#screaming crying throwing up flinging myself off a cliff
singingninja4 · 2 years
the worst thing about viktor!gene scamming the guy with cancer is that he did hesitate for a fleeting moment when the guy told him he had cancer. a little bit of jimmy came out when he said to his mark, "hey it's not my business, but should you be drinking?" you could see it in his face. but when his mark assured him he was fine, jimmy retreated back behind his viktor!gene mask and continued the scam with even more vigor (and probably hatred for himself)
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sweet-lover-girl · 1 year
Please DO NOT read if you think this may trigger your anxiety, I would hate myself if I caused one of you to panic from something that I wrote.
With that being said, this is about how you, the reader has really bad panic attacks and Abby comforting you, plus Nora, shes there to.
Warnings--Heavy panic attack, mention of blood, mention on being forced to take pills.
If I missed anything please let me know so I can update it.Not proof read, sorry…This is also kind of all over the place so I'm sorry for that too..
Pairing Abby/reader (Nora is the your best friend)
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You were walking a few feet behind the salt lake crew, on the way to the cafeteria to get lunch. Everyone was surprisingly free right now, Nora and Mel didn’t have any emergencies to take care of, Manny and Abby just got back from an early morning patrol, and Lean, Jordan and Owen weren’t busy so they joined up.
Abby and Manny were talking smack at each other with Nora laughing at them, Mel and Owen were holding hands laughing along side Nora and the love birds of the group were in their own little world; and then there was you. You were just following the popular group as you were great friends with all of them—but Abby mostly. She was your everything. You two have been dating for two years now and everything was great, she knew about you before you two had ever interacted as Manny told her about you. You were gonna be his next fling—until you told him you were lesbian and then he immediately backed off, respecting your preference.
Today was a rougher day for you as your anxiety has been pretty bad since you woke up. You paced almost all night fretting about anything and everything until Abby had you lay down with her, but you still just couldn’t really sleep, to anxious to stay still—making poor Abby get hardly any sleep, you felt so bad.
You were pulled out of your head when you heard the metal doors get pushed open—the loud voices from inside pouring out and washing over you. The voices of so many people in one place, cramped together to make room for more people to pile in. There was yelling and laughter, screaming and belting voice just to hear the other person next to them.
You slowly stop walking as you watch with teary eyes as your friends push to get inside—well Manny was pushing Abby out of the way making her scoff and grab him by the back of his pants, the threatening to give him a wedgy with a large smirk on her face as he screamed, trying to get away.
You heard Abby’s laugh and it calmed you for a second, to hear that your lover was happy made you happy. Which is way you felt all the more guilty as you feel the first tear fun down your cheek. You hiccup as your hand flew up to cover your mouth—trying to stop a cry from coming out. You stood still shaking as you close your eyes to try and will yourself off of that cliff of panic. Your breath picking up as you feel your stomach begin to ache from the sheer panic washing over your trembling form, you don’t wanna go in there, you would do anything else but go in there; you just couldn’t. There was way to many people for you to deal with right now.
You didn’t even realize it went quite, those loud voices being sealed behind the metal doors. You felt warm calloused hands rest on your arms gently, and a soft muffled voice. You looking up with tears sitting on your waterline, you could make out that familiar braid and hazel eyes, freckles cheeked that been kissed by the sun a little to much lately. “Baby?” Was all you needed to hear as the floodgates broke.
Abby quickly gathers you into her arms, wrapping one around your waist and the other went up to cradle the back of your head, as she gently rocks from side to side. Her lips resting on your temple as you cry out your anxiety into her shoulder, placing sweet kisses along your head. I’m here love, I’m here, she whispers. You throw your arms around her waist—clenching your hands into fist as you held onto her shirt.
Abby knew about your anxiety, hell she saw it last night, but she knew it went deeper then just everyday to day problems. She knew it kept you awake even when you had to be up at five in the morning, she knew it caused you to stay in your shared room because you just couldn’t leave it, because leaving your room made you feel physically sick sometimes—because your anxiety knew no bounds it seems.
Abby had a feeling it went deeper then just anxiety but she wasn’t sure, she’s talked to Nora about it but Nora wasn’t sure either, so together they watched over you. Nora would give you medicine to help calm you down but sometimes it wasn’t enough. Abby would hold you but you needed to be outside—even if it was eleven at night.
Over Abby’s shoulder you could see a blurry Nora standing back a little to give you room, you were thankful for that but you wanted comfort from your best friend as well, so you reach your arm out to her, she smiled and walked up next to you and began to rub your back, making your relax even more into Abby.
“I think you two should go eat lunch outside today, it’s a beautiful day anyways. Why waste it inside?”
You knew Nora was trying to make you feel better but you still felt so guilty for ruining the groups lunch.
“Yeah, we can go and just hang out, then maybe go visit the dogs?” Abby suggested.
They both have a habit of letting you tell them what’s wrong rather than pushing you to tell them—they found that pushing you makes you panic more. So they just make suggestions on how to get you out of your mind, anything that might help you relax and calm down.
You could hear them talking over you, not trying to exclude you—but trying to find out what to do next. “Should I give her some meds?”
“No, save them for an emergency.” You know what Abby was talking about. Just a month ago you had a panic attack so bad that it took Abby, Nora and Manny—who also knows about your anxiety, to calm you down. Three hours, before Nora decided it had gone on long enough and proceeded to push pills down your throat. You don’t know what she gave you but it knocked you out.
“I got this Nora, go eat.”
You felt more tears roll down your face as you felt Nora pat your back once more before walking away—those loud voices reaching your ears once more, making you tense. Abby running her hands up and down you back and the metal doors closed. She went to gently push you away just to see your face, but you held fast onto her. “Okay, okay pumpkin.” She said as she wrapped her arms around you again.
“Talk to me?” Abby whispered it so softly you almost didn’t hear it.
Pushing your face into her neck, you begin to explain your panicked mind to her—well tried too.
“I-I just can’t—there’s so many—and my tummy hurts—“Your breath picks up again.
