#she tried to understand me😭😭😭😭😭
shiftingparadise · 2 days
Hi! Love your work. I was wondering if you could write a gojoxreader fanfic where it starts off with angst and ends with fluff. Reader and gojo get in a big fight and reader storms out of their shared house late at night. Gojo was still angry so he let her be until some time had passed and reader still didnt return. He tries calling reader but finds she left her keys, wallet and phone at home so he gets really worried and tries looking all over for her. In his search, he thinks of all the places where she could be and eventually finds reader at the spot where they first kissed or where they first said their “i love yous”
Thanks for your request. I loved, loved, loved writing this. I hope you like it đŸ„°. If you have any other ideas, feel free to ask. My creativity is at an all-time low đŸ˜­đŸ€
Word count: 1485
Warnings: none
“You can’t keep on doing this”, your eyes glossy, “You can’t keep hurting me like this”. “Are we seriously going to do this again?”, he raised his hands in frustration. “What? Am I not allowed to say something about it?”, your eyes widened in disbelief. “She’s just a colleague. How many times do I have to tell you?”.
Satoru normally never raised his voice at you, he’d never look this upset, but somehow the name ‘Utahime’ always set him off.
“I’ve known her since I was just a kid. What do you expect me to do? Ignore her? Stop doing my job every time we need to work together because you’re insecure?!”. “Insecure?”, you chuckle, “That’s not what this is about”. “Oh, it is”, he raised his voice even more, “It’s fucking pathetic how insecure you are, you know that? If I had known you’d be such a pain-“. “Really?”, a tear now streaming down your cheek, “What? You’d what?”.
A glimpse of compassion could be seen in his eyes, but it wasn’t enough to stop this argument. Since he got sent on a mission with Utahime a couple of days ago, the tension between the two of you was unbearable. And why shouldn’t it? He always had to work together with Utahime, even though there were plenty of other options. What about Nanami? Or Atsuya? Even Shoko would be fine, but why her? Always her.
“Fuck Y/N”, Satoru sighed before sitting down on the couch, “It’s 1AM, I’ve just got home
 I’m tired too, you know?”. “Tired?”, you chuckled, “From what? Hanging out with Utahime? Having dinner together? Wow, must be tiring”. “Yeah, that’s all I do”, he angrily stood up again, “It’s not like I put my life on the line or anything just to save others”.
He was now standing in front of you, towering over you like a hawk. A sharp pain of guilt shot through your chest. You knew he had a dangerous job, and even though he was strong, there was never any guarantee that he’d return home.
“You know what? At least Utahime understands me”, his tone harsh as he turned back around.
Fire. That’s all you could feel in your chest. Whatever guilt you felt was completely gone now.
“Fine!”, you angrily grabbed your coat, “You should ask her to live with you because I’m leaving. You’re such an arrogant asshole!”.
You didn’t care about your voice cracking, or about not knowing where to go. You were done with him.
“Where the hell are you going?!”, his head darted over his shoulder, “Wait a minute!-“, he made his way to the door. “Don’t you dare touch me! Go talk to your precious Utahime”, you slammed the door shut behind you.
You often found yourself wishing he’d stop you from leaving during an argument, but not this time. The words that he had spat out like venom were too much for your heart to take.
“Fuck!”, Satoru let out a frustrated curse before he headed to the bathroom. He didn’t know what to do or how to feel. “She’ll be back soon”, he muttered the words to himself.
But you weren’t back soon. After an hour or so, he decided to call you.
“Huh?”, his plump lips parted as he heard the familiar ringtone. “She’s got to be kidding me”, he walked to the kitchen where your phone, your keys and your wallet seemed to be. “Great, she’s out at 2 AM without her phone or her wallet”, his voice mixed with concern and agitation. “And then she gets angry when I tell her she’s a pain in the ass”, he angrily grabbed his keys before heading toward his car.
Satoru searched for over an hour. He called every hotel, went to every gas station, every spot where you could be right now. He even called your parents to see if you were there.
“Fuck fuck fuck”, his hands tightened around his steering wheel, “Where the hell is she?”.
He didn’t care about the fight anymore. He just wanted to see you, to hold you and make sure you never leave him like that again.
”, he looked out the window, “I don’t think she’ll be there though”.
He was talking to himself like a madman, but he had to do so to keep his mind from spinning off to the worst-case scenarios.
“It’s worth a try”, he softly spoke before turning his car around.
It was a 10-minute drive, but his heart felt so tired. He’d been killing curses for the last couple of nights, and he desperately could use some sleep. Not to mention how much stress he was under right now. What if a man had gotten to you? That would be far worse than any curse out there. How could you be so foolish? How could you do this to him? Did you really not know how much he loved you?
“Thank God”, he let out a sigh of relief as he saw your silhouette sitting on the grass, “I’m going to put a chip in her. This is the first and last time she’s doing this to me”.
He wasn’t angry, but a hint of disappointment could be heard in his footsteps. He was worried sick, and you were sitting in a park in the middle of the night. Did he seriously have to tell you how dangerous that was? Especially without a phone or anything else.
“You idiot”, he spoke loud enough for you to hear.
“H-huh?”, his voice startled you as you looked behind you. You could see him standing a couple of feet away from you.
“What if a guy saw you like this? What if he took you? What if he-“, Satoru clenched his jaw at the thought. “I’d never forgive myself”. “Thought you only worried about Utahime. Since she understands you-“. “Are you seriously still worried about that?”, he sat down beside you.
Yes. And no. You knew Satoru loved you, more than anyone or anything, but he barely gave you confirmation. Sure, he was kind, and he did everything in his power to give you a comfortable life, but it’d be nice to hear him say he loved you more often.
“How’d you know I’d be here?”, you tucked your knees to your chest. “You don’t think I know my girl?”, he chuckled as he leaned back, his eyes studying the sky.
