#sga term
tr1ppykay · 2 months
I hope you know that there’s always a place that you’ll be welcome, even if you’re thrown away from other places due to your identity.
You’re a bi genderfluid man, and anyone that tries to change that (other than you) or take the piss out of your identity can try to parry the crowd of bees I just guided towards them
hi thanks, this means a lot. logically i do know that there are queer spaces welcoming to me, its just that *finding* them is a complicated issue. i tend to socially isolate because of trauma- growing up, my ADHD symptoms were mocked by both my peers AND authority figures in my life- i was severely bullied by other kids for being weird, and my parents/teachers regularly treated me as an annoyance/burden/mistake. I default to assuming that everyone always wants me to leave because of this. so when i try to meet other queer people like me irl, and the handful of assholes decide to tell me I should leave because "women" who like men or "women" who decide to become men aren't welcome, it reinforces those thoughts and sours the whole experience. its equally a me-problem and a problem of how people like me are perceived in queer spaces. if had no trauma, I would be able to shrug the assholes off. but then again, if there were no exclusionary assholes, people with similar trauma to mine would be more welcome- and i don't think queer people should have to fully heal from trauma to feel safe in their own community.
my experiences with ableism, antimasculism, and SGA-superiority all come together to create the perfect cocktail that leads to most queer spaces excluding me. I think my anecdotes speak to this specific intersection between my identities as a neurodivergent bisexual transmasc.
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stargatelov3r · 8 months
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Elizabeth Weir Daily
Day 152
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mizufae · 9 months
Stranger Things fic needs the sentinel trope so bad
Hopper as unbonded sentinel sheriff with assigned shitty municipal guides and Joyce coming on line as guide during Will’s disappearance
The lab El escapes from being a secret program to forcibly create people with sentinel and guide powers that can be molded and manipulated by outside interests and powers
El being a sentinel in a world where they are not known and it being a whole conspiracy thing in and of itself, Papa convinces her he is the only guide, etc
Steve is a sentinel in denial and keeps it a secret until one of his kids is in danger
Robin is a guide but she is baffled by this because she is like the least calming person ever like have you MET her
Jonathan and Nancy as teen coming of age guide and sentinel romcom
Mike asking Will to draw their animals constantly as little kids so Will gets really good at drawing them and he keeps having dreams about them and that definitely couldn’t possibly mean anything whoooops
Dustin obsessing over sentinels and guides and knowing everything about them and wanting to know how they work and then strange things occur and suddenly he KNOWS some of them personally and he becomes truly obnoxious and does science about it and Mike and Will are like “if you use the term double blind incorrectly ONE MORE TIME” etc etc
Murray out there writing groundbreaking scoops about government sentinel training programs and everyone writing him off as a crank UNTIL…
Season 2 Will’s trauma being written off as prematurely presented Guide shit due to his season 1 trauma; Will surviving the upside down in part because of his powers, later people think he has normal guide powers but actually they are more like El’s complicated ones and isn’t THAT mysterious etc etc
Demobat spirit animal???? Eeeek
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vamptastic · 2 years
the whole transmisandry thing is so goddamn stupid. transmascs making up new, increasingly nonsensical words to say 'there are some things i deal with as an AFAB person that trans women do not', belittling trans womens struggles, pulling up not all men arguments from eras past, and 'cringe is dead-ing' their way into saying the boyfriends comic is the peak of trans lit. but if you want to engage in well intentioned critique you ally yourself with some of the most bitter people on earth using it as an excuse to belittle and mock trans men in ways ranging from like, typical internet rudeness to straight up vile levels of transphobia and sexism. i do not want to use the term transandrophobia cos it's fucking goofy and i genuinely don't think that hatred towards men for being men has or ever will seriously affect me, but i am not comfortable talking to anybody who makes jokes about trans men being on their period or whatever. shit is so fucked dude. somewhere in the middle of this is a legitimate discussion but it's couched in so many layers of both 'no girls allowed' and 'i am the Most Oppressed, so everyone elses struggles are fair game to mock'
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windwardstar · 23 days
Love is love is just so fucking alienating as an aroace nonbinary trans person because like I am part of the queer community and under the umbrella and nothing about love is why I belong.
And also this focus on love is exactly why my identities have been targeted as not belonging as part of the community. The fucking hell that was "sga" definition people used. Because the focus is so much on who you love as what makes the community the community people honestly believe I don't have a space in the community.
