#she is just like me and lives for shitty jokes and puns
deityofhearts · 1 year
the unfortunate (for others, rip) thing about me is that I love making (bad) puns like I think they’re hilarious they make me so happy
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iridiss · 2 months
gimme an Aphmau that flirts. gimme an Aphmau that gets Zoey, Garroth, Aaron and even Laurance (when you catch him off guard) flustered. gimme an Aphmau whose the boss. gimme an Aphmau whose witnessed the horrors. give me an Aphmau that’s learned to mature and live in the horrors, who wipes the blood off her lips with her thumb. give me an Aphmau whose not afraid to stab you through the heart when you went a little too far. give me an Irene that invokes eldritch horror in me, give me an Irene whose a little too comfortable with killing for good and just reasons, and Aphmau has to stop herself from going too far. give me an Aphmau soaked in blood, being brought back to earth by Laurance holding her tight. give me an Aphmau who makes shitty puns and jokes and keels over laughing at them. give me an Aphmau who winks at you. give me an Aphmau whose not afraid to cause mischief and chaos (especially in mystreet). give me an Aphmau who gives her boys stone cold orders, and they follow through without hesitation like the good bloodhounds they are.
give me an Ava who loves to party late into the night. give me an Ava whose drunk off her ass and making horrible decisions. give me an Ava whose not afraid to be a bitch and tell it to your face. give me an Aphmau that radiates matriarch energy, who can be serious and stern enough to tell you to cut the shit and everyone listens to her. give me an Aphmau whose in charge. give me an Ava who leashes her boys and takes them out on walks. give me an Ava whose in control, whose in charge of everything going on in her life, and though she may be self-destructive and watching her life fall apart, she’s the one who chose to let it burn.
give me an Aphmau who went through hell and came out stronger because of it. give me an Ava that would take the throne in a heartbeat. give me an Aphmau and an Ava with a lotta love to give and they’ll happily let anyone into their lives, because everyone’s lapping at her feet and wants a taste. everyone wants a bite of her, so she ends up with a whole pack of dogs that’ll do anything she asks them to. give me an Aphmau that embraces that and feels confident in her own skin and loves each and every one of her partners and loves her life and don’t you dare fuck with her, or else the whole packs gonna go for your throat.
give me an Aphmau who radiates happiness and joy and love and kindness, who takes in everyone and anyone, who is the mother to all, who will forgive the unforgivable and turn the devil’s darkest soldier into someone totally and wholly devoted to her. give me an Aphmau surrounded by devotion, undying loyalty, trust, never-ending love. a family that she built from scratch with her bare hands. the gods won’t love you, but she will. she’ll become your new god. gimme an Aphmau that would make a high priest tremble. everyone loves her, do they not? don’t you want a taste too? she’s entrancing. you want to do what she says. she’ll give you a home, she’ll give you love, she’ll build heaven and allow you to live in it.
she’s Aphrodite. she is Hera. she is Persephone. she is Athena.
give me an Aphmau who is power incarnate.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 9 months
Just read your free-access Patreon article about Taylor Swift and the Time person of the year piece. I love your journalistic voice, the whole thing was a really engaging read.
As someone who has actual family members with mismanaged NPD/BPD/Bipolar, I hard agree on how vacuous and performative songs like Anti Hero feel if you're actually in touch with those issues. I remember the first time I heard the lyric "my covert narcissism might disguise as altruism" over the radio while driving and nearly had an out-of-body experience from sheer bafflement. That "heehee I'm mentally ill and make problems because of it" tone struck me as either someone profoundly out of touch appropriating the language of a genuine issue to lend their middle-of-the-road pop a veener of depth (which is lowkey shitty and a vibe I previously kinda clocked in You Need to Calm Down) or someone who is actually lowkey toxic using "heehee I'm mentally ill so I can't help myself" as a defence (which would be highkey shitty since like, girl, if you know it's a problem then maybe do something about it???? You have private-jet money, you have the capacity to find a therapist).
Also agree that "sometimes I feel like everybody is a Sexy Baby" is a very unhinged lyric.
Anyway, thanks for so well-articulating a lot of the things I also feel about Taylor. She's not bad per se but I don't understand this mythologising of her as some visionary artiste when her career has increasingly become just standard consumer-pop. She may have "set the standard" for this era (pun intended) but most of the time her work is standard at best.
thank you! that means a lot, and I appreciate you taking the time to say you enjoyed it :)
man, I didn't even have time to get into this lyric and how weird and bad it is but it is. rough.
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in line with my article and my theory that Swift just wants to beat the dead horse of perpetual victimhood for as long as it will keep making her money, I'd actually add a third option to your proposal: this is just Swift doing what everyone on tumblr did back in, like, 2012, ie, making glib little jokes about our mental illness and poor self esteem because it was #relatable. the difference being that people doing that were overwhelmingly very young and very much without autonomy in their lives, whereas Swift is a woman in her 30s who is, as you pointed out, more than capable of affording a good therapist. it's not cute, it's just a hackneyed ploy to always be the underdog despite staying perpetually on top.
which isn't to say it can't be all three; you'll never catch me arguing that Taylor Swift isn't out of touch.
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greenishghostey · 2 years
Dungeon Master Meet Prop Master | part 2
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Drama Club!reader 
Summary: With your bike secured in the back of his van, you and Eddie get to know each other better on the ride to your house. It's amazing how much you can learn about the town pariah from a van interior and some accidental flirting.
Warnings: I've decided that this series will be 18+ eventually, so please DO NOT engage or interact if you are underage. More tooth rotting fluff! Awkward flirting. Me giving Eddie more game than he deserves to have. He makes shitty puns and is proud of it.
Word Count: 4,106
Authors Note: The reception for part 1 was so unexpected and AMAZING and thank you so so much for enjoying my fluff little passion project! So far, I have 6 parts planned for this series but that's likely going to increase since I've decided to add in some smut down the line.
Part 1 /// Part 3
You buckled yourself into the squishy passenger seat while Eddie secured your bike in the back. Busying yourself with twiddling your thumbs while mutters of “fuck” and “come on” mixed with grunts richoted through the vehicle. One of the back doors was jammed, you assumed, and Eddie sounded like he was about eight to ten seconds away from ripping the thing off of its hinges. Yep, you were definitely warmer - mother of god, you never could have imagined getting hot and bothered in this, for lack of a better word, “retro” hunk of metal and polyester upholstery. 
Grunt. “Fuck”. Grunt. Groan. “Fuck. Okay, there we go”. Pant. 
You were starting to squirm in your seat now. His laboured noises and breathing had you gripping your knees, nails digging through the pale denim of your jeans. Your bike had a lot of great memories tied to it - your first day of high school, summer bike rides with Penny and coming home from wrap parties full of laughter. You know, all of the wholesome high school student experiences that stay in your mind and your soul. 
But this new bike memory was the fucking best. 
“Phew! Had to make sure she was comfy back there. Gotta say, though, it’s a nice bike. You’ve got taste.” Eddie said. He had climbed into the somehow more squishy-looking driver's seat and brought your little daydreams to an abrupt halt. Just when things were about to get interesting, too. 
“Thanks, it gets me from A to B - sometimes even C if I pedal really hard,” you quipped, using a well-timed joke to chase away the last of your bitch ass hormones. “I like your van too. It’s - it’s very you.” 
“Christ, don’t strain yourself to compliment it.” Eddie snorted, leaning on the steering wheel, trying his best to look really really upset at your comment. It sort of worked. His eyes were his greatest weapon, and he clearly knew it. “First, you hit me, and now you insult the van. You’re breaking my heart, specs.”
“You know what I meant. Shut up. It’s cool. “Metal”, even. I like the shag rug in the back and the little postcards and stuff on the wall.” You had twisted around in your chair slightly to survey the van properly. The fuzzy, brown carpet in the back did look pretty soft; clean-ish too. The variety of postcards, photos and miscellaneous paper tacked onto the inside of the van were a bit fascinating - in an entirely Eddie way. 
There was a hand-drawn band poster with “Corroded Coffin” written in large angular letters; they looked like runes with flecks of red on the line work. The band, Eddie’s band most likely, played at The Hideout bar on Tuesdays at 8 pm - a little risky for a school night, but live and let live. The poster boasted an experience that would “melt your skin and bones”, so they must be pretty good and really sticking to that super-satan-mega-cult aesthetic.
In addition to the poster, there were a few postcards from places out west; two from Vegas, and one from LA. You didn’t want to make any assumptions about Eddie’s personal life, you really didn’t, but each of the postcards had a scantily clad woman plastered on the front. There was a stunning Las Vegas showgirl, a bikini-clad smiley redhead and a woman who looked like Marilyn Monroe in that one signature white dress, but she was showing way more skin. He wasn’t bringing any hot dates into the van, clearly. Either that, or he didn’t care about the cards. 
The other van decor consisted of D&D character sketches, a photo that looked to be of the Hellfire Club from the school newspaper, and another photo of a younger Eddie and an older man at the County Fair. The man was a bit scruffy looking, but he had such a gentle smile. This van was pretty metal, in your novice opinion. But it was also cosy. Eddie had made it very homely with just a couple of personal touches. You’d only ever known the van as a screeching, brown monster that rattled in and out of the school parking lot. Absent-mindedly, you patted your seat in an attempt to apologise to the vehicle for calling it names on more than a few occasions - hazard, clunker and death trap were arguably the worst ones.
Eddie had fished his keys out of his jacket and was wiggling them in the ignition. Your mom had to do the same thing with her old Ford. The keys only worked if they were at a 48-degree angle and you were cursing at them under your breath in a dead language. The engine roared to life along with the stereo, which blasted a howling, melodic voice and heavy instrumentals straight at the two of you. Eddie quickly scrambled to punch and slap the knobs of the stereo, either aiming to turn it down or turn it off - whichever he got first. 
You’d flinched and nearly launched yourself from your seat at the noise, but Eddie succeeded in his efforts. Quiet and the low hum of the engine filled the darkening parking lot. Thank Christ. The janitor probably could have heard you guys and shit a brick wall. 
“Oops,” he chuckled nervously, “sorry, didn’t think I was gonna have company tonight. Also, apologies to your ears.” It was interesting for him to assume you weren’t on the road to developing tinnitus already. Electric Light Orchestra had definitely caused that ringing you always heard, some Queen too. Fat Bottomed Girls had to be listened to at full volume at all times. It was probably a law or something. 
“Nah, it’s fine. Just wasn’t expecting it,” you replied, calmer now so you could return his laugh, but it came out as more of a giggle. Ugh, you were going to start twirling your hair soon. “The aaaahhhhh part was pretty good, actually.” Your imitation of a heavy metal power note wasn’t good. It wasn’t even decent. The crack in your voice made you sound like a sea lion with an upset stomach you’d seen on National Geographic. 
But Eddie started to laugh. He started to cackle. He even snorted. His nose scrunched up, and you could clearly see the dimples and lines on his face. Well, shit. He was still adorable even when he wasn’t giving your prop swords names. 
Eddie was pulling out of the lot with that big goofy grin on his face again. You were quite a surprise for him - a perfect one. He felt a little lucky that he had the opportunity to see you unwind so much. Relaxed, dorky and happy were a pretty hot look if he was being honest. He was glad that the stereo song had only been at the beginning because things would have gotten awkward pretty quickly. Sex Drive by W.A.S.P wasn’t the mood he was trying to achieve. At least, not yet, anyway. 
“Well, no more aaaahhhhh for now. I said you had stereo privileges, and I’m nothing if not a man of my word.” His heavy metal power note was way better. Not quite at the level of a crisp hellish wail, but it made your stomach jump, so he was doing something right. Eddie gestured to the tape deck while keeping his eyes on the road. He was driving with a lot more care than you’d seen from him in the past. It must have been due to the bike in the back. 
“I dunno what song I got up to on this tape, so no sass if it’s a weird one, okay?” You pushed ‘Going for the One��� by Yes into the deck and quickly dialled down the volume to avoid a possible road accident. 
The haunting bellow of an organ flowed through the van and made you cringe into yourself. Of course, it was gonna be one of the weird songs. ‘Parallels’ was one of your favourite songs from the album, but it was a song you kept between yourself and your bedroom. 1970s experimental rock wasn’t the first genre pick for most. You’d heard a guy, Ben, call it “hippie dad crap” at a drama club wrap party once. Ben was a piece of shit and sucked at acting, so what did he know? He couldn’t even carry high notes in the Christmas musical. 
“Wow, specs,” Eddie piped up, taking in the opening to the song in all of its eclectic glory. “You’re kind of a little weirdo, huh?” He tilted his head towards you, met your gaze, and beamed with raised eyebrows. 
“Like you can say anything about that. You nearly squealed like a little girl when I gave you some coffee-stained paper.”
“Weirdo is a high form of praise when it comes from me. Also, I needed old-ass-looking paper for map layouts. Also also, I don’t squeal… unless you ask me super duper nicely.” He smirked with that immeasurable smugness. Again. 
Would it look too obvious if you were to roll down your window? The van had gotten progressively more stuffy since Eddie had sounded like he was fucking the shit out of your bike and showing her a damn good time. 
“Just keep your eyes on the road, Munson,” you muttered, not fully trusting your voice at that moment. “I’ll get you some more crunchy paper. I have tons of it in case I fuck up prop letters and stuff.” 
“Club donations now? Aw, you’re a weirdo and a sweetheart.” That pet name felt freezing and boiling simultaneously. The old ladies around town were the only people who had ever called you ‘sweetheart’. But hearing a guy say it? Now that was fantastic. Eddie didn’t miss how you cleared your throat and went back to twiddling your thumbs. You were gonna be getting ‘specs’ and ‘sweetheart‘ from that moment on. 
The inky woods whizzed by as the two of you drifted down the long stretch of road. Hawkins was a dull town with a lot of greys, beiges and conservatism. It was a blip on the state of Indiana, where everyone knew everyone, and everyone knew everything about everyone. But, the surrounding landscape made up for at least some of the place’s setbacks. Your parents were all too aware that raising a kid in a small town could be a bit of a downer, so they made sure to get you and your little burgundy hiking boots outside to soak up the Indiana elements. You had to wonder if Eddie was much of an outdoorsy type. Obviously, not in the traditional sense, but who didn’t love spending time out by the lake in the sunshine? Shit, maybe that Sun goddess illusion was getting to your head. 
“You said you liked the decor in the back? I would have taken down the um… risque imagery if I knew I’d have a lady in here, promise.” Eddie’s light tone cut through the night and pulled your eyes away from your window. You were “a lady” now. The concept sent a jolt through your body that you weren’t sure you’d experienced before. It was like electricity mixed with blushing, but it felt phenomenal.
“It’s not like the pictures are full-frontal, don’t worry about it. You’re a dude, after all,” you reassured. He was making it seem like he’d left some sketchy porn lying out for you to browse through. Some saucy postcards were nothing. One of your favourite movies was St. Elmo’s Fire, which had a scene of people going at it on a coffin. “The showgirl one is quite pretty. I like her sparkly outfit.”
“Ethan, a buddy of mine, used to be in Hellfire, went on a little westward adventure and sent me all of ‘em,” Eddie said, smiling, but it held some sadness. You remembered Ethan vaguely. He graduated last year and seemed to be Eddie’s right-hand man for all things Hellfire - never saw one without the other. “He sent one from Santa Carla that was way worse than those, but I’m too classy to go displaying that sort of stuff. I have innocent freshmen in this vehicle from time to time.” 
“Gotta protect their little innocent eyes from the horrors of the world…” you spoke in a low, ominous voice, “…tits.” You had to laugh at your silly voice. Eddie just brought this type of goofiness out of you. It was freeing. Liberating. Refreshing. 
Eddie choked on his breath when you said tits. He wasn’t totally scandalised by hearing a girl speak so bluntly. He just thought you’d be the type to call them boobs or breasts instead. 
“I’m an excellent role model; I’ll have you know.” Eddie bragged, his usual small smile worming its way back to his mouth - he was clinging to that last particle of a cool guy persona. You shook your head at his comment, almost lost for words. Honestly, from what you had seen, he was a pretty okay role model for the Hellfire freshmen. He was nice to girls and guys alike, didn’t antagonise anyone who wasn't already doing it to him, and he was just… sweet. There wasn’t really any other word that summed him up quite so well. Eddie was going to give you some severe cavities, and you would welcome every single one. 
“Don’t doubt that for a second, Munson.” You sighed; it was a dreamy type of sigh. “Anyway, what’s the story with the other stuff back there? I’m invested now.” 
“Wanna know more about the freak? Hmm, specs? So, yeah, the raunchy postcards are from Ethan. The stuff he wrote on the back is mushy, but I’m glad he’s having fun in California.” From what you could remember, Ethan was a friendly guy. He was chummy with a few of the past drama club members and came along to most of the performances. He might have had a thing for Penny; most guys did, to be fair. Ethan once threw the bandana he always wore around his head onto the stage when Penny did her final bow. He was a good dude. 
“What about the County Fair photo? Is that your dad you’re with?” You asked. Eddie’s jaw clenched, and his tongue ran across his lips. He looked deep in thought, trying to find a way to explain his family situation to you without divulging too much information. It wasn’t a fun story, and he didn’t want to scare you off. 
“That’s me and my uncle, Wayne. Took me to the County Fair for my 14th birthday and let me get as much junk food as I could keep down. This nice old lady, who was making cookies the size of my face, took the photo. Said I was a pretty boy and it’d be a waste not to get a picture. Wayne gave me shit about that for weeks.” Eddie shared. He decided it would be better to avoid “the dad” situation. The two of you still didn’t know each other all that well, and it was some heavy shit, to say the least. 
Eddie had only told Ethan and Dustin about what happened with his family when he was a kid. The reasons why he moved in with Wayne when he was 7 - as bleak as the story was.
“You were a pretty cute kid; She was right.” That comment was out of your mouth before your brain could catch up. The polaroid showed a smaller Eddie who was all big molasses eyes and buzzed hair. Had the guy ever not been cute? It was ridiculous. 
“Saying I’m not cute now, specs?”
“Never said that, now did I?” You had never felt comfortable enough to flirt with a guy. A few had tried to put the moves on you at parties or between classes, but you didn’t have the confidence to reciprocate. With Eddie, it was very different. Regardless if he was just trying to be cheeky, you were ready to test the waters and see where things went. “I think it’s cute that you’ve got that photo up. Like taking the happy memory everywhere with you. You’re kind of a sweetheart yourself, huh?” 
“Me?!” Eddie half-yelped. Ugh, his voice cracked too. He could feel his cheeks burst into flames. You had him acting like he was a flustered little teenager who was way too scared to even think about talking to a pretty girl. He wanted to hide in his hair.
Sweetheart. Him? Holy fucking shit. Eddie very nearly swerved the van across the road out of pure shock. Maybe God was real, and this was like a divine apology for the crappy hand that Eddie had been dealt. It was the only explanation that could explain how you matched his own little suggestive comments. It wasn’t that he was joking around when calling you a “sweetheart” or “noting” that you were easy to please. Quite the opposite, actually. He was stunned that you were coming out of your shell around him and were comfortable enough with him to let your hair down. Also, he had always been weak to flattery. 
“Yeah, you. Eddie, not to shock you to your core, but I don’t think you’re mean and scary.” You said. It had only been a few hours since you’d started to get to know him, but you were right. Eddie was the furthest thing from mean or scary. 
He looked soft under the streetlights. You and Eddie continued your strange combination of banter and flirting as he drove carefully through the suburban streets. The houses on Fletcher Street weren’t anything to write home about - the usual brown and white exteriors, well-kept front yards and sensible family cars in the driveways. You leaned forward to point at a single-level house with slightly untamed hedges against the porch fence - your humble abode. Eddie was driving at a snail's pace when approaching your house. His van looked like a death trap on wheels and what if your mom looked out the window when he drove up?
