#she takes her sister in law job very seriously
skulls-soul · 1 year
I have seen princess peach being really supportive about the bowuigi relationship or princess peach being really against the relationship
I’ve seen Princess peach, be heartbroken and field, betrayed by Bowser and Luigi getting into a relationship and I’ve seen Princess peach be severely relieved
Do you know what I haven’t seen Princess peach being as worried as Mario like she loves Luigi and wants him to be happy but she’s not sure if Bowser is the one who can give him that happiness
Just imagine her and Mario sitting on the couch in the brothers cottage waiting for weegee to come home from his date. she’s in overalls just in case if he doesn’t come home so that way both her and Mario can very quickly go and rescue Luigi 
When Luigi finally does come back both her and Mario tackle him, asking him a bunch of questions while simultaneously checking if he’s ok
They love lu and will fight anyone who dares to hurt him emotionally or physically that person will have a funeral
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lightofthemoonglow · 1 year
kinktober day seven and eight
Virginity | Waxplay | Stuck in Wall
Breeding | Gore | Master & Slave
third person reader because that is how it turned out oops
Sequel here
Thomas Hewitt
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The day had finally come.
The wedding dress is older than the bride. The bride is considered an adult in every part of the world, in basically every sense. And yet she still wears a dress that Luda Mae had brought for herself a long time ago, back when she had hopes for a whole other life that had never come to pass. It’s obvious why she’s doing this, but it’s harmless in comparison to everything else about the situation.
One interaction had been all it had taken for this deal to be worked out. The bride had come from a family of carnival workers that had passed through Travis County that had decided to stick around, her mother becoming friendly with Luda Mae despite the two of them living seemingly very different lives. All the girl had done was shyly ask Tommy about his job at the slaughterhouse as she offered him a bowl of the chili she had brought over. This was some good meat. I bet you had something to do with it. And Luda Mae had noticed the shift in her son’s body language, how he wasn’t as on guard as he normally was for a moment.
It had started as joke between the two mothers. And then they had started seriously discussing it. It made sense. The pool of candidates was already small and neither of their children were exactly…popular. The bride had struggled to finish school after fighting tooth and nail to get in. Thomas had dropped out. Their families were already close. And then, the tornado happened, killing the bride’s father. It was as good a time as any, they had figured. The town was dying slowly, the writing was on the wall. They needed to make it happen before the bride left town for good.
And so, they had wound up in the backyard of the house, the town preacher pronouncing the young couple man and wife, on edge due to the gun that Charlie had aimed at him, ready to pull the trigger if this marriage wound up not being true in the eyes of the lord. While he didn’t believe in that shit, Luda Mae did and his sister’s word was law in their home. The bride was a vision in antique white, her voice trembling as she said ‘I do’. Thomas only grunted in response, Charlie snapping ‘the boy damn well does!’ when the preacher tried to get the larger man to speak.
“I’m glad it’s you,” Luda Mae says to the bride after the cake has been cut and everyone is milling about the yard, the preacher nowhere to be seen. He would never be seen again, but no one would notice or care. “You always had a kind word for my boy.”
And for the first time since her hesitantly uttered vows, the bride speaks. “Of course. He’s a good boy. This was all just a little fast, Mrs. Luda Mae.” But that was intentional, something she would realize later. The mother of the bride had all but dragged her down the aisle. The woman had cried, wailed as she told her daughter that she need to do this, so she could be taken care of, implying that it wouldn’t be long until the bride’s parents were reunited.
After the party, the happy couple was led upstairs, where they were to stay all night. “I want a grandbaby by next spring,” Luda Mae instructed. It wasn’t the wistful dreaming of a woman who yearned to more little ones to spoil. Well, it was, but her tone was that of an order. They were going to grow the family, one way or another.
The room was dim, the sun peeking through the curtains. Thomas makes no move to take off his mask, choosing to just stare at his new wife as she walked towards the bed. The dress is pulled off, revealing a white slip covering her everyday undergarments. She folds it up, so it can be put away in the morning. Maybe it will even be used again one day. The sun shines down on her as she lays on the bed, waiting for him to join her.
“It’s alright. If you…want to.” She speaks softly, not approach him too closely. “I know your mama said that we have to, but I can wait.” Thomas is staring at her, watching her legs twitch slightly, fascinated by the dark peaks on her chest. Her breathing is steady, she’s not looking for an escape. Her eyes are meeting his whenever he allows it. Thomas knows what to do. He’s seen farm animals do it and Charlie had shown him a movie once, short and filthy. Luda Mae had found out about it and been cross for weeks.
The real thing is different. Thomas feels almost cornered as he tentatively touches the hem of the slip. His fingers graze her bare skin and he flinches, which makes her sit up and grab his hand.
“It’s alright, it’s alright,” she coos, stroking his hand with her thumb. “Tommy…I know neither of us exactly wanted this to happen. But if it had to be anyone, I’m glad it was you. I’ve always liked you.” His face didn’t matter to her, she didn’t care that he had to hide what had been eaten away by the sickness inside of him. He wasn’t going to kiss her, he couldn’t get to that point. Not yet.
They needed to do what was expected of them first.
It takes a while, the sun is almost gone when Thomas is finally ready to get on top of her, still mostly dress, only his nice trousers unzipped. She’s naked, comfortable with allowing him to see, to explore. Her body is warm, soft, and he’s so hard it hurts until he pulls it out of his trousers. But he doesn’t put it in, not yet. He can’t quite manage that last little bit of movement, not yet.
“It could happen, Tommy. Us havin’ a baby because of tonight.” She strokes his arm, not touching his face, not until he’s ready. And maybe that won’t be tonight. “I like the idea. Go on and feel how much, darlin’.” She spreads her legs slightly to let him know he could touch her. His prodding fingers found something warm and wet, and when he pushes, a finger slips inside. “It’s good when it’s wet like that. Means I’m excited. Like you are now.”
Another fingers joins the first and she gasps, but she doesn’t stop him. “We could make a baby tonight. You and me…” The images start coming to Thomas as he fingers explore her. His wife’s belly swollen with their child, her tits full of milk, everyone knowing that she belonged to him and only him-
He’s inside of her before he can stop himself. She gasps, grabbing onto his shoulders as his cock fills her up. Her breasts bounce as he thrusts, slow and experimental at first. “Good boy, good boy,” she whispers, her body suddenly filles with sensations she’s never felt before. Thomas is equally overwhelmed, she’s so warm and wet and good and hot and everything he’s ever wanted. She’s gripping onto him tightly, he’s in awe of the sight of himself inside of her.
Thick fingers stuff his seed back inside of her after he’s done, and he prays for the first time in years that it worked.
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pequenaotaku · 2 months
With nothing else to do, I ended up editing Colette's late brother. Why? Just felt like it. Plus, as I delve deeper into her story, her brother will be mentioned more often. For emotional reasons, I thought it would be nice to start introducing him.
Later on, I also plan to introduce other secondary characters that I planned offline for New Gen even before the game was released. To summarize, they are family and friends of my three girls. Creating OCs is delightful and everyone loves it.
Without further ado...
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This was Dante Lebarde, Colette's older brother, the reason she is passionate about astronomy and hot chocolate. Besides enjoying the vastness of space and all its mysteries, he was a very calm guy, the famous mediator, who tries to make everyone's life lighter and simpler. He had a degree in gastronomy and worked as a sous-chef* in a 3-star restaurant.
Going back to the past, shortly after little Colette was born, their parents had a colossal fight and not only did they divorce, but they also didn't want to know about their two children anymore, so they left them to be raised by their paternal grandfather, Charles Lebarde (yes, the professor of Ancient and Medieval Art at Anteros Academy). Feeling obviously abandoned, he didn't want his little sister to have to deal with the same heavy emotional burden that he had to deal with as she grew up, so, with a little help from their grandfather, he always made sure to be around and take care of Colette. They grew up very close.
Dante died at the age of 27, being hit by a bullet in a robbery that took place at the restaurant where he worked. One of the customers that day had a baby and went into a complete panic when the robbers entered, threatening everyone. Dante tried to help her calm down so as not to attract trouble, but it was too late, he ended up being shot in her place.
Additional information (that I was too incompetent to fit into the text):
Dante was 8 years older than Colette.
He was engaged and was going to get married at the end of that same year to his girlfriend who had been with him since high school. (She still hasn't recovered from the whole thing and ended up getting closer to Colette during the mourning period. The two still treat each other as sisters-in-law. I plan to make a post introducing this girl in the future too, I'm just not sure whether to redo her design, update it to match New Candy's base, or keep it as it is.)
He was pansexual.
As already mentioned, he had a special passion for astronomy, and this hobby was passed on to him by his mother. He was very sad that they had lost contact but believed in catharsis. He hoped that one day the stars would align and they could at least become close again. Unfortunately, it didn't happen.
