#second is not wearing her tie because she is too hot to know how to tie a tie
a-eo-iu · 1 year
can't find the emojis but formal, funeral, bad disguise, rad 90s!
👔 oc in what they would wear to a formal event (such as a wedding)
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You Cannot pay her to wear a dress. Ever. But she may be persuaded to put on her tie.
☠ oc in what they would wear to a funeral
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This is pretty much the same as his formal outfit but with zero chance of a teal shirt instead of purple
👻 oc in a really bad disguise
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[sticks a fake mustache on a cat] this is not the shapeshifting vampire you are looking for
💃 oc in some radical 90’s clothes
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This is. His usual clothes. He just always dresses like this.
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rafesslxt · 8 months
Wrong tie | Mattheo Riddle
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summary: y/n noticed a little too late what tie she is wearing.. explains the dirty looks her house gave her
warnings: language, y/n wearing the false tie, flirting, gryffindor!Reader
note: English is not my first language, have fun 🫶🏻
You woke up in a complete haze. You couldn‘t even open your eyes as the sun hit you right in the face through the open curtains.
Damn what time is it? You streched your arms over the other side of the bed and took your alarm clock in your hands. While rubbing your eyes and yawning you took a look at it and shoot up from the bed.
" Fuck fuck fuck!" As fast as you could you got out of bed, seeing that your classes start in 5 minutes.
You had been awake all night long with your boyfriend Mattheo. You sneak in his room at night due to his room alone. Harry borrowed you his invisibility cloak from time to time and every morning before class you would sneek back to your common room.
You put on your clothes and noticed that you don‘t have any books with you but you wouldn‘t get to your class on time if you‘d go back to get them. Then you remembered that you have the first class with your best friends Hermione, Harry and Ron.
You took your cloak and hurried to class, you fold it together and put in your bag. You got into the room, looking at all student, then at your teacher Professor Slughorn. " I‘m sorry Mr. Slughorn, it won‘t happen again." " Oh it‘s alright, dear.. " he looked at you confused for a second. " just sit down and open your books. " he kindly said.
Walking towards the place you shared with your friends you noticed how your house looked at you like you just killed somebody in front of the whole class.
You sat down beside Hermione, who looked at you with wide eyes. Slughorn started the lesson and you whispered " What is it? Do I have something on my face?" She shook her head. " No, uhm.. it‘s more about what‘s under your face." " Huh? "
At the same time some piece of paper landed in front of you. You looked around you and saw Mattheo, smiling devilish at you. You opened the piece of paper and read: " Nice tie baby, let‘s try it on your wrists tonight. - M.R. "
Oh no. You looked down at yourself, eyes wide open as you realised that you took one of your boyfriends tie‘s in a hurry this morning. " Oh my god Hermione, how should I explain this? " " Uhm, you could say that you switched it at the quiddish game in the cabin? "
You turned your head to mattheo seeing him winking at you and biting his lips playfully. Rolling your eyes you still couldn‘t hide your smile.
The things is, beside Mattheo‘s friends and your friends, nobody knew about you two. Both of you wanted to wait a little and just do your thing, without people talking about you all the time. I mean they already did but just because they know you are "friends". Imagine them talking about you If they knew you both were offical dating.
At first Harry was thinking that he used you to come near him and help his father, but he saw the way he looked at you from across the room. Hermione was understanding, even tho she wasn‘t the biggest fan too. But If you‘re happy they are happy. Ron took it badly. He was furious, told you you are a traitor for dating the son of the one who tried to kill them that often, but soon he realised too that you two were madly in love. What did not mean that he wouldn‘t gag sometimes If he heard you kissing in front of them.
A whistle came from the other side of the room. " ey y/n, why don‘t you come sit with us now what you‘re one of us huh?" Draco laughed. You showed him your middle finger and turned back, taking your tie off.
" Damn baby." It slipped right out of Mattheo‘s mouth. Everybody turned around and looked at him. The room went quit and waited for an answer.
" What? Can‘t I think my best friend is hot ? Now turn the fuck back around. " You giggled and shook your head.
What a start for a day.
Agaaaain hope ya‘ll like it. It‘s a bit shorter this time bit I‘m on a trip right now so I don‘t have that much time. Thank you for readinggg 🫶🏻
My masterlist 🪄
xoxo sarah
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teddybeartoji · 7 months
office au! with coworker!gojo
he's the type to always be a little late. by a little, i of course mean a lot. he always bursts in the door with the biggest smile on his lips and four coffees in his hand. he winks at his coworkers, who then always blush and giggle out a hi, satoru! and you always roll your eyes at that. satoru nods his male coworkers, who always try to dap him up and start a conversation but he doesn't have time for that. he has things to do. (as if he isn't literally Late smh)
he answers the guys' question while he's walking – his eyes set on his favourite coworker. you. sitting in your cubicle, you're trying to ignore him and his dramatic enterance. that he does every single day. how annoying can he be? before you can roll your eyes again, a cup of coffee has landed on your table, making you glance over your shoulder.
he's blinding you, his grin is stretched so wide it's almost a bit creepy. he's standing right behind you, leaning his hand on your table right next to where he just placed the coffee. he's way too close for a co-worker and you gulp.
"aren't you gonna thank your favourite coworker for bringing you coffee? whew, tough crowd, huh." his smile doesn't falter and he just leans in closer, his cologne clouding your senses.
and he really does do it every single fucking day. he brings you coffee and he annoys you and he makes your eyes roll so hard you almost go blind and you hate to admit that he's kinda cute... it's whatever.
back to the coffees. so one of them is for you – he knows your order because he dug out the receipt from your bag when you weren't looking on his second day there. he almost got caught, too. but he only did that because you didn't wanna tell him your order!! and he was so insistent on bringing you coffee that he just had to find another way. he loved the way your eyes widened and how you tried to mask your surprised expression but nothing gets past his keen eyes. when you asked how he did it, he just told you that he guessed it. yeah, right....
the second coffee is for him. it's an insanely sweet latte. how do you know? he made you try it. more liked begged for you to try it. you also hate to admit that his puppy-dog eyes worked on you... he only drinks the special latte from the corner coffee shop and he refuses to drink the office "coffee". he's fancy like that.
the third coffee is for his second favourite coworker – kento nanami! they sure make an interesting pair. kento is the main reason why satoru even got the job. the latter begged him to pitch for him to the boss; he was so excited by the concept of Office Work and just had to try it out. he, of course, passed the interview with flying colors and kento regrets his decision to "help" him out in the first place. satoru yaps his ears off whenever he isn't doing the same to you and he's constantly leaving little notes for the man. you once saw one and it just had a miniature penis drawn on it. very mature.
and the fourth coffee is for your boss. satoru isn't sucking up like you originally thought he was. you think he just wants to bring her coffee? your boss is cool – she's in her forties and she has a strong voice, everybody always listens to her and she really does make for a very good boss. your guess is that satoru has a crush on her. (you're wrong. he also just thinks she's super fucking cool. literally nothing else to it.)
he's always wearing a fancy white button-up with a black tie loosely hanging around his neck and a pair of matching black slacks that hug his thighs so nicely that the women and the men of the office are always finding it hard to not stare at them. he gets an obnoxious ego boost from this.
he's constantly leaning on other people's desks, pushing his hips out and it really is hard to concentrate whenever he does it. the pose and the smug smirk he sends you when he catches you looking is making you feel hot. he always catches you too, it's so annoying. why can't he just continue doing whatever he's doing so you can admire him in peace?
he's loud, he's annoying and he's so fucking good at his job that firing him couldn't even be a passing thought. he actually does his paperwork rather fast; often finishing before you and that gives him the time to tease you for being slow. he does that way less than you expected though. only a few times in a day – enough to annoy you but never enough to actually make you upset or angry. he actually helps you sometimes. he can tell you don't wanna ask and he doesn't wanna make you feel bad - he'd rather watch you roll your pretty eyes at his stupid jokes with a small hidden smile than roll them with a deep frustrated sigh. he learned that the hard way.
he loves your smile. more often than not you can't keep the straight face you try to put up with him, making your loud laughter resonate throughout the whole office. oh, how his eyes shine at that.
long story short. he's infuriating. he's funny. he's way too good at his job. he's way too handsome. you loathe working with him and yet, you can't stop smothering him in kisses whenever you two "happen" to meet in the printer room.
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corruptedcaps · 6 months
Clumsy Me
“It’s a super kind gesture Greg but are you sure there are no other pairs of pants I can wear? Not that I’m not grateful but skin tight leggings aren’t really my style. Plus I know your stepmom Madison ran out on you and your dad like a year ago but she’d kill me if she saw me in a pair of her slick black pants. You’re right beggars can’t be choosers put this is just until my own jeans dry in your machine ok? Still can’t believe I tripped like that, did you always have that foot stool there? Whatever, just give me a minute to change.”
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“Well what do you think? You hate it right? Wait you like it? I guess it is kind of nice, it makes my figure kind of pop doesn’t it? I never thought I’d have the body to pull off anything like this. Can’t believe I’m the same size as you step mom too. Could never wear some of the things she has in there though. All that luxurious fur, expensive jewelry, and those plunging necklines, I could never! Oh whoops I’m so clumsy today, I’ve gone and spilled the second drink you got me on my top. I’ll just sneak back into your step mom’s closet and find something to wear.”
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“There we go, now I’m all dry and warm, despite this new top not covering my navel. When I put it on I realized that something was missing and somehow I knew this belt would tie everything together. I feel so stylish, like one of those bougy bitches at school. Do you think if I wore this to school tomorrow they would notice? I promise I’ll bring it all back after school tomorrow. Thanks!”
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“I know I know I said I would bring the clothes back and I have but I just had to borrow some others. My outfit was a big hit with Cassandra and all her friends, they said I showed real promise! Can you believe that? Only last week they were picking on me. But if I show up tomorrow wearing my usual drab unfashionable outfits they’ll start bullying me again. Plus don’t I look kind of hot in this new combo? I’ve never worn such high boots before or such a short skirt. It’s hard to explain but the clothes just kind of call to me and each piece I choose just makes sense. I never had an eye for fashion before but these clothes are bringing the inner designer out in me and I can’t deny the results!”
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“Hey there handsome, I need to get a new outfit for tomorrow. The girls were in awe yet again. They were right too, I do look better without my glasses. My head is swimming with ideas of what to wear, it was all I could think of last night. What do you mean no? Greg you don’t understand, I need to keep up appearances otherwise I’m toast! Plus your stepmom isn’t around anymore! Still no huh? Well that’s a shame, because you know what else I was thinking last night? I was thinking how if I have to come over everyday to change then you and I should have some fun too. Don’t be coy, I’ve seen how you’ve been looking at me. Look how about you see the lingerie I borrowed, see wouldn’t you like to see me in more?”
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“How did I get in here? I made a copy of your key, duh! If I’m going to be your girlfriend I need to be able to get inside your house when you’re not here. Aren’t you glad I did, like look at this new outfit I put together, all the girls are going to be green with envy when they see me. One of them was telling me that Cassandra was starting to feel threatened by my style, that she thinks I’m going to take over the clique! Can you believe that? Me?! It is kind of hot to think of though, me taking over a group of girls who used to bully me and taking down the head bitch herself. Mmmm it’s got me kind of wet, how about you be a good boyfriend and get our knees for me. There’s a reason why I’m wearing a skirt after all.”
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“You’re breaking up with me? Why? I have not become a bully! Cassandra was the biggest bitch in our school, I just took her down several pegs. In front of the whole school. While she cried. Sure I made all her old friends block her on socials and refuse to talk to her ever again but she deserved it and now that all her friends are mine now I can run the school how it should be. If that means some of life’s losers get bullied then so be it, they don’t deserve my pity or yours. Come on baby I’m offering you the chance to become king, don’t let your morals get in the way of having me as your queen. Fine if that’s how you feel then fuck you loser, you small dicked prick. I only was with you to get access to you stepmom’s clothes, but I don’t need them or you! So long dork!”
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“Oh it’s you creep. Surprised to see me in your house? Well I had every intention of never seeing you again but I was wrong about what I said last week. What? About you? Don’t be stupid, I meant about the clothes. I do NEED them! I bought some hawt clothes of my own but it just wasn’t the same. They weren’t expensive and slutty enough. I was feeling my confidence and power draining over the past few days but now that I’m back in Madison’s clothes I’m feeling more me again. Her bitchy perfume still lingers in their fabric and it’s makes me feel so bad! Your dad let me in and said I should just take whatever I wanted. He was just so accommodating after I put on Madison’s tightest clothes and gave him the best blowjob of his life. He said I should come back everyday and I fully intend on doing so.”
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“Mmm your father was right, blonde does make me look older, more mature, more sexy. Wasn’t Madison a blonde? Why am I even asking you, it will only distract you from cooking. To think a few months ago I was giving you the best handjobs of your life so I could have access to Madison’s clothes and now I’m your dad’s fiancée and all the clothes are mine! You could have had me you know? You could have had this perfect ass but you were worried I had become a bully or some nonsense. Your father loves what a bitch I am and encourages me to be a mean spoilt brat by letting me buy whatever I want. Having access to his money allowed me to buy the clothes I deserved! That’s why I love him unconditionally. It certainly helps he’s so well hung, something you never inherited. Speaking of which I think I just heard him come in, I think he and I can slip in a quickie while you cook. Stay if you want to watch perv.”
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“Don’t look at me worm, just keep scrubbing the floors. Your father and I want this place spotless when we return from our honeymoon but before we leave I just wanted to tell you a secret. I’m pregnant. I have no doubt it will be a girl and I’m going to raise her to be the biggest, meanest slut there even has been. She’ll have everything her cruel heart desires and I’m going to spoil her rotten. She’ll have my fashion sense of course and your father’s ruthless business acumen. What do you think of Maddy for her name, short for Madison? She’ll be such a wicked princess, and you? Well you’ll be here cleaning the floors everyday for the rest of your life. On that note… oooops I’ve spilled my drink all over your clean floor. I guess I’m just so clumsy.”
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abbyssx · 9 months
omg just saw you’re writing fluff for Ellie!!! please would you write something where she is like jokingly proposing to reader outside of Joel’s house after coming home from a party or something and Joel sees them and is all like well girls marriage is a big decision tehehehe
Sorry this was so loaded !!!!! <3333
hope you like it! ˚୨୧⋆。˚
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“you would look so hot in one of those, babe” hand in hand, coordinated heartbeats and the unmistakeable glimmer of two pairs of glossy eyes that scanned the marvellous dresses exhibited through the window of the closed bridal boutique.
