#scum simping hours
anto-pops · 9 months
Before hug:
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After hug:
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angelsanarchy · 5 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 29
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27 @shroomje
"You didn't have to waste your Saturday. You could have enjoyed sleeping in." Oystein said as he leaned against the wall outside of the studio. She had encouraged him to get back into the things he loves the most which was his music so when he called up the band and said he wanted to record, they were eager to get in the booth with him.
"Sleeping in is no fun if I don't wake you up with a blowjob so I might as well spend it listening to you create music." She smiled making him look over at her.
"You're perfect, you know that?" Oystein said almost emotionless.
"Yeah I know. You're so lucky." Y/n teased before leaning over and kissing him. Hellhammer emerged from the booth and gave Y/n a wave.
"Hey we're ready to record guitar, if you are." He said as Oystein pushed off the wall. Oystein kissed you again before he followed him into the booth. Y/n walked to the vending machines to get food since they hadn't stopped for breakfast. The door opened again and she heard a sound of disgust.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Varg appeared looking annoyed.
"Making latkes, what the fuck do you think I'm doing here?" Y/n matched his energy.
"He's bringing you to recording sessions now? Great, two fucking annoyances to put up with." Varg spat.
"You know, you talk a lot for a guy who was practically handing out hand jobs when you first met Mayhem...don't think I don't remember you." This caught Varg's attention.
"You sat in that chair for like two hours waiting for a moment to try and talk to him and now you look at him like he didn't give you an in." Y/n chuckled.
"An in? I paid for his fucking studio time, I paid for the record, you don't know shit you cunt." Varg stepped closer to her.
"You paid because you wanted a way in and you didn't pay, your mommy did. You're just some leech who wants to take over something you had no hand in creating." Y/n laughed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"You know, someone should really put a curb in your mouth. You run your ignorant mouth about things that would get you beaten and strung up someplace else. Perhaps I should remind you of the scum you truly are." She could feel Varg's breath on her face. She wasn't intimated by him in the slightest.
"You light a few churches up and suddenly you think you can throw around threats of violence? You a tough guy now Varg? You're a rich little prick who's mommy and daddy paid to get you out of their hair." Varg slammed his chest into Y/n and she hit the wall hard.
"Shut your whore mouth. You keep talking and I might just take that little bitch boyfriend of yours off his pedestal. He would make a real nice bitch in prison for arson." Varg gritted through his teeth. Y/n wasn't scared of Varg. The things he said to her didn't bother her until he brought up Oystein.
"You don't even know him. You suck dick of a guy who pretends to be something he's not. How pathetic are you?" Varg chuckled.
"I guess it would take a poser to spot a poser." Y/n was prepared as he stalked back towards her but Hellhammer opened the door and he halted in place.
"We're ready..." Hellhammer looked between you two and Varg stormed past him, knocking him out of the way.
"You okay?" Hellhammer looked her over and she gave him a nod.
"You can go in the studio if you want to wait with us. You don't have to sit out here." He offered kindly and Y/n smiled.
"I appreciate the offer but could you actually do me a favor? Can you tell Oy-" She stopped herself.
"Can you tell Euronymous that I'm going to head home?" She used his stage name, knowing the Hellhammer didn't mind if she used his real name but it felt silly when she only ever called Hellhammer....Hellhammer.
"Are you sure? Did Varg...did he do something to you?" He extended a hand out touching her arm and she shook her head.
"I don't want to cause any issues. He hates me but he also hates Euro so I think the both of us together might ignite a war and I want you guys to get some actual recording done." She tried to play it off.
"Fuck him. He's an asshole. Don't you ever think you don't have a place here with us. It's what Pelle would have wanted." She had never heard him talk about Pelle. She didn't think they were particularly close but she knew that being in a band together, living with one another, you had to have some kind of closeness.
She reached out and kissed Hellhammer on the cheek.
"Thank you, really. I'm okay. Take these snacks, fuel up and make some black metal music. I'd say kiss my boyfriend for me too but-"
"I gotta draw the line somewhere." He laughed. Hellhammer took the snacks and walked back into the studio with the others and Y/n watched Oystein from the door as he played. She smiled seeing how lost in the chords he was playing. Music was a real passion for him and she wanted him to keep playing. She hated that someone who loathed him so much tainted the band he loved so much.
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You Give Gilbert A Foot Massage
Gilbert x Reader, 1300+ words
Crack that gets a little nsfw with some crack-filled footplay, MINORS DNI
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On this most magnificent night, Gilbert comes home early and takes his usual seat at the foot of your bed. You will be pleased to learn that the mattress in that region features a cute Gilbutt-shaped indent from countless nights of adorable and sinister couple chit-chat.
"Gilbert, why are you dressed like that?" comes the question from your mouth, still full of tuna fish and crackers from Gilbert's secret pillow stash.
Gilbert, who is wearing a cheese-white tuxedo, gives a shrug and begins pouring some tea into your respective cups. "You didn't think a prince of Obsidian would have only one outfit, did you?"
"Of course I thought that," you say, clearing your throat as the jagged edge of the biscuit scrapes down your throat. "I haven't seen you change outfits once over the last eight months."
Gilbert rips open five packets of Splenda at once and dumps everything in. "Oh, oops, that was your cup." He downs all the tea from your cup in one go, clearly having scalded his tongue but maintaining a level of badass by pretending he hasn't.
He fake-pouts. "It hurts my feelings when you call me my full name."
You roll your eyes. "Gil."
"That's still too long."
"Are you even trying?"
Sigh. "G."
"Mm, close, but I need a little more from you."
"No. It's time for your foot massage."
Gilbert stirs his teacup, having given up on serving you. He does not look amused. "Quite daring of you to make such a demand."
"You've been on your feet all day, I know it. Let me love you."
Gilbert frowns. "When will you learn?"
You get to your feet and begin jumping up and down on the bed. "I. Love. You. Let. Me. Massage. Your. Feet."
The tea in Gilbert's cup sloshes with each of your jumps but never spills over the edge. Gilbert maintains his thin-lipped expression. It looks even more intense than usual when paired with his cheese-white tuxedo.
Realizing that he will not yield, you hop over to his backside, bend down slightly, and lock his head between your knees. "I'm not letting you go until you lay down and let me do my thing." You fold your arms atop his captured head and rest your chin on them.
Gilbert sips his tea, elegantly, softly.
He's angry.
You fake-yawn. "What will it be?"
"I'd be careful if I were you, Little Rabbit. I could lock you in this room and throw away the key."
"You'll unlock it within five minutes, you big simp."
Sip. "Would you like to test that theory?"
Eight minutes later Gilbert unlocks the door. He has a plate full of food with him and a scarily cheerful smile. "Is there something you want to tell me, Little Rabbit?"
The plate is definitely yours from one hour in the past. "I wanted to make room for the tuna fish and crackers under your pillow."
"I almost wish that was a lie." Gilbert sets the plate down beside the cold tea. "Feed me and then you can massage my feet."
You clap your hands. "I knew you'd come around."
Gilbert smiles, evil as can be. "I hope you'll maintain that enthusiasm. Because I can only take it as a personal offense if you go and do something like get bored and leave... Right?"
You have Star Wars levels of bad feelings about this, but your optimism and sunshine is Gilbert's begrudging weakness, so you march on.
Gilbert opens his mouth and waits for you to spoon the [insert German dish here] onto his waiting tongue.
"Aren't you worried I'll get food on your tux?"
Gilbert tilts his head in a cute way. "Hm... Would that be a greater loss for me or a greater loss for you?"
Which is his way of threatening you with yet more punishment.
It was certainly tempting...
But you diligently spoon more of the [German dish] into his mouth as he regales you with the events of his day. It turns out that he went into town and walked around in his tux in order to attract the attention of a nefarious gang of tuxedo smugglers.
"Scum amongst scum. I removed their stain from the face of the earth."
You dab Gilbert's mouth with a hanky (not the one he uses for magic tricks). "Gilbert, we talked about this. Rehabilitating criminals is a lot like couple's counseling. If you murder your spouse before the first appointment, well that doesn't do either side any good now, does it?"
"Naive. There's a difference between how you think the world works and how the world actually works."
You stuff tuna fish into Gilbert's mouth. "Maybe so. But let me talk to one of those smugglers."
"That'll be difficult since they're all extinct. Are you sure this tuna is from my pillow?"
"Where else would I have gotten it?"
"Your pillow."
"Aw, you keep tuna under my pillow too?"
"I keep tuna under every pillow in this castle. You never know where you'll find yourself during a siege."
"Is that an Obsidian tradition?"
