#she said he was lance coded lol
gifti3 · 11 months
Really into the concept of weilding your partner as a weapon
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randomnameless · 1 year
What are your top 5 Strawmitri arguments?
Mine would be, in no particular order:
Dimitri cares about the present, therefore he doesn't care at all about the future and would be a terrible leader because of it
He's so mentally ill he can never hope to recover, and as such Edelgard did him a favor by killing him in CF
He's more at fault for the war than Edelgard because he fought back after she attacked first and unprovoked, instead of letting her take Faerghus without a fight
The entire point of Dimitri's character and of AM in general is how royalty can get away with commiting crimes commoners would be executed for, since Fleche gets killed for trying to take revenge on him but he survives in spite of all the people he killed when he was at his most unhinged
Dimitri's hatred of Edelgard is rooted in his love for her back when they were kids, which is why him killing her in AM by stabbing her with his phallic-shaped lance is supposed to be symbolic of his desire to fuck her
Oh gods, I remember I wanted to make a "redshit takes awards" once upon a time, but then I gave up lol
I haven't browsed that much about Dimitri nor given too much thought about the discourse surrounding him because laughing at the Rhea takes took way too much time, but I think I really laughed at the :
Dimitri is racist because he cuts Claude when Claude is being an asshole about the Abyss
Even if I can't forgot the
Defensive invasion
Dimitri represents toxic masculinity (the guy who has traditional "feminine" coded hobbies like sewing, who cries, who blushes calling his friends by their first names, whose biggest default and the one that leads him to his downfall is his empathy, etc etc)
Dimitri stole Felix and Annette's dads :(
dimitri is a religious extremist because he shelters Rhea who is also a religious extremist. source : trust me bro I know i have a degree in advanced bullshit
the State of Quo - as Dimitri reforms his country like his dad wanted to do but never got the chance because his head rolled from his shoulders for some reason - this one was parroted in Nopes because how dare he want a progressive change rather than a radical one !!
and last but not the least, and it's less about Dimitri than about the poor redshiter who said something like "women love dimitri because they are controled by their ovaries and they prefer a violent man who would abuse them rather than real people like me :("
Oh and also, as a french person so far removed from american politics, the "Dimitri is a centrist" take always made me laugh (Dimitri chez Bayrou?)
From your takes though, I'd rank them like this :
peepee weapon thus stabbing Supreme Leader means he wanted to fuck her and this is why he goes "cray-cray" because she didn't reciprocate his affections (and totes not because he believes she killed his father, their mother, his friends and actually starts a war slaughtering thousands of randoms)
"too cray-cray to live"
caring about the present sucks because you don't care about the future (which is totally not built on the people living in the present!)
nobles bad because they kill commoners who try to kill them :(
victim blaming (this one is so mainstream!)
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empty-blog-for-lurking · 10 months
Kuron lance and allura for the headcanon thing(if that's not too many lol)
Headcanon A: realistic
After that time on the ice planet he started keeping extra water pouches and snacks with him at all times
He does not like the smell of burning meat
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
He enjoyed being a paladin in monsters and mana so much he was planning to cosplay his character when he got back home :)
Also pretty decent at cooking and uses it to make fun of Shiro
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
He had even picked up some cloth he could use for cosplay, it got blown up with the castle since no one thought to pick it up with him being yknow
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Headcanon A: realistic
Knows a Guy™ for everything, like even the most random and specific ass situations he just Knows someone who can get them out.
Also big fan of point and click puzzle games, and is getting pretty good at it too
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
His grandma taught him how to shoot as well as other things like administrating first aid, carjacking, how to read and write in code, impersonation, 5 different language etc. When asked why she just said "for the future" and didnt elaborate
Lance and Hunk once pretended to be toxic-couple-fighting-in-public-and-making-a-scene as a distraction for Galra long enough for the others to complete the mission
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Because of the entire died-but-revived and altean marks thingy he will either end up dying slowly or has extended life and is going to outlive almost all of his friends and loved ones :)
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
I have said this before but i'll say it again cause this is my favourite hc. I do not care what canon or fanon says but Lance is bi with shittiest taste in men. It's alright my boy, i perceive you, i know you have kissed men and i know they all fucking sucked.
Lance went on spy missions while the entire time Lotor was staying in castle and Keith was gone
Headcanon A: realistic
She really doesnt like healing pods, or going to sleep and first thing she does after waking up is check the date and time
Also she would have loved glitter bath bombs
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
She loves building pillow forts. Lance and Hunk showed her how to make one and that is now her go to stress relief
Also she knows how to play an altean equivalent of a hurdy gurdy but like can only play altean equivalent of Wonderwall
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
As a little kid she used to look upto Zarkon and Honerva. You know how little kids have these adult figures (not parents) they really wanted to impress? That was Zarkon and Honerva
As a kid she was much more interested in Diplomacy and altean martial arts than in alchemy despite being naturally gifted with it because she thought the lessons were too boring. She regretted than when she woke up 10000 years later
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
She was researching on altean alchemy even before Lotor showed up to feel a bit closer to her culture
Technically she can pilot any lion because of her bond with them i do not care what canon says
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treesbian · 1 year
saw you said you haven’t seen vld s8 (correct choice lol) so do you know that there’s an episode of s8 where keith in his underwear gets the shit beaten out of him by a lesbian (zethrid) who is mad her wife (ezor) left her? it’s legit the only good thing about s8
things i know about season 8
allura dies (BOO!!!!!)
allura and lance go on one singular date and lance says "i love you" immediately
there's a sunset scene with keith and lance thats About allurance
allura turns lance altean with her magic altean spit
veracxa (yay!) (i maintain my theory that they were trying to set her up with keith and then saw how mad we got at that and made her gay instead)
ezor/zethrid (yay again!)
ezor/zethrid fucking die (BOO!)
theres a new robot called atlas??
there's a vlog episode featuring that group of new characters that werent introduced til s7
they wear garrison uniforms but color coded to match their armor
future keith has a pony tail
shiro marries a random side character named curtis
lance is a farmer now? ok!
i assume the galra empire is defeated.
and now this brand new knowledge
keith in his underwear gets beat up by a lesbian who is mad her wife left her. delightful. was this before or after they were on voltron's side? why was he in his underwear? how did she catch him in his underwear? did he do something to provoke the attack or was he just a convenient target? i have many questions
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movies & shows
cracks knuckles* alright this is going to be more of a rant than an analysis because i’m basing this on both my research, but also how it felt to personally be baited by these shows. there are obviously more pieces of bad (almost every horror movie) and good ones but these are the ones i’ve watched.
please keep in mind that i am but one queer and everyone has different opinions.
Supernatural (CW) 2005
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This show is 15 years old and just ended. From season 5 till 15, there has been tension between two of the lead characters. They were constantly shipped together and not only did the entire fandom know about this ship but so did almost all of Tumblr. On top of that, the actors and show runners knew about it as well. Which is why it makes it ridiculous that it was constantly pushed aside while the romantic coding  kept happening, even after show runners dismissed it as being intentional. The Destiel (Dean x Cas) case has been going on for years, and as the show came to its end, many fans had hope. But N O P E. Instead, we got a love confession from Cas where Dean looked like he was near constipated and the Cas was killed and sent into a fiery place that was not hell but s u p e r  h e l l.
… w hy.
Sherlock (BBC) 2010
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Just like Supernatural, this show was renown on Tumblr for not only how good it was, but its hinting at a potential relationship between Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. But again, like Supernatural, the intentional tension between the two characters was denied by producers. This caused an uproar within the fandom, and even left some people believing that, after the last season aired, it had been a joke and the producers were hiding a “secret, unaired season” because they had felt so robbed by this show that had implied something and denied it.
The 100 (CW) 2014
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We got lesbians. We got background gays. We were happy. Then, all of a sudden, one of them is killed for no reason. Did it advance the plot? No. Was she fighting and died in battle? lol no. She was doing literally nothing and got shot and died. And then the producers kept bringing her back once a season in the form of a ghost or illusion because why? Because she was a fan favourite queer character. ✨bury your gays and sparingly bring them back for profit anyone?✨
Voltron: Legendary Defender (Netflix) 2016
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*deep breathe* This one is a special disaster. Not only was there romantic tension and romantically coded scenes for 7 seasons, but producers, voice actors and artists working on the show repeatedly said “don’t worry klance (Keith x Lance) shippers, you’ll be happy”
. … w h e r e??? You code one of their scenes with a sunset in the background while they talk about love and then one of them goes on a date with someone who has declined his advances for 7 seasons but now in season 8 decides to do a full 180. Not only that, but you announce at a Comic Con (a convention) that a character is gay and has a fiancé, only to kill off the fiancé and never make it explicit in the show except at the last second of the last episode where he marries a no name character. 
Personally, i’d like to say a big fuck you to the show that strung me along for 2 years and never stopped saying we’d be happy to then pull the rug out from under us and call us crazy for thinking anything from the past 8 seasons was intentional.
