#seriously why on earth
lebagelboy · 1 year
Why do people hear something like "my friend had a panic attack yesterday" and immediately start guessing names? Like if I wanted to tell you I would have!
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cowardlykrow · 3 months
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“Not my circus, not my monkeys”… Except those are his monkeys and they are the circus
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dtheshadows · 1 month
I've been pondering this for a second, but I have this theory that ghosts can feel other ghosts, and the show kind of has this emphasis on kissing. Such as Charles misses kissing, and Edwin never got to experience his first kiss before he died. Now, technically, Edwin had his first kiss with Monty and Charles kisses Crystal, but they can't feel it physically. I don't know. I just feel like it's set up to be really beautiful if Edwin and Charles ever do kiss.
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strangesickness · 1 month
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batman twt when they find out i'm reading batman comics where batman and joker are trying to kill each other and i'm kicking my feet and giggling
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Vincent Price and Franca Bettoia
Last Man On Earth (1964) // dir. Ubaldo Ragona and Sydney Salkow
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ghouljams · 11 months
How would fae!Ghost react if Darling somehow got away? Like once in a million chance and left. How would Ghost react? What would he do? How would he feel?
Darling likes leaves the town and moves like to the other side of the world because of how frightened Darling is.
This is extra but how would Ghost react if he knew Darling left him for another human friend/almost boyfriend of Darlings? Same thing, Darling left to the other side of the world to be away from Ghost and to see their boyfriend.
Oh! How would he feel if Darling left him for another fae, possibly one as old or more powerful than Ghost? I'm thinking Price maybe! Oh, course, it's up to you for whatever you want to do with this, but the main thing is Darling leaves/escapes Ghost.
Lovely writing and I can't wait to see more! Good wishes <3
You are trying to get this woman killed...
It would be incredibly hard to get away from Ghost in the early days of the relationship but where Love and Ghost are with their relationship now it would be impossible. Love can run but she can't hide. But let's say she did run in the early days, before she was love. If she decided that Ghost was too much for her to handle and she needed an out I think she could find one but it would hurt a lot.
I do not consider this to be a Love story, it is pure x reader because I trust you all are smart enough to run from the fae...
The fae that burns Simon's mark off of you and rips half the tangled tethers from you is not what you would describe as kind. He seems angry, it feels personal. It hurts more than you expected. You think he hopes it kills you when he rips them out. You certainly feel like you're dying.
It happens quickly. The burn and then the tear. He says it has to happen like this so Simon can't get to you in time, you don't know enough to say he's wrong, but the way he looks at you draws you back to thinking this is a personal pain for him.
"I have a friend," he tells you, "She'll get you somewhere safe." But what you think he means is that she'll keep tabs on you. Ensure that you're somewhere this fae can reach you for payment. This is a serious debt you've incurred and if there's anything you've learned about names its that "Price" must be a threat as well as a nickname.
You think of Ghost, of the mask and the insidious magic he worked on you without regard for your feelings. The ways he kept you docile and stupid, never knowing whether it was him making you forget or if you were truly losing it. The thought that it might be your mind failing you still hadn't left.
He was always so kind, but it was an act, specialized to trap you. Whatever he wanted with you, he'd shown himself one too many times, chased you too hard, tapped you until you felt like you were losing yourself to him.
Your skin is quiet as you follow Price through his home, through the strange door that leads to a silent snowy landscape. The warmth of summer is long gone here. Harsh reality has taken its place. It's strange how you can feel disquieted by normal. Ghost's shadow had never truly settled in you. You'd been holding on too tightly to your freedom you suppose.
You have your name back, at least, as you trudge through the snow, following your silent companion. Well, you suppose Price has your name now too, debts and all that. He turns a hard right and the trees start to slowly regain their color, the snow giving way to green grass and clover.
"Any life you create with the freedom I've given you is mine." Price explains, you nod like you understand. It sounds like a big ask, you don't really have the wiggle room to haggle. You don't really understand how all these debts work, which is exactly how you ended up in this situation.
"Who's your friend?" You switch topics, not wanting to discuss the finer details of your deal with the devil.
"You can trust her." That isn't what you asked, but you suppose it's as good as you'll get.
"She got a name?"
"Is it her name?"
"Is now." Price hums, his hand slides along your back and guides you forward. You haven't been walking long but your feet feel like they're starting to blister as you hit some perimeter and pass through.
