#see it’s easy to remember ok there’s no fairy
goldensunset · 8 months
actual hardest part about playing the older games is looking up the right set of information on databases. there are so many inter-generation changes about the littlest stuff, like a move’s power, the exact effect of an item, the method to evolve a particular pokémon, the moves a certain pokémon can learn, the crit rate, etc
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emporium · 1 year
How did you find tumblr?
I really enjoy talking with tumblr users so I thought I'd try posting more prompts to get some conversations started.
I was in a nostalgic mood this week and was trying to remember how I first came to tumblr. It got me thinking that it would be cool to learn other's origin stories. I'll go first.
Even though I'm a big nerd who loves Star Trek (DS9 4 life) and Anime (Fairy Tail forever) it was WordPress that brought me to tumblr. Back in 2010 while in college I worked part time for a WordPress theme shop called Obox Themes. They were looking for new markets and decided that tumblr themes would be a good area to get into. I fell in love with how easy it was to modify my digital home and how there was a whole community of people hacking and releasing themes. Creating a WordPress theme from scratch would have been impossible with my skillset then but with tumblr I could do anything with my handy CSS guide and a few energy drinks.
Over the years what kept bringing me back was the themes. They were funky, weird and sometimes a little broken but who cares. It seemed like the entire web was trying to be grown up but tumblr was Toys R Us, they said it’s ok to be a kid. I loved that. Whenever I felt like I didn’t belong anywhere else I’d come back to tumblr and make a new theme (https://www.tumblr.com/themes/by/nick). I use to love clicking on the installs and seeing what kind of fun folks were using my stuff. What kind of people liked the weird stuff I did. It's your turn. What brought you to tumblr?
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howi99 · 7 months
Jaune: *waking up on a beach* I'm... Still alive? Then that mean- *looking around to see if he could see team RWBY or Penny* not here of course, would have been too easy right? Hm... Let's go look around first, that place looks... Strange.
Penny: *getting gently moved so she can wake up* No, please, give me 5 more minutes.... *More forcefully* hmmm, i said 5 more minutes...
Jaune: *roll his eyes* PENNY!
Penny: *finally opening her eyes* Ok, i'm awake! Gee, can't even sleep of electric sheeps! Wait... Jaune? *Smiling and hugging him quickly* Oh i'm so happy to see you! I thought i was... Wait, are we dead? *Panic in her eyes* ARE YOU DEAD!? Oh no! Oh nononono, NO!
Jaune: *laughing* Relax, we are fine! Does this look like the pearly gates of heaven?
Penny: *taking a look around her, seeing trees and a really colorful vegetation* ... No, but tell me; did we ingest psychedelic mushrooms?
Jaune: Yeah, i know what you mean, but no. Everything is real.
Penny: It looks like a book in my data- i mean memory. Though now that i try to remember it, i can't seem to remember it.
Jaune: Wouldn't be the first time a fairy tail turned out to be true. Anyway we should move out. If we could find each other, we probably will find team RWBY, right?
Penny: *panicking* They all fell!?
Jaune: Ah, yeah, forgot you felt just after yang and Blake. But yeah we need to find them.
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newtthetranswriter · 3 months
Hi could I get a natsu x reader where before Lucy joined the guild natau and the reader go on a mission together but goes horribly wrong which causes the reader to go in a coma and doesn't wake up when Lucy joins and when the reader wakes up she looses her memories so natsu does everything to get them back for her making him feel guilty
Burning Memories
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Word count: 3198
Paring: Natsu x fem reader
Warnings: Amnesia, possibly ooc Natsu, the timeline may be wonky but hey whatever, let me know if I missed anything
A/n: Hello, thank you so much for the request. Sorry it took a while but I’m happy with how it turned out. The ending isn’t perfect but if anyone is interested I’d be willing to make a part two. Anyways I hope you enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.
   He had no idea what went wrong. It was supposed to be an easy mission, kill the monster and collect the reward. That’s it, they had done this kind of job hundreds of times so how did it go so wrong. Watching the beast slam Y/n into the wall behind him scared him. Not because he feared for his own safety, but because why wasn’t she moving. That was the only thought going through the Salamander’s mind.
   After barely managing to distract the monster, he grabbed Y/n and ran. Natsu’s only priority was getting Y/n back to Fairy Tail and getting her help. As he rushed back to the guild hall with his unconscious partner, he couldn’t help but thank whatever higher power that their job wasn’t far from Magnolia. After all he wouldn’t trust just some random person to take care of Y/n.
   When he arrived at the guild hall, he was greeted at first with the normal ruckus of the Guild. But as soon as they noticed the wizard in his arms and the panicked look on his face, every one went silent. Makarov acted first, instructing Mirajane to lead Natsu to the infirmary and ordering for Gray to fetch Porlyusica. Once Natsu had laid Y/n in one of the beds he refused to move until he knew how Y/n was doing. It took Gray and Elfman to pull him out of the room so Porlyusica could check on her.
   The wait for news was stressful to say the least. If anyone walked into the guild hall at that time they would see two things. First being that the entire guild was silent, and second being Natsu knocked out and trapped by one of Freed’s enchantments. It was the best bet for everyone to knock him out because while he was awake he wouldn’t stop trying to get back to the infirmary.
  After what felt like hours Makarov and Porlyusica exited the room. As if sensing a change in the room Natsu shot up slamming into the invisible wall around him. “How is she? Is she ok? Let me outta this thing.” He was frantic as he tried to get out and to his friend.
  “You’re not leaving that enchantment until you calm down. As for Y/n, all we can do is wait. She’s still unconscious and we are unsure when she’ll wake up.” Makarov said, silencing the fire wizard. Everyone else in the Guild was silent taking in the information, one of their own was hurt and there’s nothing else they could do. Eventually Porlyusica left the hall, leaving the Fairies to worry by themselves.
   After about a month there was no sign of improvement in Y/n’s condition. She still laid in the infirmary bed unmoving. Natsu had spent nearly every day sitting by her bed telling her about everything that has been happening in the Guild. And not that he would admit it but when it got late and Happy would fall asleep on the unconscious girl’s chest, Natsu would beg for her to just wake up so he could apologize for letting her get hurt.
   It had been another two months with no sign of improvement in Y/n’s condition, and Natsu hadn’t gone on a job since the incident, wanting to be there when she woke up. But eventually a rumor reached the guild hall of a so-called Salamander in the port town of Hargeon. After much convincing from Happy and Mirajane, Natsu finally left the guild hall. If there was no sign of Y/n waking soon he might as well see if this Salamander was Igneel.
   Time skip
    Now four months after the tragic incident, there was still no sign of improvement. Even though she had long since healed from the injuries, Y/n was still in a coma. And while the entire guild was worried about her they all continued to go about their lives. Natsu even somewhat returned to his normal self. Fighting with Gray over random things and going on jobs with Happy and Lucy. Even if he began to settle back into things, he couldn’t shake the guilt he felt over his comatose friend.
    Not wanting her to think he forgot about her, Natsu would take one day after each job where he would sit with her and just tell her about how things had been going. He knew she likely couldn’t hear him but it gave him a sense of peace to talk with her again. There was also a small piece of him that hoped talking with her would help her wake up sooner. And that’s how life went for the dragon slayer, for some time. Go on jobs with Lucy and then return to the guild hall to update Y/n about how the job had gone.
    Time skip
     After taking an S-Class job without permission, being nearly killed by Erza for taking said mission, and finally completing the job; all Natsu wanted to do was get back to the guild and update Y/n on how he completed an S-class job. But what he was not expecting was to enter the guild hall and be faced with the clearly wide awake Y/n speaking with Mirajane. He was rendered speechless as he took in the sight. His best friend who had been unconscious for months was up and walking around like nothing happened.
    “Hey Flamebrain, are you going to actually go in or are you just going to block the door?” Gray asked, trying to get Natsu to step into the guild hall instead of standing frozen in his spot.
    Natsu didn’t respond, he just kept his eyes focused on Y/n’s smiling face. So many emotions were running wild in his mind, not knowing how to respond to this new development. The group behind him, looked around the frozen mage three of them being just as stunned by the sight and the fourth being slightly confused.
    “Who’s that talking with Mira? And why do you guys look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Lucy asked not having seen Y/n before now.
     “It’s Y/n.” Was the only response she got from Natsu before he moved across the hall.
     The blonde took a moment to process what he said before realization struck her. “Wait, that's Y/n. But I thought she’s been in a coma since before I joined the guild?” She asked turning to the Ice wizard next to her.
     “She was, but I guess she woke up while we were gone.” Gray answered, also moving to greet his friend. Erza and Happy also followed, excited to check on their friend.
     As the group arrived next to Y/n and Mira, Natsu was once again at a loss for words. Unsure of how to speak to Y/n after spending so long talking and not receiving any response. When he finally settled on what to say, He was cut off.
   “Gray, Erza it’s great to see you guys. I’m sorry to have worried you guys for so long.” Y/n said smiling at the two wizards, completely ignoring the pink haired man beside them. “How did your mission go?” She asked.
    The small group all shared a slightly concerned look, because prior to the incident, if Natsu had gone on a job without her, Y/n would immediately demand an update on how it went. But now, she showed no sign of interest in Natsu, not even looking in his direction. “It went pretty well, if it wasn’t for the hot head over here though I might have died.” Gray said, taking notice of the clear confusion on her face when he pointed to said hot head. “Anyway, how are you doing? When did you wake up?” He asked.
    Y/n shook off the confusion, before smiling back at Gray. “Oh, I’m good. I woke up yesterday. Again I’m sorry for causing so much trouble, you all must have been super worried.” She said, glancing to the side at the somewhat familiar stranger next to her. “It also looks like we got a few new guild members. Hi, I’m Y/n it’s nice to meet you both.” Y/n turned to where Natsu and Lucy were standing holding out her hand for them to shake.
    That one interaction caused Natsu to finally break. “What do you mean ‘nice to meet you’ ? You've known me for years. We’ve been partners for years. Hell, I sat with you almost everyday while you were in your coma.” Natsu said his anger was bubbling up. He didn’t mean to sound upset or rude, he was just confused. Had Y/n really forgotten the last five years of her life? No that wasn’t it, she was talking with Gray and Erza like she normally would.
     “I’m sorry Natsu, I should have had someone meet you at the door and worn you. For some reason it seems that Y/n has forgotten some things.” Mirajane said, taking notice of the troubled look that was now present on Y/n’s face.
     Mira’s words however did nothing to calm Natsu, if anything it made things worse. “What do you mean ‘some things’? She clearly remembers all of you. It’s clear that I’m the only one she forgot.” He snapped, causing the whole guild hall to fall silent.
     “Hey calm down Natsu, I’m sure she’ll remember you soon. She was in a coma for almost five months, you have to give her time to readjust.” Gray said, placing a hand on Natsu’s shoulder hoping to calm him down.
     Natsu just scoffed, shrugging the wizards hand off of him. “Easy enough for you to say. Y/n remembers you.” He said turning away from the group. “Whatever, I’m going for a walk. Are you Happy?” He asked the cat as he began to make his way out of the guild hall, through the back doors. 
    The blue cat looked at his friends who were slightly shocked from the wizard’s outburst. “I’ll try to talk to him. It’s good to see you awake Y/n.” Happy said before conjuring his wings and flying after his friend. “Wait for me Natsu.”
     After the door closed behind the two, all eyes were on Y/n. “Hey are you alright?” Gray asked, noticing that the girl was holding back tears. 
     Y/n just shook her head. She had no idea what just happened, but seeing the pink haired wizard upset and storming out of the guild hall because of her made her heart hurt for some reason.
    “You really don’t remember Natsu, do you?” Erza asked, concerned for both her friends.
    Processing the question, Y/n tried to dig up any memories of the fire dragon slayer, but came up blank. “I’m sorry. I really don’t know who he is.” She said shaking her head, trying to pull up the missing memories was really irritating her. “Really, I’m sorry. I want to remember him. I never want to hurt my friends in any way, but I just don’t know who that is.”