Scooby-Doo (2002) 
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While not being outwardly queerbaiting, this movie’s filmmaker has just revealed some shocking news, which wasn’t at all shocking to the gays who had watched this movie over the years. In July of 2020, James Gunn, the filmmaker of Scooby-Doo, revealed in a podcast that, initially, Velma was explicitly gay in his script, but then the studio watered it down until it became nothing. This isn’t an example of baiting as much as it is changing a character’s initial design to “better fit an audience”. The worst part of all this is that with Velma’s character having been written with a l i t t l e queer subtext, people had been theorizing about if since the movie came out, but were always yelled at by the internet for “imagining something that isn’t there”. But now, even with it being said that the initial point was for her to be gay, people have no objections to still refusing to accept it. Why?? So we can’t get the subtext gays OR the confirmed gays?? Make it make sense.
Brooklyn 99 (NBC) 2013
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To have the queer characters firstly introduced without mentioning their sexualities and have it brought up naturally was so goddamn nice to see, because no one does a big deal about it unless they ask for that. This show is amazing in general but the way they show their queer characters is *chefs kiss*.
She-ra and the Princesses of Power (Netflix) 2018
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This. Show. My heart SOARS. It's just a remake of an old show so absolutely nothing was ever expected, but then it was sprinkled in and ENDED WITH A BANG. And it was so beautiful and real to see the struggle of two friends who care for each other and want to be together but have different visions of the world fall in love. And they also had characters with disabilities, a non-binary character and jUST SUCH A GOOD SHOW.
Kipo and The Age of Wonderbeasts (Netflix) 2020
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This is a case where you go into it not expecting anything and are BLOWN AWAY by the bare minimum. And not because it’s bad!! It's mind blowing because this is the simple representation we need!! Not something over the top, but an every day relationship. It’s just two boys falling in love and going on dates and being nervous around each other, yet i was so stunned. Because it’s not shown enough. I should not be this excited over something that should be this normal. 10/10 though this show is so good for all kinds of representation.
Steven Universe (Cartoon Network) 2013
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This show did so much for queer representation with its general message of loving everyone and loving who you want. Especially since it was aired on Cartoon Network, a channel for kids, it was able to help normalize something so looked down upon in some circles. It made it easy to watch for s o m e people because it's a cartoon but it's so beautiful to see these ladies so in love with each other, both platonically and romantically and we see them have a family dynamic that isn’t a “nuclear family”. Rebecca Sugar (creator) really said “lemme just break all stereotypes real quick”.
Adventure Time (Cartoon Network) 2010
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It's the “knowing a fanbase shipped something so hard that the creators made it canon” for me. This relationship had been theorized by fans for years, but it had never been explicit in the show. When the finale episode came out and the two shared a kiss, it was a moment of celebration. The producer of the show said that it had not really been planned but when the episode was being made, the choice of what happened was given to one of the artists (bless your soul Hanna K. Nyströmthe). And as the show releases little bonus episodes, its latest was centered around Marceline and Bubblegum and their relationship. AND WE LOVE TO SEE OUR DOMESTIC LESBIANS BEING HAPPY AND IN LOVE.
Yuri on Ice!!! (anime) 2016
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The fact that an A N I M E gave us a love story between two men is mind boggling and it makes me so happy!! Especially because it's a Japanese show and they’re very conservative about these things just makes it more emotional. The creators said they wanted to make the anime take place in a world where gay/straight isn’t a thing, it’s just love (ladies, you’re going to make me cry). So as the weekly episodes came out and fans start speculating, THEY GAVE US THE LAST FEW EPISODES FULL OF ROMANCE AND EMOTIONAL SCENES BETWEEN THE TWO AND THEN THEY GET R I N GS?!???!! You watch for the figure skating, you stay for the figure skaters that are in love.
Shadowhunters (Freeform) 2016
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*insert me being frustrated that the actors are straight so we can move on from that disappointment*
This show really said “let’s name a whole episode after this couple because they deserve it”. But seriously, they gave us two characters whose entire plot does not center around their sexualities while still showing us the differences in a relationship between someone experienced and someone new at this. They were both powerful and amazing characters apart from each other, with their own story lines and goals but they loved each other so much omgs. SO MUCH. 
It was so great to watch.
Love, Simon (2018) 
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There’s a lot of disagreement on whether this movie is good representation or not. However, we need to take into consideration that this was Hollywood’s first movie with a main character that was gay, where the story’s focus was on Simon’s love story. The biggest problem, for me at least, was that the actor playing Simon is a straight man and not queer. My problem is not with him, but the fact that there are other actors that are gay and that could have played Simon just as well. (the love interested was however played by a queer actor so ✨progress✨)
All in all, this movie does represent what a lot of queer kids have to go through: being outed at school, how they then come out, the bullying and doubt they go through.
The book is also really good.
Call Me By Your Name (2018)
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This movie is so aesthetically pleasing and was able to capture the confusion and heartbreak felt by a boy who’s struggling with his own feelings towards a man. His inner conflict and joy and l o v e he feels but doesn’t know how to deal with is so well communicated through the screen and just breaks your heart because it feels so real.
But again, they could’ve gotten gay actors to play gay characters…
through having this list here, i want to show you that it’s not hard for creators to give good queer representation. the LGBTQ+ community isn’t asking for much, we just want to be well represented on screen as just a regular character, not some token queer kid there for the diversity points. having been exposed to so much queerbaiting and just not seeing any representation on screen, i always get over-excited when i see a queer character, and that’s not how it should be. it should be a normal thing, something you can find in most pieces of media, just like there’s a straight white cisgender person in everything.
and they seriously need to start casting queer actors for queer characters...
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fureliselost · 3 years
- oh i just remember what the first ep is
- ohhh the old voltron thing
- oh gods the luka thing
- yesss, hunk gets's banna cake
- sad lance
- hunk talking aboput the old voltron is gold
- hunk what, lance is right, this really isn't the right time, not long ago, allura's boyfriend betrayed her and the entire and she head to fight him and leave him to die. not to mention, you just said y'all are going to space to fight again the next day
- ok, if her friend has to convince her to go on a date with you? that's just.... não boto fé (brazillian saying, means it's not that reliable)
- Romelle calls Lance "pointy chin" lol
- Coran is about ready to torture lance
- with all these references to the old voltron show, they lost the chance to put lance in the blazer/turtleneck and i'm mad
- Luca is... evangelion
- keith in black isssssss yes
- kl shots
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- lance: papa | the subtitles: pop-pop
- ok, this is some very good sibling energy and very good dynamics
- the kiddy table is........ accurate
- Veonica making a comment about keith was absolutely unnecessary. I mean, when they got to voltron, lance was about 17 and keith 18 and, in the photo in lance's mindscape, Veronica was already a graduated garrison person (i mean, she had the gray suit and everything). And, considering it was rachel that got put on the kiddy table, veronica had to be at least 4 years older than lance, so she had to be about 21. at this point, lance is about 18 and keith is 20/21 due to his whale time. However, they skipped 3 years (according to the voltron wiki) after they exited the quintessence field, which means that, adding to the about 1 year in space, veronica is at least 25, if the difference between her and lance is 4 years (i'm betting on more). And, while 20-25 isn't a crazy age difference, it's still, like, what? Like, i'd never date someone who's supposed to be my siblings age because it'd be just... awkward. Not to mention the fact that Keith is, technically, Lance's colleague and friend.
- ok, this tree thing seemed sweet when i first watched but now it just seems like it's motivated by guilt
- ok, her talking to lance is kinda cute, the "i was the one who needed you"
- that came out of nowhere tf
- he looks sad wtf this was supposed to be romantic
- the color coded suits used to be very cute, now they just look corny, oh dang
- they show the memorial thing and i think "oh this is sweet, they're gonna show adam because shiro's speech said 'many have been lost but their sacrifice will not be in vain'" and they show fucking SANDA? wtf? she fucking betrayed earth and almost doomed them, wtf
ep 2
- acxaaaaaa
- ugh, honerva
- how does that fucking cat survive in open space?
- haggaer tf
- poor little lotorrrrrrrr poor child
- omg little lotor got kovaaaaaaaa
- honerva is gaslight girlboss gatekeep
- they made a evangelion
- lotor deserved better
ep 3
- matt is butt
- lahn needs to treat hunk better and that's the tea
- it's cool that they are mentioning the omega shield and lance's death? they don't mention hide nor hair
- where even is lance in this scene wtf?
- wow, lahn had to go and mention keith's mom
- Lance is, like, far away tf
- kosmo is very good and very cute
- tf is the shadow monster
- tf tf tf
- wait, is this the weapon thing keith and krolia let loose?
]- its iis the weapon
- So lance and keith both had their bayards change into something that was the other's signature.... ok
- ok, their evangelion go bonkers
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tolcnsky · 4 years
Re-watching X Men: Evolution as an adult who is pushing 30 was pretty eye-opening for me, and not just because I now know that high school is not nearly that exciting and that basically everyone in that show was out of dress code all the time. The two big things that I noticed this time around both have to do with Professor X and his Institute.