Gilbert spits the tuna into his hanky (not the one he uses for magic tricks). "It's a Gil tradition. Did you poison this tuna?"
"Gildition. Traditionbert."
"Are you trying to pick a fight with me?"
"Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week."
Gilbert faces you and thumbs the skin under your eyeballs downward so you've got that Clockwork Orange expression. "Where did you get this poison?"
"Mayonnaise isn't poison."
"It is poison to my sensibilities."
You remove Gilbert's hands. "Since when did you have any when it comes to food? You eat anything and everything."
"How trashy do you think I am?"
"A little trashy but in a cute way."
Gilbert nods to himself. "It looks like it's time then."
"For the foot massage?"
His lips curl into that same evil smile. "On your knees, Little Rabbit." He gently shoves you off the bed before plopping onto his back and kicking his shoes off. Then he wriggles his toes.
You sit up and settle into a kneel before his feet. "Oh wow. Did you go shower in the eight minutes you had me locked up? I was expecting your feet to stink."
Gilbert doesn't say anything but he does slip his big toe into your mouth.
It is like an ice-cube.
Or so you say, but in truth his foot doesn't taste unpleasant. And while you've never fantasized about foot-play, there's always a first time for everything.
You pop Gilbert's toe out of your mouth. "Permission to bite?"
"Oh no~" Gilbert says mockingly. "I thought you were going to be gentle and kind and all those gross things?"
"I want to be gentle and kind and all those gross things. But I also dream of revenge every now and then."
Gilbert sits up slightly to look at you. "So you do listen to my advice."
You snort. "Once in a while. Your advice comes from a good place."
Gilbert groans. "You were doing so well." He lays back and uses his toe to nudge your lips. "But I look forward to learning how hard a rabbit bites."
You graze your bottom teeth against the pad of his toe. You wrap one hand over his ankle and the other under his heel, pulsing the flesh.
Gilbert makes a small sound that you can't decipher, but it doesn't seem like he hates what you're doing.
"Can I continue?"
"You have five minutes to show me what you can do. You'll receive an answer from me depending on your skill."
So it was better not to fuck up, basically. But even then, you knew his answer would hardly be the great evil he would make it out to be.
You pull more of his toe into your mouth as you rub circles above and under his foot. It's obviously different from giving a blowjob, but in some ways it's similar.
You take it slow, focusing your efforts more on the massage than on the ministrations of your mouth. Ousting tuxedo smugglers was probably code for something truly heinous that Gilbert was refusing to tell you about. As for the ousting itself...
Well, Gilbert doesn't smell so strongly of blood tonight. And his cheese-white tuxedo was pristine.
You flicked your gaze up to see him smiling peacefully with his eye closed. His chest rises and falls in a lovely pace.
Huh. He didn't dress up for you, did he?
You nibble thoughtfully on his toe.
Nah. Gilbert hates white.
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"Heyo Boss-Man!
You remember me? The 'lesser scum' neighbour demon?
Probably not, but I'm here to help!
Not gonna enter your little lair because I like my head attached to my shoulders.
But! Heard through the grape-vine some maniac kamikaze-style poisoned you."
[Shudders] "Freaks, the lot of em.
Can't say I blame them, coz you are pretty hot, but you gotta have a little finesse when it comes to love, gotta seduce em properly. Ya know?
Anywho. Brought you a meal, particularly a large one since it helps slow the way the drugs work. 's a buncha idiots who tried to commit Ashinuke. They weren't good at their jobs either, so don't worry bout it."
[A large platter slides in, at least 10 bodies atop it. Visibly topped with a poor attempt at spices.]
"Plus a bottle of Tylenol! You gotta be sportin a helluva headache after dealin with all this.
[A small bottle of Tylenol rolls after it.]
Sorry this happened, get better soon, be careful of suicidal simps. Have a great night Boss-Man! Please don't kill me!"
You’re right, I don’t quite remember you
But at this point I’ll take any help I can get. Dunno how many hours it’s been but I’m still suffering
The… problem hasn’t gone away yet. And I feel dizzy asf. Honestly even my appetite isn’t the same, don’t feel like eatin’ much but I’ll try.
Thanks for the help, man
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scummy-writes · 4 years
Isaac for the ask thing!!!! My boooyyy 🥺👉👈 (hello it be taco...💖🙏💕)
Heya heya taco! Thamks!!
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
BLS jsjshd i love isaac so much qq biggest fave, fave route so far, and just rhhwjwjd lemme snuggle with him forever,,,
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shokami · 3 years
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pairing : shinazugawa sanemi x reader ( drabble )
synopsis : the surprising appearance of the former half demon glacial hashira unknowingly meets their future.
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“who the hell do you think you are?!”
there you stood, calmly with your sword crafted from the finest quartz. you gripped the lavender hilt tightly, your face having no trace of emotion or reaction that the man sought after.
the other hashira watched intrigued. you belonged to neither the demon slayer corp, or the upper moons… so why were you here, facing off to the well known hot head with such ease?
as your blade held strong against his, you steadily brought the lengthy pipe from your pocket to hold to your mouth. with a sharp inhale, you blew the large puff of smoke directly into the face of the wind hashira. with a couple of harsh coughs, the smoke had cleared, and you no longer stood in front of him.
shinazugawa sanemi held his ground, his sword whirling into the open space as if to slice you open.
the hilt of your sword connected with his back in a powerful blow, knocking him forward onto the ground.
“ubuyashiki sent me here for your attitude adjustment. said you were lacking a breath of fresh air, and the open mindedness to accept demons.” you said simply, your body dissipating in a cloud of smoke. “so sanemi, would you like my head to be sliced off by your precious nichirin sword?”
many of the hashira standing knew of you already, as you had served alongside them or their relatives in the past as the glacial hashira. you were known well amongst their ranks, though some saw you as a mere legendary myth. a half demon hashira who held the ability to use glacial ice breathing techniques, and disappear into the night in a heap of vaporized combustion from your demonic traits.
“you’re a demon?!” sanemi had exclaimed, fighting his urge to charge at you where you stood, only from the looks he received from his fellow comrades.
“i don't care what percentage! you will die here, you’re of no use to us! we kill scum like you.”
“scum? well, most demons… but as a former hashira myself though, you would think i’d have some sort of higher respect.”
you walked forwards towards the man, the tip of your sword dragging along the ground behind you. in a quick motion, the blade lifted and swung at its opponent. in a near miss, sanemi blocked it inches from his face with an eye widening expression.
four hours had passed, you not breaking a sweat as he fought tooth and nail to bring you to an end. no amount of brute force, trickery, or schemes slowed you down.
that had been 6 years ago, today.
despite such a show of strength, weakness, and attitude back then— your husband had greatly softened up towards you and occasionally his peers.
“‘nemi, darling?” you spoke softly, carding your fingertips through his hair delicately as you laid his head onto your lap after a long mission, weeks away from you had him searching for your attention.
you grin to yourself, knowing the rise of frustration you would receive, “you still can’t take me in a fight.”
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authors notes : for @ahtsuwu specifically because i know she’s a sanemi simp, and i’m testing the waters of my kny writing abilities with drabbles <3 i love playing with the idea of sanemi simping for a demon or half demon.
© All rights reserved by SHOKAMI. Do not modify, repost on any platforms, plagiarize, or claim as your own.
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nerd-by-definition · 2 years
Self Love Retrospective
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2021. Tag as many creators as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagged by @whipbogard
1. Ginger Snap
This one will always have a special place in my heart because it was the first fic I wrote (for DC, for JayDick, for ao3) a year ago today actually. I will take any and all opportunities to push my Jason & Colin dad agenda, so for your consideration:
There’s a shift in the shadows as the monstrous form ripples and shrinks down into the small body of a ginger-haired boy no older than Damian. He shrugs off the weighty brass knuckles and coat, tucking them into a bag hidden behind the dumpster, before scurrying towards the orphanage’s back entrance.
Jason stands frozen in place for countless minutes as his thoughts race, questions stumbling over themselves to be answered. However, the only thing he can articulate fully is, what the fuck?
2. You’re My Only Hope 
This one was my most ambitious project all year (& the longest at 35k) so if you like Star Wars AUs then have I got a fic for you:
A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away…
It is a period of civil war. Aided by rebel spies, a young cyborg breaks free of his captors to bring important information to the hidden rebel base on Nanda Parbat. During the escape, a devastating blow from his Imperial pursuers forces him to crash land on the mostly lawless city-planet of Gotham, where scum gather to trade on the Black Market.
Stored in Kon’s systems is the secret location of a “weapon” that could change the tide of the war in the League of Rebels’ favor. Their dwindling forces have become no match for the Justice Lords’ reign of terror over the Galaxy, and he needs all the help he can get to reach safety.
