#she really does it for the whites šŸ¤”
kiddstellas Ā· 1 year
I'm not even a swiftie but the latin america tour dates are so ???? seriously that's it??? 3 countries? šŸ¤” can't wait for the blood bath in europe with 4-5 countries lmao
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gentlethorns Ā· 1 year
i'm going fucking crazy. why do i get a little šŸ¤šŸ¼ just a little bit stressed and suddenly be like "i'm going 100 on the highway at 10:30 am. also i'm booking five tattoos for the next two weeks. also i am enraged suddenly." and then even after the feeling of stress ebbs away i still feel like shit and have all those negative impulsive behaviors that serve the purpose of venting steam (steam that is no longer there)!!!!! why why why
#she bork#tbd#me thinking getting a job i don't actively hate would eradicate stress forever and make my mental illness go away šŸ¤” see this is why i'm like#80-90% positive i have bpd. high function or 'quiet' bpd for sure bc i'm still functional and high-achieving but idk when these lil episodes#hit i literally am just overwhelmed w despair that i will never be able to live fucking normally bc whatever job i currently have will#always eventually make me miserably stressed and whatever i accomplish will always eventually amount to nothing and whoever i meet no one#will ever really know or love the real me and it's like. where does that come from. it could be cptsd too but the impulsive and reckless#coping mechanisms i have (overspending + tats + recklessly driving + physically venting rage) make me lean towards bpd#and you know what else? so do my tendencies to have black and white thinking ('oh i frustrated you once? you hate me then and i should die')#and to get turned on and off by people (even the same person) very easily and often. like it happens even w people i'm close to like#sometimes suddenly i'll be like 'you're so annoying. i cannot continue to see you as a presence in my life. don't talk to me. don't exist#around me.' and then it goes away as suddenly as it arrived. lmfao all of that is so toxic and i'm LITERALLY AWARE OF IT EVEN AS IT HAPPENS.#so yes the emotional volatility and impulsivity make me think bpd. but also cptsd and bpd are often comorbid so honestly it's probably both!
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femmeandfanged Ā· 2 days
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Female class consciousness is at an all time low I fear
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emo-batboy Ā· 4 months
i'd like the chart thanks!
Also, there's another person who wants to rp Leo, can they?
Okay a few people are asking for the chart so hereā€™s the current chart!! (I took out some characters that are still not as fleshed out. That includes Nathan, Ria, Nina, Ashley, Zoe, Ray, Maggie, and the hater and Metropolis characters, but theyā€™re all filler characters rn)
A Wild Battinson Character Lore Continuity
- Felicity
- Oldest of the bunch, right between Millennial and Gen Z
- Works at an office, besties with everyone there. Corporate girlie (does use the term girlboss)
- Like if a Gothamite/Bruce Wayne fan was swiftie-coded?
- She has a pet pitbull, you know that kind of white girl
- Tatum
- Goth U, Comp Sci major
- Keeps everyone he knows online at arms length so we donā€™t know much, has a small close knit friend group irl but heā€™s also mutuals with everybody on twitter because heā€™s that kinda guy yk?
- But theyā€™re slowly convincing him. Heā€™s getting there
- Marzia
- Oh god poor Marzia
- Italian, born in Northern Italy, English is her second language but you wouldnā€™t be able to tell if it werenā€™t for her slight accent
- Biggest Bruce Wayne stan, will go feral, but only gets replies from him at the worst moments possible
- *snorts like cocaine* ā€œPlease donā€™t do cocaineā€ is my personal favorite
- Goth U, she gives art major vibes but tacked on a double major in psychology last minute so now sheā€™s staying a fifth year
- Reads smut, writes smut, part of the poetry club, def on booktok, you know the type
- Alejandro
- Runs an ice cream stand in the park on the weekends when itā€™s warm enough
- Bi, Dating Leo (pfp is them holding hands because heā€™s a whipped son of a bitch)
- Heā€™s like if that normal-looking kind of athletic guy who always wore sweatshirts and basketball shorts to class just suddenly mentioned he had a boyfriend one day.
- Heā€™s straight-coded but more specifically ā€œthe straight guy that gay guys have crushes on against their better judgementā€-coded
- Knew the whole time he was bi but never REALLY liked a guy until Leo šŸ„ŗ. whenever he looks at Leo, heā€™s got those madly in love eyes
- Thinks Batman is hot and suffers constant torment from Leo (who has a crush on Bruce) because of it
- Ale just wants to be bench pressed is that too much to ask? But Itā€™s his fault heā€™s a twunk dating a twink soā€”
- Goth U, Really interested in tech stuff but heā€™s actually a sports medicine major. He wants to be a physical therapist for athletes
- Cannot hold his liquor
- Smile Watch
- Who knows
- Itā€™s a mystery
- Lela
- Goth Girl
- BFFā€™s with Nico (goth girl, e-boy solidarity)
- Also good friends with Natalie, they lined up all their gen Edā€™s together
- Chill in a Morticia Addams kinda way. She is Morticia Addams actually
- Mom owns a convenience store, she helps out after classes a lot
- Studied for the MCAT, did pretty well, she wants to be a doctor (probably neurosurgeon but it depends on what internship she gets)
- Currently completing the undergrad to grad program at Goth University with a masters in public health
- Natalie
- Former intern, now ASSISTANT at Wayne Press
- Got the job because she impressed Bruce with her good reporting skills, now works mostly on organizing press releases and maintaining Bruceā€™s public image
- Great at her job because she knows social media and Bruce Wayne Stans the best (she is one obv)
- (Babysits Bruce when Alfred is busy, how did this happen, why is this her job now? Sheā€™s tired of his shit lol)
- Still technically working part-time because she hasnā€™t gotten her degree yet, but sheā€™s set to work full time after she graduates Goth U in May
- Sometimes while sitting at her desk she just gets that perspective shift where sheā€™s like ā€œhow did I get hereā€ Bruce Wayne Stansā€™ dreams do come true
- Caleb šŸ¤”
- Literally 18/19 but aging faster than humanly possible with the stress heā€™s under
- Used to work at Bat Burger, left because the babysitting gig required more time
- Lives with his aunt whoā€™s already retired (used to live alone, she never had kids or a husband so sheā€™s loaded) Heā€™s staying cuz his parents are super busy and travel for work :) and guess what crime-filled alley their window overlooks? Iā€™ll give you one guess
- Babysits Tim, used to be a less serious gig but his parents have been out of town a lot lately (just vacationing without their child šŸ™„) and thankfully Caleb lives right across from their swanky apartment so heā€™s practically a nanny now (read: older sibling/third parent)
- Took a ton of childcare courses for this job and now heā€™s kind of interested in working at a daycare maybe? If Tim doesnā€™t kill him in his sleep first
- Recently graduated Goth High, now takes online classes at Goth Community College while deciding what to do with his life
- Jarod
- Recently graduated Goth High, now taking a gap year before starting GothU in the fall. Him and Caleb were always in the same classes so theyā€™re super close (theyā€™re the youngest)
- Future Comp Sci/English major (he wants to be a video game writer)
- Has a younger sister, and technically the oldest child but spiritually heā€™s the middle child.