His favorite type of food was seafood.
Although he was a very skilled chef, he was terrible with artistic notions in terms of the harmony of a well-presented dish. Interior decoration as well, consequently, but that's another story. So, when he created a new dish, he focused more on the taste; it was the chef's job to make it look good, ironically. Colette didn't care about this; she found it very fun to cook with her brother and joke about who decorated the cupcake the worst.
He loved listening to the sounds his sister produced. It was he who gave her the nudge to take it seriously as a profession.
For some reason, he was obsessed with reptiles. He liked them more than furry animals. In fact, he had two pet snakes, a Ball Python* named Nova and a Boa Constrictor Imperator* named Nebula.
The base and most of Dante's clothes I got from this VK group. As for the hair and facial details, I found them in the Castiel base Drive that @candysweetposts made.
Sous-chef*: Of French origin, sous-chef literally means under-chef. He is the second in command of a professional kitchen and, therefore, answers only to the chef. Thus, this figure also represents an authority to the other team members.
Ball Python*: Also known as a royal python, it is a popular species due to its relatively small size and docile temperament.
Boa Constrictor Imperator*: A subspecies of the boa constrictor, generally bred in captivity and appreciated for its relatively docile nature.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Aaa! Requests are open! May I send in a request headcanons for Neuvillette as a father? GN!child This one’s kinda similar to the wriothesley one in your requests but it’s more just what would life be like for the child? Would they be Human or half whatever he is?
A/N: Hello! I absolutely love this idea and am really excited to write it haha! Thank you for the request and I hope you'll like this, anon! Content: Nothing too serious, just fluff and Neuvillette as a single father, mentions of chaotic auntie Furina- ((Not proofread.))
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Neuvillette's child will most likely be a Hybird human with more noticeable dragonic features, which the man is quick to hide publicly for their own safety and good. He doesn't want his child to be treated differently by anyone and makes sure they gain the same respect he has by the people of Fountaine. Anyone that dares cross him on the matter, will quickly find out why that's a bad idea.
His child is the most spoiled kid in all of Fountaine, to say the least. He earns alot of mora, which he mostly spends on them. Seeing them get excited over new clothes or toys that he bought them makes him feel proud and content. Especially when he hears them giggle and laugh. He'll organise any parties or balls his child wants, making sure they are grand and formal, since they deserve the best only. He is so soft for them and isn't afraid to show it.
The Melusine act like older sisters for the kid. They taught them how to swim and don't mind them showing their dragonic features around them. They take the child on small adventures around Fountaine's beautiful landscapes and deep oceans, always mindful of their safety. They also take care of them, whilst Neuvillette's busy with work, which unfortunately happens alot more than he liked. But with so much company around, his child never feels too lonely.
And then... there is the Hydro Archon herself, who takes her self-proclaimed title as "Auntie Furina" very seriously. So serious in fact, that she even made upsetting the child borderline illegal. She was very smug about that... until she made them cry once on accident and had to nervously shuffle herself out of the consequences under the Ludex's dark glare in court. She's also not trusted on taking care of them much, mainly because Neuvillette doesn't want his child to rub off on her. But that doesn't stop her from making a little throne right next to hers for the kid to sit on and watch, whilst their father does his job. If anything, seeing their awe-filled gaze motivates the man to work harder.
His child, despite being obviously very spoiled, is still very humble and kind to all. Neuvillette made sure that they had a high sense of morality at a young age and understood the laws of Fountaine. He encourages them to have their own opinions as well and enjoys having long discussions with them on justice related topics once they are old enough.
So really, being his child comes with many potential ups and downs, but he ultimately does his best to make sure his child has the best life possible.
A/N: Wooo! Bxnny posting twice a day for once? Unheard of lately haha! I hope you guys likes this as much as I did and thank you again for the great request, anon!
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ohanny · 3 days
change host club show
part 2/3
part one
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michael as the bartender
he started working at the club the same week as pavel and they've been a team from the start. while he's glad his menu and bartending flair are one of the few things benz deems acceptable, he shares every single concern pavel has about the future of this place. he lives with his grandmother and has been helping her raise his 5 year old half-sister ever since their deadbeat parents were sent to jail for drug dealing three years ago. before, pavel was always there step up and take his shift when he had to stay / rush home because of an emergency but he seriously doubts benz will be as understanding which terrifies him.
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garfield as the pillow princess
garfield is…. plain lazy. he ended up working at the club after searching the internet for “jobs that pay you money without you having to do anything.” sitting and looking pretty is about as much effort as he's willing to make in order to pay rent and really, he would much rather be on his couch with his cat. benz and him get off to a rough start when his new boss tries to force him to take a dance class - “sorry, i don't do cardio” - but after negotiating his way out of it by volunteering to wear cat ears and meow at clients, he figures it's not that bad. it’s pretty great, actually. benz and nut bring in clients who tip way more and soon he's a) negotiating less hours in exchange for wearing scandalous costumes and b) keeping an eye out for a potential sugar daddy.
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topten as the dancer
topten is the first hire benz makes in order to elevate the club’s image. he's the younger brother of one of benz’s friends and was recently kicked out his house for blowing a prestigious internship his father arranged for him in a major law firm in favor of joining a dance company. He was classically trained in ballet before moving to contemporary jazz and aerial work and frankly he thinks he is way too good for this gig. benz reminds him that his dad has given him until the end of the month to quit dance or he’ll be financially cut off and being an understudy doesn't pay that much. plus, this way? not only would he be the star, he'd get full(ish) creative control and could choreograph all the performances to his liking.
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ping as the bus boy
ping is a quiet introvert who was originally meant to be the bouncer because he is very buff and intimidating but they discovered very quickly that he can't handle any kind of confrontation and he was moved indoors to help out where needed. benz takes one look at him and decides it's time for a promotion because a host like that? ka-ching, baby! unfortunately for benz, capitalism and clients of all gender, ping’s shyness is no joke. he's unable make direct eye contact or string together two words to make a sentence even in a training scenario. he just blushes and becomes a stuttering mess which is a tragedy. does this stop benz from putting him in a size xs vest and making him do plenty of trips to across the floor and have him carry crates of booze and dirty glassware in full view of the club goers? no. it is a business after all.
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pop as the hostess
by day pop is a mild-mannered, math loving accountant in thick glasses and grandpa sweaters. by night he becomes miss poppy, the hostess with the mostest. miss poppy - mistress poppy on fridays for her spanks & shots special - is everything accountant pop isn't and the difference is so jarring it takes the new employees months to realize they are the same person. where pop carries himself with hunched shoulders, miss poppy commands attention with easy confidence, towering over the club goers on her platform boots. she is undoubtedly the club’s biggest draw and the second highest earner with sheer volume on her side - really, the only reason the top spot belongs to garfield is because garfield works exclusively in the vip booths with the high rollers and would wear a slutty teletubby costume for a bigger tip.
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islandtarochips · 5 months
Call of Duty OC: General Alana Kalani🎖️
A strong, single mother and independent woman. A woman who was been abandoned by her lover who want nothing from her pregnancy. A woman being disowned by her parents who was pregnant at a young age. Been taken in by her older brother. And had a beautiful baby daughter. A woman who had signed up to the military to fight to protect her home and her family. Even protecting her baby daughter.
UNIVERSE: Modern Warfare/Modern Warfare 2/Modern Warfare 3
🎖️ Name: Alana Kalani 🎖️ Alias(es): General, General Kalani, Ala (her brother and other older folks that she knows), Lana (mostly her brother) 🎖️ Gender: Female 🎖️ Age: 51 (2019), 54 (2022) 🎖️ Birthday: December 22nd 🎖️ Nationality: Hawaiian 🎖️ Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii 🎖️ Home: Honolulu, Oahu 🎖️ Spoken Languages: English, Hawaiian, Arabic (conversational), Russian (Military Purposes) 🎖️ Sexuality: Heterosexual 🎖️ Occupation: General of the Marine Corps
🎖️ Eye Color: Brown 🎖️ Hair Color: Light Brown With white streaks 🎖️ Height: 5’9”/177 cm 🎖️ Scars: A line of scar on her left forearm, 2 bullet wound on her right side of her waist and got burnt scar on her back on the right side. 🎖️ Face Claim: Kelly Hu
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🎖️ Color: Silver 🎖️ Food: Anything that her brother cooks 🎖️ Drink: Wine/Liquor/Sprite 🎖️ Flower: Any Hawaiian flower related 🎖️ Hairstyle: Natural (usually let her hair down when she's home or out of duty) and Tight bun (during work time)
🎖️ Myers Briggs Type: ISTJ Alana had become a General for a REASON. So she had taken her job VERY seriously. She took full responsibility for her men and the Task Force that she is taking over. She's a kind woman once you get to know her OUTSIDE of work. But when it's work time, she will make sure that you will DO your job in the right way. 🎖️ Organized: Alana is always organized the mission. Trying to make sure that everything is in order and planned well before sending her men out. She wanted them to finish it in the RIGHT way. And if things went south or it's not according to plan, she put her trust in the Captain to lead the way. 🎖️ Systematic: Alana has a good way to give direct and correct orders to her men. For she had experienced once of losing one of them in the past. And had learned her lesson as she made sure to think before acting. 🎖️ Practical Judgement: She had good sense of judgment before giving out orders. Making sure to bring her men back alive. Negative Traits: 🎖️ Mostly her sarcasm. She couldn't hide her tone of being sarcastic to someone who sounded really dumb or stupid. She can't even hide her face expression either while saying it. 🎖️ Small temper can ruin her image. But it depends if they started to push her buttons. Like, if they ever mention threatening her men or her daughter. She will try to punch something else instead of SOMEONE'S face. 🎖️ HORRIBLE cook. She can't even cook for ANYTHING. And also, she almost burned her older brother's place down leaving something in the oven for too long. So whatever you do DON'T let her go to the kitchen. Unless she asked for water or something.
