#and i told that to a doctor cus they looked at it and said oh that looks like youve always had that mole
a-sleepy-ginger · 4 months
Double ender toast
Ice cream
Talked with mother
Got loads of cuddles from the animals
Passed my history exam
Passed my psychology report
#happiness diary#happiness diary: june 2024#arm got chopped today#my arm isn't sore but it's not normal#got dissolvable stitches this time so that's new#my dad told me when he got dissolvable stitches they dissolved too quick and my mother said hers didn't dissolve and had to be removed#so let's hope im in the middle and they last the normal amount of time#the nurse ended up calling tge doctor to do the markings? to cut cus it was right next to my other scar#so they did it vertical instead of horizontal#also on the way out i went the wrong way and a passing doctor helped me#it was funny cus i was looking around like uhoh where am i and he say me from a distance and called like no wrong way and guided me#but i passed by one of the nurses who did the biopsy and they were like you go the wrong way#and i just awkwardly laughed like i get lost easy#its bled a little not as much as some of the others#the second one on my leg bled at every little movement#but this one seems fine#also ate ice cream after cus i deserved it after waking up so early and getting my arm chopped#and had a tasty dinner#also the weather was unpredictable today it started pouring and hailing a little and randomly it would be blue skies#and its cold im cold its june i shouldn't be cold#oh and my psychology report!!#my teacher wrote that im yhe first person they passed first try in like 18 years or something#so im a bit like :0#i did good???#was expecting remediation cus she said to but i passed first try so im just ?? :D ??#am also tired been up since 6#so gonna sleep#or try to vus im a side sleeper and arm chop so maybe sleep will be light
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morgluvsconnie · 2 months
(can i be peach anon ? 😭)
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connie x preggo/mommy!reader, short headcanons, mild cursing, basically just fluff! (yes u can be peach anon <3!)
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who when he found out you were pregnant, just stared at you with a confused look. “i gave you that many cream pies?”
you narrowed your eyes at him and put your weight on one hip, pointing at your stomach. “your child is in my stomach.” you tried to get him to an understanding.
he slowly smiled.
who panicked mostly about when your daughter was gonna start developing feelings for boys, complaining about it almost every week.
“you don’t have to worry about that connie.” you smiled a little, laying across your shared bed.
who copy’s your baby waddle when you’re mad at him or just in general to tease you.
he also finds himself, willingly, sitting or playing around on the ball that you bounce on for your pregnancy.
who when your water broke, laughed because he thought you peed yourself, again, but when you looked at him with wide eyes, his smile faded. “ooou.. oh.. that ain’t pee?” he scratched his head
not even three minutes later, was on the phone with your parents and his parents, stressing tf outttt, rushing around and trying to pack things for you.
who knew true female strength for the first time in a long time when you gripped his arm, trying his best not to say anything because of the pain you were in.
“baby.. my arm-” he started, but you breathed heavily, touching your stomach. “shut. up.”
who stared at the head of your baby with wide eyes, furrowed eyebrows, and a covered mouth.
the size of your baby’s head coming out shocked him. and it wasn’t even because it was big or anything, how could you withstand that?
who felt his fingers losing circulation from the amount of pressure you were putting on his hand. as much as he fanned you, tried to calm you down, he couldn’t help but glance at back down.
yep, that was it.
who had to be tended to by other doctors when he passed out after seeing the way your baby stretched you out.
right before the baby was born.
who stared at your baby with narrowed eyes, blinking a few times before pointing. “she posed to be purple?”
you looked at him and smacked your lips. “she just out connie, she don’t got our color yet.”
who when you got out the hospital, let you rest in bed for the whole day if you wanted to, tending to your baby whenever you needed him to or wanted him to.
barely letting you get on your feet and do things yourself. “nooo, sit down. you gotta be bed ridden.” he kissed your cheek and pat your face with a warm towel.
“where were you with all this when i was pushing her out?” you playfully smiled at him. connie opened his mouth to say something, but squinted. “you know that?”
who, as your child grew, and got more disobedient (apparently only in your eyes), laughed at her antics, until you gave him the same look you gave her.
“oh yeah, put mommy stuff down before this turn into a friendly fire.” connie mumbled, patting his toddlers shoulder.
who, when his daughter came home from kindergarten and said she had a crush on a boy, stared at her with an open mouth, then at you.
“well? you not gon say nothing?” connie narrowed his eyes. you laid back on the couch, putting one of her toys together. “it’s just puppy love con-“
who, two days later, when his daughter came home saying she had a boyfriend, almost spiraled out of control.
“and why, callie? please let me know.” he rested his elbows on his knees with his head hanging down in a full dramatic way. “cus, daddy, he said he likes me and then- and then i told him he’s my boyfriend.” she smiled carelessly while sitting on the floor with her toys.
looking at you for at least some type of closure, you just watched with raised eyebrows and a small smile.
“oh yeah daddy, and then i got another boyfr-”
“ANOTHER.” connie quickly stood up, hands to his head while pacing around the living room.
“you hear this girl?” connie stared at you with wide eyes while pointing to his daughter. you pursed your lips together and shrugged.
“i don’t know, she’s similar to how someone used to be.” you tilted your head.
connie rested his eyes. “this is a hazard.”
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emmasbrain · 5 months
Miscommunication (the fun kind)
Part 1 | Part 2
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Warnings: slight alcohol consumption? i think that’s all, nothing NSFW in this one
Synopsis: Your good friend Penelope sees you in a bar and begs you to sit with her and her work friends. You realise you like one. She also realises you like one. She however, thinks you like the wrong one.
The moment Penelope spotted you, she gasped. “Oh my god!” You spun round on your seat on the bar towards her running over to you in unrunnable heels, a brilliant smile gracing her face and a surprised one falling to yours as you saw each other.
“Penelope?” You hopped off your bar stool and pulled her into a hug. “It’s been too long darlin’. I feel like we haven’t seen each other in years.” You gushed, definitely over exaggerating your circumstances.
“Didn’t we go for coffee last Thursday?” She giggles, and you see the familiar glint in her eye that she only got after a couple of margaritas.
“Like I said, years!” You giggled right back, and she held your hands, leaning in towards you more.
“Who are you here with?” She questioned, looking around.
You shrugged casually, “I came with some girls from work, but they all left with guys and I decided to drink my loneliness away… Except I haven’t actually had a drink yet because I’ve been sitting here debating whether I really want to drink alone.” Your words, though holding a little weight, came out with a laugh and a self deprecating sigh.
Penelope gave you a look, and you knew she was brewing something. “What if… you come sit with us?” Before you can ask questions or protest, she continues, “You know I’ve always wanted to introduce you to the team, which is who I’m here with, and it would be good for you too ‘cus it means you can drink not on your own.” She gives you puppy dog eyes, and clasps her hands together waiting for your answer.
You relent, deciding the sooner you had an interaction with her FBI friends the sooner it was over. You had heard some things, and they seemed lovely, but they were her friends and you had the feeling you wouldn’t be very welcome with your job as a journalist. “Okay fine, but you can’t mention my job. I don’t want them to hate me on the first impression.”
“It’s okay they know, I told them ages ago about what you do. Alright you stay here, I’ll go tell them and then I can introduce you.” She was practically buzzing, so excited you could see it in the air around her. She shuffled away happily, and came back to drag you over a moment later.
As you approached the group, she introduced you in order of where they sat around the table. “That’s JJ, Derek, David, Hotch, Emily, and Spencer. Everybody, this is my friend Y/N.” She smiles all big and goofy and then scrunches up her face in disappointment. “There’s no chairs left.”
You take this as an opportunity. “Well, I suppose that means I should g-“
“Here, you can have mine. I’ll grab one from over there.” Spencer quickly finds a solution, standing to walk over to an unused table and fetch another chair. You follow him with your eyes as he lifts it over. Doctor Spencer Reid. Penelope had mentioned the man on multiple occasions. Ever the problem solver, you gathered from her ramblings on the things he would do and say.
Penelope sits in the chair between JJ and Derek, and the latter lets his arm rest on Penelope’s shoulders. As you sit down in Spencer’s sacrificed chair, he pulls another one in between you and JJ, and you both awkwardly smile at each other before you look down to your hands in your lap. “Thank you.” You whisper to him.
“What for?” He whispers back.
“The chair.” You mumble, and he nods.
“It’s no problem.”
“Okay, I say we get some drinks. How bout it, pretty girl?” Derek's words snap you from your awkwardness, and you smile, realising he’s given you a nickname already.
“I am in dire need of a beer.” You reply, and Emily looks at you from your right.
“Beer, huh? I woulda coined you for a vodka redbull kinda girl. All for the thrills.” She looks at you with a smirk and you shake your head with a giggle.
“I’m normally a whiskey kinda girl actually, I get that from my parents. I only very rarely drink vodka, it just makes me want to make out with people.” The embarrassment soaks in the moment the words come out of your mouth and you realise you’ve just told a group of behavioural analysts that vodka makes you horny.
“Alcohol oftentimes does have the effect of making you sexually confident and can heighten feelings of affection and make you more open to try things sexually. One could assume that your specific set of hormones are just more affected by the chemicals in vodka in comparison to other alcohols.” Spencer pulls his lips into a straight line, and you giggle at his readily available information. Penelope wasn’t joking.
“Thanks, Doc.” You bump his shoulder, and he looks a little confused but mumbles a “No problem” anyway. As he looks away towards Derek and Penelope, you take the chance to study his features discreetly. The angle of his jaw perfectly contrasts the softness of his eyes, the honey brown colour almost sparkling within the dim lighting of the bar. His cheeks are tinged pink from the currently inaudible teasing from Derek, and there’s a little smile on his lips that you could almost envision yourself kissing.
Derek breaks you out of your head a second time. “Hey pretty girl, you wanna go get those drinks now?” He flashes you a grin and you smile, nodding.
“Yea let’s do it. Does everyone know what they want?” As you’re trying to split everyone’s orders between you and Derek, Penelope gives you a look that says “do you have the hots for my friend?” and you give her a look back that says “maybe..” she gasps and the whole table turns to look at her, making her realise that she’d turned the conversation into an out loud one now.
“You know what? Us girls can handle those drinks, Derek. Why don’t you have a seat.” She drags you up to the bar and orders quickly before she forgets, and then whips round to face you.
“You like him. I saw it on your face. You like him!!” She whisper shouts and you glance back to Derek and Spencer hunched over the table chatting. You smile.
“Look at him! Of course I like him, who wouldn’t like him? He’s simultaneously cute and hot and I swear men aren’t supposed to work like that.” You whisper shout back at her, and her smiles sadly.
“I wish I could set you up, but he’s taken. And his girlfriend is amazing so I can’t even be mad about it.” She sighs, and you slightly deflate.
“Oh man, I can’t believe the first time in years that I actually want a guy he’s taken. Just my luck, I suppose.” You laugh, and grab the drinks that have been sat on the bar. “Well, it was nice while it lasted.” You shrug your shoulders and head back over to the table with her, handing everyone their drinks and sitting back next to Spencer to sip your own.
After an hour or so, conversation was going a tad dry, and you decided to use an old icebreaker your college roommate had taught you to get things flowing again. “Okay, one after the other I want everyone to tell the group something embarrassing. It can be anything, as long as it’s about you.” Everyone nods in agreement, and Derek starts.
“There was this one time I was flirting with a girl while I was out with my mom. Now that was my first mistake, my mom comes over and starts talkin to this girl askin if she’s my girlfriend. I said momma I’ve only just met her, and she said ‘well then you better hurry up, this girl is far too beautiful for you to pass up’. Before I could even speak, the girl says ‘I think you’re too beautiful to pass up’. She was talkin to my mom! And I just thought hey maybe she’s just tryna get on moms good side, you know? You win over mom, you win over me. But then she spent 10 minutes flirting with my mother until I had to drag her away. My mom will not stop bringing it up just to mock me.”
Spencer cracked up beside you at the story, and you couldn't help laughing a little with him.
Penelope pipes in, “Tell them when this happened.” He grimaces.
“Last year.” He barely says it loud enough to hear, but you all catch it and it sends you all into a fit of laughter.
Rossi reminisces about the time he proposed to one of his ex wives, and she said no. In public. Then later in the day said yes, telling him she just wanted to embarrass him the way his public proposal had embarrassed her.
Hotch talks of the time he finished work early and decided to pick up Jack from school. The teacher had asked him if he was Jack’s grandfather, and he had to explain that he most definitely was not.
“I once hugged my friend from behind to tell her goodbye at a party. It wasn’t my friend.” Is all Emily gives for details. She grimaces at the sheer memory of it, and you can’t help the little smile that graces your lips.
“My turn then?” You question the group, and they nod. “I probably should’ve used this time to think of what I was gonna say. Well I suppose I’ll use the only one that’s currently present in my mind,” You turn to face Spencer, “I was gonna ask you out before Penelope had to drag me away and tell me you were taken. Which was slightly embarrassing for me in the moment, but as I’m saying this I realise I’ve just embarrassed myself even more.” You nod through your internal pain at how stupid you felt, and took a deep breath before trying to move on. Spencer looked too taken aback to let that happen.
“You were gonna ask me out? And Penelope told you I was in a relationship? Why would she do that?” He looks plain confused now, and you mirror his expression.
“I never told you Spencer was in a relationship. I told you Derek was in a relationship, because I thought he was the friend you said you liked! Wait. So when you said he was hot you meant Spencer?” Now even Penelope looked confused, although not exactly for the same reason you were.
“Yes! Of course I meant Spencer! No offence Derek, you’re lovely but you’re not my type.” You rushed, giving him a sheepish smile.
“And I am?” Spencer speaks again.
“Pretty much yea.” The smile he gives you at your words makes you look away nervously.
“So what you mean is that if you hadn’t been told I was taken I could have went on a date with you?” He’s looking inquisitively at your face now, tracing for signs of a lie as he waits for you to respond.
“You still could go on a date with me.” You suggest, with a little shrug and a smile that reaches your eyes.
“I’d like that.” He nods, slightly enthusiastic but trying to play it cool.
“Me too.” You nod with him. “I should probably be heading home, I have work I still need to catch up on. But I could give you my number and you could take me to your favourite place or something. Somewhere I can get to know you just from looking around.” You suggest, gathering your things and scribbling your number down on a spare napkin.
“That sounds good- great. That sounds great.” His eyes are filled with a mixture of excitement and something else you’re not sure about, but the look on his face makes you smile.
“Call me then.” You nod finally, getting up to leave. You give everyone their goodbyes, hugging them all lightly and giving Spencer a little wave.
Over the next few days the anticipation of his call is almost overwhelming. And when your phone begins to ring, an unfamiliar number popping up on the screen, you bite your nail before clicking the answer button. “Hello?”
A/N: I don’t actually really like this, but it’s fine. I wanna do a part two, someone tell me to do a part two plsplsplspls. (May rewrite this once i’m not jet lagged and cramming it between studying but idk)
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junicult · 1 year
First of all, love you work!!! Secondly, for the bachelors asking farmer if they can try something new in the bedroom and what do you think the new kink they want to try would be?
!! the bachelors & their kinks
contains ; smut! nsfw. fem!farmer. much suggestive content. kinkplay (obvi). light bondage. fem!masturbation. fingering. slight edging. orgasm control / denial. overstim. squirting. mirror sex. oral (f!receiving). very brief mention of an insecure!reader (elliot’s.)
note ; i got another ask like this about just their fav kinks, so i’m combining them both here.
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- now, to some of you, this man may scream vanilla.
- which, okay, isn’t untrue.
- he loves those nights when you’re just needy and desperate, you just need him to be with you, no extra stuff.
- missionary, holding hands, moaning into your mouth while whispering abt how much you love each other—yeah, that’s his favorite.
- but, are we just gonna sit here and pretend like he’s not literally an overthinker?????
- but he’d much rather live in ignorant bliss then know you’d be turned off by his kinks.
- so yes. he’s got some pretty closeted fantasies, things he’s always wanted to try but has been wayy too scared to even mention.
- even if you’re like, “oh c’mon, you’re telling me there’s nothing you want to try?” practically BEGGING for him to confess,
- he’s just gonna swallow and shake his head.
- the thing about harvey, tho, is that during sex (even though he enjoys it very much), his main goal is to make sure you’re feeling good.
- it’s all about you, and whatever you want to try.
- you’ve definitely told him your biggest kinks, and can i just say you’ve definitely tried them all.
- that’s just bc he wants to do that for you.
- he was excited to help you fulfill those fantasies, especially since it made you feel so good.
- and depending on what a few of them were, he definitely tries to incorporate them into every night sex.
- anyways—
- it (annoyingly) takes a while to finally get him to open up.
- but once he finally tells you, ohhh boyyy.
- firstly, he’s into bondage. i said it.
- light, but still enough that you’re restrained at least somehow.
- whether it’s using his tie to pull your hands back, or a full on rope tying your limbs to the bedposts—i swear.
- he’s super gentle, tho. tying each knot and asking a quiet, “is it too tight?” every time.
- but fucckkkkk
- he’s gonna be so criminally slow.
- i wanna say he’s a switch. a big fan of letting you take the lead somedays, and him some others.
- so being able to tie you up is like his own leverage this time.
- he gets to see you squirming underneath him, body scorching and you’re just so desperate for him to fuck you,
- but he won’t. not yet, cus you just look so so pretty and, well, if this is his biggest fantasy, then he’s gonna take his time.
- secondly…roleplay.
- 🫡
- now, this may not be an everyday fantasy, but it’s definitely something he’d want to try at least once.
- and if we’re being literal, the only roleplay i can see him really wanting to try is some sort of doctor play.
- this man would NEVER (ignoring the fact that ur technically one of his patients so really not never) visualize his patients in such a way. he takes serious pride in being a doctor, and his professionalism.
- but hear me out—he’d die to have you on his table, you’re just so fucking horny and he’s kinda stressed, so he just fucks u right there in his office.
- lab coat still on, stethoscope hanging around his neck still. he’s literally in his entire work uniform.
- that’s just his biggest fantasy, tho.
- realistically, he’d never do that.
- it’d be a serious violation of anyone found out, and he’d lose his job (and likely much worse.)
- not to mention, extremely unsanitary. as much as he’d love to, he’d literally never.
- so, approaching this kink wouldn’t be easy.
- you’d probably get him to tell you, and he’d finish it with, “i’d much rather keep my job then throw it away by doing something reckless,” and you understand that, but it’s super exciting to see his face get all red and his eyes avoid contact.
- that doesn’t stop the thought from invading your mind every time you pop into the clinic to say hi to him.
- dropping him off a warm cup of coffee, and if he isn’t busy, you may even lean across the counter to give him a chaste kiss.
- except you’re sliding your hand around the back of his neck, feathering your fingers through his short brown hair and pulling him in, sorta taking him by surprise cus that’s hardly a kiss for a greeting.
