#see ya in london in november
funforahermit · 1 year
i'm gonna do it guys, i'm gonna buy a ticket tomorrow
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firadessa · 2 months
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Please acknowledge Bleakwatch Chronicles, Tinker Bell and the Lost City. I understand that BW chronicles may not have as much fans and are turned off by the art style. Also the author never posted (Zack Loran Clark) much promo for the book unlike Allison, nor mentioned anything about DF on his IG page. It is intended for a younger audience. However, I am much more excited for this book as it pertains to the movie universe. So please, just clap if you believe if you will.
As this is the first book to come out since 2017 that is labeled as "Disney Fairies" and the second spinoff- like this is important. You don't have to buy the book or give it the free promotion, but acknowledge the existence of it at least. WoS is not labeled as DF, if it matters.
Here are some of the reasons why I am more excited for Bleakwatch Chronicles than I am for Wings of Starlight by Allison Saft (Clarion x Milori YA Novel):
It's a post canon story implied to take reference to the cancelled Tinker Academy movie where TB goes to study at the Tinker Academy on the mainland. The art seems like they took references especially when directly compared to the concept art. WoS is a backstory.
It releases first, BWC releases in November 2024 and WoS releases in Feb.
It seems like more of original concept to me, literally because of the new concepts like the Flutterpunks and the implied secret cities of the Bleakwatch and Clockwork Capital.
New characters like Quin and Ozwald will be joining TB on this journey.
It expands on a old concept, and tweaks it in a way that makes more sense. IMO, an idea like a Tinker Academy seems to hold less weight because before the events of Tinker Bell fairies couldn't go to the mainland to spread nature, and it's implied they always stay. It is also implied in GFR that Tinker fairies don't typically go to the mainland even if TB's inventions help them in the intensive summer season (the song implies that's why she's there- it's implied in the first movie she goes there whenever she has a job) Vidia is dismayed by this and says "this is why Tinker fairies don't go to the mainland" whilst TB is checking out the car. In a deleted storyboard for Tinker Academy it is implied that it is a prestigious academy that FM gets into before the events of Tinker Bell, yet to me the idea of underground London tinkers makes more sense to me than the academy. Think about it, it's implied that TB and FM are some of the most brilliant Tinkers in pixie hollow and yet the Tinker population is small. (only Clank and Bobble greet her and we see no one in green outfits) Why do you think that is? I personally like the idea of rogue Tinkers who would scavenge on the mainland for parts and self-exile themselves from Pixie Hollow. It explains why FM calls the lost things junk, if the difference in mindset between the mainland tinkers and the pixie hollow tinkers was that the mainland Tinkers are considered "scraps" (get it) while the PH tinkers are considered more put together and community driven. It makes sense that TB being a brilliant Tinker that outshines even Vidia gets such an audience if brilliant Tinkers do not normally last in PH because they are seen as too curious and ambitious, opting to start their own community of outcast Tinkers in the mainland. Vidia's talent switch in The Pirate Fairy also implies that Tinkers have the gift of thought, and literally think differently (regardless of personality) then their non-tinker peers because it's their talent. There is much potential for this storyline as it adds more nuance to the Tinker Bell movie and the dynamic between the nature and non nature talents, something I think it would benefit from. It makes a lot of sense if the edgier steampunk designs came from a secret Tinker counterculture and not a secret academy imo.
The implication of this book suggest revitalizing the Disney Fairies franchise, possibly not just as a "brand". Not sure what that could mean but it's interesting
IMO, Wings of Starlight has more of a "booktok" vibe I'm getting from it. I'm not just saying that because it's YA, but given the (beautiful) cover design it feels more targeted for what Disney thinks grown fans of Disney Fairies might like based on whatever market research was done (and you know it was). WoS has been receiving better marketing and there are people out here that don't even know two books exist. I'm not saying the book looks lazy, slapped together, or unoriginal- or it will just be corporate and bland, I mean I'm a Disney Fairies fan I don't believe that everything is corporate greed lol and like to see creativity in the "unexpected". But I hope that future Disney Fairies books won't just be going for what is "trendy" to reel people in and instead invest in creative storytelling *in general*, in other words I hope they keep concepts and genres broad and inclusive enough so we have the potential for more creative stories. Not just expanded stories on specific characters and stories like the Twisted Tales series, or sticking to specific genres for this specific niche audience in a way that feels too specific. I feel like there has to be some sort of balance struck, or DF may be a little stuck for a while and may still have "missed potential".
On expanded stories, like I said, Disney has done a lot of that and there is an audience for that. However, I prefer the idea of post canon more than a backstory or expansion. From what I know, we know some details of the Milarion backstory and it will be adding more layers and expanding on the dynamics of the existing characters, where the new book seems to be more lore driven in focus.
I don't like Secret of the Wings that much in terms of lore as a lore fanatic. I feel like this book could also retcon other things when possibly trying to explain things that make sense in SOTW. If BWC is good, I can imagine myself thinking about it more after it releases but I can just imagine myself thinking more of how I felt and my emotional reaction after WoS with fading interest afterward, it just sort of feels like the book could resonate with me more y'know? and I got a pretty good gut feeling for that sort of thing.
Underdog bias, just acknowledge it's existence. Do that with the NG graphic novels from 2022, heck the whole Never Girls series. Do that with the whole DF franchise if you are new here somehow. That's it, that's the post.
The mystery. What is the mysterious pocketwatch and who's on the cover?
Copy and pasted plot summary- Tinker Bell loves nothing more than solving a problem. For her, red buttons demand to be pushed, treasure maps need to be followed, and lost things ought to be found. So when a strange fairy crash lands in Pixie Hollow and leaves Tinker Bell two clues to find a mysterious necklace on the Mainland, she really doesn’t have a choice but to help. However, her journey takes an unexpected turn when she discovers a hidden city of fairies living below the streets of London.
In this city called Bleakwatch, she’ll meet the Flutterpunks, the most infamous band of trinket scavengers around. Helping her may just give them their biggest score yet. But when the Flutterpunks’ plan goes haywire, they’ll be forced to choose between a big payday or saving their new friend.
When their adventure takes them inside the glittering Clockwork Capital, Tinker Bell and the Flutterpunks will uncover a villainous secret that threatens all the fairies in Bleakwatch. It turns out there’s more at stake than just finding a missing necklace, and it’ll be up to Tinker Bell to set things right. Luckily, that’s what tinker fairies do best!
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blueshistorysims · 10 months
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Late November 1918, France
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The war was over. Byron could barely believe it. So much death and destruction, and suddenly, it was over. The war that had killed his brother, taken his childhood best friends, and murdered most of his friends from university was over. 
He had stayed in France longer, meeting with his brother-in-law in Paris to then take a train to Edinburgh, where Edeline was living with Montgomery’s family, having sold the London townhome. The married couple was planning to find a place near his family so Edeline could finish her medical studies at the University of Edinburgh. 
“Our sisters are meeting us at the train station, yes?”
Montgomery nodded. “Aye. I expect Elspeth will spend the whole time questioning me politics. She has begun to think that I am not communist enough.”
“That’s a first.”
“Well, I’m still religious. In her words, ‘To be real communist, Monty, ya've gotta be an atheist. Religion is the opium of the people.’ I'm the fuckin' one who got her to read Marx.”
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Byron laughed. “Well, contrary to what Marx says, I think opium is the opium of the people.”
The Scot chuckled. “Ya have a point. What, ya’ve read Marx?”
“Yes, and before you start to convert me, I read all sorts of stuff. I find it a good idea to understand ideologies you don’t agree with.”
“Then you don’t think the Russians were right to overthrow their oppressive government?”
“I never said that. But there wasn’t a need to murder the Tsar and his family. They were children.”
“That I agree with.” He frowned. “That isn’t certainly supporting the cause. It will only alienate other nations. I may be a communist, but I don’t believe in senseless murder.”
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“But if everyone else thinks that communists are murderers, those who are passive will be targeted.” He swallowed. “I mean, communism is a wonderful ideology on paper… but humanity is greedy. To have one person at the center of power until the revolution is finished? That is improbable. Power corrupts, no matter how good your intentions are. Besides, Marx and Engels were upper-middle-class Germans whose families owned factories. Communism was their attempt to solve the inequality. Yet, neither man gave up the comfortability of the middle class to be champions of the proletariat. They only wrote about it. Russia will be the first to put it in theory. I don’t deny that I am curious to see what this Vladimir Lenin will do, but I have a suspicion it won’t end well.”
Montgomery was silent for a few minutes. “...Please don’t start fights with me sister.”
“Of course not, this political discussion will stay on the train. Now that the war is over, I expect that the government will be harsher toward other government philosophies, and communists and socialists will be first on the list. And I doubt my anti-imperialist views and membership of several left-wing political clubs during my time at Oxford will help.”
“Agreed,” he muttered, glancing out the window. 
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doctorwhogirlie · 4 months
Doctor Who: Remembrance of the Daleks
Season Twenty Five✨ 1988 ✨
Doctor: 7th
Story Length: 4 Episodes
Companions: Ace
Main Setting: Shoreditch, 29-30 November 1963
Main Enemy: Davros, Daleks
Creatures: Daleks
My Personal Rating: 4/10
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London, 1963: The Doctor returns to the place where it all began — alongside his latest companion, Ace, with unfinished business. Source
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Overall as a Dalek story it wasn't the most exciting. But it was alright, I disliked more than I liked unfortunately.
The effects in this story are so cool, I really loved them. I also liked that the Dalek floated! I thought that was just a New Who thing, but nope! As much as I hated seeing inside the Dalek it's still pretty cool.
Honestly the thing I disliked the most was the police guy hitting on Ace. She's 16 ya nasty.
Also Ace hits a Dalek with a baseball bat, she's just amazing. Can tell I'm really going to enjoy her as an companion.
It's also very cool to see two different types of Dalek going at each other!
(Please don't take these too seriously, I am not a real life reviewer, just someone who likes the show)
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weepingfromacedartree · 11 months
Ten Milestones (Interlude): Voicemails
Hi friends!
Another interlude chapter is ready for ya. It's quite different than our standard chapters, so... enjoy :)
Two quick notes:
1. This interlude spans the first five-ish years of Colin’s travels abroad. It starts after the events of Chapter 5 and will lead directly into next chapter.
2. Anytime “…” appears between paragraphs, it’s to indicate that the speaker is pausing for a few seconds.
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June 9th, 2015 - 3:23 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hey! I wanted to call and make sure you landed safely. But I, uh —
I think I got the timing wrong. I think you’re still in the air. So just call me back whenever you do land.
I still can’t believe you’re really doing this. I mean —
[Nervous laughter.]
