#she can only imagine. but never touch. not just because of what shes taught herself or faith but because it feels like doing so would break
robotpanties · 1 year
ouu. elaborating on my idea from earlier a bit more
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romaniacs · 1 month
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( read more ) synopsis — natasha wants to keep you safe and be the person she needed when she first got into the company. she didn't really intend to catch feelings for you. warnings — headcanons, slightly suggestive, tooth rotting fluff.
coming from a real secretary
secretary natasha romanoff is your coworker
and she’s so good at her job
doesn't let anything pass
you, as a probationary employee, mess up so often
but she takes a liking to you quickly, reading you so easily
and she truly wants to help you through this period
she can tell you like her the most out of everyone
she notices that, and she can't lie, that kinda motivates her
natasha puts her hair in a bun to avoid distracting you
she wants to be professional
but undoes some of her shirt buttons
she's a bit contradicting to herself
but she tells herself it's only because it's always hot as fuck
she usually goes for a drink on her break
breaking her secretary look with a leather jacket
and taking you with her
she offers you a cigarette outside
and pats your head when you refuse it
you just can’t escape feeling things for her, she's so attractive
even when she's smoking
when she helps you out and leans down to hear you better
her hair brushes against your cheek
and you can't learn shit
she will talk and explain endlessly until you do
then you will look into her eyes
just so your mind will go blank when she asks a question
her eyes are pretty, and her voice so melodic
on week one, she says "there, hun. just save it in that folder"
... are you listening? do you want me to repeat that?"
"mhm, sorry" you say.
week two... "did you understand that?"
"i think so."
"good, i'll let you try doing it then"
"i'll try not to disappoint you"
"you'll do good, i taught you well" she smiles.
"but you can always count on me, sweetie"
on week three... "what are you thinking about?"
your face flushes all of a sudden
you were picturing her touching you
squeezing your waist, grabbing your arm
pulling you in for a kiss
imagining her breathing against your skin
you know she tastes like cherry gum
you always take shyly the gum she offers
as you do anything
people take advantage of that
natasha sees herself in you often
she'd struggled with her boss for a while
because the man took a liking to her
but she put him in his place eventually
"i'm not into men" she'd mumble when she got asked out
people were stupid about that
so her old coworkers tried to mess with her
now, if yours call you by a wrong name, make your job harder
or insist on taking you out, natasha is around
she protects you from them
"her name's y/n. use your brain a little" she tells them
"it's funny until i report you, hand her papers over"
"she's taken by me today, you can get going"
when she says that, she makes sure it's true
she takes you out for a good, expensive meal
buys you huge cakes filled with strawberries for dessert
goes "oh, try this!" and you take a bite of a fruit off her hand
you don't know if she's just extremely friendly
or attempting something with you
the way you are with her
"need help with anything?" you always offer
she always agrees
she is always making sure you're near her
and she's there for you too
when she is sobbing over anything
after holding in so many feelings
and you are pissed off at a friend
both drinking the night away at a bar
natasha goes "i hate being alone.
i hate wanting to do things, say things
and never doing so. things end quickly. life ends quickly.
i think we don't enjoy it enough."
"is that what's making you sad?" you ask
"that makes me angry" natasha downs a cup
"i'll just go for it. i'm done with this"
she kisses you
it's such a tender, calm yet deep kiss
you don't let her pull away though
it feels so soft
at the second kiss you share, her mind is far gone
whishing for more
natasha takes you over to a corner
her white unbuttoned shirt is thin
badge noisy as she pulls you closer
her mouth goes down your neck,
your hand goes down her waist
nothing has ever felt so deliriously good
you love the way she pulls your head to the side by your hair
just so she can leave kisses on your skin
it's hot, so is the bar, even more so now
she has an amazing time with you
gets to the office with you the next day
and people don't even wonder why she gave you a ride
... but you slept over at her place
still, natasha doesn't seem to treat you too differently
which is a good sign
it means she really was flirting before all that
"are you going downstairs, sweetie?"
"yeah. need to hand on supplies to steve.
they’re in the warehouse, right?" you ask her
she thinks. "sure, yeah" she thinks and thinks
natasha decides to go downstairs with you. to help
she knows you don't have second intentions
your feelings are always really pure, but hers aren't much
you hold her by her pinky on the way, to stop her
"is that something we're gonna do... occasionally? casually?
or maybe never again?"
you nod. "are you serious?" she sounds surprised
why would it be just an occasion? i like you"
natasha approaches you, holding your chin with her fingers
"you're too precious for that, don't you know that?"
she places a sweet kiss on your lips
"so no?"
"have as many as you want.
i like your kisses" she says softly
her sweet voice reaches your chest
it gets so full of so much joy
natasha takes you as seriously as you'd expect her to
and lets you kiss her all you want
the next week, you have matching necklaces
then, bracelets
then, rings
natasha lends you her clothes
"it's cold, baby, take mine" she puts her jacket over you
always, always takes you home
so you get close to forgetting your own way home
you're always at her place now
"you guys have been weird" wanda says, your coworker
"have you been making out? you look radiant"
"oh my god. it's just the weather, wanda"
"weird" wanda squints
of course you've been making out whenever you can
natasha teaches you way more than what had been planned
her hair in a bun is styled by you since you ruin it as you kiss
plenty of times
pulling on it
and leaving her breathless
she tries to sound formal with you at work though
"you look so cute today" she whispers in your ear, however
"do you have a girlfriend? yes? she’s so lucky, oh my god"
she teases you so much
in cute ways only
but has to act serious periodically
"you gotta finish that by tomorrow, okay?"
"i need you to come up to my office"
"can you sign this?"
her slow, formal tone gets you sick in the stomach
in a good way
you crave her closeness so damn bad it hurts
then she kisses you and cools it all down
your coworkers take a year to figure out about you two
once they do, they mess with you only
"ah, i'm gonna go to the warehouse for the fourth time today!
with my apprentice! who i shall offer financial assistance to!
because i'm a loser for my girlfriend!"
they are so ironic and stupid
"fifth," natasha corrects as she overhears them one day
they freeze
a girl who was previously laughing looks about to cry
"our record is ten, don't look so shocked"
they're speechless
and natasha's proud of herself. and you
you always kiss her lips
she always wants to hold your hand, be touching you
she really just wants to spend all her time with you
you love a bit differently, but it's enough
she's always willing to teach you more
about your job, love and herself too
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cherryheairt · 21 days
"Eager for a niece or nephew already?" Daenys asked, corners of her mouth lifting. One day, she hoped for many nieces and nephews to surround herself with if she truly did end up a spinster. If so, she was comforted with the fact that she had only brothers, thus would have all their wives be moved to Dragonstone or the Red Keep to allow everyone to be close together.
"Indeed. It's been a while since Winterfell's keep has been graced with younglings."
Daenys almost snorted at the strange name for children but kept it to herself in hopes of not offending him. Northerners and their strange vocabulary. "I quite agree, it is rather quiet in the Great Keep."
Is it too soon to say that I hope the little footsteps and giggles that fill the walls of Winterfell are Daenys' babies with Cregan? Despite his initial mistrust and reservations, Cregan begins to fall in love with the princess so subtly that he doesn't even seem to realise it. It's one thing to worry about the daughter of the heir to the throne being well cared for and safe while she's under your responsibility in your house, but it's quite another to comb her hair and teach her how to hunt and fight. I mean Cregan first turned away when the princess washed her hair, but then braided it (I say that at that moment the idea occurred to him and he was grateful to have had an annoying sister in childhood). Apparently Cregan was jealous that Seamus had saved her before him. Cregan has taught her to hunt and fight because he cares about her. Cregan has deliberately looked at her legs, plus he sleeps next to her (I say that when they slept Cregan felt the softness of the princess's hair and thought again to braid it just to touch it freely, besides looking at her freely). Now Cregan is very worried about what Seamus is going to do to her now that he has taken her away from him.
The same goes for the princess, she seemed very worried because she thought she always ruins things when she talks to Cregan (because of the death talk). Plus she was too worried that if she hadn't got the Targaryen genes he might never have paid attention to her and would have mistaken her for any lady from any other House. It is no accident that she thought that when she previously compared Cregan to a prince. It seems a subtle hint of romantic feelings on her part.
Was it casual when you braided my hair and asked how I want my funeral rites to be????
Yes! I'm glad you noticed the transition between him respectfully looking away and then offering to DO her hair for her when he noticed how much she hated doing it every morning.
Neither of them even seem to notice, but theyre both being consumed entirely by the thought of the other, even imagining life before them is a distant memory by now.
Little Dragon-Wolf 'pups' or 'hatchlings' are what I think they might call their kids. I was just thinking of making a drabble about wolf pack behavior and comparing that to their future dynamics 😌
She has spent her adolescence thinking her only interactions with kids will be with her nieces and nephews, not her own children. She's in for a world of surprise there.
Imagine the thoughts that Daenys has running through her mind currently, and when she was alone with him in the woods once again. This giant beast of a man looking at you spitefully, telling you that you only need to be alive and nothing else. Cregan knows the mind of a man and has sent countless to the Wall for their crimes against women. Alone for hours on dragonback, where not even your dragon, who is seen as a God to the smallfolk, can help you.
I think the Starks are quite like royalty in their own way. They govern and dictate themselves. They are entirely ignored by the Crown until they need fighters for wars that don't involve the North one bit.
Unfortunately, even after marriage Cregan would not officially be called a Prince. Like Ser Laenor and Lady Laena who married the Prince and Princess and never changed titles.
Also, that makes me wonder about the canon events in the book. If everyone but Aegon and Viserys is gone, Daenys would be the heir as the eldest child of Rhaenyras. After their eventual marriage, would Cregan leave Winterfell to be King Consort, or would they be doomed to live the rest of their lives apart spare from occasional visits to the other. It's a tempting angsty end, one that Daenys would probably not be able to cope with alone.
I hope everyone is content with how the romance is progressing, I feel as if it is fast-paced but I know I can't wait forever for the romance aspect lol
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fuumiku · 6 months
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Day 2 : Role Swap
Ok I have thoughts for this one bear with me. He’s a mage with a half-foot guild still but his activism is especially targeted towards half-foot mages specifically since they’re rare and so looked down upon (and the two are correlated).
Marcille scouts out places all Tomb Raiser style for lost treasures and knowledge, keeps maps and written info etc in her book. She’s still much of a scholar but more in an archeologist sense, she wants to discover the truth of dungeons and see if it could revolutionize the world. She’s a buildings and engineering nerd instead of magic nerd. She hypes herself up as a passionate cool rogue adventurer like in books✨ Chil thinks it’s a silly and unstable profession. All her um, grace and agility when doing headstands and dancing are coming through with this new role of hers.
Chil does need to borrow mana and so they hold hands a lot. I am so taking advantage of the mana transfer thing. "I’m out of mana, you’re an elf and you never use magic, give some to me! You have so much, don’t be selfish!!" -inparty fight breaks out as he chases after her and she runs away- I imagine that’s just kinda how he and half-foot mages roll? Dunmeshi-typical worldbuilding monologue that explains how "Most people don’t even use their mana, they don’t even learn magic. If you give me your mana I’ll be able to do more magic, win-win, no harm done." I imagine you have to be magic-savvy to be able to transfer mana to someone but it’s fine he can just steal it methinks 🌟 So he gets to be the one who’s very casual about physical touch. He does NOT want to be a healer it stresses him out but ah shit there Falin goes.
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More AU details under cut
You’ve heard of onion knight now get ready for onion mage Y’know the saddest part of mage Chilchuck is that he wouldn’t use explosion spells
You know how Marcille uses her staff to grab people by the neck or head sometimes… Chilchuck would have a free choking stick he can use to make people listen to him. He can REACH THEIR NECKS . It doubles as a walking stick for his old man back… /j And a weapon, sort of. I think staff more than lance, but long weapons like that suit him I think. Holding the monster at bay with a 4 feet long stick like "Stay BACK!! Go for my party members shoo shoo!!!!"
From my observations, staffs for magic all have a ‘hole’ at one end, oh size, shape, material and form varying. For example both Marcille and Rin have a similar hoop, but Falin’s is a lantern which imo the metal frame of it and the glass form this hole I’m speaking of. Maybe it’s like, the staff condenses the magic inside the hole and helps channel it and give it form? What I’m saying here is I didn’t decide what it was made out of but I like to think it’s carved wood so it can be homemade but unique to him.
Marcille and Chil both fight in battles, but he stays where it’s safer and does long distance spells only. Marcile uses daggers probably… But yeah her role’s more being a scout rather than a fighter, while Chil’s role is being a magical fighter and his expertise on magical creatures and such.