- and you’re smiling when you pull away, a little devilish twinkle in your eye when you say, “i’ll see you at home, doctor,” just before waltzing out the door.
- hah. yeah.
- it’s gonna be a looonngg shift.
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- he’s an open book.
- it didn’t take any prying at all, but the topic probably didn’t come up for a while.
- not until you guys were just sitting together one day, just talking like you usually do.
- and out of curiosity he asks, “is there anything you’d ever wanna try in bed? sexually?”
- so you tell him, and then proceed to ask the same question.
- he pretends to think for a moment.
- but really, he already knows what he wants to say.
- and he probably has a whole story to follow it up LMFAO
- “like, a long time ago i was, y’know…watching porn or whatever, like you do,” he’s looking down at his hands, twiddling his thumbs, “and i saw this one thing once. thought it was pretty cool.”
- “…which was?”
- he clears his throat. “just like…a dominatrix…”
- yeah.
- this man wants to be dominated 🤷‍♀️
- he probably went as far as to make a vow to himself that he’d try it once.
- don’t get me wrong, he’s definitely a switch as well. he likes being in control, and even a healthy dose of letting you be in control,
- but i’m talking DOMINATED.
- like, talk down on him, be a little rough, use him like he’s a toy.
- he’ll go fucking crazy.
- he genuinely doesn’t care what you do, just as long as you’re getting so much out of this, just using him however you please.
- i think i’ve said this a million times,
- but once he gets going, this man won’t shut the fuck up. he’s just talking and talking, spewing nothing but porn from his lips,
- and the moment you stuff ur panties in his mouth to shush him…
- yeah, that’s it. he’s done. he’s fulfilled his biggest dream.
- and he’s so glad you did it for him.
- another kink i feel like he’d have is you using him somehow to get yourself off, without touching his dick or something.
- and he definitely didn’t know he had this kink until once when you were just making out, you were so desperate that you subconsciously started rubbing against his thigh,
- and he didn’t realize what you were doing until you just cut yourself off moaning, head hanging and eyes lidded.
- he just placed his hands on your hips, watching you, how your hips moved against his clothed thigh and how your eyebrows pinched,
- you weren’t actively touching him or anything. but he got so hard that he started to feel like you literally were.
- he lets you use him to ride out your high, hardly paying attention to the way you’re panting, “‘m sorry, jus’ couldn’t—i’m sorry—“
- he’s already cutting you off,
- “do that again, fuck, do that again please.”
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- he’s so kinky lol.
- the real question is what isn’t one of his kinks?
- no cus honestly, i feel like he’d be down to try anything at least once. just to see if he liked it, and to see what he didn’t.
- for the most part, he kinda likes everything.
- within reason, of course.
- so i feel like getting him to open up about it wasn’t hard at all. especially if you’re already really close and connected with one another.
- as for his kinks, like the ones he prefers over everything else, well…i feel like they’re surprisingly underwhelming.
- his absolute favorite will forever be handcuffs.
- cuffing you to the bedpost, arms up high and out of reach so he can tease you all he wants.
- and he loves when you just get so flushed and embarrassed, but you can’t use your hands to cover your face.
- it’s so rare he’d ever be the one cuffed. he likes it much more when you are.
- plus, i feel like you tried once, and you got way too cocky that he just ripped through them and fucked you stupid.
- so yeah. cuffs are appreciated.
- another one of his kinks would be watching you masturbate.
- or even guiding you through masturbation.
- it’s just so hot when he has you laying in front of him, legs propped and spread apart, with your hand teasing your cunt however you like.
- kinda, sorta degrades u while praising you at the same time.
- “you’re not gonna cum yet, are you? i thought you were better then that.” “it’s up to you, baby. you wanna cum now, or let me give it to you later?”
- he’s gonna make you edge yourself.
- but really, it’s your call if you wanna cum without his permission or not.
- if u do, that’s fine. he’ll bask in the sight of you trembling and whining from your own doing.
- however, just so you know, he’s not gonna fuck you for the next few days.
- so why’re you all clingy now, desperate and whiny?
- after all, it seems like you don’t even need him.
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- hmmm.
- he’s absolutely not an open book.
- it took him a while to even have sex with you first, anyways. obviously he’s not gonna bust out every position or activity he’s ever wanted to try right away.
- he’s probably not going to be able to talk about it unless he’s already horny, and his pride is out the window.
- now, this man has long, thin fingers.
- yeah, he’s always liked the idea of fingering u.
- that’s not necessarily a kink, so let me take it one step further.
- his fingers can reach really deep inside of you, and in some ways, his fingers feel a little better then his actual cock.
- after years of practice with you, he’s gotten very good at learning what you like, and what you don’t like. he’s super vigilant.
- he knows just where to curve his fingers inside of you, just how quickly to pump them in and out of you to the point where you’re nothing but stuttered gasps and choked out moans.
- and because he has such long fingers, he knows exactly where that small, rough spot is inside of you.
- and he knows what can happen if he focuses specifically on just that one spot.
- see where i’m going w this?
- every single time he fingers you, he always has one end goal.
- to make you squirt.
- whether you realize that’s what he’s trying to do or not, he’s obsessed with the possibility of feeling your arousal all over his hand, making a mess out of your sheets and even his clothes if he can try hard enough (gn.)
- it wasn’t until one day when he was finally able to do it—i swear he thought he was a dead man.
- he literally came in his pants just from the sight alone 😇
- your body shaking, mind so foggy you don’t even realize what you’ve done until your breaths finally even out minutes later.
- it’s even cuter when you finally do, and you grow all embarrassed.
- “holy shit, did i just…?”
- but when you look at his flushed face, and down at the growing stain in his pants,
- let’s just say ur no longer the one who’s embarrassed.
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- when it comes to sex, he’s pretty vanilla.
- he likes fucking you until you both cum, he’s not really one to edge or overstimulate you.
- but as it turns out, his kinks are pretty specific.
- i feel the need to mention that immediately, as soon as i got this ask, i just knew i had to talk about this.
- don’t get me wrong, i love alex so much. he’s so adorable.
- and this probably doesn’t count as a kink, but please hear me out when i say,
- he’ll definitely give u his jersey to wear when he fucks u stupid one day.
- i’m sorry.
- some may say narcissistic, he says confident!
- just the way his jersey engulfs your frame, his last name written in large letters above his number makes him…nghh.
- like, he was unpacking to move into the farm, found his old jersey in one of his boxes and he excitedly showed it to you.
- he was so cute about it, reminiscing on that time in his life before you offhandedly asked him to try it on.
- and he was all, “oh, no way. it wouldn’t fit me anymore.” so instead, you tried it on.
- and it just clicked on his mind.
- like a literal switch that just immediately gave him a hard on.
- he couldn’t help but kiss all down your neck, and eventually have you bent over one of the cabinets, your hair wrapped in his loose fist so he could see the jersey properly while fucking you from behind.
- ur moaning so loud, panting and whining, and he can’t help but love the fact that you’re all his.
- he’s just obsessed. ur definitely doing that again.
- this next one kinda ties into his slight narcissism, too.
- and this one also isn’t really a kink, but with how badly he wants to try it, it may as well be.
- alex likes anything that proves how strong he is.
- fucking you against the wall, holding you up entirely, literally anything that shows off his strength.
- so it shouldn’t have been a surprise when he turned to you one evening, and was just like, “you should sit on my face.”
- when you agree to it, he knows you well enough to know you’re just gonna hover.
- and he’s not having that.
- “don’t be shy, actually sit on it. c’mon, you think you could hurt me?”
- “what if you stop breathing?”
- he almost wants to roll his eyes. “then it’d be a rightful way to die.”
- “alex!”
- “baby, just sit! i’m gonna be fine, i promise. please. for me.” he’ll use puppy dog eyes, even stick out his bottom lip of he has to.
- finally, when you do, he feels like he’s ascending to heaven.
- wraps his arms around your thighs to tug you down further, and he’s looking up at you moaning like crazy while he eats you out like he’s starving.
- there was no easing into it, he’s immediately diving in.
- cus once again, if there’s one honorable way to die, then it’s buried between your thighs.
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- it’s a given he’s extremely romantic.
- he’s the type to surprise you with candlelight dinners at home, or a fancy, all expenses paid (by him) evening in zuzu city.
- all of his romance, deep love and affection for you of course translates to sex.
- he’s written a lot of novels, he’s read a lot of romances.
- but, i feel like he likes to keep it simple in bed.
- much like harvey, he prefers when you’re just in the moment together, holding each other, finishing together.
- he probably wouldn’t be against trying many things just to try them out, or if you really enjoyed them,
- but when it comes to his own kinks? they’re super tame.
- for one, he absolutely loves when he gets to put you in front of a mirror, completely naked slotted between his thighs, with either your or his fingers rubbing against your cunt.
- you just roll your head back into his shoulder, panting while he whispers words of praise into your ear.
- it’s like, he’s showering you with endless levels of pleasure, all of which you’re too short-circuited to focus on any.
- he mostly loves this position after you offhandedly, or subtly mention something poor about how you look.
- so he uses that opportunity to let you see yourself the way he sees you.
- “my pretty baby, i don’t believe you could even think so poorly of yourself.” kissing your cheek in whispering in your ear.
- he won’t edge you. he couldn’t deprive himself of waiting to see you finish.
- so another one of his kinks that he’ll never fail to forget is overstimulation.
- he’s not done until you’re practically stupid, nearly drooling.
- when all you can speak are incoherent babbles, breath staggering in your chest.
- that’s when he knows he can finally finish, bc that’s another thing,
- he’s not cumming until you’re entirely fucked out.
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nohoney · 1 year
okay but for the hunger games au imagine having to do the interviews after you and bakugou have won the games and that’s where bakugou finds out hawks monopolies his feelings towards you for sponsors.
i like this nonny, i like it a lot (¬‿¬ )
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“So what made you do it? Surely you volunteered your own life to be the male tribute to protect your fellow tribute?” The host presses Bakugou, “It’s not often that there are volunteers from the other districts in the games. The two of you are breaking a lot of firsts with us!”
The audience is cued to laugh and it only serves to make you more uncomfortable. You’ve stayed silent and pretty so far, unable to do anything more than speak a few words and give a polite smile. Truthfully you’re on a tranquilizer to keep you calm. You’ve been riddled with anxiety since the games so doctors had prescribed you medication to keep you calm.
It spikes though as you struggle to concentrate and you grab Bakugou’s arm, reaching out to him as an anchor to keep you in place.
“Oh! What’s this? How’s our little bird doing over there?”
It’s only more nerve wracking for them to put the focus on you. Thousands of eyes on you, judging the girl who broke the rules of the hunger games.
“Perhaps… there’s a certain romance of some sort between you?”
Bakugou’s face frowns and you can tell that he’s trying not to be embarrassed. He’s never been good with any type of sentimental feelings so to have him be confronted in front of an audience of strangers you knew would be a complete disaster. Without a doubt in your mind, he’s cursing all of them right now.
“We uh… we’ve always been friends. Since we were in our youngest grade,” you try to take attention off him, “lots of girls back in our district think he’s handsome. But Bakugou has always been really grumpy so no one could get close.”
The host leans in a little bit close to set his gaze on you. “No one except you? You were rather sentimental to your fellow tribute in the games. One would say that you were more than just friends. Your district victor Hawks, oh! The stories he told of the two of you growing up was just precious!”
Bakugou freezes, his mouth turning down in anger that he’s trying to suppress. The two of you have to look like victors but every surprise that comes around the corner leaves you fumbling. You keep your hold tight on him, squeezing your fingers to warn him not to lash out.
“You know what moment in the games really took our breath away? We’ll play it for the audience! It had our hearts in a chokehold and we just knew we couldn’t bare to see the two of you against one another!”
The room darkens and the screen flicker on.
You watch yourself on the screen, undressing during the games and shaking Bakugou awake. All you can remember was being sick but you don’t… you don’t remember this. Bakugou never said anything about what happened when you were ill. Only that you were a little loopy but he kept you down to rest. You’re in disbelief as you watch yourself on the screen, wanting to shut your eyes and believe that this was generated by their computers. The hunger games catches everything, from the very brutal to even the very rare calm moments, so this is real. Everyone has seen it… has seen you vulnerable but you don’t remember! They have it censored enough so that the audience can’t see anything but it’s still violating…
“Turn that off! Don’t you have any respect for her?!” Bakugou stands up from his seat. He’s visibly upset, more for you than himself. These damn games piss him off! This whole damn spectacle pisses him off and he wants to take you back home now.
The host is flippant, easily calming the audience at Bakugou’s outburst and signals to fade out the footage from the games. “Ah what a sweet moment. When Hawks started telling us your childhood memories, it touched our hearts. It earned you that medicine from the sponsors and saved her life!”
“What?” Bakugou is in disbelief at first before his anger starts to grow, “What?! Hawks!! I’ll kill you, you goddamn fuck-“
Bakugou’s mic cuts out and the live feed is interrupted, the camera’s capturing at the last second the male district victor lunging at the host.
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beeben · 6 months
So I was going through some Krieg fics on AO3 and found your story "Monstrous"... Fuck that hit way too close to home. It was so amazingly written, I can sympathize bc I suffer with self loathing in my worse times, some of it was like seeing my own thoughts written out in front of me. I'm 1000% going to be reading Paging Doctor Samuels once I get the time to, I can tell its something you've had a passion for based on how much content you have going for it. Keep up the amazing writing 💙
AUUUUUGHHH THANK YOUUU monstrous is honestly one of my favorite things ive ever written like i poured my GUTS into that thing brother. I try so hard to capture him right. Hes always been a challenge for me because of a few reasons, i try to keep his thought patterns as realistic as i can with also acknowledging that hes like. Not normal yknow??? I don't like going oh psycho krieg sane krieg babbling back and forth i dont think real people work like that (even in someone with DID. I don't think he does have DID i just think he has a compartmentalized personality and schizo-affective disorder.) I don't like saying a specific disorder because i think that ties him too much to real life and it devalues people who have like schizophrenia or bipolar or other real cluster b personality disorders.. i dont think its right to add a real label to a character they specifically made to be an ahhh crazy psycho dude...... THAT BEING SAID! i think he (especially in the dlc) is one of the more respectful renditions of a severe mental illness that ive seen and i do want to keep him in that vein of believability.
Him saying "my other self" is referring to what everyone thinks is psycho krieg, but to me when I look at that, its not different from him. He says "my other self" to distance himself from things he finds revolting/stuff hed "never do". I think his body image is one of the leading things that effect this and thats kinda why i wrote this. He looks in the mirror and he doesnt see himself. He sees a thing that someone else made and attached his soul to. a lot of what i focus on with him is the acceptance stage in grief, i think thats the hardest part and people definitely back track a lot.
Hes grieving his past self. Its a big issue for him. He misses something he doesn't remember, and thinking of it for too long scares him. He feels stuck. He feels stupid. He feels like hes lost.
Mayas kinda like an anchor for him. Not in a manic pixie dream girl type of way- i dont think either of them see her as that- but like a support system. Everyone benefits from someone who can ground you during a crisis and i don't necessarily think it has to be a romantic partner but in this case it is, cus she knows him well enough and she sees and can identify the signs of him when hes going through it.
Krieg to me is a very private person. He puts on a persona to people for defense. The fact that Maya can see right through it makes him WILDLY uncomfortable. Cus he's always been taught that in order to be a good partner for someone (a man with a woman specifically) you cant act dangerous or threatening at all to them or else its predatory and youre seen like an abuser. He thinks his whole being is dangerous. Its not really that he struggles with masculinity, thats not a problem for him really its more like hes been told that he SPECIFICALLY is undesirable, he specifically is overly violent, hes too big, hes too unhinged to be in a healthy relationship with a woman. (This goes back further than the experimentation i feel like his mother specifically had something to do with his self image + why he became a mercenary in the first place.)
Maya doesn't care about that. Shes had like . 0000000001% of the romantic/sexual experience that he's had she does NOT know what a typical relationship looks like whatsoever. She doesnt even call him her boyfriend she doesn't define relationships like that at all. They're partners thats what she sees. Theyre equals to eachother. Mayas just as if not more fucked in the head as he is, and twice as dangerous.
She'll support him through anything he needs and she loves him for his uniqueness and his roughness and his WHOLE personality not just what he thinks is likeable about him. His thought process getting with her started as " she can see that deep down im not a monster" to "shed still be there even if i was a monster and still feel the same way" its subtle but its emotionally wrecking to him because that means she's really not there to coddle him. Its not tough love like you and i would say necessarily but he has this image in his head that if he found true love hed go "back to normal" and if he doesn't then hes not trying hard enough. He's gotta accept he'll never be normal and that's completely fine.
With that though comes loneliness. Even if he accepts hes different its still very isolating. It doesn't have to be though, especially in borderlands.
Krieg is still human. Thats probably the most important thing to me. He looks a little funny but his heart beats red blood and his head is full of deep philosophy and love and emotions that only people can experience.
Sentience is a blessing and i feel like he needs to learn that that blessing includes him :) thanks for reading.
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bjfinn · 1 year
Last night I finally watched Foul Play -- the episode with Alex Brightman. In it he plays Jimmy Pop, the ever-so-slightly unhinged host of a Big Brother-style reality TV show, who's trying to keep the cameras rolling despite the fact that "nothing's going on outside" except for the end of the world as we know it. It's a delightfully insane show, with some wonderfully over-the-top performances.
Anyway, this is a story about what might have happened to Jimmy after the cameras stopped rolling.
(or, I'm Fine, You're Fine, Everything's Fine)
"You do realise that there was no zombie apocalypse, don't you, Jimmy?"
"No, of course there wasn't," Jimmy said, chuckling. He looked at the doctor, but his gaze, as always, was unfocussed, as if he wasn't actually seeing her. "It was all a ruse -- we simply told the contestants that there had been a zombie apocalypse to stir things up. For the ratings."
Doctor Hannah Bartholomew looked at him. "We've been over this -- there was no show. You had a --"
"If I may ask, doctor -- if it was all just my imagination, who killed Tamryn Brown?" He sat back in the chair, a pleasant smile on his face. A smile that had been cultivated for the cameras. A smile that said I'm fine, you're fine, everything's fine.
"It was Dorinda Duloc, wasn't it?" He chuckled softly. "Of course it was -- she confessed on camera. Frankly, I was as surprised as anyone. I had started to believe that it was Paula -- though of course I kept my suspicions to myself."
"Tamryn and Dorinda don't exist, and neither does Paula -- none of the 'contestants' do. The show wasn't real. You had a psychotic break, Jimmy, and your late-night talk show was cancelled."
"Please, doctor," Jimmy said pleasantly, but he was clearly distressed -- the two halves of his unibrow knitted together above the bridge of his nose as he straightened his non-existent tie. "I've told you -- Jimmy F. Pop is just a persona. My real name is Alex Brightman, a character I've played for years."
