#she literally called Ron her best friend
ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
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Never getting over these two being best friends 🫂
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sevilynne · 1 month
"B—but... Snivellus is a death eater..."
Listen here, you little shit. For Severus, he got neglected by BOTH parents (and it was implied that he was abused both physically and mentally as well.), gets bullied by two boys because he wanted to go to Slytherin (who sneers back and ends up getting bullied), almost gets killed and Sirius nor Remus gets any consequences other than detention (Really? Is his life worth detention and not Azkaban?), James flexes it to Lily and Lily starts believing James over the victim, Severus accidentally calls his bestfriend a mudblood over the heat of the situation (Lily was about to smile, when James literally used scorgify in his mouth), loses the person thay cared for him the most compared to others (Which Lily isn't even a good friend, so his life is messed up), with Remus and Sirius not maturing (Sirius still calls Severus "Snivellus", and Remus and Sirius spreading lies like "Severus was jealous of James" or "Lily never hated James," when it's the other way around!!! James was jealous of Severus because he existed and Lily was his best friend!
Now his blood supremacist friends are basically recruiting him, and helping him on the way! Basically, the "bad side" is his good side! They are the only ones who "cared" for him when he needed help! He was a death eater for a reason, and people manipulating him because he was vulnerable is a reason.
The audacity of stans trying to make a hotter version of Severus—Regulus? Regulus is basically a walmart Severus but Timothée Chalamet dressed up in wizard robes! If Regulus was told as ugly, nobody would boohoo care about him.
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Y'all only hate Severus and love Regulus because J.K. Rowling never made a Marauders era movie! Regulus is basically a blood supremacist with Voldemort shrines and posters who'd call Lily a mudblood! While Severus is basically bullied on a daily basis.
You guys got to see Severus's good and bad things! Like him "bullying" children, but saved the wizarding world. Literally, maybe he targeted children, but so did Minerva! Minerva literally targeted Neville and locked him outside of the Gryffindor common room when there's an apparent psycho killer, and humiliated him infront of everyone! But we all never see that because we are in Harry's POV, she favours him—she only took points and she was apparently fair because Harry's BIASED!!! Just like how all Slytherins are portrayed because of Hagrid and Ron!!! She favours Gryffindor just like how Severus favours Slytherin, except she takes big points away (which is from Gryffindors she doesn't like) and when she's infront of the professors!
Severus is a morally grey character, and Regulus? We basically time skipped him, we skipped all of the bad things he has done while we never skipped Severus's, that's why you don't have a bad opinion about him, but really! In the Marauders timeline, Regulus was a Voldemort fanboy while Severus literally had stuff happening.
This is why you don't hate James Potter, you guys basically skipped HIS timeline and moved to Harry's, which Severus is portrayed to be this big bad bully until DH! And that's why Harry "Snape's #1 Biggest Hater" Potter's vision changed to "Snape's #1 Biggest Defender", just like how his vision changed from "My father is a great man" to "I fucking hate my own father".
But you guys are so deep into these fanfics like CR (Crimson Rivers) or ATYD (All the Young Dudes) that you all forget about canon lore! He physically assaulted, sexually assaulted, and mentally exhausted Severus! We're not throwing the SA word around, because lets think of this:
Lily let out a stream of mixed swearwords and hexes, but her wand being ten feet away, nothing happened.
“Wash out your mouth,” said James coldly. “Scourgify!”
Pink soap bubbles streamed from Lily’s mouth at once; the froth was covering her lips, making her gag, choking her —
“Leave her ALONE!”
James and Sirius looked around. James’s free hand jumped to his hair again.
It was one of the boys from the lake edge. He had black hair that fell to his shoulders and startlingly onyx eyes.
“All right, Snape?” said James, and the tone of his voice was suddenly pleasant, deeper, more mature.
“Leave her alone,” Severus repeated. He was looking at James with every sign of great dislike. “What’s she done to you?”
“Well,” said James, appearing to deliberate the point, “it’s more the fact that she exists, if you know what I mean...”
Many of the surrounding watchers laughed, Sirius and Wormtail included, but Lupin, still apparently intent on his book, didn’t, and neither did Severus.
“You think you’re funny,” he said coldly. “But you’re just an arrogant, bullying toerag, Potter. Leave her alone."
Behind her, the Impediment Jinx was wearing off. Lily was beginning to inch toward her fallen wand, spitting out soapsuds as he crawled.
“Bad luck, Prongs,” said Sirius briskly, turning back to Evans. “OY!”
But too late; Lily had directed her wand straight at James; there was a flash of light and a gash appeared on the side of James’s face, spattering his robes with blood.
James whirled about; a second flash of light later, Lily was hanging upside down in the air, her robes falling over her head to reveal skinny legs and a skirt.
Many people in the small crowd watching cheered. Sirius, James, and Wormtail roared with laughter. Severus, whose furious expression had twitched for an instant as though he was going to smile, said, “Let her down!”
“Certainly,” said James and he jerked his wand upward. Evans fell into a crumpled heap on the ground.
Disentangling herself from her robes, she got quickly to her feet, wand up, but Sirius said, “Petrificus Totalus!” and Lily keeled over again at once, rigid as a board.
“LEAVE HER ALONE!” Severus shouted. He had his own wand out now. James and Sirius eyed it warily.
“Ah, Snape, don’t make me hex you,” said James earnestly.
“Take the curse off her, then!”
James sighed deeply, then turned to Lily and muttered the countercurse.
“There you go,” he said, as Lily struggled to her feet again, “you’re lucky Snape was here, Evans —”
“I don’t need help from filthy little Mudbloods like him!" (Severus is canonically a Mudblood because he has dirty blood—Muggle blood)
Severus blinked.
“Fine,” he said coolly. “I won’t bother in future. And I’d wash your skirt if I were you, Evans.”
“Apologize to Snape!” James roared at Evans, his wand pointed threateningly at her.
“I don’t want you to make her apologize,” Severus shouted, rounding on James. “You’re as bad as she is.”
“What?” yelped James. “I’d NEVER call you a — you-know-what!”
“[...], walking down corridors and hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can — I’m surprised your broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head on it. You make me SICK.”
He turned on his heel and hurried away.
“Snape!” James shouted after him, “Hey, SNAPE!” But he didn’t look back.
“What is it with him?” said James, trying and failing to look as though this was a throwaway question of no real importance to him.
“Reading between the lines, I’d say he thinks you’re a bit conceited, mate,” said Sirius.
“Right,” said James, who looked furious now, “right —”
There was another flash of light, and Evans was once again hanging upside down in the air.
“Who wants to see me take off Evans’s skirt?”
Now, let's see if this isn't messed up. This is humiliating! Why did Severus leave his female best friend when she was being PA'd and SA'd by a male! Why did he take out his wand too late? Why is he such a coward?
Gender roles do matter in this context, no matter if Severus considers this as SA or not, it's SA and he got his pants stripped down, but it doesn't matter, he's a boy isn't he?
If this was Lily, everyone would care, but no! It's greasy, slimy, old Snape, and he's a boy.
Sirius nor James used dark spells, but they were pretty much using hexes so it doesn't matter—they are basically baby DE bullies but Gryffindors.
Stop attacking Severus and start thinking about this, because he was just a boy.
A lot of people (Not all) cared for Harry when Myrtle basically tried to SA him, why not Severus? He was stripped infront of the whole school! (Not invalidating Harry's trauma), this is just so messed up.
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myfeetrcolddd · 9 months
Under the mistletoe
"And you're sure it'll only stop the two of them?" Draco asked, his eyes narrowed and skeptical of the curly haired Gryffindor.
"Yes, Malfoy, I'm sure." Hermione replied, annoyed at the Slytherin boys skeptics.
Theodore Nott and Y/N L/N were completely oblivious and deep in denial. The amount of times the two gushed to their respective friends about something the other did was far too many.
It was obvious that they liked each other. Everyone knew, but them it seemed, and it was unbearable. Especially for their friends who couldn't take the constant talks about how much one liked the other but 'It would never happen because he's way out of my league.' or 'She deserves better than me.'
So Harry did the unspeakable, he went and talked to Draco. The two groups came up with a plan.
It was the holidays, Theo and Y/n were already practically a couple, doing things together that no normal friends would, all they weren't doing was kissing or shagging.
The two groups knew there was no way of really forcing them to confess, but if they could get the two to kiss then they'd have to confront the obvious attraction they felt for the other, and surely they wouldn't be able to deny the face that the other liked them.
It was nearly fool proof. The just had to find a way to execute it.
"Mistletoe!" Blaise shouted, grinning as he ran into the room of requirement, the official meeting place for operation Kiss, as Blaise suggested, though no one else wanted to call it that there was no other options.
"What're you on about." Ron said, frowning.
"Mistletoe!" Blaise repeated, still grinning like a madman as he held up the tiny bundle of mistletoe, showing it to everyone in the room.
"Yeah, we get it, mistletoe." Mattheo mocked, "What about it?"
"This," He waved the thing around in his friends face, "Is how we get them to kiss!"
"Mate..." Harry said slowly, "Hate to break it to you, but they've gone under mistletoe before, the completely ignore it. Like literally everyone else does."
"Yeah, I know that." Blaise says, annoyed by the lack of enthusiasm in the room, "But what if we found a way that forced them to not ignore it!" He waited for someone to interrupt him, to say it was a dumb idea, but when no one didn't he went on, "Hear me out, what if when they both walked under it it somehow kept them there! So that they wouldn't be able to leave that spot until they kissed!"
Everyone stared at him, confused but intrigued.
"And how would we do that?"
Blaise rolled his eyes, "Well I don't know." He sassed, "I came up with the idea, you all can figure out how to do it." He huffed as he dropped himself onto one of the many sofas in the room.
As if they were all thinking the same thing they all turned towards Hermione, who looked startled by the attention, "I don't know why you're all looking at me." She frowned.
"Well you're the smartest one here..." Enzo said and the girl pressed her lips into a thin line before she rolled her eyes.
"Well, there probably is a way it's possible, we'd have to modify a potion or maybe even a spell, especially since we don't want to trap others under the mistletoe, so we'd have to find a way to keep it person specific..." Hermione then rattled on about all the ways they could go about it and soon they had a plan.
It took a week for things to be ready.
"Have your friends been acting weird lately?" Y/N asked Theo as they walked out of potions.
"More than usual actually." The boy replied and glanced down at the girl he was sure he wanted to marry.
"Same, and I swear I've seen Hermione talking with Draco so much this week."
"Maybe they're finally getting together." Theo smirked, "Salazar knows it's about time."
The girl laughed and shook her head, "Tell me about it. If they don't get together this year then I'm going to be out of ten galleons."
The pair went quiet for a moment and Y/N took the chance to look up at her best friend. He was beautiful, and quite possibly the love of her life. She had never planned on letting her feelings get this far.
It had only started as a small crush on a boy she was friendly with back in second year. But then they got closer, and the closer they got the harder she fell.
Now they're in their last year and she still hadn't confessed, she figured it was too late, and it was clear he didn't want anything other than friendship from her. He had had multiple girlfriends before, and none of them looked like her, they were quite the opposite actually.
Y/N was counting on losing feelings for him this year, it would be for the best.
As if he could feel her eyes on him Theo turned and looked at her, his green-blue eyes meeting hers. For a moment she felt her heart stop, she was lost in them and the swirling colors.
But then she shook her head and looked forward and started to rant about whatever came to mind. It was a good thing she always had at least one thing to rant about. Or she should say two, but it would be idiotic to rant to Theo about himself. It would also make her feelings for him obvious.
The two turned into a deserted hall and as they passed beneath an arch way they found that neither of them could take a step forward.
Their feet were stuck to the ground.
Y/N turned to Theo frantically, "What's going on?!"
"I dunno, I can't lift my feet off the ground."
"Neither can I..." She went silent and found that she could pivot. She looked around, and it wasn't until she looked up that she saw mistletoe hung from the high archway. But surely that had nothing to do with it, so she ignored it.
"Did the twins do this?" Theo started to ask but then remembered that the infamous pranksters had graduated. But that was all either of them could come up with, it was something the twins would do.
So maybe it was a Weasly.
The pair ended up staring at each other, the both of them ignoring the close proximity and the fact that their chests were touching.
After ten minutes Y/N had come up with an idea. It was a stupid one and she wasn't sure if it would even work. But Theo wouldn't stop staring at her and she was sure she looked like a tomato under the heat of his gaze.
"Theo." She said.
The girl took a deep breath before blurting the words, "Kiss me."
"W-what?" Theo stuttered, his heart beating ten times faster now and a light blush coating his cheeks. His eyes flicked down to the lips he dreamt about kissing, the plump lips he fantasized about at night. He swallowed thickly and met her eyes once more. "I- Why?"
"I'm just-" She paused, "Testing out a theory." She wanted to kiss him, but she didn't at the same time. She didn't want to kiss him under these circumstances, if she was going to kiss him she wanted him to know it was because she liked him.
"Okay..." Theo said slowly and Y/N looked up at him with determination in her eyes.
She took a deep breath and brought her hands up to the boys face, instinctually his hands found her waist, "I really really like Theodore Nott!" She blurted quickly before smashing her lips onto his.
Theo stood still for a moment before he realized she was kissing him, and he wasn't kissing her back. So he did.
The kiss was sloppy, and rushed, and there was passion and hunger in it. Both of them seemed t have forgotten what was happening, losing themselves in the kiss of their lives.
It was only when she tugged on the hairs at the back of Theos head and he let out a groan did Y/N realize what she was doing.
Horrified she pushed him off, and when he stumbled back a step she saw that her theory was right and she bolted off. Running far far away from the boy and her feelings.
Meanwhile Theo stood there, dazed and confused and impossible flustered, and all he could think about was that he had just kissed her. And he knew he was going to marry her.
"She likes me too." He mumbled, smiling to himself as his fingers brushed across his lips.
No clue how to go on from this. Might make part two ;3
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dearabhi · 10 months
HERBOLOGY - harry james potter.
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a/n: hi! this isn't the best of my writing, but i just wanted to keeps this acc alive so i posted this fic. i lowkey don't like this fic, but hey, hope u enjoy this though!
summary: hufflepuff! reader wakes up in dread, what she didn't know was something that lighted her life forever.
𓈒 ﹒ ☆ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ ࣭
Y/N WAS SO SLEEPY, really. why would anyone not be in this cosy weather?
y/n would like to stay in bed and sleep all day, but susan being the most annoying person she is, woke y/n up.
when the two entered the great hall for breakfast, y/n couldn't help but fall asleep in susan's shoulder.
"get off me, idiot" susan scolded y/n, shoving her off. 
"but you're soooo comfortable, susan" y/n whined as she placed her head in susan's shoulder and started sleeping again. susan rolled her eyes, but let y/n sleep.
just as she was about to fall asleep, her second-most annoying friend, hannah decides to wake her up by stepping on her foot. 
this time, y/n was really up. "ouch! that hurts!"
"i don't care but, don't turn right away after i say this but, harry is looking at you," hannah whispered to y/n. 
y/n almost broke her neck while turning to face the gryffindor table just to see a certain raven-haired boy looking at her.
REALISING Y/N WAS LOOKING AT HIM, harry quickly turned to ron and hermione and pretended to be hearing whatever they were talking about.
"ron! when will you ever stop depending upon me and write your own history of magic essay?" hermione asked ron, quite aggressively.
"never ever, mione" he replied and went on to take the toast and shove it inside his mouth. hermione rolled her eyes.
"i am going to do it" harry said, suddenly. hermione and ron looked at him with questioning looks. "i am going to talk y/n l/n,"
"this is the thousandth time you told us this, harry" ron said immediately. harry rolled his eyes.
"thank you for those kind words, ron, but this time i am serious." harry added determinedly. 
"ronald you should stop discouraging harry, and i think this is a brave choice, but i think you would lose y/n as she's getting out of the great hall right now-" hermione started, before she could finish, harry was running towards y/n.
y/n was walking with hannah to the herbology class, even though hannah doesn't have herbology now. she just needed an excuse to see neville.
y/n stopped walking when she heard him calling her name.
y/n turned around to see harry potter walking, no, literally sprinting towards her. it was a rare sight. 
y/n tells to hannah to go ahead and waits for harry to catch his breath.
harry then, immediately says, "y/n, can we, uh, walktogethertoherbology" quite fastly and y/n couldn't catch him.
"i am sorry, harry, but would you repeat it couldn't catch it," y/n asked him.
harry turns a little red. clearing his throat, he starts, "can we walk together to uh, herbology?"
harry looks at her expectantly. how can she ever say no to him? 
"you don't have to, you know? it's just a request and it's completely fine if you don't-"
"no, no, i would love to walk with you, harry" y/n stops him, and a beautiful smile appears on harry's face.
harry insisted on taking her bag and as they started walking to the class. few jokes were shared as they walked, and honestly, it was the longest conversation the two ever had.
despite having to be in the same year and almost the same classes more than 5 years now, she and harry barely talked thanks to both of their lack of confidence when it comes to the other.
herbology would normally take longer minutes to reach, but while walking with harry, it only felt like seconds. 
the two, sadly had to be separate from each other when they reached the class.
but as soon as the class ended, harry rushed towards y/n and asked her out.
ofcourse, as a sane person would, y/n obviously said yes.
y/n was glad and thanked susan for waking her up early.