    The group was silent and eventually the rest of the guild went back to their regular conversations. After thinking for a moment, Lucy got an idea. “Wait, you remember Happy don’t you?” Lucy asked, receiving a nod paired with a confused look. “Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Lucy, a celestial wizard, and don’t worry about having forgotten me, I joined while you were in your coma. But anyway, if you remember Happy then you should have memories of Natsu. Afterall, they never really leave each other’s side.” Lucy explained her idea after introducing herself.
   Y/n thought for a moment trying to remember anything that had to do with Happy. Of course she remembered the blue cat who could fly and talk, but even looking back she couldn’t remember the pink haired wizard. “I don’t know how to explain it, but I can remember Happy clearly, but I still have no idea who this Natsu is.” She said, holding on to her hair in frustration.
   “Hey it’s okay, you went through a lot. Just relax, I'm sure the memories will come back with time.” Erza said, resting a hand on Y/n’s shoulder. “For now we just have to be patient and try to jog your memory somehow.”
   Y/n just nodded. “I should go talk to him though. He’s upset with me and I don’t know why but it hurts to know that I caused his pain.” She said looking at the requip wizard. “Do any of you know where he may have gone?” She asked, looking at her friends.
   “I don’t know if that’s a good Idea Y/n. Natsu’s a hot head, and he seemed really upset. Maybe you should give him some time.” Gray said, hoping to persuade Y/n to not go after the mage. Seeing the look of desperation on her face, Gray sighed. “Fine, He’s probably sitting at the beach behind the guild hall.” He pointed towards the back of the hall.
   She nodded in thanks before running out of the hall. Y/n may not remember Natsu but she felt the need to make sure he was okay. Once outside she looked to the shower line, seeing the pink haired wizard sitting with his knees to his chest. Next to him sat Happy who looked to be trying to cheer him up.
   “What do you want? It’s not like you know me, so why are you out here?” Natsu spat, not even turning around.
   Resisting the urge to turn around and leave, Y/n just walked closer and sat beside him. “I just wanted to make sure you are okay. Even if I don’t know you, my emotions are responding to yours.” She said, hoping to get him to open up.
   He just turned to look at Happy who sat on his opposite side. “Yeah right, Erza or Gray probably sent you to try and get me to calm down.” He was being defensive. Natsu wanted to believe Y/n so badly but he couldn’t get his hopes up. 
   “That’s not true. I came out here because seeing you so upset because of me hurt. It felt like my heart was going to break if I didn’t come check on you. My mind doesn’t know you but my body does. Please just talk to me. I want to know why I feel this way.” Y/n practically begged the Dragon slayer to listen. She didn’t know why she was so desperate for him to talk with her, but she couldn’t ignore the feeling.
   Natsu sighed before looking out at the water in front of them. “We’ve been best friends since you joined Fairy Tail five years ago. It was alway me, you and happy going on jobs and kicking ass.” Natsu began explaining. Y/n just listened hoping that something he said would trigger a memory. “You even helped me kick Gray’s ass a few times. On long train rides you’d do anything to keep my mind off my motion sickness. If you were having a bad day, I was the first to know. Everything was great until five months ago.” He reminisced, looking over hoping something clicked for Y/n.
  “When I got put in a coma?” Y/n asked, earning a sad nod from her companion. “I remember going on a job that was supposed to just be taking out a monster that was causing trouble in the forest, but something went wrong. Next thing I knew I was in the guild hall being told it’s been five months.” She explained what she remembered, curious what Natsu had to do with it. “But I thought it was a solo job?”
   Natsu shook his head. “You’re right about the monster in the woods causing trouble, but it wasn’t a solo job. We took the job because it was routine for us, track down the beast, roast it, and collect our pay. But apparently the job request got put on the wrong board.” He explained looking back at the water. “It was supposed to have gone up on the S-Class board, but was put on the regular one by mistake. Anyway, we went out looking for it and quickly found it in a cave. It was going fine until I looked to make sure Happy was ok and the beast grabbed you.” He was gritting his teeth at the memory. “By the time I heard your scream, you had been throwing into the wall. I acted as fast as I could distracting the beast, before grabbing your limp body and running as fast as I could to the guild hall for help.'' By the time Natsu finished retelling what was surely one of the worst days of his life he was holding back tears.
   Y/n sat stunned hearing the whole story of what had happened that day. “Wow, I’m so sorry. If I was stronger than I wouldn’t have gotten hurt like that and I would still know who you are.” Y/n said playing with the sand beneath her feet.
   “You have nothing to be sorry for. It’s not your fault. If anything it’s mine for not realizing that the reward on the job was too much for a regular request. It’s my fault for not keeping an eye on you. It’s my fault for not being strong enough to protect you.” Natsu said, each sentence conveying more of his guilt. “I’m sorry, Y/n because I was weak, you got hurt and lost five months of time. If anything, you forgetting me is like my punishment for failing as a friend.” He finished, his tears that he was holding back now freely falling down his face.
    As Natsu buried his face in his scarf, Y/n was at a loss. “It’s not your fault. I may not remember exactly what happened but you can’t take the blame. And you can’t possibly think me forgetting you is just punishment for you. It’s hell finding out that there’s this person who I apparently spent so much of my life with that I no longer remember. I want to remember you, every fiber of my being is begging me to recognise you, but nothing comes up.” Y/n said, letting her tears fall. “If we truly are as close as you say we are, please help remember you, Natsu.” She asked, looking him in the eyes when he turned to face her.
   Coming to a decision, Natsu quickly jumped to his feet. “Right, I can help you get your memories back. It’s my fault you lost them therefore it’s my responsibility to help you get them back.” He said proudly looking at Y/n, offering a hand to help her up.
    “How do you plan to do that Natsu?” Happy asked, flying to be eye level with the two humans.
    Natsu thought for a moment before responding. “I’m not entirely sure, but I won’t give up until Y/n remembers everything.” He said, earning a sigh from his cat and a chuckle from his friend.
    It was true, none of them knew how to bring back Y/n’s memories, but Natsu was not going to give up. He would spend the rest of his life trying to help Y/n get her memories back, and if that didn’t work he would just make new ones with her.
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xoxodivine · 5 months
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summary: reader is annoyed particularly after their classmate megumi copies their answer. they have a rivalry that carries into high school, something shocking is revealed about megumi
content warnings: light n' slight cursing, reader is lowkey petty and a bully, first story ever type writing
NEW SCHOOL, Same bullshit. Same lame ass teachers that think they know every damn thing, Same students forced to be in a legal prison for 7 hours straight, Same assignments that take longer to finish than the class, and same stupid icebreaker questions no one cares about. It is only your third or fourth year in elementary school, and you already want to graduate college. Maybe if you're smart enough I can graduate extremely early and leave this school that's full of sh- "We're waiting for your answer" You spaced out again? that's like the fifth time today "I'm sorry, what was the question?" You were so wrapped up in your thoughts about graduating you forgot to listen for your name for icebreaker questions.  
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" Easy question. "A doctor" It has been your dream career since you were 5. You've always wanted to be a doctor for as long as you can remember, it was the reason you pushed so hard in school despite being in the third grade. "Wow, our first doctor! Wonderful choice." You felt special that you were the only person who said you wanted to be a doctor. It was granted since most people in the class had stupid answers like "A fairy princess" or "A dog". Yeah, the kids in your class were that dumb. "Ok, last person. Megumi, what do you want to be when you grow up?"  
Megumi? That's a dumb name. He wasn't difficult to spot because anytime someone's name was called the whole class would stare at them. He looked like he wasn't paying attention at first, looking out the window. He was the supposed "smart kid" of the class. Not smarter than you of course but to you he just looked quiet. He also looks like he would pick his nose to be honest but hey, don't judge a book by its cover? He stuttered as he spoke, "uhm...uh a doctor?"  
Who does this kid think he is? He just stole your answer. You just heard this kid speak and you’ve already decided he’s your biggest enemy. “Oh, now there’s two doctors in the class.” No there’s not. This wannabe will never be a doctor. He wishes he was me. “Alright class, take out your notebooks and we’ll start the lesson for today.” You turned to look at him with a stank face which doesn’t go unnoticed by him. He furrows his eyebrows at you in confusion and you mouth to him “I hate you.” 
And that’s all it took for your rivalry to start. It was always a competition with the two of you. Although Megumi was a smart kid, you were smarter. For example, he might know grass is green, but you knew it was chlorophyll that made it green. He could be able to the time on a digital clock, but you could tell the time with an analog clock with roman numerals.  
After that day in third grade, you’ve both spoken 264 words to each other within the years you guys have known each other. A few exchanged that time you bumped into each other in the hallways which was dismissed with a “Oh, my bad” and “Watch where you’re going”. The other 254 being when you had a science project with him which your teacher conveniently paired the both of you together. 
 Was this “rivalry” really because he said he wanted to be a doctor back in the third grade? Sadly yes. You both are in your first year of high school and you still haven’t let it go. But in all honestly, Megumi hopes you don’t let it go. Before your rivalry, he never really felt a reason to go above and beyond in school. If he had A’s and B’s, he was set for the year. However, you pushed him to do better, seeing as you were always competing. He does think the reason this started is stupid. But he wouldn’t have it any other way.  
The reason for that isn’t just because of his grades improving, It’s also because he’s madly in love with you. 
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aemondsprincesss · 2 years
ok, but I'm kind of obsessed with your dragon woman idea. I think aemond would absolutely devour the library to find something about it, and maybe there's this mythical being. so I wanted to ask what would be the reaction of the others to this woman.
You and I both 😍
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And you are so right. One of the first things he will do, after bathing, dressing and feeding you, would be head to the library, when he is sure that you are sound sleep (you make little purring sounds that have him needing to physically force himself out of the room, because he got stuck a long moment admiring you). He even knows the first book to look for, a fairy tail book cataloging mythical creatures. Like white walkers and children of the forest ;) He remembers reading something about a human and dragon hybrid, and he was right.
There isn't even one documentary book about your existence, only legends. Wich make it hard for Aemond to believe in what he is reading, so he decides to compare the information of each book and write down the similarities between them, and the similarities with what he saw in you.
The end result would be: The name of your species is drōvys, with no translation to the common tongue. There are males in your species. You are rare, even by mythological standards. Beautiful (being mistaken by sirens/mermaids). Fire breather (your fire can melt stone). Your skin, even where there is no scales, is almost impossible to penetrate (he even saw a passage about you having scales under your human skin, and if it is truth, Aemond does not want to imagine how they found out). You are stronger than the strongest man, faster than the fastest horse and can stay awake for days without tyring (this part made Aemond chuckle, considering how easily you fell asleep). In some books you had wings, wich Aemond disregarded, since you don't have them. Some books said you are incapable of reproducing, your species only being born from dragons, but he saw legends about children born from your kind, so he is not sure which one to believe.
They all say drōvys are dangerous, not only physically, but mentally as well, as it is said that they can enter people's heads and drive them crazy.
Aemond does not care about the warnings. In none of the books said how much fun you have in warm baths, how much you love sour fruits, even if they make you grimace adorably. They don't say how easy it is to distract you with shiny or colorful objects. You are not a monster, you are perfection, and you belong to him. The gods sent you for him to love and care.
The first person to whom Aemond will tell about you is his mother, a couple of days after finding you, and she will be wary of you as soon as she sees your eyes, since your scales are hidden under the silky, purple dress he got you. Aemond will calm her, saying that you are not much different from a actual dragon, then he will tell her about his believe that you are sent by te gods, and he will be so passionate about it. Speaking with a reverence that his mother has only seen coming out of the mouths of the men of the faith.
While they speak, you are sitting on the ground, tracing the red patterns on the black carpet under you, totally entranced.