"Alex Brightman is a Broadway actor," the doctor told him. "He was a guest on your talk show the night you had your psychotic break -- you attacked him."
"But why would I do such a thing, doctor? Attack one of my guests? I may be a narcissist -- I was diagnosed with narcissism a few months ago -- but I'm not a violent man. In fact, I'm a pacifist. A pacifist narcissist -- a narci-pacifist, if you will. Or a paci-narcissist." He narrowed his eyes as he tried to decide on the proper term.
In reply, Doctor Bartholomew turned on the TV and cued the recording of "Pop Goes the Night". She fast forwarded to just before the incident. "Let's watch, shall we?"
Jimmy leaned forward, intently watching the video. Watching himself.
On the screen, Jimmy was sitting at a desk in front of a projection of the New York skyline. "Let's welcome our next guest, star of stage and screen ... Alex Brightman!"
Alex came out and shook hands with Jimmy, and sat in the chair next to the desk.
"First of all," Jimmy said, "may I say -- it's an honour to have you, one of Broadway's brightest lights, here tonight."
"Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here," Alex replied. "I'm a big fan of the show."
Doctor Bartholomew skipped ahead a few minutes. She glaced at Jimmy -- he was clearly entranced by his own on-screen presence, copying his own movements, but she noted that he seemed equally interested in Alex Brightman.
"Now, Alex," Jimmy said, "as I'm sure you know, you have many fans who are smitten with you -- I, myself, am one of them."
Alex's eyebrows rose as he smiled, surprised.
"Oh, yes -- it's true," Jimmy went on. "I'm quite smitten. You're a very attractive man, Alex, and I'm very attracted to you."
"That's, uh ... that's very nice of you to say, Jimmy. You're quite an attractive man yourself -- but I'm married. To a woman."
"Yes, of course," Jimmy reassured him. "I know that, and I would never do anything to jeopardise your marriage. I, myself, am currently dating a lovely young woman -- who shall remain nameless, of course -- for the past six months. So you see, everything's fine. Nothing at all unusual going on."
"That's wonderful, Jimmy -- congratulations!"
The audience, unseen, applauded.
"Thank you, Alex," Jimmy said. "So you see, for a man such as myself -- who is definitely not gay -- to say such a thing to another man such as yourself ..."
"It's quite an honour," Alex replied with a nod.
"For both of us," Jimmy said, chuckling. He dabbed gently at his throat with a handkerchief. The man in Dr Bartholomew's office did the same, but with an imaginary handkerchief.
"I apologise," the one in the video said. "The studio lights make it quite warm. But as I was saying, when two men such as ourselves find each other attractive -- as we do, Alex -- sometimes it can cause rumours to spread."
Alex nodded.
"And if those rumours are unfounded -- as any such about the two of us would be, for example -- it can be detrimental to their careers, wouldn't you agree?"
"Of course," Alex said.
Jimmy stopped suddenly. "I'm sorry," he said. "I don't recall where I was going with this ... the train has left the station without me, as they say. You're so very attractive that I ... but I'm fine ..."
"We all lose track sometimes," Alex said. "It happens."
"It does, doesn't it?" Jimmy agreed. He looked at Alex. "I -- I want to kiss you."
"Uhh ..."
"I'm sorry," Jimmy said, flustered. He picked up a pen, put it down again.
The man in the doctor's office reached for one of the pens on her desk, but she moved it out of his reach.
"My apologies, Alex -- you're a happily married man, and I'm in a relationship. I shouldn't have said that -- I never meant to say that. It's just that ... when I look at you, I -- I can't help myself."
Suddenly Jimmy leapt up and tackled his guest. Alex's chair tipped over, and the two men landed on the stage, grappling fiercely -- Jimmy trying desperately to kiss Alex, Alex trying just as desperately to get away.
The scene was replaced with a sign that read WE ARE EXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES PLEASE STAND BY.
Doctor Bartholomew turned off the video.
"You were brought here to Bellevue immediately afterward," she said. "Ranting about how you and Alex were meant to be together, and also about how you were Alex Brightman -- we had to sedate you.
"Alex, meanwhile, was taken to the hospital -- luckily, he wasn't injured."
"I'm very glad to hear that," Jimmy said.
"And luckily for you, he's said that he won't be pressing charges."
"He's a good man," Jimmy said. "It's more than I deserve. Will you thank him for me?"
"I'll relay the message," the doctor said.
"Thank you."
"Now --"
"If I may, doctor," Jimmy interrupted. "But do you see a resemblance between Alex and myself? Surely you will agree that we look a great deal alike."
Doctor Bartholomew nodded. "Yes, you do, Jimmy," she acknowledged. "But --"
"In fact, wouldn't you agree that we look so much alike, Alex and I, that we could in fact be the same person?"
"A person cannot be in two places at once," Doctor Bartholomew pointed out. "Alex was a guest on your show -- you were both on camera at the same time."
"But surely you are aware that it's easy to create such a scenario on screen."
"Yes, but there was a live audience -- they saw you and Alex together on set."
"Alex and I together," Jimmy sighed. "Such a lovely combination of words. Together -- as one. For we are one, Alex and I. One and the same. I am he and he is me." He sighed again, smiling. "Koo-koo-ka-joob."
"Jimmy --"
"As far as what the live audience saw, there's an equally simple explanation."
"Which is?"
"A stunt double," Jimmy told her. "Yes, a man who looks just like me. He came on the show pretending to be Alex Brightman." He stuck his little finger in his ear, moved it around a bit, and then he pulled it out, gave it a sniff and touched it to his tongue.
"And why would someone do that?"
"Well, we hired him, of course -- to maintain the ruse that Alex and I are not the same person. Even though we are." Jimmy took a breath and straightened his imaginary tie again. "We had to do it, you see -- to quash the rumours."
"The rumours?"
"The rumours that Alex and I are the same person. It would have been detrimental to both our -- my -- careers."
"Your careers as both a talk show host and Broadway actor."
"It would have been disastrous."
"I'm curious -- how do you manage two such demanding careers?"
"It is difficult, certainly -- the constant rehearsals, guest appearances ... it takes it's toll. That's why I came here, to this lovely spa -- I need some time to ... recuperate. Some down time, if you will."
"I see."
"But unfortunately, I won't be able to stay for very much longer -- I'll be starring in a new show at the Winter Garden in just a few weeks, and ..."
"A new show? What's it called?"
"The ... the name seems to escape me at the moment. It's quite disconcerting. But everything is fine -- I'll just have to check later. Or perhaps it'll come back to me. So you see, everything's fine. I'm fine," he replied. "Nothing at all to worry about."
"Well, I hope it does well," the doctor said, humouring him.
"Will you come to opening night?" he asked. "It would be so lovely to see you there -- I'll reserve two tickets for you and a friend, shall I?"
"That would be very nice, thank you," she said. "But for now, let's talk some more about the incident with Alex."
"He's a wonderful kisser, did you know that?" Jimmy put a hand on his chest. "Such a lovely man, too. He recently proposed to me, you know."
"He did?"
"Just last night -- I was as surprised as you are!" Jimmy said. "After all, it's not every day that two straight men get married. Especially when one of them is in a committed relationship with a woman, and the other is already happily married to another woman."
"No," the doctor replied. "It's certainly unusual."
"And it's even more unusual when they're the same person."
"I'd say it's ... unique."
"But Alex and I are meant to be together, so everything's fine." He looked at her with the same unfocussed gaze. "Will you come to the wedding?"
"I -- I'd love to," she told him. "But I'll have to check my schedule, of course."
"Splendid!" Jimmy said, smiling happily.
"And speaking of schedules, I'm afraid our time is up -- I have another patient to see. I'll have Miranda take you back to your room." She pressed a button on the intercom. The door to the office opened and in came a young Hispanic woman.
"Miranda," Doctor Bartholomew said, "would you take Mr Pop back to his room and send in the next patient, please?"
"Sí, señora," Miranda replied. "Come, Señor Pop," she said as he got to his feet. "I take you to your room now, okay?"
Jimmy turned to the doctor as Miranda took him gently by the arm. "Thank you -- it was lovely to talk to you. I hope you'll come back on the show again soon."
"Thank you, Jimmy."
As Miranda led Jimmy out, Doctor Bartholomew sighed and shook her head. She had her work cut out for her with that one.
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genderless-naper · 3 years
zoro x gf!reader
he says hurtful things to her that affects her and realizes after ! lowercase intended !
everything has been wrong lately. from the way you did things to the way situations played out. you tried to redeem yourself by helping others, but only made things worst.
you burnt the cookies sanji told you to watch. you let the clothes get wet when nami instructed you on how to dry them. You almost set chopper’s doctor station on fire.
you decided to do little helpful tasks at night when everyone was asleep, so they couldn’t see any potential failures. while doing so you found a certain green-headed boyfriend polishing his swordsman skills.
You sneak up to him, “hey babe, do you need help with anything?” he jumped at your sudden appearance
“dont sneak up on people like that y/n” he hissed, trying to cover his surprised reaction. “what are you even doing awake at this time?!”
“i asked you a question moss-head. oh oh! should i help you clean your swords??” you carelessly took one of them from his hands.
he snatched his sword back as fast as you took it. he sighed realizing the only way to get you to leave him alone to train is to give you a task. “there is something you could do.. i need a haircut”
you raised an eyebrow, “a hair cut? in the middle of the night?”
he rolled his eyes “you clearly dont want to help with anything then.” you profusely shook your head. “its just weird to give someone a haircut in the middle of the night..” he shrugged while sitting down crossed armed. he questions your hair cutting skills, but you quickly dismisses his thoughts with reassurance.
you sneaked through sanji’s kitchen to find a dull pair of scissors. you grabbed them without second thought, with excitement surging through your body. only one thought repeated in your head: “will this be the first time i can be helpful..?”
you made your way back to your boyfriend and started trimming his hair. he noticed how tense you were acting. he took note of your shaking hands especially. while moving his head away from you he questioned again, “are you sure you know how to do this? i dont want you messing up my hair like you mess everything up aho”
you were taken a back by his playful like comment, but quickly recovered “stop worrying so much and let me do what i need to do.” zoro struggled off the feeling, and let you do your job. you sighed as you snipped off frail green strands while thinking of his comments. you left him alone once you were finished with your task to make your way back to bed.
the next morning you were woken up with loud bangs in the girls door. you yawn and got up to see nami and robin had already began their day. you opened the door to an enraged and uneven haired zoro. he shot fired shouts, “you said you knew how to cut hair!! now im all lopsided!”
you could hear ussop and luffy bickering in the background about zoro’s hair, while the euro-cook yelled threats at zoro to back away from you. you rubbed the grogginess out your eyes, “i do know how to do it, its just a hair cu-“
you could practically feel the anger seething out of him, “who messes up a hair cut?! its not hard to mess it up! seriously, do you not know anything?!” it was unlike zoro to be so mad over something so small.
he sighed angrily and walked away to nap away his anger. you looked down as the proudness for the haircut faded away. you climbed back into your bed, and stayed hidden in there for the rest of the day. eventually your heard a knock on the door followed by zoro’s voice,
“open the door y/n..” afraid of what might happened if you didnt comply you opened it with your head down. he looked at the depressed state you were in.
you felt tense at his presence. you were so busy preparing yourself for his yelling that you didnt notice the tears racing down your cheeks. zoro looked confused at your reaction, “are you crying?” he question while cupping your cheeks to make you look up at him.
“n-no.. im just really tired..” you replied with a cracked voice. you pulled away from him, and tried to return the door to it closed state to border you from zoro. he stopped his foot in the door crack to stop it from closing, and forced his way in.
loxking the door behind him he threw a million more questions at you. having had enough you let your emotions run wild, “i try so hard to so things right but something wrong always happens!!” you breakdown immediately.
your beloved boyfriend pulled you into his tight embrace, which barely gave you enough space to breath. he let you cry until you couldn’t anymore. you let yourself be supported by his muscular body while he brushed back hair from your face
“im so sorry zoro..” was the only thing you could manage to get out. he shook his head “you’re so dumb sometimes.. getting so worked up over dumb things..” he replied. you looked up at him with teary eyes, “will i be useless forever..?”
he furrowed his brows at your comment, “why would you be useless?” he quickly realized what was making you feel this way, “was it cause i was mad earlier?”
remembering his paining words your eyes stung with tears again. he wiped them, and pulled you into a deep kiss to calm your emotions. you sniffled against him and gripped his shirt. he barely pulled away to rest his forehead against yours. he smiled reassuringly, “everyone makes mistakes y/n, so its okay to make them.. youre human not god”
“but i know everyone gets mad at me! then they pretend its okay! i cant do simple things, i cant help bake cookies, i cant dry clothes, i cant clean up medicine, and i cant even cut ha-!”
zoro cut you off from rambling on, “you don’t need to be good at those things, theres a million other things you’re great at”
he notices you still not believing his statement, so he adds on, “you’re great at making me listen to you, youre really wonderful at helping sanji prepare my bento boxes, you always come to cuddle when i take a nap, and so much more baby..”
you shook your head, “but none of that matters..”he picked you up without struggle and sat with you in your pile of blankets “what’re you d-doing?” you question, but he simply rubs your hip while naming everything beneficial you’re able to do for the crew, and especially for him.
“do you understand why you’re important to us, and why we need you?” he asks, and all you could do without crying again is to nod. then, like light work, he floods you with apologizes and slight pecks for his previous actions. you laughed lightheartedly, which brings comfort to him and makes him smile.
as he hands you the plate of food sanji left by your pile of blankets earlier, “you need to be less concerned with doing good for others and more concerned with doing good for yourself. you havent eaten all day aho” he tsk’d playfully which turned your lips upward.
“i’ll keep that in mind darling.. but im still not forgiving you for making me feel like shit you asshole” he rolled his eyes and fired back “and im still not gonna forgive for messing up my hair, asshole” you giggles at his reply and fed your hungry swordsman while you ate aswell.
you both spent the rest of the day cooped up in the girls dorm. which angered nami. it also sparked a small argument between her and zoro. at night you both escaped to the decks where you helped him fix his uneven moss-colored hair.
to end the eventful night you both laid together under the brilliant starry night. he stole many kisses from you while you were distracted with naming the constellations you saw. he eventually fell asleep with you playing with his now even hair. he mumbles the list of things he mentioned you were good at again in his sleep. you couldnt help but smile at his murmurs about his sweet girlfriend💚
hai everyone i hope u all enjoyed the little drabble fic~ definitely leave me some critiques or advice! this is the first fic that ive written to be published :))
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
Howdy! I got an ask/react for the Fo4 companions! How would a romanced companion react to Sole (preferably female) doing things to make them feel 'stronger' or 'protective' over her? Some random examples: Sole "can't" open something and has to ask for help/Sole conveniently forgets her overcoat when she knows it's going to be cold out, etc. the little things :) (Extra thing: you don't have to but if you could go into a bit more depth for Deacon and Hancock's response that'd be great :D )
Okay, this was so. much. fun. I took a few... creative liberties with the prompt, but I hope it’s still in the realm of what you were looking for! And, of course, thank you so much for the ask! I hope you like it!
     Sole pressed a cold cloth to Cait's cheekbone, and she hissed at the pressure of the contact on her swollen cheek. 
"Shit, sorry, Cait." 
"Eh, I've had worse licks than this."
"I know, but still… this one is definitely my fault." 
"It's hardly yer fault, luv, I'm the one who got meself inte this."
"How? I'm the one who started the fight." Sole protested, pulling her hand back so she could look her companion in the eye. 
"Maybe, but I'm the one who gave you yer drinkin’ problem, and that's what got us inte the fight in the first place." Sole chuckled at that, shaking her head. The two had had this discussion what seemed like a hundred times, both trying to take the blame for the constant slew of bar fights that they found themselves getting into. 
Tonight, it had been four intoxicated men who had decided it was a neat idea to discuss the details of what they’d do to Cait if they could get her drunk enough. While the redhead hadn’t seemed to hear, Sole had briskly made her way over to the group to give her two cents on these ideas of theirs. So, Cait had a point, maybe if Sole hadn’t had quite so much whiskey, she could’ve tried to solve the problem more... verbally. But alas, her confrontation had officially started with her fist landing at the temple of the man nearest to her, effectively knocking him out. And it had ended with Cait hauling Sole to her feet after disposing of the man’s companions. 
Cait picked absent-mindedly at the scabs forming on her knuckles as Sole brought the wet rag up to her face once more, dabbing at the blood next to Cait's lip. 
"God, how is it that you always end up with the injuries? All I got was a bruise to the cheek, and yet, here you are, looking like a human punching bag."
"I can tell ya that. It's cus it's always me rushin' in te save your arse. Why do you always take on more than ye can handle?" Sole snickered, not knowing if Cait found her own words as amusing as she had. 
"Because, I know no matter how many assholes I take on, you'll always be there to save me." Cait made a disgusted sound, rolling her eyes at that, much like Sole thought she would, before letting her emerald gaze meet Sole's eyes. 
"I wish you weren't, but yer damn right." Cait said, and Sole felt a little jump in her chest at the sentiment. Cait wasn’t the most tender person in the wasteland, but somehow, she always seemed to know what to say; to Sole, anyway.
The pair sat silently for a bit as Sole finished cleaning up her defender. Wiping down her bloodied hands, and the remainder of the crusted crimson on her face.
"Are ya done fussin yet? I'm tellin’ you, I'm fine. Can we just go te sleep already?"
"One more spot left." She told her, bringing the rag up to her bruised face once more. Sole's eyes fell to Cait's swollen lips as she drew the cool fabric over them, before leaning in to press her mouth softly to Cait's. Sole pulled away, but stayed close enough for Cait to feel her warm, whiskey-tinged breath fan over her as she whispered, 
"Thank you for saving me tonight. I really was way in over my head." Sole looked down, embarrassed at her admission, as Cait smiled at her. 
"It was my pleasure, luv. As you said, I'll always be there te save yer arse." 
     "You know, you don't have to come to me for something as small as zhis." Curie said as she examined the minor cut on Sole’s arm. “You could patch zhis up yourself easily!” 
“Well…” Sole felt heat rise to her cheeks as she searched for an explanation. She knew that every time she came to Curie for something like this, she was taking up the doctor’s precious time, but she couldn’t help herself. What was she supposed to do when Curie insisted on working all day when they were at a settlement? They usually came to settlements to relax, to help make repairs and look into any problems the settlers might be having, but Curie always insisted on doing check-ups for everyone in their vicinity. Sole loved her selflessness and dedication to her work, but… When were they supposed to spend time together? This is what I get for having a workaholic for a girlfriend.
“You know, infection is a big problem out here. I just thought it would be best to seek the help of a professional.” 
“Oh, of course, of course. How responsible of you.” Sole bit at her lip as Curie laughed at her. Well, she really has caught onto the whole ‘sarcasm’ thing.
