#seraphine butterfly
seraphinesaintclair · 3 months
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“Untitled IV” by Seraphine Saintclair
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djmercy-wh3us · 4 months
The Butterfly Lineages
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Constellariaverse Musicalineverse AstraAndStarryverse AlgolVerse Seraphine-Rosalindaverse
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booksdaydream · 3 months
The Blind Rider Ch36
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The room was enormous. There was a vivarium on the other end of the room, beautifully white frames with green light coming from inside it. Escaping the glass windows. No way was it an expanded space, was it? Trees adorned it, with butterflies and some fwoopers flying about. You saw the walls with portraits and Gryffindor paraphernalia. There were potions tables and planters lined up in the middle of the room, atop a red round rug.
As you entered, you realized there was perhaps another vivarium upstairs? To the right. And another to the left. You could feel your eyes doubling in size as you realized if Seraphine didn’t fit in the room itself, she probably would fit in any of those spaces. Looking up you could see a beautiful skylight and red drapes hanging as decoration. There was a light source too, for whoever was there needed to stay until the sun had already set. Or so you assumed. There was a hive of some sort on the column to the right, and shelves upon shelves of books on the walls near the first-floor vivarium.
Standing in the middle of the room, you swept the place as you twirled. There was an upstairs above the entrance too and a room to the side.
Magnus shrugged, “Through there is my private library and study? There are some comfy setees and where I grow my moonstone and other crystals.” He explained, standing next to you and pointing to the room to the side. “It was a last-minute expansion, so it’s not fully decorated.” He shrugged again, “I keep some relics I’ve found in adventures and such there too.”
“Is that another vivarium?” You asked, looking above the entrance.
“The mountain one.”
You scoffed, looking at him with big round eyes and raised eyebrows. “Just the mountain one.” You repeated, shaking your head side to side as you mimicked his voice poorly. Clearly, a little annoyed at such impressiveness he seemed to have come into possession. And kept as a secret. “H– How?” You stuttered as you asked in disbelief, shrugging your shoulders a little. You rested your hands on your hips, giving the room another sweep with your eyes. It was hard to believe a young man managed to decorate and acquire all the pieces that made that room simply fantastic.
“Professor Weasley insisted it would be useful last year for me. I thought we could share it if you’d like?” He offered, shrugging again.
*No reproduction of this text allowed without credit*
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
The Dowager Queen (7/?)
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Description: Helaena proudly shows off her gift from Jacaerys, and the fate of Seraphine's family is discovered.
Series masterlist
Alicent loved all her children, each brought to her life different wonders, and trials, but she would not deny that she held Helaena especially close to her heart.
Her only daughter, her sweet child who preferred roaming the gardens and chasing butterflies over politics and primping.
“Let me see it, sweetling.” She said, slightly afraid that Helaena was going to place another beetle in her outstretched hand.
Instead, Helaena placed a small silver bracelet in her palm.
“It has charms, see? A butterfly, a dragon, an embroidery hoop, and a shield.” She pointed at each charm with a gleeful smile. “The shield has a J hidden within it, because Jacaerys has promised he will become a great knight so that he may protect me.”
Alicent admired the gift and wondered if Jacaerys had help when selecting each charm, or if he had picked each small attachment himself.
“Do you wish for me to fasten it, princess?” Criston asked.
Helaena snatched the bracelet back and handed it to Criston holding her arm out impatiently.
He fastened the bracelet quickly, but still with a gentleness he had always treated Helaena with. He was never harsh with his words or actions towards her, never raised his voice, or attempted to force her into anything she feared.
Helaena held the bracelet up to the light. “I love it.” She said, a dreamy smile on her face. “He said he bought it the day Aegon and Seraphine met, but he had to wait for all the charms to be finished, so it took a while longer.”
“Did Jacaerys give you a reason for this gift?” She hoped Rhaenyra hadn’t intended to speed up the betrothal period, she wished for Helaena to remain a child, not a wife, for as long as possible.
Helaena looked down at her shoes, soft pink and dusted with dirt. “He said he does not want me to forget about him when we are apart. I do not know why he would think I could ever forget him, but he gave no answer, then ran away.”
Alicent shared a glance with Criston who was fighting back a smile.
“Perhaps the prince is feeling left out, you have been receiving quite a lot of attention lately, princess.” He said, carefully plucking a stray leaf from Helaena’s hair.
“But I do not wish for their attention, I like Jacaerys’, he is kind and quiet. He never asks me odd questions or says that I am simple.”
Alicent’s heart lurched into her throat. “Who has—”
“Who has said such things about you?” Criston beat her to it, kneeling down so that he could meet Helaena’s lowered eyes.
Helaena mumbled something Alicent didn’t catch.
Criston leaned forward and Helaena whispered in his ear.
He pulled back, his lips set in a hard line. “I am sorry he said such cruel things to you princess, your mother and I will discuss what needs to be done to prevent it from happening again.”