“Shh—baby, take a few deep breaths, you’ll only make your tummy hurt more, think of your words.” Abby gently tried to pull you back from your mind.
You take a few deep breathes as you try and collect your thoughts, before shaking you head as more more tears fall. You hiccup as you lean against Abby’s strong frame, she was holding your weight like it was nothing.
“Okay, can you look at me please?”
She tried to look at you once more.
“Baby..” She said softly as you clanged onto her.
“Let me go get some food—don’t shake your head at me love, you need to try and eat something. You didn’t eat breakfast this morning, I know you didn’t.”
She was right, you didn’t eat breakfast this morning as she was gone and you were to scared to go into the cafeteria by yourself.
You sniff as you drag your hands down her toned waist, and before you were able to let her go, Abby was quick to grab you hands and lift them up to her lips, placing kisses on them; hearing you giggle a little she looked at you from under her blonde lashes with a smile and began to kiss up your arm. Placing kiss after kiss she got closer to your shoulder, making loud smooching sounds along the way. Letting out another laugh at her silliness, you felt tingles form on your arm were she had kissed. Finally getting to your shoulder she left a big wet kiss there before standing up straight.
Looking you in the eyes she traced her finger along your jaw line, she had stars in her eyes as she looked at you.
“I’ll be right back okay pumpkin.”
You nod as she walks away quickly and into the room of loud voices, leaving you standing in the dim hallway, all alone.
You felt that familiar surge of anticipation and fear run through your veins as you stood there. Wrapping one arm around your waist as you use your free hand to lick at you lips—a nasty habit Abby was trying to break you of, but you couldn’t help it. It brought you some form of strange relief. Tapping your foot to a silent rhythm only you could hear, you didn’t hear the doors open and close as you were once more in your head.
“Stop that, your gonna hurt yourself.”
You hear the voice of your angel call out and gently pull your hand away from your sore lips.
Looking up you see Abby’s stern face—though you knew you weren’t in trouble, she just didn’t like that little habit of yours as you have made your lips bleed before. Looking at your lips to make sure they were okay, she gave a sad sigh at what she saw and grabbed your hand.
“Come on baby, let’s go eat so we can play with the dogs afterwards yeah?” She said with a smile and pulled you towards her side, looping her arm around your shoulders and lead you both outside into the rays of the sun.
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thevampirearchive · 1 year
Not to be dramatic but when Edward said “you put on a good show, but I’d be willing to bet you’re suffering more than you let anyone see” during our first full conversation, I’d cry scream throw up fling myself off a cliff. Sir? Back the fuck up, Bella sweetie go home and get the gun
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Ok but. in season 1, Alec was ready to give up his happiness for his duty, for his family's honour, for the greater good.
In season 3, he gives up his happiness for Magnus, for his lover, for his greatest good.
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kitkatpancakestack · 2 years
First of all, the audacity of 911. Because my feelings about Joni and River? Cannot be sufficiently articulated. Pairing that song with Eddie Diaz? Just an overwhelming cascade of emotions.
Probably on any other show, I would just roll my eyes at using River in a Christmas ep. (Tell me you don't get this song without telling me you don't get this song.)
But the high-key geniuses of the 911 music team? Once those minor-key-Jingle-Bells started, during what was essentially a hopeful moment? The reveal of the 118 throwing the temporarily homeless families a Christmas party? Oh? Oh... This is what we're doing? Oh boy... We're in it now huh?
He tried hard to help me, you know he put me at ease | I'm so hard to handle, I'm selfish and I'm sad. Now I've gone and lost the best baby that I ever had...The way this is BOTH of them? And then the added dimension of the Taylor of it all and knowing Buck is going to be the one to end it? Galaxy brain shit.
Also you cannot tell me that in moments of melancholy — which, this is Eddie Diaz we're talking about so there are...a lot of those moments — when Chris is asleep, you cannot tell me Eddie doesn't close the door to his depressing, beige bedroom, put on his little headphones and wallow in Blue.
Don't tell me Eddie doesn't listen to the epic yearning in A Case of You and cry about Evan Buckley...
Basically, I have headcanoned for a while that Eddie Diaz secretly loves Joni Mitchell and I am feeling extremely validated. (Forcing himself to be straight Eddie will love Joni in secret. Queer Eddie? Will cry unapologetically when he plays it for Buck and explains what each song has meant to him. And Chris when he's old enough to get it.)
Happy Sunday morning! You get ramblings about Joni and Eddie in your inbox. (In my defense you started it...)
@yramesoruniverse you? Coming into my inbox? To talk about Eddie Diaz and Joni Mitchell? Did Christmas come early?
Lol, jokes aside, it absolutely was an insane choice! And in the hands of 9-1-1 I immediately perked up bc of course it means something, the music department never misses. And as soon as it starts you just get the oh fuck what's about to happen feeling and that was such a rockstar move. I'm screaming. Also my tin hat may be on a little too tight but the fact that it was a cover, that it was a man singing the cover, felt pointed? Idk idk there's something to it I think.
Eddie + loving Joni Mitchell is my new favorite hc and I'm flinging myself off a cliff at the thought of him curled on his side in bed listening to Blue and just sinking. Jesus.
I cannot believe you've been in your Eddie Diaz/Joni Mitchell feels for so long and are just now bringing it up. Smh. I could have been wallowing in your beautiful Headcanons.
Anyway. This show is unhinged, they make Choices, etc etc. March my beloathed why are you so far away.
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alpacinosimp69 · 3 years
Daddy (Charlie Swan x Reader)
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A/N: Guys I just watched twilight 😩 it was so scary :((((( but anyway i thought charlie swan was kind of a dilf so i wrote this little thing :))))))) please be nice this is my first fanfic ever!!!!!
Jacob sits on the windowsill, legs dangling over the edge, the moonlight painting him into a jet black silhouette. I’m lying on the bed in a sensual unicorn onesie, holding back tears.
