#send me good luck for tomorrow’s exam
bicayaya · 4 months
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blue--ingenue · 1 year
im currently working on chapter six of "Evasive Maneuvers"! i fully intend for sebastian to have a redemption arc, but that boy is gonna have to do some serious work if he wants to get back our Gryffindor's good graces
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always-just-red · 2 months
hihihi! sylus girlie here. as a college student i often never take breaks whenever im working and often stay up late finishing up assignments. then i stress out but never tell anyone and suffer in silence:’) i was wondering if you could do something similar with sylus x mc where mc often forgets to take breaks at the hunters association and is always the first the volunteer for missions so she could improve.
but then it’s starting to take a toll on her and is so so stressed, but feels bad about venting to someone or saying no to new missions.
maybe one day she’s doing a simple task like cooking herself dinner (or something) but accidentally burns herself and she just ends up breaking down and decides to call sylus and he immediately goes to her. :’)
feel free to decline or change anything! i just like the thought of someone comforting u when ur overworked and stressed bc i wish someone would do that to me lol.
Fast-tracked this one for you, anon! I'm really sorry you're having a tough time right now, and I hope this brings you a bit of comfort- remember, Sylus would want you to take care of yourself! Good luck with all your studies, and feel free to send in another request if ever you need it! 🥰
Technical Difficulties
Sylus x Reader 🩸
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Summary: You're not very good at asking for help when you're struggling. Thankfully? You don't always need to.
Genre: fluff + comfort ft. a very domestic Sylus!
Warnings/Additional tags: stressed reader (has a lil bit of a breakdown!), some swearing, uses of 'kitten' and 'sweetie', Sylus is so soft here he should come with a health warning tbh
| Word count: 2.4k | Masterlist |
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Love and Deepspace. All work is my own, so please don't repost or plagiarise!
In the event of a wanderer incursion where evacuation of citizens is obstructed or otherwise not viable, association protocol 32.3-A dictates that you should first… That you should first… What?
Your pen is poised above the blank space where your answer should be. 32.3-A is a general procedure: something to do moving people to the nearest shelter. Or, wait— are you supposed to try to contact support, first?
You drop your pen with a huff and flop face-down onto the mock exam. It’s too much. Too much information, too much responsibility. Open textbooks are spread over your desk and around your head like an unholy halo— stacks of them, filled with codes and procedures. They’re supposed to be helpful, but they’re not; they’re drowning you.
Your phone pings and you glance up. Text from Tara:
Hi! Hate to be a bother, but did you finish glancing over that practice question for me? xx
Shit. You’d completely forgotten. You straighten, reaching for your laptop so you can load up your latest emails. You’ve got time to look over it; the exam isn’t for another two days. Breathe, ok? You have time.
Seven unread emails. What? You scan over them frantically. Two from the Captain: accepting additional mission requests you’d applied for. Were those both this week? One from Nero: you hadn’t sent in that finished report. Three from your colleagues, all scrambling for help with the exam. One from Tara:
Thanks for saying you’d look over this for me! You’re the best at this stuff!
Ok, so: Tara’s practice question. Nero’s report. Your own practice questions. Then… dinner? Maybe that should come first. You’d skipped lunch— had one slice of toast for breakfast. But you don’t wanna cook; cooking takes time, and you’ve got none. None.
Your phone is ringing, snapping you back to reality, and you peek over at it. Sylus?
“Hi,” you greet as you put him on speaker. On your laptop, you’re opening up Tara’s attachment.
“Are you free tomorrow?”
Always straight to the point. “Uh… yeah?” you frown as you read through your friend’s work. “Why? What d’you need?”
Sylus sighs through the phone. “That was a test, sweetie. You failed.”
“Yeah, well…” you murmur, highlighting a sentence with your cursor. “Add it to the list.”
The man doesn’t find that funny. The phone is quiet— too quiet. “Are you alright?” he asks, just as your gaze wanders to check if the call has disconnected.
“Yeah, Sylus.”
You stare down at your phone. He’s waiting for more, but you won’t give it to him. You’re one word away from slipping, and you can’t let the dam crumble, especially in front of him. He’s smiling from the phone call background: a photo he insisted would ‘ruin’ his image when you took it last week.  
“I need to go, ok?” Your eyes are shining.
“Ok,” he says softly.
There’s a bleep as the call cuts out, and the photo is gone. Waiting beneath it is another text from Tara, and one from Xavier: Nero told me to txt U bout a report??
You swallow the ache in your throat and slump down on your desk again.
You wake up with a start, your head ringing. The tangerine sky outside your window’s turned dark— your laptop, too— and light spills from your desk lamp, yellow on white pages. There’s more, and you turn, tracing it back to where it leaks through the crack of your almost closed bedroom door.
You hadn’t left any lights on in your flat. You hadn’t switched on your lamp, either.
Tiredness is dulling your thoughts and your senses, but you know you feel uneasy. There’s something in the air: smoky, but not unpleasant. You can hear something as well. No— two things. A faint, almost imperceptible hiss, and a more obvious humming.
Hunter instincts kick in. You roll open a drawer of your desk, snatching up one of your standard-issue pistols and removing its safety with a click. You stalk up to the door, your trained footsteps near silent. You take a deep breath, clearing your head. One. Two.
Three! You shoulder the door open, leaping through with your gun trained forwards.
At the other end of your sights, Sylus turns, an eyebrow raised. Your kitchen stove seethes behind him, and he gives you a once over as he sluggishly raises both hands. “You flatter me, kitten,” he smirks in surrender, looking between your weapon and his: a spatula.
You lower your gun, your heart still racing. “I could have killed you, Sylus!”
“That’s the spirit.” His hands drop, too.
“How did you even get in here?”
He’s turned back to the stove, and he’s using the spatula to push something around a frying pan. “Hmm…” he muses, then blink— he’s gone. He’s at your fridge a second later, materialising from thin air. “I wonder,” he finishes as he reaches around for something.
Show off. “You know how I feel about you telepor…” No. “Phas…” No. “Magic…king…?” By now he’s watching you over his shoulder. “You know— that thing you do.” You’re twinkling your fingers. “What do you even call that?”
“Magicking, yeah.”
You huff in response and he laughs, walking back over to where he’s cooking two steaks and preparing a salad. You’re still coming to terms with the fact he’s even here, looking... quite frankly ridiculous, because he’s wearing your apron. It’s too small for him. Baby pink. Frilly, too.
“You know how I feel about you magicking into my home,” you mutter distractedly, because actually? He’s kinda pulling it off. His sleeves are rolled up past his elbows, tight on his arms. “Use the door like a regular person, you psychopath.”  
“Where’s the fun in that?” He sounds smug. Ugh, he must feel your eyes on him; he must know. You think he’s toying with the idea of calling you out, but he doesn’t, and when he does speak, the smugness is gone. “Mephisto saw you were sleeping. I didn’t wish to disturb you. You sounded… tired. On the phone.”
Guilt twinges in your chest as you draw up beside him. “Is that why you’re here? Playing housewife?” You pick at a frill on the apron.
“Poke fun all you want,” he sneers. “This shirt costs more than your entire wardrobe.”
“Ha.” You have to retract your hand as he threatens it with the spatula. “Watch yourself, sweetie. I’ll remember that the next time you ask to ‘borrow’ my card.”
You laugh gently. Now that’s a threat. You’re about to tell him so when you hear a ping from the other room, and your heart sinks. Just a single sound, and you’re back to where you were an hour ago, at your desk with the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Sylus hums in acknowledgment as you excuse yourself and hurry back to your workspace, snatching up your phone. You missed three calls while you sleeping: all from Xavier. He’s been texting you, too.
Nero’s yelling at me
Wants to talk to U
Can U pick up? Pls?
It’s one report, for gods’ sake. You feel your chest tightening again. You just needed to proofread it, but it’s probably fine, right? You wake your laptop out of standby; you’ll just send it as it is. “I’ll just be a minute, Sy,” you call out. “Need to finish one thing.”
He mumbles something in response, and you imagine it’s for the best you can’t hear it. Your keyboard clacks as you tap out a quick email to Nero, then you surf your files for the report he so desperately wanted. It should be… here. You attach it. Hit send.
Nothing happens.
Huh. You hit send again. Then again— still nothing. You groan, trying to back out of the email. None of your keys are working. Your cursor is stuck. “Oh, come on,” you release on an impatient breath. Switch it off, switch it on again? You hit the off button. The screen goes black.
With a sigh of relief, you wait a moment before switching it on again. The screen stays black.
“No, no, no, no,” you plead quietly, but it doesn’t cooperate. Your phone rings and you snap, hitting more buttons: Answer. Speaker. “What?” you hiss.
“Whoa. Hi…?” Xavier’s voice is cautious. “I don’t know if you saw my texts, but Nero—”
“The report, Xavier! I know! I know!” You try holding down your laptop’s power button. “I’m trying to send it, but my shitty computer won’t—”
“No way!” Tara’s voice comes in on the other line; did they both get the night shift? “Hey you! Did you get a chance to—”
“No, ok?!” you practically cry out. “No! Can you two just back off? Please!”
“Oh, sorry, I…” Tara sounds upset, then distracted. “Wait, Xavier wants to speak to you.”
“Are you ok?” he asks after a second.
Ok? You just want everything to stop. “I’m fine. Shit, tell Tara I’m sorry. I am sorry, Xavier, I just… I just need my laptop to…”
Work. Work! Nothing’s working. Half of your files are on there. How much of it is backed-up? Panic is setting in, gripping your body like ice. Your throat hurts and your mouth is dry, the dam is breaking and you can’t stop it. Tears prick at your eyes as you blink at the blank, hopeless screen. Your reflection stares back at you.
You let out a sob, expelling days of frustration and exhaustion. Everywhere you look there’s something you need to do, something you need to learn, something you need to finish. You can’t. You clasp a hand over your mouth, muffling your own cries.
Xavier is speaking— saying something over the phone— but you can’t hear him.
The light changes, and there’s a figure above you, lifting the phone from the desk. “They’ll call you back,” the shadow says. Sylus.
“Wait, who is this?” Xavier.
“That’s Skye!” Tara.
Your friends’ distant voices cut out as Sylus ends the call. He sets the phone down again, nudging your laptop out of view, then lowers himself until all you can see is him: his red eyes, softer than you’ve ever seen them. “Come on, sweetie,” he coaxes, guiding your hands over his shoulders.
