#scorpius got very sleepy
trolleybitch · 2 years
trolley does nano day 3!
this is going weirdly well? i am expecting disaster to strike at some point soon because i did another 2027 words today and i am now over a thousand words ahead of the goal. and it's only day 3??
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look at my wildly inconsistent solstice total word count graph. look at it. what nonsense. i started tracking words in september 2019 (god this project is SO LONG) and you can see the giant spike in november 2020 from my previous nano efforts, and then the giant flat patch where i did basically nothing for a very long time. and now look at the end - another nano spike in progress! we really do love to see it. long may this motivation continue.
3 notes · View notes
rollie-rolerson · 9 months
My trip to California !
December 19th, 2023 - started writing at 2:17 AM
The trip started at 5 AM on Friday, that was when I left on my eons-long road trip to California.
I wasn't really feeling that tired, I actually didn't get any sleep (had an awful headache until I had some tea mere minutes before I was supposed to wake up and get ready)
We packed some blankies if any of us needed to lay down, but I knew I might've not been able to sleep so just in case I packed up some study guides and an encyclopedia to read in the car. For the most part I just stared at the window listening to music because we drive through a very dark desert so I got to watch Orion set as Ursa Major was above me while Libra was rising to my east.
When the sun was rising I was definitely eager to see some major star in Scorpius appear as a very faint dot but I guess not lol (the sun should be in ophiuchus right now, not too far from antares, but im impatient to see my favorite constellation)
We went on the route we'd usually take when we go to Big Bear, mainly because less traffic, so we went through San Bernardino I think? Halfway I started getting really tired and giddy to the point where I was laughing at trees for no reason LOL (and me imagining TSSOA California being a rebellious teenager)
The main point of the trip was to visit my relatives at a cemetery near Los Angeles. And it was nice having breaky with them over at a Denny's. I had some chicken tendies and. fries with ketchupie and. ranchie idk WHAT IM SAYING LOL and I felt like my tired sleepy side was definitely catching up to me (I'm not one to be a part of conversations 😭 im kinda shy tbh)
After that we drove about 30-40 mins to the California Science Center, one of my favorite places to be haha because THEY GOT SOME SPACECRAFT MODELS!!! and can't forget Endeavour herself :D
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^^ some of my favorite models that they have. when i went here for the first time i remember i was so happy to see hubble and juno
They also had this area where you could use NASA's Eyes on Earth software and it was really cool because they projected the satellites and earth onto a sphere so it was like you could actually view it
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ICESat-2 :D (seeing it made me feel so giddy)
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they had so many cool goobers there, even if one of them's a giant space boat <3 (they had a timeline of space shuttle missions and seeing CGRO made me feel happy, i have the mission patch btw lol)
and this time we got to park much closer to the observatory, and we didnt walk eons and eons down the road LOL.
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It was a lot more crowded this time but that was probably because it was later and so people might have come to use the telescope at the top of the building.
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I see what they did there. Nice one. (That's the California Nebula on the left lol. Yes, it's a real name and it's in Perseus)
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The view from when we left was really pretty,,I love going to these kinds of places :sob: but now im back in good ol' desert Arizona (came back early on saturday) but I LOVE GOI
i think im runnin out of space here so ill continue into some other stuff in another post
December 19th, 2023 - finished writing/posted at 3:18 AM
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m0srael · 2 years
The Pleasure of a Fleeting Year, Pt. 104
The final 5200 words (50 words x 104 installments) for the prompt Champagne Supernova by Oasis. nsfw, brief mentions of past substance abuse. I wrote a continuous story in micro (and not-so-micro) fics for all of the 2022 @drarrymicrofic prompts, and this is the one-hundred and fourth--and final--installment.
Start Here ⭐ Previous Part Here
December 28, 2017
Harry has been hovering in the grey space between sleep and wakefulness for a while when a clatter from downstairs finally snaps him fully awake.
Most mornings, Scorpius or Teddy—or both of them—will get up before Harry and Draco and amuse themselves until the adults drag themselves out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Normally, Harry can ignore them and snooze for a few more minutes, but that noise sounded suspiciously like something breaking, followed by incriminating silence, so he pushes the duvet off of himself and starts to sit up.
He’s stopped by a warm palm pressed to his sternum.
“S’fine,” Draco mutters sleepily, pushing him gently back down into his pillow. “Stay.”
Harry’s better sense wars with his base animal instincts for a moment before he gives in and sinks back into the warmth of his sheets and Draco’s sleepy embrace.
Draco wriggles closer to him, the long expanse of his bare torso and thigh pressed along the side of Harry’s body. He slips his hand over Harry’s soft stomach, his fingers playing through the coarse hair below Harry’s navel before settling on his hip.
Harry assumes Draco has fallen asleep again—his soft breaths puff across Harry’s bare shoulder and his whole body is warm and pliant—when Draco presses his hips forward and it’s clear that he is very awake.
Draco’s gentle breath catches in his chest as Harry presses back against him, meeting the careful thrust of his hips with firm, unrelenting pressure.
Curious fingers trail across Harry’s belly, barely dipping under the waistband of his boxer briefs and sending sparks of electricity jolting up his spine. Draco thrusts against his hip harder as he slips his hand into Harry’s pants and wraps it around Harry’s half-hard cock, then lower, to cradle his most sensitive parts.
Harry gasps as his body curves around the sensation. He blinks his eyes open—heavy now with desire instead of sleep—to find Draco watching him with a glassy, half-lidded gaze. His lips are parted, wet and pink, and he brings his mouth to Harry’s—not quite kissing as much as breathing his arousal into Harry.
Harry rolls fully onto his side and pulls Draco roughly against him, suppressing a groan at the friction between them, unable to stop the rolling of his hips as he chases his pleasure. Draco’s eyes fall shut, and Harry recognizes the way his head falls back and his body arches—exposing the long line of his throat—for the request that it is.
Whatever shroud of sleep remaining around Harry’s brain falls away as he rolls them both over, balancing on his elbows and lifting his hips high enough for Draco to shove down his own pants first, and then Harry’s. Harry gazes down between them, his mouth watering at the sight of the tip of Draco’s pretty, pink cock, slick and straining.
Harry’s breath is rough and hot, and he does groan as he drops his face into Draco’s shoulder and takes them both in hand.
It’s over as quickly as it started, neither of them in possession of enough energy to draw it out and make it last.
As Harry lies, sticky and panting, his body covering Draco’s, his mobile pings on the nightstand.
He groans and blindly reaches out to grab it.
George: I’ve got half an hour this morning to talk pyrotechnics. Can you come by at ten?
Harry rolls away from Draco to shield the screen with his body. He looks at the time on his phone—9:37. Just enough time to take a quick shower, inhale a bagel, and Apparate.
“Wha—where are you going?” Draco asks blearily as Harry sits up and adjusts his pants.
“Nowhere. Um. Ron needs me. Emergency.”
“Mmph,” Draco says, watching him with narrowed eyes.
“Okay, so I was thinking something impressive but…understated,” Harry says as George leads him through the Wheezes warehouse to a blocked off back area.
“You came to me for fireworks and you’re expecting understated?” George asks.
Something sticky-looking and vaguely alive shudders gelatinously on a table to Harry’s right. The warehouse is less storage space and more of a laboratory where George and his staff develop and test new products. Somewhere across the crowded space a cauldron explodes in a puff of smoke and light, and then a smell like spoiled chocolate milk fills the air.
“Yeah, I’m starting to see where I may have gone wrong,” Harry says, pinching his nose.
George winces. “We’ve not quite got the new formula for our Mooing Malts perfect.”
“It’s just…this is Draco we’re talking about. He likes flash but can’t tolerate anything tacky. I want it to be elegant.”
George waves his wand in front of a thick, metal door and a series of locks click and whir open. “Quite. Well, let’s see what we can do.”
The room Harry steps into is lined with the same thick metal that the door is made out of. There are shelves ringing the walls, packed with brightly colored little objects in all different shapes, with one thing in common—each one has a bright red fuse snaking out of it. In the center of the room, a bubble of interwoven shield charms buzzes mechanically.
George walks over to one shelf and picks up a bright blue figure of a grinning wizard wearing only a hat, his comically large prick grasped in one hand. “I presume understated doesn’t include our Explosively Erotic line.”
Harry suppresses a laugh. “No, I think we’ll save that for another occasion.”
“Your loss, they’re quite…thrilling.” George wanders over to a shelf populated with pale colored figures, glinting with glitter and shining opalescent in the low light. “I suppose these are what you’ll be wanting. Any particular images or effects you’re keen on? We can do pretty much anything, now.”
He plucks a small, golden unicorn off the shelf and sets it on the concrete floor in the center of the spell bubble. Its fuse sparks red as soon as George touches it with the tip of his wand, and in a few moments the tiny figurine explodes into a shower of golden light that coalesces into a placid meadow scene. A unicorn made of brilliant sparks canters into the clearing and begins to graze, then takes off at a gallop up and around the bubble, kicking up flower-shaped glitter until the whole scene fades away. Harry gapes in awe.
“That’s brilliant. I was thinking we could do a sort of abbreviated story of our relationship. Without all the bad bits, of course. You know, snakes and lions and…can you do images of people?”
“Oh sure, you want twenty minutes of you snogging Malfoy in the sky, I can make that happen,” George says with a smirk.
Harry rolls his eyes. “I was actually thinking of Scorpius and Teddy.”
George shrugs. “Your loss,” he says again.
By the time Harry makes it back to Number Twelve, his stomach is aching with hunger. It turns out designing and testing fireworks is tiring business.
Scorpius and Teddy are sprawled out and giggling on a blanket in front of the sitting room fire, already halfway through their cheese toasties, when Harry steps into the room.
Draco pokes his head out of the kitchen. “You’re back,” he says flatly, and then retreats.
Harry follows him. “I’m back. Any chance I could get one of those, as well? M’starving,” he says as he points to Draco’s own lunch on the dining room table.
Draco sits stiffly and lifts half of his sandwich to his mouth. “You know where we keep the bread.”
Harry bristles at his dismissive tone, then sighs before setting about making lunch.
“How is Ron?” Draco asks after a protracted silence.
“What?” Harry asks distractedly.
“Ronald. I assume his emergency wasn’t so bad if you’re back so soon.”
Harry blinks. Fuck. “Oh. Um. Yeah. They, uh, got Rose a Kneazle for Christmas and she got stuck on the roof. He just needed an extra pair of hands.”
It’s not a total lie—they had gotten Rose a Kneazle for Christmas.
Draco makes an indecipherable noise. “Thank god you were free and not at all busy, then.”
Harry spins around. “Is something the matter?”
Draco stares at him, an enigmatic expression on his face. “Why would anything be the matter?”
“I don’t—“
Scorpius and Teddy come barreling into the kitchen, carrying their dirty plates and yelling about chocolate biscuits.
Teddy lets Harry pull him into a quick hug, and then scowls. “Ugh. Harry, you smell like a Blast Ended Skrewt during mating season. I would know, Hagrid made us observe their coupling rituals last term.” He sticks his tongue out on a gag.
Harry lifts his shirt and gives it a sniff. He definitely smells like…something. Gunpowder and something more animal. Probably the failed Mooing Malts. His phone buzzes in his pocket.
Pansy: how’s the planning?
“Um. Be right back,” Harry says, before he hurries from the room. He doesn’t miss the way Draco’s eyes narrow even further.
December 29, 2017
“Hey Nev, thanks for making time for me on short notice.”
Neville waves Harry into his little cottage. Every surface is covered by potted plants, their vines and leaves fluttering out into the open space and making it hard to move.
“Oh, no problem, Harry! Happy to help. So, proposing, eh? That’s exciting!”
Harry nods stiffly and wipes his palms on his jeans. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s…yeah.”
“So, what can I do for you?” Neville asks as he wends his way through the veritable forest of greenery and out the back door. His back garden is entirely taken up by greenhouses.
“I was hoping I could buy some flowers from you. To decorate Pansy’s back garden with.”
Neville beams. “Oh, I couldn’t charge you! Not for this! Did you have anything in particular in mind?”
Harry dodges as a little fanged pod snaps at him from a basket hanging over his head. It just manages to catch one of his curls and he winces as it tugs, pulling away with a chunk of his hair.
“Ow. Um. I don’t really know anything about flowers. Do you have anything…pretty?”
Neville thinks for a moment, and then his eyes light up. “Over here!” He leads them to a small greenhouse on the edge of the property.
“Why’s this one all black? I thought greenhouses were supposed to let light in.”
Neville cracks the door, and Harry can detect a faint glow coming from the darkness within. “Not if the plants inside don’t like sunlight! I’ve just developed a new species of Angels Trumpet that bioluminesces—er, glows in the dark. Crossed it with some jellyfish DNA.” He says, rocking back proudly on his heels. “Had some trouble with the first couple of batches because the jellyfish are technically immortal, so the blooms just kept multiplying and never dying, but I’m sure I’ve got that all worked out.”
Harry peers into the dark greenhouse. “Yeah, okay. Sounds good.”
As Harry steps out of Neville’s front door, he feels his phone buzz in his pocket. When he pulls it out he sees four messages and two missed calls from Draco.
He scrolls frantically back through their text thread.
Draco (11:34am): still on for lunch?
Draco (11:58am): I don’t have much time, I’ll meet you there
Draco (12:46pm): you better be dead and not standing me up.
When he looks at the time he sees that the last text had come in just a moment ago. He doesn’t waste any time Apparating to the restaurant.
When he pushes through the front door, Draco is thanking the waitress and pulling on his coat.
“Hey, I’m so sorry,” he rushes, “lost track of time. Did you eat already?”
Draco stares at him, his most unimpressed expression firmly in place. “Another Kneazle emergency?”
“What?” Harry asks, breathlessly, tugging his scarf off.
“Nevermind. I have to get back to work,” Draco says, striding past Harry toward the door.
Harry follows, feeling like he’s missed a step or two. “I’m so sorry, I just got caught up with something, and—”
Draco spins on his heel, making Harry stumble and nearly fall on top of him. “We won, by the way.”
Harry blinks. “Won what?”
Draco sighs. “Evin. The young woman who is seeking emancipation from her neo-Blood Supremacist parents? Her request has been granted. We’ve set a legal precedent for any future cases like it.”
Harry surges forward and takes Draco by the shoulders. “Fuck, Draco, that’s amazing! I’m so proud of you, I mean, of course you won! You worked so hard on that case.”