Obviously, I can believe it. I just — I can’t wait to hear all about it. 
Bye, Colin. 
June 29th, 2015 - 7:07 AM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I just emailed you a few pictures, but um —
Did you know there are like a million stray cats roaming around Athens? I swear, there’s at least one on every corner, popping his head out looking for food or attention. But I was just going for a run and — I swear to god — I saw the reincarnation of Mr. Whiskers pissing on an olive tree. This tiny grey fur ball looked up at me and —
Wait. Is Mr. Whiskers dead? He would be like twelve now, right? I —
Well… In the case that he’s still alive, I think I just saw his long lost Greek cousin. Professor Whiskers, maybe.
Alright, Pen. Talk soon. 
August 27th, 2015 - 2:13 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. Just saw your text. Yes, I landed safely. Yes, Madrid is beautiful. No, I have yet to try the paella — but I promise you’ll be the first to receive my review. 
I’ll call you later once I get a bit more settled. Bye Pen. 
October 18th, 2015 - 9:20 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hey. I just finished reading over the Italy piece. It was good. Like, really good… But perhaps one too many cheese puns? 
Anyway… Call me back when you have the chance. You still haven’t told me about Caffè Florian. [Laughter.] Do they even stock enough sugar for your tea? 
Okay, well… Goodnight Colin. 
November 23rd, 2015 - 7:39 AM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. 
Sorry. I know it’s early. But I also know today is gonna be shit so, uh…
Call me later, if you can. 
December 16th, 2015 - 10:01 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I’m calling from Paris and —
I don’t know why I said that. [Laughter.] Obviously you know I’m in Paris. But, I — I was just watching the tower light up and I had a sudden memory of you telling me you wanted to come here once and I…
I could be misremembering. [Faint laughter.] It was a while ago, I think. But I think you’d like it here. I’ll tell you all about it at that surprise Welcome Home/Birthday/Christmas Eve Party that I know absolutely nothing about. 
Night, Pen. See you soon.
February 14th, 2016 - 9:27 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I hate to admit it, but I am only just now realising that time zones exist and that if it’s 9:30 in New York, it’s…
Shit. 2:30 in London.
I apologise for ringing you in the middle of the night —
Actually — no I don’t. If I recall correctly, you’re up writing or reading or procrastinating until at least 3 AM every night anyway. Please call me back ASAP with your own apology for dodging this very important phone call. 
April 7th, 2016 - 8:08 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I’m on the train heading into Chicago. My computer just died, so I apologise in advance for the stream of consciousness bullshit I’m about to leave for you in this message. But, um…
There’s something about being on this train that has me thinking about travel and distance and —
Good god, this already sounds corny. Sorry. Bear with me a moment. 
It wasn’t until I landed in New York that I realised just how far away from home I was. I looked it up, and the city was about five and a half thousand kilometres away from London. I mean — god. I remember being at Eton and thinking 35 kilometres was an insane distance. 
In January, New York was the furthest place I had ever been from home. Then I went to Toronto, and that became the furthest place I had ever been from home. Now I’m heading into Chicago and —
I don’t know. There’s something about being on a train that’s making me hyper-aware of just how fast I’m hurdling forward. How, every second, I’m travelling even further and further away from the pinpoint where I’ll always measure my distances from. I —
[Tired laughter.]
I’m not sure where I’m going with this, honestly. Nonetheless, thank you for lending me your future ear — assuming you actually made it this far. I —
Oh — I see the city up ahead. Once I get to my hotel, perhaps I can try to turn this bullshit into something a bit less corny. 
I’ll call you tomorrow. Night, Pen. 
June 6th, 2016 - 6:15 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. 
Guess who’s flight just took off without him? I know — shocking, coming from such an experienced traveller such as myself. But my connecting flight was delayed so I really can’t take any of the blame.
Anyway… I’m stuck in Terminal E of Logan International, where I’ll likely be spending the next several hours dying from boredom and eating as many bags of crisps as I can get my hands on. If you aren’t too busy, maybe you can call me back and help with the boredom bit. 
Talk soon. 
August 7th, 2016 - 12:49 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hi! I was just looking at your pictures from Cyprus and I —
[Distant clap of thunder.]
Oh. [Laughter.] I was wondering what it’s like to be in beautiful, sunny weather in the middle of the summer. Must be devastating. 
September 21st, 2016 - 8:30 AM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. I was just reading back your notes on my piece and I’m a little confused about the last one. 
What the fuck does “too many food puns” mean? The only reason I came to Hungary was to capitalise on its pun potential. 
Please call me back ASAP so we can get this sorted.
December 24th, 2016 - 12:02 AM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. 
Sorry, I know it’s late. But I’m also waiting around doing absolutely nothing, so I thought I would check in. 
I’m still in Sweden. But we’ll, uh — we’ll probably take off in the morning once the snow lets up. I —
I can’t believe it’s been six months since I’ve seen you. Since I’ve seen anyone at home. I’m a little worried that I’ll get home tomorrow and find that Greg now towers over me. Hyacinth called me last week just to complain about his latest growth spurt, so…
Oh shit. Sorry — I knew it was late, but I didn’t realise it's already midnight. 
Merry Christmas Eve, then. I suppose it’s still technically the 23rd in London — but I suppose that doesn’t matter much when it comes to voicemails. 
I feel like there’s another commemoration on this date that I’m forgetting. It’s on the tip of my tongue, but it’s so late and I’m just so bloody tired…
Oh well. It’ll come back to me. 
Night, Pen. See you soon.  
May 3rd, 2017 - 11:50 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. Sorry. I didn’t realise how late it was. I —
Did you know that you can’t sink in the Dead Sea? The water is so dense with salt that your body will just pop up if you try to go under. You could try your absolute hardest to sink to the bottom, and it just wouldn’t let you. 
I think there’s a metaphor in there somewhere. But it’s also very late and I just spent half the night staring at a Word doc and I’m starting to lose my ability to process complex thought. 
Fuck it. I’m sending you the first draft now. It’s shit, but if you’re not too busy tomorrow, maybe you can send me your thoughts. And prayers.
Alright. Night Pen. 
August 24th, 2017 - 10:17 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hey! Um… 
Daphne wanted me to call and remind you all not to get the groom too drunk the night before his wedding. Fair warning: if you don’t call me back within five minutes to confirm that Simon is still standing upright, she’s prepared to send Eloise in to break up the party. 
October 10th, 2017 - 7:54 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. Just calling ‘cause I wanted to ask if you’ve ever tried pickle soup. It sounds kind of strange but —
Good god. It’s bloody delicious. Absolutely recommend. 
Talk soon. 
December 31st, 2017 - 10:58 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey, Pen. At the risk of sounding extremely needy… 
You’re still coming tonight, right? God knows who invited her, but Cressida Cowper is here and she keeps handing me tequila shots and I really don’t —
Oh shit! There you a—
January 19th, 2018 - 2:30 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hi! Just wanted to call and see how Sydney’s treating you so far. Is it weird to be experiencing summer in the middle of January? 
Anyway… Call me back when you have the chance. 
April 20th, 2018 - 5:58 PM
To: pen ✨✨
From: colin ✈️
Hey! Good news — the baby’s here! In worse, but also extremely funny news…
Apparently El walked in while Daphne was pushing. Mum said her face literally went white before doubling over onto the floor. I —
Actually, I should probably go and check on her. I think they’re treating her for a concussion as we speak. 
See you soon. 
May 24th, 2018 - 4:44 PM
To: colin ✈️
From: pen ✨✨
Hey! Sorry — can you call me back when you have the chance? I know we’re supposed to get lunch tomorrow, but Danbury just called and asked if I could come in tomorrow about the columnist position and I know we already had to postpone, but I’m worried I —
[Nervous laughter.] 
I’m rambling. Call me back so we can discuss.
June 25th, 2018 - 6:21 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Just wanted to call and see how your first day on the job was. And, of course, to complain about having to travel by myself again. I almost forgot how bloody boring these layovers can be without someone there to complain about them with. 
[Faint laughter.] 
In person, I mean. 
Anyway, call me when you’re free. I can’t wait to, uh — 
To hear about your day. Talk soon. 
August 22nd, 2018 - 9:09 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Just calling because, uh — 
Because I wanted to say hi, really. 
Venice is good. It’s quite nice, this time of year. The weather’s starting to cool a bit. The water is calm. The food is the best in the world — but that’s not really time sensitive. 
I really cannot stress this enough. I believe it to be a great tragedy that you have yet to eat real Italian pasta. I know you’re extremely busy with work, but if you happen to have a free weekend over the next few weeks, the door is always open. 
Alright. Night, Pen.
September 21st, 2018 - 11:51 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Sorry for the late call. But I, uh —
[Faint laughter.]
I forgot how warm it is in Greece this time of year. I’m currently sitting by a river at midnight and it’s actually quite pleasant. Disturbingly so, if you ask me. 
There are a few dozen other people here enjoying the weather — smoking and talking and wearing sandals, or all things. I can’t imagine anyone wearing sandals in London tonight. 
There’s a lot I’ve forgotten about Greece. Like the cats. It’s insane, Pen. I can see three right now without even having to turn my head. I —
It’s just strange. I stayed here for nearly three months. That was three years ago, but still… Nothing fundamental has changed during that time. And yet…
And yet it feels unfamiliar to me now. But I suppose that has more to do with me — and perhaps time — than the country itself. 
God. I sound like somebody’s grandfather. I think that’s my cue to head back to my hotel.
Night, Pen. Talk soon. 
December 19th, 2018 - 11:12 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Sorry — I know it’s late. 
I just sent you the first draft of my piece and…
I don’t know. There’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot. I tried to weave it into the story, but my readers don’t come to me for Bridgerton family history lessons, so —
Suffice to say, I left it out. 
But I don’t know. I just — I keep thinking about it.
Did you know my grandfather was stationed here at the end of World War II? He came here in ‘44, about a year before it all went shit for the Germans. And when it did, he was given the option to leave Vienna and immediately return to London. At the time, he hadn’t been home — hadn’t seen my gran — in over three years. They wrote hundreds of letters to each other during that time — all of which are stashed in a box at Aubrey Hall, in case you were wondering. But anyway…
When the war ended, as much as my grandfather wanted to go home and see my gran’s face again, he wrote to her and asked if she would be willing to wait a little while longer. If she could stand it if he stayed here. If he remained in Vienna while the allied forces first occupied the city — to continue carrying out his duty. 
She said yes. He stayed here another two years. He arrived back on English shores on April 6th, 1947. Two days later, they got married. They did at a courthouse, just the two of them together. Like they were the last two people in the world. 
