#she did call zatanna hot to her face the first time they met so like. there's some evidence
weaverofink · 2 years
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stephanie brown aka my favorite cringefail bisexual
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dccomicsimagines · 3 years
Sand and Love - Kaldur x Reader
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Requested by Anon -  Hey honey! I hope requests are open still. I was wondering if I could request an imagine when Kaldur has a crush on the reader and the team decides to do a beach day and she meets them at the beach late and he gets all flustered because the reader is in a bathing suit and just some fluffy awkward Kaldur pleeeaaasssee!
Kaldur sighed deeply as he laid on the beach. He stretched his legs and rested his arms behind his head. The sun warmed his skin. War cries and shrieks came from the water. Kaldur opened his eyes and sat up, frowning at the sand stuck to his back. 
“I’m going to kill you, West. If it’s the last thing I do,” Artemis said as she tackled a laughing Wally into the water. Robin and Zatanna cheered her on. Kaldur felt a chuckle creep into his chest, but he held it in, not wanting to encourage their behavior. 
“Hey, Kaldur. Want some lemonade?” Raquel’s shadow fell on him. He smiled up at her and took the cup she offered. 
“Thank you.” He took a sip, frowning at it’s sourness. After a moment of letting the lemonade linger in his mouth, he forced himself to swallow. “Did M’gann make this?” 
“Too sour, right? I tried to slip in more sugar, but she was watching me,” Raquel whispered, sitting beside Kaldur on the sand. She glanced over her shoulder where Conner and M’gann were grilling lunch. “I’m starting to wonder if Martians don’t taste like we do.”
Kaldur shrugged and took another sip of lemonade when he felt M’gann watching. “Perhaps.” He sent her a smile. M’gann beamed in relief.
“Are you disappointed (Y/N) is not here?” Raquel elbowed Kaldur’s side gently. A playful smirk on her lips. “I know you got the hots for her.”
Kaldur blushed, clearing his throat. “It is unfortunate that (Y/N) was not able to join in our team beach day.”
“Sure, very unfortunate.” She got to her feet, giggling. “Well, it might cheer you up that (Y/N) is going to try to make it after her family thing.”
“She is?” Kaldur almost dropped his lemonade. 
Raquel just laughed. “You got it bad.” She ran off to join the others in the water.  Kaldur sighed, resting his chin on his knees. He embedded the cup of lemonade in the sand next to him.
Truth be told, Raquel was right. He did have it bad for you. Always did, ever since he met you the first time two years before. 
A wave of fire soared toward Kaldur. He quickly called water to his water-bearers and formed a shield. His eyes closed, preparing for the heat. The flames roared around him, but the heat never came. 
He opened his eyes to see a blue form in front of him. “You okay?” the form asked, glancing back at him from over their shoulder. No, her shoulder. Kaldur’s heart spasmed. You were so beautiful. One of the most beautiful people he had ever seen.  
“Yes.” He dropped his water-bearers. You pushed out with your hand. A blue glow came from your hand and absorb the flames. Kaldur pulled his eyes away from you to see a blue shield collapse into the blue glow from your hand. You turned to face him. His eyes caught the symbol on your chest. It was similar to a Green Lantern symbol, but blue. “Who are you?”
“Aqualad, are you alright?” Aquaman ran up to the two of them. “I should have warned you about flames and gasoline.”
“There is a lot to learn about the surface world,” Kaldur said. Kaldur’s face burned when you smiled at him sweetly. Aquaman turned to look at you, frowning slightly.
“Are you (Y/N), the Blue Lantern?” Aquaman crossed his arms. 
“Yes, she is.” Hal Jordan floated down from the sky to land next to you. “She’s my sidekick.”
You shared a look with Kaldur, rolling your eyes. “Actually, he’s my sidekick, but I let him think otherwise. For his ego,” you whispered to Kaldur. Kaldur’s ear tingled at your breath. A lump formed in his throat. 
“(Y/N), we better go. We got that meeting with John.” Hal clapped a hand on your shoulder. 
“Sure, sure.” You stepped away from Kaldur, giving him a wave. His eyes caught the blue ring on your finger. “It was nice meeting you, Aqualad, Aquaman.” You flew into the air with Hal following behind you. Kaldur’s eyes didn’t leave you until you disappeared into the clouds. 
The lump formed in Kaldur’s throat again. He hugged his knees to his chest, staring out at the water. Swallowing hard, he tried to lose the lump in his throat, but it wouldn’t go away. 
Suddenly, Kaldur was on his feet as a blue glow splashed into the water far out from shore. He knew that blue glow like he knew his own name. 
“Did you see that?” Zatanna asked, pointing out at the ocean.
“Was that (Y/N)?”  Robin’s creepy laugh filled the air. “She always has to make an entrance.” 
Kaldur started to run toward the ocean, preparing to dive in. However, you suddenly surfaced only a few meters away from him. You flipped your head back, arching your back with a laugh that sent a wonderful shiver up Kaldur’s spine. 
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late.” You walked toward shore. “What did I miss?” Your ring absorbed your blue lantern suit revealing a bathing suit that fit you perfectly underneath.
“Well, Kaldur’s pretty whelmed,” Robin teased, coming over to elbow Kaldur’s side. Kaldur jumped, realizing his jaw was hanging open. He was ogling your body as if he was Wally West. “Artemis is going to murder Wally, so you didn’t miss much.” Robin grinned, glancing between you and Kaldur. 
Zatanna pinched Robin’s arm. “Knock it off,” she hissed. Robin flinched, pouting slightly. 
“Hey, (Y/N)! Save me, will ya?” Wally jumped into your arms. You gasped, catching him and keeping your balance. He wrapped his arms around your neck. “Fly me away, please. (Y/N), babe, I’m begging you.” 
You floated into the air. “Hey, you don’t get to use (Y/N) to help you escape,” Artemis shouted, stomping her foot. Raquel tossed her a beach ball and Artemis chucked it at Wally. You dodged, both you and Wally laughing in delight. 
Kaldur stepped back out of the surf. He watched you and Wally evading Artemis’ attacks. The lump was still in his throat. At least you didn’t notice how he stared at you. He felt a blush come to his cheeks again. 
“You should ask her out, Kaldur.” M’gann’s voice echoed in his mind. He glanced over at her. She was still grilling with Conner, but was watching him. “Don’t tell her I told you, but (Y/N) likes you too.” 
Kaldur bit his lip. “Perhaps.” He looked back to you to see the rest of the team had picked sides. Part of him was concerned by this, but he realized it was just for play. Besides, you were laughing and Kaldur couldn’t find it in him to stop it. 
The sun was setting. Most of the team had gone inside to nurse sunburns and clean up from the day. You were still on the beach, sunbathing on the sand. Kaldur bit his lip. One foot after the other, he made his way to your side and sat down beside you.
“Hello.” You smiled at him, opening one eye to watch him. “This was a fun day. I’m glad I got away in time.” A sigh escaped you as you stretched your arms above your head. You winced suddenly.
“What is wrong?” Kaldur studied you. 
“Nothing, Wally is a heavy boy. My arms are sore now.” Your lips formed a pout. 
Kaldur found his gaze wandering lower than was appropriate. He blushed and turned away. “I am surprised you were strong enough to carry him for so long.” 
“Well, the ring helped.” You laughed. Kaldur looked back at you. You smiled brightly at him. “At least I can do some things without a Green Lantern nearby.”
“You can do a lot of things.” Kaldur blinked when you looked at him in surprise. His voice disappeared, the familiar lump formed back into his throat. 
“So can you.” You reached up to tap Kaldur’s nose. Kaldur’s nose tingled at your touch. 
“(Y/N).” Kaldur cleared his throat. The courage was leaving him quickly, M’gann’s reassurance from earlier the only thing that kept him talking. “I wanted to ask if you wanted to...take a walk with me?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Sure.” You rolled to your feet and brushed the sand off your body. Kaldur didn’t move, watching your hands. “You meant now, right?”
Kaldur jumped to his feet quickly. He hoped you didn’t notice he was staring at you again. His cheeks burned. “Now is fine.”
You smiled at him and linked arms with him. “Shall we just go down the beach and see what we find?”
Kaldur saw stars, squeezing your arm in his gently. “Anything you wish.” Your laughter hit his ears and Kaldur never felt so content in his life. The two of you started to walk down the beach as the sun fell below the horizon. 
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stressedoutcanary · 3 years
Do You Ever Feel Like A Misfit (Everything Inside You Is Dark & Twisted)
Dick Grayson x Reader
Word Count: 3.5K (I don't know how tf that happened)
Warnings: Explicit language, Blood and Violence, lots of angst, Hurt/Comfort ✌
A/N: Guess who's back! Just for some context the reader is a magic user and her style is similar to that of Zatanna <3
She’d have reasoned with herself that stealing from one of the most secure and heavily guarded safe-houses of a deranged sociopath was probably not the brightest idea she’s had all day. It never even made it on her to-do-list for the weekend, but here she was, running across rooftops, holding on to the stolen totem like her life depended on it, it probably did. The three assassins sent after her were no Lady Shiva or Talia Al Ghul but they weren’t exactly amateurs either. The deep cuts and two broken ribs she got from their earlier encounter were proof of that.
She glanced back and even though there was no sign of her would-be-killers she knew better than to assume they’d just let her be. They were sticking to the shadows, exploiting her blind spots. The only thing she was sure of was that they were still hot on her trail and would happily plunge a dagger into her back given the opportunity.
She was right. As of this moment she hated being right.
She caught the glint of the two sharp objects slicing through the air, hurtling towards her at full speed. A slight shift of her upper body was all she could manage as one of the daggers got embedded right into her scapula while the other one, fortunately so, whirled past her, slightly grazing her left hip. The impact of the blade on her shoulder made her lose what little balance she had left. Despite her best efforts, when the wounded shoulder made contact with the hard concrete, a loud, ear-piercing cry ripped out from her throat before she could push it back down.
Cursing under her breath she knew, she knew all she had were those few seconds of numbness and disorientation to get a grip and figure out her exit strategy. However, all her hopes started to sink as she saw one of the assassins come closer, appearing more of a blur than a person. Then again that was probably because of the nice, little concussion she got from her fall. The assassin walked over to her, unsheathed their sword and placed it right on her neck, blocking any and every way out.
“You were warned. The Demon’s Head does not tolerate treachery. We are here under his orders to bring back the totem along with the witch’s head; your head”
If she could, she would’ve rolled her eyes at the classic villainous dialogues thrown at her.
“Witch? Who’re you calling a witch Snow White? I’m clearly a sorceress, don’t they teach you the difference between the two in assassin school or something? Hell, I’d even let you call me an enchantress, though that name’s already been taken but you get my poin-” 
The remaining words died in her throat as the sword on her neck shifted slightly. She knew she had extremely poor self preservation skills considering she’s clearly been instigating the very person sent to kill her, but even she wasn’t dumb enough to keep talking when the tiniest movement on either part could result in her having a severed jugular or carotid. 
‘This is a pretty shitty way to die’ 
She thought back to how she used the last of her mystic energy to hide the totem away before her fall and how stupid that decision really was because now she could actually feel the agonizing pain coming from her shoulder. It started to spread throughout her back like wildfire, eyelids grew heavy against her wishes. Suddenly she felt really tired and the idea to close her eyes just felt so goddamn appealing. 
‘No (Y/N) that’s the blood loss talking. Blood loss doesn’t get to make decisions’, she mentally scolded herself, still not breaking her eye contact with the person standing above her.
“Give us what you stole and we shall grant you the mercy of a quick death.”
That made her raise an eyebrow, “Ah, lemme think...the correct response here would be…”, she hummed, making a show of how hard she was thinking about the offer she was granted, “How about a fuck you? How would that do for you?”, she gave them a vicious grin, it was all teeth.  They probably weren’t impressed by her response and it showed.
She knew there was no way out but she had promised herself once that if she were to die, that if she ever goes out, she’d be anything but a whimpering and sobbing mess. She was scared shitless, more so than she’d ever been while fending off the league, she won’t deny that but she would rather die than let them know that.  ‘Well at least I got that ‘rather die’ part down to a T.’ she thought, eyeing the sharpness of the blade which was now raised up in the air
She felt bad for just giving up the way she did. Her whole life she was told to fight her way through the impossible, to attain the strength rivaling that of Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine and Doctor Fate himself. To be better than them, and there she was lying on the ground limp as a sword came down on her throat; all for a silly necklace. She would’ve huffed out a laugh if only her ribs weren’t broken, if only her body wasn’t screaming in pain, if only she had a way out. She didn’t. She was too tired, too drained, too numb to do anything else. Closing her eyes she stopped fighting, she let her growing unconsciousness claim her.
‘This is what you deserve anyway’, her barely there conscience remarked.
‘Fuck you too.’ she replied.
Everything went pitch black. The darkness encompassing her was peaceful, unlike the pain she had felt before. It was nice for a change. It sounded pathetic  but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
 When she came to, the first thing she observed was the feeling of something soft against her back, next was a dull rhythmic sound which she realized was her own heartbeat. Though opening her eyes was a tiring task. It shouldn’t have been, but it was. She used all the energy she had into it and her eyelids fluttered open. She stared at the white ceiling and stayed like that for a few seconds; a few minutes? She couldn’t tell, but the pain was back now, not too much but enough to tell her it was there, to tell she was still alive.
She saw something shift in her peripheral vision and her body instinctively went stiff. Her mind which was blank before now ran in all directions.
‘Could be Ra’s Al Ghul… Could be worse’, she tried not to think about the worst case scenario, but she knew she had pissed off a lot of beings, beings far more powerful and far crueler than Ra’s himself. An involuntary shudder passed through her at the thought. That must’ve caught her captor’s attention as she felt the person move closer to her. Begrudgingly, she tore her gaze from the spot on the ceiling which she had been staring at this whole time and tilted her head. The man in black and blue who appeared, was probably the last person she had expected to see.
Her voice was barely above a whisper and the hoarseness with which it came out it took her by surprise, but her body visibly relaxed at the sight of the familiar figure, at the sight of someone who would never hurt her.  
She watched him pull out a chair from the desk nearby. He sat next to the bed she was lying on and gave her a soft smile, a smile that spelled one word ‘relieve’. She remembered how when she first met him two years ago, she found that particular smile extremely annoying, she had no reason to, but she did. What she couldn’t remember was when she had grown so fond of it.
“How do you feel?”
“Like shit.”
He snorted a laugh which made her pout. She was planning to point out how he was being mean; laughing at her when her response truly defined the way she was feeling, but any words she thought of were cut off by the change in his expression. His smile faltered, lips were now pressed in a thin line, face contorted in a way which showed his genuine concern.
“This is the second time, this week.”
That you almost died, he didn’t say. That I had to save you and bring you back from the clutches of death, he didn’t say.
“I know.”
“That doesn’t make it better.”
“I know.”
The silence that settled, stretched far too long for comfort, but she wasn’t going to be the one to break it. She wanted to, but there was nothing she could say, that would make it better. Nightwing ran his fingers through the locks of hair, burying his face in his hands.
For the first time since she woke up, she took in his appearance, he looked disheveled,  his suit was torn in different places along visible faint cuts, most likely he got them when he rescued her. She felt a pang of guilt rising in her chest. He risked his life for her, she knew he had done it before, she didn’t get it then and she didn’t get it now. Why would someone do that? Why would he? She was pulled back from her spiraling thoughts when he spoke again, exhaustion evident in his voice.
“Why are you so reckless?”
“Excuse me?”
She looked at him like he had grown another head. She wasn’t ready for this conversation but by the looks of it they were gonna have it anyway.
“What if I hadn’t been there today? Or any of the other days you almost died. What then?”
“My best guess? I would’ve been dead.”
“And that fact doesn’t bother you at all?!”
She flinched at little when his voice rose, but she stood her ground, at least figuratively since she was still in bed.
“I don’t know, should it?” She didn’t try and tone down the venom dripping from her words. Her words cut deeper than the wounds he got from the assassins; she saw it clear as day on his face. She let out a deep sigh but continued. She had to get it out and he had to hear it, that’s the reason she gave herself for the confession that followed.
“I don’t need your help, Dick. I don’t know what gave you the impression that I did but I’ve never needed it.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. ‘Why was it getting harder to speak?’ “I don’t need you to save me every time. I don’t need you to risk your life for me and I definitely don’t…” She moved to sit up straight, her back resting on the headboard. She shifted her gaze on her open palms resting in her lap; palms covered in blood, in her blood, not very long ago.