Draco nods and shoves his hands in his pockets. “Yeah. Thanks. Makes me wonder what my life might have been like if I’d had that option. Back then.” He shrugs, and his expression goes softly sad. “I wanted to tell you over lunch, but…”
“I’m so sorry, love. I’ll make it up to you tonight, I’ll make your favorite for dinner. Bring up some of that fancy, old wine from the basement. Yeah?” Harry feels like he’s scrambling to pick up the pieces of his life that he’s dropped.
Draco stares at him, his eye contact unwavering. “Is everything…okay, Harry?”
Harry shrugs. “What d’you mean? Course it is. Just…just busy.”
Draco’s expression doesn’t shift. “Are you sure?”
Harry nods. “Yeah, yeah. I don’t want to make you late back to work. I’ll go get started on dinner right now, okay? I’m so,” he presses a kiss to the corner of Draco’s unyielding mouth, “proud of you. I love you.”
“Love you too,” Draco says, but it sounds thin.
The duck is roasting in the oven and a sauce is simmering on the hob when Draco steps through the front door.
Harry startles, then rushes to pour Draco a glass of wine and meet him at the door to take his coat, but Scorpius beats him to the punch.
“Dad!” He shrieks, swinging into the foyer with one hand on the sitting room door frame. “Congratulations!”
Draco barely has time to set his briefcase down before his arms are full of wriggling pre-teen boy. He scoops his son off the floor with a laugh, and Scorpius wraps his arms and legs around Draco’s back. His head is almost up to Draco’s shoulders when they stand next to one another, but he looks so small and young when Draco holds him like this.
“I presume that’s for me?” Draco says in Harry’s direction as he drops Scorpius back on his feet. Harry nods and holds out the glass.
Draco doesn’t seem like he’s still mad about lunch, but Harry can feel the lingering tension in the air between them.
“Dinner will be ready soon. You have time for a shower if you want one.” He shifts anxiously from foot to foot, trying to reign in the impulse to blurt another apology.
Draco takes a sip of his wine, and then nods before taking his coat off and trudging up the stairs to the bathroom.
Dinner is…fine. Scorpius asks his dad to recount the judge’s decision blow-by-blow, which he does, save for the nastier, more complicated bits. Scorpius fills them all in on the ending to a novel he’d just finished, talking so quickly he trips over his words more than once. Teddy sits quietly and shovels forkful after forkful of duck and roast vegetables into his mouth, and Harry just tries to keep up with it all. Like usual.
Except every now and then, when Harry glances up, he finds Draco’s gaze on him. The expression on his face is inscrutable. Calculating, Harry would say, if he were pressed. It makes him feel antsy and examined.
“What do you think, should we watch a movie before bed?” Harry asks as he waves his wand to send their dirty dishes to the sink.
Teddy and Scorpius turn to one another, and then launch themselves away from the table at the exact same moment.
“I get to choose this time!”
“No way, you chose last time!”
“Did not!”
Their bickering doesn’t get any quieter as they tumble toward the sitting room.
They arrange themselves in their usual positions—Scorpius sprawled on the floor, Teddy lounging in the armchair, and Harry and Draco ensconced on the sofa—and Scorpius hits the play button on the remote. He’d somehow bested Teddy and had selected his favorite film—Valentin—about a little boy who uses his imagination to escape the uncomfortable reality of his parents’ absences and his own loneliness. They must have watched it twenty times by now, but Harry doesn’t mind. He loves the way the Argentinian accents sound and finds the little boy’s crossed eyes and thick glasses adorable.
At first, Draco maintains a stubborn foot of space between them, but when Harry reaches out a hand and rests it on his knee, he rolls his eyes and closes the gap, leaning into Harry’s side.
They stay like that for a while, Draco resting against Harry’s chest with Harry’s hand in his hair. Everything feels…normal for a while. The stress of planning the world’s most perfect proposal and the guilt from missing lunch retreat to a distant part of Harry’s mind.
But then his mobile vibrates in his pocket. As he fumbles to fish it out, Draco sighs and rises from the couch.
“I’m putting the kettle on,” he says with an odd glance in Harry’s direction.
Harry taps his phone screen.
Blaise: all ready for the big day, Cupid?
Harry: almost
Harry: I think he’s starting to get suspicious
Harry: it’s hard to tell because he always looks a bit skeptical
Blaise: he does have one of those faces
Blaise: has he said anything?
Blaise: do you think the littlest Malfoy spilled the cauldron?
Harry: Scorp promised he wouldn’t
Harry: and no. He’s just been giving me these looks for the last couple of days…
Harry switches off his mobile and shoves it back into his pocket as soon as Draco walks back into the room, carrying two steaming mugs.
December 30, 2017
“What if you were just honest with him?” Luna asks as the pull of Apparition sucks them both into the void and then spits them out somewhere cold and wet and green.
“Well it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told him. Ruins the romance a bit, don’t you think?”
Luna pulls a crystal on a long golden chain out of her coat pocket and crouches down, letting the crystal dangle over a particularly fluffy-looking tuft of moss.
“I don’t know. I think it would make him feel loved if he knew how hard you were working to put together something nice just for him.”
The crystal swings in a gentle circle, and then comes to a sudden halt, quivering on its chain. The pointed end is sticking out toward the north-east, right into a dark copse of trees.
“He will know, eventually. Just not yet. Besides, if I told him what I was doing he’d only tell me I’m going about it all wrong, and that would definitely kill whatever romance there is. Where are we going, by the way?”
Luna rises and points toward the copse of trees. “There’s a large community of fairies that live in this area. I’ve visited them a few times for work, and a few times for personal reasons.”
“Merlin, Luna, I think even the Whomping Willow would invite you in for a cuppa. Are you sure they’ll be willing to help me out?” Harry stumbles around several moss-covered puddles as he tries to keep up with Luna, who is graceful and sure footed as she picks her way over the marshy ground.
“Oh, I don’t see why not! You brought the things I suggested?”
Harry lifts the tote bag he’s carrying—filled with a handful of rare, magical herbs, a carafe of fresh milk, a jar of honey harvested during a full moon, and several bottles of grain alcohol—in response.
Luna nods sagely. “Perfect. If they’re pleased with your offering then I have no doubt they’ll be willing to do you a favor in return.”
The light around them dims and the biting wind swirling around them dies as they step across the tree line. Luna turns to him with a finger pressed to her lips, and then waves him on as she carefully navigates through the trees, taking care not to step on any of the toadstools sprouting from the forest floor.
“Ow, fuck,” Harry hisses as he stumbles back out of the trees no more than twenty minutes later, sucking his bleeding thumb and limping slightly thanks to his now aching knee. “What the bloody hell went wrong, Lunes?! You said the offering would appease them, or whatever!”
Luna plucks a stray twig out of her hair and straightens her tunic as she takes him by the elbow to guide him further away from the fairy encampment.
“Hm. I’m not exactly sure,” she says as she twists them both into thin air. She grabs Harry with both hands to lower him to the sofa as they reappear in her sitting room. “It’s so hard to understand them, their voices are so tiny. I think one of them said something about a strike against Wizard-kind?”
Harry lets his head fall back against the cushions. “That would explain why some of them were holding tiny pieces of bark tied to twigs and flying in a circle, I suppose. I had no idea that fairies want to unionize.”
Luna sits down next to him. “I’m sorry, Harry, I know you have a very specific vision for tomorrow night. There’s another large Fey community outside of Edinburgh. We could try again?”
Harry sighs. “I think I have to let this one go. Thanks for trying, Lunes.”
Harry’s knee is still twinging and his head has started to ache when he finally steps through the front door of Number Twelve. On top of that, his pants are wet with mucky bog water up to his calves and he keeps getting whiffs of a peaty stench that he’s pretty sure is coming from him.
Of all the arrangements he’s tried to make for New Year’s Eve, recruiting 362 fairies—one for every day since he and Draco had seen each other again at King’s Cross—to hover around Pansy’s estate grounds holding lanterns and wreaths is admittedly the most ludicrous. That fact doesn’t make him feel any less frustrated that it fell through.
He just wants everything to be perfect.
So much so that he’s been losing sleep over it. Every night when he crawls into bed beside Draco his mind cycles through all the logistics again and again, inevitably revealing something that he overlooked, or suggesting some ridiculous way he could make the whole affair more elaborate.
As he closes the front door behind himself and leans back against it, the days of sleeplessness catch up to him all at once. He feels heavy and a bit floaty, like the world around him isn’t quite solid anymore.
His phone vibrates in his pocket.
Hermione: Ron ran into Draco in Diagon this morning, and Draco mentioned something about a rogue Kneazle…
Harry sighs, and then chuckles out loud at the absurdity of the last few days.
The three little dots pop up, indicating that Hermione is typing. They stay there for a while as Harry stares down at his phone, disappear, and then appear again.
Hermione: Harry, are you sure all of this is what Draco wants?
Exhausted anger spikes in Harry’s chest. He doesn’t bother responding to the message because he doesn’t trust himself not to say something he’ll regret.
Of course Draco wants something big and extravagant! Harry wants to show him how much he loves him in front of all their friends and family!
And anyway, it’s too late to change the plan.
Draco is seated at the dining table with a steaming mug before him, his reading glasses perched on his nose and a case brief clutched in his hands. He lets it droop when Harry steps into the kitchen and gazes at him appraisingly over the rim of his glasses.
“You look like hell,” he says as Harry sinks into the chair opposite him.
Harry closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “I feel like it,” he mumbles.
Draco sets his papers down fully and pulls off his glasses. “Are you feeling ill?” He rises and comes around the table to place a hand on Harry’s forehead. It’s cool and dry, and Harry leans into the soothing touch. “Maybe we should stay home tomorrow.”
The anger that has so far announced itself in brief flares of tight heat behind Harry’s sternum ignites into something hotter and more consuming.
“No,” he growls.
Draco takes his hand back and rolls his eyes. “Harry, if you’re coming down with something the last thing you need is to get drunk and stay out all night.”
Harry pushes back from the table and stands with his fists clenched by his sides. Draco’s eyes grow wide.
“Even if I die in the middle of the night, I expect you to drag my lifeless body to that party.” He can hear how unhinged he sounds, but Draco is still looking at him like he might keel over at any moment and he just wants to be left in peace for a moment.
He turns to stomp his way out of the kitchen and up to the bedroom, but Draco darts out a hand to stop him, his grip on Harry’s bicep firm and insistent.
“Stop,” Draco says, his tone suddenly sharp.
Harry freezes, every muscle in his body going tense.
“Harry, tell me what’s going on.”
Harry tries his best to wrangle down his frustration and school his face into a neutral expression as he turns to face Draco. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Draco frowns. “Harry. You’ve been all over the place the last few days. You can hardly focus on one thing for longer than ten minutes, and you look like you haven’t slept in weeks.”
Harry shrugs. “You know I just can’t sleep sometimes.”
Draco nods. “I do know that. But this seems—“
“I’m fine!” Harry snaps. Then freezes as Draco takes a step back.
The kitchen is silent for a minute, and then Draco says, carefully, “If there’s something you…need to tell me, you should.”
Harry stares back at him. He’s about to open his mouth to protest again, to say that he has nothing to tell, when a small, mean realization alights in his mind. Something about the way Draco is looking at him, the way he’s holding himself carefully apart, makes it clear to Harry.
“You think I’ve relapsed,” he breathes.
Draco’s eyes go even wider. “Harry, I—“
Harry’s tired frustration curdles into something bitter and sharp. “No, you think I’m using again! I can see it all over your face!”
Draco shakes his head and holds out a limp hand. He opens his mouth, but Harry’s fury has already run away with him.
“Fuck, Draco. After everything we’ve been through this year, all the conversations we’ve had, the therapy I’ve done—you still don’t trust me?!” Harry is aware that his voice is growing louder and louder.
Draco’s face twists, and Harry can see the anger he’s feeling reflected there. “How dare you—“
The kitchen door swings open as Scorpius and Teddy rush in with startled looks on their faces. Draco steps back and spins around, pressing a hand to his mouth. Harry leans heavily on the back of a chair and lets his heavy head hang between his shoulders.
“What’s going on?” Teddy asks, one hand on Scorpius’s shoulder.
“Why are you shouting?” Scorp asks.
“We’re not,” Harry says. “I’m not.” He plasters a smile on his face as he pulls Scorpius to him. Scorpius’s clever eyes tick back and forth between his father and Harry.
“I’m sorry, everything's okay, bug,” Draco says softly.
“Dad…” Scorpius says, “I think you should just tell him.”
“Yeah,” Teddy adds.
Three pairs of eyes—green, aqua, and grey—focus on Draco.
“Tell me what?” Harry asks.
Draco seems to war with himself for a moment. Finally, he nods.
“I know you’re planning to— to propose.”
Harry’s shoulders fall. “You do?”
Draco nods.
“I thought you were going to keep it a secret!” Harry says to Scorpius, taking care to keep his tone light.
“He did,” Draco interjects. “But I was starting to worry about you. I didn’t assume you were…using. I didn’t know what was going on. Scorpius noticed I was upset and he gave me enough of a hint that I figured it out.”
Harry sags into the chair he’s been leaning on.
“I’m sorry,” Scorpius says, his voice small and sad.
Harry pulls him in for a tight hug. “No, don’t apologize. You did the right thing. I love you.” Scorpius nods against him.
“Boys, could you give us a moment, please?” Draco asks.
When they’re gone, Harry stares up at Draco through the tense silence.
“I’m sorry. I wanted to surprise you,” Harry says. “I planned a whole thing, that’s why I’ve been so distracted, I’ve been trying to make sure everything is in place.” Harry’s eyes start to prick with gathering tears.
Draco rounds the table and kneels next to Harry’s chair, taking one of Harry’s hands between his own.
“Fuck,” Harry says wetly. “And now I’ve started a stupid argument. This was meant to be special and romantic. Fuck.”
“Harry James Potter,” Draco says, turning Harry’s face with a finger and wiping away a tear. “It wouldn’t be us if we didn’t bicker our way through our engagement.”
Harry chuckles, and when he turns to face Draco, he realizes Draco is down on one knee. Not two.
“I know you’ve made plans for tomorrow. I promise to act appropriately surprised, but, seeing as the Kneazle’s out of the bag already… That was a weak excuse by the way.”
Harry shakes his head. “What do you mean?”