 “Fortunately, you do not need to worry about infection in zhis, it iz not deep. But come here, with me.” Curie urged Sole off of the cot she was seated on and brought her to a table at the back of the clinic. 
“Wait here, se vous plait.” With that, Curie disappeared around the corner, and Sole stood around, twiddling her thumbs, as she tried to think of an excuse to get Curie off of work early. 
“I was going to clean my supplies with zhis, but we can do your arm first.” Curie said as she came around the corner, a bucket of soapy water in-hand. 
“Here.” Curie set the bucket onto the table and had Sole hold out her arm as she produced a clean rag from the pocket of her lab coat, and dunked it into the warm water. Sole watched as Curie wrung out the cloth, and brought it to the miniscule wound on her arm. 
It was comical, really, the care that Curie took in cleaning the cut that couldn’t have been more than an inch long, and was almost too thin to see. Another rush of heat made its way to Sole’s cheeks as she realized how ridiculous she must seem to the doctor, but Curie made no complaints as she used the other side of the rag to dry off her arm. 
“Zhere! It should be all better. I can wrap it for you too, if you’d like.” 
“Thanks Curie, you’re a lifesaver. But I don’t think you really need to wrap it.” The synth laughed at her as she threw the rag into a basket and picked up the bucket again. 
“Oh, mon dieu, I don’t know about zhat.” She shook her head, a pink tint coming to her pale cheeks at Sole’s flattery as she turned to go into the back of the clinic again. 
“Wait!” Sole said, reaching out her “good” arm to stop Curie before she could vanish around the corner once more. Curie looked at her, a questioning expression on her face. Sole stood, her hand still wrapped around Curie’s forearm, utterly at a loss of what to say. I just don’t want you to go. It’ll be another four hours until you get off. 
I think you should take a break?
Maybe you should have a half day?
Do you need some help here at the clinic? God, when did I become so damn clingy?
“Hmm.” Curie’s eyes pierced into Sole’s as a knowing look washed over her face. “I zhink I know what it is you want.” Sole just stared ahead, wondering silently if that were true. The doctor set down the bucket yet again, delicately taking a hold of Sole’s “injured” arm once more. Slowly, she brought it upwards, then lowered her head to place her lips gently over the cut. “Iz zhat better?” 
Sole giggled, still embarrassed, but definitely glad she had come to interrupt Curie’s work. I guess I can wait a little longer. Maybe make us a nice dinner for tonight...
“Much. Thanks again, Curie.” 
“Of course! Anytime, mon amour.”
     Sole sat at the kitchen table, draining the last of her coffee as her gaze fell to Danse, where he was seated on the steps outside the front door of her Sanctuary home. He stared ahead blankly, brows knitted together above his lusterless eyes as his hands worked to remove a spot of rust from a piece of power armor he had taken off his suit temporarily. Lately, the ex-paladin had been adept in putting on a show for Sole, making her think that he was okay, even after everything that had changed in his life over the course of a few hours. It had been over a week since he had found out about his true identity, and in that time,  Sole could tell that he had tried to remain strong. For whom, she wasn’t sure. She thought she had made it clear to him that she didn’t care about his “strength” in these times, she just wanted him to get through them, whatever the means. Yet, he only seemed to don this look of despair and hopelessness whenever he thought she wasn’t looking, and if she tried to bring it up, he would always attempt to change the subject, or he would tell her not to worry and simply say that he was still working on “adjusting.” 
She hated when he didn’t talk to her. The seemingly insensitive man was always happy to listen to Sole’s problems and offer what advice he could, often suggesting that she discuss her own issues as a form of therapy. But God forbid she tries to get him to do the same. Sole sighed as she mulled over what to do, and noticed Danse’s head twitch to the side, listening, before his gaze dropped down to focus on his task.
He’s been working on that same spot for almost an hour. If it’s not out yet, I don’t think it ever will be. Sole looked around the room, trying to find something that could possibly serve as a proper distraction for Danse, and her eyes fell to the wooden stereo below the window in the living room. She had left it there because she simply didn’t have the heart to scrap the old thing. Too many good memories surrounded it. Memories of her and Nate, dancing the night away as the records spun on and on playing soft love songs until the sun rose; of her rocking Shaun in her arms as she mosied around the living room, listening to the nursery rhyme vinyls that she had received as gifts at her baby shower... But those memories, they were from another life.
Sole shook her head. This is about him, she thought, not me. I can deal with my shit later. Right now, I need to focus on Danse.
She huffed another sigh, this time a bit louder, and watched as Danse ceased his hand movements and tilted his ear towards her again.
“Is everything alright?” He turned to look at where she sat, and Sole tried to look melancholic.
“It’s just… You know… nevermind, it’s not important.” Just as she assumed he would, Danse stood up and walked inside the house, setting the piece of armor and the rag on the table, and pulled out a chair so he could sit beside her. He looked down at her hands, which rested on top of the table near her empty coffee mug. She could practically see the sweat beading on his forehead as he hesitantly brought one of his large hands to rest over the top of her own. Ever since he found out what he was, he’s been afraid to touch me. So... this is a good sign, at least.
“If something’s wrong, I want to know.” He said as he looked up to meet her gaze, his worried expression matching the concern she was feeling towards him. Sole took a breath to appear as though she was steadying herself.
“It’s just… being in this house. It’s great, I mean, it’s still my home and everything, and I don’t want to go anywhere else, but…” she trailed off, her troubled expression only half-feigned at this point, given the truth behind her words. His eyes never wavered, silently encouraging her to continue.
“Some things are harder to look at than others. And that damn stereo over there just has to be staring straight at me every time I sit down at the table, it’s the hardest one for me to see. It's just, it was a house-warming present from my parents. They gave it to me and Nate after the wedding, and now… well, there are no more records to play on it. They were all ruined, and even if they weren't, I don’t think the thing would work anyway. But every time I see it, it reminds me of the people I’ve lost. My parents… Nate… even Shaun.” Sole didn’t have to fake the tears that came unbidden to her eyes as she recalled the memories of her loved ones, and she knew Danse hadn’t missed a thing when he started rubbing her hand softly with his. They sat there in silence for a moment, as Danse tried to reassure her with his gentle touch.
Then, still remaining silent, Danse stood, reaching his hand forward to brush his thumb over Sole’s cheek, wiping away the tear that had fallen. He then turned towards the living room, but instead of going straight to the stereo, as Sole thought he might, Danse opened the side door that led to the covered driveway. She watched as he doubled back, now approaching the stereo. Sole wasn’t sure what she had expected him to do when she mentioned her problem to him; maybe offer to help her take the thing apart, or try and see if it still worked, or simply give her another perspective on how she should view the piece of 200-year-old furniture. Whatever she expected, it certainly hadn’t been this. 
Danse squatted down in front of the large wooden beast of a stereo, wrapped his broad arms almost all the way around it, and stood, lifting the whole damn thing up until he was standing completely upright with the stereo held firmly to his chest. Sole’s mouth hung open as she remained seated at the table, seemingly paralyzed by the shock of what she was witnessing, as Danse sauntered awkwardly towards the exit. A thick vein protruded from his neck as he twisted the piece of furniture to fit through the door, and made his way out into the driveway.
Sole heard a groan from outside, accompanied by the sound of something hard hitting concrete. She stood up, prepared to head outside and see what exactly he’d done with her “problem,” but before she reached the doorway, she heard him call from outside,
“You can’t still see it, can you?”
“Um… no. But Danse, is it-- I mean, are you okay? It took like, four people to bring that thing in when we first moved it to the house.” The brawny ex-soldier appeared in the doorway, his chest still heaving from the effort of wrestling the wooden monster outside. He nodded to her,
“I'm fine." He huffed, "You don’t need to go out there. I’ll take it apart later, if you’d like. Or we can store it somewhere for the time being.” She shook her head at him, a little smile touching her lips. Even after everything he’s been through, he's still always looking out for me. Even with something as small and insignificant as this.
“You know,” she said quietly, “you didn’t have to do that.” Danse looked down at his feet, seemingly searching for something to say in response.
“But thank you.” Sole finished, and his eyes came back up to meet hers. For a moment, she saw a spark return to Danse’s amber eyes as the smallest hint of a smile softened his expression, and Sole felt hope. Hope for him overcoming his grief in this time of crisis, and hope for herself in being able to move on from the memories that had kept her chained to her past for so long. Together, she felt like the two of them could overcome anything.
     “Yes. Two please.” Sole said as Takahashi voiced the only question he ever seemed to ask. The robot placed two bowls of scrumptious smelling power noodles in front of her, and she reached for the bag of caps hanging from her belt. As she looked down to count her money, she heard a clatter of bottlecaps hitting the counter beside her.
“Got it covered. Come on, let’s dig in.” Deacon grabbed a bowl in each hand and headed over to a couple of empty seats at the bar.
“I thought you were still trying to stay undercover?" Sole gestured to the Diamond City guard outfit that the spy donned. "Doesn’t it kinda ruin the illusion if you’re seen in public with me?” She said as she followed him over, sealing up her cap purse once again.
“What? You’ve never seen one of these guys at the noodle stand? Cuz I sure have. Just don’t talk to me, and I’ll be good.” Sole shook her head as she took a seat beside him, instantly deciding to ignore his request.
“Hey officer, I’ve got a question.” Sole swirled her chopsticks around the steaming bowl in front of her, before taking a bite.
“Yes, citizen?”
“Hold on--” she said through a mouthful of noodles.
Deacon laughed as he looked at her full mouth,
“Why--” He tried to talk through his bout of chuckling, “Why would you say you’re going to ask me a question and then take a big bite of food? What did you think would happen?”
Deacon thought he heard her tell him to ‘shut up,’ but it was hard to tell, given the noodles that filled her mouth, and the fact that she was nearly choking in her own fit of laughter.
Eventually, she managed to swallow her food successfully, and was finally able to get some words out.
"No, okay, serious question--" Deacon interrupted her with a snap of his fingers,
"Serious answer." Her genuine curiosity forced Sole to ignore him, and continue with her question.
"Tell me, why do you always pay for everything?" She asked.
"Ma'am, I am a law-abiding security officer. I always pay for the products that I intend to consume."
"I said serious, Deacon."
"Hey, shush!" He brought a hand up to Sole's mouth at the mention of his name, "What part of undercover did you not get?" She cocked a brow at his faked panic expression, noting the grin that he was trying to hide, as he lowered his head and turned back to his noodles.
"Like, okay," she continued, expanding on her inquiry, "whenever we go anywhere, you always pay for everything, and it's really odd. I've never met anyone in the wasteland who's done that, everyone's too busy trying to keep themselves alive to worry about paying for others. So, what? Are you, like, rich or something? I mean, c'mon, what's the deal? I have caps on me all the time, you know that, right?"
"Oh?" Sole saw his eyebrows rise above the tops of his sunglasses as he turned to look at her, "you don't think I'm doing this out of the goodness of my cold, black, heart, do you? No, I'm running a tab over here, honey. You owe me, big time." Sole narrowed her eyes at him, her uncertainty keeping her lips sealed.
"You mean, you didn’t know? Look, I don't know what to tell you," Deacon continued, "I thought you knew! Man, I'm glad you found out this way. Now it won't be such a rude awakening when the invoice comes."
Deacon turned back to his noodles, shaking his head at the thought. Sole's gaze bore into him, trying to figure out his level of seriousness. I really wish I was better at this. This is why I believed he was a synth for a month and a half.
"And if I don't have the money… you're not gonna call out a hit on me or anything, are you?"
“Hmm," he brought a hand to his chin, stroking his finger over it animatedly, "surely there must be some way you could pay me back…” He turned to look at her, wiggling his eyebrows as he did so, and she rolled her eyes, looking back to her noodles as she scoffed.
"Hey! What's with the face! I was talking about community service. Y'know, helping the children, and the elderly, all that good stuff. Get your mind out of the gutter, perv. And to think, I was going to have you volunteering at the children's hospital next week."
Sole instantly regretted taking another bite, as she tried desperately to fend off a fit of giggling in an effort to keep from choking again.
"I can't keep up with you Deacon," she said as she swallowed her food. "You're gonna kill me one of these days."
"Eh, don't worry, I can pay for the funeral." Sole raised a hand and shoved him in the shoulder playfully as he grinned at her.
"Okay, really, though. You do know I can pay occasionally, right?"
"Yeah, I know, I'm your partner, remember? I'm pretty much right next to you whenever you get paid.”
"So… then, why do you do it?"
"Do what?" Sole's nostrils flared at his obnoxious question.
"No? Joke didn’t land? Okay. Serious time," he flung his hands in the air as if surrendering, "I read about something… wasn't it, like, customary before the war to pay for stuff for your… friends?" Sole scrunched her eyebrows in thought,
"Friends? Not really. Significant other? Yeah, a little more common." She looked to where Deacon stared down at his noodles.
Is that, is he... blushing?
"But hey, I don't mind if you don't." She finished, tilting her head forward, in an attempt to catch Deacon's eye. She spotted a flushed little grin spread on his face, before he leaned his head back, restoring his cool composure.
"Oopsies, sorry about that, then. But I did warn you, I'm pretty new to this whole friend thing. So… you know, that's on you."
     The ghoul lounged comfortably on the couch in the Old State House, idly playing with his combat knife as he waited for Sole to finish readying herself for their outing.
Hancock leapt from his place on the couch at the sound of Sole’s shriek, his combat knife instinctively falling into a position poised for violence.
He ran across the hall, crashing through the door and into the bedroom. Teeth bared and eyes wide, his head lashed from side to side in search of Sole’s assailant. He spotted her, cowering in the corner as she raised a shaky hand to point at the opposite side of the room.
Hancock’s glare followed Sole’s fear-stricken gaze, and he started towards the desk in the corner she had pointed to, but ultimately failed to see what it was causing her distress.
He turned back to her, an eyebrow cocked, as he raised the silent question of what had been the cause of her terror.
“On the desk!” She said, pointing towards it again, this time with greater intensity. Hancock slowly approached the corner of the room, knife still at the ready, as his eyes continued to search for any sign of… well, anything, really. An exasperated smile spread across his lips as his eyes fell to your attacker. A small, brown, spider picked its way through the objects littering the top of the desk, and Hancock had to hold back a laugh. 
“This is what had you all riled up? Oh, sweetheart, he’s just a little spider. C’mon now, he won’t hurt ya.”
“You don't know that.” She said firmly, her round eyes still trained on the desk. It had sounded like a joke, but her expression remained serious.
“Alright, you want me to get rid of him for you?” She nodded her head vigorously, and he chuckled as he turned his attention to the unsuspecting arachnid. He watched as it delicately stepped over a series of writing utensils, and Hancock frowned. Bringing his knife up to the top of the desk, he rested the flat of his blade directly in the spider’s path,
“That’s it, up you go, little guy.” He said quietly, as it stepped onto his steel vessel. Hancock twisted the knife around in his grip as the spider crawled around it, and made his way to the balcony. Once outside, he tipped his knife to the railing, encouraging the spider to crawl off the tip of the blade. Once the spider was safely making its way along the top of the railing, Hancock turned back towards the doorway.
“There,” he said, stepping back inside, “Now he can’t hurt ya, he’s all the way out there.”
“You… you didn’t kill it?” She asked, tentatively standing up.
“Nah, we only hurt the ones who hurt somebody else first, remember?”
“You don’t know that he didn’t hurt anybody.” She mumbled as Hancock sauntered over to her.
“Aw, give him a chance, maybe he can change, y’know? He doesn't really seem like the troublemaking type to me, anyhow.” He brought his hands to your waist, a smug expression playing on his face.
“Oh yeah, just like the way you always tell people you’ve changed?” She said, sliding her hands up his chest to rest them on his shoulders. “Way I see it, you’re still just as bad an influence on me as when I met you.” She said, a playful glint dancing in her eyes.
“Hmm, maybe you’re right, sunshine. Maybe I can't change any more. Maybe it's just my nature to be a bad influence on you.” He said quietly, a wolfish grin spreading across his face as he leaned into her. 
“Huh, maybe so. But bad influence or not," she pulled away from him slightly, to look up into his smoky eyes, "you really did save me back there. And, I know it seems silly... but I am grateful." His eyes softened at her little confession and, though he knew this too was silly, he couldn’t help but feel a swell in his chest at the thought of "saving" her. 
“And I’ll always be here to save you... from any spiders we happen to come across.” He pecked her lips tenderly, their close proximity practically forcing his mouth to hers. He should’ve known better, once he had a taste, he couldn’t get enough of her. 
“Even though,” He continued, as he pressed a kiss to her nose, “I’ve seen you,” then to her right cheek, “take down,” now her left, “deathclaws,” another to her jaw, “single handedly,” and now down to her neck, “I’ll be sure to handle all the unruly arachnids.” He whispered into the crook of her neck, before moving upwards again and pressing one more kiss to her forehead. He watched, grinning like an idiot in love, as a crimson flush crept up her cheeks. He wasn’t sure if it was from the embarrassment she felt regarding her phobia, or from the heat of his lips on her skin, but he decided it didn’t matter. Either way, he found it irresistibly adorable, and with that, he set his sights on her lips once more. 
     MacCready sat on the floor, legs crossed, as he counted his ammunition cartridges. There were four of the .308, six of the .50, ten of the 10mm, and a few of the .38. There certainly wasn’t as much as he’d hoped there’d be, but he wasn't worried. Sole always seemed to have ammo to spare, and she wasn't stingy with it like he was. It was yet another perk to being with her.
He gathered his full magazines together near the ammo bag resting beside him, so he could begin placing them inside in preparation for their next outing.
"How are you doing over there, babe?" He asked as he stored the outlying bullets in little bags.
"I think... you know what, nevermind. I'm good." MacCready ceased his action, turning to look at where Sole knelt on the carpet of her Diamond City home. A pile of bullets and empty magazines surrounded her, the stack of seemingly full cartridges was pitifully small compared to his own.
"You, ah, need some help?"
"... No.” 
"Mmhm, okay.” he narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously, but she wouldn’t look up at him.
“Well,” he continued, “I'm going to put my full mags in the ammo bag, why don't I grab yours too." The sniper stood up, and made his way over to her, bending down to grab the cartridges that looked full.
"Wait! No, these, um, these ones aren't done yet." MacCready's eyebrows furrowed, but the shadow of a smile began to spread to his lips as he realized what was going on.
"So," he said, kneeling down so he could see her pretty little embarrassed face. "You haven't finished loading any of them?"
“No." She said quietly, refusing to meet his gaze. MacCready lowered his head so that he was looking up at her as her eyes stayed fixed on the floor. A lock of hair was draped over her forehead, obstructing his view. He reached a hand up and gently pushed it behind her ear, leaning in to give her nose a small peck with his lips.