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animeyanderelover · 6 months
Please may I have Yandere! Harry Potter and Hermione and Ron Weasley and they all share the same darling headcanons and how they reacted and all behaved when Draco flirted with their darling on purpose...knowing full well that darling belonged to the Yanderes..darling sensed danger and basically told Draco to stop before he did something that he would regret and obviously Draco didn't listen and it was starting to make their darling uncomfortable..their darling didn't like Draco whatsoever and darling sent the yanderes slient pleas for help. It is Platonic because the golden trio and Draco are in third year in Hogwarts..it isn't romantic yet at all.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, manipulation, threats
Flirting gone wrong
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Of course it had to be Draco who had to do this to you. You aren't exactly surprised by his actions as he has a personal vendetta against the Potter boy and everyone who associates themselves with him. So it comes to no surprise that you are very high on his list as you are exceptionally close not only to Harry but also to his best friends Ron and Hermione. After all the four of you have been going through thick and thin ever since your first year in Hogwarts and you all also are part of Gryffindor. It isn't really a secret that you mean a lot to the trio either, pretty much everyone knows that they are attached to your hips, especially Ron and Harry. Hermione tries not to be as clingy as the boys as she is the only one who I can call with confidence lucid about the growing obsession she and her friends are going through the more time passes on as she is also essentially the one who tells Ron and Harry to tone it down since she doesn't want people to find out. Harry already is cause enough for attention.
Ron and Harry also tend to get quickly jealous, although for different reasons. Ron gets quickly jealous out of insecurity as he is clumsy and also has a lot of older brothers who are great whilst Harry tends to be more possessive due to his background as the Dursleys essentially isolated him and never allowed him to have any friends. Maybe he is a bit selfish and a part of him actually knows that but he is too deceived by his own obsession to give this too much thought. Hermione is the brain who basically does her best to keep the two boys in check from being too clingy but she is due to her awareness also the strictest one of the bunch. Ron is the complete opposite as he is very delusional and clingy. He is low-key a worshipper who can't see you doing anything wrong and despises seeing you sad which causes him to try to do anything to make you smile again. Harry is possessive and also very protective because as popular as he is, he has learnt that there are a lot of people who want him dead and he knows that you may also get dragged into it.
They have been aware of Draco tormenting you for a while now as you never see any reason to keep a secret from them. Also there is the fact that all three of them usually always are with you, such as Harry or Ron who are clingy, or at least watch you silently from afar, such as Hermione who at least tries to give you some privacy. So normally there is always at least one of the three who has an eye on you, they literally agreed to this without your knowledge. For all three of them to be away, they must have been quite busy with something, mostly related to schoolwork. When all three notice that no one is watching you, Ron and Harry are the first ones who start running to find you whilst Hermione is chasing after them in futile hopes that they can be at least a bit more discreet. They're not. When the two boys finally find you, there is no time to feel relief though as their blood starts boiling when they see Malfoy doing what he does best by making someone, you, uncomfortable.+
When the blond bastard spots the three sorcerers, he gives them a disgustingly smug grin whilst continuing to flirt with you and even touching you a bit, his eyes darting constantly back to Harry, Hermione and Ron to further provoke them. Ron's head turns red with anger, Harry clenches his jaw and his fists whilst glaring darkly at Draco whilst Hermione, next to also glaring at the Slytherin, can't help but also glance worriedly over to you. It is Ron who is the first one to storm towards Malfoy as his emotions get the better of him, as they do often around you, his face redder than his hair. As soon as he stands in front of Malfoy, he pushes him away from you before grabbing you and pulling you behind him. He hasn't thought much about what to do as his first instinct was getting Malfoy away from you but Harry and Hermione aren't far behind him as they also join Ron. Harry even has his wand in his hand as he just continues glaring at Malfoy whilst the blond boy just gives him a taunting grin.
There is tension and Hermione knows that as her eyes go back and forth betwee you, her friends and Malfoy. She wouldn't put it beneath Draco to provoke a fight and she definitely knows that Harry and a bit later also Ron would fall for it but everyone would get in troubles if this were to happen. She doesn't want you to get into unnecessary troubles for something that isn't even your fault and she knows that neither Ron nor Harry want that either. So she is the one actively attempting to de-escalate the situation and to get you away from the scene whilst Harry and Draco are verbally insulting each other, Draco with a hint of arrogance and Harry with growing anger as the Slytherin knows that he merely has to speak about you to trigger Harry. Ron, who also feels the tension and is feeling a tad bit nervous, still joins Harry in his insults towards the blond boy. Even Hermione won't hold back with passive-aggressive comments if Draco should grace her with his attention.
All of them feel flattered the moment you start defending them if Draco were to insult any of your friends, although Hermione will still scold you lightly later on for only prolonging the argument and further allowing Malfoy to get under everyone's skin. The situation is dismissed when a professor appears who has been hearing the arguing voices, especially since Ron, Harry and you have gotten louder as your nerves got the better of all of you. The moment they are told to leave, Harry gives Draco one last glare before he grabs your hand and drags you away from the other boy as fast as possible. His hand is squeezing yours in an attempt to comfort you as well as himself. Ron is right beside you, hastily questioning you if you're feeling fine and if that Malfoy did anything to you. Hermione is right behind you, telling Ron to ask you one question at a time and to let you answer whilst occasionally looking back to make sure that none of Draco's friends are following you around.
They all do their best from that day on to spend more time with you so that Malfoy never gets the chance again to catch you all by yourself. The boys are even dedicated enough to accompany you to the toilet. It is safe to say that Malfoy is receiving constant glares from Harry and Ron from that day on. Hermione tries to ignore him but she can't suppress the occasional cold glare either before going back to ignoring him and she advices you to do the same as attention will only fuel Draco's inflated ego. Harry and Ron are obviously not listening to her though. Especially Harry is very likely to approach Draco when he is alone to warn him to stay away from you. He's acting like a coward by approaching you instead of facing him straight away. The next time he tries something like this, Harry will use his wand.
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ankoluvly · 4 months
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Thinking about a cute lil Deer reader!
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Deer ! reader who happily trots around Hogwarts whenever they’re happy, leaving people confused as they stare down the random deer inside their school halls,
“Is that… a deer?” Pansy asked moving back in her seat to get a look, a look of confusion on her face, as Blaise and Draco turn their heads. “That’s the same deer from on the Hogwarts express.” Draco added, as Blaise looks forward, hiding a little smirk.
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Deer ! reader who’s popular within Hogwarts, mainly for her inappropriate tendencies and jokes, and attachment to every guy she’s ever dated…but more so for her continuous on and off relationship with the Slytherin Blaise Zabini ᡣ𐭩
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Deer ! reader who’s also popular, due to her friendship with the golden trio which no one would’ve expected…but then again, she’s Harry Potters brother!
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Blaise and Harry who are the only one who knows about Deer ! reader being an Animagus
“It’s that bloody deer again,” Ron says, sitting next to Hermione. “Why has the school done nothing about it?” Hermione says confused, watching as the Deer climbed up the staircase. Harry lets out a quiet, frustrated sigh as he rubs his temple, saying sarcastically, “Who knows..maybe it’s the new school pet.”
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Deer ! reader who loves to risk getting in trouble,
“Snape went in there!” Hermione whispered to her two best friends, slowly walking forwards to the hidden door, her friends following. They try listening while peaking in, before Harrys attention is diverted to a little Deer under a table in the room. “Y/N!” Harry calls almost impossibly quiet, throwing a slight rock to reader, trying to quietly demand reader over, in response reader simply rolls her head. before continuing closer. “Bloody hell, that deer is everywhere..”
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Deer ! reader who has no sense of properness. Who in front of people will ask and say the most out of pocket things. and wear the most out of pocket clothes
“So, how do i look like?” Y/N asks coming into the dining room, in a cute, pink lingerie set. Everyone stopping slightly in confusion and shock, before Fred smirks, “You look hot.” “Fred Gideon Weasley!” Molly calls out, banging newspaper on his head. “Did you just call my sister hot?” Harry says, grossed out. “Think you,” Y/N says with a wink towards Fred before turning around to leave.
While Mad eye moody, Remus and Sirius sit there awkwardly.
….. “is this a normal occurrence?”
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₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Made by Ankoluvly 2024 on Tumblr!
₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . Based off me bc i really wanted a hypersexual reader bc i’m hypersexual and i’m literally in love with Blaise and both in love with Fred Weasley and a whore for Fred Weasley <33
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yeahprobablyamimic · 1 year
no cause have we like. laughed at the absurdity of it all yet?? The Stamplers must be fucking cursed at this point holy shit. All Ron ever wanted to do was to have a family and he didn’t know how to fucking do that but then he met people who helped him figure it out and then right away it was ripped away from him by something eldritch his dad had helped create. Ron was fucked over constantly by Willy and the wake of everything he said and did both to Ron and to the people he cared about and no matter what he fucking did he couldn’t stop it
now we flash forward a bit. they’re back and he’s in love with his wife and Terry Jr and him are friends and he calls Ron dad and Ron has finally found people who will love him no matter what and there’s maybe two days of that before Henry gets stabbed and the doodler gets released and YEAH SURE it was running through the Oaks veins but now literally surrounding him at all times is another reminder of his dads manipulation of Willys influence of Willys control of Willy in general so he starts DADDIES. and tries to get rid of it
and then he fails
and then TJ and Grant and Lark and Sparrow and Nick take over and they turn on each other and then TJ has his own family and he wants them to love him so bad the same way Ron wanted him to love him so bad but he can’t fucking do anything but try but trying isn’t working he can’t love someone who doesn’t want to be loved but Ron is dead. Or missing. Or whatever he’s not there. Terry Jr is fatherless again and all the while he’s a bad father and all he wants to do is hug Ron and apologize again and again and again but he cant
and then Scary gets involved. and terry hates himself for it. the same was Ron hated himself when Terry got involved but he’s stuck he fucked up he can’t do anything about it this is his fault for having a family his fault for marrying Veronica his fault for caring Ron loved Samantha despite what Willy put him through Terry loved Veronica despite the fact that he was fighting an eldritch war they were not the same and then TJ meets Terry. Meets the kid that existed before his own and shes open and loving and careful and optimistic and it kills him. it kills him because he doesn’t love her any less she’s still his daughter but Terry isn’t herself anymore and fuck fuck she’s about to watch him die he’s about to traumatize her again he’s about to leave her fatherless again he tries to think of what Ron would say he tries to think of what his mom would say and he almost smiles at the absurdity of it as “whos your daddy now?” comes to mind but then he’s hugging her and apologizing and he remembers who Willy Stampler has with him.  Terry Jr is going to die and its his best friends finger on the trigger and its his Grandfather saying ready aim fire 
and it hits him that he never left that fucking tower. he never escaped that fucking castle. terry jr dies having never made any goddamn impact in the world. i mean of course, any good impact in the world. 
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joka13 · 3 months
FANFICTION (REQUEST): Weasley Twins x Reader (Hufflepuff Girl) - Lovesick - Part 5/5
WARNINGS: British swearing, vomiting
Never before had the Weasley twins experienced anxiety in such a way as this. Throughout their whole lives, they'd grown more and more accustomed to not having a single care in the world. Within only mere seconds they had gained something, or rather someone, that caused them to become literally ill because they didn't know if she felt the same way about them. This was the day Fred and George would confess their love to you. They were determined to do so, but the possibility of your rejection was unexpectedly the most frightening thing they had ever faced.
"George," Fred whined over an untouched plate of bacon and eggs. "I think I'm gonna be sick."
"You are sick," George said. He began to cough, resulting in a lapful of petals.
"Do I look terrible? Because you look terrible."
"Thanks. You look as healthy as a horse with an infected leg wound yourself."
A short moment later, Harry and Ron sat down with the twins for breakfast.
"Morning," Fred and George said together.
Harry looked up at the twins, appearing slightly concerned. "You two sound like—"
"Aah!" Ron exclaimed in alarm at beholding his brothers' sickly, colorless faces. "Bloody hell, are you guys... vampires?"
George, who sat next to Ron, turned to face him directly right before sneezing. The twins laughed weakly as Ron was littered with petals.
Ron blinked, wearing an expression of vague surprise. Then a knowing grin spread across his face. "That's right! You guys are in love!"
"Aren't vampires supposed to be sexy nowadays?" Fred asked, smiling loftily and ignoring Ron's comment.
"Right, because that's exactly what I was thinking when I called you a vampire," Ron snorted sarcastically as he brushed himself off. "Nah, you'd be the sort of vampire that's just plain scary. The sort that feeds off homeless people and stray dogs." Ron squinted at the twins and stroked an invisible beard, observing. "You'd probably live in a cave with only bats for friends. And your back story—"
"Alright, we get it," Fred and George huffed in annoyance.
"Hold on... How'd you know about the, er, Hanky-wanky disease?" George asked.
Ron laughed. "Harry had it a while back."
"Ron!" Harry hissed angrily.
Ron shrugged. "What? It wasn't much of a secret."
Fred chuckled, "Hmm, yes. Ms. Chang was it?"
"We didn't need to see you hacking up flower petals to know that you fancied her," George laughed, and his laughing quickly turned into a petal-spewing coughing fit.
"Speaking of," Harry said, trying to change the subject. "Who is it that you fancy?"
"Now that's a secret," said George.
"At least until we can call her ours," said Fred.
"'Ours'?" Harry and Ron repeated together, confused.
Fred pointed to the top side of his bare wrist with a sudden urgency. "Would you look at the time! We'd best be going."
"Don't want to be late for class," George agreed as he and his twin stood up to leave.
"Since when did you care so much about making it to class on time?" Ron asked, suspicious. "The clock tower hasn't even rung."
"Don't worry about it, Ronald!" the twins called out behind them on their way to the doors.
They overheard Hermione, who was just now arriving at the Gryffindor table for breakfast, ask, "Why are there flower petals everywhere?"
Fred and George laughed, then coughed, and exited the Great Hall while leaving a trail of more pink petals in their wake.
As you headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast, you could not stop yawning. Since your meeting with the Weasley twins that day in Filch's office, you hadn't gotten much sleep. Though, during the times in which you had slept, you had wonderful dreams of Fred and George, so you were not all that upset about it.
It was the flower petals that drove you absolutely mad. Frankly, it was embarrassing; it was terrible to have your situation made so obvious to everyone around you (or at least to those that knew about the Hanahaki illness) every time you coughed in the middle of a class. And the retched petals made an appearance so often now that you stopped bothering to clean them up. You'd decided that you would tolerate the disease no longer, and you would tell the Weasley twins about your feelings for them the first opportunity that was given. You wished you'd known only how soon that would be when you turned a corner to be met face to face with none other than Fred and George Weasley.
"Oh! H-hello, Fred. Hi, George," you laughed nervously, your heart suddenly pounding in your chest. This was it!
"Hello, y/n!" the twins responded a bit too enthusiastically, also surprised at the encounter.
Then, all at once, you hiccupped, George sneezed, and Fred began to cough.
You felt utterly embarrassed as you spat out a couple of petals onto the floor, but that feeling was quickly overwhelmed by astonishment as you realized that Fred and George had flower petals falling out of their mouths, too. Then you noticed how very unwell the brothers looked. In fact, their complexions matched the one you saw on yourself in the bathroom mirror that morning. It was in that moment that it dawned on you...
"Wait," George sniffed, his brow furrowing in puzzlement. He pointed to the small amount of flower petals by your feet. "Do you...?"
You gestured to the many, many petals spread out in front of the twins, grinning uncontrollably. "Are you two...?"
Your smile disappeared as Fred finished coughing, his eyes opening wide. He turned away, putting a hand on the nearby wall to steady himself.
"Freddie?" George asked. "Are you alright?'
As if in response, Fred proceeded to throw up a strange, pink liquid with flower petals instead of partially digested food.
"Aw," George groaned, looking away in disgust. "I had hoped it wouldn't come to that."
You stood back, wanting to help Fred but not sure of how you could. Then you remembered why you wanted to talk to the twins in the first place.
Though it was now an awkward time for it, you confessed. "Fred!" you called, making sure he'd hear you. "I... I like you!"
Fred, having stopped vomiting up the pink substance, slowly stood up straight. "Wow," he said, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his robe and turning to face you again. "I feel so much better." He looked much better too. Color had already begun to return to his face, and the dark circles under his eyes faded slightly.
You sighed with relief, relief that Fred was feeling better and that it meant he had feelings for you.
"And you, George!" you chuckled gingerly, turning to him. "I like y-you as well."
Though he had seemed to realize it moments ago when he saw your petals, George appeared to relax now that you'd said it out loud. He smiled blissfully as the illness visibly drained out of him.
"Now..." you said as you started to feel a bit sick to your stomach. "You say it back before I barf, too."
The twins gave a hearty laugh, very obviously feeling better, before each getting down on one knee in front of you.
"We love you, y/n!" they exclaimed simultaneously, putting one hand on their chests and extending the other towards you.