Helaena nodded, fingers fiddling with her bracelet. “May I go see Dreamfyre now?”
“Of course, sweetling, perhaps you should see if Jacaerys and Vermax would like to fly with you as well.”
Helaena brightened slightly at the suggestion and hurried out of the room.
“Who would dare to call my daughter simple?” She asked once Helaena had left.
Criston stood; his arms clasped behind his back. “One of the Tully boys, he had heard it said previously by Aegon.”
She sighed and held her hand to her heart. “I am aware that this started as merely teasing from an elder brother, but it has gone too far.”
“Shall I discipline him during training, My Queen?”
She clutched her pendent, turning the situation over in her mind. “Seraphine has been beside him for nearly four moons now, surely she watches his training?”
“Yes, she frequently cheers him and Aemond on, though there are times I have had to send her away, Aegon finds himself quite distracted by her presence.”
“Perhaps a simple embarrassment in front of her would be punishment enough?”
Criston looked at his boots, then back to her. “My Queen, if I might suggest something?”
She nodded.
“Seraphine seems quite fond of Helaena, perhaps if she were to find out what Aegon’s teasing has caused she would deal out the proper punishment?”
“Do I wish to know why Aegon and Seraphine are sitting on opposite ends of the table?” Rhaenyra asked from behind the rim of her goblet.
“One of the Tully boys called Helaena simple, he had heard it from Aegon, so I made sure that information was received by Seraphine—”
“Who has proclaimed herself Helaena’s defender, so now she is cross with Aegon.” Rhaenyra said, laughter coloring her voice.
“Yes, and he is quite upset by her ire. He came to me earlier for advice.”
Rhaenyra clinked her goblet against Alicent’s. “A brilliant move, My Hand.”
Alicent smiled reassuringly at a fidgeting Aegon. “I thank you, My Queen.”
“Do you wish to hold a ball for Aegon’s ten and fifth nameday? Lord Dumont has been keeping me updated on their lessons, and he says Aegon has been making great progress. Perhaps it would be a chance for him to put his budding skills to the test.”
Alicent chewed her food thoughtfully. As much as she agreed that a ball would be a wonderful chance for Aegon to meet others of the realm, she feared he was not yet ready. “It is a wonderful idea, but I would prefer he spends more time studying before we unleash him on the realm.”
Rhaenyra nodded. “I must admit, I am glad to hear you say that I truly did not wish to preside over a ball while heavily with child.”
Alicent gave her a sympathetic look. “I would never wish that upon anyone.”
Rhaenyra was soon to give birth, the maesters predicting a moon or two left.
“That would be a cruel fate indeed.”
They both looked up at the sound of giggling and saw Jacaerys and Helaena hopping in time to the music, their hands tangled together.
“I received a message, from the Riverlands, it seems Seraphine’s aunt and uncle had been found dead in their homes. A vicious attack, in the dead of night.” Rhaenyra continued, smiling briefly at Harwin who slid his potatoes onto her plate.
Alicent’s eyes flickered to Aegon who had gotten up and approached Seraphine, his hand held out to her.
After a prolonged moment of the two of them staring into each other’s eyes, she took his hand and allowed him to dance with her.
“That is tragic, I did wish we could get an answer from them.” She said, looking to Criston who stood poised and ready by the door.
He tilted his head ever so slightly, a concerned look in his eyes, and she gave him a small, but reassuring smile.
“Truly tragic.” Rhaenyra said, one hand resting on her rounded stomach.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010, @partypoison00, @serrhaewin, @issshhh, @pax-2735, @malfoytargaryen, @sahanna, @dellalyra, @mxrgodsstuff, @jkhomes, @unusual-raccoon, @boofy1998, @kravitzwhore, @caribbeangel, @krispold, @issshh, @afro-hispwriter, @ryswritingrecord, @prettykinkysoul, @elissanatok, @sahvlren, @its-sam-allgood, @happinessinthbeing, @8e-h-e8, @feyres-fireheart, @just-emmaaaa, @crazylokonugget, @hedahobbit98, @devils-blackrose, @mercedesdecorazon, @snh96, @imjustboredso, @izzicle, @hiatuswhore, @aslanvez, @devils-blackrose, @yentroucnagol, @queenofshinigamis, @partyposion00, @cryptidsrcool
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feathersontheclyde · 1 year
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Beatrice had not meant to be caught snooping on Seraphine and her lover. It was her own damn fault for entering her chambers without notice, something she'd been warned not to do countless times before, and what she'd seen gave her butterflies and forced her to turn away.
The words blurt out " We have to go! " Louder and faster than she meant them to. " W-when you're ready of course and... I will leave at once. " She bows awkwardly and spins toward the door. " As you were. "
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She pauses at the frame. " I'll be waiting in the courtyard. " She says and then she's gone, closing the door behind. She pauses there for a minute to breathe before getting as far away from there as possible.
