#screaming crying throwing up etc. oh my god
scholarsprint · 1 year
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So, about those new kissing animations...
my tav uses he/him pronouns. taken using otis_inf camera tools
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shima-draws · 2 years
Because I started rewatching PnF it was inevitable I would eventually start rewatching MML too. And just. Just,,
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if i think bout ichi going to jiro kasuga's grave and arakawa accompanying him Maybe At Least Once i just might explode
#snap chats#hi everyone. coping with my reality. plus it is fathers day tomorrow#ill save all THAT rambling after The Real Meat alright lemme get that juice out the way#anyway no i was just having an idle thought with fathers day coming up#an i just thought of like. Just-Got-Here ichi wantin to see his Relatively-Recently-Deceased's dad's grave#maybe arakawa wanted to ask ichi to do somethin on X day and ichi visibly is just 😬#obvi he tries to brush it off like Oh Its Nothing Sir Haha :) but arakawa's A Dad.#and grew up with a troubled childhood alright he knows when someones hiding something so he encourages ichi to tell him the truth#such comes The Bean Spillin an ichi's just 'remember how i said my dad died yeah i wanted to visit him that day 👉👈 '#followed up by the obligatory backpedaling But Its Fine I Can Do Another Day ! No Worries ! etc etc#so pleaaasse cut to arakawa making a 'deal' with ichi in that he can go that day but only if he could tag along#ichi's a great kid it's worth visiting the guy who raised him right#im gonna throw up if arakawa just gets a Funny Feeling during their visit yk what i mean#he just feels Especially grateful for jiro and what he did for ichi- doesnt exactly know why maybe ichi really is just that good of a kiddo#im gona make myself throw UP oh my GOD. crying dying etc etc#if you see me write or draw anything after this no you dont#speaking of though Personal Ramble Time i knew i shouldnt have eaten until later this is my karma <- thats not how karma works#i try not to eat in the evening and the time i do unprompted BOOM mother's home. screaming crying yelling#i still had things i wanted to do upstairs too gdi now i gotta wait til monday or like. 2AM ☠️☠️☠️#ok thats all byyyyye im gonna cope with my cringe family situation with projection 👋
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soopysoap · 2 years
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darkbluekies · 10 months
Like a fly in a trap
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Rich!female!yandere x reader
Summary: you escape Hedwig, only to be brought back and learn a secret about her family that puts everything into perspective.
Warnings: alcoholic? Yandere, Stockholm syndrome, abuse(?), isolation etc
Word count: 3.5k
A cold breeze finds its way into your bones. You pull the hood closer over your head, heart hammering in your chest. The sun is barely up. You have to catch the bus before her alarm clock rings. When she notices that you’re gone, all hell will break lose. 
You can’t pinpoint the moment things changed, you just know that at some point, Hedwig wasn’t the loving, caring girlfriend you got together with, but a clingy, possessive psychopath. Of course, she never shows that side to anyone … not even you. But you’ve been listening in on the calls she makes when she thinks you’re not listening. Wanting to hire hitmen and demanding for people to get hurt, even if they’ve only done as little as speak to you. You can’t say when she became like that … scared that she’s been that through your entire relationship … only that you’ve just started to notice. 
You’re not even sure where you’re going. You can’t go home. That’s the first place Hedwig would look. You don’t have anything on you that could be traced. There’s no plan, you just have to get away from Hedwig. 
The bus stops in front of you and you get on. You walk through the empty bus, sitting down in the very back and pull the hood of your hoodie closer to you.
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Hedwig opens her eyes when the alarm sounds. She can tell right away that something is wrong. The bed is empty … and cold. Quickly, she sits up and looks around, heart stopping. Where are you? She rips the covers off of her body and runs over to the bathroom. Empty. Her pulse is hammering in her head. She can’t hear anything. Hedwig sinks down in the corridor to avoid fainting or throwing up. At this point, she’s unsure what she’s going to do. Her entire body is shutting down. It’s feels like she’s dying. 
With shaking hands she picks up her phone and call you. A signal rings through the room and she grows even colder. Your phone is on the bedside table. 
“Y/N, no … what”, she gasps in pure horror. “Y/N, don’t do this to me. Oh, God. Oh, my God.”
She presses her hands over her heart. 
“Hedwig, dearest, what is wrong?” she hears her father ask. 
She looks up and watches her father through her blurry vision. He’s standing in his pajamas, worried eyes looking down at her. 
“My dear, what happened?” her father asks again. 
“Y/N … Y/N …”, she hyperventilates.
“Has something happened to them?”
“They’re gone! I want them back! I want them back now!” She screams through her sobs. “I want them back this instant!”
“Sweetheart, sweetheart, don’t cry. Daddy will get them back to you.” He hugs her. “Daddy hates seeing his princess so upset. They will be back, I promise you, my little girl.”’
Hedwig wipes her tears and sobs. 
They go down to the kitchen where her mother has woken up, already with a glass of wine in her hand. 
“My little princess, can you please give your mother and me a smile?” her father begs her. “It will be okay, we will find Y/N again. I have called every person I know who works for the police, private detectives … everyone. I have millions of eyes open.”
Hedwig refuses. She holds her arms over her chest while sitting on a chair. Her mother is sitting beside her, sipping on her red wine while her father is walking back and forth in front of her, stressed out of his mind. When he can’t get Hedwig what she wants, he feels absolutely terrible. 
“We will find them, don’t worry”, her father says. “Daddy will do everything to make you happy.”
Hedwig avoids eye contact. If her fathers contacts can’t find you, then she’ll have to contact hers. None in the family knows about the hitmen she knows — and hires often — and neither does she want them to. Worry is eating her up from the inside. She wants nothing more than to hold you in her arms and kiss every part of your soft, wonderful skin. She wants to run her fingers through your hair and make sure that you know that you’re safe with her. She has never been this worried before. 
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“This is the last stop.”
You nod and rise from your seat. Your legs have fallen asleep since long ago and you have no idea where you are. By now, you’re hungry and tired, wishing nothing more than to sleep. Carefully, you look around. Where are you? You’re surrounded by fields, forests and small, small cabins. With a sigh, you sit down by the side of the road, to think before you start going somewhere. You should try to find a payphone, perhaps, to call your family. No, they wouldn’t be able to help you. If Hedwig wouldn’t hire someone to kill them, she would either pay them or manipulate her way to get what she wants. After all, you fell for her little girl act for so long. If only you had seen how unstable and obsessive she really was before you had tangled yourself this far deep into the relationship. By now, it is too late to cut things off. She has nestled her way into your every day life. Wherever you look, Hedwig’s there in some way, shape of form. She has infiltrated your life like a virus. 
You hide your face in your hands. Hedwig’s a fucking spider who has intangled you in her web, slowly draining you of life until she can eat you. What should you do? You can’t go home, can’t talk to anyone you know. If you call the police, she will get away with it. Her family is in the elite class, they always get away with things. 
“Hedwig …”, you whisper frustratedly into your hands. “Why have you done this? Why have you given me this much problem? Why me?”
Your stomach growls and you wrap your arms around your body tightly. You have to find food soon. And after that … shelter. 
Hours go by. You’ve curled up by a tree to get some kind of warmth, but there’s none to be found. Your body temperature is dropping every minute go by. You have nothing to keep you company, apart from the moon. And weirdly enough, it feels like it is pitying you. 
You wake up the following morning by someone trying to catch your attention. An old woman. Your vision is blurry, but you can tell that you’ve never seen her before. 
“Hello, are you okay?” she asks worriedly. “What are you doing out here? You’re freezing!”
You can barely hear what you’re saying, you can’t feel your body. 
“Do you know who you are?” the woman asks. 
You can’t move your body, can’t answer. You’re so cold. 
“Do I need to call someone?” she asks. 
No answer. She picks up her phone and calls the police, telling them that she’s found a person who’s been sleeping outside the entire night, that they’re unresponsive and ice cold. She tells the cops a description of your characteristics. You feel like shutting your eyes again, so tired. 
“No, don’t close your eyes!” she says quickly. “You can die!”
You try to force your eyes to stay open. 
The old woman can’t carry you, so she goes to get you blankets and hot tea. While she forces a warm cup in your hands, you can tell that a white car pulls up on the road in the distance. 
That’s not a cop car. 
The familiar, female voice causes you to drop the mug. Hedwig runs all the way over to you and throws herself at your stone cold body. Her warm face hides into your neck. 
