#shameless 1x08
dreamylyfe-x · 1 year
This is random but my weird hot take that's not really a hot take is that when Ian was at the Milkovich residence in 1x08, I don't think Ian and Mickey fucked. I think Ian gave him a blow job. It doesn't really matter but ya know.
::: rubs eyes :::
Oh my God, an ASK! Like, a meta-ask. Bless you. I haven't seen one of you in a minute!
And hey, yeah, me either. I mean, let me explain myself: I absolutely think the show's position is that they had sex. If you asked if it was canon they'd say "of course. Did you not hear the sound effects? They had sex." By which they would mean they fucked.
This does not reeeeeeally wash with me and it used to bother me, honestly. And caveat before I really get into it -- I'm aware that this is a straight lift from the UK show and that, in the UK show, the dad walks in and thinks they're undressed because they've been doing coke. I have NO EARTHLY IDEA what Terry Milkovich thinks is the reason for his son being in bed, naked, with Ian Gallagher. None. It doesn't seem to bother him, though. And for the record, I think that's weird.
Maybe he thinks it's a dream.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I think there's a tendency of people who do not experience penetration as a part of the sex act to not really understand that it's a whole THING. I read something recently where a person was talking about how they hadn't gotten it, either, until they had switched from being a person exclusively taking to someone who was giving and finding out "hey, this is way less draining that what I was doing before." I don't think Shameless really seeks to reflect that reality in how they write Gallavich. I don't think there was a ton of effort to make their sex life terribly realistic over the course of the entire show. I experience honest relief when Mickey mentioned lube for the very first time in SEASON 7. And in writing this scene, I can totally see them being like "and then they have penetrative anal sex in their first mutual encounter as teenagers while the house has a bunch of people right outside," without any sense of... proportion.
I'm more team frottage, or some variation there of, personally (sound effects, the fact that Mickey's dad and various family members are RIGHT THERE) when I try to fold it into my concept of Ian and Mickey. But. If we are wrong... about this fictional off-camera event... I would like to say that there's definitely some stuff to be said about the fact that Ian was 15 and in a relationship with an adult that could be read into his assumptions of what sex is when he was really still a kid. Not to bring down the room. But I think both of them have some trauma around around their sexuality, how they were introduced to sex and what was "expected" of them that can definitely play into how that first encounter unfolded.
Oof. I have bummed myself out. But honestly, thank you for this. It was really awesome to see it.
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heymacy · 3 months
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 month
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winnie-the-monster · 10 months
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trashmuth · 1 year
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Leaving your hometown
Shameless 6x09 / Worm’s King Lullaby by Richard Siken / Paper Towns by John Green / To Belong - Daughter / Euphoria 1x08 / Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood / All Signs Point to Lauderdale - A Day To Remember / Shameless 9x14 / Little Weirds by Jenny Slate / Leave The City - Twenty One Pilots
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samwpmarleau · 1 year
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i find this so interesting
keeley herself doesn’t give a shit about the photo with ted, despite the fact that she would get the brunt of the negativity if the photo were to come out (“the press are never awful to men,” etc. etc.). she actually compliments the composition of it, and in 1x08 when she and roy get papped, she looks completely unperturbed
her concern is that jamie wouldn’t like it. not because the photo would be incriminating — she doesn’t say, for instance, that she’s afraid he would believe she cheated on him, or that he has a jealousy problem — but because he doesn’t want them probing his/their private life
which is just such an interesting angle i think. he — and he and keeley as a couple — is presented as “on” all the time, a publicity hound, a showoff for the cameras. but then we get this, which reinforces that no, Jamie Tartt And His Hot Girlfriend is not who they are, it’s a persona. keeley with her background in nudie mags and modeling is used to not having a private life and making a big splash, so this kind of thing doesn’t matter to her. but jamie? it matters to him. he wants to be able to be “off” with his girlfriend and not have their every move scrutinized
it’s almost naive in some ways — the press are the press, they’re going to be shameless weasels who would sooner sell him out than help him no matter what — but i love that it’s a thing and that keeley goes out of her way to ensure that he won’t be hurt by it
there could also be an element to it where he’s afraid if they poke around his love life then it’s only a matter of time before they poke around the james tartt-shaped corners of his life :(
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Can you recommend any good sickfics?
Sure can!
The Devil and the Flu by dino76 Summary: Shameless Lucifer fluff. Our favourite devil has an unpleasant encounter with something called “the flu”.