Skills and Abilities: 🎖️ Fighting Style: Hand-to-Hand Combat and martial arts 🎖️ Weapons: MK16 rifle, M4 car, 🎖️ Distinct Weapons: Hunting knife and M18 🎖️ Special Skills: Has good mind of organizing everything before sending it to her team. Making sure Family:
Aelan Kalani (Daughter, Alive)
Ola Kalani (Brother, Alive)
Noelani Iona Kalani (Sister-in-law, Ola's Wife, Alive)
Keona Kalani (Niece, Ola's Daughter, Alive) Trivia:
🎖️ Alana was her parents "perfect" little girl. Choosing her over her older brother. She HATES it. 🎖️ She got pregnant by her boyfriend and he had disappeared after finding out about her pregnancy. How charming. 🎖️ Was disowned by her parents once they heard she was pregnant. Was all alone. And was too afraid to ask for her brother's help. 🎖️She was 17 when she was pregnant.
Background Story:
Alana is an independent woman. A single mother who had raised her daughter on her own before her older brother, Ola, came in to assist her while she went out to deploy.
Her parents had disowned her because of her getting pregnant by her boyfriend. Who had left her when he found out about her getting pregnant. She was young, like at 17 and she wasn’t close to getting a diploma yet.
So her parents had kicked her out of the house and let her live off the street. She is fine with it because she can take care of herself. Until she forgot about where to LIVE.
Ola came in and took her in to live with him and his girlfriend, Noelani. He was furious at how their own parents would do this to a 17-year-old.
Ola had already talked with the Principal of the situation and wanted Alana to continue her classwork in school. Which he kindly accepted and let her continue to take her classes. There are some bad rumors about Alana but she ignores them and just focuses on her class.
After graduating, at the age of 18. Alana had given birth to a healthy baby girl. Thanks to Ola’s expertise on delivering babies.
She was very happy to see her baby girl. And she promised herself that she’ll do ANYTHING to protect her. So after 7 months of resting and taking care of her daughter. She decided to sign up for Military. Just to help out with the finance and also wanted to protect her home from the enemies.
Already enlisted and been serving in the Marines for 15 years and that’s when she’s a Lieutenant General. And that’s the year she had met one of Tiala’s older brothers. Hōne, Rangi and Kanoa.
Three most trusted soldiers that she had ever depended on. Even mostly Hōne. She saw how much potential he has and she trusted him to take this mission along with Rangi. Relating to trafficking.
The dealers were taking the children that they had kidnapped to be deported to Asia. That’s when she sent Hōne and Rangi to stop them.
She thought that everything went well from the mission. Until Rangi had come back with only Hōne’s dog tags. She was shocked and devastated. Guilt had climbed all over her when she found out about one of her best soldiers who had died under HER command.
She also experienced the same guilt of almost losing her other soldier. Tiala Toa. She knows that she is related to the three boys who had worked with her. And she had released her to rest for a while until she was back on her feet again.
Having all that guilt had made her take a lack of sleep, overworking and also didn’t keep in touch with her family.
Until she found out about her daughter already signed up for the military to be a medic. Which she is deeply proud of. And started to contact her sometimes and apologize for not keeping in touch. Which her daughter understands (such a sweet girl).
A few years later, Alana got an unexpected call. A call from the CIA of the US. It was Laswell. A long time old friend.
Asking for her help of assisting Price, Alex, Gaz and Farah to find the stolen Russian Gas.
Will she accept to send someone who has the skills to assist these people or will she deny this request so she doesn’t have to lose another of her men?
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naquey · 3 months
A Different Perspective
What I can only assume would be a different perspective of the night I came out as trans and wanted to be a boy. Of course, my mother couldn't tell me what she was thinking, so I could only assume that.
Word count: 700
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“She wants to be a boy?” 
Annette, shrouded in the mystery of a James Patterson novel, sat in bed with a book open. Nightly reading was her enigmatic routine, a veil to distract her from the day's events. Her husband, James, sat at his computer. The cool white glow of the screen reflected off his glasses. He leaned back, probably scrolling through internet news. 
“You heard her? She said she thinks she’s a boy because she plays video games.” The way he said it didn’t allude to amusement or laughter; instead, he didn’t take it seriously. 
“Yes, but she seemed so… so panicky. Like she was afraid, we wouldn’t love her.” 
“No, she knows we love her.” 
“I don’t know. We haven’t been spending as much time with her lately.” 
“She’s almost a teenager. At this age, they want nothing to do with their parents.” James laughed. “Hun, you’re thinking about it too much.” 
“You’re not thinking about it nearly enough.” Annette shot back, closing her book. 
“Okay,” James turned to the open doorway of their room. “Perhaps she just read something on the internet and thinks it describes her. Kids do this all the time with mental illnesses.” 
“Right. You’re right. It’s probably just something she read online again.” 
But this didn’t quell his wife's curiosity. Typically, their daughter didn’t come to them with a problem unless she genuinely needed their help. She couldn’t help but think there was more to this than a kid's ramble about wanting to be different, but maybe it was only because her daughter was drifting further away from her. The girl just cut her hair short, like a boy's haircut, and seemed so happy. Maybe this was just what kids do. Opening her book again, she couldn’t pay attention to the novel's mystery, her mind running rampant with thoughts. She was unsure of what to think or what to do. How should she approach this? What would she say? If she didn’t say the right thing, she could very well lose her daughter, but was there even a right thing? For a moment, just a moment, she thought of calling Tammy—thought of asking her cousin how her parents reacted when she came out as a lesbian. She considered contacting her friend Karen and asking her for advice on this situation. It seemed like their daughter was happy and bubbly yesterday, but thinking about memories, she noticed just how unhappy their little girl was. 
Late in the night, Annette tossed and turned. She wasn’t a heavy sleeper. Even the slightest movement, like her husband's foot, would wake her. Getting up to go to the bathroom, she turned the light on in the hallway. She would wonder why they slept in the attic, but it was the only other room. James’ sister kept all her things in the middle room on the second floor, and Papa, her father-in-law, had his room. She passed by her daughter's bedroom door, which was open and ajar. Inside, the girl was asleep, and she turned back to the room. She turned on the light in the bathroom and returned to the bedroom. Annette peered through the opening between the door and the wall. A few weeks ago, they removed the dollhouse and most of her dolls from her room. She couldn’t help but think that it was their worst idea, but their daughter couldn’t keep her room clean. 
Closing the door with a soft click, Annette went to the bathroom and then went back to bed. Was this the right thing? Should she address it? Everything was so confusing now. She couldn’t help but feel her daughter slipping through her fingers. The next thing she knew, her little girl would be going off to college and getting a job, and this would be the thing that divided them. Of course, her husband doesn’t take it seriously because he knows that kids say the weirdest things, but something doesn’t feel right. A mother knows when something is wrong. A mother knows when their child is in danger. Settling back into bed with a ball of anxiety settling in the pit of her stomach, she tried to think of happier thoughts.
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fictionadventurer · 11 months
Victober Wrap-Up
The Romance of a Shop by Amy Levy: I read this one on October 1st. Very easy, very fun, if very underwritten, read about four sisters who open a photography shop. Gives a fascinating perspective on a different side of Victorian daily life.
The Europeans by Henry James: I forgot this one almost immediately after reading it, but I did enjoy it. The best way I can describe what I like about Henry James is that he writes like a woman. There's a concern for the inner lives of characters and the little moments of daily life that you usually don't see from male authors, and it works really well for the types of stories he tells.
Miss Meredith by Amy Levy: Short novella about a young woman who takes a job as a governess in Italy, and who gets a much nicer romance out of it than most of those types of characters. It's nothing ground-breaking, but it's fun to see her perspective on the setting, and the romance reminded me so much of some scenes from an old, beloved, abandoned WIP that I couldn't help liking it more than it probably deserved.
