#but idk these gives me very beauty and the beast vibes
sleepanonymous · 8 months
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cheekinpermission · 2 months
Happy 500 followers!!
How about 1 and 10 for the ask game?
Thank you for you participation, anon! Ask game is here! Send them in if you want <3
1. Who's hand did you first grab? Why? Would you choose someone else if you could do it over again?
I grabbed Idia's hand! When I first got into TWST, I had absolutely no clue what I was getting into so I really just went based on which voice actors I recognized LOL. I know Kōki Uchiyama from a ton of different anime (JJK, Buddy Daddies, Haikyuu, BNHA, Yuri on Ice, etc.) so I just went with his character. While Idia doesn't crack the top 5 for me, I don't think I'd choose again. The only reason I would is if it impacted the story somehow but I really doubt it will. I'm COMITTED.
10. Top five favorite characters?
Grim occupies all top five spots. BUT since that's boring, so I'll limit my choices to the main cast lmao. (My love for the dire beast is PROFOUND) I got VERY wordy here so here's the short answer: 1. Riddle Rosehearts
2. Vil Schoenheit
3. Malleus Draconia
4. Ruggie Bucchi
5. Kalim Al-Asim Explanation below the cut! (I got very excited to talk about my favorites and wrote a lot so I figured I'd condense it for people who didn't want to scroll through it all lol whoopsies.)
1. Riddle Rosehearts - I have no explanation for this?? He's pretty much the opposite of my usual favorite characters so idk what happened here. I've always been drawn to the Alice in Wonderland aesthetic so maybe that has something to do with it? He's got such great character writing, too?? Everything about his personality just makes sense when you know his backstory. When we learn that Riddle's tyrant of a mother was strict and controlling over him, the pieces just seem to fall into place. His whole life was just following her rules and studying like a good little boy, and when he stepped out of line even a little bit he was reprimanded harshly for it. Of course, he's going to the exact same thing once he's in a position of power. It's all he knows. He's just another version of his mother. Not only does he uphold the tradition of punishing rule breakers rather severely as he was when he was younger, I think there's also an element of fear there as well. Like, his mother just instilled an innate fear of breaking rules because bad things would happen if he didn't follow them exactly. I really do see Riddle as a scared little boy who is suddenly realizing that he was set up for failure by his own mother. And THEN he makes an honest effort to improve himself post-overblot?? His transformation after the fact is one of the more obvious ones and I'm just so proud of him. A THOUSAND HEAD PATS!! Okay, I'll stop rambling about him lmao I love Riddle sm (Also want to make clear I'm not saying Riddle was right for anything he did, only that I appreciate how his character was handled. Added for legal purposes so people don't come after me :c ) 2. Vil Schoenheit - This one comes as no surprise to me. Pretty boys who challenge gender stereotypes are RIGHT up my alley. Like Riddle, I think Vil has some great character writing is one of the more complex characters in the game. He just feels so compassionate to me?? I don't know how to explain it - he just gives such nurturing vibes. I'd trust this man with my drink at a bar fr fr. And then he tells Epel off for saying ballet is too "girly" for him?? Thank you TWST for bringing me this man. I pray at the altar of Vil Schoenheit. 3. Malleus Draconia - Doesn't Malleus top everyone's lists LOL I think my favoritism for the dragon man is more to do with his relationship with Yuu than anything else tbh. He's like one of three characters that actively engages with the main character and I think they've got such a fun relationship. Two people who feel very alone in the world finding friendship (or something more for you malleyuu shippers) in each other is so beautiful. I'm glad they can be there for each other like that. Side note: I adore romantic Malleyuu for sure, but I think it's equally as endearing if all of Malleus's flirtatious lines were never meant to be romantic but he's just really bad at communicating his feelings in a platonic way. Like, he doesn't mean to flirt he's just socially inept. 4. Ruggie Bucchi - Gremlin hyena boy is just too good for words. Ngl, I started off not really liking Ruggie all that much because of what he did in the Savanaclaw book. My mans was basically shoving people down flights of stairs?? I'm not really sure where the turn around happened tbh. Mischievous personality types do tend to draw me in in fiction so that probably has a lot to do with it. I also felt really bad for him at the end of the Savanaclaw book when Leona was ready to Thanos him out of existence despite everything Ruggie had done for him (and continues to do for him). I appreciate his work ethic, I can respect the hustle, and he's got such a cute little laugh. I wanna pet those big ole ears of his. Leona - pay this man more smh 5. Kalim Al-Asim - SUNSHINE BOY!!
He's such a breath of fresh air in this game LMAO. As much as I love the fact that most of the cast are unapologetically flawed, it's nice to have a few characters that are genuinely good people. His VA (Kazuki Furuta) absolutely kills it imo. I can hear his laugh in my head as I'm typing this - it's just so warm and happy :D He also breaks the sterotype of most rich characters in media by just being a nice person? He's not evil or greedy (although naive and entitled) and he just wants to be bffs with Jamil. Break his heart Jamil and we're gonna have WORDS. Also just like FORGAVE JAMIL??? His bfffl yeeted him across the desert, brainwashed him and admitted to wanting to get him kicked from the school and Kalim didn't really hold it against him. He was so understanding and sweet about everything AHHHHH
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witchywriter18 · 11 months
Raising children with Sebastian
This is a continuation of this headcannon list.
For some reason, I imagine Sebastian as a girl dad. Idk, he just gives off that vibe.
After you both get home from St. Mungo's, you promptly go pass out on your shared bed since you just pushed out a human being.
Sebastian on the other hand is wide awake, sitting in your rocking chair while holding his baby girl.
You're probably out for a couple of hours and wake up to find Sebastian still sitting there and holding your daughter, just staring at her while silently crying in happiness.
After a few days of settling in, your friends start visiting, wanting to see more of the baby and hold her.
Sebastian is very reluctant, not wanting his daughter to be held by anyone else but you and himself.
"Have you washed your hands? Did you wash them for 5 full minutes?"
Yeah, your friends basically need to be squeaky clean before they even think about holding your daughter according to Sebastian. You try to tell him that he's going a little overboard but-
"Overboard? MC, I'm not letting our daughter catch any germs our friends trek in from the outside world."
