#seriously i look back to my work and am so damn proud with myself and my brain
misfortunegirl · 1 year
i actually have a new hobby i got obsessed with and thats translating songs to japanese 🤓
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beegalactica · 7 months
hot girl tips to be more productive
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With a million things to do, where do we find the time? Sometimes it can be so easy to just procrastinate, not do your work and keep pushing it back till it's too late. Let's not do that anymore.
5-minute rule - start small. If you've been putting something off for a long time, trying to commit 1 hour to it can be challenging. You can't do a marathon without a warm-up first! Could you set a timer for 5 minutes to do that task? After 5 minutes if you want to continue, go for it; if you don't, that's okay, because at least you've done 5 minutes today, which is better than 0. Tomorrow or later in the day, try to challenge yourself to do 7 minutes this time, then 10, then 15, and you will get into that rhythm.
Eliminate distractions - it's all because of that damn phone 🙄 but seriously, tech and social media can have such a tight grip over our productivity and our attention. If you cannot control your usage, set app timers that lock the app after you use it for a certain amount of time or delete the app. I've been using a minimalist phone launcher called 'OLauncher' that removes all my icons and makes me manually have to type and search for the app. In the time it takes me to search for the app, I get to ask myself, "What am I looking for? Do I need to use it for something specific or do I just want to scroll?"
Schedule properly - note down all your commitments and non-negotiables in an app like Google Calendar and make sure all your big events are displayed there. Some people can fall into the habit of planning every second of their day, but I instead delegate a few tasks to each day and give myself any time within the day to complete them, the important thing being not when I do them, but that I do them in the end.
Write to-do lists - now this doesn't just mean in-app lists, which are very useful. Physically write them out. I use a scrap piece of paper and I write: "Today I WILL..." and then list all the things I want to get done. Having it written down helps me commit to it more and the feeling of ticking it is so satisfying.
Know your WHY - Why are you doing this? Why do you want to be more productive? Why do you want to study more? Always look at the bigger picture. Where do you want to be and how will your productivity help you get there?
Celebrate your wins - whether you completed all the things on your to-do list or just one, be proud of it. Some days, you will feel super motivated and fly through all your tasks, and other days you just want to stay in bed and do nothing. Making an effort is the first step to your success.
No matter whether your goal is to complete a project, get good grades, get into the school of your dreams, or just get your work out of the way so you can focus on other things, tackle it little by little. Just 20 minutes every day for a week is better than trying to do 140 minutes worth of work on the last day.
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velvethopewrites · 1 year
The sob story with this is that I wrote this yesterday and it got deleted before I could save it. I wanted to die cry, basically. Somehow I managed to re-create most of it, after working on it all damn day. (I basically ended up writing over 6,000+ words in one day. Yowza) I still feel as though the first version was better, but…no one knows that but me, I suppose. (And my partner, who got to read it right before the horrors happened). Regardless, I am proud of this and proud of myself for not giving up when it really would have been easy to. So huzzah to the fickle hand of fate and all that stuff.
For Suptober 2023 prompt “starlight”
I tag @fellshish and @canonblastedships and @clarkenting for being super cool reblog buddies, lol (which is just a thing I made up) This is the longest destiel fic I’ve written yet and it will be my first official AO3 destiel! (As soon as I remember how to do that, oy)
Edited: Now with Spiffy AO3 Link! Here!
The Starlight
There were three types of people that visited the Starlight Lounge — drunks, people desperate to score, and the employees that made their bread and butter trying to tame the other two.
Dean Winchester, unfortunately, was a member of that third group. Oh, sure, Dean had been known to put away a fair bunch of liquor in his day, and sure, Dean had definitely been known to do the Bedroom Rodeo whenever the opportunity presented itself. Hell, back when he’d first started at the Starlight he’d often been three types at once. Work, drink, get laid. Sometimes, not even in that order.
But that was past Dean. Current and newly mature Dean (hah) just wanted to work, go home, eat and fall into his bed. Working at the Starlight wasn’t that bad – it had fairly decent pay and it was often interesting. And like everyone else, Dean had bills to pay and he gave more than his fair share to Sammy. Not that Sam really needed it anymore; he was busy working as a law clerk downtown, putting himself through school. But still, Dean wanted to help as much as he could and besides it was his brotherly duty. Heh. Duty.
Tonight, due to the cold and rainy weather, the bar was fairly empty and business had been slow. There was only one of his regulars, a writer by the name of Chuck crying into his notebooks at the back of the bar. To be honest, Dean had never seen Chuck write a damn thing but the man sure could put scotch away like a pro.  There was also a young couple making out in one of the booths near the restrooms. He’d been keeping an eye on them most of the night, actually, making sure no one lost any clothing. The Starlight didn’t need a public indecency charge on the books. At least, not so soon since the last one, at any rate. 
Dean yawned and finished cleaning up the bar, hoping Chuck and the couple on their way to Soft-Porn Town would soon be leaving. Maybe Dean could even push them on their way a bit early, so he could get home at a decent time, for once.  As he walked over towards Chuck to perhaps lightly suggest the writer hit the road, the double doors of the bar blew open – bringing in the rain, the cold rush of the wind and a new customer in a beige trench coat with seriously fucked up hair. Great.
Dean sighed and turned back around as the new guy slumped onto the first stool at the bar. His dark brown, messed up hair looked even worse up close, and he had a scowl on his face as he glared down at the bar in front of him.
“Whiskey. Neat,” Messy-Hair said, voice low and very rumbly.
Dean pulled down a clean glass and poured some of their nicer whiskey into it. Dude looks like he could afford it, at any rate. He had a nice suit on under the coat, now that Dean could properly see it and his watch was one of those big clunky things that could probably tell the time on Jupiter or some shit like that. The man’s hand reaches for the glass before Dean has barely pushed it forward. He throws back the drink in record time and hits the bar with it so that it makes a loud thunk.
“Another one.”
Dean shrugged as the man kept glaring down at the bar as though it contained all the answers to life and everything else; Dean knew for a fact that it didn’t. It didn’t even have a ‘42’ scratched into it or anything. (RIP Douglas Adams)
This time the man just wraps his hand around the glass, his fingers clutching at it and woah, Dean thinks, dude’s got some huge fucking hands. They’re big and they’re strong looking. The fingers are nice and long and graceful and oh, oh, oh. Maybe it’s a kink, or maybe it’s a preference, but Dean loves hands. Manly looking mitts like Messy-Hair here and even smaller, more delicate hands like on most women, with pretty nail colors. But Dean’s not choosy.
He sees motion out of the corner of his eye and notices Chuck signaling that he’d like to pay up. Glancing at Messy-Hair he figures he has a few minutes before having to pour him another so he sets the bottle down and heads over to the other side.
“All right there, Chuck?”
“Yeah, yeah, thank you, Dean.”
The older man is flipping through his wallet and counting out his cash slowly. Dean wipes the bar and puts Chuck’s last glass into the bucket for later cleaning.
“Write anything tonight?” Dean always asks this question. It’s like a little game he and Chuck play because it always has the same answer.
“No,” Chuck says looking up at him. He places his finger to his temple solemnly, almost like he’s holding a gun. “But I did a lot of work up here.”
He always gives Dean this look as though Dean should know exactly what he’s talking about. But, of course, Dean never does. He likes to read but he sure as hell would never attempt to write. Personally, he thinks Chuck is sort of crazy, but hey, to each their own, right?
Chuck pushes his notebooks into his old canvas bag on the bar. It’s bulging with everything he carries with him and looks fit to burst. Dean supposes that writer’s block is heavy business.
Chucks nods goodnight as he slips his bag over his shoulders, buckling a bit under the weight. Dean watches as he wobbles away and he’s not sure if it’s from the alcohol or the bag. He’d normally be worried (hey, no bar can stay in business if all its clientele got themselves killed), but he knows Chuck lives nearby. He’ll be all right and probably in his same spot tomorrow evening. He puts Chuck’s money into the till and realizes he tipped Dean more than usual. He really did have had a good night, then.
He notices the couple trying to break the world record for smooches in a single night are getting up and putting on their jackets. Maybe Dean can get out early; he’s got the DVR set for Dr Sexy already, but he wouldn’t say no to catching it live for once.
Glancing over he sees Messy-Hair is now resting his head on the bar, but he lifts it as the doors bang shut behind Chuck, the cold burst of wind making his hair looking even more disheveled. Dean heads back over to see if he needs a refill and is suddenly struck dumb by the other man finally looking at him. Holy Mother of Blue, those are some eyes. The dude is handsome. Like old-time movie handsome. Strong jaw, with a smattering of scruff, pink soft lips and eyes that look like they can see into your soul, no, scratch that, not see, but pierce. Dean swallows roughly and picks up the whiskey bottle. 
“Hey, uh, it’s getting late. One more for the road?” Dean assumes the dude doesn’t know the Starlight is technically open until midnight. Assumes, hah. More like prays.
Blue-Eyes stares at him and frowns. “I thought this establishment closed at midnight.”
“Er, yeah. I suppose it does.”
“Then I’ll take another,” Blue-Eyes pauses and holds out his glass. “And keep them coming for the next forty-five minutes, barkeep.”
Dean blinks at the old-fashioned word and pours another round. They stare at each other until he hears a giggle and a clearing of a throat. He looks over to see the couple and wonders how long they’ve been waiting. Judging from the churlish look on the guy’s face and the barely contained laughter emanating from the girl, it’s been awhile. He settles their tab and takes their money (lousy tip, of course) as the two saunter past Blue-Eyes and escape out into the night. Well, at least Dean can see it’s stopped raining.
Making up his mind, he follows them from behind the bar and locks the door after them. He flips off the sign, too. He may be stuck here with Blue-Eyes, but he’ll be damned if he’ll let someone else come meandering in to make him get home even later.
He comes back to stand in front of his customer and makes a decision. Pulling down another glass, he pours some of the whiskey into it and sighs as the warmth of it hits his system. What do they always say about good whiskey? It should warm the cockles of the heart, or something like that. Not that Dean actually knows what a cockle is, but hey, it went down smooth.
He realizes Blue-Eyes is watching him and Dean decides to bite the bullet. He’s tired, bored and probably on his way to cranky town if Blue-Eyes keeps his word about the next forty-five minutes.
“So, what brings you out on a cold and rainy night like tonight, Mr, uh…what’s your name? I can’t keep calling you what I’ve been calling you in my head.”
The other man squints and tilts his head at Dean like a tiny, confused bird. And no, Dean doesn’t find that adorable at all. Nope.
“What have you been calling me in your head?”
Dean purses his lips. Sometimes he’s really an idiot. He gives Blue-Eyes a shaky laugh.
“I said I wasn’t gonna keeping doing that.”