The Law and the Lady by Wilkie Collins: I loved the heroine of this book. I was so invested in her story. She was going to solve the mystery of her husband's past, no matter who stood in her way. Her (hilariously) pathetic wet napkin of a husband doesn't deserve her, but he needs her, and she loves him a lot, so I can root for them. It's astounding to me that a Victorian man can write such good female characters. They get to be people--strong-willed, intelligent, flawed, the center of their own stories rather than just a prop in someone else's. My love for Valeria papered over a lot of other flaws in this story (some not-great use of disabled characters, for one), and I'm seriously considering picking up another of his books next month. (They have perfect November vibes).
The Leavenworth Case by Anna Katharine Green: Not technically Victorian (it's American), but still the right time period. Apparently, this is where a lot of the detective genre started. I love the detective--he's got a quirk of not making eye contact with people, and I love that he's explicitly so working-class than he can't pass himself off as a gentleman for investigating this high-society crime--but I don't care about any of the characters, and the writing's not great. (Though it's kind of hilarious how often the narrator gets information because people come up to him and go, "You're a lawyer, right? Let me ask for advice about an intricate situation that just happens to tie into the case you're investigating.") I'm about 2/3 done with the audiobook, but it's going to be a bit of a slog to finish.
A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson: I'd probably find this a bit too cutesy most of the time, but I read this on a Sunday when I was feeling under-the-weather, and it was exactly what I needed. Very sweet, easy read.
Wuthering Heights by Emile Brontë: I made it a chapter and a half. It's a Hard No.
Diary of a Nobody by George and Weedon Grossmith: I heard it was short and funny, so I tried a couple of pages. Maybe there's a cultural divide, but I just wasn't feeling it.
The Odd Women by George Gissing: I tried a couple of chapter of the audiobook, because a story about women working as typists in late-Victorian England sounds right up my alley. I'm only two chapters in, but I'm debating whether to go further, because he already writes about women like a man--way too detailed descriptions of their physical appearance that suggest they're already decrepit in their early 30s, a suggestion that "we leave it to the men to decide if she'd be attractive"--and that doesn't bode well for a book with a female cast. It is just about to introduce the "progressive" woman who's about to drag the main characters into this newfangled job, so maybe it'd get better, but I'm not sure I'm invested enough to try.
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spot-of-tea · 5 months
So continuing with the world building, over the 26 or so years Fairytail has changed a great deal, some people have joined, others have left or retired, there have even been a few people who have sadly passed on, but there are some who have stayed put.
Which brings me to the next family in my au.
The Fullbuster family
After nearly dying in a war things were really put into perspective for Juvia. She backed off considerably from her endless pursuit of the man she loves, instead turning her attention to improving herself.
Conversely seeing Juvia almost die and confronting his own mortality forced Gray to realise that he couldn’t keep forcing the people he cared about to stay at arms length. After some self reflection on both parts the two decided to take things slowly, glacially if you will.
By the time some couples were having their second children the two were finally ready to settle themselves and married eventually having a couple of their own children.
Storm Fullbuster
As much as Natsu encouraged Gray to name his son after his edolas counterpart so that their children could match, Gray and Juvia decided to name their firstborn Storm instead. Storm is quiet and cool-headed preferring to wait before rushing into things. A stark contrast to the rest of his team whose only mode is to shoot first and ask questions much, much later. His team would've taken him more seriously if he didn't spend most of his time half-dressed, a habit picked up from his father. Storm has his mothers features and very dark blue hair. As much as his father tried to teach him his own maker magic, Storm never quite developed the delicacy required for it. Instead he uses his own brand of winter magic, a combination of various cold based magics to overwhelm his enemies.
Raine Fullbuster
Many believed that Storm was destined to be an only child, so his younger sister came as a surprise to everyone. Raine is second youngest of the current generation of fairies. After several laws were passed preventing children from officially joining guilds and taking on dangerous jobs, Raine is just a couple years shy of earning her own guildmark. There are many people in the guild who see Raine as Juvia's karma for her past obsessive nature. While she can be sweet and charming several of the male members of the guild have caught her eye. Many people have received glitter covered love letters declaring her undying love for them (that's not to mention the various handcrafted gifts of varying quality). Raine's use of wind magic allows her to stalk her targets with frightening efficiency. While Juvia finds her daughters actions mortifying Gray has shown himself to be incredibly overprotective of his baby girl. Unfortunately, Raine's current obsession (much to Gray's horror) lies solely fixated on one Iggy Dragneel.
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lacependragon · 7 months
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2024 Book #1: The Hanging City by Charlie N. Holmberg
Intended Audience: Adult Genre: Romantasy (Romance-focused fantasy) Length: 335 pages Finished: February 17th, 2024
Narration: single narrator, first person pov
Summary: In a fantasy world consumed by an endless drought, a young woman on the run from her father has arrived at the last place that might take her in: the troll city under the greatest bridge ever built. But in order to get in, she must tell the leaders of her strange magic ability - she can push fear onto others, though she'll feel it too. As Lark, our MC, tries to fit into trollis (their preferred term) society, she finds herself struggling to fit in when kindness and compassion don't get you far in a society of strength. But some trollis soften to her, especially a handsome one named Azmar that Lark can't stop thinking about, no matter how dangerous it is.
Review: This is a very good book. Lark is a fun, compassionate, and quick thinking main character whose mistakes are understandable and who uses all the information at her disposal in clever ways. I loved how her compassion and struggle to fit in led to so much of the conflict in the story, and I loved how it also was a huge part of her success in the story, too. Lark's relationships with other characters, including Azmar and Unach, who she lives with, are just so, so good. I loved the job that Lark ended up with - monster hunting - and I really appreciate how it never stops being relevant to the story, both in activity and in social situations. In fact, this is just a very tightly written little book and everything circles around in some very fantastic ways.
The writing is lovely, too. I really enjoy the way this author writes books - I own a few of them - and I find there's a nice cadence to the words. It's smooth to read. And that spreads into how information is given to the reader, as well. Everything feels very smooth and easy flowing.
And, just to come back around, I really, really love compassionate protagonists. I love when characters want to help others, no matter the cost, and sometimes make stupid decisions because of that. Lark is such a fantastic protagonist who works around everything she is given. I love her. I love Azmar, too.
I think my biggest problem is that this is a seriously closed door romance. A few on-screen kisses and that's about it. Some light references. I would have loved to see more - I prefer my romances a little smuttier - but YMMV.
Just a fantastic book, seriously. So glad it was my first of the year.
Things I liked, specifically:
The romance was good. I understood why Lark was attracted to Azmar, and even though we never get Azmar's point of view, it was clear to me why he liked her. Watching them fall for each other was just adorable. Also, I love when a romance doesn't rely on badly done miscommunication for its third act drama. This does something SO GOOD that has nothing to do with that!
The worldbuilding was really neat. This is a standalone, so there's a lot of questions left unanswered, but the answers we got were fun. I also loved how it tied into the plot, as well as the culture of the trollis. You really get a sense for what their people value when the architecture is described. It's very evocative. And the cultural bits we get, the government and tax and law systems, the currency and caste stuff. God it's all so good and intriguing. Layered in just enough, in my opinion.
The friendships. There are so many good supporting characters in this story, including Unach, the trollis woman originally assigned to look over Lark. She's Azmar's sister and she's basically my fave. She's so gruff and short-tempered but also fantastic. Love her. I loved all of the supporting characters. All of them were well-written, well-rounded, and had motivations that were clear to me.
LARK. Again, emphasizing that Lark is just a fantastic, compassionate and kind protagonist. She is tired of fighting. Tired of having to hurt others. She wants a family, friends, and peace, and it is beautiful to watch her strive for her.
The themes. Sometimes you can't change a place, only you can change. Family isn't what your born into, but the people who will accept you no matter what you are. It is always right to try and save others. What is a monster? What is a man? Just to name a few that I personally pulled out of the story that I just adored the execution of. It's so good. And the trollis society embodies both good and bad, and you get to see the way it echoes into the themes and guh.
Rating: 4 1/2 stars.
Recommended for: Fans of romance who enjoy good worldbuilding, fans of Holes, fans of Gentle Giant men.
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ericshoney · 6 months
Thrill Ride ~ Chapter one
Five years ago
It was eleven at night. A young girl stood on her doorstep with her eyes closed, much to her older brother's request. It was her birthday and her brother had a surprise for her.
"Alright, Lottie, open!"
The girl, Lottie, opened her eyes to see her brother smiling and leaning against a black mustang. Her eyes went wide.
"Happy birthday baby sis!"
Lottie couldn't believe her eyes. She walked over quietly in shock and looked around the brand new car.
"Jax you can't be serious!" She shouted.