“My God, darling, you’re freezing!” she gasps and cups your icy cheeks with her hands. “My sweetheart, I’ve been so worried!”
The men behind her thank the old lady for calling the cops and you suddenly understand what’s going on. Once again, the elite has taken over the cops. One of the men are Hedwig’s father. You gulp. This is bad. 
The old woman leaves. You want to shout out that they’re not going to help you, that it was this girl’s fault that you endured a night out in the snow for, but you can’t bring yourself to do it, not in in front of Hedwig’s father. 
“It’s okay, Y/N, I’m here now”, she says and tries to warm you up with her hands. “You could have died! I’ll never let this happen again, I promise. I’ll never let you out of my sight again!” 
She removes her expensive coat and scarf and hangs them over your shoulders, wires the scarf around your neck and blows hot air on your hands. She kisses your forehead. Two of the men, you haven’t seen them before, carry your body to the car and place you in the backseat, right next to Hedwig. She tells the chauffeur to bring up the heat to max.
“I’ve been so worried for you, sweetheart”, she says and holds your icy hands between hers while continuing to blow hot air. “Why did you do that? You scared me to death, Y/N!”
“You have given us some problems, young lady/man”, her father says from the front seat. “You’ve made my daughter very upset.”
You can’t respond. There’s something about her father that terrifies you. 
“I don’t ever want to see my little princess upset”, he continues. “I will do everything to make her happy, which means that you need to stay. Do I have to take measures to make sure that you stay with my daughter?”
You gulp and shake your head. Something’s definitely wrong about him.
“I will never let you leave me again”, Hedwig whispers in your ear. “I need you. If i don’t have you … I don’t want to live. Don’t ever try this again. Please.” She seems to realize how she sounds and shakes her head. “Please don't think I want to scare you, I just … I can’t imagine my life without you. I have to keep you with me like this. I know you understand, you’re just cold and tired.”
“You don’t have to drag in your father in your dirty business, Hedwig”, you whisper. “That’s low.”
She brings your cold hands under her shirt, shivering. While you do enjoy the heat, you keep your hands in fists. 
“You’re my everything, I had to do what was necessary, I’m sorry”, Hedwig whispers and sniffles. “No one likes me the way you do. You’re the only real person in this world. Everyone else … they’re fake. You’re so special to me.”
You don’t say anything more to her during the entire car ride. When you come back to her mansion, you’re immediately tucked into bed. Hedwig closes the door to her bedroom after her, locking it.
“Here”, she says and placed a silver tray on the bed. “Soup. The chef made it for you.” She sits down and sighs sadly. “Why did you leave me, sweetheart? What have I done? PLease tell me so I’ll make sure to never do it again. I don’t want to be without you.”
“Stop pretending”, you hiss. “You know very well. Talk to me instead of acting like a defenseless school girl.”
“I know what you’ve done. I’ve heard your phone calls at night.”
Hedwig’s face drops and grows multiple shades lighter. At first, she doesn’t say anything. Her hands tremble as she panickedly thinks. 
“O-Oh, Y/N …”, she starts with an unsteady voice. “I never- … I never-”
“Why me, Hedwig?” you ask, not being able to bring your voice above a terrified whisper.
“Because- … because I love you.” 
“You can have anyone you want, you really can … so why me?” 
It is unbelievable. You can’t understand why you are worth killing for. What does she see in you that is that special? You could never have anticipated that someone would end human lives … for you. But then again, is anyone worth killing for?
As the realization of reality sets in, along with your exhausted form, you grow tired. 
 “I’ll have to take precautions from now on”, Hedwig says. “I love you so much, I can never let this happen again.”
“What are you going to do?” you ask coldly. “Send hitmen on me? On my family?”
“No, not you — never you. But …”
“My family, right?”
Hedwig bites her lip before groaning. “I just- … I wish that you never had tried to leave! I don’t want to do these kinds of things! They make me feel so dirty! Fuck, Y/N, why can’t you just … love me again?”
You don't answer. A single tear runs down your cheek. You can't even look at her, which drives her insane. 
“Y/N, please!” she begs and reaches for your hand, but you quickly pull away. “Don't do this to me. I love you. I really, really do!”
She starts to sniffle, then sob. You're amazed that just a little touch deprivation causes her to break down completely, but she expects you to be completely normal when people are getting murdered behind your back — on your behalf?
“I want to go home.”
“I can’t let you go, Y/N. I need you here. I can’t live without you.”
“Let me go home. Now.”
“No, Y/N. You need to stay here. I will make you stay here. If you think that I'm going to let the only one that loves me leave, you're wrong.”
“I don't … love you anymore.”
It looks like someone has punched Hedwig right in her ribs.
“Yes you do”, she says quietly, wishing.
You turn your head away.
“I'll let you be”, she says and slowly stands up. “I love you, Y/N. Please don't think I don't.”
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You're forced to sleep beside her all night. You've curled up into a ball and she doesn't try to reach for you, like you had expected … but you can hear her cry. 
She leaves for school, leaving you all alone, but not before reminding you that she has people in the house that won't let you leave the premises. She tells you that you can go down to the kitchen to get yourself something to eat, but you wait in her room, as a silent protest, for as long as you can manage. When your stomach physically hurts, you sigh in defeat and walk downstairs.
Someone's sitting by the kitchen aisle. A blonde woman who twirls a wine glass slowly. Her eyes are empty, but her appearance is that of a goddess. You recognize her, first as the popular actress you used to watch, and as Hedwig's mother second. You're about to turn around and walk out when her voice stops you.
“Stay.” Her voice is low, almost strained.
You turn back and take a few, slow steps into the marble kitchen. The woman doesn't look up from her twirling, red wine.
“I heard that she found you”, she says and sighs.
You nod carefully. 
“They're very alike, you know”, she says, glancing at you, “her and her father.”
“They are?” you ask.
“Yes. Unfortunately.” She nods at the chair in front of her. “Sit down.”
Just like Hedwig’s father, her mother had something in her voice that you don't dare disobey. You sit down, still not being able to look at her.
“Do you know who I am, Y/N?” she asks, sounding like she doesn't expect much.
“I do, ma'am”, you answer. “I used to watch your movies a lot when I was younger. You were awesome.”
Hedwig’s mother smiles slightly, a genuine, warm smile.
“That makes me happy”, she says softly. “Thank you, Y/N. I was scared to have been forgotten.”
“What? No, never. You're an icon. I wish you still did movies.”
“Me too.”
“Why don't you?”
Her smile thins out. “Hedwig’s father … he's … well, let's just say he rather wants me here.” And she adds on, sour grimace on her face: “Where it is safe.”
“That sounds like what-”
“-Hedwig would say, yes. I told you … they're very alike.”
A light turns on in your head.
“Did he … did he take you, too?” you ask, carefully.
“Take and take, not exactly.” Her mother seems to think and the dull look in her eyes returns. “If only it was that quick and direct. He nestled his way into my life, infiltrating every part. First, he wanted to invite me on a date, then help with auditions, then he wanted to be my manager, then director, then boyfriend. He had control of every work related issue … always making sure I never worked intimate with any men, turning down things I really wanted to do … isolating me from my costars. When we married, he wanted me to quit all together, and wanted me to stay home with the child I was pregnant with.”
“When I was pregnant, I was wishing that she wouldn't inherit that side of her father. I hoped and prayed. But she did. I'm sorry, Y/N.”
“I'm sorry that happened to you.”
The woman gives a weak smile. “Don't be. It's happening to you now, be sorry for yourself. I'm hoping in telling you this, that you somehow can get away before it's too late.”
“Can't you … leave?”
She shakes her head. “It's too late for me.”
“No, it's not. You're still beautiful, Hollywood would love to have you back.”
“Thank you, you're very kind, Y/N. But it's not that easy. He controls more than you can ever imagine. He has made sure to be part of the industry so that I can never return.”
You gesticulate with you hands. “Then … do something else! Prove to him that he can't own you.”
“I envy your enthusiasm. But it wouldn't work, he would get into that too and sabotage for me again.”
“Why does he ruin for you? Doesn't he love you?”
“He does. He just wants me for himself.” She sighs. “I don't know how Hedwig would behave with you, if she would let you work-”
“I don't think so. She has talked about letting me stay home with her so that I could spend time on my hobbies and her taking care of our children.”