I, uh — I didn’t piece this all together through the letters alone. My dad actually told me about it a few weeks before he died. I remember asking him why granddad stayed in Vienna for so long after the war technically ended. How he could stand to stay away from the woman he seemed so desperate to return to.
I remember my dad telling me: “There are times when duty surmounts passion.” Which I didn’t understand. Mainly because I was eight and had no fucking clue what the word “surmounts” meant, but…
Now, I understand what he was trying to say. That duty and passion are separate. That my grandfather’s duty lied in war, while his passion lied with his love. That his duty went beyond his required deployment period. That he stayed in Vienna those extra two years because that’s what he felt was right, even if he would have preferred to go home and be with the love of his life. 
Now, I —
I think my dad was wrong. He described my grandfather’s duty to his country as passionless — as if it was something he had to do when he wanted to be elsewhere. But I’ve read my grandfather’s journals from that time, and he never wrote about his life like he was carrying the weight of the world on his back. He may have been homesick and distressed at times — it was a bloody war, for god’s sake. But he — he was also proud of what he was doing. He was fulfilled. He was not drowning in a lack of passion. 
I think we —
I think some people, at least, have multiple passions. Passions that are at war with one another. That make it impossible to achieve everything we want all at once. Some that beg us to go home, some that beg us to stay. 
I think my grandfather made a choice. I think he chose one passion for a while, and one forever. I think he knew that once they married, he wouldn’t be able to bear living without my nan ever again. 
[Awkward laughter.]
I guess he was lucky that she was willing to wait for him.
Well… I believe I’ve taken up enough of your time. If you somehow managed to listen all the way to the end, I sincerely apologise for the rambling. I promise I’ll wait until Sunday to share the rest of my travel epiphanies with you. 
Take care, Pen.
December 20th, 2018 - 12:11 AM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
I always listen until the end. 
I’ll see you on Sunday. Goodnight, Colin. 
January 31st, 2019 - 3:45 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
You know, Pen, I’m starting to suspect that you purposely ‘miss’ my calls just so you can listen back to these wonderful voice messages whenever it pleases you. And while I can understand your desire to have these recordings stashed away forever, I would selfishly prefer some actual back-and-forth between us. 
I’m currently sitting outside one of the seven wonders of the world. Call me back and I’ll tell you all about it.
March 21st, 2019 - 5:17 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Hey! Thank you so much for your insights on my story. Danbury loved it. 
Call me back when you have the chance. Thanks again!
April 29th, 2019 - 7:57 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. Just wanted to give you a head’s up that I just sent you a draft and it’s absolute bollocks. If you can manage to turn it into something vaguely readable, I will literally fly you out here just to say thanks. And I know how much you love Thai food. 
June 29th, 2019 - 10:20 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Hey! Sorry, I just saw that you called! And I am now remembering that you’re in Dubai and probably — hopefully — fast asleep by now so…
[Indecipherable noise.]
We’re, uh — We’re still out for Kate’s birthday. We’re on our way to karaoke, actually.
Thank god El is here, or else I would be worried about being the worst singer in the pub. I —
[Indecipherable noise.]
Sorry! I have to go. Call me when we’re both awake. 
Um… Goodnight!
October 18th, 2019 - 8:08 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Did you really just send me an SOS text from Los Angeles? I admire your creativity, but this is not how you convince someone to drop everything and take an impromptu holiday with you. 
In the event that you are in an actual emergency, please contact the proper authorities. I appreciate your commitment to the bit, but I ask that you please not sacrifice your life for it. 
December 9th, 2019 - 8:30 AM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen.
I just finished reading your new column. Phenomenal, as always… But how the hell did you manage to sneak a pun in there? I thought Danbury had a strict policy against “superfluous literary devices.”
However you managed it… Congratulations. I couldn’t be prouder. 
December 19th, 2019 - 4:41 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Hey! I had a work thing tonight but it just got cancelled. Any chance you want to meet at Mondrich’s? 
Let me know. I’ll, um, hopefully see you soon. 
January 29th, 2020 - 9:22 PM
To: pen 💛 
From: colin 🤡
Hey, Pen. 
You’re the closest thing I have to a manager, right? In your professional opinion…
Would it be crazy to bail on this trip early? Give myself, uh… 48 hours to go home and grab some proper fish and chips. See Auggie and Blair. See mum. See you — obviously. London isn’t the most logical pit stop between Berlin and Prague but…
Yeah — you know what? It was a dumb idea. I’ve got plenty of those, so… 
Call me back when you’re not too busy. Maybe I can share some more. 
February 14th, 2020 - 10:00 AM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Good morning!
Is it still morning in Prague? I —
[Faint laughter.]
I suppose that doesn’t matter much when it comes to voicemails. I, um — 
I’m doing some research on old churches. Which — don’t ask. But I’m currently sitting on the steps outside St. Bride’s Church. I don’t know if you’d recognise it, but it’s the one downtown that, um —
The one that looks like a wedding cake. 
I think you’d like it. And not just because of its food-shaped exterior. 
It’s actually considered a church for writers. And for publishers. It got that reputation back in the 17th century, when the publishing industry was booming here on Fleet Street. But, regardless of all that…
It’s really quite an interesting building. I can see why it’s attracted and inspired so many great writers over the years. 
Maybe we can check it out the next time you’re in town. Which is…
God. June, I think? 
Anyway… I’m still at the very beginning stages of my research, so I barely know what it is I want to write about yet. But one thing that’s stuck out to me so far is how old these buildings feel. How the architecture, the acoustics, the artwork, the — 
Honestly? I’m not sure exactly what does it, but something makes these buildings feel as though they’ve stood here forever. This particular church has only been here about 350 years. But still… You feel all that time when you walk through its halls. 
It’s a good reminder, I think. To know how long things last. 
Wow. So this is how it feels to be on the other side of these long, rambling, stream of consciousness voicemails. 
[Faint laughter.]
Bye, Colin. Thank you for lending me your future ear. 
March 11th, 2020 - 5:55 PM
To: colin 🤡 
From: pen 💛
Hi! I just got off my train. I assume you’re still in the air, so just text me whenever you land. 
Hopefully the airport wasn’t too chaotic, but um…
I’ll meet you at the hotel. I — 
I can’t wait to see you. 
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mycptsdstory · 9 months
Let's do a re-cap for this year, for me. Because it was an insane year.
Well, it started off with my family telling people I'm a peadophile, I hurt children and I've got a lengthy criminal record. I lost jobs, I lost friends and I thought I was gonna be homeless. I had to call the police because when I ordered food from my local takeaway, my neighbours were talking to them saying "I wouldn't trust her. She's a peadophile and hurts children". Then I had friends starting drama with me because they believed my family, even tho I didn't do anything wrong.
Role up to May, I visited America to see my fiancé, his family and my friends. I got engaged on my birthday. It was then I decided I wanted to move to America and never come back to England. It's just HOW. That's the issue. In my head, I got fed up with being stalked. I started to hate England even more.
I came back home, it's when people started to ignore me and want nothing to do with me. No drama, they just ignored me like I didn't exist. So after a while, I did the same thing with them. Then they said, I hurt them by me ignoring them... Okay 🥴
I was still losing friends, I had one friend who spread lies about me. Even tho she wanted my cat dead, she didn't like how I wanted to move to America. I vented to my therapist, found out she has been talking to my family, persuading me and fiancé to stay in England. (That didn't work lol). My therapist said "I don't like your friend J. Block her. She continues to stalk you, call the police". I haven't yet, but I will in the future.
Late August, still in deep depression, my family still causing me shit. The police got me into Cross Roads and they have been helping me a lot. I still continue to lose friends because people still believe my family. Then my fiancé came over to England and we watched AEW in London. It was a really good time and I needed a break. I felt safe in London.
My neighbour started acting weird around me. I think he's talking to my family. But no drama with him. His vibe and energy shifted slightly and I don't like that feeling.
Cross Roads got me into this design course that's not too far away from me. I've been creating fashion and learning to do an Expedition either in Sheffield or in London. We are planning to do an Expedition where I live in a very fancy hotel. Tbh, I'm super excited.
Then more and more people started to ignore me. No drama.
Rolled up to November, my best friend in England is acting all weird around me. Told me not to go to the wake, after the funeral, even tho I looked the memorial for her dead mother, everyone was allowed to go. So I went anyway. All her family loved me, but they hated J (go figure. And yes the same J that my therapist HATED).
I still headed up to the design course, I still love it up there. It's cold, but she has a wood fire. It's nice to sew and create fashion. It helps distract me from my family.
I saw my cousin, he was on drugs and acting erratic. Threatening anyone who looks at him weird and threatening children, he was gonna beat them up. Calling them a freak and so on. When they ran past me in fear, they were calling the police.
Rolled up to December, I thought an old drama situation from a decade ago was over. Nope. Found out, my so-called best friend told our friends I caused drama, because they all heard me and my mother argue, (when I was living with her at the time). She hid her stories on her IG when i told her I blocked everyone. When she hid her stories, I just blocked her. Tbh, she was a child and I haven't got time for people like that. Especially after this year. Do it once, I'm happy to cut you off. I know Al is still stalking my profile, (hi, how ya doin 😘).
I got my neck tattoo because after this year, FUCK IT. Y'all calling me a criminal, I'm gonna get a Corpse Bride butterfly tattoo, on my fucking neck. BECAUSE, WHY THE FUCK NOT. Straight after when I got my tattoo, I needed to pay the tattoo artist, so I head to the bank, but before I went to the bank. I treated myself to Costa Cafe, a hot chocolate and a small cake. I wasn't that hungry, but it was nice. I saw my cousin there, she kept telling her friend how my skin should be "pure" and having a neck tattoo is against the family rules. Her friend was confused and my cousin kept telling her, how I should "marry within the family. She should marry my cousin". Yeahh her friend thought the family rules were weird and her friend liked my tattoo. But my cousin wasn't having it because my uncle An wouldn't like it. (Fucking lol. My family can kiss my furry purple ass). Now she needs to tell the family and my family won't be happy because they have to disown me (fucking lol). It was that moment I knew I needed another tattoo on the other side of my neck. BECAUSE AFTER THIS FUCKING YEAR, WHY THE FUCK NOT. I walked up to my tattoo artist, gave him the money and walked back home. As I was walking home, I saw a family friend full on screaming and swearing at her children. I ignored her and just walked home. Nothing to do with me, I'm keeping my nose out of it. Now people have started to treat me with respect since I got the neck tattoo???? Like, wtf. This never happened. It was so fucking weird.
I think I lost that best friend whose mum died. My intuition started to kick in that J is spreading shit about me. So I just muted all of her profiles so I don't see what she's up too. If I don't hear from her again, I don't mind. I'm thinking of the worst case possible right now.