It's also why I thoroughly reject bejng called gay as an umbrella term. Because it functionally erases my identities (aro ace tran no love no attraction) that have had massive movements to say you're not gay or lesbian (or bi but that's up for debate to those people to) so you don't belong.
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sixth-light · 2 months
March book reviews on DW. I simply did not have a good reading month in terms of new stuff so I come with nothing newly published to recommend, but in news respectively about ten and twenty years out of date, Max Gladstone and Martha Wells sure can write bangers. Also I am so very right about my Raksura-SGA conspiracy theory.
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atlantis-scribe · 1 year
Hello! I think you've talked about how you think that Daniel should have been expedition leader instead of Sam in season 4 due to the military thing. So how would that change things according to you wrt plot, interpersonal dynamics, characters, etc? Would love to know your take on it.
'should have been' is probably a little too strong, since it's mostly because i love him and i want him in my house, but other reasons include:
i want to keep the expedition under civilian command. this is vital to me.
it would be nice to soften Daniel back because the last couple of seasons in SG-1 made him sooo jaded and military-like that i want to remove him from that environment to see what happens
i want a bit of reversal, in that it's now Daniel stepping into a place that used to be Elizabeth's and he's now the interloper who has big shoes to fill (Elizabeth is not there to see it but the audience - i.e. Me - can draw comparisons as a result)
the expedition needs a Daniel, in that he's a good way to expand SGA lore and the Alterans and also as someone who will Not Go Quietly Into The Night in terms of war crimes and harebrained Sheppard-concocted schemes
First Contact and The Lost Tribe have proven that Daniel and Rodney are hilariously brilliant together
i want Daniel's presence to push Teyla's character development by LIGHT-YEARS (like the opposite of dead wife manpain. he is alive and in her space and she wants to cause him pain because he is wrongwrongwrong)
things that are likely going to happen with Daniel in charge:
restructuring of the science department (to Rodney's immense displeasure and secret relief)
the great Daniel and Sheppard enemieship
maybe the resolution of the Michael plot line would've been better idk
we can imagine a great SG1 Team Leader to SGC base commander journey for Sam, as was her right
we may finally get the Sheppard Military Mutiny that I always wanted with Elizabeth (less nuanced because he and Daniel aren't friends, but still determinative)
i just want Daniel to say to Sheppard's face that disobeying orders is not anti-establishment praxis when he's still, you know, wearing a uniform
we would likely get to explore the city more because Daniel's at the helm and he has Priorities
Ronon is the only AR-1 member who (openly) likes him. this is PAIN for Sheppard and plain alien to Rodney (Daniel and Ronon bond over memorializing Sateda)
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nimuetheseawitch · 2 days
SGA Summer Vacation Recs
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So, a few weeks ago, a friend asked for longfic recommendations to read while on vacation, and I did not really realize how many I was recommending at the time. Seemed like a good idea to make a post about it.
Time in a Bottle by astolat, 14K (not originally on my list because it was too short, but it's too perfect for a summer reading list, so I added it), McShep, Rated E, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings To see a World in a Grain of Sand / And a Heaven in a Wild Flower / Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand / And Eternity in an hour.
The Long Dark (series) by @logicgunn, 141K, McShep, Rated G-E but the first is M, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings An astronomical event causes two strangers to crash land on a remote island in the frozen Canadian north. Cue a fluffy slow burn in a survival setting.
Lord John Sheppard Versus Earth by LitGal, 61K, McShep, Rated M, Graphic Depictions of Violence Canon diverged before Jackson found Atlantis. The IOC stepped in and decided to make things more efficient. A gene testing program brought Major John Sheppard into the program earlier, but budget constraints and international treaties have kept Dr. Jackson out of the antarctic. So now John has to find his own team--and his own geek--or he's in danger of being stuck in the mountain forever as a light switch. However, as the universe changes, fate forces some things to return to proper form, and other things… they get wildly out of control. John isn't sure how he came to be Earth's enemy, but he's going to have to deal with the cards he's dealt.
Teamwork by onthewaters, 24K, McShep and others, Rated E, Graphic Depictions of Violence There is an Earth where things have turned out a little differently, and the people who go to Atlantis aren't quite the ones we know. AKA The one where Rodney is a Mountie.
