#security clarifications
*clenching teeth* so funny how Tadashi was so Worried about a possible Scandal that he took an unconscious teenager into a love hotel and tried to pay him off. Like, sir what the Fuck are you on about? Where were you when Reki literally had his arm broken and got hospitalized by your beloved boss? Where was the scandal prevention then? Were you off that day? I don’t know you. I don’t trust you. I don’t believe a word you say. Speak slowly and clearly into the microphone if you touched one hair on that boys head I will have you EVISCERATED-
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odd-g0ul · 10 months
Just some clarification for the pirate story:
I don't know how to write this, (not a professional writer, sadly), so I need to differentiate this:
Any scene where I say Bonnie and Freddy are dancing together, they're not doing this boring, pre-choreographed, ballroom dancing:
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They're doing this:
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Those two fuckin own the dance floor
I headcanon Glamrock Freddy and Bonnie as both being obsessed with music and both of them love dancing, so they go all out on the dance floor lol
They are so silly on their own but they're even sillier when they're together 🥺
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auralina33 · 8 months
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Don't worry about it!
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mak1lol · 1 year
Glamrock bonnie at 3am:
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official-bunbun · 2 years
DID is quite the disorder
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rimouskis · 2 years
How did u get to go to the casino night???
I bought a ticket!
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ereborne · 2 years
This morning, Nick asked for a pencil--I pulled one out of my hair for him. 
Later, Lily asked for a bookmark--I pulled one out of my hair for her. 
Later, Duncan asked if anybody had a spare hairtie--I made him cup his two hands together, filled his hands with all the things currently in my hair, took the scrunchie out of my hair, twisted my hair back up and anchored it with pencils, put all my stuff back in it, and gave him the scrunchie. 
Later, Mom asked for a permanent marker--I pulled one out of my hair for her. 
Later, Ben said he was feeling snacky, did anybody have anything to eat.  I do not, I must admit, actually keep food in my hair.  But I did have novelty kitkats in my pocket, and I did get bored the other day and spend a little time on my sleight of hand. 
I pulled one, two, three kitkats out of my hair for him. 
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screamingfrenchfries · 4 months
I'm talking about what you STILL find scary, not necessarily what scared you most at first. also keep in mind ANY parts of the game, including the easter eggs/lore drops/jumpscares.
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fiercynn · 6 months
on ao3's current fundraiser
apparently it’s time for ao3’s biannual donation drive, which means it’s time for me to remind you all, that regardless of how much you love ao3, you shouldn’t donate to them because they HAVE TOO MUCH MONEY AND NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH IT.
we’ve known for years that ao3 – or, more specifically, the organization for transformative works (@transformativeworks on tumblr), or otw, who runs ao3 and other fandom projects – has a lot of money in their “reserves” that they had no plans for. but in 2023, @manogirl and i did some research on this, and now, after looking at their more recent financial statements, i’ve determined that at the beginning of 2024, they had almost $2.8 MILLION US DOLLARS IN SURPLUS.
our full post last year goes over the principles of how we determined this, even though the numbers are for 2023, but the key points still stand (with the updated numbers):
when we say “surplus”, we are not including money that they estimate they need to spend in 2024 for their regular expenses. just the extra that they have no plan for
yes, nonprofits do need to keep some money in reserves for emergencies; typically, nonprofits registered in the u.s. tend to keep enough to cover between six months and two years of their regular operating expenses (meaning, the rough amount they need each month to keep their services going). $2.8 million USD is enough to keep otw running for almost FIVE YEARS WITHOUT NEW DONATIONS
they always overshoot their fundraisers: as i’m posting this, they’ve already raised $104,751.62 USD from their current donation drive, which is over double what they’ve asked for! on day two of the fundraiser!!
no, we are not trying to claim they are embezzling this money or that it is a scam. we believe they are just super incompetent with their money. case in point: that surplus that they have? only earned them $146 USD in interest in 2022, because only about $10,000 USD of their money invested in an interest-bearing account. that’s the interest they earn off of MILLIONS. at the very least they should be using this extra money to generate new revenue – which would also help with their long-term financial security – but they can’t even do that
no, they do not need this money to use if they are sued. you can read more about this in the full post, but essentially, they get most of their legal services donated, and they have not, themselves, said this money is for that purpose
i'm not going to go through my process for determining the updated 2024 numbers because i want to get this post out quickly, and otw actually had not updated the sources i needed to get these numbers until the last couple days (seriously, i've been checking), but you can easily recreate the process that @manogirl and i outlined last year with these documents:
otw’s 2022 audited financial statement, to determine how much money they had at the end of 2022
otw’s 2024 budget spreadsheet, to determine their net income in 2023 and how much they transferred to and from reserves at the beginning of 2024
otw’s 2022 form 990 (also available on propublica), which is a tax document, and shows how much interest they earned in 2022 (search “interest” and you’ll find it in several places)  
also, otw has not been accountable to answering questions about their surplus. typically, they hold a public meeting with their finance committee every year in september or october so people can ask questions directly to their treasurer and other committee members; as you can imagine, after doing this deep dive last summer, i was looking forward to getting some answers at that meeting!
but they cancelled that meeting in 2023, and instead asked people to write to the finance committee through their contact us form online. fun fact: i wrote a one-line message to the finance committee on may 11, 2023 through that form, when @manogirl and i were doing this research, asking them for clarification on how much they have in their reserves. i have still not received a response.
so yeah. please spend your money on people who actually need it, like on mutual aid requests! anyone who wants to share their mutual aid requests, please do so in the replies and i’ll share them out – i didn’t want to link directly to individual requests without permission in case this leads to anyone getting harassed, but i would love to share your requests. to start with, here's operation olive branch and their ongoing spreadsheet sharing palestinian folks who need money to escape genocide.
oh, and if you want to write to otw and tell them why you are not donating, i'm not sure it’ll get any results, but it can’t hurt lol. here's their contact us form – just don’t expect a response! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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thefallenangelsgang · 5 months
I'm sorry to everyone who follows me for other shit but I'm going to keep posting about the Watcher situation because marketing fascinates me. I find advertising to be sickening and exploitive, but marketing as a concept is fascinating.