You understand what he’s asking of you. His arms wrap around you and you hold him tighter, letting him lift you out of your chair. He feels warm, his skin ever so slightly flushed from where he’s been standing over the stove, and he pulls your legs around his waist, letting him carry you with ease.
With your face buried in his shoulder, you can’t tell where he’s taking you, and you don’t care. His shirt is going damp against your cheeks. You want to stop crying, but you can’t with the taste of your tears on your lips. You feel weak. You feel pathetic.
Something solid is behind you, and Sylus is setting you slowly down on the kitchen counter. He’s away from you for a moment— moving the frying pan off of the heat and turning a dial on the stove— but then he’s back, standing between your legs, standing close. You’re looking down until his hand is under your chin, lifting it with the delicate touch one employs when inspecting a flower that might break.
He shushes you without a hint of impatience. “Look at me,” he directs quietly, and when you do, he unrolls his shirtsleeves— drawing the cuffs over his hands so he can use them to wipe your eyes. “Now tell me what’s wrong.”
You do— you tell him everything. The hunter’s exam. The textbooks. The extra patrols you’ve been signing up for. The work you’ve been doing for your friends. The stupid report. The even more stupid computer.
Sylus listens collectedly, nodding his head and issuing the odd hum of understanding. He listens to all of it, and when you’re done, he pushes your hair back from your face with a sympathetic sigh. “Oh, sweetie.” A tendril is tucked behind your ear. “You should have said something.”
“I know.” Your gaze is still shy of his. “But how can I? I need to do this— be this— for everyone.”
His hands are on your cheeks again, drawing back your focus. “You’re just one person,” he says. “You— just you— and that’s all you need to be. You’re stubborn, and strong, but you’re not invincible. Even Linkon’s shiniest hunter is allowed to have limits. Everyone does.”
“Even you?” you snivel, setting him up for a quip.  
Nothing. He smiles. Shrugs. “Even me.”
It’s hard to believe when he’s staring back at you, oh so solid, oh so perfect. Always a picture of strength: of fiery determination or calculated coolness. Everything in extremes; nothing by halves. Except… his hair is slightly dishevelled from where he’s been working away in the heat. There’s a damp patch on his shirt. He’s wearing your pink apron, and there’s mascara on his sleeves.
Then there’s the way he’s looking at you.
It shifts when you finally look back. He drops his hands from your face and pulls back a little. “You do a lot for your friends,” he continues with confidence, but he’s rubbing his neck, “and they care about you. You should afford them the chance to return the favour. It’s only fair.”
“You’re right.”
Perhaps it’s the fact you’ve vaguely composed yourself— or the way you’re watching him like you’re seeing something new— but he straightens self-consciously, rolling his shirtsleeves back up as his eyes go sharp: assuming their usual severity.
“You’re too soft, kitten,” he scolds, reaching out to tousle your hair until you’re glaring daggers from behind a curtain of it. “How many times do I have to tell you? You put yourself first. Always. No-one else matters.”
There’s quiet for all of a second. He can’t help correcting: “Well, except me, of course.” The apron’s crooked, and he flattens it with a brush of his hands. “Any time spent with me qualifies as self-care. You really should know that by now, sweetie.”
Your mouth curls, but you haven’t quite got it in you to laugh— not yet. Stretching his neck with two sideways tips of his head, Sylus returns to his post at the oven, where the meal he’s cooking has almost certainly gone cold. You watch as the stove flickers back to life. The man is humming again, and though the food might yet be salvaged, whatever melody he’s attempting is long-past recognition, let alone saving.
You chuckle to yourself.
And you can’t see it, but Sylus is smiling, too.
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nxtaliaistyping · 17 days
Batrogues | p links part two
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(gotta be logged into twitter for links to work)
NSFW 18+. some new faces, some returning ones, part one here.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
The Riddler:
If you beg for his attention while he’s working in his workshop, then he’ll leave you like this.
Secretly has a soft spot for bigger girls <3
He’s a classy guy, he loves lingerie
How he eats it after you stroke his ego
He likes you dripping and desperate for him
Honestly this is how I need him to fuck me
The Scarecrow:
What, you thought just because he used to be a professor, he’d be turned on by you dressing so crude? He’ll show you what he thinks
Edward is the closest thing he has to a friend, it would be rude for him not to share you with the riddler.
As a thank you for letting him have you, Edward gave you a present. Now you use it and send videos to Jonathan when he’s working <3
You help him get to sleep
Likes making you ride him
This but he’s wearing the scarecrow mask
She gets a sick sense of pleasure when she seduces a woman whose in a relationship with a man
Takes you to expensive hotels just the fuck you in them
You told her and Harley that you wanted to be part of the Gotham City Sirens, but they said there was an entrance exam
Yeah, it doesn’t matter where you both are, she’ll just knock out anyone who stumbles upon you both
Breaks in to your house with her strap on under her suit so she can fuck you
Thank her for all the expensive gifts by getting on your knees
The Mad Hatter:
Once he found the toy under your bed, he knew he had to have you use it
Loves seeing you in such cute underwear
He also loves when you act all innocent, so he can feel like he’s corrupting you
How he treats his sweet Alice when you do what he says
And it helps when his Alice loves it as much as him
Though he likes when you take matters into your own hands
He owns plenty of handcuffs
If you try and ride him, this is how you’ll end up
Oh you’re wearing fishnets? Good luck
Where else should he cum, if not deep inside?
Yeah, he’s rough
But if it’s been a long day, he can be intimate too
Black Mask:
Makes you send videos like this all the time, the more embarrassing the dildo the better
What’s that? You don’t wanna do anal? Well then obviously you don’t want to be his best girl, do you?
You still have to look pretty, even when being punished
After coming back from a meeting
Unlike Scarecrow, he definitely isn’t shy about being into the whole schoolgirl outfit
As in incentive to his men, the lucky guy who earns him the most money that month gets front row seats to see this
Harley Quinn:
Harls doesn’t like to wait till you’re back from the club
She’s a threesome kinda girl
She loves your tits
Fuck her with the strap, so she can fuck you with the same one tomorrow <3
When you put her panties in her mouth, she came so quick
What happens when she invites you for a sleepover
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨
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amirasainz · 5 months
Hi loves, if you want more drivers and wags drabbles, don't be shy to request something!
I hope you'll like this one. I will also add a masterlist soon! Please send some requests(can be only driver, drivers and wags or Sainz family), I need some inspiration!
(Wish me luck, I am writing a physics exam tomorrow)
Chaos before her arrival
Chaos. Everywhere at the grid was chaos. People are running left and right. Mercedes mechanics carrying flower bouquets in their garage. McLaren bringing an extra princess like sofa in theirs. Ferrari has three personal chefs at the motorhome.
One might think the royal family is coming to the grand prix. But one wouldn't be so wrong. In fact, Amira Sainz, the paddock princess and littlest sister of Carlos Sainz, was attending her first GP after the winter break.
With staying in Colombia for filming the 3rd season of Narcos, babygirl didn't have a lot of time to attend her big brothers GPs.
On one hand, Carlos was thankful that his baby sister wasn't surrounded by the drivers and their crazy girlfriends.
I mean, can you believe the audacity from Lily and Alex to go shopping with his baby sister because:" Baby, you look so warm, let's get you some shorter clothes to cool you off"(Alex) and "Baby, I saw this really cute handbag for 30k and it reminded me of you. Let's go get it!We can be all matchy-matchy" (Lily)
Or George and Carmen with their "Sweetheart you have to come to London with us. We can have our own tea party the mansion from Downtown Abby and wear our Tommy Hilfiger clothes and...."
Or Pierre and Kika and their "good hearted" invitation to Portugal because, apparently, babygirl is looking too pale. So she has to spend the whole winter break in a villa with only one bedroom (ups) and a private beach with them. Obviously!
But the worst of them all were Charles and Alex. Carlos can't even think about it. The last time his sister came to visit the grid, Charles had the audacity to give her a sparkling pink La Ferrari. And if that wasn't enough, he and Alexandra had to drive her around the city (let's be honest, our girl can't drive. But that's OK, cause she is pretty) with her sitting in Alex lap to "get the full driving experience cherie"
So, as you can see, Carlos wasn't very happy to have his sister attending a GP with these demons around her. His poor angel, nearly getting eaten alive by those monsters (is he dramatic? Yes. Does Carlos care? Absolutely not!)
But Carlos heart, mind and soul hurt the whole time she was in Colombia. What do mean his darling sister isn't by his side or by their family. She's just a baby! What if someone robbed her? Or her car gets stuck? Or worse, she has to go buy things with her OWN money?!
No, Carlos couldn't live with that thought either. So either way, their wasn't really a good solution to his problem.
When he saw all the teams acting crazy, decorating their garages, how his sister likes them and cleaning EVERYTHING, his blood was boiling. His baby, darling sister is staying in HIS team garage, on HIS half. (I'm looking at you, Charles and Alexandra)
However, the last straw for him was when he saw all the wags waiting by the entrance for Amira. They stood at the entrance like hinters waiting for their prey.
Oh Carlos could feel the grey hairs growing
And Amira? During the whole fiasco, babygirl was in the spa getting ready for her exhausting day. Looking pretty the whole time and watching the race IS pretty exhausting. Our poor babygirl🥺
@stinkyjax @khaylin27 @xoscar03
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soxcietyy · 9 months
Yuta x fem reader
18 +You were sent to by the higher ups to jujitsu high to investigate. Only to be found snooping by a special grade sorcerer. He has his way of making you rat yourself out. 18+
˚₊‧꒰𓆩 ♱ 𓆪꒱ ‧₊˚ don’t read this if your sensitive to non con, anal, crying, rape?
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"There’s something odd going on in jujutsu tech in Tokyo. As you know we can’t really be sticking our noses in because of Gojo Saturo. So we are going to send you to go and investigate. Find anything you can and we’ll reward you." A higher up said as they sat behind a barrier that kept there identity hidden. It was a pretty dark room. Dimly lit by a sorry of an excuse lamp.
You cross your arms as you close your eyes to think about it. "Are you asking me or telling me?" You raise your brow.
"Telling you, please do we look like the type of people to ask for favors?" A old woman spoke.
"And if I don’t do it?" You ask.
"You have a chance of being executed for defying orders."
There’s not much else to talk about at but you don’t say anything. You rather let this be over with than dragging it out. You were confused why they picked you out of everyone thought. Was it because they sent you because you were out of the country for years and nobody will know who you are?