Let’s just say the man has a very “hands-off” method of dealing with children, which leads to problems, but also (and I’m just speculating here): I think Professor X doesn’t take on poor kids? Like, does the Institute have a tuition fee? Because I couldn’t help but notice that all of the kids in the Brotherhood, with the possible exception of Pietro and Wanda (does Magneto Money convert to American dollars?), are not well off.
And I’m not trying to find fault with our favorite Bald-Ass MotherFucker (the BAMF, as I have suddenly decided to call him), but I call it like I see it and unfortunately what I see of his attitude toward The Brotherhood is…let’s say it’s not what you would want in someone whose life’s pursuit is to help and educate children.  And in this show, The Brotherhood are, you know, children. I know any teenage readers may disagree with me on this point, but it’s true. The oldest among them is maybe eighteen, and the youngest is fourteen or fifteen, so they are no more mature or capable of making decisions than any of the show’s protagonists.
As an example, let’s look at Todd, whom Professor X tests in the very first episode in…honestly a really weird and deceptive way, by having him fight his other new student, Kurt, and giving neither of them a heads up about what the hell is going on. Then, when this (again) young kid flees in terror after being accidentally teleported into the room full of lasers and saws, aptly called the “Danger Room”, BAMF’s just like: ah well, he wasn’t ready.
WHO could have been ready for THAT? Also, is not being good at fighting really a good reason to not accept someone to your school where you’re going to teach them to fight anyway? You couldn’t take him aside like a normal person and go: hey, here’s what we’re about at the Institute... Nope, just send Storm at him with no context, that works. Oh, well, at least it was nice of the Professor to stop Wolverine from mercilessly shredding a fleeing teenager with his knife hands, right?
And then, just to pour salt in the wound, in the final episode of the first season, when Todd actually does prove his skills in combat by doing more than about half the core group of X Men did in the same episode, Professor X is like: Alex (who almost got us all killed just now) is always welcome at the Institute 😊 Oh, hey, The Brotherhood, do you kids need a ride back to your dilapidated house, where you live with no adult supervision*, or do you think you can walk home from here?
Now, I’m not saying that our dear BAMF doesn’t care about The Brotherhood, but I am saying that his hands-off approach to teaching valuable life lessons is, uh….well it just sucks.
His problem with these kids seems to be that they lack discipline, have attitude problems**, are just annoying etc. but, my man, is that not why you keep Wolverine around? To be an authority figure? I know you want to value these teens’ autonomy but I think their well-being should outweigh that. At a certain point you should really insist that they have somewhere safe to live that has things like *checks notes* uh, food and running water. Good thing you let them make their own decisions, Professor!
For real, can you imagine being any of Tabitha’s family who aren’t her jailbird dad and calling to check in and finding out that she got upset and ran away to live unsupervised with four teenage boys and this BAMF just let her do it?? I would lose my shit and no amount of calm assurances that it was her decision would make me not lose my shit. The point here being that there is a vast difference between encouraging kids to make informed decisions/allowing them to have agency, and allowing them to make decisions that have potential to ruin their life or, at the very least, make their life much more difficult than it would be if you were to say: “we can talk about your problems and work them out, you don’t have to live in a house where the water gets shut off.”
  Yeah, did I mention that the water at the boarding house gets shut off at one point? It happens one time but I think it’s worth mentioning because it joins my two points. The first point being what I just said about Professor X being lackadaisical when it comes to the well-being of minors (who he deems too irresponsible to join the X Men, but apparently not too irresponsible to look after themselves), and the second point being: hey, Professor. Do you accept poor kids?
You thought I wasn’t going to come back to this point, well you were wrong, here it is!
In the show, it’s kind of a running joke that Todd has bad personal hygiene (especially in the first episode) and from a storytelling perspective this is to establish that he’s a sleazy type of character. However, there’s never really an in-universe explanation given and, as an adult pushing 30, I am left to assume that he’s been living below the poverty line, as I feel most of the Brotherhood have been. As a kid watching the show, I was just like: lol smelly, but as an adult who spent a lot of time growing up hanging out with kids like Todd who would wear the same clothes every day and rarely bathed because they came from less than ideal living situations, I have a perspective that the show’s target audience doesn’t have. Which makes Professor X’s apparent disregard for the Brotherhood troubling to me.
Now, you might be thinking: it’s not that deep. The Brotherhood is dirty and their house is a wreck and they don’t pay the bills because they’re just bad people,right? To which I say: that’s actually a worse interpretation, but it’s also what we’ve been trained to believe by the media we consume.
And I want to make it known that I’m not blaming the writers of the show or saying they’re bad or the show is bad, I obviously don’t believe that. I think it’s complacency rather than spite that has allowed this trope to endure so long. Poverty is uncomfortable to talk about, especially in a reasonably light Saturday morning show, so tv and movies have a habit of framing poverty as a personal failure of the people it affects. It’s not that these kids live incredibly difficult lives because of any tragedy of failure of the system, it’s just that they make bad choices and it’s their fault.
And if that’s how you engage with this show and interpret its characters, that’s fine, they’re not real people. However, I would like to caution everyone reading this to be critical of this trope when it shows up and not to let it affect your perception of real life and real people who actually are suffering, not through any moral failure on their part, not because they’re the “bad guys”, but because they’ve been abandoned by an unfair system, or they’ve fallen on hard times and been unable to find support.
And I guess that’s really what kind of bothered me in my recent re-watch of the show: that Professor X is someone who is fully capable of giving much needed support to kids with hard lives, but doesn’t do it because he hopes that leaving them to make uninformed decisions before their brains are even finished developing will somehow build their character.
* Even when she’s around, Mystique does not count as “adult supervision”; if anything she’s the reason these kids need therapy
**And by the way, I question the decision to look at Lance, an aggressive teen with dangerous earthquake powers and be like: that problem will solve itself if we ignore it.
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autistic-danvers · 5 years
Regarding the- 'will kara get a love interest in season 5' thing. I just hope that they don't bring Mon el back. Yes, I know that he did drastically improve from what he was in season 2 but still I just have an argument whenever people use the- 'male characters have love interests, Kara should also have one, she shouldn't be a lone island.' .Yes, they are right. Kara should get everything which male heroes get. But there's a difference. (1/3)
Lois, iris, Dinah Lance and almost all women who are the love interests of men are literally perfect. They have the same moral code and fight for the same things the male hero does. So, inspite of Mon el changing, I think kara deserves someone who is already as awesome as her and doesn't have to be kicked and dragged to become a hero. I still feel like this show doesn't really write romance well, and neither does any other arrowverse show but I hope (2/3)
when they leave their- 'there should be drama in a relationship' doctrine at the door this time, if Kara gets a relationship. (3/3)
okay so personal feelings about Mon-El aside, i do understand and agree with basically everything you’re saying. like more than anything i just want to see some god damn Happy and Healthy Relationships?? that are Stable and Good?? why is that too much to ask? i’m TIRED of Doomed Relationships, it’s boring!
i think for Kara’s character it makes sense that /she/ wants a relationship bc she’s desperate to find someone that understands her burdens and such. that’s been established since s1. that’s /why/ she was so invested in Mon-El at the start.
so like i said before, with this being CW, romance is almost guaranteed in the future and i’m not opposed to that, but i am weary about how it will inevitably be handled.
also, just a personal opinion, but i really think it would be just fucking lovely if they would actually let Kara own and express her anger, PTSD, trauma, etc and finally set some freaking boundaries with the ppl in her life. and if those ppl could finally own up to the bullshit they’ve put Kara through that would just be a wonderful cherry on top. i want THAT before and romance lol.
oh also if we don’t get endgame Brainia? Karadox Endgame lads.
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sugar--pie · 6 years
Recently I made a post talking about Barlee’s recent tweets and how I personally believe it doesn’t kill off Klance. I recommend reading it before you continue reading this HELLA. LONG. POST. As I might refer back to it a few times.
Edit: just want to add in here, that Barlee said those tweets weren’t about Klance, and that they were about Shiro being Rep. She also said she doesn’t know the end result of the series though... so I’m still gonna keep this post. But a lot of the things I talked about in that post about Klance in general, I’ll still refer to. Please remember to read my edits at the end too! Thanks :)
So even after I made that post, I still had a major panic attack and slowly lost hope in Klance again. Idk, I’ve fallen way too deep into this it’s not even healthy probably, it felt like literal heart break. And I’m not even LGBT, I have another reasoning behind why I’m not really for Allura/Lance... and Season 7 kinda fuelled it a bit more. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about. That post will be made after Season 8... if I manage to somehow be horrifically incorrect about what I’m going to talk about here. Which... I highly doubt I will. But I’ll keep a cushion to be safe.
I’m going to make bullet points:
One of the biggest problems the Klance fandom had before was that they put the Klance GogglesTM on for everything. Some specific things in the show were obvious yes, or at least it should be to everyone, but some things were stretched out way too far.