He promise his mother that you are not a danger, and she agrees on him keeping you. She does not speak to you, nor approach you, but she does show you a forced smile when you look at her. The worry never leaves her eyes. Honestly, she does not know what to think, or what to believe, but you are right there, flesh and bone, so she just accepts. She puts her faith on her son, who never desapointed her. He rides the largest dragon in the world, surely he can handle a tiny one in human form.
A few days later was the turn of his siblings. By their relentless insistence. They heard rumours about the mysterious woman in their brother's room, and annoyed him until he said who (and what) you are. He knew that if he had not told them, they would sneak in and probably die, so he agreed on showing them you. His mother would not let him keep you if you murdered his siblings. Aemond agreed also because of Helaena, who read about drōvys and became absolutely eager to meet one.
Helaena have no self-preservation instinct, Aemond is sure of it now. She practically ran to you, huge smile of her face and a bouquet of flowers in her hands, that she picked herself. You were again on the floor, place you favor over any furniture, and to Helena's luck, you were immediately drawn to the colorful flowers. She talked to you in high valyrian, even with Aemond not commenting with her that he was doing it. His sister is an enigmatic woman. You looked at her lips while she spoke happily about a lot of things, not understanding a word, but interested any way.
Aegon was more wise, choosing to stay beside his brother, a few feet away. He questioned Aemond about how he found you, even if he had already told him that. He must have been too drunk to remember. Aemond sighed and retold the events of that marvelous day, being interrupted by his brother when he asked to see your scales.
Aemond growled a "no", hand instinctively going to the hilt of his sword. This was his mistake. Letting his brother know that it bothered him. Aegon lives to cause trouble.
Aegon started to compliment your beauty, saying that Aemond is lucky to have such a pretty thing to play with. This rouse hatred in Aemond's chest, but he tried to control himself, after all, it's Aegon, if he does not talk about sex there's something wrong with him.
But Aegon took the teasing too far. He asked Aemond to "lend you to him once you are domesticated" and Aemond's sword was on his neck before he closed his mouth.
Sensing the aggressive energy, you jumped in front of Helaena and crouched, hands on the floor, chest and throat shining with your fire, observing the brothers like a snake ready to lunge.
Hearing this, Aemond looked at you, surprised by your position. Slowly, he sheathed his sword and raised both hands saying "Lykirī." He heard his sister repeating after him, until you calmed down and decided to go back to your flowers, that now had more petals on the floor then on the stems. Not before sending one last threatening look at Aegon, though.
Aemond turned to his brother, that was impossibly more pale, and with all the calm he could muster, threatened to feed Sunfyre, his dragon, to Vhagar, if he ever talked about you that way again. Aemond knew his brother would not dare approach you after what he saw, so he just wanted to get this out of the way too.
After Aegon left, in a hurry, Helaena stayed another hour. Of all people, she is the one Aemond allows to see you the most. She always brings you flowers. Once she brought her insects to show you, but Aemond forbade her from doing it again after you almost ate a spider.
About the servants and guards, he limits their access to you as much as possible. He is always in the room when they have to enter, and you are always as far from them as his spacious chambers allows. They are not allowed to talk nor look at you.
This made you the biggest gossip of the Red Keep. Everyone got an opinion about you. All of them are wrong.
                          •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
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mayusteapot · 1 month
Alright. Is everyone hydrated? Does everyone have access to chocolate or another endorphin inducing substance? *cracks knuckles*
So, Maud liked Jane Eyre? And clearly fancied Mr Rochester. The references in this chapter, besides the obvious direct quote one, are so numerous, I won't bother pointing them out.
Fine, I'll point out some. Dean asking Emily if she thinks him handsome. The way Dean is described as someone Emily finds part of her tribe, easy to talk to about everything. Again the reference to Emily being a fairy/elf. I am sorely tempted to go in for an analysis for those lines from that song in the scene from Jane Eyre, but frankly, the point is still the same.
It's like, in this case, much like in the Red Room/guest room scene, Montgomery took Brontë's idea and ran with it, but this time she made it waaaay way worse. I mean, if there's worse than a mentally ill wife in the attic? It's a tie, maybe it's a tie. Though, as this girl is 12 and the situation carries on over several books, it's really worse.
What I find deeeeeeeeeply disturbing is how Emily is described as seeing Dean as, not handsome but clearly attractive. "magnetic green eyes", sensitive lips, with strength tenderness and humour. I guess we've witnessed Emily having opinions about men before but they are pretty pointed here.
I don't remember exactly how I reacted to this part when I read this first as a 9yo, but I do remember the time I actually took in that he was 36, and what he meant by "waiting for her" (probably a few years later when mum gave me the rest of the books). I do remember I always tried to skip over the Dean parts or read them quickly.
As a whole Dean is made out to be an interesting character which is also continuously disturbing. Like, if Dean was just a friend like Fater Cassidy from the start, I'd love him as a character. If Emily was 10 years older when they met or Dean described to start having designs on her only when she grows up, this would not be so creepy. Alas, Maud made it weird.
Just as a thought experiment, for which I feel much more guilt than for considering the origin stories of the aunts, I wonder if Dean's cynicism is because of his back and having been shunned because of it? Just because of it or was there already something off about him earlier? Seems like he had one friend at least in Emily's dad. And as a reward for him being friendly years ago, he makes designs on his preteen daughter? Some friend.
Ok, enough Dean bashing. Can there be enough Dean bashing?
Now I want to read Jane Eyre.
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zai-doodles · 2 months
I really appreciate how it seems everyone seems to have their own priorities when it comes to Fairy Tail redesigns tbh, like mine are "what if they were butch" half the time or "what if their outfit was more functional"
What's your take on Irene I'm curious? She's the latest woman I'm hitting with the butch beam but in general I haven't really seen people redesign her much despite her fucking ATROCIOUS outfit
Ok I was avoiding this ask oops
The easy part is my mentality with redesigns, I usually just go for what I personally find aesthetically pleasing while adding in visual storytelling with their personalities. Like all the dragon slayers having varying levels of draconic features for plot or lucys main fit being an equestrian horse riding uniform to allude to how she ran away from home.
Idk for me it's kind of rule of cool at times and just me messing around until I start thinking abt the plot and incorporating more and more ideas into the designs ig
Ok so I have gotten asks about my opinions on Irene and silver and all that so the tldr is that I don't actually remember a lot of the late ft stuff bc I genuinely just got bored and didn't like it.
I plan on rewatching a lot of this but FROM THE LITTLE I DO REMEMBER here r my thoughts:
From jump I think bringing back Irene or silver is a detriment to both erzas and grays character arcs. They happen at a point in the series where we were never even remotely interested in who their birth parents r and seemingly neither did either of them so to bring them up out of no where feels like shock value to me.
There's just very little emotional investment because again AT THIS POINT in the story both of them r suppose to have grown where they see the guild as their family regardless of blood ties. This is kinda emphasized/ addressed by having erza be like the only parent I recognize is my guild master but also then y make it her mom in the first place if it doesn't hold any emotional stakes??
Specifically Irene, I think making her related to dragons is cheap and weird, erza before this has never been hinted at to have any kind of connection to dragons so again we have this weird shock value nonsense feeling
Like ugh if u WANTED to make it work then at the very least they could have made Irene more mother gothel energy where she's actively trying to coax erza into loving her and playing the role of the loving doting mother only to turn out to have been evil the whole time or something to at least CHALLENGE erza emotionally since so much of her arc has been learning to let ppl in so having it back fire this late in the show would have been interesting to me.
I'm rewatching the Irene fight just for this and I'm so annoyed now omg let's talk abt it
Irene just taking over Wendy's body happened so fast and easy also u can't tell me that Irene has never heard of the other dragon slayers so what would it have changed to just make this her plan all along and that's y she wanted to get close to erza and gain her trust. Like give it an arc or something with the twist at the end that she was grooming wendyas her new body and make the ritual more involved that it needed some level of trust or willingness from Wendy which would in turn make erza feel awful for putting her trust in Irene at all
I'm spitballing idk but all this to say that having a main supporting characters parents come back from the dead to be a nothing villain that they defeat the same as everyone else is lame
I forgot this is the fight where erza destroys a meteor with one arm I'm not even going to touch on that theres just so much there.
Ok onto silver omg
I simply hate the switch of like, o it's grays dad wait no it's actually deliora wait no it's actually actually grays dad fr This time guys-
Like idk commit to something bc again, this whole fight is like 10 minutes so all this info is just thrown at gray with no time for him to process until his dad dies again like idk can we plz have some internal struggle that lasts more than a single fight
I don't hate giving gray some kind of closure to his family dying but he also literally never mourned or talked abt them before hand bc, to me, it was implied he didn't really grieve them and just jumped right to revenge and training with Ur and when she died her death kind of consumed him so he stopped thinking abt his parents?
Idk again, if u wanted to make it work, literally just throw in some guilt abt his parents deaths where gray feels like he could have protected them or something or even resenting his father for not being strong enough to protect them and thats y he always pushes himself to do better and is willing to sacrifice himself to save his family at every turn bc he wants to be a martyr so bad guys-
Idk these r my initial thoughts, ik u didn't ask abt silver but he and Irene go in the same box to me
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plantsarepeopletoo · 8 months
A defense of Last Twilight ep12
I guess I'll start with things from mostly before this episode. Day's Mom and Night, and how they act with Day.
Night. Day was scared, upset, and wanted to lash out for Night "ruining his life". Day didn't want to take any blame for the accident, because that would be just too much. It is easy to blame Night for the loss of his eyesight. Even so, I do think Day missed having his older brother, as he said in ep12, he never truly wished that Night wasn’t his older brother. Day just needed to realize that his life was not over, he was not completely stripped of everything that made him, *him*. Mhok helped Day gain confidence and hope, which let him finally loosen that knot and forgive Night. 
Day's Mom. This one was harder, because at first I thought she went over the top and freaked out too much. She was gone all the time, probably since the beginning, trusting Night, who was old enough to remember his dad, to take care of his younger brother Day. So from the start, she probably babied Day and treated Night as someone who could take care of himself.
Going off that, she saw Mhok as someone who wouldn't be able to provide for himself, much less Day. He's a violent criminal, of course it'll be hard for him to find a job. He cannot be Day's caretaker forever, Day won't need it, and then what? So she did what she thought she had to, separate Day and Mhok. But as soon as Mhok showed he could get his own job she started to warm up to Mhok. Do I think her knee jerk reaction to lock up Day so he was safe is right? No. But do I understand it? Yes. I don't think it caused trauma, I think Day understood. He had hope that his mom would see him as normal one day. It was a slow journey, but I think she finally did.
Day's mom was so hyper focused on Day that she forgot Night, who has been stuck in the middle, trying to do right by Day while dealing with his own guilt and fear that maybe his mom hated him too. I couldn't imagine the pain was feeling when Night tried to excuse himself from the table. He probably thought he was surrounded by people who didn't want to be around him. That meal was the beginning of the family finally healing over their trauma. Night needed his mom's love just as much as he needed Day to forgive him.
In short: I think Day's family did heal, they did adjust and learn how to love each other again.
Ok onto The surgeries and second chances.
The show is a fairy tale. It's been a fairy tale since the beginning with Mhok and Day being The little prince and the fox. Day starts to learn how to trust and how to hope. He slowly builds up trust and confidence in himself. Only for it to be torn down and he has to start again and again and again.
The show is also a fairy tale like the book Last Twilight. Day's eyesight is a metaphor like the light that Me chases in the book. Yes, it's just his eyesight like Mhok says in ep12, but it's also hope. The first time it bloomed was when Day was brave enough to make his way to Mhok's work by himself. He had just had that healing dinner with his family, and now he's with his boyfriend and everything feels so right.
But it doesn't work. Mhok is still too fearful, and it makes sense he's too scared. Day's worst fear is that people pity him and treat him differently. Mhok's worst fear is his loved ones being taken away from him and he doesn't trust Day can live on his own yet, as we see when they go on vacation. Mhok’s fear makes him lose opportunities as all his attention and concern was on Day, to the detriment of himself. Mhok’s fear only hurts them, and will continue to hurt them. They need to live and grow, Day needs to live without Mhok's support and Mhok needs to see that Day can thrive without his support.
