#seeing people fight and big wars for the end of servers . and repeats in with lifesteal. what he
a4g · 1 year
i am so interested in the civilization-lifesteal spoke connection i need to know your thoughts what are your thoughts a4g please if you are so inclined to share every spoke thought ever
hi imnot into lifesteal smp anymore . but if i have a random spontaneous moment of interest ill add to this. im sorry
wait no. edit: i put it in the tags instead . when i get a random spur of interest again ill write something better
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sokayisaidiot · 4 years
Why Tommy is one of THE BEST written characters in existence.
Alright, that’s it
Here I give you my fuckin Take on why Tommy is one of the best written characters out there and can easily compete with best-selling Novels like Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. I’m sick of a trashing that doesn’t even make sense. So buckle up. Here I will tell you why Tommy has one of the best written characters in history of Books and Movies. Remember, I write this all in my perspective and take many examples of other character books as well
Before this all starts, I will also talk about the main characters of some series, since Tommy has the reputation of being a “main” character.
When I look at the books I’ve read, I see a large range of characters and there way of making the story interesting.
Now, to establish a good character, we need key points of motivations, to make them relatable and bla bla blub:
Part of the story
Their Powers
Prized Possessions
History/the backstory
The moral and story the character tells
First tho, I want to explain some words I’m going to use here!
Mary Sue/Gary Stu:
Those are characters who are flawless, have missing chunks of personality and mostly one way written. They are easy to achieve when you are trying to make your character look badass.
Examples in some Fandoms are
·      Rey Skywalker (Star Wars Sequels 7-9)
·      Hermione Granger (Harry Potter Movies)
·      Bella Swan (Twilight)
Imagine a tree. You plant something small and soon you have something giant with many branches, roots and connections. You have the seed you plant and with caring and care you let it grow. Then you have somewhat a sapling. The tree grows with the care and soon you have a tree with many branches.
Tommy’s personality is very brash and out of control = He’s barely containable in fights, going off to do his own risky plans and starting two or so fights. He can’t forgive a person very easily like Eret, who took it a long time to get forgiveness and Techno, as he shot Tubbo at the Festival. He makes decision that also cost his life like the duel because he hates losing
Tommy can be very lazy, giving the thought he wouldn’t have to do the hard work = Shown when he tries to steal the hearts of seas from Eret or potions from Techno, bargain with “drugs” by Puffy and Ponk or gives other people the work he doesn’t want to do like he did with getting cobblestone
Like a child, he often clings to close people and annoys others for attention = His desperate attempts to have company or someone praising him shows, when he tries to get Philza’s approval (or a pat on the back), constantly looking out, if Tubbo’s either okay or where his is,
He doesn’t like to wait or doing things in the long run = He constantly asks when something is finished, when they could go or in his exile, when he was allowed to go back to L’Manburg
He doesn’t show often his cooled down, scared and vulnerable side = He often overshadows his trauma with a facade of jokes and bad hidden hurt he brings out. When he talks about something bad, he’s clearly confused, not really knowing on how to understand it. Also he runs away from things he can’t control a panic attack like visiting the final control room or looking away from the holes in Logstedshire
He runs without head into a battle so often as possible = Only when they had their final showdown for the disc, Tommy was seen preparing in story, thinking it would be his last fight
But as he has negative traits, his positive shows to many people clearly.
His unwavering loyalty to the closest of people = His loyalty to Tubbo, Wilbur And L’Manburg are, were and always will be a part of him. He stands against anyone who goes against that, even if it means pain in many ways.
Passionate about dear projects of his = You can see Tommy talking about his discs or see an video where he would spent days getting different discs. Those things are very known to be rare things, so for Tommy to possess it gives him somewhat power. L’Manburg was the same passion, even a bit more, as you can see he was ready to give up his most prized disk. The last and in the moment is his hotel
Bravery like no one makes him as one of the dangerous person on peoples hitlist = He stands up for others. He stood up to L’Manburg. He in the end didn’t care that he lost a life. When he sees a foe, he won’t stand down and submit, he will fight against the oppression and tell them that in the face. During the mission to get a visa, he stood against Schlatt, even if they were clearly in the loose of people and disadvantage. Or getting an apology of Sapnap for killing Niki’s fox. Fighting against 5 people with just one ally while the other is a hostage.
His leadership = There are not many people who can take it up, but Tommy is an exception. He can coordinate people with his loud voice and somewhat thought plans. He is charismatic, even if he’s not so good at it like Wilbur, he still can motivate people to fight for themselves or others. He’s seen to lead others into battle and taking in the fighting part a leading role
Unselfish. That’s one of the most arguable things about Tommy`s character = You can´t look at a kid and say he is selfish because he wants to get something dearly back. Especially Tommy, after he gave the things up, he cared about. But if something is happening again, he will lay it down to do the other thing. As seen by the egg, he had a hard time thinking what to do. He, in a long time, didn’t want to be catalyst for something to happen. Not when he in the moment could have stopped it. So doing this act for himself ones, was a good decisions, since they clearly weren’t ready for war
Part of the Story
Outside of the story:
Let’s all just get something “straight”. What would Dream SMP without Tommyinnit. Now. Don’t get me wrong. All the creators on the SMP are amazing. They are all wonderful and deserve every bit of Attention and fame they get. But just imagine.
We heard from Tubbo, he was the one, who got him into the SMP. Schlatt and Wilbur came because of a “visit”. Quackity was added because TOMMY said he was bored. And from that, we got somewhat of a tree system. As Tommy was invited and drawn into conflict by Sapnap (shoutout to best boy!), he got more people.
He also has the highest viewership and kind of shortest streams, since he is doing college next to Youtube and Streaming. He can’t give up his high viewers since all of those 200.000 (average) – closing 650.000 People (doing something like a big lore stream in prison or the disc final), choose to watch him.
Also a reminder again, Tommy has his storyline as does everyone else. When we saw Tommy and Techno during the partner up arc doing something with the dogs, they saw the start of the red vines arc BUT said they were on the wrong storyline. Tommy was asked by the eggpire writers if he wanted to be a part of the story and he said yes. Why do you think he nearly says nothing about the egg. He leaves it to the writers. Also, it was said by one of Wilbur’s Character descriptions, that Tommy was okay with others doing something with his character, while Techno was more reluctant with his.
Let me say it again, every creator is awesome and individual! Nobody should be compared to others. But with Tommy coming to the Dream SMP, there really was a change in the game.
Remember, that’s because we also have a BT (before Tommy) and AT (after Tommy) Timestamp in the wiki!
Inside of the story:
Now, with Sapnap, Alyssa, Ponk and Tommy in the first ever big conflict its shown the importance. People assume Tommy is one of the conflict bringers, even though he was dragged in it by having something stolen by Sapnap and then forced to fight with him, to get it back.
The Consequences he’s got where having his discs get stolen. This is what Tommy’s biggest character motivation was the first two seasons. Those discs are known on the server and when you think about gifting something to C!Tommy, it would be a disc.
Techno = Disc Wait
Badboyhalo = Disc Pigstep, Chirp
HBomb = Disc Pigstep, Wait
Tubbo = Stal
LazarBeam = Far
Tommy is a openminded boy who longs for funny little adventures and pranks, since he is just a young person. It’s in his nature.
So why, when he does something, are people looking on him?
Because the things he was and is a part of some of the biggest events. And him being so loud and brave and rash lets him stand out. If you look at the old (hah) Revolution of L’Manburg, who can you hear talking the most and the loudest? Tommy and Dream. They were the most outgoing about the war with Sapnap, Tubbo and Wilbur following. Fundy was more quieter (thankfully he has so much more lore now).
Tommy’s character is known to fall or be dragged head first in almost every conflict. He has connections to who? Mostly everybody. So of course he’s connected big parts to the stories.
Okay. Every “main” character or character with huge importance to the story has some kind of power. Looking at Dream, who is a “demigod” or Ranboo who I don’t even have to talk about. So what about Tommy?
Well. He doesn’t have any. Tommyinnit is one of the people, we get to have as an “human” character
Hannah = nature “Spirit”
Karl Jacobs = Timetraveller
Antfrost, Technoblade, Ranboo, Fundy = Hybrids
Dream = Something something green blob
Awesamdude, Puffy, Philza, Sapnap, Eret, Schlatt = Adding Features (wings, eyes, body parts)
Badboyhalo, Skeppy = completely different species apparently
Tommy has, as we know of the moment, a not confirmed power. The assumptions of the egg are not clear, since we haven’t seen those interact in a while. All we know is, Tommy didn’t get hurt, destroying a part and not feeling anything, while being in contact. That in canon considered.
As talked before in personality and also in an assumption, we see the pattern of loyalty and brashness repeating.
Flaws are the most important parts of a character. It shows the struggle of their adventure and learning how to live with it.
Percy Jackson learned loyalty is nothing, if you don’t have someone to project it on.
Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker learned being a hot head didn’t really bring him forward and it’s important to have a plan
Frodo Beutlin learned that it is okay taking care of yourself and what attachment means
Anakin Skywalker learned fear is controllable and it shouldn’t be a remaining part of your life
Tommy learned over the time that his rashness could hurt others, loyalty couldn’t come back to him like he gave it out and he learns even more in the coming future.
Tommy’s relationships is a mess of strings. Some are badly knotted and some are very clear.
A characters connections is an important part for the character himself.
Relationships in life are
·      Enemies(-figure)
·      Rivals(-figure)
·      Friends(-figure)
·      Family(-figure)
·      Lover(-figure)
·      Complicated family(-figure)
·      Complicated friend (-figure)
Relationships are a part of everyone’s life. Not with everybody is a good relationship holdable. Either it’s because their hurting each other or another person. People change and that’s a part of life.
Tommy realized, even tho it hurt, that Techno wasn’t good for his mental state and health. It went against everything Tommy ever stood for.
And Tommy and Tubbo’s relationship wasn’t really that broken. It’s normal for friends to fight. Normal for them hit their heads in. Tommy and Tubbo were surrounded with people who were, at the time, a terrible addition to their mental life.
The Dream SMP doesn’t talk it out, hell the talking club was just destroyed because they preferred fists over words. So why do you think everything is going out with a fight, if it’s all they learned.
Priced Possessions
Every character has to something a connection.
Might it be Percy Jackson and his sword
Might it be Harry with his glasses, broomstick and wand
Frodo and his stupid ring
For Tommy we all know it’s his ender chest inside and secret chest. He keeps many belongings in his chests and always has been one for those things. He kept flowers, compasses, Friendship signs and most importantly, his discs.
The care for something of items are important. Might it be a teddy, old photo or jewelry. People get protective over it, because it holds sentimental value to the person.
If you ask me, to let go of my teddy bear, I will show you my middle finger. Probably beat you up too.
You can’t just throw out your memories into a fire or pit of lava. This is just showing you never had a care and everything you had a memory with it before would have been gone.
We don’t have much here, but still something to work with.
A Hero doesn’t have an easy live. And it’s an said thing that every Hero needs an origin Story.
Tommy, said not really anything about his past.
All we know is that Tommy didn’t have anyone, presumably an Orphan, he knew the sleepy bois already a long time ago and he never learned on how to ride a bike, saying he never really had a family.
Signs that he didn’t even leave half a good life are:
·      his knowledge on stealing and preferring this over working for it
·      Liking to live in weird spaces like carved out holes in sides of hills (his hobbit hole or the basement by Techno) or living in his tent over a hole house
·      His liking of cobblestone and dirt, which are easy gettable blocks
·      Holding his goodies and friends close to him
·      Craving for attention or contact in general
And now for the part with the dream SMP.
We saw how it changed him. We saw his trauma and all the bad things that happened to him.
And that’s why we say his actions came from those past experiences and things. We are NOT excusing them, but showing. Past trauma CHANGES a person. It brings experience and a heavy amount of pain and anger. ESPECIALLY at a young age, you will change due to your experience in life. You will grow worried and anxious. Tommy did that. He grew more anxious, angry, scared and also experienced.
Stop saying trauma doesn’t explain it. Yes. It does. His lashing out came from his past and negative experience. Imagine growing up in a world where this is the norm. War and banishing. As well as death. Tommy has reasons why he is acting and does stuff.
Understand it. You don’t have to forgive him or anything. But understand it.
The moral and the story the character tells us
When we see Tommy, we see a boy who went nearly through it all. Mental/Physical Abuse, Abandonment, War, Suicidal thoughts, betrayal, Death, etc…
He doesn’t show forgiveness for his abuser. Still has signs, that he fights with the past abuse, but he tells us a story of learning from past mistakes, that even in the darkest hours, there’s a way out. Things will, can and be ugly and those are dark hours, but in no way should you think that it’s over. Life is more than one way and can always turn into a new direction.
Life takes something old away from you. Life gives you something new. You lose someone, you find someone new. Friends can turn into enemies. Enemies can turn into friends. You can meet the weirdest people. You can meet the most amazing people. You can be alone and in the next second, you’re not. You will often lose, but you also can win if you give everything.
Life can be weird and that’s okay.
My Fazit (that’s german)
The thing is, he is very real for many viewers such as myself. He acts like how many teenagers his age reacts.
He doesn’t be “baby”, because he shows the “ugly” sides of trauma. He shows that attachments are good and you shouldn’t forgive your abuser. In no way. He shows that acting out and lashing out are two things that happen, when you have been in wars for many times and nearly just know that.
He has many flaws and mistakes but those make him even more real. He is showing how he is growing.
As a person, friend, (pseudo-)family.
He is real to many of the viewer since he doesn’t have any powers that are existing in our world to solve their problems. He knows that nobody would have helped him and Tubbo against Dream if he didn’t pay others.
Also that you can’t be friends with everyone and that it’s okay that not everybody likes you.
Tommy´s character is the most human and realistic character in a way of how we would react. We are humans who are lashing out and who are having ugly sides.
And also please stop saying that, since I really can relate to Tommy and I don’t want to be feeling like a “bad-written Character”…
And Don’t even get me started on Tommy’s acting dude!
He is one of the best actors and that one livestreams! In from off 200.000 – 600.000 People!
On the face cam alone is so much to see…  
·      You can see his face with each emotion shifting,
·      when something funnily weird happens, he looks dead eyes in the camera
The voice acting…
·      His breathing,
·      the stuttering in his voice,
·      He changes the music fitting for the situations as in fighting scenes or funny moments.
·      He also has some funny bits with his music.
·      Like a goddam DJ!
The ingame character
·      His movements and head stares
·      The jumping around when he gets overactive
·      Long stops when he thinks or is sad!
You can see, I am a person from Tumblr and saw way too much bullshit around tommys character.
Stop critiquing him so badly.
You could say, I woke up and chose violence
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honeybunnybeez · 3 years
If you want to you could write some C! Dream being soft around reader?
Secluded Cabin's and Gentle Touches
♡Pairing: Dream x GN!Reader (with hints of platonic!GN!reader x Tommy and Tubbo)
♡Genre: Fluff
♡Format: Fanfiction
♡Summary: It's not uncommon for Tommy and Tubbo to bring people over to your place so you can help calm them down after a prank, but today they seemed to drag by a familiar face that you have yet to properly spend time with. Lucky for you, he seems to be longing to talk to you as well.