One of these scenarios is the theory (yes theory, this was never confirmed to be true, it’s just an assumption) that Hunk was given what was meant to be Lance’s arc with his family.
Reason why this became a theory was because of Barlee’s Tweets. And this is kind of where I started to lose hope again.
If Hunk was given Lance’s arc then that must mean Klance was written out. Because it was all about Keith and Hunk, when it “should’ve been” Keith and Lance.
However, I was seriously thinking about it as my last few morsels of hope started leaving me during work UNTIL BAM! IT HIT ME!
Yeah. Klance gogglesTM. Fans have grown to projecting Klance on to everything. And that includes Hunks arc, but trust me when I say this. Hunk was never given Lance’s arc. This is meant to be Hunks arc, through and through.
Keith was also included in Hunks arc because he is the one who didn’t have a family from the start. Including Keith in Hunks arc is demonstrating the growth Keith has had throughout the series.
Hunk was admitted to being the most underdeveloped character in the show. I remember it from an interview (video I believe) where Joaquim and Lauren say they had trouble with Hunk when creating him because, comparing him to his 80’s counterpart, was a lot different and they had trouble putting him in certain roles.
That is really lame, don’t get me wrong, but this explains why Hunks arc in Season 7 felt rushed and out of place. Hunk only mentioned missing earth or “not wanting to be a paladin” once in the beginning. And he wasn’t super upset about it.
Lance on the other hand was. He was vocal about missing earth, He was shown getting upset, leaving the room and opening up to Coran about it. This is where I think people mistook what Lance’s arc was meant to be. Even I misunderstood because of this scene.
however, this is where I’m going to point out, that yes, this is the start of Lance’s arc (“Lance and Keith’s arcs have been the only two that have lasted the entirety of the series” - incorrectly quoted by Joaquim)(I’ll expand on this a little later), but Lance’s arc isn’t about family.
I know, shocker. And it should’ve been obvious from the get go. But oooooh nooo, it wasn’t because we focused too much attention on Lance missing his family here. But let me ask:
How many times in the show has Lance voiced about missing home besides this scene? Yeah... try making a list for that lol. That’s because we took it way out of context and made it a bigger deal for Lance’s character when... it isn’t. Lance’s arc was never about family or missing earth.
Writing a show, you need to make sure the characters move into the spot they’ll need to be in. They used Lance missing earth in order to make him go off on his own, and have Coran follow.
Why you ask? It should be obvious. This could be a stretch but a very realistic one: Lance needed to be by the Crystal with Coran when it explodes, to ultimately, lead to the Bonding moment. Boom.
Lance’s Arc started here. Lance’s arc is a Romance Arc and it’s been in our faces the whole time.
He’s had more scenes voicing his charm and making it known from the get go.
He’s flirted.
It’s canon he wants to fall in love with someone.
His blog talked about crushing on Allura and wanting to be called pretty.
He’s the most feminine coded character as he enjoys generally feminine tropes like taking care of his appearance, even more so than Allura, who has only ever referenced being “girly” by having her hair done by mice(?) and wanting something sparkly.
This is also why Lance’s romantic life is such a focus not only for us, but when being talked about at Conventions. He’s the only one to have a canon romantic endgame. Gee, should’ve been obvious there what his arc is about.
And what finally made me realize Lance’s arc is a romance arc, is remembering when Lauren and Joaquim told us during a discussion that “Lance doesn’t know what he needs. We know what Lance might look for, but it’s not necessarily what he needs.” Lance being the only one known to have a canon endgame, ties into this.
This, made me realize. Lance’s arc, will be him realizing what he needs. I think it’s already leading up to it, personally because of this season alone. But arguably, it started picking up once Keith left in Season 4.
So No, Lance’s family arc was never given to Hunk because Lance was never meant to have an arc based around his family in the first place. We knew Lance missed his family and earth, but it wasn’t the main focus for him so that’s why all we saw was this glorious reaction to seeing his family again. And why the only lead role out of his family is Veronica.
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(Keep in mine Keith is made out to be a focal point within this scene as well. Hunk too. I’ll bring this back up.)
So... now that I’ve covered the ground work in this long ass essay. Let’s continue the essay!
Now that we know Hunks arc was never meant for Lance, and Lance instead has a Romance Arc, let’s consider his endgame options:
In my post about Barlee’s Tweets, a lot of people assumed she was referring to a lot of things implying Lance will just end up in a rushed relationship with Allura, and I was one of these people too at first. But then it made me think. There was a lot, and I mean a lot of Keith and Lance interactions, and most of those, as I said in the Barlee post, demonstrated the trust and teamwork between the two right away, as well as had undertones and subtlety towards romantic intentions. Keith also has been a focal point in generally Lance centric moments, like above when he runs to hold his family. Hunk makes sense of being present because it starts the “family” portion of his arc this season. Keith however, only makes sense if he has purpose in Lance’s Arc, otherwise he wouldn’t be a focus and made apparent that he’s watching Lance reunite with his family. Make note that Allura was not.
The game show for example, If Lance liked Allura so much and was meant to end up with her, he would’ve picked her to leave. But instead, he chose Keith and also had a very sweet reasoning behind why, including a very dopey fond look on his face.
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That’s why I love Pidge’s reaction in that scene because she practically sums up pretty much everyone’s reaction. Even mine. All of them were probably expecting him to pick Allura, (maybe even himself) but nonetheless, they weren’t expecting him to pick Keith, even Keith himself.
That’s why Keith reacts the way he does. I guarantee you he panicked.
Filler episodes in Voltron have always foreshadowed in some way, I wouldn’t be surprised if having Lance and Keith choose each other isn’t blatant foreshadowing.
Overall, there was more Keith and Lance interactions that included romantic subtext, compared to Lance and Allura, this season alone.
This is why it confused me a lot if the showrunners did write out Klance. They wouldn’t have included such strong scenarios with the two in this season if that’s the case. Not only this season but also the smaller ones that implies something more between the two in season 4, and season 6.
This is the point I’m going to bring in something interesting I read in this post. The OP said it’s probably a reach (when are they ever not?) but this is where I think Allura randomly having feelings for Lance, comes into Lance’s Arc.
Like we’ve been saying since the beginning, Allura has been what Lance has wanted from the start. But in OP’s post, they mentioned how the only time Lance had shown insecurity and being unsure of himself this seaosn, was right after his scene with Allura (and Veronica teasing him about it). That was the only scene that caused insecurity.
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Lance had been secluded from season 4-6. He started getting closer to Allura, but then Lotor came along and changed that.
This is where I believe “what Lance wants isn’t necessarily what he needs,” makes sense. Allura has started having feelings for Lance, but then ending up together would be, as said by Lauren, “a disservice to both their characters.”
Allura getting feelings so soon kind of proved to me after realizing all this, that, no she isn’t Lance’s endgame. Like we’ve been saying Allura is what he wants. But not what he needs.
But who... pray tell.. is what he needs.
I know, I know. This is the part where the typical Klance Goggles would probably come in. But I’m serious about this guys.
The moment Keith came back into the picture, Lance had been put into a more important role.
Keith listened to him, trusted him immediately and asked Lance to take over multiple times. Lance never had a moment of insecurity because everything fell back into place, and Keith made him feel useful again. Lance was once again the Red Paladin and Keith’s Right hand.
Tying in Lance being vocal about Keith “running away”, I don’t think people are far off from thinking Lance actually opened up to how he actually felt when Keith Left. And even showing worry when Keith said he’s going back for Acxa. Might as well put it in a present and wrap it up with a little bow.
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Keith is ultimately what Lance had been needing the whole time. And Lance, I believe, will realize it. He’ll figure out that Allura isn’t what he needs, and because his moment of insecurity stems from an interaction he and Allura had, is also foreshadowing it too.
Throwing back to when I said Lance and Keith have had the longest arcs since the beginning, (quoted by Joaquim himself), this would explain why Lance’s finality to his arc hasn’t happened yet. It’s because it includes Keith, and Allura (possibly even Acxa which I explained in the Barlee post) and will most likely happen in season 8. The ultimate slowburn endgame.
This is where the bonding moment will be acknowledge.
They’ll also acknowledge two important scenes; Keith’s almost sacrifice, and Lances actual death (which included parallels to their season 1 bonding moment with Lance and Allura.)
And also “the other part” to Keith’s reason for leaving the team for the BOM.
Parallels are for a reason. And oooh boi.
Did my brain manage to restore faith back in Klance. Yup. Even if I’m the ONLY ONE LEFT IN THE FANDOM, I know what I’m talking about here. And if Allura/Lance do end up canon after all when it really makes no sense to, I will be one confused fucking bitch.
I believe I covered everything my jumbled brain puked out. So please, keep the faith Klance fandom. There is more story to unfold!
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Edit: and technically I’m already again a really confused bitch. The Barlee post might be useless now, since she specifically stated she was referring to Shiro. And he was the intended rep.