Thankfully, a young prince in exile, his droid companion, and a group of Outlaws desperate for money, happen to be at the right place at the right time to do the unthinkable--restore freedom to the Galaxy…
3. Ghosts in the Attic 
My first attempt at writing in the Gotham By Gaslight universe as well as my first PWP fic and I’m kind of proud of that. So if you like Valet Jason lightly domming Dick, then this fic (& smutty series) is for you:
Morning birds chattered amongst themselves outside, the creaks and groans of the staff preparing for the masters of the manor to rise trickled through the house, and the squelching drip of cum still in Dick’s ass as Jason played with the ring of muscle, all coalesced into a song Jason could listen to every hour of every day.
4. A Spoonful of Sugar
This is much more niche, but still warms my heart. From the Damian/Colin Domestic sweetness to Baby Dickie and the Reverse Robins trope to the fun & sadness of soulmate AUs, I think this is my favorite of the Damian Wayne Week fics I did. So if all or any of that appeals to you, then try this:
Damian and Colin comfort a distraught Dick in the middle of the night. Thankfully, the boy is in good hands.
5. just one kiss?
I’m a sucker, a sap, a simp if you will, for Circus Boy Dick, and that flashback scene in the RH Annual where Jason went to Haly’s Circus lives rent-free in my head 24/7, so of course I had to write a spin-off of it. I will never stop writing versions of that moment, and if you liked it as much as I did, maybe try this:
He held the flame to the candle and nearly jumped when the wick caught right away, fire swirling in a rainbow of color that felt mesmerizing to behold. Jason lost a couple of moments just staring as it danced. Teasing him, tempting him, making him rethink his dismissal of its magical properties. What if it was real? What if he could spend the night in a memory, change things and see what if…?
But where would he go? What would he do?
There were many more to choose from (at least 71 fics all from last year) because it’s been such a fun year and I can’t wait to spread the love:
Tagging in case you haven’t been already <3 @mlim8 @heyitsani @justtoarguewithyou @horseyw and anyone else who wants to!
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demonprincezeldris · 2 years
I was rewatching season 3 of seven deadly sins and realized that Nerobasta is equally as nasty as Ludobitch (maybe even worse in the sense that she's head over heels for him or is just simping hard). That got me thinking.
Yes, more Mama Mel AU because I can.
What if Meliodas was out on a mission somewhere with Elizabeth or was going to be gone for a while. The girls were left alone with Rou to protect them. However, the entirety of Stigma is called to gather below the light of grace or whatever. The girls gather around Rou, who presses them close to his side as they wait to see what their leader has to say.
The girls are shaken when they see Ludociel dragging out a young demon, seemingly tortured as her skin is burned and unable to regenerate thanks to the constant magic surrounding her. She's whimpering as Ludociel says that they're going to start to change the whole battle around, starting with her. The girls want to help, but they can only watch as she's killed, her hearts slowly being crushed.
One by one.
As the others cheer, the girls and Rou can watch in horror as the two high-ranked Goddesses turn and stride away. Finally, Violenta darts forward, grabbing Ludociel's robe and tugging, asking in a small voice why he would do something so cruel. She wasnt doing anything wrong!
She's knocked aside by Nerobasta, who tells her to keep her filthy hands off him. Ludociel stops her, walking towards the demon kit as he looms over her. He says that all demons are disgusting things who dont deserve to live. They're lower than insects. The only reason he hasn't killed them is because they're being protected by that scum they call their "mother".
The other girls slide in beside their sister, growling as they try to look brave in front of the Archangel. Really, they're terrified. But they wont show it.
Rou steps in after a few tense moments, telling him to back off: they're just kids! Ludociel turns around and merely glares at the human before going back up the stairs and leaving them behind. Violenta's perfectly fine. A scrape on her hand from when she braced herself when falling, but otherwise okay.
They girls cuddle up next to Rou to sleep, and after a few hours Meliodas finally returns. He's ecstatic to see his girls again, but freezes when he spies the scrape on Violenta's hand, as well as the lingering scent of blood. Rou doesnt look at him, frowning as he stares into the dancing flames.
"What happened to my daughter? Who did this?"
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realcube · 4 years
nurse’s office || tobio kageyama x reader
summary: you visit your boyfriend - tobio kageyama - in the nurse’s office after hinata spiked a ball directly at his face
tw// blood, swearing, mentions of violence 
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You rushed down the hallway, jacket half on and half waving around as a cape behind you while still stuffing your supplies from the previous class into your handbag as you ran. 
Yes, ran. One of the hall monitors tried to get you to slow down by shoving their arm out in front of your path but you simply swerved them; nothing was going to stop you from getting to your stupid blueberry boyfriend. 
Also, the fact that you were mad too made your expression ten times more threatening and dark so if the hall monitor did somehow get you stop, he would’ve immediately regretted it.  
Your all-around aggressive demeanour was probably the reason that girls like Yachi were simping for you and boys like Hinata shat their pants whenever you were in a 10 foot radius of them. And due to your need to constantly make snarky remarks - yet the paired with the inability to receive them without getting your feelings hurt - it was almost inevitable that you’d end up with someone like Kageyama.
Eventually, you reached the door of the nurse office; a place that was all too familiar as you’d sit in there for hours holding and icepack to your bloody nose or your black eye after getting in another fight with some braindead scum who tried to two-time one of your friends - which was a shamefully often occurrence. 
You chapped on the door; not something you’d usually do but you’d rather knock than walk in during his check-up. “Bakeyama..” You grumbled, pulling out a pocket mirror from your purse to check if you had ruined your lipgloss - which you hadn’t. “Can I come in?”
It took a moment but then you were finally greeted by the angelic noise of Kageyama groaning from the other side of the door, “Eh, no. Go away.” 
You giggled, a sweet smile graced your perfectly glossed lips as you shoved your pocket mirror away, pushing the door open as you sung in your best ‘lovely girlfriend’ voice, “I’m coming in, baby.” Which resulted in you immediately being met by Kageyama roaring, “Boke! I said go away!”
You rolled your eyes, slipping through the doorway and promptly closing it behind you, your expression immediately dropping into a frown as you realised Kageyama was in a situation you were quite familiar with. He was sitting on the ‘bed’ - which was in fact a regular duo school desk with a duvet and pillow on it - with tissues sticking out from his bleeding nostrils. 
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, king - it’s not like you haven’t seen mine like..a hundred times.” 
Kageyama didn’t understand most things but your statement especially perplexed him, “Seen what a hundred times? Your panties?” That was the most obvious conclusion he could come to but if that was what you meant - as much as he wished it was - it wouldn’t be true. 
His question precipitated a burst of heat to erupt on the tips of your ears, slowly flowing from there to cover your cheeks, leading to you hiding your face with your hands in embarrassment, “Stupid! No! I meant my bloody nose!” 
Kageyama nodded, unable to stifle a laugh at how cute you looked while flustered, “Ah, okay.” He hummed, trying to admire your blushing face but your hands shielding his view made it a challenge. “I like your nails.”
You paused, removing your hands from your face and turned them around to look at your plain, unmanicured nails. You shot your boyfriend a puzzled look, “Huh? But they’re not even done.” 
“Yeah, I know.” Kageyama sighed, mindlessly cracking his knuckles. “I just wanted you to move your hands so I could see your face.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows, about to give him a scolding for not applying those sort of problem solving skills to his schoolwork but he began speaking again before you even got the chance to open your mouth, “How did you even know I was here?”
You hummed in thought before pulling out your phone, inputting your PIN then opening IMessage to show Kageyama the texts that Hinata sent you.
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You impatiently rolled your eyes as Illiteracyama took what felt like a millennium to read those two messages, “I figured you were in the nurse’s office because the tangerine wouldn’t have mentioned it otherwise.” 
Kageyama nodded, finally averting his gaze from the phone as an indication that he had finally finished reading the messages, “Yeah, okay. You should respond though, he’s probably shitting himself right now thinking that you’re going to beat him up or something.”
“Why would he think I’d do that?” You innocently inquired, checking you lip-gloss in your front camera again - it was basically second nature at this point. 
“I don’t know. He’s just a pussy, I guess. The rest of the team aren’t intimidated by you at all.” Kageyama mused, recalling how fond most of the team were of you when you first met them at a match.
You simply shrugged, closing your camera and opening IMessage back up, typing the most reassuring response you could think of. It was a struggle because everything you said could’ve came off as threatening depending on how he interpreted it but you ultimately settled with:
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After you placed your phone back into your into your purse, you turned your attention back to Mr bloody nose sat in front of you. After a moment of exchanging an intense gaze with him, you burst out laughing, causing Kageyama to quirk up an eyebrow. “What’s so funny?”
