#schizophrenia holder
Schizophrenia (Symptom) Holder flags
(Please note in the context of schizophrenia symptoms positive/negative refer to addition/subtraction of experiences, not "good"/"bad". Also these are intended to be specifically for schizophrenic systems, rather all systems with psychotic disorders or all schizo-spec systems)
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Schizophrenia (Symptom) Holder
Schizophrenia (symptom) holders are alters that hold either specific symptoms, multiple symptoms, or all/most symptoms associated with schizophrenia. For example a system may have hallucination holder, who only holds hallucinations, or schizophrenia holder who holds all/most symptoms, this flag can be used for both.
An alter holding schizophrenia symptoms may mean that they experience them more than anyone else in the system, they started fronting to handle the symptoms so other don't have to, they hold memories or trauma related to the symptoms, etc. They may do a combination.
In order for an alter to be a schizophrenia (symptom) holder, the system as a whole must have schizophrenia, even if not everyone in the system experiences the symptoms of it.
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Positive Symptom Holder
Positive symptom holders are alters that hold either specific positive symptoms, multiple positive symptoms, or all/most positive schizophrenia symptoms. Positive symptoms are those symptoms that are often present during a psychotic episode including: hallucinations, delusions, as well as disorganized thoughts and speech.
An alter holding positive symptoms may mean that they experience them more than anyone else in the system, they started fronting to handle the symptoms so other don't have to, they hold memories or trauma related to the symptoms, etc. They may do a combination.
In order for an alter to be a positive symptom holder, the system as a whole must have schizophrenia, even if not everyone in the system experiences the symptoms of it.
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Negative Symptom Holder
Negative symptom holders are alters that hold either specific negative symptoms, multiple negative symptoms, or all/most negative schizophrenia symptoms. Negative symptoms are characterized by defects of normal emotional response or other thought processes the five recognized domains of negative symptoms are: flat-affect, alogia, anhedonia, asociality, and avolition.
An alter holding negative symptoms may mean that they experience them more than anyone else in the system, they started fronting to handle the symptoms so other don't have to, they hold memories or trauma related to the symptoms, etc. They may do a combination.
In order for an alter to be a negative symptom holder, the system as a whole must have schizophrenia, even if not everyone in the system experiences the symptoms of it.
Colour meanings
These are primarily based off of this flag, with a bit of inspiration taken from this flag.
Purple is used to represent positive symptoms. Silver, black, and white are used to represent negative symptoms.
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golden1u5t · 13 days
helping hand | s.r x fem!reader
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ꨄ requested: anonymous
ꨄ genre: fluff
ꨄ summary: after spencer’s injury he’s having trouble doing things so you have the help him. he’s embarrassed to ask but he does it.
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"Y/N? I-I might need a little help in the shower." Spencer mumbled, he hopped around the couch on his crutches to gain your attention. He felt bad for having to bother you, especially when you had been catching up on the show you'd liked so much.
"Of course, come on." You stood up and helped him to the bathroom. He sat on the closed toilet while you turned the water on and set it to the right temperature for him.
Spencer set his crutches aside and pulled his shirt over his head, he tried to stand up so he could get his bottoms off but he couldn't, you caught him before he could fall. "Careful, baby."
You helped him finish undressing and helped in into the shower, luckily you'd had a bench installed into the shower after the first time he'd gotten hurt. You undressed yourself and got into the shower with him, it would be easier to help if you were in there with him.
"Warm enough?" You took the shower head from the holder and held it over him, he nodded and rested his head against your stomach. "What's wrong, Spence?"
"I- I just- l've never had someone to take care of me before. With my mom having schizophrenia and my dad leaving, you're the first person to care for me enough to do this." He sat up straight to look at you and you swore your heart broke a little from imagining little Spencer having to fiend for himself at such a young age. "I love you so much."
"I love you." You smiled and gently kissed his head before tilting his head back so you wet his hair without getting the water in his face.
"I think I should cut it, it's getting long and hard to manage." He thought aloud, referencing his hair that, indeed, was getting a bit long. You shook your head as you ran your fingers through it.
"Don't you dare, I'll take care of it for you."
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Here’s some positivity for systems who hallucinate!
Experiencing psychosis can be scary, alienating, confusing, and isolating, but for many systems, this is a fact of life! Systems who hallucinate are cherished, beloved, and valued members of the plural community, and they belong in our spaces just as much as anyone else! This post goes out to all the systems who hallucinate out there!
💜 Shoutout to systems who are hallucigenic, psychogenic, schizogenic, or whose plurality was caused by their hallucinations in some way!
💙 Shoutout to systems who experience hallucinations that mainly affect their senses taste, smell, and touch!
💚 Shoutout to systems who struggle to determine whether the voices they hear and figures they see are hallucinations, fellow headmates, or something else!
💛 Shoutout to systems whose hallucinations are often paired with delusions!
🧡 Shoutout to traumagenic systems who struggle with trauma-based psychosis!