- His parents and Priyankaā€™s parents are close friends so he kind of grew up seeing Priyanka as an older sister. Thatā€™s why theyā€™re Like That.
- Literally so fed up with Priyanka, itā€™s not even funny (yes it is) but the second youā€™re rude to Priyanka, he will deck you, watch yourself
- Katie (Sweater Thief)
- ER Nurse at Gotham General Hospital, mostly does night shifts
- Gives chronically online energy when sheā€™s online, but everyone in real life wouldnā€™t suspect a thing because sheā€™s so good at having her life together (the code switch will give you whiplash)
- Surprisingly older than most of the others despite being Like That.
- Literally graduated with a 4.2 GPA how tf?
- BFFā€™s with Leo then became BFFā€™s with Ale too after they started dating (she is slowly corrupting Ale and I think thatā€™s beautiful)
- Creator of the Babygirl Bruce Wayne Agenda and PROUD
- Priyanka
- Works at coffee shop owned by her mom called Caffe Mood. She plans to run it one day. Currently a barista
- Goth U, business major (accounting)
- Bilingual, knows Hindi
- Despite being gay, She is allowed to think Bruce Wayne is hot, that is her Right
- Mad fucking crush on Georgia, calls her Georgie. Intends to never tell a soul. Will fail miserably
- Dead fucking set on the idea that Batmanā€™s a vampire
- But she thinks everyoneā€™s a vampire soā€”
- Her parents and Jarodā€™s parents are close friends so she kind of grew up seeing Jarod as a younger brother. Thatā€™s why theyā€™re Like That
- Jarod is constantly on her nerves, wtf Jarod (but be mean to him and sheā€™ll kill you)
- Leo
- Works at bookstore called Gotham City Bookstore
- Gay, Dating Alejandro
- Twink (derogatory)
- Swears his gaydar is the most accurate there is (always wrong)
- Made being gay his entire personality because he had an identity crisis in middle school and proceeded to have a massive crush on some straight guy all of high school (that guy was Ale, Leoā€™s gaydar is so off)
- BFFā€™s with Katie despite being a few years younger. They were in a high school production of Sweeney Todd together and the rest was history
- Calls every single celebrity gay as a joke, Ale reigns him in if heā€™s getting too out of hand
- Used to have a mad celebrity crush on Bruce, still kinda (definitely) does
- Attends GothU, undecided for a while but ultimately settled on mathematics because itā€™s ironically his best subject
- One of those mfā€™s that needs to be held back at all costs, god help Ale
- Rose šŸŒ¹
- Works a tailoring job full time
- Good friends with Felicity, sheā€™s like the black cat to Felicityā€™s golden retriever
- 70% super nice and chill, 30% wild card party girl
- Gets drinks with friends a lot, tweets when drunk but no one can tell the difference. Itā€™s amazing
- Does not seem horny, is horny. But like normal about it? If thatā€™s a thing
- Nico
- Kinda plays the straight man of the group if the straight man was emo
- BFFā€™s with Lela (e-boy, goth girl solidarity)
- KING of twitter roasts. He makes memes to end lives.
- Pansexual, single, and probably writing bad poetry in his diary about it but donā€™t tell anyone
- Goth U, actually dunno the major. Probs public health with Lela but doesnā€™t want to be a doctor. More like research parallel to social sciences
- Has a 8/9yo sister named Madelaine whom he would die for despite not expecting to be an older brother so late in the game (what were his parents thinking)
- Has tea parties with her and all that jazz. She steals his eyeliner and chain accessories all the time, also sheā€™s friends with Dick and Barbie (yes, Barbara Gordon) so sometimes he watches over their play dates
- Heā€™s a ā€œtough emo boyā€ so he totally doesnā€™t laugh at Madelaineā€™s puns. Heā€™s a bitch ass liar
- Kellyanne
- GothU, marine biology. Transferred from GCCC with an associates degree to save money but now sheā€™s got a full ride cuz of the WE higher education fund
- More recent Bruce Stan
- Pretty poor upbringing, thatā€™s how she met Bruce Wayne. He bought her whole family groceries one night after her card declined at the convenience store trying to buy dinner
- Now sheā€™s in it for the long haul :)
- Lia
- GothU, fashion merchandising
- Older sister also attends Goth U, but sheā€™s in med school
- More recent Bruce Wayne stan, still not particularly in with the culture and jokes but getting there
- Friends with Georgia and Elizabeth irl. Elizabeth was in the same sorority before graduating first. Got to know Georgia after Lia found her dog with Bruce at the park outside GothU. They party together now
- Elizabeth
- Graduated GothU last May and worked an internship at LexCorp, immediately regretted it but snagged a job at WE (thank god)
- Now works as a research assistant at Wayne Tech in the R&D department for commercial products
- Didnā€™t really get the whole Bruce Wayne Stan thing until Bruce Wayne personally wished her a happy birthday?? The man is so sweet?
- Absolutely loves her job but still screams at rubber ducks over faulty code in her little cubicle, but thatā€™s the industry she chose so itā€™s a give and take
- Met Natalie through Stan twitter and now they DM each other about working at Wayne Enterprises
- Doesnā€™t post much on twitter but follows the main Bruce Stan accounts, irl friends with Lia and Georgia
- Georgia
- Has a dog named Bean
- GothU, majoring in like three languages, polyglot (including Hindi šŸ˜)
- Works at a retail home decor kinda store (home goods?)
- So lesbian-coded, but does not know it yet. Priyanka is her gay awakening. She is now a regular at Caffe Mood (She thinks she just likes the coffee (yeah right))
- Works at Goth Uā€™s admissions department over the summer too
- Once got drunk and locked herself onto a roof by accident, ended up hanging out with Batman (he offered to break into her apartment for her but she said ā€œnahā€)
- Jane
- Works at Wayne Enterprises
- Runs bring your kid to work day (idk what her actual job is but sheā€™s an Essential Worker, okay?)
