#she made her choices and I swear to god i tried to be a good daughter and take them
featherymainffins · 5 months
Family is clearly just prolonging my and my mother's misery by forcing me to text her on special occasions and send her gifts, which is giving her false hope that her only boxing bag might come back and endure whatever she decides to take out on it again.
#if it were up to me I'd block her number and never even hear anything about her again#she made her choices and I swear to god i tried to be a good daughter and take them#when university told me that we should try to stay in contact with people in cults because it's much harder to get out without#a support system i tried to take it because of that if nothing else. i told myself that I'll take it. that I'll take it because maybe one#day she'll want out. i tried to.#maybe I didn't try hard enough I don't know. and if that's right then the universe can add it to my endless list of sins which makes me#not a human. the universe can add it to the list of reasons for why I'll never lead a happy life and why I'm better off dead.#that's what I've been told when i was growing up after all.#i tried to but it's just. it's her life or mine. and if she were mean just to me I'd let her take it. if it were just me I'd let her say all#those horrible things to me and I'd stand there and let her punch my limbs until they go numb like i always have#and I'd let her tell me that nobody will ever love me and I'd let her do her invasive checks of my body and I'd let her have those#episodes of searching through my entire room and breaking into my accounts to see if I'm saying anything about her ever to anyone#and calling my doctors and telling them that I'm crazy and not to believe a word i say.#I'd let her do all that as i always have. but she's horrible to my friends and horrible to strangers and it's just too much for me.#I don't want to hear that my friend killed herself in vain and I don't want to hear that you'll never use her name because#'it was just a year before he offed himself so it doesn't count.'#I don't want to hear any of it. i don't want to hear that all my friends hate me and I don't want to hear how horrible they are#and i don't want to hear slurs you use against them and I don't want to hear you say those things about random people you#meet on the street and i don't want to hear you passing moral judgement on strangers because of the way they do their hair#or the way they dress or the way they were born.#I don't want to hear that all my friends with tattoos are rotten and that cancer awaits them as punishment#I don't want to hear any of it. I'm sick of it. i don't want to hear 'youre a censoring bootlicker' whenever i say that i would like you#to tone it down. 'its my opinion. i have a right to free speech.' free speech is not saying that my friends should die.
0 notes
ellecdc · 7 months
Mother..... im so sorry 😭😭 but i swear this ones fun!!
What about another part to poly!moonwater where theres a party but Reg and Rem are running late.
Reg: * anxious and fidgety*
Rem: you know we dont have to go
Reg: no no no we most definetly do, anyway its not that. You havent seen y/n in this environmemt before have you?? She thrives in this kind of environment.
Rem: cant be that bad.....
Reg: 😶 think of Potter, Barty amd my brother in one person.
Rem: 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🥲
So when they get there reader is dancing on tables with Barty and Siri. Just the kind of person who lets go in that kinda vibe, doesnt even have to drink, its just the atmosphere that causes her personality to do a whole 180°. The kinda person you habe to but an airtag on so you dont loose them
I love it I love it I love it I love it
poly!moonwater x fem!reader
CW: mention of drinking, drunkenness and alcohol. Friends looking after their drunk friends. Friends bullying their other drunk friends (lovingly)
Remus was thankful that tonight’s Hogwarts party wasn’t being hosted in Gryffindor tower. Not only did James and Sirius get far too invested before, during, and afterwards, but it was also just harder to enjoy on account of watching what was basically your living room be trashed by a bunch of drunks. 
But tonight, he was going to be able to enjoy a nice time with his friends without any of the responsibility of having to clean up after said friends. 
And better yet, he was going to enjoy a nice time with you and Regulus; the first party the three of you would attend together as partners.
You had been very excited for tonight and had volunteered to help set up, whilst Remus opted to wait for Regulus who had quidditch practice before hand. 
And Remus was currently very happy with his choice as he got to watch Regulus change out of his quidditch gear and into his party attire.
“Would you quit ogling me, you fiend.” Regulus muttered as be buttoned the cufflinks into his dress shirt. Remus would have made fun of him for dressing so formally to a dorm party if he didn’t look so bloody good.
“Nope.” He said, popping the P.
Regulus rolled his eyes, but Remus could see a small smirk playing on his lips.
Regulus let out a steadying breath and turned to Remus. “Are you ready?”
Remus smiled before puckering his lips instead of answering. Regulus looked like he thought he should be annoyed, but ultimately gave in and pressed a kiss to the werewolf’s lips, hovering slightly above him as Remus sat reclined onto his elbows on Regulus’ bed.
Regulus pulled away all too quickly for Remus’ liking and began fussing in front of the mirror again, clearly anxious.
“Are you alright?” He asked gently, sitting up properly.
Regulus sighed but nodded in the affirmative.
“We don’t have to go, you know.” Remus tried, mistaking the boy’s nerves for being reclusive.  
Regulus kind of snorted at that and looked at Remus with a raised eyebrow. “No, we should go. In fact, we ought to go...like, now.”
Remus felt his brows furrow as Regulus headed towards the door, getting up and following him out obediently.
“This isn’t one of those ‘if we go sooner, we can leave sooner’ tactics, is it? Because with James and Sirius, I promise you that won’t work.”
Regulus laughed. “No, though I’d like to point out I am not afraid of those sods.”
“Well, who are you afraid of that has you sprinting to Ravenclaw tower right now?” Remus asked, causing Regulus to grimace a little guiltily as he slowed his stride for the lycanthrope. 
“Sorry... I guess you haven’t seen Y/N at one of these?” Regulus asked.
Remus realized then that your paths had never really crossed until this year, being a year below him and hanging out with a different crowd. “No, I guess not. Why?” 
Regulus laughed. “Oh gods. You’ll see.”
“Come on, she can’t be that bad.” Remus said with a scoff. 
Regulus rolled his eyes and smirked. “If I had one way to describe Y/N at a party, it would be a combination of Potter after a quidditch win, Sirius after four shots of firewhiskey and Barty.”
Remus’ steps faltered as he put the pieces together in his head. Regulus paused as well, making eye contact with him before understanding seemed to cross between them, and they both took off in a sprint towards the Ravenclaw tower. 
As they rounded the last spiral of the staircase, they stepped past the silencing spell that had been placed around it and could feel the vibrations from the music booming in the room. 
A third year Ravenclaw who had been paid for their service in Honeydukes chocolates answered the riddle to allow entrance to Regulus and Remus, and the sight took Remus’ breath away. 
You can dance! You can ji-ive.
You were standing dancing on the mantle of a grand fireplace with Sirius on one side of you and one of the Prewett twins on the other.
Having the time of your lives. Oooooh.
James looked like he’d been trying all evening to get up on that mantle with you guys, but in his inebriated state, Lily was easily preventing him from doing so.  
See that girl!
Both Sirius and... Fabian (if Remus guessed correctly) knelt to dramatically point at you who quickly struck a cheeky pose, earning the three of you cheers (but Remus was sure most of the applause was on your account).
Watch that scene!
Sirius pretended to play a riff on a guitar and Fabian did a scary looking spin from his place on the mantle whilst you opted to shimmy your shoulders in time with the music. 
Digging the dancing queen!
And to Remus’ absolutely horror, Fabian launched himself off of the mantle, seemingly making his mark by landing on the couch but apparently, he hadn’t taken into account the springs in the sofa which promptly launched him back off of the couch and had him landing on the wooden coffee table, causing it to splinter and break underneath him. 
Sirius looked like he was going to either fall off the mantle or piss his pants from laughing too hard, clutching your arm as you laughed along with him. 
Over Remus’ dead body would Sirius fall off a fireplace mantle and take you down with him.
He bodily moved through the crowd and stepped over Fabian without a second thought to stand below you (and Sirius, technically). Remus’ heart rate skyrocketed even more standing here below you, seeing as he was about 192cm (~6’3) and the mantle stood basically at his eyebrows.
He wanted to chide you, but your face cleared beautifully once you recognized who was standing below you.
“Remmy!” You cried as Sirius cheered “Moony!”
“I know I call you ‘dove’ baby girl, but that doesn’t mean you can fly!” He called up to you, any reprimand likely belittled by the beaming smile he was shooting at you. 
He held his hands up to you, and you quickly abandoned Sirius’ arms in exchange for his. With his hands under your armpits he gently lowered you back down to your proper height (which Remus much preferred). 
“Hi Rem!” You cheered at him. “I missed you.”
Your words were clear and loud if a little slurred. 
“I missed you!” Remus replied with a smile as Regulus quickly added “how many drinks have you had?” from his place behind him, apparently having made sure his ‘idiot brother didn’t break anything on his trip off the mantle’. Remus had sort of forgotten Sirius was there at all, to be honest. 
You seemed a little worried at Regulus’ question before he quickly added “I need to know how many I need to catch up to you, mon chéri.”
“Nice save.” Remus muttered to him.
“Uhm, maybe four?” You offered.
“Got it, think you can handle a refill?” He asked, placing a kiss to your temple. Remus wanted to eat the two of you up, you were just so cute.
“I’m on water for a bit!” You cheered back at him.
“So smart, dovey. Nice call.” Remus praised you. You beamed back at him in response. 
“S’not fair!” James shouting interrupted your chat.
“I’ll go get you a drink too, okay?” Regulus whispered into Remus’ ear before quickly taking off, clearly not interested in the whining of an inebriated James Potter.
“M’not ‘llowed to dance on th’mantle, m’not allowed to-to play with the play with the suit’s o’armours. Why’d I even come.” James cried miserably between hiccups.
“James, you cannot sword fight with the suits of armours, you will lose. When you lose a sword fight, you die.” Lily reprimanded, clearly at her wits end with her boyfriend.
“Awe, tough hand mate. Hey! Can I challenge you to a chugging contest?” Remus said, clapping James on the back.
James seemed to brighten up at that as Lily quickly scowled at him. Remus offered the redhead a wink as he plucked your cup of water out of your hands and handed it to James.
“’kay, but no cheating!” James called to Remus. Remus figured James was too drunk to realize one couldn’t really cheat at a chugging contest, but Remus didn’t plan on winning anyway.
Regulus had returned at the perfect time for Remus to take a drink and bring it to his lips. James, in his enthusiasm ended up wearing most of the water, but claimed he won after downing the rest of it.
“No way James, I want a rematch!” Remus called, grabbing the new cup of water Regulus had brought over for you - quickly promising to make it up to you - and handing it off to James.
The group ended up being able to keep James entertained by challenging him to ‘chugging contests’ whilst handing him cups of water until he had to pee. 
Remus got to watch you flit around the party, dancing to your hearts content (though, he did make sure to discourage you from anymore high surface areas. When he couldn’t, he made sure to spot you from below), and even convincing Regulus to ball dance with you, even though it was to the likes of Jackson 5. Though you quickly abandoned him for Sirius when Play That Funky Music came on.
Remus was sat in a large cushioned chair with Regulus in his lap as they watched you, clearly in your element. 
“Gods, she’s fun.” Remus whispered to his boyfriend. Regulus breathed out a chuckle and leaned further into Remus.
“She is. She can be trouble sometimes though. Probably good that Barty’s nowhere to be found.”
Regulus’ voice trailed off confusedly at the end.
“What is it?” Remus asked, but you came barrelling over to them, slightly sweaty and breathless from your dancing.
“Hi.” You breathed excitedly, falling to your knees in front of them.
“Hi dovey! Having fun?” Remus asked, bringing his hand not currently holding his drink and wrapped around Regulus’ waist to caress your face. His heart squeezed as your eyes closed and you leaned into the touch. “S’much fun.”
“Amour, where is Barty?” Regulus asked.
Your eyebrows furrowed momentarily before a cheeky smile crossed your face as you remembered.
“Oh, he’s...hanging around.” You offered vaguely. 
“Should I be worried?” Regulus asked cautiously, earning him a snort from Lily as she hauled a nearly sleeping James over to the couch beside them.
“The sod was swinging from the chandelier and got stuck. None of us bothered trying to get him down – he’s fast asleep.” She explained, gesturing to the ceiling with a nod of her head.
Sure enough, nearly right above them, Barty was passed out cold as if he were simply swinging in a hammock. 
“Hm...” Regulus deadpanned, narrowing his eyes at you. “Amour, did someone bet Barty that he couldn’t manage to get to the chandelier?” 
“No.” You answered quickly, defiantly. Regulus continued staring impassively at you until you sighed. “I bet him he couldn’t get down from the chandelier.” 
“And she was right.” Lily added, giving you a fist bump.
Regulus let out a long suffering sigh, causing Remus to chuckled and rub his side placatingly. 
“Fair enough, sweets.” He conceded.
“Easy for you to say.” Regulus muttered. “You aren’t responsible for getting him down.”
“Just leave him up there.” Sirius commented; he wasn’t quite as drunk as Remus expected him to be, but his movements were still sloppy as he moved to sit on the floor beside you. “That’s apparently what friends do.” He said pointedly, glaring at Remus and sticking his tongue out at him.
“I had more important priorities.” He said, winking down at you.
“Are-are you s,saying that Y/N’s more impo- important than your mate, Rmussss?” James said – barely – through hiccups.
“Certainly prettier priorities.” Regulus commented.
“Oi!” Sirius shouted far louder than necessary. “You take that back!” 
“I’ll do no such thing.” Regulus responded casually. 
Sirius went to stand from his place, no doubt to try to roughhouse his brother. 
“It’s okay Sirius. I think you’re very pretty. Next time, you can be the dancing queen.” You placated. Sirius turned to look at you like you hung the moon.
“Really?!” He cried. You nodded, causing the sod to launch himself, tackling you in a hug and causing the two of you to fall over.
“Oi! Don’t crush my darlin’ girl, Pads!” Remus called at the same time as Regulus spat “if she has so much as one fucking bruise Sirius, I swear to Salazar...”
“Do forgive him,” Lily commented, “he was just informed he could be the next dancing queen.”
“Why mess with perfection? I happen to think Y/N was a wonderful dancing queen!” Marlene called from somewhere behind Remus.
“I MISSED DANCING QUEEN!?” Barty screeched from his aerial prison above them.
Regulus let out another long-suffering sigh as he stood, lifted you up out of Sirius’ grasp and placed you in his vacated spot on Remus’ lap. “I’ll go get my broom to get him down...”
“How’d you manage to win that bet, dove?” Remus whispered as Regulus disappeared through the door, pressing his nose to the pulse point of your neck.
“Sticking charm.”
Remus chuckled and felt the breaths leaving his nose bounce off your skin and back into his face. 
“My cheeky little minx.”
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mj0702 · 7 months
The other Bronze – Pt.8
Okay... this is the last Barça part for now (hold your pitchforks - we will get back to Barcelona in the future)
I feel different about this chapter since there's less chaos and more feels but I still hope you like it❤️
I can't put into words how much I appreciate all your support especially @samkerrworshipper and @valewosomtb but also all you anons like my lunatic and gold star ❤️❤️ now go and enjoy 11k of Bronzeness
As soon as Keira and you entered her flat she retreated to the kitchen letting you standing in the hallway
“You need help Kei?” you asked knowing full well she'll decline since you got banned from kitchen duty after you nearly cut off your hand when you wanted to help her and Lucy one night (back in the day back in england) and the night ended in hospital
“You already know the answer to that, Bitsy... go shower...” you heard her yelling back as you heard pots clatter
“I showered at the Beach... with the sexy spaniard” you said now moved to stand in the kitchen entrance
“And then you went to have your little outbreak in the Sea... believe me... you'll want to shower or you'll wake up in the middle of the night itching and scratching your skin off... and I swear to god if you wake me up at 2AM because you decide it would be a good time to shower I'll have your head” the blonde englishwoman answered measuring some stuff for your requested Shepherds pie
“But I don't have my shower stuff here and yours is so... flowery” you whined
“Your choice Bitsy... but I really will have your head if you wake me up in the middle of the night...” Keira looked at you raising an eyebrow in challenge
“Ugh” you huffed pushing yourself of the doorframe as you dragged yourself towards her bathroom
“Good choice” you heard the blonde yelling after you and you could hear the smirk in her voice
“Good choice” you imitated her under your breath “I'm gonna smell like a fucking field of poppies”
After 20 Minutes you cracked opened the door of the bathroom a little bit to yell for Keira
“Keira???!!!” you yelled loudly so she would hear you in the kitchen
“What?” she yelled back and you could hear a nuance of annoyance in her voice
“I forgot clothes” you yelled as Keira stayed in the kitchen and you didn't want to leave the bathroom in your (her) towel
“Ugh kid... I still don't know how you survive without me constantly around” she said as she came out of the kitchen walking down the hall to get you some clothes
“I have a good system of supporting people around me... I refer to them as my cult” you said as she passed you “they make sure I don't die – they're too scared of you”
“I bet... let me guess... Mary, Millie, Rachel, Tooney and Russo?” Keira rolled her eyes knowing you have basically all her lionesses teammates wrapped around your pinkie and if you just look at them with HALF a puppy eye they all scramble to grant you every wish
“And Hempo and Meado and Scotto and Viv and Daan and Greensie and ChloChlo and Leila and Guerrero and Stina and Lia and Kimmi and...” you counted on your fingers smirking as Keira made her way back to you some shorts and a shirt in her hand
“God... you really always get whatever you want” she rolled her eyes but a smile tugged on her lips
“Not everything... otherwise you'd be a Bronze” you shrugged your shoulders as you took the pieces of clothing out of her hand and shut the door
“Don't do that Bitsy...” Keira sighed against the door “... it's not your fault”
“But it feels like it” you answered from inside the bathroom fighting with your balance as you tried to get into the shorts but struggled since you suddenly were overcome with a wave of dizziness
“It's not... stop telling yourself that... it just happened Bitsy...” Keira answered softly as she heard a crashing sound from the inside “You okay Bits?” she asked a little concerned
“All good” you said quickly picking yourself up from inside the shower you fell backwards into “Got stuck on the shorts”
“Dear jesus chirst kid.... I swear you're so clumsy at this point it's more luck than sanity that you're still alive...” the blonde huffed out
You tried to stand up again only to find the room spinning again so you decided to do something you hated doing
“Kei help please....” you said your voice low
Keira knew that when you actually asked for help it was a serious matter so she quickly pushed the door open to find you sitting in the shower back against the tiles
“What's wrong Bits?” she asked concerned crouching down in front of you
“Room's spinning” you mumbled
“You have a headache too?” the blonde asked already knowing what's wrong with you
“Little bit...” you answered honestly
“You have a sunstroke Bits...” Keira smiled lightly “Not used to the spanish sun...”
“Is not fun” you mumbled trying to contain the nausea
“Come on Bits...” the blonde huffed pulling you up into a standing position but keeping a good hold of you “... you gonna lay down on the couch and rest okay...” she said before leading you back into the livening room minus the shorts so you were just in your boxers and a sports bra
“My shorts” you whined
“First... these are MY shorts and secondly... you don't need shorts.. it's just me” Keira said softly before deposing you on the couch “Gonna bring you some water okay”
“Kei...” you whined “... I'm not feeling good”
“I know Bitsy... I know” the blonde sighed before getting you the promised water
“Why am I feeling sick?” you whined turning onto your side
“Sunstroke Bitsy... drink some water... it'll help I promise” Keira said lovingly as she stroke softly through your hair
You carefully took small sips of water as Keira decided to sit down by your head her hand never leaving your face. Softly stroking through your hair, over your forehead or caressing your cheek smiling softly as you continue to whine about how bad you felt
“Take a nap Bitsy.... that'll help too” the blonde englishwoman spoke lowly as she saw your eyes dropping
“You not mad anymore?” you asked half asleep
“I was never mad Bitsy... I was scared” Keira said softly “You mean the world to me, Bitsy and alone the thought of loosing you without being able to do anything scared me – really scared me”
“You mean the world to me too Kei... you're always there” you sighed as Keira started to lightly scratch your scalp
“I've seen you grow up Bits... you fought so many battles and still grew into an amazing person I can't nor do I want to imagen a world without you in it... you have so much more to explore and offer and seeing you out there... without anyone responsible near it squeezed all air out of my lungs Bits... you really can't do things like that” you heard the crack in her voice at the end and force your eyes open again.
Even with your blurred eyesight you could make out Keiras tears
“Kei...” you said lowly waiting for her to look at you “... nothing's gonna happen to me... the stupid always have the luck on their side... so I'm safe... won't leave you Kei... you're my sister too you know... and most of the time you're the better sister.. I love Luce really love her – but I love you just as much because I know you're always there for me... I promise I won't leave you Kei...”
“You can't promise something like this Bitsy... because if you ever break this promise I'm gonna break... not only are you like a sister to me, you are basically my child...” Keira said her voice heavy
“I never broke a promise with you” you said your voice insisted looking her straight in the eye “I never did and I never will...”
“I need you to PROMISE me to start thinking before you do things Bits...” the blonde said and you knew you would never EVER break that promise
“I promise...” you just answered and Keira could hear the honesty in your voice “But you need to promise to never leave me”
“I promise Bitsy... wherever I end up either in my career or afterwards... I'll be always there for you” Keira said softly
“Good... because let's be honest if I have to live of Luces cooking I'm gonna be gone pretty quickly because of food poisoning” you said as a matter of fact
“She got better... she doesn't burn the pasta anymore...” Keira smiled through her tears
“Kei... she was meant to BOIL the pasta... she's the only person I know who burns pasta in cooking water!!!! And she stuffed fish-fingers in a toaster and nearly burned our flat down!!” you exclaimed bewildered
“I know... she had some... questionable ideas” Keira tried to find the right words
“She has shit ideas when it comes to cooking,... I mean who thinks it's a good idea to serve RAW fish” you exclaimed loudly
“To her defence... sushi is raw fish” the blonde said
“WHEN IT'S FRESH IT IS.... this... thing was probably a week old... and on top of that she KNOWS I hate fish” you couldn't contain your outburst
“Fish is good...” Keira smiled knowing just how much you despise it
“Nope... nuh-uh.... it's disgusting... it normally looks at you when served...” you shook your head which reminded you immediately of your nausea again “Uh... wrong move” you mumbled
“Oh Bitsy...” the blonde sighed putting her hand against your forehead “You're burning up... I'll get you some paracetamol and then you'll have a nap... if you feel up to it later we can eat a little bit and then off to bed you scramble”
“Ugh please no paracetamol” you whined
“Ah yeah... I always forget that you always get sick from paracetamol... Aspirin it is then...” the blonde said pitiful as she softly stroke over your forehead experienced first hand before how bad a sunstroke feels
“Can I call G?” you whined miserable
“Of course Bitsy... why are you asking?” Keira asked confused
“Didn't know if you'd be a fan of me calling her... Lucy is not a fan” you mumbled your eyes already dropping again
“Lucy is very much a fan... but more and foremost she's your sister... she swore to protect you Bitsy” the blonde chuckled getting her phone from the side table dialling Georgias number
“Hey best friend... what gives me the unwanted pleasure of you calling me?” Georgias happy voice came out of the speaker and you could hear the smile in her voice
“You really milking that best friend card since Leah is out” Keira deadpanned but couldn't help but smile too
“I mean... I take what I can get...” the younger blonde said grinning “But seriously... what can I help you with”
“Not me.... but you could help your girlfriend out” Keira chuckled
“Ehrm... while you're there?” Georgia asked unsure and you could just picture how her cheeks flush and she rubbed the back of her neck
“Dear jesus... not like that” Kei exclaimed “What is wrong with you??”
“I haven't seen her in WEEKS, Kei... WEEKS...” the younger blonde insistent
“I don't CARE” Keira said back just as insistent
“G” you whispered exhausted
“Hey baby” immediately your girlfriends voice changed into a soft caring low tone
Keira left to finally get the shepherds pie into the oven but still was listening to your conversation with one and a half ear
“Not feeling good” you whispered
“What happened baby...” Georgia asked softly
“Parrently M not used to sun” you mumbled
“You're english... of course we're not used to sun...” your girlfriend chuckled lightly “... what you need from me baby?”
“Just talk... M sleepy” you mumbled your speaking slurred with sleep
“Usual topics?” Georgia double checked softly
“Mhm” you mumbled confirming
“Okay... sooooo... I kinda overslept this morning... but just like... 20 Minutes – still made it to training in time but I couldn't stop at that little bakery.. you know the one on the corner with the colourful dotty thingies on the windows... but I'll make sure to stop there tomorrow again...” Georgia began to lowly tell you about her day with all the little details as you slipped into a peaceful slumber
As your girlfriend heard your even breathing she stopped talking for a second before asking
“Yes?” the blonde answered
“She asleep?” Georgia asked already knowing the answer
“What do you really want to ask, G? What's on your mind?” Keira chuckled
“How mad is Lucy?” your girlfriend mumbled concerned
“Lucy isn't mad... she's protective... I can promise you deep down inside she's relieved it's you... you're a good person, G and Luce knows that... and I'm happy it's you – because let's be real for a second... any girl Bitsy would have brought home would run for the hills after a “talk” from Lucy Bronze – you can handle that just fine. So Lucy isn't mad... but you're dating her baby sister... she swore to protect her no matter what since the moment she found out y/n will be a girl... and she waited 16 years to give someone “The Talk”... so she'll act all overprotective and threatening and what not but in secret she's happy for the two of you... just let her waltz over you with her “If you're hurting her”-talk and smile politely” Keira said knowing G needs some reassurance right now “Just... don't kiss her in front of Lucy right away... baby sister and all that”
“No kissing got it” G repeated nodding her head – even if no one could see it
“I didn't said no kissing... I said no kissing in front of Luce” the blonde corrected her younger friend
“Isn't that the same thing?” Georgia asked confused
“Gosh G... get creative... didn't YOU tell me about 30 minutes ago you haven't seen your girl for weeks” Keira huffed out as she left the living room with her phone to check on the shepherds pie
“I mean... yeah... but that would involve a lot more than kissing” G answered and Keira could hear her embarrassment
“I love you G, I really do... but I won't cover for you or get Lucy of your backs.... just saying” the blonde said as she pulled dinner out of the oven
“Can we not... talk about that... maybe?” your girlfriend asked even more embarrassed
“We're grown ups, G... we can talk about sex” Keira rolled her eyes before speaking to herself “Do I wake you up Bitsy or not?”
“Why do you want to wake her up? I literally just put her to sleep” Georgia ignored the first part and just jumped on the you-waggon
“She should eat... but as you said... she just fell asleep...” Keira mumbled looking over to your sleeping form
“Wake her... I still got time so I can bore her to sleep again” G said happily
“How often do you talk anyway?” Keira asked finding it quiet endearing how your relationship blossomed and she was very grateful that she was one of the first (if not the first) to witness it
“You mean like now? Or texting?” your girlfriend asked
“Like now.... you immediately knew what she needed – it's cute” the blonde grinned
“Every Day... even when I have games we make time... if it's just five minutes” Georgia said and Keira could hear how important it was for the younger girl
“Didn't peck you as a routine girl, G” Keira teased her friend
“It's important to her....” your girlfriend answered and her voice showed nothing but love for you.
“God G... you sound like your neck deep in love” the blonde chuckled but was met with silence from the other end
“G??” Keira asked kinda bewildered
“Yeah... still there” the younger one mumbled ashamed
“Talk to me G” the blonde encouraged her
“I know it sounds stupid but... god Kei I do love her... I know we haven't dated for long but... I can see her as my forever... I know it's early to say something like that but it feels so different with her... good different...” Georgia tried to put her feelings into word
“Calm down G... it's okay.. it's just me... honestly... I can see it too – you shouldn't say anything like that to Luce tho... at least not for the next... 10.... no... 25 years” Keira said softly and tried to lighten the mood a little bit
“It just... it scares me a little bit I never felt like this about anyone” Georgia explained
“G... if you know, you know... and it's okay to get scared or overwhelmed... but you need to talk to someone – ideally with y/n but you can always talk to me too... keep communicating” the blonde said trying to calm her friend down
“I just never felt like this... like... she's my air you know... god I sound so cheesy... but when I look at her nothing else matters... when she smiles it's like getting hit with a truck and Kei.... when she laughs... it's the most beautiful sound in the world” your girlfriend said and Keira could just HEAR the love
“Tell her G... tell her that every day... because even if they always act so tough... both of them Bronzes need to hear things like that” Keira said softly
“How do you know?” Georgia asked confused
“And she's back” the blonde rolled her eyes “Why do all of you always forget that I dated a Bronze.... for YEARS”
“Ah yeah... you dated the other Bronze” your girlfriend laughed
“Technically I dated the one Bronze... you date the other Bronze” Keira said
Suddenly there was a crashing sound from the living room followed by a whined “Keira” and Keira groaned
“She fell of the couch again?” Georgia asked knowingly
“Yep.... catch you later G... I have to go aid your girlfriend” the blonde huffed
“Tell her I love her, yeah” your girlfriend said hopefully
“Will do... see you in a few days in Camp G... and G” Keira said
“You're good for her... Lucy will see this too... so don't let Luce push you around... stand up for your relationship” the blonde said and her voice had a loving tone
“Thanks Kei... I mean it” your girlfriend answered honesty
“KEIRAAAAA” you whined from the floor of the living room
“COMING... jesus...” the blonde yelled back “See you in a few day G...” she said before ending the call
“What happened there Bitsy, hm?” the blonde asked you as she knelt down beside you
“Fell off” you mumbled
“I see that” Keira chuckled “You want to go back to sleep or eat a little bit”
“Shepherds pie?” you asked your eyes shining hopefully
“Waiting in the Kitchen” the blonde smiled as she pulled you up by your good wrist “After that you go straight to bed, do you hear me?”
