#series: stargate
pocketmemes · 1 year
stargate: sg-1, s2e21  ∕   sentence starters dialogue taken from "1969," the twenty-first episode of stargate sg-1's second season. lightly edited for clarity. feel free to shift pronouns
what is she doing?
what difference does it make?
well, to be honest with you, i wasn't really paying attention.
i'm sorry. i don't know what to say.
get us back home and we'll say it never happened.
well, it's hard to say.
hopefully, they'll find their way back.
you can't just will something to happen because you want it to be a certain way.
he has to make up his own mind.
that's going to be a little tough.
don't screw it up.
we should get off this road.
they'll probably try to split us up.
what's the plan?
that's the plan?
elegant in its simplicity, don't you think?
it was simply... locked away.
i am not at liberty to reveal my identity.
you can't say anything.
so, what'd you do?
why haven't we tried this before?
i was told never to speak of it again.
i think what we're trying to say is that we have to go the rest of the way alone.
i want you to take me with you.
i owe you a lot. but you belong here.
just think of what we could do.
i don't want to kill anybody.
we can walk the rest of the way from here.
i've got to go.
the timing has to be exact.
guess we stay.
it's going to have to be close enough.
i've come to send you back where you belong.
how did you know i'd come here?
you've been waiting for this to happen.
i almost didn't let you go.
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Sci-fi shows, but really out of context:
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Stargate SG-1
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Agents of SHIELD
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Star Trek: The Next Generation
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Battlestar Galactica
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The X-Files
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The Expanse
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incoming-wormhole · 6 months
kinda disappointed that SG1 never used the translation error of offworld locals getting confused by Daniel Jackson, and going on to believe that somehow Daniel is Jack's son.
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filmtvfandom · 11 months
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Jack O'Neill with a magnifying glass
Stargate SG1 (S08E04, S05E19, S04E01)
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doyouknowthischaracter · 11 months
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halestrom · 1 year
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John Sheppard trying not to cry during The Shrine.
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whumpystuffy · 1 year
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Whump list - Stargate Altlantis (2004-2009)
John Sheppard portrayed by Joe Flanigan. Plus some of the Ronan, McKay & Beckett whumps.
Trailer for the series.
Season 1
1x01-1x02 Tasered, grabbed by throat, slammed to table.
1x04 Alien stuck on neck, in pain, immobile, numb legs, grunting, heavy breathing. Defibrillated, no pulse, CPR, in med bed.
1x05 Under gunfire, shot with stun gun, unconscious. Sore, hit by explosion blast.
1x09 Gun point, captive, interrogated, betrayed.
1x10-1x11 (Plus major McKay whump)
1x12 Under gun fire, shot, bleeding arm wound, field medicine. Slams into invisible force field. Fight, slammed across field twice, cracked ribs.
1x19 Shot stunned.
Season 2
2x03 Shot, stunned, unconscious. Captive, tied up, gunpoint,
2x05 Ship crash, surrounded, outnumbered. Tied up, threatened. Fight, punched. (Plus Ronan whump)
2x07 Attacked, pinned down, bleeding arm wound.
2x08 Wound from previous episode, on stretcher, field medicine. Infected with mutating virus, angry. Shot stunned, coma, antidote.
2x10 Shot stunned, unconscious, captive, tied up. Forced to do OP, shot stunned, unconscious, captured. Forced to kneel by telekinesis.
2x11 Continuation from previous episode, interrogated, thrown into cell. Forced to kneel by telekinesis.
2x12 Attacked, thrown around multiple times, clawed on back, bleeding, bruised face. Field medicine, magically healed.
2x14 (Plus major McKay whump)
2x16 Shot, bloody shoulder. Shot stunned, unconscious, cuffed, dragged. (Plus Ronan whump)
2x17 Ambushed, gassed, unconscious. Tied up, needle injection in neck, gunpoint, captive.
Season 3
3x01 Captured, manhandled.
3x02 (Plus Beckett whump)
3x03 Sick, cold, coughing, sneezing.
3x04 Shot with tranquilizer, tied up, caged, manhandled. (Plus MAJOR Ronan whump)
3x07 Shot by grabbing-hooks in vest, slammed to the ground, captured. Failed escape, electrocuted, dragged, tied up. Tortured, life drained, weak, bleeding chest wound, punched.