- Very sweet, 10/10, looks on the bright side but never in a toxic positivity way
- Super social too, became work friends with Bruce because sheā€™s nice but not draining to his social battery? They have lunch on occasion
- Watched the Graysons die with Bruce, call that trauma bonding
- Watched her toxic exā€™s car burn to a crisp after a joker spree and took a selfie with it (she can have a little revenge, as a treat)
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bohemian-nights Ā· 4 months
Letā€™s talk about the changed between white book laena to black show laena
Book leana had a pretty awesome life. She married at the age of 22 to a man she loved, traveled the world with him, had 2 babies and they lived happily on driftmark with her family together until she passed away at childbirth despite her loving husband doing everything he can to save her. + her husband remarried 6 months after her death.
Now letā€™s talk about show leana
She married daemon much younger than book laena, was neglected and unloved by him, was forced to live away from her beloved family and burned herself to death because ā€œfeminismā€ šŸ¤” only to have her husband sleep with another woman on her fucking funeral. And the showrunners claim they wanted to respect her character?????? Disgusting.
In the book laena is the only wife that daemon seemed to truly love. (Until nettles). He never cheated and they had a happy marriage. But when sheā€™s black suddenly sheā€™s the second choice to the white female lead. What a fucking joke. And then they absolutely spit on her by having her husband sleep with said white female main character on her funeral. This show treats its black characters like shit. I really donā€™t understand why people arenā€™t talking about this.
This shows deranged fandom tells you everything you need to know about the problematic way they treat black characters. We havenā€™t even got nettlesā€™s casting yet. The most important dragon seed. Literally who gives a shit about the others? But I wonder why we have their castings but not the casting of the only canonically black character in the dance???? If nettles is not in season 2 Iā€™m going to drop this show. If theyā€™ll introduce the dragonseeds without nettles they are fucking disgusting.
All of this is why I criticize this shitty show and equally shitty fandomšŸ‘šŸ½
People try to act like youā€™re the crazy one for noticing how these changes affect the treatment of the characters, but nope fandom racism, more specifically fandom misogynoir, is real and itā€™s happening with HOTD.
Book!Laena was treated with love and respect, but the moment she became Black-ish she became worthless to both the showrunners and the fandom. All she's good for is to be a prop/placeholder. Hell, when she died people seemed more concerned about Vhagar, a dragon, rather than the woman who lit herself on fucking fire.
They made Laena into a stereotype just to make a crazed white womanā€™s death look better than it was and this demented ass fandom cheers it on.
Because sheā€™s Black and not a cookie-cutter stereotype in the source material, Nettles' whole existence is a problem to these people and she must be cut, erased, reduced, etc.
They try to say sheā€™s completely irrelevant. That the only reason people like her is because she's Black or out of spite, but I can think of a dozen white characters who donā€™t even come close to reaching her relevancy to the plot
This is why sheā€™s always included where some characters like Ulf, Hugh, Sara Snow, Alys Rivers, Gwayne Hightower, and Silver Denys are omitted, and 5/6 of those characters are confirmed for s2. And I'm not trying to say none of these characters shouldn't be included(well we could do without 2 of them), but they aren't more important than her.
Nettles literally has all the qualities people usually like in characters(the ordinary girl who despite all odds does the unthinkable, sheā€™s a survivor, sheā€™s a final girl, she has one of if not the most powerful men in the realm willing to die for her, and she becomes a goddess like figure) yet sheā€™s hated for it because she dares to be Black. They won't even try to relate to her or see her importance because she is Black.
Theyā€™d rather prop up psychos or mediocre flops just because they are white rather than ever admit that Nettles is an interesting and integral character to the Dance. Sheā€™s awesome. The man who created these freaking books that you claim to love and swear his word is law thinks sheā€™s awesome and yet you want to deny that sheā€™s awesome and has no real value because youā€™re scared shitless sheā€™ll upstage your psycho(book!Missy Anne)/boring(show!Missy Anne) fave.
Itā€™s nuts and like you, I wonā€™t be watching s2 if Nettyā€™s not there. They found time for a maid who shouldn't even be there, propped up Addam to the Gods, and gave Hugh an unnecessary sex scene, all while cutting Nettles out. Nope. Iā€™ll skip straight to s3 cause Iā€™m not dealing with this show's BS and blatant disrespect. Itā€™s unacceptable!
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lcandothisallday Ā· 1 year
A Shot Worth Taking - Jeremy (WMCJ) x f!reader
Part 4 - Sisterā€™s Know Best
warnings: except for an awful endingšŸ¤” but mentions of drug/drinking abuse!
series masterlist!
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You stood in your tiny kitchen, cutting up cucumbers for the salad you were making, while your friends Vanessa and Destiny hung around the island helping you with the rest of the dinner.
It had been about a month since your first date with Jeremy. You've been seeing him rather consistently in this month, and to say you were slowly yet surely falling hard for him was a severe understatement. All of him was addicting--his smile, his humour, the way he made you feel all giddy--all the way down to the way he dressed even. It's been a while since you felt like this and it was truly refreshing to meet a good guy.
"You know, Jeremy put me on some of these organic drinks...and they're actually so good," you pointed out to your friends. "You should definitely try it. Theyā€™re in the fridge--"
"Girl I'm not trying no damn nasty ginger drink that looks like murky water," Destiny scoffed, shaking her head. You tossed your head back in laughter. "I promise it's good!" you defended. "He also took me to this vegan restaurant the other day and like it genuinely changed my perspective on the whole diet.ā€
Destiny groaned and smacked her hand against Vanessaā€™s arm. "C'mon Nessa! Tell her his dick game can't be that good for white boy to have her out here eating rabbit food!"
"Actually, we haven't slept together yet," you hummed with a smirk. "So that argument is now invalid...but he seems like the type to have a good dick game," you shrugged, continuing to slice up some more vegetables.
"Speaking of Jeremy though..." Vanessa began. "I don't know if its such a good thing that you're seeing him," she admitted to you reluctantly.
You couldn't help your scoff before you set down the knife you were using and looked up at your best friend. "And why is that?"
