#she tries it and decides nah she actually prefers it not being attached
fun-with-colors · 11 months
Random manga rec: Interviews with Monster Girls
Hey y’all, this is exactly what it says on the tin.
My icon is from a manga called Interviews with Monster Girls, which is a fairly short slice-of-life manga about a high school teacher in a world where figures from various world mythologies are actually real.
There are vampires, dullahans, snow women, succubi and incubi, oh my!
The title isn’t a euphemism - it’s literally about helping these monster girls (demi-humans or ‘demis’ as they’re called in the manga) to fit in and to share their stories to the world at large. It explores how things like “not having your head attached to your body” would impact your day-to-day life, how difficult it would be to eat or carry bags while dealing with that. It speaks to my experience as a student with a mental illness, and how I felt different from my peers in a way that was difficult to express.
There’s no over-the-top drama, it’s very heartwarming and sweet. The teacher doing the eponymous interviews is super understanding of everyone’s unique perspectives and is always supportive of the students.
There is a romance sub-plot, but it’s between two of the teachers and examines with a truly critical lens how being a succubus would make it difficult to form attachments with others. It’s a slow burn, and so cute!!
Anyways, this is all to say that you all should go read Interviews with Monster Girls. It’s got 11 volumes and they’re all out now. It’s got an anime, but I don’t think that anime ever reached the end?
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Safety Net 2
Part 2
Day 9: Teen Titans @maribatmarch-2k21
Ao3 *** Part 1 *** Here *** Part 3 *** Part 4 *** Part 5
This is based on Teen Titans Judas Contract
Marinette became a fully fledged Talon when she turned 18. Six years with the court before they turned her, as to not arouse suspicion with a child. She doesn't remember the events that led to her leaving but she did. She supposes it is the fact she is a Talon that repressed her memories but that doesn't matter the court and all the other Talons are dead. She kept a single vial of the only poison that could end her life. She left not looking back.
She actually didn't get far when she first saw him. His swords danced, connecting to his target, death etched on his blade edge. Then he vanished.
She would see him again and again as she moved from city to city, state to state, even from country to country. One night as she watched the London sky, from her perch in Big Ben, did he come to her.
"Who are you?" His mask deepened his voice, made it colder and more robotic. She turned to look at him, not saying a word, and then turned back to the city.
He apparently didn't appreciate her silence as he stalked closer to her. "Who are you?" he growled the question, the sword tip pressing into her neck, but she didn’t move.
"Talon." was choked out. The voice was gruff and scratchy from being unused. That single word seemed to answer a few of his questions.
"The Court?"
Now she simply shook her head. The sword was removed from her neck and was placed back in its sheath.
"How would you like to have your own agency again?" His voice was still gruff and cold. It held authority but it was human. She turned to see he had removed his mask. His hair was stark white, small scars littered his face, his eyes were cold and calculating, yet they didn't lie.
Her mouth opened slightly before she closed it. A deep buried resolve began to surface as she nodded in answer.
She followed Slade Wilson out of the bell tower.
She was then embedded into the League of Assassins. This was where they needed patience.
She didn't speak, they thought her mute, she played along. Yes she could withstand life threatening hits, but she didn't let them happen. She would strike faster, hit harder, she made herself stronger, so they called her ruthless. She didn't oppose.
Above all she was patient.
The day the coup was to happen she was guarding the Lazarus Pit.
Silently she killed the guard stationed with her and walked into the pit. The water was both cold and scalding. A fog began to enter her mind but she pushed against it. This was no time to be confused or dazed. She felt the chains and commands programed into her by the court, so she pushed against them too until they broke. She breached the surface of the pit. Shakily she stood, breathing heavily, she began to dress, quickly noticing her skin became more pink and her mind was clear. She had to leave this room as, the alarms rang signaling the coup, she ran out, fully dressed and hidden.
She took her position in the cockpit of a helicopter and soon only she and Slade were alone in the air. The others scattered in order to build up a base of operations. An hour later they landed in a small air field where a jet was waiting for them. They transferred their things and took to the skies again.
"How do you feel?" Slade asked her not long after putting the plane on auto pilot.
"Light," her voice was clearer, still raspy, but there was inflection and life traced through the word.
"Anger, fury, bloodlust?" He pressed.
"None." she shook her head.
"Interesting," he murmured.
"How bad?" she pointed to his wrapped head and covered eye.
"We'll find out once we talk with the Doc," a scowl appeared on his face. "so what's your name, because it isn't Talon"
"Um..." she thought hard and long. she had been called Talon for so long, but what did they call her before, "Grayson. They called me Grayson before they called me Talon."
Slade became her mentor of sorts, they would spar and train to learn their new bodies and limitations. In fact it was easy for them both. She became known as Phoenix. Her uniform was similar to her Talon one, but while Talon was gold Phoenix was a deep crimson. The helmet was replaced by a hood and a half mask that extended from her hair line to her nose. She took to being a mercenary rather fast, but all things considered it wasn't that far of a stretch.
The only thing that troubled her, were her nightmares, or were they dreams. But they didn't feel like something her subconscious had created. They felt like memories begging to be remembered. She would fly through the air as if on gilded wings. A pair of inviting and smiling-azure eyes of a little boy. A warm smile and reassuring embrace of the same boy would appear constantly. Then the fall, she never hit the ground, but she continued to fall. The cold and dark embraced her smothering her until she woke up.
She never stayed in one place long but sooner or later she would always pay Deathstroke a visit. It isn't that she is attached to the Mercenary. Sure she is grateful to him but it's like if she stays close she will find a missing piece of her puzzle. On one of these trips back she met her. A teen with blonde hair and blue eyes, Terra. She was met with a less than warm welcome but oh well.
"What's up old man!" she joked. Slade glared at her and nodded in greeting.
"We have a job."
"What is it?" she sat on the couch.
"Infiltrating the Teen Titans."
"That's what the kid's for," she hummed. "What can she do?"
"Meta. Geokinesis."
"Disassemble the little league before the big one." A calculated smile spread across her lips.
"I knew I kept you around for something." was his answer. To anyone else it would have seemed hostile, but she simply rolled her eyes at the remark.
"Any old memories come back?"
"Nah-uh." She lied, keeping the kind blue-eyed boy a secret, they both went to work.
It was idiotic how easily Terra integrated into the Titans. Slade helped her enhance her power, while Grayson was supposed to help her gain refined control but the younger girl wouldn't listen to her. Grayson couldn't do anything about that, she could support Terra and help her but that didn’t mean the teen accepted. She wasn't her mother or even her sister.
"... Not without my twin sister." A boy's voice echoed in her mind, she tried to shake the voice from her head, but it stayed.
Twin? Sister? I have a brother? I have a twin brother?
Unfortunately all these questions swam in her mind for months as Terra infiltrated the Titans.
Everything was going relatively well until Robin decided to stick his nose in. Unfortunately this was when she learned the truth to the infiltration. They were going to use the Titans and extract their powers and life force. It made her sick. Sure she didn't exactly see eye to eye with heroes, but she saw the good they did. Hell she may be called a mercenary, but the jobs she took aligned with her morals. Even if those said morals were just a 'fuck you opposite of the court,' but it stood, it was hers.
This was how she was found by Nightwing.
"Figured you wouldn't be easy to kill. Here." she pushed a robe into his hands. "Your team is held this way" she started to walk but he hadn't moved.
"What are you doing?"
"Look you can trust me or not, but those are just kids. I will not be the one to let them give their lives without consent or reason."
"Sounds like your speaking from experience."
"So what if I am."
Nightwing jumped down and the fight began. She went and unlocked the restraints on the Titans and jumped into the fight. She, Robin, and Nightwing were all fighting against Deathstroke when Terra regained consciousness. Both Robin and Nightwing stopped their onslaught but Phoenix knew how Terra fought, she knew how to work with the girl. Unfortunately she was thrown over towards Nightwing and Robin, a quadruple somersault led into a rollout allowed her to land safely from the throw.
"Terra!" she yelled.
"Stay out of it Grayson, Slade is mine." A desperate yell escaped the girl, as she unleashed her power. One of the Titans tried to help, but Terra moved him towards the others.
"I'm sorry." Grayson whispered, before she pulled the heroes to safety. They got out moments before the entire thing collapsed.
"Who are you?" A katana was pointed at her neck.
"More importantly the somersault and the name, Grayson, how would you know those?" Nightwing questioned.
"The name is a memory from before," she responded. "And the somersault is just in grained in muscle memory by now." She shrugged and turned to leave but was stopped. "Look I don't want to fight and I don't want to stay so..." None of the heroes said a word but circled around her. 'Sigh' "I'm not gonna get out without a fight huh?"
"That would be correct."
"Fine." Her hands went up in a placating motion, before reaching into a pocket.
"Stop that."
"Relax little birdie." she pulled out a small ring of keys, tossing them to Nightwing. "Don't know about you but I prefer to not walk over two hours to get to Jump city."
They all got to the car but as it only fit five and there were seven of them something had to give. Well she was sat in the middle back seat between Raven and Robin, Beast Boy turned into a cat and sat on her lap. Nightwing was behind the wheel, Blue Beetle on the passenger side, while Starfire flew above them all. Between the awkward silence and closed space she was lulled into a restless sleep.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha
Taglist: @alysrose-starchild
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wasabito · 4 years
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thank you to @sparkexplosive and @vs-redemption for beta reading it for me! merry christmas & happy holidays everyone ♥️
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➽ synopsis: being a member of the royal guard is a grueling and thankless job, so you decide to remind katsuki a little of what it’s like to be young again—what better way to do that than with some healthy competition.
➽ word count: 1.7k
➽ tags: fluff, budding romance, royalty au, childhood friends
➽ author’s note: i had a ton of fun participating in my first ever secret santa!! this is my gift-fic to the lovely @katsushimaa​ hope you enjoy, yssa!
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"So, this is where the hell you've been hiding?"
His voice tore through the midday stillness like a blade, equal parts raspy and gruff. He sounded irritated and mildly fatigued. Not that Katsuki Bakugou would ever admit to being anything less than a hundred and ten percent. He climbed off his steed, heavy boots crunching under the weight of his feet, and secured his horse against the stump you were leaning on.
You flipped the page of your book, not sparing the man even a cursory glance. You would prefer to keep your attention occupied by fictitious worlds, warriors, and battles fought in the name of love and justice.
It was much easier to allow yourself to become the bearer of fictional hardships, because at least they could be solved through a well-constructed plot with each turn of a page, as opposed to the realities of your actual life, a slow spiraling disaster in comparison.
Bakugou stood in front of you, vein ticking on his throat with every clench of his jaw. His arms were crossed tight over his chest, red gaze pinned on your hunched form. He wasn't at all the kind of person anyone could easily ignore. His very presence demanded attention and drew eyes like a magnet.
Case in point, no matter how much you tried to ignore him, you simply couldn’t.
"Please tell me you aren't going to stand there the entire time. Take a hint will you." You went to turn another page, but Bakugou reached over and snatched the book from your hands with deft fingers and speed you couldn't hope to match.
"Give. It. Back."
"Nah, I don't think I will just yet." He sneered, thumbing through the pages. "I was told to bring your dumbass back to the estate, so that's exactly what the hell I'm 'bout to do."
You blew a puff of air from your lips, eyes blazing with a kind of defiance that only burned harder the more you glared at him. "Then I guess you'll just have to drag me back kicking and screaming."
Bakugou only smirked, teeth spread in a feral grin that sent a chill down your spine.
That had always been his intention.
Almost an hour later, you stood before your parents, clothes dusty, creased, and smudged from having been manhandled like a sack of flour before promptly dumped in front of your waiting audience.
A frown marred your delicate features as they began their lecture.
Your mind drifted elsewhere the more they reminded you of your lineage and that you were royalty and how it was imperative you behave as such. You’d heard it all before, known this for as long as you could remember. As the King and Queen of your home country, your parents never failed to emphasize the importance of keeping your every move in check because of the reputation you had to uphold.
Katsuki stood somewhere behind you, and although he stayed mostly silent, you could almost hear him grinding away at his molars. The King and Queen were taking turns subtly digging into him as well, implying that his incompetence was a stain upon the royal guard perfect record of achievements. If he couldn't keep you in line, what was the point of holding rank?
They annoyed him way more than they did you, but he dare not voice it, not if he wanted to keep his head attached to his shoulders. Far be it from him to send himself to the guillotine
You both were in for a long night.
“Honestly, this kind of behavior is unbecoming of someone of your status. What will our countrymen think if they see you roaming about unattended like a vagabond?” Your father stroked his beard as if waiting for a response. But everyone in the room knew he really just liked to hear himself talk.
He was no better than a machiavellian swindler in expensive robes. A puppet if you would.
The real leader of the land was your mother. After all, she had only married into the family, having been the daughter of a mere advisor with no royal blood. She spoke little, but her glare was more than enough to convey just what she was thinking.
By the end of the lecture, you felt like all of your energy had been sapped from you, but thankfully your parents left you to retreat into your bedroom for the remainder of the day. Bakugou escorted you, following close behind.
“You’re gonna do it again, aren’t ya?”
You paused, foot nearly catching against the carpeted floors of your bedroom. Fiddling with a piece of your hair, you shrugged. “...maybe.”
“You’re a huge idiot.” Bakugou shook his head with a low laugh.
A tiny smidgen of a grin danced on your lips as you considered him. He was your childhood friend. No one knew you better than he did. And he was also the guard most assigned to watch over you and keep you safe from harm.
Despite that, you’d come to notice how much he’d changed. He wasn’t the same Katsuki you grew up knowing and you missed him dearly. Occasions like this, where a part of his guard was let down, were becoming few and far between. There had to be something you could do.
“Let’s make a wager. If you can manage to find me, I’ll do one thing at your command.”
“Challenge accepted.” He reached into the folds of his uniform, pulled out your little novel, and slapped it right into your open palm. "No matter where you run off to, I'll find ya. Trust me on that, princess."
His eyes were like candles in the night, ignited by a spark of passion. Not a single lie could be detected.
"I won't make it easy on you, Katsuki, just so you know."
"Heh, you better not." He sniffed, tucking his hands into his uniform pockets. And with a final half-wave, he was gone.
In and around the capital city, winter had completely lost it's bite. The weather was tepid, swinging a mild breeze that coasted through the countryside. It was the sort of winter where one felt as if woolen clothing were worn more for comfort than necessity. In what should have been the chilliest part of the year, Bakugou found himself traversing one of the many beaches that hedged the southern peninsula.
After a full week following the challenge issued in your bedroom, Bakugou realized you were entirely too good at evading him or any of the other guards at the kingdom’s disposal, for that matter.
Day in and day out, he spent his shifts searching tirelessly for you, just to stumble upon you in the most random of places and only when you had wanted him to find you. The running score was six to five in your favor, but he was determined not to lose to you again.
And there you were, standing at the very edge of the shore, as if a mere thought had manifested you right before his very eyes. Your loose billowing dress of soft satin waved to him like a white flag of surrender in the air. He'd finally found you.
"Not gonna run off this time?"
"Nope! You won this round." Your cheeks creased in a smile.
Given the boots he'd worn, it was no surprise that his feet kept sinking into the sand. You said nothing as he toed off his shoes and socks, bare feet settling into the depths of warm, grainy sand.
He couldn’t help but feel more relaxed. Over the past few months, he’d found himself losing sight of his goals, caught in the dredges of the mundane and routine.
The cool waters lapped at both his and your feet, fizzing and bubbling, leaving behind traces of salt. You went further into the water’s touch, your back to him as the tides licked at the your calves. Even he had to admit, the view was a beautiful one, possibly even more so with you against the backdrop.
“I’m glad you found me,” you called over the cry of seagulls. “For a second, I was worried you’d lose this round.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Tch, as if I’d ever lose to you, princess.”
“Naturally.” You laughed.
“What the hell are we doing out here anyway?”
He knelt to roll up his pants, a mere moment away from following after you like always.
“I... really just wanted to show you the view. Do you remember when we used to come down here as kids? Remember how we used to dare each other to see who could go the farthest into the ocean?”
Of course he remembered. Those were some of his most cherished memories of his time spent with you before duty to the kingdom took precedent.
You reached a hand out to him, an open invitation. “I just thought you needed a little reminder of what that was like.”
For some reason, Katsuki was determined not to meet your gaze, scowling at some point on the horizon, until you came over and nudged him with your elbow. “It wouldn’t kill you to admit that I’m right.”
With a sigh, he reached over and tugged you into a hug. You snuggled close to his chest, gripping the back on his uniform. It may have been your imagination but you could’ve sworn you felt the soft press of lips against your temple.
“Thanks... you know... for everything.”
Beaming, you leaned back to get the full view of his heated cheeks.
“Of course, of course.”
