he noticed was the cap he was wearing. It was a generic white cap that covered the hole in his head. Other than that, his outfit was the same as any other normal Sans, sans the signature hoodie. He also looked a lot less tired.
“‘sup, h—sans. ‘sup sans,” Killer said, barely catching himself. He couldn't help but still refer to him as “Horror” in his mind, since from the day they met that's what he called him and known him as. But those names were nothing but brands that Nightmare put on him and Dusk. They weren't names that they chose for themselves.
“hey,” he replied with a small wave, mostly aimed at Dusk to acknowledge his presence even though he hadn't approached the door yet. “so…” he trailed off, unsure.
They were in unfamiliar territory now. After a whole year of living with Nightmare, they formed somewhat of a schedule. A loose one, but a schedule nonetheless—mainly built off of the way Nightmare acted. 
With that thrown out the window, every step they took was unfamiliar. Potentially dangerous. Ironic, considering they were in a safer area now. At least they assumed so.
They hoped so.
They would normally eat breakfast at this time, probably. They weren't ever exactly sure what time it was, but that's how it's been their whole life. It felt like it was around that time, at least.
“my bro said there's a bakery here.” Another pause. Okay, he didn't have to make this that awkward. “you two wanna scope the place out with me?”
Killer’s smile perked up at the edges. “hate to say it, that sounded like you just asked us out on a date.”
“‘k, forget i asked.” He made the move to shut the door.
“nah, i’m joking! we’ll go—” he whipped his head to Dusk for verification, who gave him a thumbs up. “—yeah, let's go.”
So they got out of the hotel room. The lobby had a few people, unlike last time.
None of the three really acknowledged anyone there and no one acknowledged them, until some Monster Kid said a mere hello that made them all awkwardly respond; either with a curt head nod, wave, or quiet “hi” back.
Boy, they weren't ready to be perceived by anyone else. How the hell were they going to handle entering a cafe, let alone going outside? Well, Sans managed, so.
Sans was probably the most stable of the three, let's be real. He was the only one who had contact with other people before Nightmare came to them. When it comes to interaction, Killer and Dusk have done nothing but literally talk to themselves for who knows how long.
The second Sans started to open the door, Killer protested, “actually. could you just grab me something instead? i’ll stay in the room.” When he turned to retreat, Dusk grabbed him by the arm.
Dusk gave him a look that spelled “really, coward?”
“i don't think i’m ready, okay? sue me,” he said. He could already feel eyes on him. The stares gnawed away at his bones, trying to eat him alive. 
They knew what he wanted to do.
Dusk sighed, letting go of his arm. “we can't go,” he signed to Sans.
“right…” he sounded disappointed—no that was pity in his voice. He probably didn’t even expect the two to agree in the first place. “anything specific you want?”
“nothin’ with chocolate.”
Dusk shook his head.
“gotcha. i’ll be back in a bit,” he said.
Dusk and Killer watched as he sauntered off to be a normal monster that was a part of society. Then they walked at a breakneck pace back to their room.
Once they were back in the safety of their private room, they collapsed on their beds.
Killer, face buried against his pillow, groaned in frustration. “i hate this. we're safe now and i can't even go outside. do you feel it too, dusk? that tug on your soul?”
He might kill someone if he went outside. It was highly likely.
Of course it wouldn't be that easy to return to a normal life—of course his high LOVE would haunt him. He was too tired yesterday to be bothered by it, but now, any other monster he saw that wasn't Dusk or Sans had his soul screaming for more exp.
“i’m trying to ignore it,” Dusk mumbled.
He laughed. That's not going to work. That is not going to work and they both know it. 
That's not going to work.
“it was—it was better when we were stuck with Nightmare. we wouldn't be able to—”
“It wasn’t better,” Dusk interrupted.
“—we’re going to kill someone. we're going to kill someone and it's going to snowball and it'll—hah—it'll be like a snowball of dust!”
He was choking now, on the rotten determination coming out of his skull.
That's what he was, wasn't he? A killer.
That's all he was.
Oh, someone was holding him by the shoulders. Wow, everything was blurry and stained black. No, that was just the liquid in his sockets. He tilted his head down, letting it flow out until he could see better.
Oh, it was Dusk. Right.
He shuddered out a breath. He realized all his senses had turned off for the past few seconds. When the hell did he get on the floor?
His eyelights finally focused enough to stare back at Dusk. He didn't like the worried look he had on his face. He cleared his throat, trying to play it off, but all that did was make him hack out more rotten determination.
“well…” the sentence died on his teeth the second he started. “i want to go back to sleep,” he settled on saying.
Dusk brought him into a stilted not-quite-a-hug, where he brought him closer and draped his skull over his shoulder.
They just. Stayed there. For a bit.
“another episode…i’m starting a daily streak, really.” Any humor he thought that statement would have was completely absent. God, how fucking pathetic was he? Surely Dusk was struggling with his LOVE just as much as he was but he didn’t fuss about it. He shouldn’t need Dusk’s comfort and Dusk shouldn’t need to comfort him. He was so selfish. So needy.
Killer willed himself to move away from Dusk to lay back down on his bed.
The room was quiet until someone knocked on the door again.
Dusk opted to answer the door since Killer wasn't budging.
Fortunately it was Sans who was at the door but unfortunately, he wasn't alone. Behind him was another skeleton he hadn't seen before.
He wore monochromatic clothing and there were large x’s on his sleeves and boots. He looked a lot younger than all of them. He must've been in his 20’s. His eyelights were a lot bigger than the average sans, with a slitted pupil reminiscent of a cat’s.
Despite the youthful look, one glance was enough to tell Dusk that he had a lot of LOVE too. It wasn’t nearly as much as he or Killer had, but it was more than the amount Sans had.
Dusk glared at the stranger as if he personally wronged him.
Sans didn’t look too happy either with the death grip he had on the bag containing their breakfast.
“hey,” Sans said. He walked in as if everything was fine and normal.
The stranger also tried walking in as if everything was fine and normal.
A wall of bones rose in front of him to block his path.
Killer sat up on the bed, “nope. not dealing with unwelcome company now, thank you.”
The stranger cleared his throat, straightening his posture. “well, i’m actually the organizer of this place. the name’s cross. i’m sure ink told you three about me.”
“i’ve never heard of you in my life,” Killer said.
It was painfully clear that Cross was already annoyed by Killer, despite his attempts to keep his face neutral. “i’ll just get to the point—”
“he’s gonna test us. if we pass, we can stay. if we don’t, we’re getting kicked out,” Sans said. He opened the bag of food and grabbed a pastry for himself before handing it over to Dusk.
Dusk hesitated as he grabbed the bag. He quickly grabbed the first pastry he laid his hand on and turned to Killer.
“we’re getting kicked out?” Killer repeated.
“only if you don’t pass the test,” Cross emphasized.
Killer stood up as the wall of bones went away. He shambled over to him with a misleadingly calm expression. He leaned close to Cross’s head, keeping his hands by his sides. “what’s the test?”
Cross stood his ground, keeping his eyes locked on Killer as if he would attack him if he merely glanced away. “a rescue mission,” he answered with a steady voice despite the tension.
“the blue guy said you weren’t going to torture us,” Killer spat.
“it’s not torture. i have a plan. it should be simple,” Cross insisted.
He narrowed his eye sockets. “so why are you using us as fodder?”
“it’s a test.”
Sans snagged the bag from Dusk and shoved it over to Killer. “no point in complainin’, just roll with it.”
Killer pushed the bag aside. “why are you being so compliant? he’s going to send us to our deaths!”
“because we don’t have a choice,” he sighed. “besides, we’ve gone through hell and back, what’s one more trial?”
Killer caved in and grabbed the bag to fish out a pastry for himself. He took a hefty bite from it specifically to talk with his mouth full, “you gonna leave us alone after we complete this ‘rescue mission’?”
“yeah, just this one thing and you’ll all prove that i can trust you to stay here.”
Killer winced at the word “trust”. He quickly scarfed the rest of the pastry down. Now that he thought about it, he couldn’t really blame Cross for putting them through a trial considering that they’re all murderers. Well, he didn’t think Sans should be judged to the same extent as them. He needed to kill all those humans in order to survive.
“why does sans need to go too? his friends and family have already been staying here,” he asked.
Cross looked surprised by his question. Fucker probably didn’t expect him to be considerate. “the plan’s easier with three people, and all three of you worked with nightmare.”
“worked!?” Killer shoved the bag towards Sans and grabbed Cross by his shirt. “we didn’t work with that bastard. he KIDNAPPED us! if you think for one second that we associated with him? oh you got it entirely wrong, asshole! do you think we had fun being his fucking toys?” he snapped.
“killer, let go of him,” Sans said.
“y’know what? fine. i’ll do your stupid test. nothing you put me through will be worse than what he did to us,” he snarled before pushing him away.
Cross fixed the wrinkles Killer made on his clothes. His nonchalant behavior pissed Killer off even more.
He was lucky he actually listened to Sans.
“sorry, i wasn’t aware of that,” he said quietly.
Killer calmed down only slightly at the apology. He crossed his arms and scoffed, “you better be.”
Cross waited for them to finish eating breakfast before he went over the plan.
As he talked more, the three were even less psyched about doing this.
They were going to disguise themselves and then enter the place through a portal made by Ink. The first part of the plan was finding the right monster. Cross handed them an image for reference. They collectively sighed when they saw it was yet another Sans. If he wasn't wearing the same outfit it would be hard to find him, that's not to mention that Cross said the place they were infiltrating was a packed warehouse.
The second part of the plan was actually leaving the place. Which was supposedly the easier part of the plan because Ink will arrive and make another portal once they find the monster.
All in all, this just sounded like some dumb hidden object game rather than a rescue mission.
Ink arrived at the room shortly after Cross finished explaining. He came in holding a pile of clothes, their disguises.
Said clothes were all campy and flashy.
“in what world,” Sans held up a sequin jacket that had colors that could blind hawks, “are these disguises?”
“Well you're going to a party! A rave, specifically,” Ink explained.
Killer snatched a red leather jacket and bell bottom jeans from the pile. “all of these shirts suck, i’m gonna change.” He went over to the bathroom with the articles in hand.
“Oh yeah!” Ink snapped his hand. He reached into the pockets of his pants and took out three pairs of sunglasses, each were different shapes. “Almost forgot the most important part.”
“glasses,” Sans remarked.
Dusk and Sans exchanged glances with each other.
“it's really bright there,” Cross explained.
“in a warehouse?”
“trust me, the strobe lights could probably blind you otherwise.”
Sans narrowed his sockets.
Killer finished changing and waltzed out of the bathroom, flaunting his gaudy outfit.
“no shirt?” Sans remarked.
“i said they all suck.”
“surely you could just wear the shirt you already had on.”
“actually,” Cross butted in, “after you three get back we’re burning those clothes immediately. so probably don't wear anything that's actually yours.”
“and why are you doing that?”
“Cooties,” Ink deadpanned.
Cross frowned at him.
“Anyways, take a pair. Whatever you do, do not take them off.” Ink held out the shades with a wink.
Killer opted for the triangular ones while Dusk grabbed the rectangular ones and Sans got the circular ones.
Then Dusk and Sans grabbed whatever clothing, tossing any attempts to make a cohesive outfit out the window, and took turns changing in the bathroom.
Finally, Cross looked over the three, determining if their disguises were good to go. Dusk and Sans’s fits were horrible. That neon fluffy bucket hat that Sans wore was definitely not comfortable. At least Killer had a cohesive outfit.
He spent a second longer looking at Killer's sunglasses. He leaned close to Ink. “it doesn't cover his sockets fully,” he whispered.
“It’ll be fiiine,” Ink assured. He clasped his hands together. “Okay! You're all ready to go. Don't forget, you're looking for Epic, the most notable feature is the scar on his eye socket. Keep your distance from other partygoers and do not take off those shades.” His scarf swept at the floor underneath the three, creating holes that lead to their destination.
The three could barely see Ink waving goodbye as they fell.
The landing wasn't bad, all of them landed on their feet just fine, but the change in atmosphere gave them whiplash. While it was dark as night, strobe lights flashed and lit up the place erratically.
Oh god the music.
Eurodance from the 90’s was blasting with bass heavy enough to shake the building.
Oh god, the amount of monsters.
They were also dressed in gaudy outfits, which explained why their disguises were like that.
“cool. all we need to do is find whoever the hell ‘epic’ is. should we split?” Killer asked.
“oh god no,” Sans said.
Dusk grabbed them by their shoulders to drag them around and start their search.
“they're all wearing glasses too, didn't they say a scar on the socket is how we can differentiate him?” Sans said.
Killer groaned, “this is gonna take forever! we should just ask around or something.”
“you suddenly in the mood for social interaction?”
“this sensory nightmare’s making me feel like i’m floating out of my body, i just want to get this over with.” Killer approached one of the partygoers. “hey, y’know where a skeleton called epic is?”
He was completely ignored.
“cool. awesome. if we don't split up this’ll literally take forever, peace.” Killer walked off without waiting for the other two’s input.
Dusk and Sans watched as he got lost in the crowd in a whopping five seconds.
Dusk face palmed.
“maybe…maybe we can ask the dj? then they'll put out an announcement, or something,” Sans said.
“not that simple,” Dusk signed. He spelled out “fishy”.
“would it hurt to try?”
Dusk frantically shook his fist in a “yes.”
“eh, don't be a downer. where is the dj, anyway?” He looked around, fortunately most of the monsters here were around the same height as him so his view wasn't too obstructed. “yeesh, this place is big.”
The strobe lights flickered more as they all started moving to one point. The lights shone on the DJ station, the DJ themself was still shrouded in darkness. The sound of scratching discs filled the building as the music quieted down. “HOW WE FEELIN’ BROSEPHS ‘N JOESEPHS!?”
A mechanical roar of cheers rang out among the crowd.
They recognized that voice. They most definitely recognized that voice.
Dusk grabbed Sans by the arm.
“okay,” Sans breathed, “that's fine. maybe, no one knows his deal. we can just. leave the building.”
Dusk tugged at Sans, pointing furiously at the ground.
It was hard to notice due to how dark and packed it is, but on the ground were several piles of dust.
“hm. nice knowing ya.”
“You party animals havin’ fun?! I know I am, yo!” The unmistakable sound of Fresh’s voice boomed throughout the warehouse. The lights finally shone on him. He looked exactly the same as the first time they saw him. He was spinning. a disc on his finger. “I just gots some totes rad news before we continue on with gettin’ jiggy.”
The colored lights moved over to his side, revealing a stage that was hidden in the darkness, and on the stage was Killer. He looked confused, as if he didn't even know how he got up there.
Sans nearly swore but Dusk slapped a hand over his mouth.
When he caught sight of Fresh he stood frozen like a deer caught in headlights.
“Any bros know this fool?” Fresh asked. He put the disk back on the turntable and scratched his chin. “I don't. Did we invite him?” His bemusement barely masked his elation at having prey he didn't have to catch.
Killer didn't know what to do. He looked down at the crowd. The sunglasses they wore were originally all blank but the familiar “YOLO” text was on them now.
Running definitely wasn't going to help.
“Eh no biggie. I’ll give him a proper introduction to this rad party.” Fresh turned the music back on.
Killer internally swore at Cross, cursing his entire life. He was going to die and it was going to be to the fucking tune of a stupid 90’s song about sex. Well he wasn't going down without a fight.
He summoned a blaster aimed at Fresh and fired.
Only for one of the partygoers to leap into the blast to block it.
Killer watched in horror as he dusted that monster. The familiar rush of exp hit him like a truck, he couldn't help but fall to his knees.
“oh god,” Sans muttered from the crowd.
The three were completely powerless in this situation. This wasn't a fucking test. They were sent to their deaths.
What a sick joke.
“Oh snap! Well, you're just gonna hafta replace that now, aren't ya?” Fresh disappeared with a poof, promptly reappearing behind Killer.
Killer quickly pushed himself up and backed away from him.
Fresh didn't even follow him, the stage wasn't that big anyway.
He reached the edge of the stage, back to the crowd. Only Fresh could see the fear on his face.
Some of the crowd climbed on stage to grab his ankles, anchoring him down.
 He was hyperventilating, he was overwhelmed, he felt nothing at all.
He felt nothing at all.
Dusk and Sans went as far as they could away from the stage. They eventually reached a wall. Sans leaned against it in defeat while Dusk banged his skull against it.
Sans winced at the loud thud.
They could vaguely see the stage from here. Killer was gone and Fresh returned to his station.
The party continued on like nothing happened.
“so. do you think you’ll end up back in your universe after, or.”
Dusk huffed.
“right.” Dumb question.
They just stood there against the wall watching the neverending party. They questioned if this was hell or purgatory. No, this was definitely hell.
“ey, i finally found you guys.” It was Killer.
Dusk and Sans tensed.
His soul was a shape they’ve never seen it be before. It was in the shape of a flower.
“chillax, i’m not gonna do anything,” he said. His cadence was off. “you two have just been standing there all gloomy…” He put a hand on the wall just above Dusk’s shoulder. “why don’t you come join the fun?”
With how close he was, Dusk was able to see the parasitic flower in the small sliver of his sockets that wasn't covered by the triangular shades.
Killer leaned closer to his face. “c’mon, i’m getting lonely.”
Sans socked him in the face.
Dusk flinched back in surprise as Killer fell to the ground from the impact.
Sans shook the pain off his hand. “i think we're good.”
Dusk knelt down by Killer. He took his shades off and immediately plunged his hand into the socket containing the flower.
“uh—” Sans reached a hand out but was interrupted by Killer’s lucid screaming.
The nearby skeletons slowed their dancing, turning over to the interruption.
With one last quick yank, the flower snapped off. Dusk dropped it and stamped his foot on it repeatedly.
Killer gasped for air and keened in pain. Then he passed out.
Dusk blinked in shock.
Sans cringed, “think you went a bit overboard.”
“you were the one who punched him!” Dusk blurted stupidly.
“yup, and you committed malpractice.”
The music came to a halt with a dramatic record scratch.
The lights landed on the three.
“Yo, dudes. Quit harshin’ the vibe,” Fresh scoffed into the mic.
Dusk rolled his eyelights and picked Killer up, draping him over his shoulder.
They were surrounded now, by the skeletons under his control.
Dusk summoned multiple blasters overhead, ready to fire if any of them stepped closer.
“Yeesh! You three weren't even invited! What's the dealio? That scummy octo brought you here to rustle my jimmies or something?”
That. Wasn't even 90’s lingo.
There was some feedback coming from the mic. “That thing’s not comin’ here for real, actually, right?” For once he sounded unsure.
Was he actually threatened by Nightmare?
They had to roll with the lie. They could survive this. They just had to convince him he was coming.
Sans put a hand on Dusk’s shoulder. “nah yeah, he won't have to intervene as long as we get what he needs.”
“Bogus! Whaddaheck would that dillweed need?”
Sans pulled out the image of Epic from his pocket and showed it to the nearest partygoer. “we just need this guy, and we'll be outta your hair.”
“Oooh, yeah, I get what you're layin’ down.”
Said nearest partygoer grabbed Sans’s wrist.
“You're fibbin’.”
Dusk was just about to fire the blasters on standby, only for a cluster of bones to sprout from the ceiling and stab through the giant skulls.
Dusk grumbled. He adjusted his grip on Killer so that he didn't drop him.
“you're kinda grabbing his butt,” Sans pointed out.
“we’ve done worse.”
“go back to not talking.”
“Aight. So y’all come on in uninvited and interrupt my bodacious party? S’all good. I’ll let you dudes bounce…not!” Fresh yelled into the mic. “I’m gonna enjoy taking y’all over. You're not worming your way out this time.”
Right as his sentence ended, it was disproved. A portal opened. It was like the light at the end of the tunnel.
That portal looked similar to the ones Nightmare made, actually.
“Ah, nah, what’s the dealio?”
But instead of the guardian of negativity arriving, a huge wave of tiny not-quite-skeletons poured in like a flood.
“what,” Dusk and Sans said in unison as absolute chaos unfolded in the warehouse.
These “not-quite-skeletons” acted more like hyperactive temmies. Their giant skulls were bigger than the rest of their body making them look more like aliens than anything. They all wore bandanas that matched the color of their huge star eyelights. They bounded around the place causing total anarchy.
Fresh among others were trampled by these small menaces. Some were simply dancing to the music while others were actively jumping some of the partygoers. They swore they even saw one playing with a pile of dust.
And all of this was happening while “We Like to Party!” by the Vengaboys was playing.
A second portal opened up behind them. They didn't even get to process this before someone yanked them through.
They both landed on their backs. Killer peacefully laid atop Dusk, still managing to sleep through that all. Hopefully he wasn't in a coma.
Dusk and Sans looked at each other, unsure if they were both already dead or if what they saw was all real.
Certainly one hell of a deus ex machina, but with all the shit they’ve gone through they might as well accept it with open arms.
It was Blue that stood over them, looking utterly concerned. “oh my GOD, you three almost died! well, you would’ve been under fresh’s control for whoever knows how long and then you would collapse from exhaustion and then die, but still,” he rambled. He put a hand on his face. “If my plan didn't work…well! Glad it did! Even if it wasn't the one I initially had,” he sighed in relief. “I’m SO sorry you guys went through that! I told Cross not to do it but, ARGH, no one listens to me!” He stomped his foot, it reminded them of Papyrus.
Another portal appeared next to him and two skeletons walked out. One was dressed like they just walked out of an anime convention and the other was clearly a skeleton from Fresh’s party.
“Thank you so much Dream,” Blue said.
The two looked closely at him. There was a star made out of magic floating by his forehead. It reminded them of the crescent moon that rested near Nightmare's forehead. He was the one that created the portals similar to him too.
“you're his brother,” Sans said.
“Hm? Brother? I don’t…”
“They already know he's your brother, Dream,” Blue interrupted.
Dream darted his eyelights away guiltily. “I promise you, I’m not like him at all. I’m so sorry he held you all captive for a year! It must've been horrible.”
Dusk and Sans didn't really care about the needless pity. Both of them had one thing on their mind and it was punching the living daylights out of Cross.
“Right…” Blue said awkwardly. “Anyway, Dream, please tend to Epic, I’ll take these guys from here.”
Dream nodded and teleported himself and the other skeleton, who was apparently Epic, off to someplace else.
Blue stared down at the three who hadn't budged at all. “So, do you guys need help getting up, or.”
“i’m staying down here, thanks,” Sans said.
“Is Killer knocked out, or sleeping?”
“he's been out cold ever since Dusk ripped off the flower in his socket.”
Blue smacked the side of his skull, looking distraught. He looked around the place—they just realized they were in someone's living room—and told them to stay there before bolting off to another room.
Sans turned his attention to Killer and Dusk. “are you just gonna have him lay on top of you the whole time?”
Dusk shrugged. Honestly he was kind of comfortable like this. Killer was like a weighted blanket.
Sans finally got up from the floor, stretching his back with a groan. He stumbled over to the couch nearby and flopped onto it. He massaged his face. “god, i don't want to do anything ever again.”
Dusk hummed in agreement.
Blue came back shortly after with a stash of snacks. He dumped them onto the coffee table in front of the couch. “I got some snacks so you guys can replenish your energy. Do any of you know healing magic?”
Dusk nodded.
Blue walked over to him, leaning down to pick up Killer off of him only for Dusk to slap his hand away. “Oh! Sorry, I thought you were stuck,” he said, embarrassed.
Dusk sat up, holding Killer in his arms. He carefully put his hand over his soul and started healing it.
“you're not even going to eat first—Okay, that's fine.” Blue looked away from the poor medical practice. He waited a moment. “Okay, you're not supposed to keep going until he wakes up, you're gonna overload his soul with magic.”
Dusk rolled his eyelights and drew his hand away.
“He should wake up in a few minutes. In the meantime,” he grabbed something off the table and threw it at him, “eat something!”
The packaged snack bumped his head and fell to the floor sadly.
Dusk laid Killer down, having his head rest on his legs so that he could pick up the snack and eat it.
Blue turned to Sans. “You should eat something too.”
Sans glanced at the food on the table, then back at Blue. “why are you helping us?” he asked.
Blue looked disheartened by his suspicion. He fidgeted with his hands. “because i want to. And why wouldn't I? Everyone deserves help!”
“real naive of you to say.”
Blue’s expression hardened. “Fine, maybe it’s more than that. Maybe I want to feel like I’m worth something by helping people out. Maybe I’m sick of people dying when I could’ve done something. Maybe I’m guilty, so I help assholes like you in order to cope! Is that a selfish enough answer for you?”
Sans grabbed something off the table to eat. “sure.”
Blue sighed, crossing his arms. “good.”
They sat in silence as the two ate a bit. After a few uncomfortable minutes, Killer finally woke up.
He rolled off of Dusk. He immediately fired a round of questions, “everything hurts. why’s it so dark. where am i?”
“The lights are on?” Blue said.
“who the hell are you?”
“i think you blinded him, dude,” Sans said.
“what?!” Killer shouted.
“He shouldn’t be permanently blinded, he just needs to eat!” Blue assured. “Carelessly yanking out Fresh’s flower temporarily blinds the victim because it injures the orbit, and any injury to that area causes temporary blindness as our magic prioritizes healing it over being able to see.”
“oh, you’re the nerd that gave us food yesterday.”
“i’m the huh?” Blue mumbled. He shook off the insult and grabbed some packaged crackers off the table to give to Killer. “Anyway, we’re not at the hub right now. You guys are gonna crash at my place, which is here, until I give Cross a talk.”
Killer gnawed on the crackers without removing the wrapper, until Dusk snatched it from him to properly open it and hand it back to him. 
Killer poured the crumbs into his mouth, a good amount of it missed and landed on the floor which Blue decided to ignore.
After blinking a few times, Killer was able to see again. “where is ‘here’?”
“I don’t really have time to explain what this place is but uh, I suggest not going outside because you might end up in a different universe,” Blue said casually. “I shouldn’t be gone for too long, but in case I am, you guys are free to raid the kitchen, watch some tv, etc—Oh yeah! I also have a book containing all my notes on the multiverse if you wanna read it. Since you three are outcodes now it’ll be useful to know about some of the threats and important areas in the multiverse.”
The three of them looked at him like he was speaking a different language.
He coughed into his hand and pulled the book out from his inventory to set it on the coffee table. He awkwardly waved goodbye which got no responses and left the house.
“that guy’s too nice,” Killer remarked. “how hasn’t he died?”
“my guess is dumb luck or he’s hiding something.” Sans sat up on the couch, looking curiously at the book, which was actually just some spiral bound notebook. He picked it up, might as well read it to pass the time.
Killer stood up, stumbling a bit as he waited for the vertigo to pass. “i’m gonna snoop around,” he announced.
“have fun with that.”
While Killer wandered off and Sans read, Dusk went over to the fridge.
Sans flipped through the pages of the notebook, skimming over the titles of various names of people and places. He paused when he saw Nightmare’s name.
“dusk, get over here!”
Dusk walked over with no haste at all. He was holding two glasses, and was currently drinking out of one. He held out the other to Sans.
Sans looked up from the book to see the concoction he was giving him. It was nearly the same as all the past times Dusk made the mistake of playing bartender. Except this time…”did you add crushed chips? that thing has at least four different textures in it now.”
Dusk shrugged.
Killer walked back in the room, looking very dissatisfied. He wasn’t able to find anything interesting or any skeletons in the closet. His sights immediately landed on the drinks. “what the fuck is that?” he chuckled.
“nah, killer this ain’t for you.” Sans took the second drink from Dusk’s hand.
“aw, what?”
“anyway,” he took a sip, “this guy has notes about nightmare.”