He can't be swayed. It's a full body scrub down or no holding the baby.
So I actually looked it up and breast pumps were a thing at this time (they were invented in 1854). So you make sure to pump regularly so that if you're not available, there's a supply of milk for Sebastian to feed your daughter with.
When Sebastian has to return to work after his leave, he actually considers quitting and being a stay-at-home father. He doesn't want to leave his girls 🥺
"Sebastian, we can't both be the stay-at-home parent. One of us has to be working and my freelance career doesn't provide substantial funds for us to be raising a family. Especially if we want more children after Anne."
"*sigh* Fine! I'll go back to work! But I won't like it!"
So he begrudgingly goes to work, pouting the whole time.
"Damn society, need money to function. I just want to stay at home with my wife and daughter but nooooo! Money is unfortunately needed to be earned to be able to live and support a family!"
"Um, Mr. Sallow? Maybe now isn't the time since we're currently on a potentially dangerous mission?"
Any enemies that get in his path are promptly eradicated in his annoyed rage.
As soon as the clock strikes 5 o'clock, he is out! Goodbye! Anything else you have for him can wait until tomorrow! He has a wife and child go smother in kisses!
"I'm home! Where are my beautiful girls?!"
It's like this everyday now. Pouty when he leaves, full of energy when he returns. Not always great when Anne is napping....
Safe to say Anne is a daddy's girl. Not to mention she has Sebastian wrapped around her little finger. Gets that from you though.
"Sebastian, is that another stuffed toy? Didn't you already bring Anne one two days ago?"
"Yes but look! This one's a snake! I just need to find a badger one to go with it.... maybe just get one of every Hogwarts mascot."
Yeah, your daughter is SPOILED!!! She has to make grabby hands at something and it's hers.
There was arguing at who's name she'd say first.
"She's going to say 'papa' first, I guarantee it!"
"No, I think it'll be 'mama'."
"SNUFFLES!" *happy Graphorn noises in the background*
Did I mention that you take Anne to visit your beasts? You do and they're all so gentle and sweet to her. ESPECIALLY your Graphorn, Snuffles. He keeps his tail away from her though since it's spikey.
Once Anne is a year old, Sebastian is ready for another.
"Come on love, we agreed that after Anne turned one, we'd discuss about having another baby. Please?"
"Sebastian, it's literally midnight. Ask me again after Anne's birthday party. Now go to sleep."
Yes. Yes he did wake up as soon as the clock struck midnight on your daughter's 1st birthday.
One week later, you and Sebastian actually sit down to discuss having another baby.
"If you're going to put another baby in me, at least take me out to dinner first."
"Done. I'll go call Ominis and Poppy to watch Anne!"
"I didn't mean right this second!"
Is anyone surprised he got you pregnant again a month later? No? Okay then.
This time though... it's twins.
"Since I'm giving birth to two babies at once, you have to wait two years this time around before you even bring up the subject of more children. And I'm not making any promises."
Your twins are fraternal brother and sister. The boy is named Eleazar (after Fig 🥲) and the girl is named Áine (Celtic goddess of wealth and summer, name meaning "radiance")
When it is time for Anne to go to Hogwarts, both you and Sebastian are misty eyed. Thankfully for Sebastian's nerves, Feldcroft is a flooflame away if she needs either of you. Or if there's some boys he needs to scare away.
"No boys until I'm dead and buried, understand?"
Then once the twins start school, your little nest is empty until the holiday breaks or occasional visits. And Sebastian is suffering from empty nest syndrome.
"Darling. Since all the children are off at Hogwarts, I was thinking..."
"That you want another child?"
You agree because you also miss your babies and want another one.
9-10 months later, you have another baby girl named Gwen.
Also, if it wasn't clear, every single one of your children has Sebastian's freckles. Your children look like a mix of both of you but they always end up gaining Sebastian's freckles. And his mischievous behavior.
"Sebastian, that is not the purpose of this howler!"
"Oh, right. I mean, HOW DARE YOU SNEAK INTO THE RESTRICTED SECTION!!! THAT WAS VERY WRONG OF YOU AND I'M VERY CROSS!!! *quieter voice* I'm not really, your mother is just making me seem responsible. I am disappointed in you getting caught though. Remind me to teach you a charm next time you visit home."
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wings-of-sapphire · 4 months
(Spoiler warning for Wish and ig some Hazbin Hotel and The Owl House too since I reference them)
(Regular warning bc MATE THIS IS LONG AS FUCK)
(Oh also swear warning)
That gif of Magnifico in the beginning looks way too adorable to be a psychopath
SCREAMS YES instead of “ow my chest has heartburn” I NEED THE GUT-WRENCHING SCREAMS
UGH he’s evil but he loves his wife
Oh bubbles that works too (also irony)
Imma trust that Valentino made it in a bubble too bc YOU ARE NOT killing off the animal sidekick okay I would rather Magmaya win than Val be killed
Man Dahlia you gonna leave your mother behind?
Disney Channel
It’s giving Onward
OOH or Frozen yk Elsa and the staircase scene
Amaya is channeling her inner Gothel rn
Ooh I love Lydia the Bard!
Mysterious language? Star dialect?
”Last star I see tonight” ANNY
Oh so they’re becoming Stars interesting
Dam Eris was one of my first fictional crushes (bisexual ass) so now I’m wondering if Amaya should be one too
”Hate but also love” it’s giving “Out For Love” by Carmilla
Noooo Aster
Hey orchestra of stars above where the heck are you
Aster I love you but they have no humanity left
Yikes Amaya you’re usually the brains now you’re choosing to spare her?
Ig since you’re in love it would be torture for you but cmon girl
Oop gotta add a ToH spoiler warning now too ig
Omfg battle outfit (AND MORE! THAN! JUST! SPARKLES!)
