chartreuseian · 8 months
Now that I don't feel guilty because I wrote yours, I'd love to see how you'd do Teslen (I know it's your thing!) with number 12 from the 'Ways to Say I Love You' Prompts.
Thank yoooou 😁
Prompt 12: "No one’s ever done this for me before…"
It very much got away from me, but it was stupidly fun to write, even if it is more Teslen when you squint and tilt your head (I was aiming for like acts of service love with a side of banter).
Also, Teslen being my thing 🤣 I swear I used to do other stuff too!!
A sharp curse, followed by a disgruntled muttering sounded from the other side of the bathroom door and Helen took a deep breath against her headache.
3… 2…
She sighed.
There was another curse and she stood, moving toward the otherside of the room.
“I think I need…”
She pushed open the door.
“… a hand.”
He was standing in the middle of the bathroom, dripping small globs of murky green gunk onto the white of the tiles, hand held awkwardly out from his sides to keep his talons from doing any more harm than they’d apparently already done. His eyes were still pitch black, and each word sounded thick through the mouthful of too sharp teeth that had crowded out from his gums.
Giving her a rather pathetic look (as a large glob of gunk fell wetly off of his chin) he gestured towards his filthy clothing and cocked his head.
“Sorry,” he offered far more meekly than she’d expected.
Helen said nothing, biting back another sigh and wishing she’d had the foresight to grab some painkillers from her kit bag. She nodded once and Nikola moved to step towards her, but Helen held up a hand.
“Let’s keep the mess in one spot, shall we?” She arched an eyebrow, glancing pointedly at the sludgy mess by his feet. Nikola followed her gaze, pulling a face but remaining still.
Helen approached cautiously, a very human instinct to run from the vampire warring with the knowledge that beneath the nasty visage, it was still just Nikola. She eyed his coat, looking for a spot that was at least partially clean.
“The back should be mostly clear,” he offered, jerking his head but not shifting. Helen stepped to the side, relieved to find that the back of his coat was in fact clean enough that she could grab a hold without getting more of the gunk on herself. She’d already had to spend ten minutes scrubbing it off of her hands once and she didn’t relish the thought of having to do it again.
Reaching up she grabbed the back of his coat, tugging it until it was sliding back and Nikola could shuffle his arms through, fingers carefully pressed together to minimise the threat of his claws. Discarding the coat and moving back around to his front, Helen began work on his waistcoat (only a little gunk).
“Perhaps this will teach you to stop rushing in ahead of me,” she said, sliding the garment off of his shoulders.
“Or perhaps this is a perfect example of why I should rush in,” he retorted. Helen glanced up to him and frowned before she began working on his belt. “It’s worth noting that my being in front is the reason you are not currently covered in this SCIU snot,” he continued.
Helen made a face.
“Or maybe I wouldn’t have immediately pressed every button I could find just for the hell of it, and so this… mess could have been avoided entirely.”
“I did not press every button.”
Helen merely raised an eyebrow as she started on the row of buttons down the front of his shirt. She worked in silence for a few moments, stripping him of the soiled garments as quickly as she could manage. When he began to toe off his shoes, Helen stood back.
“Are you feeling any more in control?” she asked, scanning his features. He looked just as vampiric as he had in the moments after they’d been sprayed.
“It’s not about control,” he replied as he pushed the shoes off to the side. “I just can’t…”
“Get it under control,” Helen finished. Nikola sighed at that.
“I’m not about to feast on you, if that’s what’s got you so uptight,” he retorted.
“Glad to know.”
“Oh stop being so snippy with me,” he said. “It’s not my fault I got sprayed with whatever nasty experiment they were mucking about with, and can’t make these,” he waved his talons in front of her face, “go away. You were the one who said washing it off should do the trick.”
A sharp retort was on her tongue, but Helen bit it back. She knew she’d been short with him (which, generally speaking, she would argue he deserved) but not a single thing had gone according to plan all day and the fact that she now had to undress Nikola – no doubt prompting all manner of lewd comments for the foreseeable future – felt like the very terrible icing on an exceptionally unpleasant cake.
Taking in a deep breath, she met his eye.
“You need to bathe.”
For a split second she could see the innuendo forming in his mouth, but apparently he decided to play the gentleman and swallowed it. Trying for a steady, scientific approach, she reached for the clasp of his trousers, met his eye once more, and then swiftly tugged them down over his hips, dragging his underwear along with it.
She left him to step out of them, turning instead to the bathtub and fiddling with the knobs until a steady stream of warm water was filling the tub.
“This will have to do until we can get you into a decontamination shower,” she said, looking over her shoulder briefly. He’d grabbed his mostly clean shirt and was using the sleeve of it to wipe his face. Straightening up, she met his eye once more.
“I’ll leave you to it.” Helen moved towards the door, stopping only when Nikola made a small, uncertain noise. She turned.
“I’m not sure I’ll be able to do much with these without a shower head to help me along,” he said with another wave of his talons, this time far more sheepish.
“And you need to get the substance off your skin,” she agreed, closing her eyes for half a second. Helen took a deep breath and gestured towards the rub. “Alright then.”
They both moved in silence then, collecting up what they would need to clean him up, and it wasn’t until Nikola climbed into the tub that he spoke again.
“I just don’t understand what possible purpose this could serve,” Nikola grumbled, leaning back against the edge of the tub as his hands settled on the edge. “What value is there in a gunk that makes me vamp out if it doesn’t turn me into some sort of mindless slave at the same time?”
“It’s the optics of it,” Helen replied, clearing the decorative stool beside the tub and dragging it over. “Imagine if you could awaken the beastie in every abnormal for miles around. You’d be hard pressed to find a government that wouldn’t help fund a counter attack.” She settled beside him, pressing on his shoulder until he sank lower into the water.
“Utter maniacs,” he muttered, closing his eyes as he tipped his head back. Helen slid one hand into his hair, pulling him back up slightly while the other grabbed at a bottle of soap she’d nabbed from the counter. With one hand she flicked the cap open and tipped it onto his scalp.
“Well, I did try and tell you that,” she replied, half joking. Nikola’s lips quirked into the beginnings of a smile.
“I suppose one of these days I’ll have to start listening to you,” he murmured as her fingers began to work through the grease of his hair. The substance was unpleasantly thick and seemed to want to cling to each hair.
Helen scoffed.
“That will be the day I officially retire,” she said. “And perhaps pigs fly.”
Nikola chuckled quietly, but offered no rebuttal as he tipped his head further back to give her better access. For a few long minutes, Helen worked in silence, soaping, rinsing and soaping again. Nikola was being exceptionally well behaved, which she suspected had more to do with his long term goals for the evening that giving her a break.
When her nails scratched as the nape of his neck slightly, he hummed softly and a spasm of something flitted across his face.
“You know,” he began, “no one’s ever done this for me before…”
“Washed your hair?” she asked, quietly bemused by his tone.
“Well, I suppose my mother when I was a child, but you’re certainly the first of my paramours to perform the service.”
“I am not your paramour.”
“Then why are we holed up in a very quaint little bed and breakfast, with such a glamourous, sharable bathtub and nary a shower in sight?” he countered, not opening his eyes.
“You know very well this was the only accommodation available at such short notice. And I don’t exactly get to decide where SCIU sets up their facilities,” Helen replied, tugging a little more harshly on his hair as she once more rubbed soap into the slowly loosening mess. “It was this or we camp.”
“And you didn’t bring the children,” he continued, as if she hadn’t spoken.
“Henry and Will had only just gotten back from their latest expedition.” She sighed, unsure why she was justifying herself to Nikola. “You were the only one left to call on, I’m afraid.”
He pulled a face at that and she smiled a little triumphantly, if only because he couldn’t see it.
Then his eyes flew open and her face dropped.
The twinkle in his eye suggested she hadn’t been quite quick enough.
“Have you done this before?” His tone suggested the beginning of a line of banter she didn’t have it in her to deal with.