“Yeah mom” you mumbled and Keira noticed you're definitely still asleep
Keira basically had to feed you since you nearly face planted into your plate several times before she dragged you back to her guestroom. As usual you didn't want to sleep alone so you just started to whine until the blonde gave in once again leading you towards her bedroom. You were dead asleep the second your head hit the pillow so Keira just threw a blanket over you and went back to the living room after she cleaned the kitchen and started packing for her (hopefully) call-up to national camp. Just as Kei was halfway through her packing her phone rang and Lucys name showed up on the display
“What can I do for you ex?” she grinned into the phone as she locked her phone in between her ear and shoulder to have her hands free
“Hello to you too other mother of my princess... Bubs around?” Lucy shot back but Keira knew she wasn't serious
“OUR princess, ex...” the blonde corrected grinning “Nope... your sister is dead to the world in my bed”
“I KNEW there was something going on... G is just a cover, innit?” Lucy exclaimed and faked being shocked
“Oh no... you figured us out” Keira answered monotonous and pausing for a second before starting to chuckle “What you need from her? Not that I could get her up anyway but I'm sure she'll be up at some point in the night”
“I actually need YOU” Lucy mused and Keira heard the slight begging undertone
“Oh my Luce... I thought we were past the sex with the ex act... does Ona know what you're proposing right now?” the blonde just couldn't give up such an opportunity to tease her ex girlfriend
“Oh my god... no... not for that... that front is very well covered thank you very much...” your sister stuttered shocked which caused Keira to start laughing “I need you to bring y/n with you to training tomorrow...”
“That's a given” Keira rolled her eyes “You think I'm gonna leave her out of my sight after the stunt she pulled today?”
“... as fast asleep as possible” Lucy finished her sentences ignoring Keiras interruption
“She definitely outgrown the dino-harness...” the blonde said knowing exactly what Lucy was planning
“I... modified it?” your sister said slowly
“Modified it?” Keira asked confused
“The buckle just works like I belt... so I strapped a belt into the buckle so it would fit...” Lucy said reluctantly
“She will throw a whole ass tantrum you know that right... and you want me to get involved as well” the blonde said warningly
“I know... but come on Kei... she proved today that she actually is not grown up enough to be left to her own devices...” your sister huffed out
“Did it accrue to you that she actually IS grown up enough and she just lets her guard down around you because she knows you're the only person in the entire world that will always be in her corner no matter what... I mean... except for me” Keira said and she knew she hit a nerve when there was no come back from the other end of the line
“I was scared Kei” Lucy admitted her voice low
“I know... I was scared too Luce... but she's growing up... you have to let her make mistakes” the blonde sighed knowing it was so hard to let you off the (imaginary) leash
“I know... but let me have my moment tomorrow.. I'm taking the blame... tell her you didn't knew” Lucy begged a little bit
“If she doesn't talk to you for weeks don't come to me crying” Keira warned “You have a girlfriend for that now... not my problem anymore”
“Deal... but I promise I'll get in her good books at end of training again” your sister said and Kei could hear her grin
“Do I want to know?? I feel a headache forming” the blonde mumbled
“I'll let her drive my Cupra... we just need to wait long enough till the parking lot is empty” your sister said excited thinking she could fulfil a wish for you
“Oh Luce” Keira sighed
“I know... she's going to be so happy” Lucy could hardly contain her excitement
“Oh you have no idea” the blonde tried to warn her friend without saying too much
What Lucy of course didn't knew was that Jill (Scott), Millie and Rachel gifted you 10 driving lessons for your birthday – but not just driving lessons they were stunt driving lessons. Of course it was mostly courtesy of Jill who knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy. So while your sister was under the dreamy impression that she would make you happy being the first one who's letting you drive (even if it was kinda illegal) you perfected the art of drifting, donuts and race gear shifting. And of course how to use the breaks – you weren't completely stupid. But it was the second best present this day. Jill even went so far in buying you race driver shoes – like formula one shoes.
“So you bring her in tomorrow?” Lucy asked hopefully
“Asleep as possible... I'll get her to Nuo around 8... you better be there and get her in that harness before she interacts with Mapí because that will kick-start her” Keira sighed again knowing tomorrow will be an absolute disaster.
“Thanks Kei” your sister said happily “I'll wait in front of the locker room for you”
“You owe me Luce...” the blonde replied
“What do you want?” Lucy asked interested
“I want to have Narla over Christmas” Keira said
“Hard bargain there, Walsh... but okay... but I get her new years” your sister huffed out
“Okay... 8 o'clock locker room.. if you're late I'll let Mapí talk to her” the blonde threatened playfully
“Aye woman...” Lucy answered and Keira could just picture how she put her hand up to a mock salute
“Hate you” the blonde grinned
“No you don't.... see you tomorrow Kiewa” your sister answered using a stupid nickname you once tried to get spread through national team
Keira just hung up continuing to pack some shirts before she called it a night too. She carefully entered her bedroom to find you still dead asleep but you moved to her side your nose pressed deep into her pillow
“Why can't you always be so sweet?” the blonde mumbled lowly a slight smile on her lips
As if you heard her you started to snore – very lightly which caused Keira to laugh quietly before laying down on your other side. Just like always you immediately noticed the “intruder” as you turned around still asleep as you cuddled up to Keiras side
“Bitsy come on.. wake up... we're leaving in five” Keira shook you awake next morning
“Nooooo...” you whined sleepily turning away from her “... five more minutes”
“We're leaving in five, Bitsy... come on... up and at em” the blonde didn't give up “Up... now... teeth, clothes, car” she said sternly
“Kei... nooooo” you whined trying to get away from her shaking
“Up NOW Bitsy” the blonde got even more firm – which she hated herself for
“Yeah okay... I'm up” you grumbled as you stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom
Exactly 5 minutes later you stood at the door where Keira was waiting for you impatiently. You had your shirt on backwards, Barcelona training kit shorts which were slightly too big for you and a England bucket hat on your head
“Is that my bucky?” the blonde asked confused
“Couldn't find anything else and I'm NOT sitting in the sun today... learned my lesson” you mumbled and Keira noticed how grumpy you were
“Come on Bitsy... I'll get you coffee at Camp Nuo” the blonde said hoping to get your spirits up just a little bit – at this point you'd probably rip Lucys throat apart with your teeth if she'd touch you and buckle you up in the harness. She decided to give Lucy a warning which your sister replied with a thumbs up
“Kay” you mumbled as you stumbled towards Keiras car
23 Minutes later you arrived at Camp Nuo and Keira manoeuvres you expertly through the long hallways
“Jesus... bet some people died in here trying to find a toilet” you grumbled as Keira pushed you around another corner which caused the blonde to chuckle behind you her hand never leaving the small of your back
“Not so bad once you figured it out... you were here before, you know.. you just were very VERY high... Alexia lost you twice – not that your sister knows but still... Capi needed to confine someone” Keira laughed
“I actually don't know... I was high... I know NOTHING from that day” you grumbled as you spotted your sister waiting in front of a door that looked just like the 500 doors you already passed.
“Bon dia Bubs” your sister smiled warmly
“Bon fuck yourself” you grumbled while you walked passed her thinking you need to keep going as Lucy grabbed your shirt to pull you back
“Locker room is this way” she said not letting you get to her nerves as you outright sweared at her.
Next thing you knew was that you were buckled up in something and as you looked down you spotted the familiar face of Bronzo the Bronto (courtesy of Dszenifer who thought it would be funny to name your dino-harness Bronzo). Before your brain could even recognise what just happened you heard Lucy victorious chuckle “Still got it”
“Wha... Wha... Wait what??” you stuttered as you tried to comprehend what just happened
“It's okay Bubs... just want you to be save” Lucy said lowly knowing this could go two ways. Either you accept it since you haven't even had coffee yet OR you could completely explode.
Your brain choose option two for you and you just started to sprint. Your sister didn't see that coming she was more prepared for you to attack her directly so you got a few meters between the two of you before Lucy grabbed the leash tightly in her hand trying to stop your running. What she also wasn't prepared for was the strength you could get out of your fury so Alexia was met with a angry faced running you as she rounded the corner as you basically dragged Lucy behind you who still tried to get you under control
“Bubs come on... calm down” your sister tried again “Bon dia Capi” she smile quickly at Alexia before she got dragged on
“I... don't even want to know” the blonde spaniard mumbled to herself as she continued her way to the locker room
“The Bronzes out there?” Keira asked as Alexia entered the changing room
“This way... Cariño seemed quite aggressive this morning” the blonde pointed to the right
“Yeah... Lucy jumped her with the dino-harness... did anyone had any blood on them?” Keira asked getting a little concerned when Alexia used “aggressive”
“Not that I saw... but the Cariño pulled Lucy around like she weight nothing...” the spaniard answered as she tied her cleats
“Yeah... y/n in a bad mood is someone you don't want to cross...” the blonde englishwoman said as she stood up from her cubical grabbing her water bottle
“And why exactly is Cariño pulling around Lucia?” Alexia now questioned as she copied Keira and grabbed her bottle as well when the two women make their way to the field
“You'll see” Keira grinned knowingly
“Bon dia” the two blonde smiled towards the media staff as they recorded the famous arriving of the players
“LEFT!!! TO THE LEFT!!!!” the whole team heard Lucys yelling and all heads turned towards the tunnel exit
“I'LL PRESENT YOU MY LEFT TO YOUR NOSE IN A SECOND!!!!! LET ME THE FUCK GO!!! THIS IS LITERALLY KIDNAPPING!!!” you shouted back and Keira heard that you were about to lose it
“HA!!!!!” Lucy exclaimed as she pulled you out after her “You admit you're a kid... so you get treated like one.... Bon dia” your sister smiled at the camera having the leash over her shoulder walking slightly hunched forward as you got pulled backwards.
“I swear to god Lucy... I rip you to pieces” you sneered as you passed the media staff
The whole team watched the interaction between the two of you and before you knew it you heard a loud laugh. Mapí just couldn't help herself as she saw you in the bright green dino-harness kicking and pouting like a three year old. You of course didn't think it was funny so you turned and sprinted past Lucy about to fight the tattooed spaniard as Lucy hauled you back
“Nooooo... we don't fight” your sister said sternly as she held the leash tightly digging her feet into the grass so you couldn't pull her along again
“She's laughing” you said accusing and even Lucy saw that your patience’s wearing thin
“Let her Bubs... come on... I even got you some coffee and ice cream” your sister tried to lure you away as Mapí stupidly opened her mouth
“You wearing a kiddie-leash” the spaniard laughed loudly as Ingrid stepped in looking at Lucy
“Where did you find that? That is a great idea!!” the Norwegian asked interested
“Bronzo? Bought it back in Lyon when missy here decided to go on a stroll while I was... occupied and I had to pick her up hours later at a police station” your sister grinned as she playfully tugged on the leash
“You weren’t “occupied” you were shoving your tongue down Keiras throat!!!” you exclaimed aggregated
“I think my life would benefit from something like this as well” Ingrid mused her eyes sparkling
“Why would we need something like this, mi amor?” Mapí now asked confused
Ingrid just raised an eyebrow expectantly at her girlfriend waiting for her to catch on – and finally she did
“NO.... I don’t need something like this... I’m no hija” the tattooed spaniard exclaimed annoyed looking at you pointingly as she referred to you as a child
“You sure sound like one at the moment...” the Norwegian grinned as Mapí pouted and crossed her arms over her chest before sticking out her tongue to you
You tried to get to her again as Alexia now stepped in and stopped you
“cálmate” the blonde spaniard said calmly and the usage of spanish got you out of your head
“Huh?” you asked as you looked at her confused
“cálmate” Alexia repeated softly
“Cellmate?” you asked even more confused “makes no sense dude”
“It means “Calm down” in spanish” the blonde answered her voice calm and low
“Ha... so calm mate is making sense” you said but weirdly you felt much more calm
“It kinda does, doesn't it” the Capitan still kept her voice calm as she grabbed your waist manoeuvring you to the side line without breaking eye contact as she feared you would jump on Mapí and kill her.
Everyone watched the interaction stunned as you just let Alexia carefully move you away from the team. Even Lucy and Keira couldn't believe it since it was normally a fight for hours till you calmed down.
“Shit Capi is good” Lucy mumbled loosening the leash so you wouldn't feel the pressure and would snap again
“Shut up before you shift her focus and we have another fight on our hands” Keira shushed her ex girlfriend warningly
Alexia manoeuvred you into a shady corner the leash now dragging behind you since Lucy had to let go of it to not disturb the little moment you have with her Capitan.
“Are you gonna be good and stay here or do I have to tie this leash to one of the posts?” Alexia asked you quietly but still firmly
“Not gonna run” you mumbled kinda ashamed and embarrassed being strapped into a kiddie-harness right in front of (yet again) world class players “So embarrassing”
“No need to be embarrassed Cariño... we just want you save” the blonde said quietly keeping this interaction as private as possible “And it makes Lucia feel so much better knowing you're save”
“She could just have...” you started but couldn't come up with a reasonable solution
“It's the best solution for now... and after training I'll let you chase Mapí for making fun of you, okay.. now please stay here – I give you the... depth of doubt and won't tie this leash up but if you disappoint me I won't hesitate to do so” Alexia said softly but it was a fair warning to you
“Benefit...” you mumbled not meeting her eyes “It's benefit of the doubt... but thank you”
“If you need something just yell or tell one of the staff members okay?” the blonde smiled warmly at you
“Is there coffee around?” you asked hopefully as the blonde started laughing signalling to one of the staff to come over. She quickly spoke to the young man in spanish and he jogged off back into the building
“Cortado is on the way” the Capitan winked “you remember “thank you” in spanish?”
“Moohtschas grazia or something like that” you said after a second of thinking and you could see Alexia visibly flinch at your butchering her mother tongue
“You have to speak softer, Cariño... spanish is a soft language – not harsh... try again... muchas gracias” the blonde encouraged you to try again
“That's what I said... Moohtschas grazias” you said confused
“You are to hard on the “s”... it's “s” like … sunshine... not “z” like... what's this white and black horse?” she tried to remember
“Zebra” you helped her out
“Sí... Zebra... again... muchas...” Alexia spoke slowly empathizing the “s”
“muchas” you tried to copy her pronunciation
“gracias” the blonde said slowly again
“gracias” you followed
“Bíen... muchas gracias” Alexia smiled proudly at you “Now be good and stay here” she said as she pressed a light kiss to your forehead and left you standing there rooted in place.
The only people who were allowed to give forehead kisses were Lucy, Keira, Sarina and Georgia. Alexia wasn't allowed and you were very careful when it came to physical contact. Keira of course kept an eye on you through warm ups and saw the interaction with Alexia. As soon as the blonde spaniard leant down to press a small kiss to your forehead Keira already moved towards you
“It's okay Bitsy... it's how the spanish are, okay... she doesn't mean any harm” Keira spoke calmly since she knew what physical contact – at least not predicted one – did to you.
“It's just the way they are around here, okay... they're very touchy feely... no need to freak out Bitsy okay” the blonde englishwoman kept talking until you looked at her
“She... she kissed me” you stuttered out
“I saw... but she doesn't mean any harm – it's really how they are here” Keira reassured you
“I... didn't like it... she didn't say anything beforehand” you said and the blonde could see how you were fighting an internal battle
“She doesn't know... no one knows you don't like contact like that” the blonde stayed calm through your conversation
“Why did she do that?” you asked confused
“She wanted to show you how good you did” Keira once again reassured you
“Ice cream would have done the job” you mumbled which caused the blonde to burst out laughing
“I know... but I can see some coffee coming this way... I bet it has your name on it” Keira smiled as she stroke through your hair and turned around to leave you to re-join training.
“muchas gracias” you said as the young man who grinned widely as he answered “De Nada”
You sat down on the ground sipping on your coffee watching the training going on as they switched from passing drills to 5 a side. You remembered these drills like the back of your hand and you already knew who would pass to whom and who would assist to who to get the ball into the back of the net. The drills they were playing were so predictable that you groaned internally. Just happens to not be internally – you groaned so loudly that even Jona turned around looking at you as if he tried to figure out if you're hurt again. He signalled Lucy and spoke to her quietly as her eyes snapped towards you before she came jogging over
“What's wrong Bubs... Jona said you might have hurt yourself he said you groaned quite loudly” your sister asked worried
“M not hurt... but this is so boring and your playing is so predictable...” you rolled your eyes
“What do you mean?” Lucy asked confused
“Okay wait...” you waited until the whistle blew again “Ingrid will pass it to Ona, Mapí tries to intercept but her footing is wrong so she won't get there in time. Ona will pass it as a high ball to that brown haired one who will TRY to get it down the middle with as a half-volley but Alexia stands to close so brown hair only gets the ball to bounce of Alexias hip... she will pass the ball to the right to flawless and flawless will cross it back into the middle to the blonde norwegian... who will make it look like she's going in for a header but she'll let the ball cross to the Jamaican spaniard who's already waiting at the back post... oh yeah... and Kei was open in the middle the whole time” you said and it happened exactly like you said just that you said it about 10 seconds before it all happened
“What the...” your sister listened to you as you predicted the whole tactic move before it even got played out now looking at you shocked
“Told you.. predictable” you shrugged your shoulders as Lucy waved Jona over to her speaking to him in spanish as now HIS eyes snapped towards you.
“Mind if we try something Bubs?” Lucy asked you smiling slightly
“I'm NOT trying your protein shakes again” you exclaimed
“No... I just want to show Jona something” she laughed as she nodded to her trainer.
Jona yelled something in spanish and the teams mixed up before he looked at you expectantly
“Tell me what's going to happen now, Bubs... I'll translate for him” Lucy encouraged you as you scanned the field and who the players were positioned
After a few minutes you looked at your sister “Team Yellow is going to score first... they have a technical midfield and even if Team Red has the better defence, they will concentrate on the forwards instead of the midfield and either Kei or tweedledee will score – team reds defence will probably only watch tweedledumb and Jamaican spaniard and forget about the technical finesse these two midfielders have... Alexia will realize it first but it will be to late” you shrugged your sister as she spoke lowly to her trainer who then turned around to blow the whistle.
Again you watched bored as the game rolled out just as you said – it was Keira who had the finishing touch on the ball to hit the back of the net. Jona turned around to you looking like he saw a ghost
“How did you know this?” Lucy asked you after Jona talked to her for a minute
“Predictable” you felt like a broken record “You guys focus too much on the forwards... you have an amazing midfield but you only go for the forwards... it’s a wonder you’re opponents haven’t figured it out already”
Lucy again translated what you said to her trainer who couldn't stop to look at you with a shocked face
“He wants you” your sister grinned
“Yeah no... I don't dingdongs... sorry” you waved off before yelling over to the field “Keira... rotate your hip more when you go for that high ball... and lock your ankle... you look like a fucking penguin trying to walk on ice”
“He wants you in his training staff you horny bitch” Lucy bit out
“Yeah... he can get in line” you mumbled watching Keira closely as she tried to follow through with what you just said
“What was that?” your sister asked confused
“KEIRA for god sakes... LOCK THIS BLOODY ANKLE... you locked it around my sisters waist enough times that I know you're able to do so!!!” you yelled again not happy with the outcome of your “pointers”
“Dear heavens” Lucy groaned as half the team looked at her while the other half looks at Keira “No more caffeine for you”
“It's not the caffeine that's the problem here...” you mumbled watching Keira step up to the ball again
“Then what is?” Lucy asked annoyed
“You REALLY want the answer to this question?” you raised an eyebrow at her
“On second thought...” your sister interrupted quickly
“Yep.. thought so...” you grinned fake “BETTER KEI!! Good job” you yelled out as the ball was nearly perfect
“Thanks Bitsy” the blonde yelled back smiling
“Always” you shouted before sitting down again
“What did you mean when you said Jona can get in line?” Lucy asked bringing the former topic back up
“You really think he's the first trainer that offered me a job??” you looked at her in disbelieve
“I... can't follow you” your sister said getting more and more confused
“The first one who offered was Sarina after the Euros... you think it was an accident to bring Tooney and Less in just after halftime? Second one was Alex Straus, third one was Emma, fourth one was Jonas, fifth was Gareth and on place no. 6 now the spanish guy... so yeah... he can get in line” you said seriously as you looked your sister straight in the eye
“I had no idea” Lucy said slowly compensating the information
“Yeah... it's not like I make a big deal out of it” you shrugged but Lucy knew you wanted to say something else
“You can always talk to me, Bubs” she said knowing you would need to hear it again and again and again
“Yeah... I know” you sighed
“Good... I'm going back to training okay... we have about 30 minutes left then we can go for ice cream...” she smiled softly at you before turning around leaving
“Hey Luce?” you shouted after her
“Can I have your phone please... mines dead again and I'm bored... you have games on your phone right?” you asked pouting a little for good measure
“Sure... pin is your birthday” your sister went over to her bag quickly and tossed you her phone
“Love you” you shouted after her.
Just as you wanted to start playing candy crush it started to ring. Caller was “Lionesses”. So you figured you could answer the phone.
“Lucy Bronzes phone... you're speaking with the better looking and younger version” you answered the call
There was a beat of silence before the other person started to speak
“Y/n??” you heard a confuses voice
“Hi Mama Rina” you said happily noticing Sarinas voice immediately
“I thought I called Lucy” the Dutch was majorly confused
“You did... I'm currently at the Camp Nope watching her train and I got bored so I got her phone to play candy crush” you explained as the smile never left your face.
“Oooooh okay... think she can make it to Camp next week?” Sarina asked and you could her smile through the phone
“Wait... I'll ask her...” you said before covering the phone with your hand “LUUUCCYYYY!!!! SARINA WANTS TO KNOW IF YOU ARE FREE NEXT WEEK FOR CAMP!!!” you yelled of the top of your lungs
“WHAT?” your sister asked confused
“NATIONALCAMP NEXT WEEK!! YES? NO?” you yelled again
“YES OF COURSE!!!” Lucy yelled already on her way over again
“She said yes... Keira is here too” you got back to the call
“Would you mind, Liefje?” Sarina asked you already pulling the phone away from her ear knowing you're going to start yelling in a second
“KEIRA??? NATIONALCAMP – YES OR NO?!” you yelled to the blonde englishwoman
“YES” Keira just yelled back not bothering asking why you asked her
“Kei said yes too...” you repeated the answer to the womans national coach
“Thank you, snoepje... I'll see you all in a week then” the Dutch smiled and ended the call
“Why are you on the phone with Sarina?” your sister asked
“She called...” you shrugged your shoulders “Flights will be send per email as usual”
“She called... okay...” Lucy said dumb folded and left again
Just as training was about to end and you roamed the side line a little bit – always under the watchful eye of Alexia, Lucy and Keira – Mapí tried to do a midfield shot on goal. Of course she booted the ball without any precision and the ball ended up in your direction
“Y/N!! WATCH OUT!” Keira yelled as she saw the ball rocketing towards you.
You lifted your head just in time to recognise the ball but you didn't have time to THINK what you would do. Your body reacted out of reflex and muscle memory. You stopped the ball perfectly with your chest before you volleyed it down the field with your right food and your precision was so on point that the ball came in perfect for Keira who stopped the ball with her foot mid air to turn with it and just tipped it into the open goal. Everyone on the pitch looked at you shocked and even you were shocked about what happened. Since you got your diagnosis with your third ACL you swore to yourself to never touch a ball again – and yet here you were assisting a “goal” for Keira and it was all Mapís fault. No one dared to move as they kept staring at you – and suddenly it clicked in your head. You looked at Lucy. You looked at Keira.
“Bubs no... it's okay... you're okay” Lucy tried to approach you slowly as she spoke softly seeing in your eyes exactly what your next move would be.
Oh how right she was – the second it really sunk in what just happened you bolted. You jumped over the barrier running as fast as you could. OF COURSE you forgot about the dino-harness. You just entered the tunnel as you got hauled backwards with such a force that you lost your footing and crashed into the ground. You just laid there as you tried to breath but your breathing became more hectic and rapid. Your sisters face appeared next to you only seconds later pulling you upon into a sitting position as she shuffled in behind you pressing your body back into hers as you tried to fight her grip
“It's okay Bubs... nothing happened... you're okay..” Lucy reassured you over and over again as you keep struggling in her arms trying to get free
“You need to breath for me Bubs... come one... deep breaths” your sister spoke softly ignoring the fact that you already hit her twice in the rips as she sat with you on the ground in the tunnel.
Suddenly Lucy heard fast approaching footsteps and the next second a panic stroked Mapí dropped to her knees in front of the two of you.
“Neña... Neña I'm so sorry... I didn't mean too... please” the spaniard begged you as she took your face in her hands seeing you so majorly distressed brought her to the verge of tears
You jerked back from her touch successfully head butting Lucy in the face who groaned painfully and felt hot liquid shooting out of her nose right into you hair as you kept your face away from Mapí. Your sister tightened the grip around you body basically switching to koala hug you from behind as tight as possible as you kept throwing your weight around
“Maps please... I know you're sorry and I know it wasn't on purpose but I need you to leave us alone right now” Lucy said through gritted teeth not because she was angry she just felt her strength leaving her arms and she knew the second she would let go you'd be gone and probably gone for days.
“I just want her to know how sorry I am... I really didn't mean to... Keira said I opened the box of Pandora” the tattooed spaniard said and Lucy heard the desperation in her voice
“I know Maps... I know it wasn’t intentional... and I promise you everything will be okay again – it's not the first time I'm going through this with her and she will calm down eventually... we just need space” your sister answered – even tho her voice got quite nasally – calmly to not set the spaniard off even more.
She could see how Mapí beat herself up but she was oh so thankful when she heard another pair of footsteps approaching and seconds later Mapí got hurled to her feet and dragged away by her girlfriend. As soon as the spaniard was gone from your vision you calmed down significantly reducing to a whimpering mess in your sisters arms
“I know Bubs... it's still too much for you and I know you need to work through it in your own time...” Lucy spoke quietly into your hair as she started to rock the both of you back and forth.
Lucy loosened her grip around you slightly to see your reaction but not too much if you'd try to bolt. Thankfully you exhausted yourself to the point where you just sack against her trying to find as much comfort in her touch as possible. You stayed like this for another 10 minutes with your sister mumbling sweet nothings into your hair before Lucy heard a low whistle coming from the tunnel entrance. As she looked up she saw Keira poking her head around the corner an eyebrow raised in question. The blonde knew from past experiences that you would get send right into another panic attack if there was anyone else except for Lucy around you. Lucy looked down on your hunched form back up at Kei and nodded. Keira approached the two of you carefully always ready to stop or even retreat if you showed any sign of discomfort
“That was a bad one” the blonde whispered as she slid down next to the two of you.
“I'm so thankful for that stupid leash... we wouldn't have found her for at least days Kei... if not weeks” Lucy whispered back as she adjusted your hold on you pulling you closer to her chest
“I know... but Mapí didn't mean too...” Keira said as she kept her voice low
“I know... I'm not blaming her or anyone... it was a stupid coincidence” your sister answered her eyes never leaving you
“She just broke down in the locker room... she's beating herself up really bad for that” the blonde whispered
“Ingrid with her?” Lucy asked alarmed not wanting Mapí to fall down into a mental hole as well – one mental breakdown was enough for one day.
“Course... Alexia as well... but she needs to hear it from y/n... it's funny isn't it? They know her for a few days but I bet my yearly salary that every single woman in that room would jump in front of a truck for her” Keira said and a low chuckle left her throat
“It's the Bronze charm... you fell for it too... twice actually” your sister smiled slightly
“You wish... you figured out already that G is a cover... you think I was after you?” the blonde teased back
“Keira Fae...” Lucy faked gasped shocked “... are you implying you were after my Sister the whole time?”
Keira just grinned enjoying the playful banter that just shows what good of a relationship Lucy and her were still having. A purely friendly relationship but still up for banter.
As you registered more of your surroundings you noticed that at one point Keira must have entered the scene and you blindly patted your hand towards her hoping she'd understood. And of course she did – she took your hand into hers without and comment making sure to keep a good hold of it.
“It's okay Bitsy... we're here” the blonde whispered calmly
You just sunk deeper into your sisters arms pressing your face into the crook of her neck feeling utterly exhausted
“You should get your nose checked out” Keira said referring to the dried blood on Lucys face
“Later... not important right now” your sister mumbled squeezing you tighter to her chest
“M sorry Luce” you mumbled against her neck
“S okay Bubs... you just got scared” Lucy mumbled back pressing a kiss to your forehead
“M sorry to Mapí too... probly scared her” you half-slurred as your body felt heavy your mind exhausted
“Don't worry about it... you can talk to her tomorrow on the phone, okay?” your sister reassured you softly
“Want to pologize n person” you said as your closed again
“Okay... but tomorrow... you okay moving to the locker room?” Lucy asked carefully
“Don't want to see anyone” you shook your head
“I'll clear it out” Keira said as she stood up “Give me five minutes”
After five minutes Keira came back around the corner nodding. Lucy tried to stand up but with you in her lap and sitting on the hard ground for nearly an hour she wasn't able too. Your hand clutched her shirt tightly fearing she would disappear once you'd let go
“Come here Bitsy... the old woman needs help to stand up” Keira said her voice teasing as she pulled you off your sister into her arms.
