#she has done everything but investigate the body i swear
clickityweasel · 2 years
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my sister is trying out disco elysium blind and i am drawing alongside her struggles
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Late Night Dishes || Drabble
Fandom: Xmen
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 1861
Summary: Only do things that risk messing up your sleeping schedule when you have the luxury of fixing it later or sleeping in. Or y'know, just go to bed at a proper time. Or don't. I'm not your parent.
The clock at his bedside seemed to have been mocking him for the last hour or so, minutes slowly ticking by as sleep avoided the blue mutant all together. With a sigh, Kurt decided it was probably better to just get up for a spell instead of lying there desperate for sleep to take a hold.
Roaming the stairways and corridors of the mansion, he halted when he saw light coming from the crack in between the kitchen door and the ground; curiosity immediately asking who else was stalking about this late in the night... or early in the morning, depending on who you asked. Surely that called for a little investigation, so he went to look who it was.
"Oh. Hi, Kurt. Can't sleep either?"
Golden eyes looked at her up and down, noticing the bright green rubber gloves and the water in the sink as he did. That certainly raised a few questions, with one being the most important.
"Uh... why are you washing dishes at two in the morning?"
She smirked, setting the plate she had been cleaning away on a drying rack as she went on to the next plate.
"Well, the rule is that you clean whatever you use after 10 pm, so that's what started it. But, honestly, it’s also one of the few ways this here introvert can get some time to herself without use of my powers. So I figured I’d just clean everything."
He wondered if that was supposed to be a hint that his presence wasn't appreciated. He watched to see if there was anything else that gave the same hint; "... I can leave, if you want?"
She turned to him, her body language and expression softening at his offer. It came from kindness, out of an understanding that sometimes she really needed just a moment to herself.
"Nah, you can stay. For some reason, you don't drain my social battery as bad as the others. And I already had a moment to recharge."
"Who drains your battery so much that your only refuge is the dishes this early in the morning?" Kurt asked with a soft laugh, grabbing himself something to drink from the fridge while he was there, "want any help with those dishes?"
"No, thank you. Gambit, for starters; exhausting to be around, I swear."
"Honestly, I can never tell if whatever is going on between the two of you is just a joke or genuine animosity."
"Eh, it's pushing buttons in a friendly banter kind of way. People around here have even started calling it a sibling thing. And I guess it is, because there are a lot of unspoken, unwritten rules to it. There's things that I consider off limits to poke him about, and I hope he respects me enough to leave certain subjects on my part unmentioned."
Kurt just listened, his tail slowly swishing back and forth as he enjoyed the sound of her voice and the conversation they were having; it gave him more opportunities to get to know her. And he really did want to get to know her better; she intrigued him in a way he had never quite felt before with anyone else at the mansion.
"I guess that tracks; but with Rogue our conversations look a lot different. Do you have any of your own?"
"Siblings? Nope; I was a one and done deal; probably for the better too. Can you imagine if my parents had to deal with more of me? But in that regard, I guess I’m turning Remy into the older brother I always wanted. ... Don't tell him that, he'll never let me live it down,” Kurt couldn't stop himself from laughing a little at the face she pulled, before she turned back around to do some more of the dishes as she had taken a small break to just talk, “either way, I like him most when he sits still and shuts up for once- when he just idly shuffles that card deck of his in a way that has me convinced he's not allowed in a ten mile radius of Vegas. It's nice ambient noise, if anything."
"Hm: most people would say they like his charm the most about him."
"I'm not most people. I understand fully why it works on other people, but whenever he tries to turn that on me I feel like he's about to pull up a hidden video camera and tell me that it was all a prank. He's not- I know he's not being insincere; and yet I'm just not buying what he's trying to sell."
"... Huh," Kurt muttered, tilting his head a little as she turned back around while drying one of the remaining glasses, "it usually works like a charm."
Miranda shrugged, setting the glass aside as a little smirk curled around her lips, "Considering I'm as white as a slice of wonder bread you'd think some "Cajun Spice' would set me ablaze, but apparently not. Good for him to have Shadow wrapped around his finger, and vice versa, but I'm good without, thanks."
"Awh, now don't tell him that, you'll hurt his feelings. 'Ah, petite, must you wound Gambit so?'" Kurt mimicked Remy's voice to the best of his ability, placing a hand over his heart as if he got shot; only for the both of them to start laughing.
"We really shouldn't bully him when he's not here to defend himself, but he makes it so easy, huh? Also never thought I'd hear French in a German accent, but good job."
"Cajun French."
"Same thing, different flavoring."
Kurt just watched her for a bit, as she continued on what she was doing. There was something incredibly peaceful about this late night conversation with her, the silence of the mansion aside from the noises that indicated it's age a pleasant background to their talk. Even in the glow of the white kitchen lights and somewhat sleep deprived, she looked lovely. The gentle wave of her wine colored hair gave it volume, the way she carried herself as if she always knew where she was going, even the way she shifted her weight from one hip to the other; he couldn’t help but be captivated by the image of her. He shook off the thought, trying to not spin the conversation that way, though he made a note to himself to one day ask if that was her real hair color or not. 
"Oh; I also wanted to ask; what's with the gloves?"
"I'd rather toss myself back in front of a fucking Sentinel than deal with the feeling of wet food in a sink."
"Please don't. Ach, meine Freundin, it's no wonder Gambit is at the very least fascinated by you; you're such a walking contradiction. Polite, but drops f-bombs like it's nobody's business. Friendly, but fierce. Down for shenanigans and hijinks, but not so much flirty tomfoolery. Introverted, and somehow incredibly chatty when one on one in conversation." Dramatic and yet far more sensitive than she let on, but he decided to not add that to the list. The list of things that totally only had Gambit interested in figuring out what exactly she was all about. Truth be told, Gambit had made some notions here and there that Drifting wasn’t easy to get a read on; but it wasn’t him who really wanted to know everything that went on in that mind as deep as an ocean.    "I do appreciate your efforts to keep religious swearing out of your vocabulary. At least, around me."
"Seems rude not to."
"Mh. Anyway, I think sleep is finally starting to drag at me. Now, I have the luxury of sleeping in tomorrow; I don't know if you do as well. Try to not stay down here too long?"
"Eh, tomorrow is tomorrow me's problem. I'll regret it in the morning, probably but I'm almost done. Good night."
Miranda watched as he left, a slight smile still on her lips as he vanished into the corridor. No matter what, at the very least she had to admit to herself that Kurt was easy to talk to, and she appreciated that immensely. He didn’t seem to mind when her brain went on a tangent about something, and for once it made her feel like she wasn’t judged for how many thoughts actually bounced around in her mind.
She also should've heeded his warning, because morning came far too soon with how late she actually went to bed. Head on the same kitchen table that had been the scene of a late-night conversation, she barely reacted as Remy addressed her by name. The only indication that she had actually heard him was that she lifted her head up just enough to look at him
"Rough night?"
"That truly is a way of putting I saw it turn four am before my brain finally decided that sleep is nice, actually," Miranda responded, with Gambit making a soft noise as a 'yikes'
"Four hours of sleep ain't enough to have a day on, petite. Good thing for you that your schedule is relaxed today, so get some rest in between."
"Yes, dad," the tone of her voice as dry as it always was, she pushed herself back up and worried about her breakfast instead, with Gambit rolling his eyes a little- whether at her commentary, her choice of breakfast or most likely both she didn’t really care that much.
"I'm just saying. Oh, since you're here, Gambit won't be able to make it to our training session tomorrow at 11. Otherwise occupied."
"Geeh, I wonder by what. Or who. Anyway, neat, training day off."
"Ah, Gambit feared that would be your take away. Non, petite; you are still training. Took it upon myself to arrange another trainer for you, you shouldn't be skipping this early in the sessions."
Why did the idea of another to teach her sound so incredibly ominous coming from the deep voice of the Cajun? Green eyes shot his way, trying to get a read on what he meant.
".... Who the hell did you talk into taking over for you?"
"Funny you mention hell. Why, our dear friend Monsieur Wagner. And Gambit didn't talk him into anything; he volunteered."
If looks could kill, he would've been dead. And if looks could spell things out, this one was spelling out "oh, you bitch'
"Liar. Anyway. Great. Wonderful. In other words; you want me dead."
"What makes you say that, mon ami?"
"You're setting me up with a master swordsman; I am going, to die."
"Gambit's leaving you," he corrected, "in the capable hands of a skilled fighter and teacher. He's not going to kill you, might do something about that horrendous footwork of yours though. Either way it'll do you good, and you might actually learn a new thing or two about him."
"When I die in there, I'm going to haunt you first."
"Will you lighten up, Drifting? Look, just show up; that's all Gambit's asking of ya," and with that he ruffled her hair, laughing as she hit his hand away, "and try not to get too distracted, will ya?"
"Oh, fuck off."
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anotherrosesthatfell · 8 months
Palette execution
Who said sick people can't write? Haha-. I'm dying 💀
Timeline 100
Today is the day of Palette execution. He made his mistakes by trying to kill Lux.. He should've known better that a hero can't kill the villain before the ending.
Palette gave up, how many time has he died? He didn't count but the scars on his body are his counts...
"Palette, hey are you awake...?" It was Drop voice. "Palette come on, I got Goth to help us. She'll bring you out from this tower!"
Palette look lifeless... He gave up on trying to escaping, it's better to die to start over.
"It's okay Drop... I'll die again and the world will start over." He said.
"SHUT UP!" Drop started to cry, she managed to open up the cell. "Come on! Please!"
Palette sighed and followed up Drop. She lead him outside the tower, it has been months since he saw the sun. It took Dream a while what punishment he should give to Palette, at the end. He chose to execute his own son.
As they exit the tower, they saw Goth and a portal behind her.
"Palette you're alright!" Goth sighed out of relief. "I am sorry for not believing in you before but I've done my investigation and you're right. Lux is fucking insane because of the evil spirit."
Palette was surprised to know Goth actually believe him... He swear he want to cry right now but they should not waste more time.
Just as Palette was about to enter the portal, they were ambushed by the guards
"oh God— Palette go—!!!" Goth pushed Palette into the portal, it lead him into a big library.
"Goth, WAIT—!" Before Palette could reach, the portal closed before Goth and Drop could enter it.
His thoughts are filled with negative. There's some timelines where Drop died but Goth? She never die because she's the daughter of grim reaper. She can't die right? She's the last grim reaper, so she can't—
... Unless Lux already awaken her power and decided to brainwash Goth... That's her ability after all....
"Shit...-" Palette cursed under his breath.
He turn around to at least find someone or a weapon. He has to go back, he expected to die already but what if there's a chance he can win in this timeline...?
"Maybe not.. Everything is out of control. I have to die...-" He frown.
"You really should die." an unknown voice appeared out of nowhere. It's Angst.
Palette sighed and frown even more.
"Look I am sorry for act without thinking...-" Said Palette. "I'll just kill myself here, okay? Help me find something sharp!"
"No...-" Angst black tears started to drop. "Sadly you have to die in the hand of your father. It's an execution ending..-" He said. "Drop is being locked away while Goth got accused for treason." explain Angst.
"NO— I- how come she was accused as treason? She did nothing but—"
"Help a prisoner like you...? Yeah..." the little spirit sighed. "I'll bring you to the castle now. It's the only way to die in this timeline." He said.
Palette has nothing left to say. He sighed and took the little spirit hand. Angst teleport him to the castle, where every guards around him.
Palette stood there still. As the guards pin him to the ground then they brought him outside the castle. It's a public execution.
Lux must having fun right now.
Palette finally saw his father after months being locked up. Dream look lifeless too... Lux really awakened her power earlier than it should.
Hope isn't here, Lux probably keep them somewhere because she know who would Hope choose to side with. Ink was not there, she's probably drinking to forget about Palette anyway. Crescent also not here... He probably already been killed...-
But every citizens are here. They seems to cheering on his execution day... How shameless...
"honestly fuck all of you, you guys will burn in hell!" He yelled which anger the crowds.
Palette is satisfied for the results, ain't no way he'll apologize to them-
He look back as he heard the sounds of footsteps coming towards him. It's Lux and Dream.
"Hah... You're going to make Papa kill me?" He frowns as he asked Lux
"Of course, isn't that wonderful?" Lux grin and chuckles. "I never expected you to be this dumb, little brother."
"And I never expected for you to be a fucking lost cause. You're a hopeless child, Lux. This thing isn't what you wanted but the fucking spirit made you wanted it."
It was a moment of silent.. Or shocked for Lux.
"So you knew all this time...?" she muttered.
"I ain't explaining it because I'm dying anyway. So go ahead, command your puppet to execute me right now." He glares.
"Fine..." she sighed and step away.
Dream summoned a bow and an arrow. What a painless way to die huh...?
"Any last word, little brother?"
"Oh..." Palette smiles. "Of course I have."
Dream then in monotone move, aiming the arrow on Palette head...
In.. 3..2..
"I slept with your man."
He died and wake up at the black void, where Angst and Nim are.
"Gosh, I didn't get to see her expression!" Palette groaned.
"Don't worry, I got the glob! Look, she is speechless and mad!" Angst laughed as he showed the glob to him.
Angst snatch it from Nim before she reset again-
"Ah jeez—" Palette laughed. "Oh my God, I've been wanting to say that for a very long time! It was worth it at the end...-"
"Wow, I'll see how Drop react to this in next timeline" Said Angst.
"Oh Drop... Haha, well it's not like actually sleep with him. I just drugged him in previous timeline." Said Palette. "She'll understand."
Palette touch his forehead. The scar has appeared, this is his 100 scars, 100 deaths.
"oh jeez... I already have the hard time to cover my neck and now I have to cover my head? I don't even know what kind of excuses I should give anymore..." he frown. "Do you still have a special bandage?" He asked
"Well no but while you were busy, I remade your hat." Said Angst as he snapped his fingers.
It's Palette's old hat but it look new and fit. It has been a while since Palette wear this hat, he lost it when Lux pushed him off the lake. Since then he learn how to swim-
"Thanks Angst." Palette thanked the little spirit and then he wore the hat. His scars magically disappeared!
"I put my magic in it. So as long you wear the hat, your scars will not be seen by anyone... I think? My magic isn't strong as it used too now, you died too much." He sighed. "Now get up, grandma want to reset this world already."
"Alright alright...- " Palette slightly smile as he gets up. "Well another trauma it is, haha! Shit I am going crazy anytime soon."
Angst patted Palette back and say
"you already went crazy in this timeline. Let just have grandma sing you a lullaby again before something bad happens-"
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violetsystems · 2 years
I swear I read this story years ago about a synth guy who was interviewed about the Berlin Wall when it finally came down. He said he had been in his basement for years just making music. He had complained that society was so bad that he had no choice but to pay bills, hole up and not be seen. Of course, I sometimes wonder if this was from a dream or some random ChatGPT log. I've been too busy to spend the day researching if it were true. I've sent one or two resumes off a day lately. I woke up to another rejection letter from Universal although like L'Oreal they keep your resume on file. I feel like I've been wandering around in the dark trying to leave this walled garden of a basement. And I start feeling it's just a waste of time to worry. I just completed that Dream On quest line in Cyberpunk after a few saves and reloads. You discover a politician and his wife are being rewired when they sleep in their apartment. Secret walls and surveillance. She even forgets the color of the flowers in a picture of their wedding when you talk about it. When V flags down the Maelstrom surveillance van and jacks in, he gets an ominous warning from some artificial intelligence. Don't cross their red lines. It was all a dream as far they were concerned and you weren't to interfere. I don't think the game really lets you go too deep in that quest line if only for a flashback at the end of the game. But it all does take my mind off the constant detective work trying to figure out why people more than just ignore me. I don't think I want to know the real answer to that one. And for all the Columbo work over the years I've done pro bono, I have figured out that I'm a lot like that guy I probably dreamed about. The environment around me is proud and indignant. Everybody assumes we're all in this together but nobody talks to anyone or acknowledges I exist. I've grown used to a special kind of friendship online when it comes to communication. Real hardcore detective work there. But I don't really think anyone reads or looks at my blog other than a few people. The only investigation going on is how my birthday happens in one week or so and nobody really cares.
That could be my fault holing up in this dungeon hiding from people. Or am I being hidden? I don't actively hide from much. Except maybe drunk people trying to get me to drink. I'm a very forward person. So is Columbo and he both amused and annoyed people with his mission. Everything after the first season kind of goes off the rails. But it's always Columbo on his same shit. Same coat. Same wife. I think he wears that coat as a strategic ploy to disguise his body language. Which is a joke because you can read the guy all over when he gets frustrated or nervous. He has no poker face to speak of. But maybe that is his ultimate trick. He is always acting thoughtful and nice. But underneath that coat you can tell that guy always solves a case no matter how easy he is to read. But I do wonder what would have happened if he just stayed in his basement playing acid keyboard to Herbie Hancock live performances on Youtube. He does end up in a jazz club tracking a suspect trumpeter named "Bill Riffkin." Each season of Columbo is a descent into Hollywood acting class hell. Bill has a history of domestic violence in which he accents to Columbo behind a bar by violently shaking his trumpet like a strangler. So much so he gets let go from the orchestra he auditioned for. A hard turn from the Supreme Court's decision to enable gun ownership for domestic abusers. It was s simpler time maybe back then. And as far as nostalgia goes, I never really grew up watching Columbo or anything. It was a little before my time. So it has this ambient nature from the other room of filling up the space with talking more so than NPR talking about war, poverty or things nobody wants an invisible person to change. Just like that synth guy, nobody has visited me other than my parents for a minute. People I thought were my friends were only here to take my money. And once you start understanding that you have finally carved out some peace and quiet for yourself you start to refine it. I pass the time sending out resumes not gossiping about other musicians. I do actually learn how to play jazz keyboard but only session with Bennie Maupin. The universal music group rejection letter was worded pleasantly enough. It said something about thanking me for wanting to share my love of music. But I don't think most people understand what love is when it comes to me as an individual. Not after all these years on this planet. I'm not exactly young. But people don't treat me like I'm old unless it's to make fun of me. In fact, I think most people fear aging so much that they're jealous I haven't gone too far downhill. Columbo looks pretty young for being old. Or at least he carries himself in a charismatic enough way to be seen as lovable. People out here project their insecurities so much, you can't really hide underneath a jacket.
Kolchak hides under a hat. Rather, he's defined by it. Made fun of for it. And constantly not believed for twenty episodes of one season. I remember seeing it on reruns and being obsessed with the voodoo storyline. The coolest thing about Kolchak is that it is a very Chicago show. And if you know about Chicago being founded by a Haitian, it kind of skirts the radical inclusive social justice tight ass perspective in modern times. Kolchak's world isn't very much different from modern Chicago. In fact, I see Chicago regressing into a car wreck of both the fifties, sixties and seventies. That's the only generations that people listen to out here. The rest don't give a fuck about the future or are battling out their insecurities. The night stalker is out there looking for the real dirt. And each episode he finds it in a sort of proto x-files sort of way. All the while, coming in contact with the gritty and corrupt nature of Chicago which is more scary than the supernatural guest stars per show. The effects are hilariously bad but the villains have a dream like quality to them. Are they for real? Is Kolchak just daydreaming his tabloid writing in a flashback or did that shit really happen? Jack the Ripper makes an appearance in the first episode as some weird silent mime jumping over construction sites, dodging police bullets and murdering indiscriminately. Kolchak gleefully and clumsily dodges his way out of everything. And every episode he gets in his quips outside of a writer's union in an office that I've passed a millions times on the elevated train on my way to the loop. He's out there in a very real and sensationalist way. But most people simply write him off as a loon. Every episode starts with him whistling alone in the newsroom. He's so fucking full of himself discovering every mystery nobody wants to admit. He's bathed in the loneliness of that newsroom in the early morning light. Just as the tune picks up on his confidence, the soundtrack kicks in to accompany him with a minor stabs and thrusts. Kolchak and Columbo aren't afraid to confront things. They aren't afraid to ask questions. To look dumb. To put themselves out there and fail. And then there's the guy who is sitting in his basement playing keyboard all day. Knowing it's all just one big meat market. Kolchak and Columbo aren't really solving any problems. Other than murders. Those already happened. At the end of a Columbo episode. Somebody gets caught. At the end of the Kolchak episode, nobody really believes him. But it was a good read. At the end of these blog entries, I'm just letting you know I'm still me. Neither a television character, a good actor, or a person with a resume than anyone is interested in. I'm getting pretty good at playing keyboard with Herbie Hancock though. Also pretty good at realizing there's nothing left for me to do but wait. <3 Tim
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queridopascal · 3 years
Happy 500! Ive had this idea for a while, but it might be too long and complicated. If it is too much feel free to disregard, no hard feelings! I just had this idea where Frankie has been really happy lately and kind of hiding things and sneaking around. So of course the guys think he started using again so they start following him and stuff to kind of catch him in the act, but hes just has a baker girlfriend they don't know about yet and hes been hiding sweet treats she makes him so he doesn't have to share with the guys. If you do write it thanks in advance ❤❤
Hi anon! I looooove this, thank you for sending it in 💞
Frankie’s secret (Frankie Morales x F!Reader)
Warnings: reference to addiction and use of drugs, curse words, fluff
annie's 500 followers celebration ✨ (NOW CLOSED)
"Something's up with him." Pope sighs as he puts down his beer.
Frankie had just entered the bar with a huge smile on his face and was now headed towards the counter.
"He's been acting weird lately..." Benny huffs and shakes his head, Pope and Will nod silently.
"You guys think...?" the youngest Miller asks as he glances at Frankie, and then looks at the others.
"I hope not. I really do." Pope lowers his head and stares at the table's wood grains, lost in thought: Frankie is like a brother to him, and to think that he could have relapsed and fallen down that wagon again makes his blood freeze.
"Hi guys," Frankie joins them and takes a seat at the table "what's with the long faces?"
No answer.
"Fish," Pope takes a deep breath and turns to him "I want you to look at me and tell me what's going on."
Frankie's eyes widen and he lets out a nervous laugh, his gaze darts between Will and Benny before settling back on Pope's face.
"What do you mean? Nothing's going on." he says, indignant, crossing his arms and letting his body language speak.
