#sexy red headed anime men
hellcatinnc · 10 months
Kamigami No Asobi - Loki Game Review
Spoilers Ahead...
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Ok where do I begin. So I have been wanting to play this game for months ever since I saw the anime show. However there is nothing but translations and most aren't done online. I may not play it all because it is harder to do without all the translations or english game patches but 3 men i can not take any more not knowing their love story. That being Loki, Hades, & Baldr. I plan to review them as well. Anyways on to Loki Laevatein....
If I wasn't in love with this man from just the anime well it got worse he stole my heart a thousand times over. I do not regret putting him on my top list of anime men. So I played both love endings as well as both fated just so I got the full story. Oh lord I prefer the love ending of course the fate ending was too sad to me. I hated that if you don't get enough points by the end you can't choose to go to their world been trying yet sadly have yet to be able to get it or a walkthrough maybe one day I'm just happy I got him anyways. Great thing is I wasn't expecting it but I couldn't choose his world so he gave his up to be with me and be human which he hates. Oh lord before I go any further this man moved me in ways I didn't think possible. I will even share some of his dialog that made me swoon in this review. Also damn I thought his voice was sexy before but then when he says baby at one point I was floored I could listen to him say baby all day long.
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This was a good story honestly you saw how connected he was to Baldr which I always loved as well as Thor. You don't see them fighting for your love because Baldr is ok being just your friend and wanting his best friend to be happy. I think with the show they just try to throw them all in love with you at the same time so there are more confrontations but even then he loved Baldr like a brother. They stayed true to Loki he joked around even in the beginning when he started having feelings I think it was more about playing you out to see if there was something there. IDK but Yui had her work cut out for her chasing him around and dealing with his antics but it was so worth the man he became. I was floored he gave up being a god to be a human just because he couldn't see life without her. This means he gave up long life, and powers just so he could grow old with her. I'm actually glad I saw that ending first because it made me realize how in love he really was. if anything it makes me love him more. I also have to mention something about I guess the moles beside his eye make him even hotter. I know I got it bad but loki is drool worthy to me.
These are some of the most precious things said that makes me love Loki even more.
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LOKI: You’re completely defenseless. …If you keep making such a cute face, I might kiss you. LOKI: It’s alright… I’ll never let you go.
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LOKI: I’ve never had someone so special to me like this. He gently wiped away the tears on my cheek with his long fingers. LOKI: I don’t want to part with you. I don’t even want to graduate if it means we can’t be together.
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(voice clips below of his sexy voice I own no rights to the voice clips or pictures of course.)
LOKI: Baby, I love you. So much, I could eat you up. I want you.
LOKI: If my princess wills it, I, Loki, promise you eternal love. Let us make a vow…
LOKI: Darling!♪ I looooove you so much!☆ My cute girl.♪
LOKI: My darling is so shy!☆ Oh, darling, call me honey!♪
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LOKI: A stubborn girl who was always tried her hardest to move forward, never giving up. At some point, I just couldn’t take my eyes off you. LOKI: I must’ve fallen in love from the very beginning. It was some kind of fate…
LOKI: I really want to give you more and more presents. So many, you tell me you don’t want them anymore. LOKI: There are lots of things we still haven’t done. I want to make you smile more, and make you happy.
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LOKI: …I don’t want to give up. I can’t imagine us being apart. I can’t live without you! LOKI: I want you to let me love you more. I don’t want any more regrets.
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LOKI: What’s your name? YUI: I’m Kusanagi Yui. LOKI: Yui… that’s a nice name. It has a pleasant ring to it. Just from hearing his gentle voice say my name, my chest felt tight. I might have lost some very important memories… LOKI: I don’t know anything about myself. Not even my name… But I don’t feel anxious at all. LOKI: After meeting you, I think the reason I’m here… is you, Yui. LOKI: So, could you be by my side until I remember everything? LOKI: In exchange, I’ll give you everything you wish for… LOKI: My heart, my body, everything… is yours.
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If you haven't played the game you should honestly find a translation online and go through it if you can't read japanese because it is so worth it just his story alone I was happy if I never play another route. If they ever bring this to english I will buy it just so I own it, it has become one of my favorite games now. I will probably do Hades next not sure yet.
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shxnigxmi · 8 months
[𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐄!𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐑𝐁] [ꜰᴇᴍɪɴɪɴᴇ!ᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
Another popular trend on Tiktok, the one where women sit on a black painted canvas with colored paint on their bare ass and thighs—
c/w: nudes, feminine male reader, price jacks off to your gift, the 141 boys are all so down bad for you (because i’m an attention whore)
Thinking about how fucking hot it would be to do that viral TikTok trend on Price where a woman gifts their boyfriend a black painted canvas with their ass and legs painted a bright color and they sit on top of it.
Cheeky thing you are— sending it to him on base. A little care package to show him how much you love and miss him. He knew you were doing it to be a fucking brat.
He knew that you knew just anybody could come waltzing along and swipe it from him before he got the chance to even see it. You’d wrapped it up in simple brown paper and put a kiss mark in cherry red lipstick in the corner. The only indication that it was from you to Price was the soldier who’d said it was attached to an envelope from you.
The Captain didn’t have a moment at the time to collect his care package from you but he told the soldier to keep it safe and he’d be back for it later that night.
It was kept in the locked and monitored armory, the armory that all his men had access too. All his men who’d heard that you left something special for him, and were eager to be invasive to see what it was.
Jealous of him for getting something from you and frustrated that you sent only him something. Which didn’t make sense since Price was your husband and the rest of his boys were just a casual on and off fuck buddy situation. (With the Cap’s approval of course).
They just couldn’t stand it, they all wanted you so bad that it physically hurt to accept the fact you would always belong to their Captain and him only.
So yeah, he was rather peeved with you for sending him something so lewd and provocative when any of the three others could’ve swiped it from underneath his nose and seen it before he could.
But he was quick to change his attitude when he saw what it was that you’d gifted him. A print of your ass and deliciously thick thighs over a deep black on the canvas.
In the envelope that came with it was a letter, in which you wrote about how lonely and unsatisfied you were without your beloved husband to take care of you. And he felt his cock stir eagerly at the mental image of you whining all pretty for him.
The rest of the contents in the envelope are what made his dick jump to full mast.. polaroids. Small pictures of you. You in lingerie, you with a dildo up your ass, a picture you took in the mirror of the backs of your thighs and ass painted in a deep and sexy red.
The man moved quick, scooting the painting further up his bed and laying the polaroids all over the canvas. He unbuttoned his jeans and pushed his boxers and pants down to his thighs. Sighing in relief as his hard cock jumped when it was released from the confines of his uniform. Then he was clambering into the bed to hover over the canvas and he grunted as he stroked himself with a few relived sighs sprinkled in. Pumping his cock to chase the orgasm he could feel cresting. Like a fire in his chest and broiling in his stomach. It was when he looked down at the painting beneath him that his stomach and balls tightened up and he was shooting his load all over the print of your ass.
He stroked himself through his orgasm, a deep groan that bordered on being a feral growl rumbled from deep within his chest. When he came down from his high an abrupt idea erupted into life in his head.
He grinned as he pulled out his phone and opened up the group chat he and with the rest of the boys.
[Come to my quarters. I got something here I think you’d all quite enjoy.]
a/n: somebody put me down like a sick animal🧍🏽
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slashingdisneypasta · 9 months
Captain Hook x Reader || Excerpt
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Plot: Hook wakes up before dawn and he tries not to wake you up too, he does, but you're just such a pretty picture in his 🛏🛏🛏 xx
Warnings: I think he has a bit of somnophilia kinkiness in him- but don't worry, he would wake you up before doing anything. He's a gentleman. He does stare at you though and give you some affections like cuddling, cheek stroking, and a kiss while you sleep though. It is also evident that some hanky panky occurred earlier. Unedited.
Tagging: @stareena Hey! I'm not sure if you wanted this version of Captain Hook or the animated one- but just let me know! ^^
The waters were in good spirits this morning, not flat and still like a corpse but not raging like a furious school teacher either. The ship rocked gently with its waives, so if he weren't a seaman then Captain Hook would feel sick- luckily, he was an experienced seaman and he enjoyed the soft rolling. He stood and walked on it easy, following the movements with an ease you only get out of years of experience.
Years of experience that also lead him to getting up at unholy hours of the morning every bloody day, even when he didn't need to. Even when he didn't want to. When he would do anything to just be asleep curled around his darling; still slumbering in his bed, their body naked except for the throws and furs that adorn his four-poster-cot. But no, though, his body clock had long since been taught that 4 hours past midnight was his morning. And he had to listen. It was in his blood.
So, yes, it was unfortunate that he was awake and dressed, not still naked himself feeling his sweet beauty's soft skin on his this morning. But the view he had, standing at the end of the bed, was almost as magnificent. Almost.
You really were the most marvelous treasure he ever found,.. he thought, smirking down at you nuzzling a cushion. Incredibly beautiful, over worldly sexy,.. unfairly adorable. Here you were, just sleeping peacefully in his chambers, after a long exhausting night between the cot and his hips (Admittedly, he was unrelenting last night- and deserve this rest now), and here we was... ridiculously aroused.
God- how do you do it?
Rolling his eyes upwards, Hook shakes his head and tries to just leave the room- go out onto deck and boil himself a tea and just enjoy the quiet morning and the magnificent sea- but the thought of you stops him at the door. Slowly he leans back from the doorway and turns back, gazing at you again.
"... oh, pull yourself together James. You had them a matter of hours ago." He mutters, chastising himself. Again, he tries to leave; reaching for the doorhandle and wrapping his good hand around it.
Then he's slowly letting it go again, and sighing. He has never had enough, not of you. That's clear. And well... the men are all asleep. If there were ever a time for him to devote himself to you, it was now.
He takes off his feathered hat and unbuttons his red coat on the way to the bed, before leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead so soft you could mistake it for a brush of butterflies wings if you were awake. "My dear, you are just irresistible." Hook tells you quietly, as if explaining himself as the coat comes off his shoulders and he lays it at the end of the bed. Then he takes off his heeled boots, hanging over your dozing body. "Completely unfair, I must say... "
With his shirt and his pants still on, he slips back into bed; leaning against the headboard with the intention to stroke your hair and watch you rest for a while longer. When you instinctually, in your sleep, curl into him so your head rests on his chest and your hand slips over his opposite shoulder a slow smirk spreads across his face. Oh dear... "I suppose I'm not the only one who cant get enough, hmm?... "
While you continue to sleep, now nuzzling his collarbone instead of the cushion, Hook uses the tip of his namesake weapon to remove some hair from your face that was tickling your nose and becomes entranced with your sleeping face as he strokes your cheek with his knuckles.
Your delicate eyelids fluttering every now and then, your nose sometimes scrunching up, your pretty lips looking unfairly unkissed... He is besotted. Absolutely infatuated. He wants you forevor.
And he wants to kiss you. Your lips just look so perfect; soft and parted ever-so-slightly. He had kissed them for hours the previous evening, felt your tongue intimately with his, but he suddenly feels like he hasn't felt your lips for centuries. He misses your kiss desperately.
"Hmmm... " Could he manage it?... without waking you?... Spreading his own lips into a thoughtful grimace, Hook watches you needfully for a few torturous, thought provoking moments.
... perhaps... if he is particularly carefully with you,..
Ah. He cant help himself. He is a pirate, after all~ Stealing a few kisses now and then is the least he can do.
So, smirking shortly, Captain Hook leans down over your face. His hook trails soothingly down the side of your face, tracing your jaw until it reaches your chin; there it slips underneath and tilts your head gently up towards him. He can feel your slow, hot sleeping breaths on his face and he doesn't even care about your morning breath- you're far too perfect for him to ever mind something as silly as your simple human bodily functions.
Finally he feels your perfect, sweet, unmoving lips under his own. Its an odd sensation, kissing someone so unresponsive, but since its you he enjoys it anyway. He even tastes you, swiping a tongue across your bottom lip so so softly before pulling back again; satisfied. "... as suspected, my dear. You are utterly flawless, always."
When suddenly your hands glide up his chest to his neck and you guide him right back down to your, now quite responsive, waiting mouth- Hook is surprised but not displeased at all as he gives in to your sleepy request. Evidently his kiss woke you, but you aren't displeased he sees. Your lips move slowly, passionately against his and your tongue languidly glides over his; kissing him in a quiet, very exhausted, almost filthy way that has him hard again almost instantaneously.
When you release him again after a few lovely moments, your beautiful eyes crack open a little and you give him a worn-out smile. "... couldn't get enough?" Your voice cracks, from all the moaning and begging the evening before, but you're intent as ever. Oh, you are his north star, definitely. He loves you so much.
So, of course the answer is no- "Never, my dear."
"... be gentle with me."
"I promise."
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soft-mafia · 3 months
Ribbons [LA!Buggy x Reader]
warnings: fem reader, fem y/n, nsfw, grinding, dry humping, sexual tension, fingering, age gap, slight daddy kink, bdsm aspects
a/n: I had this idea of the reader being one of those aerial ribbon contortionists or whatever you call it, and Buggy being so enamored(horny) when he sees her perform that he asks her for a “private show”. Don’t get me wrong manga/anime Buggy is sexy, but LA!Buggy just had SOO much sex appeal he’s so dominant omg. #ovulating
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“Does everybody know what they’re doing?!” Buggy shouted, 10 minutes till showtime, he ran by everyone and made sure they knew their shit so they didn’t make a fool out of him. He whipped his head around from left to right, “Where- where’s Y/n?!” He shouted.
Out from behind one of the curtains, Y/n scurried out in her outfit(that Buggy had personally picked out himself) it was a strappy bikini that barely covered anything. The outfit was more for his own entertainment rather than Y/n’s convenience, it wouldn’t affect her act too much anyway though.
“I’m here, Captain!” Y/n said, looking up at Buggy. She hopped out and had her ribbons wrapped all around her body, clearly tangled in her own equipment.
“What the hell happened to you?” Buggy grumbled, holding her by the hip and attempting to unravel her.
Y/n blushed when she watched Buggy’s hands maneuver her body and the ribbons, “I was practicing when you called.” He nodded in response, then spun her around a bit to check her out before patting her on the shoulder and shooing her off to her mark. The rest of the crew knew of Buggy’s infatuation with Y/n, and how he definitely had a soft spot for her(It’s why she’s always caught leaving his room in the dead of night).
