#seriously tho what even is a wednesday
falseteeeth · 4 months
i dont know what to do...
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a-sleepy-ginger · 4 months
Did well on practice run of the exam in that I managed to complete the essay in an hour
Baby potato
Ender toast
Got cuddles from my cat
#happiness diary#happiness diary: may 2024#had a hospital appointment today#guess whos getting her arm chopped up again ~#its only been a year since the mast biopsy#i mean to be fair the upcoming biopsy is the one i went about last year#they just looked at the very obvious weird mole and went nah thats normal this one on your back tho#and yeah i don't really know what that one looked like so it coulda looked super weird#but its situation wasnt as concerning as the arm mole#like its only been here for like 4 years amd its grown really big and weird#and i told that to a doctor cus they looked at it and said oh that looks like youve always had that mole#amd i said no its only been there since the last biopsy on the arm (which was not benign)#and her reply was an oh and she promptly moved on and sent me on my way#oh in response to a hey this mole has grown relly quick and i have a history of precancerous moles please consider#like i would rather not have to get my arm chopped but i would rather a biopsy to cancer any day#so you know#best case its just a weird mole cus i have a couple of those lile one looks like a fried egg#worst case its malignant and they overlooked it last year when i went in about it#the last time a doctor overlooked a mole it was malignant#it was lucky she went and got a second opinion#and even then they were both hmming and hawing about whether to remove it or not#luckily they decided to remove it but still#im doing my part so they should take me a bit more seriously#especially since i dont loke the look of it#last malignant moles its mostly been my family saying to go to the doctors#but this time i went of my own accord like a year ago#mmmm just feel like im rambling:((((#also the appointment is on a Wednesday after my exams so ive got 3 weeks of stress wednesday#im so gonna treat myself to ice cream
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For the One of Us au, the power of visions of past and future that u mentioned could have a lot of potential.
I imagine Reader has little, or maybe no, control over when, where, or what when it comes to their visions. They could get a vision of the end of the world while in algebra on Tuesday and then a vision of their friends' past dates while in the Danger Room on Wednesday.
For the big, important visions, like future attacks or potential threats, they warn the adults and the rest of the team, but for smaller visions, they leave it on a need to know basis because their friends need to learn and make mistakes. Tho reader may nudge them in the right direction.
I'm sorry did I say nudge? I meant SHOVE cause a reader with visions would ABSOLUTELY NO CHILL AT ALL.
Their powers aren't useful at all in combat. Everyone else can do something in a fight. But Reader doesn't, so they make themselves useful in everyday life.
The group knows Reader always has their best interests at heart, but it always throws them for a loop when their normally sweet friend suddenly starts acting really protective and aggressive.
When Duncan starts dating Jean and everyone tries to be polite, except for Scott and Reader. Scott's reasoning is obvious, and his dislike is mostly harmless. Reader? Is about 5 seconds away from biting Duncan and is actively crashing dates. (Reader knows he's a racist bully ass. They know what he'll do.)
There's a solid month where Reader kept crawling into Kurt's bed, snuggling him and following him around. At first, he just thinks they're just being cuddly, then everything about his birth and his mom and the experiments come out. Then, it's like oh, that's why.
Reader gets a vision of Logans past and has to deal with the fact they know more about this man than he does.
They get a vision of Jean getting kidnapped by Fred and decides to NEVER EVER LEAVE HER ALONE EVER. Seriously Jean how does this keep happening to you?!
Reader approaches Rogue first out of everyone cause they know she's Kurt sister and so desperately wants to show her she's not alone.
Ooooooo... I don't known if I'll choose this as the canon power for Reader in 🍁One Of Us🧡, but let's explore it for a minute, shall we? (If you want to explore the other potential powers and help figure it out, I'm okay with it! I like when anons and hivelings do so! Thank you for this ask, @sugar-soda!)
Reader is such a worried, odd friend. They seem to always know something about you, no matter if they've met you or have ever even heard of you. They sometimes stutter or mumble- other times they're loud and assertive- sometimes they're sweet as pie and cuddly- and sometimes they glare daggers at you like you murdered their goldfish. With Reader, no one ever knows what to expect.
Duncan, the school football star, for example, is given death glares, is given at least three shovel talks (complete with an angry/protective Scott for back-up), he's given notes telling him to break up with Jean or else, he's told to be a better person or he'll regret it, Reader outdoes him in the poetry club (he joined to impress Jean), etc. . The consensus is Reader, the school's go-to life advice person, despises him, and no one knows why... (Then Duncan amd Jean break up, and now everyone knows Reader knew somehow those two wouldn't work together...)
Reader is gentle and open with Rogue, the school goth girl and lone wolf, on the other hand. They hold the door open for her, they ask if she needs a break during group projects or study sessions, they scare creepy students away from her, they offer to walk her home when the Brotherhood teens left her a few days, they even give her space if she asks for it. No one gets it; why bother with someone they don't even know or seem to get along with? Until the next week Rogue is with the Xavier teens, eating lunch and sharing classes and being overall friendly amd cordial, and once again Reader seems to have known it was possible to be friends with her (the school wonders how that was possible...)
Then Reader tries to share food with Todd, who has an odd (really gross) smell and who steals from others, and no one in any clique can figure out what Reader is up to now. They just leave food for the toad-like teen, then go about their day. Todd eats it, enjoys it, and there's always three meals each day waiting by or in his locker, enough for him, and then later, enough for the other boys at the Brotherhood home. The Xavier teens can't figure out why, neither can the school, but Todd knows, and tells everyone to not mess with his friend/buddy, be it the jocks or the bullies or even his group (turns out the Brotherhood don't have a lot of money for meals, so Reader pulls together their cooking skills and leftover ingredients to make them enough food for each day. Todd knows this, and accepts it as a sign of friendship; Xavier in the end ends up sending them money for a food budget so Reader will leave them alone...)