You're steered towards another door, a small fenced garden with a gate overgrown with vines. Price raps his knuckles against the wall and waits.
You don't know this man well enough to make conversation, and he doesn't seem to like you besides, so silence lapses. You both watch the wooden door in the other side of the garden, the one attached to the neat brick house. It opens after what feels like a long moment, a woman in a sleek ponytail stares at the two of you before crossing the distance.
"What's this?" She asks Price, all but ignoring you.
"Ghost's new ex."
Laswell is nice. Nice enough at least. You think she sort of... resents having to look after you. The check-ins feel forced, cold, they're a chore that you don't think either of you want to deal with.
For freedom from one fae you sure feel imprisoned by another. How you're supposed to build a life out of this you don't know. It doesn't feel like anything anyone would want as payment, fae or no. Your world consists of your work and your home. Your isolation follows you like a specter of your relationship with Ghost. The tethers that are left make you feel cold, there's deep empty hole in your soul where the tethers were ripped free and you hope every day to find something to fill it. You feel hollow. You thought you'd feel better, you have your freedom, Price hasn't come looking for payment, what more could you want?
You find yourself thinking of your boogeyman. The way he touched you, the way he talked to you, you think of the fear as often as you think of the infatuation. You hesitate to call it love. You don't know if Ghost knows how to love someone. You think about it though, in the wee hours of the morning. You think about how badly you both wanted it to be love.
Price assured you, you'd be safe. Laswell assured you, you are safe. Even the tethers still tying you to Ghost have no pull if he doesn't know where you are. But you'd know Simon blind.
You know as soon as he sets foot in the little Cafe, you don't even have to look up from filling the order. His presence in the doorway draws stares from the other custoners, something you never saw him deal with when you were together. When you look at him it's like you never left. His eyes burn into yours, and your heart clenches, the pathetic leftover tethers giving their best effort at lighting up. He looks bad, worn, like he's been wrung out and left to dry.
You tell your coworker you're taking a break and go to call Laswell. It's all you can think to do. You already know the room when you open the back room door. The hard wood floors and velvet drapes so out of place. An invitation. You close the door, and Ghost's hand closes over yours on the handle. His forehead drops against your shoulder, you wonder when the last time he slept was.
"You left," he tells you, as if you don't already know. He doesn't sound anything, you'd almost hoped he'd be angry if he ever found you. This is so much worse.
"I had to," you whisper, "you would've killed me."
"I'll get it right this time," you press your forehead to the backroom door, and squeeze your eyes shut, "I promise."
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
imagine babysitting with boyfriend!dabi
you were supposed to spend the day together but shit got in the way and now you were stuck at your relatives’ place and had to look after their kids for the afternoon. dabi was ready to disappear the second you mentioned it but you practically dragged him there by his collar and now he’s sitting on the couch pouting.
he would never admit it but he was worried that the kids might get scared by his appearance. well turns out they absolutely adore him.
it’s definitely annoying him at first that they won’t leave him alone for even a second and keep demanding that he plays with them. you glare at him after a while and he reluctantly gives in.
it starts with them playing with little race car models and they soon switch to drawing messily in one of their coloring books. dabi turns out to be quite the talented artist which you haven’t known until then.
however he draws the line when the kids want to play dress up. he vehemently refuses… for five minutes at least. when you return from the kitchen with snacks for everyone you have to try your absolute hardest not to burst out laughing when you see the sparkly tiara on his head. (you manage to take a picture without him noticing)
he doesn’t admit it but he’s actually having fun and watching you interact with the kids is putting thoughts into his head that he’s never had before. maybe starting a family of your own isn’t as bad of an idea as he used to think.
now all he can think about for the rest of the day is you underneath him with your legs pressed to your chest and the sound of your heavenly moans when he draws orgasm after orgasm from you until he finally cums inside of you. he rly hopes you won’t mind not using a condom this time...