They stare at each other again, neither one budging until Blue-Eyes releases a breath and blinks, shoulders slumping a bit more. By the end of the night Dean expects this guy to be melted into the floor.
Dean frowns. “Your name is Mr Cas?”
“No, just Cas.” Blue-Eyes, no, scratch that, Cas then holds out his hand so Dean can shake it like they’re fellow professionals meeting at a party or something. As he grips the other man’s hand in his own he realizes Cas’s hand is warm, dry, and, yep, strong. The dude is seriously ticking all of Dean’s boxes without even trying. It’s a bit unnerving, really.
“Is that short for something?” Dean asks, wondering what type of name that is.
Cas just looks at him over the rim of his glass. “Perhaps.”
Neither of them say anything else for a long moment and Dean shakes his head. “People ever tell you you talk too much?”
“Yes. All the time,” Cas says with a smirk.
Dean laughs. “Well, whatever. It’s officially nice to meet you, Cas. I’m Dean. Humble and professional barkeep at your service.”
“Hello, Dean.”
Cas’s voice is deep but there’s a warmth to it that makes Dean happy.  They chit-chat for a bit, just like Dean would do with any newbie to the bar. He pours them both another round and then tries his question again.
“So, you seemed a bit upset earlier. What brought you through my doors, Cas?”
Cas sighs and glances away. He taps his fingers lightly on the polished wood of the bar. He stares at Dean as though assessing him and then looks as though he’s made up his mind.
“My…er, the person I’ve been dating, dumped me tonight. We went to an expensive restaurant and ordered far too pricey food for the serving size and drank outrageously fancy wine. Then they ordered an expensive bottle of cognac, drank it all and then told me I wasn’t worth it.”
Dean winces. “Ouch. How long were you together?”
“Six months.”
“Well, it’s not too long for a relationship, but it’s long enough to hurt.”
Cas nods, looking sullen again.
“What special occasion was it?”
Cas stares at him. “How could you possibly know that?”
“Fancy restaurant, the way you’re dressed, the cognac. Nobody orders that unless there’s been a birth or an anniversary or both.”
“It was my birthday,” Cas says, looking down again.
“Fuck,” Dean blurts out without thinking. “And they dumped you? Seriously bad juju, man.”
Cas nods and takes another drink of his whiskey, looking miserable. Dean tops off both of their glasses and hums.
“What was his name?”
Cas whips his head up, suddenly looking confused and more than a little worried. “I never said it was a he.”
“It was your distinct lack of pronouns, dude. Always the dead giveaway. Trust me, as a guy who plays for both sides, I know. Pronouns are key. Hey, relax, Cas, this is a safe space.” Dean points to the small pride flag he keeps above the bar and watches as Cas visibly relaxes.
The silence that falls between them is comfortable now. Welcoming, even. Cas clears his throat and rests his hand on his chin, peering at Dean.
“So…you’re bi, I assume or, pan, perhaps?”
“Got it in one. Just another bisexual loser ruining the world one lay at a time.”
Dean winks to show he’s only kidding. He’s proud to be bi, but it doesn’t mean he can’t make a joke at his own expense. Of course, if Sam or his friend Charlie were here they’d both tell him what they thought of that.
“His name was Bartholomew.”
Dean snorts. “It fits him. Douche-y name for a douche-canoe.”
Cas barks out a laugh and it completely changes his face into something truly beautiful. Dean suddenly feels the need to always make Cas laugh like that. He can’t imagine anyone not wanting to – his laugh is infectious. And the light it puts in his eyes is irresistible.
Cas looks serious again as he swirls the rest of the whiskey in his glass. “To be honest, Bart was just the last in a long line of failed…connections. I’m doubting my own self-worth at this point. Everyone ends up leaving or they get fed up with me. I’m too introverted…too socially awkward to deal with, I suppose.”
“I don’t know, you seem to be doing okay right now.”
“I’ve been drinking,” Cas says, deadpan. “And also I’m paying you.”
Dean chuckles. “Not really, I decided to stop charging you as soon as I poured my first one.”
“Your hospitality know no bounds. Truly.”
Dean laughs. Cas’s dry delivery and poker-faced expressions really are the limit. He feels that familiar warmth he always gets when he meets someone new. A someone new that excites him. But he pushes the feeling aside because he knows on some level that trying to get into Cas’s pants is so not what the other man needs right now. Dean shivers as he realizes how damn mature that sounds. Next he’ll be looking into 401ks and cemetery plots.
“Well, consider them birthday drinks. Of course, this stuff doesn’t cost a small fortune or anything, but I figured you’d already paid out enough tonight.”
Cas smirks and shakes his head at Dean. “Thank you, Dean. It’s actually very kind of you to…take pity on me.”
He says it jokingly but Dean gets the sense that he means it. He reaches forward and touches Cas’s hand.
“Hey, no pity here. You are ridiculously attractive and if I didn’t have a conscience, I’d definitely be throwing out my best lines here to help you relieve some tension, if you know what I mean. And you are not awkward to me, but even if you were, it wouldn’t be enough to stop me from asking for your number or seeing if you wanted to meet up sometime. I barely know you but you seem like a decent guy, Cas. And I think all of those people that don’t get you can just fuck right off. You need to keep trying, man. Don’t give up just because a few losers couldn’t see what they had.”
Cas blinks at Dean, blue eyes getting huge. “You think I’m ridiculously attractive?”
Dean thinks back. Did he say that? Yeah, he said that. Figures that would be the only thing to register with the dude.
“What sort of line would you use on me? I mean, if you were going to, that is.” Cas shyly glances away and then back, a curious look on his face.
“Oh, uh, probably something like, well you know what they say — the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.” Dean waggles his eyebrows and smirks, faking a leer.
“I’m not sure that would work with me,” Cas says, mirth clear in his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. You’d make me work for it, I know. But seriously, you need to regroup, clear out the douche-canoes from your life and find a new guy, man.”
Cas smiles at him in fondness, and nope, Dean is not going to do it. He will not break his rule about dating people just out of relationships. Not even for big huge blue eyes that make him feel sappy like a love song. Cas, however, clearly has other plans.
“This may be forward but, um, Dean would you allow me take you out for dinner? As a date, in case you were wondering how I meant it.”
“Oh, wow, Cas, um, I mean…”
Cas’s face takes an interesting journey in two seconds – from hopeful joy to miserable and wretched. Dean feels his heart break a little bit for him in that moment and mentally kicks his own ass for being a tool.
“Oh, I see. I…I’m sorry, Dean. Thank you for hospitality.” Cas fumbles with his wallet and places far too much money next to his glass. “I won’t keep you anymore. Go home and enjoy whatever is left of your night.”
Dean watches dumbly as Cas sits up straighter and then turns in his seat, his broad shoulders unyielding, suddenly. Dean knows he just can’t let it end like this.
“No, wait, Cas!”
Dean practically flings himself around the bar to reach Cas before he can unlock the door and leave without a backwards glance. He rests his hand on Cas’s shoulder, stopping him.
“It’s only because I have a rule about dating people that just got out of a relationship. It has nothing to do with you, I promise you. You need to focus on you, dude. Figure out what you’re looking for. If this one was just the last in a long line of guys who don’t understand you, try and see what people you’re going for. I mean, I’m no expert, and God knows I’ve had my fair share of jumping before looking moments, but I think you just need some Cas time right now, you know? If we ever start something I do not want to be rebound guy and you deserve something better than a one night stand.”
Cas stares at him, blue eyes half in shadow.  Dean holds his breath, hoping he didn’t just lose something. All he can hear is the clock ticking behind him and the pounding of his own heart in his ears.
“That was quite the speech,” Cas finally says. “You sound like you know from experience.”
“Cas, man. You have no idea.”
“I have some, like I said, a long line of rejections. Still…”  Cas’s eyes search his face and then nods to himself. “Maybe you’re right. I do tend to do things without thinking in this area of life despite being very practical usually. And you’re also right on anther point, Dean. You do not deserve to be “rebound guy”.”
Dean can’t help his grin as Cas makes the quotes motion with his fingers. They stare at each other for a bit longer before he unlocks the door. Cas steps out as the cold air filters in between them, causing them bother to shiver. Dean pauses, and then holds out his hand. “Let me have your phone.”
“My phone?”
“Yeah, you have one, right? Or have you moved on to something flashier like sky writing?”
Cas snorts and shakes his head. He fumbles in his pockets and then pulls out a slim, black smartphone. He unlocks it and hands it over. Of course, it’d be that kind of phone that can help you bake bread or turn off all the lights in the world with just a click or something. He finally finds what he’s looking for and puts his contact information in.
“There. There’s my number. Text me to let me know you get home, okay? And as for the rest, we’ll take it one day at a time, Cas. Let’s be friends, first.”
Cas smiles shyly as he looks down at his phone and nods. “Friends, first. I like that. Goodnight, Dean.”
“Goodnight, buddy. Be safe.”
Cas slips out and away, leaving a coldness in his wake as he takes his body heat with him. Dean watches him go, the black of the night almost swallowing him up. Cas pauses to pull his coat tighter, the glow of the streetlight lighting up his profile. To Dean he looks pure—angelic, almost, like a painting or a sculpture. With one last look at Dean, he eventually fades away, disappearing back into the world. Soon all Dean can see is his own breath in the air and the twinkling starlight from the surprisingly clear sky above. He locks up again and finishes his routine for the night. After he’s put the money in the safe and headed out back to his car, he feels happy inside. Like something good just occurred — like some new path has been cleared for him to travel. His drive home is quick and easy, there’s hardly any traffic mostly due to the earlier rain. It’s just as he’s pulling into his driveway that he feels his phone buzz in his pocket. It’s from an unknown number and his heart beats faster as he reads the message.
From unknown: I arrived home safely, Dean. Thank you, again. Would you like to get coffee tomorrow, or, perhaps I should say, later today? Oh, this is Cas, by the way. In case you didn’t know. :)
Dean saves the number and then returns to the message to reply, a grin creeping onto his face before he even realizes it.
Dean: Of course, dude. Coffee sounds great. Around 1pm?
Cas: Perfect. Do you know the Blue Java Café on Marion and Elm? It’s across from the park and one of my favorite places.
Dean: Sounds good. Can’t wait to talk to you sober, ya lush… (lol j/k hah) 
Cas sends him a sticking-tongue-out emoji as a response and Dean chuckles as he locks up his car. He has a nice, happy feeling in his heart as he thinks of Cas. Like maybe this is something special. Or maybe it’s just that it could be and has the potential to be. He knows he told Cas friends first, but Dean’s willing to see where it…where they, can go.