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Regal Fairytale Academy Pixies {Remastered}
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(Some info I used from Pixie (Winx Wiki)
Pixies used to called as "minifate" , which means "little fairy" in Italian. Now it is not longer as call.
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Pixies formerly resided in the village where located in the forest of Aurora Empyrean.
In the present, they live in their village, city or realm.
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Powers & Abilities
According to the history, they can bond with fairies and help them in their way of becoming real accomplished fairies.
Currently, pixies can bond with other species like humans.
Various pixies have various powers and talents, like teleporting.
Not only a normal language, pixies can talk in others like ancient fairy language and nation language. They even can translate it but not quite correct.
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Pixies are small creatures with heads that are larger in comparison to their baby-like body. Their ears are point same as large fairies, while hybrids have other ears like fish fin.
In addition to butterfly wings, they have their own unique style of wings, such as a resemblance to dragon, angel or plants.
Their wings are bigger and colorful, some of are multi-layered.
Not only that, they wear different clothes of kinds and hair accessories.
Also, other fairies possess hybrid magic, either born or trained, such as a pixie born from a hybrid with a selkie.
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They are very helpful and sweet. But some of has their own personalities, like well-mannered and caring, cheerful, courageous and spunky, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
Dorm Pixies
In order to have own little fairy, the dorm leader has to wait patiently for the pixie come closer. If they have a strong connection between, either emotionally or empathically.
Two will become inseparable, just like twin sisters.
The bonded pixie would become a vice leader, live in the dorm and take change of the rest of the duty that the leader needed.
They have their own bed in the owner's room. It's like a doll's bed with their unique style of design.
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Dulcie (Dragonroyal) - Bonded with Seraphine
Venus (Voguefleur) - Bonded with Celine
Desirae (Sezonatura) - Bonded with Rozebelle
Yue (Melodiamour) - Bonded with Cadence
Aura (Techneige) - Bonded with Sophia
Meridia (Aquadormancy) - Bonded with Alcina
Flutter (Paw Pflege) - Bonded with Valeria
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Queen Harmonia, the Ruler of Pixie take a charge of protect the territory. She sometimes come to the school for visit dorm pixies.
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Harmonia very kind and always stays alert. She loves playing card games and reading. She can at times get annoyed when someone is fooling around to much.
She is very helpful to people.
She is responsible for protecting the kingdom and care about various subjects, such as making sure the preparations for each season of the year are completed on time.
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Magic & Weapon
Harmonia's magic is elemental magic, just like her wings is golden with rainbow colored. She mostly use light, but also use nature power.
The royal scepter is served as Harmonia's magic conduit.
The scepter is only available to monarchies of pixies, and is used to defeat enemies.
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Institute of Mean: Rude Awakening.
(AKA: Seraphine sees Evelynn’s true colours.)
Seraphine heard the announcer’s voice call out as the enemy nexus exploded into fragmentation of crimson energy.
“And that’s game!”
Seraphine slumped over, the adrenaline still flowing through her and she even got some new lyrics out of it.
Vi patted her shoulder casually, her hextech gauntlets hardening the motion to make Seraphine wobble off balance.
“Nice work out there.”
Seraphine’s voice died in her throat. She had something she wanted to show Vi, but she couldn’t do it now.
“Uh, yeah, thanks! You too.”
Vi either didn’t notice or didn’t care for Seraphine’s stilted response as she headed to the exit.
She’s so cool.
“Something on your mind, Songbird?”
Something about the way Eve said Seraphine’s nickname made her tingle.
“Nothing, just wanted to give Vi something I wrote. I worked pretty hard on it.”
“I’ll give it to her. She’s heading to the gear locker, so I’ll give her a surprise.”
Seraphine felt hope bubble in her stomach.
“You’d really do that?”
“Of course, what are friends for?”
With all the convincing she needed, Seraphine handed Evelynn the folded lyric sheet and let her go on her way.
Seraphine exited the rift, seeing the familiar faces of those she’d just fought. She wasn’t going to rub it in, poor sportsmanship wasn’t her thing.
Oh, Vi! Eve might’ve shown her the song, maybe she liked it? Or hated it? Only one way to tell.
The butterflies still swam in her stomach as she rounded the corner to find the locker door open and-
Then she saw them.
She saw Evelynn.
Saw Vi against the locker.
The song sheet was crumpled up under Evelynn’s heel and her lips were on Vi’s own.
Seraphine could feel her trust shatter. And her heart.
She caught the magenta glow of Evelynn’s eyes but that was all she could bear to see.
Turning on her heel, she walked out of the room, hoping no-one could see the tears in her eyes.
How had she been so stupid? Everyone warned her. Evelynn’s a monster, she’s a temptress, she uses people as toys.
Seraphine disagreed. She was so much worse than that.