You tossed your head back in bliss, wiping tears of joy away from your eyes, “You look so cute with the tissues- and the nose-” You were hardly able to  form a whole, cohesive sentence through your wheezes.
Your choice of words being ‘cute’ to describe him set his cheeks aflame, “I-jus-you-” he stammered, not sure how exactly to respond, thus he blurted the first thing that came to mind. “Fuck off.”
You paid no attention to his comment and eventually you cackles died down to nothing but light pants accompanied by a gleeful smile. “Yeah,” You breathed, glancing at the time displayed on the clock by the door, “I should probably get going - unless you’d miss me to much.” You cooed, pulling out your pocket mirror again to make sure your tears didn’t ruin your lashes. 
“You wish.” Kageyama smirked, always having felt respect for how much effort and dedication you put into your makeup and image - it kinda made him want to care about his appearance more but then again, why would he want to put in the extra time in the morning to spike his hair rather than doing something more productive like.. practising sets?
“How long until you’re allowed to leave? Did the nurse tell you?” You inquired out of curiosity, slipping on the other sleeve of your jacket which had apparently been hanging off this whole time.
Kageyama subconsciously extended his arm out intertwine his fingers with yours as he wracked his brain for the answer, “I think she said I can go home when a family member comes to pick me up - which is stupid because I am literally fine to walk home myself but she said it had to do with protocol and stuff.” He trailed off closer to the end of his sentence, his hoarse voice lowering drastically. 
“Yeah.” You mused, rubbing your thumb across the back of his hand as you glanced around the room in search of anything you might’ve accidentally dropped but the coast seemed clear. “Anyway, um, bye!” You chirped, leaning in to peck him on the lips as you’d usually do but they were currently covered the long pieces of tissue hanging out his nose. So, instead you craned your neck upwards to plant a kiss on his forehead before letting go of his hand, turning on your heels and heading out.
“Bye.” Kageyama grumbled in response. 
You gently closed the door behind you and strolled over to the gates of the school at your own pace, you took a longer route though so you didn’t have to pass the hall monitor you veered around on your way to the nurse’s office.
Upon arriving at the gates of the school to start your journey home, you felt your purse vibrate so you pulled out your phone, examining the lockscreen for the notification. It was a text from Kageyama. Of course that piqued your interest so you opened it immediately, the text in question causing a light blush to cross your features.
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You smiled; everything about this was just hilarious to you.
Firstly, of course Kageyama’s first time saying ‘I love you’ was going to be over text. And you couldn’t blame him either, it’s an intimidating thing to say aloud so you were just glad he had the balls to say it over IMessage.
Secondly, you were very proud of Illiteracyama for being able to spell such a hard set of words in so little time as it had only been around 4 minutes since you left the nurse’s office - this must be a new personal record for him. 
And last but not least, the cherry on top, it was followed by this extremely charming and persuasive message. 
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You burst out laughing on the spot and luckily there was nobody around to judge you. Oh, the joy Kageyama would make you feel after saying the most simple things - it was almost like his superpower; besides his killer sets.
Wiping another tear from your eye, you typed your response with weak fingers. 
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astro-chan · 3 years
WFC Trilogy - Character Reviews
(That no one asked for)
Optimus Prime
Pretends to listen to everyone's advice
jUsT hAvE fAiTh
Okay let's look for the allspark because I said so
*Yeets it off Cybertron an hour later*
Frustrates everyone
Including his own team
Exasperated mom
Lowkey tired of OP's shit
Give the gal a break
Bad bitch
Should be leader tbh
3 edgy 5 me
He knows a guy
'iTs NoT a PhAsE mOm'
The ugly one
Probably played basketball in HS
Told his boss to go suck it
Joined the other team as an excuse to murder his former colleages
Chaotic good
Ultra Magnus
Wants peace
(Fucking dies and has his body used as a weapon of war)
His decapitated head makes a nice ornamental table piece
Tired of everyone's shit
Has a decepticon bf
Do NOT upset his patients
'Pain in my A S S'
Wheeljack N O
What does he know about Perceptor's tight receptor?
D...did he just give Megatron a boob job?
Now you see me now you don't
Wants to fight Ratchet's decepticon bf
Good cop
Not ACAB???
Almost gets his shit wrecked by fucking wind
Haha big gun go pew
Somehow survives having a big ass hole blown in his torso
Gets sucked out of a ship into the cold depths of space
Gets stabbed in the tit
Are you okay, my little cogchamp?
Shows up outta nowhere as an accomplice in robbery
Lowkey wishes she stayed home
Her and bee have chaotic sibling vibes
Moonracer but blue
Does not get dismembered
Will snipe your ass
Chromia but mint
Gets dismembered
Can't snipe your ass because she's dead
Red Alert
Didn't graduate med school for this shit
Somehow survives falling to his death
He's always alert....hehe....get it?....Cuz his name's Red Alert...and he's always...heh...alert
Angery gay
Will fight you
Won't actually fight you because Ratchet would disapprove
Deserved better
Thank you for flying ark airlines this is your captain speaking
Probably has no idea wtf is happening most of the time
Hood tiddies
*points at butterfly* is this screentime?
Sideswipe character
Wait this guy was in the show???
Idk he did a thing?
He's green I guess
Alpha Trion
Proud single dad of three kids
Can't control his three kids
Get's murdered by one of his three kids
(That kid then went on to start a planetary war against the other two kids)
Bumblebee's sleep paralysis demon
Overlord is that u?
Handsome squidward vibes
Has giant self-portraits of him murdering autobots hung up around his crib
Angry at OP because he's shit at flirting with OP
Save the cybertronians...by mass murdering the cybertronians
Gets stabbed in the tit
Puritan scum
Gets promoted and instantly climaxes
*breathes excitedly*
*pleased gasp*
Jetfire's bitch
Starscreams #1 fanboy
Is shit at searching for Autobots
Starscreams #2 fanboy
RIP I guess
That guy on the radio
Shares a braincell with Shockwave
Lowkey wholesome
C00l d00d
Questionable morals
Even more questionable voice
Yeah. Science, bitch!
Get's screamed at a lot
Secretly doesn't condone Megatron's shit
Wants to be punched in the face
Does not want to be shot in the face
Generic bad guy #1
Gets stabbed in the tit
Vortex is that u
Generic bad guy #2
Does not get stabbed in the tit
Skywarp is that u
Sees all
A good boy
This is animal abuse I'm calling PETA
He's gonna make you an offer you can't refuse
Soundwave's cooler cousin
Cut off 4 of it's 5 faces so it could get it's shit together
Still does not have it's shit together
Lockdown WHOMS'T
Bitch better have my money
Gets posessed by his client
(How does he see???)
Wisdom dog 2.0
Ahaha that was the old me
Dude's just vibing in space
Impressive vocabulary
Will insult you eloquently
(((Fr he's been through so much trauma; he lost his family, became the last of his kind, is probably suffering from PTSD and now two groups of strangers invade his home and start shooting at him. Homeboy has every right to be pissed off)))
Omega Supreme
Nuh uh I ain't getting involved
*gets involved 10 mins later*
Aight what did I miss?
The embodiment of the 'Who are you? / I'm you...but stronger' meme
Gets lit the fuck up
Nemesis Prime
Of course he only gets 2 seconds of screentime
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zv5x · 3 years
Revamped Yan!Spirit headcanons because yeah , I told you I'm a simp
Yan!Spirit is taking over my life I want him so bad UGH
( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
Spirit is undeniably obsessed with you, and everything you are and everything you stand for, from the moment he saw you begin to interact with Senpai while inside of the game, he knew you just had to belong to him. He couldn't have anyone or anything stand in between what the two of you were going to have together, artificial intelligence or not, any obstacle in his way he'd eliminate with cruelty and bloodshed
His clear obsession with you started innocently enough. Those small comments about how meek and vulnerable humans were compaired to him, the way he'd look at your teeth and make comments about your lack of fangs, those mentionings of your lack of powers or abilities while with you outside, hitching a ride in your backpack in his much tinier spirit form, all while laughing to himself and asking you just how you'd be able to fend for yourself without him by your side
You brushed it off. After all, it was you who found out how to free him from the Hating Simulator those few months ago, it would be wrong to get mad at him for clinging to you a little bit. It was to be expected, really. He'd grow out of it, you told yourself. He had to
Spirit wasn't growing out of his clinginess, though, it was getting far, far worse. He began to not want you going anywhere without him, hitting you with accusations whenever you suggested that the two of you be apart for just an hour at the very most. You began to catch him peeping behind doorways in order to listen to the conversations you held on the phone, you even opened your eyes while sleeping in the middle of the night to catch Spirit standing over you, a look of pure love in his eyes, his hands cupping his cheeks and his tail swaying from side to side
From the moment he first caught wind of them, you could tell Spirit never really liked your friends. They were dirty, impure, and they were taking up time that should be spent with him instead. You couldn't process just how jealous he was of your other relationships, until he forced you too with disturbingly blank stares and sugar-coated threats
"(Y/N), why did you tell them you love them?" after he heard you getting off the phone with a family member, his expression dark. You tried telling him the truth, that you were just speaking to a family member. Thankfully, he believed you, but he wasn't happy. "You...you don't love them as much as you love me, right? I'm your favorite, aren't I?"
