#she can sleep anywhere in any position and if it's on someone she trusts that's just a bonus
whitebookposts · 2 months
*skitters towards your ask box autistically* do you have any teth headcanons :3
Anyway, Teth! Our deeply beloved forest cryptid. I have to be honest, I don't have as many headcanons about her as I do about some of my other fave elders, which is a thing I should work to change because Teth is awesome. But here are some I do have for now:
CAAAAT I think my good buddy @krillking has already spoken about Teth having cat traits in his animal elder post, but yeah. While in my headcanons, the animal traits are less defined, Teth still very much has cat behavior, like her irises widening or narrowing like a cat's, and she likes to sleep in the sun (which is trouble because. Forest is 90 percent clouds and rain. Thankfully she has the yard behind her temple and the sunny forest segment, though due to the whole thing happening in the kingdom, she could visit those comfort places less and less :<) and most importantly - purring. Which she is a bit shy about, so she rarely does it. If you get to catch her purr, it means that she trusts you enough to do it next to you, though she will still be embarrassed if you mention it out loud. (Also do not leave her anywhere near fancy furniture she will try to rip it with her claws. Yes, lamed learned it the hard way.)
TRANSGENDAAAAAAAAA Idk how to explain it but Teth is just so transfem coded. Goes by both she\her and they\them. It just makes so much sense that I don't even need any proof to know that, she has told me this herself. Gotta give @dogedepan for this one though since I stole this idea from her (like many others. Can't help it Chi your headcanons are awesome)
BEEFCAKE Let's be real, TGC is a bunch of cowards for making her slim. How can you look at this woman, who is a blacksmith, and can catch a giant flying hammer with one arm like it's no big deal, and not think that they have some impressive muscle? If you draw Teth buff I am forever in your debt. PLEASE I WANT TO SEE MORE BUFF TETH ART PLEA-
BESTIE Teth and Ayin are literally fated besties, be they platonic or romantic. Even in early concept art, Ayin was described as "Teth's friend" and held the key to her realm, just showing the level of trust between them. Their realms also work with each other really well, with Ayin being the main supply for Teth's factories which is what allowed her realm to grow. I like to think of them being childhood best friends, and that they have been by each other's side through the good and the bad. Remember that headcanon about Teth enjoying sleeping in sunny places? Prairie is perfect for that, and if she decides to take a nap while visiting it is no rarity for her to choose Ayin as a bed for that (soft). I don't really see em as romantic because I already ship Teth with someone else, but as an aromantic person, it's important for me to show intimacy like that even between friendships. Ayin is always there to lend an ear to Teth, being there for her through her worst, and Teth is Ayin's "EXCUSE ME THEY ASKED FOR NO PICKLES". Although, if we go to the sadder territory, their friendship did suffer a falling out during the turbulent era of the kingdom, with Teth closing off from everyone, including Ayin, too caught in her work and darkstone production to meet the ever-growing demands, and that led to Ayin also drowning in work to keep up the light supply. That is not to mention the different world views about light creatures and how worthy they are of preservation.
CRYBABY I just like to think that despite appearing cold and serious, Teth is a very gentle soul underneath the hard facade she forced herself to create due to her position. But if you get to know her you will find a very soft, shy, and caring heart that makes it easy for her eyes to water, be it a happy or sad occasion, even if she is trying to hide it. She is also a pretty big introvert and starts getting nervous during events with big crowds, esp if they have to do a speech as an elder or something. This gentleness and softness hidden behind a cold surface is one of the things that attracted Priestess to her, which leads me to the next point:
LESBIANNNNNN You may know this already but I'm a big PriesTeth truther, which is the ship between Priestess (the original elder of the Valley from concept art, never made it to the final game but there is a pretty popular fanon that she is the mother of the twins) and Teth. Again, I was enlightened about this ship thanks to @dogedepan she is literally the CEO of this ship god bless. I know it's a bit silly to ship her with an elder who never even made it to canon, but I fell in love with the dynamic of the "serious and cold at first glance but soft and gentle on the inside x extroverted, energetic and mischievous but deeply caring and kind" that exists between them. Priestess was Teth's firework, the bright and colorful in the grey and cold of her life. Never had the elder of the Forest loved someone like she did this bright, giggly, and open girl who managed to always make Teth smile. And it hurt all the more when Priestess was lost. After the death of her partner, Teth closed off completely, lost in her work, just to not feel the pain because the grief was overwhelming. She couldn't make herself go to her backyard anymore, because it was the connection between Valley and her forest and where the two met most of the time, being there was just too painful. Some ancestors say that the rain became much more frequent after this loss.
Milf As I ship priesteth, I also headcanon that Teth is the other parent of Sah and Mekh. Unfortunately, their relationship is very rocky. Priestess died when the two were very young, and due to Teth being too lost in her grief, she simply couldn't care for them, causing the two to be raised by other elders (mainly Tsadi, who is their uncle) and kicked around from temple to temple until they were old enough to live on their own. This caused feelings of betrayal and neglect in the two, and it came to the point that they rarely acknowledged Teth as their other parent anymore. And she feels too guilty before them to try and get them back because she believes she deserves this for her mistakes. But perhaps not everything is lost, and some of this relationship can be salvaged if she finally gets brave enough to reach out.
WORSTIE She and Tsadi have a beef. That's it that's the headcanon. It's not anything serious, it's literally a "cat and dog" type of beef, the two can't even tell when it started, it's just that both will use any opportunity to roast each other. Why do I have this headcanon? Because it's funny.
INSANE SITUATIONSHIP Let's just say that the situationship between Teth and Nesting guide still left the latter one staring at her pictures every day for hours.
Hobbies Other than being a blacksmith, Teth enjoys all types of crafts, like sculpting from clay or woodworking. Girlie doesn't need any IKEA, she can make all the furniture herself (I mean, the Nesting guide had to learn this from someone)
Anddddd.... That's all for now! There's probably more headcanons but I can't remember them all rn. I hope these were written good enough and sorry for any grammar mistakes! AND SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT SO LONG I PROMISE I DIDN'T IGNORE YOU DJHGDJGDJ Teth is best forest mama, and I really should put more thought into her, thank you for sending me this ask so i can brainstorm about this gal.
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
Mystic Messenger cuddling headcanons
The whole gang's here! I wanted to do this for a while now, and it was super fun to write out my thoughts on each of them in detail ^^
He has no particular preference when it comes to being the big spoon or the little spoon. It all depends on your mood when you two finally collapse into each other's arms at the end of the day. Whoever needs more comfort will get it! When it comes to his favorite position though, he definitely has a huge weakness for cuddling while facing each other and sharing long meaningful conversations for hours on end. His grip on you is not too strong or too weak - it's the perfect balance to make you feel safe and loved within his arms. Yoosung is prone to light snoring if he's in a very deep sleep, but it barely bothers you. You even find it cute! And you definitely did not record your boyfriend's snoring on more than one occasion- He's not picky and can fall asleep pretty much anywhere. Being a college student has taught him the importance of getting enough sleep, and he has no problems in doing that, aside from getting too immersed in his hobbies throughout the evening. Still, he has you to always remind him when he's getting too carried away, and cuddles with you will always be far more enjoyable than any tasks keeping him away.
He's mostly the big spoon because he really enjoys providing you with a feeling of safety and comfort you might need. Having you happily snuggled up inside his arms makes him feel so happy and content at the end of the day, and your cuddles are something that he definitely looks forward to throughout his exhausting rehearsals. His favorite position would be him happily napping on his back with a moisturizing mask plastered on his face, while you are laying sprawled out on his chest with your cheek pressed up against his collarbone. You're like a living weighed blanket, only ten times better because of how cute you are! Zen's ideal bed would consist of one thick blanket and a shared pillow. Though, he's not a picky guy at all, and if you have other preferences, he's more than willing to work it out with you as you go.
Deep down, she's actually a huge softie, and when it comes to cuddling? Yeah, she's definitely a little spoon. It takes her a while to get comfortable enough with her feelings toward you, since she never actually felt this connected to someone throughout her lifetime. She can still get just a tiny bit flustered whenever you hold her in your arms, so she'll press her face into your chest and hope that you won't hear just how fast her heart is beating right now. It's adorable, really. Jaehee has struggled with sleep for so long, and she'll make sure to let you know of every possible problem that could arise from you two sharing a bed. She may or may not overanalyze the tiniest of inconveniences in the process, but with your encouragement, you two will quickly figure everything out. She has nightmares occasionally, however, you'll never know about them, unless you're someone who is a very light sleeper. The only signs of Jaehee having a nightmare is her suddenly jolting awake in the middle of the night with quick shallow breaths escaping past her lips. She would never try and disturb your sleep because of her own troubles, but she might get out of bed to make herself a relaxing cup of tea if the nightmare was especially stressful. If you do wake up and ask her about it, she won't try to hide anything from you. She trusts you enough to share her unpleasant experiences and rely on you in times of need. She just needs a little nudge from time to time.
Jumin can and will go both ways when it comes to cuddling. Being the big spoon? He adores the feeling of having you nestled up all comfortable in his arms. Being the little spoon? He never knew just how nice it is to have someone lovingly stroke your cheeks and kiss your forehead at the end of the day. He has no particular preference in that regard. Just being close to you is more than enough to please this man's soft heart. The thing he absolutely adores though, is the feeling of your legs crossed over each other. It's like you become one living being, and there's nothing more magical and comforting than that. Jumin will read you to bed every once in a while! This may come as a surprise to you, but he really likes to read and analyze classic fairytales. The process of reading something aloud relaxes him, and the sound of his voice lulls you to sleep. It's the perfect compromise. If you'd like it, he would love to start a book club of sorts with you. You'll compile a list of books you'd like to read, and he will gradually go through them all as the days go by. Reading is not a race, and sharing something like this with his loved one makes him really happy. Jumin is a huge softie when it comes to you, so expect lots of gentle touches and tender kisses both when you're falling asleep and waking up the next morning. Elizabeth does get a bit jealous from time to time, but she quickly calms down once you lay her down on the bed with you two and give her the attention she deserves. It's a small family of three, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
Saeyoung mostly plays the role of the big spoon in your relationship, but there are occasional exceptions to that. He's a very affectionate guy, so it's not a surprise at all that he simply adores cuddling in all its forms. He's very similar to a needy cat in that regard. Sprawling out on your lap while you're trying to get some work done and he wants some attention from you? Been there, done that. Randomly hugging you from behind and staying like that for like half an hour waddling after you, as you go through your tasks? Well, he does that almost every day. Having you sit on his lap while he tinkers away at his new toys? Be prepared for some neck kisses and sweet nothings being whispered into your ears, because he loves seeing you blush and squirm at his antics. Still, this totally goes both ways for you two, so it's not an unusual sight to see him flushing as red as a ripe tomato at something you've said or done. You two are a silly couple who love each other to the moon and back, and everyone can see that clear as day. Saeyoung likes to hold you close as you lay on the bed facing each other. It's not rare for you two to talk for hours on end, bouncing from one topic to the next. When it comes to sleeping itself, he's not picky at all, but he prefers it when he can get two pillows and a light blanket to cover himself with. If you need a thick one, you two might need to look into getting two blankets for each of you, because he will sweat like crazy, especially with you nestled up next to him. This man is naturally very warm, so don't overheat him too much!