I’m not upset again I’m just downright confused once again. Butttt... at this point. Maybe stuff will be answered in season 8. But overall, a lot of my points in this still stand!
Edit 2: Ultimately (I say this a lot), the one thing I knew from the start, is that Keith and Lance would have something to do with eachothers arcs, and arguably, they have, considering Lance and Keith’s arcs have been the longest arcs in the show. So even if Klance isn’t endgame. At this point, they have definitely become best friends and have grown on their own and with each other. And that, is still a very, very beautiful thing. No they don’t have to be together romantically. But they can and will be by each others side for a long time after the series ends.
Because that’s what Klance is. Lance and Keith, back to back. Thank you for reading. :)
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sillygurl1021 · 6 years
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Word Count: 747
Pairing: PidgexLance
Summary: Pidge and Lance teamed up in their training exercise but what will Lance find out as Pidge gets hurt.
A/N: A quickie to get this itch over with lol
It was another day of training. A simple day of training. Nothing complicated. In teams of two. Everyone had gone already, except for Pidge and Lance.
“Ready sharpshooter?” Pidge prepared herself as her bayard appeared, back against Lance’s back.
“You know it.” Lance Replied, his Bayard appearing before him as well.
Suddenly little bots started flying above them. Just as they were going to shoot, Pidge shoots her bayard around to electrocute them all as Lance follows behind, shooting every bot. “C’mon Coran! Is that all you got?” Lance shoots the last bot as he blows the smoke from his rifle away. Pidge retracts her bayard and looks Corans way.
“Maybe raise the difficulty a tad Coran.” Pidge smirked. Hunk laughed as Allura, Keith, and Shiro just stared at Coran. They saw the slight annoyance in his expression.
“Alright then numbah 5 and 3. I’ll give you something a ‘tad’ harder.” Coran started pressing buttons on the monitor. Just as he was going to finish, he inhaled and let out a very big sneeze. “Whoops.” He looked up.
“Whoops?” Lance looked at Pidge concerned.
“Coran-“ Pidge was then interrupted.
“It seems I may have locked in the intensity at full capacity…” Not knowing what to do. Coran started pushing buttons to unlock but was not able to. Pidge started to run towards the door.
“Let me check before-“ Suddenly everything turned red. She looked at Lance.
“I don’t think this is going to be good.” His bayard appeared along with Pidge following. “I got your back.” He reassured.
“I got yours.” She replied. Suddenly, the whole room was filled with bots flying out of the walls. They were shooting at every direction. Pidge stunning and slicing many at a time as Lance shot them as fast as they came. “Coran! Override the system using my code that I showed you!” Pidge yelled out of breath.
“Ofcourse! Great thinking numbah 5!” and he started punching in what he could with the help of hunk.
“It looks like it’s going to take a couple of dobosh’s!” Hunk told the two.
“You guys got this!” Shiro cheered the two on.
“Thanks-“ Lance shielded himself from a shot. “Shiro! But I’d rather not try to get this!” Lance took a shot again.
“This is-“ Pidge shot one. “ridiculous!” She shot another.
“Pidge!” Allura yelled. Without noticing, one had shot Pidge’s arm causing her to fall to the floor. “Ouch!” Lance turned her way.
“Pidge!” All bots were ready to attack her now since she was down. “Back-“ Lance’s bayard started glowing. “OFF!” He landed almost atop of Pidge as his Rifle turned into the Altean Broad Sword, slicing all the bots as he turned into a full circle. Pidge looked up at him, stunned by how amazing he was.
“Done!” Hunk yelled out as the bots once again turned blue and the rest left back towards the wall. Lance had his sword out, still ready to attack but then the tip hit the floor as he kneeled on one knee, facing Pidge.
“You two alright?” Shiro asked through the intercom but neither were replying. The group all looked at each other.
“I’ll go down to help them.” Keith said as he made his way.
“I’m coming too.” Hunk followed. Meanwhile Lance was looking at Pidge’s injury.
“Pidge, you-“ He saw a look in her eyes that gave a sparkle as her cheeks flushed the slightest pinkish red. Probably from the hell we just endured. He said to himself. “You alright?” He finally let out, stretching his hand out to her. She blinked once. Twice. A smile appearing on her face as she grabs his hand.
“Yeah. Thanks Lance. That was pretty awesome.” A flushed pinkish red still on her cheeks as both stood up. Lance couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed as he scratched the back of his neck.
“Y-Yeah. I know.” Lifting up his new sword. Pidge rolled her eyes at him. “I don’t know where this came from though.” He admitted. Pidge slowly stood up with some help from Lance.
“It’s that upgrade of yours.” She replied with a matter-a-fact kind of tone. “I’m just wondering why it would appear now.” She asked. Lance was wondering that too. He glanced at Pidge as he helped her to the door and smiled. I think I might know why. As he felt his chest tighten a bit.
“Let’s get out. I hate to be in here any longer. Especially if Coran sneezes again.” Pidge said as they laughed, ready to meet Hunk and Keith at the door.
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klanced · 6 years
here are all my dnd episode hot takes bc i love it so much
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I’m guessing that, besides being the team’s mascot/furry, Lance also functions as a tracker of sorts. 
His posture (squatting on the ground), the fact that he looks like he’s holding something (like mayhaps a scooped up bit of dirt), the way he’s looking over his shoulder as he gives the team his Opinion, the way they all seem decidedly unimpressed at his deductions considering he only sniffed dirt- Fantasy Tracker™, Babey!
Anyway, going off that, it looks like the party is trying to track something (a monster? Lotor’s character? Keith’s?).
I bet Pidge’s armor makes her super top-heavy. If she fell over, she’d look like a turtle on its back.
Also I can’t get over her CHICKEN ARMS and her BIGASS double-bladed axe like. She really is going all out huh.
I’m also digging the fact that Shiro is wearing a full-on black cloak in the middle of a somewhat sunny forest while hanging with his crew. King of wishing he stayed home! King of withdrawing from others!
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I’m already in love with this episode like this is DEFINITELY going to be one of my top five favorite episodes. I feel it in my nerd loving bones.
I sincerely hope that whatever their riding is some big scary monster that scared the pants off everyone except for Allura, who immediately befriended it. Bonus points if there’s a scene where she rubs its tummy.
Maybe it’s some personification/manifestation of the White Lion? Idk, I never finished Season 5 so I don’t really know what’s up with Allura and the White Lion, but this could be a reference to that ep.
I saw a post where someone said that could be Keith’s character which is hilarious and I fully endorse.
... Y’know what? I bet whatever the team is tracking in the first pic ends up being the animal they’re riding in the second.
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This is your daily reminder that I am a BIG lesbian who is in LOVE with Allura! 
I love her.
But seriously, just LOOK at her. She woke up that morning and she decided that yes, actually, she IS going to be That Bitch™! She’s winning the award for best dressed, and she damn well knows it.
I’m also still not over that one curled bang like UGH. YES. And the purple theme she’s rocking?? The way they almost match her pastel glowing marks? Her arrow feathers???? Cupid lined up the shot at my heart, and Her aim was true!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t Allura’s eyes a bit bluer than normal??? Are these.... Fantasy Contacts™?
This is pure speculation, but in my opinion it looks like Allura’s character isn’t a princess. Her armory is fancy, but she lacks Allura’s usual “crown” (it’s not really a crown, but I can’t find the proper word for it lol). Which is interesting! And if true, would confirm some of my meta on Allura lol.
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........... I just realized that Hunk isn’t actually bald at the top of his head, but is instead wearing a green hat. And you know what? I’ll take the Rock Lee look over the monk bowl cut any day.
He still looks like Doctor Strange took a vacation in the Earth Kingdom, but y’know what? We still stan. I mean, the beard alone is absolutely legendary, so quite frankly? Hunk’s outfit may be weird as hell, but he still looks good. Case closed! Legends only!
Hunk’s collar is popped because he’s too busy mmmmmmmmmmblockin out the haters.
His belly button is glowing. Absolute legends only.
Also what the hell, Hunk’s sideburns look so good??? His Fantasy Barber™ is a god????? Like OOF, that cut? That fade? Can he please call his barber and ask them to fix Kuron’s hair?? Lol.
Hunk lookes like he’s playing as some kind of monk/sage class, which really tickles my fancy because Hunk as a defensive magic user is (Allura voice) absolutely divine. I mean, just look at that staff! He could either heal you or hurt you with that borderline club, let’s leave it at that.
The longer I stare at his beard the more unbelievable it gets. How did he cultivate such a majestic lock of hair? He has absolutely no facial except for this single 1″ by 1″ square. Hunk is incredibly powerful.
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Voltron really wants me dead, huh. Like, they want to loot my wallet from my cold dead corpse and spend my last two dollars at Starbucks. That’s the only explanation for... this.
He looks like if Kaden from Fire Emblem Fates had a baby with Odd from Code Lyoko and that baby raided the closet of Mako from Legend of Korra.