Spirit loves hearing the sound of your voice, it's as if the sweetest honey just got a auditory adaptation, it was just such a pleasure to listen to. He craved hearing words of love for him be spoken, as just hearing those three pretty words come out of your mouth is enough to make him burst out into tears every time. But, he'll gladly sit by silently and listen intently as you ramble on about the things you like or hyperfixate on. However, whenever you seem to want to stop talking to him, or whenever someone else takes your attention away, you can't help but notice how...angry he becomes. He doesn't make his anger obvious, of course, but you can tell the way he gripped his thighs and looked down at the side had a much darker meaning behind them
Most of your days were spent giving Spirit physical affection. Holding him in your lap, running your fingers through his hair and tracing the shape of his horns with your fingers and smiling to yourself as you listen to him purr and feel him nuzzle against you like a cat would. He CRAVES your affection, constantly tugging on your clothes and rubbing his head against you (while being cautious his horns don't poke you by mistake, of course)
While in public with him, anyone who get's too close to you is at risk. Whether it be a friend saying hello or a complete stranger having the nerve to catcall you, Spirit will treat them as the same level of lowlife scum that he feels they are. They're a threat, they're in the way, and Spirit can't have that
He'll grab your wrist and growl at anyone who tries speaking to you, non-verbally threatening the life of anyone who tries getting near you. Those persistent, are met with a quick punishment. No matter how much you cry and try and pull Spirit away, he won't budge. He must protect you. He needs to protect you. They're a threat, and threats need to be taken care of and neutralized
If you ever confront him, it'll be like it's going one ear out the other, giggling with a hand over his mouth and commenting about how much of a "silly human" you are, motioning for you to join him. He's been without your affection for such a long time! Why don't you hold him and forget about that concept of "personal space" you were so persistent about just now
Lord forbid you ever deny him your love or affection. Tell him you're sick of his behavior and you're on the verge of leaving him behind. Sit back and watch in terror as Spirit's normal expression turns to one of pure betrayal and rage. How DARE you, how absolutely dare you. How could his precious darling begin to treat him this way?
That's it, he thought. You're done with being "free". He's been giving you too many privileges, and now he made you into a spoiled brat. But no matter, he'll fix you right up. Soon you'll know just what happens when you deny Spirit his right to be your partner for the rest of eternity, just like he was meant to be from the start
What he wants, he gets, and it'll be the coldest lesson you'll learn yet
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xo-cuteplosion-xo · 3 years
A god's key to victory | Fyodor x Reader |
I got this idea whilst talking with another Fyodor simp. May mercy be spared on me for this piece.
A god's key to victory | Fyodor x reality-warping reader |
Disclaimers/ Warnings: Definitely a ton of mental manipulation. Obsessive themes. Depictions of abuse, controlling actions, violence, dystopia.
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The moon shone elegantly, glimmering through the glass pane of your room. Off in the distance, there was life. Outside the glimmering stone walls of this cell-like room. The golden ring on your finger brought nothing but torment. At one point this choice had been easy. He’d finally broken you into submission. Even as the world submitted to his views, there lay a single person who could undo everything. If he touched you with a single finger, all of this would be gone. Fyodor had no room for the human emotion of love. Even though he did love you in his twisted way. He gave you everything, from jewels to fine silks. He teaches you his language and lets you see his rare moments of compassion.
This world was perfect, yet here you were broken. When had it happened? When had he stripped you of your free will? Your joy? Your liveliness? The smile he had no explanation for loving? The fight that made him fall evermore for you? He was a god now, a true god who dictated the crime and the punishment of this city. That had been it, hadn't it? The moment you used your ability so widely. The day he stripped this world of its filth. The day you became the goddess by his side. He had strained you too far. You seemed so numb now. Yet, it didn’t stop him from holding you on his lap and leaving pecks around your neck. You were all he needed in this world. If somebody touched you, he'd simply kill them. There were moments where your light returned, moments where he saw that glimmer of fight and joy.
It had started years ago, when you were naive and worked alongside the scum of this world. He’d met you in a cafe. He found the meeting rather... cliche. You had to work multiple jobs to pay for your place and support your life. He’d watched the way you avoided eye-contact with others. The way you so easily switched between personalities dependent on whom you were serving. You read through people so easily it was interesting to him. Nobody else seemed to notice that it wasn’t the real you. When you get to his table your eyes fell cold and distant. He had given you a mere smirk. You only needed one look to know how to warp his view. Your ability allowed you to push what you wanted onto anybody else. It warped the very fabric of the space you were around. He understood that within moments. He was after all a highly intelligent man.
When you begin to act smug and cold just how he was, he could only chuckle. You amused him. That alone was a dangerous feat; Gaining the interest of a man who thought of himself as a god. From then on he became a regular. He memorized what days you worked and the time. He’d sit there until your shift ended. With each of those passing days, he would find a way to talk to you. He observed the way you acted. Your eyes were the giveaway to it all. To almost everybody, you could pass for anybody. Yet, when he looked into your eyes, he found the light of a scared and naive child. He found it a fun game to change what he wanted each day. The confusion that passed your face, even if it only lasted a tenth of a second, filled his pride. You stumbled over what facade to act on.
It took a month for him to completely figure you out. When that happened you were doomed. He would begin his manipulation. He wanted you on his side. The things your ability could do for him were too enticing to pass up. He whispered soft words filled with false emotions. At least, that was what he called them at first. He never admitted it to himself, and so that’s what it was. It was all just a facade to gain your trust and snatch you away. To him, you were not a sinner like the others. You were something pure and unaware of the world's terror.
When he found you worked with the very agency that continued to stunt his plans, he became agitated. It was a minor setback. The one person he knows rivals his intelligence sat among that agency. His name was Dazai and to his luck, the two of you seemed rather… close. He would joke around with you a lot. That pink tint he had grown accustomed to forcing onto your cheeks would pass at his words. It grew an emotion he hated. This emotion wanted you for himself.
So, the next time he saw you, he began to ask you about your views on this world. Just as he had predicted you were nothing but innocent. You never noticed how you showed the real version of yourself to him. Laughing after work hours. He had started as a stranger, but now you trusted him enough to go drinking. You held up a glass with a rather bright smile. Still, unaware of his complex. He’d watch you drink and memorize your reactions to every little movement he made. “What do you think about the world?” he would need this sliver of information before he began his little game of cat and mouse. How far would he have to change your views to align with his?
“My views? Huh, I guess I haven't thought about it before.” you would laugh looking over to him. It was the first time you made real eye-contact. It felt so warm despite how cold his eyes looked. It sent an unfamiliar shiver down your spine. It shouted he was dangerous, yet you didn’t look away and continued to answer him. “I guess, I see the world as a scale. A world with evil and good? I think as the world is now. The scale is tipped in the darkness.” Fyodor would nod as if he were agreeing with you. Even if he didn’t, he wanted to make you feel safe and comfortable in his arms.
People are easier to control when they trust the person who is trying to gain control. If you opened up, he could sway and twist your own words to fit his own needs. “Then what is your ideal world?” he would often ask this question.
You would think for a moment before smiling with a hopeful glint in your eyes. “A world without suffering and pain! A world that’s just a bit less violent. It would be even on the scale. Enough evil to keep order but enough good to keep the peace. Things like the seven sins would be needed but, things like violence would be less frequent. People would feel safe walking in the night. Murders would be 1 in a million of chance. I want a peaceful world.” you would answer him honestly, and he’d hide his smirk. It would be so easy to twist your thoughts. The Armed Detective Agency stood in his way though. You believed being there would help the world; Even though that agency was filled with vile scum.