You couldn’t help but blush at his words, a small smile on your face. And it didn’t go unnoticed.
 “Aw, is my girl blushing already?”, he playfully pulled you closer. “Satoru-“, you let out a sigh. “I know, I know”, he loosened his grip, “I’m sorry, okay? I’ll speak to those old bastards, tell them that I don’t want to be paired up with her again”. “A-are you serious?”, your eyes widened as you now looked up at him. “Sure”, he gently placed his thumb under your chin, “Anything for my girl”.
You practically jumped on him after he spoke those words.
“I love you”, you were sitting on his lap, eyes locked on his. “I -I love you too”, the words came out a bit awkward and not as fluent as you’d like.
Satoru noticed the disappointment in your eyes.
“H-hey, it’s still as awkward for me as the first time”, he gently brushed a strand of hair from your face, “You remember that, don’t you? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have come here”.
His smile always seemed to lighten your mood.
“I do”, you chuckled. “Was it here? Underneath this tree?”, Satoru pretended not to know. “You know it was!”, you playfully smacked his shoulder. “We argued, just like this”, a sudden harshness in his voice, “I thought you were done with me-“. “I was”, you pouted. “I know”, a low chuckle before he pulled you closer on his lap, “I promised you’d be the only girl in my life, didn’t I?”. “I-I guess”, you looked to the side, only for Satoru to turn your gaze back to him. “I told you I loved you, despite my fear of getting close to someone. Why’d you think I’d throw this, us, away for a girl like Utahime?”. “She’s not just a girl”, your brows pulled together. “She’s a friend, nothing more. You can’t expect me to ignore her when I’ve known her since I was 17
 But”, he continued after he saw your disapproving glance, “I’ll promise to try and join others on missions. I guess those old folks have been putting us two together quite often”. You nodded as your hands gently stroked the back of his neck. “Only if you promise not to pull something like this again”, he gently pushed you off him before standing up, “, I was worried sick”. “I-I promise”, you grabbed the hand that was reaching for you. “Come here, crazy”, Gojo easily picked you up, “We’re going home”.
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stargirlfeyre · 22 hours
So whose going to tell these people that Elain was friends with the shadow twins before Nesta was friends with Gwyn and Emerie? How are Elain fans copying y’all by talking about her trio when canonically her trio existed before Nesta’s😭?
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Seriously though the possessiveness Nesta fans feel over normal things is so
? They’re some of the most envious people in this fandom because how are you gatekeeping friendships? It’s canon that they’re friends. It’s canon that they spend more time with her than her own sisters. It’s canon that they’re friends with her not because they’re getting paid for it but because they like spending time with her (they literally rejected when Feyre tried to give them a raise for helping Elain). Elain’s life does not revolve around Nesta and she does have outside relationships that matter to her. Y’all need to just cope with that.
Like having friends is copying someone now? Please go outside platonic relationships are normal.
And secondly how are you gate keeping a court that already belongs to Rhys😭? “Elain fans try to steal Dusk from Nesta” now how can they steal something from Nesta that doesn’t belong to her in the first place? The Dusk Court/Prison does not belong to Elain or Nesta and it’s already said that even if it’s an 8th court, it still falls under Rhys’ jurisdiction. His blood is the only thing that can open the gates. You’re gatekeeping territory that already has Rhys’ name slapped on it. But you want to talk about fans copying and stealing from other characters?
And it’s funny how people only have an issue with saying another character is going to get Gwydion when it’s Elain. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think she’s going to get it because I’m personally not an “Elain becoming a warrior and wielding a powerful sword” girlie but why is it this big discourse only when it comes to her? Mind you, y’all aren’t even arguing over how her becoming a warrior and getting Gwydion wouldn’t fit her character (which would be valid)
y’all are arguing over her “taking” something from Nesta. Which makes no sense because almost every character is foreshadowed (by this fandom) to wield Gwydion and y’all don’t have as much of an issue with that.
Like I’ve even seen some theories about Nyx, a baby, getting it (because if the High Ruler plot does happen he would be a future High King) and it wasn’t a big deal. It’s like people understand that Nesta did not claim that sword the way she did with Ataraxia until Elain is brought into the conversation. We can make fanart and create theories of every character under the sun with that sword but you better not even think about Elain getting it.
From gatekeeping Motherly relationships, friendships, a court that doesn’t even belong to Nesta, and a sword I think it’s safe to say Nesta fans have officially lost it.
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dukeofdelirium · 2 days
Hey. I gotta ask you something. What do you think of this?
I’d like to add that, I really don’t understand this notion that Zuko was the only one who supported Katara. He supported her like three. For a majority of the show Aang was nothing but supportive to Katara. He even supported Katara finding her mom’s killer, he just didn’t want her to kill a guy.
Also, IMO. Aang is a character who does mature a lot throughout the show and whom Katara can depend on for support, but maybe I’m wrong. I never understood the notion that Zuko was the most mature member of the group. I love Zuko and he does mature a lot, but I think the confuse seriousness for maturity.
IDK, what do you think?