Nikola’s lips twitched and she cut him off.
“Ashley used to hate washing her hair,” she continued. Something happened to his expression for a split second, but she didn’t dwell on it. “I became quite adept at ensuring that no bubbles get into your eyes as a matter of self-preservation.”
After a pause his cocksure grin was back and he was all but leering up at her.
“So, then I’m the first of your paramours to receive the honours?”
She smiled back, looking away from her work to meet his eye.
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
His lips pressed into a frustrated line.
Helen chuckled.
“That’s what I thought.” She tapped the side of his head. “Sit up.”
Obligingly, Nikola moved forwards, sitting up and she pointedly did not watch the water that rolled down his shoulders. She would not, under any circumstances, give him the satisfaction. Instead she grabbed the empty cup she’d nabbed earlier, dipping it into the water and bringing it up to his head. Cupping her other hand along his hairline, she rinsed the suds from his hair.
When she was satisfied with her work, she leaned back and smiled.
“Surely you missed a spot,” he said quickly, leaning forwards. Helen merely reached across and grabbed one of the towels hanging beside the tub.
“Given you seem to have dealt with your little problem,” she replied, pressing the towel against his chest above the water line, “I’m going to have to argue the evidence is to the contrary.”
Nikola looked down at his hands, capturing the towel just as she withdrew her hand and stood. He seemed momentarily shocked by his own very normal nails, and she watched as he ran his tongue across his teeth and Helen found herself faintly relieved that she was faced once more with a very normal looking Nikola.
She stood, turning away as he began to move before bending down to collect up his filthy outfit. When she heard the soft sounds of his steps on the tile, she turned back to him. Nikola had wrapped the towel low around his hips and was sauntering towards her with an air of arrogance he hadn’t been able to maintain when covered in gunk.
“Go get dressed,” she said, making a point to look him in the eye. He waited for her gaze to slip, and she was quite proud of the fact that it did not. Instead she gestured to the door, shepherding him towards it. “You’re not the only one who needs to bathe here, Nikola.”
“Oh Helen,” he purred, ��surely you’ll allow me to return the favour…” He lounged in the doorway as if the sight of his bare chest might sway her.
Helen simply smiled and raised one hand.
“No need." She waggled her fingers at him. “I’m not the one with a talon problem.”
And before he could even formulate another line to try, she pushed at said bare chest, shutting the door firmly between them and trying very hard not to think about the fact she still had to share a bed with him until first light.
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Fic Title Game:
Will, Violence, and Vaseline
(It’s an old sailor’s saying in case you’re wondering!XD)
Huh, interesting! I've never heard it before. I believe I shall take this literally. XD
So, a team mission set between Chimera and Acolyte. (I'm fuzzy on the timeline, so I'm bending it to my will.) Helen convinces Nikola to help before going back to SCIU (plenty of snarky comments about SCIU included) and he grudgingly agrees, because he does owe her for the whole virtual Adam thing and they're down a person.
Will and Nikola keep butting heads the whole time, Helen just keeps telling them to knock it off, and Henry is just doing his best to keep the peace and keep to the mission, which involves a potential abnormal creature from Hollow Earth.
They get attacked rather ruthlessly by the creature, all of them sustaining injuries, and it escapes again before they can tranquilize or stun it, so they really need to find it before it hurts someone else.
They track the creature, Helen pairing Will and Nikola together because she's not taking this anymore and can't get away with actually banging their heads together. Nikola, of course, decides to do things his own way, coming up with a plan to lure the creature with Will as bait. Will ends up agreeing to it because it actually makes sense and he can't argue with it, as much as he wants to.
The plan works a little too well and the creature goes insane chasing after Will (it likes the smell of his hair gel) and Will has to get creative in evading it. Nikola manages to divert it and they tranquilize it and get it loaded into the van before they realize that Will isn't coming out his attempted hiding place because he's wedged in there pretty good.
Henry breaks out a tub of vaseline so they can slick Will up to get him out and Will has to deal with Nikola being snarky and mocking the whole time when all he wants is to take a shower.
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ksadvent · 2 years
K/S Advent 2022: Masterlist and Wrap-Up
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It's the 1st of January, 2023 (at least in this mod's timezone)! Happy New Year! May it be filled with peace and love, joy and laughter, inspiration and creativity! 
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Kirk/Spock Advent Calendar 2022! Authors, artists, beta-readers, readers, and reviewers – thank you for making this K/S Advent such a beautiful experience and, dare we say, a great success! 
We made it to 59 submissions, posted by 31 creators; the works consist of 42 fics, 1 podfic, 2 poems, 1 playlist, 14 artworks (digital art, traditional art, manips, 3D objects), and even 1 submission of baked goods.
Out of the 73 prompts that were submitted, 41 were filled, several of them multiple times. At the time of closing the collection for posting, 13 claims were left unposted (the numbers shown on AO3 differ a bit as not everyone made use of the official claiming/filling process).
Here's the promised masterlist (in chronological order). Or directly check out our AO3 collection.
Day 1: dreamsaremadeofthis, The Bestest Gift of All (fic; AOS) Day 2: syredronning, Happy Holidays! (art; AOS) Day 2: USS_Genderprise, The Morning After (fic; TOS or AOS) Day 3: yassifiedjimkirk, When Words Fail (fic; TOS or AOS) Day 4: IvanW, How Far Away You Roam (fic; AOS) Day 4: USS_Genderprise, Mirrorverse Mistletoe (art; TOS) Day 5: Orabla, Shopping for Gifts, Finding Diamonds (fic; AOS) Day 5: syredronning, Celebrations (art; TOS) Day 6: stoatwrote, The Long Memory (fic and playlist; TOS) Day 7: dreamsaremadeofthis, Spock's Gamble (fic; TOS) Day 8: gunstreet, My Wing (fic; TOS, DISCO) Day 8: yassifiedjimkirk, Unwrapping Your Present (art; TOS) Day 9: USS_Genderprise, Beyond Mind and Matter (fic; TOS) Day 9: VTsuion, Fly Me to the Moon (art; TOS) Day 10: 1lostone, Best-Laid Plans (fic; AOS) Day 10: Orabla, Diamonds for You (poem; AOS) Day 11: eviepopcorn, Let Me Help (fic; TOS) Day 12: IvanW, A Christmas Thing (fic; AOS) Day 12: TonightNoPoetryWillServe, The Ship in the Snowglobe (fic; AOS) Day 13: kayson, Uprising (fic; TOS) Day 13: USS_Genderprise, Catch a Hint (fic; AOS) Day 14: sourirenoire, How Can I Say I Love You When Words Are Not Enough? (fic; TOS) Day 14: vfrankenstein, Holiday Sugar Cockies (cookies; TOS) Day 15: ikoliholic, Se Vi Nur Scius (If Only You Knew) (fic; TOS or AOS) Day 15: yassifiedjimkirk, The Gift of Loyalty (fic and art; TOS) Day 16: AshayaTReldai, Reconciliation of Penitents (fic; TOS) Day 16: Orabla, Under the Mistletoe (poem; TOS or AOS) Day 17: IvanW, Merrily on High (fic; AOS) Day 17: USS_Genderprise, Under Your Skin (fic; AOS) Day 18: Herself_nyc, Bashert (fic; TOS, AOS) Day 18: Noideasfornames, Light One Candle (fic; TOS) Day 19: ikoliholic, Wandering Lands, Helping Hands (fic; TOS or AOS) Day 19: USS_Genderprise, Stars in the Snow (fic; TOS or AOS) Day 20: eviepopcorn, Three's a Crowd (fic; TOS) Day 20: pkrosche, An Old Earth Custom (fic; TOS) Day 21: Orabla, Five Times Kirk or Spock Had a Nervous Breakdown, and One Time They Both Had It Simultaneously (fic; TOS) Day 22: ikoliholic, Fatal Vision (fic; TOS) Day 22: USS_Genderprise, Spin, Spin, Spin (fic; TOS or