#shape shifter au
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Sedative and ShapeShifter! Socks stickers I made!
btw, SS! Socks is an AU of S41, au is made by me though!
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coinkydnks · 2 years
@ the person whose post I liked about shape shifter Steve Harrington turning into a dog because he doesn’t know how to ask for affection… I’ve got something for you
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Shapeshifting Bucky
Random thought from the depths of crackfic hell. But imagine an AU where Bucky's time with hydra also included the ability to shape shift on top of his super soldier serum. He can turn into whatever but he really only shifts into a wolf most of the time. Stealthy, huge, strong, agile and an absolute puppy. Werewolf Bucky is the scariest mf to exist. In his wolf form, his fur is nearly jet black, a stark contrast to his beautiful blue eyes. His teeth turn into sharp fangs and his claws could slash through just about anything.
The large furry thing is nothing but a little puppy around you.
Human Bucky struggles to show his affection for you even though he loves you like crazy. He loves touching you but hesitates to do anything. Wolf Bucky has 0 issue hopping onto the sofa he doesn't fit on, attempting to curl up in your lap. He doesn't fit on your lap either and you end up drowning under a heavy mass of dark fur, the chuff he makes as you adjust himself is equivalent to his usual pouty face.
How dare you try and squirm away when he wants pets and cuddles.
And honestly, he's pretty irresistible. Even Tony's found himself petting the soft fur when he walks by, scrunching his face when he realizes who he's petting and cursing to himself immediately after. It's not just Tony either. Most of the Avengers catch themselves mid pet, occasionally shrugging and going back in while shaking their heads at themselves.
That isn't the only thing wolf Bucky enjoys.
“Bucky!” You stare at your boyfriend who was a human last time you left him, now in his wolf form sitting on top of your duffle bag you'd packed for an upcoming mission. There's no way for you to get to it, sitting as its hidden underneath him and it doesn't look like he has any plans on moving. He growls when you try and get closer, daring for you to try and leave when you just got back from a mission earlier in the week.
"Baby, I have to go, you gotta get off" You try to reason with him but he just stares at you with piercing blue eyes. By now you can read his body language and he's not hearing any of it.
Don't think so, stay with me
"C'mon, you know I'll be back soon" You gently scratch the top of his head and he nuzzles into your palm. He tiled his head to the side widening his gaze as best as he could and you couldn't help but giggle at how cute he looked, silently pleading with you.
"Aww, don't give me those puppy eyes Barnes, that's not fair" You coo while he lets out a whine, huffing and resting his head on his front large paws until his ears perk up with a bright idea.
"For fucks sake Bucky!" You laugh incredulously when he picks up the bag with his teeth, shaking the clothes out and burying himself under them, happy to be surrounded by your scent and finding another way to keep you there.
"What’s going on" Steve walked by the room, wondering why you hadn't come to the jet yet, eyes growing wide when he saw what his best friend was up to "What the hell"
"Oh my god" Sam looked over Steve's shoulder, snorting at the way Bucky was now half asleep while you were still in your tac suit but your bag now nearly torn to bits. You shrugged, deciding to give up, looking at the over grown puppy waiting for a belly rub, giving the two men an apologetic smile.
Bucky snuggled happily on top of your clothes, his nose nudging into your hoodie, before closing his eyes, ears twitching contently while your on the phone with Fury, coming up with a lame excuse as to why you couldn't join.
Some other things I imagine for wolf Bucky:
He's the cutest thing ever. Sam nicknamed him Sirius Black and he loves it.
Loves eating meat. Eats a lot in general.
Fiercely loyal
Likes to go on walks
I'm sorry for this, I have a headache, instead of taking an Advil and sleeping, I'm out here giving into my ridiculousness, I'll see myself out.
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missowo · 2 months
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(Imagine you play undertale and then kris deltarune breaking your savepoint/jk)
Previous >> Next. (A little Special?)
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yuesya · 5 months
Sweet notes of music drift into the nighttime air, the song of a lyre accompanied by the clear notes of a young voice.
Ventus smiles broadly, fingers plucking the strings of his own lyre in harmony to his friend’s song.
The life of a bard is not a particularly affluent one. But luckily for them, Ventus has made many friends in all walks of life within the walls of Mondstadt… including talented craftsmen who happened to be highly skilled with woodwork. They had only been all too happy to indulge Ventus’ unusual request of making a miniature-sized lyre for his miniature-sized friend.