Walking out you grab your pocket knife and take a long look at it before heading out to your new mission. It didn’t take you long to get your destination, at least that’s what you tell yourself. You kept going in and out of sleep on the plane because of the time zone difference.
You stood Infront if the entrance of Jujutsu high and furrow your brows seeing it was wide open. No defense, security or opponent in sight. At least you would get to go home soon after this. Walking in you make sure not to be seen.
This mission had you peeking around corners, waiting for people to pass by and trying to listen for anything good. Unfortunately all people talked about was that they hated school exams. You sigh as you continue to wonder off. Walking further into the school had you thinking about the three names in your head that they told you to watch out for, Yuji, Maki and Fushiguru. You guessed there were the only people who would be an issue. As long as you don’t underestimate them everything shall be fine.
After what seemed like an hour of wondering around you decided to take a break. Sitting on top of a tree you comfortably sat down and awaited for something good to come towards you.
It was almost as the universe listened and responded. You hear faint voices getting louder and louder. Eventually they were so close that they could hear them. You freeze once you see it’s Gojo, you didn’t dare to move around that man. You’ve heard things about him and it was very concerning knowing what he is capable of doing.
You could hear him chatting over the phone about something important being in his office. He didn’t disclose what it was but I sounded good. He continued on saying they should meet tomorrow since he had plans today. Hearing this made you grin ear to ear, talk about luck huh?
When he left you slipped down the tree and went on your search for his office. It didn’t take long to find it because it was one of the biggest ones building and room wise. Stepping inside you look around to see a pile of papers sitting on the corner of the desk. You sigh seeing that you were going to have to search through the stack.
First you had to check the drawers first. Opening each and every one of them, leaving no spot unchecked. the first few had more papers and the last drawer had random trinket. Nothing too important so far. If only this man was organized and actually did his paper work.
After what seems forever you moved onto the stack of papers. You scanned each and every one of them no matter how insignificant they seemed. Then You heard the door creek open. You hesitated to turn around hoping you were just hearing things. There’s no way someone would be coming in here right? Before you could turn around you were launched to the wall.
You let out a shaky breath as you tried to stand up. Whoever just did that had a strong kick. You had made a dent on the wall and the sheetrock crumbled onto the floor. White powered covered all on your nice clothes. You groaned remembering that you had just gotten these. Looking up you could see someone standing there. It’s was someone you wernt quite familiar with. Then again you wernt familiar with anyone unless they were staff or higher ups. Eventually you stood up and brushed the debris off of you.
"That was really uncalled for you know." You say.
"I don’t think you have the right to be saying that when your snooping around where your not supposed to." He says.
"Right, how about you just let me go home and pretend none of this happen." You approach him trying to come off as friendly. Your hand secretly slipping in your pocket to get your knife. Before you could get any closer you saw a big black blob that pinned you against the wall. You groan and see a huge curse spirit Infront of you. Your eyes widen as it screamed at you. Saliva and bad breath hitting you all at once. You start to panic realizing who he was.
Yuta Okkotsu, the one who helped defeat Geto, the special grade sorcerer, the top of his class, the one who got sent to Africa to study aboard. You could literally pee yourself right now. Your try’s to escape from the curses grasp but she pinned you to the wall really hard.
"Don’t try running away now. Who are you? Who sent you and why are you here?" He asks as he got closer. At this point he was a few inches away from you.
"You’re acting like I would just tell you so easily. I’m also a special grade and you’re going to regret messing with me." You were lying through your teeth hoping he would back off.
"Special grade huh? I always wondered how tough others are." He says putting his sword the rested on his back on the desk.
What did he mean by that?
"What are you trying to say?" You ask him
"I’m just wondering how much are you willing to handle before breaking and giving in." He says as snaps his fingers. With that the curse spirit is gone making you drop to the floor.
You didn’t last long there since he grabbed you by the arm and threw you onto the desk you were just searching not to long ago. You grunt as he forces your arms onto your back. Once again you try to free yourself with no success. He kicks open a drawer and pulls out some sort of black rope. Tying your hands up tightly so you wouldn’t be able to free yourself.
You then feel as he pulls your bottoms down and your panties. You squirm trying to escape and end up falling onto the floor. You could hear a chuckle come out of him as he leans down and grabs your face.
"Ready to answer some questions?" He asks.
You shake your head repeatedly not giving in. If you did the higher ups would punish you for opening your mouth.
He lets out a sigh as he pushes your face onto the floor and lifts your hips up in the air. With your knees on the hard cold floor. This wasn’t that bad right? Maybe he was just trying to scare you. And if not at least he was a good looking guy. Plus you’ve done it a handful of times already.
Hearing him unzip his pants made your heart race. He spanked you a couple of times before spitting on you. You roll your eyes feeling how he missed and spit onto the wrong hole. Not everyone could be perfect you guessed.
You waited for him to insert it in but something felt off when he rested his cock in the back entrance. There was no way, no possible way he was about to do that. No way he was about to insert it in your a-
You felt a sharp pain in your unused hole. "Wait, wait, wait." You yell with wide eyes.
Fortunately he stopped and looked at you.
"Please anywhere but there, iv never used that before." You begged him.
"Then answer my question." He said
You lay there in silence for a few seconds before he continued. You felt like you were dying. Like he was ripping your insides apart. He shoved himself all the way deep down to the point of you shaking. Tears rolled down your face. He grabbed you by the hair and made you look at him.
"Ready to give in?" He asks.
You shake your head slowly as you dug your nails in your hand. He dropped your head and started going in and out of you. You cried and begged him to stop. You tried to run away so many times just for him to drag you back in position. He ignored you please for help. The only way he was going to listen was by you telling him everything.
You squeeze your eyes shut. "M sorry, so sorry, I didn’t mean to be snooping around. I was made to do this, I didn’t want to." You cry.
"Who made you do it?" He says as he continued plowing your Virgin hole.
"C-can’t say, they’re probably going to execute me. Please Yuta I can’t no more." You sob.
He stopped once again and pulled out. He took a second to admire your gaping hole.
"Just tell me everything and I’ll stop. I promise I won’t let them do anything to you." He runs his hand down your spine. You shake under his touch as he stares you down.
He shoves it back in earning a desperate moan from you. Moans of pain and despair that filled your eyes with more tears. He kept going in and out of you so many times. Eventually you couldn’t anymore.
"I give in, please I’m done." You shout.
He pulls out of you and sits you up so your on his lap. Face tainted with tears and pain. "Y/n, my name is y/n L/n." You say as your breathing heavily. "I wasn’t sent here to investigate by the higher up. I didn’t want to but I was forced to. I’m sorry." You cry.
He held you in his arms as you cry on his shoulder. Untying the knot on your arms with the rope he took from Gojos drawer.
"I’m sorry too but all you needed to say was that and nothing would have happened. You know I hate to say this but you look so good crying. Just makes me want to mess with you more." He says caressing your head. He pulls you back to take another good look at you.
"Now run along little mouse."
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theabigailthorn · 5 months
Hi! I'm a long time fan, and I wanted to send this to you (partly for luck!). I have my last philosophy exam tomorrow. Well, my last two, but same difference. I do the IB program, so it's a pretty big deal! How well I do tomorrow might effect if I get into my first choice university program. I'm rewatching your video on effective altruism (I'll probably watch it twice), partly for luck, and partly because it's such good revision. You're the reason I chose to take philosophy, so I feel like its pretty fitting that you're what will see me through my exams. In general your videos have done a lot for me, so thank you for this last bit of help!
Heyyyyy, good luck!
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jeankluv · 5 months
Birdie - Satoru Gojo | Chapter 08
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Words: 4,3k
Summary: You didn’t like him, at all. But due to your bad luck you would have to be forced to work with him and different circumstances end up leading you to the fact that perhaps the word dislike is not the one you use to describe him.
ac: _3aem
Tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball, Gojo needs a hug
Notes: I’m beginning my studying time this upcoming weeks so expect chapters only on weekends. Remember you can send me requests for small stories with any jjk, op or aot characters, smut or fluff, except smut for minors like Megumi, Yuji, Nobara, etc.. Anyways thank you and have a great week 🤍
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You had arrived from work 20 minutes ago to be exact, in that time you had taken a shower and now you were making a coffee to go straight to studying. Tomorrow you had the exam and you had barely had any free time to study during the week. They had given you more work and the teamwork with Satoru had grown. Satoru. It was strange for you to call him by his name, it was even stranger to call him in class, so most of the time you tried not to do it, but Satoru, as clever as he was, had noticed it and had taken it as a new way to mess with you, in a good way of course.
You walked in silence to your room — Kyoko was studying for another of her subjects and her parents had gone to sleep a while ago. Making as little noise as possible you sat down at your desk and opened the book to the exercise page. Putting aside the hot cup of coffee, you sat up straight, ready to spend practically the entire night, making problems over and over again.
You knew you were going to pass the exam, thanks to Satoru's explanations you knew you would get it but you still wanted to pass it. It wasn't because you didn't want to go on that date with him, to tell the truth, right now you wouldn't mind doing it.
While you were thinking that, a smile appeared on your face, which you immediately shook off. If you liked Satoru better and if Kyoko had been right, your “hatred” towards him had always been stupid.
Taking your headphones and your mobile phone, you put on your study playlist on Spotify and began working through each of the problems, with the music filling your ears.
Close to 2 a.m., you decided to get up from the seat where you had been sitting for over two hours and walk around your room to stretch and clear your mind. Your hands ached from gripping the pen so tightly, and your bed was calling out to you to go to sleep.
Your phone, which was on the table, lit up, indicating that a new notification had arrived. Weird. It was 2 a.m.—who could it be?
You picked it up and looked at the notification.
Pain in the ass
Don't stay up too late and rest.
You'll do great tomorrow 💪
Feeling a mix of surprise and warmth flood through you, you read Satoru's message again, your heart fluttering at his unexpected gesture. Despite the late hour, his words brought a sense of comfort and encouragement that you hadn't realized you needed.
With a soft smile playing on your lips, you typed out a quick reply to him.
You to Pain in the ass
Thanks, Satoru.
Your message means a lot.
I'll make sure to get some rest, don’t worry.
Goodnight 💫
Sending the message, you set your phone back down on the table, you returned to your studies. But without being able to shake the feeling of warmth that lingered within you.
You heard your name being called in the distance, over and over again. It was Kyoko's voice. With your eyelashes still stuck together, you opened your eyes. In the end, you had fallen asleep while studying. At what point? You didn't know exactly.