I ain’t even readin all that 😂 doesn’t that blogger make ppl pay for AI art lmao
Zuko isn’t even close to being the most mature character. He’s like at the bottom of the barrel 😭 he blows up at every tiny thing. Even at the end of the show, he’s mocking Aang and his culture and people when his family killed them all???? Yeahhhh very mature of him lol. He used Katara and Sokka’s dead mom and their trauma over it against them as a means to get Katara to forgive him because he’s so immature that he doesn’t realize forgiveness isn’t something you can demand, it’s something that must be willingly given. Hell, Zuko couldn’t even hold his tongue from mocking his own sister in a death duel which resulted in her nearly killing him and Katara 💀 please miss me with the “Zuko is sooo mature he’s like the dad of the group!!” talk
Also, Zuko was never some personal cheerleader for Katara and that notion is literally ridiculous because he’s deadass on friendly terms with her for like what, 4-5 episodes MAX? When Katara was angry with him, he assumed it was over her mother, and that her anger was misplaced. But it fucking wasn’t? He helped murder Aang lmao. That’s what she’s so immediately pissed about. Zuko tried to support Katara killing a guy and then admitted he was wrong to do so in that same episode lol. He legit doesn’t know Katara whatsoever. People try to play up their friendship or whatever but Katara and Zuko are like friendly acquaintances by the end of the show. Neither of them really know one another very well and don’t seem to care to either
What I think is what is canon. Aang is Katara’s best friend and lover. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž
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honeipie · 10 hours
plsplsplspls make the toast a series 😭
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izuku midoryia x reader
synopsis: going somewhere old to start something new
authors note: your wish is my command! i’ll probably make one more part beacause of one line i specifically wanna use LOLL
part one
part two
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"izuku" inko's voice was light, but stern as she carried two mugs over to the small coffee table in her apartment. the same apartment that he had grown up in. of course, he had tried to buy her a house as soon as he received his first paycheck, but she refused. insisted that she didn't need much room for just herself. plus, she loved the little bursts of nostalgia she would get every so often from doing simple things. like making izuku's favorite cookies in the kitchen, or even walking by his old room which she kept perfectly intact. if someone walked in there they might've thought that he was still a teenage boy, but he wasn't.
there in her living room sat her son in his early adulthood. he almost took up half of the loveseat due to the growing muscle on his body. though even due to his increase in size, he shrunk down hearing his mother say his name.
she sat down next to him placing the mugs right on the coasters he had set out "you haven't answered my question"
izuku brought his two fingers up to rub the bridge of his nose "no, we're not together anymore" he mumbled in embarrassment and shame. it never felt good to tell anyone a relationship they invested time and money into didn't end up working out.
she frowned placing a hand on his back to rub slow circles "you got divorced after one week? izuku that can't be right.."
"no, no we didn't get divorced. we were actually, um" he was trying to figure out how to word this correctly to where he didn't sound insane "we were never officially married"
she stopped rubbing giving him a skeptical look "izuku what do you mean you were never married?"
he sighed leaning his elbows against his knees "we were supposed to sign the official marriage papers during the reception in front of everyone then send them in the next day. after that fight though? we just decided to not do it anymore"
"how did the press take it? i haven't seen anything"
"the press didn't know about the engagement or the wedding thankfully. we wanted a peaceful time to plan the wedding. they’re posting a breakup message for the both of us later today though. better to nip it in the bud now”
she nodded her head going to resume in rubbing his back "so when did you officially decide to call it off"
"any specific reason? or a buildup of many?"
he paused for a moment, mulling over the answer "she would say one specific reason. i would say it built up over time" he shook his head in disbelief "couldn't even agree on that"
"what would she say the one reason was"
a lump caught in his throat at the question. such a simple fucking question that he didn't want to answer. but he knew if he didn't she would be a pain about it.
inko hummed at the very familiar name. you had been over mulitple times in the past years with and without her son. the two of you had grown close and she was like a mother to you. honestly, she had wished that izuku had gotten with you in the first place. would've saved a lot of time and trouble.
"well.. was she a strain to your relationship"
izuku scoffed, almost offended she even asked.
"she was never a problem for me-"
"well of course she wasn't a problem for you. that was your best friend"
"exactly! if uraraka couldn't understand that then it couldn't have worked between us. y/n was one of the first people to believe in me. i owe her a lot and i can't just let her go like that"
inko moved her hand from izuku's back and went to hold his hands instead "face me honey" izuku shifted his body so he was now facing his mother. growing older everyday, but still the strong woman he remembers when he was younger "i just wanted to apologize. for not bring able to give you a normal childhood with two parents in the home"
izuku's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion at her sudden apology "where is this coming from? mom it's fine. you did the best you could and i appreciate that more than anything else you could've done"
she patted on of his hands with a smile "i know you do sweetheart. but i'm mostly apologizing because you couldn't see what a real marriage consists of. the person you marry is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, but the easiest at the same time. love isn't enough to hold a marriage together, you need to be best friends before that. when you love someone on a surface level all you want to do is make sure they're happy. they won't tell you if something is bothering them. they'll follow you blindly into anything. when you marry your best friend you hold them accountable because you want to see them succeed in all that they do. it might make you fight sometimes, but at the end of the day it's worth it. because you have someone by your side you know that will stick it out with you for the rest of your years to come. that's what a marriage should be like"
".. so you're saying i should marry y/n?"
"i'm saying give it time. you don't need to jump back into another relationship immediately after this. what you should be doing is taking time to reflect on what you want, and when you're ready, how y/n makes you feel. and if you do feel something? let it flow. what happens will happen naturally”
the smell of hot glue filled your senses as you picked up a seashell from your pile. currently, you were at inko's house doing your monthly crafting sessions. who cares if you hadn't talked to izuku in four months? at least you had his mom.
last month the two of you had went to the beach to crochet, and ended up walking along the beach picking up seashells as you talked. that's when she let you know about the unspoken details of the breakup. you tried to hide your feelings with a stoic face and a simple 'wow'. though inko wasn't buying any of it.
she was currently letting you in on all the work drama she was currently having "i don't know why they want to get in my face like i'm the problem. ma'am, you have an STD, i'm a pediatric nurse. please let me do my job"
you threw your head back in laughter which drowned out the sound of keys jingling in the door.
"hey mom? i got those vegetables you were talking about. don't these tomatoes look fake?" he stopped mid-sentence seeing you sitting there on the floor with the same expression.