I still continue doing my design work. I've been experimenting and my teacher, she thinks I'm really talented. I've been doing so much fine detail work, it's been fun.
Anyone tells me otherwise, your suss. Just sayin.
I hope everyone had a better than me. It started off shit, still kinda shit. But at least people will leave me alone. Planning on getting another tattoo on the other side of my neck. BECAUSE WHY THE FUCK NOT. Y'all wanna treat me like I'm a criminal, I will be a criminal, by getting tattoos and me showing them off. Because fuck what other people think, I'm gonna do my own thing. Don't like it? Kiss my furry purple ass.
It's funny how, people thought I was conservative and "prim and proper" HA 🤣🤣
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dbenfordworks · 2 years
Performances & other incidents
See also: http://douglasbenford.org.uk
Sound gallery: http://douglassoundgallery.tumblr.com
Bandcamp: https://dbenford.bandcamp.com/music
Further links at bottom of page
- Performance as part of a trio with Mirei Ya and Chris Hill at the Frank Chickens’ Merry Mini Ura Matsuri, St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performance as part of a trio with Chris Hill and James O’Sullivan at Matt Atkins’ 50th birthday event, Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Trio performance with Iris Colomb and Tom Ward at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Faradina Afifi, Charlotte Keeffe, Julien Woods and George Garford at Longfield Hall, Camberwell, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show on Resonance FM this month had two programmes with pieces involving Douglas Benford aired. Firstly, a performance by Maggie Nicols, Isidora Edwards, Alex Paxton, Hyelim Kim and Douglas Benford, and then also a piece by Mandhira De Sara, John Edwards, Hannah Marshall and Douglas Benford from their bandcamp album, see links below.
- Trio performance with Verity Lane and N.O. Moore at Soundhunt (part of Cambridge Jazz Festival), Thrive cafe, Cambridge, UK
- Attended and performed at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Jessica St Bruno, Chris Hill, Ed Lucas and Romuald Wadych.
- Performances as part of a quintet with Maggie Nicols, Alex Paxton, Hyelim Kim and Isidora Edwards at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Faradina Afifi (with poetry by Bettina Schroeder & Roger Huddle), Sue Lynch, Jonny Martin and Benjy Sandler at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Duo performance with Dee Byrne at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Attended and performed at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, John Eyles, Gina Fergione, Jessica St Bruno, Ian Wadley, and Mirei Ya
- Performances as part of a quartet with Emily Shapiro, Sofia Vaisman-Maturana, Abe Mamet, Maya Leigh-Rosenwasser at The Intimate Space, St Mary’s Tower, Hornsey Village, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show on Resonance FM airs an excerpt of ‘Cascade Study Team’ from the Bandcamp album by Douglas Benford, Emily Shapiro, N.O. Moore and Clive Bell - https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-15-oct-2023/
- Performances as part of a quartet with Sue Lynch, Dave Fowler and Noah Berrie at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as part of a trio with Verity Lane and Eddie Prevost at Ad Lib, Open Ealing, Ealing, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Chris Killick, Olga Ksendzovska, Aurelie Freoua and Martin Hackett at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performances as part of a trio with Lucy Strauss and Alan Wilkinson at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Attended and performed three times this month at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Tilly Coulton, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, John Eyles, Tony Hardy-Bick, Tansy Spinks, Chris Hill, Verity Lane, Noah Berrie, Soeine, Samuele Albani, Alan Newcombe, James O’Sullivan, Ed Shipsey, Ross Lambert, Keisuke Matsui, Ian Wadley, Benjy Sandler, Andrea Bolzoni and Mirei Ya
- Performances as part of quartet with Ariséma Tekle, Robert Finegan & James O’Sullivan at Finch Cafe, London Fields, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Charlotte Keeffe, Olga Ksendzovska, Dee Byrne, Gustavia Clayton Marucci and Phil Minton at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Attended and performed twice this month at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Noah Berrie, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Tony Hardy-Bick, Ian Wadley, Chris Hill, Tansy Spinks, Alan Newcombe, Keisuke Matsui, Will Clark, Mirie Ya and Ross Lambert
- Duo performance with Pascal Marzan at a private party celebrating Sylvia Hallet’s birthday
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra, with conductions by Steve Beresford, Charlotte Keefe, Noel Taylor, Julian Woods, Ashley Wales, Maggie Nicols, Faradina Afifi, Aurelie Freoua, Rowland Sutherland, Orphy Robinson at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Performances as a part of a quartet with Caroline Kraabel, Julia Doyle and Tom Ward at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Keyboard contribution to Jackson Burton & Ash Reid’s performance at an Associates pop group dedication event, Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Trio performance with Charlotte Keeffe and Tom Jackson at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Faradena Afifi, Olga Ksendzovska, Martin Hackett and Dave Tucker at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- A trailer for a documentary film on artist Calum Storrie, to be released later in 2023, is released, featuring co-compositions and performances by Douglas Benford - https://youtu.be/wRHhQ6ojaT4
- Performances as a part of a quartet with Jamie Coleman, Florence Uniacke and Daniel Thompson at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as part of Confront Recordings’ The Seen twentieth anniversary alongside Regan Bowering, Phil Durrant, Graham MacKeachan, Paul Khimasia Morgan, Cath Roberts, Matt Atkins, Bill Thompson, David Toop and Mark Wastell at Hundred Years gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Attended and performed at the London Improvisation Workshop three times this month at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Keisuke Matsui, Noah Berrie, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Paul Margree, Tony Hardy-Bick, Chris Hill, Alan Newcombe, Tansy Spinks, Ian Wadley and Tom Mills.
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show on Resonance FM airs the piece ‘Smashed Dimensions’ by Douglas Benford, Otto Willberg and Phil Durrant (from the bandcamp ‘Stolen Embers’) - https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-11-june-2023/
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford/Faradena Afifi, Adrian Northover, Ashley Wales w. Iris Colomb, Dee Byrne and Julian Woods w. George Garford at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performance as a member of Multiple Melodicas alongside Steve Beresford, David Grundy and Georgina Brett at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Performances at a celebration of Emily Shapiro's birthday with Emily Suzanne Shapiro, Devon Osamu Tipp, Jo De Hulsters, Sofia Vaisman Maturana and Laura Beardsmore at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances with Marks Sanders and Verity Lane as part of ‘Drawn Into Sound’, with graphic scores by Calum Storrie and Livia Garcia at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Performances as a part of a quartet with Sylvia Hallett, Ecka Mordecai and Roland Ramanan at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Attended and performed this month with the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Tony Hardy-Bick, Lucy Strauss, Chris Hill, Ross Lambert, Verity Lane, Regan Bowering, James O’Sullivan, Mirie Ya, Andrew Ciccone, Noah Berrie and N. O. Moore
- Recording session at the Hundred Years gallery, Hoxton, London, UK with Graham MacKeacham, Keisuke Matsui and Regan Bowering
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford, Faradena Afifi, Adrian Northover, Ashley Wales, Olga Ksendzovska, Philip Wachsmann and Aurelie Freoua at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performance with Chris Hill, Iris Colomb, Crystal Ma and others at Babble & Squeak, Hundred Years gallery, Hoxton, UK
- Performances of Phil Morton’s 50:50 timer project alongside Phil Morton & the Oxford Improvisers (inc Mark Browne, Martin Hackett and others), and London-based improvisers Chris Hill, John Eyles, Iris Colomb, Pat Moochy, Lucky Liguori, Alan Newcombe and others at South Oxford Community Centre, Oxford, UK
- Attended and performed on two occasions this month with the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, David Grundy, John Eyles, Oscar Leyens, Tony Hardy-Bick, Tom Mills, Jordan Muscatello, Lucy Strauss, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Armin Sturm, Chris Hill, Ross Lambert, Ed Shipsey, Alex Dalchecco, Tansy Spinks, Angus Paget, Faidon Pap, Helen Dimos, Sacha Kahirand and N. O. Moore
- Performances of Phil Morton’s 50:50 timer project alongside Phil Morton, Chris Hill, John Eyles, Ed Shipsey, Iris Colomb, Kostas Chondros, Pat Moochy, Martin Hackett, Lucky Liguori, Theo Finkel, James O’Sullivan, Hywel Jones and Matt Atkins at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as a part of a quartet with David Toop, Regan Bowering and Andrea Bolzoni at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performance as a member of Multiple Melodicas alongside Steve Beresford, Martin Hackett, David Grundy and Georgina Brett at Water Into Beer, Brockley, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford, Olga Ksendzovska, Faradena Afifi, Ashley Wales, Martin Hackett and Aurelie Freoua at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Attended and performed with the London Improvisation Workshop three times this month at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Alan Newcombe, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, David Grundy, Chris Hill, Regan Bowering, Jamie Coleman, Ed Shipsey, Lydia Swift, Mirei Ya, Theo Wigens, Helen Dimos, Florence Uniacke, John Eyles, Andrew Ciccone, Noah Berrie, Pat Moonchy, Ian Wradley, Lucky Liguori, Ross Lambert, Tony Hardie-Bick, Oscar Leyens, Jordan Muscatello, Jack Dove, Tansy Spinks, Crystal Ma and Keisuke Matsui
- Performances as a trio with Marjolaine Charbin & Dominic Lash at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show airs the Hundred Years gallery event celebrating Maggie Nicols 75th Birthday including a group piece with Douglas Benford - [see the link above for the complete progamme]
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford (w. text by Brian Eley), Faradena Afifi, Dee Byrne, Ashley Wales, Loz Speyer and Aurelie Freoua at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Lengthy review of three releases (‘Plays LemonMelons’, ‘Taking A Quiet Road’ and a Lonely Impulse Collective piece) by Douglas Benford in the March 2023 issue of the Wire magazine, print edition, by Brian Morton. “Benford quite deliberately goes anywhere…quietly rapt….comfortably absorbed and absorbing”
- Duo performance with Benedict Taylor and group performance with Adrian Northover, Sue Lynch, Adam Bohman, Benedict Taylor, Georgina Brett, Daniel Thompson and Vid Drasler at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Performances as a quartet with Steve Noble, Adam Bohman & Dee Byrne at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performance at Maggie Nichols’ 75th Birthday event and gallery fundraiser with Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Nicky Heinen, Caroline Kraabel, Mark Wastell and Phil Durrant at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK (see YouTube clip above)
- Performances of Phil Morton’s 50:50 timer project alongside Phil Morton, Chris Hill, John Eyles, Regan Bowering, David Grundy, Ed Shipsey, Tom Mills, Kostas Chondros, Pat Moochy, James Malone, Alan Newcombe and others at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show airs the piece ‘Ramparts’ by Douglas Benford, Isadora Edwards and Adrian Northover (from the bandcamp album by them) - [link above for whole radio show]
- Duo performance with Cath Roberts at Boat-Ting, Embankment/Temple, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by David Leahy, Adrian Northover, Dee Byrne, Ashley Wales and Martin Hackett at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Attended and performed with the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, James O’Sullivan, Tom Mills, Nathan Moore, Ross Lambert, Chris Hill, Alan Newcombe, Emmanuelle Waeckerle and Kostas Chondros
- Performance as a trio with Isidora Edwards and Adrian Northover at the Horse Impro Club, The Glitch, Waterloo, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show had two different programmes featuring firstly most of the Mopomoso Xmas event included the duo by Andrea Bolzoni and Douglas Benford - https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-15-jan-2023/ - and secondly most of the Hundred Years gallery winter solstice event including the duo of Verity Lane and Douglas Benford - https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-22-jan-2023/
- Performances as a quartet with Emily Shapiro, N. O. Moore & Clive Bell at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Recording session at the Hundred Years gallery, Hoxton, London, UK with Graham MacKeacham and Regan Bowering
Continued below…
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wildfirehq · 6 months
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CHARACTER NAME: anthony j crowley ( often just goes by crowley ) CHARACTER FACECLAIM: david tennant CHARACTER AGE/DOB: november 23rd 1971, 52 years old CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC: he/she/they, genderfluid, hard stares @ his own sexuality like: uhhh there is,,, there sure is some there!!! CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant): good omens OC OR CANON: canon IF RELEVANT, PLEASE COMMENT ON ANY IMPORTANT CANON DIVERGENCES: n/a but ya know. obviously not a demon etc etc, adapted to fit this universe WHERE THEY ARE CURRENTLY LOCATED & ANY IMPORTANT ALLIANCES OF NOTE: 'i'm on my own side' is kinda the vibes. however, he does work with the likes of hilltop/alexandria/oceanside/the commonwealth IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs etc):
for the vast majority of his life before the apocalypse, anthony was a good kind of person. a little rebellious in early life-- that led to his parents kicking him out at 18-- but for the most part, he had a good heart. living in london, they went to college and then university, studying physics with space science-- delaying a little bit and not starting until they were around 22 years old because their focus was primarily on finding a job and a place to live first.