There was something earnest in his eyes that told you no matter how far you went, or however far you traveled, he’d always be a step behind you. It sent your heart hammering in your ribcage. You were suddenly all too aware of the way he held you secure against him like he would never let go.
“What are you thinking, princess?”
You blinked owlishly, taken over by your feelings and mumbling a hushed. “Oh, nothing.” The two of you were just a royal and a guard, bound to one another by duty.
If there could be anything more than that...well, only time would tell.
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miraculouscontent · 5 years
I might be in the minority here, but I think the destruction of the Love Square could be a good thing (if written well). Maybe now Marinette and Adrien could become actual good friends and talk to each other. With comprehensive sentences. Friendship can be a very good foundation for a lasting relationship.
I would agree, but only if it’s a real full-stop destruction that made them not endgame.
And I don’t say that just because I personally dislike the love square. It’s like… look, I’ve done AUs offline where Ladybug and Chat Noir are either friends the whole time or just become friends down the line, and it is very refreshing.
Not only does Ladybug have enough in her life to deal with without Chat’s romantic attachment to her (don’t forget, “Gamer 2.0″ happened before she, y’know, became guardian and had to deal with the guilt of that happening), but it just makes about every single thing in her life a hassle. Her hero life is already miserable and provides her with no benefits since apparently Chat is the only one who can use his miraculous for personal gain without being scolded for it (I will be salty about this until the end of time; not even specifically at Chat, but at the double standard). Her becoming guardian was basically throwing the kitchen sink at her because she was already dealing with everything else, and it just comes off as cruel at some point.
I want Chat to be a friend that Ladybug can rely on without this romantic tension. I want there to be a silver lining where she can use her powers to at least have a friend to confide in (”Gamer 2.0″ tried and failed miserably because of Chat’s romantic attachment).
Furthermore, even if Chat finally decided to fully let her go (which he hasn’t yet, not really), wasn’t it confirmed by Lindalee Rose that it’d be Season 4 that decides the endgame ship or whatever? Are we seriously going to have less than one season (or exactly one season if the Season 4 finale decides it) of what the Season 3 finale had built up, just to have Marinette and Adrien go “lol nah” in the end? We had one and a half seasons of Lukanette and Adrimi (with Adrien in particular slamming on the gas for Kagami; it’s not a complaint, just an observation) actually being introduced and touched upon and then we get less time developing them romantically? Like, what?
This is why I prefer the alternate love interest ships (yes, both of them, even if I lean hard towards Lukanette). Marinette and Adrien (especially Marinette) have enough baggage to deal with in their civilian lives (Marinette is the one who gets the brunt of it like in “Simon Says” but I digress) without bringing romance into their hero lives. They can care about each other and make sacrifices for each other without being in love.
I want Chat to do the responsible thing and realize that he doesn’t want a relationship with someone who may not ever be able to reveal her identity to him as long as Hawk Moth reigns. I want him and Ladybug to become good friends and maybe bond over their cute romances with other characters (without spoiling too much as to reveal their identity, of course). I want him to have to move on for her and then not get her back, because it feels incredibly disingenuous for Marinette/Ladybug to lean even slightly towards Luka and then go “pass” because that’s what the script says. Ladybug has enough garbage to deal with as it is without having to deal with Chat’s baggage (both in the present and whenever he realizes Hawk Moth’s identity) when Chat is also her romantic interest. She needs someone like Luka who is incredibly “low maintenance” and would be comfortable moving at her pace.
I came up with about a dozen nightmare scenarios for how Lukanette ends up being broken and one of them is just this idea that dEsTinY reigns supreme and therefore Ladybug is going to fall for Chat or whatever because nuance isn’t allowed here (also this idea that Marinette literally tried over five hundred times to get Adrien’s attention and it’s only after she’s moved on - or is at least trying to move on - that Adrien suddenly shows interest in her romantically; like, really???).
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Survey #287
“keep him tied - it makes him well / he’s getting better, can’t you tell?”
What are you favorite things to watch on YouTube? I like a pretty big variety now. I’d say I’ve been mostly into pet YouTubers lately, especially reptile ones. Oh, and WoW stuff. Can you pick out any constellations in the sky without looking them up online? Besides the Little or Big Dipper (idk which is which), nope. Are you religious? If so, what influenced you to start believing God? If you’re not religious, what convinces you there is no God? I wouldn’t call myself religious, no. I do believe there’s some kind of ultimate power, but hell if I know what it is, and I don’t actually worship it. I don’t believe any “good” god would demand kissing its feet in order for you to end at peace, among a billion other reasons. I believe there is something though because the odds of life and everything is just… too perfect. Plus I believe in the paranormal, so to me, there is obviously something beyond the mortal form. Is there any animal out there that genuinely terrifies you? Is this an animal you’re worried about coming across in daily life? I am terrified of ticks and parasites in general. They’re fucking disgusting. Maggots will also make me scream. Oh, and then there’s whale sharks. In my daily life, I wouldn’t say there’s any that I actively worry about crossing paths with. When was the last time you wore make-up? Around Halloween when Summer, me, and another of her friends did a witch-themed photoshoot. It really fucking sucks that it was so dark by the time we were done that the pictures came out absolutely awful. You can’t see shit, and of course on camera, I look absolutely awful. Have you ever worn colored contacts? No, but I’m totally not opposed for a cool photoshoot. Have you seen any of the Disney re-makes (eg. Aladdin or The Lion King)? What do you think of them? I’ve seen a good number, and I really like them. I think The Jungle Book remake was the best of them. How long did it take you to pass your driving test once you started learning how to drive? Ha, I still haven’t tried. When was the last time you went out for a formal occasion or event? Do you remember what you wore? Uhhhh… I have zero clue. Well, does my last job interview count? I just wore black sweatpants and some kind of formal top. How often do you have the TV on? is it more background noise or are you actually watching things? Y’all know by now that I don’t watch TV. Do you like any songs by Elvis Presley? Well of course. “Devil In Disguise” is my favorite. Do you ever answer the phone to unknown numbers? Nope. Do you eat anything special for breakfast on Christmas Day? Nah. When you go to theme parks, what’s your favorite type of ride? I haven’t been to a theme park in beyond forever, so idk. Are you afraid of falling in love? Ohhhhh yes. Expecting something to change in the next month? No. e_e What is your biggest worry in life right now? That Mom’s cancer will come back. Well, it IS going to eventually flare somewhere else, but no one can estimate when. Could be tomorrow. Could be years. Do you give up easily? It depends. With a lot of things, honestly, yes, because I get upset with my incompetence. What are you listening to? "Going To Hell" by The Pretty Reckless just came on. Is anything bothering you right now? Always. Were you ever made fun of? Yes. Are you currently jealous? I’ve been having episodes of it. Do you find piercings attractive on the opposite sex? I find them attractive on almost all people. Who was the last person you yelled at? I don’t know. Probably Mom. What do you say a lot? “Mood,” “lmao,” “can’t relate,” “same,” “oof,” “yikes,” shit like that, haha. What is your favorite place you have traveled? Chicago. Do you like ice cream? Yeah, that’s my comfort food. Do you like bananas? Yeah, but I don’t dare to eat one if I haven’t had my heartburn medication, because otherwise I get it BADLY. Do you like Paramore? A handful of their songs, yeah. I don’t know a lot though, honestly. Do you plan on getting married? It’d be nice. Ever been given a promise ring? No. Sexual orientation? Bi. Who do you text the most? Definitely Sara. Do you still talk to the person who hurt you most in life? Why or why not? No, because he wants nothing to do with me. I don’t blame him. Have you ever given your number to a complete stranger? Um, no. Well, besides in like, job applications. What color is your keyboard? Black. Your mouse? Mostly black, but it does have this crackled pattern that can glow blue or red. Desktop or laptop? I prefer laptops for mobility’s sake. Do you like sweet tea? I hate tea. How much sugar do you put in your tea? ^ Have you ever called someone useless? Wow, no. Do you have a wood or glass dining room table? Wood. Do you tend to get attached easily? HOLY GOD OF FUCK, YES. Is Joe Jonas really hotter than Nick? I haven’t seen either in god knows how long, but I remember I thought Nick was very cute. Favorite flavor pudding? Chocolate is the only kind I’ve enjoyed. Not that I’ve tried a lot. What are three words used in your area/dialect that many other areas/dialects wouldn't be familiar with? Oh, there are most certainly some, but I can’t think of any right now. How do you feel when your partner is talking to an ex? This would depend on a lot of things. What is the most expensive gift you have ever given? Received? Given, I’m really unsure. I answer enough questions sharing that I don’t have my own source of income, so a lot of times, my mom lets me use her money, but there is obviously a ceiling to how much I can use. Received, definitely my Sager laptop Jason got me one year. Do children like you? I’m always surprised that kids seem to… I don’t know how the hell to interact with kids, but parents tend to tell me that they do like me. If you found your child's diary would you read it? What if you found the diary of one of your parents? Hell no would I read that shit. Both deserve privacy. Have you ever stalked or killed a wild animal? Fuck no. Name something you are now prepared to reveal about yourself that you weren't ready to talk about in the past? The state of my virginity. Name a talent someone has of which you are jealous: I am soooo envious of talented and actually successful photographers. What would you most likely complain about in a hotel? Probably if the bed sheets seemed dirty. Is it possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time? Probably. I’m monogamous though, so I really can’t say because I haven’t experienced this. Do you often feel pressured by others? Society, yes. Should couples live together before marriage? I feel that it’s the better decision, yes. You may not blend well actually sharing the same house. You learn things about your partner. How would you feel attending the wedding of an ex? It would depend on the person. Girt or Sara? I would love to. As a matter of fact, I better be invited lmao. Jason? I couldn’t in ten trillion years. Fiction or nonfiction. I strongly prefer fiction. Can you can lie with a straight face? Yes, if it’s something little. Name three things you have experienced that would shock your parents: Probably just sexual stuff. Do you believe in using the silent treatment? No. I’ve sure done it before, but I’d like to think I’ve grown out of this. Communication is where it’s at. Your most embarrassing thought: *shrug* Your most prejudiced thought: I don’t know. I don’t think I’m very prejudiced. A shameful moment for you: The situation w/ Joel. The biggest gamble of your life: Deciding to drop out of college the last time. Who knows if that was a good choice or not… It’s too early to tell. What is your greatest weakness as a friend? Idk off the top of my head, but I’m sure there’s something. Do you feel better when you have a tan? Nah, I like being pale. I did go through a period in HS of using tanning lotion on my legs though because I was self-conscious of JUST how pale they were. Do you sometimes enjoy being mean? ”I don’t think so. Maybe like... in certain contexts. Like being mean in video games can be really fun sometimes, haha. And being a little mean in a kink setting can be fun too.” <<<< This. Are you high maintenance? Definitely not. Has anybody ever told you that you’re too young to be in love? I think my dad has, just indirectly. Did you learn anything from the last BIG mistake you made? Yes. Do you have a favorite brand of shoes? Yeah, Converse. Do you like rollercoasters with big drops? I’m afraid of rollercoasters so have never been on one. Do you have any inside jokes with your parents? Not really. Have you ever thrown a surprise party for somebody? I don’t think so? Do you know who your mom’s favorite singer is? Oh, she’s totally obsessed with James Hetfield/Metallica. What year were you born in? 1996. What is your favorite card game? Magic: The Gathering, even though I was never great at it or totally understood all the rules. I just adore the artwork, and I like the detailed tactics behind it. Have you ever tried to surf? Nah. Do you want to learn? Nah. Have you ever had a song dedicated to you? What was it? Let’s not with this. What color eyes does your best friend have? Brown. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nah. Which one of your family members do you wish you could see more often? My brother and his son. I got really close to my nephew the last time they visited for a few days. What room in your house is the messiest? Right now, the extra bedroom that I want to make my dayroom. A lot of our “extra” stuff is just shoved into there. Have you ever requested a song on the radio? No. Are you proud of your parents? Yes. Have you ever (accidentally or not) set off a car alarm? I think I accidentally have before. Do you have dimples when you smile? Yes, way more prominently on my left cheek though. Do you find graveyards scary? No. They’re peaceful to me. Have you ever carved anything into a tree? I don’t think so. Do you read those celebrity gossip magazines? Ew, no. Celebs deserve privacy. Do you give or get advice more often? Well considering I’m in therapy, probably get. Did the last type of shoes you wore have laces? No. Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card? FUCK no. When was the last time somebody hit on you? Idr. Which one of your friends do you feel most comfortable around? Sara. What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? Just pass me the rolls lmao. Who did you last spoon with? My cat lmao. What was the last video game you played? I don’t recall the last console game I played, so does World of Warcraft count, even tho it’s a computer game? When you’re in trouble, do your parents ever “middle name” you? Ha, my mom will sometimes. Does getting sweaty or dirty bother you at all? If so, has it ever put you off doing exercise? Very much so. I suffer (and I DO mean “suffer”) from insane hyperhidrosis, so I sweat my ass off if I so much as twitch, if even that. I just hate feeling gross. Have you ever thought about how you want to spend your retirement? No, honestly. It’s hard for me to imagine even *getting* to retirement. Would you describe yourself as healthy? Why or why not? No. I’m physically and even more mentally not okay. Do you miss anything about being a teenager? If you are a teenager, what’s your favorite thing about it? Yeah, some things. Though I really don’t even want to think about it. I look back on me being a teen with both wistfulness as well as bitterness. I don’t know which is stronger.
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pitviperofdoom · 5 years
Fundraiser Commission #2
Thank you for donating $20!
Prompt: “Shigaraki, Dabi, and Toga go to Disneyland (no ships please, unless you wanna include a bit of Dabihawks in which case I will love you forever)”
Sadly I couldn’t fit the Dabihawks in there, sorry! I ended up going AU with it, hope that’s okay!
Like most things that made Touya drag his feet and roll his eyes and desperately pretend not to care, it was Himiko’s idea.
She came prancing into the bar while Tenko was hard at work mopping up nose blood by Fuu’s table, because some drunk idiot thought it was a good idea to reach for her chest. “Ten-chan! Ten-chan, guess what!”
Instinct almost made him snap at her for using even a shortened form of his real name, but the only other people in the bar were Kuro and Touya, so he let it drop. “Himiko, I don’t care who you fell head over tits in love with today, I’m not helping,” he said without looking up.
She pouted, her face scrunched up in a way that made her nose even more button-like than usual. “You’re no fun, Ten-chan. Besides, it’s not even about a crush this time!”
“Stop the fuckin’ presses.” Satisfied that the floor was clean, Tenko plunked the mop back in the bucket. “What’s up?”
She bounced eagerly on the balls of her feet. “Want to go to Disneyland with me?”
For a moment he simply stared at her, blinking owlishly as he processed the question. “What.”
From the pocket of her sweater she produced two slips of paper and waved them about. “I got two all-day passes! Let’s go to Disneyland, Ten-chan!”
He squinted at her. “Where the fuck did you get two all-day passes to Disneyland.”
“I won a sweepstakes!”
Tenko stood there, still holding on to the mop handle, processing this slowly. “When did you enter—no.” He threw his hands upward. “You know what? I don’t wanna know. Fine, you won a sweepstakes. Let’s go with that. Disneyland? Great!” He caught his breath, already mentally calculating the fastest way to save up the price for a third ticket.
Blissfully unaware, Himiko tackled him with a hug around his middle and a squeal of delight.
Touya was doing inventory in the back when Tenko flung the door open. “Good news! We’re going to Disneyland.”
“Congratulations,” Touya answered, without looking up from his clipboard.
“You’re coming too,” Tenko informed him. “My treat! You don’t have to worry about your ticket, and I’ll buy you an obnoxiously over-priced lunch, courtesy of the mouse.”
Touya shot him a disbelieving look, and the pencil in his hand began to smolder. “Tenko, what the hell. Who else is coming?”
“Just you, me, and Himiko,” Tenko answered, and was cut off by Touya groaning loudly. “C’mon, it’s Disneyland! Haven’t you ever been to Disneyland before?”
“Oh sure, yeah, the old man used to take us every weekend. We got pictures of him posing with Goofy.”
“Great, then—wait, really?”
“No, you fucking idiot!” Touya snapped. “I wasn’t even allowed to watch movies until he decided training me was a waste of time!”
“Oh,” Tenko said softly, and for a moment Touya thought the conversation was over. “Ohoho.” Something about Tenko’s tone made him look up, and he found Tenko staring at him with wide eyes and a grin that showed just a few too many teeth.
“Tenko, what—”
“I get to show you Disneyland,” Tenko said gleefully.
“Yeah, no.” Touya turned back to the inventory. “Have fun with Himiko, bye.”
“Touya, come on,” Tenko gritted out, walking into the back room and closing the door behind him. “You have to come. You can’t make me go alone with her!”