“What are you doing here?” Kyoko asked, her eyes wide open.
“Your exam is in 45 minutes!”
You had fallen asleep. Damn, damn, damn. How was that possible? You got up from the chair and grabbed your phone. It hadn't rung.
“Kyoko…” You whispered, turning to look at her, feeling your chest tightening. “In 45 minutes, it's impossible for me to make it to class.” You had to take several transfers to get to the university, and usually, it took you more than an hour. “Shit... if I don't show up, I'll fail, and if I fail, they'll take away my scholarship, if they take away my scholarship, then I'll have to give up everything.” You were about to have a panic attack.
“Hey!” she grabbed your face to make you look at her. “If someone can drive you, then you'll make it on time.”
You nodded, it was true. If someone drove you, you would be there in 15 minutes. But who? Who could drive you?
And then your eyes widened as you realized there was someone. You grabbed the phone again and searched for his name among your contacts, dialing and praying that he would pick up.
“Hello!” The familiar voice came from the other end of the line. “It's rare for you to call me at…”
“Satoru!” You cried. “I fell asleep and I won't make it. Could you come pick me up by car?”
“I'll be there in less than 10 minutes, birdie.” And with that, the call ended.
You looked at Kyoko and sighed. “He said he'll be here in 10 minutes.” She looked at you in relief.
“Good, now start getting ready. You are still on your pajamas, I will prepare something for you to eat.” She started to walk away.
“Kyoko.” You called her, Kyoko looked at you from the door frame. “There is no need, you know I get extremely anxious with exams. I will eat something after the exam. Don’t worry.” She nodded and closed the door behind her.
You walked to your closet and looked for something to wear, needing to get ready quickly. You couldn't be late, nor could you keep Satoru waiting. While looking in the mirror, your phone started ringing. Turning on your heel, you approached it and picked up the phone.
“I'm outside.” Satoru's voice came through on the other end of the line.
“Alright, I'm coming out right now.” You said and hung up.
You grabbed your backpack and the notes from the table and hurried through the house. You waved goodbye to Kyoko and stepped outside, finding Satoru's car parked in front. With light steps, you approached the car and naturally got inside.
“I can't thank you enough.” You said as you settled into the seat.
“Birdie, you don't have to thank me for anything.” He said, shrugging and smiling at you. "Ready to go now?” You nodded and finished buckling your seatbelt.
Satoru made sure you had your seatbelt on and started the car. Leaving behind the neighborhood where you lived, Satoru entered the main road towards the university. You had never driven to university so the road was totally new for you.
You focused your eyes on the new view, seeing the high skyline of Tokyo and the different places ahead of you. You let a small sigh out of your lips.
While the car was still moving across the road, you subtly directed your gaze towards Satoru. You hadn't realized until now, but his blue eyes were covered by round sunglasses. As you looked at his profile you couldn't shake the growing feeling that he was in your stomach.
God Satoru Gojo is fucking handsome. You thought to yourself.
Shaking those thoughts away, you looked for your notes and opened them to review a little before the exam. Your leg began to move unconsciously, it was something that happened to you since you were little, when you were nervous.
A hand, that wasn’t yours, stopped the movement of your leg. This simple gesture caused a sensation that went straight through your whole body.
“Birdie.” Satoru’s voice echoed in the once silent car. “You will do it great…” His hand was still on your knee. And for some reason, it didn’t feel wrong or uncomfortable.
“I just…” You swallowed, trying to formulate a sentence. “I just want to make sure.”
Satoru nodded, still looking at the road before him and still having his hand on your leg. You wanted to tell him to move it. It was a gesture that felt way too intimate, way too comforting. You liked way too much.
You coughed and moved your leg, trying to make him move away his hand. He must have caught the gesture because he moved his hand away from your leg and grabbed the steering wheel again.
A feeling of emptiness and remorse settled in your chest. What an idiot you were.
The landscape began to become more familiar, as you were approaching the university. Luckily you were going to arrive in time for the exam, there were still 10 minutes left before it started. You heard Satoru murmur under his breath and felt the car slow down.
You turned to look at him to see what was happening. “What happened?”
“There is always a traffic jam at the entrance.” He explained to you. You paled for a moment to which Satoru noticing, tried to calm you down. “Birdie, there's time, we'll get there. I’ll make sure you get there.” That calmed your heart fluttering with nervousness.
The car moved slowly and the minutes started to pass, you were starting to enter the campus when the clock indicated that there were 5 minutes left for the start of the exam. You felt the car stopping right in front of your faculty.
“Go.” Satoru pointed at you with the head, you looked at him confused. “C’mon birdie, just go to the exam.”
“What about you?”
“I will find a place to park and go.” You were about to speak when Satoru spoke once again. “It’s okay, I will arrive on time and if I don’t then I will cry a little and the professor will let me in. I mean, look at this face.”
You huffed and unbuckled the car seat belt. “You better get there, because I don't want to beat you if you don't take the exam.” Satoru smiled and leaned on the steering wheel, lowering his glasses a little.
“Don't worry princess, that won't happen.”
Your cheeks turned crimson red upon hearing the new name he had given you. “Don't even think about calling me that again Gojo!” You threatened him, knowing that calling him by his last name would upset him.
“Sorry birdie, now go!” You nodded and turned around to start rushing toward the class.
Your legs moved quickly through the hallways, each step echoing through the halls of the university building. With every step, you felt the weight of your anxiety pressing down on you, urging you to move faster. Had your classroom always been this far away? It seemed like an eternity.
Finally, you reached the door to your classroom and skidded to a stop, leaning against the wall to catch the breath that had escaped your lungs. Your heart was pounding in your chest, the adrenaline from the sprint was still running through your veins, it had been a long time since you last practiced any type of exercise, so your body was no longer used to it. You took a moment to compose yourself, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly as you tried to calm your racing pulse.
Now recovered, you entered the classroom and scanned the faces of your classmates. Most were already seated, their faces a mix of nervous anticipation and focused determination. Some, were deep in last-minute discussions, whispering fervently as they exchanged notes and assurances.
Taking your usual seat, you sank into the chair and let out a long sigh, the tension in your body slowly dissipating. But as you looked around the room, a knot of worry formed in your stomach. Satoru was nowhere to be seen. Was he still looking for a place to park?
Professor Tanaka's voice cut through the murmurs of the room, signaling the start of the exam. You looked nervously at the empty seat next to you, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of your stomach. If Satoru didn't arrive on time, it would be your fault. It had been you who had fallen asleep, who had made him come look for you. And now, he could lose the exam because of you. Panic gnawed at the edges of your mind as you waited, hoping against hope that he would arrive before it was too late.
You bowed your head, silently pleading for Satoru Gojo to appear at that exact moment. The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow, each second feeling like an eternity as you anxiously awaited his arrival.
Then, just as your hope was beginning to wane, the door swung open and there he was, Satoru Gojo, striding into the classroom with his trademark confidence.
“Gojo, you're late.” Teacher Tanaka's voice rang out, drawing your attention back to it.
Relief flooded through you as you looked up to see him standing there.
He is here.
“Sorry, sorry.” He chuckled, flashing a cocky smile as he made his excuse. “I couldn't find a place to park, but here I am.”
“Okay, now go and sit.” Professor Tanaka instructed, pointing towards his seat.
“Thank you.” Satoru replied with a grateful nod, walking confidently towards his desk, located right next to yours.
Calmly, Satoru settled down next to you and turned his head to look at you. At that moment, your eyes met and a sudden blush invaded you. Satoru gave you a warm, mischievous smile, accompanied by a playful wink that made you blush again, it was the second time in the day.
With determination, you decided to put any distractions related to Satoru Gojo out of your mind and focused on the exam that Professor Tanaka had just handed out. With a sigh, you gripped the pen firmly and began to read the questions carefully. To your surprise, from the first moment you felt comfortable and confident, understanding each statement clearly.
A satisfied smile spread across your face as you realized that this time was different; Your hours of studying with Satoru had paid off and now you felt ready to face the challenge. With each answer you wrote, your self-confidence grew, and that feeling of accomplishment propelled you to keep going.
Concentrated and focused on your skills, you solved each problem with precision and efficiency.
After 45 minutes, you felt Satoru get up from his seat, drawing curious looks from most of your classmates. Satoru, with his characteristic playful smile, approached the teacher and handed him the exam. He didn't surprise you since he was always the first to finish the exams.
As Satoru walked towards the professor, some murmurs of surprise and admiration were heard around him. He watched as he confidently handed in his exam, exchanging a few brief words with the professor before returning to his seat.
Despite his quickness, you noticed that Satoru didn't seem worried about the outcome. He always had that carefree self-assurance that made him stand out. Meanwhile, you continued working on the exam calmly and focused, solving each question at your own pace.
Satoru's attitude was simply part of his energetic and self-confident personality. No matter the situation, he always seemed to be one step ahead. But this time I would get over it, yes you would.
You looked at your completed exam and with a smile you stood up from your seat. You walked past Satoru and gave him a subtle glance while wrinkling your nose and flashing your proud smile. You walked up to Professor Tanaka's table and handed her your test.
Turning on your heel you returned to your seat, watching as Satoru kept his gaze fixed on you while he smiled at you with a hand on his chin. You sat down in your seat and directed your gaze towards Satoru, he raised his thumb at him, wondering if he had done well for you, to which you nodded happily.
You turned your head and started looking out the window, while you waited for the exam to end. The minutes passed slowly, as you watched the students go from one side to the other across the campus. You felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders and thanks in part to the help of the person you would have least imagined. Satoru Gojo.
It had been over a month since you were paired up for the project, and in that time, you had become closer, as much as it was hard for you to admit. Over the past two weeks, you found that your attitude towards him, as well as your feelings, changed.
With each passing day, your interactions with him became more meaningful and you couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in your emotions. What started as a group project duo you hated and loathed was turning into something deeper, something that stirred your heart in unexpected ways. And something that scared you greatly with every movement you made.
The class was filled with noise and agitated movements of your classmates — the exam was over. You sighed letting out the air of tension and stood up from your seat. Only to run into Satoru looking at you carefully with those blue eyes again. Did he ever look away from you?
“How was birdie?” He smiled at you.
You smiled widely, showing your teeth. “Perfect. I’m going to win our bet.” You challenged him.
“Oh.” He formed an 'o' with his lips. “I can't wait to see that.” A smile appeared on his lips.