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lilacskyly · 8 months
My Life For Yours: Part 4 (Satoru Gojo x Reader Soulmate AU)
Fr last part, and btw this whole fic was inspired by 'kagerou days' so i recommended checking that out
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‘Hey Mom.. hey Dad… sorry I’m writing to you again, I know you’d probably tell me to do something else with my time. I just don’t get it. I’ve been trying to find the reality where you two are both happy and alive. I know one exists. But each time I try to help, it leads both of you on this cycle till either one of you get the grand idea to kill each other at the same time. I’ve tried talking with Uncle Geto about it, hell I even revealed to him who I am. Yet I still haven’t found the timeline I came from. Mom, Dad, I know you both will die eventually… and I’m sorry for starting this whole mess. I just couldn’t take it when you both died together fighting that damned cursed king. Uncle Yuta tells me I was only 3 around that time. I’m sorry for being so selfish for wanting you both to live longer. I’m sorry for bringing you both into my mess because I myself can’t interact much with it. If I could change the past, I would’ve by now. So please, live for me Mom and Dad.
-Eri Gojo’
Eri sighed, looking up at the ceiling. “Hey.. I know you’re not my actual parents but… thanks for being here…” she spoke to a curse that loomed behind her. The curse couldn’t speak, it was just an amalgamation of her parents bodies from what she saw that day. The curse simply nodded towards her before turning to the door.
“Eri… still here are we?” she heard Yuta’s voice come from the door. She jumped before spinning around in her chair. 
“U-uncle Yuta! Wassup?”
He smiled sadly at her, “Still doing this ‘prophet’ business?” 
She looked down at her hands, “Y-yeah.. Still trying to find the timeline they were alive… I mean.. This can’t be it.. Right?” 
Yuta shrugged, “You’re the prophet here. Just.. know they’d be proud.” Eri nodded, tears welling up in her eyes before muttering an ‘i know’. “You’re stronger than you think Eri, you can do this.” he cheered her on. “But, maybe get some rest tonight? Instead of going into the crossroads?”
“... I’ll try..”
He nodded at her before leaving her room, closing the door behind him.
It wasn’t long till she shut her eyes and found her way to her crossroads. There, she could watch every reality her parents chose, but she could never choose one of her own. It was more like a galleria for her.
“Another night of being alone…” she sighed, flicking around the orbs in the air that glimpsed into each reality. “Seriously.. Why isn’t there a single one where both of you are alive..? Why can’t I get you back..?” She paused. “... that’s it… isn’t it?”
She got to work, flicking away any reality that didn’t fit with her vision until she came upon her own. Her own was hidden under a mass of other realities, it looked so dull now compared to the rest. “... I.. I have to accept that you’re gone… I.. I need to stop trying to interfere… don’t I?” she whispered to herself. She looked towards a pile of shattered realities, the ones that failed in keeping you both alive. “... I’m sorry Mom.. I’m sorry Dad… I.. I have to let you go..” Tears fell out of her eyes as she smashed her reality into the ground. Out of it came other orbs which floated high into the air. She looked into one, seeing both her parents on their wedding day, happily smiling. Wait… they.. They were only engaged when they died… weren’t they?
Did.. did that do it?
Before she could figure that out, she awoke in her bed. Knowing full well she could no longer go into that galleria, she sat there, imagining the life her parents had.
“Hey, goddess? Ya awake?” Gojo’s voice rang out in your ears. “I’ve got a surprise for you~” You opened your eyes lazily before groaning for him to give you 10 more minutes. “Aw… but I’d thought you’d wanna hear our kids' first words?” That got you up.
He smiled before laying on the bed with you, pulling out his phone to show you a video. 
“Heyyy Eri… can you say dada? C’mon! You know you wanna!”
“Close! But no, repeat after me… ‘da… da!”
Gojo paused the video, giving you a shit eating grin. “Sooo… where’s that 20 you owe me?”
“Bullshit! You tricked her into saying that!” you protested causing him to laugh. “I didn’t lose anything!”
“Yeah yeah, keep saying that!” He playfully shoved you before pulling you into a tight hug. “Hey.. dear?” he asked.
“This is going to sound super cheesy, so don’t judge me okay? But..." He looked down at his wives hand, decorated with the ring he got you. "...thank you for being here… I couldn’t imagine a reality without you in it... so let’s cherish the one we’re in, yeah?”
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onecornerface · 10 months
the time I trolled 4chan as a fake flat earther for six hours in 2012
In July 2012, I got on 4chan and pretended to be a flat earther. I passionately argued for flat earth theory for six hours with almost no break. I kept a single thread going the whole time, getting over 400 replies. I’m not sure if I still have a PDF of the thread, but I do have some quotes from people who responded to me. Looking back over this a decade later, I am proud.
[CW: Slurs]
"There's no way you're actually this dumb. There's just no way."
"the flat earth society is one of the best trolls i've ever seen, in all those days of /b/"
"I tried some scientific research on this topic a while ago. I ordered a pizza, got two because the first was not what I ordered. I let the first dry out under a light bulb. Eventually, after a couple weeks, living creatures started populating Planet Pizza, after a while orbiting their home planet. This is proof, that the earth is flat. tl;dr Earth is a pizza, probably on a bigger pizza which probably is in a room with an even bigger pizza."
"Sir your thesis contradicts climate, you don't know what refraction is, you can't explain day and night, ebb and flow and you're also paranoid and/or outright stupid since you believe in conspiracy theory."
"You are a stupid faggot, and the whole of society would be better if you stopped breathing it's air. ...unless, of course, you're a troll. In that case, I'll award you an 8/10."
"I however, HAVE BEEN TO SPACE. Twice. I assure you, having orbited the planet many times, it is indeed a sphere. OP is an idiot, his only defense against me is 'omg gimme proof' which I can, and once given, 'u r part of the illuminatee' Ugh. Ignorant dumb ass piece of shit."
"Damn OP 9/10"
"If we dealt with this on a daily basis i would kill myself."
"Yes my jimmies are rustled, because I hate ignorant, inbred fucks like OP. Go die in a hole. Oh wait, you couldn't, you'd be scared of just falling through into space."
"10/10 OP good trolling, keeping in character and sounding legit"
"9/10 OP. My jimmies will be rustled for the whole rest of the day after reading this tripe."
"[S]ome eyebrows must be raised in the direction of the /b/ros still continuing to argue about this. Better standard should be expected from you guys, but taking away nothing from OP. Excellent work."
"If you're not a failtroll you are, by far, one of the most deluded and idiotic people I've ever seen post on /b/, which is a tremendous feat."
"9/10 for commitment"
"love this thread op 10/10 for still being here." (This was three hours in.)
">Focuses on the obscurely worded >Ignores every other point >Provides no answers About what I was expecting."
"Go hung yourself, please Humanity doesn't need such stupid people like you are"
"I'd believe someone who says the earth is flat compared to someone who claims otherwise and can't grammar correctly."
"I haven't laughed so hard at something on /b/ for a long time."
"OP, I'm not gonna bother asking you anything. I just wanted to let you know this is the best thread I have seen as long as I can remember. You truly are amazing. Good fucking job."
"nice arguments though i am in awe of your reckless faggotry and ignorance and skills of producing believable logical fallacies."
(Four hours in) "I can't believe this thread is still going. OP is the most successful troll of all time."
">Earth is flat >Every other celestial body is round >mfw 1/10"
"Great thread. You are not a troll, I saw you other times here and I knew personally a man from this society."
"holy shit 0 of fucking 10"
"Billiard balls are also flat. Isn't it obvious that they sprites?"
"10/10 OP wins"
">almost 5 hours of this shit 10/10"
"Big respect OP. OP is alpha as fuck"
"but seriously, OP is the man destroying everyone with his devasting arguments for hours huge respect man if i would suck a cock then I'd suck yours and I'd propably come before you do"
"3/10. Painfully obvious troll, yet impressive to see so many anons actually failing to make a compelling argument."
"Willy Wonka travelled around the world in 80 days, and ended up back where he started, just in time for tea. You can't explain that."
"Did you ever wonder what happened to Amelia earhart? She flew too far. Gov't shot her down past the ice wall. They obviously couldnt have her come back from that trip, she would tell everyone"
"I myself subscribe to modern rational empiricism, in accordance to which OP's arguments are absolute bullshit. And yet the attempts to challenge his unfalsifiable beliefs have proven mostly futile. A great majority of those posting in this thread have no idea why they should believe the earth is round."
"There has to be trolling here, I seriously can't believe what I am reading."
"this is beyond epic"
"I'm starting to enjoy this so i'm upping you from a 2/10 to an 8 but it ends now."
"OP is now argueing since 6 hours. This is the longest discussion I've ever seen in my life. Of ALL discussions, not only 4chan."
"arguments presented thus far by flatty: >did you personally do the experiment? no? then the results are invalid >here's my evidence; as demonstrated in this experiment someone else did also >oh; you did the experiment itself and it basically shows that the earth is round? >there's probably crazy gravity or some shit; hell if i know or >just because we can't explain every one of these phenomena and a spherical model can doesn't mean we're wrong. i'm serious you guys also >pictures lie and you should never believe them; despite mind boggling quality and quantity available for universal use online"
"Explain how we can have fat asses and tennis balls but a flat fucking earth."
"9/10 OP, well done!"
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go-river-flows · 1 year
Welcome back to the Avatar Programme
Summary: We're coming up to the end of the story now.  Everything is wrapping up and coming to a close.
A/N: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! I finally finished the series! Yippee!!
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“You're Toruk Makto?!” I gaped at Jake who finally returned from gathering fifteen clans, over two-thousand warriors. His hair decorated with feathers and beads, a visor sitting on his temple. Sitting on the ground next to my cot. I was moved to the healing tent after the consciousness transfer for further healing, they had laid me face down. I suffered great burns when Quaritch decided to light up Hometree and I was apparently laying on my back on the second level of Hometree when the flames rose up. “What?! How?”
“Well, I decided to make a quick stop on top of a Toruk, before your conscious transfer,” he breezed through the topic, “It was nothing.”
“It's not nothing! That is the greatest achievement in all of Na’vi history. Nothing my ass!” I yelled out. “But seriously, Tommy would be proud.” I propped up on my elbows to which Jake shifted to get me to stay still.
“Woah woah woah, don't move,” he bugged me, “You're supposed to be healing and resting.” To which I rolled my eyes.
“My back is all tingly and itchy,” I laid back on my stomach, “And my neck is killing me.”
“At least it's better than being dead,” he snarked back. 
“Damn, why you got to be all…brotherly to me,” I shuddered in fake grossness.
“Oh ha ha. You're the one who's acting like a brat, right now,” he lightly scratched my back through the leaves covering medicine, “Where abouts are you itchy?”
“A-A little to the right,” his fingers moved to the right, “okay, a-a little down,” his fingers trailed down a little getting the spot, my tail curling up in pleasure as were my ears, “Oh yeeeeeeaaaah. Right there,” I moaned.