“Home sweet home, specs.” Eddie smiled, “nice place you got there. The foundations are on the ground, very fancy.” The self-deprecating humour was like second nature to him. Not really the type of funny that women swooned over. God, he was dumb. You shook your head at him while you got your things together and unbuckled your seatbelt. A trailer wasn’t anything he had to be ashamed of. One of your mom’s co-workers lived in Forest Hills, and her trailer was a gorgeous slice of domestic bliss.
“Thanks for the ride.” Christ, he was gonna scream. “Also, thanks for coming to the drama room today. I don’t usually have company in there, so thanks, Eddie.” You said, meeting Eddie’s eyes. You didn’t want to get out of the van yet, maybe not ever. That evening in the drama room had been the most fun you’d had since you joined the club. And you got called a Sun Goddess and sweetheart? It had been a fucking magical night.
“Don’t mention it. Couldn’t just leave you and the old gal to get home in the dark, now could I?” Eddie made a move to go collect your bike from the back. But he stopped himself suddenly. You were about to leave and might not want to talk to him at school when other people were around. He had to make a final move. “Would you mind if I started coming to do Hellfire set-up on Thursdays after school? The place has never looked better than it did today. Your expert opinion might need to become a weekly thing.” 
He could live in the drama room if he wanted to; you would let him. You’d make him a little habitat in the storage closet if you had to.
“It’s as much my club’s room as it is yours. But, I do charge an hourly rate for my services.” You smirked. Eddie was rubbing off on you already, and it hadn’t even been six hours. His dreamy eyes flicked up and down over your form before his expression shaped a smirk to match yours.
“Whatever you charge, I’ll pay double, sunny.” Well, shit. Again. Eddie left you in the silence of the cab while he went to retrieve your bike. Sunny. Not specs, not sweetheart. But a more intimate name, one with a meaning only known by the two of you. The sounds of Eddie wrestling with the van's back doors seemed so far away as you essentially melted out of the van and onto the sidewalk. It felt like that dumb prop sword, The Sun Strike, had pierced your chest and was causing sunshine to fill you from head to toe. It was going to start shining out your ass if you weren’t careful.
The butterflies that had been nesting in your stomach since you left school were now thrashing around violently - it was like a mosh pit in your abdomen; at least the butterflies knew the object of their affections well. You shifted from foot to foot while watching Eddie go for round two with your bike and the van doors. 
Grunt. Pant. Slam. Yeah, the slam was definitely doing it.
Eddie was fighting the urge to be a true gentleman and walk you to your front door, but he knew your mom was inside. The leather jacket, shaggy hair and extensive metal accessorising were not what suburban moms wanted to see bringing their daughters home after sundown. Eddie may have been jumping the gun a little, but he wanted to have time to prepare if he was going to meet the family. He had a button-down lying crumpled in the back of his closet that he needed to hunt down - purely as a precaution. 
“See you tomorrow, maybe?” You asked. It wasn’t really a question, more of a request. 
“Yes.” Eddie deadpanned and held up the Yes cassette you had nearly left in the van. He never could pass up the possibility to make a shitty pun.
“You’ve been sitting on that one for a while, haven’t you?”
“Yes.” The deadpan look was replaced with his signature smugness, but it had a hint of mischief rather than malice.
“Duuuude,” you whined, trying to nudge him in the feet with your bike. Swatting at him would mean physical contact, which would mean being close to him, which would make your hands all clammy.
“Okay, okay. It’s been rattling around the ol’ noggin since I saw the cassette at school.” He was mighty proud of himself for timing that joke so well. You snorted again like you had in history class too. That was going to put a spring in his step for the next month. Eddie glanced down at his watch, and his eyes widened, “you better get inside if you’re gonna catch MacGyver with your mom.”
“Yeah, I gotta eat dinner too - wait, how do you know when MacGyver’s on?” You pressed. If Eddie watched MacGyver, too, you might just have to jump him in the middle of the street. Mr and Mrs Derrickson across the street would get an eyeful, but that would be on them for being nosey, busybodies.
“No, nope. Get your pretty ass inside. We can discuss my TV preferences another time. I don’t want to be the reason your mom hounds you.” He started to manoeuvre you towards the path as you continued to ramble and ask questions about Richard Dean Anderson.
You said your final goodbyes and started to jog towards your front door, ditching your bike on the porch and grabbing your keys out of your backpack. Before heading inside to your mom’s lasagna and some fresh PJs, you turned around to see Eddie leaning against the passenger side door. He was waiting to see you in from afar. You wanted to slam your head against the solid, oak door. Instead, you gave Eddie an awkward little wave since your bag had fallen into the crook of your elbow. 
Eddie waved back. He waved with enthusiasm and dorkiness, and with his whole right arm. A wave that was him to its core. 
Once inside, your back hit the front door and you slid down onto the carpet. The sound of your feet tapping excitedly on the floor caught your mom’s attention, “sweetpea, you’re home late, was everything okay with getting back?” your mom asked, confused by you sitting on the floor and grinning like a maniac. 
“More than okay. Everything - everything’s great.” Your smile was starting to hurt your face. But, fuck it, you were on cloud nine.
Tag list: @fan-girl-97
Part 3
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snailsnfriends · 2 years
when people criticize ellie's personality, her spunk, her snide comments and constant questions, it makes me realize how much they fundamentally misunderstand the world that ellie has grown up in. the new york times posts a weekly recap of the newest the last of us episode, and based on the comments, many people find ellie annoying, especially compared to sarah. she's too snappy, asks too many questions. some are surprised that joel keeps her around. but, realistically, how else is she supposed to act?
every child that is born into the world of the last of us is the equivalent of a child of war, or they may even be worse off. ellie has already explained that both her parents are dead and the limited knowledge she has about the world comes from FEDRA school. we can safely assume that she's never had a true parental figure in her life. there was no one to guide her on how to be a person. there was no one to teach her what was polite and what wasn't. she lived and went to a school made by a failed government that clearly does not care about anyone's well-being. ellie has no choice but to be snappy and sarcastic. she has never been shown the alternative, what it means to be soft and loving. in a world like this, you cannot afford those luxuries. sarah was able to be tender hearted because she lived in a world that cultivated her behavior; she lived in a very clearly loving home. ellie, on the other hand, has never had the chance to experience that, so she's a lot more rough around the edges.
and even if we set all of the apocalypse stuff aside, ellie is still a child, only fourteen, which we can see very clearly throughout the show. she quite literally says that she's never seen the outside world in the first episode. of course she has lots of questions, kids ask lots of questions, because they want to learn. they need to; they are infinitely curious about even the smallest of things. she knows that joel will answer her questions, so she asks and asks and asks. aside from her curious nature, she tries to make joel and herself laugh. she tells shitty, childish puns, she giggles loudly, she gets excited by things that are foreign to her. these moments are absolutely necessary, no matter how annoying some may find them, because it reminds us once again that ellie is a child who has been dealt all the wrong cards. her parents are dead, she's been made into a martyr, she's had to hurt people before, she's had to take another person's life, she's had to watch joel kill infected knowing that there might be a real person in there, she's been bitten multiple times, she's a girl in an apocalyptic world (which we'll see the unfortunate consequences of later). we need her to be snappy, hormonal, curious, giggly, because without it, she would be a miserable husk. we need to see moments where ellie and joel do not just survive, but actually live, even if it's brief. we need to find the joy in the mundane, in the worst of situations, or there would be no reason to live. ellie is the way she is to keep herself alive, and to keep joel alive as well. her personality is born from adversity, and she takes it with all the fight she has, so she can tell her poop jokes and experience the small amount of joy needed to truly live.
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littlealeta · 8 months
Back to the Outback Review
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Right off the bat, I was pretty sure this movie was going to be ass. It portrays pretty toxic messages about being friends with wild animals and paints zoos as these evil places that want to capture all dangerous animals just to protect people. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think that’s how zoos work? Zoos don’t capture animals because they’re dangerous, they capture them for research, exhibit, and conservation purposes. Most wild animals like Taipan Snakes do not actively go out to hurt people. More likely, from what I heard, they run away unless cornered, their territory is invaded, or you get near their babies. So simple solution, DO NOT GO NEAR WILD ANIMALS. They’re not ruining the world, they’re just trying to live their lives, man. And also, animal attacks do not cause animals to be taken away. Also, it was the kid’s fault for getting near the croc in the first place, not the croc. So, even as a movie that tries to portray animal abuse, it’s unrealistic.
But… I had to finish this movie so I could write this review. Even though I really wanted it to end about 15 minutes in. 
The story doesn’t get any better. It’s full of a bunch of deus ex machinas and conveniently shaped lamps so there’s never really much real tension in the film. There’s literally a code that solves any sticky situation our characters get into. Make of that what you will.
Bruh, it’d be better just to send this picture to your children and have them figure out which animal is which than watch this piece of garbage.
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A lot of the movie just happens at stupid random. Like, we get this really emotional scene of the world mourning Martin. But wait a minute…How would they know that Martin died if they don’t know where he is? Just say he’s missing for God’s sake.
The humor is a mixed bag. It has some of the lowbrow humor, nonsensical jokes, and shitty puns you can come to expect in a kids film with some quirkiness and silliness mixed in there.
I would say that one good thing I'll give to the story is that the animals don't talk to people. In fact, the people see animals in different ways from how the animal is actually communicating with them. Like, whenever they talk, people see a growling creature.
One highlight I will give the characters is that they all have their own unique personalities. But I only remember liking a few, on paper. They are nice, but their story is just too weak to even care about their journey. Then, there are some that are just pretty unlikeable. Pretty Boy (who I’m going to call Martin because Pretty Boy is weird) is a complete jerk to the entire cast. I get he’s spoiled, but, like, why are you mean to everybody, bruh? At the end, he even develops a little crush on Maddie out of nowhere. My only point for him is that he does have character development. Though, it doesn’t hit that hard because I never cared much about him to begin with. Chaz Hunter is a completely unlikeable villain who is the reason why I hate this entire story in the first place. And he’s just an awful human being. He has his own son tag along on his treacherous adventures among other things I won’t spoil. He even has a backstory which is melodramatically stupid and just plain unnecessary that provides a reason why he uses his Australian voice.
And not only are the zookeepers mean, but some of the minor characters are just aggressive to the main cast too. Like one time, they meet this spider and they suddenly attack Koala for being too cute.
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Did she just break his arm????
I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about this movie. But what I mostly felt was frustration. Not only because it was a bad script, but because I didn’t know what the hell was the point of this movie. On one hand, it seems like it’s trying to tell a sincere story about caring for wild animals, but then it throws in all these silly jokes and plot conveniences like it’s supposed to be a dumb fun kids film. But in the end, I just found myself laughing and cringing at how bad and messy it was.
Would kids like it? Probably. I certainly would have if I was under 10. The adorably funny characters and the fast-paced story will keep them engaged, regardless of how bizarre and inane it is. But I personally wouldn’t recommend it to kids. The story is just so mean-spirited and gives out so much false propaganda about zoos, animals and animal abuse. And the whole message is pretty messed up too, we should protect wild animals, but we shouldn’t get near them. There are better anti-animal cruelty stories out there. Maybe go watch other animal adventure films like Madagascar or even The Bad Guys if you want a film about animals wishing that they were something else instead of what they are. But if you want a bad movie to make fun of and laugh at, this is at least pretty enjoyable.
I give Back to the Outback 4.9 bells out of 10.
Rating system not available due to me being on vacation
And remember kids, stay away from wild animals and you won’t get attacked. Problem solved.
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crest-codeagm · 1 year
About the ships of Inuyasha
I hate them. I don’t think there was a single canonized relationship that I liked or cared about. This is only in reference to the anime because I didn’t own the manga when I watched this and I’m sure as hell not buying it now. Also I have like a base knowledge of what goes on in Yashahime and I won’t really be talking about Boruto’s weird little cousin series (the joke is that nobody liked these next gens).
!!!Warning shitty puns and jokes ahead!!!
The canon ships:
Inuyasha and Kagome: the og ship that should never have happened considering their first interaction was him trying to use her neck as target practice. Factor in Kikiyo and the whole “probably like 165+ years old” thang in and it’s a hell no from me dog. She really abandoned her perfectly stable home life for a dog boy and a life of demons. That’s crazy.
Miroku and Sango: I hate this ship because I hate Miroku. I hate the “overly persistent harasser gets the girl” trope so much which is also why I also hate Zenitsu. Add to that Miroku’s womanizing and sexual assaulting tendencies and you get a ship I want a black hole to swallow.
Sesshomaru and Rin: people can claim their relationship was short lived and not a father daughter bond until the day they die but we are not blind and it was made clear. “He didn’t even take care of her for that long” ok and? That mf is still pushing like 20x her age. Someone should euthanize that mf.
The semi-canon it-could’ve-happened-but-didn’t-section:
Koga and Kagome: I think this would end up right next to Inuyasha and Kagome because Koga’s first interaction with her is an attempted murder and kidnapping, also I think Koga might Inuyasha’s age. So this ship is barking up the wrong tree.
Inuyasha and Kikiyo: So, he’s still way older than Kikiyo but at least in this she’s a legal adult(I’m pretty sure she is anyway). Not only does this chick have a penchant for playing undead, she has tried to put Inuyasha in the dirt to join her in the afterlife. I guess shooting an arrow through someone’s heart would break it, who knew?
Non-canon ships:
Sesshomaru and Kagome: No. Just no. There’s the 100+ year age gap, the several attempted murders, and the fact that I don’t think Kagome would ever even consider looking at him like that.(though since she gave Inuyasha a chance, give them a long enough adventure together and she might consider it). This ship can go right to meet Inuyasha’s parents.
Shippo and literally anyone: I will consider it when they let him age. No dating until the flames of life hit lil dude like a truck and let him get older even then he really shouldn’t be dating any humans.
Kagome and Sango: It’s a ship… that exists? I don’t have anything else to say about that.
Miroku and Inuyasha: Yeah no, not happening. I don’t think Miroku would even accept gay people he seems like the type to be wildly homophobic.
Miroku and Kagome: But why? No really, why?
Naraku and Kagome: Enemies to lovers in the worst way.
Koga and Inuyasha: Bakudeku but somehow less toxic.
Koga and Sango: Have they met?
Kagome and the mf with the shark brother and lightning wheels: Kidnapping and attempted moida.
In the end
In the end I’m just another unhappy camper in the trailer park though. So it is what it is.
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
Hi! As requested, some (very) random stuff. I am sorry you're having a bad day/week. February can go suck an egg in my humble opinion.
Meta: I was 0 days old when I found out that according to DA lore, there are no dwarven slaves in Tevinter. (because of the importance of the lyrium trade) I was refreshing my memory about Dwarven Ambasadoria and it says so on the wiki but without a source where that comes from. It seems unlikely to me, but ok.
Comic thing (Those who speak) that bothers me mighty: So, in the game, Isabela frees the slaves on the ship she is escorting. Because she agreed to do it without knowing that the cargo were living people. She lets them go. The guy is pissed mighty and that is why she agreed to steal the tome of Koslun in return for him. It's an entire plot! And in the comic... She kills the slaves. What the fuck Bioware.
Character: Varric's necklace has this running joke about Cock-ring necklace Ken. But as much as the makers of the doll didn't have a clue where that fashion came from, maybe Varric too wanted to be flashy! But ended up with a cock ring around his neck?
I was relistening DA2 banter and Varric has a dialogue with Choir boy about Bianca's cocking ring. And I kinda had a thought. What if the necklace is actually a spare part that he kept from the time Bianca made Bianca the crossbow?
Also, dunno why but everyone everywhere claims Varric is ENTP type, but when I sat down and checked it turns out he is very much an ENFP. It matters to me for some weird reason.
Also, Isabela/Varric banter is peak aromantic/asexual humor. I believe that Varric is the embodiment of (insert the no throw! dog meme) No sex! Only sexy!
In the comic (the one where they have a Fade trip) Varric in a dream sequence looks more like a human than a dwarf. (the way he is drawn) until he leaves the "vision" and looks like a dwarf again. Is this like? Intentional? Just a weird drawing thing when someone couldn't exactly figure out proportions?
The new comic (if we are speaking of comics and the way dwarfs are being drawn) has some dwarven ladies. People like the new Varric design. (good for them) I am crying over Dwarven ladies being done dirty.
Dark secret: I am low-key planning to ignore Dragon Age 4. People are hyped. I am like? Annoyed? I have my own canon, whole-ass Inquisition re-write. I don't care.
Also, I never played any dragon age game. I pirated it sure. I managed to create a few characters in a creator but never played further than the opening sequence. My laptop would burn to a crisp. It's really that shitty. I literary watched so many yt walkthroughs and read through the wiki. I often forget that is a weird and not-normal way to enjoy video games.
Another secret: I made a Cadash OC, I had them for so many years. And they are central to the plot of my entire personal Dragon Age Universe. The entire plot of Origins. Appear in DA2 events briefly. Then entire Inquisition. It's an overkill how important I made that character. But it's too late now! I wish I had enough willpower to record it somewhere (drawings, writing) just for the sake of it. Yet I am afraid of how weird it is. Funny, no?
Hope you feel a little bit better sometime soon.
I have no puns. I have a funny video in this trying time I sometimes watch to feel better: https://www.tumblr.com/titkoks/644666319075229696/obsessed-with-the-line-if-i-can-continue-to-be-a?source=share
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER!!!! february does suck!!! march is not looking that much better atm but here's to hoping....
Meta: I was 0 days old when I found out that according to DA lore, there are no dwarven slaves in Tevinter. (because of the importance of the lyrium trade) I was refreshing my memory about Dwarven Ambasadoria and it says so on the wiki but without a source where that comes from. It seems unlikely to me, but ok.
seriously?! i mean i suppose that makes sense but it also doesn't make sense considering y'know. the casteless? wait. what if they (the dwarves from other castes) wouldn't consider that enslavement of their people... that would be really fucked up but on brand for orzammar social politics huh
Comic thing (Those who speak) that bothers me mighty: So, in the game, Isabela frees the slaves on the ship she is escorting. Because she agreed to do it without knowing that the cargo were living people. She lets them go. The guy is pissed mighty and that is why she agreed to steal the tome of Koslun in return for him. It's an entire plot! And in the comic… She kills the slaves. What the fuck Bioware.
i mean, having isabela - a black woman - be a slaver in the worst place is already an extremely questionable writing decision. i also think it was a shit writing decision but the trail of logic seems to be along the lines of like: isabela gets in debt with the felicisima armada -> gets involved in slave trafficking -> gets cornered by the orlesians in the venefication sea -> slaves were killed (to allow the ship to maneuver since it's implied the ship was slow because the cargo holds were too packed) -> isabela vows never to traffic slaves again -> presumably the next time she's asked to do it anyway, she sets the slaves free? which is still not great. bioware's sliding scale of when slavery is or isnt acceptable is really... hm.
In the comic (the one where they have a Fade trip) Varric in a dream sequence looks more like a human than a dwarf. (the way he is drawn) until he leaves the "vision" and looks like a dwarf again. Is this like? Intentional? Just a weird drawing thing when someone couldn't exactly figure out proportions?
this is making me UNWELL. for so many reasons.
The new comic (if we are speaking of comics and the way dwarfs are being drawn) has some dwarven ladies. People like the new Varric design. (good for them) I am crying over Dwarven ladies being done dirty.
YEAH WHY DO THEY LOOK LIKE THAT??? what did they do to evka and harding?!?!?!
Dark secret: I am low-key planning to ignore Dragon Age 4. People are hyped. I am like? Annoyed? I have my own canon, whole-ass Inquisition re-write. I don't care.
yeah i'm checking it out for the vibes but im still digging around in origins and da2 for content so i hope that tells you where MY mind is at
Also, I never played any dragon age game. I pirated it sure. I managed to create a few characters in a creator but never played further than the opening sequence. My laptop would burn to a crisp. It's really that shitty. I literary watched so many yt walkthroughs and read through the wiki. I often forget that is a weird and not-normal way to enjoy video games.