“I was afraid of that.” She stands up and downs the last of her red wine. “One thing I'm happy about, is that Hedwig has inherited her father's ability to love. They love too much, I think. And that affects the people around them. If you can't leave, Y/N, I'd advise you to play along. Life is not bad here … as long as you don't try to leave. I promise you that.”
Before she can leave the kitchen, you have to ask her one final question.
“Excuse me, ma'am”, you say and watch how she gives you a look. “Did … did he ever kill for you?”
She doesn't answer.
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When Hedwig returns that afternoon, she has a big basket in her hands, and a bouquet of roses.
“Please forgive me for everything I've done”, she whispers and places them both in front of you before sinking down on her knees. “I'm so sorry.”
The basket is filled with your favorite snacks, a few boxes of jewelry and a designer scarf.
“I did what I thought would solve the problem”, she whispers, shaking her head regretfully. “I wanted the people that hurt you yo get what they deserved. I don't have a good explanation for the people that … didn't do anything. I just couldn't bare to see you interact with someone that wasn't me.”
“You're a stupid girl, Hedwig”, you say coldly.
“Yes, yes I am”, she sniffles. “I'm an idiot. Please forgive me.”
You thought back on what her mother had said about how life wasn't bad if you actually did what Hedwig wanted. You looked at her. She really did look like an innocent school girl, sitting on her knees in her school uniform with her hands clasped together, begging for forgiveness with tears streaming down her face. You start to feel bad for her. She is an only child to a pair of parents who went through a weird, macabre relationship. Of course she would want someone to love her and stay with her forever. You have feelings for her, you can't kill them, even if you really want to. Maybe this was what her mother felt, that she really loved Hedwig’s father that much, that she couldn't leave him … and because she knew that he would never let her leave. 
If you stay, people won't get hurt. And maybe, just maybe, you can change her. 
“I … I forgive you …”
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
Submissive! König Headcanons
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Warnings: 18+, Consensual Non-Con/Dub-Con, Pegging, Edging, Teasing, Overstimulation, Gagging, Riding, Praise Kink (receiving), Slight Bondage, Cock Ring, Mention of Blood, Mild Painplay, Dirty Talk, Petnames, Submissive König, Dominant Reader, Mentions of Pain, Crying, No Pronouns used for Reader Except 'You', Profanity, etc.
Submissive König lives for your praise.
When you ride him, he goes absolutely feral, completely at your mercy.
When you sink down on him, he throws his head back into the pillows and moans.
He's a moaner - a loud one at that.
If you slap your hand over his mouth and tell him to "Be a good boy, be quiet for me,"--
He's nutting. Immediately.
He's secretly a massive fan of teasing and edging.
Though, when you carry on to the point that his cock is aching and red and weeping, he'll desperately slam his hips up into you, trying to get some sort of friction - release.
Man's fast af, and he's got a lot of stamina. He can go for hours.
Definitely a quick finisher, though if you demand ask him to hold out for you, he'll try his best.
And if he doesn't...well, he gets extremely whiny.
You overstimulate him , punish him to the point he's crying and sobbing, begging you to stop keep going.
And that's just when you're sucking him dry; if you're feeling particularly cruel, you'll usually wear a long, thick strap-on.
"You're not walking for the next week since you're being such a brat," you say, gripping his hair by the roots and lifting his head so he can hear the venom in your voice.
There's nothing he can do except take an absolute pounding from you, moaning your name into the pillows while his hands are cuffed to the bedposts.
All the while, you're calling him your "Good boy," praising him.
"You're taking me so well, Köni. Making it real easy for me to slip inside your tight little hole."
He'll beg you to stop, plead with you to pull out because he can't take any more, but you ignore him, stretching him out on the thick base of your strap-on.
"You should've thought about this before acting the way you did," you hiss. "I'm not gonna stop until you bleed."
If you feel that he's misbehaved in a way that's invoked your unrelenting discipline, you'll put on this one strap-on that makes König's face break out into fear like a rash.
It's long and fat enough that you can see it bulging in König's stomach when you're fucking him, reducing him to a whimpering, sobbing shell of a man.
Whenever he can tell you're going to break it out, he tries to talk you out of it, tries being democratic and barter with you, but your mind's made up.
By the time you're satisfied, he's passed out, breathing heavily, coated in sweat and cum and completely dead to the world.
You also enjoy using a cock ring on him to make sure he gets absolutely no release, not if he's undeserving of it.
You can practically see the base of his cock swell whenever he's close, ready to burst like a pipe.
But you don't let him cum. Not until you say so.
Gag him. Oh my god, GAG HIM.
König gets off on being completely helpless when he's with you, so if you make sure he can't talk or make a sound, his eyes will be rolling into the back of his head.
"You can try to scream and cry as much as you like; nobody's coming to save you."
But be gentle with him during aftercare :-(; he's very fragile after sex and he just wants you to praise him and tell him he did well.
Bathe with him, stroke his hair, press kisses to his temples and his face will just light up like ☺️.
He feels loved and accepted when he can be his true, genuine self with you, different from the other König he becomes on the battlefield.
And it's the thought of you that keeps him going every day, regardless of how grueling or death-defying the mission is.
He's your "Big guy," your "Teddy bear," and nothing will ever take that away from him.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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mynameismckenziemae · 8 months
In Case You Didn’t Know Part 1
(next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OFC
Summary: Jake and Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Mason (you) have been best friends since diapers. You’ve been there for each other every step of the way; middle school bullies, broken hearts, baseball games, grad school and the Navy. Jake’s shaken to the core when a mission goes south and he takes his medical leave at home, knowing you’re the only thing that’ll make him feel okay again.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI-this chapter doesn’t contain smut but future ones will, discussions of death and cancer, swearing, etc.
Jake always thought the whole ‘life flashes before your eyes when you’re about to die’ saying was bullshit.
But as his jet plummets toward the ground and smoke fills the cockpit, he realizes it’s true; with one exception.
Every memory features you.
The engine failure alarms serve as the background music to each one that flies by. On the first day of kindergarten when you took his hand to lead him inside because he was too scared to go in alone. Being each other’s first kiss the night before Becca Wilson’s birthday party since seven minutes in heaven was rumored to happen. The relieved smile when you found out you were allowed to play on the boy’s high school baseball team since there weren’t enough girls for softball. How you blushed at his whistle when you walked down the stairs in your prom dress. The way you melted when he handed you the black lab puppy you wanted so badly after grad school but couldn’t afford. Finally, the heart-wrenching sobs as he held you when cancer stole your mom 6 months ago. He never wanted to hear it again.
Will you cry like that if he dies?
“No,” he mutters, picturing your tears, your devastation.
Is it better or worse that you don’t know he’s in love with you?
“Hangman, I need you to eject,” your voice whispers.
His brow furrows. You’ve never called him by his callsign.
“Charlie?” He mumbles, unconsciousness fighting to pull him under.
“HANGMAN! EJECT!” Rooster screams, pleading over the radio.
He snaps out of it and adrenaline pumps through his veins when he sees the ground rapidly approaching.
Everything goes black when he pulls the ejection handle.
“…recovery is at least 12 weeks. We’ll get you transferred to NHCP-“
“No. I’m going home,” Jake interrupts the doctor. He hates everything medical; between the needles, blood, fluorescent lighting, antiseptic smells, he feels like he could crawl out of his skin.
“Lt. Seresin, you’re going to need a lot of assistance. Help showering, stairs are out of the question, you can’t drive, daily physical therapy-“
“I know. I’ll have help at home and I know a great physical therapist,” Jake says in a tone that leaves no room for discussion.
The doctor hesitates before resigning with a sigh. “Alright. I’ll get the write the orders and finish your discharge paperwork so we can get you out of here.”
A loud crash from your front porch has you sitting straight up in bed with a racing heart.
The hair on your dog’s (named Cash, after the Man in Black himself) back stands straight up as he growls low in his throat.
You slip out of bed and pick up the baseball bat you keep by your bed before creeping down the hall behind your dog.
“Charlie? It’s me,” Jake groans through the door. Cash relaxes when he hears Jake’s familiar voice and his tail starts to wag excitedly.
You drop the bat and throw it open. “What are you doing here at 5 in the morning?!” You laugh, but it dies when you see him on the ground. “Oh my God, Jake! What happened?! Are you okay?!” You gasp, crouching to help him onto his back. Cash stays back, sensing something isn’t right.
