#screentones podcast
doomsdaymydear · 5 months
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It's Webcomic Day! You are invited to read Doomsday, My Dear, a webcomic about plague, politics, and people that has been running since 2010 and will finish eventually. I had a baby leave me alone (and this is also why I'm not giving you a process post, who has the time)
Never heard of it?  That’s okay, you can start from the beginning here! Please note that it contains a LOT of violence, rough language, difficult topics, and flawed (sometimes worse) people.
If you're a new or longtime reader and want to see page previews--sometimes weeks before they're published-- I also encourage you to become a Patron.
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konnichibotart · 1 year
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Back to work on my hyperfixation—I mean morning routine! Yeah...
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beesmygod · 5 months
today is webcomics day. i am bea and i make "A Ghost Story" - part 1: pre-gaming
webcomic day is a yearly celebration of the art form concocted by the screentones podcast team as a way for people to see how the sausage gets made. my webcomic "a ghost story" has been running for over 10 years, and yet i still don't think i can say i am good at making a webcomic. regardless, the comic is getting made because otherwise i become very, very sick in the head. today i would like to share with you the process of making a page of "A Ghost Story" from start to finish. either this demystifies the process or will make you think im so cool and strong for doing this 2x a week. instead of reblogging this one post until it gets very long, i will be posting individual updates that i will then compile and post on my personal website. block the tags now if you HATE comics and want them to EXPLODE.
if you have any questions, even things like "what the fuck are you even talking about" feel free to ask. i want to feel confident in what i make again and i think sometimes interrogation from an outside source is really
that said, let's get started. wait just kidding i want a cup of coffee first, hold on.
ok now im ready. i have a big glass of water. i have coffee. i have a headset for the parts of work that don't involve typing words. i can't type words and listen to some streamer babble in my ear at the same time, so it has to be instrumental music or nothing. i just took my meds so they should kick in after about 30 mins. i woke up late today, which is weird and annoying. but maybe i can work late instead.
first off, i need to know where i'm going beyond this one page. if i dont know where im going with something, then i usually create something that sucks that i have to deal with later. hold on my internet died, i have to reset the router. ok, anyway.
what's rattling around in my brain is that not only do i have to deal with maxine's current predicament, i am also dealing with multiple plot elements i need to wrap back around to from the previous chapter. luckily, im about to put maxine down for a nap, which means i can get back to those other elements:
i need to finish the exposition from the three ankou characters for this story arc establishing their motivations as the oppositional force in the story. the "villain" is not these three specifically, but their boss. they need to have a loose understanding of what's going on in order to communicate this to the audience. god this started turning into a huge ass paragraph so i'll just keep it short there.
we've jumped back to before jack's horrible day from the first chapter of this storyline so we have to make our way back toward that and then lapping it, which means wrapping up his various open threads like:
feeding victoria and learning something new about her
finding out alice is a very exceptional employee who is getting many awards
watching valdo call lily while interrupting her during something personal to ask her for help with maxine's situation.
jack meeting with valdo and lily the day after they first met so jack can just tell them straight up that lily has 4 sisters she doesnt know about.
help that girl with her poltergeist problem. remember that. i've had jokes for this rattling in my head for like 4 years. im going insane.
and also the fucking tilberi!!! that has a point its going somewhere!!! there's a larger menace here!!!
other things to set up the climax of this storyline. sexual tensions, hints at larger emotional problems not immediately evident to the reader
lots of moving parts. and i feel like im moving in slow motion to get to them. i can see them all weaving together in my head, its the process of putting that onto paper that's proving difficult.
ok that took an hour starting and stopping. -_- let me write the next part as i keep brainstorming on how to approach this page. taking a "rubber duck" approach to this might help. heres an image from the last page i worked on (i have a 5 page buffer rn so the site does not match the finished pages) to get us semi-situated.
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also because images will help people understand what skill level we're working with here. i need to be able to communicate an idea to the audience; if the art also looks good on top of that, then that's just an added bonus. but the ability to communicate my ideas is sometimes hampered by my lack of artistic skill or comics language ineptitude. like those speech bubbles kind of fucking suck but at a certain point you have to just hit print on what you're working on in order to keep your already glacial pace.
webcomics is a tightrope act where you're also spinning 4 plates at once. the trick is to keep the audience from realizing how many actually fall or how wobbly they all are. the act sucks but technically its not a failure.
