#scifi peaked here
spirk-trek · 6 months
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S3E18: The Lights of Zetar ⋆.˚ ✧ ⊹·
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valtsv · 1 year
Hi I just finished The Terror season 1 and Renfield. And now I have Yellowjackets on the watch list. What I'm saying is that I trust you in your horror tastes. Do you have any other series/movies recommendations?
hmmm in terms of series midnight mass is pretty good if you're okay with religious horror/trauma. severance isn't strictly speaking a horror series but it has some horror/thriller elements that are thoroughly enjoyable. likewise dark and 1899 are more mystery thriller/scifi than horror but have some horror elements. i enjoyed castlevania, although the first two seasons are better than the last imo. haunting of hill house is pretty good but it's more tragic horror than scary horror. black mirror has some good episodes but my recommendation for that is to read the summaries and decide if they sound interesting to you personally.
as for horror films, some of my all time favorites are crimson peak (if you enjoyed the terror you'll probably love this one), cloverfield, the babadook, the blair witch project, ginger snaps, nope, get out, the cabin in the woods, pearl, alien, the thing, scream, black swan (it's body and psychological horror-y enough for me to list here), se7en, the descent, and saw (the original is actually a really fun watching experience).
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dominimoonbeam · 1 month
To The Edge - 21
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This work is mine and I do not give consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted without my permission. I am sharing chapters as I work on this story but it is copyrighted material that I plan to rework and publish when completed.
story tags: scifi romance, hijinks in space, rogues learning to trust, violence, blood, guns, death, explicit language, so much kidnapping,
Works organized and easily found over on the patreon. <3
He put the ship down in a valley of rubble on a speck of a planet. It had been terraformed centuries ago for mining but tapped out early—like a lot of mines past the edge—and been abandoned by the SC. There was a tiny outpost on the other side, so unimportant that it wasn’t even charted as a residence in the Solar Court database.
Rory had been less sure of this little side quest when he landed than he had been when they first came up with the idea, but after seeing the look on Stardust’s face when they stepped off the ship…
How could someone who had lived in the Prime Quadrant of the Solar Court their whole life and probably seen more places than he could imagine, look so awestruck by a wasteland?
He turned and tried to see what they saw.
Lavender slate rubble and dark peaks in the distance, the white glow of the nearest star casting long shadows, and the wink of stars through the gray sky. The wind whistled through canyons and twirled fine particles into purple and black waves off the peaks.
The flare of their optic implant dragged a ring of electric orange light through their irises. Were they adjusting their vision to the lighting or were they recording images?
“No one lives here?” Stardust asked.
Rory laughed. They sounded like they were thinking of claiming the spot for themself. “There’s maybe fifty on the whole planet, mostly on the other side holed-up in what’s left of the settlement.”
Stardust nodded at the horizon thoughtfully, like they understood why those people were out here. Maybe they did, in a weird way. Anyone still living this far out, on a place that got no trade, were hiding from someone. More than likely, some of those people were hiding from Stardust’s family.
With another approving huff, Stardust grabbed the duffle bag and pointed at a spot near the wall of the canyon. “We should set the targets there!”
Rory shrugged and started walking, fishing a spray can from his bag and giving it a good shake. He marked out the target rings in fluorescent green.
“Those aren’t even…” Stardust critiqued.
He rolled his eyes and shouted back, “It’s not going to matter. You’re not going to hit them.”
“No one shoots at circles anyway.”
With a snort he took a few big steps to the side and then painted the crude outline of a person, a neon shadow on the rockface. It reminded him of when he was a kid on a rock not so different from this one. He and his sister had practiced on boulders, the side of a shed, and hollow synthetic skins they propped up in between. It had been a game when he was little. Even she had laughed then when they goofed around. But over those few years, it had changed. It had become increasingly important to hit the mark. It had stopped being fun—stopped being a game—and become survival.
A shot jolted him from his thoughts, a bullet of pink paint slapping the wall. Droplets of paint ricochet onto his cheek.
Rory turned slowly to look back at his attacker.
Stardust blinked and then heaved a laugh. They held their hands out to their sides and up a little, gun still in one. “A test shot?”
He raised an eyebrow and dropped the paint can on the ground by his boot, hands free to draw. They’d loaded up with paint rounds before getting off the ship. “What were you aiming it?”
They smiled sheepishly.
He waited.
Stardust held his gaze and even at that distance, he saw the boundless mischief there. He wasn’t sure they’d actually been aiming for him and not the wall with that first shot, but he knew they were going to try to shoot him this time.
The thrill of it was that for once in his life, Rory wasn’t sure who would be faster.
He wasn’t always the quickest, but he made a point of knowing when he wasn’t—of gauging others and being ready to jump or cheat when his life was on the line. And then there he stood, staring right at a Solinoh and not knowing if he’d survive, but not willing to run either.
Stardust’s eyes widened a fraction and he realized they didn’t know if they were faster than him either. The wind pushed across that space between them.
Their gun hand shifted, coming down and center to aim.
Rory drew and shot.
The sounds of it all were swallowed by the wind but he would swear he saw that splash of orange paint hit their vest before the two collided with his.
Stardust gaped in mock shock, one gloved hand tapping their heart and coming away with neon pink. They held it out to him like proof of betrayal and Rory couldn’t help but laugh. “You murdered me!”
“It was self-defense.”
They laughed, holstering their gun and waving him over. “I hit you first though.”
“The fuck you did.” He slid his pistol into the holster against his ribs.
“Oh, we will be revisiting the duel… But first!” They grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him to stand facing the target wall. They were so busy trying to get things set up just right, that he was free to just watch them. They stood in front of him, their back to the target. “Okay… so the pirate is back there—”
“Why a pirate? Why not a merc? Or a primer thug?” Rory countered.
Stardust huffed. “It’s a pirate today. It’s usually a pirate out here…”
He didn’t argue, even though they were wrong. In his experience, it was usually just some random person that had either lost their mind or gone past desperation. But he knew that in Stardust’s limited experience of the edge, it was mostly pirates. That was fair, since they had a bounty on their head that was probably turning some of those average people into mercs and pirates. Desperation killed.