Omg yeah the dress fits so well with the star-chest thing
SHE HAS PUPILS idk why I was so hyped about that
IT’S GIVING “You’ll Be in My Heart”
Wait next chapter? This seems like the conclusion Anny I’m scared
Omigosh these two royal idiots in love
I I bet they’re giggling and holding hands while destroying precious memories of their citizens
”Feels something changing” eh? Sorry it’s just canon!Wish didn’t give us much but the novelization is very AshaxDahlia heavy
Although Asha has her Sabino… maybe ghosts/ spirits of her loved ones? I always imagined the scene “A Wish Worth Keeping” would have her family’s spirits (in blue) smiling and cheering her on… sparkly ofc
YES this scene in the movie was my favorite bc it FELT DRAMATIC
I said before “Knowing What I Know Now” was my fav but Anny I changed my mind “Wish (Reprise)” is my favorite
YES TAKE BACK YOUR KINGDOM FROM THE STRAIGHT WHITE FOLK (Amaya is Greek… what is Magnus? I’m assuming white too)
SWORD YES make it Prince Phillip’s
Gotta admit that falling wish scene in the movie was gorgeous, reminded me of Wall-E
Wait omigosh Asha looks so pretty in that photo where did you get that
*stares at it for hours bc she looks gorgeous*
Referenced as a wand now!
Smiling as she falls bc she knows HER BAE WILL CATCH HER
HOW are they not dead. The gays only have the power of plot armor
So it was nighttime okay
Yep definitely giving Belos
Told you idiots you shouldn’t have spared her. Pride really does come before the fall
Seriously Gothel wasn’t a pussy she stabbed Flynn why didn’t you stab Asha (sorry bby just wondering how they’re so stupid)
THAT’S what you’re worried about man
Lol I’m just imagining a giant whoosh of power and light and Amagnus squeezes their eyes shut waiting for a painful death and then they just. Sneeze. Itchy magic glitter poof
Is this a reference to a past Disney movie? They’re really going the PJO route huh
Uh. Wow. Okay Aster I guess they did kill you
Yay we have the citizens standing up!
Wait you make your wish at 18 was this women pregnant really early orrrr
Later? Oh goodness I’m worried for the next chapter
Uh Starsha is being a bit sadistic and Amaya is sobbing for her love…
Oh btw is Magnus part Spanish? “Mi vida” since Amaya is Greek…
Someone get Gabo some therapy mate
”Love is all they needed” Amaya you’re clever but this was all sort of your fault witch
Tbh I would’ve agreed with Gabo had they injured Val in some way
Discord DID turn to stone too… how about they turn to stone and THEN get pushed off a cliff
OKAY that was long but it was good
Uh I’m scared for the next chapter? We get Amable’s backstory so do they escape? Will Asha become the FG? Will Aster get LEGO Batman-d by the school marching band of Stars? Is their magic the North Star magic? SO MANY QUESTIONS
Overall though great job Anny! This has been an amazing journey and I can’t wait for the final chapter!
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the-gay-disney-games · 5 months
Round 1B: Encanto (2021) vs. Beauty and the Beast (1991)
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“Theres like a lot behind the characters, but i feel like the fandom would agree camilo is the most”
“As a lesbian I very much relate to Isabella and Luisa. Isabella being forced to marry a man and Luisa is just a masc icon”
“Isabela gives me very queer vibes. Like not only does her song What Else Can I Do have all this bisexual lighting in the movie, the messaging of the song, letting down your front and just letting yourself be…idk kinda sounds like a closeted queer anthem. Especially since in the context of the movie she’s singing the song right after she tells Mirabel that she never wanted to marry that one guy, who canonically is like the most eligible bachelor in town or something”
“IMO, it's easy to see it as an allegory for being ace in a world where almost everyone else is allo and overcoming acephobia, Mirabel being a stand in for an ace person (having no powers in the movie) and the rest of her family for allos (they have powers).”
“Mirabel is SO bi, Bruno is even more aroace and Isabella is such a lesbian.”
Beauty and the Beast:
“Cogsworth and Lumière are the definition of old married couple”
“Howard Ashman”
“Lumiere and Cogsworth kinda had that weird rivals to lovers thing going on. You could also make an argument for Gaston and LeFou (he’s canonically gay in the live action).”
“First first gay Disney character”
Mod note: as you may be able to tell, I’m a big fan of BatB and it was what inspired this tournament in the first place after I played Cogsworth in a production of it last year. Through that I also found out that both the actor that played him in the original movie and the live action remake are gay so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but yeah this is gonna be the only time make my own propaganda for the tournament just cuz it’s the inspiration
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hxhhasmysoul · 10 months
5 Favourite Fics I’ve written
rule: 5 favourite fics you’ve written and pass it on to 5 other writers
thank you @cursedvibes for the tag. it took me a while to do it because i don't really like the fics i've written, idk, writing for me is dealing with my adhd brain and the results never really make me happy they just give me relief. i think part of it is that i despise my writing style, the language, i have no turn of phrase. i find it unpleasant to read. but at the same time i like the process of planning a story and its setting. so the fics i will list are those which i really enjoyed making up a setting for, which i think have fun world building and/or plots/intrigues. these are from oldest to newest.
Fairytale kingdom, nightmare castle
it's my first fic ever, it's actually huge (157,059 words) but unfinished, i want to get back to it but it needs 2 action filled chapters and i'm scared of that. it's actually a killugon fic with canary as the third protagonist, hxh power system but in an empire/regency inspired aesthetic. it's very plot driven, world building heavy, has scenes from many povs. it has a courtly/political intrigue.
rating E
this fic is special to me because i made a friend through it. but also it's one of two fics on this list that are a vibe... like it kinda has a plot but it's mostly a vibe and to some extent a vague musing about the hxh story line plus a tribute to Blame! aesthetic. oh it's a killugon. it's also my one and only attempt at horror, it's not really scary or creepy, i can't do mood writing to save my life.
rating T
Conventional Wisdom
this fic is also basically a vibe, it's a fic i wrote during the pandemic and it's about loneliness and craving connection. it's also a killugon. this one is an urban fantasy au, gon's a magical creature killua is a human. i didn't set out to write them both ace in this fic, it just kinda turned out like that.
rating T
this is me going against all my instincts honestly. i usually dislike fairy tale retellings and here i'm kinda writing one. granted i made it my comfort zone so it's as not fairytalesque as i could. but it has the trappings of the beauty and the beast. it's world building and plot heavy. it's a sukuita fic, also a pairing i never expected myself to like, even less to write for.
rating E
The Only One
this is another first one for me, when i really consciously and purposefully wrote a character to be quite ooc. i just needed that. it's also extremely tropey, royalty au, harem au (like it takes place in a harem, there isn't a harem of lovers to choose from), there are fabrics and linguistics, there's a palace intrigue. it's an author pleaser, i wrote it to make myself feel good. it's a sukuita fic, sweet and angsty.
rating E
Tagging, but only if you feel like it: @subdee, @voidcat-senket, @yuujispinkhair, @canzie-gumm, @ishouldgetatumbler
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meowstoffelees · 3 months
Bombalurina for the ask game?