“How was that, Ventus? How did I do this time?” A white blur zips towards him, eagerly spinning around him a few times before stopping to hover directly in front of his face. Beneath the white hood, it’s difficult to make out distinct features, or even a face at all, but the small wind spirit’s buoyant enthusiasm is clear to identify from his voice alone.
Ventus smiles and praises, “That was great! You’re getting a lot better with the lyre now, Little Breeze.”
“Yay!” The nameless wind spirit cheers, with a small tinkling laughter that’s filled with genuine delight. He twirls in the air with a small somersault and–
–lands on an open palm.
Ventus blinks. Then, jumps with a startled yelp, because he had not noticed anyone else standing right next to him this entire time–!
The young wind spirit laughs, bouncing excitedly on the newcomer’s hand. “Did you like my music?”
“… It was passable,” is the young girl’s response.
Ventus roams the streets of Mondstadt every day, and he knows all its residents. Yet he can say with complete confidence that this young girl who’d appeared out of nowhere next to him is not someone whom he recognizes at all.
Her hair is long, white. Smooth and silken, in a way that Ventus hasn’t even seen in noble-blooded daughters before. Likewise, her skin is pale and smooth –unblemished and flawless in the way that a person might suspect of a statue, rather than another living human being.
But despite the physical perfections, she’s only clad in a simple white chiton. There is a thin girdle that encircles her waist, and looks to be entwined of coarse wooden fibers.
The juxtaposition is a little… startling.
“Just ‘passable?’” The tiny wind spirit that still stands upon the strange girl’s palm freezes for a moment, then draws himself upright with a loud ‘hmph.’ “But Ventus said my song was great! And he’s the best bard in all of Mondstadt, so there!”
“Well, I wouldn’t say best bard,” Ventus laughs sheepishly, then puts on a friendly smile towards their unexpected guest. “Are you new to Mondstadt, perhaps? A rare visitor! Shall I sing a small song of welcome for the lovely young lady, perhaps?”
The girl doesn’t even deign to glance in his direction, which. Ouch. That’s actually kind of–
“Unnecessary. Your music is stifled.”
Ventus freezes.
… A thick barrier of fierce, impenetrable winds surrounds the city of Mondstadt and its nearby territories. Stifled is the right word for it –how could he not be, being caged like this under the aegis of an uncaring god?
For all that Decarabian had been the one to protect the earliest generations of Mondstadt’s people and help them raise their city from the ground, their patron god had eventually chosen to retire to the recesses of their high tower after the barriers were raised, and none had seen them since… save for the few chosen among the God of Storms’ knights, who continued to serve the deity faithfully throughout the generations. Blindly.
“But your music…” the white-haired girl lifts her hand, studying the little wind spirit that cocks his head towards her. “… you are… happy. Exceedingly so. Why?”
“Well, what’s there to not be happy about?” The young spirit responds. “I’m with my friend, and he’s teaching me how to play wonderful music! We’ll be playing together in the tavern with all of our other friends, too! There’s going to be yummy food and drinks!”
The excitable wind spirit does another little flip again.
“How long have you tarried here?”
The little wind spirit freezes mid-flip, dangling awkwardly in the air. “… Eh? I-I don’t understand what you’re–”
“You should know this,” the girl says, and her next words dismiss any possibility of her being a mundane traveler for Ventus. “You are only a fragment of the wind, a momentary breeze. The rustling of leaves in the morning light… which is how you slipped through the barrier. But no wind is meant to be bound to a single place.”
“B-But I have friends here,” the little wind spirit stomps his feet. “I like listening to Ventus’ music. I like playing tag with Gunnhildr. I want to stay here! … Please?”
The girl tilts her head. “Even if it means your sense of self will disappear entirely, if you insist on forcibly maintaining this form instead of returning to the Thousand Winds?”
Ventus’ mouth drops open.
“I won’t be myself anymore, if I return to the winds,” the little spirit answers. “I… want to spend time doing the things I like, with the people I like, in the place that I like. Is that so wrong?”
The girl is silent.
Ventus tries to say something, anything. Why didn’t you tell me about this? Is there anything that I can do to help? How could you hide something like this from all of us, foolish little breeze?