Logan, tough as nails and deadly as a wolverine, is struggling with his nightmares and wakes up at night, not able or willing to fall back asleep, and wanders into the kitchen late at night. Except Reader is also there, and keeps him company, pushing a plate of meat over to their teacher/guardian and saying they couldn't sleep either. It becomes a ritual every Thursday night, the two of them sitting in silence sometimes, or watching some old western movies, sometimes Reader even opens about their past, saying it's okay to not remember certain parts of their trauma, and it's just as okay to one day remember it. If Logan needs a hug, they give it, if he needs quiet, they give it, if he's about to go out, Reader warns him to not chase stray cats or to jump headfirst into the unknown (the teens find it strange, and so does Logan, up until when Logan destroys the remains of the Weapon X labs and connects the dots Reader knows more than he does about his past, yet he's not mad, just worried about what they saw...)
H*ll, Reader even sees the past of Sabretooth during a mission where they fought the Acolytes and end up in a cave-in, and all they can do is stare at him with sad, haunted eyes and apologize for what he lost and what he's had to go through (the Acolytes think it's creepy at first, Magneto is suspicious, and at first Sabretooth is angry- until Reader reveals they know his life was hard, and they don't know the depth of how it feels, but they know what it feels like to be abandoned, and it isn't fair, even to him... and surprisingly he let's Reader walk away unscathed...) (Xavier and Storm and Logan then decide to keep Reader away from the more deadly adult members of the Brotherhood, in case their powers aren't as welcomed the next time...)
(You can bet if Reader says something, after awhile the teens start to listen and try to go down what they think is the right path... Of course, Reader is trying to stay on the path where everyone is happy and okay and alive, which is hard, considering how traumatized everyone else is, and how scared they are to lose the people they view as family... which does include Reader...)
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ghoulette-knell · 15 days
Does anyone like Powerwolf???
So, last Wednesday, I drove down from Canada to Cleveland, Ohio so I could experience my favourite band with my two best friends.
I queued up at 10:30am because I’m delulu and in my mind I was like “maybe I’ll meet the members if I queue early?”
Girls, Guys, and Nonbinary Pals… guess what fuckin’ happened.
I met Falk and Roel 😭😭😭😭
(teeny face reveal because I’m too excited to worry about being anonymous anymore)
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SO LIKE HELLO?? My friends were back at our RV and didn’t get to meet the boys. Such bad luck!
Falk was like “OMG we have matching tattoos!” to me, and he was pointing to my Powerwolf tattoo I got back in June. He also has one on his inner arm 🥹
And Roel was like “I love the flowers you added to it!” BRB SOBBINGGGG!
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I felt like the main character!
Oh, and it gets better y’all.
So, Powerwolf’s opening band Unleash the Archers was filming a music video and I’m gonna be in that video cuz they filmed me a bit while waiting in line LOL.
Oh, and it STILL gets better.
I got interviewed by Powerwolf’s media manager and filmed a bit (he also took pics of my tattoo 😭😭) so I might be in their roundup video for Cleveland.
Oh babe, it still gets better.
So, my buddies and I had quick pass. We got front and centre in the pit. My buddy got Unleash the Archer’s drummer’s setlist, and I was absolutely enamoured with their singer and guitarist. Bisexual energy is so strong with that band holy shit.
So Powerwolf comes out (all my mentionable videos will be at the end of this post), and Attila was all over me and my buddy (why tf Tumblr only allowing one video per post :( )
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I ended up catching Charles’ pick too- like what the fuck. I feel like y/n in a Wattpad fanfic istg
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Would yall believe me if I said it’s STILL GETTING BETTER?
I was featured in the Cleveland photo…
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Seriously losing my mind. Ghost was by far my favourite concert… BUT POWERWOLF WAS MORE MEANINGFUL AND RAW!
I feel changed yall… Metal is Religion. Powerwolf is Religion.
Also, watch Attila being a little flirt in that video… bro is making me endlessly delulu (even tho I’m a Falk girlie)
EDIT: I’m in the Cleveland round up video too WHEEZE
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blue-disco-lights · 3 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday Thursday Night/Almost Friday 🩵
I'm late but still wanted to play! Thank you for tagging me dearest friends @heymacy @stocious @mybrainismelted @mmmichyyy @sgtmickeyslaughter
@lingy910y @jrooc @burninface @creepkinginc @palepinkgoat
@suzy-queued @energievie @francesrose3 @michellemisfit @roryonic =====
name: Julia
age: one day i will answer this question seriously ... (maybe, i dunno)
where in the world are you? california 🫶🏼
how tall are you? 5’6
what color are your eyes? blue
what’s something that frightens you? big cruise or freighter ships - they look like floating buildings 😬
do you have children? if not, do you want any? I do!
are you the eldest, middle, youngest, or only child? Oldest, have one sister and she's 10 years younger
what time do you usually wake up? around 6am. i don't have to be online for work til after 9, so i get a solid fic-reading & discord-scrolling window
relationship status? 💍   
do you identify as a member of the queer community? turns out you can still learn new things about yourself even as an adult. they don't tell you that! It’s an “i’m not sure” for now. 100% ally to all - Happy Pride ✨
any tattoos/piercings? one tattoo, ears double-pierced
something you love: jasmine milk tea boba, wearing shorts, grammarly?
something you hate: just might be other social media spaces outside this lovely fandom community
do you have any pets? a dog and a cat who tolerate each other
do you have a license/can you drive? Got my license at 18 (so a bit older than most people here). I LOVE driving, especially with good music or an audiobook on.
if you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? just because someone appears to be confident and have their shit together, doesn't mean they think that about themselves. Everyone’s dealing with their own stuff in their own ways.
and finally, something people would be surprised to know about you: i spent a good part of my life in dance studios (jazz/ballet/hip-hop of course), tho haven’t done much of it since covid times)
Not tagging anyone specifically since it's almost midnight here - but if u see this and want to play, consider yourself 🪄
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streaminn · 1 year
I'm kinda surprised that no one's asked much about the motherfucker au. There's no official name for this au so I'll just keep calling it that. It's kind of a long one, but i really like the premise of it. How long after first sleeping with each other does wenclair start seriously dating? What kinda pushes them in the right direction? Is it Wednesday's jealousy/possessiveness that wants Enid to be all hers, especially after getting divorced and realizing that she can't let this one, this special good kind and loving someone slip through her fingers? Is it enid who finds herself imagining being a family with wednesday and the kids? Does enid sometimes stay over at Wednesday's place and wake up early to make them breakfast, including belle and oleander? Does Wednesday visit enid during her lunch break because she misses her and just wants to spend some time together? The kids would be apprehensive about the relationship at first, but after seeing how happy their mom is, would they be more open to accepting that enid may eventually join their little family? Enid would never try to force herself on them but once they were open to it, how would she bond with the kids? Does Wednesday's heart skip a beat when she notices Enid is trying to be involved with and genuinely cares about her children rather than dismiss them like most people would?