♡Au Setting: Au where the war never happens but tensions are still high.
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"Get back here!"
Despite the voice ordering them to stop, Tommy and Tubbo continued to run like their lives depended on it, and to be fair, it kinda did in this situation. Wet hands stained in different coloured dyes served as proof of their crimes and a green hooded man wearing an awfully smudged looking mask makes it clear who their latest prank victim was.
"What were we fucking thinking!?" but a laugh at the end of his yelling as he dodges Dream's outstretched hand makes it clear that Tommy doesn't regret his life choices at all.
"I don't know!" Tubbo on the otherhand, was starting to regret his involvement in the prank. His legs were starting to ache and his chest began to burn as he slowly became exhausted. A wild chase like this isn't exactly new to them but Dream's persistence really makes it hard for a person to catch a breather between runs. "Tommy, where are we even going!?"
Tommy opened his mouth to respond but a trail of scattered lanterns and torches answers Tubbo's question for him. Tubbo lets out a knowing, "ooooh!" And uses whatever remaining energy he can to keep up with Tommy, knowing exactly what his friend had in mind.
In the distance, they can see you sitting on your porch, playing with a parrot you had managed to tame while out searching for cocoa beans. Relief washes over them when you lock eyes with them and start jogging over with your bird in tow, a worried expression evident on your face.
They're quick to hide behind you when they get close enough, clutching the back of your shirt while trying to catch their breaths to answer your questions as to who they were running from this time and why.
"Dream-" is all Tommy can manage to wheeze out before he's coughing up a lung and swearing again.
"Ah," honestly, after knowing the pair for a good few years now, just mentioning a name gives you a pretty good idea of the type of prank they pulled and the danger they could be in. Thankfully, Dream wasn't a major threat, to you at least.
"Alright, alright, go hide in the house quickly and don't come out until I tell you guys to. If I die, make sure to take care of the farm animals and bees for me."
"Bless you, (y/n)."
"Your sacrifices won't be in vain, we promise!"
You give them a joking salute and urge them to go inside quickly, informing them that you can hear Dream approaching closer. Once the boys were safely inside, you tried your best to look as natural as possible with the limited time you had to adjust yourself. When Dream arrives, you can see that he's just as tired as the boys are thanks to the chase, though his stance continues to be tense as he frantically looks around for them, fists clenched tight until his knuckles turned ghost white.
"Fuck, where did they run off to?"
"Not gonna give a stranger a kind hello after walking onto their lawn with murderous intent?" You and Dream weren't really strangers per say, you had to meet up with him when you moved into the server after all, but due to conflicting schedules and how often Tommy and Tubbo dragged you away whenever he tried to make conversation, you two didn't know each other all that well. That doesn't mean that you didn't want to try though.
When Dream realizes where he was and who he was talking, he's quick to adjust his mask and hoodie to make himself look somewhat... presentable, as presentable as he can look with sweat marks and a messed up mask at least.
'Why did those two have to run up to your house out of all places,' Dream mentally whines to himself, clearing his throat and giving you a single awkward wave as he walks up to you.
"Hey, (y/n). I didn't know you lived in this part of the server," that was a lie. Dream did know where you live, he knew where everyone did but it would be a little creepy to just put that information out there, wouldn't it?
"It'd be a little weird if I just started screaming out my address to random people on the streets, wouldn't it?" You try to joke, earning a little laugh from Dream.
"Okay, yeah, you got me there."
You pat an empty spot beside you on your porch step, inviting Dream over for a bit of rest and he accepts your offer gratefully, practically slumping beside you as he suddenly feels just how tired he is.
"Love the new look you gave your mask by the way," Dream groans at your teasing and pulls at his hoodie strings, hoping to cover his whole mask with his hood. He's glad you can't see his face right now because he can feel his cheeks practically burning at the fact that when he finally gets a chance to talk and get close to you it's when he's a sweating tired mess who looks like a wreck at best.
"I'm going to kill those two when I find them," he mumbles under his breath.
The slam that follows within your home could not have been more terribly timed.
"What was that?"
"Must be my wolves," you lied through your teeth, knowing damn well that your actual wolves were sleeping in your bedroom, "they learned how to open doors recently, I think they're messing around at the moment."
While he's distracted, staring at your window to check what's going on inside of your home, you're quick to read through your most recent private messages on your communicator.
Tommy: HE'S HERE!
Tommy: Fuck this, we're hiding in the kitchen.
Tubbo: We're making a run for it through the back.
Tommy: We'll hide in your barn like runaway children.
Tubbo: Isn't that what we technically are right now?
Tommy: (y/n), we're making a fucking run for it if you don't answer us in 3 seconds.
Tommy: 3!
Tommy: 2!
"Yup," you pop your P a little at the end, annoyed yet amused at the string of frantic messages still continuing to pop up on your communicator as they make their escape, "definitely my wolves causing all of that chaos."
Dream knows that you're lying from the way you read through your messages but he doesn't say a word about it, choosing instead to take this golden opportunity to get closer to you without worrying about anyone getting in the way.
"Not really how you thought the day would go, huh?"
You can't help but laugh and shake your head, "Not at all, I thought it was just going to be another boring day with my bird, but hey, I'm glad you showed up to make it a little more special."
"Really?" Dream hates how happy he sounds to hear you say that, but he'll beat himself up over it another time.
"It's not everyday you see Mr. WasTaken himself visiting your humble home, now is it?" Oh, or maybe he won't.
"I guess not, that really should change, shouldn't it?" You can hear the little grin in his voice as he realizes the game your playing.
"It really should, but a quick heads up would be good, unless you'd like to deal with said 'wolves' I mentioned earlier."
He chuckles and shakes his head, mentioning how he's more than aware that those two 'wolves' of yours would probably rip him apart if he ever visited you unannounced.
It isn't long before you invite Dream inside, offering to help clean his mask as an apology on the boys's behalf. He claims that he doesn't mind but he would rather not take his mask off in front of you when he hasn't gotten to know you all that well.
"You don't have to remove it if you feel uncomfortable, I'll just wipe away whatever I can with a cloth, but if you're still hesitant, I'd understand."
He takes a moment to consider your offer, trying to see if you have any other ulterior motives. It's not that he doesn't want to trust you, he does, but sometimes you just have to be a little extra cautious even with people you like. Sensing no ill intent on your part though, he relaxes himself once more and accepts your help, letting his hood finally loosen and fall back to ease your process.
Your actions are incredibly comforting to Dream who can't help himself from leaning into your touches every once in a while. He watches you with his fullest attention as you wipe away the mess on his mask with a damp cloth. He loves how focused you look while doing so, taking in every little quirk you may have while you concentrate. His little crush on you that he's harboured ever since he saw you running around the server can't help but grow every second you give him your attention.
There's a certain draw to you that Dream can't fight off no matter how hard he tries, you just manage to hold a certain power over him and that was evident by the fact that he completely lost interest in continuing his hunt for Tommy and Tubbo even after finding out that they were still most likely on your property. Dream was a persistent man, he was never one to simply drop something with no proper reason at all. There was just this appeal to you that he couldn't describe and he was desperate to find out what it was about you that made him act differently than he normally would.
"Okay then, that's the last of it," he has to stop himself from letting out a whine when you pull your hands away from his mask, he wants to say something to try to get you to continue on longer but decides against it, not wanting to seem desperate. His eyes don't leave you even after you pull away, watching you rinse off the dirty cloth before throwing it into what seemed to be a bin filled with laundry. When you return to sit by his side, he can't help but swallow a bit of his pride to rest his head on your shoulder. It's a big risk to take, but at least he has an excuse for his actions if he ever needs it.
"Tired, Dream?"
"Mhmm," he feels himself melt when you let your fingers run through his slightly sweat damp hair, clearly unphased by the state of it much, to his joy.
"You wanna rest here for a while? I'm sure you could get a good nap in before leaving."
"That depends, can I still use you as my pillow?"
"Not like I have anything else to do for the rest of the day, knock yourself out."
"Then if you'll excuse me," his head is quick to leave your shoulder to instead rest in your lap and the blissful sigh he lets out escapes his lips before he can even stop himself. You just feel so comfortable to him. "I'm gonna drift off, wake me up in an hour or so, will you?"
You let out a hum in response and it isn't long before you start to see Dream's body go slack, his breathing now steady and deep as he slowly falls asleep. It's quite endearing seeing Dream act so affectionately towards you, something you certainly didn't expect from a guy who carries himself with a subtle wave of authority, but you definitely weren't complaining as you continued to play with his hair once again.
Dream would never tell a single soul about it, but this was quiet possible the best sleep he's gotten in years, if he even tried to sleep at all to begin with. The thought to just slow down and relax is never really on his mind, his head always spinning with things he has to do. However, with you, he's glad to know that he can look to you for comfort from now on, something he now realizes is rather hard to find on the server. It pains him to know that he'll have to leave in just a few moments but for now, he'll take what he can get from you and maybe, if you let him, he'll be sure to return your sweet gestures tenfold one day.
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A/N: Hello, everyone! I am so sorry for being absent recently, I know the writer's block excuse can only go so far but- yeah ^^' I'm so sorry again for everything and I'm sorry if this isn't what you were hoping for anon! Thank you so much for the rquest and feel free to request it again if you want me to remake this to hopefully suit what you wanted. Anyways, I hope you all have a good day and thank you so much for reading!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
I feel like if we really want to take a closer look at the topic of c!Dream’s obsession with c!Tommy, we have to look into both his reasons for it, and the tactics he employs to achieve his goals concerning it.
[ /dsmp /roleplay I did not tag this that way but this entire analysis is hugely c!Dream critical and focuses on the various facets of his manipulation, so if you’re not in the mood to read that, you have been warned not to. ]
Interestingly enough, before the SMP was actual heavy roleplay, back during the original disc war, the reason c!Dream listed for keeping the discs was to use them as bargaining chips, because he knew c!Tommy wanted them back, as they were hard items to get at the time, and knew he could use them for that purpose.
He had just gotten mugged and repeatedly killed by c!Tommy, who had also participated in a conflict beforehand, and only gave a half-hearted apology in the end. He had also seen him cause problems on the server before that. The discs were meant to be something he would threaten to destroy if c!Tommy started acting out of line, because he didn’t trust him to keep his word and wanted a guarantee. That was the reason he insisted on keeping the discs after getting his armor back, which is why he originally stole them.
And I feel like c!Dream’s train of thought, while skewed and twisted with irrational mindsets, is rather straightforward in essence. Conflict is what he actively stands against and what stops him from having a united server, hence in his mind, he needs to destroy things that bring conflict, and control what he can’t or doesn’t want to destroy. He thinks c!Tommy brings conflict, so he feels like he needs to find ways to control him.
Sure, we all know about the systematic abuse and isolation he employed to make c!Tommy believe he was his friend, but one of his major tactics since the beginning has also been intimidation, or a particular type of manipulation that leads to people fearing him or thinking that he has more power than he actually does. In his mind, if people are scared of him, they’re much more likely to listen to him. And the most fascinating thing is that it works.
During the initial exile conflict, despite him being just a single person with no official political power, he assures victory by aggressively, and very intelligently, threatening his way through the negotiations. c!Tubbo is scared of him, and that is not a coincidence. It’s purposeful.
Seeing as he planned to give L’Manberg technical independence either way - he said that there was no real way for him to stop them from pursuing that anyways, so that wasn’t the intention - even the war seems like a very likely ploy to make the revolutionaries fear him enough so that they wouldn’t start conflict after seceding. c!Wilbur is careful not to start anything with the Greater Dream SMP after this, because c!Dream has shown that he can and will ruin them if they do. c!Tubbo also knows exactly the lengths c!Dream will go to if he promises war thanks to this, and that if he says he’ll build a wall and keep them from leaving it with force, he’s going to do it. When c!Tubbo is faced with an ultimatum, seeing as his goal is to keep New L’Manberg safe and peaceful, he knows he has no option but to give in.
Another variation of this tactic is making himself seem more dangerous and unpredictable than he actually is and obscuring his motivation. If people don’t know what he wants, they are less able to devise effective tactics to stop him from getting it. The element of surprise is something that he utilizes constantly throughout warfare, and psychological battling is no different. For instance, during Doomsday he begins talking about how the server will “be at peace now” thanks to L’Manberg being gone, before c!Tommy barges in, and begins implying he did this all because he hates him.
DREAM Tommy… Look. In all destruction *looks at the falling TNT* there is a new beginning.
TOMMY You- you did this…! To all of us! Not just to me, but to everyone here…!
DREAM Beautiful. You know… the unfinished symphony, right?
DREAM The server will be at peace now.
TOMMY Why, Dream…?
DREAM Because I didn’t-
TOMMY Couldn’t you just- couldn’t you just burn the discs…? Couldn’t you just do it to me? Why did you have to…?
DREAM This is much more fun.
[ credits to @dsmptranscripts on twitter ]
Although c!Dream’s motivation for destroying L’Manberg was actually that, much like with c!Tommy, he thought that it bred conflict and division, he picks up on this and switches to saying how he did indeed do this all to hurt c!Tommy because he finds it fun.
He talks very inconsistently plenty of times, but it’s rather easy to spot a pattern of him being honest about his motives with his allies but straight up lying to his enemies. This makes sense, and it is usually employed as a deliberate tactic.
Intimidation is something he also uses to manipulate people during his time in prison. Ever since he got locked up, it became a mental fight. If people fully realized that he was powerless to stop them from hurting or killing him, his life only hanging by a thin strand on the concept of the revive book, he would’ve lost the control he needed to assure his survival.
The difference is that before then, c!Dream had actual physical power, however the manipulation gets harder to pull off when he has none, even with people he finds naive enough to fall for it. He still risks it because he’s desperate, and has nothing but his own life to lose, which is something he believes to be protected by his possession of the revival book. He had never been big on self-preservation besides staying alive to reach his goals.
He first tries this on c!Sam, who, rather unpredictably, begins to get morally corrupted by the power he has over c!Dream, on top of other factors. c!Dream talks to c!Sam about exile and about c!Tommy because logically, if he’s afraid of him, he’s less likely to try to hurt or kill him. This backfires because this new, unexpected version of c!Sam begins to fiercely hate c!Dream instead, hurting him further.
The same thing happens with c!Tommy - when he realizes that he can’t influence him through repeated visits anymore, he attempts to scare him into obedience again. He establishes himself as someone dangerous who has the power to escape and hurt c!Tommy as well as his friends, which he hopes will subconsciously sway him to not do things that he would disagree with. We can see him pretending to be the one in control throughout the stream after c!Tommy first got revived.
He also tells him that he can bring back the person who he’s afraid of the most and get him on his side, which is precisely the bit that ends up backfiring, but it doesn’t really matter, and trying was still the best thing he could’ve logically done.
If he hadn’t, at some point people would realize he actually has no power at all, and pay back the fear he’d instilled in them previously. This happens with c!Quackity, who began to take advantage of c!Dream’s lack of control as soon as he realized how easy it was to strip away the last bit of power he has, which is also keeping him alive.