But nothing comes out from his mouth. Ventus discovers that his voice has been silenced without his knowing–
And in front of him, a small breeze picks up around the strange girl and the young wind spirit that hovers in front of her.
For a single moment in the silence of the night, only the stars and wind remain.
“… Nameless spirit. One who is but a mere wisp of the Thousand Winds. Who has cast his gaze upon this land and its people, and wishes to linger,” the girl says. But there’s a certain cadence to these words, a certain intonation that causes each syllable to echo in Ventus’ head.
Every note overlaps upon each other again and again, rising into a terrifying crescendo–
“Upon the authority of–” 
The girl’s voice disappears entirely. 
… No, it doesn’t disappear. Ventus is still cognizant of her voice, but for some reason he just can’t hear. But the moment passes swiftly before he has a chance to think too deeply on it, and– 
Suddenly, all pressure disappears from his mind.
Blessed calm.
Ventus gasps, staring into the ground, hunched over and kneeling. What–?
“–I bestow upon you the name, ‘Barbatos,’” the girl says quietly. “… Rise. I permit you to cease your endless wandering, and henceforth grant you a place to belong.”
There is a blinding flash of light that encapsulates the wind spirit. It’s–
Music, song, laughter–
Run, drift, fly–
With a sharp gasp as he startles back into the world of wakefulness, Ventus immediately bolts upright in his… bed…?
No. No, he remembers going out to meet his little friend last night. Playing music together. Then, there was that strange girl who appeared and did something to the wind spirit. It didn’t seem like she had any malicious intent, but…
… just who was she? Surely there was someone who would know; her appearance was quite distinctive. Long white hair, coupled with eyes that were–
… were…
(What did her eyes look like again? Ventus can’t remember. Ventus has excellent memory, and he can’t remember.)
“You’re awake!”
It is with great relief that Ventus takes in the sight of his little friend… or rather, not so little anymore. The little wind spirit appears to have grown slightly in height. More noticeably, though, there are now a pair of feathery white wings that sprout from his back, fluttering in the air.
“Ba– … err, um. Cecilia! Cecilia said that you were a little sensitive to her power, which was why you passed out, but you should be fine after a good night’s sleep.” The wind spirit turns a playful somersault in the air and plops down atop Ventus’ stomach, causing him to let out a slight ‘oof.’
Then, the words register. “Cecilia?”
“Um… yeah!” A shifty response, accompanied by nervously-fluttering wings. Ventus gives his little friend a look.
“… Did you just make up a name for her on the spot?”
“Her hair is pretty! Like the cecilias you showed me!”
Ventus opens his mouth, then closes it distractedly. “I suppose that’s true…”
“Isn’t it?” Eagerly, the little wind spirit leans forward. “And thanks to her, I don’t have to worry about disappearing anytime soon! And I have a name now, too –Barbatos!”
“… Do you know who she is, really?” Although the girl hadn’t been particularly friendly or talkative… despite everything, she’d helped the little wind spirit –Barbatos– of her own volition even though there hadn’t been any reason for her to. 
The power she’d shown… was she a wind spirit, too? Surely a strong spirit, at the very least. Decarabian had slain so many gods that even now, none dared to linger anywhere close to Mondstadt’s borders. So the very thought of the girl potentially being a god in disguise was a laughable one, but…
If they could get her help, then… perhaps, they would stand a better chance at resisting and overturning Decarabian’s tyranny.
“The winds cherish her,” Barbatos responds, which lends credence to the growing theory of the mysterious girl being another wind spirit. “And… I think she needs friends.”
Ventus hums.
“Well, I think we could help with that.”
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goopy-goose · 1 year
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the urge was stronger than me, sorry
Echo flower!sans by @hheisa
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lipglossanon · 8 months
Mutual Future
•~•°•——— 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔 ———•°•~•
crossover feat. Las Plagas!Leon and Shape Shifter/Wendigo!Leon
Warnings: one mention of eating people, snarky Leon
just a silly idea I had; don’t know if I’ll add onto it or not, just wanted to write this 😆
Title from Mututal Future (Repeat) by Djo 💜
•~•°•——— 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔 ———•°•~•
It’s eerie. 
“We could be twins,” the woman in front of you whispers, eyes wide as they stare at you. 