Stardust stepped up to him, focused on their game, and Rory stood still to watch. They were right in his space, almost hip to hip. Their hand slid up his side to settle on one of his guns. “You would be wearing a jacket,” they explained, practically whispering now that they were so close. “No one would expect it.”
They very slowly drew the gun from the holster and Rory held his breath, trying very hard not to read too much into this. His primer was very confusing. Just the other day they’d turned down his flirtation with a blush and then told their friend they might use him as a decoy to get away from their cousin…
But right now… right now, they were looking into his eyes and drawing his gun, slowly curling their arm around their own middle to aim blindly behind themself. They were so close that he felt their exhale on his lower lip.
They pulled the trigger.
Rory watched their pupils pulse with excitement at the shot. He tore his gaze from theirs to look at the wall and the splash of pain near the ground. “I told you,” he smirked.
They twisted around to see too. “That’s why we’re out here. To practice!”
“You could just turn and shoot…”
“That wouldn’t be as cool,” they countered. They weren’t wrong but missing would be so much worse. “Maybe if I pretend to be injured and you’re like, holding me up…”
Rory snorted. “How would that help?”
“You’re just jealous.”
“Of your incredibly bad shot?”
“Of my brilliant idea!”
His laugh choked off when they put his gun back in his holster and he had to cough to hide it, looking away when they took up their position again—close.
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lancerfay · 11 months
Holy carp the way I played Citizen Sleeper ended so impactfully
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I basically chose every single route where I stayed behind, letting someone I was getting close to leave because there were more people I could and wanted to help on the station. I felt sad when I abandoned Lem and Mina on the ship dock, I most was torn over letting Bliss and Ankhita leave without me, but every time I was thinking I could still do more here, there was still someone that I could help. I also figured at least I'd have a place at the bar with Tala.
Then I got to the very end of the DLC stuff, where the station is evacuating and lo and behold everyone's insisting I should leave, that the only ones staying behind are either occupied with their own lives (like Feng, Sabine, and Rabiah) or were leaving themselves, like Tala.
I get pretty into the roleplaying sometimes in games like this where I get to make my own choices and dang did I have a Moment when I realized that my character was only living for other people and now that they're all going to be gone she would have chosen almost *anything* different.
I cried ngl.
In the 11th hour I chose to leave, I had insisted to Peake that I would stay the whole time, and betrayed them as I left, didn't even have someone with me, just gone and alone again. Had I known I absolutely would have gone sooner.
Roleplaying situation aside...
I feel a lot of what I felt about the people and situations in The Eye to be really well mapped to a lot of larger cities people move to for work, which is absolutely in line with the game's tagline because places like here in Seattle are 100% like this. Most people feel like it's just where they are for now "until their luck turns around", "until I pay off my debt", "Until I get a new job somewhere else". The people from here can't stay because what it is has been slowly crawling towards inhospitable, and it's future is constantly directed by the whims of outside forces that only want to exploit it.
I see parallels, too, in people I've met and characters in game, if you strip away the scifi trappings. I've met someone stuck with a kid they didn't have a say in raising but love nonetheless who wants nothing more than to leave to a new promised start because this one failed. Desperate that this time it'll work out. I've spent a brief time with a professional who's on the run from themselves, looking for an escape but finding themselves falling back into bad patterns, needing to give up everything of themselves to feel cleansed by it. I've definitely met folks that have some semblance of roots laid, and want to just gently fade away into the pocket they've secured, giving to others if they can, but ultimately alone.
Makes me personally reconsider my reasons for moving up here and into this city of transience and if I'll find what I'm looking for, and I think that's so cool that this game evoked that thought in me.
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(vibrates) it's slug time
loving the slang... "tightness all day long" "today is toasty". also love that "babes" survives way into the future. 15 this is ur legacy. "that woman was her sister" incest implication??? 2 minutes in
TURN LEFT /triggered
the design in this is impeccable.
this is so sims coded.... from the creators of "doctor who is a tv show" theory we bring u-> "doctor who is a videogame"
if u were disappointed with the focus on magic this ep this ep is rlly giving classic scifi parody lol
there's a lot of wordsmith-ing in this ep….eyes emoji
i love ruby sm now she's so resourful in every ep
this episode is like "this is how an anniversary multi-doctor multi-companion multi-master webcam special could still win"
ok but seriously. ppl are gonna be like "phones bad is dumb of course people look where they are!!!" bro. they dont. and yeah it can have deadly consequences. there's a reason "dont text and drive" campaigns happen.
ruby has done SO many callcenter type jobs forreal.
this episode is amazing
"is that thing something to do with you?" bitch (i got a bit spoiled that she's a racist (damn "looking at tumblr for 2 secs to vibe check" habit) so im looking at this with more hindsight than u are supposed to sdlkfjd)
bluie light celeste and gold motif in ruby and the doc's backdrops? also fifteen in orange <3333333 my beloved
the interior design is ON POINT this ep "you dont know how to walk without the arrows?" "condescending much?" bitch
this episode is so fun lol
"fifteen nd ruby react channel" realness (WHICH…..HEY…….DO U KNOW WHAT PPL REACT TO………………………. T V SH O W S (clown make up fully on))
ruby has done so much service calling jobs forreal lol the sheer patience
the doctor really wanting to lose their minds here but having to hold it together is peak doctor sdkjfsd (also very realistic of the struggles i expected a black doctor to work thru)
there's a bit of a theme of instinct vs programming going on here.