You were basically dead weight at this point only be held up by the blondes strength. As soon as Lucy stood up (with a loud groan) she lifted you bridal style and started to walk towards the locker room where Alexia waited outside the door. The blonde spaniards eyes grew wide in shock as she saw Lucys face but recovered quickly as she just opened the door to the mostly empty locker room in silence letting your sister carry you inside before closing the door behind you. Inside Ona waited with a water bottle offering it to you as Lucy placed you in a corner on the bench letting you lean against the cool wall.
“I'm just gonna jump the shower quickly Bubs, okay... is it okay if Ona has an eye on you or do you want her to leave” Lucy spoke softly knowing from past experience that you couldn't deal with loud noises in that state
“S okay...” you mumbled taking a small sip of the water
“Okay” your sister sighed relieved “I'll be back in a flash okay Bubs”
You just nodded sipping slowly on your water while Ona retreated to the other side of the room not wanting to invade your space or scare you. You were pretty impressed she knew what you needed – then again Keira probably gave her a run down. The all to familiar feeling of loneliness spread in your chest again and you just grunted hoping Ona would understand your silent request. She wasn't Keira so you had to make yourself known a second time – this time with a whine. Ona noticed you were slightly in distress but didn't knew how to react. Keira told her to be there but not too close. But after you whined out she kicked all plans out the window approaching you carefully sitting down two cubical away from you
“You need anything, Bebita?” the blonde freckled spaniard asked quietly
“Hug” you whined out
“Ven aquí entonces” Ona mumbled out and to both of your surprise you basically threw yourself into her arms.
That's how Lucy found you 10 Minutes later – you fast asleep in Onas arms who looked like she was hardly breathing not wanting to scare you.
“Welcome to the family” Lucy smiled as she passed you seeing how content you apparently felt in her girlfriends arms
“I didn't to anything I swear... she asked for a hug then threw herself at me and seconds later she was out like a light” the spaniard whispered her voice slightly panicked not wanting to set you off.
“Don't worry... she won't wake up...” Lucy waved off speaking normal volume “I know you didn't started it... but you have no idea what this means... you are basically now her sister too... she accepts no one other than Keira or me to touch her in that state... and here we are with her fast asleep in your arms... you made it Babe”
“Is this her way of telling me she's okay with me dating you?” Ona smiled
“It's more than that... she's telling you that she trusts you” your sister said as she put a new shirt on “You know if a physio is still around? Need my nose checked out – don't think it's broken but better save than sorry”
“Marc should still be around...” the spaniard answered “What's with her”
“Hope you're comfortable... I'll be back quickly” Lucy grinned widely before slipping out of the door before her girlfriend could protest
Outside she was met with Keira and Alexia both leaning against the opposite wall
“Wow... extra security detail... she's asleep – no need for bodyguards” your sister joked as she laid eyes on her two teammates
“How is she?” Keira asked cutting straight to the point
“Asleep... Ona seems to meet her standards when it comes to sleepability” Lucy smiled
“Good... keep me updated... and if you need anything” the blonde started already grabbing her things knowing there's nothing for her to do anymore
“I'll text you... thanks Kei... it really meant a lot... also means... thank you” your sister said honestly
“Always Luce... always... whatever you need... or whatever she needs” Keira smiled back warmly
“Kay... see you tomorrow Kei” Lucy hugged her ex girlfriend and pressed a soft kiss to her temple
“And what can I do for you Capi?” your sister asked expectantly after she turned around
“Let's take a walk?” the blonde spaniard asked
“I need to see Marc anyway...” Lucy shrugged her shoulders
“What happened?” Alexia asked straight away
“Panic attack” your sister answered as the two women walked down the hallway
“But why... nothing happened” the blonde asked confused
“For us it was nothing... for her it opened up old deep wounds” Lucy answered “I'm about 95% sure it was the first time she touched a ball in over three years. You see... you just went through an ACL tear and rehab yourself... you know what it takes and how it feels... now imagine being 13 and went through it twice already and you AGAIN tore your ACL... I still can remember the look she had on her face when I told her what the diagnosis was... she was just stoic... for weeks she didn't talk just basics... she hardly ate – just what Keira and I basically forced down her throat and there were a lot of panic attacks and nightmares... at some point she got better again – but she never worked it out... and I'm still waiting for the day when she finally breaks... that earlier was just a panic attack about touching a ball again”
Alexia listened carefully before looking at Lucy with a sorrow face
“No...” your sister immediately said sternly “We don't pity her of feel sorry for her... we're proud of her...”
“She didn't deserve that... that ball was PERFECT Lucia...” the blonde spaniard said and her voice was full of hurt
“I know... you haven't seen her play... how she ran circles around Jill Scott or Ellen White out dribbling them with such ease.. how she kicked a Gatorade bottle off the crossbar – from the other box just for fun... how she spend HOURS on the side line when I had training just playing keep ups... believe me Alexia when I say... I KNOW” Lucy answered and for a second Alexia saw just how hurt Lucy was for you “But she fought... three times she fought back... doc said she'd probably will have a limp all live – do you see her limping? No... because she fought... so no, we don't pity her... we're so SO proud of her”
“She is remarkable, just like her biggest Idol....” Alexia smiled but it had a sad nuance
“I wish I was half as Tough as she is” your sister smiled back understanding her Capitan immediately.
“Just keep being there for her Lucia... she doesn't need anything more from you...” the blonde squeezed Lucys shoulder lightly “And now get that nose checked... you looked... not very appealing”
“I looked like shit... but thanks Capi... see you tomorrow” your sister smiled as she went inside to the physio who told her a few proddings later that her nose was in fact fine
“Hey... I'm back” Lucy said lowly finding you and Ona in the same position she left you in
“Hola... you okay?” Ona asked smiling slightly as you drooled on her shirt your head laying on her shoulder
“Nothing broken... just bruised.... home?” your sister asked as she already packed up hers and Onas stuff
“You really want to move her? She's sleeping so peacefully” the blonde asked concerned looking down on you.
“You want to stay here all night?” Lucy asked back raising an eyebrow
“Let's get her home” Ona said after a second
“Yep thought so... You bags I her?” your sister asked smiling
“I bag and keys...” the blonde grinned “... you know since she's around I'm driving your car more than you do... I like it... she can stay” the blonde winked
“You wish...” Lucy huffed as she pulled you into her arms to carry you to the car “Let's go home Bubs” she whispered and smiled as you sighed out pressing your face against her neck.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Hi Aquarius!
I had an idea I wanted to share with you: SAGU creator reader who likes to make little bits and bobs for their acolytes. For example, Childe vaguely mentions that his gloves are starting to wear out? The creator crochets or knits him a new pair-Can’t have his fingers getting chilled in the Snezneyan snow now can we?
(I just wanna give my skrunklis lil gifts and make them happy is all :3)
(Also, could I possibly be 💌anon?)
WHOFOHNJDFjhkbfsgddf Genuine keyboard slam i just kinda slammed my hands down in excitement ahem-
That would be a lovely idea anon, yes very much so indeed,
so im like hella into giving ppl useful but still aesthetic/pretty gifts, like i dont want the things i give ppl to be things that get donated/thrown away (when i genuinely care abt a person)
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only)
Planet: General SAGAU / Isekai Stuff, Platonic Cutenss
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, a couple sentences for each
Stars: Everybody from elements Pyro, Electro and Anemo! Plus Aether/Lumine/Dainsleif!
Please understand that some characters are more “foreground” characters and have more screen time so I may have written some more for them because I knew them better!
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: weapons for gifts?? 16+ Older Teen + Up Audiences Advised, light cussing
& Trigger Warnings: None Known.
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EDIT 9/19/23: WTF HELLO??!!! 1000+ NOTES??!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH?!!!!!! <3
PART 1 (you're here!) / PART 2
ELEMENTS HERE: Babygirls, Pyro, Electro, Anemo
Aether = The most beautiful, amazing, sleek, and functional pretty hairpin that is also a knife! So he can have that badass moment of unsheathing it from his hair and having a surprise weapon and showing off his long hair, acted all shy when you gave it to him, he doesn’t get gifts often, all the birthday letters were for you afterall, i feel like you deffo have walked in on him miming taking it out all badass for practice lol
Lumine = bless her, you handed her this gift and she just looked up at you and u swear didnt blink or look away for a full minute. Then she nearly crushed you to death squeezing you, god she’s muscular, as you made a sort of self-care kit, including her favorite scents you added to like blank soaps/face masks, and towels you initialed with “Lumi”, she deserves a break afterall (and she thinks you deserve it too, and subtly tries to get you to join like *“*oh this is so sweet, something for us to do together”)
Dainsleif = sad little man deserves happy little things, you make him a weighted blanket, in these blankets it’s usually like sand or something that is put into little like quilt squares so it evenly distributes weight, but you used that water from the fountain that soothes Khaenri’ah people’s curse instead. He literally went speechless when you gave it to him. He has not had a single night of insomnia since. He would literally do anything for you, and literally stole you off to the side after a few nights of good sleep to tell you this lmao
Pyro Allogenes:
Diluc = Another bitch who just needs a break, you steal him off one evening and tell him you need a hilichurl camp wiped out, and there’s a cryo mage so you need him, bc thats the only way this workaholic is actually gonna drop everything and actually take care of himself, you have to deceive him, and then surprise him by showing him a hot spring you found. Teyvat has a lot more things to it now that it’s in real life, and that includes natural hot springs apparantly, and you’ve already prepped the place too, with his favorite non-alcoholic drinks, some indulgent foods like chocolate and fruits, and a soft robe. Man’s went wide eyed and nearly fell in LMAO, and then, looking away all pink, said he couldn’t accept this… unless you joined him.
Amber = a pair of comfy shoes, with baron bunny decorated all over them, like you sewed patches over them to personalize it, and the insoles are GODLY good, so she can run to Sumeru at this rate and her feet will feel like she went for a light jog! Some Mondstadt citizens, and knights tbh, are honestly a little afraid of Amber now bc her feet aching was sometimes the only thing stopping her from going 100% all the time lol
Bennett = a lucky charm, yes, yes, I know, basic, but it’s different coming from you! You’ve given him a bandana to wear as a neckerchief around his throat (it’s unprotected and he’s that unlucky?!) and it fits great, you’ve made it from Liyue materials, and imbued it with geo energy, so it actually makes a small shield/barrier around his head lmao, he’s practically thanking you every week and telling you how it helped him that week 💀
Klee = a treasure hunt map you made! every little stop/treasure gives her some candy or a snack, plus the next instructions, and she insists you go with her, and drags you along lol, and you planted them within range of the Mondstadt so she’s not too far off, and the final treasure (bc u planned it so she was supposed to start at a certain time/get to the end in a few hours) she finds at late sunset, and it’s a type of challenge that u were able to make, (bc apparently being the “highest god” means u get dev access, like the teapot functions but more OP). It makes a rainbow of glowing fish appear as targets to better Klee’s bomb throwing skills, and to entertain her, she gives the most dramatic gasp ever, and is just vibrating telling you “The fishes! They’re so pretty! ‘Bedo said that you give the greatest gifts, and he was so, so, so SO right!! Thank you very much!!!” :D in her cute little voice and then proceeds to speedrun you a hug and then starts throwing bombs lmao
Xiangling = HOO BOY- she has nearly every cooking utensil known to man, thanks to her being a young famous chef, and bc her family’s restaurant makes good money bc of it, so it was hard to think of something for her, but you eventually made her a handwritten and sewn together recipe book (look up “how to make zine”, its very easy actually, theres one with sewing the paper and a smaller one with just folding). It’s full of all of your favorites from Earth and what you think could substitute here, and how it should taste. Xiangling literally took your hands and spun you bc she hates luxury stuff, and really loves and appreciates homemade gifts, it’s the first anyone’s heard of your homeworld’s food so it makes her feel special <3 (she will be constantly harassing you with a spoonful of food to try and see if it’s close)
Hu Tao = You remembered one of Shakespeare’s plays and wrote a rough screenplay for Yunjin to adapt, then took Hu Tao with you to see it! She loves poetry and singing, so she loves to see Yunjin play usually, but she hadn’t had the time lately bc of funeral spirit work, (u also brought Zhongli so she could have fun embarrassing him lol), and she literally made a whole bit/joke about getting down on one knee to marry you, which was promptly interrupted by said embarrassed adepti, people even clapped lmao
Xinyan = You made her an aweinspiring outfit to wear onstage, modeled after classic rockstars from your world, she nearly teared up at the sight of it, and then nearly took ur ear out bc she was getting so loud and excited, u try to convince her otherwise, but Xinyan refuses to wear it outside of big occasions like Lantern Rite or performances with Yunjin (looks like this, I tried very hard ok, check it: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/76631631152377154/)
Yanfei = Once again, a written book, or at least 20 rap songs for her to look through. This sounds weird, but she eventually hopes to see a future where people are just better at obeying laws and considers then she’d be out of a job. So, after seeing some of Xinyan’s performances, she decided her back up career would be a rapper. She will literally stop you every time she sees you and lowkey force you to hear her latest rap she’s made, partially inspired from the Earth ones you gave her a lot of the time! She literally talked your ear off for hours, and didnt realize that she linked arms with you at one point and made you both walk at least 3 miles around the port lol, very embarrassed but grateful for the gift, another person who really adores homemade stuff
Thoma = you sewed him a cute plushie of Taromaru, along with a little plushie tea cup set. He literally covered his mouth in shock, and turned away, were those tears?? Very carefully took his gift and nearly bent in half bowing and thanking you for the gift, and was cutely touchy all day, linking arms, guiding you by gently nudging your back in crowds, etc. You once woke him up out a day nap on accident trying to find him, and he walked out half-asleep clutching the plushie Taromaru and nearly jumped a foot in the air at the sight of you lol, all like “HIGH EMPEROR?! OH MY- Oh my gods- Uh- sorry, so sorry about that!” and then proceeds to immediately hide Taro behind his back all red in the face lmao, refuses to acknowledge it, will get even redder if you keep pressing him about it lol
Yoimiya = so Yoimiya canonically really loves to go out into nature and explore, and go for that sunset hike type of person! so you, once again assume all these thru tutorial or teyvat craftsmen help, made her a hammock! She’s apparently really bad about falling asleep outside, and since hammocks can be really lightweight and good for temperate weather (ive tried it, sleepin in a hammock for camping its kinda nice, as long as you dont fall out/toss and turn a lot in ur sleep), and you even added some extra ropes on the sides so she can tie it down and not upend herself while she’s sleeping (keeps the hammock from tilting). She literally squealed and dragged u all over Inazuma trying it out with you, and because she chats with her neighbors/community a lot, EVERYONE KNOWS YOU GOT HER A HAMMOCK, YOU PAINTED IT AND EVERYTHING, DID YOU KNOW YOIMIYA IS ONE OF THE ALLOGENES THAT GOT BLESS WITH A PERSONAL GIFT FROM THE ALL-GOD??!! - everyone in Inazuma near her house, including yoimiya
Dehya = so Dehya likes to upkeep personal hygiene as much as she can between her mercenary job roughness and the general battery of the desert. She also is known to stop by the market place to pick up makeup and other personal hygiene products! So you figured if she’s collected so many of those over time, she might just have a practical bag to carry them in, and you offer her a multi-pocket cloth bag (like for taking makeup when you travel bags) and also attach a mirror inside! She literally covered her face with her hands and Dunyazard lightly teased her for weeekkssss lmao, and the other guys in her mercenary group like “wowww, someone managed to tame the Flame Mane?” which just makes her more shy bc the God of ALL decided to HANDMAKE her a gift, and not just a frilly thing, an ACTUAL USEFUL PRETTY GIFT- she accidentally set her claymore alight when you finished explaining what it was and handed to her (it’s fireproof too)
Electro Allogenes:
Lisa = a decorated tea set! Specifically, you painted it her favorite color, with some of her favorite book quotes across the saucers and her favorite flowers across the teapot. She gave you the prettiest smile, and just “Oh cutie! For little old me? You’re a bit above a librarian like me, but I’ll still accept this with all the grace of a lady courted, haha!” insists on “trying them out” with you all the time, especially when you get too busy from the other allogenes <3
Fischl (they/them Fischl supremacy) = You made a book cover (like how some books will have the paper sleeve and the actual hardcover is just colored? like that) of Prinzessin der Verteilung, but looking a lot more like them rather then the old protagonist! They collectively lost their mind over it for literal weeks, and did the same for you for your most relatable protagonist! :D They insist you two start a fantasy book club now- NO they don’t care if you’re the All Fürst! That makes you all the more qualified for joining the elite literature society they’re starting!
Razor = a bunch of hair ties! You’ve made scrunchies, bows, clips, etc. for him to try and decorate his hair with, all of things he likes, like little wolf puppies, or Andrius’ but cuteified, little symbols of all his friends like little bomb design hairclips for Klee, a red four leaf clover for Benny, a purple rose for Lisa, a golden star for the traveler, and an eight pointed star, like the four-pointed one but with some flare in between its points. A prominent symbol apparently associated with you u found out :0, Razor is giving Barbara and Klee a run for their money bc of how cute he looks walking into town for Lisa’s lessons with all this cute little clips and hair ties and braids in his hair now <3
Keqing = you know. you know EXACTLY what to give her. Plushies of cute animals or creatures in or around Liyue, like the little snow foxes from Dragonspire, a tiny oceanid, the small geovishaps, etc. Keqing doesn’t care if you’re a god, remember! So you better swear to never tell a soul you made her these!! …she sleeps with them too.
Raiden Shogun (puppet) = what to give a cold hard b*tch? …a break. you talk to Ei and make her give the puppet some off days, and you also may or may not have bullied Ei for being a hermit, so she can explore and learn more about herself, instead of being forced into the image, literally, of her god. She tries to write you months in advance for making plans on her days off so you can join her!
Ei (god) = an open window bc she’s a hermit, i mean of course you bring her out on “updates” (she weirdly choked a little over tea when you presented this idea to her, “Ahem- cough- a date? Oh, as in getting more familiar with the world, yes of course,” you basically pull out a map and take her to other countries so she can see how the other gods are doing these days and finally do something new, she is overwhelmed but in a good way? And she's especially willing to do it if you keep calling them that, these “up-dates”
Yae Miko = you were honestly kind of intimidated by giving Yae Miko a handmade gift, it just seemed like she would like something of high quality, which your gifts weren’t always guaranteed to be. So instead, you didn’t. You made a cool little picnic, and in remembering her love of stories from her lore as a kid, you brought some of your world’s stories to show her, the classics, then any favorites of yours, and some you thought she might like, and read them all to her about once a week. You both talk about and discuss the book and let Yae nitpick it and try to give her more context for books like Shakespeare in hope to answer all her detailed questions about the stories. Yae was so fucking smug (and secretly so in love) that she wrote a story for Yae Publishing House about it… “Joining a Book Club with the Akitsu Mikami, a Romance Novel” 💀
Sara = damn another busy woman, you steal her away with the promise of “needing a body guard” and she immediately answers and drops everything (u made sure to choose a slow day, dw ur not a rude god) andddd you’ve got her! Sara literally just stood there in shock when you showed up at your meeting place with homecooked food, specifically new recipes from your world, and some recipes from Xiangling! She would not stop stuttering out thanks yous the entire time, and fumbled with her chopsticks constantly, and she ate a lot, and even shyly asked if she could take some of it with her for later, now anytime you mention food around her she unintentionally starts looking at you with puppy dog eyes, (baby crow eyes??) even if the rest of her posture is perfect/gives nothing away lol
Beidou = A hand woven wine cask holder! a bit more solid so you can paint some designs on it, and you painted the whole crew, with Kazuha in the crow’s nest and Beidou is the biggest figure on it (stylized, u arent trying to paint a renaissance artwork here) and you even put her name on it “Captain Beidou” :) You were rewarded with a tall muscular woman squeezing you with her muscular arms, Beidou only puts her best wine/sake bottle in it, and only uses it for special occasions! she may or may not have had to make sure and hide it in her Captain’s quarters so other pirates won’t steal it, since everybody on the seas heard about the All Mighty giving her a personalized gift, but dont worry! She’s a pirate captain, she’s used to defending her most prized treasures from others <3
Shinobu = a spa day for another overworking woman, you made her another mask and hair tie! They still match her of course, but they also subtly have that eight point star symbol you’ve had associated with yourself before (like the four point but with a little flare), and she literally went so red, she hid behind Itto for a second. who helped morally support her enough to try it on, and it’s definitely her most comfortable mask!
Cyno = you were a little… embarrassed to make this one, but Cyno mentioned wanting it so… You made a TCG card of yourself. With the world in your hands as you hover in the middle of a solar system, you paint yourself giving a small smile down at Teyvat’s world cupped in your hands. One of the symbols they associate with you, the eight pointed star, not equal points, but rather a four pointed star with embellishments, said symbol glows and dangles from a necklace you wear, above it all. You swear he stared at it for a solid minute without blinking, and when you initially offered it, Cyno held it like it was spun glass. He gently laid it on a table nearby, his eyes never leaving it as he got out his deck, and put the card of you, on the very top. The mahamatra then gently set it down, and then gently hugged you and picked you up off your feet a bit (when you said maybe you were too heavy for this, he just raised an eyebrow, and that’s when you remembered that trailer of him throwing a body-builder man, one-armed, over his shoulder. He easily lifted you and set you back down. 💀)
Dori = A herb garden. Strange, but Dori’s sister has a lot of medical issues, and the herbs can be hard to come by, even for Dori, you didn’t tell her that you read some parts of her life, but when she saw the planter box, she knew. You had ventured far and wide, all over Teyvat, and the stuff you had came with you! so you put one of every herb you had or went out and got some because you’ve been exploring Teyvat anyway. And for once… you made sure no one was around, Dori teared up. She carefully set the box full of lively plants aside, and you were in the middle of explaining how to take care of them when she just, wrapped her smaller frame around your lower legs. You squatted down to hug her back :’)
Anemo Allogenes:
Venti = another book you made (look up “how to make a zine” on youtube it’s actually kinda easy) that you filled with all the lyrics to all your favorite songs, and some classics! The bard was ecstatic because he technically had vague knowledge or recognition of most of Teyvat’s songs, but songs from another world didn’t count, hehe! …he may or may not have lightly guilt-tripped you into trying to sing or hum some of the tunes or melodies of the songs, “I need to hear the melody so I may play it for you for eternity, your highness!” That’s his gift back, is that now you can get a Venti medieval sounding cover version of any song you like lmao
Sucrose = you’ve made another book (bought in Teyvat or made, check out “how to make a zine” on youtube it’s easy so I think you could feasibly handmake it!) and filled it with as much information as you can on how things like electricity works, luckily you can still retrieve information from Earth thanks to Albedo managing to somehow get you a signal?? You don’t wanna know, but point is, she’s literally spiraling. It’s been days, Albedo had to be the one to drag her out of the lab and eat, while you are starting to doubt if your gift did more harm then help… as soon as you voice these thoughts to Sucrose she nearly shook your head off from shaking your shoulders so hard while she ranted about phones, telephone poles, paved roads and she actually offered books back in exchange, for leveling allogenes up, as long as you told her more about “Those ships that go underwater again?? Please, Your Highness???” cute puppy dog eyes but worse bc she’s got cute glasses on too, oh no-
Jean = another workaholic woman who just needs a break, god why are there so many of them?? Your first thought was a spa day, but you like to think you can do better than that. In fact, she’s had a pretty heavy load since she was a kid trying to uphold the Gunnhildr clan’s name/knighthood, so you decide that instead of spa day, you should have a fun day! So you decide to take her out some days for some fun around Mondstadt (and recruit Venti to help do things like boost the winds for extra fun), like shield surfing! (look up Breath of the Wild shield surfing video if you dont know what i mean), it's something a lot of young knights do, and it’s perfect for Mondstadt’s hilly landscape! Other things like flying kites, or even rerouting all her work for part of the Windblume festival so she could enjoy it more! THEN you kidnap her all over again, and Barbara, to go to Fontaine! What better way for her to have genuine fun than getting a break to see and have fun with her younger sister and go see a colorful circus/fair? Jean was literally just a constant stream of “thank you your majesty! my gracious god, thank you- this is too much-, All-Fürst I am forever indebted to you for this!” and ur just like :/ Jean that’s the whole point of a gift is that you aren’t indebted to somebody-
Xiao = a friendship bracelet :) since he likes jewelry, and he likes you, it's perfect! and u made it match his necklace. you’ve also put that same water from the fountain that soothes the Khaenri’ah’s curse, and put it in there, and it actually lessens his karma, so for the first time in about 2 centuries, Xiao the Yaksha, can actually sleep through the night. You weren’t looking, but when you turned away to show him your sketches or plans for how to craft it, he sort of, reached out. You felt his hand warm on your wrist before it retreated, you could already feel the callouses, as the small weight of a bracelet was wrapped around your hand, his return gift, so u guys could match 👉👈 Xiao breathes out what sounds like all those years of pain in one shaky, relieved, “…thank you” (he did all that while you were turned around in your bag too, he was too shy to look at you when he put it on lmao)
Kazuha = “So this is what you’ve been up to lately, hm?” Kazuha’s been kind and laidback enough that he’s one of the allogenes who quickly dropped the formal titles luckily. He’s been seeing you sneak around and present your gifts to the others… and he came prepared in case you came to give him something too! Before you can even get out, “Hey, Kazuha, do you have a minute? I’ve got something for y-” boom. He’s beat you to it, he’s saying the same damn thing, and pulling out his gift for you. It’s a lovely Inazuman outfit, decked out in your favorite color, it’s like if you were an Inazuman character yourself- You just accept it half in shock, while Kazuha gives this small smile, but u can see the smug little look in his eyes, that little shit he really prepared a countermove- HE EVEN WROTE YOU REALLY SWEET POETRY AND EMBROIDERED IT INTO SOME OF THE INSIDE HEM LINES LIKE THE COLLAR -//////- ← you rn as Kazu’s all fucking smug, you end up just being like “take ur crummy gift u little shit” and nearly throw it at him lol, sweet asshole that he is, catches it anyway, and you’ve made him new hair ties, some minimal clips that look like maple leaves (like felt fabric stuck onto the clip bit) and the new hairtie is more like a scrunchie with a pretty red knot on top, your own symbol of an eight-pointed star, like an extra four-pointed star not the star of david lmao, sits in the center of the traditional japanese knot. He wears it nearly all the time, and mentions making you one to match (>:/ sweet considerate little shit he is)
Sayu = you’ve made her a quilt! stitched together from all sorts of cute fabrics, so it still matches her color scheme, she wraps up in it now before going into that balled up tanuki form lol, she insists you break it in with her and take a nap with her constantly lmao, and you give in even if you dont always sleep because of her tiny half-asleep smile (sayu knows the grip she has on you lol💔)
Heizou = a mystery novel a friendship necklace! you knew him and his friend had once had something similar, (they were more like matching river rocks or pebbles not jewelry you think) so you desperately hoped it wouldn’t be too offensive. The little shit who saw it coming #2, whereas Kazuha suspected you might offer him something, he didn’t have quite the same intution that Heizou did, so the detective knew you were going to give him something >:/ little snitch- he was so smug and teasing about it right up until he actually saw the necklace, it draped lower so it didnt look weird with his choker, and it was a pretty crystal you’d gotten from a riverbed (you didnt tell Heizou bc of the similarity w/his old friend, but he knew anyway) and he immediately looked the most serious you’ve ever seen him. His grin was less of a smirk and more of a smile when he processed what you gave him, and he wears it all the time :) Calls it his "God blessed good luck charm"
Scara/Wanderer = It was very hard, and you had to learn how from a blacksmith, but you finally got it! You made a small addon that latches onto the outside frame of his Vision, so instead of the sort of teardrop shape it has, you’ve made a heart shape. Since he sees the vision as his heart, you thought it’d be cute to actually see it that way! He was all like “I don’t wear jewelry, I already have some metal holding my Vision, are you trying to embarrass me?” You: “okay, well you don’t have to keep it, I’ll take it back-” Scara: “No? Shut up it’s mine now.” He went pink the first time he put it on, and he only wears it when it’s just you two, or you both and Nahida (bless her, she only lightly teased him, just enough to have him yell a little, not enough to discourage him)
Faruzan = a compass that points towards ruins/magical places, so she can explore all the ruins the desert has to give, and also, more importantly, guides her out, you deffo relied on a blacksmith for this one, and got Nahida to help you add the magic to it. She just got this, soft and bittersweet? look on her face, and redirected the nostalgic look towards you, bowed gently and thanked you, … you offered her a hug. Faruzan accepted, and you could feel the way she exhaled, relieved.