Killer walked around the table and sat next to Sans. “woah, that's crazy.” He leaned closer at the book, but quickly switched his target to the drink.
Unfortunately, Sans was quick enough to move the drink away before he could take a sip.
Killer grumbled disappointedly and looked back at the book, actually reading the page this time. “i mean, we already know all of this, i don't see how this is…” he trailed off as he got halfway through the page. “huh. he’s had quite the history.”
“whaddya think being ‘the guardian of negativity’ means?”
“does it matter? we hate him. end of story.”
Sans eyed the line that said Nightmare couldn't feel positive emotions. If that was true, that explained a lot of things, but did that change anything? Not really. “yeah, i guess it doesn't.”
Once he was back at the hub, Blue hunted down Cross. His angry speech died on his metaphorical tongue the second he saw him and Epic having a reunion. He stopped in his tracks and watched them from a distance.
Ink appeared by his side, also watching the two. “Ah, a happy ending.” “It was completely unnecessary for any of this to happen and you know it,” Blue said sternly.
Ink pouted. “Aw, are you mad at me? It wasn’t my idea to send those three to their deaths.”
Blue scowled at him. “But it’s your fault Fresh kidnapped Epic in the first place.” Ink looked dumbfounded and then guilty, like a dog that was caught doing something it shouldn’t. “You’re getting too good at reading me…” he sighed. “How long did you know?”
“The second we found out it was Fresh that took Epic I immediately knew it was you,” Blue deadpanned. There were only a few people who could’ve let Fresh into the place, and only one person who would’ve. Besides, ever since Cross rescued Epic from his scripted death, Ink would glare at him like he personally wronged him.
“Aw,” Ink gave him a hug, “and you didn’t tell anyone?” He didn’t just not tell anyone he also covered for him. There was a reason Cross didn’t know he did it. “There wasn’t any point to.” “And you wouldn’t rat out your best friend!”
Blue flicked his cheek bone. “Sure,” he said sarcastically. He ended the hug with Ink with a gentle shove. “Those three are probably gonna try to kill Cross though. I’m making that your responsibility.”
Ink giggled at the idea of the three hunting down Cross. “Eh, he can handle that on his own.”
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Mom getting lazy? Telling me to lock the door behind her? When she often just leaves it unlocked without saying anything? And sometimes hanging open??
No. You get ONE lock. The one I can easily lock. The gate can fuck off.
Though it's all locked up now because Skye came home and locked it up.
0 notes
kamiversee · 5 months
Sharing Is Caring ꨄ (part 1/3)
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[ { Synopsis } ] ➤ Sure, your boyfriend Choso gets jealous from time to time but that doesn’t mean you have the right to put him on sex-ban. Hence why he’ll show you he actually has no issues with sharing you (with a certain person).
[ { Need to know } ] ➤This is a What-If scenario that stems from my fic; The F*ck List— A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt.
[ { Content & Warning } ] ➤ f!reader, lots of teasing and taunting, language, heavy sexual tension, buildup to a threesome, & two guys who are completely infatuated with you ^.^
[ { Parings } ] ➤ Choso x f!reader & Gojo x f!reader.
[ { Word Count } ] ➤ 6.7k
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“Oh my god Choso, shut up,” You whined, brows tense and eyes narrowed at your boyfriend who you’ve been arguing with for the past twenty minutes.
Choso scoffs, “Excuse me?” He tests, trying to see if he really heard what you just said to him, “Wanna repeat that f’me?”
With an annoyed roll of your eyes, “I said shut up. You just got home and you’re already starting up with this shit again. Choso, I’m not taking you off of sex-ban.”
Dating Choso is… an experience, to say the least. Sure, he’s a wonderful boyfriend and overall the perfect man for you but, that doesn’t mean you two don’t have your arguments or periods of being upset with one another.
Again, he’s amazing and all but there are times like now where you and him really get into it. He’s stressed out and you’re frustrated— both of which don’t make the best combination.
You’re standing by his living room couch watching him tug off his jacket. Choso’s face is ticked off but he won’t stop looking at you. As for you, your eyes are everywhere else except for his.
“Baby, it’s been three weeks. Three,” He emphasizes, “I can go without sex perfectly fine but you barely even touch me now.”
“Well this is what you get for being an overly jealous boyfriend,” You say with a scoff.
Choso cocks his head to the side and his eyes narrow, “What was I supposed to do that day, huh? Just sit there and watch some guy openly flirt with you like I’m not standing right next to you?”
“You’re being dramatic,” You tell him bluntly, arms crossing over one another, “I told you numerous times before, that if you kept up the jealous act I’d put you on sex-ban, and now; here we are and you’re complaining about it.”
“It’s not the sex-ban, baby. Did you even hear what I just said?” Choso asks. He then takes a single step closer to where you are, “You don’t touch me, hug me, or even kiss me as much anymore and it’s been three weeks.”
A nonchalant little shrug is given to him, “Maybe if you didn’t scold your girlfriend for someone else’s actions, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now-“
“I already apologized for that so I don’t understand why I’m not receiving any sort of affection from you,” Choso cuts off. As he nears you, his hand goes down to his belt and he starts to unbuckle it, clearly unwinding after his long day of work.
Your eyes just barely glance over to him and down at his hands fumbling with his belt. Then, you scan your boyfriend up and down and mentally curse yourself for being upset with him right now because fuck is he too attractive for his own good.
You swallow thickly and lift your gaze to his face, only to meet his eyes already on yours. For a moment, you maintain eye contact but then, you glance off to the side again, “Because all sorts of affection always lead to something more and I banned you from sex for a reason,” You explain with a sigh.
“Yeah well, how long do I have to go through this hell, huh?” He asks, tone stern and aggravated with you.
“Hell?” You scoff, “Choso you know there are other things to our relationship outside of sex-“
“Clearly you’re not hearin’ me,” He cuts off yet again, shaking his head at you as he tugs his belt off and walks even closer to you.
Unconsciously, you take a step back and Choso kisses his teeth as you do so before he tosses his belt on the couch along with the jacket he recently took off.
With a long sigh, Choso brings a hand up to his face and wipes it, as if that’ll help him focus his thoughts. Then, he voices out your name and you tense up a little, “It’s not about the sex,” He says yet again, slowly turning his head to you, “You don’t touch me anymore. Do you know how depriving that is?”
You shrug again, “It’s not the first time you’ve gone without my touch Choso, get over it-“
“Baby you practically live with me now,” He interrupts, “I wake up in the same bed as you almost every morning and when I try to hug you, you’re pulling away from me.”
“Again, every touch leads to something else,” You repeat, frustrated with your boyfriend and how he’s making such a big deal out of this.
Choso’s eyes narrow and a vein pops out in his forehead, “Do you think I lack that much self-control? If you put me on sex-ban then you put me on sex-ban. I have enough restraint to respect that, princess.”
You release a huff, “Okay, well-“
“Well what?” He cuts off impatiently.
Your face twists up, “Well if you’d let me—,” You blink and notice how close he’s gotten to you, your head angling up just a bit to make eye contact with him as he stands hardly an inch away from you. God, he smells good, “F-Finish…” You gulp, “I-I’m not an idiot Choso, you and I both know that self-control or no, when you’re pent up, you get more needy and I always let you have your way.”
“Are you listening to anything I’m saying to you?” Choso asks, head tipping to the side for a moment before he’s leaning down to you, “No seriously, are you rendering the words coming out of my mouth, love?” He asks almost in a way that makes you feel small.
A scowl washes over your expression as your eyes meet his once more, “Yes I’m rendering the words coming out of your mouth, Choso. Are you comprehending anything I’m saying to you?”
“I am.” He hums.
“Okay then why are we still having this conversation?” You ask in a dull tone, voice a bit softer now that he’s all close to you.
Choso cracks a little smirk but he still sounds annoyed, “Because you haven’t laid a finger on me in five days.”
“That’s a hundred and twenty hours without a single touch from you,” He explains, eyes boring into yours.
Your brows raise and you snicker, “You can’t be serious-“
“It’s been seven days since I last felt your arms around me,” He continues, his body inching closer to your own.
You don’t move away this time and simply keep your eyes directly on his, “Why are you keeping track?”
“Sixteen days since you last kissed me,” Choso recalls, his voice getting lower.
“Oh come on-“
His hand is suddenly placed on your waist and he tugs your body up against his, “And three weeks since we’ve had sex.”
Your breath hitches a bit as your chest clashes with his and you keep your arms and hands everywhere except on him, pretty much proving all the points he just made.
Were you really trying not to touch Choso for the past three weeks? Yes. Is that because you’re worried about him getting carried away? No, you’re worried about you getting carried away. You know Choso has self-control but, it’s you who lacks it sometimes.
Swallowing hard, “Choso…” You murmur carefully.
“Baby I’m starved,” He nearly groans out, both his arms wrapping around your waist while his face inclines toward your own, “I need something from you-, anything.”
You bite down on your lower lip and stare at your boyfriend’s face. He’s so close to you, so desperate for you— it was cute how needy he was.
Purposefully, you lean closer to him and his eyes sink to your lips immediately as they nearly press into his own. Then, you stop a hair away from him, teasing him-, torturing him, “Not until you fix your jealousy issue,” You whisper to the man.
Oh Choso’s losing his mind right now. The urge he has to just press his lips into your plush ones is simply killing him. The arms around your waist tighten and his eyes are pleading with you.
“Baby please?” Choso begs, voice laced with the faintest whine.
You nearly folded at the sound of his begging. Hell, your eyelids began to lower and you wanted to kiss him just as badly as he wanted a kiss from you. You know just one won’t hurt but the fact that it’s been three weeks worries you.
He’s not the only one all pent up and starved, nor does he have any idea how horny you’ve been the past few weeks.
There was a day he came home from the gym and you watched him snatch his sweaty shirt off his body. You swore you were drooling for your boyfriend at the time because he’d been working out excessively just for you.
That was the last day you ended up kissing Choso because as soon as he went and showered, you were all over him. It was hard to control yourself when he smelled so good and his hair was all loose and damp with water— soft groans leaving his throat every time you pressed your lips to his jaw.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t considering eating him up that day. But, you managed to get ahold of yourself at the time and just barely pried your body away from his.
As of right now on the other hand… Your hands are carefully lifting to his arms, gently feeling his muscles through his clothes as your faces remain close to one another.
You wanted to kiss him so badly. It won’t hurt, right?
Slowly, your arms lift up even more and soon wrap around his neck— to which Choso’s breathing picks up and his heart rate increases. The smallest touches from you were already driving him crazy and his hands began to explore your back a little.
“Just one,” You whisper to the man, “One kiss, okay?”
Choso’s nodding eagerly, “Okay.”
The two of you are leaning in, anticipation bubbling in the pits of both of your stomachs as your lips gaze his and he gets the faintest touch of your skin— only to be interrupted by the sudden buzzing of your phone in your pocket.
You pull away and glance down and Choso swears his eye twitches. He was so close, he almost felt your lips again, your pretty soft and heaven-sent lips almost touched his, and yet someone had the nerve to interrupt.
Choso groans and you try to reach in your pocket for your phone but he suddenly smacks your hand away and reaches in your pocket himself.
You frown, “Choso-“
“Who’s callin’ us?” He cuts off. He sounds more pissed off than he was earlier.
The second his eyes lay on the contact written across your screen, he scoffs. The timing couldn’t have been better.
You move to try and see what he’s looking at but Choso shifts his hand on you and pushes your body away.
“Choso what the hell? Who’s calling-“
“You said I’ve been too jealous of a boyfriend, right?” Choso interrupts, his lips curving into a faint smirk before he lifts his gaze to you.
You nod slowly and wearily, “Y-Yeah, but what does that have to do with whoever’s calling m-“
“I’ll answer it for you, baby,” Choso says sweetly before flashing you a smile.
Your brows pinch together and you blink, “Who is it-“
He ignores your question and lifts the phone to his ear, “Hello?”
Someone speaks back to him but you’ve got no idea who.
“Ohhh, you called on accident? Yeah, no, I get that, happens to the best of us,” Choso hums with a shrug.
He seems all too calm and casual about this so you’re mentally trying to figure out who the hell could’ve called you to where your boyfriend is talking so calmly.
You just stand and watch in confusion for a minute as he continues his conversation.
“Yeah, that’s me,” Choso chuckles a bit but there’s a slight vein peeping against his jawline, “Nah man you’re fine. Actually, since I’ve got you on the phone, can I ask you somethin’?”
Your eyes widen and your heart is beating all over the damn place. Slowly, you try to get closer to your boyfriend, “Choso, who-“
He cuts you off by placing a single finger to your lips, quite literally shushing you. You’re taken back by his action and ticked off by his rude gesture.
“You used to fuck my girlfriend, right?” The man questions bluntly. Your entire face gets hot and you’re not sure if that’s because you’re pissed off or because you’re flustered.
Who the hell could he be talking to? Suguru? No, Choso doesn’t get along with him that well… Who else has your number that you’ve-
Your eyes go wide and you move to reach for your phone and snatch it from Choso’s hand but he swiftly and smoothly evades your attempt, mockingly scoffing at you.
“Choso what the hell is wrong with you? Give me my phone-“
Your boyfriend smiles at you. He finds entertainment in how ticked off you are and it only makes you angrier. Especially when he shakes his head no and moves away from you.
Then he has the nerve to laugh, “Yes, I do know the answer to that already. But my question still stands and I’d like to hear it from you since I have you on the phone,” Choso speaks.
You’re still following him around and trying to get your phone from him but he just moves and weaves all of your reaches.
“Yeahh see? There’s the confidence I was lookin’ for,” He says to the male over the phone, “So…” Choso makes eye contact with you and your heart sinks as his words come out, “Wanna do it again?”
The man on the call chokes on air so loudly that even you hear it despite not being near the phone. Then you hear a nervous chuckle, one that’s all too familiar to you.
You fold your arms at your boyfriend, who simply winks at you. “Choso, what are you-“
“Shut up,” He says to you sternly, “You said I’m too jealous of a boyfriend so now I’m trying to change that.”
“By being a fuckin’ asshole?” You spit out to him, both confused and annoyed by everything right now.
“No,” Choso negates, smiling sweetly at you again, “By calling someone over to please my pretty lil’ girlfriend since she won’t let me do it.”
You blink, “What? Choso-“
“Huh? What was that?” He interrupts, his attention back on the phone call, “Yes I was being serious. I-, oh…” His expression dips a little, “T-There’s a word for that kinda thing?”
You wish you could hear the entirety of this conversation because you’re so confused as to where this is going.
“Ohhh, then yeah,” Choso nods his head and looks at you with a smile, “I guess you could call me that—,” Something is said over the phone and he laughs, “What? No, she doesn’t know. Or, she didn’t know but, she’ll find out soon enough right?”
“Find out what soon enough-,” He starts walking away from you and you move to follow him, “Choso!”
You’re ignored as his conversation continues and eventually, Choso walks into his bedroom, shuts the door in your face, and locks it.
You stand there for a while staring at the door in disbelief of your boyfriend. What the hell just happened? What the actual fuck is going on??
You go to knock on the door, “Choso, open the door!” You shout.
The sound of him still chatting it up with Gojo over the phone is heard and you’re feeling all too many emotions at once. From annoyance to anger to confusion and even very faint arousal, you were completely baffled.
Another groan pours from your lips and after beating your hand against the door for maybe five minutes or so, awaiting some kind of response from your boyfriend, you just give up and stomp off.
Annoyed beyond belief, you make your way back into the living room, grab his things, and toss them onto the floor before plopping down on the couch.
You hastily grab the nearby remote and press play on the TV, bringing your thumb to your lip and chewing on your nail a bit as you try to distract yourself from whatever the fuck your lovely boyfriend is talking about with Gojo Satrou.
Somewhere deep down, you think you’re thankful Gojo called when he did because you almost kissed Choso again and you knew you’d let him take things further if he wanted to. If Choso thinks he’s deprived, he’s got another thing coming because you’ve been aching for it.
Doesn’t he know it’s just as difficult for you not to touch him as it is for him not to be touched? Does he not realize how much of a tease he can be? How in the middle of the night, he’d snuggle into your back and his crotch would press into your ass? Waking you up horny and frustrated?
You scoff. Choso doesn’t even realize how whenever he comes home from his job, he looks so stupidly handsome undressing himself— slight grunts and groans leaving those soft lips of his as he does so.
Then, even when you were hugging him, he’d bury his face into the crook of your neck and his every exhale and inhale made your heart skip a beat.
Oh and let’s not forget how simple phone calls and text messages were enough to get you worked up. It’d be so random too how Choso would text you as you’re in class. Something simple like Baby I miss you would have your heart throbbing and your smile unwavering.
There was one weekend where Choso left town to go visit his two younger brothers and he called you late that night. His voice was deep, husked even, and his breathing was a bit unsteady as he told you he was trying to go to sleep but he couldn’t because he started thinking about you…
Thus leading to him with a painful boner. Then, to make matters worse, not only did he end up sending you a video of what you do to him even when you’re not around but, he had the nerve to return home that week looking fucking perfect.
His face had seemed clearer, his skin was as smooth as ever, he smelled heavenly, and of course— of course Choso decided to come home and touch all over your body, claiming to have missed you terribly.
He was such a fucking tease. And he knows it too, Choso knows what he does to you. He sees it in your face all the time— hears it in your voice.
Which is all exactly why he couldn’t bear with you reducing your touches. That’s what caused the argument today as he came home.
Normally, if you were at Choso’s apartment when he got off of work, which you have been more-so in the past few months, you’d rush to him and greet him at his door. Before the sex-ban, you’d help him undress and smother his face in kiss after kiss, telling him how much you missed him, etc.
And of course he appreciated this more than anything. Hence why he’d constantly note that because you do little things like that, he swears to put a ring on your finger if you’d let him.
Even so, ever since you told Choso you weren’t gonna have sex with him for a while, you stopped doing so. Which is all why he’s upset and you’re frustrated. Maybe you should just drop the sex-ban…
Or maybe just touch him more like he wants and learn some self-control. But, it’s not like it’s your fault your boyfriend is so irresistible. How are you supposed to keep your hands off him-
There’s a sudden knock on the front door and you flinch out of your thoughts. You’d been so caught up with them that you hadn’t even realized thirty minutes had gone by and you still didn’t have your phone, nor did Choso come out of his room.
Instead of moving a muscle, you groan, “Cho, someone’s at the door!”
There’s no response for a minute and your groan deepens as you toss your head back against the couch and frown.
“Choso!” You shout, voice projecting throughout his apartment.
“What?!” He shouts back from his bedroom.
You turn your head toward the direction of his hallway, “There’s someone at the door!”
Neither of you has moved an inch and both of you are just shouting across his home, “You can’t answer it?” He asks.
“You’re closer!” You argue.
Choso chuckles and then his voice gets a bit louder as he cracks his door open to yell, “It’s for you anyway!”
“I-,” You blink and then let off a scoff as you spring up from the couch, “Tch, it’s for you anyway…” You say under your breath, mocking your boyfriend in an annoyed tone.
Everything he was doing was pissing you off and you had half a mind to head back to your apartment. Every step you took was heavy and you wanted Choso to hear how agitated you were.
“Can’t even answer the fuckin’ door…” You grumble to yourself as your hand reaches for the knob, unlocks the door, and goes to open it, “…Getting on my goddamn-,” You swing the door open and your eyes immediately widen, “…N-Nerves,” You whisper out to finish your statement.
In front of you stands Gojo Satoru. All six foot three of him, bright fluffy white hair, black t-shirt, grey sweatpants, angelically handsome face, and stupid rose-tinted lips pulled into a smug grin standing right in front of you.
You had to blink once, maybe twice-, perhaps three or four times to figure out if you were seeing things before you scoff, “Satoru?”
Cocking his head to the side, “Trouble in paradise?” Gojo comments in response, voice just as playful as you remember it.
“W-What the fuck are you doing here?” You breathe out, brows tensing and confusion taking over.
Gojo’s shoulders lift into a casual shrug, “I was invited, duh.”
You stare. Then, slowly and carefully, you start nodding as you move to shut the door on him. Maybe you were dreaming?
A hand is pressed to the edge of the door, an arm nearing your head as this hand comes from behind you, and the door is pulled open. You instantly jump as your boyfriend seemed to have simply appeared right behind you and you swear your heart was pounding out of your chest.
Lips near your ear and Choso’s voice is smooth as he speaks to you, “C’mon baby, don’t be rude to our guest,” He murmurs to you, deep voice caressing your eardrums and making you lose all your thoughts for a moment.
You quickly snap out of it and whirl your head around to look at the dark-haired man, “Choso, what the hell is going on-“
“Oh c’monnn,” Gojo suddenly speaks, “You heard your boyfriend,” He chuckles and you turn to him, eyes going wide as he leans down to you, “Don’t be rude to your guest,” Gojo murmurs.
He was so close that you could smell the faint mint coming from his mouth. His proximity worried you and you stepped back, only to run into Choso and your entire backside to bump into him. Your boyfriend places a hand on your waist and tugs you back a bit to give space for Gojo to walk in.
Never in your life have you been more confused than you are as you watch Gojo Satoru enter your boyfriend Choso’s apartment.
Then, Choso leans over just a little so that he can shut the door but he doesn’t move from behind you. Your eyes are all over Gojo’s face, asking him a million questions with your gaze alone.
Gojo starts snickering, “Sweets, if you have a question, just ask-“
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You blurt out, tone heated before you proceed to give him no time to respond. You’re then turning to Choso, “What the hell is going on?”
Your boyfriend stares at you innocently, “Isn’t it obvious?”
“Yeah, you’re a smart girl, you can figure it out,” Gojo chastises.
You swear you’re about two seconds away from popping a blood vessel. An arm of yours moves to shove Choso away from you and you scoff, “First off, fuck both of you. Start explaining yourselves, now.” You huff out sternly.
Choso flashes a sheepish grin, “I already explained everything to you, why are you confused-“
“You were being serious?!” You shout, “You seriously called Satoru over to fuck me?! What the hell is wrong with you?”
“You said I was too jealous of a boyfriend so I invited him to prove to you that I’m not,” Choso tells you, the look on his face completely serious.
You couldn’t believe him right now. Not only were you feeling embarrassed having Gojo stand here and listen to you and Choso bicker like an old married couple but you were also fuming with your boyfriend.
“W-What?!” You huff out.
Choso gives you this blank stare he knows pisses you off, “I don’t understand why you’re confused.”
“You don’t understand why I’m-,” You cut yourself off with a sigh and move to pinch the bridge of your nose with your fingers, “Choso Kamo, this is the kinda thing you talk about with your girlfriend beforehand.”
“Are we not talking about it now?” He argues, moving to fold his arms across his chest and tilt his head.
You glare at him for a moment before glancing back to Gojo. Then, you chuckle in an annoyed manner, “We shouldn’t be talking about this in front of… him.”
“Him?” Gojo pouts, “Hey, I have a name y’know-“
“Satoru shut the hell up. You will be dealt with, just give me a moment,” You cut off warningly. Turning back to look at Choso, “As for you, I don’t know what the hell’s gotten into you but we’re not doing this.”
Choso raises a brow, “Not doing what baby?”
“I’m not about to…” Your face twists up in disapproval, “…To cheat on you just so you can prove some stupid point-“
“Why not?” Your boyfriend asks nonchalantly.
“What do you mean why not? Choso what even possessed you to invite Satoru over?”
“I literally told you why already,” He says bluntly, “I wanna prove I’m not the jealous dickhead you keep making me out to be.”
Your brows raise, “And you wanna prove that by making me have sex with another man in front of you?”
“First off, I’m not gonna make you do anything,” Choso clarifies, “Secondly, yes, I do want you to have sex with another guy just to prove a point.”
“You’re crazy. I mean, Cho, you can’t be serious about this-,” You cut yourself off as you just barely glance down— spotting something that makes you eat your words. “Oh… Oh wow. You-, you’re…” You stammer as your lashes bat in disbelief.
Choso scoffs, “Yeahh… Still don’t believe me?”
“Why’re you…” Your brows furrow as you stare at the bulge in your boyfriend’s sweats, “D-Did just the thought of me and Satoru having sex in front of you get you like that?” You ask softly as you point.
Gojo suddenly pops his head over your shoulder and you flinch as he speaks, “Damnnnn, you seriously are a cuck,” He chuckles out.
Then his hands slither onto your waist and your entire body tenses up. Swallowing, you turn your head to Gojo and glare at him, “Don’t touch me.”
Blue eyes meet yours and he smirks, peeling his hands off your body but keeping his face close, “He wants me to.”
“Well, I don’t. I haven’t agreed to any of this yet-“
“Yet?” Both of the men point out in sync.
You swallow, “I-I mean, I… I wish you two would’ve given me some time to… t-to y’know, wrap my head around this,” You stammer out.
Having your stupidly attractive boyfriend and the annoyingly handsome Gojo Satoru in the same room, both taunting and teasing you was unbearably nerve-wracking.
Slowly, you look over to your boyfriend, “You really want me to-“
“Yes baby,” Choso cuts off.
“What’s even in this for you… aside from,” Your eyes narrow down at his boner, “A-Aside from getting off to this twisted fantasy of yours?”
He snickers, “Uh, I’ll be off of sex-ban after this.”
Your brows pinch together and you fold your arms, “Says who?”
“Baby, the point of the sex-ban was to teach me a lesson about bein’ jealous,” Choso explains, stepping closer to you. Your body was steadily heating up since Gojo was right behind you and Choso was nearing you, “Consider this my lesson learned.”
You scoff, “…Even if I did agree to this…” Slowly, you turn back to Gojo and his face is far closer than you anticipated it to be, his lips nearly on yours as your head turned, “A-Are you seriously okay with this, Cho?”
Gojo’s hands are placed onto your waist yet again but this time, you don’t push him off or tell him to move. You stare into those pretty blue eyes of his and watch as he smiles.
“He’s more okay with this than you think,” Gojo murmurs to you, tilting his head in a way that makes it seem like he was readying himself to kiss you.
You stare at Gojo for a second longer than you mean to before turning to look at your boyfriend once more and god damn his pupils are dilated and you swear his cock has doubled in size beneath his clothes.
Oh he was extremely serious about this.
Choso chuckles, “I can’t exactly fake my dick bein’ hard, can I? What more proof about this do you need to see I’m serious?”
“S-So… if I sleep with Gojo… you want the sex-ban to be over?” You ask for clarification as you glance back and forth between Choso’s left and right eyes.
“Mhm,” He nods at you, “And my point will be proved.”
“Right…” You look at Gojo again and his lips are a hair’s length away from yours at this point, “A-And you… you’re okay with this?”
“What kinda’ question is that?” The white-haired man laughs, “In what universe would I pass up the opportunity to fuck you again?”
You frown a little but, you’re no longer shying away from this, “Satoru… T-This is so wrong-“
“Is it any more wrong than the things I’ve had you do before?” He whispers lowly to you, low enough for Choso to miss what he uttered.
You swallow thickly at his words, “W-Well… yes, yes it is. I’m cheating on-“
“Is it really cheating if he wants you to do it?” Gojo argues.
You pout, “Yes-“
“No, no it’s not,” He interrupts while flashing a comforting smile at you.
“Can you two stop arguing and just make out already,” Choso groans, “I’m gonna blow my load before we even get to the good part…”
Gojo chuckles and lifts a careful hand to the side of your face, cupping your cheek in his palm as he pulls you close, “Well, sweetheart? Your boyfriend’s gettin’ needy.”
You shake your head slowly and your gaze falls to Gojo’s lips, “…This is so wrong.”
“Yeah,” Gojo murmurs back before pecking your lips, you sigh immediately and Gojo whispers against you, “But he likes it.”
