#mammon was a knife gun
gifti3 · 11 months
Really into the concept of weilding your partner as a weapon
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signedkoko · 10 months
Hi! I love all your fics! I literally just read through all of them haha!
Could I get a mammon and blitzø (separate) with girlfriend Reader who’s really sweet and looks really innocent but doesn’t hesitate to get into a fight for their significant other?
I think that makes sense-
Could I be 🦷 (tooth) anon?
Thank you!
Blitzo | Mammon [Romantic]
In which most people assume you to be extremely sweet, but in reality you are more of a stone cold killer.
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He sort of sees through you when you first met
Not because he can figure that kind of thing out, but he just assumed everyone has a horrid side to them
Which in hell is inherently true
Blitzo thinks it's neat how easily people trust and melt into your words, and he finds it hard to resist doing so now that he can safely call you his
You are just so good as sugaring people up, it'd be hard to imagine that you were any kind of threat
But he found out how much of a threat you could be pretty fast
You played into his hands about how nice it felt to have someone talented with a gun around, and how safe he made you feel
But the moment someone tried to rob the two of you after a date, you had instantly pulled out a knife and stabbed the guy well over a hundred times
Blitzo thought that was very hot of you
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You probably tricked him with your kindness when you first met
Not that it wasn't real, but there was certainly more to you than meets the eye
Mammon likes how good you make him feel, maybe feeding his ego a bit too much
He was never really a violent type, just more of an asshole, he isn't all that used to killing- not himself, at least, he would make others do it for him
And in the first few months of you two dating, he figured you were the same- maybe even purer, he wouldn't ever let you see him at his worst
He towers over most anyone, including you, and he likes how it scares others off from bothering you both
If it really came to it, he would kill anyone who touched you
And when someone tried to kill you both for some sloppy bounty, he was going to let the worst of himself out if it meant protecting you
Except faster than he could react, you pummelling the sinner with your fists and beat the shit out of them with the kind of fury you'd only see from a performer
He totally babies you for being such a protective sweetheart, and makes sure someone can kill the sinner off for good later
Probably forgets about that side of you every time because you are just so kind and you butter him up crazy
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Author's Note - Welcome, tooth anon! I added you to my pinend <3 Thank you so much for requesting, I really hope you enjoy what ive written!
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
saw a vid of a woman saving her boyfriend from robbers by holding a machine gun and it gave me an idea... someone manages to break into cocytus hall one night and holds solomon at knife point. he's about to just snap his fingers and send them off only for mc to come out and just SLAM the thief against the wall (magically or physically) and knock them out. their anger disappears and rush over to solomon to ask if he's okay but his lovestruck self is just like "you're so amazing!!! i'm so proud!! marry me i love you!!"
Our man is so protective of MC, I don't doubt for two seconds that he'd lose his whole mind over MC protecting him instead.
Not me thinking it'd be hilarious if the thief was Mammon asl;dkjfdf. He's like Cocytus Hall is so big!! There has to be something valuable in that massive mansion somewhere, right???
He comes to all groggy like wtf MC why'd ya hafta go so hard?
As soon as his vision clears, all he sees is MC and Solomon making out because Solomon was so turned on by MC protecting him that he couldn't help himself.
I could see Mammon being like, okay I'm out but not before protesting loudly. Like now's my chance to escape, but you'll be hearing about it first!!
But I could also see him just forgetting all about escaping and scrambling to get between them lol.
Anyway, sorry, I got a bit on a tangent there.
I definitely think Solomon would become even more enamored with MC at that point lol. Meanwhile MC is just like omg I can't believe that just happened?!?!
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froggibus · 2 years
A Moment of Hesitation - Leon Kennedy
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Pairing: Leon Kennedy x F! reader
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort, mutual pining??
Word Count: 4.1k
Summary: leon has always kept you at arms length in order to protect you, but after leading the two of you into a trap, the cracks start to show and feelings come to light
CW: kidnapping, violence, gun violence, knife violence, bindings (reader and Leon are tied up with ropes), interrogation + interrogation techniques (including torture), reader shoots someone (self defense), drugging, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, love confessions, leon and reader are coworkers, somewhere between RE2 and RE4 leon
you guys were warned ahead of time lol. this started after i watched criminal minds and my hand slipped and suddenly i had 3k words and had to finish it. kind of my first shot at writing anything like this (slightly inspired by my mammon fic tho) so sorry if there's pacing issues. enjoy <3
Leon knows he messed up when he wakes to a bucket of water on his face and ropes holding his hands behind his back. Three men haul him to his feet, holding him up even when his knees buckle. How did he even get here..? Wasn’t he on a mission with you—he freezes in his tracks.
Where were you? He squints his eyes, desperately looking for you in the dark room. He feels relief for only a second when he sees your crumpled form on the ground, bound in the same way he is before his blood runs cold. You shouldn’t be here.
It was supposed to be a simple mission: investigate a supposedly abandoned Umbrella Facility for more information on their newest BOW. Of course, nothing can ever go right for Leon S Kennedy, and somewhere along the way, noxious gas was released throughout the lab you were in. He had tried to push you out of the room, not caring what happens to himself as long as you’re safe, but seeing you here means you must not have gotten away.
