#senpai is so fucking like bland
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lemonthepotato · 3 months
Amai’s Week
I didn’t even know until today that Amai had a week, that’s how hard this game fell off. Anyway, boy do I have some criticisms.
1) We need that many ways to enter a building in a mission? Why? It ends the same no matter what. The mission is still linear.
2) The dialogue in this game is so stiff and not how people talk. Never played a Hitman mission where the target said “I’m going to be here at X time, doing Y thing, blah blah blah” but Amai is kind enough to specify the times she’ll be serving food. Yeah, it’s kind of intuitive to not exit the classroom and start serving octodogs, the cooking club should know it’ll only be at morning, lunch and after school.
3) Amai’s sabotage events are so silly. I remember jokingly thinking “what? are we going to be giving him a pink apron or something?” as a JOKE. And then it HAPPENED, essentially. These characters are meant to be adults LARPing as teenagers but even a teenager has more maturity than “oh, you made an apron I didn’t like!” What? Did Ayano draw a swastika on it or another hate symbol? The game refers to it as a ‘lame’ apron, which implies it’s more likely that Ayano used a bland colour scheme. I’m sorry, but “I wanted a black apron but you made me a pink one, that offends me” is not on the same level. And by the way- if Amai’s food is giving people food poisoning due to Ayano’s sabotage, why is she still allowed to run the bake sale???
I was genuinely thinking “surely, it’s more going in this direction” during the picnic talk. It was. So, what? Amai is supposed to control the insects?
If you sabotage all of Amai’s events, Senpai should get the sense that she’s a BAD COOK. Literally all. Her sabotage events are NOT enough to warrant being cut off or rejected.
4) I like how no one in this game questions a giant ass water fountain placed randomly in a room.
5) THE LOVE CONFESSION DOESN’T MAKE AMAI LOOK GOOD, EITHER. Who the FUCK says “yeah, I know I’ve known you for a week, but I was actually pissed at you for mourning your dead friend because… what about me???”
6) Okay lol I just. I love how funny Kizana is.
I like to imagine Ayano and Senpai are in some Truman Show situation where Info-chan is just hiring all these colourful personalities to rizz Senpai to create the craziest situations ever. Like Ayano is just some institutionalised person who was dragged out by a studio to be exploited in her dire mental state. Can’t wait to get Kizana in 2025 and Oka in 2026.
Look I’m an Amai defender but spitting in someone’s food is VILE. The reason I don’t go to… let’s call it OldRonalds is because three employees spat in my food. I had three occasions. Yeah, wasn’t risking a fourth. AND IT’S IMPLIED SHE DID THIS SEVERAL TIMES. That is NASTY.
7) Yeah I definitely talk to myself when cooking. That’s totally normal.
9) A small pet peeve of mine over the years is the line “oh my god! is that a dead body?” when talking about their classmates. Akademi is a small school, where everyone should know each other. Maybe- like “Oh my god! [character’s surname, because it’s Japan, or whatever their nickname is considering Akademi has nicknames]? A-are you okay? I need to get help!”
10) Ben Shoku-ro asks us to essentially stalk Amai. Very normal. See, this is why I headcanon that Akademi is just a mental institution disguised as some… high school LARP. A very ineffective one, too.
11) I like how everyone has the exact same criticism with the exact same wording towards Amai’s cooking.
12) “You shoot 100% of the takes you don’t miss” is such a funny quote. No shit Sherlock.
13) “juvenile delinquent” aren’t they 18? C’mon, if you’re gonna use the “they’re actually 18” excuse, be consistent about it.
14) Welcome to Writing 101. In Inkyu and Sakyu’s conversation on Friday, the pink one (Inkyu, I believe) says “however?” While Inkyu is gathering her thoughts. It doesn’t add tension to the scene, they’re talking about fucking studying. It happens twice, actually. It’s awkward and drags on too long. I’m a writer, not a programmer, but surely there has to be a way to make the dialogue end faster?
Also Horuda canonically drawing kill art is real asf. She is not okay in the head and is expressing her emotions to avoid doing something dangerous. This is what we call showing, not telling. This is something this game struggles at.
15) Wait, Kyuji stalking Osana is a bounty? What if the player match made them? Is the game seriously gonna punish you for doing the pacifist route?
16) Why can Toga walk on bushes???
Okay if Senpai’s new personality is himbo than I kinda fw him.
HELP DID YANDEREDEV FORGET TOGA WASN’T A CREEP SO HAD TO RETCON IT?? Same with Horo, though I think Horo being weird was inferred by the demon Easter egg.
17) Also, another general criticism, but the dialogue in this game is so wonky. Instead of “Hey, blah blah, did you know blah blah dislikes gossip?” It could be “Hey, blah blah, X said to me gossipers were all evil people. Ridiculous, right? Who doesn’t gossip from time to time? Guess that’s what I’m doing” or something shorter than that. And things like money and violence shouldn’t even be discussable topics. I’m sorry but “Hey, Horuda Umetsu, did you know Amai Odayaka dislikes violence” would receive an “okay? don’t we all?” IRL. Like even though Horuda is prone to violence no one’s going around shaming people for disliking it WTF.
(Edit: Btw, before Amai came out, I made my own version of Amai’s week a year ago, along with the other rivals, but honestly? They suck. I’ll add them anyway, if you wanna check them out, but I got lazy halfway through and began half assing stuff: Amai, Kizana, Oka, Asu, Muja, Mida, Osoro, Hanako, Megami. I’m not saying these are better than the game. The way I characterised Kizana, for example? Canon Kizana is much better. The writing on these posts were somehow cringier than the actual writing. Why share it then? Dunno. I like humiliating myself? Oddly, I got a lot of nice DM’s from people about them at the time. I also made a shitty AU.) (I have more posts over there, like a mission mode concept ending) (also, it was only a year ago, but I feel like my writing has improved a ton since then)
Addendum: Not sure if I gave the impression I support YandereDev. I don’t.
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waheelawhisperer · 7 months
fiaexu, 2, 4, 20
Fiammetta or Exusiai (your choice =w=) , 4, 5, 8!
2: Why I do or don't ship them
You fucking know why, it's your fault in the first place
(It's the Catholic guilt, the way they've both been treated like second-class citizens by Laterano, the height difference, the amusement i derive from Mostima's suffering, the way Exusiai made Fiammetta a present, the pain of isolation, the way their personal stories can both be readily interpreted as trans narratives, the thought of both of them healing and finding freedom from Laterano together, and more)
4: How many other characters in my opinion see the chemistry of this couple before the couple itself does.
it ultimately depends in how they get together and when but I imagine that if they had the chance to see the two of them interact, the Penguin Logistics ladies would figure it out before they did, so that's 3 right there. Mostima, Lemuen, and Andoain might also figure it out.
The Pope knows all and sees all.
20: How and when they should get/should have gotten together.
Failing that, they should get together soon, perhaps similar to the way they did in a really nice fic I read once where they practiced safe sex and dunked on Mostima.
4: If I have NOTP for them.
Not... really? FiaMos is rather bland imo and it's frustrating how much Fiammetta art is centered around it, but it's at least aesthetically interesting and they've gotten enough interactions in canon that you can theoretically build a ship around them. I don't really think they have great chemistry, but they at least share screentime and have some kind of established relationship to work with.
Fiammetta x Andoain is utterly uninteresting to me when played straight, but it's a funny crackship specifically if she gets to deliver on her promise to sodomize and facefuck him
5: I feel like the writers mistreat them or if the story would be better if they were taken down a peg.
sorry, I read "Fiammetta" and "peg" and got so hard I got Nauseous
I don't think the writers particularly mistreat her, at least compared to the rest of the roster. She gets good character work in Guide Ahead and doesn't feel like she's been shunted out of the narrative, at least not any more than every character does when we have a revolving door of events that feature characters spread across the world. I guess she does suffer from the fact that she was introduced early in the game's run with minimal characterization and didn't get fleshed out until her HRT kicked in she got an event that gave her focus later.
8: a headcanon I have about this character.
I was gonna say "Fia's trans and has a feather treasure trail", but that's just objectively correct. I think that maybe, in contrast to her very critical view towards filmmaking, she secretly nurses a liking for really trashy novels.
4: If I have NOTP for them.
I don't think so. I don't think Mostima is a good partner for her by any stretch of the imagination, but she's bad for her in ways that are interesting to explore. Other than that, Exusiai's other ships that have actual traction all feel at least workable to me. There are some where I think they're better as friends or don't find the ship all that interesting, but none that make me go "oh hell no"
5: I feel like the writers mistreat them or if the story would be better if they were taken down a peg.
Exusiai has the same problem a lot of launch characters have where she got a little bit of characterization and the fandom ran with it and filled out the rest with shipping and flanderization and stereotypes and didn't adjust for additional information when it came out. That said, she did at least get a little bit of relevance early on, unlike launch characters that didn't actually get any kind of acknowledgement until years into the game's run or the ones who just dropped randomly on a banner before they had any actual appearance in the story. She definitely, textually got mistreated within the narrative, but I don't think she got mistreated by the narrative significantly more than your average Arknights character.
That said, the fanbase did her dirty though.
8: a headcanon I have about this character.
excellent at video games. Plays Terran Tekken with Lappland.
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crusherthedoctor · 11 months
Tbh, the more I think about frontiers, the more it feels “artificial” it looks like a sonic game, and has elements people wanted, but it doesn’t feel natural. When I look at superstars, thats how I see sonic as a franchise. But when I look at frontiers, I get constant mixed feelings, especially with how it handled certain characters and story. I don’t know, but frontiers was probably a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
It's not just the obvious qualities, like how it's piggybacking off of Breath of the Wild, or how various aspects of the level design are cobbled haphazardly in a way that detracts from the intended open world experience, or how bland everything is and how "Starfall Islands is meant to have its own aesthetic and style" doesn't work as an argument when there is no aesthetic and style for the environments, or how the writing feels a lot more Archie-esque, or how the voice actors sound less "I'm doing a low-key portrayal of these characters" and more "I'm genuinely depressed and bored IRL", or how The End is nowhere near as gripping as its manifestation of death schtick warrants, or how Tails says he's Wildly Inconsistent, or... everything to do with Eggman. Because even putting all that aside, the little things are frequently off as well.
Like cutscene pacing for example. There are so many moments with unnaturally drawn out pauses between characters during a conversation, and them just kind of fucking around and merely existing, the latter of which was something that the Pontaff games frequently got criticised for by fans. Then there's the specific way that references are often pulled off: they rarely feel natural and non-intrusive, and with how shoehorned they can get, you get the impression that they're desperately trying to convince you that they're totally Sonic fans to compensate for not actually knowing the games past the surface. Especially since half of them aren't even accurate references. Like shit, why not add an overdone Snapcube reference while you're at it, might as well given fans remember that more than they do the actual games at this point.