There’s one last lingering look shared between you and Gojo before he gently presses his lips to yours again, feeling as you sigh against him and just barely ease into this. After all, it was different and weird to kiss someone who wasn’t your boyfriend after a wonderful ten months of dating him.
There are a lot of things you could’ve predicted in your future with Choso but this damn sure wasn’t a part of it. No, making out with Gojo Satoru as Choso just watches the two of you was not something you could’ve ever planned for.
Gojo’s taking things slow, melting into your mouth and steadily parting your lips to push his tongue inside as you hum against him. Choso was losing his mind. Yeah, from the second he saw the way Gojo looked at you, his cock sprung up.
Did he understand why? Not exactly, no. Hell, only about forty-five minutes ago did Choso learn of the word cuck and what it means to be one. He’s watching you and Gojo make out for a little bit before his feet move toward the two of you.
Choso nor Gojo miss the way you moan against Gojo’s lips as Choso presses his own into your neck. Oh. You were about to experience both of these men at the same time? Gojo and Choso. Gojo Satoru and Choso Kamo. To what being must you thank for such a heavenly experience? Your possessive boyfriend and your obsessive ex-lover (if you can even call him that).
Your boyfriend begins to suck on the side of your neck as you hum and squirm in between the two men. Gojo’s got his large hands firmly placed on your waist and you whine into his mouth as Choso moves to kiss under your jaw. With Gojo behind you and Choso now in front of you, you couldn’t possibly wrap your head around the fact that you were being sandwiched between these two men.
Handling either of them one at a time was already too much for you and yet here you were having to deal with both. You feel Gojo’s clothed cock press into your ass and he groans into your mouth before pulling away, both of you making low-lidded eye contact.
“Satoru,” You whisper.
He hums, “Shit-, this is hotter than I thought it’d be.”
Choso’s busy sucking at your neck before he pulls away with a loud pop, his breathing heavy against your skin as you grow hazy in lust. Then, he wipes his mouth off and takes a step back, “Baby…”
You turn your head to him with wide eyes, your lips prettily messy with saliva from Gojo’s tongue and fuck if Choso didn’t find you sexier than ever. Your brows raise innocently and he smirks at you.
“Can you do somethin’ f’me?” Choso hums out. You try moving toward him but Gojo tugs you back and Choso chuckles, “Don’t worry, I don’t want you to touch me yet,” Your boyfriend explains, “I want you to take care of our guest first, can you do that?”
Your eyes widen and you glance behind you and up at Gojo who flashes you a smile, “Yeah, can you take care of me, sweetheart?”
Gulping, you fein cluelessness, “T-Take care of you how…”
“Oh don’t act dumb,” Choso scoffs.
Gojo snickers, “Right, don’t act dumb…” He coos at you.
You pout and glance back over to your boyfriend, “I’m not actin’ dumb… I just want you guys to tell me what you want me to do…”
“Oh?” Choso raises a brow, “So you’re done actin’ like a brat now, huh?”
“I-I wasn’t acting like a brat earlier, you were just being an asshole,” You huff out before rolling your eyes and looking off to the side.
Gojo quirks a brow, “That’s no way to talk to your boyfriend, now is it?” He murmurs to you, causing a chill to slip down your spine.
“But…” Your lashes flutter, “He was being a fucking asshole-”
“You’ve got quite the mouth on ya’...” Gojo interrupts.
Choso suddenly nods, “Yeahh… She does, doesn’t she?” You swallow hard as your boyfriend voices his thoughts, “Why don’t you shut it up?” He suggests.
A hand is placed on your jaw and your face is tugged so that you’re looking at Gojo again, his fingers digging into your cheeks, “I should, shouldn’t I?” He teases, shifting to run his thumb over your lower lip, “She talks way too much anyway.”
“E-Excuse me-“
“She can’t talk when she’s got a mouth full of cock though,” Choso comments.
You swallow down whatever argument you were going to spit out to these two men.
Gojo smirks, “Good point…” He hums before slipping his thumb past your lips, “But, that’s probably what she wants anyway.”
“Think so?” Choso hums, smiling a little.
Gojo nods, “Know so.”
“Okay well, who are we to deny her of such a thing?” Your boyfriend shrugs casually.
“Exactly,” Gojo agrees before placing his attention back on you, “Is that what you want, love? Hm? S’that why you’ve been such a fuckin’ brat? Y’need someone to put you back in your place?”
Yet another pout pulls at your lips, “I wasn’t-“
“Aht, aht, none of that,” Gojo interjects, scoffing at you and finding your expression cute, “It’s yes or no, sweetheart.”
“Y-Yes,” You stammer in response.
He bites down on his lower lip, “Yeah?”
Before you can even nod, your boyfriend’s making your fluster state ten times worse, “Yes what, princess?”
“Yes please…” You whine.
“Be specific,” Choso demands, voice low, “C’mon, tell Satoru what you want.”
“I…” You gulp, “I want you to…”
“Aww don’t be shy, s’just me, sweets,” Gojo coos, his voice gentle.
You were losing your mind right now. Gojo being so careful with you while Choso forces you to voice your needs? Oh you’re not making it through the rest of this interaction, or at least, not in one piece and not mentally okay by the end of it.
“I want you to put me in my place ‘Toru,” You finally manage out.
Gojo hums deeply, “In front of your boyfriend? Seriously?” He teases as he moves the hands on your waist to spin you around. Then he tugs your body up against his, “You really are a lil’ slut, aren’t you?”
Your face twists up a little before you glance back to Choso who gives you a reassuring look— telling you through his eyes that this was okay.
After which, you look at Gojo again and nod, “Yeah.”
He chuckles before bending down a little and then lifting you into the air, your legs wrapped around him as he does so, “Well, if you insist. I guess I’ll have to start by punishing this mouth of yours for bein’ so mean to your boyfriend.”
You frown as you disagree with the claim of you being mean to Choso, “I-“
“Don’t act like that’s not what you’ve been wanting anyway,” Choso adds as he watches Gojo carry you past him. He trails behind the two of you, “I’ve seen the way you’ve been lookin’ at me lately, baby. You’ve been itchin’ to suck me off… Buuut since you put me on sex-ban, I guess that’ll have to do, right?”
You send the man a look and he smiles at you, completely obsessed with teasing you through this whole thing.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Choso hums as you, him, and Gojo enter the living room, “You said you’d take care of our guest first, remember?”
“Yeah, sweets,” Gojo chimes in— God the way they keep doing that is getting on your nerves-, “I can’t wait to put my cock down your throat.”
Okay, by this point, you were beyond pooling in your underwear and it doesn’t get any better as Gojo takes a seat on the couch with you sliding into his lap, his erection poking up against your cunt as you sit comfortably. Then there’s Choso who takes a seat not too far away from the two of you, his cock aching for some kind of attention.
One last time, you glance at your boyfriend, and then at Gojo, and then you sigh.
This was really about to happen-
There’s a soft tap to your ass by Gojo, “Don’t start zonin’ out now,” He hums.
Then Choso’s talking again, “Yeah baby, hurry up ‘nd get on your knees— I wanna see how well you suck another guy off.”
Yeah, this was about to be a long night…
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part two
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@blognicole @suguruologist @luqueam @ivoryviness @sinaxalui @rxnnie18 @carlacujo @gods-landing @bitchysouljellyfish @miles4hour @sinaxalui @annananamin @heart-snow @kiyomizzx @hanuh @acehyacinth @mccookiemonster @tojis-ball-sack @cartwheel6869 @mariluvsusstuff @addie1010 @slammynics @actualz0mbie @hisbitchhh @kay-xle @cunttee3 @voids-universe @raininglovelyfire @itsbokutosjuicyass @peaceoutbritta @barbielani @gennaray @r3inae @kfmcykdy @camiihutt @tokina @curtin81937 @hopefullydecent @nameless-shade @ureuphoriasworld @forgetfulmachine @legbouk @lilliaannn @clementineee0-0 @divinelseraph @didibxx
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surielstea · 27 days
A Sudden Elopement
Based on this request.
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Pairing: Azriel x Fem!Reader
Summary: After Reader and Azriel suddenly get married without telling any of the others, the silently watch while every one figures it out for themselves.
Warnings: just fluff.
A. Note: just a short fic because I feel bad for being inactive as of late :c but the good news is, is that I’ll be very active for Eris week!! So keep an eye out for more Vanserra content 😻🙏
1.7k words
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My eyes drooped with exhaustion as I attempted to keep my focus on the book I was reading. I was seated between my mate's legs in his lap, leaning back against his chest while he combed his scarred fingers through my hair. I sighed and closed my book, deciding I didn't have enough energy to read another chapter. I tossed it to the side of the bed and shifted lazily, flipping around to meet his hazel eyes gazing down at me.
"How was your book?" He hummed and I mumbled something he couldn't decipher while pulling myself up and stuffing my nose into the crook of his neck.
"That good, huh?" He teased, his arms moving to wrap around my waist.
I nod, tightening my grasp on him, needing him closer, lazily clinging to him like moss to a damp wall, infectious and dependent. But he didn't seem to care, only returned my embrace with the same tenderness "We should get married," He said softly and my eyes widened, now fully awake.
"We should get married," He repeated with a casual tone.
"As in, right now?" I tilt my head, raising a brow at him.
"Well," He gave me an incredulous look. "Not right now, eventually, I want to marry you," He reiterated. A soft smile pulls at my lips.
"We've only been dating for a few months," I argue and even in the dim lighting I can see him blush.
"Yes, and we've been best friends for a decade," He argues and my smile widens, I straddle over his hips, sitting up and debating it.
"Don't get me wrong, I'd marry you now if I could, but do you really want to go through the hassle of planning one?" I speak logically but it's as if he only heard the first half of my sentence.
"Let's get married, right now," He grinned wildly and I flushed pink. "We don't have to do the hassle, you hate parties anyway. It can be just us, somewhere far or close I don't care. I just want to marry you," He expressed, intertwining our hands as I debated the irrational and sudden decision.
"Though I love how eager you are, I don't have a dress— much less, we don't have rings," I explain. "And as rich as you are, your funds are not bottomless," I say but he remains looking at me with the same loving look.
"Tell me exactly how you want to do it, and that's how it'll be done," He prompts and lets go of my hands, favoring placing them on my waist as I leaned down on my elbow, propped up against his chest.
"Well, it being just us doesn't sound too bad," I say, tracing shapes on his bicep with my free hand. "And I'd want to have a pretty gown, and I'd want to have our ceremony somewhere beautiful." I flick my eyes up to meet his unfaltering gaze. "And rings, I want everyone to know we belong to each other," I add quickly and his smile grows.
"Anything else?" He tilts his head but I shake mine, cupping his face and leaning down, kissing his lips softly. "I think, I just want to be your wife," I finalized and that seemed to have pleased him because the next thing I know he's flipping me over and kissing down my neck. And despite my exhaustion, I knew sleep wouldn't come until dawn.
"So, how was your trip?" Feyre said excitedly, settling into the barstool beside me.
Azriel and I had gotten back after a month's vacation only a day ago, but everyone was eager to catch up. So we landed ourselves at Rita's, a local bar beloved by the citizens of Velaris. "As romantic as it sounds," I say with a soft blush, propping my head into my hands.
"Gods, I wish Rhys would take me on a surprise trip like that," She sighed dramatically and my smile grew. We hadn't told anyone why we actually went, that our trip was more of a honeymoon, less of a vacation.
"I know," I turned back in my stool to look at my husband who was surrounded by his two brothers. "It's all still such a daze," I smile dreamily, looking back to my friend who was frozen in her seat, staring directly at the cut sapphire on my fourth finger.
"Are you engaged?!" She practically shouted and I giggled, shaking my head.
"Az and I decided to get married while we were gone," I shrug as if it was a casual thing. I didn't want it to be a big deal, because it wasn't really, we were the last of the group to tie the knot.
She just stares at me, slowly, she shifts her head back to the three males at the other end of the room, right at that chain around Azriel's neck, a silver ring hanging from it. He couldn’t wear rings because of his scars, but he still wanted to have that physical element of our marriage, as if to display how taken he was.
She nearly fell out of her chair at the realization, then tackled me into a hug, holding me tight as I giggled at her antics. "My gods, congratulations, I would have been sending gifts all week!" Feyre claimed and I shook my head at her nonsense while she pulled away.
"It's not a big deal Fey, if they haven't figured it out yet— you're the only one who knows," I smile broadly, looking back at Azriel, who happened to already be staring at me.
I brought my hand up, gesturing to the ring on my finger, then to his brothers. Silently asking if they notched yet. Azriel shook his head with a mischievous smile and I turned back to Feyre with a smirk. "I can't believe you guys didn't tell us," She huffed as if she'd failed me as a friend.
"As much as I would've loved for you to be there, it was hilarious watching how clueless you all were," I claim and she gives me a sidelong glare.
"Oh cmon," I lean over in my stool and bump her shoulder with mine. "Now you can be in on it. Who do you think is going to be last to figure it out?" I ask, gesturing to the group behind us who were all mingling with Azriel.
Feyre turned to look, the three-winged Illyrians all chatting with Morrigan, Nesta, Lucien, and Elain all accompanying them. "Cassian," She bets and I smirk, narrowing my eyes on the group.
"I think Rhys," I say, crossing my arms over my chest. Feyre cracks a smile. "Whoever's right pays the tab," She says, slipping out of her barstool and I nod, agreeing to the challenge even though I knew damn well Rhys would be covering the tab regardless.
We saunter over to the group, wicked smiles on our faces. Feyre goes to Rhys, intertwining their hands while I come to stand between Cassian and Azriel, my husband putting his arm around my shoulders. "What's that look for?" Azriel asked me, noticing the mischievous glint in my eyes.
"Feyre and I have a bet going, and that's all you need to know," I shrug and he arches a dark brow but doesn't say anything more while silky shadows swirl up my calves as if they were trying to beckon more information out of me but I didn't budge, just leaned into his side and watched Feyre as she tried her hardest to get her mate to realize the wings on me and Azriel's fingers, eager to win our bet.
It took much longer than I thought it would for them to realize. Lucien and Elain had spotted it that night, pulling me to the side to ask about it. Morrigan and Nesta had done the same one night later, interrogating me and Azriel as if we'd committed a crime, they seemed to think not telling them was against some friendship code.
But Rhys and Cassian hadn't noticed that night, or the next, or the next. It wasn't until I was training with Cassian and punched him square in the jaw that he caught sight of the ring on my finger. He brought his fingers to his cheek, wincing as he saw blood when pulling his hand away.
I cringed. "Sorry, I forgot to take my ring off," I murmured shamefully, taking the sapphire off my fourth finger. He paused, staring at me curiously, with no malice in his eyes despite the fact that I just drew blood.
"Where did you get that?" He tilted his head. I froze. Would it be considered cheating me and Feyre’s bet if I told him Az gave it to me?
"I'll give you one guess," I sent him a wink and his brows shot up.
"No way," He whispered. "He proposed?" His arms went out wide and shock. I fought back a laugh. "Well, yes, but we got married already, when we took that month off to go to the Summer Court? That was our honeymoon," I shrug and his eyes nearly bulge from their sockets.
"He didn't tell me!?" Cassian exclaimed as if he was the one to be married.
"We didn't tell anyone, everyone else already figured it out." I chuckled and his eye twitched. "Rhys doesn't know, me and Fey had a bet going to see how long it'd take," I shrug. "Turns out longer than expected." I hummed and he scowled.
"Well, you think you know someone," He huffs pathetically and I laugh.
"It's not like that Cass," I roll my eyes while walking over to my water and placing my wedding ring down beside it. If he was actually upset I don't know what I'd do, and I found myself thanking the gods when he cracked a smile, unable to keep the facade up for too long.
"Me and Az are going to have a long talk about this," He warned and I chuckled, getting back into my fighting stance on the mats.
"All I ask is that you return my husband in one piece," I say, smiling at the sound of calling Azriel my husband.
"Fine, but only if I get to be the one to tell Rhys he lost the bet." He hummed, getting into his own stance.
I grinned wildly, Feyre was going to rage. "Deal."
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marvelsmylife · 6 months
We’re going to be ok
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Plot: when word gets back to Azriel that you’re planning on leaving the night court after the kitchen incident, Azriel will stop at nothing until he convinces you stay and confesses why he’s been avoiding you.
A/n this is part two to Jealous Mate. I made a movie reference in this part. Five points to anyone who catches it and writes the movie I’m referencing.
*Correction* There are actually two references in this part. One is a movie reference the other is a book reference.
Part one
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Azriel refused to be around you for two weeks after the kitchen incident. He was too ashamed that he just left without saying a single word to you. He knew what he was currently doing was making things worse, but he couldn’t face you after he heard you say you were giving up on him. It wasn’t until Rhysand called him into his office to scold him for his actions that he realized how badly he messed up: “Rhys, I know-.”
“No, you don’t know,” Rhysand cut Azriel off: “You avoiding your mate is causing nothing but problems within our inner circle. Do you ever plan on talking to her?” Azriel was so ashamed of his actions that he refused to speak. 
Taking his silence as an answer, Rhysand spoke up again: “Very well. Since you won’t give me the decency to respond. Then this news I’m about to tell you won’t bother you.” Rhysand inhaled sharply before adding: “Y/n is leaving the night court. She asked if she could stay at the day court with Helion, and he happily agreed. If you’d like to say goodbye to her, you better do it fast. She’s at the house of wind packing as we speak.”
The color drained from Azriel’s face at the news you were leaving the night court. He couldn’t believe that he had driven you to not only leave the home you shared but also drive you out of the night court entirely. “You can’t allow her to leave !” panic was laced in Azriel’s tone: “She belongs here with us, with me. I’m her mate, and I’m not allowing this to happen, Rhysand !! !”
“She has free will. She can do whatever she pleases. Let her go and let her live her life in peace.”
Azriel felt his chest tightening at Rhysand’s words. He knew Rhysand was right, but he couldn’t let you go, not when he’s yet to tell you how he truly feels about you. “No,” Azriel said firmly: “I’m not letting her leave. At least not until I talk to her.”
Not giving Rhysand a chance to respond, Azriel fled to the house of wind to see if he could catch you before you left.
Luck was on his side. Your smell lingered in the house when he arrived and immediately walked towards your room. He had no idea what he was going to say. He was never really good with words. Not bothering to knock, Azriel entered your room and noticed that more than half of your stuff was already packed. “Can I help you?” you asked while you packed your clothes. 
Azriel remained silent as he looked around and spotted something from the corner of his eye: “Is that?” Azriel swallowed hard when he noticed a pressed flower on your desk.
You looked toward where Azriel was staring and sighed: “The rose you gave me when I first moved in? Yes. Yes, it is.”
You were about to throw it in the trash when Azriel stopped you and took your hands into his: “Please don’t go,” Azriel begged: “I know I haven’t been a good mate, but I can’t let you go.”
“Azriel, don’t.” you said firmly: “You’re being mean.” There was hurt in your eyes when you registered what Azriel had said, and all Azriel wanted to do was comfort you. “You do not have the right to ask that from me. Not when I’ve tried to get close to you, but all you’ve done was push me away.” You tried to get out of his grip, but he only held you tighter. “Do you know how excited I was to meet and get to know you when we first met? I was so excited to share everything about my life and was eager to get to know you, but after the first week, you started to ignore me. I just wanted to talk, but you wouldn’t even acknowledge my existence while we live together,” you paused for a moment, trying so hard not to cry in front of Azriel but failed miserably. “Look, if you’re not going to put any effort into our relationship as mates, then I’m going to leave because being around you while you ignore me hurts me physically, mentally, and emotionally ! ! !”
It was Azriel’s turn to feel the way you’ve been feeling for the past couple of months, feeling rejected, and he’ll never forgive himself for making you feel this way for so long. “No! !” Azriel looked at you in disbelief: “I just- you can’t go. I’ve been avoiding you because I thought you were better off without me. You deserve better than me. I-” Azriel paused to contemplate if he should continue explaining. “I didn’t want to accept the bread you made with Cassian because if I did that would’ve meant you accepted the bond between us, and I didn’t want you to feel shackled to me for the rest of your life. But seeing you pack and saying you’re leaving makes me want to be selfish and tell you to stay. Stay with me and I promise I’ll be a better mate. I’ll eat whatever you make so I can accept the bond.”
“Azriel-“ you paused: “I didn’t and still don’t care about your past. You can’t allow your past to dictate your future.” Azriel knew you were right, and he was going to tell you when you continued: “Look, I’ll stay, but I’m not going to bake or cook you anything, not yet. You have to earn my forgiveness, and maybe then I’ll accept the bond in the future.” 
“I’m ok with that. I’ll wait a thousand years if I have to, just as long as I still have you in my life.” You found yourself crying again at Azriel’s words.
Azriel looked down at you and wiped away the tears that were running down your cheeks: “No more crying, especially over me,” before he placed a kiss on your forehead: “You’re ok. We are going to be ok.”
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rinhaler · 7 months
As promised!!! Since I love your writing, I had this imagination spark while listening to Chase Atlantic's "HEAVEN AND BACK" song, oddly to say I associate Rin Itoshi in every CA songs. Basically could I request a steamy one-night stand of him meeting reader in a big crowded bar where Rin is likely a bass guitarist? Sounds cheesy of it but XD
GLAD U SAID BASS PLAYER MY BOYF PLAYS BASS 😭 sorry this took SO long to post but I hope u like it :3
warnings: 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, alcohol consumption, (kinda fast) enemies to lovers, fingering, love bites, pet names (baby, sweetheart, princess etc.), squirting.
words: 2.2k
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It’s been years since you’ve been to a gig. Especially one like this, in a dingy dive bar for a barely known local band. The guitarist is a friend of your cousin’s. And she just about begged you to go.
The place is pretty packed and the music definitely isn’t the worst you’ve heard. In fact, you found yourself swaying your hips and tapping your toes along to the beat. As the night went on and on, you were surprised to find that they were actually good. Good enough to be searching for their latest single when they promoted it at the end of their set.
“Play nice please,” your cousin begs. “I really like him, and I think tonight might be the night.”
“I knew he wasn’t just a fucking friend.” you laugh. She crosses her arms across her chest as embarrassment surges through her, but you still decide to tease her. “You really needed me to help you get some dick?”
“Shut up!” she blushes. “You always have guys falling at your feet so I thought it might rub off on me.” she pouts.
You clear your throat when you notice the guy in question heading your way. She turns around, instantly, smoothing her hair down and putting on the highest, girliest voice she can muster. He seems interested enough without her needing your help, but you decide to stay a few extra seconds for moral support. She giggles at every sentence and smiles giddily whenever he speaks.
“Tone it down, you’re good.” you whisper in her ear before slinking away to the bar.
You signal for a drink, thankful for the low-cut top you’re wearing as everyone else seems to be instantly ignored in favour of you. There’s a scoff beside you, one you choose to ignore until he watches you receive your pint of beer.
“Is there something on my face?” you ask.
“No.” he responds. “I’m jealous of your drink, princess.”
“Excuse me, can you get this guy a beer too?” you yell. The bartender nods with a smile and quickly acquiesces. “Will that put a smile on your pretty face?”
He smirks but shakes his head as he ignores you. He thanks the bartender as he receives his own drink, the frothy head attaching itself to his lip before he licks it away. He grunts a little as he feels a passerby knock into the big black case on his back. It’s only then that you notice it, and pieces begin to fall into place.
“Oh fuck. You were in the band.” you smile excitedly as you angle your body to face him. “I wasn’t gonna come tonight but I’m glad I did.” you giggle as you pull up your phone to show the bands single saved in your music library.
“Thanks.” he nods. “Why did you come?”
“Uh my cousin is trying to fuck the guitarist.”
“You’re Ada’s cousin?” he asks, expression changing to one of slight annoyance. He takes another swig of his beer before elaborating. “Zantetsu hasn’t shut up about her and she’s always crashing our practices. I hope they get it over with, it’s getting in the way.”
“Oh you’re a serious musician. Gotcha.” you roll your eyes. “You know you play the most boring instrument out of everyone, right?”
“Excuse me?”
“Drummers are the hottest, guitars are the most iconic, everyone’s drawn to the singer. And then there’s… you. No one can even hear you over all of that, you know.”
He scoffs once again. You can tell he wants to fight you on it and fill your head with facts about his instrument of choice. But it’s almost like he already knows you and how stubborn you are. He could tell you anything he wants, but you’ll die on the hill you’ve decided to climb just to piss him off more.
“They’d sound like shit if it wasn’t for me.” he mumbles before taking another drink. “The bass is the most important part, you’re clueless. It’s like you’ve never listened to music in your life.”
“Clueless?” you repeat. “Besides, you’ve got a pretty face. I’m sure if your attitude wasn’t so rotten and you were the lead singer you’d be drowning in pussy.”
“I do alright.”
You squint your eyes sceptically. There’s no doubt that he has the potential to pull a girl or two. And, admittedly, you’ve had one very hostile conversation with him. But you can tell from his sulky demeanour that any woman he has a chance with is likely scared off by his attitude.
He tries to ignore you for the remainder of his drink.
God, he tries.
But he’s overwhelmed by the desire to put you in your place.
“There’s no way you’re getting girls.” you interrupt him immediately. “Like, no way. Maybe one or two, but you’re not doing better than the lead. He’s gorgeous and he’s the face of the band.”
His smile is wicked as he holds his near empty glass, swilling the golden liquid around the bottom before he puts it down on a coaster. “You really don’t get it, do you?” you’re a little taken aback as he bites his lip whilst looking at you from the corner of his eye.
His expression makes your heart beat a little faster. You find yourself shuffling in your seat as you see just how strikingly handsome he really is when he’s trying. And then it hits you, he’s trying. He’s showing you what he’s capable of and you’re falling for it. Even with the knowledge, it’s too late. All you can think about his that sharp jawline and striking stare.
“You know what they say about bass players.” he says quietly, but loud enough for you to hear. His barstool spins so he’s facing you. You take a sharp inhale as he slowly leans in towards you, the smell of beer on his pretty lips makes you heady and excited, waiting with bated breath for him to continue. “They’re good with their fingers.”
You can’t stifle a laugh as he pulls away, giggling like your cousin had been moments prior whilst flirting with the guitarist. It’s embarrassing, letting him see you reduced to this after trying to irritate him. You clear your throat and try to gain your composure.
“You’re disgusting.” you respond.
“Mmm, you want to find out though, so,” he shrugs, finishing the last dregs of his drink. “I’ll wait by the entrance for ten minutes, if you don’t come find me, I’ll leave without you.” he walks away without even looking at you.
You don’t get a chance to say a word before he seamlessly weaves through the crowd and out of sight. Without thinking, you’re already on your feet and checking the time.
Ten minutes.
You rush through the bar to find Ada, tapping on her shoulder to pull her attention away from Zantetsu. “I’m leaving. Seal the deal, please.” you wink. She nods, laughing as you kiss her cheek and rush towards the entrance.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think you saw his face light up when he realised you were actually going to take him up on his offer. He plays it off, though, trying to appear cooler and more aloof as you approach him.
“It’s barely been two minutes.” he tells you.
“I’m not gonna let you hear the end of it if you’re all talk.” you smirk.
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The minute he gets you inside of his apartment, you can’t keep your hands off each other. Your lips are on his in an instant, your breath stolen as he lifts you from the ground and encourages you to wrap your legs around his waist while he carries you into the kitchen.
He helps you out of the vest top you’re wearing when he sits you down on the counter so you’re down to your jeans and bra. You tilt your head as he peppers your neck in a combination of soft and sloppy kisses.
Your heels fall off without effort as you instinctively open your legs, rolling your hip against his clothed abs.