Hi! Sorry this took long for me to get to, I was very busy today.
Why I like them:
I really like her character design. Especially in Cats 1998. Plus, she’s very elegant. I like that about her. She’s a cutie patootie.
Why I don’t like them:
I have no reason to not like her really. I don’t think about her often.
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
EVERYTHING she does during Bustopher Jone’s song (In the 98 movie at least, idk about other productions). Everyone talks about Misto but WHAT ABOUT BOMBA‼️‼️‼️ She’s so passive aggressive and it’s so obvious she wants nothing to do with him. I love it. I need more Bomba actors to do it.
Favorite Season/Movie:
Goddd don’t make me choose. I love 1998 Bomba and Rosemarie Ford with all my heart but B’Way revival Bomba is amazinggg.
Favorite line:
“The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious beast!” Specifically in the 1998 movie. Rosemarie Ford’s voice is gorgeous.
Favorite outfit:
MARLENE DANIELLE’S COSTUME‼️‼️‼️ (old broadway is love, old broadway is life)
DEMELURINA‼️‼️‼️(I mean look at the 98 movie. NOBODY looks at their sister like that (at least nobody should be looking at their sister like that))
I’ve never been a Tuggerlurina girly. I always saw them as friends who play it up for laughs.
Her and Munkustrap are besties. I stand by this. They gossip. Believe me I’m literally Andrew Lloyd Webber in the flesh.
Unpopular opinion:
Literally any other Bomba ship>>>>Tuggerlurina. They give me “Football player x Star Cheerleader” vibes but in the worst way possible.
A wish:
I wish that everytime I see Cats live the actor playing her is Rosemarie Ford. But alas, God hates me 😔
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-again:
Whatever the fuck Taylor had going on. Like she’s not a bad singer so I don’t hate her for that but her interpretation of Bomba was…icky.
5 words to describe her:
Elegant, Protective, Funny, Confident, Beautiful
Ok I think I did this right idk I didn’t know this was a thing until like this morning-
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clatoera · 1 month
Hi bestie pls ignore this if this will like ruin upcoming chapter titles but if you had to assign each main ARWBFB character a song from Taylor’s new album what would you give them? Like which songs would resonate with them or remind you of them etc
Okay bestie this took me literal days, I just listened to the album for three hours on my drive upstate I think i've decided.
Unsurprising to anyone I felt like the album resonated with me more than I expected and ended up practically in a bender for three days so theres that. I was definitely not roaming the streets at 4 am or anything like that on friday morning absolutely nothing of the sort occured.
Surprising everyone even less ist that I largetly heard this and went ah yes. Glimmer. Glimmer again. Clove. Cashmere. Clove. Clove and Cato. etc so theres a RECURRING Theme here okay anyway these are obviously in arwbfb au sooo. This is the whole anthology because I can't listen to only one.
Down bad: Okay I know it sounds like a weird choice but this is giving Glimmer in about chapter 10(?) of ARWBFB but also like this is her general vibe as a victor i think like "For a moment I knew cosmic love" "Fuck it if I can't have him, I might just die it would make no difference." "waking up in blood" "Fuck it if I can't have us/I just not get up." "cause fuck it I was in love, so fuck you if you can't have us." idk it just FEELS right this song has been one I've really liked so!
I can do it with a broken heart: Are you kidding like??? this is not only one of my top 2 songs but also?? it's so perfect. Like it literally says "she's having the time of her life, there in her glittering prime." followed by "I can show you lies." and then we get hit with "Lights, camera, bitch smile even when you wanna die. He said he'd love me all his life but that life was too short breaking down i hit the floor all the pieces of me shattered" I literally am about to list like the entire song but come one "I was grinning like i'm winning I was hitting my marks I can do it with a broken heart." "I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day." "You know you're good when you can do it even with a broken heart" "Cause I'm miserable and nobody even knows!" Okay literally I beg I plead everyone listen to this song and report back if you think i'm right.
Cashmere and Glimmer both
The Prophecy: This feels like it could be either of them!!! "I got cursed like eve got bitten, oh was it punishment?" "Please I've been on my knees, change the prophecy. Don't want money, Just someone who wants my company. Let it once be me, who do I have to speak to about if they can redo the prophecy." "i'm so afraid I sealed my fate, no sign of soulmates" Idk I think they'd both have similar yearning for a life unlike the one they have where they can get the hell out of this snow induced hell. Change the prophecy of their fate and their lives sort of things.
I hate it here: I gotta be honest I don't think I need to elaborate on this one. Just..listen to this. This is actually any and all victor girls. This is also Finnick. I honestly just suggest we listen to the song and sit with it for a moment as if the title alone is not explanation enough!!!
Clara Bow:I mean.. "In this light, remarkable, all your life did you know you'd be picked like a rose?" "Take the glory, give everything" this song is all about being compared to the last great thing right, and I think it feels very cashmere to me but in the way that it bleeds into I think when she sings about herself at the end talking about the next big thing to come after her feels very big sister cashmere to me idk! "Beauty is a beast that roars, down on all fours demanding more. ONly when your girlish glow, flickers just so do they let you know?" "It's hell on earth to be heavenly" (Chapter title spoiler fr I heard it and literally pulled out my laptop) Idk it feels right especially because she would know what would come tot he pretty girls after her!!!!!!