“It’s not right,” Jacob growls softly into the night. “This man’s no good for you. Does he even know what your true form is, Tentacles?”
“Why does he have to know?” you shoot back angrily. “It’s just a casual thing. I’ll forget about him in no time.” Under your breath, you add, “And don’t call me Tentacles. You know I hate that name. You know Dad was still a coke addict when he chose it.”
“Alright,” he sighs. “What do you want me to call you?”
“That’s so fucking ugly. I will not call you that.”
“Don’t make me angry,” you growl. “You know what happens when I’m angry, Jacob.”
He punches the wall out of anger. The whole house caves in. Distantly, I can hear the screams of all our brothers as they are crushed to death beneath the debris, but I don’t give a shit. I hate them all anyway.
“You need to hear this, Tentacles!” Jacob yells sexily. “I don’t want you seeing that man anymore! It’s only gonna end badly, for the both of you!”
“Shut the hell up, Jacob! How do you know what’s good for me?”
His eyes soften, and he slumps back against the bed. He stares at his own hairy hands as though he can’t recognize them. “Because I’m your older brother and I care about you, Tentacles. I don’t want to see you hurt. I’m only doing this to protect you.”
I’m so angry i can feel my skin harden into magic rainbow scales that glimmer in the moonlight. Oh 𝓝𝓸... Jacob made me angry. Im transforming. This isn’t good. I don’t want to accidentally hurt him or drag him into the river and hold his head underwater until he drowns and his body gets washed upstream into Portland again (it’s one of my silly little quirks)... 𝓝𝓸. I have to get out. For his own good. Quickly, i leap out the window and flop on the ground until I reach the banks of the river. I have to get into the water soon, or I’ll run out of oxygen and die.
Before I jump into the ice cold water, I yell out of spite, “You can’t tell me what to do, Jacob! You’re not my daddy!”
Suddenly, at the mention of ‘daddy,’ Charlie Swan is summoned from the police station in his policeman uniform with his porn actor mustache and manifests through the cold autumn air. He stares at you, shocked, as you flop madly around and asphyxiate.
“Did someone say daddy?” he asks breathlessly.
“I-I-I-I-I-I did,” you gasp. “Quick, Charlie, dunk me into the river before I asphyxiate and die!”
There’s a panicked look into his eyes as he picks you up roughly and carries you in his arms. You’re a little shy sitting naked in his arms like that (every time you transform into your true mermaid form, you rip out of your clothes... another silly little quirk xD), but his coarse thick dilfy dark dominant arm hairs feel so nice and gentle and warm and sweet and rough... but not too rough, just the perfect amount of roughness... on your bare skin. You blush. He dunks you headfirst into the river.
“Is that better, baby girl?” He asks.
You bring your head out of the water, dripping wet, and say, “y-y-6ay-y-y3s daddy”
He stares somberly into the moonlight and shimmers. “Good. If you died... I-I wouldn’t know what to do. I can’t imagine living without you, baby girl.”
“Even though you’ve only known me three days and we managed to have sex fifty-three times in that brief timespan?”
“*precisely* because I’ve only known you three days and we managed to have sex fifty-three times in that brief timespan.”
You blush. “C-c-c-c-c-can we do it right now daddy?”
“Anything for you, baby girl,” he smirks sexily. You blink and suddenly all of his clothes have been torn off and he’s wading into the water after you. God he’s so fucking sexy. You give him a sexy stare as your papilla widens and you sexily release dozens of your eggs into the water, just ready to be fertilized. He smirks sexily as he sexily releases his sperm, which floats all the way down to the bank of the river and fertilizes all your eggs.
“Oh yeah daddy,” you moan.
Suddenly he sobers up and stares at the moon through the surface of the cool blue water. “We can’t do this anymore, Tentacles.”
You immediately start sobbing and searching for a cliff to launch yourself off of. “BUT WHY DADDY”
“Because.......” he sighs. “I’m a man. You’re a fish. It just won’t work.”
“I’m not a fish!” you scream. “Okay, I’m only part fish! But I’m part salmon! That’s the sexiest fish!”
“I know that’s the sexiest fish,” he confesses. “But babygirl... it’s just not right. I need to protect you. Listen... what if I’m... not the hero? What if I’m the bad guy?”
You sigh and stare somberly up at the moon. “Then... I guess I’m in love with the bad guy, aren’t I?”
He stares at you somberly, eyes shining. “Do you mean it, babyiglr?”
“Of course.” You bite your lip, afraid to go on. “What if I... turned you? What if I turned you into a mermaid? So we could be together forever? Mermaids don’t die, you know. I know we’ve only known each other three days now and we’ve managed to have sex fifty-four times in that timespan, but I... I just know you’re the one, daddy. I want to be with you forever.”
He starts sobbing. “That’s beautiful.”
You’re about to mark him into a sexy shirtless dilfy merman by tearing off your scales and forcing him to consume them one by one when suddenly the water above you ripples and Jacob crashes into the water in his wolf form. He barks at Charlie until Charlie starts crying.
“How dare you touch my sister?” he growls.
“I’m sorry, Jacob!” Charlie begs as Jacob begins to mercilessly maul him to death.
“𝓝𝓸 JACOB STOP!” you scream, trying to pull him off of your lover and soon-to-be father of your seven thousand children.
Jacob turns to stare at you, his eyes softening. You can see a hint of his humanity in those dark brown orbs.
“This isn’t like you, Jacob,” you say quietly. “Look at me, Jacob. This isn’t the real you. You’re letting all the demons inside of you out. I know it’s hard, but you have to hold them in. For your own good.”
“Tentacles...” he says softly, as all of his hair starts to fall out and his skin stretches and disfigures into the shape of an extremely buff human male.
You hug him and sob into his shoulder. “I thought I was gonna lose you, Jacob...”
“Don’t you understand, Tentacles?” he says, staring somberly at the moon. “I would never give you up. I would never let you down, run around, or desert you.”