It was showtime, Buggy watched anxiously, hoping nobody messed anything up. So far so good, but that’s when he saw Y/n drop from the ceiling hanging by ribbons wrapped around her legs. Buggy swallowed as he watched her intently, his jaw clenched as she spun around those ribbons, the way they hugged her waist as she effortlessly spun around them like a snake. Y/n moved her body in ways that looked like it was meant for Buggy’s eyes only. He couldn’t deny that he sometimes felt jealousy when he saw any of the men on his crew talk to her, Buggy had already determined in his own mind that she was his, a treasure of his that nobody should be touching or even being around.
In his most jealous self loathing fits he wishes he could just lock Y/n in a birdcage and keep her for himself. He would pour and hold his face in his hands whenever she would go back to her room after a night.
He didn’t feel confident enough to ask her to stay with him, just for one night. He would only nod when she would give him a kiss on the cheek before putting her clothes back on. The rest of the night he would spend sulking, and the next day he would immediately fish her out of the crowd of his crew and wrap his arms around her, holding her tightly since he didn’t get to during the night.
After Buggy wrapped up the show, he gave them praise and thanked them for not screwing up. It was on rare occasions that everybody got their queues right and didn’t make mistakes. After that, he ran for Y/n, eagerly bounding towards her and once he did he scooped her up in his arms.
He lifted her up by the waist and kissed her on the lips, “You were amazing!” He purred, kissing all over her face, leaving red sloppy prints all over her. She didn’t care though, she laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, “Was I pretty?” She asked jokingly.
Buggy grinned and set her back down, leaning down slightly and lifting her chin up, “Gorgeous.” He answered, he then looked around for a moment, watching as his crew of freaks walked out of the tent to have dinner at their camp out. Looking back down at Y/n, he put his jacket over her.
“Help me get the audience out of here, I want a private show.”
Y/n helped Buggy cram all of the poor civilians in one of their empty trailers they would use for storage. “I feel bad.” Y/n said as they walked back to the tent, he had his arm around her waist.
“Don’t start nagging me about them again.” Buggy rolled his eyes, “How else am I supposed to get people to come and watch?”
“Anybody will come to a circus on their own free will, Buggy. You don’t have to force anybody.” Y/n looked up at him, with that little pout that would always bring him to his knees. He looked away and shook his head, “They won’t. Not for me.” They didn't say anything more about that, Y/n looked down at the ground as the slightly damp grass stained her ballerina slippers.
Once making it back to the tent, Buggy pulled his throne out and had it sit in front of one of the stands, he leaned back and watched Y/n get into place. Even the way she climbed up was sexy, and when she would tie the ribbons around her ankles— it's not like Buggy had a foot fetish or anything, but her body was perfect and every movement seemed so enchanting. Y/n was so beautiful, Buggy almost felt bad for her. Sometimes it felt like he was taking advantage of her even though she would swear up and down she was madly in love with him and wanted him more than anything. What if she was lying just to spare his feelings? Or lying because she was afraid that he would threaten her if she didn’t comply??
Those thoughts often made Buggy sick and he would push them to the very back of his mind so it wouldn’t bother him. But after every jerk session he would have to the thought of Y/n, they always found their way to resurface as he sat there alone in his bed or at his desk with a wet rag in his hand.
“Doin’ great baby.” Buggy called out with a soft chuckle as Y/n finally made her way back up to the top. She giggled in response, glancing at him for a moment before looking away. At this point she could move freely with those ribbons around her legs, she reached her hands back and began to untie her bikini top.
Buggy’s eyes widened, anticipation ate at him and he felt a fire shoot down to his crotch. Then her top dropped to the ground. It wasn’t something he hadn’t seen before by all means— but she was naked out in the open, tied up in ribbons. It was only then that he noticed that she had taken her bottoms off as well, how had he not noticed that?!
That added more fuel to the fire as he had a visible cock outline in his trousers now. He palmed at it subtly as he watched Y/n spin herself around and do other sensual movements, more seductive than what she had done in her act. She looked gorgeous, especially in the circus lighting, it casted shadows upon her that accentuated her silhouette. Y/n dropped upside down, hanging by one foot from the ribbons, Buggy bit his lip when he watched her breasts bounce from the sudden drop.
She was wrapped up in those ribbons completely, there was something so erotic about the red fabric twisting and gripping around her naked body. Buggy wondered what it would be like to have her tied up and at his mercy, her arms and legs restrained, one wrapped around her neck and him pulling at the ribbon like a leash as he fucked her hard. Buggy grit his teeth and tilted his head back, letting out a quiet grunt at the thought.
Buggy was so close, rubbing himself more intently— then the lights suddenly shut off. He immediately stood up and shouted in anger, “WHO THE FUCK TURNED OFF THE LIGHTS?!” He screeched. Y/n was taken aback, nearly falling before catching herself on the ribbons, looking around as her eyes adjusted to the dark.
“We’re just closing up for the night, Captain…” One of the backstage managers said nervously, standing in the opening of the tent. Y/n immediately covered herself up, Buggy’s cheeks were flushed a bright red, both from anger and embarrassment. “I’M IN HERE WITH Y/N!!!” He shouted, “YOU COULD CLEARLY SEE ME!!!”
“S-Sorry Captain!! We can turn the lights back on?”
“No!! No!! Forget it!!” Buggy huffed and detached his hand so he could float his coat up to Y/n so she could cover herself, “Come on, Y/n.”
Y/n slowly lowered herself, and once she was on the ground she picked up her discarded bikini and scurried towards Buggy. He put an arm around her and rushed out of the tent, grumbling and scowling under his breath as they rushed back to the ship. “Do you think they saw anything?” Y/n looked up at Buggy and laid his coat on a nearby chair once they got back to his cabin on the ship. “Probably not, you were really high up.” Buggy shrugged, pushing the coat on the floor so he could sit on the chair, his legs spread out.
He had taken his shirt off, once they got settled in, chest covered in thick hair with a happy trail that let up to his belly button. Buggy patted his lap, “C’mon, daddy’s still sexed up.” He said lowly, leaning back in his seat as he watched Y/n make her way over to him. She was still naked. Buggy began to hope that those crew members did see her like that, so they could know that she’s completely off limits and belongs to him and him only.
Slowly, she crawled on his lap, each thigh slowly making their way to straddle his lap. He immediately began rubbing up and down one of her thighs, groaning at the feeling of her skin beneath his fingertips, “Good girl.” He said in a gravelly tone. Y/n smiled softly as she rested her hands on his chest, slowly making their way up to rest on his shoulders, subtly ruffling up his chest hair in the process. Buggy leaned up to press a kiss onto her lips, his stubble always scraped her but she never complained.
The taste of booze was thick on his tongue, making Y/n whimper and make a face but it quickly passed as the kiss lengthened. Buggy leaned back and let out a nervous chuckle, “Sorry, I probably taste like shit.”
Y/n laughed and held his face, giving his lips another kiss, “It’s ok. Explains why you’re so horny.”
Buggy laughed too, his hands resting on Y/n’s hips, he gave them a firm squeeze, “Hey, even without the alcohol, you’re like a walking viagra for me.” He joked. As he gripped her hips, he slowly brought her down lower on his lap, letting her bare pussy rub against his bulge, his cock pulsed in his boxers and he let out a low groan. Y/n whimpered at the feeling of fabric rubbing against her wet clit, she leaned her head into the crook of his neck. Buggy placed one hand on the back of her head while guiding her hips with the other, he gently caressed her while humping himself into her.
He rolled his head back, letting out deep pleasured grunts, he then kissed the side of Y/n’s head. Even after he’s fucked her so many times, he still has a lingering anxiety; he didn’t want to be too rough and scare her off. She was quite young and that itself made Buggy feel a butt ton of guilt, so he peppers her with kisses and gives her gentle caresses and whispers praise into her ear while getting his rocks off with her. Buggy really cared for her even if he was shit at showing it, the last thing he would want to do was make Y/n scared.
He stroked the back of her head as he humped faster, his hand rubbing up and down her waist, softly squeezing her skin as they both let out soft breaths and moans. “You’re doing so good for me… just let me do all the work, baby.” He whispered in her ear, “Doing so good, your little cunt getting wet, all for me.” Buggy was getting so close, his pants and groans becoming more rough as his pelvis trembled.
It wouldn’t be the first time he’s came in his boxers, this time he’s made more of a mess than usual, but he really couldn’t help himself. He let out a groan as he relaxed into his seat, holding the back of Y/n’s neck as he breathed heavily. Y/n pulled away, it caught Buggy off guard for a moment but he let out a soft grunt when she adjusted herself on his lap. He held her shoulders as her back pressed against his chest, she spread her legs and let her thighs sit on each of the arm rests and yanked Buggy’s hand down between her legs.
“Needy are we?” Buggy chuckled, but he gave her what she wanted and dove his fingers into her pussy, amazed by how wet she was. He dragged his fingers up and down her slit, then circled them around her clit, he wrapped an arm around her torso to keep her in place as she trembled. Y/n held onto Buggy’s forearm, moaning and whimpering his name as he continued to play with her pussy. He continued to kiss her temple and the top of her head, praising her while giving her what she needed.
It wasn’t long before she had her own release, and they both sat there in each other’s arms, Y/n’s face nuzzled back into his neck as she laid sideways on his lap. Buggy held her close, lightly bouncing her in his lap.
“Are you ok?” He whispered to her after they finally caught their breath and came down from their high. Y/n laughed and looked up at him, tracing his jawline with her finger as she looked into his striking blue eyes, “You always ask me that.”
Buggy scoffed and looked away, “I have to.” He chuckled, “I still can’t help but think I’m forcing you to do this.”
Y/n sat up and softly smacked Buggy in his chest, “Buggy! I told you that you’re not!” She frowned, “I’m the one who came onto you first.”
“I know! I know… but,” Buggy sighed, “You never stay.” He whispered, he sounded so desperate and he honestly regretted opening his big mouth once the words left it. But Y/n gently turned his head back to face her, “I… I didn’t think you’d want me to stay.”
Buggy looked at her, “What? Why wouldn’t I?” He furrowed his brows. Y/n shrugged, “I dunno… I’m always sticky afterwards, I didn’t think you’d wanna sleep next to that.” Buggy couldn’t help but laugh at that, then kiss her on the lips.
“Hey, you’re always complaining about me being sweaty but you’re still all over me.” He grinned, holding her face and gently pressing his thumbs into her cheeks. His expression then slowly dropped as he glanced away again, “And um… Why do you always hide your face?” He asked, “In my neck, my chest, in the pillows, the blankets…” he swallowed, looking away. She never looked at him during sex, she was always hiding her face in something and Buggy couldn’t help but feel like it was because of him-
“I have an ugly o-face.” She answered quietly, looking down as she dragged her finger through his chest hair. Buggy furrowed his brows in confusion, then looked at her, “What the fuck does that mean?”
Y/n looked back up at him, “O-face… like, orgasm face.”
Buggy felt heat rise to his cheeks from embarrassment, “Oh… that makes sense— WAIT! NO, your face isn’t ugly!” He gently grabbed her by the chin, squeezing her cheeks between his fingers, “Now that you told me that, I’m not gonna let you hide anymore.” He chuckled.
Y/n groaned and wiggled her face out of his grip, “Don’t make me embarrass myself in front of you!” She pushed him in his chest once again. “You’re not gonna embarrass yourself, babe. You’re gonna make yourself look more hot and irresistible.” Buggy grinned.
“Screw you. I’m gonna take a bath.” Y/n stuck her tongue out at him before standing up, “You need one too, you stink.”
“I’ll take one tomorrow.” Buggy rolled his eyes as he detached his hand and reached for a stray bottle. Y/n quickly snatched his hand, then ripped the bottle out of it, “No. You’re gonna take one now.”
“HEY!!” Buggy growled and stood up, reaching out to grab his hand, but Y/n yanked it away and was already trotting off to the bathroom with it.
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kreamcakez · 8 months
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Emotion sex- Bokuto
(Kinktober day 20)
CW: not proof read, emotion based sex, and horny ass opinions, and aged up Bokuto
AN: 😩😩😩😩 one of the many men I want! I love Bo. With this I'm just gonna throw out my thoughts for how you🫵🏽 get fucked by him, depending on his mood! Please keep rude thoughts and opinions to yourself thx! And please enjoy.
★So we all know that Bo has his different moods. So I think his moods decided on what type of sex is gonna happen. Like let's say His upset, and horny. The sex might be soft or you'll top him. But I'll explain more later. He's just a really expensive guy, and that's an amazing thing!!☺️ He uses mood lights.
★ Let's start with his Emo mode. Normally he gets like this when something happened and he needs to sulk for a moment. So what if he went into "Emo Mode" because someone said something about him? Or if he didn't do the best with a spike? Well it's your job to cheer him up.
★Emo Mode★
★Bokuto tends to be more, sexy for say when like this. He gets more bold with dirty talk and his touches. Definitely sets you on his lap and rocks his hips and whispers in your ear. Over all he becomes more bold. He's grate a dirty talk when he's like this. He also is more observant. He pays 100 times more attention then he already does. So you don't even have to ask, just him seeing you so needy makes him feel better. Or just being able to touch and feel you makes him better. Also the lights are purple 🫶🏽.
★Next I'm going to just say when he's angry, he has zero chill and becomes a real beast. He becomes the definition of that saying "Soft in the street abut a beast in the sheets" or however it goes. I can't remember if we ever have seen him truly angry in the anime or manga but probably not. He probably wouldn't only get angry if something blood boiling happened.
★In 9 words I can explain what he's like when angry and yallz are fuckin. Be. Prepared. To. Have. Lost. The. Ability. To. Walk.
★Okay but He's not gonna rail you, oh no no No. He's going to destroy you. It's like he got millions times stronger. And his thighs!? Ughh-!! He'd hold you in place with them thighs. (Possibly crush ya' head like a grape? Yuh!) His speed? Faster then Kenma when a new game comes out. He. Mother. Fuckin. Bites. Your hands are pinned by his, cuffed to the bed frame, or tied. He most definitely is gonna hold you against a wall, against a mirror. Ect.... The lights are definitely red and there's definitely music playing.