the motherfucker au is just crack mate, so idk what to tell you 😭
honestly, it takes like a week of regular sleeping together before wenclair was like "i like this intimacy, i like you, lets make this something more" and wabam, now they're dating and keeping their hands off each other to truly enjoy each other's company outside of the bed
enid was the one who made the first move because damn, wednesday is gorgeous and waking up with her is definitely something the professor would enjoy more if it lasted for longer than a day
i dont think wednesday would be jealous bc professor enid is lowkey tired and stressed to even dress well -idt she has enough effort to even date other people too, so its definitely more on how wednesday doesn't want to waste this opportunity to be treated right
enid doesn't know what to do with kids but honestly, the lil shits are growing on her. Sure they're troublemakers in a way that they disrupt the class and dont pass shit on time but she genuinely enjoys helping people out and while they're bastards (affectionate) she doesn't mind teaching them outside of class hours
so yes, during weekends when the relationships get alot more serious, enid pops in at wednesday's house with breakfast. The mother will stare at the extra food and not ask, its pretty obvious who it is for tho.
The children will skip down the stairs long since enid is gone and enjoy the food, wondering where its from. It never fails to make wednesday smile against her drink when she mentions that its from her girlfriend
"GIRLFRIEND?" they'd shout and so they get overprotective. "are you sure!? what if she takes advantage of you??" think of this as pre reveal, so they definitely don't know that its their teacher
wednesday definitely visits enid at work one day and it makes the children damn distraught because their teacher is dating their mother.. omygod, does that mean they have to play nice now?? oh dear log, why?!
but yeah belladonna warms up to enid pretty easily but oleander is ready to be a passive aggressive son because his donor didn't treat his mother right, who's to say enid wouldn't be the same? cliche son stepping in to be the man in the house bc his dad couldn't do it etc etc
its alright tho, they all warm up to each other eventually and enid knows that this is an awkward situation over all so she keeps her distance to make sure they aren't uncomfy. She will show that she cares though, but thats just because thats how she is as a person
wednesday takes that pretty well (she's screaming without the s)
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
hi z!! 💖 happy wincest wednesday to you and yours -- my question for you is this: how do you think being brothers informs the way dean and sam experience being in love? in what way is it different from their experiences loving others? (because, of course, we know it's very different, but how do *they* think about it, in your opinion?)
buddddd happy wincest wednesday! I hope it has been a day with some kind of relief in honor of the holiday ♥ --
Way to come out swinging tho, ava! This is one of those impossible to track lines, because like... how many people have actually-successful whole and healing incestuous relationships with a sibling where they still feel like siblings? That's the part that's so nutty about Sam and Dean. I mean, you think about other sibling-incest stories and they tend to be all baroque grossness or high-octane Drama or High Stakes With Every Moment and like -- cool, sure, and it's not like Sam and Dean lack drama, but... seriously, on the day-to-day they are BROTHERS above all else, and they feel like dudes who are just like averagely averageton getting through their chores, and... that's not supposed to be matched up with the nutty entanglement of incest. But -- they always, inevitably are that tangled, to the point that when one of them is an external long-term relationship of any kind it's a sign of something going wrong, not a good thing, and like WHAT, WHAT, WHAT IS THIS SHOW (it's the best show, is what).
So -- I don't think that Sam and Dean can even really... conceive of it. I mean I've written literally a million words about it, tackling it from all kinds of angles, and I can't really conceive of it. Sometimes I think the most likely thing is that they really do think of themselves as brothers first, with some nice benefits on the side. (In fact, any treatment of wincest where they aren't brothers-first reads really wrong to me.) In established relationship I tend to skip right along to a really well-established marriage, where they have all the comfort of siblings but also the comfort of knowing each others' hearts and finding them to be familiar loving ground. But -- can Sam and Dean ever, possibly, think about it that way? If they were undercover and Dean turned to Sam when some housewife asked could he say "This is my husband," and feel it any kind of way but -- completely strange?
That's part of why, even in exhaustive longfic where they really really go in circles and explore and try to figure out how they feel, I prefer to land on my old friend indefinability. Their brotherly relationship already isn't just brother or just family because we see that they each entirely supersede category -- Cas or Garth or Kevin is a 'brother', and we know for a fuckin' fact that that title means zero in the face of what Sam or Dean means when they refer to each other as brother. If they were fucking I really don't think it'd be different; if they're in love I think it's just the same.
There's this entirely separate over-category that they each fill for the other -- brother/best friend/life partner/soulmate/lover, true companions, forever and ever, to death and past it and into the literal kingdom of heaven. If they can think about it, however they can articulate it, I think they'd get to... something like that. When Dean's with Lisa (or Benny) and when Sam's with Jess or Amelia, they love, of course they love, but it's a love that just -- can't -- ever compare. I don't think it's safe for them to think about it like that, but they have to know it. Sam wasn't exactly running down to the crossroads to get Jessica back, was he.
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stalky-arsen · 2 years
quick wednesday opinion because i want to make enemies X)
but seriously, i see a lot of people saying the love subplot was not that good. yeah it's not great must say but i don't think it's that terrible.
i personally like tyler x wednesday bc even after the events, i could still imagine a thing between them. xavier was also the incarnation of "childhood friend to lovers" (even tho wednesday didn't really considered him as a friend back then). And yeah i can see why people ship wednesday x enid. But i'm really difficult about ships.
BUT THE THING IS- The romantic plot is kind of take like a parody of murder mystery. because literally, you can't have the totally normie barista, the childhood artsy friend, the girly pop girl and OFC the love rival in the same room with the protagonist without being a joke. ESPECIALLY WHEN THE PROTAGONIST IN QUESTION IS WEDNESDAY ADDAMS XD
I grew up with the films from '90s and that was my life, especially the second film.