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enchantress-emily · 2 months
The Discord server for the @screentones-webcomicresources podcast has been doing a really fun art challenge where every two weeks a webcomic by one of the members is randomly selected, and anyone who wants to can choose a panel to redraw in their own style.
(You can see the redraws people did for my comic, The Shifting City, on its fan art gallery page!)
This is a collection of the redraws I've done so far, chronologically by when I drew them, with the original panel on the left and my version on the right.
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Waxfellow by Tori (@eyeonhead on Bluesky)
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Kings of Sorts by @crabbng
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Null & Void by @buggerup-busters
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Witch of Dezina by @botanica-machina
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Tamuran by @ancient-trees
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A Star Below by @iellswo
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Garden of Iron by @dragonharris
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Some Might Call Us... by @whittledraws
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Armored Hearts by @kaxenart
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Paged Away by @gleamiarts
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Real Bands Need Electric Guitars by @manicdak
The panel redraw challenge is taking the summer off and will start back up in the fall. I'm looking forward to doing more of these!
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askchimeknight · 1 year
Happy Munday! Hope you're doing well today. I wanted to ask about your creative process! What do you do to work on your blog? Do you listen to music, podcasts, essays, ASMR, something else or nothing at all? Do you work with an outline or does everything live rent free in your head? Anything else you wanna share about how you go about your blog?
Happy munday to you as well! :D
So when I'm doing the sketches, etc, I def listen to music a lot. I listen to a lot of videogame music (okami, ScVi, SwSh, amongst others) and anime bgm music (a particular favorite is from Mushi-shi which is a great series btw). I don't use Spotify or anything, its just whatever I have downloaded already and copied to my phone and itouch (that's an oldie, does anyone else even know what those are? Lmao)
During the lineart phase, I sometimes watch anime during. I do all the lineart and screentoning on my phone, so it'll usually be a split screen with the top half video, bottom half Medibang paint. (Yup, typically everything but the sketches are done on my phone!)
Re: the story, it's mostly that I have key points in my head that I know I want to get to (ex the current being about the manaphy(?) egg ) and then fill in the gaps. I find that I lose interest if i try plotting it all out ahead of time, so I've been trying to plan like one current "arc" at a time.
I do have an endgame planned, like I know where I want the end of the story to go, but it'll be awhile before we get there. Chime has a lot to learn, especially when it comes to dealing with his biological family (who will def be showing up in the future) and former clan.
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There are no humans in this universe, so the kinds of conflict that occur, while similar to how humanity can be, are also rather different. There are still biases, and stigma towards disabilities (such as what Chime has and will encounter).
I just hope everyone enjoys the ride XD I'd definitely love to have more interactions with other blogs in the future, anyone is welcome to do so!
Thank you so much for the ask! :D
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screentonescast · 2 years
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Screen Tones, a Webcomic Podcast
Show Notes
Clip Studio Paint
Release Date: April 13, 2022
Renie Jesanis - She/They , www.kateblast.com
Christina Major (Delphina) - She/Her, www.sombulus.com
Ally Rom Colthoff (Varethane) - She/They http://chirault.sevensmith.net/ http://wychwoodcomic.com/
Miranda Reoch - She/Her, mirandacakes.art 
In This Episode:
Clip Studio Paint is a art program with a lot to offer to webcomic creators. It was once known as Manga Studio before being rebranded a few years back. It’s available on Windows, Mac, and iOS, has a few different tiers with varying features available, and goes on sale very often. Today we're going to dive into what we love about this great application.
1:30 What version are you using, tell us a little about a couple of your favourite tools and tricks within Clip Studio!
Renie: Multiple Pages Layout, Perspective Ruler
Miranda: Auto Actions, Layer Properties, Decoration Brushes
Thane: Blur, Fill Bucket, Lasso Tool
Delphina: Text tools, Speech Bubbles, Panel Tools
17:00 Clip Studio gives users a lot of options for downloadable assets, such as 3d models, screentones, custom brushes, and so on. If you've worked with any of these, how did you like them?