"surrounded by this woodland forest thing. it's like, really natural"
hashtag obsessed with it the catharsis im feelin tbh. 2 ppl being like "yo mass killing is rlly wrong" while the cacophony of the internet ~fun goes on and on. where's the [fiction]
ITS LIKE LOVE ISLAND THE PLANET. BRO. bro im so WIRED IN /clown make up intensifies
penny pepper bean still strong holding the 12 ppl still in the tory party together in the year something something
"ruby and the doctor struggle to lie in the moment" is my favorite recurring trope
the doctor using the sonic as a remote right there……………….. im running out of clown make up ya'll
"you did NOT just "@everyone" realism
no one ever listens to the goths….
until its too late…
its interesting that there's no cameras in their feeds, tho. right? like. that's the layer i think it's profoundly different to irl in this satire / social crit. ppl are *locked out* of the real world bc they're looking at their screens, but they do that bc the screens are a constant waterfall of billions of camera footage either of individuals or coporations or institutions. always producing "content". so like is not that ppl dont "see" anythign irl but they see it all thru a filter or thru editing,,,, but its fine i get what the satire is going for slkdfj but yeah. i think thats why it may feel a bit "not quite capturing" of the current ~digital ethos
fifteen so close to losing it- fifteen if u want to go for a bit of a timelord victorious i wont judge. u can have it. as a treat.
doctor who is a videogame energy bbc merch idea -> zombies run type podcast but it's the doctor and ruby telling u where to go for a job so u dont die. (russel get on this)
"this is your fault!" iconic. classic who
so many ppl have presumably died so far. god bless. we needed an ep like this. proper high body count who feels good. feels organic.
rip the au where these were the beatles. thats 1 theory im really gonna mourn for the rest of the series lol
plaza 55…… orphan 55 reference???
great abrogation sounds important.
"i will get out out of here. i promise" obligatory doctor mirroring moment.
oh shit.
"thi iss SO manual"
"hands off" I LOVE THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The doctor x companion x some bland guy love triangle DREAM omg
"he says they're saving us to eat for last (snob voice)maybe we're the most tasty" scream. this ep is so fun.
pentecost's style was so on point.
wasnt her battery running out? (i may have missed something sldkjf)
bro stop hitting the fucking gas pipes oh my goddddd
that was brutal.
racists are gonna hate this episode so much lol
fifteen getting to experience all the microaggressions/outright aggressions thirteen didnt. yay progress(???) "thats voodoo" holy shi t
"maintain the standards of finetime" rtd was pissed when writting this lol
fifteen is not doing all rightkids.
ncuti's "who's my doctor? he's a black man" prophecy comes FULL CIRCLE
fifteen looking at US tho…………… this is a tv show man. this is a tv show. this is - *im struggle against my straight-jacked as im graddged back to the cushion-walled cell*
the plot twist of this ep………… phones good actually. thank u phones. u are doing a service.
so there's a lot of ways to chop this one…
"racism and capitalism still exists in the future" is a trope that it's kind of limiting / always grates me in some ways (it feeds into the anti-racism of ppl whose politics doesnt trascend idealist philosophy -> that is, it is an anti-racism that can't conceive of an end to racism bc it doesn't actually have a political project that address the material causes of racism and just tries to fix the "natural prejudices" away with "education". in other words, it cant portray a word without racism bc it cant *conveive* of one.) . however i think im more open to it this time / this series since s11 onwards the focus has been so much on telling stories about the present with scifi make up on. and i think this one manages to do that rlly well. ___
another vertice to look this one on is whether... is it really "doing anything" to have racism portrayed on screen (and other bigotry) in a scifi story? if u already experience racism or understand it happens, who is served by this? it's hurtful to watch and it's like missing the chance to "show a different world" is possible thru scifi. and the counterargument to that is on a """""color blind"""""" 2020s world it is rlly cathartic and re-affirming to have stories that *show* the realities of the world, and that dont shy away from showing those realities in fear of them coming off as "over the top" (bc they arent. some ppl will still walk away from this ep thinking "haha fun satires" but like. this is literally how White Rich People Talk. in real life.......) and again in this one time i think it works really well bc doctor who has… probably never done this? lol there's moments with martha and ryan for example, but never going this hard on it. but im open to discussion tbh. i think the angle of "is this a story about racism for white people to learn or is it a cathartic for *black / brown people to experience catharsis in" is gonna be one for fruitful discussion in the future. ___
besides the socio-political points,,,, bro this episode was a thrill ngl sdlkjf like so many simple, excellent moments like the girl walking into the light post. the made up slang and the real slang!!!!. the excellent interior design. "ruby and fifteen react to doctor who". just lots of fun little details. the execution was really inspired.
character point -> tbh fifteen at the end feels like a bit of Growth from like, ten at his worst moments -> "he's not the person you would have chosen to survive, but if you could decide who lives or dies, doctor, that would make you a monster"
also kinda wonder how this episde will hit for newbies / Not Us. i think a lot of its gut punch comes from dw never doing this before and so the strenght of subverting those expectations. is this an story that stands on its own w/o all the 60 years of context? we'll have to show it to our normie friends and see lol
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istherewifiinhell · 1 month
didnt feel like getting real prop for sandstorm i dont care if u like thi nothing character. but revisting his ep does have this fav moment of mine.
[VD: G1 TF clip. A battle in a scifi city, and then space. Sandstorm, voiceover: In order to find a peaceful planet where there never be found, they went through the vortex. Sandstorm taking to the autobot crew: That's why its not on any of your star charts. Rodimus: Eh, you just got my interest. Blurr, who speaks very fast: Why didn't you tell there was Decepticons, if you had we would have been interested earlier instead of later, which would have been better because earlier is always better than later. Sandstorm, confounded: I-Is, Is there something wrong with his timing program. Kup throws an arm around Blurr, drawling: That's just the way he is. Rodimus: Sandstorm we'll have a real nice welcoming party for you later, right now we gotta put together a strike force. END]
Ally kup moments 👍🏻
anyway sandstorms fun. hes fine. hes new here. hes only in two insane eps.
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[ID: Gif, Sandstorm peaks out behind a wall of cover. He smiles and waves, Octane peaks out lower. They get shot at, and run back mind the wall. END]
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lenreli · 1 year
Day 19 - "I need you"
[AO3] Continuation of Scifi Vamp/Witch! :D
Dream is held down, heart feeling like it’s beating out of his chest ― though, that may just be Hob on top of him, fangs so close to the heart in question, and Dream’s unable to move his hands, arms pinned by Hob’s grip, and he whimpers as the fangs graze over a nipple. “Hob,” he breathes, arching up as much as he can, arousal fizzling under his skin as Hob licks it. “Please.”
“It’s been over a year, and yet,” Hob frowns, stubble prickly as Hob leans his jaw on Dream’s chest, staring at him with dark eyes. “Surely you have better places to go now,” Hob whispers, “a little coven maybe.” 