★Sad/ upset sex with Bokuto there is a chance that you're gonna be the one on top. Really he just needs you to spoil him. So it doesn't even have to be sex, it can just be time together. But these are not fluff head cannons. So 🤭
★I personally believe that when Koū is upset, he's lacking energy. So if he was horny and upset, it's best you take control. Realistically when people are upset they tend to feel drained so it makes sense that he his. But when he's upset and your on top he like when you give him praise and kisses. So things like "Your such a good boy koū" and he enjoys it. He also like when you give him kisses. Making him beg makes him feel better. He likes when you're on top or when you tell him what to do. The lights of the room are possibly blue.
★When he's felling romantic or sexy about it, you can bet he's taking things slow to save the moment. He definitely likes when you tell him what you want, so if you beg or if you just ask normally. He just likes hearing you.
★I'm gonna start with the lights are dimmed. He definitely likes the vibe it gives off. Bokuto definitely is the type to use a cheesy pick up line to tell you. But it's cute soooo!! Bo enjoys touching on both parts. So you giving him kisses you'll get them in return. He likes to tease you more when he's like this. So he'll rube and touch on your most sensitive spots. He'll tease the little spot while telling you all the things he loves about you. And why you're his baby owl. Why you're his and why he loves looking at you and being around you. He touches your lower back and whimpers in your ear telling you while you very important to him.
★Don't worry after all emotions you get the best care and affection that you could ask for!
AN: I love him so much!! I wanna give him all my kisses!!!!!!!! But yes for it all he was aged up, and yes I have lots more head cannons for his emotions it's just the don't come to mind right away— but hope you liked this ☺️
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o-o-lover-o-o · 1 month
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It's been 7 years ago, when my obsession started. I heard about the anime called ‘hunter x hunter’. This caught my interest and the way the story is delivered is hella good. Then, the first time I saw Illumi Zoldyck in the first arc, I didn't have any reaction because he looks like a dead person and a red flag. But then in the election arc. He appeared and he's hella fine~ 💜, he is now a dead sexy good-looking person and a hot flaming red flag.
Years passed, I've become more obsessed with this character knowing it will not give me any acknowledgement or recognition from this guy because he never existed but if he did, he'll probably kill me LOL because I'm useless AF to be a pawn. I know he exists in a different dimension or universe. Let me be delulu 🙄. I'll probably kms and hope that ill reincarnated to the hxh
Loving a fictional character that has a very questionable personality and morality. Is very common among people who have bad taste in men (like me). He might be fictional but I'm willing to die for him. I love him so much because of his appearance, personality and traits. I wonder why I am so drawn to him. Is it because he's very obsessive and possessive in nature that it gives me security that would probably won't leave me if he gets a chance to love me?(a normal yandere enjoyer)Or I just read many fictional stories about him that my brain always thinks about only him? (I'm brainwashing myself lol).
I am mediocre about everything but if I get obsessed about something, I will dig for its information till the end and the center of the earth. So I can just find a way just to seek what I want to know, even if it's something small or big, it doesn't matter as long it's him. Everything that I'm obsessed about, is essential for my obsession. I must know things that I don't know and I must find answers to these questions that linger in my head and heart.
I love the way his hair drapes down from his shoulder to his waist. It gives a mysterious and majestic effect that caught my interest in every single detail of his features. I'm willingly wrapped myself in his hair and suffocated myself even though it would hurt or might take my life away. His sharp features that make him intimidating is smooch 😘🤌 a masterpiece. he has this big eyes that are filled with emptiness that I'm willing to be swallowed by darkness and will not go up again to see the light, his nose is straight i want to sit on it and, lips that i can kiss till my lung oxygen runs out and die in his arms. His pale skin that illuminates in the darkness from the moonlight, it could light up my life. His aura is so cold and menacing that I want to hug him and never let him go. I like cold stuff because my body is always naturally warm, he can set me on fire to warm himself, I'll be happy to keep him warm. He puts all the spices and gives flavors to my tongue and I would savor the taste of his odd behavior.
I already did a lot of stuff to feed my obsession everyday; reading fanfiction, character analysis, and talking to bots that I made lol. I go far, like making myself hallucinate to see him, and doing reality shifting and I still haven't succeeded yet. I'm happy, everytime i get sleep paralysis and it means I can control my dream. I also lucid dream and encounter illumi a lot in it. Sometimes he appear in my dream 😏 very randomly… and one time we held hands and I got too excited, I woke up. or the way he kissed my neck but I woke up because my mother screamed my name. Or the way he tries to kill me but I'm fine because I'm able to see him. Hehe~💜
My friends call me obsessive and delusional, I'm actually not. I'm just.. Devoted to this relationship, to him. Also I'm manifesting the reality I want. I keep myself virgin for him, even my first kiss. I am willing to be his sacrificial lamb.
I'm willing to follow him all day and pick up all his hair strands on the ground and make a crochet out of it, then create some sweater or something cute that I can give him or something I can keep it myself. If he has dandruff, I'm willing to sprinkle it in my mouth and eat it like parmesan cheese and I can do it like a snack and dessert everyday.
I'm willing to consume everything that comes out in his body, everything he touches is holy and sacred for me. I will build an altar to worship him from head to toe, from his dead skin to his bone marrow. I am willing to fight the Gods and Goddesses or The Devil for illumi, just to see him.
If he existed in this world, I'll probably be his stalker, I'll end up being his slave or I'll be dead lol. But that's fine, as long as the last thing I would see is him. If I get reincarnated to an object, I don't mind being his soap, not in a perverted way but I would love to feel him against mine. Thinking that my only purpose is to serve him then I'll die slowly, melting down to the drainage till I'm nothing. If I don't turn to soap, I'll be okay to be anything, as long as I am his object. If I become a hair blower, I still don't mind. It'll be lovely to witness his hair flowing to the wind. I would not be mad if I became his tissue. But if I turn into a pet, I would be ecstatic.
He smells like every dark thought I ever had. Keeps me awake at night and keeps me thinking about him. I might not have any needles in my head but I act like one. I am drowning in the thought of him everyday that it becomes unhealthy and there's no day that there's no him in my mind. My head will subconsciously start thinking about him to the point of obsession that I can't start my day without staring at my phone with his face in it, scrolling through my gallery and reading fanfiction or anything that is related to him.
I am aware of his flaws but that makes him more attractive in my eyes. He's such an interesting person. I am hella fine with his current personality, to be honest, i would like to be abused by him. He can torture me all day and all night, just to see him and breathe the same air as him. If I really did breathe the same air as him, I would be willing to let him rip open my ribs and offer him my heart or organs. I would kill for him and I would let him kill me if he wanted to.
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samiwife · 7 months
omg thank god its like impossible to find ppl that will write male readers BUT TO MY REQUEST a vamp male reader x steven adler? :3 fluff or smut i dont rlly mind either!!
OH, this will be fun to write <3 Okay! I'll try! THANKS 4 THE REQUEST (Sorry this story is a little late but I've been busy with other things haha)
Blood and Wine 𓆩♡𓆪 (Steven Adler x Reader)
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𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
𓆩⟡𓆪 = Headcanons
☾ ⋆*= Incorrect Quotes
TW: Blood, gay-sex, degradation, etc (Reader Discretion is advised)
Steven had a blood kink for sure. He'll never admit it but he does. During sex, he'll love it when you bite down on him. He likes the sense of pain and pleasure it comes with. Steven loved your sharp fangs. He thought it was both sexy and powerful. Steven liked men who were needy and demanding. You only used Steven's blood during sex. You always have other substitutes for blood. Like animal blood or your own blood. One night, you were feeling morning and longing for Steven. Maybe it was the wine you drank that night or the fact that you were just that horny. You called out to Steven.
"Steven baby, come here." You whined. Steve came rushing into the bedroom and smirked. Steven admired your body and gently bit his bottom lip.
"Yes baby, what do you need?" Steven asked coming closer to you. You chuckled and whispered in Steven's ear gently.
"I need you now, could you help me?" You asked needily. Steven smirked wider and ran his hands down your fragile body. You gasped and huffed for Steven. Steven sucked on your neck which drove you crazy for him.
"Strip for me," Steven demanded. You listened and did as Steven demanded. His domination made you so much horny for him. Steven stripped as well. and began sucking on your soft skin. You moaned for him to fuck you. Steven hushed you and wrapped his finger around your member and began to jerk up and down. You couldn't hold in your moans much longer. You were loudly moaning his name, demanding he just fuck you already. Steven smirked menacingly and pounded his member deep in your prostate. Causing you to scream out.
"You like it when I fuck you like this. You're such a fucking slut for me Y/N." Steven said under his breath as he fucked you harder and harder. You clawed your nails deep into his back leaving bright red marks. Steven groaned due to the pain you numbered on him.
"Agh, god Y/N. It hurts but god I love it." Steven said thrusting into you harder and deeper hitting your prostate deeper. As Steven thrusted he jerked your member faster and faster. You clawed harder and harder which caused Steven to bleed from his back.
"S-Steven, I-I'm about to come." You managed to squeak out. Steven thrusted slower to catch a break. You huffed as Steven still jerked you off.
"Me too baby, come for me," Steven said slowing down his hand motion. You catch your breath as you release in Steven's hand. It was warm and sticky. Steven smiled and soon you felt your hole fill up with Steven's fluids. Steven pulls out and collapses next to you.
"My god, you are a fucking devil," Steven said leaning on his side since his back was still wounded. You smiled and ran your finger through his hair.
"Steven, your blood's scent is making me hungry." You said blushing as you stared at Steven. Steven sat up and faced his back towards you.
"Then why don't you lick it up?" Steven said smirking behind his shoulder. You smiled faintly and licked up the blood off of Steven. The scent smelt as it tasted, It tasted sweet like cherries and smelt like fresh roses from the fields. You savored the flavor and tilted your head back in ecstasy and euphoria. After feeding off of Stevn, you placed small kisses around Steven's shoulder and cheek. Steven held your head on his shoulder and caressed your head.
"You complete me," Steven said smiling and kissing your head.
"You complete me too." You said looking up at him smiling with your fangs showing.
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kengan-daddies · 9 months
My Byzantine Romance: Ohma Tokita x (F) Reader
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Chapter 1, Chapter2
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Anime : Kengan Ashura
Pairing: Ohma Tokita x (F) Reader
Warnings: Mention of death, horror, Violence, Mental Heath, Toxic Parents
You were an average woman, living in the big world, the city was busy and as loud as usual. The peoples where hustling and bustling, going to and fro. It was cloudy, but it wasn't raining. A relaxing breeze in the air, the leaves slowly changing colors, matching the cooling weather. Men and women of all ages, all going to different places.
You walked along the crowd, your mind wondering yet focused as you just walked, a destination in mind yet also not. You were an average woman, nothing special stood out about you, you weren't pretty, you weren't ugly, your weren't smart, you weren't dumb, you weren't tall, you weren't short, you weren't strong, you weren't weak. You were just average.
Average everything, you lived with your family, never having enough money to own your own place, you just made enough to take care of your needs, your hobbies and to help your family with groceries and household products. You sighed as you stopped suddenly in the middle of the sidewalk, your mind processing before you shook your head and you continued on walking. 'Nope, got everything this time.'
You thought as you walked through the crowd, you passed by all kinds of people everyday, but nobody every really stood out that much, every now and then you'll see someone wearing your favorite anime as a shirt or hat, a favorite band or even have a similar aesthetic to yours. For a split second you'd think of walking over an talking to them about it, but then you'd loose your nerves. 'What fi they think I'm weird? What if they don't actually know the anime or band? What if they don't feel like talking? What if they're a bad person? A kidnapper? A murder? A rapist?... Never mind, I should keep to myself.'
You'd think, you wanted to make friends, but with how messed up the world was, you'd always second guess it. You were a scary cat, you'd rather stay inside then actually go out an adventure alone. You'd dream of going out, going to places at night, or to stores you never been in. You'd think of moving out, getting away from your toxic parents, you'd think of dating... but non of it would ever happen. You were too scared, too cautious, too aware of your reality.
'I need to get home, I'm ready to start on this new fanfiction, it looks good and I wanna read it. Not to mention I even found an amazing writer on Tumblr who has a pretty large masterlist. They write about my favorite character, he doesn't get enough love.' You thought, as you can see yourself now, laying in your bed, the room dark, the TV on low playing your favorite show/song in the back. You sighed blissfully.
"Woah!!" You said, as you came back into reality right before you ran into a person. You stared at them for a while. 'Man, this guy is huge.' You thought as you looked up at him. His skin was tan, and his hair was shaggy and wild, he wore a red and black jacket with blue jeans. "Sorry!!" You said with an awkward laugh and a little wave. He stared down at you, a strange fire in his fierce eyes before he seemed to relax. "It's fine." He said in a low voice. 'Wow, he's sexy with a sexy voice too?' You thought as you stepped around him with a small nod as you continued on your way. 'Man that guy was hot... Wonder what he would be like if he was my boyfriend....no,no,no... he probably already have a girlfriend, and knowing my luck he wouldn't even spare me a second glance.'
You thought in self pity as you walked on, slowly forgetting about your encounter with the man as you made your way on to your destination.
You sighed in happiness as you crawled into your bed, tossing your phone onto your pillow as you plopped down next to it, your aching legs tensing before relaxing. "HEHEHEHEHEEH!!!! I've been on my feet ALL DAY LONG!!!!" You giggled in glee as you pulled the blankets on you, snuggling into your cocoon. Your hand slipped up from the blanket to grab your phone, you turned it on, punched in the password, the screen lightening up to revealed your newly obtained fanfiction. "And it's 20 chapters long too? LETS GOOOO BABY!!!" You thought in glee as your began reading. 'Not to forget that it's a smut too? I must've hit the jackpot.' Was your last thought, before you got lost into your story.
5 hours later, you awoke up to your room was covered in a slightly orange hue, the TV was still on but nothing was playing, the sun was beginning to set. You sighed as you stretched before you went limp on the bed. Your sleepy mind slowly going back to sleep, but the sound of a large banging noise shook you awake. You laid there, still... BANG! BANG! BANG! You heard. Your lungs became tight and your body ran cold from slight fear. You seen the light come on from under your door, the sound of your family waking up and coming to the front to investigate.