"Fish," Pope glares at him, his nostrils flaring "just... tell me you're not doing that shit again."
"Christ," he unfolds his arms and opens them "why would I? I'm clean and I'm done with that shit! What's wrong with you, uh?" he starts to gets up from the table and looks at the two brothers for back up, but they stare back at him in complete silence.
"Fish, please." Pope tries to reason with him, but he won’t listen.
"We’re worried, Fish." Benny rests both elbows on the table and looks at him "You’ve been acting strangely, avoiding us at times, you’re not answering your calls, you’re always sneaking around suspiciously and... we’re concerned."
"There’s nothing to be worried about," Frankie puts his right hand above his heart "I swear."
It’s Saturday morning when Benny stops at a water fountain to freshen up a bit after his routine morning run. As he catches his breath, a familiar figure walking on the other side of the road captures his attention: Frankie is holding two large paper bags that look like they're filled with food, a joyful expression painted on his face.
Benny doesn’t remember ever seeing him that happy, and he chuckles at that scene before squinting his eyes and noticing that the logo printed on the bags is the one of a famous bakery located at the end of the street.
Driven by curiosity, Benny jogs towards the bakery, a perfect excuse to investigate while buying something for breakfast.
As soon as he enters the small shop, the delicious smell of freshly baked bread and pastries makes his mouth water, and a gorgeous girl greets him from behind the counter.
“How can I help you, sir?” you asks him in a lovely voice as you adjust your apron.
“I’d like to get one of those croissants, please.” Benny points at the pastry behind you and you nod, turning your back to him and putting the croissant into a paper bag before handing it to him.
“Anything else?”
“Well,” Benny gets closer to the counter “Francisco Morales, do you know him?”
“Uhm, yeah,” you nod “he’s my boyfirend. Why?”
“Your what?! ” Benny’s eyebrows rise with surprise at your words.
“My boyfriend, we've been dating for a little over a month now.”
“Oh, that explains a lot of things.” he shakes his head with a smile.
“Wait, are you one of his Delta Force...?”
“Yeah, I’m Benny.” he says, extending his hand to you, and you introduce yourself.
“He’s talked a lot about you, Pope and Will. I'm finally able to put a face to name.” you glance at him as you serve another customer.
“Well," Benny sucks his teeth “no offence, but he’s never mentioned you, I didn’t have any idea he had a girlfriend... ”
“I know. Frankie’s been through a lot, I think he really wants to be sure before sharing something with the people around him." you sigh and Benny nods.
"Well, it was nice to meet you. I'll see you at the party then." he waves at you and leaves the bakery as he takes a bite of his croissant.
It's evening when Benny, Pope and Will practically invite themselves at Frankie's house to watch some football.
"You got anything to eat?" Pope asks him as he gets up from the couch and stretches his back.
"Yeah, help yourself. Mi casa es tu casa." Frankie exhales as he watches the game, attentive eyes glued to the screen.
Pope walks into the kitchen and opens the first two cabinets, finding them filled with biscuits and pastries of all sorts. He huffs and opens another cabinet in search of something savory, but its content is the same as the other ones: pastries.
"Fish, what the fuck is this?" he shouts from the kitchen.
Frankie and the other guys rush to him, and Benny's mouth falls open at the amount of baked products stored in the kitchen cabinets, and he smiles to himself.
"That's a lot of pastries." Will steps forward and grabs a plastic container filled with small squares of millefeuille.
"I can explain." Frankie puts his hands up apologetically and takes a deep breath.
Pope and Will look at him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anxiety, while Benny tries to keep his composure.
"I have a girlfriend and..." Frankie sighs "she's a baker."
"Wow, okay, so this is..." Pope looks around, pointing at all the food.
"Yeah, this is all her work."
"And I guess that's the reason why you've been acting weird lately, uh?" Benny steps closer to him and he nods.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Pope punches his arm playfully "When are we meeting her?"
"Next week, at my birthday party."
"You think they like me?" you ask as you help Frankie clean everything up after the party.
"They love you, babe." he walks over to you and places his hands on your hips "Especially Benny I would say. Please, don't run away with him." he adds, pouting a little.
"You don't have to worry, he's not my type." you shake your head and wrap your arms around his neck, caressing his nape with your thumbs.
"Yeah?" he cocks an eyebrow at you.
"Yeah," you nod firmly "he's not you, he's not my Frankie."
Frankie beams at you and rests his forehead against yours, gazing into your eyes for a moment as you get lost in the warmth of his brown ones.
"I... maybe it's too soon for you, but," he sighs, closing his eyes "I think I love you."
"I'm sure." he nods, putting his hands on your shoulders "But you don't have to say it back if you're not ready, it's alr-"
"Will you shut up!" you exclaim, putting your index finger on his mouth to silence him.
Frankie gulps and keeps quiet, staring back at you with those adorable puppy eyes.
"I love you, too."
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @withakindheartx @myguiltypleasures21 @computeringturtle @lilpopizzle @sara-alonso @radiowallet @evelynseventyr @thatgirlselectryc  @shadowolf993 @janebby @kirsteng42 @cheekygeek05 @jenacide02 @t3rradactyl @anditsmywholeheart @andiesturgss @tothejedi @mswarriorbabe80 @spideysimpossiblegirl @sunfairyy @sleep-tight1 @jediknight122 @carstwirs @donnaa @miulola @jeeperky @the-wishmonger @aana4664 @hnt-escape @agingerindenial @greeneyedblondie44 @phoenixhalliwell @hb8301 @jediknight122 @snow302085 @elegantduckturtle @darnitdraco @omlwhatamidoinghere @heythere-mel @tobealostwanderer @serini-ty
FRANKIE TAGLIST: @hunnambabe @writeforfandoms @linnie0119 @shinymoonstarfish @gingib @pedritoispunk @audreyispunk
184 notes · View notes
So I’m guessing the answer is never, but would the cast of HP or even say Tom and Lily (the two smartest people) be able to find Kira?
The cast of HP? Harry Potter and friends? God no.
Harry Potter
Harry would enter seething rage when Kira murders Sirius (displayed on muggle news for the murder of dozens of people) and swear himself to revenge. He, of course, assumes Kira is British because Everything is British (TM).
He gets the team together and Hermione researches what Kira could possibly be in the library. She finds nothing, she notes to Harry that they have no guarantees that Kira is British or that Sirius was an explicit target any more so than the hundreds of thousands of others that Kira has murdered.
Harry kicks her out of the friend group and refuses to speak to her for two months.
Harry normally would blame Snape or Draco. He follows Draco around for two months uselessly, certain it must be him, but even Harry has to acknowledge the scale of this is... huge.
He blames Voldemort: Voldemort is Kira.
It fits his MO and everything: he's killing muggles! He killed Sirius! THAT BASTARD.
Harry is very upset that Dumbledore refuses to allow Harry to participate in the investigation/stopping Voldemort's evil evilness. He tries to enter Voldemort's dreams for once, to gain vital intelligence: he gets nothing.
He tries this for the entire Kira debacle.
Harry never realizes that Voldemort was not, in fact, Kira.
Dumbledore also thinks Tom Riddle must be Kira. This is so diabolical, so heinous, that it must be him. This is the first of his twelve step plan to get the muggles to worship him as a God when he appears before them as Kira in a physical body.
Dumbledore hyper focuses on this and pumps Snape for information.
Snape has none, Voldemort's telling him nothing, which is indicative of nothing. Tom could be playing it close to the chest or else he's not Kira. Unclear.
Dumbledore goes about investigating in his usual manner which is pretty much the way he investigates everything: trying to get memories from very reluctant sources. He wastes a year trying to get Slughorn to give him a memory of a Christmas party from fifty years ago.
Dumbledore never realizes that Tom was not, in fact, Kira.
Your Intriguing AU
Per your ask though, we get to pull out all the stops. For some reason, we're in a detective AU in which Tom and Lily are partners hell bent on stopping Kira: even though nobody cares. I don't know how we reached this AU, anon, but it intrigues me nonetheless.
The Rules
No L, as that would be cheating and all Tom and Lily would have to do is follow his leave/infiltrate the muggle investigation.
Wizards also have no distinct advantage to muggles: they can't see shinigami either unless they touch the notebook. Otherwise they're just cheating.
Our Aurors
Tom Riddle and Lily Evans are partners in this weird noir spin off to the Harry Potter universe. Lily Evans is a muggle born woman that nobody takes seriously, Tom Riddle is presumed muggle born by society and no one takes him seriously, they always get stuck with the absolute worst jobs by the department.
Kira is not the job they're stuck with.
Lily, following muggle news, becomes very concerned very quickly. Someone is a) murdering people left and right with magic on a massive scale, b) using magic Lily can scarcely comprehend, c) flagrantly breaking the statute of secrecy on an international level.
She gets brushed aside: muggles die of heart attacks all the time, international wizards with more experience will take care of it, shut up and go back to giving out apparation misuse tickets.
It doesn't get better though. It gets much worse.
No one seems to be able to find Kira and has no idea what country he or she is even operating in. No one knows what magic he or she could possibly be using. And... the wizarding world is starting to take advantage of this.
Criminals previously too difficult or dangerous to catch? They run stories in muggle media, whamo, their good friend is now dead with no injuries to the auror corps. Good show, Kira.
Lily and Tom have a drunk conversation somewhere where they decide they must take this on themselves. Well, Lily does, Tom takes a bit of convincing as he, for one, welcomes their new ant overlords and has reached a level of cynicism that knows no bounds. But alright, two maverick, wizard cops, are going to track down Kira.
How do they do it?
I imagine they start where L presumably started: they look for patterns in the initial deaths. Doing this long enough, they can likely pinpoint Kira to Japan and conclude that, for a while, he seemed to kill outside the hours of 8 to 4. Kira is likely a student or else works with a student's schedule.
It's not much but the pair take extended leave and head to Tokyo.
There they probably resort to magical means and this... might get them pretty decent results depending. It's unclear how divination actually works, but it may be able to pick up traces of other to get them in Ryuk's vicinity or else get them Light's face.
(Again, this may be a bit of cheating on my part, but it's something that feels in line with what magic could accomplish and thus within the range of Lily and Tom's abilities).
Of course, the question is a) if this kid really is Kira b) how do they prove it? Tom argues there's no need to prove it, they give Kira the Kira treatment: whack him over the head and throw his body in the gutter.
Lily does not approve.
As for proving whether he is, well, that's what legilimency is for. Lily doesn't like doing that without a warrant, but they're on vacation and Tom only has so much leave. Tom reads Light's mind and... well... this is complicated.
Turns out Shinigami are a thing no one knew about. They really do have ant overlords who might kill them at any moment.
Lily decides she can't even and burns the notebook. Ryuk is devastated, Light now has no memories of being Kira, and finds himself sitting on a park bench with two Brits with the worst fashion taste in the world.
Lily wonders if they can or even should arrest Light when he appears to a) have no memories of being Kira b) Lily and Tom... have no warrant and no backing. Tom thinks they've done enough, he wants to go on vacation for real now.
Tom pats a confused Light on the shoulder and suggests he invest in therapy.
Three months later, Ryuk drops another notebook.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Saiki K Sentence Starters Collection
A collection of the Saiki K sentence starters I’ve done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
1) Lee Kaidou, Ler Aren
“Stop squirming,” Aren laughed, struggling to keep up with the flailing of his friend who was rolling on the ground in a feeble attempt to get away from the fingers prodding into his ribs and sides. “You’re making this more difficult for yourself, Jet Black Wings.”
“Dohohohohohon’t cahahahahall me thahahahaht while you’re-!” Kaidou sputtered, giggling hysterically through every word. He was unbearably ticklish, and right now Aren was bound and determined to completely destroy him. “Plehehehehease, I cahahahahan’t!”
“It’s just a minute, Shun.” Aren finally straddled his waist to keep him pinned down, searching out his bottom ribs through the fabric of his shirt. “You can handle a minute, can’t you?”
“NO!! Of course I cahahahahahahan’t! God – AREN!!” Kaidou tossed his head back with a screech, laughter being forced from his lungs as his taller, stronger friend finally found the backs of his ribs and curled his fingers into the grooves there. The blue-haired teen arched his back, but eventually he couldn’t arch up any farther and had to fall back down again. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
Aren laughed again. “Dude, how are you so ticklish?”
“I DOHOHOHOHON’T – I CAHAHAHAHAN’T HEHEHEHEHELP IT!!” Kaidou’s laughter was loud and desperate, but the bright smile lighting up his features told Aren that he wasn’t hating it completely. “LEHEHEHEHET ME GO!! PLEASE!! NO MOHOHOHOHOHORE!!”
After another several seconds, Aren complied with his friend’s screaming pleas, climbing off of him. “You can’t even take a minute of tickling? That’s both sad and really funny.”
Kaidou groaned. “Shut up. You’re lucky we’re friends, or I’d have to kill you for that.”
“Uh-huh.” Aren poked his side again, making Kaidou yelp and roll away. “Good thing I don’t have to worry, then.”
2) Lee Saiki, Ler Kaidou
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh,” Kaidou commented as he and Saiki walked home from school one afternoon.
Saiki groaned to himself. Not many things amuse me enough to make me laugh.
“Well that’s a shame.”
Is it, though?
“Yeah! I want to hear it!” Kaidou hummed, watching him with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Saiki hesitated. He knew – he always knew – where that look was heading. Around his family he’d always been able to teleport away before anything happened, but here, with Kaidou, out in the open…this was not good.
For a few moments Saiki was able to dodge Kaidou’s attempts to grab his sides or ribs, but eventually he backed himself up into a wall, and that split second was all the blue-haired teen needed to find his purchase and start tickling.
Saiki hated how quickly he burst into laughter. Not even giggles – actual laughter, right out the gate. The sound seemed to surprise Kaidou, but not enough to keep him from letting up.
“Dude – your laugh is so awesome!” his friend said with a grin, squeezing up and down his sides and ribs.
Saiki struggled against him, but again, he couldn’t use his super strength to push him off without giving away that he wasn’t entirely normal. His best bet was to ride it out and then wipe Kaidou’s memory afterward. But he’d be darned if he was going to resort to begging him to stop.
“Hey, you’re not asking me to stop,” Kaidou mused as though reading his mind. “Do you like being tickled, Saiki? That’s hilarious! I’d have never expected that from you.”
Well…maybe he’d beg just this once.
3) Lee Saiki, Ler Aiura
“Just a smile~” Aiura teased, poking Saiki’s side with her fingertips. She’d latched herself onto his arm for their boyfriend-girlfriend show to throw off yet another Saiki fangirl, and now he couldn’t get away from her without ruining the routine. But dang it if she wasn’t making it really difficult for him!
Stop, he hissed, trying to remain as stoic as possible while continuing to walk out of the front doors of the school.
“But if you don’t smile, people won’t buy it,” she insisted, poking him again. “Come on~” This time her finger found a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves at the base of his ribs, and he jerked to the side involuntarily, letting out a sputtering giggle. Aiura stopped, staring at him. “Oh my god – you’re actually ticklish?”
Of course I am. Plenty of people are. He walked a little faster, practically dragging her with him. Come on, let’s get out of here.
“But I want to make you smile more,” she whined, trying her best to keep up.
Not here.
As soon as they were out of everyone’s sight, he teleported them far away from school grounds, where there’d be no chance of one of their classmates finding them. Just as he was beginning to relax, however, Aiura dug all ten fingers into his ribcage, making him gasp and choke on a laugh, trying to twist away from her but only succeeding in finding himself trapped in her embrace with his back to her chest, the height difference making it difficult for him to squirm away from her.
“S-Stohohohohop,” he laughed pleadingly. He didn’t know what else to do; it had been years since he’d been tickled, and his body was reacting faster than he could keep up with. “Aiura, plehehease!”
“Aww, you’re so cute when you’re tickled,” she cooed, giggling into his ear. “Relax, Saiki. There’s no one here to know, is there? I think you can take a little more~”
4) Lee Saiki, Ler Toritsuka
Toritsuka had seen Saiki use his astral projection powers before, but never in a situation in which it wasn’t dire. He felt kind of odd just hanging out in the room with his friend’s body lying unconscious before him while Saiki was off investigating something.
“Is your body basically dead?” he asked the quiet air, not really expecting an answer.
Of course not. If it was I wouldn’t be able to project.
“Right, right. So, what? It’s just sleeping?”
No. It’s too difficult to explain. Just leave it alone.
“But can it still feel things? Like if I poke your nose, would you feel it?”
Why would you do that in the first place? Be quiet. I’m concentrating.
Toritsuka hummed, kneeling by Saiki’s inanimate body, poking his cheek. He didn’t react, but Saiki’s voice told him to knock it off. The medium smirked, feeling curious and mischievous. “What if I tickle you? Will you feel that?”
But it was too late. Toritsuka curled his fingers into Saiki’s side. A moment later his friend’s projection shot back into the room and reentered his body, waking it up with a jolt and a laugh that was clearly unintentional.
Saiki grabbed his wrist, a smile on his lips despite himself. Don’t, I said—
But the medium wasn’t to be stopped now. He shoved Saiki back onto the floor and dug into his ribs, enjoying the sputtering, unpracticed giggles that bubbled up out of him. “I didn’t even know you were ticklish. Oh, Aiura is going to love this.”
Stop it! Saiki used his super strength to push Toritsuka away, growling mostly out of embarrassment. Don’t you dare tell anyone else about this.
“Or what?” the medium teased.
Saiki teleported them above the middle of the ocean.
Toritsuka clung onto him for dear life, laughing. “Okay, okay, I won’t tell! I promise!”
5) Lee Saiki, Ler Aiura
I swear if you tickle me… Saiki threatened, holding perfectly still. He didn’t need to look at Aiura to know she was smirking.
“What is it, Saiki? You’ll teleport away? Not in front of all these people,” she teased. She had her arms wrapped around his waist, her chin on his shoulder, squeezing his sides gently. He grunted and squirmed, doing everything he could not to react beyond the tiny smile that was already forming on his lips.
Don’t, he thought to her. I don’t want anyone to see me like this.
“Aw, come on. It’s just the two of us. No one else here even knows you.” Aiura snuggled closer, squeezing harder. “Just give me one little giggle. Please?”
No. He grit his teeth against her efforts, but was unable to help the full smile lighting up his features now. Stop it.
“Come on~” she teased, moving up to his ribs now. “Just laugh a little~”
Saiki gasped sharply when she got to his lower ribs. He shot his arms down to try and pry her off, twisting in her grip as much as possible. “Please,” he said aloud, his voice laced with a waver that only encouraged her to dig deeper. “Plehehehease, don’t!
“What? Was that a giggle?” she cried dramatically, digging in with everything she had, holding him close to her so he couldn’t get away. Aiura beamed when he finally broke down into helpless laughter, his grip on her arms weakening. “Ah! There it is!”
“Plehehehehease, stohohohohop!” he begged, his laughter coming out jerky and foreign and completely endearing. “Mikoto!”
Finally she let up, still hugging him close. “That was cute.”
“Don’t ever do that again,” he muttered, turning his face away from hers.
She smiled and didn’t reply. The light blush on his cheeks was more than enough for her.
6) Lee Saiki, Lers Kaidou and Aren
“Aren,” Kaidou said seriously, “hold him.”
Saiki was trapped. He couldn’t teleport away, and he couldn’t use his super strength to fight either of his “friends” off, so his only option was to try and halfheartedly wrestle against the surprisingly strong Aren as he hooked his arms under Saiki’s to hold him in place while Kaidou approached with wiggling fingers.
It didn’t take a psychic to figure out what their intentions were.
Soon Kaidou shot his hands out to Saiki’s sides and squeezed, grinning wickedly at him as he did so. Saiki bit his lip and squirmed, but refused to give them the satisfaction of smiling or giggling. Still, his reactions were enough to encourage them both; no one who wasn’t ticklish would fight back the way he was now.
“Come on, just a little smile,” Kaidou teased, continuing to squeeze up and down his sides. Saiki continued to fight back until the blue-haired boy got a little too close to his lower ribs, making him flinch harder and make a kind of choking noise in the back of his throat. He hated that a smile managed to break free from him. He struggled even more against Aren, but again, he couldn’t truly fight in the way he was capable of. He’d be darned if this was how they found out he was a psychic.
“There’s a smile,” Aren teased into his ear, his breath tickling in its own way, making Saiki whine a little and begin to blush. “Now you need to let the laughs out~”
Kaidou hummed thoughtfully, switching his tactic from squeezing to kneading purposefully into Saiki’s lower ribs, grinning when the pink-haired boy arched his back, squealed, and finally dissolved into helpless giggles.
“Aha! There you go, Saiki!”
Saiki pressed his lips together, trying to muffle himself, but Kaidou was relentless in his tickling, and soon he was practically doubled over in hysterics, barely able to stand up on his own. But again, he’d be darned if he’d let them hear him beg. So he just stood there, forced to take it, determined to hold out for as long as they deemed necessary. It was just tickling. He could handle it. Right…?
7) Lee Aren, Ler Saiki
“Gah!” Aren whirled around, glaring at the first person he saw who was nearby. “Kaidou!”
“What?” Kaidou asked innocently, looking genuinely confused.
“Don’t do that!”
“Don’t do what?”
Aren grunted, turning around and continuing up the aisle to where Saiki sat. A moment later, he felt another pinch to his other side and whirled again, this time snapping at Nendou.
“What? I didn’t do anything,” Nendou said.
“You all think you’re so funny,” Aren grumbled, his eyes scanning the room. He was trying not to let it show how flustered he was getting, but he knew if someone pinched his side again he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from giggling, and he did not want to giggle.
Saiki sat a few desks up from him, mindlessly flipping through a book, not actually reading anything. He was hyperaware of Aren’s presence approaching him, and he was determined to keep the boy away from him at all costs. He knew his “friend” was intending to invite him to go bike riding with him and Kaidou later, but the psychic wanted none of it.
“Seriously!” Aren cried, whirling a third time, eyes latching onto Chiyo. “Quit tickling me!”
Chiyo blinked up at him. “Tickling you? I didn’t even touch you, Aren.”