Sarah slammed down the jagged dagger card from her hand. One card left before victory was hers to savour like fine wine.
“Almost ready.”
The door slammed open, scaring even Sarah as Seraphine slumped down on the bed with messy pink hair. Braum immediately stood up to place a comforting hand on the girl’s shoulder.
“What is wrong? Was the match lost?”
“It was Eve. She kissed Vi and crushed my song sheet. Sarah, you were right, she’s so much worse!”
Sarah looked to Illaoi, who proceeded to excuse herself from the room.
“It’s okay, Sera. It’s not your fault.”
“There was one time, where she and Sarah-
“Braum. Please. She’s not getting away with this. We’re making her pay.”
Seraphine sniffled, looking up to face Sarah’s gaze.
The devious grin on Fortune’s face was all she needed to know.
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
Femslash Fluffbruary: Butterflies & Purple Skies
As I am still doing the Femslash February with the prompts from @fluffbruary, today I got the prompt Butterfly. And I could not help myself and put a bit of action into the story! :D
League of Legends: Star Guardians with Senna/Seraphine!
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corrodedseraphine · 1 year
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your mentions, anonymous or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
sounds fun! but I have no idea what to write about myself 😂
I am not afraid of wasps but when I see a butterfly/grasshopper/moth I run as fast as I can, one day when I was alone at my grandparent's house a moth flew through the window and I panicked and closed the door to the room in which it was and didn't open the door, my grandfather did it when they came back the next day 😂
I am strongly addicted to league of legends and my favourite champs are: Seraphine/Morgana as Support, Miss Fortune as ADC and Ahri/Vex/Ekko on mid, now I am struggling because I want to learn how to play Jungle and I am trying with Lilia
My first celebrity crush was Joe Jonas 😂
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Seraphin, dreaming of gardens full of birdsongs, sunny avenues, and flowers, works as a ticket seller in a metro station underground. One day, after being scolded by the stationmaster for trying to save a butterfly that had flown into the station by accident, he learns that he has inherited an old, dilapidated house.
Overjoyed by the possibilities, he and his friend Plume set about building the house of their dreams, and much more besides! Philippe Fix's illustrations, cinematic in their scope, have enchanted children since their 1967 début. In a fresh translation, Seraphin now allows a new generation to experience the wonder and inventive spectacle of the original.
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seekslight · 5 months
@godsdefied  ;  seraphine
from  this  little  starter  call.  (  no  longer  accepting  )
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          𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬  𝐢𝐭'𝐬  𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠,  𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬  𝐢𝐭'𝐬  𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜,  𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬  𝐥𝐮𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚'𝐬  𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞  𝐢𝐬  𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭  𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭  𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐜𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬.  rushing  through  the  palace's  hallways,  butterfly  wings  moving  with  the  speed  of  light,  humming - bird  alike,  she  seeks  the  summer  court's  songstress  known  not  only  for  her  captivating  voice  but  also  for  her  skillful  navigating  through  royalty - related  situations.  to  whom  else  would  lady  crownguard  go  if  not  seraphine  after  such  exceptional  encounter?
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          ❝  the  lord,  ❞  she  manages  between  pants,  wiping  the  sweat  off  her  forehead  ;  hands  on  her  knees,  she  bends,  trying  to  catch  her  breath  (  her  wings,  though,  are  still  moving,  like  they  forgot  to  stop  ;  like  they  can't  register  they've  reached  their  destination  ).  it's  a  mix  of  fear  &&.  excitement  as  she  continues  with  her  voice  raised,  tone  higher  a  pinch.
          ❝  the  lord...  took  interest  in  me!  spoke  to  me!  what  am  i  to  do?!  ❞
          calm  down  first,  obviously,  and  she  knows!  but  in  order  to  do  so,  she'd  have  to  hear  it  from  someone  elese  ;  someone  trusted.  who  else  then,  if  not  her  dear  friend?
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alloyione · 8 months
Project concept journal: Stuff I want to work on: 33
Things I need to consider:
Legal restraints: Can i use music from relevant game? Or use from YoutubeLibrary? Can I post without monetizing? or risk copyright strike regardless? Doublecheck Transformative work and Derivative work IP Laws
Efficiency restrictions: Complication of scene? Too many characters? How simple is too simple? Can I reuse assets between projects? ways to efficiently simplify the shot as a single creator.
Logistical constraints: Suggested time for Shorts is 15 seconds, minute max with 10MB file size with 1920x1080 vertical resolution. Tumblr videos 10 minutes max or 500MB file size at 500x700 vertical resolution. Using YouTube Sound Effect catalogue limits video length to 15 seconds exactly? Check to see if same applies to YouTube Audio library.
1 second of animation is 12/24 frames professionally. 10sec/120-240 frames and 30sec/360-720 frames and etc. to keep in mind
Warframe animation shorts
warframe creator guidelines allows usage of their soundtrack and in game audio in passive advertisement content, but not for other projects not related to warframe.