You grinned, feeling, in that single moment, whole again in more ways than one. Your stomach immediately felt better, and that awful feeling of something unhealthy sitting somewhere deep inside you that had gradually increased over time quickly melted away. You took in a deep breath, grateful for the clearness of your lungs that you had begun to think you'd never experience again, and exhaled in satisfaction. Though you now felt well again physically, you also felt a happiness so great that you couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"You!" a rough, angry voice yelled from behind the twins. Fred and George turned around, and you caught a glimpse of Filch walking towards them with clenched fists. "You took out one of your toys here, didn't you?" he growled, pointing to the pink vomit on the floor. "Just so that I would have to clean up after you!"
"Run!" Fred and George giggled together, not wanting to bother explaining anything to Filch, and turned to hurriedly usher you forward. You laughed as the three of you raced away with Filch cursing behind you.
TAG LIST: @tomhockstetter7-111 @jasm-1ne @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @weasleylady92 @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva @georgeweasleyslostearhq @im-coolrat @them-cute-boys @xmadigurlx @keirasinbin @huayan
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Finally cleaned this up so here’s my DnDads ultimate ship opinions list. I was waiting until after s2 ended to clean this up in case I had any final opinion changes with the last few episodes. Please don’t bash me for any of these. The DnDads fandom is generally very nice but shipping discourse is something that can get heated no matter the fandom.
Henry Darryl: very neutral. I understand the ship I just never fully got on the boat
Henry Glenn: absolutely fucking feral about them do not get me started on Glennry
Darryl Glenn: feral in a different way that I don’t know how to describe other than toxic yaoi in the way that they’re damaged but refuse to talk about it so they kiss about it instead
Loveeeeeeee polydads but only as Henry/Glenn/Darryl. Not really a Ron shipper I love him and Samantha too much. Ron and Glenn’s friendship is very important to me though
In terms of Jodie, I don’t really ship him with any of the main dads, ESPECIALLY not Glenn. Even if Jimmy didn’t play Jodie I’d still never ship them. Wish Scamster was real and not completely a scam because they’re literally a crackship become real except it was never a crackship before canon. It’s surprising to me that they weren’t really shipped beforehand
Henry Mercedes: THE T4T OF ALL TIME BABEYYYYY. Absolutely iconic couple, fate was in their favor with how they met they were destined for each other
Darryl Carol: After hearing how Darryl talked about his family in Heaven, I was actually really happy they ended up not getting divorced. They clearly had a rough patch as seen in s1, but they genuinely love each other and I love how devoted to her Darryl is. The little finger puppet he made of her in the time out zone… :,)
Glenn Morgan: GLORGAN!!!!!!!!! Oh my god these two tear me apart. I am feral for Glorgan angst there’s too much to work with. More people need to start calling them Glorgan instead of Morglenn please please please please pretty please indulge me in my silly ship name
Ron Samantha: sobbing. They’re so sweet. The distinction that Samantha is also a little silly is very important to me. They love each other so fucking much
Nicky Sparrow: didn’t realize how much I love them for a good while but when I did oh god I love them so so much. T4T it’s so real to me that they’re both trans
Nicky Lark: used to like it but yall mischaracterize Nicky so much in fics. If yall want toxic yaoi just ship Grant and Lark I’m so serious
Nicky Terry: sobs. They were best friends. I don’t personally ship them but the fact that Terry said he was his best friend… that line rattles around in my brain so often
Nicky Grant: recently learned this might get shipped and has THE coolest ship name. Crossfire I love you but for the ship name alone
Sparrow Terry: I think I’ve seen this shipped a few times but only in the context of Terry/Nicky/Sparrow. Not my personal cup of tea though
Sparrow Grant: I don’t see this shipped too often but they have the worst ship name ever /aff. Wtf is a spant lol. Also I’m too much team transfem Sparrow to feel comfortable shipping this
Lark Terry: do not know the appeal of Gun Control but their ship name is fun
Lark Grant: toxic yaoi central. They both need intense therapy but them both being so fucked up is what makes them interesting not that that’s healthy though
Terry Grant: I see them more in a qpr place than anything romantic. I have one fic of them that’s bookmarked on Safari because I think about a part from it from time to time
Don’t have any poly ships for them
In terms of s2 spouses I so desperately wished we could’ve seen more of them. We barely get to see them
Nicky Cassandra: Telling Taylor his dad was a good man and that she misses him every day makes me think they parted on good terms. But then Nicky disappeared because of FBI shit. In another life maybe they could’ve worked.
Sparrow Rebecca: more ugly sobbing. I’m unsure on my sparroace thoughts if they’d end up getting divorced post-finale but I know they’re not fully separating or breaking up. They really are in love but it’s unconventional and messy.
Terry Veronica: I think the reveal that Terry is infertile is a nice touch to their relationship. It sounds weird to say and I feel like I might word this all weirdly. Him being unable to have bio kids but finding love in someone who wants to raise a kid with him anyways. Veronica finding new love again after a supposedly abusive relationship. Both of those combined is something I really love.
Grant Marco: Canon gays ftw. The Titanic episode was so generous in letting us get to see their dynamic. Obviously Grant still has a long way to go in finding self love but I’m so happy he found someone who can support him and loves him back like this.
Normal Scary: ugly sobbing over them I love them so much. Cradling my madomagi and tma aus with them as madohomu and jmart
Normal Taylor: yearning for the early s2 days like when they went to Sonic and made some devious plan off screen I wish they had more silly interactions together. Was truly fed with the kareoke intro and them bonding over costume making for a minute. Tayloak could be so interesting if there was more material to work with
Normal Link: Childhood BFFs to Lovers; I wish they could’ve hung out more as kids but all that happened
Normal Hermie: I get the hype but I have personal reasons for feeling neutral on them that I wish I could get over. Good soup though /ref
Scary Taylor: see them too much as a sibling dynamic to ever ship them
Scary Link: respect to all y’all shippers but I do not gothcleats and will leave it at that forever. I can only accept the finale with my transfem Link hc
Scary Hermie: I love Scene Partners. These stupid kids and reflecting each other /aff
Taylor Link: one that I can’t believe I didn’t ship sooner they’re so silly
Link Hermie: I think this one is very funny (/pos) but not my personal vibe
Love love LOVEEEEEEEE Marloakworthy AUGH. A giant triangle of everyone paralleling each other
Polywagon I love you; cannot believe you’re real and genuinely canon. This is just Homestuck again when Hussie said all ships are canon (DnDads never beating the Homestuck allegations from me)
Scary Erica: wish there were more interactions I love Erica so much but alas she’s a guest NPC. “You awaken a lightness in me” sapphic ass Scary I know what you are
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crystcllise · 8 months
cursed child london year 7 cast
the other week i got to see the year 7 london cast of cursed child and i am AMAZED!!! such a strong cast of wonderful performers across the board and i was absolutely blown away with their performances! you can tell they really understand their characters and have really worked on the dynamics and relationships with each other to create a realistic interpretation of these beloved characters!!
as always, i’m always watching the scorbus duos to see the little things they do with each other and i just want to say that ellis and harry’s scorbus is such a delight!!! they’re definitely my fav pair now hands down! such a sweet youthful portrayal of albus and scorpius and their dynamic on stage is so so pure i adored them sooo much!!
i got to meet ellis and harry after the show and ellis knew who i was and hugged me im fine
like broadway, i took some very unhinged notes so behold, read below all my unedited notes on (mainly scorbus) but the year 7 cast of cursed child!
james sings the end of his lines and it’s SO FUNNY
it genuinely looked like scorpius was leaning in to kiss albus after he tells him to come to the funeral
harry putting his legs up on the desk and trying to touch his toes while hermione is scolding him in his office and she just 😐
BREAD BREAD WHATS WRONG WITH BREAD??? scorpius was very excited about the bread
scorpius’ hand on albus’ chest when the train started
scorpius protectively putting his entire arm over albus’ chest in st oswald’s when amos pulled his wand out
scorpius as harry was the FUNNIEST SHIT EVER THE VOICE CRACKS AND THE LITTLE JUMPS david absolutely nailed the harry!scorpius mannerisms
“WIZZO!” (jump and finger guns) i love one skrunkly boy
scorpius looking so shocked and terrified when delphi grabbed albus’ hand and kissed his cheek
once delphi kissed albus’ cheek, she turned around to face scorpius and both of them look SO REPULSED like absolutely not get away from me
edge of the forest !!! scorpius looked so happy to call albus his best friend and albus was so shocked and so in awe (people in the crowd literally awwwed at it)
albus looking at scorpius so admirably at the triwizard tournament while he was geeking out
i’ve never seen such longing stares in the staircase ballet what the fuck
delphi’s ‘you two you belong together’ was just sooo knowing like jess!delphi is a scorbus advocate
ellis’ hair 🥰🥰🥰🥰
the collective gasp from the audience when albus said he wasn’t a loser before he met scorpius in the library… OUCH
hermione crying after ron said ‘my hermione’ and trying to hide her tears when ron kept talking to her
SCORPIUS AND THE DEMENTORS !!!! harry!scorpius absolutely devoured idk
scorpius’ scream when albus came up in the water SENT ME he squealed to the rooftops
ITS HARRYYY (the highest pitched scream i’ve ever heard scorpius was VERY excited)
hermione in tears after mcgonagall’s office and rose just running into her arms when she sees her crying oh i love them
intense staring in slytherin dorms holy mother of god
the massive scream cry delphi did in the owlery HOLY SHIT it like mimicked the cry of an augurey bird it was SO GOOD i was genuinely scared for a hot second
delphi’s “looOooooooOove” when looking at scorpius and pointing out albus’ weakness oh jess vickers my queen devours every time + albus unable to look at scorpius and scorpius in utter shock
WAIST GRAB WAIST GRAB AND SCORPIUS’ HAND ON ALBUS’ IM COMING UP when albus and scorpius had to hide from lily with the blanket, albus literally just stood behind scorpius with his hand on his waist and scorpius had his hand on top of albus’ it was sooooo adorable
harry crying in his office after talking to the dumbledore portrait and draco walking in, giving a ‘i ain’t dealing with this’ face and turning to walk out LMFAO
“ugh, is that a farmers market?” steve!draco HATES FARMERS MARKETS HELP
scorpius jumping into draco’s arms when reunited :’)
albus and scorpius literally sitting on each other in st jerome’s, their legs against each other and albus leaning into scorpius’ shoulder they’re so :((
hermione and albus are definitely close and i live for it she was so warm and comforting to him in st jerome’s this is all i’ve dreamed of
“and now i think you’re finding wonderful clarity” and GINNY LOOKING OVER AT SCORPIUS GOD SHE KNOWSS
the staring in the final staircase scene and ROSE WATCHING WITH UTTER SATISFACTION
albus’ hand on scorpius’ chest after rose interrupts and brushing it off with a fake yawn HELP
the closeness after the hug when scorpius says ‘new version of us’
scorpius waving, albus waving, scorpius turning to leave, giggling and waving again I FEEL ILL
david!harry completely understands albus’ love for scorpius and you can really tell in the final scene when albus tells him scorpius is the most important person in his life. he catches on throughout the show and it’s really nice to see him fully accept his son’s bond with scorpius and be content with it!!
like mentioned before, such an incredible cast and i am so sad i won’t get to see them again!!! they are truly wonderful and i hope a lot of you get to see them bc they are fantastic <3
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bubblybubbubs · 10 months
Stuck with Me (4)
Soulmate AU - Draco Malfoy x Reader Summary - Draco finally reunites with his amnesiac soulmate. She still doesn't remember him and he is sad. It gets complicated, they both have issues. Slow burn.
Word Count - 12k
AN: Holy shit. I'm sorry this took me two? years to churn out. But here it is. It's not super proofread which is surprising given it took me two years. I just knew if I didn't publish it the minute I wrote the last word it would never happen. If this is your first time seeing this series don't get discouraged by the length of this part, the other parts are a reasonable length I just went crazy here. Warnings: Smut adjacent tags : @sadgirlgiselle @flores-and-sunshine @pencilupyourass @procrastinatorofwriting @fluffybunnyu @weasleysmalfoyxstyles @bi-andready-tocry 
part 1, part 2, part 3
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The rubbish that scattered the ruins of Hogwarts dug into the fabric of your pants as you both sat against the walls of what once was the great hall.
Ron and Hermoine had both left, but you were both still there. It was dark and cold, and the moon light illuminated your face in the perfect way. The same way it had when the both of you would walk around the grounds at night, the only time there wasn't any prying eyes. 
“So I got amnesia, and you ditched me?” You said plainly, breaking Draco's focus on the details of your face. He had given you a brief recap of what you should remember about him and why he had stayed away for so long, it didn't seem to be going in his favor at the moment.
Draco tensed. “Well when you put it like that..”
“What other way is there to put it?” You snapped back, the fire in your voice was so familiar to him he was almost happy to hear you upset with him.
“Im sorry I really am, I haven’t been making the best decisions as of late.”
“Yeah I can tell.” You said. “Now what?”
“You still don’t remember me?” Draco said, hoping you had remembered and were only dragging it out as a joke.
“No.” You said rolling your eyes. 
“I didn't really have a back up plan. I just assumed you seeing me would, I don’t know, kick your memories into gear.”
“Cocky are we?” You said, unimpressed.
“I’ve been called worse”
“I don't doubt it.”
Draco felt as if this conversation was going worse and worse by the second. “You know with the way you're talking to me, you’d think your memories would be back.”
“Yeah maybe they’re sitting in my deep deep deep subconscious.”
“Funny” He said crossing his arms.
“Is that really the best you could do, I mean I am your soulmate after all, couldn’t at least dress up for the occasion?” You motioned to his pajamas, the ones he hadn't changed all week.
He turned bright red, he was going to kill pansy. If this kept conversation kept going as badly as it was, he would make sure Pansy would hear about it for the rest of her life.
“Yeah well, I didn't exactly have the time to pick my Sunday best.” He said. “My friend Pansy quite literally had to drag me off my couch for me to come here.”
“That excited to see me?” You said. “I think I remember her. Pug faced, Slytherin, kind of mean?”
“I'm starting to get offended.” He said frowning. Of course, you remembered Pansy, who you likely interacted one time in your entire life, and not him.
“Im starting to think there’s a reason I didn’t remember you.”
His face visibly fell.
“Sorry, this is kind of a new situation to me, I get mean when I’m nervous.” You said kicking the dirt under your shoes.
“And here I was thinking we were bantering.”
You made a face. “Sure, if that’s what you want to call it.” You weren’t sure how to handle the situation. You knew that you were missing something, even before the moment you saw him with Ginny, something felt off. But that didn’t change the fact that you knew nothing about the boy standing infront of you, your soulmate.
You stood up, reaching out a hand to help him up which he took.
“No use in being among this depressing rubbish is there? I remember Hogwarts, what I don't remember is you.” You said. “Might as well get going, Molly is supposed to make a big meal today, you should join us.”
"Me? In the Weasley house?” Draco chuckled. “Merlin your memory really is fucked.”
“Mr. and Mrs Weasley, hello.” Draco said sheepishly.
Draco was assuming that you didn’t know that the both of you would be so late to dinner, or maybe you did and the awkwardness of the situation was you getting some retribution for all the times he wronged you.
The Weasley's all sat around the table, and it was all of them. When Draco imagined a big meal, he just imagined a regular dinner for the Weasleys, but it was a BIG meal, there were mini-Weasleys here he didn't even know existed.
The older ones, Bill, his wife Fleur, Charlie, and Percy tried to remain polite and kept to their conversations. 
Ron, George, and Ginny made no such effort.
Ron was about to protest his entrance when Molly stood up quickly welcoming him and magically adding two spots to the already stuffed table. Not surprisingly between the two worst options, Ron and Ginny. Y/n opted to sit next to Ginny leaving Draco to sit next to Ron, he audibly groaned when Draco sat next to him.
“Manners Ron!” Molly said to him causing him to mumble an apology. It came to no shock to Draco that Ron wouldn’t bother to hide his distaste for him, it was deserved to say the least.
“Y/n is a member of this family,” Molly said standing next to the table. “She is free to bring anyone to join our meals, especially when that anyone is her soulmate, I’d think you lot out of anyone would see the importance of a connection like that!”
“Now go on eat your food and stop gawking!” Molly tisked and mumbled under her breath. “As if they’ve never seen a Malfoy before.”
Draco awkwardly kept quiet.
“Thank you, Molly.” You responded. “We’re sorry for coming so late.”
“We’re just glad to have you, darling!” She said. “How is it going by the way, are the memories coming back?”
“It’s a work in progress.” You said smiling.
“Of course.” She said giving you a warm smile.
“Make yourself at home Draco, for as long as you’d like to stay.” Molly said. 
Draco was shocked by her hospitability, he thought he would get kicked out of the house the minute they saw him, given his history.
“I’d reckon we should get them their own room Arthur. Better than having them both staying in a cot in Ginny’s room.” She said with a laugh.
“Oh, I don’t think that will be necessary Molly.” You said nearly choking on your food with laughter. “I doubt Draco will be staying for too long.”
“Well, you never know.” Molly said.
“I think it’s about time I’ve got my room back to myself, no offense.” Ginny said with a playful grin on her face.
“Believe me, none taken.” You said. “But I feel as if I’m already imposing enough as it is I wouldn't-“
“Nonsense!” Arthur said. “It’s just a few flicks of the wand.”
“I’m starting to wonder why this didn’t come up a few months ago.” Ginny said.