You laid there, listening for a while to your parents and siblings complain about the crazy noise. "WHO THE HELL IS BEATING ON MY FUCKING DOOR LIKE THAT!?" Your mom shouted in anger and irritation. You could hear everyone speaking about it before the banging started again. BANG! BANG! BANG! "THIS BETTER BE THE FUCKING POLICE!! OR ELES I'M CALLING THE DAMN POLICE!!" Your father shouted as the sound of the front door unlocking and opening sounded out. You listened intensely, but everything went quite, the the sound of screaming and gun shots sounded throughout the house. You sat up quickly, your chest raising quickly as your breathing became labored, fear coursed through your cold body.
'Holy shit.....what the fuck..... why......I gotta go.' You mind thought, as you quickly reached for your phone, you tuned it on, checking your percentage. '55%... shit.' you thought. You looked at your door, seeing that it was locked. The sound of glass crashing to the ground made you jump, heavy furniture moving, small furniture being thrown carelessly. Every new noise made you jump as you shakily got up from your bed. You put on your sweat pants, before you shakily pulled on your hoodie, stuffing your phone and charger into your pockets. You walked over to the window, sliding the curtains to the side.
You looked out, checking your surroundings before you unlocked the window and you slowly slid it open. 'Never thought this shit would actually happen.' You thought, as you stepped on your bed, your body was so cold, but your mind was on auto pilot. You jumped up on the window seal, pushing your body up until you sat on the window seal. The sound of the robbers roaming about your home grew louder as they drew nearer to your room. You looked back at your room, one last time before you jumped out. You hissed in slight pain as you landed on the uneven dirt, but you forced yourself to move quickly. You reached back up to your window, sliding it back closed to the best of your ability, but you gave up half way when the sound of your doorknob began jiggling.
"Fuck it." You said as you made a mad dash for it. Your bare feet slapping on the ground as you ran down the street, you breath labored and your legs burned your lungs ached but you refused to stop until you made it to the park. 'If I make it to the park, I can blend in, and match the people.' You thought. Honestly, you probably could've just acted like a young woman walking past the house, but your adrenaline was pumping, your fear was guiding you.
You huffed and puffed, as you staggered over to the park bench, you plopped down on it, as you focused on your breathing. "Holy shit." You breathed out, you sat there a while longer before you began to chuckle to yourself, your laughter growing in volume as the people around you stared at you like you were crazy, but you didn't care. "I survived... I survived... I actually made it out... the one person in the family, who never been in any form of real life situation as extreme as that. The sheltered child of the family, the one who was 'lazy' and 'cuddled'.... actually survived.....all by myself... I'm actually alone now... no more annoying siblings... no more toxic parents... no more anything....everyone is dead... they're all gone... I'm the only one left... I'm the only one.... left." You said, your chuckling died down, as you were left sitting there, numb.
No emotions could explain how you felt, no words could describe how lost you felt, nothing mattered anymore, as you sat there, lost in the daze, as shock over came you. The people in the park, non the wiser of what you just experienced, of what you just went through. You felt small, you felt alone, as you sat there in the park, on the bench. You sat there for a long time, the crowd of people slowly getting smaller and smaller, as the area grew quiet, dark and empty... just like your home... You sat there for hours, you should've called the cops, you should've asked for help, but the adrenaline wore off, and the crushing weight of reality kicked in... making your mind go blank and empty.
Someone walked past you, their walking was confident, and strong, no worries, no insecurities, you looked up, your dull eyes seeing the familiar black and red jacket, the Tan skin and the shaggy hair. 'It's the man from before.' You thought, as you watched him walk past you, not giving you a second glance as he went on about his business, you stared at him for a moment. His back was straight, sharp, and strong. He didn't have any issues, he didn't have any weight, he was his own man. You stared at him, suddenly moved by his own confidence, as you reached into your pocket, and you pulled out your phone, unlocking it as you went and dialed 911.
"This is the local police department, what seems to be your emergency?" Asked the male operator... You sat there for a moment longer, watching the man walk into the dark, towards what seems to be a larger silhouette. "Hello, I'd like to report a murder robbery, sir." You spoke calmly. "Okay, and can you tell us where this took place at, ma'am?" He asked, not sounding as relaxed as he was at first. You gave them the address of your home as well as much information about the situation as you could. "6 family members. 2 sons, 2 daughters, a mother and father, all dead." You said. The operator was quiet for a moment before he spoke once more.
"How many robbers are in area?" He asked. "Not sure, but I'd say 4 to be safe." You said. He went quiet once more before he asked one last question. "Do you have any relations to this family?" He asked. You answered, without hesitation. "No, I never knew them, I just seen what happened, and I'm reporting it." You said, your eyes never leaving the two men's silhouettes as they seemed to be in an heated argument. The man spoke once more. "Your name, Miss, for records, and where is your current location?" He asked, a edge to his voice. You remained silent, as you hung up the phone.
You turned it on airplane mode, before you pocketed it. You stood up, pulling the hood over your head, making a move to follow the two men. You didn't know what made you want to follow. By right you shouldn't care, by right you should be grieving, you should be waiting for the cops to come find you, you should be a mess by now, you shouldn't be like this.... so numb.... So empathetic. But you were, and for some reason, you couldn't find it in you to be sad. In fact, you were starting to feel glee, happiness, joyous even.
"I'm free." You said, your feet feeling light, your shoulders not so heavy, your mind free. "I'm free to do whatever now... no more hiding behind my parents, who were oh so strict with my safety, keeping me chained home with their manipulative head games... no more getting told how much of a fuck up I am, just because I make one little mistake... no more... I'm free." You spoke, a smile stretching on your face, as you followed the men around the corner leading to the city. The sound of police sirens filled your ears, and you looked back, seeing swarms of cops getting out, as they searched the area for you.
You stared at them all for a second, before you waved them goodbye, as you walked around the corner. "I'm gonna need a job, I need a place to live, I need to make it out here... as a new person." You said as you followed the men for so long before you stopped, you watched as they dipped into an alleyway, before they were followed by a wry old man with a briefcase.... 'Hmm.'
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anna-hawk · 1 year
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Pairing: Frank Castle x GN!Reader Fandom: The Punisher Rating: E 🔞 Word Count: 3637
Summary: You shouldn't have tried Frank's patience.
Warning/Tags: Dom!Frank – Sub!Reader – Established relationship – Brat taming – sex toys – thigh riding – Safe Sane and Consensual – Punishment – Suit kink
A/N: All I'm going to say is that I blame thank @slavic-empress for this. She sent me a very specific picture and my brain broke 😝 Header by @darlingshane, who always knows what I want with just the smallest details 🧡
Read it on AO3
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“Okay, we’re here. Now what do you gotta say for yourself?” 
Frank briskly walks into the apartment and sits down on the couch. He lifts a foot to the pillow and observes you intently as you come to stand before him.
You cross your arms under your chest and lift a mocking brow at him. 
“Whatever do you mean?”
“What I mean? Maybe you actin’ like a fuckin’ brat all night ‘n testin’ my patience? Ring a bell?” He growls, tone unimpressed as his dark eyes run over your body. 
You raise your chin defiantly and smirk. 
“What else was I supposed to do when you barely paid any attention to me? I had to entertain myself, right?”
“Oh yeah? So flirting with those men was entertainin’, huh?”
“Well… what really was, was watching you try to keep control while I did it.” 
Frank’s jaw works while his nostrils flare as he tries to fight his irritation. 
“You do remember that we were there for a reason and that I had to make nice with some people.” 
“Oh sure,” you mutter with a displeased twist to your mouth. “For Karen. You’d do anything for Karen, after all.”
Frank sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Please don’t tell me you’re jealous. You know there’s nothin’ between us.”
“I know that. Doesn’t change the fact that you always do whatever she asks, but when I ask something,” you let your voice drop off meaningfully and shrug. 
Frank rolls his eyes at your tone, but chuckles. 
“I see… Tryna get back at me for not fuckin’ you in the restroom like you wanted to?” Frank gets up from the couch and puts his hands in his pants’ pockets as he comes to stand before you. 
You huff as heat runs down your spine and between your legs at the reminder of how much you’d wanted him earlier. Now. You let your eyes trail over him, like you’d done all evening. Karen had invited you and Frank to a charity gala tonight, and you'd both dressed up to the nines for the occasion. And Frank looked – looks – simply incredible. He’s wearing a dark blue pinstripe suit, the thin lines red, and a black and white striped shirt with a dark gray tie. The hair on top of his head is artfully tousled, while his face shows the slightest bit of scruff. You’re used to Frank dressing casually; denims, a Henley, and plaid shirts being his go-to clothes. You love them on him, there’s no denying that. Seeing him wearing this kind of more formal attire, however, the eternal – as sexy as they are on him – combat boots gone to be replaced by a pair of shiny loafers is taking your brain – and other parts – to a different level. How could you resist him? Or resist the temptation to have him ravish you looking like this? You’d sidled up to him after an hour of mingling, whispering into his ear that you wanted to go to your knees and suck him off right there. Frank, who’d been having an animated conversation – argument – with Matt Murdock, had gritted his teeth and gently tried to tell you that now wasn’t the time. You’d rolled your eyes and only absently noticed Matt’s reddening face before you’d found a mutual friend of yours and Karen and talked to her. You’d tried your luck a little later and even gotten Frank to follow you to the restrooms as you’d pretended to want to freshen up a little. Frank hadn’t played into it, only kissing you lingeringly before returning to the main room. That’s when you’d started wildly flirting with every good-looking man present. 
“And you thought you’d be gettin’ away with it? No consequences at all?” 
You shiver at the veiled threat. Desire sparking in your center. One of his hands moves up to cup your chin, tilting it in such a way that you have no choice but to meet his gaze. 
“Think I asked you a question, Sweetheart.” Frank's voice is deceptively calm.
You swallow, your next breath catching in your throat. 
“No, Sir.”
“So you knew that you'd be punished and still acted like that?” He pauses briefly as he leans in until you're practically nose to nose. “Or were you hoping for it?”
“Maybe?” You hedge, as you bite your lower lip, realizing that you have absolutely no idea what Frank's intentions might be. It's turning you on, but you also know that he's going to make sure that you’ve learned your lesson. 
“Maybe,” he repeats without inflection to his tone. He takes a few steps away from you and observes you calmly, his cool gaze assessing. “Strip and wait by the couch.”
You watch Frank exit the living room and consider, for the briefest of moments, to not do as asked… commanded. Your fingers move to your clothes a second later, though, as you try to figure out what Frank’s going to do to you. Once you’re naked, you put your hands behind your back and link the fingers of one hand around the other wrist to stop yourself from fidgeting. Your back straightens when Frank walks into the room again, a bottle of lube in one hand and in the other-
“No,” you gasp, your eyes riveted to the item in Frank’s other hand. “No, Frank, please. Not that.” 
Frank ignores you and places the lube next to him as he sits down on the couch again. 
“Frank,” you repeat, your voice going higher.
He continues to ignore you as he busies himself with the other object, fixing it around his thick thigh. It looks obscene against his impeccable suit. Frank hasn’t even removed his jacket, the buttons still closed, as if he could stand and walk out the door any second. Once he’s done, he leans back against the couch, legs spread and posture utterly relaxed. You worry your lower lip with your teeth as you’re unable to take your eyes away from Frank’s thigh. 
“Isn’t that what you wanted? To fuck me in that suit?” 
You lick your dry lips and nod before shaking your head with a whimper. 
“I want you. Not… That,” you can’t stop the sulky way the last part comes out. 
“Oh, baby, then maybe you should’ve thought things through before messin’ with me, hm? Brats don’t get to have the real thing.” Frank’s head slightly moves from side to side as he smirks and runs the tip of his tongue over his front teeth. 
“I’m sorry, okay? I – please? You’re so big and hot and that thing isn’t. I wanna feel you so bad,” you plead, taking a step between his legs to kneel in front of him. 
“I know you do. That’s why you’re not gettin’ it. But hey, look, I’m not that mean, I brought the warming lube you love so much.” His smug smirk widens in satisfaction as he watches you realize that he’s found the perfect way to punish you. 
Frank opens the bottle and pours a nice amount onto the thick, black dildo that’s attached to his thigh by a large strap. Fuck, as much as you’ve enjoyed that toy before, you hate it right now. You crave to have Frank inside you, feel him stretch you, and you know that, warm lube or not, the toy won’t feel anything like him. 
“Saddle up, Sweetheart.” 
With one last attempt to sway Frank, you let your hands slide up his thighs, making sure to bypass the toy as you do so, and reach for his crotch. Frank shuts his fingers around your wrists in an unrelenting grip, the pressure tight around your skin. You gasp loudly and snap your eyes to his, shivering at the warning in them. Swallowing hard, you finally rise to your feet and gingerly straddle the thigh with the toy on it. 
“There we go, baby, there we go,” Frank rumbles in satisfaction as he watches you get into position. “Now, show me how you get yourself nice n' ready for me.” He holds out the bottle and lifts an expectant eyebrow at you.
You obediently stick out a hand for him to drizzle some of the lube over your palm. It has a warm fragrance to it. Frank's remark about you loving it had been accurate. You much prefer it when you're using it while you're riding him, though. With a sigh, you spread the thick liquid over your fingers, determined to try to lure Frank into giving in to you by putting on the best show possible for him. 
You sensually slide your hand down your body, leaving a faint trail of warmth at the touch of the lube on your skin, then dip between your legs, your eyes never leaving Frank's as you do so. One of Frank's arms is spread over the back of the couch, while the other one is bent to allow his fingers to rest against his lips as he observes you, expression unreadable to your great frustration. No matter, you rub two fingers against yourself, a sigh of pleasure escaping you. 
“Imagine, this could be you,” you moan as you slip a finger inside you, followed by a second one soon after. “You'd fill me so good, make me scream… Isn't that what you love most, Frank? Make me scream. Fuck me so hard and good that my throat is sore when you're done with me.”
Frank's hard now, that much is clear from how his dick is pushing against the tight material of his dress pants. You also know that Frank can hold out forever, meaning that as long as he hasn't acted, nothing's won for you. 
Frank chuckles, a deep and amused laugh. He shakes his head and smirks. 
“I dunno if I should let you continue to try to get me to fuck you, or if I should tell you to save it, cause it's not gonna happen.”