Saiki masterfully hid a smirk of his own. He’d been using his powers to poke and prod at Aren’s sides, making him think it was his classmates ganging up on him, and now he’d just outed himself to everyone without the pink-haired boy having to lift a finger. This was perfect.
“You’re ticklish?” Kaidou exclaimed, leaping up from his seat with a big smile. “Why didn’t you say so, Aren?”
Aren took a step back. “W-Wait, no, did I say ticklish? I meant…I meant, uh…” Then he took off at a sprint toward the door, ducking under the teacher just as he entered the classroom. Kaidou was right on his heels, both of them ignoring the protests of their professor.
Saiki smiled. It seemed Aren was sufficiently distracted.
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ethanesimp · 3 years
Pairing: Mob Boss! Damiano David x Mob GN! Reader (it was originally written with a fem! reader so please let me know if you spot any slip ups on my part)
Summary: Soulmates are already a difficult concept to grasp and things don’t seem to get any easier when you like a person who already has a soulmate.
Word Count: 9.8k (it’s so long lakjd)
Warnings: Swearing, death and mentions of it, injuries, angst -lots of it-, it’s a mob fic so violence, smoking, Damiano being kind of an asshole? Me probably using swear words in italian wrong... Just read with caution pls
Masterlist // Taglist link in bio
A/N: If you’ve seen this before, it’s probably because this has been written and posted on my other blog @pparkersbitch as a Tom Holland fanfiction at the beginning of the year (which has now been deleted). It’s the same person and I’m not stealing anyone’s work :) I just like it and wanted to bring it back. I did add/modify some tiny details though. The idea is probably dumb, but I’m sharing anyways.
Taglist: @gretavanfleetlove​ @superchrystaldrug​ @reputationdamiano​​
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“This isn’t how I wanted to start my morning,” Your best friend mumbled in a tired voice. You could barely hear him from where you were standing over the sounds the old -and surely broken- coffee machine kept making and the music playing from his phone.
“Well, sucks to be us, huh?” You chuckled and poured coffee on both of your cups as you did a small dance to try and shake the tiredness off your body. You handed Damiano his cup after preparing his coffee the way he liked it, a teaspoon of sugar with a splash of milk, and walked with him to the large office down the hall, “I don’t get why Ethan and Thomas can’t do this instead of us.”
The room was always cold and you seemed to forget about it most of the time since it still slipped your mind to wear a sweater or hoodie over your thin pajama shirt. You grabbed one of the blankets from the small black couch on the corner of the room and wrapped it around your body as best as you could with your free hand. 
You sat down on the chair next to him to have a better look at all the papers and files he had spread out on the desk, “What exactly are we looking for?” You asked with furrowed eyebrows. All those documents were enough to keep you occupied for the whole day if you didn’t work fast enough.
“We are looking for any leads to the drug cartel or its leader. Really anything that can help us find them,” Damiano explained and took a sip of his coffee as he opened the first file. 
You had been trying to track a drug cartel ever since they infiltrated your warehouse and stole some of your products. Damiano’s father had been at both of your necks ever since it happened as if it had been your fault instead of the incompetent guards that were supposed to be guarding the entrance at all times, “I’m sure these are people we’ve made deals with in the past, they wouldn’t have been able to break in otherwise. We’ve always been far too careful for this to be a mere coincidence.”
He removed the gold ring from his ring finger and left it on the jewelry bowl you had placed on his desk. You had known Damiano David and his family for years. For as long as you had known him, the band on his ring finger had been gold, and you hated it. 
That stupid little gold band was a silent reminder that he had met his soulmate and there was nothing to be done about it. For months you had silently hoped and prayed for Damiano to be your soulmate, but any illusion or wish you had of it happening, had vanished the moment you saw the gold ring on his finger for the first time. You later discovered he avoided wearing it on his hand because it put his soulmate at risk of being found, but he still kept it close to him at all times by using it as a necklace.
You avoided wearing yours for an entirely different reason. The black ring and all the stares and words of pity that came with it were saddening and something you didn’t need. While gold was a reminder of love and good luck, black was a reminder that your soulmate was no longer alive and you were doomed to spend the rest of your life alone. You were sure the band had been black for most of your life, or at least that’s how you remembered it.
It was safe to say you were jealous of Damiano’s soulmate, Marlee. Not only was she one of the most beautiful women you had ever met, but she got to have perhaps the most amazing man by her side until her dying day, something you could never have in any way that wasn’t platonic.
You successfully ignored it most days, which wasn’t so hard to do since you had better things to think about most of the time, but nights were always the hardest. In your loud and chaotic life, there was a speck in time where everything quieted and calmed down. During those few hours was when you’d break down and grieve for the person whose name you didn’t even get to know. You’d cry for being stupid enough to fall for someone who wasn’t only your best friend, but who also had a girlfriend.
“Damiano, Y/N?” Marlee’s sweet voice interrupted your train of thoughts. You had been reading the files consciously enough to notice anything unusual, but you had paid no mind to anything else until she walked into the room. You smiled politely at her and waved. 
She walked up to Damiano and he immediately closed all files with any sort of photo that might be too graphic for her to look at. Marlee cupped his face and pressed her lips to his for a few moments that felt like an eternity to you, watching everything from the side as a feeling of jealousy invaded your senses. You did nothing but look at the painting on the wall until they stopped locking lips, which took a bit longer than you would’ve liked.
“Did you two find anything?” Marlee asked once she pulled away from Damiano. He gave her a look you knew as ‘I cannot tell you anything about the mob to keep you safe’. She had been involved with the mob’s administration for most of her life, only after she met Damiano and her father united his mob with Damiano’s did she stop working. 
You had been brought in as a replacement of sorts once Marlee stopped doing any mob business per Damiano’s request. His parents had saved yours from a legal accident, which left you in debt with his family, so you didn’t have much say on whether you’d join the mob or not. 
Something you were grateful for was that Damiano always kept your hands clean. No matter what business it was, he made sure to keep you out of any sort of situation in which you’d have to hurt or get hurt by another member of the mob. Most people that worked for Damiano didn’t have the pleasure of knowing him as the lenient and caring individual he was around you.
You excused yourself after spending a few more minutes flipping through the files in search of something but ultimately found nothing. It was supposed to be your free day, or at least that was what Damiano had promised. Apart from that impromptu search for information at 5 am, he promised he’d have Ethan, Vic, or Thomas help with anything he needed. 
That was why you took the liberty to lock yourself inside your room and put your phone on silent. You desperately wanted to catch up on all the hours of sleep you had lost in between those early morning duty calls and coffee runs. No matter how much you enjoyed spending time with Damiano, you still missed your normal sleep schedule.
When you woke up a few hours later, the house was completely silent. The usual chatter coming from the kitchen wasn’t there, neither was the noise of Vic repeatedly firing bullets at the targets in the garden to practice her aim like she did every morning or the soft sound of Thomas softly strumming his guitar as he tried to piece an unplanned melody together with the assistance of Ethan’s drumming.
It wasn’t a Sunday, which meant they weren’t away visiting their families. They were all supposed to be home. That last thought made you nervous and you couldn’t help but wonder if something had happened while you were asleep. Being in the mob, you knew a lot of unexpected things happened all the time and you had to be prepared for them all.
You walked to the door, determined to investigate what was wrong. Your hand was already firmly grasping the doorknob and you were about to undo the lock when someone knocked harshly on the door, startling you. 
Without hesitation, you jumped back and reached for the gun stuffed in one of the drawers nearby, “Y/N? You awake?” 
You let go of the drawer’s handle and your tense body relaxed at the sound of Victoria’s raspy voice, “Fuck, Vic, you scared me,” You spoke as you opened the door to be met with her panicked blue eyes. Your eyebrows furrowed at her worried expression, but before you could ask, she grabbed you by the arm softly and dragged you out of the room.
Once you were in the hallway, you finally heard everything with a lot more clarity. The faint sound of glass clinking before falling to the floor, Thomas’s exasperated shouts, and Damiano’s complaints. You looked at Victoria, expecting an explanation.
“I don’t know what happened,” She began, “One second he was alright, then at like 9 AM Ethan and I heard them fighting. She’s gone and Damiano’s locked in his room, won’t let anyone in. Thomas is trying to get him to talk while Ethan looks for the keys.”
You walked past Victoria and ran up the stairs. Damiano’s room was right above yours. Upon walking up to the third floor of the house, you saw Thomas repeatedly knocking on Damiano’s door. Once he heard footsteps and spotted you, it was like relief washed all over him at the sight of you.
“Do you mind trying?” He asked, “He’s been asking for you,” Thomas added with a sigh as he brushed his messy hair out of his forehead. You nodded and got closer to the door once he got out of the way.
With hesitation, you knocked on the door and patiently waited for a response, which arrived only after you knocked once again, “Vaffanculo, Thomas! Which part of your tiny fucking brain cannot understand that I want to be left alone?”
You flinched at his words and took a long breath as you gathered the confidence to speak up, “I-It’s Y/N, Dami,” You said, loud enough for him to hear you from where he was. You were expecting rejection; if Damiano didn’t want to talk to people who were as close to him as siblings, why would he talk to you? Sure, you were one of his best friends, but he’d known Thomas for longer than he—
Your thoughts were interrupted when Damiano opened the door and quickly dragged you in before slamming it shut once more. For the first few minutes, you stood in silence while Damiano faced the door. You couldn’t see his face or his eyes, so you had no idea what could be going through his mind, so you focused on your surroundings instead. 
The room was a mess, but not more than it usually was. What alarmed you was the shattered glass on the floor as well as the drops of blood that stained the white floor. You looked back at your best friend and noticed that it was dripping from his hand. 
“Damiano,” You called, “Amore, your hand,” He turned to look at you and that’s when you finally saw his red and swollen eyes as well his tear-stained cheeks. His gaze softened once his eyes fell on yours. He choked back a sob and turned away from you once again.
If his hand hadn’t been bleeding, you wouldn’t have hesitated on wrapping your arms around his neck and trying to comfort him. Instead, you ran to his bathroom to grab the first-aid kit. After years of being in the business, treating Damiano’s cuts and injuries wasn’t anything new to you, but you were oblivious as to why he was in such a state in the first place.
Being the person he was, Damiano had learned to conceal his emotions incredibly well to protect himself, even around the people he trusted the most. You had only seen him that shaken once when something had gone terribly wrong. The fact that Marlee was gone too only gave you a worse feeling. The fact that her clothes were all gone from the closet didn’t ease your worried mind either.
Damiano was sitting on the bed patiently waiting for you to return. Once you did, he avoided your gaze and said nothing as you examined his hand. The cuts were all superficial and would surely cure on their own in a few days, which was why you only focused on removing the tiny shards of glass that had stuck to his skin with a pair of tweezers.
Once that was done and you had cleaned the cuts, you wrapped a bandage around his hand once and secured it with a small piece of tape. You sat in silence for a while, you didn’t comment on the sobs that would escape his lips every once in a while or the tears that had started falling down his cheeks.
Instead, you waited until he was ready to say something, “I don’t even know how to tell you this,” Damiano mumbled. His eyes stayed glued to the floor. He seemed… embarrassed to look you in the eye.
“I was finally going to do it this morning, N/N,” He said as a sigh escaped past his lips and he took a small velvet box out of his pocket. He didn’t have to say what was inside the box because you knew exactly what it was. Damiano had been planning on proposing for months, but there was always something that managed to get in the way of completing his goal.
“She went to the bathroom and had left her phone on my bedside table. I was going to get the ring and Y/N… I-I swear to God I didn’t want to look but the messages kept coming, one after the other, the fucking phone wouldn’t stop making noise. Cazzo, she was the one feeding information to the drug cartel and Lord knows to who else,” He said those words in one breath and you had barely been able to catch them all. Damiano threw the box at the wall angrily and from the noise, you didn’t doubt there’d be an indent there.
“I asked her about it and you have no idea how much I wished she’d deny it, but she didn’t even try,” Damiano cried. Unexpectedly, Damiano turned his body around to face yours and wrapped his arms around your waist while he buried his face on your neck.
It took you by surprise, but you said nothing. Instead, you focused on rubbing circles on his back and whispering soothing words into his ear. Part of you knew there was something else going on, even if you didn’t ask. You hadn’t seen Damiano cry in a long time and even then you saw nothing more than just a few tears rolling down his cheeks. What happened with Marlee had truly driven him right to the edge and he couldn’t keep in everything he had been trying so hard to hide.
In the four months that followed, you didn’t see Marlee once. She never had the guts to return after Damiano found out about everything she had been doing behind his back. At first, he had been utterly destroyed by her absence, it pained you to see him shut everything and everyone out with the lame excuse that he had work to do. Every single time he did so, you’d quietly sit down and help him despite his complaints. 
He got better though. Once enough time passed, he healed, but all that love he had once felt for her was now nothing more than pure hatred every single time her name was mentioned. You knew better than anyone that it wasn’t the healthiest thing to do, but it didn’t matter how many times you told him so because it never truly changed much.
As for the mob, things seemed to calm down once Damiano and Ethan were able to track down the leader of the drug cartel and get the stolen products back. Everything was too good and too quiet. While your four friends enjoyed all that peace, you couldn’t help but worry about something being wrong. It was a silly thing anyway, there was nothing that gave you even the slightest confirmation that your worry wasn’t just fueled by paranoia, not a single thing.
You should’ve been grateful instead. Your sleep schedule had gotten acceptably regular and there was no more working from 5 am to 10 pm every single day. You also had time to finally sit down and read the books that had been sitting on your untouched shelf ever since the start of the year, just like you were doing at that very moment while the boys were playing poker in the basement and Vic was on a date.
Damiano walked into your room eventually, still smelling like the cigarette he had just been smoking minutes back. He couldn’t help but scrunch up his nose as the smell of lemon incense burning hit his nostrils.
You looked up and giggled at his disgusted expression, “You cannot be disgusted when you were the one who walked into my room smelling like cigar and beer,” Damiano rolled his eyes and plopped down on the bed next to you.
“Incense is bad for you,” You shot Damiano a killer look and closed your book. He gave you a funny look back and then put his attention on your book, “What are you reading anyway?”
You hummed and showed him the cover. It had a beautiful yet simple design, which accurately represented the story hidden in between those pages, “Okay so, it’s the story of these people that all get invited to this island. They’re all summoned there for different reasons but it turns out they all have this common enemy. It’s terrifying because they get killed off one by one when a children’s lullaby plays. I truly cannot explain it enough to do justice to how intense this book is.”
“Oh and before that I got to read the most wonderful romance book! It was apparently the first book written where soulmates weren’t a thing and it was just a piece of art. Beautifully written, made me cry for hours too.”
Damiano smiled and you could almost see all the gears turning inside his brain, “Wouldn’t it be amazing?”
“What would?”
He shrugged and propped himself up on his elbows to get a better look at you, “A world without soulmates, where you’re not bound to someone since birth.”
You sighed and turned to look at him, “It’s our own fault… being bound, I mean. No angel from the heavens came down to tell us we have to love our soulmate as anything more than a close friend, you know? It can be purely platonic, we’re just stupid.”
“Were you ever able to fall in love with your soulmate or was it just platonic?” Damiano asked. You never talked much about soulmates with him. He still didn’t know your soulmate had been dead for as long as you could remember.
“I never got to know them,” You smiled sadly and showed him the black ring you had gotten used to wearing around your neck, carefully tucked under your shirt to stay unseen. His mouth fell open as he grabbed the ring and inspected it closely. It was the first time he had seen a black ring.
“I didn’t know… I’m sorry,” Damiano let the ring go. You shrugged and waved your hand to silently show it wasn’t too important, “I thought you guys were separated or something.”
You shook your head, “Mom says the ring turned black when I was six, but I don’t really remember so I just like to pretend I never had one in the first place… I don’t know.”
There was a question on the tip of your tongue, but you didn’t want to ask it, as intrigued as you were to know the answer. You hadn’t talked about her ever since she left and he’d most likely avoid the question because he truly wanted to keep her name out of his mouth. Nonetheless, he noticed your hesitance because you suddenly got too silent. 
“You can ask, you know? I know I just touched on a sensitive topic, so…” You nodded. Both of you were lying on your backs, looking up at the ceiling which had some of those glow-in-the-dark stars and planets you had glued when you first moved in to feel less lonely.
You hummed softly as you tried to find the right words. You didn’t want to be too straightforward with your question in fear of upsetting your best friend even though he had asked you the same question minutes earlier, “Did-did you ever… you know, fall in love with her?” 
Damiano thought about it in silence, you had probably caught him off-guard with your question, “No, not really. Not in the way I was expecting at least. You know truth be told, I was a bit disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, she had this angelic look to her, she was a stunning girl. I just- there was nothing we had in common other than being soulmates. For years I had seen my parents act like they shared one mind and just thought the same things. I always imagined it’d be like that for me too.
“My expectations couldn’t have been further from what it truly was like. Honestly, I’m not even sure which part of our relationship was true anymore. Now that I look back on it, I’ve realized most of the things she did or said were just to get information out of me.” 
It was weird to hear him say all that. As a person who always got to look at the way Marlee and Damiano interacted with one another, you would’ve never expected Damiano to feel that way, “And,” He continued, “I was expecting it to be someone else.”
His last confession made you turn around to look at him. It was the first time he had admitted that, probably because of the beer he had been drinking while playing with his friends.
“I know it sounds terrible but… I met her and this other person on the same day, almost at the same time. I didn’t notice my ring had turned gold until much later. I had only been with them both and people I already knew. I thought it had been the other person until she told me her ring had changed too. Meanwhile, the other one said nothing. Now I realize it would’ve been impossible for them to be my soulmate.”
It might’ve been because he was telling you all those things and you felt safe to admit what you felt, or maybe because you were tired of bottling it up for so long. Either way, you spoke up, not caring if you’d regret it later, “It’s not as terrible as you might think.”
“Look, I’m not bound to anyone. The black ring gives me the freedom of loving someone else. I never met my soulmate so there’s no guilt in being with someone else. It’s supposed to be a perfect thing, Dami, only it isn’t. I know a lot of people who’re also blacksouled,” You hated using the word. It was usually how people would refer to those who didn’t have a soulmate anymore, “And I fell in love.”
“T-that’s great!” Damiano replied, “Why didn’t you tell me? I mean, not like you’re obliged to tell me anything just because we’re friends but I-”
You interrupted his rant, “I fell in love with someone whose soulmate’s still alive.”
“So what? You said it yourself. Are they together?” He asked. You told him they weren’t. If only he knew you were talking about him… He’d probably run away and never speak to you again, “Then fuck it. Fuck the rules and everything else society has to say.”
“It’s not that simple, Dami. I truly wish it was, but it isn’t,” You wanted nothing more than for the conversation to be over. If it went any further, you knew you’d spill every single thing. It had gotten far too hard to conceal your feelings when you were close to him. Now that you were talking about them, it’d be even harder.
You got up and walked to your bookshelf, where you started accommodating your books as an excuse to avoid being so close to him, to avoid his curious gaze. Even if they weren’t together anymore, you knew Damiano would reject you, that was far too obvious. Even if he felt the same, after what happened, it’d take Damiano a lot of effort to ever trust someone in such an intimate way, even if that someone was you, his best friend.
“Why? It is that simple. If they’re not together, what’s stopping you? You’ll never know what could happen if you don’t try,” You turned around to look at him, fists clenched by your sides, “Listen Y/N, I know you’re scared of relationships and everything they involve but you cannot let that sto—” 
“Fine then, I’m in love with you! I can barely breathe when I’m around you because my love for you is so suffocatingly strong, and I can’t think straight either! You and your stupidly handsome face drive me insane. How’s that?” You admitted, interrupting his small speech midway, too irritated to process what you had just said. Once you did, your hand flew to your mouth and you shook your head. You wanted to say it wasn’t true, no, it was nothing more than a lie to get him to stop poking his nose into your love life. Except it wasn’t and, if you were being honest, no part of you wanted to hide it anymore.
Just like you expected, he said nothing. Damiano stayed silent for a few seconds before getting up and walking out without another word. He slammed the door on the way out so hard you wouldn’t be surprised if the door separated from its hinges.
For the weeks that followed, Damiano avoided you as much as possible. You were still his right-hand person and needed to be present at every meeting and would have to discuss any type of business with him. It used to be your favorite part of the day when you got to sit in the meeting room with Damiano and discuss plans to make the mob prosper, now it was nothing but uncomfortable because you’d do all the talking while he looked at you as if his biggest desire was to carve your heart out with his pocket knife. 
While you understood that he was still mad at Marlee and wanted nothing to do with her, you didn’t understand why he was treating you that way when you had nothing to do with it and weren’t to blame for the stupid shit his ex had tried to pull. You thought he knew that you loved him far too much to ever do anything to jeopardize his safety. Yet again, he might’ve assumed the same thing about Marlee.
You walked out of yet another unsuccessful meeting with Damiano and slammed the door as hard as you could to let him know how much his childish behavior annoyed you. Ethan was standing close to the door and you could see the shadow of a smile that was threatening to break out and illuminate his face, “Don’t you dare,” He raised his hands in defense and bit his lip to try and hide the smile that would just annoy you further.
“You two are starting to act like two teenagers and it’s fucking pathetic,” Thomas chimed in from where he was sitting on one of the couches.
“Yeah? Tell that to your friend who is giving me the silent treatment like a fucking toddler! I just want- I need to have a serious conversation with him,” You admitted and sighed as you fell on the couch right next to Thomas, head in your hands to try and cover up the tears that were threatening to spill down your cheeks.
Both men stayed silent as they watched you, Even though you could feel their stares, you decided to focus on not crying instead. The truth was, the longer Damiano spent ignoring you, the more you regretted telling him what you had been bottling up for years, it had been a mistake there was no coming back from. Unless he decided to stop acting like a kindergartener, things would never go back to the way they were.
It was frustrating to think that your friendship would go to shit just because of your confession. Being rejected by him wouldn’t have been a big deal if he had actually stayed in your room and spoken like the adult he was.
“For the record, I think he’s acting like an idiot because he’s scared,” Sighed Victoria, who had just walked into the room with an ice pack placed over her hand, “I know it’s been a while but, give him time. He’ll come around or I’ll make him, I promise.”