The Doctor and the Sheppard by @hero-in-waiting, 70K, McShep, Rated E They've been in Pegasus for a year before Rodney is finally allowed to go off-world to meet with the mysterious leader of a group of allies against the wraith. The first meeting goes well, sending them down a path none of them could've foreseen, and leaving Rodney with thoughts of the mysterious leader with his bright eyes and dark hair.
The Hard Prayer by Rheanna, 30K, McShep, Rated M One year after the end of the world, John meets another survivor.
In Sickness and in Health by @a-storm-of-roses, 31K, McShep, Rated E "So I told a little lie, just to get you back to Atlantis. It was the only way, so try not to get too mad. I told them we were married.” When John suffers a major, life-changing injury on Earth, Rodney must pretend to be his husband to ensure his return to Atlantis. As he struggles to navigate recovery and accept his new reality, John must also come to terms with his new role as Rodney's husband and the new dynamics in their relationship. A story of healing, recovery, loss, love, and acceptance.
Enigma by sgamadison, McShep, 32K, McShep, Rated E, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings During an off-world mission, a piece of Ancient technology transports Rodney and John on a one-way trip to a deserted airfield. Working together to get back, it takes a vivid dream to make Rodney realize what's been in front of him all along.
Bridges by bussaiko, 52K, McShep, Rated E Engineer Rodney McKay went to North Carolina's Crystal Coast to help his sister design a series of bridges. He hoped to rebuild his career following a professional disaster; he didn't expect to be drawn into the small community of Athos Island, where he found friendship and perhaps something more with helicopter pilot John Sheppard. But when Rodney tries to learn more about John's past, what he discovers might tear them apart. (non-Stargate AU)
Apocalypse Rising by sian1359, 81K, McShep, Rated M, Graphic Depictions of Violence The Goa'uld are not the only ones who covet Earth.
Zen and the Art of Jumper Maintenance by Indybaggins, 39K, McShep, Rated M The one where Rodney gets sucked in and John… follows. Featuring a quirky John, Rodney in orange robes, crazy Ancient-worship, sheep milking and jumpers that aren't broken but need to be fixed anyway.
Black Helicopters (series) by whizzy, 141K, McShep, Rated T-E but the first is M, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Screw the bet. Rodney was going to prove the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Oh, and incidentally, he might just catch the United States Air Force with their pants around their ankles.
Pegasus Purgatorio by MrsHamill, 127K, McShep, Rated E, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings It is difficult to write a paradise when all the superficial indications are that you ought to write an apocalypse. It is obviously much easier to find inhabitants for an inferno or even a purgatorio. (Ezra Pound) Yeah, I'd say that about covers it, Ezra. John and Rodney are left behind when Atlantis (and, by extension, Pegasus) is evacuated. While returning to the Milky Way, they decide to bring a few friends along.
What A Wonderful Bunker You Would Make by ocdindeed, 50K, McShep, Rated M Summary in simple words: Rodney is recluse and John has a kid. Summary in not so simple words: Rodney McKay has given up on the world, living a simple life up on a mountain devoid of people. He likes it that way, at least he did until a kid with a full head of dark hair ambled up his dirt driveway and changed his sequestered life forever. (AU - Set during SG1 & Pre-SGA timeline.)
G******, Tramps, and Thieves* (series) by auburn, 372K, McShep and a whole lot more, Rated T-M, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, later fics Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Vala Mal Doran and her partners, renegades Jehan abd-Ba'al and Meredith McKay, hijack the Tau'ri ship Prometheus and leave the Milky Way behind in search of the Lost City of the Ancients, Atlantis.
*I censored this title due to a common racial slur
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OSA Pride Flag
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OSA: other-sex attraction (or opposite-sex attraction); the counterpart of SSA (same-sex attraction/similar-sex attraction).
SSA Pride Flag
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SSA: same-sex attraction/similar-sex attraction.
SGA Pride Flag
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SGA: same-gender (or similar-gender/s) attraction.
OGA Pride Flag
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OGA: other-gender(s) [or opposite-gender(s)] attraction; the counterpart of SGA (same-gender attraction).
These definitions are neutral in nature and are older than the discourse surrounding them (gatekeepers still use then, so use with care).
Though "opposite" may imply a gender/sex binary, it's not always the case since many use it as the attraction to their antigender(s)/sex(es) [e.g.: enanteic]. These terms includes those who are exclusively attracted to such gender(s)/sex(es), and those who are attracted to multiple sexes/genders. Sometimes, being attracted to multigender or agender people can make the attraction blur into neither or both (mestric/diamoric is useful for that).