“Uhhhh, am I interrupting something?” Norm’s voice broke through the tent.
Jake retracted his hand, as I craned my neck in Norm’s direction.
“He’s just scratching my back, it was itchy,” I fumbled through my words.
“What's up Norm?” 
“Trudy’s calling for you,” Norm simply said, Jake gave a solitary nod before looking back at me. I gave an encouraging smile before giving a firm slap on his shoulder. 
“Go. Our almighty Toruk Makto,” I smiled back, sighing into the cot.
“Here,” Norm knelt down next to me, “I retrieved this from your body before they buried you,” Norm dangled dog tags in front of my face. Lyle’s. I propped myself up again, taking them in my large blue palm. It felt so small and cold against my skin.
“Thank you, Norm,” I turned to him.
“I'm sorry. I never really apologised to you for that day,” referring to the way he acted when he found out I was dating Wainfleet, “He really does love you. Cares about you way more than me. And when he came to get us out of that cell I didn't even thank him, even when he turned his back on Quaritch. I should've been a better friend. I'm sorry.”
“Norm?” he hummed questioningly, “I forgive you.”
“Okay,” he gently beamed, “Get some rest.” He took his leave and I dozed off not that long after.
I lay there until late, yawning and feeling my back. The leaves were changed sometime during my sleep and my chest was still naked, but now I at least wore a loincloth. The medicine made my back tingle, I sat myself up and peered out the tent flap. Gently rising from the cot, I stumbled a bit like a baby struggling to walk. Steadying myself I opened the flap. I could hear quiet chanting coming in the direction of the Tree of Souls. Walking in that direction, I found myself watching a consciousness transfer. Red hair catching my eyes. It was Grace. 
When the chanting subsided, it took a moment but Grace’s avatar sat up as Tsu’tey, Jake and Neytiri went to her side. Oh wow. So that's how that works. After the ceremony Grace was led away to be dressed. But Jake stayed behind. Neytiri returned, stopping next to me with a chest covering in hand. She gently helped me into it, avoiding the leaves covering my back.
“Neytiri, do you hate me?” I asked out of left field. My ear twitched as she stopped her actions.
“Why do you ask that, sister?”
“For what happened to your sister and Anuk? For what happened to your father? For what happened to Hometree?”
“No (Y/N). Why would I hate you for that?”
“Because I was like Jake. I was responsible for those events. I don't deserve to be an Omatikaya. I don't deserve to be Na’vi,” I confessed.
“No. You should not take the blame for those sky demons. You are nothing like them. I do not hate you. I never did and I never will. You are Omatikayan, you are Na’vi. You deserve to be,” she hugged me from behind planting her cheek on my shoulder, “You are my sister. Just like Sylwanin. I see you, Tsumuke.” I turned around to look her in her eyes. They were forgiving and warm.
“I see you, Neytiri,” I hugged her hard as she stroked my head. I let her go and she walked forward to join Jake at the Tree of Souls. The sound of a twig snapping caught my ear, I turned to the sound, finding Tsu’tey in an awkward pose as if I had just caught him doing something bad. 
“Tsu’tey, what are you doing?” 
“You weren't in the healing tent,” his gaze lowered, “that covering looks beautiful on you.”
“Uh…I have a mate remember,” I chuckled, he looked away blushing slightly, “Just teasing.”
“Ah, lucky bastard,” he laughed out loud.
“Be safe tomorrow, don't die,” I gave him a bone crushing hug as he reciprocated, letting go a little when I winced from the pain.
The next day was the day of the battle. I stayed mostly with the children and healers. Jake stopped by with a spare earpiece and communication device, he helped me put it around my neck as I popped in the earpiece. He gave a quick kiss on my temple before taking off toward his Toruk. 
“Don't die Jake! Or I'll kill you myself!” I yelled after him as he waved back, mounting his massive red banshee.
Corralling the kids and injured into a cave we sat inside as four warriors stood guard at the entrance in case any sky demons happened to find us. I hoped Lyle was fine and hadn't been found out yet by Quaritch. He promised he would come find me, but as the battle approached I feared that he would be killed. 
The thundering footsteps of direhorses could be heard as they charged. The small pebbles in the cave were shaking as the walls vibrated violently. The sniffles of the children and injured made me quite alert of their fear. My nose twitched slightly. Pressing the comms, I called for Jake.
“If you find Lyle, get him outta there,” I tell him.
“I will, copy that,” he confirmed
I kept my fingers on the comm buttons listening in on the conversations. It was hard, especially when things started ramping up. Hearing the distant cries of banshees, explosions, loud thundering footsteps of direhorses, everything melding together in one giant mess. And here I was in a cave, not fighting with the other na’vi. I was hesitant, fearing, but the idea of losing those I love scared me even more. A strength in me grew, my memories of all the tears spilled. The death of Tommy, my mother, Anuk, and Sylwanin, made me fear the death of Jake, of Grace, Tsu’tey and Neytiri. I can fight so why shouldn't I? Before I knew it I was standing, brushing off the leaves off my back leaving the cool balm of dapophet (plant used to soothe skin that has been burned as well as to speed the healing of cuts and other injuries), I ran out of the cave to Grace and Mo’at’s surprise, snatching the spear from a guard, I charged in the direction of the fight. Following in the footsteps of direhorses I soon came upon the terrible screams of both Na’vi and humans. It was absolute carnage. I managed to dodge some flying bullets and falling debris using the trees as coverage. Some Na’vi ran back, rushing past me. A na’vi falling in front of me, I quickly moved her out of the way into the cover of the trees as some copter flew into the canopy. Pushing back a little bit, I forced the woman forward before yanking another to stand, dragging him behind another tree as stray bullets flew our direction. A familiar figure hopped over a fallen log making his way back.
“Norm!” I managed to avoid the explosions of missiles and bullets, getting to Norm and yanking him away.
“(Y/N)! You're not supposed to be here!” 
“JUST RUN!!!” I screamed over all the noise. Before taking off back into the fight, hopping over fallen logs, swinging the spear at an unexpecting human, Yanking his gun from his hands, I sprayed some bullets at some surviving humans. My eyes looked through their masks to see if it was Lyle first. 
“You're not Lyle,” I looked at a human who was shooting me. Suddenly a banshee dropped into the canopy. A samson right on her tail as a person in an AMP suit shot the ikran. I charged forward shooting the gun at the humans getting closer to the ikran and it's rider. It was Neytiri, who was thrown off landing hard on the ground. 
“Neytiri!” I ran to her as she scrambled to her ikran calling her name, explosions happening all around us as I used the fallen log as cover. “Neytiri! Stay down!” I yelled at her, but she could only look at the carnage. The flames grew larger by the minute, burning everything in it's path. The earpiece buzzed on, Jake was calling for Tsu’tey, for Trudy but they didn't answer. Oh no. 
“Neytiri, we have to go,” I pulled her up as the sound of footsteps and moaning of metal suits got closer. Pulling her behind a tree to avoid being seen. Bullets were being shot at random as a soldier holding a flamethrower shooting out flames. Knowing that Lyle would be in an AMP suit he must be close by. 
Jake’s voice called out to Neytiri on comms, the footsteps getting closer.
“They are very close. They are many,” she gasped for air, forgetting I was with her for a moment.
“Do not attack,” Jake ordered through our earpieces, “Do you read me, Neytiri? Do not attack!”
She crouched down next to me. I had to think fast. If Lyle was here on the ground, Neytiri would kill him. I grit my teeth before doing the unthinkable.
“Lyle!” I screamed out, the footsteps coming to a stop.
“Hey, did you hear that?” A soldier asked.
“Lyle! Don't shoot!” I reached my hand out the side of the tree covering us, Neytiri pulled my hands back making distressed sounds, I scrambled to get her off. “Lyle! I love you!” I screamed as loud as I could. The sudden sound of bullet rounds and screams of humans startled the two of us, but none of it was fired at the tree that hid us. Next was the sound of shattering glass of another nearby AMP suits followed by pained screams and it finally quietened down.
“(Y/N)!!!” Lyle screamed back, he was close by. I could hear it. I poked my head out much to Neytiri’s distress gently pushing her off, seeing Lyle in his AMP suit.
“Lyle!” I ran to him, as he dropped his large assault rifle, he grabbed his mask from inside the AMP suit shoving it on his face and he opened the front of the mechanical beast. Reaching out towards me. I pulled him out of it.
“(Y/N)! Thank god!” He wrapped his arms around my neck as I hugged him back, careful not to use my full strength.
“Lyle,” I squeezed him a little.
“I promised you, remember. I promised I'll come find you,” Lyle reminded me. I could hear Neytiri behind me snarl.
“Get away from the sky demon,” Neytiri yowled, her voice dripping with fury. I turned to face her.
“Neytiri, sister. I will not! He is my mate,” She drew her bow pointing it at me, I moved Lyle behind me putting myself between them.
“Move!” Neytiri hissed.
“No! He is my mate, just like Jake! He is human too, but you love him. You mated with him,” her eyes widened a little at that. The mechanical whirring of an approaching AMP suit disturbed our interaction, turning our heads in that direction. I grabbed Lyle, careful not to jostle him too much. We quickly moved as Neytiri let her arrow fly at the approaching AMP suit.
“What do we do?” Lyle wrapped his arms around my neck as I carried him on my back, I could hear a quiet gasp, he rested his small hand on my burnt back.
“We run, hold on tight,” I say to him, he locks his legs around my torso, but a sudden deafening sound of a stampede breaks through the air. “Neytiri!” I gesture for her to run for cover, in the distance the large beasts of hammerhead titanothere charged through the land roaring at the approaching humans. 
“Jake, Eywa has heard you,” she pressed on her comms, “Eywa has heard you!” She triumphantly raised her bow yelling into the air.
Netiri grabbed my arm, as we ran toward the stampede avoiding spraying bullets. As we ran through the stampede, Lyle used his handgun, turning to shoot at the soldiers behind us. Watching as the AMP suit he drove was crushed by an elephant sized beast. He winced, noting that if he was in that, he would’ve died instantly. A flurry of viperwolf sped past us attacking the soldiers, though one did turn around as Lyle was hanging on my back, I snarled at it and it left us alone.
The loud snarl of a thanator slowed us down as it pounced down from a half fallen log. Though it didn't attack, instead bowing its head in submission. Neytiri turned to me slack jawed, as I pushed her to make tsaheylu and get on it's back.
“Jake! What is happening?!” I asked through the comms.
“The banshees are attacking!” He called through the earpiece, “Quaritch is near the Tree! I have to go!” 
“Go! Let's go!” I urged her ahead, “I'm right behind you!” Spear still in hand I followed after with haste, with Lyle strapped in on my back like a little kid. Neytiri sped off on the palulukan leaving me in the dust. Running forward as loud explosions above us could be heard. “Lyle! Why is Quaritch near the Tree of Souls?”