(Throws this garbage at you really late and runs away to my bed)
Hope u liked literally any of that! ;-;
Also im not done as you can see! Im doing all the elements bc i love these skrunklies-
Safe Travels Anon,
♡my beloved♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
2K notes · View notes
taintedcigs · 1 year
dancing with our hands tied part II — s.h
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you can find part I here
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ ONLY, minors dni!!, ANGST, making out, swearing, drinking, alcohol mention, JEALOUSY!!! eddie's a bit of an asshole i am sorry, but so is steve sometimes!! and so is reader? idk!
summary: in which steve is in love with his best friend's ex. (wc: 8k+)
a/n: this is part 2 of this fic here !! pls make sure to read it before this!! anddd, im sorry for how confusing the first part was, BUT HERE'S THE HIDEOUT INCIDENT!! and i didn't use POVs this time and i kinda gave up on dates ugrhh. also i have a little bonus content at the end even tho its so a lil silly!!! also did not proof-read this, pls ignore any mistakes or ill scream n d*e
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Friday, February 7, 1986 || The Hideout.
Steve stole a glance in your direction, and immediately realized the mistake he had made. 
Jesus fucking Christ.
Why did you have to be so fucking perfect? Why did you have to have the most contagious laugh that immediately brought a warm smile to his lips? 
Steve leaned against the bar as he watched you further, reveling at the way your eyes crinkled at the corners when you gave Robin a giggle, nose scrunching as you mimicked whatever story you were telling, drawing him in without even having a clue on the effect you had on him.
Your eyes met his for a brief moment, his heart pounded inside of his ribcage when you looked at him like that, as if your eyes were smiling at him. He held your gaze, giving you a subtle nod. 
God, if Steve didn’t tell you how he felt about you soon, he was sure he was going to explode.  
He turned back to the bar, head filled with the idea of opening up to you, he had to do it soon or else—
“Harrington!” Eddie beamed, interrupting his thoughts as he grabbed onto Steve’s shoulders, “You mind helpin’ me out?” He grinned, causing Steve’s brows to furrow. 
“Can you put in a good word for me?” Eddie muttered, hand pointing toward the booth, “What are you talking about?” Steve muttered, his eyes following him.
“Y/N.” Steve hoped to God that Eddie didn’t notice the shock in his eyes, blinking quickly as he tried to control the jealousy building within him. 
“I swear I’ve had the biggest crush on her,” Eddie exclaimed. Steve couldn’t help the way his face fell; he wondered if Eddie could notice it, but by the way he grinned at you, Eddie probably had no fucking clue about his feelings for you. 
“Since when?” Steve sounded bitter, chewing at the inside of his mouth to stop himself, “Uh, since forever, dude,” Eddie said, chuckling.
“Put in a little good word for me, yea? I know you guys are close and shit,” Eddie gushed as he squeezed Steve’s shoulders again, and Steve was tense now, his entire body almost burning with rage and resentment. 
Maybe it was wrong for Steve to be petty about this; maybe it wasn’t fair to you that he spent the rest of the night ignoring you; maybe it wasn’t right for him to act this way, but Steve had been on this rodeo before. 
He was always the second choice, and he knew that he was never going to be someone’s priority. Because of that, his reaction was warranted; at least that’s what he believed. Ignoring you completely while he bitterly watched Eddie make moves on you was the only way he could cope with it. 
And it was driving him crazy, knowing that Eddie was getting under your skin with the advice he got from Steve and learning everything about you from him. 
At first, it was all just some passive aggressiveness, until it turned into something bigger, until you finally couldn’t take it anymore. 
Because there stood Steve, across from the gang’s booth, leaning over the wall as he whispered something into Tammy’s ear—Steve’s ex.
With her shiny blonde hair and her big eyes, she threw him a hearty giggle, sticking to his side, while Steve barely blinked, allowing her to drool all over him.
You had no right to be jealous, not when Steve had no clue about your feelings, not when Steve didn’t owe you a thing, but you couldn’t help the frown on your face as he ignored you all night and was fine with stupid Tammy Thompson being all over him.
Your throat burned with the number of shots you took, you could never handle your tequila, but the numbness was exactly what you needed. Your mind was getting dizzier with Steve being pushed back into your thoughts.
You could feel yourself getting lighter and lighter with each sip, gaze barely holding over Steve’s direction anymore when Eddie had been keeping you company the whole night.
To think Steve was supposed to be your close friend felt like a joke now. The more he was with the blondie, the more you felt your stomach churning, gaze drifting toward Eddie to keep yourself from looking in his direction.
You felt desperate.
Steve probably saw you as the girl who was wrapped around his finger, the girl who followed him around like a puppy. Maybe that’s why he was ignoring you, trying to keep you from clinging to him.
You fidgeted in your seat; not being able to get up and tear her off of him was killing you, and  your head was pounding because of the amount alcohol in your system.
It was getting harder to ignore the jealousy that gnawed at your insides. 
Eddie didn’t seem to notice anything, but Steve did.
With each shot you took, with each step you took closer to Eddie, Steve couldn’t help the sharp pain he felt in his chest, the same rage of jealousy gnawing at him as well. He knew he couldn’t do anything about it, too, so he buried it deeper and deeper until he could make sure those feelings for you were impossible to reach.
You were going to be dating Eddie, and Steve needed to get over you as fast as he could.
Maybe that’s why he didn’t mind the attention coming from his ex.
By the time Steve arrived back at the booth, Nancy and Jonathan were already gone, you were in the bathroom—possibly puking your guts out, and Robin was getting ready to leave.
“What the fuck happened here?” He asked, concern washing over his face. “She drank a bit too much,” Robin mumbled, knowing how much Steve cared about you.
“You should maybe check on her, yea?” She gave Steve an all-knowing look, causing him to shrug.
“I can’t—” Robin interrupted him with a death glare.
“I would, but I have to go or my mom will actually kill me this time,” She groaned, saying her goodbyes before leaving in a hurry. 
“Dude, I gotta bail too,” Eddie puffed his cheeks as he put on his leather jacket. “What?” Steve asked, baffled.
“She’s wasted!” He exclaimed, his eyebrows shooting up quickly, causing Eddie to shrug, “She’s probably puking her guts out right now, she needs you.” Steve’s eyes narrowed; he couldn’t believe that Eddie would even think about leaving you alone in a condition like this. 
“Gross, dude,” Eddie said, making a face as he cringed, causing Steve to roll his eyes. 
“Real fuckin’ mature, Munson.”
“You drop her home, man, I’m too fuckin’ hammered for all of this.” He gave Steve’s shoulder another tight squeeze; this time Steve was sure his blood was boiling, his eyes darkening with each word Eddie spoke.
This asshole had the audacity to use him to try to date you, and he couldn’t even fucking treat you, right? Steve shook off his thoughts before he could do something he knew he would regret.
Eddie was his best friend, and he could never let his feelings for you get in the way of you actually being happy.
“Are you going to get a cab?” Steve asked, “Yeah,” Eddie muttered mindlessly.
“Then give me your jacket.” Steve’s tone was now cold, almost demanding, and his demeanor changing within seconds was throwing Eddie off, 
“No fuckin’ way,” Eddie chuckled mockingly, he didn’t notice the serious gaze Steve holds.
“Dude, your house is five minutes away, you’ll be fine, just give me your jacket,” He demanded again.
“Why the fuck would I do that?” Eddie spat.
“Because you asshole, it’s the middle of February and Y/N is wearing a fucking dress, it’s the least you could do for leaving her like that.”
“Why don’t you give her yours?” Steve didn’t know how to control the rage coursing through his veins.
“Do you see me wearing a fucking jacket?” Eddie was sure he had never seen Steve like this, with those veins in his forehead visible as he could feel his fists clench. Eddie’s eyes widened, clearly taken aback by Steve’s bizarre behavior.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Eddie mumbled before taking off the jacket with a few huffs escaping from his lips.
“There, you happy, man?” Eddie hissed, almost tossing the jacket toward Steve, “Fucking ecstatic,” Steve replied with an angry smirk.
Steve sighed before he made his way to the bathroom. Not knowing what was waiting for him inside, he knocked on the door hesitantly and asked, “Y–you okay?” The shakiness in his voice was exposing him.
A faint ‘Yeah’ was all he heard before you unlocked the door.
And there you laid on the dirty bathroom tiles, your hair disheveled, make-up smudged, and you could barely get your head up from the toilet seat.
Steve’s heart sank, guilt settling in his insides again like an old friend. He knew he couldn’t always take care of you, and he knew that you’d be with Eddie soon, but he couldn’t help but feel the crushing weight of guilt when all of this could’ve been avoided if he was just there for you. 
And his mind was still reeling about the fact that Eddie dared to leave you like this.
Would the fucker even be able to treat you right?
“Want me to help you?” He asked, hands itching to reach out and hold you, but you dismissed him like it was nothing, like he didn’t mean anything to you anymore, and it had only been an hour since Steve had learned that Eddie was into you. 
“No,” Even when you were this messed up, you held onto your grudge, shutting out any feelings of understanding or empathy toward Steve, even though he was only trying to help you out.
“I can help, to, you know—hold your hair and stuff,” He stuttered, he had never been this nervous around you.
You flushed the toilet as you attempted to get up, “I’m not—I didn’t throw up,” Your words were slurred.
“If you… if you feel like throwing up, I can—”
“No!” You exclaimed a bit too loudly, throwing him a cold stare. “I’m just trying to help you, Y/N.” His tone sounded disappointed, but you could care less when he had acted like a jerk most of the night.
“I don’t need your help,” You snapped while flushing the toilet, trying to stand still, your head growing dizzier each time you moved.
Steve breathed a heavy sigh and said, “Here.” He ignored your protests as he helped you up, warm hands were tight around your waist. If you weren’t this embarrassingly drunk and a huge mess, you would’ve started getting your hopes up.
But not after today, not after he ignored you to be with Tammy Thompson all fucking night.
“I got it!” You spat, trying to free yourself from his hold. “Let me help, please.” This was the most genuine he had been tonight, his voice almost pleading as he threw you that pitiful look, and you hated it.
You hated being the one Steve pitied and not the one he pined after, but you swallowed your pride when you realized you couldn’t even walk properly.
You barely questioned everyone’s absence when your mind was filled with Steve. 
And once he dragged you out of the bar, you couldn’t help the petty words that escaped your lips; you couldn’t stop them even if you wanted to.
“You can get back to your girlfriend now,” You muttered bitterly, your voice clear. There was venom in your tone, and your grudge was poison with the way it seeped into your words.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Steve sighed, and you lightly pushed him off of you as you stood still on your own.
“Does the name Tammy Thompson ring a bell?” You narrowed your eyes. You wish you could tape your mouth right now and stop yourself from spilling so much of your feelings to Steve.
“What does that have to do with anything, Y/N?” His tone remained cold now; your heart was in his hands, and he was squeezing it each time he distanced himself from you. 
“You’re such a fucking hypocrite,” Each time you dismissed him, you unknowingly tore open the old wound in his heart, keeping it fresh. 
“If—if you wanted to take care of me so badly, then why did you ignore me all fuckin’ night?” Your face heated with anger, and your tone was tinged with frustration. 
“Should go back to fuckin’ blondie over there,” You muttered under your breath, avoiding eye contact with him, unable to conceal the bitterness you were holding onto. 
“Oh my god,” The realization dawned on Steve at a crawl.
You were jealous of him.
“You are jealous,” Steve couldn’t help the annoying smile on his lips, much to your dismay. You were jealous of him, and as selfish as it was, it was amusing to him. 
“What?” You snapped, eyes narrowing, “I’m not jealous—” The look Steve threw at you was enough to break you. “Jerk,” You mumbled under your breath. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Oh, it dooooeees,” He said, dragging his words out to annoy you further, as he took a step closer to you, almost closing the distance that he had been keen on protecting the entire night. 
He was frustrating, so fucking frustrating, spinning your head faster than all the booze in your system. You couldn’t help the way your eyes grew mellow when he looked at you like that, you wanted to take all of him in. 
This entire day was beginning to grow tiring, from Eddie’s sudden interest in you to Steve’s emotional whiplash, and now, since you couldn’t keep your mouth shut for one goddamn second, he was aware of your unnecessary jealousy. 
“I’m not doin’ this with you,” You slurred again, hands wrapping around yourself almost as an attempt to conceal yourself from him, he could see right through you, and it was making you feel things you were not ready for. 
“W—where is Eddie?” Those were the worst three words that could come out of your mouth. Just when Steve was basking in the glory and the hope that you were jealous of him, you decided to bring up Eddie, and with just his name rolling off your lips, you were re-opening his wounds.
Why not him?
Why was it never Steve?
Steve gulped; physically, he wasn’t sure what step to take would be better, to put a distance between you and him or to put a distance between him and Eddie. 
And even though he knew he would regret doing this like there’s no tomorrow, even though Eddie doesn’t fucking deserve this decency, or you, Steve decided that he can’t do this to his friend. 
“At least he’ll take me home!” You exclaimed so confidently that Steve couldn’t help the dry chuckle that escaped his lips. 
“Yeah, I’m sure he would.” Steve quipped, grinning. He was mocking you again, unaware of your growing frustrations.
“What the hell is your problem?” You narrowed your eyes. “Unlike you, he didn’t ignore me all night to be with his ex, and he gave me his jacket.” Steve chuckled at that, again, frustrating you more and more, each time he opened his mouth. 
With an irritated frown, you shot a sharp glance at him and asked, “Is everything a fucking joke to you?” 
“Do you enjoy making me upset?” You crossed your arms against your chest, “You don’t give a fuck about anyone but yourself!” You snapped, not even knowing know why you uttered those words, you knew better than anyone that Steve wasn’t selfish; he never once put himself in front of his friends, but you were aiming to hurt him, and he was ready to bite back now. 
“You are so fucking ridiculous, I—I can’t do this with you,” You murmured dejectedly, not being able to help it when your voice cracked; he was so embedded in your brain that you couldn’t form coherent words with the space he took up in your mind.
“You have no idea what you’re even talking about,” He whispered, shaking his head. If only you knew.
“Did you actually stop to think about how shitty it makes me feel when you give me these stupid emotional whiplashes?” You asked, and if you dared to get closer to him, you might’ve lost the purpose of the argument, your gaze drooping down to his lips every few seconds.
Steve stared at you blankly; you were unable to make anything out of his expressions, he looked at you as if you never existed to him, on a fucking whim.
Your lips tremble, a telltale sign that you would break soon.
His no response spoke volumes to you, “Of course you didn't.” You gave him a dry chuckle, filled with bitterness, and turned on your heel to walk away from him.
The slight breeze of February air hit you harder than Steve’s words.
He sighed a heavy breath when he heard you gasp at the coldness, hand reaching out to your arm before he spun you to meet his gaze again,
“Watch it, Y/N.” The words slipped past his lips forcefully, his chest puffing down with each breath he took. He was so fucking close that one move from you would change everything.
The tension was palpable; unspoken words and emotions hung in the space between the two of you.
And there it was.
There were his emotions again, filling his gaze quicker than you realized. If you weren’t this shitfaced, you could possibly do something about the ever so slightly distance between you, your foreheads almost touching. But your mind was spinning with endless possibilities. “Or what?” You teased; maybe it wasn’t the right time to do so, but you wanted to push him, make him break, the same way he did to you.
How far was he willing to take it?
His grip on your arm tightened; it wasn’t harsh, but tight enough to send shivers down your spine. And you couldn’t determine a single thing he was thinking again, eyes locked with each other without a single word being spoken.
You could sense his mind wandering off to find you a proper answer, trying to pick his words carefully, but you didn’t want that.
You wanted to know what he was thinking—what was going through his mind when he looked at you like you meant something to him, like he was ready to risk it all.
It was momentarily, but you could see it all—the sudden flint of confidence that didn’t waver enough to be convincing.
It wasn’t long until he returned to the cold demeanor he had been reserving just for you. “No, you’re not fucking worth it,” He muttered, taking a step back before he bit the inside of his cheek—hard. The metallic taste of blood flooded his senses, but he could care less; if he hadn’t done it, he would’ve poured his heart out.
He would’ve risked it all just to see those sparks in your eyes, but with five words, he had managed to kill it, slitting all the possibilities with the sharpest knife he could find.
“W–what?” Your voice cracked, and you fucking hated it. You hated being this weak in front of him, with tears ready to spill every time you had an argument, even over the smallest things.
“Just–Fuck! Look at you,” He didn’t want to say it; he didn’t want to burn this bridge with you, but he knew he had to for his own sake and for you to be happy with Eddie.
“You—you’re all over the place, always relying on others to take care of you, just one fucking night I didn’t baby you…” He shook his head. “And you act like I’m fuckin’ insane for doing that!” His voice was calm and collected, and that was what was throwing you off. How could he relay your insecurities in front of you, crush your heart to pieces, and pretend as if what he was saying was okay?
You couldn’t help it when tears flooded your vision. You tried not to let them get to you, but the alcohol in your system was far too dizzying and hormonal to stop your emotions from flowing. You didn’t know why he decided to utter those words, but it hurt.
Each of the gazes you shared and each word that transpired, deepened the wound in your insides that you didn’t even know existed, your feelings were at the surface, and you were vulnerable at his expense.
But Steve didn’t care. 
“I—I can’t believe you’d say that,” You whispered, blinking the tears away when you took a step back, the hurt subsiding when it transformed into rage. “Fuck you,” You spat, your words weren’t slurred this time, but your vision was blurry again, barely taking another look at him when you started to walk away.
And he didn’t call out after you; he didn’t even flinch. 
You were all alone.
You let your emotions overtake you as you started sobbing, sniffling every once in a while as you tried to comfort yourself. 
Eddie could drop you home, you tried to reassure yourself, you knew there was a payphone close to The Hideout, if you could just walk a few more minutes, you could just call him—but holy fuck, did your feet hurt. You cursed yourself for not listening to Nancy when she told you to wear more comfortable shoes.
You were wobbly now, tears pouring down your cheeks, your smudged mascara distorting your view further, and it was dark out, so fucking dark that it started to scare you.
Your mind reeled more and more, and your chest felt trapped with each shallow breath you took. Eddie would’ve never uttered those words to you, your angry mind decided, Eddie wouldn’t flirt with girls—his exes—in front of you.
Eddie would never give you this sort of emotional whiplash.
And most importantly, Eddie would never leave you like this.
You felt so tired, just wanting to sleep, but you knew you couldn’t turn back now. Your feet were aching, but you’d rather they blistered than see Steve again.
You sat on the ground, relief washing over you when you got rid of your shoes, and the dirty, cold concrete ground felt so comforting that you nuzzled into the leather jacket, arms wrapped around yourself to provide more warmth as you sniffled into it.
You’re not sure if you can ever be with Steve anymore.
Sure, you could still be friends because you did have many big, stupid fights—granted, none of them were like this; this was different. 
This was the first big fight you had with him since you realized your feelings for him, and it hurt.
Steve was not who you thought he was.
He was never going to love you.
He only saw you as his friend, and right now, even that was questionable.
And there you were, pathetically pining after him while he was drooling all over other girls, chasing him down and making a mess of yourself just for him to leave you like this.
You sniffled again; Eddie would never, and he actually was interested in you.
God, how you wished he could find you now, take you home, and whisper sweet nothings into your ear as he tried to mend what Steve broke.
You knew it was selfish, but it was the only way.
Maybe if Eddie could make you forget him completely, he could remind you that you weren’t a mess and that you were perfect.
Your vision blurred again, hot tears were stinging your eyes, but the ground was so comfortable.
Steve was right, you were a mess, you were a huge fucking mess, and you were pathetic, but you didn’t care as you hugged yourself further, head falling into your lap as you let yourself fall more and more into the deep pit of despair.
And that’s the last thing you remembered.
You didn’t remember Steve running after you as he realized how much he fucked up; you don’t remember Steve seeing you curled up into a ball, almost falling asleep.
You don’t remember Steve lifting you up and carrying you before anything bad happened to you.
You don’t remember the apologies Steve muttered into your ear on the ride home, how he checked every few seconds to make sure you were okay, his hands never leaving yours as he wanted to punch himself for even putting you in a position like this.
You don’t remember Steve whispering sweet nothings into your ear when he tucks you in, and you don’t remember him almost staying till the morning to make sure you were okay and didn’t get sick. 
The last thing you remember was the fight. 
You woke up the next morning with a groan, and you were sure no painkiller was going to help the pounding in your head. 
You couldn’t help but cringe when you looked in the mirror, your hair was an absolute mess, the top that adorned your neck was covered with alcohol stains, your make-up was smudged, and you only had one earring.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” You sighed, taking off the dirty clothes as you put on a comfy shirt, your room was as messy as you were, bag on the floor while its contents spilled out, and… a leather jacket?
Slowly but surely, last night’s events came to you in a blur. The last thing you remembered was the fight you had with Steve. 
Both of you spewed some hurtful things at one another, and that’s the clearest you could remember it.
You examined the leather jacket sprawled over the floor, and your brows knitted together, Steve didn’t even have a jacket on last night; you remembered because Robin made fun of him for not bringing a jacket in February when Steve whined about being cold.
You read the tagline; E.M. 
Oh god.
Was it… Eddie? Did he drop you off when you were embarrassingly drunk?
Was Eddie the one who took care of you the whole night while Steve threw you away like a piece of paper?
You remembered the hurtful things he said to you; your mind was too jumbled up to even recall the nice things he said to you afterward.
You knew you have to talk to him, mend your friendship, but all you could think about now was Eddie, how he took care of you, and how he was there for you. 
That day you called him, and he told you in detail how wasted you were and how he had to carry you home. You made up with Steve afterward too, both of you muttering apologies to each other as you promised not to let stupid things get out of hand. 
And that day, Eddie took you on your first date with him. 
“Buckley, you mind ringing these up for me?” You beamed, throwing her an innocent smile, your eyes wandering off to Steve’s absence next to her.
You gave her the ‘Evil Dead II’ and ‘Dirty Dancing’ VHS tapes nonchalantly, waiting to ask her about Steve.
Robin’s eyebrows shot up, “What kind of a double-feature is this supposed to be, huh?”
“A very fun one,” You said with a slight smirk, handing her a couple of bills.
You scanned the store, he was nowhere to be seen, of fucking course. “Harrington running from me again?” You almost cursed yourself for saying that out loud, but you couldn’t help it, something snarky would’ve slipped out eventually.
You saw Robin almost freeze, her mouth hanging open as her brain short-circuited to find a quick answer.
“I—It’s fine,” You mumbled. “Just tell him I would really like to talk to him. Once his weird tantrum is over?” You commented; it was snarky again, but he deserved it.
Five days had passed since the party, and Steve had been avoiding you like the plague, not returning your phone calls, and sneaking out the back each time you visited Family Video, and it was driving you crazy.
Determined to talk to him, you spent the last few days re-evaluating everything. You wanted to ask him what the fuck he meant—was everything that led to you dating Eddie a lie?
And did Steve never think to tell you this, even once the two of you broke up? His audacity was pissing you off, more than ever now that he was avoiding you.
Then small things started coming back to you in a flash, like the drunken confession you made to him last week.
But you were still clueless about The Hideout. You racked your brain away, but you couldn’t remember it for the life of you. Even the fight with Steve was so vaguely burned into the back of your brain, you simply didn’t want to remember it, or the hurtful words he uttered to you that night.
You had decided to forgive and forget, had no intention of going back to that head space, until recently, when Steve decided to blurt out that he was the one in Hideout, leaving without explaining anything further.
You tried to fish it out of Robin, but she acted clueless, and you tried everything you could do to reach out to Steve, but it was useless.
So that only left you with one thing.
Eddie had told you the day after The Hideout incident that it was he who took you home, detailing everything that happened that night.
You were basically breathless by the time you made it to Eddie’s trailer, knocking on the door, until it hit you.
What the fuck were you doing? Knocking on Eddie’s door when he had no fucking clue what was happening, when he had no idea you and Steve had kissed.
When he had no idea that you knew.
You shook your head in embarrassment as you turned around, about to leave, coincidentally and to your dumb luck, that’s when Eddie had decided to open the door.
He stood speechless when he saw you, his eyes almost bulging out of his head. “Y/N?” He asked, tone barely audible.
“Hi.” You muttered, accepting Eddie’s invitation as he stood aside for you to enter, and you squeezed by him with a quick ‘thank you’
“Look, I know you’re wondering why the fuck your ex showed up at your door but—”
“Oh, don’t worry.” He interrupted
“I do have an idea,” He smirked slightly, causing you to throw him a confused look, you were about to open your mouth, ask a million questions, but he didn’t let you.
“I know everything,” He muttered, and you couldn’t decide his facial expressions. “Steve told me about all of it.”
“And I already told him there was no bad blood between me and you and that it was fine that you guys kissed—”
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
“What?!?” You exclaimed, not expecting Steve to babble about it to Eddie when he had been avoiding you.
“Look, honey, Steve was all blabbering and shit when he came to see me, tellin’ me all this shit about how much he liked you and how sorry he was,” Eddie said with a concerned look.
“And I told him it was all fine, Christ—when did we even date, like 2 years ago?” You didn’t answer him and he sighed. 
“I always knew the two of you had something for each other, I mean, why’d you think I got so jealous anytime you guys hung out together alone? He was definitely—“” He rambled for what felt like minutes, and you were quick to interrupt it, eyes blinking rapidly as you tried to process what the fuck was going on.
“Stop!” You exclaimed, “That’s… uhm– good to know, but not what I came in here for,” You muttered, eyes wandering to the ground.
He threw you a quizzed look, brows knitted up together, “I–I wanted to ask you about something,” You gulped.
“Well, spill it out, sweetheart, you’re makin’ me all nervous and shit.” He gave you a dry chuckle.
“What–what exactly happened that day?” You knew he was going to ask what the fuck you were talking about, so you cut him off before he got a chance to speak.
“At The Hideout… Two years ago.” You could see Eddie almost panic visibly, he didn’t expect it, and did it really matter now, after everything?
“Shit… why won’t you ask Steve about all this?” He scratched his head, it was all awkward, you coming here, asking him something that was two years ago, Steve telling Eddie about the kiss while refusing to acknowledge you… 
It was embarrassing, really, and with each passing minute, a rage fueled inside of you. Sick of the hiding, and the lies. You just wanted the truth, and for Steve to not run at the first inconvenience.
“I would, if he didn’t avoid me like a fucking child,” You spat under your breath, causing Eddie to chuckle. He shook his head again.
“Right, so… I’m assuming since it was two years ago, you won’t be mad at me, right?” He asked, an innocent look spreading over his face, almost fearing as he saw how angry you were at Steve.
You almost rolled your eyes, these two idiots were making your blood boil. “Just want the truth, Munson, then I’ll be gone, I promise.”
“Right!” He chuckled nervously before telling you everything that happened that night.
You called Eddie right after you found his jacket, blabbering like an idiot as you thanked him a million times. While Eddie had no fuckin’ clue what had happened, he was still trying to get over his own hangover, but he wasn’t going to completely shut you down, not when he wanted you this badly, not when you were in the grasp of his hands.
As soon as you hung up, promising him a date, he called Steve, and he didn’t even have to beg him to play along; Steve was just... okay with it.
Steve knew the moment Eddie told him about his little crush that the two of you had no chance and that Steve would only be a little thought in the back of your mind, while Eddie would be the first choice, because why wouldn’t he?
Why would you choose him over Eddie?
And with all the sudden information flooding your mind, you weren’t sure how to react, how to vent all these emotions running through your veins, so you did it the only way you knew how; anger.
You checked the clock; 10.08
Steve’s shift should’ve ended long ago by now, you barely mumbled a goodbye to Eddie when you left, mind focused on one thing.
You arrived at his door with your lips tightening and your jaw clenching, you weren’t going to give up now; you were going to talk to him. Now or never.
You knocked on the door so hard that you were sure your knuckles were bruising, and Steve was baffled when he opened the door, mouth almost agape as he looked at the sight in front of him.
“You know what you are? A fucking coward,” You mumbled, not giving him a second to process anything as you shook your head. 
“You are a selfish fucking coward! Do you think you can make decisions for other people? You think you can just take their choices away and pretend like everything is fucking fine!” Steve didn’t utter a word when you let it all out, your words meshing with each other, and you could feel your blood boiling each time you spoke, but it was… weirdly relieving.
All that pent up anger was finally coming out.
“And you told Eddie?!? You fucking talked to him but didn’t have the guts to even face me! Five days, five fucking days, I followed you around, you fucking jerk!” You spat, your eyes flashed with anger as your face came closer to him, he didn’t even flinch, eyeing you curiously, those deep honey glazed eyes were warming the more he looked at you.
And Oh God, was his gaze inviting, so warm, but you couldn’t soften up… not when you still had so much to say.
“Do you know how embarrassing it is for me? No—no… Fuck that! I don’t even give a fuck if it's embarrassing, I’ve been–I’ve been living a lie and you–it’s your fault…” You mumbled the last part, chest heaving, when your fiery gaze met his, he was itching to talk, and you could tell.
“That—that’s a bit dramatic don’t you think?” He muttered, causing your eyes to narrow, “Look why don’t we just go inside and have an adult conversation? No need for these tantrums—” And that hit a nerve. 
“Don’t,” You muttered, closing your eyes, the rage bubbling up to the surface again, gnawing at your skin, waiting to welcome you.
