#she wants to be the center of junko’s world like junko is the center of hers so badly it’s genuinely heartbreaking
junkosblunt · 1 year
Junko: "The most despair I have ever felt in my life was killing my sister."
Mukuro, in the afterlife: "JUNKO LOVES ME MORE! SUCK IT, YASUKE!"
no because i know mukuro’s weird ass was lowkey thrilled when junko murdered yasuke because it was one less person to steal junko’s attention away from her 💀
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theamityelf · 2 months
i am eating and chewing your yandere content, its so good, i love it so so much, if youre still taking requests maybe some yandere mukuro and naegi? I always think there's a lot of potential there but there's not a lot of content for it
Oh, I love it. I need to pick what time period I'm going with...
It didn't take much.
A smile, a greeting. Asking about her opinions and experiences. The time he asked if she needed help carrying her bag (and she had to run away because if he came any closer he would notice the smell of blood coming from inside it), the time he asked her if she was coming to lunch (and she blushed so badly, Junko later said her face looked like one big zit). Or maybe it was nothing to do with her at all; maybe it was because of how he was with everyone else, or how they were with him.
Maybe it was even as simple as the fact that she was used to traveling light, used to picking a few things she could carry and disregarding everything else.
She could carry him easily.
"Uh, Mukuro?" he said. "Are you okay?"
Right, she'd been staring. He'd taken the time to ask her if she wanted to join his group for ice cream after school, and she was being weird.
How embarrassing. She was definitely blushing again, now.
Well, it wasn't like that mattered. She was weird. She was socially inept and ugly and useless, and none of that mattered. Because the world was going to end soon, anyway. Maizono or Kirigiri could take him to a school dance, but Mukuro could pull him from the school before it turned into a warzone.
"Go on without me," she finally said. "I need to discuss something with Junko."
"Oh, okay. See you tomorrow!" Makoto and his friends vacated the classroom, leaving only...the 'despair sisters'.
Junko was sitting in her seat, filing her nails. Mukuro walked over to her and just stood there, waiting to be acknowledged. There was no doubt that her sister already knew everything she was feeling. She always did.
"Well?" Junko eventually said, her eyes meeting Mukuro's with cool amusement. "Are you too scared to ask, or do you just love wasting my time, skank?"
"I'm not scared," Mukuro answered. She did have a heightened awareness of the seriousness of this situation, but what she felt wasn't fear. "And...I'm also not asking."
"Gadzooks! Could it be that the worm has grown a spine?!"
"He can easily be spared from the plan. We don't need him in order to do what we intend to do."
"No sh!t, dumb*ss! The despair doesn't kick in when it's fvcking necessary!"
"The despair doesn't kick in if the plan doesn't happen, either." Mukuro's fingernails bit into her palms, as she forcibly steeled her tone and held her sister's gaze. She'd never threatened disobedience like that before. "You have everyone else in the class. You have me. You don't need him. Really, for a guy like him to keep his memories and watch them die that way...it would be more despairful than losing his memories and getting killed in the first or second round without understanding anything."
"So. You're suggesting he languishes in the data center while the killing game plays out, then you collect him in your nasty little arms once it's all over? Once the world is in ashes and there's no one else to love but you?"
"Essentially, yes."
Junko's lips curved. "And what's your contingency plan for how he'll react to knowing your designs for him?"
"He won't know about it until it happens."
And Junko's expression went blank, as though she found Mukuro's answer terribly boring. She rolled her eyes. "Fvcking atrocious. I can't even hint with you. Hey, Ultimate Soldier. You didn't secure your perimeter. Kind of a rookie mistake, dontcha think?"
She dipped her head to the side, indicating a desk a few seats away where a familiar composition book lay open. "He forgot his notebook, smart*ss."
Mukuro wheeled around and heard a gasp from the doorway, and then retreating footsteps.
She broke into a sprint. Naturally, she was able to catch him, hand-gag him, and drag him into an unoccupied classroom before he could even think to yell.
Makoto's ineffectual squirming, his kicking and his elbowing, his growling and his vain attempts to speak...Mukuro was sure that she was blushing again, as she allowed more of her body to touch his than was strictly necessary to subdue him.
She was restricting his airflow, so he was going to pass out very shortly. And then she would have to contend with her sister. But for now...
"H-Hi," she said awkwardly, as he struggled in her arms. "Um, sorry. Sorry that I, uh...If I'd known that this would happen, I would've laid down a rug here. And maybe worn some perfume. I mean, I guess you can't breathe anyway..."
Fortunately, Makoto lost consciousness before she could say anything else.
She let go of him, so she could watch him slide out of her arms and rest on the tiles, all helpless. She took stock of what he must have overheard. Jeez, she must have sounded like such a pathetic, lovesick...
She heard Junko coming before the door moved. Immediately, she positioned herself defensively in front of him. Her sister was not allowed to kill him. That was the one thing in the world she wasn't allowed to do.
"Well, this is a clusterfvck, isn't it?" Junko deadpanned. "I guess not much of a cluster. It's just him. This one tripping hazard of a guy. I could just bite his little cheeks."
"I've never asked you for anything. Just him."
"Au contraire! You're not asking, remember? Where did that spine go? Did your body reabsorb it?"
"This is boring. Take him to your dorm room, keep him there. I'll figure out what to do about this, as always. Can you manage an iota of stealth this time, you troll?"