EXCUSE ME MGDFKGJDKSGJKDFGJ this is SO funny you are the ONLY VALID person in the entire fandom and i love you
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astrolo-t · 2 years
Morning Sun Pt. 3
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Pairing: Ellie x Reader
Word Count: 800~
Warnings: MDNI pls, Cursing, Alcohol, LOTS of Angst, Ellie running at literally any sign of conflict or messy feelings.
A/N: Ughhh this part always gets me :')
On a particularly hot summer night, where the air is so thick and humid that your clothes begin to stick to you like a second skin, you and Ellie decide to camp out in the living room atop a nest of blankets. It was the coolest room in the house and in Ellie’s words better than “slowly dying of suffocation” in either of your bedrooms. 
Despite the heat sapping out any energy the two of you might’ve had, the two of you stay up a majority of the night just…talking. Conversation comes easy, as it always does, the two of you filling the space between you with stories from then and now, plus a few bad jokes and shitty puns courtesy of one Ellie Williams. It was the first time you’d slept in the same room together. It was also the first time that you witnessed Ellie’s vivid nightmares.
It started with slight finches in her sleep and quiet whimpers, but those weren't what woke you. It was those whimpers turned to screams and her wildly thrashing against the blankets that jolts you awake and has you turning your attention to the girl beside you.
You were at a loss for a while wondering what you could do, how you could help her. You decide quickly that if nothing else, you could try and keep her from hurting herself. With this in mind you pulled her into your chest, not anticipating how it might frighten the girl even more. She flails against you with renewed force now, digging her fingernails into your skin and screaming at someone who wasn’t you to let her go - begging for Joel to “fucking get up”. The sound of her voice, gravely and hoarse from screaming causes your eyes to burn with tears of your own. You hated how powerless you felt then, unable to help her when she was right in front of you. Loosening your grip a bit, you still hold her firmly telling her over and over, “Hey I’m here. Shh, I’ve got you.” 
Eventually her hands stop their scratching and her screams give way to soft sobs.
“I’m sorry…” she gasps into your neck. “I’m so fucking sorry.” 
You shake your head and whisper into her hair, “It’s ok. We’re ok.” 
Ellie wants to believe that, she really does. But after so long of dealing with the nightmares that appeared everytime she simply dared to close her eyes, she knows better than to hope for such a thing. She would never forget those last few moments with Joel before he died - no, before he was killed. So no, she didn’t believe that she would ever truly be “ok.” Not while Abby still walked this Earth and Joel’s murder had gone unavenged. But she had already decided when she let Abby and Lev go in that boat she would have to find some way to be.
“I fucked up. But I thought that I - that we had time. I didn’t know that he’d-.” She trails off with a sniff before starting again, “You know he took me to the Wyoming Museum on my 16th birthday? I was so fucking excited but…of course that didn’t stop me from being a little shit.” You feel her smile into your shoulder at the memory. 
“Of course you did, you’re Ellie.” You whisper to her as you caress her hair, happy that at the very least she was no longer crying.
“Things were pretty good between us then.” You feel her smile fade and she pulls away from you, wiping at her eyes, sniffling.
“Maybe those are the parts you should focus on.”
“I can’t.”
“Yea you can. You just have to-”
“Y/n…. I can’t…unsee him.” Ellie says with a tone of finality pulling away from you to meet your eyes, “Every time I close my eyes I’m right back there on the ground…” She trails off and it’s then you realized that you were at a loss for words. Despite your best efforts to ‘fix Ellie’ and make her happy, the truth was, you weren’t sure if there was anything you could say or do to make things better or at the very least console her. Not right now anyways, so instead you simply ask her, “What do you need El?”
She's quiet for a while. Thinking way too hard in that head of hers. Finally with a shrug she looks up at you between strands of auburn hair and answers, “I don’t even fucking know, not yet.”
You offer her a wry smile, moving the hair from her slightly red eyes,“That’s ok, we’ll just have to figure that out.”
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sobsicles · 3 years
claire's not expecting them to be at the door. she blinks at the sight of four men all huddled on the stoop with flowers and what appears to be bags of food flowing from their arms. jack is peeking above a bouquet, beaming at her.
"who's at the door?!" jody calls from the kitchen, her voice muffled by the sound of grease popping and the clanking of pans and spatulas meeting over and over.
"god," claire calls back, because she likes to think she's funny.
there's a beat of silence, and then jody's sticking her head out the kitchen. the moment she sees them, she breaks out into a grin and saunters over, shoving the spatula in claire's hand as she chatters away.
"what's going on out there?" donna asks as claire escapes back to the kitchen to poke at food jody is apparently willing to burn just because the winchesters decided to show their faces today of all days.
"judgement day," claire says dryly.
donna shares a look with patience. "haven't we dealt with that already a few times?"
"only by association," claire admits, "but i wouldn't put it past them to bring it along with 'em now. the boys are here."
"oh, isn't that nice?" donna chirps, already popping up from her chair. "i didn't know they were stopping by today."
"wonder how sam's doing," patience agrees, wandering out the kitchen right along with donna. claire can hear everyone cracking up and talking in the living room.
trust the winchesters to shake things up just by showing up. can't have one goddamn day, can they? well, that's not true. in their case, as far as claire is concerned, they're shitty for showing up and shitty for not. someone has to knock 'em all down a peg or two, so she might as well be the one.
"what did that chicken ever do to you?" kaia asks teasingly as she sidles into the kitchen and stops by the stove, hip-checking claire out of the way to take over.
"the boys are here," claire informs her.
kaia raises her eyebrows. "like, the boys as in the winchesters, or is this a milkshake pun?"
"i can only be so gay, sweetheart," claire says, shooting her a flat look.
"raise the bar a little. could be gayer. you can always be gayer," kaia teases, reaching out to sneak her hand around claire's hip, her eyes bright with amusement.
"you know what? you're right," claire agrees and immediately tries to cop a feel while kaia laughs and dances out of range.
jack appears in the doorway. "hello," he says, whispering for some reason. "claire, i need your help."
"no," claire says, not even glancing at him. she continues to try and put her hand up kaia's shirt, just to see her laugh.
"can i borrow twenty dollars?" jack asks.
"no. aren't you god?"
"yes, but i don't get paid to be."
"well, sucks for you. borrow money from cas," claire mutters, settling in behind kaia as she focuses on the food on the stove, swatting lazily at claire's roaming hands.
"he'll just borrow money from dean."
"borrow from sam."
"he'll just borrow money from dean."
"borrow from—wait, why does it matter if it's from dean? just borrow from him."
jack huffs. "i can't. i need the money for dean. i have a card, and i read online it's customary to give money with a card. also, will you sign it?"
"you got dean a card?" claire asks, craning her head around to stare at jack skeptically.
"don't tell me it's for what i think it is."
"mother's day," jack confirms unironically.
claire wheezes out a laugh. "oh my god."
"there's a pen in the catty on the fridge," kaia says, clearly amused.
"yeah. yeah, this is—yeah." claire chokes on more laughter and stumbles towards the group of pens in the magnet container on the fridge. she waggles her fingers at jack, clearing her throat, lips twitching. "hand it over, beanstalk. you're a fucking genius."
"oh! thank you," jack declares cheerfully, passing over the card. "so, can i borrow twenty dollars?"
"hell no," claire says. she braces the card against the fridge and swallows down a laugh. sam has already signed it. this just gets better and better. happy mother's day, old man, aka the secondary source of my mommy and daddy issues. you're going for gold with this double-whammy, she writes.
"but i need it," jack insists, staring at her with wide eyes.
claire shrugs. "tough break, kid. what, cas doesn't give you an allowance? is it just me, or are dads getting stricter these days?"
"i didn't think about it in advance," jack admits sadly. "i want to do it right for the holiday. it's mother's day, claire."
"i'm well aware. sorry to break it to you, kid, but last I checked, your mom's as dead as mine," claire tells him, her voice flat. he frowns and she forces herself not to feel bad. everything that sucks for him sucked for her first, so her sympathy levels are a little drained. "father's day will roll around eventually, and you've got a long line of those, so wait your turn."
"i've already done something for my mother today," jack says slowly, his eyebrows furrowed. "i visited her in heaven."
claire snorts derisively and passes the card back over. "must be nice."
"it was," jack agrees, completely missing the point. "i really can't borrow twenty dollars? i'll pay you back."
"nah," claire says. "who cares anyway? wait, why is dean the mom?"
"well, castiel is my father."
"ah, so it's about them having the hots for each other, then? really, kid, you coulda just made dean your step-dad."
jack blinks. "they have the...hots for each other? you mean sex. they have sex?"
"you know what?" claire points at him with her free hand. "i'm not gonna burst your bubble on that one. you've got enough issues on your own without wondering if mommy and daddy still have a spark, so I'm gonna leave that alone. i've got five dollars. take it or leave it."
"deal," jack says immediately.
money is exchanged, and jack looks like he's on cloud nine. claire's just stoked to see the expression on dean's face when he gets the card. it's a homemade card and everything, nothing like the two claire, kaia, patience, and alex got for jody and donna.
claire helps kaia finish up the chicken, which promptly gets set aside to wait on the rest of the food in the oven. sam wanders in at some point to drop off the food they brought. dessert, by the looks of it. pies and cakes that go in the fridge. it's kind of them, but claire would shoot herself in the foot before she ever admits it.
she lets kaia tug her into the living room where everyone is already at, rolling her eyes at how cheered everyone seems just because the winchesters happened to grace their doorstep. really, they all suck.
but also—and claire will never admit this, not even to save her own life—it's nice to see 'em again. it's nice that they've come to celebrate the day in jody and donna's name, giving them flowers and such. it's nice that they hang around for a bit and don't bring the world crashing down on everyone for the duration of their stay.
and, well, it's nice to see cas, too.
he perches up next to the couch that claire is squeezed on with alex, donna, kaia, and jack. kaia is practically in her lap, but claire is secretly glad for the excuse. while everyone talks and has conversations across one another, cas focuses entirely on her.
another thing claire will never admit is how reluctantly pleased by that she is. it warms her. stupidly, it turns soft and gooey in her chest that he automatically gives her his undivided attention over everyone else, even jack. but, then again, it's not cas' day, so she doesn't have to look too close to that feeling. it's mother's day, so it's not about him.
when the food is ready, they reconvene in the kitchen, and that's when they crack out the cards and gifts. claire is practically vibrating with laughter before jack has even brought his card out. before that, though, she smiles softly and strokes kaia's thigh under the table as jody and donna read their cards and chuckle at the messages, their gazes warm and their smiles sweet. they look happy. they deserve to be.
"okay, last one," claire announces, grinning at jack. she's starting to think she likes this kid if he's an agent of chaos like this.
and okay, maybe she hates him a little in abstract, but in detail, she finds that she does actually like him. you kinda just wanna put him in your pocket without meaning to, she's learned. there's too much to explore with the whole psuedo sibling thing and parents that aren't parents, as well as parents that are but didn't choose to be, only he did choose one of them, and it wasn't her. it's complicated, but underneath it all, there's a vibrant love there that she can't look directly at. sometimes, she despises that she's included in it; yet, just the same, she's thankful that she is.
"oh hell," dean mutters, swinging his gaze between alex and patience. "one of you...ya know? did we miss something?"
claire snorts.
"what? no," alex replies, grimacing. "i have no idea what claire's talking about. claire, what the hell are you talking about?"
"jack?" claire prompts in a wheeze.
"here you go," jack chirps, holding out the card to dean, beaming. "happy mother's day."
the expression on dean's face is somehow even better than claire imagined. she howls with laughter while sam buries his face in his hands, his shoulders jerking. cas squints at jack, and jody's eyebrows fly up at the same exact time that donna grins.
"is this a joke?" dean sputters.
"no, no, nope," claire chokes out, nearly fucking crying with laughter. "happy mother's day, dean."
"you gotta take it, man," sam agrees, clearing his throat and biting back a smile as he bobs his head dutifully towards the card.
dean fixes sam with a flat look and snatches the card. "you're all so fucking—sam, you signed it?!"
"happy mother's day," sam says, his mouth pinched, visibly trying not to laugh.
"do you like it?" jack asks earnestly. "i made the card, sam signed it first, and claire provided the money."
"i—" dean stares down at the card, then heaves a sigh and looks up at jack. it's clear to him that—out of everyone—jack is clearly taking this very seriously. he offers him a weak smile, then swallows. "yeah, s'great, kid. thank you. sam, you are dead to me. claire, i will be spending this on something you hate. cas, this is somehow your fault."
"yup, sounds like a mother to me," jody declares, holding up her beer with a smile.
"welcome to the club," donna agrees, holding hers up as well. "everyone else annoys the shit out of you, but you love 'em anyway."
dean sighs and clinks his beer to theirs.
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 22
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: Peter is being super annoying, he won't stop with terrible puns and jokes. How will you make him stop? Will you have help from one of his fellow annoyed Guardians?
Previous Chapter here | Next Chapter Here Or click here to: Start From Beginning
Author’s Note: For my records this chapter ends on day 54 of the Guardians living with reader. Enjoy!
Word Count: 3,981
"What the hell, you little shit!? Give that back!"
You had been preparing to head outside, adjusting your earbuds, when Rocket snatched your phone right out of your hand. He was now hopping/climbing up your cupboards with the no less agility than you'd expect from a raccoon. In short order he had your phone placed on top of the tallest cupboard, well out of your reach.
Hopping back down, he said, "Apologize, and I might get it back down for you."
"Apologize for what?!" Seriously, he was getting on your nerves today. You had even just been more or less complaining to Kraglin in the hall, telling him how "that damned raccoon" had-
"I told you to never call me a raccoon!"
You sigh. "This again? Look it's not my fault you look just like a-"
"Say it, and I'll leave it up there forever!"
You roll your eyes. "You honestly think I can't get that back by myself?" Walking toward the counter you listen to him attempt to taunt you.
"No, I don't think you can. That's way out of your reach, so you better get that apology ready, asshole. I'm waiting."
Somehow you are able to keep yourself from rolling your eyes again as you turn to face the smug raccoon. "Fat chance. It's not like I can't just climb up there myself. Jerkwad." With that you place your hands on the counter in preparation to give yourself a little hopping-boost up onto it, but you are interrupted by someone yelling at you from behind.
"Don't even think about that, you crazy shit!" Yondu scolded. "Get the hell down! Ya wanna bust a stitch? What's wrong with you?"
You turn to him and frown. "One, I wasn't even 'up', yet. Two, they're coming out tomorrow. And three, I don't take orders from you."
Yondu's eyes narrowed. Choosing to ignore your points he asked what was going on.
"She called me a raccoon! So I took her data pad so she can't listen to her precious music." He gave you a sneer, mocking you.
"It's called a phone," you started, "And it's not like I was deliberately trying to hurt your feelings, you annoying shit. You should be the one apologizing for refusing to clean your fur out of the tub drain!"
"Maybe if you Terrans didn't have such primitive plumbing-! And call it whatever you want, it's basically just a small shitty version of a data pad- AND I'm still not giving it back until you apologize!"
"Piss off- I can literally get it myself." Again, you move in preparation to hoist yourself onto the counter.
"Enough!" Yondu commanded, the sternness of his voice actually startling you into backing down and causing Rocket's ears to flatten momentarily. "Rocket, give her back her shit. Ya oughta know by now Terrans get stupid when you take their music."
"Says the lady who was about to bust a stitch trying to get her music back." Yondu would have smirked at you if he wasn't too busy scolding.
You cross your arms and mutter under your breath, "They're coming out tomorrow..."
"She knows what to do to get it back." Rocket crosses his arms too, only more smugly, ignoring the exchange between you and Yondu.
Yondu looks at you expectantly and it takes you a moment to realize what he wants.
"What?! I'm not-"
Yondu gives you a hard look that silences you, though you wouldn't admit that it also kinda sent a shiver up your spine. It rivaled Fury's, clearly an expression honed over years of not-dealing-with-anyone's-shit.
"Fine!" You roll your eyes, turning to Rocket. "Sorry I called you a raccoon."
"That's what I thought." Rocket sneered. He then hops off the counter and starts to leave the kitchen, but he stops when Yondu clears his throat warningly. "What? I said I might give it back."
"Give it back, Rat, before I decide to pin ya to the wall with my arrow."
Rocket rolls his eyes but complies with Yondu's demands. He begrudgingly climbs up to where he stuck your phone and retrieves it for you, barely looking at you as he comes back down to thrust it into your outstretched hand. With a final huff he skulks out of the room, muttering something unintelligible under his breath.
You stand there awkwardly for a moment, unsure if you should thank Yondu, or be irritated at him. Eventually you settle for asking, "Hey, how is that they let you keep that arrow, anyhow? I thought Gamora mentioned awhile back that SHIELD took all you guys' electronics stuff for security reasons?"
"That's for me to know." Yondu replied, offering nothing further than a shrug before grabbing the last brownie from the plate left on the table.
"Careful with that," you warned. "Those have butter in them."
"What's that?"
"Dairy. Like milk."
Yondu looked at it and frowned. "Ya sure about that? I had one yesterday and nothin' happened. Not even a stomachache." After a second's thought he added, "And what's with you Terrans and putting that milk shit in everything??"
You almost ignore the milk comment, but then think better of it, answering back with Yondu's own words from earlier, "That's for me to know. And I suppose that's good then- that you didn't have any issues, I mean. Here I was worried that even a little bit would make you shit yourself to death again."
Yondu narrowed his eyes at you and took a spiteful bite of the brownie before turning to leave the kitchen.
Finally left alone, you head outside to do something else that would likely also get you scolded- putting your garden to bed.
Kraglin joined you about halfway through the garden cleanup, and other than the mildly annoying scolding for not taking it easy, the two of you put the rest garden away just fine with minimal arguing throughout the process.
Well, almost minimal.
He'd told you to stop and let him lift the "heavy" bag, and with a roll of your eyes you'd told him you had it. He then took the "heavy" bag from you anyway with a frown and told you that you were crazy, to which you replied that he was welcome to leave since you never asked for his help. He then clapped back with the reminder that you had told him that he was welcome to help in the garden whenever he wanted to, and you just stared back at him bitterly because you knew he had you there.
Once the two of you had finished putting things away you thought that would be that, but then Kraglin continued to lecture you on how you really do need to take it easy, at least for a little bit. "Are all ya Terrans this bull-headed?" he had asked, only he hadn't said "bull." He had actually said the name of some other animal that you had no knowledge of, but you got the gist all the same. You didn't answer him, just rolled your eyes and headed back inside. After that you actually did feel the need to rest for a little bit, although you weren't going to admit that to him.
That said, you didn't need to. He could see it in your eyes. He just knew that bringing attention to it would likely only result in you denying it and more arguing, so he let it go.
You had maybe a half an hour undisturbed in your room before Peter thought it'd be funny to come and annoy you. He did so by peeking his head into your doorway to say, "Hey, someone said you sound like an owl."
You look at him from your desk with a 'WTF' expression, both thinking that was a very odd thing for any of them to say and wondering if 'owl' meant the same thing in space as it did on Earth or if they actually knew of Earth owls. Furthermore, what the feck was 'you sound like an owl' even supposed to mean? And which one of them would even say that? You decided to bite and ask him.
As soon as the word left your mouth you realized your mistake, and you immediately cursed yourself for falling into his trick with an, "Ah dammit!"
Your gaze jerks down to your desk for a moment before glancing back up at him with a half frown and narrowed eyes.
Peter just smiled back at you with a shit-eating grin. He knew the joke was terrible, and a few more just like it could be suitable revenge for you trying to embarrass him with the johnnys the other day.
"You're such a pest."
"I know." He grinned wider and turned to leave, the sounds of his footsteps fading as he walked around the landing into his room.
Over the next several days he seemingly took any moment he could find to wedge a bad joke or pun into. You also weren't his only victim- it didn't take long for Peter to branch out and start annoying the others with his cruddy jokes as well, simply because it amused him. It clearly brought him great enjoyment to coax groans from his friends with his terrible puns and jokes.