“I don’t need you to care...”
The last part was a whisper and Dick was silent, so silent that for a brief moment she wondered if the man she’d come to care about even heard her, admitting something that was so painful for her to say out loud.
Dick moved to sit beside her, his shoulder bumping hers. He didn’t know where all this was coming from but he knew better to leave it unattended.
“(Y/N) I help you because I care about you. I always will, you know that.”
“Why? You have nothing to gain from it”, blinking back the unshed tears in her eyes, she looked at him with a hurt expression as if she couldn’t bring herself to understand.
“Why… as in why do I care?”, Dick tilted his head to look her in the eyes, trying to understand what she meant all the while making sure not to let his own surprise at her words show. She nodded not trusting her voice to not betray her anymore than it already had.
“I don’t care about you because I feel like you need it nor because I would gain something from it”, Dick knew he shouldn’t have to explain it to her. He briefly wondered what she had gone through to make her think that she needed to be useful to be cared for or that she had to need it to be cared for. He felt something pull at his heart at the thought; It was sorrow.
“I care about you because… well I do and there’s nothing you could or couldn’t do to change that. And it is because I care about you that I ask you to be better at taking care of yourself. Now I know for a fact that whatever you stole from The League’s safehouse definitely did not belong there, but I also know that whatever it was, it wasn’t worth your life (Y/N) It never will be.”
Dick grasped one of her hands, interlacing his gloved fingers with hers; she hadn’t even realized she was shaking until he did so. Closing her eyes, she forced herself to take a deep breath despite her protesting ribs. Opening the palm of her free hand she muttered an incantation with practiced ease
“Eveirter tahw saw neddih “, her hand glowed, the golden aura taking the shape of a object. When the light subsided, Dick saw the object in her palm as she rubbed her thumb across it, quietly leaning her head on his shoulder.
“It was this totem. It belongs to Madame Xanadu. Don’t know what Ra’s wanted it for though”, she shrugged as best as she could with an injured shoulder then continued, voice firmer than it had been the whole evening,“ She asked me to retrieve it in exchange for information on a girl I was looking for. The girl was somehow sucked into some other dimension, a mystic one and her mother was so desperate when she approached me that I just couldn’t say no. So when I say the Totem was important, then I want you to know that it really is.”
Dick shook his head at that. “Still not worth your life.”
“Dick…”, she sighed. It was all she could do at the moment because she was really getting tired from all the arguing.
“Do you remember the first time we met?”
“You mean the time I met the infamous vigilante Nightwing in a dumpster of all places.”
“In my defense I was badly injured”, she hummed in agreement.
“You smelled bad”
“You try smelling like flowers after falling from a building and into an open dumpster.”
His playful grumbling pulled a short laugh out of her. She was more than a little confused at the sudden trip into the past but happily accepted it as a change of topic. She should’ve know better than to think he’d have let the matter go.
“Anyway my point is when you saw me that day, you first instinct was to help me. You pulled me out and used your magic to heal my wounds. You didn’t have to. You could’ve dropped me at a hospital. You could’ve even walked away and pretended that you never saw me, but you didn’t. Why is that?”
“Because I thought you were handsome?”, she said trying to lighten this too-heavy-for-comfort conversation he was trying to have.
“Nice try. I know you. You saved me because you cared. You helped me and the Titans save the city more than once because you cared. It is who you are. I’ve seen you care about and worry over complete strangers without conditions. So why do you think that there has to be some kind of a barter system when it comes to you? Why think that I would want to gain something if I cared about you?”
“Because everyone else did.”
The words shot out from her mouth quicker than she realized. She had voiced her greatest insecurity to the one person who never had anything to add to it and Dick’s heart clenched at the implications of her words, ‘She has never been loved unconditionally before’ his brain provided.
The tears she blinked back earlier came back with full force. She felt two strong arms that wrapped around her, all the while being mindful of her injuries. Dick pulled her into a hug and that was it. She couldn’t control the sobs that tore through her throat, the pain in her body flared due her erratic movements. She knew once the tears started flowing they wouldn’t stop at least not for a while, but now that her façade had been broken she couldn’t bring herself to give it another thought.
He waited for her to let it out, let out all the pent up emotions she had. Now that he thought about it he had never seen her cry. He never questioned it, maybe he should’ve.
“I don’t know who’s responsible for hurting you (Y/N), God, how much I wish I did”, his arms slightly tighten around her at that. “I am so sorry that you have felt like you have to have your walls up all the time, even around me and I should’ve seen that, I should’ve realized that before but I didn’t and I am so sorry for that. I can’t undo the damage you’ve endured and I will not pretend that I can. What I can do is promise you that I’d never let you down like that, never.”
The words he spoke were clear. He didn’t try to tell her to put her walls down, to trust him when she had no reason to. He also didn’t need to justify himself or make such over the top promises but it felt nice to hear it. She had already stopped crying the moment he started speaking again but she still had her forehead pressed against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, it was calming in a way she couldn’t describe. She pulled her head back to look at him, and the honesty in his voice earlier matched the one in his eyes.
Hearing her response, he gave her his signature grin. It sent unexpected warmth through her, he always had that effect on her. She was sure she was just blushing at this point and was suddenly thankful for the dim lighting in the room. 
She ended up composing herself rather quickly, jabbing a finger at his armored chest with her usual smirk plastered on her face.
“Now that you’ve made that promise, know this, Dick Grayson, if you let me down I will drop a mountain on you.”
“You mean that figuratively?”
“No I mean that geologically”, he waited for her to say she was kidding. She didn’t.
“Alright, alright”, He held his hands out in mock surrender. After considering the look in her eyes, Dick refrained from questioning the feasibility of that action nor did he want to question her magical abilities or intent. Last he remembered, Wally did that and that conversation ended with him being teleported to Sahara and Dick would very much like to avoid the same fate as his best friend.
Deciding that was more than enough exhaustion for one night, he got up from the bed and kissed her goodnight, informing her that he’d be sleeping on the couch so that he wouldn’t accidently hit her injuries in his sleep. She agreed and watched him slip out of the room before falling into the blissful sleep she had been putting off since forever.
She knew Dick Grayson was full of surprises but the next morning when he put forward the offer of become a full time Titan, in front of her, she wondered if she fell from the bed in her sleep and ended up  getting another concussion because he was so not making any sense.
“So let me get this straight, you want me to come live with you and your superhero friends, in the Titans freaking Tower?!”
“I was hoping for a little less yelling after an emotional evening but yes that is exactly what I’m asking.”
“Dick that’s just ridiculous!”
“Look, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
He looked like a kicked puppy which made her feel kinda guilty for all the yelling.
“It’s not that…It’s just there is still a lot about me I haven’t told them. There is still a lot I haven’t told you. I don’t see a reason why you all would want to trust a possible threat, let alone live with it”, she gestured to herself.
Dick felt like there was a deeper meaning behind her words, as if she was voicing her own fear rather than theirs but he trusted her enough to tell him about it when she was ready, on her own terms. He could wait till then but for now he crossed the short distance between them, going around the breakfast table till he stood in front of her. He grasped both of her hands in his and ran his thumb soothingly across her knuckles. He bent down to place a soft kiss on her forehead, and then moved to meet her gaze.
“(Y/N), I know you and I trust you and…It sounds silly considering I was raised by the worlds greatest detective but I believe that you don’t have to know every little detail about someone as long as you already know what’s in their heart.” Bruce probably would’ve disagreed but he wasn’t Bruce.
“And you know what’s in mine?”
“And I know what’s in yours.” His statement was firm and left no room for argument, not when it came to this.
“If you’re sure about this, then I guess...”
“Is that a yes I’m hearing?”, There was that smile again, seriously what was up with him and his smile that made her giddy inside.
In between thoughts she realized he was still waiting for a response so she nodded. Any underlying doubts she had about her answer vanished when she took in how happy it made him. As cheesy as it sounded seeing him happy made her happy. A part of her said it wouldn’t last long, but seeing her boyfriend hop onto the couch full of joy as he called his friends about the latest development in their lives, she wanted to believe otherwise.    
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alecmagnuslwb · 3 years
Marriage is a Contract and My Signature is Unreadable
Read on AO3
John’s never seen a bride wear fishnets with their stunning white dress, but Dinah Lance is pulling it off somehow. Admittedly though John hasn’t seen that many brides that weren’t ghosts or the earthly demonic embodiment of some sort of hell beastie so maybe his experience in weddings and bridal wear is a bit skewed.
Of course he’s also a bit skewed because in his eyes no one at this wedding, not even the bride no disrespect to the woman who’s by far one of the few supers he can truly say he likes, is as stunning as his date. Zatanna sits beside him at their table, the reception in full swing now, her legs crossed the deep navy-blue asymmetrical dress she’s wearing showing off a tantalizing bit of her leg. Her tattoo, the twin to his peeks out from the front of the dress right next to the silver lining at the edges where the dress straps around her neck. She’s a fucking vision his Zatanna.
“I can’t believe they finally did it,” Zatanna says gliding her silver French tipped nails with little crescent moons on them along her glass of champagne. “I really thought Lois and Clark would be the only ones to take the plunge.”
Supers aren’t known for tying the knot, their world is so complicated and their relationships so wild they never find the time to actually get around to it. The fact that Dinah and Oliver managed to not only successfully get engaged, but plan a real wedding and have the ceremony without any major incidents happening in the middle is a miracle if John’s ever actually seen one.
“Who do you think’ll be next?” John says surveying the room. Every hero he’s ever met and ever butted heads with is here out of costume and all dressed up to the nines. There’s a congregation of Green Lantern’s by the bar, Superman is on the dance floor poorly attempting to floss as Nightwing laughs his fine ass off at him, the Flash is somehow dancing with his girlfriend and eating every item on the buffet simultaneously.  “Seems like two in a row will make a domino effect, yeah?”
Zatanna hums in thought her piercing blue eyes with the glittery navy blue and silver eyeliner around them shimmering in the light as she tilts her head in thought. She carefully scratches at the space beside the cluster of tiny rhinestones artfully placed around her right eyebrow and settles her eyes to a table across the room with a smile.
“Wally and Linda for sure,” she says tilting her head their direction. John swivels to look at them. Unlike Barry who’s still zooming back and forth from Iris to the buffet, Wally is wholly engrossed in every movement Linda makes as she talks rapidly her hands moving all about as she speaks to Mia Dearden on the other side of the table. That is a man wholly in love, enraptured by the woman he gets to call his own. John understands the sentiment as he looks back to Zatanna her dark blue painted lips still resting in a beautiful smile.
“What if it was us?” John asks leaning in closer to her a wicked smile on his face.
Zatanna snorts, a harsh indelicate thing that on anyone else would be unattractive.
“Aww, love you too, Zee,” John says faux offended falling back against his chair. He knew it was an absurd suggestion the moment he said it.
“I’m sorry, you know I love you,” she says holding up a hand attempting to hide her laughter. “It’s just look at us, we’re coming up on our first and only three-year anniversary. We’re not exactly known for being good at this.”
It’s a valid point. Despite the fact they have technically been together for over a decade they’ve gone through their fair share of ups and downs, break ups and make ups and even a few trips to hell and literal deaths. John has screwed up more times than he can count and even Zatanna has bungled it once or twice. Complicated has at almost all times been their relationship status, but the past three years, ever since John got his head out of his ass and finally decided to sort out this one particular aspect of his life they’ve been good, solid.
“Okay, true, but you’re stuck with me and we can’t act like there aren’t benefits to the whole marriage sham,” he says stretching his arms behind his head.
“It’s extremely comforting you called it a sham,” Zatanna says giving him a fondly exasperated look. “But you know maybe you’re right the tax incentives alone are a real benefit.”
“Now, the tax incentives would be appealing if I had ever in my life filed my taxes,” John says with a laugh.
“You’ve never filed taxes?” Zatanna says with a slightly startled look.
John just shrugs tossing back the remainder of his champagne. “It’s not like I’ve ever had any real upstanding type of job that would require me to fill out a W4 or whatever.”
“It’s a W2,” Zatanna corrects. “And John you live with me, our landlord made me put your name on the lease because he saw you there so much. You could totally get caught.”
“Eh, it’ll be fine,” John says with an unconcerned wave of his hand. “The fact that I’m not technically a citizen of this country is probably a bigger issue than the tax thing anyway.”
“John!” Zatanna exclaims with a laugh.
“What? You can’t have thought I actually went to a baseball park and held my hands up and did the national anthem or whatever,” he says kicking his feet up on the empty chair next to him.
“Clearly you haven’t considering that’s not at all how citizenship works,” Zatanna chuckles. “But hey there’s a potential benefit of marriage for us, citizenship.”
“Ah the romance of marrying not for love, but so the government pricks don’t send your ass packing,” John reaches out a hand tangling his fingers with Zatanna’s on the table his thumb running small circles into her hand.
Zatanna hums. “I guess lack of romance aside it wouldn’t matter since I can always just portal you back into the country on a whim anyways.”
John nods in agreement trying to come up with another benefit they might be able to actually take advantage of. “You couldn’t testify against me in court, that could be incredibly useful down the line.”
Zatanna raises one jeweled eyebrow, “Is there a crime you’ve committed lately you’ve neglected to tell me about?”
John thinks for a moment genuinely scanning his memories in case there is something he forgot to tell her about. “No,” he settles on confidently. He’s pretty sure at least. “I’m just thinking in general considering my track record in the past.”
Zatanna pats the top of his hand with a smile. “As if any prison could hold you long enough for me to even be asked a single question.”
John just laughs again, “Alright so maybe there aren’t that many marital benefits for us to take advantage of then.”
“No parents to satisfy,” Zatanna sighs. “And of course making medical decisions for one another doesn’t really matter when you use magic and superhero doctors that definitely don’t accept any sort of co-pay,” she adds on with a contemplative bite of her lip.
“Half your friends hate me,” John says thoughtfully with a chuckle.
“And half your friends are dead,” Zatanna says ruefully tapping a nail to her chin. “The wedding party would be abysmally uneven.”
“I haven’t bought a new tie in years,” John says tugging at the red thing around his neck. He looks hilariously basic compared to Zatanna’s ensemble essentially wearing what he wears any given day of the week the only difference being Zatanna had forced him into a subtly lace patterned black jacket for a change and repainted his chipped nails for the first time in two weeks. “It’d make the pictures look horribly out of place.”
“Plus let’s be real I’m a show woman, I’d probably hate having to share the spotlight with you for one day,” Zatanna smiles teasingly. John smiles back shifting so that he’s scooting his chair closer to hers. He lifts a hand to her face twisting a long dark hair that’s slipped from her twisty updo held in place by two sharp silver hair pins with crescent moons at the end to match her nails and tucking it back behind her ear.
“So, basically there’s not a benefit in this world or a thing that would change if we got married,” John says letting the silky hair go.
“The only thing I can think of is that I like shiny jewelry and you look hot when you wear silver rings,” Zatanna says reaching back and pulling the two pins from her hair letting it all fall across her shoulders, the one stand out streak of navy blue appearing as it falls.
“And we can buy each other jewelry anytime without a reason,” he says brushing the bit of hair that’s fallen into her eyes away.
Zatanna smiles at him once before standing holding out a hand that he instantly takes. She guides him to the dance floor twining her fingers behind his head slowly.
They sway slowly to some sappy love song John vaguely recognizes their eyes locked on one another.
“You know,” she says after a while her fingers pulling through the hair that’s getting a bit too long at the base of his neck. “Just because I don’t want to get married doesn’t mean I don’t want you for as long as I can have you, right?”
He does know that. It’s inexplicable to him why someone as bright and vibrant and good as her wants him, but she does and he intends to keep it that way till the demons or the cigarettes kill him.
“I know. I’m happy how we are, knowing us, and by us I mean me, marriage would end up mucking everything up anyways,” he says pulling her in closer his hands moving from their grip on her waist to the exposed small of her back. “We can just keep going to everyone else’s weddings and raiding their open bars.”
Zatanna laughs then leans up kissing him once soft and slow not even smudging her lipstick in the slightest. She stays close when she pulls back resting her head on his chest as they continue to sway.
“We really need to get your name off of my lease though, I don’t need the government showing up and trying to audit me,” she says softly. “I’d be a nightmare for Mistress of Magic brand.”