AOS) Day 23: gunstreet, Between Dream and Duty (fic; TOS) Day 23: Lupo (LupoLight), Against Twinkling Lights (fic; AOS) Day 24: cicia3, It's the most wonderful time of the year (fic; AOS) Day 24: pkrosche, Cozy Sweaters (art; TOS, AOS) Day 25: 1lostone, Mistletoe Kisses (podfic, AOS) Day 25: USS_Genderprise, Deck My Halls (fic; TOS) Day 26: Purple_Enma, A Christmas Picture (art; TOS or AOS) Day 26: TonightNoPoetryWillServe, A Very Illogical Christmas (fic; AOS) Day 27: 1lostone, drenchedinlight, EEW101, lb_betty, PageofWands, T'Lara, vfrankenstein, yassifiedjimkirk, Jim and Spock's 12 Days of Kink (a collaborative fic by the KiScord crowd) (fic; TOS) Day 27: Orabla, Two Solitudes, One Blizzard and One Illogical Celebration (fic; AOS) Day 28: pkrosche, A Win for Christmas (fic; SNW) Day 28: Purple_Enma, Encounter at Sundown (art; TOS or AOS) Day 29: enterprize (stanzas), Searching For A Tender Touch (fic; TOS) Day 29: T'Lara, Here's to a Happy New Year – and to the Wonderful K/S Fandom! (art; TOS) Day 30: cvrue, Pon Farr comes but once every seven years (art; TOS) Day 30: PageofWands, A Little Sweet, A Little Spicy: KS Gingerbread! (art; TOS) Day 30: USS_Genderprise, Warmth (fic; AOS) Day 31: 1lostone, Spanking Al Fresco - A Love Story (fic; AOS) Day 31: AureliaR, By the Fire(work) Light (fic; TOS) Day 31: cvrue, The Trouble with Snowballs (art; TOS) Day 31: PageofWands, Wishing You A Very Mirrorverse Holiday! (art; TOS)
The 2022 collection is now closed for posting. The K/S Advent Calendar will return next year for a new round. If your prompt(s) did not get filled, you can submit them as new requests for Advent 2023, if you wish to. If you do not want to wait that long, you can also submit them to our sister event Kirk/Spock Spring Fever which will go live in March 2023, a fest without any specific theme as long as the work is focused on Kirk and Spock, be it slash or gen/friendship. Sign-up opens today!
If you are sure you submitted something to the collection, but don't see it in the collection or on the masterlist above, please do get in touch with the mod asap so that we can investigate what went wrong with the submission: [email protected] We are also happy to hear your feedback: How did you experience this K/S Advent? Any wishes, suggestions, complaints? Anything you wish would've been different? Anything that was unclear or confusing and needs better explanation in our rules/FAQs?
On the mod side of things, we had an almost exclusively positive experience. One thing we might want to handle differently next year is how strict we are about the submission deadline; we wanted to be as generous as possible with deadline extensions, but this made scheduling the daily reveals a bit more difficult. As the creation phase is quite long for K/S Advent, we hope that creators can be encouraged to submit their works sooner. You can submit feedback via email, message to kirkspockmod��on DW, comment on our masterlist DW post, or message on Tumblr.
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legend-collection · 1 year
The kraken is a legendary sea monster of enormous size said to appear off the coasts of Norway.
Kraken, the subject of sailors' superstitions and mythos, was first described in the modern age at the turn of the 18th century, in a travelogue by Francesco Negri in 1700. This description was followed in 1734 by an account from Dano-Norwegian missionary and explorer Hans Egede, who described the kraken in detail and equated it with the hafgufa of medieval lore.
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However, the first description of the creature is usually credited to the Norwegian bishop, Pontoppidan (1753). Pontoppidan was the first to describe the kraken as an octopus (polypus) of tremendous size, and wrote that it had a reputation for pulling down ships. The French malacologist, Denys-Montfort, of the 19th century is also known for his pioneering inquiries into the existence of gigantic octopuses.
The great man-killing octopus entered French fiction when novelist Victor Hugo (1866) introduced the pieuvre octopus of Guernsey lore, which he identified with the kraken of legend. This led to Jules Verne's depiction of the kraken, although Verne did not distinguish between squid and octopus.
The legend of the Kraken may have originated from sightings of giant squid, which may grow to 12–15 m (40–50 feet) in length.
The English word "kraken" (in the sense of sea monster) derives from Norwegian kraken or krakjen, which are the definite forms of krake.
According to a Norwegian dictionary, krake, in the sense of "malformed or crooked tree" originates from Old Norse kraki, meaning "pole, stake". And krake in the sense of "sea monster" or "octopus" may share the same etymology. Swedish krake for "sea monster" is also traced to krake meaning "pole".
However, Finnur Jónsson remarked that the krake also signified a grapnel (dregg) or anchor, which readily conjured up the image of a cephalopod. He also explained the synonym of krake, namely horv was an alternate form of harv 'harrow' and conjectured that this name was suggested by the inkfish's action of seeming to plow the sea.
Shetlandic krekin for "whale", a taboo word, is listed as etymologically related.
Some of the synonyms of krake given by Erik Pontoppidan were, in Danish: søe-krake, kraxe, horv, krabbe, søe-horv, anker-trold.
The form krabbe also suggests an etymological root cognate with the German verb krabbeln 'to crawl".
The first description of the krake as "sciu-crak" was given by Italian writer Negri in Viaggio settentrionale (Padua, 1700), a travelogue about Scandinavia. The book describes the sciu-crak as a massive "fish" which was many-horned or many-armed. The author also distinguished this from a sea-serpent.
The kraken was described as a many-headed and clawed creature by Egede (1741), who stated it was equivalent to the Icelanders' hafgufa, but the latter is commonly treated as a fabulous whale. Erik Pontoppidan (1753) who popularized the kraken to the world noted that it was multiple-armed according to lore, and conjectured it to be a giant sea-crab, starfish or a polypus (octopus). Still, the bishop is considered to have been instrumental in sparking interest for the kraken in the English-speaking world, as well as becoming regarded as the authority on sea-serpents and krakens.
Although it has been stated that the kraken (Norwegian: krake) was "described for the first time by that name" in the writings of Erik Pontoppidan, bishop of Bergen, in his Det første Forsøg paa Norges naturlige Historie "The First Attempt atNatural History of Norway" (1752–53), a German source qualified Pontoppidan to be the first source on kraken available to be read in the German language. A description of the kraken had been anticipated by Hans Egede.
Denys-Montfort (1801) published on two giants, the "colossal octopus" with the enduring image of it attacking a ship, and the "kraken octopod", deemed to be the largest organism in zoology. Denys-Montfort matched his "colossal" with Pliny's tale of the giant polypus that attacked ships-wrecked people, while making correspondence between his kraken and Pliny's monster called the arbor marina. Finnur Jónsson (1920) also favored identifying the kraken as an inkfish (squid/octopus) on etymological grounds.
The krake (English: kraken) was described by Hans Egede in his Det gamle Grønlands nye perlustration (1729; Ger. t. 1730; tr. Description of Greenland , 1745), drawing from the "fables" of his native region, the Nordlandene len of Norway, then under Danish rule.
According to his Norwegian informants, the kraken's body measured many miles in length, and when it surfaced it seemed to cover the whole sea, and "having many heads and a number of claws". With its claws it captured its prey, which included ships, men, fish, and animals, carrying its victims back into the depths.
Egede conjectured that the krake was equitable to the monster that the Icelanders call hafgufa, but as he has not obtained anything related to him through an informant, he had difficuty describing the latter.