For instance, one day you were making a snack for you, Mantis, and Gamora when he came into the kitchen.
"Hey, I think I swallowed some food coloring earlier."
You glanced up and raised an eyebrow. "Alright? I mean... It is edible..."
Grinning a wide, toothy grin, Peter responded. "Oh I'm sure I'll be fine... but I feel like I've dyed a little inside."
He grinned even wider as you resisted the urge to groan at him while Gamora explained to Mantis that Peter was, in fact, fine- just a moron with crummy jokes. His deed done, he left the room, completely unbothered by the hole you were glaring into his soul.
Later that night he stopped you just outside the bathroom. You had just taken your shower and were leaving the bathroom to go to bed, and judging by the items in his arms Peter was about to take his own shower now that you had finished.
"Hey," he asked, "you ever seen a meteor shower?"
You really should have guessed where this was going, but you naively answered, "Yeah, once. Why?"
Peter reared back in mock surprise and said, "Wow. I'm surprised at you! That's a total invasion of their privacy!"
He only just made it behind the door before you hit him with the towel you were using to dry your hair.
When Fury came the next day and the medic was about to take you into the next room, Peter spoke up and asked her if she did comedy on the side. After several confused looks he finally added, "Just wanted to see if you'd leave her in stitches."
That one resulted in several eye rolls and disapproving mutters. Even Mantis told him that one was terrible.
He tried this new material out on Rocket as well, who seemed to be even more annoyed at Peter's attempts at humor than you were.
One morning Rocket got annoyed that Peter had drank the last of the coffee without brewing another pot. Peter responded by telling Rocket not to be so "depresso" about it. Rocket threw a spoon at him.
Later, Rocket was eating some beans. Peter warned him to only eat 239 of them, and Rocket responded irritably with, "What the hell are you talking about, Quill?"
Peter just grinned and replied, "Well if you eat one more than that you'll be too-farty."
Rocket had to hold himself back from beaming Peter in the head with the can. The fact that Gamora flicked Peter in the ear and told him to quit it had helped curb the urge.
Sometime after that, Rocket had been sitting on the back of the sofa, minding his own business, when Drax accidentally knocked him off with a misplaced stretch. Rocket scolded him with a "Watch it, asshole! You just knocked me off the damn couch!"
Peter, without missing a beat, spoke up and said, "Chill dude. There's no need to get sofa-cking mad about it."
It took a second for the joke to click, but when it did Peter narrowly escaped getting bitten.
These terrible jokes and puns lasted several more days until one morning you woke up to find Peter sipping coffee out of a bowl. You looked at him strangely and he merely tipped his head and said, "It's a little, muggy out, don't you think?" before he made a show of looking out the open door.
You followed his gaze to find every single mug you owned sitting on the back lawn.
It was then you knew you had to stop him.
It was also how you came to find yourself standing awkwardly face to face (metaphorically speaking) with Rocket in Peter's room, much like you had during that first prank war you had with Peter when you were set to hide pinecones in his bed. Only, this time, Rocket had walked in on you.
Rocket broke the silence by nodding towards the roll of foil in your hand. "Whatcha doing?"
You tried to wipe the surprise off your face. "Um..." There really wasn't any way you could make the scene seem reasonable, and even trying to justify yourself to the raccoon felt silly. Luckily, you noticed Rocket seemed to be hiding something behind his back, so you decided to turn the tables instead. "What are you doing? Whatcha got behind your back there?" You crossed your arms, foil still in tow.
Rocket rolled his eyes and revealed he was holding what looked to be a jar of jam. "Ok, look- Clearly we were both about to give Quill a reason to knock it off with his shitty humor. Let's just-"
The widening of your eyes made Rocket pause mid-sentence. He turned around, a sinking feeling his gut that Quill was standing right behind him.
It wasn't Quill, to his short relief. It was, however, Yondu, who was half-frowning at the two of you.
When he saw Rocket sneaking a jar of jam upstairs he knew the rat likely wasn't just taking it for a snack, and so he decided to quietly investigate. Turned out he was right, though he hadn't quite expected to find that you were not only already up there about to pull your own prank, but had actually nearly beaten Rocket to it. Regardless, he knew he couldn't let the two of you get away with it, if only for his own peace and sanity.
"Now if there's one thing we don't need it's fer you two to go and be startin' another prank war with Quill," he scolded. "It always ends in trouble." He looked pointedly at you, as if asking if you needed a reminder of your previously dislocated elbow, or that you and Peter going at each other had indirectly been the cause of you getting shot.
Rocket started to argue but Yondu just cut him off, saying he didn't want to hear it. He then stood there, eyeing the two of you with that same look that nearly sent a shiver up your spine from before.
You both got the hint. He wasn't leaving until both you and Rocket went back downstairs to put your pranking fodder back where you found it. With no other options, the two of you obliged, Rocket grumbling about Yondu being no fun, and you blushing a bit from getting caught about to pull an admittedly childish prank and then dressed down in your own house. On the way to the stairs you and Rocket began to argue. Rocket claimed if you hadn't been so clumsy that one time, then 'grandpa over there' would let him prank Quill. You bit back at him saying that if he hadn't lead Yondu up there and gotten you both caught, you could have been half done with your own prank right now.
Yondu just shook his head and watched the two of you leave down the stairs, a soft chuckle escaping him. Imagine if the two of you actually started working together. That'd be a scary day for sure.
* * *
In the kitchen you and Rocket put away the objects of your mischief. Just as you were finished, Peter came into the room, and of course felt the need to deliver yet another one of his lame jokes.
"Hey, did you guys watch that movie about farts yet?"
Of course it would be a fart joke... Neither of you answer, dreading the punchline.
Unbothered by your silence, he delivers. "Eh. Don't bother. It really stinks." He grinned at the forlorn expressions on yours and Rocket's faces and continued. "The reviews were pretty shitty."
You pinched the bridge of your nose while Rocket rubbed his face in anguish. Peter just grabbed a soda with a grin and as he was leaving delivered one final parting line.
"I heard there's gonna be a sequel, though. They say it's really going to blow you away."
You and Rocket audibly groan at this final line. You cover your face in a show of distain, but Peter could see the hint of a grin attempt to cross your features. The first grin he had managed to catch since he started his tirade of crappy puns and jokes. It was the type of grin where it's clear you want to laugh, but you're mad about it because the joke is so terrible. And at a fart joke. No wonder why you would try to hide your face. A SHIELD agent, laughing at a fart joke? Absolutely not. Not happening. Not while anyone is looking anyway, apparently.
Peter leaves the room laughing, congratulating himself for a job well done.
"I might kill him," you say, mostly to yourself, once he is gone.
You notice Rocket looking at you, seeming to be contemplating something.
He doesn't say anything for a couple seconds, but eventually replies with, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe we need to work together."
You raise an eyebrow at him.
Rocket continues. "I have an idea. I've been working on something, I was gonna keep it to myself, but this seems to call for drastic measures."
You weigh your options. Do you work with the raccoon or not? On one hand, maybe you two could get Peter back for being so annoying. On the other, this was Rocket, who could be his own special breed of annoying when he wanted to be. That said, perhaps in this situation that could be an asset...
With a soft sigh, you made your decision.
"What did you have in mind?"
The overhead light flickers on in the shed, and you follow Rocket to the back of the workshop to see what it was that he had been working on.
Once near the welding station Rocket ducks under the bench to retrieve something wrapped in an old shop-rag. He then hops up on top of the bench to sit, resting the bundle on its surface.
You weren't necessarily sure if you approved of him hiding mystery projects in your work shed, but you decided to put that away for another time. Right now you were focused on the small object in front of Rocket as he pulled back the rags to reveal it.
It was... much more impressive looking than you had expected. A small metal box with a sort of wire antenna, very clean looking all things considered, and it appeared to have a small remote accompanying it, about half the size of a pocket calculator with two square buttons.
"Whoa... You made that?"
Rocket rolled his eyes. "Don't act so surprised. This is only impressive on Terra. Literal schoolchildren can do this on Xandar."
Frowning, and ignoring what you were sure he meant as an insult (and also wondering if that were actually true), you clarified. "I just mean... how? What does it do? Where did you even find the parts?"
"Found an old computer out here. A bit archaic looking, but I made due." He picks up the device and grins. "As for what it does..."
You open the back door. "So, when do you wanna try-"
The sound of hysterical begging meets your ears and cuts off your sentence when you and Rocket re-enter the house.
"Please! I won't do it anymore! I promise!"
You share a confused, yet intrigued look with Rocket, wondering just what the hell was going on. It was clearly Peter's voice, but why did he sound like a stuck pig? Why was he begging so loudly? And what for?
"Gamora! No- Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
His desperate pleas and screeches sounded like they might be coming from the sitting room, so the two of you go to investigate.
When you reach the doorway and take a step into the room an amusing scene was laid out to your right.
Peter, was indeed, very sorry from the looks of things.
He was laying on his back, pinned to the floor near the middle-edge of the room by Gamora. You could see most of their upper bodies peeking from behind the sofa and chairs. She was sat on his waist and had his arms pinned above his head with just one of her hands while her other hand dug into his stomach.
Kraglin and Yondu sat at the table playing cards with Drax and Mantis, who didn't seem to be paying the scene much mind. Groot, however, sat on the edge of the table watching and giggling at the sight while his little legs kicked absentmindedly from where they dangled over the table. Occasionally the others would glance up with an amused smile, but other than that they left Peter to suffer at the hands of Gamora.
Peter continued to beg through hysterical laughter. "Please! Gamora quit! I can't- You're killing me! AHHAHA!"
Gamora didn't let up, didn't seem to notice the appearance of you and Rocket either, or she just didn't care. "Don't be so dramatic. I'm just giving you what you deserve. I warned you- one more time and you'd be sorry- and you just couldn't help yourself." There was a playful edge to her scolding, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to deduce what was going on.
"I'll stop! No more puns! I promise I won't do it again! Please!" More hysterical laughter poured from his mouth as he wriggled under her, trying and failing to free himself from her cybernetic-ally strong grip. His socked heels kicked uselessly against the wooden floor, unable to grab traction.
Rocket nudges your leg with the back of his hand to get your attention and you turn out of the room with him to hear him better, leaving Peter to his fate.
"Looks like Gamora beat us to it with the whole revenge thing." Rocket had a certain tone to his voice that almost made it seem as if he was disappointed, but not quite. "Maybe we don't need this after all..." He patted his pocket where he had stashed the device.
You glance briefly back into the room, thinking for a moment. You could no longer see them, but you could still hear Peter's pleading laughter and bargains for his life. Yeah, maybe he was getting his just desserts now, but was it really enough? Shouldn't you also get some satisfaction for your own pain and suffering? And even if the answer was no, wouldn't it still be fun to do it anyway and watch the look on his face? Without looking at Rocket you say, "I think we should still do it."
When you do glance back down at him he reveals a wide grin.
"I was hoping you'd say that."
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duvetsandpillows · 3 years
Sebastian Vettel Fluffy A-Z
Tumblr media
Gif Credit: @chasingpegasus
A = Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
Your kindness. You are always looking for the best in everyone and you always put others before yourself. He calls you his little angel because he thinks you’re too good to be of this earth.
B = Baby: do they want a family? why/why not?
Seb knew he wanted to have kids with you after he saw you with one for the first time. Your friend had a baby and you’d offered to babysit for a night so she could go out. Seb got back from work to see you dancing around the living room with the baby girl in your arms, the two of you listening to Queen.
“Liebling what have we said about stealing babies?” You turned around and rolled your eyes.
“I know, I’ll give her back tomorrow.” He chuckled and gave you a kiss before cooing to the baby.
Once you’d put her down for the night you turned around from her cot to see Seb standing in the doorway.
“I didn’t know you were so good with kids.” You shrugged and gently ushered him out the room, pulling the door to.
“I dunno, used to look after my cousins when I was growing up.” He smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Do you ever think about having your own one day?” he asked wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“I think I’d like having a pair of feet pattering around the house.”
A year later you found out you were expecting two sets of feet to cause mayhem and Sebastian couldn’t have been happier when he found out.
C = Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
Sebastian loves to wrap his arms around your shoulders from behind. He loves being able to hold you close and press kisses to the top of your head. In bed he loves to be big spoon, having you curled into his chest, your leg hooked between his. He will kiss the side of your head and whisper sweet nothings in German to you as you fall asleep.
D = Dates: what are dates with them like?
The two of you don’t always get time for dates as he travels so much so you always cook dinner for when he gets back from a race. It’s guaranteed time for the two of you to have some alone time together. You don’t need extravagant dates, being together is enough.
E = Everything: "you are my ____" (e.g my life, my world...)
You are my forever and always.
F = Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
He knew he had feelings for you pretty quickly. Whenever he was home from work you would be his first thought and he realised that he loved you and no one could ever compare to you.
G = Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
Seb is always gentle with you, sure you two muck around and play fight but he would never intentionally hurt you.
H = Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
When out and about you can guarantee his fingers will be laced with yours. He likes keeping you close, knowing how you can get overwhelmed in big crowds so will always squeeze to give you reassurance that you’re not some and that you’re going to be okay.
I = Impression: first impression/s
You were an old family friend but you two hadn’t seen each other since the two of you were kids. Sebs mother had invited your family over for a barbecue since Seb was home for a while. When he came down stairs he saw you chatting with his auntie, and he couldn’t believe it was really you. You’d gone from being an adorable little girl to a stunning young woman.
You glanced away from his aunt and caught him staring at you so you flashed a smile and a small wave. Seb immediately had an unexplainable wave of anxiety wash over him. He walked over and his auntie excused herself to let the two of you catch up.
“Long time no see,” you said offering him a beer, which he accepted.
“I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
“It’s a lucky day for both of us then.”
The two of you were inseparable for the rest of the day, causing both your mother’s and his auntie to have plenty to gossip about.
The two of you ended up staying up all night chatting around the fire pit, cuddled up in a blanket together.
“Can’t risk you getting a cold or something,” he whispered wrapping his arm around you.
J = Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
You two would be silly and make each other laugh with shitty dad jokes and puns but you two weren’t prank sort of people.
K = Kisses: how do they kiss?
Sebastian is quite reserved in public so usually kisses your head or cheek but in private he will kiss you anywhere he can, he finds it hard to keep his hands and lips off you.
L = Love: who says I love you first?
He did. You two had been dating for a couple of months and he just knew it was love but he was worried that it was too soon to say it to you. I hat was until you two had gone out for drinks with some friends and you two ended up getting a taxi home and leaving the car at the bar.
Sebastian poured the two of you a whisky while you kicked off your shoes and lit the fire. Seb sat down next to you and passed your drink before wrapping an arm around you.
“Did you know…” you slurred turning your head to look at him, “you are my favourite person,” you pressed a kiss to his jaw before pressing kisses to his neck, leaving a small mark.
“Did you know that I love you,” he slurred back. You looked up at him in shock, just as much as he was; realising what he’d just said.
“Really? You love me?”
“How could I not, you’re perfect.”
M = Memory: their favourite moment together
You hadn’t been able to go to a race weekend and even though he didn’t show it he was bummed. You felt just as sad so you wanted to make it up to him. He got back to see candles lit everywhere and music playing softly in the background. The table was laid and dinner waiting. You were in the dress you’d worn on your first proper date together, which was coincidentally Sebastians favourite.
You spent the whole night pampering him after he’d worked so hard and by the end of the night the two of you were cuddled with up under a blanket by the fire.
N = Nickel: do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
Sebastian likes to occasionally spoiled you with jewellery or clothes. You don’t like him spending so much money on you but he would always respond with “nonsense my angel deserves the best.”
O = Orange: what colour reminds them of their other half?
Light green. You wore a necklace that you’d had since you were a kid and it had a small light green emerald inside it. He was so used to seeing you wear it he automatically associated the colour with you.
P = Pet names: what pet names do they use?
Engelchen, Schatz, my everything.
Q = Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
Cuddling up by the fire and chatting. You would sit there for hours discussing anything that came to mind. You just enjoyed being in each others company.
R = Rainy Day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
Usually you would start the day by trying to do jobs around the house but Seb gets bored and insists that you two take a break that never seems to end. Then you usually watch a movie or cuddling up in bed.
S = Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up
Sebastian goes quiet and finds ways to occupy himself. You always notice fairly quickly and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tight.
“I love you so much,” you will say giving him a squeeze, causing him to hold you as tight as he can and let everything out that’s on his mind. As long as you were in his arms he felt safe.
T = Talking: what do they love to talk about?
Anything. You two could talk about paint drying and find a way to make it interesting. He spends half his day texting you random things because he misses you.
U = Unencumbered: What helps them relax?
Taking baths together. He brought a purposefully large bath so that you two could both fit in it. He loves holding you close, with your back against his chest and pressing kisses to the side of your head or neck while whispering how much he loves you.
V = Vaunt: what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
Seb only shows off on track. His personal life is kept private.
W = Wedding: when, how, where do they propose?
Seb proposed to you on your three year anniversary. You were four months pregnant and didn’t really want to dress up all fancy and have to go out so Seb set up a beautiful dinner in the back garden. After you had finished pudding Seb took your hand in his and told you how much you mean to him before getting down on one knee and asked you the questions. You said yes and pressed your lips to him before he slid the ring on your finger. You had the wedding a few months after you gave birth so you could have the kids in the photos.
X = Xylophone: What's their song?
Thunderstruck - AC/DC
Y = You're the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You're the lightning to my thunder.
Z = Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
You both had dogs but when you got pregnant you got a puppy so your kids could grow up with their own dog.
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
MA’AM ( astonished-ly, not necessarily gendered(-ly?))
First brava, you made good on your promise of tooth rotting fluffy smut twice over. Like exceeded expectations then doubled back and did it again.
Not to continued singing the same praises over and over but really the depth you give your characters is just so beautiful. Gabe is so conscious of Odessa’s feelings and responses and her confort and safety is such a priority to him it makes me want to weep. He’s such a good boy (30% pun intended— also the one dog joke a day allowance made me laugh). Both Gabe and Odessa compliment and respect each other. Gabe seems a lot less shy and reserved I feel like now that Odessa knows his secret it’s such a weight off his chest that he can be more of his true self. And Odessa seeing Gabes reaction to HOW HOT AND JUST PERFECT SHE IS is a shot of confidence and helping rebuild her self image after her shitty had broken her self worth down.
I loved how they kept changing positions during the night but were always cuddled up somehow, very soft and ‘aww’. (Cue the 🥺🥺 face while I was reading it). Also like the erm…. Tasting… aspect while yes um very hot, it was also like really intimate and sweet how Gabe immediately dismissed what may have built up as an insecurity from the past relationship. And the “don’t think about him” we loveeeeee to see itttttttt.
I’m so happy for both of them they deserve each other so much. Nothing but the best for them. Just so good so pure.
Really excited to see Odessa interact with the dogs, they are in a way Gabes chosen family and I’m a little scared but really curious how the whole different lives situation gets resolved when Odessa’s vacation is over. Sorry to have made this all so long I really could just continue talking about it for longer. Thank you for such a fast update I really did not expect it, it feels like a early birthday present jusssssst for meeeee🥰🥰🥰 but really you spoil us all.
I’m sorry you’ve received bad news. Thank you for posting this for us early but I really hope it wasn’t more pressure on yourself. The last thing you deserve is to be overwhelmed with writing during a difficult time. As always you have all my gratitude and appreciation and some cake🍰🍰💕
Anon, I am undone by your kindness. Thank you.
Gabe is definitely relieved to be able to be his wolfy self more around Odessa, but he’s also scared of freaking her out with it, I think. The dogs are definitely his chosen family now, and they will play a bigger part in the next few chapters. I can’t wait to share it with you!
As for what comes after her holiday, that’s plotted out already for ‘season two’ as it were, fear not. There’s so much planned plot going on here Im a bit intimidated to tackle it! Haha.