This man is a little spoon through and through. He needs to be held and kissed till he absolutely melts into your embrace. His touch is so incredibly gentle, sometimes it's hard to tell that he's even there, which amazes you up to this day. Jihyun is not used to being held and pampered, so it's a work in progress with him. It doesn't mean that he does not like your affections - quite the opposite, actually - but he can get overwhelmed sometimes and not know what to do for a minute or two. He's never even been hugged properly, so cuddling? It's a huge step, especially when it comes to him receiving the affection, rather than the other way around. He's so used to being the giver in his other relationships, that it's hard to allow himself to be the receiver this time around. Good and healthy communication is key, and he's more than willing to work on himself, both for your and his own happiness! Still, he suffers from nightmares quite often. His many regrets in life can weigh heavy on his shoulders even as many years pass you by, and sometimes, they follow him into his dreams as well. He may wake up gasping for air, anxiously looking over his body, only to tell you a while later, that he had a nightmare of the very fire that killed his mother. Or, he might call out someone's name in pure desperation and anguish, as his hand reaches forward to stop someone he can't see. He feels very bad whenever he wakes you because of his own troubles, but having you near him brings him so much peace, that it's practically impossible to push you away. Instead, you two go out for a short walk in the park, enjoying the quiet beauty of nature around you, and finding comfort in your hands, tightly laced together as you walk.
He wants to be the big spoon for you, but deep down? He's definitely the little spoon, no doubt about that. It's hard to get him to fall asleep next to you, but once you manage to convince him to do it... the longing to do that again will keep gnawing at him ever since. Ray is extremely nervous that he'll mess something up, so it'll be better for you to coax him throughout the process the first time around. Make sure to reassure him that he's not doing anything wrong! As long as you keep smiling at him and babbling away with no care in the world, he will gradually relax. You'll even notice him smiling softly in the corners of your eyes, because he finds you so incredibly adorable as you talk about this and that. He's way too embarrassed to admit it, but his all-time favorite position would be to lay there facing each other, with your arms gently wrapped around his torso to keep him safe and sound beside you. Especially when you eventually fall asleep and he can admire your beauty up close without any fear of you finding him staring this intently weird or unpleasant. He may or may not kiss your cheek while you're snoozing away. The other thing he loves is doing your hair before you go to bed. If you have long or medium-length hair? He'll brush it and braid it for you. You have short hair? He will make sure to put on any hair care products you use and give your hair a quick brush. His fingers are trained to take good care of his Saviour's hair, so you definitely don't have to worry about him pulling on your hair or messing something up. He'll even research your hair type in his free time, to make sure you get the best care possible! Whenever he's not having nightmares, he looks so incredibly peaceful and almost childlike in his sleep, it makes you wish you'd do this more often for him. His breathing is so light, you kinda get scared whether he's breathing or not, however silly this may sound. Ray is similar to a cat in a very deep sleep in that regard.
Suit Saeran
Uhhh... That's a hard one to crack for sure. This Saeran really needs to get held and pampered, but he'll rather break up into atoms than admit it outright. There are really only two scenarios when you'll get lucky enough to cuddle with him. The first one is if you've done it with Ray before. Saeran can and probably will try to 'replicate' the experience to toy with you and ridicule Ray's childish desires. So, that's how you will find yourself laying in your bed with your face pressed up against his chest. You will not get the privilege of seeing his face, and that is definitely not because of how warm his cheeks got from being this close to you. It's an awkward and confusing experience for both of you. Saeran is genuinely doing his best to keep up the act of total indifference, but he fails miserably, to his utter dismay and confusion. His hands are trembling as he tugs at your clothes, his voice sounds way too gruff and shaky for his liking, and his heart is beating so fast it's embarrassing. He does try to convince both you and himself, that it is because of disgust, but... it's not very convincing. Best case scenario: he'll eventually leave you laying on the bed in a hurry, and you won't hear from him for a few hours. Worst case scenario: you say something he really doesn't like, and that sets him off. He'll shove you off and scream at you for being so frustrating, for acting so arrogant, for messing with his head. He'll slam the door shut, and you'll hear his heavy footsteps slowly getting further away. Second scenario: you'll coax him to lay with you after his apology. He'll be very reluctant to do so at first, but if you'll gently squeeze his hand and reassure him that you do genuinely want him to stay with you, he just might cave into your request. He'll be extremely skittish and surprisingly tender with you this time around, and you will have to be the one initiating the contact. He's just afraid of hurting you again. This form of intimacy is so incredibly foreign to him, and it's hard to imagine that these hands of his can be the source of comfort to somebody in this way. You'll lay there, facing each other and gazing into each other's eyes. Saeran looks so incredibly exhausted, and all you want to do is hold him close and keep him safe inside your arms. And if you do pull him closer? If you start carefully caressing his hair and whispering sweet nothings into his ears? You'll eventually feel him start to shake slightly against you as silent sobs overtake his thin form. But, you will not let go of him this time. And judging by his tight hold on you? He doesn't want you to do that either.
GE Saeran
He's mostly the little spoon, but he doesn't mind being the big spoon every once in a while. Saeran is tremendously affectionate toward you, so daily cuddles are a total must! Casual cuddling is also important to you two. If you're sitting next to each other? You'll be cuddling, doesn't matter where you are. It's nothing explicit, he just loves being physically close to you and feeling your warmth flood his body. Prefers cuddling while facing each other. Having your arms hold onto him so securely, while you're talking about your day is pure heaven to him. Your voice has always been a huge comfort to him, which is why it's not rare for him to ask you to talk about whatever you want. He'll listen. Be it your special interests, how you're feeling at the moment, or what happened during your day - it will make him smile regardless of the topic. You could tell him the most boring story ever and he'll absolutely adore it because it's something important to you, and that means that he'll be fully engaged instantly. After all, he knows from experience how hard it can be, when nobody's interested in what you have to say, however small it may be. Unfortunately, nightmares are a common occurrence for you two. The difference is, with time, he'll stop waking up from them all together. He'll just get up the next morning as if nothing ever happened, although he's completely open to talking about it with you, if you'll bring it up with him. Instead of waking him from his slumber, you'll reach out for his hand, quietly assuring him that he's okay and that he's safe. He might not hear you, but your presence does bring him peace. His nightmares will get rarer with time, thanks to therapy and his own progress in life. It's a work in progress, but he's got a sturdy support system by his side to help him get through the hurdles as they go!
Okay so, he's definitely not the cuddliest guy around. But, surprisingly, it's not impossible to get him to snuggle with you! Just don't say that that's what you two are doing right now. That's the rule. See, the room he works in is cold. And not just cold, it's borderline freezing cold. Your only saving grace is being plopped up onto his lap, which gives you the opportunity to try and cuddle up to him in search of warmth. Unknown is not that warm in temperature, but he's not freezing either, except for his fingers which are super cold to the touch. If you do that carefully enough to not disturb him from his precious work, you might get lucky enough to stay snuggled up next to your boss for the time being. For all his teasing, he's pretty oblivious when it comes to societal norms. If he knew that by having you pressed up against his chest, with him placing his chin onto your shoulder for a better view of his workspace, you're basically cuddling? Yeah, he wouldn't put up with that. But hey, he has no idea, and in his worldview, he's keeping an eye on you, so that you won't do anything stupid. What you don't know won't kill you. And... it's nice to have something, or someone, to help him ground himself whenever he gets so lost in his routine, it's hard to distinguish reality from fiction. He never mentions the reason behind his fingers absentmindedly finding themselves fiddling with your hair or drawing invisible patterns on the skin of your thighs. He just... likes it. There are a lot of things that you two never speak about. It's a two-sided blade, really. The other times when you'll be 'cuddling' is whenever any one of you is suffering particularly badly from the effects of the elixir. Oftentimes, it's hard to remember what exactly happened to you under the haze of the drug, which is why it's so easy to allow yourself to be just a little bit braver. You'll hold him close, rubbing his back and promising him that everything will be alright, as he feverishly clings to you in futile attempts to numb the pain. And Unknown will begrudgingly tuck you into bed whenever you're the one suffering through the same pain in return. Against his indifferent demeanor, he will stay by your side until you fall asleep, checking up on your temperature and making sure that nothing goes terribly wrong. You'll awake the next day with a wet towel draped over your forehead and a glass of water resting on the bedside table.
SE Saeran
It will take him a while to feel comfortable enough to try full-on cuddling with you. It's nothing against you, Saeran really enjoys being close to you, but he's just... It's scary letting someone share such an intimate experience with you. You'll sit side by side and you'll hold hands most of the time. Occasionally, he will carefully lay his head onto your shoulder, if he's feeling especially peaceful and content in the moment. It's the silent sort of closeness where no words are needed to understand each other. You know he loves you, and you don't need him to break his boundaries to prove that. When he does feel ready to share this new level of intimacy with you, he's going to be a little bit stiff. He'll be laying on his back with his arm carefully wrapped around your waist, while you tentatively nestle yourself close to his side, pressing your cheek to his chest and feeling his heart drum away right beside your ear. You'll rest like this for about half an hour, before you decide to pull apart and make sure that everything is okay. You'll see the tiniest of smiles stretch out the corners of his lips, but it radiates with so much warmth, you can't help but get a little bit choked up. It'll still take you two a lot of time before you finally decide to try sleeping together in a single bed, though. His nightmares cause more than enough harm to him alone, and the last thing Saeran wants is to hurt you, even if he does it on accident. You two make sure to speak about these things openly and come to a shared decision. Nevertheless, short naps on the couch are more than okay, which is why it's not unusual to find you two huddled up under a fluffy blanket in the middle of the day. He's not a heavy sleeper, but not a light one either. It really depends on his mood before he falls asleep. Saeran is the most vulnerable when he's asleep, so it's a huge representation of his utmost trust in you if he allows you to be near him in those moments.
Deep inside, she's a huge cuddle bug, she just needs a little encouragement to be open with her desires! Healthy and open communication is key, and she's more than willing to put in the work in order to make your relationship prosper. She has her good days and her bad days, which is why it's so important for you two to always keep in contact regarding your mood. Rika is doing her best in therapy, but the road to recovery is a bumpy one. She really enjoys being both on the receiving and giving end when it comes to cuddling, so she's not picky at all. It should be noted though, that it's pretty hard for her to be the big spoon because of her small size, but she's more stubborn than she might seem to you at the first glance. She will make it work one way or another! Rika adores it whenever you let her rest her head on your lap. Feeling your fingers gently running through her hair and being able to look up at you any time she wants is pure bliss to her. You look just like an angel in her eyes, and if you'll lean over to place a quick kiss on the tip of her nose? She'll turn into a blushy puddle in an instant. Sadly for her, she looks way too adorable whenever she tries to hide her burning face inside her blonde locks, which is why you'll never stop trying to sweep her off her feet. She's extremely doting on her partner, so expect a lot of kisses. In fact, her kisses are pretty much your new alarm clock, since she's an early bird at heart. The other thing she loves is having long meaningful conversations while cuddling. She tends to get carried away with her thoughts, but you're always more than happy to listen and make your own additions to her line of thought. Rika is pretty picky when it comes to how she wants to make her bed, and her preferences consist of two pillows and a thin blanket. She gets overheated easily under a thick blanket, which is why you might need to speak about that in advance.