You gave Victoria a tight-lipped smile and nodded. You hoped more than anything that it wouldn’t have to come to getting locked up in the same room as Damiano to get him to speak to you.
Except… as more days passed, you feared it would most likely have to be that way because he was still saying nothing to you. He had only spoken once and it had been to call you out for being doing everything wrong while looking through some important documents when you were, in fact, doing everything just like he had initially requested. Now, not only had he been giving you the cold shoulder, but he had started acting like a complete jerk around you too.
You tried to distract yourself by focusing on all the work you had pending, but it wasn’t working. Every single day, no matter what you were doing, your mind still wandered back to the brown-eyed man and his stupid face, his stupid hair, and stupid smile.
Even as you stood in the middle of the kitchen, your thoughts made it difficult to bake the cookies you had been craving all week. You had started to work on the second batch after the first one came out disgustingly salty because somewhere along the process you had mistaken the salt for the sugar.  
You hated how bothered you were by the whole situation. It had affected you way more than you would’ve liked to admit. Truth be told, you had never felt sad about his rejection because it was something you had expected ever since that attraction for him first settled on your brain. It was the way he was treating you that got on your nerves. 
That was mainly the reason why you were so thankful for being alone in the house at that very moment. Apart from a few security guards here and there, you were completely alone. You allowed yourself to relax for a split second and connected your phone to the speaker system in the kitchen. You started playing one of your favorite playlists before getting back to making cookies the right way this time.
You softly swayed your body along to the music as you dumped all the ingredients on the large bowl in front of you. As you poured the flour in the bowl and mixed it with your hands, you noticed Damiano standing by the door. For some unknown reason, he scared you so bad you accidentally tipped the bowl and made a mess of the counter. 
A frustrated sigh escaped past your lips and you threw your head back, feeling defeated and irritated, “I’m sorry,” Damiano spoke up hesitantly, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You shook your head and wiped your hands on the apron you had tied around your waist, “It’s fine,” You turned around so your back was to him and started wiping the counter with a damp towel. 
“You deserve so much better…” You heard him speak up over the music. His words caught you by surprise. You turned around to look at him but said nothing. You could tell he was nervous by the way his hands trembled by his sides and the way his jaw was firmly clenched.
After a few minutes of hesitation, Damiano started walking to where you were. He placed his hands on the counter by your sides, leaving you trapped in between the counter and his body. You looked into his dark eyes to maybe try and guess what was going through his mind. 
You breathed in so deeply your chest hit his. You gulped at that and tried to control your trembling hands without looking away.
“What you said the other day, did you mean it?” Damiano asked, without hesitation this time around. Your eyes widened.
“I-I… What?”
“Just answer me Y/N, please,” Damiano pleaded. He looked so desperate to know the answer, which only made your blood boil. After weeks of silence, of glares and being a jerk, he dared to just show up and demand answers?
You shook your head and pointed your finger at his chest, “How dare you?” You took a step towards him, which made Damiano take a step back, “You have no right to show up like this and ask me to give you answers after how much of an asshole you’ve been.”
He seemed taken aback by your truthful words, but you didn’t care. If he wanted to know how much truth had been behind your words that night, he’d have to hear it all, “You know I’m your best friend and you also know I’d keep up with anything you do because that’s how much I care about you, but can you stop it? I know I was stupid for telling you because of what you just went through and I’m sorry, but please don’t keep giving me the cold shoulder. I just want to fix this.”
After a few minutes of silence, you shrugged and, like it was the simplest thing in the world, spoke up, “And yeah, I meant every word.”
Your expression softened as you waited for any sort of reaction from Damiano. You expected something similar to what had happened the day you first told him. No part of you expected him to cup your face with his warm, calloused palms to bring your face closer to him once again. 
Neither did you expect to feel his soft lips pressed against yours, or the feeling of his soft hair as you brushed it back with your fingers and your eyes slowly closing as you basked on the joy and pleasure his soft touches caused.
Damiano was gentle as he held your face in between his hands, almost as if you were made of glass and he was afraid of breaking you into pieces if he didn’t hold you delicately enough. That kiss felt so intimate, like nothing you had ever felt before. Everything from the way he held you to his slow movements and touches was so much better than you could’ve ever imagined.
When he pulled away, he left you completely breathless, wordless. There was nothing you could possibly say after the way he had kissed you, so you waited for him to find the right words instead.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Damiano mumbled. He still hadn’t let go of your face, “You truly deserve better. You are so beautiful, so perfect. I’m so sorry for being such an idiot and hurting you, ignoring you. I just- I know I cannot love you as you deserve. Believe me, I want nothing more than to have you close to me all the time, to kiss your lips until you grow sick of me, but I can’t,” His voice was starting to crack as he said those words to you and you knew it was because of how he saw your face fall.
“No, no, shut up and listen to me,” You pleaded and placed your hands on top of his. You gave them a soft squeeze and let your forehead rest against his, “I know it’s hard for you to trust after what happened with her and I know it’s not going to be easy, but believe me, I’m willing to try if you are, Damiano.”
“You were that other person,” He confessed and got closer to kiss you once more, with as much passion as the last time. You were too concentrated on the smell of his musky cologne and the faint taste of vanilla chapstick he had surely stolen from your room to respond to his comment.
His hands fell from your face and comfortably rested on your hips as his lips attacked yours. Damiano pushed you against the counter and kept savoring the moment as if it were the first and last time he’d kiss you like that. You hoped for your sake it wouldn’t be the last.
Damiano pulled away reluctantly and unexpectedly lifted you up so you’d sit on the counter. He stood in between your legs and intertwined his fingers with yours.
“Remember when I told you about the person I met the day I met Marlee?” You nodded, “That was you... Ever since I met you I’ve felt this inexplicable attraction towards you and it’s been driving me insane. I couldn’t believe it when you told me you loved me because I’ve done nothing to deserve it.”
“You’ve done so much to deserve it, so so much,” You mumbled and brought him close to you to kiss him for the third time. It was such an addicting feeling and both your heart and mind were screaming to feel it again.
That time around, Damiano didn’t hesitate to lift you up once more, he carried you to his room and locked the door.
It had been a few weeks since your conversation in the kitchen. Things returned back to normal after that night. Other than your relationship with Damiano, things were the same again. You had to go back to working at ungodly hours of the morning thanks to some suspicious activity Ethan had noticed. Apparently, one of the oldest members of Damiano’s mob had tried to establish a deal with an unknown subject but had been caught before he could accomplish it. 
This put you both on edge because there was someone out there desperate to break into the mob and finish it for good. At first, you thought it wasn’t more serious than whatever had happened with Marlee, but Damiano’s father proved you wrong the moment he brought you, their most loyal employee, in for questioning. 
It had been nothing too serious, at least not in comparison to what you had heard others say. In your case, it had been done mostly as a standardized protocol, to stop others from thinking there was some sort of preference or special treatment towards you just because you worked so close to Damiano. You knew almost everything Damiano did, so you were possibly the greatest source of information outside the David family and their small circle of friends.
“Amore?” Damiano asked softly as his hand caressed the exposed skin of your waist. You had been cuddling in bed for almost two hours with the excuse that you needed a break after all the hard work you’d done, “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
You turned around to be face to face with him and pressed a kiss to his freckled nose, “Not much. I was just remembering I need to get my ring resized again. I tried putting it on a few days ago and it didn’t fit anymore.
Damiano frowned at your words, “Your soulmate ring?”
“Mhm,” You responded simply and let your head rest on his chest. You enjoyed the feeling of warmth his body irradiated, it was soothing and the soft sound of his rhythmic heartbeat never failed to make you feel calmer.
“Soulmate rings don’t need to be resized, ever. Not that I know of, at least,” Now it was your turn to frown because, as far as you remembered, you had always gone to get your ring resized by a family friend who didn’t live too far away. No one had ever told you it wasn’t necessary.
You pulled away from his embrace and reached for the bedside table where you had been keeping the ring for the past few days. Once you turned back around, Damiano looked confused and almost scared, “Just, out of curiosity, tesoro. Have you ever taken off the ring and left it like far away for longer than a few hours?”
A giggle escaped past your lips at his silly question, “It’s just a piece of jewelry, Dami. Of course, I have, several times.”
You laughed nervously once you saw his horrified expression. Damiano was starting to scare you, but you knew better than to say something because you’d end up looking like a fool if he started laughing and told you it was all a joke. Except, it didn’t seem like one.
“Please get dressed and meet me in room five, okay? I might be going insane but I just need to make sure I’m not,” Before you could ask any questions, Damiano had already grabbed a pair of pants and a t-shirt and disappeared into the bathroom to get dressed.
You tried not to think much about his weird questions and got dressed quickly instead. You grabbed your cup of tea, which had already gone cold, and walked to meeting room five.
You opened the door and were surprised to see all your friends already sitting around the small table you’d use for informal meetings. Thomas and Victoria looked tired and Ethan’s long hair was tangled and messy. That gave you the impression that Damiano had most likely woken them all up for your impromptu meeting. 
They all looked just as confused as you felt. There were a lot of questions you wanted to ask, but Ethan beat you to it, “Okay, now that we’re all here can you fucking explain why you had to wake me up? Please.”
“Have any of you three—,” Started Damiano, referring to Thomas, Victoria and Ethan, “—tried to take off your ring for a while but have started feeling sick and weird?”
Thomas and Victoria looked at each other, confused, but nodded. Ethan did after a few seconds of thinking about it, “Yeah, there was actually this one time I went on a date and I didn’t want the girl to see the ring had turned gold, so I left it at home. Thirty minutes later I was puking everywhere. I didn’t really understand why but someone at the Soulmate Centre explained rings are an extension of the soul and they need to be close to us at all times and there are actually records of people dying after losing their rings. Why?”
Damiano looked at you and raised his eyebrows to silently ask if he could share the information with the other three guys. Once you nodded, Damiano spoke up, “Y/N doesn’t need to have it close to them and they need to get it resized every once in a while.”
Ethan shrugged his shoulders, “That’s as far as my knowledge goes. I don’t know. I think the best thing you can do is go to the SC.”
You sighed but nodded. Ethan’s explanation had started to freak you out. What if there was something terribly wrong with you? What if you were born without a ring and your parents lied to you all your life?
After having a short conversation with Damiano in private, you decided to follow Ethan’s advice and go to the Soulmate Centre that was only a few minutes away from your house. He wanted to go with you or send someone to watch over you but had accepted your petition to go alone after you told him it was a private matter and you'd tell him all about it once you got back.
So there you were, on the reception of the SC, with your sweaty hands intertwined together as you tried to ignore all the dirty looks people were giving you. Everyone around knew exactly who you were and most weren't one bit pleased to see you there. While some didn't hesitate to look at you like they wanted to kill you, others were afraid to do so.
Those few minutes that passed until the lady at the desk called your name were some of the most uncomfortable of your life. Some part of you hated having the mobster title because that usually gave people the wrong idea and drove them to hate you even if you could proudly say you had done nothing illegal or violent in your whole life. You had to admit the mob wasn’t an ideal job to have morally wise, but you had found a family inside those four walls others doomed to be cursed.
You walked up to the lady. She had what you could interpret as a nervous smile as she stood behind the desk, patiently waiting for you to tell her what had brought you there in the first place. You were hesitant to communicate your issue because you were mortified of finding out a truth that should probably stay hidden.
You reached back and unclasped the chain the ring was looped through. You left it on the counter and smiled softly as you shyly spoke, “So uh, good morning, ma’am. I was hoping you could take a look at my ring, I’m slightly concerned there was something wrong with it.”
The lady nodded and removed the ring from the chain. She inspected it closely for a few minutes before nodding her head towards one of the rooms that said ‘only employees allowed’. She started walking towards it with a quick step and you saw no other choice but to follow right behind her.
She opened the door and quickly closed it with a lock once she verified you were inside, “Listen, the only reason I’m not turning you over to the authorities is because you don’t strike me as someone stupid enough to walk into an SC with a soulmate ring like this.”
Your jaw dropped in surprise at how direct she was being. For a second, you noticed her face fall before she realized it was best to keep a face that communicated seriousness instead of begging for your forgiveness or whatever people did when they pissed Damiano off.
“I don’t know who gave this to you or in which illegal market you bought this but if a higher authority sees you with this, not even Damiano David could save you from the consequences of sporting a fake ring,” She said. You honestly didn’t know how to respond because panic had started to drown out any coherent thought that tried to form on your mind.
You didn’t even try to disguise your panicked expression that time around. Instead, you focused on regulating your breathing and trying to keep all your emotions at bay before you lost control and began to hyperventilate. The other woman noticed your distress almost immediately and led you to sit down on one of the couches.
After you took a few deep breaths, you looked back at her, eager to ask thousands of questions, “How can you know they are fake?”
She sat down next to you and put the ring on your palm, “Look at the inside,” She demanded while pointing her finger to a spot on the inside edge of the ring, “They usually have something engraved inside, a code that only repeats itself twice. Whenever one loses their soulmate, this code vanishes. Your code is still there. I also used a detector to confirm my suspicions and it detected nothing.”
“And with… with that code, can you tell me if my soulmate’s still alive? Or who they are?” The older lady looked at you with pity in her green eyes and shook her head.
“Unless this is the original code engraved on the real ring, there’s not much I can do for you other than telling you how your soulmate is. I need so much more information to ever give you a name,” You nodded in understanding. All you needed to know was if they were alive, that’s all you wanted.
She took your nod as a sign of approval and disappeared into another room. While you waited, you couldn’t help but secretly hope they were dead. You wanted all those weeks of bliss you had spent with Damiano to last a lifetime. He knew everything about you, from the number of scars scattered around your body to what book you had read the most times. No soulmate could learn that about you until years after meeting each other. Besides, it wouldn’t feel right. The Gods had already been too cruel for not making him your soulmate, but now that he wasn’t with Marlee and you knew he loved you just as much as you loved him… 
She walked out of the room and cleared her throat to catch your attention. You were thankful for her interruption because you were mere seconds away from bursting into tears of distress. She looked nervous to tell you what she had found out, but the way you looked at her made her spill the truth without any warning.
“Your soulmate is still somewhere out there, alive.”
Damiano clutched his side with his hands as every type of curse word spilled from his mouth, “Thomas! Dammit Thomas, where the fuck are you?” He screamed and pushed the ache in his throat and side to the back of his mind as he limped towards the table where his loaded gun was placed, ready to be grabbed and shot. 
Things had been perfectly fine just ten minutes back. He had been drinking and playing pool with the boys in the basement. They were all laughing and messing around when Victoria heard the first gunshot. Thomas had been quick to dismiss it as one of the guards practicing his accuracy like they did every once in a while, so they went back to playing the game.
Then they heard it again and again and again. In that time it took the four men to walk up the stairs, people had already successfully broken into the house and they were shooting at anything that moved. The blood-red snake symbol all these people had on the masks that were covering their faces was one he had grown far too familiar with. These were the people Marlee had been conspiring with and they had managed to overthrow every single line of defense in between them and the front door.
Damiano had been in his room fetching a gun when a smoke bomb was thrown into the room. It had stopped him from seeing the person who shot him. Thankfully enough, their vision wasn’t much better either, because the bullet only grazed his side. It was still painful as hell and blood was pouring out of the wound, but it wasn’t going to be anything deadly. 
He finally got ahold of his gun after minutes of feeling around the table to try and spot it with the low amount of vision he still had. Once Damiano had it in his hands, he raised the scarf he was wearing to cover the lower part of his face to try and lower the quantity of smoke he inhaled.
He walked out of his room and into the hallway, still holding the gun firmly ready to shoot it at the first person he saw with that red symbol. Damiano opened the door to every room on the third floor. He had to shoot at one or two people before walking down to the floor below. The first room he opened was yours. His eyes went wide as he remembered you were still supposed to be at the SC. Damiano cursed under his breath. He needed to warn you not to come back but to go to your parents’ instead. Damiano opened the tracking app first, a precaution he had been insistent on taking just to make sure you both knew the other was safe. 
“Fucking hell,” Damiano mumbled as he saw that blue dot with your name above it was right on the same spot as his. You were back home.
Every thought of investigating each and every room to make sure there was no intruder flew out the window and instead he focused on trying to find you. Everything had turned chaotic on those few minutes he had been in your room, which was why it had gotten harder to get around without finding someone waiting on almost every corner for him to appear.
Damiano heard a piercing scream that made his blood go cold. You were in danger somewhere inside the large home and he desperately needed to get to you, to make sure you were safe from any danger. He knew his friends would be perfectly fine, they had their guns and several types of weaponry close-by, but he knew you didn’t. You always refused to take a gun or dagger with you whenever you went out and if they had caught you right when you had just gotten back… you’d most likely have nothing to defend yourself with.
There was no doubt in his mind that you were witty and incredibly smart, not to mention agile and great at coming up with plans on the spot, but he still needed to make sure you were alright. 
He got down on the first floor and his eyes met with a pair of blue ones he knew far too well. He let his eyes trail down to her carmine-tinted shirt. Marlee smiled at him and trailed her thumb along her jawline. That’s when he noticed her hands were also red and she had also left a trail of bloody footsteps from his office to where she was standing. His office.
Damiano didn’t hesitate to point the gun at her leg and pull the trigger. He then aimed for her other leg and shot it. She fell to the floor as an agonizing scream fell from her parted lips. Damiano was satisfied now that her stupid smile had been wiped right off her face.
He quickly ran to the office and opened the door. What he saw inside made time stop. It made all those sounds go silent. It made him feel like there was no floor beneath him to stand on. You were lying on the floor, a dagger piercing your chest.
You looked panicked, sad, like you wanted to do nothing but scream and cry, which you had started doing the moment you saw Damiano walked into the room. He didn’t know if your reaction was out of relief or if there was something else that concerned you, apart from the obvious.
“Damiano,” You spoke up weakly, The sound of your raspy voice was like a slap back into reality. He didn’t waste a second to fall to his knees right by your side. Damiano cupped your face with his trembling hands and brushed your cheek with his thumb.
“Shh. I’m here amore, I’m here,” He responded voice barely above a whisper, “I just need to find something to press against this wound I— something…” He stood up, ready to look for a rag, bandages, anything to stop the blood from rushing out of your body so quickly, but you stopped him.
You wrapped your hand around his arm and with all the strength you had brought him back down, “No hey, stop,” You mumbled, “Unless she happened to study every major artery, vein or has awfully perfect aim, I’ll be dead in minutes.”
He shook his head and wiped the tears that were starting to fall with the back of his hand. He was not giving up. Damiano was not going to let you die, “Wait, no, no. I can do this,” Damiano took his sweater and scarf off. With the help of his scarf, he applied pressure to the wound, careful not to move or dig the dagger further with his movements.
You shook your head and Damiano couldn’t help but cry harder at the desperation and panic in your eyes, “Please, Dami. Stop it, there’s no use. I-I just want you to hold me, please.”
He wiped his runny nose with the back of his hand and nodded repeatedly as he careful cradled you in his arms and moved your head to rest on his lap, “Everything’s going to be okay,” Damiano mumbled and left a long kiss on your forehead, then another one on your cheek and a last one on your lips.
You cupped his face with one of your hands and wiped the tears with your thumb. There wasn’t much left to say, not like you’d be able to talk even if you tried. Instead, you offered him one last sincere smile with all the energy you had left. 
He watched in horror as life slowly started to drain out of you as his ring simultaneously turned black. Damiano sat there for minutes after you were gone. He cried and let every frustration, confusion, and pain escape his body with a loud scream.
Damiano didn’t let go of your body until Victoria and Thomas had to forcefully pull him away and let someone else take care of you.
Ethan didn’t walk into the room until he made sure every single intruder had been killed, except for Marlee, because Damiano had asked to keep her alive. When he did walk in, all he saw was Damiano with a folder in his hand and multiple pieces of paper scattered around the desk in his room. He looked pale, mortified by everything he was reading. The long-haired man didn’t understand what had gotten his friend in such a state of shock until he walked closer and looked at what seemed to be a contract.
You were Damiano’s soulmate. All your lives you had been tricked into believing you weren’t meant for each other. Your parents had made you believe you had no soulmate and Damiano had been fooled into thinking Marlee was his. You had gotten right to the bottom of it all and the secret would’ve gone to the grave with you if you hadn’t left the papers lying on his desk and if he had left his ring on the pocket of his jeans like he usually would. But now it was far too late to do anything about it.
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vdlest · 3 years
Onto It
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TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Bucky and Sam are both in New York to finish their mission with the power broker, turns out to be Sharon Carter. The latter is not just the villain in this story, but you once got jealous of her as well when she tried to seduce your man.
Mention of Smut
"You know you could just call Bucky instead of being a grumpy old lady in here," Wanda pointed out as you accidentally dropped your pen for fifth time.
You and Wanda are doing some mission report in the house that you share together, the reports that you and Wanda are reading and discussing has something to do with the mission two had last week. But your mind is not completely concentrated to whatever the report says. Your mind is in New York, thinking of your man, Bucky Barnes.
"Come on, y/n," Wanda handed you your phone, "Just call him already. I know you're worried about the fact that he and Sam is there in New York to deal with the Sharon Carter," she raised her two hands to make air-quotation-marks upon mentioning Sharon's name.
You used to have no problem with Sharon, you actually wanted her to and Steve to enjoy each other's company before. But that was before. Before that witch became a villain in your lives. All along she is the power broker and she made a fool out of you all. Not just that, she even tried to seduce Bucky because she wanted to cover up her real identity. She put a substance on Bucky's drink to drug him and make it look like something happened to them, but before she could pull off her plan, you and Sam were able to stop her, however she escaped.
"Sam and Bucky are in New York to take that woman down, so I shouldn't feel worried about it anymore," you confidently said, realizing that Bucky promised that there's only woman in his life and that's you.
The two of you started dating a year ago now, but both of you just want to keep it unlabeled for now. But you won't deny the fact that you have been wanting to take it to the next level. There were times when you would ask yourself what is your right to get jealous if there's someone trying to steal your man, he's not even yours to begin with.