Rolling his eyes, he looks up at the ceiling of Hob’s apartment, the comforting sight of the solar system outside of the window. “I like it here,” he says with a scowl. 
“Ah yes, plaything to some old jaded vampire while you do ― what is it again? Enchanting clothes in a store?” 
“At least I can do anything,” he mutters, “and I don’t mind it. With you,” although, that is a bit of an understatement at this point, sure that Hob probably can taste the overflowing madness of love he feels for the vampire at this point. 
Hob makes a considering sound, nose pressing into the skin above his beating heart, “and people called me mad,” Hob whispers ― and then Dream can only wail as Hob bites into him, above his nipple, close to his heart, blood rushing to Hob’s searing mouth and tongue as more of it goes to his cock. 
A leg slots in between his, which he uses to grind up against as the pleasure spirals and falls, a rollercoaster of feeling and Dream can hear himself speaking, maybe screaming or something else as Hob continues to drink from him, and Dream gets closer to the peak, Hob’s leg trapped between his own as he orgasms. 
It’s after he’s come ― in his pants, since he’s sure Hob finds something in Dream doing that after being bitten, that he realises what he’s saying, “need you, I need you, please, let me stay,” the words slurred by bliss, and he shivers as Hob licks the bite closed, clenching his jaw shut. 
“Stay? And get turned?” Hob asks, confused and ― doubtful, wary as Dream looks down.
“No,” he scratches out, too tired and blissed out to ― deny, feel embarrassment or anything else as Hob rests his arms on Dream’s chest, putting his head on the crossed arms with a tilt of his head. “I’ve been looking up how to lengthen my life, so I can.” 
He doesn’t finish his sentence, but Hob’s breath still hitches, eyes widening. “You’d want to ― for me?” Hob asks quietly.
“When I left,” he frowns, seeing where this story’s starting, but too tired to stop it, and it’s Hob, who knows many things about him already, “I didn’t enjoy living ― didn’t enjoy being under a thumb of them, or how I was constantly blamed for things I didn’t do. I mean, I did some of them, but the rest…“ Dream sighs, hands twitching as he realises they’re freed, going up to stroke the brown and grey of Hob’s hair. “And being on this station, and with you, I’ve learnt to appreciate ― how pretty the universe is, how much we’ve done to get here, learning to be me, and I like it.” 
After his little speech, he was expecting ― he wasn’t sure, but the deep kiss, the copper-y tang of Hob’s mouth as Hob frames his face. Hob’s hands go into his hair, stroking him as the kiss ends with a sigh, Hob’s forehead resting against his. “I wouldn’t mind,” Hob answers, eyes sparkling and smile as bright as the star nearby.
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phoenixcatch7 · 11 months
A comprehensive and detailed timeline about the ancient past of totk
Okay I was going to append this to someone else's theory post but it got out of hand size wise and that's a tad rude so I'm making my own.
(Part 1) (long post)
Totk ancient history, let's go!
So! What do we know about the botw timeline, first?
Ancient sheikah! They've existed since the beginning of hyrule, but these lot were scifi. They supposedly took inspiration partly from the zonai before they (the zonai) died out. They built all the tech to fight calamity ganon. (and presumably improve their quality of life, but we don't see much of that)
Calamity ganon. First appearance 10k years ago. Second appearance in botw (technically 100 years ago? Not important, he didn't leave and come back). Zelda (or rhoam or impa) say it gave up its mortal from to be a giant goo pig. Both attacks were foreseen by sheikah seers.
Rito and zora existing together! This is very important! Rito originally evolved from zora in wind waker, so they've never existed together.
Them existing together, along with basically everything else about botw lol, proves we're working with a merged timeline. Gang's all here!
A divine beast (probably) took that chunk out of hebra peak. Lol. Lmao, even. Most likely to be ruta or medoh.
The duelling peaks are split in their artwork (the observatory and sword trial chamber). Rumour (npc gossip) has it a dragon flew through and split them in two.
The sheikah knew about the master sword. Somehow installed... Whatever the sword trials are. Also the master cycle, which, heck yeah, wish totk had that, hand built stuff isn't a fraction as good or cheap.
The sheikah built the shrine of resurrection. Even in botw, it's said it was built over a spring of healing water.
Now, let's briefly cover what we learned in totk.
The zonai! Of course! We learn a lot from the tear flashbacks. They descended from the sky to earth to 'found hyrule' (lmao) with their secret stones that boost powers. Already a dying race at that point. Rauru and mineru are the only ones we ever see. They're guarded and served solely by hylians.
Sonia, a priestess (of at least the triforce if not hylia), blood of hylia. She was one of the people first greeting the zonai, which tells us they descended in that generation.
The rito and zora are already there! The timelines are already merged! We see the ghost of what the sheikah took inspo from with the zonai animal masks.
A gerudo sage! Despite the gerudo still being led by ganondorf... That must have been fun. Likely the ruler of the gerudo after ganon is defeated, which must have been a Trial and a Half in THAT political landscape.
The duelling peaks are... intact. This lends a lot of credence to the dragon theory!
There are no floating islands in zeldas time. This implies either the cloud barrier is intact and zonai still lived up there for a while, or the whole zonai race went to earth and brought their islands with them.
The great plateau walls are already there. Hylian design.
The hero's aspect. A half hylian, half zonai hero. This confirms that the hero can be reborn into bodies that aren't purely hylian (or, well.... We'll get back to that). It also could not be more clear that it's the hero from the calamity tapestry! Even has a pointy face where zelda has flat. Booty shorts/skirt. The red hair is important.
Ganon has been reborn, zelda arrived via time travel, but there's no hero? Rather, the only one to defeat him named link is our totk boy 10k years later.
The zonai temple of time is on the plateau. Where the landmass under it comes from I DO not know.
The zonai temple of time is currently not really very close to the plateau. This implies islands can drift. This isn't relevant but is cool.
We get no explanation for the zonai ruins in the jungle. Which is a crying shame. Rauru never ever goes to the jungle. The best we get is the dragons head quest. Or the labyrinths! Well... I'll get back to that as well.