ParkourFrame: empyrean NEZHA parkour takedown a corpus unit, skidding some flame trails, panning up his back as he comes to a stand, cut and Pan to face. Very detailed design, singular character, semi simple background, maybe a corpus hallway? 10 seconds?
BoardFrame: Yareli Kdriving, maybe kdrive dancing like longboard dancers. Maybe ask a mandachord artist if you can use their track with source and credit? Simplified design, singular character, could be on snowy hill path facing forward Simple parallax background slowly panning up with a minimal foreground. 15-16 seconds
RepairFrame: Warframe fishing for parts to help a vent kid with replacing a part that got messed up in a run, flashing back to catching them with other vent kids to stop her from falling off a cliff with a MOA clipped to her. Minimum 3 characters(WF VK MOA) simplified snow background, simplified vent kids chute, simplified cave fishing spot. Can attempt a motion comic style with minimal movement. Might be too complicated/extended storyline for a short, might make minute max. Try boarding it.
BOREDFrame: You wanna Nahhhh you wanna? Nahhhhhhh what about? NAAAAAAAAAHHHHH for warframe mission types then staying in orbiter. Decide on frames to be initiator and denier. super simplified Chibi maybe? Two character, maybe a grineer being shot. Multiple simplified backgrounds. 10 seconds
This is my A-Slot*look* this is my B-Slot *new look* this is my C-slot *newnew look* and this! is my d-slot >;3*look* 'Just pick one already before the void storm passes' 15 seconds?
BugFrame: Titania pranking people with little butterfly tickles or covering up their scope. Two characters plus butterfly and scoped weapon prop, one background. Can be minimal on-model. Can be about 8-10 seconds.
StoreFrame: Heavy breathing meme for new cosmetic and prime junk farming? Ehhh kinda not really impactful. 10 seconds. simple chibi simple chibified orbiter cockpit background
GoreFrame: Deimos landscape undulating while fighting worm with necramech. 30 seconds with a long windup time for worm movements. Maybe up to 45 seconds. Have a rough in blender already
OW: Deleted concepts due to current events. The year's worth of girl centered advertising and girl empowerment storylines does not leave a good taste in my mouth considering the allegations and lawsuits that were leveraged while these were in development.
A league of legends short Same boat as above, but they paid out their lawsuits. featuring a song from a character that didn’t get a trailer or that appeals to me. I can use some of the music safely due to champion and skin themes being added to creator safe playlists on SoundCloud. Songs with singers are contracted and can't be used.
Seraphine interacting with her (water scorpion?) spirit platform and showing an empath’s view of the world. Complex background angle, swooping from high vantage point and falling gracefully to impending doom at the ground. Simplify character design to make angle transition easier. Longest at a minute? Would be an undertaking. cannot monetize due to singer contract
Space groove blitzcrank offering an Uber ride to space groove Samira with some groovy shoulder action, maybe her skating on some planetary rings like a waterskier. Two characters, Two angles of one background for most of scene then pan to multiple scenes briefly as blitz’s arm pans through them. 20-30 second timeframe? From very beginning it is exactly 40 seconds. Could cut out roughly first 12 seconds, so 28 seconds? Try to find a good looping point for viewability. could make into a trailer for a longer video if time constraint too strong.
KDA Allout Kaisa dancing and breaking and shattering stuff. Chorus, one character, semi complicated background. Look into particles. About 14 seconds just dumdedum chorus? cannot monetize due to singer contract
Rell song was added to dmca safe playlist! Can do either the running charge sound at the beginning for her dismounting (exactly 15 seconds for a good loop point, maybe 25 for the heavy drums) simple if just her charging, blurred out and far away, camera adjusts to see her intense look on the back of her horse. or the “im coming for you now with fiiiiiire, never lose a fighter bit(2:54-3:22 would be 28 seconds). Could go with a lot of noise and wave to simulate her 4, complex depending on fight choreography (one big unit? Bunch of smaller units?) Big fan of her aesthetic
MECH&CYBORG explorations
Some shorts based off of IchiMegamix with different IGPX teams? Definitely want to explore mech animation , either with 3d or 2d. Do Not Monetize At All. IP is licensed by CC/CN. Music is licensed through Sony library I think, could maybe check adult swim’s music use guidelines. Otherwise YoutubeLibrary
Getting fouled into a yellow flag yield so repair unit can come in, get one last petty ding in as it’s getting reeled up, show characters being salty little competitive children. Seven characters max(teams and repair unit) with “speech bubbles” of pilots heads coming out. Determine complexity in boarding. repeated movement in background and foreground,15 seconds
Edge raid acting like a pack of wild dogs and ganging up and dragging people with their wires.
Skylark team coasting and drag drifting with wind trails visible. 3 identical mechs with color differences on accent panels.repeated motion background based on track. 15 seconds.