So the first surgery didn't work because in their fairy tale, it wasn't right. Day’s hope was false, but their relationship was not in vain. (I do want to say I really really appreciated that they said that this rarely happened IRL, they didn't use this to strip hope away from real people waiting for this surgery.)
The second chance. So Mhok goes away, they learn and grow and thrive. They live their lives but they do this apart, rather than, as their mother hoped, together. This seems like something they both needed to work through, being alone, before they can be together. I know people don't like time skips but honestly, it's a storytelling device that works here. We get to see the outcome of their endeavors. Mhok is a respected cook and starts making his own recipes. Emotionally he’s matured to the point where he realizes he was treating Day with pity, even if it was because of his sister’s death. Day on the other hand, has graduated, written a book, and is working for a bookstore (owns a bookstore?). The time apart is for them to grow up, and they did. Do I think we need a long sad story to make it all “worth it”, not really, not here. It’s like Day and Night fixing their relationship was such a quiet scene. We know they lived because we see the outcome, it doesn’t need to be sad. All I feel that I am deprived of is Night and Porjai's story (I demand First Dawn! Give me a spin off!). 
Mhok tried to contact Day, realized he was blocked, and probably kept trying. What we do know is his love for Day is constant, but honestly, I don’t think he had the courage to do anything until he saw Day on the escalator. All those feelings felt fresh. Later, I don't think he knew what he wanted to do until he saw Day at the bookstore and Day recognized the perfume. If he had any lingering fears, then the difference between the Day in the library at the beginning of the series and the Day now working at a bookstore for the blind was (i'm sorry) night and day. Mhok still wants to make Day's life easier, but also can see clearly that Day is ok. He is thriving.
Now all that’s left is for Day to accept that Mhok see’s him as he is, without pity, he hesitates a lot in this episode, partly, I think, because Mhok is still treating him the same, holding his arm and pulling out his chair. Does Mhok still see him as less than capable? He doesn’t want to be something Mhok will regret. Day is told by his mom that “This is what normal love looks like,” because she knows her son is still afraid that Mhok’s love isn’t “normal”, he doesn’t want to be someone's burden, he wants to be their freedom, his mum can see this, and she knows how far they’ve come. She gives him the final push he needs to accept that his fears are real, but they are also false, that doubting your worthiness as a partner is the most normal thing of all. Day finally chooses to let go of his own fears, and let them have the second chance. And finally hope actually blooms and Day gets his eyesight.
I do not want to say that anyone's lack of hope or faith or anything is what is keeping them from a successful surgery. I am not blaming Day. Day was ok before getting his eyesight, he is ok after, but he got what he wanted and has grown and overcome so many obstacles. His story isn’t worthless, he has learned so much. Day getting his eyesight is also giving hope to real people who are on that list. Day getting his eyesight back is a nice thing, a bonus, but not necessary to Day living happily ever after. I'm just saying, within this fairy tale, you can see Day’s chances at getting his eyesight back as a manifestation of Day’s hope. 
When we first met Day, even though he had a curable condition, had given up all hope that he’d ever get a transplant. He was angry, bitter, and a mess. We saw him overcome his own fears, gain skills, and experience the world in a different way. We saw him pick himself back up over and over. Day isn’t the same person, with sight or without.
The story is saying hope is something worth chasing after.
Be like Me and keep going, good things will come, even if it's not what you had planned. Even if your life seems like it's been burned to the ground. Keep running after that light, because even if it doesn’t lead you to where you think it’ll go, because life is still worth experiencing.
thank you @rocketturtle4 for the editing
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jo-harrington · 11 months
Rise of the Guardians
I can only imagine this is a request for Hymns and not just…asking what I think of the movie? (Because I love it. Jack Frost and Periwinkle from Secret of the Wings was a fluffy ship I had for a short bit.) I hope you enjoy this little blurb. It's a little...angsty.
(Literally poor timing as today is Halloween and this is set in December but idgaf.)
TW: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Eddie and Reader/OC have a little fight and then reconcile, but with a supernatural element involved.
Find Hymns of Heaven here.
And find the Master List for As Above, So Below here.
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December 1984
Your night-in wasn’t supposed to be like this.
But that's what he always thought when the two of you fought. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Not with you.
And inevitably...it wasn't.
A little verbal tousle never led to anything disastrous or relationship-ending. It was just...him. His abandonment issues. His need to be...needed.
The night started pretty normally. December, talks of Christmas, a last-minute visit to K-Mart before it closed to get hot cocoa (and fuck around in the toy aisle because you both were still kids inside after all), and then you regaling Eddie with the origins of Santa Claus as he flipped through your shoebox full of cassettes for something decent to listen to.
"...the story of Saint Nicholas of Myra is cool, but I always liked the legend of the Guardians better."
"Guardians?" Eddie asked, only semi-present as he stared at the faded track listing on one tape to see just what it was.
"I read it in a book once," you explained. "The Guardians of Childhood. They're meant to protect children."
You went on and on and explained each of the Guardians, who they were and what they did. Wonder and memories and special surprises made with magic and happiness. Your hands gestured wildly as you spoke and it was easy to see the sparkle in your eyes as the street lights illuminated your face every so often.
But the longer you went and the more Eddie heard, the worse he felt.
The Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus.
He'd been hearing about them for most of his childhood. All of it. Heard about them, though. Never experienced.
He'd always felt...slighted.
Now, as an adult...hell...even back in his childhood he knew. Knew that those things weren't real.
When he lost a tooth growing up, his mom would pull together a handful of change from the tip jar at Benny's for the Tooth Fairy to leave him. He could hear her count the coins as he laid awake in bed, hoping to catch the elusive sprite that first night. He always said he lost the teeth from that point on, not wanting to be burdensome.
His family didn't celebrate Easter. He'd heard all of the "he is risen" crap from church-going classmates growing up. He always questioned how it tied in with rabbits and eggs and chocolate, with no definitive response. At best, he and Wayne indulged in Cadbury Eggs as a special treat every year, with a few stashed away at the back of the freezer whenever the mood struck. But the meaning of the holiday was lost on him.
And his dad had pretty much dashed all illusion of Santa Claus immediately when he was younger. He couldn't remember a time when there had been any extra gifts under their mediocre tree.
"Isn't it amazing?" you asked by the time you were climbing the steps and entering the trailer. “Like…ok…admittedly I kind of think kids are the worst but…Guardians protecting the innocence of children. It deserves to be protected.”
“Does it?” He asked flippantly as you went on about how fun it would be to go to the North Pole one day and see if Santa’s workshop was real. “Do they?”
“And he—w-what?” You furrowed your brow as you dropped the bag of cocoa and marshmallows on the counter in the kitchen.
“I don’t know about you,” he laughed dryly as he fell onto the couch. “But there was no one magical and fantastical protecting me. There was my mom, then Wayne and Rick, and now…now I look out for myself.”
“Eddie…I…” you looked like a deer in the headlights. At a loss for words.
He knew you didn’t mean any harm with your story, but he couldn’t help but bicker and bitch and yell. And when he finally turned his frustration onto you instead of his situation, your expression got darker. Because you weren’t going to stand there and take this misplaced anger.
And that’s all it was right? Bickering and picking and mourning the loss of a childhood and a loss of innocence in both of you. You had more in common than you had differences—
Shitty, absent parents whose only priorities were themselves.
A guardian who sacrificed everything for you, to their own detriment.
The obvious fact that you were different from everyone else and there was nothing you could do to change that.
The idea that you were the only ones in the world who could understand each others plight.
—it’s just when you got to feel bad for yourselves that it all turned to shit. Unable to see what the other saw because you couldn’t see past yourselves.
So, back and forth you both went. Deeper and deeper. You didn’t understand. No he didn’t understand.
“I would think,” you scoffed, tears streaming down your cheeks. “That you, out of everyone, would feel some kind of…kinship with this. I didn’t say it to make you feel bad Eddie. You protect all of those kids. Your friends. Me. Instead—”
“You’ve made it very clear, the only person you need to protect is yourself. You only care about yourself. Otherwise why…why would you keep all of these secrets from me?”
You choked a sob. It shook your entire body.
And suddenly he didn’t see red anymore.
He saw…you, his girlfriend, who knew how much he enjoyed magic and fantasy and whimsy as an escape. You, who enjoyed all manner of monsters and cryptids and tall tales as a way to connect with the world around you that, most times, didn’t want to connect back.
You, who didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of his bullshit.
After Eddie’s dad got sent away, his mom had a better head on her shoulders when it came to arguments. To protect herself, protect him. She always chose to walk away from a fight with Rick when one of them got mean. And taught Eddie to do the same.
“You’re gonna hear people say, don’t go to bed angry,” she told him once, as she tucked him into bed after a verbal tousle. He’d asked if they were ever gonna see Rick again. “But that just encourages people to fight more until it’s over. You want to go to bed. Because the Sandman will bring good dreams and help you realize how silly it all was in the first place.”
And that was the philosophy you both had agreed to after your first fight, over Mountain Dew of all things.
So he knew, now, once you controlled your tears, controlled your breathing, that was what you were planning to do. And he couldn’t object. Keys in hand, coat shrugged back on so you could trek out to your car. No goodbye. Because sleep would make it all better.
It had to.
He’d just sat down with his head, full of regrets, in his hands when you knocked on the door, needing to get back in.
“Car won’t start,” you whispered, unable to look him in the eye.
“I can take a look in the morning,” he offered weakly. “You can have my room. I’ll sleep on Wayne’s bed, not like he’s here to mind.”
The two of you went through the motions, calming yourselves down but still not ready for a kiss goodnight.
Eddie fell asleep with the sound of your soft sobs echoing in his ears, whether they were real or imagined.
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It was Pitch Black and his thoughts swirled around him.
They took the form of spectral creatures, smoky and abyss-like phantasms that grabbed and pinched at his skin.
He was tied down on the ground, held by each of his limbs, by his throat. He choked on his apologies.
“Please please, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you the way I did.”
They bit and pulled and tore at pieces of him. Filled his mind with dark thoughts. Images of you crying, screaming, burning in fire.
“Please no. Forgive me. I fucked up. I fucked up.”
And then…
They stopped.
He was released in a puff of smoke, the inky, insidious tendrils evaporated and he was left to lay…on a glowing golden cloud.
Eddie looked around and saw…in the distant darkness…another cloud lazily approached. And on it there was a rotund little man with glowing skin and a beatific smile. His eyes crinkled as he got close enough to Eddie where their two clouds merged to become one.
“Who…are you?” Eddie asked dumbly. “Is…”
The man grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet.
“Is she ok?” He felt relieved when the man nodded sympathetically. “Where are we?”
The man’s eyes closed and the void they were in brightened to reveal…
Unicorns and sword-wielding elves and a palace spire that reached the sky. A stage with a crowd of roaring fans, a large gaming table with a group of eager participants, a comfy sofa and a coffee table with a bowl of popcorn and two steaming mugs of cocoa resting atop it.
All made of golden dust.
“Dreams,” he muttered. “My dreams.”
One of the man’s hands landed on Eddie’s shoulder and the other over his heart. He pressed down carefully and raised a brow in question.
“I do love her,” he whispered to the man, easily able to understand despite the silence. The man patted his hand twice. “And I know. She loves me too.”
The man’s brow became stern and his fist clenched then knocked on Eddie’s chest again. Eddie frowned, and then the man huffed a sigh. Above his head gold dust swirled and suddenly…there you were. A tiny version of you with a sword in one hand and shield in the other. You slashed and hacked as the gold dust turned black and attacked you.
“She’s…” He nodded. “She’s protecting me.”
The man smiled and nodded, the little dust mirage disappeared.
His hands then went and cupped Eddie’s face. He leaned in close and pressed a kiss to Eddie’s forehead.