“I lost my balance on the step trying to juggle my suitcase and these fucking crutches,” he grits out, trying to right himself.
“Leave the crutches. I’ll hand them to you once I get you up. On three, okay? 1,2,3,” you say, hoisting him to his feet. Well, foot.
But before you can hand him the crutches, he wraps you in a tight hug with a choked sob.
“Oh Jake,” you whisper, tears prickling in your own eyes. You’ve only seen him cry a handful of times, and never like this.
You rub soothing circles on his back, only releasing him when he finally relaxes. “Let’s get you inside and off that leg.”
“You look like awful,” you observe as you get him settled on your couch.
“Thanks,” he grimaces when you elevate his foot.
“What am I working with here?” You nod to his cast.
“Fractured the 2 bones in my lower leg. Nothing else is broken, I’m sore everywhere and my shoulders are pretty bruised too, but I was lucky.”
“You had to eject,” you conclude when he pulls his collar to show you the dark purpling.
“Yeah, in a heavily wooded area, hence the scratches on my face. I suppose it was a good thing though, slowed me down a little before I hit the ground.”
You bite your lip to stop the many questions on the tip of your tongue. He looks so exhausted, in pain, and not ready to talk about it yet.
“I’ll make us something to eat and I’m going back to sleep for a bit. You look like you could some too.”
He nods in agreement. “I haven’t slept in days…I just wanted to get home.”
“Well, now you are and can rest. I’ll be back in a few.”
“Here, take these,” you hand him some over-the-counter pain meds and a glass of orange juice once he has some food in his stomach.
“Thanks, I’m sorry to drop in like this. I don’t-I didn’t think things through, I just needed to get out of that hospital-“
“It’s okay,” you interrupt, unable to watch him getting more and more anxious. “Really, Jake. You know I’m always here for you. I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Charlie. So much,” he says, voice cracking. But he clears his throat and changes the subject. “This couch is amazing, but do you really need 50 pillows?”
You swallow the lump in your throat and roll your eyes. “Yes, I really do,” you say, smacking him gently with one of the said pillows before handing him the remote. “Wanna find something to watch while I throw these in the dishwasher?”
“Sure, thanks again.”
“Welcome,” you reply, ruffling his hair like you always have. It used to drive him crazy but now he relishes those touches.
“Yessssss, Joe Dirt! I haven’t seen this in ages,” you say, throwing a blanket over him as you come back to the living room.
“We watched it last time I was home,” Jake says, giving you a look.
“Yeah, that was 5 months ago though,” you reply. Recalling why he was here.
Your mom had died early on a Tuesday morning. It was as peaceful as it could be when cancer ravishes someone so quickly. Cash was curled around your legs as you held one of her hands in yours, while Jake’s mom, Ruth held the other. Jake’s sister, Emma, played with the short hair that started to grow back when she stopped the chemo like she always did when she was little. Jake’s dad, Tom had a hand on her leg while he hummed ‘I’ll Fly Away’.
Jake’s family left once the funeral home took her body away after much convincing and reassuring that you were fine, and finally you could fall back into bed. That’s where you stayed for the next 18 hours until Jake found you, so empty and unlike yourself. He was on his way home when he found out Lisa had taken a turn for the worst, but she went downhill quicker than anyone expected. Your first tears fell as he climbed into bed and held you when the sobs wracked your body.
You’re not sure what strings he pulled but he stayed with you for 3 weeks. He helped you bathe and dry your hair the day of the funeral, making you smile when he said he couldn’t do make up. He held your hand at the service, and talked to everyone who approached to give their sympathies so you didn’t have to. He cleaned up her room, packed her clothes into totes, and arranged for the hospital bed to be taken away so you didn’t have to look at it.
“You could go years without watching it and be able to recite it by heart with how many times we’ve seen this movie,” Jake sighs dramatically.
“It’s my favorite. Can you blame me? Look at that mullet.”
“That’s what does it for ya? Maybe I’ll have to grow one,” Jake jokes, lifting his head as you sit down and resting back down on your thighs. Cash jumps up on the other side, resting his head between Jake’s and your stomach.
“Don’t tease me, you’ll turn me on with that visual,” you laugh. “Can you do the white-trash facial hair too? That combination? Phew! Panty dropping!”
He looks up from your lap and laughs for the first time since the accident.
The tension leaves his body as your fingers run through his hair, and he’s asleep within minutes.
Your chest tightens as you look him over; the dark circles under his eyes, a cut under his chin has stitches that will need to come out soon, the purple bruising by his shoulders when you shift his collar, and his leg swelling above the cast.
Yet he’s as beautiful as ever. He’s always been attractive-cute as a boy, hot as a teenager but downright mouth-watering as a man. You started to develop feelings in high school and hoped when you went your separate ways after that those feelings would fizzle out, but they didn’t. They were always simmering on the back burner with the absence, rising to the top with every reconciliation and boiling over when he took care of you 6 months ago.
You aren’t sure how Jake feels. He’s always been a flirt but sometimes you catch the heat in his eyes and the way he reaches for you before catching himself. As much as you long to find out, you aren’t willing to risk ruining your friendship.
Jake’s choking, panicked gasps wake you a few hours later.
“Jake, sweetheart, it’s okay. You’re okay,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to his clammy forehead before you think better of it.
His eyes fly open and his panicked gaze meets yours. Cash comes over and nudges Jake's hand with his nose, whining until Jake puts his hand on his head.
“Take some deep breaths with me. In…one, two, three. Hold…one, two, three. Out…one, two, three. Good Jake, again.”
You repeat it until his breathing regulates.
“Charlie, we need to talk. I need you…r help.”
A/N: I think this is the first thing I’ve written without smut. Don’t worry, it’s coming. Sorry this was a little short, but it felt like a good stopping point.
Fun fact: Joe Dirt is the movie my husband and I watched the first time we hung out (back in 2009 🥴)
Every interaction is appreciated but I really like hearing what you think ☺️ Especially since this is the first time I’ve written something not based around smut haha.
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pucksandpower · 2 years
Hi, hope you’re okay and that you’re having a good Christmas.
Could I request an insta edit with Carlos Sainz and a Bollywood Actor, maybe one photo could include her going to a race and him going to one of the her red carpets, and them visiting each other’s home countries (Spain and India.)
Thank you!
Carlos Sainz x bollywood actress!Reader - Instagram AU
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Liked by carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari, and 1,702,493 others
yourusername red for ferrari ❤️
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scuderiaferrari so excited for you to join us for the weekend!
carlossainz55 you + me + my driver’s room
f1fan3 📸 caught in 4k
sainzlover the things that driver’s room has seen …
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Liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 693,614 others
carlossainz55 still speechless from the premiere! y/n, your talent never fails to amaze me. highly recommend everyone checks out my love’s incredible performance once it hits theaters soon
View all 2,173 comments
yourusername i love you, my favorite hype man
landonorris simp
carlossainz55 proudly
f1wagupdates screaming, crying, throwing up, etc
Liked by carlossainz55, vogueindia, and 1,857,149 others
yourusername pre-red carpet shenanigans
View all 5,306 comments
carlossainz55 we are definitely winning the grid’s annual lip-syncing contest
sainz4ever oh my god
ferrarifan7 oh my god
charles_leclerc oh my god
sainz4ever CHARLES?
scuderiaferrari oh my god
sainz4ever FERRARI?
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Liked by carlossainz55, yourfan6, and 1,524,738 others
yourusername in love with spain
View all 4,962 others
carlossainz55 my family officially likes you more than me
yourusername that’s because they have good taste
f1fan7 she met his family 😭
ferrarifan2 more like in love with the spanish
sainzfan5 aka carlos
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Liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 684,351 others
carlossainz55 the light of my life and the festival of lights — spending diwali in india with my love was magical
View all 2,258 comments
yourusername thank you for making it extra special 💛
f1wagupdates already waiting for your multicultural wedding
carlossainz55 🧐
yourusername 🤔
f1wagupdates what does this mean???
f1wagupdates guys???
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rainswept · 1 year
you ask for Fontaine brain rot/reqs, I deliver.
So idk if you've done the recent archon quest and lyney/lynette story quest so if you haven;t be careful caus i will be spoling !