Zoids idea exploration/appreciation. YouTube Library, Do not monetize to respect IP being used in videos unless very very transformative.
New paint job?
Raptorzoid clawing open another pilot’s zoid.
Longe range Sniper wolf zoid. Shooting at a megazoid
Medium sized modern zoids like sport car sized hares? Reptile themed zoids like snakes, monitor lizards, horny toads, and smaller skink zoids that swim/bury themselves in the sand. more desert themed zoids with clear parts. Tarantula or trapdoor spider zoids. 5 seconds for each type, roughly 35 seconds from listed, with no interactions, just robotic animals, maybe pilots.
Bird based zoids like gliders with extra propulsion, lots of sheen and glare doing an aerial dogfight. Hawk and pigeon/songbird themed? Big predatory zoid with a smaller zoid piggybacking on it. Could be bird (swallow?) themed, could be bats or cicadas or other wall clingers, but clinging to canyon wall? 6 seconds for the take off, 6 seconds for the piggyback ride, 10+ for the aerial dogfight
Waterbear satellite repair silicone softzoid (vtuber mascot? Partial to it personally. big squish factor. could give up front clear visor for more squishy aerogel and use cameras beacons, magnets, clasping/hugging the satellite to for outward mobility. 10 seconds with it latching onto the outside and releasing the pilot to work on something. Lots of emphasis on the jiggle physics, three characters if satellite is included, a couple backgrounds of bare space and atmospheric shots of planet. Aerogel right now is partially transparent, like foggy glass.
RISKY WATERS: Anything Disney, don't monetize at all to be safe. Check for updates and permissions for following: Oban original and sequel, SRMTHFG dance short.
TVS CREW: fan art appears to be appreciated, but check if would be lore accurate, and if ok to post on my channel or submit to theirs. Could just do the lines/backgrounds, and offer to let community color it. Current known lore is CoDee=coffee maker, HaiDee=music player/DAW, LAEDEE is solar powered, False and EYEDEE are interchangably the same entity, but False runs the show(one or both of them have a malicious compliance bug). Also catdragonandroid reine is honorary crew
False assimilating an EYEDEE unit. 3 characters with EYEDEE potentially being a mob character that only one gets converted. Check if establishing V-U collector cell as canon lore.GOFOR(GeoOrbital Fetch or Retrieval)becomes original intern EYEDEE (Enigmatic Yesman Everyman), sent to False to either replace or send his battery/database to the surface of earth. Has his original programming suppressed and replaced with false who benignly? Copies his own code into the unit. Collects the data from the EYEDEE, then willingly hands over his cell under agreement that they generate more power using Eyedee’s V-U Cell. Reine shows up. 40-58 seconds? might be too complicated. Motion Comic practice?
False and EYEDEE almost losing to a short haired LAEDEE (loss aversion engineering) unit. Both underpowered from running on half power, LAEDEE unit generating cool tech. Reine shows up. Conflict resolution and contract generated. New long haired cohost look generated. 30-35 seconds
Willing relinquishing of duties by False to better allocate power. False says I’ll be Back to bring more news, Soon. Reine says it’s a shame they’re putting the hot one to rest. 20 seconds?
Creation process for secondary cohosts. Codee and Haidee remark on how buff they are and eyedee says you’re welcome. 15 seconds standing shot with 3-5 characters, simple background
EYEDEE being spotted by crew updating/charging with False and drawing on their faces. V-U cell churning views into power in lap like a pondering orb. 10-15 seconds
Dragon explorations YouTube Library, since original concept, dont worry about monetizing easily 10-15 seconds with sound effects Can keep relatively simple with black/white backgrounds, caves, open bodies of sky/water. complicated anatomy, might need to do multiple movement studies/explorations
acting like eels, coiled together in a nook, swarming a pizza fresh meal, swimming through different materials
acting like grackles, tilting their head up and whale eyeing each other
deciding on alternate/fantasy biology. Add glowing elements? Developing crests? Scales vs “fur” vs hide? Gill like organs? Wings? Eyes adjusting? Wings at all? Eyes at all?
Scifi themed Anne McCaffrey dragons or soft fantasy scaley lore dragons? Eastern furred dragons vs western scaled dragons?
monster dipping in and out of goop
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msb-lair · 1 year
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Clutch #3363 - Vee/Yee
Mated On: 2023-10-05 # of eggs: 2 Hatched On: 2023-10-10
Hatchling 8946 (Seraphine) - Sandsurge Male, Obsidian Bar/Iris Butterfly/Forest Monarch, Unusual - 15,000 on 2023-10-29
Hatchling 8947 (Celia) - Sandsurge Female, Obsidian Bar/Sky Alloy/Turquoise Monarch, Common - 15 gems on 2023-10-21
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booksdaydream · 1 year
The Blind Rider Ch3
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They called each and every 1st year with fanfare. Everyone clapped and cheered. The student walked to the small podium in front of all the other students, surrounded by the professors in a U-table. Then Professor Weasley put a weird looking hat on top of their head – it spoke! And after some deliberation from it – sometimes almost immediately even – he’d shout a house name. Slytherin! Ravenclaw! – you knew this one. Hufflepuff! Gryffindor! And when the house was finally chosen their table would hurrah! in unison, excited to welcome its new member. It was a thrilling ceremony. One that incited unity, competitivity and certainly a feeling of belonging. You could understand why that 1st year was so smug with pride.