You nod, “Basically what I was thinking.”
Staring at one another, you take in this doppelganger in the middle of a random antique store you decided to visit. Well you and—
Two identical voices call out from separate directions and to your amazement, your uncanny twin turns along with you. 
You smile at Leon as he steps up beside you, but your mouth drops open in surprise to see his double next to your look alike.
Leon’s duplicate has a more sinister look to him compared to the sweet smile on your Leon. 
Your twin turns from her Leon to look at you, “Is he a shape shifter too?”
Her Leon scoffs with a roll of his eyes, “He fucking wishes. Smells like some weird bug.”
Your Leon shrugs easily, stepping up behind you to nuzzle into your neck, “At least I don’t eat people.”
It can’t be any weirder, you think to yourself as Leon’s twin sneers over at him before tugging your duplicate into his arms. His eyes flash over to you and you swear they’re different now— slitted pupils in his ocean blue gaze.
“Your mate could do better,” he sniffs haughtily. 
At that remark, Leon tenses and snaps his head up to face his mirror image. Your look alike gasps and you glance down to see his hands shifting into claws as the black veins creep up his arms. 
“I’m so lucky to be your mate, Leon,” you coo, turning to face him, slipping your hands up to his shoulders, “and I’m all yours, right?”
He relaxes in your hold, attention swapping back to you with a boyish grin, “Mm hmm.”
You mentally sigh as he reverts back to his usual self. Turning, you see the pair watching you with interest. Your “twin” gives you a smile of understanding while the other Leon keeps his face unreadable, strange eyes darting between you and the man behind you.
“Neat little party trick,” he breaks out into a smirk, copying Leon’s changes onto his own body. 
Your eyes stare as his arms slowly shift into claws complete with black veins creeping up his skin. 
“What the hell,” you whisper, looking over at your double who only shrugs. 
“He’s an asshole, sorry about that,” she sighs. 
“Hey!” You watch as he pouts at her like a little kid, “I really do think it’s a neat trick.”
Within the blink of an eye, he goes back to normal. 
He grins at your Leon, “You seem like a lot of fun.”
Your duplicate sighs loudly and grabs his bicep, “With that it’s time to go. It was lovely meeting you two, please don’t hold him against me.”
She shoots you a heartfelt smile paired with a little wave as she drags Leon’s copycat with her. 
“You never let me have any new friends,” is the last thing you hear before they’re out of sight.
“That was really weird, right?” You spin around to face Leon.
He’s staring at where the two were before shifting his eyes back to you, “Very strange. You still want to go on this road trip?”
Your heart flutters and you give him a shy smile, “Yeah, I want to. We’ve been planning it for weeks.”
He ducks down to drop kisses on your cheeks and lips making you giggle. 
“Okay, okay,” you laugh and push him back, “let’s get out of here.”
“Anything you say.”
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flandelimon · 2 years
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ma boyss
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vacillatingcreator · 1 month
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Happy birthday Shape Shifter, I made you 6 years ago now !! ! Where did the time go,,, ,
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lostcauses-noregrets · 8 months
Lostcauses Fic: Sealskin [Podfic]
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Erwin's sketch book by @seitsen-sarvi.
Erwin is an environmental scientist, a driven man on a mission to save the world. His research does not normally involve fieldwork, and it certainly does not normally involve spending six months of the year at the university’s field station on a remote island in the North Atlantic, with only seals for company. But the solitude of the island and a chance encounter with a curious stranger bring a profound revelation.
A podfic written and read by LostCauses, loosely based on Maurice Lindsay's 1946 short story Sealskin Trousers.
Listen and download at eruri.org/sealskin.
With enormous thanks to @seitsen-sarvi for the beautiful art and @momtaku for whatever the audio equivalent of beta is ♡
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smudged-kaleidoscope · 4 months
Batfam au where all of Batman's kids are called Robin.
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tazma-art · 5 months
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Axl from @absolutely-normal-about-x legends reborn au
And Barrett :3
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vmplvr1977 · 1 year
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Chapter Six of City of Light and Shadow is posted!!!
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missowo · 1 month
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The chaotic start soon.
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(We already playing a new game!)