I'm just majorly wondering what the FUCK is going on at Watcher HQ right now. It's still relatively early on the West Coast (almost 8 am at the time I am writing this) but their lack of response is throwing up a lot of interesting markers to me (not necessarily red flags but flags all the same.)
The immediate pull back on response speaks that they knew what they were doing in terms of PR at least initially. They had their employees delete any interactions with dissenting fans, there was radio silence except for clarification on what will remain on the Youtube. Their only mistake was making that Patreon announcement with sneak peaks for the site (I can only guess they were banking that the Patrons were most likely to follow them in the move and sorely miscalculated it). Steven's post was... problematic. But he posted it before all of the backlash started so while it didn't help it wasn't a doubling down when faced with a lot of backlash.
While saving face is almost always a smart thing to do, this silence has gone on a little bit too long. They have lost tens of thousands of Subscribers in 24 hours. Their announcement video has over a 1:4 Like/Dislike ratio. Fans are talking and starting to spin the situation in ways that are actively detrimental to the company. It should be top priority to get a response out. This is crisis mode y'all. They had all day to secure a PR representative if they didn't already have one to try and salvage this and yet? Still more radio silence from the official channel.
That creates the question: are we going to see a response today or have they chosen to wait until the traditional work-week starts again? I can't help but think that waiting is a terrible idea. The fanbase is getting out of hand. They need to salvage what they can and letting the situation fester isn't going to help. Or, the even worse option is that they are going to continue like this isn't happening, which is an EVEN WORSE idea.
Whatever happens I'm watching with a perverse fascination. Its been a long time since I've seen a media blunder like this.
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jobean12-blog · 1 month
Mission Accomplished
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader
Word Count: 4,157
Summary: You've had a crush on Bucky from the moment you met and now that Sam has the two of you going on a mission together you're not sure how to handle it. Sure you've had casual conversastions before and hung out as a group but all this one on one time... what could possibly go wrong? Or maybe right?
Author's Note: I love a sweet and slightly shy, soft Bucky! The details of the mission are not really important here so I just have them flying from some lovely hidden away location to NYC for some sneakin' around to get info. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: shy and sweet Bucky, awkwardness from both characters haha, but lots of fun, flirting, tension, fluff, implied smut
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You’re alone in the elevator, having just left your meeting with Sam, when Bucky steps inside just as the doors are closing.
Your eyes meet and your breath catches in your throat, the weighted silence becoming awkward.
You open your mouth to say something but then stop, blinking away the words before leaning heavily against the wall.
The damn elevator is moving so slowly.
Finally, the doors open and Bucky gestures for you to go first. Instead, you nearly shout at him, “looks like we’re going on a mission together.”
“Yeah,” he says with a small smile.
“I’m excited, I’ve never been to the city before.”
He rubs the back of his neck and shuffles his feet. “It’s definitely somethin’.”
“Should I meet you at the Quinjet tomorrow morning? Or do we need to talk about anything before then?”
“I think that’s fine,” he answers, still holding the doors of the elevator open.
It starts to ding, and you register the sound with a nervous giggle and step out.
“It’s fine if we just meet at the Quinjet or before?” You ask for clarification.
“Um,” he starts. “It should be…”
“I don’t mind…” you begin at the same time.
“Sorry,” you whisper, “I interrupted. Go ahead.”
“We can just meet at the Quinjet,” he says as he shoves his hands into his jean pockets and starts to walk down the hallway.
“That sounds good,” you tell him. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“Yeah, see you in the mornin’.”
He smiles, his gaze lingering before he turns around the next corner.
“Great,” you mutter to yourself. “Now he really thinks you’re a bumbling idiot.”
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Your feet shuffle along the ramp onto the Quinjet and you squint against the early morning sun that’s just starting to rise above the top of the mountains in the distance.
Fumbling with your bag you head toward the seats, finding Bucky already inside and waiting. He stands and reaches for your bag.
“Hey,” he says quietly.
“Hi,” you answer back, staring.
He secures your bag and sits back down. You glance around at all the empty seats and then sit right down next to him.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” you ask. “I’m a nervous flyer.”
With a smile he says, “no doll. That’s fine.”
You watch him wipe the palms of his hands on his pants.
The door to the Quinjet closes and you shift in your seat, toying with the seatbelt and growing more frustrated with every passing second.
The engines ignite and you make a squeaking sound, finally deciding to just try and tie the seatbelt rope in a knot.
Bucky places his hand over yours. “Let me help?”
You nod and try to slow your breathing as his hands work smoothly to undo your mess and clip the belt then tighten it.
“There. Comfortable?”
“Yeah, perfect. Thanks.”
You feel the jet start to move, and you clasp your hands together in your lap. You can feel his eyes on you but for fear of further embarrassment you keep your face forward and try not to sweat too much.
“What did you bring for lunch?” he asks.
“Lunch. What did you bring for the ride?”
“Were we supposed to bring lunch?” you ask wide eyed.
He laughs. “It’s not a long ride but I’m always hungry so I brought peanut butter and jelly and a bagel. Plenty to share.”
“That’s good,” you say with a smile. “And thanks. It’s a good thing one of us is prepared.”
“When it comes to food yeah, otherwise, I’m leaving that up to you.”
You smile. “Don’t worry. As far as the mission goes I know exactly what we need to do.”
“Good. And I’ll show you all the best places to eat.”
With a laugh you let out an exhale and realize you’re already up in the air and cruising. You give him a thankful look and smile.
He winks and then settles back in his seat.
Eventually, after some light conversation, you drift off to sleep, slowly slanting toward Bucky until your head is resting on his shoulder.
His movements are soft and easy as he drops lower, so your neck isn’t so stretched out and he leans back to close his eyes.