Precocious Parasite Oshii Summary: Lucifer eats something unwise and Chloe tends to him. When she has to leave, Trixie steps in and volunteers her services as resident physician. H/C, sick!Lucifer.
Thermophilic Bacteria by ElenaCee Summary: Lucifer manages to get sick, which leads to its own kind of reveal.
Nurse to the Devil by CastleMorningstar Summary: When Lucifer suddenly falls ill at a crime scene, Chloe takes it upon herself to make him better, with the help of Trixie
powering through by Oshii Summary: Sick!Lucifer, heedless of his fragile state, invites Chloe over to the penthouse to go over some missing links on a case. Things do not end well for him. Chloe sticks around to help him out. Emeto, h/c, nausea and back rubbing!
The King and the Taco Truck by Oshii Summary: For all his infernal splendor, Lucifer still falls victim to one of humanity's most troublesome grievances. Mazikeen, ever the faithful assistant, is there to pick up the pieces. AU!Lucifer, sick!Lucifer, emeto, mild H/C (mild because it's maze).
Thomas Barrow
The Illness dustnik Summary: Set in 1924. Thomas becomes very ill, and Andy is concerned.
A Little Help by Once_More_With_Feeling Summary: A missing scene from Season 5, episode 6, after Miss Baxter takes Thomas to see Dr. Clarkson.
Danny Williams
Chicken Soup for the Soul by MDJensen Summary: Danny's homesick, and sick sick. Chin's a good friend. Set soon after 1x08
Rising Temperatures by Candy_A Summary: Danny's bout of the flu leads the guys to discover that there may be something better than just soothing each other's pain.
Warmth by Nymaria Summary: Steve is falling in love. (How there is paperwork, a stage production of Wicked, Danny is sick with the flu, a murder case pops up, and Steve has to deal with feelings.)
Klaus Hargreeves
Sick of Pills by SheepShit Summary: Klaus is sick, Ben is trying to help, Diego is helping and Luther is absolutely no help
asset by painting Summary: As it turns out, "leave me alone, I'm sick" isn't an adequate deterrent when directed toward the living or the dead.
Malcolm Bright
Common Cold by Bowtiez Summary: Malcolm is not the kind of guy to admit when something's not right. And, well, something's not quite right. Gil's not the kind of guy to just ignore when one of his team members is not doing so good. Even Dani and JT can see something's going on with their profiler.
Mike Warren
Sick Mike Oneshots by Miss DiNozzo Summary: As a huge sickfic fan, I’ve really wanted to see more sick!Mike. So naturally I wrote a million stories about it.
Crowley (Good Omens)
Honour by DictionaryWrites2 Summary: Just a very small, sick!Crowley thing!
Eliot Waugh
Time is Limited; Love is Precious by clarapaget Summary: Eliot gets sick. It's been a few months since Arielle passed of a similar sickness and Quentin is on edge.
Chroma by kangamangus Summary: Set during A Life in the Day, Eliot gets sick and Quentin frets.
Illya Kuryakin
Something New by moviegeek03 Summary: Illya couldn't show weakness. No matter how much he hurt, or how bad that annoying cough got. He was the muscle for their team. He couldn't get sick. Right?
Russian Immunity by lovelydarkanddeep Summary: "I am Russian. Cold does not bother me. I do not want to deal with you getting sick because you have inferior immune system." Illya let's Gaby borrow his coat, but it seems even the Red Peril isn't immune to a common cold.
Too Bad by floral cactus Summary: Illya is sick, and of course he doesn't tell anyone until he ends up puking on the very nice, very expensive hotel carpet. Gaby/Illya one-shot.
Night Fever by PerilousCowboy Summary: Illya gets sick, but luckily his team is there to watch out for him. Shameless fluff.
Never Alone (or the one where Mon-El gets sick) by Write-To-You Summary: This was the first time Mon-El had gotten sick since he was 8. It brought back memories of Daxem, some welcome, most not. Because he was alone now. Or maybe he wasn't, and he just didn't know it yet.
John Sheppard
Nightcrawlers by coolbreeze1 Summary: Just a little self-indulgent whumping fic to get myself back into the writing habit. There's only the thinnest hint of an actual story here, so don't expect too much beyond sick!Shep...Not for the squeamish! Otherwise, no spoilers of any kind.
Killian Jones
Nightcrawlers by coolbreeze1 Summary: Just a little self-indulgent whumping fic to get myself back into the writing habit. There's only the thinnest hint of an actual story here, so don't expect too much beyond sick!Shep...Not for the squeamish! Otherwise, no spoilers of any kind.