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oceansssblue · 8 months
When Tech had warned them they were going to have to make an emergency landing on an undescripted planet on the very limits of the Outer Rim with the Unkown Regions, Hunter had imagined one much more different than this. The small moon looked unusual, yes, with it's almost sparkly silvery sand covering miles and miles of its surface; vibrant blue flowers and trees, and waters as black as coal. Still, it was sand, trees and ponds; not that much further apart of what he had already seen before, if only in another range of colour.
"I must say I feel pleasantly surprised with our luck right now" Tech's voice seemed unusually loud in the quiet of the forest, not an insect to be heard even with Hunter's developed senses.
His brother couldn't stop pointing his long ago self-made detector everywhere around them, constantly scanning their surroundings while he recorded everything with his helmet. Even if slightly tense at the uncertainty that the moon held for them, he looked as happy as a child in a candy shop; his curious mind ecstatic to find new and unresearched territory to explore.
"Crashing into a mystery planet in the Unkown Regions is luck for you?!" scoffed Wrecker, evidently not as excited as the goggled clone.
He wasn't afraid per se, but he didn't like this. Their ship was broken beyond some quick repairs, they knew nothing about the strange moon or the creatures that lived in it and they had no way of comunicating with the rest of the galaxy. They were fucked, to sum it up. Karking pirates.
"Well, you have to admit it's incredibly lucky we have landed on a planet biologically compatible with human life" Tech shrugged, his eyes still flickering over every tree and flower. "Breathable atmosphere, decently similar flora, and several bodies of water. Remarkable, if I may say".
Wrecker muttered a piece of his mind and dropped back into silence, following the line commanded by Hunter.
The long-haired clone couldn't help but feel wary. Not only because of their situation per se; but because of the slightly different gravitational pull on the moon and the lack of stimuli around him. His senses were so developed it was extremely rare for him to just not hear something, feel something; and yet, in this unkown planet, they seemed strangely muted. Apart from their own steps and chattering, he couldn't hear anything else. No insects, no animals, no wind brushing against the flowers and trees. No rush of water, either; permanently calm and almost frozen in place. He didn't like it one bit.
"Don't touch that" he almost barked to Omega, watching her move almost hypnotized to grab a vibrant electric blue flower with the corner of his eyes. "Don't touch anything".
Omega's hand dropped to it's original place and her eyes switched back to Hunter. She pouted.
"But it's so pretty!"
Tech hummed in agreement, yet backed Hunter's warning.
"That is precisely why you shouldn't. It is a common well-known fenomenon amongst the plants of the Outer Rim. The more vibrant the colour and eye-atracting the flower looks like, the higher the probabilities of it being venomous or lethal" he explained, his voice turning distracted at a new species of taller trees in front of him. "I suppose it works mainly on insects or birds; though I guess sometimes humans aren't that much more intelligent".
Tech patted Omega's shoulder amicably –not at all consciously using his words to make a jab at her–, and resumed walking. Omega roller her eyes.
All thoughts about blue flowers and their level of intelligence extinguished with Hunter's sudden stop and raised fist. The sargent frowned, slightly turning his head to the right towards the origin of what he had supposed to be a fluttering wing. His eyes scanned the flora around them. He couldn't see anything past the first line of trees.
His sight unuseful, he closed his eyes and listened in. Nothing; yet he felt there was something there, waiting, looking.
He focused on his third sense. He had already grown fairly used to the sweet smell of the blue flowers and the general metalic hint of the moon's ground; but that... It was the first time he smelled that; ash and fire.
"Ready your weapons. Slowly" he ordered, muscles tensing.
They barely had a second to blink before dozens of natives dropped to the ground around them.
Hunter was scared. It wasn't a new feeling for him, really; he was a brave man –which clone wasn't?–, but there had been countless of times when he'd been scared of losing his brothers. Of dying. This was a different type of fear, though. It was one laced with uncertainty and terror. Even in battle, when one of them were compromised, they had the others to back them up. They knew what to expect. How they were going to die, if it came to that. The worst thing about their new situation was that they knew nothing at all. Ignorance was the reason why his heart had sped up significantly and he couldn't stop analysing the people in front of him.
"This vaguely reminds me of a book I read about the traditions of some ancient species in the Before" Tech whispered, his mind working nonstop even when tied up to a tree like the rest of the Batch. "Some cultures used to sacrifice living beings in order to apease to their gods. They believed it granted them protection, better harvests, or simply soothed their anger".