“who says i’ll be the one wearing a dress? i would kill to see you with that sparkly one, you'd look so cute” you replied with a chuckle.
ellie shook her head. “i would rather die”.
“would rather die than marry me? oh, i see how it is, williams” feigning offense, you dramatically dropped her hand and started walking away. ellie followed your footsteps, the noise of her ruined converse shoes meeting the wet pavement alerting you of her moves.
she held your hand again before kissing your cheek and mumbling a soft “let’s get home, it’s getting too cold”.
being almost midnight, the city was quiet. only a few lights shined on the streets, mainly illuminated by the thousands of stars above you both. you couldn’t help but think of marrying ellie. who would propose first? would she say a speech? would she write vows and share them upon the altar, or would she do it in private? bet she would look so beautiful with a suit on. would she let her hair down? would she wear a tie?
a small squeeze on your hand made you abandon the fog of those images and come back to reality.
“what’s on your mind, angel?”
“oh, nothing” you suddenly felt shy. you and ellie had been dating for barely over a year, you were both so young, why were you thinking about marriage? there were so many other experiences you wanted to live with her before tying the knot, but oh, you had been craving for so long a love like this.
“come on… you were thinking about our wedding, right?” of course she knew. she knew you better than anyone else. your cheeks started to feel warm. “it’s okay” ellie chuckled. “i was thinking of that too”.
“mhm. i know we’re young and stuff but… i’d really like to marry you, y’know? if it were up to me, i’d propose right now”.
“no, you wouldn’t” you scoffed. without noticing, you had already arrived at ellie’s house. you had started to climb the porch stairs when your girlfriend spoke again:
“yes, i would! wait a second” she started rummaging through her coat’s pockets, in search of something. when she found it, she held it in her palm very tightly. “this will do”.
“what are you doing, ellie?” you said, gasping when she got down in one knee.
“i’m not a hoarder, but i’d like to keep you forever. Would you take this weird rock i just found in my pocket as a sign of my eternal love to you and be my wife?” she recited in one breath, her knee getting wet through her jeans because of the melting snow that laid on the sidewalk. hearing your laugh, she got up from her kneeling position, and hugged you very tight. “what? i’m serious! i know it’s not a diamond ring but it’s a cool rock, right?”
 “you are so dumb!” you rolled your eyes.
“but you love me, dumb and all” ellie marked with a kiss on your cheek.
“that is true. i do love you, very much. but I’m freezing my ass off, can we get inside please?”
with your hands intertwined again, you crossed the threshold of the house, immediately enjoying the warmth and coziness. until a very dishevelled joel appeared through the hallway.
“hey girls. um, ellie, can i speak to you for a second?” he looked at you, then diverted his eyes to ellie again “in private?”
“you can go to my room, baby” ellie shot joel a confused look “what’s up?”
“ellie, i… you know i appreciate your love for your girlfriend, i noticed your strong connection and all and, it is wonderful, and i am happy for you, but i think you should wait a bit. you need to have more life experiences and personal growth… building a foundation on your own will make your future together stronger, you know?” he rambled, pacing around the room.
“the fuck are you talking about, joel?”
“it’s just… look, ellie: marriage is a lifelong commitment. i’m not sure you’re ready for it. think this through, please”.
“marriage? who said anything about marriag- oh.” ellie couldn’t contain her giggles, that easily turned into a full belly laugh. “oh my god, joel! i didn’t propose, you dork! i was just kidding, jesus!” she wiped her eyes with her sleeve.
“oh… i was just looking outside and yeah. well, that’s… that’s good, yeah. um, sorry”
Little did any of you know that this would be a part of the funniest (and drunkest) wedding speech by Joel, and that you’d keep that weird rock forever
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again, short but sweet :) thank u for aaaall the ideas you’ve given me!! i’ll work on them asap! 🤍
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loko4koko · 9 months
Cowboy Toji. He's taken over my mind. Imagine him tied up with his own rope, commanding you to help him, but instead, we tease him till he's all hot and bothered.
oh my sweet anon you have NO idea how this ask has affected me 😭 as someone who used to be heavy in the rdr2 fandom, i have a LOT (A LOT) of thoughts about sexy yummy cowboy men hehe
gn!reader but they do wear a dress!
cowboy!toji—well, he isn’t just a cowboy, he’s a bounty hunter. one of the best around, too. he has no rivals because everyone knows they aren’t even close to being as tough as him. he’ll hog tie a bounty right up (or shoot them if they’re being a pain in the ass), sling ‘em on the back of his horse, and when he’s done dropping them at the sheriff’s, he’ll use the hefty reward to celebrate at the nearby saloon.
only, toji may have celebrated a little too hard this time, ‘cause he fell victim to one of the oldest scams in the book. 4 whiskey shots and 2 beers in, toji gets approached by a working girl, and she’s real pretty, too, so who would he be to say no to a little company? so he stumbles off with her, following her lead to a secluded room in the saloon. but what happens there is far from what toji had expected.
when he wakes up, only a couple of hours later, he can’t see anything. the room is dark, and…why does it feel so cold? there’s a grimace on toji’s face as he tries to get up from what he thinks is the floor, only to realize his limbs are completely immobile. ‘that fucking girl…” he thinks, hissing as the ropes tied around his almost completely naked form dig into his flesh. he’s left in nothing but his underwear, grumbling angrily to himself while he tries desperately to wriggle out of his binds. that girl must’ve been a pro at this, though, ‘cause those ropes aren’t budgin’.
you’re in the storage room next door, organizing the newest case of liqour when you hear it. there’s someone groaning, some shuffling, and it startles the hell out of you. you set the box full of alcohol aside and listen further, and when the person swears your eyes widen. you tiptoe your way out to the hall, pressing your ear up against the door of the second, empty storage room. “goddamn thievin’ girl..shit..” you hear them say. it’s a man’s voice, real deep and boy, does he sound angry. your curiosity gets the best of you in the end, so you push the door open, reaching to turn on the lantern near the entrance. it takes a second for your eyes to adjust but when they do, your breath hitches.
there’s a man—just like you’d heard from the other room—and he’s..oh. your face grows hot as you take in the compromising position he seems to be in. his short black hair is tousled, scar on his lip twisted up as he tries to wriggle himself free, and when he looks up at you, it’s like a switch flips inside of you.
“ya mind givin’ me a hand here, doll?”
those dark, brooding eyes follow your every movement as you cross the short distance to reach him. you drop to the floor in front of him, dirtying the long skirt of your dress but you couldn’t care less. you’ve heard stories of a famous bounty hunter, one who could clear rooms with his gaze alone. the one with the scar and the midnight black stallion. the man who rides through the night like death incarnate. the one and only toji fushiguro. and here he was, bound in his own ropes, right in front of you.
your eyes are full of wonder as you take him in, hand subconsciously reaching out to smooth a thumb across his scarred lip. it’s real. he’s real. and he’s bared before you, wrapped up like a present that only you know about. your fingers skip a path down to his chiseled jaw, then further, down past the thick cords of his neck, before they come to a stop on his broad chest. the skin is flawed—healed knife slashes and bullet grazings etched across his pale flesh—but still so soft, so inviting with how it ripples under your delicate touch. as you explore him, your thumb brushes his nipple and he shudders, steely eyes boring into you when you meet his stare.
“this ain’t what i meant by ‘givin’ me a hand, sweetheart’,” he says, voice rumbling low.
“i- i’m sorry, do you..want me to stop?”
he’s silent for a long moment, jaw clenched tight while your hand hovers just off of his toned abdomen. your palm is so close you can still feel the heat radiating from him, and it’s killing you how badly you want that heat on you directly from the source.
so you don’t stop. your hands are fully on him now, groping at his chest and caressing his stomach. and when your hand trails lower, your eyes meet his again and he holds your gaze quietly. you can feel how hard he is through his underwear, can feel how hot and big and throbbing he is. lip between your teeth, you take the plunge and grip him tight, barely able to wrap your hand around the girthy shaft. he hisses, eyes still on you, unwavering in their confidence. it doesn’t matter to toji that he’s the one restrained, he knows (in his sober state) that he could intimidate anyone into backing down, and you’re no exception. but there’s something in him, something that he sees in you that has him keening at your touch. in him- addicted, in you- addicting.
you’ve reduced this big, burly, violent man into a grunting mess. there’s sticky spots of pre staining his underwear and his head has fallen back between his bulky shoulders and fuck, he wants to cum, so bad—so fucking bad—but you’re not as sweet as you look, keep slowing the pump of your wrist down when his hips start to grind up into the strokes.
are you going to be nice, be kind to this scary man? or are you going to leave him there, high and dry? choose wisely, he’s a professional at finding people who’ve wronged him…
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>thank u for reading ♡︎
>send a request here!
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spaceman-earthgirl · 1 year
Supercorptober 2023 Day 1: Wild
ao3 fic link. ao3 series link.
Lena is having regrets. Only small ones, and not enough for her to change her mind, not enough that if she was asked the question again, she’d say no, but enough that she knows next time she’ll at least bring a coat.
Kara is flying her home, and admittedly, it’s kind of nice, being this close to Kara, held tightly in strong arms that Lena’s spent way too much time thinking about. 
Okay, she’s lying, it’s more than nice, and even though the wind swirling around them as Kara flies her across the city is freezing, it’s a good excuse to tuck her face further into Kara’s neck.
The air had been cool and calm as they’d stood on Lena’s balcony, before Kara had offered Lena a lift and Lena had only hesitated for a moment before she’d said yes.
It’s definitely not cool or calm now, as Lena’s hair whips around her head, hopefully not into Kara’s face because Lena’s having a hard enough time controlling her fear of heights, she doesn’t need to add that to the fear of Kara crashing because she can’t see properly.
It’s over both too quickly, and too slowly, and Lena only realises they’ve landed when the rush of wind dies down around them.
“That wasn’t too bad, was it?” Kara asks as her hold on Lena eases.
Lena only realises how tight she’d been holding on herself when Kara’s hold around her back relaxes, but Lena is still tightly pressed into her chest.
Kara laughs as Lena lets go too, the movement jostling Lena. Lena would be more embarrassed, if she wasn’t so focused on the warm body that had just been pressed against her own.
“Maybe next time I’ll walk,” Lena says, getting the exact reaction Lena is looking for when Kara pouts.
“Maybe next time you should tie up your hair,” Kara says, now suppressing a smile as she reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind Lena’s ear.
It’s distracting for a moment, but when Lena reaches up her own hand to her hair, her fingers get stuck in the wild mess that her hair now is. She glances in the reflection of her balcony door, and is surprised by how messy it is despite the short flight.
She looks back at Kara. “How does your hair look so good yet my hair looks like a bird has nested on my head?”
Kara laughs. “It’s an alien thing,” she replies, which explains nothing but does intrigue Lena. “This is a cute look for you though, you should wear your hair like this more often.”
“Just for that comment, I’m not going to invite you in for a hot chocolate like I was planning too.”
Kara pouts again, and Lena wishes she was stronger against that look, but she’s not. She’s not strong against any of Kara’s looks. She knows she’d give Kara the world if she asked for it.
“Please, I’m sorry,” Kara says, eyes wide. “It really is cute, I promise.”
If Lena’s cheeks weren’t already red from the wind and cold, she knows she’d be blushing.
Lena pretends to think about it for a second. “Fine,” Lena says. “But only because you did give me a lift home.”
Kara punches the air and it’s unfairly cute.
Lena knows that next time Kara offers her a lift home, she won’t even hesitate to say yes.
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abibliophobiaa · 11 months
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right where you left me:
chapter two preview:
steve harrington x inexperienced!f!reader || best friends to lovers, mutual pining, second chance romance with the town handyman who lives in a cabin in the woods.
a/n: since the poll was a tie when i said i would call it, here’s a section of each of the two words you voted for. because i am generous. and because i have been writing this one for a few weeks and making you wait for it.
Lucy leans her elbow against the counter, and you can’t help but admire the cream colored chunky knit sweater she’s wearing with a flowing skirt to finish off the look. It looks effortless on her.
“What can I get you today?”
“A hot coffee, cream two sugars please,” you tell her, and she gets to work behind the counter.
Out of the corner of your eye you notice Steve’s truck he uses for work, the back full of leftover lumber.
“Oh, Steve’s here?” Lucy says, sounding a little faraway. Contrast to the ball of excitement she’s been since you walked in. “You know, he’s a confusing one, that guy.”
“Is he?” You laugh, watching as he rummages around his front passenger seat.
“Ever since the earthquake, he’s been giving up so much of himself. Charity, taking up the basketball team at the high school, helping out around town. Did you know he helped my parents build a shed last summer? By hand?” Her voice trails off, and that smile of hers grows once more, like she’s stuck in a far off memory. “And he’s handsome. Single. Yet he doesn’t date. Not really. It’s so…strange? But whoever he marries — they’re gonna be a lucky one.”
“Yeah…” Your brows furrow at her words.
Steve, your Steve, is something of a hero to these people. He’s your hero too, but it twinges in your chest hearing it from someone else. For so long he’d been yours, but now, it seems, he’s needed around here. Admired. Loved. And you’ve missed so much of it in running away. Time you’ll never get back.
He’s changed. You just never realized how much. An ache builds in your heart, wondering if maybe you’re too different now from who you both were years ago.
The man in question hops out of the vehicle, fingers carding through his hair as he gazes into the coffee shop, immediately lighting up when he sees you.
“Do you know him?” Lucy asks, voice raising in pitch as she hands you your coffee and you toss your bills onto the counter.
“Yeah,” you say, sipping at the coffee, “he’s been my best friend for years. I’m staying with him for the time being, actually.”
“Oh!” Lucy perks up, chewing her bottom lip. “So you’re the one he’s so —”
As your mouth opens to ask what Lucy means, Steve walks in. He immediately commands the attention of the shop, both yours and Lucy’s stares drawn to him as he slides an arm around your waist and tugs you against his side, oblivious to what he’s interrupted.
“I was going to grab you some coffee,” he says, fingers squeezing a bit at your side. He notices Lucy then. “Hey, Luce.”
Jealousy burns. You try to tamper it down, to pretend the unspoken words between them don’t matter to you. But there are a thousand new questions that burn in your mind, with no words or standing to ask them.
Lucy waves in greeting, those pretty green eyes of hers glimmering in the moonlight spilling in through the front windows of the shop. “Always good to see you, Steve.”
“You too,” he agrees, head lowering closer to yours as he then asks, “Ready to head out?”