“My roommate is out,” he tells you quietly, still kissing you all over. You moan softly as he starts leaving soft bite marks across your skin. “He’s such a clean freak, he’d lose it if he knew—”
“It’s okay,” you giggle, you cup his face and direct him to kiss you again. “Help me get my jeans off.”
He wastes no time unbuttoning them and yanking down the zipper. He keeps his eyes on yours as he helps you shimmy out of the wide-legged jeans, smiling at you as you both hear them crumple on the ground.
“Gonna show me what a stud you are?” you ask, spreading your legs to reveal your dark, lewd panties. There’s a glint of amusement in his eye, which soon turns into a toothy grin as he runs his finger along the damp slit. “Fuck,”
“You’re soaking for me already, good girl.” he tells you. He begins to rub your clit over the lace covering your flesh, and you’re immediately putty in his hands. Your legs quiver slightly, and you rush to close them, but he pries them apart before leaning in to kiss you. “Keep them open for me.” he demands before slipping his tongue between your lips.
“Haah.. haaaah~!” you whimper, his featherlight ministrations seeming like magic as he continues to tease your clit.
“Fuck,” he grunts, fingers curling around the waistband of your panties before he begins to tug. “Off. Get them off.” he demands, ordering you to wiggle on the counter until he manages to peel them from your cunt and slip them down your legs. He distracts you with a kiss as he shoves them into the back pocket of his jeans.
Your tongue lolls out of your mouth as he resumes circling your now bare clit. Your face is picturesque, he thinks, as your eyes become heavy and your pants are more uncontrollable.
“Are you faking this to piss me off?” he wonders. You shake your head slowly. “You’re so sensitive…”
“S-Shut up,” you bite your lip before giggling. “Haven’t gotten any in a while.”
“Well we can’t have that. Better make up for lost time.” he grins, fingers traversing from your throbbing clit to your entrance. His jaw hangs low, moaning in faux sympathy as he starts to stretch you immediately with two fingers. “You’re so tight baby, takin’ me so well.” he tells you.
He doesn’t wait for a response before his head sinks to nestle in the crook of your neck as he assaults your skin with a cacophony moans and sucks, decorating your flesh with his name in a purple and blue masterpiece.  
Your cunt squelches as he presses his fingers deeper and deeper into your gooey interior, eagerly searching for your sweet spot and hellbent on targeting it. He hears you squeak, body almost falling limp with a particularly delicious curling of his fingers. You feel his smug expression against your pulse point, but instead of mocking you, his canines gently graze against it.
“She’s so loud for me, baby. Your sloppy little pussy loves me.” he breathes. You throw your head back as he continues to delve deeper and deeper until you can no longer fight off the urge to scream his name.
“FUCK, Rin!” you cry. “There! R-Right there!”
“There, princess?” he asks, though it’s rhetorical. He already knows what you want and what he needs to do. You’re happy you goaded him. But he’s happier to know he’s proving you wrong. “You’re squeezing so tight… won’t be able to play with your pussy or my bass if you break my fingers.”
“Sto- stop. Goddddd Rin I’m gonna c-um. Gonna cum!” you warn him, as if he didn’t already know. You wrap your arms around his neck in a needy display that makes you sick, but you don’t care enough to stop. He doesn’t mind, either. Making out with you passionately, swapping spit as drool dribbles and pools from each of your mouths. His lips remain connected to yours by a single string of spit as you break away to moan through your high.
He swallows them, though. Transfixed by the feeling and pride that you’re offering your prettiest sounds for him to devour while your legs quiver violently on either side of his hand.
You throw your head back as your pussy begins to squirt and douse his fingers. He doesn’t even flinch, immediately using his free hand to swipe across your clit to extend your pleasure and further the mess spurting from the apex of your thighs.
“She really likes me, baby.” he smirks at you, an expression so smarmy you’d punch him if he hadn’t made you feel so good. “You came so fast for me.”
“You’re welcome.” you giggle, leaning forward to kiss him. “I got what I came for so I’m gonna leave now.” you tell him as you pretend to free yourself of his hold. He shakes his head, lower lip tugged by his teeth as he tries to supress a smile.
“Nuh-uh, sweetheart. Nowhere near through with you yet.”
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© 2024 rinhaler
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mellifiedprincess · 1 year
hey queens :) i do not know how i feel about this one, but i had a little urge to write something and this is what i came up with. teehee. so pls let me know your thoughts! i’m also thinking about writing a little smutty fic about mr. ethan landry, but i’m not that good at smut so we’ll see.
ethan landry x reader
Fuck Ups and Make Ups
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“Why do you look so….dead?” You would usually laugh at how blunt Mindy is, but today. Today you were not in a laughing mood. You were having one of the worsts days ever.
“Unfortunately, I’m not dead yet. But! If someone wants to take me out back and shoot me, I would not oppose.” You deadpan.
You watch as Mindy and Anika’s eyes widen, and Tara just looks at you even more confused than before. “Yeah, like your pretty boy would let anyone touch a hair on your head.” Chad states while texting someone. “Seriously though, what’s going on?” He asks as he puts his phone away, letting you know you have his full attention.
“Pretty boy is what’s going on!” You exclaim, slamming your head down on the picnic table. “Huh?”
You say something else, but it’s barely coherent. “Honey, you gotta lift your head up for us to understand you.”
You lift your head up and let out a huff, bringing your knees to your chest, you hug them tight to bring some form of comfort to yourself. “He likes someone else.” If the sadness in your voice wasn’t enough, the sad look on your face was, to make Chad want to get up, find Ethan, and knock some fucking sense into him.
For months. Months, the group has been trying to push Ethan to ask you out. It was so painfully obvious that you both had feelings for one another. And yes, you could ask him out yourself, but you were just too shy. You also didn’t really believe that he could actually like you back. I mean, he was literal perfection in your eyes.
“Why do you think that? Did something happen between you two?” Anika asks, moving from her spot on the ground to sit beside you, wrapping her arms around your body.
“I saw him talking to the new girl, Kennedy, in our sociology class yesterday, and they seemed to really be hitting it off. And then today, instead of sitting beside me, like he always does, he sat by her. I tried to talk to him after class, but he said he was busy and couldn’t talk to me right now and then rushed to catch up with Kennedy.” At this point you had a few tears fall. You were heartbroken by your pretty boy.
“I saw them together too! At our coffee spot, at our table. Like, why would he do that?” You let your head fall to Anika’s shoulder, and she places a chaste kiss to your head. “Why don’t we find out right now? Cause he’s on his way over here.” But before you could turn to look, Chad jumps up to block your view, and you feel Anika push your head back down to her shoulder.
“What’s up guys? I saw your text about Y/N, is she okay?” And for a few seconds, you felt relief. Relief that he did still care. Until you heard her. “Yeah, we had to cut our date short, so Ethan could play therapist.”
“I’m sorry, who are you again?” You could hear the bite in Chads tone. “Oh! I’m Kennedy. Ethan’s told me all about you guys. You must be the condescending alpha. It’s Chad, right?” If you could have seen Ethan’s face, you would have laughed. “Wait- I never said that.” Kennedy looks up at Ethan, fluttering her eyelashes and pouts her lips. “I’m just teasing E!” E? She’s known Ethan for two days and is already calling him by E?
“Can we go now? I’m sure whatever her name is can figure her shit out without you.” Your eyes only widen more. “Ethan, I really think you should talk to Y/N first.” Chad was almost begging Ethan not to leave with Kennedy. There’s a pregnant pause, but you couldn’t see what was going on due to Chad blocking your figure.
“Y/N’s an adult, she can’t rely on me for everything.” Ethan’s words hit you right in the chest. It hurt. It hurt so bad, you couldn’t breathe. Mindy noticed the state you were in and knew you couldn’t talk to Ethan right now. “What the fuck is your problem, dude?” She says as she stands up next to Chad.
“My problem is all of you! You’re all just pissed at me because I’m with someone who’s not Y/N. For months, you have all been on my dick about my feelings for her and how i need to man up and just tell her how I feel, how I need to go ahead and ask her out before it’s too late, but have you ever thought that I don’t fucking want to?” He was digging himself into a hole. He didn’t mean that, not at all. But to you it didn’t matter. He said what he said, and you heard all of it.
“You won’t have to worry about that anymore. Because I never want to see you again.” Ethan’s face pales when he finally notices you there. The fact that he just said all of that in front of you, makes him want someone to take him out back and shoot him. “Wait! Y/N, that didn’t come out the way I wanted it to.”
You almost laugh, and you would have if it weren’t for the doleful feeling in your chest and the tears falling from your eyes. “Leave her alone, man. You’ve said enough.” Chad places a firm hand on Ethan’s chest, stopping him from going after you. “I hope you’re happy. Cause you just lost the person who cares most about you in this world.” Tara’s words hit Ethan hard. He knew they were true, but it still hurt nonetheless.
But there was no way he was gonna let you go, not without fighting for you.
It had been two weeks. Two very long, sad weeks. Ethan was a mess, and he couldn’t blame anyone but himself. He still texted you every morning right when he woke up, and every night before he fell asleep. And every time, you would read his message, but never responded.
He hated himself for making you cry, and the look on your face is one he would never forget.
It was also hard for your friends to see how this effected the both of you. You barely left your bed. Only really leaving for classes. The one time you did leave for something other than that, was when Tara and Chad literally dragged you out of your room for a movie night.
Mindy told you that you were better off anyway, but she didn’t know Ethan like you did. You weren’t better off, and there were so many times you almost called him. Just to hear his voice, because it was the only thing that calmed you down after one of your night terrors. They had been more frequent as of late, probably to do with the fact you didn’t have your pretty boy anymore.
But, you never called. You never responded to any of his messages either. The words he spoke all those weeks ago, hurt you more than when Amber stood over your body, thinking she had killed you after her brutal attack.
And here you are now, sitting in front of your friends, who somehow convinced you to have a study picnic with them. They’ve barely looked at their textbooks and notes, too concerned about you to pay them any attention. You haven’t spoken barely a full sentence the whole time you’ve been with them, you have bags under your eyes, and you just don’t seem as glowy as you usually do. You looked exhausted.
“Staring me down won’t make you guys any more prepared for these exams coming up.” You state, not even bothering to look up from your notes. “We’re just worried about you Y/N/N. You just aren’t acting like yourself.” Anika’s voice is soft, almost like she’s afraid she’ll scare you off. “I just haven’t been getting enough sleep. I’ll be fine once exams are over with.”
They all knew you were lying. They all knew you were still heartbroken, and they all knew how much you missed your pretty boy.
…Which is why Chad texted him and told him where you were.
Ethan was in class when he got Chads text. Usually his phone would be off, but he’s had it on everyday since your fight just in case you finally texted him back.
“You better fix things with our pretty girl, she’s not okay and I’m only doing this because we all miss seeing her smile. She’s here studying at the quad with us, don’t fuck this up again.”
Ethan was jumping from his seat the second he finished reading the text. Catching a few odd looks from the people around him, but he didn’t care. He just wanted his girl, who was never officially his girl, back.
Everything he thought he was gonna say left his mind as soon as he got to you. You looked absolutely miserable, and when your friends looked up at him, they couldn’t believe how miserable he looked too.
You held your face in your hands as tears of exhaustion fell down your cheeks. You felt like a baby. But you finally hit your breaking point, sobbing uncontrollably. You couldn’t breath and all you wanted was the comfort of Ethan’s arms around you. “Y/N/N? What do you need us to do?” Tara tried to comfort you the best she could, running her hands up and down your arms.
“Can someone please get Ethan? I just really need him right now.” At your words everyone looked up at him with a look of, ‘we will kill you if you don’t fix this.’
He almost tripped over his own feet trying to get to you as quick as possible. “I’m already here, angel.” He said softly as he kneeled down beside you. He then slowly removed your hands from your eyes, and you immediately wrapped your arms around his shoulders and shove your face into his neck.
“I’m gonna take you back to my place, okay?” Ethan could tell you’ve barely slept, and you always said you got the best sleep with him in his bed. “Okay.” You mumble out, before pulling away from the comfort of Ethan’s embrace.
After bidding your friends goodbye, Ethan grabs your hand in his and doesn’t let go until you’ve made it inside his dorm. His eyes follow your form as you make your way to his room, he had so much he wanted to say to you, but was afraid it wouldn’t be enough.
When you reach his room, you go straight for his closet, wanting to be out of the uncomfortable jeans and crop top. Your hands delicately run across Ethan’s shirts, missing the feeling of the material on your skin. It’s dumb, you think. How a simple piece of clothing can bring you so much comfort, all because of who it belonged to.
“Oh, here! I put your favorite t-shirt away so nothing would happen to it. I’ll be right back.” Ethan hands you the old graphic tee, before going into his adjoined bathroom. You quickly change and sit down on his bed, already feeling the tension leaving your body.
When Ethan returns, he’s also changed into comfier clothes. He’s also holding a pack of makeup wipes, that he always kept there just in case you needed them.
He sits against the headboard, eyes meeting yours before patting his lap, signaling for you to take perch in. “Come here.” He says softly, dark eyes never leaving yours. You tiredly make your way over to him, not really knowing what to expect. But he only opens the pack of make-up wipes and with a touch so soft, you barely feel it, he wipes your ruined makeup off. And even though he’s done this for you a million times before, this time feels so incredibly different.
Ethan thinks he’s somehow fucked up again, as he noticed the slight wobble of your lips, followed by tears gathering in your eyes once again. He drops the wipe, and cups your face instead. You feel the pads of his thumbs wipe your fallen tears and you can’t help but ask, “Why did you say it?”
And he just looks at you. Big brown doe eyes, staring right into your soul.
“I’m in love with you, Y/N.” He gives you a sad smile, rubbing his knuckles against your cheek. “And when I realized how in love with you I actually am, I got scared. And I’m still scared, because if there’s one thing I’m really good at, it’s fucking up all the good things I have in my life. It’s not an excuse for how I acted, and I wish I would have just told you how I felt instead of causing all of this. Instead of causing tears to fall down your pretty face.” You could tell by the conviction in his voice he meant every word he said.
“I just-“ He pauses and continues to look at you, waiting for you to reject him. Waiting for you to tell him it’s too late and the damage is done, and there’s no repairing it.
Instead, you lean forward and place a hand on his chest for support, before placing your lips on his.
Ethan stops breathing for a few seconds. He couldn’t believe he was finally kissing the girl of his dreams. He couldn’t believe that a fuck up like him, got someone like you. And the kiss. The kiss was just how you both imagined it would be. Slow at first, learning the others patterns, but once you figured it out, it became more heated. You could feel the others want, you could feel every ounce of love the two of you had for each other.
After a few more pecks, you pull away. “I’m in love with you too, E.” Ethan’s face lights up, and he just smiles at you. “Does this mean I can officially call you my girlfriend?” You giggle and nod with a smile as big as his. “Yes, pretty boy. You can call me your girlfriend.”
Ethan wraps his arms around you, and moves your body to lay down with him. Your head immediately going to his chest as you feel his fingers run through your hair. “Well I have a lot of making up to do, so to start off, let’s get you to sleep. Because I know you haven’t been sleeping like you should.” “Do I look that awful?” You ask, looking up at him with raised eyebrows.
“No, sweet girl. You look beautiful. But I know you won’t go to anyone else about your night terrors, and your body language is off. Now, just close your eyes and go to sleep. I promise I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Okay.” And for a second it’s completely silent. Ethan thinking you had already fallen asleep places a kiss to your forehead and brings you closer to his chest. “I love you so much.” He whispers, finally closing his tired eyes.
“I love you too.”
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milkteasweetheart · 1 month
『just like heaven, chapter 1, part 1』
this part contains riddle’s dream sequence. 
housewardens x reader
author’s note: i depict nrc as an actual college, so first years are 18, second years 19, etc.
summary: crowley has the bright idea of a bonding experience, specifically in the form of a dream potion.
characters: (riddle rosehearts), leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto, jamil viper, vil schoenheit, idia shroud, malleus draconia / platonic mentions: dire crowley (ew), grim
genre: romance, fluff, smidge of angst
warnings: female reader, reader is yuu, reader is around ace and deuce’s height, sappy, marriage, mentions of potential children, some suggestive themes
「dream scene: rose colored reverie」
Being in someone else’s dream looks strange. Seeing your own dreams in your mind’s eye makes you perceive it as high definition, but looking at this place, it’s like watching a movie shot with a lens covered in vaseline. Except for one house, and it's yard where our cast is trying to walk without falling over.
Vil is currently clinging onto the prefect, who had by now developed the skill of surviving whatever wringer life throws her in. Leona groans out of annoyance. It’s bad enough that he has to spend his precious sleeping time doing this fuckery and spending time with the fuckass lizard and the others when he could be cuddling with the prefect (he will never admit that).
“This must be where the dream is set.” Malleus wondered out loud, not turning around when Azul struggled to learn how to use his legs for the second time. Idia was sad that the dream world didn’t have phones to record this with. So was Jamil.
The group were not accompanied by Crowley, who had explained that “Someone needs to make sure that nothing goes wrong!” (Y/N) knew he was going to say that before he said it. Like precognition limited to one singular idiot.
“...certainly not a pleasant start to this. The headmage said we must go through everyone’s dreams… what a bother.” Azul had managed to conquer the task of standing without falling over. “Got something embarrassing to hide, octopunk? We’ll see yours eventually.” Leona was quick to take out his annoyance on Azul, to which he only rolled his eyes. What a brute.
(Y/N) looked at everyone. They seemed fine. She deliberately ignored Vil, who was still clinging onto her forearm despite being able to walk by now as evidenced when she went to check on Riddle, who was standing still, staring at the house. With silent horror. Vil’s face was quickly changed into a smug smile. “What’s wrong, Rosehearts?” His words didn’t match his tone, a patronizing mockery. Riddle wondered if magic could be used in the realm of dreams. He’d like to shut Vil up, and get out of here. He knew exactly what this dream was about.
Yet, Riddle didn’t answer. Instead, he blushed as he heard a car roll into the driveway. A cute little vintage car. (Y/N) looked as… she herself stepped out? She was wearing a snazzy suit with a fedora, and carrying a briefcase. Very fitting with the old-timey vibe this whole place was oozing. But why was she here?
Azul watched Riddle suffer with glee, excited at the prospect of a rival removing themselves from the chase of (Y/N)’s heart.
「Azul: Oho! Interesting!」
Idia was concerned at Azul’s widening smile. Hell no. He NEEDS to figure out how to stop this series of unskippable cutscenes or he will be COOKED.
Jamil looks at Dream (Y/N)’s face. It’s quite accurate, with the exception of an uncharacteristic smoldering look. Wait… Oh, this’ll be good.
Dream (Y/N) has somehow acquired a bunch of roses, painted red, and opens the door. The group peers inside. Riddle wishes to pass away. 
「Riddle: How can I offend Draconia as fast as possible so that he’ll smite me out of existence?」
“Welcome home, beloved!” (Y/N) watches as the Dream Riddle greets her dream counterpart with a kiss on the cheek. Dream (Y/N) presents him the bouquet, which he gladly takes.
It’s going to be a long night.
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 4 months
(#) = Notes at the end of post
The Nasty Burger Explosion still happens, and Danny is left without his friends, family, and the only teacher who ever tried to help and encourage him in school. He manages to skirt around Vlad's custody by discovering a cousin of his Dad's he'd never heard about (1). He reached out to her, crying and begging for her to take him in. To not let Vlad anywhere near him.
Needless to say, after hearing a desperate teenager call her in tears and discover that besides Danny, her cousin Jack and his family had recently died in a horrible "accident," Lois nearly upends everything to go and get Danny from a middle of nowhere town in Illinois. After talking with Clark, of course. She didn't get one word in, however, cause he heard the entire phone call from the other room, though unintentionally.
After arranging for Mama Kent to watch over a still young Jon, they drove as fast as possible to meet this boy that already had their hearts in an iron grasp. When they first lay eyes on him, they immediately want to comfort him. His black hair is a tangled mess, his eyes bloodshot and red from crying. He sits in the corner of the school secretary's office, curled up in the small seat with an overstuffed backpack clutched tightly in a trembling, white-knuckled grip. A girl with dark skin and her hair held back by a headband sits with him, but she gets up and walks over as soon as she sees them enter the office. Danny doesn't seem to notice or even look up from where he's staring at the floor tiles.
"He's been hiding here for the last few days since he called you. He hasn't gone home once except to pack the bag he has with him." The girl explains. She holds out her hand to Lois for a handshake. "Valerie. You could say I'm a... friend of his (2). I'm assuming you're the cousin?"
Lois nods solemnly. "How's he been? He wouldn't tell me why he wouldn't go with his parent's first choice of custody. I've been worried."
Valerie grimaced and looked back at Danny before looking her directly in the eyes. "I can't say much without revealing anything i shouldn't. Let's just say Vlad has an unhealthy obsession with Danny, and it's unsafe to be around him. If he trusts you, he'll be the one to tell you the rest."
Clark and Lois share a look before they both nodded.
Valerie sees their acceptance and relaxes. She'd actually been tense the entire time she'd been talking with them.
"Well, with that said, I'll be going now." She rubbed the back of her neck and looked down with a sad expression. She looked back up at Lois with a deep sigh, and only then did Lois realize that Valerie looked to have been crying recently too. Looking between both adults, she made a quiet request. "Take care of him, will you?"
This time Clark is the one who finally speaks up. "You have our word he'll be safe and cared for."
Valerie's shoulders slump with a shuttering sigh of relief. "Thank you."
Once she left, Clark and Lois slowly approached Danny and sat to either side of him. Only then did he finally look up from the tiles and see them. His eyes ghosted over Lois but immediately locked onto Clark. He stared up at him, his eyes glassy with unshed tears.
Clark shrunk his broad form down a little, concerned his build might be intimidating for the young man. "Hi there, bud." He said in a soft tone. "I'm Clark and this is Lois. We're here to pick you up."
When introductions didn't seem to get a reaction from the teen, Clark's brow furrowed further. "Something wrong?"
Danny finally blinked and quickly ducked his head back down to look at the floor. "N-No." He croaked. "Sorry. For a moment there, I thought you were-" He choked on his words and seemed to have difficulty swallowing. He was shaking, his face hidden against his knees with one of his arms braced over his head to hide even further.
When he finally managed to finish his sentence, Clark's heart shattered completely.
"I th-thought you were my dad."
Clark looked at Lois with lost, watery eyes only to see she was in the same exact predicament. She couldn't stand seeing Danny so heartbroken any longer and leaned over to wrap him in a hug, Clark soon following. After a while of shushing and murmuring words of comfort, Lois gently spoke up.
"Why don't we get your things in the car and we can get on the road."
Extracting himself from their warm hold, Danny took a deep, shuttering breath before nodding.
"Is there anything else we need to get from the house? You have everything?"
Gripping his bag tightly to his chest, he nodded again. (3)
"Yeah. I do."
Side Note:
(1) He found out through Tucker. He'd searched through Danny's family tree for any living relatives in case Vlad ever actually managed to kill Jack or something else happened to both his parents. He just never imagined it would be for this reason specifically.
(2) Yes, she knows Danny is Phantom now. She did not know before. She found out after she tried to pin the blame for Danny's friends and family on Phantom while Danny was in earshot, and he basically blew up at her and broke down. She's horrified and feels terrible, so don't be too hard on her. The confrontation also happened on school grounds with a bunch of other kids present, so a good majority of the student body knows now, too. If not from seeing it first hand, then by word of mouth. They're keeping it hush hush so nobody with bad intentions towards ghosts comes looking for Danny. Valerie will be the main defense against any ghosts that pop up, as well as a few other kids she trained.
(3) Before he left, Danny did disable and completely dismantle the ghost portal and translated all his parent's research into a code him, Sam, and Tucker came up with before destroying the originals as well as the entire lab itself. Natural ghost portals can still pop up in Amity Park tho, since the ghost portal kinda oversaturated the town with ectoplasm. Valerie and the kids she trained are just a precaution.
Haven't come up with a title for this one yet. I'll add it later when it pops into my head though.
Funny enough, this actually isn't what I planned to write for this prompt. It did involve Danny getting adopted into the Kent family, but there was going to be something entirely different happening. Apparently, the characters had other plans. Oh well, I'll save it for the next one, I guess. It might be a second part of this, actually. We'll see!
Enjoy the angst & hurt/comfort tho!
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buccini555 · 11 months
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— 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
𓄹 ⊹ ᳝ ࣪ 𝟎.𝟏 — 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡
𓄹 ⊹ ᳝ ࣪ You ended up having an argument and after they said something harsh to you, you left and during the night they found you drinking in a bar with someone else, but they took you home afterwards and in the morning they were still by your side
𓄹 ⊹ ᳝ ࣪ H e a d c a n o n s!
𓄹 ⊹ ᳝ ࣪ 𝑭𝒕. Rindou Haitani, Kokonoi Hajime, Izana Kurokawa, Shinichiro Sano, Hanma Shuji and Kisaki Tetta
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tw: morning after drinking, hangover, bad words
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𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢
The next morning, you woke up with an unbearable headache, immediately noticing Rindou's presence, you could only remember the argument you had.
He would be extremely worried about you and your condition, so he would do his best to make all the hangover go away.
"Are you awake? Do you even remember what happened yesterday?" Rindou questioned you, giving you some cut fruits to feed you.
"We had a fight and then you got drunk on some guy you don't even know, fuck it, do you know how worried I was about you?" Rindou said in a serious tone, shaking his head in denial.
"I hate giving lectures, but, don't ever do shit like that again, if I hadn't found you and taken care of you, something bad could have happened and I honestly wouldn't forgive myself! And, I'm so sorry for our fights..." Rindou would hug you and sincerely regret every word he said, despite that, he wouldn't stop scolding you for your behavior.
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𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞
"What the fuck were you doing in that bar yesterday?" As soon as you woke up, it didn't matter if you were hungover or not, he would question you.
"I hope you at least remember the guy who was drinking with you, I shouldn't even be looking at your face, but I'm here like an idiot taking care of you!" Kokonoi would definitely still be hurt and jealous about the whole situation, however, he would also take care of you the next morning, not forgetting to give you several lectures for drinking more than you could handle.
"Don't ever do that again and promise me you'll never step foot in that kind of local alone!" He would make you promise, Koko actually worried about you even after they argued, somewhat ignoring his jealousy for your well-being.
"... Forgive me for our argument, I know it was me who caused such damage, I'm sorry for my words, they weren't true." After he calmed down, he would apologize for such an argument earlier.
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𝐈𝐳𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚
"Holy shit, I thought you would never wake up, what the fuck did you want to do? Go into an alcoholic coma because of me?" Izana would question you the next morning, completely ignoring your headache and hangover.
"Do you realize that I found you in a bar drinking with a guy? I wanted to leave you there or in the middle of the street, but no! I preferred to take care of you all night!" Still jealous, he would say without thinking too much or being careful with his words, for Izana, that situation really was stressful and worrying at the same time.
"Don't make such a fuss again, I should have kicked that guy's ass but I was busy worrying about my irresponsible darling." Izana would definitely not fail to give you the worst lecture you've ever heard, besides, he really wouldn't have any desire to apologize for the argument before all that mess, even though he belongs taking care of you, he would ignore you most of the day and he would throw in your face the fact that he had wasted his night trying to cure your drunkenness.
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𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
Shinichiro would stare at you in silence, making you eat light food and take medicine in the morning to cure your hangover, after a while he would find the courage to talk about what happened.
"Seeing you with that guy makes me feel so fuking sick, even more drunk, I didn't need to see that." He would say, still indignant and disappointed with his behavior.