The Asset Store is your friend! We love it for 3D models and various poses, object references, and brushes. All of the brushes. SO MANY BRUSHES. You can also import Photoshop brushes in the .abr format. You can download any brush and edit it to fit more of what you want. Gradient maps allow you to easily colour and play around with how colour affects the mood of a page. And don't forget your screen tones!
25:13 How has your workflow and process evolved after starting to use Clip Studio?
From Tradition to Photoshop and Procreate, we talk about how our toolsets evolved and how we include Clip Studio in our workflow.
Have a comment? Question? Concern?
Contact us via Twitter @ScreenTonesCast or email [email protected]
Screen Tones Cast:
Ally Rom Colthoff (Varethane) - She/They http://chirault.sevensmith.net/ http://wychwoodcomic.com/
Christina Major (Delphina) - She/Her, www.sombulus.com
Claire Niebergall (Clam) - She/Her, www.phantomarine.com
Kristen Lee (Krispy) She/They https://www.ghostjunksickness.com/
Megan Davison - She/Her, https://www.webtoons.com/en/search?keyword=megasketch
Miranda Reoch - She/Her, mirandacakes.art 
Phineas Klier - They/Them, http://heirsoftheveil.fervorcraft.de
Rae Baade(Rae) - they/them, https://www.empyreancomic.com 
Renie Jesanis - She/They , www.kateblast.com
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cerise0714 · 7 months
SHUN NAKAO x Chignitta藝廊訪談3 (fin.)
▼ stratum(2023),2023年初公開於東京TRAP STUDIOS的“GRAFFITI”個展,2024年於本展首次在大阪公開展出。
Shun:是呀,我認為是不是正因為失敗反而顯得美麗呢?也許在五年或十年後仍會這麼想,所以即使將錯誤保留下來也覺得很好,如果還是不滿意的話重新再畫一張就好了,所以我越來越不再追求要畫出美麗的東西,雖然有點難解釋清楚呢…大概隨著應用程式、手機、電腦等的普及,也許帥氣或可愛的插圖以及音樂等會變得更加普遍,當然我認為現在已經到了任何人都可以創作的時代,任何人都可以經由 AI 創作出很棒的、帥氣美麗的作品,所以就算有點不完美也沒關係。
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5qui99l3draws · 6 years
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reasonable brain: go to bed please 
me: draw... tiny Rita...
🐦 twitter ☕ ko-fi 🌟 commission info
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inkydoc · 7 years
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kids listening to things
Lyra likes old-timey 1920s music, adventure/fantasy audiobooks and podcasts, she is very intrigued by Welcome to Night Vale for example
Gilbert is the kind of guy who likes a lot of things, but you would never guess that heavy-metal is his favourite (he also never judges anyone over their music taste, he is just a casual music fan)
comission info :)
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dirkjakeweekly · 3 years
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DIRKJAKE💥BIG BANG💥RELEASE! “a better version”
Illustrated By: @twinkle--park (screentone by fushiginek0 on DA)
Written By: @/acousticeelart on IG!
Intro tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Established Relationship, Based on 36 questions (podcast), CWs inside
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daisyachain · 2 years
are you a fan of any shojo/josei works?
Wish I were! Josei stories in particular seem to run the gamut of mature stories in interesting locations that don’t really fit to any one mold or trope, but I read manga on an irregular basis and rarely read something I haven’t already seen others talking about. There’s doubtless some really good stuff out there…but the few that I have tried (Fruits Basket, Ao Haru Ride) don’t fit my preference for either loud, dumb, and action-packed. In general I’m not a fan of m/f romances and the tropes associated with them in female-targeted manga (the overbearing/controlling older guy, the clumsy everygirl, the female friends who function mostly as cheerleaders) which makes it hard to get into some stuff.
Shoujo/josei that I have enjoyed are
BANANA FISH, a violent thriller/action subtextual BL that reads as a bizarre fusion of The Wire and That One Darkfic You Read At Age 15, a tight series with allowances for 80s + bl tropes that should absolutely be read with a list of CWs.
