#seth whump
whump-queen · 2 years
Seth looking whumpy as hell in last week’s chapter
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Normally I’m not much for sick fic but this… this hits different
This doesn’t contain any direct spoilers, but im putting the rest below the cut bc it is from S2 E35… check this last one though :)
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asexualdindjarin · 2 years
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TIMOTHY OLYPHANT as Seth Bullock Deadwood (2004-2006)
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hurtcomfortguaranteed · 11 months
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Two times Ryan protected Seth from bullying, in The OC 1x01 and 1x02.
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naensut · 10 months
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I really am in the mood for this particular trope atm.
Some music inspo.
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 months
Ok, so, this ask is based on the peacekeepers. How would they do with them being sick? I exclude Makoto from this because we know he overworks himself at times and all.
In addition if it were to be with Swank added to this, you can also take in Kuro (my oc) into the scenario if you like.
Sorry I can’t do OCs… But the Peacekeepers hmm let me see if I can make some stuff up (they’re not my favorite so this may be difficult) And yeah I’ve said plenty on Makoto already I get it xD (he’s my antagonist to target :3c)
Okay here’s what I have come up with~
Yomi Hellsmile:
The Absolute WORST patient.
He will complain CONSTANTLY.
With every sneeze or cough, his entire frame hurts and he curses every single time his head starts pounding
And whats with all these DAMN CHILLS?!
His sickbed is full of tissues and spilled cough syrup. And his blanket is a mess too (don’t ask)
If you take care of him, good luck. Most of the gestures will be refused or thrown back at your face.
Until his fever rises to the point he becomes needy and clingy. But even THEN he’ll still back in forth refusing the caretaking or accepting it. (MAKE UP YOUR MIND)
He hates liquid medicine and will only take pills.
Also he’s a little goldilocks with food and tea. If it’s too hot or cold, he will let you know aggressively. (His tongue is very sensitive)
And he may also deny it entirely and try to keep being a little devil making things hell for everyone, so you gotta drag him to the bed (even if he bites you)
Martina Electro
Being ill is but a minor inconvenience to her.
But how she wishes her beloved Director Yomi would come to care for her…
She’s the type that brushes the illness off continuing to work at times if it isn’t too bad.
She cannot disappoint Yomi after all…
Only to get much worse later.
Thankfully, she does know her limits.
She is fairly good at taking care of herself. (As well as of the other peacekeepers if they falter) She’s usually the one caring for them.
Usually wearing a comfortable robe sitting down with some warm tea and medicine so she can still do, some work. But she makes sure paces herself.
If she sneezes or coughs she tries to be as quiet as possible doing so.
She cannot bear to falter…or Director Yomi would be upset with her. (someone help this poor woman ;-;)
Seth Burroughs
A pure sopping wet cat.
If he’s ill, it’s the most pitiful thing you’ve ever seen.
He’s very prone to asthma attacks and at times the rain isn’t good for his health either.
His unhealthy demeanor really doesn’t help. If he catches even a small cold, it will grow to something FAR worse later
He loses his already barely audible voice and has to communicate with a whiteboard.
He also can have food sensitivity, so if you feed him the wrong thing…it will come back up.
Super frail so make sure to handle him like the delicate flower that he is.
He uses his megaphone to try communicating or calling people to help him or if he needs anything. But sadly, it usually breaks out in a coughing fit.
He’s the most prone to illness out of all of the peacekeepers.
Looking at flowers brings him peace so having a vase at his bedside does make him feel a little better.
Guillaume Hall
She is SUPER needy and whiny about it
And she works Dominic like a DOG to try to meet her every need. (Dominic cannot get sick)
She’s a bratty little princess who wants everything to be done right.
She still has her fortune telling gear at her bed and she still practices it despite her poor state.
Or she opens up her laptop and watches something “fun” to cheer herself up. (Horror movies or killing documentaries)
She always wants to eat something sweet. Sometimes sneaking candy under her bed.
She sleeps with multiple plushies.
Her voice gets super deep if she loses it due to illness.
Sometimes if she has a fever or feels chils, she gets a bit delirious and wants Dominic to come give her snuggles.
Until she falls asleep in his large weapon like arms with a smile on her face.
Swank Castonell
He’s similar to Yomi in being SUPER grumpy about being sick.
Only difference is, he is VERY demanding of whoever tends to him.
Ordering them around and forcing them to use “their” money to get anything rather than his own.