“Why not?” Touya asked. “She likes you better than me.”
“Because I need you to help me rein her in so she doesn’t get me perma-banned from Disneyland!”
It was frustratingly hard not to laugh at that. “What do you need my help for?” he asked. “What makes you think I’ll be any better at keeping her from biting the park staff than you are?”
Tenko shot him an impressive stink-eye. “Oh, I’m sorry, which one of us was an older sibling again?”
“Oh, what, you think that means I’m genetically predisposed to wrangling infants? That’s weak, Tenko.” He turned away with what he hoped was finality. “Have fun without me.”
After a moment of silence, Tenko answered, “I mean, we will. I didn’t think you’d be so bent on missing the show.”
Damn him, that was a good point. “If you’re so excited to drag me to a corporate shitshow of obvious pandering to a target audience, then why do you want me to come on the one day you’re pretty much guaranteed to get kicked out?”
“Because everybody and their grandma will have a camera and internet access, and if we end up plastered all over the internet, there’s a chance somebody’ll look at it and say, ‘Hey, isn’t that Endeavor’s kid getting maced by Minnie Mouse?’”
Touya whipped around to scowl at him. Tenko offered a disarming smile.
“Bullshit,” Touya retorted. “The mascots don’t carry mace. Do they?”
“Nah. Disney’s kind of obsessed with their squeaky-clean image. Did you know that if you die in Disneyland, they won’t let the paramedics call it until you’re out of the park so they can pretend nobody has ever died in Disneyland?”
“How many people die in Disneyland?” Touya demanded.
Tenko blinked. “None, weren’t you listening?”
For a while, Touya stared at him. Tenko stared back. This was a losing battle, and he knew it. Tenko had the patience of a brick wall. “You’re not gonna let this go, are you?”
Touya put down the clipboard with a thud. “God damn it. Why are we friends? I hate you.” He turned back to glower at him. “When are we going?”
Obviously Himiko pouted when she found out that Touya was coming along on their little impromptu day trip, which was why Tenko waited to tell her until they were about to leave. She liked his company enough to prefer it over anyone else’s, and that wouldn’t do. Exclusive one-on-one positive contact with Tenko and Tenko only did not a well-socialized human being make. Tenko wished he could have invited some more people, but Himiko had sprung this on him on incredibly short notice, so there was no time to bribe anyone else to do it. Besides, his pocket money was limited and a day pass to Disneyland was like, eight thousand yen.
So they were going with Touya, and if Himiko wanted to complain about it, then Disneyland had plenty of distractions available. Once they got through the line, of course.
Tenko and Touya passed through the security check without any problems, because they weren’t stupid. Himiko, naturally, set off the metal detector.
“God damn it,” Touya muttered under his breath. “Why did we bring her again?”
“They were her tickets,” Tenko hissed back. “Technically, we’re the ones who brought you along.”
“Oh, yeah. Why did you bring me again?”
“What’s left of my sanity,” Tenko said out of the corner of his mouth. On the other side of the security gate, Himiko offered a cherubic smile that showed off just a little too much gumline, as the long-suffering security guard pulled a small metal device out of her purse. It was a nail clip, with attachments: a file, a buffer, a cuticle nipper, a cuticle pusher—basically any metal tool required in a manicure. It was like a Swiss army knife without the knife.
With a sigh, the employee put the manicure set back in her bag and waved her through. Himiko joined them with a skip in her step, and together they made their way past the entrance and into the World Bazaar.
“Did you seriously need to bring that?” Tenko asked. “What, are you planning on setting up a nail salon in the Space Mountain line?”
“Nope!” Himiko chirped. “I just didn’t want them to look harder.” She kicked up one heel so she could reach it with her hand. From inside her sock she produced an actual Swiss army knife.
“Himiko, what the fuck—”
“I can’t believe you actually bought those,” Touya said, glaring as if Tenko had personally affronted him.
“Bought what?” Tenko said innocently, reaching up to touch his mouse ears. “These? I brought these from home.”
“You still bought them at some point!”
“I think they look cute, Ten-chan!” Himiko hung onto his arm, squeezing tight enough to measure his blood pressure with her bare hands. “Don’t listen to him, he’s no fun! They look super cute, especially with your hair!”
Tenko let himself preen a little, because at least someone had good taste.
“Are those rose gold?” Touya asked.
“And you seriously shelled out for that?” Touya pulled a face. “Last month you tore me a new asshole for wanting to buy hero merch.”
“Oh fuck you—hi.” Tenko paused to wave at the park employee who was leveling a cheerfully pointed customer service smile at him. “Touya, you wanted to buy the store’s entire stock of Endeavor merch just so you could burn it.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Touya said sullenly. Himiko pouted, because she usually tried to avoid agreeing with Touya on principle.
“Uh, one, pollution,” Tenko said, counting off on his fingers. “Two, your money management sucks and you need to get it together. And three, you’re still giving money to the guy you hate. If you really want to snub him, just shoplift it. Or bootleg it. And speaking of which, that’s exactly what I did.” He gestured vaguely upward.
“Those are bootleg Mickey Mouse ears?”
“Bought ‘em from an artist on Etsy,” Touya said proudly. “The mouse had just sent her a cease-and-desist, so I got a pretty sweet deal.”
“Ten-chan, can I wear them?” Himiko asked. “I’ve always wanted Disney ears!”
He tugged on one of her side-buns, making her squeak. “Don’t waste your money, you already got ‘em.”
“I’m in hell,” Touya said serenely, slipping further and further down in his seat. “This is hell, right? It has to be hell.”
“I’m getting more of a purgatorian wasteland vibe,” Tenko remarked. “Like, this isn’t quite on the level of, say, Chuck E. Cheese, in terms of children’s media hope-abandonment, but… I dunno. I can imagine this playing as I eternally wander in search of penance for my past sins, or something.”
“I’m just waiting for one of those furry bastards to step off the stage and straight-up eat a kid,” Touya said, earning a glare from a nearby grandmother. “Like that one, with the guitar and the pouty mouth. Imagine that guy just unhinging his jaw like a snake and swallowing a toddler in the front row.”
“Huh.” Tenko leaned on one hand, squashing his cheek to the side. “Yeah, I could see it.”
Two seats down, Himiko continued to bounce and sing along to the twanging country music, blissfully unaware of the dull-eyed mother of three popping an aspirin and glaring at her.
“Okay, so we’ve been through the World Bazaar, Westernland, Adventureland, Critter Country—”
“I wanna go on Splash Mountain again!” Himiko cheered, throwing her hands in the air excitedly. She nearly punched Touya in her enthusiasm, but he quickly sidled out of the way, pulling the map close so that she wouldn’t tear a hole in it by accident.
“We can do that later,” he informed her. “We’re in Fantasyland—hang on, why am I the map guy?”
“You’re the oldest,” Tenko said.
“This trip was your idea! I didn’t even want to come!”
“Really? Because that wasn’t what you said when we got off of Thunder Mountain—” Tenko spotted a nearby face character and hung an immediate left. “Oh hey, I just found our next stop.”
Touya lowered the map. “What? Where? If we want to fit everything in before the park closes, then we have to hurry up and get to—”
“Yeah-yeah-yeah whatever,” Tenko called over his shoulder. “This won’t take long, I just want a quick selfie with Alice.”
Touya caught up to him just so that Tenko would see his incredulous look. “Why?”
Tenko stared back. “Seriously? That’s my favorite Disney movie!”
“Since when?”
“Since I saw it! How do you not know this already?”
“I did!” Himiko piped up. “It’s my favorite, too! I love the Red Queen.”
“No, wait a minute.” Touya squinted at him. “You told me literally an hour ago that your favorite Disney princess was Aurora because, and I quote, ‘I, too, want to sleep for a hundred years and let some other asshole fight a rosebush while I enjoy my coma.’”
“Oh, yeah, I was just being a dick,” Tenko said. “Alice in Wonderland rules. No dead parents bullshit, just eighty minutes of plotless colorful mindfuck.” Before Touya could protest any further, Tenko ducked in to grab his selfie. To his credit, it did take less than a minute. Tenko wasn’t picky about selfies. Unfortunately, Himiko immediately wanted one of her own, which then became three, and then ten…
The Alice jumped, and for a split second she seemed to struggle to stay in character.
“Oops!” Himiko chirped. “Did I pinch you by accident? Sorry!” Before the Alice could reply, Himiko darted back to the boys.
“Okay, you both have your stupid selfies,” Touya said impatiently. “Now can we hurry up and get to—”
“There’s a gift shop!” Himiko shrieked. “I’m gonna go see the gift shop!” Before either of them could answer, she raced off through the crowd.
Touya groaned loudly before Tenko dragged him after her. “Yeah yeah, hurry up and let’s catch up before she stabs someone.”
It was easier said than done; the store was packed and the aisles were almost mazelike. “Is there a fake weapons section?” Touya asked. “We’ll probably find her there.”
“Nah, this is mostly clothes…” Tenko looked around. “Maybe… there! I see her!”
“By the costume dresses, come on!”
Sure enough, to their immense relief, they found her pouting over a rack of child-sized princess dresses, with minimal carnage left in her wake. “None of these will fit me,” she fretted.
“Duh,” Tenko said flatly. “Adults can’t cosplay in the parks or they’ll get confused with the face characters. Kids get a pass because nobody’s gonna mistake a four-year-old for a Disney employee.”
Himiko looked close to wailing as they gently herded her from the store. “But—but—”
“I’ll buy you one online when we get home, now come on before Touya throws a tantrum.”
Touya folded up the park map and slapped him with it.
“Guys! Guys! Ten-chan look! Look at that Cinderella! She’s so pretty!”
“Himiko, there’s a line!”
“You can’t just trample children, you’re gonna get us kicked out!”
“Me next! Me next! Ohhhh, I want a dress like that! Ten-chan, won’t I look pretty in that dress?”
“Personally,” Touya remarked as they stood outside the park gates near closing time. “I can’t believe we didn’t get kicked out.”
“We had some close calls,” Tenko said. “I thought we were done for back at the Cinderella castle for sure. Also five minutes ago. I can’t believe we actually got out of that.”
“You guys worry too much!” Himiko said blithely from behind a bush. “I’m very charming.”
Touya scowled. “Himiko, you literally had to turn into a different person and point security in the wrong direction.”
“And they believed me, because I’m charming!” Himiko stepped back out onto the sidewalk, once more clothed and wearing her own face. “Thanks for the clothes, Ten-chan.”
“I figured you were gonna need them at some point.” Tenko rubbed his eyes wearily. “Let’s just go home so I can take an aspirin and sleep.”
“And find a Cinderella dress for me online,” Himiko added.
Tenko’s headache kicked up a notch. “Damn it, I was hoping you forgot.”
“Nope! I remember everything you’ve ever told me.”
“Hey Ten-chan. Ten-chan.”
“Yeah, Himiko.”
“I just wanted you to know I was kidding about the princess dress. I don’t even need it!”
“Wanna know why?”
“Yeah sure.”
“You’re not even looking! You have to look.”
Distracted, Tenko turned to look at her, and promptly fell out of his chair when he found himself staring at the Cinderella face character from the park, smiling Himiko’s smile.
“Is it too much?” The disguise sloughed off of her, revealing the Alice face character instead. “How about this, Ten-chan? You said Alice was your favorite, right?”
“Himiko, what the fuck.”
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szopenhauer · 4 years
How was your day?: it wasn’t good.
Would you ever try to count to 5,000 for $5,000?: I’d try
When is the last time you took a picture of yourself?: last days
When did you last take a shower?: I’m going to take a bath soon
What song are you listening to?: The Weeknd - Blinding Lights
Last sentence you said aloud?: not sure what was last
What is the point of scented pens/pencils/erasers? ppl like to smell stuff I guess Do you buy/wear band-aids with cartoon characters on them? they’re usually not sticking well enough  What do you think your reaction would be upon entering the White House? meh, they could spend those money better by helping ppl, nobody needs such a big house - president or not, we’re not in medieval times and guards would have less to do 
Do you buy and wear crazy looking socks? I would like to Would you run down the street wearing a tutu, fishnets, & flippers? topless? for how much tho  Have you ever grown your own sea monkeys or dinosaurs? nope
Did you ever own an Etch-a-Sketch? yes, I loved it so much, I miss it Do/did you ever have glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling? on my wall and furniture, I still have some left Does your house have an attic? it does Have you ever gone white-water rafting? no and don’t want to Does your grandma wear an apron when she cooks? she did How often do you need “me” time? all the time? :x Does it bother you that almost everything is done on computers now? sometimes, a little bit Have you ever gotten stuck in a revolving door? I haven’t What animal do you most resemble while eating? dunno but it reminds me of that yt video - how animals eat their food lmfao Would you play Jumanji, if given the chance? someone already plays it this year
Do you text/call while going to the bathroom?  I might but prefer not to Do you always make sure your cell phone is charged before going somewhere? and powerbank too Did you get Happy Meals just for the toys as a kid? only once, I got Eeyore that I still own Have you ever seen your parents cry?  of course
Do you often shift blame towards others? usually it’s other way around? Do you ever feel like you’re smarter than your boss? I don’t have a job Your very first best friend: Is he/she STILL your best friend? not counting my family - no Have you ever witnessed a crime? minor What’s the coolest personalized license plate you’ve ever seen? I saw a bunch :D Do you write grey or gray? grey, it doesn’t have 50 shades
If you make surveys, how do you decide about its title? I don’t add titles as you can see, that’s stupid
When are you going back to school? never?
What do you do when you tell a really bad joke? my jokes are so bad that they’re good if you know what I mean ;)
Do you like having a huge group of friends or would you rather have few close friends? few close
Do you watch the TV Show Skins? If so, who’s your favorite character? fragments
Can you get a strike at bowling? I never tried bowling but would like to
Do you swallow chewing gum? wtf
Were you into the Beanie Baby craze? nah Would you ever wish to ride a dolphin? nope, I’m not fond of dolphins Do you ever watch the news just for the weather forecast? my parents did and that was dumb, I don’t like/believe in weather forecats If your remote was missing, where is the most likely place you’d find it? in dad’s stuff Ever considered the thought that kangaroos technically have fanny packs? hehe
When was the last time you blew bubbles? not that long time ago from what I remember Did the last doctor’s office you were in have a crappy magazine selection? it did indeed  Have you been to a restaurant where they cook the food in front of you? bakery only The last ball you threw was a… (baseball, basketball, etc.) childish ball for my niece Have you seen how much candidates for president are willing to spend for their campaign? it’s insane  Have you ever caught a friend snooping in your room? I have and that’s why I am afraid of leaving ppl alone in my room  Quick! Name the longest word starting with the letter ‘J’ you can think of: jurisdiction was the first that came to my mind  Do you still write letters to people, even though there’s e-mail now? no longer but not because of e-mail’s existence
Have you ever taken a survey with a friend, listing both answers?: I tagged my friends in the past 
Do you know a guy who has hair longer than yours?: not currently
What color was the last cup you drank out of?: it’s a llama mug (minty color)
If you’re in school, what do you do to fill in time between classes?: there was never enough time for me
Where was the last place you got lost?: mall or park
When was the last time you had cheesecake?: this year
When you last shed tears, was it because of a person?: partially
Other than yours, whose house did you last fall asleep at?: John and P
Have you ever had a significant other whose parents didn’t like you?: looks like it
What’s so unique about your computer?: what’s on it - pictures/memes/documents
What’s one thing you have never done? I didn’t do lots of stuff and don’t want to many of them actually
What is one trend you wish you have been a part of? I’m not into trends in general
Do you enjoy reading fanfictions? About who? Or do you write fanfictions, too? nah
What is something you own that you wish was in your favorite color? it’s not that important
Is there someone from your past that you wish you had dated? used to think that way, no longer
Can you snap with both your hands? If not, which hand can you snap with? both but not every single time
Do you like cosplays? I tried cosplays but it’s not for me and I’m a bit traumatised by it due to experiences from the past, they remind me of someone and not only so I prefer not to follow/look at those related to anime mostly
If you were to participate in one, what/who would you dress up as? I’d dress up as characters I relate to
Do you sometimes answer surveys with “Idk”/“Idr” because you’re too lazy? I just realized that I don’t, wow, I used to do that all the damn time
Are you usually open to trying a new food that you aren’t familiar with? am not
Have you ever acted like a bitch and used PMS as an excuse? I don’t use PMS nor period as an excuse as it’s actually a stereotype and shouldn’t be an argument besides painful/uncomfy/annoying physical sensations and being unable to do some stuff due to that fact 
Do you know someone who brushes their teeth in the shower all the time? *shrug*
Have you ever tried doing that? Did you like it? Why or why not? tried and it’s not that good
Are you patient when it comes to instructing others? I’m not, sorry...