The depths, the zonai mines, zonaite. Despite being from the clouds, the zonai get their powerful metal, the one named after them, the stuff they make everything out of, from the deepest, darkest depths of hyrule (literally lol). The only other place zonaite can be found is some caves in the sky.
The distinctive swirl of zonai magic above shrines perfectly matches rauru's final spell. The shrines were constructed by/for rauru and Sonia, said to help 'seal the darkness and prevent it encroaching on hyrule'. Underneath each one is an inactive light root, which, when activated, becomes surrounded by the only hylian flora in the depths. Hilariously, you can pick up the actual shrines in pebble form and cart them around.
Unfortunately, one can only install a single read more, so I'm going to make it a new post.
Topics I intend to cover:
How the timelines fused and the state of it currently
Possible origins of the zonai and how long they stuck around
The ancient hero and what it means for the timeline
The relation between the sheikah, the zonai, and the hylian king
The state of hyrule 10k years ago, politically
The original sages being the blood ancestors of every new sage, but using the champion voice actors. Also population statistics
Ganondorf v calamity ganon v phantom ganon v the blights v the depths (there's a lot of ganon)!
What this means for age of calamity...
My best attempt at covering everything from the fusion of the timelines to the events that start breath of the wild, sticking as close to canon and as far from headcanon as possible.
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halfbakedspuds · 26 days
Thanks to @orion-lacroix for the tag! I was gonna get to it earlier but... life happened and I forgor.
Eto bleh. Anyways.
(Also I'm writing this while incredibly tired, so I'm sorry if my English isn't up to scratch)
Writeblr Questionaire
How long have you had your Writeblr/writing Tumblr?
I've had this Tumblr account since the beginning of lockdown (March/April 2020 by us) and I created it because of a PM Seymour video. I made like one post that has now been banished to the void, then forgot I even had a Tumblr account until about ¿June/July? last year when a friend of mine brought up the idea of using Tumblr to share her writing, and I decided to do the same.
What's one thing you'd like your mutuals to know about you?
Due to reasons that include but are not limited to me barely having time anymore, I have a tendency to sometimes take a while to reply to people on here.
Don't worry if it takes like a week for me to respond, I'm just like that sometimes.
What's your favourite thing about the Writeblr community?
The amount of people who are infinitely more skilled than me that I can learn and take inspiration from.
Which WIPs or Writing Projects have you been Noodling about recently?
I've had a few emotional scenes for the Tempest Prince brewing in my head (plus I have like an hour with nothing to do after every exam I write, so daydreaming it is)
I'm also somewhat noodling for a small game I'm working on as a side project, but that's less story-related and more technical shenanigans at this point.
Do you remember what inspired them/got you started?
Children of the Stars I don't remember exactly what inspired the story aspect, but I know what the setting evolved from. Basically, I was a huge Mass Effect fan in primary school. Actually, I was a fan of Scifi overall but Mass Effect was peak gaming for me back then. Then somewhere along the line I played Bulletstorm and Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, and this half daydream of an Alien Empire locked in an eternal war for survival began to evolve in the back of my head before turning into the first recognisable precursor to Children of the Stars somewhere in late 2021.
Echoes of Shadows was inspired by the game Tails Noir, Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, and a Call of Cthulhu campaign run by a friend of mine way back when.
The Tempest Prince was originally conceived of because my first playthrough of Bloodborne coincided with my first reading of the Percy Jackson books.
Is there anything you'd like to see more of on your dash?
Comics and short stories. Look, I don't have time to read a full length book until, like, November again, so a little episodic escape is a nice way to detox from the crap we need to deal with for these exams.
Name any characters you've created: side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who've never been written, the first original abomination you pulled from your rear... whatever you like!
Artemis is a Siberian ARX-11 mechanized shock-drop trooper who was deployed in a conflict so violent that future historians in-universe consider it less of a war than a outright cataclysm.
Quite literally, like the humble sea-turtle: she was born feet first into a hell she never asked for.
She's also one of the incredibly few Androids who not only survived the Fall of Earth, but after her inevitable 'death' by running out of fuel sources, she managed to remain intact for another six hundred years before a Union archaeology team found her and her enclave and managed to restore some of them to working order.
How much time- in your best estimation- do you spend thinking about them?
Outside the story of Children of Strife, this also makes her one of the oldest sentient beings in the known universe and technically the great great grandmother of almost all modern Androids and Biosynths.
It's also rumoured that she helped to raise a child orphaned during the fall of Earth who would grow up to be the military advisor of the first Empress, which technically makes her an important theological figure in the (now dying) Imperial cult.
Who's the most unhinged?
See, I'd say Adrian from Children of the Stars because he has a tendency to just do shit that makes you worry about his safety, but the thing with him is that he is fully aware of what he's actually capable of and is very cautious to not overstep those limits.
Lyanni, However...
One of Adrian's many nicknames for her is Miragran, which is Callistoan for "Big miracle", because that's what it must've taken for her to have not gotten herself killed yet.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
The fact that the answer is Adrian Castellan does not speak kindly about my mental health, does it...
Do you ever cringe at them?
How much control do you have over your characters? Do they ever write themselves, refuse to co-operate or do things you didn't expect? To what extent?
Not really.
Well, except for Adrian being a typical 27th century child who has no conception of sexism/racism/homophobia etc. beyond it being a footnote in a half-forgotten history textbook, which puts him in situations where it takes him a minute or two to realise that someone's being a prick to Lyanni.
I'd say I have relatively decent control over them. With the exception of the Haliday brothers in the Tempest Prince, 'cause they speak the same dialect of English as I do but I need to dial it back a bit because what's understandable for us has moments where it barely looks like English to foreigners.
And every so often I need to go back and un-Saffa their lines a bit because guess what? My dialect is annoyingly insistent on manifesting itself in these characters.
Are some less co-operative than others?
The old version of Adrian's character was really damn uncooperative. Like, he kept feeling like he was sitting on a story that he couldn't tell, and that was why he kept feeling like he was acting wrong no matter what I wrote him doing.
His current iteration tells that story in a way, and that element of tragedy playing into who he is has made him a lot more co-operative.