You smile at him when suddenly you hear the sounds of Charlie desperately gasping for air as he drowns in the river. You immediately start sobbing. “don’t DIE DADDY!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll save him” Jacob growls, immediately grabbing Charlie by the stomach and throwing him onto the bank with his superhuman strength. He immediately starts gasping for breath.
“Is he gonna die?” you sob.
“𝓝𝓸,” Jacob says, staring off into the distance. “Not if you give him mouth to mouth. That’s the only way to save him now.”
“Why can’t you give him mouth to mouth?”
“Because that’s gay.”
You sigh, resigning yourself to your fate. You lean your head down, about to give Charlie mouth to mouth and revive him, when suddenly Edward Cullen bursts through the trees, carrying Bella in his arms. She’s limp, and hopefully dead, but when you get a closer look at her you realize that unfortunately she’s still breathing.
“Jacob, I need your help,” Edward screams, sparkling even though it’s moonlight and for some reason he’s shirtless. “It’s Bella... she almost died again.”
Jacob stares somberly at the moon. “What happened this time?”
“She fell down the stairs and immediately fell into a coma,” Edward screams. “And then she somehow flew out through a window, where she sustained numerous lacerations to the skin. And then she fell off a cliff, where she broke all 206 of her bones. And then the smell of her blood attracted all the nearby vampires, who immediately began to feast on her blood. I had to suck all the poison out of her body for an hour and twenty seven minutes while at the same time resuscitating her and fighting off all seventeen vampires while simultaneously ripping my clothes off.”
“I don’t understand,” Jacob says. “What do you need me for?”
“Guys, Charlie’s dyin—“
“Shut the fuck up!” Edward screams, turning to you. “Nobody cares! Can’t you see someone’s dying over here?” He sets Bella down in the grass and begins sobbing and staring somberly at the moon. “Jacob I need you to give her mouth to mouth.”
“Why me?” Jacob growls. You begin to perform the Heimlich maneuver on Charlie, but you’re too distracted by the sight of edward’s sparkling six-pack to focus.
“Because....” Edward screams, staring sexily I mean somberly at the moon. “If I do it.......... I won’t be able to control myself.”
“From doing what?”
“Just shut up and do it, Jacob!”
Jacob immediately rips off his shirt in order to perform mouth to mouth more efficiently and brings his lips to Bella’s. Edward gets so jealous watching them, he leaps three inches through the air and punches Jacob across the face.
“What did you do that for?”
“Don’t you dare touch her!” Edward screams. “She’s mine and mine alone!”
“You abandoned her!” Jacob growls. “She’s mine now!”
“Guys Charlie’s dying what do I—“
Jacob immediately unleashes his wolf form and begins to maul Edward, but Edward continuously punches him, sparkling in the moonlight all the while. The fight lasts for thirty-two seconds, before Jacob rips Edward’s face off and begins cannibalizing that ugly mf’s body. You watch in horror, and then you realize that Charlie’s still dying. You can’t save him in time and he eventually dies. You get so sad that you start sobbing and fling yourself off a cliff where you hit the stone bed beneath the river and die on impact.
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walkerrenee · 3 years
Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World SPOILERS under the cut:
hello, this is just a random post to document my reactions as i read the Ari and Dante sequel, it's not going to be interesting just me screaming mostly but i might spoil something so beware.
start time: 1:55pm (pacific time) 10/13/21
1:56 pm - i've read the first page and am already crying, this is going fantastic
1:57pm - "i'm already home. i'm with you"
1:59 pm - "i love the rain more than anything." "i know. i want to be the rain." "you are the rain, Dante."
2:29pm - i have a feeling i'm going to be crying everytime a character is crying
2:34pm - hahahhahaha not religion i haven't worked through my religious trauma yet help
3:02pm - sometimes i relate so much to Ari it feels like someone crawled into my brain to extract my deepest thoughts
4:02pm - they way they have to pretend to kiss makes me want to fling myself off a cliff (:
4:14pm - A POEM SHUT UP
6:07pm - UPDATE i've obtained caffeine and ordered Dominoes we're back in business I WILL FINISH THIS BOOK ASAP
6:21 pm - someone be my very own dante quintana please im emo
6:39pm - they just met emma and i'm bawling so of course my dominoes driver pulls up at this exact moment
8:11pm - ok i'm really slacking on reading, i keep crying and i feel like something not very great is gonna happen and i'm scared i'm not mentally stable enough for all this
8:18pm - idk if dante calling ari "aristotle quintana" was just a typo or not but i loved it lmao (also if it is a typo it's the 2nd one i've noticed smh they should have hired me to proofread)
8:21pm - "i used to think that she wanted me to be someone else. but it wasn't her who wanted me to be someone else—it was me"
8:43pm - "if we're lucky. if we're very lucky, the universe will send us the people we need to survive"
riGHT i had to take a break to sob my eyes out at this part <3
9:57pm - i have only just officially made it halfway through the book, too much crying not enough reading
10:49pm - ok i took a break to paint my nails but i'm officially back on my bullshit pt.2 let's go
10:55pm - "to imagine a future for ari and dante was a fantasy. i did't want to live my life in a fantasy. the world i wanted to live in didn't exist. and i was struggling to love the world i did live in. i wondered if i was strong enough or good enough to love a world that hates me."
11:11pm - "but, for me, to love was one thing. to let yourself be loved, well, that was the most difficult thing of all."
11:58 pm - "i wondered why people felt they could speak for god."
i have no words tbh
12:18am - i mean i already knew bernardo was a piece of shit but god (also i'm glad the topic of the victim being transgender was handled better in this book, by ari mostly obviously. i hated how it was addressed and brushed aside in the first book.)
12:31am - alright i have work in the morning so i should probably sleep, i ended on dante saying the new year was going to be their best one ever so obviously in book language that means shit's about to hit the fan so i'll let future me suffer with that tomorrow (:
12:25pm - i am currently at work waiting for laundry to dry so i am ready for round 2
12:43pm - i hate it here i hate everything i haven't cried this hard in years whyyyyyyyg
2:30pm - WAIT A SECOND did he change ari's sisters names in the sequel? i literally just realized, i'm pretty sure he did, i dont have the first book by me atm but i'm almost positive. who tf let this get published like that im screaming
4:43 pm- "he's not just some boy, mom. he's dante quintana."