His appetite somehow gets higher when ill, and he craves a LOT more meat and booze than usual
But booze isn’t a good thing to drink when ill, so it has to be kept away from him
But then he yells about it. Until he eventually passes out.
His cigar also has to be confiscated. His cough is bad enough already.
He needs to be watched at all times to make sure his usual habits don’t make things worse for him.
Eventually he’ll conk out. But he needs to be in front of a large screen tv playing the most boring documentary you’ve ever seen.
I hope this is something !!
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inkwell-and-dagger · 3 months
xavarias lore which I'm making up right now because I have some sort of idea but idk if it'll change in the future or not
so Xavarias is like. a vampire. obviously. a silver tongue (metaphorically, or course; if not, he'd be in pain 24/7) enables him to get what he wants, when he wants, how he wants. he's probably british, cuz what vampire wouldn't be /j
when Xavarias was alive, he was known as Xavier Smith instead of Xavarias Seth. or doctor Xavier Smith, except he did 'treated' (basically experimented on) himself and animals instead of a human patient (foreshadowing raahh), like any sane doctor would. in polite society, he was a smooth-speaking but generous man. I'm not sure what century he lived in, but he's old as fuck. he looks around 29 physically though. he died at 29, so his current body hasn't aged past that. as expected, he died from one of his experiments. he also probably ate hemlock at one point cuz he's a stupid piece of crap /j
just like any other vampire, he has to feed some way. plucking random people off the street and trapping them in his house, not bothering to make any of them into thralls; their defiance and aversion to being a vampire's blood bag always amused him. he doesn't really care what condition they're physically in, just that their blood tastes nice. pretty much all of them die
uuuntil his whumper rolls along
you see, Xavarias likes to make his status as a vampire everyone's problem. he's a menace, an absolute bugger. he wants everyone to know how powerful he is, but maybe he's a little too open about his status as being nonhuman, which is where STS rolls in
uhhh so sts. now Xavarias is trapped in a cell with the wonderful test subject serial number 0055 after being monitored for weeks and captured with a lot of struggle. he's defiant, he's aggressive, he'll do anything to escape from this place.
buuuttttt his main whumper, Kaden (who was again, created by the wonderful ash), doesn't let him get anywhere near to that <3
sure Kaden works for STS, but in his eyes, Xavarias is HIS test subject. idk bro has some obsession with Xavarias or something. and the worst part is that Xav probably has to rely on Kaden for blood bags and stuff, meanwhile Kaden does whatever he pleases with his little vampire so long as the Specialists either don't know or approve of it <3
anyway I'm going insane. uhm what should their series name be lmao
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aceofwhump · 6 months
My brother has been pestering me about what I want him to get me for Christmas so now I'm going to get him to get me the Reviver series because that sounds amazing!
YES!!!! Oh my god nonny you have no idea how excited I am right now. I really really hope you enjoy them!! The premise is so cool. It's a paranormal/horror/crime solving/action adventure kind of story. It was discovered that some people have the ability to bring the dead back to life temporarily and now revivers work with the police to solve murders and suspicious death and to get any last messages for their loved ones and are called Forensic Revivers and the main character Jonah is the best there is and he discovers a deep convoluted plot i love it. And it's soooo full of whump. Jonah feels sick every time he does a revival, he passes out several times, and then the torture part I shared. All the characters are really interesting too. I had a delightful time reading both Reviver and Lost Souls and I really hope you do too!!! There's a third one too but I haven't read it yet. Gotta go get that from the library.
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melancholyromance · 10 months
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“It’s okay. We’re good.” “Are we?”
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whump-queen · 2 years
officially declaring boo boo kitty fuck as the more derogatory cousin of poor little meow meow
✧.* meow meow /spiteful ✧.*
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asexualdindjarin · 2 years
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TIMOTHY OLYPHANT as Seth Bullock in Deadwood 🥺
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pixelatedraindrops · 7 months
I wasn't sure if I could mention this here since you primarily focus on the NDO (and Makoto), but like...Seth Burroughs also looks like he'd be sick a lot. Like he's so pale that he looks grey, and I swear a stiff breeze could knock him over. Like something about him just makes my "oh no I need to take care of him" instincts flare up.
Hey its okay, I gotchu anon!
Its true I mostly focus on the NDA and Makoto since they’re my favorites (truth be told I don’t care for any of the peacekeepers whatsoever) but you can still send your sicknarios!
Yes agreed. Poor Seth is so pale he may as well be dead tbh. I’d never seen a more frail unhealthy looking man in my life. (other than maybe vivia x’D) I remember his profile even says so.