"Danny goes to the same gym as him. And he told me some wild shit. Y/N--he pops pills, gets drunk in the gym and starts fights--apparently he used to date a dancer that taught classes there--"
"Yeah I know about his ex," you stated firmly. "They dated for like six years--and Danny's probably getting him confused with someone else! Jeremy isn't like that at all. He rarely gets mad or frustrated. He's always meditating--"
Vanessa shook her head. "You've only been seeing him a month!" she exclaimed. "How well do you actually know him babes? The pill popping--the drinking--probably the reason why him and his ex broke up if they were together six years! Don't be delusional, Y/N. Not to mention he's broke broke. Like I know we all struggle financially in this economy but he goes around selling those detox drinks around the gym--that can't be the best sign," she sighed. "Y/N...I just don't want you to get hurt. You clearly don't know the full picture."
You scoffed again and crossed your arms over your chest. "Oh so Danny does apparently?--God Vanessa I actually really like him! You guys are the ones who told me to shoot my shot!"
"I'm just telling you what Danny told me," she said calmly. "It's simply a warning before you get too deep with him.ā€
You let out a sigh of defeat and nod your head. ā€œIā€™ll be careful.ā€
It was now the next day and Jeremy had invited you out to the pier for a late evening date. Your fingers were intertwined with his as the two of you walked along the water.
ā€œHow have your knees been?ā€ you ask him.
Jeremy grinned and gave your hand a squeeze. ā€œReally good! I think getting more movement in while playing more basketball lately has really helped.ā€
ā€œIs that how it really works?ā€ you questioned with an awkward chuckle, causing Jeremy to catch on. He stopped walking and took both your hands into his, before he looked down at you with a raised brow. ā€œWhat did you hear about me?ā€
Your cheeks heated up immensely and you looked away. ā€œCā€™mon Y/Nā€”someone mustā€™ve told you something for you to question my knees,ā€ he sighed. The only reason he even caught on was because Tati had asked him the same question before, vying for a reason to suspect he was on his pain meds again.
You let out a sigh. ā€œVanessaā€™s boyfriend--"
"Damn--I needa properly meet this Vanessa chick cos she clearly has it against me--"
You interrupt quickly. "I'm being serious, Jer. Her boyfriend Danny goes to the same gym as youā€¦told her that you pop pills and that you pick fights while drunk,ā€ you explained.
Jeremy chuckled as one of his hands moved up to run his fingers through his curls. ā€œI only ever picked a fight onceā€”and it was right after my ex left meā€¦and as for the pain medsā€¦they just help with my knees,ā€ he shrugged. ā€œBelieve me if my knees werenā€™t still an issue after the multiple surgeries Iā€™ve had I wouldnā€™t still be taking them.ā€
ā€œSo itā€™s not likeā€¦an addiction thing?ā€
Jeremy shrugged, ā€œwould you even wanna know if it was?ā€
ā€œTouchĆ©ā€¦ā€ you mumbled lowly, biting your lip in thought. ā€œWhat about you and Tati?ā€ you asked. ā€œWhy did you two break up?ā€
ā€œY/N I already told you,ā€ he groaned.
You shook your head. ā€œNo that was before I knew what I knew,ā€ you say stubbornly.
Jeremy scoffed, his hands leaving yours as he began to feel cornered. ā€œSo what? You want me to fucking admit it was because of the pills? And because all I cared about was basketball? Because yeah I guess it was and--"
You cut him off by leaning up and pressing your lips to his in a gentle yet determined kiss. Jeremy's words trailed off, his surprise evident in the way he momentarily froze before he responded to your kiss with equal intensity. The worries and doubts that lingered in your mind were momentarily pushed aside as you allowed yourself to get lost in the warmth of the moment.
After what felt like an eternity, you both pulled away, breathless and eyes wide. Jeremy's expression softened, and he reached up to cup your cheek. "I didn't want to bring this up so soon, but you deserve to know the truth," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. "So uh yeah. That's why we broke up."
"I really like you Jer...if you're working on yourself with these things then--"
"I am I am!" he rushed to confirm. "I'm in therapy and I'm getting better being off the pills and I'm not a violent guy--that fight was just at a bad time and--"
"Jeremy!" you interrupted him with a laugh. ā€œI appreciate your honesty. Thatā€™s all I wanted,ā€ you explained with a smile.
He let out a breath of relief as he nodded. ā€œCan I kiss you again then?ā€ he asked, his fingers anxiously playing with your own as he felt his cheeks heat up. You giggled as you nodded.
With a grin, he dipped his head back down again, connecting his lips to yours in another searing kiss. Your arms moved up to wrap around his neck while his hands rested on your hips. The kiss deepened, the world around you fading away as you lost yourself in the taste and feel of Jeremy's lips.
Perhaps you were being stupid and let the whole thing slide too easily, but you truly didnā€™t care in that moment. The way his lips felt soft against your own and how his beard lightly scratched your skin was all that mattered as you kissed under the moonlight and the waves crashed against the shore.
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esther-dot Ā· 1 year
Hair discourse: GRRM makes a big deal out of Catelynā€™s and Sansaā€™s hair. And the Lannisterā€™s. Actually, šŸ¤” everybody elseā€™s too. TargARYEN hair, Tully hair. Snowhite Jon and his Stark hair that concealed his identity. Ygritteā€™s hair in connection to both Arya and Sansa.
On a side note, does anyone else remembers the stans were pressed during season 8 because Misandei wasnā€™t around anymore to braid Danyā€™s ridiculous hair?? Truly they had their priorities straight šŸ¤”
I do remember those comments about Missandei. This fandom is truly sick sometimes. D&D really contributed to the horrible treatment of her by the fandom when they didnā€™t allow her to realize what Dany was and choose to leave her/return home. Thatā€™s the ending she should have gotten rather than getting killed to ā€œjustifyā€ Danyā€™s murderous rampage that was seasons in the making. Infuriating.
Martin really does have a thing with hair! It comes up a lot and he uses it in multiple ways. I talked about Sansaā€™s hair a little over here, and think a lot more could be said with a closer inspection of how it comes up throughout the series. It connects to her mother/identity/reclaiming the North...itā€™s really interesting how seemingly inconsequential things have such importance in Martinā€™s world.
Also, I love your ā€œsnow whiteā€ Jon comment. lmao! I just read this, and my brain immediately went to Jon/Snow White:
One day in winter, the girlā€™s foster-father was skinning a milk-fed calf on the snow outside, to cook it for her. She saw a raven drinking the blood on the snow. She said to Leborcham:
ā€˜I could desire a man who had those three colors there: hair like the raven, cheeks like blood, and his body like snow.ā€™
(from The Exile of the Sons of Uisliu, link)
Lotā€™s of interesting ASOIAF-y things in that story!