5:02 pm - "i was going to ask you to marry me. but they won't let us do that. so i thought maybe it was best just to skip the wedding and get straight to the honeymoon." "have you decided where you'd take me?" "yes, i thought i'd take you to paris. we'll spend our time writing our names on the map of the city of love."
that's it. IVE FINISHED IT. and i'm crying and i loved it and i hated it and ari and dante grow old together in love and no one will convince me otherwise or take that away from me thank you very much. now i will live in a purgatory of numbness for the next week while i try and process this
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Fated Mate Pt3 - Emmett x reader
Pt 3
You felt like you were floating, everything seemed to move in slow motion as your body fell through the air towards the choppy ocean below. You closed your eyes and the icy water engulfed you, you felt peaceful as you could hear the sound of the water rushing through your ears, you felt like you could think and everything was quieter now. But then you started to panic, your chest burned, you longed for air and everything in your body was pleading you to make it back up to the surface.
You thought about your Uncle Charlie and Bella, thought about your Parents. You opened your eyes and thought you saw Alice, heading off the cliff straight for you, reaching out. But before you could make any sense of what you were seeing, you whacked your head off a sharp boulder hidden in the sandy ocean floor, and everything went dark.
*Alice’s pov*
No! How could you do that. Fling yourself off the cliff like your life didn't matter anymore! Alice didn't have to think twice about jumping in after you, she almost had you in her grasp when she watched your head bounce against a jagged rock, turning the ocean red. She pulled you out and with her vampire speed carried you back to the Cullen house. She felt sick, so sick, she couldn't believe she was holding her sweet dying friend in her arms.
She screamed for Carlisle and he came in an instant taking Y/N’s body from her hands. Jasper came up behind her and put a blanket around her shoulders, doing his best to comfort his wife. Bella ran towards her cousin and let out a choked scream as she looked upon Y/N’s ghostly pale face, purple rings around her eyes and blood pouring from a gash on her head. Edward grabbed his wife as Carlisle took your body into a room they had set up, ready for whatever Alice was bringing home.
Hearing all the commotion, Emmett came charging through the house but before he could see what was happening, Edward and Alice held him back. He looked confused at his siblings. “What are you both doing, it’s Jasper and Bella that have to control themselves around blood!” Jasper flipped him off and Alice just looked at Emmett.
“Em you can’t go in there, Y/N, she’s lost so much blood, I don't think she’s going to make it. You cant see her.” Alice then whispered “It would ruin you.” Yet again he looked confused but Edward decided he should know just incase you didn't make it.
“Emmett, Alice had a vision, Y/N is your true mate.” Edward dug his heels into the carpet as his brother tried to get past, being the one with the super strength, it didn't take him long before he stumbled into the room, gulping and clenching his jaw as he looked at your small body lying listlessly on the operating table.
“Carlisle fix her. Fix her now!” he roared and started throwing things around the room, knocking the surgical instruments off the metal table. “How didn't I know she was my mate! Please, we have to do something!” Emmett didn't know what to do with himself and Alice just stood there sobbing as she watched her brother break down.
Alice watched as Bella rounded the corner, trying to hold her back this time was no use, she was a newborn and even stronger than Emmett at this point. Before anyone knew what was happening, Bella had plunged a needle full of Vampire venom into your heart and the room erupted in noise.
*Y/N pov*
Burning, fire, pain, I felt like I was being stuck with 1,000 white hot pokers, I could hear muffled sounds all around me, a mans voice stood out among them all, but I still couldn't make out words. My body was writhing, I wanted to claw my way out of my own skin. It felt like the pain lasted a lifetime but then all at once it stopped and I opened my eyes.
It was bright, everything seemed to be so clear and in so much detail, the noises were louder now, I felt like I could hear everything, my senses seemed heightened. Maybe this was all a bad dream and I was going to wake up any second now. Mum and dad would be downstairs cooking breakfast and everything would be back to normal.
I slowly sat up and looked around. Or not. Several pairs of red eyes were starring at me, all of them belonged to people I knew. Bella was there and she looked shocked, Edward gave me a small smile and Alice, well, she flung her arms around me and squeezed me tight, I kind of just sat there awkwardly not really knowing what was going on.
Carlisle, the doctor I had come to know, mostly because I’m clumsy and fall a lot, smiled at me, his wife standing next to him. “How do you feel Y/N?” I looked at him strangely, and then I remembered. The crashing of the waves, the wind, the pain I felt as I let myself fall off the cliff. I gasped and felt the back of my head where it had hit the rocks. Nothing, not even a bump.
“What’s happening, why am I not dead?” You whimpered and got up to stand, placing your hand on the metal surface to help push yourself up and you gasped when the metal bent under your finger tips. “Okay, what the fuck is going on” You started to freak out and that’s when Bella made her way over to you. You thought she was going to hug you but she didn’t, she slapped you. She slapped me so hard my face whipped to the side, then she grabbed me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. “What the hell were you thinking Y/N!” She was crying and I started crying too.
“I’m sorry, I just felt like there was nothing here for me anymore.” You went up to the mirror to wipe your tear stained cheeks and gasped. Your eyes were bright red, not from the crying, no, your pupils were red! Your lips were more full and your skin less pale, you looked, well, gorgeous.
“Okay, is someone going to tell me whats going on?” You locked eyes with Emmett from across the room and shivered, your hairs standing on end in a good way, his gaze was intense. Admittedly you had been crushing on Emmett since moving to forks, but he was with Rose and he would never see you in that way anyway. You looked around at everyone questioningly.
Rosalie walked into the room just at the right time. “Congrats kid, you're a vampire!”