I think he’d be self-taught, where it’s his own magic system… I think he likes theory more than vibes and working at the whims of creatures, so maybe elven with an half-foot script? He doesn’t seem like the type to get buddy-buddy with spirits much A bit like his cowl it’s like he always has a part of home with him a bit with his half-foot magic… He’d have sucked at the beginning, it’s pretty experimental magic, but he made it work and tbh he’s a Big Deal for it. Learning on the field ofc ofc he’s no honor student
I think the racial prejudices tension would be worse, because he’d be nervous of the whole ‘half-foots who get too curious about dark magic get taken away’, and I think as a half-elf who doesn’t do magic it might be uncomfortable for her to deal with how the half-foot is better at it than her and how her mana would have had better use with him instead of her? Idk brainstorming. I def think she’d habe more of a complex about being a half-elf… Still with existential dread and still Hopes to find a cure to death, but she goes about it through artefacts etc rather than magic. I’m unsure how her career would turn out that wqy exactly because job stability and academia are important to her, but yeah I think she went to school on an agricultural and history level and focused her research on that front? And then she could become that adventurer scholar who explores to pierce secrets of the world and ancient civilizations trope yeah I think that’s the angle.
Maybe his plans for the future after quitting being a dungeon diver would be teacher/mentor instead of shopkeeper 🤔 One one hand oh god have mercy on his blood pressure, on the other he likes contributing to his community and would want to encourage half-foot mages and pass down his knowledge and expertise I think. Empty nest syndrome where…- OHHH mage Meijack……. I was thinking becayse Meijack followed in his footsteps in canon but it could suit Puckpatti and Flertom too… Their dad would have shown them some magic tricks hehe. They can be a magical girl trio in my heart, Powerpuff Girls energy…
A rogue has gotta be able to make intricate af braids and updos with their fingers (ignore how in canon Chil is just barely decent at them nvm). I was thinking maybe one of Marcille’s lockpicks is Ambrosia-shaped… Or maybe it’s an hairpin. Maybe she keeps her lockpicks as pins in her hair but they’re easy to grab… Getting more gimmicky by the second but my heart yearns for it I cannot lie. I ended up doing something close to canon for Marcille’s outfits but at first I imagined she’d wear stuff more akin elven fashion, short dress with pants, light material, though also with a leather armor breastblate. She has long gloves like the ones that look fancy, maybe even up her upper arm rather than just forearm ooh… Also her little pouch, which actually contains stuff this time around (lockpicks). They still have matching pouches yay
In that last doodle Chilchuck weaved her a little familiar with twigs… So it is magical but it’s hers, and it’s a second stand-in for Ambrosia. Maybe a golem… It’s very silly and prob not real in the au but the thought of it is really cute. Someone on the discord said Fantastical Beasts Pickett which yesss lmao, it’s like a pokemon for "(lock)pick it!" I love arts and crafts Chilchuck so much. Sew clothes. Weave twigs. Woodcarve. Necromance a frankenstein. He can make himself a new wife (/J I AM SO /J)
Also for Izutsumi: I think the reverse of a ninja is a bard. Take that as you will. Angry bard who grew up in a troupe……
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yourlocalsaiko · 3 days
I have more Victoria Neuman Observations.
Okay so 1st i wanna talk about her Bisexuality. I believe Victoria is bisexual with her preference for submissive nerdy men being strong, it’s stereotypical Bi behavior. I attached to this because of her relationship with Hughie and her relationship with Samir which i will touch on now.
Victoria is a secret nerd we established this through her war-games comment. Her platonic or potentially romantic relationship with Hughie was cute it was whatever (i dont personally ship it) but pivoting to Samir. We learn alot in Season 4 episode 5 just from the dialogue exchanged between Edgar and Victoria. Specifically when Edgar is still at least slightly mad at Samir for “deflowering” Victoria. Victoria then responds by saying she was thoroughly deflowered at 20.
Going off what i said in my last post once again A: Vic was a Hoe. Cool great more power too her. B: Edgar had never caught her until she ended up pregnant with Zoe. and C: She most definitely seduced Samir and based off Edgar’s relationship and interactions with Vic i could and would go onto say she probably did that to get under Edgar’s skin.
Edgar has a soft spot for Victoria and thats seen when The Boys mention Victoria’s betrayal of him with him saying something along the lines of “And i taught her exactly how to do it” which to me indicates he is at least a little proud of her. I think Edgar has a soft spot for Vic. Its not an obvious one at all but he has a fuzzy area where Victoria is concerned and that would explain why he immediately jumped to blaming Samir and maybe not noticing and/or believing any of the other sexual encounters shes had in the past. With him only truly rationalizing it when she ends up pregnant and then he immediately blames Samir who you can see has little to no back bone.
Moving on i wanna talk more about Victoria and the Female Gaze. I love Victoria on the boys because she is the hardest to straight up sexualize. Like they mentioned how she gained fame from a dancing video (i think they dancing like an Egyptian? Which i hate for racial reasons) and thats when i realized….i couldn’t imagine Victoria dancing, or more so how she would dance. I never had a good enough grasp on her body type because of the outfits she wears. I had to look at the actress herself which led me to realize. Victoria is LEAN like very lean muscle. Its very subtle which i think could explain her durability and she could possibly be a decent bit stronger than we think. And its in her arms even in the blue dress we see briefly you can see how lean she is. But shes still healthy she isnt quite skinny. Like she could quite possibly have subtle abs.
And thats what leads me here. the subtle masculinity of Victoria and the quote “Gay accent”. The way Victoria presents herself she crosses her legs and she sways slightly and wears heels yes but she spreads her arms when she sits in certain/most scenes. She takes up space and kinda “hugs” the back of a chair in one scene. Also her voice, did you know there is actually a lesbian accent? Its a lower inflection its more masculine and thats why most people don’t notice the “lesbian accent” but thats my thing with Victoria her voice is almost always pitched down. Even when she’s excited its enthusiastic and but always stays in her lower range. And unironically that could be another reason why she’s able to sway or gain so many voters as she acts more subtly masculine. Nobody can call her emotional but shes still charismatic. She’s stern but she still smiles. Its really good if you think campaign sway.
And yea thats it so far these are my observations of Victoria Neuman. I wanna do one of Cate Dunlap next but that might be a little bit i gotta analyze Gen V a bit more.
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dudefromwormhole · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel Headcanons:D
That I collected through the internet and now have and absolutely adore. Feel free to add yours:)
Warning for cannibalism and possible spoilers. Enjoy:)
1) Alastor rather eats meat of his possible victims than organs. He finds them edible, but just doesn’t like it.
2) Alastor never shares his food. And even when/if he is cooking something for others, he will cook the same food in the separate bowl just for himself.
3) Even if Alastor fell in love he would never(or really unlikely) realise that. Possibly because his own ego and beliefs.
4) Alastor sometimes fantasises about him being executed rather than his own original death. His favourites so far: hanging and electric chair.
5) Alastor would have a love/hate relationship with Will Wood’s music(yes.) just because he despises and underastimates all modern music.
6) Alastor has literal piles of old(and sometimes broken)radios.
7) Alastor hates discussing love and relationships, if they’re not about breaks up, while Rosie adores talking about them.
8) Sometimes Alastor cannot control his shadow. In terms of where it goes and what it does. So yeah, sometimes he walks around without shadow.
1) The stuff Rosie proposed to Charlie when they met was prepared by herself.
Also I think Rosie can cook anything(aside from bones perhaps). She knows a lot of recipes about how to cook organs, different types of seasonings, etc.
2) Rosie has Belgic roots. Or French. I feel like she speaks French and maybe Italian or something. I haven’t decided.
3) Rosie only likes to drink dry semi-sweet wine among the alcohol beverages.
4) If Rosie would ever open a fashion business, all her clothes would be with embroidery. She loves embroidery and is pretty good at making it.
The Vees
1) Vox has a love/hate relationship with an electro swing. He likes it, but also “hates” it just because Alastor also likes it. He also likes dubstep and techno genres.
2) Valentino’s afraid of tickling.
3) Val’s also absolutely cannot sleep with the lights turn on, because he’s a moth.
4) Vox was absolutely horrified when he got to Hell and realised that he’s a fucking TV. If there wasn’t a constant danger of getting killed, he would probably sit in the corner of some building in shock.
5) Velvete uses Vox as powerbank.
6) Valentino’s eyesight got worse especially after he realised that he can use Vox’s head when he’s asleep, so now he kinda watches whatever he wants on his head when he’s bored.
7) And also Val and Velvete play the console using Vox(ye, the comic:))
8) In earlier days Vox was absolutely disgusted by someone touching his screen(in first days(look up #4) himself included), but as the time went and also the upgrade, change in themes, he kinda suppressed this disgust.
9) Velvete likes strawberry in chocolate.
10) Vox can draw decently, he just usually doesn’t have time and much imagination to do so.
11) Also Vox has a bad habit of tearing paper to keep his hands busy. By that I mean any paper. So yeah. There were some accidents.
Residents of the Hotel
1) Residents of the Hotel bump into Nifty at least two time per day.
2) Sir Pentious hates stairs.
3) One of the reasons why Husk hates his form is because he cant stop throwing off hairballs.
4) Angel can keep important secrets.
5) Nifty and Charlie both likes those bright and colourful plasters.
6) Vaggie is allergic to citruses(lightly but still).
7) Cherri makes her coffee with energy drinks. Tastes awful, but at least she’s full of energy to kick someone’s ass.
8) Husk knows a lot of card games and also taught the Eggbois how to play couple of them so they’d stop bothering him so much.
9) When he was alive, Husk used to travel and move from one country to another quite often.
10) Sir Pentious when he has a shower, always takes his Eggbois with himself.
11) The reason why Sir Pentious’ ship was covered with plasters was because his Eggbois thought they would actually heal it.
12) Lucifer will never admit that process of making ducks stopped bringing him as much happiness as it used to. But after seven years of just making them, trying to keep his mind off his problems, it just became a routine.
13) One of the reasons why Lilith decided to “disappear” was because at night Lucifer constantly stepped on his ducks and then screamed and cried and apologised to them, making it harder to sleep.
14) Charlie used to make little theatre shows with her toys when she was younger.
15) When Vaggie and Charlie’s relationship got a little more established, they had a whole trip through rings of Hell.
16) Lucifer has a handmade duck copy of every person that he met. He made the most absurd one for Alastor, of course
17) Angel is scared of swallowing bubblegum, because he genuinely believes that his gut will glue together if he does so.
18) Vaggie can’t stand sleeping covered.
Other Overlords
1) Zestial is a tea nerd. I think he would actually do those Chinese ceremonies and stuff. It’s like… the more he appreciates you, the more effort he would put into tea x)
2) Carmilla was(and maybe is?) a big fan of ballet and took classes when she was alive.
1) Adam would love Beetlejuice. In any form, cartoon one, film, musical… He would be a fan.
2) Adam hates waking up at the morning and tells to “fuck off I’m a Gods fucking son” to anyone who tries to wake him up.
3) Adam hates tomatoes and will absolutely roast anyone who eats them when he’s near. Except for Lute.
4) When Heavens court plans to set up a party they usually don’t plan to invite Sera and St Peter.
5) Mimzy is the one who talks about her previous life more than anyone else, each time adding almost unrealistic details.
6) Adam calls his Exterminators group "tits" for because they are woman and there's a bird like that.
6)(this one is to Hell in general) I like to think that you don't die in Hell in a way that when you recieve a deadly wound your body just kinda... gets more regeneration, so you still feel pain untill the wound is healed, but you don't die. So when Exterminators stab sinners with angelic weapons, process of regeneration stops, which gives them opportunity to die.
7) Though Vox created his own special kind of dying for himself. When his screen gets badly damaged, he changes it, so same goes with his body. I think he has a folder somewhere with his personality.
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Am I Forgiven?
Sebastian x MC - fighting, forgiveness, and nightgown kisses
MC sighed at the open tomes spread out before her and rubbed a frustrated hand across her brow. The aged script was beginning to blur into a mass of sliding characters and there was a dull ache growing behind her eyes. Goblin lore was bad enough during History of Magic lessons, but to sit here in her own time scouring pages upon pages of it was bordering on torture. However, Sebastian's words still stung, they had wormed their way under her skin and she hated how much it bothered her.
MC had reeled at his jibe, the fury on his face and the way he spat the word cutting her deeper than she could ever have imagined. Since when did she care? She had never cared about what other people thought of her, never let it stop her going after what she wanted, she was tougher than that. Sebastian was useful, he taught her things, he was handy in a fight, it was never the plan to grow fond of him. She shouldn't care what he thought of her.
But his words had eaten away at her all day, frustration making her sneak into the Undercroft to dig out the books stashed there, books that were not on the school reading list. The idea that she was not smart enough for the likes of him irked her almost as much as his insult. She would prove him wrong.
Maybe not tonight though. She yawned and stretched, time to sneak back to bed. As she was about to begin collecting the scattered texts, the grate of the Undercroft entrance groaned signalling the arrival of one of the boys. MC shot to her feet. Please be Ominis she silently begged.