For the briefest second, Eddie felt the most serene than he had felt in his entire life.
And then it all disappeared.
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He woke with a start, tears dripping down his face.
It was dawn, the living room glowed with the rising sun, and you were there. Puffy-eyed and somber, with your hands on his cheeks.
“Hey it’s ok,” you told him. “It was just a nightmare.”
“No, no,” he shook his head. “It’s…it was…it was a dream.”
“Yeah?” You quirked a smile at him. Before you could make a joke, he was upright, engulfing you in a tight hug. “You, uh…sure it wasn’t a nightmare?”
“I’m sure,” he spoke, words muffled in your neck as he willed himself to become one with you. To no avail, of course. Your hand ran over his back, through his hair and you let him have the time he needed.
“Did you know…” he finally spoke. “Did you know that the Sandman is a Guardian?”
You got stiff for a moment, body immediately on the defensive, but as he pulled away to look at you with—he hoped—an apologetic gaze, you relaxed.
“Oh yeah?”
It wasn’t an apology. He could get to that later. But it was enough of one for now, one that you were willing to accept.
“He is the Guardian of Dreams. And he…he doesn’t talk. Did you know that?”
“Well obviously he doesn’t want to wake anyone up,” you gave him a small nod and a smile.
Eddie thought about it for a moment.
“…that actually makes sense.” He pressed his lips to yours for briefly. “I was so…occupied with what I didn’t have that I forgot what it was that I did.”
“Your dreams?”
He’d always been a dreamer. Always thought of fantastical far away lands and the most epic future. Filled with adventure and laughter. Friends and fans.
But there was one dream that was his reality, and he would never forget it again.
“And you.”
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sinkat-arts · 9 months
Blood Upon the Snow Master Post
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Daisuga | Western | Monster Hunter Suga | Shapeshifter Daichi
Rated E
COMPLETE | 15 Chapters | 184k
Ever since his family was murdered in front of his eyes by ravenous creatures known as shifters, Sugawara Koushi has lived a life fueled by anger and revenge. It's left him joyless and alone with only his horse to call friend, but it's turned him into a ruthless hunter with a path of blood a mile wide behind his cowboy boots. Skilled and fatally efficient, he's been trusted with the assignment to track down any stragglers from a pack of shifters his crew recently eradicated on a lone mountain. For him, it should have been an easy winter. What he discovered up there amongst the pines, however, would shake his beliefs and leave him questioning himself and everything he's ever done in the name of revenge.
Read it on AO3 >
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“It’s just how it is. We’re made to die alone,” he said, heart catching as more words tumbled out before he could stop them, “I’m sorry.”  Those big, brown eyes just kept looking at him. Maybe it was the tension of the moment or maybe Suga really was losing his mind, but the thing’s face seemed to soften as it dipped its snout in something like a nod. All right then , it seemed to say, go on . Its head fell back into the snow, its eyes closed in surrender. 
Chapter 1 on AO3 >
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Suga sighed, opening his mouth to tell him to stop that, for the love of god, but he closed it again before another sound could be made. Something about the angle of the shifter’s head as he looked mournfully down at the fabric that was confining and constricting him, and the way the light, soft and silvery through the clouds, was streaming down on him from the small window above struck him, silencing his tongue. Ephemeral and delicate, the winter sun lit him from behind, surrounding him like a damned halo glowing against his deep, rich skintone and the contrasting darkness of his corner.
Chapter 2 on AO3 >
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"Why Suka chain Daichi?” The fucked up thing was that for a minute there, I almost said I don’t know. Because sometimes, I look at him, and I cannot see danger. Sometimes, I look at him, and my mind refuses to connect the dots between that smile he gets when he’s learned something new or likes his dinner or plays with Percy to what happened to my family and so many other people along the way.
Chapter 3 on AO3 >
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He remembered thinking he’d been quite magnanimous, allowing a shifter to stay inside next to a warm stove and giving him pillows and blankets to rest on, but without Daichi there to add life, he could see it for what it was… just a pile of bedding on a cold, hard floor. I made him live in that. Like that.
Chapter 4 on AO3 >
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“This ok?” Daichi asked, that same need rumbling around the edges of his voice, but there was concern there now, too. “Talk to me, Suka.” “Daichi, I…” Suga started, responding to the command to speak but not knowing what to say.
Chapter 5 on AO3 >
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“Wish I talk your talk better. Then you listen… understand me, maybe. But this,” he said, gesturing to the wall in front of him, “This show you… I am not stupid, shifter not stupid. And I am not human, but I am a person. Person is family, pack, friend. Person is story. I have that. Wanted you to… see.” He stopped speaking and turned, pivoting so he was facing Suga. “Wanted you to see… me.”
Chapter 6 on AO3 >
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The horror was large, looming. It stole the air right out of his lungs - but fuck his lungs, he’d breathe when Daichi was safe. “Shut the hell up and shoot,” he hissed at himself as he fell to his knees, shouldering his rifle in one smooth motion.
Chapter 7 on AO3 >
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He thinks we’re at the happy ending of our fairy tale… but I know we’re just at the part where the wolf throws off the disguise and pounces.
Chapter 8 on AO3 >
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"So the way I see it… this is your chance.” “To what?” “Start over. Find your place. Be who you want to be."
Chapter 9 on AO3 >
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There were smaller deaths that happened all the time - of spirit, mind, heart - and he’d suffered each one throughout his life. But this one didn’t seem nearly as bad as all of those.
Chapter 10 on AO3 >
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“Another problem, then,” he said. “What problem?” “Can you forgive yourself?"
Chapter 11 on AO3 >
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The volume in the cave rose with it, rejection reverberating from every wall. Monster, killer, leave... words he knew, bouncing all around him as his body burned with fever and shame. Say something, he thought. Anything. This ain’t the time to be a coward, just cuz you feel puny and scared.
Chapter 12 on AO3 >
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“I need to say something,” Daichi said, and Koushi didn’t miss the sudden shake in his voice or the way he was twisting his hands. “Was going to wait more, but… I am tired of not saying it. Starting to hurt, not saying it.”
Chapter 13 on AO3 >
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“Me for you,” Daichi murmured, “And you for me.” “Us,” Koushi answered to complete the thought.
Chapter 14: After, and Always on AO3 >
Epilogue: Courage
The feelings washing over him were at odds with each other, pulling him every which way. There was the rough scrape of grief in his heart, but right next to it, a little pearl of happiness for the memory.
Epilogue: Courage on AO3 >
Asides and One-Offs
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Read after Chapter 11
Heart hurts. Everything heavy and bad because no Suga.   But it bad to miss Suga, I think. It bad to want someone who hurt my pack, kill my pack, trick me, lie to me.
Daichi's Journal on AO3 >
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Read after Chapter 13
He just hadn’t expected to walk into his den that summer evening to see Koushi curled up in his nest, sleeping the afternoon away without a care in the world.
Always Going This Way on AO3 >
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sasuhinasno1fan · 3 months
Long awaited kiss - Lukadrien June Day 11, 12 + 13
So I had the idea for Winx Club, it's not the same Winx Club au I've done before, this is different. I did try diving a little into the lore throughout the story but if it seems interesting, maybe I'll make a post about what I imagine this AU to be like. Anyway, it ended up falling into three prompts so I mixed them all. Enjoy.
Royalty Another fandom au Magic
Adrien- fairy of the sun
Luka – fairy of sea
Nath – fairy of art
Marc – fairy of stories
Max – fairy of technology
Nino – fairy of music
Kagami, kim, alix, ivan (dates mylene, fairy of nature) – specialist
Marinette, chloe, felix, alya – witches
Sabrina – goes from witch to fairy
Rose – fairy of joy
Juleka – half mermaid
“What do you think?”
Luka looked up from his phone, texting the others and took in the sleeveless tailcoat with ornate embroidery Adrien wore.
“It’s nice.”
“What he means to say,” a familiar voice said, as a near identical person walked off his own clothing platform and stood next to Adrien, “is that it looks better on me.”
Felix wasn’t wrong. The Witch was more fitting in the suit, with the cravat and knee-high boots, seeing it was more his style. His put together hair and all-knowing eyes seemed to tie everything together.
“What do you think? Can I be a better Prince of Solaria?” he asked, puffing out his chest and waving, Adrien rolling his eyes.
“Ok, not for me then.” He said, pushing his cousin off the platform and pulling up the screen again. Felix sent the outfit he wore to be bought and picked up under his name, the magic dropping and leaving him in his normal clothes before he dropped next to Luka.
“How long have you two been here? I thought the plan was to go to the beach?”
“Juleka is going to meet us there, she just has to get here from Andros. The others are exploring and we’re meeting the Specialist at the beach. Are the other Witches coming?” Luka asked.
“Marinette dragged Alya back to her home planet though she will be there for the coming out ball. She’s been getting flack for being controlled by Lila. As if half the school wasn’t under that fox’s spell. Literally.” Felix said. “They’re only bothering her because of her whole easy ability to use both fairy and witch magic, so half of them think she acts likes she better than she is. It’s like they’ve never had a conversation with her.”
Most of the Witches at Cloud Tower were, well, as nasty as their magic typing casted them as. They weren’t any nicer when there’d been a dark force operating from their school during first year and draining the school to summon dark creatures to attack everything with the Magix dimension. Not even when Chloe had been the person the dark force was after, her and her sister Zoe.
Second year revealed said force to be Lila, or whatever her actual name was. She managed to take control of Marinette and used her ability to use both sides to locate and collect to codexs of all the schools and Pixie Village to reach the Realix dimension and the Ultimate Power. Even after all that, it seemed they still stuck to being rude and mean.
“I’m assuming you took care of them?” Luka asked.
“Oh no, Chloe took care of that. No one is allowed to bully Marinette except her. But enough about them, let’s talk you two. How have things been since the final battle?”
Luka looked back at Adrien, who switched to another suit that didn’t look good. During said battle where Marinette was stuck in the mind controlled dark version of herself, the Fairies, Witches and Specialists tried fighting Lila, anything to get an advantage over her. Adrien hadn’t been there originally, at the entrance with Nathaniel to keep the monsters Lila had from storming them. Luka had been fighting against Lila and one of her hits managed to get him really bad, slamming into the ground hard enough his transformation dropped. His injuries were bad, like really bad. He didn’t remember much before Marinette snapped out of it and used her own healing powers on herself and the others, but he did remember Adrien begging him not to go.
And a kiss. Luka would have thought he was dreaming or hallucinating with the blood loss, had Adrien not gone completely red when he woke up. They hadn’t spoken about it since.
“Well, I’m here and the others are, around.”
“Uh huh.” Felix said. “You two haven’t said shit have you?”
Luka didn’t bother responding when Felix knew the answer already.
“Ok, this. this is the one.”
Luka turned from Felix’s knowing look to take in what Adrien put on.
“Wow. Much better.” Felix said. Luka was finding it hard to find words.
“Do you like it?” Adrien asked, looking nervous.
“You look amazing.” Luka was eventually able to get out.
“And on that note, let’s go pay and meet the others. Or you two can catch up on your own.” Felix said, trying to throw them a bone.
“Ah, it’s ok. Luka’s coming with me to the castle first.”
This was news to him but Luka nodded.
“Alright then. Food and then beach?”
“Well, we actually have one more stop, but you can go ahead, we’ll meet you there.” Adrien said, his order sent ahead and got off the platform, left in his clothes. “Luka has an appointment to get to first.”
The trip to the beach had been cut short when the waves went out of control. Luka couldn’t understand it, not knowing the reason for the near tsunami sized wave that appeared, only that he felt mermaids in the water nearby. Juleka had gone under looking for anyone, but she only caught the tail end of mermaid guards swimming away. The trip had been cancelled and everyone headed home to get ready to come to Solaria.
Luka was focused on his phone, biting his nail as he hoped to get a reply back from his mom. Mermaid guards were mainly in Andros and Luka’s mother worked at the castle in close quarters with the royal family.