"Aren't you guys getting tired of the unlabeled thingy?" Wanda asked you as he closes the folder she's holding, "I mean, no offense, okay? But you clearly like each other. You guys have been dating for a year now and don't you think it's a bit unfair on your part?"
"Unfair, why?" you questioned her. "Wanda, it is also my choice to put it this way. We don't want to rush things about us," you explained.
"Yeah, I know that you guys are confident with your relationship as exclusively dating, but it's better to put label in it. Trust me, you should do it while you still can," she reached for you hand and gave it a squeeze as she smiles at you, "Vis and I didn't have much time. So you and Bucky should make it lasts while you can."
You can sense pain in Wanda's voice. It must've really hard for her to move on and accept her and Vision's fate. If you were in her place, you don't know what will make you stay in your sanity.
Wanda has always been a good friend to you. She has always give you advices and her presence in your life makes you understand the things you were having a hard time understanding, like love itself.
"Do you want some coffee?" Wanda asked you as she stood up from her seat, "I'll probably order some food as well, I'm starving."
Just when Wanda's about to leave to order food and coffee, your phone rang.
B U C K Y calling...
"Seems like your guy cannot live in a day without hearing your voice," Wanda teased before she made her way out, leaving you alone inside the family room.
You grabbed your phone and answered the call of your unofficial boyfriend.
"Hey, I've been texting you, but you're not replying. Are you okay?" he asked as soon as you accepted his call.
"Oh, yeah," you saw the multiple messages that came from him, but you weren't able to see it because you were too preoccupied with the reports and the fact that Sharon Carter is bugging your mind, "Sorry, just got a little mixed up with the mission reports. Wanda and I have been reading it for almost 2 hours."
First of all, you did not want to tell him about your issue with Sharon Carter, although he's already aware of it and he knows already that you got jealous and really angry of her for what happened. Second, you did not want him to feel like you don't trust him.
"How's the mission?" you asked him, changing the topic.
"Well, we finally caught Sharon red-handed. She's in custody right now and the investigation about her will start first thing in the morning tomorrow," he said. Even though they've already taken Sharon down, he and Sam have to stay in New York for a few more days since they have to stay for the investigation, "You, alright?"
You hate it when he knows something's wrong with you or something's bothering your mind. He can already sense it just by the way you breath or speak.
"You know that I know you already, right? So, tell me, what's bothering you?" he questions.
The sigh you let out confirmed his hunch, you're not gonna get away with it anyway so you might as well fire with it. You've always been so honest with him anyway.
"I'm just not so comfortable with the fact that Sharon Carter witch, God, I hope Agent Peggy Carter will forgive me for telling bad words about her niece," you heard him chuckle in the other end. "But God, I can't just forget what she did to you, what she almost did to you."
"You mean when she almost raped me?" he joked.
"Look, Bucky, it's not really funny, okay?" you groaned as you hear him chuckle again on the other line.
"I get it, y/n. Okay? I get it. You have to stop worrying about it, okay? It won't happen ever again. Besides, after this mission, I won't be involved in anything about Sharon anymore. And I also want to take you out again, something that I haven't done for a while now," he reassured you.
It's true that two of you haven't gone on a date for quite some time, as both of you got busy with different things, especially in saving the world and humankind. But it's not really something that bothers you. He still makes you feel special in different ways.
"Buck," you remembered what Wanda advised you and you know you had to open it up to Bucky as soon as you could, "Can we also talk about us when you get back?" you hesitantly asked.
"What do you mean talk about us?" he sounded worried. You closed your eyes as you asked yourself if you did the right thing of opening it up to him this early, "Y/n, do you want us to stop? 'Cause if you do, you can just tell me now."
"Bucky, no," you answered immediately. God knows that's the very last thing you want to happen. You didn't want to lose him. "I just...I...I am...fuck!" you swore, you don't know how to tell him about it.
"Y/n, what's happening? Just tell me so we could do something about it."
You sighed as you prepare yourself to tell everything to him, "I know I was the one who told you and suggested that we should just do the unlabeled relationship because it's much easier that way, and it really was. We did not feel any pressure. We did not feel we have to rush or something, but I just got tired of it. I got tired of it the moment Sharon asked me a few months ago when the incident happened that what is my right to get jealous, to get mad, we're not even in a relationship. It hit me. That question fucking hit me. And here's Wanda telling me how we should make everything last while we can and I feel so guilty that we're taking our time for granted knowing that she and Vision did not get to their happy ending." You took a deep breath and closes your eyes for a second, "I didn't mean to pressure you or anything Bucky, I really don't. I just don't want to take what we have for granted."
After you let your feelings out, it took a few seconds before Bucky could finally answer you. His silence made you nervous but the moment you heard him chuckle, you felt a little relief.
"You're right, we should talk about us when I get back. I should put label to our relationship and I shouldn't make you feel that we're nothing, because you really mean the world to me, y/n. And it's about time we put this whole thing we have in the right pedestal," his words made you ease the embarassment and the awkwardness you're feeling. "Just stop thinking about Sharon, okay? I don't give a damn about her. The whole time I'm away from you all I think is how I would kiss your lips and every inch of your body."
You laughed by the fact that he's thinking of making love to you while he shove off the idea of Sharon Carter or any woman in his life, because there's only one woman in his life and that's you.
"You know I like it when I see you so possessive of me, makes me so eager to fuck you until you realized that you're the only woman I give a fuck," you could clearly hear him he was whispering.
You went out of the family room and went up to your room, giving you more privacy since the man you're talking to right now is starting to propose phone sex.
"Is it just me or you're whispering?" you innocently asked.
"Well, I'm not now. I just got inside my car so," he paused for a moment, "So prepare yourself 'cause I'll make you so wet that you'll wish I'm beside you tonight to attend to your needs."
"You wish," you teased him. "Come home first and I'll cum for you, you tease."
He chuckled, "I'm onto it, sweetheart. I'll ask Sam if I could leave early."
"And what excuse will you tell him?" you asked.
"I'll tell him that I need to make Y/N Y/L/N officially mine, officially my girlfriend. I'll also tell him that there's someone I need to help with her sexual needs," he's joking on the last part but his first sentence made your heart shiver and so excited at the same time.
"That's exciting, and tempting," you teased him back. "Why don't you start pumping your cock and imagine that I'm doing it for you? While I lay here in my bed, thinking of your vibranium fingers making me whimper and moan your fucking name?"
"You're killing me," he groaned and that gave you the sign that he's already pumping himself. "Remind me to punish you for teasing me like this when I get back."
Wanda is right. You should never waste the time you and Bucky have. You should never take anything for granted. Bucky told you that you mean the world to him, and he makes you feel that way, not just sexually, but in romantic way. He would swept you off of your feet. He would do anything for you. That is why if there's someone who'll ask you who are you in James Buchanan Barnes' life, you would just simply answer that you're the love of his life. Too proud to claim it but that's the truth.
No woman can ever make you feel threatened of her anymore, as Bucky claim you his and you claim him as yours day by day, night by night.
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weasleypogues · 3 years
fight club (p.h.)
request: hii can i request smth angsty with pope ? maybe it could end well for both the reader and him but overall it’s just filled with angst and slow burn and tension ? ty xx
ofc lovieee!!! loving this pope recognition finally!! :)
this will be a two part becuause this was longer than i expected!!! part 2 here!!!
you literally felt like you could not sit still. anger was pulsating through your veins as you paced back and forth on the porch of the chateau. you also felt the piercing eyes of pope follow you back and forth as you struggled to form a cohesive sentence.
“it’s just- ugh! she can’t get away with this! she thinks because she’s a kook that i’ll be begging for her forigveness and shit like i’m a starving peasant just to save my reputation! i’m a fucking pogue, i don’t have a reputation to uphold!” you spat as your hands clenched together so hard you swear you were going to accidentally draw blood from your palms.
vanessa was a kook that you never had problems with when you were kids because you two had a friendship that was secretive and playful because of opposing groups. it wasn’t until middle school was when she ditched you, similar to kie and sarah’s relationship. thankfully for them, they sorted it out. however, vanessa was bitter and bitchy every chance she could get. 
“yes (y/n)! keep it fiesty! i wanna see you win a good cat fight.” jj egged you on.
“you’re gonna make yourself go crazy if you don’t just sit down.” pope spoke in a sterner tone than you would have expected. but as the rage filled you from vanessa, pope’s tone was not helping. you felt a tinge of hurt in your chest as he expressed his clear stress and annoyance with you. but you weren’t going to let it go that easily; not in this state.
“i’m fine just the way i am, thanks.” you responded just as passive-aggressively as he did. you literally had to restrain yourself from rolling your eyes so you wouldn’t egg this on, because the last thing you needed was for pope of all people to be on your bad side. 
you heard him scoff from behind you and his footsteps faded away. you spun around so quickly, maybe even too quickly to play it cool, to just see a flash of him as he turned the corner. your eyes flashed to john b, kie, and jj who had expressions that were just as shocked as your own.
“what’s his problem?” you asked, expecting an answer real quick before you had to go investigate it yourself. your teeth grinded against each other and you felt your face and ears go hot. 
“he probably just doesn’t think this is worth it (y/n/n).” kiara stated, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt and giving you a look that said don’t let it get to you. kiara shared a quick glance with john b and jj, which definitely did not go unnoticed by you.
“w-what was that? that little look you three shared?” you asked pointing your finger at them interchangeably and confused but angrily eager to find out. you raised your eyebrows, expecting another speedy answer as you finally turned towards jj who held his hands up in defense and bit his tongue. 
“cut pope some slack. you’ve been looking for trouble lately (y/n), it’s been keeping him on edge each time.” john b responded and slapped his hands on this thighs before getting up off the couch. you felt your cheeks get a little hot and your jaw drop slightly.
pope was trying to be protective of you. this was not a secret that you and pope were always flirty with each other but neither of you ever acted on it. both keeping the same sad mindset, if they wanted to, they would. everytime you talked about this with kiara and sarah at a girls’ night, they playfully judged you for thinking like that and tried to encourage you to just go for it. 
you took a deep inhale and relaxed your shoulders and face, feeling the tension ease up on your body. “she’s asking for it...look i don’t want to make pope upset or anything but vanessa can’t keep pulling this shit. she’s asking for her teeth to get knocked in.” you huffed out as you grabbed your backpack and phone to hop on your bike and head home. 
your grabbed your phone and backpack as you headed back outside to your bike. you didn’t even bother to text the rest of the group about catching a ride to tonights kegger because you were just a little fired up from earlier. they were your friends and if this were any other case, they would be backing you up. why is this time any different?
you’re recalling yourself getting ready. stud earrings because she can grab hold of hoops. your hair in two braids because there was less surface area for her to snatch onto. sneakers to make a run for it in case shit gets bad. 
what the rest of them don’t understand is that not only was vanessa mean, spoiled, and made your existence on the obx difficult, was that you had a bumpy past with her. more than just losing a friend. she made up a rumor based on fake ideas that she overheard her parents talking about. when she would run into you on the street with her other kook friends at the ripe age of 13, she would be a bystander as they spat insults your way. that always caused a strain in your friendship. 
until one day, she started the picking on first. she judged you on your family’s financial situation and said quote-by-quote “i heard her mom cheats on her dad with all of her little pogue friend’s dads. who knows, they could actually be related and we wouldn’t know. she’s a whore and i’m sure she’ll end up just like her.” tears still brim your eyes at that memory. you wouldn’t dare tell the rest of the pogues, whether it was out of embarassment or fear. it was best for them and their own minds that it was never brought up again. since then, it seems like constant torture from her. 
you pulled up on the beach and hopped off your bike as your tires were definitely not made for the sand. you laid it on a tree and made a b-line to the keg that john b was basically guarding. “thought we’d hear from you.” you heard kiara state as she sat on the sand and glanced up at you, squinting her eyes to keep the remaining sun from basically burning them.
“yeah well, just got a lot on my mind.” you responded. you didn’t want to be so abrupt with them but your blood was basically boiling with the idea of vanessa. john b stared between you and kiara and handed you a full red solo cup which you gladly took, taking a gulp.
“soooo...” jj started, throwing an arm around your shoulder, “cat fight tonight?” you felt a chuckle rise out of you as you playfully rolled your eyes.
“if you’re lucky enough, maybe you’ll get front row.” you joked, sending a smirk jj’s way and taking another gulp. you felt a presence behind you and turned to be faced with pope. his facial expression had clearly changed from what you saw from him last time. he looked almost guilty and concerned rather than aggravated. 
“come to snap at me again?” you said, turning towards the horizon on the water. looking into his eyes right now was difficult. maybe because it was the idea that you knew some part of you wanted to snap at him for him snapping at you earlier but you couldn’t make another enemy. not tonight. 
“about that...can i actually talk to you for a minute?” pope muttered, instincitvely cracking his knuckles, clearly scared to tread on water. you felt your shoulders relax and your facial muscles follow suit. placing your drink and backpack on the ground you followed a few paces behind him, closer to the sand where the tide was rolling in. although he didn’t stop, he wanted this to be a walk and talk situation. 
you strolled beside him, both of your hands slightly brushing against each other every now and then. while neither of you took initiative to grab the others’ hand, neither of you pulled your hands out of that pathway either. that connection and touch felt nice. it was reassuring that his snappiness, along with your own, was out of love and protection of each other. 
“you won’t be happy with what i’m about to say...” pope started, basically holding his breath.
“so why say it, pope? i know it sounds bad to say outloud but, why not just let me fight her? she has made my existence so unbearably difficult on this island and has slandered my name and countless others of those i love too much and for too long. i’m sick of being a pushover and letting her get away with it because of mommy and daddy’s money. im done!” you blurted out, letting more info out than you expected. “why does it bother you so much? if this was topper and john b going at it, or rafe and jj? which keep in mind, both have actually happened, i’m sure you would be more hesitant to stop them.”
your strolling came to a sudden halt as pope took a step directly in front of you, face to face. he looked longingly into your eyes, somewhat darting back and forth between your own eyes to search for an answer to his questions or even an answer to yours. 
“(y/n)! i can’t see you get hurt. i know how badly you want to do this and how much it means to you but in the end, what is it going to get you? an even worse reputation among kooks, bloody nose, and a black eye? is it worth it?” pope rambled drasticaly. 
“it is worth it! and i’m so thankful that you care about me and my well being and everything in between but this is something that i have to do. once and for all. i’m not putting myself and everyone i love through this torture anymore. and if that means beating the shit out of her and getting a bloody lip and battered up on the way, than so be it!” you responded, using your hands quite animatedly throughout the performance. the waves seemed like the loudest thing on earth as you awaited an answer from pope. he looked defeated and anxious, knowing that there was no getting through to you for this. 
“i-” pope started before cutting himself off, looking deafeated yet again. he ran his hands over his face in frustration and as he let his eyes shine over the tips of his fingers, they locked with yours. you felt stuck in place and in a trance for a split second before you felt a pair of hands on your waist and soon enough, you were lip locked with pope. 
instantly you pulled away, your heart feeling full and your legs feeling limp. your hands made their way to his jawline, slightly caressing his cheeks and neck as you pulled him back into the kiss, elongating it. 
he pulled away, shocked yet proud with himself. you could not help the small smile that made it’s way onto your face as your cheeks felt hot immediately. “i can’t believe i’m saying this but...fuck it. beat the shit out of vanessa.” 
the small smile grew as a laugh escaped your lips. you were quick to grab his hand as you both made your way back towards the kegger that was becoming a little more dense as the minutes passed. sarah, kiara, jj, and john b’s eyes were quick to fall on your interlocked hands with pope. both of you kept quiet, playing it nonchalantly. but you couldn’t help but notice pope’s look to john b and jj, all with smirks lined up on their faces.
part two out later!! :) 
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mystic-deep · 4 years
“You don’t know how to beg, darling.” | Nanami Kento x fem!reader
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♡ ♡ ♡ description: Married life is never easy, but you and Nanami always made it work. How could a little text cause the end of it all?
♡ ♡ ♡ warnings: cheating, swearing, nsfw, rough kissing, fingering;
♡ ♡ ♡ notes: this will be a two-part story if people find the first part interesting enough. guess I was craving a bit of heartache from our favorite ex-salaryman haha. it's not proofread so please show mercy.
♡ ♡ ♡ word count: 2.7k
“God I hate this fucking job.”
With your face buried in your hands, you muttered to yourself in the almost empty cafe. That’s how it all started, with a very honest complaint, followed quickly by “I wish I was at the beach”, to which you received a small chuckle. With tired eyes, you looked to your right to the man that, unknowing to you at that time, would become your husband.
“You too, huh?”
That’s all it took, just an acknowledgment that you weren’t the only one suffering at the hands of capitalism, and you were instantly attracted to this handsome and somewhat intimidating man that was offering you a sympathetic smile.
Two hours later, with your opened laptops now completely forgotten, and a constant order of caffeine drinks, you both came to the conclusion that you enjoyed each other’s presence, thus deciding to meet up again the following day. Then the day after that and then the day after that, until about a week later, when Nanami asked you out on a proper date. About three months in your new relationship, you moved in together and about half a year later, you were married.
A match made in heaven, that’s what you two were. It was plain for everyone to see how good you were together. You both enjoyed similar things, you were both foodies, you were successful in your respective careers, even in terms of looks you would catch envious glances as you both walked down the street hand in hand.
You never had a fight, you never argued - it was always a well-balanced relationship. You were a team and you both worked hard for the same goal, to leave your well paid jobs and bustling city for the quiet and relaxing beaches of Malaysia.
It wasn’t always easy, sacrifices had to be made, and there were times when you both arrived home so overworked that you would collapse on top of each other, not even bothering to take off your clothes. It was worth it though, or at least it would be once you were in your little house by the beach where you wouldn’t have to worry about your boss or clients calling you, where there were no deadlines or targets to be reached. Only the sun, the waves, a cocktail and a good book and who knows, maybe even children.
Yes, a proper plan for a proper future and everything was going great, until your husband had forgotten to turn off his phone and left it on the kitchen island. Your hand reached for it on instinct when it made a little buzz, thinking it was probably nothing more than a notification or a message from a client.
“Thank you for the gift, daddy! Can’t wait to show you how good it looks on me!” That was the message, quickly followed by a few kisses and then the screen went black.
The towel that you were using to dry your hair had fallen to your shoulders as you gripped his phone and stared at it in disbelief. Nanami was in the shower, you both arrived at the same time and he was gentleman enough to let you go in first. He was probably texting this person when he heard you turn off the water, and most likely forgot to close the phone.
You knew what this meant, you didn’t want to admit it but there had been signs going back to a few months ago. Date nights that were abruptly cancelled, a new expensive car even though you both had promised to cut back on your expenses, the fact that he barely touched you even on days when you were both free.
It’s not that you were dumb, far from it, but you were so in love. You were so in love with the man that had been your husband for four years now, you were so in love with the idea of a future with him - where you could get to enjoy your lives and build a proper family. That love made you blind, even now with clear evidence in front of you, the idea that Nanami was cheating on you just seemed so surreal.
What exactly had happened? What happened to the two of you that were so perfect for each other? What happened to the man who couldn’t keep his hands off of you, the one that had fucked you silly on every piece of furniture when you first bought your expensive penthouse? What happened to showering together in the morning because you didn’t want to part even for five minutes? To waking up to the smell of fresh coffee and pancakes on weekends, to holdings hands while whispering to each other in quiet cafes, to all those little moments that you treasured so much - and that you were now questioning if you’d ever get to experience them again.
All the love and care that he had for you was now being directed to another. You had lost a battle that you didn’t even know you were fighting, and the outcome was a tragic heartbreak.
That night, curled into a ball on your side of the bed, you sobbed quietly to yourself while your husband was sleeping. With trembling hands you clutched the bed sheet, your tears wetting the pillow case. You knew that there was no way for Nanami not to hear your little whimpers or feel how your body was trembling, but he made no movement. He said nothing and you said nothing and the silence fell between you heavier than a cover made of lead.
It was after a month, and the work of a private investigator, that you gathered your courage to confront your husband about his affair. As he sat at the kitchen table, lazily drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper on a Saturday morning, you handed him a folded paper.
“Sign here.”
He looked at you from behind his reading glasses and arched a brow at the piece of paper that was handed to him. He folded the Financial Times neatly and placed the paper on the table before turning his attention to the document. It must have been a complete shock to him, because he just stared at the divorce papers for several seconds before he finally made a sound.
“What...what the hell is this?” He got up from his chair, eyes narrowing at you in a threatening way.
“Divorce papers. I thought you were smart enough to read.”
“Have you lost your fucking mind?” His voice was shacking, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the papers in his hand.
“I thought there was no need to involve lawyers since we signed a prenuptial. Let’s finish this quickly, like removing a band aid.”
“Why? Why would you want a divorce?”
You had been calm up until that moment. You thought to yourself that you had cried until your tears had dried up and you had screamed until you’ve lost your voice and that all there was left to do now was to end it quickly and be done with it.
Oh but no, Nanami Kento wouldn’t let you leave without hurting you one last time. He wanted you to say it- he wanted to see the damage and pain he had caused.
“Because you’ve change! Because I don’t recognize the man that I’ve married! Because you’ve stopped loving and respecting me! Because you’re fucking a god damn college student! A little whore that has been riding your dick in hotel rooms and empty parking lots for a designer bag!”
Your face went bright red as you shouted your accusations, feeling the pain of the first discovery washing over you once more.
“This isn’t what-”
“This isn’t what? What lie do you plan on telling me? That she’s some poor relative and you’re just such a good Samaritan that you had to help her out? Tell me, how many of your family members call you ‘daddy’?”
Nanami’s hand slammed the kitchen table with such force that it made all the cutlery and dishes to jump up. He took off his glasses and angrily placed them in the pocket of his sweatpants. With just a few steps he had you trapped between the wall and his strong chest, his large hand gripping your chin.
“Why can’t you be quite for once? Why can’t you just shut the hell up and listen!” You’ve never heard Nanami raise his voice at anyone before let alone you. Sure, he could be extremely intimidating when he wanted to, but he always considered it was classless to scream. The anger flashing in his eyes and the grip on your chin were clear signs that he had lost whatever composure he had left and that a storm was coming.