Getting back on track, c!Dream essentially tries to control c!Tommy first by manipulating him into believing he is his friend, then believing he is a threat to him when that fails. We can see this from the way the Finale is prepared to be somewhat of a final showdown between the two, and also by him actually revealing the tactics he used to employ during exile, for example talking about taking away the invites to the party and not actually being his friend. This also proves he knew exactly what he was doing during that time, and he could easily switch between tactics because the end goal of controlling c!Tommy was more important to him than what c!Tommy thought of him.
And that’s it.
It’s all just a ploy to control him because he finds him one of the hardest people to stop from causing conflict.
Controlling him is as important to c!Dream as destroying L’Manberg and dethroning c!George and collecting people’s attachments, because what is important to him is achieving his goals through whatever means necessary, not the means themselves.
As for people, while he has no desire to actually kill them - or feels he cannot, because they could still be useful to his plans in the future - he treats them as either tools or obstacles he needs to deal with, especially if they ever get in the way of his plans, and he isn’t particularly attached to them. He does this to himself as well, and doesn’t seem to care about his own well-being or reputation as long as he achieves what he wants. While he’s focused on the ends to his means, that is the only thing that is important to him.
You could argue this does stem from thinking of the people he wants the server to be united for as important, since cc!Dream said his goals are for “everyone to get along”, but that doesn’t change the fact that the ways in which he works towards that goal doesn’t treat others’ or his own feelings as consequential at all. In the case of people who stand against him, their entire well-being is put to the side until what needs to be done in his mind gets done.
c!Dream isn’t “scared” of c!Tommy per se, nor does he seem to be obsessed with the guy himself, but he finds him something necessary to get out of the way to accomplish his goals, and he does so, ruthlessly as ever.
And even though the goal of eradicating conflict and uniting the server is something that he is so focused on that it could definitely be called an obsession, c!Tommy really isn’t that important within the equation at all.
This wasn’t a post to excuse or downplay any of his actions, nor do I agree with the “logical” thoughts I mentioned. There is a reason why I used phrases like “he finds” “in his eyes” “he thinks” “in his mind” “he feels like” a whole lot throughout this essay.
The character has an extremely flawed worldview that I in no way agree with (and although that should probably be pretty obvious, you really don’t know with this fandom). All this post is for is to analyse certain traits that are assigned to him, and figure out through logical reasoning whether they’re a mischaracterization or not.
And as far as the evidence goes; c!Dream isn't obsessed with c!Tommy, he is obsessed with his goal, and he sees Tommy as a big obstacle to achieving it, which makes him focus on him. These feelings he puts on display are an illusion to distract people from his real goal so they don't know how to get in his way - because, just like cc!Dream said, he “likes to withhold information; withhold plans; and withhold feelings” from everyone else.
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subwalls · 4 years
so i’m thinking, right. imagine this:
you jump worlds to escape your villain, and you end up here.
somehow, this is world is worse. there is no slow-burning fuse, no quiet distrust or midnight plans; outright war rages on, and on, and on. a soldier stalks by in dark eyes and diamond armor because, as the commander you know as a brother tells you, the nether has long been stripped of its strongest raw resource at blinding speed, and they can barely afford to turn their weapons to netherite as it is.
“what are you fighting?” you ask, and he flicks the cigarette in his hand to the ground.
(your brother liked the mystique of smoke, but never enough of it to sacrifice the health of his lungs for a taste, not when song poured so sweetly from his lips. but this man has not had need for song in months.)
“everyone,” he tells you. he cannot sing like he used to, but he still knows how to weave a tapestry of a story, and he does.
he tells you of the egg’s cult, self-devouring, self-sacrificing, bleeding grey and sprouting vines from their skin, inhumane in more ways than one. he tells you of the desperate badlands members that remain, guarding empty swathes of land with tooth and nail and preferring death to defeat as they protect nothing against everything. he tells you of manifoldland, its one-man army of an undying soldier who fears no death and always, always, always comes back. he tells you of manburg and its purchased mercenaries, of snowchester and its radioactive buildings, of the syndicate and its insidious claws sunk deep in every manner of the server’s underbelly.
“and us,” the man who is not the brother you know says, “the last dregs of pogtopia, the sacrificial lamb, the scapegoat, who fight because we will be killed if we do not, because they think we are the ones who started this all.”
you are almost too scared to ask, but you are brave, so you do anyway. “is it true?”
“is the butterfly responsible for the people who died to a hurricane halfway around the world?” he tilts his head to the side. “you tell me.”
“who’s in manburg?” you ask instead. “pogtopia won, in my world.”
“pogtopia did win,” he says. “too easily. it was one man against everyone else, and he shrugged and yielded. there was no bloodbath. we let him run off with his tail between his legs, only to realize that he stole the wealth of the nation, and by the time we tracked him down he’d already spent it all on his own little army.”
“the mercenaries?”
“punz, purpled, sapnap. george, if he can be roused, but that’s unlikely.”
“sapnap,” you repeat. you scrounge up the nebulous memories you have of that name, remembering that he, at least, hadn’t been a mercenary. “sapnap should be... with kinoko kingdom, with karl and big q.”
“big q and karl fled to snowchester. tubbo welcomed them with open arms, until a creeper blew the side of some weapon he’d been developing.” your brother smiles, now, but grimly. “radiation poisoning. awful, awful way to go. maybe they would have made that kingdom you said, and maybe we would’ve had another side to fight.”
he phrases it as though you should be happy that they didn’t get that far before... dying.
you want to ask if the nukes were ever developed, if tubbo was successful like he is back home.
you cannot bring yourself to give that piece of information to someone like this.
“is tubbo alive,” you ask instead.
“yes,” he says, and relief crests like a wave upon the beach of your heart, except—“dying, of course, but which of us aren’t? it’s a war of attrition, at this point. who can survive to the end. my money’s on the eggpire.”
unbidden, you spit, “nah, if anyone’s hard to kill, it’s that green bastard.”
wil pauses. turns to look at you. “you think so?”
“yes, i’ve tried, and i know it’s because of the prison and fucking sam, awesamdude, always making things difficult—”
“the egg’s got him,” wilbur murmurs, absently, but for once since landing here you see that his gaze is brighter, more focused, and that incentivizes you to continue.
“—yeah, well, he ain’t trustworthy anyways, he let dream kill me. in the prison. which is supposed to be safe and keep him contained.” you scoff, rubbing your arms to chase away the sensation of nothing and heat and obsidian. “it was awful, and dream is just such a bitch, always, and”—and here you realize that dream had not been listed in the manburg mercenaries, and your hackles rise—“where is the bastard, anyway?”
“i don’t know,” says wil, in his honest voice.
“you mean he escaped?”
“i mean,” wil says, “i don’t know what you’re talking about. who’s dream?”
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silky-rose-petals · 3 years
L'Manberg haters are really a bunch of spoiled brats who don't understand their own privilege or history aren't they :)
Lmao they rlly be treating the "war" as if L'Manberg vs Dteam is of equal sizes and not 4-5 people who are mostly builders and non-pvpers building a wall to keep themselves safe vs three of the strongest minecraft pvpers in that social circle. L'Manberg wanted to live peacefully inside their walls, almost like building a house and staying in it?? They even offerred to pay to leave it. The declaration of war was because Dream could not handle anyone questioning his "claim" as the owner of an almost infinite server, it was because of his entitledness to the land and to his control.
They really be saying "war is bad" and didn't understand why it is bad. Who is more at fault for war? People who started them? Who actually KILLED PEOPLE? Or people who are just responding and trying to keep each other safe? What is wrong with fighting for an ideal you believe in? Do they think all people/countries just go to war for fun? Do they want L'Manbergians to roll over and take the violence they had to deal with? If you say resistance isn't what L'Manberg should do, then I say violence is not what Sapnap and Dream should do, especially as a so-call rule-maker. Wilbur might have been an asshole for the whole drug van debacle, but maybe, have y'all considered? As an admin, there are better ways to deal with it? And with L'Manberg forming - due to Sapnap killing them and such - they had wanted to put an end to the dispute (in which the only side suffered any lost is L'Manberg themselves, mind you).
Not to mention the absolute American-centric view on war and patriotism? A country that has never been invaded since its formation (because its formation alone is built upon colonisation and invading occupied land lmao) has a different view on wars to a country that has been colonised/invaded. Dying for a America is dying to further colonisation, and yeah it's bad and it's on America that it's bad. But dying for a country that America, or any other big names, is self defense. Even if it's "voluntary", the war forced them to fight. It's a lose-lose situation. Is that smaller country "evil" for having to defend themself? (Also patriotism is not nationalism, get you fucking words straight). Like I said, and repeat: War isn't always born from two EQUAL SIDES. Get that into your thick skull.
And just because L'Manberg was a Hamilton RP it doesn't mean it's immediately evil because it cited American ideals. If you look at the ideals, they??? Aren't bad??? Do they understand why America formation was bad? Do they know why the America industrial military complex is bad? Or do they think Hamilton is an exact representation of America and not a santitised version of its gruesome history, made to appease the audience? Learn your own fucking history before you start using buzzwords you don't understand.
And the complete disregard of rights vs duties/responsibilities? A community cannot thrive when its people shirk their responsibilities toward their land and their people. And responsibilities mean sometimes, personal gain and safety should be put behind community wellness. "Sacrifices" isn't inherently bad, you can't have everything you want because if you do, something you want will infringe on other people's rights and then, there is no community. Do people think a community "demanding" some responsibility is "evil"? Do they think joining something means taking the benefits without certains give-backs??? Have they considered why people have to "sacrifice" in the first place??? When the forces that demands it comes from outside attacks? But the community they are protecting is at fault and "evil". What kind of black-and-white thinking is that?
If you cannot see that sometimes you have to be willing to fight and die for a cause, maybe it's time to check your privilege and why you or your generation didn't have to. Why you can live easy without thinking about it. Take a long, hard look at history and how people had to fight to be allowed to even exist, and come back to me with why the cause/community/country is evil because it was born in blood.
So literally :) shut up. Check your privilege. Learn your fucking history. Learn other countries history. And get out of here with that America-centric view <3
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pilferingapples · 3 years
Les Mis and ATLA
oh wow unexpected !
..Ok so! Les Mis basically happens in the aftermath of France's own attempts to Take Over the World, Empire-Style; so going with that! AtLA -verse , in the immediate aftermath/years following Zuko's coronation!
(disclaimer: I am in no way an AtLA Lore Expert; this is about Vibes. I'm sure it'll contradict like nine billion points of canon that I don't know. )
..you know what I can come up with backstories and all for Valjean and Javert etc but lbr this is AtLA -verse, people over 40 exist to be Mentors and Background characters , this one is about the Fantine , the Amis, and Patron-Minette
also I guess at some point Marius and Cosette will like...exist but they'll be Very Children ; Marius is probably all of five at the start here and Cosette's only going to be born in the early years of Zuko's rule so
one of the uncounted and uncountable war orphans left by decades of world war. Her background is entirely unknown, even to her; grew up in a little border colony. Post-war, she's made her way to the Fire Nation capital to find a better life and new friends. Her story is about the ground-level struggle for the least powerful people in her society so there's a better sense of what the political maneuvering is in reaction to (and she'll be part of it by like the middle of the first season? yeah, I'm thinking big Main Character energy for her in this)
-The Amis are Mostly Teenagers but that's never stopped anyone in the AtLA-verse from being plot relevant!
- Enjolras, Courfeyrac and Prouvaire are from important Families in whatever part of the Fire Nation equates to "the South". Like a lot of children from such families, they were sent to Capital City to be hostages guaranteeing their families' loyalty learn the necessary leadership skills for people of their rank (and be hostages guaranteeing their families' loyalty). This has of course given them lots of time to hang out together and bounce around ideas about how (a) the Current Regime Sucks and (b) the Nation could do Better. Enjolras is an ace firebender and fighter, Courfeyrac is one of the best swordfighters in their class, and Prouvaire...is a poet. Who has a lot of Spirit-World visions.
-Feuilly is part of the small (non-literal) army of artisans responsible for all the artistic flourishes that make Capital City and especially the palace grand and imposing and the living propaganda piece it needed to be during the war. Friends with Enjolras, Courfeyrac and Prouvaire since they were all kids, united by mutual outrage that their country is Like This. With the war over, they're all hoping to grab the chance to see the new government won't ever repeat the (horrifying, almost world-ending) faults of the old.
- Bahorel is the only fire-bender in his farming family--the only remaining firebender, anyway, because his parents made sure he kept that secret, because peasant kids with firebending don't get trained to be elite guards, they get chucked into ships and tanks to server as engine fuel-makers, and his family was not having their kid used that way. Now that the draft is not a thing anymore, though, he's free to let loose and maybe check out the Other Options for an energetic youth who wants to hit things with fires.
- Joly and Combeferre have been friends since they both got funneled into the Fire Nation's version of the Polytechnic; they were fully expecting to be battlefield medics and are incredibly relieved that's not their immediate future, and very excited at the idea that maybe now they can focus on some Exciting Theories They've been Developing About--
--Legle and Grantaire are just in the city because their parents moved there in the last few years, and the two of them fell in together. They managed to get less of the brainwashing school than most kids their age and class by virtue of just. Not Going. Slacking Off For Greater Justice!
TOGETHER THEY FIGHT CRIME ORGANIZE A POPULAR MOVEMENT FOR A MORE DEMOCRATIC FIRE NATION, so the country won't be plunged into another 100 year war the next time some Fire Lord gets a bug up his cloak
but Can They Succeed when the Patron-Minette, the old regime's hit squad, is trying to undermine them at every turn and destabilize the new government's efforts at peaceful relations with other Nations ? Will Our Heroes figure out who's behind these reactionary efforts? Is Javert just gonna be a comic-relief heavy? DO WE HAVE GUINEA PIGS?? WHO KNOWS but we know there WILL be lots of awesome fight sequences and everyone will get a chance to Unlock More True potential and like with a cast roster like this and only two known Benders, there will be at least a few people discovering their True Gifts etc
plus lots of trippy Spirit World storylines ! Whooo!
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thehermitcraftqueen · 3 years
Nobody - Angst, Scott x Jimmy
Another angst songfic, and despite the angst, I really enjoyed writing this one. This one is the hobbit husbands, for @/jubilee__line_ on Twitter.
The song is 'Nobody' by Mitski.
My God, I'm so lonely
So I open the window
To hear sounds of people
To hear sounds of people
Arrows were flying from both sides as the battle raged. One particular Red Army member drew his bow and let an arrow fly. It sped through the air and into the bunker, hitting Jimmy. He collapsed, vanishing as the death message appeared. The fight continued, but Scott could feel himself breaking.
That scene kept repeating itself in Scott's head ever since the event. It haunted him, sending him into a mindset of grief, regret, and hate. Scott constantly asked himself if there was some way he could've changed the outcome, put his yellow life before Jimmy's red somehow, but he didn't know. Either way, he felt guilty, as if it was his fault. Every moment he spent at the base he used to share with Jimmy hurt, but at the same time, he couldn't bear to be away from it. It was all he had left of Jimmy, and he'd miss it too much if he tried to leave.