According to the lore of Norwegian fishermen, they can mount upon the fish-attracting kraken as if it were a sand-bank (Fiske-Grund 'fishing shoal'), but if they ever had the misfortune to capture the kraken, getting it entangled on their hooks, the only way to avoid destruction was to pronounce its name to make it go back to its depths. Egede also wrote that the krake fell under the general category of "sea spectre" (Danish: søe-trold og [søe]-spøgelse), adding that "the Draw" (Danish: Drauen, definite form) was another being within that sea spectre classification.
Pontoppidan wrote of a possible specimen of the krake, "perhaps a young and careless one", which washed ashore and died at Alstahaug in 1680.[70][68] He observed that it had long "arms", and guessed that it must have been crawling like a snail/slug with the use of these "arms", but got lodged in the landscape during the process. 20th century malacologist Paul Bartsch conjectured this to have been a giant squid, as did literary scholar Finnur Jónsson.
However, what Pontoppidan actually stated regarding what creatures he regarded as candidates for the kraken is quite complicated.
Pontoppidan did tentatively identify the kraken to be a sort of giant crab, stating that the alias krabben best describes its characteristics.
However, further down in his writing, compares the creature to some creature(s) from Pliny, Book IX, Ch. 4: the sea-monster called arbor, with tree-branch like multiple arms, complicated by the fact that Pontoppidan adds another of Pliny's creature called rota with eight arms, and conflates them into one organism. Pontoppidan is suggesting this is an ancient example of kraken, as a modern commentator analyzes.
Pontoppidan then declared the kraken to be a type of polypus (octopus) or "starfish", particularly the kind Gesner called Stella Arborescens, later identifiable as one of the northerly ophiurids or possibly more specifically as one of the Gorgonocephalids or even the genus Gorgonocephalus (though no longer regarded as family/genus under order Ophiurida, but under Phrynophiurida in current taxonomy).
This ancient arbor (admixed rota and thus made eight-armed) seems an octopus at first blush but with additional data, the ophiurid starfish now appears bishop's preferential choice.
The ophiurid starfish seems further fortified when he notes that "starfish" called "Medusa's heads" (caput medusæ; pl. capita medusæ) are considered to be "the young of the great sea-krake" by local lore. Pontoppidan ventured the 'young krakens' may rather be the eggs (ova) of the starfish. Pontopiddan was satisfied that "Medusa's heads" was the same as the foregoing starfish (Stella arborensis of old), but "Medusa's heads" were something found ashore aplenty across Norway according to von Bergen, who thought it absurd these could be young "Kraken" since that would mean the seas would be full of (the adults). The "Medusa's heads" appear to be a Gorgonocephalid, with Gorgonocephalus spp. being tentatively suggested.
In the end though, Pontoppidan again appears ambivalent, stating "Polype, or Star-fish [belongs to] the whole genus of Kors-Trold ['cross troll'], .. some that are much larger, .. even the very largest.. of the ocean", and concluding that "this Krake must be of the Polypus kind". By "this Krake" here, he apparently meant in particular the giant polypus octopus of Carteia from Pliny, Book IX, Ch. 30 (though he only used the general nickname "ozaena" 'stinkard' for the octopus kind).
In 1802, the French malacologist Pierre Denys-Montfort recognized the existence of two "species" of giant octopuses in Histoire Naturelle Générale et Particulière des Mollusques, an encyclopedic description of mollusks.
The "colossal giant" was supposedly the same as Pliny's "monstrous polypus", which was a man-killer which ripped apart (Latin: distrahit) shipwrecked people and divers. Montfort accompanied his publication with an engraving representing the giant octopus poised to destroy a three-masted ship.
Whereas the "kraken octopus", was the most gigantic animal on the planet in the writer's estimation, dwarfing Pliny's "colossal octopus"/"monstrous polypus", and identified here as the aforementioned Pliny's monster, called the arbor marinus.
Montfort also listed additional wondrous fauna as identifiable with the kraken. There was Paullini's monstrum marinum glossed as a sea crab (German: Seekrabbe), which a later biologist has suggested to be one of the Hyas spp. It was also described as resembling Gesner's Cancer heracleoticus crab alleged to appear off the Finnish coast. von Bergen's "bellua marina omnium vastissima" (meaning 'vastest-of-all sea-beast'), namely the trolwal ('ogre whale', 'troll whale') of Northern Europe, and the Teufelwal ('devil whale') of the Germans follow in the list.
It is in his chapter on the "colossal octopus" that Montfort provides the contemporary eyewitness example of a group of sailors who encounter the giant off the coast of Angola, who afterwards deposited a pictorial commemoration of the event as a votive offering at St. Thomas's chapel in Saint-Malo, France. Based on that picture, Montfort drew a "colossal octopus" attacking a ship, and included the engraving in his book. However, an English author recapitulating Montfort's account of it attaches an illustration of it, which was captioned: "The Kraken supposed a sepia or cuttlefish", while attributing Montfort.
Hamilton's book was not alone in recontextualizing Montfort's ship-assaulting colossal octopus as a kraken, for instance, the piece on the "kraken" by American zoologist Packard.
The Frenchman Montfort used the obsolete scientific name Sepia octopodia but called it a pouple, which means "octopus" to this day; meanwhile the English-speaking naturalists had developed the convention of calling the octopus "eight-armed cuttle-fish", as did Packard and Hamilton, even though modern-day speakers are probably unfamiliar with that name.
Having accepting as fact that a colossal octopus was capable of dragging a ship down, Montfort made a more daring hypothesis. He attempted to blame colossal octopuses for the loss of ten warships under British control in 1782, including six captured French men-of-war. The disaster began with the distress signal fired by the captured ship of the line Ville de Paris which was then swallowed up by parting waves, and the other ships coming to aid shared the same fate. He proposed, by process of elimination, that such an event could only be accounted for as the work of many octopuses. But it has been pointed out the sinkings have simply been explained by the presence of a storm, and Montfort's involving octopuses as complicit has been characterized as "reckless falsity".
The Niagara sighting. 60-metre (200 ft) creature allegedly seen afloat in 1813, depicted as octopus by a naturalist
It has also been noted that Montfort once quipped to a friend, DeFrance: "If my entangled ship is accepted, I will make my 'colossal poulpe' overthrow a whole fleet".
The ship Niagara on course from Lisbon to New York in 1813 logged a sighting of a marine animal spotted afloat at sea. It was claimed to be 60 m (200 feet) in length, covered in shells, and had many birds alighted upon it.
Samuel Latham Mitchill reported this, and referencing Montfort's kraken, reproduced an illustration of it as an octopus.
As to the iconography, Denys-Montfort's engraving of the "colossal octopus" is often shown, though this differs from the kraken according to the French malacologist, and commentators are found characterizing the ship attack representing the "kraken octopod".
And after Denys-Monfort's illustration, various publishers produced similar illustrations depicting the kraken attacking a ship.
Whereas the kraken was described by Egede as having "many Heads and a Number of Claws", the creature is also depicted to have spikes or horns, at least in illustrations of creatures which commentators have conjectured to be krakens. The "bearded whale" shown on an early map is conjectured to be a kraken perhaps. Also, there was an alleged two-headed and horned monster that beached ashore in Dingle, Co. Kerry, Ireland, thought to be a giant cephalopod, of which there was a picture/painting made by the discoverer. He made a travelling show of his work on canvas, as introduced in a book on the kraken.
While Swedish writer Olaus Magnus did not use the term kraken, various sea-monsters were illustrated on his famous map, the Carta marina (1539). Modern writers have since tried to interpret various sea creatures illustrated as a portrayal of the kraken.
Olaus gives description of a whale with two elongated teeth ("like a boar's or elephant's tusk") to protect its huge eyes, which "sprouts horns", and although these are as hard as horn, they can be made supple also. But the tusked form was named "swine-whale", and the horned form "bearded whale" by Swiss naturalist Gesner, who observed it possessed a "starry beard" around the upper and lower jaws. At least one writer has suggested this might represent the kraken of Norwegian lore.
Another work commented less discerningly that Olaus's map is "replete with imagery of krakens and other monsters".