He clenches his jaw in frustration. Ever since he realized he had feelings for you, he just wanted to protect you. Sometimes that meant taking on the harder missions alone, and when he couldn’t, he was watching you like a hawk. This was supposed to be easy, though, and he let his guard down. A major fuck up on his end.
Another man, another Umbrella lackey, emerges behind you, yanking you up by your bindings. Leon growls, instinctively moving towards you before being tugged by the men holding him. A woman in a lab coat splashes water in your face and you begin to stir.
You wake up wet, frigid water dripping down your face and running over your eyelids. You try to open your eyes only for the water to pour into them. It stings, and you reach out to wipe your eyes dry only to realize your hands are being held behind you. 
“What the—“
“Nice of you to join us,” a woman’s voice echoes off the damp walls of the room you’re being held in. 
Your eyes adjust to the water and the darkness and you manage to make out a few things. One, is that you’re in a small room, most likely underground from the dank smell. Secondly is that you’re restrained and the gun that was once tucked into your hip holster is gone. Thirdly is Leon, who’s watching you with concern, three men holding him back from running to you. 
Right, you remember. There was gas in the room, and everything had gotten all foggy and dizzy. Leon had tried to push you out, you realize, and you had gotten out until you tried to drag him out of the room and passed out along with him. 
Leon glances at you and you cringe under his gaze. His sacrifice was for nothing given that you’re standing here with him. He should have known that you never would have left without him. 
“Mr Kennedy,” the woman crows, dark lips curling upwards. “Care to enlighten us on what you and your friend were doing in my lab?”
Leon frowns, “that’s none of your business.”
“That’s unfortunate,” she sighs, and signals to the man holding you, “I guess we’ll have to use other means to find out.”
The man drops you, letting you fall face first on the ground. You manage to land on your chest just before you hit and save yourself a broken nose. 
Leon strains against his captors, screaming for you, “don’t you fucking dare—“
“Don’t I dare what, Mr Kennedy?”
He growls, jaw set hard as he narrows his eyes on the woman. But she’s right. He can’t do anything to help you in his current position, and he has absolutely no fucking clue how to get you out of this. So, he shuts up. 
“That’s what I thought,” she smirks at his silence. “Now will you tell us?”
You guys share a look and you can see the conflict in his eyes. You know he can’t tell them, even if it means sacrificing you. But you can’t help but think that if you were in his position, you’d tell them anything they wanted to know. You’d burn the whole fucking world down for him. 
She takes his prolonged silence as a ‘no’ and gestures at the man behind you. A boot meets the back of your head and you’re sent sprawling face first on the ground. The sole of his shoe plants itself on your cheek and grinds against it so hard you swear you hear cracking. 
“Get your—“ Leon manages to land an elbow to the face of one of his captors. “Get your fucking hands off of her!”
You spit dirt on the ground and glare at the man above you. He grins back and the sight makes your stomach churn. 
Leon is seething, his heart pounding worse than it ever has. “If you hurt her,” he says in a low voice, “there won’t be a place on heaven or earth you could hide from me.”
You’ve never found Leon so scary. Threatening, sure. But even when he’s interrogating people and shooting zombies, you’ve never felt the chill that you do now. The man holding you down must feel it, too, because he suddenly retracts his boot from your face. 
Still, in different circumstances, in different contexts, his words would make you shiver. You try to shake the thoughts away. It’s because you’re his partner, y/n. Nothing else. Leon doesn’t see you that way. 
The scientist woman, clearly dissatisfied with Leon’s silence, recalls her lackeys and slams the metal door behind her. As soon as Leon hears footsteps rescinding, he’s dropping to his knees next to you. 
“Y/n,” he whispers, “y/n, get up.”
You whine, trying to sit up without your hands. Leon can hardly watch as you manage to prop yourself up on your chest and eventually fall back on your knees. 
“Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you?”
You shake your head, keeping your voice quiet,“I don’t…I don’t think so. Nothing aside from what you saw, at least.”
He seems to relax at that, shoulders sinking down from his ears. He wants more than anything to reach out and wipe the dirt off of your face, to check every inch of your skin and make sure you’re okay. 
“I-I think I know a way to get us out of this, okay?” He shuffles closer to you until his knees are against yours, “but you have to trust me.”
“I trust you with my life, Leon.”
His chest warms at your words but it’s short lived. “They took my gun but I still have my knife in my pocket,” he breathes, “I just need you to grab it and we can cut the ropes. Can you do that?”
“I-I think so,” you nod, turning around so that your hands face his front. 
You lean back, fingertips reaching out for his pocket. Leon leans into your touch, pressing his pants against your hand. He gasps when your fingers brush across his crotch and you freeze in your tracks. 
“Did I hurt you?”
“No,” he grunts, “just—a little more to the left.”
You somehow manage to get the knife from his pocket and flick it open. Leon moves his head down until he can clench his teeth around the hilt, ducking down until the blade is level with your bindings. 
“Stay perfectly still,” he mumbles around the knife. 
You try but it’s cold and you’re sore and he’s so damn close to you. Still, you manage, and soon enough you start to feel the bindings release until you can pull your hands free. 
You hold them out in front of you and rub at your raw wrists, the red skin aching from where the ropes dug in. You turn to face Leon, taking the knife from his mouth and wiping his spit on your pants. 
“Turn around,” you whisper. 