“Wow I didn’t know rooming with me was such a pain Gin.” You said laughing.
“It was almost worse than when we all were sleeping in the room of requirement, remember?” Ginny said. This was a habit that Ginny had taken on, whenever she spoke about something that happened at Hogwarts she would always check to make sure you knew what she was talking about.
“Yeah, I remember.” You said smiling.
The mood at the table grew somber at the mention of the war and Draco grew stiff. Everyone at the table knew of his role in making the events unfold the way they did and he knew it too.
Bill interrupted with a story of how his baby was learning how to crawl and everyone’s focus shifted to him.
“And how did you come to that conclusion?” Draco said quietly to you. He couldn’t help the nervous feeling that flooded his senses. There had been a point in his life where he felt he couldn’t comfortably tell you anything, now here he was nervous to even speak to you.
“You said that I wouldn’t be staying for too long.” He said pulling together all the strength he had to not show his nerves. “I don’t recall deciding that.”
“You spent almost everyday of 6th year complaining to me about how Ron sat next to you in potions. Do you really think you could live here with Ron? Not to mention the rest of the Weasleys” You said it so freely you didn’t even notice that you had remembered something.
“You remember all that?” Draco said with a smile. He saw a glimpse of you, the you that remembered him, and he could almost feel the anxiety melt away. The return of the sense of familiarity.
“Yeah, I guess I do.” You said returning the smile. He missed that smile so fucking much.
“Yeah.” He said taking a spoon full of the stew Molly made. Trying to hide the grin growing on his face, it had been you. For a second maybe but for that second he felt as if he was talking to you, the You he remembered. "I think I’ll be sticking around.”
Molly was so excited to show you the new room, she kept going on about how it was the first room she had added since Ron and Ginny grew out of sharing a room. It was cute and looked like the rest of the Burrow.
“Thank you, Molly, this means a lot to me.” You said taking in the act of kindness. “You’ve been so kind taking me in the way that you have.”
“You are family.” She said pressing a kiss to your forehead. “We are here to help you through every step of your recovery, and then some.”
She looked at Draco who stood awkwardly at the entrance of the room.
“I’ll leave you two to it.” She said with a warm smile that Draco was growing to like.
“This is cozy.” He said.
“I hope you mean cozy in a good way.” You said making a face at him. 
“Believe me, I do,” Draco said. "This is a mansion compared to my living arrangements these past few months.”
“Who were you staying with.” You asked as you ran your finger along the books Molly had no doubt picked out for you that sat on your new nightstand that had the signature Arthur Weasley touch, meaning that it was somewhat slanted but you wouldn't have it any other way.
“Blaise Zabini, you probably wouldn’t remember him.” Draco continued with a laugh. “Don’t believe I ever got around to introducing you two.”
“Was that a joke?” You said. “Can’t really tell if something actually never happened, or if I’m just not remembering it.”
“Oh, it was a joke.” He said embarrassed. “I never introduced you to any of my friends, our relationship was, private.”
“Except for this one time.” He laughed. “You had come up to my table during a meal and sat yourself across from me demanding me to speak with you, and when Pansy told you to buzz off you told her you were my soulmate.”
“Wow, I sound amazing.” You laughed.
“Yeah. You had your moments.”
He liked talking to you again, hearing your voice was intoxicating, but still, your conversations felt so impersonal.
You still had your snark but it wasn’t you, you didn’t look at him the way you used to, and he didn’t look at you the way he used to. It was as if someone else was living in your body.
Neither of you knew quite how to speak to the other so the room was filled with tense and awkward air, something Draco had never experienced with you.
“I think it’s best if we don’t stay in the same room.” Draco said.
“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.” You said. “Where will you stay?”
“I have an idea, a potentially problematic one, but an idea nonetheless.”
“Are you demented.” Ron squealed. “You really think I’d have you sleeping in my room? I’d prefer to not be smothered in my sleep thank you very much.”
“Weasley.” Draco had never in his life imagined himself in this position. Groveling with Ron Weasley to let him stay in his room, it was almost hysterical. 
“Don't Weasley me!” Ron scoffed. “It’s one thing you being my home, but my room! You’re out of your bloody mind, you’ve completely lost it.”
Draco wasn’t dim. He in no way had been expecting Ron to welcome him into his house with open arms, much less his room. But he was desperate, he had to be close to you. He wasn’t going to give up, not this time. He would make you fall in love with him a million times if he had to.
“I can’t sleep in the same room as her, and I don’t have any other options if I want to stay here.”
“She’s your soulmate, stay with her!”
“She’s not my soulmate, she’s not my y/n.”
“This is exactly why I don’t need you in my room.” Ron huffed. “I have no interest in any of your issues.”
“It won’t be a long time just until she regains her memory,” Draco said hurriedly. “This is me groveling Weasley, please.”
Ron let out a long and dramatic groan throwing himself onto his bed.
“If you kill me, I’ll be really mad.”
“I gathered that.”
“We really took nature walks?” You questioned. Stepping on the stones that lead you further away from the Burrow. The Weasleys lived fairly removed from anyone else leaving plenty of land to explore.
“Once in a while,” Draco said. “I think the stress of war really brought out our appreciation for the simpler things in life.”
Your hair was pinned up and you looked stunning, not that he could say that to you. 
"How long are you staying for." You asked. "Not that I want you to leave."
"As long as it takes." He said. "If that's alright without you."
"That's alright with me." You said smiling at him. "Better than having you go be all lethargic on Blaise's couch." Even though Draco still felt like an acquintainces, you couldn’t help but feel guilty. You had gathered from what Ginny said that he hadn’t been in a good state since your injury and it weighed on you, you felt responsible somehow for what he had gone through in the last few months. You felt even more guilty about still not remembering him.
"Fair enough." 
"You know he wrote me."
"He wrote you?"
"He wanted to make sure I was treating his best friend right." You said with a grin. "He really cares about you it's sweet."
"When you get your memories back you have to meet my friends, they've heard a lot about you."
"I wonder how long it's going to take." You say. "It's already been a week."
"Don't rush yourself." He said. 
"I know, it's just so frustrating." You said. "I remember everything but you."
"It’s just the universe getting back at me for being born, it’ll pass."
It didn’t pass, months went by, and as each month came and went you both were growing less and less hopeful of your memories coming back. It was eating away at you, the way he looked at you when he was referencing something you knew he was praying you’d remember and how he looked every time you had to let him down. It was the same thing over and over, you would spend time together, he would bring something up from your past, you wouldn’t remember it and then he would remember you weren’t the y/n he fell in love with, those shoes were beginning to seem impossible to fill.
The stress you were under was overwhelming, every minute of your day felt like it was devoted to remembering. You weren’t allowed to move on with your life, to create new memories, not until you had recovered the old ones. 
You tried to stifle your cries with your pillow but Ginny almost had a sixth sense with her keen readings of your emotions, so there she was at your door.
“Y/n.” She said softly approaching you, taking your face into her hands. “Hey, it’s okay.” She said continuing to soothe you. “I’m letting everyone down Ginny, why can’t I fucking remember? That’s the only thing anyone wants from me and it’s the one thing I can’t do.”
“What are you talking about.” Ginny said, “We just want you to be happy.” You took a second to catch your breath.
“Every conversation I have just seems like a test, I just want to live Ginny. I can’t keep going on like this, I’m just going to keep disappointing everyone and that’s too much for me.”
“You could never disappoint us.” She said pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “But I get how you feel, I’ll tell everyone to cool it, I promise.” “What about Draco?” He was your biggest concern. He had the most at stake with you, every day he was counting on seeing his soulmate in you and you just could never seem to do that for him. You didn’t want to let him down, make him think that his soulmate was gone for good.
“What about him?” Ginny huffed. “If he loves you as much as he said he does he’s going to be kicking himself knowing how you’ve been feeling. Everyone just wants you to be happy Y/n.”
Ginny left you alone with your thoughts, you knew you had to cool it with Draco. Maybe it was the amount of pressure you put on your relationship that wasn’t letting you remember it all.
You knocked on his door quietly. 
“Come in.” He yelled from behind the door. Fred, Ron, and Draco were sprawled on the floor around some sort of floor, it was certainly an interesting sight.
“We’re playing wizard skittles, you want to play?” Draco said, eager to include you.
“No way man, we’re midgame. We’d have to start all over and I’m winning.” Ron said nudging at Draco to redirect his attention, which Draco ignored. “I’m good actually, I was hoping to talk to you, Draco.” The three boys looked at you not moving. “Alone.”
“We know when we’re not wanted,” Fred said taking the game out of the room with Ron on his tail. “You’re disqualified Malfoy.” Draco rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to you. “Is it your memory, is it back?” He said eagerly, you could almost hear him holding his breath. “No. But I did want to talk about that.” You said, he patted the spot next to him on the floor cushions and you sat next to him. 
“I think it’s best for me, and my memory if I just stop all this.” Draco furrowed his eyebrows, taken aback . “I’m not following?”
“The constant questions, you walking me through every day we spent together. I just can’t take it. What if I never get my memory back.” You had already started getting yourself used to the idea. “That’s not going to happen, you’re already so close.” The thing was that you weren’t. You knew it, and you knew he knew it too. He just didn’t want to admit it.
“I’ve been close for months, this might well be the best we get and I think I need to move on with my life and so do you.”
“If that’s what you want,” Draco said looking at the ground and you counted yourself lucky for that. You wouldn’t be able to bare it, the final look of devastation and disappointment on his face.  “ I can be out by the end of the week, I just need to talk to Blaise about moving back in.” He said looking away from you looking completely defeated “I’m sure he won't mind.” 
“You don’t need to leave Draco.” You said, and you truly meant it. You liked Draco you really did, the issue was that you didn’t love him. The last thing you wanted to do was uproot his life again and make him start over. Besides where would he go? Regardless of your feelings for him, he was your soulmate, and you couldn’t let your soulmate go homeless.
“You were the only thing keeping me here.” He said sharply.
“You like it here, the Weasleys love you and besides you said you hated Blaise’s couch.”
“I do hate Blaise’s couch.” He took a long pause, still not looking you in the eyes. “I’ll let you know, thank you Y/n.” 
“I’m sorry.” “I’m sorry for the way I’ve made you feel.” -
“What the fuck mate!” Ron said swinging the door open. Draco tensed at the sound. Him and Ron had surprisingly become good friend. Admittedly, it had taken a while but he found he had truly enjoyed the company of the person he despised for the majority of his life. The issue with that is that Ron no longer had any hesitation on commenting on his personal life. “Why did Blaise just write me saying you’re thinking of moving back in with him.” “She’s given up, she wants to move and I need to let her.” Draco said, avoiding eye contact with Ron. “She told you to leave? I can change her mind.” Ron said. Draco couldn’t help but feel a bit flattered that Ron would be willing to do that for him. “No, she told me to stay.” “Then why the fuck are you leaving.” 
“Staying is going to break my heart.” Ron looked at Draco with pity. Draco hated that.
“You’re going to be heartbroken either way. Stop being stupid.” Ron didn’t get it, he and Hermoine had this annoyingly perfect relationship. 
“I don’t want to impose on your family anymore either.” “I actually had a thought about that.” Ron said. “Ginny and I were thinking about moving out. We found a great flat, with four bedrooms. Hermione and I in one room, Ginny was going to take one, Y/n would take another and we have a fourth one, for you. ”
Draco stilled, “Really?” Flattered couldn’t begin to describe how he felt. This wasn’t a spur of the moment, ‘we’ll make it work’. They had thought of him when planning this. They wanted him there. “What about Potter?”
“Tried to convince him but I think he’s going to be staying with Andromeda,” Ron said. “Your aunt, he wants to help with Teddy. Feels awful guilty I reckon.”
Draco paused. His heart couldn’t help but feel lighter. Ron Weasley liked him. He was inviting him to live together, by choice. He had never imagined what forgiveness would feel like, but this seemed to be it or something close to it anyways. “I’ll talk to Y/n about it, I wouldn’t want to make her uncomfortable.”
“Ginny and I haven’t talked to her about it yet, but I’m sure she’ll be fine with it,” Ron said putting a hand on Draco’s shoulder and nodding at him. “So you can unpack that bag, at least for now.”
You held your boxes of things close to your chest as you walked up the stairs of your apartment building toward your new flat. It would be hard to get used to not using magic for everything, but Hermione insisted on it. Her new job in the Ministry had her more strict on the statute of secrecy than she had been in school. 
“Need a hand?” Draco called from behind you. You were happy that he had chosen to join you, truly you were. The last thing you wanted was to tear him away from a life he had grown comfortable with, you saw the way he was happy with Ginny and Ron, and based on the letters you had gotten from both Pansy and Blaise this was the first time he had felt that way in a long time. He took a box from the top of your teetering pile before opening the door for you. 
“It’s,  nice.” You said with an evident pause. The question of how you had gotten such an affordable deal was instantaneously answered, you turned to Draco to see how he felt about the place but saw no such reaction.
“I’ll take what I can get,” Draco said setting your box and his things down. “I lived on Blaise’s couch for a year and have been sleeping a few feet away for Ron for the last few months. My own room is a blessing.”
“It’s perfect,” Ginny said entering the flat with her own boxes in tow, Harry not too far behind, helping her with her things. “I love Mum, but Merlin am I excited for some freedom.” “Like you ever listened to her.” Ron snorted, your friends fell into their comfortable banter and you wandered off toward the rooms. They were tiny for sure but you couldn’t help but like them. You were beginning to feel normal again when you first woke up and had no memory you didn’t see yourself living a normal life but here you were, back on track. Your eyes found themselves on Draco and you felt uneasy, you didn’t know how he fit into your new life. He was your roommate now,  his place in this flat was as cemented as yours. You no longer felt guilt every time you saw him, that was a step forward for sure, but still, a sort of uneasiness came over you. You pushed it aside, the whole reason you had shut down Draco the way you had was so you’d be able to have a normal life, and that included treating Draco like you would every other person in the flat, like a friend.
“Draco your friends are here.” Ron called from the door as Pansy pushed past Ron and into the flat.
“Sorry.” Blaise said.
“What have I said about apologizing for me Blaise?” Pansy groaned. “Which room is Draco’s?”
“What are you guys doing here?” Draco asked.
“Starts living with a bunch of Gryffindors and forgets all about his friends, typical.” Pansy exclaimed.
“I got to say I agree with her.” Blaise said.
Ron walked away from them, overwhelmingly uninterested in their dramatics.
“I haven’t forgotten about you,” Draco said. “You guys are my best friends.”
“Okay we get it,” Pansy said rolling her eyes. “No need to get all sentimental.”
Draco had really missed his friends, he liked his flat mates he really did. It took some time to get used to ‘Game Night’ but he was growing to appreciate the Gryffindor-esque of his roomates. But Pansy and Blaise had been there from the beginning, there were things about Draco that only they would understand, them and Y/n, of course, atleast the old Y/n. 
“We’re taking you out for drinks.” Pansy exclaimed excitedly, shaking Draco slightly. 
“Not my idea,” Blaise said shaking his head. 
“I’m controlling myself now, I’ll be fine.” Draco said. He really was getting better, he didn’t like to think about the mess he was before he had moved in with the Weasleys.
“So emotional, the both of you,” Pansy said shaking her head. “It’s so boring.”
Pansy fussed over both his and Blaise’s outfits for the next hour before sheathing her jacket to show off one of her clubbing outfits, only much more extravagant than anything Draco has seen her wear in the past.
“Where exactly are we going?” Draco said.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about that,” Pansy said.
It was worse than Draco expected, Pansy had really outdone herself. The club was packed, every few steps Draco felt the sweat of others on him and had to stop himself from physically cringing. 
“Let loose a little!” Pansy said, her own excitement visible all over her face as she leaned over the bar to talk to the bartender.
“When was the last time you had a little fun?” Blaise said.
“I have fun.” Draco said. “I like living with all of them.” “I don’t mean that type of fun.”
Draco snorted. “What to do you think.” “You depress me Draco, you really do.” Blaise said. “Do you need me to be your wingman or something? How times have changed, the Draco Malfoy needs help getting laid.”
“I don’t need help getting laid Blaise,” Drcao said, embarassed and irritated. “I just don’t really want to.” “Merlin, it’s even worse than I thought.” Blaise immediately turned to the bartender ordering drinks for the both of them.
Draco sits at the bar silently, Blaise had found someone else more interesting and abandoned him so he was sulking at a bar, very typical of him, he thought to himself. He tried to look as unapproachable as possible but he felt a burning stare on him and couldn’t help but turn to look who was sending it. He looked up to see a girl who was intently headed in his direction, he looked around for his friends desperate for a quick way out but they were no where to be found. 
The girl took a seat next to him, “Thanks for the drink.” She said with a slight giggle and she swirled her drink around before drinking more of it. Draco stared down at her cup completely confused before putting it together, Blaise just loved to meddle. He wasn’t sure what to say but luckily for him there was no need for that, the girl talked his ear off. 
Eventually she grew tired of sitting and dragged him to the dance floor. Draco didn’t want to offend this girl so he feigned the most interest he could while simultaneously backing away from her. He was already many drinks in and he still wasn’t able to drown out the fact that this girl was not you. Evidently the girl didn’t pick up on just how put off Draco was and he had to put an end to it. 