And I know I keep bringing this up, but I must stress: why is it that, nearly a year since the game originally came out, and despite all its popularity and acclaim, and fans taking any opportunity they can to boast about said acclaim ("It won an award!")... I can never find sincere praise for it that doesn't boil down to vague "They fixed it!" refrains, with maybe a side dish of Fuck Pontaff at most? Why am I more likely to find someone who can explain the ins and outs of why they like ShtH, ironically or unironically? Why am I more likely to find someone who can explain in helpful detail why they like Sonic Underground? Why are these diehard fans of Frontiers so reluctant to actually discuss the game, instead of repeating "It's the best because it is, please notice me Flynn senpai" over and over?
I'm sure they'd say that Frontiers' widespread adoration by the fandom shows they did something right. As if popularity automatically equates to quality. As if I can trust what a fandom that has grown to care more about portrayals that openly shit on the games has to say in order to convince me that I just don't get it, maaan.
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ladykissingfish · 2 years
What would be funny as a sequel to the tomato smoothie thing would be the akatsuki trying to set up a nice peaceful dinner for konan and Nagato but they just make it chaotic and catastrophic because they just can't behave
*Nagato and Konan walk into the dining room and pause in surprise; the table is set for two and there’s a fancy tablecloth and candles*
Konan: What is this?
Hidan: *pulling out her chair for her* We were thinking, you cook for us every fuckin’ night. But we don’t do shit for you. So me, red-eyes, mask-boy and blondie made dinner for you and bony-arms!
Nagato: While I don’t appreciate that name, I do appreciate this gesture. *sits across from Konan*
Konan: Oh, this is so lovely. And you made chicken Alfredo, my favorite!
Konan: *swirls fettuccine noodles on her fork and takes a bite; face turns red and she starts coughing*
Nagato: *jumps up and frantically claps her on the back* What’s in this?!
Deidara: Chili powder, cayenne pepper, paprika, Cajun seasoning …
Nagato: In an Alfredo sauce??
Hidan: Blonde-bitch wanted it to be spicy. Even though we ALL told him it was a fuckin’  stupid idea …
Deidara: Fuck you, you demonic asshole. Just because YOU can’t make anything but bland garbage doesn’t mean that —
Konan, after guzzling water: I’m sure you meant well. Er, there’s something about the sauce I can’t quite figure out. 
Hidan: Ohhh, that. Well ideally you’re supposed to use heavy cream and shit, right? But we were out of that so -
Itachi: I improvised and used a mix of plain yogurt and milk instead. The milk was a teeny bit expired but only by five or so days.
Konan: I —
Tobi: Tobi made garlic bread, Konan and Leader!
Tobi: *brings out a loaf of white bread with a big clump of garlic cloves stuck in the middle*
Nagato: It’s … it’s lovely …
Deidara: Save room for dessert, hm! *brings out a 3-layer chocolate cake and sets it in middle of table* We worked extra hard on this!
Konan, surprised: Goodness, that looks absolutely amazing! It looks like it was made in a professional bakery! I can’t wait to —
Deidara: *raises two fingers* KATSU!!
*the cake explodes, covering everyone in a shower of chocolate*
Hidan: You stupid dick! We agreed no fucking explosives!!
Deidara: That cake wasn’t artistic without them!! Especially since Uchiha’s blind ass couldn’t read the recipe and put in 20 cups of sugar instead of 2! 
Tobi: But the sugar made it tasty, Senpai! *switches to Obito voice* And I’ve already warned you not to talk about Itachi like that …
Hidan: What the hell are you gonna do, weirdo? Shove a dango stick in his eye?
*the four of them start yelling and throwing punches at each other*
Konan: … pizza?
Nagato: Mm.
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electrasev5nwrites · 1 year
Ninja Daily: Vapors 62
"ANBU Butterfly, stay behind. We need to talk."
As always, there was a hint of a cringe when her team leader addressed her by her ridiculously unthreatening code name. Aiko paused, having been ready to leave after practice. Donkey and Boar didn't give so much as a second look to their lingering teammates, apparently eager to get back to their rooms. Much like Aiko, they had retained rooms in the ANBU facility instead of using the locker rooms that trainees did. It made keeping an identity quiet easier, to be sure, but so did not talking. Even though they were allowed to share their identities with their team, none of them had.
Fish was the only member of their squad who had spoken a word since they'd been formed. Even that was the bare necessity of corrections that couldn't be communicated via handsigns.
'So holding me back to talk probably means that I've fucked up,' she internally sighed. To be fair, she had been distracted in practice today.
"Hai, Fish-senpai?" she tried politely. May as well get this over with.
Fish visibly startled at the sound of her voice, shoulders tensing.
She was already unimpressed by this conversation. What a jumpy bastard.
'Holy shit, that's a woman,' thought Fish, now carefully not looking at the unflattering, flat armor chest plate for the hints he had apparently missed. He'd thought he had gotten snubbed by being saddled with some wet-behind-the-ears 13 year old boy on his first full team assignment. Apparently not.
Then he did his best not to snicker. He really did work too much if he was literally incapable of recognizing a woman when he saw one. But he could mock himself later. He'd gotten distracted by his thoughts and been silent too long.
'Better hurry and respond, she seems a bit impatient. I'm such an awkward bastard, did I forget to respond for too long?'
"I meant to have a talk with you about your performance today. It was inadequate and distracted. Can I trust that you will resolve the issue?"
Aiko flushed. "I apologize." She gave a quick bow, "I owe the team an apology as well. I found myself thinking about an outside problem. I will, of course, resolve it."
"What type of problem are we dealing with?" Fish briskly asked.
The indication of actual… well, not interest exactly, but of some sort of engagement with his subordinates threw her for a loop, and she answered honestly. "Er, I'm looking for new living arrangements."
"Oh." There was a pause. "That's easy enough. There are two different apartment complexes and several residential facilities that ANBU recommends and have cleared as especially suitable for organization members due to location and policies. Are you interested in the north or south districts?" At her answer, he continued, "Then I would recommend that you have a talk with the gentleman who runs the hummingbird complex. The office is connected to the building on the intersection of Tobirama and Sugar."
"Tobirama and Sugar. Got it," she repeated obediently. "Thank you, Fish-senpai."
"It was no trouble. I trust that even if you do not end up in that facility, your performance will not be affected in future."
There wasn't any room left for disagreement, so it was good that she didn't have any.
Whoever had originally recommended the hummingbird had made a good choice, she determined later that day while touring open apartments. They were large (only two per floor, making the total number of available rooms rather small), had varied layouts to confuse intruders, were clean, and all allowed for privacy and easily defended and hidden external exit points. Not bad at all, really.
Of course, the walls were not the traditional rice paper kind at the house, so the apartment she chose was a bland white. Thankfully the manager allowed painting and other forms of decoration. Who wanted white walls? Honestly. At least the flooring was a nice pale wood. She signed the contract on the spot. Being a shinobi made it easy to do things like that—ninja got special deals on things like utilities and could be counted on to pay their rent even if they weren't there, because what wasn't subsidized by the village itself could be billed directly to their accounts. (No one wanted to hunt down truant ninja. God, imagining some poor landlord trying to find Kakashi and get him to fill out paperwork just made Aiko cringe.)
She stepped out of her brand-new apartment and turned to lock the door, already compiling a list of what paint she needed to buy and almost missed seeing her next-door neighbor come up the stairs and stride directly to the door to her left. "Oh, hello-"
Aiko stopped dead, blinking in surprise. "Yamato," she belatedly finished her greeting.
He gave her an odd look and a noncommittal nod, gaze darting to her upper arms. Sheepishly, she tugged on the short yellow sleeve that barely covered the tattoo on her left arm to give him a glimpse and gave him a rueful shrug.
"Never would have guessed. Ah well. I suppose I'll be seeing you around, then." Yamato gave her a distracted smile and unlocked his own door.
"I suppose so," she concurred as he disappeared, wondering about the odds.
'Pretty good, actually,' she realized. 'He probably got the same recommendation I did.'
She didn't dwell on it for long. She had other things to accomplish before she worried about moving in so that she didn't have a hundred things to juggle at once. Most notably, tracking down Sai. Tsunade had gone above and beyond what Aiko had asked for—the woman had done some sort of magic with the training field reservations to find out when Aiko could just happen to stumble upon him.
He was probably already there, but she didn't rush to training ground 7. Showing up ten minutes after he did would almost be more suspicious than anything else. Granted, he would probably be suspicious anyway. He was a ninja.
It was automatic to direct an ink boar towards the disturbance in the brushes. He was, after all, performing a training exercise that included using ink clones and animals as hostiles and protecting a target—an ink princess dutifully pictured to an accurate degree.
Sai blinked away from the explosion of ink that heralded the destruction of his technique, shielding his eyes. "Washboard-san?"
"Hai, Sai-kun," Washboard replied calmly, shaking a bit of ink off the boot she'd used to kick his boar. "I apologize for interrupting your training. Do you mind if I linger? I would like to talk to you."
"I don't see how you could do any more damage after your clumsy arrival," he soothed. Sai didn't mind her presence at all. Washboard was actually an excellent supplementary resource to his books, and a less volatile test subject for conversation than Dickless or even Kakashi-san.
He still didn't always understand her reactions, like now, when she took a strangely deep breath before replying. Was it not proper etiquette to excuse others' mistakes?
"Well, that's good then." She settled down onto a large rock and patted it. He was baffled for a moment- was she checking for anomalies in texture or temperature? – until she continued, "Sit with me, would you? I have something I'd like to show you."
She had taken the best seat, so he perched nimbly by her side, slightly above her.
'Does Washboard realize how low her top is?'
Sai frowned. From this angle, she was showing more flesh than he'd ever seen outside of that book he had read from Jiraiya-sama. Did that signify something? It must be important. Perhaps the book had been a warning about the strange properties that female chests seemed to possess. He found himself strangely reluctant to look away from the unusual view.
It was probably just the novelty.
"Here." He obediently took the two books she handed him, giving them both a cursory once-over. "I was hoping you could help me out with illustrations. I was going to get that book published, but they disliked my illustrations so much that they redid them." Washboard frowned, flipping through several illustrated pages to show the contrasts. "They're awful," she added with a hint of grumpiness. "Not what they're supposed to be at all. I remembered that you're more classically skilled than I am, and you're certainly more intelligent than the ape that drew this, so I was hoping you could be persuaded to help me out. I don't mean to take advantage of you, of course. Ino is already getting 45% of whatever is left after publishing and binding, but we could negotiate a percentage for you. Opinions, impressions? Do you think you could help me, and would you like to?"