“Nothing still?”
“No. it might be nothing but that wave was sudden. The sea was, I don’t know, not angry, but…I don’t know. it just, it wasn’t normal. Would your dad know anything?”
Adrien hummed, trying to think. His father wasn’t the best ruler and hadn’t been since his mother’s death. He was getting better, actually trying but for the most part, “Nathalie is the real person who runs the kingdom. We can ask her, assuming she’s not too busy. Dad’s on the Solarian Council but Nathalie really does the work.” Luka nodded, looking back to his phone, seeming to ignore the hair falling out of his bun. “I really like your hair. I don’t know if I mentioned it to you.”
During the final battle as the Specialist flew them to Lila’s castle, Luka had made a joke that if they made it out with minor injuries and Marinette back with them, he’d get his hair longer, a choice he’d been debating the whole school year. Luka tried arguing when Adrien told him of the appointment he made, that his own injuries weren’t minor.
“We all survived and Lila was defeated for good. If you don’t like it, just cut it off.”
His hair was now just past his shoulders when out and the blue in his hair was brighter with the new growth needing to catch up. Luka looked like a siren already in his fairy form, the longer hair made it even better.
“Thank you.” Luka said, tucking the strand back. “Everything is probably fine. we only defeated Lila, what, nearly 2 weeks ago? There’s no way that she’d regain any power that quickly, even if she could. She was essentially poisoned by Marinette’s healing powers eating into her own powers.”
“exactly. It’ll be fine.”
“Ok.” Marc said, exiting his dorm.
The group split up back to their schools after the cancelled beach day, most wanting to repack with Adrien’s invitation to stay at the castle for the summer. Those who went home, promised to be at the Solarian castle when the party happened the next day. Adrien was just hopping nothing bad would happen, that Luka’s worry over Andros was just a small thing that wouldn’t spell Lila regaining power and coming back.
“I’ve repacked my bags, but now I don’t have space for my books. Or Nath’s art supplies. He had to want to go traditional this year.” Marc finished.
“I have another bag under my bed. Just use that.” Luka said, fiddling with his phone before finally putting it down.
Marc went back into his shared room with Luka as Nino ran into the common area of their dorm.
“Alya asked for help convincing Marinette to come to the party. I have to head there before Chloe gets wind and tries her hand.” The music fairy said, grabbing his bag and pushing his suitcase towards Adrien. “Can I send my bag ahead with you?”
“Sure. call if Marinette still says no. I’ll beg if I have to. In fact, if anyone else is ready, we can head to Solaria now.” Adrien said, pulling his silver ring off his finger and tossing it, the ring turning into Adrien’s sceptre.
“We’ll be there later, you go!” Marc called, Nino agreeing as he waved and darted out the room.
Adrien shrunk all the bags and held his hand out for Luka to take. “Just us then?”
“Ready when you are.”
Arrival at the castle was quite subdued, just the way Adrien liked it. they were greeted by Nathalie and Gorilla, Adrien’s main bodyguard until he began school at Alfea.
“Your father is working on the finishing touches of your party.” Nathalie had explained when Adrien wondered where his father was.
Adrien decided not to question it too much and instead showed Luka the entire castle, from the gardens, the different hallways full of tapestries and finally, his favourite room of all.
“Welcome to the Hall of the Universe. Every single dimension is represented as a planet and it’s always spinning. The shinning one? That’s Solaria.”
“Andros, right there.” Luka said, finding the pale pink and blue planet that represented his dimension. “It’s kinda weird to think that if we decided to finish our fairy education on our own dimensions instead of accepting the invitation to Alfea, we would have never met.”
Adrien looked over at Luka, who was still focused on looking at his planet. He had to beg his father to let him attend Alfea. If he let him talk to Feragonda and have him be in a complete single, he wouldn’t have been assigned to the Kwami dorm, wouldn’t have found the amazing friends he had, would have never gotten the chance to meet Luka. he would pass on Lila and everything she did but everything else, he’d do all over again.
“What?” Luka asked.
“Oh, uh…nothing. Come on, I’ll show you to your room while I go find dad.”
Felix picked up another jewellery box and opened it, blinding both him and Luka with the bracelet’s shine.
“Moons below, that’s gaudy. No surprise there though.” he said, looking at the not left with it.
Adrien was speaking with his father and Felix had arrived with his mother as Luka was trying to decide how to keep himself occupied. Felix wanted to poke around Adrien’s gifts and Luka needed advice and a bit of help, which was why he wasn’t stopping the Witch.
“Can I ask you something?”
“I asked my mother already; she doesn’t know what’s going on with Andros.” Felix answered.
That was helpful to know but, “it’s about my present for Adrien.”
“Oh. You know, you don’t have to get him something. Most of this is because this is Adrien being formally recognised as the heir of Solaria. That and a decent number of them wanted to thank him for helping to save the Magix dimension after Lila’s first attempt at control.” Felix reassured.
Luka pulled out a box from his jacket pocket and handed it to Felix. The necklace inside was simple, a gold crescent moon and dangling from it in the centre was a stylized sun with an opal set in it.
“the sun can open into a locket.” Luka explained, watching Felix find the catch and open the empty pocket. “I was hoping you can point me in the direction of Adrien’s favourite picture of his mom. And if you think it’s a good idea.”
“I swear to Red Flame Dragon, if you don’t tell him how you feel but he doesn’t get it seeing this, I might actually murder the both of you. yes I will help you get the picture. I know exactly which one.”
“Your highness, oh!” standing in the doorway was a woman wearing a stripped jumpsuit, an oversized white hat and obnoxious sunglasses. There was something familiar about her. “Prince Felix, what are you doing in here?”
“I’m allowed to be here. Luka, this is Audrey Bourgeois, Dutchess.”
And Chloe and Zoe’s mom. The one who made sure each daughter could only handle one type of magic, which got Lila’s attention in the first place.
Magic could bend either way, some more aligned with Light like Faires and other aligned with Dark, like Witches. A person could go either way, depending on what their magic felt most comfortable in, which was why Sabrina transferred out of Cloud Tower and to Alfea after the first battle against Lila. Marinette was one of those rare people who could handle both, despite being more aligned with being a Witch. Chloe and Zoe, however, could only ever handle Dark and Light respectively. Any attempt to dive into the other side didn’t end well. doing the spells together worked, but never apart. Lila needed someone who could do both which was why she went after Marinette next when Zoe and Chloe didn’t work out. their magic had been stolen and it nearly gotten them killed, all because their mother wanted her kids to be perfect and special.
Chloe was Adrien’s best friend and he’d promised Audrey full hell when he finally saw her again after they found out the truth.
“I hope Adrien will enjoy my present; the bracelet was expensive.”
“Oh, I’m sure it’ll shine bright.” Felix said, point to the box he just opened. “Can I help you?”
“I was just curious if he knew that his babysitter was leaving. I saw her things being removed from her room.”
“That’s because my father’s proposing.” Adrien appeared behind Audrey and Felix closed and tossed the box to Luka to hide in his pocket again. “Dad said he wanted to use the party as a way to have everyone here so he can ask Nathalie to marry him. I don’t mind, Nathalie is going to make an amazing queen of Solaria.”
That seemed to piss Audrey off. “But she has no royal breeding.”
“And yet, she has more grace and elegance than most members of high society I know.” Adrien said, quickly looking Audrey over and giving a fake smile. he’d give that to the Witches who wouldn’t leave Marinette alone for being friends with Fairies. “If you don’t have anything else, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Luka blocked the sun as he watched the Specialists ship touch down. Max had to of asked to give it a go because it was one of the smoother landings.
“The party has arrived!” Nino called out as the gangplank extended and let everyone off. Nino’s suit was much fancier than the one he wore for their first-year mixed school dance. There were still music notes sewn into the lapels of his jacket. “Luka!”
“Welcome to Solaria guys. Adrien wanted to come greet you put he’s been pulled in to helping his father make the surprise perfect.” Luka said, seeing Chloe walk down and head straight for him. She started to tug at his jacket. “Marinette ask you to do her job?”
“Why do you think I’m doing it? How else am I getting her off the ship?”
“Chloe, it’s a cropped jacket! It’s not supposed to go any lower!” Marinette, dressed in a pink dress Luka knew she designed herself, rushed down and moved Chloe away. “You look very nice. The gold detail looks like suns.” She commented, adjusting his collar.
“Honestly, it kinda matches Adrien’s outfit.”
“Does that mean we’ll have an answer to the ‘will they, won’t they’ debacle?” Nathaniel asked, the mix of colours working with his white suit.
“You, do not get to judge me.” Luka remarked. “let me know when you and Marc have talked.” Luka smirked as Nathaniel shushed him while Marc came down with Alix and Kagami. “We have a bit of time before we’re supposed to join everyone in the ball room. I can give you the quick tour.”
Kagami took charge as she normally did, leading the large group towards the back doors to the castle. Chloe pointed out a few things they walked around. They started up a flight of curved stairs when Luka spotted Audrey. She was leading a girl, probably about their age down the hallway they were walking towards. There was something about her short brown hair and fox-like eyes that seemed very familiar.
“Who’s that?” Zoe asked.
“Who cares? She didn’t see us and we don’t want to see her. Come on, before she hears us.” They all went in the opposite direction, though Luka kept looking over his shoulder. When brown eyes met his, his stomach clenched and he turned away.
“Are you ok?” Juleka asked, her black dress fitting her almost like the mermaid she was.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. anything from mom?”
“No, nothing. Honestly, it didn’t go through but every channel I checked says everything is ok. It’s the other mermaids I’m worried about. I haven’t heard from them either. Do you think Adrien would be mad if we headed for Andros tomorrow?”
Luka gave her a dry look. “you say that as if he wouldn’t shove all of us onto the ship so we can all go.”
“That’s very true. Speaking of Adrien, are you going to give it to him?”
Luka nodded. “Felix has it now. I’ll get it back when we go in.”
They eventually made it back downstairs and into the ballroom. It was amazingly decked out, fit for a prince but just understated enough that Adrien would love it. Roses with starlights were all over in vases on the table, green table clothes in all shades and the faintest piano music playing. Gorilla waved them inside before refocusing on his group of guards. Kagami, Chloe and Zoe seemed at ease surrounded by so many high members of society, while Marinette and Marc looked nervous.
“What if they know who I am?” Marinette asked, hiding her face in Alya’s arm.
“Then they know a highly skilled Witch who has the ability to use Fairy magic and that’s it. anyone else tries to dig deeper will be dealt with by being kicked out. or worse, by Adrien.” Felix said, appearing in the outfit he’d chosen, the sleeveless tailcoat still looking good on him. He slipped Luka the jewellery box before looking at Marinette again. “Or I can deal with them. Can’t let Chloe have all the fun.”
“Or maybe we save the scathing comments for after Adrien’s long-awaited party?” Sabrina suggested.
“At least until after the surprise. Adrien might kill us if it’s ruined.” Luka pointed out.
Many of the group asked for answers on what the surprise was but Felix and Luka continued to not say anything. Audrey finally made it in, obnoxious ballgown and all but thankfully she ignored her daughters, which left Chloe in a better mood. Kagami was just being talked out of using her Dragon Sword as a way to eat meat on a stick when trumpets started to go off and the doors at the top of the stairs swung up to reveal King Gabriel of Solaria. Dressed in his standard white, he walked out, head held high. While Nathalie was definitely the one who ran the kingdom while he dealt with his grief, he was still a king, no matter what a person said.
“Welcome everyone, guests and citizens of Solaria. Today is an auspicious day. Today, my son is recognised as heir of Solaria. My son has been at Alfea for the past 2 years learning to become a great fairy and with time, the Guardian Fairy of Solaria. But it hasn’t been without its challenges. He has done out dimension proud though, standing against the dark force once known as Lila with his friends and saving us all. I truly couldn’t think of a better person to lead us when the times comes. Please, join me in formally welcoming, Prince Adrien Emile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste, Prince and Heir of Solaria!”