“Satoruuuuu.” A voice approached both of you, it was one of your classmates, you saw them a couple of time but never interacted with them.
“Hey.” Satoru smiled with a flirtatious smile drawn on his face, you rolled your eyes at the gesture.
“Satoru, I was wondering.” They looked around and also looked at you. And you swore the gaze wasn’t a nice one. “I’m really bad at this subject and well you’re the best.” To which Satoru nodded with a smile. “I was wondering if you could help me study, we could meet up after classes and you could teach me.” They started touching Satoru’s arm which made an unpleasant sensation run through your body.
Satoru took their hand and placed it far away from him. “Sorry but I don't give private classes.” You looked at him confused, that was clearly a lie. “Now, we will be leaving. Birdie, let’s go?” You looked at him still confused with the lie he just told.
As both of you began to walk away, you overheard the friends of your classmate approaching them.
“I thought she couldn't stand him.” One of them remarked.
“Yeah, and apparently he's been giving her private classes.” Another added.
“Yeah, you know what type of private classes, right?” One of them chuckled. “Her knees must be all red.” The group erupted into laughter.
You rolled your eyes at the disgusting rumors, but over the years, you had learned to ignore such talk behind your back.
Suddenly, Satoru's voice cut through the air. He was no longer beside you. When did he move? “Repeat that if you dare.” He said. “Did you really think I wouldn't hear you with a voice so piercing it echoes throughout the classroom?” A shiver ran down your spine. You had never seen Satoru angry or heard him speak in such a tone. And judging by the stares directed at him, neither had anyone else.
“I…” The person who made the comment stuttered, trembling with fear at the sight of Satoru Gojo's imposing figure and fierce glare.
“What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Satoru taunted.
“Satoru.” The one who had approached him earlier to ask for a private class stepped forward. “My friend didn't mean it that way.”
“Is that so?” Satoru said snorting. “Then what did they mean?”
“Satoru.” Your classmate insisted, looking somewhat uncomfortable under Satoru's piercing gaze. “They were just joking around, you know how it is.”
Satoru's expression remained stern, his eyes fixed on the group. “Joking around about what, exactly?” He demanded, his voice laced with a simmering anger.
The group exchanged nervous glances, realizing they were caught in an uncomfortable situation. “We... we didn't mean anything by it.” One of them mumbled.
“And what exactly did you mean, then?” He pressed, his voice low and threatening.
One of the friends stammered, struggling to find words under Satoru's intense scrutiny. “We... we were just messing around, you know?” They muttered weakly.
Satoru's eyes narrowed, his patience becoming thinner with each word that was coming out of their mouths. “Messing around at whose expense?” He snapped, his voice rising with anger.
The group flinched. “We... we didn't mean to offend anyone.” Another one muttered.
You almost laughed out loud hearing them.
Satoru took a step forward, his presence dominating the space between them. “Words have consequences.” He growled. “Think before you speak, or face the consequences.”
With that, Satoru turned on his heel and walked away, leaving the group stunned into silence. As he approached you, you could see his face relaxing and his anger slowly dissipating.
“Sorry about that.” He said, his tone softer now. “You are okay?”
You nodded, not giving much importance to the words of people you didn’t know.
Together, you continued on your way, leaving behind the echoes of the confrontation. As you walked, you couldn't help but give small gazes at Satoru, you wouldn’t have thought Satoru would have stepped out just for you but he did.
Arriving at the cafeteria, you sat one in front of the other and with a cup on each hand.
“Thank you.” You whispered. “For you know, stepping in. There was no need…”
“What do you mean there was no need?” He left his cup on the table. “They were bad mouthing you, trying to create rumors that were no true.”
“People like to talk.” You shrugged casually. “At the end of the day the important thing is what the people who matter to you think about you. Not those with whom you have never exchanged a word and surely never will. They talk because their lives are so extremely boring that to satisfy that void they have, they have to fill it with lies and bad words about others.” You picked up your cup and calmly sipped it again.
You didn't care if people talked behind your back, yes sometimes those words like knives could stab you hard. But at the end of the day those people were insignificant to you, the people you cared about weren't those people so if they wanted to think that you had been sucking Satoru Gojo's cock, then they should. With that story created in their heads, you knew that envy was eating away at them.
“No.” You observed as Satoru's fists tightened on the table, his expression a blend of frustration and indignation. “It doesn't matter if you'll never interact with those people, or if they mean nothing to you. No one deserves to be spoken about in the way they did there.” He declared, his voice carrying a hint of intensity. “You don't deserve that, birdie. You don't deserve anyone speaking ill of you. Because you are truly wonderful and only deserve good and praising words.”
His words resonated deeply, igniting a warmth in your chest as if a comforting flame had been kindled. It was remarkable how Satoru possessed the ability to evoke such a profound sense of reassurance with just a few simple words.
As you met his earnest gaze, you felt your cheeks warmer.
“You’re an idiot.” You said hiding your face in the coffee cup.
Satoru looked at you offended. "What have I done?" He cried.
You were about to reply when your phone started to sound on your bag. “Hi.” You said.
The happy voice of Haibara sounded on the other side of the phone singing your name. “I was calling you to tell you that tomorrow we will be closing the store. So you don’t have to come, you are free!”
“Oh!” You gasped in surprise. “That’s great! But nothing happened right?”
“Nop.” He popped out the ‘p’. “Just enjoy your weekend. Now I need to leave! Bye!” And with that he hanged out.
You looked at you phone for an instant. “What happened?” Satoru spoke.
“Nothing.” You put your phone aside. “Haibara called me, he wanted to tell me that tomorrow I would be free.”
“Great.” He smiled. “The basketball team is having a party at the disco. Wanna come?” He cockily looked at you.
“Are you inviting me out, Satoru Gojo?” You raised an eyebrow. “The results for the exam aren’t out yet.” You challenged him.
“Oh princess if I win the bet I won’t be taking you out to an ugly club.” There it was again that new nickname that turned yourself on.
“Gojo.” You replied with a mocking tone. “Don't even think about calling me that.”
“Kyoko is coming.” He said ignoring your words.
“How do you know that?”
“Suguru is my best friend and Kyoko is his girlfriend, duh.” He said sticking his tongue out.
“I will think about it.”
“Pretty please.” He said pouting.
“I didn’t know the great Satoru Gojo could pout like a puppy.” You mocked.
“Oh for you I would that and much more.”
The conversation was taking an unexpected turn, entering a territory that felt strangely flirtatious. Were you inadvertently sending signals, or was Satoru intentionally leading the interaction in that direction?
You shook your head, dismissing the thought as absurd. No, that couldn't be it. Surely, it was just a result of the comfortable rapport you shared as friends, nothing more. And Satoru, well, he was just being his usual charismatic self, right?
But despite your attempts to rationalize it, a nagging doubt lingered in the back of your mind. Could there be something more to these exchanges? Or were you simply overthinking things?
You couldn't deny it, you felt attracted to his presence and appreciated the moments you spent together. And as your connection had deepened, so had your feelings that blossomed within you.
You still didn't want to admit that something had changed in you regarding Satoru Gojo. But you knew it was there, your feelings for him were undeniable and showed no signs of fading.
You brushed off those thoughts, chalking it up to imagination. After all, you and Satoru were just friends, nothing more, nothing less. At least, that's what you kept telling yourself.
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Note: a more transitory chapter than other thing, but the real shit is about to start in the next chapter.
—if you want to be tagged comment below
🏷️: @lavender-hvze, @crybabytoru, @sanriosatoru, @norvacaine, @sadmonke, @faetoraa , @hexipessimistic, @gojoful , @kitzusune, @sh0jun , @manyno , @ropickle , @lolsasuke , @milk3evee
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muiitoloko · 5 months
hellooo 💘 sorry for asking, I'm studying for an important chemistry test that I have tomorrow, and I really need some Eli comfort 🫠 Idk if you feel inspired or just if you want, could we have a good fuck post-exam? like, reader has some chemistry exam and when she gets home to him he's happy and proud because his sweet girl passed the exam 🫠and idk just some fuck lost-exam still in Eli's style but with praise and love because they're both happy? 🫠 (I swear if that's not gonna be me tomorrow I'm gonna scream) plus, could I ask for some comfort after the "love-making"? 🫠🫠
only if you want to, of course 💘💘
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Title: Experiments
Summary: Eli performs experiments after you pass the chemistry test.
Pairing: Eli Michaelson × Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut
Author's note: Hey there! No need to apologize at all! Chemistry tests can be a real pain in the molecule, right? 😅 But hey, I'm totally down to whip up a post-exam celebration with Eli! And good luck on your chemistry exam! 🎉💕
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As you burst into your happy home, the exhilaration of your victory bubbling up inside you, you couldn't contain your excitement. With a triumphant whoop, you threw your backpack aside and launched into your victory dance, your movements filled with infectious energy as you twirled and spun around the room.
Eli, startled from where he was lounging on the couch, raised an eyebrow at your antics, his hair ruffled as he turned his eyes towards you. But as he caught sight of your beaming smile and exuberant movements, a knowing smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. If you were this happy, it could only mean one thing – you must have passed your chemistry test, the one you were so nervous about just yesterday.
Turning off the TV, Eli rose from the couch and made his way over to you, his movements languid and confident as he approached. You continued to dance in a whirlwind of joy, barely able to contain your excitement as Eli reached you, his presence towering over you like a commanding force.
"How did the test go?" Eli inquired, his voice laced with amusement as he watched you revel in your victory.
Without hesitation, you threw yourself at him, shouting in his ear that you passed with flying colors. Eli's smirk widened into a grin as he wrapped his arms around you, congratulating you in his own arrogant way.
"Of course, you passed," he declared, his baritone voice dripping with confidence. "After all, I've been your private teacher. It would have been a disappointment if you hadn't."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his arrogance, but in that moment, you were too happy and relieved to care. You pulled away from him, excitement coursing through your veins as you declared your intention to celebrate.
"I don't care how I passed," you exclaimed, laughter bubbling up inside you. "I'm just happy it's over! Let's go celebrate!"
But before you could make a move towards the door, Eli's hand shot out, gripping your wrist with a wicked gleam in his eye. A mischievous smirk played on his lips as he pulled you back towards him, his voice low and suggestive.
"Not so fast, my dear," he purred, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I have a few ideas on how we can celebrate this victory."