"oh no, i must've double booked you two" inko got up taking the bag from izuku's hands "you see every month y/n and i do crafty stuff together and it happened to land on the same day i told you i would make the stir fry"
you gave izuku a quick smile before turning from his lingering gaze "it's okay okaasan. i'll come back another day so we can finish it" you started to gather your things, but inko shook her head "you are staying for dinner. this recipe cooks for four and i am not eating all these leftovers"
you wanted to argue, but knew it would fall onto deaf ears "okay then"
“izuku honey. finish mines while i start on dinner”
“alright” he went to sit on the couch, knee almost brushing onto your shoulder. izuku watched as you placed one of the shells onto your frame carefully. getting the idea he started to do the same exact thing.
you could cut the tension with a knife. silence wasn’t something you were particularly used to with izuku.
“heard you and ochako broke up”
and at this moment he could start listing the things he loved about you.
1. you weren’t afraid to be blunt with him
both of his eyebrows raised and he blew out a puff of air “you don’t hold anything back”
“never did, never will”
he chuckled at your words glancing over at you. there was a slight smile on your face he could tell you were trying to hide. there was a slight slump to your shoulders though as time went on.
he continued with the project figuring he would wait until you spoke again.
like clockwork you turned looking directly into his eyes “can we talk?”
2. you made room for open and honest communication
he nodded placing the picture frame down carefully “yeah, unplug the hot glue and we can go in my room” you nodded unplugging the glue guns and heading over to his old room. he followed after you but not before turning back to his mom “we’re gonna talk”
she gave him a nod, but then quickly turned around when it finally registered “talk? like the talk? the talk so that you two can get together so i can finally have grandbabies talk?-“
“if i say yes will you stop it with that?”
“then yes that talk”
she shooed him off into the room as if it was him holding them up. he rubbed the back of his neck while walking inside. with the other hand he closed the door with a soft click.
“how much of that did you hear?”
you shrugged going to sit on the bed “i didn’t hear any of it if it makes you feel better”
“it does actually” he sat himself down next to you with a huff. kirishima would probably kick him right now for how unmanly he’s being. forcing you to step up and take charge of the situation. he just wanted to test the waters out and see how you felt first.
“i guess i just wanted to catch up. really see how you’re feeling. cause i know you posted on the media you ended everything on good terms, but is everything really okay? i mean you broke up with the woman you thought you’d be spending the rest of your life with. it’s okay to be upset”
3. you genuinely cared for him no matter what
“i-“ he cleared his throat from the unexpected voice crack that had arose “sorry, i’m pretty fine now actually. i just feel guilty for making ochako feel embarrassed about the whole situation. other than that.. i really don’t think we were meant to be anyways”
“what do you mean you didn’t think you were meant to be anyways? why’d you propose in the first place then?”
he shrugged taking off a loose strand on the all might themed duvet “i don’t think i knew what marriage was about. but i was informed very recently on what it is about and my vision changed” he watched as you turned to look at him with eyebrows raised.
“oh yeah? changed to what?”
your playful demeanor dropped immediately. his words truly sinking into the both of you. he attempted to scoot closer to you, but you backed away hesitantly.
“izuku we can’t do this. where you break up with ochako and come running to me? i’m not a second choice you know that right?” this is what you had always wanted, but at this moment it didn’t feel that way. with the current circumstances how else were you supposed to feel?
izuku’s eyes widened when he heard that and redness quickly creeped up his neck. he held both hands up shaking his head “that’s not it i swear! you were never my second choice. in fact, you were always my first. i could just never admit it to myself that maybe, maybe we could make it work romantically. i- i am attracted to you and everything like that! maybe i was with uraraka for so long that i didn’t notice what was right in front of me”
your throat had gone dry. was this really happening? the boy you’d been crushing on for eternity is finally asking you out after leaving his longtime girlfriend. totally normal, and totally not a chance you were willing to give up.
you wasted no time grabbing both of his cheeks and pulling him down for a kiss. startled was an understatement as he felt his lips connecting to yours. though as he realized what was truly happening, he wasn’t complaining. he shut his eyes moving one hand to your cheek and the other on your waist.
despite the quick start, the kiss was soft and slow. tongues gently brushing together in steady movements. when you pulled away, there was a goofy smile on your face. izuku trailed more kisses from your cheek, to your jaw, right down your neck.
4. you were a damned good kisser
“you’ve got a lot of work to do. i hope you know that”
izuku hummed nodding his head “i’m willing to work for it”
“hm.. izu?”
“yeah” he mumbled clearly not wanting to your time be interrupted.
“i’m not saying this doesn’t feel nice, because it does, but can we save it? for one your mom is on the other room. and two? all might is staring dead into my soul”
he pulled away face bright red turning to the poster you were talking about. there he was in all his glory. all might standing there in his signature hero suit, beady blue eyes staring directly at the viewer. izuku turned back to you not being able to contain his laughter. you were right behind him leaning your head on his shoulder in a fit of giggles.
5. you were his best friend
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taglist! @sagejin @crybabyl0l @yoihoshi-maki @reads-stuff-quietly @aejabba @valenspuppy @v3n7s đŸ«¶đŸŸ
let me know if you want to be added!
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saintobio · 2 days
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Ummm.... Yeah no maybe it's my fault for opening my mouth xdxdsdgadvd (also for some reason it wouldn't let me take a screenshot so enjoy these shitty pics I had to take from my phone đŸ€Ą)
It's a side tangent but since you came back with sn, one of the most fun things have been to theorize and see other people's theories hehe. I honestly read sy so long ago and it had such an impact on me, so seeing you and honestly everyone back here; talking about series and excited about updates makes me feel so giddy and at home. It's been a while since I've had so much fun in a fandom XD
Ok now back to the ANGST, I want you to know this was my reaction the whole time,
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I was honestly scared of even reading the chapter but my GOSHHHH.