Then they finally called your name. You felt weird walking up to the podium with all those eyes on you. This time not only a small section of the tables, but everyone was staring. You clearly didn’t look like a 1st year. You could feel the butterflies going crazy, nausea reminding you of your first time apparating earlier. But you just took a deep breath in and pretended you were having your first flying test. When you had to walk among all the adult members of the Draggunnar and the MacFustys to your dragon, a blueish Swedish Short-Snout called Seraphine, and prove you could mount her, ride her, and return safely with her. Prove you had bonded with her in a way only Draggunnars could. And you had successfully done that, at 13. A sorting ceremony was nothing compared to a dragon.
You sat on the podium, waiting for the hat to be put on top of your head. It touched your dark hair and stayed quiet for a second, wondering.
“Hm. You’re a brave young lady. Facing strong winds, taming powerful beasts. I see. Yes. You’re fond of fighting alongside them… But is it because you’re loyal to them? Is it your bond to these beasts that makes you act? Or are you brave naturally?” The hat started deliberating, clearly unsure between houses. Yet you didn’t know which, since you knew very little about them. “I am never wrong, so once I have made my choice, I won’t take it back. So, I’ll listen to what you think is best for you to help in my deliberation.” You shrugged.
“I don’t know enough to choose.” You spoke looking towards your forehead, your honest seeping through. It laughed. You felt your cheeks redden a bit, embarrassed. Was it better to just say a random name?
“Very well. I can tell you care for those you’re close. Almost blindly. To the point you’d put yourself in danger for them. You’re a faithful person and will continue to grow into a dedicated student."
*No reproduction of this text allowed without credit*
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shadowed-dancer · 4 years
Seraphine and Ophelia AU
One upon a time, I made 2 svtfoe kids. One was a Starco girl, the other was a Tomstar girl. It was a time when season 4 had not ended yet, no one had any idea where the ships were going, and we couldn’t even begin to dream that magic would be destroyed and Earthni would become a thing.
This AU does not follow my usual “fit this into the canon as much as possible” motif. Instead, I consider it an “alternate history” of Mewni. I debated for a while how I wanted to end the stories of the two girls, and I still haven’t totally decided. I left it up in the air.
I don’t like to make my ocs suffer... usually. This was a new turning point for me.
Also be aware that certain characters may act out of character given what we know about the canon, so sorry if that’s not your style.
First, the set up. Globgor is free, and he and Eclipsa rule a Mewni that is comprised of both Monsters and Mewmans living in harmony. The Mewmans that opposed this went with Moon, who began a new kingdom called the Yurt Kingdom. The people there REALLY hated monsters, and this extended to kingdoms that were once allies like the Lucitors, Pony Heads, Waterfolk, etc.
Also yes, this means there were 2 royal families with the last name Butterfly.
Star and Tom had to continue their relationship in secret for many years, as the people of the Yurts would go crazy if they learned Star was dating a demon. It was rocky and breakup was pretty much inevitable, but this secret relationship eventually resulted in the conception of a baby. They had to act quick, in order to protect their child as well as themselves.
They broke up, with Tom entering an arranged marriage in order to keep the peace for his own Kingdom. Meanwhile, Star realized that she had feelings for Marco, and Marco was happy to have his feelings reciprocated. He and Star claimed that they had been having a secret relationship for years, and announced Star’s pregnancy along with plans for marriage.
Star and Marco were happily married 3 months later (yes that was fast), and a few months after that Star had her baby.
This baby was Seraphine, and as soon as she was born Star and Marco knew they’d need to cover for her. She had pink hair, pale skin, 3 blue eyes, pointed ears, horns, and a tail. They covered her up at all times, and claimed that the pink hair came from Celena. The only people who knew the truth about her were Star, Marco, Tom, Moon, and River.
Marco absolutely adored Seraphine by the way, and considered her like his own daughter.
2 years later, Star and Marco had a daughter of their own: Ophelia. Ophelia had brown hair and eyes, as well as tanned skin and Marco’s birthmark. The girls grew up to be best friends, and were as close as two sisters could get.
Also somewhere during this time, Tom and his wife had a son, who would end up being heir to the Lucitor throne.