Pale by SignoriaSickFic Summary: Set in the 6 weeks of peace in S4. Killian catches a nasty stomach bug and, feeling sick, fails to answer his phone. Enter a worried Emma who finds herself playing nursemaid to her indisposed pirate boyfriend. Warning: mentions of vomiting.
Killian is Sick by KatofDresden Summary: Sickfic! Killian Jones is a survivor, but that doesn't mean he can't be hurt. A series of oneshots where Hook is sick or injured. Lots of vulnerable Killlian and Captain Swan feels. And some angst. Suggestions welcome.
Silence by SlytherinElektra Summary: Spoilers for 3X20 Kansas. AU-ish. Sick Hook. After the drowning incident, Hook is more hurt than he lets on. The consequences of the trauma catch up to him dramatically. Whump, angst, Emma feels.
Cabin Fever by CSIBeauty Summary: When Emma goes to the Jolly Roger to question Hook about a recent theft in town she finds him in a less than healthy state. He refuses to leave the comfort of his ship leaving her no choice but to take care of him there. AU Sick!Hook NOW COMPLETE
Neal Caffrey
My HeroJosieStyleNeal is in need for a hero, because he is really sick. He wanted something that took away his pain. Peter and his wife helping the young man out, with soup, trashcans, and a lot of patience. Read, and make my day!
Neal's Sickness by PoeticJustice84 Summary: Neal comes down with a nasty bug and Peter and El have to nurse him back to health in this installment.
Sick Day by Stealth Dragon Summary: This is not the first time Peter had seen a sick Neal, but this is the first time he's had to deal with a sick Neal. Neal and Peter friendship. Poor sick Neal. Gen all the way, baby.
Neal's Sick Day by pineapple dreamer Summary: Neal's a bit under the weather. Just some random Neal whump. I do not own any of these characters.
Tony DiNozzo
This is Home by Emiliana Keladry Summary: Tony almost dies in a house fire and finds himself fighting a respiratory infection that his lungs aren't strong enough to take. He needs someone to take care of him while he's so very sick.
A Doctor's Love by Fictionnaire Summary: The DiNardo/Benoit life... Tony's body has trouble keeping up with the double life and becomes sick. Can Tony keep up the DiNardo persona while sick? And the Director's Conspiratal web grows. Warning! DiNozzo/Benoit pairing.
The Deepest Significance by bananacosmicgirl Summary: While working on a case, Tony gets sick but pretends nothing is wrong. When Gibbs sends Tony and Ziva out to track the possible murderer, things take a turn for the worse. Gibbs/DiNozzo, slash.
Riley Poole
In Sickness and in Health by Craic agus Ceol Summary: Oneshot, pre-NT1. Riley comes down with an illness. Ben is less than thrilled at the way he handles it.
Red Jello by Ryo314 Summary: Riley is sick. What more can you want?
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boysbeloving · 2 years
your top 5 kinnporsche fics!
Nini!!! <333
tbh i haven't read many KP fics 🙈 but i'll try to come up with 5!
i turn to you like a flower leaning toward the sun by @rainbowcolored7
okay...so i'm gonna be a little shameless here 🙈 i had a tiny hand in the conception (😉) of this fic ehehhehehe....but all credit is due to Jen for writing a BRILLIANT pregnant!porsche getting fucked by kinn...thanks Jen 😘
2. Watch Me by @ahdriking
okay so i've mentioned this many times in the tags but let me say it here as well...ahdri's smut is right up my alley...ahdri babe your writing always presses the right buttons for me! this fic is a result of a galaxy-brained anon's message and the galaxy-talented ahdri fucking delivered! not giving any more spoilers for this...go read it!
3. KinnPorsche 1x08: All of the (Implied) Sex Scenes by Xemantics on AO3
i don't know if the author is on tumblr but this compilation is SO GOOD!!!! the title is quite self explanatory...i can imagine every scene so vividly...wow
4. Teasing you is My Favorite Past Time by @rinkitsune
Nini you had recommended this to me! and i fucking loved it! i love the premise and the execution of it...porsche enticing kinn with a striptease....uuuffff!!! amazing amazing
so yaaaa....just 4 for now lolooollol!!
special shoutout to @domsaysstuff who has the best fucking ideas that she keeps unleashing on the world! (she has an extremely soft coffee ship au going on so ya...)
ask me my top 5 anything :)
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
A Moment of Honesty
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/sHPuNUk
by Draconic_Grace
Set directly after episode 1x08.