John laughs loud and bright leaning his head down to kiss her once atop the head already planning a minor break in to the landlord’s apartment. It’ll be okay if he gets caught, married or not he knows she won’t testify against him.
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dc-x-readers · 5 years
Protect (Zatanna Zatara x Reader)
Request from @freedomfighterposts Request to have a Zatanna x fem reader where Zatanna wants to practise more of her physical abilities and seeks out reader who trains people like Jason Todd to help train her. Zatanna gets enamoured by readers sweaty, glistening abs and muscles and acts very submissive to reader but then Z uses magic to impress reader into getting a fancy date which reader isnt the most comfortable with where its zatannas turn to act dominant.
I am aware that Zatanna was a part of the original group for Young Justice, but I have decided to ignore that for the sake of this story. In this Imagine Zatanna joined Young Justice around the time Donna Troy did. I got a little carried away with this one. Sorry
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You lived your life by two rules: Keep moving, and don’t get killed. They seemed to be simple rules, but somehow they consumed your entire life.
You had been a nomad of sorts since you turned fifteen, moving from place to place just long enough so that you could survive. That all changed when you met a half feral Jason Todd. He was scared, strong and angry, just arising from the Lazurus pit, and you felt pity. So you taught him how to fight, and how to kill, his previous mentor had done a good job with defensive techniques, but Jason had been sorely lacking on the offensive.
When Jason announced he was going home, you went with him. Because why the hell not? You had already been in one place too long, and you liked Jason, he was like a little brother.
In Gotham, after the whole debacle with Jason and his father, Jason introduced you to the Batman. Jason said you were the best trainer out there, and Batman didn’t believe it.
Batman asked to spar with you, no weapons, just one on one. You knew Batman was strong, he was an inch or two taller than Jason, who towered over you, and he was seemingly built with all muscles. Besides that he had experience. But you agreed, because Jason wanted this, and you would do anything for the stupid boy.
You and Batman circled each other, your fists raised to fight. He attacked first, coming at you with a powerful swing. You planted yourself to look as if you were going to block the move, but at the last second circled away. Batman stumbled forward slightly, but he turned quickly with a kick to you gut. It knocked you back, but you countered with three rapid punches.
The fight went on for fifteen minutes, before Batman finally knocked you down. You were both sweaty and tired.
From beneath his cowl you saw Batman grin slightly, he had won, but you had put up one hell of a fight. Almost his equal in the match.
“If you want Y/N.” Batman said, “I have a job for you.”
And you did want, because it let you be close to your chosen brother. Batman appointed you the trainer of Young Justice, a group of teenage heroes. And your first lesson would be the following day.
You arrived in Mount Justice about a half hour early, Jason by your side. He was no longer a member of the little sidekick group, but he wanted to be here with you on your first day. You didn’t tell him you were grateful, but he knew.
He knew you weren’t the best with social interactions, a side effect of living on the road for so long, connections were hard for you to make. Jason being here was his way of supporting you.
The Young Justice members came into the room, most one time, a few moments late.
“To start I want to train one on one with each of you. Five minutes sparring with me, see where you are all at. And no use of powers, I want to see your innate ability.” You stated, and began to pull your shirt over your head, leaving you in a sports bra.
You shirt covered you face when you heard running footsteps, the a voice breathlessly saying, “Sorry that I’m…”
The girl trailed off, and you threw your shirt to the side seeing a youn g woman with long black hair and a ridiculous costume. She was staring at you with a slack jaw and wide eyes.
“Late.” You supplied.
The girl nodded twice, still silent her mouth still hanging open. You turned away, uncomfortable with her stare, but from the corner of your eye you saw a girl nudge her in the ribs.
You called forward the members of the team one at a time to fight.
First was Donna Troy. She had lots of power, but relied too heavily on her strength.
Next was Tim Drake. His moves were calculated and with quick precision, but he had the same problem that Jason had when he started. He was inept at offensive fighting.
And it went on until it was time for Zatanna, the girl who had stared at you. She shuffled to the center of the ring, her get up was terrible for fighting. Tights, High Heels, and at tuxedo jacket?
She wasn’t as bad as you thought she would be, which wasn’t saying much. She was able to spin kick, and do acrobatic flips, but she wasn’t able to really fight.
When all the sidekicks were done fighting, and Jason was done snickering at their attempts, you clapped you hands together once. You looked at each of them, they were all woefully untrained, and those with special abilities relied too heavily on them.
“You all did okay, but we have a lot of work to do.” You stated. “I’m going to make a schedule for training, and if any of you need just sign up for more.”
Most of the kids groaned, but you gave them a glare which shut them up.
The schedule was posted at the end of the day, most people were only one two to three times a week, but those who needed extra help, like Beast Boy and Zatanna were on the schedule five times.
Training was easy, you had been fighting your entire life, and you picked up new moves easily. You also learned the best ways to avoid injuries. So passing on your knowledge seemed fair.
You came to enjoy your daily spars, you liked fighting with Tim the best. He was quiet and took instructions well, never trying to talk with you unless to ask relevant questions. The same could not be said for the rest of your students. They all wanted to know your history and your life story, usually if you glared at them extra hard the line of questioning for the day would be done.
Zatanna however was different, she seemed quiet when she was with you, her eyes were always wide as she stared at you. When you put your hands on her to correct her posture sometimes she would jump, or flinch. You wondered what you did to this girl, and why she was so afraid of you, especially because you knew she was rather talkative with the rest of her peers.
It was your twelfth training session with Zatanna and her progress was incredibly slow. All of your other students were showing marked improvements, but Zatanna was showing nothing.
At the end of your session you looked her up and down. She was sitting on the bench, exhausted, drinking for a bottle of water, clearly she was working hard, but nothing was clicking for her.
“Zatanna.” You said, she looked up at the sound of your voice, her eyes met yours then turned away quickly. You gracefully chose to ignore that. “Next time we work together wear gym clothes, not… that.”
And for the first time since you met her you saw Zatanna bristle with emotions. Usually around you she was shy and guarded, but suddenly she looked frustrated.
“Why? What’s wrong with my uniform?” She asked defensively.
Uniform, so that’s what she called her get up.
“It’s not good for hand to hand combat, too many moving parts, and high heels.” You repled, leaning down to get a sip of water yourself.
“I don’t understand why I even need to learn this stuff.” Zatanna spoke angrily, her tone was sharp, “I have my magic. It’s all I need.”
“And if your magic fails, if someone takes it away?” You asked coldly, and you saw Zatanna open her mouth, about to mount another defense, but you continued. “What if you’re up against an enemy who is evenly matched in power. You need other skills to survive as a hero.”
You turned around an stormed out of the room, not giving  the girl a chance to respond. But the next time you trained with Zatanna, she was wearing gym clothes, and you smiled.
Zatanna’s progress was still slow, but she was doing better then before. She was still shy, an blushed whenever you gave her slight contact. It was after a particularly rough session that you finally asked.
Normally you wouldn’t pry into your student’s social life, because you didn’t want them to ask about yours, but she was different. She seemed afraid of you, and that was off-putting.
“Do I make you uncomfortable?” You asked as she sipped from her waterbottle.
Zatanna almost choked, her eyes darted to you, then back to her drink, “Of course you make me uncomfortable, I mean your so hot. And all controlling, and you have glistening sweating abs, and your biceps. And oh God, I just said this all out loud.”
You stared at Zatanna shocked, people generally didn’t like you, you were stony and hard to get along with.
Zatanna looked at you, her face was a deep red by now, “I’m sorry.”
“What?” You asked dumbly.
“I made you uncomfortable didn’t I?” Zatanna sighed, “I really need to learn how to filter.”
You sat down next to Zatanna, she was looking down at her hands rather upset. You felt a pang in your chest, you didn’t like seeing her like this. So sad and worried.
“You didn’t make me uncomfortable.” You lied. She did make you uncomfortable, but it wasn’t really because she had feelings for you, it was more because most people made you uncomfortable. You had kept everyone at an arms length before Jason, and it was hard to let anyone in now.
Zatanna looked up with a soft smile, “Really?”
“Really.” You confirmed.
You stood up, readying yourself to pack up your things. But Zatanna said something that shocked you, “Would you go, I mean would you like to go on a date with me?”
You stared at her unsure what to say, you had never been asked out before. Zatanna seemed crestfallen at your look, so you quickly smiled, not liking to see her upset.
The night of your big date with Jason you were pacing in your apartment. Jason was laughing as you nervously checked your hair and reapplied make-up.
“Just be yourself.” Jason said rather unhelpfully.
“Shut up!” You shot back, making him laugh more.
You had changed your outfit three times before Zatanna knocked on your door. She arrived looking gorgeous, a well tailored suit jacket and slacks, with no shirt beneath. You could see her pale skin, and your heart fluttered at the idea.
“Come on, the restaurant is waiting.” Zatanna said with a large smile.
You smiled nervously, and nodded, following her out to the car. Jason called out behind the two of you, something about not doing anything he would do. You blushed harder.
Zatanna lead you to a glossy and sleek black car, opening the door for you. It was strange that she was so confident on this date and you were so nervous, it was as if you personalities had switched.
The restaurant was really nice, you and Zatanna had a low lit booth in the corner.
You opened your mouth, but unsure what to say you closed it again.
“Are you nervous?” Zatanna asked playfully.
“A little.” Was your honest answer. Zatanna’s smile grew wide at the news. She looked so pretty in the here.
“Wow, I thought you were super alpha female, not scared of anything.” Zatanna smirked, “It’s good to know that I am aloud to be more dominant in this relationship.”
You didn’t really know what Zatanna was talking about, but when she smiled at you everything felt safer. She talked to you the whole night, and you actually enjoyed your time.
As much as you physically protected her, teaching her to fight and all, she seemed to emotionally protect you.
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missmartian369 · 5 years
Girl Talk
It was a Sunday afternoon and Cassie was sitting in a booth at Bibbo’s Diner waiting for Traci to arrive. A few days ago, Traci offered for the two of them to hang out together and since they both have quite a sweet tooth, it was agreed that Bibbo’s Diner would be the first stop of their day.
After a few more minutes Traci finally arrived. “Sorry I’m late.” She said as she sat down opposite from Cassie. “I got caught up with some house chores that my dad gave me. I hope you weren’t waiting too long.”
“Nah I’ve only been here for like 5 minutes.” Cassie answered her. She looked at the menu. “I love the apple pies here.” She said.
“I like the devil’s food cake. It’s feels like heaven in your mouth.” Traci said.
A waiter came and took their dessert orders, along with two cups of hot chocolate, and left.
“So how have you been Cassie?” Traci asked with a smile, her hands crossed underneath her chin.
“Eh I’ve been okay. Nothing spectacular has really happened.” Cassie said with a shrug. “How about you?” She asked.
“Same on my end. My training with Zatanna is going good!” Traci said. “Oh cool! You think that what you are learning is helping a lot when it comes to controlling your powers?” Cassie asked.
“Oh most definitely! Zatanna is a really great mentor and gives me so many great tools and training exercises! There’s still a few hiccups…..but I’m getting there!” Traci said.
“I’m glad! Ha-ha remember when you accidentally sent a bad luck blast Jaime’s way during our spar training?” Cassie asked with a laugh. Traci covered her face with embarrassment.
“Oh my gosh! I still can’t believe that happened! Like I made sure to focus just on the hand-to-hand combat and when you almost knocked me off my feet I guess I lost control.” Traci said.
Cassie snickered. “I will never forget the look on Jaime’s face!” She said while laughing. “He was like….!” She then imitates the face that he made.
“I could not apologize enough.” Traci said. “Ooh come on Jaime knew you didn’t do it on purpose. Everyone knew.” Cassie told her.
“Yeah tell that to Jaime’s scarab. He told me that he wanted to plasma cannon me.” Traci said with a laugh.
“Oh the scarab is like that with everyone. You are still fairly new so he’s still getting to know you. Besides, Jaime won’t let the scarab try to eliminate you of all people.” Cassie told her with a smirk.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Traci said, trying to act like she didn’t know where this conversation was headed. The waiter then arrived back at their table with their desserts and hot chocolate.
“Oh please all of us can tell that you two like each other.” Cassie said digging into her pie. “You guys are like the perfect match.” She added.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Traci said, blushing slightly. Cassie smirked.
“Oh really? Because you two always seem to gravitate towards each other when we are all together. Plus you didn’t even think that it was weird when it looked like he was having a conversation with himself you first met him.” Cassie told her.
“That doesn’t mean anything!” Traci said, still blushing.
“He also calls you bonita all of the time, and we all know that that means ‘pretty’. Plus you two are going on a double date with Tye and Asami at that summer festival that El Paso has every year.” Cassie said, still smirking.
“Jaime has a name for everyone,” Traci started, “That just so happens to be mine.” She finished, looking down, smiling. “And it isn’t a double date! Jaime’s inviting Bart and Virgil to come along. And Tye is inviting Ed to come, too, since it’s been a while since he, Asami, Ed, and Virgil hung out together.” Traci told Cassie, looking back up at her.
“Ok fine whatever you say.” Cassie said, putting her hands up in surrender. “I will say that you two would make an adorable couple. He’s a good guy.” Cassie said and then looked down with a slight frown. Traci noticed.
“You’re missing Tim aren’t you?” Traci asked, immediately understanding Cassie’s forlorn look.
“Yeah I do,” Cassie started, “But I’m also still mad at him. Like really mad! I still can’t believe he didn’t tell me about you-know-what.” Cassie said, not going into specifics as they were in public. “I’m his girlfriend….he….he’s supposed to trust me. Maybe he just doesn’t love me anymore.” Cassie said, looking down.
“Hey don’t say things like that Cas!” Traci said, putting her hand over Cassie’s. “Tim does love you. I know he does. He just did something incredibly stupid. You two will get past this I know you will.” Traci said.
Cassie smiled at her. “Thanks Trac. You’re a really great friend. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” She told her.
“You’d confine yourself to your room and just die of complete and utter angst.” Traci said smirking, taking another bite of her devil’s food.
“Oh ha ha ha.” Cassie said. The two girls laughed.
“Hey I have an idea!” Traci exclaimed. “Why don’t you come with us to the festival in El Paso? The others would love to have you there.” Traci asked Cassie.
Cassie nodded her head excitedly, “I would love that!” Cassie said.
Traci smiled and the two girls continued to converse until they finished their food. They paid the bill and left the restaurant. Once outside they contemplated on what to do next.
“So where to now?” Traci asked Cassie.
“I don’t know. There’s so much to do in Metropolis that I can’t keep track.” Cassie told her. The two teenagers continued to contemplate their next move when they noticed a group of three teenagers around their age running in their direction.
“We have to hurry! We need to get their before they run out of our sizes!” One girl said.
“I’m running as fast as I can!” Another girl said.
“Don’t worry you two. The shoe department store in the mall is huge! And they always have thousands of shoes to choose from during their annual mega sale!” The last girl said.
They ran past Cassie and Traci during their discussion. Cassie and Traci watched them run down the sidewalk and turned their heads to look at each other.
“Race you there?”
“No flying.”
The two girls then bolted down the sidewalk following the group of teens, their shoe haven, otherwise known as the Metropolis Mall, being just a few blocks down the road.
I plan on having ‘Girl Talk’ to be a series of entries with the girls just talking to each other. They’ll include Cassie and Traci, Cissie and Stephanie, all four of them together, some or all of them with M’Gann, etc. I hope you enjoy this first installment!
Here is a link to the story on fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13268013/1/The-Team-and-Their-Shenanigans
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habibialkaysani · 6 years
Vows (Laurel/Nyssa; T)
Ships: Laurel/Nyssa
Summary: Across the multiverse, Dinah Laurel Lance and Nyssa (Amina) Raatko make promises to each other. Or, the three earths promises are kept, and the one earth in which they aren't.
A/N: So this is another fic long in the making, and it's one of my longer fics, actually. It features Laurel and Nyssa on earth-1, earth-8, earth-17 and earth-2, in that order. There's a lot that's inspired this fic, but primarily my friend Sophia, aka @sophiainspace, whose encouragement really helped push me to finish this when I felt like giving up. Credit also goes to Mo, aka @stungunmilly2, who read through an early version of one section of this, and Graz, aka @trumvh, who looked through the whole thing in record time.