It was honestly so refreshing to see Satoru finally acknowledge what y/n means to him and no matter how much he tries she might still be the most important thing to him in the end. Honestly it was a cathartic moment they both needed at the lake but still 😭 my heart is hurting so much for them. To finally stand face to face and acknowledge the hurt, to hold each other 😭😭 They both really needed that. I might just be looking too much into it, but when Gojo threw his ring in the ocean y/n was able to get it back (even if geto was the one who found it) but when y/n threw the last part of Gojo; the necklace into the lake, he went after it but didn't get it back... it sounds like symbolism for something that I am not ready for
It was honestly so refreshing to see Satoru finally acknowledge what y/n means to him and no matter how much he tries she might still be the most important thing to him in the end. Honestly it was a cathartic moment they both needed at the lake but still 😭 my heart is hurting so much for them. To finally stand face to face and acknowledge the hurt, to hold each other 😭😭 They both really needed that. I might just be looking too much into it, but when Gojo threw his ring in the ocean y/n was able to get it back (even if geto was the one who found it) but when y/n threw the last part of Gojo; the necklace into the lake, he went after it but didn't get it back... it sounds like symbolism for something that I am not ready for TvT
They are both hurt, they are both suffering without each other; but they also suffer when they are with each other. TvT
Also, I understand Akemi's reaction but bitch 😭😭 Don't you realise this is exactly what y/n felt when you slept with Satoru. Her avoiding y/n to not make her angry or trouble her, I understand; but it just seems to me that she's making excuses to lessen her guilt and run away so she doesn't have to see what she did to her best friend. LIKE SHE'S SO FRICKING EAGER to play house with Satoru and when Sachi called her mama she was overjoyed. It's just so... sus. I might understand her but I lost all respect for her when she decided to betray her bff. I would never understand women who choose a man over someone who's been there for them through everything. I just think she's taking the whole "I can fix him" đŸ€Ą thing too seriously but idk at this point.
And Satoru how THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP FUMBLING THE WOMEN YOU LOVE SO BAD. If you are gonna be an asshole atleast do it right!? I so badly wanna believe he only ran after Akemi to check on her and explain everything but... I just don't have enough faith in him now :<
I feel SO BAD for y/n. Girlll 😭, I don't even know what to say but I can only give her this message-
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(My asks always get so long so quick, sorry oof. But SIDE SIDE TANGET- I ABSOLUTELY LOVED RIDE OR DIE. I ATE IT UP FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER OH GODDDD. I was a certified Sukuna!hater but you have changed my ways... you have brainwashed me into falling head over heels for that gremlin xd the brainrot rn is so bad- like MOVE ASIDE GOJO)
thanks so much for sending this ask. yayy you finally made it to the askbox on time !! :’D and this was such a fun read for me. ty for sharing <3 it’s always nice to see such long asks abt sn/sy bc the theories and analyses are all so great, like how do u guys come up with those? they’re so detailed too!! đŸ„č
i agree i think what makes sy11 impactful is bcos it took so long for gojoyn to be honest with each other, only for it to crumble down the next day bcos of their trauma, external relationships, and distrust with each other 💔 like so close yet so far
and ooh interesting analysis on akemi! i like how you juxtaposed her reaction to gojoyn versus yn’s reaction to catching gojokemi. there’s definitely a big difference there :> but i won’t say anything more to avoid spoilers hehe
lastly, rod! omg thanks for reading, i thoroughly enjoyed writing it i was giddy the whole time !!! but same bb same that gremlin has me on a chokehold too 😆
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Random stuff from Guardian Angel AU.
Angst bitch.
1: Nasty rumors Susan spread about Adam got to a point that one of his neighbors spitted on his face and called him a man crack whore when she saw him outside and near her kids. She also said she’ll call the police if she saw Adam near her kids again.
That was the final step into making Adam a full hermit.
2: Every parent tells their kid to stay away from “The weird man in 1A”, some even take it to a step further with saying he could hurt them. So, Adam is seen as a creepy criminal among kids. They run away from him if they ever see Adam at the halls.
3: Lucifer isn’t the only person who brought him food in Adam’s life. A nice lady named Rosie used to put food on his doorstep once every month when she noticed he barely got out and how terrible he looked. She worked with children, so she didn’t wanted to be seen with Adam much, but she also began visiting Adam once every six months, they had tea together and Adam felt like he saw a tiny light in his endless darkness.
But this only went on for two years. Rosie died because of a heart attack four years ago. She was the last person who lived in Lucifer’s apartment.
3: Charlie saved Angel and Vaggie. Angel from his addictions and Vaggie from self harm and suicide. I guess it’s in Morningstar’s genes to fall in love with a soul they saved :>
4: Adam played a song for Lucifer when he was still on Earth, which he gladly listened. It was the first time Adam had played his guitar for a long time.
And when Lucifer was forced to leave him, he played, sometimes even sang, the same song almost every night for two years. Because he missed him and it made him think of him.
Lucifer’s heart exploded while he was watching Adam do this from Heaven. He began listening it every night to sleep as well.
Dude whhhhy 😭
Yeah getting spit in the face is not only fucking gross but an understandable reason for Adam to stay away. He ended up telling Lucifer about it but wouldn't tell him who.
And that would hurt especially with how the situation with his own kids went.
Awwww Rosie and Adam being friends I'm so soft for their friendship. Shame she died. That only served to isolate Adam more. Everyone leaves why bother making friends? No one likes me anyway so that was made easy.
Yeah, the Morningstars definitely have a type as well ;)
Ahhh sweet angst.
What if Lucifer had to look up his onlyfans page? You know, to see what he was working with and how deep Adam is in this world. He sees all the photos and videos. Spoiler he's in deep.