Ashton's Curious Creatures (1890) drew significantly from Olaus's work and even quoted the Swede's description of the horned whale. But he identified the kraken as a cephalopod and devoted much space on Pliny's and Olaus's descriptions of the giant "polypus", noting that Olaus had represented the kraken-polypus as a crayfish or lobster in his illustrations, and reproducing the images from both Olaus's book and his map. In Olaus book, the giant lobster illustration is uncaptioned, but appears right above the words "De Polypis (on the octopus)", which is the chapter heading. Hery Lee was also of the opinion that the multi-legged lobster was a misrepresentation of a reported cephalopod attack on a ship.
The legend in Olaus's map fails to clarify on the lobster-like monster "M", depicted off the island of Iona. However, the associated writing called the Auslegung adds that this section of the map extends from Ireland to the "Insula Fortunata". This "Fortunate Island" was a destination on St. Brendan's Voyage, one of whose adventures was the landing of the crew on an island-sized monstrous, as depicted in a 17th century engraving; and this monstrous fish, according to Bartholin was the aforementioned hafgufa, which has already been discussed above as one of the creatures of lore equated with kraken.
The piece of squid recovered by the French ship Alecton in 1861, discussed by Henry Lee in his chapter on the "Kraken", would later be identified as a giant squid, Architeuthis by A. E. Verrill.
After a specimen of the giant squid, Architeuthis, was discovered by Rev. Moses Harvey and published in science by Professor A. E. Verrill, commentators have remarked on this cephalopod as possibly explaining the legendary kraken.
An ancient, giant cephalopod resembling the legendary kraken has been proposed as responsible for the deaths of ichthyosaurs during the Triassic Period. This theory has met with severe criticism.
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theleotorrio · 7 months
Fic Title Game:
Like Grains of Sand
This one's an angsty one, because my brain insisted, I am sorry. But I hope you like it anyways
It's directly after the destruction of the old city where Henry and Nikola are both digging through the rubble for Helen, neither knowing whether she survived or not, turning over every stone rather desperately. Nikola is totally freaking out on the inside over having been sure that Helen would survive and now not finding any evidence of that whatsoever, while trying to keep it together on the outside for Henry.
Henry on the other hand can't keep himself together at not finding Helen, blaming himself for the suit not working and walking around in the remains of his home and completely breaks apart. Nikola absolutely comforts him and tries to assure him that it will be alright, but has to stop speaking as he feels he is just lying to Henry and they end up feeling hopeless in the situation.
Both of them have to accept that they won't find anything while they see SCIU in the distance coming towards the Sanctuary and that everything around them has fallen apart and won't be the same.
This nearly turned into a fanfic right there, but I just like the idea of Nikola dn Henry kinda bonding through tragedy.
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nurknabo · 5 months
Demanda pleonasmo en Esperanto
Ĉi tion mi pensis antaŭ kelkaj jaroj jam, kaj eĉ prikomentis en la tiama Tvitero. Je tiu momento, krome, estis kiam mi unuafoje vidis la ĝenan malemon de Esperantistoj al io nova en la lingvo, eĉ se neformale, kiel miakaze.
Nur por certeco ke ni ne miskomprenos: pleonasmo estas frazfiguro kie oni uzas nenecesa(j)n vorto(j)n por specifa celata emfazo, esprimo. Ekzemplo: "Mi vidis per miaj propraj okuloj." La vortoj "per miaj propraj okuloj" estas nenecesaj, tial ke "vidi" jam diras ke per okuloj oni vidis, sed tamen ili funkcias por emfazo.
Mi proponis similan aferon al Esperanto por fari demandojn, per la partikulo "ĉu".
La diferenco inter la anglismo "eĉ"
"Eĉ" estu uzita nur kiam oni volas emfazi la fakton, la realecon de okazaĵo; ekzemple: "Ŝi batis lian kapon tiel forte, ke li eĉ svenis." Skeme ni povas diri ke frazoj kun "eĉ" havas strukturon similan al ĉi tiu: iu ago/okazaĵo estas tia influa, ke tio ĉi okazas.
Tial frazo kiel "Kion vi eĉ volas?" ne sencas, estas laŭ mi klara angla influo el la frazo "What do you even want?" aŭ simila, ĉar "even" tradukeblas al "eĉ", sed ĝi ĉi tie ne havas la sencon de "eĉ", kiu ĉiam emfazas vorton, neniam tutan frazon, aŭ demandon, kiel "even" ĉi-kaze. Kondiĉe ke ĉi tiu specifa nuanco estas aldonita al "eĉ", kaj vi sciu ke Esperantistoj ne multe ŝatas tiaĵon, tia uzado ne sencas. "Kion vi eĉ volas?" nur sencas, se oni faras ĉi tiun demandon post priskribo kiel: "La knabineto iris al ĉiu evento kun la verkisto, spektis ĉiun paroladon lian, aĉetis lian novan libron kaj eĉ volis foton kun li." Do: "Kion ŝi eĉ volis?"
Esperanto, do, ne havas partikulon por ĉi tia emfazo. Mi do elpensis uzi "ĉu" por ĉi tio: "Kion ĉu vi volas?" Kaj ĝi uzeblas kun ajna demandvorto.
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Ĉi tio estas nur neformalaĵo al la lingvo, ne ke mi volas aldoni ĉi tion al la Esperanta gramatiko. Ja videblas ke ĉiutaga lingvaĵo diferenciĝas de la norma, oni kreas vortojn kaj esprimojn por interparoli, kaj ĉi tio estas unu el ili. Praktike, tamen, mi scias ke ĉi tia "ĉu" ne venkos, oni nek akceptos nek komprenos ĝin, do, nu, estas nur afero mia.
Per norma Esperanto mem
Aliflanke, mi trovis pli bonan vojon, kiu jam ekzistas en Esperanto kaj evitas malemulojn, kaj kiun mi uzos.
Montriĝas ke la difino de "kiel" ĉe PIV havas la interesan variaĵon "kiele", kun E-finaĵo. PIV diras ke ĝi estas emfazo de "kiel" kiel adverbo, en frazo tia: "Kiel bela estas la ĉielo!" > "Kiele bela estas la ĉielo!" Sed, nu, kial ĝi ne povas esti uzata por la aliaj signifoj de "kiel"? Kompreneble ĝi povas. Aldone, kiale la E-finaĵo ne povus esti tiel uzata ĉe aliaj demandvortoj? Ĉi tio eblas tute.
Fakte, laŭvorte antaŭ kelkaj minutoj, koincide dum mi ankoraŭ faris ĉi afiŝon, oni demandis ĉe la Diskorda servilo Esperanto pri difino ĉe Tuja Vortaro kie uzatas E-finaĵo ĉe "tiel": "Okazis tiele" Estis interese ekscii ke jam estas almenaŭ iomete da tia uzado en la lingvo, sed neniel surprize ke Esperanto al ni permesas tian grandan fleksiĝon. Ja eblas la E-finaĵo kiel emfazo ĉe ĉiu tabelvorto.
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galactic-pirates · 1 year
How about Sanctuary fandom + Once Upon a Time (show)?
Ok cool. This will be the top 5 things off the top of my head, so I reserve the right to facepalm if I forgot something important. Thanks for the ask!!!
send me a tv show/book/fandom and i’ll say the top 5 things i’d change about it
Well first off let's address the elephant in the room that there are two ways to answer this question. 1) Is how I would change it to make it more like what I wished it was, 2) Is how I would change it to improve on what they actually chose to do. Those are two very different things. I am going to attempt to answer in the vein of number two, accepting canon and just tweaking it to be better, rather than throwing out everything in favour of the show I would have written, as I feel that's more in the spirit of what the question is actually asking.
So without further ado!