Sebastian strode in, fully dressed but tie askew, his hair unruly. He halted in surprise at the sight of her, his eyes widening as he took in her ankle length nightgown, feet clad in nothing but her stockings. MC lifted her chin a little, her eyes skipping to where her Slytherin robe was slung over a crate, her boots abandoned beside it.
"MC," he said. His voice sounded deeper, slightly hoarse. Again, his eyes moved over her and his cheeks reddened a touch. "I didnt think anyone would be here."
"Dont worry, I was just leaving," she said coldly. "Wouldn't want to crowd you with my ignorance."
He sighed. "I didnt mean it. What I said...I was angry. You are from ignorant."
No. Don't look at me with those eyes she thought, and turned to snatch up her robe. She had to stay mad, she couldn't let him lure her in. Her fingers shook, much to her horror. She flung her robe about trying to get it the right way round to put on, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment and fury at herself.
"What are you reading?" He asked. His voice was closer, she spun on the spot, eyeing him as he bent to pick up one of the books. He raised an eyebrow. "Goblin lore? You don't give up, do you?"
Her fingers clenched tighter around the cloth of her robe. "Never," she said firmly. "If Lodgok can get me information, get me closer to Ranrok, then he is useful to know."
He met her eyes. "Is that how you see me too? Useful for your own ends?"
MC opened her mouth but no words came out. Sebastian looked away, but not before she saw a flash of something like hurt in his eyes. He nodded as he slapped the book closed in a puff of dust. MC felt something twang in her chest but she shoved it down. She couldn't afford to care, she couldn't let him get close. Closer meant it hurt more when they were gone.
"When I said I wasnt prepared to get involved with whatever this Lodgok wants, you were quick to start severing ties with me," he said. He turned to face her again. "I figured my usefulness had run out. I am not a fool, MC. You forget, when it comes to manipulating people to get what I want, I'm an expert. I know a schemer when I see one. You've got Ominis wrapped around your little finger for a start."
MC felt heat flush her face. "How dare you! As if you're not doing the exact same thing to me! The only reason you help me is because you want me to cure Anne, otherwise you would have had no issue with leaving me to rot inside that scriptorium. You certainly had no difficulty casting Crucio on me and we both know you have to mean it."
"Only because you didnt have the nerve to cast it yourself!" He snapped back. His brow furrowed as his anger began to bubble up. "You had me teach it to you only to chicken out at the last moment. I mean, you're hand was shaking like a fucking leaf as you pointed the wand at me. So yes, I do try to help you. Not just for Anne, but because if I didn't, you would go out there to fight Merlin knows what, unprepared and alone and likely end up dead for your efforts."
MC remembered facing him down, wand up, the word Crucio on the tip of her tongue. He was right, she hadn't been able to do it. It infuriated her no end that she hadn't been able to. Because she couldn't do it with meaning. All she could see was his cheeky smirk, the way his face would get all intense when he was reading, the day he took her to meet Anne and the playful way he had been with his twin. She remembered the feel of his hand against the small of her back, the way he had helped her get to her feet when she stumbled, and he always had her back in a fight. She had come to rely on his presence, couldn't wait to tell him about something she had discovered, felt delight at drawing out a smile from him, and it scared the absolute shit out of her. There was no way she could cast an Unforgivable on him but there was no way she was going to admit all of that to his arrogant face.
With a growl of frustration she shook out her robe, determined to get it back on and get out of there, but her hands were still shaking and the blasted thing would not obey her. "I don't need you to save me," she insisted. "If I can face the Keepers trials alone, then I'm fine with everything else. I don't need a baby sitter."
The robe seemed to have a mind of its own. She threw it to the floor and yanked on her boots instead.
"I am under no illusions about your need for a saviour, I've seen you bring down mountain trolls after all, and I definitely have no plans to be your baby sitter," he snapped. "But if you think that I am going to stand by while you walk into some sneaky goblin trap, then you are sadly mistaken. Goblins cannot be trusted."
"And you can?" She spun to face him, her hair flying against her flushed cheeks. He had her robe in his hands and he was even closer, close enough the see the fire light from the candles flicker in his brown eyes. His anger disappeared at her words. A look passed across his face and it looked like sadness. She swallowed down the fear clawing up her throat. "I've told you more than I have ever shared with anyone else. I've put my trust in you and I don't know if that was the right choice."
Her voice cracked on the last word and her chest tightened with the raw honesty she had spilled. She felt horribly exposed to him and she feared that he could see all the other feelings that were swirling around those words.
He stepped around her and placed her robe gently over her shoulders. Of course, the fabric behaved in his long fingers, draping perfectly around her. He spun her to face him, the press of his finger tips a delight and an agony, and he fastened the robe against her chest. She stared at him, her eyes scanning his face, waiting for a smart comment, the arrogant twist of his lips, but all she could see was sadness. Just like that her anger melted, slipping through her fingers and she had nothing else to cling to. Nothing to use as a shield against her vulnerability. How the hell did he do it?
He met her gaze and she was trapped in it. Her eyes were fused with his. "If you want, you can walk out of here and I will not trouble you again," he said softly. "But I meant what I said. I would never let you walk into danger alone, or unprepared. I will always have your back, just as you have had mine."
MC felt a stinging at the backs of her eyes. She never cried, refused to. Weakness was never an option. Sebastian lifted his hands either side of her face, she could have sworn his fingers were trembling as he cupped her jaw, the pad of his thumb grazing an agonising sweep near her mouth. "If you do walk out of here, I will respect your choice. But if you want, I can be whatever you need me to be, I can teach you more spells, I will fight whatever battles I can alongside you, but above all of that, I would be honoured to be your friend. The friend you have put your trust in."
The sting behind her eyes became a burn and her vision was getting a little blurry around the edges. It was tiredness of course, that's all. She was tired. Her body betrayed her and a hot tear escaped to slide down her cheek. Sebastian caught it with his thumb. "I'm sorry that I hurt you," he whispered.
MC pulled in a shaky breath. Merlin damn this boy who refused to give her heart a moments peace. The eye contact was becoming too intense so she dropped her gaze, but that was a mistake. His mouth was so close and those fluttering feelings took a dive southwards to torment her abdomen instead. Her heart thumped madly against her ribs. Fury had become this flaring need and she needed to get back to more familiar ground before his touch drove her crazy.
"For the record, I do not have Ominis wrapped around my little finger," she said.
There was the familiar little smirk on his lips. "Oh yes, you do," he said. His hands were still holding her face. "In fact, I could list a few others who would drop everything and come running for you."
"Like who?" MC said doubtfully.
His thumb gave another sweep across her skin sending sparks shivering down her spine. "Garreth, Poppy, Amit, not to mention Leander..."
MC screwed her nose up. "I highly doubt it."
"Believe me, you have no idea." A scowl flashed on his brow.
MC arched a brow. "Really? You almost sound jealous Mr Sallow."
Teasing was definitely more familiar territory with him, but MC found she was holding her breath.
"Of course not." A glorious blush spread across Sebastian's cheeks and he let go of her, pushing his hands through his hair and turning to pace before the scattered books. Her skin felt strangely chilled without his hands gracing it. "You said it yourself, you reveal more of yourself to me than anyone else. I have no reason to be jealous."
Oh, she was already regretting those words, he was going to be awfully smug now. She folded her arms. "So, you wouldn't mind if I asked Garreth to help me with an extra assignment instead this weekend?"
"What assignment?" He asked, spinning back to look at her.
Her lips twitched with the need to grin. "Oh, you know, the usual sneaking about after dark. I reckon Garreth won't mind breaking a few rules with me."
Sebastian's jaw tightened. His eyes travelled down the length of her before gazing at her face. "Will you be sneaking around in the dark with Garreth dressed in nought but your night gown?"
Embarrassment swirled with a pinch of excitement in her belly at the way he stared, but she covered it smoothly with more teasing. She gripped the white cotton of her nightgown, spreading it slightly as if to curtsey. "Oh, I don't know, do you think he wouldn't approve?"
Sebastian looked as if he was about to step towards her but he hesitated, bringing both of hands to his mouth as if praying. "I think he would be far too over excited at such a sight," he said tightly. "Perhaps not such a good idea."
"No?" Her heart thudded in her chest. "What about you? Are you 'over excited'?"
His eyes widened and another flush spread up his neck and face. He opened his mouth to speak once, twice, and MC felt a giggle bubble up her throat. Oh, but she was being most horrid and scandalous! And it would serve him right after the way he made her heart jump and twirl in her chest at times.
She almost skipped as she moved towards him, her hands reaching for his wonky tie. He had so gently wrapped her in the robe, it would be rude not to return the gesture. She straightened the tie up, slowly and deliberately, hearing the soft intake of his breath between his teeth. She met his eyes, those beautiful brown eyes, and gave him a soft smile. "Its late," she whispered. "We should return to the common room."
He cleared his throat. "Does this mean I am forgiven?"
She stared up at him, her hands resting lightly either side of his tie. She could feel the rise and fall of his breathing, see the way his pupils were reacting to the candle light, and she knew, deep inside her, that he was the biggest distraction in her life but she didn't think she would ever be able to breathe properly again if he disappeared. It was frightening, how quickly he had wrapped himself around her like that. Her own feelings for this boy scared her, more than any monster this new magical world could throw at her, but Merlin did it make her feel alive.
Her lips curved upwards as she gripped hold of his robe, pulling him downwards as her heels lifted. She pressed her mouth against his in the softest kiss, a brief but warm sign of affection that made her blood sing.
"For now," she said cheekily. She let him go. He couldn't look more stunned. "My my, Sebastian, you look lost for words."
She didn't get a chance to step too far back from him. His hands reached for her, snaking about her waist as he pulled her back against him. A gasp burst from her lips as their bodies were pressed flush against each other. One of his hands slid up her spine, his fingers entangled in her hair as he stole another kiss from her mouth. This was no soft, delicate touch, this was a firm declaration that stole the very breath from her lungs. When he pulled his face back a little, their hot breaths mingled as they stared at each other.
"From now on, the only boy who gets to see you in your nightgown is me," he said gruffly.
"Is that so?" She breathed.
"Oh, I am insisting on it."
She smiled. The pendulum of emotions inside her took another swing. Less than an hour ago she had wanted to smack him one on his cute, freckled nose. Now, she never wanted him to let her go.
He slowly, reluctantly, released his grip on her. But, his fingers found hers and they interlinked. "Now, allow me to escort you back to the common room. You never know who could be prowling the halls at this time of night."
His smirk was a mirror of her own.
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chaoskirin · 9 days
Things About Owning a Parrot
I researched for intensely before bringing her home. The next day I was STILL overwhelmed. But suddenly I had this little dust bunny to take care of:
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She BITES. She bites when she doesn't get her way. She bites when she's scared. She sometimes bites just to test boundaries.
I have been removing the newspaper every 3-5 days and replacing it. Last night I decided to scrub the tray. Now, she's a tiny bird, so her poops don't make it through the paper. I just wanted to do it. This is a glazed steel tray, and the area under where she eats (where she poops the most) is corroded. How much shit must have sat there (and for how long) to cause that? This poor girl was neglected, and she's still a sweetheart. :( I don't blame her former owner, because said owner was a child. But this is a plea to not purchase animals to teach a child responsibility. The animal will always suffer.
Similarly, she did not know how to play with toys. Since she currently spends most of her time in the cage hanging from the bars, it was clear she didn't know how to entertain herself, because no one ever taught her how. She is learning, with small toys which she chews when she's with me, and I've now caught her starting to explore and chew on her toys in the cage when she's on her own.
She WANTS to learn. It took her a while to learn how to learn, if that makes sense. She was never trained. But now she's ON FIRE. Once she realized that behaviors earned rewards, man, she DOES BEHAVIORS. She tries things to see what earns her treats. She can already differentiate between "touch target" and "touch toy." She knows "step up" and "step down." She knows when I say "no biting" that I'm unhappy with what she's doing. She's learning that chewing on my fingers hurts.
Preening her is an amazing bonding experience. She trusts me to remove the pin feather sheathes on her head and neck. Sometimes I mess up (because she's very tiny) and she gives me a quick "don't" look and we go back to it.
I know she was surrendered for screaming. The day I brought her home, she would scream every time she couldn't see me. She would scream for a solid hour, or longer. I knew how to train this out of her, but it involved intense patience and the willingness to be stuck in any given room in my house until she stopped. I've been stuck in my bedroom (OK), the bathroom (less OK) and in my garage (god dammit.) As soon as there's a few seconds of quiet, I come back. She had an extinction burst about a week in and I was literally stuck in my bedroom for almost two hours. When she's quiet and I come back, she gets praise and a handful of treats, which I always carry with me through the house. Now that she understands screaming won't get her what she wants, I'm teaching her how to ring a bell if she wants my attention. She's doing very well. She still screams when I leave, but only for a couple seconds. This is acceptable. I can't believe this natural action cost her a home.