When someone asks the dreaded "What do you write about?" question, what do you usually say?
See, most people who know that I write are either close friends who already know what I write, or don't care enough to ask.
My grandmother, however, did ask the one time. That was also the day I realised that I know absolutely no scifi terminology in my home language.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters and do you have a preferred way of receiving said questions?
Listen, if you wrote the question as a note, folded it into a paper airplane and threw it through my window, I'd firstly be very concerned about how in the nine hells you figured out where I live, then I'd be utterly ecstatic for the rest of the day because someone asked me a question.
I keep all my socials separate, though, so if you have any questions then asks, comments, and reblogs on Tumblr are pretty much the only way to go.
What makes you follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow them as you see them? Scope them out first to make sure you align with its content? Or do you follow based on WIPs or vibes?
Imma be honest there are like two people on here whom I followed simply because I know them IRL, and like three total writeblrs whom I followed first.
Everyone else followed me and I said "Ey, sha'p," before following back.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I try to.
Do your mutuals' OCs occupy a space in your Noodle?
No pressure tag for @honeybewrites and @thatoneterrariaplayers-vault,
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 5 months
thanks for tagging me @energievie
favorite fictional character from a movie? maybe Winona ryder in girl, interrupted. or Winona ryder in heathers, or Winona ryder in Edward scissor hands, or Winona ryder in -
favorite fictional character from tv? I guess I'll say Mickey Milkovich, even though the real answer might be Carmela Soprano
favorite fictional character of all time? Castiel, he's been my favorite for years even when I've hated supernatural. he might be the angel of thursdays but he's the patron saint of Weird Hot Girls™️
if you could be irl friends with any three fictional characters, who? Veronica from shameless, Dale cooper from Twin peaks, and Charlotte from sex and the city
favorite fictional couple: Gallavich hands down
okay, you can only choose one fictional character to get stranded on and island with: Dana scully from the x files
one fictional world you would hate to be a part of: anything scifi tbh, esp an environment thats very sterile
one fictional world you would love to be a part of: whatever worlds hayao miyazaki is coming up with
your “HEAR ME OUT” fictional couple: I know no one on here will need to hear me out on this, but Kandy i love them so much someday ill write a kandy fic i promise just you wait
and finally, something you’re looking forward to this week?
weathers great, im spending a lot of time with friends and i have a new watercolor set coming this week, life's pretty good
tagging @mmmichyyy @mybrainismelted @mickeym4ndy @mickittotheman @em-harlsnow @spookygingerr @creepkinginc @softmick and anyone else who wants to play and tag me
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tsunflowers · 6 months
having finished hell's aquarium I think the worst character is still the wacky crazy guy whose bipolar disorder makes him say trivia all the time for some reason. second worst is probably the love interest. rough timeline of events with this character
when she first meets the main guy she's like "just one thing: don't fall in love with me" bc she's serious about her career. she says a bunch of stuff about how women are just as good at piloting scifi submarines to catch megalodons as men
within like two days of them meeting she makes out with him in the pool
then shes like "no... we can't do this" and he gets upset
when she wants him to help her prove that she deserves to be on the submarine team he's like "is this why you made out with me earlier?!" and she apologizes and says she doesn't want to seem like one of those girls who bats their eyelashes to get what they want. just a very weird scene. the vibe was off
they do start dating officially, I don't remember why
I can't remember when this was but at some point she confesses to him that she was actually hired by their boss to fuck him so that he would take the job but she felt bad about it and decided not to and their relationship is real
they go on a super dangerous dive together and get trapped in a titanium orb secret lab at the bottom of the secret ocean under the ocean and weepily promise to marry each other if they live
the guy's dad comes down to save them and he gets them back up to the normal ocean but as they're about to reach safety she gets eaten by liopleurodon
shes just a very bad character? it's the peak of Strong Female Character written by a guy who doesn't know what women are like. the scene i felt was so weird truly felt like incel shit with her apologizing for tricking him with her feminine wiles. the fact that she's always like "I'll show you that even though I'm a woman I'm here on my own merits as a pilot" but it turns out she was there to fuck the guy is Wild. she has no interiority and is just a tool to make the guy mad and confused and horny. and then she gets eaten within the last five pages of the book
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alena-reblobs · 1 year
Trigun Bookclub Trimax Vol11 Part1
Vol01: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  | Vol02: Part 1 | Part 2
Trimax: Vol01 Part 1Vol01 Part 2 | Vol02 Part 1Vol02 Part 2 | Vol 03 Part 1 | Vol03 Part2 | Vol04 Part1 | Vol04 Part2 | Vol05 | Vol06 | Vol07 | Vol08 Part1 | Vol08 Part2 | Vol09 Part1 | Vol09 Part2 | Vol10 Part1 | Vol10 Part2 | Vol10 Part3 | Vol10 Part4 | Vol11 Part 1
Time to make my vol11 post so that I can read the other bookclubposts! This one will be MUCH shorter than my vol10 review. Chapters 1-3 below the cut!
Chapter 1:
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EXCUSE ME I thought we had just established that we had FINALLY gotten over this old man and now we have to see his face one more time?? The audacity
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Aaah I love Zazie as a character! Their concept is really cool, and it's pretty easy to kinda overlook it in your first read through, because I remember that it was Stampede where I understood that OH Zazie ist one of the worms! Of the native inhabitant species of the planets! Makes you remember that this is, after all, a Scifi Manga. (In a way).
Also hehe Elendira and her murderous side is so funny.
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Snork mimimi snork mimimi God knows he needs the rest after all. I wonder if he dreams, and what he'd dream about in this night.
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The fact that even Livio is shocked to hear that Vash was willingly making himself vulnerable in Livio's presence...really shows how much of a good guy he is I think! And the fact that Vash was trusting Livio enough to do that is something I really really like...regardless of how he might feel towards Livio now. I don't think he hates him. It's complicated and at first was a bit hostile-sounding, rightfully so, maybe, but Wolfwood gave his life to bring him back, and Vash trusts Wolfwood, so, logically he trusts Livio, too.
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Ouch, not saying his name because that might still hurt too much... I'm a little confused why Vash blushes here? Is he embarassed because he's sounding so naive? Or maybe it's less blushing and more being close to tears? Could be that.