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the suggestive tone in his voice. Despite his arrogance, there was an undeniable allure to Eli's confidence, and a part of you couldn't help but be intrigued by what he had in mind.
"Oh, really?" you teased, a playful smirk dancing on your lips. "And what exactly did you have in mind, Professor?"
Eli's grin widened into a smirk as he leaned in close, his breath hot against your ear. His voice was a low, seductive whisper that sent shivers down your spine.
"Let's just say," he murmured, his words sending a thrill of anticipation through you, "that I have a few experiments in mind that require some... hands-on attention."
Your cheeks flushed with excitement as Eli's suggestive words sank in, igniting a fire of desire deep within you. With a coy smile, you leaned in close, your lips brushing against his as you whispered your agreement.
"Lead the way, Professor," you murmured, your voice filled with playful anticipation. "I'm all yours."
With a playful smile, you followed Eli as he led you towards his private office, the dim lighting casting shadows across the room. The air was charged with tension, anticipation crackling between you as you exchanged heated glances.
Once inside, Eli wasted no time in taking charge, his demeanor commanding and confident as he beckoned you closer. His hair caught the faint light, giving him an almost ethereal aura as he turned to face you, his brown eyes smoldering with desire.
"Now, my dear," he began, his baritone voice sending shivers down your spine, "let's get started on our little celebration, shall we?"
You nodded eagerly, unable to tear your gaze away from him as he approached, his presence filling the room with an intoxicating energy. With a smirk, Eli reached out, his fingers trailing along your jawline with a feather-light touch that sent a jolt of electricity through you.
"First experiment," he murmured, his lips brushing against yours in a tantalizing kiss, "the chemistry between us."
His kiss was like a spark igniting a flame, passion flaring between you as you melted into each other's embrace. His hands roamed your body with a hunger that left you breathless, his touch setting your skin ablaze with desire.
With a growl of approval, Eli pressed you against the nearest surface, his body pressing against yours with an urgency that mirrored your own. You could feel the heat radiating off him, the scent of his cologne mingling with the heady aroma of arousal that filled the air.
As he claimed your lips in a searing kiss, you couldn't help but moan against him, your hands tangling in his hair as you pulled him closer. The kiss was passionate and intense, a silent affirmation of the desire that burned between you.
But Eli wasn't satisfied with just kissing. With a wicked gleam in his eyes, he trailed kisses down your neck, his lips leaving a trail of fire in their wake. His hands roamed lower, skimming over your curves with a possessiveness that left you weak at the knees.
"Experiment number two," he murmured against your skin, his breath hot against your ear, "exploring every inch of your body."
With a gasp, you arched into his touch, your body craving more of his delicious torment. His fingers danced over your skin with practiced skill, teasing and taunting as he drove you to the brink of madness.
But Eli wasn't done yet. With a smirk, he sank to his knees before you, his eyes dark with desire as he trailed kisses down your abdomen. His hands slipped under your shirt, pushing it up to expose your skin to his hungry gaze.
"Experiment number three," he whispered, his voice low and husky, "tasting every inch of you."
He pulled your jeans down, along with your panties, exposing you to him. You couldn't help but laugh lightly at his haste and forgetfulness. In his eagerness, he had overlooked the simple fact that shoes come off before pants.
"Looks like someone's a little too excited," you teased, your laughter bubbling up as Eli grumbled and undid the laces of your sneakers. With a playful grin, you kicked off your shoes, sending them carelessly over your shoulder, revealing your white socks before stepping out of your pants and panties.
Climbing onto his desk that was conveniently behind you, you spread your legs for him, a mischievous glint in your eyes. Eli's brown eyes darkened with desire as he purred contentedly, holding your knees and urging you to spread your legs even wider for him.
Kissing the inside of your thighs, he praised you for passing the test, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You smart girl, but that's to be expected, isn't it? Having a genius like me as your tutor."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his self-assured tone, your fingers tangling in his hair as you pulled him closer. "Stop being such an arrogant bastard," you teased, your voice low and sultry. "And start working to please me."
With a wicked grin, Eli complied, his lips trailing kisses up your inner thighs, his touch sending shivers of anticipation coursing through you. As he reached your core, his tongue flicked out teasingly, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from your lips.
"Oh, Eli," you moaned, your voice filled with need as he began to explore every inch of you with his tongue. The sensation was electric, sending waves of pleasure crashing over you as he worshipped you with his mouth.
As Eli delved deeper into his exploration of your most intimate parts, his arrogance only seemed to intensify, fueling the fire of desire that burned between you. His tongue worked magic, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body as he worshipped you with his mouth.
"You like that, don't you?" he purred, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction. "Being pleasured by a man of my caliber."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his arrogance, but deep down, you couldn't deny the thrill of being at the mercy of such a confident and skilled lover. With a playful smirk, you reached down, tangling your fingers in his hair and urging him to go deeper.
"Keep talking, Professor," you teased, your voice laced with desire. "But let your actions do the talking for you."
Eli chuckled against your skin, the vibrations sending a jolt of pleasure through you as he continued his ministrations. His hands roamed your body with a possessiveness that left you breathless, his touch igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume you whole.
With each flick of his tongue, each gentle caress of his fingers, you felt yourself teetering on the edge of ecstasy. But Eli was a master of control, his movements calculated and precise as he teased you mercilessly, drawing out your pleasure until you were begging for release.
"Please, Eli," you moaned, your voice a desperate plea for more. "I need you... I need to come."
But Eli was in no rush to grant your request. With a wicked grin, he pulled away from you, leaving you panting and desperate for more. His brown eyes smoldered with desire as he surveyed you, his gaze filled with a hunger that sent shivers down your spine.
"Not yet, my dear," he murmured, his voice low and commanding. "I want to savor every moment of this."
With a devilish gleam in his eyes, Eli rose to his feet, his presence towering over you like a commanding force. He shed his own clothes with deliberate slowness, each movement calculated to drive you wild with desire.
As he stood before you, completely naked and unapologetically confident, you couldn't help but admire the sight before you. His hair caught the dim light, giving him an almost ethereal aura as he approached, his thick body and muscular beneath the soft glow.
As Eli positioned himself between your legs, his hair tousled and his brown eyes smoldering with desire, you couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation course through you. With trembling hands, you reached up and began to remove your shirt, the fabric clinging to your skin in the warmth of the room.
Throwing it aside, you worked on the clasp of your bra, your fingers fumbling slightly with the delicate mechanism as Eli teased you with the tip of his dick. His touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, your breath hitching in your throat as you struggled to maintain your composure.
With a hand on your knee, Eli rubbed the tip of his dick against your clit, his movements slow and deliberate as he teased you mercilessly. You couldn't help but moan at the sensation, your body aching with need as you yearned for more of his touch.
Finally freeing your breasts from the confines of your bra, you reached out and clung to Eli's shoulders, your nails digging into his skin as you pulled him closer. His smirk widened into a grin as he reveled in the power he held over you, his confidence unwavering as he prepared to take you to new heights of pleasure.
"Experiment number four," he purred, his voice low and commanding, "fucking you until you beg to come on my dick."
With those dirty words, Eli wasted no time in plunging into you, his movements fierce and determined as he claimed you as his own. You gasped at the sudden intrusion, pleasure coursing through you as he filled you completely.
With each powerful thrust, Eli drove you closer and closer to the edge, his pace relentless as he pounded into you with abandon. You clung to him desperately, your moans filling the air as pleasure consumed your senses.
"Please," you begged, your voice barely a whisper as you pleaded for release. "I need to come... Please, Professor, make me come."
But Eli was in no rush to grant your request. With a wicked grin, he slowed his pace, drawing out your pleasure until you were practically trembling with need. His movements were calculated and precise, each thrust driving you to new heights of ecstasy.
"Say my name," he commanded, his voice low and commanding as he filled you completely. "Beg for it, my dear. Beg for me to make you come."
You nodded eagerly, unable to deny the overwhelming desire that consumed you. With each thrust, each touch, you felt yourself teetering on the edge, your need for release driving you to the brink of madness.
"Eli," you moaned, your voice a desperate plea for more. "Please, make me come. I need you... I need you to fuck me until I can't think straight."
With a triumphant grin, Eli quickened his pace, his movements becoming more frenzied as he drove you closer and closer to the edge. You clung to him desperately, your nails digging into his skin as pleasure washed over you in waves.
And then, with one final thrust, you felt yourself hurtling over the edge, pleasure consuming you completely as you cried out Eli's name. He followed you into oblivion, his own release echoing yours as you both surrendered to the intensity of your passion.
As you lay together in the aftermath, the room filled with the sound of your heavy breathing and the lingering echoes of your pleasure. Eli held you close, his arms wrapped around you protectively as you basked in the warmth of each other's presence.
"Experiment successful," he murmured, his voice filled with satisfaction as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "But I think we'll need to repeat it... for science, of course."
You laughed breathlessly, your heart overflowing with happiness as you snuggled closer to him. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth and intimacy of Eli's embrace, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, bound by a love that transcended everything else.
And as the two of you spent a few happy moments just like that, clinging to each other in the aftermath of your passionate encounter, Eli finally pulled away from you, his gaze lingering on the sight of his cum leaking out of you. But he didn't pay much attention to it before picking you up, bridal style, eliciting laughter from you as you clung to him, questioning what he was doing.
"Where are you taking me?" you asked, amusement evident in your voice as Eli smirked down at you.
"To the bedroom, of course," he replied with a hint of mischief in his eyes.
But as he walked down the hallway, Eli suddenly stopped, his gaze softening in a way you had never seen before. His hair caught the light, giving him an almost ethereal aura as he looked at you with a tenderness that took your breath away.
"I'm proud of you, you know," he said softly, his baritone voice filled with sincerity. "For passing the test, even though I already knew you would."
You smiled up at him, touched by his words. "Is that because you're such a great teacher?" you teased, knowing full well how arrogant Eli could be.
But he shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "No, it's because you're a smart and dedicated girl," he replied, his tone surprisingly gentle. "I knew you would pass because you're capable of anything you set your mind to."
You softened at his words, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you," you whispered, grateful for his support and encouragement.
Eli smiled to himself, his arrogance returning in full force as he straightened his shoulders. "Well, you wouldn't have done it without me, of course," he declared, his smirk back in place as he continued down the hallway towards the bedroom.
Rolling your eyes at his arrogance, you couldn't help but laugh at your boyfriend's antics. He may be an arrogant bastard, but he was your arrogant bastard, and you wouldn't have him any other way.