You wake to the jerking of the jet and the feeling of weightlessness in your stomach as you start to make your descent. You’re awkwardly twisted in your seat but somehow so comfortable. The body next to you is warm and firm and smells so good.
With a jolt you straighten and disentangle yourself from around Bucky’s metal arm. You then notice your leg is hitched over his thigh.
Trying not to wake him you remove the rest of your limbs from his body and rub a hand over your face. He’s still quietly breathing, eyes closed and long lashes fluttering when you start to study every feature of his face up close.
His hair is mussed at the back, and the front, normally pulled upward, now falls over his forehead, shiny and soft. His sharp jaw is covered in a dark shadow, highlighted every now and then by patches of gray that travel down his strong neck.
And there, on his shoulder, is a wet patch of drool covering his leather jacket.
You anxiously wipe at your face and search for something to wipe it off with. Your panicky movements jostle him enough that his eyes flash open only to find your face inches from his.
You smile with a whispered, “hi.”   
He blinks a few times before his blue eyes widen, his gaze moving from yours to the spot on his shoulder where you had been wiping.
“I’m sorry about that,” you mumble. “Apparently you’re very comfortable.”
He grins. “Good to know.”
“I guess I dozed off too. Sorry about that doll. I was trying to stay awake and keep you company in case the trip got bumpy.”
“Oh my gosh, don’t be sorry. You looked adora…”
You stop yourself, snapping your mouth shut and then looking down at your seatbelt.
“Think you can help me out of this I need to stretch.”
“Not sure that’s a good idea…” he starts as the jet hits another patch of turbulence.
You ignore his warning and start to work on your seatbelt, opening it with minimal effort and trying to stand. The moment you do your body is thrown off balance and you nearly fall into his lap.
He wraps a strong arm around your waist and holds you close to his chest.
“I got you,” he says with a mischievous smile.
“I shouldn’t have gotten up,” you sigh. “I’m…”
“Nah, don’t worry. I get it. I never liked flying much myself. I’ve just done it so much now I guess I’ve gotten used to it.”
The sincerity in his words and tone make you melt against him and instead of moving back to your seat you rest your head on his shoulder.
“You’re a comfier seatbelt anyway,” you say quietly.
You can feel his eyes on you, but you keep your own on the wall across, afraid of what he’ll see written all over your face.
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Once you’re out of the jet and into the fresh air you breathe deeply, taking in all the sights and sounds of the city. Bucky leads you to a small hotel on the upper west side of Manhattan, opening and holding the door for you.
The clerk greets you warmly and asks for your names.
“Separate rooms?” he asks with a questioning look.
You clear your throat and rush out with, “we’re here for business.”
The clerk nods and hands you your keys. You follow Bucky to the elevator, wincing inwardly when you remember your last encounter in one of these machines.
But this time the silence is more comfortable and when you exit Bucky points down the hallway.
“I’m right down here.”
“Looks like I’m next door,” you say. “I’m gonna freshen up.”
“Ok,” he says and watches until you unlock your door and get safely inside.
You fall against it and drop your head along the hard wood, groaning. You’d been on this mission for less than half a day and you’d already drooled on him, practically groped him, and threw yourself in his lap.
“Fucking hell,” you grumble and shuffle toward the bed, falling headfirst onto the pillows.
When you awake with a stretch you realize it’s only been an hour, but your stomach grumbles and you contemplate your food choices.
Before falling asleep you had managed to discard your clothes and don the soft hotel robe hanging in the closet. Now, as you tighten the knot at your waist you peer out into the hallway and hope there are vending machines near the ice machine.
It’s eerily quiet. Not even the sound of a television coming from a nearby room.
You head down the hallway.
You let out a squeal of surprise in the quiet, the shrill sound echoing off the walls.
You turn and say, far too brightly and loudly, “HI!”
“What are you up to? I was just grabbing something to eat. Didn’t bring any snacks, remember?”
“Snacks?” he repeats, looking around the hallway before his eyes linger on your robe.
“From the vending machine,” you chirp as you lean casually against the wall. “Hungry?”
“What were you gonna get? Doritos?”
A pop of color stains his cheeks and a hint of a smile tugs at the corner of his lips.
“Maybe an energy bar?” you muse.
“What about half a peanut butter and jelly?” he offers.
“What no bagel left?”
He dips his head and rubs his hand along the back of his neck.
“Might have eaten that when you feel asleep on the jet.”
Your head falls back with a trill of laughter, and it makes his stomach flip.
“I’d love some pb and j. Thanks.”
“Come on,” he says and steps backward toward his room.
After you stuff the half a sandwich in your mouth, Bucky eyes you suspiciously.
“That definitely wasn’t enough to eat. We have to get you more food. And me too.”
He rubs his belly and stretches, the motion lifting the hem of his henley and exposing the waistband of his boxers and the dark trail of hair that disappears beneath.
“Food…right?” you whisper.
“Are you still hungry?” he asks, oblivious to your ogling.
“Starved,” you say with a harsh swallow.
After excusing yourself back to your room you to change you emerge ready to eat. The air is cooler now and you close your eyes, grateful for the refreshing feeling on your skin.
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You take in as much of the city as you can while Bucky leads you with confidence down the street. You reach the corner and wait for the signal to walk. When the light changes, the crowd moves and you feel the press of his palm on the small of your back, urging you forward.
The sensation sends a shiver down your spine and when you reach the other side of the street he stops and gives you a concerned look.
“Are you cold?” he asks and starts to shrug off his jacket.
You’re anything but, however, there is no way you would ever turn down his jacket.
“A little. Guess I wasn’t expecting it to cool off so much.”
“Here,” he says and drapes his jacket over your shoulders. “Better?”
“Much,” you say, snuggling into his warmth and smell. “But won’t you be cold?”
“Nah, I’m like a walking heater,” he promises with a smile.
You continue down the sidewalk, now truly oblivious to all else other than the occasional brush of his shoulder and the feel of his jacket wrapped around you.