Remember Joel ?
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YEAH. actually, i'm pretty dissapointed i didn't get to see him :( (maybe royan but he's not a normie, but i do get some references of joel in royan.)
YEAH ACTUALLY, in that film, Joel was Wednesday's love interest. And they were cute alright. But remember the end of the film ?
Wednesday scare him to death with a... prank ? let's call it a prank. and then roll credits. Idk what happened to him but since i didn't see the third movie, then i guess he died lol.
Just to say that, as long as i remembered, being a love interest for Wednesday means you're doomed X)
What i really want to complain tho is most of Wednesday reactions. Not the "let's torture him" or etc. , just when she was out of characters sometimes, like shaking. And i know there's an evolution to her character, it's actually pretty good, but we're talking about the girl who was threatened multiple times to death. I know somewhere in my memory, she was sitting on an electric chair and was just vibing with it. (correct me if i'm wrong)
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foolinlove99 · 2 years
Some people prove how Enid respected Wednesday's boundaries better than xavier. I never really minded it. But lately I've given it some thought.
Did she tho?
Let's start with, on her very first day. Wednesday asked her to turn off the music. She quite purposely left it there.
Then when their fight happened...on that case, Wednesday was wrong ok, but give it some thought, not really...when they were about to enter, Wednesday told her "You can go back if you don't want to"
Enid followed with her own will right? And then she yelled at her even after she apologised, I feel like she never really considered her situation...
Now please don't take this wrong. I adore their friendship but I seriously think Xavier was the one who respected her boundaries better. He obviously loved her way more than Enid but never tried to touch, let alone hug her. He tried his best to keep in touch with her.
Designed her birthday cake for her. Now this may be may personal thought, but when Enid and Wednesday fought, in that period if you asked Enid to do the same she wouldn't.
And Enid didn't recognise her own words
Exactly. It says everything. Doesn't it. How she never had friends? Never experienced friendship before? How noone has tried to understand her?
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mtreebeardiles · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Was tagged by @illusivesoul — many thanks! Very excited to see where that seraghast is going btw 👀
Haven’t been writing as much but I’m hoping to move past my temporary hiatus soon. I do have a little bit of the next part of Stardew Effect written tho, so here ya go!
Not formatted because tumblr hates me lol
Tagging let’s see @tiny-banana-time @pastelroyce @dandenbo and I see LadyA did a WIP Wednesday but tagging you anyway lol @theoriginalladya 🧡 no pressure as always (gonna also tag @urdnotflexthejedibard though if you wanna share it with us in discord instead since it’s original 👀 still wanna see how that project is going 🥰)
"So, okay… run this by me again."
Kaidan was perched on Evvy's bed, cross-legged, elbows braced on his knees as he watched the other man resettle beside him. On the nightstand before them was Everett's laptop, lid open, screen aglow, the bird he'd rescued peering down at the keys as if in deep concentration.
"I'm like, ninety percent sure that bird is actually Liara."
"And she's cursed?"
"Like, super cursed."
"And you came to that conclusion because something… repelled you? When you tried to heal her?"
"Something like that." Everett mirrored Kaidan's position, and for all he looked even more exhausted than he'd seemed earlier that day, there was a quirk to his lips and a glint in his eyes that echoed the sort of good-humor Kaidan had come to associate with him.
"You seem amused by all this."
"I'm amused by you."
"Hey! Why!" His outrage was undercut by his own inability to suppress a smile. Despite the weird and frankly worrying circumstances, it did him good to see Evvy in better spirits. He reached over, prodding Everett in the ribs, doubling his efforts when the other man tried to squirm away. He captured him, pulling him against his chest and running his fingertips along the sensitive areas he'd mapped once before. "I went all the way to that tower for you! Climbed way too many stairs! Tried to understand Wizard!"
Everett was laughing, only half-heartedly trying to escape.
"I almost tried re-creating that hallucinogenic tree tea! And I come all the way here just to get sassed! Unbelievable."
"You weren't gonna try to make that tea, Kay."
"True, but saying I would've helps my case here."
Everett shifted, looking up at him, cheeks lightly flushed. "Fighting dirty there, Kaidan?"
"If it gets you to laugh like that," he replied with a shrug, smiling a little. "Worth it."
Everett's smile softened, and he leaned up to brush a kiss to Kaidan's cheek. Kaidan gave him a little squeeze in return, resting his chin against his shoulder. "So what's actually amusing?"
"Just how outraged you are at the idea of curses," Evvy admitted. "We know Liara can teleport, but this is where you draw the line?"
"This is a step beyond 'odd,' Evvy. This," he gestured towards the bird, watching as it lifted a delicate foot and attempted to smack a few keys with it, promptly falling over. "This I can't even take seriously."
The bird turned its head then, fixing him with what could only be considered a beady-eyed glare.
"I don't know how else she can communicate with us!" Everett leaned forward without actually leaving Kaidan's hold, reaching out to set the bird to rights. "Try your beak?"
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kryptonianheroao3 · 2 years
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Third follow up to my Assassin’s Creed Wenclair AU
No but seriously tho. Replaying Unity lately furthered my desire for an Assassin!Wednesday x Templar!Enid AU.
A twist on the Romeo and Juliet trope.
Wednesday is the slightly rebellious, newly initiated Assassin during the American Revolution, her mother and father are two Master Assassins in the American Brotherhood.
Enid is the awkward, reluctant Templar-in-training, daughter to two Master Templars. The only reason she joined the Templars is to finally gain the approval of her mother and even then she doesn’t get it because she can’t pass the initiation test.
With the Americans winning the war against the British and the new American government coming into effect, the Templars are quick to install their own agents into the government to influence politics and who better to install than the wealthy and influential Sinclairs.
So with this news, the American Brotherhood decides to act. Grand Master Assassin Weems orders Master Assassins Morticia and Gomez Addams to lead a group to the Sinclair estate and take out the family. Not just the parents but the initiated children as well (I say children as they’re their kids but in reality they’re all 18 and over) so to avoid any of their children taking over as head of the Sinclair family.
Gomez and Morticia take the American Brotherhood’s best Assassins with them but they also take their daughter, Wednesday, for her first official mission after being promoted out of training to the rank of Novice. Whilst Gomez and Morticia deal with Esther and Murray Sinclair, the rest are assigned different Sinclair children to target.