“Harry. I love you. Do you know how I felt when Scorpius told me you were planning to propose?”
Harry shakes his head, fresh tears rolling down his face.
“I think I took the first deep breath I’ve taken in years. It felt like the final piece of my life, the most important one, had finally fallen into place. And Scorpius…he was so happy he couldn’t sit still. I love you more for the way you love him. And Teddy. I can’t believe I get to continue to build this family with you; to wake up with you; to pull you back to earth when you spin off into some hairbrained scheme and argue with you until we both lose our voices.”
“I love you,” Harry says, pulling Draco into his arms.
“Good,” Draco mutters. “Is that a yes, then? Will you marry me?”
“Yes, you absolute menace,” Harry chokes around a laugh and a sob. “Merlin, I feel like we ran into each other in the train station yesterday. And now we’re here.”
Draco laughs—lovely and deep—as Teddy and Scorpius, who were obviously eavesdropping, come tumbling back into the room, both grinning.
“It’s amazing what can happen in a year, isn’t it?”
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some headcanons about the golden era slytherins as adults: part three!
okay, so (i think i might have said this before) i have a really specific idea of the living arrangement of the slytherins and what their house looks like (literally what every room looks like and stuff, i’ve thought about this a lot) but to keep it short: they all live together (because pansy, tori, and theo have money problems) in a house that is (very much purposely) not decorated like their fancy mansion childhood homes, because bleugh.
so anyway, they all play that game where whenever someone falls asleep on the couch/on a living room chair, the rest of them pile random stuff on them until they wake up, and here’s how i think each of them would react to it.
it wouldn’t take a super long time for her to wake up, but long enough that it would be funny.
she also moves a little bit in her sleep, so sometimes she’ll roll over on someone’s hand, and that’ll get tricky
if she fell asleep with shoes on, the others would put literally every single pair of shoes they could find in the house on her because you don’t wear shoes in the house!!
it usually takes anywhere between 3-10 minutes for her to wake up
sleeps like a rock
literally, how does she sleep like that?
they could pile every single moveable object on her while laughing their asses off and she would sleep through it.
she could sleep through the apocalypse or world war III or anything. you get the picture.
if she falls asleep with makeup on, draco will put skincare products on her because he’s a petty little shit who cares too much about his friends’ faces
daphne doesn’t usually wake up until someone puts scorpius’s cats (whose names are obi-wan catnobi and cleocatra because puns) on her and they start moving around
(she is never happy to wake up to this)
“if you little bitches keep putting your random shit on me, i will rip your eyes out and eat them in front of you.” “how would we know that you were eating them if we didn’t have our eyes? we wouldn’t be able to see.” “get the fuck away from me.” “got it.”
usually takes somewhere between 12-45 minutes to wake her up. depends on how long it takes for obi-wan catnobi and cleocatra to be brought in
usually wakes up pretty quickly.
slowly enough that the others can get a few things on him, but quickly enough that it’s not that funny.
usually takes him about two-four minutes to wake up, sometimes less
either sleeps like an absolute rock, or a gust of wind would wake him up
like, sometimes, the second someone gets near him, he shoots awake and tells whoever was trying to put something on him off because “if you try to put anything on me, you’re homophobic.” “draco, everyone who lives in this house is queer. also that doesn’t make sense.” “go away.”
but then other times they could put obi-wan, cleo, every moveable object in the room, he’ll still be asleep. they could literally be sitting on top of him, and he wouldn’t even notice.
OH MY GOD, ALSO draco has the weirdest dreams ever, and he doesn’t move in his sleep, but he talks.
and that makes everything SO MUCH FUNNIER.
like, right as someone is piling random stuff on him he’ll be like, “square up, motherfucker. possums don’t scare me.” or something like that, and everyone will burst out laughing
can take anywhere between one second and multiple hours to wake him up (because sometimes they just give up)
sleeps soundly, but not as rock-like as draco or daphne
occasionally moves a little bit
often wakes up because everyone else is laughing too loud, not because he notices the stuff on him
usually takes about 5-15 minutes to wake him up
sleeps soundly, but is impossible to put stuff on because she moves so much
pansy is beautiful, but she is NOT a pretty sleeper.
her hair gets frizzy and messed up, her makeup smudges and she drools and moves and flails around, usually while making weird grunty-sleepy sounds
she’s the only one of them who will always sleep through the game because everyone gives up before they can put a single thing on her
scorpius (because i feel like he should be included):
doesn’t fall asleep in the living room often, but usually everyone else just lets him sleep, because, honestly, the sleep schedule of scorpius malfoy is so messed up???? like he’ll stay up all hours of the night to write a musical or learn about the invention of socks or the evolution of the candle industry or whatever
he also usually falls asleep on someone, like with his head on someone’s shoulder
sometimes they’ll try to put things on him, but usually he wakes up, notices, then goes back to sleep
and everyone is like, “😐”
“i guess he won???”
“but don’t you have to sleep until everyone gives up to win?”
“i don’t know. whatever. i feel defeated.”
usually takes him about four minutes to wake up (then, like, a second to fall back asleep)
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bchanslvr · 3 years
Heeey! So you're on a Draco mood👀... can you write anything with Dad!Draco please? I'm a simp for Dad!Draco 🥺
𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬
pairing - draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary - dad draco reads his son a bedtime story.
words - 1,363
warnings - none <3
a/n - thank you so much for this wonderful request anon, i hope i did your request justice :)
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It was no one's surprise about the close bond between Draco Malfoy and his son. It quite literally was a younger version of Lucius Malfoy and his son Draco Malfoy, to the signature blonde-platinum hair, the sharp jawline, crystal blue eyes, and to his snarky personality and smart wit, they were a carbon copy of each other.
And it was no one's surprise at how you and your husband spoiled him rich, much like what Draco’s mother and father had done to him as a kid, though he thought his son manners with his gifts of glory instead of greed.
And Scorpius was a good boy. A very good boy that deserved anything he asked of his mother and father.
Ever since he was born he had his parents wrapped up in his little fingertips, and Draco had never loved anybody more than him. After you of course. Well, maybe.
Draco had a tough day today, from the dunderheads he called workers messing up an order, to the zero cups of tea he had today due to how busy he was and everything seemed to go extremely slow, the day dragging on like butter on toast. He was cranky and extremely exhausted and couldn’t wait to go home to see the smiling face of his son. And you. Well maybe his son first, and then you.
And when the day finally came to a halt, he didn’t even spare his office a second chance as he apparated away.
Straight to the living room, the whip of wind as he landed echoing through the empty room. The first thought as his head finally stopped spinning was to go see his son, but thought otherwise as he began to get rid of his shoes.
Hanging his coat on the hanger before retreating to his master-bedroom where he found himself stripping off his work clothes to some grey sweats and a khaki sweater.
Before rising off his face in the sink and making himself look more home-appropriate by loosening up his gelled hair, and throwing on his reading glasses that he seemed to be using more and more.
Only then did he feel more relaxed and happy. But what could make him more relaxed and happy? His son!
He sneaked to a room a bit farther forward to the left to his master-bedroom on his tippy toes, feeling the ever bit more childish than ever.
He stood at a white-covered door for a few minutes contemplating on what he should do. Should he burst the door open? or open it slowly? Which would scare the poor child more?
He thought about it for no longer a minute more as he came up with a plan. He went back to his room and looked through his drawers, finding what he wanted before scrambling to the white-covered door again with something in hand and mind.
He burst the door open out in the blue, his act already forming on his face as he heard his son’s terrified screaming.
He lunged forward towards the bed where said child was clutching his blankets. He jumped forward, bringing his son down from where he was sitting upon his back.
"I’m the tickle monster!!!", he yelled, his hand dropping what seemed like a book and instead placing them under his son’s armpits as he tickled them.
The once scared little boy was now laughing, his squeals of delight bringing a smile to his face, he watched as he pleaded his father to stop, his legs trying to kick his father away all the while as he giggled.
He decided to take mercy on his son as he let go after a bit, watching with a tiny father-like smile as his son laughed some more as he adjusted himself back against the headboard.
"Did you eat pumpkin?", he asked softly as he too adjusted himself next to his son on the bed.
"Mhmm", Scorpius hummed as he brought the blanket to his face before promptly dropping his head on his dad's shoulder.
He only merely chuckled softly as he retrieved a book from the bed where he had drooped it earlier.
"You in for a bedtime story bun? Or are you too tired?", he asked gently as he watched his son’s eyelids droop.
Scorpius’s head snapped up at the sound of storytime.
"Mhmm Mhmp", he said shaking his head, staring intently into his father's eyes.
"Very well then, tuck in love this is a long now", Draco spread his legs, which Scorpius took the hint to and jumped up to fill the vacant spot.
His head resting on his father’s chest, his legs thrown over Draco’s, his hand clinging onto his father's sweater.
Draco smiled adoringly at his son, a soft look of pure love taking over his facial features, his fingers automatically finding a home in his son’s baby soft hair. A content sigh leaving his lips as he pulled his son closer to him.
"Alright then sweetheart you ready?", he asked as he grabbed the book, adjusting his glasses.
"Yes papa", Scorpius mumbled against Draco’s chest.
"You can go to bed anytime you feel sleepy okay?" He said knowing that it wouldn’t be long before he’d hear his son's soft snores so he needn’t explain further as he marked the side of a page.
"Okay...", he replied, sleep already finding a way to him.
Draco smiled a moment at the beautiful picture his son created, curled up against him before clearing his throat gently before proceeding.
"Once Upon a Time, there lived a...."
Today wasn’t so bad, you thought as you enter through the floo into your living room.
Well aside from the hex that got through you as you tried to finish a raid, and aside from not finding a thing about the new case, you had a pretty decent day.
You detached yourself from your shoes and over-coat as you made your way to the kitchen, pleased when you found some spaghetti in the fridge. Heating it up on the stove before diving in.
Letting out a pleased hum as you finished the food in the next few minutes as you looked through some mail. You spelled the dishes clean before entering through your master-bedroom.
Hoping to see your husband dozing off on the bed, disappointment blooming in your chest as you changed out of those retched robes. Choosing to throw on some booty shorts and a tank top. Rinsing yourself in the sink and doing your night routine.
And as you began to tuck yourself in your comfy king-sized bed you thought about checking on your son. And so you did.
You questioned your husband's absence as you made your way to his room, knowing he’d be asleep.
But all thoughts seemed to disappear as you took in the scene before you.
There on your son’s bed lay your husband and your child. Scorpius was wrapped up in his father's arms as he slept soundly on his father’s chest, your husbands chin resting gently on your son’s head, his glasses minutes from falling off his nose, soft snores filling the room as you stood at the doorway watching a moment you’d never forget.
A smile crept up on your face as your heart filled with love for the two angels sleeping on the bed. You couldn’t help yourself as your feet carried you to where they were.
You gently slipped the glasses and book from your husband, before placing a gentle kiss on both of their foreheads, their bodies stuttering a bit in their sleep before they continued to snore like bears in hibernation.
You would have loved to sleep next to them right now, but seeming as both your son and husband have occupied the whole bed and you having no sense to scoot them over smiled at the moment again.
So fully in love and happiness as you exited the room, closing the door gently before making way to your big bed.
Heart full of endearment, and comfort you too slept soundingly on your bed.
Waiting for the moment that your husband would wake up and complain about his sore back and neck.
 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
taglist - @hey-there-angels @dearseungie [just send an ask or a comment to be added or removed :]
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dramioneasks · 4 years
HP FESTS: Dramione RomCom Fest (Part 1)
Dramione RomCom Fest 2020:
12 Years and 3 Months by pixiedustandbluebutterflies - T, one-shot - As news of their engagement takes Wizarding England by storm, elusive power couple Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger are finally sharing their love story in this Witch Weekly interview!
50 (First) Dates with Hermione Granger by HufflepuffMommy - G, WIP - Draco Malfoy sets his heart on romancing Hermione Granger, but she has short-term memory loss; she can't remember anything that happened the day before. So every morning, Draco has to woo her again. Her friends are very protective, and Draco must convince them that he's in it for love. Plot (andsummary) taken from the movie "50 First Dates" for the Dramione RomCom fest!
About Time by WordsmithMusings - E, WIP - When Draco's Father reveals to him that the men in their family have the ability to travel back in time, he uses his newfound gift to do many things - save a life, be a better friend, reconnect with a witch, and fall in love.
All's well that ends well (to end up with you) by weestarmeggie - M, one-shot - Hermione Granger is all set to be the maid of honor at her best friends wedding. She is taken back when she finds out that the best man is none other than her ex-fiance.
Away by In_Dreams - E, WIP - Desperate for a change of pace, Hermione unknowingly commits to a home exchange with Pansy Parkinson and finds herself swept up in the chaos of New York City and into the arms of Draco Malfoy. Dramione/Hansy. Loosely inspired by The Holiday.
Bells on a Hill by HeyJude19 - T, WIP - Left by his fiancée a month before the ceremony, Draco never got his dream wedding, so agreeing to assist Granger with her own wedding planning to distract himself from his broken engagement seems like a great idea—though Draco probably shouldn't fall in love with the bride-to-be. Based very (very) loosely on The Wedding Singer.
Chasing the Future by Rdlentz8 - T, WIP - An unusual and anonymous Patronus finds a frustrated Hermione alone in the library and talks to her about being lonely. Could this be the push she's needed to change her fate? Inspired by A Cinderella Story. There are direct quotes from A Cinderella Story.
Domino Effect by KoraKwidditch - M, WIP - Resolved to live her life in Muggle London, Hermione Granger finally felt free. Free from the Ministry, free from her celebrity status and everything that entailed. But who knew that one cataclysmal incident would lead her straight into the Malfoy's den and down a series of unfortunate events? At least they think she's a Muggle.**A Dramione retelling of While You Were Sleeping**
Fairytales and Wishes by Charlie9646 - T, one-shot - All Scorpius wants is for Hermione to be a nice step mother, but somehow that sort of gets lost in translation with his accidental magic.
Flipping Through the Pages by DarkAngelOfSorrowReturns - T, WIP - Draco Malfoy had a fascination with a popular book series and its writer. His life changes when he meets her.