"... Something bad could have happened to you if I hadn't looked for you, I don't want to come out as the hero of the story, I know I caused this, but, don't ever do that again." Despite being hurt, he would be understanding, leaving his jealousy aside, even if he still felt uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you with some of my words in our argument, I hope this all serves as a lesson for both of us, I want our relationship to be healthy, you understand?" Shinichiro would sincerely feel sorry and wouldn't hesitate to apologize to you, even so, he would still feel strange for a while thinking that you would easily leave him for another man without even thinking twice.
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𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐣𝐢
"What the hell were you looking for in that bar yesterday? I'm glad I found you, I've never been so angry in my entire life, I'm so hesitant." Hanma said as soon as you woke up, he was still angry and hurt by your attitude, even so, he gave you some medicine and made you eat.
"I spent the night awake taking care of you, I cursed you a little, the shit you did still hasn't entered my head." He would definitely take out some of his anger on you, still jealous, Hanma felt threatened to see you with another man.
"Who was that son of a bitch that was with you? Or do you not even remember that disgusting face?" He would question you about the person who was drinking with you, even if you claimed that you didn't know him, Hanma would still remain suspicious of that whole situation, at the same time, he would feel relieved that he took care of you even though he was angry.
"... Let's not fight anymore, please." Hanma wouldn't apologize, but he would definitely regret that argument.
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𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐚
"Good morning, are you feeling better? For a moment I thought you weren't going to wake up... You really drank too much, you know that, don't you?" Kisaki told you as he made you drink water and eat, despite being angry, he definitely didn't want to treat you rudely.
"... I know I hurt you in that argument, but don't ever do that again, understand? Something bad could have happened to you, you know you crossed the line, I don't want you to do or think about doing that again." Without elaborating too much on the subject, Kisaki would say, leaving his jealousy aside at that moment, he was sincerely sorry, even though he was a cold person, with you he always tried to be a sweetheart.
"Taking care of you will never be a problem for me, it's my obligation to keep you safe and well, but don't do shit like that to yourself again, damn! That was so ridiculous." He wouldn't stop scolding you like that, however, he was just doing it out of concern.
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little-emerald-snake · 4 months
Blackmail - Ominis Gaunt X F!MC
scene is f!mc during the shadow of friendship quest where she needs to talk Ominis out of telling on Sebastian to be committed to Azkaban BUT instead of the soft reaction we get in-game what if Ominis has actually harbored deep desires for the mc until now and since he's aware that she has feelings for Sebastian instead, uses this opportunity to "blackmail" the mc into convincing him to not put Sebastian away. so really a non-con scene of dark!ominis x f!mc if you will requested by @moongurl95 via dms
Genuinely so sorry this took me like three weeks but my life is in shambles literally setting this up to post while sheltering from a tornado 💀 but don’t worry I’m fine. Anyway I hope this is what you’re looking for 🫶🏻
Warnings: blackmail, threats, dirty talk, non-con, Dominis, stolen virginity, unprotected sex, creampie
2.4k words
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She stood beside Sebastian who paced the stone floor beside his blonde companion. The air in the undercroft hung heavier than ever around them. Ominis was being brutally honest, telling Sebastian that his twin, Anne, couldn’t bear the thought of turning him in. Sebastian was a bit shocked, pacing back and forth while trying to defend himself before Ominis finally gave a sigh, saying he’d give Sebastian some time to think.
As he walked away Sebastian resumed his nervous pacing and she approached him, laying a hand on his shoulder. “I can’t believe he’s gone. How did things go so wrong? I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to-“ He shook his head in dismay. “Oh Anne. I was only trying to help. I can’t leave now. Anne needs me more than ever.”
She nodded, her head felt full of confusion and worry but she’d grown to care for Sebastian and couldn’t imagine that he’d truly wanted to hurt anyone. She knew the lengths he was willing to go for Anne. That kind of love and devotion spoke to her. “Don't worry Sebastian. I shall speak with Ominis.”
Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you. You’re a real friend, truly. No matter what happens from here, I’m glad we met.” With that he turned and walked to the exit of the Undercroft. She waited till the doors chimed and she heard him exit before she turned with a sigh toward Ominis.
She could practically sense the dark cloud looming over the other side of the undercroft and a sort of unease rolled over her. This wasn’t going to be an easy conversation. Ominis had sensed her approach and decided to tell her what had happened after they’d spoken last. He’d run back to Hogwarts and before he’d been able to speak to the headmaster Anne had contacted him. He’d rushed to Feldcroft and found Anne with Solomon’s body. How deeply stricken with grief she was. “I don’t want to lose Sebastian but I don’t think we have a choice.”
She chewed her bottom lip with a worried expression. “Ominis…we do have a choice. What good would it do now to turn him in? He clearly regrets everything. He’s not going to do anything like this again.”
Ominis’ eyes darkened. “What makes you so sure? You’ve said that about nearly everything else thus far? You said letting him into the scriptorium wasn’t going to end badly yet he casted Crucio on you without a moment's hesitation. You promised the relic wouldn't cause harm yet he was ready to throw our entire friendship away just to take it with him.”
She looked down. He was right. Everything he’d said had been true. Yet she had grown fond of Sebastian both as a friend and maybe more over the span of their year. “Ominis I know how this seems but Sebastian isn’t like this. He made a mistake…it was for Anne’s life.”
Ominis’ tone turned angry, the same scowl that first day she’d come from the Undercroft painted his features as he took a step toward her. “He’s got you wrapped around his finger…he used you…and you don’t even seem to care?! You’d rather blindly ignore the damage he’d caused to make him the hero in your book because you’ve begun to harbor feelings for him haven’t you?”
She was about to deny it but what was the point? Ominis had so clearly seen through everything and while she hated to admit it, he wasn’t wrong. “I…suppose I have. I just want the best for him and Anne…it makes no sense to send him away now when Anne will be needing her brother the most.”
Ominis’ scowl darkened. “I see. So are you willing to accept the punishment for his actions? You’re an accomplice to murder if you choose to continue down this path. If he continues on the way he is I will not hesitate to turn you both in for these crimes.”
She blinked, honestly shocked about what he’d said. But she truly believed that Sebastian was good deep down. He just let this get away from him. “Yes. I understand. I promise. He won’t cause anymore trouble. Just don’t take him from Anne.”
He agreed begrudgingly, taking another step forward. She backed up a step, bumping into a stack of crates with a gasp. His voice came out dark and low. “So you are the kind of girl who falls for the villain then?”
Her eyes widened in surprise as her head whipped back around, his tone dark and a bit husky. His palm came up to rest on the crate right beside her face, his body pushing closer. “What are you willing to give up to ensure I don’t turn you and Sebastian in? What price would you pay for a life that’s already been stained in blood?”
The knot in her throat solidified and it felt like she had mouthfuls of sawdust she had to swallow in order to form words. “Ominis, w-what are you talking about…we don’t have to give up anything…we just don’t tell anyone…”
Ominis chuckled darkly, shaking his head. “I’m well aware darling. I asked what you were willing to give up in order to keep me quiet. This deal has nothing in it for me. You and Sebastian get away with murder and I’m stuck holding the truth for nothing while you both run off and fall in love. Hardly fair if you ask me.”
Her eyes widened and she suddenly understood what was happening. She moved to run but his hand, much stronger than she’d imagined, came up to hold her wrist, wrenching and pinning it above her head, shortly joined by her other. “Now now, no running away from your problems anymore. You need to come up with a solution I’ll accept or you won’t be leaving here. You better get thinking before I decide for you.”
Her mind reeled over what she could offer him. What did he want? She thought and thought but nothing came to mind. He grinned darkly. “My choice then. I can work with that.”
He moved quickly, spinning her and bending her over a crate. She gasped, surprised by the suddenness as the wood bit into her hip bones. His surprisingly strong body pinned her down with ease, one hand holding her wrists above her head while the other worked at pulling up her school skirts. “Tell me darling, are you currently taking contraceptive potions?”
Her heart pounded in her chest. Her body had the choice of fight or flight and for some bloody reason it had chosen to freeze. “I-I no…why would I-?”
He’d laughed, cutting her off while pulling her underwear to the side. “Well you better start my dear. Because if you manage to conceive I’ll ruin your pathetic life. As a Gaunt I refuse to carry forward the bloodline.”
She listened to the sound of his belt being undone and blood whooshed in her ears. She knew the time to speak up was now but she was still at a loss for words. She couldn’t very well deny him after he’d made the threat to turn her and Sebastian in. She had to stay quiet and take it, if not for herself and Sebastian’s innocence than for Anne still having a relative to care for her.
She pressed her face to the crate, tears welling in her eyes. “O-okay. I-I won’t let that happen.” She listened to him as he hummed in satisfaction and she listened to the shuffle of his pants as he pushed them down. She felt the blunt tip of him at her opening and she sniffled, stiffening up with nerves wound tight.
Ominis huffed, trying to push forward but her tense body wouldn’t allow his entrance. “For Merlin’s sake you need to relax. Just imagine it’s Sebastian like always and it’ll be over before you know it.”
She sniffled again as he released her hands and they immediately went to the edge of the crate, gripping so tightly her knuckles turned white. “S-Sebastian has never…I’ve never…”
His eyes widened in recognition and he pulled back, voice coming a bit softer this time. “You’ve never…not once?”
She nodded and his hand came to swipe away the tears, his other hand coming to slide her hair behind her ear. “It feels good after the initial bit you know…if you could survive the pain of Crucio you can make it through this and it’ll start to feel good. You don’t even have to imagine it’s me...”
She sniffled and nodded carefully, he brushed her cheek and his other hand dipped between them to rub the blunt tip up and down between her slit. The sensations were all new but the feel of him stimulating that bundle of nerves between her legs had small spikes of pleasure shooting up through her. She hated it.
She tried to fight it, her body may be wanting this but he was good at pushing the right buttons. She didn’t want Ominis. She was still stuck, she had to do this for Anne and Sebastian to be a family. She sucked in a shaky breath that turned into a whimper as he slid over her clit again.
His warm breath ghosted over her neck. His chest, which was pressed against her back, rumbled. “That’s right dear. Relax and let your body take over. Turn that brilliant brain off for a bit and put yourself somewhere happy. It’ll be over soon.”
He notched himself at her entrance and she let another few tears slip, rolling down her cheeks. She tried to imagine that this was Sebastian above her, that it was after the ball and he’d asked her to go somewhere private. Just then, slim fingers slid between her folds and rubbed small circles around that bundle of nerves.
She moaned out softly and his hips slid forward, his tip kissing that barrier within her that she knew would end this pleasure. She pushed the thought away, trying to imagine those fingers a bit thicker and rougher against her body. She tried to imagine what breathy sounds he’d make or what encouragement he’d whisper against her skin.
A moan from between her lips and Ominis’ body sank forward, pushing past that barrier and sending spikes of discomfort through her body. But as quickly as the discomfort started his fingers redoubled with the pleasurable circles and she was arching into it and whimpering in pleasure. His breath came gently across the back of her neck as he slid her hair out of the way. “That’s right Darling, just like that.”
She moaned low as he praised her, his hips slowly moving back and forth inside of her but he focused most of his intentions on her clit. She was at the very least thankful he didn’t want her to be in pain.
She tried to force herself to think about Sebastian again but the way Ominis’ breathing picked up and his slender body slid against hers as he began to thrust deeper dragged her out of the daydream. She hated how her body reacted, her stomach flipping and swirling and tightening as she listened to the small puffs of air and panting that left his lips.
The pinching discomfort between her legs slowly morphed into hot pleasure that rippled through her in waves. She gripped the crate tighter and his thrusts grew longer and deeper. “Great Merlin you’re so fucking tight, I’ve never had a witch who was a sweet little virgin. I don’t think I can go back after this. Or if this is all just you we may have to convince Sebastian to share your brilliant little body.”
His words sent shocks of pleasure through her and she moaned, pushing her hips back. This felt so good, she struggled to maintain her fantasy of Sebastian ravaging her when Ominis was the one here making her feel so incredible. Pleasure swirled deep in her stomach and she tightened, forcing him to groan behind her. “You better be careful squeezing around me like that. Might just get the idea you actually like this with me or something.”
She whimpered, unable to hold another ripple of pleasure from surging through her. His fingers moved faster, making her arch into his touch for more. “Fuck yes, darling. That’s it. Make me cum, pretty girl.”
His hips slammed deeper till their bodies had no space between, his thrusts growing faster. Her poor hips were going to be bruised and sore from being slammed forward into the crate. The head of him nudged against a spot inside of her that had her seeing stars. She hadn’t even realized how loudly she’d cried out.
He chuckled darkly, angling her hips so he’d hit that spot with every single thrust. “That’s it, come on love, you know you want to cum all over my cock after I took your sweet innocence.”
She made a pitiful sound, the pleasure was too much and the emotions swirling inside of her caused tears to form in the corner of her eyes. His fingers rolling deft circles and him nudging into that spot was all too much for her.
She heard him groan in what sounded like sweet agony as her body stilled, her traitorous body tightening around him. He tensed, holding onto her hips for deer life as he pumped into her. She grew slick and sticky between her legs and she pressed her forehead against the crate, letting her tears fall as she composed her breathing.
Instead of staying to comfort her, he pulled out, casting a cleansing charm on himself before tucking himself away and fixing his attire. She stayed there, quietly crying as his seed and her blood mixed and dripped down her thighs.
He cleared his throat and she finally stood up, not bothering with a cleaning charm and just righting her clothing. She wouldn’t feel clean till she soaked in a boiling hot bath for several hours. But she turned to find him standing there as if nothing had ever happened. “I’ll take this into consideration when I talk to Anne about how best to break the news to the Headmaster. For now you can tell Sebastian I’ve chosen not to turn you both in. But this only lasts as long as you both stay away from the Dark Arts. Understood?”
She nodded, quickly feeling like an idiot before giving him a shaky verbal response. She wouldn’t let her sacrifice be for nothing. She’d make sure the fluffy haired brunette would stay in line no matter the cost.
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
hi my love 😘 here to request g!p WandaNat x subby puppy R. mommy and daddy put their collar and leash on you as they use your holes however they please to their own pleasure. their first time doing anal on you as the other uses your other holes. breeding kink and degration as they dumb you down so much you’re just a dumb brainless little baby that easily submits to them and lets them use you how they please as they stuff you full
Two Is Better Than One
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x reader x Natasha Romanoff
Word count: 1843
Warnings: pet play, small breeding, dumbficfation, Nat had a dick and Wanda has a magical strap, blowjobs, anal, degrading, small praise, double penetrating, collars, leashes, daddy kink, mommy kink
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
“You ready, sweetheart?” Came Wanda’s seductive tone, the slight rasp only causing more of your juices to drip down your leg. You stared up at the woman with pleading eyes, her strap prodding at your lips. When you opened your mouth to speak, you were immediately shut up by her cock, gagging noises leaving you almost instantly.
Nat watched from behind, her hard length being grasped in her hand. She stroked herself watching you two, the remembrance of her and Wanda’s conversation causing pre-cum to escape her.
Your leash attached to a pretty pink collar was tugged, the toy hitting the back of your throat as tears pooled in your eyes. The woman threw her head back, your mouth’s warmth invading her senses. You just guessed she was acting as if she could feel it, you never would’ve thought she actually could.
“Oh, fuck! Mm, Nat’s so lucky, baby, I needed to know what you felt like. This isn’t just a normal strap, no, I made it so I could feel everything. Your mouth is so warm, I can’t wait to fill this tight cunt.” Nat smirked at your shocked face, her hand going to grasp your neck from behind you.
“Come on, pup, choke on her cock. Can you not take it? Fucking pathetic, can’t do anything for your mommy.” She scoffed and took the leash out of Wanda’s hands, wrapping it around her own and tugging harder than your other wife. She was always rougher, ruining you till you can barely even move. Wanda on the other hand was sweeter, more gentle. Nat didn’t want to say it, but seeing you so close to your mommy and going to her when she was a bit harsher hurt her.
“What if the two of us fucked your mouth at the same time? Hm? Answer me, whore.” A strike was left upon your already red ass. Nat got on her knees behind you, calmly stroking your hair before gripping the locks and forcing you further down.
“You can’t even talk, can you? Your mouth just being stretched out around her, such a cute little puppy.” She chuckled dryly before motioning to Wanda as she placed her hand over your forehead, nasty thoughts immediately invading your mind. You whimpered.
“Aww, is our innocent little thing all needy for their mommy and daddy?” No answer was heard as you focused only on delivering her pleasure, trying to not let your mind give in. She let you go. You took a long breath in and out as you tried to regain yourself, hearing words of mockery being shared about you.
Before you could even focus on what was happening, you felt yourself being thrown onto a mattress, your legs spread as hands groped your body without shame. They stared down at you with love and lust, you gave them a dopey smile back.
“Oh, princess, you’re so cute! This pretty little pussy is just begging to be fucked, isn’t it?” You nodded quickly as they positioned themselves on the bed, Wanda sitting between your open legs and Nat going behind you like earlier.
“Fuck, you need to see this Nat, they’re clenching around nothing!” Her fingers teased your hole, your body reacting with squirms as Wanda held you down.
“Stop moving, mutt.” She gave you a warning glare, releasing your body when you followed her instructions.
“God, I can’t wait to feel this sweet little cunt. Nat has been bragging for years about how you wrap around her so nicely, you don’t know how badly I’ve been needing to know.” She rubbed her tip up and down your folds before Nat brought your attention back to her, squeezing around your throat causing your breathing to cut off. Your head was thrown back and Nat connected her lips with yours in a sloppy kiss.
“Get on all fours for us, puppy, we’re gonna fuck you so hard you’ll forget your own damn name.” The two grasped your hips and forced you into position. Wanda sat below you as you straddled her lap while Nat kneeled behind your body. A slap was placed on your bottom as Nat then gripped your ass, watching the way it moved at the contact.
“Daddy’s gonna use this precious hole, always so fucking tight for me.” She had never said that before, she never even mentioned wanting to fuck your ass. You thought you’d be too tight for her, she wouldn’t be able to fit.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make it fit,” Nat said, noticing your worried state. As much as she loved to hurt you, she’d never do something you didn’t want. Wanda rubbed your sides up and down, a gentle reassurance that they were both right here to take care of you.
“But, it will hurt.” The woman made you look into her eyes, leaving a small kiss on your lips. It was crazy how they could be so degrading yet so sweet at the same time.
“It will, but we’ll be right here. We’ll start off slow, we promise.” You couldn’t say no to that. You nodded and they both smiled, giving pecks to your head as a small smile made its way on your face.
You felt a cool liquid drip onto your hole, you jumped a bit at the contact. You felt the tip of Wanda’s strap slowly enter you, your walls clenching around her almost instantly. She moaned louder than ever before.
“Fuck! You’re so warm and tight,” She was cut off by a mewl leaving your lips, she couldn’t help it. “I’m sorry, honey, you just feel too good. Will you be good for me? Let me fuck you?” Your face dropped into her neck as she pulled your locks lightly, enjoying the way you whimpered quietly.
Before you could get used to the stretch, Nat’s cock prodded at your untouched hole. You felt so full. Tears pooled in your eyes, they were wiped away before they could even fall down your face. Wanda smiled at you, trying her best not to break and fuck you senseless.
“You’re so pretty when you cry, pup.” She licked the thumb covered in your tears, staring directly into your eyes as she seductively took it in her mouth.
The two had finally bottomed out inside of you after you grew used to the size, you’ve never had both of them stretching you out like this. It felt good. It hurt but it felt like heaven at the same time.
“I need to move, baby, I need to so fucking bad!” Wanda moaned out as you felt her directing you back and forth on her ass, every movement causing Nat to go deeper inside of you as well. Nat didn’t move, she let you do the work.
“Wanda, don’t help them. Let them do the work. Our little mutt wants to be fucked, they can do it themselves.” Wanda released your hips, putting her arms behind her head as she watched you cry out for help.
“Oh don’t get all whiney now, we’re giving you what you want!” She used her magic to tease your swollen clit, your mouth falling open with a loud moan when she hit a spot deep inside of you.
“Oh, darling, did we find your g-spot?” You nodded quickly before Nat tugged on your leash once more, your neck being forced onto her shoulder.
“Does that feel good? Tell us, how does it feel having mommy and daddy stretch out your tight holes?” A slap was sent to your ass in a warning when you lacked a response. You quickly fixed that, mumbling out incoherent words that they acted as though they couldn’t hear.
“What was that? Aww, Wanda, I think we dumbed down our little pet so much, they can’t even talk! So adorable, just our little toy to fuck when we get bored.” You could barely understand a word she said, only focusing on trying to repeat your words from moments ago.
“I-it feels good! So fucking good!” Another slap. This time, Wanda was the one to pull on your leash to make you face her, you could see the anger written all over her.
“What is our number one rule, sweetheart?” No swearing. Shit. The two continued their brutal pace as you were stuck between them trying your best to come up with some sort of apology.
“You fucking slut, we give you everything and you can’t even listen to a thing we say? I think we should punish them, what about you Wanda?” Nat spoke, receiving a satisfied hum in return.
“I agree, our baby needs to start paying attention to the damn rules. I say, no cumming for the rest of the night.” You knew she was just being cruel, she couldn’t care less about you swearing. You looked at her with panic in your eyes, the thought of being edged as they filled up each of your holes turning you on yet scaring you at the same time.
“No mommy, please-” Before you could finish speaking, you were interrupted by a finger to your lips.
“Shh, let us do the talking, you just keep rocking back and forth for me.” You were growing tired, they noticed it. Nat’s hands gripped your hips harshly in her hands as she guided you once more.
“God, you can’t even do anything without our help anymore, can you?” She rolled her eyes at your actions. She knew she was close, the tight feeling in her stomach proving that. She wanted to wait though, she wanted her and Wanda to fill you up at the same time.
“Shit, I’m gonna cum! Wanda, do it with me, please cum with me!” She yelled out, Wanda throwing her head back at the feeling of your walls clenching around her. She listened to Nat and let herself go, her cum being able to shoot deep inside of you due to the magic-enhanced strap.
“Yeah, fill that cunt. Can’t wait to get you all round with our pups, we’ll stuff you full of cum every day just to make sure you’re pregnant.” Nat mewled out, spurts of her release filling you to the brim.
“Daddy, too much!” Neither of them cared what you thought, they just continued to watch as their cum leaked out of your weeping holes. You begged and begged for them to let you finish, but they refused. It was your only way of learning, they’d say.
“Please! I’ve been so good! Just wanna cum for mommy and daddy.” You sobbed into Wanda’s chest as the two finally calmed down. They only shared a small laugh before sliding out of you. You thought you were done, that they’d just leave you there. But they didn’t. Instead, Wanda kneeled on one side of you while Nat did the other, their growing erections in their palms.
“Oh, doll, don’t get all nervous on us now. You were just taking us so well, I think we deserve a little reward for fucking you so well, don’t you think?”
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hongjoongtime117 · 4 days
Brats and Backtalk
Pairings: Multiple pairings
Genre: SMUT (MDNI 18+)
Word Count: 10.5k
Warnings: multiple partners, unprotected sex (wrap it up pleaseeeee!), pet names (Kitten, angel, sweetheart, good boy/girl, pretty boy/girl, handsome, baby), multiple orgasms, rough sex, pierced and tattooed Hongjoong, choking, Hongjoong has a Captain kink, everyone’s a brat, oral (F/M receiving), I’m sure there’s a lot more, and if you feel something needs to be tagged, please let me know!
Summary: The four of you finally get together, without the phones
Taglist: @kihyuns-military-wife @ghostlovesworld @arki-sha
About a month had passed since the very spicy game night, and with everyone’s jammed packed schedules, it had been difficult to get together again to follow up on the promise of the four of you together.
Wooyoung and San have plans for the night to go out with their friends Yunho and Yeosang. So when Hongjoong texted you that he was heading out of the studio at a somewhat decent hour, you invited him over, hoping to spend some very needed time together.
‘As if I’d ever turn that down. I’m on my way’ was the reply you received almost immediately.
A half an hour later, you hear a rhythmic knock at the front door. You jump up from your bed to rush to the front door, but San has already beat you to it.
“Hey Joong, nice to see ya!” San steps aside to let him in. You and Wooyoung join him a moment later as Hongjoong toes off his sneakers.
Wooyoung gives an appreciative whistle at Hongjoong. “Ok, Joong, showing some leg!”
“Ah, yeah, it was a lazy day at the studio today. I didn't actually have to work so I didn’t bother dressing the part,” he says, chuckling at Wooyoung’s rowdiness.
Once you’re able to get a full view of Hongjoong with San and Wooyoung out of the way, you thoroughly check him out. The black tank top, showing off his beautiful artwork, his muscular arms, and his damn pecs, and you can see his nipple piercings through the thin fabric. The cut off denim shorts, showing off his thick legs that you are desperate to sink your teeth into. Or be between. Whichever comes first.
Hongjoong looks you up and down and giggles, as you two are unexpectedly matching. Black tank top, showing just the right amount of cleavage, and cut off shorts, hugging your ass just right. Hongjoong pulls you in for a tight hug and grabs your ass and kisses your neck.
“God, I missed you,” his breath tickling your skin.
“I missed you more.”
“Hmmm, is that so? You’ll have to prove it to me,” he says in a playful tone.
“Alright you two lovebirds, get a room!” Wooyoung taunts as he shuts the door.
Hongjoong releases you from his embrace to grab your hand and beings pulling you towards your room. “You heard the man. Come on, baby.”
Once in your room, you both settle on your bed and catch up on life from the last month. You go more in depth on the conversation of where your relationship stands. You’ve found out that Hongjoong’s sex life was much more interesting than you had originally thought.
The friend circle between Hongjoong, Wooyoung, and San had all been hooking up with each other for a while. While there were ‘couples’, as long as it was between any of the eight of them, it was allowed. You and Hongjoong talked about the possibility of adding you into the group of eight. With the boy’s busy schedules and your long hours, you didn’t immediately shoot down the idea.
The last month without Hongjoong had been torture for your insatiable sex drive. So the thought of being able to be with someone deemed safe by Hongjoong in his absence gave you a thrill. Being able to ‘quench your thirst’ with a variety of options was exciting to you. Of course, Hongjoong would be allowed the same, and if schedules allowed, there was definitely room to explore more than one option at a time.
“Have you given any more thought to our talks? I don’t want to pressure you into anything, and I only want you to agree to this if you’re comfortable. If not, we can keep things exclusive. Just you and I. I’ve already talked with the boys before I even brought it up to you, and they are definitely into the idea.”
“You think your jealousy can handle sharing me with seven other men, Joong?” you raise your eyebrows at him.
“I mean, I don’t love the idea, exactly. But if I’m fucking around with all of them, I can’t exactly tell you that it’s not ok for you to do so also. Life is just hectic sometimes, and I’m not always going to be able to take care of your needs, the same way you can’t always take care of mine. I’d rather know you're being taken care of by one, or more, of my boys that I trust, rather than randomly hooking up. Plus, everything goes through me first, and I’ll give you that same respect.”
“I actually really enjoy the thought, and think it would be fun and interesting. Of course I would prefer you, or you and a combination of the others, but I’m fully on board with this idea.”
Hongjoong’s phone lights up with a text.
“Aish, they’re shit out of luck tonight. I’ve got more important things to tend to.”
“And who might ‘they’ be?”
“It’s Seonghwa, Mingi, and Jongho. I’ve told you about them. They wanted me to go out for drinks tonight. You’ll meet them sooner or later. They’re a blast!”
A fake pout crossing your lips as you wrap your arms around his middle from behind, you tease, “I mean, you can ditch me to go pick up people at the bar.”
“Y/N, don’t be fucking ridiculous.” He leans back into you, effectively laying you down underneath him as he removes your hands and flips himself over to settle over top of you, placing kisses onto your neck. “The only ones I want are you and the boys. I’m plenty satisfied with that.”