Mukuro's heart soared. "Yes. Thank you."
"Oh, shut up. Out of my sight."
She princess-carried him to her room.
(I thought about making Kyoko the one who overheard, but the outcome there would be too similar to the Yandere Taka one.)
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funishment-time · 6 months
Alright. Now that I know the questions, and forgive me if these have been asked before, 16, 19 (for Miu), and of course, our good pal, 17
whee hee hee!!!
16. Do you have any ideas for a Danganronpa murder? Share!
the series is lacking a good murder-suicide or Lover's Suicide. (i mean as an individual case/trial. you could argue that all of DR1 is a murder-suicide or Lover's Suicide)
beyond that, a high-temperature complete burning-to-death that results in ashes and little Evidence, or withholding important Medication that keeps a character alive, would both be Interesting
17. List five headcanons for your favorite characters!
special edition!! wee woo wee woo! for this one i will list 5 SFW ship headcanons, but if you're not into these Ships (or Shipping in general), i have 5 regular headcanons here too. double the value!
skip these if you don't like Ship dynamics:
KAEDE x. MIU: Kaede insists on being the little spoon, which flusters Miu for all eternity
FUYUHIKO x PEKO: they never have kids, but they do have a hundred thousand fluffy Creaturas of various sorts. dogs and cats and rabbits and chinchillas and maybe even a herd of Alpacas roaming their great Yakuza estate. "no one's gonna fuckin' take us seriously," Fuyuhiko always says, but he's smiling because his wife is
SAKURA x HINA: after scientific evidence shows that naps have a positive effect on the human body and its growth (see DR1's School Mode), Sakura tries to get Hina to take short naps with her daily. like, 20 minutes tops. unfortunately, this rarely Works, because no one taught Hina how to sit still for longer than a half-second, but it does give them cuddle time on a busy day
FUKAWA SYSTEM x KOMARU: neither of the Fukawas ever stop lusting over Byakuya. it's just that Komaru is their wife, the love of their life, their girl, their beloved. their crush on Byakuya ends up being more, uh, purely NSFW in nature. in the end, though, the Fukawa system would rather be with Komaru, because she's Domesticity, she's Love, she's Healing, even if she won't turn them into her own personal livestock or whatever it was Toko wanted in UDG (i black out during those scenes). anyway, Komaru perfectly understands this, and really doesn't feel Threatened by it at all, because it's not like Byakuya is ever going to give the Fukawa system what they want
MAHIRU x HIYOKO: after her growth spurt, Hiyoko gets intense stretch-marks, which knocks her self esteem down a peg. thankfully, Mahiru loves her terrible banana-headed gee eff Just As Much
and now for the regular headcanons:
Nekomaru is generally asexual. he's never felt shame in it, as it allows him to Focus on his athletes better in an increasingly competitive world
in a non-despair AU, Kokichi ends up on the student council every year, inexplicably, as Treasurer. no one notices when he's lifting money from HPA because no one notices when Jin Kirigiri is doing it, either
Ibuki has been the first kiss of many-a girl at HPA
in her own way, Junko felt threatened when Mukuro was pretending to be her, both in DR1 and in Zero. this factored into Junko kebabing her, but also into Junko's obsession with putting her down in Extremely Childish Ways, as well as her insistence that Mukuro was Gross and Nasty and Could Never Be Her!!! at the end of DR1. by the Despair Twins' HPA days, Junko was too far gone to ever deal with it or admit it, but so much of her final despair centered around her identity and her sister. she may not have gone full Killing Game if not for Mukuro
Sakura has dislocated bones, sometimes during a match, and then immediately popped them right back into place without hesitation or pause. this only makes local Lesbians more in love
BONUS: the Warriors of Hope do heal in their own way as they grow, but they always have a hard time patching up the wound named "Big Sis Junko." on a fairly Objective level, she did nothing but good for them and took them out of a Bad Situation when no one else did. so: while the WoH become as content as they can be as adults, they also have an exceedingly difficult journey understanding Junko as a Very Bad Person Actually
19. What kind of fantasy creature would you make Miu?
Miu is most definitely a goblin. gross, loud-mouthed little thing tinkering and tonkering, but extremely Lovable
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tribow · 2 years
2015 comes in on the touhou community to drop the bombshells that are Urban Legend in Limbo and Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom. No miss no bomb score chasers and lunatic players had no idea what they were getting into and the fanon takes a massive hit. No one was ready for this.
This post bleeds quite a bit into 2016 as well. A lot of fanworks started adjusting interpretations and I was simply lost in the sauce. So anyway, here's my findings:
A new ship sails with Mokou and Sumireko due to their interactions in ULiL. Kaguya ain't happy about it.
I've noticed Raiko (and by extension, the Tsukumo sisters) be commonly depicted with tattoos. I don't know if this is a reference to something or if it's just inspired by metal/rock bands.
Wakasagihime gets some of the saddest works I've seen centered around one character in a while. She goes from being a part of a comedic trio to a lot of social trauma.
Sekibanki gotta be one of the funniest touhou characters of all time.
Seiran totally never killed someone! It's just paste! Don't worry about it!
Ringo collapses the instant she stops eating dango.
At this time Junko was not harassing Reisen at all! In fact, in most works I saw they actually somewhat got a long. Enjoy it while it lasts Reisen.
Junko commonly mistakes Seiga and Kaguya as Chang'e.