You groan, in despair this time, and rub over your flesh, right where you need it the most, to compensate for the lack of his touch. 
“None of that.” Frank swats away your wandering hand. “Only said to get yourself ready, nothin’ else.” 
“Fuck you,” you bite out before you’re able to catch yourself, and stare at Frank with wide eyes once the words have left your mouth. 
His eyes darken and his jaw clenches. 
“Don’t try me again, Sweetheart. Think you did enough for tonight.”
You nod quickly, and Frank relaxes again. 
“Now, show me how good you can ride my thigh.” 
Moving over the toy, you slowly sink onto it, biting your lower lip as you whimper when it breaches you. 
“Yeah, that’s it. That’s it,” Frank croons as he watches you like a hawk. 
Once you’re fully seated, you slowly circle your hips to get used to the toy and gasp at the warm feeling procured by the lube and how the dildo rubs inside you. You’d have hoped to at least have Frank’s hands on you once the toy's inside you, but he strategically keeps them on the back of the couch, nothing but his legs touching you. You begin moving up and down, sighing at the drag of the toy against your walls. It's not Frank's cock, but it still feels good to be filled. Frank hums contentedly as you push up and down, your ass bouncing against his covered thigh, while the lube makes a squelching sound each time you lower yourself completely. 
Your hands remain on your thighs as you work yourself on the toy, your fingers twitching as you moan. You want more, though. You need to feel Frank under your hands and reach out for his shoulders. Frank won't let you, however. He catches your wrists and holds them together in front of you in one of his large palms when you try to touch him. Understanding his refusal, you try to pull your hands back, but Frank doesn't let you do that either. He cocks his head at you with a tiny smirk, his other arm still on the couch. You resume your movements, your balance slightly off now that Frank's holding your hands out before you, forcing your thighs to work harder. Panting in effort, you stare at Frank with glassy eyes, setting out to give him what he wants; what you need. His other hand finally leaves the couch and comes to rest on your hip, gripping your skin there. You shiver at his burning touch and cry out sharply when you raise your hips, only for him to suddenly use his grip on you to make you slam down on the dildo. He guides you wordlessly, eyes burning into yours and traveling over your body with unbridled lust. Ecstatic to finally see more than a halfway neutral expression, you let Frank do as he pleases. It isn't a hardship anyway, having his hands on you is firing up your senses. 
“Keep going,” Frank growls before he lets go of your hip to lift that hand and use it to tweak one of your nipples. The pleasurable pain shoots through you like a lightning bolt, making you cry out at the same time your back bows inwards. 
To your surprise, Frank doesn't leave the sweet torture at that and leans in to capture your other nipple with his mouth. The sharpness of his teeth makes itself known as he tugs on your nipple with them, before he harshly sucks on the abused flesh. He only does that for a short amount of time since he still has a hold on your wrists, and his closeness stops you from really moving your hips. Instead, he leans back again and watches you intently. A moment later, he brings two fingers down on a nipple. Hard. You jerk and scream at the sharp sting, your hips falling off their rhythm. 
“Please touch me, Frank. I can't come like this,” you cry, the attack in your skin and senses driving you wild but leaving you unable to come anyway. 
“Then you better work harder, baby, cause I ain't helpin' ya.”
You wail in despair and frustration, hanging your head as you work your legs faster, grind down harder. You lean forward to get the toy to rub where you need it most, but shit, it's just not enough. 
“Please, Frank. I need you… something, just-”
“Know you can do it, Sweetheart. Work that gorgeous body like when you're riding my dick. Always takin' me down to the hilt, like you're fuckin' made for me.”
“Cause I am. I'm yours. Only yours, Frank,” you babble as you bounce faster on top of him.
“Tha's right. Fuckin' mine. Mine to watch and see you gettin' off on my thigh. No one else gets to see you like that.” Frank highlights those words with a resounding smack to your ass, the sound sharp compared to your delirious moans, the gesture making the toy jiggle inside you.
“Oh fuck, yes!” Your legs begin to shake with the effort to keep going, but it's finally here, the tingling sensation of your orgasm.
“Look at me,” Frank orders, making you realize that you had closed your eyes at some point, and open them again. “You're comin' for me, don't you forget that. Your pleasure's mine and I wanna see all of it.”
You can only nod, wide-eyed, as you barrel over the edge at his words. You're his. Only his. Like he is yours. A keen of utter bliss leaves your mouth as you convulse on top of him, your burning legs giving out at last, and making you fully sink onto the toy while your hips keep spasming. Only Frank's hand on your wrists keeps you from falling into him. You gasp and pant, noticing that your release and the lube are drenching his clothes as you look down. Embarrassment and satisfaction mingle at the sight.
“You did good, Sweetheart, so good.” Frank stares at you with hunger. 
Your face forms a small, proud smile. Frank lets go of your hands, and you feel him unbuckling the strap of the dildo. You gingerly lift your hips and slip off his thigh to end on your knees before Frank. From this close, you can see the stains on Frank's clothes even better. Still in a haze, you watch Frank fully take off the dildo from his thigh and look at it before his eyes fall on you again. 
“Open up,” he tells you, his voice raspy but steady. 
You eye the toy, shiny from a mix of lube and yourself, and do as told, your mouth opening wide. Frank hums in satisfaction and pushes the toy between your lips. You groan at the taste and fight to close your eyes, intent to catch each of Frank’s expressions. A new wave of excitement runs through you as you see him finally opening his pants and taking himself out. He slowly strokes his cock and smirks when you whimper with need. He takes the toy out of your mouth and tosses it to the side carelessly. You lick your lips in anticipation as Frank stands, already shuffling on your knees to get in the best position. Frank huffs out a small laugh. 
“You really think you gonna get to have my dick tonight?”
Your gaze quickly goes to his as understanding hits you. 
“But… I did good, you said.”
“And you did, Sweetheart. Real good. But what kinda punishment would it be if I gave you what you want? You can count yourself lucky that I allowed you to come, don’t you think?” 
You suck in your lower lip as you listen, and nod. 
“Thank you, Sir,” you whisper. 
Frank hums, pleased, and strokes a thumb over your lips. 
“So good for me now, Baby.” 
He pushes your lip down, and you automatically open your mouth enough for Frank to slip his thumb inside and press onto your tongue. You groan and suck on the digit, your eyes going to what his other hand is doing; reaching down on the couch for the lube. He uncaps the bottle and pours a large dollop onto the length of his cock. He snaps it shut and chucks the bottle back to the couch. Since he’s standing right before you, his cock is just there in front of you. Frank groans as he coats his full length with the gel, seemingly enjoying the warmth of it like you had. 
“Hands on your thighs,” Frank rumbles, his nostrils flaring with lust.
Doing as told, you feel his thumb vanish from your mouth, only to be replaced by his index and middle finger, both of them slipping over your tongue. You moan as you understand what he wants and begin sucking enthusiastically. Frank grunts and fists himself harder while he finger-fucks your mouth with quick movements. You can’t get enough of watching him like that, standing still fully dressed in that neat suit, and wildly stroking his gorgeous, rock-hard cock. You don’t hesitate to accommodate the third finger that Frank pushes against your lips, opening your mouth wider and feeling your drool running over the sides of your chin. Frank curses loudly as he makes you choke after he's gone for the back of your throat. You keep going, sucking and moaning wantonly around his fingers, wanting to see him come so badly. It doesn’t take him long after that, and you sigh and whimper in satisfaction as he comes in thick spurts all over your chest. 
He pants loudly as he watches you through heavily lidded eyes and gently pulls out his fingers. Your jaw is slightly sore since his fingers are on the thicker side, but you welcome the burn gladly, pleased that you helped get him off despite not touching him at all. Frank cups your chin and wipes at the trails of spit on it with a small grin. After he's put himself back into his pants and closed them, Frank bends down while simultaneously tilting your head up with two fingers under your chin. He kisses you slowly, almost chastely, before he straightens. 
“Come on, Sweetheart. Let's get you cleaned up.” Frank takes you by an elbow and helps you stand. Which you are glad for, as you realize just how wobbly your legs still are. 
You don't miss the smug smile on Frank's face, but only roll your eyes good-naturedly. You can tell that the scene is over, since Frank only chuckles at your reaction and kisses your temple as he pulls you against his side. 
He leads you to the bathroom and turns on the shower before turning towards you again. You watch him silently as he finally takes off the suit, mindful of putting each article of clothing back on their respective hangers. 
“I don't know if I'm happy or disappointed to see it gone,” you muse, once Frank's fully naked before you and you let your eyes trail over him. 
Frank laughs but doesn't comment, choosing to tug you into the shower with him. You sigh happily as he washes your hair and body, and embraces you while kissing you slowly. 
“Make sure to tell Karen that we'll be there for any other of those galas or whatnot things,” you intone as you're lying in bed with your head on Frank's chest some thirty minutes later. 
“Are you tellin' me that you didn't learn your lesson tonight?” Frank questions after a beat of silence, voice carefully neutral again. 
You smile to yourself.
“What can I say? Sometimes I need a little reminder for things to sink in completely.”
“Fuckin’ brat,” Frank growls before he wrestles you to your back and kisses away your laugh, his lips pulled up as well. 
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cannibalcreeps · 9 months
The Hilliker Brothers fucking/eating out S/O on their period?
Sounds like a treat they would love UwU ---------
One-Eye: This man was not shy to show his love to you, from peppering you with kisses, hugging you at every chance he got even if he was covered in guts and blood, he just adored you so much. So seeing you on your period days always made him feel worried for you and every time your period came you had to reassure the sweet, stupid cannibal that you were not bleeding to death. Being on your period sucked for sure, with the aches and pains, but at least being out in nature you could just sit outside in the fresh air, no work life and no society to stress you out. One-Eye always did your portion of the chores anyways, especially if you promised him some sexy time later that day and with how horny you got during these time of the months you were happy to gift this adorable man with some good fucking. Lucky for you though, the one-eyed cannibal had other plans for you once he was finished with the chores. He had grabbed your hand with a mischievous cute smile and pulled you into the forest behind the hut, a blanket tucked under his other arm. When you both were quite deep in the forest, the large man threw down the blanket and was quick to pull you in to hug and attack your face in sloppy kisses, making you laugh as the two of you fell onto the blanket. He was quick in just giving you attention, stopping you from trying to pull at his pants, trying to motion that he wanted this to be about you even though you promised to give him a treat. You were a bit confused at first, wondering what he was planning, but when he began yanking at your pants you felt your cheeks go red. It wasn't the first time you had been eaten out, nor was it the first time he did it while you had your period and it was definitely exciting. You acted the pillow princess while One-Eye worked to remove the lower half of your clothing, just chucking your pants and underwear with the pad aside, sometimes the man was a bit of a grot and would sniff and lick at the blood on the pads but right this moment his mind was only on getting your legs spread so he could dig right in. A gasp left your lips when you felt his hot breathe against your bleeding mound, his fingers spreading the pussy flaps open to start dragging his tongue over red wetness, letting out a pleased hungry groan at how sweet and coppery you tasted. It was the only time he'd get to 'cannibalize' you, though the simple minded man never wanted to hurt you it was no question that all three of the men have thought about how your flesh tasted. So whenever this special moment happened during the months, they took their chance. You knew that once One-Eye was done with you and you both returned to the shack, one of the other men would most likely take you away, after all you were technically 'dating' all three, or so you told yourself. You couldn't think to much about this though as One-Eye was practically munching on your pussy, his teeth gently tugging and dragging over the sensitive folds, nose deep in the pubs as he sucked and licked at your heat, loving how hotter your flesh was during these moments of your life. You could feel your toes curl, head tilted back as you gasped and moaned from the pleasure spreading through your body, one leg now resting over the man's shoulder and back as the other stretched to the side to give him as much access as you could possibly give him. You couldn't even hear him rubbing his pulled out cock with bloody hands over his grunts and sighs, you on the other hand were at your limit, body arching and letting out a final cry as you came against his needy mouth which he greedily lapped up like a hungry animal. He moved of your pussy to lean back and finish himself off with the stroking, looking at your exposed lower body, his drool mixed with your fluids dripping out of your spread cunt, it was like a dream and wonderful dream that he finished himself off with a final stroke and cheekily made sure to spill his hot cum against your thighs.
You gave him a 'are you serious?' stare as you sat up and wiped the cum of your leg with the blanket, playfully slapping him on the chest before pulling him in for a kiss, which he gladly leaned into. You both returned to the hut very happy, just in time to be spotted by Three-Fingers who narrowed his eyes at the both of you, snickering and exposing his teeth as he chased One-Eye off and gently grabbed your hand, it seems you were going to have to go for round two. Three-Fingers: It was like this man could smell the fact you and One-Eye had just done something naughty, the way he was now pulling you to the truck with a scrunched up smirk on his face, the face you had dubbed "I'm going to fuck the shit outa you" look.
He wasn't shy about what he was going to do, though he did want a bit of privacy as he didn't know where Saw-Tooth was and that man had a bad habit of yanking you away from his brothers when he wanted to fuck you, three times he had actually yanked you away while they were balls deep to both you and whoever you were fucking dismay, but no one challenged him, other than you giving him a verbal scolding which he rolled his eyes at.