“He’s gonna blow it sky high!” I heard him yell. What? Oh Eywa.
Sliding to a halt, I started running to a shortcut. One arm keeping Lyle steady as the other gripped onto the spear, I dodged falling debris cutting to a clearing where part of Site 26 sat. jumping over logs, and sliding down a small decline. A loud explosion caught my eye, above us as flaming metal parts flew down, nearly hitting us. 
“Holy crap! I think that’s Quaritch!” Lyle shouted over the crashing metal pieces. Getting to my feet I was blown down from the massive bird colliding into the ground, scrambling away from the heat I could the clearing as I approached. The shiny metal of the small link unit gleaming from the sunlight. But also an AMP suit pinning Neytiri down. Without a thought, I switched the spear to my dominant hand, using my speed I used my inertia, turning my body– back in high school I was the best javelin thrower, throwing the furthest and breaking an unbreakable ten year record of 10.3 metres long– and I was about to break it again. Throwing the spear with great speed. I managed to shatter the glass of the AMP suit. The strike managed to knock the heavy metal suit to the ground. I slowed my steps as Jake entered the fray. Getting to Neytiri, Lyle got off my back as I helped push the poor palulukan off her leg.
“Neytiri!” Jake yelled. A sudden laugh from inside the AMP suit caught us off guard. He’s not dead. The arms of the suit gripped the wooden handle of the spear, the machine sitting up as Quaritch’s voice called out.
“You almost got me there (Y/N). Just about,” through the shattered glass I could see the end of the spear piercing his shoulder, just missing his head.
“Give it up, Quaritch!” Jake yelled at him, “It's all over.”
“Nothing’s over while I'm still breathing,” Quarithch came to a full stand as Jake ran for a nearby weapon engaging in a fight. I returned to push off the palulukan as Lyle helped lift, creating enough space for Neytiri to wiggle out. She pulled me back as Lyle stepped forward, pointing his gun at the AMP suit. 
“Sir! Stop!” Lyle yelled at Quaritch. Jake was dodging Quaritch’s movements but managed to grab ahold of Jake’s braid. Jake screamed out in pain. Taking that opportunity Lyle moved forward shooting at the glass, further breaking it. Quaritch’s movements stopped, dropping Jake’s braid as the toxic Pandoran air seeped through the cracks. Quaritch moved quickly, putting on his emergency mask. Then took a hold of the embedded spear, yanking it out of his shoulder and glass front. Finally popping open the glass section. Quaritch got a good look at the shooter.
“Corporal Wainfleet?! You're with them?” Lyle didn't say anything, knowing that he might die if he answered truthfully. ”Wainfleet!” Quaritch yelled again. Lyle fearfully pointed his weapon at his Commander. “Alright then,” Quaritch lowered his voice, in an unexpected action Quaritch threw the spear at Lyle. But Jake moved faster, tackling Lyle out of the way, rolling them away, before getting back up on his feet. Taking a hold of the spear that struck the earth, I ran to grab Lyle who looked pained and slightly pale. Jake spun the spear around as Quaritch charged him, managing to aim the spear at Quaritch’s chest, not missing like I did. A squelch could be heard as all movements stopped. Quaritch stumbled back, almost as if he was taken aback. His eyes were glazed over as he turned to look at the lot of us. Turning to Neytiri, she struck an arrow in his chest. A small gasp escaped Quaritch’s lips. And another arrow was struck for extra measure. The large machine collapsed in a heap as Quaritch lay dying in his AMP suit, taking a final breath before dying.
“Lyle?” I looked back down at my small lover, holding the back of his head for support.
“Ugh…M-my leg. I think I broke my leg,” he mumbled. I looked down to his legs, his right left bent in an unnatural way, scaring me.
“Shit. Oh shit,” I cursed, “Baby, it's alright. I’ll get you some help.” 
Returning to Hell’s Gate, we managed to gather the humans to send them back to earth, and Lyle was treated for his broken leg. A few humans, the avatar drivers, our allies, were chosen to stay on Pandora. Lyle being one of them. Jake trusted him as Lyle had proved himself to be an ally, though Neytiri was still apprehensive about it she accepted it. I learnt from Jake and Neytiri after their search party for Tsu’tey, that he had died in battle. They searched for Trudy, but she too had passed away. Of course I was struck by grief and saddened by this news, I was close with both of them. But Jake assured me that Tsu’tey was no longer in pain and he was with Sylwanin now, and Trudy was with Eywa. They are both at peace. A funeral would be held for all those killed.
But here I am now. In Hell’s Gate, safe, with the man I love, with the people I love, with Grace. That was all I ever wanted, and I'm glad we survived. There is no longer an Avatar Program, but we will continue our research and studies to better understand Pandora. This is (Y/N) speaking her last log. As a fully fledged Na’vi, still alive. Over and out. I smiled at the camera, turning it off.
Taglist: @sleepilysworld   @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed  @wolfmoon8269  @howlerwolfmax   @lovekeeho   @ducks118   @dyingofcookies   @secretflowerobservation
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gsstories · 11 months
SOG: The Fallout
The young prince sat on a random rooftop in the Ring of Greed, hugging his knees to his chest as he looked down at the disgusting city that he had the misfortune to be born in. He had been wondering around the cities for a few days and there was no sign of anyone looking for him. As expected.
Daniel sighed as he buried his face in his knees.
What happened?
“You don’t want to what?!” Mammon screeched in outrage.
“I don’t want to keep on performing dad. It’s too much for me! I hate it all! I have panic attacks after every show! I just don’t wanna end up snapping and doing something I regret…” Daniel said as he looked up at his father.
“Seriously?! After everything I have done for you, this is how you repay me?! By leaving me how Fizzarolli did?! Can’t believe it, from my own son!” Mammon yelled as he got closer to the shorter demon. “How dare you be so ungrateful after I cared for you and fed you and gave you everything?!”
“Cared…? You never cared about what I am doing, you just care about money! All my life I tried to be enough just so you would glance my way but I see it was all in vain! You are an awful excuse of a father- No, you weren’t a father AT ALL!” Daniel yelled as he started tearing up. “I know you never wanted me but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. Everyday I wish to be given love and affection, I don’t care from whom, I just want it, NEED it!”
Daniel took off his jester cap, letting his long, messy white hair fall down. He looked up at his father, a sharp glare on his face as tears ran down his face.
“I am done with this place. I am done performing, I am done neglecting myself just for money! I am done with you Mammon. Bye.” The prince said before storming out of the place, leaving behind a raging beast.
The prince shivered as he hugged himself tighter. It was cold, and he wasn’t exactly wearing anything suitable for cold weather. Hell, he was wearing the same outfit for a few days straight! It was already pretty dirty…
The prince then felt someone put their hand on his shoulder. He got startled so he quickly got his face from his arms and looked back. He sighed in relief when he saw it was Asmodeus.
“Hey there. I was worried about you. Ozzie said.
“Worried? Ah. Okay...” Daniel mumbled. “Why-Why you worried?”
“Because I care about you, duh. Damn, you really are like Fizzarolli.” Ozzie said as he sat next to the young man.
“Uh huh...” Daniel would mumble as he sniffled. “Right...”
“No, I'm serious. Both of you have a hard time believing that I care about vou at certain moments. And I get it, you've both been manipulated by Mammon, but you two have so much worth outside of him, you just need to be able to see it.” Ozzie said. 
“I know, it's just... fuck, I'm tired... of everything...” Daniel said as he teared up. “For all my life I tried to get that greedy asshole to care but always fucking failed... I realize now that none of it was worth it... I'm so tired of trying…”
“And I am so proud of you for standing up for yourself. You're absolutely right. You shouldn't have to work so hard for the acknowledgement of someone whose love is conditional at best.” Ozzie would say. “Daniel, I promise, the people who truly care about you won't ever try to make you feel like you aren't good enough. You are perfectly fine the way you are.”
The young demon looked up at Asmodeus and teared up, quickly drying his tears when he felt them appear.
“Now come on. Let's go home.” Ozzie would say, picking up Daniel and cradling him like a child. “OUR home.”
Tears slowly ran down Daniel’s face as he leaned on Asmodeus, finally getting the affection he needed for so long. He craved more of this. 
Once in his palace, Asmodeus had Daniel shower and get rid of his dirty clothes and got him to eat some food before getting him to rest. The poor kid was exhausted, he didn’t want to leave Ozzie’s embrace but he hid it well. Ozzie knew Daniel didn’t want to be a burden to him but he always told him he was far from that. Daniel never believed him.
Ozzie walked out of the room and was greeted by a worried Fizzarolli. Both demons had been worried when they hadn’t heard from the young man in almost a week and Mammon was of no help whatsoever. 
“What will happen to Danny? We can’t let him go back to Mammon, who knows what he’ll do to him…” Fizzarolli said, looking concerned.
Ozzie sighed as he scratched his head.
“Mammon is still gonna try and take him back, he’ll probably try and sue as well, the greedy bastard…” Ozzie growled at the thought before taking a deep breath. “No matter, we shouldn’t worry about him. We should worry about Daniel. Poor kid has had it rough.”
“Believe me…” Fizzarolli mumbled. “…I know.”
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lovealexhunt · 8 days
Hey. Hope you're doing well. Just wanted to check on u & make sure you've drink water or not as in today's modern busy world, we get so occupied with our responsibilities & work tht we forget to drink water. I hope u do drink water if you haven't already. As u know, it's Suicide Prevention Month & ik tht u sometimes struggle with ur mental health. If no one has told u then let me, I'm proud of u. I'm very proud of u tht u still manage to get thru your day despite struggling with ur mental health & keep up showing everyday. You're seriously a Superhero. Beside irl stuff, u also host so many wonderful & amazing events, you bring something very rare & special to the table & we as a community love you. Girl, you're a superstar & superhero. No matter how much life tries to pull u down, u have the strength to look into it's eyes & say "No. I'm not giving up. This is my story & I'll write it. I won't give control to my fears or my inner demons to control me."
We love u sm & I hope u remember you're incredible whether u feel it or not. U r rare, special & absolutely incredible. The courage to smile and keep spreading joy thru events and posts show how much u care for those around u. Girl, I'm so damn proud of u! Give urself a hug & pat urself on the back (especially if u have a bad day, it helps) u got this! Life will throw it's worse at u but ik 1 thing for sure ~ It’s only gonna make u strong & won't affect u for long.
Girl, whenever u read this I hope u have a gr8 day, week & month ahead. LOVE U QUEEN 👸 👑
Never give up!
Ohmygoodness!!! This is too much! You're so sweet!!! I didn't expect anything like this at all. ever. wow! I had to read it twice because I couldn't even believe it.