What if you place other sphere-like objects on Hecatia's head? A lot of works run with this joke.
For obvious reasons, Clownpiece tends to use a lot of english words or speak entirely in katakana
We are at peak psycho Koishi hours. Koishi getting a knife was all that was needed for this fanon interpretation to take over a while. Koishi's Heart Throbbing Adventure is no longer the main inspiration.
Sagume tends to have a very close relationship with Doremy since in many fanworks, her ability doesn't work in the Dream World so Doremy is a character she can freely talk to.
Tsukumo sisters have fallen under the Aki sisters routine of butting into a situation just so they can be involved.
The Tsukumos also seem to have their dynamic flipped for some reason. Benben would be crazy and Yatsuhashi would be cool-headed. Weird.
Kosozu is now an incident magnet and sometimes enjoys it.
Momiji's sword seems to keep getting smaller every year, I remember when she always had a buster sword.
Tojiko has been suppressing her anger as a vengeful spirit, but this also means if she does get mad, all of that anger comes out at once as lightning. The entire UFO and TD crew have to balance antagonizing each other, but not pissing off Tojiko.
Seija now has a mom. (It's Sagume).
Junko is very nice to the fairies
Tewi gets presented as a badass a lot around this time. Maybe she doesn't want Seiran to show her up.
Sumireko knows who Maribel and Renko are (this is not the case in canon...I think.)
Lots of Watatsuki sisters content here, although they're mostly used for catching up with the Eientei gang.
Lunarians can't resist filthy Earth food. It's just too good....well....at least until Sagume accidentally says it out loud.
Kokoro just wants to fight people, she'll use any justification. It's practically how she talks to others.
Hecatia becomes the weird t-shirt girl thanks to Sanae's dialogue in LoLK. She'll never live this down.
As usual, for a lot of the established touhou cast, their fanon portrayals don't change too much. However, the status quo was greatly shifted by the Lunarians. Eientei becomes more of a plot point in many doujins now and that is much different to how it has been for a while.
Bit of a side note, but I really like how a lot of doujins gave Junko a wide-eyed, but empty stare at all times. Really reinforces how broken of a mental state she must be in despite keeping up a casual conversation with most characters.
I feel this is around the time when there was a bit of a resurgance in touhou fans. Not that it was dying out, but much of the fan content did not focus on newer characters nearly as much as this year was.
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Yandere Junko with a shy and adorable boyfriend
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•You were just so cute~
•Seriously as soon as she saw you she absolutely had to have you
•Unfortunately other people had noticed how cute you were and well she didn't like competition
•She just had mukuro take care of it nothing to major just a few beatings to get the message across
•With that she gets to take her time to endear herself with you
•After All she's the most popular girl in the school it wasn't that hard
•Especially with how withdrawn you are
•She just loved having you eyes on her, looking upon her like she's the center of your world
•She took her time with just hanging around you and talking with you about your interests
•Every Time she talked with you your face would light up
•Though at times you'd shyly ask if you were bothering her
•She reject such a notion and flirtatious say she's never been bothered by you
•And after some time she claimed what was rightfully hers
•You agreed with it of course, theres no way you to reject such a divine being such as junko
•With that finally she could cling onto her adorable boyfriend and spoil him just like she wanted
•Seriously don't expect much alone time
•she's with you almost 24/7 and while it is a bit suffocating it's oh so enjoyable
•She steadily and slowly pulls you away from most people so all your focus is on her
•Oh your friends are upset that you always hang out with her?
•Who cares there just jealous that your dating the ultimate gyaru
•She does at least let you maintain a connection with your family
•After all she knows you'll want their blessing for when you get married
•Ahhh~ she's so glad she met her precious soul mate
•And no matter what she's never letting you go~
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
Hope I'm not too late but Peace with Kyoko and Yui please and thank you!
WIP Wednesday Game
definitely not too late! in fact, i have finished the rough of this chapter now! so thank you! :D
Yui clicks out of Junko’s Instagram page and switches over to her Twitter account.  As Kyoko scans the latest tweet, she points to the date.  “She’s still been posting; this one’s from just a few minutes ago.  She must be fine.”
“No.”  Kyoko shakes her head.  “That’s a cry for help.”
“Blue raspberries are the bestest flavor of candy in the whole world, and you can’t make me believe otherwise!” Yui reads, confused.  “Isn’t blue raspberry Junko’s signature perfume?”  She flushes a bright red and avoids Kyoko’s gaze.  “Or, um.  I’ve heard that’s the case.  I can’t walk into a clothing store without seeing one of those things front and center.  They even come in a cute little raspberry shaped vial!”
Kyoko nods.  “The scent is a clever marketing ploy; it allows Junko to take something that isn’t real and associate herself with it; it gives another layer of fantasy to her as a person, making the impossible possible.”  She brushes her hair back out of her face and just neatly tucks it back behind one ear.  “But blue raspberries aren’t real, and so they can’t really have a scent – or a taste.  Junko will promote her fake scent all she wants, but anyone who knows Junko – really knows Junko – knows that she hates the taste.  It’s too artificial, she says.”  She nods to the tweet.  “Whoever has her will think just like you did, Yui onee-sama, but to me, it’s clear.”
Something is wrong.
Just like she thought.
And now, from the way Yui is looking up at her, Kyoko’s certain that Yui believes her, too.
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After (Probably) a year, I once again write something for the IF timeline of the Ghost AU, after spending almost a month struggling with procrastination to get it done.