The Hate List by bethelson - T, WIP - While chaperoning the post graduation trip, Hermione and Draco find themselves wandering the streets of Paris in the middle of the night, fruitlessly searching for the seventh years they were supposed to be in charge of. What Hermione doesn’t know, is that those seventh years struck a bargain with Draco to keep her occupied so they could sneak out for a last hurrah before they all head back to London. So in his efforts to derail her search, he convinces her to join him in their own night of frivolity. As they paint the city red, they slowly learn to let their guards down, and find that putting the past behind them allows them to finally focus on the present. ___ My contribution to the Dramione RomCom Fest!
Hollywood & Vine by dreamsofdramione (Bugggghead), msmerlin - M, WIP - As the manager of an occult bookstore currently renting a room from an old friend and living paycheck to paycheck, Hermione wasn’t exactly living the Hollywood dream. But her life is turned upside down when a chance encounter with Tinseltown’s current heartthrob, Draco Malfoy, leaves her questioning everything she thought she knew about life and love. or the one in which Hermione unintentionally falls in love with a movie star.
Home is Where the Heart Is by lrs002 - T, one-shot - A rewrite and Draco/Hermione look at basically the last scenes of the movie Sweet Home AlabamaOr in the other words: The Wedding and the Kiss
How to Lose a Wizard in 10 Days by GracefulLioness - E, WIP - Hermione will do anything to prove to her boss at Witch Weekly that she's ready to take on more serious topics, including dating a man just to drive him away for the sake of her next column, How to Lose a Wizard in 10 Days. But pushing Draco Malfoy away proves to be a challenging task, perhaps because he's got ten days to make her fall in love with him. Inspired by How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
It Happened One Knight by Klawdee - T, WIP - “A spoiled heir running away from his family is helped by an old classmate, who is actually a journalist in need of a story.” Based off of the 1934 film, It Happened One Night
It's All In The Malfoy Family by TwilightToMidnight - M, one-shot - Over a decade of longing and desire comes to fruition one night. Not quite the way Hermione expected but definitely with a bang. Everyone and their dog seem to be working against her. For the 2020 Dramione RomCom Fest. Loosely based off Sabrina (1954 - with Audrey Hepburn).
Love, Actually in Dramione by Blessedindeed - G, one-shot - I absolutely love the movie "Love, Actually" and was so excited to make some art pieces from a few of the more memorable scenes! Many thanks and kudos to QuinTalon & NuclearNik for hosting and being such amazing encouragers to everyone! I cannot wait to dive into all these fun pieces!!
Love, Hermione by pandora_rose_xo - G, WIP - When Hermione leaves some personal letters lying around in a sleepy haze, Dobby comes across them, and trying to be helpful delivers them to their recipients. Who were never supposed to see them.
Metamorphosis by persephone_stone - T, WIP - Draco Malfoy is king of Hogwarts High—student body president, captain of both the water polo and basketball teams, and boyfriend of Astoria Greengrass, the hottest girl in school. That is, until said girlfriend returns from Spring Break with some unexpected news: she’s dumping him for a college boy. Now, Draco is on a mission to win her back. And who better to help him turn into a more intellectual, cultured version of himself than Hermione Granger, the smartest girl in school? As he and Hermione spend time together, will Draco learn how to be the right type of boyfriend for Astoria? Or will he instead learn that maybe Astoria is not the right type of girl for him? Written for the Dramione RomCom Fest, based on the 90’s teen romcom She’s All That.
Midnight in Paris by Aneiria - E, one-shot - ‘Granger,’ Draco replied, casting a quick wandless charm to clean his own clothes. ‘Want to watch the magic you’re casting next time? Whatever spell that was, it nearly took both of us out.’ Hermione’s face settled into a frown of confusion. ‘I thought that was you,’ she said, hesitantly. ‘I wasn’t using magic.’ They both looked away at the same time, taking in their surroundings. ‘Where are we?’ Hermione wondered out loud, as she spun on the spot and took in the sights. It was the wrong question, really.
My Big Fat Muggle Wedding by BiscuitsForPotter - G, one-shot - Draco's gotten more used to having Muggles as future-in-laws, but what about his parents?
No More Waiting by anchoredto717 - T, one-shot - The end of Hogwarts, an impending Mastery, and confirmation that Hermione is well and truly over Ronald Weasley: three factors that push Draco into a place he never imagined. Is he really going to Harry Potter’s house party? A one shot heavily inspired by the 90s teen classic, Can’t Hardly Wait.
Off the Rails by RoseHarperMaxwell - E, WIP - For the Dramione RomCom Fest 💚 My adaptation of the movie Trainwreck (Amy Schumer/Bill Hader), featuring Draco in Amy's role. “Pans.” Draco’s head falls back petulantly. “I can't interview Granger, especially not about how she's healing Potter. Neither of them are going to want to talk to me. Make Creevey do it.” “No, you'll do it. And don't sulk at me, Draco.” Pansy shuts him down immediately, not that he expected to talk her out of it. She gives assignments, not suggestions. “Old Quidditch rivalries. Gryffindor Princess confiding in the Prince of Slytherin, with a side of The Boy Who Lived. You’re the only one for it.” She drops her pen on her notepad with finality. “She’s also fit as hell now. I’d even fuck her, so our readers will be drooling over her. This is easy, Draco. Don’t fuck it up.”
One Thing We've Got by IrisCalasse - M, WIP - Over a decade after the Second Wizarding War, Draco Malfoy is a broke socialite straddling the Muggle and magical worlds. One day a new neighbour moves in his residential complex. What has happened to Hermione Granger to make her hide from Ronald Weasley? If Cormac McLaggen is gay, why is he hanging around Granger so much? And why does her cat seem to know way too much about everything? Based on the plot of Breakfast at Tiffany's, but set in 2012 London with a magical twist. Updates every 16th of the month.
Pin down your heart by hiyas - G, one-shot - Hermione Granger contemplates a door when Destiny comes knocking.
Playing Cupid by tygermine - T, one-shot - Set It Up AU.
Pretty Witch by TakingFlight48 - E, WIP - When confronted with the opportunity to take on an alter ego - Hermione Granger, Potion's Mistress and the Wizarding World's Golden Girl became Vivian Roberts - London's weekend escort. For three years she lived in this duality until Draco Malfoy, lost in Soho and driving a precious DB6, wound up uncovering her secret. This is the tale of Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy finding a balance between work and love through the guise of fake dating, unacknowledged feelings, and Hermione not wanting to let go of a part of herself that is no longer serving her.
Promises, Promises by Musyc - T, one-shot - Lawyer and social work advocate Hermione Granger is one signature away from fulfilling her dream to have a house-elf education program. All she needs is to seal the deal, and Draco Malfoy has promised the full support of Malfoy and Son Developments. But the owner of the property is balking, there's a new buyer in the mix, and a promise isn't a contract.
The Proposal by FaeOrabel - M, WIP - When Head of Creatures Division of the DMLE, Hermione Granger, is pushed into a corner regarding a new marriage law she doesn't want to comply with, she gets the brilliant idea to stage an engagement with her long time, loyal assistant, Draco Malfoy. Draco goes along with the charade on the condition she gets him promoted to a new position. A deal set, they prepare to fool not only the Minister of Magic, but Hermione's best friend, and Draco's entire family. What could go wrong? Just the threat of Azkaban should they fail.
PS I love you by emotionalsupporthufflepuff - M, WIP - After a tragic accident, Hermione must reintroduce Draco to a life they've built far away from home. She recieves unexpected help in a series of letter written by Draco himself before the accident...
Regrets Only by nztina - T, WIP - Draco and Hermione are the best of friends - until Hermione goes off to teach at Hogwarts and Draco realises that he doesn’t just miss her. Upon her return to London, he intends to reveal his feelings, but she has a surprise of her own, one that will definitely put a damper on Draco’s plans. Draco. Hermione. And...Hermione’s fiancé?
Restless in Ripon by QuinTalon - T, WIP - Scorpius Malfoy wants his father to be happy again and as his grandfather often told him, a Malfoy always gets what he wants. A nosy radio host, well-meaning friends, and fate will help bring two lonely souls together. Well, that and one tenacious eight-year-old.
Rushing Back by floorcoaster - M, WIP - Draco Malfoy is thirty, surviving, and very much not thriving. He's near the utter end of himself when he experiences the worst of all possible bad days--a double betrayal that rocks him to his core. Unmoored, untethered, he winds up in a strange place, where he begins an adventure through time that will change the course of his life. A time travel fic with a twist on the movie "13 Going on 30."
Say Anything by MidnightValkyrie - G, 9 Chapters - To know Draco Malfoy is to love him. Hermione Granger is about to know Draco Malfoy. Written and created for the Dramione RomCom Fest, based on Say Anything.
She's the Snake by monsterleadmehome - E, WIP - In a universe where Voldemort never came back, Harry lives with Sirius, and Dumbledore isn't dying, the worst thing the Golden Trio has to contend with is their grades and Quidditch matches... oh, and the recent magical attacks on Muggles and Muggle-borns. Harry is sure Malfoy had something to do with it, and though Hermione doesn't agree, her sarcastic offer somehow turns into her latest nightmare: to go undercover as a boy in the Slytherin dorms and find out what's really going on. And maybe throw a Quidditch game or two. But there's one thing she hasn't prepared for: falling in love with the boy she's supposed to be spying on.
Signed and Sealed by niffizzle - M, WIP - She owns a children's bookstore. He runs a corporation buying significant shares of small businesses. Never in their lives have Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy gotten along — or so they think.
Timing is Everything by anne_ammons - M, 7 Chapters - Draco Malfoy is your average bachelor living an average bachelor's life, until he crosses paths with his former classmate, Hermione Granger. Strike that - when has Draco Malfoy ever been average? A retelling of the 1994 movie, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Dramione-style.
A Trip to Kouloura Beach by rennaissance_woman - one-shot - A day at the beach, what could happen?
The Truth About Kneazles and Crups by samkablam7 - T, WIP - When Draco Malfoy started hosting his wizarding radio show The Truth About Kneazles and Crups, he had no idea that it would bring Hermione Granger back into his life. He also didn't know that they would both be interested in each other. The only problem? She thinks that the radio host she's interested in is his best friend and Pro-Quidditch-player-wannabe, Blaise Zabini.
Untitled Marital Crisis Comedy by Darlingheart - G, one-shot - Draco is rich, handsome, and most importantly, excellent with the ladies. Harry Potter is not. Which is where Draco comes in. With Draco’s help Harry will learn there’s more to life than being a one-woman man. But what happens when Draco meets someone who changes his mind? And what does Hermione Granger have to do with it...
A Woman of Some Dignity by mcal - G, one-shot - That seemed to get his attention. “What are you—of course I respect you, you daft witch!”
“Your actions today show the opposite!” I answered. “And now if you’ll excuse me, I’m a woman of some dignity and I’d like to shower in peace. You’ll kindly wait half an hour before Apparating back to my flat.”  Hermione's not one for diaries, but it's been a week to say the least. It all started off with a confusing meeting with Draco Malfoy in her office, and... well, Hermione thought maybe recording her thoughts on the events would help her process. She isn't wrong.
You lost and lonely, You just like heaven by Wake_The_Dragon - T, WIP - Dramione Romcom Fest. Hermione Granger had needed something new and a change of scenery was a good start. What she hadn't counted on was renting a flat with an annoying (if handsome) ghost, who claims he isn't dead. Somehow, helping out a ghost and falling in love were two things she hadn't bargained for.
You Wish by Talonwillow (Ehollis303) - T, WIP - What makes a bad case of "Black Cat Flu" more tolerable? Young Perseus is learning that hearing about dueling, torture, revenge, giants, dementors, chases, true love, and miracles from his Grandfather Scorpius certainly makes things easier- If the man would finish the story that is. A story about love, where not even death can keep the beautiful feisty stable-girl and her sometimes irritating one true love apart. Together they must battle the evil Lord Voldemort through an adventure crossing the magical and fairy tale realm.
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micheleblack · 4 years
Contrary to popular belief Albus did not meet Scorpius on the Hogwarts Express his first year.
Instead he'd sat in a cabin with his brother James and his friends, quietly in the corner. He would be lying if he hadn’t been nervous, he was always the quiet one compared to his brother and he worried about making friends, sleeping away from his room, *sharing* a dorm - not that he couldn't handle it but it had felt like a lot all at once.
The feeling only got worse after the hat declared him "Slytherin."
Al had walked over to the table, determined not to let anyone see his disappointment. He’d felt like he didn't do a great job. 
That night he laid in his new four poster bed, surrounded by his favorite colored curtains, and tried not to cry. Big boys didn't cry - and they certainly didn't cry when they didn't know silencing spells yet. So instead he tore apart his lip with worry and fought back tears that burned the corners of his eyes. 
He felt like he didn't sleep at all that first night. 
He was jolted out of his skin the next morning by a loud cheery voice. 
"Wakey, wakey! Eggs and bakey!" A blond head stuck itself between Al's curtains. "You're the last one up, sleepy head."
Al nearly laughed at the floating head looking in at him. And he would have too if he wasn't so surprised. "Huh?"
"C'mon! To breakfast! We can't be late to our first day of classes!" The boy sounded so cheerful as he disappeared back through the curtains. Al rolled out of bed and grabbed his nearest robes. Pulling them on he introduced himself.  
"I know, silly," the blond replied, "we all introduced ourselves last night. I'm Scorpius, if you don't remember."
Al vaguely remembered but he'd been too anxious to pay attention while the rest of his dormmates had introduced themselves. "Sorry. I'm just not very good at meeting new people," Al said, trying not to feel too self-conscious. 
"Good thing I'm not a new person anymore," Scorpius replied without hesitation, grabbing his books. "Now, down to breakfast?"
They spent their first breakfast eating an entire platter of pancakes - Scorpius had about twenty and he forced Al to eat two.
It was the first of many breakfasts.
And when Albus rode the Hogwarts express at the start of his second year Scorpius wasted no time pulling him into a different cabin from James.
#altober Day 14: Hogwarts Express
For my entry I wanted to imagine what it they hadn’t met on the train - and serve up some wholesome young Scorbus in the process 💚🤍💚
@altobers-blog @clemandben @eleonorapoe
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hpfluff-fest · 4 years
🧁 HP Fluff Fest Week One Round Up 🧁
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The first week with fluffy fics and art is already over. Can you believe it? We certainly can’t. But don’t worry, we got a lot more where those came from. So here’s the first ever round up post for HP Fluff Fest.  
Albus Severus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy
🌻 god, you're beautiful by lov-lyness || @lov-lyness, Traditional Art (G)
Scorpius and Albus are by a lake, Scorpius's soulmark is showing.