Silently, he ignored her for the time being. Washboard quieted to wait patiently while he scanned the images. That was one of her most positive traits: she did not fill up a conversation with pleasantries and understood when he needed to think.
It was true that the reproductions were not very reflective of the original designs. He was capable of doing a higher quality interpretation. Should he? Would it be wasteful?
'I had been aware that art should have a purpose. Does this satisfy that requirement, or is it frivolous?' Sai's face didn't so much as twitch while he thought.
It would please Danzo-sama, so it mustn't be frivolous. Danzo-sama had been vexed with Sai for some time now, since he had been pulled away from work with team Kakashi and his reports became sparse and based on hearsay and conjecture.
This action would also provide Sai with a reason to socialize with Washboard for his own purposes. He had found her to be the most amiable of those he'd met outside of root (and therefore most amiable in general). Dickless was an excellent illustration of Danzo-sama's maxim that emotion led to weakness. When aroused by anger or embarrassment, Dickless became exponentially less productive and his sparring capabilities suffered.
But Washboard didn't seem to fit with Danzo-sama's maxim. The first part, that attachment led to emotion, certainly seemed to be accurate. But her emotions were reserved, and her attachments did not seem to end in weakness. Unlike Dickless, he had yet to see her lose her temper and become irrational. And those attachments had served her well. Sai did not know exactly what had happened, but he had found out in the course of his investigations that Washboard had gotten into some sort of trouble in Suna and her entire team plus one more stranger had gone to retrieve her and offer assistance.
He didn't understand why they had done such a thing. Perhaps the mission was of the highest importance. But if that were true, would Washboard not have been accompanied with a large team from the start? It did not seem to have been a decision motivated by logic and the village's best interests, but nor was it counter to those interests. Was there a middle ground?
Something about that pulled strangely at his chest. It was the first he had heard of this 'Naruto' from anyone other than Danzo-sama who had described him as a potentially dangerous person of interest, and Sai had yet to see him in person. That addition was even more baffling than that her team had gone in pursuit. At least they seemed to be accustomed to working with her. This Naruto had never been on an official team with Washboard. Perhaps it was connected to their shared genetics?
Was it something about Washboard, or was it team 7 in general that exhibited the oddity? Sai had left teammates to be captured or killed in the course of pursuing a mission's objective before, and not thought once about it. It was their duty. But now, he couldn't stop ruminating on the parallel and wondering if he would have gone to assist Washboard if he had been asked. It would be unpleasant to have to replace her—she was tied to more than one of his objectives, both personal and official.
Sai rather thought that he would not have minded joining that team on their mission. Disturbingly, he was able to come to that conclusion before even running through the full list of the strategic implications of her death. Was his perspective flawed?
Washboard shifted slightly at his side, brushing her shoulder against his ribs and letting her head waver as if she were considering leaning against him.
And he did not move away, because there was something that was not unpleasant about the contact even though he did not need to touch her for body heat.
A single finger twitched imperceptibly against the page he was turning. For Sai, it was a dramatic reaction. Worse, it was genuine and not falsified in an attempt to pacify and interact with anyone else.
'Forgive me, Danzo-sama.'
His perspective was definitely flawed. Perhaps it had been an error to investigate human socialization. The more he knew, the more he felt desire to investigate further. That was a reversal of the proper state of things—he should become satisfied as he grew closer to being able to understand and categorize the oddities of the outsider shinobi. Unfortunately, all it brought him was more questions and an inexorable drive to understand more and strange longings he didn't understand.
His stomach felt strange and heavy when he had first realized that he had questioned one of Danzo-sama's words. He had never done such a thing before. But now… Sai felt strangely discontented with his superior's irritation with him where he would have passively accepted it in the past. Something seemed incongruous about holding him accountable for actions beyond his control. He had gone on several missions with Kakashi-san, and never had that happened in those situations. So perhaps it was something about Danzo-sama and not something about the nature of hierarchy.
That thought raised the unpleasant possibility that he had changed so much that he had formed an opinion counter to Danzo-sama's. But Sai couldn't pinpoint anything incorrect or unsupported in his own logic. If only he knew where he had mis-stepped, he could correct and rip the thought out like the cancer it was.
Instead, it festered and made him ponder things he would never have questioned before. For example, his new orders to gain access to Washboard and make her a viable resource (since Sai had only managed to connect to her and she had ready access to many people of Danzo-sama's interest) lingered in his consciousness. He should be prepared to do anything to fulfill those orders. This opportunity had fallen into his lap, and he should accept it for Danzo-sama's sake.
But he wanted to accept for his own sake, because there was a strange contentedness whenever Washboard or Kakashi-san reached out to include him in something or asked for his opinion. He also wanted to refuse for Washboard's sake. She and Kakashi-san seemed to share a bond, as she did to a lesser extent with Dickless and Virgin (though his observations indicated that Virgin was much more interested in Kakashi-san than Washboard. Perhaps Kakashi-san was the source of the oddity and not Washboard after all?). Doubtlessly this Naruto was much the same. They would be content and effective together as a team on a long-term basis if left alone. But…
'If I do not recruit her, someone else will.'
That had to be that. There was a Root plant on nearly every ANBU team. He did not know her team assignment, but there was almost certainly someone else who would recruit her if he did not. If Washboard could survive ANBU, she could navigate Root. Perhaps she would not even be plagued by the doubts and traitorous misgivings that troubled him. For all that her actions often ran counter to Danzo-sama's teachings, she sometimes reminded him greatly of the Root recruiters and trainees who had been absorbed into the force and not raised inside. Perhaps that was why he could communicate with her better than the others.
"I will help you."
A muscle contracted strangely in his throat, but he couldn't bring himself to move when her reaction was to press up against him and tilt her head up to smile. "I appreciate it. Do you want to discuss payment now, or later? Keep in mind that this could make absolutely nothing, I've no idea if it'll sell or not."
"Later is acceptable. When would you like to see my sketches?"
Washboard did that strange facial movement where she nipped at her lower lip between two teeth and held it there while she breathed in through her nose. Sai had tried it himself once and not understood the appeal, but she often seemed to perform that maneuver when thinking. "Well, I'm going to be moving this week, but two weeks after that I'm hosting a team dinner at my new apartment on Wednesday at seven or so. Would you come?"
He couldn't reply for a moment. Was he considered part of team 7?
"I will be there."
Washboard walked away after that, but Sai found it hard to concentrate on his training. Somehow, it just seemed so unnecessary to run drills for solo missions. He did those so seldom anymore, with the exception of spying on team 7. Perhaps it would be more practical to acquire a training partner.
Aiko flinched a little when the privacy seals activated inside Tsunade's office after Shizune closed the door, still a bit surprised by how easily she could feel the chakra spark that signified an active field now that she was paying attention. Learning how to set her own without ink had made her more sensitive to others', apparently.
'I suppose we're having a meeting now.'
It was a bit unusual. This was her third time taking a shift on guard in Tsunade's office, but it was the first time that anyone had indicated they knew she was there. She'd grown to tolerate the long periods of boredom interspersed with heart-pounding nervousness at sensitive information and tense meetings that she couldn't participate in or ever speak about.
She snapped at the wavering shell of chakra around her body that was forming the chameleon genjutsu to end it, letting it thread apart at her heart and dissolve with a ripple as she stopped suppressing her chakra signature and stepped out of the hidden alcove maintained by someone else's seals.
"Hai, Hokage-sama?"
"Take off that stupid thing, I hate talking to porcelain." Tsunade rustled around in her desk and pulled out two little bottles of—for christ's sake, when did that sneaky bastard get those in here? Shizune searched her bags every morning.
Aiko let herself smile a little as she pulled her mask up to rest over the blue strands of hair on her head and took the proffered drink. "We really shouldn't drink on the clock," she said dryly, nonetheless prying off the metal top and swirling the pink drink inside contemplatively.
Tsunade gave an irreverent shrug, pulling the top off of hers with such force that she crumpled it between her fingers. She flicked her wrist and the bit of metal landed in one of her many potted plants, joining what she now recognized was not a small pile of decorative rocks. "Don't get dull on me now, girl. You're the only one I've found who will drink with me and not tell that harpy who calls herself my apprentice," she grumbled. "Honestly, Shizune acts like I have some sort of problem."
Somehow, she forced out a politely incredulous sound and hastily took a swig of her drink so she didn't have to say anything else. 'Is this… cherry flavored?'
Whatever it was, the drink was both strong and sweet, making it pleasantly tart on the way down. Honestly, she had no idea where Tsunade found this stuff. She'd never seen it or anything like it at a market in Konoha. Considering the variety of ingredients possible, Konoha took advantage of depressingly little produce to make alcohol. It was almost all rice wine of some sort.
As if she'd read Aiko's mind, Tsunade gave an appreciative hum and set her half-empty bottle down on her desk with a clunk. "I get these from Nadeshiko. Anko thinks she's running diplomatic missions. I sneak my alcohol right past Shizune in sealing scrolls and tell her it's above her clearance. She just nods solemnly and acts grateful that I'm working."
Involuntarily, Aiko found herself making a strange, high pitched sound as if someone had just stepped on her chest. Or like someone had kicked a small dog.
Tsunade tossed her head back and laughed, white teeth flashing behind her pink-painted lips. "Oh, don't make that face. It looks like your eyes are going to fall out."
Obediently, Aiko controlled her features into a more normal expression, which made Tsunade snort for some reason.
"Did you just want to laugh at me?" She asked dryly. "If so, I think I must have done my duty for the day and I'll be going now."
The older woman snorted. "Don't be like that. Actually, no, I have two different things to discuss with you. The first is that Jiraiya informed me that you are not to use your old seal anymore and need to replace the one you gave the Kazekage."
Aiko stared blankly for a moment. "Do you need me to pick up any alcohol while I'm in Suna or something?"
She got a dirty look in return. "You don't respect me at all, do you brat? What a stupid question… there's nothing worth drinking in Suna."
Aiko twitched.
"Actually, the Kazekage and his retinue will be coming here and meeting in the fourth conference room on the first floor to discuss subcontracts sometime after you get off your next assignment at the prison facilities. Obviously, you can't be seen with me or that group. So you'll know when to show up because either Kakashi or Yamato will be waiting in the room for you to Hiraishin to in the late afternoon, and I'll bring the group by a few minutes later. Hell, maybe I'll have them both there so the council doesn't whine about bodyguards," she mused to herself. Then she shook her head slightly and continued. "Have a seal at home so you can leave the same way."