His voices pulls you from your trance and you finally register what he’s saying as you look up and see the iconic edifice of the American Museum of Natural History.
“Oh my god,” you say and stop dead in your tracks.
“Pretty cool right.”
You rush toward it, grabbing for your phone.
“Will you take a picture of me?”
You’re still trying to find your phone when you ask him and he laughs, pulling out his own.
“I’ve got mine. I’ll take it and send it to you.”
A sea of tourists rush by before he’s able to open the app and snap a picture but after he does the expression on his face is a little…charmed.
“Got it,” he says, turning the phone to show you. “Came great.”
You squeal in happiness. “Ok, now you come here.”
He stands next to you, and you take his phone. “Let’s get one together.”
“But…” he starts. “Your arms aren’t long enough!”
“Nah, I’ve got this! Just bend down a little and I’ll just…”
You start to maneuver closer to him, your heads almost touching.
“I’m being such a tourist right now,” he grumbles playfully.
“I promise I won’t tell anyone, “You giggle.
He takes the phone from your hand with a smile and holds your gaze for a fraction of a second, clearing his throat.
“Holding you to that doll.”
It takes a few tries to get the angle right but when you do he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in tight, snapping the pic.
He looks at the photo then turns the screen so you can see it. It’s a great picture. You’re both smiling and cozy.
“What’s your number?” he asks.
You recite it and watch as he types. In your pocket your phone buzzes and you chime, “ah there it is!”
You try not to smile too widely at the photo or the fact that Bucky seems to be smiling just as much as he looks at it one more time.
The smell of something good starts to fill your senses as you continue walking down 81st street and when you reach another corner, Bucky stops at the hot dog stand there.
“Always go to the one with the longest line,” he says.
You try to wait patiently but he notices your hopping feet and wiggly fingers.
“Don’t worry doll, it’ll be worth it. I promise.”
Once you have your hot dog in hand you pull him away from the cart and onto a bench under the shade of trees.
You moan around the first bite. “Bucky…oh my god.”
Thankfully, you’re so engrossed in the joy of your street dog that you don’t notice the way he’s staring at your lips, his own parted with his sharp inhale. Your tongue darts out to lick the corner of your mouth and he nearly chokes.
“You ok,” you ask, forgetting about the food.
He nods and holds up his hand, motioning for the bottle of water you bought. You open it and hand it over, watching him take a long drink and focus on the way the muscles in his neck shift with each swallow.
“Yeah, all good,” he sighs, next stealing the napkin from between your fingers.
“So, you like it huh?”
“Yeah,” you say with grin. “Think I need another.”
On the way back to the hotel you discuss the mission and go over your plan for the next few days. You’re mostly there to collect information and be covert so other than being in the right places and the right times you’ll be free to explore.
You point out every landmark, asking questions and hanging on his every word. When you reach the door of the hotel he holds it open for you once more and you realize he’s been quiet the last few blocks as you’ve rambled on.
“Shit,” you mutter. “You must think I’m so weird.”
He smiles and follows you in.
“Weird, yes but weird is good. I like your energy, and I think you’re pretty amazing.”
Before you can respond, the elevator dings and a crowd of people file out. He walks you to your door and you shrug his jacket from your shoulders, hanging over his and waiting until his arms are through before you smooth the leather down his chest and fix the collar.
He sucks in a breath, and you wait, worrying you’ve crossed a line.
“Thanks for getting me dinner,” you whisper.
“Anytime doll face.” A small smile tilts his lips upward as his eyes search yours.
Your hands still linger at his collar, and he takes your wrists, securing your hands around his neck.
This time you gasp and the faint scent of him hangs in the air, leather, and warm spice. You lean in slowly, and he does too, making the space between you disappear. His nose brushes the edge of yours and you can feel his breath across your lips.
“Are you going to kiss me Bucky?”
His chest is pressed against yours and you feel his heavy breathing. He pulls away just enough to look you in the eyes.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to stop,” he murmurs.
“I wouldn’t want you to…I’ve thought about this. A lot.”
Your confession makes his brows hit his hairline.
You continue. “I always thought this would just be a crush. But now, spending time with you, I feel like I’m going a bit crazy…in a good way.”
When you look up and meet his wide eyes you groan. “And I’ve said too much and totally freaked you out.”
Your head drops but his fingers catch your chin, lifting your gaze to meet his soft expression.
“No doll, you haven’t. I’m just not used to any of it.”
“I can’t believe that” you smile. “You must have girls falling all over you.”
He shakes his head with a huff of a laugh. “Not really and uh…well, it’s been a while…since I’ve done this.”
He steps back and gives you a sheepish look. “So, if you’re really interested, you’ll have to be patient with me. I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing.”  
His admission is endearing, and you give him a reassuring smile before leaning up to kiss the corner of his mouth.
“You’re worth the wait Bucky.”
You turn and with one last smile, close your door softly and once again collapse on the bed.
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The next day you meet Bucky in the hallway, ready to tackle the day and get things done. The brightly shining sun brings plenty of warmth and you notice Bucky rolling up his sleeves as you walk toward your destination.
While you’re admiring his forearms, both metal and flesh, you nearly run into the crowd in front of you. He grabs your arm and pulls you back just in time, against his chest, and you exhale before sharply inhaling the same breath at the feel of him so close.
“You ok?” he asks softly against the shell of your ear.
“Yeah,” you answer. “Sorry. Was just lost in thought.”
He nods in understanding and steers you safely through the crowd. He stays close, his arm hanging at his side and his knuckles occasionally brushing yours. You assume it’s accidental and try not to react as goosebumps spread along your skin. But by the third and fourth time, you begin to wonder.
His pinky extends and caresses yours, and every nerve in your body seems to ignite, beginning at where you skin touches and stopping at your toes. You sway on your feet and your stomach erupts in butterflies.
The more time you spend near each other, the more he seems to unwind, and his wordless flirtation slowly builds throughout the day.