They strike at night, effortlessly taking out the Sinclairs as they sleep (Esther is woken up by Gomez killing her husband but before she can react, Morticia is striking the back of her head with her hidden blade). The rest of the Assassins, Wednesday included, tear through the house, taking out the Sinclair children as well as any household staff that show any loyalty to the family.
Wednesday is done and is about to leave and head to the meeting point when she hears struggled heaving from behind her. She turns around to see Enid, dressed in her bright pink nightie as she struggles to lift a mace that is clearly too big for someone of her size.
Wednesday can’t help but be amused at the sight, even if she doesn’t show it. Eventually, Enid gives up and drops the mace to the ground. She asks what’s happening.
(‘The Sinclairs have been swiftly executed in their sleep,’ Wednesday answers bluntly, ‘their deaths were, regrettably, rather painless.’)
Although Wednesday can’t help but be slightly surprised at Enid’s look of defeat at the news, watching as the blonde slumps against the doorframe.
(‘You look rather upset with this news for a member of the house staff,’ Wednesday mused, ‘I can’t imagine your line of work is hard to come by.’)
Enid is confused at first, staring at Wednesday
(‘I’m not house staff!’ Enid almost yells indignantly, ‘I’m Enid. Enid Sinclair.’)
Wednesday immediately stiffens. There was no report of an Enid Sinclair in their briefing. It was just Esther, Murray and their sons. There was nothing about a daughter, nothing about a female cousin living with the family.
(‘You lie,’ Wednesday accuses, ‘Enid Sinclair doesn’t exist. Who are you?!’)
At first, Enid doesn’t respond. She just laughs.
(‘Yeah. That’s not surprising,’ Enid chuckled humourlessly, ‘of course she made out I didn’t exist.’)
(‘She?’ Wednesday frowned)
(‘My mother. I’m the disappointment of the family,’ Enid shrugged, ‘the Templar daughter who can’t even pass the initiation.’)
Wednesday just stared at Enid. She offered no sense of comfort (if that was possible. She had just participated in the slaughter of this girls family.)
(‘So my mother’s dead?’ Enid asked, looking up at Wednesday, ‘and my dad?’)
(‘Your whole family,’ Wednesday added in way of answering, ‘my mother would’ve been the one to murder yours. I killed your two youngest brothers.’)
To Wednesday’s surprise, Enid didn’t look angry or upset. She just snorted.
(‘I hope she was awake when it happened,’ she muttered, but Wednesday heard her, ‘why, if I may ask?’)
(‘Your parents were chosen to assist George Washington, although he is not aware of their status,’ Wednesday found herself answering the girl truthfully, ‘we could not allow such influential members of the Order to infiltrate the new government.’)
(‘And my brothers?’)
(‘We could not allow their to be an heir to the Sinclair estate.’)
At this, Enid accepted her fate. She stepped before Wednesday and got down on her knees, brushing her hair away from the nape of her neck, she exposed the back of her neck to Wednesday.
(‘Do what you have to.’)
And what did Wednesday have to do? She was ordered to kill the Sinclair sons to avoid a line of succession, but here Enid was, an unknown daughter. The line of succession would now fall to her, therefor she would have to kill her.
But she also wasn’t a Templar. The girl had admitted it herself.
Here she was, weak and defenceless. The girl couldn’t even lift up a mace and here she was, exposing her neck to Wednesday so she could get the kill. She was allowing herself to be killed and for once, Wednesday was not filled with joy at the prospect of killing. She had enjoyed the feeling of life leaving the Sinclair’s bodies when she struck them in their sleep, but the idea of killing Enid did the opposite. It made her feel nauseous, and not in a good way.
So she did what she had to.
(‘Where does your mother and father keep their money?’)
And that was how Enid found herself being smuggled by Wednesday into a small apartment above a butchers shop in the nearby town, a case full of thrown in clothes and a pouch full of her dead father’s stolen money.
(‘What is this place?’ Enid asked, gagging at the smell of butchered meat coming through the floorboards.)
(‘A safe place,’ Wednesday answered, quickly peaking out of the window to see if they had been followed, ‘owned by us in the event that our Brotherhood is compromised.’)
(‘Won’t you need it?’ Enid panicked, ‘won’t the others come here from my home?’)
(‘No. We have another much closer to your home. It was how we kept watch over your family’s actions,’ Wednesday revealed, ‘that is where we’re meeting and I must go there soon. They will wonder why I am not there and where I’ve been.’)
(‘What will you tell them?’)
(‘That a member of the house staff saw me kill your brother and fled the house. I had no choice but to track her down and eliminate her to ensure our secrecy,’ Wednesday explained, ‘I then had to dispose of her body, as I could not risk being seen dragging her back to your house as the fire would’ve already been noticed.’)
(‘Yes. Your house would’ve been burnt down upon us leaving. It would make it look like your family died in an accident in their sleep, eliminating any leads to us.’)
Enid nodded. It seemed like a reasonable plan… but wait-
(‘Wait. What about me?’ Enid frowned, ‘what do I do now?’)
(‘You stay here for the night. Get some rest. In the morning, I will visit you to bring some supplies and help you find someplace else to live,’ Wednesday planned, ‘then you will forget about me. You will start a new life, with a new name. You will get yourself a job and forget that you were ever a Sinclair. You will not look for me. You will not look for us.’)
(‘But why?’ Enid had to know, ‘why are you doing this? Why not just kill me?’)
It was a good question.
(‘Because it would’ve been wrong,’ Wednesday finally answered, ‘you are not a Templar. You are a girl born into an unloving family. Your parents and your brothers chose to be Templars but you didn’t. I could tell because you made no attempt to kill me, even after you gave up your weapon. So it would’ve been wrong for me to kill you. We protect the innocent and that’s what I am doing.’)
(‘Thank you,’ Enid cried. She went to throw her arms around the Assassin, but she quickly stepped back, ‘not a hugger. Got it.’)
Wednesday nodded and made her way to the door. She had been gone far too long.
(‘Wait!’ Enid’s voice stopped her. Wednesday turned to face, ‘you never told me your name.’)