As for the bad news, it’s my step-dad’s condition taking another turn for the worse. It’s a downward slope from here, and it’s getting steeper with each passing week. We don’t know what the timescale is really, and I don’t know how long he has left, and that honestly terrifies me. He’s been a second father to me all my life, teaching me so much and accepting me and loving me almost more than his own three daughters since i was a very small child, and I’m honesty devastated to be facing the prospect of life without him there.
This ask made me smile and wibble and laugh and cry, in all the best ways, and I’m so so grateful that you took the time to let me know how much you enjoyed my story. Thank you from the bottom of my wibbly-wobbly heart. 🖤
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Would love to see a wired autocomplete interview with coops! 🥰
Anon, did you read my mind? These two have such chaotic energy when they’re given an outlet and it was a true pleasure to write it. Dorcas is exhausted. Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Wait, I want to pull the tab,” Remus said, tugging on the edge of the cardboard lightly as Sirius tried to hold it out of his reach without falling off his chair.
“I get to read it out loud for you and then we switch!” Sirius protested, smacking him gently on the head with it. The resulting bonk noise made them both break down laughing.
“You guys know we’re rolling, right?” Dorcas asked as she gathered a stack of cards in her lap, looking highly amused.
“Yeah.” She turned to the camera with a bright smile. “Welcome back to Lion Pride, hockey fans! I’m Dorcas Meadowes and I’m here today with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin to answer some of the internet’s most pressing questions. How are you two feeling?”
“Terrified,” Sirius said.
“The internet is like the Twilight Zone,” Remus agreed. “Who goes first?”
“Sirius, you’ve got a card already. Take it away.”
He cleared his throat and grabbed the edge of the first pull tab, ripping it off slowly. “That is so satisfying, woah. How tall is Remus Lupin?”
“I am five foot eleven and a half.”
“That half inch comes from your sneakers and you know it.”
“It does not!”
Sirius just smiled and removed the next paper slip. “What language does Remus Lupin speak?”
“I speak English and a little bit of French. Tried to learn Spanish in high school, but failed miserably.”
“I love the wording on this one,” Sirius said as he turned the board toward the camera. “Remus Lupin Green Bay Packers.”
“Dammit, now everyone knows my full name,” Remus sighed. “Uh, the Packers are cool.”
“I think people were wondering if you ever played on the team,” Dorcas said.
Remus raised an eyebrow. “Do I look like a football player to you?”
“Next question!” Sirius ripped the tab off and took a good section of the paper above with it. There was a beat of stunned silence. “I am…so sorry.”
Behind the camera, Marlene burst out laughing, along with most of the camera crew. “It’s fine, keep reading.”
“Okay, um…” Sirius squinted at the partially torn-off question. “Remus Lupin name meaning.”
Remus groaned. “I hate this question. Yes, it does mean Wolf Wolf. Yes, my dad’s name also means Wolf Wolf. Yes, my mother’s maiden name is Howell. I’m aware of the endless puns.”
“Don’t you mean a-were?” Sirius asked as a slow grin spread across his face. Remus grabbed the card and bonked him over the head with it.
“Remus, your turn.” Dorcas handed him a poster board and took the blank one.
“I’m going to be careful with this one, unlike somebody,” he teased, kissing Sirius on the cheek. “Is Sirius Black…related to Pascal Dumais?”
“In all the ways that matter, yes.”
Remus grinned when he read the next one. “Is Sirius Black missing a tooth?”
“No!” Sirius gave the camera an offended look. “I have all my teeth, thank you very much.”
“Is Sirius Black mean?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Reporters don’t like you very much.”
“The feeling is mutual. I love the fans though, most of them are so sweet.”
“Oh, I like this one. Is Sirius Black married?” Remus rested his chin on the top of the card and batted his eyelashes, making Sirius laugh.
“Almost! Ask me again in July.” Remus set the card on the floor and Dorcas passed Sirius a new one. “Does Remus Lupin wear glasses?”
“Does Remus Lupin—I have never said your name so many times in one sitting, my god—does Remus Lupin have siblings?”
“Does Remus Lupin—”
“Can you elaborate?” Dorcas asked with a laugh. “How many siblings? Names? Ages?”
Remus turned to the camera. “I have one brother named Julian and he’s ten years old. He likes piggyback rides, ice cream, and hockey.”
“Much better. Take it away, Cap.”
“Does Remus Lupin have allergies?”
Remus frowned in confusion. “Why do people want to know that? Uh, yeah, I’m allergic to some pollens. Spring is hell.”
“How many of these do we have?” Sirius asked as he tossed the board over his shoulder and crossed his legs.
“Quite a few! Loops, you’re up.”
“Where is Sirius Black from?”
“Where does Sirius Black live?”
“The Lions ice rink. I set up a tent in the middle of the goal posts every night so that I’m never late to practice.”
“Sirius Black gay.”
Sirius paused. “I think we’re missing a couple words in there.”
“That’s literally all it says,” Remus laughed, moving it to show him. “Sirius Black gay. I don’t know, honey, Sirius Black gay?”
“Sirius Black very gay,” he confirmed. “Sirius Black thinks people need to have better grammar.”
“Is Sirius Black’s hair naturally curly?”
“No, I use a curling iron every morning to do each individual curl,” he said. “It takes me seven hours and thirteen minutes, and I use a full can of hairspray.”
Remus scooted over so Dorcas could hand him a new card. “He keeps a stopwatch and tries to beat his personal record every time.”
Sirius pulled the first tab away and immediately started laughing too hard to speak.
“What does it say? You can’t just leave me hanging!” Sirius turned the board around and Remus leaned down to read it. “Is Remus Lupin hockey? Yes. I am the entire sport of hockey condensed into one being. I’m coming for basketball next. Thanks for asking!”
It took a few seconds for Sirius to get his breath back. “What is Remus Lupin—”
“I thought we just answered that.”
“—what is Remus Lupin zodiac sign?”
Remus paused. “Is that the thing Pots was talking about the other day? With the quiz?”
“That was love languages.”
“Your zodiac sign depends on your birthday,” Marlene called. “When were you born?”
“March 10th.”
“You’re a Pisces.”
“I’m a Pisces!” he said brightly to the camera. “No idea what that means, but it sounds cool.”
“It means you’re two fish.” She laughed as Remus sucked his cheeks in for a fish face. “Very nice.”
“Thank you.”
Sirius was especially careful as he pulled the paper slip off the next question. “What is Remus Lupin first job?”
“The grammar of these questions is killing me. Um, I worked in the university bookstore during college.”
“On the list of ‘things that don’t surprise anyone’,” Dorcas joked.
“Did Remus Lupin go to college?”
Remus gave the camera a look. “First of all, I have a medical degree. Second of all, did people completely forget about the whole ‘about to be drafted right out of college’ thing? It was a grand total of four years ago! Google it!”
“That’s what they did,” Sirius pointed out, gesturing to the board.
“Last one for this card: how old is Remus Lupin?”
Remus thought for a moment. “Y’know, I kind of lost track after the first few centuries. My turn…what is Sirius Black real name?”
Sirius glanced at the camera. “It’s Sirius Black? Is this a trick question?”
“There are people out there who think that’s a fake name,” Dorcas said.
“Um, okay. Yeah, my real name is Sirius Black, my brother is Regulus, my dad is Orion, and I have cousins named Andromeda and Bellatrix.”
“What’s your uncle’s name again?” Remus asked.
“Which one? Cygnus? Phineas Nigellus? Arcturus?” At Dorcas’ surprised look, he laughed. “Oh, I could go all day long with this. That’s the tea on old French families with weird-ass naming traditions.”
“This next one is similar: Sirius Black middle name?”
“Fun fact: the first time I saw your full name, Moody had written it and I thought it said ‘onion’.” Remus laughed as Sirius’ jaw fell open. “Those three seconds were a highlight of my life. Alright, what’s next…what color are Sirius Black’s eyes?”
Remus shook his head. “They’re gray, almost silver.”
“Basically blue.”
“There’s nothing basic about you, babe.” Remus slid the board onto the floor and passed Sirius a new one. “Hit me with your best shot.”
“Is Remus Lupin Canadian?”
“I wish.”
“Is Remus Lupin left-handed?”
“No, but a lot of people seem to think that I am.”
“Is—” Sirius cut off with a snort. “Is Remus Lupin scrappy?”
“Are you fucking with me?” Remus asked, leaning over. “Is that actually what it says?”
“Scrappy? Really?” He shook his head, lost for words. “I mean, I guess. Nobody’s ever called me scrappy before.”
“I don’t like this last one. How much is Remus Lupin worth?” Sirius wrapped an arm around his shoulders and kissed his temple. “You’re priceless.”
“I’m worth at least half a PB & J, but only if you use the good peanut butter. If you use the shitty Skippy stuff, hand over the whole sandwich. My turn! Does Sirius Black have piercings?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Does Sirius Black have an Instagram?”
“I do. Sblack12, if you want to see pictures of my friends’ kids and this cutie.”
“Is Sirius Black Australian?”
“Fuck off. I’m French Canadian, how the hell did anyone think I was Australian?”
“Sirius Black birthday.”
“I have one.”
“What is it?” Marlene asked. “I’ll tell you your zodiac sign.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “November 3rd.”
“Scorpio bitch.”
“On the bright side, Scorpios and Pisces are super compatible.”
“What a relief, I was really banking on our astrology compatibility,” Remus said drily.
Dorcas handed Sirius a fresh board. “First up: can Remus Lupin sing?”
“The correct answer is yes. What is Remus Lupin like in real life?”
“I’m horrible. I kick every puppy I see and carry one of those sticky hands from arcades to steal candy from children.” A smile twitched at the edges of his mouth and Sirius’ cheeks turned pink from suppressing his laughter. “Like Spiderman, but evil.”
“What happened to Remus Lupin after college?”
“What didn’t happen to Remus Lupin after college?” he laughed, leaning back in his seat. “These past couple years have been bonkers fucking yonkers. I became a PT, got a secret boyfriend, and now I’m engaged and an NHL player. There were, like, three seasons of character development squished into eighteen months.”
“Alright, last one. Why Remus Lupin kissed Sirius Black?”
“Because he’s hot and nice. Also, because he’s my fiancé.”
“Is that the criteria for kisses?” Sirius asked. “I just have to be hot and nice?”
“Pretty much. You’ve got both boxes permanently checked.”
“Final card,” Dorcas warned as she handed it to him. “Make it count.”
Remus cleared his throat. “How does Sirius Black work out?”
“I rollerskate and hula hoop for six hours a day simultaneously.”
“How old is Sirius Black?”
“How did Sirius Black meet Remus Lupin?”
“Fun story, actually. You know the movie Ocean’s Eleven?”
“Are Sirius Black and James Potter—”
“—still friends.”
“Damn, I thought I had that one.” He did a double take. “Still friends? What happened? I saw him an hour ago, tops.”
“You might have to google it,” Remus suggested as he slid the board across the floor. “That’s it!”
“Way to go, guys,” Dorcas laughed. “I know literally nothing new about you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sirius said as the two high-fived. “We were completely honest the whole time.”
She faced the camera with a poorly-hidden smile. “Thanks for joining us today, Lions, and remember to like and subscribe for more content!”
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just2bubbly · 3 years
To Us
TLC Ship Week 2021!
*written for tlcshipweek2021- kaider for the prompt 'Journey of Us'
"I'm thinking."
"A coin for your thought?"
"Nothing much... just I'm 27 and have this beautiful person seating on top of me, not that I'm complaining-"
"Come to the point Kai, you were definitely not thinking that."
The night before their second anniversary is quite extra-ordinary as both of them reflect back on their past. The present that they are living seems unbelievable to the two royals- just the two of them, together. What more can they ask for?
Ship: Kaider
Words: 3k
Genre: Fluff, Sick
Prompt: 'Journey of Us'
*Post- Winter
Cinder's Perspective:
"I'm so sorry, Kai," she said as he handed her the bowl of soup.
"No worries darling, it doesn't really bother me-"
"Yeah, but I know you wanted to have some alone time and I just ruined your plans."
"C'mon Cinder- you are more important than my plans. Besides we can go after you have recovered."
"Even then I feel extremely sorry for being under the weather at such a happy moment-"
"Sickness does not come looking at your calendar- wondering if it's the right time to crash on Miss Selene now that she does not have anything planned," he jested.
She glared at him while inhaling the smell of the chicken noodle soup wistfully.
"I'm gonna forget you said that because this soup tastes so good. You have really mastered cooking."
"Thanks- I asked Suho for his recipe, seeing how you liked the one he made when we visited them last month."
"So have anything planned- now that I'm going to be staying in the bed for at least two more days?" she questioned.
"Well- No?"
"No?" she mimicked, surprised at his answer. She had assumed he might have come up with some different sort of elaborate plans for the day.
"Like there is not really much I can do with you being sick that will qualify as classy and romantic... you know that right?"
"You don't have to."
"I'm going to!"
The thing they happened to be talking about was their second anniversary. Kai had wanted to go to a nice cottage home that his mother had brought on Wusong Island in Jilin. Cinder knocked off all his plans with the unwanted and very bad timings of the flu she had caught. hence they or rather she was forced to stay in bed for an entirety of 5 days?!- well the doctor had told 3 but her very sensitive and caring husband made it 5.
Her husband observed her as she drank the soup, feeling slightly awkward at the sudden attention she barked, "What?"
"Nothing- just staring at my beautiful wife!"
"Don't- it's making me self-conscious, for a minute I thought I was drinking it wrong or something and you were going to yell at me for not holding my spoon properly. And Kai, stop calling me beautiful when I have a runny nose, that's too sore and pink from all the tissues I am blowing into and I feel like I'm wearing rags right now," she said pointing out to her loose grey t-shirt and shorts, that were quite old with its colour faded still they were comfortable and that's what mattered.
"You always look beautiful to me!"
She smiled and asked, "What do you want?"
"Can't I just call you stunning babe?"
"Oh, and won't you be honest with your beautiful wife?"
He sighed and asked, "Can't I join you?"
She wished he would but instead settled for a bittersweet smile and said, "Kai you won't want to catch the flu. Believe me, you don't want your one nasal cavity feeling like a desert and the other one like a shitty waterfall!"
Kai had been adamant about cuddling while she was sick- she did not want him to catch her sickness. Hell, she would have actually made him sleep on the adjacent very large couch in their room if he would have not been half as stubborn as her. Alas, he would not budge and they had settled for some distance between them for Kai's well being.
"Please," he said in an annoyingly cute way, pouting his lips and crinkling those damn beautiful eyes of his to make an impact.
She was not going to budge to his antics- after all, she was supposed to look after him when he decided to make dumb desires.
"Only if you take the couch to sleep today," she argued.
"Cinder didn't we already talk about this?! I'm not taking the couch even if it's too comfortable and for my own good!"
"Don't tell me, I did not warn you, when you get sick," she said and patted the space near her, keeping the bowl aside while scooting away to make space for him.
He jumped at the offer and settled close to her as she leaned against his chest.
"Hmm... I missed you," he mumbled as he pressed his chin on her head, his words filling the comfortable silence.
"You are not really sad that I'm sick, are you, Kai?"
"I'm not, Cinder- it would not matter if I spend our anniversary on a beach, a cottage or in bed as long as you are there beside me- even if you are sick," he said reassuringly.
"Okay,' she replied.
He drew circles on her back and she reclined into him until she was more or less practically into his lap- all thoughts of making him sick with contact forgotten.
She had almost dozed off when he muttered quietly," Torin said we could have a week off if you wanted."
"Oh? and are you- are we?"
"I dunno, it's not every day that I can take a day or two off and it's pretty chill right now- not much work so I'm thinking about it."
"Maybe we should," she suggested, already knowing that they would be taking a holiday soon.
They remained silent, just enjoying each other's presence and the quiet around them, the beats of their heart providing a soothing sound as they beat together. She would have been more than happy to sleep like that- in Kai's arms with the rhythm of their hearts as music to her ears.
"I'm thinking," he whispered his lips near her ear.
"A coin for your thought?"
"Nothing much... just I'm 27 and have this beautiful person seating on top of me, not that I'm complaining-"
"Come to the point Kai, you were definitely not thinking that," she challenged.
"Well,- yeah you caught me there- just I'm so happy in this moment. I married the love of my life and 10 years ago, I would have never thought that I would end up where I am right now."
Thinking over his words, she responded, "Well you would not be the only one now there now, would you?"
"Yeah- at 18 I had as good as convinced myself that I would not see myself grow to become 19- probably be killed by Levana before that-"
"Who knows maybe she would have loved you and vice versa," She joked, having come to terms with the horrors of her past by now.
"Yeah, weren't you just jealous of my wife, Cinder?- killing her like that."
"Oh! No Kai, I fought for you and came out as the winner," she jabbered with a wink.
"Quite a prize I'm, now aren't I?" he boasted, winking in response.
"Stop sounding like Thorne- besides, stop using sarcasm to just avoid talking about your feelings," she said, clearly forgetting what had started the mild flirting.
"Like you don't," he muttered under his breath.
Taking quite his chances trying to figure out if she had forgotten or not-
"Kai, continue," she ordered.
"There's nothing serious- just got me riled over a silly thought, that's all!" he said, avoiding to speak.
"Talk," she ordered before he could make any excuse.
Sighing he said, "Back when I was 9, I had always thought that I would have a wife that loved me like Mum loved Dad, but I was too simple back then. Later I quite got the hang that I would be the Emperor and... you know right, how marriages are looked upon as alliances in royalty?- so, maybe I thought- I would not know what love is, like what it really means. Levana just happened to come around the time when I had wholly convinced myself that I would never marry out of love- just some woman who was the daughter of some important person to strengthen bonds or something like that. And at the same time you decided to pop in my life- well I popped in yours but after a few days I had certainly started liking you, sort of even had a crush on you while you were on the run but things happened and well you know what happens later.. " he trailed.
"You did marry someone important Kai, remember I am the ex-Queen of Luna?" she said, turning around to look at him.
"How can I forget? have got quite a knack for Queens," he said, a grin breaking on his face however it did not reach up to his eyes.
"Yeah- even then you love me and I do love you! Although you had to marry someone before- you supposed to make the right choices later, you found love with me, I was quite a big show myself- a simple mechanic and then I come out as the long lost princess of Luna. I am happy- elated for where I am right now-minus the sick part but I think I can endure it," she admitted.
"I see, my happy outlook has quite rubbed on you - I don't want to change anything even if I could- I'm so fortunate to be here with you," he exclaimed, caressing the back of her hand with his thumbs.
"You know if someone had told me when I was 15 that someone would love me when I grow older, I would have called them a fool and probably shut my door on their face. If they had told me that I would be married to a kind man at 23, found true love at 16- I would have yelled at them to make young girls fantasize about something like marriage when there were important things in life. If they had told me that I would marry a man who loved me, much less an Emperor- I would have been shocked for the love of my life. No pun intended so don't point it out or grin- " he did grin even when she asked him not to "-Can't believe I'm really married to you even at the age of 25- like you are believable but the whole Emperor of EC is a too big thing for me who felt unlovable till 16- like hell with the world but I had thought I would probably be those single cat ladies just without the cats- I think they are nasty. Yet here I am!" She rambled, declaring the last part with a blinding smile.
"Quite unbelievable, ain't it?
"Yup- wouldn't change a thing though!"
"If I asked you-
"to marry you again then I would say yes without a moment to lose," she continued.
She did not know who rushed in first but his lips were on her and he whispered 'Good' against her lips, kissing them fervently. Before thinking she moved, making Kai groan at the loss of sudden contact, taking as many tissues that could fit in her hands from the tabletop, she blew her nose, feeling sickening.
Kai looking at his wife firstly in a bizarre way followed by a sympathetic smile, "Maybe we should keep kissing to the minimum."
"Yeah- I look gross," she agreed.
"Do you want to take some steam?"
"No- I'm okay," she answered, continuing to blow her nose which considerably contradicted her sentence.
"Tell me if you change your mind."
"Can you pass me more tissue?"
Having cleared her nose long enough to go without a blowing nose fit for at least a few minutes she whined, "My nose hurts- is it pink?"