3x12 Headache, bleeding from ears, eardrum blown, in med bed.
3x16 (Plus Ronan whump)
3x17 Training fight, punched, slammed to the ground, grunting in pain, ice pack on face.
3x19 Forced to kneel with telekinesis. (Plus Ronan whump)
Season 4
4x03 Shot stunned, unconscious, dragged. (Plus Ronan whump)
4x04 Fight with himself inside dream. Defibrillated, flatlines.
4x05 Captured, tied up, manhandled, blood test forcefully taken, interrogated, tortured, punched repeatedly, bloody bruised face. Failed escape, beaten, shot stunned.
4x06 Infected, sweating, forgetful, shot stunned, in med bed.
4x10 Hit during training, bleeding eyebrow cut.
4x11 Shot stunned, unconscious, tied up, interrogated.
4x12 Shot stunned unconscious. Captive, manhandled, forced to kneel with telekinesis.
4x15 Thrown across room, slammed against wall, strangled.
4x17 Attacked, air sucked from room, suffocating.
Season 5
5x01 Hallucinating, under collapsed building, in pain, object in abdomen, heavy breathing/bleeding. Field medicine, discharges himself, sweating.
5x02 Infected, restrained, seizure, flatlines, cpr. Impaled by vine, in med bed.
5x03 Ambushed, betrayed, punched, unconscious, dragged. Kicked, kneeling. (Plus MAJOR Ronan whump)
5x09 (Ronan & McKay whump)
5x11 Hit by explosion blast, ringing ears, glass shards in back, field medicine.
5x12 Gassed, unconscious, captive, manhandled, on trial.
5x14 Fight, strangled, punched repeatedly, bloody face bruise. (Plus Ronan whump)
5x15 Shot stunned, unconscious, tied up. Failed escape, interrogated, beaten up, punched, bloody face. Manhandled, hand cut off, in pain.
Man I really like Lt. Sheppard. His whumps were really great and so defiant! Not a lot of them but still some. Also a really watchable show in general. A gem I can recommend!
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spockvarietyhour · 13 days
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And now we have a ship mission.
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I missed a Sam/Jack hug!!!
Look!! In SG1 2X01, after they both hug Daniel and everyone's happy, and SUDDENLY:
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Ok, I get that it's probably just the actors celebrating the new season, but a girl can dream right? Right???
I'm so happy I found this 😭
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Underrated actor spotlight: David Hewlett
I’m so used to seeing him as David Worth in “Cube” that it was so weird seeing him play someone who actually smiled and was having fun, that character being Rodney McKay in “Stargate Atlantis”.
Here he is in Cube:
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Here he is in SGA:
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bakanokiwami · 2 years
To make these bar chart race, all series titles in the TV Show Category on November 29 (or the closest date to it) of every year were copy-pasted from Wayback Machine to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, and then inputted to Flourish to turn into a bar chart race.
Locked fanworks aren't included in the count because Wayback Machine can’t view those, only Ao3 users can.
Unspecified means that it doesn’t say in its title whether it is an “All Media Type” type tag or not. There’s a possibility that this tag only shows up in the TV Show category, or maybe in multiple categories, like in Movies and Comics too.
It doesn’t appear in the bar chart race, but for some reason Original Work was in the TV Show category in November 2021, and then removed by 2022.
The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types was actually in the top 10 from 2012-2014, and was removed from the TV show category from 2015 onwards so I’ve excluded it from the bar chart.
The Avengers - Ambiguous Fandom was also in the top 10 from 2012-2020, but then was reduced to 5% of its 2020 total fanworks in 2021 onwards because The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types and The Avengers (Marvel Movies) was removed from its subtag list. I’m excluding it from the bar chart since it means it shouldn’t have been in the top 10 in the first place.
Jossverse was in the top 10 from 2010-2014 (Top 2 in 2010 and 2011). In 2018, it was removed from the TV Show fandom list and works tagged with it show up in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) instead so I’ve excluded it from the bar chart.
89% of the Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms fanworks in 2022 are tagged with Sherlock (TV).