And Jimmy he missed with every breath. His soft brown eyes always sparkling with excitement or mischief. His wide smile, usually accompanied by the laugh that Scott adored. His touch, that on its own could make Scott feel reassured. His lips and the world of new feelings when they kissed. Even his eye for trouble. Scott missed everything.
Maybe it was just him being too hopeful, or even being lonely, but at times Scott could almost feel Jimmy's presence. He couldn't see him, but it was like he could feel his touch again, sense Jimmy standing next to him, even catch what he thought was an almost inaudible whisper. But he was never sure, and he didn't want to give himself false hope.
Scott sighed, turning his tear-stained face to the window. It was a nice day, but he hadn't been outside in a while. Maybe some fresh air would do him some good. He pushed open the window and leaned against it as cool air rushed inside. It felt good, but it didn't cure the deep feelings of grief and loneliness.
Suddenly, Scott realized he could hear people shouting in the distance. He had a sneaking suspicion as to what was going on, but he headed outside to investigate anyway.
Venus, planet of love
Was destroyed by global warming
Did its people want too much too?
Did its people want too much?
Scott climbed up the hill over his house and gazed over at the Crastle. A battle between Team Crastle and the Red Army seemed to be going on. The Red Army had the castle surrounded, while arrows rained down on them from the people in the castle above.
What was the point of all this? To kill each other? Scott didn't even know how he thought the idea sounded fun at first, but now he hated it. He lost Jimmy because of this war. Part of him knew that he'd see his love again, but at the same time, a deeper part of him couldn't help but worry how true that was. Death wasn't something to be taken lightly. What if Grian had messed something up with the server, and those dead would be dead forever?
Scott didn't want to win anymore. He didn't know why anyone else would either. If this was what he'd have to go through, it was too much.
And I don't want your pity
I just want somebody near me
Guess I'm a coward
I just want to feel alright
Even so, Scott couldn't help but feel slightly guilty as he watched his allies fighting. He should be over there, helping them. But he didn't want to fight anymore, not if Jimmy wasn't next to him. He wanted to go back in time, back to when everything was peaceful and Jimmy was alive. Back when he felt alright.
Scott clenched and unclenched his fists as he watched the battle. The Crastle people kept taking hits from the Red Army below, and even from afar it was clear they were getting worried. Guilt and anger made Scott's blood boil, and when a death message flashed that was the last straw.
"I'll see you soon, Jimmy," Scott whispered, before pulling out his bow and charging down the hill.
And I know no one will save me
I just need someone to kiss
Give me one good honest kiss
And I'll be alright
Scott began sniping the Red Army members, focusing on Ren. At first, the so-called king didn't turn, but after a moment he seemed to realize he was being shot at from a different side and whipped around. Scott's heart leaped into his throat as Ren began sprinting over to him, but he pulled out his sword and faced his enemy bravely.
Their swords clashed. Scott struggled to hold on, but his skills lied in a bow more than a sword. In little time, Ren had overpowered him. Scott tried to run, but he wasn't fast enough.
Pain flooded through his body as Ren hit him repeatedly. Rapidly, his hearts drained to nothing, and his death message flashed as his world went black.
He opened his eyes to find himself in the air above where he'd died. It was like he was viewing it through a red filter, and the 'respawn' button floated in front of him. He went to hit it, but something stopped him. Without even thinking why he turned around to see Jimmy standing behind him. He was partly transparent, but it was Jimmy.
"Jimmy..." Scott whispered.
Jimmy smiled softly and offered his hands. Hesitantly, Scott placed his hands in Jimmy's. Jimmy's hands phased through his, but Scott could feel them as if their hands were really touching. His eyes pricked with tears, and he glanced back up to look into Jimmy's eyes. They were sad, but he had a reassuring smile.
"The war's not over yet, Scott. But we'll see each other soon, I promise..." Jimmy whispered.
Scott opened his mouth to reply, but he blinked and Jimmy was gone. He bit his lip, struggling to hold back tears as he pressed the 'respawn' button.
Nobody, nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody
Ooh, nobody, nobody, nobody
It took Scott several minutes to collect himself after he respawned. When his tears had ceased enough for him to think, he made his way back to the Crastle. The battle had ended. The Red Army was gone, and Team Crastle was outside, picking up the items of those who had died. Impulse was now red, Scott noticed, but miraculously the other reds, Tango, Bdubs, and Scar, had managed to survive.
“Oh, Scott, you’re back,” Bdubs said. “Your stuff is in a chest over there,” he added, pointing to a chest near the spot Ren had killed him.
“Thanks,” Scott replied, heading over there and opening the chest. He collected his gear then turned back to his allies. “Well, I’ll be heading back home now...”
“Actually, we were wondering if you’d like to stay with us in the Crastle?” Tango asked. “Y’know, so that you don’t have to run here next time Ren attacks, and you might be safer.”
Scott paused and thought about that for a moment. It would be a good idea, but he didn’t want to leave his base. He felt closest to Jimmy there, and he would rather be there than the Crastle, despite all the memories and pain.
“It’s a nice offer, but I think I’m going to stay at my base,” Scott said.
“Memories?” Scar asked, surprisingly softly.
“Um—yeah,” Scott nodded.
“That’s understandable. Just be careful,” Scar said.
Scott nodded, deciding not to question Scar’s gentleness. It was Scar after all, and he was a mystery to anyone. “I will.”
Casting one last glance at the others, Scott turned and began walking back home.
I've been big and small
And big and small
And big and small again
And still nobody wants me
Still nobody wants me
A few days passed with no fighting. Scott stayed in his hobbit hole mostly, occasionally going outside to get some fresh air, but he didn't see anyone. He did, however, feel Jimmy's presence more and more as time went on. Scott wasn't sure how he felt about this. Being able to feel that Jimmy was there but never see him caused almost more pain than when he'd lost him, but at the same time, Scott preferred that over losing Jimmy completely.
Scott remembered what Jimmy had said about them being together soon and wondered if that meant his time was coming. He knew the final battle was close; would he die then? Honestly, he didn’t mind if he did. He’d go down fighting, an honorable death, and any end to his constant grief and pain would be a welcome one.
Finally, the time came. Impulse showed up at Scott’s door, injured and breathing heavily as he informed Scott that the Red Army was attacking again.
And I know no one will save me
I'm just asking for a kiss
Give me one good movie kiss
And I'll be alright
The next events happened in a blur.
Scott returned to the Crastle with Impulse, raining arrows on the Red Army. He got several hits, maybe even a death or two. He didn't know. He didn't keep track. His mind was a mess the entire battle, and several times he thought he saw Jimmy's ghost fighting beside him.
Etho's sword came out of nowhere.
Scott gasped as the blade stabbed into his stomach and he stared into the wild, mismatched eyes of his attacker. Etho said nothing aloud, but Scott knew what he was thinking:  This is revenge.
Scott understood that completely; he wanted it too.
Pain surged through Scott’s body as Etho stabbed him again. Scott raised his sword to fight back, and he did decent damage to Etho. However, his attacks weakened as his energy depleted. His life flashed before his eyes as Etho landed the final hit. Letting out his last, ragged breath, Scott closed his eyes and let himself fall into darkness.
Nobody, nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody
Ooh, nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody, nobody
He floated into the air a moment later as a ghost. A sigh escaped him as he stared down at his corpse. He lifted his head and turned as he felt a familiar presence.
"I've missed you."
A smile spread across Scott's face as he turned to embrace his husband.
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody, no
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zeta-in-de-walls · 4 years
Themes in the Dream SMP
Hey guys, I’m kind of into analysis. I tend to like examining character motivations and why they take certain actions rather than speculating on lore and theories. Heh but right now the fandom is flooded with egg speculation. I am very curious about the egg and where the story might lead though! So I thought I’d look at it in terms of themes the story might end up exploring. 
Themes are certain ideas/concept that keeping coming up in a work and get explored. Good themes can be traced from the very start of a work and carry on through to the end - they’re like threads that run through a work. Strong themes can help a story to feel more coherent and satisfying with the way they can tie a work together. Now the Dream SMP may be a bit of an improv roleplaying server but somehow a few themes can end up cropping up anyway.
What themes are there in the Dream SMP?
Here’s a few I identified, I guess they are topics that interest me? Also certain POVs may have different themes. I don’t watch Fundy myself but I’m pretty sure his viewpoint has some strong themes that are rather unique to his story. Certain arcs may have very strong themes as well which aren’t explored over the narrative as a whole.  
-Power/control. A very common theme in stories. What drives many characters is to seek out power, either to have control over their own lives, or over others. The leadership of L’manburg was hugely important in S1. And now many individuals are hungry for power especially the powerless who have been pushed around by others for so long.
-Corruption. Linked to the above. Often when seeking power, people can become corrupted by it and their ability to control others with it. Dream is an excellent example. Wilbur as well. Technoblade believed corruption was inevitable and that any concentrated power was bad. But is it inevitable? Or were the systems just a little flawed? Is a way to handle power sensibly?
-Words over violence. More of a S1 theme but I’d love to see it explored more. L’Manburg most notable was not wearing armour because they believed in fighting battles with their words, not violence. Technoblade challenged this, believing violence is the only way to be really understood.
-Attachment. This is a very strong theme, one really ties the whole story together well. It’s most explored in the Tommy vs Dream conflict but it’s also noted that every character get attached to things and that’s what so often drives conflict. Yet these attachment can also inspire and unite people. Dream sees attachments as a way to control others. Attachments are both a strength and a weakness.
-Complacency/Neutrality The server is marked by many wars but in every conflict there are those who stay on the sides. Those people may see this as a strength but those who stay neutral are most in danger of being forgotten. Likewise, staying neutral may be allowing disaster to happen. In Doomsday one striking thing was how many people stood on the sidelines. L’Manburg was not merely destroyed, but abandoned. And now with the egg, it’s been in the background for a long time and it’s been overlooked. Now people are finally paying attention but is it already too late?
-Seeking Peace. After all the conflict on the server, many character long for a lasting peace. Both Tubbo and Tommy just want to have a quiet life, with Tommy staying independent and working on his little project while Tubbo builds Snowchester as a safe haven with nukes to discourage any who wish to challenge his peace. Dream also had his vision for a peaceful server by way of him attaining absolute control over everyone, crushing any sort of defiance. And now the egg, it means to take over the world and in doing so will try to unite everyone under its control. The people will lose their free will but it may mean an end to conflict too.
-Choosing People over sides. An interesting yet messy theme which became prominent with S2. When two people are in conflict is it possible to help both? Or are you inevitably choosing a side? Or is this just another impossible view of utopia where everyone is united under the same side, (like Dream envisioned) and there is no need for any conflict?
-Revenge/Forgiveness. When someone hurts you, can you reconcile or should you seek retribution? Once you suffer a betrayal is that relationship broken or can it be fixed? Does you own pain justify hurting others? What is too far? What is justice? Probably not the most consistent theme but I really like the few times when this topic does get explored.
So, those are a few concepts that stick out to me about the Dream SMP. There’s probably more (like I was kinda thinking on one about history repeating itself/destiny or something about becoming what you hate maybe) also yeah, themes are probably not necessarily consciously thought of by the writers but that doesn’t mean they don’t end up trying to fulfil the themes and ideas that their story has started exploring.
SO that said, i think it’d be very cool if the egg arc really starts to challenge some of these themes. What’s interesting was how Bad, I believe, chose the egg because it had Skeppy and he wantd to be with his best friend. I wonder if perhaps therefore the egg will continue to use people’s desires to control them. 
It creates an interesting parallel with Dream, trying to get people attached so he could control them. I wonder if Dream has any connection to the egg. It was discovered a long time ago now, during the Pogtopia arc I believe(?) and maybe that reflects Dream’s descent into villainy when he began to stop caring for his friends. and the eggs been so much more present this season as Dream’s also become increasingly detached. Maybe it means nothing. Either way it’s interesting how love and attachment may be used against the characters again in this fight against the egg. And whether love and trust in others might be a way to defeat it? 
I also found something poetic about how they placed vines within L’Manburg’s crater and its one of the places its growing very vigorously. It was once a place with so many memories and with so much meaning and in its place we have the egg. 
As I alluded to above, if the egg were to consume everything, there would be no more sides, no more conflict, everyone would be united in one ‘big, happy, family’ and there would be peace. Yet it’s like a warped vision of their beloved SMP. It’s peace, yes, but not the kind of peace anyone wants. The egg is terrifying. 
And its spreading and it’s going to affect everyone. (And if they can’t be infected they will be killed.) So the time for neutrality must end! The people couldn’t band together to save L’Manburg because they’d lost faith in it, but it’s not too late to save the SMP if everyone were to band together and fight for the server they all love. Many of them did it once to imprison Dream. To do this, they might have to put old grudges aside, but it can be done. 
As to why it affects people differently, I think we’ll be given an explanation. I’d be intrigued if it was to do with attachment or maybe something about power and corruption. (Metawise I’m pretty sure Tommy was unaffected because it woud seriously muddle his character to have a supernatural force messing with his head when his story had been a somewhat realistic depiction of manipulation and you do not want those two to mix and harm the impact of the exile arc.) But yeah, not sure what the reason is right now, but I figure they have one in mind already.
I’m liking this Egg arc. It seems like its been really well-planned and set up so I’m looking forward to seeing it all realised as I bet they have some great plans ahead and they potential for it to fit in with the existing themes would be amazing and again help the SMP as a whole to feel really satisfying and cohesive. If it wants to be wildly different of course, that can be great too, but everything seems very cool. Do love how it involves a huge cast of characters too - it’s very ambitious!
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blanc-et-n0ir · 3 years
MCYT Multi-chapter Fics
Hey, hey, this time it’s the multichapters :D Meaning, three chapters and above. Again, my AO3 over here
Bring Me Down With You (11,145 Words) (4 Chapters)
Dream, TommyInnit, Sapnap, Wilbur Soot, Fundy, BadBoyHalo, Punz, Tubbo, Eret, GeorgeNotFound
No Romantic Relationships, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Dream & Sapnap, Dream & TommyInnit, Dream & GeorgeNotFound
Whump, Poisoning, Dueling, Bows and Arrows, L’manberg War, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Family, Compromise, Sick Fic, Sick Character, Wounds, Potions, Healing, Caves, Injury
The terms of the deal were simple. They’d both be at their weakest, no armor and no anything and they have to shoot one shot. A single arrow. Whoever is hit, will have to resign and give the win to whoever is left standing. Those were the terms.  So when did they agree to drink poison?
Set during the Dream SMP war.
All I Want For Chistmas Is... FLUFF (46,641 Words) (24 Chapters)
Skeppy, Dream, BadBoyHalo, GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, Philza Minecraft, Tubbo, TommyInnit, Eret, Niki, AweSamDude, Punz, Ponk, Purpled, Fundy, Quackity, Schlatt, Karl Jacobs, Ant Frost, Velvet
Skeppy & BadBoyHalo, Dream & GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap & Ant Frost & BadBoyHalo, Technoblade & Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit & Philza, Dream & TommyInnit, Dream & Tubbo, Dream & Purpled, Dream & Technoblade, Dream & Philza, Eret & Niki & Tubbo, Ant/Velvet, Dream & Punz
Christmas Prompts, Fluff, Family Dynamics, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Family Bonding, Friendship, Rivals, Frenemies, Snowball Fight, Snow Day, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Cuddling, Platonic Relationships, Boys Kissing, Secret Santa, Cookies
Fluffy One shots about our MInecraft Streamers in Dream SMP. Featuring different AUs whether it's IRL or MC but IRL and more! Mostly platonic unless stated otherwise!! (but don't expect much I prefer platonic anyways)
Lots of cuddling, shenanigans, pranks and laughter!! Maybe a little hurt for the comfort to feel so much better!!