That part where Lyney is freaking out over Freminet and Lynette had me SCREAMING especially since ive done their story quest AND ALSO FRIENDSHIP 10 LYNEY SO I HAVE THE LORE AND IT HURTS SM but I won't spoil all that for u-
so anyways, i started thinking, imagine Lyney has a lover who's been with the siblings for years (and also works for Arlecchino) and is considered another sibling by Lynette and Freminet. They were also diving with Freminet when they encountered water from the primordial sea
now imagine clorinde can only take one person with her at a time when she pulls them back, and she saves Freminet first, later going back for Lyney's s/o
Eventually Freminet wakes up like he does in the quest, but the reader just.. doesn't. Hours pass and the siblings are freaking tf out because they don't want to lose anyone.
(now I can't decide if I crave angst or if I want to comfort my babies so ill give my headcanons for both shiguegoe)
angst: Lyney's lover keeps deteriorating, parts of them gradually turning blue and quite literally withering away (caus you know the water and the dissapearances- yeah-) and the siblings can do nothing but watch
Lynette shuts down more frequently and for longer periods, not even saying anything to Lyney
Freminet blames himself for not noticing sooner, for not getting them out sooner
And then there's Lyney.. he blames himself for not only putting his siblings in danger, but losing his lover...
He sits by their bed watching as they wither away, holding their hand. He knows Father will be upset by his lack of comitment to the mission but he can't bring himself to care
The day they pass, no one says a word. They continue with their mission, report to Father, go on with their Fontainian lives until they're alone and they cry. they cry and scream and curse whatever archons or god's are listening.
After days of not waking up, they finally open their eyes.
Lyney is fretting over them asking if they know where they are, who he is, what happened etc
now to throw in a tidbit of angst, what if they awoke with some disability? like they cant see anymore, they can't hear properly, cant walk properly etc
Lyney and Freminet would devasted because they blame themselves. Lynette would be quick to remind her brothers at least everyone is alive.
It'd be bad because with a disability, they can't work for Father anymore, or at least not the way they used to
AHHEOGUHEOG im stuck in a neverending brain rot my guy
Anyways. I was actually going to request for you to write your own take on this but you don't have to if you dont want- even just hearing your take would be nice lmao
also if its ok i reallly wanna be mutuals! I just found you blog and im obssesed!! I really wanna be friends<3
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NO BECAUSE I SCREECHED SO LOUD MULTIPLE TIMES READING THIS !! THANK U SO MUCH YES OFC I WANNA BE MUTUALS/FRIENDS!! genuinely absolutely made my day to have u ask that oh my god??
also don’t worry about spoiling anything for me, i’ve read every little bit of lyney/lynette/freminet lore out there 😭 and i’ve done all of the new fontaine archon quests already (i need help. it’s okay though!)
as for angst — u know me so well already this is my forte. cracks knuckles here i go
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freminet feels as if something is off.
already beginning to panic, he turns to you in a hurry. the water swishes in his ears. when you meet his gaze, wide-eyed, the gut ‘feeling’ turns into a full-blown punch to it. oh, now he realizes; he can’t breathe. his heart’s racing, chest tightening and throat feeling as if it’s closing up.
you reach out, and exchanging unspoken words, you two turn around and make to retrace your patterns with haste. hand in hand, you race against frittered time; but even your best efforts are not enough, and the both of you are forced to acknowledge it when freminet’s vision begins to turn spotty.
he got in the water first; he’s gone before you are. his body floats limp beside you as you drag him along through the water, even as the surroundings grow hazy for you, too. a cold tingle runs up your spine as you consider the possibility; is this the end?
(when you had left for the pipes, the most you had exchanged with lyney was a quick kiss on the cheek as a goodbye. that wouldn’t do.)
but even as you try desperately to cling to life .. the “sea” is a cruel thing, and it does not care for your mortal frivolities. (a proper goodbye? .. foolish.) with cold, disorienting water enveloping your senses from all sides, your only grounding thing being freminet’s (rapidly cooling) fingers against yours — it didn’t take long before you succumbed to the “sea”, too.
(your last thought as the world went dark was “i’m sorry.”)
(even in your barely conscious state, you feel another wave of panic surge through you when freminet’s fingers slip away from yours — but you don’t have enough energy to hold on.)
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reader lives:
the incessant thrum of the water rushing through pipes rattled in your ears. your whole body was sore, weak and tired; and all of your limbs felt like lead attached to you via shoddy workmanship. your head hurt like hell, and what’s worse is that the moment you opened your eyes, you were immediately met with the sight of the three people you cherished most.
first, there was freminet, who was sitting on the bed opposite to yours. his posture fixes from a slouch into proper the moment he spots you, perhaps in.. excitement? shock? you weren’t sure. his eyes lit up, though.
second, there was lynette. she was .. a bit more on edge than usual. that was .. to be expected, of course, but really. you were out for.. what, an hour or two? come on, all four of you put yourselves in danger all the time. what was different about this?
(what was different was the fact that you were not out for an hour or two. no, make that days. they were sure to remind you of this.)
then, there was lyney. for him, the world seemed to stop.
lyney, who was pacing the room in sheer desperation. he walked and walked, boots timed and in tune with the clocks and dripping water from the pipes. in his nervousness, he had unwittingly created a quite fitting melody.
(the only sounds once he ceases walking are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.)
lyney, who had rushed to your bedside the moment he had noticed you were up. he looked exhausted, but the second you were awake the mask was .. attempted .. to be put back on. however .. it didn’t take someone as observant as you, or even one who knew him so well, to notice that it was placed crooked.
(how absurd he looked, trying to put on a front everyone in the room knew was one.)
why, even, you would have bet that it could’ve been surmised by a child. once again, emphasis on ‘you would have’, for there was no time for thinking about that when he rushed to your bedside and enveloped you into an embrace. you didn’t miss the way his fingers grasped at the back of your shirt in downright desperation.
(in clear, bold letters, it reads; “if nothing else, please let this be real.”)
he slots himself beside you and, wordlessly, holds you close. he doesn’t need words — neither of you do. this is enough.
lynette and freminet looked on, neither of them opening their mouths when lyney buries his face into the crook of your neck and stays there for just a bit too long. he doesn’t cry. instead, he whispers shakily against your skin; “i thought i’d lost you.”
(the only sounds once he ceases speaking are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.
(no one speaks up just yet.)
(the only sounds in the room are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.)
(you’re starting to think those were the only sounds ever there.)
when he finally pulls away, you notice he’s fixed his mask. lyney now smiles, and the shake in his voice is gone; but you know it’s not all better, not when he refuses to leave the infirmary even after sigewinne and the traveler inquire. you know it’s not all better, not when the four of you are alone again. lyney sits beside you on the bed, refusing to so much as stand up (he doesn’t want to let go of your hand. you don’t comment on it, but his fingers are still shaky as he holds onto yours like they’re a lifeline.)
you don’t exchange as much as a single word after that. you just bask in each other’s presence, apologies and pleas and “i love you” shared during every lingering glance between everyone in the room.
the four of you don’t need words. this is enough.
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reader dies:
seven mistakes went unnoticed. seven signs went unfollowed. seven things (and five people) went wrong that day.
one: freminet.
it was entirely freminet’s fault, he thinks, it was. if only he had gotten you out of there in time. no — he shouldn’t have even brought you. he sits on the infirmary bed opposite to yours, knees pulled up to his chest, and he clutches pers with a death grip. he dips his head in such a way that his face is hidden with his hair; he doesn’t want to let lyney and lynette see him in this state. they have enough to deal with.
two: the primordial sea.
but they were bound to notice eventually, right?
“it was entirely the primordial sea’s fault,” lynette would remind, hand on freminet’s shoulder. “it wasn’t yours.”
the primordial sea. the cold and vicious waters were such a contrast to those he held so dear; what was typically calming and merciful turned to something suffocating and terrifying. but that didn’t change the fact that it was an inanimate thing.
he drops pers at the contact; it clatters to the floor; he looks down, wide-eyed and apologetic; he reaches down to pick it up. lynette does not put her hand on his shoulder again.
three: wriothesley.