“Don’t you fucking dare to tell me to have an ‘adult conversation’ when you’ve been avoiding me like the plague!” You exclaimed angrily, face heating with anger, Steve nodded, understandingly. He didn’t mean to sound like a jerk, he just wanted to talk to you. He had been debating what to do these last five days, and shutting you out during that was obviously stupid, but that’s how he handled everything, wallowing it all until he chewed his emotions, keeping them hidden.
“What was I supposed to do?” He asked, almost defeated, and it made you want to chuckle, he was sending you over the edge.
“Are you kidding me?” It wasn’t a question; it was stupid for Steve to even attempt to open his mouth.
“You could have talked to me!” You took a deep breath; your anger wasn’t going to help, and if you didn’t talk to Steve as soon as possible, your head might have exploded.
You sighed as Steve stood aside, leading you to the living room, and your anger subsided with each step you took. The familiarity of the house was engulfing you, and you wanted to scream. 
What if Steve had told you this would change nothing?
What if this was it for the two of you?
Your head was swirling, and it hurt, both physically and emotionally. It was taking a toll on you and Steve could sense it.
“What—what really happened… that day?” You asked, voice barely audible as you avoided his gaze.
Steve sighed as he took a seat next to you on the couch, hand itching to lay on your thigh, squeeze it to make you feel comfortable, just so you would look at him, but he resisted it, hand flexing as he placed it between the two of you.
“You–you remember our fight?” He mumbled, causing you to nod. “We both said some stupid shit to each other—”
“Well, you started it—” You gazed up at him, and this time he threw you a look, causing you to close your mouth as if to signal him to continue.
“And—and you left… and the second you did, I just felt this horrible fucking pit in my stomach, I could never—I could never leave you like that,” His voice was shaking, hands flexing again as he inched closer to you.
“I found you on the street, Y/N, almost passed out, and I lost my goddamn mind for leaving you alone—even for a second, I ca—I can’t fucking imagine what I would even do if anything happened to one–one fucking strand of your hair—just the thought makes me sick to my stomach—Jesus.” He muttered, face still toward you as you could trace it now, the worried lines etched onto his forehead, a frown taking upon his usual plump lips, voice cracking as you could sense it, the utter worry and desperation in his voice. 
You couldn’t open your mouth, words failing you as you opted out to hold his hand instead, a small gesture, but one that made Steve’s entire stiffness disappear. One touch from you warming him up immediately.
“I took you home as fast as I could—I tucked you in, made sure you didn’t get sick, and then I left.” 
“Why?” You asked, meekly.
“Why did you let me believe it was him? Why did you ignore me that night?”
“It–it doesn’t matter now,” He mumbled, and your brows furrowed again, fury still locked up inside of you.
“It fucking does!” You snarled, insides burning with anticipation and anger.
“Stop being a fucking coward,” You yelled, you didn’t want to scream at his face, but he left you with no choice. If you wanted to talk to him, you had to get some things out of him, no matter how much it angered you.
“Just tell me, Steve, full transparency, I want it all out.”
Steve’s silence caused a groan out of you, “If you don’t, I’m gonna leave… for good,” You whispered. 
You were bluffing; you weren’t going to go anywhere without getting some closure, but Steve didn’t know that, and he had never seen you this riled up, so he sighed when you got up.
“I didn’t want to lose you!” He got up after you, staring at your back for a full minute until you turned around to meet him, a quizzed look overtaking your features.
“God! I wanted to—Shit. I wanted to tell you about how I felt, but then Eddie came and he told me all about how he had feelings for you, and, uh, I just panicked— so fucking hard. I knew you would have chosen him, and I had that rejection one too many fuckin’ times, and I—I knew I couldn’t handle it from you!” He exclaimed, breath ragged as his brown orbs looked at you with such sympathy that you wanted to drop everything and kiss him, tell him that he would always be your first choice.
“I knew you would choose him and—” 
“I didn’t want to be a second choice again, Y/N, I was so fucking scared—” You shook your head.
“Steve you—god, you have no fucking clue about anything,” You chuckled dryly, interrupting him.
“When you ignored me for Tammy that night, when you told me that I wasn’t ���worth it’ that’s when I decided to contain my feelings for you, I knew you didn’t like me for anything more than friends—I always thought we had a ‘will they won’t they’ kind of relationship but that night, confirmed it for me,” You looked away, almost ashamed, face burning up.
“I felt so fucking desperate—like you wanted to push me away like I was an idiot girl who was clinging onto you, and now everything is just so confusing that I don’t even know what is going on.” Your hands ran through your hair.
“But you were and will always be my first choice,” You didn’t mean to smile, but it just appeared, anger washing away. “I wish you could see yourself the way I see you,” You muttered, and Steve’s entire demeanor changed, his body relaxing as he realized how much of an idiot he had been.
“What?” He asked, baffled, a small smile overtaking his lips before you could say another word. 
“Yeah,” You murmured, taking a step closer to him, 
“So… we’re both idiots, huh?” He asked, basking in the way you looked up at him, batting your eyelashes as your warm aura engulfed him.
“Hmmm… I’d say it’s more you than me,” You mumbled, scrunching your nose, as Steve huffed playfully, inching closer and closer to you. You didn’t know where this took the two of you, but your mind was so busy when he was standing this close to you.
One strand of his hair fell onto his forehead, and all you wanted to do was run your fingers through them, kiss every inch of his face, run your lips along his soft ones, feel his calloused hands on your curves, grabbing desperately, meek grunts leaving his lips, both of you breathless.
And that’s exactly what you did—without a care, you closed the distance between the two of you with an annoyed huff, fingers running through his shiny hair. 
His hands were quick to land on your hips, grabbing them like he was afraid of you slipping away, once again. And it all felt so easy and familiar that you could feel your head spinning.
His lips brushed against yours softly. You didn’t want this moment to be over, wanting to cling to him forever. Everything he did made you feel foolish and insane, and you understood why being in love felt like losing your mind, again.
Steve groaned into your lips, kissing you harder, once, twice, his lips never fully letting go of you, and you didn’t know if it would ever be enough for you, utterly craving nothing but him.
Your mind was jelly at this point, everything was tangled together while the question of ‘What’s going to happen now?’ lingered in your mind. Did he still want you? Did he still want to be together? Why didn’t he just come to you after talking to Eddie? 
You tried to shake them off, tried to focus on the way Steve’s hands stuck to your body, like they belonged there, and the way his lips moved along yours, like it had always been this way.
You wanted to continue, wanted so badly to not let this moment go, but the bickering voices in your head were too much, and you pulled away slowly. Steve almost groaned when he felt the absence of your lips. He blinked once, twice.
“Oh, fuck. Do that again.” He unintentionally let out, gaze filled with lust as his pupils were blown wide, and a small giggle left your lips. “You are an idiot,” You whispered, your gaze settling on him. 
Was everything going to be okay?
How were you even going to manage to make this work? 
And with that, your expression soured, “Steve,” You said seriously, causing him to look up at you with concern all over his face. “I don’t want to get hurt again.” You murmured, forehead touching his.
“I won’t hurt you, ever.” His gaze was intense, and it made you feel giddy, worries washing away in seconds. You don’t know how he fucking did it, but it worked. 
And you trusted him like no one else. 
You couldn’t help it when your lips twitched into a smile. “You promise?” You gushed.
“With all my heart, honey.” He whispered, taking a deep breath. 
“You have no fuckin’ idea how long I’ve been waiting for this, dreaming about this...”
“I would never, ever do anything to hurt you.” He muttered, his hands tucking the strand of hair that was blocking him from placing messy kisses all over your face. 
“I couldn’t handle losing you, not again,” He murmured before leaning in to press more kisses all over your soft lips.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
bonus scene: just for shits n giggles idk
“What movies did you get today?” He asked with a childish grin on his lips.
“If you weren’t avoiding me, you would’ve known, pretty boy.” You exclaimed dramatically, crossing your arms against your chest.
Pretty boy.
The only thing that stuck in Steve’s brain was that he was your pretty boy.
And this giddy feeling inside of him was never going to go away, he decided.
He huffed playfully before he grabbed your bag, causing you to gasp. “Let’s see…” He murmured as he tried to find the VHS tapes.
“Aha!” He exclaimed as he grabbed the two of them, turning the cover to see what movies you rented. 
“Oh my god,” He murmured. “A double-feature? For us?” He couldn’t help the way his lips twitched into a smile, so warm that you wanted to bathe in the glory of making him this happy.
“Mhmm… First, Evil Dead II for me, and once Stevie gets scared, we’ll put on Dirty Dancing.” You give him a wink.
“Oh, Jesus Christ,” He groaned. “You are so fucking perfect, I’m gonna lose my mind.” He placed a kiss on your forehead.
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another a/n: so this is a bit messy bc i had too many ideas and this is the best i could do to fit them all in, i hope this doesn't feel that disconnected from the first!! work has been kicking my ass lately so my mind is all mushed lmao!! feel free to leave ur feedback and pls comment, like or reblog to support me ily <33
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scar-lie · 7 months
OMEGA PT. 9 [Natasha]
Summary : Y/N finally wakes up
Pairing : Alpha ! Natasha Romanoff x Omega ! Reader
Warning : Mention of blood
Word count : 1,498
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know.
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know.
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Natasha decided to sleep in the room to guard her pups and Y/N for 3 days now. She refuses to leave their side as much as possible. She will leave in a few minutes and make sure that someone she trusts will watch them, if necessary.
Now Natasha is currently lying on the sofa, peacefully sleeping. Her left leg is up to the top of the sofa, and her right arm is across from her eyes, shielding her eyes until she hears a giggle that makes her open her eyes and smile.
She stands up and goes to her two pups, who're like talking to each other and giggling; this makes Natasha's hearts melt, kissing their foreheads.
“You're so bubbly today, huh? ”Natasha giggles when her pups answer her with a giggle while looking at her.
“Yeah, you're both happy this morning; how's your sleep, my little princes? Did you sleep well? ”Natasha nods her head while her pups continue giggling at her.
But her smile fades when she thinks of her other pup. She looks at the side where her daughter is, still in the incubator and sleeping peacefully with a steady heartbeat.
“And how was my princess? ”Natasha went to her pup, carefully caressing her cheeks. 
“My strong, beautiful princess,” Natasha whispered, smiling while admiring her pup. Then an idea popped into her mind when she heard a giggle again.
“You two want to see your baby sister? ”She looks at her sons, going back again, not caring anymore if she hurts them or crashes them in her arm.
The only thing on her mind now is to cradle them on her arm and sit beside their sister to interact with because she read, and Dr. Cho told her that it's good and will help her health when there's interaction between them.
Natasha smiles when they coo and start to reach for her. In Natasha's mind, their little arms are so cute while they are trying to reach her.
But on the other side, Y/N’s heart started to race when she saw Natasha reaching for her babies, her pups, and even though she herself knows that she's not capable of fighting now, she tries, standing on her wobbly legs and proceeding to walk forward while her head is pulsing from pain and her ears are ringing.
“Don't you...fucking dare... touch my pups.” Natasha looks at Y/N, shocked and happy that she's awake, but worry quickly runs through her veins, seeing Y/N’s heart beat start to rise and the fact that she's detaching every single thing that's attached to her, making the needle spot bleed.
So Natasha quickly retreated her hand from one of her pups to try to catch Y/N, but once she got close to her, her nails quickly came across her right check, which made a small scratch.
This makes Natasha stumble back, making way for Y/N to go forward towards her pups. She quickly stands guard to protect them from nearby danger, and it hurts Natasha to know—or realize—that she's the nearby danger from your point of view.
“Hey, it's ok, I’m not going to take them. Please calm down and go back to bed. You're still weak and need to heal first,” Natasha said cautiously, showing her hand to you and indicating that she's no harm.
“Liar, I'm not a fool; take one step and I’ll slit your throat.” You threaten, holding on through the near wall because her legs are giving up under the weight of her body.
“I swear, please let me just h-” you quickly shut her up, throwing the IV holder that's sitting next to you, and thank god that there's no IV bag hanging there.
“Leave before I end you! ”You growl, and Natasha doesn't have a choice but to nod, putting her hands up again while backing away, making you relieved with each step backwards she takes until she's in the door.
She looked up to you, seeing you sitting on the floor, getting hard to breathe, and you just looked so pale, so weak, and so vulnerable, but still, you're standing up for your pups, making her worry for your health, so without another word, she quickly got out to get Cho.
Her walk turns into a walk run until she's running around the halls to find Cho, but also cursing at the lack of her presence around the halls of the medbay, so one thing she could be—at Tony’s and Bruce Lab—so she quickly took an elevator to go to the common room.
“Oh Nat, glad to see you!” but Wanda got cut off and Yelena quickly on the red heads tale. Seeing her uneasy, nervous, and reckless makes Yelena worry something happens.
“Not now, Wanda.” Before Natasha could take a step down the stairs that lead to Tony and Bruce Lab, Yelena snatched her arm, turning the redhead's body. 
“What is going on? What happened? ”Yelena, look at the distressing redhead who nearly wants to cry because of happiness that you finally are awake and sad and hurt because of how you react to her and also worried.
“It's Y/N; she's awake and not in good shape; I need to get Cho.” Yelena was also happy, as was Wanda when she heard what Nat said, and they were also worried.
“What are you waiting for? Run down to the lab; Cho is with Tony.” Yelena pushes her sister gently, so Natasha quickly runs down the lab while Yelena and Wanda rush to the medbay.
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Dr. Cho can't completely examine you because every time they enter your room, you quickly guard your pups, not trusting anyone from them.
And you know you're weak and vulnerable, but you refuse to show it. You endure every stinging pain you feel around your body, especially on your lower part from your lower belly down.
You don't trust anyone anymore; you've learned the hard way, and you will never let anyone hurt you and your pups anymore. You wouldn't let it happen anymore.
“What are we going to do? ”Bruce asked Cho stress while they look at you through the mirror, battling their own to think what to do before things get worse.
There's no written document in history on how to tend a person who's battling death through breaking bonds, and they didn't fully know how their experiments were working or how to 100% use them.
“I’d say sedate her, but we can't even come near her, and there's no IV attached to her anymore,” Cho mumbled, biting her lips while tapping her shoes on the floor.
"Well, maybe we can shoot her? ”Tony interrupts the two, looking at your fragile body, which's still on the floor besides your pups.
“How? And she's not an animal to tranquilize her.” Bruce, shoot back to Tony, not liking the idea because he himself experienced it too and he didn't like it.
“We didn't have a choice; look at her. She will knock down any seconds now, and we don't know if she will wake up again.” Tony whispered, shouting, and Cho nodded, agreeing to the idea.
“It's not necessary, plus if she wakes up this time, she will again.” Cho wants to stop their battering of each other, but each time she tries to, one of them will throw words at another. 
And the team is anxious outside your door, and their battering didn't help ease their worry or fear for your health, especially the two Russian
“Can you please stop talking about her like that? She's in the fucking room right in front of us, and you two fighting over a nonsense matter will not help tend to her health,” Natasha snapped, glaring at them.
“Cho do it, please; she's getting weaker and weaker every second,” Natasha whispers, biting her lips as much as she finds it cruel and unfair on your side. There's no other choice on the plate at the moment.
Cho quickly ordered her staff to get what she needed, and once Cho got what she needed, she turned around to look at the team.
“One of you should do it; I am no good at aiming,” she gently and softly said while extending the sedating gun.
Everyone looks at each other, waiting for someone to volunteer, not wanting to do it by themselves. This makes Cho sigh, then extend his hand to Clint.
“Oh no, I can't…I-I…please.” Clint got cut off when Tony stood up and gently took the sedating gun with deep breaths.
“I suggest it, so I should be the one to do it.” All eyes are on Tony.
“Better have a good aim, Tony, or I’ll be the one shooting you if you mess this up,” Natasha and Yelena threaten him, making him shudder in fear.
“I got this, plus I don't want two Russians hunting my ass,” Tony mumbled, but the two were able to hear it, making them glare at him.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
I Can Be Your Biggest Fan - Ivar the Boneless x Reader
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(Ignore that unfaithful little witch who deserved the death she got! But his face is just so cute right here...At least the gods approve of sexual desires) 😂🤣
Pairing: Ivar the Boneless x Reader
Promt: My obsession with Ivar and his poor underloved self. Poor baby just need love and someone who could actually get his dick hard 🥺
You are a slave and have been most of your life but because of this you got the chance to meet the most handsome man you’d ever seen...cripple or not.
Warning: SMUT! Dirty Ivar loving smut! Foul language because I swear more than a sailor.
“Her.” You felt your body freeze as the queen stopped in front of you. You had no idea how this queen would be with you but once she had picked you had to follow her either way. You kept quiet as you looked around the village. They hadn’t told you what your work would be but you hopes it wasn’t sex. You’d managed to save yourself so far.
The queen took her place on the throne before assessing you thoroughly. She smiled softly at you and for some reason you felt a sense of peace. Hopefully she was a fair mistress.
“What is your name girl?” She asked curiously her face keeping its smile.
“My name is Y/N, my Queen.” You spoke clearly if there was something you had learnt over the years is that people with respect you more if you speak confidently even if you’re a slave.
“You will be my personal help. You will serve my family dinner, help me bathe, help with grandchildren once I have some.” She informed confidently her wise smile still on her face.
“It would be my honour my Queen.” You gave her a grin letting her know you were more than happy with the job choice.
“Okay, well the cook has food ready so if you could get everything ready that would be good.” She chuckled before shooing you away to set the table.
You were fast getting it done so the queen gave you a happy grin as she sat at the table and waited for her sons. Eventually 3 boys walked into the hall, laughing at something. You stood next to the queen with your hands behind your back.
Then he came in. The most beautiful man you’d ever seen dragging himself around on his hands. That must’ve taken a lot of muscle to do that everyday. Yet he looked like he could take on his brothers with ease.
“This is Ubbe my first born.” The queen pointed to her elder son. He was handsome he had similar eyes to his cripple brother but for some reason they weren’t as captivating.
“This is Hvitserk my second son.” She pointed to the son next to Ubbe and he gave you a cheeky grin.
“That is my third son Sigurd.” She pointed to the opposite side of the table at the strawberry blonde man who looked you up and down with a smirk and it made your stomach churn.
“And my youngest son Ivar.” She cupped her youngest face with affection before looking up to you. He looked up at you with a curious gaze but didn’t say anything.
“This is Y/N my new slave. You are not to touch her without her permission.” The queen glared at all her sons except Ivar.
“You know maybe you should worry about Ivar not us.” Sigurd snickered as Ivar shot him a glare.
“The only one who made me feel uncomfortable with their eyes was you master Sigurd.” You mumbled your anger surfacing. Why did you say that? You should’ve kept your mouth closed but before you could apologise the queen started laughing a long with Ubbe and Hvitserk.
“I like her mother.” Ivar chuckled as he stared up at you in wonder. You met his ocean blue eyes with a sweet smile and he shot you a charming smile that made your heart melt. You felt your cheeks flush so you tried to avoid his eyes, yet you couldn’t stop from looking up only to see he’d yet to remove his eyes from you.
Unlike when Sigurd did this it felt exciting when Ivar did it. It was flattering you thought to yourself. The queen seemed to notice the flirting eyes you were sending each other but chose not to say a word until later on in the night.
“What do you think of my sons Y/N?” The queen asked mischievously as the rest her arms on the side of the tub, watching you closely.
“They are good reliable men.” You responded awkwardly as you got her night clothes ready.
“What about Ivar?” She asked quietly trying to his her smirk behind the tubs edge.
“I-Ivar is just as reliable as his brothers if not more.” You muttered quietly as you held out a wash cloth for her.
“Who is the most handsome of my sons?” She teased as she began washing herself.
“Ivar.” You wish you’d at least paused before answering but you blurted out his name so fast it actually visibly shocked the queen.
“Why not ask to lay with him?” She giggled playfully it made you giggle too despite being a queen she was quite playful when she wanted to be.
“Because I am a slave and I have no right to ask a prince and son of Ragnar to lay with someone like me.” You laughed bitterly before giving her a small smile silently asking to move on from that topic.
You were pouring the queen a drink when Ivar appeared at the door, dragging himself straight to the seat near the fire. You finished pouring the queen a drink before walking over to Ivar with a cup. You passed the cup to him with a smile before filling it up in silence.
He tried to keep a straight face but you could see he was trying to not smile. He suddenly patted the spot next to him signalling for you to sit with him. You sat down with no hesitation, placing your hands on your lap as you waited for him to ask or request whatever he was going to.
“I have never been with a woman. I don’t even know if I can.” He said so quiet you thought you’d misheard but you knew you hadn’t. This handsome and desirable Viking is a virgin.
“That’s nothing to be ashamed of. I am thankfully still a virgin. I’ve been lucky in having mostly female mistresses.” You giggled softly as you moved a little closer to him.
“Would you have sex with me?” Ivar asked awkwardly looking away with a blush.
“I would really like to, yes.” You blushed but continued watching him. His eyes widened and he looked at you in amazement as if he was shocked by your answer.
“I thought you were most handsome of your brothers before you asked me. I even told your mother yesterday.” You mumbled shyly as you moved your hand closer to his on the seat.
“Really?” He asked with raised brows.
“Yes…c-can I kiss you?” You stutter not sure if casual affection would be okay. You were not his wife or his lover so you really had no right.
He nodded gently before turning towards you a little more. You leant up and placed a soft kiss on his lips your hands still resting on the bench. His right hand came up to cup your cheek softly as he kissed you so sweetly, it made you melt.
“You said no forcing the slave to do intimate shit!” You heard a voice shout behind Ivar. Ivar released you immediately like he’s done something wrong but you stood up angrily and you couldn’t stop your stupid mouth.
“This was completely consensual! I’m the one that asked to kiss him! Oh wait how about proof!” You shouted before straddling Ivar making sure not to hurt his legs in the process before kissing him roughly.
He gripped your waist tightly as he kissed you back, his tongue meeting yours in a battle for dominance. You let out a little moan when he bit your bottom lip softly before finally pulling away.
“Why would you want to when you could’ve had any one of us?” Sigurd asked in utter confusion.
“Do you even understand how much strength he has to drag himself round all day? While his bones break over and over? He is the strongest and the most handsome out of all of you and I would gladly pledge my undying loyalty to him not any of you. Sorry master Sigurd.” You huffed before turning to Ivar with a shy smile as you tried to climb off his lap but he held you there with a grin, his arms wrapping around you tightly.
You giggled and snuggled into him wrapping your legs around his waist so you were more comfortable. The queen was watching the entire situation in humour and relief that someone finally realised how unique and strong her youngest son is.
Later that night at dinner you sat in Ivar’s lap while he ate and fed you little bits. He was very sweet to you and it made your heart ache to be more than his slave. If only you could be his wife.
“Will you be joining me in my room tonight my sweet?” Ivar whispered in your ear playfully earning a giggled from you. You gave him a happy nod before he picked a little meat off the bone and holding out to you. You took the meat from his fingers before licking his finger seductively.
He bit his own bottom lip as he watched your tongue like he was hypnotised by you. You gave him a cheeky smile before placing a quick kiss on his cheek.
“Can you two save it for the bedroom?” Sigurd hissed as he slammed down his cup onto the table.
“Leave them be Sigurd I’m happy to see Ivar happy.” The queen scolded with a glare before she turned to her side to look at you and Ivar with a soft smile.
You roles your eyes to Ivar making him laugh before placing an amused kiss on your lips. You gave him an ecstatic smile at his proud face. You curled up against him shyly, but he happily wrapped his arm around you tightly using his other one to stroke your hair sweetly.
“Why don’t you go to my room and I’ll be in soon, hmm?” He muttered against your hair.
You gave a nod before standing up and making your way to Ivar’s room. You sat on his bed and waited patiently for him to drag himself into the room. It wasn’t much time before Ivar dragged himself into the room with no struggle. He climbed into the bed before turning to you to talk.
“Come here sweetheart.” He groaned as he dragged himself into the middle of the bed, his back against the headboard.
You crawled to him slowly until you were in his lap. He ran his hand from your thighs up to your rib cage so swiftly it made you gasp. You gripped his shirt tugging at it letting him know you wanted it gone. You quickly pulled the shirt off him after he gave you a nod and you were practically drooling.
“See something you like Y/N?” He chuckled deeply as he laid back observing your blush as his hands rested just beneath your breast.
“Touch me please Master.” You begged shamelessly.
“Call me Ivar my sweet.” He whispered as he sat up pressing his bare chest against your clothes one. You sat back enough to rip your entire dress off throwing it across the room leaving you completely naked.
He observed you for a few seconds with hungry eyes before bringing you into a searing kiss. His tongue dominated yours in seconds and you let him because giving him control was the least you could do for this strong man.
“Ivar…” You moaned against his lips as you took a break from kissing. Your hand trailed down his chest and suddenly his hand grabbed your wrist with a worried glance.
“I’m not sure if I can…” He muttered nervously but you gave him a sweet smile.
“You can. I promise you just have to want to fuck me enough.” You whispered seductively into his ear as you grind your wet pussy against his clothed crotch.
“Shit well that should be easy enough.” He groaned against your neck before he lay you down. His muscles bulged as he did making you whimper at the sight.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered against your naked breast before kissing his way to your nipple, catching it in his mouth and nipping on it earning a moan from you.
His hand traveled downwards towards your core and as soon as his fingers touched you, you let out a needy little whimper earning a groan from the man hovering above you with just one arm supporting him. When you hands tracked down his chest he didn’t stop you this time though he did tense up.
When you reached his pants you felt the outline of his very much working dick and letting out a moan at how big he was. Would that even fit? You didn’t care you wanted him. He looked down in pleasure as you rubbed his erection gently.
“You’re so big.” You whispered in pleasure as his finger rubbed circles over your clit so gently it was driving you mad. You pulled at the lace in his pants undoing it and pulling his stuff member out of his trousers. Ivar’s eyes widened slightly before he pulled you in for messy passionate kiss.
As his tongue fought against yours he pushed two fingers into you, curling them slightly. His hands were rough but they felt good either way. You felt yourself getting close as your moans got louder.
“Ivar m’gonna cum.” You arches your back pressed your chest to his as you thrust against his fingers. He gave you a smirk before moving his fingers faster as he used his thumb to put pressure on your clit.
“Cum for me my love.” At the affectionate nickname you came all over his fingers , your body shaking violently as you came down from your orgasm.
“Fuck me…please?” You begged desperately spreading your legs further so he could come closer.
When his tip brushed against your wets folds you both let out groans of want. His eyes were staring straight into yours as he caressed your cheek lovingly. You nuzzled into his hand kissing his palm lightly before looking at him.
“Ready sweetheart?” He asked gently before giving you a chaste kiss. You gave him a nod and he slowly pushed his tip into you with a breathless gasp. He kept pushing into you slowly, your nails digging into his skin on his back as he stretched you in a way your own finger never could.
When he reached your barrier he stopped to give you a slow sensual kiss as he pushed past it with a sudden firm thrust. You cried into his mouth as he stopped kissing away the tears that escaped your eyes.
After a minute or so you thrust your hips up experimentally, to see if it still hurt but instead of pain you just felt pleasure. You thrust you hips up again more forcefully and Ivar took the hint and began thrusting into you at a slow yet deep pace that had you begging for more.
He smirked down at you and he kept up with the agonising pace not saying a word as he watch you writhe underneath him. You were growing angry and before you could rethink you actions you rolled both of you over so you were on top.
Without a word you began lifting up and slamming down on him at the fast pace you wanted. Ivar let out an almost animalistic growl as he clutched you hips as took control. You felt your pussy clench around him as your second orgasm started coiling in your stomach. He must’ve felt it because he started rubbing circles on your clit and you bounced on his cock taking what you want from him.
“Are you going to cum all over my cock, my love?” He growled his nails digging into your naked ass as he helped you bounce up and down. That’s all it took to push you over the edge, his sickly sweet yet sadistic voice whispering dirty things.
“Y-Yes! Oh Ivar!” You screamed riding out your orgasm happy before collapsing on top of him.
He flipped you both over again and started pounding into you mercilessly. He was like an out of control animal and you loved it. You cling to the furs below you try to hold onto anything as you try to ground yourself.
“Oh gods your so big! Feel so full…” You moaned you voice was so desperate like you were addicted to him. His grunts and groans had you getting riled up all over again the feeling was different though it was stronger because you were over sensitive from recently cunning twice.
“Yes! Oh g-gods…Think m’gonna cum again!” You screamed as you felt your entire body start shaking, the pressure building more and more.
“Me too love…fuck.” He groaned as he thrust faster into you as his hand came down to brush across your clit in a fast brushing motion. And sudden your vision went white. You came so hard you felt liquid gushing out of you and Ivar had stopped his thrusting and pulled back to watch as you just kept shaking.
“Shit that was sexy...”he growled as he started thrusting even harder than before.
“M’Gonna fill you up my love.” He grumbled as his thrust became erratic and untimed.
You lay there still twitching as he used your pussy to finish himself off. As you felt the hot spurts hit your walls you moaned it made you feel full and warm. Ivar collapsed on top of you panting, his skin sticking to yours due to the damp skin.
You brought your arms up, wrapping them around him stroking his hair gently as you bother enjoyed your afterglow. He eventually sat up with a type of smile you had never seen on him, but it’s made your heart flutter.