He pushed her hands off of his chest where they had been,
Whatever protest he was going to put up were quickly shut down by the girl all but throwing herself on Draco, her lips were smothering his and Draco was complteley frozen for one second and the next he was gagging. The girl backed away immediately in disgust, just in time for Draco to throw up all over her shoes. The attention of the entire room seemed to be on him and the girl as many of them began to laugh at the scene. Pansy and Blaise quickly found him and dragged him to the bathroom. 
Pansy tried to stiffly her laughter as Blaise scolded her.
“I thought you could hold your liquor Malfoy.” Blaise laughed. “Time have really changed.”
“It wasn’t the drinks, she kissed me.” Draco mumbled.
“Did she taste bad or something?” Pansy chortled.” God how embarrassing, for her that is.”
“She tasted fine.” Draco said as he cleaned himself infront of the bathroom mirror.
“It’s okay mate, you tried.” Blaise said. “But if you had let me be your wingman you probably wouldn’t have thrown up.” “I really don’t want to talk about this anymore.” Draco said plainly, amusment gone from his voice. He could’ve told them that this would have happened. Saved them the trouble. He was living with you as friends sure, but that didn’t mean he was over his soulmate. Pansy and Blaise exchanged a guilty look.
“We’ll take you back to your place.”
Draco closes the door behind him quietly, feel a bit of relief wash over him.
“Hey,” You said from the sofa, she was sat down working on some sort of craft project. “How was your night out?”
He considered being honest with you, telling you that he threw up because he couldn’t handle kissing anyone that wasn’t his soulmate. But there would be no point in that because you were not his soulmate. He wasn’t sure when it had set in but he knew that he didn’t feel the same way seeing you as he once did, so he lied. “It went great.”
“That’s great,” You said smiling up at him. Draco started to head towards his room before you called after him. “I actually wanted to talk to you about something.” 
He nodded before taking a seat on the couch, leaving a seat between the both of you.
“I don’t know how to approach this, given our situation.” You looked up while you spoke, avoiding his eyes. “I got asked on date, and I wanted to take them up on the offer. I just wanted to check with you before I said anything, I would hate to make you uncomfortable.” He didn’t understand how he felt, he thought he didn’t love this new Y/n but the thought of you going on a date with someone else made him want to throw up again. It was a constant whirl of confusion, but you seemed to know what you wanted. The only thing he did know was that he missed his soulmate, so much that it hurt.
“Go for it, I’m good.” Draco lied. “Really, I am.”
You posed in front of the mirror with Ginny and Hermione.
“We look so good,” She shook you with excitement. “I’m serious we’re going to kill this party.”
“This is what our last few years should’ve been like, partying, dressing up,” Ginny said shaking her head. “Not war.”
“I’m glad Parvati is having this party,” You said adjusting the straps of your dress. “Melin, we need it. I mean when was the last time any of us were able to feel our age.”
“I agree,” Hermione said. “And we look really good.”
The three of you were dressed as pirates, Parvati had called all of you up only a week ago with the idea of throwing a Halloween party and you had all been in agreement. “Can you tell Draco that he has to go?” Ron said standing in your doorway and knocking on the bathroom door to get your attention.
“He doesn’t want to go?” Hermione asks.
“No,” Ron says frustrated. “He thinks people aren’t going to want him there.”
You follow Ginny and Hermione out of the bathroom, Draco is sat on the couch arms crossed, likely already having received a lecture from Ron on the importance of Halloween parties.
“Draco get dressed!” Ginny exclaimed pulling his blanket off of him. “You’re going to make us late.”
“I already said I’m not going,” Draco said yanking his blanket back. “I’m serious, I don’t want to spend my whole night surrounded by people who hate me.”
“They don’t hate you.” Ginny said, sounding wholey unconvincing.
Draco didn’t budge off of the couch.
“Fine whatever, be lame!” Ginny said going back to getting ready followed by Hermione. Ron scoffed and went back to putting together his own costume, a mummy. You stood awkwardly in the living room, across from Draco. His eyes softened when it was just you, whatever irritation he had at his friends dissipated. 
“The point of this party is to get everyone’s spirits up after everything we’ve gone through,” You said. “You went through the War just like the rest of us, you deserve to move on too.”
You give him a small smile before heading off to the bathroom too. Ginny talked your ear off about how excited she was to see everyone and Harry who had been so busy lately. You nodded along to her recounts drifting off until a soft knock caught your attention.
Draco stood at the door, he was wearing an orange shirt with a haphazardly drawn face on it, “I’m a pumpkin.” He said, you couldn’t help but smile up at him. 
It seemed like your entire year had shown up to the party, it felt strange seeing everyone in the same place again. Your friends had all dispersed all having their own people to catch up with, except for Draco who stuck by your side.
“Are your friends coming?” You asked him as you maneuvered through the crowd of people.
Draco snorted, “No, Pansy told me she’d rather die and Blaise said that I’d damper his Halloween spirit.”
“I guess we’ll just have to show Blaise you have tons of Halloween spirit.” You said.
“I guess we do.” Draco laughed. “Want me to get us some drinks?”
You nodded before he walked off, you could sense his uneasiness as he walked towards the drinks, having to get past all of the people who wanted nothing to do with him. You hoped he’d be able to have a good time, you were the reason he was here after all.
You were brought away from your thoughts at the familiar nasal tone of Romilda Vane’s voice, it was the same one you heard gossiping almost every night in the Gryffindor common room.
“What is he doing here?”
“Doesn’t he look good,” Lavender said. “Merlin, how does he make orange work?”
“He’s a murder Lav, get yourself together,” Romilda said. “ How the fuck did his psycho ass even get invited?”
“Apparently he lives with Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and Y/n.” Katie chimed in. “Merlin, he’s got to have put some spell on them.” Romilda said in disbelief. “What the fuck is he playing at.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” You spun around to face them, the look on the three girls faces blanched for a second, not having seen you. “Mind your own fucking business.”
Lavendar and Katie backed away, not wanting the confrontation but Romilda only puffed out her chest and stepped closer to you, it was an intimidation tacit she had used since your first year. 
“We have the right to be concerned for our safety.” Romilda sneered. “Well, I’m telling you that your perfectly safe, so shut your mouth Romilda.” You said trying not to backdown. You were not a fighter, Ginny had enough aggressiveness for the both of you.
“What, are you shagging him?” Romilda laughed. “Is that really all it takes to get you to forget that Death Eaters are bad, it’s pathetic really. ”
Before you could even process that Ginny was right behind you, ready to handle Romilda herself, you hit her. Your fist stung and you shook it as she cried out and gripped at her face, making a spectacle of herself. Everyone was turning to look at you.
“What is going on?” Padma said. You explained under your breath, Padma had always been your friend more than Romilda’s, it didn’t take much convincing to show her Romilda was in the wrong. It was Romilda after all. Katie and Lavender had to drag her out as she cried out in protest. 
“I’m so sorry Padma, I know how much this party meant to you, and to everyone.” You were more than embarrassed.
“She was out of line, it would’ve been wrong for you not to put her in her place.” She said before leaving you on your own. The party quickly picked up, your drama no doubt firing a bit of the stir. 
“Was that awesome or what?” Ginny said coming up you with Hermione and Ron in tow. “Where did you learn to hit like that? Oh wait, I totally taught you!”
“Where’s Draco?” You asked, there was no way he had missed all the commotion. You hoped you hadn’t made him feel worse. Ginny rolled her eyes at how quickly you killed her excitement. “In some corner sulking probably,” Ron said. Hermione supported his statement, nudging your elbow and pointing towards where he was. Standing in a corner of the room while swirling his drink around. You abandoned your friends and walked towards him, already piling up the stew of apologies you owed him. “I’m so sorry Draco, I didn’t mean to bring more attention to you.”
He looked at you confused, “You hit Romilda because of me?” Your face turned red. 
“You didn’t hear all that?”
“Not until she started screaming. Shit, I knew I shouldn’t have come.”
“No, It’s my own fault. I just got myself carried away.”
“What happened?”
“She was just saying stuff she had no business saying.” You said. 
“I’m sorry.” “For what?” “Ruining your night, if I hadn’t come she wouldn’t have had anything to talk about.” “Don’t apologize. You're my friend, I’ll make a million more scenes if I have to.”
“Please don’t.” He laughed before his expression softened. “I’m glad we’re friends by the way.” Draco meant it too. Surprisingly, it was getting easier. You weren’t the Y/n that was his soulmate, you were the Y/n that was his friend and this reality was increasingly becoming less scary.
“Me too.”
“Fuck.” He said.
“What?” “Now I have to punch someone.” Draco said pinching the bridge of his nose, feigning anguish. You laughed and shoved him.
“What is she doing!” Ginny yelped as she pressed herself to the window trying to get the best look down from her apartment building.
“Keep your voice down.” Hermione scolded from next to her, although she was equally as curious. Even with Hermione’s shushing Draco and Ron came out of their rooms to see what the fuss was about. 
“What’s going on?” Draco said looking between the two girls and then at Ron who looked equally as confused.
Ginny let out a scream at the sight of Draco before standing on the couch making her best effort to cover the window. “Don’t look!” Draco ignored Ginny and went up to the window, it was You. You were wearing, what Ginny would call a ‘Bad Bitch’ outfit, it was new, he definitely hadn’t seen it before. It seemed like you were going to wear it to wherever Zacharias Smith was planning on taking you in that car of his. This must’ve been that date you had told him about, he wasn’t sure why he hadn’t thought it was going to happen, but here it was.
“It’s fine.” He said moving away from the window. “She told me she was going on a date.” “Did you know it was with Zacharias Smith!” Ginny exclaimed, sinking into the sofa in defeat. “That guy sucks!”
Draco didn’t know Zacharias but he was glad to have a valid reason to not like him, although Ginny’s bar for ‘suck’ was pretty low.
“It’s really none of my business.” Draco said, he didn’t miss the look of pity from Hermione and Ron.
“It its your business,” Ginny said. “You’re her soulmate!”
Draco sighed “I really don’t want to get into this right now.” “It’s alright mate.” Ron said, patting him on the back. “Leave him alone Ginny!”
Draco made his way back to his room, shutting the door behind him to try to lose the sound of Ginny and Ron arguing. He was trying to convince himself that it was fine, he had date options too! He could finally take Astoria up on that offer, Pansy wouldn’t let him hear the end of it, Astoria being Daphne’s baby sister and all that, but still. What did Pansy know anyways? If Y/n could move on, he could to. In fact he had to, he didn’t want to seem obsessed with her or anything like that. They were roomates afterall. 
Draco pulled paper out of his desk before writing to Astoria, he crumbled it up the first time. But the second time he managed a possibly too formal invitation for a date, he handed it to his owl before he had the chance to change his mind.
You picked at your food as Zacharias went on about what he’s been up to since Hogwarts. Working his way up the ministry ladder, or something along those lines. You remembered one of the conversations you had with Draco when you were still trying to get your memories back, he was telling you how he’d rather die than be a Ministry Man like his father, and grandfather and possibly all the Malfoy men before him. Zacharia had not no such concerns. You took a mouthful of your pasta before noticing the way he was looking at you, eyes wide with a slight smile, head tilted like he was expecting something. He must have said a joked that you missed.
“Sorry!” You said, “Trying not to laugh with my mouth full!” “No worries, it’s good for a woman to have manners.”
You held back a laugh, but this time not to have ‘manners’ but to spare his feelings.
Draco poured cereal into his bowl as he heard the sounds of keys jingling, outside of the door. Would it be awkward for him to be in the kitchen as you came in, would it seem like it was on purpose? It was already too late for him to go running into his room, he had to act natural.
The door opened and he could hear the voice of Zacharias carrying into the flat.
“I had a great time.” Zacharias said. Merlin he even soiunded like a prat.
“Thanks.” You said awkwardly, “Me too.” Draco wondered if you meant it, but he was quickly taken away from his thoughts by the sight of Zacharias pushing you into the door and kissing you. The door, which was already open agape, swung open at Zacharias pushing your body against it and hitting the wall. Draco really wished he had taken that chance at making a run for his room.
Zacharias moved away from your completely still form at the sight of Draco. “You live with him?”
“Uh, yeah.” You said stepping away from him further.
“Whatever.” Zacharias scoffed, clearly upset by Draco’s presence. “I’ll call you.”
“What was that about.” Draco said as you went to close the door behind Zacharias.
“Oh, well we talked about our soulmates. So I explained our whole situation, I just didn’t mention that we lived together.”
“I hope that’s not a problem.” Draco said, in reality he hoped it was a problem but you didn’t need to know that. “In all honesty, I don’t really care if it is.” You said kicking your shoes off. “Good night Draco.”
“Night.” He called out after you, the urge to go on a date with Astoria was very much gone but he knew that the Owl had likely reached her by now. He was expecting a howler from Daphne any second about asking her sister out without checking with her first.
Draco groaned and poured his cereal down the drain, he had lost his appetite.
Draco went on his date with Astoria, and then some. And you grew to tolerate Zacharias.
Even with the both of you being involved with other people, the undeniable fact was that it was your day. Unbeknownst to both of you, you would both lay awake at night under the same roof wondering what would happen. What if you didn’t hear eachother’s voices? Draco thought that would explain why things weren’t the same, but he didn’t want to consider that. He didn’t want to replace you. Although sometimes it felt like he was, Astoria laughed a certain way or wore a certain shirt and he was reminded of how he never meant to date again. 
You were stretching, having just woken up when you felt the tug. You were stunned for a second, one of the things you had yet to remember where the tugs, you couldn’t remember a single one and here you were experiencing it again.
Draco spoke first, “How are you?”
The confirmation that was hearing his voice somehow lifted a pressure off your chest. “I’m well. What are you having for breakfast?”
“I was going to have pancakes.” He answered.
You stepped into your slippers before making your way to his room. You knocked twice.
“Come in.” He called.
You pushed the door open and stood in his doorway. “Hey soulmate.” “Hey.” He said laughing a little, although there was a ting of sadness carried in his tone.
“Mind if I join you for those pancakes.” You said.
“Not at all.” He smiled stepping out of bed. 
You were so sucked into the domesticity of it all, the way you and Draco were able to get through everything you’d gone through and still be friends that you almost missed the way he managed to look good even after just waking up, almost. 
You were a nervous wreck, dinner usually had away of going sideways with the 5 of you, now with the added elements of Harry, Zacharias, and Astoria you weren’t entirely sure what to expect.
It had been your idea after all, you had made an attempt at convincing Ginny that Zacharias wasn’t the complete asshole that he had been at Hogwarts to no avail. So this dinner was to try and show them that you were going out with him for more than a free meal, and to possible also convince yourself of that as well. And if you we’re being completely honest you wanted to see what Astoria’s deal was. Draco never brought her over to the flat, the same way you never let Zacharias get past the door way. But now they’d both be in your home, fantastic.
The doorbell rang through the house. Everyone was here except for her, the spot next to Draco and across from you was empty. Draco stood from his chair to get the door, but not before catching the anxious look on your face. 
You turned towards Zacharias pretending to be interested in whatever he was telling Ron and Harry about, you could see it on their faces that they were about disinterested as you. You wondered what exactly made you continue to date him, he was handsome, maybe that was it. Sometimes he could be funny, and he was very gentlemanly. You supposed that was enough. 
Astoria sat across from you. You knew she was a year or two below you in school but that was about all you knew about her, but she looked exactly like you imagined her to. Her dark brown hair was blown out and framed her pale face nicely, she had light blue eyes that contrasted against her dark hair and her bold red lipstick. She was from one of those old rich pureblood families like Draco and she looked the part. Seeing them sit next to each other they looked like a perfect fit for each other, the Ministry husband and the gala-planning wife. 
You noticed that everyone’s eyes were on you.
“Sorry?” You said, clearly having missed something.
“Astoria was just introducing herself to you.” Draco said, concern etched on his face.
“Right, sorry.” You said. “Lovely to meet you, truly.” She gave you a tight lipped smile as she exchanged pleasantries with the rest of the table. 
Zacharias gave you a weird look but you missed it, instead staring down at your plate. 
The small talk was going well for a few minutes. Not that you were too engaged in it, you couldn’t help but sneak looks at Astoria and Draco. You knew you had wanted him to move on from you for so long, but it’s one thing to want it and another for it to happen right before your eyes.
“So Zacharias, what have you been up to.” Harry asked Zacharias.
“Working at the Ministry, surprised you lot aren’t there too.” Zacharias said. “Working isn’t for everyone, I suppose.” You elbowed him for his brassness. 
“Well Zacharias,” Ginny said. From the way she put her fork down you nearly wanted to cower under the table. “Some of us have a War to recover from.”
Zacharias snorted. “I went through the war too, I’m perfectly fine.” “Did you though?” Hermione said under her breath.
“What was that?” 
You wanted to scream. The worst possible scenario was actively unfolding. You felt the realization wash over you, this guy was actually just a fucking asshole. 
“Everyone saw your cowardness Zacharias.” Hermione said sitting up straight and looking directly at him. “You pushed first years into danger to get yourself out of it.”
“It’s called survival skills,” Zacharias said, not backing down. “Maybe if you lot had some this table would be a little more full, yeah?”
The table went silent as Zacharias pointedly made eye contact with Ginny and Ron.