He wasn't sure of how much time had passed by since Mukuro left the nurse office to destroy Monokumas left, right and center, having spent all of it watching the still unconscious Makoto.
And being unable to stop thinking about her every time he looked at his pale face.
He still couldn't understand how something as inconsequential as that fake escape switch ended up breaking this entire killing game, and sending it into such disarray, to the point that Junko had to lie to the rest of her classmates to get them against Mukuro and the still injured Makoto.
Maybe all of this was just the boy's "luck"s doing, but then, why he fell victim of the trap that was meant for the soldier?
Why he ended up in the same position he left Akane in after he let himself die?
He barely heard Mukuro opening the room's door and going back inside it, but, once he finally felt her presence back in the nurse office, he first noticed her frazzled expression, before he realized what she was doing.
She was trying to hide the still unconscious Makoto under the bed.
Probably to make sure the rest of class 78, who had been manipulated by Junko to start a manhunt against them, couldn't find him, and hurt him.
Once she hid Makoto, leaving him with a saline solution being injected into his arm to substitute the blood he had lost thanks to that damned spear, she immediately dove under another bed, clinging onto its frame until her body was completely hidden to the naked eye, just in time to hide herself from a small group of undesirable guests.
A group formed by half of the rest of class 78.
It was clear that they came here to find Mukuro and Makoto, thanks to the injury the latter received earlier, but, thanks to the soldier's hiding both herself and Makoto, no one in the group saw anyone, and everyone got ready to leave the room.
Well, almost everyone.
Kyoko Kirigiri was able to convince the rest of the group to leave her and Chihiro Fujisaki alone in the room, under the excuse of using the broken-down Monokuma to get any information about the outside world, but he felt that that wasn't the reason behind the detective's want to stay behind in this room.
A suspicion that was immediately confirmed by her actions once everyone else left the nurse office.
She apologized to Chihiro, and asked her to record everything that would be said in the room, before she switched her attention towards the bed Mukuro was under, demanding the soldier to reveal, and explain, herself, having already noticed her, and Makoto's, presence in the room.
Once again, the detective proved in his eyes that her deductive prowess wasn't nothing to laugh at.
Finally having been caught, and without any possibility to escape without being seen again, Mukuro finally revealed herself to her two classmates, and started answering Kyoko's questions.
He spent almost all their conversation completely focused on the still unconscious Makoto, but he still was able to hear some interesting things from their mouths.
Like the fact that Junko didn't just erased Kyoko's memories of her time in the academy, but all of her memories, to the point that the only things remaining in her head were her name, and her desire to enter Hope's Peak.
It was clear that Junko didn't wanted her to solve any of the mysteries behind the killing game before she could even implement them, so she took every little thing related to her talent out of her brain before she left her with the rest of their class to start the deadly game.
He could understand her worries.
After all, if that was the deductive prowess of an amnesiac Kyoko Kirigiri, the gods will know what she would be able to do with all of her memories restored.
Once explanations were finished, and promises were made, Mukuro left the room to keep her rebellion against her sister, leaving Makoto behind, under the care of Kyoko and Chihiro.
And his too, even if neither of them would ever know it.
With Mukuro away, and the other two girls still on the room talking to each other, his attention went back towards the unconscious luckster, barely paying attention to what Kyoko and Chihiro were talking about, the latter having apparently discovered something about the Monokumas' programming.
But, whatever that discovery was, it ended up not mattering that much for him.
Because that was the moment Makoto finally opened his eyes.
Well, it looked like Makoto had recovered his memories somehow.
Because how he would have been able to know so much about his classmates otherwise?
Once they realized that the luckster had woken up, the rest of the class was called to go to the nurse office, while Kyoko explained to him what had happened while he was unconscious.
His classmates were still too blinded by Junko's lies to believe his words about him and Mukuro not being the masterminds behind the killing game, and the truth behind their imprisonment, even with Kyoko and Chihiro confirming to the others that his words were true, so, with a sigh and a pained grimace from having to sit up with a gaping wound in his stomach, he revealed his trump card.
His knowledge of the deepest secrets his classmates had.
Secrets that they once confided to him, and each other, during those two years when they were friends, those two years they spent together before the end of the world started.
This knowledge completely shook them to their core, planting small seeds of doubt against Junko's words in their hearts, and finally giving them a reason to trust Makoto once again.
But he still couldn't call it a victory for class 78.
Because they were still trapped inside the building, and without any escape plan in mind.
With Mukuro distracting Junko, and destroying her means of controlling what the classroom were doing, they started to formulate a plan, something about breaking in inside somewhere, but he didn't payed them that much attention.
Because the only thing that kept his attention was Makoto, who was still injured, but still trying to help his classmates no matter how much agony he was in thanks to his injuries.
Once again, his actions became just another reminder of her, her ghost still haunting him even though he was the one who died.
It hurt. It hurt so much.
And he didn't knew how to make it stop.
"Utsuro? Are you... ok?"
Makoto's voice, despite how weak it had become, still dragged him back into reality, finding himself being watched by those hazel eyes he has been stuck with since his death, a glow of kindness and compassion still shining through them despite the pain he could see marring his features.