It should be said that "sex" isn't necessarily indicating biological sex. As sex is a biopsychosocial construct and may include social/brain sex (according to one's intrapersonal identity narrative). For example, a Wolffian dating a Müllerian Wolfadic can still consider their attraction SSA if they consider the altered/modified sex or psychosocially sexed traits in this attraction. However, another person can consider their attraction as both SGA and OSA, as they see sex and gender as distinct concepts interpersonally [unleashed from the binomial/biaxial].
Image transcripts input is appreciated. These flags can include intersex and altersex people as long as they consent individually.
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sapphic-cartoons · 9 months
progress pride lumity icons
all art by dana terrace
flag edit posted by @/zestybi here
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NOTE: as a white, bisexual, transgender, and questioning intersex person, i am of the opinion that you do not need to be all four modality types (BIPOC*, SGA**, trans, intersex) included in the flag. i am okay with allies using these to show support, as that is what i believe this particular flag is for across the world. however, i am only one individual and others may disagree, so please keep that in mind and listen to them.
*BIPOC - black, indigenous, people of color. racial term.
**SGA - same-gender attracted. queer term.
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azeriairis · 5 months
Stargate Books are up to some Bullshit
The Stargate books have some weird bullshit in them. I remember in one of the Atlantis Books we learn how Radek managed to get on the radar of the SGC and found out about the Stargate. And I'm going to tell you from the POV of the SGC because it's funnier that way. Radek got on the SGCs radar by emailing a scanned drawing of a DHD to Daniel Jackson with a little note essentially saying "I came across some of your research and thought you may want to take a look at this because I thought it may be relevant." Which almost definitely got him listed as "potential security threat of the week" because some random Czech dude emailing Dr. Jackson an image of a DHD is a bit weird even by SGC standards and probably needed an investigation to figure out what was even happening.
Turns out it was a drawing of the Gaza DHD (as in the one connected to the Gaza Stargate later used by the SGC), made by some of Napoleon's men during his Egyptian Campaign*. Radek managed to get his hands on it during a short-term job post-doc.**. Whilst doing that job he came across a document containing that image, thought it looked like a Keyboard to get a device to do something, thought that was interesting, and decided to save a digital copy of it. Years later he winds across some work by Daniel (from before Daniel worked at the SGC) which included a reference to the Diaries of the artist who drew the sketch but not a reference to the sketch itself, but was discussing advanced technology in Ancient Egypt, and Radek determines that he is probably better suited for figuring out what is going on with it and sends him an Email, a month later Jackson comes to discuss the sketch and winds up accidentally breaking confidentiality and spilling the secret of the stargate to Radek.
I really want to know how the hell the author came up with that one, because it is such bullshit, but also I love it. the Book this is brought up in is Death Game it's part of Fandemoniums Stargate Atlantis Series that takes place during the main timeline (As opposed to the SGA Legacy Series which takes place after SGA S5)
*this of course meaning that, according to the books, the DHD was still on earth and at Gaza even after the Goa'uld left, and that it remained at Gaza until at least the turn of the 19th century before it disappeared.
**The story of that being he ended up not being able to find a long-term job immediately after getting his PhD, but he managed to get a short-term job in the meanwhile, helping an Old Professor in Paris sort through some old documents and artifacts related to the development of science (He of course took it because it paid the bills and was somewhat science-related)
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itwoodbeprefect · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
thank you!! ❤ sooo @actingcamplibrarian also sent me this one, and i'm going to take this opportunity to cheat (shamelessly!) and just. give another five fics. because there are more than ten of them on ao3, and because i can.
so again (mhuahaha), from five different fandoms, in no particular order:
Silly wrong but vivid right [sga, john/rodney]
i adore this now, but i went through a weird thing while writing it where i really loved the first half, and then i had to end it somehow and i came up with something that i didn't like very much, and i ended up posting it anyway because i still liked the first half a lot and felt it deserved to see the light of day. which is interesting to me because when i reread it now it doesn't feel wildly out of balance at all, and it all fits just fine, and i just still really really like the idea of 1) gay john getting some freedom and actually taking it, 2) rodney on the sidelines having Weird Feelings about it and drawing a very wrong conclusion, and 3) both of them still being idiots, at the end of the day.