As though sensing that you wanted to open your mouth and protest, he smashed his lips against yours and bit with savagery on your bottom lip. You let out a whimper and he took full advantage of that to slide his tongue inside your month. He kissed you like he had never kissed you before and it made your head spin. It was so rough, so primal - it almost felt like he was trying to eat you.
Your hands landed on his shoulders and began to grip his shirt like your life was depending on it. You were losing -you were losing your mind to this intense feeling that was building in your stomach. There had always been passion between the two of you but nothing close to this raging fire that was threatening to consume you.
When he finally pulled away, your head felt light from the lack of oxygen and your eyes looked at him in a dazed way. Smirking, clearly enjoying the fact that he still had such a strong effect on you, he began to part your legs with one of his knees, his right hand finding its way in your loose curls. He pulled on your hair harshly before his mouth went to attack your neck.
“You always get to decide, don’t you darling?” He let his teeth sink into the soft flesh, chuckling when you let out a little squeak. “Let’s start dating, Kento. Let’s move in together, Kento. Let’s get married, Kento. I don’t want to be married anymore so let’s get divorced, Kento.” Each word that was rolling out of his mouth contained so much bitterness and it stabbed you straight in the heart.
“Even my fucking dream, you couldn’t even let me have that. Oh no, you just had to make it yours.” You were so caught up in the hurtful things he was saying that you hadn’t noticed his hand travelling to the waistband of your shorts until he started rubbing your clit through the thin fabric of your panties.
“Kento...oh, Kento, please!”  Please what? You didn’t even know what you were asking for. – ‘Please stop saying such horrible things, you’re breaking my heart. Please don’t make it sound like I’ve stolen your dream away from you. Please touch me more, touch me and remember how much we used to love each other.’
“You don’t know how to beg, darling.” His long fingers pushed the panties to the side before skilfully playing with your folds. “Ah, so wet for me already. You’re really hoping to get fucked, huh?” Without much trouble, he pushed two fingers inside your tight hole and began to pump them in a slow rhythm while his thumb pressed against your clit. His other hand cupped your breast before pressing his palm on your swollen nipple, his mouth returning to devouring your neck.
You were so close, with your back pressed on the wall behind you, you were so close to climaxing that every hair on your body was standing up. Then, just as abruptly as it started, Nanami retrieved both his hands and took a step back, enjoying your dishevelled state.
His rough hands landed on your shoulders and he pushed you gently on your knees, your face just inches away from the growing tent in his pants. “All you have to do is ask, darling. All you have to do is beg me to fuck you and maybe I’ll be generous. Tell me what you want.”
At this point you were ready to break. It had been too much - your heart just couldn’t take it anymore. It was hurtful enough to realize that your husband had fallen out of love with you but to find out that he never loved you to begin with? It felt like the whole world would come crumbling down.
Now you stood there, on your knees, looking up at the man who wanted to take everything from you, wondering what should you do. It would be so easy, just to beg like he had asked and let him bend you, let him break you. You would become just like that poor little girl he was fucking for fun, disposable the second he got bored with you. No matter what you chose, you couldn’t go back to the way you were. The life that you thought you two had planned together would never come to be.
With that thought in mind and whatever strength you had left, you pushed yourself up, propping your back on the wall. “I need you-” You looked straight into his eyes as the next words left your mouth. “-to sign the fucking divorce papers.”
His fist hit the wall next to your head with such force that your heart stopped beating. There was a small part of you that knew, even if he hated you, Nanami would never raise his hand to hurt you.
Looking up to meet his frightening expression, you held your ground knowing that there was no turning back at this point. He said nothing more - he threw you one last angry glance before storming to your shared bedroom. He emerged minutes later, completely dressed, fished his car keys and his wallet and he was out the door. You knew exactly where he was going but at this point you didn’t care anymore.
With trembling feet you wobbled to the bedroom and began to pull out the suitcases and boxes that you had prepared in advance. You had rented a small apartment, a far cry from your luxurious penthouse, but it was close to your office and you couldn’t afford to throw money aimlessly at this point.
As you threw your belongings in the suitcases, you made sure to leave behind every single gift he had ever given you. You didn’t need his coats, his jewels, his watches, his bags or shoes. Everything that you wanted he was no longer willing to give you and so you left only with what you had bought yourself.
He could keep the penthouse too, his little mistress will probably be thrilled to finally move in the expensive apartment complex and be showered with gifts without having to worry that the evil wife will catch them. That is until some new little thing would come along and she will be tossed to the side and forgotten. Nanami might have indicated that he had never loved you, but you were also sure he didn’t love this girl either.
As your packing was nearly completed, you looked at the photo album left on the bed, wondering what to do with it. You knew that if you left it there it would quickly find its way to the trash, and even though it hurt to remember, it hurt more to think such memories would be discarded with such ease.
You picked it up and when you did, a small flyer fell from between its pages. You picked it up from the floor and stared at the words “WELCOME TO MALAYSIA!” written in bold colours on the pamphlet. You had it ever since you went to the travel expo a year ago, a little glimpse to what was to come, but you guessed you didn’t need it anymore.
As you moved to throw it in the trash bin, you suddenly stopped. His dream, his dream, the words just kept coming back to you. No, this was your dream as well! This is what you worked for so hard every day! This was what you’ve postponed having kids for! This was all the birthdays and parties that you couldn’t attend because you were working overtime. This was all the money you stopped yourself from spending on little goods that made you happy. He could have the penthouse, he could have his luxury brands, he could have to expensive car and hell, he could even have his happily ever after. However, he would not claim your dream and stop you from achieving it.
You carried all the boxes and suitcases to your car and got in, already forming a plan and how you could move to the sunny beaches of Malaysia in just a few months. As you drove away from the apartment complex, your phone let out a little buzz. Stopping at the stoplight, you checked your messages and saw that Nanami had texted you.
‘I’m on my way home, let’s have a proper talk.’ A few seconds later, another text. ‘We can work this through, you know I didn’t mean everything I’ve said.’ You scoffed and stared angrily at the screen. ‘Wherever you’re going, that’s no longer my home.’ You texted back quickly before the light went green. ‘Tell me when you’ve finished signing the papers and I’ll tell you where to send them.’ You threw your phone on the empty seat as the last massage you’d ever write Nanami was being sent. ‘I will never beg, I will never bend and you will never break me.’
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xtrashmammalstefx · 4 years
How To Piss Off An Old-Fashioned Ghost (A Zak Bagans SMUT!)
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WARNINGS: Smut, cussing, all that jazz.
Special Thanks to: @xcazzax​ who never fails to give me ideas and inspire me to write shit like this. 
We were about to investigate the mecca of haunted hotels. The one place you go to and know you made it as a paranormal investigator. The majestic and infamous Stanley Hotel.
To say the guys and I were ecstatic would be an understatement. I swear you would think we were kids at Disneyland we were so excited. So much so we agreed to take a different approach to this one.
You see normally we’d investigate a place for one night, take a quick nap, and then be on our way home or to the next haunt the next day. For this one though we knew we had to do it differently. After all many people purported having things happen to them during the night whilst everyone else was asleep. So we got ourselves the most haunted rooms and were gonna sleep there the whole night with night vision cameras recording us the whole time.
“Ready to get it on with a cowboy?” I asked Aaron as we were being checked in.
“You know he only goes for the ladies right?” he said. “As in he’d probably react more to you than my bearded ass.”
“Yeah but…”
“Uh, Y/N, did you want your own room or..?” Zak asked.
“I told you I’m not chickening out of the plan,” I said.
“Plan?” Aaron questioned.
“Remember when the guide mentioned Mrs. Wilson having shit fits when unmarried couples share the bed in her room?”
“Oh…” Aaron nodded. “Wait...since when are you and Zak a thing?”
“We’re not,” Zak said. “Which will only add fuel to the fire.”
“Exactly,” I smirked.
“This isn’t an excuse for you two to bone is it?” Nick asked.
“What? NO!” I snapped at him.
“Dude! We’re literally gonna be in front of a camera the whole time!” Zak said starting towards the elevator.
“Yeah ‘cause sex tapes aren’t a thing,” Aaron said. I smacked him on the arm as we stepped into the elevator.
“Dude this is strictly work. As in we plan on remaining professional at all times,” Zak explained. “And the same goes for you two, alright? No scratching your nuts or your ass in front of the camera.”
“And for the love of GOD let’s hope none of you wake up with morning wood,” I added. All three men raised an eyebrow at me. “Oh come on last thing anyone wants is for our careers to go down the crapper all because you all woke up and revealed tents in your pants.”
“She does have a point there,” Zak said shrugging.
“Pun intended,” I muttered making them burst out laughing.
Later that night Zak checked in with our guys while I made myself comfortable under the sheets.
“All good here bro,” Aaron said over the walkie.
“Yeah everything’s good to go here Zak,” Nick added.
“Alright see you in the morning,” Zak said putting the walkie down. He got under the sheets beside me and turned off the light. “Ready?”
“Let’s do it,” I whispered. Zak laid down and I draped my body over him. “Night babe.”
“Night, gorgeous,” Zak said leaning down. His lips pecked mine. It sent a jolt through me; as though his lips had finally found the home they always wanted. My heart drummed in my chest as Zak deepened the kiss.
As his lips lingered on mine he wrapped his arms around me and flipped us over so that he was on top. I pulled back and chuckled. “Babe it’s late,” I said as Zak peppered kisses on my neck. I moaned. “We’re gonna get a noise complaint!”
“Only if you’re too loud,” he said bringing his lips to mine. I ran my arms along his bare back pressing my body closer to his. I guess our act worked a little too well, for not even a moment later Zak screamed. “GAH FUCK!”
“What’s wrong?” I asked as he got off of me.
“Something scratched my back,” he said. “Oh fuck!” He was suddenly tumbling over off of the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. I switched the light on and joined him.
“You okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, Mrs. Wilson just nudged me off the bed,” he said.
“Turn around so I can document this,” I said before running to get a camera. Zak turned his back to me the second I got back. “Holy shit.”
“What?” I took out my phone and took a picture of it. I showed it to him and the blood left his face. On his back were three intense scratches. Tiny droplets of blood spurted out of them. “SON OF A BITCH!”
I grabbed my toiletry bag and dug out bandages, a small towel and alcohol. “Bite the blanket,” I said sitting in front of his back.
“I’m gonna clean them up,” I said unscrewing the cap. “Bite something before people call the cops on us for murder.” I poured alcohol onto the towel and ran it down Zak’s back. Thankfully he listened and bit down on the blanket so rather than a scream he let out a muffled groan. I blew on the wounds gently then applied the bandages. “Okay you’re good.” I put my first aid stuff and the camera away and checked the night vision cam. It was still running smoothly and caught every single moment of the attack. Once I was done I put the night vision cam back in place and rejoined Zak.
“I think I’ll just sleep down here the rest of the night,” Zak said.
“Alright, um, night I guess,” I said before pecking him on the cheek. I switched the light off and started standing to get back into bed.
“Y/N?” Zak’s voice made me freeze and turn back.
“I know I shouldn’t but…” he never finished what he was saying. Instead he leaned in and crashed his lips to mine. The same jolt I’d felt before was back, only this time it was stronger. My whole body melted into his and we laid back on the floor.
“Do-Do you think we could…” I said as he sucked on the skin on my neck. “I mean with the camera right there?”
“Camera’s aimed at the bed,” Zak said. “As long as you don’t make too much noise we should be safe.”
I smirked. “No promises, Bagans.”
He kissed me one more time before helping me off with my shirt. We tossed aside along with my shorts, and panties. Zak’s lips pecked at my breasts. His tongue flicked at my nipples causing a moan to escape from my lips.
“Remind me to apologize to Billy later,” I said.
“I think I’m just gonna have to edit this footage myself,” Zak chuckled. Feeling more excited now I reached down and started nudging his pajama bottoms down. Zak got the hint and pulled them off; his length springing out hard and thick, just like the rest of him.
“Mrs. Wilson is gonna kill us,” I laughed.
“You forgot to ask me if I give a fuck,” Zak said lining himself up with my entrance. “Which, by the way, I fucking don’t.” He pushed in.
I held on to him as he moved inside me. The feeling was something out of this world. I mean sure, I’ve been with other people before (as I’m sure Zak has) but none of those experiences compare to the one I was having with Zak. It was like my body was made for his, and vice versa. I thrill of it only added to it. After all Zak wasn’t exactly the ‘fuck on the job’ kind of guy; on the contrary he was professional at all times. So seeing this change in him now...it felt kind of ballsy...like we were kids again breaking the rules.
Apparently Mrs. Wilson thought the same. “OW FUCK!” I screamed after feeling a sharp pain in my arm. Zak froze.
“What’s wrong?” I pulled my arm back and touched it gently. When I pulled my fingers back they were slightly wet.
“Mrs. Wilson punished me,” I said. I felt him brush his hand on my arm.
“That bitch!” he cursed.
“It’s okay, just-just keep going,” I urged him.
“You sure?” he asked.
“I need to cum real bad so yeah I’m sure.” Zak started thrusting again.
A few minutes later he groaned. “Please tell me that was you,” he said.
“What was me?”
“Fuck!” he groaned. “Mrs. Wilson just scratched my ass.” I fought back a giggle and instead addressed the old bitch.
“Alright if I say I’m going to marry him will you please stop?” I asked Mrs. Wilson.
“Wait what?” Zak looked at me shocked. “You serious right now?”
“Zak, I’ve loved you for so long,” I said. “And, if you’ll let me, I very much want to spend my life with you.”
“I want to spend my life with you too,” he muttered.
“So...does this mean we’re officially engaged?” I asked.
“I-I guess it does,” Zak said.
Very well… I heard someone whisper.
“Did-did she really just give us her fucking approval?” Zak asked laughing.
“I- I think she did,” I chuckled furiously before getting back to the other subject at hand. “Now are you gonna fuck me or do I need to see if Billy is available?”
Zak stopped laughing and growled furiously. “You’d have to be insane if you think I’m gonna let another man fuck you instead of me.” He started thrusting harder, and angrier. He was so wild with rage that his cock hit me right in my sweet spot.
“Huh you like it when I fuck you there?” Zak asked before hitting the same spot again.
“Fuck baby, yes yes yes,” I moaned. “Right there, right there, right there.” Tension started to brew within me. “Fuck I-I think I’m gonna…” My body tensed up and I tightened around his length, damn near screaming his name.
My body trembled as I came down from my high and as I did Zak tensed up and I felt him twitch inside me. He groaned as he emptied himself inside me. Once he was empty he collapsed beside me.
“Who knew pissing off ghosts could be one hell of a turn on,” I said breathless.
“Pretty sure that was the best sex I’ve had in my life,” Zak said equally breathless.
“I know that was the best sex I’ve ever had,” I said.
We passed out soon after. The next morning we met up with Nick and Aaron in the lobby.
“So how’d your plan go?” Aaron asked.
“Amazingly,” I said blushing.
“Really?” he looked at me curiously.
Zak then approached us with Billy in tow. He wrapped his arm around me and pecked me on the forehead.
“See, I told you it was just an excuse for them to bone,” Nick said.
“Dude during an investigation, really?” Aaron judged us hard.
Zak and I just snuggled into each other and flipped him off.
He judged us still a year later as we enjoyed our wedding reception.
“DURING AN INVESTIGATION!” he went on and on.
We ignored him though and just focused on each other, soaking in the love we felt as Mr. And Mrs. Bagans.
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sanchosammy · 4 years
miss gaga can I request a drabble with the prompts, “Did you know that you’re broken?” & “It’s not the first time I’ve been stood up.” okay bye i love youuuu
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I love you too miss girl @warrentrash, and OF COURSE YOU CANNNNN. (Please go check out @warrentrash​ because she also does fantastic prompts).
Prompts chosen: “Did you know that you’re broken?” and “It’s not the first time I’ve been stood up.”
You looked at the small watch on your wrist. A beautiful silver watch, it was your grandmother’s and you would only wear it for special occasions. That detail only made you more upset as you looked at the time filled with disappointment. 10:45. He was late... No, at this point, he was far past the term late. He simply stood you up.
What an asshole.
You have been partnered with Javier Peña for well over a year now. Murphy, Peña, and yourself were quite the team. However, in recent months, Javier was hellbent on taking you out on a date. You both had a thing for each other and it was beyond obvious.
And though he asked you several times with that charm you were so fond of... That didn’t stop you from continuously denying him the opportunity. You wanted so badly to accept because you found yourself drawn to Javier like a moth to light, but he was known for being nothing short of a ladies man in the past. And so you remained flirting with him at an emotional distance.
Which is why this moment hurt twice as bad. You finally accepted his offer after he saved your life on the job. One of Pablo’s men attempted to pull a hit and run on you as the two of you investigated a crime scene. Javier practically tackled you out of the way of the speeding vehicle, saving both of your lives in the process. The rush of emotions that night made you finally move past your fears and provide Javi a chance to take you out properly.
He said to meet him at La Rosa at 8:30. A little more high-class restaurant with a bar. A beautiful selection you would’ve given him props for. That was if he had shown up. You didn’t even know why you were still here at this point. False hope that he would show up and explain that this was all a huge misunderstanding? You laughed bitterly before you downed the rest of your drink.
You weren’t sure how many of these you had, but at this point you were nowhere near sober. You slapped money down for the drink before pulling yourself off the stool. You were embarrassed as you climbed into the taxi-cab trying to give him your address in Spanish while being your tipsy. A few attempts before he understood what you were trying to say, but thankfully he worked with you and so you were sure to tip him for the inconvenience. 
Heels were not the best choice to drink in and by the time you were stepping out of the cab, they were in your hands instead. You didn’t care about the dirty sidewalk. You just wanted to go home and drown in self pity. The fact that you’d have to face Javier the next day at work was beyond humiliating. 
You tried to keep quiet as you walked towards the stairway. Javier’s door caught you by surprise as it opened and his eyes found yours, you could see the panic rush through him.
“Wait, wait, (Y/N). I can explain everything.” He rushed forward from the doorway as if you would disappear into thin air in front of you.
You looked at him with such a sourness behind your stare. “Leave me alone, Javi.” 
Your eyes trailed past him. The door was not shut behind him. A woman sitting on his couch caught your attention and apparently you had caught hers as well. The awkward pause from you made Javier follow your direct line of sight and you heard the fuck under his breath. 
“No. No, listen to me cariño. I promise it’s not-.”
“Fuck you Peña.” You could hardly get the words out. The anger inside had your blood boiling. He didn’t expect your next move and you had hardly thought it through, but you found yourself throwing the heels in your hands at him.
“Baby, please listen to me.” He called out behind you as you rushed towards the stairway wanting to never see his face again. Though that was impossible because you worked together, you refused to look at him in this moment. He not only missed your date but for another woman? The man practically pleaded for the chance to take you out for months and this was how he repaid you?
His footsteps weren’t immediate to follow you to the top of the stairway. The sound of him closing his door echoed off the walls instead. However, you couldn’t have been that lucky because the sound of his footsteps were now rushing up the stairs that led to your apartment. You just almost made it in time to close the door on him, but he threw his body into the doorway stopping you in your tracks.
“Get away from me.” You called out pushing the door against his body. You didn’t care if it hurt him in the process. He pushed against your strength, which wasn’t hard considering your tipsy state. “You’re a piece of shit, Javier!”
“Cariño,” He kept his voice calm, he understood how it looked and he knew how badly it had to hurt. He was a piece of shit. Even if it wasn’t for the reason you thought, he still shouldn’t have done things this way.
“No, don’t you fucking cariño me. Just because you’re broken inside doesn’t mean you have to drag me down with you,” You replied with venom in your words. You stopped pushing the door against him causing Javier to almost fall in from the lack of pressure to fight against. You didn’t skip a beat as you continued, your voice now much lower but your drunken bitterness continued “Did you know you’re broken, Javi? Drowning your sorrows into women, that isn’t healthy. I thought you wanted to change… I thought you wanted me.”
He didn’t miss how your voice broke at the end. And it hurt him more than he could’ve thought. You turned around shaking your head, a sob breaking out as you tried to keep it together in front of him.
The words had hurt him. It cut a little too deep, and if he wasn’t in the wrong his pride would’ve turned him right out the door. You were right. He was a broken man in many ways, and he had spent most of his time trying to find the answers in anywhere else but himself. That changed with you though, he hadn’t slept with an informant in months after he realized how badly he wanted to be with you.
You brought in a hope and peace that he hadn’t felt in many years.
His arms wrapped around you before you could escape into your bedroom door, which wasn’t hard because at this point the fight in you had left. You were drunk and emotional, and worst of all, you were beyond hurt.
“Please, let me explain,” He whispered out. His hand softly brushing against your hair in an attempt to soothe your heartache. You were so tired you allowed him to pull you towards the couch and sit you down. He didn't sit beside you though, he was on his knees looking up at you.
“I swear. I know how it looks, (Y/N). I promise on everything I have ever loved, it is not what it looks like.” His voice was soft as he reassured you. His thumbs wiping away the tears on your face in the process.
You let out a sigh and shook your head. “It’s fine, Peña. It’s not the first time I’ve been stood up. If you didn’t want to go out to dinner, you should have just told me instead.”
His heart broke into pieces at the confession, and the fact you thought he didn’t want to be at the dinner with you. He lifted your chin so your eyes would meet his. You could be put in a trance with those deep brown eyes of his.
“I wanted to be at dinner, hermosa. I was about to leave when an old informant came in, Pablo has a hit on her because she witnessed one of his meetings. I knocked on your door, I called the phone, but I couldn’t get in contact with you… I know I am a piece of shit because I put work first, but I couldn’t leave her to die. The three of us need this to catch Escobar.”
He gathered your hands together in his and stared at you. He was quite literally on his knees begging at this point. “You have every right not to… but please, (Y/N). Forgive me for this.”
You looked at him for a moment. Your voice came out quiet like a child who was scared to ask a simple question, but truthfully you were scared you wouldn’t like the answer. “You didn’t sleep with her, right?”
“No.” He kissed your hands and looked back up at you “Nothing happened, I’ve been waiting for you to get home.”