Read at AO3
i. earth-1
It's still strange for Laurel to see her doppelganger from earth-2, this woman who calls herself Black Siren. This Laurel - no, Laurel corrects, Dinah is what she likes to be called - is her mirror image and yet her imperfect reflection who folded her arms and rolled her eyes when Laurel shared her uncertainty about Nyssa's feelings for her.
But Dinah also did something else. She told Laurel that she should go get her girl, damn it, because Nyssa is so very head-over-heels in love with her and Laurel’s an idiot if she can’t see that, and that lifts Laurel's spirits a little, even now.
Dinah's asleep, her face a little bruised but otherwise looking fine. Laurel isn't entirely sure why she insisted that she and Nyssa rescue her from this new guy Ricardo Diaz - maybe because, in a weird way, Laurel considers Dinah family. At the very least she's Laurel's twin, and resurrected or not, Laurel's always taken care of her family, no matter what earth they happen to be from.
“Are you all right?” Nyssa's voice makes Laurel jump. “I'm sorry if I startled you, ya Laurel.”
Laurel tries to smile. “It's okay. Is that -”
“Big Belly Burger, as promised,” Nyssa says with a smile, holding up the paper bag. “Though they only had strawberry milkshakes.”
“No black and white ones in sight, huh?” Laurel says before she can stop herself and she’s thankful when somehow, miraculously, Nyssa manages a laugh.
“Unfortunately, no.”
“It’s fine - thanks,” Laurel says, taking the bag gratefully. “Hey, we haven't really had a chance to talk about - everything, really.”
“With our little detour to Central City,” Nyssa says, inclining her head a little at Laurel's sleeping doppelganger on the couch, “I suppose we haven't had the time.”
“I can't believe how much she looks like me,” Laurel says quietly, sitting at the table. “I mean - I know you said she was my evil twin but seeing her, speaking to her - it really is like looking in the mirror.”
“I did not say she was your evil anything,” Nyssa says, raising her eyebrows and trying but failing to look affronted. (Her eyes give her away, the way they twinkle with warmth she can't seem to suppress.) “That was more what Thea said, if I recall correctly.”
Biting into a fry, Laurel considers. “Okay,” she says after a second, “looking at this stranger who has my face and has made even poorer life choices than me yet has taken my place and is - impersonating me - just seeing her is strange.”
“Are you sure her poor life choices are the ones you want to talk about?” Nyssa says lightly, but the way her teeth worry her bottom lip betray her casual tone.
“Nyssa -”
Laurel’s surprised when Nyssa reaches out - as if to touch Laurel’s hand - but then seems to think better of it. “You can say it, you know.”
“I just - I don't understand,” Laurel says. “I was dead.”
“A fact of which I was acutely aware.”
“After everything you told me about moving on from Sara's death despite missing her, mourning her - I don't get why you would bring me back.”
“The bloodlust should not be nearly as prevalent of a side effect with this Pit as it was with my father’s, if that is what you are concerned about,” Nyssa says, looking away, not so much dodging the question as much as ignoring it altogether. “As far as legend has it, as per the map provided by Merlyn, no one has bathed in these particular waters before.”
Fine. Nyssa’s not going to tell her. Laurel sits up and folds her arms. “What about my soul?”
“During my travels after you… died - I met a woman. Zatanna Zatara. She happens to be none other than John Constantine’s former teacher.”
“So of course she knew how to restore my soul,” Laurel says with a nod. “How did you convince her?”
Nyssa manages a half-smile. “Put it this way. The people who owe me favours are far more powerful than those who owe Oliver Queen anything.”
In return Laurel manages a chuckle. “Point taken.”
They eat in silence for a minute, and it's after Nyssa takes a sip of her milkshake that she says, “Are you upset with me?”
“I don't know,” Laurel answers truthfully. “I don't know what I'm feeling, to be honest. Even after I've had time to - process. And I realise I might sound like a hypocrite considering what I did - but I don't know why you brought me back. Especially because - there isn't anything left for me here. Not anymore.” She chokes back tears now, because she's put a dam between her and the inevitable floodgates of grief until she can process that, too, but it's taking too much strength to keep it up. The tears are hot as they trickle down her cheeks and Laurel closes her eyes, trying to will herself to steady a little.
“I know my condolences aren't much to offer,” Nyssa says, and Laurel knows she means it. “But I will offer them nevertheless. You deserved to say goodbye to him.”
“Thank you,” Laurel says faintly. “And I know he wasn't perfect - God knows he could have done things differently for me as a father… but I still can't believe he's gone.”
“And I'm sorry I couldn't bring him back,” Nyssa continues. “But this Pit is different from the others. That's how I knew it wasn't used before - because this one is special. It can only be used once. And when we lost you… your father asked me to bring you back. I couldn't. Once I discovered the other Pits... I realised I could right at least one wrong in the world. And that was when you were taken from it.”
“And that's it?” Laurel says after a pause. “That's why you literally brought me back from the dead? To honour the memory of a man who didn't even like you very much?”
Nyssa shakes her head. “No, that's not why. I -” And it's only now that Nyssa loses some of her composure and Laurel feels a weird sense of victory knowing that she's finally gotten under Nyssa's skin - from what she remembers that is no small feat. But then Laurel shakes her head, remembering what her doppelganger said to her before she fell asleep. That Nyssa loves her. She must, to go to such lengths to bring her back from another plane of existence altogether. And the whys and hows are important, sure, but right now as she watches Nyssa al Ghul nervously take a sip of her milkshake, Laurel realises there's something that takes precedence.
Taking a deep breath, Laurel reaches out, gently moving Nyssa's hand away from her milkshake, pushing it aside.
“I'm sorry,” Laurel says softly, touching Nyssa's cheek. “I didn't mean to push you. My head was always kind of all over the place even without the whole resurrection thing. And now it’s like - everything’s so intense.”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you remember… the first few days we spent together?” Laurel says after hesitating for a long moment.
“After my father disowned me, you mean?”
“No,” she answers. “I’m talking about - those summer nights, after everything went down with that bioweapon attack and Oliver killed your father and you were going to leave for Nanda Parbat and we -”
“Yes,” Nyssa interrupts with a smile, one that spreads slowly across her face, not just with her lips but with her eyes, rich with so much feeling, right across to the faint blush on cheekbones so sharp they could cut glass. “Do you think I would ever forget the happiest days of my life?”
At this, Laurel’s lost for words, and it takes a few seconds for her to find her voice again. When she does speak, she realises she’s getting choked up and clears her throat impatiently. “There was this time you said to me that you just… felt too much. Every emotion - anger, love, hate, sadness - and that you didn’t understand how I could see past that. But now I really get that. Because right now, that’s me all over. It’s like - the volume of all these feelings and memories and thoughts is turned right up, and it’s hard for me to even think.”
“And for that I’m -”
“I don’t want you to be sorry,” Laurel cuts across softly. “I don't want to sound ungrateful, Nyssa, because I'm not. I just don’t get what makes me so special.”
“Laurel, before your funeral, I told your father I would do anything for you,” Nyssa says. “I meant it then, after I had lost you, and I mean it now. And I've been - lost without you. Not just lonely, like I was when I lost Sara. This was worse. It was like part of me had been missing. And seeing you here, living and breathing as I bear witness - I feel close to whole for maybe the first time in my life. And maybe that was selfish of me, but if it means making the world a little brighter by bringing you back into it… I think it's worth it. Even if you never forgive me for it.”
This time Laurel smiles automatically. “Nyssa - I don't need to forgive you. Because I love you for it.”
Nyssa's eyes widen in surprise, and she's half out of her chair as she leans forward and says, “Can I -”
But Laurel's already beat her to it, standing up too, kissing her, heart soaring when Nyssa lifts her off her feet.
“For the record,” Nyssa says through a soft gasp, “I love you too.”
ii. earth-8
Nyssa’s never run so fast in her life.
Sure, she’s chased perps before, but this is different. For once, Nyssa's running towards something, someone she wants, and not, she realises, to interrogate or put in a cell or even work with - no. She wants someone to have a future with.
She gets it now. Laurel wants more. And that’s why she’s leaving.
God, Nyssa's been so stupid. Even now, as she turns a corner and the train station comes into view, Nyssa can't believe she missed what was right in front of her the whole time. As Nyssa rushes towards the ticket barriers, she just about catches sight of Laurel’s familiar black leather jacket and blonde hair, heeled boots clacking against the platform as she’s about to board the train.
“Special Agent Nyssa Raatko, FBI,” Nyssa says quickly to the ticket officer, moving her jacket to show her badge. “I need to stop that train.”
“The one to Keystone?” he says, and she nods frantically. “Is something wrong?”
“No,” Nyssa says immediately, and the man raises his eyebrows. “I mean - yes, but it’s not - I just need to speak with someone on that train. Now.”
“So it’s urgent?” he asks, and Nyssa sighs, then puts her hands on her hips purposefully.
“Yes, it’s urgent. And you’re going to let me through unless you want me to arrest you for obstruction.”
He’s silent with a sullen look on his face as he lets Nyssa through the barrier with his pass, and Nyssa all but sprints towards the train, which is getting ready for departure and is about to close its doors. Thankfully Nyssa spots the conductor and when she shows her badge the woman puts her hand up, signalling to the driver, and the doors stay open.
“Nyssa Raatko, FBI,” Nyssa calls. “Nothing to worry about, just some, uh, routine checks.”
Before the conductor can question her further, Nyssa gets on, heart racing, searching for the face she’s grown to know so well over the years. She gets halfway through the carriage before she spots Laurel, who’s buried in a book - a romance, no doubt, knowing her - and doesn’t see Nyssa.
“Lance…” Nyssa starts to say, and Laurel frowns before looking up, and then her eyes widen in surprise.
“Raatko? What are you doing here?” Laurel demands, immediately getting to her feet. Nyssa can't blame her for being defensive, given how their last conversation ended.
“Looking for you, actually,” Nyssa replies after a second. “I wanted to…” But she trails off because what can she say, really? Where does she even start?
They're starting to attract attention from the other passengers.
Laurel draws herself up to her full height, crosses her arms. “What? You wanted to what? Tell me what the hell was so important you had to come here, now, because I don't know what's -”
“You were right,” Nyssa interrupts. “You said to me that I didn't know how to act like a normal person. That I've been keeping something from you and that I lied to you during our last assignment and you couldn't accept that when I was meant to be your partner and trust you with my life like you do with yours. That I'm closed off and selfish and difficult to work with - you're right. I'm all of those things and so, so much worse. But I - I can tell you the truth now.”
But Laurel still looks sceptical. “Why, because the truth suddenly sets you free?”
Nyssa shakes her head. “No. I'm never going to feel that way. But maybe - just maybe - I might change your mind. About leaving here.”
Laurel closes her eyes in exasperation and when she opens them again Nyssa's surprised to see they're brimming with emotion. “It's too late,” she says in a cracked voice. “You're too late. Whatever it is you're keeping from me - we're done, Raatko, because you don't trust me.”
“I do,” Nyssa says pleadingly. “Lance… Laurel, I really do. You're the person I trust most in the world.”
“So how could you lie to me?”
“To protect -”
“I don't need protection,” Laurel snaps. “I do the protecting. We do.”
“But I don't want anything to ever happen to you because I -”
“Because you what, Nyssa? I'm not a precious rookie snowflake anymore. But you refuse to treat me like an equal while convincing me that you want to be my friend - and then you wonder why I chose to leave? Really?”
But then Laurel's eyes move off Nyssa and over her shoulder.
“Agent Raatko, my colleague tells me you're holding up this train for an urgent FBI matter. Care to explain what the hell you think you're doing?”
Nyssa ignores the more senior-looking officer, though. Taking a deep breath, she goes with it, because it’s now or never, really. “The truth is, Laurel, that I - I love you. And I have battled with how I feel for so long because I… thought you were too good for me and I didn't think I could be good to you if by some miracle you felt the same way. I felt that if I told you - I'd risk losing you. And I can't lose you. Ever.”
The wave of relief Nyssa feels when she sees Laurel's shoulders fall slowly and her eyes soften is so strong that she's surprised she can stay upright because Nyssa's said her piece and yet Laurel isn't running away.
And the officer still behind Nyssa now has a hand on her shoulder but even her grip slackens a bit at Nyssa's words.
“What?” Laurel breathes after a good minute of total silence. (The carriage is silent, the other passengers waiting with bated breath.)
“I love you,” Nyssa repeats. “I've been in love with you for so long I don't think I can remember a time when I didn't. But I realised recently that it doesn't matter how you feel in return. I realised that how I feel doesn't have to have - conditions. I feel happy just to be able to say it to you because you mean so much to me and -”
“Okay, that's enough,” the officer interrupts, grabbing Nyssa's arm and steering her away.
Laurel doesn't call after Nyssa, so God only knows what she's thinking, but if Nyssa isn't mistaken she can definitely hear a sniffle as she's taken away into a separate room.
Not much is said to her, except that the officer is getting her supervisor, and Nyssa sits back in the chair, sighing. In the distance she can hear the sound of the whistle as the train departs the station, clearly delayed because of Nyssa's desperate last-ditch attempt to explain being a shitty human being to the only person in the world she's truly cared about but nevertheless still en route to Keystone.
And once again - she’s failed.
Nyssa puts her head in her hands, wondering what on earth made her decide to do something so stupid. She hears the door open but doesn't want to look up - that is, until she recognises the familiar scent of red vanilla perfume that she only associates with one person.
“Laurel,” Nyssa breathes. “What are you -?”
And despite everything, it's impossible for Nyssa's heart not to soar at Laurel's attempt at a nonchalant shrug. “I… thought I should try to get you out of this. Not that you haven't been in deeper shit before, but it's still bad. I mean - what would you have done it I were on a plane?”
Nyssa tries to smile. “TSA would probably have me arrested,” she says slowly, “because I would have tried to stop your flight.”
“This isn't like you, Nyssa,” Laurel says softly. “Breaking every rule in the book so you could tell me that you…” She can't quite finish that sentence and looks away. But it’s okay. Nyssa doesn't exactly expect her to.
“Suffice it to say that I am rarely, if ever, able to think straight when it comes to you.”
At first Laurel doesn't reply, just smiles, then her brow creases like she's seriously considering something, her gaze on Nyssa's mouth and then her eyes and then her mouth again. Automatically Nyssa closes her eyes and miraculously she's rewarded a second later when she feels Laurel's lips, warm and sweet and hungry for her, on her own.
When Laurel's kissed all the breath out of her and Nyssa is left gasping for air, she finally pulls away and says quietly, “Nyssa… don’t you dare think straight when it comes to me again, okay?”
“Understood,” Nyssa replies, still breathless and sure Laurel's smudged her lipstick a fair amount from their kiss. Sure enough, Laurel reaches out a second later, uses her finger to wipe away a bit of makeup from the corner of Nyssa's mouth, and Nyssa's heart is racing but after a moment she musters up the courage to ask, “What about your train?”
Laurel laughs now, and it's music to Nyssa's ears, especially when she says, “You asked me to stay, right?”
Nyssa smiles. “I did.” Daringly, she reaches out and touches Laurel's hand where it's still resting on the table, and Laurel squeezes her hand in return.
“Okay. I will.” And like everything with Laurel Lance it is just that simple for her. She grins at Nyssa, then gets to her feet as three annoyed-looking men walk into the room, and Nyssa breathes just a little bit easier - not because Laurel's going to get her out of this hole Nyssa's dug for herself (as per usual) but because by some miracle this beautiful woman she's head over heels in love with is still by her side.
iii. earth-17
Dusk is just starting to fall on one of Coast City’s quieter beaches. A few people are lingering on a couple of deck chairs on the far side of the coast, but as far as Dinah is concerned, there’s only one person with her right now, and that is her soon-to-be wife.
Nyssa is clad in a simple white dress, just like Dinah, wrists and neck decorated with tiny, intricate blue flower chains, the colour of the waves that gently splash forward from behind her. As she approaches Dinah, Nyssa's playing with her engagement ring and Dinah watches as the diamond catches the deep red rays from the glow of the sunset.
Dinah smiles. “Hey, you,” she says when Nyssa reaches her side. Reaching out, Dinah touches her fiancée’s wrist, then slips her fingers through Nyssa's.
“Ya Dinah,” Nyssa says softly, “are you… are you sure about this?”