(I am longwinded so cut)
Will was an entitled arse and that reflected badly on Helen. Why did she allow it? I'm sure he had some skills... maybe? I mean Season One Will wasn't so bad, but merlin by Season Four I was like "why is he even here?" and "the stones to demand Helen let him be an equal partner" - I mean how was he an equal??? Like NO! Anyway ahem I would change this. Lose the entitlement, increase the respect and definitely increase the competence. I'm not saying he shouldn't disagree with Helen because debate is healthy, and even the legendary Helen Magnus will sometimes miss an angle to consider but there are ways to write that respectfully.
Ashley lives! Is Sanctuary the Helen Magnus show? Or is it an ensemble? I think it sort of walks a middle ground, and I definitely feel like there should have been room for other characters to go on their own journey's and Ashley had a rich seam to mine. The whole "only child of the Five" thing, and her bio-dad being possessed by The Ripper. I googled after one of the previous asks made me go 'hey why did she leave?' and apparently it was a network decision and ugh. No. She still had a lot to contribute. Just imagine Ashley and Kate sparring together. Ashley noticing something was wrong with Biggie and saving him (I mean he was like her father figure right? Family!). Ashley being there for Henry, roasting him as only a sister can over Erika. Being all protective future auntie when he discovers he's going to be a dad.
This leads to the next point really - amp up the family vibes. I love James Watson as a character (and not just for ship reasons). Killing him off in his second episode was so wasteful and one of those reasons was because he was a link to the past. To Henry and Ashley growing up. To all those decades as Helen's friend. James was family. Yeah we had a couple of plot-centric flashbacks interweaving with present day. I loved seeing him like that but it wasn't enough. I know I said I would try and answer this as 'tweaking canon' rather than rewriting the show, and my desire for more of The Five probably falls under the latter, but still Uncle James, head of the London Sanctuary had more to contribute.
More worldbuilding/make use of the environment. I appreciate that this was probably a budget thing but I am dying to know more about Old City vs New City. From the pilot they teased that Old City had rumours of weirdness, and season 4 showed a large abnormal population (had that always been there?). I headcanon that an abnormal is what wrecked the old bridge but how? It just would have been cool to make more use of the setting, and deepen it/ground it more.
Last one (from off the top of my head) and I say this about most things I watch but honestly more politics. I know that we had the UN and SCIU and I mean that but also not. I feel like it would have been good to have more of a feel for the Sanctuary network as it was. Hear more/see more about the different Sanctuary's around the world before the network got rolled up in season 4. The whole "everyone has an abnormal taskforce" in season 4 was interesting but why did it wait until then? Like yes the Sanctuary network had a mandate but full offense really to the military complex - I call bullshit. The Sanctuary is about helping people, not about using abnormals for their skills. The show touched on this occasionally with Kate, and the black market, and of course we had The Cabal who seemed to be corporations in it for the money. I also get that the show was relatively light and it would get depressing being too realistic about how darkly self-serving governments could be. I just feel like the delicate balance/other players etc. should have been established earlier than season 4 somehow. Because even if they supported the Sanctuary officially, I can't believe they didn't have shady underground projects the whole time.
I know, I know it was supposed to be five changes. Call this one a bonus. Something a bit more about how the secret was kept. Why the world in general didn't believe/know? Especially with the advent of the internet/video. As a big picture thing. And then so I don't make a Point Seven - consequences. More about people struggling to fit in, struggling to hide, or not wanting to hide. A bit like "mutant and proud", as why should they have to? The whole abnormals thing speaks to me as someone who is other, and I wish they had delved more into this, "putting a face" on it so to speak, with individuals grappling with what their abnormality means in a world where it's "secret". I mean if there are those who want people to know, does the community force them to not stand on rooftops and shout? (metaphorically speaking). Do they keep silence for all the others who wish to hide? So yeah. More about the personal struggle.
Once Upon a Time
Neal should have lived. I said what I said. I know that wasn't the show they wrote, but I stand by the fact that is when the show started to really go off the rails. Now this isn't about shipping anyone in particular with Emma, it's about the heart of the story. Neal was a linchpin, connected to everyone, and made for a deeper story with more feeling. He was the reason for the dark curse, he was Henry's dad, he was the son of the dark one. I'm not Hook's biggest fan (I will get to him) but Neal (or Bae as he was known then) knew Hook on Neverland. Hook loved Neal's mother. Now I said this wasn't about shipping so CaptainSwan was canon, so we'll keep that, but imagine Hook pursuing Emma with Neal still alive. I think it would have humanised Hook a bit more, to have him apologise for having let Milah down, when he let Bae down on Neverland, and to promise that he wouldn't do that for Henry. To let Neal have feelings about that, to have them come to an understanding over it. Imagine a season 5 with Emma now as the Dark One, with Neal looking at Henry in horror, as his son now has a parent with that curse, for Neal to see his dad without it, and then to see his dad take it back. I could write far more than a (very extended) paragraph about this as Neal would have added so much to every plotline they wrote (even if I wish they hadn't written some of them).
Consequences. This is a theme I sort of touched on but oh man it's true. My biggest issue with Hook is the disconnect between reality and what the characters say. It makes it feel very OOC. Just declaring someone a hero, doesn't make them one, it doesn't erase their past or grant them instant redemption. Hook and Zelena did whatever they wanted with impunity and it was all just glossed over as they were "one of the heroes now" but they never actually changed. I'm not talking about punishment here, or justice, as that's a whole can of worms, I'm talking about the fact that they didn't do the work on themselves. Regina is probably my favourite character so I'm definitely not against redemption, but she struggled with it, wrestling with herself and with her past. She made clear steps over and over to make better choices. That was not true at all for Hook or Zelena. Actions speak louder than words. I absolutely hated how the narrative said one thing, but then the characters parroted something else - it just did not make sense. What the characters said/thought/felt needed to reflect the events on screen.
Pacing, logic, common sense. I often say that up until mid-season 3 the show was better, and it was downhill pretty much after that. However, season 3 was not immune because dear oh dear Neverland. The way they just wandered around the jungle for episodes and episodes, and then everything just got all crammed into the last couple of episodes in the arc. I really, really, really hate this tendency of shows. I rant about it often. Some shows are worse than others, (Picard Season 3 was a particularly bad offender), but Once had it's moments and it didn't even make sense. Another thing I super hate is when for no apparent reason really competent and powerful characters don't use the skills we know they have. If there is a) no reason why they can't, and b) they don't because it would solve the plot too easily - that's a writing problem. Make the villains more powerful, make there be a reason why they can't use their powers, but just to have them be incompetent is incredibly frustrating. Let them be awesome and still fail - that is fine. I'm not saying they need to be successful. I'm saying I shouldn't be side-eyeing them for walking around a jungle for eight episodes before doing what they should have done Day One.
Answer the damn questions and respect the viewers intelligence. Harsh? I said what I said. I am a writer and I create worlds and yes you don't have to know everything, giving the allusion of depth is a valid strategy - right up until the point that a plot point hinges on it and it doesn't make sense. Season One started with Henry stealing Mary Margaret's credit card, and using the internet to find Emma. The town was cursed, frozen in time, how did she have a credit card? WHY did she even have one? They couldn't leave. What about food - where did that come from? Petrol for the cars. Fashion - they were not dressed like it was still the 80's. Yes, I know magic/the curse, but how? It seems like such a vital underpinning they handwaved away, and it doesn't stack up. Going with the premise of "well it's cool" is fine for a personal project, but a multi-million dollar primetime show? I expect better.