Everyone groaned and Esme looked at her daughter disapprovingly. You scoffed and laughed out loud, but by the look Bella was giving you, you knew whatever Rose was saying was true.
“Well fuck.”
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seekingthestars · 4 years
sarah watches the untamed: liveblogging adventures, part twenty nine episodes 49 + 50
(aka: the greatest character development was her learning everyone’s names along the way)
deep breaths.
last two episodes.
let us begin.
episode 49:
a letter??? what letter did you get, evil little buddy
who sent threatening letter!!!
Xichen is SO MAD i’ve never seen him so mad before omg
i know he’s evil but the red wedding robes or whatever look so nice on guangyao
old clan leader jin was uhhh THE WORST
(also side note but dang. zzj. deserves. every. single. award.)
poor ning ;;;
also i just don’t like watching zixuan die ;n;
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like legit jin guangshan is the wooooooorst what a jerk
who is banging on the doors o.o
WEN NING?! what is going on why does wen ning have mingjue’s sword what what
the whistling is baaaack ( ´ ▽ ` ) 
wen ning is possessed by the blade spirit?!
wuxian leaping in to rescue jin ling, a good uncle ;; <3
oh my god guangyao’s ARM SLICED CLEAN OFF
huaisang scuttling over to hide behind xichen, a tiny cutie
wangji and xichen playing music together always good, good brothers
wen ning stepping on the severed arm makes me very squeamish, ew ew ew
oh my god going for jin ling i’m so NERVOUS that was SO CLOSE
wen ning oh my god my lil bean wen ning wen ning wen ning ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
god wuxian is hot
sizhui?? pulling out your butterfly? at a time like this?
HUAISANG?! NO don’t hurt ducky!!!!! :(
the sword going straight into su she omg o.o
wangji always being right there to catch wuxian ;~; <3
huaisang is so animated and ridiculous i love him 
sizhui and his butterfly!!!!!!! i just!!!!!! every time i see i just scream!!!!!!!
huaisang?? what’chu up to buddy
and so...we’ve reached the last. episode 50: 
HUAISANG?! freaking what the crap are you here to tell me it was HUAISANG THE WHOLE TIME
guangyao standing up and slowly pushing the sword in deeper omg
guangyao pushing xichen away omg the looks on both of their faces ;;
xichen ;~~~~~~;
all of the curse marks are gone!!!!! woo!
squishes sizhui’s cute little face
why is zizhen so precious omg running to check up on wuxian and asking about his neck and if he’s okay i love zizhen
“You’re such a pain in the neck!!” JIN LING. SO SASSY.
Jin Ling just constantly calling out jiang cheng, i love this little monster
omg the flashback ;~~~~~~~; jiang cheng with the single tear and “take care” ;~~~~; i feel like i might explode ;~~~~~;
GOD i just want the brothers to be super Okay again ;;
“Damn it. Every time. Those two are fast.” AHAHAHAHA they are just good little beans, it’s not like they knew you were trying to have an important conversation or anything. also Sizhui and Wen Ning scurrying after them is ADORABLE
oh my god oh my god oh my god
“how could I teach a kid those things?!” “you DID, uncle wen can testify!!!!” wen ning looking like a deer in headlights fjewioafwea ADORABLE I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYTHING
“no matter how big you have become, i will still plant you into that pit.” SCREECHES
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BABIES squish squad off on their first excellent adventure ;;
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wangji became the Excellency? ohhhh fancy
them talking about their vow FLINGS MYSELF OFF A CLIFF
GOD if they don’t stop looking at each other like this my heart is gonna beat right out of my freaking chest pls stop you’re both so freaking pretty i can’t handle the pining
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they added MORE rules to Cloud Recesses, how many rules could they possibly NEED omg
i l o v e huaisang’s robes in this scene but also i’m still just. HUAISANG. HUAISANG BEHIND EVERYTHING OH MY GOD I... HUAISANG?!!! the little ridiculous ducky o m g
“Lan Zhan, I will get going.” no you absolutely will not, you stay right there, mister
noooooo ;; y’all both turn around RIGHT NOW ;n;
ahhh new clothes, time has passed. also side note i like both of these last two outfits of wuxian’s a lot and also deeply respect his adherence to his Aesthetic™ always
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oh. oh man. ohhhh my goodness.
(immediately goes to rewatch the A-Yuan Scene >.> )
this was good. this was good and wonderful and i want to soak it in forever i love them all and i’m so happy and WangjiBun and WuxianBun got squished an awful lot in these last two episodes XD
and there’s just so many LAYERS. so many things to find, I feel like you could watch a million times and still see new things, I can’t wait to rewatch ;;;; <3 and this CAST ugh i love this cast
(but also!!! now i’ve officially unlocked ALL CONTENT, i can watch interviews and search for things with NO FEAR OF SPOILERS! :D and The Untamed Boys show and the Wen Ning/Sizhui movie!!!!!! YAY)
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Road Trip
Today I woke up, in this car ride, to a friend needing help.
“Car ride, what car ride.” Just bear with me; I will be talking to two types of people in this essay; the “heroes,” and the dudes and damsels in distress. 
I woke up in this car ride, to a friend needing help.
And I’m not talking about bills, or needing food, or a dog or cat sitter. I’m talking about this delicate, precious thing we loosely refer to as “life.” They needed help with life. This ride we call life. Advice. An opinion. A different view of things.
What do you do, when you feel like you aren’t doing enough? The road is flying by beneath me-- What do I do when nothing works anymore to make this whole “living” thing seem worthwhile? What do you do when you don’t want to do anything anymore? My hand is on the door handle; I’m ready to tuck and roll. What do I do.
It was a fair question. A cry of help, from a dude/damsel in distress. But we live in different worlds. Different environments, socially, and in the sense of weather and climate. Different life experiences. Practically entirely different realities. And the advice I gave seemed very sub-par, when I went back to read it, and based on their response, but that whole situation, it got me thinking. It was a fair question, but the expectations I put on myself to answer that question was unfair. Under no circumstances were they meant to act overly-chipper with my response. “That solves everything!” is not a fair lie to either of us. Their response was justified, to what I thought was a fair answer. Am I bummed I couldn’t help the way I think they were hoping? Absolutely. But that doesn’t mean that I didn’t try, or didn’t help at all. I played the role of “hero,” but every hero can only do so much.