Do you listen to Panic At The Disco? nah
Name a band/artist you like that isn’t that popular.: I like many bands/artists that seem not very popular
Can you lift your significant other (your best friend if you’re single)?: can’t :(
Have you ever lost a pet you were attached to?: we had to give away
You can read minds; Whose mind do you snoop around in first?: hmm...
Do you ever talk to inanimate objects?: stuffed animals, kettle and fridge 
Have you ever tried to fold a piece of paper more than 7 times?: possibly
Your best friend needs a kidney to survive; Do you give them one of your’s?: oh my...
Your brother breaks into your house; Do you press charges?: ... ghost?
Would you rather have a huge cat or a tiny dog?: tiny dog <3
Do you use your hands when you talk to emphasize what you are saying?: do I?
Are you afraid to ask for help when you know that you need it?: depends
Should adopted kids be allowed to find their birth parents if they want to?: I guess
You’re writing a novel; Is it horror, mystery, romance, etc.?: sci-fi/fantasy
Will you usually admit it when you’ve made a mistake? would say so
Does your name begin with a B, L, R, or T?: Z
Could you go a day without texting?: but she couldn’t and we don’t want to
Do you have a step-parent?: I don’t
If so, do you get along with them?: -
Do you have any nieces or nephews?: one
Does your current/last job require that you wear a uniform?: one of jobs that I had
Who is your 23rd phone contact and how do you know them?: I don’t have this many
If the last person you kissed proposed to you what would you say?: try me
Where is your dad right now?: sleeping 
Are there any writing utensils close to you? several
Look up, what do you see? ceiling
Do you have a bigger upper or lower lip? lower
Do you have any screen names with spelling errors? luckily not
Open the nearest drawer and tell me what’s inside it: I know it’s empty, don’t have to open it
How many other rooms can you currently see into? my door is closed
Do you need to take the trash out? already done
Do you need to clean out a litter box right now? we don’t have a cat anymore
Are these questions reminding you of things you put off to do this survey? nah
How many days have you been wearing those clothes? 1
Do you like listening to 60’s music? some songs
Can you move your nose? many ways
Can you wiggle your ears? my dad can
How many songs have you downloaded this week? I don’t download songs
Would you rather be a pirate or robot? robot, can’t robot be a pirate tho?
Would you rather be a ghost or a zombie? ghost 
Have you ever considered living in a bomb shelter? I’d be scared to live underground
If I gave you a piano and told you hit middle c, could you? nooo
do you think it’s weird for someone to have never tried soda?   not really
which floor of your house/building are you on now? there’s basement under me and attic above me
would you ride a motorcycle if given the chance? (or have you?) I would, haven’t yet
what are your thoughts on reincarnation? (have you ever read up about it?) it’s possible
does your home have a balcony/deck/porch? balcony
how would you feel about traveling abroad alone? anxious
do you have an interesting passport? I don’t have a passport
what happens to your old clothes? I donate them, give them to ppl I know, reuse them, sell them etc.
who supports you financially? my parents 
if you wanted to go to the movie cinema, how would you get there? walking then by bus then walk again
have you ever had a crush on a sibling’s friend or a friend’s sibling? minor
do you know much about feng shui? (do you use it?) not much, I don’t use it
what’s your favorite spot to read? librocubicularist
did you know that buddha is not considered a god to buddhists? ok
do you save tickets from movies, etc.?   saved some
without looking him up, who was jim morrison? vocalist
do you have a nervous habit? several
would you be/are you a good role model to a younger sibling? nah
1 note · View note
worddevdealswithml · 5 years
Failed Step 1 (And 2 (And 3))
Chapter 19: Let’s Dance
As she’d seen them put down their cups, and start back towards the dancefloor, Chloe had practically shuddered, as she started moving almost unthinkingly after them.  Technically, she should have thought her actions through, but the impulse had overwhelmed any sense of restraint.
She caught up to them as they were already back on the dancefloor a few feet, and, as they paused for an instant, readying themselves-
“Well…  She seems to be having a good time,” said Marinette, scrolling up through the messages that had gone out to most of the class.
It was coming up on 8, now, and about 10 minutes ago, there had come a rapid barrage of messages, followed by a slow stream, that had gone out to most of the girls in the class, from Rose, who, apparently, was having a great deal of fun watching the festivities.
Alya laughed.  “Fancy clothes, and dancing to follow?  I’m pretty sure that as far as she’s concerned, it doesn’t get better than that.”
Nino came back from the kitchen with a large plate of microwaved pizza rolls.
“Rose is watching the rich-people ball,” said Alya.
“Oh, no kidding?”
“She seems to be having the time of her life doing it, too,” said Marinette, “although, I guess it’d be a bit more like one of the times of her life, since… She watches this every year.”
“Oh really?” said Alya, still scrolling, “Oh, Marinette, you did read the bit where she said she’d spotted Adrien, right?”
Marinette looked at her questioningly.
“And she was talking about how fancy he was, and how…”  Alya trailed off.
“I mean… Yeah, I did see that bit…”
Alya raised her eyebrows.
“And you’re not bolting off to go see how he looks?”
Marinette was silent.
“Did you already check.”
“…Yes.  And I’m really trying not to panic over the New Year’s Dance thing.”
“You know what, girl?  I’m proud of you for that,” said Alya.  “If you want my opinion, people put way too much stock in that kind of thing.”
“Well, maybe Marinette won’t go get some pictures, but I’m definitely gonna,” said Nino, pulling out his own phone.
The other two gave him confused looks.
He shrugged.
“Listen, dudes, if you don’t get pictures of your best friend when he’s in a suit, and put penguin jokes as the captions, are you really friends?”
Alya and Marinette shared a glance.
Nino shrugged.  “I dunno, man. Adrien likes puns, and I know for a fact he thinks the suit they’ve got him in is uncomfortable.  So…  Penguin jokes.”
“I don’t think it’s actually a tuxedo.”
“Possibly off-brand penguin jokes,” said Nino, brow furrowing.
“Well what if we put you in a suit, and let Alya give you a taste of your own medicine?”
“Nah,” said Nino, laughing.  “Put Alya in the suit, put me in a dress.  I can make penguin jokes about Alya, completely avoid return fire, and I’d probably confuse Rose, too.”
Alya laughed, and Marinette shook her head in amusement.
“I think you’re underestimating Rose.”
“Well, definitely the first two things, then,” he said, shrugging.
“I think I could make you forget to make penguin jokes,” said Alya, winking.
Nino nodded his head from side to side. “I’m not seeing a bad outcome here. You’re on.”
“Well, you’re welcome to commission me,” said Marinette.
“Aw, no discount for your friends?” said Alya.
“Absolutely not.  It’s either a gift, or it’s full price.  But I’d be happy to give you some free designs to consider.”
“Hit me with ‘em,” said Nino.
“Alright,” said Marinette, reaching into her bag for her journal, and making a show of taking out a pen.
Carefully, Marinette turned in the journal until she found a blank page.
A few seconds passed, marked only by the sound of pen on paper.
“Hm…” said Marinette, cocking her head, slightly.
“What is it, dude?” said Nino.
She looked up.
“How do you feel about miniskirts?”
For Adrien, the hours seemed to drag, on and on.
The speeches, of course, had been basically like being back in school, and frankly, some of it made for an interesting look into the thought processes of some of Paris’ wealthiest people, which, despite being similarly rich, he didn’t usually understand.
Then, of course, the food came around, and unfortunately, wasn’t served buffet-style, however much Adrien wished it was.  It was good food, of course, but after how long he’d been waiting for it, what he really wanted was more food.
It was enough to redouble his wish that he was spending the night with his friends.
Nathalie, of course, was sitting next to him, and if he was unsatisfied after the meal, he had to assume that it was worse for her, since she hadn’t even received a plate.
Then, of course, after the eating, there was about a half-hour where people just milled around, supposedly to talk, but in Adrien’s case, much more to take advantage of the snack bar for all it was worth.
He’d half-expected Kagami to come find him, but either she didn’t spot him, or she wasn’t looking, because he was left blissfully free to consume canapés, crackers, cheese, and all the punch he could get his hands on, and a bit extra for Plagg.  Even Nathalie seemed to be busy carrying around the tablet with his father’s face on it, which meant Adrien had no supervision, for a very limited value of ‘no.’
By the time he turned around, finally somewhere approaching full, it was 9:55, and the band was getting into position.  A space was being cleared for dancing, and Adrien had little doubt that that meant-
“Adrien,” said Kagami, laying a hand lightly on his shoulder.
He stifled a miniature heart attack, as he practically jumped to face her.
He hadn’t had a chance to see her until now, and…
Her dress was a deep, blood red, and she had an immaculately simple black jacket overtop of it, with her family crest done in white on one lapel.
Adrien, as a model, would probably have put her in a suit, if he’d been in charge of deciding, but… Well, it was Kagami, and they had at least given her a jacket.
“Hello Kagami,” he said.  “You look great tonight.”
She smiled, gently.  “You do too, Adrien.”
Adrien might have disagreed, but decided not to, since… Well, what good would it do anyone?
There was a long pause.
“So…  I guess we dance?” he said.
“I assume so,” said Kagami.  “I don’t see why else my mother would require I take lessons.”
Adrien laughed.  “Yours too?  Or… Well, not… Not my mother, but my father.”
“I understand,” she said.
They didn’t start immediately, and Adrien was grateful, even if he didn’t fully understand why.  Maybe Kagami was also a bit uncertain?
And then, finally, as they’d stood there, barely conversing, for almost ten minutes, Kagami finally seemed to reach her tipping point, and took his hand, pulling him in as one song faded out, and another began.
There was a moment’s hesitation as they got ready, which was strange, especially for Kagami, but then…
She placed her hand on his shoulder, and he placed one on her waist, and he caught the tell-tale signs of… disappointment?
He didn’t know why, if she wanted to lead, she hadn’t, but… he also didn’t know why he hadn’t placed his hand on her shoulder first.
Either way…
Adrien couldn’t quite feel good about this.
Of course, Kagami was beautiful, and he really did like her, but…  He knew, guaranteed, that she wasn’t Ladybug, which meant that he was stuck with an insoluble discomfort at how their respective parents were pushing them towards each other.
And, of course, as if that hadn’t been enough, there was the whole significance attached to who you were dancing with at midnight. They said that it was a good sign for your romantic relationship with that person, and Adrien wasn’t sure whether he really felt comfortable with that kind of pressure.
Yet another reason why he’d have preferred to be spending tonight with his friends. Well…  His friends who weren’t Kagami.
But…  Well…  Kagami was his friend, wasn’t she?
There was nothing wrong with dancing with your friend.
Internally, Adrien let out a soft breath, and…
Tried to let go.
Tonight, he got to stay out late. Tonight, he got to spend actual, not-sparring time with a friend.  He got to dance.  He hadn’t had the chance to properly dance since Chloe’s party, which had been a long time ago.
That wasn’t so bad, right?
The dancing had started around 10, and Marinette had tried, and failed, to keep herself from getting distracted from her high-stakes game of dominoes.
The problem, unfortunately, was Rose, who had started sending around messages about how great Adrien and Kagami looked as they danced together.
Marinette had looked down one minute, and…  She hadn’t been able to keep herself from checking the live feed.
By the time she’d found the two of them in the crowd, she’d almost missed her turn; Nino had played a jack, which meant that he got to move one of the dominoes to a position of his choosing, regardless of whether it technically should have been useable there.
Marinette was pretty sure these weren’t the standard rules, but took her turn anyway, before almost feverishly checking back in.
They were dancing, but… That didn’t tell her anything she didn’t already know.
She checked back in, of course, every few minutes but as the hour faded past, Marinette only succeeded in losing more games of whatever Lahiffe specialty she’d been roped into.
Alya seemed to know the rules perfectly, but as 11:10 came around, Marinette had won exactly none of the 4 games they’d played.
It was at 11:15 that the messages started bombarding her phone again, faster than before.
RL: oh my goddd
RL: guys you’ve got to see this
RL: its amazing!!!!!
Marinette had blinked, but, assuming that Rose had to still be talking about the dancing, she quickly switched apps, and stared at the screen, searching for… Whatever it was that Rose had seen.
She didn’t need to look.  The cameraman had apparently spotted what was going on, and had made the snap judgement to focus on it.
Her eyes widened.
“Dude?  You gonna…  Play?” Nino seemed to trail off at her expression.
Alya leaned over, craning her neck to see the screen.
“So…  wait,” she said, blinking, uncomprehending, at the screen.
Nino, giving up on getting Marinette to play, joined the group.
It was… a few minutes ago.  11:07.
The first, and greatest problem, was that Chloe had been bored.  She had been bored for hours, now, and even her phone wasn’t assuaging that issue.  She hadn’t gotten to talk to Adrien.  She barely knew anyone here.  And, she was a dancer.
That last point, theoretically, shouldn’t have been an issue in the slightest, except for the fact that she hadn’t gotten to show it off, but…
Well, suffice to say that to her own raw discontent, she was on the list of people that Rose’s frankly infuriating messages went to.
Chloe had little patience for Rose on a good day, but today, of all days, when she was gushing about how Kagami and Adrien were ‘walking on air…’  
For one thing, it was downright inaccurate.  Chloe knew ‘walking on air,’ and that was not it. For another, she had stopped mentioning Chloe after, like, minute five of the dinner, which, like…  she deserved a couple extra mentions.
Hands clenched at her side, Chloe had seen Kagami and Adrien step out of the dance for a moment, presumably to take some drinks.
What she wanted to do was start a fight, but even Chloe, with her raw confidence, knew better; it would be social suicide.
So, what?  What was she supposed to do?
Her neck had to be solid steel, right now, as tense as it was.
And then…
As she’d seen them put down their cups, and start back towards the dancefloor, Chloe had practically shuddered, as she started moving almost unthinkingly after them.  Technically, she should have thought her actions through, but the impulse had overwhelmed any sense of restraint.
She caught up to them as they were already back on the dancefloor a few feet, and, as they paused for an instant, readying themselves-
“Excuse me,” she said, her voice miraculously level, and even.
They turned, in unison, to face her.
It didn’t even sound like her voice.
“Do you mind…?”  She let the question hang in the air, letting the context do her work for her.
The two of them looked at each other.
Chloe’s eyes flicked rapidly between their faces.  Adrien was obviously uncertain, looking to Kagami for advice.
Kagami…  Chloe could practically see the gears spinning behind her eyes, and then…
Almost imperceptibly, she shrugged, in a ‘why not,’ kind of way.
The two of them turned to face her, and Adrien said, a trifle uncertainly, “I… I suppose not?” his hands coming up slightly, ready to dance.
The grin spread across Chloe’s face.
She stepped forward, and placed a hand on Kagami’s waist.
“Let’s dance.”
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dusk-realm · 6 years
Chrysanthemum [Chapter 4: Departure]
The previous parts:
Chapter 1: https://dusk-realm.tumblr.com/post/181935653630/chrysanthemum-part-1-light-heart-heavy-heart
Chapter 2: https://dusk-realm.tumblr.com/post/182501082445/chrysanthemum-part-2-caught-in-a-lie
Chapter 3: https://dusk-realm.tumblr.com/post/182659399705/chrysanthemum-part-3-the-wand-chooses-the
A/N: I really need to find out how to make a masterlist D:
A/N 2: this may feel a bit like a filler, but it actually isn’t. I decided to split the text I had originally planned because this part was already 3k words long and I didn’t want tumblr to cut the text at some random point.
Tagging: @featurelengthfics​
Special thanks to @fallern618, whose gentle words encouraged me to continue with my writing.
They went past the heavy gargoyle for the second time that day. (Y/N), not having been able to satiate her curiosity, gawked at the enormous room, filled with portraits and all sorts of curious and strange objects of  all materials. That is, she could only allow herself to be mesmerized until she spotted Dumbledore looking at her with one of his signature smiles, making her get embarrassed at her own lack of restraint and her cheeks blush in shame. She didn’t see it, but Snape was smirking behind her, and Dumbledore’s smile widened in form of silent complicity.
‘Did you wish to see me, Professor?’
‘Yes, Miss (Y/L/N), come forward, don’t be shy.’ He cheered. (Y/N) did as told and approached the old man, who took and raised her hand softly for Fawkes to perch himself on her arm. Her eyes lit up with excitement as a wide grin spreaded on her face.
‘Do you enjoy magical creatures, (Y/N)?’ Dumbledore asked merrily, although he already knew the answer judging by the admiration in her visage.
‘I do.’ The girl smiled widely as she petted softly Fawkes’ crimson feathers. An ugly screech came from somewhere in the office. (Y/N) raised her head to where the noise had come from. It was annoying, and disruptive, and ugly, and familiar.