Tell me the sky is falling now [starsky/hutch]
i like the way i opened this! and the way it ended too, and nearly all of what's in the middle. most of all though i like starsky Finding Out and being confused and maybe trying to freak out but hutch is right there, and he loves hutch, and he doesn't want to freak hutch out, and then he comes to some other conclusions, because it's hutch, and he's starsky, and that's the important part. this is one of those fics that i keep sort of almost rewriting in the sense that i have very similar ideas for a story and then have to try to figure out how to bend that new idea into a shape that's at least slightly unique so i don't actually end up writing a pale imitation of this one.
Cause if we’re all gonna die (Now’s the time to be alive) [h50, steve/danny]
in terms of my h50 fic this is definitely on the older side, but i still firmly stand by the headcanon behind this, i like that it has a good dosis of team banter, and it has some lines that i think of fondly from time to time, like this: He tumbles until he’s kissing Danny, awkwardly boxing Danny and his soft heat in against the cold and rough wall, not quite sure yet if this big bang is a creation myth or a mass extinction event. and, of course, taking the sappiness a step further still: Everything that comes after this point in time will forever be witnessed by eyes that have to send images off to be processed in a brain that also stores the memory of this kiss, which logically and inescapably prevents anything from ever being experienced the same as before.
Coming Up Aces [911, eddie/buck]
i don't know if i'd call this one a favorite writing-wise (at least overall - there are definitely parts that i do really like), but it does rank on a list of favorite fics i've written in the sense that, just. the way people connect with fic like this means something to me. and one of the things it means is that there should be more ace rep in (mainstream) media so people don't have to have these huge epiphany-like moments only while reading fic, but another is just feelings, big and warm and human.
Abandon your sad history (and meet me in the fire) [top gun, iceman/maverick]
top gun is A Movie, for sure, and i'd been trying to write some fic for it for a while when this finally came together. i loved playing with identities here, and the extended metaphors pretty much wrote themselves (iceman!), and every time i reread it and come to the line that mentions iceman is drinking an old fashioned while trying to fend off maverick's very queer advances i give myself a little pat on the back for subtle jokes.
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stargaterevival · 8 months
20 questions for writers! Thanks @sga-owns-my-soul @frostysfrenzy
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
5 works
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
116,241, mostly between the two novels.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, MCU Avengers Steve Rogers, (unpublished: Saving Hope, Daredevil, Supernatural).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The there are only 5 on Ao3 so far 😅
You and Me (Stargate SG-1, Daniel Jackson x gn reader, 🔞)
What was Lost (Marvel, Steve Rogers x OFC 🔞)
Fetish (Captain America, Steve x Peggy)
Worlds Colliding (Stargate SG-1, Sam x Martouf)
Capturing Samantha (Stargate SG-1, Sam x Martouf)
5. Do you respond to comments?
YESSS!! I live for comments, and reblogs, all the interactions!!!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
You and me is the angstiest in general. It gets very emotionally dark.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
What was Lost has the happiest ending so far... but it may be overtaken by You and Me, we'll have to wait and see 😉
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I was once told my mystery was too mysterious 🤣
9. Do you write smut?
Sort of, I write romance 😘 so it's bound to happen 😏
Okay, yes. Yes, I do.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
Not yet, never say never.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
We all have, everyone who's been on Ao3 for a while. Don't steal my shit 🤬 I'm pretty mad about chatGPT scraping everyone's works. Disgusting bunch of thieves!!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! I think most writing loses its essence in translation.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! It was so much fun!!!
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
Probably Daniel/Sha're, or Daniel/Vala (Stargate) but also partial to Steve/Nat (MCU), and Matt/Elektra (Daredevil). But X reader fics are the most fun you can have 💘
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a dirty Daredevil X reader languishing in my wips. Might get around to it when I watch the new season.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character voices and attentions to detail. People usually comment on those things. I'm also good at bringing the Drama™️. There may be some screaming, crying and throwing up 😂
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Keeping it short and sweet, my slow burns really are slow burns. I have to pay specific attention to pacing and linking scenes well. I do way too much Research™️ .
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I would if I had a native language speaker to proof read it for me.
As a reader I find it annoying if I have to keep moving back to the chapter notes to check translations. It interrupts the flow.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The X-files but I was a kid, does that count? Supernatural is probably more relevant.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Honestly, I love my two novels, I'm pretty attached to them 🥰 they've been such a journey, personally and in terms of developing my writing skills.
tagging @i-am-morrigans-apprentice @jgem87 @darsynia @figsandfandoms @rightbrainboredom @riverageleis @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter @cuillere @courtforshort15 and anyone else who's interested!