I. LOVE. This creature. I can't even describe how much, or how proud of her I am, or how sometimes I want to cry thinking about how awesome she is, and how she's mine. When I'm home, I want her with me all the time. I'm sad when I have to put her to bed. I NEVER WANTED A PARROT. They are wild animals and tend to suffer in homes. I was so sure I'd fail at this. But she fucking chose me, and I'm so glad she did. I can't imagine life without her.
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seramilla · 5 months
If / whenever Odette proposes to Verosika— it’s not something big or grand. Instead it’s intimate and quiet when Odette shows the ring to verosika, it’s a beautiful ring— it had probably cost Odette a pretty penny. No one had seen it coming, not even Carmilla—who knows her girls like the palm of her hand.
Odette and Verosika have talked about marriage before. It's to be expected after watching, and participating in, Carmilla and Sera's wedding. Theirs had been an extravagant, social affair, thanks to Zestial and Lucifer, with every blue-blood in Hell who was on good terms with them present. But to the girls, neither really finds those kinds of huge public expressions of love appealing.
Verosika has to put on a show every day, so she'd told Odette, if and when it happens for her, she wants it to be more real. Not during one of her shows, and certainly not on stage; just something small between herself and her beloved. Odette can't say she disagrees. In fact, that's exactly what she'd hoped Verosika would say. Because that's exactly what she'd been planning.
Verosika already has everything a demon could want, and then some. So does Odette, honestly, and while both demons can afford to give each other the world, that's not really what Verosika wants, or what Odette wants, either. She desires to make it special, but also not too over-the-top. She decides to get Ozzie's advice on the right way to approach this. He is, of course, very helpful...but mostly about the honeymoon, and all the fun things that can come after.
He does know the name of a jewelsmith in Greed, though, and after some conversations with them back and forth over the phone, Odette orders a personalized pink diamond in a gold band, fit exactly to Odette's specifications. Not a big one...it's honestly rather small, but still worth a small fortune, she comes to find out. She still thinks it's more than enough to make Verosika happy. Odette hopes so, anyway.
Odette chooses to ask her on a night after Verosika gets back from a tour. They'd already had a date at Ozzie's planned. The king of Lust didn't have any other shows planned, and just reserved a small corner of the showroom for the two of them, allowing the musical stylings of Fizzarolli to complement their dinner of something Odette is too nervous to eat at the moment.
Verosika seems to notice Odette's not eating. Her girlfriend does have a hard time remembering to feed herself sometimes, and she brings it up to Odette, who is quickly shocked out of her state of internalized anxiety.
"Babydoll, you going to eat anything? You look pale."
"Oh! Yes! Sorry! Umm...shit. I was just thinking."
Verosika takes a sip of her wine. They'd only ordered one bottle; Odette wanted to be sober for the events yet to come.
"Thinking about what?"
Verosika reaches across the cozy table to touch Odette's hand. Odette's other hand is fumbling with the small box tucked safely into her pants pocket. Fizz has finished his last musical number, and walks off-stage to take a break. If there's any moment to act, Odette thinks, it's now. Taking a breath, she stands, and moves toward Verosika, before kneeling on one knee at her feet.
"Verosika Mayday...!" Odette starts, pausing more out of anxiety than dramatic effect. She hopes it makes her look cool, and not anxious, at any rate. "Ever since I met you, here, after what seems like a lifetime ago...my world has never been the same. I never imagined a literal pop star would ever look my way, let alone talk to me. You've taught me so much about actually living, and loving...and to never take anything for granted."
Odette pauses again, getting the box ready in her pocket.
"You've also taught me patience, and to love myself, and to never judge a book by its cover. You're my best friend. My confidant. My north star. I want to spend the rest of eternity with you, for however long that lasts. So, um, will you do me the honor of, uh...hold on..."
After a few fumbling attempts and only a little blushing, Odette manages to take the box out of her pocket, and opens in it front of Verosika. The succubus is wide-eyed, the pink of the diamond shining back at Odette through her eyes. Odette finishes her question with only a little bit of a flush on her face. She hopes Verosika will forgive her awkwardness.
"Will you marry me, Verosika?"
Odette doesn't even have to wait for an answer. One minute, she's kneeling at Verosika's feet, and the next, Verosika is lifting her off the ground, and placing her on the table on her back. The rest of their food and drink be damned. It gets everywhere. Odette's glad she's not wearing one of her lab coats, because it's soaking into the black pants suit she wore for the occassion. She puts the ring down on the table, before she drops it.
Verosika kisses her, full and flagrant, forcefully on the lips, and pulls away with a smack! She only lifts from Odette long enough to screech into the room, "Yes! Fuck, Odette, yes! I will!" before she's kissing her again, pushing Odette even more into the table. Odette worries they might be causing a scene. Unfortunately, her fears are confirmed, because Fizzarolli's already making obscene hand gestures behind the stage, grinning with his tongue out the side of his mouth.
So much for being discrete.
Fuck it, Odette thinks. Let him watch. She brings Verosika down further on top of her, and really starts sucking face with her girlfriend -- no, her fiancé -- right there on the table. Ozzie and Fizz give them two pairs of thumbs up, but neither of them notice. They're too busy celebrating, in their own little world, ignoring the captive audience behind them.
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wpdarlingpan · 1 year
His To Protect-
Ken x F!Reader
Authors Note: this is part of a request from my Wattpad and the person has requested to stay anonymous but their idea was super good.
Warnings: Abusive Relationship and Throwing up
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Ken was walking through the real world, gazing at every situation in which a man was the lead, which was pretty much anywhere he turned.
He had just finished ‘checking’ out books from the library when he pushed open the door quite hardly since his hands were full, only to be stopped as it hit into something…. Or someone.
Y/N laid on the ground gasping in pain before her body reluctantly let her roll into her side to throw up. The pain was absolutely overwhelming, even her stomach acid couldn’t work through it.
Ken immediate felt bad, of course he’s never intentionally hurt someone in his life! Especially a female! That was a big no no.
When she threw up he couldn’t help but stare. Barbies and Kens didn’t throw up. But as he looked closer he saw purple spots, some yellower and others blacker adoring her stomach as her shirt road up slightly unbeknownst to her.
He may not have never seen bruises before in real life but he knew about them. He knew they were cause by injuries and boy did Y/N have a lot.
After Ken snapped back into his helpful senses, he knelt on the ground, disregarding his books, and rubbed a hand gently on her back before offering Y/N help up at her own pace.
But when he touched her and when he held a hand out towards her, he noticed a slight flinch causing her face to screw up in a wince.
His plastic heart hurt. He stared into her innocent ey a and saw the pain. Y/N owned a Ken doll a long time ago. She was probably one of the only people to give him the same or even more attention then barbie.
She had grown up in a single mother household so she used the Ken doll to grow stories of love and romance. What she wished her parents had. But Y/N grew up and realized it was unrealistic. Love can never be forced and nor is there a set path. It can be full of so many twists and turns but in the end all that matters is your happiness. Her parents were happier apart. Even in death as her mother passed.
Ken saw everything, how she treated ‘him’, how her parents affected her, and the worst part, her boyfriend.
He never felt anger like he was at the moment. He saw each hit, each kick, and each shove. He almost winced as if he felt the pain herself, but he might as well been. The second Ken realized who Y/N was to him, he had instantly grown protective and seeing all the bruises solidified it. Y/N was his human. If the patriarchy books taught him anything it was that he has to protect her. Not because he was a man but because it was right… and he cared about her already.
Y/N and Him were sitting on a bench at the beach. Ken was lightly rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. As if the soothing feeling could take away her pain. They had left the library after slight hesitation on Y/N’s part but she didn’t know how life could get worse and she saw how Ken treated her… it was nice.
He had been attempting to explain the whole concept of Barbieland and his desperate urge to bring her there and keep her boyfriend, or we’ll ex now as Ken decided, away.
She was skeptical of course. First that her childhood Ken was real, that Barbieland was real, and that she could even possibly leave behind the pain.
Ken continued to convince her, even going as far to steal her some roller skates so they can get back.
Y/N has to agree; after all it has gotten late and she didn’t want to return back to her shared apartment where her ex was probably waiting to hear her key jingle in the door handle.
Ken was so happy he could dance. He hadn’t thought of stereotypical Barbie in a girlfriend way ever since he met Y/N. He could only imagine a future with her now.
They went through the big yet short process of going to Barbieland. Y/N was in awe the entire way there. Each new area made her eyes widen and her mouth slightly gape in amazement.
Once they finally made it into Barbieland, he didn’t allow Y/N a second to talk to anyone or stare at anything for longer than a second as he ‘drove’ them straight to a dream house. This one in particular used to belong to a Barbie before they were discontinued so there wouldn’t be questions or interruptions, oddly enough ken never cared about those before.
When Ken led her over to the couch, he saw her wince as her sat down, her arms going to hold her ribs.
“Take off your clothes.” Ken said gently but the sentence was a lot less gentle. Y/N stared at him in shock. Ken slightly stuttered out a sorry before clarifying that he wanted to use a first aid kit on her Injuries.
“It wont help… I’ve tried.” But Ken wasn’t giving up. She reluctantly got undressed down to her underwear but the way Ken was looking at her didn’t make her feel unsafe like her ex. More so sad and empathetic.
Ken used the first aid kit and since it was mostly operated by imagination of a items purpose and quickness of working, Y/Ns pain dulled into a small ache that was barely noticeable.
It didn’t help make her ribs become less noticeable from under her skin but it made them not hurt. The rest would come in time.
Y/N profusely thanked Ken, praising him for his help which made him feel appreciated. He decided he didn’t want to do anything with the patriarchy. He just wanted Y/N.
And horses but more so Y/N.
Ken didn’t rush anything. He let Y/N heal mentally and physically and the day she said she was ready, he took her on a date.
One turned into two
And two to three
And finally, Ken and Y/N we’re boyfriend girlfriend.
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bluecatwriter · 3 months
How Good And Thoughtful
Ah, thank you for requesting this one, anon! I'm very fond of it.
"How Good and Thoughtful": "Earlier today, Jack Seward had to help kill Lucy's vampire, and now he's in the company of Mina Harker, working together to transcribe and assemble their diaries. He never expected to feel this close to someone he just met, and he's not quite sure how to handle his strong affection for his new friend."
-I put the quote from the book that inspired me at the beginning of the fic, with Mina narrating how Jack helped her get a typewriter set up so she could transcribe his diary. "How good and thoughtful he is; the world seems full of good men— even if there are monsters in it."
-Also I wanted to write this because Mina and Jack have, like, the best meeting of the whole book. They're in a romance novel except Mina's already in love with someone else. They meet at the train station, make extremely awkward small talk, Jack starts blushing furiously, he determines that he needs to keep information from her but five minutes later hands over his entire wax cylinder collection and then they read each other's diaries. I am obsessed with them!
-I'm also always gnawing away on the whole set-up of Jack and Mina spending the evening together alone in his study: Jonathan is halfway across the country tracking down boxes, and meanwhile Mina is having a sleepover with a handsome, well-bred young man whom Lucy thought she might be into— and no one, either in the story or in the way the narrative is presented, bats an eye! As someone who was raised in a very conservative environment where we were taught, explicitly or implicitly, "It is morally wrong for a woman to be alone with a man unless they're married— and this is the way it's always been!", this makes me unreasonably happy. 
-The first part of the fic is mostly logistics, putting dialogue to the summarized part of the book. I wanted to show that Jack is mostly in business mode here, trying to be helpful in any way he can.
-The canon image of Jack sitting with a book while she transcribed so she wouldn't be alone is very sweet to me, so I put it in the fic, too. Meanwhile, Jack, who is bone-tired under the best circumstances but also has been getting even less sleep (and more Horrors) than usual, begins to fantasize a bit about having Mina as a wife. As with Jack's attraction to Lucy, I think you can read his obvious rapport with Mina as being any sort of attraction— sexual, romantic, platonic— although in this fic, them getting along gets mentally slotted into the literally only category he has for a close female relationship, which is "wife."
-I wanted to make it clear that Jack is not being a creeper here, but is channeling his longing for companionship into the want for a wife (and trying very hard not to think too much about it).
-Of course Jack knows Mina is already married, and he's very excited to meet her (surely hunky) husband! I had fun imagining what kind of "strong young manhood" Jack might construct after reading Jonathan's diary. Anyone with such an iron nerve must be the kind of guy who could throw him against a wall, right…?
-Mina having to stop and stretch her hands after typing is my concern for her ligaments during all this typing she does during the novel (and shows up in some other fics, too). My girl is gonna get carpal tunnel if she doesn't stretch!
-I knew I wanted to have them touch in this scene, and figured that him rushing to help with a medical need (proper stretching technique for her hands) would be a good way to do that. I come from a family where we often give each other backrubs or foot-rubs or hand-rubs, so I have familial associations with it, but I liked that it could also be a little charged here just because massaging someone else's hands can feel pretty intimate.
-I diverged a bit from canon by having them stay up together reading through the newspapers; if I remember correctly, Mina does it by herself in the book. I liked how domestic the image was of them poring over newspapers together and reading each other snippets (sort of like how my spouse and I will scroll through our phones side by side, pausing only to show each other memes).