“So who is your favorite out of the boys?” curiosity heavy in your voice.
He stops his kisses and sighs into your skin. He pulls himself back to make eye contact with you. “You’re really asking me to choose? I can’t do that. They each fill a role for me. Or me for them. San and Yeosang are whatever I need them to be at that moment. Seonghwa comes to me when he needs a break from Dom life and needs to recenter. Clearly Woo frequently needs to be put in his place, so I am a Dom to him, in addition to San. And as for Yunho and Mingi, they’re who I go to when I need a break and need to let someone else take control for a while. Jongho is very reserved and I’m not sure he’s been with anyone in the group if I’m being honest. I think there’s someone, but no one pries.”
“That’s a lot more involved than I thought. I just thought ya’ll fucked, and that was that,” you say, sounding more surprised than you intended.
Just as you finish your sentence, there’s a knock on your bedroom door. Not having locked it, since even if things got heated between you and Hongjoong, (it was definitely going to), it’s not like the other two hadn’t watch Hongjoong fuck you within an inch of your life, you holler for whoever it was to enter.
San and Wooyoung head over to join the two of you on the edge of the bed. “Hey, so, uhhh. Our plans with Yunho and Yeosang fell through. They had something come up.” You can tell San is a little disappointed.
“You look pretty bummed, Sannie. But uh, that leaves the four of us. Free. Together. In the same house. We can make good on our promise,” Hongjoong suggests.
“I’m not going to lie and say that that doesn’t sound like a better plan than what we had planned with Yunho and Yeo,” Wooyoung deadpans.
“We had actually just finished talking about you two and the rest of the boys. I tried asking Joong who his favorite was, but instead I got a breakdown of you all,” your tone amused. “Joong, what do you need Sannie to be for you tonight?” you giggle, wanting to know where this night is heading.
“Sannie is gonna be a good little bottom for me tonight. Aren’t you, handsome?” He reaches over to place two fingers under San’s chin as they exchange glances.
“Sorry, Captain. Not really in the mood for bottoming tonight. You’d have to fight me for it,” he spits.
Hongjoong drops his hand and raises an eyebrow at the challenge. “That can be arranged, San.”
You and Wooyoung share an ‘oh shit’ look with each other as Hongjoong stands up and makes his way past the both of you to San.
“You two, over there,” he points to the small sofa a few feet away, against your bedroom wall, but facing the bed. “I need all the room I can get to deal with San and the mouth he has on him tonight.”
You both are immediately on your feet and heading to your designated spot, entangling yourselves together to watch the showdown between the other two.
Hongjoong aggressively pushes San backwards onto the bed, and straddles him while simultaneously using one hand to pin his hands above his head. He uses the other to grip San’s face rather hard. With a well intended grind of his hips that makes San’s dick twitch, he questions him. “So, how do we fix this smart mouth of yours, hmm?”
“Better yet, how do we fix yours, Joongie?” San uses his body strength to flip Hongjoong over underneath him, and Hongjoong wraps his legs around San to steady himself from the unexpected flip. His hands mimic the same position he was in under Hongjoong. Hongjoong audibly gasps at the change of roles.
“What do you have to say now, Captain?” his tone condescending. “You’re so pretty underneath me like this.”
Hongjoong uses every ounce of strength and the help of his legs wrapped around San to overpower him and yet again land himself on top. “You wish, handsome.”
“Oh come on, Joongie. You and I both know you want me in that tight little ass.” San places his hands on Hongjoong’s waist and grinds him against his hardening cock.
Hongjoong throws his head back with a groan at the friction and San runs his hands under Hongjoong’s tank top and plays with his sensitive, pierced nipples. “Fuck you, Choi San,” Hongjoong hisses.
“Oh, no, no. It’s going to be me who’s fucking you, Kim Hongjoong. You’re going to sit here on my cock and tell me you don’t want it, pretty?” San coos with a roll of his hips against the grind he’s set Hongjoong into.
“I can’t fucking stand you, do you know that?” Hongjoong said through clenched teeth.
“Good thing you’re sitting then, huh?” a smirk plastering San’s face.
“Ooo, Hongjoong is almost as bratty as I am,” Wooyoung whispers to you.
“No one can out brat you, Woo. Except maybe me,” you whisper back. “Have you never seen San and Joong go at it?”
“No, usually when they’re like this, I’m not around so this is as new to me as it is to you. But I like it! I do know though, that from Sannie telling me about the times they’ve fucked, that little Joongie definitely wants to bottom tonight,” he giggles.
“How do you know that?” you yell whisper at Wooyoung, trying not to draw attention to yourselves.
“He was being nice to Sannie. He wouldn’t have complimented him if he wanted to top him tonight.”
“Nice when?” your eyes widening in amusement.
“Didn’t you hear him call San ‘handsome’?”
“I mean, I did but, San is handsome.”
“Not when Joong wants to rail him,” Wooyoung shrugs like this should just be common sense.
During your conversation with Wooyoung, San has Hongjoong even more riled up, his dick straining against the rough fabric of his denim shorts. San sits himself up and makes quick work of removing and tossing Hongjoong’s tank top, and wraps his burning lips around one of Hongjoong’s perky buds, sucking loudly. Small pants, whimpers, and whines begin spilling from Hongjoong’s plump, pink, jeweled lips.
San stops for a brief moment to look up at Hongjoong, lightly glistening with sweat. “Come on, Joongie, all you have to do is beg for it, and I’ll give it to you. Be a good boy.” As soon as he finishes his sentence, one of Hongjoong’s nipples is in between his teeth, and the other underneath the pad of his thumb.
“I’ll never beg for it,” his breathing uneven from San’s touch.
“Never, Joongie? I remember very clearly the last time you begged for me to fuck you.” He stands up with Hongjoong in his arms and leaves from the edge of the bed and makes his way to the foot of the bed to deposit Hongjoong into the middle of it. He hovers over him for just a moment before he places hot, sloppy kisses on his neck. “Let me remind you, hmm?”
San slides his hand into the waistband of Hongjoong’s shorts and boxers and grabs a hold of his hard, leaking, jewelry-clad dick and gives it a few strokes. Hongjoong’s back arches off the bed, chasing the pleasure of San’s hand. “Awww, you’re already dripping for me, pretty.” San rubs his thumb over his pierced tip and Hongjoong lets out a nose somewhere between a whimper and a moan.
“Are you going to willingly beg for it, or am I going to have to make you? Because one way or another, you’ll be pleading for me to fuck you full.”
“I told you I’m not begging for shit,” Hongjoong’s voice cracking from trying to keep his composure.
“I love that you’re putting on a little show for Y/N and Youngie. It’s just going to be that much more satisfying when I finally break you.”
You and Wooyoung have your eyes glued to the pair, Wooyoung palming the tent forming in his sweats, and you rubbing your thighs together to try and relieve your throbbing pussy.
San’s impatience gets the better of him as he rips off Hongjoong’s boxers and shorts in one quick, aggressive movement and throws them onto the floor behind him. Hongjoong lays bare and at the mercy of the fully clothed man. San’s lips are back on Hongjoong’s body and he places hungry, needy kisses across every inch of honey, tattooed skin he can manage to get his mouth on. His kisses getting lower, he stops at the ‘Captain’ tattoo and traces his tongue painstakingly slowly over each letter. Hongjoong’s dick spasms at the feeling of the wet, warm muscle drawing on his skin, and yet another drop of the salty nectar leaks from his tip.
San hums in satisfaction, knowing he’s almost got Hongjoong right where he wants him. “Let me take care of that for you, Joongie.”
He grabs a hold of Hongjoong’s thick, muscular thighs and licks a slobbery trail up the underside of Hongjoong’s dick and engulfs the tip into his eager mouth. Before Hongjoong can get any true satisfaction from it, San pops Hongjoong’s dick out of his mouth. “Fuck, I forgot just how good you taste. You gonna give me some more, baby?”
Hongjoong’s breaths are short and shallow as he whines in frustration. In a final attempt to regain some dominance, he gives a rough tug to San’s locks. “God, you’re such a fucking tease, San.”
“Are you ready to beg yet, or should I keep going?” one side of his mouth curling into a mischievous smirk.
“Do your worst, handsome,” he says, returning the smirk, hand still threaded in San’s hair.
“You won’t be this cocky for long, Joongie, I promise you that.”
San licks and sucks on Hongjoong’s inner thighs, making his way upwards, intentionally ignoring his angry, pulsing cock. He stops for a moment, and you can see the look of contemplation on his face. In the blink of eye, he flips Hongjoong over, kneels behind him, and pulls his hips up to bring his ass flush to his own hips and stiff, still fully clothed dick.
“Y/N, do you happen to have some lube somewhere?”
“It’s in the top drawer of the nightstand,” you manage to squeak out.
San leans over Hongjoong to reach into the draw in search of the bottle. He can feel Hongjoong trying to struggle against him as he finally locates it. He leans back, tossing the bottle within reach on the bed, and puts a firm hand on the back of Hongjoong’s neck and pushes his head into the mattress. His other hand lands a sharp smack on his ass, the sound echoing through the room. Hongjoong makes a strangled noise, somewhere between pain and pleasure.
“You’re gonna stay still and be a good boy and take what I give you, aren’t you, pretty?” he whispers to Hongjoong as he pets his spine with the same rough hand that delivered the harsh blow to his ass.
His resolve completely breaking under San’s hands and words, cheek still squished into the mattress, he gives a small nod.
“That’s it baby. Let Sannie make you feel good.”
San generously costs his fingers with the lubricant and drips some down the crack of Hongjoong’s ass, watching his hole flutter around nothing.
“S-San,” Hongjoong huffs.
“Shhh, it’s ok, I’ve got you.”
San teases the rim of Hongjoong’s hole before leisurely sliding a finger in. Hongjoong hisses at the intrusion and within a few tender stroke in and out, Hongjoong attempts to fuck himself back onto San’s finger. San expertly nails Hongjoong’s prostate, eliciting a choked moan from the man under him.
“Someone’s very needy, aren’t they?”
“I-it’s not enough, I need more.”
San pulls his finger out completely and the beginning of tears start to form at Hongjoong’s lash line. He now places two fingers right at his entrance, just enough pressure to let Hongjoong know they’re there.
“What’s the magic word, Joongie?”
Hongjoong shakes his head. He will not beg for this man.
San drops his hand from its place at Hongjoong’s hole and pushes himself off of the bed, and Hongjoong panics.
Still in the same position as San left him, ass in the air, and face to the mattress, he does indeed begin to beg for San. “N-no, Sannie. Please! I’ll be good. P-please. Sannie, I need you.” The bed dips as San returns to it, having removed his clothes during Hongjoong’s pleas. San is big. You hadn’t noticed prior because he was fully sheathed inside Wooyoung’s ass the last time you saw him naked. He’s long, but also thick, and you want to lick every protruding vein on his cock.
San rubs his engorged, flushed dick between Hongjoong’s ass cheeks, and he flinches a little at the unexpected skin to skin contact. “I knew you’d beg for me. What do you need, baby? Tell Sannie.”
He reaches under Hongjoong, giving his cock a few pumps, and rolling a nipple between his fingers. A staccato moan leaves Hongjoong’s throat and San kisses up his back. “Tell me, Joongie, or I will leave you here, dripping and hard in the middle of Y/N’s bed. Youngie and Y/N won’t be allowed to help you. And I won’t let you touch yourself either.”
“Please, I need your cock. I need you to fuck me, please.” Hongjoong is breathless as a single tear falls.
“That’s a good boy, Captain,” San says as he pushes into him in one fluid thrust of his hips, bottoming out inside of him.
San picks up a relentless pace, and Hongjoong desperately meets it. His whimpers and whines vibrate through the air, along with another familiar set and Wooyoung can no longer keep his mouth shut. You and Wooyoung have stripped down to nothing but your bra and panties and his boxers as you sit in his lap, back to his chest, your legs spread open as he plays with your clit through your soaked panties.
“Aww, look at little whiny bottom Joongie, flushed and crying on Sannie’s cock.”
Hongjoong and San look at the both of you, and even though Hongjoong looks insanely fucked out, you can tell he’s pissed, and so is San.
San stops his strokes into Hongjoong, and gives a cold stare to Wooyoung. Hongjoong makes a noise of disappointment at the halt of San’s movements.
“Youngie. Come here. Now.” His tone is very serious and anyone in their sane mind who wasn’t an absolute brat would be scared. He starts moving again inside Hongjoong, a patient pace, unlike the voice that just came from him.
But Wooyoung being the brat he is, decides to test San’s authority. “Make me, Sannie. And I would say that would be rather difficult for you to do, seeing as how you’re currently balls deep inside precious Joongie.”
With a sigh and gritted teeth, San says, “Wooyoung, don’t test my fucking patience. I said-” He’s interrupted by Hongjoong who, with a sickly sweet voice, calls Wooyoung to them.
“Wooyo, San asked you to come here.”
Wooyoung taps your leg, signaling for you to stand. He immediately heads over to Hongjoong and San on the bed.
“Oh, so you listen to Hongjoong when he calls for you? Seems you’ve suddenly forgotten who owns you, pretty. Boxers off. On the bed, in front of your lovely Joongie. And as punishment for your ‘cute’ little stunt, you don’t get to cum until I say so.”
There’s an air of unspoken words between Hongjoong and San, and Hongjoong knows exactly what he’s asking of him. He’s meant to bring Wooyoung to a similar state of his own. Only then is San going to let him cum.
Wooyoung settles in front of Hongjoong, feet placed on either side of his head.
“Oh, don’t think I forgot about you, Y/N. Come here.” Hongjoong’s dominance has returned, if only for a moment, to put you back in your place. You shake your head ‘no’ at him. An eyebrow flies upwards at your disobedience.
“Kitten,” San says, using Hongjoong’s pet name for you, “you were told to do something, I suggest you listen. Here. Now.”
You swiftly make your way to the bed and sit on your heels next to the three men, squeezing your legs together tightly to try and calm your aching bundle of nerves.
“Since you seem so eager to get your hands on Y/N, Youngie, why don’t you go ahead and take care of the rest of her clothes for us?” Hongjoong looks up at Wooyoung from his place in between his legs. “And Y/N, since you need a lesson on how to control yourself, you’re allowed nothing but to watch.”
“That’s not fair,” you pout at Hongjoong. “It was Woo’s idea!”
“And he’s also in trouble too, lest you forget. Hongjoong will make sure his punishment is carried out. So I suggest you take yours like a good girl, and start by letting Woo get rid of your sopping panties and that bothersome bra. We want to see you make a mess of yourself while I fuck your Joongie full of my cum and he plays with my naughty little Youngie.”
“Get to it, Woo,” San nods his head towards you, and picks back up his pace, fucking into Hongjoong like a dog in heat.
Wooyoung crawls over to you and unhooks your bra tossing it into the pile of forgotten clothes on the floor, and then tips you backwards onto the bed and makes quick work of your panties, adding the final piece of clothing from the four of you.
Hongjoong beckons Wooyoung to sit back in front of him, and he does so without any hesitation. You sit back up onto your knees, this time spreading your legs apart so that your bare pussy touches the soft, silky sheets.
“Go ahead, Joongie. Get your fill of Wooyo as a reward for taking my cock so well.”
Hongjoong doesn’t need to be told twice. He pulls Wooyoung by the thighs until he’s face to face with his dick. He kitten licks the precum off Wooyoung’s length that has dripped down it with his pierced tongue, the feeling making Wooyoung shiver with need.
“Fuck, Captain.”
Before Wooyoung can catch his breath, Hongjoong wraps his mouth around him and wastes no time taking him all the way in, his nose nestled in his well trimmed pubic hair. You hear Hongjoong gulp as he swallows around Wooyoung’s cock. Wooyoung screams as he finds purchase in Hongjoong’s hair. San gives a particularly hard thrust which has Hongjoong moaning around him as his eyes roll back, the vibrations causing tears to well up in Wooyoung’s eyes.
“Shit, if you don’t get your perfect mouth off my dick, I’m definitely gonna cum down your throat.”
San lands a thrust that pushes Hongjoong just a little farther down onto Wooyoung’s cock and he chokes on it before opening his mouth to release Wooyoung and letting his saliva coat him and drip down to his hole.
Hongjoong litters each of Wooyoung’s tensing thighs in deep bite marks. “As much as I’d love to swallow your babies, Sannie has given his orders, pretty.”
Hongjoong plunges two neatly manicured fingers into Wooyoung, precum and saliva that dripped from Wooyoung’s dick being the only lubricant. Wooyoung sharply inhales and arches his back at the sudden stretch and slight burn. Hongjoong milks his sweet spot, bringing forth soft, incoherent words from Wooyoung’s lips.
“Hnng, fuck, Joongie. I-I can’t.” Wooyoung’s body tightens as he tosses his head side to side, heavy pants making his chest rise and fall quickly. The look of Wooyoung fucked out from his fingers alone causes him to clamp around San’s dick and San grabs Hongjoong’s hips and pulls him full force back into his cock. Hongjoong crumples with a silent scream, his head resting into Wooyoung’s taut stomach, his fingers now slowly working him.
“Taking me so well, our precious Joongie. You’ve been so good for me. I’ll let you cum soon, baby. Look at the mess our pretty Y/N has made, watching you take my cock.”
All three of them look over to you, your body having a mind of its own as you rub your hot, slick coated pussy against the cool sheets. There’s a growing wet spot underneath you as your arousal only continues to increase.
Your disarray makes all three of them groan, and double down on their efforts in ruining each other. As things get louder and more intense, Hongjoong’s phone rings. None of them bother stopping, instead ordering you to answer it and put it on speaker. The name simply reads “Baby Chick 🐥”.
“H-hello?” you answer, out of breath and barely above a whisper.
“Hongjoong-ah, you sound a little more feminine than usual,” the caller jokes.
“He’s a little BUSY at the moment, Mingi-ah,” punctuating ‘busy’ with a long, deep thrust into Hongjoong. Hongjoong clamps his teeth around Wooyoung’s thigh once again to try and quiet the grunt that threatens to escape.
“God damn, Joongie, are you trying to eat me alive!?” Wooyoung squeals.
“Oh, is he? Sounds a bit like you all are. So it must be Miss Y/N that answered?” Mingi questions.
You’re quiet, your horny brain trying to process everything that’s going on in the moment.
“Y/N, M-Mingi-ah… a-asked you… something,” Hongjoong’s sentence broken up by his high pitched moans and tear laden voice from San’s quickening pace. You’re pretty sure they’re all seconds from cumming.
“Um, yes. It’s Y/N…”
Mingi hums on the other line. “Why so quiet, doll? Aren’t you enjoying yourself? You got three gorgeous men with you.”
“She’d probably be having fun if she was allowed to join, Princess, but her and Woo decided to have some fun without permission, so she can only watch. You should see how fucking hot she looks, all desperate and needy, in a puddle of her own juices,” San paints the picture for Mingi.
“Shit, send me a picture,” Mingi requests.
San quickly takes the phone from you, snaps a quick photo and sends it to Mingi. The line is silent for a few moments.
“Fuck… and y’all aren’t all over that right now?” whines Mingi.
“She’s being taught a lesson, Mingi. And so is Woo,” Hongjoong growls as he take Wooyoung’s dick into his other hand, pumping it achingly slow, slowing down his fingers to match.
“Joongie, f-fuck, please. I need to cum. God dammit!”
“Doll, give me details on what you’re seeing, hmmm?”
You whimper out a sigh. “I could just make it a video call and you can see for yourself?”
“No, no. I want you to tell me.”
Your voice timid and stammering, you explain in full detail what’s taking place. San fucking into Hongjoong, Hongjoong fingering and stroking Wooyoung to the point he’s completely sobbing. Hongjoong kissing Wooyoung to swallow his cries. San reaching under Hongjoong to push a rough, strong hand on Hongjoong’s throat, in turn making him sob, and San belting out a guttural moan.
“Ahh, so little Joongie is taking San’s big cock in his tight little ass, is he?”
“Yes, and I… I think it’s really fucking hot.”
“Oh?” You hear yet another voice on the other line. “You hear that, Mingi? She thinks it’s hot. Lucky for her, she’ll be seeing a hell of a lot of it, if she ended up agreeing to Joong’s proposition.”
“Hhnng, fuck. Come on, pretty. Cum for me. Cum for Sannie.” San is stroking Hongjoong’s cock impossibly fast with the hand that’s not on his throat making him dizzy with pleasure.
Hongjoong’s hole squeezes San dick over and over as he reaches his release, ropes of white, sticky cum painting the bed below as his body spasms and a muted scream leaves his throat.
“That’s it, baby, just a little more. Let me use you. Let me fuck this cute ass full of my cum.” A few more thrusts brings San to his own toe curling orgasm.
“Now, should we finally let poor Youngie cum, Joongie?” San asks Hongjoong, breathless.
“I think he’s earned it,” a devious smirk planted on Hongjoong’s face.
He adds a third finger into Wooyoung’s ass and fucks him in earnest. Before he wraps his hungry mouth around Wooyoung’s dick, he licks his lips. “Now I can finally swallow you properly, my pretty, pretty Woo.”
A strangled cry is heard from everyone by Wooyoung as Hongjoong pumps his fingers relentlessly into him, and swallows his dick whole.
“Fuck, y’all really tortured poor Wooyo this whole time and didn’t let him cum? No wonder he was so loud!” You hear a third voice radiate through the speaker.
“Sangie?” Wooyoung calls out. “I-I thought you and Yunho had something come up? F-fuck, Joong.” The sound of Hongjoong gurgling on Wooyoung’s cock fills the room.
“Jesus, Joong! He’s not gonna have a dick left when you’re done. But, yeah, that something was Mingi. Me and Yunho decided we needed you four to finally fuck it out, so once we heard Hongjoong was over, a dick appointment with Mingi was too tempting. Sounds like it’s, uh, working in everyone's favor. Except for maybe Y/N.”
“Don’t worry, she’s about to be well taken care of. Baby, have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes, sir,” you blurt out, answering San’s question with zero hesitation.
“Sir? Oh, you’re really trying to get in my good graces aren’t you? Go sit on Woo’s pretty face, Kitten.”
Woo is so fucked out, but you can see the look of excitement as you crawl your way over to him and hover over his face. “He said sit, not hover, Y/N,” he says right before pulling you down to fully seat yourself on his face.
He licks a slow, agonizing path from your fluttering entrance to your swollen clit, and grazes it with his teeth before sucking on it, lewd slurping noises surrounding the two of you. Hongjoong hits the right spot for Wooyoung, because you feel the rumble of his moans into your pussy. He comes up for air, his face glistening with your juices. “Fuck, I could eat this pussy all day, you taste so fucking good. Joongie, s-shit. I’m gonna cum!”
“You better make sure that Y/N does too, Youngie. Don’t be selfish.” orders San, and Hongjoong slows just enough to ease Wooyoung off the edge.
Your legs are already trembling, the heat in your gut having threatened to burst the moment Wooyoung pulled you onto his face. “Cum on my tongue, angel. Need you to give me every last drop.”
He dives back in, devouring you like a man starved. His skilled tongue is fucking in and out of your tight heat, and you grip his long, dark hair, trying to maintain some semblance of sanity. Hongjoong can tell you’re close just by your pornographic noises, and the way you rock your hips on Wooyoung’s face. He curls his fingers inside Wooyoung and sucks hard on his tip, and Wooyoung gives your clit the same treatment. Your legs trap Wooyoung’s head as you cum with a loud string of curses. As Wooyoung drinks up your spilled arousal, Hongjoong pushes once more against his sweet spot, finally earning him the treat he’d been after as he swallows every last drop he’s coaxed from Wooyoung. Wooyoung screams are muffled by your pussy, and they reverberate through you, causing another orgasm to seize your body, unexpectedly.
You roll off of Wooyoung’s face and settle next to him. “You eat pussy like a god, Woo. What the fuck?” Your body is still twitching a bit and your breath steadying after coming down from back to back orgasms, and Wooyoung’s eyes are closed as he smirks.
“My mouth is something I pride myself on, in all ways that can be taken,” he giggles softly.
“I hope you didn’t think we were finished,” San asks tentatively.
“Hmm, nope, just needed a few minutes. You good to go Y/N? Joong?”
You and Hongjoong hum in agreement.
“Ok, that’s settled then. Joongie, on your back. I want Youngie to get you good and hard again, and then cockwarm you, keep you nice and ready for Y/N, yeah?” Hongjoong nods as he gets into position. “As for you, my pretty boy,” San lightly grabs Wooyoung’s chin to make their eyes meet, “I know his cock feels amazing, but save your cum for when our gorgeous Y/N has her tight pussy wrapped around your cock. Think you can handle that?”
Wooyung gives a sadden sigh. “As long as Joongie plays nice, I think I can handle it.”
“Oh, baby. I’m not sure it’s him you’ll have to worry about. Now go on and get our Captain ready.”
Wooyoung heads over to Hongjoong, who is resting and waiting with his hands folded underneath his head. “Y/N, can you come here for just a second?”
You’re unsure of Wooyoung’s next move but you scoot yourself closer to him. “Spread your legs for me, pretty girl.” San keeps a close eye on the interaction, making sure Wooyoung behaves. You follow his instructions and give him a full view of your glistening folds. “Fuck, so pretty.”
He sticks his fingers inside of you to collect some of your slick, which is abundant, considering he just gave you two earth shattering orgasms. You groan as you try to ride his thick fingers, but he pulls them out just as quick as they went in. “Nuh uh, baby. I just needed some help getting Joongie all nice and wet for me. I appreciate the assistance,” his tone playful and bratty.
Using the arousal he just collected from you, he slicks up Hongjoong’s dick and strokes him, playing with his piercings, until he’s back fully hard and leaking. He straddles Hongjoong, facing you and San, and Hongjoong pulls his cheeks apart to watch Wooyoung slide down his dick until he’s fully seated on it. Hongjoong sighs in relief. “Shit, Youngie. So warm and tight,” he says, kneading the soft flesh of Wooyoung’s ass. Wooyoung tries to stay as still as possible and follow San’s orders.
Hongjoong plants his feet on the bed to give San space to mimic his position the opposite direction.
“Y/N. Ride me? You’ve been so patient and I know your pretty little hole is aching to be filled with cock.”
“Yes, sir.” You maneuver yourself just over San’s hard, fat cock and line him up with your entrance. The glide is smooth but you can still feel the burning stretch, and he groans as he bottoms out inside you.
“That’s it, baby. Such a good girl for us. I’ve been waiting so long to have my dick inside you. Such a shame that it took Joongie being gracious enough to share you with us for it to happen. We could have had you cumming on our cocks ages ago.”
You whine at his dirty words, bouncing up and down at a rhythmic pace. He sits himself up on his forearms to watch himself disappear inside your tight pussy. “That’s a fucking sight to see. You take me so well, pretty.”
You readjust yourself and slide your upper body forward so it’s resting on the bed, you propped on your forearms now as well, as you continue to ride San. You’re now also inches away from Wooyoung’s dick, still shining from Hongjoong’s mouth. You wet your lips and run your tongue along every protruding vein on his gorgeous cock. He shivers at the unexpected attention.
“Such a cock tease, Y/N,” he whimpers needily, as he begins rocking his hips against Hongjoong’s dick.
Hongjoong grabs his hips to still him. “You were told to warm me, not fuck me, Youngie.”
“I-I can’t h-help it. Feels so good.” You fully engulf his cock into your hungry mouth and he chokes out a broken moan.
San gives your ass a sharp slap that elicits a moan from you, the vibration traveling to Wooyoung’s cock and making him twitch.