He’s leading you to the door, and you spare a glance over your shoulder to the woman you’ve just met moments ago. There’s a look you can’t quite place on her features, a furrow of her brows, a slight downturn to her softly parted lips.
You wave your goodbye, and try to push all of whatever that might have been into the depths of your mind.
Now you sit beside him on the floor, admiring the freshly painted wall, taking a moment to breathe before starting the next one. You’re wearing a pair of overalls, a ratty old tee shirt tied up beneath, revealing the curve of your side, a patch of skin that Steve’s been trying to not stare at for the past few hours.
His heart clenches as your head tips over your shoulder, a little splatter of olive colored paint across your cheek. Reaching out, he cups your cheek and wipes it away, warming as you lean a bit into his touch.
Neither of you dares to acknowledge the tension burning in the room. The way it feels like time seems to slow to a halt when you’re there, shuffling up onto your feet, moving over to the next wall. Steve only talks. Begins prattling on about anything and everything, trying to keep himself distracted from the feeling swirling in his gut — the desire that has only grown every day to see what might happen if he just dared to try. To close the gap between your lips and put to bed all the questions.
But he doesn’t. Instead he gazes ahead, mouth dropping open when he asks about what your relationship with Clark was like — in what feels like an attempt to torture himself — and you utter that you’d never really done anything with him.
“Or anyone…for that matter,” you add slowly, your bottom lip pushing between your teeth, voice a little quiet.
“I’m not a virgin, Steve,” you bark out, eyes rolling a bit in your skull. “But I’ve really only been with one guy. And it wasn’t even good or anything.”
“You’re joking.”
“I’m not making fun. I’m just…”
“Shocked at how pathetic I am?” you drawl, taking a step backward. Away from him.
“No — I just —”
“It’s not like the movies either. All of the explosions and fireworks.” You frown, and Steve grimaces at your words. At the sadness lining your features. “I just — I don’t know. It wasn’t like how you’d always talked about it. We barely even kissed during it and I didn’t…”
“Honey…” he sighs, taking a step forward. “Clearly, he wasn’t the right guy. The right guy would have made it extra special, because you’re special, and definitely would have made sure you finished before he did. And I’m sorry but he didn’t deserve you, because you deserve all the explosions and fireworks.”
“Yeah?” You sound so hopeful, eyes a little narrowed, mouth parting softly.
“I mean…hypothetically…” he steps a little closer.
He catches your slow swallow. The way your chest heaves on a breath, eyes trailing his form. Heat burns in the atmosphere as your eyes narrow a bit, staring at him like you had in the woods. Appreciatively, and not at all like a friend. How long had he missed those looks? How long had he not noticed the slow simmering desire beneath the surface? Suddenly he’s back in that closet and a teenager again, only now instead of your jean shorts, his finger curls into the pocket of your overalls, chest brushing yours. Cornered, your back bumps against the presently dry wall behind you.
“If it were me —” he stops. Thinks better of it.
“N-no,” you splutter out, voice a rasp, breath puffing, “go on. Hypothetically, obviously.”
“Well, for starters, I’d start by getting down on my kne —”
“Hey, kids!” Mr. Jones calls into the room, and you both jump like you’ve been caught doing something you shouldn’t be. “Could one of you help me sort through some boxes? I don’t want to be a bother, but my back just isn’t what it was, you know?”
You throw a hand up in the air. “I’ve got it.”
Steve inwardly groans, his jeans suddenly a little too tight at what he’d been imagining doing to you only moments before — what he’d been imagining doing to you for years, if he was being honest.
You glance away, rushing over to Gerry, embarrassment rolling off your form.
And you’re gone, following the older man from where he came.
tag list: @definitionwanderlust @aurora-austen @muamazon4 @aol19 @hazzaismyreligion @corrodedseraphine @xxbookdrunkdemigodxx @ash5monster01 @cathx91 @eddiesguitarskills @nervoushottee @totally-bogus-timelady @dumbasscorn @tomsrebeleyebrow @upside-down-angel @spoookysix @alwayslindie @josephquinnsfreckles @palmtreesx3 @alana4610 @starry-sarah @alice-tweven @rvelvetsitty @ahoyyharrington @micheledawn1975
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
mayaaaaa !! so your aot fluff just sent my soul back to my levi fanfic phase 😭😭 can you please please write more of levi with his younger lover ??? i need to know all about it !!! how do they cuddle? how did they get together? what’s he like in public with them????
love you lots <33
OFC!! This is such a cute concept i'm excited to write this >:3 AND ILY TOO <333
It's not required but if you haven't read the first part you might wanna do that :)
CW: None, just fluff
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First encounter:
The two of you met when he was on a business trip. You and your friends were shopping for new clothes and he was at the store for a new tie, because according to his boss, "you wear that same tie all the time, Ackerman. This meeting is really important so try to look nice."
When you saw him it was game over. Funny thing is you didn't even try to hide it either, your eyes widened, your jaw was on the floor, and everything.
"That guy is so hot! You should talk to him." Your friend squeals.
"No way in hell, he's probably married! That'd be so weird." You argue in return. Your friend didn't give up though.
"Excuse me, sir! If you're looking for a tie my friend can help you look for one! She used to work in retail." Her voice is sweet when talking to him. If that super hot guy hadn't been right there you would have smacked her.
He didn't say anything at first, he looked you up and down. "He's checking you out!" She whisper-yelled. You elbowed her in the rib.
"I have a suit that looks like- you know what let me just look for a picture." He says, and what the hell... his voice is like silk.
You walk over to him. "Here it is." The suit is a dark gray, with a white undershirt. Your eyes scan his phone, it's an older outdated model and you can't help but giggle.
"Is gray a bad color for me?" He asks, with sarcasm.
"No no! It's just.. what model is your phone? It looks old." His brows furrow as he inspects his phone.
"I don't know, I got it a long time ago." He says with a shrug, "It works just fine."
"Sorry sorry. What kind of tie do you have right now? If you have one." You say trying to be inclusive.
"The one I usually wear is black but this is a special occasion so I need something else." You hum lightly while looking around.
"Okay, I'm thinking blue. Specifically dark blue." He nods and you two look around for a dark blue tie without patterns because he's basic.
Out of the corner of your eye your friends are making smooching faces and other romantic gestures. You're going to end them later.
"I found one thanks for the help." He says.
"Of course!" Fuck, too happy?
He stares at you for a moment, and you stare back before looking away. You take a step back and clear your throat.
"C-can.. I get your number?" Your foot is tapping and you're looking everywhere except for at him.
"Yeah, sorry if my calls don't go through because of my crappy phone." He says with a small.. smile?
You stare for a second in silence.
"That was my attempt at making a joke, it was bad." He says with a sigh.
"Yeah... we're gonna need to work on that. What's your name Mr. Gloomy?" You hand over your phone, you have the dial screen open so he can put in his number.
"Levi Ackerman." That small smile returns.
"I'll see you around, Levi."
In public:
Turns out you were actually the one who wasn't big on telling people about you at first. Levi is proud of everything he does. In all honesty you were slightly embarrassed by having an older boyfriend.
"What if people think you're my sugar daddy or something?" You reason.
"I'm not that old." He rolls his eyes.
"Why does it matter what other people think of our relationship anyway? They're not dating you, I am." He explains. He makes it sound like common sense, which it is, but you still think it's a little awkward.
"I mean it doesn't matter too much but-"
"I respect your decision. I'm not huge on PDA but I'd at least like people close to me to know." He explains rubbing his hand up and down your thigh. You grab his hand (which happens to be very veiny and pretty) and kiss it.
"Thanks, Levi."
When you did tell everyone... you were all over him. Levi was never big on PDA but he didn't mind giving you a little kiss or holding your hand.
The only time he's really touching you in public is one someone's hitting on you. Levi gets scared that you'll find someone younger than him.
"Did you want to go out sometime?" Your new co-worker asks you. He doesn't know you have a boyfriend but you've been rejecting him all week.
You check your phone to see that Levi's just arrived. Your shift ended early today and he promised to come get you and take you out.
"Um no than-"
"Are you ready to go, baby?" Levi's voice is confident and smug. The guy looks over to Levi and then to you. His face flushes and he starts to stammer.
"U-uh sorry. I... I didn't know." Levi exhales as the guy walks away in a hurry.
"You should call me that more often." You chime in with a cheeky smirk.
"I do." He offers you his hand. When you take it, he leads the way to his black cadillac.
"I mean yeah! But not outside of the house."
"I'm working on it... baby."
Meeting the parents:
To your surprise they were very accepting of Levi.
"They've always been very childish. I'm so glad they found someone to keep them in shape." Your mother was embarrassing as always.
"Take care of them." Your father had said.
Levi nodded and they stood there awkwardly.
"Um dad! Levi works for a law firm! Isn't that something? You've always wanted me to get into law school, remember?" Your attempt to change the subject worked.
"I did, but you never wanted to. Always said "Dad! I don't wanna sit at a desk all day!" What law firm do you work for Levi?" It must be a parent's job to embarrass their child.
"Oh I work for..."
That convo went on forever.
"Hello, Mrs. and Mr. Ackerman." Levi nodded, which motivated you to place down the bouquet of Mrs. Ackerman's favorite flowers on her gravestone.
"You guys seemed like great people from what Levi told me. I'm taking care of him, he's not a lonely loser anymore." Tears are welling up but nothing comes out, you smile softly.
"I was never a loser." His eye roll doesn't go unnoticed by you.
"If that's what makes you feel better, then okay. Anyway, I wish I could have had the chance to meet you guys. Mrs. Ackerman I can see why your husband married you. You were fine as hell. That must be where Levi gets it from." You rant with a little giggle.
"I look more like my father." He reminds you.
"Yeah yeah, this isn't about you. I'm trying to meet your parents." You wave him away and continue to talk to the Ackermans.
"I think they would have liked you, a little weirded out by you at first but in the end they would have loved you like you were their own." Two arms wrap around you and then those tears fall. Out of all your relationships none have ever made you feel this loved and wanted.
"Boop!" Levi almost bites your finger this time.
"Stop "booping" me. It's annoying." He's facing you while in bed, those dark, onyx eyes look into yours. God he's so beautiful.
"I'm bored, let's get up." That's probably the tenth time you've said that to him.
"We agreed on fifteen more minutes of cuddling." Levi is a cuddler. In previous relationships you've complained about not being cuddled enough.
Levi is all about physical affection inside of the household. You love it, but at times like right now, you just crave to move around.
He's peppering your face with kisses, your eyelids, your nose, your cheeks, everywhere. The cherry on top is that he smiles when he hears you chuckle at his actions.
"Okay now we can get up, since you're so impatient." Those snuggly arms let go of your body so you can go get ready for the day.
"I love you Levi!" He hesitates upon hearing you say that before responding, "I love you too."
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In conclusion Levi is literally like a dad who has to keep one of those little kid backpack leash things on his kid (you) lol he loves you tho <3
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ellieluvr420 · 8 months
We meet again, darling pt.10 (detective Abby Anderson x criminal reader)
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Synopsis: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
Abby woke up alone again Monday morning, she immediately jumped out of bed panicked until she walked into the kitchen to find you standing at her coffee pot.
"Oh you're awake! Figured you'd need some of this before work." Abby breathes a sigh of relief as she takes the mug you're handing to her, she takes a sip without thinking and notices its exactly how she likes it.
"You're really fucking creepy."
"What?" You scoff.
"How do you know how I like my coffee?"
"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to."
"Okay... I'm going to get ready. Thanks for the coffee." She pulls you into a hug by your waist and kisses the top of your head. As she's walking away you call her name and she turns back to you.
"I want you to start mission take over today, only the first package but it's time to start, look through it before you go to work and be as subtle as you can okay?" She nods and smiles at you. "Oh and can you keep an eye on Williams please? I listened to her phone back whoever she called and she did a good job taking back what she said about you but we still need to air on the side of caution."
"Got it."
"Okay, thank you. I need to go. Places to be, people to see. Call me on this when you're home. My numbers already in it." You place a burner phone down on the counter next to you and begin gathering your things at the door. "See you soon Abby."
"Yeah, see you soon." With that you were out of the door and she walked in her room to rip the parcel open. She put some gloves on just to be safe and opened the first package. There was a picture of a man moving drugs and weapons as well as pictures of him doing deals. There was a picture of his passport as well as pictures of him at his address with the address written on the back. There was an anonymous tip she assumed you had written with an envelope that had her precincts P.O box's address written on as well as 'Please hand this to a detective, help me'. When she read the tip she was impressed by your story. You had written as if you were a prostitute he had used and abused one too many times, you wrote that you were turning this in because he had threatened your life and you were terrified. "God you're good." She muttered to herself as she put everything in the envelope and ripped the piece of plastic off the sticky part of the envelope, noting that you didn't use a lick to seal envelope, and closed it.
Abby looked at the time and realised she needed to get a move on so she jumped in the shower only to jump back out again because the water was so hot she felt like her skin was going to melt off. She looked at the temperature dial and assumed you had showered before she woke up. "Of course you need your showers to burn your skin." She turns the shower down so the water is lukewarm and gets in for the second time. Abby had never liked hot showers, they always made her feel her sick. As she's throwing on her clothes and pulling her hair back into a ponytail she notices the small bruises over her neck accompanied by a faint bite mark. "For fuck's sake." She buttons her shirt up to the top and breathes a sigh of relief that they're all covered, she puts on a tie so the shirt doesn't look strange buttoned to the top and cringes at herself in the mirror. She's always dressed smart for work but she never wears a tie. She grabs everything she needs including the handcuffs she had used on your last night while giggling at the memory and goes to the coffee pot to fill her thermos. She tucks it into her bag and grabs her breakfast that she had meal prepped earlier in the week from the fridge and rushes out of the door.
Everything is going to plan until the elevator opens at her floor to get in and she's greeted by the elderly woman that lives above her flat. She huffs and walks in and tries to avoid any interaction with the bitter woman. The woman had never liked her since she moved in, she's old fashioned and assumed Abby was a lesbian from the way she looked. She was right but the assumption still pissed Abby off.
"You know if you're going to be engaging in sexual activities late at night, you could at least do your neighbours a favour and keep it down." Abby choked as she's caught completely off guard. She laughs and sees the woman scowl at her. "I don't know what you're laughing at, I should not be forced to listen to you and your sinning." Abby's face dropped at that comment.