-Since the book has a theme of people falling asleep, I decided to have Mina doze off here (couldn't be me— I cannot sleep in a chair), which of course makes Jack feel a whole lot of other things. He's doing his best not to pine, but man.
-When he wakes Mina up and she says she's going to bed, I was very seriously tempted to veer from my original idea and let them just make out. But I decided to keep my original plan for a couple reasons: even if Mina said it was okay with Jonathan, it didn't feel believable to me for Mina and Jonathan to have discussed polyamory at this point so early in their marriage; it would've made the thing feel more like an AU rather than my vaguely-canon writings that I've compiled. Plus, I wanted the focus to be on their connection, not have the scene just be a jumping-off point for a romance (even though I might write something like the latter at some point). So I reined Jack in and kept going from there.
-I like the little conversation that Mina and Jack have here— it's so earnest and open. I was trying to convey the feeling when you meet someone and you just click and it feels like you've been friends all your life.
-I settled on Jack giving her a cheek kiss, which is still a very bold move for him but more restrained than a dubious makeout session. And then of course he feels terrible for it… but Mina understands and gives him a kiss back. One kiss is enough to make Jack crumple like a cheap paper napkin, so it's probably good I was restrained, anyway. ;) His immediate desire to "fall at her feet and sob into the folds of her skirt" was inspired by Jonathan doing just that later on in the story.
-I figured after all that, Jack needed Floor Time; I just see him as a guy who lies down a lot when he's trying to process things. (In the play I'm working on, his first entry is narrating while he's lying on his back on the floor.)
-A huge number of my fics end with the viewpoint character getting a good night's sleep. This is because 1) sleep is a big running theme in Dracula, and, more importantly, 2) I love sleeping and I want everyone else to get a good night's sleep, too. ;)
Thanks again for the ask!
(Ask game here)
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witchqueenvisenya · 16 days
Could you talk a little about your love for visenya? Visenya is my favorite conqueror and I love reading people talking about her. 😊
okay, so visenya is my preferred conqueror, if not my fave, and honestly, my thoughts on her fluctuate a lot mainly because while there are clear markers of how she was perceived, there isn't a lot of interiority, imo, when compared to aegon. i'd put rhaenys in the same boat as her, but this post isn't about her, so.
this is going to be a lot of headcanonning so look away if you aren't into that.
i'd be dishonest if i said that visenya being a warrior isn't a huge part of why she's one of my overall favourite asoiaf characters. asoiaf... is indeed a series where female roles in a fantasy medieval society are explored more than in other comparable lit, but there is seldom a character as intriguing as to simultaneously hold the position of eldest child, bear independent power in the form of vhagar, possess martial prowess in wielding a sword, and also hold no small amount of political power, especially as the yin to rhaenys' yang, the dagger to her honey (although, as i've talked before, these demarcations aren't absolute and i resent the fandom for drawing sharp lines), as well as a sort of alienating (for westerosi society) power in the form of her witchcraft.
so, visenya is, for all intents and purposes, an extremely powerful woman in a world where such a thing is often measured by at best, a woman's ability to manage a kingdom but not really delve into all its affairs (or indeed, even help in matters that usually a man, in such a medieval society, would take care of). because yes, at the time of conquest there were such women as meria martell and sharra arryn who were powerful to different degrees, but unlike visenya or her sister, these women weren't as deeply involved in military minutiae (as far as we can tell. although dorne being dorne, meria might well have been some sort of warrior in her days, but we have no record of her engaging in such an expansion of her lands as we see with visenya, who really only stood to rule dragonstone with aegon as a husband initially) or have any high fantasy elements attached to them that set them a touch apart.
which is sort of the point.
visenya is one of three siblings descended from a destroyed empire, belonging to a family that fled annihilation. i've always seen the targaryens as having been born with a sense of flight, in all senses of the word. they notoriously survive, and they inevitably cling onto a level of power that no one in the world can match. they have no natural competitors, especially as long as the dragons stayed alive. visenya, as the eldest child, is someone i've seen as having an even higher drive for power than aegon, whatever his motivation for conquest may have been--but i've never seen it as power for power's sake.
i see it as her adopting a natural sense of alignment with what she believes should be her place in the world, not really as a cartoonish supreme ruler of all, but as someone, who probably dealt with such a sense of responsibility to her house that she (unprompted) took on all the skills and knowledge that someone of her blood should know without fail, that she trained harder and rode her dragon more fiercely than her siblings, probably taught herself some type of valyrian sorcery, all in preparation of her future as aegon's wife, as a lady of dragonstone. aegon, who, in any avenue, would never seek to surpass her, but who she saw as someone primarily under her protection. (i'd like to point out that i don't think she imagined she would ever just be a medieval standard appropriate wife or like, a childbearing machine. i think she very much saw herself as an advisor, as counsel, as someone who would always have a sort of elder sister wisdom that aegon would need. and indeed, aegon acquiesced to her when it was needed for the realm, but also visenya acquiesced to her brother's emotional state, probably many times before rhaenys' death, and especially after that, in however much capacity as aegon allowed).
i wouldn't call it foresight or anything on her part, but eldest siblings do often seek to control everything to a pathological degree, which is why she must have immediately had plans upon plans when aegon eventually revealed his desire to conquer westeros. a desire which even if she didn't share, felt right to her, probably felt like something her ancestry might be in concord with, and a desire which she and her siblings enacted with academic caution and then blunt militaristic force, and then maintained through compromise and understanding and subtle manipulation.
i do have thoughts about her non-platonic relationship with aegon and rhaenys, and about her son and then aenys, but it'll probably be another post. however, i will say this. i've always called bull on that line about aegon marrying one for duty and one for love. i think between the three of them, these two things warped and shaped in a way so utterly unfathomable to westeros that the only way they could see it was as a binary, divisive, often competetive romance hinged on the personality differences between visenya and rhaenys, and how the latter was more conventionally desirable in a westerosi sense and thus the rightful receiver of the king's affection. instead of, you know. the older witch who wielded a man's weapon and needed to pull a baby out of some magic cauldron bc her husband didn't like to touch her >:/
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rvllybllply2014 · 2 months
Aww thank you so much!! I'm loving your replies too! :'3
Oh poor lady Blackwood, both what happened to hear and what would become of her sons :( If she was from another house herself, I could see having taught Samwell it was okay should he ever befriend a Bracken, not liking this entire feud between the two houses. And her being their father's light, like how Amos & Aeron would be for Willem & Davos. This does explain where Willem would get his brutal side from.
Ooh I hadn't even thought about how the Blackwood children would have been raised in the cold hard north! Among the Boltons, Starks, Umbers..they'd have needed to be always on guard, using their anger & impulsiveness as their best defense & being raised to be just as brutal as the other houses. They'd have to be to survive! And then in the end they were beaten down and ran out of the north by the Starks, loosing their kingship & home, that bitter of a loss would drive the anger/darkness/pride in anyone! And then they'd find themselves settling in the new, far warmer lands of the riverlands. I wonder just what happened between them & the Brackens from here..
I absolutely love the Brackens being taught as early as babes that it's okay to feel their anger, but they can't let it control them. They aren't Blackwoods, and you can't work the horses if you give yourself to your anger as they do, so it must be turned into a strength instead! (heh with this in mind, imagine the starks at some point taking a long hard looks at the brackens, and setting up a few bracken/bolton marriages through the tullys? hoping the brackens might tame the boltons a bit like they do their horses? i mean…ramsay's horse blood is a red stallion who seems quite in sync with his rider, i could believe there's some bracken blood in him!)
Oh my goodness, I can't tell you how much I adore horse whisperer Amos taming Willem XD Especially by being firm with him and meaning what he says. You know Amos never makes idle threats, nor does he threaten in anger..so if he gives Willem a warning or promise, he'll follow through on it! And while Willem might hate it half the time, I think just knowing he can always count on Amos to keep his word would ground him a bit, give him stability when they're together. Combine it with tender touches, sweet praising words, and rewards and it's easy to see how Amos could tame him like the wild horse he is~ Pff and then there's Aeron not quite having the right mix, leaving Davos feeling hurt & pouty, poor baby ;w; But I'm sure they'd find their footing, all horses are different after all!
Oh poor Samwell! This would absolutely break his heart for both of them :'( I could see Amos at least believing that Willem truly didn't know, and not holding it against him. And Samwell comforting Willem through his sorrow & regret, while encouraging him to move on, you know he had to worry for him throughout all these years, knowing he still carries a torch for Amos.
Ah that does explain Davos's eagerness to escape! 
Right? Both could have so easily been prevented, if a deep breath was taken, and better judgement won out instead of rash words & actions. And that just makes it all the sadder!
Oh such good reasons for why the Brackens changed their faith! And of course the Blackwoods would be insulted, not just that the Brackens turn their backs on their gods, but on the blood they get from their house as well! Like that's a very personal insult to them..
Noo not Raylon being happy to see Davos, if only because he knows his cousin loved him, only to hear such cruel, heartless words from him! I wouldn't be surprised if this is what would cause the first of Raylon's tears…though he could also snap back Aeron would have never wanted this? That Davos knows it to be true? At the very least he feels pity for Raylon, that he doesn't deserve what ends up happening, but not enough to stop it.. Maybe he'd see to tending Raylon's wounds at least?
Amos not even believing Willem because he doesn't believe he'd let his son be treated like that..ow that hurts! He should wish that Willem is damned to the deepest depths of the seven hells after learning what his son was put through! And I have to love Willem's own actions costing him everything once again! To think he might have gotten everything he wanted, but with the proof of how horrifically he's treated the Brackens staring every riverlord in the face, it'd be clear they've been more than punished for their choice to support Aegon.
I totally could see Willem deluding himself like this, especially if he would have brought Amos to tears of pleasure in the past. And deep down he has to know he's hurting Amos, that it isn't like when they were teens, but he also accepts it, his cruel streak believing it's a just punishment for leaving him, for causing all of this. Maybe he'd even tell himself he'll be better to Amos after his house is made his vassal and they return to Raventree Hall, where they belong.
Amos trying to reach Willem like he used to, back when he was his wild stallion, only for that light to have sunken too deep.. Even with as much as Amos would hate Willem, to not be able to reach him again would have to hurt. At least he would hit Willem with some hard truths, hoping they would take root.
It's such a relief to know Amos's men wouldn't judge him! He would still feel so shamed to face them of course, but just knowing they haven't lost respect for him like he thinks he deserves would make all the difference in how quickly the brave, stern mask of lord Bracken could be placed back on again! Which leads us to the aftermath of Willem's beheading. Amos & his men have no choice but to fight against the greens now, along side the Blackwoods.. I could see Amos sending Raylon back to Stone Hedge to rule in his stead and work on rebuilding while he commands their men in battle. Both because their smallfolk & those left behind need a caring lord, and he wants his son to heal in the safety of their house, away from the mocking words/looks from the Blackwood soldiers. Oh imagine Oscar sends Davos with Raylon back to Stone Hedge? As an act of trust between the houses?
Also I've been seeing Oscar/Raylon as a crackship and I'm loving it! It made me think, while all the riverlords are disgusted by Daemon & Willem's actions, lord Piper was the most aggressive, even coming to Amos's defense.. He looks to be around the same age as them too, so imagine teen lord Piper having a crush on Amos, only for him to be with Willem? Mirroring Oscar & Raylon?
Aw thank you! I'm so excited to see the post! :D Hehe you know Amos means this warning too! You think he's up for fooling around in the hot sand with gods know kind of wildlife around them? Oh no he's got more sense & survival instinct than that! Willem can behave himself & wait! Tho you know he's also getting aroused, feeling that cock against him through the whole ride XD Oh does make me wonder, how could you see their sex life being like before their brake up?
Oh wow this idea ended up much more dirty than I had in mind with Aeron being there and all! 0w0 Not that I mind, Amos being surprisingly calm about Davos & Aeron is a nice surprise! With how bold Davos is too! XD Though I could also see their being a little more tension between Davos & Amos if Davos is still feeling on guard, not trusting him, and how could he being raised by Willem? Davos could start testing boundaries, letting his temper get the better of him, and with the tension having riled Aeron up too he could get between his uncle & Davos too, maybe loose his own cool a bit.. And feeling fully done with all of this, Amose give both boys a proper spanking, reminding them both that he won't have their anger ruling them and they will damn well behave themselves on the way back to Stone Hedge, that these sore backsides had best serve as a reminder when they ride. And once it's over he could pull both boys into a hug and let them dry their tears (davos might not have let tears fall but his eyes would sting at least) giving them the comfort both would need. It's how I could imagine he'd have discipline his son & nephew before, with a firm hand & following up on the warnings he'd give them, and tender comfort afterwards, reminding them of the behavior he'd expect from them. A traditional fatherly firmness you know?