❤️ Shoutout to systems with hallucinations caused by Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, psychotic depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, lasting effects from drug use, or anything else!
💗 Shoutout to systems whose hallucinations have made it more difficult for them to access the care they need or be taken seriously by guardians and healthcare professionals!
❤️ Shoutout to systems who are troubled and distressed, totally indifferent, or comforted and cheered by their hallucinations!
🧡 Shoutout to systems who often deal with denial or a fear of faking because of their hallucinations!
💛 Shoutout to systems who have been hospitalized, voluntarily or involuntarily, or who have been called “dangerous” or “scary” by others due to their hallucinations!
💚 Shoutout to systems whose experience with hallucinations aligns with many stereotypes regarding hallucinations, and to systems whose hallucinations are nothing like the common stereotypes accepted by society!
💙 Shoutout to systems who take medications, are in therapy, or otherwise are seeking treatment to help manage their hallucinations!
💜 Shoutout to headmates who are symptom holders for psychosis or who are the only members of their system who hallucinate!
For any system who hallucinates, for any reason, we want to remind you that you are loved and you belong in the plural community just the way you are! Having hallucinations doesn’t make you any less valid as a person or as a system. We love you, we value your insight, and we want you to know that your presence is wanted in our spaces and your experiences are absolutely worth sharing!
We believe that every person’s understanding of reality is deeply personal and subject to their own perception and lived experiences. Regardless of how you and your system view your hallucinations, know that your voice deserves to be heard and you deserve to be taken seriously and treated with kindness and respect! We truly hope that you can find acceptance and joy among the people in your life, and that your future will be filled with happiness, purpose, and meaning. Thanks so much for reading, and have a wonderful day!
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sysboxes · 3 months
not a request but a question, we saw you had the epileptic user boxes, and we wanted to know if you had a toureettes userbox? we never saw one and didn't know if we overlooked it.
we would also like to see other disability userboxes you all have done if it's okay to ask you to show them off? /nf
ok I- ran out of spoons 😭😭 but here is a bunch
I tried to semi organize them
-mod weeping ❤️
This user has BPD, OCD, and tourettes.
This user has BPD, OCD, ASD, Tourettes, and is chronically ill.
This user has OSDD, ADHD, ASD, BPD, Tourette's, possibly dyslexia, anxiety, and a sleep disorder.
This system is autistic and has ADHD.
This user has BPD, ASPD, NPD, ADHD, ASD, Schizophrenia, APD, and OSDD.
This system has ADHD, autism, and possible personality disorders.
this system is influenced by being autistic and having adhd and many phobias.
This user has DID, NPD, BPD, ASD, and ADHD.
This system has BPD, polyfragmented DID, and autism.
This user is an autistic system who splits easily, and has a high alter count with a lot of fictives.
This system splits fictives easily due to being autistic.
this system frequently splits alters from their special interests and hyperfixations
this users special interest heavily impacts their system
This system has DID, autism, manic depression, and anxiety.
this user is autistic but their special interests have barely influenced their system.
this system is autistic and has ADHD.
This autistic system needs allistics to stop speaking on autistic issues.
this system has introjects from their childhood special interests
this system is very protective of their special interest
this system has a hard time hearing bad things about their special interest
this users special interest is their source
Multiple POTS userboxes.
This system has overlapping chronic mental illnesses.
This system has a lot of mental illness holders.
This system can’t feel pain and is willing to bite.
This system has introjects who hold pain and symptoms.
This user is a Tweek Tweak fictive so they may twitch sometimes.
This alter tics a lot while fronting.
frequent fronters depend on the systems current hyperfixation
this system constantly reblogs things related to their hyperfixations and interests
This user has a hard time telling introjects from kins from delusional attachments
This alter is an ADHD symptom holder.
This user has ADHD.
This user is an autism symptom holder
This alter is an autism symptom holder
This system is autistic.
This system is type 1 diabetic
this system is epileptic / this system is a left temporal lobe epileptic / the system is a right temporal lobe epileptic
this user has insomnia
This system has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
This system struggles with chronic fatigue.
This alter struggles with chronic fatigue.
This system struggles with chronic panic.
This alter struggles with chronic pain.
This alter struggles with chronic pain and chronic fatigue.
This system struggles with chronic pain and chronic fatigue.
This system has chronic pain and it causes them to split. / This system has chronic pain and it causes them to split. Please be patient.
This system struggles with chronic pain.
This system is chronically ill.
This system is physically disabled.
This system has a disability.
This system is disabled.
This system has an unspecified disability.
This system is a walker user. / This system uses a walker
This system is an electric scooter user. / This system uses an electric scooter.
This system is a wheelchair user. / This system uses a wheelchair.
This system uses a cane. / This system is a cane user.
This system uses a rollator. / This system is a rollator user.
This system uses a powerchair. / This system is a powerchair user.
This system has alters who need mobility aids always, sometimes, and not at all. Please ask first.
This users ability to speak fluctuates.
This alter cannot speak or type.