He’d begun to show you the truth, his truth. At first, he’d only suggest it. The suggestion that this violence was brought on by ability users. At first, you'd stick your tongue out and point out how you were one. When he made the assumption it was too early to begin that part of his mind game, he set his sights on bringing you closer. He wanted a step up from friends. He wanted to be able to touch you. So he slowly began to make his role in your life more prominent. “Your work, do you have a thing for anybody?” he would not be subtle with this.
When you told him you appreciate your friends there but, found you could never really love them because nobody else knew this you. He had thought you acted like this around your co-workers. Dazai could see through your ability, but it appeared that was not enough. You didn’t need an ability to pretend. That pulled his interest more. By now there was no going back. He had you in his grasp, and he would never let you go. “I don’t like anybody in that way.” when those words left your lips he would wrap his arms around you and lift your chin with a smug smirk. He’d let go immediately to watch your confusion. He would leave the bar to make sure that the moment kept its hold on you.
Just as he predicted you were distracted at work. And within the next two months, you began to trust him. Your co-workers knew nothing about this man. He had asked you to keep him from people he didn’t know. He lied about what he did for a living. He told you his work involved the government and telling anybody you knew him put himself and you in danger. So you were vague when your friends called you out on daydreaming or letting your attention drift. They asked, but you shrugged it off. When it got too much you simply came out with it. “I think I fell in love.” These words shocked even yourself. The faces of your coworkers were distant as you smiled to yourself.
He would only smirk, waiting for you that night at the bar, as if he knew nothing. He’d tease you. His body growing too close for comfort. He’d wrap strands of your hair in his fingers. Whisper little things that made you question yourself and your relationship with him. It took two months before he noticed even the smallest eye-contact would turn your face into that beautiful shade of rose. He’d lean down and finally give you what you had been wishing for. A soft peck on the lips. When you squealed in response he would snicker. “Something wrong, little mouse?” he would ask you the question waiting for your reaction. When you grew more embarrassed and attempted to hide your face, his dominance slipped from the facade he had been using around you. The glow of his eyes shaking you to your core. “It’s only natural to be so… adoring over a god.” That was the first time you had heard Fyodor call himself a god. If he did that in the start you'd have completely tossed him aside. Yet it was hypnotizing now that you had already fallen into his grasps. He always got what he wanted. Right now that was you and your ability.
The next step began in hints and murmurs. He would bring up your ideal world and put the question into your head. “What do you think makes that scale tip into evil?” when you respond with violence he’d nod and act like he was thinking. He was tricking you with terrifying ease. “This violence? Who causes it?” you would tilt your head before the answer peeked in. The one time he had mentioned abilities being at fault consuming your reason. You would argue in your mind until the answer you normally went for came to you.
“Violence is made from suffering.” you would smile and shift in your seat. You never initiated contact with him. You were too nervous too. He would hold back his agitation and nod understandingly. His hand cupping your chin to pull you to his lips. He was always rough with you; He knew how it affected you.
You kept it a secret from the agency for a while. Dazai eventually figured it out and asked if you were seeing somebody. You had only nodded and walked out to leave for the night.
It took a handful of weeks, but he did crack your mind eventually. It took some nudges, but he got you to start taking in his views. He would run a thumb over your hand and whisper things about the mafia. Like how if they didn’t have the powerful ability users they had, the crimes they committed would be punished. It would drive you to rethink your views. “So without abilities violence would be less? No, violence would be punished easier? That would lead to a decrease in crime from fear of being caught.” you would mumble your thoughts aloud unknowingly. He got pleasure from seeing you drift towards what he believed.
The next obstacle came ripping you from your current living style. You hadn’t noticed how your every free hour was spent by him. He did his work with you so sneakily, you didn’t see how you no longer had control of your life. He could get you to stay from work with a simple strand of words. He pulled you to his home one night. It was rather large compared to what you had thought. He began to show you sides of himself you haven't noticed. The sides that would have repulsed you now dragged you into him. Once you made a permanent residence in his home he began to talk about his views. You took them in and listened. Your chats were normally short. You took care of him. He smirked at how your dependence on him began to grow. You came home exhausted, and he’d plant you on his lap. His hand massaging your tired muscles.
He had to work rather hard to get you to leave the agency, but it happened. Now that you viewed ability users in the same light he did, all he had to do was show you the darker sides of your friends. Dazai’s past seemed to shatter you. You were betrayed and hurt. Fyodor did not waste a moment, he rebuilt your shattered heart around himself. He whispered how you only needed him and nobody else. You fell, trapped in that web.
At some point, you began to see him as your savior. He was the only person you trusted and didn't feel revolted by. You had stopped interacting with the outside world. There were times when you got annoyed with him and would scold him for forgetting to take meds, or stay warm. You found yourself smiling and laughing at his side. He showed you his co-workers eventually. When he had to go on trips he made sure they kept an eye on you. You could always call him if you felt down without him.
A year into this he made the move to make you permanently his. A ring on your finger. Something that made you smile with joy whenever you looked down at it. He began calling you his goddess from then on. You felt like you meant something to this world. For the first time, you were yourself without any insecurities.
He would never admit it, but that smile sent an unfamiliar flutter in his chest. He never laid a hand on you, but his words did enough. He so easily controlled you. If you displeased him he only needed to ignore you or give you a stern and cold glare. Those actions would have you on your knees, tears falling, and pleas for forgiveness leaving your lips. You never noticed how abusive this was. It may not be physically abusive, but this thing you had with your husband was most definitely mental abuse. Yet, you turned a blind eye. You never noticed. You were so starved for his love. You did anything for him.
So, when the fateful day came you pushed yourself just to achieve that perfect world. You were the key to his ascension. The key to a perfect world. The people who you once called friends came into your home threatening to take away the life that made you happy. They called you a traitor, yet Dazai took pity on how easily you had been manipulated. He could have prevented this had he seen through you. It was too late now and you’d need to be in rehab once they caught Fyodor. When those sounds reached your ears you could only panic.
Your heart raced as you ran to Fyodor. You clung onto him like a life-line. When they saw this everybody shook their heads in a clear disappointment. With riffles targeting you, Fyodor could only smirk. He looked down at you, leaning down, he kissed your cheek and whispered. “Warp this city to paradise. Can you do that for me, my little goddess?” he spoke with a false softness in his voice.
You looked to Dazai with fear, but when you blinked he saw no difference. The aim lights that had been on you and your husband shifted onto the agency. You had used your ability. Dazai knew he had to touch you to fix this. Fyodor also knew that so, he placed you behind him. Pulling a knife from his pocket, he merely smirked. “How do you plan to get over here Dazai?” he taunted before warning shots echoed and the agency members dropped to their knees. “We win.” he gave a final kick to dazai’s face. When they were cuffed and pulled away, Fyodor finally turned back to you.
You shook with fear and confusion, but the moment he wrapped you in his arms you were safe. You held onto him snuggling into his chest.
It took you two days to completely envelope Yokohama in your ability. Anybody who entered would fall victim. When you were done you fell, exhausted.
Even as the realization of what you had done enveloped you, there was no reaction. Fyodor found it upsetting at times. You were numb so often yet, in those fleeting moments where life poked in, he adored it.
This world looked perfect even though it was far from it. If anything this paradise you had made was a nightmare. There was peace and comfort; People were safe and pure. The only true evil that balanced the good of this scale were Fyodor, the demon, and his fallen angel; The god and goddess of this new paradise. He had most of the ability users wiped out, but the few who had held positions before your ability was used were kept alive.
“Look at our world, isn’t it beautiful?” he asked, whilst holding you on his lap. You merely nodded a soft, joyful glimmer appearing in your eyes before it left, just as suddenly as it appeared.
“I love you.” you would whisper the words, hoping to hear it back from his lips.
This once he thought, he’d say it just this once. “I love you too, my little mouse turned goddess.” that brought a smile to your lips. A real smile, one he hadn’t seen in ages.
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lehouxnap2 · 3 years
SNK characters as world of warcraft players
Eren - Fury Warrior (Human, worgen)
Has 2 mains, human and worgen. Eren thinks human is the superior race even though everyone knows is the most boring. He's the typical alliance player that rages at you. "You horde scum" Not so good at first. Gets better at playing with time. Always in war mode.
Mikasa - Arms Warrior (Human)
Top dps and she's really good at pvp. Overall a natural good player. Eren always asks her do to duels and she always kicks his ass. Not interested at anything, just wants to play with Eren. Does RBGs with him.
Armin - Frost Mage (Human, Female Draenei)
Big nerd that knows all the lore and is pretty much always raid leader, he's really nice when players don't know the mechanics. Always trying to do achievements. Too scared to do pvp. Does freaky shit in rp moonguard.