He obeys your command, turning so that his back is facing you and his ropes are level with your hands. Your hands shake with every movement but you manage to saw through the rope and release him.
He gasps in relief, letting the tattered nylon fall to the ground. “Alright,” he stands up on shaky legs, “now to get out of here.”
You try to follow suit, pressing your hands against the floor to try and force yourself onto your shaking legs. You manage to get one leg up but as you stand, you pitch forwards. 
Leon anticipates your fall before it even happens and catches you. “You alright?”
“The gas must not be out of my system,” you shake your head, “I can walk. I’ll be fine.”
You prop yourself up on his shoulder and push off, stumbling a bit before getting your footing. Leon watches you carefully, making sure you’re able to stand before approaching the sealed door. 
He tugs on it and though the metal whines, it doesn’t budge. He pushes it and the metal gives way, opening to a dark corridor. You think of making a joke about him pulling a push door, but bite your tongue. Now is not the time. 
Leon surprises you by grabbing your hand and leading you up the hallway. “Do you have my knife?” He asks. “We don’t know what could be lurking around these halls.”
“Yeah—do you want it?”
“No,” he shakes his head, blond hair flopping in his face, “you hang on to it.” I’d rather you be protected. 
You reach the end of the hall and Leon pulls you to the left where more light seems to be coming from a staircase. There’s noises up ahead—just a shuffling of footsteps—but it has Leon instinctively tugging you closer to him. 
You’re so close you can feel the warmth radiating off of his back and his heart beating in his chest. “Leon,” you say, pointing towards a shadow being cast from the top of the stairs. 
He nods once, taking the stairs one step at a time, anticipating some sort of horrific BOW. Instead, it’s one of the men from earlier. Not just any man—the one who had stepped on you. 
Leon can hardly contain his anger as he drops your hand and sneaks up behind him, wrapping an arm around his neck. He holds his head with one hand and uses his forearm to cut off his oxygen, and even after the man goes limp, Leon holds on. 
You watch with wide eyes, not sure if you should intervene or not. He's hostile, after all, and he did step on your face. You don’t have to jump into action, though, because Leon sees the look on your face and gently lowers the unconscious man to the floor. 
“Asshole,” he spits, and reaches for your hand again, “come on, we must be close to an exit.”
You place your hand in his and run your thumb gently across the back of it. A simple, silent gesture that doesn’t go unnoticed by Leon; a gesture that calms the fire inside him. 
“I—do you think it’s only the guys from earlier?” You ask. 
“I’d like to think so, but we should still be on guard…” I don’t want to lead you into another trap. 
Leon swallows hard. You’re so close to him, he can feel you breathing. All he wants is to make sure you’re okay, really okay, and to hold you until you calm down. But he can’t do that, not until he gets you out of here at least. And even then, would you let him? He’s kept you at arms length for so long, would you even be willing to come closer?
It sure feels like it when you’re practically leaning against him the entire way through the halls. 
“Leon,” you whisper, and when he doesn’t answer, you tug on his arm. “Leon!”
He jerks backwards, almost knocking you into a wall in the process. “What?”
You jab your finger towards two more shadows up ahead. It must be the remaining men from earlier. His eyes go wide, his lips forming an ‘o’ shape when they follow your gaze. 
“You get the one on the right, I’ll get the one on the left. Okay? On three, two, one—“
You lunge forwards, brandishing the hilt of the knife. You smack the base of the hilt directly against the man’s head as hard as you can, and he crumples to the floor. Leon raises an eyebrow at your tactics from where he’s choking out the other guard, and you swear you see him smile. 
You dig around in the man’s pockets, only to find your gun. You nudge his face with your foot, “fucker,” and click the safety off. 
Leon lays the man on the ground, turning back to speak to you just as the final man leaps out from behind a corner. He’s holding Leon’s pistol, but before he can even shoot, there’s a hole in his head and your handgun is smoking. 
Leon looks at you, then at the man, then back at you. “Y/n,” he breathes, bewildered. 
“Don’t let your guard down, remember?” You try to quip, but your voice and hands are shaking. 
Not because you just shot a man, no. You’ve had to subdue more than a few hostiles in your line of work. No—you’re shaking because had you been a second slower, or your aim a bit worse, Leon would be dead right now. 
You swallow your feelings down. You can deal with them when you get out. For now, escape is all you need to focus on. 
Leon picks up his pistol from the man and waits for you to cross the room to him. He can’t hold your hand now, not with his gun, but you’re still close enough that he can feel you. 
He tries to ignore the way his face heats up at the contact. 
It takes several more hallways before you’re back in the room you got gassed in, and then twenty minutes from there, but you finally get out. 
It’s dark out, the sun having dipped down below the horizon hours ago, and the breeze bites despite being in a desert. You shiver, rubbing your bare arms. 
The moonlight illuminates Leon’s face, letting you see the bruise that covers his cheek bone and the dirt all over his skin. Still, he’s as beautiful as ever. 
He raises a hand to your face. There’s a small gash from where you hit the ground earlier, a streak of blood down your face. “This looks bad,” he moves his hand down to your jaw, looking at you seriously. “We’ll have to clean it once we get back to the motel.”
“O-okay,” butterflies erupt in your stomach under his touch. 