But at least with the truck, he could shut the doors from inside and Saw-Tooth didn't really want to yank the doors off from their only working vehicle. So you complied easily with Three-Fingers, letting him pick you up and placed you on the front seat while giving you a cheeky kiss, trying to avoid the steering wheel. You were quick to backup until you were against the passenger side door while Three-Fingers took the chance to crawl over you and lock the doors quickly, he wanted to have you all to himself and he wasn't going to be slow about it. The scrawny rat man already knew you were bleeding, way before he got your clothes off, he was a bit disappointed his brother practically cleaned you from the outside but he'd get his taste when sticking his large deformed finger deep inside your wet pussy to give you a good fingering, placing his mouth over your tit a sucking on them, he was quick in pleasuring you and was keen to hear your moans. And moan you did, making sure your legs were spread, though a bit uncomfortable with how you were on the seat, one leg against the steering wheel and the other on the drivers seat. Three-Fingers was relentless with his fingering, going deep inside your body, using the bottom of his palm to rub against your flesh as he large finger curled and moved against the hot bloody walls. Once he was pleased with how much blood accumulated on his large finger, he slipped it out of your hole and quickly placed it into his mouth, you watched as he lapped up the blood and just thinking how he was such a little weirdo for staring into your eyes while he did so. Three-Fingers wouldn't stop there, no he wanted to fuck you silly and fuck you silly he would, as quick as he was undressing you he was quicker whipping out his skinny dick and sliding it into you, giving your legs a break from spreading to wrapping around his bony body. He was already pumping into you, the truck creaking and starting to shake form the motion. Unlike his two bother, Three-Fingers was quick with his thrust, he had so much stamina and backed up with his strength he made your whole body rock with how he fucked you, the sounds of his body and ballsack slapping against your body was loud inside the now heating up truck, both your heaving breathing fogging up all the glass. You were quick to orgasm, having being stimulated before by One-Eye and now Three-Fingers, you were praying to any god that could hear that Saw-Tooth would give you a break tonight as your were going to be one sore and tired bitch the next day. But even when you tightened around the cannibal he didn't stop, he still pumped into you, at times looking down to see how bloody you were making his cock, baring his teeth from excitement and began cackling at how much he was loving this. Once again your body tightened as another orgasm spread over your body, crying out at how your body shivered and shook, this time Three-Fingers followed suit and spilled his seed deep inside your red heat. Biting down over your shoulder hard as he came hard inside you, arms wrapping around you hard as he did his final thrusts. The two of you taking your time catching you breathe, to your luck no other Hilliker brother had bothered you two, lazing inside the truck until Three-Fingers moved to unlock the doors, placing one last kiss on your lips and chittering softly before exiting, leaving you alone and naked to get dressed, very like the man.
Saw-Tooth: You were exhausted, having pleased two Hilliker men was like running a marathon, but it did well in helping with your period as you hadn't gotten a pain spike in a good while, but you also had popped a few painkillers a while back so that probably was what made the day a bit easier too. Though, surprisingly as the day ended, Saw-Tooth was still nowhere to be seen, during your time with One-Eye you had spotted him before Three-Fingers dragged you away napping in his bed, but when you returned after Three-Fingers fucked you, he was missing, possibly out in the forest doing a chore or looking at traps, you weren't quite sure. But you and the two other cannibal brothers were looking a bit worried when it was time for dinner, the plates just being placed down when the large man finally appeared, you didn't ask where he was since he really couldn't respond but there was a happy smile on your face and everyone relaxed. After the meal, One-Eye was quick to just head to bed while Three-Fingers went to go into the storage and look through picture books. While you were left cleaning up the table, you could feel Saw-Tooth staring at you intensely. He was waiting patiently for you to complete your task and look his way, once you did he gestured with his head to the door to follow him, the large beast of a man standing and exiting outside. You were quick to follow, you were no fool to disobey the man, how he towered over you, his presence alone told you he was not someone you fucked with unless it was actual fucking in which he would be the one to always initiate. It was a silent trek, just following the cannibal through the forest, you weren't quite sure where he was taking you, but when you came out to an opening to see a literal bed just out in the grass, a bunch of pillows and blankets that had the perfect view of the starry sky. Now this man wasn't know for his romantical gestures, if anything you were used to just having your clothing pulled and a thick dick up your pussy without any warning. But for some reason Saw-Tooth was feeling a bit giving, and that being some alone time with him under the sky the perfect gift in his mind. You smiled warmly and told him you loved it, reaching out a hand for him to take, which he gently did, pulling you towards him and the bed. The two of you were quick the strip bare and being the larger of you two, Saw-Tooth would be the one to lay down first so you could climb on top of him and straddle his already hardening cock. He didn't care for where you two fucked, it could be the hard ground but tonight he wanted to give you a little something nice with how sore you had been with this whole period bullshit. He wasn't usually the one to eat you out a lot, if anything he preferred it when you sucked him off but tonight he was going to give you a good night and was quick to slide his cock into you bleed cunt. You put your hands on his chest to keep sturdy as he began thrusting and moving inside you, his largeness always made you feel full, he was intensely thick than long but it spread you well and hit you with an amazing pleasure.
you rocked back and forth on his cock, leaning back and staring at the glittery night sky, with how beautiful it was without the noise of the city lights dulling it. You were wetting his cock and fat ballsack with blood, if you looked down it looked like a massacre on his dick but he kept you bouncing on him by holding onto you hips while lifting you up and down as he thrusted, his grunts heavy and loud through the forest. You on the other hand were getting exhausted with the amount of fucking you've had, you were going to be knocked out after this but at this moment the pleasure was the only thing keeping you awake. Your body came three times already and the large man was still pumping into you, your body shaking from how it ached from both pleasure and soreness. But to your luck it would not last forever as Saw-Tooth let out a loud growl and finally spilled inside you, feeling it fill you to them brim and mix with the fluids inside. You were quick to fall off him and his dick, laying in the softness of the pillows, closing your eyes as you let your body rest. But Saw-Tooth was not finished with you, running his mouth and tongue over your body, teeth scraping against skin as he bit your breast and ran his tongue down your stomach, hands kneading into you hips and ass before he placed his mouth against your pussy and began licking. Your eyes shot open at the feeling, a shock indeed as he rarely gave you the privilege of being eaten out by him and you made sure to spread your legs so to give him all the access to your privates. He was Even without his upped lip he was rather good at eating pussy, mostly using his large fat tongue to roll and spread against the wet flesh, not caring he was lapping up a mixture of you blood and his cum. You felt absolutely spoilt getting two of these cannibal men licking at your pussy in the same day, you knew this was not going to happen again for a long time and was going to lavish every moment of attention. It wasn't as long as One-Eye did for you but you had your last orgasm for the day, it wasn't heavily pleasurable but still made your body shiver. You loved the feeling of his large deformed teeth against your sensitive folds, the hot breathe and tongue against the skin. When he was finished he gave your left inner thigh a sharp bite that was definitely going to bruise, your face scrunching up from the pain as Saw-Tooth moved to lay next to you, holding you against him as you both fell asleep under the night sky.
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Not original anon but I ran here first with a submission to the questionary:
Eye color: hazel, but if I only wear green clothing around you then my eyes will look green.
I choose the mad scientist method of reproduction b/c I have always wanted to create an abomination against god.
See #2
Children should be monitored 24/7.
I want to be a stay-at-home parent with a cook, maid, and Kurogiri butler so that I can focus all my attention on watching anime and spying on our child.
We should have one child together first so when we adopt undead Yoichi he will still be the younger brother.
I can cook Western food but willing to take classes on Japanese cooking.
Pshaw, forget endings. I'm too lazy to finish the first episode of anything.
Ties are for losers.
Demon King Superiority.
Nope, your love for your family is healthy and normal.
I will put butler Kurogiri in charge of looking after the children you graciously rescued from a life of mediocrity.
All Might: pitiful remnant of a bygone era, probably wears ties.
Spiky-haired people are kidnappers who must be kept away from the children with fatal force.
C you can never have too many bank vaults when their are spiky-heads roaming the neighborhood.
Hero Society gets a rating of -1000000 out of 10.
Both A and C bc creepy old men are hot.
D I will never raise a child who wants to be a hero unlike that Shimura spawn Inko.
C vaults are fun for children.
All of the above.
B disturb my sleep and die, you can rant about how much you hate All Might in the morning.
C I wanna be your dark constort.
I'm so goth I make Wednesday Addams look like a preppie.
B as long as your income outweighs your life insurance policy.
I love your extreme mental health issues and even extremer brocon. Every time you call yourself a demon king, my heart goes pitter-patter. I want to listen to you talk about how much yu hate hate All Might for hours. I can make you worse.
Congratulations, just by filling out this questionnaire you have passed the first test. All for One looks for people who are unquestionably obedient, see red flags as positives, and jump through hoops for him.
Your answers were not completely perfect especially your lack of appreciation for trashing All Might as sexy pillow talk. Also you could have praised All for One for longer in #26. However, All for One was impressed by your brilliance in remembering that Yoichi must always be the younger child in the family. Overall you meet All for One's minimum standards but he is waiting to see if he gets any better offers than yours.
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hellcatinnc · 11 months
Anime/Otome 31 Day Challenge
Day 2 Name 5 Anime/Otome Men That Are The Hottest With Red Hair?
Loki Laevatein (kamigami no asobi)
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Those eyes had me at hello the red hair though brings out them sexy features.
Impey Barbicane (Code Realize)
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Although this man looks good with his clothes off his look grew on me but I swear the shower scene really opened my eyes.
Ren Jinguji (Uta No Prince Sama)
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The sex appeal that comes off this man is enough to make you weak in the knees without him even trying.
Laito Sakamaki (Diabolik Lovers)
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Love his eyes but that hat is what sets him over the top for me his sexy voice helps too. He may be demented but he looks good doin it.
Shizuru Migiwa (libra of nil admirari)
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This guy is such a big flirt but sometimes he is just beautiful other times his smile and smirk or that simple wink does it in for me.
(I would love to say these are my top ones but if I had gone past that would have been Urie in Dance With Devils)
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mangoshorthand · 8 months
five has set my standards high for men 🫢 and i’m going to hold out for a partner like him.
It depends on what precisely about Five you would want to match your real life partner to, but in general I would advise against this. I was going to answer this simply but then I went into a full blown ramble so I'm sorry
Being fictional is Five's biggest allure...
Five is not real and that's a biiiigggg point in his favour. You will idealise him to the point that no real man could ever match up. Imagine a man saying that some super smart and sexy anime girl was his standard for IRL women. We'd rightly tell him that it was an unfair expectation.
If Five was a real flesh and blood man, tied to corporeal form and subject to the curse of existence, I promise you he would not live up to the standards set by the Five in your head. The truth is, Five can never fart on you in bed. He can never have that really irritating habit that makes you want to punt him through a wall, and he will never accidentally hurt you with a clumsy word or leave the dishes in the sink or whatever. He'll never criticise you for any of your bad habits either. Real men do all those things because they're human. They deserve your love and consideration. Don't hold out for a fantasy.
...but if he weren't fictional, he'd be a one man communist uprising considering all those red flags
We romanticize Five partly because he is an asshole. His sarcasm is amusing and acerbic tongue is attractive, mostly because we know there's tenderness underneath it. We have a uniquely intimate insight into his life, past and personality by virtue of him being a fictional character who we have seen when he thinks nobody is watching. We don't have that with real men. Romanticising assholes is something patriarchy has taught us. Just look at the Beauty and the Beast myth that replays itself in our culture again and again ("I can change him! He's different when we're alone, I swear!"). We like to imagine that Five would begin by being a dick to us like he does everyone else, but gradually we would end up being the special person who would bring out all the tenderness we know he has underneath. This is fine when it's a fictional character who we know for sure has all that tenderness underneath, but with a real man whose soul we can never know like we know Five's? No way. I can promise you that you should run a mile from a real man who sarcastically insults people and use their intelligence to put others down. A similar point to Five's violence. This is a character trait you should not excuse in real men. In real life, men who are violent to others will almost certainly be violent to their romantic partners. This is another bonus Five gets for being fictional: he lives in a fictional reality where his violence is justified and nbd because it's a world of comic-book morality.
Alright Mango, you fuckin' killjoy, what can I hold out for then?
Having said all this, I think Five does have some qualities you can admire in IRL men. I've said on this blog many times before that I think I find Five hot because he reminds me of my partner in terms of personality as well as looks. So this is what I think you wouldn't be unwise to look for in a man: 1. Someone with intelligence and competence. There is nothing sexier than someone who has faith in their own abilities and wields that knowledge with confidence, like Five does.
2. Someone with leadership skills without needing to dominate: Five sometimes falls foul of the latter but is usually pretty good at taking control of a situation whilst also hearing everyone out and using the knowledge of the entire room.
3. Someone with a sense of humour. Five's cynical little comments and charming phraseologies (e.g. "Chatty Cathies," "A nap and a schvitz, what more does a man need?") would be adorable in any man.
4. Someone with a mature outlook. Five is just happy living a comfortable life. He likes his creature comforts but he takes pleasure in the simple things. He isn't really competitive anymore because he truly doesn't feel like he has to prove anything. This is partly a result of his age, I think, so I would forgive a younger man for not having this outlook.
5. Someone who cares about his appearance: Five isn't vain, but he dresses carefully and intentionally for the occasion. It not only looks sexy, it shows that he has self-respect.
6. Someone who speaks to you the way Five speaks to Dolores: Five treats his (ex)partner with respect and fondness. He clearly worshipped Dolores when they were together but he didn't patronise her either. He spoke to her like an equal. And after the relationship ended, he never let anybody speak badly about her.
Ok, I'll shut up now.
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒏
ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 : Alejandro x reader
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈:NSFW , Drinking alcohol , mentions of vodka , voice kink , kinda romantic , cursing , singing
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1-4-1 and Los vaqueros had a mission.
A big mission also an important one like their life depended on it and it did. They had no choice but to win this mission over.
Not that they weren't a big and successful team already and rarely failed a mission
But this mission was one of their important missions that they got called out for and once again they won that day.
So you guys begged after the though day you guys went on you wanted to get drunk as much as you guys can and just have fun, you planned to meet each other at a karaoke. And you wore you pretty dress and pit some makeup on, before you went out of the house you checked yourself once again and blowed a kiss at yourself, after that, you met your teammates at the room you guys rented and each one of them start to sing their heart out and do silly things at the same time, soap would drag ghost to sing with him but ghost would just look at him awkwardly as Johnny sing his heart out and everyone would laugh at them but, that wasn't something that got your attention, it was the leader of the team Los vaqueros who was looking at those men with a grin on his face and with a beer in his hand everything became so blurry yet slow as you focused your eyes and mind on him and he slowly turned his head and saw beside the cheering men there were you, your eyes on him and never turning your eyes away from him he looked up and down on you quickly analysing every inch of you and looking at your dress that was revealing a bit of your soft skin he knew how your soft skin felt like against his rough hands that dirty thought of him .made his mouth watering and then he would just snap back to reality when soap says "Alejandro" he would says and look up at him "you want to sing something next hermano?" You just look at Alejandro with a smirking face "no no brother im good" and that made you get up from your seat and you put your hand on soap's muscular arm, "don't you guys worry I go next" I say and smile gently at your teammates and you make your way up to the small stage and you grab your vodka in one of your hands and with the other hand you hold you microphone you had an idea to get his attention even more you wanted to sing a Spanish song that had a slow rhythm and those men knew how perfect you voice is cause one time he sang them and they would close their eyes and slowly fall asleep to the gentle melody of your voice.