You want to scream at him that he knows exactly what he’s doing but instead you go with it and make sure he knows you’re receptive.
When you’re on the subway back to the hotel, the train rocks back and forth as you move through a darkened tunnel. Your body sways into him and he grabs your hip, holding your back to his chest.
You can feel the flex of his fingers against your skin and the warmth of them through your shirt. By the time the train reaches the station you’re breathing rapidly and walking unsteadily as he guides your toward the train doors and steps behind you.
His large hand remains at your waist, and he presses into you, allowing you to feel him, every inch.
Back at the hotel, your skin is burning and your body aches and you’re sure you can see the same desperation reflected in his eyes.
But instead of making a move he simply takes your hand and lifts it to his lips, watching you over your knuckles and kissing each of them.
He looks like he wants to say something and even inches forward before letting out a nervous exhale and waiting for you to go inside.
It’s torture to feel this way, knowing you’re not dreaming that he wants you but also knowing he’s scared. And besides that, the entire day of quiet foreplay left you needy.
You opt for a relaxing bath which doesn’t relax you at all and when you spread your warm body out on the bed the urge to slip your hand between your legs is too great. Your mind immediately fills with thoughts of how his calloused fingers would feel on your skin, so sensitive and wet.
You know he’s only on the other side of the wall and you think you can hear him talking on the phone, his voice faint but it’s enough for you to pretend.
The swift movement of your fingers along with your wild imagination is enough to send you over the edge with a cry of his name.
It’s only when your breathing evens out that you notice how quiet it seems, and you realize that you might have been too loud.
A knock at your door makes you yelp in surprise, and you hear Bucky’s voice on the other side.
“It’s just me doll.”
On shaky legs you walk to the door and open it only enough to peek out at him. You don’t say anything, and he asks, “everything ok?”
“Yeah, sure, why wouldn’t it be?” you answer, still quite breathless.
“It’s just…I heard…I thought? Did you call my name?”
Your eyes widen and your mouth hangs open.
He taps his ear with a sideways smile. “Super soldier hearing.”
“Well. No. I mean, yes? Maybe. I think I was dreaming?”
He waits for you to finish and then gently pushes on the door.
“Are you gonna let me in?” he asks.
You hold his stare, your heart hammering against your rib cage.
“Are you going to kiss me this time?”
Something in his eyes answers your question and you let go of the door, allowing him to slip inside and shut it.
You lean against it, his hand still pressed to the wood above your head as the other joins it, effectively caging you in.
He tilts his head, wearing a smile that gently pulls at his lips.
“What were you really doing in here?” he asks.
Your gaze moves from his lips to his eyes and every coherent thought leaves your head. You stare and let your tongue trace the outline of your mouth.
“Answer me,” he demands quietly.
“I was thinking of you.”
He bends to kiss your neck softly, his lips tracing the column of your throat before meeting just below your ear to whisper, “that’s it?”
“And touching myself.”
He inhales sharply through his nose, exhaling your name and dropping his hands to take your face between them. He drags his nose along your jaw and then his lips hover just above yours.
He stills and as much as you know he wants this you know his insecurities are hard to overcome.
You slide your hands up his chest, feeling the strong muscles flex beneath your fingers, and curl your hands around the back of his neck.
“I came with your name on my lips,” you whisper, keeping your eyes on his.
It’s all he needs, and he lets a low growl rumble through his chest before he closes the distance and kisses you. Your lips slide over his and you pull his bottom lip between your teeth, making him groan.
Your fingers dig into his hair as his hands slide along the curve of your waist to your back, clutching and bringing you impossibly close.
The kiss grows deeper, and you let out tiny little gasps as he tastes you, barely registering what you’re saying before, “please, Bucky, escapes.
“Please what?” he says, his lips sliding to your ear, softly kissing the skin beneath. “Anything.”
“Just…kiss me.”
He smiles against your lips. “Pretty sure that’s exactly what I was doing doll face.”
“Touch me,” you beg, taking his metal hand and sliding it down between your breasts.
“You can’t be real,” he breathes out.
You kiss his neck, lifting your lips to his earlobe and nibbling it before whispering, “I am and I’m all yours.”
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loveemagicpeace · 2 months
🍓Synastry Observations🔥
✨Many couples who get married or have a long relationship have connections between the moon and the sun. The moon represents emotional needs, feelings, home, security, closeness, shelter, feminine energy. The sun represents inspiration, childlike energy, falling in love, purpose, path and masculine energy. When these two planets are connected this created a very beautiful and open energy.
🍀Moon trine Mercury-they can express their emotional needs really beautifully and directly to a person. And they can always communicate their feelings no matter what. They always want some emotional conversation and clarification of things. Which is very good for relationships
💘When someone embody the energy of your 7th house, you will feel different with that person that with everyone else. So it does not mean that if a person's planets fall into your 7th house, that you will always find things in common with that person and that you will always like the person's energy. For example: 7th house in Aries and your partner's planets fall into your 7th house does not mean that you will like this energy as much because the planets can influence you too directly and the energy can be too aggressive. Let's say: you have in your 7th house Cancer and your partner has a chart ruler in the 4th house, which means that he will naturally emit such energy that you will feel safe, comfortable, and secure with him. And you will like his energy because he will give you the feeling that he cares for you and he will give you warmth. 7th house in Aries but your partner has 1st house planets. Which means that he will naturally act independently, appreciate himself, express his energy more openly and directly. And you will like this person's energy, because the person will give you something that you don't have. Sometimes it's good to have partners who have houses that you don't have because they help you with certain aspects of your life.
🍸In most cases, the 8th house can create confusion, anger, obsession, jealousy, lack of emotional attention, secrets. Especially when the moon falls in this house, it creates the feeling that your partner never satisfies you enough emotionally. Planets that are good for this house are jupiter big gain from marriage), mars ( good sex).
🩵Moon conj Pluto-emotions can be very strong and deep. Two people can feel great emotional attraction as well as physical attraction. In this connection, I noticed that the two people are constantly inclined towards each other. The relationship can be such that you have the feeling that you can never really leave. Also very transformational emotions.