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a subtag of Marvel and Marvel is a metatag for all Marvel works of various media, including comics and movies. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV) is the only TV show that appears in the top 10 fandoms listed in Marvel and MCU’s fandom filter in 2022, and it’s only 5% of the fanworks in the Marvel tag. Half of the Marvel tags’s top 10 fandom filter list are movies, and there are also 2 All Media Types tags.
As for DCU, 6 of the top 10 fandoms listed in DCU’s fandom filter in 2022 are specifically TV shows: 13% of its fanworks are from Supergirl (TV 2015), 9% are from The Flash (TV 2014),  8% are from Arrow (TV 2012), 5% are from DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), 4% are from Smallville and 4% are from Gotham (TV).
As for Batman - All Media Types, none of the top 10 fandoms listed in its fandom filter in 2022 are specifically TV shows: 5 of the fandoms listed were comics fandoms. 2 were all media types and 1 was the Nolan movies.
Maybe it would have been better to do a bar chart with fandoms that only appear in a single category (In this case, the TV Show category.). Some of the fandoms that ranked have popular other media outside of TV Shows that boosted their rankings. It would take more effort to filter out, but let me know if you’re interested in seeing a bar chart race like this. If there’s enough interest, I might get motivated enough to work on it, haha.
Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t mess up anywhere! 🙏
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rjalker · 6 months
A thing I keep noticing in stories about slavery that have been written by white people is that it can never just be "regular" oppression and slavery.
It always has to have some magical or scifi-tech componant to it that makes it work.
The Jaffa in Stargate are only enslaved because they're dependant upon the Goa'uld larva. As though it's impossible to oppress people without literally making them chemically dependant upon you.
Constructs (aka, anthroids) in The Murderbot Diaries are only enslaved because they have brain chips that will fry them if they disobey an order. As though it's impossible to force people to do things they don't want to unless you can literally kill them instantly if they don't.
These kinds of authors don't seem to fundamentally grasp that slavery is a real thing that happens in real life. Without any impossible outside help that only exists in fantasy or scifi. Real people are enslaved and they don't need to have killer brain chips in their heads to do it. They don't need to be surgically altered to rely on their slavers for their health.
It's the same with people who only write abusive relationships if there's some literal actual magical thing keeping the victim from leaving. As though real abusive tactics just don't exist.
It's just really fucking aggravating. I know I've seen tons more examples of this but I can't remember what they were from.
It's like these people just refuse to accept that real oppression exists without the aid of magical brain chips or parasitic aliens. You don't need to be able to literally fry someone's brain if they think bad thoughts about you if you physically or psychologically beat them down and enact real fucking control over their life.
I don't know. This kind of trope just seems like it's diminishing the affect of real slavery and abuse because it's pretty explicitly saying that "if XYZ magical control thing didn't exist, these people wouldn't be oppressed because they'd fight back".
As though real oppressed people don't fight back. As though the whole problem of being oppressed isn't that you lose every time because you lack the power that the people who oppress you use to keep you down.
I feel like it's because A)These people don't want to actually admit how horrible real life slavery and abuse is. B)they see themselves as the main character of the universe, so they think that if they were the one being enslaved, they'd instantly succeed at fighting back and winning, because they either can't, or refuse to aknowledge that when faced with systemic oppression, they'd be just as helpless as every other victim in history. They want to see themselves as all-powerful even in imaginary situations where they face oppression they've never actually dealt with, so they have to add some magical Impossible Barrier over top of the actual oppression to make it justified for why they haven't won already.
They think that if the roles were reversed and white people were systemically oppressed, they'd be the main character who magically leads the uprising with has no casualties. They think they'd magically never get hurt or watch their family or friends get hurt or be traumatized or actually opressed in any way.
It's definitely a form of victim blaming. It's definitely making light of real slavery and abuse. It's very fucking infuriating to have to keep reading in pretty much any scifi or fantasy series that deals with slavery that's written by white people.
so. Writing tip. How about learn how actual systemic oppression works instead of assuming the only way to enslave people is by literally being able to fry their brain?
Like. It's saying "these people have literal murder chips in their heads to enslave them, what's your excuse for not freeing yourself?"
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doyouknowthischaracter · 11 months
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ashain · 11 months
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Inktober 23 Day13: Rise
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