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
🌻 The Case for Borrowed Underwear and Morning-After Pancakes by toutcequonveut || @cequonveut, Digital Art (Comic) (T)
Harry and Draco have just Done the Deed™️ for the first time. After a truly fantastic night, Harry wakes up alone in bed and wonders where Draco has wandered off to...
🌻 Age is just a number by gnarf || @gnarf, 1.5k (T)
Married for decades, their life is perfect.
Until Harry gets a call and hears the following words:
"Mr Potter, we caught your husband stealing ten large packs of King Sized condoms."
 🌻 Chasing Coffee by Yesimawriter || @foularcadebanana, 5.6k (T)
Harry's service dog, Coffee, is obsessed with a certain Slytherin prat, and Harry cannot figure out why. It can't be because Harry wants to spend more time with him, right?
 🌻 Seeking: pet carer for Bartholomew (four-year old rescue greyhound, no special needs)  by GallifreyisBurning || @gallifrey1sburning, 14.7k (E)
When Draco’s boyfriend ends their relationship rather abruptly (and, frankly, extremely rudely), he leaves Draco with full-time responsibility for their rescue greyhound, Bartholomew. Draco loves his dog with all his heart, but the long hours he works at his law firm mean that he can’t possibly be home as much as Bartholomew needs. Enter Sirius Pet Care, an app designed to solve this very problem! When Draco books Harry, he’s relieved at how quickly the man and his dog bond. He’s less relieved by how unexpectedly, distractingly attractive Harry turns out to be… and how Draco’s afternoon meetings keep being “mysteriously” cancelled, meaning that he JUST HAPPENS to be home when Harry comes by. After all, it’s not appropriate to ogle one’s employees… right? 
 🌻 Too Many Legs by vivi1138 || @penguinanimagus, 4.4k (T)
Draco is thrilled when his son produces a powerful bout of accidental magic. But unlike most children his age, Scorpius doesn't stop there, and soon Draco is overwhelmed. Harry just finds it funny. 
 🌻 Too precious to share by slowroad || @slowroad, 1.6k (M)
Harry and Draco are several months into their eighth year at Hogwarts. They've been in a relationship for a while now, but no one knows about them yet and they like it that way.
🌻 With a Bite and A Hiss (and Some Curry On Top) by Zandra Gorin || @zandragorin, 4.7k (T)
Draco keeps bringing animals home and keeps cooking curry for Harry. Harry is of the opinion that it has got to stop. Well, not the cooking curry part. 
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
🌻 Crookshanks and the Worst Weekend by Aneiria || @aneiria-writes, 2.1k (T)
In which Crookshanks' perfect weekend is ruined by the arrival of a tiny, annoying, infuriating kneazle kitten who follows him home, and the wizard who comes looking for it.
🌻 The Importance of Being Honest  by floorcoaster || @floorcoaster, 9k (T)
In the pursuit of the truth, sometimes nature lends a hand.
Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood
🌻 Sleepy Smiles by PhenomenalAsterisk || @phenomenalasterisk, 554 (G)
Luna’s eyes are still shut, though the corners of her thin lips are just barely quirked into a smile. “You missed the movie, love.” Ginny says quietly, pressing her lips against her hair in a brief kiss. 
Luna tucks her head further into Ginny’s neck and murmurs back, “I woke up for the best part.” Ginny smiles. It’s not unusual for Luna to enjoy her wife’s strength, in the bedroom and otherwise, though she has never asked for something as indulgent as being carried to bed. 
OR Ginny carries Luna to bed. Soft, sweet, and short bit of domestic fluff.
Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson
🌻 get off on whiplash by cjmasim || @lesbianlilyevans​, 6k (T)
Ginny manages to convince herself that entering the drawing was nothing other than a way to help a friend out by getting the numbers for The Quibbler's entries higher.
Naturally, she wins the drawing. 
Hermione Granger/Narcissa Malfoy
FIC 🌻 Life Is Good by Houseofmalfoy || @malfoylestrange, 1.2k (G)
Narcissa surprises herself with the number of times she thinks that little sentence, surprises herself with how genuinely happy she is with the way her life turned out, even if she’s no longer surprised at all by the person who gave it to her.
She’s happy. 
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theazkabandreamer · 4 years
Godfather Sirius
This story is based on my Baby Scorpius fic.
Can also be read here.
From above, the village of Godric’s Hollow twinkled like a star. Sirius thought that there was a sleepy calm about it and its streets were deserted as the inhabitants were asleep in their cottages on the warm summer’s night.
It made it easier for Sirius to land his motorbike which soared through the air with a roar. Sirius wouldn't be surprised if it woke up some of the people in the cottages.
He remembered the last time he came here on his motorbike; he got a telling off from a daft old bat who claimed that she was a historian.
But Sirius didn’t care what the neighbours thought tonight. Not when Lily was in labour.
The motorbike came in for a landing and hit the old cobbled streets with a thud and sped along the old cottages before coming to a stop. Sirius got off his bike and looked at James and Lily’s cottage.
There was a light on upstairs. Sirius went through the gate and was about to make his way to the door when it swung open revealing a visibly tired James.
"Did Lily-?" Sirius began but was interrupted as James tackled him in a fierce hug.
“She’s had the baby!” James shouted. “It’s a boy!”
“Fantastic!” Sirius grinned, pulling out of the hug to see James beaming like he had never beamed before. “What’s Lily doing?”
“She’s with the baby,” James said. “Listen, Sirius. I just want to say how much I appreciate you coming out to see us this time of night. I know how busy you are and everything.”
“Don’t mention it,” Sirius said gruffly. “You know I would drop everything for you.”
“Do you want to see the baby?” James asked. “Lily’s great with him. He only cried once. She started singing to him and he stopped. He’s been quiet ever since. And cute. He’s so cute, Padfoot as well as being so tiny. You should come in and see him, Lily won’t mind.”
James ushered Sirius in and led him upstairs to James and Lily’s bedroom. James knocked and entered and Sirius hovered in the doorway looking upon a wonderful sight.
Lily was sitting upright in bed, cradling a tiny bundle in her arms which she was singing softly to. She looked up at James’s knock and gave him and Sirius a radiant smile. 
“You get to meet Uncle Sirius.” She cooed at the bundle. 
“How are you, Lily?” Sirius asked as he stepped awkwardly into the room.
“Not too bad,” Lily said, smiling warmly at Sirius. “A little bit tired, but it’s worth it.”
Lily looked down at the bundle in her arms with so much tenderness, it took Sirius’s breath away.
“Are you ready to meet your Godfather?” She whispered at the bundle and Sirius felt as if his entire stomach had dropped out. Did she say what he thought she said? 
“Wait a minute,” Sirius said, feeling as if he had been hit with a stunning spell. “Godfather?”
“You didn’t tell him?” Lily asked, looking at James questioningly.
“Sorry,” James said sheepishly. “I was too busy chatting to him about the baby. Did I tell you how cute he is? And tiny? Just look at him.”
“What’s this about me being a Godfather?” Sirius asked before James could go off on a tangent.
“Oh yeah,” James said sheepishly, turning to Sirius. “Will you be Godfather to our son, Harry James Potter? I know it’s a lot, but you’re like my brother, Padfoot and I trust you with my life. Harry is in great danger now because of the prophecy and if anything happened to me and Lily, I know that you’ll be able to protect him.”
Sirius met James’s eyes and he knew that he couldn’t let James down. Had they not been brothers-in-arms all through Hogwarts?
“I’d be honoured, James,” Sirius said. “You know I’d do anything for you”.  
“Thanks, mate,” James said and shook Sirius’s hand. A peculiar feeling came over Sirius when he let go of James’s hand.- It felt as if they had sealed some sort of magical contract.
“I wholeheartedly approve, by the way,” Lily said, smiling up at Sirius. “But no giving him Firewhisky until he’s Seventeen.
James looked down at the bundle in Lily’s arms, a soppy smile on his face.
“He’s going to be a brilliant Quidditch player when he grows up,” James said. “I can’t wait to go flying with him.”
“He might not like Quidditch, James,” Lily said, rolling her eyes at her husband but smiling.
“He will,” James said. “Quidditch is in his blood.”
"If he flies like you do, Prongs, he's going to be unstoppable," Sirius said, grinning at James.
“Sirius, do you think you could do me a favour?” Lily asked. “I need to write a letter to my sister, so would it be okay if you held Harry for a bit?”  
“I’d love to,” Sirius said, smiling at Lily.
“Do you think Petunia is going to reply to you?” James asked Lily, looking at her with concern.
“Probably not,” Lily sighed. “But I have to try. We are sisters after all and maybe one day, Petunia will come around.”
For a moment, Lily looked quite sad but she was soon back to her cheerful self as she handed Sirius the bundle.
Sirius wasn’t sure how to hold the bundle properly.- He was worried about dropping it, but James showed him the proper way to hold the bundle and once Sirius was holding it, he peered inside to see a tiny boy with a large mop of jet-black hair that stuck out all over the place.
Sirius remembered when Mrs Potter showed him some of James’s baby photos when he stayed over James’s house during the summer holidays. It was like looking at those photos again. Harry looked so much like James that the resemblance was uncanny and Sirius couldn’t help letting out a sigh of wonder.
“I told you he was cute,” James said, peering over Sirius’s shoulder. Sirius could hear the note of pride in his voice.  “And look how tiny he is. “
“He’s got your hair, Prongs,” Sirius said with a laugh, grinning up at James.
Harry looked at Sirius with wide eyes that were the same shape as Lily's.
“And your eyes, Lily,” Sirius said softly. “He’s got your eyes.”
The baby looked at Sirius, his eyes trying to focus on his beard. A strange feeling welled up in Sirius. It filled his entire body, overwhelming him. It took Sirius a moment to realise that it was love.
Sirius wanted nothing more than to protect this small boy. This was James's son and Sirius loved him more than anything in the world. He wanted to be the best Godfather that he could be.
“Hello, Harry,” Sirius said softly and Harry’s eyes met Sirius’s. “We’re going to be such good friends.”
Sirius could see Harry trying to focus on his face. A tiny frown appeared on Harry’s little face and he reached out with a tiny hand and grabbed Sirius’s finger in a very strong grip.
“He likes you,” Lily said softly, looking up from her letter.  
Sirius’s eyes fogged over as Harry held onto his finger and shook it bringing a smile to Sirius’s face.  
“You’re right, Prongs,” Sirius said thickly. “He is cute.”
“Are you crying, Padfoot?” James asked with a sly grin.
“You don’t think it makes me pathetic, do you?” Sirius asked. He had hoped that being dressed in a leather jacket would’ve made him look a lot tougher than he felt.
“On the contrary, it makes you the coolest Godfather out there,” James said, giving Sirius a significant smile.
“I can’t believe that you’re both parents already,” Sirius said as Harry let go of his finger.  “It seems like yesterday when we all graduated from Hogwarts.”
“Now we’re stuck in the middle of a war with a madman hunting our son because of a prophecy,” James said grimly.
“We’ll get through it,” Lily said softly, sealing her letter with her wand. “Harry will be safe. Even if I have to die for him.”
Lily looked at Harry laying contentedly in Sirius's arms with the same tender expression she had earlier. James moved around so he was next to Lily and put his arm around her, kissing her temple.
"I'm proud of you both," Sirius said. "With parents like you, Harry is going to be a great wizard."
“He’s going to have a great Godfather to help him along the way,” Lily smiled.
Because of the war, there had been few things to celebrate. But a new life was a cause for celebration in a dark and dismal world. Sirius knew that things were going to be tough. James and Lily may have to go deeper into hiding with Harry now that he was born.  
Sirius didn’t believe in prophecies. But he couldn’t shake off the feeling that the birth of James Potter’s son was going to change everything.
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torestoreamends · 5 years
Light in the Darkness Day 3 – Magic Trick
The prompt for Day 3 of Light in the Darkness is Magic Trick. So here is a young Scorpius attempting to do a Muggle magic trick that he’s got (despite his father’s best efforts) from Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes.
“Mummy Mummy Mummy!” 
The front door slams in the hallway, followed by running footsteps. Astoria barely has time to brace herself before a tiny blond cannonball bursts into the drawing room and hurtles straight towards her.
“Scorpius Scorpius Scorpius,” she laughs, just about managing to catch him and pull him into a hug before he knocks the wind out of her. 
He scrambles upright and waves a bright orange paper bag at her. “Look what I’ve got! Look look look.”
“What have you got?”
He rustles his bag, trying to tip something out of it. It distracts him for long enough that Astoria can breathe and look up to see Draco standing in the doorway. He looks exhausted, and she grins at him.
“Fun morning?”
Draco grimaces. “We had ice cream.”
“Well that explains it.” Astoria ruffles Scorpius’s hair, and he stops playing with the paper bag for a moment and beams up at her. There’s a chocolate smear around his mouth. 
“We also went to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes...”
Astoria mock gasps at her husband. “I thought you’d vowed never to cross the threshold of that place.”
Draco flops into a nearby armchair with a weary sigh. “He moves very fast. I had to go in and rescue him.“
Astoria snorts and looks down at Scorpius. “Did you make Daddy buy you something funny? He needs to develop a sense of humour at some point I suppose.”  
She pretends not to see when Draco sticks his tongue out at her. 
“Yes!” Scorpius crows. He finally manages to tip something out of the bag, and he holds it up for her to see. “It’s a- a magic trick. But a Moogly one.”
“A Muggle one?” Astoria corrects, trying to hold him still for long enough to wipe the chocolate away.
“That’s what I said!” He starts unfolding an already chocolate-stained and slightly bedraggled bit of parchment. “Mummy, are you watching?”
“Yes, I’m watching sweetheart. Go on.”
“Okay.” He takes a small, dull, silver-gilt coin out of the middle of the square of parchment — Astoria realises it must be modelled on a Muggle £1 coin — then he flattens the parchment out and reads it for a moment. “This is a coin, okay?” He looks up at her for reassurance, and she nods.
“Okay. And now I’m going to make it disappear. I’m going to put it behind your ear.” He wriggles onto his knees, glances down at the parchment, which Astoria realises are a detailed set of instructions, then reaches up towards her ear. A moment later he pulls his hand back and unclenches his fists for her to see. “It’s gone!”
No sooner has he said it than the coin drops out of his hand. He looks down at it, glittering among the cushions, and his face falls. “Oh...”
Astoria picks the coin up and presses it into his hand. “My ear’s slippery. Have another go.”