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uuh cool panel and cool Knives look!
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Chapter 2:
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Even though Nightow is sometimes a bit, well...chaotic with his worldbuilding, I still feel like he's doing a great job. Because he's really good at getting the overall feeling across, the atmosphere, and making the world feel lively, so that we know there's stuff happening around our main characters. This might also mainly be because the stuff happening heavily influences our protagonists and the story. But it's also because it's well put into words and pictures!
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Yeah girl you show that military guy!! Love her :D
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Have I told you that ponytail Milly in a jacket and jeans is my favourite Milly flavour? I have now! She's so sweet and strong and huggable. Also these two are girlfriends.
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And directly after that we get a trigun humour scene, where even those two scratch the 4th wall in disbelief :DD I love the duality of this manga, we have sooo many dark and tough scenes, but in between, at the right moments, we get a bit of fun to have a breather. But really, this happening just after both of them stare into the distance, reminiscing about old times, is peak humour.
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Oho! It's one of Vash's newly developed bullets!
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Yeeeess the family is back together! <:'))
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Haha I didn't get this on my first, possibly two, read throughs at all: the mechanical parts of the ark are breaking apart, while it's transforming into this even bigger ship, an amalgamation of all the plants...there's this trace of a female body at the bottom, wow. Body horror! Looks pretty badass though.
Chapter 3:
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Saving this for the only reason that it's all 3 of them together and it's therefor a precious panel
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Ouch. (It's good that he's mentioned though and not just "oh well character is dead bye" We'll get to see this more, but really, until the very end, Wolfwood will not be forgotten and will stay a part of the story) And the look of Livio when he's mentioned! We know that boy must be overcome with guild and shame. Brad comes in to help him, though he says later in the chapter he didn't do it for him, but still, a tiny part of Brad, the one that believes in Vash, is willing to believe in Livio for him, and has already accepted Livio as a companion! I'm sure of that.
The most cruel thing through all of this is how we don't get to see any reaction from Vash. Because we really don't need to. Simply showing his grayed out back is SO telling already...again, some things are best left to imagination, like his expression. I imagine that's not always easy to follow as an artist, at least I LOVE to draw the hurt, the pain and all strong emotions in my characters, so I would really have to force myself to not do that.
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Oh my god Milly :'( She's trying to go along with that story (a story that fools nobody), to not ruin the mood or well make a big topic out of it in this situation I guess, but she's just so open with her emotions, she just can't : (( Milly and Wolfwood also were such great characters with a nice dynamic (most of which we got to know at the Dragon's Den), how lovely it would have been to see more. Especially since they are both pretty different in ways, but also so similiar in ways! Both care deeply for family and both are protectors! Wolfwood could have probably learned a lot from Milly, like asking for help and such things.
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Hehe Zazie got kicked out
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Did pre-Juneora Rock Vash collect figurines?? What a nerd (lovingly)
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If I had to choose a fetish it would be about Nightow's hand drawings. Maybe call it an art fetish. Cause damn he makes hands look so...substantial! Real! It's not even that they are super accurate anatomical wise (all joints are there and where they belong, but I think sometimes some lengths of the bones look a bit off?) but..I think it's the little details like scratches and such stuff that makes them not look so hospital-clean. Uhm know what I mean? I'm gonna stop talking now.
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Livio, you're looking like a cockatoo!
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Someone in the bookclub already pointed out this scene and I just want to add, there's now way Livio DIDN'T cry his eyes out after this
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FINALLY someone closer to Vash says this to him. I really like Marlon for this (and that flashback drinking scene is great) because someone needs to drum this into Vash's head...good thing Marlon always speaks his mind!
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I also love this right after, but I wanted to put the Dark Horse translation (right side) next to the Overhaul on the left! The Overhaul makes a bit more sense to me, at least sounds more sensible, but for some reason, the Dark Horse translation kinda stuck with me! This "Please, let me be! You'll get me all confused!" I really felt that, and I always thought this was a great way of showing the mess of emotions Vash must be feeling! The left one makes it a bit more clearer that Vash doesn't really know how to ask for help and NOT try to shoulder everything on his own. The Vash on the right...he feels a bit more like he's just so overwhelmed with everything that's been going on, Wolfwood's death, and now someone telling him he's allowed to get help, to ask for it...it's just too much at the moment and he doesn't know how to process that now. I like both, but I love the vulnerability the right translation gives off.
And that's it for chapters 1-3! Next ones in another post!
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quill-n · 1 year
ashajdhajdka ok ngl I had no idea what you were asking for here, emoji anon
I showed this ask to like three separate people and two of them said "edgejeanist fighting the police" so.... edgejeanist acab I guess?? LMAO /lh
I'm gonna go on a limb though and assume you were asking about that scifi au I mentioned :)
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all the designs and worldbuilding is still very much in the works, but here's a little sneak peak!! :)
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ligbi · 1 year
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Yet Another Comparison Of  ‘90-’99 And ‘14-’23 Anime Girls
Used in-episode screenshots and semi-neutral expressions to keep some semblance of consistency for accurate comparisons, and only used tv anime so no golden boys or makoto shinkais
Feel free to comment on this post or add to it- I know I had a lot more children's anime in the 90s than in the 10ishs but there were also a lot less shows back then
List of series and thoughts under the cut
knights of ramune \ nadia
goldfish warning\ future gpx
dog of flanders\yyh
akazukin chacha\slam dunk
tenchi universe/ eva
escaflone/ those who hunt elves
kero kero chime/utena
akihabara/ devilman lady
tenshi ni narumon/gto
yuki yuna/garo
rakudai kini no cavalry/ nisekoi
kuma miko/ maisou gakuen
urara meirochou/tsugumomo
a place further than our universe/ happy sugar life
endro/carole and tuesday
bna/ interspecies reviewers
drugstore in another world/blue period
lyrocois recoil/birdy wing
revolution magical world yuri/ ice guy and cool colleague
I tried to keep it younger characters/older characters for the 90s and that was not an option for the recent anime series because
There are way too many damn anime nowadays. 