"Really Cinder?- are you caring about your slightly pink nose right now instead of your health? I think it looks cute tho-"
"You had called me cute even when I was drenched in mud. Sorry for blowing up like that!"
He chuckled adding, "Quite got me confused for a minute there"
"I can't believe I'm sick on our anniversary-"
"Hey! I was sick on my birthday, don't beat yourself on that."
"C'mon aren't you even a tiny bit sad Kai- you make it sound like you are happy seeing me sick in bed!" she complained.
"I had be happy with you in bed, don't you think?" he said with a smirk tugging at his lips.
"I don't wanna sneeze and blow my nose on you so, NO!-" she replied. "-I don't think I have the energy to do anything."
"You had your meds?" he inquired.
"Yes," she said avoiding his gaze.
"And when did you take them?"
"Well- one is remaining- it's really bitter, can't I just skip it? Please!" she pleaded.
Paying no heed to her words, he just leapt out of the bed to fetch the said tablet- returning with the red and white capsule that was going to cause Cinder much misery.
"Here," he said, offering the glass of water.
"Please, Kai, it's so bitter and I don't want to spoil the taste of the soup-"
"Cinder, I'm not going to budge- you are having it. Personally, it's not that bad, you drilled Camilla into being nice for a day last week- you can handle a bitter tablet."
She stared at him not moving to pick the capsule from his hand, he stared back. It was a healthy competition, the one who blinks first will lose-
"Achoo- chu-" she sneezed rather unexpectedly making Kai victorious.
"I hate you," she mumbled glaring at him as she took the med- sticking her tongue out to him as the harsh taste of medicine could be felt down her throat.
"Love you too, Cinder."
"I was not even half as troublesome as you are right now when you were down with that stomach bug 6 months ago- I even allowed you to read those documents in bed and this is how you repay me for my kindness?"
"I repay in kindness- Come here, you can have the cuddles as your reward."
This time she kept some tissues nearby just in case and as revenge kept her very cold hand on Kai's bare torso. It did not look like it bothered him- he just snuggled closer to her, making sure that her hand was as much on her as on him.
"I can't believe it's already been two years since we married!" she blurted out.
"Quite hard to digest even after 2 years of marriage!- Sometimes my heart can't handle the sight of you in the morning- so peaceful and lovely," he declared.
"And you look so good at night when you scrunch your nose yawning- you look so adorable with those puppy eyes you make!" she added.
"Remember that time when Torin had almost found us hiding in the library trying to skip the staff maintenance meeting?" he asked.
"It was not much hiding, Kai- like he could have tracked us within seconds if he wanted to... I think he was hiding as well," she replied, remembering how Torin had spent so long trying to find them in the library even when they were loud enough to be found by anyone.
"Yeah, and when he did that toast for you after you had check-mated Camilla at her own games, I can't forget how proud he looked of you."
"Well, you had helped and I did not do much if you would not have been there to-"
""Oh, don't flatter me! It was you who stole the whole show that day. Vargas was so happy someone had skived Camilla after all these years," He chuckled and continued to add, "Stars, the toast that Thorne made-"
"No, Kai! I don't wanna remember it- I'm so happy he would not be teasing me tomorrow, I'm gonna use the 'sick' card if he embarrasses me like that again."
"He was so funny-"
"That humour traumatized me for life!"
"Well, he outdid himself that one time."
Recalling her friend's more than bizarre speech at their wedding she smiled fondly, her gaze falling on the large clock in their bedroom.
"Kai it's almost 12," she pointed out.
"Oh! yeah- quite late, uhm- er-early?" he sputtered.
"It's our anniversary!" she exclaimed with joy.
"Do you think we can make a toast? like is it okay for you to have wine?" he questioned for her approval and well-being.
"I don't think a glass of wine will worsen my flu, so why not?"
"Okay, I will fetch it before it the clock strikes 12," he said, already moving out to get the bottle of red wine they had stashed somewhere in the adjacent kitchen they had made in their chambers since they had been engaged. Cinder did not really like going to the Palace's kitchen every time she had a strong craving for some midnight snacks. Besides it was too far from their and Cinder was not really very happy about that- she liked cooking, scratch that- she liked seeing Kai cook and eat the delicacies he made.
Kai walked few minutes before it was midnight, trying to balance the two glasses and the bottle.
"Here let me help," she said, taking the bottle from his hand, uncorking it while he held the glasses for her to pour into. Having poured both their glasses to an acceptable amount, they turned to the clock waiting in anticipation for the final hour of the day to end.
"Wanna say something?"
"Not yet!"
And as the digits changed to zeroes, they looked at each other and said, "Here's to the two years of marriage and togetherness-"
"- and many more that will come!"
"To my charming husband,"
"To my loving wife,"
The clink of the glass was unheard over their words.
"To us!"
A/N: I think you deserve fluff after the torture that I gave you! Here's nice married Kaider fluff for you guys.
The person named 'Suho' is none other than Torin's husband and I like to imagine Kai cooking and doing all sort of domestic stuff, even when he is the Emperor. This fic had wholesome amount of fluff, and sickness in it. I have really written so many shots this week- have been quite productive this month thanks to Ship Week.
Be sure to comment and vote!
Taglist: @cinderswrench @gingerale2017 @linhcinder686 @shellyseashell @ladyvesuvia @shelbylmkaider @levanariddle @cindersassasin @kaider-is-my-otp (Tell me if you wanna be added/removed)
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joheun-saram · 4 years
Christmas Under Wraps (ksj)
Tumblr media
Summary- You always wanted to work in a small town, and when you finally got matched to a small hospital in Alaska for your one year sabbatical you never would’ve thought you’d be in a place where everyone believed Santa was real. Mass hysteria or magic? Only time will tell.
word count- 12k
pairing- nurse!Seokjin x doctor!Reader
rating- R
genre- fluff, smut
warnings- very bad puns, me having no knowledge of Alaska, cheating, shitty parents, mentions of the horrendous Mario movie, softdom!Jin, whiny!Jin, explicit sex, oral sex (f and m receiving), edging (kinda), multiple orgasms, too many references to Santa
a.n- Part of @suhdays​ Hallmark Holiday Collab! Please check other beautiful holiday pieces written by some amazing writers. Full disclosure, this fic took me more than a month to write, mostly because I have only seen like three Christmas movies, and one of them was Die Hard and the other was Nightmare before Christmas, so please let me know what you think! Was this Christmasy enough for you? 
s/o to the amazing @namyoongles​ for the banner! ily! 💕
As always feedback appreciated. Send me an ask! 💌
“Mr Henderson, I really need you to watch your carbohydrate intake. Your blood sugar indicates pre-diabetes and with your history of angina, it really is important that you keep this in check. I’m going to need you to do a monthly fasting glucose check for the next three months so we see some results. Okay?”
You look over at the smiling overweight septuagenarian seated in front of you. Mr Henderson was one of your favourite patients, one of the few you knew well enough to remember even his grandchildren’s name. You loved that. Being a doctor in a busy hospital in Manhattan made making a lasting connection with a patient a rare occurrence, and although you were worried about his health, you were happy you the last appointment of your five years of residency was with someone you knew.
“Doc, I’m old. A little dessert never hurt anyone huh?” Mr Henderson joked, as he patted his stomach, the buttons of his shirts working hard to keep it together.
“I’m serious, Mr Henderson,” you speak sternly, looking up from your iPad screen at the man in front of you, just as your attending walks in through the door.
“Well, Mr Henderson you better listen to Dr. Y/L/N. She’s the best we’ve got and she will keep calling you in for appointments even if she isn’t here!” She adjusts her glasses, her hands in the pockets of her lab coat, as the two delve into a conversation about her upcoming retirement. You were sad to see your mentor and friend retire, but if you were being honest, it was that fact that gave you the courage to make your big move. 
Your colleagues and friends were shocked when you announced that you were moving to Alaska. You had always been the top of your program and had an assortment of top specialization programs to choose from. In fact, your father was the most shocked. He expected you to follow his footsteps and specialize in internal medicine from the prestigious program at John Hopkins. He had even spoken to one of his friends on the admission board to ensure your acceptance. 
He almost choked on his dinner when you mentioned that you had accepted the family medicine specialization program in the small town of Elophtron in Alaska. He was livid, having never even heard of the town, let alone the program, deeming it unworthy of his 28 year old prodigy. But that’s the thing. You were twenty eight. There was no way you would let your father, or anyone for that matter, dictate what to do with your career. 
The only person who seemed to support your decision was your long term boyfriend, Jiho, who seemed ecstatic at the news. He was the first person you told. You were nervous when you broke the news, the two of you had been a little distant the past few months, but your worries were assuaged when he pulled you in a tight hug excitedly telling you how proud he was of you. He knew how much you wanted to take a break from the city, and seeing his enthusiastic support made you confident you were making the right move.
Born and raised in New York City, the overcrowded bustle of the city thrummed through your veins. While you did pride yourself on being a true New Yorker, you would be lying if you said that you were happy here. It was easy to be lost here, to be forgotten amongst the millions of faces crossing the streets. As often as the city lights cheered you up, they also suffocated you. 
The city was cold, a criss cross of concrete and beautiful glass towers housing lonely, selfish souls that didn’t mind tripping over the people sleeping in the streets. People here craved to be noticed, craved to live lavishly, and while you were born into what most craved, what you wanted was the solace of a town where everyone knew each other. A town where you could make lasting relationships that didn’t rely on your last name or where you graduated from.  Elopthron, although a terribly sci-fi sounding town name, was your reprieve from the smog filled mundane.
The days leading up to your departure were full of excitement. You packed quickly, your closet surprisingly fitting into two bags that barely avoided the baggage limit. Your friends hosted a cute little going away party, full of champagne and promises to visit, while your parents hosted a cold dinner, full of lectures and judgement. As your flight landed in Juneau, your heart was beating with nerves. This specialization was at the town’s only hospital, the fact that all the town’s medical talent was under one roof had you excited to learn. Not only that, but the program stated that you would get the opportunity to run things and you couldn’t wait to put your leadership skills to the test again - you were the chief resident at your old hospital and you couldn’t say that the role didn’t suit you.
Collecting your bags, albeit with a little struggle, you reach the doors to the arrivals where the hospital had told you to meet the driver. That is another thing about this dream opportunity, they not only ensured you had a ride into town, but even provided you with your own apartment. To your shock, the driver you meet takes you not to a car but another plane, a small little thing that shakes with every gust of wind. 
It makes you nervous, the shaking rattling your heart around your chest, but the view of the snow covered mountains takes your breath away. You were never one to swoon over nature, preferring your apartment to the hiking trips Jiho got excited about, but seeing the fresh untouched snow stirred something in you. It promised fresh starts and unchartered challenges, and that made your heart beat faster in anticipation.
The feeling didn’t subside even when you made yourself comfortable in your new apartment. The warm wooden finishing was a stark contrast to the metal of your home in Manhattan and as you started the fire before hanging your clothes in the small wardrobe in the corner of your room, you couldn’t stop the grin etching across your features. You were finally here.
The apartment was on the first floor of a two storey complex. It was much smaller than your expansive home, but instead of suffocating it felt cozy. The front door opened to a small hallway furnished simply with a cute oak shoe rack and a full length mirror. It led to an open concept kitchen and living room, separated by a breakfast island. The living room had a large fireplace, stack of wood next to it, and a large yellow couch opposite it. Furnishing was minimal, but your bedroom boasted a large queen sized bed, anchored on each side by matching nightstands and a wardrobe in the corner. 
It was everything you didn’t know you craved as you settled in your bed for the night, noting to thank the hospital for even providing the bedding. As you stared at the wooden slats that decorated the ceiling of your bedroom, you felt comforted. It was unlike your home, where the high ceilings made you feel cold and alone, even when Jiho stayed over. Perhaps you needed this new beginning more than you thought.
The morning was not as serene however, as you somehow managed to turn off your alarm without waking up and were running half an hour behind schedule when you realised you didn’t have a coffee maker. Scrambling out into the cold early December weather you pulled your expensive but utterly useless coat around you as you followed your map app to the closest and seemingly only coffee shop on the one strip of shops the town boasted.
Checking the time to see you still had about half an hour till work started, you slowed down a little to take in the surroundings. Quaint did not cover how cute the small town was. The main strip was a large two way street with a row of little independently owned shops on either side with names such as Once Upon a Book, A Nick in Time, and Thorns and Roses. You didn’t know what these shops housed, although you could guess some, and you couldn’t wait to explore. The cutest thing about the shops was how festive everything looked, fairy lights strung everywhere, mistletoe and wreaths in every window. Like you had stepped into the Grinch’s nightmare, and it was barely October. This might possibly be the most fairytale like town you’d ever stepped foot into. 
You easily located the small coffee shop, chuckling at the ostentatious pink board reading Bean There. It seemed more like an 70’s style diner than a coffee shop, filled with small vinyl tables, each with a small Christmas tree on it. Making your way to the counter, you ordered your usual, blond roast coffee with a splash of almond milk.
“Oh sorry hon. We only have normal coffee and cow’s milk,” the older woman standing behind the cash register answered with a jolly laugh, pouring coffee from a pot into a red to-go cup. Before you could say anything, she continued. “Besides, that’s some hippy stuff. We’ve been drinking cow’s milk for generations and our family has never been healthier! I swear these trends are killing the economy!”
And she talked, going on and on about the benefits of milk giving you no time to interrupt as she poured a copious amount of milk into your coffee making it resemble a latte. You were about to give up and forego the coffee this morning till someone behind you decided to speak up.
“Doris! What did we say about forcing the tourists to drink your farm’s milk?” You followed the deep, joyous voice to its owner, blinking a few times as you registered the tall, dark haired man behind you. Oh and what a man he was. 
Dressed in black skinny jeans and a red flannel shirt under a fur-lined denim jacket, your eyes zeroed in on his broad shoulders. The instant attraction you felt to this stranger had heat rising up your neck. Emboldened by the fact that you would probably not see this stranger again, you let your eyes roam his body, biting your lip slightly, till your eyes met his, a small smirk on his lips. Clearing your throat you awkwardly stepped forward.
“It’s okay. No problem, Doris, was it?”
“No no. You want almond milk, you get almond milk! Doris I know for a fact you have it back there!” The stranger stops you from grabbing the drink on the counter, a hand held up.
“Seokjin! I see how it is! Just because a pretty girl wants almond milk, you share but not when Jeremy wanted to try it.” Doris huffs, straightening her bright yellow apron.
“Jeremy was drinking it as a dare, and I’d rather not waste one of the ten cartons that Dosey orders every month on stupidity.”
“Um… Really it’s fine! I’m going to be late for work so… thank you!” You try to escape. As much as your lactose intolerant gut was wincing at the thought of almond milk, you had spent way more time here than you planned.
“Wait, work? Hon you’re not a tourist at all! Where are you working?” It seemed you only made the conversation more interesting as Doris looked at you beaming.
“At the hospital?”
“You’re the new doctor? Oh my! Welcome Doc! We’re so excited to have you here! I suppose you’ll be seeing a lot of Seokjin then!” She slapped the stranger, Seokjin you suppose, on the shoulder as he stares at you with wide eyes before catching himself and clearing his throat.
“Doris! Will you just make the pretty doctor her drink then? Mine too please!” He leans on the counter and you can’t help but steal another glance at him. He really was oddly beautiful.
“Sure hon! Here you go!” Doris chuckled as she placed two coffees on the counter and you’re pleased to see yours looking exactly how you prefer. You take out your wallet before Seokjin stops you.
“Don’t worry about it. Put it on my tab Doris. Here, let me walk you to work.” He guides you out of the little cafe, a hand hovering near the small of your back.
“I’m sure you have better things to do. I’ll be fine.”
“Oh it’s no problem at all. I’m going there myself.” 
“Oh. Are you a resident?” You did not expect that. By his attire you assumed he worked some manual labour, and by his face you assumed he worked as a model. Somehow you couldn’t picture seeing this man living at a library like you had your years of schooling.
“Nope. Head nurse. So Doris is right, you’ll be seeing me a lot.” He grinned at you, his cheeks puffing up in a way that made you want to poke them. What was in the air in this town? You needed to get a grip on yourself.
“Oh nice to meet you then! I’m -”
“Dr. Y/L/N from New York, right?” Seokjin cut you off before you could finish, looking at you over the lip of his cup as he sipped his coffee, casually guiding you down the main street towards the hospital.
“Right… Seokjin?”
“Yup. Kim Seokjin. How are you liking our little town so far?” He seemed genuinely interested and you smiled. It felt oddly comfortable even if you had inklings of butterflies swarming your belly.
“I love it. It’s really beautiful!”
“Oh wow. Didn’t expect a New Yorker to like it here. You know it’s always cold, right?” he smirked, slowing down as you reached a cute little pink house, before stopping completely.
“I can handle the cold. Wait, this is the hospital?” You looked at the house. It looked more like something a grandma would reside in than a hospital. You were used to glass buildings and top of the art hospitals. As you entered, the door opened to a large waiting area with faded vinyl chairs and a reception desk. It was cozy, but you couldn't believe this was the only hospital in town.
“The one and only. The town’s going to be so excited to finally have a doctor 
again!” His words made you sputter, almost choking on your coffee.
“What do you mean, finally? Where are the other doctors?”
“You’re it!” He grinned.
This was not according to plan. You were here to learn. Learn from people much more well-versed in medicine than you were. You did not expect to be the only doctor. Even if the town only had around 2,000 people, it was still outrageous that you would be the only person treating them, and in this small house. Does this place even have any imaging machines?!
As the day went on, your nerves only increased. Seokjin introduced you to the other people who worked at the hospital. There were only three others, two orderly, and another nurse. There were more people in your friend group of residents back home. This was scary, and as you laid in bed that night, all you wanted to do was talk to Jiho and get comforted. He didn't pick up, and you counted the slates on your ceiling to fall asleep, pushing your mind to rest no matter how alone you felt all of a sudden.
Turns out you were not that alone. Within a month you had finally gotten into the groove of things. Your five-person team gelled together pretty fast, and soon you could anticipate each other's moves and even talk without words. Running a hospital, however, was not all you had cracked it up to be in your head. Although you didn't see too many patients daily, the paperwork kept you way past dinner most days. If it weren’t for Seokjin’s insistence to leave at the same time as you, you might as well had moved into your office.
All in all, it was nice. The town had welcomed you with open arms, and it was exactly what you were looking for when you left Manhattan - a place where everyone knew your name and not because of who your family was, where you could walk into a coffee shop and they'd know your order, where you knew your neighbours and attended extravagantly cheesy block parties. Elopthron had its quirks, how almost everyone here put way too much emphasis on Christmas, adults even going as far as pretending Santa Claus was real for the kids all the time. You weren’t kidding, one time a middle aged patient insisted on not ordering the brace he needed because he knew Santa would bring him one on Christmas. When you told Jenny, the other nurse, to do a psych evaluation, she just shook her head in amusement, thinking you were joking. “Of course Santa is real, Dr. Y/L/N. Here in Elophtron, Santa comes every Christmas with presents!” she had insisted, leaving you baffled. This town was absolutely bonkers, but it was starting to feel like home.
The only thing stopping you from feeling fully content was the fact that your parents were still icing you out and somehow regardless of being only four hours out of sync, Jiho and you had barely communicated this month. You would think you were being ghosted if it weren’t for his sporadic one liners.
You sighed as you looked over the budget for the month, the numbers somehow refusing to add up as you looked at your phone, the Instagram notification lighting it up. You could use a break, so you decide to scroll through your feed, only to stop abruptly at Jiho's new post.
Love my baby so much! Happy four months, beautiful.
It was a cute caption, if it weren't for the fact that you and Jiho had been dating for over four years, your anniversary was in March, and that he was kissing a stunning blond that you didn't recognize in the picture.