“Such a naughty girl, teasing Youngie and making him squirm, knowing he can’t cum until he has you,” San instigates.
You become even more wet at his words. “Now I know why Joongie can’t stay away,” he pants, breaths becoming uneven. “So nice of him to share this tight, wet pussy with us.”
San pays close attention to Wooyoung and can tell by his high pitched moans that he’s teetering on the edge of his release. Before he topples over, San grabs you by the throat and pops you off of Wooyoung’s dick and pulls you flush to his chest.
Brows furrowing and a disgruntled groan leaving his chest, Wooyoung pouts. Hongjoong still has a bruising grip on his hips, keeping him still. “Only good boys get to cum more than once, Wooyo. And you’ve been a mouthy little brat all night. Prove to me you can behave until Sannie decides you’ve earned Y/N, and maybe we’ll be kind enough to let you cum again.”
San finds your lips, placing sloppy, hot, saliva filled kisses onto them. His tongue explores your mouth, tasting the bitter, salty essence of Wooyoung’s precum lingering. His hips snap into you, sharp and precise, brushing against your cervix on every thrust up. He places gentle pressure on your throat, enough to make your head spin, and your orgasm is quickly approaching from his ministrations. You greedily swallow each other's noises and you can feel San’s cock throbbing inside of you. Your pussy has San in a vice grip and he leaves your lips to scatter kisses across your shoulders and neck.
“You’re squeezing me so tight. Let go and cum on my cock, sweetheart.” Your mouth opens in a silent scream as you come undone on San’s dick and after a few more pumps, he follows, his hot seed filling you so full that it drips out of you around him.
San pulls out of you as you come down from your high. “You did so good, sweetie. Can you still take more? Look at poor, Youngie. He looks like he could use your help, baby.”
You look at Wooyoung who is writhing on Hongjoong’s dick, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. “Mmm, yes, Sannie. Want to take care of Woo.”
“Go sit on him, baby. And let Joongie do all the work. I have a feeling you’re going to need your energy once he gets a hold of you.”
You make your way over to a very whiny, overstimulated Wooyoung and climb on top of him. You slowly lower yourself onto his dick, and his nails dig into you back as he cries out. “F-fuck, I… shit.”
The mixture of your juices and San’s cum in your hole, still tight and gripping from your orgasm minutes before, encompassing Wooyoung’s dick, has him cumming the moment he’s fully inside of you.
“Shit. I-I’m s-sorry,” Wooyoung chokes out a sob, tears finally escaping his glassy eyes.
“Aww, our pretty Wooyo couldn’t even wait for us, Y/N. Poor, desperate, needy boy,” Hongjoong coos.
“At least he followed Sannie’s orders. But you’re gonna keep being a good boy and let Joongie and I use you, right baby?” you purr in his ear and yank his long, silky hair, exposing his neck to gently suck on it.
“Such a good boy. Use me, please,” his voice barely above a whisper.
“I love when you’re begging on my cock, pretty boy. We’ve got you, baby.”
Hongjoong starts with a slow and steady pace, and the three of you let out a sound of pleasure. Hongjoong increases his pace as you all become used to the position, him fucking you through Wooyoung.
“Mmm, feels so good, Youngie,” lust lacing your voice as you continue your previous attack on his neck. Your teeth scrape against a sensitive spot and he hums in approval. The pads of your thumbs play with his nipples and his whines raise an octave.
“So good, Woo, letting me fuck you into Y/N. Feel good, baby?”
“Gah, f-fuck. Really good. She’s so wet and tight, Joongie.”
You feel heat at your back, and San has knelt behind you. He places his hands on your hips and rocks you on Wooyoung’s cock, matching Hongjoong’s thrusts below. San rests his chin on your shoulder and Wooyoung instantly attaches his mouth to San’s. The lewd sounds of their make out session next to your ear has the knot in your belly tightening. If the panting in your ear is acting to go by, Wooyoung is just as close as you are, and you glance at Hongjoong to see he isn’t faring any better. His pierced lip is between his teeth, brows knitted in concentration.
San’s hard dick pokes into your back every time he pulls you back, and you instinctively clench around Wooyoung. Now that you’re grinding on Wooyoung on your own accord, San runs his hands up your torso to cup your breasts and knead them in his hands. He pinches your nipples as he and Wooyoung mark your blemish free skin with purpling bruises.
Hongjoong is fucking Wooyoung into you hard, and you gasp as if the air has been punched from your lungs. “Fuck.. s-so close. Don’t stop, please,” you babble.
“Please, Joongie. Don’t stop. S’close too. Y/N is about to drain me for everything I have, she’s squeezing me so fucking tight. Come on, pretty girl.”
“Feels so good. I’m gon-,” your sentence unfinished as you cum so hard that your vision blanks and your hearing betrays you for a few moments, your head resting on San’s shoulder.
The pulsing of your pussy around Wooyoung has him cumming what seems like an endless supply deep inside you. “That’s it, Y/N. Take every last drop.”
The domino effect continues, as Hongjoong follows right behind Wooyoung, wrapping his arms tightly around him and giving a few final strokes. He collapses back onto the bed and lightly chuckles. “I was genuinely concerned you were gonna take my dick off for a second, Woo. I don’t think you’ve ever cum that hard around my dick.”
“Well, you can thank Y/N for that one. She’s got a perfect pussy.”
San removes you from Wooyoung and cuddles you in his arms while the aftershocks of your release calm down. Hongjoong slides out of Wooyoung and cuddles him as well. He pets Wooyoung’s hair as he addresses the both of you. “You both did so good, my babies.” San kisses your temple and makes a noise of agreement.
“Sannie and Youngie felt so, so good. Filled me up so nicely, and I would not be opposed to riding Woo’s face for the rest of my life.”
You can sense the jealousy seeping out of Hongjoong’s every pore. Which was absolutely your intention. Everyone had been a little too gentle for your liking tonight, and you just wanted Hongjoong to fuck you stupid and remind you who you actually belonged to.
“Sannie fucked me so g-,”
Hongjoong interrupts you. “Kitten, that’s enough.” Anyone else would be scared of the look in his eyes right now, but you’ve got him exactly where you want him. All you need to do is push just a little further.
“What?” you feign innocence. “I was just saying how good they made me feel.” San stifles a laugh as you back talk Hongjoong, because he knows you’re about to be in for it. He quietly slips out from behind you and collects a spent Wooyoung from Hongjoong to go sit over on the couch, ready to enjoy the show.
“Do you think that I don’t have eyes? Or ears, Y/N? Do you think I didn’t hear every sound or see every face you made while they fucked you? While Youngie devoured your pussy?” he hisses.
He makes his way over to you and shoves you back, caging you underneath him.
“You’re a pliant little fucking mess for Sannie, aren’t you?” one of his pretty, inked hands reaching to clasp your throat. “You like how he fucked you, hmm? Let him stuff you full of his cum. Still wasn’t enough for you, you had to be full from both ends, huh? Making Youngie squirm on my cock.”
“I loved every second of it,” you say as loud as you can with Hongjoong’s hand around your neck, a devious smirk decorating your lips.
“I bet you did, Kitten. But let me remind you who you belong to, hmm?”
You hear moans and heavy breathing followed by a ‘fuck’ that doesn’t come from any of the four of you in the room. You all take a moment and realize it’s coming from Hongjoong’s forgotten phone, which has made its way onto the floor at some point.
“Fucking hell, Mingi-ya. I thought you would have hung up by now, since I hadn’t.”
“No, we were really enjoying what we were hearing. Y/N makes some pretty fucking sounds. I hadn’t gotten to hear her yet. Kinda feeling left out, not gonna lie.”
“Maybe if you’re a good boy, Princess, Hongjoong will let you have your chance,” Yunho says in the background.
“God damn, Yeo! Ok, I gotta go. Y’all have given us a very horny Sangie, who currently has my dick down his throat.”
The line goes silent and Hongjoong’s attention returns to you.
“You didn’t think Mingi was going to get you out of this did you?”
“No, but I think you were about to remind me who I belonged to, Captain,” your voice smooth as velvet.
“Spread your legs. Now.” His voice is commanding but calm, and you do as you’re told. “I want you to look at me while you play with that pretty little pussy.”
You dip your fingers into your entrance to gather some of the mixture of cum and rub lazy circles against your clit, eyes locked on Hongjoong. He bites his lip and groans as he pumps his long, hard cock. Your breaths begin to pick up, and your moans and whimpers increase. Hongjoong moves to hover over you. He drinks in the sight of you. Cheeks flushed, mouth parted in pleasure, chest rising and falling in short bursts. “What pretty little noises you make for me. Let’s see how long I can hear them tonight. Don’t stop unless I tell you to, understand?” You give him a small nod.
He makes his way down in between your thighs and ghosts kisses up and down, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He bites down hard on your left inner thigh and suckles. The intensity makes you shriek and your legs shake and you can feel Hongjoong smile against you. “That’s it, let me hear you, Kitten.”
He doesn’t stop until your inner thighs are completely covered in perfect bite marks and various depths of purpling darkness. You’re a writhing mess between your own fingers and his expert mouth. The coil in your gut keeps winding tighter and tighter. “I love how you can’t control yourself when you’re about to cum. But I need you to cum on my tongue, baby.” He removes your hand from your aching nub and replaces it with his tongue.
“Fuuuck, right there, please. Don’t stop.” He nibbles your clit before fully taking it into his mouth, sucking on it like it’s the last thing he’ll ever taste. Your hands find purchase in his hair as your back arches off the bed, and your orgasm ripples through you like a freight train. He detaches himself from you, face covered in your arousal as he comes up to kiss you. You taste yourself on his tongue and you deepen the kiss.
“Tell Sannie and Wooyo who’s making you feel this good, Kitten,” he whispers against your lips.
“You, Captain. Fuck.” You wrap your legs around his waist, attempting to pull him closer, urging him to fuck you.
“Good girl. Let’s see how many more you can give me, shall we? I’m gonna make you cum so many times that you forget your own name. I may allow the others to enjoy you, but don’t you ever forget who this pussy belongs to, Kitten.”
“Please, Captain. I need you inside of me,” you beg.
He chuckles darkly as he untangles himself from your legs and goes to sit against the headboard.
“I bet you do, baby. But before I even think about giving you my cock, you’re gonna cum for me again. And the only way I’ll allow you to do that is by riding my thigh. Come take your place, pretty girl.”
You crawl on your knees over to him and situate yourself on one of his thick, strong thighs. You wrap your arms around his neck and rest your forehead against his shoulder as you grind yourself on his thigh, your wetness making the slide easy. He covers your neck in love bites, but that’s the only form of attention he’s giving you. “If you want it, you have to work for it, Kitten.”
You grind down harder, trying to find the right amount of friction to bring you to your climax. You whine and whimper into his neck as you struggle to get yourself there.
“Does my baby need help?” Hongjoong mocks.
“Please, Captain.”
“Maybe you should watch Sannie over there, fucking Youngie into the cushions, since you enjoyed them so much, hmm?” Wooyoung cries out from a rough thrust of San’s hips. You had long forgotten the others in the room as Hongjoong teased you, making him your sole focus.
“No, I need you. Please touch me,” your voice heavy with desperation as you continue your valiant effort to cum on your own, to no avail.
“You even remembered your manners. Such a good girl.” He flexes his thigh underneath you, the stimulation it causes is delicious. He rolls a nipple between his fingers of one hand, and chokes you with the other, making you head spin with pleasure.
“Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you chant. “I’m gonna c-.” Your sentence is cut short as Hongjoong removes the hand from your throat and shoves his thumb into your mouth, which you greedily suck.
“What was that, Kitten? I didn’t quite hear you.” Your legs clamp around his thigh as you cum all over it, and your mouth drops open, drool falling down your chin and Hongjoong’s delicate hand. “Making such a mess, baby.”
Before you can recover, he repositions you to lay over his lap on your back and pins one of your legs to his chest, leaving your pussy on full display. “I want Sannie and Wooyo to watch how well you take my fingers. If you’re a good girl for me, I’ll give you my cock next. How’s that sound?”
All you manage is a fucked out whine as he plays with your clit, and you can feel the eyes of the other two on your swollen, sensitive pussy, having clearly finished with whatever they were doing beforehand because Wooyoung is now relaxed on San’s lap.
Hongjoong shoves two fingers inside your abused hole, and curls them to play with your sweet spot. His fingers are fucking you at an unforgiving stride. You cling to his arm for dear life, leaving crescent shaped marks with your nails.
“T-too much, Joongie,” you mewl, wriggling in his grip.
“Take it for me, pretty girl.” He ignores the fact that you didn’t call him by his correct title, knowing there’s no thoughts left in your brain but his fingers deep inside you.
“You’re doing so good for Captain, sweetheart,” San praises. You groan as the wet sounds of Hongjoong playing with your pussy fill the room. If you had been in a proper state of mind, you might have been embarrassed. But Hongjoong is bringing you to yet another orgasm, and you’ve lost all sense of shame.
“Look at you, quivering around Joongie’s fingers. So pretty,” Wooyoung murmurs.
You’re panting heavily as tears begin to flow and Hongjoong can tell you’re close to cumming again. “You close, Kitten? Look at me. I want to watch that pretty face twisted in pleasure when you cum all over my fingers.”
You do your best to focus on Hongjoong as he massages your sweet spot. “Sannie and Youngie don’t make you feel this good, do they, baby?,” he purrs.
“Hnng, n-no, Captain. H-harder! Gonna cum!” your watery eyes focused on the man knuckles deep in your hole.
Wooyoung and San watch as your pussy contracts around Hongjoong’s fingers and you squirt and drench him and yourself. Hongjoong admires the blissed out expression on your face, knowing only he can make you this fucked out.
“So proud of you. You did so good. Have you had enough for tonight, Kitten?”
You sit up and shake your head and pout up at him, stroking his neglected cock. You’re three climaxes in just from Hongjoong, and Hongjoong hasn’t cum for you once. If you’re being honest, you’re a bit offended, even though you know his intention was to focus on you and your pleasure. “You promised me your cock if I was good, Captain. You came for Wooyo and Sannie. But not for me. I’ve been good and you said you would give it to me!”
An exasperated sigh leaves Hongjoong’s lips as his eyes grow dark. “You really just want to be fucked full of everyone’s cum tonight, hmm Kitten? How hard do you want it?”
“Ruin me, Captain. Please?”
He pins you down to the bed and manhandles you into a mating press, plunging his dick into your waiting pussy. “You wanted me to ruin you baby, so you’re gonna lay here and take every inch of my cock.”
He thrusts into you with an unyielding force, the sound of skin meeting skin deafening in the room. A loud, long moan leaves from your parted lips. “That’s it, Kitten. Moan for me, just like that.” He pants into your plush thigh, placing tender kisses, quite the opposite of his strokes.
“Fuck, you feel so good, Captain.”
He leans in to capture your lips, a mix of tongue, teeth, and spit exchanged between the two of you. You suck on his pierced lip to encourage him to make those desperate sounds you love so much. The jewelry of his pretty dick drags along your walls so nicely, it makes you gasp. He bites your neck and sucks a mark, darker than all the others you’ve received tonight.
“Mine,” he growls. “And I’m gonna make sure everyone fucking knows it.”
“Yes, Captain, yours.”
His pounding pace has gotten even more unforgiving and you feel yourself barreling towards another blinding release. Hongjoong’s teeth find every inch of skin he can reach and bites hard enough that he knows it will leave bruises for the others to see.
“Joongie, I can feel you throbbing inside of me. Fuck me full? Please? Cum for me?” you whine at him.
“If you want my cum, you’re gonna have to cum first and drain it from me. Squeeze my cock, baby.”
Your pussy hugs him tighter, and the pleasure intensifies even more than you could imagine. “Fuuuuck,” you groan as you take one of his hands and place it around your throat, silently pleading him to squeeze. He follows your silent request and your back arches and your eyes roll in the back of your head, tears falling from them simultaneously. Your mouth drops open and drool leaks from the corners, as you let out as loud of a scream as you can manage.
Hongjoong slides in and out of your pulsing pussy a few more times, before he reaches his own release and stills inside of you. “Goddamnit, Kitten. That’s it, take every last drop. My good girl deserves it.”
He brings you close to him as he collapses next to you, not yet wanting to pull out. He gives your lips delicate, unhurried kisses as you both catch your breath. San and Wooyoung make their way to the bed to join in on the cuddling. Wooyoung hugs you from behind and snuggles into you, and San behind Hongjoong.
“You all did so well. Especially you, Y/N,” San praises. “Is everyone satiated now?” Some form of approval is announced by everyone. “Good. I really enjoyed tonight. I know Y/N probably can’t even move right now, but we’ve got to get cleaned up. We’re a fucking mess.”
He slips out from behind Hongjoong and he makes a disapproving sound at the loss of warmth.
“I’m just going to go run us a bath, Joongie. I’ll be right back,” San reassures as he pats Hongjoong’s head.
San heads towards the on suite bathroom and you hear the water running. Hongjoong plants another kiss to your lips before he goes to leave as well. “Stay here and cuddle with Youngie, baby. I’ll be right back.” You manage a small nod as he pushes himself up and off the bed and finds his boxers in the pile of forgotten clothes. Wooyoung nuzzles your neck and squeezes you tighter.
Before you can drift off, San renters the room. He kneels at your side and scoops you up. “I’ll be right back for you, Youngie. Ok, baby?”
“Mmm, yes Sannie.”
San carries your spent body to the bathroom and gently places you in the tub. The warm water and soothing scent of the candles San lit instantly relaxes your aching body, and you rest against the wall of the tub. “I’ll be right back, pretty. I’m gonna go get Youngie.” You hum as your eyes struggle to stay open.
As promised, San returns with Wooyoung and sets him in the bath in front of you, and you cling to him, pulling him to rest against you. San leaves again, letting you both know he’ll return shortly.
“So that was definitely something,” Wooyoung murmurs to you.
“It was amazing,” you respond.
“I never knew you could cum so much, Y/N. All those other men you’ve brought over must have been trash.” You cackle at his bluntness and scratch your fingertips against his scalp. “Hmmm, that feels nice.”
San meets Hongjoong back in the room where Hongjoong has prepared a snacking board of different items and drinks for everyone.
“They’re settled in the tub, probably waiting for us to return. I’m going to change the sheets and toss the others in the wash,” San informs Hongjoong as he sets everything down onto the nightstand.
“Ok, I’ll go keep an eye on them. They’re probably plotting their next scheme against us,” Hongjoong jokes.
“We can only hope, huh?” San gives Hongjoong a dimpled smile.
“Thanks for taking care of all of us tonight, Sannie.”
“Hey, you took care of everyone too, ya know.”
“We make a pretty good team, I’d have to say,” Hongjoong says definitively.
“We sure do. I’ll join you all in a few. Go take care of our babies in the meantime.”
Hongjoong walks in to see you and Wooyoung talking and giggling with each other. He drops his boxers and inserts himself behind you in the water. “How are you doing, my loves?” He scoots you and Wooyoung closer to him.
“You walked in on our next plan to overtake you and San,” you pout.
He chuckles at you as he relays the conversation he just had with San back in the bedroom. Just then, San enters the bathroom and slides in on the opposite end of the three of you. In this moment, you’re thankful for the abnormally large tub that can easily accommodate the four of you.
“Youngie, come here baby,” San beckons Wooyoung over to him. He makes his way to San and settles in his lap. “What was going on in here, huh?”
“I told you they were plotting our demise!” Hongjoong says and he and San share a laugh.
“I can guarantee you that Hongjoong and I will easily foil those plans!”
You all spend time talking about tonight’s events and potential future plans, Hongjoong and San smothering you and Wooyoung with affection. The water is now lukewarm and San is the first to hop out. He slings a towel around his waist and Hongjoong follows. Hongjoong helps you out of the tub, now that your legs are more stable, and dries you off. He helps you into your favorite fluffy robe as San tends to Wooyoung.
The four of you throw on something light to sleep in and flop onto the clean sheets, and Hongjoong grabs the platter from the nightstand and sets it in between the circle that has been created. Hongjoong grabs a piece of fruit and brings it to your lips.
“Eat, baby,” his voice gentle, yet commanding. You open your mouth so he can feed it to you, and you playfully bite his fingers.
“Yah! Don’t bite!” he exclaims and the whole room erupts into laughter.
“Says you! Look at me!”
“They look pretty on you though,” he says with a smirk.
As the plate clears, and the drinks are empty, everyone begins to entangle themselves and curl into a pile of limbs. As comfortable silence falls upon the group, Hongjoong’s phone rings again. He reaches for it and answers it on speaker.
“Hey, Mingi-ya. What’s up?”
“So umm, when do we get a chance with Y/N?”
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mustainegf · 17 days
‘86 james taking your virginity but its sweet morning sex :(
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I gently woke to his heartbeat in my ear, firm hands safely holding my waist to his body. I hum tiredly with a smile, scooting closer to James' warmth.
It felt too good, me all tangled up in his arms like this. And here I thought that would never happen.
So instead of moving, I just lay there staring at the ceiling, smiling.
"Mmph... baby.." James grumbled, shifting slowly beneath me, our bodies still clinging together.
He tucked one arm around my back as he brought his other hand over top of me, which he rested against my forehead for a second.
"Good morning, sleepy head." His voice was a little bit rough. My smile widened. "I love you," I whispered. I couldn't help it. I had to tell him. "I love you so much." He made a soft sound in his throat.
I exhaled happily, slowly kissing his neck. I always loved laying with him like this in the morning.
Then, without warning, something poked into my inner thigh. I froze. But it wasn't painful. It was... warm? I frowned, unsure what to think or do. And then suddenly, it came to me. Of course.
Because it couldn't be anything else, right? I took a deep breath and said through my teeth, "James?" His response was more of a grunt. I swallowed and continued, "You're hard." This time, he actually did chuckle.
"And your point is?" he asked, sounding amused. I paused, trying not to laugh myself, but realizing the predicament we were in. We weren't naked; but we also weren't exactly fully clothed either. And I could feel a lot through just the fabric of his briefs.
Which meant I knew exactly how hard he was.
That didn't make me uncomfortable though. In fact, I loved the feeling of his hardness pressed against me. God, it was so hot, thinking about us doing things like this.
So the only thing I could really say was, "I'm getting harder too." I heard a slight pause before he spoke again, his voice deeper than usual now. "Are you?" I teased, a blush creeping up my face.
I smirked, knowing full well that he was already listening to every word I was saying. He huffed.
"You know damn well I am," he said. My cheeks flushed, my smile widening even more.
I reached down between my legs and found the tip of his cock, tracing a line along its length. I let out a satisfied sigh. "Mmm..." James let out another low growl. "Baby, I thought you weren't ready?"
he asked. "It's fine." I mumbled, shyly blushing. "I mean, I am." There was a long moment where neither of us moved or spoke. A mix of nervousness and anticipation settled inside of me.
"What if I don't want to wait anymore?" I asked quietly. This time he didn't respond at all. I stayed completely silent, waiting, hoping. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, James pulled away from me.
The chill in the air stung as he leaned forward and took my chin in his hand. His eyes searched mine, almost pleading. "How sure are you?" he asked softly. "I can wait until you're 100 certain."
His gaze softened as I watched him speak. "But if you don't wanna-" My lips parted as I quickly interrupted him. "No! I want to." I was practically begging, trying to communicate how bad I needed him.
All the uncertainty I'd been feeling about this decision melted away. I wanted this, I needed this. With him. Now. Not tomorrow, not next week. Now.
Right now. "Please..." I whispered, letting go of his hand. James nodded, finally understanding. He lifted himself off the bed and reached down, pulling off his boxers.
His cock sprang free and bounced a little with the movement. I stared at him, fixated. He looked incredible.
The tip glistened slightly with precum, perfectly poised and ready for whatever happened next. My eyes trailed down his toned body. Yeah sure, I'd seen him naked before, we'd been dating for a few months now, but this is the first time we'd actually be having sex. Or me at least.
James grabbed a condom from his drawer and rolled it onto his erection. When he finished, he turned back toward me. "Come on," he urged, reaching out for me.
I nodded and sat up, reaching down under my shirt to pull off my panties. James watched intently as I removed them. Once done, I laid back down on the bed, spreading my legs open wide.
His view drove him crazy, immediately dipping down to gently kiss my clit. "Mh!" I whined, not expecting the sudden feeling.
He chuckled. "That ok, baby?"
"Y-yeah, it's good. Just keep going," I moaned. He grinned against my skin and kissed me again. "Whatever you say."
I shivered at the sensation. This felt better than I ever imagined it would. I squeezed my thighs together around his head and he groaned, clearly enjoying my reaction.
"Oh yeah, that's perfect." he hummed, sending delicious vibrations across my entire pelvic area. I whimpered at the intensity of the pleasure he gave me. "Good girl..." he praised me. "So fucking wet."
I moaned, loving the compliment. The way his tongue slid over my pussy made me squirm uncontrollably. Everything felt so amazing.
His mouth was everywhere, licking and sucking. I held tight to the sheets below me, unable to hold myself still anymore. I had never felt this good.
After a while, he stopped eating me out and moved up higher. His mouth hovered above my earlobe, and he started kissing me there. Each kiss sent shocks straight down into my core. I bit my lip as he continued, desperately trying to remain quiet. It was no use though.
"It's okay baby, don't feel bad about those pretty little noises," he hummed, kissing down my collarbone.
Oh god, it felt so good. My body tensed with excitement as he continued kissing me lower, working his way towards my tits. When his mouth finally closed around one of my nipples, I couldn't help but arch my back.
He only sucked for a short while before pulling back, his mouth making a wet popping noise against my nipple. I felt a little nervous as he slowly began to position himself between my legs.
"Ready?" he asked, staring deep into my eyes. I smiled and nodded. He placed his hands on either side of me, leaning in to give me a quick kiss.
His hips pressed forward slightly, nudging the tip of his dick against my entrance. I tensed up. "Just relax, sweetie. Take a deep breath." His words were soft, gentle.
As I did exactly what he said, he pushed forward slowly. I gasped when I felt the pressure of him stretching me open. The slow progress was agonizingly pleasurable.
It wasn't long before I could feel his length fully inserted inside of me. James let out a low groan, holding himself still for a moment. "Are you okay? We can stop if you need too." I shook my head.
"Just... just give me a second..." I whimper. James took my cheeks in his hands, caressing my skin with his thumbs to comfort me, doing his best not to move whilst seated inside me.
I felt him throbbing gently within me, the sensation causing my own arousal to spike. A tremor ran through me as I instinctively tightened my inner muscles.
"Oh fuck... shit." I heard James whisper as he clenched his teeth, fighting hard to stay put. I knew how much effort it took for him and I loved him all the more for it.
"Sorry.." I giggle, knowing my clenching must have him going insane. "You can go now, just... be gentle."
He grunted in response, seeming to understand the task ahead. Carefully, he withdrew until just the tip remained. Then, he pressed back inwards, causing me to release another small moan.
He repeated this process several times, each time sliding further inside until he reached bottom.
With every thrust, I wriggled my hips underneath him. Soon enough, he found a steady rhythm.
Up and down he went, filling me over and over again. The sound of our bodies meeting was exhilarating. James leaned forward, placing his palms flat on the bed on either side of me.
Our foreheads touched and he looked me right in the eye. "How does that feel?" I couldn't speak, words failing me at this point.
Instead, I simply nodded frantically, completely overwhelmed by everything happening at once. He grinned proudly. "Good." The speed increased as his thrusts became harder. "I'm so proud of you... doin' so good."
I whimpered and arched my back. James kept pumping slowly into me, pushing me into the mattress with every stroke. My breasts bounced gently with the pace.