But Daddy I love him: OKAY I know this is a werid one but if you think about it not as a MAN who's bad for her but a comp het high society with the expectations of her to be a perfect daughter/woman I think it would make ENTIRE sense for it to be Cashmere but in terms of like...being with women rather than the "wrong man" like in the song idk. I also feel like "I learned these people only raise you to cage you." "they slammed a door on my whole world, the one thing I wanted." "I'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning." "i'll tell you something about my good name, it's mine alone to disgrace, I don't care to cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing." Idk It feels RIGHT just LISTEN to it.
Okay Okay I feel like I got some GOOD ones for her too okay so I want to start out STRONG with a song that screams not only Clove but Cato AND Clove it's my new Clato song...
Fresh out the Slammer: I know I know but come on. I could list EVERY line in this song it's soooo post Clove's games in ARWBFB. "Now pretty baby i'm running back home to you, fresh out the slammer I know who my first call will be to." "Years of labor, locks, and ceiling in the shade of how he was feeling, but it's gonna be alright I did my time." "Camera flashes welcome bashes" "My friends tried but I wouldnt hear it" (being enobaria) "watched me disappearing daily for just one glimpst of his smile, all those nights you kept me going. " "Now we're at the starting line I did my time, now pretty baby i'm running to the house where you still wait up and that porch light gleams, to the one who says i'm the girl of his American dreams... Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know whats at stake." "At the park where we used to sit on childrens swings wearing imaginary rings, but i's gonna be alright I did my time." SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP It's like Taylor Swift crawled inside my mind as I wrote the first like 5 chapters of ARWBFB and chose to write this because it's them it's them it's soooo them in ARWBFB absolutely noone touch me I felt this was for me personally!!!
AND ANOTHER Clato song is
I can fix him (No really I can): Do I even need to elaborate like "They shale their heads saying God help her when I tell them he's my man. But your good lord doesn't need to lift a finger. I can fix him, no really I can (AND ONLY I CAN???)" "His hand so calloused from his pistol softly traces hearts on my face." "A perfect case for my certain skillset" "Good boy, thats right. Come close i'll show you heaven if you'll be an angel all night." "TRUST ME I CAN HANDLE A DANGEROUS MAN, NO REALLY I CAN."
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?: SHUT UP AGAIN guys come on this is THE song THE song for me THE song for Clove not only with her like growing up but also the shit Snow did to her>????? "if you wanted me dead you should've just said nothing makes me feel more live." But Also!! "WHOS AFRAID OF LITTLE OLD ME?? YOU SHOULD BE!!!" Thats for CLove! Tiny 5'3 100lb clove!! "I was tame I was gentle till the circus life made me mean." This is for my little baby girl who was not wanted and was raised like this to make her a good little tribute the circus life being the training/panem/career life thank you. "they say they didn't do it to hurt me...I want to snarl and show you how disturbed this has made me. You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me" The asylum being the academy in this essay I will- "I'm fearsome and i'm wretched and i'm wrong." Special enobaria mention for "don't worry folks we took out all her teeth" tell me "you lured me and you hurt me and you taught me, you caged me and then you called me crazy. I am what I am 'cause you trained me." Are you fucking joking rn i'm sorry i'm once again just quoting the whole song I know.
So Long, London: Okay I know it's a weird take but to me it makes more sense imagining it in regards to her saying goodbye to the District she thought she knew and the idea of the capitol as she knew it you know?? "And i'm just getting color back into my face. I'm just mad as hell 'cause I loved this place." Does it make sense?????? to me it does!!!
The albatross: "She's the albatross. She's here to destroy you. Devils that you know raise hell worse than a stranger. She's the death that you chose. You're in terrible danger." Okay I think it makes sense without me elaborating but it's Clove it's Clove @ Snow who thought she was a perfect victor to compare to Katniss then he TORTURES her and she kills him and yeah she is the death snow chose next question.
Naturally all these songs are about my favorite girlies and yeah so they're all for my girls anyway these are gonna come off weird but i just need you to hear me out on it okay??
The Bolter: I feel like I am dropping Enobaria lore with these things but okay "Curious child, ever reviled." Idk it fits to me. "It feels like the time she fell through the ice then came out alive" Idk I know her arena isnt ice but like!! The idea of reliving the time you almost died and coming out alive again and again "But she's got the best stories, you can be sure that as she was leaving it felt like freedom. All of her fuckin' lives flashed before her eyes and she realized it feels like the time she fell through the ice then came out alive." Like to me it feels like her recognizing freedom after the games are over and in D2 and having her life be hers again and idk!! It made sense to me.
Cassandra: This ALSO is dropping lore but this song feels like the D2 split during the rebellion like each side thinking the opposite of her "in the street theres a ragin rio, when it's burn the bitch they're shrieking. When the truth comes out it's quiet so they killed cassandra first." "they knew they knew they knew the whole time that I was on to something" I feel like i need to drop more Enobaria during the war time lore for this to make sense but it does to me so just take my word for it!!
Okay!!! Thank you bestie!! Here's a small novel in resopnse to your otherwise simple question!! Love you!! @bodyelectric77
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manyfandomocs · 4 months
💜 + Cosette Bellefleur
I did just lie entirely yesterday about answering things but I am today let's go
Emmeline Fitzherbert (Emmeline just loves all girls okay but also she'd be so sweet with Cosette, instant adoration and wanna be her friend and girlfriend)
Ginevra Gothel (I don't have anything I just feel it)
Evelyn Villeneuve (Just different Beauty and the Beast girls idk I feel like they could be very close and she'd like her)
Stephen White (Stephen I feel like could be very very into her almost at first meeting. Probably the first VK he gets close to)
Send me 💜 + one of my ocs and I’ll tell you one (or more) of your ocs that gives me romantic vibes with them
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sparklyseblos · 1 year
i miss hsmtmts season 2 :(((
season 3 was good but like the vibes season 2 gave were just it!!
it was wholesome and even tho there was drama it was mostly external and wasn’t within the group. my silly little wildcats were happy (for the most part) and as seb said the one thing they had that north high didn’t was friendship!! which i felt like was lacked in s3 especially with the portwell-rina love triangle and the fact that seb, nini & big red weren’t there.
i’m not gonna deny the fact that there was some not-so-bright moments but i think for most of those moments there was always someone to help with that.