in that time, anthony also pursued a vague music career. a band was started, very punky kinda vibes. he got the nickname crowley then and, for the majority of the rest of his life, crowley spent his time between both of his passions: music and space sciences.
then it happened, late 2010 happened. the world went to hell. and crowley, who thought himself a good person all of his life-- who told himself that people who did good, got good things, lost a little of that faith.
especially when through his vast connections, he learns the truth of just how long the virus was kept from the public. it kinda makes him jaded. and when he ends up stuck stateside, trying to survive with his friends… when he has to kill a dear friend who got bit and turned, it changes something in crowley.
about a year into the apocalypse, crowley is alone. he's fought, watched all of his friends and those he cared about die for different reasons. he's done things he never imagined himself doing, just in order to survive. he no longer feels like the person he was before this all started and it haunts him. he travels from place to place, never staying anywhere too long. afraid to get close to anyone.
by the time he's picked up by the saviors who admire his brutal fighting style ( and maybe some notice him, 'weren't you in that band--' ), he feels utterly disconnected from reality and his humanity. joining with the saviors feels like the smart move. it's how he'll survive. and, well, at least it's a bed to sleep in. he doesn't have to like them. he doesn't have to form close bonds. it's about surviving. it's about not being on the wrong side of that bat.
crowley knows the things hes a part of isn't exactly right nor good. but good never seemed to get anywhere, did it? nothing seemed to really matter.
the day he goes on a pick up with the saviors and sees abe (now going by aziraphale), something long locked away in crowley seems to spark to life again.
it's… hard though. being on opposing sides. it's hard seeing someone you've known through different periods of life, knowing that they too have lost so much. crowley struggles a lot with how to be with the knowledge of it all, and it causes for some stolen moments, but also some intense arguments.
by the time the war ends, crowley has a choice. leave, go and find some place else for himself. move along again. or… try. try at life. at redemption. at trying to build something again and maybe, start to move past the things he'd done.
it's not easy, nothing ever is with the apocalypse. but slowly but surely, crowley has been piecing himself together over the years. there have been backslides, there have been moments he's thought about running away from it all. but he's still here. he's trying. and he really hopes one day he'll feel worthy of forgiveness. ONE SONG THAT HAS YOUR CHARACTER VIBES: unknown / nth by hozier
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spoilertv · 10 months
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vreugd-madelon · 2 years
Shades of Magic Review
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The Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab is a YA Fantasy series consisting of 3 books; A Darker Shade of Magic, A Gathering of Shadows & A Conjuring of Light.
Kell is one of the last Antari—magicians with a rare, coveted ability to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and, once upon a time, Black. He was raised in Arnes—Red London—and officially serves the Maresh Empire as an ambassador, traveling between the frequent bloody regime changes in White London and the court of George III in the dullest of Londons, the one without any magic left to see. Unofficially, Kell is a smuggler, servicing people willing to pay for even the smallest glimpses of a world they'll never see. It's a defiant hobby with dangerous consequences, which Kell is now seeing firsthand. After an exchange goes awry, Kell escapes to Grey London and runs into Delilah Bard, a cut-purse with lofty aspirations. She first robs him, then saves him from a deadly enemy, and finally forces Kell to spirit her to another world for a proper adventure. Now perilous magic is afoot, and treachery lurks at every turn. To save all of the worlds, they'll first need to stay alive.
I rate the A Darker Shade of Magic 4/5 stars.
I had my hope quite high for this book because everyone gave it so much praise. And it was still very good, but not as good as I thought. I also listened to the audiobook version while reading along with my physical copy in November 2021 and the voices the narrator put on were good, but not as diverse as I’d hoped, as I’ve come to expect from audiobooks lately.  The fact that the later books get a lot more praise than the first now kinda scares me, so I hope I’ll like them because I already own them. I’m planning to read them in December and January, so let’s see if that actually happens since I’m a mood reader.
The characters were alright, if a little one dimensional. Kell has a saviour's complex. Lila, just wants to be free. The Dane Twins want to take over the world and Holland just want to be left the fuck alone. Also the only reason I feel they’ve introduced Grey London is because Lila is from there and she just couldn’t be from the other Londons, but I wish there was some more excitement from their court and royal family. 
I rate A Gathering of Shadows 3/5 stars.
I enjoyed this book. Though I originally wanted to read it in December, it has taken me until the end of July 2022, to actually pick it up. Finished it in 3 days with the help of the audiobook. I do really like the narrators and the split POVs between Kell, Lila, and Rhy.
This book centers about the Essen Tasch, the Element Games, and god it was so boring. When I read a fantasy book, especially high fantasy, I want something world ending. When it’s a series, I don’t mind the 1st book being small town, so to say, but the world and problems should grow and expand. This didn’t do that, this did the opposite to that until the very end. I feel/predict that the next and last book in the series will have that world ending moment. I hope to read that one in September.
I rate A Conjuring of Light 4.5/5 stars.
Almost a year after I started this series, I finally finished it in December 2022.
This last instalment does a good job of recapping what happened in the last book in the first couple chapters. An amazing thing too because I remember barely more than the magic competition and I read it in July this year.
Really like all the different perspectives combined with the 2 voice actors. Each character has their own distinctive personality and voice. I connected with them more than I thought I would. I even shed a single tear when I read the last word of the book, which I didn’t really think possible at the end of book 2. Even the main villain of the book is wonderfully written and each time they encounter him the stakes just get higher and higher, which makes him very threatening.
The reason I deducted .5 of the rating is because a small portion of the book just felt too fast. It’s when Kell is away from London. 4 Days pass, and those days are like 25% of the book. We do have to locations to focus on, but for me personally it doesn’t really lend any gravitas to Rhy’s situation as it isn’t allowed to settle with him as we’re going on to the next thing.
Lastly, I do really like the ending for all the characters, Kell and Lila, Rhy and Alucard, and even Holland. Plus the ending is open enough that even another book or a side story is possible.
Do you have any questions? Or maybe some recommendations? Send me an ask here on Tumblr or tweet me. If you wish to support me, you can buy me a coffee! Or even buy my debut fantasy novel, The Mending Road.
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miraclebanana · 2 years
Throw it up yelawolf mp3 download
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Fefe Dobson’s income source is mostly from being a successful Singer. Go Luv AJ! She is not dating anyone currently. Find information about Jim Jonsin online. He idolizes his mom a lot and often called her a … #2 – Yelawolf in London, England – November 4 This year I have seen Yelawolf three times in California, Milan and London. Browse for Bend Till I Break song lyrics by entered search phrase. The Willy Wonka inspired music video was released a few hours after the song's release About Fefe FEFE (stylized in all uppercase) is a single by American rapper 6ix9ine featuring American rapper Nicki Minaj and Canadian record producer … Also find out how she got rich at the age of 36. Be Strong (Fefe Dobson) Be Strong Now Be Thankful for What You Got (William DeVaughn) Be the 1 Be the Bigger Man (Gaz Brookfield) Be the Change (Britt Nicole) Be the Change (Desperation Band) Be the Girl Be the Lake (Brad Paisley) Be the light (ONE OK ROCK) Be the One (Hootie & the Blowfish) Be the One Be the One (The Ting Tings) FEFE was released on July 22, 2018.The song was written by Murda Beatz, Cubeatz, Andrew Green, 6ix9ine and Nicki Minaj. The following is a discography of production by Diplo, an American DJ and record producer.It includes a list of songs produced, co-produced and remixed by year, artist, album and title. He s now engaged to be married to FeFe Dobson, the singer from Canada. He has three children from a previous marriage to Sonora Rosario. This is one of the funniest songs to make it to pop radio in awhile. You make me dance, sweat out my hair, oh, oh, oh, oh. The Mo'Nique Show There are 60 lyrics related to Bend Till I Break. Train – 50 Ways to Say Goodbye Art by Bas Van Uyen. Music Quiz I Never Thought I'd Write Actually, he’s the only actor on the planet who could play this one.” Even though Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper aren’t dating, we can see why people thought they were. Her net worth has been growing significantly in 2020-2021. American rapper Yelawolf and Canadian singer-songwriter Fefe Dobson are officially married. Members: Say (Leader, Main Vocal, Lead Dancer), Yull (Main Vocal), J-Da (Rapper), Jucy (Rapper), Hayana (Vocal) Debut: August 2012 Last Promotion: March 2013. 50 Cent has a son with former girlfriend Shaniqua Tompkins. En poquito (si no ya, no lo sé porque no lo estoy viendo) sabremos con qué canción defenderá El Sueño de Morfeo a nuestro país en el festival de Eurovisión, y me parece que nos vamos a dar el batacazo del siglo, porque si apenas nos hicimos notar con la GRAN Pastora Soler (que merecía estar al menos en el TOP3 y se comió los mocos con un décimo puesto.), deberemos dar las … Fefe Dobson Is Ready To Let It All Out Again: Interview She is from Canada.