"What kind of seal do you want me to give him?" Tsunade just gave her an odd look, so Aiko explained, "I can give another one on a kunai or something. That's what people will expect. But Jiraiya taught me how to apply one with just chakra. It'll stay on a person until I remove it."
'Or, you know, until I explode it. Depending on whether or not I trap it.'
As ugly as the thought was, it was probably a good idea. Gaara was at high risk for a kidnapping. If his bijuu was extracted and he died, it would become pretty clear that the still-active seal wasn't related to that function. If he was dead, it wouldn't matter anyway.
"Huh." Amber eyes flickered upward to stare at the ceiling contemplatively. "Why don't you do both? If you give him a regular one, no one will look for a directly applied seal. Hell, if they found it they'd probably assume it was connected to his bijuu and not dare to touch it," she added with an amused snort. "Put it somewhere where it won't be visible above his clothes, there's always some sneaky bastard who can see chakra. That probably means the torso. Lucky you, you're going to get to feel up a kage."
It wasn't a bad thought. He was pretty cute, plus how many people got to say they'd seen a kage shirtless?
But still, this was Tsunade she was talking to. There was only one appropriate response.
"Just one kage?" she asked with feigned sorrow, opening her eyes to let them waver sadly in imitation of Mitsuo's masterful puppy eyes expression.
For a moment, the older woman looked like she'd been slapped with a fish. Then she gave a giggle, burying her face in her hands. Aiko had a smile of her own, until Tsunade looked at her again. "For some reason, that reminds me. Don't think the old pervert didn't tell me about your modifications to that seal," she drawled. "Be sure to trap the decoy, would you dear?"
Aiko nodded. "That's what I was planning to do for Naruto as well. A hidden tattoo and a trapped decoy."
"I like it. Don't tell him about the direct seal," Tsunade ordered.
"I won't," she agreed easily. Naruto wasn't the best actor. If he thought the kunai was disposable, he could accidentally give that away to any interested observer. Besides, she liked having sneaky tricks up her sleeve.
"Well, that's the easy part," Tsunade drawled, tossing her empty bottle in the trash and pulling out another one from her desk. Aiko involuntarily glanced down at her nearly-full bottle and reminded herself to keep drinking on it, taking another sip. "The second thing… Well. Did Karin tell you that she offered to have Hinata adopted in, so she had a last name? Sasuke snagged the paperwork and I sent it back to them, because they didn't have everything together."
'Nope. First I've heard of this.'
It wasn't a bad idea, though. Traditionally, last names were a privilege of the upper classes. It was a huge fall in status for Hinata to have lost hers when she renounced the Hyuuga clan.
"I don't mind the idea," she eventually settled on.
"I'm glad to hear it," came the ever-so-slightly sarcastic reply. "Because it's not that simple. However, this is the type of complication that I like. Were you aware that a family with four active shinobi qualifies as a clan?"
It took a moment to internalize the repercussions of that.
"The groan wasn't entirely necessary," Tsunade said tartly. "Suck it up. Judging by the fact that you're not an idiot, I'm sure you've put together that you're the oldest of the Uzumaki originating in Konoha, and also the one directly descended from one we actually know was in line to inherit. Kami only knows where Karin came from, but even if you're older you're the only one who could inherit headship."
"I could give it to Naruto," she denied weakly, seeing all her free time fly out the window and weakly wave goodbye on the other side of the small forest clustered in front of the glass.
"You'd have to accept headship first in order to abdicate, and I'm afraid that I will want you to hold onto that for a while. What do you think of the likelihood that Danzo will pass up on the chance to get an apparently vulnerable, unguided fifteen year-old clan head in his pocket?"
'That's a stupid question.'
"Not good," she deadpanned.
"Your eloquence astounds me," Tsunade sent back with a straight face. "In any case, this is an order. When they ask you, you will give your permission, accept the designation, and have Karin file the papers. I'll try to arrange things so that you can begin attending large council meetings." She gave a shrug and a sly smile. "If you really hate it, you could start bringing Naruto with you and grooming him for politics…"
Suddenly, one of Tsunade's secondary motivations made sense.
"You sneaky bastard," Aiko breathed appreciatively. "You're making me train your successor."
She was too busy admiring just how much of a lazy dick Tsunade was to feel resentful. That took talent and dedication.
Tsunade preened a bit. "I like to accomplish as much as possible per wicked plot," she said archly. "It's efficient."
After she had finished her shift, Aiko tugged on the seal she had planted in her old bedroom and stripped out of her on-duty uniform in exchange for shorts and a tank top. If she had planned better, she would have worn something old, but unfortunately she had pretty much cleaned out her closet of anything that would have been suitable after her initial ANBU training. It was a shame, but the blue shorts and grey top would just have to be her painting clothes and she'd throw them away later.
"Hey, Naruto," she shouted idly down the hall, stuffing her wallet into her pocket since she wasn't taking any equipment pouches. "Could I convince you to come help me paint?"
"Can't," he shouted back from somewhere in the house. "Maybe tomorrow?"
"Yeah, yeah," she grumbled, leaving the house the conventional way, grateful that she at least had a ratty pair of old white sandals in the genkan. She wasn't going to hold her breath, but it wasn't like he owed her his help.
In all honestly, she probably could have used the assistance. Everyone always said that she had no taste whatsoever, so picking out paint on her own was probably an idiotic idea.
'I guess no one else has to like it,' she told herself firmly, not allowing any weakness or uncertainty to show when she strode into the home supply store. 'If it's really that bad, someone else can host team dinners. Besides, if I stay away from neons, how badly could I really do?'
"Hello, miss, how may I-"
"I need help picking out paint."
She had to be honest with herself. The worst scenario was a really bad one. The cute older boy who worked there looked a bit taken aback by her bluntness, but hey.
It seemed a bit dull to her, but the two cans that would be the living room color were a cute peachy shade, and the genkan got a soft yellow. She could worry about the rest later, but first she would paint the areas where she might have company.
Besides, the shit was actually pretty heavy. Aiko put on her very best 'I'm a grown-up independent killer for hire' attitude, but it must not have been very convincing because an elderly lady rushed to get the door for her on the way out and two different boys offered to help her. Aiko glared them down around the three cans stacked in her left arm and held to her chest by her right. She was glowering at nothing by the time she reached her new apartment sixteen blocks away. Her back was starting to ache, and her arm seemed to be considering just falling off in protest.
'Oh, of all the people to see me struggling with something as mundane as paint,' she thought miserably as soon as she managed to wrestle the door to her building open and trudge up the stairs to see two men talking in the hall.
Yamato gave her a mildly interested once-over and snagged the top two cans out of her grip without even asking. "I'll see you later, senpai."
"Of course," Kakashi murmured, giving Aiko an amused look. "I see you're busy."
She stuck her tongue out at him, but it didn't do any good. He just blinked slowly and loped down the stairs.
"What was he here for?" Aiko asked Yamato curiously, moving to unlock her door with her now-free hand. She couldn't help but wonder… did Kakashi often visit Yamato? Were they actually friends outside of work? She wouldn't have guessed.
He raised an eyebrow at her. "Talking about a mission," Yamato said steadily, heavy gaze implying that she should drop the topic. So she did. "Are you planning on painting tonight?" At her nod, Yamato hummed. "Want some help?"
Surprised, Aiko turned her head to look at him as she hip-checked her door open. "That's not necessary, I can do it myself."
"I know you can, but you probably don't want to."
He seemed to be totally serious. "Well- sure. Thank you, I mean," she corrected. "I would appreciate the help, if you're offering."
"Alright," he said easily, hefting his two cans onto the kitchen counter and briskly wiping his hands on his pants. "I'll change into work clothes and be right back."
He returned in what seemed to her to be an identical outfit sans the vest and weaponry, but she didn't say a damn thing. Free help was free help… and he could reach the upper half of the walls without standing on a box.
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themole · 2 years
playing through p5 royal for the first time and its quite bizarre how both great and mid all the new content manages to be,,, its overall positive enough to say its the definitive version and yet a lot of the new content is kinda lazy and shouldve been left out/reworked, not to mention it makes the game even easier than it already was but because of said easiness in the original, this almost isnt a bad thing cuz it just lets you go power crazy with getting overpowered which is kind of a step up from the original just being a bit unsatisfying with its amount of difficulty?
but then like phone conversations at the end of social links, about 80% of them add nothing of substance or even anything aesthetically fun and feel out of place and should just have not been put in the game, but at the same time the ones that do add are very welcomed
kasumi (so far no spoils pls) is rly bland personality wise and only gets weird specific quirks that feel too disconnected to rly give her a coherent vibe? which is both kind of an interesting design but also just devolves into every conversation being like "wow that was great senpai" with ren just saying a variation on "youre great kasumi :)" and idk it feels lazy to not have her have some noticeable flaw shes trying to work on like everyone else BUT shes also like the best romance option cuz of the sheer amount of 1 on 1 time her and joker get in the main story specifically no less, dr maruki is so far a fantastic character too with consistently some of the best philosophy the game brings up, literally questioning the existence and effectiveness of therapy, not to a meaningful political degree obvs but in the context of a dumb fun jrpg power fantasy adventure its super satisfying
and a lot of the new music is absolutely stellar,,, new op and battle theme are both weaker than the previous ones tho,,, theyre still pretty good mind you they just dont live up to the same standard and the fact that they take the spotlight away from the others feels a bit unnecessary and poor in design judgement, having both openings cycle the main menu wouldve been easy enough and take over would work perfectly as the regular battle theme with last surprise being the ambush theme (i mean it literally has 'surprise' in the title it feels like the way it shoulda been) but omg then dr. marukis theme absolutely fucks?? new mementos themes woulda been better if each one was less of a variation on the same thing but just more variety in general helps a lot there,,,, and holy fuck no more what ifs,,,, literally a vocals song that is just relegated to a hangout social spot??? lmao?? not even most of the time you go there either dkdhdjd and its like one of the best new tracks,,,, this is what i mean by everything being generally better but sloppily so,,,, just needed a lot of fat trimmed and some minor reworks im excited to get to the new palace i think thats really gonna decide whether this is better than the original or not for me
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Kurasuno dudes and Nicnames
yeah I was bored and so decided to do this. Have fun. Yeah, this is stupid. Have fun.