“Why, are you getting cold feet or something?” Dinah asks playfully, and the quip has left her mouth before she sees the uncertainty on Nyssa's face, and then Dinah's sure her heart has dropped to her stomach in an instance and her face falls. “You're not - getting cold feet, are you?”
Her expression clearing a little, Nyssa raises her eyebrows. “On the contrary, the sand between my toes feels very warm indeed.”
“Dinah,” Nyssa interrupts, “you can't possibly think that I would have a single doubt about marrying you.” Dinah must still look worried, though, because at this Nyssa takes both of Dinah's hands into her own and kisses her knuckles. “My darling, I've dreamt of this day for so long. You know that.”
Dinah's breath catches in her throat now, and words almost fail her before she finally manages, “Save the vows for later, babe,” and Nyssa chuckles. Dinah wouldn't normally feel so choked up - God knows she was too busy worrying about Ollie being late to the altar at her first wedding to really get emotional - but she can't help it. It's happening, really happening. And this is not a pleasant dream that she'll surface from, disappointed and yearning for more, or some tortuous fantasy that she wouldn't ordinarily have even dared to dream until…
… until Lian Yu, until the boat she was on for her honeymoon capsized and her world was literally turned upside-down and to this day Dinah still doesn't quite understand how she emerged it from her ordeal alive.
“Yes,” Dinah says suddenly. Nyssa looks confused for a second. “In answer to your question - yes. I'm sure. I've never been more sure of anything in my life.”
“You really love me?” Nyssa's voice is soft with disbelief as she leans her forehead against Dinah's and looks her in the eyes.
“With everything in me,” Dinah replies without hesitation. “I always have.”
Nyssa breathes in deeply, then says, “I'm glad. I just - promise me something, please,” Nyssa says.
“Babe,” Dinah says, smiling, “you know I would promise you anything in the world.”
“No boats.”
“No boats,” Dinah repeats. “Cross my heart.”
“I hope this is a good time to interrupt.” Tatsu’s voice makes them both look up. “Hey, partner,” she says to Nyssa, who grins back. “You okay, Dinah?”
“Yeah,” Dinah says faintly, impatiently brushing away the tracks still on her cheeks. “Don't worry. They're - happy tears.”
Tatsu turns to Nyssa. “You wanna get right to it, then?”
“I would like that very much,” Nyssa says warmly.
“I have your vows here,” Tatsu says, handing a small folded square of paper to Dinah, then rummaging in her pocket for a slightly crumpled yellow napkin with Nyssa's familiar messy scrawl on it. Dinah raises her eyebrows at Tatsu, amused, only for Tatsu to shrug and turn to Nyssa.
“I wasn't sure what to write,” she admits to Dinah. “Only worked it out this morning.”
“Just keep talking like you stepped out of a Jane Austen novel and you'll be fine,” Dinah assures Nyssa with a wink.
Nyssa smiles back, moves to stand opposite Dinah. Unfolding her own vows, Dinah fumbles with the paper, her hands shaking a bit until Nyssa stills her with a touch of her fingertips.
“Ready?” Tatsu asks, and when Dinah looks at her she can see their friend’s eyes have lit up with warmth and Dinah knows right then that there is nowhere else any of them would rather be. “Dearly beloved. I am here today to bear witness to the long-anticipated union of Dinah Lance and Nyssa Raatko.”
“You mind if I go first?” Dinah says, and Nyssa's eyes twinkle because she must be thinking what Dinah's thinking. Nyssa just nods after a second, though, feeling Tatsu’s eyes on them, so Dinah takes a deep breath and says, “Nyssa, I...when I first met you, I - I thought I knew how I saw the world. And I thought I had a good idea of what justice meant. But I got you as my partner and… from the very beginning, you made me question everything. I remember you said I made you a better detective but you made me a better person. Because when I saw you, so strong in your convictions, fearless, and the most moral person I've ever known by a mile - you just threw me completely off my game. You're the only person who ever has. And even when I was marrying someone else - my constant was still you. Whatever happened, I always found you by my side. Whether I woke up in a hospital with broken ribs, or you stuck your neck out for me, protected me, after I fucked up with a case, or when I just needed a friend to tell me it was okay - you were always there.
“And when I was - away… the thought of you is what kept me alive. There were times when I felt like dying. But dying would have been easy. And you always taught me that the choice isn't between right and wrong. It's between what’s right and what’s easy. And there was something I wanted so, so much more than leaving this earth - and that was seeing you. You were my north star. My way home.”
“I still can't believe you found your way back to me,” Nyssa whispers through tears. “Sorry, this is beautiful and I'm interrupting…”
“You never have to apologise to me,” Dinah tells her. “Not ever.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” Dinah says softly. “And I want the world to know it. You're not just my home, Nyssa. You're my life, and I want to share mine with you forever - as your wife.”
She takes the ring from Tatsu’s open palm, murmuring her thanks to their friend, and Dinah tries to stop her hand trembling as she places the ring on Nyssa's finger.
“Wow. That was… I don't know what to say,” Nyssa says. “I like it when you use your words.”
“I like it even more when you use yours.”
They're both surprised when they hear a sniffle from their friend and officiate, who has to turn away for a second. When Tatsu gathers a bit of composure she turns back to them, mostly stoic once more, clears her throat and says, “Okay. Nyssa?”
“I - when you were gone, Dinah, I never lost hope. I never stopped looking for you. And I wish I could say it was because of some sixth sense that I had, that I knew you were alive, somehow. But the truth is that I couldn't bear to live in a world without you in it. And when you came back to me, against every odd imaginable, something changed. Because I thought I could love you from afar without ever telling you and that I would be content with that. That I could live with that, because that would mean at least I didn't have to live without you.
“So being able to tell you that I love you unconditionally… I have tried, habibti, to say how much it means to be in words, but with you words have always failed me. And I am -” Dinah watches as Nyssa stops to take a breath and hold back the emotion Dinah can see sparkling in her eyes “- I could not be more proud to marry you, to make a vow to stand by you. It means the world to me. And so do you.”
“You always love to one-up me, huh?” Dinah says teasingly. “That was really nice.”
“Here you go,” says Tatsu, giving Nyssa the remaining ring, and she slips it onto Dinah's ring finger with the biggest smile that lights up her eyes and flushes her cheeks a faint shade of pink. “So, by the power vested in me by the, uh, email-order ministry, I hereby declare Dinah Laurel Lance and Nyssa Raatko to be legally bound. Ladies, you may kiss your -”
But then Tatsu bursts out laughing because Dinah's already pulled Nyssa towards her and after a second, Tatsu smiles, slipping away from her friends’ entwined silhouettes. And Dinah's world isn't the hot sand between her toes or the noisy rush of the tide slowly approaching them or salty Coast City breeze filling her nose, but the woman in her arms whispering sweet everythings in her ear.
iv. earth-2
Dinah's lying on her side on her bed, staring blankly at the stars, when Amina climbs from her roof onto Dinah's. Amina grins at her best friend, whose eyes immediately widen at the sight of her. She runs to open the window to let Amina in.
Amina doesn't hesitate, for once, and immediately ducks her head so she can enter through the window and throw her arms around Dinah, and Amina can't help but breathe in deeply as she buries her nose in Dinah's shoulder and for a fleeting second she's pretty sure Dinah's lifted her off her feet. Dinah smells of flowers and perfume and summer, like she always has, but most of all of home.
“I missed you,” Amina says with a contented sigh when they finally pull away. Automatically Dinah takes Amina’s hand so they can sit on the bed next to each other.
“I missed you too. And not just because AP English isn't the same without you.”
“I miss it,” Amina says, and Dinah just shakes her head fondly. “I can’t wait to catch up with everything.”
“That makes one of us.” Dinah visibly hesitates, now, and then says tentatively, “How's Mrs Raatko doing?”
At this Amina looks away. “The same,” she says quietly. “They said there's nothing they can do, even in National City.”
“I wish there was something I could do,” Dinah says softly. Amina closes her eyes, for in that moment Dinah touches her cheek and tucks her hair behind her ear. “I wanna help.”
“Dinah Lance,” Amina says fondly, “always trying to save the world.”
But Dinah shakes her head. “No. I don’t care about the world. Just you and your world - which obviously includes your mom.”
Appropriately timed, a ginger cat jumps onto the windowsill and meows loudly in protest.
“And Mittens, right?” Amina asks. Dinah smiles, and Amina groans inwardly because of course her best friend knows what Amina is doing, trying to lighten the mood and pretend everything is okay when it's anything but. Yet thankfully Dinah humours her after a second.
“I already saved him once, but fine, okay. Him too.”
Silence falls, but it's the comfortable kind that they're both used to. Amina looks out of the window, marvelling at the view of the stars when she turns her head a little. The moon is a thin, barely-there crescent in the inky sky, but its light is still bright and it beautifies ever star it shines upon.
They've been here before, more than a few times, watching the constellations scattered across the heavens above. Dinah would lay her head on Amina’s shoulder, listening to Amina name them - Andromeda, Orion, Scorpius - pointing to each one she saw. Amina would tell Dinah a tale she learned in Hebrew school about how God created the sun and the moon on the fourth day, and because the moon was smaller in size He created companions in the stars that surrounded her. And Dinah would look up, smile at her, face lit up by the glow of the half-moon, and say: That’s beautiful.
Amina would smile back, whisper: So are you.
“I don't know what to do,” Amina says at last. “Mom has all but given up. She says that if it's time for her to go… that's her fate.”
“And you?” Dinah asks. “What do you think?”
“I mean - I believe in fate. In what is written for me.”
But Dinah surprises her with what she says next. “You can't seriously believe that.”
Amina finds she’s stung by this, unexpectedly so. “That doesn't mean I'm going to just let my mother go,” she says. “But if something happens - I get that it's out of my hands. Even if I don't know what I'm gonna do if she -”
“The doctors will find a way,” Dinah insists, taking Amina’s hand. “I promise.”
At this Amina shakes her head and despite herself she can feel the beginnings of a smile on her lips because that is just something Dinah would say. “You can't possibly promise that. Believer or not.”
Dinah sighs. “Maybe I can’t. Fine. Then I promise - I promise that whatever happens… I'll be there for you. Now and forever.”
Amina wants to promise the same in return. She should. But she opens her mouth and can't form the words, can't form any words, because it’s like she’s finally cracked. It’s a long time coming, really, because Amina hasn’t let herself cry - that would make all of this real and she wouldn’t be able to stay strong for her mother like she promised her she always would. But now, here she is, tears dripping down her cheeks. She barely registers Dinah pulling her close, gently stroking her hair.
“I'm sorry, I just -”
“You have nothing to apologise for,” Dinah says firmly. Then, as if she's read Amina’s mind, she leans her forehead against her best friend’s and adds, “And you're my best friend and I love you so don't think for a second that you owe me anything in return.”
She says that last quickly, and Amina smiles, really smiles, now, because how could she not, when Dinah's gazing at her like that through hooded lids, eyes dark and wanting? Amina realises she's waiting, though, because Dinah doesn't lean forward, just holds her gaze steadily until Amina says suddenly, “Dinah, close your eyes.”
Dinah's brow creases for a second but then she sits up and does as she's told, looking like she's holding her breath.
It's not that Amina hasn't kissed her before. She has. And vice versa. But this is different. She's not sure if it's because of the tiny beams of starlight filtering through the darkest of shadows into Dinah's bedroom, or because she's suddenly acutely aware of how warm Dinah’s thigh feels pressed against hers.
Amina puts her arms around Dinah's neck, moving her hair out of the way, and then kisses her. And usually their kisses are light and quick, or languid and vaguely experimental, but this time it's neither - Amina kisses with a desperation and thirst that it feels like her life depends on it. She kisses her like a drowning woman with Dinah as her sole source of oxygen, so hard that there's no way she's imagining how swollen red Dinah's lips look when they finally come up for air.
But Dinah, it seems, is hungry for her too, intent on touching every inch of her she can reach. Amina reaches out, tangles her fingers with Dinah's as she falls back against the pillows.
They don't need words, not really, but Amina says them anyway, pressing promises into Dinah's palm and then covering it with her own hand, like their palms are a book’s pages and her vow to love her a flower to put in between.
Amina doesn't know that she can't keep her promise, that a day from now her mother will depart this world and she'll have to leave forever to the other side of the world to be with her father and sister without saying goodbye because she can’t take more pain. She has no idea about who Dinah will become in the years that follow, how everyone she loves will leave her, on a boat, in a taxi, in missed calls and unanswered texts, and she'll wake one day with a terrible sonic scream that shatters glass and bursts eardrums. Certainly, Amina doesn't know what Dinah will become, shifting from earth to earth, villain to villain, prison to prison.
(And some days, when she's in Nyssa's safe house on earth-1 and she sees a sliver of the moon in the star-strewn sky - Black Siren watches the glittering constellations, and like she’s done every single night since Amina left, she wishes on a star that she’s still here, beneath the same heavens as her.)
“[Hashem ordered, ‘The moon’s] light shall be one-sixtieth of its previous strength.’ The moon complained to Hashem at her plight and, so that she should not remain utterly without comfort, Hashem gave her companions – the stars.”
–Naomi Alderman, Disobedience
Tagging: @dani-talks-shit @ohhsoadorkable @scrollgirl @soundtrack-yourlife @homosexual-hairflip @goldenwolfrose @lairapocus @thefearoffallingapartohohoh @maziqueensmith @iwonderifthatisart @sarahhh-manning @maggiesimpsontheimpportal @queennan1
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Circuits of the Heart
Title: Chapter 1: Just Look Up What a Hug is Okay?
Warnings: Small amount of swearing
Summary: Circuit (code name) is the newest member at Mount Justice and your first meeting with the team. Interactions with humans are hard especially if your brain is a computer and your technokinesis only allows you to connect with technology. And especially if one of those people is Nightwing.
A/N: So um this is my reintroduction into writing. This is an old idea I stumbled across because of nostalgia. It can be read as Nightwing x reader/ OC because only the characters code name is used. It's a slow burn so not too much romance touchy feely stuff. Umm like this if you want more because this is only like 6 pages of the 11 I have so far. (I just didn't know where to split it so it kinda just ends)
Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7 Chapter 8
I entered feeling more nervous than ever. Batman was to my side and basically dragging me along to the training area.  He said that was where most of my new teammates were. I was in my new costume, it was a metallic gray color with purple and yellow trim.  It helped me to better connect with technology because of its a metallic inlay and magnetized fingers. Before all of this I didn’t have a special suit or a special name.   I was just a girl who liked to play with computers. I was just the hacker girl trying to figure my way into the Wayne Enterprises computer system.
Now I was a girl being dragged by Batman through mount justice to meet a bunch of people I didn’t really want to.  It is not like I hadn’t thoroughly searched through my new teammates background and history; I knew everything about everyone and probably some things even they didn’t know about themselves.  So when I saw Artemis's green suit my mind immediately began to swim with sportsman, cheshire, and tigress, etc. I hadn’t meant to but I put Artemis’ entire life into graphs and numbers.
“ Hi I’m-”
“Artemis number B07 one of the newer members of the team besides Zatanna and now me.  Age 19.”
Artemis just stared and then laughed “ Hey Wonder Boy we’ve got a new you on the team.”
Though Batman was my mentor I hadn’t yet met any of his other prodige. Batman said it was because I wasn’t really part of the bat fam.  Which I tried to pretend didn’t hurt but it did a little bit. Sure I had actual powers but that didn’t mean that I couldn’t belong with them.
“I told you not to call me that or I’d call you Mrs. West.”  A tall boy with black hair turned and said this. I recognized Nightwing immediately from the hours of research I did.  He had his signature black and blue suit and domino mask.
Artemis yelled and lunged but a girl with green skin (probably Miss Martian) held her back. “You are so luck Wally’s not here and M’gann is or you’d have an arrow to the jugular.” Artemis said with a cool glare. Then Nightwing turned to face you.
“Hi the name is Nightwing.  Not Wonder Boy.” He winked from under his mask.
“No your real name is Di-”  I started.
“Woah woah lets not let that slip.”  Intervened Batman hastily.
Nightwing looked shocked that I might know his real name.  “How in the world could you know my real name?”
“It’s part of my powers.”
“I thought you had a way with technology not fortune telling.” Nightwing joked still staring at me intently.  I shifted under his gaze suddenly feeling like he could see my circuits.
“No I can hack any database, write any algorithm, and program any tracker I need. Finding out who you are was easier than hacking NASA, the Pentagon, and the NSA at the same time.”