Adam has thousands of subscribers. And hundreds of posts. It's surprising he would do this line of work because of his past. But maybe, it was Velvette who told him "You're gorgeous, why not make a profit off your looks? Here I have a website you can use."
Adam tries it and when he sees how many people want him and shower him in praise and compliment him and tell him how wonderful he is.
Just another addiction on the pile. Only this one makes money and he hates himself afterwards.
Bonus points if someone in the building is subscribed and wanted more face to face time. Even if it doesn't go THAT far they make sexual comments at him any time they see him. (A man most likely)
And that was another thing to keep Adam in his house. The money is great but he hates that it comes from this and it's a never ending cycle.
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iamyourdailydoseofbi · 8 hours
I can only share my interest in Aegon to you, so I’ll just drop this here. (Dw, contrary to what I say next, this is not a request. Just desperation.)
Broski, I NEED reader wife who’s scared of heights and dragons but Aegon gets her to ride with him just cuz he feels like it. (My hand is probably 1/3 smaller than one of their teeth. I believe Anyone sane should be scared sh’tless while seeing a dragon. 💀)
I ONLY READ ONE FIC WHERE THEY FLY ON A DRAGON! WHY ARE THERE SO MANY AEMOND FICS OF THISS??? HELP ME FIND MORE CUZ I NEED TO HAVE A RIDE ON A DRAGONNNNN. Imagine the refreshing air and scenery. (I personally imagine the beautiful pink/orange clouds from Httyd when Hiccup and Astrid fly together for the first time)đŸ˜­âš°ïž
Also, about the death threats, you handled it well. Really, when everyone finds out you like a hated character, it’s like they are trying to get you to sign your own death sentence. Anyway, keep doing you. You write exceptionally đŸ€­đŸ«¶ ily
pairing: Prince Aegon ii Targaryen x Lady-in-waiting! Reader prompt: Aegon kidnaps you to ride on dragonback, it does not go well. word count: 1, 000+ words
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You had been very very firm when it came to dragon's. You were no Targaryen nor held a drop of Valyrian blood in your veins. Sure, you like to gawk at them in art. The dozen paintings, stained glass windows, and books that filled the Red Keep were enough. You would never dare to go near one in real life. Dragon’s were not natural. To ride one, to tame one, it was not natural. A lot of the things that the Targaryen’s did were not natural. 
So when you started as Helaena's Lady-in-waiting, you did everything you could to politely refuse to be near them. Need to go to the Dragonpits? The carriage was nice and comfy, no need to leave it. When Helaena offered to fly with her? Suddenly you grew ill with a cough. Helaena accepted, understanding your fears. She offered kind words and an open invitation should you ever change your mind on the matter.
Aegon was, as always, different. The word 'no'  just could not connect in that tiny little brain of his. He took it as a challenge. He would jest about kidnapping you and taking you flying. You laughed and told him you'd push him out of a window if he dared to do it. 
Of course, he had tried once with a look a little too serious on his face. After waddling away, clutching his groin from your hard kick, he learned that it would not be easy to get you on dragonback. You’d fight back. You would be a challenge, he liked that a lot.
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Kicking and screaming at the top of your lungs, you did everything you could think of to get free of Aegon's hold. Clawing at his arms wrapped around your waist, he dragged you along to the Dragonpits, the dragon keeper's onlooking in confusion and mild horror. You could give less of a shit if they thought you mad. There was no way in the Seven Hells that you were going on a flight with Aegon. You'd rather kiss the King's rotten lips than to go flying.
"No! Put me down, you drunken oaf!" You shout, thrashing against him.
"I am going to kick you so hard you'd never be able to get it up again, Aegon! Put me down!" You bellow, yanking at his hair.
"Not a chance, we are going flying." Aegon brushes off your threats, "You will enjoy it. Tis' delightful."
Letting out a loud scream into his ear, he did not falter, running off of pure spite and stubbornness. It would have been admirable, if it was not for the fact he was dragging you along to go flying. Yanking hard on his hair, he yelps loudly, though his grip does not falter. Gods damn it, why did he have to be strong? Sensing that fighting would not help you, you tried another way.
"Please, please, Aegon." You beg, "I'll give up my desserts for a whole moon. Just let me go."
"Tempting." He chuckles, a smirk on his face.
"Please, Aegon. I do not wish to fly." You beg, on the verge of tears.
"I fly all the time. Once I even did it drunk, tis' nothing dangerous." He scoffs, rolling his eyes. 
Shaking your head frantically as his grip tightens, he drags you into the dark cave, the stench of dragon thick in the air. The few torchlights in the cave illuminated enough to see his dragon, Sunfyre, burrowing into his rocky nest. Feeling tears of fear bubbling up, you go deadly silent, losing your voice. This was your worst dream come true. Face to face with a dragon. Holding back the whimper in your throat, Aegon presses a kiss onto your temple, refusing to let you go.
“He won’t harm you. He’s used to your scent.” Aegon whispers into your ear, “I brought him one of your dresses to smell.”
“Let me go.” You whimper out, voice full of pure terror. 
“Come on, you’re already here. Let’s just go for a quick flight.” Aegon argues, shaking his head dismissively. 
Slowly letting go of your waist, you go to bolt for the cave exit, only to be swept back up into Aegon’s arms. He carried you like a toddler who had a habit of running away. Letting out a loud cry as he refused to put you back down, he wags his finger mockingly, a half amused look on his face. Hearing Sunfyre stir in his nest, you try more desperately to get away, the rumbling of the dragon echoing loudly in the cave. 
“No, no, no.” He scolds, “Bad Y/n. No running away.”
“Put me down! I want to go back to the Red Keep!” 
“No, if I have to attend Court, then you cannot escape this.” He suggests, “Consider this your duty.”
“Fuck duty. Put me down, Aegon!” You sob, bottom lip wobbling. 