“I’m glad I’m the first man to see you like that.” He mumbled shyly as his eyes flicked around to avoid yours.
“I am also glad, that no woman has had the pleasure of you as well. I came 3 times.” You giggled grinding down on his cock that was still inside you.
“Yes that last one was interesting. Does that normally happen?” Ivar asked with sudden interest his eyes quickly meeting yours.
“No that’s never happened when I’ve touched myself.” You answered honestly though a blush still made it’s way to your cheeks.
“I wanna do it again.” He muttered with a semi evil smirk before he thrust inside you again.
This was going to be a long night, you thought to yourself with a giggle.
The next morning you walked into the great hall right next to Ivar as you laughed and teased each other. As you got to the throne you tried to keep you face straight and curtsy politely but Ivar kept looking up at you with a childish grin and it was hard not to laugh.
“I see you two are getting on.” The queen chuckled as she observed you both.
“Master Ivar is treating me with much more respect than I probably deserve my queen.” You answered with a grateful smile to Ivar who just frowned.
“I want her to be a free woman.” Ivar declared with a glare making sure his mother knows he’s serious.
“W-What?! Ivar n-no the queen doesn’t ha-”
“Okay.” The queen interrupted you with a grin.
A smile spread across Ivar’s faces as your eyes just widened. You were free, just like that. You couldn’t believe it. This felt like a dream to you, you looked down at Ivar before your legs decidedly gave out causing you to fall down right next to him. He sat up and pulled you into his arms as tears fell from your eyes. You cuddled into his chest clutching onto him like he was your life line.
“Thank you!” You sobbed over and over again into his chest.
He stroked your hair cradling you in his arms, like you were the most precious jewel in the world. You looked up at him drying your eyes with a shy smile. He matched your smile as he caressed your cheek sweetly.
“I would also like to ask if you would like to be my wife?” He whispered down to you with a soft gaze. Your eyes widened once again, he wanted a boring ex slave to be his wife?
“Me? I am not worthy of you…a-and you barely know me…Why?” You asked so quietly you weren’t sure he even heard you until he spoke up.
“You are more than worthy my love. You have shown me I can be a normal man despite my crippled legs. I know that you would never betray me and I know that I wish for you to be my wife.” He stated gently his eyes shining with affections and in that moment you realised this man was a gift from the gods and you would happily marry him.
“Yes I will marry you.” You giggled happily before pressing a kiss to his lips.
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phasecornnuts · 6 months
I would love to power bottom Valentino from hazbin hotel ples 😏 also I LOVE angst so maybe a bit of that 😌 head cannons or a fic doesn’t matter I love words
Hello again whores! This is over 16k words…. I think I may have a problem, but I cooked so whatever
Tbh I may open writing commissions bc I love y’all but if I’m writing biblical epics I lowkey would appreciate being paid (college is expensive) 😭
CW: For general angst and Drug use
You hated working nights, but working for Val always meant you worked nights. If someone were to ask you to write a list of everything you disliked about the club, you’d swear the exterminators would be here by the time you were done with it. But alas, it was what it was and there was nothing you could do to change it. That fucking contract made sure of that.
There were a few things that could make your shift bearable though. You liked Angel, even though he didn’t really come by anymore because of that stupid hotel, you liked the free drinks, even though Val made sure they were watered down after you vomited on a customer, and you liked the pills Val would give you, even though they made you feel loopy when you preformed. Those were the shit. Grade A. Top tier. Happiness in a tablet the size of your fingernail.
In your dressing room you watched the clock, five minutes. God, you were already sweating in the shitty outfit Val made you wear for tonight. A frilly maid outfit with black lingerie underneath, the man wanted a strip-tease and he was gonna have it one way or another. With Angel gone, you were the only other person he thought was worth headlining. That felt good to hear, even if you were only second choice. Maybe Angel being gone was a good thing, not for him but for you, maybe Val would see that you’re better than him, that you tried more. Maybe then you could be the star, and not just the understudy. Maybe, maybe, maybe; The word’s rhythm wavered in your head.
Hoping for Val to want you was fruitless though, you knew. Angel was the golden goose- or spider, you supposed - and it would take an act of god for someone to eclipse him. You took your eyes off the clock, knowing getting lost in your thoughts would just lead to a spiral of self-loathing. You closed your eyes and released a heavy sigh. On your table, beside your makeup and phone stood a fluorescent orange bottle. Unscrewing the cap you let loose three in your palm before capping the bottle. You ran the pad of your thumb over the tiny white buttons, smooth and chalky, before placing them in a row on your tongue, all washed down with watery gin. A twisted communion.
You lean back in your chair, wondering when the pills are gonna kick in. About two minutes pass before you hear the door to your dressing room open and a tired waitress with smudgy blue eyeliner and a crooked wig tilts her head towards the hallway to tell you it’s time for you to get on stage. Walking past her, you can smell a heavy peach scented perfume she used to try to cover the smell of sweat. Your heels clacked on the tile floor as you walked up to the entrance of the stage. You scratched your back from the itchy fabric of the costume, then adjusted the tops of your stockings. The song that’s currently playing ends and the performer before you walks to the back, they’re huffing and tired. They stretch and pop their back before looking at you, mouthing “Good luck.” The DJ of the club took a beat before announcing you to the crowd. Rolling your shoulders, you walked on stage feeling the hot spotlights shine on you.
That’s when it hits.
All of the tension you held in your body lifted, and your mind began to swim as you felt the Oxy kick in. Fuck, they really were the best. They made you feel warm and floaty, made the world seem bearable. You swung your hips seductively as you sauntered to the pole, ready to begin your act. Looking around, all the faces of the crowd blended together. It felt like the world was painted in watercolor, all of its harsh edges gone, replaced with washes that drifted out into nothing.
A chemical confidence kicked in then. Those languid movements of yours had everyone entranced, grinding your sex to the pole as you teased eager watchers with a peek up your skirt. Over the music you could hear their hoots and wolf-whistles, then frenzy when you began to shimmy off your top, exposing that black bra you had on under. You throw it out into the crowd, grateful not to have that polyester piece of shit on you anymore. The way they all clamor to catch it made you bite your bottom lip with a smirk. They were all so pathetic.
You spun on the ball of your foot, but the weightlessness of your opioid addled body worked against you, making you fall. Luckily you caught yourself on your hands, pretending it was some sultry move like a lady in a porno. The crawling was good though, you pretended to fuck the stage before you got to the center. You leaned back on your hands, stretching out a heeled foot that they all begged to touch. One almost did, before you snatched it away.
Slipping off that ugly skirt and kicking it off into the drunken crowd felt so good. They were transfixed, enthralled, however you wanted to put it. Your high made everything better, blanketing your body in comfort- That was always the peak. Savoring those small moments that made them scream. Looping and spinning and sliding and going upside down, stretching your legs out spread-eagle. When you felt the room start to spiral you stopped with your back to it for support. With a fake sexiness you slid your hand down your stomach, into those thin painties before taking it out.
God, it felt good to be desired even if it was like this. Sure, Val didn’t want you, but they did. All those sinners and hell-born who clamored to touch you and have you touch them. How they fought over an ugly, scratchy top because you wore it.
Turning your head you saw a wide-eyed patron ignoring a half-drank glass. You smirk and crawl towards them, and their eyes turn to the size of saucers. Reaching the edge of the stage you lean over, hanging over their small table. You opened your mouth wide enough to kiss- But you didn’t. You let your tongue hang out of your mouth, letting a fat drop of spit land in their drink. That was all they could have of you; You smile and go back to the stage to continue your act.
You don’t know how long he’d been standing there when you saw him. Valentino. He nips at his cigarette while he looks at you, not knowing what he’s thinking. Your moves become bigger, looser, hoping to impress him. A glob of phlegm sits at the back of your mouth and you swallow, feeling the tenseness grow inside your body. I can be good too, see! I’m as good as Angel! Even better! Please…please don’t fire me.
He walks closer to the stage as you keep grinding on the pole. Your eyes meet for a second before you look away, unsure. When he reaches the edge of the stage is when you slam yourself to the floor- the crowd hollered. Val adjusts his glasses and takes a long, long drag from his cigarette. Your body cranes towards him, head lowered in reverence while you studied his face. Val was always so hard to read, that’s the thing you hated most about him - well, at least one of them- was he displeased, impressed, disinterested? Fuck if you knew.
With one hand he pinched your face, between his pointer and thumb. He pressed his mouth to yours, filling it with all of that warm smoke. The roof of your mouth hurt so much, but the rest of your body trembled. He’d never been this open, kissing you, watching you dance, it felt so, so good to have his attention. Val pulled away, pink cloud leaving your parted lips.
Valentino leaned in, “Meet me in the back.”
“I still have five minutes left…”
“I’m your boss.” There was a vague sternness to his words, what were five minutes compared to his regard?
You breathed heavily. “Gimme a second.”
Quickly as you could you got off stage. Your head was spinning and you couldn’t tell why- was it the Oxy? The drink? The dancing? The cigarette? All of them combined. The backstage was full of cold air, making goosebumps prickle over your legs. You crossed your forearms and leaned them on the wall. Eyes closed, you counted backwards from 100; 100, 99, 98, 97- Val with his cigarette showed up in your mind, how he pulled your mouth to his, how you shivered, how you liked it. You tried again, but he kept lingering. Another restart, going a bit longer this time, but you gave up somewhere around 56.
Through the backstage hallway you walked to the back, The Velvet Rooms. Those fancy, gilded places hidden away that only those Val liked - or who could afford it- could enter. Valentino hid himself away in the biggest one, a room within the wall closed off with heavy dark blue curtains. The Velvet Rooms were where Overlords and certain Goetia came to be spat on, spanked, and other “peculiar wants” that Val catered to.
Opening the curtains you were struck with the heavy scent of his smoke. You closed them shut, the room illuminated by a faint pink light. Val sat on the couch, legs spread wide and arms slung over the top, his heavy coat thrown to some unknown corner. Seeing him reminded you of how little clothes you had on. Val’s second set of arms beckoned you over, you obeyed. He rested them on your waist, idly feeling the texture of your garter belt.
“Good of you to come carino,” He kissed your stomach, tittering at the way you quivered. “You did so good I had to meet with you privately.”
“How could I deny you Valcito?” You responded in a honeyed tone that made him chuckle.
“Valcito?” He smirked.
“Aren’t you?” You tilt his head up to see your smiling face, dressed with sultry bedroom eyes, “My little Valcito who liked my dancing.”
Val showed off that gold tooth of his; He kissed your stomach again, leaving a little red mark.
You dropped your hands to his arms, sliding up to his biceps. You bit your lip, so hard and toned. For so long you were curious about Val’s body, his sex, his libido. You wondered what he did to Angel to make him so sore and his voice so hoarse. It was embarrassing how many nights you spent thinking about what he tasted like- though now there was no point, you knew now, cigarettes and citrus vodka.
The tips of his fingers traced along your hips, fingering the thin strap of your panties. Your voice grew weak as he nipped again and again at the soft flesh of your stomach. Mind in a daze, words slipped out of your mouth.
“You know, I’m surprised you called me back here…” A kitten-lick across your navel that made you squirm.
“Why’s that Carino? Don’t think you’re pretty enough?” His voice teased.
“I thought you didn’t like women”
“Why would you think that?” He looped his finger around the hip strap again
“Angel.” He snickered.
“Oh Carino, don’t worry. Angel is just the soup D’Jour,” His finger dipped forward along your hip bone, “Men, women; Women, men; all of those sweet things in-between, how could you pick just one?”
“How poignant.” You said with a bit of a flat affect. His waxing-poetic seemed so unimpressive to you. Though, you felt a stab of guilt for thinking so.
“You, Sugar, I just can’t deny,” Val moved his hands up along your torso, stopping just underneath your breasts, “Good tits, nice stomach, pretty face,” his attention went back to your panties, “You coulda been on the cover of Hustler. Hhhnn, maybe I’ll make you the centerfold this month…”
You leaned over him, pressing your face to his. Fuck, his tongue felt so good in your mouth, making your stomach start to knot and squirm. He took your bottom lip between his teeth, making you whine before you pulled away. Placing tiny nips on his neck, you felt the heat in your stomach grow hotter and hotter and turn to slick. You wanted to touch him, feel him, consume him, and be consumed.
Val pulled away for a second, but it felt like forever. He reached into a shallow pocket and produced a button of something. It was a tiny tablet, waxy and fat, and pinched between his two fingers. You wondered what it was, it didn’t look like Oxy. You hoped it was something stronger, desiring the out of body experience you’d been losing since you started to grow tolerant of the opiate.
“You ever play a game of rolling roulette Sugar?” Val asked, you shook your head no.
“You trade the X tongue to tongue, and whoever’s it dissolves on is the lucky winner.” Oh so it was Ecstasy, now that’s good shit.
Val pulled you onto his lap, cupping a breast, “C’mon Baby, let’s go on a trip together…”
That’s all it took.
The tiny pill teetered between both of your tongues as you kissed, growing smaller and smaller and smaller. Val’s spit was thick and sweet and wonderful, something about it making your body go alight with electricity. The X melted so easy, like blue cotton candy; You could feel the serotonin swell in your brain like a party balloon.
When the first roll happened you moaned into Val’s mouth. All of your nerves were standing on edge, shivering with anticipation. He removed your bra, placing a nipple in his mouth as you felt his cock grow harder. It felt so much better than your other highs. The Oxy only ever calmed things, washed them out. The X was so different, so so much better. Everything seemed to shimmer, like the whole world was wrapped in cellophane. How could you think the absence of feeling was so wonderful when this existed?
Your mind was in a twinkly daze when you started to undress him. He kissed and licked at your neck while you felt your way through unbuttoning his top. Fuck, his skin was so smooth and warm; He pressed you closer, teeth bit into your collar bone before dragging his tongue over the marks he left.
You kissed your way down Val’s body. At his chest you lingered, leaving tiny red marks on the trail to his V-line. Valentino’s head lolled back on the couch as you unzipped his cock with all of its dark hair. You put it in your hand, running your thumb over the leaking tip. He swore under his breath as you pumped him slowly, up and down up and down.
The warmth of your tongue dragged along his thick shaft. Your stomach gets a sharp squirm to it, same as your cunt. It’s hard to tell because of the drugs or how sexy Val looks with his legs wide open and his cock needy for your touch. Looking up at him, you’ve never wanted anything more in your life.
His breath hitched when you took him in your mouth. Your tongue twists and swirls around his cock, savoring the feeling of him hitting the back of your throat, making you gag. To try to calm that darling pain between your legs you rubbed your thighs together, but that didn’t help. All it served to do was make your cunt needier. You push his member deeper and deeper into your mouth; You moan into his sex, making him squeeze the palmful of hair he had in his hand tighter.
“You’re so good, Carino.” He says, breathless. You start to suck him faster, blowing and kissing and licking. Val kept sprinkling compliments throughout. It felt so good to be praised by him; All of those sweet things he’d save for everyone else, but never you. You’re so good, you’re so sexy, you take me so well, you’re so pretty, you make me so hard.
“‘M close.” He grabs your hair again, pulling your face in. Feeling devious, you pulled away, savoring the flustered look on his face. Val is huffing, fucked out, and dazed out of his goddamn mind on X.
“You can stand to wait a little longer Valcito~” You nip at the inside of one of his thighs, making his voice hitch into a falsetto. You dragged the tips of your fingers up to his sensitive stomach, mouth leaving a hard bite outline near his ribs. Tracing him was so wonderful, feeling all of those hard edges give into softness. Nursing on his neck, your thumb and forefinger followed his neck muscle and collarbone, dipping into their crevices.
“Valcito~” Your breath was hot against his neck. He mumbled something under his breath and tried to slip his hand into your panties. You caught his wrist and pushed it away, biting hard on his collarbone. You can wait.
Again your mouth found its way south, the want in your cunt becoming more and more painful. You took him in your mouth again, your saliva getting thick and syrupy. Val seized the opportunity and shoved your head down on his cock, chasing the release you denied him. Your teeth grazed his member before pulling away again. Val whined, his eyes pleading. A dark smile grew on your face before you took him again.
He let out a sharp breath and pressed his hands onto your scalp. You went faster, letting the flat of your tongue trace the vein on the underside of his cock. It was fun playing with him like this, having a little control with him for once. Val’s hands tensed in your hair when he warned you he was going to cum.
When he came he wailed, filling your mouth with his salty taste. Looking up at him, you opened your mouth. Val’s thumb traced your bottom lip, admiring his work.
“You look so good like this, Carino.” He huffed.
Pushing yourself from your knees you kissed Val, his seed still in your mouth. That’s all that took to make him go feral. He pulled you to his lap and laid you down, wrapping your legs around him. Without taking his mouth off yours he took his top off, ramming into your needy sex.
Fuck, Val was bigger than you thought he was. His pace was hard and fast, making you scratch your nails into his back. Your kiss tasted like everything good in the world- cum and grapefruit and cigarettes and cotton candy and euphoria. Both of you swallowed, pulling your faces away to catch your breaths. God, you were so wet, Val’s cock slipped in and out of you so easily and it felt so goddamn good. Better than any finger or cock or toy and it made you squeeze him tighter.
You pressed your forehead to his neck, mumbling nonsense. “I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.” Val spat on his fingers and slipped his hands between the two of you. You didn’t know what he was going to do until you felt his wet fingers graze your clit. He got rougher with it once he found it, making you squeal and cum on him.
That didn’t stop Val though, and god did it feel good. He kept fucking you through your release, making you cum another two times. Your legs felt like jelly, body weak and weightless. The X was releasing its last wave of chemical joy as he fucked you, pleasure rippling inside of you. He came inside you, making you sob into his neck. Val pressed you closer to him, whispering in your ear as you felt your release drip out of your cunt.
“You’re so good baby, so good and pretty.” Pleasepleasepleaseplease, say the magic words.
“I love you, you’re my perfect girl, my pretty baby.” You came again.
His thrusts got sloppier and you could tell he was gonna cum again. “Please, please, please, let me be your favorite, I’ll be good, I’ll be good, I’ll be good.” You whimpered.
The anticipation of an orgasm built up, shivering and needy. Val grazed your face and kissed you, “Oh you’re my favorite, baby. My little sullen girl~” He held you closer, savoring the way you squirmed when you came together.
When he was done he stayed inside you. Val pressed his head on the couch beneath you. You traced the scratches you left on his back, feeling your high from the X begin to ebb. Your breath felt so heavy and your mind so fuzzy. That all didn’t matter though, Val wanted you now. He’d been inside you, kissed you, felt you, squeezed you, and couldn’t get enough. He wanted you. So what if it was only for the moment, so what if this meant you could disappoint him, so what if you’re only a place-holder until someone better comes. You’re the favorite.
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currentfications · 11 months
Ocean Eyes | Part 3
Pairing: Bada Lee x Producer!Reader
Synopsis: Latrice bailed on you for dinner, but set you up for a date with Bada instead.
Warning: Swearing, Flirting, Legs
AN: Sorry for the late upload and shorter than expected chapter!! Still trying to get over Monday - will try to upload over the next few days. Thank you to everyone for following along~
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After finally getting the keys to your recording studio, you were overjoyed and decided to take Latrice out for celebratory dinner.
Y/N: Dinner’s on me make yourself available
Latrice: 🤨
Latrice: u tryna poison me again?
Y/N: It was one time Latrice get over it
Latrice: I don’t have comprehensive health insurance here I’m not risking it
Y/N: 🙄 I’m taking you out for dinner
Latrice: Keep talking
Y/N: And I don’t wanna drink alone
Latrice: Wait that’s actually good news I’m so happy for you ahhhh 🥰🥰🥰
Latrice: But still no
Y/N: What why what did I do?
Latrice: Nothing I am busy
Y/N: 🧐
Y/N: Busy?
Y/N: …
Y/N: Waitttttt a damn minute
Y/N: I want a name cunt who tf you linked up with
Y/N: Whatever happened to sharing is caring huh?
Latrice: 👉🏾👈🏾
Y/N: Oh god what have you done
Y/N: Tell me it’s not who I think it is you dumb fucking bitch 😇
Latrice: 🤭
Y/N: Ms. Kabamba 😇
Team BEBE was filming the last bit of reaction segments with Mnet while they were interrupted by a few raps on their door. “Come in!” Lusher greeted her co-captain dance mate in with a hug.
Latrice slowly poked her head through the door, “Hey Bada can I borrow you for a quick second?”
Bada looked up, confused, but walked over nonetheless. “Is everything alright?”
“Calling in a personal favour,” Latrice smiled nervously, “can you go on a dinner tonight?”
“Dinner? Sure!” The choreographer hummed and nodded excitedly, “BEBE with Jam Republic?”
“You and Y/N,” Latrice snickered, “I have a date and had to bail, but she’ll be much much kinder to me if you’d go in my place instead.”
Bada raised an eyebrow and pointed at herself. Perplexed, she sounded a little dumbfounded, “Me? Why?”
Latrice rolled her eyes at the obvious question, “She has a fat celebrity crush on you since she the first episode aired, that’s why. Now please, pretty please with a cherry on top, would you go in my place tonight so she don’t-” Latrice stopped dead as you decided you’ve had enough of her ignoring your text and started calling her instead. Her eyes widen slightly in fear as she turned to the taller dancer. “Bada please I’ll owe you one, I’m so so sorry-” she swiped and picked up your call, “heyyyy Y/N, I was just telling Bada about your dinner plan tonight. She’s super keen! Here you go-”
Latrice palmed the phone to the choreographer like a hot potato, mouthing ‘thank you’ at the blonde.
Dinner with Bada? The sentence hasn’t fully registered in your brain as you begun to rip your high school mate a new one. “Ms. Kabamba,” you uttered with the coldest tone you could muster, a tone that Latrice knows all too well. A tone you only take with her when she knows she’s done something stupid, again.
“Sorry to disappoint,” a familiar voice broke you out of your rant. “Ms. Lee here. I heard we have plans?”
Damnit that cunt, I’ll deal with her later. You quickly composed yourself, “Never a disappointment, love. Any dietary restrictions?” You tried to mitigate your hoarse voice (from screaming ‘CUNNNNTTTTTT’ right before Latrice picked up the phone) and previously harsh tone by being as sweet as possible with your word choice, knowing that phone call rarely - if ever - made you sound more personable.
Love? Your husky delivery had the tall dancer flustered, trying to hide a blush taking form on her cheeks. Bada gulped, hard, and stumbled over her words, “N-no, I’m not picky. Where and when?” She tried to pass it off as cool and nonchalant, but Lusher seemed to have picked up on her change in tone.
“I’ll pick you up when you finish for the day? Latrice gave me their schedule.” Bada hummed over the phone, you can almost see her cute head bop as she does. Okay, dinner with Bada. One-on-one. I can do this, no biggie, fuck. “See you then, Love.”
Latrice gave Bada a parting hug when the call was over, the latter still bewildered by the unexpected call. “Thank you so, so much. You’re a life saver. Have fun later!” She quickly shuffled out the room, shutting the door behind her.
Lusher peaked over the tall dancer’s shoulder, Bada’s cheeks still warm from the conversation. She gasped as the blonde slowly clasped her hands onto her face, letting out a small shriek. “Oh god Bada what was that all about?” The co-captain raised an eyebrow at her leader’s demeanour.
“Lusher, did you bring an extra outfit?” Was the first thing that came out of Bada’s mouth.
Y/N: You’re off the hook
Y/N: For now
Y/N: I will grill you afterwards 😇
Latrice: What a weird way to say thank u but ok
Latrice: ure welcome
When you pulled up in your bike, you did not expect the gorgeous specimen to be walking out the building in a skirt. You gulped and paused for a (significant) moment, marvelling at her (legs). Her hair sat perfectly, framing her face. She smiled and waved at you, walking (omg her legs) over with a small prance (her legs y’all). “Hey, thanks for picking me up.”
“God you look amazing.” After pulling yourself together, you realised a slight problem. “I am so sorry,” you quickly apologised, motioning her skirt (legs), “I did not plan accordingly.”
She chuckled and shook her head, “Don’t worry about these, tights underneath. My hair however, is a different story.”
Relieved, you handed her a helmet with a smile and hopped onto the bike, signalling her to get on. Bada giggled and straddled herself behind you, wrapping her hands around your waist. Both of you were suddenly very grateful for the helmets for keeping you road safe and hiding blushes. “You good?” You did one last check. Bada hummed and gave you a soft squeeze before you both rode off.
Tag list: @bada-lee-ily @lil-elliesgf
275 notes · View notes
But I Shine So Bright - Rafe Cameron x Reader
Dear Reader Duology: Part 1, Part 2
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Summary: You wake up hungover from the previous night’s party, and are struck with the realization of the conversation you’d had with Rafe prior. You decide that, yes, you should actually have that conversation with him sober like he’d suggested. So, that’s what you two do. Word Count: 5.1k+ TWs/CWs: Adult/profane language, she/her pronouns used for reader, brief descriptions of a hangover, OOC Rafe in that he's only a little crazy and is actually willing to admit he was wrong, unrealistically fast relationship re-establishment, Rafe still wants to kill that guy lol, bad example of a healthy relationship but hi this is Rafe be so for real here, Rafe obviously has pretty privilege Note: Yeah so I just decided to do the part 2 lmao so here she is. And now it has me thinking Thoughts about doing more Dear Reader inspired fics for OBX babes...like a Dear Reader duology collection sounds like a fun little project hehehe
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Waking up was more painful than you’d anticipated. When you’d gone out, you never intended to get that drunk. Decidedly, you’d drank more than you had in a long while. A stupid choice all around, but especially stupid considering you didn’t have the built-in protection of…him anymore. Your girlfriends had dutifully tried to slow you down, but you didn’t listen to them.
Fuck’s sake, even his friends had tried to stop you. To be fair, they’d been more successful. Yes, the first memory you woke up to was Topper and Kelce, your ex-boyfriend’s best friends, stopping you from doing a fucking keg stand. And that was just something special considering you knew damn well that you’d been wearing a skirt with nothing underneath. So clearly your night had been just full of good choices.
“God,” you groaned, rolling over on your side. Your eyes landed on a water bottle on the side of your bed. You blinked once, twice, a third time, and then lurched up into a sitting position. “Shit.” While the sudden movement made you nauseous for a moment, you managed to resist the urge to vomit. You scrambled for your phone. It was noon already. Fuck. You saw that a group chat with your friends had blown up and you had a slew of other texts.
Where the hell did you go?
Why did Topper come tell us that fucking RAFE took you home??
Hello?? Girl what the hell are you thinking?
You better call us and tell us that you’re safe.
Dude you better not fucking sleep with him I swear to God I am SO serious.
Be like Dua Lipa and remember the new rules bitch.
Be safe I swear to GOD bestie I’ll fuck you up if you get hurt.
If you fuck him you better not let him hit raw.
BYE don’t let him hit AT ALL.
“Shit,” you hissed.
You’d thought you’d had a dream that Rafe had been the one taking care of you. A pleasant dream minus the blubbering you’d been doing. But no. It turns out you actually had been blubbering on him. On the ex who left you for no reason and with no discernible guilt outwardly shown. This just had to be a joke. It had to be. The pit in your stomach wasn’t from the aggressive hangover, it was literally just the dread that had an iron grip on you. Looking down at your phone again, you saw a text from Kelce of all fucking people too.
Lmao I know you’re gonna be hurting this morning but let me or Top know if Rafe did anything stupid yesterday and we’ll beat the shit out of him fr.
You couldn’t help but let out a high-pitched, borderline hysterical laugh at the very idea. You run a hand down your face, grateful that Rafe had forced you to take the makeup off the night before. You felt sick and awful and still somehow better than you had before. It was pathetic somehow, on some level, that spending even an hour with Rafe had the ability to make you feel so much better and so much worse all at once. So, with trembling hands, you made a move to answer.
First, to your friends.
Not yall acting like you don’t have my location. I got home safe. Nothing happened fuck off.
You then immediately silenced the group chat so you wouldn’t have to deal with it. You looked at Kelce’s and cringed, letting your fingers move.
Yeah definitely got a hellish hungover. Thanks for keeping me from doing a keg stand like a dumbass last night btw? Idk what the fuck that was about. And nah, Rafe didn’t do anything. Even if he did you wouldn’t win that fight, Kelce, be so fr lol.
The response from him came quickly.
Ah, she lives. Well, you didn’t choke on your vomit so that’s good. And hurtful, I could definitely beat him.
You rolled your eyes.
Yeah, maybe if he were tied to a chair bro. But fr, thank you for helping me out. Thank Top too for me btw.
The response took longer this time. And was punctuated by an immediate follow-up.
Course. I’ll let him know. You’re still our friend. We weren’t gonna let you get that messed up.
You should talk to your boy though. Let him know you’re good. Pretty sure he’s worried about you.
You bit your lip. Instead of replying, you instead closed that text thread and looked back to the rest of your messages. But, you were thrown for a loop when you saw Rafe’s name appearing at the top, texting you just now. You weren’t proud of it, but you had to throw yourself from your bed and empty your stomach. You blamed the hangover, but you also knew that the anxiety of facing him after the night before was nerve-wracking enough to be the culprit alone.