“Well my new team mate that is quite impressive I am sure you will be a valuable asset to us.”  For some reason that made me blush. I had never had such a strong reaction to a person. Being a tech mutation made people all that much more confusing and incompatible to my brain.
I immediately took two steps back and added the peculiar reaction to my database on Dick Grayson. I turned to face M’gann.
“Hello M’gann B05 from the now deceased planet Mars.” M’gann smiled and offered no other reaction to my greeting.
“You can just call Megan and I am so excited for you to join this team and become part of our little family.” Megan went in for a hug but I didn’t understand the movement. Stiff and confused and awkward I just stood there as Megan wrapped her arms around me.
“What is it that you are doing? Is this a normal human social interaction?” I inquired in a clipped tight voice. My eyes were wide and were looking at my fellow teammates. Most were trying to hold in their amused laughs.
Megan quickly let go and stared at me in shock.
“You don’t know what a hug is?”
“Well I know theoretically what a hug is. It is the joining of two bodies in an embrace. Is that what you were trying to accomplish?” At my mentioning ‘the joining of two bodies’ the whole team burst into laughter. When I heard Nightwing laughing I felt a heated rush to the apples of my cheeks.
Again with this strange reaction to him. I was going to have to investigate this further.
“Well, um, kind of… I guess?” Megan responded with confusion.
“As much fun as it is to see teenagers fumble with social interactions, I’d like to help settle Circuit  so she can get started as quickly as possible” Batman motioned for me to follow him to the housing arrangement he had set up for me.
Growing up in a lab that doesn’t exist anymore means I don’t have a lot of places to stay. Walking down the hallway that is an odd amalgamation of metal and rock, I sorted through my internal memory to find the schematics of Mount Justice. Hacking the system was pretty easy and my first mission will be to change that.
Batman showed me to my room and informed me that my boxes had been delivered earlier and that I should unpack my belongings and try again to interact with the team.
“Look I know that your childhood was, less that optimal in the interacting with humans part, but you have an infinite memory and can learn anything you download so just, look up what a hug is” Batman said before turning with a dramatic swish of his cape.
I turned to face my door. There was a lock on the door and I realise I wasn’t given a key or passcode. These were the moments that my powers came in handy. I had technokinesis and while in the lab they turned my brain into a computer. Basically by touching any technology I could control and interact with it. From hacking to controlling weaponry, as long as it had a microchip it was mine to mess with. The brain part, while a little messed up, meant my body acted more like an interface for a motherboard rather than organs. It also meant that the memories stores in my old brain were no longer mine. I has no idea what my life was before the lab.
I reached out and touched the keypad. Instantly I felt the connection and how the electronic was just waiting for my command. Technology was a living and breathing being to me. I felt the pulse of its electricity and how it spoke to me in binary. Closing my eyes I told the little box to open up for her. It immediately flashed ‘open’.
Walking through the threshold I took in my new living quarters. A single twin bed was pushed off into a corner. Three walls were the metal that outfited the volcano hideout and the other wall was the volcanic rock. A desk with a computer was off to my right. Just from looking at it I could tell it was inferior to my needs. I’d have to make improvements. As Batman had said my boxes were already in the room. I didn’t have much so packing would not take me long.
By the time I was done the room hadn’t really changed. There was a new pillow on the bed and the desk was now covered in random computer parts that I has been experimenting on. The closet that had only contained a thin layer of dust now had my few outfits. I decided that this was as good as it was gonna get and that I should greet the rest of the team. Hopefully with less awkwardness. I followed Batman’s instructions and downloaded basic interaction procedures. Hugs, hands shakes, and common greetings were apart of this new information. Sifting through it would take a while so I just add the protocols to my programming.
Using the schematics I found the kitchen/ living room. Sitting on the couch playing video games were Kid Flash and Nightwing. Kaldur was on the adjacent loveseat with a book. Megan and Superboy were sitting on the stools along the kitchen counter talking.     As I walked in the group turned to look at me. Locking onto my newly learned social interaction protocols I stepped forward to greet some of the new members. Kaldur was the person that was closest to me so I walked up to him first.
“Hello Kaldur B02. I am offering my hand for the customary human greeting” I held my hand out to shake Kaldur’s. My movements were sharp and choppy but the general idea was there.
“Ah yes that is the customary greeting and it is nice to meet you Circuit.” Kaldur laughed light heartedly.
“Thank you, I downloaded basic human interactions since I messed up meeting Megan,“ I looked over at Megan in embarrassment, “human’s social interactions still vex me but I’m working on it.”
“You said ‘human’ as though you are not one. Are you not human?” Kaldur questioned.
I could tell that the rest of the team was also expecting the answer. I took a second to ponder the question.
“Well, genetically I am of a human species but,“ I paused trying to figure out how to put the next part of my sentence, “ my brain is now a computer and there are parts of me that contain circuits. Would you count that as human or something else?”
They all sat and puzzled the question I had proposed. It seemed that no one had an answer. A sudden breeze and a whooshing sound were accompanied by an arm around my shoulder.
“Whatever you are you’re hot and I’ll help you with all the ‘interactions’ you want.” The red headed Wally West stated, a smirk he assumed was smooth was plastered on his face.
“I do not believe that I have a fever. My internal alarm would have told me and the temperature of this room is at 69 degrees. So my outer temperature is also at baseline.” I rattled off with a confused expression.
Wally’s confidence was now shattered due to the misunderstanding of his compliment and the fact that he would no have to spell it out for me. Trying to pick up the pieces he continued on.
“No, um, I meant that you are attractive. Like your appearance.”
“Oh, well I have no protocols for that but we can participate in a hug if you wish?”
“Boy would I-” Wally was cut off by Nightwing shoving him to the side. He turned and glared at Wally.
“Dude leave the poor girl alone, she doesn’t understand and we don’t need you to corrupt her.”  He lectured as Wally rubbed where he had hit his head. Wally sat up grumbling.
“I was just gonna hug the girl geesh.”
Nightwing turned and faced you with an apologetic look.
“Sorry about that he hasn’t learned his manners yet.”
Nightwing put his hand on the small of my back and glided me over to where Superboy and Megan were.
“This is Superboy and you already met Megan.”
Superboy greeted my in a grunt and head nod. I nodded back and smiled. This was my favorite meeting, quick and simple, no mess human things.
“So now that you have met the whole team just get comfortable and make yourself at home.” Nightwing offered a smile that made my stomach feel fluttery. Again these symptoms were peculiar to me.
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So @sigrunsavestheday​ tagged me for this game during my great Laptop Absence and it’s since been saved in my draft as I’ve slowly tried catching up to things amidst balancing graduation upcoming. Having been tagged by @darkshrimpemotions​ too, I figured that was the perfect excuse to kick my rear in gear, update the list, and actually post it. :)
The first lines from your last 20 works and see if you spot any patterns!! :) I don’t really know who to tag, but here’s my works listed below the read more.
I’ve noticed that I start with either dialogues or “the” statements a lot. I play with tense and perspectives a lot between all of these (especially the more recent pieces), but you can definitely tell the more present tenses are my shorter works. Typically. Or definitely ones I was getting experimental with. Again, thanks to you both for the tag, and if anyone wants to do this, please tag me as your tagger ;))
1. Will You Take Me Away (Will You Make Me Your Wife): T+ SPN 789 words
The gulls are crying out in the fresh morning, and from where Cas’ stands he can see Kelly keeping a sentinel watch over the water. Her ankles are buried in the surf as the ocean kisses her skin with mist. It’s peaceful, really. The way her hair is swept in the breeze, and she seems like a painting. Motion paused; life still.
Cas peers through the yellow curtains one more time, just to watch Sam chase Jack across the open field that makes up the front yard. Its grass bleeds into the surf where Kelly stands. He can’t see her face, but Cas imagines that she is smiling. Her son—so full of good—young and carefree in a kind world. A paradise.
2. de·noue·ment: T+ SPN 1k words
The Old God was a writer.
He sat at his desk, scribbling away on a page. Or he typed away at keys. He crafted and drafted words— worlds . Creation came to life beneath his fingertips. After the world was created, and filled with his characters, he continued to write. Continued to fill out the page, writing a masterpiece that would culminate into the tale of two brothers.
3. Another Word For Divine: T+ SPN 2.9k words
“What’s all this, then?” Mary asked as she walked into the Bunker’s kitchen on a Sunday morning.
Jack smiled, beaming a sunny disposition as he turned away from the stovetop he was monitoring. “Hi! Sam said I could help with breakfast. I’m watching the bacon.”
Mary let out a breathy chuckle. Despite him looking so much older, Jack was still just a child. In a way, it was the opposite of how she felt seeing Sam and Dean. When she looked at Sam and Dean, it was like she was searching for her babies but could only see men. When she looked at Jack, his blue eyes a mirror of Castiel’s, she tried to see a man. The Devil’s son. But all she could see was a child . The child of her friend. The child of her children.
4. An Invisible Man Sleeping In Your Bed: M SPN 1.5k words
Dean Smith is a simple man. An average man. He orders salads from the cafe down the street. Talks to the other people on his floor when he steps out for his coffee. Has a unicorn laugh that erupts from his office on occasion. He’s sociable, competent, and attractive. There’s only one problem all the single women on the floor have with him.
5. (How Am I Supposed To) Carry On: M SPN 15.9K words
The thing about Florida was that it was hot as balls. The humidity was gross, and Dean could not believe anyone would want to vacation there. Maybe the beaches weren’t so bad, but wendigos didn’t stalk beaches. Sam made some smart sounding comment about silkies to which Cas refuted that silkies were hardly carnivorous and it was the sharks one had to watch out for.
6. Into The Sea Of Waking Dreams: E SPN 5.9k words
Swallowing thickly, Dean traced his fingers over the inscription within the volume that Sam had placed in front of him. His throat felt dry, but his mouth would not salivate. He turned his gaze to Sam, words rasped. “Are you sure?”
7. Modern Methods of Instruction: M SPN 2.7k words
The history of mold and its use for spellwork was an intriguing subject, though hardly relevant to Sam’s current inquiry. Sighing, Sam replaced that particular novel back into its place before retrieving another unearthly arcana book. He flipped through the pages, mentally marking how yellowed they were. Sam wondered if he should begin cataloging the books within the library. Shifting through artifacts was a daunting enough task, but creating a Hunter’s Dewey Decimal System was something more within his wheelhouse.
8. Between The Shadow And The Soul: M SPN 2.3k words
The Righteous Man was touched by angels. Literally and figuratively. Castiel himself had touched the Righteous Man’s soul, bore his grace into him, and stitched his torn soul together. Placed his body back piece by piece with a few added bonuses. Healed the old liver. Twisted the knee back into place. A few pieces here and there that would have no true bearing on his role as the Michael Sword, but which Castiel hoped the Righteous Man would appreciate.
9. You Don't Wanna Be Alone: G SPN 1.7k words
When Dean was four, he watched his mother hold his baby brother to the blooming sunflowers she kept in the backyard. Mom said they were called Sunriches. They were named that because they were like golden suns. Dean thought the sun was golden, but when he tried looking at it, the sun was just a bright, white color. Blinding. Dad said he couldn’t look at the sun without hurting himself, so he stopped trying.
10. I'm Lost And I'm Found: M SPN 1.4k words
The first time Castiel feels hunger, he is standing beside the ocean.
His brother—tall and formidable in his form—watches over the ocean with unblinking eyes.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” His brother sighs wistfully. “The quiet?”
Castiel knows what he means. It has not been so long since Lucifer rebelled against God’s Will. The noise had been terrible; the fighting was great. Now Heaven rolls with ominous thunder that looms within the clouds, waiting to rain down upon the peace that has settled since Lucifer’s Fall.
11. All That I Want For You, My Son (Is To Be Satisfied): T+ SPN 2.8k words
“C’mon, Cas,” Dean’s voice is soft. “Dad’ll be gone soon. And we’ve already fixed everything that my dumb wish messed up anyways. Might as well let him meet the kid, right?”
12. A Two Dimensional Kind of Guy: T+ SPN 2.3k words
“Hey, man, so like…” Shaggy trailed his words off as the dude halted in his steps. His shoulders were large and intimidating but his face made him seem softer and more approachable. It was easier speaking to the guy, Castiel, when faced with his - well, face.
13. You Hang From My Lips: M SPN 1.8k words
You can’t touch him unless his blood is coating your hands.
Maybe it’s because your unholy hands could never touch something so divine unless bathed in its blood. Like red wine cleansing the body’s sins. You’ve heard wine is good for that. Some God-follower interpreted it and some doctor agreed with it.
Maybe it’s because all you know how to do is hurt. Your touch is poison and it drags him down, down, down. Until there’s nothing left of that burning star but a husk.
14. A Second Once In A Lifetime: G The Witcher 1.2k words
The winter had gone quickly in Kaer Morhen this year. Geralt was certain this was because of the non-Witchers who had stayed during the season. His focus had been Ciri’s training and helping Yennefer to heal, and both responsibilities had taken up much of his stay this winter. It had certainly broken up the monotony of repairing the old keep with Vesemir.
15. The History of Tango: M The Witcher 48.9k words
If there was one thing that Jaskier could find agreeable about the eccentric Countess Yennefer of Vengerberg, it was her taste. Well, that and her disregard for social etiquette. Together, it made the woman rather impressive. The Countess had not married into her title, having been bequeathed it in some dramatic fashion that Jaskier had heard no less than three versions of. The people did love their gossip, especially when it surrounded such a scandalous figure.
16. Your Eyes Aren't Rivers There To Weep: T+ SPN 2.7k words
It was a cold night in January when it began. Castiel recalled the humans had recently marked the year 1979. The evening was an ordinary one save for the birth of one, small child. Crying, the babe called out for his mother. Like most humans, the babe hungered. Humans milled about before affixing the newborn into the arms of a tired but brightly smiling mother.
17. You've Been Ever So Kind: T+ The Witcher 2.1k words
“Geralt,” Jaskier whined. “I am sweating like a paid lady in a temple!” He pouted, fanning himself with some tool of an Eastern design that Geralt was not familiar with. The bard cupped his hand over his brow with the opposite hand not already preoccupied with the fan in order to shield his eyes from the overbearing sun.
18. I Heard There Was A Secret Gourd (That David Carved): G The Witcher 2.2k
The laughter of children as they ran along the sidewalk outside was but a muted noise within the apartment inhabited by Geralt Rivia and his goddaughter Cirilla. The young tween sighed boredly as she stared at the scattered patterns. Miscellaneous eyes and mouths meant to be traced on the gourd met her gaze as she sighed again. Drumming her fingers against her cheek, Cirilla turned to face her godfather.
19. A Wet Red Devil: M DC Comics 2.2k words
There was a reason Zatanna did not often invite Constantine to join their missions.
John Constantine was the single most irritating human to have ever existed. A brilliantly talented warlock with a bastard smug grin. A knack to create anarchy amongst even the most peaceful of beings. Zatanna was certain that even Superman himself had wanted to make Constantine choke on his smarmy words.
Sighing, Zatanna placed her forehead to her palm. While she had always tried to keep from inviting Constantine along - well - needs must and all that.
But was this worth it?
20. Vado Dove Vai Tu (I Go Where You Go): M YOI 1.5k words
The worship of the gods is common. Which deity is worshipped varies from city to estate, like which sort of wine decorates a table, but the pantheon under Zeus’ watchful eye is predominantly those deities that are worshipped. Sacrifices are offered for blessings or boons, whether it be for harvest, happiness, or war. The velvet tongues of mortals cry out their gods’ names and bleed forth on altars all for the sake of worship.
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dividedwecantfall · 7 years
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Bruce and Zatanna meeting as teenagers.
“What did you do this time, Bruce?”
“Trespassing. Something shady was going on officer.”
“I told you to call me Jim. Alfred just called, he’s on his way to take you home. Maybe you should try staying out of trouble every once and a while.”
“I’ll think about it,” Bruce winked. This was nothing new to him. He got caught all the time. Of course he knew better, but something inside him was always hungry for more.
“But I can’t just sit here and do nothing!” A voice drifted from across the room. Another officer was sitting across from a girl maybe a couple of years younger than Bruce.
Jim caught the young mans gaze, “Just go over there already.”
Just as he reached her, the man stood up. “I’m sorry but there isn’t anything we can do without more information. I’m afraid there isn’t any solid evidence to go off of. Until you can give us that, my hands are tied.”