"I'm ok, Makoto Naegi" He wasn't going to tell him anything. Because, why he should tell this to a complete stranger? "And why are you worried about me? You're the one who is injuried, not me"
"Because you're my friend" He wasn't able to stop a shiver go through his body at hearing his words, praying for him to not having noticed it. Who the hell he thought he was, telling him something like that? "Just like Ikusaba..."
Silence followed Makoto's bold proclamation, only being broken by the voices of the other members of the class, who had noticed their conversation, and were now asking the luckster about it, thanks to their inability to see him.
It wasn't until a bit later, once everyone else was once again distracted with the plan, and weren't paying attention to him, that Makoto focused back his sights on him.
And told him something that he wasn't expecting:
"I... I remember seeing you... or someone who looked like you... back when- before... all this... started"
He blinked a few times in confused shock, trying to process what Makoto had just said, before letting out a weak "What?" out of his mouth.
Unfortunately, it looked like the luckster didn't heard him, because he continued rambling about it "Yeah, I'm sure it was you... part of class... 79" His expression immediately changed once he said that number, eyes narrowed and lost in thought, before he continued, his voice betraying sadness through its tone "You... died... Reserve Course attacked the building, and... everyone died"
"Not quite..." Those words were supposed to be only known to himself, not realizing that he had spoken them louder than expected until he noticed the confused gaze the luckster was directing towards him.
"What...? What are you... talking about?"
He couldn't help but to grit his teeth in frustration, his thoughts cursing the entire chain of events that had drove him right into this situation.
But, at the same time, he couldn't find in himself hate towards the boy in front of him, who only wanted answers about the meaning behind all those memories he was just recovering in a whirlwind of pain and exhaustion.
"I... I will tell you later, once you and your friends get out of here. Now, you need to rest, you're still injured" He didn't had any intention of keeping that promise. With Junko still around, he knew that it wouldn't be any chance to keep that promise.
Makoto tried to protest against his words, but exhaustion finally took over him, sapping whatever strength he still had, and forcing him back into the bed.
Now that the luckster was once again asleep, he took a look back to the rest of the class, who looked like they had finally thought of a escape plan, before sighing.
This wasn't going to be over just yet, even if they somehow find a way to leave this building in one piece.
Because Junko would be still alive.
Alive, and ready to send her forces to kill the the moment they step outside.
But, at the same time, there was a small part of him who wanted to see them succeed, see them break the game and escape from Junko's clutches.
He wasn't sure from where these feelings were coming from.
Did the memories of "Yuki Maeda" were affecting him more strongly than he thought?
Or it was something else?
Either way, he just couldn't make this feeling go away, no matter how much he tried to repress it, or ignore it.
It just didn't wanted to leave him alone.
Watching as how a small group of the students of class 78 left the nurse office to places unknown, he decided it would be better to just keep his new role as an observant.
To see which team will become the winner in this ruined killing game.
And to see which team would become the most interesting one in his eyes.
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anticutes · 5 months
danganronpa zero thoughts: yuto kamishiro's speech in relation to junko enoshima and her talent.
i have a lot of thoughts about this light novel, because i found it extremely insightful when it comes to further understanding junko as a person. i want to talk about how i feel junko might have been before chasing after despair through extrapolation from the novel- but first, i want to talk about one part that stood out to me: yuto's speech in the elevator near the end of the novel. this got super long so i'll shove it all under a readmore, so feel free to read if you wanna!
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yuto gives a much-needed insight into the mindset of a hope's peak academy's student, what it means to be defined by your talent, and the love-hate relationship with talent that most students have. i also want to draw parallels between yuto's speech and junko's inner thoughts after she regains her memories- yuto wanting to run away from the truth behind the tragedy of hopes peak, and junko wanting to forget the events of danganronpa zero. both of them, despite their fear and despair, refuse to run away or forget in order to push their own ideologies to the limits. for yuto, this meant to further develop his talents as a spy. for junko, it was to feel that intense despair that came after killing yasuke.
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he talks about how he resents his talent, but still depends and believes in it- because it's the foundation of his identity. i feel this novel drives home what her ultimate analyst powers have done to her: it subjected her to a life of solitude- living closed off from the world, in the words of the novel.
i wouldn't be surprised if she resented her talent like yuto did- she talks about her boredom like a disease that won't go away, even as an ai version of herself. but, even when she tries to avoid boredom, she, like yuto, is still fixated on her talent like the rest- defining herself with her fight against boredom- in which she uses her own talent to fill herself with despair.
we don't get to see how exactly this manifested, but i find that ryoko's memory loss almost parallels the isolation that junko must've felt as a result of her talent: loneliness, an inability to form bonds with others, detachment. in yasuke's childhood flashback during the first chapter of volume two, junko herself says that she doesn't have any friends.
while ryoko was unable to form bonds because she wouldn't be able to remember them long-term, junko was unable to form meaningful bonds because everything was predictable, and as a result, the formation of those bonds was seen as pointless and boring. why try when you know everything they're going to do and say anyway- from their speech patterns to how your relationship would play out?
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not only that, he talks about how, ultimately, ryoko came to the school because he was like him- because she wanted to develop her talents even further. junko reveals that this entire novel was a scenario fabricated by her not only to have her first true taste of despair, but to test multiple things: yasuke's memory manipulation, mukuro's junko disguise, the concept of the mutual killing game, the use of visuals to convert others into despair- but most important to this thinkpiece is that she wanted to test the limits of her talent.
why did junko accept the invitation to hope's peak in the first place? a lot of people tend to say it's because an academy centered around cultivating talent, that believes in talent as a representative of hope, would be the best starting point for her plan to spread despair and leave it at that. i do believe that's one of the reasons, don't get me wrong- i think of junko being the antithesis to hope's peak academy's beliefs and how it informs her relationship with the school! but i propose another reason: that junko wanted to push her skills to the absolute limit in hope's peak by spreading despair- because that's how she struggles with her talent.