Nekoma+Seijo, DateTech+Shiritorizawa, Fukurodani+Itachiyama+Inarizaki,
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What he calls you:
☀️ Cherry
☀️It was a pretty evening after a basketball game you were playing in. He doesn’t get to see you play often because of his volleyball schedule, and even then, he had just seen the latter parts of practice when everyone is pretty drained. But at an actual game? Completely different. He had been to plenty of volleyball games but this was different. Usually everyone is pretty quiet in the stands and on the bench. But this? This was loud. And chaotic. From both teams were yelling encouraging each other, chanting the entire time, not just after a point. And in the stands? Oh my goodness, poor baby was not ready for the scary basketball parents yelling about bad calls? My boy almost had an aneurysm. But hey, he found a nice basketball dad to yell with and explain it to him. (He still doesn’t understand anything, but at least he can pretend and yell with someone). But on the bright side, he at least had fun watching y’all zoom around and have fun. The whole thing looked really fun to him, and he definitely was going to try and make you teach him a bit later.
☀️After the Game, He was already stuffing his face full of meat buns, and desperately trying to hype you up.
☀️”You wash sho awshome! You were sho cherry, it was great to she your enthusiasm!” (Translation- you were so awesome! You were so cheery, it was great to see your enthusiasm!)Unfortunately for him, that was not what you heard, with you quickly replying, “Cherry huh? You got a problem with my tits Sho?” ☀️Cue Hinata turning into a tomato and desperately saying , “NO, NO NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT, I LOVE YOUR TITS! WAIT NO, I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT, I MEAN I-“ you quickly shut him up by stuffing a mean bun in his mouth. “It’s ok Sho, you can call me cherry all you like~” And the nickname stuck forever after.
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What he calls you: 💙 Bae
💙Kageyama is a simple creature. He only really gets excited about two things; volleyball and you. And the former takes a lot of time in your relationship. But hey, you have your sport too, so you can’t get too mad. But one bad thing that came with his dedication, was a serious lack of romantic experience. Making him VERY susceptible to the terrible advice of his two delusional senpai’s Tanaka and Nishinoya. They barely knew he could could talk to someone without yelling, much less pull as bad a bitch as you. But when they saw you talking, they were astonished. How fucking bland is this mother fucker? You have a total hottie on your arm calling you cute shit, but you only call them L/N-kun? Unacceptable! 💙 That entity of practice, they harassed kageyama trying to convince him to call you literally anything else. “CALL HER HONEYBUNCH!”, yells Tanaka. “THATS STUPID, CALL HER A CUTIE PATOOTIE!”, replies Nishinoya.
💙And you know what? This dumbass actually listened to them. What a dumbass. So the next time he sees you? You are assaulted with the most vile atrocious nicknames known to humanity. I’m talking the big 3 p’s: Pookie, Poopie, and puppy (ok puppies not that bab but coming from his mouth? No.) Upon hearing this you immediately burst out laughing, asking who in gods name compelled him no do that.
“… Tanaka and Nishinoya senpai…” “and you thought that would be a good idea?” “…no”
💙Eventually yall just decided to go with non over the top shit, like babe or baby, later shortened to just bae, because he just kept yelling it while out of breath from volleyball practice. And the nickname stuck.
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What he calls you: 🌙 Shortstack
🌙This one is short and simple. Because he’s an asshole. It doesn’t matter if you’re 4’11 to 6’2, if you’re shorter than him, you are therefore short and will be treated as such. Man is the biggest bully ever, and it doesn’t matter if you’re an eyelash length away from being taller than him, he can and will be a dick about it.This man doesn’t care. Kageyama is 6ft and tsukki bullies HIM bout his hight. But his s/o? I can just hear the carriage ,
“Stop climbing on that Shortstack, you’re gonna hurt yourself,”
“You wanna run that by me again shorty?”
“Need help getting on the bus Tiny?”
it’s a term of endearment for him. He still loves you despite being the biggest asshole since Uranus. I promise he means well, but don’t think for a moment he’s stopping any time soon.( this totally isn’t yamaguchi coded🤭)
🌙And the nickname stuck
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What he calls you:
🩷Because it’s just a yams thing. Like Omg, I can hear him saying it in the same “go tsukki,” kinda way, and my heart is melting. 🩷But like my bro would be so nervous to ask. Like stuttering worse than a Wattpad Y/n. Like my goodness gracious. It’s bad. I’m not gonna do the dialogue because of how badly I’ll gross myself out with the ick. I hate reading stutters and know y’all do too, so let’s just put it there and say it’s baaaaaad. Man turns into a cute little strawberry baby and it’s literally so cute. (Bro I just got the greatest Halloween costume idea for him but that’ll be a later story).
🩷Manz was raised right, and asked for permission before calling you it. Like he always wanted a s/o to be mushy with, now he finally has an excuse to be. He’s so sweet. (We’re both run out of ideas I’m so sorry I’m running on empty in terms of ideas.)
🩷And the nickname stuck.
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What he calls you: 🌸 Peaches
🌸I have no earthly idea it’s your ass. She just sweet like that. Or better yet she thinks you’re that sweet. It just seems like a yachi thing. She’s like yamaguchi but even more anxiety. 🌸Fir her the nicknames are a very intimate thing. She wanted to to have something that’s just you and hers. Something super unique and just for you and her. So what do you do? Think of something that reminds you of your significant other. And whenever she was brainstorming/overthinking, you were just eating peaches. So it was kinda like a sign. If you’re allergic to peaches, first off fuck you, and second, no you aren’t anymore. Sorry I don’t make the rules. And the nickname stuck.
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What he calls you: ❤️My Queen/king
❤️ Because it’s Tanaka. Like were you expecting anything else. Man is the human manifestation of a simp. Especially if you’re a pussy personal, omg man is the craziest mf ever. ❤️And when I say princess/prince treatment, I mean that shit. Like chivalry on meth. You see a puddle? Jacket is going on it. A door existing? Consider it opened. No problem too big (unless it’s math,) no issue too small, he puts full pussy into keeping you happy.
❤️Another situation where noya is responsible for the nicknames. And since im too lazy to put shit in between dialogue so we going text format
Noya- bro. Why tf you ain’t tell me you pull? Tanaka- BRO I DIDNT KNOW I COULD! Noya- BRO THEY SO FREAKING FINE Tanaka- LIKE FRRRRR😫 Noya- Bro treat them well or I will treat them better Tanaka- I will bro but back off bro 👿🫵 That’s my Queen/king Noya-
❤️He’s literally so baby girl it’s unforgivable. And the nickname stuck.
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What he calls you: 🧡 Mamas
🧡For one it’s cannon. One of the first lines we hear of noya (dub) is him yelling, “COME INTO MY ARMS SWEET MAMA!” Like a fucking menace. And that was kiyoko, imagine what it’s actually gonna be like with his s/o. Fucking hilarious, that’s what.
🧡But how did all this came to be? Well I have two hypotheses. A) he probably just came out the womb calling any hot Bahama mama he sees mamas. And low key it’s hilarious thinking of baby noya calling his preschool teacher mama. 🧡 But you know what, let’s go the route of it being special to you. And you know what that probably is? Imagine this. You’re on a date, and just chilling with your boyfriend. He took you out to a restaurant to eat for once. And then what happens? He ends up getting mistaken for your child. By some means, Tanaka found out and wouldn’t let it go. And the nickname stuck.
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What he calls you: 🌷Beau
🌷I have no fucking idea. He just does. He doesn’t even know. He didn’t want to be a basic bitch, but once again, Tanaka and noya came to raise hell. 🌷If you’re one of the genderqueer bitches like me, he’s doing it to be respectful. He doesn’t like always resorting to baby, or babe, he wants something special. And everything else was either super cringey to him or gendered.
🌷So he thought, what about beau? It’s short, unique, doesn’t make you uncomfortable, and is simple enough where he doesn’t feel uncomfortable calling you it in public. 🌷Sure he was a little nervous to call you it at first, (to be honest it probably just slipped out at first) but after that, it kinda became second nature to him. He literally introduced you to his friends as , “my beau, Y/n”. and the nickname stuck.
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What he calls you: 💜 Sweetie
💜She doesn’t have a reason. It’s just so normal to her. Or at least that’s what she told yachi. The real reason is simple. You’re a sweetie pie. Always so nice and gentle to everyone. She wants nothing more than to swaddle you up in a fluffy blanket and press little kisses to your face. 💜Like all I want in life is to cuddle her so bad.
💜And Apparently that’s all she needs. And to be fair, don’t we all need a kiyoko hug? Eh whatever, and the nickname stuck. (Can y’all tell I’m getting tired?)
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What he calls you: 💧Sweetheart
💧Same as kiyoko tbh. He’s definitely a gentleman, but pretty cliche. Writers block is kicking my ass so yolo.
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What he calls you: 🪷Sugar
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What he calls you: 🪻Angel
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What he calls you: ❤️‍🔥Baby
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What he calls you: 🌺Hun/Honey
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kirnx-art · 2 years
Today I saw a post on Reddit about "why Taro is bland character and why (suddenly) Kaga should be in his place"
And then I thought, like...
Kaga is a fucking charismatic character with a catchy design, I'm sure he'll play a big role in the yansim story (not just as rival suitor, no, it's something much more, I think)
He shouldn't be in place of Taro
I mean, Kaga is clearly not the type that many girls would fall in love with. And I think that even if a lot of girls fell in love with him, he would most likely reject them right away, since he is too busy to be in romantic relationship (Megami is the only exception for reasons that you know)
Also I don't like at all how people think that senpai has to be the most handsome/smart/strong in the school so that like...Ayano could fell in love with him. No one thinks about the fact that, actually, Taro as a completely ordinary boy is a good concept. Like, you don't have to be the most popular in school to fall prey to a stalker and maniac. None of us are safety. Isn't that scary?
About why so many girls fell in love with Taro, I would like to talk later. Now it's just indignation because of another "Taro is boring" post
And yeah... I am Taro simp
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angelsarewatching · 2 years
Give us a rundown of each version of Ghost. 💖
Simon "Ghost" Delphine: Basically grew up in a very unforgiving household where he was very touch starved and saw his father giving more (bad) attention to his brother which made him have a very unhealthy, obsessive-like predatory relationship with his father, leading to him always craving the spotlight and everyone's attention--and could only get it in one way--through sex appeal. This was the Ghost that dressed in scantily outfits to be playfully catcalled by his other classmates, knew how to rile the boys in the locker rooms, flattered himself with makeup and short skirts with stockings, abusing their fetish for young, dainty girls. CNC addicted.
OG Ghost: Literally what it says on the tin. Bland. A good bloke, but nothing more to it. Honestly needs a 360 makeover with a lot of trauma.