They're a self-certified big spoon, and it'll take you a while to convince them to try out playing the role of the little spoon for the sake of the experiment. And once they try it? There's no going back from that. They're a relatively silent cuddler, but you don't need words to convey the peaceful atmosphere that accompanies your cuddles. They'll place their chin on the top of your head and hold you close to their chest, drawing small circles on your back with their thumbs. In contrast to their bulky build, they're actually very tender with their touches. It's like they're afraid that they'll break you somehow if they press on you just a little too hard. Vanderwood loves to intertwine their legs with yours whenever you guys are snuggling. It makes them feel safe and connected to you on a deeply personal level. They often suffer from nightmares of their time in the agency, or of something horrible happening to you, so you'll need to be prepared for that. They might lash out the moment they awake since they're so used to seeing danger at every corner, but they'll never hurt you. It does upset them quite a bit whenever they see that frightened look on your face, but they won't push you away if you ask to stay with them. You'll make a warm cup of tea and talk about it once they're calm. Or, you won't. You never push them to talk about something they don't want to share. After all, you can only guess the horrors they've seen throughout their years in the agency. Some things are best left unsaid, and you'll stay by their side on every step of the way.
Bonus round!
She's a little spoon at heart but prefers playing the role of the big spoon at first. She does have the tendency to care for her partner's needs before her own, and the notion of letting someone comfort her scares her a little. Some reassurance is definitely needed before she feels comfortable enough to relax in her partner's arms. Oddly enough, Natasha won't get that flustered when cuddling. Moreover, quite often she doesn't even realize that you two are actually cuddling till you verbally point it out to her. And that's the moment when her face will start to burn up with embarrassment as she stutters away in weak attempts to rationalize her behavior. She's a bit of a mess in that way. Will hug a pillow in her sleep, at all times. She won't fall asleep if she's not holding something close to her chest, her partner included. Natasha is an extremely deep sleeper. It gets so bad sometimes, that you have to actively shake her awake, and even that will take you some time before it works. It takes her a long time to fully wake up, so dealing with a very sleepy and drowsy Natasha in the morning is a routine at this point. She prefers sleeping under a thick blanket, but it's only because she gets cold very easily. As long as you keep her warm, she will fall asleep with no problems.
She's a big spoon, and there's no negotiation about that. And to her excuse, most of the time, it's hard for her to play the role of the little spoon even if she tries. Her big height, as well as her muscular build pretty much settle her as the one giving the cuddles in any relationship, and she's not complaining about that anyways. She likes the notion of providing someone with the feeling of safety and comfort in such a tender way. There's no need to put her life on the line, grit her teeth through the pain or tear down someone both physically and emotionally against her better judgment. She can just... hold someone, and that's more than enough for them. Sometimes, it's still hard to believe for her that something so simple could exist. When she gets further into a relationship, she'll start being way bolder with her affections. Her partner will have to be prepared to play the role of a huge teddy bear for Chaewon. She can and will pick you up, spin you around and carry you bridal style wherever she goes with relative ease. The other thing she loves is using her partner's lap as a pillow. She's quite similar to a sly cat in that way. It's not unusual for her to plop down onto your lap and raise an eyebrow at you expectantly. You already know what she wants! She does struggle with nightmares quite often, but she'll try desperately to hide them from her partner. After all, it's only dreams, they're not real. She's super stubborn, so you'll need to sit her down and lecture her about the importance of healthy communication before she grumpily agrees to talk about it with you. She's willing to learn, it just takes her some time.
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MDZS characters getting a wax
Don't ask why because I don't know either.
Wei Wuxian: it's important for him to be able to trust and vibe with his aesthetician! If he finds someone he can be comfortable with, someone that's chill and doesn't take themselves too seriously, he's a client for life! Has absolutely no shame letting his aesthetician all up in his business, literally and figuratively. Is besties with them, actually. He doesn't seem to feel much pain either - the dive from up the cliff in the Burial Mounds must have given him a pain tolerance I guess.
Lan Wangji: he's so quiet. And so rigid. Don't try having him shift in any position that might be in any way embarrassing either, he will get up and leave in the middle of the session. His ears burn so red all throughout even though nothing embarrassing is going on. Leaves a massive tip for his aesthetician for the trouble so it's a win-win.
Lan Xichen: he makes small talk with his aesthetician, is friendly and polite but he's screaming inside actually. Covers it up with conversation but the hitches in his voice and the trailed off sentences are a dead giveaway he's going through it. Immediately gets himself a sweet treat afterwards as aftercare.
Jiang Cheng: would rather go through Guanyin Temple fifty times over than step foot anywhere near a salon.
Jin Guangyao: customer service smiles all through it but he's gripping the side of the waxing table like it owes him money. He tries at polite conversation sometimes but prefers silence over it. Hugely appreciates music being played during the session.
Jin Guangshan: banned from all salons ever.
Jin Zixuan: has his own private aesthetician and everything. He's very particular about it. But he is very restless and annoying because he has a low pain tolerance. Curses all through it but his aesthetician is too busy hearing the sound of their fat cheque to care. Well, at least he doesn't have to worry about this now anymore I guess.
Nie Huaisang: he plotted the whole of his revenge with his aesthetician actually.
Nie Mingjue: tried it once because Huaisang insisted he wasn't strong enough to go through it. Never spoke of it once he came out of there and he's never gone again.
Wen Chao: salons refuse him service on principle
Xue Yang: shaves because he likes blades.
Wen Qing: it relaxes her and so she falls asleep during the session often. Her aesthetician lets her nap for a bit once she's done because she doesn't sleep nearly enough.
Jiang Yanli: also naps through it, it's her quiet private time away from people. Shares all her recipes with her aesthetician and gives them a lot of advice if they seem troubled with something.
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jhugas · 1 year
‘Good night love’- Park Jimin
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Request here!- Hi! I tried my best to make your request, hopefully this is what you wanted and I hope you’ll like it :)
Genre: fluff, best friends to lovers
Pairing: bsf!Jimin X f!8th member!Reader
Summary: Jimin is scared to confess his feelings for his dear bestfriend, you. Thankfully though, Yoongi will help him open himself.
Word count: 1,5k
Warnings/tags: confession, pool at night and love <3
Ps: I addressed y/n as she/her, but if the person that requested this (or anyone else) wants other pronouns, I can do them!
Jimin and you have been friends for years now, and you still remember the first day you met him; you went with Hoseok to pick him up at a station, and he sat down next to you in the back.
At first, it was awkward because Jimin was pretty shy so he wouldn’t talk a lot, but with time, Jimin and you got closer.
And he became in less than a year, the person you trusted and loved the most here. And though he had a strong character, and was still searching himself, he was always a sweetheart with you.
He protected you, defended you, comforted you and so much more… you were best friends, and without any ambiguity. 
Whenever your friends shipped you two, you insisted that you were only friends.
Whenever you were in a suggestive position, you’d immediately stop.
And whenever you were too close, you’d step back. 
But these previous years… things have changed.
It started by making little flirty jokes to actually being flustered, holding hands, and cuddling.
You couldn’t help it though, he was so fluffy and comforting that all you waited for all day was to fall asleep, in his arms.
Sometimes he sang to you, rubbed your back, watched you sleep and when you were sick, he’d take care of you the whole day.
To make it simple, he was there for you 24/7.
You, you felt so good around him, happy and safe, but him, what did he feel around you?
Well, he fell in love with you a long time ago already.
You remember the first time you met? Exactly, he knew from the first time he met you that you were made for each other.
He fell in love with your looks, such as your smile, eyes, body, hair… and with your personality, like the way you talk, express yourself, think, how you react to different situations…
He fell in love so deeply, that even after trying to forget about his feelings, they got even stronger, and obvious.
In the dorms and anywhere else, he was always watching you, he was always so mesmerized by you.
And because of this, he had a few arguments with other guys that were too close to you. He wanted you for himself, and himself only.
But if only he were confident enough… he’d probably scream his feelings for you on top of his lungs, but he was too scared for that.
Scared of what? You wonder.
Scared of ruining your friendship.
It was always so precious to him, the way you fell asleep in his arms while he was singing to you, the way you were holding his hands…
And what if, after he confesses, you reject him and your relation becomes awkward… no more hugs? Jokes? Cuddling?……..Conversations?
Yes, his worst nightmare.
But he also couldn’t keep just being friends with you.
Seeing your lips move without him being able to kiss them, not being able to tell you “good night love” or “I love you” before falling asleep with you, and seeing other people flirt with you was driving him crazy.
So either way, your relation would get bad.
Jimin starts tearing up thinking about this on the couch of the house, no one could see him, well… that’s what he thought. Because when he turned around, Yoongi was in the kitchen, but this is an opportunity for Jimin to talk to someone and he’ll gladly take it.
‘Yoongi… can we talk?’ Jimin says in a little voice.
‘Jimin? Are you crying right now?’ Yoongi asks after he turned around and saw tears on Jimin’s cheeks ‘It’s 10pm, what’s making you so sad to cry at this hour.’ Yoongi asks.
‘I’m not crying it’s just…’
Jimin thinks a few seconds, should he tell Yoongi, your emotionally big brother, that he has feelings for you?
‘Just what, tell me and I’ll listen.’ Yoongi comforts Jimin.
‘I think I…’ Jimin takes a deep breath. ‘…like y/n. Like, I’m actually kinda in love with her… I think.’
Jimin tried his best to not be weird in his words, he doesn’t want to make Yoongi uncomfortable nor mad.
‘You think you’re in love with her? What does that mean?’
‘I mean, I am in love with her. It’s been a long time but I was too scared to tell anyone…’
This is the first time Jimin talks about his feelings for you, and to someone, and out loud. A tear rolls down his reddish cheek.
‘Are you serious? You never told anyone?’
‘No, I haven’t. I was also sort of scared of your reaction…’
‘Our reaction… we only want the best for you, you know this right? If you’re happy together, then we’re happy. And even if you get mad at each other or else, it’s part of being a couple you know? And so, does she like you back?’ Yoongi says.
‘Thank you… and actually, y/n doesn’t know about it either. I am scared, of ruining our friendship.’ Jimin finally admits.
‘Scared of ruining your friendship? Y/n is still friends with people she rejected-‘
‘I am so in love with her, that if she rejects me… I’ll never be able to move on. I would never be able to look at her anymore, and I can’t even imagine working with someone that I’m deeply in love with and that rejected me…’ Jimin cuts Yoongi.
‘…I was saying, moreover, I doubt she’d reject you. She’s been very close to you lately and she’s often talking about you.’
‘Talking about me?’ Jimin wipes his tears.
‘Yes, she’s often talking about how you’re doing, things you did, or when you went to the restaurant together and things like this. She enjoys talking about you, I swear. And if she doesn’t have feelings for you, then she at least cares about yours. Trust me.’
Yoongi says before smiling to Jimin, getting up and leaving the room, but Jimin stays on the couch.
"if she doesn’t have feelings for you, then she at least cares about yours."
It’s true… even if she doesn’t feel the same and rejects me, maybe it’ll make her happy to know how much I care about her… and she’d probably rather me to be honest with her too…Jimin thinks.
And after a few minutes thinking on the couch, he gets up and heads to your bedroom, and once arrived, he knocks and opens the door.
‘Y/n… do you wanna go to the pool with me?’ Jimin asks.
‘Sure’ you answer before putting on your bikini/ swimsuit, and heading to the pool.
Jimin was already there, it didn’t take long for him to put on his swim shorts.
He was sitting on the stairs, his body shining from the luminous stars and looking at you with a tender look, admiring you getting closer to him.