“You need to go.” You said breaking the silence, you couldn’t even look up at him from how humiliated you felt.
“What!” Zacharias said offended, “I’m just standing up for myself.”
“Get out!” You said standing up. “I’m serious Zacharias, you need to go.”
Zacharias stood up aggressively and the rest of the table except for Astoria stood too.
You walked to the door holding it open for him. “Now.”
Zacharias angerly gathered his stuff and made his way out. “Can one of you make sure he finds his way out?” You said, tears welling up as you made your way to your room followed by Hermione and Ginny.
“I’ve got this.” Draco said, motioning for Harry and Ron to stay put. 
“What the fuck, are you following me?” Zacharias said as Draco got into the elevator after him.
“Just making sure you find your way out.” Draco seethed.
“Well, I’m fine, thanks.”
“Yeah I think I’ll stick around until you’re out the door.” Zacharias huffed and Draco stood in the elevator arms crossed until they reached the ground floor.
When Zacharias stood outside of the apartment building, he looked back at Draco, eyes flailing. Zacharias rubbed his face in frustration before mumbling under his breath a curse mixed with your name.
“Excuse me?” Draco said grabbing him by the collar. “You’re friend’s a cunt.” Zacharias seethed, not backing down despite having Draco at his neck. 
Draco ignored the voice of a cop down the street yelling at him to let Zacharias go. Zacharias pushed Draco off of him only to be met with Draco’s fist. Zacharias pushed Draco back and made to punch him back before Draco pushed him onto the ground.
“Cut it out!” The cop yelled getting inbetween the both of them.
“Merlin, fuck.” Harry said watching from the window.
He knocked on your door not wanting to disturb whatever motivational speech Ginny and Hermione were giving you. “Sorry to interrupt but, I’m afraid Draco is getting arrested.”
“What?” Astoria said standing up from the table and looking out the window herself. “Merlin, Draco.”
You wiped the tears of humiliation off your face and went to go look out the window too. “They’re taking him away! Where are they taking him to.” “Where do you think,” Ron groaned. “Most likely the police station genius.”
“I don’t need this snark right now my s-” You paused. “Draco is being arrested.”
Astoria stood awkwardly next to you, not entirely sure how to react. 
“I’ll drive.” Ginny said grabbing her keys off of the counter and making her way out of the flat.
“I think I’ll go on my own.” Astoria said, forcing a smile.
“Right of course.” You said closing the door behind her.
Draco’s phone call was met by voicemail so he assumed that his friends were already on their way. Merlin, what was he going to say, Astoria wouldn’t find it weird that he punched Zacharias for you would she? Would you find it weird? 
The door of the police station swung open, it was you and the rest of his friends, with a lack of Astoria that went unnoticed by Draco. You rushed to the desk telling them what you were there for, you looked so concerned. Draco found it entirely endearing. The secretary went off to talk to one of the officer and your eyes scanned the room for Draco, you waved slightly when you finally saw him, he smiled at that.
“We’ll let you off with just a warning this time.” The officer said, you trailing not too far behind him. “You the girlfriend?” He said turning to you. You blinked staring at Draco and then at the officer.
“No, that would be me.” Astoria said coming up next to you, because she was his girlfriend. Not you. There had been no reason for you to hesitate, yet you did.
“Just keep him out of trouble Ma’am.” The officer said. “Let there not be a next time.” “There won’t be officer,” Astoria said smiling at him in a way that made the officer turn light pink. She was charming, you never considered yourself charming. 
“Do you want to ride home with us?” You asked looking back towards your friends who were waiting by the door of the station, watching curiously on this unspoken game of tug-a-war between you and Astoria.
“I think he’ll come with me.” Astoria interrupted before Draco could answer. “There’s probably not enough room in Ginny’s car.”
She grabbed Draco by the hand leading him out of the police station without stopping to say goodbye.
Draco glanced back at you with a tight lipped smile. “I’ll see you at home?”
You nodded.
You fell asleep waiting for Draco to come home, the sound of the door opening woke you up. You stood to talk to him.
“Why’d you hit Zacharias?” You said standing across from him. 
Draco sighed, shaking his jacket off and throwing it onto the couch. He ran a hand through his hair before answering, “Because.” He paused. “I’d do anything for you.”
Your breath catched at the look on his face as he turned to you. His eyes were dark and all of his focus was on one thing, you. He got closer to you until you could feel his breathing on your nose. 
“Draco,” You said, “Fuck.” His finger tilted your face upwards to kiss you before he pushed you closer to the sofa, he spun you and pulled you down with him until you were sitting on his lap. His mouth was on your neck but he moved his wet kisses down towards your chest, yanking on your shirt until you pulled it off over your head.
“Y/n” He called, you only hummed in response.
“Y/n.” You blinked slowly, you were on the couch but not on top of Draco. No Draco was in front of you, shaking you awake.
“Did you fall asleep waiting up for me?” He asked, brows furrowed.
Your chest heaved with each shallow breath.
“Are you okay?” He asked, taking in your appearance.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You said rubbing your eyes as you sat up. “What time is it?”
“It’s 2.” He said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you’d be waiting up for me.”
“No, I don’t know why I thought you were coming right home.” You said. “I should go to my room.” 
He nodded, “Good night.” You stopped in your doorway, turning to look at him. “Why’d you hit Zacharias?” “You’re my friend.” Draco said. “And he was being a prat.” “Sorry, you got arrested.” You said.
He shrugged. “No big deal.”
“Good night Draco.” You said before closing the door behind you. You didn’t give yourself time to think about your dream, or why Draco hadn’t come straight home, you collapsed onto your bed and let sleep take you. 
Astoria was perceptive, but she didn’t need to be to see your obvious affection for each other. You were talking to each other animatedly on the sofa, bodies fully turned towards each other, you couldn’t get enough of each other’s presence. Draco hung onto every word you said the same way your eyes were glued to his. She wasn’t the only one to notice this, she didn’t miss the excited glances that Draco’s roommates gave each other whenever they saw Draco and you acting this way. She put down the bowl she was stirring.
“Draco can you give me a hand with dinner?” She called out from the kitchen, she didn’t miss how he lingered next to you. Obviously not wanting to leave your side, and she didn’t miss the way your hand slipped off his arm, where it had previously been. She turned away from the sight, wiping angrily at the tears welling in her eyes.
“What’s up.” He said.
“Uh.” Astoria paused. “Can you finish up dinner, I’m not feeling well.” 
“Oh yeah totally.” He said. “Don’t worry about it, you were so kind for offering to make dinner for us in the first place.”
“Rain check?” Astoria asked. “Sure.” He said leading her out the door. “Want me to walk you to your car?”
“No need.” A part of Astoria thought he would notice the tone in her voice and ask her what was wrong but he didn’t, he shut the door behind her and she heard his quickly retreating steps, most likely eager to get back to you.
Ginny and you laid on your bed while your nail polish dried, you were reading a magazine while she stared you down.
“What do you want to say to me Ginny.” You sighed putting down the magazine. You had known Ginny long enough to pick up on her tells, not that she was discrete with them.
“It’s not what I want to say to you.” Ginny said. “It’s what you want to say to me.”
“Okay.” You paused. “What is it you want me to say.” “When we’re you going to tell me about you having a crush on Draco!” She whisper yelled. “Do you have your memories back?”
Your face burnt bright red. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Why are you lying to me right now,” Ginny said. “I’m not going to tell him.” “I don’t have my memories back.” You said laying back down and covering your face with your hands. “And maybe I do like him, but he doesn’t like me! He’s dating Astoria, plus he’s only interested in me if I have my memories.” Ginny blinked at you. “Are you fucking blind. Even Astoria can see that he likes you.” “No, he doesn’t!” You said. “I’m the one that pushed him away remember?”
Ginny groaned in frustration. “I hate you so much.”
“Why do you choose to make your life more difficult than it has to be!”
“I am not making my life more difficult.” You argued. “I’m saving myself from humiliation.”
“He is in love with you!” Ginny said, You shook her head and picked your magazine back up. “I don’t want to talk about this.”
“Then when will we?” Ginny said. “When he really does stop loving you because of Astoria?”
She walked out of your room slamming the door behind her.
Groceries in hand you dug through your pockets for the keys to the flat. You stopped in your tracks when you saw Astoria, she was standing on your doormat waiting for a response but she started walking towards you when she saw you.
“Hi, Astoria.” You said. “I don’t think Draco’s home right now.” “I’m here to talk to you, not with Draco.” She said.
“Oh.” You paused, “Let me just put this stuff away and we can talk.” 
She nodded walking into the flat and sitting down on the sofa after you opened it.
“What’s up.” You said, taking a seat next to her.
“I need you to leave Draco alone.” She said, not looking you in the eye.
“What?” You said incredulously
“He told me what happened with the two of you.” Astoria said. 
“What-” She interrupted you. “You cut it off with him. So please let him move on.” 
“Astoria, he’s my friend.” You said, “I’m not trying to seduce him or anything.”
“ I love him,” Astoria said. “Do you know how hard it is to find someone when you don’t have a soulmate? It’s impossible, but I found Draco.”
You were silent. He was never her’s to find. You weren’t dead, he would still hear your voice every year. Did she not know that? You so wanted to drag her by her perfect hair. Who was she to tell you what to do?
“So, please. Let him go.” Astoria pleaded.
“What exactly is it that you want him to do.”
“Just leave him alone.” She snapped, then regained her composure. “By stringing him along, you’re ruining his life. You’re never getting your memories back, get used to the idea.”
Your eyes unfocused out of anger. 
“Get out of my house.” You said. She looked at you and opened her mouth but quickly closed it and stormed out. You slammed the door behind her, turning on your heel towards your room. You couldn’t believe her audacity. You laid on your bed trying to compose yourself while staring up at your ceiling.
What would Draco say if you told him she had confronted you like that? Surely, he’d be on your side. 
You turned to your others side. But Astoria was right, you did turn him down. And you aren’t getting your memories back. Even if he were to start ‘liking’ you again that wouldn’t change.
You felt lonely, Ginny was too upset with you to talk to you and you were trying not to talk to Draco. Even though you truly hated Astoria, she was right. Your crush on Draco would only mess with both of your lives. You weren’t speaking to the two most important people in your life. You couldn’t find a reason to get out of bed, so you didn’t.
You heard soft knocks at your door. “I’m letting myself in.” Ginny said. She took in your room and tried to ignore the mess before making her way to you. “I’m so sorry if I went too far. You’re my bestfriend. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine Ginny.”
“Then what’s wrong with you.” She said. “You’re not treating yourself right.”
You stayed silent. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Y/n please.” Ginny said quietly running her fingers through your hair. “We’re so worried about you.”
“I’m fine.” You said turning away from her.
“Is this about Draco?” GInny said, she had only seen you like this once before.
You couldn’t help the way the sobs racked your body. “Merlin, I just love him so much.”  
“Oh sweetheart.” She climbed into bed with you, hugging you tight as you cried. 
“I just don’t want to keep hurting him.”
“I know.” Ginny said pressing kisses to your forehead. “But do you honestly think Draco would be anything but happy to hear you love him?”
“I don’t want to risk it.”
“Just fucking being in the same space as him makes me happy,” You said. “I don’t want to make him want to leave.”
“Haven’t you seen how close him and Ron are?” Ginny said. “He could hate you and he’d put that aside to live with his bestie.”
You laughed at that,
“You’re my best friend.”
“I know.”
“I love you Ginny.” “I love you too.” She said. “So please get yourself together and go get your man.”
It took you three days to work up the nerve to talk to him. 
You stared at yourself in the mirror, your makeup was done but not to the point it would be too obvious, and your hair looked slightly cuter than usual. 
“Get yourself together.” You told yourself, you stood up from your vanity with determination.
A knock sounded through your room, it was probably Ginny asking you when you were planning on making the move.
“I’m coming.” You groaned. You swung your door open expecting Ginny but were met with Draco.
“Draco.” You said curtly, “Sorry, I thought you were Ginny.”
“Are you going somewhere?” He asked,
“You did your makeup, and your hair.”
There goes being subtle.
“Oh- uh-no.” You said.
He nodded, stuffing his hands into his pockets. You would’ve picked up on his weird behavior if it wasn’t for your nerves.
He opened his mouth to say something but you quickly interjected. “I need to tell you something.”
He opened his mouth again but you interrupted. “Sorry no interruptions, I need to get this out or I’m never going to say it.”
You sighed and he watched you curiously not saying a word. “I love you.” You said. “And no I don’t have my memories back, and I don’t know if they’re ever going to come back.” You choke back tears and Draco hasn’t moved an inch. You so desperately hoped he’d shut you up by telling you he loved you but you continued. “And I don’t need them to come back, because I’ve met you again. I’ve fallen in love with you again, and I know you have Astoria, I know that. But I feel like you should know that I love you because what’s more soulmatey than me falling in love with you twice.” You bit your lip, not looking him in the face as you took a deep breath before continuing. “I’m you’re soulmate Draco, I know it in my heart. I know that sounds so incredibly cheesy but I do, I see you and I can’t breathe because I love you so much. Every moment I’m not with you I’m thinking about you. I don’t need my memories to know that my feelings for you haven’t changed.”
There was a quiet pause. “You can talk now.” You said.
“I broke up with Astoria.” He said.
 “Just now, I just came from seeing her.” 
 “Because Y/n. I love you too. I never needed you to get your memories back. You’re not the same person I first fell in love with but it doesn’t fucking matter because I’m still irrevocably in love with you y/n. I never fucking stopped.” 
Your heart nearly exploded. You were frozen for a second, but only for a second. You were overcome with the urge to touch him. You all but launched yourself at him which he eagerly accepted. His lips caught yours and his hands went to your waist pulling your body to his. You had unwillingly caught Draco and Astoria kissing a few times, and everytime you couldn’t help but get angry. You had felt a possesiveness, he wasn’t hers for her to be touching like that. You let that feeling control you. Things were how they were supposed to be now. Your hands went to his chest and you couldn’t help but pull at his collar. You wanted it off, you wanted to feel his skin on yours. His kisses moved down to your neck, too focused on you.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this for.” You said lustfully.
He laughed, stopping the kisses. He took your face in his hands, smirking at you. “You have no idea.” His eyes were dark and his voice was low and raspy. You could fuck him right there in the hallway.
“Let’s take this inside, yeah?” You whispered in his ear. Pulling him into your room behind you
“I don’t get why you need to move out.” Ginny groaned as you pushed another box out of your room.
“I’m sorry Ginny, I promise you it wasn’t an easy decision to make.” You said.
“Is Draco forcing you to move? You know just because you’re back together doesn’t mean he’s the boss of you.”
“I know that Ginny, it was a mutual decision.” You said putting down the box to look at her. You loved living with your friends you really did, and you loved seeing how much they loved Draco. Although they would deny it entirely, by your friends living alongside of you they were nursing you back to health. You wouldn’t have made it without them, and now you were better. You wanted to prove to yourself that you would be okay without them as your crutch. Besides you knew that you would see them almost everyday anyways. Not that you would be completely independent, you would have Draco. 
You were finally where your life was supposed to be.
“We’ll still talk everyday.” You reassured her, pulling her into a hug.
“Treat her right Draco.” Ginny said. “Or you’ll have to deal with me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” 
You bound up, sitting up in your bed. You had an unsettling dream, but it wasn’t a bad one in fact it was a pretty happy dream. Draco was there, but he was significantly younger and you two were arguing but you could tell neither of you meant what you were saying, and you were in Hogwarts and remembering Hogwarts had began to stop hurting.
It was a nice dream. Your grogginess immediately went away and you shook Draco awake.
“What’s the matter, what’s wrong.” Draco said pushing himself up to look at your face.
He just saw you staring at him with a big grin and tears streaming down your face.
“Y/n, what happened are you okay?”
“Draco,” You said choking on your sobs and throwing yourself at him.
He was still taking in what was happening when it seemed to click. He held you tight. “You have your memories back.” You didn’t say a word just feverishly nodding as you pressed yourself closer to him. 
“I’m so sorry for everything you had to go through.” You said pressing a kiss to his cheek. He nodded and began to cry too. 
“I’d go through it all again a million times over if it’s what it took to be with you.”
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rewritingcanon · 4 months
If you don’t mind me asking? why do you believe that Slytherin is a terrible house? Draco was an asshole and some of the other Slytherins(Crabbe, Goyle). although throughout the entire series the golden trio were practically bullies to most Slytherins for no reason(more so in the books)? Slytherins at hogwarts were usually mistreated due to their reputation of producing dark wizards, as if Ravenclaw doesn’t have almost just as much 🙏 plus how biased the entire school facility were with Slytherins, honestly i wouldn’t expect Slytherins to act the best when the whole schools against them.
And Slytherins being bullied or mistreated isn’t a new thing, especially by Gryffindors(Ex; Golden trio, marauders, fantastic beasts).