Finally in the same vein - continuity. I have referred to this many times because it annoys me so damn much. In the Underworld arc they established that a special chisel/hammer thing was the only way to etch the tombstones. Then three episodes later Hook's hook could do it. When I complained about this before I vaguely recall somebody telling me it was spelled for that. All these years later I'm not sure but I am a detail-orientated person and I find it hard to believe I would have been so up in arms at the time, if that had been the case. At the very least it wasn't explained properly/shown explicitly, and I pay attention. I do. So if I missed it then GA would have. And the entire plot hinged on how they couldn't leave because of these tombstones so it was a pretty important detail. Anyway! This is only one example and there are others (but I have rambled long enough). I just feel like they should have had a series bible where they had a complete timeline of events, where everything they had established as fact was written down, so they didn't contradict themselves or wind up rehashing the same plot point a different way, like we'd forgotten this had already been dealt with (as I had not). Once is not the only show with this issue. I yell about it often. It's not hard to keep track of your own canon and I wish shows would do a better job of it. Callbacks are a favourite of mine because yes I do remember, thank you for respecting me.
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electricrogue · 1 year
Top 5 Nikola Tesla moments on 'Sanctuary' for that ask, please :D
... dang I guess I have to restrict myself only to canon ones huh. Pity because some fuckers decided to delete the one with hotel Miraflorez and the one with why he hates people and I will never forgive that. ANYWAAAAAAY
THE KISS I mean come on xD. Sanctuary for none one because it was mutual :D
End of Chimera when he asks Helen who she would have chosen and makes that super cute surprised face when she implies it would have still been him. Look, it's Jonathon ok? So unless he has a very bad mustache day he's hot as hell and he knows it and we know it and yadda yadda. But him dropping all that act he has and being vulnerable for a change? Way worse or way better depending how you put it xD.
The part in Awakening with "I've never felt more attracted to you than I am at this moment" for totally innocent reasons
Sanctuary for None part 1 with Henry after he gets fired from SCIU and Henry is like "so they got all your stuff" and he gets super offended
The whole electric tunnel thing plus the part with "yeah but we all hurt the ones we love" from Revelations
... I know you said Tesla moments and like 4/5 are Teslen actually but I mean it was kinda unavoidable you know :P
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revenant-coining · 1 year
Names and maybe pronouns ( if you want to make them ) related to consciousness & being conscious, please. A little more specifically, is possible, related to being conscious without an identity / specific sense of self, although we understand if that’s too narrow
here ya go ^^
Names: Consci, Cognize, Nizant, Zant, Keen, Versant, Supra, Pralim, Supraliminal, Conscius, Cognoscens, Scius, Acer, Scire, and Agnoscis.
@nameresources , @pronoun-arc
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apriorigenshinrp · 9 months
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Even the past can be changed. With the technology of the Scius, anything is possible to change.
Discord | Plot & Premise | Character List | Rules | Application | Q&A
Welcome to A Priori, a Genshin Impact AU roleplay on Discord! We are a 21+ server which explores a modern Teyvat and timeline transforming technology that has been invented, to allow people to change the past from the future. Scientists at the Acutus compound are working to change the very past of Teyvat for a supposedly better future. The loosely formed and highly secretive organization L says otherwise, and are trying to reverse Acutus' changes within the very machine and compound Acutus created. Whose side, if you take one, are you on?
Features of A Priori are as follows:
Roleplaying both in a modern day setting within the Acutus Compound, and from the "past" through the Scius, with the opportunity to change events in the timeline!
Group messaging and private DMs thanks to the technology of the Tau-S (like a cell phone).
The discord community set up so threading for roleplay is easier to do.
Use of Tupperbox for roleplaying ease.
Future events to be covered in the past and present, such as Lantern Rite or Windblume.
Friendly and open atmosphere, with various OOC channels as well to socialize and get to know one another in, including a NSFW channel.
Outlined Blacklist of topics to avoid in the rp setting, along with in general.
Currently most characters are free to apply for, although we are looking for these characters in particular:
Hu Tao
Arataki Itto
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Elder Scrolls' Altmer and Imperial names, excluding the letter "T"
Achenil Adbin Adomil Adrimurmia Adulyenara Afinwe Airelvus Alairen Albron Alcar Aldale Aldius Aldyas Alennian Aleuxa Alewen Alien Alion Alius Alvius Amanare Amarinelwe Amarius Amecellia Amiril Amolon Amonia Anaalinus Anain Ancocinya Andar Ander Andesus Anduro Anenindil Aneralimus Aniengdin Annala Annalcire Anure Aorelno Aprolmon Aquen Aralius Arbar Arefagwe Arelaria Areleque Ariel Arinwe Arron Aruciiluld Aruff Ashaire Assari Aurin Avilin Axede Aximircin...
Baranorion Becincalon Belson Blenne Blorin Briende Brinwe Caeius Cairawen Calaccivia Calamon Calar Calayadra Caldwaius Calgonso Calrius Calvena Calyanus Camen Cammerus Canden Cannor Canwenar Capio Capre Caprion Cario Carion Cariwe Cerus Chadila Chare Ciannime Ciilisse Clandoxius Clemin Clerar Cocurril Colch Colmincius Colnus Colur Conesaudia Congalire Corenus Corin Corion Coros Culmo Culus Cunarvus Curbie Curcama Cymburne Cymorur Cyranancor Darnaccil Darwe Derquarir Diror Doridornd Doriner Ducius Dugus Dunassena Ealanderur Egianle Eikaldune Eldia Eldolerie Elhial Elimilwena Elkelion Elldan Ellinwe Ellius Ellock Ellora Elquen Emardolie Emorwe Endolbenn Endur Ennewen Ereliryasa Erion Eriwe Ermanyar Erolila Esnir Esudonede Evere Faben Facia Faiel Fairex Fairiona Falaiyaan Falasen Falius Fallavidix Famelel Fanalpia Fanbrin Fanin Fanlan Fanna Fanorwe Farinixus Farmassil Felsilecia Felvalius Feria Finius Firwe Fladius Flanes Funhornus Gadrav Gaenir Galabenia Galwe Gamana Gancandre Garmurrix Generurius Ginais Glarim Glassil Grafre Grallus Grane Grebo Grius Hagarie Halia Harcicuil Hearos Hecarene Hedariil Helinanreo Hellar Henarena Henoria Hewen Heyawe Heyna Hieloren Higdil Highar Hillunde Honian Horilius Hoshadur Hyawe Hyyore Inalen Indel Inderillia Indius Iniusalmo Irangaevin Isarimil Janifulas Jarasewe Jargius Jemus Jorie Jorionna Jormia Jucius Kallinan Kemariil Kirinya Korenle Kormir Ladil Laidius Lalinius Lamia Lamil Lanaarmius Lanno Lanrede Largivin Larinus Laylmo Ledis Lenna Leore Lerinus Liande Likalgon Linawen Livoneisa Lodgus Lonal Lonnanrier Lonwe Loria Lorius Lormilus Lovinwe Maalaric Magolcin Malliros Malon Mande Manus Manyamo Mardius Marenom Masarfira Melacia Mendar Merandus Merielkale Mifia Milmon Mingil Mircor Mirindinan Mirlulewe Morno Naamurcan Nadven Nalfina Narielkel Narindil Narka Naryair Naynnil Nilhar Nirel Nocalawe Nolanyon Noldor Nolis Nondilmo Norelorne Nulya Nussamo Ocand Ocinonder Ohlleen Ohloclo Oliusis Onderas Opsyna Opyleque Oranni Orelena Orindnaran Orion Orriakela Osius Palnus Pammire Pandilia Pannulcil Paril Pauderill Pauran Pelarodius Pellia Pellinwe Pellus Penwen Perulius Pionis Pland Pleius Plinilwe Plovia Pluvil Pondalia Porunia Poseven Princius Psyginus Psyseafye Quale Qualmo Quarne Quodenda Raladilia Ramar Ravirio Relikarius Relldho Renafwen Rersineloe Reximus Rhirors Rinwenfra Romidar Romus Rorrure Rucri Rulinus Runduginus Runwe Ruulus Samon Sanaruirra Sannus Sarirex Sarius Saurius Sawenara Scinare Scius Scrivim Seculen Sepinorna Sevalaure Sexus Sidienya Sindorwen Sinus Sirion Sirwlus Skyllur Soble Solodore Sonimoril Sonius Sopius Sorerdon Soril Soririllus Spelion Sphonianwe Spius Sunis Sunwen Suralil Ulius Umian Umilmia Ummil Unius Urgus Urius Uumalvus Uurodius Valamir Valdiralmo Valdon Valex Valin Valinarrus Valivus Vallidary Valord Valorpus Valval Vancalus Vanya Varelad Vares Varfanus Varime Varolar Varril Vaslinwe Vavock Velania Venus Venwen Verrion Vexuspude Vianque Vigharia Vighus Vilon Vlanor Vlius Vondius Vongeordin Vornus Wodobellil Wulvon Yaremmark Zozubo
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chartreuseian · 5 months
3, 22 - Helen, 23, and 25 - Nikola. (Because I'm mean on that last one) For the ask game, please! 😁
Hey hey 😊
3. NoTP?
(I feel like you're expecting Magnitt but ho ho that's a no)
Helen/Will hands down. I just don't see it. And I've yet to come across a fic that changes my mind on the idea even though I've tried more than a few in my time.