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merry christmas, ya filthy animal
Hi guys! This is my contribution for @hockeynetwork holiday gift exchange, it’s 2.5k of sweet Tito fluff for @dreamypeaches and I hope you all like it. As always, I read all the tags and love love hearing your feedback, so hop into my inbox and reblog if you like it! 
word count: 2.5k+
Everyone has a favorite movie. Some go for a childhood classic like Cinderella, some find an indie documentary from a film class in college, some inherit their parents’ love for the Princess Bride or Casablanca. Not you. For you, there was no movie that could hold a candle to Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. You had watched it for the first time maybe around 7 or 8 years old, and had been hooked ever since, and even Donald Trump’s five-second cameo couldn’t taint the love you had for it. But your favorite part, other than the large cheese pizza and stretch limousine, was the end. The Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center, Kevin and his mom finally reuniting after she moved heaven and earth to get back to her son by Christmas. 
It wasn’t your first Christmas in New York City, but it was the first one where it really felt like it was your city, like you belonged to it. And it was your first Christmas with Tito. You had started dating earlier in the year, just as the team was starting to make the big push for playoffs and two months or so before he left to Montréal for the summer. It was strange while he was there, not just because he was hundreds of miles away and in a whole different country, but because the two of you had only been exclusive for a few months and were set to be separated for three. You flew up for Canada Day and met his parents, and he came back for a week in August, but the interim was filled with more FaceTime calls and lonely nights than either of you would care to admit. 
But summer was long over, the leaves had fallen from all the London planes, and the temperature had started to drop below freezing even in the day. The cold weather wasn’t always great; you didn’t love having to scrape the ice off of your windshield or trudge through the slush when it was too early for the snow to stick to the ground, but you wouldn’t change it for the world. One thing that winter changed was date plans. Unless you hit it at just the right time, coffee in the morning was more prone to freeze your fingers off than warm you up, having dinner outside — normally one of your favorite things to do together — was all-but banned after November, and you could only walk around Central Park so many times. And it wasn’t for lack of trying; you knew for a fact that Anthony had spent hours on plane rides trying to figure out what was open, flipping in between Google and the weather app. He was making an effort, though, and that’s what mattered. 
Which is why you weren’t particularly surprised when he showed up at your apartment door on Christmas Eve, twelve hours after he asked you if you had plans that night. You didn’t and it wasn’t a game day, so he told you to dress warm and be ready by 8. You were waiting by the door five minutes early. He greeted you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, closing the door behind you. “Did you already eat? I know it’s pretty late already but I think I saw a few food trucks by where we’re going if you’re still hungry.”
You nodded your head. “Anthony. It’s 8 at night. ‘Course I’ve already eaten.”
He ducked his head in embarrassment, the slightest pink appearing on his cheeks. “Should have figured.”
“It’s fine,” you said, slipping your hand into his and smiling. “You going to tell me where we’re going, though?”
“Wouldn’t be a surprise if I did,” he said. 
You should have known by the duffel bag in the backseat what his plans were, but some thirty minutes later and he was pulling into a parking lot off of West 49th, shouldering the bag and looking over to you with a grin. “What’s a Christmas in New York without ice skating at Rockefeller Center?” 
You rolled your eyes, trying desperately to keep in a laugh. “You don’t think it’s a bit unfair? You’re paid buckets of money to balance on knife shoes and the last time I went ice skating was,” you tried to remember, “two years ago? Three?” 
Tito shrugged, taking your hand as you walked out the door of the parking lot. “What’s life without a little risk?” Whether the Harry Potter quote was intentional or not, you weren’t sure. 
“Fair,” you conceded. “You’ll have to look out for me, though.” He promised he would, handing his card over to the cashier, who in turn passed you your skates. Anthony led you over to a bench, grabbing a bag of roasted chestnuts from a street vendor before sitting down. You ate a few before tying your skates, swinging one up on his thigh for inspection. “Do these past muster, inspector?”
Anthony took one look at them before undoing your knot, adjusting your foot in his lap while rolling his eyes good-naturedly. “You didn’t tie them tight enough, you could break an ankle in these, babe, and we wouldn’t want that, would we?” You shook your head; he pulled you up to a standing position, leading you over to the gate to get onto the ice. “Don’t feel bad if you’ve got to hang onto the side for a little bit, it doesn’t look like the zamboni’s been over it in awhile so the ice is probably pretty chippy.”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. “I’m not completely hopeless, Anthony. I’m no professional,” you half-slipped while taking your first step onto the ice, clinging to the railing, “clearly, but I’m an adult and I can handle myself.” 
He held his hands up in surrender, gliding backwards on the ice before stopping. “I know you can.” The two of you skated for about an hour before taking a break, sipping cups of piping hot apple cider while sitting on a bench off to the side of the rink. “There’s always that one person who feels the need to go in the center and show off, huh?” Tito mused, glancing towards center ice, where a woman was indeed in the middle of a spin so quick and intricate you had no clue how she didn’t throw up from the sheer centrifugal force of it all. 
“Says the professional hockey player,” you quipped. 
“I’d go insane if I tried to do anything like that,” Anthony responded, drinking the last of his cider before dropping the cup into the recycling bin. “Just about the only thing hockey players and figure skaters have in common is our ability to skate in a straight line.”
You laughed, squeezing his arm. “Have a little more faith in yourself than that, Anthony.” 
“Mhm,” he said, noncommittally like he didn’t quite believe you. “You ready to get going, or do you think you’ve got more in you?” 
You looked down at your watch; it was 9:30; the rink didn’t close for another hour and plenty of people were still milling about. “I think I’ve got a little gas left in the tank.” 
Sounds good,” he said, taking your hand and doing an extremely admirable job of not laughing at your attempts to hobble over to the ice on your skates. “One of these days I’m going to get you to go backwards,” he said as he stepped on, gliding back easily before coming to a quick stop. 
“I’ve just stopped having to hold onto your hands like a five-year-old, Beau,” you said, rolling your eyes as you took a moment to find your balance on the slippery ice. In your defense, he had been right about the lack of resurfacing on the ice; the skate attendant said the zamboni only came around once a day, shortly before opening, and the lack of smooth ice couldn’t have done you any favors. But you were determined to prove yourself, to show him and everyone else in Rockefeller Center that you were a fully grown and capable adult who could skate for a few feet without needing assistance. Which you did, for approximately two minutes, trailing ten or fifteen feet behind Anthony as he skated backwards, executing poorly-attempted jumps and spins for no reason other than your amusement. You were doing fine, until the toe pick of your skate caught in a chip in the ice and you tumbled down, down to the ice before Anthony could skate over and catch you,. Down, trying to break your fall with your hands. Pain radiated up your left wrist, the cold of the ice already beginning to melt into your jeans. 
“Oh my God,” Anthony said, kneeling in front of you as several passers-by looked over in concern. “You okay? That looked like a pretty bad fall.” 
You nodded, trying to push yourself up to a standing position, but the second you put pressure on your hand, you let out a sharp shriek. “Fuck,” you said, moving to rub your wrist. Not a good idea; the pain only got worse when you touched it. 
His brow only furrowed more. “If you put your wrist out to break the fall, you could have broken it or something. We should go to the hospital.”
You shook your head. “I’m sure it’s nothing, Tito,” you said as the two of you skated off the ice, your wrist hanging limply by your side as you bent down to try and untie the skate laces. He looked up at your face, seeing you biting your lip with tears pricking at the corner of your eyes as you tried to pull them. 
“Hurts to pull?” You knew it was no use trying to lie to him, so you nodded. He pushed the sleeve of your jacket up as gently as he could after untying your skates, handling your hand and wrist with as little pressure as he could. “Not exactly how I thought I’d be kneeling in front of you,” he said, the corner of his mouth twitching. You knew he had only said it to distract you, try to get your mind off of the inordinate amounts of pain you were in, but the words still made your heart skip a beat. His fingers moved feather-light over your skin, keeping an eye on your facial expressions as he felt. “Hurts to close your hand?” You tried; you nodded. “Hurts to turn your wrist?” A second nod. “Has it gotten worse or better since you fell?”
“Worse,” you managed to squeak out. 
He bit his tongue in concentration. “Shit. Yeah, we should go to the hospital.” You knew it was no use to argue, even as you weakly kept telling him it was probably just a sprain that would heal on its own as he herded you into the car, looking up the waiting times of Manhattan emergency rooms. “The ER wait at Lenox Hill is twenty minutes, it’s like two miles away,” he said, puting the car into reverse and backing out of the parking lot. Of course, two miles in New York City on Christmas Eve really meant fifteen minutes, and by the time he parked at the hospital and you were walking into the ER, it was just past 11. And of course, an ER wait time of “twenty minutes” the day before Christmas meant that, as a relatively low-priority case, you weren’t seen for well over forty. “I feel terrible about this,” Anthony said, slumping back in the chair to the side as you sat on the exam table. 
“Not your fault,” you said emphatically. “Could have happened to anyone. Literally anyone, Tito,” you looked over at him; he still looked guilty. “It could have just as easily been you, if you’d hit the chip at the wrong angle or there was some kind of slippery patch you weren’t expecting. And,” you added as he opened his mouth, “you were too far away to catch me.” Your expression softened. “I know you would have if you could have, but I’m sure it’s not hurt too bad and I don’t want you to keep beating yourself up over it. I’ll be okay.” 
The nurse practitioner chose that moment to poke her head through the curtain, calling your name. You nodded. She flipped open your chart. “I’m Emily, I’ll be taking care of you tonight. It says here you’ve got a wrist injury?” You nodded, explaining what had happened. She pulled a pair of gloves on, fingers moving over your wrist. “With what I’m seeing and how you’re rating your pain, I think we’re probably looking at a bad sprain or a break, but we’ll have to get an X-ray to confirm.” Fifteen minutes later, you were in and out of the radiology suite, and Emily was looking at the images on a tablet. She leaned over the table, pointing to the images on the screen. “Okay, so what you’ve got is called a Colles’ fracture, it’s a break in the radius and they’re actually super common, by far the most common type of wrist break we see. Yours isn’t too bad, so I’d say it can come off in six weeks or so.” She left for a minute to get the casting supplies. Ten minutes later, your entire lower arm was covered in cotton and fiberglass wrap tape. You wiggled your fingers towards your boyfriend. “I think purple’s really my color, don’t you?” you said, nodding towards your cast. 