With a long exhale you nodded. “Okay, I forgive you Javi… I’m sorry for what I said.” Embarrassment was stuck with you with all this new information, the scene downstairs looked so stupid now.
“Don’t worry about it.” He offered a soft smile and you returned it. His hands softly rubbed yours as silence filled the room for a second. The both of you calming down from the dramatic episode that just played out.
“You look beautiful by the way.” Your cheeks became warm at the sudden compliment. You leaned forward resting your forehead against his shoulder in an attempt to hide your blush. He didn’t attempt to hide his chuckle in response.
“Thank you.” You finally force out. “I’m not going to lie, Javi... I’m drunk.
“Yeah, I know.” He laughed before standing up, softly pulling you with him. He didn’t hesitate to pick you up bridal style. He carried you to your bedroom as he teased, “Drinking without me, that’s cruel Y/L/N.”
“I’m just surprised I made it home. Turns out Spanish with a few drinks in is a challenge.” You joked as he sat you on the bed. You noticed the disapproving look he gave in response, more out of concern than anything. He didn’t mention how he almost called Murphy to drop his position in a mission to go looking for you instead. He looked through your dresser and found some baggy shirt that would do for the night.
His fingers unzipped the back of your dress before he kissed the top of head. “Get dressed, I’ll be right back.”
He left the room while you attempted to change for the night. It had only been hardly two minutes, but by the time he had come back you found yourself under the covers barely awake. He placed a glass of water on the nightstand and kissed your head once again.
“Listen, I fucked up tonight.” His voice was quiet as he sat beside you on the edge of the bed. His thumb gently stroking your cheek as he watched your sleepiness start to take over. “You don’t have to decide now but I want to make it up to you. Whenever you’re ready, if you are ever ready, just let me know.”
He cleared his throat. Emotions weren’t his thing, he’d consider them something new he was exploring again after many years of pushing them down. But he was willing to try again, that was if you were involved.
It was small, but a smile formed on your face. He hardly caught your reply, “Next Thursday, asshole.”
He bit his lip trying to contain his own satisfaction. He had pulled a lot of deals with people all over. People on the street and people in the government, some of them being literally his job on the line. However, this was a different kind of fulfillment. He wanted nothing more than a chance with you and he just got it.
“Goodnight, mi amor.” You could feel his grin as he kissed your hand. The sound of the door closing this time was a lot more peaceful and satisfying to hear.
You knew he couldn’t hear you, but in your sleepy love-drunken state you mumbled it out anyway. “Goodnight Javier.”
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i-need-air · 4 years
your hybrid!bkg hcs are mad cute 😖💞 i’m in LOVE— what if reader comes home w/ a stray kitten? 🥺 katsuki doesn’t like cats but this one is all small and shivering and reader couldn’t let the poor thing starve on the streets so she takes it in. the kitten gets attached to katsuki very quickly much to his displeasure, he thinks he’s his mom lmao
I'm so glad you like them, all I want is to make people feel uwu and it's happening! 💕💕 This is so cute and I can only imagine him being a big ass momma later on ahskdjsk let's see:
[ Main Hybrid!Bakugou HCs here: Part 1 and Part 2! ]
[ BNHA Masterlist to find all Hybrid!AU works ]
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× you had to stay out longer than expected so it was getting late, and the worst part was that it started raining
× very dark clouds, thunder seen in the distance, bone-chilling wind; storm looked as if it was approaching fastly
× so you rushed fast home
× but something stopped you in your tracks a few streets away from home
× a small, weak meow that somehow you heard over all the noise surrounding you
× after investigating, you found this poor little kitten behind a garbage can
× frail, tiny, trembling, balled up trying to maintain body heat
× you had to save the little life, you just had to
× when you walked through the door, throwing everything but your jacket, in which the kitten was secured in, Katsuki heard the commotion
× he got out of the shower as it seemed he also got late from work and gave you a questioning face
× bc you mumbled a small "hi" and rushed to the bathroom
× to which he follows, like wth is going on and definitely catches on as he smells you
× "What the hell is that?" blurts, tactful as always
× you explain to him in a rush as you prepare a warm bath for the kitten, asking him to google anything you could do to help it
× gives you a stink glance
× lol like I'd bother type of glance
× yet still does it as you open your jacket to show him the frail kitten still shivering
× he comes around with his phone, acting done with life while reading out loud what to do, what to feed it
× meanwhile you realize you really don't have any food that would suit the kitten so you ask him if he could gently bath it while you go out to buy some at the corner grocery shop near by
× he just took a shower and you were still wet from the rain so it made sense you'd be the one going
× cue to him complaining like an overgrown child
× "Tsk, you're gonna catch a cold"
× "Just let it dry or whatever"
× "I cleaned the fucking floor yesterday and now it's all wet!"
× all while taking the cat from you and closing the bathroom door in your face 😒
× you change fastly and go out again while rolling your eyes at him
× but
× i shit you not, the moment you arrive home and go check on them, you find him in the living room with the kitten wrapped in a towel in his arms
× he's just looking down at it with a serene expression on his face
× 🦋🦋💕🦋💕🦋💕🦋🦋🦋🦋
× honestly, i genuinely feel he'd be compassionate about it, he knows what it is to have a rough life so he's definitely going to help, and will appreciate you for saving its life
× the first few days he really bitches about it though
× "Ya wanna keep it?"
× "I'm not taking care of that damned cat!"
× "Hey, you, brat, come here, you need to eat" to the cat instantly after telling you he ain't doin it
× exagerated scoffs as the kitten approaches him and cuddles him, demands attention, so on
× "This brat is so needy, tsk"
× still pets it gently while acting disinterested
× the funniest thing is when you both realize the kitty follows him everywhere and throws small fits whenever he leaves
× you record it doing so and send it to him
× he only responds with 🙄
× [ but saves the videos in a secure folder called Brat ]
× "The fuck is it followin' me around?!?"
× cuddle time is now him on top of you and kitty burried in his neck purring
× he has a high body temperature, ideal for snuggles
× thinks that you're not looking and puts a hand on the cat for protection
× seriously his words don't match his actions
× i swear, i feel he'd be like a cat whisperer or something
× bc whenever he orders the kitten to do something kitty does exactly that
× you had to argue with the cat to get off the table, Katsuki comes, orders it and the lil shit meows and gets off
× to which, of course, smug ass Katsuki gives you a smirk like "This is how you do it 💅"
× 💕 little shits 💞
× of course you're keeping the cat
× and he demands it has to have a badass name
× like it's a cute fluffy smol bean and he wants to call it Diablo or some shit
× to which he explains it's cuz the cat is a little demon and the name just fits
× fine, whatever, what's important is that you're keeping the kitty, win-win
× will definitely 100% buy cat toys and accessories
× "So it won't destroy the fuckin house while we're gone"
× proceeds to play with the cat
× throws toy mouse a foot away, watching how it catches it and plays with it
× records it
× "What a dumbass"
× sends you the video instantly
× makes fun of you bc it's obvious who's the favorite
× enjoys when you're pouty about it but kisses your forehead
× he might be the favorite but you're still his favorite
× but when he catches you snuggling together he goes 💕💓💞💖💝✨✨✨✨
× will [ again ] bitch about it but even the cat knows he's jealous; he just wants to cuddle with you both
× will scold the cat if it throws things off shelves or something
× if he gets a "meow" back he's gonna glare at it and say "Don't talk back to me" 💀
× if you have the audacity to laugh at him for it he'll scold you too
× Big Mom Energy
× Katsuki is soft for the cat
× but dear lord, can't stand the hairs on his black t-shirts
× "Fucking amazing, LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"
× "meow?"
× "Don't act innocent!"
× Chef Bakugou prepares the best food for the cat
× he's not buyin that cheap ass shit, nuh-huh
× vet trips make him more nervous than it should be
× he cannot stay in place, leg bouncing, all the anxiety bag
× "It's a regular check-up, Katsu—"
× "Why do they have to stab it, huh?!"
× "It's a vaccine, it's good for—"
× "Fuck off"
× 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
× "You did well, kid" and a scratch on the head after the tragic vaccination happens
× you know those pictures of big hunky dudes working out or doing manly stuff in the mirror? yano, those pics
× he sends you those but you suddently see kitty on his shoulders; the contrast is hilarious ngl
× demands you take some of those pics since he doesn't wanna disturb the cat
× he's soft, man
× his wallpaper is a picture of you and the kitty snuggling
× and he has hundreds of them
× most taken without permission or with you looking like a comfortable mess and that's his shit
× you start talking about pets, specifically cats with other people?
× his cat is better than anyone's cat
× no room for discussion
× will fight them
× his cat is a warrior, dude; no weak ass domestic cat, nope, his cat survived the streets, his cat is an apex predator, his cat is—
× akdjldkakdks you get it
× just say you love the cat and go lmfao
× then he shows em pictures of hIS cAt and it has a Christmas hat on, looking adorable af or something
× big ass apex predator, huh?
× his cat is also cute now stfu, extra 💅
× 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀
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alchemistbee · 4 years
Flowers and Chimes
「 Five Hargreeves x Reader 」
N/A: This took me longer than expected, but it was another idea I had laying around. Here Five is aged up to be around 16-17, like the reader. The main idea was that reader in an ex-Commision agent who happened to escape, and Five finds them. I apologize if it’s confusing I am not the best writer. And if it’s too long :”) sorry for the grammar errors! Hope you guys enjoy it!
Summary: After Hazel leaves an address inside Five’s pocket he decides to investigate where or to whom it leads him to. The last thing he expected was to stumble into a familiar face.
Warnings: Swearing. it takes place during Season 2, so expect slight spoilers if you haven’t watched it.
Words: 1902
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[ gif taken from @thisgameissonintendo ]
The Commision was a high secretive organization that’s whole goal was to keep time and space flowing correctly. It was like knitting, one wrong turn and the whole piece was ruined, that’s what their agents were for. To make “corrections” in the timelines, to make sure the game was kept intact. Whether it was something or someone who messed up the time lines, the commission would gladly take care of it. Their team of agents were the best from the best, and you were no exception to that rule.
Your years in The Commission had turned you into the perfect killing weapon for them, something they took pride on. The agency considered you to be one of the most skilled agents they had, agile, quick and sharp, gifted with enhanced intelligence that couldn’t compare to anyone. Above that, you were loyal, for almost 42 years you had worked under their wing, they had no reason to suspect you would have left out of thin air.
Taking in at seventeen, very young, not as young as Lila, but after watching you for some years the Commission had concluded that you were quite...special.
After Five’s famous escape, you had decided that it was your time to do so as well. You had only met the man a few times, shared one or three missions together that were tasked by The Handler. Strangely, she had made everything possible to keep you two from being partners, but it hadn’t been enough to stop the two of you from sharing a few moments. The man was quite grumpy and arrogant at times, but that didn’t seemed to stop you from having conversations with him. never
Apart from being a skilled assassin and being able to take the soul out of a person’s eyes in a single second, you were a very bubbly person. You were what people considered too good, kind, and Five was quite amazed someone like you worked for such a horrific place, but at that time, he didn’t care enough to ask the why’s of it.
Your escape hadn’t been an easy one, not at all. When Five escaped the security increased, you had to be patient, and once an opening made its way to you, you didn’t let it slip away. Between all the commotion, the briefcase you had stolen malfunctioning after getting shot mid-traveling. It caused you to not only go too far back in time, but your body too. In any other circumstances, you would have been completely upset at the fact that you were stuck back in your teenage physical body, but the more you thought about it, the more you realized it was an advantage. Commision wouldn’t know, and you were sure you could find a way to go back to your body eventually.
There you were, stranded in Dallas, Texas for three years now. You had found an old cabin to live in, not too far from the city but not to close either. You didn’t want unwanted attention to come your way. It was 1963, quite a busy year for the Commission considering the assasination of Kennedy took place here. They wouldn’t notice your insignificant presence, and if they did well, you weren’t considered one of the most dangerous and skilled agents for nothing.
What you weren’t aware of was of the mess your old un- official partner Five had let loose. He broke a fabric in time, changing the timeline and moving the apocalypse from 2019 to 1963. You had felt the shift, but without the knowledge of what it meant, you hadn’t paid the slightest attention to it.
Five shut the car door behind him, his eyes carefully studying the small cabin in front of him and glancing down to the poorly folded piece of paper in his hands. He found this address written alongside the cassette Hazel had hidden in his pocket. He knew that whatever was here would help him save the world, or at least find information related to it. After all, Hazel wouldn’t have used his last seconds to shove a random address. It had to be connected.
Shaking his head, Five shove the note back to his pocket as he made his way inside the property. The house seemed quite old, but it was clear that someone lived there due to the good state of it. There were various flowers decorating the front of the house, windows and roof. There was no way those flowers would be able to live by themselves unless someone took care of them. On top of that, the place echoed with the soft tones of the wind chimes clanging against each other, they looked fairly new, or at least to be cleaned regularly.
Strangely, the flowers placed on the area gave him a familiar feeling in his chest. The wood creaked under his shoes the moment he stepped into the porch, he leaned closer to the door in hopes of getting any clues of what was inside, but as much expected, it was too dark to see correctly. Without thinking it twice, Five easily teleported inside the old cabin, almost stumbling on his feet when he landed on the misplaced rug that rested in the center of the room.
The brunette male guided himself inside, where he viewed the interior of the place. It was quite normal, the kitchen was clean, with a few coffee mugs still inside the sink, the living room was a bit dusty, but nothing that couldn’t be taken care of with a few cleans. There, his eyes caught one particular wall that looked pretty much like Eliot’s whole place. There were numerous newspapers pinned to the cardboard, numerous names, maps and photos of people connected with red strings, and on the table near it, yellow folders. The person who lived here, you, were looking for something...or running from something.
He scanned the loose papers on the papers, noticing the small written notes in them. Five squinted his eyes at them as he found the handwriting...familiar. The answers had to be here somewhere, a key or tool to help him stop the apocalypse he brought with him. What was Hazel trying to tell him? What did he want Five to find in this place?
While the physically teen boy strode through the small space, you happened to arrive from the long way of work. Unlike others, you didn’t own a car and wasn’t planning on doing any time soon. Besides, being stuck in a teen body didn’t make it any easier to get a car. The chance of getting stopped by the cops was high, and you didn’t own any paperwork that would make them turn their heads from you. With new groceries in hand, you had walked down the same sidewalk that led to your place, soon noticing a un-familiar blue car parked in front. You quickly felt your body tense, the only thought running in your mind being that commission might have finally found you. But how? You had been careful all these years to stay off the radar, and there was no way that this year, with so much going on, they wouldn’t be focused on you.
You were smart enough to go around the house instead of entering through the front. Dropping the groceries in the back, and silently opened the back door that led inside. Whoever had passed your property was going to have a bad time. You shut the door slowly, surely making no noise as you took light steps through the small hallway. You could hear steps inside, things being moved and placed back. From the corner of the wall, you managed to give a quick glance at the person who had intruded your home; a young boy dressed in what seemed to be a school uniform. You felt your heart start to rise, unsure of what a young boy would be doing investigating your things. Yet, you knew better than to let your guard down, it was never too late for the Commission to hire and manipulate children to do their bidding.
You sneakily made your way into the kitchen, grabbing the nearest pan at your reach before swinging it toward the boy without a warning. Surprisingly, The boy felt you coming, and just in time was able to dodge what might have been a horrible concussion “Shit!” You heard the boy mumble under his breath, quickly to a fighting stance while looking at you with a fierce glare.
“How did you get here?!” You held the pan tightly between your hands, ready to throw another swing “Get out of my property kid! They sent you, didn’t they?! If they think I’ll hesitate to end you, they are completely wrong” you threatened, keeping a close watch on the boy, trying to decipher his next move.
Five squinted his eyes at you, slightly tilting his head with confusion as to why Hazel had sent him to the house of this crazy person “What? They?-“ Five tried to take a step forward, but was only met with another swing from your part. He quickly tried to get a hold of the pan, throwing it across the room thinking that you wouldn’t fight without a weapon. He was surprised to be wrong when he felt you kick him in the stomach, throwing him backwards against the table.
Five groaned, his eyes flushing with slight anger, he had just lost any respect he had for you. If you wanted to fight, a fight you would have. To Five’s shock, you were better than he had expected. You had managed to dodge many of his fists, his kicks, while he had been met with a few unpleasant hits. He definitely was beginning to think that Hazel had done this out of a cruel joke to get back to him for all those years.
You were fierce. You were skilled, quick and agile like him. Could it be that you…? He felt his back fall against the floor, the heavy weight of your body against him as you held a knife in one of your hands “I guess Commission has lost it’s touch, huh?” You smirked down at the boy, seeing his eyes widened with stress when you lifted your hand with the knife in hand. You weren’t hesitating, you were going to kill him.
“Commision? Wait!-“ Five yelled, but as he saw you were not stopping, he turned to use his last resource. In a matter of seconds, the knife went down, but instead of stabbing his chest, it got stuck in the wood under him. Five teleported out of your grip, flashes of blue appearing behind you, and without hesitation, Five wrapped his arm around your neck from behind, holding you still from making any more swings at him.
That’s when realization hit you. You knew this boy. You recognized the blue flashes. There was no one in this world who could teleport like that besides one grouchy man. How couldn’t you have realized before? He had the same eyes, the same fighting style. This boy was—“F-Five?” His name left your lips quickly, and in that exact second, you felt Five lose his grip from your neck. He took a step back, watching his eyes widened as realization slowly hit him. He begun to recognize who the person in front of him was, his eyes completely filled with shock and relief. It...It couldn’t be. It wasn’t possible.
It suddenly clicked to him. Hazel hadn’t given him this address to search for information, he had given him this address to find...You.
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soliverse · 3 years
cinderella and the mystery of the red lipstick (sfw version) - d.sc
reader x roommate!winwin
genre: fluff, humor, (optional smut below)
warnings: a bunch of swearing, mean insults and a bit of gaslighting
word count: 2972
synopsis: this is another Cinderella fic, except for the fact that she left lipstick stains instead of glass slippers
@byutafy for the short notice beta reading. love you!
@nctcreations @kdiarynet @kpopscape @kwritersworld @culture-cafe @neowritingsnet @neoswitchnet @czennienet @nct-writers
The song it was based on was Lips by NCT 127 (although it leaned towards the demo version more)
It was also a bit upbeat because the song Cinderella by CNBLUE (the Youth With You version) has been stuck on my head for ages now.
Enjoy reading!
Love, Ellie.
It was already two in the afternoon but Winwin still stayed lying in bed, clutching his blanket close to his body in an attempt to prevent the chill of the afternoon breeze from coming in contact with his bare skin.
The plan was to stay in bed until all remnants of the vodka and last night's shenanigans have washed away. Or until he dies from starvation. But his roommates have other things in mind.
He was jolted awake by the loud noise coming from his bedroom window. Half-awake, he peeked through the sheets to see what the commotion was about.
The first thing he saw was Lucas holding his now broken doorknob in one hand, happily waving it around like a lightstick. Hendery was happily mumbling some bullshit that he didn't care enough to comprehend. Xiaojun was holding a tube-like contraption that he assumed was confetti, Ten and Yangyang were on the side, dancing like the game show girls while holding up each side of a handmade banner stating "Congrats on getting laid!" badly written with a green crayon. Meanwhile, Kun at the end of the line, leaning back at the door frame with his arms crossed while watching all of the chaos unfold right before him.
"Fuck off..."
Winwin grunted and grabbed the pillow under his head, throwing it with full force so that it ended up hitting Xiaojun on his chest.
They seem to have taken the hint because they all scrambled outside, laughing their asses off as they try to get away and avoid getting their asses kicked by a martial artist.
Meanwhile, Winwin buried his face under the thick sheets, trying his best to block the light coming from outside from reaching his eyes, heightening his already throbbing headache. He was planning to stay in bed no matter how loud his stomach grumbled, but his resolve is weaker than he expected. Begrudgingly, he dragged his tired ass out of bed to take a cold shower, hoping that will shake his hangover out.
“Holy shit.”
This wasn’t the usual statement that he says to himself whenever he would look at himself in the morning. However, as soon as he lifted his head in the mirror to wash his face, he might as well be an extra for a horror movie.
All over his upper body, especially the neck and chest area, was filled with red smudges. He also found tiny hints of it at the corners of his lips. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was lipstick.
Whoever he made out with (or had sex with) last night must’ve gone wild and tried to mark every part of him that she could place her lips on.
Winwin felt his heart sink. He couldn’t, for the life of him, remember who he was last night. Just like his body, the memories of her red lips lingered on his mind. But that’s about it.
It took him a long time to squint his eyes and try to recall the moments leading up to him getting on the bed with someone, but it only made his headache worse. Defeated, he chose to let everything go and proceeded to hop in the shower just like he initially intended.
He opened the shower, letting it get to his desired temperature before he stepped in and let the water flow from his hair to the rest of his body. He didn’t move, instead of leaning one of his hands on the wall for support as he closed his eyes and tried to soothe himself with the water pressure from the showerhead. He took a deep breath, letting the air come out slowly of his lips, eyes still heavily shut.
That’s when the memories kicked in.
He finally remembered being in that same position, in a familiar corner of their dorm, as he leaned over to kiss the girl with the red lips. He also remembered the heat, the intensity of the kiss as his subconscious made him remember that he was gasping for air afterward. And so, he resorted to kissing her jaws instead. She willingly returned the favor, which is probably where he’d gotten the smudges that he found that morning, and how her red lips formed a proud smile as she kept on going, painting his fair skin with her rouge.
He sucked in another lungful of air before opening his eyes and hopping back into reality. He’s still clueless as to how the girl looked like, but he was determined to find out who’s the owner of those red luscious lips, and he would love it all over him again.
Sicheng came out of his room already dressed up, water still dripping from his hair to the towel that he placed on his neck. He made his way to the kitchen and he found the rest of his friends sitting around the table, smiling like idiots.
He asked, already annoyed about how they’ve been acting all day, or at least, for the past two hours.
“Yangyang saw you enter your room last night. With a girl,” says Kun.
“Uhh, duh?” Ten replied, raising an eyebrow at the older as he grabbed the butter knife and spread peanut butter over a piece of bread.