(‘And you don’t need me to,’ Wednesday replied, ‘I told you, you’ll see me in the morning and then you’ll forget I ever existed. Goodnight, Enid.’)
And that was supposed to be it. Wednesday returned in the morning with a bag of supplies for Enid. She even handed over one of her own daggers.
(‘For protection,’ she had explained.)
And then that was it. Enid left the house, profusely thanking Wednesday as the Assassin shut the door on her. She watched as the blonde walked down the street, occasionally looking back up at the window until it was no longer in view.
And she was gone.
Until years later.
Wednesday had been promoted. Years of experience in the Brotherhood had earned her the same rank of her parents.
She was now Master Assassin Wednesday Addams.
Grand Master Weems had assigned her a new mission. A more permanent one. With the expansion of the American States, the Brotherhood wanted a second HQ further inland. So Wednesday had been assigned with going to a small town called Jericho just outside of New England (I know the town is supposed to be in New England near Massachusetts but given that that’s close to where the American Brotherhood is in the games, I’ve opted to move Jericho to outside New England, ND).
Establishing a new HQ had been easy. An asylum abandoned due to the war sat just outside of Jericho, deep in the forest. Close enough to the town but far enough that it would be difficult to stumble across. With the rookie Assassin’s she had been sent with, much to her chagrin, the Jericho Brotherhood was up and running within a few weeks. The building was quickly refurbished. Wednesday was rather proud of her Assassins, not that she’d say it though.
And one day she found herself in need of going into town. Several of her Assassins were out on missions and with nothing major going on, there was nothing that’s Master Assassin was needed for, so Wednesday opted for going into town for the day. She was in need of some new reading material, plus they were running out of parchment.
The town was rather quaint. Inhabited by mostly farmers but it had become modernised over the years, or so Wednesday had heard. In recent years, the town had expanded to add a bank, a library, a town hall. She had even heard rumours that the town could be added to the expanding train line soon, which would make journeying back to the main Brotherhood a lot easier.
She had been leaving the bank when she saw a flash of blonde hair at the end of the street. She froze, watching as the blonde head disappeared behind the corner.
It couldn’t be.
Obviously Wednesday knew Enid Sinclair wasn’t the only blonde woman in the world, but a head of hair that bright? She had only ever seen a blonde with hair that bright and that was Enid.
But obviously Enid wasn’t in Jericho. Obviously not.
So Wednesday pushed the thoughts of the blonde girl out of her head. It had been years since she had seen the girl. Years since she had saved her life. For a while, she had wondered how she had been doing. She wondered if the girl had succeeded in making a life for herself. But over time, thoughts of the girl had stopped as more important matters came up.
She had grabbed most of what she needed from town when she asked a gentle old man if he knew of anywhere she could buy some books. As it turned out, Jericho had got a new book store a few years back. Pointing her in the right direction, Wednesday took off. The book store was easy enough to find, and Wednesday stepped inside, relishing in the smell of dusty old books.
She was about to set off into the shelves when a voice stopped her. A voice she hadn’t heard in years because of course she was right. Wednesday would recognise that hair anywhere-
The blonde had aged beautifully. Her hair was longer, but put into a tidy bun at the back of her head. She was wearing a thick maroon jumper on top of what was clearly a casual black dress. She was staring at Wednesday with joy, and the Assassin couldn’t find it in herself to find it irritating.
(‘Hello, Enid.’)
The blonde just took the sight of her saviour in, admiring how much different she looked.
(‘I’m sorry,’ she spluttered, ‘I don’t really know what to say. You… you look great.’)
(‘Thank you,’ Wednesday nodded, ‘I must say you do too. I’m glad to see you’re still alive.’)
(‘Yeah. Town hopped for a while,’ Enid replied, ‘I wanted to get as far away from home as I could so I wouldn’t be found. Then I found Jericho a few years ago. How long have you been here?’)
(‘A few months.’)
(‘And are you still in the whole…’ Enid made a strange gesture of flexing her wrist, ‘…business?’)
(‘If by this,’ Wednesday copied the gesture, ‘you mean doing what I did that night, then yes.’)
(‘Cool,um… are you looking for something? You’re not here to kill me, right?’ Enid joked.)
(‘Unless you followed in your family’s footsteps and joined the Templar Order after I went through the trouble of saving your life, then no,’ Wednesday replied, deadpan, ‘I was hoping you would have a copy of ‘L’An 2440, rêve s’il en fut jamais’ by Louis-Sébastien Mercier. I colleague of mine relocated to France recently and recommended the work to me.)
(‘Uh, we actually do have that but it’s not in English.’)
(‘That’s fine. I speak French.’)
Enid nodded and stepped out from behind the counter as she went to grab the book. She blushed as she stepped past Wednesday and the Assassin couldn’t help but admire the blonde’s figure as she walked away.
She quickly scolded herself. Attachments like this weren’t allowed. The only reason her parents were allowed was because they were already together and had reformed the American Brotherhood alongside Weems themselves. Other than that, Assassin’s could not partake in personal relationships. Alliances, fine. Friendships, fine. Romance, however was off the table.
Enid quickly returned, gently carrying a small leather bound book. She placed it in front of Wednesday.
(‘Is this the one?’)
(Wednesday inspected the book, gently running her hand over the leather cover, ‘this is it.’)
Enid quickly got behind the counter again and pulled out a larger book. A receipt book. Grabbing a pencil, Enid stated the cost and Wednesday handed over the money.
(‘Okay. So that’s L’An 2440 at one dollar for-‘)
(‘Wednesday,’ Wednesday cut in, ‘Wednesday Addams.’)
Enid looked up from her book in shock. After all these years, she finally had a name to put to the face of the woman who had saved her.
(‘Wednesday,’ Enid gasped, ‘that’s…’)
(‘That’s what?’)
(‘That’s a beautiful name,’ Enid softly finished.)
Beautiful? She thought her name was beautiful?! If anyone were to use that word to describe Wednesday, they’d find themselves with her blade at their throat. Wednesday did not do beautiful. She preferred terms like horrific or disturbing. 
But as Enid said it was beautiful, Wednesday found that that urge to use her blade did not emerge.