🔥Venus-Mars aspects are usually aspects that have a strong attraction that manifests itself in the beginning. You find a person very beautiful and attractive. The aspect is strongly observed at the beginning of the relationship, but can later start to lose energy.
🦋Jupiter shows how your partner can make you happy, where the relationship is lucky and benefits from this relationship. It also shows how two people work in a marriage. What their marriage could be. I would say that Jupiter is an important indicator of how the relationship can progress. For example: Jupiter in 1st house- shows that your partner can make you happy by doing things for you. suggests that both partners may inspire each other to take risks, embrace new experiences, and achieve their goals.
Jupiter in 4th house - can be a strong indicator for a shared home. Two people can create a beautiful and cozy home. Especially since Jupiter is also the planet of growth, knowledge, learning and progress and at the same time travel. People can grow a lot through life together. No matter what, you always feel comfortable at home. It signifies a strong connection and a shared sense of belonging. This aspect fosters deep emotional bonds and a sense of comfort and support within the relationship. They may enjoy spending time together in domestic settings, finding joy in simple pleasures like cooking meals, decorating their space, or engaging in heartfelt conversations over a cozy evening. Both partners feel emotionally fulfilled and supported by each other's presence. There's an innate understanding of each other's needs and a willingness to provide unwavering support through life's ups and downs.
Jupiter in 2nd house- shows that you and your partner can earn a lot of money together or be successful together. You can create comfort together. They talk a lot about the feelings they have with each other. This partnership may bring financial stability, growth, and overall abundance to both parties involved. These two people are likely to bring out the best in each other and help each other achieve their goals.
🪐Saturn shows where the relationship is most karmic, stable and how Saturn can test this relationship and also where the partners have respect for each other. Saturn in the 7th house indicates the seriousness of the relationship, perhaps from the beginning a certain stability and commitment of the partner can be felt more. Saturn in the 5th house can create a more serious look when you start seeing a person, but it may not bring such great enthusiasm. Sometimes it can take away the joy. Saturn in 1st house can create the feeling that you can never open up to a person enough, or that you are always somewhat reserved in front of them.
🪻Moon in 10th house -The person can support you in your goals, career and give you great emotional support. Which in most cases is good for the house person, but the moon person can start to feel tired over time and feel that they are never emotionally noticed and their needs are not being met enough
🌸1st house synastry- is great if there are one of two planets in this house. But the stellium shows that the person sees only you, appearance, etc. in the foreground. It is not something that could lead to something more serious because there is too much focus on the person himself. The energy can be dramatic at the times. Sometimes too much self-centeredness can be felt from the other person or vice versa. But it is great position for venus because it shows passionate love and the person will always give you a lot of compliments. No matter how you look like, you will always look your best to the person. The first house is also good because the person sees part of your personality and your beauty. If there is no planets in the first house, this means that maybe person won't find you that attractive. Because the first house shows a part of your beauty ,appearance, your personality. It's also the house ruled by Mars. Which means that how you are attractive to somebody it shows only through the first house. Venus in 1st house shows greater attraction that the person feels towards you then venus- mars aspects.
💫2nd house synastry is good for the enjoyment and comfort you find with a person. Sun in 2nd house can show that the person focuses a lot on your comfort. The Sun person sees something valuable in the house person. This house represents comfort, music, food, movies, restaurants, cinemas where you can enjoy. Which means that from many angles, it can bring a lot of things.
🍃11th house venus in synastry -love can develop through friendship and shared interests. But partners can be too dependent on each other. Maybe they have a common company and things that bring them together, but the relationship maybe won't be in the foreground as much. My opinion is that you can have a great long lasting friendship with this person that never dies. 11 houses are the best for long-lasting friendships.
✨Mercury is an important indicator for communication. Therefore, if two people have good aspects with mercury and in a good position, it can create a very good relationship. People will always know how to communicate. And also you will find the best conversation and communication with someone who has the same mercury element that you have. For ex.: if you have water Mercury and the other person also have water Mercury. It means that they will feel exactly the way you feel things when you talking about things and how you express yourself and everything. You will find more comfort than with other signs.
☔️3rd house is the best house for communication and the daily life you have with the person. Short trips, supermarket, neighbors, friends. This house shows that you and your partner can do many different things together. From having long conversations to going to the cinema, shopping. You can do many things together during the day. For ex.: mars in this house means that conversations with you two become lively, thought-provoking, and filled with an infectious energy that keeps yours minds constantly engaged. You are always exploring new things and you are never bored. Venus in this house creates a pleasant and playful atmosphere, a person can feel safe. The house person appreciates your realness, and your warm and friendly tone. You make the house person happy. It feels natural to talk to each other. You both feel that it's easy to express yourselves to each other.
🍓Moon in 9th house - from my experience, the 9th house is a very beautiful house (because it represents growth, spirituality, something higher, travel, faith, marriage) so moon being in this house provides emotional support, ensuring the 9th house individual never feels alone in their quest for knowledge or during their spiritual journeys. Two people can stand by each other in difficult times. Marriage can be emotional. Their bond often revolves around a blend of emotional and intellectual activities. The emotional connection is undeniable. They can indeed be life partners if they harmoniously merge the Moon's need for emotional security and the 9th house's drive for freedom and exploration. Together, they chart a course that's both deep within and far beyond, making their relationship an expedition of the soul.