there’s also the fact that seblos, redlyn & portwell are my favourite ships and they were winning in s2 which is plus for me but i think one of the things i appreciated most about s2 was the friendship that came from it and the togetherness and support everyone had for one another (i’d say a good example of that was when everyone came together to give carlos the quinceañero he always wanted and deserved!)
also i feel like this was the one season where gini & rj were actually friends?? (minus the mini thing in 2x10 between gina and nini but was resolved by that absolutely iconic finale scene)
beauty and the beast was also SO GOOD (but tbh all of the productions that they’ve done in this show were incredible) and i love the friendships that came out of it like ash & ricky (which is adorable as well bc ash is big red’s gf and ricky is big red’s best friend) KOURT & SEB!! i loved their mother & son bond, carlos & gina were iconic, best choreographer duo everrr and ash & gina’s lovely sisterly bond was so sweet.
sorry ik i went on bit of a ramble here and i think you can tell from this post and my account that i just really love friendship but idk it was just really cute and i miss it. it also was the season when i started watching the show to so s2 has a very special place in my heart 🫶🏽
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krenenbaker · 6 months
HEY so I played the IkePri prologue and I have Thoughts:tm:
Firstly the art is GORGEOUS. I like Ikerev’s art but like. It’s so much better in this game-
LIKE?? Look at this!!
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This was really frickin funny. I cackled super hard-
Mc’s just like-
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The Beasts/predators thing is.. a little off-putting 😅 I don’t feel like I know any of them well enough to pick a route yet-
Tempted to go for Yves or Leon though because they seem like the most normal out of all the options- most of the other options scare me though XD
Idk if I’ll play this one as much as Ikerev just bc most of the boys unnerve me just a bit but the story/premise is interesting and I’m curious to see where it goes :D
YES OMGG the art in ikepri is GORGEOUS. genuinely one of the most beautiful mobile games I've seen
I can see how the "beast" theme/characterization could be a bit off-putting - it's definitely not something that everyone would be into! all the suitors are pretty intense in a few different ways, but at the same time, sweet and protective, too.
The first route I played was Clavis' and it was honestly pretty fun! he's a chaotic weirdo (definitely not "normal"...) but is also a really playful and clever character. VERY mischievous, but caring in his own - admittedly somewhat odd - way.
I've heard that Yves' route is really quite sweet (though I haven't played it yet - someone else would need to back me up on that), and I'm not sure about what Leon's route is like... I've also heard that Chevalier's route is rather nice, though he is also an INTENSE character, just vibes-wise ("The Brutal Beast" and all that jazz) but apparently also has rather a lot of growth in his route?
In any case, I hope that you will have fun with whoever you choose first!! keep me posted on your thoughts! :D
(and if anyone with more experience in the game wishes to give some more input, feel free!)
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bugaboooooooooo · 2 years
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Saw @ladyofthenoodle's and @maridotnet's beauty and the beast ladybug post and IMMEDIATELY got obsessed so naturally I had to make my own maribug design!!
Anyways I did a ton of research on ladybugs and the og beasts design and stuff so I wanna explain a bit abt this design
I kept her body pretty simple since real ladybugs bodies are also simple, so her heads the most interesting part
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^ as u can see their heads r very Shapely so I wanted to incorporate that into my design!!
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So basically I gave her a bun to represent a ladybugs actual head and gave her some sort of comb (crown? idk man) to look like pincers, which works out nicely bc the beast is supposed to be some kind of royalty so this gives off that vibe! And obv she gets antennae <3
Anyways moving down to her actual head
I gave her bigass pincers/teeth bcos thats what Marinette would have wanted you cannot tell me otherwise, and I kept her hair tendrils from her human form bc I love them <3
also you know those white spots on ladybugs heads? Yeah that's what those things are on her forehead!! I tweaked em slightly so they can also fuction as eyebrows (for drawing purposes)
MOVING ON to her body and stuff
I gave her a big collar bc ladybugs don't really have necks, so this way I could avoid any complications lmao, and a nice ol cape <3 and like I said her bods pretty simple so there's not much to say abt that!!
Anyways that's it <3 I LOVED both of your ideas and designs, and this kinda helped my out of art block so thank you sm!!
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Ok so I’m seeing the little mermaid today finallyyyyyyyy and here’s some rambling thoughts, wishes and predictions
First of all, wow… it’s here…. It’s been a 374657 year journey and the day is finally here and I don’t believe it kkkkk. Last year at this point in time we didn’t even know how Halle was gonna look like… wow
I don’t expect to like this movie more than the original, the og is literally in my top5 disney movies so it would be impossible, but I still have high hopes for it. They would be higher if the beauty and the beast and aladdin hadn’t been a lil disappointing. Im not a hater of those movies, in fact I really liked them when I watched them but the more I hear other peoples opinions the more I agree that they aren’t all that. I actually remember being super disappointed by a whole new world on the spot so yeah. My expectations for the little mermaid are high but not that much cause of the previous remakes. I expect to have a fun time but not a mind blowing one.
One of the things I was most excited about were the sisters. I’ve already been spoiled that they barely appear let alone speak so im already disappointed 😭 One thing I love about the og movie is that the mermaids all have the same tail and bra design and the only differences are in colors and hairstyles and accessories but one of the things I love most about this remake already is the complete opposite, that all the mermaids have very very different tail, bra, colors and accessories. I like how they did the complete opposite of what the animation did cause there’s literally no wrong answer here. We did A in one movie so now we are not doing A again. I love it. It would have been very boring to translate that sameness to live action because we’ve seen it already and works better in animation. All this to say I’m very excited for the mermaids. That’s my n1 priority.
The other thing I’m most excited about is the reveal. I hate the reveal in the og movie and this remake has the opportunity to at the very least snatch this one thing away from it and improve upon. The reveal is one of my fave tropes of all time and I already know this Eric is obsessed with the sea and it’s creatures so I’m literally dying to see this scene omg. As much as I love the trope, there’s some ways to completely mess it up and make it cringe and I have a ton of second hand embarrassment all the time so I hope they do it well.