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accio-victuuri Ā· 1 year
Itā€™s time for some Christmas Eve / Christmas CPN to keep you company šŸŽ„
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first of all, Merry Christmas! I hope that you spend this day with people you love. may it be a cozy day filled with good food and gifts.
everything below is fake. for turtles only.
ā˜¼ā˜½ā‹†ļ½”Ā°āœ§ āœ§ā‹†Ā°ļ½”ā˜¾ā˜¼
letā€™s start with another cute story - drawing from Chengyi. This time with Bobo attempting to make bread/pastry for ZZ cause he knows he likes it. At this point, iā€™m just treating all the succeeding stuff she posts as fake stories. tho there is really something about a real-life person who they know, spent some time with them and saw them interact, turning into a full fledged turtle. lol. either on screen or real life, there is a factor that will make certain people believe in szd. What fans love about this comic is Boboā€™s attempt in making ZZ happy by making what he likes ā€” he is also wearing an apple watch, which weā€™ve been clowning about recently.
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this reminds alot of us about GGā€™s 2020 birthday cake and who made it. There were lots of speculation at that time and one of them was Bobo made the cake. I mean, Bobo is someone who can do anything if he sets his mind to it, tho he may be a disaster in the kitchenā€” he can always practice. or maybe he had a bit of help. People are pointing out that in the photos, the cake looks smooth and perfect. but in the video, you can see in an angle that it wasnā€™t. there is a part with no icing and looks uneven. I know someone took some icing and smeared it on his cheek but that was only a little. So was he hiding the imperfection? trying to only show the perfect look of the cake his baobao made him? šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
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When this CPN was talked about years ago, I was really skeptical because not everything is about their relationship. I mean, are we reaching too much? We are even connecting the cake to Yibo? But one thing I noticed about that cake is how simple it is. White. No decoration. Then Iā€™m comparing it to the kind of cakes and cupcakes XZ and his team give out to staff/crew, itā€™s totally different. He prefers giving ones that look really pretty. So if this 2020 birthday cake was store bought or custom ā€” why is it so plain? Unless someone handmade it. Someone who is a newbie in baking. šŸ¤”
Example below are the cakes given by ZZā€™s team to the ADLAD crew.
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talking about these cakes, there was a card given alongside it ( see p1 ) with the message wishing a happy/merry christmas eve. The handwriting ( and message ) tho is similar to what was shared before by LRLG, a handwritten letter. Coincidence? lol. This is why we love LRLG so much!
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Next is a submission in the ZSWW fake rumor house. I wanna mention it because of how cute it portrayed Bobo. šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ I cannot post the whole translation here cause iā€™m not allowed, so Iā€™ll share a few lines only.
ā€¢ It said Bobo can be heard on the phone saying ā€œI think you didnā€™tā€ and also ā€œdo you miss me?ā€ / ā€œdo you miss me today?ā€ / ā€œthinking of youā€
Then ZZ teases him, acting like he doesnā€™t miss him, and Bobo was likeā€” ā€œIā€™m the only one that miss you, you donā€™t miss me.ā€
This is so Yibo. He will only act spoiled and childish towards his ZZ, wanting his attention. It must be so delightful for ZZ to tease Yibo! Hearing that soft yibo voice ahhhhhh! We could never!!!! Iā€™m so happy that they are in the same city now, and hopefully till the end of year or beyond. They deserve time to be together. Even if they have work commitments, at the end of the day, they can still go home to each other.
ā€¢ Someone is already "quietly" preparing šŸŽ„šŸŽwhat about you?
hmmmmmm. i doubt they will show off what each other gave, but who knows?
ā€¢ OP mentioned the line : "Don't give up what you love because you're afraid" and this made me so soft. Not only does it talk about their relationship but their careers as well. yiboā€™s love for dancing. zzā€™s love for singing. both their passion for acting. They are two people who continue to pursue their love no matter what other people think. They are so inspiring. šŸ¤
Lastly, this unofficial bts video shared today. Nothing really incriminating. Just an example of how much they share and notice about what each other is doing. They donā€™t sound like two colleagues who just tolerate one another.
ZZ: Why did you just say you would go back to the hotel?
WYB: I just got back to the hotel and stayed there for an hour
ZZ: wearing makeup and wearing clothes
WYB: Itā€™s hard. When did you switch over?
ZZ: I didnā€™t check the time, I just arrived 10 minutes earlier than you.
I swear. They know what the other person is doing or their schedule. Itā€™s like they look forward to being together or whatever time they have sharing the screen. šŸ¤
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usergrantaire Ā· 6 months
some gilded age s2 episode 5 thots
- oh larry šŸ’€ donā€™t worry man youā€™ll be over it in a month
- omg turner mrs winterton duke dinner sabotage???
- im so desperate to know more about maud like if she is a lesbian or not
- adaā€™s moving so fast with the reverendā€¦.. i want her to be happy but knowing jf this canā€™t possibly end well šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
- i trust erica armstrong dunbar but why do i get the feeling something awful is going to happen while peggy is in the south
- finally some larry/marian interaction, weā€™ve been starved
- naur not agnes ambushing the reverend
- ā€œwe both love adaā€ ā€œthen stop being so selfishā€ maā€™am are you HEARING yourself šŸ˜­
- no, deaths and injuries do not always have to be ā€œpart of itā€, mr russell šŸ¤”
- noooooo gladys baby whereā€™s your chemise omg šŸ˜­ and the historical accuracy is usually so good too
- oh bertha is already setting gladys up to be sold off to the duke
- ā€œdonā€™t decide anything without talking to marian firstā€ im sorry but what would MARIAN know??? she got strung along and ended up dumped by a gold digger
- ah so mrs roebling is masquerading as mr roebling
- ā€œhe preaches savagery and violence to bring about political changeā€ well historically nothing else has been quite as effective šŸ˜¬ sooooo
- keep unionising babes remember that you donā€™t need the boss but the boss sure as fuck needs you
- patrick page has truly carved out a niche for himself playing daddy capitalism huh
- oh oscarā€™s gonna ruin himself trying to help maud
- con artist maud??? she could still be a lesbian itā€™s just irrelevant to the scamming
- ugh mcneil just let watson or collier or whoever the fuck he is speak to flora
- berthaā€™s really going to sell gladys to a duke just to get back at mrs winterton isnā€™t she lol
- does anyone need this many footmen at a single dinner
- julian fellowes LOVES a soup sabotage subplot
- AMBER GRAY!!!!!!