🦋12th house synastry - it can feel like a dream. You feel an energy that you may not have felt with any person before. They are emotions that come subconsciously. When you share this house with someone, you have the feeling that the person is always with you. This house represents energy more than anything else. This house is most in touch with energy that is long-term. The person goes deep into your subconscious. This can create a soul binding connection where the house person would feel like no one else can ever understand them the way the planet person can. The planet person may instinctively feel this pull or knowing that there is a softer more serene side of the house person that not everyone see's. It is the house of giving so it feels much stronger. It feels like this person can give you something that no one else can.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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thegaycousin · 2 years
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weyounbathwater · 1 year
A donkey with a man's name was found playing poker call that a card ass ian lmaoo wait whats happ
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🪱 trillcore Follow
Guys, that same admirer left me another bouquet of Kilmarian daisies in my quarters <3
#personal #dax rambles #wishing for her
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⚜️ kaiwinning Follow
Gentle reminder that your pagh femininity can be damaged by engaging in unclean behaviors, such as violence, contact sports, rectal copulation, and real person shipping. Please stay vigilant and protect your pagh in the name of the Prophets!
#kai speaks #religion #the prophets #pagh #pagh hacks
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⚾ captainsiskoofficial Follow
So, was anyone going to inform me that someone installed this ancient program onto the station's computer, or did everyone assume that I would eventually learn from Jake?
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🛸 nogging5 🔁 jakeykeykey Follow
📰 jakeykeykey Follow
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🛸 nogging5 Follow
Jake, I'm starting to worry about your obsession with "ancient" humor....
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🛠️ chiefengineer1 🔁 moremorn Follow
🍺 moremorn Follow
🛠️ chiefengineer1 Follow
How are you doing that?
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🍞 bababariel Follow
It seems as though I have returned, but as an entity inside the station computer.
#there are a lot of us in here
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🐊 cardassianpride Follow
Vent. Don't reblog.
#How long has my ex wife been sleeping with my guls?! #I just caught her doing it with the new recruit #and she tried to tell me this shit about how since I do it all the #time then she can do it too? #and I tried to explain but she just said that we aren't #married anymore so I can't tell her what to do #the state of the cardassian family is in fucking pieces #cardassia is doomed in the hands of women like these #ugh I need to call *** ***** to feel better #vent
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💴 finance-advice Follow
To the last anon: no, the Grand Nagus will not give personal advice to anyone who makes under four million slips of latinum per fiscal year. This was outlined in the Nagus' own rulebook in volume 3, section 387, paragraph 910. You would know this if you had done your own research. Stop asking for more clarification or you will be audited.
#finance #commerce #cw audit #mod b
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🍾 kanar-gul Follow
Repair station pussy really hit different
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🐊 cardassianpride 🔁 cardassianpride Follow
All of these beautiful bajoran women ready to serve the state make me fit to burst 😍😍😍
🐊 cardassianpride Follow
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🍞 bababariel 🔁 quarkeyyy Follow
🧝 yourfriendlyvorta Follow
Hello, friends! What a wonderful opportunity for me to introduce myself using this, delightful, quaint social media experience! Let me, as the first Dominion representative on this platform, extend my warm welcome to the citizens of the Alpha Quadrant!
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🪱 trillcore Follow
🧑‍🦰 neryspersonalblog Follow
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🧪 tennis-doctor Follow
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🍹 quarkeyyy Follow
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🍹 quarkeyyy Follow
🍞 bababariel Follow
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bunnie-the-idiot · 2 months
a list of verified campaigns for palestine to donate to!
edit for clarification: to find these campaigns, i check the asker's blog for signs that make the campaigns seem legit (e.g., placements on other vetted campaign lists, videos from palestine that consistently show the same people or surroundings, tags or reblogs from other users who have been known to vet campaigns like 90-ghost for example). i am one person and at the time i first posted this, i had to look through a pretty long list of people. it is possible that i could have made mistakes. that being said: if you see one on here, check it out, and it seems fishy/isn't actually vetted, please tell me (preferably through asks or messages since that's what i'm most likely to check). it's horrible that we have to worry about people taking advantage of a situation like this, and i want to be on the side of those who are in need instead of others with ill-intent.
to everyone who sent me an ask asking for me to boost their campaign: i wish the best of luck to all of you. i'm sorry that all of this is happening to you in the first place, and i hope that you can bring yourself and your loved ones to the safety you deserve. <3 if your campaign has been vetted but i missed it after you contacted me, please let me know and i'll edit this post to include your campaign!
@helpfamily : Donate to Please Save What's Left of My Family, organized by Marleen TipuHello my dears, I hope you are well. Please help me.
I, Mahmoud Baalou, have gon… Marleen Tipu needs your support for Please Save What'sgofundme.com
@ahmedalnabeeh11 : Donate to Help Ahmed, Abedelrahman, and family Escape war, organized by Ziad Okasha
Hello everyone,
My name is Ziad Okasha, and I'm from Gaza,… Ziad Okasha needs your support for Help Ahmed, Abedelrahman, andgofundme.com
@mahaibrahim12 : https://gofund.me/2adde3d1
@fahedshehab-new : Donate to Help Sahar and Her Family to Evacuate Gaza, organized by Ahmed ShamiaMy name is Sahar Shehab. I am 14 years old from Gaza .
I ask you for urgent h… Ahmed Shamia needs your support for Help Sahar and Her Familgofundme.com
@noor-alanqar : Donate to Rebuilding Live: A Mother's Plea for Hope and Safety in Gaza, organized by Nour AlanqarHello,
I'm Nour Alanqar, and reaching out to you during a… Nour Alanqar needs your support for Rebuilding Live: A Mother's Plea for Hopegofundme.com
@amira-world : Donate to Amira's Story: Between Hope and Resilience - A Call for Soli, organized by Abdallah AlanqarWhen sorrow and difficulties strike hard, hope becomes the lo… Abdallah Alanqar needs your support for Amira's Story: Between Hope and Resilgofundme.com
@save-mohammedd-family : Donate to Help Mohamed's children escape from the Gaza war to Safety, organized by Ahmed AwadHello, my name is Ahmed, and this is the story of my friend’s fa… Ahmed Awad needs your support for Help Mohamed's children escape from the gofundme.com
@atalah-mohammed : Donate to Bone Grafting Operation for Muhammad & House Reconstruction, organized by Haruka AokiHello kind friends and dear community,
My name is Haruka A… Haruka Aoki needs your support for Bone Grafting Operation for Muhammad & Hogofundme.com
@saveyouseffamily : Donate to Help Yousef&Family Escape From War&Secure Treatment for son, organized by Yosef El-habil
Hello everyone,
I'm Youssef Al-Habeel… Yosef El-habil needs your support for Help Yousef&Family Escape From War&Secugofundme.com
@fadi-018 : Donate to Let’s help Fady’s family survive., organized by Ibrahim  AlnunuHello everyone!