This user is semi verbal. / This system is semi verbal.
This user is nonverbal and upset they don’t know BSL.
This user is nonverbal and upset they don’t know ASL.
This system has difficulty talking and is doing their best to talk to people
This system struggles with hearing. Please be gentle.
This system has a hard time masking.
This system is having a hard time again.
This user is sick.
This system is quick to cry and feels a lot of emotions.
This system is tired in a way sleep can’t fix.
This system struggles with empathy, sympathy, and compassion.
This system is on the struggle bus
This system struggles to remember things and apologizes in advance
this user struggles with severe paranoia, please do not vaguepost around them
this system needs tone tags
Please be patient with this system, they’re struggling with a lot of their symptoms.
This system is easily scared
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disabledunitypunk · 5 months
The irony of this post having the ableism tag when it's ableist against intellectual and cognitive disabilities and openly sanist:
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(It reads: i hate "acoustic" jokes. you can't do something plain stupid and say oh im so acoustic. no. you're just stupid.
i hate "i have adhd today". no you don't have adhd if you're "crazy" and moving a lot. stop.
"oh im so delulu" no. you're not delusional. it's not funny.
stop using disabilities as a 1. joke 2. as an excuse when someone tells you to stop being annoying or acting stupid. stop.
with the tags "ableism", "disability" and "actually disabled")
Let's go point by point.
"i hate "acoustic" jokes. you can't do something plain stupid and say oh im so acoustic. no. you're just stupid."
I'm not sure if this is meant to say autistic, or if it's about actual autistic people being silly about their autism and misspelling it on purpose for that reason.
But autism often co-occurs with intellectual disability. It also is commonly comorbid with disorders that cause cognitive disabilities. It is itself a developmental disability.
This means that being unintelligent is a common, neutral component of many people's autism. It's not a bad thing. It's important to unpack the ableism of why you think being "stupid" is a bad thing. Why is a part of your identity and existence that you have no control over, can't change, and is most often less present due to specific disabilities causing it to be so, a bad thing?
Why are you, as an (assumed) autistic person so desperate to distance yourself from autistic people who are not intelligent and who have intellectual disabilities?
"i hate "i have adhd today". no you don't have adhd if you're "crazy" and moving a lot. stop."
I will admit, "I have ADHD today" is not correct.
(I am not sure, to be fair, if systems can experience only some alters having ADHD. I know autism is structural, so even if symptom holders experience it more acutely, every member will have a physically autistic brain still. With ADHD in large part being based in the behavior of neuroreceptors and production of specific neurotransmitters, I can't say that I know enough to say whether the actual mechanisms driving ADHD are structural or not.)
But hyperactivity is a common symptom of one subtype of ADHD, and can cause "moving a lot". I don't know if the use of "crazy" in quotes is how the people saying "I have ADHD today" are describing themselves, or if it's a label the original poster is putting on themselves, but it's honestly not great either way.
I'm not going to police who can reclaim the word, as someone with several classic "insane" diagnoses - schizophrenia, DID, MaDD, and multiple cluster B disorders. There are people, especially people with more severe ADHD, who have absolutely faced awful sanism regularly for their ADHD.
But I do think that describing a person you believe is not neurodivergent in the specific way you're talking about as "acting crazy" is just reinforcing sanism. It's positing "craziness" as an inherently negative thing, especially in the largest context of essentially fakeclaiming and whining about neurodivergent "trenders" "making real neurodivergent people look bad".
Craziness - having beliefs that don't align with consensus reality (the reality most people experience), or acting in ways other people believe are "irrational" or "don't make sense" - is not an inherently bad thing.
It has, however, been weaponized against the majority of neurodivergent people for centuries if not millenia to justify both suppression of harmless neurodivergent traits. It has also been used to justify violent subjugation over traits defined as harmful (including ones that actually are) that cause us significantly more distress and dysfunction than they cause harm to those around us. Instead of supporting compassionate, consensual, rehabilitative care, we have had our human rights stripped and our autonomy violated "for our own good" and in the name of "fixing us" for both "our" sakes and those of "sane" people.
Everything from hostility towards functional multiplicity and person-based understandings of plurality; to forced medication of schizophrenia and trying to discourage us from neutral, pleasant, and even helpful harmless delusions; to the erasure of both immersive and maladaptive daydreaming; to the pathologization and stigmatization of personality disorders - that's all because people believe being "irrational" is bad.
And "sane" people get to decide and write the books on what is "rational, good, and normal" and what is "crazy, insane, irrational, and bad". Completely rational trauma responses, even in children, are pathologized. Craziness is also conflating with being "noncompliant", being inherently more likely to be violent and to be more violent than average, and essentially to be an inherently "bad" person who has to try to be "sane" in order to be "good".
Finally, " "oh im so delulu" no. you're not delusional. it's not funny."
Honestly, I've never seen an actual delusional person use "delulu". I don't think it's in the reclamation stage and don't know if it ever will be. No notes here basically, we're in agreement. I would simply note if an actual person who experiences delusions describes themself as such, that is their right, and it's a good idea not to assume without further context.