The Whispers in the Dark (53, 160 Words) (20 Chapters)
Dream, Technoblade, Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit, Tubbo, Schlatt, Philza Minecraft, Eret, Sapnap, GeorgeNotFound, Quackity, Niki, Punz, Fundy, Ponk, AweSamDude, Skeppy, BadBoyHalo, Ant Frost, Ranboo, Captain Puffy, Karl Jacobs
No Romantic Relationships, Dream & Technoblade & Wilbur Soot, Technoblade & Wilbur Soot & Philza & TommyInnit, Dream & Sapnap & GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap & Wilbur, Dream & Ranboo, Ranboo & Philza, Dream & Captain Puffy
Family Dynamics, Enemies to Friends, Hybrids AU, Pogtopia Arc, Villain Wilbur, Chaotic Dream, Bad Ending, Good Ending, Government, Uneasy Alliance, Hunting, Discrimination, Friends to Enemies, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Betrayal, Big Brother Technoblade, Switching Sides, Platonic Cuddling, Carrying, Panic Attacks, Found Family, Execution, Violence, Graphic Description, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Decapitation, Revolution
They say that when you are a hybrid of a mob, you take one of two things. Their powers or their desires. Their powers, as simple as it is. A Blaze hybrid would be able to conjure flames and stay inflammable. An Enderman hybrid would be able to teleport and are harmed by water. Their desires, not as simple. A Creeper hybrid would desire to see things explode. A Wolf hybrid would desire the thrill of a hunt.  
They say that the dangerous ones were always those who got the desire- the shortest end of the stick.   
-------------------------------   Let me give Wilbur the satisfying ending he deserves please. We all wanted Manberg to b l o w and I'm going to give it to you. No Angst, promise. (I lied, there's angst)
Angst for the Angst God (19,904 Words) (14 Chapters)
Dream, Technoblade, Philza Minecraft, Ranboo, Wilbur Soot, GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, TommyInnit, Tubbo, Captain Puffy, Quackity, DreamXD, Karl Jacobs
NO romantic Relationships, Dream & Technoblade, Technoblade & Philza, Dream & GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap, Dream & TommyInnit, Dream & Captain Puffy
Angst, Character Death, Deity Dream, Fluff and Angst, Betrayal, Assisted Suicide, Mercy Killing, Murder, Suicide, Dream and Techno Friendship, One Shot Collection, Time Travel, Time Loop, Insanity, Time Travelling Karl Jacobs, Prison Break, Manhunt, Immortal Technoblade, Immortal Dream, Emotional Manipulation, Exile, Abduction, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
A bunch of oneshots about AUs that I've written in a server that is filled with angst or fluff. Whichever strikes the mood. Hope you enjoy your stay here ;)
He watched as the last obstacle in his path fell. Dream smiled, his eyes glinting with malice and power, “You should have kept an eye on your Patroclus, Achilles.”
He hummed and turned around. L’manberg was no doubt wiped out. Ranboo was firmly in his grasp. All he had to do was take care of that damned egg, Badlands and anyone who stood in his way. He chuckled.
It was almost too easy.   
Let’s Play A Game Called MAFIA (14,399 Words) (5/6 Chapters)
Dream, Technoblade, GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, BadBoyHalo, Skeppy, Wilbur Soot, MegaPVP, Illumina, F1NN5STER
Technoblade & Wilbur Soot, Dream & GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap, Dream/GeorgeNotFound
Mafia Game, Mafia AU, Character Death, Suspense, Detective AU
A masked man leaves the apartment complex and walks off under the dim lighting of the street lights. It wasn’t long before he reached his car and opened the driver’s seat. He pushed his keys in and turned it, starting the car. He hummed to himself as he took off his mask, placing it on the car seat beside him. He waits inside his started car as he dials a phone number.
“It’s done.”
In a sick twist of fate, Skeppy dies so Sapnap and Bad have to find the murderer before they kill more people. They meet and drag more people into the case but as the days dwindle by, more deaths and incidents come alive.
Will they find the real murderer or end up living on the edge to their very end?
(Based off of the Party Game called Mafia)
Who Would Want To Be King? (10,932 Words) (5/? Chapters)
Dream, Technoblade, Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit, Tubbo, GeorgeNotFound, Philza Minecraft, Schlatt, BadBoyHalo, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Sapnap
NO Romantic Relationships, Dream & Technoblade, TommyInnit & Tubbo, Technoblade & TommyInnit & Wilbur Soot & Philza, Dream & Wilbur Soot
Prince and the Pauper AU, Frenemies, Rivals, Family Fluff, Family Dynamics, Platonic Relationships, Prince Technoblade, Farmer Dream, Fluff and Humor, Attempted Kidnapping, Kidnapping, King Philza
In a kingdom not so far away, lived two men. These two lived completely different lives, with one standing at the very top since birth while the other was stuck at rock bottom. Two very different boys with different experiences but they both share one similarity. They both wish to do something different. To live different lives. To get out of their bubble and grow in their own way. In this little kingdom, two men live to see another view of the world they already see.
Barbie Prince and the Pauper AU but everything is platonic and it's all about Dream and Techno
Reaching For Something That Isn’t There (3,676 Words) (2/3 Chapters)
Dream, TommyInnit, Technoblade
NO Romantic Relationships
Character Study, References to Ancient Greek Mythology, Parallels, Pain, Suicidal Thoughts, Betrayal, Emotional Hurt, Hurt No Comfort, Character Death, Theseus! Tommy, Icasrus! Dream, Achilles! Technoblade, Dream centric, Technoblade centric, TommyInnit centric, Anger, Violence, Imprisonment
History is forever doomed to repeat itself.
People ask what Theseus gained by playing the hero, what Icarus saw in the sun, what Achilles truly wanted. They ask these questions and still don't see an answer.
Why was the sun so charming enough for young Icarus to forget his father's words? Why was Theseus so confident enough that he would be welcomed home for his achievement? Why was Achilles considered a bad example?
Three tales all ending with caution and fear. Three tales to remind everyone of their humanity. Three tales to ensure no one would do the same. And what did they do?
History is forever doomed to repeat itself.
Guide Me Through Hell and Back (34,714 Words) (15/? Chapters)
Dream, technoblade, Philza Minecraft, TommyInnit, Tubbo, Drista, Punz, Wilbur Soot, GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, Ranboo, DreamXD
No Romantic Relationships, Dream & Philza, Dream & Technoblade, Drista & TommyInnit & Tubbo, Dream & Punz, Dream & DreamXD,
Blind Character, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fear, Flying, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Family Dynamics, Self Confidence Issues, Trust, Platonic Cuddling, Hybrid AU, Platonic Relationships, Cuddling, Chaos, Explosions, Angst, Broken Families, Trust Issues, Protective Technoblade, Protective Phil, Blind Dream, Panic Attacks, Torture, Kidnapping, Physical Therapy, Black Markets, Forced Healing, Sad Dream, Protective Dream, Soft Dream, Prison, Pandora’s Vault
 "I gain immeasurable amounts of stress just looking at you, Dream." 
Dream is blind but he's a bat hyrbid with good hearing. Technoblade finds out and he's concerned for his friend. He stays with him and keeps him company, he also ensures Dream doesn't go too far and hurts himself with his stupid ideas. So what if Phil adopts him along the way and Drista causes chaos with Tommy and Tubbo? Technoblade will protect his friend to the ends of the Earth, screw whoever looked at him weird if he gets all fussy.
(Basically just Technoblade and Dream being best friends fluff.)
The Lonely Guardian (59,379 Words) (14/? Chapters)
Dream, Technoblade, TommyInnit, Schlatt, GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, Wilbur Soot, Quackity, Ranboo, DreamXD, Drista, Philza Minecraft
No Romantic Relationships, Dream & Everyone, Dream & Technoblade, Dream & Tubbo, Dream & TommyInnit, Dream & GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap, Dream & Quackity, Dream & Schlatt, Dream & Philza, Dream & Ranboo
Cottagecore AU, Soft Dream, Healing, Emotional Manipulation, Realization, Self-Exile, Self-Reflection, Domestic Fluff, Friendship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Exile, Protective Dream, Dreamons, Potions, Minor Injuries, Serious Injuries, Betrayal, Friends to Enemies, Enemies to Friends, Long Haired Dream, Dream centric, Anarchist Technoblade, Bittersweet Ending, Sibling Tension, Arguments, Dad Schlatt, Sick fic, Sick Character, Good Friend Dream, Character Death
Dream didn't know what came over him, he wanted some time to think. Some time turned to days and thinking turned to building a nice home. Days turned to weeks and the home is bigger and cozier now.
Weeks turned to years and it's been a while since Dream has seen his friends. Still, they're definitely living a more peaceful life now that he's gone, right?
(Or, Dream left and started a cottagecore after the L'manberg Revolution and a Dreamon took his spot and the plot continues as it does in canon. Except, we have a Dream who likes to stay in his cottage and help his injured friends without telling them who he is, exactly)
Dreaming Of Nightmares, Dee? (9,268 Words) (2/? Chapters)
Dream, Technoblade, Philza Minecraft, DreamXD, Karl Jacobs, GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, Foolish_Gamers, TommyInnit, Tubbo, Ranboo
No Romantic Relationships, Dream & GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap, Dream & Technoblade & Philza, Dream & Ranboo, Dream & Foolish, Dream & Karl Jacobs, Dream & DreamXD, Technoblade & Philza, Philza/Kristin
Deity Dream, Dreamon, Deity Karl Jacobs, Time Traveling Karl Jacobs, Fix-It Fic, Sad Dream, Fluff, Family Dynamics, Hurt/Comfort, Protective Dream, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Gods and Goddesses, Mins Manipulation, Dream centric, Comfort, Big Brother Dream
When three gods have to deal with a world full of mortals, some things get complicated along the way. Well, Dream was hoping for the best when he left the server to his twin, Nightmare's, and older brother, Dee's, hands.
He got more than he bargained for and mortals tend to be fragile. Prime, he needs a break.
(Or, Dream is the god of luck, Nightmare is the god of chaos and Dee is the god of destiny and the three of them try and fix the SMP out of the goodness of their heart /s)
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ohmygeese · 4 years
Roleplay in the DSMP: Clingy Duo and Villain Arcs Edition
tw // mentions of abuse and manipulation
The reason why Tubbo and Tommy haven't fallen prey to "villain arcs" like everyone else has is because being victims of abuse and overall bullshittery, they know the long term negative effects it has on people and they have personally witnessed people become broken to the point of no return because of it (Wilbur being a prominent example of this). Hence why a big argument the Clingy Duo had against "team anarchy" was other people who weren't a part of the government lived there. Why make them suffer as well?
This is especially true to Tommy since a big part of his character motivations is the effects of Vilbur on his wellbeing and outlook. Simply look at his nightmares of Vilbur saying "Let's be the bad guys," and you could definitely see why Tommy tries his best to stray away from that path (both on a personal level and a "I don't want history to repeat itself on innocent people" kind of level).
He also mentions how they need to fight against Dream since again, he knows Dream is the puppeteer from a very personal experience and if L'manberg loses (a place that symbolizes freedom against dictators in his eyes and also symbolizes the unity of the people), what's to protect them against the same abuse and suffering he went through?
This can also expand to Tubbo's actions as president, avoiding conflict as much as he can to protect NLM from the same wars he has faced when he was canonically a child soldier in the server.
This can also apply to Tubbo's relationship with Ranboo since he can see himself in Ranboo. Considered a traitor when in reality he was only trying to do what he feels would be best for the majority. And also both are susceptible to peer pressure (see Schlatt's whole reign and Tubbo's presidency) and Tubbo sees that and forgives him for it.
Yes, other characters have went through similar traumas like Fundy and Quackity but a big breaking point for the Clingy Duo is they were the only ones who were at Wilbur's side the whole time during his path towards mental decay. (Techno was there but Techno just egged him on because... anarchy? There's really a lot to unpack on Techno and Vilbur's relationship). And they were the only ones who at least slightly understood as to why Vilbur came to be. Manipulation and constant betrayal. They never gave up on him because they knew it wasn't his fault. They knew he was just lost.
In the end the Clingy Duo, made it very clear during their meeting before Tommy's exile. They don't want another Vilbur. They don't want another Schlatt. That's why they'll never turn their backs on the people they swore to protect. No matter how tired (or dead) they become.
Sidenote: No hate to the actual cc's! (To the characters tho... aSKSKSKSKSKKS) Just thought it was interesting how the Cling Duo are the only ones who haven't gone feral yet.
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sokayisaidiot · 4 years
One thing for another
“You and me dream. One last duel. Just like in the first war.” The air was so thick, you would have been able to cut it with a knife. Or a sword, with everyone carrying it around. Tommy, seeing it as the last resort again, burning passion in his eyes, was ready, this was it, he was either falling or standing. He grew in the Times. Fundy and Tubbo inhaled sharply. George, Sapnap, eret and punz turned wide eyed to him. They were there when it happened the first time. They were there, when Tommy and Dream had their first duel. The other ones who just heard of this story, whispered. Philza and Technoblade looked from Tommy to Dream. While Phil had a slight nervous look, Techno remained calm. After all, he respected Tommy by now. Even if he was a fool.
“And the conditions?” “Easy, if I win, I get the disc, full freedom to every land in the dream smp and you will repay for your crimes. If you win, I’m dead and everybody else has to deal with you and your shit.” The silence from the stunned audience was something Tommy stopped caring about. He figured nobody was on his side. Might as well, ignore them for that. “Alright, deal.” It was shaken upon. Two death grips and a promise. Both knew the destination of the duel. The ones to saw the first one too. The rest followed them. The footsteps on the broken ground and sounds of mobs all around them filling the silence and nervousness.
The pathway, Tommy’s place, where he died a second time was a not so rather nice place. But it was more filled. More People. Nobody looked Tommy in the eyes. And why should they? Tommy was the loud annoying child, that was selfish and made dumb decisions. Fundy walked up to Tommy. Nothing no was said and Tommy was suddenly in a tight hug. A silent, good luck came from the other as he passed on the bow. Strangely and funny enough, it was the same bow from the first duel. He cracked a smile. “So were doin it again, hm?” “Ghostbur come over.” Dream said, fully ignoring Tommy. Ghostbur slowly made his way over to them. “Would you do us the honor and count for us again?” Ghostbur looked nervous. He didn’t liked the feeling that was creeping on him. “Tommy will die when he loses this battle... won’t he?”, he brought out, the air getting more and more tense. “Yeah, he will.”, the masked man replied.