The walk to the car isn’t long, but the silence makes it seem much worse. Warmth lingers on your face from where Leon had touched you, and you find yourself rubbing at it. He’s being so gentle now—but why?
It’s not like he wasn’t before, but it was never like this. So what could explain the change in behavior? Was it guilt? Gratitude? Did he resent himself for the fact he couldn’t bring himself to leak secret government information to save your life, or did he want to thank you for saving him? Both? Neither?
The enigma makes your head spin, and the only thing you’re sure of is the warmth in your face and the butterflies in your stomach. 
Even the drive back to the motel is strangely silent, Leon occasionally glancing at you when he thinks you’re not looking. Examining your wound, you assume. It’s a lot more than that for Leon, though. He needs to make sure you’re okay. That you’re alive and safe and out of harm's way. Harm that he put you in.
It’s a miracle for him that he could even drive back to the motel with the way his thoughts raced. Still, he gets you there safe and sound, and suddenly the two of you are stepping out of the car on shaky legs.
“Are you—do you need help?” He asks.
You don’t want to admit it, and on a good day you wouldn’t. But this wasn’t a good day, and you do need help. You think about it for a second, and nod. 
The position you fall into with Leon is only natural for the two of you. Something you’ve done on countless missions when one or the other or both of you got injured. An arm around your waist, an arm around his, leaning your body weights on each other. Stumbling desperately for your hotel room in the dark. If anyone saw you now, they’d probably just assume you’re a couple on vacation that had a few too many.
If only they knew how complicated it really was.
Leon has to release his arm from you to dig through the pocket of his pants for the keycard, but he lets you rest your full body weight on him in the meantime. You relax on him, the warmth and scent and curves of his body the only familiar thing in the world.
The lock turns green and clicks, letting Leon push the door open and help you into the room. You’re almost relieved to see the double beds and feel the brisk air conditioning. The only thing that would make it better is if it were your own bed.
Leon clearly shares your sentiment, kicking off his boots and leaping onto the mattress, “what a sight for sore eyes.”
You sit on the edge of your bed, slowly taking off your combat boots one at a time and spending way too much time fiddling with the shoelaces. “Tell me about it.”
You almost laugh at the words that just left your mouth. It’s just a figure of speech, but there really is something you want him to tell you about. You want to ask him about his sudden closeness and the mission and the brush with death and above all, his hesitation earlier. 
A part of you knows why. He doesn’t want you to die, you’re his partner, but you know and you’ve always known, the job comes first. You might be willing to sacrifice everything for him, but he can’t do the same. 
“We need to clean your face,” Leon sits up suddenly, the rustling of his clothes catching your attention. “It’ll get infected otherwise.”
You don’t feel like doing anything right now except for laying down and staring at the ceiling, but you know he’s right. You begrudgingly follow him to the bathroom. He’s already unpacking his first aid kit, digging out antiseptic spray, cotton pads and a bandaid. 
Like every other time you’ve done this, you settle on the counter in front of him. It’s such a familiar feeling that it’s almost bitter. He wets a cloth with warm water and starts to wipe off the dirt and blood on your face. You flinch under his touch, the wound stinging with the water.
“What’s on your mind, doll?” His voice is soft, calm. Nothing like it was earlier when you were being stepped on. The contrast makes you shiver.
You feel like you’ve been here a million times but at the same time, everything feels different. “It’s been a long day,” you say quietly, “for both of us.”
He wets a cotton pad with antiseptic and starts to dab it across the cut. “We’ve had longer days.”
You don’t say anything to that, clenching your teeth together to keep from hissing in pain. You never do get used to the burn of cleaning wounds.
“Seriously, what is it?” He looks at you seriously.
“I feel like I’m going insane, Leon.”
He gently presses the bandaid to your wound, dropping his hands from your forehead to your forearms. “Why?”
“I—” your skin practically burns where he’s touching you. “It’s everything. It–it’s me and it’s you and the mission and my feelings and—God, we’re partners Leon, we’re partners and I’m going to fuck it all up.”
The way you say partners lingers in the air. You choke on the word like it’s painful, like it’s a curse, some sort of vile thing that haunts you. And in a way, it is. Your partnership with Leon has long been a curse complicated by your own feelings. 
His brow furrows, “what are you…?”
“I would sacrifice everything for you. And I know I shouldn’t feel this way and it’s stupid and it’s selfish but…” You can feel tears pricking your lashes. 
“But what?” 
“Why won’t you do the same? You hesitated—earlier, you hesitated. You weren’t going to talk.” You burst into tears at the end of your sentence, the horrors from the day coming back to haunt you.
Your feelings are so overwhelming that they drown you. Your sadness and heartbreak and fear, and your anger and resentment. The bitter feeling whenever you’re reminded that Leon is your partner, nothing more. 
Leon squeezes your arms gently, trying to get your attention. “Y/n,” he sighs, “look at me. Please.”
When you can’t bring yourself to meet his gaze, he slowly moves a hand to your face and wipes your tears away. His hand catches your jaw, tilting your chin up until your eyes are level with his. The way the tears catch on your lashes make the world look like a stained glass window, Leon the most beautiful mosaic you’ve ever seen. 