‘Chilli?’ She called, and another unpleasant screech answered.
‘What is my owl doing here, sir?’ The girl inquired.
‘I arranged your belongings to be brought here, my dear, but we will eventually get to that. Chilli made quite a fuss, though. He didn’t agree on leaving your dorm.’
‘Well, yes… He is a grumpy old man. He doesn’t respond to his name unless he sees his treat, and he hasn’t allowed me to touch him ever since I bought him. He likes to bite.’
‘I see…’ Dumbledore let out a long, knowingly hum, hiding one of his hands between his thick beard and his extravagant robes. (Y/N) didn’t notice the gesture as she was too busy getting the heavy bird to perch on her other arm. She was starting to have cramps and Fawkes seemed way too comfortable there to leave for his own perch.
‘If you enjoy animals, (Y/N), I would highly recommend you to choose Care of Magical Creatures for your third year as an elective.’ Dumbledore continued casually.
You can’t be talking seriously.
‘I will consider it, sir, but the third course is still far for me…’ She answered with a hint of disappointment in her voice. It’s true, that issue was still looming around. What would she do? Was it even worth continue trying? What for? He can’t have the nerve to speak to me about the third year, can he?
‘Maybe it is not as far as you think, young lady.’
Oh fuck off.
‘What..?’ She raised her head once again towards the headmaster with a soft frown. Are you messing with me? ‘What do you mean..?’
‘I have observed you playing with the professors. You are more than capable of doing magic; seeing your struggles to raise your grades for the past two years, I have decided that you shall pass all the remaining subjects of the first course. In September, you will be joining the second course.’ He announced. (Y/N) blinked a few times in disbelief. Her ears buzzed and her hands began trembling and sweating without control.
‘I… What? Pass? You’re… passing me?’ The girl swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly felt dry and her tongue was nothing but an alien piece of dried leather. She turned around as to seek confirmation from her Head, which made Fawkes spread his wings to keep balance on his now wiggly perch. (Y/N) saw a puffed up Snape, who glanced confidently at her with his black eyes strangely glittering.
Does this really mean..?
‘But you can’t do that,’ she stated, turning around again towards Dumbledore, ‘we’re out of term.’ Dumbledore chuckled gently and offered his arm to Fawkes before reassuringly resting his free hand on the student’s shoulder.
‘There’s no need to be so strict with yourself, my girl. Now that you have your own wand, I see no sense in making you repeat the first course for the third time. Being Headmaster has its advantages.’ He finished with a cheeky wink at the girl, who still couldn’t get over her shock.
‘I pass on… to Second Year.’ She pronounced, looking at Snape for the third time. It felt so strange to be pronouncing those words, as if it was a sentence in a foreign language yet to be learned. She needed to speak them aloud, give them a dimension of reality, some weight, some attachment or link grounding her feet to earth, reassuring her that it was true and not some abject delusion. It took two years. Two full years to achieve that. Her face suddenly lit up with enthusiasm, nearly squealing when she next spoke.
‘I passed, Professor Snape!!’
‘Save some of that excitement, dear (Y/N), for what I have to tell you now, ’ Dumbledore added after letting a roaring laughter out.
‘I hope it’s more good news!’ She revealed cheerfully. Dumbledore nodded before replying:
‘As I have become aware of your situation, young one, Severus here has very kindly offered to take you in for the summer. You won’t have to worry about food, homing or your school supplies. Does that sound good?’ Albus tempted.
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore how could you say that to her you little-
But a gentle voice interrupted Severus’ stream of thought.
‘You.. offered… to take me in? Like… a protégée?’
Severus tried his best to keep a straight face.
‘Yes, you will stay with me since you don’t have any relatives to send you with.’ Snape declared. His scowl deepened as he spoke, seething with anticipated anger. None of the students would be happy to spend a whole three months with Professor Snape, after all. The Professor Snape was very well aware of the fame he had earned himself. He was already anticipating a rejection at best, maybe even a face of disdain, or maybe even disgust: ‘If you have any inconvenient as to coming with me, let me remind you tha-’
‘Thank you.’
‘What did you say?’
‘Thank you, professor.’ She gladly repeated, letting a beaming smile wash away her preoccupations. Snape gaped, finding himself at loss of words for the first time in front of a student in many years, only to finally give up and look away in obvious embarrassment.
In the meanwhile, the eldest professor had been watching the scene develop from afar.
These two will be alright.
Noticing Professor Snape’s change of attitude, (Y/N) re-directed the conversation towards a more comfortable topic for him.
‘Do you live far from here, professor?’ She masked her realization by formulating her question in an innocent tone. It was an old custom of her; to see and not be seen, masking herself under an apparent obliviousness. She always preferred to act ignorant and keep her knowledge to herself, just in case it would render useful at some point.
The girl nodded in response, only once. From what she gathered from her memories of muggle primary school, Cokeworth was a former industrial city in the Midlands. Recalling her teachers’ despise for factory life, some flashes of the textbooks resurfaced in her brain. Cramped tiny houses, small streets, low hygiene, dirt, poverty.
‘Are we going to use floo powder again?’ She asked.
Snape shook his head softly and replied calmly:
‘We will apparate.’
‘I thought nobody could apparate inside Hogwarts?’
‘Indeed. We will be leaving the grounds in a carriage, then we will apparate. Hagrid should have one ready by now.’ Snape explained in his usual low voice. The aplomb of his words contrasted with (Y/N)’s hectic thoughts.
Y E S.
(Y/N) had adored the rides in carriages since the moment she set foot on Hogwarts. They were relaxing and it felt fancy, truth be told. Without further notice, Snape turned around and began walking outside of the office, without even saying goodbye to Professor Dumbledore. (Y/N) panicked and rushed to grab Chilli’s cage,
‘A-ah, Professor Snape, please wait!’ She called out, grabbing her luggage on her way out of the office.
‘Goodbye Professor Dumbledore, see you in September!’ She blurted before leaving, to which Dumbledore waved goodbye gently.
(Y/N) rushed behind the last peak of black robes that her eyes caught until she managed to catch up with the potions master. More or less. She would normally struggle to keep up with such a quick pace, let alone carrying a grumpy owl and her luggage. Snape silently guided her down and down the stairs, out of the castle, and down and down the endless stairs to the boat house. The teenager huffed and panted behind her professor.
No, no, you don’t need to help me with my luggage. No! Professor, I am alright, really. Well, if you insist…
She ironically rehearsed in her mind. Snape glared at her for a split second, just enough to make the other nearly shit in her pants.
Crap, it can’t be true.
They just made that up because he’s scary and they’re easy-to-read simpletons.
He can’t actually read minds.
Finally, (Y/N) could make out the figure of Hagrid, who was using his giant arm to protect his eyes from the intense summer sun. The girl did not have any particular relationship with the gamekeeper, but seeing him always felt warm and nurturing, and he had been helping out with her owl, so she gathered all her remaining strength and accelerated downstairs, leaving Professor Snape behind.
‘ ‘Ey, took ye long enough, ‘ow’s Chilli doin’?’ The half-giant ruffled the Slytherin’s hair with his hand as she chuckled lightly.
‘Still moulting himself, but at least he’s eating well.’ Hagrid stuck a finger through the cage’s spikes, not minding when Chilli nibbled it. Snape arrived while he was baby talking the owl, making him straighten up and clear his throat before helping (Y/N) to get her luggage in the boat and then jump in safely. Hagrid politely tended his hand to Professor Snape too, but he stepped in the boat on his own and sat down facing his student, to which she smiled awkwardly.
‘Professor, I’ve noticed that you don’t have any luggage with you…’ She noted politely. Meanwhile, Hagrid got in the boat, making it rock dangerously. Chilli didn’t appreciate it either and he let out a shriek.
‘My suitcase is already prepared and waiting outside the grounds, Miss (Y/L/N). Mr. Filch is guarding it.’ He drily responded. ‘Thank you for your interest.’ He finally added, although (Y/N) could not tell if he was being sarcastic or if he really meant it, so she only acknowledged the information with a nod before going silent again. In the meantime, Severus kept his eyes fixated on her- he studied every inch of her body, every minimum gesture, her facial expression, her stance, her look. His mind was a turmoil of questions about her. He had been wanting to spend a few minutes talking with her, but he hadn’t had the chance to do so. Madam Pomfrey had had her almost secluded, and then Dumbledore and McGonagall moved faster while he was at Hogsmeade. Hogsmeade, true. He became aware of a little extra weight inside his cloak, which he gently checked with his right hand.
Maybe on another occasion. He told himself. Severus resumed his previous thread of thought. Isn’t this child way too content to come to stay at my house? He narrowed his eyes, as if he could induct an answer from some sort of  physical evidence. You don’t have parents, where were you living before? Only Merlin knows how I wish Dumbledore gave me a handbook or something. A n y information would be fine. Look what you got me into, you lousy-bearded bastard.
(Y/N) had grown increasingly uneasy. She was facing away from the castle, so the only landscape availbable was... Professor Snape. And evidently, she had noticed his incessant glare, as if he was going to jinx her or something. She tried to distract herself by watching Hagrid rowing, but there wasn’t much entertainment either halfway through the lake. The gamekeeper tried to comfort her every so often with a gentle smile, but it was still a rather difficult task when Snape wouldn’t take his eyes away from her, and most importantly, he woudn’t even bother try to be a little discreet.
This is going to be a looong summer.
She fidgeted with her fingers. She lowered her gaze slowly, and began watching  her worn-out shoes.
Damn, I’m going to need a new pair soon. Plus they hurt, I don’t think this is my size anymore. I guess I’ll have to go bare feet for the summer if I want them to last…
They almost distracted her from the fact that Snape hadn’t quitted staring at all, but of course, he had to snap her back into reality:
‘Miss (Y/L/N)?’ Snape called softly.
‘Y-yes?’ (Y/N) answered a bit startled.
‘I’m assuming you’re sure of having packed everything?’
‘Ah, yes, I have everything with me.’ Severus nodded at this and continued:
‘Good. We’re there.’ He got up as he spoke and tended his hand at her. Good thing he did, because the second she took it and got up from her seat, Hagrid did a pretty rough dock that made her nearly fall off into the water.
‘Hagrid!!’ She called out, startled, still trying to keep her balance while her heart thumped. Severus somehow managed to keep his and her feet firm on the wooden floor, all the while that damned owl became stressed and began screeching again.
‘Hoho, sorry princess.’ The half-giant dismissed her complaint and helped her to firm ground with one hand, and with the other the luggage was hoisted in a second.
‘Yer carriage awaits ye.’ He mocked, making a pompous reverence indicating a ‘horseless’ carriage. The majority of the kids thought that the carriages were charmed to move on their own, but (Y/N) (Y/L/N) knew better, even if everybody refused to believe it. From the first time she set foot on Hogwarts’ grounds, she had been able to see the thestrals pulling the carriages. They were beautiful, mesmerizing creatures, and they were for her eyes only. She had investigated on her own in the library, where she had discovered that they ate meat despite resembling horses. At the beginning and at the end of each course, she had the tradition of sneaking a piece or two of meat with her and feed it to whichever thestral was pulling her carriage as a treat. This time, she didn’t had the usual beef with her, but she did have some thawed mice that were supposed to be for Chilli. She peered at Professor Snape.
 Can you see them? She rhetorically asked in her mind. 
And Hagrid? You must know about them even if you don’t see them, you’re the gamekeeper. And you love animals so much. 
Cage and suitcase in hand, (Y/N) walked decisively to the carriage as if to manage her own belongings, which she did, but in the process, she walked around the front of the carriage and grabbed a mouse from a small compartment hidden at the bottom of Chilli’s cage. She discreetly hand fed the thestral, or so she thought, for Snape was suddenly by her side yanking her arm away from the creature.
‘Ouch!’ She whined.
‘May I know what, on, earth you’re doing? Do you want your fingers bitten off?!’ (Y/N)’s eyes averted in shock.
‘That means you see them! You don't only see them, you know about them!’ Severus grunted before answering.
‘I do, and you must be wary of them. You should know, that the Ministry gave them XXXX classification. Just below werewolves.’ He said, hoping to scare her enough to get some sense into her brain.
Do you have any sense of self-preservation at all, kid?
‘I know,’ she replied, very calmly, ‘and I know that the classification was given probably because of the stigma of being traditionally thought to be omens of death. Although I'll concede, wild thestrals must not be approached by someone without training, but these are puppy-dog tame.’
Snape looked as if he was going to say something, but Hagrid's deafening laughter erupted first.
‘Yer goin’ te be a great magizoologist, (Y/N)! Next year ye’ve got te come over fer tea.’
‘Of course! I'll come by to pay a visit, it sounds lovely.’ The girl promised with a soft smile stretching out her lips. Then, Hagrid raised a bit his eyebrows and pointed at the potions professor, who was waiting for her to get in the carriage.
‘Have a nice summer, princess.’ Hagrid mocked, to which she stuck her tongue out playfully before saying goodbye as well.
‘You too, Hagrid. Take care of yourself.’ She finally got into the carriage, and the thestral started pulling. Both of the passengers went dead silent again. Snape resumed his examination, and (Y/N) was terrified to look up and find a furious Snape.
‘Thestrals,’ he began after a few minutes, in a low velvety voice, ‘ are only visible to those… who have witnessed... death.’ He finished almost murmuring. His hands rested on his lap while the fingertips of one hand found the other’s. (Y/N) took a long breath in before glancing at him directly into the eyes. They were piercing and intense, but she kept her gaze and chose to simply nod.
‘It is, fairly rare, for a child so young as yourself to be able to see them, though.’ (Y/N) remained perfectly still, knowing very well where he was going. Again, she didn’t reply anything and instead, observed how Snape’s scowl grew deeper and deeper. He was preparing his next move, when (Y/N) firebacked:
‘So, is it common for school teachers to be able to see them, Professor Snape?’ She finished with her eyebrows slightly raised and her chin up, waiting expectant. With some luck, he would refuse to tell his own experience, considering how improper it would be from a teacher.
 Snape only let out a grave grunt and allowed silence to take over once again. The only sound left was the swaying of the carriage on the dirt road, there was no more conversation, no small talk either. But the same question crept in their minds:
What are you hiding?
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lightyagamiis · 6 years
kissing booth - one
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Pairing: reader x tom holland Genre: some fluff and maybe some future smut. kissing booth au Warnings: none Word Count: 1.8k *inspired by the netflix film kissing booth but with my own twists*
next part
February 14, 1999, you and your twin sister were born into this world.
Also on February 14, 1999, another pair of twins were born. Sam and Harry Holland.
Another crazy thing, your mothers are also very best friends. So of course, these set of twins grew up together, being best friends as well.
Your twin is super close with Harry, meanwhile, you’re close with Sam.
The four of you grew up being inseparable. Of course, being neighbors helped with that.
The Hollands were a bigger family compared to your own.
Your family only had your parents and you and your twin Emily, but the Hollands has the youngest Paddy, the twins Sam and Harry and then the oldest...Tom.
Tom is three years older, so that’s not exactly a big deal though...right?
Even though the set of twins were inseparable, you did have your little duos. Harry and Emily were more of the adventurist type. As children, they would drag Sam and yourself across every park in your town. It was their goal to climb every tree in every park. And because of that, both you and Sam ended up on crutches for nine months. The four of you were only five at the time. Sucks to be a five-year-old running around your first year of school on crutches. Not fun at all.
Sam and yourself weren’t all so adventurous. The two of you preferred going to the arcade or riding bikes around the town of getting ice cream at your favorite place or just ya know, sitting around the house reading a good book or playing video games together.
At age sixteen, Harry and Emily were allowed to go across the country for a hiking trail. Your parents and Sam’s parents went along with them.
Of course, Sam and yourself were happy that they didn’t tag the two of you along.
But that left you guys stuck with Paddy and Tom for a whole week.
Paddy was ten at the time and Tom was nineteen, so that left Tom being in charge of watching over us.
But it was also the day you realized you kinda liked Tom, more than just in a friend way.
You were reading your favorite book in the living room of the Holland’s home. Cuddled underneath your favorite baby blue blanket and a bowl of popcorn on the table.
Tom comes in from being outside with Sam and Paddy in the pool, dripping wet...and without a shirt on…
You rolled your eyes, seeing Tom walk into the house not only dripping wet but whatever putting his shirt back on.
You narrowed your eyes at him, and he slowly looks up at you after dusting his bare feet off from the dirt that attached.
“What?” He asked confused.
“You know exactly what Thomas, put on a shirt. You know your mother would kill you if she knew you walked in here without proper clothing on with a lady in the house.” You snapped.
Tom smirked, “lady? Where? I don’t see one.”
Your mouth opened wide as you gasped at his comment.