Oh and for two other ideas! 1) Imagine teen Amos being taken captive by the Blackwoods in Raventree hall? With Samwell & Willem's father keeping him with the horses, hoping to brake him like a stallion? If you've ever seen Spirit stallion of the Cimarron (perfect movie for the brackens btw!) then imagine the song/scene 'get off my back' for teen Amos here XD
2) Amos dies in battle with the Ironborn when his son Raylon is just a little babe. Willem is near the boundary stones when the battle happens and he comes across not only Amos's body but baby Raylon not too far away. While part of him hates the baby for what he represents (amos moving on from him) he can't help but to cling onto what little of Amos he has left and steels away baby Raylon, changing his name and claiming him as his own bastard when he returns to Raventree hall. Raylon Rivers becomes the new lord with baby Aeron as his hair, and baby Raylon is raised as Davos's cousin, growing to look more & more like Amos as they become young men. 
Oops sorry this is so very late. Meant to answer and post it way earlier. Rape/non con/psychological torture mentioned. Typos.
She’s either a Tully/Bracken lady or maybe she’s from the Vale. With the Tully/Bracken combination she was raised in River Run and was taught that though she is a Bracken she is a Tully first and foremost,and the Blackwood/Bracken feud is ridiculous, especially if she tries to take house Brackens side in all petty disputes. If she’s from the Vale she’s heard about the feud but really doesn’t care she’s not related by blood to either house just marriage. Samwell was a mommy’s boy in fact that as soon as he could walk, he’s toddling behind her. It gets worse when she falls pregnant with Willem, he’s obsessed with a baby being in her stomach and constantly talks about he’ll be the bestest big brother ever. She also likes to have picnics near the border, where she can show Samwell that it’s okay to befriend or even be friendly towards a Bracken. She also always listens to and validates all the feelings Samwell feels.
Unfortunately her pregnancy made her immune system weaker, even after Willem is born. She just never recovers. A spring sickness hits the Riverlands hard, and she catches the illness from helping her people. It’s a long slow painful death. Samwell prays at the heart tree everyday and even goes to the sept that was built for her to pray for her to get healthy again. Willem being 7 doesn’t understand the finality of death, so during her funeral he asks his father when she’ll wake up and come back to hold him and tuck him into bed. It’s the first time Willem was slapped by his father, he gets told she’ll never come back she’s gone for good. She was too kind for this world so Willem better embrace the darkness.
All Blackwood children are raised on the stories of how they were the kings in the north until house Stark kicked them out. But they should never forget it, they need to stay strong and prideful and embrace the darker part of themselves, because maybe one day they’ll take back the north and become the lord paramount of the north.
The Brackens had some pity at one point for the Blackwoods at least until the Andals came and the Brackens switched to the faith of the seven. They had told house Blackwood it was a fake conversion, and it was until they were forced to cut down their heart tree and build a sept instead. That hurt the Blackwoods and it pushed them to be more brutal with their sacrifices to the old gods maybe they start human sacrifices to prove that the old gods are better than the seven. It gets even worse when house Bolton looks for a bride from outside the north. And house Bracken offers up one of their ladies, they still know how to worship the old gods, it’s still early in them switching to the seven so it wouldn’t be difficult for them to go back to the old gods. House Blackwood knows that house Stark would forbid them from sending a bride and that’s how Boltons got almost as good at riding horses as house Bracken.
Fast forward to Willem and Amos being raging hormonal teenagers. Samwell is old enough to not be forced to watch the border and he’s hopeful that Amos who he’s befriended will be a calming influence on Willem. Ever since Willem came back from vying for Rhaenyras hand and killing a Bracken in court, Willem hasn’t shut up about it. Samwell tells him about Willem and reassures Amos that he won’t attack unprovoked, to just ignore Willems taunts or maybe treat him like a spooked horse, because that’s what Willem is deep down.
So Amos actually spends time telling Willem that he’s the best in house and the most handsome just general flatteries to keep him calm. Eventually Amos begins to believe in what he is saying to Willem. But it’s Willem who asks Amos out after months of general praises, Amos says yes immediately. Every fight that Willem tries to start to get Amos to loose his cool ends with Amos threatening to leave him unsatisfied, Willem will immediately stop, because he knows that Amos doesn’t make idle threats.
Their sex lives are basically every time they see each other the clothes are instantly off. If they don’t have time to prep then they’ll settle for giving blow jobs, but if they have time it’s a marathon. They want each other to finish at least 3 times before they leave each other. Either way they’re both very satisfied.
The last fight that ended with their breakup and shattering hopes/dreams for the future for them and their houses has Willem running back to Samwell. It doesn’t matter that Samwell is the new lord of the house, he knows Samwell will hold him while he breaks apart from the pain. It’s as Samwell had feared when he had learned the name of Amos’s dead brother, and how much Willem pushes boundaries with him.
Samwell sends a letter off to Amos to offer his sincerest apologies to Amos and for not warning him more about how Willem is. He also tells Amos that Willem regrets killing Jerrell and he really regrets how he told Amos. Samwell ends it with saying that Willem will be changed the next time they see each other.
20 years have passed since the letter from Samwell and Amos is now head of his house. Samwell is recently deceased, and Ben is only 10 so Willem rules in his stead. Amos does send a raven with his condolences but Willem just burns it without reading it. It’s only after Davos confronts Aeron at the stones, that he learns about house Bracken declaring for Aegon. After he learns of the fight between Davos and Aeron, he tells Davos that he’ll have to fight the Brackens.
Davos doesn’t want to but his pride stands in the way of reason and he wants to make Willem proud. Davos knows that Willem could make him a rivers again, especially with Samwell being gone. Davos mercifully isn’t the one to kill Aeron but he is there to hold him as he draws his last breath. So Davos is still reeling from losing Aeron and is ordered by Willem to watch Raylon who reminds him so much of Aeron.
Davos knows that Willem will be sexually assaulting Amos and that he’s expected to do the same. But Davos can’t stomach the thought of doing that, he can’t be with someone that isn’t Aeron. So he says all the things that he’s thinking about to himself to Raylon instead. He can lay the blame on him for not being there to watch after Aeron, just like Davos couldn’t have been at Aerons side to protect him. Raylon cries because he knows he should’ve been there but Amos had forbidden him from going to the burning mill.
Raylon tells Davos that Aeron wouldn’t have wanted to be stuck in his fate. Davos wouldn’t have been able to stop the guards from visiting Aeron at night, without raising suspicions. And how Aeron wouldn’t have been strong enough to withstand what the guards are doing to him.
Meanwhile Willem uses all the old touches that gets Amos hard, it doesn’t matter if Amos tells him to stop. It just means he’s playing hard to get, he’ll want Willem eventually he’s just helping that along. Willem also tells Amos once he has lordship over house Bracken he’ll take even better care of him. Hell Amos can cockwarm him while they eat in the privacy of his rooms and he’ll always be near Willem and safe.
But Willem fucked everything up by leaving visible marks on Amos and having Amos screaming his name very night in the tent. It only gets worse when Raylon is questioned about how he was treated, never mind the fact that he’s not a bastard like Willem says he is. Oscar orders Daemon to behead Willem, for crimes against the river lands and crimes against two highborn lords. Amos wishes that he could’ve killed Willem himself, especially after what he hears happened to Raylon and knowing what he did to him. So Amos settles for cursing Willem to the darkest pits of the seven hells.
Amos asks the men to not think of him any differently. They reassure him that they won’t it was obvious to them all that he didn’t consent to what Willem was doing. Raylons fragility is what first catches Oscars eye, but he senses a strength in him too. Oscar makes a snap decision to protect Raylon by sending him back to Stone Hedge, he wants to get to know him later, to rule while Amos fights. Oscar also sends Davos as a type of hostage considering he is now the lord ruling in Ben’s stead, he gives Raylon permission to behead Davos if he miss behaves or if the Blackwoods refuse to work with the Brackens.
Skipping the pirate part sorry. Onto Amos being okay with Davron.
Davos yells about how he’s a man grown and there’s not point in spanking his bare ass. Aeron just tells him to shut up and take it, it will be over soon enough. Amos tells Aeron to come get his punishment for daring to fuck Davos, three quick spanks to his bare ass too. Then it’s all hugs between them, to make up for the pain. After the storm passes and they make it to Stone Hedge and the maester tells Davos he’ll be stuck there for at least a day Davos doesn’t protest too much. He’s seen how Amos treats him and he’ll get to be with Aeron in his rooms. It’s a win/win for Aeron and Davos.
Idea 1: It won’t work in lord Blackwoods favor Amos comes from the house known for training horses. Amos just befriends one along with Samwell and Willem. Samwell helps Aeron leave with the horse because he feels pity for Amos. Willem helps as long as he can fuck Amos at least once, they fuck more than once.
Idea 2: Amos was out having a picnic with his lady wife and baby Raylon when the iron born raid their lands. Willem wasn’t going to spy on them, he’d heard from his men that Brackens were near the border so of course he has to investigate. He’s horrified to see his ex love dead along with his wife and baby Raylon covered in blood screaming his head off. Since Amos is dead Willem will take the last living piece of Amos who just so happens to be Raylon. Willem tells everyone that Raylon was a whores bastard baby and it’s his. The Blackwoods only question it when Raylon looks more like the Brackens heir (Aeron), who also looks similar to a young Amos than he does Willem. Willem still calls Raylon his bastard and says he’s Davos’s cousin and if anyone questions it then he’ll kill them.
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judesmoonbeauty · 9 months
Yves Kloss - Act 2 Ch. 11 - Dramatic Summary
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Also, feel free to ignore my random commentary. I know this Master List is delayed, but eh, it was my first translation project, and I had no idea of what I was doing.
Please note: Only his common route and Dramatic route are translated/summarized.
Alt translations are marked as ///
T/L notes are notated at the bottom of the post with***
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???: “Since you have sublimated into a rose that will not wither then you must’ve known a very strong love”.***
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???: “But love is a curse that drives people crazy. The stronger it is the more it becomes a poison that eats away at you.”
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???: “Jealousy, possessiveness, fear, madness, love is never just a beautiful emotion.”
Emma (inner thoughts): I suddenly remember the words someone uttered to me in a dream. I understand their meaning, but when I met Yves I learned so much about love, and I would protect him with my life. I don’t think this love is a curse for me, and I can’t imagine being unhappy with this love. 
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Emma returns to obsidian palace without incident and reports to the princes what happened. Leon -the ever valiant hero- decides to go get Yves. He says that Chev can remain at the palace as the ambassador in the meantime. 
Chev chimes in and says that he isn’t going to be told what to do. Ragna then offers to show Leon the way to Yves. Emma asks Leon to let her come. She’s been taught how to defend herself and doesn’t want to sit still and look pretty. 
Leon agrees so long as she promises not to do anything brash. Since they can’t leave a right then and there he tells her go change. As she’s getting ready she notices how terrible she looks, and as soon she starts feeling down she holds the earring again. She chants to herself that they are going to save Yves and after slapping her cheeks, she leaves the room. 
In the corridor the sound of her footsteps are met with a resounding “CLUNK”. 
Gil: Good evening, little rabbit.
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After Yves and Emma split from each other Yves drove a separate carriage alone to intercept Horst at an abandoned  village he usually stops by on his way back home. He touches the plait Emma braided for him to have courage. He stops the carriage when he notices how eerily silent the peddlers street that he’s traveling down is. Soon the carriage is shot at by flying arrows and a swarm of men carrying weapons emerge from the shadows of the buildings. When Yves tries to escape with the carriage, there is a huge flash of light. 
Gil asks Emma if she’s going out. Emma has many questions for him, but chooses to make Yves priority. She says yes and excuses herself. As she walks past him he gently picks up her hair to look at her earring. He asks her if she has anything she wants to ask him.
Though perturbed by his ability to seemingly read her thoughts, she makes up her mind to ask if he has anything to do with Horst and company’s actions? Gil asks her what she thinks. 
She says at first she thought so, but Horst’s actions were that to assassinate them. However, now that Tanzanite, Achroite and Ruby are forming an alliance Gilbert wants to avoid as much trouble as possible. Killing Yves though he hates him wouldn’t make any sense. Gil says that if she knows that much, then why ask?
Emma recalls Gil’s words when he hurled his cane to Yves neck - “I don’t do favors for people I don’t like”. Em wonders what triggered him to say those words. Gil seems to read her mind again. He says that it wasn’t intentional just that he let his words slip because her king put him in a bad mood. 
Emma reason’s within herself that Gilbert did speak those words intentionally because he didn’t want to take the trouble to kill Yves himself, so he incited Horst to do it with those words. He is determined to kill the last member of the Kloss family without directly doing so. 
Gil: Shouldn’t you hurry?
He asks her while smiling.
Emma: “What?”
Gil: “If they didn’t get him the first time, they’ll get him the second time. I hope you make it.” 
She leaves him running.
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***Sublimated- to change form, but not essence. It is another term for sublime. Azel is stating that because she has achieved the highest sense of her love, it’s like a rose that won’t wither.