Part of your world is my fave disney song, second only to let it go. I’ve been trying to avoid it but it’s been in all the trailers so I just listened through it and the d23 leaks, but I still haven’t heard the full audio now that the cd is out. What can I say, Halle sounds absolutely perfect no notes there. The scene it self is better than what I was expecting but the animated one is still superior. Animation just allows for so much more than live action, we already know this. Can’t say I’m disappointed cause I’m not but idk why there’s still this part of me that hopes it’s gonna be better when it’s literally impossible but yeah 😭
Rn, I got nothing bad to say about Ariel. Halle looks amazing, sounds amazing, im impressed with her acting in all the clips and trailers I’ve seen. She gives off vibes of a softer and calmer Ariel than the og one, but it’s still very much a Disney princess performance and part. She’s graceful, has a very pretty smile, her eyes are very expressive when she’s happy, determined or curious. I think the only thing that could mess her up is the script for the new original plot bits. Cause other than that I’m very happy. I’m not obsessed with her human clothes. I hope there’s better ones that haven’t been spoiled to me yet. Her tail tho….. I was VERY scared, cause there’s some very specific characteristics that I either love or hate in mermaid tails. But I love hers so much. Her tail is the perfect length with the perfect width, the color is gorgeous, I prefer when the fins are just 2 like the og 1 or like dolphin fins but I also like hers, at least it’s better than some of her sisters, and looks perfect and strong enough to swim. I usually hate little fins on the sides or the back but I don’t mind on her cause give it’s extra detail. The bra is cute and inoffensive even tho i prefer shells any day. Sometimes I wish the hair was red other times I’m fine with the orange… idk but at least it’s not brown
I think I want the movie to be half in the sea, half on land…… it’s gonna kind of depend on the plot but as much as ariel hates being a mermaid I love her more as a mermaid so GIRL U BETTER SWIM A LOT STILL
Ever since I saw the actress for Vanessa I’ve been obsessed with her. I hope she has at least 10 minutes of screen time but I have a feeling it’s gonna be under 5 😭 she looks so good I really want to see her 😭😭😭
I think I’m more excited for Ariel’s journey to become human and learn their ways than I am for the romance plot… Eric is cute but idk…. Maybe the trailers didn’t advertise it well enough but I’m not that excited for the romance rn… they look cute obviously but maybe it’s because I know how it ends that I’m more excited about the new bits about her as a human rather than the new bits about them as a couple.
But speaking or marketing I love love love how they didn’t spoil the new material. The trailers kept using the same footage of the plot points of the og movie and I’m happy. I feel like there’s more room for my expectations to be surpassed this way. I’m very curious about the new stuff even tho I’m still cautious cause I hope they don’t try to change of spell out stuff that was obvious in the og movie but idiots didn’t get so now they need to be more upfront about it to avoid ending up on a cinema sins YouTube video like beauty and the beast tried. Like, there’s no need to cater to idiots and people with bad faith criticism of disney princesses movies. "But Ariel changed for a man-" DHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UPJEVHHJEBVRJHVREBJHVERBHJVERB
Honestly don’t care about the animals in this one. Disney needs to balance better these remakes cause if it doesn’t work in live action then don’t force it. I think cinderella best balances the aspect of being a remake but also just an adaptation. They add and change enough for the story to be different but also keep enough stuff for the movies to be similar. I’m just saying that i wouldn’t mind if ariel had absolutely no friends in this one. If she was just Maloney mermaid. Or maybe she had a few fish friends that don’t speak like the mice in cinderella. But wtv. Rn I don’t care about Sebastian, flounder and scuttle
I didn’t like the casting of Melissa at all when I first saw it but I gotta say she shut me up real fast when her clips came out. She is eating the role up so far. I’m very impressed.
Idk if I got anything else to say rn before watching the movie but these are my thoughts rn.
Watching it today so let’s go!!!!!!
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king-maven-calore · 1 year
Hi Annie! I hope you are doing well, being an awesome doctor and making people feel better!
I just realized that I have not been sending you Chibi updates for months. So here he is!
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I edited Chibi with a beach background cause the weather here in the Philippines is very hot and humid, even the students have half-day classes to avoid nosebleeds from the heat. 🤕
Hope you are eating well and staying safe.⛑️
Also, I just wanna ask if you have any tv series or movie recommendations that have badass characters and romance that could make me go "Oh damn! (but respectfully)."
hi love! he's looking devilishly handsome as ever <3 Thanks for the update!
As for TV recs... I don't know what to tell you bestie, I have no patience for streaming services these days 😓 I guess Bridgerton, especially Queen Charlotte, is always a safe, cozy romance show if you haven't watched it yet. I have three Turkish series recs that I'm living for (they're basically the only thing I watch)
1- Adim Farah: it's a romantic/ crime drama about a cleaning lady with an adorable immunocompromised child, who witnesses a murder and gets tangled up in mafia troubles. There's this criminal lord who falls in love with her. It's excellent.
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2- Gülcemal: starts out as a dark (more like gray IMO) romance, strong Beauty and the Beast vibes. It's about a man who goes back to his hometown to take revenge on his evil mother, and ends up becoming obsessed with a woman who happens to be the evil mother's new protégé. Absolutely unhinged hate-to-love trope. I love this show so much.
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3- Destan: a historical drama/ romance with great political intrigue. It tells the story of a warrior who fights for her tribe and steals from the unjust Khanate to give to the poor. Also, she has a very sweet story going on with one of the princes (aka the son of the man that killed her father). Akkiz is a god-tier badass female protagonist.
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idk if any of those fit your criteria, but they're so much fun. I hope you check out at least one of them 😘
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xamaxenta · 2 years
Uhhh Viking Sabo…
*goes feral*
I think Sabo would be like the most double-sided Viking ever. Like he’d be pretty polite and calm and quiet (for a Viking) but everyone respects him. So when other tribes see him, they’re like “why is this guy command so much respect?” Until they see him in battle. I hc he’s sort of a Viking berserker, and is pretty cool and collected until they start fighting and then he turns into a feral, unhinged monster. Like he takes one hit and then starts ripping ppl apart with his hands and shit. Outside of the battlefield, he usually uses words to rip people apart tho.