Her brother, Jax, chuckled. Throwing her a set of keys. The keys for the mustang. 
"I just knew you loved this car and you passed your test last month, so why not." He said with a shrug.
Lottie smiled and hugged Jax, the male hugging her back. 
"Thank you." She said.
"Very welcome. Now let's take it for a spin." He suggested.
Lottie smiled and nodded, sliding into the drivers seat, Jax getting in the passenger seat. She started the engine and sped off down the road, a wide smile on her face as she drifted around corners and happily broke every driving law in the city.
"Someone's a speed demon!" Jax exclaimed.
Lottie just giggled, knowing her brother wasn't much of a slow driver either. Jax just smiled, knowing his sister was happy and he made her birthday better.
After their drive, the siblings stopped for a midnight snack, grabbing some ice cream from the store and parked up, taking in the city lights from afar, both silent as they sat on the front of the car.
"I really love the car..."
"I'm glad."
"But what?"
"How could you afford this and your car and our rent?" 
Jax fell silent. He knew that he couldn't tell Lottie the full truth, just that he had a good job. He didn't want his sister wrapped up in his career.
"Just a good job. You know Sangyeon pays me well." He said with a chuckle.
Lottie nodded. She had heard that name before. Sangyeon. She knew that he was her brother's friend/boss and there were a few other guys, but that was about it.
"Don't worry about it bub, okay?" Jax called, reassuringly. 
Lottie nodded again, hoping to spend the rest of her birthday relaxing with her brother. 
A/N: Hi lovely readers! I just want to make a quick note. There will be many things in this story that are rated mature and sexual. Drugging, smut, yandere behaviour and possessiveness will appear. Please do not leave any hateful comments as this is intended to be a slightly darker fic. Don't take any of the actions seriously, it is just a story at the end of the day. So on that note, happy reading~
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operationfortune · 2 years
Okay I know this post will gain absolutely zero traction but the more I think about it the more I want to cry about it??
slight spoilers for one of the character arcs in Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre ahead,,,
So I saw Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre in the cinema today. I was alone, it was reasonably full, the film technically only opened two days ago, and it's wider release isn't for another week, but I had time to kill and it was the only thing that piqued my interest. It sits in an interesting spot tonally, comparative, I'd say, to Netflix Exclusive Michael Bay movie 6 Underground, though to use a more recent marker I'd drop it somewhere near Bullet Train (though it's definitely much closer to 6 Underground). All this context to say that I went into this Jason Statham-lead espionage action movie with zero expectations and almost completely blind.
So please believe me when I say I was truly blindsided with joy to have canonical, casual queer representation in this Jason Statham-lead espionage action movie.
Maybe it's that I don't watch a lot of media now, but it's something I noticed while watching Glass Onion too, both with Benoit and Hugh Grant (ha, put a pin in that) and especially with the character of Peg, and it makes me a bit teary and excited when I think about it. There's something to be said for how far we've come, to the point that Casual Queer Rep is even possible. There's something about watching Peg get all flustered talking to Helen and knowing that it's because she has a crush, without it having to be flagged, spelled out, or otherwise othered by the film or its writing.
It's normalised.
Which I know shouldn't be a big deal, but right now, to me, it is. I didn't realise I could feel this way; to see a full character who just so happens to be gay, where the plot doesn't revolve around her being gay, but that part of her identity is still made clear?? I love Peg so much holy shit.
But Glass Onion is the second in a series that has established itself as a forerunner for casual diversity. Let me tell you about how Operation Fortune made me want to YELL in theatres.
It's the 8th of January, and it might be a bit early to call it, but Danny Francesco might be my favourite character of the year.
Is he perfect? God no, he's objectively not a great person; he's sleeping with his sister-in-law, he's a Hollywood diva, he's demanding, and he (spoilers, seriously) ends up engaged to a war criminal. Who happens to be the main antagonist. Who happens to be Hugh Grant. Danny is the light of my life, however, and I love him with my whole heart.
So in the beginning we're told that Danny turned down $10m because he didn't want to jump out of Greg (Hugh Grant)'s cake and sing Happy Birthday; whatever, I thought, Greg is a rich, eccentric with an obsession with celebrities, and Danny is the biggest star right now, I shouldn't read anything into it because Sometimes Rich People Just Do Things For Status Reasons. We're also told, and subsequently shown, Greg tries to take celebrity's partners/girlfriends. Cue Sarah (Aubrey Plaza) in a bright red dress that I will dream about for the next month.
Also, in the scene where Danny, Sarah, and Orson (Jason Statham) are joining the fancy party, there's some distinctly fruity vibes between the three of them, but I'm not here to push my Orson/Sarah/Danny polycule agenda, just know that I have one.
So obviously Greg is excited to see Danny, but later makes a Very Distinct Pass at Sarah, inviting both her and Danny to stay with him for the weekend, with an implied Wink Wink Nudge Nudge.
While they end up taking him up on that offer, Danny, who started the film having refused Greg's Rich Weirdo Request, and now having to spend time with him for the job, finds that he actually genuinely likes Greg, who appears to genuinely like him back, doting on him, even giving him gifts.
When Danny says to Sarah "(I'm paraphrasing, about Greg) he's really into you! If you don't take him up on his offer then I might!" my eyeballs were Out Of My Head. Like sure it sounds like a joke that would be written in to simply highlight Danny's materialism, a whole 'gay for pay' joke, something about his vanity, or even just an offhand joke that I might hear one of my straight friends who were super comfortable and confident in their sexuality say about their best friends, I was So primed for this to be something that the audience could laugh off or dismiss in hindsight. Like in my mind that solidified my headcanon of Danny as bi, but I was so used to queerbaiting and years of being told I was reading into things.
So as the plot continues, Danny's fondness for Greg goes on, turns into something incredibly genuine, and looking back, he clearly has a hero-worship crush on Greg by the end of the film.
The last shot we see of Danny and Greg is the pair of them getting into an elevator after Greg pulls a stone cold power move on the films secondary antagonists, which he had Danny assist with for flare after Danny asked specifically to stay with him for that event. In the elevator, Danny tells Greg that that was "the coolest thing he's ever seen someone do" and that's the last we physically see of them.
At the very end of the film, one of the protagonists mentions how he's gone into the film industry, and the response he gets is;
"You better not be talking about Danny Francesco and his fiancee Greg Simmonds!"
an accurate depiction of me as the credits began to roll;
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I get choked up thinking about it now, considering how quietly overwhelmed I felt in the theatre realising that Danny and Greg's comments and moments throughout the film weren't some elaborate joke, the dialogue that reminds me of my friends, the moments that felt true to my life as a queer person, they werent the setup for any kind of homophobic mixup, miscommunication, or microaggression; no, I finally, actually felt like I saw a part of myself, of my community represented in media.
Everyone in that movie is terrible in their own way, but Danny and Greg just happened to be terrible people who are also queer. Are they perfect representation? No! Thank fuck! I think we deserve more dumbass, disaster, unethical queers in media.
Even if I don't necessarily recommend this movie (it's pretty okay if you're a fan of the genre I suppose), I subjectively love it and especially it's characters, with my whole entire heart.
Danny Francesco is canonically a dumbass, bi disaster who fell for his sugar daddy, war criminal Hugh Grant. Good for him. It's what he deserves. 🥰🥰🥰
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My Demon Slayer Ace Attorney inspired AU ⚖
Tanjiro - After the murder of his family swore to become a detective in hopes of finding the killer and bringing some amount of comfort to Nezuko
Nezuko- Murder witness at age 14 but has since been in silence dew to the trauma, aids her brother on him journey to find their family's killer
Zenitsu - Hopelessly in love with nezuko and was accused of the murder for his past partner, however after tanjiro proved his innocence he's been his friend since 
Inoske -  an orphan who's mother was murdered, and former gang member is now working hard to try and get himself a better life and solve cases that gone cold. working on becoming a detective
Kanao - Witness to a crime and love interest of Tanjiro, was supposed to testify in court but was found dead later. however left a written statment in her bag knowing it would happen.
Aoi - Sister of Kanao and also Liked tanjiro, however keeping her distance out of respect for her sister. is a medium in training to Shinobu
Shinobu - Sister to Kanae and Accused of her sisters murder, Is a spirit medium and after being proven innocent brings comfort to nezuko letting her know her family is doing okay in the next life
Kanae - Lawer and Sister of Shinobu. runs the 'Kocho law office' and had never lost a case. was originally going to be a spirit medium but after her mother was brought into controversy for putting a innocent man behind bars decided to switch careers. loved her job and maintained a close connection to her family till her death 
Sumi, Kiyo and Naho - Adopted sisters of Aoi, Kanao and the Kocho sisters. go to a school not far from the law office and make baked goods for many of the people who go there, a fact that will be brought up in one case in particular
Sanemi - A close friend of Kanae and secretly held feelings for her, planed on confessing the day she was murdered. has close ties with the kocho family and runs his own law office 'Shinazagawa brothers Law firm.' Checks in on Shinobu and promised to help her in defending her
Genya - A fellow Jr. detective like Tanjiro. Helped the police with a high-profile murder case and became a celebrity overnight. left kimetsu academy without graduating. Though he see's tanjiro has potential he often says his heart will get in the way one day. the two will team up on a future case
Maruta - An all star honor student at kimetsu academy and often helps tanjiro with his study's while he's on a case, very fond of nezuko and admires tanjiro for his big heart and exciting lifestyle 
Ozaki - Maruta's Girlfriend and friend of Nezuko's, Know's sign language and are good friends despite nezuko's inability to communicate.