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in conclusion, i think a lot about junko being subject to her predestined fate as bestowed onto her via talent. during the mutual killing school life, we can tell that she was already getting bored with the tragedy that she caused, wanting to kill herself after the high of the ultimate despair she could experience. and i think it's sad that junko, as someone who tried their hardest to escape that fate, didn't manage to escape, even at her highest point.
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s-serendipit-y · 3 years
i just can’t live without you
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synopsis: the killing semester gets to everyone eventually, but the last thing they expected is to lose you in the process (a.k.a: you’re murdered during the game/the end of the world)
characters: protagonists, antagonists, masterminds,
notes: major character death and mentions of blood
this reveals the masterminds to the main three games, so if you haven’t finished don’t read.
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——— makoto naegi
makoto already lost sayaka, recovering from that despair was hard for him but you we’re there for him. you had always gave him hope to move on after every trial and to figure out who the mastermind was behind all this. “let’s stay close after we get out of here.” you would say. until you didn’t show up to the dining hall that morning, fear was laced in everyone’s places - even his own.
pink. it was everywhere, and there you were at the center of it. lifeless. it took everything for makoto not to pass out at that second, but the moment the body discovery announcement went off, he knew all of this was real. you will never get out of here.
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——— byakuya togami
byakuya doesn’t care about no one. absolutely no one. no matter how nice you were to him but still respected his boundaries, he didn’t care about you. even if you showed interest in his interests or even tried to protect him from toko. he didn’t care. no matter how much he thought about you. even if he would walk you to your dorm during nighttime so he knew nothing bad will happen to you. that meant nothing.
byakuya spent minutes knocking at you door but no response, everyone else looked worried but he looked at them dumbly. you wouldn’t get yourself killed. when monokuma finally opened the door for them, you were still in bed. it looked as if you were sleeping but he knew it wasn’t the case. all he could do now was scoff and approach your body, he could at least find your murderer after everything you did for him.
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——— junko enoshima
there was nothing junko craved more than despair, the desire for it was even larger than her love for you. she would do anything to fulfill what she craved and after she finally got what she wanted - the destruction of the world - she needed more. then there was you, you meant the world to junko. (or whatever was left of it) you filled her with the disgust of hope she so desperately wanted to crush.
putting you in your own ultimate punishment like she did with chiaki was the best idea she had since manipulating kamukura to join her despair team. killing you hurt her more than she expected. which she loved.
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——— hajime hinata
how many others would be taken away from hajime? nagito and chiaki we both gone, and you were all he had left, the neo world was failing, and the truth about everything has yet to come out. you did your best to keep hajime levelheaded, “if it wasn’t for you, we’d be dead hajime,” you would tell him, reassuring his lack of talent meant nothing.
hours. it’s been hours since hajime last saw you, fear filled his being wondering if one of his friends hurt you. when you were finally found you were already gone, monokuma had punished you for breaking a new rule he had just implemented. he doesn’t know how he’s going to do anything without you, he’s already lost too much.
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——— nagito komaeda 
nagito’s bad luck always rubbed off on others, and as much he wanted to push you away, he didn’t. that came with consequences. you had so much respect for nagito, so much that the others looked at you as weird.
when the lights went out and nagito made his move, he was shoved away. the lights turned back on and you were dead, he stared down at you. this would lead the others to hope, even if it filled him with despair.
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——— izuru kamukura
izuru felt close to you, even though he didn’t truly know you. we’re you close to who he was before? the question interests him. just who exactly are you? it’s obvious that he has a soft spot for you, and to his comrades - junko and mukuro - to see him express emotion that would have to end with you.
the reserve course students had harmed you, but izuru arrived too late. he knelt down placing his hand on your bloodied cheek. he merely looks at you. what’s this feeling? it’s painful - almost suffocating. his eyes watered lightly, izuru stands up pulling the bracelet off your wrist to keep as a token to whoever you were to him before.
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——— shuichi saihara
with kaito, you and maki, shuichi would have fallen after the death of kaede. but at the same time, shuichi is for sure if kaede didn’t die he wouldn’t have fallen in love with you. you were always there for him, giving him confidence to be a better detective - trusting his intuition. but also believing in his friends. you were perfect.
but when kiyo held the seance and you volunteered to go under he had a bad felling, something didn’t feel right. he wanted to tell you to not go under but for the sake of the investigation he doesn’t. after the candle are re-lit his sees the pool of blood under the cage, he knew he should’ve said something.
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——— kokichi ouma
kokichi gets caught in tons of lies, but even then, you stood by his side. even when others judge you for your actions saying that he was manipulating you, you still stayed by his side. kokichi didn’t understand why, he tried to scare you away but to no avail. the last thing he wanted was to get attached to you. but he did get attached, you meant so much to him that thinking as bout his plan and how much it would hurt you made his heart clench.
kokichi was in his room when the body discovery announcement went off, he quickly went to the dining hall with everyone else. when he pushed open the doors shuichi was already investigating your body that was slumped across the table. poison. someone poisoned you. there was nothing holding him back now, kokichi had to finish his plan. he’ll see you soon.