- never have so many talented singers been hired not to sing omg
- nobody takes this show seriously anyway give us a musical episode lmfao
- poor mr winterton a hot young wife isnā€™t all itā€™s cracked up to be is it
- yupppp i called it (peggy in the south)
- weā€™re finally getting to the ā€œgildedā€ part of the show with the rich white people soup sabotage nonsense followed by a chaser of terror and violence
- oh foreshadowing when marian asks ada if she has no doubts
- sheā€™s gonna jilt dashiell at the altar i can feel it
- i love maud beatonā€™s increasingly crazy hats so much
- leave it to agnes to make a dramatic entrance
and thatā€™s it for the week folks see yā€™all next week
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youremyheaven Ā· 8 months
Amal Clooney: Kibbe Analysis
So far in the few Kibbe posts I've made I've discussed mostly about Theatrical Romantics & Soft Dramatics. This was primarily driven by the fact that people tend to undertype these IDs wayyyy too much and gloss over all the attributes that determine someone's ID & essence.
With that said, I thought it would be interesting to analyse someone whose ID I've never really discussed before.
Amal Clooney is a Pure Dramatic (also simply known as Dramatic).
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She's 5'8.5 and appears even taller, she has a long vertical line. She has a very narrow build. Her body is not wide nor is it curvy. She has a very sharp, very Yang build.
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Look at her in all these above outfits, she looks awful in those low rise jeans, she does not have the frame of a Natural so the ill fitted red dress looks awkward and clumsy on her. The gold lame dress is too drapey and she's too statuesque for it to work on her. The red frilly gown is something that would flatter a Romantic but it looks off on her.
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These are some outfits that look very harmonious on her. They are super tailored and structured and cater to her Dramatic lines and essence.
the B&W top & pencil skirt looks good even though Dramatics are advised to not mix & match because its very tailored and well fitted.
the flapper dress is not flowy or drapey, it has a very structured silhouette and looks good on her
ofc the pantsuit looks amazing af because its very tailored and well fitted and is a complete head to toe look without any line breaking
this yellow look she wore to Prince Harry's wedding is probably one of my all time fav looks on her. Solid color, head to toe ensemble, thats the perfect length and very well tailored. stunninggg<3
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these two dresses are too flowy and not tailored enough to be flattering on her
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but look at these!!
she's pregnant in the yellow fit so that's all the tailoring she could manage but its a very structured outfit and it looks better on her than something soft and slouchy
this all white look is my FAV look on her simply because its sooo harmonious on her. it caters to her proportions, the color flatters her, the structure and silhouette flatter her. all in all its a perfect look.
She has Classic, Dramatic & Romantic essence imo
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meanwhile look at these awful outfits šŸ¤”
that short floral print dress is a NO-NO, its too girly, too short and the weird tutu type skirt line entirely unflattering on anyone who isn't a Gamine
those leather trousers are hideous but they also make her look bulky and the cut and style is just not for her narrow sharp Dramatic body that looks best in tailored, structured clothing.
the bottom row outfits šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤®should i even say anything? they dont flatter her at all. the fitting is wrong, the length is wrong, its altogether a MESS.
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dreamii-yume Ā· 7 months
hehe thank you for responding kindly to my theory šŸ’™ and yes, theorizing is fun! especially when itā€™s really meant for us to find out the answer by ourselves and make any judgement of it. and there is also no black or white for the rightness, so you can just make the judgment on any idea you believe.
itā€™s just nice to exchange perspectives with other people since itā€™s a way to see things that we donā€™t usually able to. like here, iā€™m not especially great at understanding symbolism (thatā€™s i couldnā€™t make any sense of shidouā€™s first mv), so of course itā€™s great to see things from the perspective of someone that understands them better.
and honestly, i think that iā€™m also bias with my own former theory, maybe thatā€™s why i was focusing more on the possibility of it to happen. lol i didnā€™t learn anything from reading sherlock back then (something like ā€œyou shouldnā€™t make theory without evidence, or youā€™ll twist the facts to suit the theory insteadā€). but itā€™s also not like thereā€™s anyhting concrete here. so~ we can simply just believe what we believe and have fun!
Iā€™m no good with symbolisms either!! šŸ˜–
The first trials of Milgram were almost impossible to decipher if it werenā€™t for the Youtube comments ā˜ ļø Like how was I supposed to know that Amane was in a cult? How was I supposed to know that Shidou was harvesting organs? I still donā€™t know what was going on in Kazuiā€™s 1st and 2nd MV šŸ˜­
The thing I love about shows like Milgram is that nothing is ever a concrete fact, unless they say it themselves, so we can have fun twisting logic to make our own conclusion! Itā€™s even more fun when the evidence does lines up with what we got, so I encourage theorizing as much as possible lol Nothing is ever impossible in shows like thisā€”Jesus Christ, even MVs that are straight-forward like Muuā€™s 1st trial turned out to be completely different from what was originally believed in the 2nd MV šŸ˜­ I celebrated knowing that she was a mean girlie because I never once trusted that bitch ever since her interrogation came out ā˜ ļø
(Anyway, I really like Muuā€™s character. I feel bad for her for a completely different reason šŸ¤”)
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tiny-tigers Ā· 1 year
I feel bad saying this but I don't actually think of Henry as a full back so no, surprisingly no bias here... šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚šŸ„“šŸ˜† (I am more worried about that sharks fullback coming through in the next few years....) But Tommy Freeman's done more in a white shirt and I always thought him and Freddie worked quite well together in the back field!
No never met him or been to a game! I don't think I'd want to because I'd fear it might be a let down if that makes sense? šŸ˜­šŸ˜–šŸ˜…
Whats your in person analysis of Fred and how does it differ?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ’•
Oh interesting ! Well for me he just got legs and a marketable face but that's all about it, saw interviews and I'm not impressed.
Roebuck ? is that Roebuck ?
I can't really say I saw a lot from Freeman because he was not having a lot of game time and I am usually VERY focused on Jacko while I watch England which is awful because I see ALL his mistakes with a critical eye.
Big sigh + Big flop today got kicked out of one account I followed for a year / he added a new b$%ch and I got blocked by oliviafw_x who just got interested in Fred but now she blocked me so I cannot see if it is relevant or not that she follows both šŸ˜ž ( Same for sophiajkent you have info on her Idk who it is and they both follow her I'm curious it looks norwich-norfolk sided so I thought you might have info ) + you add 4 unfollowers and you got my productive day šŸ˜¬šŸ¤”šŸ˜¬
oh it makes sense like the don't meet your heroes unless you want to be disappointed.