If he has a tail, I will go full on nuclear winter, mark my fucking words.
If his ears so much as TWITCH I will really lose it I am not joking. Voltron has gone TOO FAR, and I will be the one to end it.
Okay I might be imagining things but in the picture on the left, it looks like Lance still has a right earlobe/right ear, so uh. What’s up with that. Does Lance just have four goddamn ears. Are his furry ears fake? Oh my god, is Lance faking being furry kin?
If he has claws tho, I can accept that because that’s cool as hell. I’ll also tolerate Lance having sharp canines, but only if he’s constantly biting his tongue lol.
Lance is wearing quite a bit of jewelry for someone whose clothes look like shit which begs the question of how... he has them. 
If Voltron makes Lance’s dnd character a thief we riot.
Also his facial markings look like Krolia’s which is either a funny coincidence, OR the dnd episode takes place after Keith reunites with the team and introduces them to Krolia, and Lance’s markings are inspired by hers. Which is cute.
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I honestly cannot tell if she’s wearing a furry cape or if that’s just her hair, but either way I’m loving it. You go, you fierce little warrior you!
I mentioned this in a different post but I genuinely thought Pidge was going to be a rogue or some sort of magic user, so DPS/Tank Pidge has completely blindsided me and I’m loving every second of it.
Pidge doesn’t roleplay based on her actual self and personality. No, she’s creating Fantasy Pidge™ for a Fantasy World™ which means living out every wild dream she’s ever had!!! She’s chaotic neutral bitch and LOVING it.
She has a DOUBLE-BLADED AXE and it it’s not at least 3/4 her size then what, pray tell, is the point. I want Pidge to heft her axe around like it’s nothing, and then when she puts it down it literally shakes the ground. That’s the ultimate power move.
Lance being a goddamn furry PROVES the existence of other Fantasy Races™ so fingers crossed that Pidge decides to play a dwarven character to explain why she’s so short ghdkjsghdkjs
Pidge looks so happy in the second pic. This really is the best day of her life. 
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Okay but seriously, if Shiro’s character is a prince/king I will EXPLODE!!!! Let Shiro make a dnd character with an unnecessarily tragic and dramatic backstory!! Let Shiro roleplay as a prince on a mission to avenge his fallen kingdom and free his people!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That would also explain why Shiro is constantly wearing a black cloak and hiding his beautiful, perfect face. Because he’s on the run and has to stay undercover, bitch!
NGL, I’m a lesbian but I stared at the second picture of Shiro for a good ten seconds. Mostly because Shiro’s hair looks really, really good, and it’s a balm to my eyes after season 4 and 5.
Also, I just realized, his crown/coronet/WHATEVER is in the same place/represents his tuft of white hair! You can see this most clearly in the first pic :3c That’s so cute!
I’ll admit, I’m a little disappointed because at first, I thought Shiro was wielding a gigantic two-handed sword, which is absolutely badass and kickass. However, on closer examination I can see what looks to be a shield strapped to Shiro’s back (apparently over the cloak, which is weird lol), so Shiro most likely wields a so-called “one-handed” sword.
I won’t lie, for a hot second I thought Shiro might be wielding a club or something because I couldn’t see a sword hilt, but if you look at the left picture really closely, you can see what looks to be a black sword hilt. I did some googling, because swords are cool, and I’d guess Shiro’s sword is based off a knightly sword.
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bi-dazai · 6 years
Could you talk more abt double black’s romance coding if you don’t mind?
it’s just kind of a fun thing!! but anyway the fact is that there’s a lot of double entendre in all of their interactions, history, etc, to the point that as an author myself and also with the knowledge of particularly how the real life dazai osamu deconstructed heterosexual relationships…the character dazai’s relationship with the character chuuya also having such a…homoerotic edge in their dynamic, particularly in the way every fucking scene, line of dialogue, and visual imagery theyre portrayed in is very, VERY easy to pull a romantic double meaning out of…it’s just that to me as an author and by the way skk is written…like thats exactly how i would write a complex broken romantic relationship. 
the way i always put it is try to imagine if one of them was a girl - particularly chuuya, because chuuya absolutely fills in the “jilted lover” to the “cool anime husbando” stereotype. there would be absolutely no doubt that the two have canon sexual tension if one of them was a girl. like it would be known and talked about p openly that, yeah, they used to date/there is a romantic/sexual aspect to their partnership, if one of them was a girl! 
to me also there are two types of ships - ships that are just fun dynamics and pairings (shinsou/kaminari, atsushi/akuutagawa, mori/the firey pits of hell where paedophilies burn); and ships that have plenty of canon romantic potential, double entendre, and/or romantic dynamic that i could actually see happening in canon (think kirishima/bakugou, korra/asami, lance/keith from voltron before s7). dazai and chuuya absolutely fall very easily into that second category. to me, dazai/chuuya is more than just “oh wouldnt it be cute if they dated”, it’s more “every time these two characters interact every single thing they say and do is a double entendre”. 
the scene where they first interact is literally one of the most sexually tense things in anime ive seen in ages. the way they talk about each other and worry about each other in the double black episode is much more complex and heartfelt than the way kunikida and dazai are written to talk about/to and worry about each other. kunikida and dazai have been shown to be friends and also put trust in one another, yet still hate each other. but kunikida and dazai don’t interact with the sexual tension and romantic double entendre that dazai and chuuya have. for me as an author, that would be a perfect comparative technique to highlight dazai and chuuya’s nature as something more than just a running joke of  “every partner dazai has hates him”. in fact, if that even were a running joke you would know, because bsd loves to play up running jokes. but both of dazai’s partners hating him isnt meant as a joke, it’s meant as a point. literally dazai and kunikida and dazai and chuuya could have had a much more similar dynamic, with minimal differences but not so many/so dramatic in order to create a strong, bsd-style running gag and also a platonic dynamic between them. but by having kunikida hate dazai it literally stands as a comparative point against how chuuya hates him - because chuuya doesnt hate dazai in the same way kunikida does.
kunikida’s frustration with dazai is definitely more of a gag on the comparison between kunikida’s and dazai’s work ethic and personalities. chuuya’s frustration is constantly played down with the numerous times chuuya actually seeks out dazai’s affection AND is concerned for his wellbeing:
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like idk if u know abt the whole sheep backstory with chuuya…but it would be perfectly reasonable to write chuuya as absolutely despising dazai. chuuya’s forced partnership with dazai is a representation of everything the port mafia did to him and his friends with sheep. yet chuuya is written as seeking out dazai’s positive attention and checking he’s okay? and this scene isnt about the port mafia and the agency - it’s about chuuya and dazai. oh, and again, some more comparison - akutagawa seeks out dazai’s positive attention, but it’s pointedly different from the way chuuya seeks it out. with chuuya it seems more about a comment on the complexity of how he feels not about dazai (as akutagawa does) but how he feels towards dazai (if you get what i mean??). akutagawa’s need for dazai to validate him is a primary motivator in the plot and in his character. compared to this, plus comparing the way kunikida and dazai interact in battle, slipping in the way chuuya and dazai express concern for each other when they interact in battle is….interesting. the warmest port mafia executive to dazai other than chuuya is kouyou, and that’s only because she is entrusting him with her surrogate daughter’s life - another primary plot point. compared to all this, it seems…somewhat domestic and pointless to have these little moments. 
my final main argument for canon skk underlying romance coding is some of the visual “double entendre”. while dazai and chuuya havent exactly ever said or done anything explicitly romantic (such as kiss, admit explicit romantic feelings for each other, etc), a lot of the visual coding and the dialogue (particularly in the anime) is…pretty easy to interpret as romantic and sexual. i mean:
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(dont mind the subtitles for this first one, what matters is the imagery)
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(double entendre - how often do you use this in fiction outside of lovers quiffs?)
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(like it isnt every day you see two anime dudes between each others legs lol)
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(double entendre in this line) (also dazai doesn’t “reunite” with any other port mafioso. except maybe akutagawa, who has a dynamic just as complex but much less…”angry lover” dynamic and reunion with dazai. oh yeah. another comparison.)
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like im just putting this entire scene from dead apple because it was so heavily visually romantically and sexually double entendre…like again. if one of them was a girl. dead apple is…a lot.
(also sorry for shitty quality on some of the images)
anyway some of this i know sounds like a reach but it’s honestly me just theorising from my own perspective as an author! this show is v complex and well-written, and so far there havent rly been any bits that are just…on accident?? everything is very purposeful. and a lot of the ways that kafka asagiri writes dazai and chuuya’s dynamic, dialogue, interactions, etc, are very much real writing techniques that i would use to write in a romantic pairing, especially a same-sex romantic pairing that i might not be able to be too explicit about and have to find ways to get around that. like im obvsly not saying that this is all canon and real and ive found a way into asagiri’s head, but ive just…noticed a lot of things and i think they arent rly…discussed too much in the bsd fandom?? which is disappointing cos soukoku is a rly well written and complex relationship and pairing that needs more meta!