“You need to understand,” his voice is soft, “I didn’t hesitate because I don’t care about you. I hesitated because I do. I keep my distance because I care about you so much, it scares me. Y/n, I would let the whole fucking world burn if it meant keeping you warm.”
His words stun you. They leave you warm and dizzy and lightheaded, your heart pounding against your ribcage, your skin burning under his touch. It’s all so confusing, so overwhelming. This whole time, did he really feel the same way?
“I meant what I said, doll. If someone hurt you, there wouldn’t be a place in the universe where they’d be safe from me.”
You’re staring at him and he’s staring back. His eyes have always been his most expressive feature, and right now they’re telling you exactly what you want. The warmth they hold, the concern and the affection, it’s all you’ve ever wanted.
He leans in, ghosting his lips on yours. Heat spreads through your body. “We’re partners,” he whispers against you, and somehow that word sounds less venomous than it ever has.
“Partners,” you repeat, your lips catching on his as the words leave your mouth.
He presses his lips on yours harder, moving his hand from your face to the back of your head, holding you against him. He’s needy and desperate for your touch, as if he’s trying to keep you with him forever. And he is.
“Partner,” he mumbles, moving his lips down to your collarbone. “My partner. My brilliant, brilliant partner.”
You shiver at his touch and his words, the moment so raw and intimate it makes you wonder how long he’s wanted to do this. 
“My brilliant partner,” he pulls away, staring directly into your eyes, “so brilliant she couldn’t even see I was in love with her.”
“I—” you start to say but the words fail you.
Leon strokes your hair, planting a kiss to the bandaid on your forehead. “I know,” he says. “I know.”
He pulls away from you and grabs your hand, helping you off of the counter and leading you to bed. Both of you are still in your uniforms—a mess of vests and cargo pants and holsters. It’s a slow process to discard the most uncomfortable parts, but it’s worth it when you’re left in just a plain white t-shirt and underwear. There’s angry red marks on your skin from where the straps were. 
You shyly look over at Leon who is dressed the same way you are. His shirt and skin are still dirty, and you’re sure you are too, but you don’t care. It doesn’t matter now.
All that matters is you and Leon, and the way he lays on the bed and waits for you to lay next to him. The way he draws you in, your head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating. The way he means everything to you, and you mean even more to him. 
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candysmiles373 · 2 years
Mammon: "I sleep with a knife under my pillow."
Levi: "Weak. I sleep with a gun."
MC: "You're both pathetic."
Levi: "Oh? What do YOU sleep with?"
MC: "Lucifer."
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
Randomly generated incorrect quotes pt 34 obey me (none were changed) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Raphael: Why are you guys acting like this? Asmo: Oh, we're not acting. We really are like this.
Mammon: So, they kissed me. Diavolo: And you kissed them back? Mammon: No, I kissed their mouth.
Mc: Dammit, Solomon, you ruined everything! Solomon: You’re welcome.
*Mephisto recording whilst Barbatos and Mc are arguing* Barbatos: HOLD UP, HOLD UP, HOLD UP, HOLD UP!! HER SISTER WAS A WITCH, RIGHT? AND WHAT WAS HER SISTER? A PRINCESS! THE WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST, BRO! Mephisto: *wheezes like a tea kettle* Mc, pulling out a knife: I'm gonna stab them. Barbatos: YOU'RE GONNA LOOK AT ME AND YOU'RE GONNA TELL ME THAT I'M WRONG? AM I WRONG? Mc: It's my favorite movi- Barbatos: SHE WORE A CROWN AND SHE CAME DOWN IN A BUBBLE, MC! Mc: I'm not fighting with you, I'm not fighting with y- Barbatos: GROW UP, BRO. GROW UP!
Levi: Ayo, what the FUCK is this?!? Belphie, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that’s what.
Mc: That’s illegal, right? Satan: Why do you care? Are you a fucking cop? Mc: No- Satan: Then shut the fuck up.
Diavolo: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat.
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thecluelessdoctor · 11 months
How would you write/rewrite Exes and Oohs? Aka. episode that exposes Moxxie's mafia backstory.
First let's start with what's wrong with the episode.
My major problem was that again, tone was terrible. It wanted a imitating tone anytime crimson was in screen, but it made him a fucking joke.
Chaz also felt lazy, like I don't mind a character that only cares about dicking down, its hell after all, but chaz felt like a terrible plot element for drama, especially because they made him be the ex of both Moxxie and Millie, which is just crappy. And how would Millie and Chaz meet?? We have no evidence Millie left wrath before joining IMP, same with Chaz. Chaz in general just didn't need to exist
So, how would I fix the episode?
It's not a bad episode, but it isn't good either. And for once backstory doesn't feel forced because Moxxie has been shown to be incredibly good with weapons, and know alot about them, so it kinda makes sense we was once apart of a mob.
Rewriting the episode
The episode will begin the same, I.M.P getting a call to go to greed. Moxxie seems uncomfortable with the idea, but they go anyway.
They end up at crimson's place, crimson not being there, but they are instead greeted by someone of the mob who only refers to crimson as Boss. Moxxie recognizes the place instantly, and attempts to back down. Blitz being blitz, makes him go anyway.
The mob person brings them to a meeting room, with very little lighting other than the green light through the cracks though the curtain, a dark figure sitting behind a desk, a plume of smoke making it even harder to see who it was.