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h2llish · 9 months
we're starting my rambles with riddle, my love <3
there's a lot about riddle to unpack honestly. his mother was super controlling, and he was sheltered his whole life. he wasn't allowed friends, and he obviously didn't have much of an impactful male figure in his life. his parents don't seem to get along and that's me assuming his parents are even together anymore. and he also had to live up to a perfect expectation his mother put on him. like holy shit, that's a lot.
he doesn't know how to hold decent conversation, can't understand some social cues, and if you haven't noticed, he kind of struggles with maintaining friendships.
coming from someone whose been sheltered by a pretty controlling mother (and step-father, kinda), i can say i totally understand. while my mother didn't have a name to herself and she was a sahm (stay at home mom) so she never held many expectations, she still sheltered and controlled my siblings and i. for the longest time, like riddle, i hadn't realized that what my mother was doing wasn't right or normal. she prevented me from making decent relationships, ultimately ruining my social skills entirely and giving me enough insecurities to cover five(+) of me. i was fortunate enough to have my siblings to rely on, but it became unhealthy and none of us know how to handle real relationships/friendships when we're faced with them. even now, at 18, i remain under her control because of how sheltered i was growing up that the very thought of living without that control is terrifying.
now you take what i just told you about my controlling mother and you add that to riddle's life, you'll see just how shitty his childhood must've been. he didn't even know his mother was controlling until he overblots, he remained completely unaware of his trauma until the chaos of it built up into a meltdown. the only friendships he did have were forbidden when his mother learned he was interacting with other children, and with their leave so went his ability to learn proper, healthy, means of coping and social relationships.
and even after he became aware of the trauma of it all, he can't exactly change at the snap of a finger. he has to unlearn all the unhealthy aspects of what his mother taught him and learn more proper ways of dealing with anything.
and his temper? he probably learned that from his mother. you guys seen the way she acted when she learned her only son was making friends. it is very possible for a child to learn and take on qualities from their parents/guardians and he probably learned his anger from her. and to add to that, he never learned to properly cope with his own emotions under his mother's rule, so his anger is far more uncontrolled.
and i haven't even gotten to his insecurities and shit.
now im going to exclude his height here for obvious reasons (we all know how he is).
riddle probably fails to realize he even has insecurities. his trauma as a "golden" (only) child is enough to cloud the part of your brain that recognizes when you are feeling insecure. he still has so much to learn about himself, and that includes the insecurities that come with his childhood.
insecurities are actually pretty difficult to touch with him as it could be a number of things, and this is all guesswork, assumptions, observations; you can't know for sure. but i'm going to say what i think.
he's relearning everything from new, so i imagine that must make him a little insecure. to live under your mother's rule and then have a complete breakdown over it? someone like him would absolutely be embarrassed if they had to unlearn everything their mother taught them just so they could learn more healthy topics and methods.
he has a fear of failure; absolutely no one can say otherwise because it is so obvious. before his overblot, the stress of continuing to live up to the expectations his mother gave him was a weigh down and added to his blot build up. and after his overblot, he can't exactly break from that mentality. regardless of how much he may try or how much help someone may give, that sort of mentality that's been added to and built on for years cannot be easily broken. it's been shaped so much it might as well be comparable to a full concrete fortress of, "must pass this", "not good enough", and "she'll be disappointed".
he fears disappointment from other people. now listen, i know this one might seem far-fetched. he was and still sort of is dedicated to pleasing his mother, and absolutely sucks at forming decent relationships with other people because of poor social skills. but he is the housewarden of heartslabyul. he has definitely placed expectations on himself that he believes should be met and if they aren't he fears he's let down everyone in the dorm. what good of a queen is he if he can't live up to the quotas and expectations, he's set for himself? if he can't meet every rule? if he does not keep his dorm in the position of best?
he has the nagging insecurity and overall fear of never being good enough. whether that be with his mother, his friends, or future partners. he fears he will never meet someone's expectations and fail to be good enough for them. and this leads to my next statement, loneliness. his only friends were forbidden from him, and he's had no one but his mother until nrc. but even then, no one has been that close to him except try and che'nya so i imagine he must get lonely. and after his overblot, i assume that loneliness must have reached a suffocating point now that he knows about how wrong his mother's behavior was.
now to end this ramble and listen to me on this one ━ he's insecure. that's it. he's insecure about himself, his height, his trauma; everything. he's insecure.
overall, there is just so much to him and i just think people need to think about that when they refer to riddle. he's not just his anger and obsessive need for perfection; he's someone still learning his trauma and trying to better himself.
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cloudlessly-light · 2 years
Hi😊 How have you been?
Its not a specific request just a thought I’ve had past few days…
In my imagination Emily is bisexual and been always a Dom. But as she started sleeping with hotch she learned the joy of being dominated. He taught it and he is the only person Emily submits to in bed.
Can you please write something like this?
if it doesn’t intrigue you please ignore.
Love your latest multi fic btw💓💓💓🍬
A/N: This is pure filth, might be the filthiest thing I’ve ever written and I really hope you like it my friend! Please read the tags, because filthy filth is under the cut!
Title: Masked eyes as you pick me apart Summary: Control wasn’t something Emily easily gave up; it was something she craved. But then she falls in love with Aaron, and her whole world is flipped upside down. Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4.7k Warnings: Smut, BDSM themes, Dom Hotch, Brat Emily, switch Emily, bisexual Emily, oral, orgasm control/denial, overstimulation, verbal humiliation/degradation, choking, restraints, sex toys, spanking
Emily had always enjoyed control, in all aspects of her life. It was something she had lacked as a child and as she grew up it was something she cherished, something she craved. It was something that came easy in her personal life, something that was sometimes harder professionally. On those days she often found herself looking for a man or woman to spend the night with, to take her control back.
“What do you need?” She grinned against the other woman’s neck, the redhead whimpering as she tried to get Emily closer, her nails digging into her skin.
“Please.” Came a breathless reply and Emily hummed as she let her fingers rub too softly against a sensitive clit. “Please, touch me I need you.” She tried to catch Emily’s lips in a kiss but she was quick to back away.
“Ah ah ah,” Her lips ghosted over pale skin, her tongue licking the taste of salt of her skin. “you’re going to have to beg better than that.”
Emily loved it, the power of it. She never thought that would change.
But then she meets Aaron Hotchner, stoic and proper and if it weren’t for the gold glimmering on his finger she would have loved to take him apart and put him back together again just like she wanted him. She fantasized about it, imagined how he would tremble and beg and how his eyes would darken as she rode him to orgasm after orgasm.
Then he’s divorced and she has gotten to know him as more than a boss, but the urge doesn’t go away. She’s pretty sure that the feeling is mutual, his eyes lingering on her when he thought she wasn’t paying attention, his body usually turned to her even when they were surrounded by people.
And then the inevitable happens and she kisses him behind closed doors in Dave’s home after another team dinner. He surprises her though and presses her against the door, his large hands spread wide over her ribs as he traps her between the hard wood and his warm body. She lets him, for now because his lips against hers feels good, the taste of him and scotch on his tongue makes her moan as they give in to years of want.
“What does this mean?” He asks when they break apart and she almost wants to roll her eyes because of course he has to define it immediately.
“It means that you’re coming back to my place tonight, and we’ll go from there.” She smirks and hears him chuckle before his lips are on hers again.
They end up having sex before even making it to the living room, Aaron quick to pick her up and fuck her right up against a wall in the hallway. She doesn’t fight him, lets him bring them both pleasure as her body is slammed repeatedly against the wall, hard enough for the painting next to them to fall to the floor. He doesn’t stop though and she’s coming and it’s too good to care about anything but them.
Emily had always loved control, but then she starts sleeping and then falls in love with Aaron and she realizes that he loves control even more, and giving in to him is an even bigger rush.
It’s a surprise when it really shouldn’t have been, that Aaron craved control in every aspect of his life as well. That realization comes crashing over her that first night when he finally gets them both into her bed and he’s quick to hover over her. She tries to turn them but he’s stronger bigger and he laughs at her.
“You really didn’t think it would be that easy?” He’s taunting and she doesn’t know why her body flushes. “I’ve thought about this a lot.” He continues while tracing lazy kisses along her neck.
“And what did you think about?” She grinds up against his hard shaft the best she can, is embarrassingly wet as he continues to tease her. She’s not used to it; she’s used to taking but her body reacts to him in ways it never had before.
“How you sound when you come.” He bites over her pulse and then sooths it with his tongue. “And now I’ve heard you, it was even better than I imagined.” Aaron lets go of her wrists and kneels between her legs, his eyes darker than she’s ever seen them as he watches her and she squirms under the intensity of it. “I know you think you’re in charge here, but you should know that you’re not.”
One of her eyebrow arches as she scoffs at his words. Again, she shouldn’t be surprised that he already knew that, he was the best profiler she knew and he was using it against her.
“I’m going to make you beg for it.” She challenges and it’s his turn to scoff. Then he’s inside of her again, deep and hard as he leans over her again.
“Not a chance sweetheart.”
She never thought she’d give up the control she had always craved so easily, but then came Aaron Hotchner and flipped the switch on her. In the back of her mind she realizes that she only lets go of her control because it’s him, because she trusts him enough to do so. She should have known, but that doesn’t mean that she can’t try and fight him at times. That she can’t make him work for it.
“Hi honey.” She walks into his office with her coat hanging over her arm. “I’m done for the day, do you have a lot to do still?”
Aaron smiles at her the moment his eyes land on her, the smile only reserved for her and she feels her own lips tug upward.
“Maybe another hour.” He stands up and his eyes flicker to the mostly empty bullpen. No one was paying them any attention. He pulls her against him and her breathing hitches as he smirks. It had been a long week, a stressful week and they both know that they needed to release some tension. “Have you been good today?” He nips at her bottom lip, pulls it between his teeth until she gasps.
“Depends on your definition of good.” She sees his eyes darken as realization hits him.
“Emily.” He warns as his hands tighten on her hips. “What did you do?”
“I guess that’s for me to know and for you to figure out.” She twists out of his hold with a grin on her face. He won’t follow her, not when he still had work to do and she knew it. “But I have to say that new pocket-sized vibration really is as powerful as the clerk said.”
He sees her wink and then she’s gone, and his hands clench into fists. It was a rule, she knew it and he knew it and if she had not only brought the toy to work without his knowledge, but also used it to orgasm, she was in trouble.
“Brat.” He sighs as he sits back at his desk, already planning how the rest of their night would go.
Emily still didn’t give in to him immediately, always had fun fighting against him until fully submitting to him. She waits for him in his apartment, adrenaline rushing through her as her mind races with what he will do when he gets home. She’s in the kitchen when she hears the lock turning and she sees him entering.
His eyes find hers and she gulps as he calmly hangs his jacket on the hook and then places his briefcase on the side table together with his phone and keys. He’s too collected and it makes a tingle run down her spine. Her eyes doesn’t leave him as he removes his suit jacket and sets it over the armrest of the couch, then moves to the cufflinks of his shirt as he makes his way towards her. By the time he’s standing in front of her his shirt is off and her breathing is labored from excitement.
“Enjoying yourself, are you?” He asks as he closes in on her, stands close enough to trap her against the counter as she back up. His eyes doesn’t leave hers as he gets his belt undone, the sound of the buckle loud as it falls to the floor.
“Shh.” His finger slips against her lips as he hushes her. “You’re going to listen to me.��� He grabs her chin and moves her head, making her nod and Emily feels the ache between her legs pulse hard enough for her to clench her legs together. “You will speak when spoken to, other than that the only words allowed from you are, yes, please, my name or your safe word, do you understand?”
She’s nodding without his help now and he smiles, pleased with her obedience but knows that it won’t last. He presses her harder against the counter, his thigh moving to press between her legs.
“Tell me, did you take that toy with you to work without telling me?”
“Y-yes.” She stutters as she grinds against his thigh, the pressure not enough. She gasps as the edge of the counter digs into the small of her back uncomfortably, but she doesn’t care because his lips are hovering against hers.
“Did you come at work?” He’s already painfully hard in his pants, her proximity and the wild look in her eyes more than enough for him. “Are you really that desperate?” He snickers, the sound condescending and low.
“Aaron...” Her eyes close as her cheeks burn with arousal and humiliation. Then he’s moving so fast that she almost stumbles, the warmth of his body gone in a moment. She tries reaching for him, needs to feel him but he’s faster than her and his hand finds its way into her hair, his hold firm and she sucks in a breath.
“You know better than that, slut.” He whispers against her face as he keeps her in place. “You will be begging for me Emily.” His other hand moves to unzip his pants. “You will beg and plead and if you want any chance of coming at all tonight, you better fucking behave.”
Emily tries nodding but his hold on her hair is too tight and instead she breathes a sound resembling yes as he pulls her down on her knees. The floor is unforgiving on her knees but she stays put as his pants and boxers falls around his ancles, her eyes zeroing in on his hard cock almost slapping her in the face.