“it was entirely wriothesley’s fault,” lyney wants to scream. he’s frantic, pacing the infirmary and voice cracking every time he speaks. lynette and freminet have seldom seen him so panicked. he needs to do something, he needs— he can’t. he can’t leave. once he gets his hands on wriothesley, he swears he’ll—
four: clorinde.
it was entirely clorinde’s fault. it was entirely her choice to pick only one of you to save. no one can bring themselves to be upset at her, for she did try to save both of you. but the realization slowly dawns upon the three children of the house of the hearth still with a steady heartbeat; it was either going to be you or freminet.
they realize this at different times. every time they do, they exchange a silent, quick glance.
freminet would’ve gladly given up his life. lyney and lynette, however .. they would not have been able to choose.
five: the gods.
it was entirely the gods’ fault. curse the gods, lyney thinks. he’s still pacing the room, and while he never put much stock in the divine, he was practically yelling at them now. he knew it wasn’t logical. but he needed something. what was the point of a god if not to help their people? what was the point of a god if just to watch people suffer like it’s an opera?
was she here now? was she watching? was this a “twist” for her? did she delight in this?
six: lyney.
it was entirely lyney’s fault. he shouldn’t have let you or freminet go. he shouldn’t have. he shouldn’t have let wriothesley play him like he was a deck of cards in his hands. this was all his fault. all his fault. he knew of the prophecy, dedicated his whole life to it — and yet hadn’t managed to save you from its clutches?
seven: you.
in truth — it was no one’s fault. but lyney is still pacing the room, breathing getting heavier and more rapid every time he steals a glance at you. lynette’s eyes still trace his every move, conveniently ignoring the sight of you as best she could; and freminet still has his face buried in his knees as to not look at your decaying body.
none of them can deal with the fact that it was simply an accident. no one meant for this to happen — there was no one to blame.
they needed someone to blame.
so each and every one of them blamed themselves. as lyney’s fingers grasped your cold ones, he squeezed them softly even as they began to turn blue beneath his grasp. he couldn’t bare to let you go.
and after three long days, the sun rose to find your bed empty where you had laid. you were nowhere to be found. for a moment, lyney’s heart practically leapt out of his chest, wondering .. did you get up?
but as he rushes to the bedside, his face falls. he should’ve known not to get his hopes up.
the blankets were damp where you had laid, soaked with water just as the stage in the opera epiclese had been.
lyney didn’t cry, nor did lynette or freminet.
they didn’t exchange so much as a word the day you died.
instead, they put their aching hearts and empty souls into the mission at hand. they worked twice as hard to distract themselves, and they provided excellent results for “father” — but they had barely worked together to do so.
they exchanged cold words and they held each other at night, when the pain became too much — because as much as they tried to pretend like nothing happened, that was a lie, just as the rest of their existence — but there was no mistaking it. they were now divided.
there was always you. and now there wasn’t.
lynette was the one who informed “father” of your .. whereabouts. lyney couldn’t bring himself to.
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xsoleil boys x reader || wedding day
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a/n: im bored as hell now guys 😭 im just gonna like post a bunch of headcanon stuff LOL i might post like fanfics, but thats a maybe wwww ALSO ALSO starting to reaaally like the later waves of niji, so ill prob focus on mainly xsoleil, noctyx, iluna, etc. ill dribble in some luxiem from time to time, but like the other waves need attention too 🙌 i might do some of the fem waves, but im not sure how to write those LOL
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bro this man's voice makes my brain go haywire
anyways uh
would definitely just be like very happy and stoic during yalls wedding
he'd treat you like his pretty princess/prince
anyways uhhh he would be that kind of romantic person to like take your hand and kiss it once you go to the front
oh my lord, im struggling to find his green flags when all i listen to from his asmrs are the yandere ones
UHM...... i mean like reception would be cute, like he'd dance with you
like beauty and the beast vibes ykkk
help im genuinely struggling w anything thats positive about marrying him 💀
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i feel like doppio would just be generally so excited and happy hes finally marrying the person he loves so much
he would fix his hair JUST FOR THIS
this is also the only event he will never be late to
oh god he would be so nervous when the ceremony actually starts
like hes worried he'll mess up his parts or someone will object
BUT it probably wont happen and itll be a great wedding!!
reception!doppio would be fucking lit
he'd already be making dad jokes even if he isnt a dad yet
i swear, he would be kissing your forehead or cheek every few minutes
oh my goodness, drunk doppio would be so sweet
like i can just imagine him getting tipsy while like the maid of honor and the groomsman doing their little speech things and him getting really emotional
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honestly, i think he would cry at yalls wedding
like, he just screams 'emotionally fragile man on occasion'
the second he sees you in your wedding dress/suit/wtv, he'll start tearing up knowing that yall r gonna be married
and he loves you ya know
he'd hide the fact he was tearing up when you get to the front www
five bucks, doppio would be stifling his laughter when he sees ver crying
reception would be wholesome
ver would be whispering things to you while you guys dance
and not just random things
like i mean in korean
yeah his cute ass voice when he talks in korean
the voice where you want to keel over and throw up because it's really goddamn adorable and kind of attractive because people who speak more than one language is always somewhat attractive
tipsy ver is something to live for
it doesn't always happen but when it does its either hilarious as fuck or really cute and wholesome
like when he gets drunk, there's a 50% chance he starts to emote on the dance floor with an equally drunk doppio
or he could be holding your hand the whole time and staying by your side
a/n: WWWW im sorry i half assed hex's hcs LMAO i just genuinely cant see something that isnt overly explicit or kinky that wouldnt happen on ur wedding so thats why his is like the shortest lmao 💀 errhmm yeah, also ver is my #1 oshi thats why he has like the uh longest one LMAO UHHM yeah whatever lols have a good timezone
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perlukafarinn · 8 months
I'm back with another unbearably homoerotic story from The New Voyages (this one even has a foreword written by Leonard Nimoy)!
The story in question is Ni Var, written by Claire Gabriel and published in the first New Voyages volume in 1976. In it, Spock is split in two - his human half and his Vulcan half. He and Kirk also have unnecessarily intense and emotionally loaded interactions pretty much every page. Just look at this passage that happens right after Spock is split:
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The moment Kirk sees Spock, he knows something is wrong. They have an emotional talk that turns into an argument that turns into Kirk asking Spock what's wrong and if he can help.
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It's the way Kirk reads Spock like an open book! How Spock finds comfort in Kirk's offer to help, even if he's not ready to accept it.
And just when you think it can't get any more intense, bam - City on the Edge of Forever callback!
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Kirk is having an extremely normal one.
Anyway, Kirk finds out about the split soon enough because damned if Spock can keep a single secret from him once he's determined to find out.
We are distracted from the main plot, however, as the Enterprise is sent on a mission to a planet whose natives love the taste of human flesh. Of course, Kirk insists on joining the landing party but Spock is Not Having It.
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They are having this fight in front of the crew. If the rumors didn't exist before, they certainly do now.
Spock loses the argument on account of Kirk being Captain and goes back to his quarters to discuss the issue with his Vulcan half.
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This, the text points out, is the first thing Spock's two halves are in complete agreement on. Protecting Jim. I am banging my head against the wall.
Then Vulcan Spock goes on a mental tangent about humans and emotions and one human in particular, and this passage drives me bonkers.
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"Until he met Jim Kirk."
"A man for whom he felt friendship, perhaps even what Humans call love."
Clawing my eyes out. The romanticism of it all. These are completely normal thoughts to have about your commanding officer!!
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And then Spock decides to risk what he calls "for a Vulcan, torture" to ensure Kirk's safety. What this whole subplot is for is essentially to show that Spock's two halves can be united and the thing they unite over..... is Jim.
I am unwell.
Spock does manage to keep Kirk from throwing himself to the proverbial wolves, the plot moves on, and then they're back in front of the machine that split Spock and can be used to unite him again. Kirk has an angsty moment about that time he was split in two (the whole story, in addition to exploring Spock's split identity, is filled with callbacks to The Enemy Within and the toll that experience took on Kirk mentally and it's great).
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This isn't a particularly Kirk/Spock moment but I had to include it because I love the mental image of Kirk flipping himself off and Spock laughing at it. Kirk would fuck his clone, actually.
Then the time is at hand to unite the two Spocks. Kirk puts a comforting hand on Human Spock's shoulder but then hesitates to do the same to the Vulcan half and this whole page has me crying, screaming, throwing up, etc.
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Spock is united, all is well, and the story ends with Kirk grinning at Spock and Spock responding with an oh-so-subtle smile.
In conclusion: gay.
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shima-draws · 2 years
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My dental bill just came back...............
