#sciatic nerve pain
autisticspoonieblog · 19 days
painsomnia can fuck off and die actually
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homo-hex-ual · 2 years
I’m so tired of my body hurting all the time.
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gemstarb · 6 months
Taking it one day at a time. Woke up yesterday with some gnarly sciatic pain then hurt myself while putting away groceries. So basically it hurts to do anything even cough or sneeze. I been taking pain pills accordingly and having time on my heatpad and time moving around slowly a bit. The same old rodeo for me. Been pushing through some kind of pain for years. It is what it is. My sister is aware. She also has problems with sciatic nerve pain. She takes muscle relaxers or has a steroid shot for hers. Not much Dr's can do for it. I'm just trying to get the inflammation down the best I can. I am getting naps in and that helps alot. Sciatica is no Joke and can be very painful.
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thiagoarantesousa · 10 months
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drvennchiropractic · 1 year
Alleviating Sciatica Through Chiropractic Care and Spinal Decompression in Frisco, TX
Alleviating Sciatica Through Chiropractic Care and Spinal Decompression in Frisco, TX Sciatica is a common condition characterized by pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down the back of each leg. It is often caused by the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve roots, leading to symptoms like sharp shooting pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in…
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drericaperez01 · 2 years
Our chiropractor is educated and serves as many patients as we can with chiropractic care, proper nutrition and use of acupuncture. Now our chiropractor is very famous in Dallas instant pain relief for upper  back pain issues. Also resolved your spinal problems rarely get better on their own. Call our chiropractor office today to get started with chiropractic care. Get more info visits on my official website: https://drericaperez.com/about-us
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lifblogs · 1 year
I see a lot of people (rightfully) complaining about their sciatica, and I know many of these people might not be able to see physical therapists or doctors for various reasons, so it’s time to learn about the sciatic nerve glide! This will help with numbness, and also some pain, and it’s super easy. It’s technically a stretch.
Sit with the affected leg stretched out a bit with your heel on the floor, foot is angled upwards.
This sounds weird for a back stretch, but lean over.
With your heel still on the floor, angle your foot up and down like pushing on a pedal.
Sometimes you will feel a stretch in your muscles, but this is stretching and moving your nerve. This has helped me bring feeling back into my leg.
As with any stretch, don’t do it too quickly, or for too long, and listen to your body.
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awkwardknight · 1 year
Jason, having achy pains in his legs because hypermobility and sciatic nerve is a shit combination: I want to sue my body this is so homophobic
Militia guy: Boss I don't think you can do that, unfortunately, would you like a heat pack
Jason: I want happiness
Militia: Sir I can't microwave that
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alittlemxchievous · 2 years
My partners finally convinced me to buy a cane for my bad pain days. (I have sciatic nerve damage.)
Send suggestions for what kind to get and how I should decorate it.
Also is bdsm with a disability aid on poor taste? It was the first thing I thought about once I decided to go ahead and do it.
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i-love-orion · 7 months
Ever since I was little I both prided myself in and craved independence. I could be home alone by 6. I could make meals on the stove by 8. I could cut my own orange (at the risk of cutting myself the first time). I could bandage my own wounds with no fuss.
Now, this may be some sort of trauma response, but I love my independence.
However, I am now beginning to be physically dependent before I'm even financially independent.
Sometimes I have to call and ask for help standing up.
I've gotten stuck several times on the stairs where I just had to wait a few minutes until I could move without unbearable pain again.
I take so many medications and some of them impact my ability to balance and move my limbs.
Tasks like my laundry and putting on my shoes are 10 times more difficult.
I haven't cut my hair in at least a month because I'm so afraid it'll become another thing taken out of my hands. I've only been allowed to do it for a year. It'll be absolutely despairing if it gets taken so soon.
I'll go as long as I can take without water, food, or the bathroom because I know getting up with just hurt so much.
I've already had to change the shoes I wear and the bag I use. How long until I have to use some sort of contraction to get my socks on? How long until i have to ask anytime my shoes become untied?
What if I'm bedridden by 25 with my dreams of a PhD completely down the drain?
They are yet to figure out what is wrong with me and I have so many things wrong with me.
I have to see a sleep specialist and a rheumatologist and a neurologist and have an mri done and go to physical therapy and take this medication and that medication and oh let's try this medication to see if it works
It literally makes zero since for my nerves to be acting like this. I'm fucking 19, there's nothing wrong with my spine, I haven't had any sort of injury recently, and I haven't shown any signs of a degenerative disease.
I've done so much research and I've found nothing.
So I just have to sit with this new reality of being in constant pain and just hope it doesn't get worse.
Fucking hell.
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autisticspoonieblog · 2 months
When I meet God he will have to beg my forgiveness for putting me through this (my back hurts)
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mycological-mariner · 9 months
I think a lawnmower would help my back
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skeuo · 1 year
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hootpoop12 · 1 year
That "what was the worst pain you've felt" poll is kinda validating me cause I've seen a few people say ear pain on there. I always feel like I sound like a baby when I say I worse pain has been an ear infection lol
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sourburialground · 8 months
The fact that my chronic pain and random health issues are simultaneously helping me in some of my med classes while absolutely hindering me in others feels like a cruel joke
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muffinrag · 8 months
augh i don't want to go to physical therapy. not because of the pt itself but because im an unbearably awkward creature who's currently in a state of some sort of disassociation and i cannot for the life of me grasp the social conventions and cues and i just feel like the stupidest awkwardest most bungling beast alive
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