Aaron keeps his grip on her hair as he slowly feeds her his cock, her mouth already open wide for him. His eyes stay on her face as she takes more and more of him, her lips split around his shaft. She gags and the feeling makes him shudder as he pulls back slightly, only to thrust against her face again. His hold loosens on her hair and with a dark grin he watches as she starts bobbing her head, her tongue pressed against his heated skin as she swallows as much as she can.
Emily revels in the little bit of freedom he allows her and her hands fall to his strong thighs. She feels the muscles tense under her touch as she chokes willingly on him. She looks up at him, wide-eyed as tears run down her cheeks.
“You’re so pretty like this.” His voice is thick with want as he gently brushes a tear away, smearing her mascara even more. He pushes his hips against her face, doesn’t want her to think that he’s letting go so easily.
Emily braces herself as his hips move faster, fucking her face until she’s gasping for air and pulling back on instinct. He follows as her back bends and she realizes she’s trapped when the back of her head hits the cabinet behind her. She sees the smug look on his face and she knows that he planned for this all along.
“Unbutton your shirt, wouldn’t want you to ruin it considering how much of a mess you’re making. Poor thing.” He tells her and if it wasn’t for the roughness of his voice, he almost sounded bored.
She struggles with the buttons as he continues to shallowly thrust against her face, her body feeling like it was on fire from how badly she needed to feel him, for something to take the edge off. By the time she shrugs the shirt off, he’s groaning above her, his eyes hooded as he watches the way she sucks on the head of his cock.
“Bra too.” He grunts out and pulls completely out of her mouth for a moment. He gently brushes her hair out of her face as she gasps for air and unhooks her bra. She’s still trapped as he stands over her legs, and when she willingly surges up to get him back in her mouth he groans. “Good girl.”
Emily knows she’s a mess of tears and drool as it drips down her chin. It only encourages him and he thrusts faster against her face, making sure to pull back for her to breathe but then goes right back to making her take all of him down her throat. Her nails scratch over his thighs, small red lines appearing on his skin that makes something resembling a growl leave him.
“You better swallow all of it.” He warns and she nods the best she can as her tongue swipes against the underside of his cock. Aaron groans as he gives in to the pleasure, his hand finds its way back into her hair to hold her still as he ruts against her face. Through the fog of his release he hears her moan at the first spurt of him on her tongue, and he looks down just in time to see her struggle to keep his cum in her mouth. But she does, stays still and looks up at him until he nods and she swallows it down.
“Thank you.” She says and even if it wasn’t on the approved  list of words he chooses to let it go.
Aaron pulls her up to stand and kisses her roughly. He groans at the taste of him still on her tongue as his fingers find the button on her pants and quickly undoes it.
“Bedroom.” He tells her and he sees her eyes light up. “Hands and knees, I’ll be there in a minute.”
Emily almost runs towards the bedroom, her body buzzing and mind hazy with arousal. She gets on the bed like he had told her and waits. She doesn’t have to wait long until he walks in holding a bottle of water. Wordlessly he holds it to her lips and she drinks dutifully and then watches as he sets the bottle down on the nightstand.
“How many times did you come?” He asks as he pulls black cuffs from their drawer and throws it on the bed in front of her. When he comes back he slowly runs a calloused finger down her spine.
“Only once.” She arches into his warm touch, her body reacting to him immediately. When he slaps her ass cheek it comes as a surprise and she whimpers at the sting.
“Only once, huh?” Aaron slaps her again and watches the red handprint flush on her skin. “One time too many though.”
“Aaron I-I…” She starts but a third slap, harder than the previous ones makes her stop talking. Then she feels two of his thick fingers press inside of her and she moans in surprised pleasure.
“You’re dripping,” The word rolls of his tongue like he’s tasted something horrible, the tone patronizing and cruel. “Did sucking my cock get you this wet, slut?” He curls his fingers and her body jerks in response.
“Fuck… Aaron!” She feels him slap her again as his thumb move to circle her clit and the sound leaving her is a mix of a moan and a sob.
“Did it?” He gets on the bed beside her but keeps his hand against her, his fingers moving harder inside of her.
“Yes, yes it did.” She concedes and turns to look at him. She flushes harder at the look on his face, satisfaction clear as he snickers at her.
“Pathetic.” He spits the word at her and she whimpers. “Nothing but a cock-drunk little slut aren’t you.”
Emily nods desperately as her body starts to tremble from the way his fingers press against her spot and thumb rubs over her clit.
“And who’s slut are you?” He breathes in her ear as he watches the way her body reacts to him.
“Yours. Fuck I’m yours.” She says through clenched teeth and then he moves away from her and his fingers slip out of her. She slumps in disappointment but he’s quick to pull her up, his hands firm on her hips.
“So why did you think bringing a toy and using it at work was acceptable?” He flips her onto her back and has to hold back a groan as he looks at her face, needy and desperate already but the small smirk on her lips lets him know that she hasn’t given in yet.
“It was fun, maybe you’ve heard of it?” She catches him off guard and manages to flip them over. She grins as her center grinds against his shaft, already half-hard again. She presses her knees onto his hands as she puts as much of her weight on him as possible. “Or maybe I did it, just because I wanted to?” She speaks against his lips and Aaron tries to free his hands but she only presses her knees harder into the bed. “You’re so cute, squirming for me.”
It's too much and she knows it. If she hadn’t expected it she would have fallen off the bed from the force he used to flip them around. His grip is bruising on her wrists as he pins them above her head and gets them into the cuffs, even as she struggles.
“Fucking brat.” He growls and she bites her lip to keep from smirking, knowing that she was on the verge of him leaving her there alone, something he had done before. “You can’t help yourself can you?” Aaron wraps his hand around her slim throat and squeezes. “You were being so good for me.” The disappointment in his voice is clear.
Emily feels her eyesight go fuzzy as he cuts off the blood flow, his hand tight around her throat. When he lets go she’s dizzy and panting and then he does it again as his other hand move to tug on her nipples.
“Give me one reason why I should let you come.” Aaron watches her face as his hand move from her chest and down between her legs. Her thighs are sticky, folds soaked and he bites back a groan at her always being so receptive to him.
“Because you want me to come.” She replies as his fingers press inside of her again, his palm tight against her clit. “You love when I come for you.”
It was true, watching Emily as she gave in to the pleasure he was the cause of, was one of his favorite things in the world and they both knew it. His fingers curled hard inside of her and her thighs tensed.
“I do that’s true.” He said almost conversationally as he continued to thrust his fingers inside of her and the cuffs rattled as Emily pulled on them as he built up her pleasure again.
“Aaron.” She whimpered when he let go of her throat completely and instead moved down her body to suck on her nipple. He was everywhere and she felt delirious as the tension build in the pit of her stomach.
“Don’t do it.” He told her as he moved from one breast to the other. “Hold it.”
Emily whined in response, her muscles tensing by each push of his fingers. She felt his teeth tug on her nipple and the pain shot straight to her center. She jerked against the cuffs, her thighs trembling as her body tensed. And then he moved away from her again, making her groan in frustration.
“Greedy little thing.” It’s almost gentle, the way he pushes his soaked fingers against her lips and she sucks them without a second thought. He feels her tongue against his digits as she cleans herself of him and his cock twitches as it stands proudly between his legs.
“Please, I need you, please fuck me.” She mumbles around his finger and he smiles at her. She was already begging and she wasn’t even aware of it.
“You want me to fuck you, pretty girl?” He pulls his fingers out of her mouth and settles between her spread legs. His cock lands on her pelvis and her eyes fasten on it. He keeps his eyes on her as he slides his shaft over her clit, a smirk on his lips when she whimpers but stays still. “Emily.” He says her name and her eyes snap to his instantly.
“Please…” She whispers, her eyes pleading and he shifts between her legs. Her eyes flutter close as he pushes inside of her, but they open when she only feels him push the tip of him inside of her. “What…?”
“Stay still or I swear I will walk out of here.” He warns as he keeps the head of his cock inside of her and then moves to rub her clit but doesn’t move.
She cries out at the pressure on her clit, his thumb circling it with sure movements. She clenches around his cockhead and she hears him groan and she knows that this is all she’ll get unless she doesn’t behave. So she forces herself to still as he slowly builds up her orgasm for a third time.
Aaron watches with dark eyes as she throws her head back, soft moans and gasps leaves her lips as she clenches harder around him. He looks down and groans at the sight of his thick shaft disappearing into flushed folds, almost looking too big to fit inside of her. He knows that he could come like this, leave her aching and desperate as her center massages his sensitive cockhead, but she had been right before. He loved when she came and tonight he wanted her too, even if she had misbehaved.
Emily’s body tensed as his thumb moved harder against her clit, her vision blurring as she tried to keep herself from falling of the edge. Her hands clenched into fists, her muscles trembling and she looked up at him.
“Please.” She begged again and somewhere in the back of her mind she remembered a time when begging seemed like an impossibility.
“You want to come pretty girl?” He snickered at the way she nodded frantically. “Beg, properly.”
“Please, please let me come. Aaron I’ll be good, I promise just please let me come.” She rambled and his thumb moved faster in response.
“Do it.” He ordered and then pushed forward, filling her completely and she was coming with a loud whine as he stretched her.
Her back arched high as he started to fuck her while keeping his thumb on her clit, drawing out her pleasure until she was slumping on the bed, chest heaving. But he didn’t stop, he kept the same pressure on her clit as he fucked her with long, hard strokes.
“Wait…” She tried but Aaron cut her off.
“Again.” He groaned as she clenched in response, her body reacting to him easily. He changed the angle of his thrusts, pressed her thighs wide apart as she whimpered helplessly below him.
It didn’t take more than a couple of minutes until she was trembling through another orgasm, the pleasure of it making her body buckle against his. She was barely down from her high when she suddenly felt the bed dip and Aaron disappeared into the hallway.
When he came back only a few seconds later he held up the bullet vibrator that she had taken to work and she sucked in a breath. He got back between her legs and pushed inside of her like he hadn’t stopped in the first place, a grin on his face as he turned the vibrator on.
“I can’t…” She felt her whole body tense as the first feeling of the powerful vibrations her swollen clit.
“Yes you can.” He told her as he leaned over her, still holding the toy against her. He kissed her, pushed his tongue against hers and swallowed down her moan as he felt her once again start to clench around him. “There you go.” He encouraged her, his own pleasure building by each thrust of his hips.
Emily closed her eyes tight at the somewhat painful pleasure he was causing, another orgasm building even though she was exhausted already. When she came it was fast and hard, the air stolen from her lungs as Aaron whispered words of encouragement in her ear.
He could feel his own release building but he forced himself to hold off as he upped the power of the toy and Emily let out a sob. He got back up on his knees between her legs, checked if she really did need to stop but could see her nod quickly, wordlessly letting him know that she was okay.
Emily could barely breathe, her body trembling from pleasure as he continued to fuck into her with rough thrusts. She could feel another orgasm building, before she even had fully come down from her previous one and she threw her head back into the pillows with a groan.
“You don’t think I can feel you clenching again? That I can’t tell that you’re about to come?” He taunted and her eyes snapped to his. He pulled on a nipple and it was enough to get her to fall over the edge of ecstasy again. She cried out, her voice raw as her eyesight blurred.
“Good girl, so good for me. So pretty.” He mumbled as his own orgasm built, not able to hold back for much longer. But he kept the toy against her clit, even when Emily tried to jerk away from the stimulation.
“Fuck it’s too much…” She whispered, her body tired, mind numb from pleasure and him.
“Then don’t come, but you’re staying here until I do.” He grunted as he thrust harder against her, changed his angle a little and watched as Emily’s mouth fell open in a silent scream.
He hit against her spot perfectly, forcing another orgasm out of her in no time at all. She was sure she would pass out, she couldn’t breathe, her body feeling heavy and light at the same time as he fucked her through one more orgasm.
Aaron growled as she came again, this time unexpectedly and the tight clenching of her around him was the last push he needed. He came hard and deep inside of her, her name rumbling deep in his chest as he gave in to his own pleasure. When he felt like he could breathe again he collapsed on top of her, kissed her desperately before rolling to the side.
He gave himself a few seconds before moving to release her from the cuffs and she curled into his body. She was still trembling and his arms wrapped around her, stroking gently along her skin as she calmed down and slowly came back to herself.
“Fuck that was intense.” She said after a couple of minutes and he laughed and kissed the top of her head and then gently angled her face towards his to stamp a kiss to her lips.
“It was amazing, you’re amazing.” He reached for the bottle of water and handed it to her. She took long gulps of water before handing it back and he drank the rest.
“I love you.” She says as she gets comfortable on top of him.
“I love you too.” He brushes some hair out of her face and smiles. “So, wanna go again?”
“Not a chance, you’re not allowed to touch me for at least three days.”
“Oh sweetheart, we both know that you’ll be on me tomorrow.” He laughs as her mouth falls open in exaggerated disbelief.
“You wish.”
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