It honestly means the world to me, especially on days when I really need the reminder to take care of myself and keep pushing through. I'm really good at helping others work on their mental, emotional, and physical health but I am terrible at caring for myself. I actually did need to drink some water, so I appreciate the reminder. I've definitely been dehydrated for a few days now. I have to catch up this weekend!
I'm truly beyond grateful for your support and encouragement. I always appreciate kind messages and this one was just over the top generous. Thank you for checking in on me. I will try to be kinder to myself.
I hope you will be kind to yourself too! Sending you a hug! I hope you are having a wonderful day/week/month! You deserve it!
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jxtp0sed · 4 months
Been back in Japan for a while now but just now getting used to not going to work everyday. It’s been a dream not having to take the congested trains for three hours every day 5-6 times a week omg! It is so so stressful!
Been prepping multiple versions of my resume and tons of cover letters, as well as taking some Japanese lessons (paid for with a stipend from my previous employer - s/o to Nihongonomori) and some MOOCs to level up my skills, alongside attending seminars at my local HelloWork. Getting lots and lots of rejections but trying not to lament though some days are better than others. I need to switch up my approach but also a relocation might be in the near future so I also need to start looking for positions up north… 👀
Remote would be a dream but they’re few and far between for sure…
Since I left my last employer I am proud to say I have booked a handful of model/talent gigs and it’s been such a thrill. I’m writing this on the Shinkansen to Tokyo for what is one of my biggest jobs yet. Of course before leaving Kansai I went through the motions of natural hair anxiety - and I just hope that the beauty team on set over the next couple days come with all their skills because I am going to give it 150% and I want to make sure the look match!!
I really need to get a trim and when I say trim I mean like cutting several inches off my ends (is it even ends anymore?!) because nevermind that I have hair for three people but my endssss whew do not put my blow dried hair in a room with a lit cigarette 😂
Is this a safe space? Anyone wanna take a guess how long it’s been since my last haircut?
Five years…
and before that it was a 4.5 year gap. My last salon visit before that was right before moving to Japan lol I have basically only gotten a haircut that one time since I moved to Japan ten years ago and I didn’t even get the haircut at the 4.5 year mark IN Japan. I’m just really apprehensive about the level of natural/Black haircare knowledge and have lots of childhood salon trauma. I just want to be treated with dignity and walk out happy. 😢 but at this point and with my goals in mind I need to get my hair together and I need help doing it.
I need to find someone who knows how to do a proper blowout since I only ever cut my hair dry. What a struggle in itself and so here we are.
THAT aside
Very thankful for everything so far. I find it ironic that I have the opportunity to take modeling more seriously at this stage in my life. Sometimes I think like damn I’m (re)starting so late - but then I tell myself immediately to shut up, that my timing is the right timing and I’m also immediately reminded of what my mom said before I moved to Japan (she didn’t want me to come after the Fukushima disaster - I still came to jpn for the first time that very August on vacation but) she said “I’m not gonna say anything because I know you’re are going to do what you want” and I don’t think she meant it dismissively, but I think it finally hit her that I ammmm stubborn af and thus also really determined to at least TRY something I’m motivated to do if I think it’s at all possible. Shoutout to my Taurus risings!!
She tried to shoot down my model dreams when I was younger but I mean we was poor and I was the first to go to college like what you mean you wanna take pictures as a job looool
Somehow I feel I’m finding my way step by step. :)
Wish me luck!! My sleep schedule is 💩 and I have very early start times starting tomorrow. Wish I could share more about the project but you’ll find out in time cuz I won’t shut up once it’s out 😂 will post recent work in the meantime
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scuttlingcrab · 5 months
Hi! Once you get this, please tell us 5 things you like about yourself. If you've received that already, don't mind skipping the message. You can post it to five other people you follow for them to respond :)
Hello @certifieddilfenjoyer ! 🫡 Thank you for this, I usually don’t do these types of asks but you’re amazing so why the hell not!
Here we goooooo:
1) My sense of humour. I think I’m pretty funny 🤣 Sometimes. My heroes are people like Conan O’ Brien and Larry David. My humour has taught me not to take life too seriously. I like to make people laugh and feel good, so there’s nothing that brings me joy than seeing a smile or sensible chuckle from anyone lol. I will accept a “LMAO” too. 😅
2) Learning to love myself from the inside out. All my anxieties and depression and accepting every quirk and flaw I HATED when I was younger, and understanding that they make me unique. Also learning to love myself when I look in the mirror every day — I’m only going to be 32 once, and in honour of one of my favourite quotes: “I will never have this version of me again, let me slow down and be with her.” ✨
I also had a health scare in late 2020, (lmao time of my life) so just valuing being alive, and taking one day at time.
3) My writing. Really proud of some of the things I’ve started writing again since getting back into fan fiction. Thanks Raphael! 😈✨I wanted to do nothing but be a writer when I was a child but for some reason I stopped when life got in the way or when I had other hobbies and pursuits. So I’m just gosh darn happy to be here, writing again, and maybe I’ll get a book idea out of this. Maybe not! Or a film idea?! Who the hell knows! Even if it’s nothing I’ll be happy — my fan fic ain’t stopping!
4) Where I’ve come from and my career. I’m originally from America and now I live in the U.K. — I’ve been here for 5 years now and fully settled which means I can apply for dual citizenship this year. (Or when I have an extra £1500 lying around lmao, in this economy?! 😐). I always wanted to travel and live abroad but could never afford it growing up. So it blows my mind I’m here now. 😂 I also work in animation — the industry that took me away from my writing dreams! Lol! When I take a moment to step away from my computer or crippling to-do list, it’s actually pretty damn cool how far I’ve come, haha.
5) My style and range of tastes in film, music, books, obsession with Japanese culture, anime, etc., etc., I’m so weird!!! And I love it! I am obsessed with old films and have been in love with various dead men and women through out my entire life, lol. Ask me about William Powell or Katharine Hepburn, I’ll talk your ears off. I also love all types of music from Japanese Jazz, City Pop, Swing Bands like Glenn Miller, to melodic techno and hip hop like A Tribe Called Quest. Also my favourite band of all time is HAIM. 🤣
Thanks again for sending this to me — now back to obsession about Raphael. 😏✨🪦
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
Also one thing i constantly wonder is how it would be if for a short period of time the Unseen Varia are tasked to "assist" Tsuna and his family in getting accostumed to life in italy. Hayato doesnt really need it, he is plenty comfortable with the mafia life but the others? Not so much. Reborn is kinda busy with a lot of stuff regarding actually building up a structure for the family, so they were called to help instruct the newcomers to this life and how to actually survive in italy (Unfortunately Tsunas way of doing things does not work that well in a place where the mafia is 90% of the cities population). Squalo only agreed to it because right now there are little hits ordered and the higher ranks are too expensive to deploy so sending them for lower rank missions would be a waste of respurces.
"Go show this trash how not to fucking bite it in the first week in italy!"
Lor: are we gonna get paid?
Ser: dude. But actually good question. Captain, will we be compensated in any way?
Squalo: standart A rate flat
Ser: FLAT?! (meaning instead of a per hour pay its a set amount of money for the whole mission irrelevant of any additional hours or circumstances)
Lor: Standart A Flat?! You gotta be fucking kidding me, isn't thia a super important mission?!
Leo: *soft worried and anxious whimper at the hightening tension*
Ava: Does that mean each "lesson" will be counted as an A Flat, or our entire stay?
Squ: every lesson
Ser: oh, okay, I'm cool with that.
Lor: can we squeeze any additional pay from them?
Ser: you want to scam Neo Primo for additional pay?!
Lor: hey its a good lesson in and of itself to not be sucha a damn pushover.
Squalo: sure, if you dont get a bullet to the shins, go ahead.
And thus the "Unseen Varia" make their way to the Neo Primo Famiglia. Tsuna is not fucking THRILLED being informed that this is happening about 10 minutes before they arrive, and to his horror they are actually a bit early- and the confusion and shock only gets worse when Yamamoto loudly calls "Ava! :D" only for this young boy to look up, grin widely and rush to Yamamoto yelling "Takeshi!" before jumping into his open arms and giving him a kiss to both cheeks that Yamamoto actually reciprocates.
Yama: it's been so long!
Ava: since the future I believe!
Yama: seriously?!
They both laugh and finally the rest of the Varia that are unknown to the rest of them, close up to the group.
The guy with the long white hair that is NOT Squalo, joins with a grin and as Ava lets go of Yamamoto gives him a bro-y handshake.
"Hey, Takeshi! Whats up man?"
"Nothing much! I didn't know you guys would come!"
The group is not surprised at the fluent japense, after all thats what the Varia officers they met also displayed, but the familiarity is jarring until Yamamoto explains.
"Everyone, this is Ava and this is Sergey, they're Squalos second in command of the rain division."
Ser: sup!
Ava: *bowing* it's a pleasure to meet you all in person. During his time training with my brother, Takeshi told us a lot about all of you.
Yamamoto grins widely to which Tsuna just looks a but curious.
"Yes!" Ava smiles proud.
"I am Squalos younger brother, nice to meet you!"
There is a round of genuine shock (Squalo has a LITTLE BROTHER?!?!?) and Tsuna mentally notes that they all seem a LOT more tolerable than the Varia they met- in fact Ava doesnt seem at ALL like Squalo- then Tsuna also thinks back on the ringbattles and how Ava must've seen his brother get mauled by a shark.
Ava: mh? Are you worried about the shock of seeing Squ lose and get jumped by a shark?
Tsuna: (he calls him "Squ"...) Um-- yeah.
Ava: it wasn't your fault. You didn't design that battle arena and besides, Dino immideatly called me to confirm, that my brother was okay.
The temperature drops a few degrees and when Ava opens his eyes, they are devoid of any life despite the smile on his face. It just does not reach the eyes.
Ava: otherwise I would've killed everyone in that building and then myself.
But Yamamoto breaks the tension by pattimg Avas shoulder and laughing.
"It's good that Dino-san was there!"
Ava immideatly returns to normal
Lorenzo then loudly proclaims
"Allright, now that the shmoozing is over, let's get to the point."
He looks directly at Tsuna who jolts.
"We four are the strongest members of the Varia right after the officers. So we were tasked to get you civis into shape." Gokudera clicks his tongue.
"Don't call me a fucking Civi."
Lor: oh? The storm brat has a loose tongue, doesn't he? And you wanna stop me HOW exactly? Throw some firework at me?
Dera: Those fireworks almost killed your damn psycho prince!
Lor: and yet you still lost against said psycho prince
Dera: at least I was a representative for the Vongola in that fight and not some benchwarmer of a second class institution like the Varia!
Ser: Leo, get him!
Ava sighs as Leo quickly grabs hold of Lorenzo and pulls him back.