In that moment, Wednesday knew the Brotherhood’s rule on attachments would not apply to her for how could it, when she knew deep down she had been attached to Enid from the moment she set eyes on her all those years ago.
And Wednesday was okay with that.
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barb-l · 1 year
Personally, just in my opinion, I feel like people seeing the Addams as a family of killers kind of goes against what they're like meant to be right?? Not saying that anyone actually writes them to be these ruthless life takers, but a lot of fics rely on willingness/eagerness to harm as an easy crutch to showcase why the Addams are seen as outcasts.
I personally feel that their fascination with death isn't connected to violence against others, but is connected with their fascination with life. They are intrigued by things that are not socially acceptable to be so intrigued by. Everything else about them comes from just how strange of a family tree they have--the typical sort of supernatural witchy stuff.
They're just odd 🥺 They're not murderers!
Wednesday has a teenager's sense of humor mixed with her being an Addams so she's just extra weird. She's probably the most violent of her immediate family but her moral code doesn't allow for just straight up murder.
I mean. It really depends on which version we're talking about here. In the OG live action movies, the Addamses poured boiling water on some Christmas carolers, killed a stripper who was hiding in a cake(accidentally tho tbf), and Wednesday buried a cat alive. Those are just off the top of my head, so they may have done more that I don't recall rn. Basically, they were a bit. Yikes.
The thing about the movies tho is that they were really camp. They weren't supposed to be taken seriously bcuz they were dark jokes.
To avoid, yanno, sending the wrong message in a more grounded adaptation, the Addamses had to be changed a bit. Or maybe changed BACK. Although I haven't had the time to watch the OG series or peruse the comics, I hear the edgy, gothic version was only really started by the movie version. Wednesday even originally had a pink dress in the cartoons.
I think you're right about the fascination with life tho. The Addamses in all versions are peculiar about what they find beautiful and why, and there are nuances in every adaptation cuz of the different writers. I like how you described it, and i like to think that this is how they think(to some degree)
But for all of the versions, I like to think that what's important for them is whether the violence is 1) warranted(ie. Revenge, self-defense, for absolute assholes, etc), and 2) consensual (Wednesday torturing Pugsley bcuz BOTH of them think it's fun). They don't just do it to be ruthlessly cruel.
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sunnyyyyyyyynnus · 2 years
Ok so I finished Wednesday on wednesdaay (very funny ik) but it took me till now to fully process everything that happened so now Imma rant about it
Tyler Galpin to be specific
Okay okay from the beginning
So after that first scene with Tyler, I honestly couldn't tell if Hunter wasn't a great actor or if Tyler was just shy
of course after like 2 episodes it was obvious he was a good actor buuuuutt i still wasn't entirely convinced
tiiiillll the last 2 episodes
Tumblr media
ok ok gotta calm down
been screaming in caps for a while
alright change of topic
now about the rest of the show cus I don't have the energy to write two seperate posts
honestly what i love about the show is how every time I'm so sure about something it's like "haha you thought you was smart bish well guess what"
but I did have some predictions that turned out true
like about Thornhill
from 2nd episode i knew she was gonna try and kill Wednesday or something
she just seemed too nice and there to be a good character
and when they wanted us to think that Weems was the killer? no way i didn't believe it for a second
and i had a feeling that tyler was the monster around 6th-7th episode
still didn't lessen the shock
but I did think that Xavier was behind it for a while
i thought that maybe he drew the monster and brought it to life but i had doubts cus when he brought the spider to life and Wednesday smushed it it disappeared into smoke
so after coming to that conclusion i was positive it wasn't him
okie then now about the ships:
now i know everyone is shipping Wednesday and Enid
but i just don't
there's this feeling i have when i think a couple would be great together and i just don't have it with them
but i do ship Enid and Ajax i just think they're really cute together
i also shipped Wyler really hard until the final episode
don't get me wrong i still ship them but i also have this feeling that i won't anymore
still waiting for s2 to decide on that ship
i also think Bianca and Lucas i think his name was would make a cute couple
(sorry for my terrible transitions from topic to topic)
but there are a few scenes i keep replaying
like when Enid hugged Wednesday and Wednesday pushed her away a bit before hugging her back tightly? MAH HARRT CAN'T HANDLE EEETTT
and when Wednesday started crying cus she thought that Thing died
anyway that's all i think thank you for bearing with me love y'all have a great rest of your day
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averseunhinged · 9 months
guess what. it's wip wednesday. SHUT UP IT IS IF I SAY SO.
this is from the next chapter of and all that i've learned is everything burns and the rewritten version of this sentence. there's a kind of rough snippet with bonnie from earlier in the chapter right here. i wanted to give actual klaroline this week, but literally every scene between them in this fic has declared me its mortal enemy, and we must fight to the death, for there can be only one.
caroline didn't grow up in mystic falls but she's in town because of Reasons after the death of sheriff bill forbes. that is still the plot and we're slowly moving toward the why of it all. so, here's matt donovan! fun fact: he was turned by katherine in place of caroline in the original 7429475 versions of this, and it didn't work for a bunch of reasons, but mostly because i love the secret good matt who lives in my head and didn't want secret good matt to stake himself. normal matt kind of can go ahead and do that, tho. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"Top shelf vodka, Grey Goose if you have it," Caroline compelled the blond bartender, "and Coke with a splash of grenadine and four,” holding up four fingers to emphasize the number, “cherries, please."
“I don’t know. That’s a lot of cherries.” He was adorable and very much not compelled when he grinned a toothpaste commercial smile at her and replied, "Caroline, right? Bonnie said you'd probably come by. I’m Matt Donovan."
She groaned and gripped the edge of the bar, rolling her head along with her eyes and stomped her boot. "Seriously?"
"Seriously. You can have two drinks, maximum. You pay for them and tip well," he offered and shook a highball glass at her, raising his eyebrows.
"Deal," she agreed with a pout, unbuttoning her coat and shaking it off her shoulders, "and obviously, I'm going to pay. What kind of jerk compels stuff when they don't have to?"
"Try every jerk in this town,” Matt groaned and scooped ice into the glass.
"Well, not me,” Caroline reassured and slid onto one of the tall bar chairs. “My mom's head would explode if I even thought about it, and believe me, she would know. She always knows."
