#self diagnose
eira-kuso · 2 years
I've seen people say "if you are so sure about your self diagnosis, just go diagnose"
And no!? Have you seen how much does it cost?
Adhd cost at my country at least 1500 reais (Brazilian coin) to diagnose!
The minimum wage is 1.302 reais.
You would need two minimum wages to get the price right and then there are the race and gender and age bias.
Nobody unless you're a white 4 year old boy can be diagnosed with autism, and anyone else that thinks they are autistic is just a little quirky or strange.
I hate this culture of "If cant get a real diagnosis, ypu are just lying and faking for clout".
And no! It just that mental health care is so expensive and the diagnosis might actually be misdiagnosed because the therapist is biased because "you dont look autistic" or "you have good grades on school" or "stop that you're a man!" And whatever the shit.
The bottomline is that diagnosis is a privilege, when it should be a right.
It should be a right to be diagnosed with something or nothing. Know what is with you to properly understand your mind and body.
The first guy who was diagnosed with autism is still alive. The first autism diagnosis came after two decades of the concept being. The concept of mental health being necessary for a good life is pretty new. And its still seen in
We need to stop thinking that people that self diagnoses are just faking for attention because yeah they want attention, but the attention for their untreated mental health problems. They want to know if there is something different with them and thats great! Unless they do not have the money to diagnose, then they are lying /j
Idk what else to say but, dont think that just because you diagnosed, it means that everybody can and that they would have as much compassion put in their diagnosis than in yours.
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thediamondarcher · 10 months
what is your opinion about people who make self diagnoses?
honestly, i think it depends
I won't give my opinion on any specific case unless the person asks me to, but i know that self diagnosis does not work for myself although i really suspected i had OCD and GAD before i was diagnosed but i didn't actually self diagnose
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dk-thrive · 2 years
How do you quit troubleshooting yourself?
Angelina Mazza, from “On Reflection” in Maisoneuve.org, Dec 16, 2022
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sonch · 2 years
OKAY so I'm sitting there thinking about self-diagnosis and how weird it is that I'm very sure that I'm autistic but it was never confirmed by a doctor AND MY MOM just casually telling me "oh yeah I remember when I was giving birth to you the doctor said that you will probably be autistic but yeah :/ you never showed any symptoms or something" WTF??????? how am I supposed to react to that
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d0llist · 2 years
hi, just a thought abt self diagnose. i am finna give my two cents.
There is a huge difference between suspecting you have something and saying you have something which is something a lot of yall do.
Imma use BPD as an example cuz SO many of yall, especially minors, love to self diagnose urself with it and say you have it without a proper diagnosis.
BPD is not only impossible to self diagnose, especially as a minor, because of how complex it is, but putting a label like that on yourself is so bizarre to me.
The stigma with BPD is god awful and never something I tell people I have at all because of the stigma. The fact that people who don't have a diagnosis just wanna say they have it is so crazy to me.
It's different if you show symptoms and say you have symptoms, but to go out and say "Oh, I have BPD" with just research from the internet and professional sites is not okay.
You can have symptoms and say you have symptoms but you can't just say you have disorder with consulting a professional psychologist first. And, people who've already consulted psychologists and therapists about their symptoms and wonderings and been told they don't have STILL continue to brag it off like they do have it.
Also, yall will look up everything about a disorder expect getting help for it. Y'all refuse to look up coping skills, ways to get better, etc. BPD is not fully curable but you can get help, which is what I'm doing, and y'all self dx will do anything but look up ways to help yourself which is even more helpful then putting a label on yourself.
Disorders are not like sexualities, genders, and other identities. Nobody in this world will ever know what's going on with their own brain fully, that's why we get help for it. If we were all geniuses and knew what was going on with our brains, we wouldn't have mental health professionals. Suspecting is different than Diagnosing.
Moral of the story, If you do not have a diagnosis, please do walk around saying you have a disorder, especially if you have no clue you have it.
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ka3l · 5 months
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bwbawa · 1 year
truly what is r the main differences like ACTUAL differences not things in common with adhd and autism
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 6 months
Why self-diagnosed autistics are valid
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medical diagnosis can be expensive
humans are the experts on their own minds
family may prevent assessment
diagnosis criteria is a poor checklist of stereotypes
diagnosis criteria ignores gender, race, sexuality, culture & more
medical diagnosis confirms autism, but doesn't create it
discrimination within the medical profession may prevent diagnosis.