CIS Ghost with an army dentist for a dad: No childhood trauma, but had a very abusive, controlling and manipulative girlfriend named Andrea (I think that was the name I gave her.) Once, he was glassed on the face by her with a bottle of whiskey, she was in tears and apologized so he thought it was A-OK until Blomqvist came back from work and slammed him on the face and said "That's Abuse." He (very tearfully) broke up with her and there's a part where a very hurt Price said that he was the reason why Andrea was abusive to him, fucking him over. (Price had his ego hurt by Ghost, so he gathered what weak ammunition he could to go against him. What the fuck, Price.)
Trans and mute Ghost: what it says on the tin. basically a flustered schoolgirl who just got a crush on her senpai, minus the yandere part.
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metalandmagi · 4 years
The Lesser Known Best Girls of 2020
Anime this year has had its ups and downs, but do you know what gets on my nerves? When people ignore all the amazing female characters we’ve gotten and just assume Chizuru Mizuhara from Rent-a-Girlfriend is the best girl of the year (who is also amazing and deserves to be worshiped). Sure, we have Tohru Honda, Nobara Kugisaki, Abby, and Chika and Kaguya. But when will people start noticing the other MVPs of the year?
So this is an appreciation post for all the anime girls nobody has talked about from 2020 (at least, the new ones…sorry continuing series girls like Asirpa and Chihaya and Myne).
1. Kazuya’s grandma from Rent-A-Girlfriend. Because she constantly roasts Kazuya, she’s the reason this hot mess of a show exists, and without her, we would not get to know Chizuru.
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2. Makoto’s mom from Ikebukuro West Gate Park. Because she’s the perfect blend of no-nonsense mentor and pure cinnamon roll who does more to solve people’s problems than her son. Why can’t she be the protagonist?
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3. Swindler/Ordinary Person from Akudama Drive. Because she has gone through some of the most character development of the year, from a somewhat bland but still sweet cinnamon roll to a crispy bun who has seen some shit and has come out the other side. Or at least I hope she does, the show’s not over yet.
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4. Makoto Ohno from Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater. Really all the girls in this show are best girl material, but Makoto is the perfect senpai who is underrated and unjustly ignored…just like this show. Please watch this show, it’s the most wholesome watch of the year without being annoyingly moe.
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5. Minare Koda from Wave Listen to Me! Because she’s a hilarious boss ass bitch who represents all the women watching anime as jaded adults, and she practically carries that entire show on her own.
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6. Natsume from Deca-Dence. Because she’s basically an adult version of Emma from The Promised Neverland with the addition of a mechanical arm and a cute pet.
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7. Catarina Claes from My Next Life as a Villainess. Because she’s so fun to be around, she accidentally turned herself in to the protagonist of the harem game…and she never has to end up with anyone to consider her ending successful.
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8. Somali from Somali and the Forest Spirit. Because I would cut off my own arms to ensure her happiness. Apparently, most people don’t realize Somali is a girl and everyone forgot how adorable this show is.
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9. Chiyuki Fujito from Smile Down the Runway. Because she’s a great example of a typical determined anime protagonist who isn’t annoying and is easy to root for. And she ended up getting side-lined in her own anime in favor of the male co-protagonist.
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10. Arte…from Arte. Because she never gives up and constantly deals with people belittling her artistic abilities, but she’s still a kind person who doesn’t have to act more masculine to respect herself…..just ignore the hair thing at the beginning of the show.
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11. Oden/Hina from The Day I Became A God. Because she’s hilarious and effortlessly endearing, and she gets bonus points for her big “love confession” being familial and not romantic…cuz that would make the show very…different
Oh well, she’s a good girl either way, even if the show’s ending grosses me out.
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*editing this in after the fact* 12. DEAR GOD HOW DID I FORGET NOI FROM DOROHEDORO!? SHE LITERALLY GOT ME THROUGH SO MUCH OF THAT SHOW! Everyone’s favorite super buff lovable antagonist. She’s the perfect woman, nothing more to be said.
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And finally, the best girl of the year:
Sayaka Kanamori from Keep Your Hands Off Eizoken. Because her design is unique, she’s a shrewd, brilliant business girl, and without her, the show would go nowhere because the other girls would spend all day daydreaming about making an anime and never actually do it.
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And some honorable mentions:
Michiru Kagemori from BNA. Because her design is awesome. I just can’t remember much about her…personality wise.
Jing Xialian and Sophia Taylor from Appare Ranman. Because despite being the token women in an otherwise all male cast, they are the most interesting and entertaining characters in the whole show. They just need more screen time. Seriously, I love Appare, but I wish they were the protagonists.  
 Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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i love Kakashi and Tenzo's friendship- it's so sweet?? it's hard to describe, i just love the thought of them in their Anbu days where they're are still a bit young dumb and traumatized as fuck- there they are just two sad teenagers hanging out post-mission, i'd like to think Kakashi was the first erson to cook Tenzo an actual meal (cuz i imagine they don't really have that in root/anbu?? maybe just a lot of food/protein pills??) anyways this is just a long way for me to say that Kakashi and Tenzo have post-mission dinners where they celebrate not dying and not getting too injured to be stuck in a hospital for a week XD and even then Kakashi bring bento boxes whenever he can
Tenzo also gets to experiment using his Mokuton for non-letal/non-mission purposes like making cute little wooden dolls and stuff (he gives every single dog carving he makes to Kakashi and over time Kakashi has a vast collection starting from Tenzovs first little clumsy attempt to his most current rendition of Kakashi's entire pack)
I imagine Good homemade food is not something Danzo worries too much about. Anbu operatives have a bit more freedom and opportunity to enjoy food outside of work, but Tenzo is completly bew to not just eating the blandest food
So kakashi decides to treat his adorable Kohai one day and make him a nice meal after the successful completion of their first mission as a team. Yamato’s eyes bug out when he see’s the food, and he eats every last bit of food Kakashi gives him. It’s the best thing he has ever had, and starts him down a long line of eating real proper food as much as he can. Soldier pills are nice when he’s on a mission, but as soon as he’s back in the village he won’t touch them.
Kakashi also teaches tenzo how to cook and Tenzo takes to it easily. It’s relaxing and fun, and lets him experiment with the different flavors he won’t get when Kakashi cooks (kakashi’s palate can only handle bland food, while Tenzo likes all sorts of flavors )
And the wooden carvings, omg. The first time Tenzo tries to make one he’s unsure and it comes out all clunky and awkward, but Kakashi loves it. He cherishes it just as much as the later more detailed and smooth carvings. And he’ll show it off to anyone who visits his room and make sure they know it was Tenzo who made it. Tenzo’s usually rather embarrassed by his Senpai, but he feels loved and appreciated whenever Kakashi talks about his collection of dog carvings.
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killemwithkawaii · 3 years
K.E.W.K.: Seriously, I want to get out of here... spit it out- where did you hide my car, Dumbshit?
[Anon]: I... didn't hide your car?
[Anon]: If I would have gotten a different one, you could have noticed the VIN numbers were different! And it would look even more fishy if I had scratched it out-
L.S.S.: ...I suggest you give us your keys before Mitchie gouges out your other eye and we leave you for the critters, Dicksack.
[Anon]: [Sweating] ..... but it's a rental....
K.E.W.K. and L.S.S.: ............
[Anon]: ........ Okay, fine.......
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K.E.W.K.: [laughing] Looks like people want to keep seeing you get your ass kicked, [Anon]... Hey! That's what we could do with him...
L.S.S.: Keep kicking his ass? I don't think I have the energy for it anymore....
K.E.W.K.: Hehehe, that's okay... we have other people to kick his ass for us... >:3
[Anon]: What?
K.E.W.K.: Let's see.... R anon wants to keep him chained in the basement as a punching bag, 🌌 anon wants to kick him in the balls, 👁4👁 anon wants to cut out his tongue....
L.S.S.: Oh, I see where you're going with this... looks like Dumbshit is gonna get passed around like a Pancake Patty...
K.E.W.K.: [barely audible] ...I think it's 'Flat Stanley' in this timeline....
L.S.S.: What? But, that doesn't even sound good...!
K.E.W.K.: ...[sigh] we should have known he was a fake when he was getting all the pop culture references right....
But yes, that's exactly right, sweetie! I should write up a sign-up sheet...~ >:3c
[Anon]: [sweating]
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K.E.W.K.: You can call Dumbshit anything you want to, Gracie! ^^
[Anon]: My name isn't Casper, it's [muffled, indecipherable]
K.E.W.K.: Shhh, nobody cares c:
L.S.S.: We're doing better, now that we have a way home and have somewhere to drop this bag of shit off.... Ugh, I'm gonna sleep for days....
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L.S.S.: Yeah, as annoying as he is now, it was way worse before we gave that to him....
[Anon]: I got my skin ripped off and my eye gouged out! It was awesome, but it still hurt...!
K.E.W.K.: Aaaand who's the one who made me do that...?
[Anon]: (grumbling)
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L.S.S. and K.E.W.K.: 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏
K.E.W.K.: We have something to eat on the way home!!
L.S.S.: Do not apologize Filipino Food Anon, this is EXACTLY what we need! I was thinking we'd be eating a bunch if gas station food today.
K.E.W.K.: Still better than anything this asshole fed us...
[Anon]: Hey! I worked really hard on that dinner!!
K.E.W.K.: It was bland, the courses didn't compliment each other at all, your plating was uninspired and I know those mushrooms were canned....
L.S.S.: Canned mushrooms?? Nasty...
[Anon]: [offended]
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K.E.W.K.: oh yeah, I was fully prepared to kill him so me and Sally could live.
L.S.S.: And I would have helped dismember and bury him, too.
[Anon]: I could have easily died, but ah... what a way to go, though...~
K.E.W.K. and L.S.S.: :/
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L.S.S.: Before he sewed my mouth shut? Fucking with my nail beds and pricking me with needles, mostly...
[Anon]: Don't forget the sack taps! :D
L.S.S.: [sarcastic] Oh, how could I forget....
[Anon]: As for the food, I stole their grocery receipts on day one, bought the same groceries, and left them outside for a few days, and then when they were admiring my art-
K.E.W.K: Your stalker nest in my demolished car-
[Anon]: It was an art installation. I switched their food with the near-rotten stuff while they were out, and they were too distracted to notice before I cut the power :D Pretty sneaky, right...? As for the posts, I was just deleting them as soon as they posted them.. Senpai, you really need to change your password sometimes. It's basic stuff... :/
K.E.W.K.: ....
Oh, fuck you.....
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K.E.W.K.: [choked up] Thank you, 🌌anon, that means a lot to me!! 🥺 Day 31 is gonna be fluffy as fuck! We deserve it!!
L.S.S.: I'd go so far as to say that's an understatement. [Barely audible] You should make it even fluffier than that....