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——— tsumugi shirogane
you were an enigma to the cosplayer, as much as she called herself plain you treated her like she was a gem. yet at the same time, you wanted to find the mastermind with her. little did you know that your enemy was less than three feet away from you. it makes tsumugi feel happy to think about the amount of despair you would feel if you knew it was her but at the same time she wants to protect you from this game and team danganronpa.
none of that would happen though, when miu revealed the virtual world everyone had a great time. until you stopped moving, tsumugi already knew what happened to you, but when she pulled the headset of her face and settled on your distressed look she wondered if all of this was truly worth it.
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
Could we get some relationship headcanons for Aoi, Junko, Kirigiri, Mukuro and Sakura?
Aoi Asahina, Junko Enoshima, Kyoko Kirigiri, Mukuro Ikusaba, and Sakura Oogami relationship HC
-Mod Souda
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Aoi Asahina
She is very positive! She likes pulling jokes to make you smile.
Also cuddly. Very cuddly!
She sleeps with very soft blankets, so wrapping yourself in them just makes everything all the much better when you hold her!
Every competition she goes to, you are there, cheering her on at the sidelines.
And whenever she wins, which is all the time, you treat her with candies and cakes to fill up her sweet tooth.
She surprises you with gifts from her international competitions, too.
Nothing more than keychains. You can almost start a collection with all the ones you got.
A lot of facetimes, sleeping and talking all day when she is aware. She seems to always have something to talk about.
Whenever you are sad, she threatens to beat up whatever it is that caused you to feel that way, even when it is simple melancholia. 
Wears your jackets all the time. Even steal them to take with her.
Junko Enoshima
Brings her camera almost everywhere to take photos of you.
Whether it is to catch you off guard or to have you pose against a tree, she loves capturing your beauty like hers is.
Will convince you to have her do your makeup like her subculture does. Will. 
Tries to dress you up all the way, which takes months of convincing. 
But eventually, you’ll let her do your makeup with the gyaru style and put blonde pigtails on you. She’ll explain the history of why she chose that subculture, too, the passion in her eyes amazing to you.
Dinner dates all the time. Sometimes she’ll bring Mukuro, too, to get you too to hang out together.
Some things about your relationship unease you, though.
Like how you’ll wake up to her crouched in the corner, her knees to her chest in the darkness of your room.
It’s just... your smile, your happiness and kindness always makes her feel better. It gives her a sense of achievement, makes her feel like she belongs onto this Earth. She loves you more than anything and it scares her.
It makes her cry whenever she looks into the mirror. How could you love a monster like her?
She let up her plan to destroy the world for you. If she hurts you, she would never be able to forgive herself.
Well... maybe that’s the point.
Kyoko Kirigiri
She’s very hard to get to the center of.
You try not to excite her too much or overwhelm her in fear that she’ll block you out.
But she’s not like that, not all the time.
She wants you to sleep on her at night and help her dress during the day. It’s the intimacy that helps her get close to you more than the emotional words that she can’t seem to find.
When she goes away for trips, she doesn’t usually want to talk to you. It means she’s busy. And being busy means it has something to do with murder, or a missing person.
You being on her mind will just cloud her judgement but... she always seems to worry.
She’ll call you at random times, since she’s not much of a texter, to check up on you and see if you are safe.
Hey, if you ever get murdered, it’s comforting to know that your death will be avenged.
It’s also comforting to know that she cares about you, in all of your romantic glory of gifting her flowers whenever she gets off the job.
And her favorite food. Being a detective must weigh on her, so you are sure to give her space and check up on her.
Mukuro Ikusaba
Waiting for her at airports has almost become a hobby. When she gets off duties, you smother her in kisses, bringing her sweets to chew on.
She doesn’t sleep too easily. So instead, she chooses to read you to sleep all the books she has read when trying to sleep alone all her life.
She has a thing for stuffed animals, too. Whenever the two of you go into a store together she just stares blankly at the stuffed animals until you buy her one.
Literally, like in the line for the cash register, she’ll just have this puppy dog eyes while holding the animal in question.
She’s fun to hang out with, overall. 
There’s no need for you to even walk to hand her stuff. You can just throw it at her and she’ll always catch it.
Want to give her the remote? Just chuck it at her and she’ll be fine, even when you aim for the back of her head.
She always has you on post notifications on every social media account you have. She doesn’t even like using the internet, but just to see you, she has accounts on different platforms.
Seems to be the first person to like your posts. Literally, within seconds, no matter where she is. Even on the battlefield she will pause to pull out her phone to like your post. “Oh, how cute.”
She’s quite the daydreamer. When you two eat at the dining room table, she will sometimes doze off in her own little world.
It’s cute to see her dazzled eyes. 
She snaps out of it, quick, her reflexes coming back when she realizes you are staring at her.
Kisses you all the time, liking to catch you off guard. She likes the look when you are surprised by her intimacy.
Sakura Oogami
Can only sleep if you are sleeping on top of her.
She likes feeling your skin against hers, it soothes her more than anything. To her, you are the most beautiful person on the planet.
And she wants to spend every given second with you.
But she won’t let you watch her train, though. She thinks you’ll find her scary if you do.
You respect her wishes. And whenever she gets out, you are there with water and protein shakes, for whichever catches her interest at the time.