Wrecker squirmed in place. He usually would have been able to break through his bindings in a blink; but the rope this people used was made of some sort of intertwined roots surprisingly resistant to his efforts to free himself. Plus, their captors had noticed the obvious difference in strength between himself and his brothers; and had duplicated the ropes around him.
"Surely no-one does that anymore, right?" He chuckled, nervously.
Tech hummed. His eyes focused on the humanoids in front of them. They had black stripes painted on their pale grey skin; the dark, matted colors a sharp contrast to the vibrants reds and oranges of their long hair. Their eyes were completely black as well, no difference between iris, pupil or sclera; giving their appearance an almost demonic look.
"Actually, it is still a practice used in some planets of the galaxy" he answered. "Considering we are delving into the Unkown Regions and following my suspition that these creatures don't seem to hold much knowledge of technology and heavily relay in what nature offers them, I wouldn't discard the option".
Omega's eyes searched for Hunter's in fear; the man only throwing her a silent look that gave her no comfort at all.
Studying them, Hunter understood how they had stayed hidden from his senses now. These humanoids –because they did have a similar shape, even if their body proportions weren't exactly the same– danced through the sparkling silver ground; thin slender agile bodies almost looking as if they didn't really step in the floor before taking their next stride. They were fast and noiseless, too. He wondered if it was a trait from their species or if they had learnt to move like that because they weren't the only natives they had to worry about. Their sudden arrival opened a wide range of possibilities.
He prayed for Tech's comment to be just one more of his curious facts instead of reality. He didn't like the idea of his family being used as a sacrifice.
Suddenly, the natives around them whispered to each other –in a quiet hissing language that Hunter didn't recognise at all– and the crowd parted to show two aproaching figures calmly walking towards them.
The first one was a man. He looked old; much older than the rest of his people, at least. Hunter had no way of knowing about their real lifespan.
His skin was paler than the rest of the natives; drier, too. His orange hair travelled in small multiple braids towards his hips; lower body covered in thick black fur –he guessed that answered the question about them being the only intelligent creatures there– decorated with light blue accents. He wore small pouches on top of it; tied together with a thin rope.
The black marks of his face and chest were more intrinsecate than the rest; swirls and dots interlacing with plain stripes. His body seemed thinner –and therefore, more fragile– than the humanoids around him. The most noticeable aspect about him, however, was his eyes; shinning in electric orange, and staring straight at him.
Hunter shuddered.
The clone took in the way the rest of his people stepped aside and firmly, slowly nodded in his direction in a sign of respect. The same greeting was throwed at the person walking behind him; though Hunter couldn't clearly see him yet, his body covered by the native closer to them.
"Hun... Hunter?" Omega whispered, trembling in place.
All eyes were now focused on the humanoid with the orange eyes; who had stopped in front of the blonde girl. The old native opened one of his pouches; dipping his fingers in black before taking them to her face. Omega whimpered and trembled harder. Hunter's heart squeezed. His own body tensed and he had to put all his efforts to wait through the scene and remain calm. He would have given everything to hold her right now.
"Breathe, Omega" he told her, his deep voice capturing everyone's attention, making his skin crawl. "It's just paint. Close your eyes".
The blonde did exactly as he told her; taking a deep shuddering breath in and removing her sense of sight from the scene. She tried to imagine being somewhere else –in the Marauder, watching the hyperspace lights through the window– while she felt the man's thumb and index fingers carefully crossing her face.
"I wouldn't worry about it right now" Tech whispered, as the creature moved to recreate the painting on Wrecker. "It seems they are marking us with the same designs as themselves. That can be either very good or... very bad."
Tech patiently waited while the old humanoid took his time on him. A small noise of protest escaped his throat when he took his goggles away; examining them curiously like a kid with a new toy before pressing the paint on his skin, and returning their place on his head. He relaxed and hummed, thoughtfully. He took that as a sign of the natives not having a directly ill intention with them. If not, why bother giving him his goggles back?
Hunter, tied up the furthest to the left, was the last one to be marked with the black stripes. His ears picked up a small muttering coming of the creature in front of him; a pray of sorts, perhaps? It didn't look like he was trying to comunicate with him, that's for sure...