You saw him crack a smile, his first since the accident. “It’s beautiful, babe.” Fifteen minutes and more than your fair share of paperwork later, you had handed over your insurance information and gotten the okay to leave, with strict instructions to keep the cast dry and call if you had any problems. 
“I think this definitely wins as the most interesting date I’ve ever been on,” you said as the two of you crossed the parking lot. 
“I’ll have you agree with you on that one,” Anthony replied. “I’m glad it wasn’t anything more serious, though. I would have felt even worse.”
You nodded. “You and me both.” Anthony looked down at his watch as he held your good hand, smiling when he saw the time. “What is it?” you asked curiously. 
“Guess there was too much going on in there to keep track of time. It’s 1:37 AM.” 
The painkillers they had given you had kept the pain in your wrist to a dull ache, but all was forgotten as you realized what it meant, what it being past midnight meant, and you couldn’t stop a grin from spreading across your face. “It’s Christmas?” you said, almost like a question. Nothing could extinguish your love for the holiday: not the freezing cold air nipping at your nose or the apple cider that was so hot it burnt your tongue or the fact that you went out for a night with your boyfriend and came back with a broken wrist. You had him, and that was enough. 
Tito laughed, leaning down to press a soft kiss against your lips as he unlocked the car. “Merry Christmas, baby.”
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dailyniallnews · 4 years
Niall Horan on the livestream victory for his touring crew
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On November 7 Niall Horan performed a livestream gig to an empty Royal Albert Hall to raise funds for his touring crew and the We Need Crew fund. But across the globe fans from 151 countries tuned in to watch the Nice To Meet Ya singer perform his No.1 album Heartbreak Weather live for the first time.
This week, Driift revealed that the event sold more than 125,000 tickets, surpassing the capacity of London’s biggest gig venues the O2 and Wembley Stadium.
Speaking to Music Week on the success, Modest! Management partner, Will Bloomfield said: “We are obviously elated, not only for that endorsement of so many people wanting to see Niall, but for the money made for this cause." Modest! Management are hopeful that this will bring light to the issue and encourage others to do the same, "We all need more artists to bang the drum louder," said Bloomfield.
Horan caught up with Music Week to reflect on the worldwide success of the event, as well as securing a No.1 album during the music biz’s most tumultuous year.
How does it feel to know you have helped your touring crew and the We Need Crew fund with this event?
Niall Horan: "Oh it's absolutely mad. When I put the idea together I didn't think that we were going to get that many people, but it turns out that it's 125,000 tickets but they reckon its between two and three people per ticket, which is a joke, right? There'll be 400,000 people there before you know it. It was just amazing. It was good to know that obviously the bigger the number the more money it means we’ve raised, and we can pay our crew and pay the We Need Crew fund. There was a glint in everyone's eye the other night and it was it was nice to see."
Have your crew spoken to you about how this will help them?
"People were more talking about the mental [health] side of it and how they were just happy to be back at work and how bored they'd been. I don't think people want to talk about [money], I mean obviously people are not going to start mentioning money. It's not one of those things that you talk about on a daily basis but it was more of the idea of like, ‘Jesus its good to be back doing what we actually do.'"
What was it like to perform to an empty Royal Albert Hall but know that so many people were watching?
"Oh, yeah, it was a joke! [laughs] We'd spent a couple of days in there rehearsing for it and honestly there wasn't one time I walked out into the main room, and didn't think, ‘Jesus Christ this looks unbelievable.’ Luckily we had one of the best directors in the world and some of the best camera crew around. But we could have shot it on an iPhone and made that room look unbelievable. It's just the most beautiful room, and Emma Bull who did all the lighting and Paul Dugdale who did all the directing made it look even better than it normally does. It was just really cool. As far as virtual gigs go I don't think it can get too much better than the Royal Albert Hall as your backdrop. We rehearsed there and didn't think anything of it. And then it was kind of like that red light thing, where the red lights go on, on the camera, and you know you're live. The nerves hit after one or two songs and I started freezing up a little bit [laughs] because you can nearly see the faces of 120,000 people in front of the camera. It was quite scary for a few songs. But it was all good and we all really enjoyed it in the end."
What do you hope the government will do to help the live industry going forward?
"Last year, live music in this country was a 4.5 billion industry, if not more. I just don't understand how you can be the engine room, but literally the people who throw the coals in are being left behind. Even when I was just about to pick the Royal Albert Hall, they were saying the Royal Albert Hall is on its knees, and lots of people work there. When a government minister wants to go to the theatre next time, he might have a think about the person that opened the door for him, or put the lights on the stage, or whatever it may be. You don't mind taking their tax money next year, but they don't have any interest in paying them this year. I think that they need to step up now because at the end of the day, they can keep borrowing money its not like it's affecting them. The country is still going to be in debt. Rishi Sunak was doing a great job until he opened his mouth about the arts! Everyone loved Rishi and then he started talking about what arts people should do."
Do you have any advice for other touring crews or artists that are struggling right now?
"Well, I mean, everyone's different. So I’m not going to start giving a mental health speech. But, the other night I went through the numbers afterwards and based on a certain amount of tickets sold – because obviously there was there was more coming in – we can get what we need to get We Need Crew off to a good start and we got our crew paid. Thanks to all the people that watched, we have raised a lot of money and the kick we need. We Need Crew is going to become effectively a charity now. I'm glad that we can get it off to a good start and I urge other artists to help with that as well. We all have touring crew, we won't be able to stick the show on without them. In terms of advice, because we don't know how long this is going to go on for you know, you can't really tell someone who's sitting at home out of our pocket to relax and hold tight because its not as simple as that, but where possible We Need Crew will try and help get funds to you and help in some shape or form."
Your album Heartbreak Weather came out in March right before lockdown. How has your experience as an artist been in 2020? "Yeah, I released an album on the worst week in music history! So I wouldn't say it was the greatest launch of an album of all time [laughs]. But once I got my head around that, and realised that I wasn't going to be touring, it actually wasn't too bad. I started getting into a bit of a routine, working out and cooking. Luckily living in the city, you can get out and have a walk and a cycle. I started doing a bit of writing in the last sort of eight weeks or so and I didn't want to force that at the start. It was alright once I had my head wrapped around the fact that I wasn't touring and the album was released on that particular time. I just realised, right we're going to be in this for the long haul and kind of enjoyed the time at home. I haven't been home for this long probably since 2010! It was good. It was nice to not have to pack a suitcase all the time. I nearly forgot how to pack one [laughs]."
What’s next for you? Can we expect new music?
"I'd like to release stuff next year, I doubt it would be this year, and just kind of writing some bits getting in the studio when I can here. I went through a stage of writing absolute, toxic, toxic stuff. I’m looking forward to kind of getting into the room with some people and recording some stuff. Hopefully I'll have something next year at some point. I would like to come back with a bang. I don’t know if I’d like to just throw a song out in the middle of this. I like the idea of getting around the planet and I've learned that the hard way this year! So I would like the world to be at a point where I can get out about and do the promo."
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lindsaywesker · 3 years
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Happy Throwback Thursday! A day for great memories (wink!)
Following on from words about social media yesterday, I had an interesting conversation with a young lady. She said she felt so overwhelmed by all the information coming at her, she deleted TikTok and Snapchat from her phone. No need to do that. Just stick your mobile phone in a drawer and leave it there. In fact, I want you to stick in your underwear drawer! Just underneath that saucy G-string you bought but never found a reason to wear! I want you to put your phone in there and go do something else. When I’m watching ‘This Is Us’, do you think I worry about my mobile phone? Give me an absorbing TV show or film and I won’t give my mobile phone a second thought! Most people won’t do that, though, because they have FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Missing out on what? If that person wants to shag you at 6.00 p.m. on Wednesday, trust me, they’ll still want to shag you at 6.00 p.m. on Thursday! So, the problem isn’t really social media, the problem is FOMO! I have no fear about missing out! In fact, you can miss me out if you’re going to play me another house mix of an old soul song! There’s no point in you looking down your nose at drug addicts, drunkards or compulsive gamblers because most of us are slaves to our mobile phones; total junkies! Do it! I dare ya! Put your phone in a drawer and walk away!
I went to Sainsbury’s on Sunday and picked up a few things for the week. £50, I thought, £60 at the most. When I got to check out, it was £75. No surprise then that the inflation rate has jumped to 4.2%, more than twice the Bank Of England’s 2% target. These great financial minds have no control of the economy! If you voted for them, enjoy your grocery bill! A three-year-old with an abacus could do a better job! And, if you voted for Brexit, enjoy your empty shelves!
The coming weeks will be fun! I’ve been booked to play at very cool events: Saturday, November 27: Soullife – The Crown, Shirley with Craig Williams, Joe Carter & Soulcadelic; Tuesday, December 28: Mi-Soul Christmas Party, E1, Unit 2, 110 Pennington Street, London E1W 2BB; New Year’s Eve: The White Lion, Streatham High Road. Not forgetting Ibiza Soul Week and the NSPCC Soul Night in Bournemouth next year! Hopefully, I’ll see you at one of them?
My aim is to get to 100 reviews for ‘Whatever Makes Them Dance’ (91 so far) and 40 reviews of ‘Keep It Fun’ by the end of the year, so I’d be very grateful if you’d read and review at least one of them. (Both available via Amazon.) I thank you.
Have a throbbing and thrusting Thursday (with hopefully a few thrills through your thoroughfare?) I love you all.
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bisluthq · 3 years
when do you think the alwyns met Taylor? I always thought it was pretty quick right after they became a serious relationship because Taylor went to see his movie premiere, but then I also thought maybe they didn't know it yet, it's not like they're going to be suspicious just because she was there, many thought it was because of Kristen,but I don't even know if his parents went, as they live in london, it could be very expensive to go just to see the premiere in the United States
She didn’t go to his premiere she went to a special screening in LA and ya no one knew why. The Alwyns did all fly to NYC for the Billy Lynn premiere. He could’ve afforded to pay for it but also they’re like… very rich my dudes.
She met them on a trip to London idk if it was like October/November but he invited her home with him and his mom cooked dinner and suggested they go to the park.
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Neighbours Part 1
I am nervous, I don’t know the people I am going to face and I hope my new neighbours are nice. I just moved here from another part of London, but I fell in love with the flat as soon as I saw it. Now, as I am all settled in, I decided to greet my new neighbours.
A young woman opens, she has dark brown hair and freckles, as she now smiles at me, I can see small dimples on her cheeks. She looks nice and is stunningly beautiful.