Shimanami Tasogare/Our Dreams At Dusk, a sort of pan-demographic slice of life with some melodramatic moments, you’ve doubtless heard of it but it is as good as they say. A quick and impactful read, I want to read the mangaka’s other works but I really need to emotionally prepare myself first lol.
GSNK, it’s funny!
Hakuouki. Purely a matter of timing. I watched it as my third anime ever and became obsessed with the way the side characters were built up in drama CDs and bonus content, many of which only exist as translated on the tokio-fujita LJ by a person who is now unfortunately deceased(?) but back in the day successfully pulled a minor scam or two within the fandom. Pretty mid, has all the same fatal flaws as any VN adaptation, interesting cast and ideas HAMSTRUNG by having to stick to the main m/f romance, women robbed of all relevance and agency, somehow the male protag’s love interest in the prequel is far better written than the female protag. This series is indivisible from my love of all animanga so I can’t tell how good or bad it is. I can only say that I spent a very very long time thinking about it. Classic shinsengumi story, Japan is torn by a civil war between traditionalist and modernizing factions, but also there are magically enhanced vampiresoldiers and a line of bloodsucking demons seeking to continue their race through eugenic matchups. It’s Anime as anything.
There are a few others that fall into josei/shoujo-adjacent but that aren’t officially in the category I think? After Hours (mature and sedate slice of life romance), No. 6 (slow biological sci fi), Shadows House (ontological mystery thriller) are all series I’ve enjoyed but never quite got to ‘fan’ except for Shadows House, which I really need to catch up on
Bonus rec: Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East is as far as I can tell just a cringe, tropey bl-inflected adventure with godawful pacing that I somehow watched in grade 10? Absolutely would not recommend for a quality watch but it’s obscure enough that it has a certain novelty.
I’ve rb’d a few josei/shoujo recs for future references as I keep searching for something to vibe with so all recommendations are welcome! Next one I am considering a read of is XXXHolic, haven’t yet started because while the pros are that it is CLAMP, the cons are that it is also CLAMP and my list of works to consume is too long to spend time trying to figure out whose legs are whose.
If you’re looking for manga to read, I have to recommend Screentone Club podcast! They do first-volume reviews of mostly new manga without anime adaptations that hit the sweet spot of brief, literate, and indicative without being spoilery. Doesn’t work well for series that get good in the 8th volume, but it’s my go-to for broadening my awareness of the current scene.
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tepperzart · 2 years
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and a new cover, with color, and needs text, but we dont talk about that
i'd like to thank the magnus archives podcast for keeping me sane (while listening to other people go mad through my headphones), and my goofy self for never giving up on me
and waif for being rock
CONCepted, thumbnailed, paneled, sketched, sketched again in second draft, INKEDDD WOT WOOOOOOOOOT
look at this hsit
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it's beautiful, im beautiful
its gonna look so good screentoned
which is next
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recentanimenews · 2 years
The Manga Review, 5/13/22
April sales figures are in, and manga continues to dominate the NPD Adult Graphic Novels list. Though the list includes some perennial favorites–Berserk, Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia—Spy x Family saw a big jump in sales after its anime debuted on Crunchyroll last month. ICv2’s Brigid Alverson points out that  “April marks the fourth consecutive month that manga has completely filled the chart of the top 20 Adult graphic novels in the book channel.” Manga sales aren’t quite as robust in comic book stores, but three titles made ComicsHub’s Top 20 Graphic Novels for April: Chainsaw Man (4), Kaiju No. 8 (16), and Spy x Family (20). For additional insights into the current state of the manga, check our Madeline Dunnett’s recent post at Anime News Network.