“Don’t worry Wil- Ghostbur, I won’t let you down.” Tommy’s smile was big, his shoulder pretty relaxed, though he was just hiding how tense he was. Pokerface, the A+ weapon for a fight. Techno smiled. The child might be dumb and risky, but not stupid enough to forget how to an honorary warrior. Phil, next to him smiled too. Relaxing more from the tension. Even if his last son is in danger and probably getting killed. “Alright then, Tommy. Don’t forget, do whatever-“ “your heart tells me to do. I won’t ever forget it, trust me.” One last warm smile, to Wilbur, to the people he fought alongside with, a snarky smile and tongue out to Phil and Techno and atleast Tubbo, whom he gave a thumbs up and a mouthed ‘you’re clingy’. Then he exes the bottle of poison, immediately feeling the pain washing over his body. Ghostbur wanted to come and help him bear the pain, but Dream put his Arm in between and looked at wilbur stern. The ghost walked up to the position of his earlier spot. The uncomfortable feeling of lost, sad, dark and angry memories returning. The sadness of seeing his brother die by his countdown.
The poison stopped working, leaving Tommy to stand up wanking, rubbing his burning eyes, the dying throat screaming for milk or water. The others looked at the young soldier. Who were they, to let him become him one. But it was all fastly forgotten, when Tommy spit on the ground, cursing. Turning back to back to Dream left the air thick again. It all led up to this moment. All the pain, loneliness and problems he has been through. “1” It began rather slowly, or Tommy thought so atleast. His life was on the line and he has just noticed. He could die here. There was still time to stop it. He still could scream stop, surrender, give it all up and never looked at his family, friends, allies, Tubbo again- Tubbo. It was always him and Tubbo against the world. It started with them. The easier days. The fun chaos...
Tommy took a deep breath, and suddenly, 10 seconds were over. He turned around, made his bow ready and fired. It was silent. The other arrow, hit him. It stung. But... the pain. It just left a scratch. The arrow scratched him on the side. It hit him, but just his side. Dream on the other hand. He puffed in air. He was killed. Tommy did it. He won... he did it! He WON! He let out an shaky breath when fundy and quackity let out an yell of yes. When the two of them run over to him and closed him in a hug. When his allies suddenly let out victorious screams. They won, they actually did it! Phil not seen by the others than just Techno let out an breath of relief. Techno had a tini tiny smile on his face. He just shared his head. Who knew the kid was just a lucky born star. The sun started rising and L’Manburg cheered on that. They won, and nobody died-
“P-punz? W-what are you doing?!”, everybody turned around by the source of this shaky voice. Revealing Punz with Tubbo under his sword. Tommy’s eyes were widen. They were so close. What? “Punz, what are you doing?” “Punz?” “What the hell, Punz?!” They shouldn’t be so surprised.
Tommy could have smacked himself with the axe of peace. He was such an idiot.unz was the traitor. Next to him Awesomedude, who looked uncomfortable. He defiantly didn’t liked the situation either, but why, what happened? Suddenly, Dream appeared in front of him. Him and his stupid admin power. “Well Tommy, you and your stupid fatal flaw... what was it again? Loyalty?” He started. Tommy walked up to him, but stopped when he saw that this just brought Tubbo in further trouble and danger.
“Dream, what the hell are you doing? This wasn’t a part of the deal we made!” Everybody turned to saw Techno and Phil looking rather du, founded. “What the fuck dream? We lost a battle fair and square! They won? What the fuck are you doing?”, Philza, this time spoke up. “Well, I dont like losing, right Tommy? You can’t agree more with me. So I want to make a deal with you. Tommyinnit.” The silence that was there before was nothing compared to now. Tommy looked from everyone else to Tubbo and then to Dream. “What is it for a deal?”, slowly picking out the words, not wanting to do one thing wrong to bring everyone in danger.
“You for tubbo. You come with me, and I will let Lmanburg, el something, the badlands and everyone else have their full on freedom. And Tubbo here will also be free. You just have to come with me. You for the rest of them. And when you don’t want to, I will just end Tubbos last life here and now.” A chorus of no’s and pleads against it was heard. But not for Tommy. His ears started to beep and drown all the other sounds out. He has to sacrifice himself? After everything and he has still to suffer? For people who don’t respect him, who didn’t help him, who left him... for a friend who left him To die... for Tubbo... the best friend he could have ever asked for...
Tommy looked around. In all the faces he was getting to see, all reflecting memories. Good and bad. His eyes wandered to Tubbo who’s face practically screamed part: ‘Tommy, don’t do it!’ And ‘Tommy, help me...’. He saw those eyes once. On Schlatt festival. The time he wasn’t able to safe Tubbo. After everything he has done for him. He smiled at everyone. Letting each weapon fall with a clirr or a loud bong. They looked at him as if just died. Maybe he just died and is just hallucinating. That would been fun. But when he touched his Armour straps to undo them, he knew this was real and suddenly he could hear everyone again.
“Dream, you can’t do this!” “You’ve lost Dream! Fair and square!” “Please Dream!” “Tommy! Don’t do this!” “Tommy!” “Sam, Punz how could you do this!” “You traitors!” He could hear everyone and everything. Nikis crying, Eret’s yelling, Ponk’s whispers, tubbos silent cries. As he undid everything George came over, in help of Sapnap, who’s silent regret is written all over his face. Heavy cuffs connected Tommy’s wrist behind his back.
“Tommyinnit, your hereby arrested for vandalism, murder, stealing, fleeing exile, minor terrorism and many other accords. You will be taken in prison and taken to justice.” “WHAT KIND OF JUSTICE WILL YOU DO RIGHT TO THIS KID?!”, the scream of Fundy, yelling against Dream, anger repeating in the sounds.
Tommy got escorted but Techno stepped in front of the group and Phil behind them, the other taking fighting positions or helping tubbo. “I’m sorry Dream but I have to interrupt. You have to know, Phil and me are people who have honor. So we would appreciate if you let Tommy go and just vanish. Phil and I will do the same.”, the rather monotone Voice had a hint of challenging as he snarled at the masked man and his companions, who had Tommy in his shackles. “Oh Techno, you should know how much of a danger Tommy is to us all. He always starts fight and unnecessary stuff, and we’re the ones who have to take care of it! Tommy is way too much of an danger to run around freely. After all, didn’t some of you knew him earlier?” That was right. All the people who lived in the server named SMPEarth knew Tommy from before. And yes, they knew his chaos like demeanor.
“This soll doesn’t give you right to inprison him!”, Jack Manifold, to everyone’s surprise, spoke up. Even Tommy looked to Jack with bigger eyes than before. “Dream, you have no right to do this.”, Phil spoke up but Dream just tsks. “Phil, why of all people are you talking up for tommy? You aren’t even his father! His father would have helped his son! Not leave him alone on an island to die with the former shell of a brother! Actually, nobody here has a right to speak for him! So if you could all move along, thank you!”
And with that, the group, with Tommy, made their way to Tommy’s doom. The boy who is cursed to never be happy...
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jayonashelf · 4 years
Dream SMP Cartoon AU
Has everyone and their dog done some sort of show/actor au in this fandom? Yes. Is a big plot point everyone cares about literary happening tomorrow? Also yes.
So yeah, anyway, imagine TommyInnit as a pg cartoon character.
So the cartoon takes place in a world where the universe is divided into servers - small worlds people can inhabit. 
It’s basically minecraft, only you can’t create a million worlds for your own amusement, because you can’t create worlds at all! You can travel to them. Which means that there are no repeating seeds.
Things like speedrunning or manhunt happen in a designated server that’s kinda glitched to reset every time you kill the ender dragon.
There are no respawns but there is a lot of cartoon violence. The show is basically an action cartoon that slowly morphs into a political drama with multiple character arcs and a lot of angst.
Season 1 is the SMP before Tommy. Season 2 is a bit longer and contains the Disc War and the War for L’Manburg. Season 3 is the L’Manburg Election.
Season 1
The first season is calm and a bit slowpaced. It also doesn’t explore the world outside the Dream SMP, there are mentions of other worlds, of manhunts and speedruns, but we never get to actually see that. 
The main characters are the Dream Team, although Dream is like the Gumball of the show, in which he’s the main out of the main characters.
The first episode opens with them building the community house, so we never get to see how they found this world or where they were before they came here.
The rest of the episodes are adventures of the Dream Team and Co. The most exciting episodes are when someone new joins, because new character! Also, the fandom is very desperate for lore - which sometimes gets brought up when someone comes through the portal. (Other worlds are not shown and the lore is very minimal at this time.)
The last person to join this season is Tommy. He joins in the last episode of the season and plays the role of the annoying antagonist. It’s the season finale and this is the first time Dream uses his admin powers in the series. 
It’s a very dramatic moment and I imagine that in a world where this is a real cartoon there is a shit ton of fanart. Dream bans Tommy but then he changes his mind and lets him back in. 
I want to imagine that Tommy had made a shitty gift that Dream n' Co find. Dream sighs, realizing that Tommy cares but is just complete shit at showing it and so he gives him a second chance. 
(Later Tommy getting exiled is played for laughs and the after-credits scene is him just sulking in a spruce forest.)
Eventually, Tommy learns his lesson (kinda) and the episode ends with everyone in relative peace.
Season 2
The first half of the second season is the Disc War saga. A lot more people join and we get way more hints about the outside world (still nothing is shown though). The POV frequently switches to Tommy and Tubbo and slowly but surely their storyline goes from a B plot to an A plot.
The Disc War is still pretty light in tone, but the episodes become more fast-paced and this is the first overarching plotline we’re introduced to.
There are a lot of filler episodes and one-off characters. (Some of them return later.)
The first time we’re shown a little bit of the outside world is in the episode when we’re introduced to two seemingly one-off characters: Wilbur Soot and Schlatt.
This episode is the second time Dream bans someone. This time he doesn’t retract that decision though.
But before he does this we do get a brief flashback of Tommy hearing stories about a world called SMP Live and although we don’t know it yet, a brief flash of SMP Earth.
The second half of the season starts relatively normally until Wilbur comes back and he and Tommy try to start a drug potion business. 
Then Tommy and Wilbur start L’Manburg. Eret, Tubbo, and Fundy join them, and Wilbur kind of adopts Fundy in a filler episode. (There’s a running gag that Wilbur doesn’t want Fundy to know he’s adopted so he makes up bullshit stories about how Fundy was born - AKA Wilbur fucked a fish.)
Then the War happens and even though there are jokes to lighten the mood, the story starts getting way more serious and angsty. 
Unlike the Disc War, the war for L’Manburg is way more story-based, and even though there is a lot of cool action the real heart of it is the emotional moments.
Tommy continues his character arc - he becomes more mature and in the end even sacrifices his Discs for L'Manburg. 
Tubbo gets more sure of himself.
Fundy starts wanting more and wishes to be respected. (His arc gets way more explored in the 3rd season.)
Eret starts doubting their chances of success and notices how seriously the Dream team is taking this war. We get an entire episode exploring his character and his thoughts on the chances of victory. The episode ends in an open-ended way, but still gives off the feeling of him staying loyal to L'Manburg. (Which makes his betrayal hurt more.)
Wilbur gets increasingly stressed about his role as the leader. There's no episode focused on him but there are episodes about his relationship with others. We get flashes of his old life in a slideshow-like sequence. (of Sky gods and moles, of whale facts and lava.)
The war goes as it did on stream. They are severely outmatched. Eret betrays them. L'Manburg is destroyed. Tommy and Dream duel and Dream shoots Tommy in the leg. 
The war ends with Tommy giving his discs for L'Manburg's independence.
The season ends with Wilbur writing the Declaration of Independence. 
There's a slideshow of what everyone is doing after the war instead of the usual credits. It shows the L'Manburgians rebuilding L'Manburg, Eret being crowned as king, the Dream team relaxing after the war. There are also some shots of future characters like Niki, Jack, Quackity, and Karl.
Season 3
The current, ongoing season. It starts with the fallout of the L’Manburg war. People are still tense. Jack and Niki join L’Manburg in their own separate episodes.
This season a lot more is shown of the outside world. There were hints of someone called Technoblade last seasons but now we find out that he’s the person who beat Dream in a duel.
In one filler episode, it is shown that people from inside the server can communicate with people outside it when Quackity and the Drug Cartel Potion Business side plot is introduced. (Later Quackity joins the sever for real.)
The pet war occurs and is a mini-arc with about four episodes. 
Wilbur and Tommy decide to hold an election. Quackity decides to run against them.
And well, the rest is history.
The show has become pretty dark by this point. 
Dream allows Schlatt a second chance of the server when Tommy begs him to let Schlatt endorse Pog2020. (Dream is starting to doubt that fighting L'manburg was a good idea and after he spends an entire filler episode (Church Prime) with Tommy he reminisces Tommys first time of the server and how he banned him. Maybe Schlatt also deserves a second chance?)
Then Schlatt wins and Wilbur and Tommy are exiled. 
That's when we are introduced to Technoblade. He's standing in a potato farm, crown on his head as he receives Tommy's message.
The episode ends with Techno joining the server.
This season has way more POV's and side plots.
For example, Dreamons are Tubbos and Fundys side plot. (Also Sapnaps now apparently?)
Eret has another episode dedicated to him as he opposes Schlatt and reminisces about L'manburg.
Quckity is seen doubting Schlatt. He is used as comic relief a lot, but there are a lot of serious moments, and emotions hidden behind jokes.
Fundy starts off as a secret spy but slowly becomes loyal to Schlatt.
Niki and her rebellion have a few episodes dedicated to them. We get a few flashbacks to her befriending Eret. The second pet war (with Henry) is also a Niki episode. There are a lot of parallels between Tommy and Fundy. The episode ends with Niki comforting Tommy.
The next episode opens with Wilbur being angry at Tommy for burning down Karls Eifel Tower. 
This season we finally get an episode focusing on Wilbur. It's also an episode that focuses on the world outside the SMP. It shows his encounters with sky gods when he had pushed his admin powers (which he has now lost) too far after SMP Earth. (His 100 player videos are him playing with his powers, his punishment is the lava and water rising videos and the randomizer skyblock.) 
This episode is also the one where Wilbur loses his mind.
The after-credits scene is Tommy telling Tubbo to be careful during the festival and giving away his disc. The music is somber and cuts off abruptly. 