“Ooh, so now we do not care about duty, hm?” He mocks, shaking his head with a smirk.
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Pressing a gentle kiss onto your temple, he carried you closer and closer to Sunfyre, until the two of you were right in the dragon’s face. Feeling your grip tighten on him, he slowly smiles at the feeling, like see you so unlike yourself. This had to be the first time he had seen you act so improper and anxious. It was refreshing, amazing, and amusing all at the same time. 
Smiling bright as Sunfyre stirs away, the golden dragon huffs at the two of you, his two large green eyes staring back. Puffing his chest out in pride, he hoped the sight of his dragon would impress you and make you swoon. His dragon always got compliments. Looking down at your face, there was not an ounce of admiration or awe or anything positive, only terror. 
“He’s pretty is he not?” He gloats proudly, “You know, they say he is the prettiest dragon to have ever been hatched.”
“If I survive this, I am going to kill you.” You whisper out, face pale.
“Stop speaking as if you are going to die. Sunfyre would not dare to attack, not whilst I am here.” He scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“I’ve seen your dragon, can we leave now. I want to go back to the Red Keep, Aegon.” You whimper, tears bubbling up in your eyes.
"No. Don't you dare." He argues, "Don't you dare do the whole crying trick on me. I am not foolish like Helaena and can be swayed."
Watching as you sniffle and whimper, his grip tightens on you, not wanting to give up just yet. Seeing the big puppy dog eyes you give him, he grits his teeth, tensing up. He falter's for a moment. He was always sucker for those big puppy dog eyes of yours. You knew how to make him crumble.
"No, no, no, don't give me that look." He tries to resist.
"Please, Aegon."
"No. Stop that." He shakes his head, "Stop that right now. I demand you stop that."
"I..I want to go home, Aegon. Please, take me home." You beg, sniffling.
Letting out an exasperated groan at you begging and pleading to go home, he begrudgingly agrees to it, knowing that it would be no fun if you cried the entire time. Scowling like a child who had its toy taken away, he loosens his grip on you, putting you back down onto your feet. One day he’d get you on dragonback. Sadly, just not today.
"Aegon, please, I want to go home." You whimper, tears streaming down your flushed cheeks.
“Fine, fine, stop crying.” He grumbles, “But next time, we are going to actually get on the dragon.”
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pinkfreakk · 13 hours
Mhhhh can I be honest? I didn't hate it but I'm kinda disappointed... it left me more confused than before and it really shouldn't have. The start was fine, a bit of suspense although it was clear those deaths weren't permanent. Mrs. Flood, as always, was one of the most interesting particulars, as she keeps breaking the fourth wall and saying things that just make you ask why. Like what do they mean. I have high expectations for her and I genuinely like her for now.
There were some things I liked: the tardis, the way the other worlds were mentioned, the 73 yards thing. I enjoyed the memories of the past, how the time window tried to reply to ruby alone. I also liked the general emotion there was, and was sad to see ruby go so early.
Now... here come the problems: sutekh. What do you mean a literal God of death has been reduced to an obedient puppy? Like.. ruby got close and he just.. let her? He was fr dragged around like a dog and hasn't done much at all. His angels of death, or whatever they were called, used the dust to kill everyone and okay, they eliminated so many people, but here comes another problem. Like babes, why didn't you kill them off earlier, when they grabbed sutekh by the collar?😭 the plot armor was kinda insane imho. The general thing seemed good but when you stop to think about it it's different. I liked it at first, although not fully, and I wasn't bored, but by the end of it, more and more negative details just popped up. Another problem was the mother. I didn't despise it, it was very sweet, but at the same time I expected more because it was simply natural! This mystery, along with the snow, the hidden song, was milked way too much, and while I understand creating hype is important, too much of it for a rather simple reveal can make the latter disappointing, and it kinda was. Also what the hell... how did sutekh come back?? Did somebody get it... was he there since the fourth doctor? DID HE SEE THE FLUX AND ALL THOSE MESSES WHATTT. How tf.. guess that salt was for the toymaker only. Thank God they didn't bring trickster or they might have ruined him LMAO. I kinda expected ruby's mother to be a God.. but okay ig.
Overall, okay but not okay at the same time. I'm scared of what might happen after this. It's my favorite show and I would be devastated to watch it die because of a poorly written episode. :/
What do yall think?
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randomfandomss · 5 months
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lillymakesart · 23 days
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my new OC: cempaka!
she is based on the story/universe that my friend @haydardotjpg's OCs indra and yuwei exist in! pls go checkout haydar's art he is amazing!! his ocs can be found more easily on his ig but if you're lazy this is his oc indra (cempaka's one-sided love interest) and yuwei (indra's fated lover)
also, cempaka means "magnolia" in malay!! (she gets a flower name bc my name is lilly which is also flower c:)
bonus first iteration under the cut!