I can assure you , you will not be. Not by Fred. If you were a Jack's fan I couldn't promise you that.
He genuinely was defying my expectations.
First of all he is VERY tall , I was more surprised by Jack because he doesn't looks that tall but he is taller in reality even my friend who is the same height finds him taller in person. Just be prepared if you meet him to put on some heels or platforms or big sneakers or you will look midget.
He's even-tempered with everyone, he uses an even tone, doesn't distinguish between people I found that very pleasant when you know that some players have their preferences. I thought it was refreshing and a good surprise.
He is more shy in real than I would have thought I expected someone very confident or a bit A BIT haughty but he wasn't
Idk in pure flesh he is really different very VERY easy to approach and I would not have thought that since he was now a regular for England squad I was expecting an "aura" keeping people at distance aaaaaaand I felt that for J . Take all the bullet points and reverse it and you got Jack in flesh .
Nooooot gonna lie I was expecting him to be more handsome and in real I was just like : he is a normal average guy why all the fuss ? But that is just ME (TOTALLY THE OPPOSITE FOR JACK ON THAT ONE BECAUSE OMG they all fall and liquify in front of HIS EYES ??? When squidge rugby call him pretty eyes it is not a lie he looks at you with REAL INTENSITY when fred is just happy babbling with you , jack STARES. ) like for real I have got people who are not charmed by his appearance but in real ??? MAGNETISISM WITCHCRAFT so you should see me everytime I see him in flesh I'm shaking and my guts are rearranging ?? And he is so ... palpable. Ok focus you asked Fred I can tell all the difference about J another day. So yeah sorry not very melting on the inside for Fred when I think he is really handsome in some pictures
Very more human haha I know it is stupid but in 3d they are impressive ?? And it does a little something to your core. I mean that is fred !
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poptart-cat-78 Ā· 9 months
Favorite ouat character(s) and why?
Oooooh WHY would you ask me this?! UGH okay I guess Iā€™ll list my top 5 OUAT characters
1.) Emma Swan
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If youā€™ve been on my blog AT ALL you know Emma is a comfort character for me. Although personality wise Im nothing like her, I always found myself relating to her and her story, even if Im not an orphan or have had a toxic relationship. The story of an orphan girl who thought she would never be loved, never find her parents, always be abandoned becoming a woman with a family who would do anything for her, a son who brought her to said family and a man who sticks by her side through hell and back (literally) just šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„¹šŸ„¹. The way she had walls around her to protect herself from being betrayed to opening up, learning to trust and learning itā€™s okay to be vulnerable. I just love her and her character arc, also she made me love the story of the Ugly Duckling. The things this woman went through, nobody deserves that, I just wanna hug her.
2.) Henry Mills
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One of the two characters Iā€™m most alike. As a child I loved fairytales and Disney and itā€™s why I was so drawn to this show when I first saw the trailer for it. Just like Henry, I want people to be the best versions of themselves but I know thatā€™s not always the case. I believe in magic and have this very optimistic look on life (just like Snow as well). Also you really canā€™t have Emma without including Henry, theyā€™re a package deal and the two main characters of OUAT. Also why do people find him annoying???
3.) Mary Margaret Blanchard aka Snow White
For similar reasons why I like Henry. Iā€™m more like her than I am actually like Emma XD. I believe love is a powerful emotion, no matter WHAT kind of love it is. Like Henry, she believes in magic, is hopeful and optimistic, traits I also possess (but tbh I might have gotten those traits from watching the show for 6 years)
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4.) Killian Jones/ Captain Hook
The first person to read Emma like an open book. The tension these two had in Tallahassee??? HELLO??? Heā€™s an orphan, just like Emma. He was traded into slavery with his younger brother Liam, like WHO DOES THAT TO THEIR CHILD (looks at Brennan). He spent centuries trying to avenge the murder of his first love, Milah and thatā€™s the kind of devotion Emma needed. He became a better man not just to win her over, but for his own sake too. He let Emma lead the entire way through their relationship and respected her boundaries, but stuck by her side through hell and back (yes, I used this term twice)
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5.) Robin Hood
One of the two most devastating deaths in the show (the other was Hook but he came back to life so does his death really count?) He just had so much potential and Regina was genuinely happy with him. I like to pretend he attended CSes wedding because Im a šŸ¤”.
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Also yes Iā€™m aware that I had deep meaningful reasons for the other characters, Im just salty about Robin Hoodā€™s death okay?
Thanks for the ask @nerdy-girl3791! āœØāœØāœØ
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moonlightdancer26 Ā· 1 year
AYO šŸ’• I'm bored, so here be me, offering 1: a funny rant for entertainment, and 2: an opinion for reflection (primarily mine).
Rant: did you know that jegulus shippers hc that Snape bullied Regulus with the other "bad" slytherins? And even acted predatory?? Legit read a scene where Mulciber manhandled Regulus and Snape watched cool and composed as you please and chided him for "playing with his food", then he himself slammed Regulus against a wall, got up in his face and threatened him. šŸ˜­šŸ¤” Meanwhile Sneep and Regulus were probs CEO and COO respectively of the Sirius Black Haters Club. Even indifference from Regulus' part would be more likely than someone like him with an important and infamous family getting bullied by his own housemates, let alone by Snape who was at the bottom of the social ladder. Cringe. šŸ˜¬
Opinion, a little more weighted. Though the blatant racism in Rowling's writing and characterizations of certain characters is undeniable, I've personally come across a few sjws who imo see it even where it's not. But there are instances where I'm not sure. Like with Shacklebolt, I always thought that the name was about him putting criminals in shackles, being good at his job, not an allusion to slavery. But I'm white and don't know whether black people actually consider it a good point, and just bc something is said or seen w/o bad intention doesn't mean there aren't implicit racist connotations going unnoticed. It's been going around in my head for a while. I summon your illustrious spouse @halfblood-princes-crown who iirc is poc (also realised I'm not following him which, great oversight), and anyone else who'd like to contribute their thoughts.
Hey sweetie! Sorry for the late-ish answer šŸ˜­ I completely forgot this was in my drafts
did you know that jegulus shippers hc that Snape bullied Regulus with the other "bad" slytherins? And even acted predatory??