Snuggling against him as he carried you towards the bedroom, you let yourself relax into his embrace, content in the knowledge that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, bound by a love that transcended everything else.
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(A new form of) WIP Wednesday ?
(Life is a) Work In Progress -Wednesday!
Thank you for tagging me @lemonlyman-dotcom @paperstorm @emsprovisions @nisbanisba very much congrats on the works published, some I absolutely loved, some I’m beyond excited to read!!
Sorry that this isn’t actual writing of mine, but an update in my life-is-a-work-in-progress that I posted for a Seven Sentence Sunday a while back and promised to update on (mostly for my own sake) - even if I tagged you, if you don’t want to read my personal ramblings or participate, feel free to keep on scrolling!!☺️
(OR if anyone wants to, consider this as encouragement to also share something for WIP Wednesday that YOU have either accomplished, look forward to or want to accomplish in the near future for WIP Wednesday !!☺️✨)
These were 7 sentences of things I was looking forward to and working on, but hadn’t yet accomplished a couple of/maybe one and a half months ago:
1) “Guys, I just bought my first binder !”
I did go an buy my first binder, and it was a wonderful experience! I found a physical store in my home time that sold them, and the staff was incredibly nice and knowledgeable and helpful and gave me great advice (if you don’t have access to that where you are, and want to know more, I’d be happy to share it.)
My good friend went with me! The effect was so cool to experience, it felt very great and affirming, and like taking a new step in discovering and being my self - which is a current project of mine that I was happy to act on more and start! My friend got all moved, which was really nice and touching🥹
2) “And the woman with the pretty smile that I danced with at the concert a few weeks ago replied and we’re going on a date🥰”
She did reply! I had been bad at replying to her and after I did, I waited for awhile with no response. I also felt like I had been not very initiative-taking and not very interesting to text with, as my life was very in exam- and stress mode. I decided to show initiative and wrote to her, addressing those things in my message, and she responded really positively, and we begun to find a time for a date! It was supposed to be tomorrow, but today she actually cancelled, explaining that she has been seeing someone over the last month (although nothing exclusive) and she had started to feel serious about and felt she wanted to give that a chance, and so that it wouldn’t be fair to me or that situation, to go on the date. I am actually very okay with that, it was nice that she was so honest and I wished her luck and we ended it on a really nice and respectful note! I’m proud of myself for taking the initiative and not backing out either actively or passively, even though I was very nervous and haven’t dated in a long time! I feel I’m ready to get back in the game and have discovered and been reminded of things that will contribute positively to that!☺️
3) “I handed in my exam before the deadline so now I get to keep my income.”
I sure did!! And I made a new friend along the way. Thank you endlessly to my accountability buddy who I was messaging with the whole night bc of the gift of different time zones while trying to get it done in time @emsprovisions !! I would send you a bunch of flowers if I could💐💐💐 and to desi @herefortarlos for also cheering me on and giving great advice to go touch grass!!!💗💗
This process up until that night was hellish and led me to seriously doubt whether I would make it on time, along with other stuff connected to my mental health and self worth. I’m so relieved and proud that it went okay!!!
3) “And also go to the Diana Ross concert I’ve been looking forward to and have fun without any stress for the first time in the last year!”
She was AMAZING!!! 80 year old Queen of Funk still had it in her I was equally amazed and grateful to experience her.
4) “And otherwise just enjoy the rest of the summer before the semester starts☀️☺️”
I did get some good times with friends and family for sure! It wasn’t everything I’d hoped for bc I was so burned out after my exam, but I feel content and satisfied with the amount of summer vacation in my home town that I managed to have before the semester and fall started🌞🌞
5) “I’ve unpacked all my moving boxes, found my power cable for the TV and picked up my new bike in replacement for the one that was stolen.”
Yep! I love my new little home that is now unpacked and feels lived-in🥰
6) “So now I will sit down in my finished living room after a long day of biking around and enjoying the city in summer and start rewatching Lone Star (again) in preparation for the s5 premiere that is getting closer by the minute!!”
Have been out biking, have sat down in my unpacked living room and watched LS, and am still currently rewatching!! I will need to do some binging to get through all 4 seasons before the premiere which is right around the corner !!! 😬 love rewatching though, I am having so many new thoughts and feelings still after watching so many times so it’s been healing these days as well, to know that it won’t be my last rewatch after the show ends!
7) Whoo!🥳”
That feeling certainly comes and goes, but such is life, I acknowledge😌😌
Sorry and thank you to anyone who made it this far, I’m just really happy that I can actually cross all these things off my list! I struggle a bit with memory and time awareness and I often stress more about new things than remind myself of what I’ve accomplished so I wanted to actually bring this back!
I encourage anyone whether you have writing to share or or not and who wants to (including those of you who’ve already posted a WIP today!) to share some things that you are either working on, wanting to accomplish in the near future, or have accomplished lately and are happy about/proud of!! ✨✨
Call it a new way to participate in WIP tag games, if you will, whether you have writing to share or not☺️
Tagging some people under the cut in case you want to do the same thing, and also some people who responded to my Seven Sentence Sunday so they see the update!:
@carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @thisbuildinghasfeelings @alrightbuckaroo @heartstringsduet @literateowl @ladytessa74 @herefortarlos @emsprovisions @whatsintheboxmh @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @strandnreyes @carlos-tk @pimento-playing-hopscotch @captain-gillian @nancys-braids @corsage @tailoredshirt @nisbanisba @lightningboltreader
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shitsndgiggs · 14 days
Tomorrow the schools are starting in Türkiye and I was just wondering how are you and is everything okey with school?
Love your works🩷
Omg good luck with your first day!! 🙌 I hope it’s amazing.
Honestly, this week has been chaotic for me. In Denmark, we have to write this massive Danish and History assignment. And it was so stressful, especially today since I had to submit it.
No joke, I actually feel like I’m on the brink of tears just writing this 😭 I’m definitely not satisfied with it at all. And to top it off, I’ve got an oral exam on it in less than two weeks… like, can I please catch a break?!
My stomach is already hurting with anxiety.
But anyway, sending all the positive energy your way for school — you got this! 💪💗
- Kaya 🌸
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚆𝚎 𝚃𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑
Send me the name of your favorite character and I’ll write a drabble for them! :)
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You were going to kill whoever had the bright idea to buy a karaoke machine to hook up in the common room of the 1-A dorms, you were sure of it. It was obvious in your mind that whoever it was was out to get you, as everyone in your class had surely known how your hyper boyfriend would react to such a surprise and what you'd be in for once he got ahold of it.
As final exams came to an end and you officially wrapped up another semester at UA together, your classmates had decided to throw a small party to celebrate everyone passing their exams. You and Denki had both been excited for the evening, happy to have the chance to spend time together, let loose a bit and celebrate with your classmates after such a gruelling semester filled with hard work.
The moment the karaoke machine had appeared, though, you knew you were in for a ride, already able to picture how the evening was going to go from there. You were able to keep Denki away from the dreaded machine for about two hours, distracting him with snacks and chatting with your friends as others took turns belting their hearts out to their favorite songs, but unfortunately all good things must come to an end eventually, and Denki managed to wriggle his way out of your grasp for long enough to take his place at the front of the room with a microphone in his hand.
“This song goes out to Y/n, the coolest person in this class and the most awesome partner I could ever ask for!” Your boyfriend shouted gleefully as he searched for the song he had in mind in the machine's database, causing heat to flood your face as you looked down at the floor in shame at his antics.
“We all know who Y/n is, dunce face.” Bakugo replied from where he sat on the couch adjacent to the one you were sitting on, scowling though you could all tell he was secretly enjoying the class party. Your classmates were all already giggling as they imagined what song he might have planned to serenade you with in front of everyone, and the giggles turned into full-blown laughs as his song of choice began flooding their ears.
As you heard the first few notes of “Everytime We Touch” by Cascada blasting through the speakers you covered your face, curling up into the couch in utter embarrassment as your boyfriend attempted to sing (or, if we’re being honest, mostly shout) the lyrics at you. It was painfully obvious that he didn’t know the lyrics to the song’s first verse as he mumbled along and made up his own lyrics, causing you to shake your head at him from where you had buried yourself into the couch as he shot his most dazzling grin your way.
By the time he reached the song’s chorus, though, you found yourself giving in to his infectious energy despite your initial protests, joining in with the rest of your classmates as they sang along with your boyfriend to the iconic lyrics altogether. You could still feel heat in your cheeks, but the grin that broke out across your face was enough to cover up the embarrassment you felt as Denki sprinted over to be by your side, singing the lyrics directly into your ear and attempting to get you to dance with him as you giggled and sang alongside him.
Despite the way his shenanigans and impulsive behavior drove you positively crazy from time to time, you realized in that moment that you were beyond thankful to have a boyfriend that cared so earnestly and wholeheartedly about you, and that he was so unashamed and proud of his love that he was willing to express it in ways like this even in front of all of your closest friends <3
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Request - @myaaki said: denki kaminari for the drabble thing you posted <3
A/N: Honestly I think that this was a really cute idea lol, Denki totally seems like the type to do this to me :p Also wish me luck y’all, I have a big presentation that I’m giving for the first time tomorrow and I’m really nervous but I think I’m prepared! :) If you have any requests feel free to send them my way, and I’ll get them added to my request list as soon as possible! :)
Taglist: @pasteldaze @yeagerfushiguro @papijean @trashy-bowtie @thekaylahub @palenightmarepersona @eunoiasa @applepie-macaroon @ghostofscarley @swiftbyul
If you’d like to be added to any of my taglists, you can fill out this form here! Thank you for your support <3
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mahouplanetofficial · 5 months
Basic Concept Guide 💫
Hi everyone! Welcome to a (long due) concept guide! I hope you guys are excited– I LOVE creating concept guides!
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Before we begin:
Tomorrow is Mahou Planets 3rd anniversary! Tomorrow, we plan on hosting a fun gamenight to celebrate three years of Mahou Planet! I recommend joining the server if you’d like to participate!
So sorry about the general inactivity! AP exams are coming up and I’ve been cramming for my AP exams I take soon. To those taking AP exams, good luck! I’ll be taking the AP US History and the AP Precalc exams. May the spirits who miraculously gave me a 5 on my AP Government exam be with us :) 
Now, to the guide!