Once you reached the stairs, you sat down next to Jimin, and you both got deeper in the warm water. And right when you were about to start a conversation, Jimin talks first.
‘So, I wanted to talk to you about something…’ Jimin says in a soft tone.
‘What is it?’ You ask.
‘It’s about us actually, I wanted to talk about this for a long time now but I was too scared of what would happen.’ Jimin says while you look deeply in his shining eyes.
‘Y/n, firstly, you have to know that you’re an amazing person; you are nice, caring, loving and way more. You’re also the prettiest person on earth, your eyes, lips, skin… nobody will ever be like you, you’re too special.
And I want you to know that our friendship is extremely precious to me and I do not want to lose it.’ Jimin continues before taking a deep breath.
‘What’s wrong, Jimin?’ You ask him because of how nervous he looks. To be honest, he looks so nervous that he looks cute, he has big eyes, a small pout and you just want to hug him tight in your arms.
A silence settles in, but Jimin interrupts it with three sudden words.
‘I love you.’ Jimin’s words slipped out of his lips faster than he wanted.
‘I… love you too?’ You answer.
‘No, I mean, I love you like more than friend, I love you romantically.’
‘Yes, and I love you too, Jimin.’
And just like this, you two stared at each other for a minute that felt weirdly comfortable, and all of a sudden, Jimin got closer, put his hand behind your head and kissed you deeply, his lips embracing yours as you both lost your breath pretty quickly.
This night will forever stay in your memories and hearts. Since, you started dating and every member were so happy;
The hyung line felt proud of you two for engaging in a relationship together, they felt like big brothers and were happy that they got to see your relation evolve over the years.
Meanwhile the maknae line, liked to tease you a lot and make Jimin jealous, though nothing ever went too far.
The same night, you fell asleep in his arms on his bed and he even got to tell you "good night love".
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Thank you for reading! Likes, reblogs and comments are veeeeeery appreciated <3
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quietlyblooms · 1 month
1, 2, 6, 8, 25 & 26 :> im a nosy mfer ~
nsft headcanons | @metrictita was curious!
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Where are your Muse’s most sensitive erogenous zones?
chiyo's thighs, scalp, hands, and waist/lower stomach are all rather sensitive. i used to put her lips/mouth here, too, but i think it's more the actions performed and the visuals vs the feeling that sets her off there. her hands are sensitive thanks to her profession, though i'll admit the visuals come into play again -- if her partner licks her palm or puts her fingers in their mouth, she's a goner.
her thighs, scalp and waist/lower stomach don't require a visual to be sensitive, though. little touches, scrapes, or grabby hands upon any of these areas will be met by a rosy-cheeked chiyo <3
What are your Muse’s favorite sexual positions?
if chiyo's honest, she'll eventually admit that she really enjoys being bent over asdf it's the one position she enjoys regardless if she can see her partner's face or not, but there's major bonus points if her partner has her in front of a mirror. more if they don't allow her to look away, pulling her hair or keeping a firm grip on her jaw or throat.
otherwise, chiyo likes the lotus position ( particularly when she's feeling soft ), cowgirl, and being propped onto something like a table, counter, desk, etc. basically!! she enjoys being close, seeing her partner's face, and being on top whether she's leading or not.
What kind of porn does your Muse watch and/or would be interested in?
hmm, i think chiyo definitely sticks to stuff that appears to be couples filming together vs. staged scenarios. she doesn't like when the atmosphere isn't natural, probably bc it makes it hard for her to connect and get into the mood. as far as the particular type, i wouldn't be surprised if she watched a decent amount of oral and intercrural sex because 1. chiyo loves to receive but also give oral and 2. chiyo loves the idea of being used to get off. these are probably her go-to's bc she genuinely gets flustered trying to watch other videos that show more of the couple's faces and voices.
What are your Muse’s thoughts on one night stands?
99% of the time, she'd never go for one. chiyo needs emotional security too much to be able to engage in a one night stand, i fear. but the 1% would be a very particular ( admittedly cliché ) situation, like an extremely close friend offering to sleep with her so her first time could be with someone who cares about her. and chances are that she's in love with that friend :' ))) her affection is too tightly intertwined with sex for that to not be the case.
Would your Muse hide hickeys/marks on their body or wear them proudly?
if she's hanging around her home with her partner? she's wearing them proudly, maybe even flaunting them in hopes of getting a few more uvu if she's anywhere else, she's hiding them meticulously bc she'll die of embarrassment if anyone sees them asdfg chiyo likes her sex life to be private!!
How does a Muse’s behavior change regarding their partner after they’ve had sex?
hmm, i think chiyo becomes more physically affectionate? that's already her preferred way of showing her love, but then you add sex into the mix, and chiyo becomes very comfortable being physical with her partner, kissing them as she pleases, laying on them, purposely brushing against them, etc. it's sort of like being given the ' okay ' -- she can be affectionate and a lil suggestive when she feels like it bc they've reached that point in their relationship.
other than some nervousness after their first time ( bc chiyo will worry whether she did okay or not ), i don't think much else will change. if chiyo sleeps with someone, she clearly trusts and loves them like no one else she's dated. sex just sort of solidifies that bond rather than changing it at all <3
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passingfaces · 10 months
Ian's Intro
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welcome to marina, IAN CAMERON ( cis-male, he/him ) ! they are a/n 30 year old who has lived on the island for HIS WHOLE LIFE. word on the street is they’re currently living in MARINA HEIGHTS and works as a DERMATOLOGIST. everyone also says they look a lot like DANIEL SHARMAN. what do you think?
tw: cancer, death, illness, body image
Name: Ian Cameron Age: 30 Fc: Daniel Sharman Job: Dermatologist Hair: Brown and curly Eyes: Brown Zodiac: Cancer (June 23) Positive: Great Listener, Confident, Charming Negative: Emotionally Unavailable, Noncommital, Trust Issues Fun Fact: He has two mutts he adopted named Lilo and Stitch
Ian has lived in Marina since high school and can not imagine wanting to go anywhere else. His parents were both well-known models in their youth but unfortunately gave into the toxic side of Hollywood. They spent a lot of time in the tanning booths and did not take care of their skin properly. The effects hit his father first but he ignored it until he was diagnosed with Melanoma Cancer. His parents moved them to a Marina so that he could enjoy what time he had left and they could be a family.
His father passed when Ian was 16 years old and his mother was obsessed with taking care of her skin. She didn’t want to leave Ian all alone and he has always been really grateful for that. Between everything he grew up with and his having a skincare routine since the age of 10, Ian decided to go into dermatology. He didn’t need to work during his 12 years of schooling because his parents still had a good bit of money set aside from their Hollywood days along with the money his father left them. His mother still did the occasional skincare ad but once he became a dermatologist he didn’t need to worry about the money running out. People were willing to pay an arm and a leg to keep looking young and healthy.
He dated very little while in school because he really didn’t want to get distracted from his life goals. It wasn’t until he was getting his specialization, that he met the love of his life and he was hooked. It was like a dream from the moment his eyes met hers. Three years into their relationship he had finally gotten hired as a dermatologist and he was ready to settle down and start a family. The next step was clear in his mind so he bought a ring that was almost as beautiful as her and popped the question. Unfortunately, his bubble popped along with it.
Everything from the rejection to admitting she cheated on him was all a blur. Maybe his brain was doing him a favor because he simply didn’t understand how he could have been so painfully wrong about someone. It’s been two years but he hasn’t called anyone his girlfriend since. His trust issues are raging and he has no interest in any of that anymore. He doesn’t like to sleep alone but the emotion walked out the same time she did.
friends a best friend Neighbors or people he grew up with fwb/situation-ships open to suggestions!
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abyssmarked · 11 months
so like, i haven’t really talked about neph’s experience at the brothel she was a slave at much ( and i don’t plan on going into any gruesome detail here, mostly just how i perceived the environment and the strict rules she lived by for a decade, but trigger warnings just in case ), but i imagine it was tailored to the higher class. the setting was a massive temple-like, stone building, multiple stories, cells in a dingy dungeon underground. anywhere where rich clientele might inhabit within the building was lavishly decorated— a common area where drinks and ‘live entertainment shows’ would be held, all of the rooms which could be paid for and used were better than a lot of the best inns in the realms.
it was crawling with guards. the girls’ personal sleeping quarters weren’t nearly as fancy, not in the slightest, but they were clean. they had to be clean, it was a rule. clean rooms, clean bodies— prim and proper. often there were four to six girls in one very small room, sleeping in bunk beds with thin mattresses and thin blankets. each girl had designated tasks, chores to have completed throughout the building, keeping it clean and looking presentable— making beds, cleaning blood, they were even responsible for a lot of the cooking, given limited resources to make enough food for each of them to survive.
regardless of having mostly free reign of the place, no place was private. someone was always, always watching, in every room, in every corner. if girls were seen trying to speak to one another in a secretive manner, or caught trying to plan some kind of escape, examples were made of them. the girls weren’t even allowed to become too close with one another, no touching, no ‘fraternizing’. the men in charge often would put some girls in positions of authority overs, these girls were treated slightly better— they found ways to make it incredibly difficult to build trust with one another. i also imagine nepharia was definitely one of the girls to climb that inner hierarchy of fuckery, anything for the slightest amount of relief, and maybe to try and build a rapport with the higher powers of the brothel— prove that she can be trusted, so they she might one day have some kind of upper hand, regardless of the girls she needed to throw under the bus to do it.
fuck, the other girls probably hated her.
on the business side of things, the doors would close to wealthy clientele at the beginning of the week, then reopen at the start of the weekend— giving the girls about five days to prepare for the next. every single girl is to be accounted for and dressed in the proper attire that was assigned ( usually, the attire was modest in nature, which somehow made it more disgusting in neph’s mind ) at the exact time the beginning of every weekend before the doors are opened. they’re already paid for in advance, waiting in assigned rooms for their client to arrive, and any girl that might be patron-less is assigned to the common area, to offer their services there.
if any of the rules were broken, or any of them got out of line in any way, the first warning is a lashing, then you’re sent to solitary confinement underground, in a small, windowless room, sealed with magic, only a small slot in the door to receive enough food and water to live for days, sometimes weeks, depending on the punishment. you sit with nothing but a bucket as a toilet that doesn’t get changed and cleaned the entire duration you’re there, and a mat on the ground for sleeping. the walls are thin and you’re close enough to where they send the really strong-willed girls who just couldn’t conform, and have to listen to their screams as they are tortured, healed, and tortured again. and if none of that works to break you?? well, they simply kill you.
after making a deal with a devil ( one of her regular clients, who only ever bought her to speak riddles at her ), and acquiring her warlock powers and learning of her true nature from said devil, he showed her what she could really do now. she didn’t immediately go ape shit, though. she was smarter than that. she had worked her way up, the owner of the brothel himself held her in high regard, well, as high as you can regard someone you literally keep as a slave. she probably used mad charm spells to convince him to take her out somewhere, away from the brothel, just the two of them. should would kill him quick, and his guards, and then just be so fucking elated that she can just…. go. be. she honestly probably doesn’t even go back to the brothel, not even to save anyone— she hadn’t made friends, but enemies. friends weren’t allowed. she might have tried to tell some kind of authority what was going on, and she just was unlucky enough to find the authority that was involved in keeping that place running— basically just murdering her hope that justice actually existed in the world, or that good men existed.
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aria-writes-fiction · 2 years
Can I request cuddle headcanons for Saizo Shura and Niles separately with female Corrin?