Halbrand is unable to stay away from Galadriel.
"Tell me, Galadriel," he said. "For once, remove all walls from your heart and words, and give me a moment of honesty from you. Tell me the truth."
Words: 4687, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of A Moment of Wanting
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Galadriel | Artanis, Halbrand (The Rings of Power), Sauron | Mairon
Relationships: Galadriel | Artanis/Halbrand (The Rings of Power), Galadriel | Artanis/Sauron | Mairon
Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Eventual Smut, Smut, Shameless Smut, Angst, Heavy Angst, Angst and Porn, Angst and Romance, Porn, Porn with Feelings, Dom/sub, Power Dynamics, Power Imbalance, Praise Kink, Enemies to Lovers, Telepathy, Telepathic Bond, Soul Bond, Dream Sex, Mind Manipulation, Mind Palace, Interspecies Romance, Romance, Erotica, Possessive Behavior, Body Worship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022) Spoilers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/sHPuNUk
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dreamylyfe-x · 3 years
What do you think Mickey’s intention was when he visited Ian at work and asked about slim-jims? Imagining this is their possible second encounter, do you think Mickey had some idea they could have sex in the store? Do you think he went there to set up a meet up at a different time and place? Do you think he wanted to see his face and just to see what would happen? I don’t imagine he went to strike up a friendly conversation. I’m curious about your thoughts. 
OK! So I didn't even know this ask was here! All the yikes -- but I'm also delayed on asks right now due to a) the chronic pain thing and b) the whole getting ready for vacation thing. That has nothing to do with anything, but: For the record. Sorry I'm late.
I love this ask because it's one of those ones where my answer has no grounding in anything but my own feelings -- and my feelings are that Mickey probably warred with himself something fierce NOT to go into the Kash & Grab at all. So I don't think he got as far as logistics.
Logic Mickey is probably horrified by the whole thing and never wants to see Ian again. Like if the problem Ian wanted to solve was ONLY "stop Mickey Milkovich from terrorizing the Kash & Grab" then hooking up with him wasn't the worst way to go about it. He's created a vulnerability where there wasn't one. And I imagine that is really hard for Mickey to be chill about.
Which brings us to Emotional Mickey. Where we find two warring factions.
The first is the one that we meet again in 2x08. The "Oh God, Someone Knows" panic has to be extreme. I feel like the gears in Mickey's head have to be smoking, thinking about all the ways this could go wrong, and then what his contingency plans would be. He is probably continuously talking himself down from finding Ian and threatening him to ensure silence.
But then we have the second, and that faction wants to find Ian again very much, but for entirely different reasons because... I think that encounter was significant for Mickey. I don't think it's the first time he has sex with a man, but I do think he significantly let go of the control and that probably was a first. And he liked the experience a lot and he wants to repeat it. And he's already nursing a bit of a crush, so there are all those fluttery excited "holy fuck, that really happened" feelings going on. And with that comes all the how can I see him again? I want to see him again intensity.
So Logic Mickey and one part of Emotional Mickey -- Terrified Mickey -- can come to a level of agreement, which is "this can't happen again." But this is where the second part of Emotional Mickey -- Crushing Mickey -- has the upper hand. Because it's the only part of the whole equation that is going to stop fighting and just focus on tricking the other two. Like -- "Ok. We can all agree that what happened was dangerous. We can also all agree that it would be good to know where this Ian kid is at. So let's go down to the Kash & Grab and see if we can figure out the vibe. Then we know if we have to kill him."
So Logical Mickey and Terrified Mickey agree to the plan and they go to the Kash & Grab and very nervously ask about Slim Jims. Just to see what Ian does.
IAN responds by locking the door, coquettishly looking back over his shoulder, and telling Mickey they're in the back as he strips off his shirt. Because Ian is not experiencing much conflict on this topic. I don't think he's even considered the stuff the other Mickeys had in mind. And, vibe-check passed, Mickey smirks and follows because Crushing Mickey was in control the whole time.
So I guess I think "all of the above" but MOSTLY Mickey didn't care where or how they were going to hook up again. He just wanted to hook up again.
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heymacy · 3 months
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coloring shameless: before and after
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 5 months
“i didn’t know mickey was a bottom until season 2! i was shocked!”
literally the eighth episode:
mickey: you got any slim-jims in this shithole?
ian: yeah. in the back.
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winnie-the-monster · 10 months
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its-a-queer-thing · 7 years
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1x08 Pt 1
Mickey/Gallavich moment 10/?
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7x10mickey · 3 years
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