"Let go of me, Leo, I'm gonna cut this brat limb from fucking limb!"
On the other side Yamamoto has a tight grip on Gokudera. Despite being older and more mature, he still has his temper.
"What Lorenzo wanted to say-" Ava then continues "is that we are here to train you in the survival arts of the mafia life. The city you chose to reside in from now on is to 90% inhabitet by mafiosi of several generations in. They are very well adapt in conning and scheming for their own benefit. Even with the Vongola backing you, they will do whatever they can to bring you down and seize power from you, since they just see you as a civi newcomer. If you had taken mantle as the Tenth of the Vongola Famiglia they would've still shown respect out of fear of angering the entire clan, however now that you have basically opened a new branch, at least as far as the unassociated know, they will try to outsmart you to get a foothold in the power structure. We from the Varia are the ones with adequat experience and knowledge to teach you how to navigate such an environment."
Around half through Avas explanation Reborn joined them and just confirms with a nod.
Lor: that being said, we take half at the beginning of the day and half at the end of it.
Tsuna: half...?
Lor: this isn't some kind of favor we do for a friend, this is a JOB, so as you hired us, you'll have to pay us per hour rates.
Sergey seems a bit nerveous, eyes flicking to Reborn, since he knows Lorenzo is just trying to get MORE money, as all payments usually go through the Varia financial infrostructure but since this IS a good learning opportunity, Reborn turns to Tsuna after a moment of contemplation and just says
"You heared the man. Pay up."
And thus begins unofficially the Unseen Varias mission to instruct the Neo Vongola Primo family in mafia daily life 101.
I really love this little scenario! I don't really have anything to add to it because it's just absolutely lovely the way it is! However, I do want to say again that I would definitely read full novels on these characters! I especially want to say that I love and admire your dialoguing skills. I could really hear each of the character's different voices in my head. Ava has a slighter lighter voice in my head than Squalo, but still has that growling, gruff sound to it that gets worse when he gets upset and he and his brother share some of the same facial expressions and body language when I picture it out in my head. Lor, in my head, has the deeper voice with a slight drawl on some words and his posture and body language is both kind of predatory but also relaxed at the same time as I play the scene out, just because I can hear and picture it so well just reading it all, so compliments to your skills there!!
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purrpickle · 2 years
Hi all.
I've been feeling a little bit discouraged with the interaction with the second part of my Monsam series as compared to the first part (which I'm mature enough to admit that I know is contributing to my issues with motivation for working on the third part), so I figured I'd go ahead and post the series here as a consolidated list and see if anyone who hasn't already wants to check it out.
I'm pretty damn proud of myself about it, after all!
(All links go to AO3.)
Working Title: The One Where Lady Sam Kidnaps Singha (With Permission) and Changes Everything
1. The Ocean As Blue As the River Cried Last Night
4,100+ words, complete
Sam shook her head and looked seriously at Singha, who perked up from cleaning his chin from the water he'd messily lapped up. "I am going to let you off the leash, Singha." Firming her voice, she cocked her head at him, raising her eyebrows, "But you are not going to run away. I am your owner for today, and you will do what I say. Hm?" Waiting for some kind of answer, and choosing the twitch of his ears at her as one, she made the OK sign at him before unlatching the leash from his collar.
Instead of staying at Mon's house to wait for her in the first part of Ep 9, Sam agrees to take Singha for the rest of the day like Teacher Pohn suggested. He ends up being the stimulus needed to start bringing Sam and Mon back together again.
2. The Villa As Empty As the Childhood Home Last Night
10,200+ words, complete
"Singha, you're supposed to stay in the towel," Sam said firmly, leaning forward to tug at the crumpled cloth under his paws in an attempt at pulling it up and back over his head. When he only clumsily stumbled in her way, nosing excitedly at her hand as if he thought it was a game, Sam sighed and sat back up.
Sequel to The Ocean As Blue As the River Cried Last Night. Now that Sam and Mon have agreed to talk the next day via a video and a replied text, both are left still trying to come to terms with their fight's aftermath. Mon has her parents to lean on, even if she's not telling them everything, but Sam only has Singha and... Jim?
12 Years Apart Doesn't Make It Easier
1,900+ words, ongoing
This is my collection of GAP the Series drabbles and short stories/one-shots that I write, ones that wouldn't work posted on their own. They are varying lengths, and not related unless noted to be.
All are most definitely Monsam/Sammon.
I ALMOST named this "Filling in the... Heh", but, sadly, managed to restrain myself.
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srlkiller · 10 months
ive realised that my self esteem & just general ‘sense of self’/love for myself is so awful & low.. horribly dependant & reliant on something or someONE else these days & i absolutely fucking loathe myself for ittttttt bc im beyond self aware.. yet ive jus never been loved my entire life by even my own parents to be shown that im worth a singular fuck so the bar is so low for humans… i seemingly will jus allow the fucking worst bc i guess subconsciously that’s what ive always been taught/shown/drilled into me by my parents to believe that i deserve? wen i know it’s not at all bc literally NO ONE deserves to be treated like shit by another human being. i have trouble saying the words no to other people. i have a lot of trouble just standing up for myself these days.. especially the lonelier i get, the more isolated i have become & older ive gotten. i found comfort in being alone & definitely got to know myself sm better.. then i went thru horrible shit all over again & lost myself completely.. all over again.. & haven’t been able to rebuild myself back up since then.. ive only gone downhill.. over & over & over. i know that I AM the only one that inevitably can help myself & save myself.. i have to do the work & put in the effort etc etc but it’s so hard with absolutely ZERRROOO support system of any kind & feeling like you have nothing & no one.. not one family member.. not one pet.. nothing at all anymore. everything has been ripped from me, taken by force or by death itself. I’ve been broken sm times but now that ive finally been able to let someone in again on some kind of romantic level.. im terrified.. so im letting them jus walk all over me which is the total opposite of who I am & everything i stand for, emulate as a woman & my whole fucking energy as a being. i don’t recognise myself at all so ive totally seperated myself from whoever this is.. the body, the mind.. the soul. i numb every feeling n thought i can.. whenever i can. but wow just having this huge surgery & putting my body under such duress & jeopardy was lowkey such a wake up call bc wtf?! IVE NEVER DONE NO SHIT LIKE FHIS BEFORE FOR ANYONE ELSE?!?! AND FOR WHAATTTT?!?! HE HAD THE PERF OPPORTUNITY TO DO EVERYTHING FHE RIGHT WAY N STILL FUXKED IT UP TO SATISFY HIS OWN SELFISH NEEDS.. so wtf am i doing? what am i doing risking myself for someone like that… i look stupid, feel stupid.. & could get left at any minute which would send me spiraling for someone who is quite frankly… not even close to what i need in a man or what ive ever wanted. im simply cheating myself out of a great self help story.. as i turn 29.. i reach my last year if my 20’s & I’ll b damned if i waste that shit on some young dumb n full of cum mf who doesn’t even give a fuck ab my health in any capacity who is probably lying n doing god knows what behind my back anyway… I seriously just need to put myself first.. just try.. I need to try. bc remember when I did? how proud I was? how it worked? it’s always worked. time to start writing goals n writing shit down again.. as we start approaching this date n it gets closer n closer.. on the 25/11/23 I’ll be 29 yall. it’s the 13/11/23 today. 11 days to get things in order. my goals don’t even need to be big I jus need to get things ‘in order’… ‘ready for 29’ sounds like a cool lil title.. as my bday is pretty much leading into the New Year anyway it’d b cool to get a lil head start on others too. like the needles into my head for alopecia which I have an appt for jus before my bday.. lashes n brows I have that appt for.. i needa get my actual hair done somehow.. before nye!! change my piercings to cold & possibly get another?! more tattoos!! coverup of the Drake matching one for sure. Look into studying pharmacology or some other career pathway course.. possibly something with units I’ve completed already at uni?? i need to write a list.. basically is what I’m saying as some things are more easy fix small goals that are appearance self care based, some are medium level, some are mental, some are spiritual, some are academic, some will take
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westernbitch · 2 years
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chapter 9!! a bit of ya know:))
I woke up around 5 am and I put on jeans and a shirt. I walk to the stables and grab my chaps. I picked the young bronc that Rip and I hadn't been able to break. I saddled him up and guided him to the ring. I let him walk around for a bit before I hop on. I felt him kick up and we got airborne. He bucks and bucks. I feel him go to the fence. Before I could hope off, he hit the side fence and flung me out of the ring. I slid about three feet from where I landed. "Mother fucker" I walked to the fence and hoisted myself up. "Look you fucker, we are gonna make you a good horse. I will ride you all day if that's what it takes." I grab the horn and swing myself up before he starts bucking. He bucks up and kicks the fence. I shoved my spur in his side, he pounced and tried to go to the fence again. I pulled the reins and pulled him back. He threw me again. I flew up in the air and landed on my back in the ring. I threw myself up. He bucked harder and faster. I pulled the reins and he landed on the ground. He was still antsy, but he stopped bucking. I hopped off of him and opened the gate. I kicked his side and we started flying. He was responding to me pulling the reins well. We ran down and back a couple times and he walked back to the ring. We did a couple rounds in the ring. He was being so obedient that he made me want to try something. We were about 150 meters to the ring. I kicked his side and he took off. 80 meters. 50. 20. I pulled back on the reins and he did a sliding stop. I kicked his side while we spun in a circle. "THATA BOY!" I pull him back and we walk back to where we started. I hopped off and shut the gate behind me. "Well if you weren't a Dutton, I may think you were a Sheridan." Travis kissed me top of the head and gave me water. "Get a drink and meet me at the house." I took a break and a couple sips of water. The sun is starting to rise.
"You just made your grandfather $50,000 dollars Evelyn. Hi, I am-" I interrupted, "JB Mauney!" he removed his hat and shook my hand. "And I am Buster Welch." My jaw dropped. "Yes sir, I have been watching videos of your rides since I was young!" Tyler came up and shook their hands. "I see you have met our friends." He passes me a mug of orange juice. I shivered. He put his yellowstone jacket of and put it around my shoulders. "Evelyn May Dutton! Did you seriously get him to slide stop?" I nodded my head yes. He gave me a big hug and said "you make me so damn proud." I smiled as he talked to the men about that horse being hard to break. "So can you explain to me what I just did?" I looked at Travis. He let out a gut laugh,"Do what you have been doing. Of course you would do a run through and have no fucking clue what you were doing."