Gabriel moved, starting the applause as Adrien came out. the dark grey and tan of his tunic, like Luka promised, matched with the gold throughout. The crown on his head was delicate and fitting of a sun fairy. Adrien took his father’s hand as he led him down the stairs, where everyone bowed.
“I have one more announcement to make before the party formally starts. And not to worry, I have Adrien’s permission for this. as most of you know, I lost my wife 4 years ago, the Moon Queen Emile. I turned into myself and I admit, not been a good king after her passing. But this dimension was well looked after by one of her dearest friends and a person I don’t know where I’d be without. Nathalie?”
Not a look most people would see on the woman, Nathalie was surprised when Gorilla took her ever-present clipboard and pushed her to take Adrien’s hand. She started to look disbelieving when he joined the adults’ hands and took a step back.
“Nathalie, I don’t know where this dimension would be without you. I don’t know where we’d be without you. you’ve never given up on me and try as I might, it became hard not to ignore how it made me feel. You told me that you thought Emile would be my only love and how you were fine with that. You were wrong. She’s not my only love and I know what she meant now when she told me to always keep my heart full. Nathalie, even if I was not king, I would be forever lost without you and I can’t bear to lose another I love again. Will you marry me?”
Eyes shiny with tears, she nodded, Adrien leading the applause and cheering this time. He gave his father a small box, bouncing away as he continued clapping. Luka caught his eye, sharing a smile. it was hard not to be swept up in all the love. Adrien was fine sharing the spotlight with his father and his new fiancée but if Luka was going to do this, he wanted it to just be them.
“Please welcome the first dance of your king and future queen!” Adrien called, rushing over to his friends so the adults couldn’t say no. “Stars and suns, finally! I thought he’d never propose.”
“How long has that been brewing?” Nino asked, the only one other than Chloe and Kagami who’d interacted with Nathalie the most, not to mention Adrien’s father.
“pretty much since first year. Dad’s stuck in his ways and Nathalie would never overstep if she thinks she is. But before the final battle with Lila, when we were heading towards her hideout, I called him and told him he had to. I didn’t know if we’d all survive and I didn’t want him facing another loss alone.”
“Well luckily for him, Lila is gone and his son gets to spend the whole summer break with him planning a royal wedding. I already accept my invitation.” Alix teased.
“I think it’s a sign for us all to not take things for granted. And with that, to the dancefloor!” Alya decided, grabbing Nino.
All the pairs joined them, Alix getting Zoe to join while Chloe dragged Marinette. Sabrina had been quickly spirited to the dancefloor by a court boy who caught her eye.
“Should we join them?” Adrien asked.
“Actually, can I talk to you? I wanted to give you your present.” Luka said, pointing towards the open balcony doors. “Or are you not allowed to disappear just yet?”
“Not there. Over here.” Adrien led Luka to an alcove that was thankfully clear of people. They could see the ballroom even if they weren’t seen. “So, what’s up?”
Luka took out the box Felix had given him and presented it. “Felix was snooping at your presents and I know comparatively, this is pretty simple, but I hope you like it.”
“I’m sure I’ll love it.” Adrien reassured as he took the box. “Oh, it’s so pretty.” He said as he opened the box.
“The sun is also a locket.” When Adrien let out a stuttered breath and his smile got bigger, Luka said, “I know Nathalie has been like a mother to you and you’re really happy she’s joining the family, but I also know how much you love and miss your mom. Now you can always carry her with you.”
“Thank you. oh,” Adrien put his hand to his neck, fingering the high collar of his tunic. “I can’t wear it right now. The after party that Chloe planned, I have a different outfit. Will you help me put it on then?”
“Of course.” Luka promised. Now seemed a good a time as any. “I was also wondering if we could talk, about the final battle.”
Cheeks going pink, Adrien looked at the ground, keeping the box with his necklace close to him, like it was a pillow he wanted to hide behind. “W-which part?” he stuttered.
Luka took the smallest step forward, trying not to be discouraged by Adrien moving back. He was getting redder though. “I think you know which one. I just, I don’t want to think it didn’t happen, because I know it did.”
“You nearly dying isn’t something anyone would forget.” Adrien threw in.
“No, no I don’t think so. I know my Charmix wasn’t enough to keep me protected so my transformation dropped. I know I was hurt badly when everything hurt. I knew you were there, calling my name. your hands run warmer when you’re transformed.” Luka said, managing to get Adrien take one of his hands. “I know you were begging me not to go and I wanted nothing more than to tell you I wouldn’t. not unless you wanted me to.”
“You like giving people what they want.” Adrien reminded.
“And you like making people happy. Aren’t we a pair? I know, when it started to feel like it was fading away, you kissed me. I didn’t want our first kiss to be like that. I wish I kissed you when we were on the pavilion.”
After the battle, a party was had at Alfea and Luka had gone looking for Adrien who’d disappeared. He found him by one of the gardens, standing on the pavilion, standing in the moonlight. Sun fairy he might be, but Adrien was also made for moonlight. There’d been a charged moment when Adrien looked over his shoulder and looked at him and Luka regrated not saying anything then.
“Why didn’t you?” Adrien asked, finally looking at him.
“I’m an idiot? I can’t stop thinking about losing the chance to do it if I don’t say anything. Adrien, you’ve, enchanted me since the first moment we met. The more I got to know you and the closer we became; I just couldn’t help falling for you more. the song in your heart has been replaying in my head constantly. I want nothing more than write a symphony for it.”
Adrien let out an embarrassed laugh. “no need to go that far. You could just kiss me.”
“Can I? Kiss you and date you and be with you?”
This time, Adrien was the one to step forward, staring up at Luka. “I didn’t want you to leave because I didn’t want to lose a friend. I didn’t want you to leave because I couldn’t bare losing you, not before you knew how much I wanted to be with you.”
Not needing words, Luka started to lean down, Adrien closing his eyes when Felix came around the corner.
“Adrien, your dad – fuck!” he cried when the two sprang apart. “I have the fucking worst timing.”
“It’s fine.” Adrien reassured. “It’ll happen,” he promised, squeezing his hand in Luka’s.
Felix looked like he was struggling to walk away and let them have their kiss but he groaned and held out his hand like he normally did so he could drag Adrien places. “Your dad wants to really start the ball with a dance with you. I had better not see either of you for at least an hour after the dance.”
Adrien went to his dad while Luke rejoined the others, all of whom had looks on their faces like they had had a guess as to where they disappeared to.
“So, anything you want to tell us?” Nino asked.
“We confessed, but no kiss.”
“Seriously!” Zoe said. “We’ve been waiting for just that for like nearly 2 years at this point.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault.” Luka said as Adrien and his father went to the middle of the room. “Adrien still has duties right now. But soon.” Catching his favourite green eyes and gentle sunlight smile, Luka couldn’t help but smile himself. “Very soon.”
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artemispanthar · 7 months
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Since I was talking about Roger earlier I thought I'd share this old 30-page comic I drew back in 2011 where Roger fights a deathclaw. It meant to serve as a prologue to my Fallout story to explain why two wanderers like Magpie and Roger were looking to settle down in New Vegas. I only fully completed 20 pages but had all 30 outlined. I figured I'd share all of them, the completed and the roughs, just for fun. I'm honestly still pretty proud of it as I'd never drawn something so actiony before and I liked how it turned out. It's also a pretty good depiction of their personalities.
Since the last few pages are just my awful handwriting and thus illegible, I figured I'd transcribe them here (since miraculously I can read my handwriting lol)
Page 24
Roger: I told you to stay in the CAVE
Magpie: Yeah, well... if I did you'd be dead so-
Magpie: Well, it is(n't) to me... and will you drop that? It's so gross
Roger: Come on, let's (didn't finish this sentence)
Magpie: Good idea
Page 25
Magpie: Anyway, so I raveled with this doctor for, like, months, right? He was pretty nice and I think he wanted me to be his... proofjay or something. He taught me stuff but science ain't really my thing so I kind of forgot most of it. Luckily, I remembered the basics, right?
Magpie: Best I can do 'cause we're out of doctor stuff. Pretty good considering. Still, we should probably see a doc (in the) next town.
Magpie: But we should be fine. Just a few scars. But that's good, chicks dig scars, right? Well, I don't know about bear-chicks, but I figure with those claws they need to be into something kinky.
Roger: ...
Magpie: Uhm...
Page 26
Magpie: Anyway, we make a good team, right? That deathclaw was a tough nut but we cracked him. Bet there's some kind of bounty to collect or something so...
Roger: It was barely a year old. Practically a baby.
Magpie: ...
Roger: Probably on its first hunt alone... a weakling. There's no excuse for it getting the drop on me. If I can't even kill a young deathclaw without injury and HELP I may as well...
Page 27
Magpie: Roger... It's ok, really. Most people would die fighting that thing.
Roger: Right. People.
Roger: I can't be doing this anymore. It's too tiring. I can't be responsible for you.
Magpie: Who asked you? Besides, you worry too much. We'll go find a place with no deathclaws or any of that bad stuff and then you don't need to worry so much.
Roger: Pah! No such place exists.
Magpie: Sure it does! We just haven't gone there 'cause I thought it'd be boring! But if it'll make you feel better we can start heading there in the morning.
Roger: Whatever.
Page 28
Roger: Now if you'll excuse me, it's been a horrible day and I'd like to go to sleep. We may die tomorrow, but I'd like to be awake for it.
Magpie: ...
Magpie: Hey, Roger! Tell me a story.
Roger: No, Magpie. I'm tired and in no mood to-
Magpie: PLEASE
Roger: No.
Magpie: ... Fine, I'll tell it myself.
Roger: Knock yourself out.
Page 29
Magpie: Once upon a time there was this bear. He was a pretty awesome bear, you see. He fought off a whole army, all by himself.
Magpie: Not just an army, though, oh no, it was an army, a vertibird, and two tanks.
Roger: Three tanks.
Magpie: ... right, three tanks. Those were the easy part. First, he broke into the first tank.
Roger: The tanks don't come in until later.
Magpie: Well, damn, you want to tell it? I thought you were too busy being all old man tired.
Roger: Well, if you're going to tell it wrong.
Page 30
Magpie: Well, if it's so important to you, maybe you should tell me the right way.
Roger: *sigh* Well, first of all, you don't explain the plot at the beginning of the story like this. It is far better to leave you audience in suspect, not know the obstacles the hero faces. Second, don't start with "once upon a time," that typically begins fairy tales and is terribly cliche. Try something more like...
Roger: The compound was built like a fortress, not that he'd ever seen one. Populated by no fewer than 50 armed guards and countless war machines, his escape seemed doomed from the start...
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jq37 · 2 years
So, the Princess' Crusade is more of a cosmic suicide pact. That's disappointing. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop for a while though. Drosselmyer's prophecy from ep 2 never got out of my head: ''Many will offer answers. I would trust your heart and the heart of your companions alone". There's no Big Good that will lighten the load and make things easy, our heroes are gonna have to figure this out themselves.
Man I have been WAITING for their plan to come out this entire time. I admit, I wasn't thinking about Dross's prophecy exactly because it was a while ago--good on you for remembering it from all the way back--but knowing stories and knowing how Brennan tells stories specifically, I was sure there was no way the conflict was as simple as princesses good, fairies bad. Information on what exactly they wanted has been so vague and our heroes haven't been asking for specifics when they had the chance. I had a feeling Brennan was setting up some youthful zealotry leading to Bad Decisions and now, here we are.
This whole situation is really wild for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the princess squad are saying they're against the concept of these narratives and the power they hold over their lives, but what about the power they themselves will be wielding over everyone else by doing this? They're talking like they're doing a hard thing that's best for everyone though they won't be understood by the common folk and to that I say bicth(es) what? Who are you to decide that life isn't worth living in this form? No one gets to decide but you because you're the main characters? What kind of Divine Right Of Kings BS is that? As someone else pointed out in another post of mine, I think Alphonse the Mule would be pretty put out if he heard the plan was "Let's End It All" while all he wants is to munch some grass. 