"Not much of a troublemaker, huh?” he queried in that casually interested, but undemanding way good bartenders always seemed to develop. “Are you sure you want top shelf in this? Not trying to talk myself out of a better tip, but you probably wouldn’t be able to taste the difference with all that sugar.”
"Okay, now I know it’s vervain and not the other one, because Smirnoff tastes like rubbing alcohol, now that I’ve,” Caroline waved her hand indistinctly before leaning forward and folding her arms across the bar, “other oned. And Mom totally is a troublemaker! Except her kind of trouble is overthrowing a two-hundred-year-old vampire's oppressive political regime like she's Jean Valjean. I just went to a frat party when I was fifteen."
Matt laughed, dropping exactly four cherries on top of her drink with obvious aplomb. "Your mother went to prison for stealing a loaf of bread?"
"Well. Sort of. It wasn't real prison, and it was because she killed a vampire who was trying to murder a witch, because she wouldn't do some spell for him. Mom was only in there a week before Enzo broke her out, and they came away with a ton of new witchy friends and babysitters for me.” Caroline shrugged. “So, all’s well that ends well."
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risu5waffles · 11 months
Watching @soupum 's stream yesterday was definitely the highlight of a pretty murky day. The kid has chops; i had a great time, we all supported a good cause, it was heartwarming and fun.
Which, let me tell you, i really, really needed. Had a headache start setting in round the end of Tuesday's shift, and it just kept kicking my arse even through aspirin most all Wednesday. i've been getting headaches more frequently recently, and that bothers me. None of them, thank Entropy, have been migraines; it's been a while since i was getting those on the monthly, and they really kicked the stuffing out of me. But still, in the end, regular old garden variety headaches can be just as enervating, and any continuing change in health for the worse is a cause for at least light concern.
But it was my day off, and i couldn't just watch a stream all day, as good a time as it may have been, my brainmeats wouldn't have let me hear the end of it. i got some recording and editing done to catch us up to next Friday. i'd really wanted to work on my big project, but the spoons and thinking power just weren't there. This one's important to me, and i really don't want to fuck it up.
So, i thought, why don't i toss together a little hub, quick-like, you know? Nothing too flash, maybe practice a bit wiv parallax (i will always go to bat for a good endless scrolling parallax). This was not exactly not a brainmeats-intensive thing to do, and it certainly wasn't quick, but it was low stakes enough that it didn't amp up my anxiety, and let me feel i was being productive for myself, not like a thing i had to do.
i like how it turned out, really. For a real simple set up, it's relatively effective. i'm going to want a few more layers of depth to really make it look good, and i think the water and land layers here should be swapped, so it doesn't look like the train is up to its windows in a river, but yeah, it works. Something i figured out working on the big project, that little Savannah section of it, is if you've got your cameras tight enough, you really don't need to be emitting all that many things as once. When i did this for the old review show, and i think the environmental pieces were traveling almost to the end of the create mode space before getting destroyed, even though we were using an viewable area not much larger that what we see in this set. That was simply way too much, and it played all holy hell wiv the thermo.
The set is haunted tho'. Like, i had so many weird buggy things happen trying to put together this train. i was lucky that i thought to at least snag footage of the entire car getting deleted when i rewound, but, like, that was the third time it had happened. i have absolutely no idea why. Something deep in my profile is seriously fucked. i suppose it's not surprising since it's been active since almost LBP1's release, and has been used across two regions' games, two systems, and a handle change.
Fun fact, this is probably the second or maybe possibly third time i've ever used the phrase girlcock, so you can log that in your lore books, i suppose.
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beholdthemem · 1 year
WIP Weekend (Look, it’s the weekend SOMEWHERE) Challenge
@hilarychuff thank you for tagging me, and for your patience! This was fun AND motivational.
All righty, so here are the RULES:
in a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
post a snippet from one of them. snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. we’re posting progress here. if you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
after you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. you must then write 3 sentences in that file. if the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
that’s it! you can invite others to join in, or just post. if you tag me in your post, i will send you an ask request!
The only way I can differentiate between my WIPs and remember what they’re each about is if I give them weird joke names, so we have-
More Werewolf Wednesday
Electric Thanksgiving Boogaloo 2.0- Electric Two-galoo
Middle School Is Challenging For Everyone
THIS Is Why Nobody Likes Folk Singers
Snippet from Middle School Is Challenging:
"It's not what it looks like," Eddie said immediately, and then regretted his phrasing. The kid looked even more afraid. "I mean- it IS what it looks like, but it's not as bad as it looks. Don't worry. He's fine. He's enjoying himself."
"Hbibfibe," Grant said reassuringly, giving an encouraging thumbs up in entirely the wrong direction.
"Seriously," Eddie pressed on as the girl glanced uncertainly behind him at Grant. "It's cool. I'm next."
Her brow slowly unknotted, fear becoming mere confusion tempered with mild wariness- the go to emotions for sixth graders interacting with anyone older than them. Eddie was comfortable with that.
"Aren't you supposed to be practicing with Linda?" He asked after another beat wherein she showed no signs of going anywhere. He didn't want to be a dick, but heads weren't going to scotch tape themselves, and he didn't want Linda hunting this kid down and complaining to the dean that Eddie had been sabotaging their act by distracting her. As if he'd need to, anyway. What were they doing again? Cheer? Ugh.
The little sixth grader shrugged nervously, neat blonde braids bobbing over her shoulders. He was having difficulty imagining this mousy kid successfully cheering on anything. It was undoubtedly gonna be The Linda Show out there, but even so, this was an odd choice of back up.
"Can he..." the girl began hesitantly, speaking for the first time in a voice almost as small and quiet as she was. "How is... uh... how is he breathing?"
That was a very fair question.
"...pores?" Eddie hazarded after a moment.
Behind him, Grant, who apparently could NOT breathe through his pores, suddenly seemed to black out and collapsed off of the chair.
"MAN DOWN!" Jeff shrieked as Eddie scrambled over to intervene, Linda's sidekick hot on his heels. "STAY WITH US, DUDE!"
If you read this and have WIPs, consider yourself tagged. Share your work! (No pressure tho, I just want you guys to have an excuse to talk about what you’re working on. We’re interested!)
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