In my hc, Ace is actually a captive from a village that they raided. Sabo sees him and demands to keep him, and they let him bc he’s a great warrior and very respected. At first Ace is wary and expects to be hurt, but Sabo is very kind. Since Ace was mistreated by the villagers due to his parentage, he warms up to Sabo very quickly, despite seeing his berserker side. As they get closer, he wonders how Sabo can seem so different normally to him. And that’s how Ace finds out that Sabo exhibits a bit of that unhinged, feral nature in the bedroom…
I’ll let your imagination take care of the rest. Idk this is kinda just my headcanon based on their canon personalities 🤷‍♀️
Wow. Just WOW???? I didn’t expect to receive the full package deal!
Listen you just have to say the words “feral, unhinged, berserker” and I am already flipping over to show you my belly in complete submission the chokehold these terms have on me when applied to Sabo Ace or Marco I go absolutely crazy for it 😳
I fucking love the implications of Sabo seeing Ace for the first time, immediately goes yeah that one is mine thanks and everyone’s like OK boss we won’t challenge u boss
Some good beauty and the beast vibes im getting here but without the stockholm issues ? Ace being mistreated all his life noo😭 and never knowing kindness or love so he latches onto what Sabo can give him help its very cute… (i mean this in the healthiest way possible)
Anyway Sabo giving into baser instinct when he desires Ace?? Sign me the fuck up thats some good shit👀💦 Ace can only allow himself to be completely MAULED
I really didn’t expect this thank you so so much for indulging me I was about to be really annoying 😂😂
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tj-dragonblade · 1 year
Tea and Books Asks
Tagged in by @littledreamling , @mathomhouse-e , and @quillingwords thank you!
1. What period of history do you enjoy learning about?
As long as it's not the fucking founding of America and drafting of the constitution, again, we're golden
2. Who is your favourite fictional character and why?
Of all time? Impossible. Current fandom specifically? ...uh. Kind of also impossible. But I think if pressed Hob might just barely edge out Dream in the standings. Because? Because...his vibes? Immortal Everyman who's not all woe-is-me this-life-is-misery is a delight and idk he's just got that je ne sais quoi that makes me smile and say 'That one, that's my favorite'?
3. What do you order at a café?
It's a rare occurrence but. Some sort of coffee, extra sweet, extra whichever flavor added. Caramel and pumpkin spice are both excellent
4. Libraries, botanical gardens, or art galleries?
Of the three, I've only ever been to libraries, so, that
5. Do you have a favourite film soundtrack?
Beauty and the Beast 1991 probably. The score tracks on that just. Do things to me. Fond of a lot of Hans Zimmer's work as well (Lion King, PotC off the top of my head) and I keep circling back around to the Robin Hood Prince of Thieves soundtrack every few years
6. What does your dream home look like?
Underwater. With bits above water too, maybe half and half, but the important things I've always wanted are submarine airlock entryways and enormous windows with an underwater view. Not too far from civilization either
7. What makes you feel better on gloomy days?
Long solo drives with good music played loud
8. What are your top three films? Books?
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; The Princess Bride; Beauty and the Beast
I've read fanfic almost exclusively the past twenty years but, let me think...I was very taken with the Shannara series by Terry Brooks in high school; I spent some time on the Vampire Chronicles after that and The Vampire Armand was my favorite (because Armand was my favorite more than because it was actually a good book)
9. Are you an organized person, generally?
...Ish. I dislike clutter and mess, but I wouldn't really classify myself as 'organized' by any standard measure of the word
10. Do you have a favourite classic novel?
...I am extremely fond of Alice in Wonderland and Wizard of Oz both but more for their permutation into pop culture and malleability therein than for their actual books specifically
11. What character archetype or trope is your favourite?
I have a laundry list, and they're generally best when multiple tropes are blended in one character. But maybe...let's go with The Foreigner, The Outsider, the one who often holds up a lens to humanity or whatever majority/default group is involved to offer commentary, try to understand, and who is perpetually Apart from them, usually unable (or unwilling) to quite blend in or assimilate completely even when they may be welcomed and accepted.
12. Do you prefer baking or cooking?
...give me a relatively simple recipe with clear instructions and I'll probably be okay, in either arena
13. Which season do you feel at home in?
In my current climate? Summer. Summer means I can get out and go places and do things. I love autumn in theory but in practice it's far too short, far too cold too quickly, and just a very depressing reminder of the half-a-year of winter that will follow
14. What is your opinion on poetry?
It should absolutely exist, integral facet of humanity, etc. Not really anything I actively seek out, however
15. Do you speak formally when texting and emailing?
Emails are nearly always business related whether home or work, so yes. Texts are not exactly formal but it's rare that I'd ever fail to capitalize, use copious abbreviations, etc. Punctuation droppage depends entirely on who I'm talking to and whether I need the clarity punctuation can provide
16. How do you organize your music playlists?
Haaaaaah. Let me count the ways:
- by artist, when I want The Good Tracks from their discography (and related projects) in chronological order
- by genre
- by pairing - many pairs have multiple permutations of their playlist also
- by character
- by character group
- by theme (e.g. Moon, Aquatic, etc)
- by mood
- by fic inspiration/writing soundtrack
- I have playlists for Disney movies where I put the songs and score pieces back in movie order since the soundtracks always group them separately and I also leave out the shitty radio versions of the songs
- I also have a playlist with all my individual Disney playlists combined in chronological order by movie release date
- by vibes
- by which family member I'm driving with
- I have a playlist for stuff that's in (or contains sections that are in) 3/4, 6/8, and various other non-4/4 time signatures
- I have a couple different playlists of favorite voices
- there's a giant playlist where I dump all the stuff I've rated 4 or 5 stars (some 3s may also get included), sorted by play count, for when I don't know quite what I'm really in the mood to listen to
- aaaaaaand then I usually have two or three playlists in constant flux for whatever I'm really craving to listen to at this particular point in time
17. Who is your favourite author?
Can't say as I have one
18. Chai or hot chocolate?
19. Do you prefer forests, sea shores, or meadows?
Sea shore, hands down
20. If you were to cultivate a fruit orchard, what would you grow?
Everything I would name I have developed allergies to so. Maybe not. Kinda sucks.
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