So, "stop using disabilities as a 1. joke 2. as an excuse when someone tells you to stop being annoying or acting stupid. stop."
1. Joking about your own disabilities is fine. It can even be an important coping skill. Joking about disabilities you don't have is going to be inappropriate and harmful in most circumstances, so unless you've educated yourself on the rare exceptions it's better to refrain from doing so. However, I have had the experience of trusted friends making harmless jokes about my disabilities, so I won't say it's never possible.
This is however "joking about" disabilities and not "treating the entire existence of the disability as a joke". We agree that the latter is unacceptable.
2. Reasons for being disabled are not excuses, and if you can't handle disabled people being "annoying", let alone unintelligent, you're already deeply ableist. Disabled people are going to have conflicting access needs, coping mechanisms, and simple symptoms of their disability that WILL annoy you.
Annoyance is not harm. You don't get to demand someone not be annoying for your convenience, but especially when that annoyance is a result of disability. Even in the case of an actual need based on your own disabilities (such as a sensory seeking person sending a sensory avoidant person into a state of overwhelm and meltdown or shutdown), the responsibility is as much on you to remove yourself from the situation or find a compromise that works for both of you as it is on them.
But annoyance? Sometimes disabled people are annoying. It's not ableism to say so. I am annoying as a result of my disabilities. I stim loudly. I have bad body odor. I infodump. I am uncontrollably hyperverbal.
The posts about "people like autistic people until they show symptoms of autism" are about this person. They're about people who demand that disabled people never inconvenience them or be unpalatable in harmless ways due to their disabilities.
And of course, once again, being against unintelligence is inherently ableist. It doesn't matter if you are intellectually and/or cognitively abled. It doesn't matter if you've never been annoying in your life (I can guarantee you have. The OP of the screenshotted post very much has. Do I have a right to demand they not make that post because it annoys me, and to say they are using their disabilities as an excuse for the abject ableism present within it?)
The issue is not a simple issue of poor wording or awkward language. It is the ideas behind the language that are actively harmful.
I actually don't take issue with people using words like "crazy" or even rarely "stupid" in a positive or neutral context. "That concert was crazy", "I had a crazy day", or even "that steak was stupid good" are not inherently harmful. It's not about policing language, it's about interrogating the ideas behind the language you use.
Admittedly, I even take less issue with people who are "crazy" or "stupid" (who choose to reclaim such terms, or have been labeled as such by others) choosing to use the terms in a negative context when not directed at other people. I don't like the reinforcement of such things as inherently negative and find it can still be ableist, but at the minimum context matters. If I say "my car had a crazy engine failure" that's a lot different than "my boss was acting crazy", even.
Not using the terms negatively is a good rule of thumb, though. Different words have different negative connotations and have been used differently against disabled people, as well. The variation in stigma means that how you handle one word doesn't work for any other word. Note that my example for negative usage only included "crazy". I don't think I am capable of determining what negative usage of "stupid" or similar is appropriate, if any.
Basically, it's not bad to be unintelligent or crazy, which are usually themselves a result of disability. You can be annoying and unintelligent as a result of disability. Acknowledging that is not ableism, but throwing those people under the bus is. People are allowed to be annoying, especially as a result of disability, because you are not entitled to not being annoyed. Annoyance is not harm, and it's not "making excuses for it" to attribute it to disability, in part because you don't need to justify your right to exist in a way that other people don't like if you aren't harming anyone. You also don't need a reason to be unintelligent, but disability is a valid reason.
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the-transid-gacha · 2 months
Name(s): theo
Gender(s): boyflux, traumamasc, intersex
Orientation(s): gay demisexual grayromantic
TransID(s): transharmed/cis-transabused, transDID, transamputee (arm), transwheelchairuser, transbritish + other related transIDS
CisID(s): c-ptsd, osdd1a, hetrochromia, autism, ocpd, schizophrenia, chronic pain
Pronoun(s): it/hxm/they/chirp/blue
Species(s): human
Age(s): age slider, 10-20
Source(s): the goldfinch
Role(s): traumaholder, gatekeeper, archivist, any other that might fit?
(requesting paras and personality traits as well!)