Kodansha just announced the winners of its 46th annual Manga Awards. [Anime News Network]
With less than three weeks to go, Sam Sattin and Guruhiru’s Kickstarter campaign for Unico: Awakening has exceeded its pledge goal of $50,000. The story is “an homage to the God of Manga’s original messaging of social welfare and eco-consciousness.” [Kickstarter]
Good news for Moto Hagio fans: Fantagraphics will be re-printing the first volume of The Poe Clan this summer. While there’s no official release date for the new edition, the long-awaited second volume will be released on July 26, 2022. [Fantagraphics]
Drawn and Quarterly will be publishing Nejishiki, an anthology of short stories by Yoshiharu Tsuge. Look for it in stores in April 2023. [Drawn and Quarterly]
Earlier this week, Yen Press announced that it will publish Sho Harusono’s Hirano and Kaguira, a spin-off of Sasaki and Miyano. [Yen Press]
Brace yourself: Seven Seas just announced even more new manga licenses! Among the most promising are Polar Bear Café: Collector’s Edition and Ex-Yakuza and Stray Kitten, which is pretty much what it sounds like: a former mobster indulges his softer side by rescuing a cat from the streets. [Seven Seas]
Over at The OASG, Justin and Helen round up the latest anime, manga, and licensing news. [The OASG Podcast]
Patricia Thang takes issue with the marketing label “manga-inspired,” arguing that “To call a comic ‘manga-inspired’ is akin to me saying, ‘Here’s a painting I did! It’s art-inspired! You’d think (or at least hope) I was joking, right? Because what in the fuck would that even mean?!” [Book Riot]
On the most recent Manga in Your Ears podcast, Kory, Helen, and Apryl dissect two manga by Naoki Urasawa: Sneeze, a short story anthology, and Asadora!, his latest series. [Manga in Your Ears]
Andy and Elliot dedicate the latest episode of the Screentone Club to City Hunter and Goodbye-Eri. [Screentone Club]
Walt Richardson and Emily Myers review the April issue of Shonen Jump. [Multiversity Comics]
The Mangasplainers turn their attention to Kakegurui: Compulsive Gambler, “the smash hit seinen manga that pits trust-fund-teens against one another in battles that cause embarrassment and ecstasy, skirting the line between schadenfreude and sadism!” [Mangasplaining]
As the spring anime season kicks into gear, Silvana Reyes Lopez recommends fifteen “unmissable” manga adaptations, from Chainsaw Man to Kakegurui Twin. [Book Riot]
Wondering what to read after Black Clover wraps up later this year? Christian Markle has a few recommendations. [Honey’s Anime]
Brianna Lawrence argues that Death Note Short Stories is more than just a sequel or a companion to the original series; it’s a thoughtful exploration of “how the government would react if such a terrifying weapon was available.” [The Mary Sue]
In an interview with TCJ’s Alex Deuben, Ken Niimura discusses his latest work, Never Open It: The Taboo Trilogy, which re-tells three of Japan’s most famous folk tales. “What I like about these stories… is that they’re pretty open ended,” Niimura explains. “They can be interpreted in many different ways. For example, there’s what’s considered to be the standard version of ‘The Crane Wife,’ but there are actually different versions depending on the region, the era, with many differences to the characters, the ending, etc…” [The Comics Journal]
Readers in search of “hallucinogenic” stories might want to check out Keiichi Koike’s Heaven’s Door: Extra Works. “In some of these stories, the scale is pure Akira, but the detail and fluidness of the line are absolutely Moebius,” reviewer James Hepplewhite opines. Speaking of over-the-top manga, Megan D. revisits one of the most ludicrous series Tokyopop ever published: The Qwaser of Stigmata. (No, really; this manga goes to eleven.)
After School!, Vols. 1-2 (Krystallina, Daiyamanga)
Apollo’s Song (SKJAM, SKJAM! Reviews)
A Bride’s Story, Vol. 13 (Sakura Aries, The Fandom Post)
Bungo Stray Dogs Wan!, Vol. 1 (Rebecca Silverman, Anime News Network)
A Centaur’s Life (Megan D., The Manga Test Drive)
Dead Mount Death Play, Vol. 7 (Josh Piedra, The Outerhaven)
Death Note Short Stories (Joseph Luster, Otaku USA)
Death Note Short Stories (Kate Sánchez, But Why Tho?)
Dissolving Classroom (King Baby Duck, Boston Bastard Brigade)
Dr. STONE, Vol. 21 (Marina Z., But Why Tho?)