Once the humanoid with the orange eyes stepped back, seeming satisfied with his job, Hunter's attention was finally drawn to the second figure. He felt inevitably enthraced with her appearance. She had the same pale grey smooth skin as the rest of her people; long thin arms and legs and a toned stomach without a belly-button to match. The only thing covering her was another piece of black fur half stitched with blue thrails. It hanged low on her hips; leaving her small but rounded breasts exposed. Apparently, these people didn't consider them sexual zones. Her marks weren't black, though; but as red as her hair, which started at a dark scarlet tone at the roots and blended into a fiery rich colour at the ends. Her eyes were neon red as well; shining brightly in the darkness of the night. He could see a hint of small pointy fangs resting on top of his lower lip. She looked dangerous; and yet, Hunter's cock inevitably turned half-hard at the sight. He convinced himself it was just the adrenaline.
He couldn't stop looking at her while she carefully analysed his sister and brothers. Her people seemed to hold her breath; as if the final veredict of the Batch's destiny relayed on her. She had to hold some sort of position amongst them; if only for the obvious physical difference between them. Her eyes and the old humanoid's were the only exceptions to the otherwise black ones. She... Felt different too, as well; in ways Hunter couldn't begin to explain.
Either way, if the life of his family was in her hands, he wasn't going to stand by and watch them end.
"We are not looking to cause trouble around here" he spoke up, firmly. Her neon red eyes inmediately snapped towards him. He breathed. "We are not a threat".
The humanoid woman approached him; in the same quiet elegant way he had seen his people move before. She stood in front of him; their bodies only separated by half a meter now.
She studied him. Their stares clashed; Hunter's still slightly dilated pupils fighting of the intensity of her burning red eyes. His posture, his muscles, were completely tense. It felt as if she was scanning his soul with just a glance. Hunter had to follow his own previous words when the humanoid slowly moved to carefully hold his jaw in her hand; closing his eyes and trying to breathe calmly through his trembling body. She felt... She felt...
Hunter felt her warm –almost burning– fingers tracing delicately –gently, curiously– the skin of the tattood side of his face. He sighed in relief. She probably only found it interesting; as he had marked his own skin with blank ink as well, similarly to how the natives painted theirs.
Her hand dropped, and Hunter could feel her take a step back, away from him. He had to pull his courage together to open his eyes again.
The woman slowly walked back to Omega. She hold her chin in her hand, this time; staring into her eyes as if she were deciding something about her. She seemed to find what she was lookinh for; and made a small gesture to the natives behind her.
The Batch watched helpessly as they untied a trembling, terrified Omega and started to drag her away. Anger and hate rushed through Hunter's veins. He made a harsh tug against his bindings.
"Get away from her!" He hissed, fighting against his ropes with all he had, trying futibly to break through. "Omega!"
"H-Hunter!" She called his name back, half-screaming, tears rolling down her cheeks.
The mysterious native woman followed her, glancing back at him. She seemed to have noticed the bond between them, the father-and -daughter-like connection; intrigued by it.
"Please" he whispered to her.
Her red eyes locked with his once again. Energy pulsed between them. She felt... She felt more than human, more than humanoid, more than... Real. She felt almost like its own, unexplicable, burning light; a powerful, mysterious energy like the Force itself, or something close enough. She was different from her people, as well. Unique. Hunter hoped she wasn't the godess the natives where trying to apease.
The woman wordlessly turned around.
The Batch's worried eyes couldn't do anything else but watch them take Omega away.
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pochiperpe90 · 10 months
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Butchlander - Dragon shape-shifter Billy x Knight Homelander AU
The kingdom of Voughtland is shaken to its core by the appearance of a mighty dragon roaming the skies. Homelander, the King’s most powerful knight, is sent to slay the beast and bring back peace to every citizen’s minds and hearts. No one knows this, but the Dragon, whose name is William, has one wish only: to be left alone. When a young knight dressed in golden armour enters his territory uninvited, William is ready to rip his head off, but after seeing the man without his helmet, the Dragon decides that maybe this interruption is not so bad. Maybe he does not wish to be alone after all.
Just a little idea I had while talking with @saintmathieublanc so I had to make a moodboard. And thank you so much to @negotiumcrucis for editing the plot, making it sounds 1000 times better ❤
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