You drink from the bottle and you really couldn't think of what you were doing anymore. You were a bit drunk from thinking anything twice and plus that you were finally having fun that was the importantpart of it. So you wanted to take your shot and finally make the leader of Los vaqueros, Alejandro yours. He was looking at you and leaning a bit closer as he listened to your angelic yet sexy voice he knew it was wrong, but he couldn't really help it really you were on that beautiful dress and ready to get ripped by his hands an attractive face that was also ready to get ruined by him and last but no least your fucking hot voice that made the animals in him come out and make you scream his name with your beautiful voice, like a siren you were.
He wasn't kind of guy you would just use you and then disappear the next day no, he was romanticly in love with you and your soul, he wanted to own you so bad because he knew there were so many man that would look at you and he can read the desire in their eyes and how much they wanted to haunt you down and each every part of you alive, but he was not like that at all.
As a gentleman he was he wanted to take things slowly but never ever thought you would like him back until this karaoke night, how you looked at him with eyes full of lust like right now, he couldn't take his eyes from you, and you could not either. You wanted to tease him as the red light was on you you knew you were shining among all of your teammates and to take it to another level, you started to touch yourself with slow moves, you didn't care that others were looking at you, Your target was him and only him. When you were done with singing they were all cherring you and you smiled at them but you thought that was enough for tonight so you wanted to go back to home after 3 hours you were already messed up but you couldn't just go home by yourself but there was him again, Alejandro put his hand on your back and looked at you "y/n I will take you home" you nod at him "Thank you" you said whispering and you guys went out of that place he opened the door of his car for you and you sat down on your seat and he started to drove his car. The beautiful sky and the stars that were winking at you were too good tonight everything were amazing this night but what was even mire amazing is that you were finally alone with you favourite person. And the thought of that turned you so on you closed your eyes and face him away and you were so lost in the feeling, you were craving him and his touch.
You slowly traced you fingers on your beautiful body and opened your mouth a bit, he look at your movements and again he was looking up and down at you body, the lights of the cities were on your body that it made the sweat on your collarbone to the upper chest of you shiny you looked like a goddess like that a goddess he could worship and prey every night. He couldn't take it anymore he isn't a patient man atleast when it comes to you when he stopped his car in front of your house he said "that's it y/n I was patient enough for this" he says with a low tone that made you shiver he quickly grab you by your waist as you open the door of your house and he pin you against the wall and pinned your hands near your head and grab them gently he leans closer to the skin of your neck and his hot breaths made you shiver a bit and whimper from neediness, "only with your permission I would continue my work on mi sirenita" the way he was still asking you before doing anything making sure you are comfortable made you moan softly against his ear "alejandro I was waiting so long for this to happen the fantasy of mine finally came to reality" you say as you scratch his hair he would smile and press gentle kisses on your neck to your chest line and he would look up at you "i will always take care of you your pure soul and your needs" he says continue he romved the drass that was in his way and continued to kiss you down to your stomach and murmuring "tonight I want to worship every part of your body that you can imagine mi amor" he moans at the feeling of your soft and plush skin against his face you moan at his moan that turned you on even more. You would just grab his hair and close your eyes at the feeling "ah amor I love you i always did love you" you would look down at him with heavy lided eyes and that was enough for him to keep going even further he grabbed you by your thighs and picked you up and started going upstairs and gently put you down on your bed. Then he removed his clothes and you started to touch his toned body he melted at your touch when you touched him all over his body and not missing any inch of it "come here mi reina" once he put his lips on yours, he knew he couldn't get enough of you.
It didn't took him long to hover you and continue to make out with you he was addicted to your soft and pinkish lips, as he was eating your whimpers his hand would slowly go down to your body and start to touch your pussy through your panties that were still there. You would grabbed his arms shut your eyes and start to moan his name. This is what he wanted all the time making you his and no one else.
He would gently go down on you as he replace those kisses again on your skin, you would just look at him panting and with eyes that screamed love, he start kissing your inner thighs slowly and give every inch of your body the attention that it deserved. When he removed your panties the smell of you was enough to made him go absolutely insane he started gently at first, slowly licking you and massage the plush of your thighs but gentleness didn't last long in that moment, he was devouring you like a starved animal he was, falling in love with you once again and the sweetness of your taste. You would just grab his hair to ride his face to helps you reach to your orgasms, he absolutely lived for that the idea of you using him for your own pleasure made his cock twitch in his pants. After multiple orgasm you had on his tongue and his thick fingers you two couldn't wait any longer for eachother to become one.
He would kiss you and enter his tongue inside your mouth so you can taste yourself you moaned into his mouth of your own sweetness "amor please I need you so bad right now I can't wait for you anymore" "me too carina me too" he removed his pants and boxers eagerly and put his cock gently at your entrance and teasing your pussy that made your body shaking after that, he put his dick gently inside of your pussy he grunt at the tightness of you and how you are already clenching around his thick cock the feeling made your mouth wide open and your eyes roll back to your head from the pleasure and pain you felt "fuck mami" he moans at the feeling and when he sees your pretty fucked face ,when he started to move slowly the pain in you immediately faded away and turned into pure pleasure.
Then he bring his hand on your soft cheeks and stroke it "carina" he says with a deep voice and leans closer to you "look me in the eyes" the hand that was on your cheek made you slowly look at him in the eyes "I love you i always will" you say with teary eyes from the pleasure that your pretty body couldn't handle anymore that words made him grew even bigger inside of you that made you gasp "shh shh" he start moving a bit faster inside of you and put a kiss on your forehead. "I love you even more mi reina" you where at peace you knew that you were his and he was yours. You wrap your legs around his lower back making him hold you tight like he was trying to protect you from anything dangerous in this world "the angel of my life I want to continue the life with you" he murmur those words and feeling the gummy walls inside of you "i always loved you my angel" he says and hitting straight to your g spot that almost made you moan out loud and say "me too amor" you guys started to moan loud like your life depended on it as you reached to your climax at the same time he would just put his forehead on yours as you screamed his name when you creamed all over his cock he slowly took out his cock inside of you and look at your trying to catch your breath he would stroke your soft hair "are you fine my love?" You couldn't even talk anymore from how much you screamed you were just too weak to do anything for now, so you just nod he would laugh softly at you kiss you and then carry you to the bathroom to help you take a bath and light some candles before turn off the light and sit behind you hugging your body, you even loved him more he was just so romantic and gentle with you and you loved that.
After getting a bit of energy you to help him take a bath and washed his back and after that, he hold you tight against him and didn't let go of you, and you didn't aswell you would just whisper "te amor mi amor" with an innocent smile on your face and he would kiss you softly and bite your lips "yo tambien te amo mi reina can't wait to have a family with you" you guys would laugh and imagining having an amazing family with your favourite man while snuggle onto him with a smile knowing that you are safe in his arms and he will always protect you with all of his life.
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅<3
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
More Marvel prompts! Most are about Bucky, but a couple are about Zemo. Pls tag me if these inspire you to write something, I’d love to read it! 💜
1. You and your husband Bucky are in a crowded mall with your very young daughter. She sees a person selling balloon animals and asks, more like begs for one, but you and Bucky tell her no. At some point she lets go of your hand and sneaks off to look for the balloon seller, but gets lost. You both realize she’s gone and panic, searching everywhere for her. Meanwhile she wanders around and cries for her mom and dad, running away from any unfamiliar face that tries to help her because she knows Stranger Danger. Uncle Steve to the rescue maybe? (Note: Turns out it’s free balloon day)
2. Rockstar AU: You’re taking yours and Bucky’s kid to their first concert. Despite the protective headphones you put on them, the loud aggressive noises scares your kid and halfway through a song, they run out on stage and latch onto Bucky’s leg, crying for their dad. Bucky has to comfort and cheer them up with the help of the band in front of a huge crowd.
3. Rockstar AU: You get a new lip/tongue piercing and the guys see it for the first time when you go to the studio. They all think it looks great, except Bucky. He acts like he disapproves at first, but the other guys come to your defense and in private he eventually admits he loves it and never disapproved, it’s just too sexy for him to resist and he could hardly restrain himself in front of his band mates. He wants to know what it’d feel like against his mouth and other parts of his body 😏
4. Possible Mob/Mafia AU: You’re participating in a very important and much anticipated dance competition and your dad, Bucky, promised to be there to support you. Despite his very busy schedule, he’s never missed a recital. But then one of the other girls is very jealous of you and tries to sabotage you while in the middle of your performance, and you get badly hurt from falling objects or marbles, etc. Bucky sees red as he rushes from the audience and up to the stage to help you, despite protests from the judges and other dancers. Steve and his other men have to stop him from doing something hasty that he’d regret later.
6. Rockstar AU: Going on tour with Bucky and standing side stage/in the front row during a concert. The crowd gets too rowdy and someone throws a glass bottle that hits you in the head and you pass out. The band becomes enraged and are by your side when you wake up in the hospital.
7. Bucky takes you out to dinner at a quiet restaurant to celebrate your engagement/anniversary. you share a big plate of spaghetti and unknowingly share the same noodle until your lips meet, lady and the tramp style.
8. Possible CEO or Mob/Mafia AU: Bucky or Zemo accidentally run into you while on his way to a meeting he's late for, causing papers and other important things to fly everywhere and get mixed up. Both of you are in too much of a hurry to realize that in the hassle, he picked up your phone and you picked up his by mistake. By the time you have each other’s phone, you’re too far away from each other to switch back since he’s already boarded a plane for a business trip.
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9. Scream/Ghostface AU where it’s college and you’re in a poly relationship with Bucky and Zemo who are fairly popular guys on campus (Zemo’s the new exchange student from Sokovia so everyone is interested in him and his country, and Bucky is classic charming ‘womanizer’ Bucky). They’re the ones behind the ghostface murders, whether you know it or not. Bullies and local assholes keep giving you shit for dating two men at once, calling you a whore or slut, asking for sexual favors like threesomes, “since you must be a pro at it with your boyfriends”, “Do they do kinky shit in Sokovia too?” etc. Those same bullies who harass you keep winding up dead sooner or later. While you may be a suspect for a time, you get ruled out when it’s eventually determined “only a man could do something like this” based on the condition of the bodies.
10. Mob boss AU: Bucky is your new boyfriend and he helps you wreck your ex's car, among other things. (Maybe you and Bucky have sex both inside and on the hood of your boyfriend’s car as a show of dominance so that it’ll just reek of your sex smells. Sweet revenge. You and Bucky want to rub it in his face that you’ve found a new man who’s bigger and better.
11. You’re dating Bucky and he’s trying to coax you back into his car after a bad argument. Like that scene from legally blonde except he isn’t a total jerk and he doesn’t break up with you.
12. You and Bucky putting up the Christmas tree and decorating it. He’s on one side trying to reach a part of the tree when he accidentally underestimated the strength of his vibranium arm and pushes it a little too hard while trying to hang up an ornament/the star, causing it to fall on top of you while you're on the other side. Whoops.
13. You’re in a relationship with Bucky and going to the beach with the guys. You can't swim, so you choose to stay on shore. One of the guys throws you into the water as a joke, but you get pulled under and don't resurface right away, making all of them panic. Bucky has to dive in and save you by giving you CPR and then taking you to hospital to make sure there’s no other damage.
14. Rockstar AU: Imagine being newly engaged to Bucky and walking around after a show with the band. A woman who’s been stalking him for months looks at you in envy, blaming you for Bucky not answering her love letters or phone calls. she pulls out a gun and is about to shoot him, but you jump in front of him and take the bullet instead.
15. You think your husband, Bucky/Zemo, is dead after watching a news report state the plane he was supposed to be on crashed with no survivors. You break down, destroying and throwing things. Bucky/Zemo walks through the door but you think he’s a hallucination, so he comforts you and explains what happened. (Could be a false broadcast)
16. You’re Bucky’s teen daughter and he gets a new girlfriend. You hate each other, but Bucky doesn't know. She’s a good manipulator, making up lies about you and blaming you for things you didn't say or do. She causes a rift between you and your dad. Bucky just thinks you don’t want him to be happy, that you’re afraid of letting another woman in after your mom died and are just being a stubborn teen who doesn’t like change. It just gets worse and worse until you overhear her telling Bucky he should disown/emancipate you or ship you off to boarding school after they marry, and you run out of the house/take his car and leave. He finally breaks up with her and worriedly chases after you. (Either on foot or on his motorcycle, depending on if you can drive or not)
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17. Rockstar AU: Reader is Bucky’s best girl and is on tour with him and his band, who consist of your best friends. You make a stop and since the band is mostly drunk/hungover/passed out from the long road trip, you and the designated driver kick them out of the gas station before they make a scene. You offer to get some snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, and other supplies. The trouble is, they’re so out of it and because of a simple mistake by the designated driver, there’s a mix up. So they think you got back on the bus when you didn’t and accidentally drive off with the things you bought, and without you. Like a Home Alone head count gone wrong situation. They don’t realize their mistake until the next morning when Bucky wakes up and you’re not in his bunk. Now they have to rush to get you back, even if it delays their tour. Screw the tour, screw what their manager may say, you’re more important to Bucky and your best friends.
18. Reader and Bucky in a sort of Mr. Freeze and Nora AU. Reader is Bucky’s wife, but she was dying from some rare disease so he agreed to this experimental procedure that would allow her to be cryogenically frozen until he could return from the war and start looking for a cure with the help of others like Howard Stark. Your husband stared deeply into your eyes before sealing the cryo-pod that would keep you alive into the future, hoping for a cure. Only he didn’t expect he’d never make it back from the war or back to you. Now it’s present day, Bucky has escaped Hydra and been unfrozen for some time, but it’s only recently your cryo pod has resurfaced and been found. For over 70 years you’ve slept, and he thought you were lost forever. Has a cure been found? Is it time to finally wake up? Many, many years later, will you finally wake up with your husband being the first thing you see, just as he promised he would be before you went under?