“How sure is everyone that it was a girl?” Hendery squinted his eyes, trying to look intimidating as he interrogated his friend for further details about last night.
“Why is everyone so concerned if I fucked a girl or not? Or if I fucked at all?” Winwin replied in annoyance, coming out almost whiney, hoping that they would cut the questions out and leave him and his breakfast alone.
“You don’t know either, do you?” Xiaojun tried not to laugh as he stuffed a sunny-side-up egg in his mouth, failing at the last minute to the point that he almost spat some of it out.
Winwin sighed. He knows they will plague him with questions until next week and will do anything to squeeze it out of him at the best of their abilities. Him getting laid feels like some event to be celebrated because out of all the guys, he was the least interested in women. Not that he doesn’t like them, it’s that he just refused to do it unless he’s genuinely interested in the girl.
Or guy.
Was it a guy?
Winwin resorted to stuffing his mouth with as much food as he can because it would give him an excuse to not speak further and answer their questions. For how long he can keep it up is a question that he’ll have to face once his plate full of food is decimated.
By the time you get into your brother’s dorm, the whole place was so trashed that you even hesitated to proceed inside. However, your mother asked you that morning to come over to your brother’s dorm as he refuses to reply to her texts and respond to her calls that morning.
“Ssup, nerd.”
You always cringe whenever Hendery calls you that nickname. Not that it affects you or anything. It was just so… old-school. You’re a big fan of insults and you would certainly be happier if the nickname was a bit more creative.
“Ssup, failure.” You replied, sitting right beside him as you grabbed a plate and helped yourself with the food served at the table, courtesy of Kun. He’s the only one that’s competent enough to fry eggs that beautifully.
“Mom’s been calling non-stop since last night. I didn’t tell her I wasn’t with you. I couldn’t come up with an excuse so I just told her you slept early because of morning classes.”
Hendery snickered.
You and he have very different lifestyles. He was supposed to be two years ahead of you in college, but he’s always caught up in partying and having fun that he missed some subjects that he had to retake that year. One more fuck up and you’ll be joining him in classes next year. And as your parents’ only hope, you feel compelled to stay away from all the fun stuff until you graduate. That is also the reason why Hendery felt it was his moral obligation to shoo you away from last night’s party, despite sharing the same room as him.
At least that's what he told you. You have a reason to believe that he shooed you away last night just so he can do whatever he wanted without you around to snitch on him.
“Everything’s fine, kid. I already told her the same thing last night. You and I share the same brain.”
“Yes, except one of us has his brain fried by substance abuse and the other has a perfectly functioning human brain capable of making future science discoveries.”
Your eyes then diverted to the guy sitting right across you. He looked sickly and pale, his organs probably screaming inside asking to die.
“What’s up with him?” You asked your brother.
“He had done the deed with a guy last night.” Winwin, with an expressionless face, was quick to throw a flying spoon in Hendery’s direction. The milk splattered everywhere, but Hendery was able to evade it, laughing maniacally as he wiped the milk off of his arms.
“Hey, you’re good with this investigation stuff, right? Maybe you can help prince charming over here find his Cinderella?”
"Tell me what you can remember."
Winwin thought you looked ridiculous when you grabbed a pen and a notepad, looking like some low-budget investigator in the movie. He wasn't in the mood to play along, but he might as well humor you and find out what happened last night.
"This may not help at all, but I can't remember jack shit except for one thing," He paused. You raised both eyebrows expectantly, signaling him to answer faster. "Red lips. That's the one thing I haven't forgotten about."
You scribbled the word, red lips in your notepad.
You scribbled a few more words and nodded as if you understood its implication.
"Well, that doesn't narrow down the suspects at all."
You placed your notepad in your pocket and stood up from your seat.
"We shall now go and investigate the crime scene."
You decided that the crime scene was Winwin's bedroom since this is where he found himself last.
Winwin saw that you're very detail-oriented, looking at every nook at cranny to see traces of the mystery person around and aid in the investigation.
His room was cleaner than you'd expected, so finding things that stick out or are out of place will be a clear sign of the perpetrator.
You searched high and low, from the shelves to the bed, but you're only able to find two things that might help his case.
As soon as you lifted one of his pillowcases, you saw traces of red smeared across its white surface. Some of it even transferred in the bedsheets.
"Your story checks out. It is red lipstick." You lifted the pillow and walked towards Winwin, who's just sitting at one of his bean bags and mostly just observing you doing your stuff.
You pointed out the smudges to him and he nodded. You then proceeded to grab one of your magnifiers from your backpack and looked at the stains for closer inspection.
"Seeing its transferability, I can say that the lipstick in question has a satin finish. The shade, as far as I can see, is somewhere in between orange and bright red." You grabbed your notepad once again and listed down your observations.
"Know anyone who wears that often?" He proceeded to shake his head.
"Alright then. Now, we ask the witnesses."
You were about to leave the room when Winwin called you out to call your attention.
"I think there's something under the bed."
He stood up from his seat and proceeded to walk towards his bed, kneeling as he tried to reach for something below.
You were surprised to see what he found, though. In between his fingers is a piece of thin, lace material, glowing red just like the lipstick shade. It was someone's underwear.
"Yeah… I think we should keep that from the witnesses."
"Where were you at the time of the incident?"
As it turns out, the rest of the boys are no more helpful than Winwin. You just finished interviewing Kun, Ten, Yangyang, Xiaojun, and Lucas. The boys themselves barely remember what they did last night, let alone whatever their friend was doing. Meanwhile, the victim (aka Dong Sicheng) sat there right alongside you while you asked the questions. You asked them if they were helpful at all, but alas, nothing resonates to him.
"Hey, aren't you going to ask me about last night?"
Hendery popped out in the makeshift interrogation room (aka the living room) and sat down right beside you, peeking in at your notes.
"Nope. I only interview reliable sources. You can barely remember your stuff sober." You stuffed your notepad back again at your backpack, hugging it close to your body to keep it from your brother.
"I saw Winwin with someone though. He was making out with someone right just a few meters away from his bedroom."
"Go on…"
"I didn't see her well though. She was pinned across the wall and Sicheng hyung's body was blocking the view."
You sighed.
"See. It was pretty useless information."
He was about to say something else, but you cut him off.
"I'll keep them in mind, thank you very much."
You’ve finally sat down back again in the kitchen to give yourself a moment of peace to piece the things you found together. Winwin is just right beside you, just quietly observing just as usual.
Everything is laid out across the kitchen table, your notepad, the pillowcase, the underwear (which is kept in a ziplock bag for hygienic purposes).
“You still don’t remember anything?”
“I do remember seeing those before, but nothing is still coming out. I still can’t remember who she is.”
You can tell that Sicheng was getting a bit frustrated. He was trying his best to remember as he once again shut his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows, seeing if there is anything that he is missing.
As he did this, Hendery popped in again in the kitchen, this time holding a full laundry basket.
“I would just like to let you know that I am being a good brother and roommate by doing your laundry.”
“Yes, yes. Thank you Hendery. You did well." You smiled at your brother to acknowledge him, but you mostly did it just to shoo him away from the investigation room. He seems to have gotten the idea and left as soon as he showed the basket to you for one last time.
He shut the door and you were met with a deafening silence once again. This time though, you felt weird energy coming from the guy right in front of you. He stared at you for a long time, specifically your lips, and then he started to break down right in front of you.
You asked him what the problem was, but all that came out of his mouth are grunts and a string of curses.
"You alright?"
He was now going between laughing and frustration, rubbing his hands on his face as he lets out all emotions.
"It was you all along. You're red lips girl."
You smiled as you looked at your phone to check the time.
"Five hours. I'm impressed. If that was my brother, it would've taken him a week or two."
"Why didn't you just tell me? I feel stupid."
"And take the fun out of it? Nope."
You then watch him react, different kinds of emotions flooding in at the same time. You laughed as you stood from your seat and patted his back.
"What gave it away?"
He stopped reacting for a while, composing himself as he relayed his deductions to you.
"I had my suspicions when you opened your bag to get the magnifying glass. I saw a red lipstick tube scattered across but I dismissed it since any girl would have lipstick on her bag. I was also confused when you refused to acknowledge the underwear. I saw it from my point of view, but it's like you purposely didn't look under the bed just so you won't find it. You know it was there, didn't you?"
You finally grabbed a seat right beside him, interested to hear what he has to say next.
"And then there's Hendery's story. You didn't ask him to mess with him. It's because he did see us. I remember now, it's what got us in this mess in the first place…"
You nodded to acknowledge him. You've always known that he's a bit smarter than the other guys, but he was very observant as well. That's why he was quiet all the time.
"Lastly, when Hendery came in with your laundry, there was something sticking out," He picked up the ziplock and held it across your face. "The bra that came with this, it was sandwiched along with your other clothing, but the bright color stuck out to me."
"Mhm… " You nodded in approval. You didn't even notice that last one, but he was able to pick that as well.
"And then I stared at your lips for a while. That's when it hit me. It was the same lips that I claimed last night. The red lips that drove me crazy…"
You gave him a small round of applause as he finished his spiel.
"Honestly, you were on point on everything. I'm just sad that you can't remember anything."
His moment of clarity was shut down and he smiled apologetically.
"Want me to tell you what happened?"
He nodded profusely.
It was already two in the afternoon but Winwin still stayed lying in bed, clutching his blanket close to his body in an attempt to prevent the chill of the afternoon breeze from coming in contact with his bare skin.
The plan was to stay in bed until all remnants of the vodka and last night's shenanigans have washed away. Or until he dies from starvation. But his roommates have other things in mind.
He was jolted awake by the loud noise coming from his bedroom window. Half-awake, he peeked through the sheets to see what the commotion was about.
The first thing he saw was Lucas holding his now broken doorknob in one hand, happily waving it around like a lightstick. Hendery was happily mumbling some bullshit that he didn't care enough to comprehend. Xiaojun was holding a tube-like contraption that he assumed was confetti, Ten and Yangyang were on the side, dancing like the game show girls while holding up each side of a handmade banner stating "Congrats on getting laid!" badly written with a green crayon. Meanwhile, Kun at the end of the line, leaning back at the door frame with his arms crossed while watching all of the chaos unfold right before him.
"Fuck off..."
Winwin grunted and grabbed the pillow under his head, throwing it with full force so that it ended up hitting Xiaojun on his chest.
They seem to have taken the hint because they all scrambled outside, laughing their asses off as they try to get away and avoid getting their asses kicked by a martial artist.
Meanwhile, Winwin buried his face under the thick sheets, trying his best to block the light coming from outside from reaching his eyes, heightening his already throbbing headache. He was planning to stay in bed no matter how loud his stomach grumbled, but his resolve is weaker than he expected. Begrudgingly, he dragged his tired ass out of bed to take a cold shower, hoping that will shake his hangover out.
“Holy shit.”
This wasn’t the usual statement that he says to himself whenever he would look at himself in the morning. However, as soon as he lifted his head in the mirror to wash his face, he might as well be an extra for a horror movie.
All over his upper body, especially the neck and chest area, was filled with red smudges. He also found tiny hints of it at the corners of his lips. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was lipstick.
Whoever he made out with (or had sex with) last night must’ve gone wild and tried to mark every part of him that she could place her lips on.
Winwin felt his heart sink. He couldn’t, for the life of him, remember who he was last night. Just like his body, the memories of her red lips lingered on his mind. But that’s about it.
It took him a long time to squint his eyes and try to recall the moments leading up to him getting on the bed with someone, but it only made his headache worse. Defeated, he chose to let everything go and proceeded to hop in the shower just like he initially intended.
He opened the shower, letting it get to his desired temperature before he stepped in and let the water flow from his hair to the rest of his body. He didn’t move, instead of leaning one of his hands on the wall for support as he closed his eyes and tried to soothe himself with the water pressure from the showerhead. He took a deep breath, letting the air come out slowly of his lips, eyes still heavily shut.
That’s when the memories kicked in.
He finally remembered being in that same position, in a familiar corner of their dorm, as he leaned over to kiss the girl with the red lips. He also remembered the heat, the intensity of the kiss as his subconscious made him remember that he was gasping for air afterward. And so, he resorted to kissing her jaws instead. She willingly returned the favor, which is probably where he’d gotten the smudges that he found that morning, and how her red lips formed a proud smile as she kept on going, painting his fair skin with her rouge.
He sucked in another lungful of air before opening his eyes and hopping back into reality. He’s still clueless as to how the girl looked like, but he was determined to find out who’s the owner of those red luscious lips, and he would love it all over him again.
Sicheng came out of his room already dressed up, water still dripping from his hair to the towel that he placed on his neck. He made his way to the kitchen and he found the rest of his friends sitting around the table, smiling like idiots.
He asked, already annoyed about how they’ve been acting all day, or at least, for the past two hours.
“Hendery saw you enter your room last night. With a girl,” says Kun.
“Uhh, duh?” Ten replied, raising an eyebrow at the older as he grabbed the butter knife and spread peanut butter over a piece of bread.
“How sure is everyone that it was a girl?” Yangyang squinted his eyes, trying to look intimidating as he interrogated his friend for further details about last night.
“Why is everyone so concerned if I fucked a girl or not? Or if I fucked someone at all?” Winwin replied in annoyance, coming out almost whiney, hoping that they would cut the questions out and leave him and his breakfast alone.
“You don’t know either, do you?” Xiaojun tried not to laugh as he stuffed a sunny-side-up egg in his mouth, failing at the last minute to the point that he almost spat some of it out.
Winwin sighed. He knows they will plague him with questions until next week and will do anything to squeeze it out of him at the best of their abilities. Him getting laid feels like some event to be celebrated because out of all the guys, he was the least interested in women. Not that he doesn’t like them, it’s that he just refused to do it unless he’s genuinely interested in the girl.
Or guy.
Was it a guy?
Winwin resorted to stuffing his mouth with as much food as he can because it would give him an excuse to not speak further and answer their questions. For how long he can keep it up is a question that he’ll have to face once his plate full of food is decimated.
By the time you get into your brother’s dorm, the whole place was so trashed that you even hesitated to proceed inside. However, your mother asked you that morning to come over to your brother’s dorm as he refuses to reply to her texts and respond to her calls that morning.
“Ssup, nerd.”
You always cringe whenever Hendery calls you that nickname. Not that it affects you or anything. It was just so… old-school. You’re a big fan of insults and you would certainly be happier if the nickname was a bit more creative.
“Ssup, failure.” You replied, sitting right beside him as you grabbed a plate and helped yourself with the food served at the table, courtesy of Kun. He’s the only one that’s competent enough to fry eggs that beautifully.
“Mom’s been calling non-stop since last night. I didn’t tell her I wasn’t with you. I couldn’t come up with an excuse so I just told her you slept early because of morning classes.”
Hendery snickered.
You and he have very different lifestyles. He was supposed to be two years ahead of you in college, but he’s always caught up in partying and having fun that he missed some subjects that he had to retake that year. One more fuck up and you’ll be joining him in classes next year. And as your parents’ only hope, you feel compelled to stay away from all the fun stuff until you graduate. That is also the reason why Hendery felt it was his moral obligation to shoo you away from last night’s party, despite sharing the same room as him.
At least that's what he told you. You have a reason to believe that he shooed you away last night just so he can do whatever he wanted without you around to snitch on him.
“Everything’s fine, kid. I already told her the same thing last night. You and I share the same brain.”
“Yes, except one of us has his brain fried by substance abuse and the other has a perfectly functioning human brain capable of making future science discoveries.”
Your eyes then diverted to the guy sitting right across you. He looked sickly and pale, his organs probably screaming inside asking to die.
“What’s up with him?” You asked your brother.
“He had done the deed with a guy last night.” Winwin, with an expressionless face, was quick to throw a flying spoon in Hendery’s direction. The milk splattered everywhere, but Hendery was able to evade it, laughing maniacally as he wiped the milk off of his arms.
“Hey, you’re good with this investigation stuff, right? Maybe you can help prince charming over here find his Cinderella?”
"Tell me what you can remember."
Winwin thought you looked ridiculous when you grabbed a pen and a notepad, looking like some low-budget investigator in the movie. He wasn't in the mood to play along, but he might as well humor you and find out what happened last night.
"This may not help at all, but I can't remember jack shit except for one thing," He paused. You raised both eyebrows expectantly, signaling him to answer faster. "Red lips. That's the one thing I haven't forgotten about."
You scribbled the word, red lips in your notepad.
You scribbled a few more words and nodded as if you understood its implication.
"Well, that doesn't narrow down the suspects at all."
You placed your notepad in your pocket and stood up from your seat.
"We shall now go and investigate the crime scene."
You decided that the crime scene was Winwin's bedroom since this is where he found himself last.
Winwin saw that you're very detail-oriented, looking at every nook at cranny to see traces of the mystery person around and aid in the investigation.
His room was cleaner than you'd expected, so finding things that stick out or are out of place will be a clear sign of the perpetrator.
You searched high and low, from the shelves to the bed, but you're only able to find two things that might help his case.
As soon as you lifted one of his pillowcases, you saw traces of red smeared across its white surface. Some of it even transferred in the bedsheets.
"Your story checks out. It is red lipstick." You lifted the pillow and walked towards Winwin, who's just sitting at one of his bean bags and mostly just observing you doing your stuff.
You pointed out the smudges to him and he nodded. You then proceeded to grab one of your magnifiers from your backpack and looked at the stains for closer inspection.
"Seeing its transferability, I can say that the lipstick in question has a satin finish. The shade, as far as I can see, is somewhere in between orange and bright red." You grabbed your notepad once again and listed down your observations.
"Know anyone who wears that often?" He proceeded to shake his head.
"Alright then. Now, we ask the witnesses."
You were about to leave the room when Winwin called you out to call your attention.
"I think there's something under the bed."
He stood up from his seat and proceeded to walk towards his bed, kneeling as he tried to reach for something below.
You were surprised to see what he found, though. In between his fingers is a piece of thin, lace material, glowing red just like the lipstick shade. It was someone's underwear.
"Yeah… I think we should keep that from the witnesses."
"Where were you at the time of the incident?"
As it turns out, the rest of the boys are no more helpful than Winwin. You just finished interviewing Kun, Ten, Yangyang, Xiaojun, and Lucas. The boys themselves barely remember what they did last night, let alone whatever their friend was doing. Meanwhile, the victim (aka Dong Sicheng) sat there right alongside you while you asked the questions. You asked them if they were helpful at all, but alas, nothing resonates to him.
"Hey, aren't you going to ask me about last night?"
Hendery popped out in the makeshift interrogation room (aka the living room) and sat down right beside you, peeking in at your notes.
"Nope. I only interview reliable sources. You can barely remember your stuff sober." You stuffed your notepad back again at your backpack, hugging it close to your body to keep it from your brother.
"I saw Winwin with someone though. He was making out with someone right just a few meters away from his bedroom."
"Go on…"
"I didn't see her well though. She was pinned across the wall and Sicheng hyung's body was blocking the view."
You sighed.
"See. It was pretty useless information."
He was about to say something else, but you cut him off.
"I'll keep them in mind, thank you very much."
You’ve finally sat down back again in the kitchen to give yourself a moment of peace to piece the things you found together. Winwin is just right beside you, just quietly observing just as usual.
Everything is laid out across the kitchen table, your notepad, the pillowcase, the underwear (which is kept in a ziplock bag for hygienic purposes).
“You still don’t remember anything?”
“I do remember seeing those before, but nothing is still coming out. I still can’t remember who she is.”
You can tell that Sicheng was getting a bit frustrated. He was trying his best to remember as he once again shut his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows, seeing if there is anything that he is missing.
As he did this, Hendery popped in again in the kitchen, this time holding a full laundry basket.
“I would just like to let you know that I am being a good brother and roommate by doing your laundry.”
“Yes, yes. Thank you Hendery. You did well." You smiled at your brother to acknowledge him, but you mostly did it just to shoo him away from the investigation room. He seems to have gotten the idea and left as soon as he showed the basket to you for one last time.
He shut the door and you were met with a deafening silence once again. This time though, you felt weird energy coming from the guy right in front of you. He stared at you for a long time, specifically your lips, and then he started to break down right in front of you.
You asked him what the problem was, but all that came out of his mouth are grunts and a string of curses.
"You alright?"
He was now going between laughing and frustration, rubbing his hands on his face as he lets out all emotions.
"It was you all along. You're red lips girl."
You smiled as you looked at your phone to check the time.
"Five hours. I'm impressed. If that was my brother, it would've taken him a week or two."
"Why didn't you just tell me? I feel stupid."
"And take the fun out of it? Nope."
You then watch him react, different kinds of emotions flooding in at the same time. You laughed as you stood from your seat and patted his back.
"What gave it away?"
He stopped reacting for a while, composing himself as he relayed his deductions to you.
"I had my suspicions when you opened your bag to get the magnifying glass. I saw a red lipstick tube scattered across but I dismissed it since any girl would have lipstick on her bag. I was also confused when you refused to acknowledge the underwear. I saw it from my point of view, but it's like you purposely didn't look under the bed just so you won't find it. You know it was there, didn't you?"
You finally grabbed a seat right beside him, interested to hear what he has to say next.
"And then there's Hendery's story. You didn't ask him to mess with him. It's because he did see us. I remember now, it's what got us in this mess in the first place…"
You nodded to acknowledge him. You've always known that he's a bit smarter than the other guys, but he was very observant as well. That's why he was quiet all the time.
"Lastly, when Hendery came in with your laundry, there was something sticking out," He picked up the ziplock and held it across your face. "The bra that came with this, it was sandwiched along with your other clothing, but the bright color stuck out to me."
"Mhm… " You nodded in approval. You didn't even notice that last one, but he was able to pick that as well.
"And then I stared at your lips for a while. That's when it hit me. It was the same lips that I claimed last night. The red lips that drove me crazy…"
You gave him a small round of applause as he finished his spiel.
"Honestly, you were on point on everything. I'm just sad that you can't remember anything."
His moment of clarity was shut down and he smiled apologetically.
"Want me to tell you what happened?"
He nodded profusely.
(link to the optional smut right here)
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