Assessment waiting lists often long
medical trauma may make assessment unfeasible
Neurodiverse Journeys
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thestralboy · 10 months
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I can’t do it anymore, fr I‘m so tired
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autiebiographical · 3 months
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Can't take away from something that isn't there.
Not to mention to get any support from the government or an organization most people need an official diagnosis.
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crimsoncosmic · 1 year
I find it funny when someone self-diagnoses themselves with autism, allistics and neurotypicals are always the ones complaining about it. “You can’t diagnose yourself! You’re mocking people with actual autism! It isn’t valid! You’re taking away resources from actual autistic people!”
But, then diagnosed autistic people themselves will look at that same self-diagnosed person and be like: “Oh, yeah. You’re definitely one of us.”
Also, the question is this; What resources are we taking away from diagnosed Autistic people? What resources are there for us to take? And, how would we do that anyway?
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zebulontheplanet · 11 months
Not going to tag a very icky post that I found but it’s not hard to find. So, here’s your reminder that;
Self suspecting and self diagnosed autistic people are NOT taking resources from diagnosed people. You can’t get autism services without a diagnosis, you can’t go to any therapies really without a diagnosis and so on.
Autism accessories have a abundance supply. So yeah, get those ear defenders, get those sunglasses, get those stim toys.
You aren’t taking anything from diagnosed people.
Stop saying self diagnosed people are taking away from diagnosed people, because they’re not. They have their space in the community. The community is big enough for them.
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redd956 · 2 years
I don’t normally post stuff like this, but I’ve been very curious, as it is a problem I’ve seen on this platform too. But I’ve also seen this happen on other social media, and in-person.
Fake-Claiming! When someone claims or fakes a disorder or something similar of sorts to be QUIRKY and INTERESTING. I’ve also seen a lot of problems of self diagnosing and the dangers that come with that.
So Tumblr reblog, reply, whatever...has Fake-Claiming and self diagnosing ever affected you?
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grim-robin-rk · 2 years
I am I neurodivergent have anxiety and depression, and it’s self diagnosed
I just wanted to say that I have seen a lot of people invalidate mental illness if it’s not confirmed by a professional and you know what that’s just a really shity thing to do.
I am not saying that people shouldn’t try to get a professional diagnosis but what other people aren’t getting is that some of us can’t. We either don’t have the resources or we don’t have the freedom. And when people invalidate us just because we don’t have a doctors note, we start to question something that is a part of ourselves.
So please don’t be a dick and just believe us if we say that we are neurodivergents, don’t ask for a formal diagnosis just trust that we have researched it enough and know ourselves well enough to understand what we have.
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matcha-goblin · 1 year
Neurodivergent people are never undiagnosed. We are misdiagnosed. Our symptoms don't go unnoticed, and people will always attribute them to some sort of cause. They'll just attribute them to personality and blame the individual for their symptoms.
For example. My autism is not undiagnosed, it's been misdiagnosed as "too sensitive," "awkward," "rude," "obsessive," and "too intense." My brother's adhd wasn't undiagnosed, it was misdiagnosed as "lazy," "impulsive," "annoying," and "can't seem to get any work done."
Growing up without a diagnosis is growing up believing that you are to blame for your differentness. Your symptoms are a personality flaw. You are diagnosed by everyone around you as "weird."
Edit: Some people have pointed out that I'm using the word misdiagnosis here rather loosely. I'm aware that it isn't quite correct definitionally, and I don't mean to say that medical misdiagnosis and the type of social misattribution I'm talking about are identical--just that they are related phenomena, and neurodivergent people are often victims of one or both. There isn't an exact term for what I'm talking about here, so I used the closest one I knew of. Terminology is important and some words need to be used with precision to retain their influence. At the same time, sometimes meanings change, and bending words to fit new circumstances is a natural way that language evolves. I'm not sure which situation this falls under, so while I don't want to change my post (not even sure what to change it to), I thought I'd edit and add clarification. Additional feedback on this is welcome.
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animatedtext · 1 year
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requested by mercrx 
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