Jean - Guardian Druid (Worgen)
Every worgen player i've met was a little bit of a simp im sorry. But Jean is genuinely a good guy, he just wanted to get a girlfriend when he was younger then grew out of it when older. Started as a feral until he realized being tank helps to queue faster in dungeons. It's raid leader when Armin can't make it. Main tank
Marco - Holy Priest (Draenei)
Think of the nicest player that ever helped you, that's Marco. He helps new players when they don't understand or get lost. Big patient fella, if you need gold he's gonna help you in that too. Top healer in raid. Sometimes switches to Shadow. Does random bgs with Jean just to have fun (doesn't like it much because it can get toxic)
Sasha - Marksmanship Hunter (Pandaren)
She used to be those hunters who ruined your day by tanking with her pet getting everyone wiped. But learned how to properly play and now she's top dps. She met Jean when he was tanking with his bear and raged at her in the whispers. They are besties now <3 Loves doing cooking proffesion, that's how she met Niccolo.
Connie - Enhancement Shaman (Dwarf)
He think dwarves are a funny looking race that's why he chosed them. Average player who just wants to have fun. Regardless of what he's doing pvp of pve he never rages. As a shaman he let's the elemental pets do all the work and gets overconfident, the reason why he loses. Fools around a lot with Sasha
Reiner - Protection Warrior (Orc)
Used to be Worgen and be part of the same guild as the rest but changed to Horde because of race benefit (everyone does that nowadays) He only did it because his friends did, so he feels sad about it. His new guild is called Marley. Top and main tank of the raid. Still talks with his past guild but Eren is pissed at him for leaving the Alliance and always attacks him when he has the chance.
Bertholdt - Fire Mage (Troll)
He likes trolls because they are tall and chill, just like him. Same story with Reiner. Being a Fire mage pretty much makes him top dps and someone you don't want to fuck with. He could be one of the best pvp players but prefers to keep it low and have fun. Does R Arenas with Reiner.
Annie - Windwalker Monk (Blood elf)
Same story with Bert and Reiner. She's one of the best pvp players, and does R.Arenas. A lone player, when not doing pvp she works in her proffesions and enjoys the beauty of WoW. Her dad showed her the game when she was young. Reiner and Bert asks her to do stuff together but she rejects them. Likes the company of Armin or Bertholdt alone.
Historia - Discipline Priest (Voild elf, Vulpera)
She has 2 mains. Void elf to be with her guild, and Vulpera to be with Ymir. She's always nice and helping other players but most of the time she wants to do achievements with Ymir and do holiday events. Has the BEST transmogs of them all. And pretty mounts.
Ymir - Affliction Warlock (Nightborne)
Amazing pvp player, but not a big fan of it. Specially because it can get really annoying and childish. At first she carried Hisu in dungeons because she was a "noob" giving her advice on how to properly play. Ymir when really bored likes to troll others and sometimes camp them until Historia tells her is enough.
Levi - Assassination Rogue (Gnome)
Known as one of the best players in WoW. Big fanbase. Kenny, his uncle, teached him since he was a kid to play the game and ever since then he mastered it. He chosed Gnome as his main because even though gnomes are always the butt of the jokes he thinks getting your ass kicked by one is satisfying. Used to play with his two friends until they quit the game, then had his own guild and they also quit the game. So he feels nostalgic sometimes.
Hange - Beast Mastery Hunter (Night elf)
Geek. Knows all about lore but also is really good at being BM hunter. You just can't escape their traps ;). Big big fan of WoW, you are not sure how long have they been playing this game. Never misses Blizzcon events. They are always with Moblit who remindes them to take a break from the game and go have some rest. They have a lot of rare objects and mounts. Likes to hang around with Levi.
Erwin - Retribution Paladin (Human)
Do I even have to say something? He's a human paladin. Guild Master of Survey Corps, used to be really active when younger but as he got older doesn't appear much. He did a lot of pvp, one of the best. Was raid leader along with Mike and Nile. Just like Eren he believes in the Alliance and knows a lot about lore. Ask him anything.
Porco - Feral Druid (Zandalari troll)
He thinks zandalari are the coolest race blizz has ever thought of. He's an average good player. Played a lot with his brother Marcel. Until the later quit the game to focus on other stuff. Used to make fun of Reiner for being bad at it, but now they play mythics+ together.
Pieck - Guardian Druid (Tauren)
Average good player, she's calm and trust her teammates in raids even when things might not look so good. Second tank. Loves being a druid because she can carry her party members in deer and bird form. At some point she met Jean and exchanged tips
Zeke - Elemental Shaman (Pandaren)
He's that player that frustrated you so much you wanted to throw your computer at the floor because he wasn't doing the mechanics right or in bgs. And you know he's doing it on purpose. That troll motherfucker that ganks you even when hours passes and you wonder why people like him exist. Has a monkey pet named as "Monke" that he takes everywhere. Has macros where he says weird shit before you kill him. But he's actually a really good player when serious. Raid leader of his guild. If there's one player Zeke won't fuck with, is Levi.
Falco - Restoration Druid (Tauren)
He and Gabi are new players but learn fast, Falco likes to enjoy the game slowly appreciating the stories, characters, and overall have a good time with his friends. Ends up stressed healing Gabi's ass since she keeps tanking without a care. Tells her she should listen to Reiner's advice as a tank.
Gabi - Protection Warrior (Orc)
She saw the way Reiner played and wanted to be just like him. Gabi levels up really fast with war mode and dungeons. Problems comes she lacks experience so she needs Falco by her side healing her. Eren once saw her in war mode not giving a crap she was a low level and ganked her.
Floch - Unholy Death Knight (Human)
Level 58 DK. That dude that all he does is complain in the chat. In bgs he shits at everyone for not doing their job while he has low dps. In trade chat you are always gonna see him having a discussion about how the game is dead, everything sucks, back in the day "when classic was good". Always joins Eren's RBGs.
Im sorry this was so much fun to do. I didnt plan this
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I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO KNEW ABOUT THAT CRAZY PSYCHIC LADY. I swear to God, she's completely nuts. All her videos are just her talking to herself, pretending to have conversations with dead celebrities. She also pretends to be "possessed" by them as well, and makes all these disturbing noises while she's doing it, like it turns her on or something. The saddest part is, she has quite a big following and people genuinely believe this shit. All she has to do is put on a posh voice and pretend to hold a cigarette and they actually think she's hosting the spirit of Freddie Mercury, smh.
I saw the video she did where she claimed she was talking to Jim and it boiled my blood. It was so insulting the way she constantly demeaned their relationship, I had to close the video less than halfway through. Not to mention she got so many facts wrong, which just goes to show what a fraud she is (like she claimed one of Freddie's cats was called Sheba. Come on, girl, all you had to do was a quick Google search to get the names right, lol.) The other anon is spot on, she's definitely doing this for financial gain. She charges hundreds of dollars an hour for psychic readings over the phone, which is a giant red flag. I honestly can't believe this kind of thing is legal.
Anyone who believes and follows her is a moron. I don't care, I'll say it. It's one thing to believe in mediums and being able to speak to the dead, and it's another to believe some rando on the internet is really talking to dead celebrities. It's either she's a huge troll or she's off her rocker, although I think that pretending you're talking to a dead celeb or his husband is pretty abnormal. She's not the worst person on YouTube, but she's pretty high on the scum list. I just don't know how anyone could look at her acting like a fool and think it's real. She's definitely doing it for financial gain, in part, but her weird Mary simping means she wants to get a narrative out about Freddie, at the very least. It's so fucking weird. I guess that since you can't prove she isn't really talking to the dead, you can't charge her with fraud for charging hundreds of dollars for a psychic reading.
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synchronmurmurs · 3 years
Hi Sync! Hope you’re doing great! Just wanted to tell ya that Pact is one of the reads that’s been keeping my sanity during this pandemic... I love the way you nail (uh, pun unintended) down everyone’s personalities, the way you describe feelings (and uhm, encounters 😅) and the way you handle character development and worldbuilding. It’s beautiful. A work of art. And I really, really, really appreciate it.
I love DMC (and Vergil) to death. My boyfriend gave me a Vergil action figure for my birthday during the first year of our relationship, back in 2013. Fast forward to 2021 and now he also says “scum”, “DAAAANTEEE” and other random Vergil quotes with me. This happened because he decided to learn how to play Vergil after watching me trying to get the hang on the consecutive Judgment Cuts on DMC5. He learned how to do them and proceeded to destroy finish Vergil’s missions using only a combination of Rising Star and air Judgment Cuts... only to “get reckt” by Dante on M19 and having to learn how to play properly lol. In the end, my boyfriend ended up becoming a huge Vergil simp admirer like us. Even his phone wallpaper reeks of motivation now.