You close your book and throw it across the room at him. Of course, he has fast reflexes and shifts to the right, making your book fly and hit the wall.
“Sam is going to kill you for making that comment.”
“Nah,” Tom snickered, “he’d have to catch me first.”
He picked up your book, slowly walking it over to you and glancing at the title.
You hated Tom, or for awhile you hated him. He always made fun of you or teased you about something. It got worse as you got older.
But there was only one thing you didn’t hate about him, and that was he would defend you, Emily, Sam and Harry if anyone messed with us at school. Tom always said nobody and he repeats nobody, would fuck with his family.
But you still hated him for literally everything else.
“Chaos Walking huh?” Tom said still looking at the cover. “I read the books, pretty great series I do have to say so myself.”
As he hands you back your book you carefully looked up at him, “since when do you read books? Only thing I’ve ever seen you touch has been scripts for theater.”
Tom smirked and winked at you, “I stole them from your house when your family went on vacation.”
You reach over and slap Tom in the arm, “what have I said about stealing my stuff!”
Tom snickers as he rubbed the now red print of his arm that you left, “Calm down I put them back didn’t I?” He walks over to the kitchen, “besides, they were great books. No harm in reading a good book huh?”
You rolled your eyes and opened up the book to find where you left off. “What’s your deal with stealing my books anyways. It’s not the first time you’ve done it. You’ve stolen my Spider-man comics too.”
“Who knows, maybe Chaos Walking will be a movie someday, and when it does they’ll need someone to play Todd.”
You look up from your book, “ha! As if they’ll choose someone like you to play Todd.”
Tom softly snickers. You watch him open up the fridge and pull out a bottle of water, and for the first time, everything about Tom catches your attention. His muscles, the tone of his skin, how his curls fell over his eyes as he looked downward, how his jawline could literally cut diamonds.
You never paid much attention to Tom, it took until just now to realize how much he has actually grown up. Thomas Stanley Holland was no longer a boy, he was a man.
Tom glances up at you as he opens the bottle and placed the plastic between his lips, gently laughing as he swallows the liquid.
“I think I’d be a very good Todd.” He spoke with a sigh, “I just need to have the ones I love to have faith in me.”
The two of you made eye contact, it was the first time you 100% stared deeply into his eyes.
Tom slowly walked forward back into the living room, and you could have sworn he walked with such a grace.
You both broke the stare when soaked Paddy and dried Sam walk into the house.
“Tom! Tom! Look what I found!” Paddy said showing his older brother a small gecko in his hands.
“Woah buddy that’s so cool, why don’t we take him back outside so he can find his family?”
“I tried to tell him to leave it alone,” Sam sighed, “but he wouldn’t listen.”
“Well that’s no problem now is it Paddy? We’ll take him right back outside.” Tom said picking up Paddy into his arms and walking back to the door.
Your eyes followed Tom, staring at his muscular back.
“Hey hey!” Sam snaps his fingers, directing your attention back to him, “rule number five!”
You roll your eyes and get situated back on the couch looking down at your book, “yeah yeah Sam I know. Don’t worry. Not interested.”
Something inside you sparked that day, you didn’t want to admit it, but you also couldn’t deny it.
Speaking of these so-called rules Sam mentioned.
When the two of you were nine years old you decided to set down some ground rules for your friendship.
•Rule number one: you two always had to sit beside each other at your birthday parties. •Rule number two: always share food regardless of what it was. •Rule number three: we couldn’t ever go to the ice cream shop without the other. •Rule number four: no secrets. •Rule number five: siblings are off limits. •Rule number six: always give the other confidence at everything. •Rule number seven: no lying to each other. •and finally, rule number eight: stand by the others side no matter what.
You didn’t exactly remember why you two decided to make up these rules, but since age nine you’ve both followed them like they were a crazy religion.
Now it’s time to fast forward to age nineteen. The set of twins decide to attend the same university together despite the different majors we’ve chosen.
The four of you just couldn’t handle not going to the same school together. Like you’ve said before, inseparable.
Tom is now twenty-two doing who knows what. He has landed a perfect career as an actor, meanwhile attending university for theater.
And the three years that have past since that day, that spark for Tom has only grown stronger, yet you continue to ignore it not only for your sake but also Sam’s.
“Ugh, it’s so hot!” Sam complained has he fanned himself with his hands, “why did we decide it was a good idea to sit outside instead of being inside where the AC is?”
You turned your page in the book you’re reading, not moving your eyes from the words on the paper, “because we need some sunlight in our lives you know?”
“Ugh” Sam grunts some more until a light bulbs turn on in his head, “Y/N?”
“Rule number three.”
“You want to get ice cream?”
“Please! It’ll help this summer day be a little bit cooler.”
“You have a swimming pool, Sam.”
“Ugh come on Y/N!” Sam begs, “we literally got home from university yesterday and I’ve been craving Joe’s ice cream.”
You look up at your best friend, pulling out the puppy dog eyes and everything, “Ugh! Okay fine! Let’s go. I guess I could use some ice cream as well.”
Sam’s puppy face turned to the familiar smile you knew and loved, of course seeing his smile made you smile.
You closed your book and followed Sam out to his car, but on the way there you ran into Emily and Harry with bags packed in their hands.
“Where on earth are you two going?” You questioned.
“We decided we couldn’t handle spending the whole summer at home,” Emily said.
“So we decided to take a two-week vacation.” Harry said finishing Emily’s sentence. Which is something they’ve always done. They are literally soulmates in a best friend way.
“But we all literally got home yesterday, why go now?” Sam questioned his twin.
“Well, just think if we go now then we can all go on adventures when we get back?” Harry suggested.
“No thanks, have fun.” Sam shrugged.
“You’re missing out Sam Sam!” Emily said giving Sam a quick hug.
“Y/N, don’t have too much fun reading books the whole two weeks, okay?” Emily smirked at you, you rolled your hugs and embraced your sister.
“I’ll try not too.”
She released you and skipped over to Harry’s car, “See ya later bitches!” Emily chuckled.
“Hey rule ten!” Harry said pointing to Emily.
Sam and yourself watched them climb into the vehicle and drive away.
“Is it just me or is it still weird that after all these years they completely copied us with rules.” Sam sighed.
“Well, at least we don’t have eighteen like they do.” You said slightly punching your best friend.
“Thank god!” Sam giggled, “now, let’s go get that ice cream!”
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Rules: Don’t reblog, repost. Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it. Tagged by: No one.
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► NAME ➭ “...Bendy, just call me Bendy.Or by my title.” ► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭ “Yes...it’s not exactly easy to attract people when you terrorfy them, heh...even when you’re not intending to.” ► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭ “Of course I am...I mean, just look at the smile on my face, it’s brimming with joy.” He then growls lightly. ► ARE YOU ANGRY?  ➭ “Oh yes...most of the time. Heh.” ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED? ➭ “...How the hell am I supposed to know?” He then growls lightly.
► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE ➭ “The studio I suppose...” He then shrugs. ► HAIR COLOR ➭ “Black...if I had actual hair anyway.” ► EYE COLOR ➭ “Red, like a nice wine if you will.” Or the blood of his victims that aren’t made out of ink. Though, as some would know, his eye color isn’t always red, but blue instead. Which is odd if you think about it. ► BIRTHDAY ➭ “....You know it’s been so long I truly don’t remember...I think...somewhere in either October or September...eh...I have no idea.” ► MOOD ➭ “My mood depends on whether or not a pest decides to annoy me. I try to be joyful, least I can do while I’m tr-” He clears his throat. “ Roaming about in this place. Heh...” ► GENDER ➭ “Male obviously, do I look like a woman? Hmph.” ► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭ “Summer, I’ll take the heat over freezing cold any day.” ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭ “Eh, I’ve never been a morning person, so  I’d say afternoon.”
► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭ “...” He seems rather silent about that. ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭ “...A bit...though I learned long ago not to let yourself get instantly hooked on someone.” ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭ “....Heh, I guess she did....she tends not to even near me since that day...in truth I don’t really blame her...” He looks down after he speaks, his gaze focusing on the ground before he shifts his jaw a bit. ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭ “...Yes...” His tone sounds rather...saddened by that admission. ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭ “...No actually, it’s just...heh, things tend not work out too well...for one reason or another.” ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➭ “No, I’m not really one who goes around hugging everyone they see. Can’t really be known as the hug demon after all, not a very impressive title.” ► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭  “Most likely. Heh.” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭ “.....” He simply remains quiet before looking away.
► LOVE OR LUST ➭ “I prefer lust, at least with lust, you don’t get attached to someone too much...and you can still enjoy their presence, heh...in more ways than one.That being said...I do appreciate love when it’s given to me...even if it’s only a little.” ► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭ “Iced tea personally, you can personalize that to make it sweeter. Though, those fruity lemonades are very nice.” ► CATS OR DOGS ➭ “...Eh...dogs I guess...honesty don’t have too much of a opinion on either of those. Plus, my best friend is a dog, well wolf but same difference really.” ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭ “A few best friends are better, closer friends are more likely to stick by you, rather than run off over a temper tantrum.” ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭ “....Err....I guess...a romantic night in. Never really had a absolutely wild night...at least not like that anyway, heh. ► DAY OR NIGHT  ➭ 
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭ “No, don’t really need to sneak about when you own the place.” ► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭ “...Heh...yes...but in my defense, it’s hard to keep your balance with a twisted foot like I have.” ► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭ “Literally? Yes actually, because I was stupid enough to hurt myself over it. Now the want itself causing that? Nah.” ► WANTED TO DISAPPEAR ➭ “...Many times...one time I tried too...it didn’t work, as you can clearly see.”
► SMILE OR EYES ➭ “Smile, you can tell a lot about someone by their smile...plus most creatures around here don’t really have very readable eyes. Double plus, a bright smile can make things at least a little better.” ► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭ “Well, anyone who’s taller than me is most likely a giant, so I guess shorter. Easier to pick them up that way...heh.” ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭ “Intelligence is a benefit that helps show off your personality, though attraction is a hell of a drug too. Honesty, it’s difficult for me to decide, heh.” ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭  “I prefer to get to know the person rather than assume that I know them. I learned a while ago that assuming that you know someone in a relationship...can cause dire consequences...”
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭ “...At one point...but...” He seems to stop before letting out a deep growl. “...If they were around...who knows.” ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭ “...Ye- I believe everything that’s happened is justified...but...there are a lot of things I regret happening...so...kind of...very much so actually.” ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭ “I wish.” ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭ “No actually...I...I just- ....What the hell kind of question is that anyway? I can’t get kicked out of my own place. Hmph.” His tone seemed to have changed at the end of his statement, going from saddened and...oddly less growly, to his usual tone with a bit of irritation within it as he crossed his arms.
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭ “No, I try to choose my friends well.” ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➭ “They’d have to be to still be my friends.”
► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭ “H-Boris. Boris obviously. I tried to kill a man because he hurt him after all.” ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭ “...Joey or Henry. Depends on what you mean by everything. Though...heh...Henry is very much out of the loop when concerning everything that’s happened, considering he abandoned everyone years before...everything started changing. So...I guess Joey knows the most out of anyone. Hmph.”
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ariadnasdiary · 6 years
Arino’s children: Áaron.
Character’s sheet:
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First Name: Áaron
Japanese Name: Kyoya
Last Name(s): Koizumi “Martínez”
Kanji:  小泉 アーロン (not sure though^^’).
Áaron= “high mountain” Koizumi= “small valley” Martínez= derivates from the name Martín and means “from the war god: Mars”
Áaron: just Áaron…his name doesn’t have a diminutive anyway. Kyoya: Kino gave him that name. Kino and Yuuri are the only ones that calls him by that name, since they can’t pronounce “Áaron”. Áa-kun / big brother: by Victoria
Sign:  Libra
Birthday: “October 23″ (the day he was found)
Age: 20 (Physically)
Status: Alive
Race: half wolf / half vampire
Ethnicity:  Japanese
Gender: Male
Height: 170 cm (5′7).
Weight: 62 kg (136 lbs)
Blood Type: A+
Eyes: golden
Hair: black, straight and messy.
Any scars, birthmarks, etc: a small scar on his left hip.
Occupation: 1st year college student. He’s studying finances.
Biological mother: deseased
Biological father: unknown
Adoptive mother: Ariadna Koizumi Martínez (alive)
Adoptive father: Kino (alive)
Younger adoptive sister: Victoria (alive)
Hobbies: fencing, videogames, swimming, cooking, riding his motobike and community service.
Favorite Food: Mexican food and Arabic food.
Fave Colors: grey and blue.
Skills: charming, persuasive, likes helping others, smart, hard-working, constant and he’s good at cooking.
Curious Facts:
knows how to cook really good
he’s really healthy and sporty
can turn into a wolf
uses contact lenses to hide his golden eyes
very organized, always carries a small agenda
extrovert, but gets tired of being surrended by people
hates being touched by strangers
speaks Japanese, Spanish and English.
he decided to learn Spanish so he could pronounce correctly his name…plus it wasn’t like an option since Ariadna would scold them in Spanish when she was really angry.
likes to ride his motorbike
helps Ariadna a lot with the ghouls
likes little children
always carries a knife…to Ariadna’s dislike
honest and direct
Patient…with children
way too honest cold towards strangers sometimes has troubles controlling himself a little manipulative hates being lied and will know when someone does more under the cut~
Is not like Áaron is completly cold towards strangers…he’s very cautios with them. At first he’s just polite with everyone, but as time goes by he becomes more friendly and funny. Likes to make people laugh (just like his mother) and since he cares for his close ones, he’ll be honest and direct with them. Sometimes people think he’s mean and just like to point out their mistakes, but that is a sign he cares for them.
However, just recently has earned a bad reputation  in school for is his cold and mean attitude towards girls in general. He dislike girls approaching him and even though he’s polite with them, if they keep insisting on trying to talk to him or flirt he’ll snap and tell them to get lost and stop talking to him. That isn’t just in the human world, but also in the Mekai during balls and demon women try something with him.
Áaron know he’s adopted yet that doesn’t bother him at all. He was told when he was old enough to understand and since Ariadna never had preference over him or his sister Victoria, he never felt out of place. Ariadna devoted herself to Áaron and spoiled him before the arrival of Victoria, but it was Kino that place him in line by being strict with him. Áaron just as Victoria are trained so that one day they’ll be responsable of the ghouls when the time comes. Áaron likes interacting with the ghouls rather with demons of higer ranks, he bores acting polite and as a prince all the time, when he’s with the ghouls it’s different and he feel like he can be himself. Just as his father with his uncle Yuuri, he has a friend in the Mekai called Thomas.
He’s very protective over his sister, his family and friends in general. He’s grateful with his family, because they gave him another opportunity to live and have a family he was denied when he was born. If he feels his family or friends are in danger he won’t doubt to act. Sometimes if that means get physical he wouldn’t mind, and there was a time in which Áaron lost control and turn himself into his wolf form and almost kill somebody that was threatening his  friend Thomas. He once got in trouble as a child by punching a girl in the stomach, since she was talking shit about the ghouls.
Other than that…he’s pretty smart and knows when to act.
Áaron arrived to Ariadna’s and Kino’s life after six years of marriage. During that time Ariadna and Kino tried having children of their own, but never succeded. Ariadna felt really sad that she couldn’t have a baby and so dedicated herself to help the ghouls. During one night, they heard an explotion in a nearby village. Ariadna sneaked out the house to see what happened and when she got there she saw a huge catastrophy. The houses were on flames and no one seem to have survived. Yet Ariadna heard the cry of a baby and when she follow it, she found a woman from the wolf clan in a terrible state. The woman was the baby’s mother and had used her own body to shield her baby. Yet a group of rebels found them and since the baby was the product of an unwanted relationship, the rebels were ordered to kill him and all witnesses. The woman before dying asked Ariadna to take care of her baby since he was supposed to be dead, she died assure and happy her baby would be safe.
As time went by no one seemed to claimed the baby and Ariadna couldn’t help but getting attached to the baby as her own desire to be a mother. Kino wasn’t very keen of the idea, but Ariadna convince him since they themselves couldn’t be parents. Ariadna spoiled Áaron and was so patience and loving that soon people truly believed it was her actual child. Three years later Victoria arrived showing that Ariadna and Kino indeed were able to conceive, but no one knows why they couldn’t earlier.  Áaron was fascinated with Victoria and might be the reason as to why he developed a liking to children.
Time passed and Áaron grew as a normal boy and met his girlfriend Kyoka, a human girl which he loved dearly… until the day she passed away due to a terrible accident. Since then Áaron understood why demons and human shouldn’t bond and decided to never get himself into a similar situation…besides no one seems to be like his beloved Kyoka and that’s for the best. From that day forward Áaron became more protective over his family but mostly over Victoria which is very naïve and reckless sometimes…he needs to constantly save her from some situations. Ariadna still hopes for the right girl to break down Áaron’s walls and heal his broken heart.