"You want some help?" He said as Sole raised her gaze to meet his, a small blush forming on her cheeks. She didn't say anything, only nodded yes.
"Alright, you know, you could’ve just asked. I might have said ‘no’ the first time, but you know me, I eventually would’ve come around." MacCready said as he set to work with the magazines that had appeared full, but in reality, only housed half of the amount of ammunition that they could fit within them. He snickered in understanding, it really was the second half of bullets that was hard to load.
"Thank you, sweetie. You’re just so much better at it than I am." She said as she watched his practiced fingers make quick work of what probably would've taken her another hour.
"Of course... but, you are paying me for this, right?"
"Ohh, I think we might be able to work something out." She said, a sly grin playing at her lips.
He just chuckled at her words, but she could've sworn his fingers starting moving a whole lot faster at her suggestive phrasing.
“Tell me, why is this now a regular part of my job duties?" Ellie asked as she finished sewing up yet another tear in Nick's trench coat. "You know you're just going to end up with more holes in this coat every time you leave the office, and I don't seem to recall you ever caring about this old thing's appearance before…" she trailed off.
Nick knew that Ellie was fishing for answers. One specific one in particular, but he liked the ambiguity of the situation. It was this little game he and his secretary would play. He would leave clues here and there that pointed to the nature of his and Sole's relationship and wait to see if Ellie would say anything. All while she continued to try and force the truth from him verbally. He wasn't going to lose this round.
"What? A private detective can't keep up appearances for his clients? I think it's just good for business."
"I think it's a load of bologna. You know we gave Sole her own trench coat after she saved you, right? She could just wear her own, rather than steal yours every time you two go out on a case."
"What kinda fun would that be? I don't mind it, it's not like I get cold anyway. And the poor little lady never knows how long we're going to be gone, so I don't think it's her fault when we're out after dark and she wants to wear it."
Ellie rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh as she poked the needle back through the worn, beige fabric once again.
"She's got you so tightly wound around her finger, it's a wonder she doesn't call you 'Jared'."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know, it’s something I’ve read about, I guess it was a ring shop, or a jewelry company, or something before the war. I thought it sounded clever. Just humor me, won't you?"
The synth just shook his head, uttering a low chuckle as he watched Ellie tighten the thread, forcing the last hole closed.
"There." She said, tying up the last bit of string left over, before cutting off the excess. "It's done." 
"Perfect, thanks a million, doll. I'll see you soon, I've just gotta head out for a--"
"Date?" She finished the sentence for him suggestively, raising her eyebrows in question.
"A case. We're going to head out on a case, Ellie."
"Uh huh, sure. Well, here," she handed him back the coat, "now she doesn't need to worry about the cold air seeping in through all those holes. Let me know if you want me to insulate the damn thing when winter rolls around."
Valentine smiled, an uncharacteristically goofy smile, at Ellie's words. He was so obvious, why didn't he just come clean already? 
"Will do, I’m sure she’ll enjoy that. Thanks again, Ellie. You're the best."
"And don't you forget it." She said, turning back to the mound of paperwork still on her desk beside her sewing supplies.
“Ah well, I’ll get him to admit to it one of these days.” Ellie mumbled as she began sorting through the files in front of her.
     Piper looked up at Scarlet from the table in the corner of the Dugout Inn, 
"Yes, so I think we'll both have a nuka cola to start off. Then I'll do the crispy squirrel bits, and she'll have the Salisbury steak." Piper pointed her finger to Sole, who was busy looking down at the table, before making a last-minute decision, "Aaand you'd better bring some of those snack cakes at the end, too." 
"Hm, as usual." Scarlet chuckled at that as her pen scribbled across the notepad in her hand. 
"But that sounds good, you two. I'll have that out in just a minute." The waitress grabbed their menus, Sole reaching up to hand it to her with a smile on her face before turning to peer at her partner from across the table. She waited for Scarlet to disappear around the corner to the kitchen before speaking.
"You really don't find it annoying?" She asked. 
"What?" Piper loosened the scarf around her neck as she looked questioningly at Sole. 
"I know that I ask you to order for me whenever we go out to eat, or drink, and it's gotta be getting a little old at this point, right?" 
"No, not at all, Blue!" Piper said as she took her hat off and placed it on the table, mussing her hair a bit with one hand. "This reporter actually finds it to be pret-ty endearing. It's like, the one thing you can't do. You’re good at, like, everything else, but this I get to help you with. It's a welcome change." Piper's hands dropped to the top of the table as she began absent-mindedly fiddling with her silverware. But her eyes stayed on the woman across the table as Sole smiled at her, still appearing a little embarrassed. 
"I don't know why I can't do it," Sole tried to explain, "I've just never been able to order for myself, even before the war. Just one of those bizarre anxiety things, I guess."
"Well, like I said, I don’t mind at all. In fact, I think it's cute." 
     Sole approached her Lieutenant, shaking her head at him, and she saw him sigh.
“No, the river just keeps going until it reaches a ravine." She told him, "And it’s too steep to climb down. Any luck on your end?”
“Hmm, not really. It's a little more shallow upstream, but it’s still about ten feet wide.”
“Damn.” She said, “We need to get across.” A settlement had sent a distress call across radio freedom almost an hour ago, if Sole and Preston took any longer, they might be too late.
“I guess we’ll just have to go for it.” She said, her face painting a picture of clear disgust at the thought of wading through the murky water.
“Well, let’s at least head upstream a bit. To the shallow part.”
“Okay.” Sole said begrudgingly, her footsteps unconsciously heavy as she followed her companion to the shallow part. Not shallow enough, I bet.
And she was right. As the pair arrived, Preston turned to Sole to gauge her reaction, noticing the way her nose wrinkled at the sight of the brown, swirling water.
Preston heaved a sigh, and started forward. Before he reached the waterline, he turned to see Sole still standing back, feet seemingly glued to the muddy ground. He couldn’t help but smile sympathetically at her, eyebrows creasing upwards as he watched her eyes look longingly at the far shore.
“Come here.” He said.
“I know, I know. Just start going, I’ll follow.” Preston chuckled at the exasperation in her voice. Instead of repeating his command, he simply walked over to her as her eyes remained locked on the other side of the river, when he reached her, he slowly pressed his hand to the small of her back.
“Hey, what are you--?” Before Sole could finish her question, Preston had scooped her up into his arms, bridal style. She let out a squeak of surprise, and he couldn’t keep himself from grinning.
“Is this okay? He asked, the brim of his hat pressing against Sole’s forehead as he looked at her.
“A warning would’ve been nice.” Preston laughed, shaking his head as he adjusted his grip on her, ensuring she was secure before making his way towards the river.
“Hold onto me.” He said, and Sole wrapped her arms tightly around his shoulders.
“Ready?” Sole nodded to him, and Preston took a step forward, frigid water seeping in through his boots as he waded in.
“Wait, are you sure you want to do this?” She said, her eyes trained on the river as it raised up to Preston’s knees.
“I might be wrong, General, but I think I already am.” He said, the amusement in his voice faint as he gritted his teeth against the cold.
She felt his body shutter as he continued forward, the water reaching up almost to his waist, as he held Sole up higher to ensure it wouldn’t reach her. She let out a small sigh of relief as they reached the end of the channel. The water became more shallow, and Preston quickened his pace with each step that brought him closer to their destination.
Once completely out of the water, and past the muddy shoreline, Preston finally set Sole down gently. As her feet touched the ground, Sole kept her arms wound about Preston’s neck.
“Thank you, love.” She said, her voice soft as she addressed him as her partner rather than her Lieutenant.
“It was my pleasure, m’lady.” He said, briefly removing his hat from his head as he did so. Sole smiled at him warmly, but detected the faint chattering of his teeth, and when she looked down, she couldn’t help but notice the goosebumps littering his skin. 
“Oh, Preston…” Sole said as she pressed herself to him, rubbing her hands against his back and arms quickly, in an attempt to warm him with her friction. She felt hot air wash over her neck as he released a shaky breath of relief, leaning into her touch. The pair stood there for a moment, Preston syphoning off Sole’s warmth as she tried to repay him for his earlier act of kindness. Her hands slowed from her vigorous rubbing to a more tender sort of touch, before Preston’s head shot up.
“Shit, Sole, the settlement! We’ve got to move!”
     This had become a common routine of theirs, and X6 wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about it. Every time they were in Sole’s Diamond City home, she would insist on making dinner for the two of them. That, X6 didn’t mind too much; although, after consuming nothing but food supplements in the Institute for so long, it did take some getting used to. But eating the food wasn’t the issue, it was the making of it that had him perplexed. 
As far as he knew, Sole had been the one to install the shelves in her kitchen; and yet, every time she was in need of a spice of some sort, or a condiment, or one of her dishes, she would ask X6 for assistance, given that the shelves were apparently too high for her to reach. Why Sole continued to store her items on the too-tall shelves, he couldn’t begin to guess. But here she went again, asking him to reach for the box of blamco mac n’ cheese on the top shelf, the highest one, one that he could barely even reach. X6 decided it was time to voice his confusion.
“Yes?” She asked distractedly as she focused on the strength of the flame burning on her stove.
“Why do you use these shelves?”
“What else would I use, silly?” X6 scrunched up his face at that, trying to hold back a verbal scoff at her wording.
“Would you rather I just store everything on the floor?”
“Well, no. That would… hardly be sanitary.” He wasn’t sure if she was joking with him or not. Did she think he was joking with her?
“Why do you ask, X?” She grabbed the box from his hand as he extended it towards her, and began tearing at the top of it with her finger.
“Well, it seems nonsensical to me, for you to continue placing all of your items out of your reach. What happens if I’m not here?” Sole placed a saucepan filled with water over the stove and turned to look at him.
“But you are here.” she said, shrugging, “What? Don’t you like helping me out in the kitchen?”
X6 blinked. What the hell did this have to do with what he liked?
“Well… I don’t dislike it. I’m just having trouble with-- I don’t-- I just... do you want me to fix the shelves so they are the right height for you?”
“No, I like them the way they are.”
X6 felt his eye twitch from beneath his shades. Confusion built up inside him, making the courser feel as though he might explode.
“Ma’am--” His voice faltered as he realized he didn’t know what else to say.
“I know they’re not practical, X. But you can reach them, and I like that about them. Even when I’m here alone, the fact that I can’t make dinner without you makes me smile.” X6 furrowed his eyebrows. That explanation didn’t help at all.
“Don’t you get hungry?”
“I'm not completely helpless, you know, I can usually figure something out.” She attempted to look annoyed at his question, but her grin gave her away. X6 narrowed his eyes at her, still not completely satisfied with the way the conversation had gone. He was still just as confused as he was before.
“Huh.” He said, mulling over all she had said on the subject. “Perhaps... in that case, we should ensure that I am by your side for any missions near Diamond City. That way, I can be sure the future director of the Institute doesn’t go hungry.”
“Well, if you think that’s necessary, who am I to argue?” The left side of X6’s lip tilted upwards in an expression of amusement, and Sole openly smiled at him, laughing a little to herself as she turned her attention back to the boiling water on the stove.
“Can you hand me the pepper mill? Second shelf.”
“I know which shelf. But yes, I can.” He said, turning around to grab it, as Sole continued grinning to herself.
Now I just have to make sure he never looks under my bed. Sole thought. If X6 ever found the step stool she had hidden there, what would happen to her kitchen helper?
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a-sleepy-ginger · 4 months
Did well on practice run of the exam in that I managed to complete the essay in an hour
Baby potato
Ender toast
Got cuddles from my cat
#happiness diary#happiness diary: may 2024#had a hospital appointment today#guess whos getting her arm chopped up again ~#its only been a year since the mast biopsy#i mean to be fair the upcoming biopsy is the one i went about last year#they just looked at the very obvious weird mole and went nah thats normal this one on your back tho#and yeah i don't really know what that one looked like so it coulda looked super weird#but its situation wasnt as concerning as the arm mole#like its only been here for like 4 years amd its grown really big and weird#and i told that to a doctor cus they looked at it and said oh that looks like youve always had that mole#amd i said no its only been there since the last biopsy on the arm (which was not benign)#and her reply was an oh and she promptly moved on and sent me on my way#oh in response to a hey this mole has grown relly quick and i have a history of precancerous moles please consider#like i would rather not have to get my arm chopped but i would rather a biopsy to cancer any day#so you know#best case its just a weird mole cus i have a couple of those lile one looks like a fried egg#worst case its malignant and they overlooked it last year when i went in about it#the last time a doctor overlooked a mole it was malignant#it was lucky she went and got a second opinion#and even then they were both hmming and hawing about whether to remove it or not#luckily they decided to remove it but still#im doing my part so they should take me a bit more seriously#especially since i dont loke the look of it#last malignant moles its mostly been my family saying to go to the doctors#but this time i went of my own accord like a year ago#mmmm just feel like im rambling:((((#also the appointment is on a Wednesday after my exams so ive got 3 weeks of stress wednesday#im so gonna treat myself to ice cream
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You wanna talk about Oz having a lyric that applies to him in almost every single fucking three cheers song? No let's talk about it
And I'm giving few examples here lads just few lil examples cus oh I could go on I could write for fuckin days about it let me tell you but I don't have time I ain't even analyzing it can you believe it? I cannot find the post anymore which I'll have to look into but I was already talking ab Oz and also Ed and all the lyrics that applies from mcr but now as I was saying
I left out Helena, maybe it could apply bc of how he lives the death of his mother but I ain't sure anyway
Give 'em hell kid
"if you were here I'd never have a fear, so go on live your life but I miss you more than yesterday, you're so far away so go on show me how cus I mean this more than words will ever say" Ed always being some kind of trigger into reacting and getting back on his feet but also the fucking pining every two episodes
To the end
"say goodbye to the vows you take, to the life you make, to the heart you break, and all the cyanide you drank, to the last parade, as the parties fade and the choice you made to the end" all the anger towards the betrayal of Ed after everything they went through also the cyanide could be a bit like Ed's pills yk this is more ab Ed but ya
I'd have to copy and paste the entire song. I don't think there's anything I gotta say for this one.
I'm not okay
Nothing needs to be said once again.
The ghost of you
"And I remember now, at the top of my lungs in my arms she dies (..) you are never coming home, could I? Should I?" Reference to literally three of the parental figures he lost in his arms and if you think ab it he never rlly... Goes back to his mother's house? Yk? At some point it just disappear as a space? Also "and all the wound that are ever gonna scar me and all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me if I fall" all the people he left behind and all the people that come back cus no one stays dead in Gotham and oh the scars he got plenty of those
The jetset life is gonna kill you
"until the cops come or by the last light and for the last night I lie, could I lie next to you?" DO I HAVE TO SAY MORE
Thank you for the venom
Literally the entire song "sister I'm not much s poet but a criminal" "I'm just the way the doctor made me on and on and on" "preach all you want but who's gonna save me, I keep a gun in the book you gave me" "give me all your poison and give me all your pills" "you're running after something that you'll never kill"
Hang em high
Same as venom "shotgun sinners, wide eyed jokers, got you in my sight" "don't stop if I fall and don't look back, oh baby don't stop, bury me and fade to black"
It's not a fashion statement
No further comment required.
Cemetery drive
"so I won't stop dying, won't stop lying, if you want I'll keep on crying, did you get what you deserve? Is this what you always want me for?" This is literally what he does hello
I never told you what I do for a living
"Another knife in my hands, a stain that never comes off the sheets, clean me off, I'm so dirty babe"
No cus
Can you understand how much more could be said it's fucking INSANE add to that his "disco vampire" aesthetic which is just oh so three cheers
And this is just three cheers
there's so much more, I dare to say
Not for every song of the other albums but still so much more I could say
Anyway going to bed I still have a whole month of studying disintegrates
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Texts from the Lost Tomb, 6.2
Okay so listen this is shorter but i gotta wind up this arc before getting to a new adventure!
It's also up on Ao3!
Snake Eyes Chat
Li Cu: Hey how’s your day going? things are good?
Wu Xie: ….yes…
Li Cu: Good! Yeah, that’s good, good to hear
Wu Xie: is everything okay?
Li Cu: haha yeah it’s fine why wouldn’t it be
Wu Xie: bc you are texting me at 7am asking how my day is going?
Li Cu: oh right oops, didn't mean to interrupt sleep
or you and Xiao Ge--ew wait, never mind that
Anyhoo uh I might require some assistance?
for like five minutes tops, no biggie
Wu Xie: !!! What is going on, where are you, are you hurt!? Send me the address so we can come help you.
Li Cu: whoa whoa slow your roll
take deep breaths, you shouldn't be getting overexcited at your advanced age
It’s not an emergency
Wu Xie: oh thank fuck kid. you scared me
Li Cu: It’s just that I have been locked in someone’s freezer
Which is not an emergency
but like
It’s kind of cold and stuff
Wu Xie: wh--how does that not qualify as an emergency?? and how did you even GET locked in someone’s freezer at 7am?
Shit is this how my uncle feels all the time? This sucks.
Li Cu: hey it would be an emergency if it was YOU locked in here bc you’re old and frail
I’m way younger and in better shape I’ll be fine
I just need someone to like open the door at some point
If you have time
Wu Xie: okay. just stay calm, kid, it's all going to be alright. don't panic, it's all handled.
Wushanju Crew Chat
Wang Meng: I've specifically told you, I don't do crises until 9:00 am, normal business hours.
Wu Xie: check the fucking thing i just sent fuck fuck
Xiao Ge: This is a serious matter, Li Cu is in danger of developing hypothermia. I am going now to find him, Wu Xie, don't worry.
Wang Meng: I'm already up and dressed for my yoga class. I'll go start the car.
Xiao Ge: No one needs to come with me, I can handle this alone.
Wu Xie: baby I love you but please shut the fuck up and get in the goddamn car. FUCK okay everyone wait just one sec, im looking for something
Xiao Ge: ...if it's your knife, i believe it is in Wang Meng's craft bag, where you hid it during Wu Sanxing's birthday party last month
Wu Xie: fuck my life this is such a full bag i cant find anything under the yarn
im just bringing the whole craft bag on the mission
Wang Meng: Another house rule broken>:( and violence is not the answer
Mere Mortals Chat
Wu Xie: i know i know why are you telling me what i already know
Wu Xie: yeah good thinking uh huh why can't this car go faster
Honorary Wu Chat
Huo Daofu: Hello? You said to come by at 8:00am...is anyone home?
Wang Meng: We can't talk right now, sorry! Li Cu is locked in the freezer of some guy we don't know and we just got onsite but now Wu Xie's knife is stuck to a glue gun. Don't mind the glittery curtain, its probably fine and not dangerous, just make yourself at home:)
Huo Daofu: ...if I ever feel at home in an environment like Wushanju, I will consult another doctor about my sanity.
Liu Sang: ! What's the situation?
Huo Daofu: I'll set up triage at your house. Try not to get killed, any of you.