I am Muhammed from Gaza, married with one child, and my wife is … Ibrahim  Alnunu needs your support for Let’s help Fadygofundme.com
@children-gaza : Donate to Help my family to evacuate from gaza and rebuild t, organized by Ahmed BaloushaHello, World,
I am Ahmad, a Palestinian from Gaza City and a fat… Ahmed Balousha needs your support for Help my family to evacuate from gofundme.com
@ahmedabuyamin : Donate to Helping Ahmed's Family: Escaping War to a New Life, organized by Abdallah AlanqarHello,,
I'm Abdallah Alanqar, originally from Palestine but cu… Abdallah Alanqar needs your support for Helping Ahmed's Family: Escapinggofundme.com
@yazanfamily : Donate to Save My Family from the War Nightmare in Gaza, organized by Mohammed AlanqarHello,
I am Mohammad Taysir, 34 years old, a Palestinian living in Gaz… Mohammed Alanqar needs your support for Save My Family from the Wargofundme.com
@amalashour : Donate to Help me get out of Gaza for my baby girl, organized by Amal AshourHello, I am Amal Ashour. I live in Gaza. I am 26 years old Before the war, I was … Amal Ashour needs your support for Help me get out of Gazgofundme.com
@shahednhall : Donate to Help Shahd in Gaza!, organized by Shahed MuhammadHave you ever experienced seeing your dream broken in front of your eyes and not being able to do … Shahed Muhammad needs your support for Hgofundme.com
@samerpal : Donate to Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive, organized by Nimr AburassPlease note that the conversion rate is 1 USD =10 SEK, 10$ = 100 SEK,
… Nimr Aburass needs your support for Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals fgofundme.com
@ahmed4palestine : Donate to Save Ahmed and His Family in Gaza, organized by Vanesa ArguetaHi, there. My name is Vanesa Argueta and I'm from New York. I'm currently fundraising… Vanesa Argueta needs your support for Save Ahmed and gofundme.com
@burningnightgiver : https://gofund.me/8a0cbfb0
@save-ibrahim-children : https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-ibrahim-and-his-children?attribution_id=sl:a64a9567-9804-43d6-a131-a12b13a73205&lang=en_US&utm_campaign=fp_sharesheet&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link
@abood-family-gaza : https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-my-family-to-evacuate-and-rebuild-our-home?utm_campaign=p_nacp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer
@malakabed : https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-malaks-dreams-and-family-from-gaza?attribution_id=sl:62f41902-f286-443d-9471-2aaa646125c2&utm_campaign=man_sharesheet_ft&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link
@ahmedkhabil : http://gofund.me/2adde3d1
@mohammedalanqer : https://gofund.me/afbb2b7f
@karamalmadhoun0 : https://www.gofundme.com/f/karamsaid
@talafamily : https://www.tumblr.com/talafamily
@majedgaza1 : https://www.gofundme.com/f/rebuilding-hope-a-gaza-family-in-need-of-your-help
@eslamfamily1 : https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-eslam-save-her-family?member=35853319&sharetype=teams&utm_campaign=natman_sharesheet_dash&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link
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ahmadturk-family · 8 days
🚨 Urgent Clarification Regarding Our Fundraising Campaign 🚨
⚠️ Please take a moment—this post is important and urgent. Do not ignore it.
To all our incredible supporters,
I’m writing to urgently address some confusion surrounding our new fundraising campaign. I want to be absolutely clear—this campaign is 100% legitimate. There have been concerns that this new campaign is a scam, despite us explaining everything in detail before the previous one was closed.
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🔹 Why did we start a new campaign? We’ve already explained the reason in this video and this vedio and provided a detailed update on the original campaign here. Please take a moment to check both if you haven't already.
🔹 We are the same people, the same family Our situation hasn’t changed—we are still here in Gaza, and we still need your generous support. Every donation you made before made a difference, and we need your help again.
✅ And this is the testimony of one of the specialists, where I communicated with them personally: @funds4gaza @dlxxv-vetted-donations
✅ In addition to Nabulsi and the guy Hussein al-Din they have already documented my campaign: @nabulsi @el-shab-hussein
💡 How can you help? Please support the new campaign just as you did the previous one. Your kindness and generosity have carried us through tough times, and we are asking for that support again. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and security.
🖼��� Update from the original campaign Here is a screenshot of the update we posted on the old campaign to clarify our situation:
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🙏 Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Please, donate to the new campaign and help spread the word.
Make sure to fill in the following:
[Link to the old campaign]
[Link to the new campaign]
[Link to the explanatory video] and here
Image of the update from the old campaign.
This layout provides clear places for each resource!
Please share this message widely so that everyone who cares and those who support the cause can stay informed about the campaign and its progress.🙏🏻
@nabulsi @palipunk @sar-soor @neptunerings @plomegranate @vakarians-babe @mesetacadre
@hack-saw2004 @neechees @spacebeyonce
@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @malcriada
@heritageposts @feluka @appsa @meshitsukai @acepumpkinpatrick @captions-blog @dykesbat
@the-bastard-king @neptuneringzz
@apollos-celticswan @el-shabazzgifted
@brutaliakhoa @turtletoria @timetravellingkitty
@schoolhater @brokenbackmountain @dykesbat
@queerstudiesnatural @palestine-info-uncensored
@kordeliiius @kotoshino @busysleeping
@freepeople @futomimi @ibtisam @longlivepalestina
@palestine-info-uncensored @fallahi
@vakarian-shepard @plomegranate @stil-macher
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