[Anon]: [screaming]
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L.S.S.: Another honeymoon gift? I didn't know Grace sent us one! Did she say what it is...?
K.E.W.K.: Ehehehe.... Let's give you a few days to rest up, and then we can open it... :3c 💕
L.S.S.: Heh... sounds like a plan 💙
[Anon]: (grumbling)
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Gilgamesh's Bizarre McDonalds Adventure
A short story about Gilgamesh's first experience at McDonalds. A great adventure ensues!!!
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It was a blistering hot day within the city; golden rays of sunlight beaming overhead. As Gilgamesh made his way through the bustling masses of humans surrounding his resplendent visage, he caught sight of a rather mundane building, with sparkling golden arches attached to it. Although its architecture was bland- if not entirely disappointing for the king-he appreciated their logo.
"Hoh, what an amusing use of gold that is!" Perching his Gucci brand sunglasses on the bridge of his perfectly-shaped nose, curiosity danced a merry jig within his heart. He would check out this location, poste-haste!
Seas of passers-by split in two, as they gazed in awe at the fashionable king of heroes, mouths agape with wonder. As Gilgamesh soaked within the ecstasy of receiving such arduous attention, he trooped inside of the local McDonalds. He was a man on a mission. As he gazed upon the glowing boards, and begrudgingly joined the queue; he formulated an order within his mind.
'Although one such as I should have no need to wait, I shall exercise patience for now.' Gilgamesh was much more patient than some would perceive him to be. Although he possessed disdain for the laws of the mongrels, he would sometimes abide to them.
Finally. The queue had ever-so-rightfully dispersed, finally giving him the chance to make an order! As Gilgamesh glided towards the counter, his gleaming red orbs widened with horror. Bright orange hair, golden eyes, and a worn-out expression...
Standing right before him was none other than his master, Gudako.
"Hello, how may I collect your order- HOLY SHIT!" Ruby red eyes gazed into amber ones; confusion etched upon both of their faces. "G-GILGAMESH?! WHY ARE YOU AT MCDONALDS?!"
"Heh, you've asked a good question, mongrel," Plonking his arm upon Gudako's worktop, he leans forward; eyes gleaming. "It was nothing but a mere coincidence! Places as inferior as these don't usually garner my attention, but..."
"...You liked the golden arches of the logo, didn't you?" Gudako couldn't help but crack a grin at that.
"You know your king well." It took all of Gudako's strength to stop herself from bursting out into laughter from that.
Lowering her cap so that Gilgamesh couldn't catch her befuddled expression, she sighs. "But to think we'd meet when I'm on shift! That's a funny coincidence."
"If only I had known sooner. I would've taken great pleasure in extorting my connection with you to obtain an endless supply of nuggets!" Realization dawned upon Gilgamesh, as he snapped his fingers. "On that note. I shan't dally any further. Bring me two units of 20-piece chicken nuggets, Gudako!"
"Understood." It took Gudako a monumental amount of effort to stop herself from laughing at the sheer absurdity of this situation. On average, she found him to be utterly frightening; but during times such as these, he was quite fun to be around.
"That'll be USD $10-" A massive golden bar smashed against the counter, as the surrounding customers' eyes popped out of their sockets. "...I only asked for $10..." No matter how many times Gudako tried to pass the gold bar back, Gilgamesh vehemently refused. "B-but, Gilgamesh...W-we can't melt gold at McDonalds, you know..."
"And why should I care? This gold bar is for nobody but you. Take that as payment for providing me with such ample entertainment." Gilgamesh deviously winked as he left the counter, leaving an array of gobsmacked staff and customers behind. "Despite being in such a drab location; today's customer service was well beyond my expectations!!" As he went to collect his order- as fellow staff yelled and cheered as they crowded around the gold- Gudako desperately desired to be swallowed up by the ground.
'W-what the hell...' Gilgamesh really did march to the beat of his own drum sometimes...
Confidentially cradling two boxes of nuggets within his arms, Gilgamesh was about to make his way towards his seat; until a small figure bashed against his leg.
'Of all the godforsaken things to happen-' Gilgamesh was fully prepared to eviscerate the being who would dare to collide with his leg. However, he rescinded once he caught sight of what it was.
"M-my chicken nuggets...." It was none other than a small child, their nuggets splayed across the floor. "My poor nuggets..." As the child began to burst into tears, Gilgamesh crouched besides them.
"Mongrel." Gilgamesh commanded their attention instantly, as they spun to face him. "You should employ the utmost of caution when traipsing around places such as these." Feeling ashamed, the kid was about to burst into tears again, until Gilgamesh softly placed a hand on their shoulders; his expression warm. "Shh, there's no need to cry."
"B-but sire, my nuggets...They're the highlight of my day..."
"Hoh, is that so?" As the kid nodded their head, the king cackled with laughter. "You possess rather fine tastebuds, young one. Well then, shall I pay you with some nuggets in reparation?" The kid's eyes leapt with joy, as Gilgamesh passed him an entire box of nuggets. "Now, be off."
The kid happily yelled 'thank you!' as they waved and ran back to their table. Although Gilgamesh was a little pained to be passing with his nuggets, he didn't mind lending the child a hand.
However, he wouldn't have to mourn his nuggets for long! Not too soon after, another staff member passed him a new 20 pack of nuggets. "Here you go. The boy's parent wanted to give you a peace offering or something-" Before the staff could finish speaking, Gilgamesh randomly thrust a $10 dollar bill into their hand. "W-whoa, what's this?"
"Your tip. Take it."
It looked like he'd still get to eat 40 nuggets, after all.
As he finally located an empty table situated by the window, a set of very familiar figures assaulted his vision. A bespectacled purple-haired girl, a man decked in a cursed Hawaiian T-shirt, another character with spiky white hair; and a radiant, red-haired woman were all seated together, sharing a vast array of fast food.
"Oho, look who the cat decided to drag in here today!" Gilgamesh all but exclaimed, as he smirked at the unlucky bundle of servants.
"...I could say the exact same thing." Archer sighed, as he shifted as far away from Gilgamesh as possible, as Mash dropped her fries into her milkshake in shock- Boudicca almost choking on her burger.
"G-geh, Gilgamesh? What the hell are you doing here?!" Lancer Cu's face contorted with displeasure. "Of all the fucking people to appear..."
"And why should I satisfy you with an answer, mongrel?" Gilgamesh's response elicited nothing but sighs. "Let me hazard a guess- that faker over there is the reason why you're all gathered here today."
"That's just like you, to ask us for an answer; without providing one of your own. How classy of you." Archer was practically radiating with sarcasm. Before the two of them could start an argument, Mash cut in.
"Yes, we decided to give Gudako a surprise visit today!" Mash all but beamed. "I'm glad to see senpai working so hard at her job." As her and Boudica openly explained their motives to the king, Archer sighed.
At this rate, he'd never be rid of Gilgamesh.
TO BE CONTINUED....(lmao its only a parody fic)
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jippy-kandi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 – Episode 13: Garudamon Of The Crimson Wings (Review)
Thoughts on the thirteenth episode of the Digimon Adventure reboot series.
So . . . I really liked this episode. *surprised Pikachu face.* The plot was fine enough for a kids’ show, and I just personally really love these characters. That’s enough for me! :P
The funbeemon are so cute! *SQUISH* But don’t they sound like Takeru/Patamon? lol.
Cannonbeemon being a floating base was pretty cool. And I definitely got Star Wars vibes when the Waspmon were floating around while Sora and Yamato were on the forest floor, and when they were inside the hangar in Cannonbeemon -- plus all the laser attacks being like the guns/lightsabers. And Jou was even in a garbage chute! I just like all the references to other movies that the reboot keeps paying homage to.
I did laugh when Jou fell off Birdramon, lol. But the reboot did go overboard in this episode with just how pathetic Jou is . . . he was pretty unlikable here, instead of just amusing. They better “redeem” him in his super evolution episode! :P But his relationship with Gomamon continues to be endearing.
I did like the reference to the OG when reboot Taichi “jokes” that he’ll whack Koushirou’s laptop to get it to work -- but it highlighted the main difference between OG Taichi and reboot Taichi, with reboot Taichi looking worst off. Because when reboot Taichi said it, it seemed “off” for him -- because he is a more responsible and, frankly, bland version of Taichi. It made sense later when he said he was just kidding, because it really didn’t suit him. But it does suit OG Taichi, and that “irresponsible” boyish charm he had is definitely missed.
I liked Yamato and Sora standing in front of their digimon to protect them -- it’s a nice switch up. But . . . that’s pretty dangerous, you know? Your digimon should protect you! :P
Yamato and Sora riding Garurumon together, with Sora holding onto Yamato = ICONIC. XD; Is it Christmas? Is Toei Animation OK??? XD; I honestly can die happy as a Sorato fan now, lmao. Who would have thought 2020 was going to revive Sorato this blatantly? Especially after how tri. treated them? Not me! But I’m definitely super happy to be on this ride. :)
I still don’t understand why the reboot keeps doing what I assume is supposed to be a “slow-motion” thing -- but that doesn’t even look like it’s slow-motion? Yamato and Sora jump off Garurumon, but just continue to float in the air for several long seconds . . . HOW!? XD;
As expected, WereGarurumon’s “stock” super evolution sequence is way better than the first time around, just like MetalGreymon’s. I guess they didn’t have time to finish animating complete sequences for the earlier episodes due to the pandemic? Who knows. But I likey. WereGarurumon is actually my favourite digimon, design-wise. (Well, besides Omegamon.)