Liu Sang: Fuck it I'm heading to Wushanju
Doctors and Dandies Chat
Huo Daofu: Im sending you a conversation I just had. We may need help
Xie Yuchen: --how did he even end up in a freezer? Are we certain he's not *actually* Wu Xie's son? I'll send someone immediately...I'm honestly surprised you contacted me?
Huo Daofu: I will deny it to my dying breath, but you and I share what might be called a concern for Wushanju residents' safety and health.
Xie Yuchen: ....true....
Huo Daofu: Just, please let it not be Hei Xiazi you're sending
Unnamed chat:
Hei Xiazi: so i guess u came to play doctor;)
Huo Daofu: I'm not opening the gate for you.
Hei Xiazi: bitch ive got like a dozen entry methods to every major mystic nine estate its like you've never met me lol
but nah im headed to some rich guys house to join the squad in defrosting mini-Wu Xie
im getting pizza delivered there to celebrate Li Cu not turning into a popsicle, hopefully the fighting is over by the time the pizza guy arrives?
Huo Daofu: Ridiculous. Save me a slice.
Wu Family Chat:
Wu Erbai: I am delighted to hear it. Relatedly, what on earth are you talking about?
Wang Meng: Not my division. Boss?
Wu Xie: ...hmm?
Wang Pangzi: TIANZHEN?
Wu Xie: :/
Zhang Qiling: Wu Xie...
Wu Xie: <3
Wu Erbai: Nephew, if you don't start talking--
Wu Xie: OK FINE. So at the root of this situation, everything that happened is technically Wu Sanxing's fault.
Wu Erbai: ...at this point, that phrase is going on his tombstone. What happened?
Wu Xie: he uh stole some jewels. and then kinda, uh, sewed them into a beaded curtain. which he hung at wushanju without telling us about it.
Wu Erbai: What.
Wu Xie: anyway Li Cu's friend from university saw Wang Meng's tweet about the curtain when it popped up one day and recognized the jewelry sewn into the design from some famous collection that got stolen from a museum a few years ago, and rumor had it that it got stolen by this rich guy, who happens to be someone Wu Sanxing doesn't like.
Pan Zi: I cannot believe this. Wu Erbai, Wu Xie, I am so sorry, I had no idea this had happened. Is Li Cu alright?
Wu Xie: yep, Huo Daofu checked him out and everything, he and Liu Sang are arguing about setting up a D&D group.
Wu Erbai: I don't know what that means, but how cheering to hear. Now. My dear brother, you have been remarkably silent throughout this fascinating series of revelations. Any thoughts to add?
Wu Sanxing: oh hey everyone hows tricks
Wu Xie: Hello! Well everything is fine, except Li Cu got caught by security investigating your robbery early this morning and almost died, Uncle.
Zhang Qiling: Wu Sanxing. I think it is time that you and I have a conversation.
Wu Erbai: Oh dear, dear. How unfortunate. I do hope you won't injure him dreadfully, Zhang Qiling. Particularly not on his left leg, which is weaker and slow to react, and could prevent him from running away.
Pan Zi: Okay, everyone just calm down.
Hei Xiazi: ;) im putting money on Xiao Ge.
Wu Erbai: How did you even get into this chat??
Bonnie and Clyde Chat:
Xie Yuchen: So. I've just heard about the day's events from Wu Xie. You know what's an interesting part? That Wu Sanxing has all the stealth of a camel. So it's interesting that the curtain was put up so sneakily. Don't you think?
Hei Xiazi: listen sister the dude said "put up this bead curtain it's a surprise heres free money for two minutes of labor" he didnt elaborate on why, ive given up trying to make sense of Wu shit.
i was within INCHES of expensive jewelry and somehow i didn't clock it. un-fucking-believable.
Xie Yuchen: Don't forget to pick up the dry-cleaning on your way ho--back here.
Hei Xiazi: you aint the boss of me
Xie Yuchen: ....
Hei Xiazi: ...ill remember the receipt this time.
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holykillercake · 3 years
Coin Stealer
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Trafalgar Law x psychic!Reader
word count: 3.3k
summary: Law does not believe that you can see dead people, so you crochet him the strange-looking beanie of the strange-looking man that walks around the Polar Tang. 
highlight: ¨I´ll give a chance to the uniform, and I´ll only address you as Captain when you behave as Captain.¨
warning: You are entering Trafalgar´s room. 
notes: Bello, ma people! This is the 3/3 part of a lovely anon request in which the s/o makes them a thing with crochet! This time is Dr. Heart Stealer edition!! I really enjoyed writing this, and it got a little long, but I did not want to cut off important things. Anyway, I hope you like it!
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𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞!
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¨Hey, Bepo! Have you seen Law?¨
¨Y/N! I don´t know where he is... I´m sorry.¨
¨Oh, it´s ok!¨ you patted the mink´s shoulder, giving him a warm smile. 
You were never a big fan of his constant apologetic personality, but you couldn´t deny that you missed it during your time apart from the crew. 
The Heart Pirates had parted ways a long time ago when your Captain decided that the time to put his life-long plan in action had finally come. The crew split into three parts, and each one followed a different path. 
After the sudden disappearance of the Strawhats, the Paramount War, the Rocky Port Incident, and Law obtaining his title as a Warlord of the Sea, you were the first to depart, remaining in Sabaody Archipelago, waiting for the owners of the Thousand Sunny to return. You fought alongside a fishman called Hacchin, a weird guy that reminded you of Black Leg and other allies to protect the ship. 
Next to leave was Law, who sailed to Punk Hazard, where he formed a partnership with a crazy scientist bastard. Then the rest of the crew went on their own towards the island where you would meet once the plan was concluded.
The trajectory was not smooth by any means, but you did it, all of you. And now you feasted along with the Strawhats, celebrating whatever it was that you did not understand. Maybe they were like that, or maybe they didn't understand the risks you would take from now on. 
Anyway, the crew seemed to be in need of some music and fun, and you were too busy looking for your Captain to care about that.
In the midst of the evening breeze, the crackling of the fire, and the barrels of beer crashing in celebration, you saw the answer you were looking for.
Of course.
¨If I didn´t love you...¨ you growled as you made your way out of the island to reach the Polar Tang. And let´s face it, that was a detour.
You went straight to your room, where Law would probably be sipping coffee, napping, or just running from the crowds. And just like you, it has been months since he stepped on his own ship and slept in his own bed. 
So maybe you could cut him some slack. 
However, as you approached the room, there was no smell of coffee. No smell of coffee and no light snoring. Just a stillness carried with heavy emotions and your boyfriend, sitting in the dim light holding tight the crochet piece you gave him years ago. You swayed in place, expecting that thing you made to provoke him to be at the sea bottom.
¨Wondering why I kept this?¨ he asked. 
¨Not really.¨ you replied. ¨But I am surprised. Am I disturbing?¨
¨You never do.¨
You jumped on the bed, sitting beside him and resting your head on his shoulder.
¨YN-ya... do you know how he...¨ the question struggled to come out.
¨Hm.¨ he nodded.
¨I don´t like when he smiles, though. It creeps me out.¨ His body bounced slightly as he joined you in a chuckle. 
¨Remember when you gave me this?¨
¨Of course, you almost kicked me out of the ship!¨ you giggled with the memory.
¨You were really annoying back then.¨
¨Hey! Objection!¨
¨Objection rebuffed.¨ he smirked and moved on the bed, pulling you to lay down on his chest.
You told him to shut up before cuddling in, not falling asleep immediately. None of you said much. Instead, you enjoyed the calming and comfortable silence of each other´s company. 
It has been a while since you had that. 
You remember every moment of your early days as a Heart Pirate. You and Law hadn´t started on the best terms, but he needed you - well, your skills - and you were given a good deal. 
The pivot of your history together began on a chain of coincidences. The first one being both of you docking on the same island. The second one was him finding a rare coin for his collection, the same one you would later slip into your pocket. 
You wandered around towns using the beautiful art of distraction to get anything you wanted from anyone. Watches, necklaces, wallets, and, well, coins? It was all he had in his pocket, and since it was a cute one, you decided to keep it. 
Some called you a thief. Some called you a burglar, and some may even have called you a big son of a bitch. But the thing they all had in common was that none of them knew exactly who they were calling those names. 
The thing is, you messed up the first rule and made eye contact with him. Well, it was more of you not being able to take your eyes off of him. He stood out in the crowd, and you had gotten cocky. So when he later found out about the missing coin, it did not take him long to connect you to it. 
A lot of things went through his mind. He felt frustrated because his Haki failed him, annoyed for the trouble he would have going after you, and intrigued by the touch so light he did not feel at all. 
Or that is what he kept telling himself. 
Yes, he was interested in someone with skills like yours, but maybe there was something else he would not admit. The way you looked at him as if you had deciphered his entire life and found the missing pieces of his puzzle. Even the ones he tried to hide. 
That night he went out for your head. Or better, your heart, literally. 
You were enjoying the comfort of your hotel room, eating some snacks, and playing with your new commemorative coin when he materialized himself by the bed. You instantly knew something was about to go down.
Oh, fuck.
That situation got pretty tense pretty quickly, both ends asking things, and no one willing to offer any answers. The stakes were high, glares cutting the air like blades. It did not help to ease the mood when in the sway of his hand your heart popped out of your chest. 
Long story short, his plan was never to drag you to the Polar Tang. Law wanted you to go willingly, joining his crew in exchange for your heart. However, the unfortunate variable he did not consider in the equation was that you would not go down without a fight. So by the time he reached the ship, he noticed the gentle fresh breeze ruffling his hair. 
You know, since his hair was usually covered by the hat. 
The next morning when he returned, you were waiting for him with a satisfied smirk bending your lips, the hat on your head, and the coin dancing between your fingers. 
At some point, you had stolen it, and once again, it passed unnoticed by him. That was not a good night for the Heart Pirates. And that was also the night Trafalgar Law realized a couple of things. The first, he needed you on his crew. And the second, you were going to be the death of him. Or maybe the aneurysm of him, he would not give you such credit. 
¨You´re late.¨ you said, amused, and his grip tightened around the sword.
¨What´s your name?¨ he repeated the question you dodged several times during your last encounter. 
¨What´s with the dog?¨ you pointed at the tall, white polar bear wearing a uniform. Law pursued his lips, breathing heavily through the nose.  
¨I am B-¨
¨Bepo-ya don´t talk to he-¨
¨Your name is Bepoya?¨ you ignored the man, bumping into his shoulder as you walked towards the mink ¨Hi, I´m Y/N! Nice meeting you.¨  
The polar bear looked back and forth at you and his Captain, not knowing how to behave in this situation, so he apologized and stepped farther back. 
¨Alrighty, now that we are all introduced, shall we go?¨ 
¨Come on, Law, focus.¨ you snapped your fingers multiple times, teasing him. ¨You came here to pick me up, right?¨
¨No. I want my hat back.¨ He tried to grab it, but you ducked in time, holding the hat on your head with both hands. It was so soft. 
¨How about a trade? The coin for the hat.¨
¨How about my hat for your heart? Do this, and I won´t...¨ his words died in his mouth as he clutched his pockets. 
¨Looking for this?¨ You held your heart, wrapped in a cold and gelatinous box that you retrieved when you bumped into him minutes earlier.
How could you fool him again? He kept seeking answers that explained why it was so easy for you to outwit him, and his expression showed. 
¨You´re getting close, Law. Put your little trash can to work.¨ you tapped your temple, smiling mischievously at him. 
¨YN-ya, you know I can kill you, right?¨
¨Yeah, but you won´t.¨
¨How do you know?¨
¨I got a sixth sense for these things.¨ 
The rest of the conversation did not take long to come to an end. Amid sarcastic comments and threats to each other's lives, what should have been the pinnacle of the moment became a random passage in the Heart Pirates´ logbook.
¨So, YN-ya, do you want to join us? You´re gonna have to wear a uniform and address me as Captain.¨
¨I´ll give a chance to the uniform, and I´ll only address you as Captain when you behave as Captain.¨
Law sighed, giving himself a carotid massage ¨Ok. Let´s go.¨
He walked a few steps ahead of you and Bepo, wondering why he spent so much effort on an arrogant thief that wouldn't even call him Captain.
You quickly became friends with the polar bear, even apologizing for calling him a dog. He strangely apologized for your apologies, culminating in what would almost make the notorious Surgeon of Death suffer a stroke.
¨What the hell is that?!¨ you shouted when the Polar Tang entered your field of vision ¨That´s not a ship!¨
What if I am claustrophobic?
The ya thing is a schtick?
Death? That´s a little borderline controversial for a doctor.
Trafalgar more like Trafraude!
On occasions like that, Law wondered how peaceful and quiet would be the sixth level of Impel Down. From a current perspective, your initial interaction served as a vaccine, creating the necessary antibodies Law would need to deal with future pirate alliances. 
The crew got attached to you very quickly. Your adventurous spirit, your stunts, and street trades fascinated them. Losing bets against you seemed acceptable, your card tricks and the thing of guessing the numbers they thought was like fuel for a good day at work.
Law didn't seem to mind that much. After all, you wouldn't get him on his nerves if you were busy with them. However, one day, you let slip something that caught his attention. 
¨YEAH! That´s exactly what she looked like! How did you do this?!¨ 
Law heard Shachi´s roar, followed by a wave of surprised ´ooh´s coming from the kitchen, where the majority of the crew hunched around the dinner table. 
The doctor leaned against the door, silently observing what could possibly be more important than keeping the ship working. He had been drowning in files all night, and now he decided to have a coffee break. That mess early in the morning did not make him happy. 
No one seemed to be too intimidated when he cleared his throat, announcing his presence. Everyone greeted him with smiling 'good mornings' and turned their attention back to you.
 ¨What is going on here?¨
¨Captain did you know Y/N can see dead people?!¨ 
The coffee left a bitter aftertaste on his mouth.
¨Yeah, Captain!¨ Shachi yelled on Law´s face, earning a death glare ¨She just described my mom!¨
¨Really, Y/N-ya? Now you´re a magician and a psychic?¨ he asked, taking the seat across from you. 
¨The perks of being me.¨ you shrugged. 
¨Do you see more dead people here?¨ 
¨No. But you sound a little skeptical, Law.¨ 
It was way too early for that discussion, but your biological clock didn't seem to care. Whenever Law came with his teasing, you would be ready to strike back.
He gave everyone a lecture about empathic accuracy and how good you were reading cues communicated by words, emotions, and body language. Or some crap like that. 
¨Ok, let me see if I got this right.¨ You shifted in the chair, hands moving in the air ¨You can pull organs out of people´s bodies, cut them in pieces without killing, switch their souls, but you do not believe that I can see dead people?¨
He tilted his head, but not giving you an exact answer.  
¨Do you wanna know what I think?¨
¨I´ll tell you anyway. I think you have something you don´t want people to know, like a soft spot or a tragic past.¨ you sought the answer in his eyes ¨I´m guessing a loved one who died?¨ 
Overall, he was not wrong. You were a master in reading people´s body language, but you were not a jackass. So when the slight twitch of his mouth cleared up your doubts, it was time to stop. 
You knew how it felt, soft spots, tragic pasts, or late loved ones. There was no need to go further and throw more salt on his wounds. Hopefully, that taught him a lesson. 
An awkward silence ensued while everyone watched the scene, uncertain how to act, fearful that an extra spark would make everything explode into massive destruction.
¨Whatever.¨ he sighed ¨Show´s over. We´ll be reaching land in a few days, and we should be preparing to dock.¨ 
When everyone left the kitchen to go about their businesses, you remained alone with the figure that constantly wandered the submarine. He didn't do it in a creepy way. Despite his extravagant makeup and the intimidating aura, he was not a bother.
And it wasn't like he was there all the time, definitely more than anyone else. His passages were guaranteed on the days when Law was more sensitive. For bad or for good. He would look after him from the distance like a parenting figure. 
¨Who are you?¨ you murmured under your breath. 
For the next few days, Law made sure you were too busy to foster discussions about dead people or paranormal abilities.
When your services stealing rare supplies or getting answers to your Captain's questions you weren't required, you would help him with mountains of paperwork.
Only this time, he had outdone himself.
He managed to assemble the annual check-up of the crew, the inventory packing list, and the update of the logbook at once. This last one could easily wait until after you docked. But that freaking workaholic sadistic surgeon would not let this opportunity slip. So you pulled several all-nighters writing, signing, and stamping, all without exchanging a single word.
When you emerged, a few miles from land, you barely enjoyed the fresh breeze and sunlight. The crew hopped around, getting ready to put their feet on the continent as you sat in the kitchen profusely grouchy.
Your brain was fried, burnt, carbonized. 
¨You´re not coming?¨ Penguin asked, and you shook your head. ¨It´s been a while, Y/N, you should come.¨ you shook your head again. ¨I guess you´re not buying anything for the Captain´s birthday as well.¨
An incohesive question came out of your exhausted being. Penguin couldn´t help but feel sorry for you. ¨By the time his birthday comes up, we will be underwater, so everyone is preparing.¨ 
¨Do I have to?¨
¨No!¨ he chuckled ¨He doesn´t really like it, but we still buy him something.¨
¨´Cause he is a good Captain!¨ he said and sprunt out by the voice of someone calling him, waving goodbye at you. 
 It wasn't that you didn´t think Law was a good Captain. It was just an inherent nature of yours to clash every time you looked at each other. 
But on such occasion, you could combine the useful with the pleasant. After all, you were grateful because he gave you friends. Of course, he was the unfortunate by-product that came with them, but you could handle him. 
So fighting against your will to stay and sleep, you forced your way out to the solid ground, hoping to find the most random store someone could wish for, a haberdasher. 
Much to your delight, you did it. You picked a burgundy color wool and the first hook you put your eyes on and returned to your soft bed. 
The chances of you having scared your crewmates by staring at the blank for hours were high. In reality, you wanted to memorize and come up with a pattern for the strange-looking beanie that man wore. 
It had no pompom at the top like Penguin´s. Instead, two long pieces of fabric ran down from each side with heart-like things hanging.
When the sixth day of the tenth month arrived, Law´s desk was cluttered with presents. You had decided to wait until you were done with work and heading to bed to give it to him. 
After conquering that task, you locked yourself in your room, where you stayed until you had it finished. For some reason, you bothered to buy a box to put it in. Whatever.  
On the sixth day of the tenth month, Trafalgar Law could not focus on work. Every slight movement of yours, every bathroom break got him jittery, rehearsing words that wouldn´t make you hate him more. 
Not that you ever hated him, but you didn´t talk, so he didn´t know. After some time starting small talks and being ignored, you just gave up trying. 
By the end of that night, he had given up too. So when you placed the golden-yellow box on his desk, he couldn´t vocalize his feelings. It became just another silent night. 
Chests tight and hearts clogged with unspoken words. 