And like, they don't even have it bad! How mad would you be if you were like, a witch or a giant or a monster whose fate in every Once Upon a Time is to lose and be hated and be killed and you learn that the people who were trying to take down the ship with all of you in it are the people whose job it is to suffer a bit sure but then be beloved, rich, beautiful, and happy forever with the men of their dreams? Like I GET why the Stepmother is like burn it all. Why is CInderella on that same train?
Speaking of why is this person on this train, what's up with Elody? Cinderella is like 18-20, right? I've been a dumb 18 year old girl. I understand that 18 year old girls can be very dramatic and fatalistic and rash. Elody is like 35, right? Does she know the plan? If so, is she COOL with it? (Sidenote: Is there another Elody running around in this version of the world or is she maybe dead?) There are like 3 options here. 
(1) She knows and she's fine with it. Which wouldn't really mesh with what we know about her so far but maybe with Ger dead she was like OK screw it. Team Let's End It.
(2) She doesn't know because the princesses knew she wouldn't go along with it if she knew the real plan. Def a possibility but I don't want to pretend like she's uncoruptable. Anyone can subscribe to a bad take at a low time in their life. 
(3) She DOES know but she's stringing them along for her own purposes. Listen, if MY useless husband that I loved died trying to do something brave for once in his life, mayhaps I would consider joining up with some overly-zealous suicidal princesses to find the power they wanted to use to end the world to bring back said useless but beloved husband. 
I guess we'll see how it ends up shaking out. And likely soon. I have a feeling this might be an Escape The Castle situation happening soon enough. 
Oh, one more thing. It kinda blows my mind that the princesses have learned of a book not touched by the Authors--Tim's Book--and are not  like oh my gosh that changes everything! They're still fully committed to this nuke all stories plans it seems. Guys please. Have just...a moment of thought about this. A sliver of perspective. A crumb of self-awareness.
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awkwardgtace · 6 months
For the ask game, 🔪, ❄️ and 🦴 :3
ask game
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
ohh ok this is hard. A dream theme would probably be a good mystery I can't start piecing together or a horror novel that scares me. For mystery I oddly enough think Brandon Sanderson would be good. I've been unable to predict things moving forward in the Stormlight Archives. But honestly I think it would be written best by someone who hasn't even tried before. There's a way of placing clues in a mystery I feel a lot of people follow. Most of the time those clues placed by someone new wouldn't have the same easy to tell hints and tips.
For horror I kind of am expecting Lydia Prime to do it. She's a newer author on the horror scene (actually have a book she just managed to publish I plan to pick up). I also some comedians would be good at it. Comedy is kind of the other side, takes a lot to do it. I don't know who would be best for this outside of like a pro author. I'm pretty hard to scare, make a habit of marathoning horror games and horror movies just because. That does mean I get psyched to read any horror sent my way that might be good!
For a dream plot it's kinda hard to say. I know how my brain works, but honestly even if i'm not super into it I just like seeing people posting/sharing the stuff they put their time into. It's so scary to take that first step so it's really amazing when someone does and they keep going.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
Ok so this one is kind of a lot. For some of my stories it's probably some myth, post, or my own daydream mixed from anime/games/books throughout the years.
Specific media would be MTG Streets of New Capenna set (Mafia AU), Fenyx Rising (Delphia rising), FF14 (some fanfics and an au i am working on), Oddly enough a story I have on and off struggled with was inspired by a yugioh series, Godzilla vs Kong (the fight for Rhys and Felix in mafia au). My gods might have been inspired by the old hercules disney movie.
Oh Delphia is a bit inspired by an Kagome in Inuyasha (got me looking into reincarnation). oh and a book series I read forever and ever ago. The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller. (I went to my bookshelf to find this title.)
I also do love mythology and folklore so I'm sure that's a big inspiration even if it's not obvious. (obsessed with fairies since I was like born. My sister can't even remember a time i wasn't).
Basically it's everything? I have a few characters I've realized over time fit a meme a little or i put together match someone i loved from a game.
Oh last one I can think of. Alice in Wonderland. I loved that from the disney movie, to the books, to the manga based in it, to the new tim burton movies. Pretty much the only time I haven't liked it was in RWBY 😅
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? I feel weird leaving this one out in the open, but like also it's not exactly nsfw. just a little insight into my weird thought process at times
ok so originally it was gonna be the general size of a dick/vagina of the average person to then do the ratio for how big it should be for a giant/how small for a tiny. In searching for this math (cause ofc i only shared it on discord) I realized i had an entire discussion that involved at least a little research where i determined it's incredibly viable that if giants and tinies are under the same homo species it would possible to successfully get pregnant in a multisize couple with the question being the survival rate of the child/birth parent dependent on a number of factors....
I used the dick knowledge in one (1) specific story i wrote on ao3. The pregnancy knowledge was lost until now.
Most likely to get me arrested was how much a person could move after a stab wound
for those curious this was the percentages i came up with are under the cut
balls: 2.7% of total height per ball dick: 6.9% of total height pussy opening: 4.8% of total height pussy depth: 6.3% of total height
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smalltownfae · 1 year
Top 10 Favourite Middle Grade Books
I say middle grade, but I am including young YA too and at least one that is categorized as for children. Either way, this is my current top favourite books for younger audiences (I would say before the age of 15). I have read some of these many years ago and I haven’t reread them since so this is according to my memory of the feelings I had at the time. It is bound to change as I read more books. I don’t read many books for younger audiences nowadays, but I think they are charming and I have a soft spot for those published before the 00s because it feels nostalgic to me somehow.
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1 - Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
This is one of my favourite books in general. It would be in my top 10 favourite books of all time because I love the Howl, Sophie and the humour so much. I’ve watched the studio ghibli adaptation first and even though I thought it was beautiful visually I ended up thinking the story just ok and I found it weird that the second half was so much different from the first half of the movie. A few years later, a friend that loves Realm of the Elderlings made me attempt the book and since we have many media tastes in common I did. It was the best decision ever because I completely loved it. The characters have so much more personality and the story makes much more sense.
The book is about Sophie’s character growth, but Howl feels as equally important. It is very funny and I love the banter between the two main characters, but it’s also very creative and a little bit mysterious. It’s such an incredibly well plotted story about making your own destiny and finding your own power and it’s also about family and caring for others. It’s just a very charming book that I read 3 times already even though I read it for the first time only 3 years ago or so. It’s also really short so that helps.
“If I give you a hint and tell you it's a hint, it will be information.”  
2 - The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander
I read this series of 5 books last year and this year I finished the short story collection. This series feels very nostalgic to me because it has many classic fantasy tropes. It’s a coming of age story about a boy named Taran that wants to go on adventures, but when he finds himself in the middle of that he just longs to go home and it’s also a story about magic leaving the world and the pain of those who left and those who stay. A very classic tale with some similarities to Lord of the Rings, beautifully told and it feels very cosy. It’s also inspired by Welsh mythology and it has morals woven into it for children, but done in a clever way.
I know I watched the Disney adaptation titled the Black Cauldron once as a kid, but I don’t remember anything about it because I didn’t care for the movie. From what I’ve heard they made a mess of trying to combine the first two books and it lost the charm of the source material.
“There is much to be known… and above all much to be loved, be in the turn of the seasons or the shape of a river pebble. Indeed, the more we find to love, the more we add to the measure of our hearts.”
3 - The Changeling Sea by Patricia A. McKillip
This is the only McKillip book I read that I think is suited  for younger audiences. The other ones feel like older YA to me. A friend made me see the similarities this book has with Howl’s Moving Castle in terms of plot, but this book is not as funny. It is sad and sometimes melodramatic. It follows a young girl that lost her father to the sea as she gets involved in the mystery surrounding a prince. The girl works at an inn near the sea and I found the setting very cosy. The story is magical and tackles the subjects of greed, identity and family.
A lot of McKillip’s books feel like original fairy tales and are told in a lyrical prose. This is one of the most straight forward and easy to follow out of all her books.
“I don’t know what to do. What must I do? I belong to the sea and it will not let me in, and I cannot bear this land and it will not let me go.”
4 - The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
I enjoy the movie (which I once again watched many years before I read this), but I like the book more. The writing style is beautiful and the story, much like McKillip’s books, feels like an original fairy tale. It follows a unicorn that overhears that she is the last of her kind so she goes on an adventure to see if that’s true. She finds some companions along the way and there is an evil guy. On the surface, it’s a traditional fantasy story, but it has some little changes that make it more interesting. Once again, it’s a story about identity (I really like those) and can be a bit melodramatic.
“Take me with you. For laughs, for luck, for the unknown. Take me with you.”  
5 - The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
This book could be higher if it wasn’t for Mr. Toad. I really didn’t like him or the plot around him, but I love everything else so much that it is still currently in 5th place. The writing in this is really pretty and charming and the animal characters are adorable for the most part. I don’t even tend to like books about anthropormorphic animals, but since this one worked so well for me that I want to try more of those.
This is a story about the lives of four wood creatures. That’s it. It doesn’t seem like much, but I always enjoyed slice of life and scenes where the characters just talk and reveal bits of themselves so this was great. There is a lot of thinking about having a home and if it would be more fullfilling to stay in one place or to go on an adventure.
This book is put in all the cottagecore recommendation lists and for a good reason. It’s really nice and comfortable like a warm blanket (if you forget Mr. Toad exists, that is).
“Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing.”  
6 - His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
So, this could be higher if the two books that followed the first one were as good. The first one is still my favourite, but I still enjoyed the other two (especially one particular scene in the last book). The first one was the only book in this trilogy to make me tear up though and books that make me cry usually get on the top of my lists. It’s just the way it is. I don’t think this one needs an introduction. The themes about religion are cool and I love Lyra and her mother.
Once again, I watched the movie first and I didn’t hate it (which seems to be an unpopular opinion). A few years after I decided to try the books because someone reminded me of their existence and they were pretty good. This placement in the top is mostly due to that first one though.
“The idea hovered and shimmered delicately, like a soap bubble, and she dared not even look at it directly in case it burst. But she was familiar with the way of ideas, and she let it shimmer, looking away, thinking about something else.”  
7 - The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams Bianco
This is probably the book I read the longest time ago on this list, except from the one in 10th place. All I remember about it is that the Velveteen Rabbit wanted so much to be a real rabbit and that it made me cry. I definitely need to reread it, but I remember really really liking it at the time.
“You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.”  
8 - Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
I only read the first one and I am unsure if I will ever continue. If I do I will have to reread it. I remember really liking it, but it had heavy religious messages here and there.  The tv show improved upon it. Still, it had a pretty writing style and the characters were really charming. I loved Anne and her adoptive “parents”, Diana and Gilbert. This is also another book that would fit in cottagecore lists. It has a similar atmosphere to The Wind in the Willows.
“People laugh at me because I use big words. But if you have big ideas, you have to use big words to express them, haven't you?”  
9 - Coraline by Neil Gaiman
I remember the movie more than I remember the book, to be honest. I know that there were differences between the original and the adaptation but I only remember a few things. This was an interesting creepy tale and I liked it a bit more than The Graveyard Book so here it is. I need to reread this one soon.
“Now you people have names. That's because you don't know who you are. We know who we are, so we don't need names.”
10 - The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I haven’t read this one since primary school. I remember really liking it though and there was a fox in it, which was enough for child me. It had some really cute messages about connecting with others and I remember vaguely that every planet the little prince talked about had his own moral message, but I only remember the greed one. This is another book I want to reread soon.
“In those days, I didn't understand anything. I should have judged her according to her actions, not her words. She perfumed my planet and lit up my life. I should never have run away! I ought to have realized the tenderness underlying her silly pretensions. Flowers are so contradictory! But I was too young to know how to love her.”  
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