Also, I can't get behind anything Henry/Helen or Henry/Ashley because in my head that crosses all the family lines.
22. Give us a headcanon for [character]
OK. This is a hard one. I don't know if I have all that many headcannons for Helen... I mean, like, for sure she slept with Nikola. And I think that the reason she kept him around when they were at Oxford was because he was the only one who knew what it meant to be a true outsider. Plus even if he was sort of in love with her back then too, he was the only one who didn't treat her like a 'Lady' which she appreciated.
(I have spent like 20 minutes contemplating my answer to this one and I still have nothing good - sorry!)
23. Has your favourite character/ship changed over time?
Not really? I've always been team Teslen all the way, though I think my love of them and their dynamic has changed over time. Probably because my appreciation of Nikola in particular has changed. I used to just love them because their chemistry was *chefs kiss*, but the older I get and the more I invest in the whole world, they feel like the only viable options for each other to me. I'd write an essay on the topic, but somebody already sort of did that here and that is pretty much all my thoughts offered in a much more coherent way then me babbling about my love for the idiot bbys.
25. What's your least favourite thing [character] said or did?
Hehe... I know you think you're being tricky, but I honestly could give you a list of all the reasons Nikola is a prat! I'll break it into two catagories though...
Least favourite thing the writers did: 'The Five'. Because he was a grade A dick only because I don't think they knew what they wanted to do with his character yet. Which is fair, let's be real.
Least favourite character moment: joining SCIU like the raging idiot he is. I can totally rationalise it as him thinking he'd be her man on the inside, or that he didn't think it was that big of a deal, but also he so clearly just wanted the pay check and the glory (because the idiot bby is in fact a fame whore) and as always, totally failed to think about the bigger consequences. But also I think it's because, fundementally, he is a good person and sees the possibilities before the consequences so he just jumps straight in. Like, in his head working for SCIU would allow him to do these amazing things for the world and that makes it worth it. He didn't see anything beyond that point.
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6, 8 and 27 for Magnitt + 12, 16 and 37 for Teslen (OTP Relationship Asks ♥)
Hi and thank you so much! 🤍
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
I think it would have been back during late night discussions while they were coming up with the Source Blood experiment. (I also headcanon that John was Helen's patient before the Source Blood, which is maybe how he got drawn into the Five)
They would have already spent a lot of time together, alone or in a group setting, and had mutual respect and affection for each other. John would have realized it well before Helen and wouldn't have said anything because of that mutual respect, but Helen would come to the realization while John is listening and discussing things with her, treating her like he would anyone else, and reflecting on how much that means to her and realizing that the affection has gone beyond friendship. (After that is when they would have started courting, so it was 'proper'.)
8. What’s one way their personalities compliment one another?
Going to divide this up between pre-Source Blood and post-Source Blood, for obvious reasons.
Pre-Source Blood, John's gentler personality would have complimented Helen's logical and very driven personality, because it would remind her to slow down and appreciate things and people more than she would otherwise think to.
Post-Source Blood, Helen's personality would remind John of what it's like to be human and I think also push him towards making better decisions instead of always taking the violent way out.
(Ugh, those descriptions are sucky, trying to describe ✨vibes✨ is always so hard)
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
For John, just going for a walk, especially in a park, would remind him of Helen, especially since it probably would have been something that they did together.
For Helen, I think just sitting down to read would remind her of John, because back when they fell in love, John especially would have always had a book or two with him (since he was a barrister and a schoolteacher) and they would have spent a lot of time together reading and researching, or just sitting together quietly while they each read.
12. Which member is more verbally affectionate?
Nikola for certain. Helen likes to keep things more private in front of others and she does have a hard time with her emotions sometimes. Nikola, on the other hand, loves teasing her already and being sincere on top of trying to annoy her would be too much fun for him. (Also, Helen probably needs to hear these things more than he does)
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Oh, Helen definitely stays up way too late and Nikola has to come into her study or the lab or whatever and come and get her to come to bed. He can go without sleep, but she's human enough to need it and he has to make sure she gets it, whether she likes it or not.
37. What do they like the least about each other?
For Helen, I think the thing she likes least about Nikola is his tendency to alter a situation/do whatever benefits him the most, instead of looking at the bigger picture or thinking of other people. (I don't think she would quite forget how he joined SCIU, even if she forgave him)
For Nikola, I think it would be Helen's almost self-destructive habits. How she 'dealt' with her radiation sickness, nearly blowing herself up in the Sanctuary, among a myriad of other things.
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ksadvent · 2 years
For Day 15 you get two fics and art! Also, happy Zamenhof Day!
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Title: Se Vi Nur Scius (If Only You Knew) Author: ikoliholic Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Words: 4808 Summary:
During what would be the holiday season back on Earth, an unusual, obsolete, Earth-based language makes itself known to a landing party of two… Let the lingvo-flirting commence! Written for the K/S Advent Calendar 2022 ‘Esperanto’ prompt. (All Esperanto is explained clearly and the main language is English, FYI.) In response to a prompt by T’Lara.
Title: The Gift of Loyalty Author and artist: yassifiedjimkirk Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series, Mirror Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Words: 1188
A small snapshot into the holiday season on board the I.S.S. Enterprise. In response to a prompt by T’Lara.
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isthissamsdiaryorblog · 2 months
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Dear Daddy,
I find myself writing to you with a curious blend of longing and reflection. Though we are separated by time and space, and I know little about you—such as whether you were right-handed or left-handed, or what your favorite color was—my thoughts often wander to the possibility of a different connection between us.
In my imagination, I envision a past where we were not just father and child, but brothers, bound by the deep familiarity that comes with knowing everything about one another. In this alternate life, we would have shared secrets, dreams, and even the mundane details that now elude me. We would have known each other's quirks, preferences, and the small things that make up the tapestry of one's daily life.
It is strange to think that I know so little about you, and yet, I can almost feel the echo of that imagined bond. I imagine that in that life, we would have navigated the world together, knowing each other's favorite books, foods, and pastimes. Our conversations would have been filled with shared understanding and unspoken empathy, a stark contrast to the distance that now separates us.
In this life, I hold onto the hope that somewhere in the universe, there is a version of us who experienced that closeness. I carry that thought with me as a reminder of what might have been—a source of comfort and a testament to the connections we can still cherish, even if they remain in the realm of imagination.
As I navigate my own journey, I wonder about the person you were and the life you lived. In the quiet moments, I think of you with a mix of curiosity and warmth, imagining the ways our paths might have intertwined differently.
With every thought of you, I find a piece of solace in the idea that, in another time or place, we shared a bond that transcended the boundaries of our current reality.
With deep reflection,
Scius 👨🏿‍💻
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(Daddy’s letter)𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣 𝙥𝙖𝙥𝙖 𝙥𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙣, 𝙟𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙖𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙨
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desnadja · 8 months
Moccasin shoes
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