Iguro - a Lawer who has a tendency to.. take his job a little to seriously and has little to no sympathy for who is involved. all he cares about is bringing those he's convinced is guilty behind bars. came from a family of serial killers and after running away from home and telling the police, the charges were dropped on them dew to lack of evidence and .. persuasion. his mom cut his face into a permanent smile so he will always be a 'happy boy in a happy family.' a year later Shinjuro had a arrest warrant and arrested his parents and ended up adopting Iguro. he's maintained a strong belief on justice since. has a support animal, a snake named Kaburamaru.
Kyojuro - became a Lawer like Iguroo and works hard in protecting people, is senjuro's parental guardian after his father was kill in action. has the same sense of justice as Iguroo but on a softer side thanks to his mother reinforcing the belief that 'the strong are meant to protect the weak.' testifies in court that mitsuri is a good person and would never hurt anyone. 
Senjuro - A new student at kimetsu academy and often gets picked on due to his quiet nature. becomes friends with tanjiro and the gang swiftly and often provides insight into topics the group is not aware of or familiar with 
Mitsuri - Accused of Murdering her friend and hired Iguro as her defense attorney after hearing things about him and believes he's the one who will prove her innocence along with Tanjiro.  Her friend slept with her fiancé so there was damning evidence for her to want to do it however they ended things mutually. her cat mochi is also missing and may or may not be tied to the case. 
Geyomi - Accused of murder and is a Buddhist. runs an orphanage and is a cat lover like mitsuri. after hearing of mitsuri's case he Seek's out Tanjiro to investigate and maybe convince Iguro to take his case. offers alot of wisdom to Tanjiro and some other VALUABLE information. looks intimidating but is actually sweet
Tengan - A flashy man accused of the murder of his partner hinatsuru. an upcoming designer and artist in a poly relationship who has shown interest in Kyojuro. has jealous roots with another designer and will lose it if you say his art is 'bland' and 'unethical.' loves his wives equally and would do anything for them.
Makio -  Works at kimetsu academy as a cafeteria lady and has a reputation of sneaking spices into bully's food. holds some info on people Hinatsuru had problems with.. including a former partner of Tengan's
Suma - First wife of tengan and a bisexual poly woman. deeply saddened by hina's death and says tengan would never do anything like that
Hinatsuru - Tengan's third wife and murder victim. volunteered at the school Sumi kiyo and Naho go to and was loved by the children.  
Muichiro -  Murder witness like Nezuko and has severe memory problems however still holds some amount of hurt for his brother's loss. currently lives with his grandfather michkatsu and is slowly starting to remeber details of his brothers murder and the fire of his first home that killed his parents.
Yuichiro - older twin of muichiro and murder victim. had a harsh personality and was very protective of his brother, has stated a few things considered strange days before the murder. 
Giyu - Tanjiro's teacher who often reminds him to stay on top of his studies and offers aid where he can since the two siblings live alone. overall a good person and has no alternative motives. 
Sabito and Makomo - Giyu's former friends and victims of a cold case murder, inoske is trying to crack this case in order to 1. provide comfort 2. to be taken seriously as a detective. shares what he learns with giyu
Urukodaki - Giyu's mentor and a swordman, also effected by the cold case of Sabito and makomo thinking maybe they are alive somewhere. still in denial. 
Jigoro - Parental Guardian of Kaigaku and Zenitsu, still feels guilty for the way kai came out..
Kaigaku - Adoptive brother of zenitsu and has a deep-rooted jealousy of him. joined a gang and is the murderer of zenitsu's ex. jealousy being his motive, frame him zenitsu is out of his life for good. the two have never spoken again and Jigoro disowned him. 
Rui - Family was accused of murder and in under custody of Geyomi (before his trail). once he opens up he hold valuable info about them owing money to somebody who could be tied to Tanjiro's family murder.
Keguya - A court judge often involved in these cases 
Enmu - a Pathologist who has a strange a morbid curiosity who often performs autopsies on most of the victims.. he also has a strange obsession with trains to a somewhat unsettling degree. 
Gyoko - a phycologist who is working with muichiro on hopefully moving on and forgetting about the loss of his family. he often state how memory can be a source of pain and that unproductive ones should be put to rest, he also indirectly stated how it was possible Muichiro caused the fire and made him believe maybe it was him. when tanjiro looks into his past she is.. not exactly what he says he is
Kotetsu - Adopted son of Kozo and Hagnezuka, friend of senjuro and Muichiro. though the youngest of the group he makes up for it in his firm and hard-hitting spirit. 
Kozo - Schools home economics teacher and husband Haganezuka
Haganezuka - Schools janitor/Repair man and gets mad at tanjiro often dew to his somewhat clumsy nature causing things to break
(more to be added)
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ivyprism · 7 months
Angels Falls Girls: Rewritten (Info Dump)
Warnings: This contains violence mentioned, murder implied, death implied, torture, fear of death.
Aeriana - Feathered Dragon OC
Personality: Aeriana is a stern, strict, and silent woman. She believes that the only way to help a sinner is to be tough and harsh about her laws. She is not without kindness, but she is tempered by her sister. She takes her job seriously and is often angered when people choose not to take their crucial duties seriously. She adores her little sister and constantly watches out for her. She is rougher and colder than the rest of the angels. She prefers to live her life and interact with others albeit slightly quietly. She lacks a ton of energy, though.
Appearance: Aeriana is a feathered dragon. In her main form, she has large wings and a more silvery look. When in human form, she has long silver hair and blue eyes. She stands 5'4" tall. She has two pairs of wings.
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Aethra - Feathered Dragon OC
Personality: Aethra is a meek sweetheart, but only because she is overly trusting and nice. She is passionate and possessive about it. She adores her profession and is quite skilled at fighting. She is very interested in humans and has a slightly naive approach to dealing with others. Her older sister is in control of heavier sinning punishments, but she is not. She finds people to be curious and admires the majority of music stars and superstars. She has the best temper of any of the angels present. She is extremely cautious and meticulous about how she treats others.
Appearance: Aethra is a feathered dragon. In her main form, she has large wings and a more silvery look. When in human form, she has long silver hair and green eyes. She stands 6'1". She has a single pair of wings.
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Cerise - Lava Elemental Monster OC
Personality: Cerise is just as brutal as Aeriana when it comes to fighting, and she has no qualms about injuring someone if the circumstance calls for it. She did, however, hold a good amount of responsibility for how her family's house fell apart. She is not afraid to fight or damage others when required. She is harsh and fierce, and she is a true force of nature. She adores her sister and is the type to not back down from a fight unless she absolutely has to. She sleeps most of the time and is always in training. She is strong and skilled at fighting.
Appearance: She is a lava elemental monster. She is a deep magenta in color. She is muscular and tall in build. She's 6'0". She has two pairs of wings. She has a scar on her mouth that is jagged in nature.
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Hearth - Lava Elemental Monster OC
Personality: She is a nice yet severe person. She is really adept at offering tough love and knows when to apply it correctly. She is largely atoning for her own crimes, and she takes her role very seriously. She knows when someone needs to be harshly evaluated and deals the cards as best she can. She sincerely cares about others, yet she is not hesitant to deliver tough love. Generally, she is a compassionate and lenient person. She is incredibly perceptive and not easily duped. She is always willing to confront and deal with liars when they cause trouble. She tackles the most serious rescue instances.
Appearance: She is a lava elemental monster. She is a deep magenta in color. She is muscular and tall in build. She's 6'5". She has one pair of wings. She has a scar on her left cheek. She is muscular, but flexible.
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Eliana - Light Elemental Monster OC
Personality: Eliana is a really upbeat and cheery person. She provides spiritual support during rescue attempts, often breaking the news to families. With her bright and friendly temperament, she can bring her team together with a single look. When it comes down to it, she is also supportive, patient, and gentle. She is not easily misled and is quite perceptive. She can be severe with her group and is a leader. She will not back down from a conflict unless absolutely necessary. She relies on her older sister and admires Aeriana.
Appearance: She is a light elemental monster. She seems to be more blue in appearance though. She is about 5'0". She has one pair of wings.