- 🥛
the way i actually can picture him letting the kids grab onto his arms and then lift them up to spin the two of them around, once he’s done dabi would be dizzy as hell but then there are the kids who starts screaming “again!” “again!” which has him huff tiredly but still comply to what they want because they were having fun and that surprisingly made our arsonist hold back a smile, all this under your amused but still tender grin.
i can also see dabi play with them the ‘see you, can’t see you’ game, after you teach him, and he adores the laughs and giggles those little dwarfs let out when he exclaims “ah! here you are!”, in the most (semi) monotone voice someone could’ve ever hear, but the kids still loved it so much and that just leave him with a tingling sensation inside his chest from how moved he was, but still managed to keep it low or you wouldn’t let him live it down just like with the tiara moment.
once the kids were gone, you two finally alone, dabi is sitting on the couch with dazed eyes looking in front of him and lips slightly parted; when you sit next to him you’re about to ask him what was that face for, after snorting amused, when in a millisecond the villain has you laying beneath him as he hovers over your figure. you look surprised at him, being meet by a stare of pure desire and love that made your heart skip a beat from the intensity “w-what?”, you blurt out confused while glancing back at your boyfriend unsure on what’s gotten into him, then your eyes fell down and widened at the sight of the bulge inside his pants that was now pressing against your lower abdomen “you–?! wha–?!”
“i...”, dabi interrupted you “want to have kids with you princess.”, he confessed in a low husky gentle tone looking away from you with the back of his hand raising in front of his face and you blinked fervently, no because... was this cruel villain blushing right now?!
god he is so damn gorgeous like that, you can’t wrap your head around the fact that you have the most precious boyfriend out there, he’s truly such a gem honestly.
smiling tenderly at his confession you cup his cheeks, making him flinch slightly because of the sudden move, and pull him towards you meeting him halfway to kiss the raven-haired boy on his lips deeply, with an astonishing amount of love that left dabi speechless but yearning for more which is why a second later he was already ravishing yours back with as much passion as you.
when the two of you parted, panting, your hazy eyes locked and you swallowed down before slowly sliding your legs up his sides then closing them around dabi’s waist in a tight grip that pressed his boner against your clothed heat, a groan and moan leaving both your mouths at the friction. licking your lips under his burning gaze you start talking “what are you waiting for then?”, dabi looks with eyes that you can see ask for permission and “fill me up dabi.”, with that accompanied by a roll of your hips against his, he completely lost it.
after this, skins slapping together, pants, groans and moans are the only things that can be heard inside your living room as your man is cumming for the sixth time inside of you, balls deep into your pussy with the tip of his dick pressing hard against the swollen entrance of your womb as he’s spilling his load in complete ecstacy once again while you squirt all over his shaft and onto his pelvis with a pitiful cry, too overstimulated to even form a single syllable.
dabi has his eyes still rolled back into his skill in pure bliss when he hear you slurr about how much seed there’s inside your cunt, his cerulean irises going back to their place immediately before he raises from his hovering position on you with flushed cheeks as he smirks, totally high on you “of course there’s lots...”, and grabbing onto your waist he starts to rut his hips slowly, fucking all his seed into you with eyes clouded by desire “i gotta make sure my princess is filled up to the brim with our babies, right?”, he ends his sentence with a sharp thrust that made you let out a sob while holding onto his forearms for dear life, moaning continuously as dabi kept pounding into you “you can take more of it, i know it baby, i believe in my pretty girl nhgh–”, dabi kept blurting while throwing his head back with a throaty dragged groan at feeling your walls clench around him, hips picking up pace in no time.
letting out a breathy moan he looks down at you with sweat rolling down his temples long his pretty panting face, then he grabs your forearm to rub kind circles on it “i’m gonna make sure it’ll stick this time, so– ugh— bear with me for a little more ‘kay baby?”, you nod absentmindedly, too fucked out to register well what he’s saying to you, making him let out an amused snort at seeing your expression completely melted from the continuous pleasure and overstimulation “good girl, lemme reward you thenhgh—”, and with that another load of his seed was flowing inside of you and deep into your womb.
the pure bliss dabi feels everytime he cums deep in you, the imagery of his white ropes sticking inside your uterus, makes him rock hard all over again. mind completely lost into the ferverish sensation he’s been feeling for hours now thanks to his precious girl.
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sincerely-sofie · 1 month
Thinking about @gehtsis’s children and how terrifying it would be to get their team assigned to help you escape from a mystery dungeon.
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If these are what my heroes look like I'm 99% certain I'd be screaming and running the other way. Menacing cryptid-looking grim reaper and cursed psychic clay doll. I love them.