Law did not work for the next couple of days, and if he left his room, no one saw. The gifts on his desk were not even opened. Everything was left the way it was. 
Maybe you had crossed a line. 
As you marched up to the room at the end of the hall, several paths popped into your mind. You could act like you didn´t care, so what if you left? You had been alone for so long, it wouldn't make any difference! Still, something was begging you to apologize. To ask to stay, because being there was good, everything you never knew you wanted.
You were ready to pack your bags and have your title as a Heart Pirate retracted when you woke up one morning, finding a note on your desk telling you to meet him in his room. Your nails dug into your sweaty palms. Where did this tightness in your chest come from?
When you set foot in the room, your eyes hovered around. It was the first time you saw Law's room. It was exactly how you thought it would be.
Keeping your gaze locked on his was more difficult. He was sitting in an armchair near the foot of the bed. From afar, his appearance remained neat, as always, but as you approached you saw the circles under his eyes even darker. A thing you didn't think was possible.
For the first time, you didn't know how to read his expression. And seeing him vulnerable like that made your stomach drop. So you prepared yourself for the worst. However, to your surprise, all he did was ask you questions. 
No snarky remarks. You just talked.    
That day something changed. And from that day on, Law had found someone to help him carry the unbearable weight he had on his shoulders, and you found a place to call home. 
¨Y/N-ya.¨ he called you, who was a cuddle away from sleeping.
¨Before you left, in Sabaody...¨
¨You stole the coin again, didn´t you?¨ 
You giggled and pulled the commemorative coin from your back pocket, snuggling closer to his body and feeling the vibration of his chest as he chuckled.
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Extra notes: I hope you had enjoyed it! It came out a little too long, but I have been feeling like I´m limiting myself when it comes to the number of words... I don´t know, I´m confused. 
Anyway, is that pink and red that I see on the horizon?
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stevenbasic · 3 years
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By Tuesday afternoon, I was beside myself. Seeing patients again, but distraught. The office was a hot mess - so many new girls, crowding the hallways and desks, mostly being trained by people who also didn’t know what they were doing. My schedule was a hot mess - they’d overbooked me, with all the patients I was supposed to see the day before but had been rescheduled. And my mind was a hot mess - surrounded by not only all these new women (I’d kept my head down, sneaking into my office between patients when I could, and hadn’t really introduced myself to anyone yet) but also by the din of construction and random dudes walking down the hallways from time to time...
For some reason the presence of guys - mostly strapping young men in hard hats and t-shirts - upset me more than the bustle of bimbos giggling and pointing at me as I snuck from patient to patient. Maybe I was imagining it, but they seemed to look at me funny, askance, with a condemnatory eye. In particular I’d seen that one with the shaved head and tattoos, the tall one who’d disappeared with Melissa from the parking lot this morning. He was the one hanging around the most, glaring at me snidely. It was jealousy, I knew, that was tightening my chest whenever I saw him - an unreasonable reaction, not an emotion I should be feeling; Melissa was not mine to covet. But when, right around lunchtime, I saw the door to Melissa’s office open and him get pulled inside? Well, my blood began to roil. She’d made no effort to see me all day, and now this??
What were they doing in there?? Would she be having him take more pictures of her for Instagram? Would she be changing into new outfits for her followers, bikinis and lingerie? Would he be bending her over her desk and-
I knew I was being crazy, jealous, stupid. I had no reason to suspect any of this. But still I couldn’t stand it. So, finally, I broke. Right around 3pm.
“Can you tell Melissa I need to see her in my office?” I told Aubrey. She was standing behind the front desk with Brittni and Bobbi and three new people, training. It was pretty crowded back there.
“Of course, Doctor,” said the slight, pretty girl with the dark, pixie haircut. Aubrey had always been one of my best, most loyal employees. Quiet, serious when she needed to be. Less flighty for sure than most of the women that worked for me now. Take, for example, Brittni and Bobbi and now I guess these three new ones that I recognized from their jiggly applications; they were all looking at me and quietly giggling. Aubrey - since our front desk manager had left - was trying to get everyone trained. Piles of paperwork were everywhere.
“Okay I’ll head there right away,” I said, turning on my heel and knocking over a mound of charts from the counter.
“Don’t worry Doctor I’ll get that…” Aubrey offered, as I quickly moved away. Snickers followed in my wake.
Finding the hallway that led to my office mostly quiet, I turned a corner and -
“Oh, therrrre you are!” Melissa beamed, stopping me in my tracks. I felt my eyes go wide and my heart leap into my throat. I hadn’t really seen her since Friday and I was struck again by just how tall she was. Heels, yes, but my head came just up to her upper chest, if that. She made me feel smaller, in spades, than even the biggest of the construction workers.
She took a step towards me.
“Hey, uh….m-m-my office?” I stammered, trying to direct her but unable to keep my eyes from a quick trip up and down her unbelievable figure. The red heels, the sleek, bell-cuffed black pants, the tight, high-necked top. The hair, the eyes, and those knockers.
“Why don’t we talk here?” she returned, stepping in again closer to me.
I took a backpedal in retreat, turned my back to the wall. My eyes went wide again as she planted her right hand on the wall behind me, just above my head, between me and where I’d been heading. The door to my office was just steps away to my left, but now it might have been a mile. “o-okay, sure…” I yielded.
“So happy you finally want to say hi,” she said, with her left hand now coming up at my other side, placing itself just aside my head on the right. Now I was trapped, penned in, faced with a wall of woman. “I’ve missed youuuu…”
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I swallowed dryly, suddenly assaulted with a barrage of feelings and a heady cloud of her captivating perfume. “Oh? Uh, y-yeah, haha, sorry,” I started, beginning to explain my absence, “I’ve been out of it. It’s, uh...all the construction, the noise. Kept me up last night, I’m exhausted…”
“Oh you poor thing…” she cooed, her smile turning crooked, weight shifting on her feet. Her right leg had bent, knee pushing in aggressively towards my groin. “I’m sorrrry…”
I couldn’t help but feel like I’d been captured, and she was possesively trifling with me - here, out in the open, in the hallway where anyone could see. But, from my position, I also couldn’t help but notice how her bra was just visible through her too-tight top, and that her breasts looked enormous today.
“uhhhhh….” I tried, struggling to remember what I’d wanted to talk to her about in the first place. Oh yeah.  “...and now they’re all milling around here. I saw, uh...one guy go into your office, earlier?”
“AJ? Oh...yeah, Angie’s ex,” Melissa explained, eyes narrowing, “She’s one of the new girls, a friend of mine, just broke up with him. He’s pretty upset. I invited him in for lunch...”
“Oh, uh, lunch?”
“Yes,” Melissa answered, a funny tone in her voice, “He bought a salad for me.”
Of course she’d like someone like him. He’s tall, strong, pretty good looking. He’s closer to her age...
Melissa looked down at me, regarded me, watched me thinking. “What’s wrong?” she finally asked.
“I...I don’t like him,” I too quickly answered, glancing down at the safety of my feet, speaking before thinking, “He...he looks at me funny.”
“Ohhhhhh….is that it?” She sounded amused.
I couldn’t tell her that, no, that wasn’t it, really. The sideways glances from these dudes I could handle. What I was struggling with, what I couldn’t tell her, was that he made me so fucking jealous. No way I could admit that, not to her. It would be weak, sniveling, petty and unprofessional. Plus I was married, still, and needed to hide my feelings for my new Office Manager deep deep deep. I could not let Melissa know how jealous I was.
But, when I looked up into her face, and she leaned down in to bring her face closer to mine, I could tell she saw right through me...
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“Do they scare you? The big scary construction workers?” she giggled, teasing me, “Do they make you feel...unsafe? They are all so much bigger than you...” Overhead, one of the fluorescent lights flickered.
“Melissa, c’mon,” I pleaded, sounding much more pathetic than I wanted. I could tell she knew how I really felt, that it was my unreasonable jealousy that was making me upset. That fact? She loved it. But that I was denying it? For that, she wanted to torture me a bit.
“Awww did you hear that ladies?” Melissa called out, to the tall forms that had just started to appear in the hallway behind her, the voices I had begun to hear, “Dr. J here doesn’t like having all the big, noisy men in the building…”
Suddenly, two other girls appeared aside Melissa, one on each side. My eyes shot from one, redhead and statuesque in a blue top, to the other, chocolate-skinned and bosomy, dressed in green. Both were tall, taller than me, I couldn’t help but realize.
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“I agree, I don’t like it either,” said the girl to Melissa’s left.
“Me neither,” said the other, “We should get rid of them…”
“Then it’d be just us…” the dark skinned girl replied.
“Dr. J,” Melissa said, in introduction, “this is Bianca…”
“Hi,” said the girl in blue, inching closer.
“...and this is Shanette.”
“Hi,” said the one in green, stepping in as well.
If I had been faced by a wall of woman before, it had now been fortified. Everywhere I looked, it was boob.
One of the overhead lights flickered again.
“We don’t like tall men, do we girls?” Melissa asked.
“Big guys? Yuckie,” followed Shanette.
“Yeah, gross,” said Bianca, her voice a natural purr, “We like our men short…”
“Helpless…”  cued Shanette, biting her plump lower lip as she looked down at me.
“...weak…” smiled Bianca.
“...needy,” Shanette finished.
By now, the three girls had me all but plastered to the wall. Melissa did nothing but smile down at me, apparently enjoying every moment of my well-deserved distress as these new girls soaked me in. Finally, though, she spoke. “See? No reason to be jealous, Doctor J-“
“I wasn’t jeal-“
“...it’s like I’ve been telling you,” she continued, speaking right over me, “It’s the thing. Girls want their men vulni these days, and you…”
“You are- rrrrrrrrrrr….” Bianca...growled?
“...you’re perfect,” Shanette giggled.
“And, no reason to be scared, sweetie,” Melissa assured me, though the current situation - I felt like I was about to be squashed into a girl sandwich - gave me more than enough to be frightened about, “You don’t have to worry about the big, mean men.”
“We’ll keep you safe,” Bianca promised, her eyes gleaming with portent, “don’t you give it another thought.”
“We’re all here to take care of you,” Shanette cooed, her expression growing softer by the moment, “it’s all we want…”
Unsure of what to say, I looked from one girl, to the other, and then back to Melissa. She merely smiled, closed her eyes to take a deep breath, and then opened them again as she spoke. “You see, sweetie? You see what kind of girls I hired for you?” she said, and leaned in to whisper down into my ear, “I did such a good job…”
Her melony breasts squashed into my neck, her voice in my ear.
“...won’t you just accept that?”
Thank you to good friend and master-of-the-craft AlexGTSArtist for his newest donations to our little story.;  these renders are fantastic. Please support him where you can.
More stuff at my Patreon
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rickywritesstuff · 3 years
overstim - bill s preston esq x ted theodore logan
warnings - overstimulation, tics
category - hurt/comfort
a/n - i was super overstimulated in a couple of my classes today + ticcing like crazy all throughout school which inspired me to write this lol
desc - bill is feeling overstimulated but ted won't be at school for a little while. when ted does get to school, he has a surprise for bill to make him feel better.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Bill lightly thumped his fist against his desk, his leg bouncing rapidly as his classmates piled into the room. He played a loud guitar. He dreamed of being in front of a noisy crowd. So why did the noises from his school bother him so much?
The bell rang, causing Bill to yell. He hit himself on the head. He didn't want to or even try to. That was just the way his body worked. It was annoying and stupid. He just wanted to react to things normally.
His leg still bouncing, faster now, Bill squeezed his eyes shut and covered his ears, squeezing the palms of his hands into his ears until he couldn't go any further. He could feel every eye in the classroom on him, hear faint whispers even past his hands covering his ears, but he didn't really care what they thought. He just wanted Ted to be here. He would make it better. But he was at some stupid doctor's appointment, today of all days.
"Bill, if you're going to be a distraction, please leave the class," he heard his teacher say, only faintly.
Bill slowly opened his eyes to see the teacher and every student staring directly at him. Some were whispering, one was covering his mouth in an attempt to hide his laughter. Bill felt his face go hot as he set his hands on his desk, hitting his palm on the desk lightly. His head jerked to the side. "Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry." He wasn't trying to repeat it. He just did.
"Once is enough, Bill," the teacher said, turning back to the chalkboard. A couple people in the class laughed.
Bill set his head on his desk, closing his eyes. He tried to focus on his breathing, but that just made him more uncomfortable, and he shook his hands uncomfortably. His hand jerked and a noise came out of his mouth.
He wished he was dead.
He wished Ted were here.
He wished he and Ted were the only people in the world, that they were free to do and say whatever they wanted without anyone to judge them or tell them no.
Because Ted wouldn't stare at him. He wouldn't laugh. He wouldn't treat him any differently than if he had full control of his movements. He never did, and Bill knew he never will. That's part of the reason why he loved him so much.
As Bill finally started to distract himself and calm down, the teacher left the room. And the class was noisy again. It wasn't the chatter, that didn't bother him, it was the thumping of feet and fists, the yelling, the students throwing things in every direction.
Bill wanted to make a lot of noise, just to shut up the noise around him. He wanted to yell or kick something, just anything to get it to be quiet for 5 goddamn seconds.
He pounded his fist on his desk loudly. Again and again, faster and faster, until his hand was too sore to continue. "Shit!" he said unwillingly, his head jerking to the side at the same time.
The class was too noisy for anyone to pay attention to him. His noises simply blended in with the rest. So he screamed. He covered his ears and screamed, his feet kicking his desk.
That got the class to shut up for a moment. But only a moment, as in a minute, people were laughing and calling him a range of slurs. They were all words he's been called before, words that never really hurt because he was with Ted, but now he could feel himself beginning to cry. It only made him want to yell more.
He closed his eyes, more tears pouring out, as he slammed his hands against his ears over and over again, as if he did it enough times everything would stop and he'd be fine. His head jerked repeatedly and he said a few words he couldn't really hear over the noise of the class.
His head jerked back and hit his chair. "Ow," he mumbled, before his head went back 2 more times.
Bill opened his eyes to see Ted, standing right in front of him. He smiled and began thumping his desk excitedly. "Ted! Ted, Ted, Ted, Ted, Ted."
Ted grabbed Bill by the arm and walked him out of the classroom, ignoring what the teacher was saying about skipping class. He brought him to the bathroom, getting in the biggest stall and locking the door behind them. "Bill, are you okay?"
Bill sniffed and shrugged, thumping his palms against his legs. He had begun repeating Ted's name again, his head jerking to the side repeatedly. "Dude, I totally thought you were gonna be gone all day," Bill said after a little while, wiping his face with his sleeve.
Ted frowned. "Don't change the subject, Bill." Bill avoided eye contact with Ted, mostly because he hated eye contact. Ted sighed. "Do you want to leave?"
Bill looked at Ted now. "Like ditch school?"
Ted nodded, and Bill was about to answer when the bathroom door swung open. Someone pounded on their stall door, making Bill cover his ears tightly. Ted held Bill's leg, giving him a reassuring smile. "Go away," he called out to the person behind the door.
"The teacher told me to come and get you guys."
"I don't care. Go away."
The person on the other side muttered something the two couldn't hear and left, slamming the door behind them, which made Bill jump. Bill stayed like that with his hands on his ears for a little while longer, before finally, slowly, setting his arms down at his side. Looking at Ted, he nodded. "Let's go."
Ted grinned. "Great, cus I've got an idea of where to go."
"Okay, dude, open your eyes."
Bill opened his eyes and gasped. "Holy shit, Ted, is this-" He laughed, thumping his hands on his legs excitedly. "Dude, is this our old treehouse?"
Ted smiled. "Yeah! I saw it a couple days ago and, uh- I don't know, I thought we could use it as a hang out spot again for when we aren't playing music or something. It's pretty quiet, I thought you would like it. I cleaned it up a little."
Bill ran over to the old treehouse to get a closer look. A very faint "Preston-Logan" was carved on the tree and he hit his arm happily. "Dude, this is excellent. Is it safe to climb?" Bill asked, turning around to face Ted.
"Yeah, dude. Plus, there's a bunch of snacks and, like, fidgets and stuff I put in there. A radio, too." Ted climbed up the ladder to the top of the treehouse and went inside.
There were tattered curtains on the windows that they had put up when they were kids. They were actually just some old bedsheets they cut up and then used as curtains, though. They had space designs on them. There was a beanbag and some pillows, a pile of books they were way too old to read, a couple of sleeping bags, and a drawer. The drawer had snacks and fidgets in it.
Bill was inside now, too, banging his hands on the ground. His head twitched slightly. "Dude," was all he got out.
Ted giggled. "Oh! And check this out." He scrambled over towards the drawer and pulled out a box, opening it to reveal a pile of pictures. All the pictures were of them, but when they were kids, ranging from when they were 6 to 14 years old.
Ted watched as Bill went through the pictures, laughing about what they looked like as kids.
Ted placed a hand on Bill's cheek. "Bill?"
Bill's arm twitched and he looked up at Ted slowly. "Yes, Ted?"
"You okay?"
Bill smiled lightly. "Yeah, Ted. Thanks."
Neither of them moved. They weren't really sure what to do next. So Bill did the only thing he could think of. He leaned in and kissed Ted.
"As a-" Bill's head twitched. "As a thank you."
Ted blushed. "I- uh- thanks? Or, no- y-you're welcome? Wait-" He smiled. "Th-that was nice."
Bill smiled, too, thumping his hand lightly on his leg again. "Thanks, Ted, seriously. I, uh-" he hit his hand on the treehouse floor, making a loud thump noise. "I love you, dude."
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idnek83 · 4 years
Wait, You Can Do What? Chapter 1/?
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Hajime Hinata/Soda Kazuichi
Words: 4,146
Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot (maybe a little plot if you squint), Trans Soda Kazuichi, Mutual Masturbation, Mutual Pining (a little bit), Vaginal Fingering, Shower Sex, Shower Head Stimulation, Roommates, Wet & Messy (Soda is just super wet the whole time), afab language
Chapter: 1, 2
Summary:  Soda learns he can dye more than just the hair on his head and Hajime helps him do it.
Read on Ao3
It had started out like a completely normal J.O. session. 
They hooked up Hajime’s laptop to the shitty TV on their minifridge, scrolled through some porn while making fun of each other’s suggestions, and eventually found something they both thought looked hot. They hit play, got comfortable on their respective beds, then Hajime started stroking his dick while Soda rubbed his clit.
Normal stuff.
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t the most normal thing, but after a few weeks of living in their tiny dorm room - which had been advertised as a ‘Hope’s Peak University Deluxe Double Dorm With Ensuite Bathroom’ – they were both starting to get frustrated with the lack of alone time they were able to get. One day Soda had come home hot and bothered, praying his roommate would be out, only to find Hajime already inside pumping away at his dick. It was the third time one of them had walked in on the other getting off that week, and neither of them really had a fuck left to give.