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crazycookiemaniac · 6 years
Um LOL Keith has REJECTED Lance twice hé said hé didn't want to spend enternity with Lance and hé told Lance hé doesnt have time for him, they also lack Interactaction and Lance was pissed at Keith for insulting Allura there is no romance codes scènes between Them after S3
Pt.2: Lauren also said that while she knows Klance is populair they wont write things Just cause its populair I also think the harrassment they recieved didn’t give VLD crew the best impression of the ship when they have told fans that they reported people who threaten Them with Violence to make Klance canon or the Klance fans who spam Brothers and Siblings comments whenever the storyboard artist post sheith OR allueance art on her Instagram you can bet the crew talks about that
Hello there, friend!
First off. Jesus! You are very  salty.
Second, yes. No showrunner will ever make a ship canon just because of its popularity. Take this with a grain of salt because I haven’t actually been in that many fandoms to know whether or not this is true, but people spend years writing a story before taking it off the paper to work on the visuals. 
The showrunners know  what they’re doing. Klance is popular because they gave us a reason for them to be. They know a lot more than you, me and a large portion of people who watch the show about how to write and develop a relationship. Many people will disagree with this because they don’t like X and Y’s development, but I’m talking for myself here, so whatever.
I don’t know what show you’re watching to say that their relationship has stopped being developed after season 3. Obviously, you’re not obligated to ship them, but that is just not true. They don’t lack interaction. When Keith came back, he came with a pressing matter at hand that had to be solved ASAP. There’s a time and place for everything and Keith wasn’t in the mood to get hyped along with Lance.
About Keith saying he didn’t want to spend an eternity with Lance, that was a blatant lie. To support my statement, I’m just going to leave these two tweets barlee herself liked on twitter (and if for some reason you think it’s fake, just go check it yourself):
Tumblr media
Keith has literally trusted his and the teams’ lives with Lance, and told him to lead while both Shiro and Krolia were in the room. There’s no way their relationship stopped developing after season 3. 
And obviously, the creators are more than correct to report threats, because that is unacceptable in any way, shape or form. No one should ever receive any kind of threat, especially death ones. Just imagine if someone told you they’d kill you after you’ve done something that displeased them? We’d all be dead by now.
You are allowed to have your own opinions, my dude. These are mine, so please don’t bash them just because you disagree.
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lioncunt · 6 years
Why do you think Klance will be canon? I read somewhere you though it was the most logical conclusion, could you outline your thoughts? Or if you already have, could you add a link to your post?
I have written about it before but I’ll put down my new thoughts to include season 6. I’ve never been certain of it, keep in mind, it just always has seemed like an inevitable thing based on every single thing we’ve been told about the show and characters, no matter what angle i’ve looked at it from.
So, here’s what we had been given on romance in the show:
-they were planning a slow burn with all romances
-endgame romances couldn’t really happen with all the space plot stuff going on
-lance’s love interest will be someone lance needs, rather than what he wants, and will get him to a place opposite of where he started. they will be self assured and confident, in order to help HIM be more confident and help him with his insecurity. jeremy shada said that lance would fall in love with someone a little bit and like having one person rather than just going all over the place, and he would mature in all ways.
-when asked in a post-season 2 interview about keith and allura’s development, steven yeun replied “I like playing this mystery of where the romance is. I don’t know where it is. It could be between anybody. That’s the natural evolution of this relationship. Even as a friendship, it has fits and turns and ups and downs. I think this is the beginning of a wonderful, wonderful storyline.”
What we get from this is that all the endgame romances will take massive amounts of time to develop properly, and since they are slowburn, it really can’t be with characters introduced far past the halfway point, cause that’s the opposite of slowburn. we also know that they couldn’t really explore ANY romance that wasn’t relevant to the galra plot. lotura is an exception, because it was literally the foundation of the plot in seasons 5 and 6, so they were able to fully go there. but other possible romances have been inching along at a snail’s pace.
Now, in season 6, allura and lance’s relationship has been getting a LOT of focus. i ship this heavily, but in this season I personally was put off by the way their scenes were written and how they reacted to one another. this isn’t evidence that it’s not going to happen, because these are all my subjective opinions and that’s NOT factual, but if you’re interested in why I feel this way, I’ve written about it a lot in the last few days, just do a search on my blog.
so, my opinions aside, there was a lot of focus on their relationship.
but we can look back and see all those keith/allura scenes in season 2, when everyone was certain THEY were going to end up together. in season 1, people were sure it was going to be allura/shiro, before allura was revealed to be in the teen paladins’ age group. it changes literally every season. this is the most it’s ever been, because lance canonically is in love with her, but it’s still just more of the same.
I’ve said it before, but any and all endgame romance in the show will be limited to keith, lance, and allura. pidge is too young for any of them and hasn’t had a single serious one-on-one interaction with any of them, shiro is too old and is seen as a mentor/brother figure, and hunk is linked to shay. any side character hasn’t had enough development, and it’s too late to properly develop a relationship with a brand new character. so, romances are only possible between those 3 – and we’ve already seen this come into play, what with the ship fodder for their various combinations in every single season. and steven yeun even said it himself - “it could be between anyone.” 
now, before season 6, I would have said immediately that it would be keith/lance, because allura doesn’t fit the description of lance’s love interest (and he’s the only character confirmed to have one). he’s wanted her since episode 1, so how could she possibly be not what he wants, but what he needs? however, since season 6, you could also read it as that he’s wanted tons of girls, but he really needs just one. this is where one half of my brain is at right now.
the other half of my brain can’t stop thinking about the lgbt rep.
you can cry “queerbaiting!” all you want, but the fact of the matter is that they wouldn’t be so secretive about it if it weren’t happening and if it weren’t main characters. here’s literally everything that’s ever been said on the subject:
Pre season 1 Tim Hedrick (head writer) interview: http://www.denofgeek.com/us/tv/voltron/256121/creating-voltron-legendary-defender/page/0/1
So you worked on Legend of Korra and that show really broke ground with having Korra and Asami get together at the end of the series. Will we be seeing any LGBT content in Voltron?
“I think I’ll just let that play out as we go. No comment on that question.”
Fan interaction with Jeremy Shada right as season 3 came out: http://emerald-trash.tumblr.com/post/163610844403/so-today-i-got-to-meet-jeremy-shada-at-tbcc-i
So today I got to meet Jeremy Shada at TBCC. I made him a little doll of his character just like I did for Josh Keaton. I was so nervous but Jeremy was super nice and friendly! He loved the doll thankfully. I asked him about lgbt representation in voltron and his response was “I can’t say, but don’t worry. You’ll be happy.” Just the hope alone makes me happy lol
NYCC post season 3 panel question: https://vld-news.tumblr.com/post/166188210767/nycc-panel-quote
Fan Question: I know you can’t go into any specifics, or name any characters, but I was wondering if we will be seeing any LGBT representation in the Voltron universe before the show ends?
Joaquim: Lauren?
Kimberly: Ah, that’s a good question.
Joaquim: That’s a really good question.
Lauren: I think— You know, I think it’s something that is super important to us.
Joaquim: It’s very important to us. Um, you know, obviously I think what’s great about our community is that, you can pretty much tell whatever story you want to tell and put whatever you want to see into these characters. And just know that, from our perspective, we’re fighting to create as open and as broad a spectrum of characters as we can. So, um, yea. We—
Lauren: We can’t give you any definite answers, but we are super—
Joaquim: We are advocates, and we are fighting for as open and as broad a spectrum of characters as we can create.
Shada has also said some things on the subject that were illegally recorded and shouldn’t be repeated, but in short, there IS lgbt rep, it’s between two characters, and it’s apparently such a big deal that it would LITERALLY SPOIL PLOTLINES AND CAN’T BE TALKED ABOUT.
they’ve revealed info about the characters before. they said lance was cuban mere months after season 1 was released, even though that information wouldn’t come up in the show until years later. that could have been considered a spoiler. but no, it didn’t have to do with any actual plotline, so it was easily shared information to make people happy about good rep.
if the lgbt rep weren’t a big deal, they would tell us. they would at least say there’s definitely going to be some. i mean, people ask about it so fucking much, i’m sure they would say what it is if it would get fans to shut up.
and even before there was a fandom, tim hedrick said he would just let it play out as it goes, meaning it’s THERE and he wants people to watch the show and react to it naturally.
something else that i’ve said before – let’s go through the main characters one by one to determine who it could possibly be:
-pidge: has shown no interaction with any girl her age, and the creators have said that “if you want to see her as trans, you can” which is coding, NOT rep. plus, they did that in season 1, and they still won’t talk about the lgbt rep. she’s out.
-shiro: has shown no interaction with any guy his age. i originally thought it would be him and matt, but matt turned out to be younger than him and they haven’t interacted at all since matt came back. a husband back at home wouldn’t be a BIGGGGG SPOILER THAT THEY CAN’T CONFIRM OR DENY. he’s out.