You looked at the picture again, closing the app and starting it again, just in case it was a glitch. Nope, apparently, Jiho had broken up with you and forgot to tell you. You could feel the tears pricking your eyes, but they weren't because of sadness. Oh no, you were furious. No wonder that fucker was so excited about your move.
You let out a huge groan, throwing your phone across the room, as you stood up and kicked your desk, tears now freely flowing. You couldn't believe the nerve. You hadn't expected this from him. In fact, much like a loser, you were expecting him to propose at Christmas. You thought back at how he had told you he loved you and called you beautiful, much like he was now professing to that new girl and it made your stomach twist. You wanted to break stuff. No, correction, you wanted to break his face.
You didn't realize you were rage pacing until Seokjin appeared in the doorframe, looking at you with wide eyes.
"Everything okay, Y/N?" he asked, stepping in front of you to stop your pacing. In the past month, Seokjin had gotten surprisingly good at reading your moods. It was like he could see a slight change in your micro-expressions and be able to tell whether you need a coffee, a hug, or a walk. You were truly grateful for him, but at this moment you were afraid you were going to take out your anger on him so you tried to calm down. Stopping your pacing, you plastered a smile on your face.
"Yeah. Everything's fine. Don't worry. Why are you still here?" Seokjin, however, didn't buy your flimsy excuse and pulled you in a hug. You felt yourself instantly calm. It was oddly intimate. He had hugged you before, but never like this. His arms were tight around your frame as your face met his chest, enveloping you in his vanilla scent. Your attraction to Seokjin had faded slowly over time, but right now as he tightened his grip around you in an effort to comfort you, your heart skipped a beat.
With your rage fast diminishing, all you had left was your heartbreak as you slowly started to cry in his chest. He didn't question you. His usually talkative personality, giving way to an understanding silence as he slowly rubbed your back.
When it seemed that you had calmed down, Seokjin pulled away, looking at you with concern. Without asking you for details, he suggested going on a drive. You accepted, knowing that if you just went home all you would do is wallow. You let him drive you to a burger joint, picking up your favorites, before getting back in his truck. The two of you drove for what seemed a long time, the food getting cold as soft pop music played in the background.
He never once pushed you to talk, letting you take in the trees lining the highway, as you watched the snow glittering in the moonlight on the banks. Finally, he stopped the truck, getting out before opening the door for you, taking your hand as you stepped down from the height.
The view blew you away. He had driven you to a field of sorts, getting the back of his truck ready with some blankets. But it wasn't the pine-lined field that took your breath away, it was the sky. Above you the navy hues of the night were alight in colour, pinks and greens blooming like waves in the sea. Stars prickled through occasionally as the weave of colours danced slowly, mesmerizing you. You don't know how long you stared at it in awe, but when you turned around, he was already sitting on the back of the truck, under a blanket, your food being taken out of bags.
He speaks for the first time when you settle next to him.
"You want to talk now?"
"I don't know." You shrug, rattling the ice in your cup as you swirl around your drink.
"It's okay if you don't want to. Just... do you need to go back?" He seemed hesitant, almost disappointed, as he asked. It was endearing how much he cared about the town not being left without a doctor.
"No. Definitely not." You said firmly, staring at the sky, missing the way he smiled at you in relief. The last thing you wanted to do right now was go back to Manhattan so your parents could tell you how you failed and accidentally run into Jiho and his blonde. Hoping to deflect the conversation, you looked at Seokjin, his cheeks puffed as he took a big bite of his burger. "Seokjin, can you tell me something about yourself?"
"What do you want to know?" He says, sipping his drink.
"I don't know. Anything."
"Hmm... well I'm a nurse and I’m the most handsome man in the world." He laughed, clapping his hands slowly as if applauding his own wit. You rolled your eyes, unable to fight the smile that made its way to your lips.
"Oh my god, you dork! Tell me something real. Tell me a secret." You bumped him with your shoulder.
"If I tell you a secret, will you tell me what's wrong?" You hummed, eyes wide in anticipation as you munched on your cold fries. "Well. I secretly kind of hate this small-town life."
His answer shocked you. In the month you’ve known Seokjin, he has been this little town’s biggest fan. With the number of people who greet him, and routinely give him presents, you don’t doubt he could easily be elected mayor. In fact, the chief of police even suggested using him as the town’s mascot, for crying out loud. 
“If you hate it why are you here?”
“Did you know I lived in San Francisco for ten years till last year?” You did not. You couldn’t imagine Seokjin amongst those tech snobs, nor could you imagine him in anything not flannel. “Yeah. I loved it. I worked at this amazing hospital and went out to all these clubs. I was kind of a party animal.” He chuckled, looking at his lap fondly as he picked at the blanket.
“Why come back?”
“Well… my family established this town. We were the first ones here and well I promised my dad when he died that I’d help continue the little traditions in this town.” He shrugged, his mouth a lopsided smile. “Promised him I’d raise my kids here. Family comes before fun.”
“That’s… wow. You must really respect your dad, enough to change your life for him,” you spoke softly, leaning into his lap a little to place your hand over his. “It must have been hard to lose him.”
“It was, but I hope I’m making him proud.” He gave you a genuine smile as he squeezed your hand, before tapping it. “Now enough about my emo self! Are you going to tell me what’s wrong now?”
And so you did. You spent probably three hours out in the cold, before calling it a night. You told him about Jiho and how he broke your heart, and he related by telling you about his own ex that had broken their engagement when he suggested the relocation. Spending time with Seokjin was comfortable, it was easy. There was something about him that warms you up, like hot chocolate on a snowy night.
You hadn’t been that vulnerable around anyone in a while. Your life in New York was calculated, you never knew who you could trust, and so you trusted no one. It felt oddly freeing to be able to talk about your heartbreak and insecurities with Seokjin, and after that night under the aurora borealis, you both became closer. Before, you would only see each other at work, but since then you had been hanging out outside of work a lot. Sometimes the two of you would grab dinner at the local diner, or he would pick you up for working, grabbing coffee and flirting with Doris shamelessly for freebies. The more you spent time with Seokjin, the more you realized how different he was from what you had assumed.
When you first got to know Seokjin, you thought he was hardworking and amiable, but now you knew his dorky side. The side that would come up after a glass of wine, when he would start cracking lame dad jokes, clapping his hands, and laughing at himself. The side that got especially shy, ears turning a bright red, every time you complimented him on anything, be it his work ethic, or a nice new shirt he bought. The side that would go on and on about the Mario universe, regaling you with details about why Wario was misunderstood, or why the movie should only be watched when wasted otherwise it was a waste.
To be honest, you never knew there was even a Mario movie, and when you told him such he gasped loudly, grabbing you by your shoulders and excitedly making plans to watch it together. You wouldn't tell anyone but with your newfound friendship with Seokjin, he had also gotten very comfortable touching you. Maybe it was the aftereffect of being so vulnerable around him that one time or the fact that you were trying to get over Jiho, but every time he pulled you into a hug or brushed past you it made your heart skip a beat. You controlled the flush slowly creeping up your neck, as you shrugged his hands off your shoulders and solidified your plans to watch the movie together.
True to his word, Seokjin showed up at your house with a case of beers, a local microbrew full of hops that made your tongue sing. Halfway through the movie, you had no idea what was happening, Mario and Luigi, who had terribly fake accents, by the way, jumping through trying to save the damsel in distress in what looked like an acid trip. The alcohol didn't help as the plot got more convoluted, but that didn't stop Seokjin from excitedly trying to help you decipher it.
You don't know when it happened, but his arm was around you, casually draped where your head met the couch, his fingers lightly caressing your shoulder as he sipped his beer. You took another sip of yours trying to calm yourself. No matter how many times you tried to focus on the colours exploding on the screen, all you could think about was your hammering heart as your skin heated up under his innocent touch. It wasn't when he abruptly pulled his arm away from you that you were broken out of reverie.
"So what did you think?" He asked excitedly, turning on the couch towards you, a leg moving up and under his other. You hadn't even realized the movie ended. Did they save the princess? Or was it their business they were trying to save? What was this movie even about?
"Um... it was something," you commented, hoping that the vague answer would satisfy him, as you chugged the rest of your beer.
"It's cause you're not drunk enough! Y/N! I told you, you had to get wasted to like this movie!" He whined, clumsily opening another bottle and handing it to you. You weren't drunk, he was right. You were on the right side of tipsy, just on the edge of jumping into oblivion. Seokjin on the other hand, seemed much more ahead of you as he struggled with the bottle opener.
Chuckling, you reached out and put your hands over his, helping him uncap his bottle. You didn't notice how close you had gotten until he whispered thanks and his breath ghosted the skin of your nose. Looking up, your breath hitched as you saw the look in his eyes. Usually filled with mirth, it was jarring to see him looking at you with want, his long dark hair falling into his eyes as they traced your features. You saw his eyes linger on your lips and all you could do was blink. You knew you should move away, he was coworker and friend, but you froze, the two of you lost in the silence.
He made the first move, bringing his hand to your face tentatively. You leaned into it, sighing a little, and that's when you felt his lips on yours. Soft, plush lips that you had imagined more than a few times this past month, molded around yours. The kiss was shy, a little soft as his thumb caressed your flushing cheek. Your hands still on top of his on the beer tightened as you deepened the kiss, and he followed, grunting slightly, his hand moving to the back of your head, angling it a little. You mewled when his tongue licked at your lip, granting him access as it roamed your mouth, easily taking charge as your heart exploded within your chest. You hadn't been kissed like this before, the balance of gentle and domineering, making your knees weak. You were glad you were seated because otherwise, you'd be on the floor.
You don't know how long you were kissing, but the spell was broken as his phone rang, making him pull away abruptly, lips swollen and face red. It took everything in you to not go in for seconds as your mouth followed his. He didn't oblige you though, as he pulled away, resting his hand on your waist as he reached for his phone.
"It's my mom. I'm sorry," he apologized with a pout that did not help how you were feeling. Finding it hard to speak, you simply nodded as if in a daze. His wide, grateful smile made you turn to putty as he answered, only to frown. Quickly ending the call, he grabbed your face and kissed you again, hard but quick, taking your breath away.
"I have to go. I'm so sorry." He looked at you, his forehead pressed against yours, as you blinked. Standing up from the couch, you straightened your t-shirt, as you walked him to the door. He stopped in front of it, his arms around your waist as he pulled you into a hug, making you smile. You felt like a teenager who got to kiss their crush, it was bizarre. Pecking your lips a few times, he bid you goodbye, waving as he walked off, leaving his truck in your driveway.
Shutting the door, you giggled giddily, forgetting all about your earlier worries of maintaining a professional decorum, as your fingertips grazed your lips, still feeling the touch of his lips. That night he messaged you just once, and you reread the text over and over as you fell asleep.
Thanks for watching that stupid movie with me tonight. Can't wait to continue where we left off ;)
The next day you were extremely excited to go to work, changing your outfit multiple times before settling on a pretty pastel pink dress and leaving your apartment, noticing the truck was no longer in your driveway. Stopping by to grab a cup of coffee, you greeted Doris.
“Hi Doc! Happy last day to send Santa a letter!” she chirped as he poured your order. You shook your head in amusement. This was by far the weirdest aspect of this town. They were all so obsessed with Christmas, grown adults refusing to talk about how Santa doesn’t exist. It would be endearing, charming in a way if it weren’t for the fact that Bean There was the location where they collected these letters to Santa, and it was full of people scrambling to write. You would think it would be mostly kids, but you could spot Mr. Hernandez, a sixty year old retired lumberjack, scribbling away, as well as Molly, the recent college graduate. It seemed the town had no age limit when it came to believing in Christmas miracles. 
“Doris, I don’t know what’s in the air here, but you guys know Santa isn’t real right?” you whispered, not wanting to incite a full out riot, like you accidentally did when you first moved and made the same comment. Either this town was very much into the spirit of things or you were just too late to catch up to the mass group hysteria everyone seemed to be a part of.
“Y/N! You just have to believe, hon. I’m telling you every year, whatever you write on those letters comes through. I mean you can’t ask Santa for love or anything but anything material comes! Always. How else do you explain that?” You frowned as she pushed your coffee towards you. Sure, you didn’t have a logical explanation for that but that doesn’t mean Santa was real. However, you were in a great mood this morning, looking forward to seeing Seokjin, and so you acquiesced to Doris when she waved a piece of paper, writing the first thing that came to your head which was a snowglobe, since the shelves behind the counter was lined with about a thousand. You could use a cute one to put on your desk, if Santa was in fact real.
When you walked into the hospital, coffee in hand and pep in your step, you looked around for the familiar mop of dark hair, half expecting a ho ho ho, or some cheerful Christmas pun Seokjin usually pulled out in the morning, but you were met with an empty lobby. Even his office was empty. It was odd. He was usually the first one in after you. 
Walking into your office you felt your earlier excitement twist into nerves. What if he regretted last night? What if he thought you were unprofessional? But he had texted you, surely he couldn’t regret it too much, could he? Oh! He was so drunk last night. He probably regrets it and now finds it awkward to be around you. Technically he was your subordinate, so were you now one of those creepy bosses they show on television? Inviting your employees to your house to get them drunk and make them kiss you? This was bad. Your thoughts raced through your mind as you tried to focus on today’s schedule in front of you, before, thankfully, Jenny broke through them.
“Hey Y/N. I’ll be taking over Seokjin’s workload while he’s on vacation. Is there anything in particular you need help with today? Otherwise I’m just gonna follow the notes he left behind.” 
“Vacation?” you stammered, clearing your throat and taking another sip of your drink.
“Yeah. He takes the ten days before Christmas off every year. Something about a family obligation.” She shrugged.
“Oh. He didn’t tell me.” You tried your best to not sound disappointed.
“It’s been on the calendar for years, doc.” Jenny chuckled as she walked out of your office, leaving you confused as you went to check the employee calendar and lo and behold, there it was ‘Kim Seokjin on vacation’, staring at you. You were annoyed. You expected at least some notice. Did he think he could just kiss you and then go off to wherever he was. Fuming, you opened your phone to text him.
So when were you going to tell me you were away for the rest of the month?
You waited a few minutes, staring at the screen, but when the message still showed unread you gave up and did what you do best when people piss you off. You worked. And you continued working for the whole week, till you were fed up with Seokjin. He had seemed so caring and then to ghost you out of nowhere? Sure, you can expect that perhaps his vacation slipped his mind, but did he suddenly lose his fingers? He couldn’t do you the courtesy of sending a text when you had left on what you thought were nothing but good terms? “Continue where we left off”, your ass.
It was two days to Christmas and you were bored. You parents had decided that since you were away, they were going to go on a cruise. Sick of scrolling endlessly through social media, envying your friends, you decided to take a walk to the only place open 24 hours in this town, the diner. It was 2 am and you didn’t think you would see anyone other than Mark, the friendly twenty-year old whose family owned the place.
You were enjoying your plate of fries, and a milkshake when the little bell above the door grabbed your attention off your phone and in walked the last person you expected to see - Kim Seokjin. He was dressed casually as always, his black parka over a white hooded sweater and dark jeans. It didn’t seem like he noticed you, waltzing over to the register to order a coffee as he sat on a stool, waiting for the fresh pot to brew.
Seeing his face, made you stupidly angry. You knew rationally that he didn’t owe you anything, you were just friends. Friends who shared a pretty nice kiss, but you were friends, you had no claim over him, but you still found yourself fuming and getting up from your booth to march over to him.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you spoke in a normal volume, but Seokjin jumped high, his eyes widening as he put his hand on his chest, staring at you.
“Y/N! Um… what are you doing here so late?” He asked, his eyes shifting around, looking anywhere but at you.
“That’s all you have to say to me?” You crossed your arms, wanting answers.
“I can explain! I swear it is not what you think!” He jumped up from the stool, arms in front of him as he tried fruitlessly to calm you down.
“What is it, then? Did you lose your phone? Did you lose your head?” You scoffed, fully knowing that your comeback was far from witty, but you could barely think, indignation mapped onto your features.
“It’s not that… it’s just… I don’t know how to tell you. I don’t even know if I can.” He rubbed the back of his head, his ears turning red, as they usually did when he was embarrassed. Seeing his demeanour suddenly made the pieces click in your head. There was only one reason people ghosted each other. It was a rejection. You felt your face heat up at the realization, feeling like you were going to cry. Oh, this was bad. You couldn’t believe you were about to shed tears over a kiss. You needed to get out of here.
“No need. It’s okay. I’m a big girl. I can take a hint.” You said quickly, your voice seemingly calm given the situation as you zipped up your parka and walked out of the diner, ignoring his calls of your name. If he really needed to explain himself, he could have followed you, but you walked the ten minutes to your apartment alone, burying yourself under the covers once inside. You didn’t realize that unwittingly you had been thinking about your future with Seokjin, picturing dates and waking up together when all he had been doing was figuring out a way to gently let you down. You decided to let yourself feel the sting, dampening your pillow cases, finding that somehow this hurt more than what Jiho did. Who knew the kind, wholesome small town boy could hurt you worse than a cold lawyer from New York?
Having no close friends yet in town and not wanting to burden the nice people who invited you to their homes, you decided to pretend that you were going to New York over the holidays. You stocked up on enough groceries to get you through the New Years and decided to hide out in your apartment. You spent your time cleaning your apartment, doing skincare, reading the latest medical journals, and binging the Crown on Netflix. 
On Christmas morning, you decided to treat yourself for brunch, making an obscenely large stack of pancakes, piling it high with fruit and chocolate chips, and drowning it in maple syrup. Foregoing dressing up, you sat on your living room floor in your festive pajamas as you watched the political ongoing of the royal family, and enjoyed your sugar loaded creation. However, before you could truly dig into your pancakes, you were interrupted by a knock on the door.
You didn’t know who would be knocking at your door this early and on Christmas. You weren’t expecting anyone and everyone knew you were supposed to be out of town. Sighing you begrudgingly rise as the tempo of the knocks increased. Huffing you opened the door to be greeted by none other than Kim Seokjin, dressed in the ugliest Christmas sweater you had the misfortune of seeing and jeans, with a campy Santa hat atop his dark hair. The forest green Christmas sweater, adorned with a stuffed Rudolph and what seemed like real mistletoe, also apparently lit up, the twinkling red and green lights on it glowed in the morning sun as little flurries collected in Seokjin’s hair. 
Regardless of the terrible wardrobe choice, you couldn’t deny the sudden pull you felt towards him, your heart skipping a beat at seeing him on your doorstep with a small box wrapped in shiny paper. However, you were nothing if not determined, so you schooled your initial wide eyed expression into a glare as you crossed your arms across your chest and leaned into the door frame.
“What are you doing here?”
“Came to give you your present.” Seokjin smiled as he brought the gift towards you, making you scoff and roll your eyes.
“Seokjin, I don’t want you or your presents.”
“Not gonna lie, that kind of hurts.” He scratches the back of his head nervously, sending his hat askew as he sways a little on his feet, unsure of how to proceed.
“Good,” you say as you move to close the door on his face. Not going to lie, you were pretty proud of your resolve. Before you could fully shut the door, Seokjin put his hand out to stop it, jumping a little when he saw the cold look in your eye. Stepping back sheepishly, he cleared his throat.
“Please Y/N. Just let me explain.”
“Go ahead.” Still holding the door half closed, you stared at him, your resolve melting as he seemingly shivered outside.
“Can I at least come in? It’s kind of cold.” You rolled your eyes again, and acquiesced. Not because you wanted to hear him or be near him, but because he looked kind of pitiful shaking in the cold in a sweater that didn’t seem built for the Alaskan winter. Stepping aside you let him in your hallway, leaning against the wall, your patience at an all time low.  “Okay. So… um… how do I even start this?”
“Seokjin. Just say you don’t like me and go. It’s Christmas. The least you can do is be straightforward.” His stammering was infuriating. It made you want to kick him. However, as the words came out of your mouth, Seokjin looked shocked, his eyebrows disappearing beneath his bangs as his mouth flew open. It was a pretty funny sight, and if you were less angry you would’ve chuckled.
“Why do you think I don’t like you? What?”