“Hi, I´m Y/N. I just moved in next door and I wanted to give you this to start on good terms,” I explain and hand her my selfmade Quiche. She looks surprised but delighted.
“Oh, it´s so nice to meet you. I am Gemma. Michael!” she shouts into her home and a young man comes into my vision.
“This is our new neighbour Y/N. Look what she made us,” she says to him and he puts out his hand. I shake it and smile at him.
“Nice to meet you. This looks like the start of a very good, food-related friendship.” I laugh and honestly, I wouldn’t mind being friends with them.
The woman looks oddly familiar and I look at their sign at the door. Mlynowski/Styles. Oh my god, she is Harry Styles sister. That can´t be true. I live next to Harry Styles sister. Wow.
“Do you have any friends in the area? I thought, maybe you want to join me and my friends for lunch next week. We could get to know each other better.” she suggests and I smile happily.
“That would be awesome. I would like some new friends.” I accept her invitation and she nods.
“Great, I´ll get in touch with you, Y/N.”
Six months later
Gemma and I have indeed become good friends. I often sit with her on her roof terrace and drink coffee. She is an adorable woman and I have her very close to my heart. We went shopping the other day and met some of her fans, she seems pretty popular but she is so nice to her fans and followers. I sometimes ask myself, if Harry is as nice and humble as his sister. They were raised by the same woman, so I guess their mum has taught them both well.
I never met him though, but I can´t wait for the day when it happens. I am not a real fan of his, I just think he is unbelievable attractive and his music is nice. Gemma doesn’t talk much about him, just sometimes whines about her younger brother. He is on tour at the moment but she tells me, he is about to finish and sometimes she is concerned, he takes too much. He is constantly working and when he comes home to relax it is a very necessary break.
As it is a very cold and rainy Sunday today, considering it is mid-November, I sit in my favourite warm knitted sweater on my couch. I just wear a pair of leggings underneath and don’t care that my ass is only covered by that. No ones here and I am not going anywhere. I grab my tea and blow some air in it, so it cools faster. I grab my book love is a mixtape and just in this very moment my doorbell rings. I put my book down sighing and go to look through the spy.
Harry Styles is standing right in front of my door. What the fuck? Did he ring the wrong bell? I look at myself in the mirror, but it doesn’t satisfy me, this is my worst Sunday look.
He rings again and I sigh again as I open my door.
“Uhm…hi,” I say and turn crimson as he looks at me. He smiles friendly and I see the same dimples, as Gemma has.
“Hi, I´m Harry, Gemmas brother. She lives right there. I was supposed to visit her, but she isn’t at home, you don’t possibly know where she is?” he asks me and I shake my head.
“Sorry, no. I´m Y/N and I know Gems, we are friends. Why don’t you call her?” I reply and tug at my sweater.
“My phone died and I really need to have a wee, this is stupid,” he sighs and I bite my bottom lip.
“How about you coming inside, go to the bathroom while I plug your phone on my charger?” I suggest and he looks at me. His eyes are mesmerizing, emerald green.
“That would be great. You´d be my hero.” he smiles and I move away from the door, so he can step inside. He puts his big leather bag into my corridor and takes his shoes off. Good manners.
“The bathroom is right there.” I point to the wooden door and he hands me his iPhone, which I take with me, while he closes the door behind him.
I boil some water so make him a tea. What, if he likes coffee, instead of tea? I hear him coming down the corridor and stopping right before he enters my kitchen. I guess, he is taking a look at my memory wall, where I put tickets and photos of friends and family. Things and moments, I want to remember and cherish, if I feel bad.
“Tea or coffee?” I ask a bit louder, so he can hear me.
“Oh nothing, thanks. Don’t want to bother you more than I already do,” he answers and steps in the kitchen.
“You are not bothering me. Coffee or tea?” I ask again and he smirks.
“Well then, coffee. Thank you,” he answers and make him his coffee.  With his mug in my hand, I walk to my couch and set it down next to mine. He sits on the couch and looks around my flat.
“I like your style, it´s very elegant and vintage,” he compliments my decoration and I feel my cheeks getting warm.
“Thanks, that’s very nice. Your mom has taught you two well.” I wink at him and he beams at me.
“She did. She is the best,” he sips his coffee, plain black. Ew. I hate black coffee.
“So do you stay with your sister while you are in London?” he laughs at my question and suddenly I feel stupid and get all shy. Of course, he has a house here, why shouldn’t he. He is rich as hell.
“No, I don’t. I just wanted to see her after my tour and then I will go to my home. I am also going home to my mums during the break.” he tells me and I nod.
“Sounds great.”
“I will be here on Gems birthday, I think we will meet there again, huh?” he asks and looks me in the eyes. I take a deep breath and shake my head.
“I haven’t heard anything about her birthday nor that am I invited,” he furrows a brow.
“Wait, you are Y/N? Who moved here a few weeks ago, right?” he asks and I nod. More like a few months ago, but still. Yes.
“Then you will be invited, for sure. She told me about you and how much she likes you. God, I am so worn out.” he yawns behind his hand and runs his hands over his face. He looks tired, too.
“I can only imagine how hard a tour must be,” he gives me a half-smile and nods.
“It is exhausting but I love it. I mean, I don’t like being in the spotlight every time I step out, but I like doing my own thing. Selling my music. Sometimes, though, I just want to be a normal guy, someone who can be just himself and not what everybody expects you to be.” he sighs and I understand, what he says. You have obligations and special rules you have to stick to.
“Well being normal and ordinary can be pretty boring sometimes. But I get what you say, I wouldn’t want to switch places with you, I hate getting attention from everyone. It´s my worst nightmare.” he looks at me a bit surprised and I turn my gaze down to the ground. Why am I telling him all this? I am usually not as open as I am right now.
“It can be very intimidating, yes. But you get used to it someday. Don’t you get all the attention, when you go out to party?” he asks and I cough. I never really went to go to a party.
“That’s not what I do, honestly. I am more of a loner, boring at home with my books and tea…” I reply and I feel so boring. Telling him, who has seen the whole world, what I do when I am home.
“What do you do for a living?”
“I work in the library, see? Boring job as well,” I laugh and he smiles friendly.
“I don’t think that’s boring at all. Books are great, I mean you can find so many new places in them and when you have no time left, you just stop and get on it at the same point, where you left. I love books, but haven’t been to a library in years,” he answers and I look over to his phone.
“I think you can use it now. You could have used mine as well, didn’t think of that.” I say and roll my eyes. Sometimes I am a bit confused.
“It´s okay, I enjoy your company very much. Haven´t talked to someone who is a stranger to me and doesn’t freak out, because I am Harry Styles. It´s so refreshing and you are very nice, I know why Gemma likes you so much,” he says and I turn the deepest shade of tomato red, I can tell. I hate myself for it.
“Thanks, I guess. I like her, too. She is great and nothing but a good soul,” I reply and drink my tea while he fiddles with his phone.
I try to not listen to his conversation but when he gets louder, I can´t help it.
“Gemma you said you were at home, if you knew you weren’t, why the fuck did you not tell me? I could have gone home directly!” he says and I can see, that he is upset.
“No, that´s not okay. Yes…whatever, Gemma. I´m leaving now, yeah see ya.” he hangs up on her and grunts disappointed.
“Such a waste of time, this woman! Oh…I´m sorry, of course, it wasn’t a waste of time, I met you. Something positive at last.” he smiles at me and I roll my eyes.
“It´ s okay, I get it. You are upset and tired.” he nods in response and gets up.
“Well, thank you very much for your hospitality, I´m sure we will meet again soon,” he says his goodbyes and I take one last look at him, trying to remember how it was when I met Harry Styles.
“Sure, have a good night, Harry,” I reply and smiles, as he walks out my door.
About a week later I sit at my desk at work, going through some papers, as I hear a noise outside my door. It sounds like someone is having a heavy discussion and I try to ignore it. After a few minutes, I sigh and get up. This is ridiculous, it is a public library, people are supposed to be quieter here. I leave my office and stop surprised at the sight of the young man standing at the front desk. It is Harry.
“Sorry, Y/N. He persisted on seeing you, but I explained you are currently checking our papers, which is important.” Amy says and look apologetically. I smile at her and answer:
“That’s okay, Amy. I know him, Harry come with me,” he follows me and I see him eyeing Amy a bit triumphantly. I walk us both into my office and offer him a seat by pointing to the chair in front of my desk.
“How can I help you, Harry?” I ask him and sit down, putting those annoying papers away, happy to have a break from them.
“Well, I haven’t been here in years and wanted to see you. Dunno why, but maybe, if you have time…you could show me around a bit?” he asks and smiles, showing his dimples. That gets me every time.
“Sure, I could need a break from this paperwork and you took the risk of coming here, so yeah. I guess I can show you around a bit,” I get up and he grabs my name sign, which is placed at the corner of my desk.
“Y/N Y/L/N, head of member sciences. Wow, I thought you were just a normal employee but you are one of the leaders here. I am very impressed, I bet you are brilliant.” he says and hands me my sign. I put in on my collar and smile shyly.
“Yeah, I am very passionate about my job. Follow me, we will start at the front desk.” we stroll through the bookshelves, I explain something here and there, show him my favourite books and spots. We laugh and talk quietly to not disturb anyone. After we finish, I look at him in curiosity.
“So, did you like it? Will you come back to visit the library?” I ask and he beams at me. His green eyes wander over my face and for the first time today, I start turning red. Hopefully, he doesn´t see it.
“Of course, I loved it. Thank you so much, for the tour Y/N. I will come back, I mean…who could resist visiting a lady with brain and beauty?” he asks and winks at me. Is Harry Styles flirting with me? I don’t know how to react and just stare at him. Slowly my brain starts working again and I hear me saying:
“Yeah, the ladies here are pretty dope.” dope? Did I just say the word dope? Who am I and where is my normal self?
Harry laughs and leans against a big shelf with old books, which I don’t like. This is not a resting place for him, this is a public library. I raise an eyebrow and look at him, he stands straight up immediately and stutters an excuse.
“I think I might leave now and let you finish your work. Has Gemma invited you to her birthday already?” he asks and I nod.
“Yes, she did. Well, thanks for your surprise visit, it was nice to have a little break,” I say and smile at him.
“If you ever need another break, I´m at your service. See you soon, Y/N.” he says his goodbye and leaves the library before I can reply. My heart is racing and maybe my palms are a bit sweaty, but I would never make a move on any man. Especially not on the brother of my friend, who happens to be famous all over the world.
Hellooo, so this wasn´t supposed to be a two part story but it took it´s own way. So here we have part 1, part 2 will be coming tomorrow.  Stay tuned!
Love, xx
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