Fire Emblem Conquest/Birthright: F. Corrin Cuddling Headcanons
A/N: Thank you so much for your request! I tried my best <3 It’s been a bit since I played Fates. Let me know if you liked it!
o  Starting out, a relationship with Saizo would actually not be that hard to get into- once he realizes his own feelings for Corrin.
o   He would spend months denying his romantic intentions to himself, but once he connects the dots, he sees no use in delaying his confession.
o   That is, unless Corrin confesses to him first. In this case, he would be so embarrassed and may ask Corrin what made his feelings so plain.
o   Saizo’s schedule usually consists of him returning home late because of his responsibilities involving surveillance and his Lord Ryoma. So, he doesn’t normally get a lot of cuddle time with Corrin unless she stays up for him (a fact which both of them dislike) but occasionally, he gets lucky.
o   His love languages are primarily acts of service and gift-giving- so he always makes sure to bring Corrin is cared for. If he happens to go somewhere interesting, he always brings her back something from wherever he goes (even if it’s just a flower).
o   He loves to surprise Corrin with his presence, if possible, just to see her face light up at his presence.
o   When returning home, Saizo may be a bit on edge for the first hour or so, as if he is settling back into his domestic husband role. This is not to say that he needs to be alone for the hour, just that his responses may be short, and he may be incredibly responsive to what’s happening around him.  
o   As for the actual cuddling, once he settles, he loves showing Corrin how safe he feels with her- even if he isn’t aware of it himself.
o   Generally, he loves to hold Corrin in his arms rather than being held himself. If Corrin insisted, he would let her, but he would feel rather silly for quite a while (he loves it- he’s just not used to being cared for).
o   He just loves to show her how important she is to him- because she truly is the light of his life.
o   His favorite positions to cuddle in are those that allow him to look at his partner because he doesn’t want to forget any detail of her lovely face
o   He’ll cuddle for as long as Corrin wants, but he can’t sleep unless he’s on his back. In the past, he’s even stayed up all night long cuddling Corrin because she fell asleep while they were cuddled up on their side.
o   At the beginning of his time there, Shura was very shy. He didn’t feel as if he belonged to this group and especially didn’t feel as if he deserved the kindness of living after the sins he committed.
o   When Corrin confessed her love to him, he almost tried to talk her out of it- he was too old, too evil, too manipulative, too much emotional baggage- there was no way he would let her be corrupted by something as evil as himself.
o   Corrin was very adamant, however, to become someone that he could trust and stayed by his side. Because of this, he became attached to her and allowed himself to be her companion.
o   After a long day, Shura loves nothing more to cuddle Corrin.
o   I imagine that his love language is physical touch, more so than anything else.
o   Whether this means that he tries to sneak in a touch of hands when handing something to Corrin or enveloping Corrin in a soft, comforting hug as soon as the two are alone.
o   His favorite cuddle position is spooning. Because of his size, he always offers to be big spoon. In reality, he would have it no other way. He loves to hold her close to him, and sometimes (whether Corrin is awake or not), he brushes her hair to the side of her and plants sweet, gentle kisses to the back of her neck or her shoulder (anywhere he can reach really).
o   In these moments, he also finds it easier to admire her- whispering sweet nothings that he would get too embarrassed to say to her face.
o   Sometimes, just every once in a while, when he’s 100% sure Corrin is asleep, he practices the words he wants to say to propose to her- the ways he wants to pledge his life to caring for her and being by her side.
o   A relationship with Niles is quite the handful.
o   Being with Niles means dealing with not only Niles, the mischievous soul, but also Niles, the broken and distrustful.
o   The cuddling at the beginning of their relationship was kind of rough. Niles believed that Corrin wanted the side of him that she’d been used to- the one who teases her so plainly, so he put on a show.
o   Due to this, he oversexualized himself to Corrin. His cuddles could usually be seen as an invitation rather than purely cuddling. He would usually tease her with his words and his actions, touching her and encouraging her to touch him in return.
o   It wasn’t necessarily that he didn’t want to do this, he just believed that this is what Corrin wanted- and he believed that it was all he had to offer her anyway.
o   When she began to reject his advances, he began to get incredibly confused. At that point, he no longer understood their relationship.
o   Niles has never really needed to communicate before, so he was initially very bad at it. This lack of communication led to many fights or arguments, which started the rough period of their relationship.
o   However, If Corrin is patient with him in his learning to communicate (because he will certainly TRY, he’s just not very good at getting his point across), he will slowly start to truly trust her.
o   It would take a long time for Niles to get to the point where he could talk freely to Corrin, and even longer to communicate what he wants. He always thought that if he showed her who he really was, that she would leave him for someone better, someone less broken, and a part of him, the part that feeds on his abandonment issues, kind of hoped that she did. After plenty of conversations and reassurance, that part of him slowly began to lose its power and he began to hope.
o   After he realized that Corrin wanted him, not his mask he showed to the world, he realized just how precious she was to him.
o   Niles still enjoyed teasing his dear Corrin, but it was entirely different.
o   At their home, he started to become more open- this showed through little details such as taking off his eyepatch when the two went to bed.
o   All this to say, Niles loves to entwine his limbs with Corrin’s. Whether this shows through spooning, the honeymoon cuddle, or any other position, he has to have one part of himself touching her- even if its just one leg over her body or holding hands apart from each other.
o   The problem with this, however, is that Niles is a human heater. He is usually very warm, so cuddling with him gets very hot after a while. Through hot nights, Corrin usually has to wiggle away from him but he’s quite pleasant to cuddle with in winter.
o   Unlike the other two, Niles relishes in PDA. He couldn’t care less about who was around to see him cuddle his dear Corrin (which had led to many fun scenarios)
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ianskindeep · 1 year
Ian Intro
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"Get me out of my mind, and get you out of those clothes"
[cis-male he/him] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [IAN CAMERON]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [DANIEL SHARMAN]. You must be the [THIRTY-THREE] year old [DERMATOLOGIST]. Word is you’re [CHARMING] but can also be a bit [DETATCHED] and your favorite song is [THNKS FR TH MMRS - FALL OUT BOY]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [AURORA BAY DRIVE]. I’m sure you’ll love it! [VALENTINA DE LUCA (LILY COLLINS)] is looking for their [EX-BOYFRIEND].
tw: cancer, death, illness, body image
Name: Ian Cameron Age: 33 Fc: Daniel Sharman Job: Dermatologist Hair: Brown and curly Eyes: Brown Zodiac: Cancer (June 23) Positive: Great Listener, Confident, Charming Negative: Emotionally Unavailable, Noncommital, Trust Issues Fun Fact: He has two mutts he adopted named Lilo and Stitch
Ian has lived in California his entire life and can not imagine wanting to go anywhere else. His parents were both well-known models in their youth but unfortunately gave into the toxic side of Hollywood. They spent a lot of time in the tanning booths and did not take care of their skin properly. The effects hit his father first but he ignored it until he was diagnosed with Melanoma Cancer. His parents moved them to a cozy beach town so that he could enjoy what time he had left and they could be a family.
His father passed when Ian was 16 years old and his mother was obsessed with taking care of her skin. She didn't want to leave Ian all alone and he has always been really grateful for that. Between everything he grew up with and his having a skincare routine since the age of 10, Ian decided to go into dermatology. He didn't need to work during his 12 years of schooling because his parents still had a good bit of money set aside from their Hollywood days along with the money his father left them. His mother still did the occasional skincare ad but once he became a dermatologist he didn't need to worry about the money running out. In a place like California, they paid an arm and a leg to keep people looking young and healthy.
He dated very little while in school because he really didn't want to get distracted from his life goals. It wasn't until he was getting his specialization, that he met Valentina and he was hooked. It was like a dream from the moment his eyes met hers. Three years into their relationship he had finally gotten hired as a dermatologist and he was ready to settle down and start a family. The next step was clear in his mind so he bought a ring that was almost as beautiful as her and popped the question. Unfortunately, his bubble popped along with it.
Everything from the rejection to admitting she cheated on him was all a blur. Maybe his brain was doing him a favor because he simply didn't understand how he could have been so painfully wrong about someone. It's been two years but he hasn't called anyone his girlfriend since. His trust issues are raging and he has no interest in any of that anymore. He doesn't like to sleep alone but the emotion walked out the same time she did.
friends a best friend Neighbors or people he grew up with fwb/situation-ships open to suggestions!
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"you scared me yesterday, y'know? i thought you had hypothermia or something...i've never seen you like that."
First time writing Joel/Tess... I have known weaknesses, I like the amount of unexplained backstory, I'm gonna have a good time here. PG-ish and also on ao3.
There are days when Tess suspects she’s more of a masochist than she’ll ever feel like trying to fix.
Days like this one, mid-winter in Boston, she’s at least lived places where it snows her entire life and she can handle it and the correct survival mech is to stay indoors as much as possible, ideally under a blanket pile with another body next to hers as much as possible, but that’s her. This is the kind of circumstantial improvisation that she understands and plans around and was good at long before the world took a certain detour. This is apparently not something her partner understands so well.
Partner. Is that a word she gets to use yet, four years in? Does the shared apartment justify any kind of claim? Does her surprisingly existent patience, perhaps the only positive personality trait she’s developed in the past eight years, let her explain how she’s lost her thirties to what she already suspects will never be more than an unrequited crush with benefits?
It doesn’t matter right now. There’s a questionably conscious man on her couch who has some explaining to do. They can deal with the technicalities later, maybe.
The current situation itself is as much of a routine as they have, even if the previous night’s events are less so. They are domestic but not domesticated, separate sleeping arrangements more common than the shared warmth she wants more and more, they feel like ships passing in the night sometimes, they feel like-
Fuck it, her patience isn’t infinite and she’s worried.
“Hey. You in there?” Hands putting moderate pressure on his shoulders, be calm be calm, they can fight later. She glanced out the window on her way into the main room and it looks like just enough snow out there for smart people to stay inside, and-
Joel wakes up with a low growl, the familiar noises of someone who is not by nature a morning person, so far normal enough. “Hello to you too.”
Awake, talking, making eye contact, and as per usual no visible idea how much stress he adds to her life. Tess feels something annoyingly close to relief, and she’s half tempted to take a kiss but they don’t do that like this and-
“That’s where you’re gonna start?”
She knows she’s too loud too early, too much of a bitch and not enough context, passive-aggressive martyr complex, why is she like this, why is she-
“I’m missing something.”
Fucking idiot thinks that as long as he doesn’t come home with an open wound she’ll be calm, huh? She’s learning to pick her battles, fine, but she is still human and worse she has trust issues and an emotional attachment and fuck her and-
“You scared me yesterday,” she says, be calm be calm do not say anything she can’t take back. “I thought you had hypothermia or something… I’ve never seen you like that.”
Not that she’d acted accordingly, she’d point out if she weren’t still trying to push her worry back in its box. Not that she’d done anything other than make sure there were adequate blankets. He’d been late, and late without visible damage gets her a different kind of worried, and-
“I’m fine.”
Means something different when a man says those words, Tess thinks, realizing she’s not going to get anywhere. Something real, almost. Like end of conversation, yeah, but also-
“We’re not getting out of the building today,” she shrugs, deciding that a change of subject might be safest right now. “Hazard pay ain’t worth it.”
“What kind of not worth it?”