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 A concept is a general idea of what kind of magical hero you want to be. This could vary from canon media, such as Precure or Madoka Magica, to a completely original idea– or maybe both to some extent. Concepts build the foundation of what kind of magical hero you want to be. A concept can be as detailed or as vague as you want. Concepts are typically linear: you’re a specific type of magical hero with a specific aesthetic and goal. 
There are different types of magical heroes that can get incredibly specific and in-detail. Luckily for you guys, I’m willing to hold back on my worldbuilding skills until some later time.
There is no right or wrong way to create a concept. I’m sort of expecting those who are already interested in creating original characters or create stories to have an easier time with this than those who have zero experience with character creation. I’d like to keep concept creation simple as this is a relatively new account with beginner level guides. So, I’ll do as such in this tutorial.
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Again, there is no right or wrong way to make a concept. I can’t exactly tell you what works and what doesn’t, because what works for me may not work for you. Here are a couple of methods I used in creating my magical hero concept, as well as some methods I have seen in the past:
One way I created my concept is by narrowing down exactly what I want as a magical hero. Start by asking yourself questions. These can be as vague or as specific as you’d like. These will begin narrowing down what kind of magical hero you would like to be, what you’ll be fighting, what you’ll look like, etc. A couple of questions to consider are:
Would I like to take on a pre-existing concept, something completely original, or maybe a mix of both? 
What will I be fighting for? What important societal or spiritual values will I uphold as a magical hero? Because of this, what do I fight?
If I’m not going to be physically fighting evil, how will I combat the forces stopping said value from existing?
Do I want teammates, or do I want to work by myself?
How do I receive my magical abilities? Am I born with them? Are they granted to me by a familiar? Is there a higher power in my concept that gives me them? Or is there just no explanation?
Speaking of, will I have a familiar/mascot in my concept? Or will I just figure out things on my own?
What aesthetic am I trying to harbor as a magical hero? Does this aesthetic fit in with my civilian self, or is it something out of the ordinary?
What do I want to look like when I transform?
What weapon or weapons will I be using? What kind of powers am I going to possess? Will these be effective in upholding my values?
What role will I play in helping other magical heroes in the future? Will I be a fighter, support, or maybe both? Am I a frontliner or a backliner?
Just by asking these questions, you can already get pretty specific details about your concept. Continue asking these questions about as many prompts as you want (secondary forms, transformation device, etc.) If you need any help or more detailed questions to ask about your magical hero self, you can send a ask or join our Discord and ping Georgia (me) or any other members with the okay with pings role for help!
Another way to create concepts is to create a DO and DO NOT list. We’ve likely done these in school, creating diagrams or comparison charts. This is the same thing, and can be applied to even the smallest details in your concept.
I recommend either making this list in a word processor (Docs, Notion, Microsoft Word) or writing things down physically. Basically, you make a two-row column. Title a section DOs and the other DO NOTs. Then, write down what you want and don’t want as a magical hero. If you’re not sure what you want, then start with what you don’t want and vise versa.
For example, if I’m starting with the DO NOT side of the list, I’d probably write something like “I don’t want my concept to be dark.” That already wipes out a lot of dark magical hero shows, themes found in dark concepts, etc. I could also write something like “I do want my weapon to be a wand.” That already decides your weapon. You can be as detailed or vague as you want for this list. 
Eventually, you’ll look at each side of the list and compare. Write down what you’ve learned, for example: I have a fun and lighthearted concept, and my weapon is a wand. Just from this statement alone, I can already envision a lot of concept ideas!
A more common method I’ve seen is by taking inspiration from different media. Let’s say you really like the outfits used in Madoka Magica for the Holy Quintent, and want to use them for your team. Then, you get the idea of having a Precure styled backstory: a kingdom gets overrun by evil rulers and it’s your teams job to restore it. You basically repeat the process with more medias that interest you, and BAM! A concept!
It’s an easier method, and it’s also a nice method if you’d like to incorporate your interests into your concept. If you have any hyperfixations or special interests, I’d recommend adding those into your concept to ensure you stay interested in your concept. 
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Some more ideas to create a concept:
Search for some inspiration for your concept on YouTube, Pinterest, tumblr, etc.
Ask your friends what may fit you the most as a magical hero (if they’re unaware of magical heroes, you can ask them more unsuspecting questions like “What powers do you think I would have?”)
Get a reading on what your concept could be! A couple of Mahou Planet members are able to provide free readings, myself included!
Join someone else’s existing concept, could be a friend or an existing magical hero show
The most important takeaway from this is to have fun! Like I said before, there’s no right or wrong way to make a concept. What matters is that it’s something you enjoy, something you’re willing to fight for, and something you love! 💞
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Thanks so much for reading all of this– I probably rambled for longer than I should’ve. I’m gonna go back to binging Heimler’s History. Hope you guys have a good rest of your week!! MP out!
(idols: iz*one ot12, iz*one ot12, wonyoung - ive, twice ot9, red velvet ot5)
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meemoop · 10 months
Hi! Just dropping by to say I absolutely love your comics; they're adorable and I love the characterisations. I've been thinking about poor Harry-not-Potter and I remembered that a student named "Harold Dingle" was once caught trying to sell firewhiskey to Dean and Seamus in the 5th book. So in my head that guy's the Harry who made the mistake of sending Draco a rose while being the wrong Harry ;) Good luck with the end of term!
Hello! Thank you so much! It makes me so happy that you’re enjoying them! 🥹
And it is official, the “wrong Harry” is this Harold Dingle. I’ll answer for it because it’s PERFECT. Harold Dingle really fell off after that rejection…oh well. 🫣
Thank you for the luck! I’ll need it for tomorrow’s exam! Much love to you!! 💕💕🫶
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Thinking about Lucifer knowing Spanish, and I love the idea that he picked it up on his own (HELP, IMAGINE HE LEARNED IT SUPER FAST BEFORE THE EXCHANGE STARTED ONCE HE SAW MY FILE, THAT'D ALSO BE FUNNY). But if Lucifer ever scolded me in Spanish, I'd fr burst into tears and turn into the biggest goody two shoes 💀 (for at least a few days). Like I already hate being lectured, but something about it being in Spanish just 😭 it feels sooo much worse (maybe because there's so much emotion in the language? Dialect? Very big disappointed mom vibes.)
also IT AIN'T GONNA BE ME CONFESSING, THAT'S FOR SURE. Or if I did, it'd be in the most round about way or by accident (catch me pulling a Mammon like in that car ride drabble.). I am saying it in EVERY WHICH WAY except saying 'ily' outright.
It wasn't my day for dinner but you came home sad, and suddenly I'm cooking and it's your favorite dish? Psh, don't mean nothing, I was craving it too. I found a super shiny coin and gifted it to you? I have plentyyy (don't think about the fact I keep shiny coins from the current year in my bag for good luck, and it's the first one I've found all year). I'm spending my last pieces of grimm to buy us a treat to share bc we passed our exam? Well, it'd be wrong if I only got myself one... (true story, spent my last $10 on chipotle kids meals for me and my friend/coworker so we could eat because we were both broke and had two days left to payday)
Mammon will need to grab me by the shoulders and shake me because I would not believe he's into me. I'd come up with an excuse for any evidence that he is into me 💀 He could be like "GET IT THROUGH THAT THICK SKULL OF YOURS THAT I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU!" and I'd be like "you wot? you're joking right?"
like I said, I'm denying it to hell and back because it's scary af !! I've only been in love 2.5 times, and the first time I was brushing off my feelings and making excuses. And then one day I had the "Oh. Oh... Aw, fuck." moment and became a mess around them. I've always been wary of romance (my only relationship ended up toxic, and I became more wary lol)
But the same thing happened with Mammon becoming my fave 😭 I was thinking about other characters (along with Mammon) like Levi, Beel, and Dia. But then everything about Mammon made me fall a little more without realizing, even while I was trying to deny it. I'd get asked my fave character, and I couldn't choose, but Mammon was always an option. And one day I had the "Aw, shit" moment. He won me over with his dumbass ways, heart of gold, and terrible bandaging skills.
anyway I am excited for the new lessons !! my cards are powered UP ! also I got a sketch and lineart update on one of my comms and 😭🫶 literally wanted to jump around at work because it's so perfect and cute (it's me and Mammon cuddling in bed AND RHEY PUT HIM IN A TANK TOP SND YOU CSN SEE HIS MUSCLRS AKDKD)
- ✨ anon
Disappointed mom vibes lolol. I think that would suit Lucifer really well, actually. He has those vibes anyway, make him lecture in Spanish and it's just even better~
Er. Well. I like when strict characters start scolding people, so perhaps my opinion is invalid in this case. I just find it very funny and it makes me want to tease them so bad.
Anyway, here's my opinion on romance: yes, it's scary af. But it's worth the risk.
Any time you enter into a relationship with someone, especially if there are intense feelings involved, you're taking a risk. No matter what, even in friendship and other such types of relationships. The way to get close to someone is to be vulnerable with them. And there's always the chance that the person you're being vulnerable with will take that as an opportunity to hurt you. But not everybody will. And you'll miss out on the people who won't if you just... don't even try, you know what I mean?
Ehhhh sorry to get all deep on you like that, but I've seen this kinda thing plenty of times in my life. I'm that person everybody tells all their relationship woes to and then I give them advice that they never take. And then it always turns out that I was right all along lol.
I also kinda think it's okay to fall in love with someone but never act on it. Sometimes it feels like I fall in love with everyone I meet. But sometimes you legit fall in love with someone who just... isn't the right one for you. And you know it, so there's no point in trying to pursue anything. And the feelings fade as that person moves on with their life and it just becomes a fond memory.
For what it's worth, I don't think Mammon would ever give up on you. He's not as dumb as everyone makes him out to be. He's actually quite emotionally intelligent. As soon as he finally figured out his own feelings and was able to accept them, he would clock onto yours. And if someone straight up told him (such as one of his brothers), I think he'd keep reaching out to you, keep trying for you, keep doing his best to make it so you're comfortable enough with him to be honest about how you feel~
Anyway, this is just me being a hopeless romantic lol!
Welcome to the Writing Essays About Fictional Characters You Love Club! lol honestly I get so embarrassed about how much I have to say sometimes...
I'm also excited about new lessons! And your commission sounds amazing already!
Sending the good vibes right back to you! May we all find $10 on the ground!!
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Tomorrow's my second to last exam (wish me luck aaaa) and I'll need something to write to not go insane.
Please send me prompts to my ask box, I'll currently write dead boy detectives in particular and good omens!
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