If you were wondering…yes, Áaron looked for his biological father, but only Ariadna and Áaron knows what happened. Áaron hated finding the truth, but decided it was for the best to forget about it. His life was difficult enough as to make it harder.
Victoria: unlike his sister he knows how to behave and not to stand. He’s always sent to look after his sister and saves her butt whenever gets in trouble. Best friends, he knows everything about her and seems to be the only one that completly understands her…teases her nonstop and won’t hesitate to tell her the crude truth. Hates that she always has a “friend” that only uses her to try to get close to him, but he always know how to identify them and tells them he isn’t interested and to leave her sister alone.
Ariadna: EXTREMLY CLOSE TO HER. Don’t mess with Ariadna or you’ll get in trouble. Since he has memory Ariadna is loving and understanding with him. He admires her: not only raising two children, while himself wasn’t even hers, but helping the ghouls and finally working. She always makes time for them and he knows she’s always for him, he always go for her for advice and was his support during his process of healing.
Kino: At first Kino was a little distant with Áaron and was constantly alert, since he thought Áaron was like some kind of bait to harm Ariadna. Once he saw Áaron literally had no one left, he started to warm up. When he was little he spent a lot of time with Kino, yet Áaron chose Ariadna in the end. He was strict with him and during his “difficult time” he always put him in line. Although Kino was the one that introduced him to the videogames and encouraged his liking for motorbikes…by accident to Ariadna’s dislike. He goes to him when is something men to men related stuff. Kino still tries to convince Áaron to name him his favorite.
“Áaron: give up dad…You have Victoria already!
Kino: It doesn’t matter! I’m better than your mom.
Áaron: Nah~ Mom is cooler
Kino: Who was it that bought your motorbike?
Áaron: Are you blackmailing me? Btw it was mom~
Kino: But thanks to whom you start liking them?
Áaron: If I’m not incorrect mom still doesn’t forgive you for that idea…I think you shouldn’t presume it in front of her ¬¬“
Girls: STAY AWAY FROM HIM IF YOU DON’T WANT TO PASS FOR A BAD MOMENT. Ariadna always got angry whenever she was called due to his bad attitude. She made him promise to improve and if she was ever call again she would sell his motorbike specifically to a girl.
Yuuri: He sees him as an uncle and he’s greatful for him being around all this years with his parents. He admires his patience and loyalty and helps him cook whenever he cans.
Any of his cousins: He’s the cool cousin~
“Want to go to a party? Cool I’ll take you”
“Want to have a ride? Sure, I don’t mind. But ask for permission, it’s annoying dealing with angry parents”
Children: Áaron has a weak spot for children…something unusual and contradictory.
“random little boy: Áaron! Someone is bulling me at school!
Áaron: who is it that is bothering you? *takes out his knife* Just show him this and problem solved~
Ariadna: Áaron! what the hell are you doing?! Be a good example!
Áaron: It was a joke mother ¬¬
Random little boy: I’ll tell them I’m your friend and he’ll leave me alone!
Áaron: That works too…”
*Mun Ari: That’s it! So yeah~ technically you are now welcome to ask Áaron whatever you want~ I think I have issues since I can’t help myself to write some tragic and drama…LOL ^^'
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topconfessions · 3 years
Maybe Beyonce decide to stay with Jay Z to not be a pass around in the industry?? Like she prefere to keep a cheater than be with everyone on the biss ?? Dunno dx Also Jay-Z can totally creat a safe environment to her he is ganata and very powerful in the industry (that's why she get all those Grammy)
I meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn eh. nah. There were rumors that she tried to get at Nas but Nas hard passed her. She was about to get at Sean Paul but Jay got mega jealous and hard blocked it / blacklisted him which is why Baby boy is such a 1 time hit and they never spoke again. Justin was in his Janet mess but I could see them doing a lil something but just not being compatible. Beyonce has always been attached and controlled by men her whole life. She's a hypocrite and walking contradiction and fake then if thats the case. You date mulitple men and own it not being a pass around by your own defintion like Rihanna does as there is too much accounted for that MANY men of all walks of life in hollywood and abroad wanted rihanna / are in awe of her. I think (no direspect) Aaliyah mastered that well. By textbook defintion she was a pass around but she was AALIYAH and she handeled it kinda gracefully minus r.kelly dating her at a young age which I'll excuse. Beyonce to me saw the long term vision of a power couple that hollywood lacked and she as her virgo self stayed for the long haul to perfect & craft the entire thing to endure for the perks. Plus she's a normal hurt emotional girl under it all who like many have been stomped on and had insecurity instilled in them since the jump. She may be beyonce to us but I doubt bey actually belives in her heart of hearts she can do better minus aesthetically.
If thats the case she's nobody to admire or aspire to. So as long as you land and stay with a Gangsta who makes it to the top, the morality And crime behind him is oaky? this is our world superstar?
Bey stayed cause she has her assets tied up into him although she has her own. a divorce especially right now would not go overnight it'd be 4-6 months long if not a year or two due to how much they accumlated.
0 notes
liberatingflame · 6 years
1-169, asshole
lol i love you
1: How tall or short do you wish you were?
like 6′ would be perfect
2: What’s your dream pet? (Real or not)
uh. dragon? dragon.
3: Do you have a favorite clothing style?
anything that you look at and you can’t decide if it’s jock or goth
4: What was your favorite video game growing up?
spyro was the only series i was allowed to play and i lived for it
5: What three things/people do you think of most each day:
whatever i’m hyperfixated on that month, sleep, and ciaran
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
warning: nearly pure taurus energy, scorpio ascending
7: What is your opinion on alpacas?
they’re fluffy and better than llamas
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]
melancholic is what i just got, but it switches between that and sanguine all the time
9: Are you ticklish?
10: Are you allergic to anything?
am i not allergic to anything?
11: What’s your sexuality?
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?
cocoa or tea, just never coffee
13: Are you a cat or dog person?
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?
merperson hands fucking down
15: Do you have a favorite Youtuber?
bazza or muselk probably
16: How tall are you?
17: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
uh. well. you see. it’s jay.
18: How much do you weigh? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]
lmao no
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
yes, i do
20: Do you like space or the ocean more?
i’m a “look at those stars” kind of person, but my room growing up was painted like it was underwater, so. both.
21: Are you religious?
22: Pet peeves?
harley licking my things
23: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]?
i’d rather be diurnal because, uh, functioning human. i am nocturnal though.
24: Favorite constellation?
25: Favorite star?
26: Do you like ball-jointed dolls?
i don’t like dolls, but those are the cutest
27: Any phobias or fears?
28: Do you think global warming is real?
look outside right now and tell me it’s not
29: Do you believe in reincarnation?
yeah, there have been enough instances of actual cases that it’s pretty hard for me to personally deny, so
30: Favorite movie?
it cycles, i still love heathers tho
31: Do you get scared easily?
kind of? not really? 
32: How many pets have you own in your lifetime?
not counting fish and including harley, 7
33: Blog rate? [You’ll rate the blog of the one who’s asking.]
valid to eat fingers
34: What is a color that calms you?
blue and certain shades of red
35: Where would you like to travel and/or live?
i’m really liking washington?? i’d like to travel anywhere
36: Where were you born?
sanford, florida. hrugh.
37: What is your eye color?
38: Introvert or extrovert?
extroverted introvert? 
39: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs?
it gets spooky sometimes, but like. not on a basic level for sure.
40: Hugs or kisses?
41: Who is someone you would like to see/visit right now?
ngl, my sisters
42: Who is someone you love deeply?
everyone i love? uh
43: Any piercings you want?
re-pierce my cartilage and get a few more lobe piercings and just like stab me and put something in it and i’ll love it
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?
45: Do you smoke or have you ever done so?
i’ve smoked weed, but like. eh. cigarettes are gross, they smell and feel and taste awful.
46: Talk about your crush, if you have one!
i don’t have a crush on anyone lol
47: What is a sound you really hate?
48: A sound you really love?
trains really late at night. 
49: Can you do a backflip?
50: Can you do the splits?
the splits? no
51: Favorite actor and/or actress?
winona ryder
52: Favorite movie?
uh h hh h  i already answered this
53: How are you feeling right now?
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?
i just dyed it but i really want it to be red again. it was like a sunset red for a while during the fading process and i’d kill for that all the time.
55: When did you feel happiest?
when a cat touched me with her tiny feet
56: Something that calms you down?
cats and their tiny feet
57: Have any mental disorders? [Only ask this if you know the user doesn’t mind!]
58: What does your URL mean?
it’s based on something i said when i was not myself. i said i’d died before and i’d do it again. so i’m functionally immortal.
59: What three words describe you the most?
really fucking tired
60: Do you believe in evolution?
it’s. science.
61: What makes you unfollow a blog?
a lot. i’m not above doing things for petty reasons.
62: What makes you follow a blog?
being interested in what they post??
63: Favorite kind of person:
64: Favorite animal(s):
cats, snakes, birds
65: Name three of your favorite blogs.
@heathersadapt​, @heatherspoisson​, @dirtyheathersconfessions​
66: Favorite emoticon:
67: Favorite meme:
horse memes. like. valid to eat fingers.
68: What is your MBTI personality type?
69: What is your star sign:
70: Can your dog roll over on command, if you have a dog?
lmao no
71: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most?
my work clothes or my pajamas
72: Post a selfie or two?
73: Do you have platform shoes?
74: What is one random but interesting fact about yourself?
i’m the bird friend
75: Can you do a front flip?
76: Do you like birds?
i love birds
77: Do you like to swim?
of course i do
78: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you?
79: Something you wish didn’t exist:
do you want to see my blacklist or something
80: Some thing you wish did exist:
fire magic. i wish fire magic were real.
81: Piercings you have?
just ears at the moment, cartilage closed up lmao
82: Something you really enjoy doing:
sleeping, eating ice cream, listening to music. pick from my faves.
83: Favorite person to talk to:
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?
god it sucks here
85: How many followers do you have?
222 and only 111 of them are spam
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?
in middle school, which was the last time i tried, i ran a mile in 6 minutes and 46 seconds
87: Do your socks always match?
fuck no that’s hard
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?
89: What are your birthstones?
diamond? stones?
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?
a cockatoo probably
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?
i don’t fucking know
92: A store you hate?
walmart and the ones that smell bad in the mall
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?
many, but i hate coffee so i drink none
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?
fly, i don’t want to know what’s going through anyone else’s mind
95: Do you like to wear camo?
no. i did in elementary school.
96: Winter or summer?
97: How long can you hold your breath for?
long enough to cross the bridge in spirited away
98: Least favorite person?
it’s all family all the way
99: Someone you look up to:
100: A store you love?
target, lush
101: Favorite type of shoes
boots!! boots!!!! i also like sneakers
102: Where do you live?
outside of seattle
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?
no i like meat
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?
uhhhh opals are the most diverse and coolest?
105: Do you drink milk?
106: Do you like bugs?
107: Do you like spiders?
108: Something you get paranoid about?
109: Can you draw:
yes, but is it good? absolutely not
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?
this one
111: A question you hate being asked?
this one
112: Ever been bitten by a spider?
i lived in florida. yes. 
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?
i love them
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?
cloudy, i moved to washington for a reason
115: Someone you’d like to kiss or cuddle right now:
i’m comfortable right now actually
116: Favorite cloud type:
the kind in the sky
117: What color do you wish the sky was?
i wish i caught the sunset today
118: Do you have freckles?
no :(
119: Favorite thing about a person:
varies person to person
120: Fruits or vegetables?
i’m allergic to most fruits i like, but i like them more than vegetables anyways, so.
121: Something you want to do right now:
sleep or play bbs
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?
they’re both gorgeous, fuck off
123: Sweet or sour foods?
depends on the mood
124: Bright or dim lights?
dim, mostly
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?
me, i believe in me
126: Something you hate about Tumblr:
127: Something you love about Tumblr:
128: What do you think about the least?
i don’t think about it, i don’t know
129: What would you want written on your tombstone?
believe it
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?
i have a list
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?
not normally, no
133: Computer or TV?
134: Do you like roller coasters?
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?
only sometimes
136: Are your ears lobed or attached
137: Do you believe in karma?
no, bad people don’t always get what’s coming to them and it sucks
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?
like 5? 
139: What nicknames do you have/have had?
hate nicknames
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?
yeah, she sucked
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?
it depends on the person???? i’m both
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?
both are good!
144: What makes you angry
145: How many languages do you speak fluently?
none, i can’t speak
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?
147: Are you androgynous?
god i wish, my boobs are too big
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:
my hair is so fucking fluffy
149: Favorite thing about your personality:
i don’t have one
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.
ciaran, i’m good.
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?
BT: before trump
152: Do you like BuzzFeed?
no, but i’m on it all the time.
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]
i met my partner in being broke in high school
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?
155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?
156: What embarrasses you?
i just told ciaran i wore camo in elementary school and that’s embarrassing
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:
158: Biggest lie you have ever told:
idk i don’t keep track
159: How many people are you following?
160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)?
161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?
162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?
163: Last time you cried and why:
i dont remember
164: Do you have long or short hair?
mid length
165: Longest your hair has ever been:
to my butt
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?
i was raised roman catholic by overbearing adults with racist views so im not friends w religion anymore
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?
168: Do you like to wear makeup?
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds? 
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Christmas Puppy
*Loki x Reader
*Summary: Reader is given a puppy for Christmas when her boyfriend is away and doesn’t know how to tell Loki about it.
*Warnings: Mentions of alcohol 
Day One || Day Two || Day Three || Day Four || Day Five || Day Six || Day Seven || Day Eight || Day Nine || Day Ten || Day Eleven || Day Twelve
It was the day after Christmas, and Loki was barely getting home. You didn’t blame him: the world needed saving and he was an Avenger, after all. You were, however, nervous as to how’s he take the news about a new addition to your family. You’d gone over to Clint and Natasha’s place for Christmas since both of them were in between missions and didn’t want you to be alone in the Tower. You’d expected a relatively quiet Christmas, which was a high hope considering the three of you were Avengers, with gift exchanges, cheesy Christmas movies, and maybe getting drunk off of spiked eggnog. What you hadn’t expected was Clint’s Christmas gift for both you and Loki: a puppy.
“C’mon, everyone needs a dog! Do you know how great things got ever since I rescued Lucky?” Clint insisted when he saw your immediate reaction to refuse the dog. “You’ve been talking about getting a dog anyways, I just made it easier.”
“In my defense, I had no idea he was doing this,” Natasha spoke up, watching the interaction from the kitchen. “Blame it all on Clint.”
“Nat,” Clint whined, looking over at her before turning back to you. He took the puppy in his hands, holding her up. “C’mon, how can you say no to a face like that?”
“If it’s your face, then very easily,” Natasha quipped, a small smile on her face as she drank from her cup of spiked eggnog.
“Nat!” Clint protested, looking hurt. You laughed, but still refused to say anything on the topic of the puppy. You had to admit that she was adorable, you’d give Clint that much, but you still didn’t know if Loki would actually want to keep the puppy.
After about an hour of arguing with Clint, you gave in and took the puppy home. You’d grown up with dogs, so it wasn’t like you were completely new to the whole thing, but you also had your worries about Loki’s reaction. You’d briefly discussed getting a dog, but you never really came to a decision on getting one. You looked over at the sleeping French bulldog, shaking your head slightly. “Nala, you’re going to get me in big trouble,” you told her, as if she was actually awake and paying attention.
As if on cue, Nala opened her eyes, looking at you lazily before huffing and going back to sleep. For a puppy, she sure did sleep a lot. You went back to getting the little things ready for Loki’s arrival, putting gifts around your small Christmas tree and starting dinner. You’d already come to an agreement since you knew Loki was going to be gone on Christmas, and you were just going to celebrate a day late, no big deal. “Alright, Nala, what am I supposed to say? ‘Hey, here’s our new child since Clint decided to take matters into his own hands’? Nah, that won’t work,” you said, shaking your head slightly. Nala looked up at you, staring at you as if you had gone insane. You grabbed a treat from the jar you also got from Clint and tossed it at her, not in the mood to have a dog question your sanity. As you were about to start talking to her once again, you were interrupted by your phone’s notifications.
From: Loki now
We just landed in the hangar, would you like to meet us or should I go directly to the floor?
To: Loki now
I’ll meet you guys up there, don’t move!!!
“Alright, Nala, let’s put you somewhere Loki won’t find you,” you said, scooping her up off of the couch and away from her treat. The floor above yours and Loki’s was Steve’s, so you quickly asked Steve to watch Nala until the night. As soon as Steve agreed, you ran back to the elevator to meet Loki in the hangar.