"It was no later than 8pm... when we started, and do you think I enjoy hearing your awful game shows and soaps playing at full volume constantly throughout the day. Or the constant thumping of your walking stick that I swear you just use to annoy me because I've seen you walk fine." She turns and bends down to be eye level with the woman and smirks as the woman steps back. "I'm sorry that you feel like who I sleep with is a sin, but if you mention it to me again, you will see where you think I'm going all for yourself. I'll send you there and then I'll find you there too." She gives the woman a menacing smile and as she's walking out in front of the woman she laughs and says over her shoulder. "I'll tell her to be 10 times louder next time."
As she walks to work smiling about the look on her elderly neighbours face she realises you've rubbed off on her. She threatened to kill her and didn't bat an eye at it. Her stomach churns but she reassures herself that the woman deserved it for her hateful comments and pushes it to the back of her mind and besides she'd never actually do it.
Abby walks into work, trying to ignore the way her palms are sweating. She walks straight past Ellie but doesn't miss the dirty looks being thrown her way. If looks could kill she'd be a dead woman. She sits at her desk and pulls out the envelope, she focuses on being as convincing as possible as she reads the tip and flips through the pictures. She glances up at Ellie once to find she's already staring back at her and gets up to knock on her captain's office door.
"Come in."
"Morning sir, I thought you'd want to see this." She hands the envelope and its contents to him and he starts reading the note before flicking through the pictures. "I checked the P.O box on the way in, always do." That wasn't a lie she had always checked it every morning on her way to her desk. "This was in there."
"Hm, we should check this out immediately. Whoever wrote this thinks they don't have long before he finds them so let's not waste any time. Leave it with me, I'll let you know when it's time to head out."
"I'm coming?"
"Yes. Don't make me regret that."
"No sir, I won't. I promise."
"Good, I'll walk you out I need to go arrange a raid."
Abby walks out of the Captains office and he follows behind her. As she sits at her desk he nods at her and walks off with an urgency in his step. She goes back to the paperwork she didn't finish on Friday until she notices Ellie standing at her desk, scowling down at her.
"Everything okay Williams?"
Ellie bends down and lowers her voice to a whisper, a hiss really. "Don't give me that shit. Your little girlfriend paid me a visit."
"No idea what you mean." Ellie slams her hand down on the desk and Abby looks up at her face for the first time. "Don't be stupid, Ellie. You wanna go talk somewhere private? Fine. But you need to back the fuck off and stop drawing attention to us both."
"Meet me in the toilet in 2 minutes." She storms off and Abby goes back to her paperwork. She tries to be as unsuspicious as possible as she walks to the toilet 2 minutes later to find Ellie pacing. "I should report you, I should get you thrown in jail."
"Yeah you do that and then she kills everyone you love" Abby has no hint of emotion in her face, she's completely monotone.
"Do you even hear yourself? That's who you want to go into business with. I don't even think I actually believe she would do that. You have to be some next level fucked up for shit like that."
"Trust me when I say she would. Don't be an idiot, do what she says and no one gets hurt and you end up richer for it. Its a win win."
"Oh my god, you're as bad as her. You don't even care that's she a cold-blooded killer. I bet she killed Luke, right? That's why he's disappeared." Abby shrugs and Ellie grabs her stomach like she's trying not to be sick. "What the fuck has she got you doing for her?"
"Nothing you need to be concerned with. I'm done talking about this Ellie." She backs Ellie up against the wall and grabs her by the shoulder as hard as she can. "Don't fuck things up for us and you'll be fine and so will everyone you love. She keeps her word, make good on your end of the deal and she'll make good on hers." Abby practically growled the words out and then stood back and smiled at Ellie as she patted the shoulder she had squeezed and walked out without another word.
Over the next few weeks, you would tell Abby when to feed the parcels to the investigation and the Metorinni was collapsing, fast. You were right when you said they would all turn on each other so between your evidence and their confessions, the gang was dwindling. Ellie's vicious demeanour towards Abby had only worsened and Abby had only felt better and better. Her captain was commending her for her work any chance he could and that respect she had harboured from her peers was back in full force. She had seen you a lot throughout the weeks and you had shown your gratitude to her for what she was doing time and time again. She had never felt this sort of power but now she had she vowed that she would never go back.
You're sitting in Richter's living room drinking with him, celebrating the downfall of the Metorinni when Richter gets a very serious look on his face.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" You nod with a small puzzled expression on your face. "How did you do it?"
"Do what?" He tilts his head at your obvious feigned ignorance.
"How did you get the cops to take them down?"
"Have you ever considered they did it all on their own?"
"Don't be like that. We don't keep secrets and I know you're keeping a big one from me right now. Whatever you've done its working but I need to know."
"Fine. I have a cop on our side. She's been feeding all of my information on them to her team, so that we can put them down and take what's theirs without too much fuss."
"How did you get a cop on our side? Blackmail or money?"
"Bit of both, kind of neither. Remember that party we had here and that woman that crashed it with a gun to my head."
"She was a cop?" You nod and sip your drink. "And she's working for us now?" And another nod. "Damn, you never cease to amaze me."
"Don't be too proud yet." His face drops. "Don't panic, its dealt with but I'm telling you so its on your radar. Another cop, woman called Ellie Williams, caught on to Abby. She's cunning, I actually think she could be a good asset. I did what I do best and made sure she stays quiet but I'm telling you in case we have to go a different way to deal with her if she gets stupid."
"Okay, so you've got two cops on our payroll now."
"I guess you could say that yeah."
"You are unbelievable." He laughs and then goes quiet. "Do you trust her? The one from the party."
"Yes. I do, she's different Johnny. She's one of us, I'm just making her realise it." You grin as you drink the last of what's in your glass and he chuckles too. "I might make her do the next kill, just to really seal the deal."
"You're evil."
"Tell me something I haven't heard before."
psa: I am SO excited to write the next two chapters. I really hope anyone who has read this far is enjoying it as much as I'm enjoying writing it. For the people that are interacting with the posts, thank you so much you guys are too cute!
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Me & You & Everyone We Know | Chapter 9 | S.R
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Not my gif. Does not depict appearance of reader.
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Chapter Summary - a night spent at Rossi’s leads to some incredibly hot sex and some difficult conversations about your future together.
Pairing - Single Dad! Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - hurt/comfort, angst with happy ending, smut minors DNI.
Warnings - drinking, swearing, tipsy and horny reader, fingering, handjobs, public sex, car sex, slight cock warming, penetrative sex, protected sex, angst.
WC - 7.1k
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Chapter 9 - As it Seems
Well in this life you must find something to live for,
'Cause when the darkness comes a callin',
You'll go back to where you were before.
'Cause this life is as,
Fragile as a dream, and,
Nothing's ever really,
As it seems.
Rossi had happily agreed to let Spencer and you use his cabin for a weekend away, but he wouldn’t be Rossi if it didn’t come with a stipulation. 
He was fine with the two of you using his cabin, if he met you first. 
Luke and Garcia had agreed to sit the girls for the evening and had taken Roxy with them over to Spencer’s that Friday night. 
The girls adored their Aunty Penelope and Uncle Luke and were ecstatic to spend the evening with them. 
So that was how you ended up on the doorstep of an extremely grand house in DC, wearing your best black satin dress and heels, hand sweating in Spencer’s. 
“My entire apartment building could fit inside the house.” You swallowed a lump in your throat as Spencer rang the doorbell. 
“Yeah it’s pretty daunting the first time you see it. But I guess I’ve gotten used to it.” He chuckled breezily, giving your hand a squeeze. 
You looked him up and down out of the corner of your eye. 
He looked positively fuckable in his deep burgundy shirt, black tie and slacks. You felt a heat flood between your legs and you wondered why the two of you hadn’t skipped dinner in lieu of other activities. 
Sensing you looking at him he turned, an amused smirk on his lips. 
“Mind out of the gutter, angel.” He winked at you. “At least for now anyway.” 
You opened your mouth to reply but suddenly the door was opening and an older man with completely silver hair and beard and the kindest eyes you’d ever seen, was smiling at you both. 
“Spencer!” He practically cheered and Spencer let go of your hand so he could embrace Rossi.
Rossi gave him a kiss on each cheek, looking pleased to see his old friend. 
“It’s good to see you kid.” 
“And you Dave.” Spencer stepped back and placed his hand on your lower back, edging you forward. “This is Y/N.” 
“Benvenuta!” He exclaimed, placing his hands on your shoulders and kissing both of your cheeks too. “It’s very nice to meet you Y/N.”
“Likewise sir.” You chewed on your lip nervously. 
“Oh come on now, sir makes me feel old. Call me Dave. Come inside.” He stepped away from the door and motioned you both in. “Krystall sends her apologies but she’s gone to visit Portia for the weekend.” 
“Ah that’s a shame.” Spencer guided you with a hand on your back towards the door. 
He felt your body tense as you moved closer to the house. He thought it was adorable how nervous you got around his friends. 
You were usually so confident so seeing this side of you allowed Spencer a glimpse into another facet of your personality, another thing that made you who you are. 
You weren’t normally uneasy around new people, you’d spoken to him just fine when you’d met. 
So the only logical explanation for your anxiety around his friends was because you were scared they wouldn’t like you. 
And you wanted them to like you because you liked Spencer. 
Rossi ushered you in and closed the door and your wide eyes and slack jaw as you took in the entrance way wasn’t lost on either man. 
The floor your heels clacked on as you walked was a stunning cream marbled with grey swirls. An expansive staircase with large dark oak bannisters rose to the second floor. 
Intricate and what you could only assume was very expensive pieces of art hung from the walls. The ceilings were high and vaulted. 
Rossi took your coats and hung them on a large, ornate silver coat rack. 
He motioned you through to the kitchen where you were met the delectable smell of frying bacon and garlic. 
The kitchen was just as grand as the entrance way, with every possible kind of appliance dotted around the large marble countertops. 
But it was clear they all went to good use. 
Rossi quickly moved to the stove to stir the pasta sauce before turning back and giving you both a large smile. 
“Carbonara alla Rossi, I didn’t think to ask Spencer if you ate meat.” He shrugged sheepishly.
“I do.” You nodded. “I eat pretty much anything.” 
“Favoloso!” He clapped his hands together before slinging a dish cloth over his shoulder. “Can I get either of you a glass of wine?” 
“I’ll have one with dinner but I’m driving.” Spencer replied, wrapping his arm around you again, his palm resting on your lower back. 
His warm touch allowed you to relax a little. 
“Y/N, please tell me you will join me for a pre-dinner glass of vino?” Rossi looked at you expectedly. 
You glanced up at Spencer as though you needed permission to drink and Spencer chuckled. 
“Do let me stop you, angel.” He rubbed your back a little. 
You nodded and turned back to Rossi with a smile. 
“Merlot please, if you have it.” 
“If I have it?” He chuckled heartily. “My dear, I have a wine cellar full to the brim with wines from before you were even born. I’ll be right back. Make sure my pancetta doesn’t burn!” 
Rossi hurried off and Spencer turned you so you were facing him. 
He stroked your hair back from your face and looked down at you with a soft look in his eyes. 
It was a new look, one you couldn’t place. Usually when he looked at you his eyes were full of lust but this was different. 
“He’s eccentric.” You whispered, having to tiptoe to kiss him even in your heels.
“That’s certainly one way to describe him.” Spencer laughed against your lips. “I like this. You meeting my friends.”
Your heart swelled at the happiness emanating from him as he kissed you again. 
“I like it too.” 
He certainly wasn’t ready for you to meet his kids but this was a nice start. 
He kissed you once more, a little deeper than before and you both didn’t notice Rossi reentering the room until you heard a cry. 
“Aye! My pancetta!” 
Lily was half asleep on the living room floor, lazily stroking Taco’s belly. Daisy sat cross legged on the couch trying to listen into her Aunty Penelope and Uncle Luke’s chatter in the kitchen over the sound of the TV. 
Roxy was on the couch with her, her head resting in Daisy’s lap while Daisy absent-mindedly scratched behind her ear. 
Eventually she pushed herself up, gently moving the large dog aside and padding towards the kitchen. 
Penelope and Luke had their backs to the door, fussing over how to make the best hot cocoa. 
Penelope was insisting they boil the milk in the pan but Luke was adamant it was just the same in the microwave. 
“It’s just lazy!” Penelope grumbled. 
“It doesn’t taste any different.” Luke argued. 
“We’ll see shall we? You make your heathen cocoa and I’ll make my delicately light and fluffy cocoa and we’ll see which the girls prefer.” She gave him a challenging look through her thick pink frames.
“Oh you are so on woman. Just you wait. You’re about to be a very sore-”
“Does my dad have a girlfriend?” Daisy suddenly spoke up causing Luke and Penelope’s backs to go rigid.
She saw them exchange a look before turning to face her. 
“Uh…sorry?” Penelope squeaked a little. 
Daisy cradled her cast and gave them a look that said, I’m not an idiot. 
Their expressions, no matter how hard they tried to hide them, told her the answer. 
“That’s a yes then.” She smiled a little. 
“Uh…” Luke looked at Garcia before looking back at Daisy.
He had a lot of nieces and he knew to find out the facts before he admitted to anything. He felt a little like an unsub being interrogated.
If he found out why Daisy thought that, he might be able to counter her points. 
“What makes you think that?” He moved across the room towards her.
“I grew up around profilers, Uncle Luke, I know what you’re trying to do.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “I saw a lady leaving the house last week and dad kissed her.” 
Luke looked at Garcia over his shoulder and she just shrugged. 
He exhaled before looking back at the teenager. 
“Right. I don’t suppose I can spin that another way, can I?”
“Nope.” Daisy giggled. “So it’s true? He has a girlfriend?” 
“It’s…he’s dating.” Garcia scurried over on her too high heels. “He met someone. She’s lovely.” 
“She’s very pretty.” Daisy nodded. “Is he happy?” 
Luke and Garcia both melted at her question. It was too adorable that all Daisy cared about was her fathers happiness. 
“I think so, kid.” Luke smiled at her. 
“I want him to be happy.” Daisy nodded. “Why hasn’t he told us?” 
Again Luke and Garica looked at each other, subconsciously trying to work out the best way to answer that. 
She was so much like her dad and there was no lying to Spencer. He always saw right through them and no doubt his daughter would too. 
“They’ve just met. It’s still early days. But I’m sure at some point he will tell you. But after your mom…he’s scared.” Luke tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. 
“I just want him to be happy.” She repeated. 
“He is, sweet pea.” Garcia wrapped her arm around Daisy and bowed her head to kiss her hair. “Just give him time, ok?” 
“And maybe don’t tell Lily yet.” Luke added. 