Bruce slid into the now empty chair and placed his hand on her shoulder. His free hand pushed her dark hair out of her face. “Hey, it’s okay. There’s no reason to be so upset,” his smile broadened when her gaze met his. “Johnson is a jerk. Most of us just ignore him.”
“He’s right. Nothing can be done,” she sniffled. She rubbed her eyes, only spreading her already smudged makeup. “It’s hopeless. My Papa is gone. He left me.”
The pain in his heart was almost to much to bear. “I’m Bruce by the way, Bruce Wayne.”
Relieved by the change in subject she smiled. “Zatanna Zatara.”
Daddy’s still got it, Bruce thought to himself. “That’s really cool. What does it mean?”
“I haven’t the slightest clue. My Nanny always called me Tanna. That’s an island somewhere.”
“Master Bruce? If you are are too busy, I can come back later.”
Bruce sat up uncomfortably straight. “Alfred! How long have you been standing there.”
“Long enough sir.”
Blushing, and words tumbling out, Bruce stood up,introduced the two and whispered in the old mans ear.
“Hey, Z,” he smiled as they were left alone again. “You have a place to stay tonight? Things always seem better after a hot bath and a glass of milk.” — “Where are you from? I think I’d remember someone like you.”
Amused by his attempt at flirting, Zatanna shook her head. “Where aren’t I from? My Papa and I travel. He says that there is too much in the world to just sit in one spot. My Nanny was an American though, so I’ve been here alot.”
“What about your mom?”
“She’s never brought up. I guess I never really had one. I mean I understand the whole birds and the bees thing, but I just never-”
“I understand.” — “Okay, I can’t stand this anymore,” Bruce said, abruptly standing from the parlor chair. “What’s wrong? Why were you at the station? What happened to your father?”
“You’re a very hard man to avoid, Bruce Wayne.”
“Why thank you.”
“Papa and I were in town for his show at the theater tonight. He didn’t want to do it at first, Gotham is a pretty big crowd compared to the small towns we usually visit.”
“Is he an actor?”
“A magician. I know it’s lame, but he owns it. He’s always seemed so fascinated with tricks and illusions. His father taught him.”
“So it’s a family business.”
Zatanna rolled her eyes, “Unfortunately. Anyways, we stopped right outside of town for dinner. That’s when it started.”
“What started?”
“I’m not sure. He was just kinda strange. Not his mysterious charm, something else.”
“What else happened?”
“Well, Sherlock, we got back in the truck and drove to the hotel. I had been doing homework and when I looked up he was gone.”
“You think he was kidnapped?”
“That’s just it, there was nothing indicating any skirmish. It’s like one of his trick, but with no effects or hidden machines. And now he’s gone.”
“He isn’t gone. We’re going to find him.”
“But the police said there’s nothing they can do.”
“But there may be something I can do.”
(Gifs obviously not mine so creds to the owners)
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starsscribble · 8 years
You Are In My Heart.
Prompts: “I don’t want to have a baby.” “Go then, leave! See if I care!”
Relationship: Lovers and Exs
Fandom: Young Justice
Character: Kaldur and Wally
Warning: Kaldur is an ass in this fic.
A/N: This fic wasn’t met to turn out the way it did. But it snowballed and I feel in love with how it turned out.
You swore that your heart broke with Kaldur’s words.
“I don’t want to have a baby.”
You had just told your fiancé Kaldur that you were pregnant which was a surprise seeing as you were an alien and he was an Atlantean. You thought that he would be happy at the fact that the two of you were having a child. Yes, earlier than you thought but still, instead he told you that he didn’t want the child growing inside of you. Then his com went off, he answered it and gave you a look. The team needed him.
“Go then, leave! See if I care!” You turned away from him, Kaldur left without a goodbye, the door closing sounding that he was gone from the apartment and for you out of your life. You packed up anything you needed in a suitcase called Wally since he was one of your closest friends and you knew he had a free room ever since Artemis and he broke up.
“Y/N. Hey, what’s up?” Wally asked as he answered your call.
“Hey, Walls. You still looking for a roommate?” You asked.
“Ya. Why you got someone looking to move out here?”
“Me.” There was a pause as you when through the apartment getting anything you needed. After a minute Wally started to talk.
“What about Kaldur? You two are engaged and I thought living together?”
“Something happened that I don’t want to talk about over the phone. Can I stay for a bit?”
“Sure. I’ll fix up the guest room for you.”
“Thank you, Wally. You are the best.”
“Anything for you doll.” You smiled lightly as you finished getting everything together. You set your bags at the door, you when to the coffee table and wrote out a letter to Kaldur. Once you finished the letter you slipped silver engagement ring off your finger and set it with the letter. All you dreams with Kaldur had disappeared that afternoon. But you wouldn’t blame it on the baby, they hadn’t done anything wrong. You left your key to the apartment on the coffee table as well, there was no point in happening it. Picking up your bags you head out of the apartment building, getting a cab you gave the driver direction to zeta tube close by. Will it was a few blocks off to make it look they you were going to a pizza shop. Once you paid the man and got your bags you walked down the five blocks and unlocking the door to a building with a code you walked in. The building was empty, dust covered every surface, the windows were reinforced and tinted. You headed to the very back room and stood on the platform.
Wally met you at the Palo Alto zeta platform, he helped you with your bags and opened the car door for you. The ride to his home was quiet, he didn’t ask why you were there or what happened between you and Kaldur. Get to his home he again helped with your bags, when they were all in your room you crashed onto the couch in the living room. Tears started to form in your eyes, as Wally quickly sat beside you.
“Hey. What’s wrong?”
“I’m pregnant.” You cried out looking at Wally. “And he didn’t want the baby.”
“Y/N.” He voice was soft as he pulled you into a hug rubbing your back as you cried. “He stupid then.” You weren’t sure how long you cried but you knew at the end of it you were hunger. Wally heard the growl from your stomach, lifting your head he wiped away your tears.
“Come on I know the perfect place to eat away sadness.” You nodded and let Wally take you to a restaurant.
Not once did Kaldur try to contact you, it was now three months and you were starting to show more. Wally had been going with you to your doctor's visit which was happening at S.T.A.R.S since you couldn’t go to a normal doctor being an alien. He was there when you first heard you child’s heartbeat.
“Y/N this is your baby’s heartbeat.” The doctor said, it was soft you could almost not hear it but when you did you eyes filled with tears as you smiled listening to it. Wally smiled too and he held your hand. When you got a picture of the ultrasound you swore Wally was going to show it to everyone he could. All you could do was smile and slightly wish that it was Kaldur that was there for this moment. When you started to look for an apartment Wally stopped you in your track.
“No way. You have to worry about yourself and the baby. Not a rent.” You looked at him.
“Wally this is a two room house. I’m not kicking you out of your room and the baby needs a room.”
“Well, there is this house for sale. It’s in my price range and has plenty of room.”
“Wally are you for real?”
“Yep.” You smiled brightly and hugged him tightly.
Once moved into the home, you and Wally started on the baby room, Wally wanted it the Flash colors but you said no. You did, however, let him paint a Flash symbol on the wall which didn’t go with the color you picked for the room but you didn’t mind. Wally had been kind enough to buy a house with rooms for everyone so you allowed him this. Soon the news of you being pregnant got to the team. Raquel and Zatanna were the first to show up with gifts when Wally was out for work.
“So what happened with you and Kaldur?” Raquel asked, the subject was still sour with you but this were your two closest female friends so you told them everything. Rocket seemed more upset than you did on that day.
“Well at least you're happy with Wally,” Zatanna commented.
“Ya! Artemis was a fool a leave him. Even with all the jokes, he is still a catch.” Raquel said with a smile, your face redden at their comments.
“We’re not together. We are just roommates.” The two looked at you in surprise.
“You joking? Right girl.” Raquel asked as you shook your head no.
“OMG! Girl! Lock him down and do it now!” She yelled as Zatanna nodded.
“It’s so clear he likes you. He showed off the ultrasound picture to everyone twice. He bought a house for you and the baby. He is so in love with you.” Zatanna commented. You bite your bottom lip.
“You don’t think he is doing this out of pity?”
“No way! Y/N, Wally is not that type of person. He truly cares about you and the baby. Trust me when I say that Wally will be a great father for your baby.”
After they left you thought of something to do for Wally, food, that was simply. You then began cooking, by the time Wally gets home you finished setting the table.
“Hey what’s the occasion?” He asked walking up behind you, you turn and look at him.
“Raquel and Zatanna brought it to my attention that everything you have done up to this point was because you like me.” You were blushing brightly as you spoke, you notice Wally’s cheeks redden as you kept talking. “So with this information, I made you dinner and would like to ask you out on a date.” Your face was hot as you finished, Wally smiled brightly his cheeks just as red as yours.
“I would love too.” He said.
You were now five months pregnant, you and Wally happily together and from what you learned from Zatanna much to Kadur hatred. Sitting on the couch late one night you felt a lightly kick, placing your hand on your ever growing stomach a smile spread on your face.
“Wally she moved.” Wally looked over to you, as he rushed over to you placing a hand on your stomach waiting for her to move. This was the longest you had ever seen him wait when there was another light kick you saw his eyes light up with excitement.
“She’s moving! Y/N that is amazing!” Wally put his hands on your cheeks and kisses you. Your eyes widen this was your first kiss, you eased into it kissing him back. It seemed like the time had stopped for the two of you. Pulling away you were both smiling brightly.
That weekend you and Wally had been invited out to a beach party that the team was having. You were unsure giving the fact that Kaldur would most likely be there and you didn’t want to cause a scene. However, Wally talked you into go, assuring you that if anything happened you would both leave.
That Saturday the two of you showed up to Happy Harbor beach, the team was in a hidden away area on the beach which was a bit of a walk. You were in a bikini showing off your stomach with a beach hat on your head. Wally refused to let you carry anything so he was currently carrying your beach bag that some food that you make for today and the beach chairs. Getting to the area you were met by M’gann and Karen.
“Look at you! You look amazing!” Karen said with a smiled and M’gann agreed, the three of you talked as Wally sat the chairs up and your bag down before getting the food out.
“Wally don’t you dare eat that food till the others get some!” You yelled, he pouted and put the lid back on the Rubbermaid bowl. Karen and M’gann laughing at how you controlled him around food. You shrugged at their comments.
“I live with him. He gets my cooking every day.”
“But it's so good!” Wally chimed in as he placed a kiss on your cheek making you smile.
“I can make for just for you at the home. Let the others have some.”
“Fine.” He fake pouted placing a kiss on your cheek again before rushing off to talk with Dick and the others.
You talked to everyone let Bart and Garfield touch your belly to see if they felt the baby kick, you were having a great afternoon. Then Kaldur and Artemis showed up, their hand interlocked. You and Wally had yet to notice as you were trying to get Wally out of the ocean because he just ate.
“Wally get out! You could get a cramp!”
“You take that saying too seriously Y/N!” He said as he swam back to shore, Artemis was the one that came up to you and tapped you on the shoulder. You turned to see the blonde, Kaldur stood behind her away glaring at you and Wally.
“It’s good to see you Y/N. You look good. You to Wally.” Wally nodded as he looked at Kaldur.
“I’m sorry about taking Kaldur from you Y/N. If I hadwas known you were pregnant I wo-” You cut her off.
“What do you mean took?” Wally was now looking at Artemis, as she looked between the two of you.
“After Wally and I broke up I went to Kaldur and told him. He told me that you and he were on a break.” You shook your head no, it made sense to you now. Kaldur had been cheating on you with Artemis, and Artemis didn’t even really know.
You moved away from Artemis as Wally told her the truth, you watched over to Kaldur slapping him. This drew everyone's attention towards the both of you but you didn’t care.
“You are a liar and a coward Kaldur!”
“Says the woman that left through a letter!”
“At least I never cheated on you! You will never have anything to do with my child.”
“Good I don’t want anything to do with that bastard spawn!” Before you could even move to hit him, Wally had already rushed over and punched him, sending him back quite a ways.
“Don’t you ever talk about my daughter like that again!” Wally said glaring at him, no one moved as everyone stood there in shock of what just happening. Finally, someone coughed and people went to check on Kaldur as you looked at Wally’s knuckle, they were red as you placed a kiss on them.
“I love you.” You said with a smile looking at him.
“I love you too,” Wally said smiling, Bart rushed over to you both as he went on a rant about this not happening in his future and asking what you would name your daughter.
Nine months, it was almost time, Wally was cooking dinner as you set the table. As you turned you felt you pants legs get wet.
“Hmm?” He turned to look at you as you looked up from your pants.
“It’s time.” Everything happened quickly, Wally got your hospital bag and helped you into the car. As he drove he called S.T.A.R.S letting them know that you were in labor, again you were not human so you couldn’t just go to a normal hospital. He drove over the speed limit and thank god that none of the cops were out right now. Once you got to S.T.A.R.S and they got you into your room, Wally called Barry, Raquel, and Zatanna. You both knew that it would be out to the whole Team and League by the end of the hour.
After painful hours, you were holding your healthy baby girl, Fleur Mary West. Wally almost broke down when you told him you gave her his mother’s name and his last name. He placed a kiss on your head looking down at Fleur with her blonde hair and E/C.
“She is amazing. And so are you.” Wally said placing another kiss on your head. “Are you up for seeing people?” You nodded a yes as you looked down at your daughter. As the people came in you smiled at them. Barry walked over to you placing a vase of flowers on your bedside table.
“What’s her name?” He said looked down to the newborn.
“Fleur Mary West.” You said proudly, Bart chuckled.
“Look like someone finally stole Wally’s last name,” Bart said, Wally smiled as he ruffled his cousin's hair.
“Hopefully Fleur not to only one that steals my name.” Wally sat a blue velvet box on your leg and opened it up.
“I will love you and Fleur forever till I die. So I’m asking you Y/N will you marry me?” You smiled as tears ran down your cheeks.
“Yes, I will marry you.” The room was filled with lower quiet cheers as Wally slipped the ring onto your finger. Fleur was soon passed around for everyone to hold and pictures were taken. Zatanna was currently holding her as Wally sat beside you and brushed the hair out of your face.
“I love you Y/N West.”
“I’m not a West yet.”
“You are in my heart.”
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iwritegayfiction · 8 years
A Bromance With Blurred Lines Is Definitely Still A Bromance So... Dude... Chill
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The BirdFlash continues!!! Hi, long time no post!!! I’ve finished so many stories and even more stories that I haven’t posted so... let’s get back into tumbling, yeah? Yeah!
AO3: Here!
Rating: Mature.
Warning: Underage sexual activity (kind of). Bromancing.  
Pairing: Wally/Dick, Roy/Dick, Dick/Zatanna, Wally/Artemis 
Summary: In Which: Dick and Wally's Bromance is acknowledged and then it gets a little out of hand on Dick's Birthday.
A Bromance With Blurred Lines Is Definitely Still A Bromance So Dude… Chill…
 Somewhere between knowing each other for four years, almost dying and then saving each other for the umpteenth time, and joining Young Justice or Junior Justice or the Titans or whatever, Wally starts calling Robin “babe”.
 Okay, not “somewhere”.
 He’s pretty sure it has to do with a lot of down time, some underage drinking, spin-the-bottle, and playing gay chicken with the other sidekicks. That, and then telling them that he doesn’t care if he has to hug or kiss Rob because Rob is a total babe –for a guy always hiding his face (it was a joke then and still is –kind of). So everyone gets used to their intense bromance (intense on account that they can casually cuddle and hug and kiss and slap each other’s asses and say ‘no homo’ before dissolving in a fit of laughter). And, after that, he sort of never stops calling Robin “babe” and Robin never stops answering to it and knows who Wally’s referring to when he says it.
 And, truthfully, Rob is a “babe” for a lot of platonic, dude-admiring-dude reasons.
 See, Wally has learned a lot about the Boy Wonder since they first met. Like, Rob knows about a dozen languages, he’s computer savvy, he’s a total goof ball (seriously –the guy likes pulling pranks and telling jokes, and laughing in general), and Wally doesn’t care what anyone else says but he swears the guy is a contortionist in addition to being a freaky incredible acrobat. (Has a flexibility that gives way to a lot of sex jokes –no lie).
 But there’s more. A shit ton more.