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xcaptain-winterx · 2 years
Wrong Parent
dad!Lloyd Hansen x reader
summary: Lloyd gets mixed up with the wrong person
warnings: fluff, mentions of Lloyds work, biting, nipples, shit
a/n: English is not my first language, meaning you will probably find a lot of misspelling etc.
Main Masterlist Daddy Sociopath Masterlist
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A sudden scream comes from down the hallway, interrupting the meeting.
Lloyd looks over his shoulder to the door leading to the hallway. Lloyd turns to look back at the men surrounding the man tied to the chair.
“Gentlemen, if you excuse me, I need to take care of something” a smile appears on his face as he stands up. “Take care of this thing while I’m away” the men nod before turning to face Mr. Kemp again.
Lloyd walks with quick steps down the hallway. He knows what will happen if he doesn’t get there fast enough. Following the sounds Lloyd comes to stand in front of the only door that is not ceiling high. Another cry pierces Lloyds ears, as he unlocks the door. The sight of two small chubby hands, sticking out off the expensive crib greet him. Lloyd steps closer and sees the little infant on their back, tears running down their cheeks and a little pout on their face.
“Hey, junior” Lloyd says as he carefully picks his son up, cradling his head, “what’s wrong?”
He whines, while gripping his dads turtleneck sweater tightly. Lloyd walks around the room, trying to calm him down. “Shh, everything is ok. There’s no reason to cry. Look, even Mr. Mustache is happy” he says, picking up the teddy bear, which is laying in the crib. It was the first stuff animal the baby got. It was custom made, and Lloyd took that as an advantage to give it a mustache. “And you know what? Mr. Mustache would be really happy if you give him a little smile”he brings the bear closer to his face in hopes of making him laugh.
Lloyds plan doesn’t work though, the baby won’t stop.
“Oh come on. What the fudge is wrong-OH SHIT” Lloyd can’t hide the disgust that crosses his face when he hears something heavy enter the diaper, “of course it had to be a shit”. A small giggle is heard.“You like daddy getting frustrated? You are really like your mama” Lloyd speaks as he walks over to the changing table, “ok, remember we are a team”
He makes quick work in getting the onesie and diaper off. “God, what does mama feed you? I know you get her boobies, but I don’t remember having to take such a huge shit when I had them”
After finishing putting on a new diaper and putting Junior back in a onesie, he walks over to the rocking chair, the same rocking chair his wife spent most nights in during her last trimester. Slowly Juniors eyes start to close until you can hear soft little snores.
Lloyd smiles, happy that his son is finally calm again. He carefully puts him down in his crib before deciding to take a shower. He walks into the master bedroom to get to the connected master bathroom. Throwing his clothes off, putting them in a basket because he knows sunshine hates clothes just laying on the floor. He steps into the shower and almost curses at the amount of blood that was still on him. He better not tell mama.
As Lloyd tries to grab his shampoo he sees that it’s not there or in fact nowhere. He must have forgotten to buy some new, no, the servants forgot to get some new one. Someone will definitely have to pay for that.
The only shampoo now there is sunshines, and he grabs it. It’s not a very manly smell, but it’s his favorite smell and it will work till he will get his shampoo.
Lloyd finishes and grabs the towel, wrapping it around his waist before putting some beard shampoo on his mustache.
A cry is heard when Lloyd pulls on his pants. Lloyd lets out a airy laugh, of course LJ decided to start crying the second he’s finished showering. So now he walks back to the nursery, in just his pants, to take care of his little monster.
“what’s wrong now, bubba?”using the nickname sunshine always calls him. He picks him up, holding him against his chest. “You’re probably hungry, right?”, Lloyd says as LJ opens his mouth and puts his hand in it.
He moves LJ a bit in his arms, so he can grab a napkin for safety. “Ok, lets-AHHHHHH” a sudden pain shoots through his left nipple. Lloyd looks down and sees his son sucking and biting at his nipple. “FUCK NO” Lloyd pulls his son away from his body, holding him at arm length. A growl leaves his mouth.
“Did you just seriously did what I think you did?” he says with a stern voice “Do I look like mama”. His son reaches for him with closed eyes.
“Mwaaa” screams LJ.
Lloyd looks at him confused, “Hold up, do you think I’m mama?”. Lloyd holds him to his chest again and immediately LJ tries to go for his boob again. Quick Lloyd pulls LJ away before his nipple gets attacked again. Then he realizes.
Not only did he use the nickname his wife calls their son but also used her shampoo. Now Lloyd also realizes that his son got his eyes closed, meaning that he didn’t even see him.
“I’m not mama, see”, Lloyd holds him so he’s face to face with his son. He brings him closer and puts one of his sons small hands on his mustache. “It’s daddy not mama”
He gives his daddy a smile, ‘slapping’ his cheeks. “Aww hitting daddy after you already bit him? That’s not very nice.” Lloyd gives him a kiss on the forehead before finally walking out off the room to get some milk with LJ.
“Do I have such big boobs?”
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pearldog30 · 1 year
The guys reacting to a period simulator
Ghost, Soap, Hesh, Rudy, Alejandro.
Time for another HC. I just want to apologize why I haven't been active the past few weeks A LOT has happened, so yeah.... But I'm back and hopefully I'll get into the groove of posting more. There's just a lot of personal stuff that has happen, because of it I haven't been in the mood to write but I'm trying for y'all. cuz I love y'all 🖤
Other works 👉 Master list
Warnings| period Related stuff obviously.
Ghost 👻
When you first tell him about it he gives you major side eye cuz he doesn't think it exists until you put it in his hand. He is eyeing it up and down like you put a bomb in his hand or something.
Now talking him into actually putting it on is a whole nother ball game, it took you at least 3 weeks to talk him into it. And when he finally agreed, he was eyeing that little mote control that came with it like his life depended on it.
1,000% is scarily quiet.
Definitely is probably the most calm throughout the entire thing. even when you ramp it up to 10 you might hear him grunt a little, but that's the most you're going to get out of this man. Takes it like a champ
Afterwards though... He won't tell you straight up, but he has so much more respect for you now after going through that hell. he'll never admit it, but he was crying screaming throwing up on the inside
He spoils you afterwards a LOT more/Gives into whatever you want during that time of the month. cuddles/snacks/chocolate etc whatever you want bb, he's there. He will also low-key fight anyone who says period cramps are nothing
Soap 🧼
Oh oh oh... My poor so soapy boy, when you first told him about it he got so fucking cocky probably went a little something like this. "Ha! and what is that little machine supposed to do, this will be a breeze! Ay!" he went back on his words after you were done.
Tries to play it cool and tough. but fails it miserably after you crank it up past 4. Guaranteed this mf is already complaining and whining. "What. No... It can't be 4 you're cheating" says something along those lines.
Anything past 5 he is screaming and whining like a child. (He almost ripped it off at that point, but you stopped him beforehand)
He demanded to hold your hand after that, and he had it in a death grip the entire time. like he was given birth or something he said it was for emotional support.(he almost broke your hand from how tight he was squeezing it)
He shed a few tears you pumped it up to 10 but try to play it off. He is regretting every word he said.
Afterwards though he probably said something like "so Bonnie where's my chocolate" or something like that, (expecting to get his own little period basket for "surviving" it as he calls it.😭)
(Hesh my bb he is the most underrated character ever. y'all are sleeping on him, and I hate all of you for it. he needs more attention because I said so!)
A lot like ghost, He never even heard it existed until you said something, He definitely was skeptical about it.
He was surprisingly open to trying it. And wasn't nervous about it. And too much to your surprise he was handling it really well. (With the occasional grunts, and groans, here and there. he tried to man it so hard, but failed in the end)
But when you got it past 5 that's when he started to violently sweat, and he kind of started to get quiet, Which made you a little worried.
He did however! took the controller away from you Midway through because he thought you were lying. and then when he realized, he nearly shit himself that it was only at 7. (Definitely gave you bombastic side eye)
But after it was all said and done, he could not stop asking you if that's what periods really felt like, and when you confirmed every single one of them. he went silent looking at you as if God himself was saying it. Moral of the story he gained a lot more respect for you and other women
He was also a lot more gentle with you during those times, not saying he was before. he just somehow took it a step further, and praised you a lot. Telling you how good you did during those times of the month. (Probably also asked Elias/a few of the guys on the team who had wives few of their own tricks on how they dealt with them when they had theirs)
Alejandro 🔥
When you first mentioned the idea to him he looked at you like you were talking in another language. In the back of his mind tho he thought this was all bullshit what could a little machine do. And boy was he wrong
He wasn't necessarily wasn't open to it at first glance but after a little "negotiating" he finally agreed. And boy were you excited you definitely secretly filmed it
You weren't even on to level 2 when he was asking what level you had it on. This man cannot for the life of him keep his mouth shut either, he was either complaining or talking the entire time. NO IN BETWEEN!