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n3s0 · 4 years
hi i’m going to discuss the doomsday war streams and overall the conclusion of what i’d consider season 3 of the dream smp because hyperfixation go brrrrr 
(for clarity sake: season 1 is from when l’manberg defects from the dream smp to when wilbur decides to host an election. season 2 is from swag2020 vs pog2020 to the manberg vs pogtopia war on nov 16th. season 3 is from the start of tubbo’s presidency to the jan 6th doomsday war.) 
tldr: i definitely think the cc’s can look on what happened this season and improve greatly. that’s not to say this wasn’t a good season, there are a lot of things they’ve improved since season 1, but there are also things they can improve on in the future. this season was lacking a connecting thread or goal and it made it feel disjointed and left character’s in limbo. a way to fix that could be either scripting the story more strictly, fixing communication problems and/or making the plot into more self contained but slightly overlapping stories.
i think my biggest problem with this season was the fact that it felt so disjointed. one of the best things about the first season is the consistent plot line: l’manberg is trying to win independence. you had eret’s betrayal, dream’s tyranny, wilbur and tommy’s whole dynamic, and an underlying subplot with the disc war, but it all ultimately connected to l’manberg’s fight for independence. it’s what makes the first season so good and that kind of consistent plot is missing in this season. 
even the second season had the main plot of taking back manberg. there was wilbur’s insanity, but that tied back to the elections. there was tension between tubbo and tommy, but it tied back to the elections. even the badlands tied back to bad, ant, skeppy, and sam deciding they’re done with manberg AND pogtopia and deciding to stoke the fire. it all tied back and character’s had weeks to slowly develop with the setting. 
this season you had techno retiring, ghostbur reconciling with fundy, tubbo’s presidency, whatever was going on with schlatt and quackity?, george is king?, el rapid mexican l’manberg that whole thing, tommy’s exile, el rapids fighting dream smp/eret’s kingship?, the butcher army, techno UNretiring and teaming with tommy, tommy using techno to get his discs back, techno using tommy to destroy l’manberg, the prison, the bloodvines, and probably more im forgetting. there was a LOT going on, even techno and wilbur have ooc acknowledged this. and in my opinion it was just too much. character’s weren’t given enough time to develop naturally and the pacing had to go fast enough to fit all the plot into it, leaving little time for the character’s relationships to develop with the plot. 
most notably this is a problem with character’s like niki, fundy, ranboo (though not too bad with his character) and eret. eret had worked hard on a redemption arc and then had to go back to being king because george didn’t want to be involved (then changed his mind which...okay) which really fucked up all of the development he spent a LOT of time on during the second season. niki had to jump from siding with tubbo and tommy against wilbur’s insanity to suddenly tubbo’s president and her character just...can’t know that wilbur is dead for some reason? and now she needs content so she has to scrap together an anti-hero plot for herself. fundy’s works a little better i feel, with his lowkey insanity arc he’s having as of now, but the problem with him is he didn’t get enough lowkey plot moments to show his character’s devolution from neglected to vengeful. ranboo was thrown head first into the plot and while he’s doing an AMAZING job of keeping himself afloat, he just hasn’t had enough time to make his character’s mental decline seem believable, at least to me. not enought has happened to his character for it to work out, due to pacing. all of these character’s are AMAZING concepts but the fact that they feel so inconsistent can be related back to the fact that there really wasn’t any time given to let character’s slowly develop and change, and instead they had to cram all of their character development into the first 30 mins of a plot important stream.
and i will offer a counterargument here of the fact that season 3 is when wilbur’s writing stopped and also was when it really started catching a large audiences’ interest. so naturally more people wanted to be involved and due to the nature of the way this story is told, where each character is an actual CC who needs content and can’t just be a background support character, there HAS to be a lot going on for everyone to get their slice. and i think that’s the ultimate downfall of using this medium to tell a story. you NEED those background characters, the characters that don’t have to be 3 dimensional, the characters that don’t need to be there for everything and get their lines in. so i can’t fault them for having a clunky story when it has to be that way to be fair. 
ultimately i still really enjoy the story, and i hope this doesn’t sound too nitpicky. it’s downfall, of everyone having to be an important character, is also what makes it so good! don’t like the “main character”? go watch someone else, who’s the main character of their own POV of the story. every single character is incredibly complex and has their own unique set of motivations, goals, and traits. it works really well with the running theme of history, and how not only does it repeat itself through miscommunication and ignorance but also how the opinion on events changes from who’s telling the story. the fact that you can tell every CC genuinely cares about their character also really does show in the acting and writing and just everything about the server and story. the flaws of the story are very easy to look over because of just how much time and care all of them put into this server and it really helps the story. an okay story written by passionate people with always be better than an amazing one written by apathetic storywriters; and the smp’s story is definitely more than just okay, at least to me. 
i didn’t want to write this just to complain and then offer no solution, so i do have a few ideas on how i’d like to see this fixed or at least improved. they actually already somewhat do this, but i feel like they could start breaking up the plot more. similarly to how there was the bloodvines plot going on at the same time as tommy’s exile plot, i feel like they could take a chunk of say 5-10 members and they each have their semi-contained plot. especially with l’manberg now destroyed, the thing that way tying a lot of the members together, it would be easier to do this. there can be connecting threads through the stories, like how tubbo and fundy would see the bloodvines or bad would visit tommy in exile, but ultimately not every character has to be involved in everyone else’s story. 
say you have tubbo, tommy, quackity, fundy, ghostbur, and dream for one plot of trying to get the discs back and making dream revive ghostbur. at the same time you can have techno, phil, ranboo, dream, and sam dealing with the prison and techno or someone being put in the prison with dream manipulating ranboo through his memories. bad, ant, sam, puffy, and skeppy can continue with the egg. eret, fundy, niki, and ghostbur work through the trauma they’ve gained from everything with l’manberg and their interpersonal relationships. similarly to how karl is doing the tales of the SMP right now, these storylines are self contained but characters can overlap and therefore so can relationships. 
my other solution would honestly be to just work on the seemingly lack of communication. make sure everyone is getting the content they need (with people having to understand that not everyone is going to get the animatic worthy lines every stream, and not everyone gets to play a huge part in each event.) however this entails having a much more concrete script, which highkey removes the charm of the smp. it also means that inevitably someone is going to not be getting good content, or content at all, and that’s not fun or good for anyone. ultimately i’d like to see an improvement on the communication for the plot (niki feeling excluded, george and eret not being told about important events, communicating when people are trying to have genuine canon important speeches and not BMing them (cough cough tubbo at niki about her taxes cough cough techno during tubbo and tommys reunion)) and that doesn’t necessarily have to mean a fully fleshed out script. 
in the end, what everyone on this server has managed to do with this storyline is something that’s genuinely impacted me! it’s opened my eyes to new ways stories can be told and this fandom is the first big one i’ve been in since probably fucking voltron or homestuck in the mid-2010s. i love what the CCs have managed to do, and while i think this was a healthy amount of criticism for the story i in no way want to demean just how much passion and effort the CCs put into this server. none of these people are professional story writers or actors so the amount of talent we’ve seen is astonishing. this is simply me expressing what i think the problems are, because every story has problems, especially one that’s being made with such a unique medium like improv roleplay streaming. if you have anything you wanna add please feel free to add to this post or reply! i’d love to see :) thank you for reading if you made it this far lmao
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honkster · 4 years
Yay meta
1. Ranboo compared to the other anarchists of the server.
2. C!Tommy’s mental health.
3. C!Dream as an immortal insane god.
4. Ghostbur’s resurrection.
5. Who betrayed who Techno vs Tommy edition.
A bit of an after-thought - everyone on the SMP is traumatized. Absolutely everyone, no one is handling everything in a mentally healthy way. That’s why it’s meaningless to try to say what’s wrong and what’s right, that’s why it’s all morally grey - everyone is doing things because of their own warped perception of the world, the right and wrong blur when everyone thinks that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. Trying to justify someone’s actions with logic and moral righteousness is inherently time-wasting, because everyone is acting how their feelings let them at the time.
Saying who’s right or wrong, trying to figure out villains and good guys <<< Analyzing characters by their actions and trying to understand WHY rather than SHOUD THEY HAVE.
Probably a bit of a backwards way to say that I don’t care if Tommy or Techno are wrong in their argument - L’manburg was destroyed, Tommy thinks Techno is bad. That’s the end of that story, stay tuned for what Tommy’s gonna do now.
<_><_><_><_><_> <_><_><_><_><_>
There is just a very huge difference between Ranboo and the other two anarchists of the server.
Ranboo, while being strong in his beliefs, is a non-violent person. Yes he’s stacked, yes he could fight, but he chooses to stay on the sidelines and just watch the action unfold. He’d rather listen in to people and then make conclusions about their actions and decide on things by himself. He’s hard to sway, Quackity may have softened his viewpoint slightly, and I genuinely hope that Ranboo follows through with that and decides that teams and groups is something that kind of needs to happen before the idea that all conflicts are a personal thing between two people can actually make sense. People are stronger together, especially those that don’t have good gear or pvp skills. The weaker people, the ones lower in the food chain, don’t have that many options for getting their point across. The server is already dominated by the strongest, most skilled, most geared people, and those are the people that matter, when it comes down to it.
Quackity is very much a unique case. He has managed to do with four people what L’manburg and all of its inhabitants didn’t manage for the longest time. He is very much a main player.
The other two anarchists are both very violent. Dream was always like that, he hasn’t shown a crumb of being able of change or considering a different opinion (extreme delusions or just extreme self-confidence? Either one makes him a prick), but Techno actually had an arc where he made the entirely wrong conclusions.
I don’t think I’ve talked about the Butcher Army much.
So Techno blew up Manberg, threatened to take down any government that sprouted up and then dipped. He made his little cottage, he went on a retirement arc, so on and so forth.
But then the Butcher Army formed.
And their one target was the pig.
And they went out of their way to track him down, to prepare to kill him, they arrived there and threatened him, and they said that it’s time for Techno to pay for his crimes, and they reacted how anyone else would when being attacked – they attacked too. They took his horse to get him to stop, they brought him up for execution, they didn’t manage to kill him, but they switched targets once they realized that they can’t actually kill him while literal god is on his side, helping him.
The conclusion there wasn’t that government is evil and abuses its power. It’s that violence is paid forward with violence.
It doesn’t really matter that Techno misunderstood. Either way he would’ve returned to good old Blood for the Blood God Technoblade, but I fear that this event reinforced his very wrong belief that government is the source of ALL problems on the server.
If he would say that government is the cause of MAJOR conflicts that wouldn’t happen if government didn’t exist, yeah! Yeah, I agree with that actually. But he’s saying that EVERY conflict is because of government.
The disc war was not because of government.
The Pet War was not because of government.
Most of the rivalries of the server are not because of government.
Tommy was not… Actually (yeah Tommy was exiled because of government and the fact that the sentimentality for L’manburg seemed very important at that point. Things shouldn’t be more important than people, people you can’t just replace. But…) Dream specifically when he went after Tommy targeted L’manburg. If the country didn’t exist, Dream probably would have gone about it another way, probably one more difficult, but he wouldn’t have involved all these people whose only connection to one another is a flimsy city built on stilts. I still hate how Techno refuses to acknowledge that Dream WAS the cause of Tommy’s exile, not government.
But what if Techno was big brain?
Yeah, things shouldn’t be more important than people. Is that what he’s suggesting? That government favors power over giving up land/buildings/countries for their people, knowing that if they lost their country they would no longer have power?
That would be very interesting!… If his actions actually indicated this.
Techno didn’t chunk error L’manburg because he thought those buildings gave power to someone over another. He did it out of revenge, claiming that it still lined up with his anarchist beliefs and that he was doing good. Techno released withers, the most destructive and hard-to-kill mob available to the server, he stalled while Dream essentially set up nukes above the city. They didn’t do this out of kindness and want for the people to have freedom, they KILLED the people that they were so “graciously” “saving”.
Technoblade and Dream are both violent anarchists who misunderstood what the word means. They don’t seek order in the chaos, they don’t seek a peaceful anarchy, they just want blood.
Which makes me very worried for Ranboo. I don’t think that he will get influenced by the two, if the two ever come back together to stir up shit again. I don’t think Ranboo is going to believe Technoblade when he says that government is the cause of ALL problems, because Ranboo doesn’t just hate the factions of the server. He has said that Dream is the reason for a lot of conflict on the server, he understands what Dream is up to. If he will agree with Techno at the beginning, he certainly will find issue in Techno considering Dream a worthy ally.
I just hope that Techno LISTENS for at least once in his life.
(But I won’t be too sad if it’s Phil Ranboo manages to convince. Might actually be easier to get through to anarchist pig Blade that way…)
<_><_><_><_><_> <_><_><_><_><_>
I worry for c!Tommy’s mental health.
I know this probably is never going to get addressed rather than that one tiny little plot point where he got exiled for no reason but being as resilient as Tommy is, so constantly himself without apology, so constantly in everyone’s faces and just out there so much, so purposefully annoying just because it’s entertaining for him… I don’t think he’s alright.
The many times he has been beaten down, how many times people have battled him and won, how many times he’s told to shut up and just take it – it makes you wonder how come he hasn’t just given up by now and toned it down so people stop hating him.
Yeah, he’s resilient. Yeah, he’s annoying that way. But I seriously doubt that he can take all that he takes and still be perfectly okay.
One insult means nothing. One time can be just a made up thing to make you pissed off.
Same thing twice? Someone’s just mocking you.
Three times? Wow okay these guys must all be friends and they gossip about me!
Four times?… Hey how big is your friend group exactly?
Five times?…
Six times?…
How about 20.
No matter how ridiculous something that someone noticed about you may be, if repeated enough times, you almost sub-consciously start to believe it. Lots of people notice this – hey I can also notice it!
C!Tommy being annoying on purpose, saying that it’s just entertaining for him… Doesn’t that sound like a really depressing thing to enjoy? Something that garners you so much attention you literally get exiled?
And the fact that, even during Dream enforcing the exile, even when he escaped, when he appeared in Techno’s house and huddled under it like a raccoon, he was still so painfully annoying you just want to punt him?… Does that really sound like just a funny pastime for him and not a defense mechanism against all of the shit people put him through, something that he does out of habit because even though it gets him in trouble a lot of the time, it’s also the only way he can actually react to events and people threatening him, cause what is he gonna do, actually threaten them and get them to leave that way?
I dunno this may be dumb… I may be projecting slightly… Wondering where all of his resilience comes from when actual good things that happened because of him versus the bad things that people constantly blame him for… Sir where do you get that strength and how can I sell my soul for it?
<_><_><_><_><_> <_><_><_><_><_>
Oh I’ve written characters that think of awful, violent things as fun…
I actually really like those characters.
I don’t know why I always make them the most traumatized, split-personality, abused and manipulated victims-turned-absolute-monsters.
No wait I do know why.
Dream’s no different. We haven’t seen much of him, other than his motivation and the fact that he goes the wrong way about thinking of means to get to the end. He hasn’t revealed a traumatic past or any real reason why he targets only one person if torturing everyone on the server would probably be way more “fun”.
But he is called god.
And THAT lines up with one of my favorite things to talk about!
Immortals :D
You see the whole concept of a god or an immortal being is at its core something we shouldn’t comprehend. Death and the fact that it will happen can be counted as a reason for a lot of our motivations, so how does it affect one’s thinking if one of our core reasons for life is erased?
I can dump a whole philosophical essay here but I feel like it is highly unnecessary. Dream, as an immortal god on the server, has access to stuff that many people have to grind hours of their life for. This twists his perception of the value of certain items, and also certain actions. The fact that he cannot die also affects that perception, and in his long life he has probably had the same thoughts a lot of immortals have – few things are meaningful in life, few are worth sacrificing things for and few are just as immortal as they are.
This, of course, can cause a little thing called an existential crisis, and it can break an immortal, especially if they were once human and most definitely mortal. We don’t know for sure what Dream is, but assuming either scenario makes his pursuit of fun and drama valid.