- if you do anon emojis, 💋🎸
ENJOOOOOOOOOOOOY we hope you like hxm! hx was kinda hard to write out to be honest so we hope you dont mind some of the creative additions we added to hxm! let us know if you need help forming hxm
Name: Theo
Genders: Boyflux, Traumamasc, Intersex
Orientations: Gay, Demisexual, Grayromantic
TransIDs: TransHarmed/Cis-TransAbused, TransDID, TransAmputee (arm), TransWheelchairUser, TransBritish, TransAACuser, TransNonVerbal, TransHappy, & TransHeight (Taller)
CisIDs: C-PTSD, OSDD1A, Heterochromia, Autism, OCPD, Schizophrenia, Chronic pain, Alcohol addict, & Cane user (till hx can get hxs wheel chair)
Pronouns: It/It's, Hx/Hxm, They/Them, Chirp/Chirp's, Blue/Blue's, Finch/Finch's, Fix/Fix's, Drink/Drink's, and Gold/Gold's
Species: Human
Age: Age Slider 10-20
Source: The Goldfinch
Roles: Traumaholder, Gatekeeper, Archivist, & Symptom holder
Paras: Plushophilia, Objectum, & Anglophilia
Appearance: Theo looks quite a lot like his source though hx has hxs heterochromia (one green & one brown eye) and the fact hx walks with a cane to handle hxs chronic pain hx wishes hx was taller then hx was but do too hxs chronic pain hx slouches often which doesnt help hxs insecurity with hxs height
Personality Traits: Shy, Tired, Naive, Short tempered, Uses music to cope with hxs flashbacks, & struggles with processing his trauma attempts through alcohol and music though the alcohol just makes the trauma worse
Sign-off/Anon emoji's: 💋🎸
(this might be you claiming those emojis as like our anon! but we put it here just to be safe XD)
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mini-green-goblin · 7 days
A little background: I have Schizophrenia and a genetic disease called Oshtoran Syndrome. I hid this from my friends for a very long time. They knew I was sick to an extent. There was no hiding my frequent trips to the hospital or having to become an ambulatory wheelchair user. But I wouldn’t admit what was wrong. I couldn't admit I was dying. My father spent his life studying trying to create a cure for my mother and me. But he had DID and Schizophrenia that eventually caused him to snap and become the green goblin. He died soon after. That was less than a year ago. I took up his work and ultimately finished the cure. Or at least I thought I did. Technically, it did cure me, but it also gave in-human strength, endurance, speed, reflexes, quick healing, and more. I grew small fangs and pointed ears. The green in my eyes mixed with purple. I had become a new goblin.
I explained Everything to Peter, Ned, and MJ. Shuri helped me create a suit and pod almost like one used for diabetes but it contained the newly created cure. She made me a band for my wrist that allows me to adjust the dosage so I can go full goblin mode if I wish. I'll always walk around with my pointy teeth, goblin ears, and half-purple eyes. But I'd say it's worth it.
Best friends:
@definitelynot-peterp4rker @petrparkr @peterparker-official @midtown-braincell-holder @whatarethooseshuri @youknowwhoiamjr
Adopted by:
@imnothulk @thir-0dinson
Congrats on the engagement ^😁
My lawyer:
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fdcreviewswithmark · 8 months
So, I'm back. I haven't checked FDC in a while, nor SystemsCringe. I decided that today, I'm gonna be doing a review of both, in one.
So yeah 2-for-1 review, let's goooooo-
I'm doing 10 reviews in this post.
Note: DON'T HARASS ANYONE IN THE REVIEWS. They may be fuckwads, but we don't need to be fuckwads too.
1. From FDC - Tagged as Autism, titled "Very gross." - The post in question is a video from TikTok. A person, who I assume is a minor- though I could be wrong- is criticising diagnosed autistics who are against self-diagnosed autistics or those without a diagnosis, saying they're "Not iconic, you are just like them all". Based on the context, I believe that the person in the video is self-diagnosed autistic. The OP is calling them very gross for... Being self diagnosed? Well, that's nothing new for FDC.
2. From FDC - Tagged as Autism, titled "straight up offensive". - I assume the post is from TikTok. It's another young person, who is just showing that autism can present in a lot of different ways, and it can even change on an individual level. Sometimes it's debilitating, sometimes it's beautiful, or curious, or overwhelming, it can be cool, pretty, draining and depressing, and it can be happy and free. The end finishes up with a note that "autism is not a line scale you can place people on" and such. And... I don't see how this is offensive in the slightest???
3. From SystemsCringe - tagged as Fake DID/OSDD (Good job forgetting that the rest of CDDs exist! What more could anyone expect from that shithole, though. -Adam) - The post is an alter that had formed an hour ago. The OP immediately criticizes this for some of the dumbest, most absurd reasons I've heard. They say that the alter shouldn't be able to know how to type, write, understand anything... And then goes off on just a rant, criticising the alter for making an intro at all. Oh, and before that, they fucking went on a separate rant about "oh something traumatic must've happened that day" and then immediately goes to "shut up, you're making a mockery of actual systems." People on SystemsCringe tend to not do basic research or use any thoughts or insight in these things. If they did, they would know that alters don't work like that for one, and two, sometimes parts will split after an event. It's called Post-traumatic for a damn reason. And this? This is all just the first damn slide of the introduction. There are 13 fucking slides. 13 slides of sheer stupidity and misinformation. This is why I think that SC is worse than FDC when it comes to bashing those they dislike. And, no, I'm not gonna review the other 12 pages of dumbfuckery.