I guess I ended up rambling too much to get to the point of my ask 😣. So, I had an hour long discussion with my boyfriend about the “f*ck, marry, kill” game featuring Dante, Vergil and Nero. We got into similar but different conclusions (I won’t include them here or this will be waay too long) and I’d really like to hear your take on it, alongside the reasoning behind the answer. I hope this question isn’t too lame *sweats nervously*.
Also, sorry for the wall of text and any gramatical mistakes (English is not my first language). Hope this was, at the very least, an entertaining read 😅
skdjhf nonnie, thank you so much!!! 🥺🥺 The pandemic’s been rough on all of us, our frontline workers most of all, but I’m really happy to hear that something I’ve made can help you through this period. 😭 I wish Pact was something a bit more wholesome (not to say it won’t be - the fluff is COMING), but a generous helping of smut is always a boon. 🤣 I’m so glad you’re enjoying my take on the characters too!! How they interact and how I portray that is always something that’s at the very forefront of my mind whenever I write character interaction, and it always warms my heart to know my efforts aren’t in vain. 🙏💖
Also wohhhh, y’all have been together since 2013??? That’s so sweet. 🥺🥺 I wish you both a happy future together omg! Like coming from my single ass, having anybody put up with me for that long seems an impossibility, so it’s always really warming knowing that other people have a lil’ slice of happiness. I’m phrasing this very poorly, I’m both tired and hongry right now, but just know that I’m happy for you both. Doubly so because the Vergil madness has apparently spread to your bf. 🤣 Having that shared interest in a character must be real nice omg, and maybe you can both chip in and get a Yamato replica or something. 👀
And omg don’t worry too much about sending me a wall of text, I don’t mind it at all personally, I’m always really happy that people are taking time out of their days to like... send me anything at all. 🥺 I’m not very good at like... 1 on 1 conversation, especially with someone I don’t know very well yet, but answering asks is always something I look forward too. Like there’s no obligation for a response or anything, I can just... talk without the expectation of maintaining a conversation? Again, I’m probably explaining this poorly but the core of what I’m trying to say is that this method of engaging with followers is very comfy for me BUT ANYWAY
Fuck, marry, kill, huh? It’s honestly a really hard pick no matter how you slice it, because there’ll always be at least one party who doesn’t belong in either category. The last one I did was for Vergil, Nero and Credo, I believe? And that was agony.
Fuck: Vergil. Because it’s Vergil, and he’s the one I started writing again for 🤣 I’d like to marry him too, but in this very specific case, I’m putting him here. We’ll be fucking so often that we may as well be married anyway.
Marry: Nero. Because even though I’m not attracted to Nero (he is the best sonboi though), marrying him doesn’t mean we have to do the do. We could even have like... an open marriage, and he can still be with Kyrie. 🤣 We’d just be buds, but according to the law, we’re “““married”””.
Kill: ........Dante. And not because I dislike the guy, but because he’d shrug it off and just get back up again, on top of not holding it against me. 🤣 To be fair, the other two would be able to do this too (with a little more convincing on Vergil’s part, but I’m sure if I explained the sitch to him, he’s understand), buuuuuuut I don’t know that he fits the other criteria for me. 🤔💦
I hope that was enlightening, nonnie! Like, as handsome as I think Dante is, especially in 5 with the extra scruff), he doesn’t make me feral the way Vergil does. And Nero is just Nero to me. 🤣
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gwenpendragns · 4 years
Ship questions for oc you rarely talk about
We’re going to do them for Naomi-Uzume Weasley because I love her and nobody really asks about her much. Under the cut bc she long!!
How did they first meet?
They first meet in fifth year, on the train to Hogwarts.
What was their first impression of each other?
Because of the fact that they’re literally soulmates, the bond is everpresent so there’s this underlying pull of intrigue and curiosity. They’re clearly attracted to one another but don’t understand why, really. Draco things she’s intriguing because she’s very different from the other Weasleys and Naomi thinks he’s a prat.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Nope. Nuh-uh. I mean, the Weasleys have an understanding that it’s going to happen whether they like Draco or not, and Molly, Arthur, Bill and Charlie are all accepting of it, as long as she’s happy. Ron, the twins, and Ginny are all uber protective of Naomi, so while they are very against Draco they try to keep their opinions to themselves, but whenever he steps a toe out of line in terms of Naomi, they’re immediately on the offensive. The Malfoys think she’s scum, but Narcissa just wants Draco to be happy and loved.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Again, because of the bond it was kind of instantaneous, but I would say it affected Draco a lot faster than it did Naomi.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Oh they both did, but Naomi resisted it a lot more, because of who he is and where he comes from and who her family is. She thought it was a mistake.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Well, this is just the plot of the book, fam.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Draco, once he accepts the bond he’s constantly chasing after her, wants to know how her day went and what she’s doing. I headcanon Draco as being super soft to someone he loves, hence him being a simp for Naomi. Naomi is very annoyed at first, and while she keeps up an irritated front she secretly loves all of the attention, and begins to count on it.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Nope, they have no time for that. First Umbridge, then Draco has the mark - there is simply no time for dates in the midst of war.
What was their first kiss like?
Angst-ridden, tears. Naomi iniates it. That’s all I’ll say on the matter...
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
They’re each other’s first time but both have kissed others and been in relationships before. They’re each other’s first real, commited relationship, though. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Book!Draco is around 6′0 and Naomi is 5′8 so it’s a couple of inches, which is pretty perfect. Draco is a Gemini, June 5, and Naomi is a Taurus, May 6, so they’ve got a month between them. I’m a whore for the girl being older, fight me.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Um, Yikes.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Draco, 100%.
Who gets jealous easier?
They both get pretty jealous because of the way the bond affects them but Draco is definitely the more jealous of the two.
Who said “I love you” first?
Draco, but it is not a fluffy admission, let me tell you that much.
What are their primary love languages?
Draco’s is gift giving and physical touch; Naomi’s is physical touch and acts of service.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
They aren’t big on kissing or like groping in public but when they are in a relationship, they are constantly holding hands or touching one another. Huge cuddlers, they love to be in contact as much as possible.
What are their favourite things to do together?
Honestly just being together but probably Draco playing the piano for Naomi, or them both reading beside on another.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Naomi is way better at comforting Draco, Draco tries his best but he’s always a few steps off.
Who’s more protective?
Draco, he has to be, his family and associates are all out to forcefully mark Naomi. 
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical affection, they aren’t good at voicing their emotions. Which makes verbal affection a very big plot point for them (see “I love you” admission for reference lol).
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Sofia by Clairo; Please Notice by Christian Leave; Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons; I love you by Billie Eilish
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Love, sweetheart, Drake, Nomes.
If they get married, who proposes?
Draco proposes, but it was a conversation they’d already had on multiple occasions.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
All of their families come, and they basically threaten to hex anyone who starts shit. They have it at the Burrow, because Naomi loved Bill and Fleur’s wedding. It’s quite upscale with decorations and apparel because Draco is a fancy boy. Their wedding colours are emerald green and pale pink. Naomi’s dress is ivory coloured with a lace bodice, sheer boho-inspired sleeves and a tulle skirt; Draco wears a dark green tuxedo. Draco’s best man is Blaise Zabini and Naomi’s maid of honour is her best friend, Laurie Creevey.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
They have two kids, the first is a girl named Moreya Delphini Malfoy whom I explained in detail here. The second is a boy named Scorpius Horace Malfoy (Horace is in honour of Naomi’s late father, Horace Weasley). Scorpius is a Slytherin who is gentle and socially awkward but fiercely loyal and incredibly intelligent.
Do they have any pets?
They inherit Draco’s parents’ Albino Peacocks. Draco keeps his eagle owl (Pollux) until he passes and Naomi keeps her pet Burmese cat (Nox) until he passes as well. They end up getting a pair of Bengal cats named Atticus and Winnie, and each of the children have their own pet owl.
Who’s the stricter parent?
Draco, obviously.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Naomi, Draco is a tad bit of a baby when it comes to bugs
How do they celebrate holidays?
They have two seperate Christmases (one at the Malfoy Manor and one at the Burrow; they alternate every  year who gets the actual date) and smaller holidays are spent with just the four of them.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Naomi pulls her puppy eyes and begs Draco for just one more hour. She thinks he works himself too hard. Draco acts annoyed but secretly loves it.
Who’s the better cook?
Draco, surprisingly, he took some muggle cooking classes after the war and also spent time watching the elves at his manor cook when he was a child.
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