19. The Last Man and Woman on the Planet AU: The cryo chambers open up, you and Bucky are starting to wake up, and slowly figuring out what happened. Upon recognizing each other, you quickly embrace, relieved you’re both alive, before taking in your unfamiliar surroundings. Neither of you remember falling asleep here. How long have either of you slept? An ethereal voice starts talking to both of you. "If you are listening to this, welcome to Eden, where we start anew and are not making the same mistakes ever again.” Are you and Bucky truly the sole survivors of a new world? Where do you go from here?
21. Stardust AU where reader is a star who falls from the sky, causing her to be separated from her family and taking human form. She’s found by Bucky who could either be a peasant boy, a shopkeeper’s son looking to use reader to woo another woman in the village. Or Bucky is a witch tracking and hunting reader after she keeps escaping from him and thwarting his murder attempts. He wants to cut out her heart for eternal youth but then maybe decides to keep her alive and get what he wants some other way. Or he could be a cruel prince in search of a magic stone so he can be king. Could be dark or not, up to you.
22. Bucky is reader’s father. When you’re a kid, he’s being a cute dad by arm wrestling with you and letting you win, pretending you’re so strong. After wrestling with his flesh arm and “winning” multiple times, you grow confident and are like “Other arm, daddy!” Bucky messes with you by not moving his vibranium arm an inch and pretending to yawn while you huff and puff, using all your might to pin him. He then pretends to let you win again to make you, his precious baby, happy. Until one day you become an adult. You’ve grown so super-strong from years of training mixed with effects of the super soldier serum getting passed down from Bucky and running through your veins that when you ask for a rematch for old times sake and tell him not to hold back, you manage to win. He gives you a “Wait WHAT o_O” bewildered look similar to when Spider-Man grabbed his left arm or when the Dora Milaje disconnected his arm mid-combat.
23. Silence of the Lambs AU where reader takes the place of Clarice Starling and Zemo takes the place of Hannibal Lecter. You’ve come to visit him in prison for an interview.
24. Reader is Zemo’s wife and has a conjugal visit with him while he’s in custody. Aka imagine having sex with Zemo in that glass cell and not caring who sees.
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tornrose24 · 2 years
A basic-ish summary of every MCU movie villain and antagonist for those who aren’t into the MCU like I am.
(Not counting shows because I’m not THAT insane. Also Spoilers, but you probably don’t care if you’ve either seen some of these films or have no intention on watching them.)
PHASE 1 (Not a lot of good villains here I’m afraid)
Iron Man’s Iron Monger- The first of many to steal Tony’s tech and your average ‘corrupt businessman’ who was like Tony’s co-worker/surrogate dad-mentor. Also happens to be The Dude. Kind of not impressive for the first canonical MCU villain.
Incredible Hulk’s General Ross and Abomination– The best example as to why the MCU isn’t as pro-military as you may think. (And later was dumb enough to think he’d have any power over the Avengers). The other one is your basic ‘villain with powers equal to the hero’ who ends up becoming one of the better characters in She-Hulk.
Iron Man 2’s Whiplash and Justin Hammer–I honestly haven’t seen this movie, but basically it’s another ‘guy who steals Tony’s tech’ and has whips, but not the fun kind. Also some dude who I think is meant to be the discount version of Tony Stark (and is played by an actor whose voice you might recognize as one of Dreamworks Animation’s best furry icons.)
Thor– Thor’s trickster brother who is the first of the most memorable villains…. And one of many ‘Tumblr Sexy Men.’ Comes off as smarter than Thor (and you might like to know what he’s SUPPOSED to look like if you have a thing for giant men in Marvel’s ‘What if”). Honestly I think Thor is the more attractive brother.
Captain America’s Red Skull–The head of a fictional branch of one of the most hated political parties in history so yes you should immediately hate him…. Also I’m angry because THAT is how you could pull off an accurate book version of the Phantom of the Opera with make up. 
Avengers’ Loki–Loki again, but at least they picked a good villain for the big crossover. Screws with everyone’s heads for most of the film and tries opening a portal to space with a ‘totally not going to be important later on’ scepter and cube. Honestly his defeat at the hands of the Hulk made me laugh so hard that it’s still funny years later.
PHASE 2 (Slightly better, but mostly ehh...)
Iron Man 3’s Mandarin–I’ve never seen this movie either, but the villain managed to anger a lot of the comic book fans for a good reason. Hope you aren’t an Iron Man fan if you know what I’m talking about. But chances are you know the twist because it’s that famous.
Thor Dark World’s Malekeith–…. Damnit you just HAD to waste poor Christopher Eccleston’s talent, didn’t you? You promised me his character would get a good back story, but you’re dumb obsession with Loki cut down his screen time and turned him into another generic doomsday/conquering villain who just happens to be an elven version of Two-Face by a certain point. 
Captain America’s Winter Soldier–Steve’s handsome brainwashed buddy with a metal arm. Was made so by Red Skull’s main right hand man whose idea of immortality makes black and green computer screens into nightmare fuel. Was also put on ice and un-frozen and re-frozen several times throughout the years. Oh yeah and something about a twist villain but I think you’d figure out who it was almost instantly.
Guardian’s of the Galaxy’s…. Ok wow I’m seriously blanking out on his name right now… Oh yeah, Ronan– Another genocidal maniac who wants to kill people just because. Was stupid enough to be distracted by Star-Lord’s dancing of all things. He’s especially lame.
Avenger’s Age of Ultron’s Ultron–Tony’s never ending bucket of dumb ideas leads to the creation of a genocidal robot who sounds like that California guy from The Office. His idealized ‘final form’ gets its own personality and becomes Wanda’s boyfriend before he gets dibs on it. He’s… somewhat entertaining, but kind of ‘eh’ at the same time.
Ant Man’s Yellow Jacket–ANOTHER ‘corrupt businessman’ who makes poor choices like doing business with Hydra people or going after Scott’s daughter. The latter proves to be the last mistake of his life and I would have personally kicked his ass if he harmed that sweet child. Also pretty bland. I heard he’d be coming back for Ant-Man 3, but I’ll be annoyed if he become’s the MCU version of M.O.D.O.K. like I heard about.
PHASE 3 (They get a lot better here… also Thanos is here too.)
Captain America Civil War’s Zemo–some random Sokovia survivor that did the impossible and turned the Avenger’s against each other…. At least we got a couple of good fight scenes between the heroes thanks to him.
Doctor Strange’s Kaecelius and Dorammu (or was it Dormammu? Some of these names are nuts)–That guy from Hannibal, but with magical powers, bad eye make up, and was dumb enough to not read the fine print. The other is a large purple dude (no, not that one) from another dimension that Strange defeats by trapping him in a time loop and thus annoys him into leaving. I’m guessing he’ll be important later.
Guardian’s of the Galaxy 2’s Ego–A giant planet that managed to turn into Kurt Russell and is basically Star-lord’s biological dad. Does and did some horrible stuff, but I don’t want to spoil it because the ‘wham’ moment, but it made me go ‘oh no’ right before Peter reacted.
Oh yeah, there’s also a golden lady and a guy with a name that people make fun of as if he’s a Captain Underpants villain, but they just serve as obstacles.
Spider Man Homecoming’s Vulture–A guy that got screwed over by the government and Tony turns to the black market with stolen alien tech, and flies around in a flight suit that’s way cooler than the comic book version. Is played by none other than the original Beetlejuice and 1989!Batman. Somehow ends up in what appears to be one of the least liked superhero films ever several years later (and even the die-hard fans are confused as hell by that).
Thor Ragnarok’s Hela and Grandmaster–If you wanted a hot female villain who wants to conquer you, has an understandable rage about being erased from history, and has a soft spot for her giant doggo, then boy do I have good news for you. Also there’s an obvious slave owner played by Jeff Goldblum so of course you’ll find him  despicable, but he’s Jeff Goldblum so of course you’ll be too charmed to care.
Black Panther’s Killmonger–T’Challa’s cousin who has understandable reasons for wanting to lash out at people who harmed all black people across history and modern times, but is too full of anger to realize why his methods are wrong. Would also make for a TERRIBLE boyfriend, so I hope you don’t fantasize over him. I can’t really find much to make fun of this guy since a lot about him really isn’t that funny and his final lines will haunt you long after you’ve seen this movie.
Avenger’s Infinity War’s Thanos- The giant purple dude obsessed with getting all the stones in order to make a gauntlet. Thinks killing half the universe’s population will save the universe. A favorite amongst most MCU fans and movie fans… but honestly he’s an abusive dad, so he doesn’t deserve much praise.
Also has four children with different names related to the color black, but you’ll only care about his other kids so I’m not going to bother describing them.
Ant Man and the Wasp’s Ghost–Lives up to her name by not being completely solid, but also completely hates it because it’s killing her… Ok, look–some villains WANT to be cured or get health care which was what Ava wanted and her condition did seem pretty awful. It was nice to see Janet heal her and then Scott and the Pym family made sure she’d have access to what was basically free health care and medication. (Is also going to appear in the Thunderbolts film and I won’t be surprised if she’s shipped with either Yelena or Antonia.)
Captain Marvel’s… was it Yorg? Rogg? Yrog?–Typical ‘mentor who is actually the bad guy.’ Honestly it says a lot that the cat was the best part of this movie.
Avenger’s Endgame’s Thanos–Basically Thanos from 2014, but still a tenacious A hole that tries to keep the Avengers from undoing what his future self did instead of just letting things play out. I mean it DOES lead to an awesome epic final battle (though the best experience comes if you’ve seen MOST of these films by this point). But the fact that he caught onto it feels like a ‘need to have an obstacle.’
Spiderman Far From Home’s Mysterio–They REALLY thought they could pull a twist villain? Seriously?! It’s a freaking Spiderman villain, why would you pull that off with this guy?! Anyway its some dude that claims to be a hero from another universe, but he’s ANOTHER person who Tony somehow annoyed. Uses special effects and illusions, a team of misused Stark employees, the drones he steals from Peter… but is too stupid to listen to any warnings when it comes to his personal safety. Is also a huge gaslighter and the kind of person you wouldn’t want in your life.
PHASE 4 (Some of these were surprises, but there’s more in the Disney plus shows that I’m not covering here.)
Black Widow’s General… Drekov? Drakov? (I give up). And Taskmaster–He’s not a good villain. Your typical evil general even. But he had a lot of women brainwashed to be his soldiers and had them sterile whether they wanted it or not, so of course you’ll hate this disgusting pig like I did. (And he gets defeated and it is oh so satisfying when it happens.) Taskmaster… you’ll either like the reveal or hate it, but a non-spoiler detail is that they are the ‘anything you can do I can copy it.’
Shang Chi’s Wenwu–A once immortal evil overlord that gave it all up to live in peace with his wife and raise a family. But proved to be a tragic reason why ‘going straight’ doesn’t come without a cost when his wife dies. Ends up going evil again and puts his kids through hell. And then thinks his wife’s village resurrected and abducted her so he’s trying to bring her back. Honestly I can’t find it in me to make fun of this guy, but losing your wife doesn’t give you a reason to be a shitty or neglectful parent.
Eternals’…. It’s a mix of Arishem, Kro, and Ikaris (yeah, no surprise there)– Some giant space god who created the Eternals and told them not to interfere with Earth’s fights (explaining why they were missing from key films) whose using our planet as an egg that’ll kill us when a new space God comes out. And is also voiced by the same guy who voices Sesshomaru (no seriously I’m NOT making that up). Kro… is one of the monsters the Eternals fights that gains powers every time he kills one of them… and Ikaris is ‘TWIST VILLAIN’ who is only so because he is stubbornly devoted to Arishem’s intents… and he’s like one of the blandest MCU character’s imaginable. 
Spiderman No Way Home’s… ok there’s five villains (sadly we were one short of having an actual Sinister Six line up) and they get their own entries:
Green Goblin–Here to make Peter suffer and to remind the other MCU villains what a TRUE super comic book villain is meant to be. Back to scare the crap out of you and gets to ditch the mask to allow Dafoe’s terrifyingly good acting on full display. Rightfully earns his position among the MCU’s scariest villains and will keep you on edge if you’ve seen the original Spiderman film.
Doc Ock- A reversible Octo plushie in human form who just happens to look attractive. Provides one of the best fight scenes in the MCU, but gets one of the most amusing of defeats at the same time. If you’ve seen Spiderman 2 and care about him as much as I did, you will also love his character arc. He was also the main reason I wanted to see this movie since he’s my favorite. (And thank GOD they didn’t do the body swap thing from the comics).
Electro–Thor’s villainous counterpart minus a hammer…. Well actually its still Electro, but throw away the blue theme, give him a better outfit, and let Jamie Foxx do this thing. Also a MASSIVE improvement over his first appearance that has nods to his comic-book self. Not to good when it comes to making sure he destroys something properly.
Sandman–Name pretty much says it. Just fed up with everything like most people who don’t care about the MCU and wants to go home to his daughter.
Lizard–A scaly boy that just wants to turn people into lizards and also knows like the audience that things will inevitably go sideways. Ends up in the truck during a chunk of the film for reasons that are obviously to save money. Probably one of the few characters in the MCU to be naked throughout the entire movie.
Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness’ Scarlet Witch-What happens when an MCU hero turns evil and kills almost everyone on sight just to be able to kill an innocent teenaged girl for her powers. A worthy successor to Sam Raimi’s villains and who manages to be genuinely scary in a few scenes. Also I hope you watched WandaVision before seeing this movie otherwise somethings won’t make sense… oh right, the real villain here must have been Disney Plus in that case.
Thor Love and Thunder’s Gorr–What happens when a God fails to protect their people. Goes killing gods (which we won’t see much of) because one of them was a lazy ass who wouldn’t save his daughter from death. Probably one of the few best things about this movie and honestly you’d be rooting for this guy after seeing how most of the gods in this film ARE actual jerkasses. Also the movie wants to make him scary but he’s either too tragic or too corny for me to be scared of him.
And though I have yet to see it and it’s hard to tell if Namor should count as an actual villain yet, I propose that the REAL villain for the last film of phase 4 to be….
Black Panther Wakanda Forever’s…. The cancer that killed Chadwick Boseman– F*** you. You took away a wonderful human being from the world. A compassionate person who was well loved and admired by many. A man who was an actual king in spirit with true dignity and grace. You took T’Challa from us, but his legacy will live on in both the MCU and in the real world. And while I’m at at, F*** you for killing so many others that didn’t deserve to die so soon.
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