-- Ellie 💗 (@ellie--eille)
questions under the cut
20 questions for writers!
Thanks @
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you wrote crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
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spurious · 9 months
💿💿 for sga!
Rodney's rented an apartment in the city—Rodney was supposed to have gotten an apartment with Keller, but she's been "visiting home" for over a month and John's starting to think there might be more to the story, there. He's not sure he wants to know it, or if Rodney wants to tell it.
John's staying over, because he doesn't—he won't—have a place of his own yet. They're sitting on a plush sofa, eating Chinese takeout, and Rodney is very, very drunk. John thinks Rodney might be very slowly coming to terms with his engagement not working out. John also thinks Rodney looks cute with a flush across his cheeks, looks painfully attractive in his worn MIT t-shirt and sweatpants. John feels all of these thoughts as a physical sensation, an ache that echoes through his bones, radiates out from the pit of his stomach.
Maybe, he thinks, maybe once Rodney's gotten over this, maybe then John will allow himself to do something more than ache.
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chaniis-atlantis · 6 days
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @anonmadsci !
How many works do you have on ao3?
I have 18! All but two are SGA
What's your total Ao3 word count?
421,430 yeesh, that's a little embarrassing to admit lol. Writing fic got me through college, and will probably get me through life.
What fandoms do you write for?
Stargate Atlantis, Good Omens (TV), and NBC Hannibal
Top five fics by kudos:
The Reconstruction of Will Graham (552) - Across the Universe (346) - Companion (172) - You Want It (139) - All Betts are off (107)
Do you respond to comments?
I always do eventually. Lately, I've been struggling with burnout and I've found that my capacity for doing anything online has shrunk way down. But that doesn't mean that I don't want to participate/respond, just that it might take a little longer. I appreciate every comment <3
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
There's one that isn't finished. but in terms of finished fics, I think it's "Companion" (John/Todd) it ends with John getting his memory back and reliving a horrible past
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Across the Universe! That fic is my baby and my most indulgent. It ends with everyone happy and hopeful
Do you get hate on fics?
Just once on my Hannibal fic. Someone got really angry that I was "character bashing" (I wasn't) and even if I was, the whole thing they were referring to was noted in the tags and summary. They also criticized my use of ellipses lol
Do you write smut?
Yes, most of my fics have it. I've been doing it since what I want to call the Golden Age of Wattpad (like 2015-2018) (Though I axed all that stuff long ago. It was terrible)
Craziest crossover:
If I was ever going to finish the Hannibal fic (I won't because me and its coauthor broke up and don't speak) then it would have had the greek gods in it
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God I hope not
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but it would be so cool
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! The Hannibal fic (rip Hannibal fic) and me and @anonmadsci have an idea that I'd love to get back to!
All-time favourite ship?
John Sheppard/Todd the Wraith. They are my OTP
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have so many WIPs that are part of different series that I honestly have no idea. We'll have to see where inspiration takes me.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at setting, and I get good reactions to my dialogue and character internal monologue!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm for it as long as I can look it up.
First fandom you wrote in?
First ever - Hamilton fic First that I put up somewhere - a smut fic for this Wattpad series called The Underworld Chronicles. My fic was on Wattpad and was culled (Wattpad used to delete stories that were pwp without any warning, they probably still do. I was twice a victim of that whole thing. eye roll). It's gone forever now.
Favourite fic you've written?
I am proudest of what I'm doing with "You're Too Sweet For Me" but my favorite will always be "Across the Universe."
This was fun!
npt: @bagheerita @annwayne @trainofcommand @aintgonnatakethis @mx-seraph @sga-owns-my-soul and @adriankyte-writes
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syn4k · 10 months
ooh about minecraft language! have you seen the extended standard galactic alphabet? (translator, font, quizlet)
minecraft doesn't use this, it only uses the alphabet (so no punctuation or numbers or anything), but i wonder how you feel about it in terms of headcanons
i dont know how widely known it is? my only point of reference is that it isn't in SGA's UCSUR block, lol
but then again minecraft doesnt even have the galactic period, ._., so it's already fairly limited
i have indeed and i think it fits in perfectly into what i said :3
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