4. From FDC - Tagged as Other Disorders, titled "I hAvE sChIzOpHrEnIa!!!!!!" - The post is clearly of someone in heavy distress on- you guessed it, the only place which FDC targets anymore- TikTok. The person claims that they're being forced to move out in 2 weeks, and they don't have somewhere to go. They go on to say that they think they're having a schizophrenic attack. Basically, the poster is calling the person in the video fake. The person who is breaking down on video, seen getting progressively more distressed over what's happening.
(Okay, note/rant from multiple alters here- That post? This one that we're talking about? We'd say it's heartless but that's an insult to heartless people. This is someone who's in extreme distress over a horrible situation, someone with schizophrenia who's being forced out of their living space with only 2 weeks to find a new one, and all OP can think about is that "this person is faking". Frankly, I think they lack more empathy than a lot of our alters do, and that's saying a lot, especially considering Mark is literally an apathy holder. End rant.)
5. From SystemsCringe - Tagged as Fake OSDD/DID, titled "just straight up spreading lies, lol". - The post is a series of screenshots from either questioning systems, systems making fun of their past selves, or non-systems asserting that they aren't systems. It's hard to tell. Either way, they're somehow faking. Oh, plus, in the last slide, there's a commenter who claims to have also done the actions described in the screenshots but also don't remember having any trauma. Another comment below it kindly explains that not everyone will remember their trauma. None of this is spreading lies.
*major time skip by literal months lmao. Also I forgor to do the tags, sorry.*
6. From SystemsCringe - Titled "fictive dump". - In the post, the OP screenshotted a bunch of introjects on Tumblr anon... being introjects. Literally nothing else. The comments are gross, like saying how they "just need to stop pretending" and such. Ick. I've already gone over why introject hate is dumb, I believe, so we'll move on.
7. From FDC - Titled "Crab cakes?" - It's a video. The post is literally just an alter talking about how there's some really fucking good food in the fridge that they can't have because they belong to another alter. Wowww, systems can have rules and shit, they're tooooootally faking! Fuck, these FDC dumbasses suck the joy out of everything they touch.
8. From SystemsCringe - Titled "...7??" - System introjects 7 versions of one character after hyperfixating. Unfortunately, that means they're fake. To sum this up, it's another case of "introjects cannot exist because I said so." Nothing we haven't seen a trillion times before.
9. From FDC - Titled ""14" "*Professionally* diagnosed with osdd". - Yet another screenshot of someone's... probably carrd? Is that what it's called? Anyways, I think it's important that we don't forget that minors CAN be diagnosed with DID, OSDD, stuff like that. It's hard, sure, but genuinely possible. So, FDC is fakeclaiming a diagnosed system for being a minor. The logic here is either beyond me or non-existent.
10. From FDC - Titled ""Romanticise your disorders!"" - A long conversation that I didn't bother to read all of. The gist is, apparently, you're not allowed to romanticize your own disorders. Which... yes, you are, they're your disorders and you're allowed to accept them and be prideful about them. Plus, who's stopping you? C'mon, MAD pride, babyyyyyy-
So, a summary...
... nah, FDC and SC just suck, they don't deserve one. I might as well do my typical "how to be correct according to FDC and/or SC" though.
How to be correct, FDC edition:
- Don't self-diagnose.
- Be disordered in only The One Right Way™.
- Your disorder must be static and never change at all.
- Don't be distressed.
- Don't be disordered and online.
- No, just... don't be disordered.
- Don't have rules as a system.
- Don't have fun.
- Don't be diagnosed while being a minor.
- Don't be okay with being disordered.
- Suffer! ✨
How to be correct, SystemsCringe edition:
- You have to be utterly clueless when you first form. (But also if you are then you're faking.)
- Don't introduce yourself separately from the rest of the system.
- Don't be traumatized. (But if you aren't, You're faking.)
- Don't do stuff that you can't control in a way that I don't like.
- Remember your trauma. (Also don't remember your trauma btw.)
- Don't have Introjects.
- Don't have hyperfixations.
So, there. Phew, finally got that done... Y'all enjoy the rest of your days and stay safe. Don't harass anyone. Until we meet again, I guess. (That was cringe as hell 💀)
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is it possible for specific alters to develop a disorder that nobody else has? Our protector and gatekeeper hold all of our traumatic memories. Recently, they have begun showing symptoms of what we suspect to be schizophrenia. Nobody else but those two have it.
-sincerely, a very confused system
To our knowledge, no, it’s not possible for some alters to have specific disorders that the whole system doesn’t have. This is because the whole system shares the same body and the same mind.
That being said, it is absolutely possible for certain alters to be symptom holders, to experience symptoms more severely than other alters, or to generally be more affected by certain illnesses and disorders than the rest of the system.
Our system sometimes has episodes of post-traumatic psychosis. However, only me (Parker) and Nameless (another alter in our system) experience these psychotic episodes. No one else in our system does. That doesn’t mean that as a system we don’t have psychosis, and that doesn’t mean no one else in our system is affected by our PTSD! Nameless and I just have the misfortune to be the members of our system who are symptom holders for these experiences.