"Keep going baby, keep being a good girl," he panted into my ear. "Are you good to keep going? Need a break?" He asked gently, sweat trickling down his forehead as he continued with gentle pumps.
"I-it's okay... please don't stop..." I whimper, taking one of his hands in mine, clutching it tight.
"Gonna—fuck—make me cum..." James groaned, his head falling into the crook of my neck, focusing what was left of his energy.
I felt him pulsing inside me, sending jolts of pleasure throughout my whole body. I lay there beneath him, completely spent. Even after he pulled out, I still felt full.
My pussy throbbed, demanding more. "That was amazing," he whispered, wiping some hair from my face with a loving touch.
James groaned and reached down to slip the full condom off of his pulsing length. He quickly tossed it in the trash before turning back to me with a smile. However, my fingers are still working at my clit.
"What are you doing, can't help yourself, huh..." He mumbled sleepily. I blush. "I haven't cum yet..." I whine.
"Baby, you should a said something," he chuckled, dipping back down between my legs again. "Let me help."
He wasted no time in finding my clit, circling around the sensitive nub as my fingertips slipped from my body.
I spread myself wide for him, keeping my eyes shut tight as his tongue swirled around my swollen bud.
His lips wrapped around the fleshy hood and he sucked firmly. Instantly, a wave of pleasure washed over me.
My knees bent and I threw an arm over my face, stifling a scream. He started to suck even firmer, using both hands to pull the flesh taught, driving me wild.
"Fuck James! Stop, I-I'm gonna cum!" I yelp desperately, grinding my crotch against his face.
James made a loud, satisfied 'humph' noise into my soaking cunt. It sent shivers down my spine.
One last flick of his skilled tongue across my clit and I collapsed back onto the bed. I laid there, quivering and panting like a dog, staring up at the ceiling.
I hear James chuckle and get up from between my legs, pulling me up by my waist. We end up in a sloppy pile of limbs in the bed, kissing slowly.
James finally breaks away from me and sits up, patting my leg. "Come here..." I shuffle up the bed and crawl over, wrapping my arms around him.
James embraces me tightly. So here we lay, naked, breathing slow, tangled and sweaty. I took in a deep breath of his smell, kissing his cheek gently. "Thank you, Jamie..."
"Was it good? Hope I could satisfy my girl," he smiled, scoffing teasingly.
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and-claudia · 2 months
Against All Odds pt. 9 (Joel Miller x fem! reader)
General Warnings for later on: The main story will have an age gap between Joel and the reader (Reader will be 25 once we get to the main storyline), this will also be your warning that it will eventually be an x pregnant reader (if that’s not your jam, I’m sorry) there is also going to be more graphic/trigger parts later on so please always to be sure to read the warnings BEFORE reading. This story will also be 18+ and TO BE ON THE TAGLIST YOU CAN NOT BE AN AGELESS BLOG (i do actually check that) also there first hand full of parts are all prologue so Joel won’t actually be in it for a bit
Warnings for this part: guns, typical cannon violence/themes, mentions of abortions, soft Joel moments!!
word count: 4500+ (Come get yalls juice!!)
Taglist Sign-Up (read my rules carefully before filling it out)
gif not mine
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I wasn’t sure how long I was asleep but at some point, my eyes snapped open to the sound of glass crunch under someone’s shoe. 
At first, I thought it may have been Joel or Ellie getting up for some reason, so I laid there quietly, waiting to hear the rustle of fabric on fabric as they laid back down. However, I then realized I could feel Joel asleep behind me. I carefully glanced over and saw Ellie asleep. Maybe I imagined it. 
Wishful thinking. The next thing I knew, two people were in our room. Joel was out, but Ellie had woken up when she heard the door open. Once I saw that each of them had a gun, I put my hands up in surrender, I had no way of defending us. 
“You, on your knees, hands up where I can see them.” The taller of the pair said to Ellie. 
Once she was there, he looked at me. 
“You. Get over here.” He said, gesturing to the spot beside Ellie with a knife. 
I did as he said. Ellie and I were now both on the ground, side by side, her with a gun pointed at her and me with the knife. Then, the smaller of the two people, who I now realized was only a kid, was standing in front of Joel, who was still asleep. 
“Wake him up.” Tallie said, nudging Ellie with the barrel of the gun. 
“Joel! Joel!” Ellie yelled, waking him up. 
The first thing he saw was Ellie and me. Then he turned and saw that he, too, had a weapon pointed at him. 
“Eyes on me. Eyes on me.” The tall one commanded him. 
Joel looked over to him. 
“You don’t have to worry about what to say. We don’t wanna hurt you. We wanna help you.” The tall one said. 
“Okay.” Was Joel’s only response. 
“Okay, um… I don’t know what the next step is with something like this, but if I lower my gun… we didn’t hurt you, so you don’t hurt us… right?” 
“That’s right.” Joel replied, void of any emotion. 
“That’s a weird fucking tone, man.” The tall one was getting nervous, which was, in turn, making me nervous. 
“That’s just the way he sounds.” Ellie said. 
“It is, I promise. I’ve been with him for years, that’s just how he is. But he means it, I swear it. Lower your weapons before you do something you’ll regret.” I said. 
“Seriously, he just has an asshole voice.” Ellie began again, “Joel, tell him he’s okay.” 
“Everything is great.” Joel said in the same voice. 
“Dude!” Ellie said. 
“Fuck!” Tallie was getting more and more antsy and I had to do something soon. 
“Look, dude, you’re dealing with a pregnant lady, a kid, and an older guy. We aren’t going to do shit. I promise. She is right; he just sounds like an asshole. But he won’t risk his daughter and pregnant wife like this. You can trust him.” I tried to reason. 
“Okay…” The man began, “I’m going to trust you. But if either of you guys try anything… yeah?” 
We understood what he meant without him having to say it. 
“Can I sit up?” Joel asked. 
“Yeah.” The older of the pair said. “Slow.” He corrected himself, “Get up slow.” 
Joel kept his hands raised as the kid still had a gun pointed at him as he slowly sat up on the cushions he was lying on. “Who are you?” He finally asked. 
“My name is Henry.” The taller guy said, “That’s my brother, Sam. I’m the most wanted man in Kansas City. Although right now… my guess is you’re running a close second.” 
That definitely wasn’t reassuring for our current situation. He clearly knew that it was us who recked that truck. And he had tracked us here. I began to worry about who else may have been able to do the same. 
“Alright,” I said, “I guess that means we’re working together then.” I made the decision for our group. 
“You two hungry?” Joel asked, with the same tone as before. 
We set up a small lantern on the floor, and all sat around it. I dug into my pack and pulled out a little bit of food for us all to split. It wasn’t much, especially when it was split 5 ways, but it was something. 
“Where’d you get these?” Henry asked. 
Before I could even think of a response, Ellie had already said, “Bill… He’s dead.” 
Silence fell over the group at her blunt response. 
“I noticed you signing to your brother earlier… does he only use sign language?” I asked, trying to change the course of the conversation. 
“No, he’s gotten pretty good at reading lips. He also uses this.” Henry said, pointing a makeshift writing board around Sam’s neck. 
Sam nodded and showed it off to me. It was actually a really smart setup. 
“That’s very cool.” I said with a smile to the boy, causing him to smile back. 
Joel suddenly took the rest of his portion of the food and offered it to Sam, who took it. He looked to his brother and signed something. 
“He says thank you,” Henry relayed for us, “I’m guessing you don’t have much, so… this means a lot.” 
“How old is he?” Ellie asked. 
Henry translated it for his brother who replied back in sign. 
“He’s eight.” 
“Cool.” Ellie nodded, “I’m Ellie.” 
I watched as Henry spelled her name out for his brother, who smiled in response before turning to me. 
“I’m Yn.” I said, once again Henry signed it to his brother. 
Then there was silence before Ellie smacked Joel’s leg clearly trying to give him the hint to introduce himself. 
“I’m Joel. Look you ate, we didn’t kill each other, let’s call this a win-win and move on.” He said. 
I cringed internally. I really thought he could help us out of here. 
“Well, I am betting you came up here to get a view of the city and plan a way out.” Henry began, “And when the suns up, I’ll show you one.” 
Ellie and I both looked to Joel to wait for his response. 
“Fine. But you two sleep somewhere else.” Joel said, still clearly not trusting them. 
Henry agreed, and once they were finished with their food, they left. Ellie layed back down and was falling asleep shortly after, but I wasn’t, and neither was Joel. I knew he would be paranoid about something happening. 
“Want to push some furniture in front of the door?” I asked, laying on my mat beside him as he stared at the door. 
“No. Get some rest. I’m going to stay up, keep watch.” He said. 
I knew there was no point in arguing it, so I just scooted up right against him and closed my eyes. Secretly I was hoping that if I fell asleep cuddled up next to him it would eventually lull him to sleep as well. 
I am not sure if my plan worked because, by the time I was waking up, he was already up off his makeshift bed, packing up our stuff. The sun was just beginning to rise as I stretched. I found my boots and began lacing them up. Eventually, Henery and Sam returned, and it was time to climb up even higher to get a good view of the city. 
“Welcome to Kansas City.” Henry said as he opened the door to a room that had a large window. 
“No FEDRA.” Joel commented. 
He was right, though. There wasn’t a single sign of them anywhere. 
“Not as of 10 days ago, no.” Henry confirmed. 
“We always heard the KC FEDRA was-” Joel began but was cut off by Henery. 
“Monsters? Savages? Yeah, you heard right. Raped, tortured, and murdered people for 20 years. And you know what happens when you do that to people? The moment they get a chance, they do it right back to you.” Henry said. 
I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Ellie wasn’t here to hear any of it. 
“But you’re not FEDRA.” I said to Henry as I looked back to the two men beside me. 
“No, worse. I’m a collaborator.” He said. 
I immediately saw Joel’s face turn as he shook his head, “No. I don’t work with rats.” 
“Yeah, you do… Today, you do.” Henry said casually, “I live here, you don’t. That’s how I followed you here. I know this city. And that’s how I am going to help you and your family get out.” 
“I don’t think we have much of a choice, Joel…” I said, trying to reason with him. 
“Why would you want to help us?” Joel asked. 
“I saw what you did the way you both killed those men. Even you, with your hurt wrist.” He said, nodding to me, “Now, I know where to go, but I don’t know how to make it through alive, not if it’s just me and Sam.” 
“You seem capable enough. You’re armed.” Joel quipped. 
“You’re wrong and wrong. Never killed anyone.” Henry said back, “And pointing an unloaded gun was the closest I’ve ever come to being violent… So that’s the deal. I show the way; you clear the way.” 
Before I could say anything, all of our attention was grabbed by Ellie and Sam. They were sitting at the big table, on the opposite side of the room. Ellie was showing Sam a joke from her book causing them both to laugh. For a second, they seemed like two regular kids. 
“Haven’t heard that in a long time.” Henry said with a small smile of his own. 
Joel sighed as he looked away for a moment before turning back to the other man. “So how are we gettin’ out? And she’s not helping clear the way. She’s injured and pregnant. If I need the help, it’s going to be you.” 
Henry nodded, and we began to discuss the plan. He took a piece of paper and drew a rectangle on it, each side having its own number written beside it as well. By now, Ellie had joined us. 
“Highways,” Henry pointed to the numbers, “Downtown,” He motioned to the area inside the rectangle, “Us.” He pinpointed approximately where we were on his makeshift map, “This whole area belongs to Kathleen.” 
“She’s in charge?” Ellie asked. 
“Leader of the resistance,” Henry explained, “You can see the way we’re bounded by highways. They got people posted all around the inside perimeter. If we get close, we get caught. No question. So how do we get across?” 
He tapped on the table to get Sam’s attention and signed to him the same question. Sam nodded and used to writing pad to respond. When he held it up, it said “TUNNELS.” 
“Boom.” Henry said triumphantly. 
“Kansas City has a subway?” Joel asked, confused. 
“No, but they do have maintenance tunnels. There’s a bunch of buildings all put up by the same developers. And they share these tunnels, including… a bank building here,” He began drawing more on the paper, “So we enter the tunnels here… travel underground and pop up here. Westside North. Residential. There’s an embankment on the other side of the houses. We head down, pedestrian bridge over the river… free as a bird.” He threw down the pencil and clapped his hands once. 
“You’re right. It’s a great plan.” Joel agreed, “So what do you need me for?” 
“You notice anything strange about the city? I mean, other than the strange shit you’ve already seen?” Henry asked. 
I knew where he was going with this. Ever since we left Boston, I had been on high alert of my surroundings. Especially once we rode into the city, and yet I had yet to see, or for that matter hear, a single infected person. 
“There’s no Infected.” I said numbly. There was a not in my stomach as I knew where this was going. 
“Oh, there’s infected. Just not on the surface. FEDRA drove them underground 15 years ago, and never let them come back up. It’s the only good thing those fascist motherfuckers ever did.” 
“No. There has to be another way.” I said, shaking my head. Just the thought of going down there and facing one was making my stomach churn. I pulled out the chair beside me and sat down before running my hands over my face and then looking back at Henry. 
“Look,” Henry began, “Everyone thinks that it’s full of Infected, including Kathleen, which means that we’re not gonna be running into any of her people.” 
“Yeah, only dozens of infected.” I snapped. The more he talked, the more I hated the plan. I was on board earlier but now I was almost completely against it. 
“No, because you see what I know is… it’s empty.” 
“You’ve been down there?” I was thankful that Joel asked it so I wouldn’t bite his head off. 
“No, but,” He began as I rolled my eyes with a scoff, “the FEDRA guy that I worked with told me that it’s clean, completely clean. They cleared it out. All of it.” 
“When?” Ellie asked. 
“Like three years ago.” 
Joel scoffed at the same time I did. 
“And that’s supposed to make me feel better?” I sassed. 
“Okay, maybe there’s one or two, but you handle it.” Henry said. 
“What if there’s more?” Joel asked. 
“Or one of those blind ones that sees like a bat?” Ellie chimed in. 
“Wait you… you ran into a Clicker?” 
At the mention of that I stood back up abruptly. Our time in the museum flashed in my memories, which brought back memories of my first time in the museum. 
“I’m going to go wait in the hallway.” I said to the group before turning and focussing on Joel, “Come let me know the plan once it’s decided.” I said before leaving. 
I am not sure what came over me. But I felt overwhelmed by everything around me. After a few minutes, Joel came out and found me sitting against the wall, knees tucked to chin. He took a seat next to me. 
“You okay?” He asked. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be a bitch or storm out… I’m just… I don’t know, Joel…” I said, quietly. 
“Try to tell me what’s going on up there.” He nodded to my head.
“I just… it’s like all of a sudden, I was hit by this fear of everything that could go wrong or could have gone wrong in the past… Does that make sense?” I asked, almost embarrassed. 
Joel nodded, “It’s called being a parent, welcome to it.” He teased slightly, trying to lighten my spirits, “I’ll be honest, part of it is because you’re pregnant, hormones make those feelings worse. But a good deal of it is just realizing that it’s not just you anymore that you’re worrying about.” 
I nodded, “I should probably go apologize to him.” I said, moving to stand up as Joel did the same. 
“Does it ever get easier?” I asked quietly once we were both standing.
“I’ll let you know if and when it does.” He said. 
I smiled slightly at his response, he seemed to be warming up more to the pregnancy each day. 
“Thank you, Joel.” I said sincerely. I knew he didn’t like to be soft and vulnerable, and for him to do so now was very touching to me. 
He gave a small nod before leading us back into the room where the others were getting ready to leave. 
“Alright, we’ll head to the bank and access the tunnels there. You ready?” Henry asked as I walked in. 
I nodded, “Yeah, sorry for snapping at you… hormones, I guess.” 
He shrugged it off, “No worries. Besides, I know we’ve all probably seen some shit in our lives, so I get it.” 
“Alright, then, let's get to it.” Ellie said before turning to leave, the rest of us followed her out. 
Once we got to the bottom of the building, Henry took the lead. He knew all the right alley ways to take and which buildings to cut through to get us to the bank building undetected. However, once we got there, I knew we wouldn’t stay undetected long. The sun was now up and the entire building was made of glass, making us easily spotted. 
As if he had read my mind, Joel looked around and said, “We need to get outta sight.” 
We looked to Henry on where to go, “Uh.. I, I-I think it’s this way.” He said, pointing in the opposite direction. 
Well, that was reassuring. Regardless, we followed him that way. We weren’t running, but we definitely weren’t walking either. I was finding myself getting tired but I pushed on. Hopefully, Henry was right, and there aren’t going to be an Infested in the tunnels, and we would be able to stop for a minute. 
He led us down more hallways until, eventually, he took us through a door and down a few stairs. 
“This should be it. You ready?” He asked Joel. 
Joel sighed slightly as he pulled his gun from his waistband, “Get your’s out too.” He told Ellie as he walked down the stairs to open the door first. 
Although I wasn’t told to, and it would be difficult to shoot with my hand wrapped, I took mine out, too, just in case.
As Joel pushed the heavy door open it groaned as it scrapped against the ground. There was water dripping from the ceiling causing a musty smell in the tunnel. But the coast was clear so far. 
“See, it’s empty! The plan is good.” Henry said fairly loudly. 
“Shh.” Joel warned. 
Just because we couldn’t see anything didn’t mean there was nothing here. 
“The plan is good? We’ve been down here two seconds. We don’t know anything.” Joel said, shaking his head. 
“Your husband’s kinda a pessimist,” Henry said. 
I just shrugged. There was no point in telling him the truth now. He trusted us, and if he found out we had been lying since the beginning, that could break that. 
“Just point your light forward…” Joel instructed the other man, “And be ready to run.” He glanced at me to make sure I was good to run in case we had to flee. 
I gave a small nod, telling him that I would be fine. And with that, we began walking. 
We walked in silence, aside from the eerie groaning of the old buildings above us. Eventually, the tunnel got narrower, and the ceiling got lower. This smaller section led to an area that had been painted with a mural that seemed to have been done by children. It was unsetting. 
“Whoa.” Ellie said, looking at the art. 
“We this isn’t creepy at all.” I muttered under my breath as we all glanced around at it. 
Sam suddenly went up to open the door, causing my heart to skip a beat at the thought of him opening it and getting hurt by what could be on the otherside. Luckily though, Joel was ahead of him and stopped him. Henry then guided him to stand behind him with Ellie. On instinct I stepped in front of them and behind Henry. My gun was ready as Joel slowly opened the door. 
It was much brighter in there. When we got in, and I had gotten a good look at it, I was honestly confused. It looked like a makeshift daycare or school. But what the hell was it doing down here, in the tunnels? 
“What is this place?” I asked as we all continued to look around. 
“I heard about places like this,” Joel began, “People went underground after Breakout Day. Built settlements.” 
“What happened to them?” Ellie asked. 
“Maybe they didn’t follow the rules, and they all got infected.” He said nodding to a board that had their “House Rules” on it. 
The board read: 
-Make sure doors are locked 
-Ask for the password if you font know the visitor
-No shouting or noisy play 
-Run to hiding spot when you hear the alarm
The last one sent chills down my spine. Ellie and Sam went over to one of the tables while the three adults looked around. There were still drawings up on the wall. One that stuck out in particular was one of two men with rifles that said “our protectors” below them. We eventually all split off, just observing our surroundings. I could hear Ellie talking to Sam, but I wasn’t retaining anything they were saying. It wasn’t until I heard Joel’s voice that I snapped out of my own thoughts. 
“Hey, keep it down. We’re not out yet.” I glanced over to where Ellie and Sam were sitting. 
“Ah, c’mon. Can we just rest here for a while?” Ellie asked, “There’s like actually shit to do here.” 
“Wouldn’t be so bad to wait the light out a bit. Safer in shadows when we pop back out on the other side.” Henry added, looking at Joel. 
Joel just nodded. I guess we were staying here for a bit. The three of us made our way over to the larger table, and all took a seat while Ellie and Sam found an old ball to kick around at the chalk line goal on the opposite wall. It was nice to see the kids being kids and playing, but that wasn’t enough to distract my racing thoughts. Joel and Henry were having their own conversation by now, but again, I couldn’t focus on it. It wasn’t until the end of their conversation that I actually heard anything Henry was saying.
“But you get it, though. You’re a father.” He said to Joel. 
“Joel,” I said quietly, but enough to catch his attention, “Can we go talk privately?” I asked. 
I could tell he was confused and caught off guard, “Yeah, sure.” he said regardless and stood up. 
I didn’t say anything to Henry as I stood as well and followed Joel away from the table and the kids. 
“If this is about what he did, I can’t blame him. Sam was sick. If it were me… I would’ve done the same.” Joel said once we were out of earshot. 
“What?” I asked, confused.
“Were you not listening to him?” Joel asked, equally confused. 
“No… not really. I’ve been kinda zoned out…” he nodded for me to go on, “I think I made a mistake… I should’ve taken you up on going to get an abortion pill when you offered back in Boston.” I said, biting my lip to keep the tears from falling. 
“We can’t bring a baby into this fucked up excuse of a world. A place where people are forced to hide underground from murderous Infected. What if we get back to Boston and we have to live somewhere like this? This is no life for a kid, Joel… or what if they get bitten? Then what, Joel? We watch them turn into one of them. Burn their body after putting a bullet in their head?” 
I was working myself up to the point of feeling sick, but I had to get it all out of my head. 
“We’ve already lost so much, Joel… what happens if we lose them too? I should’ve just gotten the damn pill and taken care of it. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Joel.” 
I could tell he was shocked by the words coming from my mouth. I had been so admittedly against it, but now it seemed like I was regretting it. After a second, though, he took me into his arms. I didn’t have the mental energy to even cry, so I just held onto him like he was my lifeline. 
“I won’t let anything happen to you or our baby, okay? I promise. I’m glad you didn’t let me talk you into getting that pill. I am happy, okay? Scared shitless but happy. Everything will be okay. Against all odds, I’ll make sure everything will be okay.” 
I nodded against his chest but made no attempts to let go just yet. 
“Hey, I hate to interrupt, but I think we should get going soon.” Henry said cautiously as he approached us. 
I finally, slowly, let go of Joel as he did the same. He nodded, and we walked over to collect our things once again. Soon, we were back to walking through the tunnels. At some point, Ellie fell into step beside me. 
“You okay?” She asked. 
“Yeah. m’fine.” I said with a sigh. 
“What were you and Joel whispering about earlier?” She asked. 
Glancing at her sideways, “Nothing.” The way I said it, made it clear that she shouldn’t pry and try to get me to talk about it. 
She nodded, “So, do you think you’ll have a boy or a girl? One of each?” 
“Don’t put that on me.” I said, shaking my head with a small laugh, “But honestly, I haven’t put much thought into it… I never really thought I’d have a kid, tried my best not to, but shit happens, I guess…” I said with a shrug. 
“Well, you already have an amazing daughter, don’t you?” He teased, referring to the lie I had told about her, Joel, and I being a family. 
“Eh, she’s alright, I guess.” I teased back, it was nice to just talk and not think about everything from earlier. 
We continued having a quiet conversation until we got to the exit of the tunnel. Once again, guns were ready as Joel opened it. 
“Do you know where we are?” Joel asked.
“Yep,” Henry said, “The other side.” 
He was looking at a sign that said where the tunnel we just exited from would lead to. We walked out, and sure enough, there was an old residential area ahead of us. We still kept quiet, though, and weren’t using our lights just as a precaution. However, once we passed a few houses, Henry broke the silence as he spoke to Sam, but clearly wanted us to hear him. 
“No. No one is here. No one’s going to be here because… my plan worked.” He said triumphantly. 
“So much goddamn talkin’.” Joel said from where he was leading our small group. 
“I’m just saying… I delivered. Make this right, go down the street, embankment behind the last house…and we’re out.” He said. 
“Don’t get too cocky yet; we’re not across that river,” I warned. 
“So what happens when we cross the river? Where ya gonna go?” Ellie asked Henry. 
“Don’t know yet.” Henry said. 
“Well, we’re going to Wyoming.” Ellie said, causing both Joel and I to look at her. 
“What? It’s a huge state. It can fit two more people.” She defended. 
“Yeah, maybe we just call this one a success and say our fond farewells.” Henry said. 
“No, he’ll change his mind, trust me. This is how he goes, ‘No, Ellie. Never ever ever happening.’ And I am like I am going to ask you a million more times. And he’s like-” Ellie said. 
And honestly, I couldn’t disagree. Joel did have a rough exterior but I could tell when he was getting warn down. And it was starting to happen here. Slowly, but surly. But before I could voice my agreement, a bullet flew past our group.
@catsareawesomek @harriedandharassed @keileighr @summerchicken @letsdisneythings @mrsyixingunicorn10 @theoraekenslover @xmistress-bunny
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fictionaire · 1 year
I got this prompt idea from Tiktok. You are pregnant and Bucky isn't very trusting in touching your bump with his metal arm.
You were in your eighth month of pregnancy and everything had been going very smoothly. The baby was healthy and so were you up to this point.
The past couple of days had been pretty rough since you developed a pretty nasty cold. You visited your doctor who said you didn't have anything to worry about since you hadn't contracted a fever. But if you did and it was above 100 you needed to go to the hospital.
Bucky had been taking great care of you throughout your entire pregnancy but now with the cold he wouldn't even let you stand on your own. He actually made F.R.I.D.A.Y notify him when they detected you had stood up. It was ridiculous but also incredibly sweet.
It was now day three of your battle with the cold and you had been going through hot and cold flashes. Bucky had to go on a mission yesterday but promised to be back today and made sure Nat was watching over you.
You kicked off the comforter that had comforted you in what felt like an arctic room five minutes ago but that had now changed into death valley.
"How you doing?" Natasha asked, tapping lightly at the door that was ajar.
"I feel so hot" You complained, putting a cool rag over your belly. "And the baby adds fifteen degrees to whatever temperature i'm already feeling."
Natasha giggled at your dramatics and held the thermometer up to your forehead.
"98.6" She said, hitting the power button. "You're normal"
"Tell that to the desert I am laying in."
You heard heavy footsteps heading down quickly towards the hallway
"They're back" Nat said, getting off the edge of the bed and walking out the door as Bucky walked in.
"Hi, doll." He said, walking to your bedside out of breath. "How ya doin?"
"Burning up."
"Are you feeling any better?" He asks, taking a seat on the side of the bed.
"Other than these hot/cold flashes I feel okay."
He reaches his metal arm up to your shoulder, rubbing it and you can feel the cold through your shirt sleeve. You grab his hand and lower it to your belly, the cool relaxing you until he yanks his arm away, replacing it with his real hand.
"The cold felt nice." You whined, jutting out your bottom lip.
"Yeah, but - uh I need to take this off, it' probably gross from the combat."
"It's okay, Buck." You say, reaching out to grab his hand again, to which he stands off the bed and takes a step away.
"No, (y/n)." He says, sternly.
You look at him, shocked. In all the time you have been with Bucky he's only ever talked to you in that tone twice, both while on a mission and you had done something a little more reckless than you should have been doing and he was worried for your safety.
"I-I'm sorry, Doll." He said after taking a breath. "I'm just scared to touch you like that with this arm. What if something happens like it glitches or - "
"Buck, the Winter Soldier is gone. It's been five years." You say, sitting up in bed. "I trust you completely. I think you need to trust yourself a little more than you do."
He makes his way back to the bed and sits where he was before, not taking his eyes off the ground.
"I just worry and I wouldn't want to ever do anything to hurt you or our daughter."
"It's all okay, I trust you." You lay your hand gently on his metal one and look into his eyes, asking if it's okay without actually saying any words. He nods and you place his hand back on your belly, humming gratefully at the feeling.
"Just tell me if you start feeling uncomfortable." You say to Bucky.
"I trust us."
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