Scorpius looks somewhat doubtful, but he dutifully lifts his hand back to Astoria’s ear and tries the trick again. Once more, the coin falls from his palm and his lip trembles dangerously.
“Why won’t it work? Maybe- maybe I’m not magic enough.”
“It’s a Muggle trick,” Draco says quickly. “It’s probably more than you’re too magical.” 
“But... but...” Scorpius picks his coin up and examines it. “But you can’t be too magic. That’s silly.” He reaches out to Astoria again, face screwed up tight, and this time, before he gets his hand anywhere near Astoria’s ear, the coin vanishes into thin air.
Immediately he lights up. “Mummy, Mummy look!” He waves his hand at her. “It’s gone!”
Astoria smiles and taps him gently on the nose. “Well done sweetheart.”
“Now I have to get it back again.” 
Draco clears his throat and gives Astoria an alarmed look. There’s no way the coin is coming back. Accidental Magic is so hit and miss, it’d take a miracle. Scorpius is brilliant, but no child has that sort of control.
“Maybe you can leave it there for a bit?” Astoria suggests. “The coin might be tired. It’s a big thing, being disappeared.”
Scorpius pulls a face. “No, I think it’s fine. It’s only done it once. How can it be tired already? Look.” 
He peers down at the instructions for a moment, then he reaches up and waves his hand by Astoria’s ear. When he pulls it back, it’s still empty and he frowns, turning his hand over and over. “It didn’t work.”
“It’s a very sleepy coin,” Draco says. “It’s had a big day.”
Scorpius shakes his head, face set in grim, stubborn lines. “No. I want it back.” He tries the trick again, then again, then again. “Why won’t it come back?” He asks, and there’s a telltale tremor in his  voice. “Mummy, it-it doesn’t want to play with me anymore. It doesn’t like me.” 
“No, sunshine.” She scoops him into a hug and rubs his back. “Of course it wants to play. It’s just playing a new game. Hide and seek!”
“But... but what about my game?”
Astoria meets Draco’s eyes over the top of Scorpius’s head and shoots him a desperate plea for help.
Draco frowns for a moment, thinking, then he gets up and comes over. “Maybe it wants someone else to play with too.”
Astoria only just catches the moment when Draco draws his wand and slips it up his sleeve, so he’s holding it by the very tip. Hoping he has a plan, she releases Scorpius and holds him as he twists round to face his dad.
“Does it want to play with you?” 
“Let’s see.” Draco passes his fingers smoothly past Scorpius’s ear, and when he holds his hand out, there’s a Muggle pound coin sitting in his palm. Scorpius’s face lights up in sheer wonderment.
“Mummy, did you see that? Daddy can do the trick too!” 
“I did see, and I’m very impressed. You’re both very magical.” 
Scorpius tugs on her sleeve. “Now it’s your turn.”
Astoria shakes her head. “No, no. I don’t think Mummy knows how to do magic tricks.”
“I definitely think she should have a go.” Draco holds the coin out to her, and she can tell by the hint of a smirk on his face that he’s going to hang her out to dry. Her wand is well out of reach on the table next to her, and he isn’t going to help. 
“Well...” she sighs. “If you insist.”
“Oh, we do.” Draco perches on the arm of the chair and brushes a bit of hair out of Scorpius’s eyes. “Don’t we?”
“We do we do we do!”
Astoria tries not to groan as Scorpius bounces up and down hard on her lap. “Alright, alright.” She puts a hand on top of his head and gently presses downwards until he stops bouncing and sits still, gazing up at her like she’s the most fascinating thing in the world. 
“I think Mummy needs a drum roll, don’t you?” Draco’s tone is perfectly dry but rich with amusement. His eyes are sparkling, and if Scorpius weren’t staring, Astoria would be sticking her tongue out at him or trying to tickle him off his perch onto the floor. 
“Drum roll!” Scorpius crows, pattering his hands hard against his dad’s leg. Draco winces but doesn’t complain — he was asking for that.
Astoria glances down at the instructions for the trick. It’s been a long time since she did any Muggle sleight of hand, so she’s out of practice, but this is something she can just about remember how to do. 
She lifts her hand, the coin still perfectly visible, and as she glides past Draco’s ear she tucks it away into the crease of her palm. When she shows her hand to Draco and Scorpius, she keeps it carefully angled to hide the coin, and Scorpius’s mouth drops open.
“You can do it too!”
Draco nods. “Well played.”
“Thank you. And here it is back again.” She passes her hand once more past Draco’s ear and slides the coin back into view. Scorpius claps delightedly, and she blows him a kiss before doing a smug little bow in Draco’s direction. He joins the applause, eyes still sparkling with mischief.
“You know what, Scorpius? Since Mummy is such an expert in Muggle magic, maybe she should take you to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes next time and help you pick a new trick.”
Scorpius’s eyes go round as moons. “Mummy, would you? Would you take me? I want to learn more tricks. Lots of tricks! All the tricks! There were card tricks and tricks where you can pull a rabbit out of a hat, and and- I want to be magic like you.”
She leans down and kisses his forehead. “You’re already magic, sweetheart. But of course. One day when I’m feeling well, we can go together. Maybe we can all go. A family outing.”
Scorpius tugs on his dad’s sleeve, bouncing up and down again. “A family outing. Daddy, will you come? Family outings are the best things in the whole wide world.”
Draco sighs. “There’s no way of getting out of this one, is there?”
Astoria looks down at her beaming, bouncing son and shakes her head. “Nope.”
“Alright then. Family outing. To Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. For Muggle magic tricks. It sounds delightful.”
“So delightful,” Scorpius sing songs, flopping across Astoria’s lap and resting his head against Draco’s side.
“It’ll be something to look forward to,” Astoria decides, poking Scorpius in the stomach, so he shrieks and curls himself up into a giggling ball. “And you know me. I’m always looking for things to look forward to.”
Draco leans across and kisses her on the cheek, ruffling Scorpius’s hair at the same time. “We’ll make it happen.”
Scorpius shines a golden smile up at them. “It’ll be the best.”
Astoria grasps hold of the optimism of her favourite people in the world and glows between the two of them with her own bright smile. “I certainly, certainly hope so.”
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thechosenferret · 6 years
A Drarry Samhain Headcannon
A little Drarry during Samhain cause I have too much homework and I just want a small break. (Also this is really late in the day but just ignore that.)
Ever since they got together Draco always slowly wakes Harry up in the morning with a pumpkin breakfast, a few things of tissues, and a bunch of hugs.
Already with the start of their altor set up so that they can light the candles and put the pictures of their dead friends and family on there together.
They both would feel too bad if they forgot a person so one wall of the room is dedicated to just pictures to honor all their dead friends and family.
Harry’s parents are always right in the middle, usually the picture of them dancing together (but of course they show up in a lots of other pictures too.)
Like always, they get a white candle that won’t burn out of a day and place it in the west facing window.
After they sit with all the candles for a while, Harry always makes sure that they both have the best costumes on the block.
After all, they can’t be sulky all day, there’s too much candy.
And because it’s easier to just ignore the actual world for a day, especially this day.
So they always bring Scorpius trick-or-treating around the neighborhood with Hermione, Ron, Hugo, Rose, and Teddy.
After having the biggest feast that they (and a bunch more friends and family) could fit into the burrow they hurriedly throw on their costumes and head out to the best trick-or-treating spots in London.
And all of them always try to do a giant group costume every year.
(Which are always way too extra compared to most of the muggles they see.)
Their favorite and first year they just went as witches.
But the cheap muggle version of it.
(Except for the few sparks that they only slightly showed off from their wands.)
At the end of the night when they decide that they gathered a good enough amount of candy to last till next year, they put the kids asleep and head over to the cemetery.
Which, by the time they finally got the kids out of their multiple candy rushes, was way too late for any pumpkins to still be lit.
As a group, they all apparate back to the remains of Harry’s childhood house.
Not very much is said during the hour as they visit most of their friends and families graves.
And they always bring along a never ending basket of everyone’s favorite flowers.
All found and created by hand by them.
Harry always starts and ends the journey at his parents grave.
Both times confronted by Hermione, Ron, and of course Draco.
Who he never forgets to mention to him just how much he loves him.
Some of the only words spoken in that time (along with Harry also thanking Hermione and Ron, but by now it just seems like it would be too crazy for them to miss it.)
Then they home and end the night with searching through all of their candy and eating most of it while watching a movie (or a better way to say it is them talking with a movie in the background.)
Finally, Draco pulls Harry to bed after picking off all the candy wrapping on the both of them and makes sure to not leave his side until morning.
For both support and cause Draco just loves to cuddle his sleepy Harry.
And they doze off together, stuff with candy and still half in their costumes.
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m0srael · 3 years
A Very Abbreviated List of the Ludicrous Places That I, Draco Lucius Malfoy-Potter, Have Found You, Harry “Bloody Saviour” Malfoy-Potter, Asleep:
1. The couch in the eighth year common room.
Oh, for Merlin’s sake, Draco, that’s not even weird! Couches are meant to be slept on! Everyone fell asleep on that couch!
It’s called a common room for a reason, Harry. It’s rude, first of all, and second—it’s gross! Do you know how many people have shagged on that couch? I can name at least ten right now!
2. My bed in the eighth year dorm.
My nightmares—
And don’t blame this one on your nightmares—
Fine. You got me, I admit it. I had a giant, embarrassing crush on you.
I knew it.
3. The floor of my mother’s drawing room.
In my defense, your mum’s way too liberal with the mulled wine at the holidays, and that hearth rug is unnaturally comfortable.
You’re not a crup, Harry. I’ll allow the couch before the floor. Honestly.
4. On my stoop.
Our stoop, thanks, and you locked me out! What else was I supposed to do?! Though, that welcome mat is almost more comfortable than your mum’s hearth rug, maybe I should…
Don’t you dare. I had to teach you a lesson about what happens to naughty boys who don’t listen.
I can think of a few other lessons I might need teaching.
5. In Scorpius’s crib.
That was one time, and neither of us had slept for more than two hours at a time for weeks! I just thought maybe he’d stop crying. I was right, by the way.
You couldn’t have been comfortable. I don’t even know how you got yourself in there, you massive oaf.
I have some news that may come as a shock, Draco. I’m a wizard.
I will lock you out again, Merlin help me…
6. In the front row at Elphias Doge’s funeral.
Oh, come on, even you were stifling a yawn every five minutes! I don’t care if the man was a war hero, he was older than dirt and just as dull! We were the only guests there under 100!
It was horribly gauche, Harry, and they ran that photo in The Prophet for weeks! Shame on you, you atrocious man. Stop laughing.
7. The honeymoon suite at the Ritz Paris.
What? I never—
Portkey leaves first thing in the morning.
You’ve been working so hard, we deserve a break. Molly’s going to watch Scorp.
But, Harry—
No buts. I’ve already confirmed it with your boss. We’ve got a whole week to drink wine and eat bread and do this, mmmf—
—hmff, wait, no, Harry. We can’t stay in the honeymoon suite, we’ve been married for seven years!
Oh okay, I’ll owl them right now and ask for a downgrade.
Now that I think about it…
Mmhm. C’mere. I’m feeling sleepy…
some fluffy words for @drarrymicrofic’s prompt “Sleepy”
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unicornsandphoenix · 7 years
Tuesday Morning Drabble
Hey everyone! So this is for the AMAZINGLY talented @staganddragon​ based 100% completely off of her song, which is one of the most gorgeous songs I have literally ever had the pleasure to hear. It is called Tuesday Morning. Please please please listen to it and follow her!!! I listened to this on repeat for an embarrassing amount of time. Anyways, lyrics from her song are in bold, and I hope you enjoy this Drabble that is much longer than originally anticipated! I at one point in time promised to write her something through a very long anon message, and well, let it not be said that I do not deliver. (Also this is my first ever fic and not edited or really looked over, so please be kind <3 )
ao3 link here
Forget what’s beyond the sheets I want to wrap you up in me And plant my roots inside your head ____________________
Harry could live off of the sight of Draco like this. Bed rustled hair, lips slightly parted, forehead smoothed of any worry from the day. The crack in the curtains of the dorm room let in the early morning light that made Draco’s hair glow golden. Harry felt the emotion in his chest threaten to burst, but he covered it up and hugged Draco closer to him. Draco let out a soft puff of air and snuggled closer.
“Mmm. What time is it?” Draco’s voice was soft, hidden from Harry’s roommates by the curtain, hidden from the outside world. Harry heart skipped a beat. He hoped to hear this voice a lot more in the future.
“Lets stay in today. Tuesday’s only History of Magic anyway,” Draco huffed out a soft laugh as Harry’s arms tightened around his middle. Harry nosed into his hair.
“One more minute,” Draco murmured, sliding further into Harry’s arms. And then, “Is skipping class going to be a regular thing with you, Potter?”
Harry smiled into his hair. “As long as I have you.”
“You’re a sap, Potter. How is this supposed to work?” But Harry could hear the smile in his voice.
Your laughter’s filling up my lungs You’re music and my heart’s a drum The whole of my world is right here in this bed ____________________
Sleepy green eyes opened to earnest grey. A soft glow filled the Grimmauld bedroom, which had lost the gloom ever since Harry has moved in after Hogwarts. Harry’s lips quirked up and he blinked the sleep out of his eyes.
“Ha! You blinked first.” Draco looked incredibly proud of himself, and Harry’s chest let out a rumble of laughter. He rolled over onto Draco and pinned him down.
“Mmm,” Harry hummed from above him. “I’d pick my battles if I were you,” and Harry attacked him. Draco pursed his lips, trying his damn hardest not to show his smile as Harry dug in his fingers, tickling his sides. The crinkle at his eyes gave him away.
“Harry!” Draco gasped. “Harry, no stop!” His pearls of laughter filled the room, filling up the space, filling up the emptiness in Harry. Harry had to stop, heart beating loudly in his chest, looking down at his boyfriend. Draco smiled at him then, still pinned beneath Harry. It was a real smile, small and deep, filling his eyes.
“Come on, Pet,” Draco whispered. “We need to get ready. It’s Tuesday. You have Auror training, and I need to get to potions lab.” Harry groaned and released Draco’s wrists to burry his face in his neck, breathing him in. Draco pushed at him. “Time to get up and save the world.”
“My world is right here. In this bed.” Harry didn’t mean for it to come out as it did, but after Draco didn’t freeze but instead blew out a gust of air and wrapped his arms around Harry’s back, Harry wanted to say it again.