Soda had just walked over to his bed, whipped out his phone, and started looking for something to jack off to. Hajime had frozen when Soda walked in, but once he saw what he was looking up he just un-paused his own porn and went back to stroking his dick. Soda had looked over and Hajime had caught him, so Soda just said the porn he was watching looked hot and Hajime suggested hooking his laptop up to the TV so they could both watch. He did and they both managed, for the first time in weeks, to get off without the stress of being walked in on.
It hadn’t been that big of a deal, they had known each other for years and had both seen each other naked before, so who really cared if they jacked off in the same room?
It quickly became a regular part of their lives; one of them would just announce he was going to watch some porn and it was up to the other whether he wanted to join or not. Simple. It made living together easier and that was all there was to it.
Soda’s fat fucking crush on Hajime had nothing to do with it.
Hajime’s crush on Soda didn’t either.
So, there they were weeks later jacking off together, Hajime fisting his cock and teasing his balls, and Soda with two fingers on his clit and two pumping into his pussy. And that’s when Soda saw it.
“Wait, what the fuck? You can dye your pubes?”
Hajime slowed his hand on his cock and looked at Soda. His eyes flicked down to watch Soda fuck himself for a moment before moving up to his face.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
Soda pulled his fingers out of himself and got up, moving to the TV.
“Look how red this guys pubes are! There’s no way that’s natural.”
Hajime looked from Soda, pointing to the TV and standing next to it in nothing but a t-shirt, to the actual screen. Those were some pretty red pubes but…
“Wouldn’t that like, super fuck up your junk though?”
Soda turned and bent forward awkwardly to reach Hajime’s laptop, their room was pretty cluttered, so Soda had to bend nearly in half to reach the laptop without stepping on anything. He paused the porn and opened a new tab to look up if it was actually possible to dye your pubes.
Hajime just kept working his dick as he stared at Soda’s sopping wet pussy, flushed with arousal and practically dripping. Hajime wondered if Soda would let him fuck it…
“You can!”
Hajime choked, before realizing that Soda was still talking about dying pubes, not giving Hajime permission to fuck him.
“Holy shit, you can just use regular dye too! I wanna do it! Haj, lets do it!”
“Now?” Hajime looked pointedly at his still hard dick.
“Yes now! Your dick can wait dude, this is gonna be so fucking sweet.”
Hajime sighed, but tucked his dick into his boxers as he got up and followed Soda to the bathroom.
“To be clear, I’m not putting dye anywhere near my dick, I’m just coming to watch you fuck this up.”
“Yeah yeah, I get it dude, you’re a buzz kill. Now mix this together for me and shut up.” Soda handed him a brush and bowl he had filled with dye and shampoo. Hajime rolled his eyes but did as he was told. He sat on the bathroom floor, anticipating being there for a while.
Soda grabbed his jar of petroleum jelly and sat on the closed toilet lid, and if anyone asked, it was totally a coincidence that he sat at the perfect angle, and spread his thighs just so to give Hajime a clear view of his pussy. Pure coincidence.
He started to spread the jelly around his pubes, protecting the surrounding skin from the dye. He was careful, he really didn’t like the idea of having a pink stomach or something for the next while, nor did he like the idea of going to the doctor with a chemical burn on his clit. That was definitely the reason he was taking his time rubbing the jelly onto it, in slow little circles, with just the right amount of pressure…
He looked up and caught Hajime watching him, already done mixing the dye. He spread his thighs a little wider and moved his hand a little faster, loving the way Hajime was staring.
He remembered the first time they had jacked off to each other. They had been watching porn, and were just getting to the good part when the shitty university wifi cut out. The video hadn’t even stopped on something sexy. Soda had been so frustrated he shouted, but Hajime just casually remarked that they’d have to find something else to jack off to. Soda had been about to call him stupid- the internet was out after all, how were they supposed to find anything- but when he looked at his roommate, Hajime just pointedly looked down at his cock and back up at Soda. He clued in pretty quickly.
They had both moved to sit on the floor, so they could see each other’s junk better. With their backs against their own beds they were only a few feet apart, even with his legs bent and spread wide to give Hajime a clear view, Soda could easily touch Hajime’s foot with his own and call it an accident. He did, Hajime didn’t mention it, he kept it there while he fingered himself at the same pace Hajime fucked his fist. He had imagined the first was his cunt, imagined he was brave enough to get up and ride Hajime’s cock. He came on his own fingers and barely managed not to moan Hajime’s name.
“If you were just gonna jack off anyways we could have just kept watching porn, man.”
Hajime’s voice brought him back to the present, where he was still rubbing his clit with jelly.
“Hey, I’m just following the instructions, dude, it says you gotta cover everything thoroughly.” He laughed.
“Sure.” Hajime rolled his eyes and handed Soda the bowl and the brush he had been mixing with. “If you’re that horny let’s just get this done with quickly.” Hajime’s eyes flicked back down to Soda’s crotch and he smirked. “Before you ‘thoroughly coat’ the toilet.”
Soda looked down to see a little line of slick slowly dripping down from his pussy to the toilet. He couldn’t help it, he always got really wet, and it was always worse when Hajime was around.
He just ignored it and started painting on the dye.
Hajime watched Soda work for a moment. He was doing a surprisingly bad job for someone who regularly colored his own hair. From where Hajime was, the dye looked uneven and Soda didn’t seem to be putting a whole lot of effort into actually keeping on just on the hair. Some had already smeared up onto his stomach.
“Hey, you kinda suck at that. You’re getting it everywhere.”
“That’s what the jelly’s for, dude, I don’t have to be good.”
“Right, I’m not going to have to listen to you complain about the pink spot on your stomach for the next few days.”
“Wha- oh god damnit.”
Hajime laughed as Soda set down the brush and started wiping off the dye on his stomach with a wad of toilet paper. He moved closer and grabbed the brush himself.
“Thought you weren’t gonna dye yours?” Soda was smirking down at him. Hajime just shifted even closer, pushing aside one of Soda’s thighs so he could sit between them.
“I’m not. I’m gonna do yours since you’re so bad at it.” Maybe it was mostly an excuse to spend some quality time between Soda’s legs, but it only worked cus Soda was actually doing such a terrible job.
“Fuck you man, I wasn’t doing that bad.” Hajime just raised a brow. “… fine. But, like, just do the front, I’m not trying to get dye in my pussy.”
Hajime got to work painting on the dye, and Soda realized he should have just asked him to do it from the beginning. The brush strokes actually felt kind of good now that Hajime was in charge of them, and the hand high up on his inner thigh, stopping him from closing his legs, was a nice bonus too.
Hajime finished up quickly, it wasn’t that big of an area to cover, and Soda set a timer for the dye’s recommended 15 minutes. Hajime stayed where he was between Soda’s legs, staring.
“Dude is this a kink or something? Is that why you dye your hair so often? Cus you get off on it?” Soda just shot Hajime a questioning look. Hajime just gestured to his pussy. “You’re definitely wetter than you were when we started.”
Hajime was right, there was a little puddle forming below him now.
“Shut up dude. It’s a lot of attention on a sensitive area, okay? It’s natural.”
“You’re such a virgin.” Hajime chuckled and Soda couldn’t help but blush.
“Yeah, well why don’t you do something about it then?”
They both froze.
Shit. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Hajime was staring up at him wide eyed, mouth open like he couldn’t figure out what to say. Shit. Abort.
“Ha, ‘s a joke dude! Wow! You should totally see your face right now! You look so dumb! Haha!” He was speaking too loudly and his laughter was forced, but Hajime relaxed, so it must have been good enough.
“Oh, to bad. I totally would have fucked you.”
“WHAT.” Soda practically squawked.
Hajime had been trying to play it cool, but between that and the look on Soda’ face, he couldn’t help but burst out laughing, falling back a bit with the force of it.
Soda watched Hajime laugh. Okay, so he had definitely been joking then right? Soda let out a little disappointed breath.
Soda wanted Hajime to fuck him so bad.
Hajime wanted to fuck Soda even more.
He had wanted to fuck him for months now. It had started long before they had started jacking off together, but, now that he got to see Soda naked every other day? The urge had grown so much stronger. He felt his dick twitch in his boxers as he looked back at Soda’s dripping pussy.
“So how much longer is this supposed to take? I’m pretty sure we both want to get back to jacking off.”
Soda reached over and checked the timer on his phone.
“Like 10 more minutes before I can rinse it off.”
“Jesus, you should have just waited till after we finished to do this…”
“I was excited…” Soda looked a little embarrassed about it now, but mostly he just looked horny.
“You’re still ‘excited’.” Hajime smirked and Soda just rolled his eyes at him.
“You know there’s nothing stopping you right? Like, feel free to go back and jack off without me, you totally have my blessing, dude.” Now Soda was smirking.
“Right, and leave you horny and unsupervised with dye on your pubes? No thanks. Don’t want to have to take you to the hospital cus you started fingering yourself and got dye in your pussy.”
Soda just rolled his eyes.
“Whatever man.” A moment passed and Soda couldn’t help but stare at the noticeable bulge in Hajime’s boxers. “Just do it here then, you can watch me while you get off.” He really hadn’t meant it to come out that way, but Hajime was already laughing.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?”
“Oh fuck off, I didn’t mean it like that and you know it.” Hajime just chuckled again as he pulled his cock out of his boxers and began slowly stroking, keeping his eyes on Soda.
Soda’s eyes were focused on his cock, hard and thick and leaking just a bit of precum. God, he wanted it inside him.
Hajime watched as Soda started shifting uncomfortably in front of him. Watched him bite his lip and shift his hips like he was searching for some little bit of friction. It was obvious how turned on he was, and how much it was killing him not to touch himself. Hajime felt kind of bad for him.
He looked at the small patch of dye, it ended just above Soda’s clit, not extending between his legs where he kept his hair trimmed short. Technically, there was nothing stopping him from fingering himself, he’d just have to be careful not to smear the dye every where while he did. But ‘careful’ wasn’t really something Soda was good at.
It was definitely best that Soda didn’t try to touch himself for now. Hajime on the other hand…
“You know… from this angle I could probably finger you without having to worry about the dye.” Hajime made sure to smirk while he said it, to keep his tone light and teasing.
“Please.” Soda hadn’t even thought before saying it. Hajime was probably just joking but he was just too worked up, he needed to get off. Watching Hajime stroke his dick while he just sat there was already hard to handle, but Hajime offering to finger fuck him? That was just too much.
Hajime watched as Soda shifted his hips forward a bit and leaned back on one of his hands, giving him and even better view of his soaked pussy.
“Wow, you must really have a dye kink or something if you’re this desperate, huh?” Hajime was starting to feel a little desperate himself, but he needed to keep things light. Couldn’t let Soda catch on to how bad he wanted this.
“Oh fuck you.” Soda sounded disappointed as he turned his head and drew back a little. Shit, too much joking. “You’d probably be bad at it anyways.”
Soda was blushing. He really hoped Hajime would take the bait.
“Is that a challenge?” Score. Now he just had to play it cool, can’t let Hajime know how badly he wanted it. He just shrugged and opened his legs a little wider, still looking away, letting Hajime interpret for himself what that meant.
He heard Hajime laugh and his stomach dropped.
“Get ready to be wrong dude, I’m gonna make you cum so hard.” Wait, what?
Before Soda even had time to process that, he felt Hajime slip a finger into him.
“Oh, fuuuck.” He couldn’t stop himself, he was already moaning. It was embarrassing, it was just a finger, slowly pumping in and out of him, but it felt so much better than it had any right to because it was Hajime’s finger. Hajime was inside of him, even if it wasn’t his cock pumping into him, it was still Hajime.
Hajime couldn’t decide where to look; Soda’s face or his pussy? Soda’s face was flushed, and he had brought a hand up to try to muffle his moans. It wasn’t working. It just made him look hotter. His pussy was dripping, literally, so wet Hajime could hardly believe it was real. He was barely even touching himself now, too caught up in watching Soda. He curled his finger up gently and picked up the pace just a little.
When he looked up, Soda was watching him, panting.
“Who said I would be bad at this again? Definitely looks like you’re enjoying yourself.”
“Shut up, man.”
“And, god, you’re so fucking wet. Like I was kind of joking before, but this is insane.”
Soda moaned and bucked his hips a little.
“Should have seen it before I started T, straight up waterfalls down there, man.”.
“That’s so fucking hot.” Hajime smiled when Soda looked away, embarrassed by the compliment apparently. He wanted his attention back though, so he slid in a second finger, meeting with no resistance. Soda threw his head back and moaned. It felt almost too easy. “You sure you’re a virgin dude? You’re really taking my fingers like a pro.”
“No dude, I’ve definitely been sneaking people into out tiny room and banging them without you noticing somehow. Of course I’m a virgin, man, don’t rub it in.” Soda paused, feeling self-conscious. “W-why? Am I loose or something?”
Hajime hated the worried look on Soda’s face, hated that he put it there.
“No way, tight as hell, it’s just that there’s like, no resistance.” He thrust his fingers in quickly a few times, both to prove his point and to make Soda gasp.
“That’s like- ah- the whole point of getting wet, genius.” The worried look was gone and he was panting again. Good.
“I mean, yeah, but it’s like… look.” He pulled out then pushed back in with three fingers, gliding in smoothly yet again. Soda moaned and pushed his hips forward. “I’ve literally never seen a pussy this wet without lube before.”
“Do you usually talk this much? Cus if you do, then that’s why. Pussies’re probably drying up while you’re busy running your stupid mouth. I know mine is.”
“Sure doesn’t feel like it.” Hajime rapidly fucked his fingers into him a few times before pulling out and showing Soda just how soaked they were. “Could use this as actual lube, man, easily.”
Hajime wrapped his fingers around his cock, coating it with Soda’s slick to demonstrate.
“Dude, gross.” He was panting as he said it, eyes half lidded and focused on Hajime’s cock. The implications of his cock being soaked with Soda’s slick… Soda felt his pussy clench down around nothing as he thought about Hajime fucking him raw.
Hajime moaned and worked his cock a little faster. He was thinking the same thing.
“Fuuuck, dude, it really is just like lube… or I guess lube is actually just like it, huh?” He flashed Soda a cocky grin and Soda hated that he thought it was funny too.
He watched Hajime work his cock, watched those wonderful fingers coated in his own slick tug and squeezed around it. He wanted it inside him, but he’d settle for just getting Hajime’s fingers back where they were.
“Way to leave a guy hanging…” Hajime laughed and shrugged a little.
“Sorry.” Hajime gave his dick a few more pumps before letting go. “But you looked like you were enjoying the show.” He slipped his fingers back into Soda easily, and he couldn’t help but thrust his hips forward against them. Hajime swallowed and wrapped his free hand around his cock again.
Soda couldn’t stop thinking about how the fingers inside him had just been on Hajime’s dick. It was stupid, but it somehow made the whole thing a little hotter.
Hajime picked up the pace, working them both a little faster.
“H-hey, I know I’m supposed to be showing you how good I am at this-” Oh right, that’s what this was supposed to be, Soda had completely forgotten. “-but I’m not gonna touch your clit, okay dude? That’s way too close to the dye.”
If Hajime had been touching his clit, Soda knew the whole thing would have been over almost as soon as it started. As much as he wanted Hajime’s fingers (and mouth, and lips, and tongue) on his clit, he was kind of glad he could drag this out. He wasn’t about to tell Hajime that though.
“It’s okay, dude, you can just- ah- just admit you don’t know where the clitoris is.” Hajime had started fingering him faster as he spoke. He could feel himself starting to get close. Hajime rolled his eyes at his words then stared down at his pussy again. Soda swore he saw him lick his lips, and he thought sent a chill up his body.
“I’ll just have to show you some other time…” It was quiet, and Soda wasn’t sure he was actually supposed to hear it, but the words pushed him so much closer to his release.
Soda was moaning openly and thrusting back against Hajime’s fingers, Hajime stroked his cock faster as he imagined how much sweeter those moans would sound with his lips wrapped around Soda’s clit. He leaned a little closer, fucked him a little harder on his fingers as he measured out the distance with his eyes. Maybe he could avoid the dye if he just used his tongue-
A loud ringing echoed through the room, startling them both. They froze and looked at each other for a moment before realizing it was the alarm on Soda’s phone.
Hajime laughed and pulled his fingers out as Soda turned off the alarm.
Soda felt like he was going to cry. He had been so close to cumming, and maybe he imagined it, but it really looked like Hajime was about to suck his clit. He whined when Hajime had removed his fingers, too turned on to even feel embarrassed by the noise.
“Chill, dumbass, we gotta rinse the dye off before it burns off your pubes or something.” Hajime stood and gestured towards the shower.
Soda stumbled in as quick as he could, desperate to get the dye rinsed out and Hajime’s fingers back inside of him. He grabbed the shower head and nearly dropped it before turning it on and bringing it close to his crotch, doing his best to rinse out the dye.
Then Hajime was there with him, gesturing for Soda to hand him the shower head with a devious look in his eye.
He was disappointed when Hajime just continued to rinse his pubes for him.
They both stood silently for a moment, waiting for the water to come away clear. After what felt like years to Soda, it finally did.
But before he could do anything, he was being pushed back against the shower wall and Hajime was talking.
“Guess I can show you where the clitoris is now, huh?”
Hajime move the shower head lower, focusing a stream of water directly onto Soda’s clit.
Soda shouted  and his body shook as he braced himself against the wall, overcome by the intense feeling, crying out when Hajime moved closer and thrust two of his fingers back inside him. Hajime immediately began fucking his finger into Soda even faster than he had been earlier.
“Bet you do this every time you shower, huh?” Hajime was standing so close, Soda could feel him rubbing his cock up against his hip, moving in time with the fingers pounding into him.
“P-pretty muu -uh yes, fuck! Hajime! Please!” He was losing his mind. His whole body was shaking. Between Hajime and the shower head he could hardly focus. He was so fucking close.
“Knew there was a reason you started showering regularly.”
“F-fuck you”
“Later.” The word sent him over the edge. ‘Later’, Hajime would fuck him later. In his mind, Hajime’s fingers became his cock, pounding into his pussy as he came around him, trying to milk his dick for every last drop of cum it could give him. Hajime just kept fucking him through his orgasm, didn’t even start to let up until Soda was whining.
Hajime dropped the shower head and pulled his fingers out of Soda’s dripping cunt to wrap them around his cock again. He pulled back, angle himself just right and fucked his fist until he was cumming, blowing his load onto Soda’s freshly dyed pubes.
They stood panting for a few moments catching their breath. Soda looked down to where Hajime’s cum was dripping down his body, and couldn’t help but run his fingers through it, wanting to touch it. Hajime looked up at him and raised a cocky eyebrow. He blushed.
“Th-this better not fuck up the dye.”
Hajime laughed and brought his mouth to his ear.
“If it does, I promise I’ll help you out again.”
(Next Chapter)
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