Similarly, our system has borderline personality disorder. A big part of BPD is splitting, which means having extremely black-and-white thinking and struggling to think rationally in an overwhelming situation. Even though the whole system has this disorder, only a few alters display splitting thoughts and behaviors. That doesn’t mean they’re the only alters in our system who have BPD! They’re just symptom holders for some common BPD traits.
Our system is diagnosed with a whole slough of mental disorders and a couple physical illnesses - the symptoms of which are scattered throughout the alters in our system. We’re autistic, but have specific alters who are prone to shutdowns, others who have meltdowns, still others who are semi or nonverbal, and others who are more at risk to sensory overload or overstimulation. This doesn’t mean only these alters have autism - the whole system is autistic. These parts just hold certain symptoms that other parts don’t have to deal with as much.
And of course, we’re not a doctor or professional. If anyone has any literature that claims alters actually can develop disorders that the rest of the system doesn’t have, we’d love to take a look. But from what we know about our DID, how it manifests, and how it affects the other illnesses we suffer with and the rest of our alters… no, we don’t believe it is possible for one alter to have a disorder that the rest of the system doesn’t have.
They may have symptoms not exhibited by the rest of the system. But that doesn’t mean they have a disorder that the rest of the system doesn’t have. Alters can be (and often are) symptom holders, and they may struggle with certain aspects of their mental health that the rest of the system doesn’t have to deal with. But as we understand, disorders and other diagnoses will belong to the body and the whole system, not specific alters (even if those alters bear the brunt of the disorder’s symptoms).
Again, we’re not experts. If anyone has any resources disproving what we’ve said here, we are quite happy to be educated and hope to learn more.
💫 Parker and 🦇 Alucard
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solarisgod · 10 months
The Starwake System and Micah's connections with these Starwakers is so beyond personal to us and especially myself as the main host and original holder of our body.
Initially, Micah was highly doubtful and afraid of their starmates even after getting the confirm from a DID specialist that they have the dissociative disorder in mention. Across their life until early thirties, they had little control over themself and their life when there were other alters who fronted for their own interests or mainly protecting Micah / themselves as a system. There was no communication between Micah and the main Starwakers ( Phoebus, Philos, Phobos who came into being in this order ) who tried so hard to keep their existences covert while they thought if they could, they'd give Micah as much of a peaceful life as possible when most parts of their shared past was anything but kind and gentle.
Yet, when Phoebus fronted to protect Micah from the fire that led to a few month disappearance of their boyfriend, Adoniram, not giving them a chance to at least see him properly for the final time, Micah suspected there was " more " to them. Then, Micah was told by their close friend / occasional private detective partner, Daniel Darling who had OSSD1, that they could have DID based on their experiences. They spoke to Alyx, their art and music therapist, about the possibility of them having DID and she recommended a DID specialist to them. This was when Micah finally got the official diagnose in their early thirties after they were misdiagnosed thrice with the third time being told that DID wasn't real at the age of eighteen. They believed they had Schizophrenia for around fifteen years. From all of this, of course, they didn't trust any of the Starwakers and were especially most distant with Phoebus who had done the most that they could since they were bodily four years old to keep Micah and the Starwake System as much happy and comfortable and safe as possible.
It is confusing being a plural. To have others sharing your body after they were split off often because of something extremely distressful that happen. To know that you would lose so much time and energy and more because of others existing with you. Being a plural is exhausting. It is terrifying when many people in the world does not and refuse to at least accept you if they can not understand at all. it's overwhelming. Micah felt and thought all of this, but over the months, they come to try to trust and understand and love each part of the system, just as the other Starwakers try to meet the middle with Micah and align their goals together and make consistent communications as strengthening the connections. Micah had eventually come to accept that the Starwake System is real and exists to love and support each other. Micah can never thank any of them enough for trying their everything to support each other and themselves as a whole.
Being a plural is learning how to love each other and ourselves. It is loving each other and ourselves. It is supporting each other in the end even when there are mistakes or disagreements made in the way. It is figuring out what can one do or say as an alter and a system that can lead them to achieving their goals altogether. It is the building trust and strengthening connections and establishing boundaries. It is making memories and achieving dreams and finding meanings in our life and ourselves together. It is a reminder that we are never broken, we just need extra help with and for ourselves and that is more than okay. Being a plural is I am real and so are you and we are more than good enough. Thank you. I love you and I and us. I'm glad we exist.
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brainpal-gachapon · 1 month
Name(s): Aurea + more (other names up to you!! preferably feminine)
Age: Age slider 2-15
Prns: She/They + Neoprns (up to you which ones!!)