These kids are so incredibly brave to just jump out of a floating digimon . . . they were basically skydiving with no parachute! :P Just the trust that Piyomon would evolve in time to catch them. Respect. XD;
But Sora held onto Gomamon and Jou with one hand . . . lmao. Sora is jacked!!! XP; Yamato, don’t argue with your future girlfriend, she will kick your arse. XD;
Sora: “I’m going to save the others!” Yamato: “I knew it.” Sora: “How come?” Yamato: “If you remember what happened with Neamon, it’s obvious. I knew you wouldn’t just leave those funbeemon behind.” Sora: “*smiles*” I. LOVE. IT. This is my favourite exchange of the episode, and is the most direct “equivalent” to the OG’s episode 26 (where Birdramon evolves to Garudamon), in regards to Sorato. OG Adventure episode 26 is the actual start of the Sorato foreshadowing, where Yamato is shown to understand Sora and support her and “let her cry”. Here, Yamato is shown to be perceptive and understanding of what Sora would do, and support her in her endeavour. IT’S FUCKING GREAT! :P
Well, at least Jou and Ikkakumon helped out with the waspmon, so they weren’t completely useless. :P
Sora finally addresses Yamato by name in this episode, and she does it without honourifics -- she just calls him “Yamato”. I personally would’ve preferred that she called him “Yamato-kun” so that she could’ve dropped the “-kun” later in the series (as she does in the OG), to show that they’ve become close friends . . . but I suspect the reboot wants to keep the “name significance” to Yamato and Taichi (the blatant main characters of the series). Yamato calls Taichi by his last name “Yagami” -- it’s therefore going to be A Big Deal when he finally calls him “Taichi”. Yamato has never addressed Sora by name -- though it’s likely he’ll call her “Takenouchi” (if he ever does address her), until he finally calls Taichi by his first name. I think only after that happens, will Yamato ever address the other kids by their first names, because the reboot is “saving” it for Taichi. Taichi already immediately called Yamato by his first name only, with no honourifics, and this is probably more due to the reboot wanting Taichi to seem super friendly (ie. he makes friends fast and immediately called Yamato his friend). Sora, however? I think it’s more because they are the same age that she chose not to use honourifics for him. Although, because she calls Jou “-senpai” and Mimi “-chan” . . . I would’ve expected her to call Yamato “-kun” or “-san” for a while first, just because she comes across to me as someone who uses honourifics respectfully. BUT HEY. No honourifics straight off, OK, fine, I’ll accept that they’re close friends as soon as Yamato calls Sora by her first name. :P
I think Sora’s super evolution felt the most flat. But at this point, I don’t care, I’m just going to accept all the super evolutions as a necessary speed-through to hopefully get to the juicier character arcs for the mega evolutions. If this series does end up having 66 episodes, that’s a lot of time for character growth!
The reboot’s blatant favouritism of Taichi and Yamato is annoying at this point, though. Yamato’s digimon gets not one, but TWO super cool evolution sequences this episode -- and Sora’s digimon gets pretty much a blink to Garudamon, lol. WHO IS THE STAR HERE? :P Garudamon and her attacks are pretty cool, though.
Sora and Yamato were honestly really good teammates. What a competent duo! I will need more of this please, reboot. I’m sure you’ll deliver. :P
Overall, though the episode itself was nothing special, I still really enjoyed it due to Yamato and Sora being my absolute favourite characters. :P
But my one major criticism is that for a Sora-centered episode . . . it really didn’t have enough Sora. But Sora is great! She definitely is a better character than when she was first introduced. I love her. And so does Yamato.
And, completely off-topic, but . . . RIP Chadwick Boseman. An amazing talent gone way too soon. :(
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iwaqchan-archive · 4 years
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author´s note; today is my husband´s birthday and honestly i´ve been working on this for a week, it´s the longest piece i´ve written up to date and wow. also i want to thank (as well as apologize omg) to @kamehamethot​ and @briswriting​ for annoying the fuck out of you for days. i love you and thank you for not kicking my ass. i would be incredibly lost without you!
everything in this post was made by me!
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pairing; iwaizumi hajime x reader
word count; 1770
genre; fluff, slight angst?
requests; open
wanna be on my haikyuu!! taglist?
take a look at my iwa-chan birthday edit, if you want!
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His eyes stared into the colourful night, lights shining brightly across the sky, his back pressed comfortably against the glass of his garret window. The roof of his home had always been a comforting place for him, no worries would follow him here, as there was only the night and its chilly winds to think about. Time seemed nonexistent up there, as he wasn’t sure how many minutes or perhaps even hours he had spent immersed in his own thoughts, which had been keeping him up at night as of late. Not even the calm of the night and the wind sweeping through his spiky hair seemed to put his unusually frenzied mind at ease. The image of a girl with e/c eyes and the most bewitching of smiles appearing before him as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Hajime shook his head, hoping the motion would finally clear his mind of you, but as usual it merely ended up being a rather...futile attempt. His eyes cast down as he unlocked his phone, going through the various pictures in his gallery, when he stumbled upon a particularly charming one. It was a photograph of you, eyes sparkling in the sun, smile so bright it could rival any jewel and most importantly all of your attention was on him. Not on that bastard Shittykawa, like it seemed to be for these last couple of days. He probably should have known from the start, everyone always seemed to fancy Oikawa quite a lot more than they ever did him. This wasn’t something that usually got to him, at least never quite to this extent, after all he had gotten relatively used to it over the years.
Most girls he found himself enamoured with fell victim to Tōru Oikawa’s endless charm, ridiculously beautiful face and athletic genius. While many things changed in his life with time, this and the ever annoying presence of his companion seemed to be only things staying constant. Sometimes he figured he really had no right to complain, he cherished his friendship with Tōru, he truly did, but he couldn’t help feel the slightest bit of resentment towards the Grand King. He felt bland compared to him, he didn’t have an enthralling smile, a presence so grand and otherworldly or even wits to make up for his lack of charisma. Sure, he had quite a nice physique if he dared say so himself, something he had worked incredibly hard for and his skin had an olive tan that many of his peers were jealous over even if he couldn’t quite understand why. But he was still quite rough around the edges, a brute as Oikawa liked to call him and more often than not he didn’t even look approachable, especially not to girls.
With a sigh and another shake of his head, he began to climb back inside his room, the sudden warmth making tiny goosebumps appear on the naked skin of his arms and neck. He fell back onto his bed, finding his thoughts racing once again, more so than before, making him groan in utter frustration at his own dilema. Sleep won’t find him tonight, he figured as he prepared himself for another restless night.
The hallway was alive, students and teachers alike buzzing along the corridors trying to quickly make their way to the cafeteria, but not you. You on the other hand were trying to maneuver your way through the thick crowd of people, a certain destination - or rather a certain someone set in your mind. A tiny box held by your slightly shaky hands, if it was out of nervousness or fright you weren’t quite sure. But you supposed it really didn’t matter all too much, especially now with the sight of his spiky brown hair coming into view. The skin of your cheeks suddenly heated up, a rosé blush quite evident on them - you had  never been so grateful for his eyes being glued to his phone. His brows were scrunched in evident concentration, and admittedly it would have been quite the adorable sight, if your heart wasn’t threatening to burst out of your chest at any moment.
“Iwaizumi-san”, the sound of your angelic voice snapping him out of his daze, eyes quickly darting towards your blush adorned face. He really couldn’t help the small smile forming once he noticed the pink hue on your cheeks, but quickly made sure to replace it with his usual poker face. “I have something I would like to give you.”, you continued, voice more quiet and unsure than usual. Your slightly shaky hands lifted, showing a small lunch box wrapped neatly with a blue sparkly band around it. It was quite endearing actually. Everything about you was, the way you refused to drop the honorific, no matter how many times he told you there really was no need for it, just because he was your senpai. Or the way your eyes seemed to sparkle whenever you got excited, the words tumbling from your lips in such a haste, it took him a lot of willpower and concentration to catch every word. There were so many things he liked about you, it would take him hours to name them all, and even then he was sure there were so many more he simply hadn’t discovered yet.
“....Oikawa.” and suddenly he was no longer in that love-struck daze, that name ringing in his ears like the drill of a whistle. Of course, that box in your hands was more than likely something you made especially for him. For Oikawa. “Oikawa?” he repeated, a bitter taste staying on his tongue after the name left his lips. “Uh..yeah..Oikawa-san?”, a sudden uncomfortable silence fell between the two of you, nervous eyes darting from his taller form to the tiny box in your hands. His eyes were narrowed, a kind of expression on his face you had never seen before, and for a split second you swore you saw a flash of hurt cross his face. “Yeah...no, thanks.”, and with a final shake of his head, he went on his way, leaving you standing by his locker, stumped and upset. Once again, your eyes found the small box still held in between your hands, wet spots littered the lid, along with the heart shaped glitter stickers you put in hopes of emphasizing your point. Guess all of that was for nothing, you thought as you dumped the box along with its contents into the nearest bin, unaware of the hazel eyes watching from the other side of the hallway.
Hajime felt miserable, he was angry, with Oikawa, with you but mostly with himself for once again thinking he had even an ounce of a chance. Obviously you would fall for his best friend, he had never met a girl who didn’t like Tooru at least a little bit. “What’s gotten you in such a sour mood, Iwaizumi?”, Mattsun questioned, clearly concerned for his friend. It wasn’t often they saw him with a scowl this big without the presence of a certain setter around, and usually this was an even bigger cause for concern. He wasn’t ready to reply, not yet anyways, but before he even had the chance to utter a reply, a sound that could only be described as a shriek filled his ears. “IWA-CHAN!” His eardrums will have permanent damage, he was absolutely certain of it as the setter all but stormed up to the table he was currently sitting at. “Why did you make Y/N-chan cry?”, the taller male practically seethed at him, a look so angry it could even rival his own signature scowl. A lump formed in his throat, did he really make you cry? “Y/N-chan and I spent so much time making you that stupid tofu, only for you to be so mean to her? She even threw it away!” He let his friend ramble on, the weight of his actions slowly sinking in, that box had been his all along. Truly, he was an absolute moron, if he had only listened to you properly instead of falling into one of his daydreams. Without uttering a single word, he stood up from his seat and dashed out of the cafeteria, dead set on making it right this time.
He found you in your classroom, head caged between your arms as you cried silently. The lump in his throat only growing tighter, his steps small and silent as he moved to the seat in front of your desk. You were alerted of his presence when you heard the scratching of the chair against the wooden floor, his eyes sharp as ever, staring at your admittedly crestfallen form. “I’m sorry, Shittykawa told me...I thought you made it for him.” Made it for Oikawa? You weren’t quite sure if you heard him right, his voice was unusually quiet, missing it’s confidence and authority. “No, i asked him for help. It was supposed to be a surprise for you, Iwaizumi-san.”
Now he really felt awful, your bright eyes peering up at him, small hands wiping away the tears staining your cheeks. Without thinking, his hand reached out, wiping a stray tear from your cheek, which in turn heated up at the softness of his gesture. Out of instinct, your eyes drifted away from his leafy-greens, the pink in your cheeks only darkening in colour. Hajime cleared his throat, straightening in his seat at the same time. “Why...uhm...did you make the food in the first place?” Uncertainty quite discernable in his voice, eyes once more finding your own. You must have looked like a tomato at this point, ears burning with utter embarrassment as you tried to stammer out a response. “I...like you.”
Green eyes widened at your statement, his lips suddenly turning upwards into a wide grin, one of his hands finding your significantly smaller one, thumb carefully stroking along your knuckles. “I...uh...like you too. And i am sorry about the tofu, perhaps I can take you out on a date? You know as..uhm...reparation?” You have never agreed faster to anything in your life.
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