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Citrus - Light Elemental Monster OC
Personality: Citrus is severe and adept at analyzing events, even if they cause problems for her sister. She is laid-back and gentle, although she usually keeps to herself and is really cruel. She is not afraid to fight and is very skilled at it. She enjoys joking and being lighthearted until things get serious, at which point she becomes a more angry and concentrated version of herself. Her bite is far more dangerous than bark. She admires Cerise and Aeriana's calm and controlled demeanors, while she herself is neither. She works hard when it comes to fighting.
Appearance: She is a light elemental monster. She seems to be more orange in appearance though. She stands 6'5" tall. She has two pairs of wings.
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Eloria - Siren OC
Personality: Eloria is fierce, strong, and kind. She's quite intelligent and far from naive. She contributes significantly to rescue missions and firefighting efforts. She is not afraid to be unpleasant and aggressive. She isn't afraid to use her charisma to get her way, even if it's merely to find a way out. She is strict and easily angered by her younger sister's sloth and lack of duty. She is fiercely protective of her younger sister and becomes anxious if she believes her sister is in danger. She doesn't back down from a fight and is known to be one of the toughest to deal with among the girls.
Appearance: She is a siren. She has long purple hair and green eyes. She is 5'3". In her full siren form, she has wings and talons. She has one large scar on her left eye. She has two pairs of wings.
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Eslyn - Siren OC
Personality: Eslyn is fairly lethargic and laid-back, but she enjoys telling a joke or two. She works hard to foster a positive relationship between the races. She is incredibly apathetic in certain situations, and she will go for the neck when necessary. She has a slight yearning to be alone and a poor relationship with her older sister. She does not take her job seriously unless she is actively involved in it. She is extremely charismatic and a superb manipulator when it comes to getting herself out of difficult circumstances. She prefers not to interact with them in general.
Appearance: She is a siren. She has long purple hair and blue eyes. She refuses to wear her hair up.  She also has a nasty scar on the left side of her face. In her full siren form, she has wings and talons. She has one large scar on her left eye. She has a pair of wings.  She is 6'4" tall.
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Deianeira - Feathered Dragon OC
Personality: Deianeira is harsh, chilly, and extremely fierce. She is the group's best fighter, and she is frequently called upon to fight and kill if necessary. She is very attentive about who she is in charge of and tries to assist those who deserve it. She is, nevertheless, a really kind-hearted woman who showers soft compassion on children and those who deserve it. She has little patience for individuals who want to hurt her family, and she is not ashamed to admit it. She's been in a lot of fights and isn't willing to back down from them because she usually wins.
Appearance: Deianeira is a feathered dragon. In her main form, she has large wings and a more silvery look. When in human form, she has long silver hair and blue eyes. She has three pairs of wings. She has soft purple eyes and she is nearly blinkd in her right eye. Her face is riddled with jagged scars. She has two noticeable scars on her eyes, one on her lip (as if she was slashed by a knife) and one on her right eye. She is 6'4" tall.
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Morella - Feathered Dragon OC
Personality: Morella is a lovely and quiet individual. She fights quickly and effectively. She is graceful and quick-footed. She has a difficult time understanding what she has done, but she ensures that no one dies without honor. She is a compassionate and kind woman to many others, and she has an extremely close relationship with her older sister. She is lovely and calm, but do not mistake her tenderness for a refusal to battle. She mourns the many losses and gives them appropriate burials.
Appearance: Morella is a feathered dragon. In her main form, she has large wings and a more silvery look. When in human form, she has long silver hair and green eyes. She is frequently seen wearing a face mask. If she ever took off her mask, she'd reveal a wound that had been sewn shut. She is 7'1" tall. Unlike her earthbound counterparts, she has two sets of wings.
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Lyrica - Breeze Nymph OC
Personality: Lyrica is modest and quiet, but she is focused and committed. She is stern and cruel, although she prefers to be gentle with others. She, like her sister, dances. She, too, dances, and her style combines ballet and hip hop, but she is just as good as her sister. She is not afraid to snap and be disrespectful to others. She adores her younger sister and will go to great measures to aid her. She is very quick on her feet and enjoys assisting others whenever she can. When it comes to others, she is always concerned about them and frequently becomes ill as a result.
Appearance: Most assume she is made of the air itself, but she isn't. She just goes into a proper breeze form on occasion. Her hair is white and very long. She has a scar on her right eye and sometimes wears makeup on her eyes. She appears to be petite and slightly muscular. She has two pairs of wings. She is a breeze nymph.
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Lirissa - Breeze Nymph OC
Personality: Lirissa adores dancing and is often seen doing so. She's a sweetheart. She is both sympathetic and naive. She is both gentle and loving in person. Her favorite dances are the tango and waltz, but she can perform all of them. She is brilliant and courageous. She is courageous, giving Delilah encouraging talks and helping her with her hand-eye coordination. She enjoys assisting people and is an excellent teacher. She is a lovely and confident tango dancer. She is not scared of her innate powers and is fully aware of them. She is brilliant and courageous.
Appearance: Most assume she is made of the air itself, but she isn't. She just goes into a proper breeze form on occasion. Her hair is white (long and wavy), and she has blue eyes. Her hair is usually adorned with a rose. She is 6'1" tall. She also has a petite figure. She has a pair of wings. She is a breeze nymph.
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litcest · 6 months
Crônica da Casa Assassinada, by Lúcio Cardoso
Crônica da Casa Assassinada ('Chronicle of the Murdered House') is a 1959 novel by Brazilian author Lúcio Cardoso. The book was adapted into a movie in 1971 by director Paulo César Saraceni under the title of A Casa Assassinada ('The Murdered House'). There is only one English translation, by Margaret Jull Costa and Robin Patterson, from 2016, which is from where I'm pulling the quotes.
I first began to write this on January 22nd. And it took me until today, April 11th, to finish this book, because it's hella boring. I think I made a good job of summarizing only the interesting bits (a.k.a. the incest).
The book takes the form of an epistolary novel, with each chapter being a letter or a journal entry by one of the characters, which all come together to tell the story of the Meneses family, an oligarch family from Minas Gerais which, through the novel, slowly loses their wealth and falls apart. However, the chapters are not organized in chronological order, making it a bit hard to understand at first read, but I'll lay it out in order.
Nina is most certainly at the heart of the story, as the book opens with André, her son, morning her death. It all begins with Nina marries Valdo Meneses and moves into the Chácara Meneses ('chácara' means 'farmstead') along with Valdo's brother, Demétrio; Demétrio's wife, Ana; Valdo's other brother, Timóteo; Betty, the governess; and Alberto, the gardener. Nina, who had lived in the muzzling city of Rio de Janeiro, gradually becomes bored with the rural lifestyle and is often butting heads with her sister in law, Ana, who takes the tradicional role of "wife" very seriously. Honestly, though, Ana is obsessed with Nina - and her clothes, her city manners, her personality - in a way that borders a repressed homosexuality (which, considering that Timóteo is homosexual and a crossdresser, just like the book's author, maybe isn't that much of a far reaching conclusion).
One day, Demétrio catches a very pregnant Nina with Alberto in what she later calls a "carefully staged act of adultery", with the man kneeling at her feet in romantic devotion. Demétrio then leads a smear campaign against Nina, not only among the Meneses, but through the town, which leads to Nina moving back to Rio. Valdo attempts suicide after losing his wife, but survives.
Months later, Ana goes to visit Nina, who by then had given birth. I wasn't sure if I should let you all know now or hide the revelation until the end of the book, where it's revealed to the readers, but I decided to reveal part of the great twist: Nina was indeed having an affair with Alberto, but she wasn't the only one: Ana had also had sex with the gardener, and had gotten pregnant as a result (when Alberto lays dying from his self-inflicted gunshot wound, Ana pretends to be Nina to comfort him, since Nina was the favourite among the two of them).
So when Ana goes to Rio, she isn't simply trying to take back her nephew, she's trying to hide her own pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. As such, Ana returns from Rio with André, who is raised as a true Meneses, son of Valdo and Nina. Fifteen years passes by, with André having been allowed all the freedom he could possibly want, until Nina falls sick with cancer and write's to Valdo asking for help. Valdo, much to Demétrio's displeasure, agrees to take her back in the Chácara.
André never knew much of his mom, with Nina being a short of taboo among the Meneses. When Valdo tells him that Nine is returning, he gets eager to get to know his mother. When he first sees her, he noticies how beautiful she is. André quickly realises that he feels differently towards Nina than he does towards his Aunt Ana or Betty, who raised him, seeing Nina not as a mother or a relative, but as a woman he can lust for.
"Beside me now was the woman I had been physically closest to so far, since I could not consider Aunt Ana or Betty as proper women, but merely dull, familiar, domestic beings with whom I lived. Yes, there she was, intoxicatingly close, the mother who was a stranger to me, and who, in my eyes, was so thrillingly real and possessed of all the heady fascination of the female sex."