YES OMG, I canā€™t even explain how stupid it is. Like these mfs really think some poor greasy bullied half-blood Slytherin could even bully a Black (whoā€™s the opposite of everything I mentioned, aside from Slytherin) šŸ’€ plus they both hated Sirius and would legit kill for the people they love so I have a petty headcanon that theyā€™re besties and Sirius HATED it. You just know Reggie would be there when James and Sirius try to target Snape, and when James gets roasted and Sirius tries to join in Reggie would be like ā€œand why are you talking? Donā€™t you *spills an embarrassing sibling-secret Sirius still does from when they were kids*?ā€ and theyā€™d stand there like šŸ‘¬) šŸ¤­ Tbh Marauder stans would go to such drastic lengths just so they make it seem like the Marauders bullying Snape was as mild as possible lmao.
But there are instances where I'm not sure. Like with Shacklebolt, I always thought that the name was about him putting criminals in shackles, being good at his job,
I totally understand that! It could be argued that thatā€™s what it meant, because it really is a reasonable perspectiveā€¦ā€¦. that is, if Kingsley wasnā€™t part of the 4% POC characters in the series. Why would she give one of her only black characters a last name thatā€™s meaning was an item used to chain slaves? It was apparently absolutely impossible for her to name any other white auror (basically every other auror) that was good at their job that name?
Along with all that, sheā€™s named the only other Asian character (aside from the Patil twins) Cho Chang, both of which are last names. And itā€™s clear Rowlingā€™s one of those authors who really put thought into their charactersā€™ names, for example: Severus Snape (his first name directly translates to ā€œsternā€ or ā€œharshā€), Voldemort (mort means ā€œdeath,ā€ and when translating each section of the name in French, ā€œvol de mortā€ it means ā€œflight from deathā€), Remus Lupin (ā€¦wolf wolf šŸ’€), Dolores Umbridge (Latin origins: ā€œlady of sorrows or painā€ (psychological or physical), Greek meaning: ā€œdeceitful,ā€ Spanish meaning: ā€œpainā€), Fenrir Greyback (in Norse mythology: Fenrir is a gigantic and terrible monster, Greyback sounds similar to silverback, which is known as the dominant male in a band of gorillas), Fleur Delacour (ā€œflower of the courtā€), and so on. I could literally talk about their name meanings for hours. My fave name meanings are Severusā€™s, Voldyā€™s (biggest flex is that I already knew this bc itā€™s French šŸ¤­), Remusā€™s (šŸ˜­ I already knew ā€œLupinā€ā€™s meaning because of the wolf (lupus) in mythology), Umbitchā€™s, and Fleurā€™s. Tbf Fleurā€™s full name is so stereotypically French but French names are almost as stunning as she is so I give it a pass.
Anyway, Rowling definitely isnā€™t one of those authors who give their characters a name they think ā€œjust fits themā€ and goes on with it, almost all of the charactersā€™ names say something about their personalities to an extent. And sheā€™s already a racist and proved it through making an Asian characterā€™s full name consist of one Korean last name (Cho) and one Chinese last name (Chang). So the fact that she named one of her only black characters THAT name definitely must not have anyyy underlying intentions.
I may be a POC but Iā€™m not black, so Iā€™m sure my opinion wonā€™t hold as much water as a black personā€™s. Iā€™d be interested to hear what yā€™all think! @halfblood-princes-crown weā€™re summoning you babe, I wanna hear what you think.
And thanks for the ask btw, you can yell into my inbox whenever you feel like it ā¤ļø
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aza-trash-can Ā· 1 year
šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸŒ±šŸŽ² -Esprit!~
Ooooh, okay!
šŸ¤” - Whatā€™s something dumb theyā€™re embarrassed about?
Getting spooked easily. It's a broad category, and mainly consists of Haila scaring him when he least expects it, but it was way worse when he was little. He literally jumped when he got scared when he was a kid, and a force-enhanced jump can really send a person flying. He was so embarrassed by that that he trained himself to not jump when scared, and instead just jolt a little. Even then, he still gets embarrassed by how easily he's startled.
šŸ¤” - Whatā€™s something theyā€™ll never understand?
How people can get so violent over trivial opinions. He's always been a very passive person, so he's never felt the need to fight over small matters. Oh, he'll argue, have a debate for sure, but resorting to violence will always confound him. Why not agree to disagree and move on?
šŸŒ± - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
Green thumb, absolutely. He only keeps one tiny fern plant because he doesn't want to take care of a bunch of plants, but he could grow a jungle if he wanted to. He does study the Living Force quite extensively, so it kinda checks out that he's good with plants.
šŸŽ² - Pick a random question to answer from this list.
Fun fun! I'll choose this:
šŸ¾ - Do they have any pets?
And I pick this because, while he doesn't have a pet before or during the war, a little after O66 he gets a loth cat and names her Cherry Pop (Cherry for short). She's a white loth cat with strawberry blonde spots all over, hence the name. He absolutely adores her, and carries her in his bag everywhere he goes.
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eemcintyre Ā· 9 months
"Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision" (2003) review
DO NOT read this if you enjoyed the movie because it's just going to really piss you off pls and thank you :))
Within 5 minutes, I already knew that this was going to be a nearly unwatchable mess- and it was almost literally unwatchable because the opening scenes use that stupid "let's turn down the brightness to make it look dark out instead of just waiting to film at night" šŸ¤”šŸ˜‘
But anyway, this movie perhaps holds the record for "shortest amount of time that I held out hope it was going to be good" šŸ«”šŸ˜¬
We get a small silver lining in the form of Thomas' gorgeous white hair and tuxedo and him speaking German šŸ« 
These special effects are truly painful to look at; absolutely abysmal; mom come get me I'm scared šŸ‘€
MPK I can't believe they got you too; how and why did y'all do this?? Did u owe someone a favor?
At least she and Thomas, as usual, both really put their all into what they were given
The "romance" with Jason Scott Lee and her was so manufactured and unnecessary tho
The amount that everyone is fucking with the timeline is stressing me out way too much šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
Thomas sure does make a handsome evil cowboy in his black hat outfit though; wish he would buy *this* pretty little girl a drink šŸ‘†šŸ»šŸ„ƒ (love that none of the wild west pioneers question his 00s sunglasses tho)
By the middle of the movie, I just completely stopped caring; only other thing of note to mention is that he looked hot in the climactic scene where he was threatening to kill a child with a gun and we got some high kicks
The ending is basically that everything goes back to the way it was at the beginning, aka the most boring possible thing that has you wondering what the point of all of your suffering was
I genuinely haven't a clue where the raving reviews on IMDb are from because there's **no way** we were watching the same movie. Can safely say this is one of the worst I've ever seen, 3/10 and that's all only for Thomas and MPK
yikes šŸ™ƒšŸ”„
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