“Ok.” Daisy agreed with a small smile. “Lily’s terrible at keeping secrets.” 
Garcia ruffled her hair a little with a laugh. 
“You still want cocoa?” 
“Yes please!” Daisy cheered. 
“Go in the living room with your sister.” Luke patted her back. 
“Ok!” She turned towards the door but as she reached it, she turned back to look at the grown-up’s. “Oh Uncle Luke?”
“Yes, sweetheart?” 
“You’re bonkers if you think microwave milk is going to taste the same as boiled milk.” She shot him a cheeky grin before hurrying back into the living room. 
“Son of a bitch.” Luke laughed. 
“Told you.” Garcia grinned smugly. “Saucepan please.”
“You got shot in the leg?” You glared wide eyed at Spencer over your wine glass, a slightly amused smile on your lips.
“It wasn’t as bad as he’s making it out to be.” Spencer rolled his eyes. 
“You used a cane for months, kid.” Rossi laughed. 
“Ok so it was kind of bad. But it was a long time ago. And it only hurts every so often.” Spencer tried to downplay it. 
Dinner was incredible and after a few glasses of wine your nerves had eased up. Rossi had made you feel so welcome which also helped you relax. 
You were now in his impressive study, sinking down into a large leather armchair with Spencer on his own next to you. 
He’d reached across the space between you and had been holding your hand the whole time. 
You finished the remains of your wine while Rossi swirled his scotch around his glass. 
“I tell ya, the stories I could tell you about Reid-”
“Let’s save that for another time, shall we?” Spencer cut him off. “I’d rather it we didn’t scare Y/N off.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you all the good doctors' gory secrets one day.” Rossi winked at you. 
Spencer patted your hand and you nodded, leaning forward to put your empty glass on the coffee table. 
“I should get back and relieve Luke and Garcia of babysitting duty.” Spencer let go of your hand and pushed himself up from the chair. 
You followed suit, as did Rossi.
“How they think the team doesn’t know they’re dating is beyond me.” Rossi chuckled. 
He led you out into the entrance way and handed you both your coats. 
“Thank you so much Dave, dinner was wonderful and it was so nice to meet you.” You smiled a little dreamily, Spencer could see the alcohol had gone to your head a little. 
“The pleasure, my dear, is all mine.” He gripped your face and kissed both of your cheeks with gusto. 
As you slipped on your coat he gave the same treatment to Spencer. 
“She’s great, kid. Don’t let her go.” He whispered into Spencer’s ear. 
“Duly noted.” Spencer smiled warmly. 
He opened the door and placed his hand on your lower back to guide you towards it. 
“Buona notte.” Rossi waved the two of you off. 
You waved back and started down the stairs ahead of Spencer. 
“Reid?” Rossi called him before he got too far.
“The two of you are welcome to my cabin anytime.” 
“Thanks Dave. Goodnight.”
“G’night kid.”
Spencer hurried down the stairs after you, taking hold of your hand and bringing it to his lips before he brushed them over your knuckles. 
You swayed a little in your heels as you looked up at him. 
The moon was peaking between the clouds and caught your eye as you looked at him. 
It caused your eyes to sparkle in such a magical way Spencer almost lost his footing. That paired with the smile tugging at the corners of your lips, the one you seemed to reserve just for him, lit a fire in Spencer. 
And at that moment on Rossi’s driveway, he found himself handing over all the remains of the shattered fragments of his heart to you and praying to a god he didn’t believe in that you were the one who could help piece them back together. 
You rambled on on the drive home, your tipsy words making Spencer laugh as he drove. 
You were animatedly gesticulating with your hands as you spoke, almost hitting him a few times. 
He tried to remain focused on the road but your wild arm movements kept garnering his attention. 
“I’m going to get in an accident if you don’t calm down.” He chuckled, easily grabbing both of your wrists in one hand and placing them in your lap. 
“Sorry.” You chewed your lip. “I’m a little tipsy.” 
“I can tell.” He returned his hand to the wheel with an amused smile. 
“A little tipsy.” You repeated, turning your body in the chair so you could look at him. “And a lot horny.”  
Spencer almost swerved the car off the road and gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles instantly turned white. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” His cock was immediately awake. “Don’t say things like that. My girls are home.” 
“Didn’t say we needed to go home.” You reached over the centre console and palmed his already hardening cock through his slacks. 
His toes curled in his shoes and he hissed. 
“Fuck.” He swallowed, tightening his hold on the steering wheel. “W-what are you suggesting?” 
“A dark alley and a bad idea.” You pressed your palm against his erection and he jolted a little in his seat. 
“You will be the death of me.” He growled. “Thank fuck I put those condoms in my bag.” 
He was quick to locate a dark and desolate side street, barely able to see through the lust clouding his vision. 
It was a narrow alley, barely bigger than Spencer’s car and the only light was from the moon still creeping between the clouds. 
He practically slammed on the brakes and shut off the engine, unbuckling his belt in a flash and turning to you with dark eyes. 
“Come here then angel,” he patted his lap. “Or are you all talk?” 
You fumbled undoing your belt in excitement and Spencer had to help you out of it before he was pulling you towards him and having you straddle his lap. 
The seat was already back as far as it would go due to his long legs and a car that wasn’t strictly made for a man of his stature. 
Your dress rode up your thighs and you instantly started grinding his lap while he roughly gripped the back of your neck and crashed your lips together. 
You moaned into his mouth as his free hand wandered your thigh, wasting no time in moving your panties aside. 
He hissed into your mouth when he felt how wet the fabric was already and the heat that emanated from you made him dizzy. 
The two of you didn’t get to be alone often and he was too eager to wait. He dove two fingers inside your waiting cunt and you bucked against his hand, your teeth sinking into his bottom lip. 
He returned the favour by roughly thrusting them upwards and curling them against your bundle of nerves. 
Your tongue hungrily explored his mouth, navigating every inch of his mouth. Your hands swatted at his belt, desperately trying to free him from his slacks. It took a few failed attempts before you got it undone and popped open the button on his pants. 
Your hand sunk inside his boxers, moving the fabric enough to let his throbbing member escape. You stroked his length as he continued fucking his fingers inside of you with force and desperation. 
You tore your lips apart so you could look at him. His lips were swollen and red and his pupils were blown out wide. His messy hair fell onto his forehead and he smiled wildly as you pumped him harder. 
“Fuck angel, you are too good at that.” He panted, his chest heaving up and down. “And you feel so good around my fingers.” 
He dove deeper, causing you to jump a little and throw your head back in pleasure. 
The windows were already steamed up from your heavy breathing, obscuring any previous vision of the dark street. 
Precome leaked from Spencer’s head and you swiped your thumb over it and spread it down his shaft. 
The sounds of your wet slicked cunt as Spencer plunged his fingers in and out of you filled the car. 
His free hand started fumbling behind his chair, trying to locate his satchel. 
He gripped the handle and tossed it to the front seat. Still keeping up your strokes on his cock, you leaned over slightly and rummaged inside for a condom. 
The ripples of pleasure crashing through your body meant it took longer than you would have liked before your fingers brushed against what you were looking for. 
You sat back with it and after a few more thrusts of his fingers Spencer cautiously withdrew them. 
You watched in absolute awe as he drew those same fingers to his lips and sucked your arousal clean of them. 
“Fuck you taste good.” He hummed around his own digits. 
Your thighs clamped together at the sight. 
“God-fucking-damn Doctor.” You whined, squeezing the base of his shaft a little. 
He smirked before pulling you in for another kiss, the taste of yourself on his tongue was electric. 
As he kissed you, you ripped open the condom and held his shaft as you rolled it down his length. You pulled back from his lips and knelt over his head. 
You moved your panties aside again for him while his own hand went to the base of his cock as he lined himself up. Slowly you lowered yourself, keeping your eyes firmly on his. 
Just moments ago he’d been driving and now here you were. It had all happened so fast it made him a little dizzy. But this was the first time he’d had you alone in what felt like forever. He didn’t want to waste a second. 
There would be other times for you to go slow, maybe at Rossi’s cabin. But now the need for speed was prevalent. 
His head pressed against your desperate hole briefly before you steadily sunk down onto him, feeling your walls stretch around his heavy length. 
Spencer’s eyes rolled back in his head and he gripped hold of your hips, blunt nails digging into your flesh. 
Your pussy fluttered around him, tightening as though you might come already. He bottomed out inside of you, taking a few moments just to revel in the way you felt sheathed around his cock. 
“I could stay like this forever.” He moaned, head falling forward onto your shoulder. “I could just fucking live in this glorious pussy.” 
He sucked on the flesh of your shoulder, hard enough to leave behind marks whilst the two of you sat perfectly still. 
Your hands found their way to his hair and entwined in the unruly locks, burying deeply into them. 
He stopped sucking your shoulder and rested his forehead against it instead. 
A wave of emotions washed over him as if out of nowhere. He snaked his arms around your body and held you as he felt tears prick the corners of his eyes. 
This was how it was supposed to feel. This was what was missing in his marriage. 
He felt as though in you, he’d found the other half of himself. He’d found what he’d been searching for all these years, what he’d never found in Maeve. 
You were hope. You were a freedom he’d never felt before. You were the air his lungs had been gasping for his entire life. 
He was inconceivably and deliriously in love with you. And that both elated him and terrified him at the same time. 
But he knew now, as he held you, whilst he was buried deep inside of you that you were the one his heart beat for. 
He didn’t even know he was capable of this kind of feeling. But it smacked him in the face like a ton of bricks at that moment. 
You pulled back a little and he blinked away the tears threatening to fall before you noticed them. 
You kept your hands in his hair as you smiled at him and started grinding down on him. 
“Need you.” You mumbled. 
“Need you more.” He quickly grabbed your face and slammed your lips together as you started moving up and down on his length. 
He held your face firmly, kissing you a little sloppily and moaning into your mouth. 
He started rocking in his seat to meet your movements and his belt jingled slightly with the motion. 
His hips bucked back and forth, thrusting deep inside of you and crashing against your g-spot again and again. 
You released his hair and gripped his shoulder for leverage and your other hand slammed against the car window, leaving a near perfect handprint in the condensation you’d both created. 
He pulled back from your lips and moved his hands back to your hips, using them to move you up and down around him. 
Your mouth fell open as wanton moans left your lips and you let him guide your body how he wanted you. Your knees clamped around his thighs and your eyes fluttered closed.
“No,” he panted, manoeuvring you up and down. “Look at me while I fuck you.” 
Slamming hard against your cervix your eyes darted back open, wide and practically black. 
You could feel your arousal leaking down your legs and a combination of the wine and lust caused you to feel light headed. 
“Fuck, Spencer, I’m close.” You whined, gripping the collars of his shirt. 
“Fuck, so am I.” He looked conflicted by this. 
He wanted to come while he was inside of you, more so than he’d ever wanted anything in his life. He was wearing a condom but he was still scared by the thought. 
Needing to get you to your peak before he reached his, he moved his hand under your dress and rubbed your clit with his thumb. 
Your whole body jerked, clenching around him and it was almost enough to send Spencer spiralling. 
“Come for me angel, please come for me.” He held his breath, hoping that might stave off his orgasm. 
You hummed and moaned as he continued thrusting inside of you and the added pleasure of his thumb pressing against your clit caused your orgasm to bubble in your chest. 
A moan wracked your whole body as you came, squeezing so tightly around Spencer’s cock that it was impossible for him to hold back. 
With your orgasm still washing through you, Spencer’s hips jut up hard and his head fell to your shoulder again as he came inside the condom. 
“Fuck,” he panted. “Fuck.” 
His cock twitched inside of you as you rocked back and forth on him lazily while you both rode out your highs. 
Spencer felt partially relieved yet suddenly flooded with remorse. 
He helped you off of him and over to the passengers seat where your arousal leaked into the fabric of the chair. 
He didn’t look at you, he stared down into his lap at his slowly softening dick as though it had betrayed him. 
“Spence?” You whispered, squeezing your thighs together to try and stop the mess on Spencer’s chair. 
He didn’t respond, he just kept staring at his crotch. 
You sighed and reached over the console and removed the condom from his limp dick before tying a knot in the end. 
“Condoms are really safe.” You whispered again. 
“Are you on any kind of birth control?” He croaked, still not looking up at you. 
“No.” You shook your head. “But condoms are really safe.” 
“Ninety eight percent.” He mumbled. 
“They are ninety eight percent effective. But taking into account human error it brings that down to about eighty five in reality. Which means fifteen out of a hundred people who use condoms as their only form of birth control are likely to get pregnant.” His voice was so emotionless it scared you a little. 
“Spence, it’ll be ok.” You gently placed your hand on his arm and he suddenly looked up at you. 
Even in the dark you could see the tears behind his eyes. 
“I can’t have another kid.” 
“Of course. I’m not ready for kids either.” 
“No.” He shook his head. “You don’t understand. I don’t mean I can’t have another kid right now. I mean I don’t ever want another child.” 
His words hit you like a wave. That once sentence sobered you up like an IV filled with caffeine. 
“Ever.” You croaked, slumping back into your chair. “As in…”
“Ever.” He sighed. “Daisy’s a teenager and Lily will be one too before I know it. And running around after toddlers in my thirties was one thing but it’s another entirely to be doing it in my forties. I don’t want any more kids.” 
You cleared your throat and turned to stare out of the window so he wouldn’t see the tears in your eyes. 
“Do you think you’ll ever get married again?” Your voice betrayed your sadness. 
“I don’t…I don’t know.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I've not thought about it. My divorce has only been finalised a few months. Until I met you I never thought I’d ever date again.” 
You sucked in a breath through your teeth. 
This wasn’t a conversation that needed to happen now. You’d just started dating, it wasn’t important now, right? 
You didn’t want to ruin what you and Spencer had right now for the sake of some phantom future. 
“Ok.” You nodded, belting yourself in the car. 
“Ok?” He frowned at you. 
“Ok, let’s go.” You turned back to him and he suddenly became aware his dick was still hanging out of his pants. 
He quickly tucked himself away and buckled his belt. 
“Are we ok?” He asked softly before doing up his seat belt. 
“Yeah.” You forced yourself to smile. “We don’t need to worry about stuff like that now.”
“Right. Sure.” He nodded with a slight frown as he started the engine. 
The two of you were silent the whole drive back to your apartment and it was a stifled kind of silence. The tension was palpable, making the air around you thick and heavy, almost choking you on it. 
You watched the passing cars outside the window. You stared intently until DC became nothing more than a blur behind your eyes. 