Seraphine was an absolute sweetheart who was loved by the Kingdom. She was seen as the perfect princess, as she seemed to be mild-mannered and polite. To hide her horns, she wrapped her hair into a heart-shape like that of her grandma Moon, with thick bangs to hide her third eye and loose hair to hide her ears. She looked perfectly Mewman in every way, shape, and form.
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(Seraphine in disguise)
Ophelia, on the other hand, was wild and outgoing. She was happy to live the royal lifestyle without pressure of ever being queen. Besides, she knew Seraphine would do a way better job than her anyways. However, she was always fiercely loyal to her family, and loved her sister more than anyone else in the world.
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Seraphine had a crush on a Spiderbite prince: Princess Penelope and Slime’s son Damien, while Ophelia was secretly dating the Waterfolk princess, Alice.
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(An old concept piece of Alice and Ophelia from last year)
Neither of these relationships were allowed, since they were both “monsters” (Damien was half monster, Alice was a Mermaid).
In terms of the sisters themselves, they were always together. Their most notable activity was Ophelia’s hair. When Ophelia was a little girl, she stole Marco’s razor and shaved her head into horrible patches. A little while later, after a lot of debating, Seraphine decided to help and shaved half of it off, which Ophelia absolutely loved. As she got older and her hair filled in the bald patched, she insisted that the only person to touch her hair was to be Seraphine.
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(The girls as young kids. Note Ophelia’s patchy hair)
The kingdom was mostly happy, and it looked like they were heading into a golden age with Seraphine as their queen. However, everything changed on Seraphine’s song day.
After the nightmare that was Star’s song day, Moon was scared that Star would bring Ruberiot again. As such, Moon insisted she pick the songstrel. She picked a man that promised to be very dedicated, but he took it way to far. Unbeknownst to anyone, he followed Seraphine around in secret and saw her true nature. He put the pieces together and, during her song day celebration, exposed her as part demon.
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(An early concept of Seraphine, scared to fight back. Note that at the time, she had a Jushtin-esque hat!)
The kingdom rioted and Moon was horrified. It was a genuine accident on Moon’s part (she had no way of knowing how far he would take it) but Star accused her of doing it on purpose to keep Seraphine off the throne. An angry mob broken in and kidnapped Seraphine, and agreed to give her back if she lost her birthright and was locked away forever.
Star was going to negotiate, but Seraphine made the choice herself. She gave the throne to Ophelia, who accepted. Ophelia knew that by being queen, she would lose all her freedom. But she also knew it was the only chance Seraphine had of surviving, so she agreed to it in a heartbeat.
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(Ophelia was forced to lose her beloved haircut that Seraphine would give her, and instead had to even out her hair to a more “acceptable” style for a queen)
Ophelia was given the wand when she turned 15, while Seraphine was locked in the castle prison.
When Tom had learned what had happened, he and Ophelia hatched a plan. In the dead of night, they pretended as if Seraphine had attempted to break out. They set the scene to look as if Seraphine had been killed in the fight, when in reality she was safely in the Underworld with her father and half-brother.
Ophelia had to become queen and rule alone, separated from her sister and her girlfriend. She became distant, but ruled her kingdom in a way that made the citizens happy.
Seraphine, on the other hand, was forced to watch from a distance as Ophelia’s fun loving personality was stripped away in service of the kingdom. She hated it, and every second she wished she could free her sister.
This is where I became stuck in writing. So I’ll offer 2 endings and you can pick the one you like the best.
The dark option is that Seraphine attempts to intervene on Ophelia’s wedding day, after the MHC forced her to marry a random knight. Seraphine ends up getting crystallized and Ophelia loses the last bit of hope that at least her sister was happy, and rules the kingdom in misery.
The happy option (and my preferred option despite its cheesiness) is that Seraphine attempts to intervene on Ophelia’s wedding day and actually succeeds. She and Ophelia convince the citizens of their kingdom that, by their own rules, Seraphine should be their queen, and they crown her anyways. She and Ophelia then rule together.
Thanks for reading!
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notoriouslydevious · 2 years
Star Guardian Seraphine “Leak” is fan art.
BigBadBear, Seramentalist, Seradotbr, VictorKeos, TocaDoTeemo, WildRiftNewsBR were all sharing this image of what they assumed was concept art of the new star guardian wild rift exclusive skin for seraphine: 
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This, however, isn’t official. It’s fan art done by jmarkou_art on instagram, who was extremely surprised to see their artwork posted everywhere and seeing everyone think it was a real leak.  
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Seems like someone close to the artist posted it somewhere, leakers saw it and fucking ran with it, posting it everywhere. 
It is indeed a beautiful concept, I LOVE the butterfly wings, but it’s a FAN concept. Apparently there were Seraphine mains on twitter and reddit going to war over this. Wild Rift players rubbing it in the PC players faces, while PC mains crying they weren’t getting it. 
***This is why you don’t believe every leak you see.*** (especially the list of skin leaks that are on a notepad) 
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