“Foot of snow and not stopping kind of not worth it.” Their dynamic is still evolving, may never stop evolving, but at least she knows her power. If she says something, she will be heard. Better than she’s had before. Better than-
“Yeah. Not worth it.”
If she were a different kind of woman, a little better at the romantic side than she’s ever been, she’d take a kiss or something and try to escalate. But she is the person she is, and sleeping alone was bad enough, and she settles for slipping her body under the blanket pile on the couch and making space for herself. Much better, she thinks, much more-
“You don’t get to worry me like that,” she says, not the first time and definitely not the last. “I’d sleep better without you, but…”
“Anyone ever tell you how cute you are like this?”
Not a word anyone’s ever used for her in her goddamn life, she’s tempted to point out, but they’re not normally sweet like this so she lets it go with a roll of her eyes. “You’re lucky I put up with you.”
There’s no point in a conversation, not like this, not stuck in a cold apartment with nothing better to do. Nothing to plan, none of the routines that haven’t quite set, nothing that seems like a life yet, not-
Tess shifts her position for a little more body-warmth, and even now she knows she can’t stay mad for too long. She’ll put up with too much as long as the worst she gets is some communication fail. The worry will be worth it… right?
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tagged by: @shcftingpieces @fasciinating​ tagging: 
Maria Hill
—    basics.
is your muse tall/short/average?    tall enough! she’s 5′9″, often wears heels of some sort so she can be between 5′9″ and 6′0″ depending on the day
are they okay with their height?   she’s great with it! she’s never been intimidated by anyone taller than her, and to be honest, if anyone is uncomfortable with how tall she is, then they deserve to be
what’s their hair like?    anywhere from a bob to slightly longer than shoulder length, although shoulder length is most common — she often wears a bun or a ponytail so she prefers to have it be long enough for that
do they spend a lot of time on their hair/grooming?     to be entirely honest, not as much as she could. she makes sure that it’s clean and not flying away but she is... not that fond of the time that is often involved in doing her hair. if it’s exceedingly fancy, it’s most likely that she either has to be there for her job or she’s undercover.
does your muse care about their appearance/what others think?     maria prefers comfortable clothes, so she has a lot of stylish but utilitarian clothes, a lot of pants or skirts and shirts, a few dresses, mostly for work — if she winds up with something that is fancy but comfortable, then she has no problem with that, but there’s no way that she’s going to wear something that she can’t move in (even undercover) because being mobile is crucial.
—    preferences.
indoors or outdoors?     mmm, indoors, it’s easier to control her environment.
rain or sunshine?     sunshine, but some days there’s nothing better than  a downpour, you know?
forest or beach?     beach has better sightlines, but the forest has more places to hide... 
precious metals or gems?     gems are easier to steal but metal is better to wear because it stands out less
flowers or perfumes?     flowers. perfume gives your position away. 
personality or appearance?     personality. appearance is always a plus but maria isn’t about to spend time with someone she doesn’t get along with, so while she might chat up an attractive person, if they’re a bore she will abandon ship quickly.
being alone or in a crowd?     as soon as maria is in a crowd people start asking her for things, so being alone is better. (crowds are good if she needs a getaway, but hopefully her plans are so good she gets out without anyone knowing that she’s there)
order or anarchy?     order! obviously. she’s charged herself with protecting the world, is there any chance that she would prefer anarchy? (her version of order might be closer to someone else’s idea of anarchy, but that feels like a different question all together.)
painful truths or white lies?     maria deals in painful truths, but — she might prefer being told a white lie in a relationship. she’s found that painful truths there mean that things are going downhill and she’s not always a fan of that.
science or magic?     science. magic is the cause of most of her problems these days.
peace or conflict?     peace. if she could manage world security to the point that she didn’t have to worry about that, she would just find a more local problem to solve. and then so on and so forth.
night or day?     night. she gets more done when the rest of the world is sleeping and there’s something serene about being the only one up.
dusk or dawn?     dawn. there’s something about a new day.
warmth or cold?    warmth. she’s perfectly capable of being cold but a lot of her worst memories involve the cold, so if she can avoid it in her living space or her office she will.
many acquaintances or a few close friends?     a few close friends. maria has a hard time trusting people so it takes people a long time to get inside her shell.
reading or playing a game?     reading! playing a game, especially with her friends, tends to lead to someone being threatened or accidental property damage.
—    questionnaire.
what are some of your muse’s bad habits?     she smoked for awhile, in the army. she worries at her nails and rubs the bridge of her nose. she drinks, but not too much. she mainlines coffee. she’s trained herself out of most of her habits because it’s extremely bad to have a tell when you’re a spy, so if you see something she’s either exhausted or you’re extremely close to her.
has your muse lost anyone close to them?     yes. her mother. coulson (for awhile). natasha and tony (in mcu compliant threads, of which there are few.) fury, various times.
what are some fond memories your muse has?     going to the beach as a kid. the first time natasha said she trusted shield. the first time she beat someone bigger than her in karate class.
is it easy for your muse to kill?     she will avoid it if there is a better way to take an opponent down or if having them alive is better for the mission/team — but the second they start threatening someone that she cares about, it could go either way.
is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life?     a few people. mostly, firstly, fury. coulson. clint. natasha. slowly... the avengers. but she’ll always rely on herself first before asking for help because she thinks she should be able to handle her problems herself.
what’s your muse like when they’re in love?     sappy. she doesn’t always show it, but maria doesn’t have a lot of love in her past so when she gets it, she does her best to enjoy it fully. she tries not to grab on to it too hard, because she’s also used to good things not sticking around, or her job getting in the way, but she. i mean, she likes it! she’s not scared of being in love. it sneaks up on her a lot because she never expects that anyone will. love her. so that’s a fun challenge for her partner.
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springsheep · 2 months
Guan Xue Headcanons
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Answering a few headcanon questions based on this post (not mine).
How do they feel about people shorter/taller than them? Guan Xue definitely prefers to be the taller one when she's talking to someone (especially an opponent). After all, the added height gives her more leverage when she looks down on someone to talk to them. However, even if she's shorter than someone it won't be a big problem, because she carries herself with pride and charisma. Other people, no matter how tall, will shrivel under her hawk-like eyes.
However, if her partner or spouse is taller than her, I think she will secretly like it, so she can rest her head on their shoulder and be enveloped in their hugs.
What are they like on social media? (What’s their username, profile pic, etc.) A modern!Guan Xue wouldn't want to post too much about her and her private life. She feels like posting anything about herself (her house, her face, her brother), might lead to problems. What if bad people track where she lives from her posts? Or hurt her brother? She can't risk something like that.
Her username would be pretty simple, I think. Perhaps her profile picture would be a gun (maybe her favorite). She definitely wouldn't use her and her brother's picture as her profile picture for her social media. She's not comfortable posting her and her brother's face where anyone can see them. Of course, she has photos of them both (her brother's birthday, an occasional selfie, etc), but she will keep it very privately in her phone, and outsiders can't see it.
Their sexuality? Guan Xue is probably asexual. As for whether she's straight or not... I don't know, but she definitely craves romance and the feelings of finally being able to completely trust someone and be protected by them too.
Preferred weather? Clear skies and a sunny day would be best. Guan Xue doesn't really like rain, it reminds her too much of that time she was fleeing for her life through the mountains, falling in the mud and choking on frigid rainwater as she crawled desperately to live.
What’s their sleeping schedule? Guan Xue is used to sleeping anywhere, anytime. Her rigorous training in Japan made her realize the preciousness of sleep; she can sleep anytime so that she can conserve her energy and continue her work. She can work with minimal sleep too.
Favorite music? Jazz. And she loves dancing.
How’s their cooking? Guan Xue's home-cooked cooking is top notch. She's had years of practice, cooking for herself and her brother, and she can cook a variety of different things.
It’s movie night, what movie do they pick? Modern!Guan Xue probably likes spy movies, or basically any movies with a proper plot. Ones like rom-coms and horror probably aren't her type.
How would they hold up in a pillow war? Not sure how she would hold it, but in a pillow fight she would definitely be pretty vicious, smacking you real hard and not stopping until you admit defeat.
What’s their sleeping position? Guan Xue definitely sleeps with a gun or knife under her pillow. She's learned (the hard way, unfortunately), that people can and will try to kill you in your sleep.
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theladypirate · 2 years
🍇🍍🍪🍕 for the whole bunch <3
Aces- amethyst dragonborn fighter thembo. A little crude but amicable and friendly. They decided the weird gremlin group they found are now their friends forever. Honestly? Aces personality is like if you crossed a golden retriever with a possum and then gave it sentience.
🍇What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamics?
Aces may be a little slow on the uptake but they're very dependable. If you want a shoulder to cry on they'd let you, and then they'd ask if you wanted some soup, and/or for them to go beat up your problems.
🍍Where does your OC feel most comfortable?
Generally anywhere, they're very chill and easy going. They don't like loud noises for extended periods though, it's a sensory nightmare so don't ask them to go to the club. Because they'll agree, because they like hanging out with you, and then they'll be miserable after about half an hour but they won't say anything, and then when they get home they'll have a major headache and need to lie down in a quiet dark place for a bit.
🍪What is sentimental to your OC?
Aces hasn't got any items they consider sentimental but their fighting style is unique, having been passed down through their family
🍕How does your OC spend a lazy day?
As a jock thembo they work out shirtless. And bake bread or make something tasty bc they like to cook and they're good at it.
Adelaide- she's described in more detail in a previous ask but she's a soft spoken psi-touched halfling rogue.
🍇: Big sister vibes. She's the eldest in her family and she is a very supportive and positive person. She likes to see the best in everyone but honestly she trusts way too easily. It doesn't occur to her to lie about things so she never thinks someone else would lie either.
🍍: Wherever she's able to be sort of hidden away, or back in her family's home, or hanging out with her friends. She's not super good at dealing with social situations but that doesn't stop her from trying.
🍪: answered in a previous ask!
🍕: Hang out with one of her friends and ask them about their hobbies, try out new things to see if she likes them, buy poisons
Mal- half elven bard who has an attitude and a love of the finer things in life. Her gf turned into a goddess and now she brags about banging her. Once got fake engaged to like 50 people at the same time at the request of an archfey (to repay a favor) and then pulled a a Bilbo Baggins 111th birthday trick by throwing a big party, inviting them all, revealing the trick, and then disappearing.
🍇: Mal is *Lizzo Voice* One hundred percent that bitch. She won't admit she's even friends with you, you're just somebody she knows or something. But if anyone threatens her friends she will hold a grudge until the END OF TIME
🍍: In the spotlight, at the center of attention, she's an attention whore and she is NOT sorry or ashamed of it
🍪: Sentimentality is gross no thank you, how dare you imply Mal has ever had feelings about anything, disgusting (do not mention the way she stares off into the firelight with a fond, sad smile some nights. She will cut you)
🍕: Spa day pampering and indulging in all her favorite self care stuff, eating tasty food, maybe a bit of window shopping and casual pickpocketing
Murk- agender firbolg cleric. Gently slaps the firbolg this character can fit so much trauma in them. They've got my most traumatic backstory. They're also very, very sweet, and technically a pirate.
🍇: Mom friend. Wants to make sure you're hydrating and getting enough sleep. Mordin was a role model when I was crafting their personality (I'm a healer, but- meme)
🍍: sitting and sipping tea, surrounded by plants.
🍪: they haven't got anything they can say is sentimental bc they had to leave everything they had behind but they're very attached to the ship and people who are on it.