Eventually after what felt like a lifetime trapped inside the car, he pulled up outside your building. You practically flung yourself from the vehicle, trying to ignore your sticky inner thighs. 
Spencer quickly shut off the engine and joined you in the street outside your building. He was tentative as he moved closer to you, cupping your face tenderly in his large hands. 
“We have an expiration date, don’t we?” You croaked, tears instantly pooling behind your eyes. 
“I don’t know.” He confessed. “Maybe.” 
“You really never want more kids?” A tear escaped your eye and you cursed yourself for it. 
He sighed loudly, moving his hands down your face and onto the sides of your neck. His touch was featherlight, barely ghosting over your skin. 
“I really don’t know Y/N.” His bottom lip quivered a little. “I never imagined having anymore, especially with my girls getting older now. I’m not going to stand here and lie to you and say I might change my mind one day because I don’t know if I will. Maybe I will, but I don’t know. And I don’t want to get your hopes up and say I will when I just don’t know. 
But I don’t want to lose you, not like this. And I know it’s probably really selfish of me to ask but can we just like, put a pin in it for now? Deal with it another day? I’m not ready for whatever this is between us to be over. I’m already in over my head here, I can’t lose you.” 
A few more tears escaped your eyes and you could tell Spencer was close to losing it himself. 
He wished you were the mother of his children. He wished you were the one he married. His wished time and circumstance had been on his side but he couldn’t change any of that. 
But he could potentially stop you from walking away. 
“It’s a pretty big pin.” You replied with a sniff. 
“I know.” He nodded sadly. 
“But I’m not ready for whatever this is to be over either.” You confessed. 
You might live to regret that decision. You might only end up prolonging the pain. But any minute spent with Spencer Reid was worth any hurt it might cause in the long run. 
Spencer’s body seemed to relax at your words and he threaded his hands around the back of your neck, edging his face closer to yours. 
“Y/N?” He whispered, leaning his forehead against yours and his breath fanned across your face. 
“Yes, Spence?” 
“You know I adore you right?” It was the closest he could bring himself to say what he really wanted to say. 
Adore was the most he could allow himself to admit out loud although he was fairly certain you knew what he really meant. 
Your lip tugged at the corner and you wrapped your arms around his waist. 
“I know.” You murmured, lips almost ghosting over his. “I adore you too, Spencer.” 
He closed the small gap between your lips and kissed you with everything he had. 
He spoke silent love songs and sonnets that died in your mouth. But he told himself that you knew. He was sure that you knew. 
When the kiss broke he stroked an errant hair back off your face and watched the way the moonlight danced in your eyes. 
It should have been you, he thought regretfully. It should have been you I got to have a life with. 
But he didn’t say it out loud. He couldn’t speak those words because they seemed far too cruel. 
Instead he stepped back from you and stuffed his hands awkwardly in his pockets. 
“I promise you I am going to get Daisy to her mom’s next weekend whatever it takes. And you and I are going to Rossi’s cabin.” 
“I can’t wait.” Your smile was full of melancholy and he was sure his own reflected it back. 
He took a step backwards, closer to his car.
“See you Monday.” He nodded, rolling his bottom lip between his teeth. 
“See you Monday.” You repeated, watching him retreat back to his car and slide in the driver’s seat with a heavy heart. 
Spencer was exhausted by the time he arrived home, both physically and mentally. 
He knew the right thing to do was to let you go. It wasn’t fair on either of you for him to string you along when chances were he couldn’t give you what you wanted. 
He was being selfish, he knew that. He knew it was unfair for him to keep this up. But his heart wouldn’t allow him to let go. 
You’d gotten in. You’d snuck past the defences he’d carefully crafted in the wake of Maeve’s affair. You’d bombarded his fortress, snuck in without him even realising his strongholds had been breached.
You’d taken up roots and they grew like vines around the shards of his thread bear heart. For now they were holding him together, but your clutches would only grow stronger, squeezing and squeezing until his heart all but turned to dust.
You were a part of him, embedded deep in his soul. So even if it was selfish, he couldn’t let you go. 
He knew he should. But he couldn’t. 
He sat in his car on the drive, silent tears streaming down his face unwilling to go inside just yet. 
Time passed by slowly. He didn’t know how long he sat there in the dark before he wiped his eyes, put on a practiced fake smile and exited the car. 
His footsteps trailed heavily up the porch steps and he nudged open the door as quietly as possible, hoping at this late hour his daughter’s would be asleep. 
The light was on the living room and he didn’t have to go far to find his children or their sitters. 
Luke was sprawled on the couch, feet resting over the arm. Lily was curled up on top of him, head resting on his chest and he had a lazy arm slung around her while they both snored peacefully. 
Roxy and Taco were curled up together at the foot of the couch. 
Garica was asleep in the armchair, head lolled back against the headrest and Daisy lay soundly sleeping in her lap, head buried into the crook of the bubbly blonde's neck. 
His heart soared in his chest at the sight of them like this. His kids were masters of distraction and very rarely did anyone sitting them get them to bed. 
He hadn’t expected Luke and Garcia to be any different. 
The girls had tactics that stopped working on Spencer long ago. They knew how to wear adults down until they were too tired to convince his errant daughters to go to bed. 
Spencer couldn’t help but smile in pride at how Lily and Daisy could outsmart two FBI agents. 
He crept further into the room towards the couch and crouched down next to Luke and Lily. He reached out and stroked Lily’s curly hair off her face, her lips were drawn into a small smile that made Spencer feel warm inside. 
Luke stirred a little, Spencer could see his eyes moving beneath his lids and then they slowly opened. 
When they landed on Spencer he frowned a little, looking down at Lily before looking back at him. 
“Don’t feel bad, they’re too smart for their own good.” Spencer whispered. 
“Wonder where they get that from.” Luke croaked. “They wore us down.”
“It’s ok, really.” Spencer smiled. 
Lily made a little humming sound before her eyes fluttered and opened. She looked at Spencer, blinking a few times before she lifted her head from Luke’s chest. 
“Daddy!” She instantly beamed, shuffling to sit up on Luke’s stomach, no doubt winding him in the process. 
She got to her feet and collapsed into Spencer’s open arms. 
“Did you have a nice time with Uncle Luke and Aunty Penelope?” He kept his voice low to not disturb Garica and Daisy although he’d have to wake them up eventually. 
“Yes! We had lots of fun and Taco and Roxy are the best of friends.” She giggled, pulling herself from his arms and pointing at the two dogs who were now awake but still stayed close to each other. 
“I don’t know if he’s neutered and they would have some very strange babies so let’s keep an eye on them.” Spencer told Luke. 
“It’s all good, Roxy’s been done.” Luke chuckled as he sat up on the couch. 
“What’s neutered?” Lily frowned.
“Nothing, pumpkin.” Spencer ruffled her unruly hair before getting back up and moving over to the armchair. 
Daisy was a much heavier sleeper than her sister so he was able to cradle her legs and head and  scoop her up into his arms without waking her. 
“I’m going to put them to bed.” Spencer whispered, motioning for Lily to follow him. 
“I’ll wake Penelope.” Luke nodded. 
Spencer headed for the stairs with Daisy in his arms and Lily gripping the back of his shirt. He was an expert at manoeuvring with two children attached to him and made quick work of the stairs. 
“Go get into bed and I’ll be in in a second ok?” He instructed Lily. 
“But I’m not tired!” She whined. 
“Yes, pumpkin, you are.” He smirked. “Go get into bed.” 
“Fine.” She huffed, turning on her heels and scampering to her room. 
At least Luke and Garcia had managed to talk to the girls into their pajamas, it was more than most could do. 
Nudging Daisy’s door open with his hip, he carried his daughter into her room, pulled back the sheets with one hand and laid her down on the mattress.
She stirred a little but didn’t wake. 
He covered her up with the sheet and bowed his head to kiss her forehead. 
“I love you baby girl.” He whispered as he slowly backed out of the room. 
Lily was a little harder to get down, proclaiming she wasn’t tired when she could barely keep her eyes open. 
It took twenty minutes and two stories before she finally gave over to sleep and Spencer was able to leave her. 
He found Luke and Garcia slightly bleary eyed in the kitchen, three cups of coffee on the island. 
He slid into one of the free chairs and took a grateful sip. 
“How was your dinner at Rossi’s, boy wonder?” Garcia grinned suggestively at him, eyeing him up and down. 
Spencer looked down at his attire and it was only then he noticed his tie was off to the side, his shirt was still untucked from his pants and his belt was twisted where he’d done it up in a hurry. 
His cheeks burnt instantly as he looked back at Garcia sheepishly. 
“Cut me some slack, I never have time for sex.” He grumbled, lifting the mug to his lips and letting the warmth comfort him. 
“I mean we kind of figured what you were doing. You texted us almost two hours ago that you were leaving Rossi’s.” Luke snickered. “So you had a good night?”
“For the most part.” He couldn’t help the sigh that left his lips, causing his shoulders to slump. “It got a bit tense at the end.” 
“Tense how?” Garcia raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at him. 
“We got onto the conversation of the future. I don’t know, I think we want different things.” He swallowed thickly. 
“Because you’ve already done the marriage and kids thing.” Luke nodded. 
“Yeah and it didn’t work out so well for me. So I’m not exactly in a hurry to repeat it.” He shook his head. “It’s fine, we’re fine…what?” 
Luke and Garcia were exchanging slightly guilty looks that cut Spencer off his trail of thought. 
They looked at him sheepishly, trying to decide who would be the one to speak. 
“Uh…” Garcia toyed with her necklace. “Daisy knows about Y/N.” 
Spencer almost dropped his mug from his hands but just managed to steady it and placed it loudly on the counter.
“Excuse me? You told my thirteen year old daughter I’m dating?” 
“No, no, we didn’t.” Luke was quick to speak up. “She saw Y/N leaving the house. Said she saw you kiss her. She drew the conclusions.” 
“And she talked to you about it and not me?” Spencer felt a little saddened by that. 
“She’s happy for you.” Garica tried to cheer him up. “She was super grown-up about the whole thing. I sometimes forget she’s not an adult.”
“S-she is?” Spencer stuttered.
“She just wants you to be happy. And we told her you are.” Luke smiled softly at him. 
“I was really not ready for my kids to know I’m dating.” He leant his elbows on the counter and put his head in his hands.
“If it helps, she did agree not to tell Lily.” Garcia shrugged. 
“Until the next time Lily steals her favourite sweater or annoys her in any way and it will be the first thing she blurts out.” Spencer exhaled, lifting his head back out of his hands. “Thanks for handling it. There was a lot I didn’t think through before I dove head first into this dating thing.” 
“Tell us about it. We did not think through how hard it would be hiding our relationship from the team.” Luke chuckled.
“Yeah about that,” Spencer offered him a sympathetic smile. “I’m pretty sure they all know. Rossi mentioned it.” 
Luke and Garcia looked at each other wide eyed.
“We shouldn’t be so surprised. They are profilers.” Garcia shrugged in defeat, slipping out of the chair. “I’m going to use the ladies room and then I need to go home. It’s late and I’m exhausted.”
With Garcia gone, Luke helped Spencer clear up the coffee cups before they went through to the living room where Luke got his coat on. 
“I don’t know how you do it, man.” Luke smiled wistfully at his friend as he fished his car keys out of his pocket. He grabbed Roxy’s leash from the coat rack and whistled to garner her attention. 
“Do what?” 
“Any of it.” Luke laughed as Roxy padded over and allowed Luke to clip her leash to her collar. “Dating’s hard enough without corralling those two girls. You’re doing great, you know that right?” 
Spencer smiled but sometimes it didn’t feel like it. Sometimes it felt like he was being torn in two directions, between his family and his personal life and he was sure at some point he would rip down the middle. 
“Thanks,” he said rather than launch into a self-pity rant. 
Garcia rejoined them and Luke helped her into her pink denim jacket before she hugged Spencer tightly. He waved at Luke as he opened the door and they stepped out on the porch with Roxy in tow. 
“Thanks again guys, I really appreciate you sitting the girls.” he leant on the door.
“Any time! I just adore those little angels!” Garcia beamed as brightly as she could considering how tired she was. 
“See ya soon, super dad.” Luke winked at him as they turned and headed down the front steps. 
Spencer shut the door, chuckling to himself. 
He had no idea what would happen between the two of you, if there were even still a two of you. But as long as he had his daughters, he knew everything would be ok. 
Spencer could conquer anything life had to throw at him as long as his two girls were happy and healthy. 
But why did the thought of losing you make him feel like he could crumble into a million pieces and never be able to put himself back together? 
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Helmeppo - Blondy and Scissors
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Helmeppo (netflix) x fem reader
warning : fluff, comfort, kiss, no use of Y/n
Info : So not only Buggy, Mihawk, Sanji are hot in the netflix series Helmeppo is also. So with just some hours of sleep and a hard school day behind me I have writen this. Have fun reading ;)
The well-known only son of Morgan was known everywhere, or so he thought. Enough for the naval base and the surrounding city. The blond son, with his purple suit and light-coloured shirt, was a style not everyone dared to wear.
But to talk to him about it was something no one dared to do because of his father. A truth he did not admit to himself. Something he always tried to suppress in the form of new clothes, alcohol or the odd gun. Until he met her. Learned to trust and see other sides.
The only person he trusted or at least felt a strange bond with was his hairdresser and seamstress, a nice but stubborn young woman. A woman who did not lie to him, did not tell him what he wanted to hear and did not show him the respect he deserved in his eyes.
All due to a wrong upbringing, too much money and no taste in fashion. But none of that mattered because the bond he held in his heart was worth more to him than his father, he realised.
A fact that had confused him since his father had introduced them to him after his son had not let up. He desperately wanted a new suit and a haircut. An improvement in his appearance and his father could no longer listen to his son's whining. So he got him the best local hairdresser who seemed to be more at second glance.
But neither Morgan nor his son did. ,,Sit down if you keep shouting I'm going to stick you with a pin" was the first thing she said to him after he asked her to get a warm cup of tea before anything happened. It was a simple request, he thought to himself, and he already wanted to say something back.
To nag her about how she dared to speak to him like that. But one touch on his tie was enough to pull him towards her. He took in her smell of fabric, flowers and leather, which now seemed to surround him. A certain freedom he did not have, being too caught up in his own prestige.
Her gaze was punitive and reminded him almost of a strict mother or something else. ,,,Understood...Ma'm" he murmured then and almost made himself small on the chair. But his gaze did not leave her, fascinated by her, he continued to look at her. He liked her somehow.