And whats your take on Ron? i’m a bit meh on him, as he was a good friend although i still can’t forget or excuse him
-Bullying first years
-Abusing his Prefect status
-Almost calling Ginny a slut
-abusing Crookshanks
kinda confused a bit because i don’t remember ever calling slytherin a terrible house lol. i’ve said that slytherin was written with the mind to make it a bad house, with all its characters being pretty morally bleak. hp is not supposed to be very morally complex, all the work in that is mostly credited to fandom.
as readers, we’re positioned to sympathise with the golden trio being mean to slytherin characters more because they have the moral leverage of not being blood purists or terrorists. maybe harry had no reason to go after them at first, but hermione definitely had as a muggleborn, and ron was constantly getting slandered for either being poor or a blood traitor. granted, this was all mostly from draco. the other slytherins are one-dimensional characters who serve as his lackeys, there’s not one that’s properly fleshed out except maybe severus snape and even that’s iffy for a lot of fans.
yes, ravenclaws did have death eaters, but not to the same extent that slytherin was producing them. most death eater characters have unconfirmed houses, the only ravenclaw we actually know to be a death eater is quirrel and thats it. so they’re actually tying with the amount of death eaters gryffindor produces (pettigrew), not slytherin. everyone else— lestranges, blacks, malfoys, crabbes, snape etc— are slytherins. this is unsurprising as salazar slytherin literally wanted to gatekeep his house from progressive and inclusive ideals.
i have many gripes with the oppressive world jkr has written— i don’t think she understands how oppression operates because i agree with what you say about most of the hogwarts staff treating the slytherins like shit. in reality, the ones who are oppressed should be the ones discriminated against, but in the hpverse you see the oppressors getting treated badly. im not saying i think slytherins should be presented as the oppressed, its just horrid writing on her part.
i really like ron, i think he’s a really well fleshed-out character with realistic flaws and a good arc. i cant remember when he bullied first years and i don’t remember him abusing his prefect status in any extremely terrible way that would lower my opinion of him. i do remember him almost slut-shaming ginny, and though i think it was terrible of him i also think it was a realistic thing to say from an older brother to a younger sister in the 90s. i have a younger brother and you should clock some of the arguments we’ve had over the years in the 2020s. it’s within the same vein. ginny was pressing on ron’s sore spots as little siblings do, and ron was attempting to compensate by biting back in any way he could. it was realistic to me. and its been a while since i read the books but ron bitching about crookshanks read as comedic. granted, i was like 11 years old when i read them, but i remember thinking it was justified because to ron, crookshanks was literally trying to kill his pet. he’s not going to be chill around something thats tried to eat his rat multiple times. when someone is attacking your pet, you get scared and angry and try to fight back in defence of your pet because you want to deter that animal from trying anything like that again. they obviously can’t understand you if you simply lecture them. i once had to do something similar (i did not physically fight anything though LOL) when i got a new cat, and our neighbour’s cat would constantly attack and injure him every time we let him outside. and that was a cat v cat, this is a little mouse versus crookshanks 😭😭
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How Colorism fuels BW/WM swirls in media
I guess this is maybe a counterpoint/companion post to this one and the dialogue started with @theonlyamazingtazmin in the comments.
That post was an ask that black women set personal boundaries around how the ship and media about the ship is effecting our well being. But an equally important conversation is why do we so often have to look to interracial couples for a well written romance for dark skinned black women. While I'm cautious about the level in investment in these pairings, I cannot deny the appeal and why it's almost a default because of how much romance for dark skinned black woman is gate kept.
My initial remedy to this frustration of how we attach ourselves to this pairing was, we need to watch and support black romance and and black tv shows and movies. But a lot of the problem is in doing just that. I watched mostly black shows in my youth and the pattern was already established of me always seeing the dark skin woman alone or butch while the lighter girls had their pick.
My favorite show as a teen was A Different World. And as ground breaking as that show was in many respects I do have to call out the paradigm it reinforced. Dwayne was obsessed with Whitley, the whitest looking woman shown on campus, and he was the darkest man shown on campus. Ron liked her best friend, Millie, a light skin girl, after that wasn't a thing it was like so crazy that he ended up with Jaleesa. His mom (the fab Patti LaBelle) kept telling him to get with the dark skinned girl with the pretty teeth, but it was like he resisted vehemently beforehand. He does, but then ends up with biracial Freddy and Jaleesa ends up with an old man and becomes a stepmom as her best option.
Back when I had HBO (I only pay for one subscription at a time and my current roommates decided to do the Disney+ package, but I only end up watching Hulu) I watched Insecure but didn't finish. I'm curious to see what happened romantically with the characters. Did they follow the same playbook? I don't want to be spoiled because I hope to continue that show one day, so please don't tell me. But I remember in the precursor to this show, Awkward Black Girl, Issa's love interest was a like pretty average, kinda lame white guy. Her black crush never panned out. I kind of rooted for her and white boy but like not that enthusiastically. I just wanted her to be loved, so tried to be into it, but honestly was like, is this her best option? I didn't finish because it frustrated me that he was her best option. Personal note: I need to finish an Issa Rae show.
Fast forward to literally as of yesterday. I started watching Queen Sugar (Hulu tries to represent black shows and movies but the selections aren't the best, if anyoen has recs, please share) because I said I want to watch more black entertainment like I did in my youth. The most recent try before this was Atlanta and I just wasn't impressed. Come to find out how douchey Donald Glover is about black women and got turned off. Anyways, I did get invested in QS after a few episodes and even cried. So what turned me off a bit and I hope doesn't put me off the show? Spoiler alert: The darkest woman, Nova, is a white cop's mistress. This isn't revealed right away. It opens with them having a sensual morning after but for some reason despite him being hot, I felt ick. Like, I predicted there was something ick coming, and sure enough she's the long term side piece. Her fine af dark skinned brother's ex is a light skinned woman and there seems to be a mild flirtation with his son's Latina teacher. The light skinned sister is married to a man about her skin tone. The aunt who is medium skin tone has a husband darker than her. So it kind of reinforced the colorism and that Nova's only option out of everyone else has to be a white man, and a white man that can't fully commit to her at that.
Now, let me jump back to why I got so invested in Richonne. I know some people probably like does this girl only hardcore ship traumatized curly haired blue eyed white men with dark skinned black women? Not intentionally, haha! But that was the most epic love story I've seen with a black woman who looks anything like me. I wasn't even expecting to ship anything on that bleak ass show. Not my fault. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough? But yeah, when I reached my adult years I kind of got tired of looking for the romance I wanted to see, that represented me, in black media and being disappointed. Because the dark skinned girls didn't get the same love as the lighter ones (or they are lesbians but that's a whole other post). I'm not saying white media isn't guilty. It's just white media when they tend to give a dark skinned black woman a romance it's with a white man if she isn't alone or a lesbian, just like black shows, but the romance tends to be deeper if it's main plot point, or at least that's what I see in Richonne and Carmy x Sydney.
I think there is a good and bad side to this. On one hand yes, give it to me. On the other is it only palatable for a dark skinned black woman to get love in a show with a mixed cast with a white man because there is still and aversion to black love for these women? It's so complex. This is why when I wrote my Syd and Carmy fic I intentionally made her ex a dark skinned black man. Carmy is mad jealous of him. It's not a real love triangle, he just frames it as one because he's insecure of her highly successful, young Idris Elba looking almost fiance, who her dad loves and is a family friend. So, of course Carmy is in his feelings. Although Syd dated white guys I didn't want the strongest competition to be another white guy. And I have Syd speak to the lameness of these other white men on purpose, on multiple occasions. She was always kind of chasing a Carmy replica but not because they were white, it's because he imprinted on her. But she chased trying to be with her ex just as hard, but for different reasons and in a different way.
Anyways, I don't even know what to expect from media at this point because often what we see onscreen does reflect reality. I'll describe myself. I'm a petite, slim curvy girl, cocoa complexion, kinky curly who often gets that "so pretty for a black girl" type compliment in the black community and from racist white people. My dating history has been mixed and mostly white (two Asians also in the mix) in my latter years by default. When I was in high school the few black boys (I went to a mostly white school) chased the white, Latina, or light skinned girls. And the few that were interested were not desirable trouble makers. One was so bad he verbally abused me in front of people consistently and then I found out he had a crush one me. No thanks, red flags galore. The first somewhat decent boy that was interested and actually knew me was my white boy best friend who tried to make a move one day. I wasn't interested, didn't see it coming, but it started a pattern. I just wanted to be his bestie because we were both film geeks, had family trauma, were loners, smoked weed, and were in theater together. It's so funny because he was a dead ringer for Leonardo Dicaprio and all the white girls swooned for him and I was like eh (never thought Leo was all that). So, no, I didn't view him as a prize romantically. But this same type thing continued with white guy friends secretly having a crush and me like not being that excited. But one day I did like one, gave it a try, and was like, ok cool, I can try this. And since then I get way more interest from white men than black men.
*Caveat, I'm currently single and don't think race has any influence on quality of men. My long term Asian ex was the worst boyfriend of my life and I'm still traumatized. Long story.
So should I be this surprised that media reflects my same experience? I don't know what the solution is going forward. Like, will media change and influence society or does society need to change to influence media?
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halloworhorecrux · 6 months
Warning: slight NSFW and dubious consent at the end.
Where is the waking up married Drarry? Right here my friend
It's been one week of Draco being free of Azkaban. Ron and Neville are on Harry duty.
(You are telling me that Hermione does not have a schedule to make sure Harry does not bother *stalk*Draco Malfoy. Take your filthy lies out here. )
She knew he was flying and watching over that scrawny ferret since his trial.
Harry smells of the North Sea, and his hair has been even more of a disaster. The daily prophet calls him a Casanova because anytime he is seen, he looks disheveled, just shagged barely left the bed disheveled.
So its been a week, and they have been able to keep Harry away from Malfoy. Ron boasted to Hermione he is doing a brilliant job as they enter a bar where Harry is beelining to the white blonde head in the center of the dance floor. Dean Thomas is quick enough to rugby tackle him before he makes contact. Well fuck.
Pansy Parkinson saw the Saviour looking at her friend and did her best to stear him away to go somewhere else, literally anywhere else. Dear, sweet Draco is wasted and horribly clingy, so he tells her to "carry me Pans."
Like what the fuck, he is 6ft tall and yea maybe he weighs like a sack of bones that doesn't mean Pansy can carry him. Ever loyal Goyle decides he will take him . The problem is Goyle looks different ( he doesn't Harry just doesn't care) and so Harry sees a man trying to manhandled Malfoy, and just bulldozes everyone and disapparates with him to Las Vegas.
Draco vomits throughly on Harry's shoes.
The humiliation is enough that Draco decides he will just get Harry wasted too. So they continue their night blasted until they decide to enter a chapel and get married.
Potter I swear to hex and hold you, in sixth year bathrooms and ballroom manors, with a muggle pence and all the galleons in a malfoy vault. Till we fucking die together, i vow to never leave you alone, Potter"
Malfoy I swear to hex and hold you, in forbidden forests and any sea your stranded in, you use to find me every train ride but now it's my turn to find wherever you want to be. ill be there with you. I vow to watch you until we greet death, and even then, I won't let you go"
"Wonderful vows gentleman, with power vested in my by the state of Nevada I now pronounce you husband and husband"
"Merlin, where am I?"
"We are in the America's, and you should probably wake up. We are in loads of trouble, Potter. " Harry speaks his last name with relish and just enough posh that Draco gives himself whiplash, turning towards him
"Ohcome now, it's your name too, may want to use my first name sweeatheart"
"Sweetheart?" Draco's face is gobsmacked and it's glorious.
"Yes, baby?"
"No its Harry, you screamed it enough last night"
The flush that begins at his chest travels all the way to the tips of Draco's ears.
"I-- I thought that was a dream"
"Dream about marrying me often, Potter?" Harry ask.
" sometimes, sometimes it's of our honeymoon, where you spend hours licking-"
"Yea, well as much I want you to finish that, the MACUSA is outside our door and waiting to charge us for illegally entering the country and some other minor charges"
Dracos eye grow huge, with fear mixed in because he was only recently released from Azkaban.
" No, No, don't fret love. I won't ever allow you to return there or any prison ever again. Do you hear me? I'll kill them before anyone puts a hand on you."
A nod " I trust you, Harry"
His name on Draco's lips is enough for Harry to say fuck it and begin to strip his cloak from his shoulders. Thank merlin Draco is still naked and filled with his cum leaking out.
A better version of this is if this happens before Draco's trial and he doesn't go to Azkaban at all. Whatever floats your boat
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hpmaniac · 1 year
opinion on popular hp ships(according to AO3)
Yes I am well aware that nobody asked for it
1.Drarry (Draco X Harry) -100/10
Fuck off
they are literally enemies throughout most o/ the series
they try to kill each other
2.Wolfstar (Remus X Sirius) (-10000/10)
3.Dramione (Draco X Hermione) (-100/10)
Y’all (the shippers) are just a bunch of horny teenagers desperate for some pretty boy and pretty girl sex smh
they are enemies
0% chemistry
4.Jily (James X Lily) (7/10)
Finally smth normal
it’s not bad, just a little.. strange..
Lily had 0% interest in James until Snape called her a mudblood and then somehow she likes him now?
it’s a good ship, not the best
5.Romione (Ron X Hermione) (9.7/10)
Literally so good
Best friends to lovers YES PLEASE
6.Snarry ( Snape X Harry ) (-100000000/100)
I genuinely did not except a ship here to have a lower ranking than w*lfstar
7. Hinny (Harry X Ginny) (10/10)
MOVIE!HINNY? No thanks
But book!hinny>> (any ship except Remadora and Molly X Arthur lol)
8. Snamione( Snape X Hermione) (-100000000000/100)
9. Harmony (Harry X Hermione) (1/10)
It’s not the worst thing ever ig
no chemistry
too predictable
10. Jegulus (James X Regulus ) (1/10)
Again, not asss bad as like W*lfstar
but is there a chance of this happening? No.
no chemistry
11. Newtina (Newt X Tina) (10/10)
aaa love it
idk what else to say lol
13.Fleur X Krum(?) (-1/10)
never heard of it
14.Charry (Cho X Harry) (1/10)
Not the worst thing ig
it was just a teenage crush
so awkward
15.Nuna (Neville X Luna) (9/10)
it would work
they’re both crazy about something
so yeah ig
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Charming Her Dad
Part 11 of Sometimes All You Need (A Getaway Car)
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Description: Jake Seresin's faced the worst things a man has ever had to face, both in and out of a jet. But staring up at the glossy wooden doors of Gorgeous's childhood home, he's sure he's never faced anything scarier. How's he going to convince her dad that he's the man his daughter deserves?
Disclaimers: Smut
Warnings: Female Reader
Word Count: 4439
Author Note: So for Chapter 11 I decided to venture into yet another perspective that I've never written before - Jake's. His voice was surprisingly challenging to capture, and I hope I did it justice. All my love to @desert-fern for beta-reading this chapter! Sorry this chapter is out a bit later than what my schedule started - life happened.
AO3: Cross-posted Here!
Wattpad: Cross-posted Here!
My Masterlist
Previous Part | Series Masterlist | Next Part
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What’s that old adage they say about too much of a good thing? They say that it’s bad, right? You’ve never once believed it. You love your job and your life in San Diego couldn’t be better. You’re in the same place as your best friend for the first time since she joined the Navy, and you now have Jake. Jake Seresin, the love of your life. Your fiancé. The man you are going to marry. The man you can’t wait to marry. So all in all, life is looking pretty good.
In the months since that disastrous Christmas Dinner at Seresin Ranch, you’ve come to feel like a part of the Seresin family. Mama Georgie treats you like one of her brood and each time you talk to her you feel a little like you're levitating. You've never been so accepted and appreciated by a partner’s family before. It makes it all the more special that it's Jake's family who loves you, too.
But at the same time, you can't help feeling just a little guilty. Jake's been nothing but welcoming, but you haven't told him much about your family. In part, that's because in comparison to the multitudinous arms waiting to welcome you home to Seresin Ranch, there is only one set of arms waiting to welcome Jake home. You're not sure about the reception he'll have, though.
Your dad, the closest thing you have to one, that is, may not like Jake very much at all. He's only told you a million times to never fall in love with a Navy Man. The emphasis has always so clearly been on the word never. He's said it so vehemently and forcefully that it may as well be written in bold red with pen lines scored through the sheet. You'd successfully abided by that one rule all of your life.
Then Jake waltzed into your life, demolishing that rule into shreds of confetti as he did so. It's not going to matter one whit to your dad that you didn't know Jake was Navy until your first date. You'd found out and then agreed to go out with him again anyway. That those events happened nearly a year ago doesn’t help. You gave your heart to Jake, completely. But now you have to introduce him to your dad. Not your birth father, but your father nonetheless.
Your mom and dad had a fairytale kind of love. Sparks flew and it was really, truly, love at first sight. The two of them and their love story were the literal legends that you remember hearing about when you were still small enough to sit in your godfather's lap. The way he told it, they loved each other enough to have you. Then their love was tragically cut short, leaving you all alone at only two years old. That's when your Uncle Ron stepped in. He was probably your favorite person other than your dad. He bought a small house in Maine and devoted his life to making yours as full and rich as your parents would have wanted it to be. Even spending a childhood on Naval Bases across the country had been fun with your dad around.
You can still remember the look on his face the first time you called him dad. The way his eyes had seemed to go gooey and soft when your still chubby fingers had splayed over his cheeks, trying to brush away the tears dripping from his eyes. Since then he's been your dad in every way. The only way he isn't is in your name. He'd adopted you six months after he became your caregiver, but left your name as your parents gave it to you, knowing you'd want to feel the love they felt for you every time someone said your name.