🍕: tend to their small garden and the shrine to their deity, read some books, ANY books.
Tu'an- half elven barbarian, she is unbothered, her skin is flawless, she has great hair. She's down to fight and/or fuck just about anyone. Tu'an is surprisingly laid back for a barbarian, she's rarely ever actually angry. She also has a pretty tragic backstory, but she was also like, one of the first dnd characters I ever made.
🍇: go with the flow friend and also the one who encourages you to do the most impulsive shit. She's here for a good time not a long time, probably.
🍍: fighting, for fun or for profit. Also in bars and taverns, usually provoking assholes into throwing the first punch
🍪: that's dangerous territory, because all her rage stems from a major loss, and its too painful for her to keep anything.
🍕: sleep in til noon, eat a big meal, go find somebody to pester, wrestle shirtless
Ven- a pale elf from Luz, a barbarian/druid. She's Elle Woods but mean. Her family is from a part of Luz that hasn't been conquered bc it's a forest full of feral militant elves who worship a tree and drink it's sap. As a result her people are so pale they're partly translucent, and their blood and veins are golden. Part of her rite of passage into a full fledged protector of her people is to go out and commit domestic terrorism against the Luz government.
🍇: she's the mean lesbian of the group. She doesn't know how to be outright nice, but if she likes you then she will commit unspeakable acts of violence for you.
🍍: in the woods, surrounded by nature, and in beast form. People are less likely to be annoying at her if she's a bear.
🍪: Sentimentality will get you killed.
🍕: Lazy days will also get you killed.
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ribellaione · 5 years
if Blake feels comfortable enough around you she will absolutely use you as a pillow and just pass out on you in the weirdest of ways half the time and it's great why would you even try to wake her when she does
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mellowsadistic · 2 years
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I smirked down at my sleeping girlfriend as I gently manoeuvred her into position for a nappy change. Charlotte had been wetting the bed at night for two weeks now. Her new problem had started not long after she’d confessed to cheating on me, the result of a wild, drunken night of partying. She’d been tearful and full of remorse, begging me not to leave her – I’d forgiven her, but I knew I had to make sure it could never happen again.
Turning her into a silly little bedwetter was the perfect solution. All it had taken were some subliminal messages in her music playlists, and Charlotte’s night-time bladder control had been reduced to the level of a toddler’s. The shame of wetting the bed every night had made her much more sweet and submissive, and I knew there was no chance of her cheating on me again, not now she piddled her pants in her sleep like a little girl. Charlotte was far too embarrassed by her childish new habit to sleep anywhere except cuddled up next to me, and in any case, other men tended not to be attracted to a woman who woke up every morning in a pissy nappy.
I undid the tapes and pulled the front of her nappy down, exposing the sodden padding and her gleaming pussy. As I got to work cleaning her up with a pack of baby wipes, she shifted on the bed, and her eyes fluttered open. For a moment she stared sleepily down at herself, and then her face turned bright red when she realised she had woken up in the middle of a nappy change, just like a baby.
“Morning little Lottie,” I cooed, making her cringe at my condescending tone. “Looks like someone made wetties in the night again.”
Charlotte made a noise somewhere between a groan and a whimper.
“Botty up,” I said, taking her by the ankles and lifting her legs into the air so I could slide her nappy out from underneath her bottom. “Good girl.”
“Why is this happening to me!?” she whined, thumping the bed petulantly with her fists. “I feel like a fucking baby.”
I gave a sharp smack to her bottom, making her squeal. “Don’t use bad language, Lottie,” I admonished her gently. “And hold still. Don’t be a wiggly little girl while I’m trying to change your nappy.”
“I’m not a little girl!” she snapped, trying and failing to look severe while lying on her back in the diaper position. “And my name is Charlotte, not Lottie.”
I held up the heavy, pissy nappy for her to see. “You can complain about being patronised when you stop peeing yourself at night,” I said firmly, plopping her nappy down beside her head.
She blushed furiously, wrinkling her nose at the smell of the used nappy next to her face, but did not retort.
“Imagine being your age and still wetting the bed,” I went on. “How many other girls your age need their boyfriends to change their wet night-time nappies?”
“I don’t need you to change my nappies!” she whined. “You’re the one who told me I wasn’t allowed to do it myself!”
“Do you remember when you tried changing into them yourself?” I asked sternly. “You leaked all over the bed. Do you think I want to wake up in sheets you’ve gone potty in? No, you’ve lost the right to change your own nappies, little one. You can’t be trusted to do it right.”
Charlotte sulked while I finished wiping her bottom. When I was satisfied she was clean, I gave her a tickle on her tummy, forcing a reluctant giggle from her, then I bent down to plant a quick kiss on her bare pussy. “All done, little one.”
Charlotte scowled at me. She was probably trying to look stern, but it just made her look adorable.
I picked up her sodden nappy and held it out for her to take. “Be a good girl and put this in your nappy bin, okay?”
Blushing, Charlotte took her soaking wet nappy, pinching it between two fingers and holding it as far away from her as she could, a look of mingled disgust and shame on her face. She couldn’t seem to take her eyes off it.
I smirked as I watched her cross the room bare-bottomed to deposit her soggy nappy in the large white bucket in the corner. I’d bought it especially for her nappies. It gave the room a faint, persistent smell of pee, but I didn’t mind. Charlotte complained about it, but I insisted it would help incentivise her to stay dry at night by reminding her of her embarrassing habit. In reality, it was only to help her sink further into babyhood.
Because I wasn’t going to stop at turning her into a bedwetter. Charlotte just couldn’t be trusted to be an adult. Her cheating had proved that. She was too immature and impulsive, and a lifetime of wet and stinky nappies would suit her much better than grown-up underwear. It would be diapers 24/7 for my little lady, and after that, slowly, incrementally, the full baby treatment; bibs and highchairs, cribs and baby toys, pacifiers and baby bottles and adorable little-girl frocks, until Charlotte forgot what it was like to be an adult at all.
“Good girl,” I said, once she had dropped her nappy into the bucket with a wet thump.
Her new morning ritual complete, Charlotte got herself dressed, sliding her underwear up her legs, not knowing it was one of the last pairs she would ever wear.
I watched her, imagining how she would look toddling around the house in nothing but a full nappy, completely incontinent, completely dependent on me, reduced to nothing but an overgrown baby. It wouldn’t be long now.
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messers-moony · 3 years
One in the Same | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Wife!Reader
Summary: Reader notices Draco going through the same pain as her ex lover and desperately wants fix her faults.
“Mr.Malfoy, can you stay after class, please?” 
“‘Course, Professor Black.”
An average day in second year. Professor Black - Y/n - taught History of Magic after Professor Binns decided his time was up. Too long of teaching sleeping students who could care less about his lessons. However, once Y/n took over the position, kid's grades improved and people were no longer sleeping. She made things fun and inventive.
After class time was up, everyone filed out of the classroom aside from the blond Slytherin boy. Draco has always been on the good side of Professor Black. She was always extremely kind to him despite his rather sour attitude at times. But Draco was always hesitant to initiate a conversation to really speak his feelings to her. But this was the first time she had him stay after class. 
Y/n pulled out the chair in front of her desk as he sat down. His white-blond hair and gleaming blue eyes. His young face, not yet defined. Y/n with her h/c hair and curious glinted e/c eyes. 
“Draco, I want to start this by saying I don’t know what your home life is like.” Y/n began, “I went to Hogwarts with your parents, though, and he wasn’t always kind. Your mother was cordial with me, though.”
“If you don’t find me intruding, what’s your home life like?” 
“I- Um- It’s good.” Stammered Draco, “Father and Mother are always kind.”
Y/n’s eyes glinted with curiosity, “Lucius tolerated me.”
“Tolerated you?”
“I married one of his best friends.” Y/n chuckled, “He didn’t have a choice.”
Draco tilted his head, “Sirius?”
“Oh heavens no!” Y/n exclaimed, “Regulus. Sirius Black's brother.” 
“My- My dead cousin?” He queried. 
She nodded, “Yes. I married Regulus right after graduation. His parents weren’t thrilled, but he loved me so, here we are.”
“May I ask a question?”
“What were his parents like?”
“Horrible. The worst.” Y/n spat, “Sirius got the worst of it, but Regulus did occasionally too.”
“Walburga and Orion were awful. Using the crucio curse is not a great punishment for kids.” Draco’s eyes widened, “Both of them had scars from the curse. Sirius ran away at sixteen, and Regulus was used as their puppet. So used that at the age of eighteen, he felt like he had to prove himself. Which inevitably got him killed.”
“How did you deal with it?”
“Well, would you like my honest answer or my Professor answer?”
“Honest, please.”
“Between you and I, I still haven’t gotten over it.” Y/n shrugged, “I see something that reminds me of him, and I’m back at the start all over again. It takes time, and it’s taken plenty of time, but here I am, doing what I love. Teaching kids.”
“Anyways.” Y/n smiled, “You’re dismissed. I’m sorry I took up your time. However, if you ever feel the need to speak with me, let me know. Okay?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Draco picked up his bag, rustling as he stood up. The blond boy was still digesting all the information he gained. He couldn’t believe that his cousins got the crucio curse for a punishment. He thought his parents were bad. Theirs was way worse. Draco was about to walk out of the classroom but turned last minute to look at his Professor. 
“Yes, Draco?”
“There’s-“ He swallowed, “There’s a Quidditch match this Saturday. Slytherin versus Ravenclaw. If you have the time, I’d like you to come.”
“Of course. I’ll be there.” Y/n smiled. 
He walked out of the room without a second stop. He felt better about himself now. He had someone who genuinely seemed to care about him. Draco didn’t trust her just yet, but he wouldn’t be opposed to speaking with her as he had just now in the future. Professor Black had always been open and honest with her students. Perhaps that’s why kids liked her so much. 
Saturday arrived quicker than Y/n would’ve hoped for one reason. She, herself, didn’t own any Slytherin-colored merchandise anymore. But there was a box in her quarters that she brought with her to Hogwarts every year. Regulus’s old clothes meaning all his scarfs, ties, button-ups, pants, hats, etc. Y/n couldn’t seem to get rid of them. Frankly, she didn’t want to get rid of them either. 
Carefully she pulled the cardboard box from the top of her closet. Taking a pair of scissors and breaking the tape seal she had put on it multiple years ago. Inside laid many pieces of the evergreen and silver cloth. Y/n’s hands gravitated to the green and silver scarf. Bringing it to her nose, she was shocked. It still smelt like him. Godric, this was going to be more challenging than she initially thought. 
Nonetheless, she put it around her neck along with her button-up and tight-fit pants. Y/n put on the green gloves, much too big for her but had fit Regulus perfectly, the tie, and the scarf. It brought her a sense of nostalgia. It made Y/n feel like she was a fifth-year going out with Regulus on a date to Hogsmeade. But she wasn’t fifteen or in fifth year. Y/n was a Professor and a full-grown adult. And Regulus was dead. 
The game was going well for Slytherin at the beginning. But like most Quidditch games, things can change rather quickly. Ravenclaw was studious. That was for sure. They played skillfully. Y/n sat in the Professor stands with the rest of her colleagues. She sat between McGonagall and Flitwick. But white-blond hair caught her attention in front of her. Lucius Malfoy was here spectating his son. 
McGonagall nudged her, “Where’d you get the Slytherin gear?”