I’ve grown up very privileged. I’ve had my own fair share of tragedy, and even now there are things that go on where the puzzle pieces don’t quick click, or they start putting together a picture I’m not sure I want to see, or a bump in the road throws the pieces everywhere, or under the seats. I’ve been the one in distress, too. This friend of mine-- I don’t know their childhood. I don’t know their life story. I know some of the weight they put on their shoulders now, the baggage in the back of the car, but I don’t know of the burdens they’ve carried in the past that have made this load impossibly heavier. I know myself, but I do not know them. I don’t know how genetics maybe messed with their brain chemistry, or what rocks have been flipped up in their face and their windshield, I just don’t know.
At first, I was afraid, when they seemed dissatisfied. I am still worried, now, with some of the things they said, but not afraid. I did nothing wrong. I gave them what they asked for. Not in the way they were hoping, but I did give it. But I had to sit and calm myself for a few minutes-- I did what I, mentally, could, at the time. But sometimes, you just...
Listen, I thought about it, and sometimes, you just can’t save everyone.
You hear it in the movies. “You can’t save everyone.” And then the hero goes on to do so anyways, against impossible odds. But you’ve gotta think realistically sometimes, even if it’s painful, even if it goes against everything you want to believe. You really can’t save everyone. You can play the hero for a friend, and still fail. You can’t save everyone. Not in this life, in this reality. This life, this 80-year-long experience, just isn’t for everybody. Sometimes, folks want to get off, get out. They can’t stand another second, and nothing you can offer, within your human power, can ease their mental turmoil. The only problem is, there are no stops for them to get off at. You either ride, or tuck and roll. Neither option is pleasant. Never is.
And so what do you do when someone does “tuck and roll?” Follow? You saw where that got them, the pain, how everyone around them is screaming and panicking, but even still, that’s your choice to make. No one gets to tell you what to do with this... thing, that you’ve been given. Some may call it a gift; I don’t. It’s not a gift, it was given to you, but it’s not a gift. You’re damned if you keep it, damned if you don’t. And you don’t have to put up with the damage you leave behind if you do “tuck and roll.”
I’m not afraid. I am worried, but I am not afraid.
With what little I’ve learned in 20 years of this car trip, I understand that people are going to bail. I get it. My hand was on the door handle for years. Six or seven years, I had my hand on the door handle, waiting for the next bump in the road that would push my body to open it, fling myself aside. But even as things have gotten debatably worse, my hands are on my pen and paper, now. Putting together the puzzle pieces, and drawing what’s missing. Not on the door handle. Do I look at it sometimes? Out the window, to the passing road? Yes. Absolutely. But I’ve only brushed my fingers against that handle in the last two years.
Some people hold on to that door handle their whole lives. And you, the “heroes,” can tell them “don’t do that,” or you can pull their hand away, but they’ve got two arms. They’ve got two arms, and you’re only so strong.
I’m not going to say there’s a magic trick to staying away from the door handle. Because there are thousands, and they work differently for everyone, and those magic tricks are going to change, too. But I will say, it helps a whole lot to just... not look at the door handle.
And they’re gonna be playing the same movie on repeat in the car, and if they do switch it out, it’s something you’ve seen before. And you might run out of paper, or you might get carsick, but that’s what the window is for. The window is different from the handle. The road is different from what lies beyond. There are mountains, ooh, what’s over those mountains? There’s a lake; what’s inside of that lake? There are towering skyscrapers, rolling grassy planes, jagged cliffs, tiny towns, caves, stretches of nothing, starry skies--!
For all the shit that gets thrown at us, and for how fast and tempting that road looks for throwing yourself at... there sure is a hell of a lot of beauty in the view. A hell of a lot of possibility in our thoughts and imaginations. And all those things we see outside? We sometimes get to travel through them, and find out what they’re hiding. You tuck and roll, and you miss out. You get stuck with one view, the whole rest of your time, and you don’t get to know what’s over that mountain, or through those dark and crowded woods you were just about to pass through.
And you know what? That is your choice. And that’s okay.
No one can make you stay. No one can force you not to tuck and roll out of the car. You miss out on those views, but you’ve already seen so much. It’s understandable. Maybe you saw a bear in those woods. Maybe the mountain, or the cliff side, is unstable, and you don’t trust that you’ll make it to the end anyways.
I will never judge you for ducking out. No one else should. You have your own way of seeing everything that’s been thrown at you, and everything yet to come. Not everyone can be saved, because they’ve got a pretty good idea of what’s coming around the corner, and they’re not ready. And that won’t ever be your fault.
I woke up in this car ride, to a friend needing help. Their hand is on the door handle. Maybe they will seek further help; maybe they won’t. I suggested it, but again, it is their choice to make. I wasn’t the “hero” they needed. If the road looks more tempting to them, then I’ll find out eventually. But my “powers” only work so well for some.
Life is beautiful. Life is cruel. A long road trip, with no stops. If you want to leave, with one view ingrained in your mind for the rest of your time, that is reasonable. That is your choice, that is fair, if a dozen heroes have swooped in, to no avail. But just remember, no one comes back to pick you up. Not always. Not every hero has the means to pick you back up. And in the same way, not every dude or damsel in distress will want it.
You are both okay. You’re both going to be okay, no matter what you do. Ride on, or duck out. You will be okay. I have seen both sides of the coin. You will be okay.
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singingninja4 · 2 years
oh my god my stomach is in knots. that phone call with francesca...his voice when he said, "she asked about me?" and then he tried to call KIM. I'm going feral. I am fucking mentally ill
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bforbookslut · 6 years
Read an Except of Megan Frampton’s Latest Release, Lady Be Reckless
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I’m back! And in case you skimmed over my review for Megan Frampton’s latest release and second instalment in the Duke’s Daughters series, check it out here!