#I know you said to go wild with their designs while drawing these two in the post formally introducing them#but I loved Erida’s design as you’ve drawn her too much to take many liberties with her#Gaia meanwhile got scarring on her arms that i hc is from her using Hyper Beam with a tad too much zest while defending Erida#and vaguely eyelash-like markings (I enjoy the idea of Gaia basically having the PMD equivalent of Adonis-level attractiveness---#--- like. she's looks like she's chiseled by a master sculptor who was in the mood to give everyone on earth the most lamentable crushes---#--- and I thought it would be funny to give her eyelash-resembling markings as a bit of goofy humor bc of how funny it'd be to---#--- pair this trait up with a bishie sparkle effect.#The bishie sparkle gag specifically needs to have Erida in the bg looking like she hasn't slept a full 8 hours in her life imho.)#On another note Gehtsis did you see the Ultra Sun pokedex entry for claydol???#“If it gets wet its body melts. When rain starts to fall it wraps its whole body up with its psychic powers to protect itself.”#I'm imagining Gaia being completely unaffected by a torrential downpour and Erida is standing next to her looking like a drowned rat#I don't know why I'm being so mean to Erida rn I seriously love her so much. I just show that love through bullying I guess ^^;#pmd oc#pmd ocs#pokemon mystery dungeon#pokémon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers#pmd eos#pmd sky#pmd2#pmd#stuff by sofie
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Someone get this man some coffee
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blackflash9 · 18 days
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All this discourse about Suyin looking like Sokka, Satoru, Sun, and the milkman around the corner—but am I the only one who thinks she simply takes after her grandfather? They have the same skin tone and even similar eye shapes. It's also not exactly unheard of for some kids to resemble their grandparents, people.
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utilitycaster · 5 months
"STEM is more important" "humanities are more important" actually the absolute best SF novels the ones where the author learned a bit of a science (either physical or social) and decided to go fucking wild with it
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magnetothemagnificent · 7 months
The first contact extraterrestrial beings make with Earthlings isn't war nor a message of peace: it's pageant queens from various extraterrestrial worlds upset that they haven't been invited to participate in Miss Universe.
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screwpinecaprice · 3 months
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I really don't have time to be bummed out right now so I made them a little sad instead.
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gio-cosmo · 3 months
The p3r dlc really has me walking around Tartarus with the Junes theme playing in the background. What a time to be alive.
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smeltbracket · 10 months
(love your art btw!!!)
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smeltbracket found dead in this kitchen
#okay in all seriousness though i fucking loved it#hands down favorite episode was earth rake#but also contending is stockiverse and.. Bouillabaisse..#i really love how family focused this season is. dont get me started on tervo. i love how much nicer everyone is to each other#except for them really juicing up korvo’s bitchiness in super gooblers (which i guess was meant to push jesse into her confrontation)#speaking of korvo his voice was a delight this season. just so expressive and is now up there with the rest of the casts distinct voices#i guess trying to ease back into finales that end with a season reset#and why didnt pupa change color??#overall it was pretty fucking great. had black spots in my vision during the invisible kitchen scene#tervo this season was fucking crazy my god what are they gonna do for the valentine special#UGHHH. they really keep raising the bar every season. SOOOO GOOD#this isn’t a very In Depth discussion of my thoughts sorry i need to spend more time in this seasons nooks and crannies#ooh ohh and the replicants this season were so cute too. THEY GREW TOGETHERRR#i liked the shlorp lore and little peeks into their past too#anyways i got sidetracked yeah amazing season#I FORGOT TO MENTION THE ANIMATION#THE ANIMATION THIS SEASON WAS BONKERS DUDE. LOVED HOW FLUID IT WAS AND ALL THE FUN NEW EXPRESSIONS THE SOLARS HAD#THAT SCENE OF THEM SAYING DEENOSAUR WAS LIKE MY FAVORITE EXAMPLE#gonna keep adding as i remember things im glad they wanted to explore jesses character more#but i dont like how they jeopardized korvos character for them to get there#kinda made him backtrack his progress for the sake of that episode :/ just a really big shift i wasnt a fan of#and they didnt make him feel remorse that whole episode either he didnt even say sorry :/#also terry was just chill with chris that whole episode? have we just moved past the hall of betrayals thing?#i guess jesse’s roast about him being sky blue really just set him off for the rest of the season#he needs to talk to someone professional#i feel like solars is a really weird blend of being umm. Emotionally episodic
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deer-with-a-stick · 5 months
if netflix makes Luo Ji non-chinese I'm going to throw myself off a fucking cliff
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