“How have you been, dear?” McGonagall questioned softly, “It’s been a whirlwind, but nothing I can do will bring him back, so ‘m still here for him. It’s what he would’ve wanted.” Y/n replied. 
Minerva placed a hand on the girl's knee, “If you need anything, let me know.”
“‘Course, Professor.”
The game ended tragically. Slytherin had just tied the game when Cho Chang had caught sight of the snitch. Sadly, she was able to grasp it before Draco. Leaving Slytherin with two-hundred and thirty points while Ravenclaw ended with three-hundred and eighty points. Lucius seemed furious with this conclusion and stormed off the stands. Y/n knew something was up, so she followed him. 
She came up in a deserted hallway in Hogwarts. Draco stood - now changed into the usual Hogwarts robes - and his father stood before him. From the view she had, Draco’s back was to her, and his father was towering over the boy. 
Lucius had a cold and icy voice, “You are insufferable!”
“You had one job, Draco! One! Catch the damn snitch.” He scolded, “Perhaps you were too daft to figure that out?”
“‘M sorry, father. I didn’t mean to. Honest.” Draco was pleading and begging for mercy; it made Y/n’s heartache at the familiar words. 
“Mum, Dad, I seriously didn’t mean to!” Regulus had cried after breaking a vase, “Excuses, excuses, they won’t get you anywhere in life, boy!” Orion shouted. 
Tears collected in his silver eyes, “‘M sorry! ‘M so sorry!”
Walburga pointed her wand at him, “Crucio.”
Lucius scoffed, “Malfoy’s don’t cry, wipe those tears.”
“Should‘ve sent you to Durmstrang. You come to Hogwarts and forget everything I’ve ever taught you.”
“Father, I really didn’t mean to! She just got there faster than me.” Draco begged. 
Y/n saw it before Draco did. Lucius raised his palm slowly, and Draco flinched. Y/n saw the pale hand rise into the air, and without a second thought, she ran in front of the young boy, taking the blow that was meant for Lucius’ son. Draco heard the sound but never felt the impact. Carefully he opened his eyes to see Professor Black standing in front of him, a hand on her cheek. 
“How dare you get in the way!” Lucius yelled, “How dare I? How dare you for trying to leave a hand on your son!” Y/n retorted her bright cheek red from impact. 
Draco was appalled, “Draco is your son! Not a toy or a puppet, and I will not stand for this!”
“You don’t have to, half breed.” Lucius seethed, “As you said, he’s my son. Not yours.”
“I could give less fucks!” Y/n exclaimed, “Draco is my student. I will not be having you lay your hands on my students.”
Lucius scoffed, “Where’s your child, mm?”
“Right, you don’t have one.” Lucius answered, “Because your blood-traitor of a husband decided to get himself killed!”
“Regulus was not a blood-traitor for trying to right his wrongs!”
“Regulus and Sirius were no different from each other.”
“Leave them out of this!”
“Oh, so it’s still a soft spot for you?”
“So help me, I’ll-“
“Petrificus Totalus.” Draco stated while holding his wand, causing his father to fall to the ground, paralyzed. 
Y/n stared at the body in shock, “Draco.”
She didn’t even have time to reprimand him before he burst into tears. Y/n turned quickly and embraced him into a much-needed hug while the boy sobbed on her shoulder. Y/n’s hands went through Draco’s white-blond hair gently while he let every emotion out. She pulled away and wiped the tears on his cheeks. 
“You’re going to be okay, I promise.” Y/n informed, and Draco nodded, “Th- Thank you, Professor.”
Y/n smiled and sent him off to the Slytherin common room, leaving her to deal with Lucius. The Professor dragged him to Madam Pomfrey to deal with. Later that night, in her quarters, while brushing her teeth, she noticed the considerable bruise covering her left cheek: Blue and purple hues mixed to create a dark blue-violet looking color, almost grey. 
Sixth year was now here. Y/n’s fourth year of teaching at Hogwarts, and she couldn’t have asked for a better job. On September 1st, she went through the floo-network to arrive in her teacher's quarters. Looking at the time, it seemed that students were just about reaching onto the grounds when a knock sounded at her door. 
“Come in!”
A blond boy, much taller, defined face, and grey eyes had just walked into her teacher's quarters, “Good evening, Professor.”
“Good evening, Draco.” Y/n greeted smiling brightly, “What's on your mind, sweetheart?”
Draco didn’t know where to begin as water collected on his lower lash line, and gently he pulled up his left sleeve. Godric, it felt like deva Vu all over again. 
“Y- Y/n.” Regulus called through his tears, “What’s wrong, baby?” Y/n asked, sitting beside him on the four-poster bed. 
Regulus couldn’t help the tears that helplessly fell down his cheeks. His eyes were silver and blurred. Cheeks flushed and hair knotted. This past summer had been a shit show for him with Sirius running away and just everything that had gone on. Regulus had never felt this hopeless before. 
“I- I need your help.”
“Of course, anything, baby.”
He swallowed, “Just know that I’ll love you forever. Okay?”
Gently, he released a breath of air and pulled up his left sleeve. The combined snake and skull only meaning one thing. Regulus was now a death eater to the Dark Lord. Tears sprung in Y/n’s eyes but not because of disappointment but because of worry. She didn’t know what she would do if Regulus were to be gone. 
“They forced me!” Regulus pleaded, “Please, please don’t leave me.” 
Regulus was weeping, and Y/n took him into her arms, “Shh, shh, I’m not disappointed. I’m just worried about you.”
“I don’t wanna- I don’t wanna do this.” Regulus whimpered, “Please help me.”
“I’m gonna help you ‘m love. Don’t worry.” 
“What happened this summer?” Y/n asked as Draco pulled back down his sleeve.
“Auntie Bella.”
Draco was trying so hard to swallow his tears as his Professor was now face to face with him, “Draco.”
How was her voice so sweet and calm, almost like she had done this before, “It’s okay to show emotion. It’s being human. Let it go, darling.”
Just like that, the dam broke, and Draco was a sobbing mess again. How was it that Professor Black had always managed to feel more like home than his actual parents? What had his mum done for him while Bellatrix was giving him the mark? She had just stood there watching pain contort on his face. Y/n felt more like a mother to him, more like family to him. 
“Shh. Shh. You’re safe here, Draco.”
“They- They want me-“ He was choking on his words, and Y/n placed her hands on his shoulders, “Take deep breaths and then explain. Okay?”
He began to inhale and exhale air at a slow pace, “They want me to-“ Draco swallowed, “They want me to kill Dumbledore.”
“Okay.” Y/n stated, letting out a breath of air, “You and I will get through this.” 
“You- You promise?” 
“I promise.”
Perhaps it was instinct now for Draco to stay after in her classroom. After every lesson, Draco would visit her in her classroom just to be in her company or to talk. What was it about Y/n that drew these people close to her? Ones with broken souls who believed that couldn’t be helped. Was it her kindness? Perhaps it was her caring nature—too many variables to pinpoint. 
The moment Y/n heard crying in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, she knew something was wrong. Approaching cautiously, she saw Harry Potter doing the same behind Draco, who stood facing the basin, dried tears on his cheeks. Everything happened too fast for Y/n to understand. But when Harry spoke an incantation that left Draco bleeding out on the floor, everything changed. 
She was jumping into action hastily, falling to her knees beside the blond-haired boy while Harry was almost in tears at his mistake. Y/n took her wand out and began muttering spells to heal the boy's chest. Harry was now in a heap on the floor, tears filling his glorious emerald eyes while the Professor took care of his harm. It took ten minutes before the bleeding stopped, and Y/n turned to face Harry. 
“‘M sorry. I- I didn’t know…”
“It’s okay. I’m just glad I was here.” Y/n replied, and Harry looked like a mess, “I need you to go to the Gryffindor tower and not speak of this to anyone, okay?”
He nodded and stood up sluggishly. Harry left the bathroom, leaving Y/n with an unconscious Draco. Sighing heavily, she picked up the boy and lugged him to the hospital wing, where he was taken care of. The following day an owl was pecking at Y/n’s window, leading her to wake up and take the note from the owl’s foot. 
“Draco won’t stop calling for you.”
Y/n freshened up, brushing her teeth, hair, and a change of clothes before making her way to the Hospital Wing. It was quite a ways away from. Her section of the school, but if Draco needed her, she needed to be there even if it was six o’clock in the morning. Her shoes made a light tap along with the wood as she walked and hesitantly opened the big door to the infirmary. 
“Oh, thank Merlin!” Madam Pomfrey said with her hand over her heart, “Draco has been asking for you, my dear.”
She gave a tiny smile as Pomfrey pointed to where Draco was lying. Carefully she stripped back some of the white curtain and pulled a chair beside his bed. Y/n took his hand in his. It was cold and pale. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine holding Regulus’ hand in the same exact way after a horrible Bludger accident. 
An hour later, Draco finally woke up, “Mornin’ sweetheart.”
“Professor, you- you came.”
She smiled, “You called for me, of course, I’d come.”
Draco pushed himself up into a sitting position, his grey eyes locked on her warm e/c ones, “Sorry, I just, didn’t expect you to come.”
“How are you feeling?” 
“I feel okay. Little sore but nothing I haven’t been through.” 
Y/n smiled sadly, “I knew a boy just like you, you know?”
“You did?” Draco asked, and she nodded, “I did.”
“Could you tell me about him?”
“Well, he was strong, smart, and closed off. His home life wasn’t too great either and was forced into being what his parents were too.” Draco looked eager for more, “Eventually, he realized that this wasn’t the life he wanted. He no longer cared about his parent's approval. He just wanted to be him, but by then, it was too late.”
“Too late?”
She nodded, “He was already in too late, so he did the only thing he thought of. Betraying his parents, his family. He was so caught up in what he was doing he didn’t realize what he was doing, and now, because of that, he’s no longer with us.”
“But you aren’t too late, Draco.” Y/n stressed, tightening her grip on his hand, “Let me save you. Let me help you.”
Tears ebbed at the corners of his eyes, “Please.”
Y/n took him in her arms and rubbed his back soothingly, “You aren’t alone. I’m here for you.”
It took months, but everything was over. It felt like time had stopped. Y/n could remember the terror standing outside of Hogwarts as the death eaters stood on the other side. Narcissa was calling for him - the boy who had no choice - and Draco was panicking as Lucius began calling his name. 
Draco swallowed and shook his head. 
It was the feeling of relief that brought Y/n solace. Draco took the step that Regulus took, and she would make sure he didn’t pay for it. The relief felt like a breath of fresh air now that the war was over. Y/n had stepped into the Great Hall panicking, hoping, praying that he was okay. At that moment she saw it. 
He was crouched in the corner. People were glaring at him all around. Draco saw. He saw the Weasleys crying over Fred. He saw Harry look empty, staring at Remus Lupin and Nymphadora. The way Lavender Brown’s parents sobbed over her dead body. He saw the way Dennis Creevey was yelling and screaming in pain at seeing his deceased older brother. Draco could remember how close they were. 
Nonetheless, he stood up and ran into her arms: his solace, home, and safe place. Draco couldn’t remember what it felt like to be held this tight. He dug his nose into her neck and just remembered to breathe. She pulled away to see a small smile playing on his lips. Y/n cupped his cheeks gently. 
“I’m so, so proud of you.” Y/n smiled, “I can't explain how proud I am of you. You did it.”
Draco smiled and leaned into her hands, “Thanks, mum.”
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