Her way she made less fun of herself than the others. Didn't do it behind his back and apparently said it freely. Not least, his heart had gone a step faster when her hand had tightened on his tie. His air had been tied up for a moment and his life was in her hands.
Only when she let go of him did the blond seem to be able to breathe again and let his hand rub over his neck did he still smell her scent. The very leather reminded him of something he knew.
As if he had already seen it somehow. Before he turned back to the front and in front of him was the large oval mirror. He watched intently as she picked out her clothes, her trained eyes going from his face with the bright eyes to his blond slightly dull and matted hair.
He flinched in surprise then as her fingers suddenly raked through his hair. ,,Careful," he said quietly, indignant, trying to adjust himself in the chair or stand over her. Still aware of his place She's just a hairdresser he thought, sounding clearly more surprised than he thought he was.
His reluctance was somehow confused. The touching of another was unfamiliar to him. Apart from the one or two paid women who also dumped him. His kind was repulsive something that had hurt him but she. Not her.
She did her job and didn't mind it. ,,I'll give you a new haircut and start designing a new suit" she announced as she took her fingers off him. Letting go of his blond hair, he spun around in the chair in surprise. Not knowing that to her he looked like a cute naive dog.
He woke up from his stupor when he had her in his field of vision again. The tingling sensation that had spread over his body was woolly and new at the same time. Even though he tried to forget it later with a little alcohol, he did not.
The wine and beer did not seem to help as they usually did. ,,A hairstyle and a suit should look stately," he said, and for a moment he seemed to have recovered his haughty manner. He saw her give him an incredulous yet slightly amused look as she returned with the cutting utensils.
Everything ready for his new haircut, their eyes met one last time before she pushed him into the chair and ordered him to hold still. To his amazement he did, he held on and let her work on him with the metal objects.
But his blue eyes remained on her, not leaving her for a moment. In the end, he almost didn't care what his hairstyle looked like. ,,What do you say Helmeppo?" she asked as she started to gather her things after looking at him.
She saw him flinch as if she had caught him doing something. Something forbidden. She saw him wondering whether he should scold her and threaten his father.
Instead, he almost jumped up from his chair, grabbed his suit jacket and shouted effusively, ,,Thank you, Miss.Hairdresser!" before fleeing from her shop, leaving only the crashing of the door. The last thing he heard from her was a hearty laugh.
A laugh that made him go mad as his heart beat faster. For the two of them it seemed to be a connection that lay between them. A connection that was so much more on his part that she gladly returned with some behaviour.
They met a few more times after that and after the blonde had gathered all his courage to ask her for a meal together it happened. The next meeting was one that no one really expected. Shortly after the pirates arrived, his hairdresser had disappeared and left the island. Left without a word.
Their date as he had hoped would not happen. Now he was stuck in the navy with Coby, who wasn't much help - at least he had resumed his snooty ways. Although he actually wanted to get rid of it, it seemed like a protective shield because he knew exactly that he could hardly do anything.
But he got a chance to serve with Coby as a cadet under Garb, the legend of the navy, a man of honour, not like his father. A man he also respected. But as the ship sailed on across the sea in search of the straw hat, they passed another ship.
A naval ship on which there was a certain woman. ,,Flotilla Admiral Scissors!" someone announced to the admiral, who came on board the ship with some of her men. ,,I don't believe it," the blond blurted out as his eyes looked at the woman who only a few weeks ago seemed to be his hairdresser and dressmaker. ,,Well, if it isn't blondie. How are you? Is the old man treating you well?" she said and giggled when she saw Garp's eye glare, which he had long since resigned himself to.
Even though she had the lowest rank as Admiral, she was a valued member and had been personally assigned to look out for corrupt Navy people. One she found in the form of Morgan and pulled her strings. ,,No, I have an ugly uniform," he immediately began to complain, but was interrupted by a hug she gave him.
Even though he was aware of her worried look because of his hair, ,,I missed you, pain in the ass," she murmured, smiling at his tension because he was afraid she would hear his heart. But the smell that surrounded her again. He recognised it as a uniform from his father's room the evidence had been wafting in front of him all along.
But there was not much time for a greeting before they all had to go about their tasks. Something that bothered him but the thought of being able to join her again was tempting. It's been ages since I've seen you, he thought as he cleaned the deck with the mop.
But the more he wiped with it, the more he seemed to fall into a little dance. A dance with her. It would be a scandalous relationship, a cadet and an admiral. But after a few more turns, he heard a smirk and feared the worst, but only saw her.
Leaning against one of the masts, she had been watching him. ,,You've changed a bit, and I don't mean the haircut," she joked, watching him further, her badges on her uniform flashing in the moonlight. They let him know what she had already achieved, even if it was mostly in the field of the hidden.
It suited her, he thought. ,,Yeah, well, the haircut is a bit strange, a pirate...but-but changed what do you mean?" he asked, slightly confused, and slowly moved back to the railing against which he was leaning, looking out to sea.
He heard her approach him and lean beside him, deliberately bumping her shoulder against his. ,,Well, you're no longer, to put it crudely, the stuck-up son...now you're just a little stuck-up" she joked and smirked, seeing that it made him think and yet something like relief showed in his gaze. She was glad that he was no longer under his father. Of course she knew that the blond wasn't perfect.
But with her and Coby it seemed to be going in the right direction. ,,Less stuck-up sounded good, besides, I'm-I'm glad to see you again," he confessed, and in surprise her gaze turned from the sea to the blond. In the moonlight and the lamps on deck, she saw the slight flush on his cheeks. Cute. ,,Come here, Goldilocks!" she called and pulled him into another hug before tousling his messy hair.
Before she could get past that certain something between them, he grabbed her hand and wouldn't let go before she gave him a short but heartfelt kiss.
He felt himself sighing, finally having what he had always wanted. Love. He continued to hold on to her as if his life depended on it before she pushed him away slightly as the blonde seemed to almost take her breath away.
Laughing, she pulled him behind her and said, ,,Let's give you a proper haircut first!" before they disappeared into the admiral's cabin to give the blonde a decent haircut. As good as it could be. But in the end, perhaps their influence led them to get Helmeppo and Coby's group to look for the straw hat.
A victory for Helmeppo who, with the help of his friend of sorts, tried to get closer and closer to the admiral. He wanted more than just the kiss and she wanted more from him. The blond preppy realised that there was also friendship and love in the navy.
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smittywing · 7 months
WIP Wednesday - Marriage 101
I thought I'd post a little more of this while I was thinking about it.
First part is here: | 1 |
Tim wore his favorite black suit - the one with the pinstripe that was just a notch shinier than the rest of the fabric - to their appointment at City Hall. It was probably too expensive a suit, given the motivation behind their...appointment. He thought of it in euphemism, because it was fake, it was pretend, but the legal ramifications were very real and this was supposed to have been a very big decision that he’d made in practically no time at all. 
“Hey, um. Hey.”
Tim looked up to see Jason skid into the hallway. He straightened from his contemplative position with his elbows on his knees and stood up. 
“Hey,” he said. 
Jason was wearing a black suit too, and a white shirt and a red tie. He’d done something to his hair - something with product that didn’t exactly work, but it looked like he’d tried, and Tim tried to smother the grin a wave of fondness pushed up to his face. 
“Do you - I mean, do we have time to talk for a sec?” Jason asked and Tim’s anticipation plummeted. Jason was going to back out. 
“Yeah,” he said. “Of course.” 
There was a little corridor where the bathrooms were and they ducked in there, past the marked men’s and women’s to the back wall. 
“So listen,” Jason said, rubbing the back of his neck and not looking directly at Tim. “You doing this, it means, I mean - “ He stopped and took a breath. “You being willing to do this means a lot to me. But if you have, you know, ideas. About marriage. And you don’t want this to be your first, I totally understand. And you shouldn’t feel you have to. Because it’s kind of a big deal. To some people.”
“Is it a big deal to you?” Tim asked because that hadn’t really occurred to him before, that Jason might have a traditional romantic side and that he might one day have hopes of a wife and family. 
It was kind of a weird thing to think about. 
“Me? No. I - No,” Jason said. “I’m barely even a legal entity.” He scrubbed a hand through his hair, messing up whatever careful but ineffective work he’d done with the product. “I just don’t want to fuck things up for you. Like, if you want to date Blondie again. Or someone else. I don’t want to cramp your style.”
Tim shrugged. “I think that ship has sailed with Steph,” he confessed. “And hey, we’re already kind of family, right?”
And this would help Jason out. A lot. And it would let Tim see his face light up talking about English Lit. “So,” he concluded. “Let’s do it.”
Jason’s face split into a genuine grin - not a smirk or snarl or sneer but an actual grin. “There’s probably no favor big enough to pay you back for this,” he said. 
“That’s okay,” Tim said, jamming his hands in his pockets and easing Jason back out to the main hall. “When you’re a rich and famous novelist, you can put me in one of your books. As the star,” he specified. “Not the cannon fodder.”
“I’ll give you a whole series,” Jason promised. “Tim Drake, Secret Agent.”
“I like it,” Tim said. “But please give me a better drink than a watered down martini?”
“I thought you guys were Punking me,” Dick complained when they stepped back into the main hallway.
“Would we do that?” Jason asked. Tim admired how he could sound offended, outraged, and sarcastic with four words.
“In a hot second,” Dick returned. 
“Am I late?”
“For the love of little fish,” Jason muttered, good humor lost. “Did you invite the whole damn family?”
“I invited myself,” Barbara said, poking him in the chest with her finger. “It’s cute how you think you have secrets from me.”  She glanced back at Tim.  Tim waved.  “And you,” she added.  “You should know better.”
Tim shrugged.  He hadn’t actually been trying to hide from her.  He’d just hoped she wouldn’t sound any alarms.  “Should we be expecting any more guests?” he asked.
Jason glanced back at him, realization flashing on his face and he turned quickly back to Barbara.
“I didn’t forward the info,” she said.  “But I know some people are going to be pissed if they hear about this from the Gazette instead of from one of you.”
“<i>Some people</i> can just butt out,” Jason snapped and Dick looked pained.
Honestly, Tim hadn’t really thought Bruce would care too much, beyond the optics of it and he had a plan for that, and he was going to tell Steph, but later, for this very reason.
“Alfred?” Dick sounded angry for the first time and Jason went white and then red.
“I’ll talk to Alfred,” he muttered.
“What do you want us to say to Bruce?” Barbara demanded.  “Did either of you think this through even a little?”
“What do you want us to say to Bruce?” Jason asked.  “We’re getting married to get money for college because you’ll just want to pay and I don’t want you to?”
“Just because he’ll take it badly doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tell him,” Babs said.
“We’ll just tell him it’s a practical arrangement,” Tim offered.  “For practical purposes. He should understand that.”
Jason shot Tim a look Tim couldn’t even begin to interpret and then looked back to Barbara.  “Will that check the box, Barbie?” he asked.
Barbara narrowed her eyes. “I suppose.”  She slapped a redweld against his chest.  “Congratulations on your wedding.”
Jason frowned and unlatched the folder, peering inside.  “Huh,” he said.
That was unhelpfully vague so Tim took the expandable folder from him and pulled out a handful of paperwork.  Birth certificate.  Social security card.  Passport.
“Hey,” he said.  “You’re a real boy Mr. Peterson.”
“Yeah,” Jason said.  He looked back at Barbara.  “Is this - ?”
“Airtight,” Barbara said with her first smile of the day.  “Every piece of it.  It’ll stand up to an intensive background check.  Just give me a heads up if you’re joining the state bar because those people look for everything.”
“Deal,” Jason said and then, to everyone’s surprise, maybe even Jason’s, he hugged her, resting his chin on the top of her head.  “Thanks, Barbara,” he whispered.
“Mr. Peterson and Mr. Drake?” someone called from the wooden doors.  “The magistrate is ready for you.”
“That’s you,” Dick said unnecessarily.  
“We know,” Tim assured him.  
“Yeah,” Jason said. “C’mon, we need you two to be our witnesses.”
“You only need one witness in Gotham,” Barbara corrected.
“Yeah, well, make sure this guy doesn’t mess it up, okay?” Jason asked and then squared his shoulders.  He looked at Tim and held out his hand.  “C’mon,” he said.  “We have to pretend like we like each other.”
“Oh yeah,” Barbara said.  “This is going to be the best marriage ever.”
And so they got married. There was an awkward part where they were supposed to kiss and they both tilted their heads the same way and it was absurdly clear they had never kissed each other before, but no one said anything and they escaped with their dignity intact. 
“So,” Tim said, out on the street after. “What now?”
Barbara elbowed Dick. Dick elbowed Barbara back. This escalated. Tim ignored them. 
“I’ll submit my paperwork and hope for the best,” Jason said doubtfully. “And I guess in August, I start crashing at your place?”
“I wasn't sure if you needed to crash there before,” Tim said. “Or want to get your mail sent there, at least. So I made you keys.”
“I don't need keys,” Jason scoffed but took them anyway. 
“Jason Peterson needs keys,” Tim countered. 
“Okay, yeah,” Jason conceded. “I guess I’ll have to stop by for my mail now and then.”
“You’d better,” Tim told him. “If Gotham U sends you a ginormous envelope, you have exactly one hour to get over here and open it or I’m doing it for you.”
Jason dropped his head back and laughed. If Tim watched the ripple of his throat, well, he was married to the man. “Fair,” he allowed with a grin. “So, uh, see you around, I guess?”
“Yeah,” said Tim. “See you around.”
And that was that. 
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biffhofosho · 3 months
Sneak Peek: Hot Girls ____
Affectionally referred to in my head as "Hot Girls Blank." This excerpt comes from my first Changkyun multichapter. I am weirdly so proud about this story. Somehow, it has come together very "Kyun" to me. He's a hard one to write because I feel like he's an elusive man to truly know, but I'm just really pumped about this series.
Synopsis: Her whole life, Vi’s been known as the cute one, the cherub-cheeked sweetheart who’s got it all together. She’s a good girl, but that doesn’t mean she wants to be, especially when she keeps losing out to the bad ones.
Vi’s best friend, Changkyun, however, is hardly a saint. He’s a consumer of hot girls, chronically unattached and comfortable that way. If anybody knows how to help Vi step out of her shell and take back her confidence, it’s him. It’s a good thing she can always count on her Kyun to step up to the plate.
“In retrospect,” said Vi as she scrounged through her cupboard for something salty to snack on, “shy librarian was maybe the wrong way to approach a guy these days.”
Changkyun’s brow scrunched. “What’s wrong with a shy librarian?”