It's probably a bad thing that you haven’t told your dad about your very serious relationship, right? He's just been so busy. First he was still flying for an airline, working crazy hours at airports all over the world. Then after he'd retired six months ago he'd been settling back into the big house in Maine, completing much needed repairs and falling asleep exhausted in his armchair with a beer dangling from his fingertips. You can't count the number of phone calls you've gotten from the housekeeper, Mrs. Mayfair, when she'd found beer on her immaculate floors.
Of course, just as you're thinking about him, his profile picture comes up on your phone along with the buzzing and ringing of a phone call.
"Hey, Kiddo." He sounds gruff - gruff, tired, and so fond all at once.
"Hey, Dad." Just hearing his voice, crackly and deep through the phone makes you feel at home. But he doesn't call very often. The last time he'd called was over Christmas, when you'd told him about Jake. He still doesn't know what Jake does, but he knows who Jake is and what he means to you. "What's up?"
"Nothing's up, Honey Bee. Do I need to have a reason to call my only kid?"
"No, sir!" You don't think his laugh could ever keep you from laughing a little too.
"Honey Bee, when are you going to come home and bring your boy home to meet your old man?"
You try to dissemble, really you do, but no matter what you do, he's adamant.
"I have to check with Jake, daddy. See when's the earliest he can take some leave."
His grumble at your words has a cold sweat dripping down your spine.
"Taking leave, huh, sweetheart? So you ended up with a military man after all, did you?"
"Yeah, daddy, I did." The picture of Jake you keep on your desk fills you with so much joy as you trace your finger over his smiling cheek. "I know you told me not to, but I love him, daddy. So much - and he's good to me. So good to me."
"Sweetheart, that rule was just to keep you from getting hurt. But you're a thirty-year-old adult. I trust your judgment. So talk to your Jake and we'll set something up. I love you, honey bee."
"Love you, daddy." Time to text Jake and see if he’s ready to meet your dad, you guess.
Jake agrees, the two of you make plans to fly to Maine in the spring. But, you can’t get a read on how he truly feels, his agreement is less than enthusiastic. In truth there is a sick pit at the base of your own stomach. Will your dad like Jake as much as you do? Will he be able to see how wonderful your fiancé is despite his reputation?
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Maine is different. Jake’s had postings all over the world over the past decade. Texas has always been home and now San Diego feels like home too. Especially now that he has his gorgeous girl. But, Jake’s only been in and around cities. So the sleepy little town they got off the ferry at in Maine feels like taking a trip back in time. It’s an idyllic little town, complete with little white washed houses and fenced gardens. There are houses dotted up a hill at the center of town, the vista wind-swept and green for miles around them. The early spring air brushes past his face with little bursts of cool salty air and the ocean is an unreal, crystal clear blue. Everyone knows each other and it seems like everyone knows Gorgeous by name.
Speaking of Gorgeous, Jake’s never seen her this nervous. His beautiful gorgeous fiancée, Jake’s never seen her scared about anything. Even when he woke up in that hospital room all those months ago, she hadn’t looked scared. She’d been worried, angry, and relieved all at once. He can still remember how it had felt to hold her when he was sure he’d never get the chance to ever again. That day he’d promised himself to never take her for granted. And that he was going to marry her someday. They’re one step closer to the day he’s going to marry her, but now that Jake’s in Maine, he has to ask her dad for permission. Not permission to marry her so much as permission to take care of her. He has to promise that she’ll never be without a thing she needs so long as she’s his. Jake needs Gorgeous’ father to know that he loves her and that he’ll treat her as she deserves and that he will love her the way her parents loved each other.
Even now, when he’s tired and hot and hungry and he knows she is too, she’s still the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Her hair’s in a loose messy bun at the back of her head and the golden summer sun catches on each glistening strand until she’s framed in gold like a priceless painting in a museum somewhere. But it’s her smile, tremulous and small but still so perfectly gorgeous that takes his breath away. He steals that moment to get right into her personal space. Jake’s sure he’ll never get tired of how she responds to his touch, like he’s everything she’s ever wanted, that he’s all she’ll ever need. Her lips when he captures them taste like cherries and as her arms wind around his neck, it feels like the world falls away. This is it, the world screams, every cell in his body sure, this is her. The one.
“Not that I mind, Jay, but what was that for?” Her chest heaves softly and while Jake would love nothing more than to kiss the soft skin, he settles for taking her hand.
“Because I love you, gorgeous. No matter how this meeting with your dad goes, it’s not going to change a thing. I don’t think I could stop loving you if I tried.” Her eyes mist up, and that’s enough to have him tug her close again.
“Now take me home, pretty girl.” He grabs the one big suitcase from her hand and tucks her under his arm, shifting the duffel to the shoulder of the arm pulling the suitcase. “It’s real pretty here, baby doll. Is this where you grew up?”
As he chatters away, Jake slowly sees her relax. She’s smiling and laughing and as she leads him up the hill, telling stories at a mile a minute, he can almost see her tiny baby self ricocheting up and down this very hill. He’s not seen any pictures, but he just knows that she was a tiny little thing, all mischief and big grins. The closer they get to the big white house, nearly at the top of the hill, the more tense Jake can feel himself get. There’s an imposing aura surrounding the property, something which sends prickles of quasi-recognition through him. He hasn’t felt like this since the last time an admiral made the rounds at Top Gun when he was there the first time.
That feeling compounds as Gorgeous opens the gate and pulls him towards the big shiny Oak doors. She lets his hand go, and he wants nothing more than to drag her back into his embrace again. His fingers itch with the feeling, because she’s not in reach anymore and that means that she isn’t keeping the nerves at bay. He’s faced down literal missiles and gunfire, SAMs and anti-aircraft munitions, but he’s never been as scared as he is staring the glossy wood down.
When it opens, Jake can barely breathe, because there is a man standing on the other side, dark hair melting into white at the sides. He’s grim and taciturn, a frown curling the corners of his mouth down at the sight of Jake standing there. That frown turns into a huge grin at the sight of Gorgeous, which Jake understands. He can't hide his smile around her either. So maybe he has more in common with Gorgeous’ dad than he thinks?
But more than his smile or obvious love in his eyes for Gorgeous, there's something oddly familiar about him. Jake's seen him before. He's sure of it. As sure as he is that he could pick out his mama blindfolded and that the sky is blue and that his Gorgeous Girl is the prettiest woman in the whole wide world.
"I'm Ron, c'mon in." Jake grabs the suitcase and pulls it and his duffel in, grateful for once that he's never needed much baggage.
"Jake Seresin, sir. Pleased to meet you." He holds his hand out for a handshake, his body as tense as it was for his first flight inspection. But the answering shake never comes. He's left standing there and Gorgeous is glaring and Ron is staring into his eyes. In that moment Jake is sure he's lost Gorgeous when he thought he finally had won her heart. It's obvious from everything she's ever said that she loves her dad. She adores him and believes that he strung the stars up in the sky just for her. If Ron doesn't approve, this relationship is sunk. Jake’s sweating under the strain, he can feel the sweat droplets dripping down the back of his shirt.
“I wish I could say the same, Hangman.” That tone, the way Gorgeous’ dad says his callsign. That strikes a chord. Where the hell has he heard it before? That’s a wholly disapproving tone, something which makes every muscle convulse into a salute rather than the relaxed stance he was in before.
“You’ve got quite the reputation, son.” He feels like he can barely breathe, focusing instead on the rage on his beautiful fiancée’s face. The problem is, he can’t quite tell if the rage on her face is on his behalf or if it’s because he’s pissed her dad off on the first day of their visit. His nod is abortive, quick as he focuses on the wall between father and daughter. “Why the hell should I let you marry my daughter? When, based on everything that I’ve heard, you’re exactly the kind of Navy pilot that I would never have wanted her to end up with?”
“Admiral,” Because he knows exactly who this is, suddenly, like a missile getting tone-lock. Retired Rear-Admiral Ron ‘Slider’ Kerner. “I’d be lying to you and your daughter both if I said that I haven’t thought about exactly what to say to you if you asked me that question. And the truth is, I don’t know. I don’t know why your daughter, your beautiful, sweet, kind, lovely daughter decided to give a womanizing idiot like me a chance. You have to ask her why.”
His throat is tight and it feels like he’s barely breathing. “But I know why I love your daughter. Sir, she’s the only person in the longest time who’s seen Jake and not Hangman. She’s the only person who’s ever been willing to find out who Jake is. And I love her for it. Your daughter saved me. She didn’t save my life, though I know she’s more than capable of doing so.”
Gorgeous’ watery giggle makes a fleeting smile flit across his face. “She saved the man I was. The one before the Navy, before the air-to-air kill. She saved that man, brought him back to life. She does it every time she smiles. I can’t promise you, sir, that I won’t act like Hangman ever again. He’s saved more lives than he’s taken. But I can promise you that your daughter will never see Hangman. Because she’s too good for him, and both of us know that.”
For several moments, all Jake can hear is the thudding of his heart. Then Admiral Kerner turns and walks away without saying another word. He can’t quite believe that he’s going to be allowed to stay in the house, not when things are so indescribably tense.
“Darlin’ let me take your bag upstairs for you.” She’s quiet as she leads him up the wide white stairs to her childhood bedroom. And somehow, that one bright little room is exactly what he expected it to be. He can see his Gorgeous Girl all over. He doesn’t even have to close his eyes to see the sweet little girl she was, or the sassy teenager or even the college-aged woman ruling this house with her little, deceptively strong fist. But when he’s set her bag down and turned to head back downstairs, still holding the duffel bag, he’s a little shocked to see tears in her eyes.
“Where are you going?” Her voice is soft as she wraps her arms around him. His arms open to let her in like there is nothing they’d rather do other than have her pressed up against his heart. “Are you leaving already? Jake, my dad didn’t mean that. He’s just got this thing against the Navy. It’s not against you. Please don’t leave. Don’t head back to San Diego without me. Or if you want to head back, we’ll go together.”
“No, sweetheart. I’m not leavin’ town. I was just going to find an inn or hotel with a room I can rent for the week.” Her skin feels like silk against the pads of his fingers as he brushes a stray tear away. “I’m not leaving, baby doll. I love you. You and only you.”
Her eyes flutter closed at the gentle press of his fingers across her cheeks. In that moment he can’t resist kissing her again, slow and sweet until it feels like he’s bitten into the sweetest of cherries and all he wants to do is chase that tart sweetness on her tongue for the rest of all time. But he doesn’t get the chance to, because before he can blink, she’s out of his arms and leaning against the wall.
“You are not leaving this house, Jake.” There’s a stubborn set to her body posture. From the look she’s giving him alone, he sits down on the bed. “For one, the Bed & Bread isn’t open yet for the season. And I don’t want to fight with you, handsome, but I’m marrying you. No matter what my dad says, I’m marrying you. But you need to get along with him, Jay. He’s my family - the only family I’ve got left, mind you.”
When she steps forward and settles into his lap, his hands fly to her hips like they're magnetized to the feeling of her supple skin. Her tiny soft hands cup his cheeks, her ring pleasantly warm against his cheeks as she runs her fingers over his face and into his hair. His eyes keep finding her plush lips, pleading for a kiss when he’s at her mercy. What he’s not expecting is the way her crimson tipped nail taps against his nose.
“So you are going to get along with my dad, every day for the next week, and if you’re good…” Her voice drops to a sensual murmur into his ear. “I’ll give you a blowjob right here and you can pretend you’re taking my virginity right in my childhood bedroom.”
He can’t control his immediate physical reaction to Gorgeous, not anymore, not that he ever has been able to. He can feel himself plumping up in his jeans just at the thought. But just when he’d like nothing more than to lock the door and get his beautiful, gorgeous, perfect fiancée on her stomach on her frilly white bedspread in her childhood bedroom, she’s gone. Left him alone in the bedroom with a painfully hard dick and the scent of her perfume.
If only it were as easy to get Admiral Kerner on his side as it was to charm Gorgeous on that first date. Not that it was easy to charm Gorgeous. On the contrary in fact. But he’d made her laugh. The first sight of that beautiful smile had nearly knocked him on his ass. Getting Admiral Kerner to smile at anything but his daughter is like trying to move a mountain with a shovel. Three days, Jake has been trying. Three full days. No matter the jokes or how helpful he is, Slider Kerner has the same expression at the sight of him.
At least they’re halfway through this visit. Halfway, though it’s felt like years. Is it bad to want it to be the night before they get back on the ferry to go home? At least then that means that the torture is over. Jake's lying supine on the floor, and it's because everything hurts. He's been up since four in the morning when Admiral Kerner had knocked on the door. It had been torture dragging himself away from Gorgeous, all sleepy and soft in just one of his soft t-shirts, the supple curve of her hip exposed as he’d dragged the sheets off to get out of bed. To add insult to injury he hadn't seen her all day. Admiral Kerner had dragged him all around town, having him help whitewash houses and fix fences. There's an aching stitch in his side and a bruise somewhere on his back from when a wheelbarrow had barreled right into him. He's also covered in mud and flecks of paint, hence why he's on the floor. Gorgeous would murder him for getting her pretty lavender-smelling sheets dirty.
He must doze off because it feels like he just blinked yet the room is dimly lit by a lamp and he's looking up into Gorgeous' pretty eyes.
"Hey, Jay." His hand cups her cheek, tangling in the soft cascade of her hair. "Why're you sleeping on the floor, silly? You're covered in paint and mud, too. C'mon handsome, let's get you all cleaned up, yeah?"
He only manages a grunt in response, his limbs uncooperative as he lets her manhandle him into the bathroom. It's even worse in the shower. The last time he felt this tired was that first shower after he was released from the hospital. He'd stayed wrapped around his girlfriend, his beautiful heart and she'd done all the hard work. Tonight goes a bit better at least, in that he at least gets his hands on her perfect tits and can help wash himself. What can he say? Jake knows what he likes and with his Gorgeous Girl, it's everything about her. Were he fully awake, he’d have that pretty mouth parted in an O of pleasure because of him.
So naturally, he doesn't fully wake up until he's standing shivering on the bathmat and sees the mountain of bubbles taking over the bathtub. Gorgeous is facing away from him, her beautiful hair in a bun on top of her head and there’s droplets of water sliding down her back. All he wants to do is trace the path of one of those drops down her skin. It’s enough of a thought to have other parts of himself take notice. But before he can act on that urge, she’s slipping beneath the bubbles and looking up at him. Her lips are slightly parted and with the steam sticking her hair to her skin, she’s never looked more beautiful. Sue him, he loves this woman so much that he thinks she’s never looked more beautiful in basically everything she’s ever worn or not worn. But he can pick a favorite look on her. Nowadays, that look is when she’s just wearing his ring. Of course, tonight the ring is on the nightstand, but this is his second-favorite look.
It’s not a decision at all to settle into the bath in front of her. Her hands are incredibly soft and gentle trailing through his hair and over his pecs as the hot water soothes each aching muscle. He dozes, cradled in her arms, hypnotized by the slow drag of her fingers across his skin, smiling dopily as they pet the sparse hair carpeting his chest. He probably purrs outright at the scratch of her nails across his scalp. This is relaxation - he’s probably closer to a melted puddle than a man at the moment. What he doesn’t expect is the hand which wraps around his length, pumping it languidly beneath the bubbles.
“Darlin’?” His voice is a slur, because just tonight, he can’t take any teasing. Not when he’s been living with blue balls at the sight of her pretty body showcased in those floaty sundresses every day since they got here.
“Hmm?” Her voice is gentle and sweet, hypnotically so. If he didn’t know exactly how well her hands were working him over, he’d think she wasn’t up to anything at all.
“What’re you doing, baby doll?” His voice slurs even as he tips his head back so he can see the concentration on her face. Her nose is scrunched and her lips are parted just a little.
“I’m making you feel good, Jay.” His growl at her words turns into a near whine as her hand tightens just a little. “You’ve been so good for me, after all. I just want to show you how much I appreciate that.”
Just like that, he’s captive to the slow glide of her skin against his. Enraptured by the flutter of her eyelashes while wholly unprepared for the heat rising in his gut. Each soft loving word and sweet murmur into his ear has his balls tightening. Eventually, all Jake wants, all he needs, well other than the obvious, is a kiss. He breaks her concentration by tugging her in, her hands leaving his skin and cupping his face. When she pulls away, her eyes are molten and her hands a bit more forceful as she wraps them around him again. All too soon, the slap of water against the edge of the tub harmonizes with the sounds of his moans ricocheting off the tiles.
“Shit, sweetheart.” The words leave him in a harsh hiss, barely words at all. “Y’keep putting those pretty hands on me like that and I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”
“Who said I want you to stop yourself, Jay?” Those honeyed words have him grunting his orgasm into the delicate column of her neck, his body twisting as he moans. When he comes back to himself he peppers kisses across Gorgeous’ flushed skin. But sadly, he’s too exhausted to return the favor. All he can do is paw gently at her skin as she drains the tub, rinses him off, and helps him dress. Sleep when it tugs him under is even sweeter when he’s got his fiancée in his arms. Maybe in the morning he can return the favor? And later, much later, mind you, win her dad over?
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