“You’re my world, Draco,” He breathed into his ear.
The arms around him tightened as Draco whispered back, choked, “As you are mine.”
And then, “I knew skipping class when we first got together would have latent effects.” Harry could only laugh. ____________________
Just close the curtains, lie here for awhile Rain taps on the window, I’m trapped in your smile ____________________
Harry woke to rain tapping on the window. Draco was still asleep, breathing deeply on Harry’s chest, arm flung over his stomach. Careful not to dislodge his sleeping housemate, Harry reached over for his wand to cast some yellow glowing orbs that warmed up the room. He pulled the blankets back up and lay there for a while, a content grin resting on his face. Draco stirred and Harry looked down to a blinking, sleepy smile. He couldn’t look away.
Draco would never stop taking his breath away.
“Hey,” Draco breathed.
“Hey,” Harry breathed back.
“Let’s stay in today,” Draco said, closing his eyes and rubbing his head into Harry’s chest.
“I see I’ve converted you,” Harry smiled. He wrapped his arms tight around Draco, and let the rain lull him back to sleep. ____________________
The room’s a mess, but we’re just fine Uncork a cheap bottle of wine These sheets are white, but that’s okay You smell like morning and apple trees A mess of bedhead, elbows and knees We breathe ‘cause there’s nothing left to say ____________________
Harry cracked his eyes open, bleary from lack of sleep. Going out with Ron and Hermione on a Monday night was not their greatest idea. A cheep bottle of wine lay at the foot of the bed, clothes strewn across the room, flung on every available surface. Draco had complained about the white sheets, but drunk straight from the bottle anyways. The room whispered with last night’s laughter and happiness. Harry looked up at his boyfriend of seven years.
Draco had some drool coming out of the side of his mouth, a slight frown partnering a wrinkle between his brows. His breath covered Harry’s face, sour from sleep and wine, though still somehow smelling sweetly of apples. His hair was a mess, looking very similar to the hair Draco complained so much about on the top of Harry’s head. His elbows poked sharply into Harry’s side as he shifted closer in his sleep, and his legs were tangled awkwardly with Harry’s, causing them to dig into unpleasant places. He was completely uncomfortable, and definitely bared a little resemblance Fang.
Harry had never loved him more.
“Draco,” he whispered. “Draco, love, get up.”
“Wha,” Draco mumbled trying to nuzzle into Harry’s hair. “What time is it?”
“Draco,” Harry said softly, having never been so sure of anything in his life. “Draco, marry me.”
“Alright. Just five more minutes first, ok?” Draco arms wound tighter around Harry.
“Draco,” Harry frowned, heart pounding. “Did you hear me? Did you really just- Are you sure? You want to-” Harry babbled as Draco rolled atop and stopped him with a soft kiss.
“Yes.” He stared down at Harry, a small smile gracing his lips. “This is the easiest, and easily the best, choice I have ever made in my life.”
Harry’s blood rushed through his veins and he gripped Draco’s arms. “I don’t have a- Well, it was a spur of the momen-” Draco cut him off with another kiss.
“Harry,” He whispered against his lips, his hands cradling Harry’s face. “I love you. I will never love another more than I love you. I will say yes to the end of my days, with or without a ring.”
Harry’s breath fluttered against Draco and he closed his eyes to stop the tears.
“Let’s stay in today. Make a weekend out of this Tuesday morning.” Harry let out a small sob and nodded.
The rest of the morning was spent in each others arms, sharing breaths and soft kisses. No words were exchanged. There was nothing left to say. ____________________
You whisper “I love you” for just us to know It’s only Tuesday but I don’t think you should go ____________________
Harry was only aware of soft beeping on the edge of his consciousness.
Someone was crying. Harry wanted to comfort them, but he couldn’t seem to move. He could just make out Blaise’s deep voice ordering someone around. Harry’s head hurt. The blast from the Auror mission gone wrong that morning rang in his ears. He hoped Draco’s meeting this morning was going better than this. Oh god, Draco! Harry’s mind frantically tried to send out a signal from his body. Someone grabbed his hand. The sounds faded away and the only this Harry could focus on was the smooth cold press of metal against a finger. A ring. Draco’s ring. Harry put all his effort into twitching just one finger, moving just a couple millimeters. His mind swam, drifting away from him and his frustration of not communicating.
A gust of breath against his ear, a brush of lips against his cheek. “I love you,” was whispered into his ear, just for him. Harry struggled against the impending darkness. He didn’t want Draco to go. But everything soon turned off. ____________________
So breathe me in and pull me closer Even if it’s just a minute Make sure that there’s some feeling in it I love you, I think that’s clear So I’m keeping you without a warning Let’s make a weekend of Tuesday morning ____________________
Harry was lost in Draco’s kisses. “How much time do we have?” He murmured between them. Draco hummed as he sucked on Harry’s bottom lip.
“Only a minute or so,” Draco pressed a line of kisses along Harry’s cheek.
“Better put some feeling into it then,” Harry gasped, lost for breath. Draco pulled him closer, and Harry breathed him in, burying his nose in Draco’s neck and pressed small kittenish kisses to his collarbone.
Small, running footsteps were heard running down the hall. Draco chuckled and Harry groaned. “I think our time is up, Love,” Draco said, pushing his lips one more time against Harry’s.
The door flew open to a flurry of arms and legs that jumped up onto their bed.
“Morning!” Scorpius flung himself down between his parents, welcoming the pairs of arms that moved to hug him. He started gushing about last night’s dreams. Recently, after a visit to Uncle Neville and Aunt Pansy, they were filled with carnivorous plants and whomping willows. Draco smiled down at their son. His eyes lifted to meet Harry’s over Scorp’s head. The I love you’s were left unspoken, but shone in their eyes.
“Hey, Scorp,” Harry said suddenly, smiling at their son’s sudden silence. “What do you say we go to the arboretum today? Take a look at some of the plants in your books.” Draco’s eye brows rose up at Harry.
“Really?” Scorp cried, jumping up. “But it’s Tuesday!”
Harry grinned. “Yes, really. Get some pancakes started and we will make a weekend breakfast before we go.” He smiled as his eyes followed an excited Scorpius out of the room, bouncing and exclaiming something about bringing his plant encyclopedia along. Harry turned back to Draco.
“That didn’t give me much warning,” Draco sounded disapproving, but his smirk gave him away.
Harry leaned forward to give him a kiss. “I want to keep you for the day. You and Scorpius.”
Draco was still smirking as he sighed. “Let’s make a weekend of Tuesday morning then.” ____________________
So breath me in and pull me closer even if its just a minute make sure that theres some feeling in it I love you, I think that’s clear So I’m keeping you without a warning Let’s make a weekend of Tuesday morning ____________________
Harry’s breaths were labored. “I love you,” He said into Draco’s grey head where it lay on his chest. He knew Draco knew, but he wanted to say it aloud one more time. Draco took some gasping breaths, as if he was trying not to cry. “Hold me,” Harry rasped.
Draco clutched him with frail hands and breathed him in. Harry felt him, really felt him, as he surrounded his senses.
Harry only had a minute or two left.
He clutched Draco harder and met Scorpius’s eyes on the side of the bed. Scorpius was clutching his new son in his arms, silent tears running down his face. “ I love you all, my family, with all my heart.” Harry had to stop to breath in, coughing. “I am so incredibly happy. Please know that. I am so, so happy. I have everything I need, I had everything I needed.” Draco let out a whimper and clutched him harder.
“Draco, love,” Harry nudged his face up, closer to his own. He held the face of his lover in his hands, wiping the tears running down his face away with his thumbs. “We will see each other soon. It won’t be that bad.”
“I’m keeping you,” Draco blurted out, clutching at Harry’s grey hair. “Don’t go.”
Harry smiled sadly, and angled Draco’s head down so their foreheads were touching. “You’ve always had me. I will forever be yours. Even after I die.”
Draco’s tears fell onto Harry’s face. Harry was so tired. He was so tired and so content. He wanted to just drift asleep. He could see his parents, Remus, Sirius in the corner of the room, coming into focus as the rest of reality slowly faded away. He struggled against it for one more moment. “I love you, Draco,” He whispered, and pressed one last kiss to his husband’s lips.
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littlerose13writes · 7 years
Gwyffindor by LittleRose13
Albus Potter loves Uncle Charlie’s gift for him when he turns two. As he gets older, it starts to mean something different to him.
Words: 2,519 Characters: Albus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy Read it on AO3
“Albus, what do you say?”
“Fankyou Uncle Charlie,” Albus replied obediently, holding his present in both hands. He carefully unwrapped it, managing to do it all by himself for once.
Inside was a bright green dragon with purple wings and a yellowy tail. The dragon was soft and squishy and Albus immediately hugged the little toy to his body, squeezing its wings to his chest tightly.
“I think he likes it,” Ginny smiled at her brother who seemed to be incredibly touched at how well his gift had been received.
The dragon quickly became Albus’ favourite toy and he took the little thing everywhere he went. He’d run around the garden, flapping the toy’s wings as he went; when baby Lily came along, he’d rock his little dragon the same way Mummy rocked his baby sister; he’d have long and elaborate conversations with the dragon about how best to breathe fire and every night he’d curl up with the dragon clutched in his hand, a thumb in his mouth as he stroked one of the soft wings over the tip of his nose.
One day, James pointed out that Albus’ dragon didn’t have a name. Albus had been confused by this concept, because why would his dragon need a name? He was the only dragon there was in the house, the same way there was only one Mummy, only one Daddy, only one Lily and only one James.
But once James had put this idea in Albus’ head, there was no going back. His dragon needed a name.
Albus’ search for a name coincided with the time Teddy started talking about Hogwarts lots, and James suddenly had more questions than Harry and Ginny knew what to do with. Every night before bed, Albus would settle down with his dragon, and his daddy or his mummy would sit on the end of the bed with James curled into them and they’d tell them stories about Hogwarts and all the magical things that happened there. Albus would fall asleep dreaming about Gryffindor Tower and cauldrons and feasts and Quidditch.
“Mummy, where’s Gwyffindor?” Albus had come running into her bedroom one morning, in a panic because he’d woken up and his dragon was nowhere to be seen.
“Where’s what?” Ginny had understandably been confused by his question.
“Gwyffindor! My dwagon,” Albus said, his bottom lip quivering.
Ginny helped Albus locate his dragon, which had fallen under his bed.
“Gwyffindor!” He hugged the dragon to him like he had when he’d first received the toy.
“Is that his name now? Gryffindor?” Ginny asked her son in amusement.
Albus nodded very seriously.
Gryffindor the dragon grew up with Albus, he spent all of Al’s toddler years playing right alongside him and, when Albus started school, he rode along in his coat pocket on the first day. Albus liked to tuck Gryffindor under his arm when he was playing so he had full use of both hands.
As Albus got a bit older, Gryffindor would stand guard in his bedroom all day, proudly atop his pillow ready for Albus to give him a cuddle as they both fell asleep at night. When he was a bit older still, Gryffindor found a nice home tucked into the corner of Al’s bed, beside his pillow and there in the night just in case Albus needed to reach for him.
When Albus was eleven, he was faced with a rather large dilemma. Because in just a few months, he would be leaving for Hogwarts and sleeping in a dormitory with boys he didn’t know, and what if none of them had a dragon? James didn’t have a toy like Gryffindor.
Albus conducted an experiment and he put Gryffindor on the window sill, hidden behind the curtains, positioned so Albus knew Gryffindor could still see him, and settled himself in bed to go to sleep. In the middle of the night, he crept out of bed and retrieved Gryffindor.
Albus tried not to think about his experiment all the way up until the last week of August when it was time to pack his trunk for Hogwarts.
“And Gryffindor of course,” said Ginny, going to place the toy into Albus’ open trunk. “You can’t forget him.”
Albus gave her an anguished look. “Mum, will people laugh at me? James didn’t bring a dragon in his first year.”
“No, James brought his niffler,” Ginny said conversationally. “You know, the one he’s had since he was a baby.”
“What? He told me he sold Niffles to Uncle Percy when Lucy was born!” Albus realised how stupid that sounded now he was saying it out loud.
“Bring Gryffindor, Al. Trust me, it’s nice to have a little piece of home there with you.” Albus nodded gratefully and tucked Gryffindor inside his dressing gown in his trunk.
It was his first night at Hogwarts and Albus had never felt more miserable in his life. He drew the hangings around his bed so he was sure nobody could see and withdrew Gryffindor from the inside of his dressing down. He stared at the toy, taking in the familiar facial features.
“How stupid of me, thinking I could be a Gryffindor,” he whispered to the toy and he felt like the dragon was watching him and judging him. I expected to be spending my first night at Hogwarts in Gryffindor Tower, Albus. We were meant to laugh about how that’s where you got my name from. But I suppose we’re stuck here in Slytherin, where I don’t belong.
Albus stuffed Gryffindor under his pillow as far as he could and tried to get to sleep.
It was three days into his first year at Hogwarts and Scorpius Malfoy was still the only person who spoke to Albus without blurting out some unkind comment or another, or just outright staring at him as if expecting him to start performing spontaneously.
Every morning when he woke up, it was to discover that his tie had gone missing again, and it would always turn up in the strangest of places, but not before he’d been told off by a teacher for not wearing it. Every lesson was peppered with people staring and Polly Chapman and her friends loudly wondering why Albus was such a terrible wizard. Every evening he lay in bed, thinking about his stupidly named dragon stuffed under his pillow where he could pretend it didn’t exist.
Albus tossed and turned, unable to feel sleepy when his thoughts were rushing through his head at top speed. His pillow felt lumpy and strange and he realised he was sleeping directly on top of Gryffindor’s spiky tail. He pulled the toy out sharply and held it in front of him like it was something from the bottom of a sewer.
The toy was so familiar, so comforting, such a strong reminder of home that Albus couldn’t bear to look at it any longer. He took the dragon in one hand and held onto its wing with another and tore it clean off. It ripped neatly at the seam until one wing lay sadly on the bed. Until it was joined by the other wing, and then the tail, and both legs.
Poor Gryffindor the dragon was in pieces, his stuffing poking out and his face looking strangely flat. Albus threw the pieces into his trunk, hoping they’d get buried under the rest of the year’s rubbish. He turned over and cried, somewhere his sobs turning to sniffles and then eventually snores.