“Nothing. She’s just not the girl who catches the attention. We’re living in the era of Instagram models. A guy like you is not taking a girl like me home. I have to face that.”
“That’s ridiculous,” he challenged, “and I resent it.”
“I love you, Kyun, and you can resent it all you want, but I have never seen you with a shy librarian on your arm.”
He scowled, but he couldn’t argue because facts were facts. “That’s not because I don’t find them attractive.”
“No, it’s because you assume they all want to tie you down. Sometimes we just want to get railed.”
Changkyun nearly spit his drink across the counter, but instead, he choked it down and finished out a coughing fit. Between wheezes, he managed, “I’m sorry, what?”
“I’m tired of being the cute girl that has to settle for vanilla sex in a long-term relationship. I’ve had plenty of that, and it was fine for a while, but maybe I want some meaningless hot sex, too. Why not? I’m single.”
“No, I know that, but—”
“See? I can tell from that ‘but’ that you would never expect a 'cute' girl like me to want something like that. Cute girls like fuzzy sweaters and stuffed animals and those teeny little pastries that you eat in one bite.”
“Okay, but you do like those things,” Changkyun reminded.
“Yeah, I know, but I also like sex, and I want more of it.”
“Are you seriously trying to tell me that my best friend since second grade, who once invited me to her My Little Pony party, oh, and made me wear matching onesie Christmas pajamas last year, wants a—” The bottom fell out in his voice and, despite his casual appearance and even more casual attitude to relationships, he whispered, “—fuck buddy?”
“Or a few one-night-stands. I’m not picky.”
Changkyun stared blankly across the counter. “I don’t even know what to say.”
“See? This is my point. No guy like you is going to even consider sleeping with me because you assume I’m going to bring the baggage of a relationship. Well, I want a break from that shit, too. This is where you come in.”
“Whoa, Viola, I know that—”
“Shut up for a second, would ya? I’m not trying to guilt you into sex, Kyun, but I do want your help.”
At this, her best friend cocked his head. “My help?”
Viola leaned across the counter and locked eyes with Changkyun. She could see his nerves in the hard press of his lips, but she knew he was the only guy she could trust with this, so she soldiered on, emboldened by a bad fucking day and good fucking alcohol. “You've done this a lot. This is your wheelhouse. Teach me. Show me how to be a hot girl.”
He sighed and rolled his head back. “Why do you want to be a quote-unquote hot girl, Viola? They're a dime a dozen.”
“Because hot girls get laid,” she said frankly.
Changkyun scoffed. “You’re not a virgin, and you’re hot as is.”
“You have to say that as my best friend, but also, you’re not trying to sleep with me. You and I are in two different leagues of attractive, Kyun. You’re made up of all kinds of sharp angles—you’re objectively hot. I’m a freaking circle. Don’t say it—don’t say it. I know I’m not ugly, okay, but the fact of the matter is I want to be less Shirley Temple and more Naomi Campbell. You can show me how! All you do is interact with people who ooze sexiness. So, just walk me through the things that clue you in that a girl just wants to sleep with you and we can move on.”
“I don’t think I’m comfortable with this,” he admitted.
“Because you think I’m a hopeless case?”
“Because I think you’ll get hurt.”
Vi’s apartment had never felt so quiet. It was like a vacuum, where all sound and light had been siphoned away. She felt the irrational urge to cry, but she wasn’t exactly sure why, and she pulled her hoody tightly over her head again.
Changkyun frowned apologetically. “I’m worried you’re only saying this because you’re a little drunk and a lot hurt already. That’s a bad recipe to start making new life choices.”
“Thanks, Dr. Phil. It’s fine. Forget it. You don’t need to say anymore.”
But he refused to leave it at that. He laid his head on the counter so he was back in her sulky line-of-sight, and he smiled reassuringly. “I don’t think you’re a hopeless case, by the way. It’s just that you’re already so beautiful. You deserve more. I want more for you.”
“Okay, but you don’t get to make that decision for me, just like I can’t make you help me with this.”
Changkyun growled. “You're doing all this because of stupid Henry?”
“Really? Because you’ve never said any of this stuff before today.”
Vi leapt up from her seat so she could lean back against the sink and stuff her arms across her chest. “Maybe I was embarrassed to, but after the humiliation I suffered this afternoon, I’m done caring about that. If everyone else can just go after what they want, why can’t I?”
“I get it. It’s just… What's so great about hot girls?”
“You tell me. You bed one a week.”
“‘Bed one?’” he laughed.
“You're only making my point. I’m hopeless without you, Kyun, see?” she whined. She darted back to the breakfast bar next to him as she sensed the first hint of caving.
“Viola, is this what you really want? Some guy who just sleeps with you and doesn't call you ever again?”
Vi ran her fingertip around the rim of her shot glass as she considered Changkyun’s words. “I know you think I’m just saying this because of today, but what do you think today was about in the first place? Yeah, maybe I had a crush on Henry first, and that’s probably the exact wrong way to start something casual, but it wasn’t like I wanted to marry the guy either. You know I've only done the committed thing. What’s so wrong with wanting to explore something new, especially when I see you having an endless good time?”
“It’s really not like that,” he asserted as he took another shot.
She waited for him to finish his thought, but, typical Changkyun, he held back the full breadth of his feelings, and even though Vi knew him better than anyone else, some days it felt like she only knew the tip of the iceberg.
“Yeah, I'm the guy you fuck, but I’m not the one you end up with. Just so we’re both clear, I know jack shit about love.”
“Exactly! You’re perfect. You know what guys like you are looking for. You can be my tutor and my wingman.”
“It’s just a little weird that I’m your best friend. My job has always been to keep you away from guys like me.”
“You’re doing a terrible job then, bestie,” she teased as she nudged his knuckles with her own.
“You know what I mean.”
“I do, so for now, let’s just change our title to friends with benefits, okay?”
Changkyun rolled his eyes. “That’s not what that means.”
“I know. I’m trying to be clever.”
He stood up from the bar and waltzed into the living room, hands in his baggy jean pockets. Vi could tell from the way his iris tattoo flexed on his forearm that he was balling his fists, but at least he seemed to be taking her seriously. He paced behind the back of the couch before he leaned on it. His head whipped toward her as he said firmly, “If I do this, we need ground rules.”
“You got it, teach.”
Vi shucked off the Eeyore hoodie and tossed it on the counter as she raced into the kitchen and started rifling through her junk drawer.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Getting a pen and paper?”
Changkyun laughed. “Of course you are.”
“Hey, organization can be hot, too,” she objected. “And everybody likes a good listener, right?”
At this, her friend paused, stone still as he stared at her. Only when she waggled the pen at him did he blink and nod.
“You said I'm the expert,” Changkyun began, “so I expect you to listen to everything I have to say whether you want to hear it or not.”
Vi scrawled a quick note as she said, “You got it.”
“That means I go with you to clubs and bars when you want to meet guys so I can vet them.”
“Makes sense.”
“And if I don't get a good feeling about somebody you’re pursuing, you drop it instantly.”
“Fair enough.”
Changkyun cleared his throat to lift her attention from her notes. “Instantly, Viola. I mean it. I know how headstrong you can be when you think you're right, but I know the players and the game.”
“I know you do, and I’m not arguing, am I? See? Good listener.”
Again, he gave her a funny stare, and she felt that same sense that he was keeping things from her despite their current conversation.
But then he let out a breath and leaned forward, his hands falling to steady him on the back of the couch. “If you're uncomfortable with anything, you tell me. You don't have to do things just because you think it's what you think you should be doing.”
“I get how limits work, Kyun,” Vi said, a little annoyed, but he shook his head.
“I'm not just talking about bedroom stuff. If something doesn't feel like you, then I don't want you to do it.”
“I said okay…”
“I'm serious. Write it down. It’s the only way I'm agreeing to this.” Changkyun stared hard at her notepad until she finally got over her shock at his force and jotted his words down.
“I hear you, I hear you,” she grumbled.
“You trust me, right?” he asked with a seriousness that Vi had rarely heard from him.
“Of course I trust you.”
There was a shift in the room now. Somehow, the temperature both seemed to plummet and soar at the same time, and Vi felt very disoriented. She was glad for the wall behind her or she might have tripped over nothing but the intensity wafting off of her best friend.
“Good. I want you to trust me enough to tell me absolutely everything,” said Changkyun. Despite how intimidating the man’s aura could be, right now, he was drawing her in closer and closer with those black hole eyes and bittersweet chocolatey voice. “I don't want you to be afraid to tell me all the things you want or like. You know me, I'm the last person in the world who would judge you, but that doesn’t mean it might not surprise me.”
“You mean like I already surprised you tonight?” Vi ribbed lightly.
“Yeah, but now that I know this is what you really want, I'm going to make sure you get it all.”
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tempestuous-tempest · 3 months
Formal Attire
Multi-Fandom Headcanons. Main Characters. Short list.
Includes: Watch_Dogs, Assassin's Creed, Deus Ex, and Detroit Become Human
Aiden Pearce wearing a tux, always trying to loosen his bow tie because he feels like it's choking him. Halfway through the night the little fabric accessory disappears. Despises the fact he can't wear his usual cap and that he had to fix his hair with gel. Gets home and immediately takes it off and hops in the shower, feeling relief in discarding the restricting fabrics and the ichy hair products. Was a one time only thing that he rented and gave back the second he had the chance. Very uncomfortable.
Marcus Holloway doesnt mind wearing tuxes or suits. Something simpler like a formal vest or just a dress shirt is fine too. He thinks he looks good and he owns that. Will look in the mirror after putting on an outfit and whistle. He looks sharp and he feels amazing. Confidence Boost.
Desmond Miles doesnt get more formal than a t-shirt with a picture of a tux on it and black pants. There's no convincing him to wear more than that. He thinks wearing tuxes or suits is just stupid. Too many layers, too hot, takes forever to put on and take off, and too damn expensive. Besides, he doesn't know how to tie a tie. Not interested.
Adam Jensen wears what I like to call 'simplistic formal attire'. A nice dress shirt, a tie, a pair of dress pants, some formal shoes. Whether or not he does anything with his hair depends on how formal the event is. More times than not, his sleeves are rolled up half-way. Nothing fancy.
Conner wears his uniform more times than not. Though if he has to blend in, he'd wear a suit or the right level of formal attire to not stand out. He doesnt have a preference for fashion. No interest.
Kara would wear whatever Alice asked her to. If she gets to see her little girl smile, she'll be happy to dress up. Even if it's to just wear a dress around the house. She even lets Alice do her makeup. Even if she probably doesnt need it. Quite content.
Markus is another simplistic formal type but the polo shirt variation. To him clothing is another way of self expression, like art. Makes him appear more 'human'. So wearing clothes that he likes matters to him. In the end it's a simple idea of choice. A freedom.
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polarmary · 9 months
Rating MILGRAM shoes because- what are those?!
Inspired by a post I stumbled upon talking about Kotoko's T1 shoes I decided to go to check all of them and rate one by one both the drip and how pratical they are for a prison. (This is satire please guys don't cancel me over shoe opinions)
1-Haruka Sakurai T1 Shoes
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Ok....bro has that psych ward drip. Honestly they look comfortable for a prison, I'll give him that. 7/10
T2 Shoes
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He's not even wearing one of them- how did I never notice that. He clearly doesn't know how to tie the laces either but anyways, still comfortable and to be honest, I like the shoes. He loses points for not wearing one of them so- 7/10 (Mu teach this poor kid how to wear shoes pls)
2-Yuno Kashiki T1 Shoes
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Typical school shoes, not bad but still boring, they also start to hurt after a while. I've seen how you dress girl, come on you can do better than this..... I'd say 4/10
T2 Shoes
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(Why did she have to split her legs so much....have one of them) There was an upgrade i guess, it's more stylish but still uncomfortable to stand on for days on end in a prison. 4/10
3-Fuuta Kajiyama T1/T2 Shoes (man didn't even bother changing shoes)
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What are these bulky ah shoes.....I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say they must at least be comfortable since they look like sports shoes. (can we talk about those socks tho-) 6/10
4-Muu Kusunoki T1 Shoes
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Ok first of all, who the fuck goes to a prison and wears high heels?! Like- out of everything you could wear, you use the LEAST comfortable or pratical choice possible?? She really said slaying first, comfort second alright..... 3/10 im not sorry
T2 Shoes
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.......I'm not even going to say anything.......it got worse. 2/10
5-Shidou Kirisaki T1 Shoes
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Uhm...ok grandpa shoes i guess.....still comfy tho. By themselves they don't look bad but with the actual fit- my guy what the fuck where you thinking.... 5/10
T2 Shoes
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My guy really looked at Kotoko's T1 shoes and thought they looked cool. Still better than hers but thats for later. What on earth are even these tho, they are like crocs but with normal shoe soles??? He's clearly one of those guys that get dressed by their wives and can't do it by themselves because jesus.... 4/10?
6-Mahiru Shiina T1 Shoes
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Ok, nails done, I see you. Grandma shoes mixed with platform shoes.....she's smol so I get it. They actually look comfy but what about winter girl- 7/10 No T2 because.....well....wheelchair (txs Kotoko)
7-Kazui Mukuhara T1 Shoes
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What are these shoes, they have belts on the side?? thats a belt right- From the front they look like fisherman boots, what is this man wearing. At least they don't look uncomfortable. 6/10
T2 Shoes
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Alright he got comfier, very solid. I'd wear those in prison, 9/10 great upgrade Dad!
8-Amane Momose T1/T2 Shoes (dam girl change a bit)
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School shoes same as Yuno but this ones.....I've worn that and god do they fuck up your toes.....Is she ok? 3/10
9-Mikoto Kayano & John T1/ T2 Shoes
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Ok my guy Vans i see you, he went for the comfy option but the color....could be better. 8/10 But can we take a moment to talk about how John can't tie shoe laces??
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What is that- He's going to trip on that thing and fall face first on the floor. Those look one step away from unlacing.
And finally, the one that started it all,
10-Kotoko Yuzuriha T1 Shoes
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(again, what are those socks) I don't even know what these are supposed to be?? Are these a normal version of those beach sandals or something?! They look ugly as hell (god that random ass circle on the side- it looks like a black and white pokeball tho) and uncomfortable too. 1/10 burn these things (you are lucky you are hot)
T2 Shoes
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Now we are talking, the biggest glow up ever!! They are literally just military security boots, go off queen, slay (perferably not literally, we've seen that enough) Comfy, fashionable, she can step on me with those- wait what? 9/10
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