Eclair Bleue, Eclair Rouge, and Eclair Orange (Jaime, Yuri Stargirl)
Hinowa ga CRUSH!, Vol. 6 (Josh Piedra, The Outerhaven)
Hinowa ga CRUSH!, Vol. 6 (Krystallina, The OASG)
I Want to Be a Wall, Vol. 1 (Danica Davidson, Otaku USA)
Little Miss P: The Fourth Day (Demelza, Anime UK News)
Love of Kill, Vol. 7 (Krystallina, The OASG)
Made in Abyss (Harry, Honey’s Anime)
Magic Artisan Dahlia Wilts No More, Vol. 1 (Justin, The OASG)
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady, Vol. 1 (Sakura Eries, The Fandom Post)
Marionette Generation (Megan D., The Manga Test Drive)
Moriarty the Patriot, Vols. 6-7 (King Baby Duck, The Boston Bastard Brigade)
The Music of Marie (Krystallina, Daiyamanga)
Our Colors (Publisher’s Weekly)
Our Teachers Are Dating, Vol. 4 (Erica Friedman, Okazu)
Our Teachers Are Dating, Vol. 4 (Jaime, Yuri Stargirl)
The Royal Tutor, Vol. 16 (Sakura Eries, The Fandom Post)
Seimaiden (Megan D., The Manga Test Drive)
Spy x Family, Vol. 7 (Rebecca Silverman, Anime News Network)
The Transcendent One-Sided Love of Yoshida the Catch, Vol. 1 (Rebecca Silverman, Anime News Network)
Walkin’ Butterfly (Megan D., The Manga Test Drive)
By: Katherine Dacey
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poorlyconveyed · 7 years
Goddess acknowledgments day #2: Comics
Biggest comics inspiration for The Goddess of Drought is Annie Mok, whose comics are incredible at illustrating trauma and its echoes. I come back to Body Language, Shadow Manifesto, and especially Swim Thru Fire (illustrated by Sophia Foster-Dimino) again and again. She depicts characters with kindness even as they go through unkind times in a way that I aspire to. I'm really looking forward to her memoirs, to be illustrated by Carta Monir. Other snippets: Noelle Stevenson's diary comic, about how society can reward traumatic weight loss and forced femininity. G. E. Gogarty's "Times I Made My Ex-Bf Cry" (pts 1 & 2) covers similar topics to The Goddess of Drought in a nearly opposite (= super funny) tone. I think about the careful vignettes and twisty narrative of Whit Taylor's Ghost a lot. Along with Annie Mok, Wendy Xu, Yumi Sakugawa, Aatmaja Pandya, and MariNaomi are inspirational Asian-American women in comics. I wouldn't have found many of these cartoonists without the We Should Be Friends podcast, so thank you. I also would not have known how to layout or print my comic without the sage advice in the Dirty Old Ladies podcast -- C. Spike Trotman's writing and Amanda Lafrenais's gorgeous screentones were a constant inspiration. Lastly, Scott Pilgrim by Bryan O'Malley and Octopus Pie by Meredith Gran (which just ended after a decade!) have been storytelling touchstones for me since I started making comics. Thank you.
Download The Goddess of Drought! [48 pgs, 10.2MB, free]
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screentonescast · 3 years
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Hello Listeners! As we move into the holiday season, Screen Tones will be posting episodes once every two weeks to accommodate our schedules.
But we'll also be having a big streamed hangout right around Christmas where we all draw silly shenanigans to celebrate. See you then!
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screentonescast · 3 years
Are you going to one on commercialisation? How can you make an income from a webcomic? Are you all doing this as your day job, or is it for a little extra pocket-money, or a hobby? If you are generating income, what are the best streams and how much do you make? What advice would you give to anyone starting a new comic and looking to generate income? Is it harder to make a living now than it was 10 years ago, when crowd funding wasn't so crowded? Your insights appreciated.
We will be doing at least one episode on Marketing and getting your comic out into the world. The majority of us work on our comics as a part time job or hobby at the moment, but several have run Kickstarter's to print books or are affiliated with groups like Hiveworks or SpiderForest. We have a wide variety of experience we plan to bring to the topic, so be sure to keep an eye out for that episode! The biggest thing to remember is that as a webcomic creator, you are wearing a lot of hats and one of those hats is Marketing Director. No one is going to market your comic for you, so you need to work to get it out there. Reaching readers is one of the first steps to financial success for your webcomic.
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