I know what you’re all here for so I’m just going to skip the pleasantries and get over with! Less talk, more chop-chop!
The Duke’s five daughters have beauty, breeding, and impeccable reputations.
Or at least, they did.
Now that two have chosen to follow their hearts, can the others be far behind…?
Lady Olivia refuses to repeat her siblings’ scandalous mistakes. Instead, she will marry the lord rejected by her sister and help with his good works. When he resists, Olivia forms another plan: win his lordship’s admiration by helping his illegitimate best friend find a bride. How difficult can it be to transform the rakish Edward Wolcott into a gentleman? To ignore his virile good looks? To not kiss him in a moment of impulsive madness? Apparently, very difficult indeed.
Edward Wolcott promised his ailing father he would marry well. It’s a challenging task, but Lady Olivia will not be deterred. The sparkling firebrand intends to smooth his way through London’s ballrooms and parlors, while all Edward’s thoughts suddenly revolve around bedrooms…and Lady Olivia herself. Only a scoundrel would seduce the duke’s most dutiful daughter. And only a truly reckless lady would risk everything to be in his arms…
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“. . . Bennett.”
His eyes widened at her use of his first name, and he blinked a few times. Overcome by his emotions, perhaps? She smiled reassuringly. “We feel the same way about so many things.” She put her hand on his sleeve. His gaze went to where her hand lay, and she wished she was daring enough to run the fingers of her other hand through his hair. She wasn’t, not yet. Perhaps later, after everything was settled.
“And since we are of much the same mind, I know that it only makes sense for us to get married. So we can finally be together.” She exhaled. “There. I’ve finally said it.” And she tilted her face up so he could kiss her.
And edged forward, since it seemed that he wasn’t going to. Perhaps he was unsure if a kiss would be welcome? She should let him know it would be perfectly welcome.
“You may kiss me, if you like. Since we are now betrothed.”
He still did not kiss her, and she felt a pang of regret. Instead, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back so that even if she wished to initiate a kiss, she couldn’t. He was too tall, and now his mouth was too far away from hers.
A slow uncomfortable feeling began to unravel inside her, and she felt her breath hitch.
“I am aware of the great honor you do me, Lady Olivia,” he said, his eyes still closed. Then he opened them, and she wanted to leap back at what she saw in his gaze. Was it possible he did not love her? “But I do not regard you in that way, and I think it best if we forget this conversation ever happened.”
Olivia froze for a moment as she absorbed the words. And then felt her face blaze as fiercely as any fire she’d ever encountered. “You do not regard me in that way?” she repeated, hearing the words fall out of her mouth even though she didn’t think she could speak. “You’re saying you are not in love with me?”
She snatched her hand off his sleeve and dropped it behind her back, her fingers wiggling in the air as though trying to find purchase. Because it felt as though she were falling off a very high cliff. “Not in love with me?” she said again, wishing he would step forward and take her in his arms and say it was all a mistake, he was testing her, but knowing it wouldn’t.
“Oh,” she said in a soft voice, looking anywhere but at him. “I’ve just thrown myself at you, and now it seems you don’t feel the same way.” Something caught her eye and she walked forward, past him, to snatch it up from the small table. It was a dome encasing a small yellow flower, one of those ornamental things everybody had as part of their everyday clutter.
This isn’t you, a voice said in her head. This isn’t who you are, or who you want to be.
But she couldn’t keep herself from curling her fingers around it, feeling the cool glass on her palm. Knowing she could throw it if she wanted to. Which she very much did. This, at least, she could do. She could control her actions now, even if she couldn’t control his. She’d just thrown herself at him? She could throw other things too.
She raised the dome over her head, all of her pent-up emotion channeling itself through her upraised arm, flinging it toward the opposite wall, not close enough to possibly hit him, but startling nonetheless.
The object shattered into pieces, the noise of the impact the only sound in the room. It wasn’t loud enough to cause anyone to notice, not with the band continuing to play in the ballroom as though hearts weren’t currently being broken.
“Olivia, you should consider,” he began, but she shook her head before he could get more words out.
“Get out.” She spoke in a low tone, because if she raised her voice she would scream, and she couldn’t cause that kind of scene, not as one of the duke’s daughters, who already had a penchant for causing trouble. Not to mention it would be horribly embarrassing. Yes, Lady Olivia was proposing to me, and I was rejecting her, and then she threw a decorative object at my head. If he said anything about it at all, which she knew as a gentleman he would not.
“Get out,” she repeated in a stronger voice this time.
Something in her expression must have told him not to press the issue, because he shook his head and walked past her and back out into the ballroom, closing the door behind him.
Leaving her alone with her thoughts and her humiliation.
She took a deep breath and withdrew her handkerchief from her pocket, preparing herself for an epic cry.
“Pardon me,” a deep voice said from the depths of the sofa opposite, “but I think it is probably best that I make my departure as well.”
Olivia’s mouth opened in shock as a man—a tall, perfectly dressed, and remarkably handsome man—emerged from behind the sofa, his hair disheveled. He offered her a sly grin and she felt all of her ire direct itself onto this stranger who’d had the effrontery to listen to her make a fool of herself.
“And who are you?” she replied haughtily, taking refuge in her bred-to-the-bone aristocratic manner.
He spread his arms and made a low bow. “I am Mr. Edward Wolcott, at your service,” he replied in an amused tone.
“Oh!” she said in recognition. “The bast—” She began, then put her hand to her open mouth.
His smile halted and the look in his eyes got fierce. “Yes, my lady. The bastard.”
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singingninja4 · 2 years
"So we're safe?"
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"So what's wrong? It's over."
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"This time."
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"There's not going to be a next time."
BCS || 5x10: Something Unforgivable // 6x07: Plan and Execution
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singingninja4 · 2 years
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singingninja4 · 2 years
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kim's delivery of these 3 words will haunt me for eternity
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