Anything past 3 tho... he's acting like he's giving birth. quite literally saying every cuss word in the book, didn't matter if it was English or Spanish you heard it. you were getting slightly concerned
But once you got it turned up to 7. that's when he said fuck this, and ripped it off violently almost breaking the machine, and smashing it. (He also somehow shocked his hand in the process)
But after (that hell experience he calls it) he picked up his game in doing house chores after going through that. he doesn't let you lift a finger during that time of the month.
Now Rudy's actually heard of this before from his sister, who's brought it up a couple of times. so when you jumped on the bandwagon too, he was scared for his own safety.
This poor man was probably a sweating nervous wreck. Since he has a mom and sister he knows how bad it was for them. so he's expecting the worst.
Although he was a nervous wreck, he was violently calm through the whole process. which Low key scared you
I feel like he has a high pain tolerance. So it actually didn't affect him that bad. but still it hurt ofc, and he hates seeing people he loves in pain. But when it got to 10 that's when he really started to feel it, and move around more. (You know those little period cramp moves we do yeah that was him 💀)
Although unlike most of the guys, he was more quiet and reserved about the pain. He knew you had to deal with this every month, so what gives him the right to scream and complain when he could turn it off at any moment, and you couldn't.
He also went to his mom and sister after that experience. asking them what more he could do to help you out.
And that's going to be the end for this, I know it wasn't long. but I just wanted to get something out there for you, I hope you enjoy. and I hope you are having a good day/night wherever You are. reblogs, and comments are always appreciated 🖤
Tags @macravishedbymactavish
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sioishere · 10 months
COD Angst
Warning(s): I don't really know how to write so please bear with me. Also, Price is not in here. I couldn't think of a prompt for him. You can put ideas for me. I will get to them as quickly as I can.
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-Simon "Ghost" Riley
If Simon had children, he would be so terrified of becoming like his father that he'd separate himself from them.
Not showing up for dances even if he's free, not picking them up from school, staying in his room most of the time, etc.
He'll shut down when confronted about it. Going silent, not responding, and basically it looks like he's ignoring you.
He's not.
He heard every word you yelled. He saw every tear that was dropped.
He wishes he can be the father you pray and wish for him to be.
But he just can't
"Oh my god Simon! This is the fifth recital! Do you understand that those kids love you? Why can't you just be here?" You screamed, tear filling your eyes remembering the look on your daughter's face as she realized he wasn't there.
Simon had just been sitting there as you got your anger out. His head was down and you could barely hear his breath. The tears that were gathered in his eyes didn't fall as he listened to the well-deserved insults you were throwing at him.
He looked up only hearing the six words that made his heart drop lower than hell itself.
"I think I want a divorce..."
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-John "Soap" Mactavish
John would be so secretive because of his job.
It's not his fault, but you just can't bring yourself to act like things are fine when he disappears for a month or two.
When he comes back, it's like he never did.
His body was there, but his mind wasn't.
He'll keep his phone and computer away from you, hiding everything.
Keeps a room locked in the house for weapons.
He gets a call at like five in the morning and leaves with just a quick kiss.
You tear up as he leaves, remembering all the times he left you alone in the seemingly colder house.
You kept repeating "Just a few more years of this then we're done."
It didn't help.
It was your birthday, and yet here you were sitting in front of the blown-out cake as your husband was getting ready to leave. You had tears streaming down your face as you just broke down. Johnny rushed into the kitchen, hearing your cries. "What's wrong?" He asked while sitting next to you. You just kept crying, only able to get one word out.
Johnny sighed. You had this conversation before. "I have to." "No! You chose this mission! You had a choice whether not to go." You sobbed as he just sat there, shocked. The people had given him the choice of whether or not to go on that, at least on a month-long mission. Why did he choose to go? You don't know, but you couldn't think, hiccuping as you sobbed.
You screamed at him as you got up from your chair and threw his bag at him. Johnny could tell by the pissed but hurt look on your face.
You were done.
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-Kyle "Gaz" Garrick (Sorry this one's a little short. Couldn't imagine my baby doing this..😅)
Kyle says hurtful things without even realizing it.
He's blunt and so honest it hurts.
You try to appreciate it, but at times it gets stressful.
Especially, when you already have insecurities..
You were staring at the mirror, poking at your thighs. You just didn't like something about them. As you were worrying, Kyle walked in with headphones blaring, not noticing. "Hey, babe?" You called for him, but he didn't answer. So you turned and tapped him.
"What." He set down his headphones, looking a little annoyed. He turned around to see you. You ignored the comment and looked up at him with uncertainty. "What do you think about my thighs. I mean, like...Do they look bad or?.." You rambled until he looked at you weirdly.
"You called me to ask about your thighs?" He asked coldly. You stopped talking and just looked at him. "What?.." He scoffed and turned back to his phone. "It's thighs. Maybe instead of whining, you could actually do something about it."
You just froze, not sure what to say. Emotions passed all through you, but the strongest one was anger.
"Excuse me?" Kyle sighed and looked back up. "If you have a problem with your thighs, then solve it. I don't know what to say." You just stared.
"I think you've said enough."
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ALSO. HEYHEYHEY. probably u will have to wait until after i finish 39 to answer this but holy shit dude. how does this translate to new haven wards??? i KNOW youve thought about it man. oh my fucking god. what r we doing to wibby. wraith. <- i really like this for him btw. haven't they been through enough!!!!!! also is this related 2 the second trigger situation it HAS to be right??
when i say thoughts i mean this is less going to be an essay like my other nhw posts and more just. me throwing spaghetti at the wall and then turning to you like :D!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK etc etc. i havent rlly thought about this like... plot wise??? or tried to make it make sense yet. so dont be disappointed when this is sort of short in comparison
anyway. for the LONGEST time i thought we were going to make the "absorbing kemuri's soul" thing his trigger event so that he could have the smoke powers, but.... honestly in comparison to everything else that moment was not NEARLY traumatizing enough
the reason i like this specific event as his second trigger is like. its SO fucking similar to his first. in his first trigger event, he fell off the cliff. he was still alive at the bottom, but unable to move or speak or call for help. he was stuck there for [x amount of time] but never actually triggered until someone found him and took him back. in this.... he literally gets torn in fucking half. but hes still alive. he can feel it, he knows whats happening, its the most terrifying and painful and miserable thing hes ever been through. again, he cant move. he cant talk. he cant call for help. the others dont even realize hes still alive at first, so he can hear them screaming. he still doesnt trigger until.. dakota. dakota, who can Feel it. dakota, who rushes into the danger zone as soon as he's able to and knows hes alive and desperately tries to push him back together, the whole time crying about "its gonna be okay, we'll fix it, you're gonna be okay" and just. desperately trying to do anything. THATS when he triggers.
the thing is thoughhhh. i dont think the second trigger is what actually heals him. i think he triggers and every single one of the capes in that clearing goes down for the vision, INCLUDING muse. wraith is one of the first ones to come back to consciousness but. hes still fucking torn in half! he can feel this horrible new power but he cant do anything about it because hes still got his guts all over the forest floor! uhhhh for the way he gets healed theres maybe a couple options,,, either trickster also gets the vision and thinks its hilarious that he caused a trigger event and has muse stitch wibby up himself or likee... he has to stay like that until they beat trickster and get ashe back and then they have to keep ashe in his breaker state until he fixes william. or theres some sort of.. before they beat trickster or whatever they force him to control muse into fixing him. IDK. something along those lines.
AS FOR HIS POWERS...... IDK. i dont know what they would be. i want them to be sort of like. functionally similar to the smoke powers i guess???? but maybe not explicitly the same. i still want him to be able to give xavier and david fucking awful horrible nightmare visions. i think that would probably fall under either master or shaker category????? IDK help me out with this one. also like u said before we're gonna have to fuck with the timeline and have at least the belltech part of greyscale happen after the muse final battle. which. ohhh my god i have a lot of feelings about that for the freedom city wards especially. oaugh.
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