“Loki!” You called out the second you saw him. He turned and you immediately saw his face light up as you ran to go hug him. He picked you up, spinning you slightly and leaving you a giggling mess when he put you back on the ground. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, dove. I’m sorry I missed Christmas,” he said before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. “Did you have a nice day with Clint and Natasha?”
“I already told you that it’s fine,” you said, waving off his apology. “And yeah, we had a lot of fun. It was mainly cheesy Christmas movies and spiked eggnog. I just spent the night there and then came back in the morning.”
“And did they like their gifts?” Loki asked you as the two of you started walking back towards the elevator.
“Yeah, Clint really appreciated the new quiver for his arrows,” you replied with a fond smile. “C’mon, let’s go do our Christmas.”
Your Christmas was over after a couple of hours, the two of you just exchanging gifts and eating dinner together, and you found yourself snuggling up on the couch with Loki as you watched (favorite Christmas movie). Everything was calm and quiet, and you almost forgot to tell Loki about Nala. That was, until your phone rang and you saw it was Steve calling. “Hey, I gotta take this,” you told Loki, wriggling out of his hold.
“Come back quickly, dove,” Loki told you, watching you leave the room before turning his attention back to the movie.
“Steve, what’s up?” You asked as soon as you were out of the room.
“Are you going to take your dog back soon? She’s adorable, but she just started barking and won’t shut up,” Steve told you, sounding exhausted. Huh, looks like we found all of her energy from earlier.
“I would, but I still haven’t told him,” you replied, looking back out at the living room. “I don’t know how he’s gonna react.”
“Please come get your dog, (y/n),” Steve told you. “I’ve got mission briefings tomorrow and I really need to get some rest.”
“I’ll see what I can do, I promise. I owe you one, Steve,” you rushed out, hanging up before Steve could respond. You walked back out to the living room, taking your place beside Loki.
“So, what did Rogers want?” Loki asked, putting his arm around your shoulders. “And what haven’t you told me?”
“You heard that?” You asked in a groan, already knowing that there was no way you’d be able to keep Nala a secret from Loki now.
“I did, dove. So what was it all about?” Loki questioned, raising a brow as he looked at you. You sighed before answering, trying to figure out the best way you could tell him.
“Alright, so when I went to Nat and Clint’s place, Clint got us a Christmas present that I asked Steve to keep hold of,” you told him, figuring the easiest way to break the news of Nala to Loki would actually be to show him Nala. “I’m gonna go pick it up from Steve and then you’ll see.” Loki nodded, letting you get up and make your way over to the elevator. Steve gratefully handed you Nala, who magically stopped barking the second she saw you. You brought her back to your floor, trying to keep her squirming body from jumping out of your arms. When the elevator doors opened, you put Nala on the ground, following after her as she ran into the living room and jumped on the couch next to Loki.
“Clint got us a dog,” Loki commented, looking at you with a raised brow as Nala jumped all over him and tried to lick his face.
“Yup,” you replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck.
“And you wanted to keep this from me why?” Loki asked, putting a hand on top of Nala’s head to keep her from licking him. She let out a small whine because she’d been stopped, but Loki just shushed her and continued to look at you for an answer.
“I didn’t know if you’d actually be down to get a dog,” you told him. “I know we talked about it briefly, but we never actually came to a decision. I also kinda got attached in a day, so I didn’t want you to just immediately say that you wanted to give her back.” Loki sighed, and you cocked your head in confusion.
“I wasn’t going to make you give her back,” Loki told you as he was petting Nala absentmindedly. “I know how much you’ve been wanting a dog, so I wasn’t going to take that from you, dove. Admittedly I would have preferred a dog that’s a bit bigger, but I don’t see a reason to give her back to Clint.”
“Wait, really?” You asked excitedly. Loki nodded. “We get to keep Nala?”
“Yes, we’re keeping Nala,” Loki told you with a small laugh. You jumped onto the couch beside Loki, trying not to jostle Nala too much, and immediately wrapped your arms around him, thanking him. Loki mumbled something about his gifts being overshadowed by Clint’s, but you didn’t care enough to call that out. You got to keep your little Christmas puppy, and you were glad for that.
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peacepenguine · 7 years
Kids. Crew. Family?
Yondu turns kids into cargo.
The first one didn’t have a name.
The first one didn’t have a name.
He wasn’t interested. He wanted as little contact as possible with the thing. Sure, it was a kid, and they were bringing her to her father, but Yondu preferred the distance. He felt a slight turmoil in his stomach about turning a kid into cargo.
But he was being paid enough to sustain his crew for 4 months, and he honestly couldn’t say no. Especially since Tullk had been complaining about the lack of updated medical gear in their Medbay. He needed to do this, for the sake of the crew. And of course, the kid would get family, right? Whoever this Ego guy was, he seemed shifty, but heart might just be in the right place. And after he’d told Yondu of the sickness that plagued the rest of her family… Yondu couldn’t leave the child without anyone to take care of ‘em, right?
She had two horns on each side of her forehead, bright orange skin, and eyes that had turned Taserface into a blushing mess. Nah, best keep his distance from this kid. After all, it was only two days of travel.
Don’t get attached.
The second one didn’t have a name either.
Ego had stumbled in his explanation, rambled on about having many loves spread across the galaxy, turning red in the face and Yondu had only rolled his eyes. Sure, he could bring the new kid if he wasn’t being treated right by his momma. It was one of the rare stealth missions his faction came across, as half the house was secured with alarms and those tiny larvae creatures that slowly dissolved your skin right off ya face. Yondu had whistled slow and steady that night, grabbed the kid quickly and then gotten rid of it as soon as he could. Kid turned into cargo once more. Ego seemed to have literal stars in his eyes as the new kid was brought in.
Yondu wanted to inquire about the other kid, the girl, but figured he wasn’t being paid to care.
He left the planet with enough Units to pay for two new generators and enough spare parts to last them at least a year.
Third one was nameless.
Another boy, this one switching names and identities as quick as his shapeshifting allowed him. Had a troubled life, orphan, turned to petty crimes and getting away with it for the moment. But Ego was worried for his kid’s safety and Yondu had agreed again.
Ego could set the kid straight, sure. One less bounty for Yondu to hunt later, if the kid could manage to last long enough to get a wanted poster printed with his ever-changing face and name.
The third boy was a slippery one, and managed to elude them for almost 2 weeks before being pinned down at an orphanage handing out stolen socks and tattered books. Yondu had grabbed the kid, delivered the prize to Ego, and donated what he could to the dilapidated building that masqueraded as a government facility for orphans.
Anonymous of course.
Better they have a roof over their heads than…
Yondu pushed the planet out of his thoughts as soon as Ego called him to collect number four.
The fourth one was another boy.
Mute, rarely gesturing or called attention to himself. Which would explain why it looked like a strong wind would snap the little twig in half if he wasn’t careful. Yondu had stocked up well on supplies for the kitchen before leaving the planet, and sure enough, little by little, supplies disappeared and the boy’s healthy green glow returned. His crew ate well on that trip too, and it was only made better by the fact that Ego paid double for this one. Yondu wasn’t about to say no to Units, but a small voice in the back of his skull started talking after that delivery.
The fifth one was a firecracker of a girl, eyes lighting up at the mention of a planet basically to herself and her brothers and sisters, and father, of course. She had grinned a toothy grin, fangs dipping well past her chin and Yondu received a clap on the back for coming to get her. He’d smiled; she was a good kid, if a little greedy. But Yondu didn’t judge, because damn it, that would be hypocritical.
She’s practically leaped off the ship, shooting a wink at Taserface before touching the ground and running off. A beep on the comm suggested a transfer of Units, but Yondu didn’t pay attention to the amount this time. Ego had said that of course, there might be more, but so far he just wanted to thank Yondu for everything he’d done for the happiness of his family. For allowing him the chance to become a father, a better parent than what the world could otherwise offer to these kids.
Yondu had shrugged him off. It was just business.
The eighth one made him realize that maybe fatherhood wasn’t really something Yondu would accelerate at. The girl, around 7 years old, screamed tirelessly, but no matter how many of trinkets Yondu left lying around, she would lose interest within seconds and the drama started all over, with more snot and salty tears.
Tullk had been appointed unofficial nanny several months ago. Around the time they realized that they needed someone to get the kids food and water, and bathroom visits. Tullk had grumbled, but Cap’n’s words were final, and since Yondu didn’t fancy playing nursemaid…
Not even Tullk could get the kid to stop screaming. In the end, Yondu had isolated the room almost completely, deciding that if the kid didn’t want anything to do with them, then they might as well not bother. They build a latch to allow for food plates and water to slide inside, and installed a small but functioning bathroom in the room as well.
The screaming didn’t stop ringing in his head until several weeks later.
In between picking up Ego’s kids, Yondu’s crew mostly collected bounties, be it on people or possessions. Ego’s salary kept them afloat most of the year, but they still slept in a huge pile on the floor with blankets that got thinner and thinner, and at this point it wasn’t because they couldn’t expand to make separate quarters, but Yondu liked to be able to keep an eye on his crew.
He supposed he felt a little like Ego; he liked to keep those closest to him within reach.
Yondu wasn’t exactly parent material, but he had those he considered… something more profound than friends. He had his crew. His- Family seemed right, but also wrong. Yondu liked to keep distance, but he needed the control. And if he couldn’t have family, then he could have his Crew.
The 15th kid had a name.
He’d been a tall, stubborn, blue skinned kid with half his teeth missing and only wearing what would amount to half a pair of pants and dirt enough for two. He’d looked up from the ground as Yondu had approached, and simply started crying. Yondu frowned and kneeled down, “Hey, kiddo.”
“Just kill me.”
Something cold and spiky had made its way down Yondu’s spine, “What’s that, kid?”
“I don’t want to fight. Just kill me, please?”
The tears had spilled hot and heavy over the boy’s cheeks and for a split second Yondu had seen himself and he knew that now he was fucked. “What’s your name kid?”
“Gotta write something on ya tombstone, right?”
The boy inhaled sharply and more tears fell.
Okay, maybe not the best approach, but a solid effort.
Yondu coughed, “There’s a guy called Ego looking for ya, kid. What’s your name?”
“I’m Yondu. This guy Ego, he told me to find his kid. He’s talking ‘bout you.”
The boy shook his head, “I don’t have a dad, he- he- gone.”
“Ego wants to take ya in, boy. Ya got about a dozen brothers and sisters waiting too,” Yondu said wth a nod. The boy lifted his head slowly and Yondu flashed his crooked teeth, “I’ll take ya to ‘em, come on!”
The kid got to his feet and passed out as soon as he was shown his bunk in the cargo room.
Yondu had kept watch until food arrived, and left as the kid started to ask more questions.
Don’t get attached.
The kid had a family waiting for him, don’t screw it up, Yondu.
Che’lok was greeted by a woman with antennae that Yondu didn’t know, but Ego had been right behind her, encouraging the boy to follow to the main house. Yondu watched the boy go. “You take good care of ‘em, right Ego?”
“I surely try my best,” Ego smiled, eyes crinkling and he looked across the expansive garden. Yondu had been explained that the planet and Ego were critically connected somehow, but honestly he’d forgotten the details. All he remembered was that it was part of the reason Ego couldn’t look for these kids himself. He had to stay near the planet.
“What about the new girl? Who’s she?”
“An orphan. Great empathic abilities, but I’m afraid her potential is slightly hindered since her interactions are limited here,” Ego said, appearing saddened.
Yondu’s brow twitched, “You got about a dozen kids running around here, and you’re telling me her interactions are limited?”
Ego’s face hardened and he looked to the ground, “Actually… I…”
Yondu held his breath.
“Most of the kids have gone their own ways since you brought them to me. Some of them, as you know, were old enough to make their own path soon after I got them. Not many have chosen to stay, at least not after they reach that age,” Ego breathed it all out at once, sniffling a little and shit-
Yondu took a step back, “Sorry to hear that, um… Call me if you find another?”
It didn’t take long before Ego called for them again.
Yondu tried to increase the distance. He started sending his men out to find the kids instead of going himself. It was easier to reduce the kids to cargo if you never had to even lay eyes on them.
After number 21, Yondu had said to Ego that he needed to lay low for a while, to not contact him until Yondu reached out first. The crew hadn’t questioned it, only Tullk and Jef shot him inquiring looks but Yondu elected to ignore them.
Less than 5 months later they found Kraglin.
A-Chilitarian, 19 years old, with something to prove, and Yondu had grinned his customary toothy grin and said, “Bring it, kiddo!” He thoroughly ignored the few calls he got from Ego during the next 4 months, instead focusing on this one kid he had on board now, this possible permanent member of his crew.
So far so good, the kid wasn’t stumbling or fumbling and somehow the kid had also wormed himself into the hearts of the crewmembers. Yondu wasn’t sure how, but he knew they were all in agreement when Kraglin was pronounced First Mate mere months after first boarding the ship. The position wasn’t a demanding one, since Yondu had never bothered with actually having a First Mate. But Kraglin soon proved himself indispensable in the new position, covering ground where Yondu couldn’t, keeping tabs on the lists that Yondu got headaches from.
“Yes, sir?”
“What do you think of this one?”
Kraglin had examined the tiny oddity Yondu held out. It was complete with pink gems and looking vaguely similar to an avian creature of some sort. The Broker didn’t say a word as Kraglin made a face. Yondu grinned, “That means I’m taking it.”
Kraglin had that overbearing look in his eyes, “Another for the collection, sir?”
“I’m filling out the entire thing, you know?”
“Sure, sir.”
Yondu chuckled, and less than an hour later, the pink ornament had taken place at the helm beside the purple, four legged creature with the single horn protruding from it’s forehead. “Kraglin!” he called.
“Yes, sir?”
“Excellent choice. Fits right in,” he sniggered.
Another two weeks of silence followed.
He was sure that Ego had had other ships find his kids. Yondu just knows. And the thought fucking terrifies him a little. Because shit, now he’s lost that control. Before, it was about money, sure, but he also knew how many kids Ego had taken in thus far. With who knows how many ships, there was no telling just how many… Had Yondu always just been one amongst many? If so, how many? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? What on earth was Ego…
“I found another Yondu, this one only about 7 jumps from your current location,” Ego said merrily.
Yondu skipped asking how Ego knows their exact location, and indulged, “Oh yeah? Boy or girl?”
Ego looked down at what Yondu assumed was a console, “Young boy. Mother is on the verge of succumbing to a fatal illness and his grandfather, his only living relative, is not fit for taking care of him.”
“Where are we going?”
“Okay, hey, Ego, I’ve been meaning to ask, but that, uh… That Che’lok kid from a few years back? He still around?” he prodded lightly, keeping his tone casual. “Would love to just see him for a second or two. See how he’s holding up,” he added with a thin grin.
Ego sighed and for the first time, Yondu heard the impatience, “Yondu, I… That one unfortunaly became very ill few weeks after you brought him to me. I’m afraid he’s passed on.”
It didn’t sit right with Yondu and it wasn’t hard to fucking see that Ego was withholding something.
“Is there something you’re not telling me? What did he contract? Something infectious?” he asked, feigning concern for the briefest of moments.
Ego smiled, teeth and malice, and Yondu swallowed.
“Nothing you should worry yourself about. These kids… Not all of them connect to the planet as well as they should. But at least I could give those that perished a good home before they passed.”
Yondu feels his legs shake a little, “You’re helping them though, right? Figuring out how to stop it from happening, right?”
“Yondu, the planet’s me. I can’t change who I am, and I can’t exactly change the whole planet for these kids, now can I?” Ego asked, sparkle gone from his eyes.
“How about that screaming girl? The one who wouldn’t shut up? She around?” Yondu continued.
Ego’s face grew wearier, “She too, unfortunately-“
“Then the firecracker gal with the big fangs? What about her?”
Ego’s smile dropped completely, “It pains me to speak of, so I would appreciate no further questions for now, Yondu. Please, get me the Terran boy, and I’ll pay you double.”
The transmission ended and Yondu set his course.
“We going Cap’n?” Kraglin eyed him from the side.
Yondu got comfortable in his chair and nodded, “I’ll be damned if I let more of these kids anywhere near that wacko. Something's wrong. Don't know what, but whatever it is, it ain't right. Last job, this one. We'll find him somewhere else in the galaxy to go. Don’t matter where, as long as Ego can’t get ‘im. And then we’re done. Back to bounty huntin’ and trading.”
“Aye aye, Cap’n.”
And Yondu had taken one look at those red-rimmed blue eyes of the Terran boy, before asking the most important question, “What’s your name, kiddo?”
The kid clung to a square device with orange things attached by a black wire, “P-Pe-Peter Quill.”
Couldn’t very well dump him someplace random, Ego would have more ships, more people out looking.
No choice then, “Get comfy, Petey, you’re gonna be bunking with us for a while.”
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