Llyod walked out a beautiful paint horse to me. "Honey, I used to ride this horse from time to time. He can get a little crazy, so if you don't want to ride him it's okay. " Tyler walked up to us, "she isn't cut out for the horse Llyod. Put him up and get her my horse." I laughed and pulled myself on the horse, "Tyler, shut the hell up and saddle up." I rode off toward the other ranch hands. Tyler caught up, "you look good on that horse." I turn my horse to his and give him a nudge. "Evy, you and Tyler go to the north end of the fence and start working toward us," Rip shouted. I groaned. We started riding toward the north end of the fence. "You know you want to work with me Lyn. Whether you like it or not, you can't get rid of me babe." He laughed and rode off to the fence. He took the top half and I worked on the bottom. He took off his shirt and I couldn't help but stare. "Lyn, drink some water." I took the water from him and took a couple of long drinks. I ended up taking my tank top off. We worked on the fence for about 6 hours before we made it to the others. We were drenched in sweat. Tyler got off of his horse and led me back to the stables. "I'm gonna take a shower. I'll meet you at dinner," He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I felt a rush of heat run through me. He grinned and slapped me on the ass.
I showered quickly and threw on shorts and a t -shirt. I could feel that my face was sunburnt. I combed my hair out and went downstairs. "Feel better?" I nodded. Tyler grinned and grabbed my hair. "Damn, that smells good." I turn and push him off of me with a laugh. "Kids! Dinner is ready!" Carter came hauling ass down the stairs and showed Tyler out of the way. I went to dinner and sat down with John to my left. "How was work today, honey?" I looked at Rip and he grinned. "Her and Tyler fixed the North end of the fence today. They finished it in under 6 hours sir." John had an amused look on his face. Travis leaned towards Rip and said "nice move". Carter reaches for the rolls, "so Evy, when are you going to go on a date with me?" I turned and looked at Tyler with a death stare. I looked around the table. Everyone looked like they were waiting for me to answer. "Well?" Rip looks at me hopeful. "Really? You can't grow a pair and ask me one on one. You have to ask me in front of my family?" He grinned. "I told you when I met you that you were gonna be my girl. I would say that I have quite the pair, I asked you in front of the governor and your dad." I looked down at my napkin. I can't believe this man. "I'm taking you to a concert in about 3 hours." My jaw dropped. "You're that full of yourself that you thought that I would say 'oh yes Tyler please take me to a dance and sweep me off my feet' what the hell!" I laughed. I started eating my food. I ate while everyone else talked about our plans for the concert. "Tyler, I arranged for a car to pick y'all up and bring y'all back. The ranch hands and us will be in a reserved area, y'all are welcome to come there or spend time elsewhere," John says grinning. I take a drink of my water and push my chair back. "This better be good," I said while dragging myself to the room.
I sit on the counter top in my bathroom when Rip walks in. "Hey." I look at him in the mirror and nod my head. "Come on, Evy, talk." I look at him with a glare like Beth gives. "Okay, I am staying til you talk." I sit quietly while blending in my foundation. "Evyyyy, you know you wanna talk to me." I see Rip grinning. "Can you please stop. MOM!" Beth comes walking, putting in turquoise earrings as she says "yes, honey?" She looks at Rip. She comes to the counter and leans her head on my shoulder. I start to tear up. "Oh, honey! Why are you crying?" Rip came up behind me and kissed me on the side of the head. "I'm scared, dad." Rip's jaw clenches. Beth gives me a questioning look and askes, "he scares you or has he done something to scare you?" I shake my head and bury my face in my knees. "I will kill him, Evy." I turn to Rip, "dad no, stop. I am scared of going on a date with him. He likes me and I don't know how to do this. I don't know if I can do the whole girlfriend thing." Rip laughs. "Obviously, you are doing something right. We are crashing the concert, but that boy planned tonight for y'all." I smiled. "Ahh! Rip! She likes him!"
I walk down the stairs to see Tyler waiting for me. He has a bundle of roses and a shit grin on his face. "Holy shit." He mumbled it under his breath, but the men laughed. I'm wearing a black skin tight dress with my white boots. I did somewhat of a smokey eye, but I covered it with glitter to hide the mistakes. He comes to the edge of the stairs, grabs my hand and leads me to the door. I slide into the limo and scoot over for him. "You look beautiful tonight babe." I couldn't help but blush. I leaned to the side to turn up the song. 'Nothing on You' by Muscadine Bloodline plays. Girl I hope your daddy doesn't own a gun. If he does then I'm done from the things that you're doin to me. I grin as he sings to me. He puts his hand on my thigh and I jump. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go too far." I shook my head. He puts his finger under my chin and brings my eyes to him. "Look, I can tell you're scared. I know what I look like, but I promise I won't hurt you." His hazel eyes tell me that he's telling me the truth. "I'm not scared." He chuckles. "Baby, don't lie to me. A good cowboy knows when someone isn't telling the truth." He pauses and looks deeply in my eyes. "Okay, I lied. You're gonna make fun of me. This is exactly why I didn't want to fucking come to this." I turned away from him. I felt anger rushing through me. I am beyond pissed and want to get out of the car. Why the fuck did I agree to this. I feel stupid. "Come here." Grabs me and slides me on his lap. "I am not making fun of you and I am going to be gentle. Evy, I like you. I am going to take you out tonight and I am going to show off my fine ass girl and then I am going to bring you home." I grinned. I feel myself melting into him. The car rolls to a stop. He kisses me on the forehead and opens the door for me.
Tyler has been so kind to me. He introduced me to everyone and showed me off like he said. He took me dancing for a bit and then found us a table in the VIP section. Beth and Rip were at the table with Travis, Lynelle and John. We walked to the second table. "I want a Modelo and get her whatever she wants." I point to a white wine on the menu. We drank for a while talking about the people we've seen and what we want in the future. He leans over and whispers, "wanna go back to the ranch and watch the stars?" I stand up and he takes my hand to the car. I slide in after him and giggle. I leaned against him and started to doze off. 
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abysskeeper · 1 year
Heyo, thanks friendo.
🎖What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
I just recently finished a ~20k three-shot, that was supposed to be a one-shot, in about 2 months. I haven't written legitimate fanfic in about 2 years, it felt good to do again, and it felt good to be possessed with an idea I wanted to see finished and actually see it through to the end.
It's a damn good short fic too, if my self-indulgent ass does say so myself.
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
I have a tendency to be a gen-ficcer in a shipper world. That alone is a crime in a lot of fandoms lol.
Seriously though? Slow-burner to end all slow-burns, when I do write ships. You thought those two characters were finally going to kiss in chapter 15? No, sorry, they got interrupted and are now going to compartmentalize how it wasn't what they thought and it's gonna take another 4 chapters to address that, and then another 2 after that to get back there.
There's a reason I relegate myself to gen fic and character studies. It's for everyone else's own good.
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
Generally no, if I'm writing fic it's in universe, and those universes are typically fantasy or sci-fi related so there's not a lot to look up besides a quick Google search of the name of something or a date or something like that. Quick and easy to look up. Before the aforementioned three-shot, I think the worst I did was look up episode transcripts for my ongoing Oscar character study.
This DGS three-shot though....I had a very, hyper-specific headcanon I wanted to execute. So for two months I was regularly consulting a Japanese translator, an article on the different forms of Japanese words for love, a Morse code chart, and a Wabun code chart. I was very normal about it.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
Hm...I'm gonna out myself here. I don't read a lot of fic, I haven't since high school. I just like to write it from time to time.
I'm going to out myself again here, and say the one set of fics I do keep coming back to is the series of dreams, those frigid things by user Griftings over on Ao3 (do they have a tumblr? Idk). It's three Critical Role/Vox Machina works, specifically Perc'ahlia, and I should clarify I am...absolutely not in that fandom in any way, shape, or form.
But I read it at least once a year and it is by and away still some of the best writing I've ever encountered.
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baekhvuns · 1 year
HEEEEYYYY i am finally FREE from spring quarter EVERYONE CHEER !!! but then i am going to have summer classes starting from next monday so crying and laughing T^T so i hope you do not mind that i will talk about school rq
i just turned in my art final last thursday after i flew in to washington ... jfc i was going through it honestly ... the art final was like a "art history" final. i had to answer 43 questions for multiple choice, do 4 short answer prompts and then a whole essay like what is wrong with this professor ... mind you not, this class is an online, lower-division ge so like why am i putting my whole ass into this
also my ochem prof released grades for the class overall and let me tell you i seriously was gonna cry bc i was so scared if i was gonna pass the class or not ... but ... I GOT A C yk what i am fine with that bc i did horrible on two exams (below avg) and pretty decent on the other (above avg) ... but i feel disappointed that i have been getting Cs on my chem classes so far :( but i think i will be getting my first ever A in the bio class tho !!! which is like kinda bad but i am proud of myself at the same time :")
ok now ... we talk about exo and ateez hehehe (the most important stuff duh) honestly speaking ... took me like 3 listens to fully get bouncy, like i was ok with it on the first listen but yk what i mean? like you just need to listen to it more in order to fully get it ... i also really like this album, like i am so excited to be getting the albums in store when i go back to california YEAAHHH but my faves are dune, django and wake up !!! wbu bff ??? exo is making me CRY with let me in and the fact that they are gonna release ANOTHER mv is crazy like ... ik 2018-2021 me would be CRYING bc exo didn't release that much group stuff back then :(( but i am so happy that they are having a comeback like i need to prepare myself ... i just KNOW i will be SOBBING when i watch the last mv as their like "title track"
anyways i hope you are doing well bff <3 i sometimes read your works whenever i need a pick me up (or i just wanna cry ahem the one inspired my moon lovers i will forever be scarred) and that you are taking care of yourself !!! love ya lots :D
HELLO !!!! AAAAAA wait omg ur spring quarter just ended??? i thought it was the summer one 😭😭😭
u know what getting a C is underrated relief, like what matters is that we made it 🫡 A & B are overrated grades atp,,, BUT LESSGOOO??? U MADE IT !!!!! it’s not sad that it’s ur first one!! it’s so hard to get A’s in uni and like for what im still waiting for mine but i know that A looks so good on ur transcript 🫡 u should be proud!!!!! u did great!!
i get what you mean completely,, i also don’t mind it now?? like the slow it down make it bouncy is the only part that’s stuck in my mind, it’s a nice song but it has its moments! the album is nice! i just wish ateez do different genres bc this one felt like a guerrilla album dupe to me 😭😭😭 OOO OKAY MY FAVOURITE IS OUTLAW BC THAT BEAT IS NAASSTYY
EXO LAND FINALLY GETTING THE THINGS WE DESERVE????? let me in was so good, their vocals is what was missing 😭😭 AND ANOTHER MV AND ANOTHER MAIN MV FOR THE CB??? 19 VERSIONS OF A GOD DAMN ALBUM???? hoping the sales for it actually goes to the members 😭😭
i hope you’re doing well tooo!!! hope u have time to rest after ur semester <333 AND 😭😭😭😭 UR STILL READING MY FICS THANK U SO MUCH FOR THAT SCREAMING I LOVE U FBWKDJWK
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