“Hmm… Let’s see you got drunk, you kissed me and then you disappeared! Like poof!” You gestured in the air with your hand, trying to make the point more apparent.
“Well that’s what I am trying to explain!” And now he was gesturing, his hand with the box rising in the air.
“Oh my god,” you groaned.
“Just open this. It will help start my explanation.” He took your hand in his and placed the box on top of it. You eyed him suspiciously as you began to unwrap the iridescent paper. Inside the box was a snowglobe, the scene inside showing a field full of flowers with a small truck with two people on the hood. When you shook it, it came alive with glitter and tiny styrofoam flurries. It was very cute and very reminiscent of the night Seokjin and you first became friends. You loved it, but it wouldn’t be you if you weren’t petty enough to hide your true emotions to look at him with disdain.
“A snowglobe? Okay? So?”
“Don’t you wanna know how I knew you wanted this?” He spoke slow, his words and spaced out as he frowned at your scowl.
“I didn’t want this?” You matched his slow pace, enunciating each word as you raised an eyebrow in question. Why did he think you would want a snowglobe of all things? I mean he knew what you really wanted was those cupcakes that Doris only made once a month, you had told him how much you adored them on more than one occasion. If he wanted to be all romantic he could have at least bribed her for some of those!
“But… you asked Santa for it!” he sputtered, jogging your memory to remind you of the throwaway wish you made in the letter to Santa a few days ago.
“So you steal mail now? That’s a federal offence, you know.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“No! No no no. I don’t steal mail. Unless it’s snail mail because it’s easy to catch.” He laughed at his own joke, but seeing your deadpan expression, he backpedaled, nervously running his hands through his hair again. “No? Okay, bad joke. But I didn’t steal it. You sent it to me! I’m Santa!” He was talking more with his hands than his words, waving them around in the air.
“Your excuse is that you’re Santa? How old do you think I am?” you scoffed, moving to push him out of the door, ignoring how solid his bicep felt under that ugly sweater. How was he not getting electrocuted by those stupid lights?
“No please don’t kick me out! I’m telling the truth!” Seokjin planted his feet in the ground turning around and looking at you with wide eyes, the cinnamon depths softening your anger as you sighed. This was so far fetched, the least you could do was hear him out. If nothing else, this would make a great story to share over drinks sometime.
“You have five minutes. And I’m eating my pancakes while you talk.” You let go of him as you walked into your living room, Seokjin close on your heels. You sat on the floor next to the coffee table and he followed suit, sitting much too close to comfort, his thigh grazing yours as he stared at your pile of sugar.
“Oh. Can I have some?” he asked, clearing his throat at your glare as you aggressively cut into a piece before stuffing your face. The nerve... “Sorry! Okay um… so did you think it was weird that the whole town just happened to believe in Santa?”
“I honestly was going to write a paper on mass hysteria, but yes.” You were much more interested now. You always did find the town's dedication to upholding the sanctity of Santa bizarre.
“Well, that’s because for almost a hundred years, people in this town have been getting what they wanted for Christmas, without fail.”
“Because you’re Santa?” You looked at him, waiting for him to explain only to be met with a soft smile as he nodded. His cheeks puffed up with his little smile and it took all of your willpower not to poke at them. Why did he have to be so cute when you were trying to be mad at him. Also, what grown man insists they're Santa? “So where are your elves? Is Rudolph just hiding in your truck?”
“I’ll have you know I’m an elf-made man!” He joked, his pun making you lose control as you let out a light laugh before remembering you were supposed to be mad and trying to hold a neutral expression. Seokjin, on the other hand, made no such effort, a wide grin adorning his features, making his eyes disappear beneath his squishy cheeks. “Hey got you to laugh! But no. No elves. Just me, well, and my family. It’s the family tradition I was talking about. For generations the Kims have been sending people in this town presents on Christmas in secret.”
“Wait how do you even afford this?” This made no sense. How was he buying these expensive presents, and also Santa was Korean? How did his family even hide this for so long? Why were these town people naive enough to believe this? How did he do deliveries? Did he work with Amazon? You had so many questions!
“Um… I’m kind of rich?” he replied sheepishly.
“Kind of? You give 2,000 presents a year!” Your pancakes were forgotten as you swiveled around to face him, your knees touching his thigh, momentarily distracting him as his eyes dropped to where you touched him, before following suit and facing you. The two of you sat cross-legged across from each other as he started what may have been the most useless and longest rant he embarked on since entering your home, talking animatedly as always.
“Yeah… but that’s not the point! The point is the days leading up to Christmas are really hard and this year I had to figure out how to make the drones work and this kid wanted an exact replica of Han Solo’s gun and those are really hard to find and then Mr. Hernadez decided he wanted a rare Amazonian flower. Like where am I supposed to find a flower in December?! And don’t get me started on Doris she-”
“Seokjin. Relax. So you ghosted me because you’re Santa?” You placed your hands on his knees to get him to calm down as his face seemed so red from his rant you were worried you would have to resuscitate him if he didn't take a breath soon. He calmed down exponentially, taking a deep breath and locking his eyes with yours.
“Yeah, and I couldn’t tell you and if I did tell you, you wouldn’t believe me till today anyway. And just… I’m sorry.” He sighed, placing his hand on top of yours on his knee as he held eye contact, and it seemed like you may forever get lost in his irises. He looked at you with such a sorrowful expression, that you weren't sure if the pout of his lips was exaggerated for effect or if it came naturally to him.
“I don’t know what to say… I kind of have regrets” You bit your lip as you gazed back at him with mischief.
“You do? I… I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about the fact that you might not like me back. Oh. I’m an idiot. Okay. I will see you at work. Happy holidays!” He spoke in flurried words as he tried to stand up before you stopped him mid-rise.
“Seokjin wait! That’s not the regret.” You were quick to stop him as he sank back down, a confused look on his face.
“It’s not?”
“No. I regret only asking Santa for a snowglobe! I should’ve asked for a car!” you chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
“Oh sure! What kind? I can get you a car.” He did not miss a beat before picking up his phone and scrolling through what you could only imagine being his gift list. Wait, were the Kims part of the mafia? You really should ask him where he gets all this money from someday. Nurses get paid pretty terribly, so it's definitely not that.
“Seokjin. I was kidding!”
“Oh. I knew that.” He put his phone down as he looked at you, blinking slowly a few times.
“So you like me.” You ask, leaning in slightly with a smirk.
“Yes.” He answered resoundingly, a determined look on his face as he leaned in as well. The two of you only a hair breadth apart.
“Are you going to kiss me again?” You whisper, not wanting to break the sudden shift in the atmosphere, as you looked at his plush lips, before meeting his gaze.
“Do you want me to kiss you again?” His voice was lower, a little strained as he looked at you, his eyes jumping from each feature before settling on your lips.
“Then come sit in Santa’s lap.” He leaned back, patting his lap with a smirk, making you blanch as you pull a disgusted face.
“Okay. I changed my mind.” You leaned back, before he came closer, his hands cupping your face.
“No no! Sorry! I just have always wanted to use Santa puns and you’re the only one outside of my family who knows and I don’t kn-” You cut off his rambling with a kiss, a soft, quick one on his lips that made his breath hitch. He recoiled a little in shock, staring at you before pulling your face to his and crashing your lips together.
This kiss was neither soft, nor short, but a flurry of emotions as you both tried to express what you couldn't in words. His lips were firm against yours as his hands moved down your body to pull you closer by the waist. A soft groan left his lips as you parted yours and he wasted no time starting to explore your mouth, his tongue meeting yours. His plush lips moulded against yours and you couldn’t help the moans that fell out of your mouth. You had missed his mouth against yours, the feeling as refreshing as the crisp sun after a blizzard. He tasted like coffee and you sucked at his tongue with fervour, eliciting a shocked moan from him as his hands left your waist to find your ass, gripping it harshly to pull you into his lap. You wasted no time straddling him, as you grind your core against him, making him groan. He bit your bottom lip as he pulled apart to catch his breath. Staring down at your heaving chest, he traced his hands on your hips, before breaking into a smirk. Gone was the rambling man from earlier, his eyes clouded with lust as he took you in. He leaned closer, his lips on your neck as he kissed from your collarbone peaking through your thin pajama top to your ear.
“Now that you’re finally in Santa’s lap, tell him what you want for Christmas.” He whispered, nipping at your earlobe. Wow, he really was not going to let this go. You groaned in annoyance, cupping his face to pull him away from your ear to face you, ignoring the pout on his face.
“For you to shut up.” You kissed him, tilting his head slightly to give you access, before he pulled away, shaking your hands off his face till they rested on his broad shoulders.
“Come on! Let me have this!” He whined, his pout bigger as he looked at you with puppy eyes. You chuckled at his antics, shaking your head as you leaned in for another kiss, missing the taste of his lips already. His hands moved from your hips to the hem of your shirt, slowly moving up under it, tracing over your ribs, just below the swell of your breasts, leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
Moaning gently, but not one to be outdone, you mirrored his movements, moving your hands down his built chest, feeling the soft material, and groaning in annoyance as you reached the stupid stuffed toy stitched to the centre. You reached the bottom of his sweater, but before you reached under it you pulled away, Seokjin chasing your lips.
“Will this dumb sweater shock me if I put my hands under it?” You huffed and played with the hem of his sweater as he smiled goofily, as if realizing he was wearing it for the first time. The goofy smile didn’t last for long as he moved his hands to cup your chest, massaging gently as he leaned in kissing your sternum, visible from the top button that had somehow loosened during your makeout. 
“The only shock you’ll get is how loud you’ll be screaming my name when you cum.” He pulled on your nipples, making you mewl as you involuntarily arched your back, rolling your hips on his. You felt breathless, and you couldn’t believe his stupid wordplay was making you this wet.
“Big talk for someone whining about Christmas puns.” You moaned out as he tugged harder on your nipples in reprimand, his hands pushing against the fabric, as he bit the sensitive skin of your neck. Forgetting your earlier concerns, your hands go under his shirt, feeling his soft skin, the tiny hair on his abs tickling your fingertip, as you push the sweater as high it would go revealing his golden skin.
“Yule be sorry for doubting me.” He finally gives your sore nipples a rest, as his hands move to pull his sweater off, momentarily getting tangled up in, making you chuckle, which he mistakes for praise aimed at his puns, wiggling his eyebrows as he emerges from the monstrosity. If you weren’t so whipped for him, you would have made him leave. You didn’t know if this was a one off, if he really wanted things to progress or he just wanted sex but all thoughts fell out of your head as his lips reattached to your neck, his hands on your hips making you grind against him as the two of you made out like teenagers at prom.
“I will literally murder you if you make another pun.” You moaned out, losing yourself in his touch, his lips leaving behind blooms on your skin. If he kept moving your hips like this you were going to cum. You grabbed on to his hair as you moaned at the sensation your body lit as your clit grazed his length through the layers of clothing. Your legs shook as the feeling in your stomach tightened and Seokjin chuckled against your neck.
“Yeah murder me with that pussy.” You could feel his grin but all your annoyance was forgotten as you felt yourself let go, mewling his name, your orgasm washing over you in waves, your grip on his hair tightening. 
He kissed you as you came down from your high, his erection solid against you as his tongue explored your mouth. When he pulled away he looked almost crazed, the lust in his half lidded gaze mirroring yours as his hands moved to your top, slowly unbuttoning it. “Fuck that was so hot. Let me unwrap you, baby.” 
He wiggled his eyebrows again as he looked at you. How could this man be this sexy and this dorky was beyond you. Wanting to see him writhe over you, you started kissing his neck, moving to his chest, leaning him back as you inched closer to the waistband of his jeans.
“You first!” You exclaimed, wasting no time to unbutton his jeans as he sighed in relief, moving to remove them completely before you reached for his boxers. You were a little taken aback when his cock popped out. It was bigger than you thought, head red as a bead of precum glistened in the late morning sun pouring in from your windows. Your mouth watered at the sight and without thinking you licked up his length, his groans egging you on as you bent over him.
“Shit so perfect! So good to me,” he moaned out as you looked at him. His head lolled back as he leaned against his hands behind him, his wide chest rising heavily due to your ministrations. He let out a loud moan, resembling almost a whine, as you wrapped your mouth around his head, sucking softly. You loved that moan, wanted more of it as you took him deeper, his hand coming to rest on your hair. He panted loudly, his moans filling your room, your mind, as you gazed at him looking at you with awe. “This look soots you.”
He really had to make another dumbass joke, didn’t he? You pulled off his length, sitting back as your hand replaced your mouth, slowly stroking him as you scowled at him. God, you wanted him to beg you so bad.
“That better be suit with a u-i or I swear I’m not gonna let you cum.” You gripped him harder, twisting your wrist as your panties get wetter with power. He mewled a little, twitching in your hand as you grinned. His head lolled to the side and suddenly he looked at you, his eyes sparkling with challenge as your words finally processed in his mind. 
Before you could react, he was on you. One hand gripping your wrist and other behind your head as he leaned you over till your back was on the cold hardwood floor and he hovered over you. He smirked at you before he leaned in to kiss you sloppily, making you lose all senses.
“Aw sweetheart, it’s cute you think you’re in charge.” He cooed, as his forearms trapped your head, his kisses becoming softer, reminiscent of the first time he kissed you a week ago. He took his time, his weight a comforting presence on top of you as you melted into the floor. He looked at you with adoration when you broke apart, his nose touching yours and a soft smile on his face.  
“But seriously, Y/N. I didn’t come here for this. I want this so bad but I want to take you out, I want to hold your hand, drink a milkshake with two straws together. I don’t know! I wanna spoil you!” His voice was low, but his words were fast, like he just couldn’t hold them in any longer. You giggled in disbelief, caressing his back. This man really was going to be the death of you.
“Seokjin you’re naked and you want to hold my hand?” you chuckled as he nodded, his eyes glinting and smiling wide. He reached out to hold your hand, lacing his fingers with yours as he leaned in to kiss your cheek sweetly, an oddly saccharine contrast to the way he was devouring you moments ago.
“I mean I also want to rail you hard, but yeah I don’t want it to be just sex.” You felt your heart flutter at his words, your face heating up more than it already was and you leaned up to kiss him.
“Me neither.” Your grip on his hand tightened and his cock twitched against your thigh, bringing your lust back to the forefront of your mind as you kissed him again, much more hungrier this time. “So come on get on with it. Choo choo!”
He leaned away looking at you with wide eyed surprise before breaking into a shit eating grin.
“Was that a rail- fuck! You’re perfect!” He gushed as he kissed his way down your body, unbuttoning your shirt as he went. He lapped at your nipples, hardening them under his tongue as his hand pulled your pajama shorts off, your panties following quickly after. You wanted to throw another quick witted remark at him, but all thoughts disappeared at his sudden enthusiasm as his mouth made its way to your core. He began to kiss down your slit, light feathery kisses that had you desperate for more, mewling as he continued.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long, it’s really taken a mistletoe-ll on me.” He grinned, his breath warm against your folds. Your retort was forgotten when he slid his tongue inside you, flicking against your sensitive walls before he was sucking at your clit. The pleasure was unbearable and you shook under him, thanking yourself for forgoing carpeting the floors. He put his arm over your hips to hold you down as you chanted his name. You were dripping, your heart beating loudly in your chest as he ate you like a man starved, pushing you closer and closer to your high. You walls clenched around his tongue as you moaned louder, your hands in his hair, pulling him closer. 
“I’m so close!” you whined expecting Seokjin to speed up to guide you through your high. He, however, slowed down, the pressure in your belly ebbing slowly away as you whined his name. “Why did you stop?!”
“Tell me my puns are funny.” He looked up at you grinning as you yelped when two fingers entered you. His fingers curled inside you making your back arch as you moaned his name. “Come on admit it, Dr. Y/L/N”
“No… they’re… stupid...” you breathed out as his pace increased and decreased keeping you firmly on the edge, your walls fluttering, your eyes squeezed shut as you refused to beg. He kept up his taunting till you thought you would lose your mind, every nerve in your body on fire as your legs quivered. He was insane! Not being able to take it anymore, you conceded. “Fuck… please! Please Seokjin! Your puns are hilarious. I give! Please…” 
“Good girl. Knew you were on the nice list.” he exclaimed as his mouth latched on to your clit and before you knew it you were screaming, your body shaking as you had one of the most powerful orgasms of your life, your arousal gushing out of you as Seokjin gleefully lapped it up. You felt a buzzing in your ears, your vision spotty as he coaxed you slowly through your high.
Seokjin kissed his way up your trembling body, and slotting his mouth against yours, he caressed your sides as you tried to catch your breath. When you opened your eyes he was smiling at you, lying next to you on the floor.
“Told you not to doubt me, baby,” he said lowly as his nose bumped yours gently.
“No pun this time?”
“I was gonna say mistletoe-ld but I already used that one.” He grinned.
“Oh my god,” you groaned, facepalming. “Why do I still want to fuck you?”
“Because I’m a sex god.” He wiggled his eyebrows. You stood up, a little shakily, at his comment, looking down at his alarmed face before walking away to your bedroom. Before you reached the door, you looked back at him. Seokjin was still in the same position, looking at you dumbfounded, probably wondering what he did wrong. You rolled your eyes at him as you gestured towards your room.
“Come on Santa, don’t you wanna climb up my chimney?” You laughed at the speed he stood up, his hard erection bouncing funnily as he ran towards you with a dopey smile, placing his arms around you in a back hug as you walked into your room.
“Stop being funny or I’ll fall in love with you,” he whined, rutting against you petulantly, making you giggle. You guided him to your bed, making him sit with his back to the headboard as you grabbed a condom from your bedside table, stroking him to gently roll it over his length. His breath hitched as you climbed over him, your knees on the bed next to his thighs. Seemingly unable to wait anymore, he put his arms around your waist, pulling you into a hungry kiss, a flurry of tongue and teeth.
You rise, your hands on his shoulders as you slowly descend on his, his girth a soothing pain as your walls stretch around him. The two of you moan into each other’s mouths as you stare at each other, face red and eyes blown from lust. For the first time, there was silence between the two of you, your staredown intense as you slowly started riding him. It felt delicious and it took all of your strength not to close your eyes in pleasure.
Your pace increased as Seokjin’s hands were placed firmly on your hips, pulling your hips higher so he could thrust into you. You kissed him at that, no longer able to take his intense stare and he groaned, increasing his speed. His cock rammed into you and you saw stars, clinging on his shoulders as waves of pleasure flowed through you. He kisses and bites your neck, his lips leaving blooms of petals in their trail, as his movements become sloppy. 
He leans back a little, grabbing your hand to guide it to your clit, rubbing your fingers on it. The added friction to your bud paired with his wild thrusts has you coming undone in seconds. Your toes curl as his name stretches around your moan and you still in his arms, your vision hazy. He cums shortly after, thrusting in you a few times chanting your name before falling lax against the headboard, pulling you against him.
The two of you sat there for a while, till he softened enough to slip out of you, the feeling sending shudders through the two of you. Placing a hand on your chin, he brought your lips to his, before looking at you with a soft smile, his eyes sparkling.
“So… Merry Christmas?” He shrugged making you giggle, as you rolled off him and sat next to him.
“Who knew I’d be a ho ho ho for Santa?” Seokjin laughed, clapping as he squealed with glee, before calming down enough to put his arms around you, cuddling you close, and grabbing one of your hands in his. He played with your fingers as he smiled.
“I’m sorry I ghosted you. I promise I’ll never do that again.” He kissed your temple, tightening his arms around you.
“It’s okay. You made up for it.”
The two of you spend Christmas morning together. You made more pancakes, dressed in only his horrendous sweater as he belted out Mariah Carey in his underwear. Your heart swelled when he placed gentle kisses on your shoulder as the two of you swayed to the music, barefoot on the kitchen floor. You knew you made the right decision when you moved to Alaska, it just took you this moment to realize how right.
I hope you liked this fluffy Christmasy piece, for more fics of mine check out my masterlist
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