Moxxie seems almost scared as the trio is shoved in, and the door shuts behind them. Crimson, the figure behind the desk talks to them about why they are really there. He's very blunt and says he wants Moxxie.
Blitz objects, saying mox is one of his best employees. Crimson obviously isn't happy with this answer, and with a snap both Blitz and Millie are dragged out, leaving Moxxie in the room with Crimson.
The curtains are opened, allowing Moxxie to see crimson.
Crimson talks about what Moxxie cost the mob when he got caught, and then completely left the Mob for some cheap job. The mob was on Mammon's wanted his, and Moxxie was going to pay. Moxxie retaliates, threatening crimson. Crimson is unamused, and has Moxxie dragged away, and locked into a room separated from Millie and Blitz
Cut to Millie and blitz, who are in two separate rooms, stripped of any and all weapons. Blitz is trying to think of a way out. They couldn't get through the door, with it being locked and plenty of gangsters outside, that wasn't a option. The window wasn't a option from them either seeing how they were on the 2nd or 3rd story. Millie is in despair, desperately trying to break out.
Cut back to moxxie, who's on a first floor room, locked in, without any weapons. Luckily the person who through him in there didn't check for the window being locked or barred.
Moxxie escaped through the window, sneaking around outside. Luckily not to many gangsters were out. He had to find a way to get Millie and blitz out
Que him being caught, and completely bad ass fight scene because he deserves it. He takes the weapons off the Hellborne gangster. Now he had a way.
He had two guns, both full, and four mags, and a knife. He found another unlocked window that didn't lead to a room, and he broke back in, checking as many doors as he could.
He manages to find Blitz's room, and shoots the lock, alerting gangsters in the building. He gives a gun to blitz, as well as a mag. Que bad ass fighting scene
They manage to find Millie in the fit of battle. Moxxie tosses Millie the knife and more fighting.
They make their way out of the mansion, but not with our a encounter with crimson, who shoots Moxxie in the arm and horn. Very painful
Crimson claims he will get his revenge, planning to shoot Moxxie fatally, before blitz shoots him. Not accurately, but good enough to wound crimson enough to retreat. They steal a car, and attempt to get to the nearest hospital.
The episode ends with moxxie in a hospital with Millie beside him, asleep.
Naming this episode 'Close Call'
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saerotonins · 1 year
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before everything else, while i accept requests, please bear in mind that i might not be able to write and post all of them, at least ON TIME or until inspiration hits. but i will try my very best to accommodate all of them whenever i can.
all characters are aged up to 18+ unless stated otherwise!
genres: fluff, angst, smut
╰┈➤ for smut, there are certain things that i will and will not write:
dos: daddy kink, spit kink, humiliation kink, degradation kink, gun play, knife play, food play, praise kink, age gap (both consenting adults), mutual masturbation, smut with religious imagery, temperature play, sensory deprivation, dubcon, cnc, dacryphilia, + other mild kinks
don'ts: ddlg, piss/scat kink, emetophilia, public sex, threesome/polyamory sex
: ̗̀➛ the don'ts are either just too gross for me or i just don't know how to write them yet.
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list of fandoms and characters that i will write for (continuously updated):
BLUE LOCK: itoshi sae, itoshi rin, barou shoei, shidou ryusei, michael kaiser, rensuke kunigami, oliver aiku, nagi sheshiro, mikage reo, hyoma chigiri, isagi yoichi, yukimiya kenyu
JUJUTSU KAISEN: gojo satoru, geto suguru, shoko ieiri, kugisaki nobara, fushiguro megumi, itadori yuuji, nanami kento, fushiguro toji, maki zenin, yuuta okkotsu, takuma ino, higuruma hiromi
HAIKYUU: miya atsumu, oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime, miya osamu, suna rintaro, tsukishima kei, bokuto koutaro, ushijima wakatoshi, kuroo tetsuro, kenma kozume, haiba lev, sakusa kiyoomi, akaashi keiji, matsukawa issei, kageyama tobio, aran ojiro, kita shinsuke, kiyoko shimizu
(1) PHANTOM BLOOD: jonathan joestar, dio brando (2) BATTLE TENDENCY: joseph joestar, suzie q, caesar zeppeli (3) STARDUST CRUSADERS: kujo jotaro, kakyoin noriaki, jean-pierre polnareff, mohammad avdol, joseph joestar, dio brando (4) DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE: higashikata josuke, okuyasu nijimura, kujo jotaro, kishibe rohan, kira yoshikage, higashikata tomoko (5) GOLDEN WIND: guido mista, giorno giovanna, bruno bucciarati, leone abbachio, narancia ghirga, trish una, fugo pannacotta (6) STONE OCEAN: jolyne cujoh, ermes costello, kujo jotaro, weather report
MY HERO ACADEMIA: bakugo katsuki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shoto, todoroki touya/dabi, aizawa shota, tenya ida, ochaco uraraka, kirishima eijiro, kaminari denki, yaoyorozu momo
KUROKO NO BASKET: aomine daiki, kagami taiga, midorima shintaro, kise ryota, kuroko tetsuya, hyuga junpei, kiyoshi teppei, akashi seijuro, takao kazunari, riko aida, satsuki momoi
OBEY ME! (SHALL WE DATE?): lucifer, mammon, leviathan, asmodeus, satan, beezlebub, belphegor, diavolo, barbatos, solomon
SPY X FAMILY: loid forger, yor forger, yuri briar, fiona frost, franky franklin + ships: damianya, twiyor
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have fun requesting!
with love, rica <3
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akemii14 · 1 month
I don't know if I'm going to continue this. Obey me fantasy AU, here's the final results of their class and weapons
Lucifer - Necromancer with stick (?) as a weapon. Like Welt Yang or Neuvillete
Mammon - Thief class with gun and small knifes
Leviathan - Water mage, summoner (water serpent named Lotan)
Satan - Also Necromance, but after a long time, he's fighting like a cat (claws or hand blade like Velvet)
Asmodeus - Bard. But... what's his weapon?