So if he were to get a cold, high fever or any sort of sickness, he’d be taken down literally instantly. Man doesn’t even have the willpower or energy to try to fight the illness. He’d just be on the floor like “let me die” (inb4 vivia’s watching him as a ghost saying “same man same”) hell, he would probably be mistaken for a hospital patient and taken to the ER.
Also the fact his voice is hardly audible…it’d just be GONE here. His throat would be so flared ip that any time he speaks, nothing would come out. Only PAIN. Nothing but deep raspy noises. He’d have to communicate with a notebook or something.
Seth is actually the only Peacekeeper I legitimately felt sorry for. So I hope he can find himself a nice caretaker in these icky times 🌡️🤧
Thank you sm for your ask!
Here’s some quick lil’ edits. I do know Seth and Yomi are fan favorites when it comes to the Peacekeepers 😉
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mixsethaddams · 1 year
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The part of me that knows fluff and soft headcanons are the best way to build a following holding back the part of me that wants to write dark stalker stories
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For Seth. How does it feel to know that you lost? That Kiran is free and able to be with Matt even after everything you did?
You find Seth locked in his cell, in the highest security prison of the city. His arms are firmly tied with power dampening cuffs, barely allowing him to move a muscle. He looks up when you speak to him, his once sleek black hair now messy and tangled and falling in his face. His left cheekbone is dark purple, and is visibly beginning to swell.
"Shut up," he snarls, "shut the fuck up." He pulls at his restraints, but all he manages to do is hurt his arms. He continues to stare at you, pretending he's half as intimidating as he used to be.
"I wasn't supposed to lose, this wasn't supposed to- I didn't lose, I can't have lost. I'll get out of here, I will, and then it's over for these maggots."
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nix-writes · 1 year
Whump Shorts Series
link to the ao3 series
bled dry (i wish)
"Why did you pick Orlando as your name?"
"Because it was my birthplace."
His birthplace, his childhood home.
His children, taken from him, still screaming.
His only love, dead and buried there. 
His parents. His true siblings.
Anyone he may have called a friend.
Dead. Burned, maybe. 
Staked through the heart. Bled to death.
Certainly if anyone survived he has not been allowed to see them.
He has not been allowed to do much, in his time as a vampire. He doesn't even know if it still exists.
Orlando isn't sure if it's a punishment or a choice, recently.
The world has changed, he is sure.
But he has not moved on.
to break a fence (to kill a man)
Seth knows his former wealth shows in all the little things, things he doesn't tend to think about.
His shoes, for example. The ones he's wearing now are the ones he'd been wearing when his mother had kicked him out; they'd been a 'gift' from her, for a dinner party he hadn't cared about but was required to attend anyway.
He'd learned to be careful about where he wore them very quickly. It had gotten him jumped more than once, his empty wallet stolen.
Not careful enough, apparently.
He's not wearing them today. Or his good coat, which is wearing thin from use. He keeps a hand on his heavy flashlight; it's not quite dark yet, but he doesn't want to be surprised.
If he gets another hospital bill, he'll have to leave behind what little he has built up here.
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painsandconfusion · 2 years
🧹, 🚔, 👊🏽? (for the OC ask game)
🧹 Which of your ocs is most likely to stick to their cleaning schedule?
Nate. Easily. He's meticulous. Actually likes to clean. The weirdo.
🚗 Which of your ocs is most likely to play out imaginary arguments alone in their car?
Seth. Easily, Seth. .
👊🏽 Which of your ocs is most likely to step into a bar fight they have nothing to do with?
Probably Jessie??? He has the least restraint, though he doesn't fight well lol. Rip jes.
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kazinsblog · 5 months
*steals Seth’s speakerphone * Everyone if you like Yakou x Vivia, Sick Whump, and all that stuff go check out @soliro-moonlight / SpaceLily33’s fic!
This comic was inspired by Late Night Whispers. It’s a really good scene and I love it so much I wanna cry (I did nvm) and I drew a 4 page mini comic (with some help of course). I love Vivia’s realization that both his loved ones are sick. And SICK YAKOUUU
I’d personally suggest you read I Love[d] You like the Sun first. *wink*
*evil voice* Enjoy~~
Wanna shoutout and thank @pixelatedraindrops for patiently guiding and giving me tips on how to color fever sickees 。゚( ゚இωஇ゚)゚。 (ur the best)
*returns Seth’s speakerphone to him*
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