Gender(s): Demigirl
Source(s): Brainmade
Species: Human
TransID(s): FND, Feeding tube,
CisID(s): Schizophrenic
Role(s): Host, Psychosis symptom holder
Other/Misc: has maaaaany delusions and unique hallucinations!! would help a bunch if you could write specific delusions/hallucinations in here (be as creative and scary as you want!!) ❤️
Name(s): Aurea, Aurelia, Carmela, Abriz, Amber
Prns: she/they, gold/golds, nameself, ne/nym, ot/ots, peh/pehm, swe/swes, ce/cim, zip/zipper, dae/daem, cut/cuts
Gender(s): demigirl
Species: human
CisID(s): schizophrenia
TransID(s): feeding tube, FND
Age: 2-25 (age slider)
Source(s): n/a
Role(s) (if you want them): host, psychosis symptom holder
Some Hallucinations: shadow people and other creatures, people outside windows looking in, seeing birds fly inside buildings, sees cameras in places there isn't any, feels folx grabbing daer shoulders, very painfully feels, hears, and sees their body change form (doesn't actually change), hears doors opening and closing when there is none, hears folx calling zipper name, feels cuts all over ots body when ots completely fine
Some Delusions: hidden cameras are everywhere watching her, government spying on nym, believes they can talk to ghosts (plus hallucinates them), believes the dark isn't a safe place to be unless they're in a specific area of their room, grandiose, believes sitting anything on the stove when it ISN'T turned on will make it catch on fire, feels as if car doors are never closed and ot will fall out of the car most of the time
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Some of these hallucinations and delusions are inspired or just taken from our own, as we experience cispsychosis.
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angelcovesys · 2 months
🪖 LISTEN UP, MAGGOTS! I am Sgt. Jane Jamison Doe! I'm a source-deviant Soldier fictive. I like classic rock, anything millitary related, and fighting & FPS games. I love Dell with all my heart.
I'm the oldest, but agefoggy. Max age seems to be 48, min age 36.
I'm autistic and struggle with tone. I forget to use tone tags. Ask me if you need clearing up.
Not everything I do is funny or chaotic, okay? I'm a person, not your fucking comic relief.
I got PTSD and schizophrenia in-source. In-body I'm a partial delusion/flashback/ptsd holder and am very sensitive to unreality and the like. Don't talk about Emesis Blue around me.
You mess with the little ones, you mess with me. That clear?
Other Names: Soldier/Solly, Jamison, Sarge
Signoff Tags: #🪖 this is soldier btw!, #what is that private pyle?!
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host note: these userboxes were made when we were newly discovered and didn't have good access to system terminology. 'headspace trauma' wasn't the right term to use, instead, the last userbox is referring to 'pseudotrauma'.
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thestarscollective · 2 months
Name: Angelo “Thorn”
Pronouns: He/They/It/Hound
Favorite song: Maya the Psychic by Gerard Way or Closer by Nine Inch Nails
Favorite movie: Us
Lazarus is my twin, so that’s fun I guess. Half decent piercer, learning bass. Delusion/psychosis holder? Ig if that makes sense? Idk it’s not like I’ve been officially diagnosed with schizophrenia or a related disorder but I def hear shit a lot and sometimes see shit among other things. Not sure just trying to make an introduction since I have my own blog and I’ve been using tumblr a little more. AMAB and generally queer but haven’t put too much thought into labels. I’ll put a really shitty drawing of myself under the cut. I’m down to talk so feel free to message me if you see I’m around or whatever. I also love making playlists for people so there’s that. Personal blog is @shattered-visions and my tag is 🧲. Fun facts include that I have a corset piercing on my left side, I used to collect playgirl magazines and I played soccer but I was absolutely dogshit at it.
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antis-hell · 1 year
Huuuuughh the virus mentioned something about doing an intro? Why not
Hey, I'm Ray (full name Ray James Consim-Isach if anyone's interested). I'm a protector and a symptom holder here, but I don't do a lot. My pronouns are he/him and he/him only. I'm a trans man, and gay (and I'm taken so fuck off) and I'm also 29 (the apparent "old man" of the system).
I like space and music mostly, but I also know a lot about cats since they're Stevies special interest. I'm fairly reserved when I'm not performing, and I don't really show a lot of emotion, although that's because of schizophrenia not really my fault.
I'm an introject of our hosts OC, so I obviously don't have sourcemates, but I still like talking to other alters who have a history of performing. If you want a vibe of my music, some of my songs in my world are made here by a band called AJR (only a few though, and mostly my earlier songs). Although my normal voice sounds nothing like what it does singing.
These two are kind of what I look like. The first is a picrew that was edited, but the second one was drawn by Robbie. Before I get asked yes, I have hetrocromea (segmental to be specific)
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Soooo yeah, I'm also Russian, idk if that's relevant or not. Ask me stuff if you want, but other than that, cya
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butchdykekondraki · 7 months
thye put the symptom holders for schizophrenia, ocd, and fuckin adhd in the got damn front room . we are NOT getting work done
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
Our mother: tries to convince us we used to fake schizophrenia
Me, the trauma holder for that time period: knows damn well the entire reason that time was so fucking traumatic for us was BECAUSE we where convinced we weren't psychotic *at all* and believed our delusions where actual spiritual experiences
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