Beelzebub - Huge shield with an axe.
Belphegor - Reaper assassin, Synthe but use it like a spear.
Diavolo - Monk/fighter using fist. He's fire type.
Barbatos - Just being himself. A healer, mage and use broom as a weapon.😅
Simeon - Rapier light fencer
Luke - The weakest healer at first and use spell like prayer.
Solomon - The greatest Sorcerer, but... I don't know his class yet. He disappear.
Mephistopheles - A card and paper magic trickster, using hat for magic, using stick for fighting...
Thirteen - A Grimm reaper, using synthe right.
Raphael - A polearm user. Probably the fastest among others. also, have the same fighting strategy as Belphegor because he teach him.
Mc or (Y/n) make a pact with the seven siblings and their ult will be unlock. So, you're supporter.
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lousypotatoes · 6 months
It's So Nice To Finally Meet You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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"I think we'll start with a reign of terror..."
. . . . . . . . . . . .
My name's Izzy, I'm 18, I really like double stuffed Oreos and hello kitty <33, and I worship Taylor Swift. Yes, I'm a swiftie. Deal with it 💋
What Fandoms I'll Write For
My Hero Academia
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Harry Potter
Total Drama
Stranger Things
Under no circumstances, will I allow any hate comments towards characters I write for, if you don't like that character, then don't read about them
I'll write x readers, but I won't do oc's
I know I already have a few x male readers, but as of right now, I wont do them anymore. I just feel awkward writing them and I feel like they're not good.
I will write smut, but I won't write daddy/mommy kinks, gun/knife play, period/pregnancy sex, or degradation. I just feel uncomfy writing that stuff.
When, I do write nsfw stuff, MDNI!! I don't care if you read any of my other stuff
I also won't do x male reader smut, I'm a girl and I don't know what having a dick feels like, so sorry to all the male readers, but I will write gender neutral smut
I won't write for smut for Mammon, Nekomaru, All Might, Sakura and Gonta
In general, I won't write for Mineta, Hifumi, any adult character in Harry Potter besides Lupin and Sirius, Valentino (fuck him), Nifty, and the creepy pedophile guy in Ultra Despair Girls. I don't remember his name and I hate him too much to actually care
Nothing creepy like pedophilia or stepbro! x reader. That stuff just makes me uncomfy and is just creepy
I do accept requests, but please be patient with me if they don't come out as fast as you like
You can send them in with your username or anon I don't really care
I won't do character x character
Masterlist Wattpad Discord Wips
🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
That's it really! I'm still figuring out all this, so don't judge if the format looks weird. Thanks so much for stopping by 💋
xoxo, Izzy
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"To die-to really be dead-that must be glorious..."
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gifti3 · 1 year
Put the demon bros in boyfriend dungeon
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froggibus · 6 hours
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- kinktober & fall 2024 -
— horror movie mania!
a hybrid of kinktober fun & october fluff
so excited for our second year of kinktober! last year i got burnt out from writing so much smut, so this year i'm breaking it up w some fun fall fluff (in pink!) every couple days ^^
masterlist | kinktober 2023
our theme this year is: horror movies! i am a big fan & thought it would be a fun little thing to do! not all of these are traditionally considered horror movies (more like thrillers!) but they fit the vibe so they're included ^^ MDNI with kinktober content.
happy haunting!