If he was once a human and by some dark magic gained immortality, his want to see how humans react to things being destroyed, or how humans fold under torture, may be a twisted way of analyzing himself, trying to understand how he could be a part of them, trying to reconnect with his old self, attempts to return to the mortal plane, there are many options but all firmly lead into “this is just a fun experiment for him”. How people throw mentos in a bowl and pour coke over it just to see an explosion. That’s Dream with the SMP.
If he was always a god, then it gets even more interesting (and thematically relevant!). He never understood these creatures that run around and desperately try to prevent death while simultaneously causing so much of it. If Dream doesn’t understand mortals and death as a concept, then his view of them, based on what he’s seen of the SMP, is that humans SEEK violence, and drama, and pain, and harm. They purposefully create meaningless things to then give them meaning and then feel pain over them. He is utterly confused by humans, but he also understands them quite well.
Taunted, insulted? Retaliate with force.
A country that demands peace? Blow it to smithereens.
A sentimental thing that you could literally replace within a fraction of a life, a little thing of pride that you were able to acquire?
It can control people.
And he seems to understand THAT concept of humanity perfectly well. The want for power, the seeking of control, the simple want to somehow be above your equals, somehow stand out and be admired.
Dream grasps that concept so well he might as well be human.
I don’t know if this humanity side of Dream will be his hubris, if the weakness he acquired from humans – sentimentality over objects that can very easily be replaced and mean nothing in the grand scheme of things – may actually come back after he so rudely pushed it away.
We don’t know enough about this guy. We can make some conclusions, sure, but uh… The simple fact that he causes chaos for fun means that whatever we may think the reason for his motivations is, we will probably fail to understand him as long as we think logically.
C!Dream is an absolute prick. I want to punt him.
But I won’t until he explains why he chose to be a bad copy of the Joker with immortality sprinkled on the fucked up cake.
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Wilbur is coming back into the plot!
Not that Ghostbur isn’t important to the plot. His character is just stagnant because in order to give him proper char development you need to address some very serious mental issues and that’s not exactly something the SMP does often. (Most serious I’ve seen it is Tommy’s exile arc and maybe Fundy’s adoption stream)
So they’re bringing back Alivebur. What could possibly go wrong?
Everything. Literally everything.
I talked about it once, how if Ghostbur’s character wants to reach peace – finish his arc – firstly he has to confront his trauma. At the same time I said that if he was brought back to life, it could hinder his already done little progress of adapting to ghost life and probably reset him. Very certain conditions would have to be met in order for Ghostbur to gain something out of being brought back to life, and a lot of those conditions lean on Alivebur coming back as a certain “version” of himself, which cannot be predicted simply because there isn’t a resident ghost expert on the server. No one knows how these idiots work.
The worrying thing is that they are most definitely bringing back Alivebur. There wouldn’t be need for this plot otherwise. So they will definitely succeed, Alivebur will definitely be brought back, and he will be important to the plot.
What can we theorize about knowing those things?
Mmmm… Isn’t it weird that Ghostbur said he wants to quit being Ghostbur after L’manburg was destroyed? Is it a want to stop ignoring bad things that are happening, since he knows he is going to forget this and move on and he doesn’t want to keep escaping anymore? That’s a good motivation.
Or is it because Ghostbur is like the old spirit of L’manburg, both connected to it physically and mentally? Would Alivebur want L’manburg back, considering that was his only goal in his life, to destroy it, or is he finally going to feel fulfilled that it is over and his obsession with it can die?
I dunno! I have no idea what part they want Wilbur to play in the upcoming plot. It’s very unclear if Wilbur is going to be a side character that moves the plot in little ways or if he’s going to become the main character again or if, and this is probably my most likely theory, the resurrection fails at first and it leads the whole gang, with Ghostbur up front, down weird paths that somehow end with Dream.
(Cause we all know that guy is not going to just write himself out of the plot if he can instead continue being the villain)
It all feels like it’s going to connect, finally. All of the main people from the past getting back into the spotlight in a very convoluted plot to get one of them back into the land of the living.
Don’t really know though. Wondering how resurrection works, that’s all. Knowing that info, may be possible to make a better theory.
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There is no one right in the “Tommy betrayed Techno” vs “Tommy realized Techno is not a good influence on him” argument. Neither one is right, but neither one is completely wrong. Neither character is in the right, or in the wrong, and it doesn’t really matter who’s right or wrong in this scenario, fact is it happened and the people reacted how they did.
There is only one thing to say about Techno and Tommy, and probably the only thing I’m kinda feeling very strongly about.
Sometimes the refusal to be swayed to another side or believing in yourself gets you called selfish.
That’s both about Techno and Tommy.
And a lot of other people on the server.
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Here’s a cookie for reading all of that. I can also bake your favorite muffin if you want :3
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lugialagia · 4 years
A new life
Summary : War is destroying Asgard and Hela is winning. Valkyrie is supposed to be brave but she decides to run away and ends falling on Sakaar. That’s where she finds love, in a place where she would never think of finding happiness again.
Pairing : Valkyrie x alien!reader (3rd person)
Words : 2,297
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War was at rage on Asgard. Val's squadron perished, she was the only survivor. Her courage and her honor should have make her fight until her death, or her oponent's, but her cowardice made her run away. She ran, leaving her family, her realm behind her, to the hands of the worse tyran of the whole history; Hela.
Flying away on her pegasus, she went up toward the dark sky. But Hela wasn't done with her. The Goddess shot an attack toward the horse and the woman didn't see it. Val couldn't avoid the blast of magic and the poor stalion died immediately, making the young woman to fall into the abyss.
At this moment, she was thinking about everyone that she had abandoned, even if they already were in Valhala. She thought that they would reject her after what she had done, after being a coward. But honestly, she didn't think she was going to join them in Valhala, she would surely perish in Hel's realm.
The fall was going to be hard and kill her. Val was Aesir, yes, but no matter where she would fall, she will never make it alive. But, by chance, a portal opened right under her. It was invisible, but the woman did feel the changing in the air and that's when she understood that she would land in another realm. The fall was less important that what she expected but she still stood up with difficulties and a few grunts. Looking around, she saw that there was only trash and rocks. This was a realm unknown to her, this was probably out of Yggdrasil.
Walking for two days, she went through different landscapes. Fields with blue grass, forests with bended trees, hillsthat were moving like a water mattress. But even with all that walking, she didn't see any form of life. Until a man with purple skin came toward her. By instinct, Val drew out her sword, ready to fight even if she was in a weak state. But the man quickly raised his hand in front of him. "I come in peace. Inhabitants signaled an unusual presence in their land."
"I never saw anyone." she said, suspicious. "What you don't see, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Anyway, the Grandmaster wants to welcome you into his community. Please follow me." the man stated.
Starving and on an unknown realm, without nowhere to go, she decided to follow the strange man. "I still have some question to ask about." she suddenly said. "What's the name of this realm?" she asked. "You are on Sakaar." replied the man. "l must be far away from home." she murmured to herself. "I don't even know this planet. Anyway, who's this Grandmaster?"
Surely, the man had a big ego to be named like this. "The Grandmaster is the first man to landed a feet on Sakaar. Before him, there was no form of life here. Sakaar is a trash planet, surrounded by portals." he explained. "We come here only by mistake. The Grandmaster lived alone here for years before someone else fell from a portal, so it is natural for him to be the Master of this planet."
After a long conversation, they finally arrived in the city that the Grandmaster built. The Aesir was clearly surprised, everything looked like a real city but all was made from old frame of ships or metals. Udon, the purple skinned man, led the woman inside the biggest building, where the Grandmaster were living. The exterior was all trash and dirt, but the inside was strangely luxurious and modern. Val wasn't used to this type of decoration, but it was better than what was outside. Red, white, blue and gold seemed to be the favorite colors of the Grandmaster. And everything was shiny.
A man with a golden robe was standing in front of a large window. "Grandmaster, I brought the new girl." declared Udon. Hearing those words, the Grandmaster turned around. He was older than Val, that was for sure seeing his wrinkles and white hair all over his head. Like everything in this fortress, he was wearing red and blue clothes under the golden robe. A strange blue line marked his bottom lip and chin. He looked nice but Val knew that monsters could hide behing a pretty shell.
"Oh! Welcome on Sakaar, pretty girl." he greeted happily. Even with his happy smile, the woman was still ready to take her sword if he was becoming suspicious. "May I know your name?" he then asked. "Val." she simply replied.
"Never heard that name." he mused. "That's because it's just a nickname. And you? Grandmaster? Seriously, I can see your head inflate from here." she snorted back. "Oh but she's biting! I love this! Udon, give her the room A25." the Grandmaster said, dismissing them.
Udon nodded and did just as he was asked. Val found the Grandmaster nice but she had doubt because of his arrogance and ego. The hallways were all looking the same -almost- and they were made of the same material. "Here is your suite." the man said as he opened the door.
The woman was pulled out of her thoughts when he spoke. Shaking her head a bit, she entered her new bedroom. Of course, it was in the same style that everything else, but she liked the color better; blue and silver. She shrugged a bit like to say that it wasn't that bad. Of course, she used to live in luxury in the palace, her chambers were made of serveral rooms and everything was golden. Everything she wanted, everything she could have. Here, it was different. But it was still pretty nice. And she needed to get used to it since she wouldn't go back on Asgard, if Asgard still was, of course. "You're a lucky one. The Grandmaster seems to like you, he gave you one of his best room." Udon declared. "Really? I must have made a good impression." she replied with an arched brow.
"Most certainly. Every survivors only have a simple room with barely a bed on which to sleep. And if they are getting aggressive, they're thrown in the dungeon of the arena." Udon explained. After that, silence started to fill the room. "Well, l will leave you there. If you have any issue or if you want something, push the button next to the door or the bed." he explained, pointing to a black and golden button that looked like a switch light. "A maid shall come for you."
"Thank you, Udon." Val said before he left. Now alone, she was thinking back about everything that previously happened and every emotion she buried, came back hard. She was sad to have lost her people, her family, but she was also deeply angry against herself for being such a coward, disgusted to not have perished with the rest of the soldiers. Val was strong, physically and mentally, this was a true fact, but right now, it was too much.
Without understanding anything, she slid down against the wall right before she could reach the bed with silky sheets. Head hidden between her knees, tears were rolling down her cheeks like waterfalls. Her body were shaking, her breathing was harsh to the point where she felt like suffocating. Her fallen friends' faces were haunting her.
Suddenly, hands were on her shoulders. The woman lifted her head up with a swift movement and by instinct, tried to reach for her sword. But in her state, she just confused her left and right. An unknown face was standing only inches away from her, she could see the person's lips moving, but she didn't hear anything. The other woman seemed to be young compared to Val. Her orange skin reminded her of the sun settings and her blue hair the deep water seas. White marks decorated her eyes, starting on her forehead to stop under her purple eyes. "Miss! Miss, please calm down. You are safe. Please, take a deep breath."
Her soft voice finally started to reach Val's ears while the maid continued to repeat the same words over and over again. Tears started to stop falling and her breathing was back to normal. "How do you feel?" Y/N asked. "Good, l think." Val replied, still a bit lost. "Who are you? How did you know l needed help?"
"I am your maid, Miss. You called for me." she said, pointing to the button above them. Val didn't recall pushing it, but in her previous state, maybe she accidentally did without thinking about it. "Wait here, I will bring you something to make you feel better." Y/N said, standing up. "Wait...uh...what's your name?" the Aesir asked. "Y/N, Miss."
Then, Y/N left the room with a smile. Little by little, Val felt the fog in her mind disappear and she started to remember what happened. It surely last a few minutes, but to her, it felt like hours. When Y/N came back with a tray with food and water, Val was sitting on the bed, head in hands. The maid put the tray down on the bedside table and knelt in front of the woman. "How do you feel?" she asked softly. "Better, l think." Val replied without much of conviction.
* * *
A few weeks passed by and Val was getting used to her new life on this unknown planet. She was definitely feeling better and she even worked as a Collector, like Udon, after refusing to be a Fighter. The Grandmaster promised her fortune if she accepted to fight in the arena for special occasion, the true fights being reserved to mobsters or traitors.
In the end, she liked this new life. She was trying to forget her past and her mistakes. And it was also thanks to Y/N even if she wouldn't admit it out loud. The two were close now, like they were childhood friends. And Val saw her like a friend more than a maid, even more... "Oh sorry Val! I didn't know you were in there!" Y/N said while looking away. "I knocked but you didn't replied so..."
"It's okay, l was in my thoughts." Val replied, a towel wrapped around her chest. "Maybe you just did this on purpose." she joked, a smirk on her face. "N-no! Why would I do that?" Y/N scoffed as her cheeks started to be flushed. Val shrugged a bit in response. Y/N unconsciously observed her body, feeling irremediably attracted and aroused. But that's also when she discovered a unique tattoo on her right arm, something that she knew of.
"Val for Valkyrie..." she whispered. All trace of joke disapeared from the Aesir's face. She didn't want to feel all this shame again. "Get out." she ordered. "Val, l don't know..." Y/N tried. "Get. Out. Now!" even if she didn't want to, Y/N left the bathroom. She didn't know what was wrong, why the other woman reacted this way. She was a Valkyrie! They were known on every realm of the galaxy! And Y/N was glad she could be in her presence, it was an honor. So why this reaction? Why didn't she tell her?
The maid was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a loud noise in the bathroom. Without thinking about it, she opened the door and she froze at the sight of the Aesir with a bloody hand and a broken mirror. Y/N slowly approach her like she was a wounded animal, she didn't want her to run away or be angry. She took her hand softly, like she was the only who could do that. Eyes cold and heart in pain, Val still knew what was best, so she let herself being guided toward the bed, staring at the orange hand in her, now red because of her blood. But Y/N didn't care, her hand was were it was meant to be.
And it was staring at their hands that Val laid down on the mattress. She then talked about everything she had in mind. Her life, Hela, the war, her army's death, her escape, her shame. She couldn't stop. In the end, Val looked at Y/N, obviously thinking that the woman would reject her, but all she could see in her purple orbs was love. "Val, I don't care what you have done. I won't judge you on that. I also made mistakes in the past, but that is a story for another time." Y/N said with a smile. "All I see is the woman you are now, on Sakaar."
No word came out of the Aesir after that. She just leaned forward and pressed her lips against Y/N one. And of course, without any hesitation, Y/N returned the kiss.
* * *
"After that, we continued our story as survivor and maid. But the Grandmaster saw what was between us. So, after a few months of being together, he made her a Collector and also my coworker." Val said with nostalgia. "I lost her...on a mission." she continued in a whisper. "A whole ship arrived on Sakaar and they weren't really friendly. We had a team but we still had to fight. She did what she could." she said with a sob.
Thor placed a warm hand on her shoulder in compassion. "What's worse...it's time." Val continued after taking a breath. "I'm sure that only a few years passed on Asgard, but on Sakaar, we lived a dozen of years together." Thor nodded. "l understand why you were so down, but you're not the only one in this state now." he said as he looked at all the empty beer bottle around him. "But you're still more able to run New Asgard than me."
Val sighed and took another breath. "I'll do my best. At least for Y/N." she declared. "For Y/N." Thor repeated.
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