One day, she tells him that she will visit his bedroom at night so they can talk. Just when André is starting to think Nina forgot about their encounter, she shows up. She cries about the the fact that Demétrio hates her and makes André swear that he'll take stand against her, all while she caress his body in a way the André isn't quite sure mothers should touch their sons. He swears and then kisses her between the breast, but she removes his head when it the kiss starts to "last longer than most simple manifestations of filial affection".
Yet, despite pushing him away, Nina continues to entice him, asking him to show himself to her. In doing so, André turns on the lamp and, in turn, also exposes Nina (who was dressed beautifully for a party) to his eyes. She tells him goodbye and leaves, but this whole interaction leaves André certain that Nina knows the truth about his feelings towards her.
Both Valdo and Betty begin to suspect Nina's and André's closeness and to try keep them apart. In secret, André sends Nina a note to tell her to meet him in the garden at night. She does so, but tells her son that meetings such as these are only appropriate between lovers. Despite telling him that he's too young for her, Nina doesn't rejects him when André finally gives her "thee first and most desperate of loving kisses".
As they talk in the garden after the kiss, André has the feeling that, although Nina is there with him, her mind is far away, perhaps recalling another furtive love affair she had in those same gardens. Nina leads him to a barn in the property, where they consummate they love.
"For as long as I live, I will never forget the feel of her breasts beneath my hands, her soft throat beneath my lips, the warm, sweet perfume she gave off, like a whole bed of crushed violets. And I cannot even say I was unaware of the extent of my sin because, however often I repeated to myself that I was caressing and biting the very body that had borne me, at the same time, I took a strange, mortal pleasure in that, and it was as if I were leaning over myself, and, having always been the most solitary of creatures, I was now plunging into a perfumed tangle of nerves that was me, my most faithful image, my conscience and my hell."
After they are done, André comments that has a feeling he's being watched and leaves. That feeling was true, as we learn in the next chapter that Ana had followed Nina and seen it all.
Nina spots Ana and confronts her, believing that Ana was watching out of jealousy and desire for André, which Ana denies. The two woman argue a bit and then Nina begins to brag about how good André was at sex: "a grown man couldn’t do it better", which was when I remembered that André is a fifteen/sixteen here.... Then the subject is brought back to Alberto, whom both of them had loved, and Nina once more brags about the sex, before saying that Alberto and André kinda look alike, almost as if André isn't a Meneses, but actually Alberto's son (which is true, dear readers, but not how you think it is).
What's really crushing about this conversion is that, at least if we are to believe Ana's account, Nina doesn't care at all about André, all she sees when she looks at him is a substitute for Alberto. Which, considering how much André talks about loving her, makes for a very sad situation.
However that conversation put the idea of André being a double of Alberto in Ana's mind and, later that night, she goes to André's bedroom. He welcomes her, believing her to be Nina, almost kisses her, before recognizing her as his aunt and exclaiming "Aunt Ana", as he backed away. She asks why does it matter if she's his aunt, since she's also a woman and tries to convince André to sleep with her, but he refuses and calls her mad. Still, she grabs him and sexually assaults him, touching him and kissing him as he tells her not to. He escapes her by biting her hand before running away.
Meanwhile, Nina is going through a crisis after sleeping with André and tries to arrange her return to Rio. André notices that she is pulling away from him and laments it, but doesn't know what to do to keep her around, turning to violence and then regretting it.
"Woman and mother, what other hybrid being could better contain the force of our feelings? Loving her means becoming easily, seamlessly reunited with the person I was. It’s a return to my country of origin. Loving her as a man, I feel that I cease to be myself in order to complete the whole being we must have been before I was born. There can be no shame in this urge to be conjoined, because there’s nothing immoral about it."
Nina leaves for Rio once again, unable to stay in the same house as André and Valdo. She goes without saying goodbye and André tries to hold onto the memories they made together by writing down their encounters.
However, her departure doesn't lasts long and Nina return after two weeks, after being given a bad prognostic for her cancer. Ana observes bitterly as Nina and André dance together in the living room. Valdo and Demétrio also watch the duo, with the suspicions of incest rising high. Later that night, André and Nina rekindle their romance. André proposes that they run away together, but Nina says this can't be done and they talk about her illness.
The days passes on and Nina lays in her deathbed. André visits her alone and confronts her for leaving him. They argue and have sex one last time (this seems that their relationship follows this pattern: argument and then sex). Not longer after this encounter, Nina dies, devastating André and Valdo.
After the funeral, André runs away to never return, telling Valdo that he doesn't sees him as a father, nor did he see Nina as a mother.
And he just might be right, as the book ends with a priest's recollection of a conversation with Ana, in which Ana had confessed that André was her child, born of a sexual encounter with Alberto, and that she had gone to Rio all those years ago to hide said pregnancy. André was the baby that Ana gave birth to, with Nina's baby having been abandoned by Nina herself in the hospital after birth.
I do not know whether Nina knew André wasn't hers or whether she believed that Ana had somehow tracked down the baby and brought him back to the Meneses (as Ana had told Nina she would do). Ana herself thinks that Nina knew the truth and was only interested in André because he reminded her of Alberto (which is the same reason that Ana gives for having tried to kiss André), even considering it malicious of Nina to have let André believe he had committed the sin of incest when he had not. To this last bit I say, why didn't you tell him the truth, Ana?
In the end, the Meneses dynasty falls apart, with the only heir having disappeared (never mind that he wasn't a Meneses after all) and it wasn't because of the incest.
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imagoddamnonionmason · 2 months
Hello girl 🤭
Thinking about Zach and Steph again-
Got two things for you:
Question: What does Steph think of pet names? I think Zach ironically gives her names, but only seriously calls her ‘hun’ or ‘honey’ depending on the scenario
Zach doesn’t leave Steph alone when the two are alone together. I don’t imagine they get a lot of time just them between taking care of Jr and their respective jobs in SC, but when they do, Zach’s all over her.
Like even for 10 minutes alone in a closet in Headquarters, despite being 2nd-in-command and taking his damn job very seriously, he WILL make sure that Steph goes back to work happy/satisfied ;)
Imagine Bullet all like “Girl are you good-“ when she sees Steph leave Zach’s office after he ‘gave her some intel’ 🤭🤭🤭
Yes, Zach and Steph- Like, I could sob about them at any given moment in a mixture of absolute adoration for them but unholy amounts of guilt because of what we have planned; anyway, yes, I shall now answer your question, Lady Liberty.
Steph and pet names are actually really hilarious; she likes them, but cannot handle the affection if it's genuine in nature and will probably go beet red (the flirting stage of the dating is probably the most painful yet hilarious aspect of their relationship cause Zach would razz the absolute hell out of her and she's just a puddle on the floor). Anyway, yes, she'd like certain pet names: hun, honey, babe, darl/darling - she's not adverse to these. I think babe would be the one that has her mushy immediately, tbh. Imagine, though, that Zach sets out to find the absolute worst pet name to call her, one that rather having her in a puddle of mushy emotion, instead has her scrunching her nose up and hitting him on the chest with a light back hand, or a glare because what the actual fuck, Zachary Wilde. It's all in good fun and a game to see how she'd react, but some of the names really are so questionable that Zach couldn't fully get them out before feeling himself wanting to 1) throw up or 2) pull his tongue out so he can never speak again.
An example of some from the wonderful Internet... these definitely hurt to read and Zach... for the love of all things, never say these again:
Tubba Wubba
So... I don't know if these have ever actually been used but the internet had a list of worst pet names to use and these were on it; now, Zach using these ironically to try and get a reaction out of Steph? Yeah, I could see that happening.
Bullet looks over like "Girl, I can end him for you, if you'd like? As your sister in law, I am more than happy-"
Also, regarding their time together, yes. I imagine maybe on some occasions she's knocking on his office door (if he has one, idk) and as she's walking in, under the guise of this is a professional talk and it's something to do with the job, and then the next thing Zach has his lips on hers- asdfghjkl; GIRL
They're hushed and quiet, trying their best to keep their little noises on the down-low because they don't necessarily want to get caught 👀
Also I think the first couple times that this happens, no one really seems to bat an eye at it; Steph leaves after a little while spent in his office and if someone asked "what took you so long? He upset with you or something?"
Steph would kinda falter and just shrug, smiling quickly then rush to say some excuse.
I think Bullet and Reed (@justasmolbard) might be the first people to cotton on, maybe Bullet would be the type to mention it. Steph dies of embarrassment. They laugh it off later lol
I'm also going to mention Klaus here too because this gentle giant would be such a stick in the mud-
"I think you should be careful what you do on company time, Mrs Wilde. You do not wish to get caught in the throes of-"
"Oh my God Klaus shut up please for the love of all things holy-"
"I am simply reminding you that-"
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