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Oct. 1st - Poltergeist (Sex Pollen)
— Cole Cassidy
Oct. 2nd - Scary Movies
— Leon S Kennedy
Oct. 3rd - Friday The 13th (Knife Play)
— Billy Loomis & Stu Macher
Oct. 4th - Baking Together
— Overwatch Men + Venture
Oct. 5th - Happy Death Day (Overstimulation)
— Leon S Kennedy
Oct. 6th - Pumpkin Patch
— Mammon
Oct. 7th - Ginger Snaps (Werewolf! AU)
— Venture
Oct. 8th - Halloween (Breeding)
— Dick Grayson & Wally West
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Oct. 9th - Spree (Road Sex)
— Racer! Satoru Gojo
Oct. 10th - Nightmare on Elm Street (Incubus)
— Mammon
Oct. 11th - Bonfire
— Wally West
Oct. 12th - Predator (Hunting)
— Ramattra
OCT 13th - American Psycho (Futanari)
— CEO! Widowmaker
Oct. 14th - Thanksgiving
— Logan Howlett
Oct. 15th - Ghostbusters (Hypnosis)
— Logan Howlett & Wade Wilson
Oct. 16th - Pumpkin Carving
— Jason Todd
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WEEK 3 — OCT 17TH TO OCT 24th
Oct. 17th - Costume Shopping
— Valorant Boys
Oct. 18th - Hocus Pocus (Cherry Chasing)
— Witch! Mercy
Oct. 19th - Haunted House
— Obey Me! Brothers
OCT 20th - Dracula (Vampire! AU)
— Hanzo Shimada
Oct. 21st - Apple Picking
— JJK Boys
Oct. 22nd - The Conjuring (Spectrophilia)
— Ghost! Suguru Geto
Oct. 23rd - Fall Carnival
— Marvel Boys
Oct. 24th - Scream (Ghostface! AU)
— Jason Todd & Roy Harper
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WEEK 4 — OCT 25th TO OCT 31st
Oct. 25th - Haunted Hayride
— Genshin Boys
Oct. 26th - Pet Sematary (Possession)
— Logan Howlett
Oct. 27th - Trick or Treating
— Choso Kamo
Oct. 28th - The Purge (Gun Play)
— Wade Wilson
Oct. 30th - Scent Kink (w/ @ficsforgaza)
— Beelzebub
Oct. 31st - Halloween Party
— DC Boys
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(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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ninjnerd-anaklusmos · 3 years
Random Incorrrct Obey Me Quote:
Belphegor: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Beelzebub: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Leviathan: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.
Mammon: *cocks gun* Magic missile.
Solomon: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
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t0bi0ss · 2 years
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psychopath family au simeon, barbatos, teen!luke, + teen!mc
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Mammon: if you play it, you get a hundred million dollars, but a hundred million people will die.
Teen!Luke: *starts playing harmonica loudly* 
Mammon: luke no-
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Simeon: how about some monopoly guys?
Barbatos: simeon no-
Teen!MC/Luke: yeah!
*5 weeks later*
Teen!MC: so hungry…
Teen!Luke: shut up! mom’s turn!
Barbatos: mom’s dead!
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Simeon: mc breakfast!
Teen!MC: *pulls out a gun* Simeon: *sweats* ok… later…
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Barbatos: did you get the cucumbers?
Simeon: ah, no i forgot! i’ll get them next time. Barbatos: *grabbing a knife* there won’t be a next time
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*lights not turning on*
Barbatos: simeon did you not pay the fucking power bill!? are you serious?!
Teen!MC: *strums a guitar* when your lights don’t work like they used to before
Teen!Luke: mc shut the f*ck up!
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qshara · 3 years
What would happen if you leave them in the same room? Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2
Room 15
Mammon: Not bad, but AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
Motonari: What are they doing?
Clavis: They fight to be the alpha
Room 16
Vicent: I made all of you friendship bracelets!
Luka: Uumm ... I thought we could have something to eat, so I made cupcakes
Beel: -munch munch- You guys are so nice
Mitsunari: This is very funny, isn't it Lord Ieyasu?
Ieyasu, who lost a bet against Masamune and is tied to a chair: Please kill me now
Uncomfortable Room 17
A cricket:
Room 18
Yves: I brought more desserts!
Jonah: I hate to admit that this Mille-feuille is delicious!
Nobunaga: How many pancakes did you eat?
Theodorus, with a stomachache: 35... and that's one fact I didn't want to know about me
Room 19
Sirius: You guys stay here
Zero: I'm not even from your army???? Where are you going?! Come back!
Luka: This room doesn't look too bad
Luke (Obey Me): Now that I have your attention, give me a chance to talk to you about Jesus
Isaac: Not again
Room 20
Napoleon: We can't make dinner if they don't give us ingredients
Yves: What are they waiting for? May the food magically appear in front of us?!
Obey Me MC, magically appearing: -confused sheep noises-
Luka: Impressive
Masamune, with a knife: Hi there!
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Room 21
[at a dinner party but someone has been murdered]
Masamune: You’re acting pretty carefree for someone who’s life’s at stake. Who’s to say you aren’t the killer?
Clavis: It's a murder, not a tax audit. I'll be fine
Nokto: What about Mitsunari? Nobody ever suspects Mitsunari!
Mitsunari: Well what about Mitsuhide? He have a gun!
Mitsuhide: Masamune has a knife
Masamune: Yeah, for fun and cooking, not for murder! -stabs Nokto in the arm-
I was thinking of doing part 4 based on what you ask??
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an old man thing i can think of is buying like all those products for car up-keep or guns. I guess the demon version would be torture weapons though. But he has an extremely meticulous cleaning/repair kit and maintenance schedule for it and even specific rags for specific uses (yes Mammon once got the job of cleaning and was strung up for using the oil-polishing rag to rub in the cleaning wax on one of the knives poor bby)
Mammon (already hanging from the ceiling): What’d I do?!
Lucifer: You neglected to clean the iron maiden when I asked. Now all the spikes are rusty!
Lucifer: As you can see MC, the grip on this knife is very high quality, it prevents blistering and possible slips.
MC (taking notes): Huh, interesting.
Lucifer: And these are the nice knives.
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MC: OOOOO! Pretty! Can I hold one-
*hand thwack*
Lucifer: Don’t touch the nice knives. Sanitize your hands. Now I need to get your fingerprints off them.
MC: I didn’t even touch them!
Lucifer (already cleaning the knives): Hush.
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