Albus felt cold and empty at breakfast and it wasn’t just because he had nobody to talk to at the breakfast table (Scorpius was nowhere to be seen that morning). He kept thinking about his dragon, ruined forever and hidden in his trunk.
Get a grip, Al. It’s just a stupid toy, he told himself, imagining what James would say if he knew what Albus was thinking.
He was in the dormitory, collecting his forgotten Charms textbook when Albus spotted something most surprising sat atop his pillow with a note attached.
I’m all better again, hope you didn’t miss me too much Albus!
The note was pinned to Gryffindor’s wing, but the wing was firmly attached to his body, as was the other wing, and both legs, and his tail. In fact, Gryffindor looked just as he had when Albus had reluctantly packed him the night before he arrived at Hogwarts.
“Who fixed you?” Albus muttered to himself, not the toy. Was this the sort of thing the Hogwarts house elves did? Fix ripped toys when their owners had meltdowns and destroyed them?
It was strangely comforting to see little Gryffindor looking like he did when Albus was growing up, even if he was now the most ridiculously-named stuffed dragon to ever exist. He reminded Albus of home and of a time when everything was just that little bit easier, but he didn’t feel himself wanting to rip and destroy this time.
The dormitory door opened and Albus dropped Gryffindor as if he were scalding hot. The newly repaired dragon bounced off the pillow and landed on the floor at Albus’ feet. He went to kick the toy under the bed so Scorpius wouldn’t see, but Scorpius was staring right at the little toy dragon.
“Are you okay?” Scorpius said very meaningfully. He crossed the room and picked Gryffindor up, sitting him neatly on top of Albus’ pillow as he had been before. The note was lying on the bed nearby.
“Of course I’m okay,” Albus replied, embarrassed that Scorpius seemed to think he slept in bed with a toy.
“That was really hateful of them to rip your dragon.” He spoke very seriously, patting Gryffindor’s wing.
“How did you know he’d been ripped?”
“I found his wing in my trunk. Are you angry with them?”
Albus stayed silent, not sure if he wanted to admit that he had ripped the dragon up himself in a fit of rage.
“I think I might be a bit angry with them. That’s such a cruel thing to do.” Scorpius sounded as if he were being deadly serious, no hint of amusement in his voice at all.
“Scorpius, actually it was-”
“That’s why I fixed him for you, I tried to make him just like I imagined he would have been when he was brand new. I hope I got it right.”
“It was you who fixed him?” Albus stared at Scorpius in surprise.
“I thought you’d recognise my handwriting.” Scorpius shrugged and picked up the note. Albus read it again, this time imagining his new friend repairing his dragon with his wand and writing the note out.
“You must be really good at fixing spells,” Albus said, inspecting the joins of Gryffindor’s wings and realising it was barely noticeable that he’d been ripped apart only the day before.
“I didn’t use a spell, I wasn’t sure which one I would need so I did it by hand.”
“You can sew?” Albus looked at the joins again, imagining Scorpius crafting them with a needle and thread.
“A house elf helped me a bit. Mum taught me to sew once, it’s not too tricky.” Scorpius looked uncomfortable and Albus felt a rush of gratitude towards his new friend.
“Thankyou Scorpius! You didn’t have to.” Albus smiled, the first time he’d really and truly smiled since arriving at Hogwarts.
“I wanted to. That’s a horrid thing to do to somebody.”
“Um, Scorpius?” He looked up with wide eyes. “It was me. I ripped him up.”
“You did?” It was Scorpius’ turn to look shocked. “But… why?”
“Promise you won’t laugh?” Scorpius shook his head emphatically. “Okay, I’ve had him since I was two, my Uncle Charlie bought him for me, and it was right around the time Mum and Dad started telling us stories about what Hogwarts was like. And I was only two remember, so I named him-”
He broke off, silently deciding he could trust Scorpius not to laugh at him or be offended.
“Gryffindor,” he finished in a whisper, looking away from Scorpius. “I wasn’t going to bring him to Hogwarts, but then at the last minute he sort of, fell into my trunk. But now I’m a Slytherin and it just seems stupid so I’ll have to change his name and yesterday was such an awful day and I was in here and I was looking at him and I just… snapped, I suppose.”
“Have I spoiled something meaningful to you? Did you want him gone?” Scorpius’ ears had turned pink.
“No, I didn’t want him gone,” Albus answered in a very small voice. “I felt horrible this morning, like I’d ripped up my childhood best friend.”
“But look, he’s back and right as rain!” Scorpius picked up the toy, making him fly around.
“You probably think I’m an idiot, caring so much about a stupid toy when we’re eleven.” Albus felt a bit silly all of a sudden.
“He’s not a stupid toy!” Scorpius cried indignantly, moving to his own bed and bringing Gryffindor with him. “Who cares if we’re eleven?”
Scorpius lifted up his own pillow and retrieved a small, stuffed hedgehog. He turned back to Albus, a toy in each hand.
“Gryffindor, meet Chog.” He held the toys so they were facing each other, as if they were really meeting for the first time, and addressed the dragon. Albus grinned at the sight. “He doesn’t normally come out from under my pillow but I trust your Albus not to give his position away to anyone untrustworthy.”
Albus knew what this meant: we won’t tell anybody else about our toys.
He stood up to collect Gryffindor from his friend, smiling widely at Scorpius as he did so. “Thanks, Scorpius.”
“No problem. Albus?” Albus turned from where he was hiding Gryffindor back under his pillow. “Don’t change his name. It meant something to you at the time, it can still mean something to you now, whichever house you’re in.”
Albus nodded, tucking Gryffindor neatly away out of sight. “You’re right.” He crossed the room and sat beside Scorpius on his bed; it was the first time either of them had done that.
“So he’s Chog the Hedgehog?” Albus let the faintest of smirks show, because he thought Scorpius would appreciate it.
Scorpius did, he grinned widely and started to laugh. “We had hedgehogs in the garden growing up, I used to chase them until Mum showed me how to coax them towards me so I could feed them instead. I loved those little hedgehogs. So for my third birthday, they bought me this. But I couldn’t say hedgehog properly, I was only three remember, so I used to call him Chog. It stuck.”
He was holding the hedgehog out in front of him and inspecting him from all angles. He looked up at Albus and grinned, putting the toy back under his pillow.
“Scorpius?” His new friend looked at him questioningly.
“Yes, Albus?”
“Thankyou. You’re a good friend.” Albus smiled, fully appreciating the person sat next to him.
Maybe Slytherin wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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omg-imatotalmess · 7 years
Scorpius Why
Hey guys! I swear I’m working on a bunch of stuff, really I am. College has been taking up a lot of my time already. I promise that I’m not abandoning my fics. Here be this little thing! Sorry it’s short. Hope you enjoy! 
P.S. I know nothing about babies other than I hate them. Don’t ever let me be a mother. I have zero maternal instinct 
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Requested: Yes 
@missesfelton Requested: Hey! I love your writing! So I was hoping you could make an amazing Draco X Reader out of a shitty request? Something like: your first (or some other if you want) night with baby Scorpius and Draco and yourself (other Reader)? Hope it will work, thanks
Warnings: Swearing
Draco was going to cry. You were this close to crying. Scorpius was already crying and there lies the issue. It was three in the morning, both you and your husband had to be up in three hours, and no one was getting any kind of sleep. Though, the screaming and crying should have been expected of a baby who was only a few months old. 
Sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery, both of you tried in vain to calm your child. His little face was red and he was crying nonstop. Anything you did just seemed to have no effect on him. Draco laid a hand on your shoulder, offering to take Scorpius from you for a while. Handing the baby to him, you got out of the rocker and ran your fingers through your hair. You could feel the tears building in your eyes. You just wanted him to shut up. 
“Come on, Scorp, aren’t you even a little sleepy?” You muttered.
“WAHHHHHHHHH!!” No. He was not. 
“Why don’t you go lay down for a while, love,” Draco said, nudging you towards the bedroom. 
“It’s not like I’m gonna get any sleep anyway,” You sighed. 
Another hour passed and Scorpius had yet to show any signs of stopping. Draco had handed him off to you again as he scrubbed at his face with both hands. You watched him, knowing that he was just as tired as you were. Bouncing the baby lightly, you wandered aimlessly around the nursery. Every step you took, Draco was right at your side. You appreciated that. On a particularly loud cry from Scorpius, Draco began to speak. 
“I understand now why you said you didn’t want children,” Draco said, sheepishly. You glared at him. You hadn’t ever cared much for children, but you gave in upon his insistence. 
“Do you?” You snapped. Your husband’s eyes widened. It was very rare that you snapped at anyone, especially him. 
“WAHHHHHHH!!” Scorpius began to shriek louder. Sucking in a deep breath, you forced yourself to calm down. You getting angry wasn’t going to solve anything. 
“He gets this from you.” Draco stared at you, opening his mouth to say something else. 
“You bitch and moan just as much as your son, so shut your mouth, Malfoy.” He did, in fact, shut his mouth after that. You bounced the baby in your arms for a few more minutes before Draco began to speak again. 
“I’m sorry,” He said, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
You were so fucking tired. Laying your head back onto Draco’s shoulder, you looked down into your son’s angry little face and a dam broke. Tears spilled over your lashes and cascaded down your cheeks. God, you felt like such a terrible mother. You couldn’t make everything okay for you baby and that was all a mother was supposed to do. As soon as Draco noticed, he turned you to look at him. Long, pale fingers wiped away the rivers of tears. 
“Don’t cry, (Y/N),” He said, quietly. A sob erupted from your mouth. 
“I can’t help it! I’m frustrated, I’m tired, and I can’t make him stop crying! I feel like such a failure of a mother!” You sobbed. Draco’s arms slid around you as he pulled you to his chest. 
“You aren’t a failure of a mother,” He whispered, kissing the top of your head. 
“B-But...” He stroked the back of your hair, shushing you softly. 
“Breathe, darling. You’re a wonderful mother,” He soothed. You sniffled, forcing in a deep breath. 
“Sorry, I’m just.... this is just...” You said. Draco kissed your hair again. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” He said. You stood there for a few moments, just letting him hold you. When you pulled back, Draco gave you a tired smile and you offered a watery one in return. You held Scorpius, who was still crying, up to your face. 
“You’re a lot of trouble, just like your Dad, you know that?” You said, sniffling slightly. Out of nowhere, Scorpius stopped crying. 
“Ahh,” He cooed, reaching a tiny hand towards your tear stained face. 
“Another thing you do just like your father,” You mumbled, letting the baby rub his little hands over your cheeks and slap at them lightly. 
“Pardon?” Draco said, indignantly. 
“Please, don’t act like you never made me cry and then tried to backtrack for your life,” You giggled, thinking back to your younger years at Hogwarts. The two of you fought a lot when you first got together. 
“Touché,” He said. Scorpius grugled softly, tugging your hair lightly before yawning. Finally, you laid him in his crib and went back to your shared room. 
Both of you crawled back into bed, snuggling together. Draco held you close to him and you flopped onto his chest. Yes. Sleep. That was all you needed. You tried not to think about the fact that he’d probably have you up again in another hour or so; focusing instead on Draco’s hands rubbing your back. Sighing, you nuzzled his chest, placing lazy kisses there. 
“It’ll get better, you know,” He said. You laughed sleepily. 
“I fucking hope so because, if he’s still doing this at sixteen, you’re on your own,” You chuckled. You could almost feel Draco roll his eyes. 
“I’m sure he won’t be,” He said. 
“As I said earlier, you were.” He kicked you softly under the sheets. 
“Shut it, (L/N),” He grumbled. You looked up at him, smirking. 
“Malfoy, my last name is, Malfoy.” His eyes were closed and he pushed your head to this chest, holding you there. 
“Not when you’re speaking against me,” He muttered, mostly asleep. Closing your eyes, you cuddled closer to his warmth. Maybe you weren’t getting a lot of sleep, but you were glad that you had your boys, bitching and moaning or not.   
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Late Nights Part 5
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Five years later...
Draco was stirring a pot on the stove when hands wrapped around him from behind. Instantly, a smile lit up his face. He continued to tend to the food until he was turned around to face his snuggler. 
“Happy anniversary,” Harry mumbled before connecting their lips in a short, but sweet, kiss. 
“You remembered. It’s a miracle,” Draco replied. Harry scrunched up his nose. 
“I told you I’d never forget again. Especially with everything that has happened on this day through the years. Let’s take a trip down memory lane, yeah?” Harry suggested. Draco nodded, urging Harry to continue.
“Well, ten years ago we had a very first kiss. That was the day that I realized you were it for me, you know. There was no way I could find someone as great as you. Then, five years ago, I was an incredible prick. However, you forgave me and let me pick a ring on your left finger. I will forever be grateful for that. Four years ago, we shared vows and I promised to make you the happiest man alive for the rest of our lives.” At this point, Draco and Harry shared a deep kiss. Finally Harry broke off to add, “And two years ago, we got the call that gave us the whole world, and then some. Lily and Scorpius. From that point on, we decided to make a world for them that we never had. If  I’m being honest, I would say we’re doing a great job of it, too.” 
Draco wrapped his arms tighter around his husband and laid his head in the crook of his neck. Wandlessly and silently, the radio came on to play a slow song. They didn’t know what it was, but they still swayed slightly to the tune. 
“I need to finish dinner,” Draco murmured. Harry hummed and let Draco go. Draco turned back to the stove. Harry walked to the cupboards to set the table. 
“Ron and Viktor really didn’t mind? Watching the kids?” Draco asked with a hint of worry. 
Harry chuckled and said, “It was their idea in the first place. We haven’t had a night to ourselves in so long, Draco. They were practically begging to watch them for us.” Draco worried his lip. 
“Is it bad that I miss them? After only an hour?” he asked. Harry came up from behind him once more and hugged him, plates in his hands and all. 
“I miss them too. It’s strange to not have them around, but this will be good for us. We haven’t had time for us in nearly two years,” Harry said. He trailed kisses down Draco’s neck and Draco sighed. 
“You’re right. We need a break,” Draco breathed. Harry left one final kiss before detaching himself to finish placing the dishes on the table. 
When the food was finished and they brought an end to a very long dry spell, they laid together on their shared bed. Draco filled with warmth as he remembered that this was all his. He wouldn’t pick any other way to spend the rest of his life. 
“I love you,” he whispered. 
“I love you more,” Harry responded, sounding sleepy. With that, they slept with the promise of forever. 
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