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i accidentally had "poinsettia" flower in mind when i did this iteration instead of an actual magnolia, hence the color scheme. but yeah, this is as self-insert as it gets LOL like she's literally MEEEEEE but still very different and i love her as she is <3
#my art#original character#oc#oc art#art#im in love with her actually#she has 4 brothers all named after flowers#mawar kekwa orkid and melati#not me using google translate literally on the fly i hope im not being culturally insensitive 😭#but anyway they lost their parents at a young age so she was raised by her brothers#shes the youngest by far tho by like 9 years from her next closest brother#mawar is the oldest hes like 40 a very important Leader Of People so he is not very present in her life#kekwa is a doctor and 38 and he travels often for work so he is also not very present but he visits sometimes#orkid and melati are twins theyre both 30#orkid is a scholar and on track to being a professor at a prestigious uni#melati is traveling the world doing soul searching#cempaka is 21 she is literally a baby and her brothers send her back money but shes mostly alone#so she joins a traveling dance troupe and she gets really good at dancing#she meets indra while on the road dancing and performing and she is SMITTEN#like shes just head over heels in love with this man because hes so warm and inviting and he fills a void in her life#he makes her feel so incredibly seen and not alone and the feeling is addicting she cant get enough#ok idk most of the details bc i havent read haydars full story BUT#basically to my understanding yuwei and indra are separated for a while#and cempaka knows up front that indra is in love with yuwei like hes very honest with her about this and she appreciates it#but she still wants a chance because indras the only person in the world that has ever made her feel truly seen and loved#so she tries to be with him to ease her loneliness but it breaks her heart whenever he misses yuwei openly#also AGAIN listen im trying to basically write fanfic for a story that doesnt exist LOLL#HAYDAR IF YOURE READING THIS PLS WRITE UR STORY LMFAO
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chuluoyi · 30 days
okay okay so... it's truly the last i'm talking about and analyzing 261 leaks outside the asks i’ve received bc i just read the high quality pages with english translation, and i noticed several notes not covered in the leaks—
so more points i finally understand is one, gojo is the one murdering the higher ups in the room from chapter 233 (we presumed it was yuta at the time), and two, while they have this contingency plan of transferring yuta to gojo's body with shoko's help, gojo is kinda upset that shoko doesn't oppose itđŸ„Č
he doesn't want his students to see while he slaughters the rotten higher ups. he doesn't want shoko to be the one transferring yuta to his body when he dies. in the end, he's just... plain considerateđŸ„ș it reminds me of when gojo doesn't give geto's body to shoko too... she is his remaining friend, and he just wants to leave her out of any messy business
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welcometogrouchland · 1 year
im so predictable. time skip huntlow
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[ID: a digital drawing of Hunter and Willow from the owl house in their epilogue designs. The image is a redraw of the "girl kissing guy against a fence" meme. Willow holds Hunter up against a wall of vines and kisses him, while he grabs onto the wall behind him. There's a cartoonist "smooch" onomatopoeia written between the two and the background is orange. End ID]
Had to fulfill this request in the most obnoxious way possible. This is what timeskip Huntlow was made for, in my eyes <3
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leosmasktails · 6 months
Y’all I went to bed early for the first time in like a month just to be woken up by my sister kicking my instruments at 2 AM (cause she’s not careful and doesn’t care), and now I haven’t been able to get back to sleep 😐
I have to be up for school in three hours 😭
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ohlovxr · 2 years
 now i’m thinking of refusing to give back the sock unless eddie tells u what he was thinking about for each stain
 and- and.. giving him a handjob while he tells you and at the last second.. right as he’s about to cum.. u push his cock inside the sock.. now he has a new memory added <3
GAAAHHHHHH thinking about dropping off one of your socks in his room the next day for the next time he jerks off <33 leaving behind a lil note that says “fill it up just for me this time and maybe next time i jerk you off, you can fill up my pussy instead of some sock <3”
ugh omg and when the time comes that you’re jerking him off, he gets all excited but you roll your eyes, sighing as if your pussy isn’t begging for stretched n filled up by him, “just the tip, eddie!”
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olive-riggzey · 7 months
I just need to get something off my chest about getting "complimented" for my body
I hate it. It makes me so uncomfortable when people tell me that they wish they had my body. But if I ever dare complain about it, people think I'm fishing for compliments when I'm definitely NOT. And I know my problems aren't nearly as bad as the ones on the other side, but it makes me feel so awful because I feel like I'm somehow reinforcing the mindset that fuels fatphobia. It just makes me so upset that people use me as an "example" like that!!!
"You're so lucky you’re skinny." Shut up. Shut up shut up shut up. I do not CARE about being skinny. I literally couldn’t care less about how thin or fat my body is. This just happens to be my body's resting position. I am a small person. I celebrate when I gain weight because my ADD meds surpress my appetite, and it was such a struggle to eat EVEN WHEN I WANTED FOOD BECAUSE I WAS HUNGRY. I literally always eat food when I'm hungry because why wouldn’t I??? Why would you deprive your body of something it is literally begging you for????? Why do people have to think that one body shape is superior and that that shape is worth the deprivation??????
"Why do you eat so much bread? That’s so many carbs." Do you even know what carbs are for. Also I eat bread because it tastes good. Nothing anyone says will ever get me to stop living on bread and rice. "But you'll get fat!" SO WHAT???? What is so wrong about being fat???? NOTHING! Stop trying to make me feel bad about what I eat for absolutely no reason. I literally couldn’t care less what you think about me. I am mad that you had to be a 'phobe about it.
But seriously. I did ballroom dance for more than a decade. Competively. Every single costume that my studio used had the dresses made to make the girls look skinny and busty with hips to spare. "You were blessed, unlike the rest of us," my coach once told while she unstitched the padding from my dress. The lady that measured us thought it would be funny to tell everyone that my waist was the same size as the biggest guy on the team's thigh. I overheard one of the moms comment on a girl, whispering to my mom to ask if the girl was pregnant. She proceeded to tell my mom, "It’s too bad my daughter doesn’t have a body like your daughter's."
And they wonder why nearly every girl on the team ended up with an eating disorder????
After I came out as ace, I had someone tell me that my body is "wasted on someone that's not going to use it." Oh, so my worth is now being equated to how "sexy" you think my body is???? Are you even hearing yourself??????
It's not fair that people keeping putting up this invisible divide between me and those with bodies that they for some reason don’t like. I literally love fat people, and there have been way too many times that I've been used specifically by a 'phobe to make fat people feel inferior. Leave me out of it!!! I don’t care about your stupid diet culture or whatever!!! Stop trying to use me in your sick and disgusting ways of shaming people that are literally perfect!!!!
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kavehater · 1 month
. Should I ask for her discord
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