Once you finally cleaned yourself up, you felt a bit more human again. Only then did you return to your phone. You stared at it for a few minutes before even daring to pick it up. Then, you stared at your background - still a picture of you and Rafe, one where his smile was so big from a laugh that it crinkled the corners of his eyes and you had buried your face in his neck while also laughing. You hated that you hadn’t changed it yet, but every single time you tried to, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You put the phone down again.
Sighing, you reached over and grabbed the water bottle he had left you. Then you noticed he’d also left out some meds for you to take. Not letting yourself think about it or the way it turned your stomach, you took the pills and drank the water completely before letting yourself even think about your phone again. At least that was the lie you spun yourself, ignoring the way that the stupid piece of technology wove through every thought and every damn breath you took.
In an effort to pretend like that wasn’t true, you walked down to your kitchen and got a Liquid I.V. knowing damn well that Rafe would be telling you to if he were here. And, yeah, even now, the little things he did to show he cared still stuck to your bones. You hated it. Or, at least you hated that he wasn’t actually here. Some days it was hard to tell which was true and which was the lie. You wanted him, you didn’t, you wanted him, you didn’t. You definitely did—that was the truth and you knew it.
Steeling yourself, you eventually went back upstairs and picked your phone back up. Clicking Rafe’s name, you were fully prepared to ignore whatever the message was like you knew you should if you were going to get over him. But somehow, you could feel the familiar love and affection punching you in the gut.
Take the pills I left. Drink some liquid iv or whatever if you have it. Don’t forget to eat.
You inhaled shakily, thinking if you should even respond or not, worrying at your lip and tapping your fingers anxiously against your knee. But, as you did, another text came through from him.
Lmk if you need anything.
Short, sweet, and to the point.
You, your brain supplied unhelpfully. I just fucking need you.
You thought about the night before. About the words he said. About the stark honesty in his voice that you hadn’t heard in months from him. You thought about the simple promise he made. He said that you could talk about it when you were sober if you still wanted to. Did you want to? Yes. So, before you could talk yourself out of it, you clicked his contact to call him and brought the phone to your ear.
“You okay?” were the words that Rafe greeted you with. Not hello. Just concern.
“I…yeah. I’m fine,” you said when your brain finally caught up with you again. “I…thanks for getting me home. You know, and everything else too,” You paused for a moment, finishing with, “You really didn’t have to do all that.”
“Of course I did,” Rafe said, sounding surprisingly serious. “I’d never leave you like that. Ever.”
“I’m sorry I was such a mess,” you said, reflexively apologizing. “And sorry I was like…pawing at you like some animal.”
Rafe let out a dry sort of chuckle that betrayed he was at least slightly amused by some of your antics the night prior. It made your heart flutter, which just felt utterly ridiculous. He made a noncommittal noise. “I just wanted to make sure you, you know, were good.”
“No. Seriously, I can’t imagine how much worse that would’ve gotten without you there. So really, uh, thanks. I was…not thinking last night obviously,” you said. There was a pregnant pause over the phone and you realized how that sounded. “I mean I, like, really don’t drink that much!” You were rushing to clarify, anxious to make sure that Rafe knew you didn’t mean your conversation with him. “I seriously don’t even know how much I drank. I’m lucky I didn’t, like, die in my sleep.”
“I’ve seen you worse,” he said flatly. “You’d have been fine.”
“That’s when I had you, though,” you pointed out before you could stop yourself. You heard Rafe inhale sharply, saying your name but you cut him off. “Did you mean what you said?”
Rafe paused. “What?” he asked cautiously.
“That we can actually talk,” you clarified.
“Are you not too hungover for this?” Rafe asked, sounding tired already.
“No,” you said bluntly. “I want to talk to you.” You huffed out a sigh. “Rafe, I need to talk to you.”
You heard him let out a sigh of his own. “Yeah,” he said. “I know.”
“I want to do it in person,” you said, willing to push your luck here. “I don’t want to do this on the phone. I want to see your face so I know if you’re lying to me.”
Rafe gave a similar sort of dry chuckle to before. “Have never lied to you, Princess, but sure. Fine. Today?” he asked shortly.
“Yes,” you agreed. “Today. I think waiting two months was long enough.” Rafe didn’t rise to the bait, which you were partially glad for and partially disappointed by. “How about we meet at the country club at like…six?”
“You want to do this in front of people?” Rafe asked, surprised.
“No. We’ll go down to the beach. Just easier to meet there,” you said vaguely.
The reality was the country club gave you a way to chicken out last minute that the beach didn’t. At the country club, you could hide in a bathroom. On the beach, unless you were planning on drowning yourself or burying yourself in the sand you were stuck with him.
“Okay, Gorgeous,” he said lazily, the nickname slipping easily from his tongue. “Do you want me to pick you up or…”
“I’m good,” you denied. “I’ll get there.”
“See you later then,” he said.
“Okay. See you,” you said, hurriedly hanging up before you said something stupid like I love you or just tell me now why you left me.
You spent the next few hours panicking about what you’d just done, torn between hating yourself for making that choice and being relieved that it was finally happening. You gave all of your friends in your group chat a short version of your plan. You were met with a mixture of approval and disapproval from everyone—mostly born of a desire to make sure that you were alright. They offered to come and do recon so you’d have an easy out, but you denied the need. Then, they offered to come and slash his truck tires, which you declined just like you had the first hundred times they’d offered over the past two months. After that, they settled and just insisted that you text them an update later to let them know what was going on. It was easy enough to agree to.
You make your way to the country club a little bit before six and were shocked to see Rafe already waiting there. He was sitting at the bar, knee bouncing with anxiety, tapping at an empty glass in front of him. His eyes met yours, and just for a moment, you froze in place. Slowly, you drifted over to his side and were pleasantly surprised to see that he appeared entirely sober.
“Hey,” he greeted when you found words hard to formulate.
“Hi, Rafe,” you replied after a few breaths.
He looked you up and down, an undercurrent of amusement passing through his eyes. “I’d ask if you want a drink but I have a feeling that you’d rather swallow a bucket of sand right now,” he said.
You nodded, grimacing. “Pretty much,” you confirmed. You glanced towards the door. “Wanna…go?”
God, how could this be so fucking awkward? you asked yourself. This was the man you fell in love with and knew like the back of your hand and still somehow this was wildly uncomfortable like you didn’t know each other at all.
Rafe nodded slowly, rising to his feet. He gestured for you to go first, eyes habitually roaming around the room. They landed on the guy who had been touching you the night before at the party, gross hand on your leg as if he had any form of claim to you. Rafe felt his blood boiling for a moment and had to resist the urge to go and pummel the guy’s face in. It was hard for him, at least until the guy looked over, noticing Rafe. Immediately, the creep paled to a near-ghostly white shade. Satisfied by the obvious fear, Rafe offered the guy a condescending smile, with a harsh edge to it, teeth set. He put his hand on the small of your back as you walked, guiding you forward and opening the door for you as he went. As he passed through, his eyes did not separate from the guy’s until you had exited. The message was clear, even though you hadn’t even noticed the interaction at all.
She is Rafe Cameron’s, she is not available.
As you started to walk down to the beach, almost immediately, Rafe began to feel guilty for thinking that. He’d already done enough to hurt you in his eyes. But, then again, he couldn’t deny the part of him that desperately did want a second chance to reach that famous happy end. The kind that he knew only you could give him. The kind that only came with you beside him. No, he couldn’t ignore that part of him. It made up most of him. And he knew that it made up most of you too. And that was the part that made him loathe himself all the more.
On and on down the beach the pair of you walked, alternating between a few feet and barely a few inches between you. The silence continued on until you realized you didn’t even know how to approach this conversation. You sighed, stopping in your trek, evidently having decided you were far enough from other people to have this conversation now. 
“I don’t know how to even start this,” you admitted quietly. “I miss you. I meant that. I meant everything I said last night except that I hate you. I don’t. I wish I could, sometimes. But I don’t. I love you. And…and last night you said that you loved me too, still.”
“I do,” he said, shrugging, then setting his jaw to shut himself up.
“Then why are we doing this? When we love each other and we both want to be together? Why?” you asked, the words simple but desperate.
“You’re better off without me,” Rafe said, staring at the horizon, refusing to look at you.
“I’m not,” you denied. “And you’re not better without me either. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that either.” He’d been spending an egregious amount of his time high or wasted since your break up and it was impossible not to notice. Rafe glanced down at you and then back out over the water. The sky above you was morphing from its crystalline blue to the golden hues that promised night was coming soon. “I think we’re past lying to ourselves about that, don’t you? Or at least we should be.”
“I know that I’m not. But you are,” he reiterated. “I’m…an absolute fuck up. And I am only going to drag you down. That is all that I will ever be good for. You may not get that now. But you will.” He sighed and looked over at you. “I’m trying to do the right thing here, Princess.”
“Well look at that, wrong as usual,” you muttered, shaking your head. “You’re not any of that! You’re not a fuck up. You’re not going to drag me down. You are…” You gesticulated wildly, trying to have your brain magically summon the words to describe how you felt. You settled for shaking your head and gesturing around you. “You’re like a…like a fucking beacon or something.”
Rafe snorted. “Fuck me, if you think I’m some sort of guiding light you’ve lost it, Princess,” he said sharply. “I’m literally the opposite of that. I don’t…I don’t help people. I just hurt them.” He gestured towards you. “Look at my family. Look at my friends. Dragged them all down. And…I mean, just look at you. How could you think that I’m anything good anymore?” He shook his head. “No, just…no. I’m not.”
You groaned. “Stop talking about yourself like you’re some hideous monster that has to hide in the dark,” you insisted, voice growing louder. “You’re not. You’re just a man! That’s it! A fucking stupid man, who I love more than anything…who I hate to see tearing himself apart like he does. An absolutely idiotic man who I miss so much it hurts to wake up in the morning.” You deflated, shoulders slumping, and this time you were the one looking out over the water while Rafe stared intently at you. “I’m not better off without you.” From the corner of your eye, you saw Rafe’s hand run over the bottom half of his face while he shook his head. You saw him bring his hand towards his lips and your head whipped over to look at him. “Don’t bite your damn nails, when was the last time you washed your hands? You’ve touched doors and railings! This is a public beach!”
It was like a bubble of tension cracked at that and Rafe laughed. Honest to God laughed. Laughed like you hadn’t heard in months from him. Laughed in a way that made your heart flutter and your lips turn up. The laugh kept going like he couldn’t stop it, and before you knew it you were chuckling yourself, which morphed into a hysterical laugh. You swatted at his arm in the midst of your laugh, but he caught your hand and held it. After a few moments longer, you both stared at each other, calming down. His easy smile and the crinkle of his eyes disappeared, replaced by a frown and concern.
“You…you should really find another guiding light if that’s what you’re looking for. A real beacon. Someone you can count on,” he said.
“Rafe,” you said seriously, taking a step closer to him. “Look at me.” He sighed but met your eyes. You squeezed your still-joined hands and he looked down as if he’d forgotten you were even touching. “You kept me from making myself look like an idiot last night. You got me home when I actively was trying to make it difficult. You held me until I fell asleep. You owed me nothing and you did that. I didn’t even have to ask you to, fuck I didn’t even want you to be there, but you knew what was good for me. And you left out water and pills and then texted me in the morning.” You let out a short, weak laugh. “I don’t think that I can count on someone else more than you.” He looked at you as if to say your name without having to actually speak it and you rolled your eyes. “Tell me something. How often do you get second chances in life?”
Rafe looked away, tongue running over his cheek, and then he looked back. “More than I deserve,” he said shortly.
Again, you rolled your eyes. “Stop being a self-sacrificial bitch for a second,” you said. He looked at you, scandalized and you had to resist the urge to laugh, soldiering on with your point. “Tell me, without the shit, how often you get second chances in life for something that you really want?” 
“I don’t,” Rafe said after a moment.
“And yet here I am. And I know that you still want to be together. And I am trying to give us a second chance. Why are you trying to refuse it?” you demanded.
“Because you actually are a fucking beacon of light,” he snapped, hand flexing like he was about to squeeze yours but stopped himself. “And I don’t want to…to fucking ruin that. I would never forgive myself if I ruined you. If I…made that fucking light go out? No, I’d never forgive myself. And I don’t want to risk you like that. Ever. And considering I’m this fucking black hole of bullshit…that is definitely risking it.”
His words resonated as if they were a tuning fork that struck and vibrated at the exact frequency of your very soul. He sighed and let go of your hand. In your shock, you let him. He moved away a few steps and paced back and forth. This time, when he brought his nails to his lips, you didn’t speak for a moment. You saw the glint of tears in his eyes and you didn’t know if they were from frustration or from sadness—both most likely.
Your brain caught up with you after a few moments of just staring at him. You walked forward and took his hand away from his mouth, moving your hands to rest behind his neck, forcing him to stop moving. Reflexively, his hands landed on your hips, holding you rather firmly to ground himself. You played with the ends of his hair, waiting for him to measure his breath once more and meet your eyes with his own.
“You’re not a black hole, idiot,” you said fondly. “You are not an irredeemable monster. You’re just scared.”
Rafe’s jaw clenched and he looked away, then back again. “I’m not fucking scared. But if I were, Princess? It’d be for good reason,” he said. “I have a lot to lose if I keep fucking up.”
“Everyone does,” you pointed out. You moved one hand to cup his cheek. “For now, if you think that I’m some mythical fucking beacon of light, then let me do it for both of us…be it.” He shook his head, blinking away tears he didn’t want to fall. “Rafe…I can handle you being stupid. I can handle your fuck ups. I have this long. What I can’t handle is losing you.” He was silent and you shrugged. “Look at me and tell me that if I walked away right now and started dating someone else you’d be okay with that.”
His eyes snapped back to you, visibly disturbed and angry. “Fuck no,” he admitted, practically spitting the words out.
“Exactly,” you said softly. His hands moved slowly to wrap around your waist more, no longer just resting on your waist. “I know that there are things we have to work on. Believe me. But we make sense. We work together. Let’s try again, Rafe.” You took a deep, shaky breath. “If you tell me you don’t love me. If you don’t want this…I’ll walk away. I won’t bring this up…won’t bother you again.”
“No,” Rafe said immediately, more firmly than even the last time. “I do love you, of course I fucking do. And yes I want you.” His voice almost immediately became choked up. “I want us. I just…”
“Are the words you’re looking for ‘am scared?’” you suggested.
“No,” he denied, using what was obviously his new favorite word once more. “Not scared. Just…hesitant to risk hurting you.”
You gave him a flat look. “Rafe, is loving me worth the risk of me hurting you?” you asked.
“Yes,” he said. “I don’t care if you hurt me.”
“So then why can I not feel the same way about you?” you demanded. “It’s worth the risk. So let’s take it.”
“You’re more important than me,” he murmured, leaning your foreheads together, initiating the touch he obviously desperately craved.
The noise that escaped you was somewhere between a scoff and a snort. “That’s the dumbest thing you have ever said to me,” you declared. “And you told me that for two years you didn’t believe that dinosaurs were real.”
Rafe laughed, weak but true and a sweet sound to your ears. As he did so, he pulled back just enough that your eyes were able to meet. “I was a child,” he defended, a tiny smile on his lips.
“You were twelve,” you corrected. “You started high school not believing that dinosaurs existed. You had to take an earth science class to realize that fossils were real.”
Turning his head, Rafe moved one of his hands to your face, holding your cheek, just like you were doing to him. “Can I kiss you to stop you from making fun of me again?” he asked softly, eyes darting down to your lips and then back up. “Or is it too soon to tell you to shut up without being an ass?”
You smirked. “Don’t worry. I know you’re an ass,” you said, leaning forward.
He met you halfway, your lips brushing together. The kiss was soft at first, sweet and featherlight as if trying to ascertain if it was really happening. That didn’t last for very long though. Quickly, Rafe’s grip on you tightened and he pulled you closer and deepened the kiss. You happily let him take the lead, letting your hands travel to the back of his neck again, longing to just sink into his embrace. When you broke apart, you both were breathing unevenly, looking at each other with vulnerable gazes.
“I missed you,” you said, voice strangely shy considering who you were talking to and how well you knew him—not to mention the fact that his tongue had been practically down your throat moments earlier.
“I love you,” Rafe said. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead that lingered, then tipped your chin up to meet his gaze, his other hand keeping you pressed firmly to his body. “You gonna be my girl again, Gorgeous?”
Even though you rolled your eyes, your smile gave you away. “I never really stopped, did I?” you posed.
He hummed, half-frown on his face, and shrugged. “Dunno,” he admitted.
“I didn’t,” you said, wanting to wipe away the insecurity from him in one assurance even though you knew you couldn’t. “I never stopped. And, for the record, I love you too. Even though you’re a jackass.” You paused. “And a little bit on the stupid side.”
Rafe’s lips cracked back into a smile that grew into something far more relaxed. “Well that’s good to know,” he murmured. 
“You just have pretty privilege is all,” you murmured quietly, voice serious despite the words being joking. You looked at him as though you feared he might disappear. 
He stroked your cheek, wiping away a stray tear you hadn’t realized fell, and then reluctantly pulled away from you, forcing his hands into his pockets to keep from touching you. “We have a lot to talk about.”
“We do,” you confirmed. You offered him your hand. “Wanna go get something to eat and actually, you know, do that?”
Immediately, his hand was out of his pocket, and his fingers were laced with yours. “Yeah, Princess, I do,” he agreed. “Let’s go before it gets dark.”
“How could it get dark when I shine so bright as our beacon?” you asked, teasing, grabbing his arm with your free hand and squeezing it in a half-hug.
“Jesus Christ you’re lucky that you’re so damn easy to love,” Rafe said laughing. He pulled you closer, letting go of your hand in favor of throwing his arm over your shoulder. He pressed a kiss to your temple, lips lingering, his voice going serious this time. “I love you.”
“I know you do,” you assured him. “I love you too.” He nodded, still not moving away yet. “Come on, Cameron. Let’s get a move on here. You’ll be thrilled to know that I didn’t listen to you and drink or eat much of anything today, so I am desperately in need of water or something.”
Rafe groaned. “Of course you didn’t,” he said dryly. “Come on, can’t let my girl stay dehydrated or hungry.”
With that, he started pulling you back up the beach towards the country club. And, in the back of your mind, even with the lingering uncertainty and unsaid words, you felt better than you had in what felt like an eternity. You stared at Rafe’s face—your Rafe, your stupid, sweet, annoying, perfect boyfriend—as the golden hour’s light hit him. The angelic glow that it cast on his infuriatingly perfect face was always breathtaking. But, something about him at this moment, after being so vulnerable and honest, struck you differently. You took your phone out and snapped a picture of him before he could notice or refuse and smiled down at it, ignoring the delayed groan when Rafe realized you’d already captured it.
“Come on, Gorgeous,” he complained.
“Sorry, I just had to capture the day Rafe Cameron admitted he was wrong. It’s a historical event,” you said, grinning, sending the picture to your friend before turning the phone off wanting to focus only on him.
He rolled his eyes at the jab, but you were pleased to see the way that his lips twitched up in an amused smile. The sight lightened your heart and made your lips stretch into a wider version of your own smile you’d already been sporting. And in the slowly fading light of day, there were only two things that you were certain of.
Rafe didn’t give himself nearly enough credit.
You weren’t going to make the same mistake as him.
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Taglist: @joselyn001 @caughtinthetides @proactivetypaperson @abbybarnesstuff @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @fangirlfree @antagonize-me-motherfucker
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clovenhoofedjester · 7 months
jellicle lineups; part 2/4
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rumpleteazer | 💰 🍹 🃏
PIGTAILS RUMP! PASTEL RUMP. blond rump. that is all. i really love that design. so i use it. the face markings are also meant to look like a stereotypical robber mask. i realized she looks a little fox-like while drawing her, which i didnt mind ! its fun !
her clothing design was already laid out for her so i left it virtually unchanged, asides from the pattern itself. imagine wearing clothes w a print of your best friends hair . that is rumpleteazer
even though 1 of her 3 words are impressionable, i think she is smarter than she lets on. i also think skimbleshanks is her dad. she'd be about 21 in human years
mungojerrie | 💸 🎰 🍾
PIGTAILS JERRIE AS WELL, BITCH ! i saw a jerrie w pigtails after i drew this and i felt so vindicated. i also based his design directly on 2019 mungojerrie because ommgggg transgender calico? trans little calico? i thought he deserved some pearls too. as well as a bell collar! it makes cats sneakier.
his clothing design is left unchanged too, asides from some fluff. he is also wearing a print of his best friends hair . smile 😃
hes just a funny fella. he totally doesnt have a history or anything. hed be 21 in human years
coricopat | 🍷 🔮 ♟
coricopat is pretty close to their replica design—the biggest difference being that the red in their design is warmer/purpler. that and the silver collar! i also had no idea what i was doing with her fit, so expect it to change in the upcoming art i do of him. i just wanted something gothy and flowy
hes also based on thalia, the muse of comedy. to keep the greek mythology theme going, and because i thought it was funny, and because (2x) i like... The Gimmick
i swear to god this cat knows things we dont. hed be like 22 in human years
tantomile | 🎭 🍩 🗝
tantomile is also close to his replica design. she has a gold collar. like i said w/ coricopat, the outfit is subject to change
as she was based on melpomene, the muse of tragedy, i decided to sacrifice identical makeup for the white mark on their muzzle being downturned like the frown of the tragedy mask :] giggle. smile
listen to all advice tantomile gives you. shed be also like 22 in human years
george | 🥏 🧋 🛹
i just had to give this (technical) swing some love. bless this happy background cat and his little :D smile. i decided to give him a simple little fit and made his fur/markings less plain white w some stripes. i think i also based his makeup off a victor costume ??
i think hes pouncival's older brother. hed also be 23 in human years
mr. mistoffelees | 🪄 ☕ 🌬
my silly, my funny. my little guy. i based their general Vibe on his john napier concept art, obc mistoffelees, 1990 paris mistoffelees, 2019 mistoffelees, and like. a fairys kiss of brentoffelees. i wish id have given him a bit of that il sistina style but i already had so many things going on LOL
it was definitely a very fun challenge to balance all of these. i also draw attention to the single white shoe—the cutest detail of timmy scotts misto
i definitely prefer a more visually unnerving, grown misto. and absolutely torn between portraying him as mute or verbal because on one hand... mute misto is so good. on the other hand.... oh my god. timothy scotts voice.jesus christ . i think hed be 23 in human years
the rum tum tugger | 🎤 🍽 🪞
WELCOME TO MY TWISTED WORLD. i really tried to keep tugger as cis guys i really did. but the thrall of a visually transgender tugger was too much to ignore. i already explained a lot of his design choices in my first posted drawing of it but like... blauhh... thigh garter, heart, golden whiskers/lashes. they are there. i also made his makeup a wee more theatrical w/ white on the chin to visually separate him from partridges tugger
i also decided to base his fur more on his obc design. like. terrence mann tugger. platinum blond spotted mane and head fur and such. i think it looks really good
im trying to hit the sweet spot between the goofy/serious/whiny/promiscuous portrayals of the him..... the man contains multitudes, you see. hed also be like 24 in human years and it goes without saying that hes one of deuts sons
AND THATS IT. stay tuned for more !
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babygirlispunk · 1 year
Summer Fling - PART TWO
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Pedro Pascal x f!Reader
Summary: lady luck is on your side on a night out with your friends and a chance encounter fuelled by liquid courage giving you a sense of DeJa'Vu.
Warnings: 18+, age gap, alcohol consumption, mentions of hard drugs (reader not consuming), a forced kiss (not from ped), swearing and female degrading words.
Word count: 3.2k
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It had been two weeks since New Years. You still couldn't believe what had happened, that you had your New Years kiss with him. You play over and over again how intense it was. The feeling of his lips, nose, hands and body imprinted on your brain. His taste, his smell, those eyes...
You tried not to become obsessive over it but it was hard when you had never experience a kiss like that before. Something so simple but now your expectations had risen tenfold.
The kicker was that you had even made it onto celebrity news briefly, solidifying that it really happened. Turns out there were some people in the crowd that had taken pictures and videos of you and Pedro but to your luck you were unidentifiable and didn't have to deal with any online harassment.
Not wanting to upset yourself you didn't read the comments and gossip articles, knowing the internet can be cruel. Though Syria did take it on for herself to read some and show you the nice ones. For the most part people were just curious about who you were, if you and Pedro had any history and a lot speculation about your age.
Despite being in your later 20's, there was some people bashing Pedro for getting with someone much younger than him. It annoyed you a little. There may have been a 20 or so year age gap, you were both adults having a harmless fun pash. Hopefully this wouldn't put a stain on his career.
"These girls acting like they wouldn't be over the moon if they were in your positions." Syria reassures you. "I literally seen a 14 years old thirsting over him. 14. Years. Old!"
You chuckle at her frustration. "Who cares, they'll forget about the whole thing in a couple days."
"He's still in Australia, by the way...." she sing songs.
"Have you been stalking him?"
"Someone's got to." she shrugs and you give her a playful shove on the shoulder. "There's always a chance you could bump into him again."
Rolling your eyes, you get back to your show on the TV and Syria continues scrolling through her phone.
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The weekend had rolled around and your friendship group has a night out planned. You all meet up in the CBD and make your way together to a hidden rooftop bar that you all frequent. It's popular enough that there's a good amount of people but low key enough that you're not packed like sardines.
it's edging close to 9pm and the sun is setting over the horizon. Lingering heat from the summer sun is simmering in the air and you thank yourself for choosing to wear a simple, short, halter neck dress and a pair of heel boots while dancing along with the live DJ.
Double parked with glasses of your favourite alcohol, taking sips of each as they spill a bit while you move along with the music and getting buzzed. You're giggling and smiling ear to ear with Syria and Nicola as the dawning sky turns to night.
"Shots, we need shots!" shouts Syria running over to the bar followed by Nicola. You follow suit chugging the last of your two drinks so you can join in with the shots.
You place your empty glasses on the bar and watch as the bar tender pours into the shot glasses for your group. You focus on the bottle and see the bold 'Vodka' text written on the bottle's label and begin contemplating whether you are willing for the night to turn wild or not. Though Nicola doesn't give you a choice and shoves the glass into your hand.
'Cin cin' is chanted out in your group and you all simultaneously throw your heads back, swallowing it whole. Another glass is shoved into your hand.
"Cin cin!"
Another gulp and you feel your throat burning followed by the warming sensation travelling down your chest.
"God that's awful" coughs out Nicola, her face screwed up and disgusted from the vodka.
"Gets the job done quicker and cheaper." Syria calls out.
As everyone hangs around chatting loudly over the music, you feel a soft brush rubs along your back and something familiar invades your senses. A scent. That sweet musky scent. Where have you smelt that before? You try to focus on the familiarity but the Vodka is working its way to your brain quicker than you can comprehend.
Before you can look around your hand is snatched by Syria, Nicola and a few other girls as they lead you back on to the dance floor. The more you move the more you feel the mixed alcohol taking effect over your body. The girls are all dancing close together, hanging off each other and sharing affectionate hugs and kisses on the cheek as you drunkenly announce your love for each other. You know your group is gathering some attention, like second nature you can feel eyes burning into you no matter what state of mind you are in. Feeling a little on edge.
Some guys close in on your friends just as you feel a pair of hands slither their way onto your waist. It feels icky and you can feel your body stiffening.
You spin around to see some guy with blonde hair around your age giving you a sloppy smirk. Through blurry vision you see his blue eyes but his iris's are blown out. Without much warning he goes down to kiss you, taking you by surprise as your eyes stay open in shock. His grip hardens on your waist and forces his tongue into your mouth, pressing his face into yours and that's when you can taste it. Whatever drug he had can consumed chars your mouth and the vile taste makes you want to vomit.
Placing your hands on his shoulders, you firmly push him off you releasing the kiss he looks at you dumbfounded.
"What the fuck man?" you almost spit out the words as the taste lingers and you wipe his saliva from your mouth. "You taste like shit!"
"Its just coke you bitch." his words are slurred.
All you can do is give him your most confused and disgusted face till he turns around and walks off with his mate towards to the toilet, probably off to have another bump. You check on your friends and they seem to be more successful with their hook ups.
Eager to be rid of the bitter taste you get to the bar and order a water and chug it but is useless. You order another drink along with another shot of vodka instead in hope the alcohol can burn the taste away. Another body joins next to you as you wait for your drink to be made. You peer in your peripheral vision to make sure its not the same guy but you see brunette hair and internally sigh in relief.
He orders a drink as well, waiting beside you.
"Hey there." The guy next to you says in an American accent.
You turn your attention to him, everything a blur you only just make out a nice side smile accompanied by a dimple on his right cheek. His energy was different right off the bat, much calmer and nicer, but you couldn't be bothered with a potential repeat like before.
Your drinks is placed in front of you, tapping your card to pay, sculling the shot and lever yourself off the bar. "Sorry not interested."
Drink in hand, you head towards an empty booth to catch a breather. As you pass the guy, your nose is again engulfed by that smell. He must've been the one who passed you earlier. Not thinking much of it other than just a guy with nice cologne you plop yourself down on the seat to people watch. Well the best you could in your state and in dim lighting.
Sipping your drink and looking around, but like a sniffer dog following a scent hot on its trail, your eyes fall back on the intoxicatingly good smelling guy. He moved his way on to a table, sitting on a stool talking to his friend across him. His blurry silhouette starts to become more detailed the more you stare at him.