I tried to just get a general assortment of different character designers for both but feel free to tell me what a bad job I did for the modern stuff. Pretty sure I don’t have any dupes for the 90s ladies
personally the issue with modern anime is less ‘uwu moe moe kyun isekai harem bullshit’ and more ‘heres a single cour cheaply made no ending adaptaion of a manga or light novel why don’t you go check those out’ big budget ads of which there are too many
i’d like to run the numbers to see if the percentage of original anime has gone down or if the original works are just being flooded out by the sea of overworked nothings that are being constantly rushed out the door
yes obviously not all original works are good (or finish well rip wep) and there are good adaptations but when people think anime once they're past shounen jump series 1-500 the biggest names are original works and sure you might end up with an fma or ouran but your bebops your evas your utenas are originals. or media mixes which are weird collabs we could get into but let’s not today 
i won’t disagree that there’s too many anime nowadays targeting lolicons (yeah yeah any anime for them is too much but we’re talking about comparing eras not judging content here) but I /think/ 80s and 90s relegated that type of stuff to OVAs generally. Don’t have the data to back that up but between ovas nowadays being only just for porn and the lemony history of ovas since the 80s.... there were just More ovas back when as well
doing a loose count on mal of all ovas from 90-99  1050 to about 750 total for 14-23. given the tv ratio for 95-19 being  around 1:6
yes yes these numbers are fast and loose and theres chinese animation in there and we can get finicky about What Is Anime but this was a conversation about what era of anime stylization is better
it’s the late 90s btw
but that’s a personal preference of course because art is subjective blah blah blah 90s character driven comedy fantasy/scifi ova are peak
did I have more thoughts?
i started this over two hours ago make less anime
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Make less anime and put more effort into what you do make
less anime. more episodes. more pay. more breaks. take longer. more original stuff
stop remaking shittttttt. you already wasted time and money and effort on a mid anime adaptation of a manga. don’t do it againnnnnn
anyway watch kero kero chime 
appended thoughts the next morning less on art style and more on volume
as of mid 2023 for completed series we are at halfway of all anime having been made after ~2011 this adds up to a reddit post I found with some very nice data https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/lvvexe/chart_of_number_of_anime_per_year_over_time/  40 was a nice number of series a year about 10 a season starting and older ones continuing. 200+ is. 
yes numbers are iffy with second seasons listed as different series like sailor moon r s supers stars and mha 2 3 4 5 6 ect so for accurate numbers a human touch would be needed there is semi-finite air time to work with- obviously some companies could make new tv and satellite stations just to house their garbage but i think there is a cap somewhere in sight if anyone did crunch the numbers more accurately, total episode count is necessary. one 80s robot show of 60-80 epis is equal to 4-6 modern single cour isekais
make less anime
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dndhistory · 11 months
265. Jeffrey Scott - Dungeons & Dragons, Episode 12: "The Lost Children" (December 3, 1983)
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Nearing the end of the first year of the D&D animated series, we get an episode that does something that is somewhat rare in the D&D universe but which has actually happened before. In this episode our party discovers a group of lost children who want to get their ship back, meaning their spaceship. So we have that uncommon fantasy/scifi mix here.
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This is not a first, back in 1980 we had the module S3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, that already did this, but in a much different way, there the spaceship is actually a dungeon that players get to explore. In this episode the spaceship is about the size of a small truck, so none of that. 
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We also get a reference to Star Wars in this episode, with one of the party members calling the adult alien a "Wookie", as a big SW fan myself this is always fun and there aren't that many intersections between D&D and Star Wars. As usual a fun and really well animated episode that is very much worth tracking down!
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New Stelia explanation
New Stelia is the setting of my current lancer campaign. Primarily taking place in the titular mega city, New Stelia is (sorry for the buzzword puke) a retro scifi, decopunk world. Heavily based on Bioshock and New Capenna, New Stelia is a world where mechs have wholly replaced all forms of transport (for the aesthetic). Cars are just Everests, Bartons, etc. Buses are Lafiettes. Big trucks (semis? 14-wheelers) are Hawkins. Fancy cars are the SSC Chrysalis or similar crab chassis mechs. Boats are just really big, aquatic hotdogs. Blimps are also hotdogs but strapped to big balloon. (I have a reasonable number of Lancaster esc mechs)
New Stelia (the city) is built on/in/above a plateau that shields the city from the heavy radioactive gas that covers the flush plains surrounding the city. There are districts that handle the various functions needed for the city but in all honesty I havent fleshed them out at all which is a bit problematic.
Rather than the interstellar origin of the manufactures, IPS-N, SSC, GMS, and HA have altered backstories to fit the world. Much mettling doesn't need to happen for this. Wow IPS-N is speciallied in making lancaster esc mechs instead of starships; HA did have three clone rules and orignate from a old iteration of Union, they just aren't from space. And for HORUS, of course they're here, just more occult (see below).
Another notable change to the setting from the core Lancer one is what an NHP actually is. Rather than just being the technological/digital consciousness of a eldritch entity peaking into this reality from blinkspace, only contained through a black box containment unit that shackles the entity's perception of reality and itself to be vaguely human like; NHP's are ghosts. But like the lighting ghosts from Mob of the Dead (CoD Zombies). They function identically to NHP's on the surface level of interfacing with electronic systems (because yk, lighting ghost) but are summoned from blinkspace through ritual rather than just being found in the field and shipped off to Venus. NHP's can still; be cloned but its more of cutting up the original ghost like a flatworm than copy+paste code. Oh also the Deimos event basically happened but not really; Ra was there, NHP's became more active, etc. but no moon take over and stuff.
To match the prohibition era conflict, New Stelia has a drug sweeping Union territory. A substance called Halo. While blatant theft of concept, this substance has a different origin than the angel juice from New Capenna that I can't say for spoiler reason. Halo is known to produce vivid hallucinations of what feels like other lives, from escaping a collapsing facility to dredging your way through a swamp. Despite the possible horrifying visions, Halo is highly addictive due to its euphoric prolonged effects.
On the top of my head, that's it. I mean sure there are locations outside of New Stelia in various states of livability and purpose but until I write more on them I don't feel inclined to sharing.
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