 Like, Robin always gets them out of a jam when they’re stuck and he’s not a meta but he damn sure beats the hell out of ‘em like he is one and he’s smart and just knows all of these things. And he’ll do next to anything to successfully complete a mission (like that one time when they had to infiltrate a club and Robin had to cross-dress and he was hot, sure, but- dude…).
 But, bonus, the kid can drive –has been since he was 11 and still is now that he’s 14 but what’s driving when he can also fly an aircraft.
 He’s also Richard “Dick” Grayson, which is something Wally found out a few years ago but that kind of makes him even more awesome. And not because he’s a billionaire’s kid and has the world at his disposal with those sapphire eyes and that charming smile but because he’s a billionaire’s kid and Robin and he has the world at his disposal. Honestly… the guy and Big B (whether that’s for Bats or Bruce doesn’t really matter anymore) could do whatever the hell they want but they play up their rich socialite lives and save the world when people think they’re sleeping or partying or doing whatever the hell it is that rich folks do. And Robin doesn’t act spoiled rotten (not really but he has his moments when he wants his way and he doesn’t hear “no” very often, which is being spoiled in it of itself).
 And, alright.
 He’s a really, really, good looking guy.
 Must be and has to be considering he’s a teen heart throb that outranks all of the famous Justin’s combined or any boy group when it comes to the “who’s hot in Hollywood” scene. Dick isn’t even a real celebrity, for crying out loud but he still gets celebrity attention and worship and- And Wally can’t blame them because Dick is hot.
 Or, well, he has his moments. A lot of moments (like when he’s stretching and bending and smirking and being smart or a smart ass or-), well, that’s not important.
 Not at the moment.
 Because it definitely sounds like the Wonder Boy is perfect but Wally knows that that’s not true either. And Dick knows his flaws and imperfections and embraces them and tries to rise above them and he’s awesome at that.
 Sure, he has his own dark past and his own demons to contend with but Wally, or anyone else for that matter, would never know it because he’s so… he’s so bright.
 Something along those lines.
 The point is, all of that condensed and packed into one person just makes that person a “babe” on principle.
 Which makes Robin a “babe” in the most platonic, best friend, bro-admiring, way possible.
 “Babe! C’mere!”
 It takes Dick 30 seconds to get from the rec room to the kitchen. An eternity to a speedster. But he shows up with a raised brow and pursed lips- “You’re… cooking?” He eyes Wally who’s standing by the stove, right between Artemis and M’Gann and, from the smell of it, they’re making a stir-fry curry.
 Wally turns and grins and licks at the spatula in his hand, “Arty and M’Gann are trying to teach me how because I eat a shit ton.”
 Artemis frowns and snatches the spatula. “Kid Gluttony needs to put in his fair share of the work in the kitchen since he eats most of the food.”
 “And here I thought you guys were just turning him into the perfect wife for me.”
 Artemis snorts.
 M’Gann giggles.
 Wally grins and speeds over to Dick’s side, spoon in hand. “I’m already the perfect wife for you, babe! Taste this,” before Dick can protest, Wally has the spoon lodged between parting lips.
 Being force-fed is one of those things that would have gotten Wally punched except- except the food is delicious and it makes Dick hum appreciatively because he swears his taste buds are being slaughtered in the best way possible…
 “Told you, the perfect wife! Or husband if Arty knows what’s good for her.”
 Now Dick’s snorting because Artemis blushes and scowls and throws onion peels at KF before the two get to bickering (which is their rendition of flirting –ask anyone).
 M’Gann walks over and leans against Robin, eyes on the two, “They’re cute.”
 Dick can’t disagree so he doesn’t.
 A few months later, Wally zips into his room to tell him that he finally found the balls to ask Artemis out and she says yes. She actually says yes, to Wally’s great surprise. And they’re a thing –totally official.
 Dick thinks it’s awesome and that Wally’s a lucky guy to be able to snag someone like Artemis because she’s way out of his league. That gets him a punch to the shoulder and then they end up wrestling and then they end up laughing and panting with their backs pressed to the cool floor and their arms touching.
 Wally breathes out and smiles, “You know, you’re still my number one babe, even though I’ve got things going with Arty.”
 “Dude, duh!” Best friends for life isn’t just a saying in the superhero business. Not when life can be cut short any day but that’s just Dick’s opinion. “Same to you, ya know.”
 That makes Wally prop himself up on one arm to stare at Dick, green eyes studying a flushed face. The word “pretty” flashes across his mind but he ignores it in favor of asking, “What’s that mean?”
 “Means you’re still my numero uno no matter who I’m with.” The tone is enough of a “duh” without the need for Dick to tack it on at the end.
 “Wait a sec, you seein’ someone I don’t know about?” Red brows crease as Wally thinks about that.
 And then he thinks about the fact that he’s never actually heard Dick talk about dating or who he likes or if he’s into someone or if any of the rumors in those gossip rags about who he might be seeing are true –none of that. Not to say that they don’t talk about who’s hot because, between Robin and Richard, Dick sees his fair share of gorgeous people. The lucky bastard. Point is, Wally’s never heard him talk about who he’s seeing or if he’s seeing anyone or if he’s interested in anyone. The end.
 “I’m always seeing someone, Walls. No one worth mentioning or introducing to my best bro but, hey. What can I say. Dick Grayson is one hell of a catch and Robin’s hot stuff too!” Dick winks behind his sunglasses but he’s sure Wally can see it or picture it and then he reaches up to pat a freckled cheek, “How do you think I snagged you.”
 And then he’s laughing when Wally scoffs. “I had you from the moment I said, ‘sup, little Bats’ and you know it.”
 “Sure, you keep telling yourself that.” He lets his hand fall and cocks an eyebrow when green eyes keep studying his face, “…What?”
 “You seein’ anyone now?”
 “Why, you jealous?” Dick’s tone is as playful as the smirk on his face.
 “Nah, curious. Maybe we can go on a double date or something?”
 “As Dick and Wally or as Robin and KF?” Because there’s a difference.
 “Depends… who are you seeing?”
 Robin (yes, Robin because of that expression and that long drawn out stare that’s so very Batman, it reminds Wally that he’s talking to Robin) sits up and scoots back a bit. Gets some space between them. “I have a few clusive things going on at the moment but, if anything gets exclusive I’ll let you know.”
 “Dude… sometimes I hate you and sometimes I want your life.”
 Dick laughs and stands and pulls Wally up off of the floor. “If it makes you feel better, I never want your life and I hate you more than I don’t.”
 Wally mock gasps, hands clutched at his chest, “Ouch… I swear I felt my heart break.”
 “You’ll get over it.” Dick cackles but it cuts off and turns into a surprised yelp when Wally tackles him back to the ground, mercilessly tickling his sides.
 Yeah… Dick is a total babe and, obviously, Wally isn’t the only one who thinks so if the guy’s got a few “clusive” things happening at the moment.
 It’s M’Gann who prompts their relationship to change but she can’t be blamed for what happens.
 She finds out that Dick spent his 15th birthday fighting Clayface and patrolling with Batman and not doing anything birthday like in the least. Not that he can tell her that Bruce did celebrate with him. Got him a new motorcycle and a retractable electric-shock tonfa and gave it to him after they went out for the best Seafood New York City had to offer –all birthday things by his account, at least for Dick Grayson. But, see, he can’t tell her that so she thinks he needs to be celebrated. And since she’s been on this “celebration” kick where everything- holidays, birthdays, religious affairs- deserve a celebration of some sort, that’s what they decide to do.
 As normal teens because she wants the whole experience for herself and him. (Because they all sort of think that Batman keeps him on a tight leash and “Robin” doesn’t have a relatively normal adolescence because he’s a Bat –being a kick ass protégé aside).
 With the way she smiles and lights up at the prospect of celebrating, Dick can’t refuse.
 So, when she says that they should go to a party that her friends from school are throwing on a Friday night plus the team has no missions going on and they’re all present for the first time in forever (even Speedy- er- Red Arrow), Dick definitely caves.
 Why not?
 Little do they know, he likes a good party or a club or a bar because being Richard Grayson and hanging out with society’s elite sometimes has its perks. Sometimes. Like buying out a VIP section and dancing and drinking and pretending for the briefest of moments that the world didn’t almost end hours or days ago… sometimes that’s nice. Sometimes.
 Batman told him to have fun and enjoy his weekend. Be a teen for a change. And Dick always takes advantage of those rare opportunities because, sometimes, he needs a breather.
 But- The party. Or, the house party packed with hormones and adrenaline after a big football game. Typical high school party by any standards (standards being beer, music, and horny teens). Dick feels like he’s in one of his elements because he likes to dance. Likes to dance and drink and he’s oh-so good at drawing people in and being the life of a party when he wants to be –comes from years of practice and being Bruce Wayne’s son. (When he doesn’t want to be the center of attention, he’s even better at being an observant shadow).
 But- um- The party.
 The team as a collective has never seen this particular side to him. Not really. His alter element (ha!). But they like “off-duty” Dick and they all embrace him differently.
 Megan gets a kick out of his outfit (all black, all tight fitting, and it accentuates his best features –it’s like a Bat rule to wear black, clingy clothes, and look good for all occasions). She says he’s, “Friggin’ hot” and gladly introduces him to all of her friends on the cheer squad. They can’t believe he’s only 15 but they can’t get enough of him. They eat up his charm and try to keep him –makes the football players jealous (for a number of reasons if he has to guess).
 But he has Conner so he doesn’t worry about it much. Conner intimidates the bullheaded football players that eye Dick. He doesn’t give a damn what their thoughts are but he’s not letting anything happen under his watch –not with the threat of Batman looming over his head.
 Artemis and Zatanna drag Dick into the dead center of the thriving mass of bodies in what used to be the living room but is now a dance floor. Neither of them are surprised that Dick can dance and he’s gorgeous and moves like the music is made specifically for him to move to it. They love it! They sandwich him and kiss him and run their hands everywhere and they all laugh and try to keep up or take the lead or those two just let him lead. They probably dance for an hour straight –it’s that fun- but it’s fine because he has a good time and he gets birthday kisses out of it from two of the most beautiful girls he knows. Well- more of a mind numbing make out with Zatanna as she snags the back of his neck and teases her tongue along the seam of his lips before slipping it in and getting a taste. She tastes like sin and sugar.
 Dick considers himself winning.
 Kaldur’s the one that offers him a break from the dance floor. Shares Dick’s first drink of the night with him because it’s a tradition –both one that they’ve formed and an Atlantean birthday custom. So they drink and talk about the difference between surface life and non-surface life and parties top-side versus parties seaside. But Dick can’t help seeing everything or multitasking, thus, when the girl by the door who’s been watching Kaldur all night takes a bold step towards them, he pushes his friend off on her because Atlanteans deserve a break too.
 Roy gives him his second kiss of the night. That one kiss leads to being pinned against a door upstairs and Dick hitching himself up and locking his legs around strong hips while tangling his fingers in soft red hair. To imprinting beer and cigarette toxins and fast-food on shocked tastes buds via mouth-to-mouth. To swollen lips and teeth tugging at the sensitive flesh just beneath the ear or right along the jaw –leaving marks in desperation as hands grip and pull. It makes Dick cuss and pant and gasp sweetly into Roy’s mouth when the hothead sucks on his bottom lip and traces gums with the tip of his tongue.
 Between breaths, Roy leans back and leers and smirks all cocky- “This is such a bad idea.” Because it is. Every time they end up like that, it’s one of the best “bad ideas”. Ever.
 Dick pushes his glasses up, up, up, until they’re sitting atop his head and then he’s all teeth and constricted pupils. A predator. “I’ve been an accomplice to worse ideas.”
 True. Very true.
 It kills Roy’s feeble attempt at an argument to dissuade them from going further.
 So they make out some more and when the door opens and they topple backwards and end up in a heap laughing, it stops there but it isn’t the first time they’ve made out and they never make any promises about a last.
 But, Dicks last dance and last kiss for the night are given to the one person he doesn’t expect them to end with, yet, at the same time, he kind of does.
 He’s relatively drunk by the time they end up pressed together in the middle of the dance floor. Drunk, but not unaware. So when Wally replaces the girl behind him, Dick knows. Recognizes the hands that clumsily guide and sway his hips and pulls him unbearably close. Is familiar with the chin that gets tucked against his shoulder and the soft lips that brush along his neck when Wally whispers, “Happy birthday, Little Bats”. But then, those lips keep moving and pressing and teeth get into the mix and a lazy trail burns from just behind the ear to shoulder. Makes Dick’s mind stutter and blank out as he tilts his head and still moves to the music.
 At some point, they escape the throng on the makeshift dance floor but Dick can’t say when or how that happens.
 So he’s not sure how they end up on the trampoline in the backyard. How Wally ends up slotted between his welcoming thighs as that warm mouth eagerly attaches to the pale flesh of neck and collar and jaw. Or how Wally devours every little moan and giddy sigh while staring at Dick like he’s just- he’s everything. And he definitely can’t comprehend why Wally is literally vibrating but it feels so incredible and he’s so hard it aches to shift in his god forbidden skinny jeans. But shifting is the least of his- their problems because they are most certainly grinding against each other and Dick is whining and saying “Walls… man… c’mon…” And then his bottom lip is being savored and his mouth is being teased- “C’mon…” He whines again.
 To which, Wally snorts and chases after swollen lips before muttering, “I’ll c’mon alright.”
 A haughty retort sits at the tip of Dick’s tongue but it dies there all the same because Wally has his hips and he’s just grinding down and rutting and vibrating and- and- Dick can’t think straight. Can’t breathe right. Can’t see clearly. His nerves are on fire and short-circuiting and his heart is trying to thump right out of his chest- “Ah- shit-” He clutches at strong shoulders.
 “It’s okay, babe. It’s okay,” Wally murmurs sweetly while grunting and mouthing Dick’s earlobe-
 And Dick cums right in his pants. Swears he sees stars as he rides out his orgasm and Wally’s smug smile is the last thing he clearly remembers about the night.
 “So… we gonna talk about this or…”
 “Or.” Dick bites out because he has a headache that’s making one side of his head throb irritatingly with every sound and every attempt at speech and his eyes feel like they’re being stabbed –repetitively- and his mouth is all dry and cottony.
 Definitely not the time to talk. But he doubts he’ll get away so easily.
 Doesn’t hurt to try.
 Green eyes stare at Dick with consideration and then Wally thinks, consideration be damned and he sits on the counter where Dick is slumped. “Dude… we- um… we should talk.” Because they need to and because he needs help because he technically cheated on Artemis with his best bro and- and it’s weird as all hell and-
 Ice blue eyes cast a sidelong glance in Wally’s direction and Dick prays that they convey his thoughts on the matter but Kidiot is being so willful far too early in the morning- “Talk.”
 Something about that makes Wally smile but then it’s replaced by this odd half-smile and half-grimace- “So… we hooked up last night.”
 Dick sits up and stares, makes Wally flush a gorgeous shade of crimson. “Sure. It happened. We were inebriated. We always goof around and some lines got blurred because of the previous. We’re horny, hormonal, teenage boys and shit like this happens. This doesn’t make you gay –queer maybe but not gay. If you’re gay then so is Arty because she hooked up with Zatanna right after making out with M’Gann. So, really, we’re all just teenagers here and all of this experimentation was bound to happen. But you and I are still best bros. I’m just crazy hot and irresistible so I don’t blame you for giving in to temptation. And none of this is weird.” He pauses for effect. Even manages a smirk. “Need anything else or can this talk be considered complete so that I can go back to bed.” All he wanted from the kitchen was water but he ends up with more of a headache instead.
 Very unproductive –emphasis on the un.
 Wally sits there, jaw slack and mind racing because- because Dick is a total dick but he just said everything that really needed saying so… “Man, I think I love you!” And he forgets about the whole hangover thing when he slaps Dick’s back.
 Dick glares and rubs his temples and can still manage a joke despite wanting to get to bed and feeling shitty. “One night and you’re already in love. Damn, I’m good.”
 “I sort of remember doing all of the work last night.” It’s funny how he can joke about it now that Dick’s cleared the air but that’s how best friends operate so Wally considers it all good.
 “But it was because I made you want to do all of the work. I’m clearly amazing. Now lemme go back to bed.” Dick doesn’t wait for Wally to give him the go ahead before he stands and starts moving towards his room.
 On his way, when he passes by M’Gann’s room, he makes a mental note to thank her for one of the best birthdays. Ever.
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