-hunk: linked to shay. out.
-coran: has shown no interaction with any man his age currently. interacted in the past with alfor, but he’s dead, and the lgbt rep is a major plotline that can’t be spoiled. out.
-allura: has shown no interaction with any single girl her age. she interacted with shay, but shay is linked to hunk. unfortunately, i think romelle is too new a character for them to properly develop a relationship between them. out.
-lance: yall know.
-keith: yall know.
LITERALLY who could it possibly be besides keith and lance?? like i said, they wouldn’t be so hush-hush if it weren’t main characters and if it weren’t a huge plotline. i cannot think of a single other option. and anytime anyone’s tried to GIVE me another option, i just immediately disprove it. plus the fact that keith is super insanely self assured and confident now with his additional 2 years, his mom, and his brother safe and sound. he’s exactly what lance needs.
so that’s where the other half of my brain is.
I MEAN i really can’t be sure anymore. if you just go by romance alone it could totally be like allura/lance and keith/romelle or some other terrible het keith ship. or they could go back and rekindle keith/allura and do lance/romelle. but then when you factor in the elusive lgbt rep, there is no other fucking option than keith/lance. 
and if one of yall dumbasses comes on this post crying “sh*ith!!” i’ll come to your house and piss on your lawn.
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allexche · 6 years
I actually wrote a whole superlong essay about characters’ weird behaviour after S7 and it was just to rant, I can’t hold it(( And I miss Keith tbh. Everything is just my personal opinion and I don’t try to convince anyone, etc etc
There are many things I didn’t like in S7, and the plot holes (as usual) or putting too much action and new characters not having actual screentime to introduce them are one of them. And to be honest I’d be glad to say that VLD is about the plot, the story is important but can’t say it genuinely bc the plot didn’t surprise me in general but made me confused with the ways it was executed, like... basic why what & how are still there lol
But the thing which I’m frustrated the most with is the characters who act as if they weren’t themselves. We were given enough in previous first seasons to get an idea about their behavior and potential actions and this is why I feel deceived. 
Keith made me confused by his sudden step back to S1-2 and S3 when he was that edgy and kind of rude to the others. Here we’re supposed to see 2 y older than the other paladins Keith who was taught by his Mom to become a good leader. And then we see that he actually makes a very sarcastic line towards Allura about her dead father who she’s very proud of and misses as hell. And who’s known as a great warrior btw. I mean, look, it’s Keith and he fought with James back at the Garrison for a bad bully joke related to his passed parents. No way Keith actually thought Alfor was bad. So, do I have to take it like he just knew it would hurt her and did it just because he was as stressed as the others, not that supposedly mature? No way he wanted to hurt her. So, they can tell us it was because of becoming mad in the outer space but sorry. He lost his composure and just made it up at that moment? Is he really that bad in nature? We were shown him being nice, gentle and caring inside and so grown up. What was that? And I really hope that Lance taking Allura’s side wasn’t meant to be romantically coded, otherwise, the idea of defending a person only being romantically interested in them makes me sick.
Next. Hunk & Lance being close friends? I guess I remember that somewhere in S2 where I could actually see and feel it. Last season I watched Hunk making fun of Lance and getting distanced at the moment he needed some friends support. This season I see that Lance, this selfless and caring sweet boy who knows pretty well how bad it feels to be separated from his family doesn’t even flinch and never shows any sign of just feeling some sympathy to his supposedly close friend. What? And it’s suddenly Keith who finds his kind words and supports Hunk helping him. Wow.
Pidge, oh my. I have a lot of questions about her behaving like this last season. Shiro felt pretty bad and sick in front of her eyes and the only thing she did was creating a programme to prevent potential damage from him because “she had some feeling it could happen”. Shiro, her brother and Dad’s close friend, a person who was kind to her and moreover, “legend” as she said. Yes, it was Kuron but she had no idea. And this season she was like “hey Dad, is Matt with you?” Because we were told that we spent 3 years outside of this reality and didn’t find him (or tried?) in the coalition, maybe he just managed it himself lol. Without and lions or other things. Yes, thanks, she even recalled of having her brother who she was so desperately searching for over the seasons. Nice.
Allura! She’s so kind, always ready to sacrifice herself (Balmera arc, saving Shiro in S2, ready to die in Oriende), and so serious most of the time, obviously not having a habit to crush on every handsome man she meets. And trying to be a better friend (admitting being wrong abt Keith etc), she actually was sad learning abt Lance’s feeling. And chose Lotor with this knowledge. And also just crying on Lance’s shoulder after being heartbroken. It’s kind of cruel towards him and yet she’d done it herself, he wasn’t the first who initiated this hug. And yes! She’s over Lotor so fast. There were 3 years in the Universe which paladins hadn’t actually lived, for her it was not that long ago. Woah. It’s so Allura.
Shiro, well. We were told he loved Adam back but wasn’t capable of the romantic relationship (yet Adam still 100% ready to be by his side until the very last end. Okay, the fact he had no any memory about him is really clear that the writers made up Adam rather late, but this time we see that he didn’t think of him coming back and the only moment he expresses his emotions about his death takes 1-2 seconds. And it’s just like I’m sorry, okay I have a lot of errands for today, I gotta go. Really? No single thought about him in the battle with Sendak who actually killed Adam. Like, he didn’t really care and according to the info we were given from the crew Adam was actually a good person and tried to support his bf as he could. So, this indifferent Shiro is suddenly portrayed as not that saint and good as we were shown all the time and it makes me uncomfortable too. Well, Shiro was attacked as usual and didn’t win, and was rescued by Keith again (can’t recall what time it was).
Needless to say that this 3 years thing and shoving Adam to the show (with such a HYPE) just for killing him as fast as it was possible were confusing. And yes, I can’t recall anyone who hadn’t snapped or being rude with Lance by this moment. And he was still the one who tried to protect Pidge (called hideous by her the episode before) despite the handcuffs and being weaker than galran generals. TV show called him DUMB tons of times, Shiro mocked him, Krolia snapped at him, Allura yelled, and even his sister called him an idiot casually (which would be okay between some siblings but summing up all these things it was the last straw for me). Accidentally Sam Holt’s well written arc and Romelle’s cuteness, as well as two Keith & Lance’s really good interactions didn’t cover it for me ((
P.S. animation is stunning and amazing! and the characters I was shown in S1-3 are so so dear to me <3
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Petition for lgbt rep to be greenlit
Everyone I would like to ask you to sign this petition! The writers and Bex are getting a lot of hate for how rep was presented in Voltron, and while they replied in a way that was extremely insensitive, they certainly do not derserve death threats and not all the blame should be pointed at them.
Barlee consistently mentioned that the writers got away with what they were allowed to do, emphasis on “allowed” meaning that there was some constraints. I fully believe that Dreamworks made their rep vague so that they could pander to homophobic audiences and countries. This is why they have a second version of Adam and Shiro’s relationship that describes them as friends, so homophobes can essentially censor Shiro and Adam’s entire relationship (LOL) and it’s why they never even interacted - so it couldn’t be too explicit. 
Klance also fits into this. It explains why the bonding moment was so romantically coded. Show runners and story board artists showed love for the ship before Voltron even had fans ( I also find it rather strange why story board artists only ever draw Klance if Allurance and Kaxca are endgame). They were clearly enthusiastic about Klance and trying to hype it up. Let’s not forget Chartron, the storyboard artist that literally invented Klance and said,” trust your otp hunch.” It honestly seems like Klance was the initial plan, but was scrapped for being gay. The name Klance was not coined by fans but created by people who worked on the show.
It explains so much about Allurance  and Kaxca as well. If these were initial endgame then surely they would have been developed and hinted at the start. It match’s up with what Kimberly said when she said that Allura didn’t have an endgame at a comic-con, Jeremy Shada saying Lance’s  arc will be a slow burn when Allurance is literally the opposite of that. Steven Yeun interacting with the Voltron for like one second just to like a Klance tweet - something he wouldn’t have to do if Kaxca was going to happen. 
Dreamworks Animation isn’t a progressive a studio. Lauren had to fight for Pidge to be a girl lmao. Not to mention, Dreamworks  also does not acknowledge it’s gay fans, they did not post anything for pride, despite competitors like Disney and Cartoon Network doing so.
Despite not wanting Voltron to be gay in show they STILL continue to queerbait. Their thumbnails for several of their videos have Keith and Lance in front. Despite them not being a focus. They tag their vids as Klance- literally no other relationship has this and one of Netflix’s tags for Voltron is Klance. Inch resting. A company mentioned that it was making Klance pins similarly to how they did for Lotura, Dreamworks is also releasing books for Keith and Lance. They are marketing off a fanon gay couple!!! By wasting your energy on Bex and pals you let them get away this! 
Please make sure to sign this petition so we can get some attention! There is a twitter account called vld letters that JDS said he was going to read. So please write letters to show this personally affected you, if you feel that petitions aren't enough. 
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