The messy brown hair, the glasses, puppy eyes, hooked nose, pouty lip... firm arms...
(Highly recommend listening to Glue - BICEP for the next part, for the vibe and bonus points if you listen to the Nelly Furtado remix *chefs kiss*)
The brunette peers your way mid conversation and you lock eyes. You're not sure if its the weighty bass of the song the DJ is playing that makes your heart beat heavy, the sweat from the hot summer air causing goosebumps to form along your skin or the buzz of alcohol but you feel a lightheaded-ness consume you as realisation sets in.
And judging by his face, a subtle eyebrow raise and a cheeky smile he's trying to hold back, he knows you realised too.
You scull the rest of your drink for that last bit of liquid courage, jump out of your chair and bee line to Pedro, his eyes never leaving you.
"Actually I'm very interested. Wanna dance?" you blurt out and shove your hand out for him to grab, slightly embarrassed that was the first thing you could think of saying to him and his friend giggles near by. But that embarrassment quickly subsides as he smiles wide, making his eye crinkle slightly.
"I'd love to dance." He excuses himself to his friend and they nod back. Placing his hand, entwining your fingers together it sends an electrical jolt through you that makes you inhale deep.
You lead the way to the dance floor gently pushing your way through people to get to the middle. You swivel on your heel to face him and a sense of DeJa'Vu overwhelms you. The loud bass-y music pounding around you, the crowded space, eyes locked and your crazy beating heart, you're almost frozen on the spot because you can't believe this is happening again. Like as if you've dreamed up this fantasy to relive the euphoric feeling that was New Years Eve.
Pedro starts dancing to encourage you out of your frozen state. He starts bouncing and flailing his hands around making you giggle and you start to dance more rhythmically. He looked goofy but you really appreciated his self-confidence to not care how he was dancing.
Dance lights are flashing rapidly making it look like everything is in slow motion and as your moving around you can really feel all the alcohol you had consumed, warming you up and giving you a new sense of confidence and cheekiness. Pedro starts moving more rhythmically and grabs your hands, bringing them to his mouth and kisses them.
Letting the music take over you both, like magnets, you're pulled together connecting bodies once again intensifying the vibe and the yearning at your core. His hands pull yours around his back so you're hugging him and his placed his arms around your neck. As he leans in for the kiss, you take the opportunity to be playful.
Turning around but not losing the space between you two, you lean your back on him. You keep dancing but purposefully rub your ass against him and his hands are quick to slide down your arms onto your waist firmly flushing his body to yours as you feel something growing against your backside.
Pedro dips his head into the crook of your neck, planting kisses along it making you rest your head on him, staring at the starry sky. He moans your name into your ear and lowers his left hand to the hem of your dress, circling your upper thigh, building a pulse down below and making you hum excitedly.
The fact he remembered not just your face but your name as well made you want you to kiss him so bad but you were having to much fun playing with him and instead pressed harder against him.
"Mierda.." he breathes out and nips at the skin of your neck, sliding his righthand from your hip to your breast and groping a hand full. "Putting on a show for your friends are we?"
Your eyes snap forward not realising how into it you were to see Syria and Nicola and a few other friends a little ways ahead of you. Most look confused but Syria is excitedly throwing a double thumbs at you with a cheesiest smile her cheeks can handle and mouthing 'get in' to you.
You burst out laughing, maybe a little too hard, struggling to keep control of yourself and nearly toppling over. Maybe you shouldn't have had that last drink.
"Why don't we take a break, get some air. I think that alcohol is catching up to you." He hooks an arm around you for balance and leads you away from the dance floor back to the high table.
He places himself on the stool and gestures you to stand between his legs and you follow. Head heavy and dizzy you slump your forehead in his neck and nuzzle in, inhaling a deep breathe of his scent. You are met with a warm embrace as he wraps his arms around you and you feel like you could fall asleep right then and there.
"I didn't think I'd see you again."
You slowly raise your head up to look at him through heavy lids. "Me either... Honestly I didn't believe it happened untill seeing myself plastered on the internet."
"I hope you didn't read what they had to say." he looks at you a little worried, brows pinching together and enhancing his puppy eyes.
"Nah, I just tried to ignore it."
"Good girl."
Such simple words but they sounded like music to your ears. Music that reverberated in your body making you feel like your body belong to him and couldn't go a second longer away from his touch.
Closing in your face to his, you ghost your lips over his, so close his moustache tickled you lip. He moves a hand to your jaw line and strokes your cheek, you're not sure why he's holding back now, especially after essentially dry fucking on the dance floor.
"I just need to make sure before I completely give in to you... how old are you."
You snort. "You ask me that after feeling me up?"
"I know... My publicist was concerned when those pictures got out and she reminded me the legal drinking age is 18 here. Even 21 is too young for me."
He's looking at your lips and you can see he's struggling to hold back. You know he knows you're old enough for this to not be weird but you give him peace of mind.
"I can assure you I am older than that. Nothing questionable going on here." You reassure him with a smile and within a second his lips are planted on yours, his hand gliding its way to the nape of your neck to pull you in.
As soon as it begins, your kiss ends, being interrupted by a gyrating voice you've heard before. "Hey man, sorry to jump in but are you Pedro Pascal?"
You both turn to face the male. Its the coke guy from before. He squints at you still cut from your previous interaction and you just roll your eyes.
"Yes I am." He gives the guy a courteous smile but keeps a firm hold on your hip bringing you in close hoping the guy takes the hint that he is preoccupied right now.
"Sick I thought so, my girlfriend is massive fan and I have her on facetime right now, can you say hi to her? Her names Jenna." He stammers, chewing aggressively on a piece of gum.
That asshole.
Pedro politely grabs the phone screen being shoved in his face and talks to the girl on the other side. You look at the guy straight in the eyes and notice a glistening sheen form on his forehead not sure if its from the drugs or he's shitting himself. He's eyeing you back begging you not to do anything but if you where her, you would want to know if your boyfriend was a cheating dog.
"Hey Jenna..." you say into the phone and his mouth drops and he goes pales. "As a girls girl, you deserve to know that your boyfriend is a cheating coke head."
You hear a shocked gasp come from the screen and funnily enough Pedro turns the phone to face you, amusement in his face.
"Yeah, he forced a kiss on me earlier-" You feel Pedro's fist clench on your hip, "-and then called me a bitch when I pushed him away."
The poor girl looks devastated and begins apologising profusely.
He turns the phone back on to himself. "Don't apologies darling, dump his a-" Before he can finish the phone is snatched from his hand, the guy frantically hangs up the call and looks at the both of you pissed off.
"Who do you think you are? And you're just some slut hooking up with this old man."
Pedro's body shifts beside you and before it escalates you place your hand on his should holding him down on the stool before turning your attention back to the asshole looking at him dead in the eye.
"Fuck off mate." you spit it out, doing your best to get him to back down. After a few seconds he finally backs seeing you hold your stance and Pedro's angry face, brows pulled together and tight lipped.
As he storms off, you notice some people around you had notice the commotion and were staring. Some were already taking pictures and videos because of who was involved.
You felt guilty that you had drawn attention around Pedro when he was flying under the radar and enjoying the night. You look at him and he realises that his night out has ended as it was likely people would start crowding around him.
His friend shuffles over to him and they start exchanging words.
'...probably go'
'...do you need'
'be fine...'
He manoeuvres you so he can get off the seat, you expect this to be good bye.
He dips his head to your ear. "I have to go before I get horded. I'm not expecting anything from you but would you like to come back to my hotel with me and we can get to know each other without the distractions?"
No matter the situation, he was still polite as ever.
You nod your head a little too vigorously and it makes him chuckle, giving you his hand to take. All eyes on you two, you make your way to the elevator with your head down and Pedro using his body the best he can to shield you from onlookers.
Once the elevator doors closes, he lets out a big sigh. Leaning against the metal wall he pulls you in to rest against his chest and you do so diligently. Using his nose, he nudges your head to move aside and give him better access to your neck to peck at, arms hugging you securely making sure you're not going anywhere and leaving him this time.
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check out my recs list for stories written by people with actual talent ♡
A/N: can't believe part one got to 200 notes wha wha what!? ily a milly
Tags: @mingeniee @onlyrealjoy @pedro-pedrito-pascalito
358 notes · View notes
specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Klaus Mikaelson x reader - nothing changes
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hello can you make headcanons about being katherine's younger sister and that klaus mikealson is in love with you (the reader is not a doppelgänger) - Anon💜
Holding your sisters hand, you looked at the human girl in front of her then right back at her with a small tilt of your head.
“I don’t like it.” You said.
“Neither do I, but what choice do we have?” She sighed.
You hummed and nodded your head as you turned back to Elena, glaring directly at her.
“So, you agree to our rules?” Elena asked.
“Fine, whatever. Just tell us what we need to do already.”
Elena explained their plan, and you had to admit it was pretty good.
But you’d been trying to stop Klaus for centuries, running from him time and time again in other to keep Kathrine safe.
You didn’t want to keep running anymore, and she didn’t either, and no matter how much she tried to tell you to just leave you didn’t.
If Kathrine goes down you’re going down with her, you didn’t care. She’s the only thing you’ve known your whole life, both human and vampire, you couldn’t leave her.
“(Y/N) will stay with us.” Elena said.
“Absolutely not.” You protested.
“You’re collateral, to make sure your sister plays nicely.” Damon smirked.
“We promise we won’t hurt you or her, it’s just to make sure she doesn’t betray us again.” Stefan smiled.
You looked at him, and then you sighed.
He was your best friend, and you trusted him, you trusted Damon too even though you wouldn’t admit that to him.
Turning to Kathrine she nodded her head but then turned to the trio.
“Fine, but if I find out you so much as laid a hand on her I swear to god I’ll rip Elena apart myself and make you watch.” She growled.
“Touch Elena and it will be the last thing you do.” Damon sneered.
You slammed your hand on the table, the wood cracking under the pressure.
“Enough! Let’s just get this over with.”
They all nodded and while you went with Stefan, Kathrine went the other way.
It felt weird, but you didn’t have much of a choice, you wanted to save Kathrine, they wanted to save Elena, so you had to work together.
You didn’t have much to do, wherever Elena went you had to follow her to keep her safe, so while she attended classes with her friends, you would hang about the hallways, glaring at anyone who looked your way.
“Seriously how long do you have to follow Elena for?” Bonnie sighed.
“Look I don’t like it either, but it’s until this is all over. I really couldn’t care less about hurting you guys that’s to much effort.”
“Right, so does that mean you’re following us to our dance?” Caroline asked you.
“Unfortunately yes, but don’t worry I’ll keep out the way.”
They nodded you trialed behind them as they left the school.
The moment you stepped outside you froze, eyes slowly looking around as you grabbed Elena by the back of her shirt.
You pulled her back and behind you.
“Elena go out the back way.”
“What’s going on?” She whispered.
“Just go, take Bonnie and Caroline with you…”
She nodded, grabbing her two friends she cast you one last glance before she ran back into the school with her friends.
You made your way to the parking lot, looking around before you started to walk towards the far side and towards the figure that was slowly retreating.
Whoever it was knew you were following them, and clearly that’s what they wanted.
So you kept going until you guys were away from everyone and finally they stopped, and you stopped not far away from them.
That’s when you saw who it was.
“Niklaus…” you grumbled.
“Come on now love, don’t be like that.”
He turned around and gave you a charming smile, opening his arms out to you.
“Can I get a hug at least?”
You scoffed and shook your head.
“Not a chance.”
You turned around to leave but Klaus immediately blocked your path, now frowning at you.
“Don’t be like this.” He sighed.
“Like what?! You tried to kill my sister! My only family and you’re hell bent on killing her! Now you’re going to kill some poor innocent girl?”
“Seriously you can’t be protecting Elena, you don’t even know her.”
“You’re right Niklaus, I don’t know her. But I know she deserves a chance at a good life, unlike me and Kathrine who had that torn away from us.”
Klaus walked over, bring his hand up to try touch your face but you slapped it away, giving him a warning look.
He just sighed and took a step back away from you.
“There was a time you were so happy to see me love, you would never go anywhere without me.”
“I was stupid.”
“You loved me.”
You shook your head and walked around him.
“I could never love someone like you, not while you’re trying to take my only family away.”
You tried to walk away again but Klaus wouldn’t let you, he grabbed your hand and spun you around.
He looked at you sadly, holding your hand tightly in his as he ran his thumb along the back of your knuckles.
“Please, just come back…” he whispered.
You looked down at his hand.
You had to admit, you missed how his hands felt in yours, how it felt to be in his embrace and how he showered you with all the love and affection in the world.
You missed how you were treated like everything, you spent so many years with him, but your family was more important.
No matter how much you missed this feeling you couldn’t go back to him knowing he would hunt your sister down, or try take Elena away from this world.
You slowly pulled your hand away, avoiding his sad gaze.
“I understand…” he whispered.
Klaus walked closer, he gently took your face between his hands and turned you to look at him.
“Let me hold you one more time?”
Klaus gave you a sad smile.
“Because if I knew that the last time I held you was going to be the last time I would have memorised the moment, burned it into my brain.”
You didn’t say anything for a moment, because you wished you could have memorised that moment as well.
Finally you nodded your head, and he carefully wrapped his arms around you.
One resting on the small of your back, the other holding your head to his chest.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, closing your eyes as you let out a small sigh.
Klaus kissed the top of your head, sending the familiar butterflies soaring through your stomach.
“I’m so sorry my love, I promise I will leave Kathrine be.”
You pulled away a little bit.
“And Elena?”
His gaze burned into yours.
He shook his head and you sighed, pulling yourself away from him.
“I expected as much.”
“(Y/N) please you have to understand.”
“There’s nothing to understand!” You growled.
You sighed, running a hand down your face.
Reaching up, you placed your hand on his cheek and kissed the corner of his lips before you pulled away.
Klaus looked so broken, so sad, and he just stood there and watched as you walked away from him once again.
He wanted to chase you, beg and plead for you to stay and never leave him, but he knew you, that wasn’t going to work.
He just had to watch as you walked out of his life once again, because he wasn’t going to stop you.
He loved you, the only person he had ever loved with such gentle fury, and he couldn’t be the man you needed him to be for his own selfish reasons, but he just couldn’t stop
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ilovechubbieguys · 15 days
Chapter 3🍓
-lmk if you guys have any criticism i love criticism as long as its respectful!! Enjoy! Chapter 2 here!
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He turned around with a sour look on his face. I mean god he looked so diffrent i had no clue it was him.
I mean can you blame me! Its been 5 years since high school. Im shocked he recognized me to fast.
Theres no way hes still mad?! He knows i had nothing to do with any of that. Right? I mean ya i was there but iiii didnt do anything. That was all jenny and her boyfriend. I was simply a bystander. Kinda.. not really.
I do feel bad now that i think about it... he didnt deserve that. No one does. God i was such a little bitch in highschool
------------epic flash back memory------------
Jenny: heyy blake
Blake: oh uh hey jenny
Jenny: i wanted to ask you something
Blake: uh ya sure whats up
Jenny: did you have a date to prom yet?
Blake: no, no i dont why
Jenny: oh ok great! You know my friend y/n?
Blake: ya ive seen her around
Jenny: well she was wondering if youd go with her!
Blake: wait really?
Jenny: ya here ill put her number in your phone!
Blake: ok sounds good
--------end of epic flashback memory---------
Long story short it was all a joke. I stood him up at prom just for the fun of it...
I know im an asshole but i couldnt say no to jenny shed ruin me! She was the most powerful girl at school
And ive changed! I could never do somthing lile that to someone now.. i just hope i can make him see that
I walked back to the living room and saw issac was back but blake had left. I dont blame him between his getting yelled at by tanner and being faced with his highschool bully i wouldnt be shocked if he didnt come out till i left.
After a while of talking me and tanner ended up in his room taking turns taking hits from a cart tanner swore was his.
We where talking about everything and everything, you know high thoughts. Suddenly the door bust open "TANNER DO YOU HAVE MY NEW C-" it was blake
He stopped dead in his tracks staring at me, cart in hand mid hit. I froze up not knowing what to do. Was i smoking his cart right now...
I swear im gonna kill tanner.
"Tanner. Is that my cart shes hitting right now."
"Just keep it i dont want it now that its been anywhere near you"
What. Did he just call me dirty..😧 i looked over at tanner "im gonna kill you."
Some time goes by and i decide i should go apologize to blake and not just for the cart. Tanner told me which room was his and i knock on his door.
*knock knock*
"Blake? Its y/n"
I dont hear a responce so i go in. Hes sitting at his desk playing seige. I take a look around his room. Rugs on the wall? Thats an interesting choice but i liked it.
I asume he didnt hear me so i walk up to his chair and tap his shoulder lightly trying to not scare him.
He pulls the left side of his headphones off his ear but doesnt turn to you, to focused on the current match hes in.
"Hey blake i just wanted to say im sorry... and not just for the cart. Which i will replace.."
He doesnt say anything but you hear him sigh "ya like id believe that." Fair point
"Im serious blake i dont know why i was such a bitch in highschool you didnt deserve that..." i tried to sound as genuine as possible
"Well you where a bitch and thats that. Now get out"
Oh my god. He is impossible and ya sure im a better person but im still not gonna put up with disrespect "listen blake im trying here ok which is alot better then nothing at all" you say matter of a factly. I notice he had died in his game as his screen lit up red
He stood up from his chair and turned to me "ya hallelujah your a saint, a changed person thats great bye" he got pretty damn close to me for hating me and all
Ill admit him being this close to me made me relize he really was cute... maybe if he didnt hatw my guts hes a nice guy who knows..
But i sure as hell am not giving up this easily.
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elwolfen · 5 months
Alfred Molinathon Day 2:
The Steal (1995)
Cliff Williams
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His Role: I didn't expect much going in. Hell, I have never heard of this movie till I watched this for the marathon. A sculptor and clean freak roped into a hi-tech robbery with the messiest American woman to exist and it's a romance!? Excuse me? I love it. I was not expecting a romance, I just knew it was a comedy!
He was hilarious to watch in this unraveling series of events. Him playing this Tony Brummel character and Kim, as his fiance? I love her aggressive, fake New York accent and her playing dumb. Every time no one was looking, he'd just quietly snap at her. To which I was mimic but with more aggressive growling because I thought it was funny to me.
Kim being tech savvy and Cliff being a luddite (being opposed to new tech) is interesting. She'll go on about the intricacies of what she can or can't do with her laptop and him just trying to grasp any of the words she's saying. But then the reverse happens when it comes to his building planner expertise, and she gets feel the ame as hedie with her hacking. Very nice touch, simple and effective.
Every time she'd make a mess and he just stare in disbelief of her disrespect, I really felt that (even though I can also be quite messy). Her being like, hey, I made you coffee and he finds the milk and stuff spilled all around the cup of coffee was insane. I swear she had to do that on purpose!
Kidnapping Childwell was certainly a chore for the two, first getting the man in the first place! Cliff putting on a fake beard over his beard was an interesting choice, and it constantly falling off when waiting for Lord Childwell to get ready was making me squirm with anticipation of the fact he might get caught, always trying to fix while quickly switching back to his stoic and stone-faced persona as the driver. I'd probably keep questioning my eyes or sanity if I was the Lord. And the drive while Kim tries to start the gas to knock him out, my God! What was the issue? Have Cliff help you! Instead, it kept spiraling out of control till the point she just shoves the little hose into the man's mouth and held his nose. Goodness, savage. After getting him to Mrs. Fawkes and taking the poodle pictures, Cliff is constantly threatening to cut off his ears and be like: I'm not being serious, calm down, you should have Stockholm by now. And yet he gives him a coat because he's worried he'll be chilly when they drop him in the middle of nowhere... he's giving this man whiplash! Probably Kim too. To be honest, I'd be the same.
I realized when watching this that wet suits? Kind of sexy, at least on those two~
Kim pretending to be French while Childwell shows up to the house and also starts speaking French, what does she do? She just outright drops it and says she's screwing with him. Just so random and hopefully it was believable for the moment. This movie has the calmest and most quaint car chase ever between the two duos (Kim & Cliff/Childwell & Wilmot). Not super tense or funny, it was just weirdly low stakes. But after that's all said and down, the inflatable boat going off in the car and the other duo driving into the water, we get Cliff getting reasonably upset and wanting to back out but BAM! A kiss from Kim! Then straight to the sewer.
The whole sewer scene. If I had a nickle for every time there was a sewer scene on 1995 movie with Alfred Molina in it, I'd have two. Which isn't a lot but- yes I know he wasn't in the sewer in Species. Anyways, it's a great long scene building the tension, and he's so damn impatient, I understand why. Being heard and someone slowly coming down to their little hideaway and the water quickly rising? Add in the fact that it was his fault they heard him, but it was whoever put that thing he accidentally kicked down the later when having a leg cramp. Kim just waiting and waiting, almost like a gambling addict waiting for a big win. Which, oh boy do they. After they finally leave and have to dive and swim underwater, I was actually worried Kim just outright drowned when Cliff couldn't find her, I would've been devastated. But thankfully she doesn't, I needed the two just caressing each other's face in the water, thank you.
The robbery was successful and they live on a beach, a nice call back to the beginning, where she saw Cliff's very interesting sculpture. At first, it looks like a cobblestone walkway (on the wall), but if you slide the two pieces apart, there's a beach underneath. She says that she likes the beach, he explains that it's metaphoric and also he doesn't like the beach. Yet, here they are together at the end. Finally, he can just retire and follow his interests instead of being a planner for the town council, all with Kim. It just ends right after.
Overall, I enjoyed Cliff and Kim's antics and blossoming romance very much. And of course him getting angry or frustrated never get old
The Rest of the Movie: I went through most of the plot on the above section. But we have Jeremiah, the man who instigates the whole thing. At first I thought from the description it would just be for money, but no, it's to steal from a corrupt bank chairman for cheating the people of Golanda and give it back to them. A more noble act than I expected. But after appearances, he disappears halfway through the movie, which I didn't mind. But the end he tells Childwell and Wilmot what's going on and I didn't exactly know why but it all went well in the end. 28 million was sent to the people of Golanda to help heal the damage that banker cost them.
Childwell and Wilmot were an unexpected turn into the story, I really liked their shenanigans with trying to figure out what kind of car he was transported in during the kidnapping (a Morris Minor or a Moggie as some call it). He has perfect memory of his surroundings; the feeling, sounds and the not very helpful clues in the pocket of the coat that Cliff gave him. Wilmot thinking it's all political got a chuckle from me.
Wilmot himself is quite interesting, having fall out of favor after some sort of exposure of his "parties" yet many people seeing him and knowing his style of living are quite friendly towards him. I love that everyone keeps asking if this whole search and the fact they keep seeing Childwell in his trousers (helps the process, really) and Wilmot simply says: of sorts~
The comedy itself is hit or miss, got a real taste in the beginning when Kim was in America. They tried with physical humor and such, but the cuts, pacing and delivery were very hindered. But I do believe it got better later on.
It's a nice quick watch, so if you have the time, I suggest checking it out if you like these type of heist movies.
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@scarabrat asked for my fav jjk osts so i shall deliver >:33 ….. i tried to limit myself but. it didn’t go very well. i love these soundtracks so fucking much oughhhhhh
anyway!!! in order of appearance:
ryomen sukuna
FULL-BODY SHIVERS . GORGEOUS . TERRIFYING. LITERALLY PERFECT FOR HIM . godddddd literally every single part of this song is SO sukuna and it’s just so seamless??? the choral parts fading into more traditionally eastern melodies….. it’s just . such a gorgeous gorgeous ost. i love that the choir in particular returns so much in sukuna’s s2 tracks ……. i can’t help but love him he’s so fucking sick
countermeasure for domain expansion
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HYPE . SOSO HYPE. I WILL CRY . i have nothing to say for this one it’s literally just earworms for my shounen meathead brain (BUT GOD IT’S JUST . suchhh a beautifully constructed track it drives me wild)…….
stand in the darkness
my goddddddddddddddd this one….. the vocals are gorgeous... the instrumentals are stunning…. AND THE LYRICS . ”swear that you’ll still watch over me”………. :((((((( hhhhhh . it’s just such a lovely song. it makes me cry . i especially love the final ”the world keeps on spinning // as if nothing had happened” line…………….. it’s so perfect for yuji :(((( also sugu . but we can’t get into that i’ll cry and throw up
hollow purple
:3333 MY BELOVED . you know i had to. the beat drop goes so ridiculously hard it’s ????????? i’m STILL not over it this ost is such a mindtrip 😭 and the build up is soooooo tasty. wowow. the chorus goes so crazy it sounds like a geometry dash song and i love it SO much . it’s ear candy . perfect for gojo and his silly little reality breaking attack / out of this world attitude <333 i’ll love this track forever and ever it’s so FUNNNNN!!!!!
special grade vengeful cursed spirit: RIKA
SOOOOO INSANELY HYPE. I LOVE RIKA. this is such an insane track and it’s sooooo perfect for her. the way it starts so strongly only to slowly fade into a tender melody…. it’s just so good. her scenes are so good !!!! the dichotomy she has!!!!! honestly i just love every single part of this i think it’s so wonderful….. but the first part esp scratches my brain :33
this is pure love
we all knew it was coming <3333 it’s just. suchhhh a gorgeous track . the soft piano motif coming back full force…. i absolutely ADORE the geto vs yuuta fight and their final clash never ever fails to get me emotional!!!! then there’s obviously the stsg scene right after :’3 the fact that this track only plays for yuuta/rika and satosugu will never not make me feel insane . i like to think of it as the one and only moment they both opened their hearts to one another completely so . the name is fitting. stsg against the world that is all 🙏 this track paired w sakurai’s voice acting made me cry like a BABY……
if i am with you
OUGHHHHH . OUGH . another one that Has to be on this list bc it’s just …,.. soooooo fucking beautiful i love every single scene that it’s used in and i love how much it adds to the scenes in question. the aquarium!!!! satoru’s enlightenment!!!!!! his ”the world just feels so, so wonderful right now.” line is one of my favs…… this track is just so stunning i can’t even believe it :((( esp when it gets to the climax….. feels so unbelievably bittersweet. i think it conveys the whole theme of ”all good things must come to an end” soooo well …..
BANGERRRRRR . BANGER . toji vs gojo round 2 my BELOVED when this started playing i fell to my knees and wept 🙏🙏🙏 IT’S SO GOODDDDD i absolutely adore the hollow purple leitmotif at 1:20!!!!!!!!!! soso much!!!!!!! it’s the perfect theme for gojo…. it’s just so hype and fun………. top 3 anime osts to go insane to
THIS OST . GOD . GODDDDDDD . :(((((((( our sugu’s turning point …… i think what breaks my heart most is how Hopeful it sounds . how light it is. one thing i wish people talked about more when it comes to suguru’s choice is that it really did save his life!!!! i think it was always very much a ”me or them” situation…… one has to die . and just… hearing this theme . which really does sound so enlightened . to me . almost like a condescending parody of if i am with you/all of gojo’s themes…… i just love it so muchhhhhh this is one of my absolute favs…. gosh……… it adds so much to the scene it’s insane!!!! i love suguru geto . sobs.
give it up for cult leader geto our beloved <33 i HAD to mention this one bc i just . am so weak. for auditory storytelling . the uncoordinated clapping turning controlled once geto makes his choice……. once he gains control of his mind again. it’s sooo terrifying in a way . for the record the scene where this plays is one of my Absolute Favs in all of jjk i literally cried dilly . episode 5 my BELOVED.
three years of youth overflowing
i am nothing if not predictable <33 but i really do love this track soooo much. it caught me so off guard!!!!! i love how they adapted the reunion scene….. the SMILE on gojo’s face that only lasts a split second :((((( this just sounds so nostalgic and lovely and it really does encompass their most cherished moments together!!!!! the piano……. sniffle…. genuinely just The most gorgeous ost ever
that one unreleased ost that plays at the very end of the kenjaku confrontation and completely shattered my brain chemistry
KENNY THE ACTUAL LOMLLLLLLLLL HE’S SO GOOD. THIS OST IS SO GOOD. IT BLEW ME AWAY. it’s so. imposing somehow. but also so calm. it has this magical vibe…… it literally sounds like a ghibli ost at the very end and i love it SO much it’s so perfect for him. it changed who i am as a person. when kenjaku does their speech and flaunts the prison realm before leaving… LIFE CHANGING . it’s just gorgeous i’m PRAYING that it makes a comeback in s3 maybe specifically for my belovedest jjk fight yuki vs kenny vs choso…. though i could honestly see this playing somewhere during the zenin confrontation. ANYWAY i just love it the final part is soso tasty :3
OKKKK THAT’S ALL.,… i lied here r the honourable mentions :333
occult phenomenon research club / the beginning / straw doll technique resonance / it’s a promise / a mission / toji fushiguro / no hesitation / memories / jujutsu sorcerer - nobara kugisaki / highest jumping …. (nobara 🤝 having banger theme songs)
anyway . THANK YOU FOR READING THIS DILLY plspls share your favs as well …. if you want……. no pressure ……… (a little pressure)……………. (i Really want 2 know 😔) here is a cute sugu for you. he loves you <3333
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