She paints your nails a lot. And she lets you paint hers. She loves nail polish and everything about it, and she’s happy you are open enough to have her paint your nails! It makes her proud.
If you don’t know how to braid, she’ll teach you. So when the two of you are cuddling, watching a movie, you can put small braids in her hair.
Her favorite presents are butterfly clips!! You give her a whole collection for her birthday.
And she wears them all the time. 
Even puts a few in your hair while you sleep. When you brush your teeth, looking in the mirror, seeing those little things in your hair makes your cheeks heat up. How cute. They do look a little flattering, don’t they?
Her kisses are always gentle, and so are her hands when she touches your body.
She would never want to harm you. She would never intend to try. And she never has, but sometimes she gets scared. 
Scared for nothing, though. It’s not like any accidents will stop you from loving her.
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Gundham angst. You’re in FF & he’s in UD you two dated before but he went missing (Not knowing he was in UD) as FF you were sent to retrieve him not know it was Gundham. When you see him and his animals you trying to him, but he doesn’t talk or speak. You able to get to him & touch his face. You tell him how much you miss him, the Devas miss them (you have them) & how much you love him. His giant snake attacks your shoulder & your scream causes him to snap out of his trance. Happy end please
Fuck YES! I’ve been wanting to do something with Remnant Gundham for a while! Thanks for giving me the chance!
Reunited with Despair-Gundham Tanaka x Reader
You walked down the halls of the Future Foundation. You had been called to one of the meeting rooms for some reason. You weren’t quite sure why, but you assumed it was for a briefing about the situation on the outside world. You frowned as you thought about it. It still seemed so surreal to you. The whole world just...tearing itself apart?
You shivered as you reached the room you were told to go to. You looked into the door window as you placed your hand an the door handle, and were a bit surprised to only see Makoto, Kyoko, Byakuya, Yasuhiro, Aoi, and Toko in the room, the survivors of Junko’s sick killing game. You furrowed your brow at not seeing any higher level Future Foundation officials and opened the door.
The six looked up as you entered the room. Toko glared at you. “F-f-finally you g-get here.” She muttered.
You smiled and chuckled awkwardly. “S-sorry. I didn’t mean to be late...”
“You aren’t late. Don’t worry, Y/N.” Makoto assured you, giving you a kind smile.
You gave him a grateful look as you sat across from him. “I have to admit, I was a bit surprised to only see the six of you. I thought this was a meeting about the outside world’s condition.”
“Nah, this isn’t about somethin’ like that.” Hiro told you, digging in his ear. “This is about mission assignments! We’ve all been given ours and were told to give you yours.”
You tilted your head. “Mission assignments?” You repeated.
Kyoko nodded. “Correct. The Future Foundation has given us each a job to complete. Yours is to retrieve what we believe to be one of the Remnants of Despair.”
Your eyes widened. “Wh...what?! You’re asking me to go capture one of the Remnants by myself?!”
“Of course not.” Byakuya responded, rolling his eyes. “Doing something like that would be suicide, especially for one such as yourself.” He slid something over to you. As you picked it up and examined it, you realized it to be a pager of some kind. “When you locate the target, simply press the button and a fleet of Future Foundation members will come to your aid.” The Togami heir explained.
“You’re basically like a scout!” Hina told you, giving you a bright smile. “You’re just going to scope the area out and let the professionals know where the Remnant is!”
You nodded, relaxing slightly. “R-right. Yeah, that makes sense.” You looked up to them. “When do I leave?”
You walked along the streets, clutching the megaphone you had been given as protection in case a Monokuma came to attack you. You looked down at the GPS you had that was leading you to the last sighting of the Remnant of Despair.
You furrowed your brow as you thought about the Remnants. You had no idea who they were. You were rescued fairly early on by the Future Foundation. On the day of the Tragedy, you had been extremely sick and unable to go to school, so you had gone to the doctor’s. As you left, you were attacked by a rioter and gravelly injured. You were thankfully rescued by the Future Foundation, and after you healed you were recruited.
That had actually been fairly recently, and no one had yet filled you in on who the Remnants were. “You think that’d be useful information if I’m supposed to retrieve one.” You muttered. “What the hell does ‘You’ll know when you see them’ even mean?” You sighed as you continued following the signal. All you knew was that they were dangerous, and part of the reason the world was the way it was.
The more you thought about it the more you began to worry. What if you couldn’t press the button in time? You’ve heard about all the damage the Remnants have done. What if they got to you and-
The GPS beeped, jolting you out of your thoughts. You looked down and saw that you had arrived. You looked around anxiously and frowned. You didn’t see anything. As you cautiously walked down the street and looked for anything and anyone, you felt something move inside your purse. Looking down, you saw a furry little head pop out.
You smiled. “Hey, Cham-P.” You said softly, petting the hamster with your finger, “You need to stay put, buddy. These streets are really dangerous. We’ll be back at HQ soon.” You tried to gently push the hamster back into your purse, but with a sniff in the air, the large fur ball hopped out and began to scurry across the pavement.
Your eyes widened and you quickly ran after him. “Cham-P!” You exclaimed as you followed the small creature down the sidewalk. “Wait! Come back! You’ll get-” You cut yourself off when you turned a corner. There, sitting in the middle of the road surrounded by an assortment of animals, was someone you didn’t think you’d ever see again.
“G...Gundham Tanaka?”
His head lifted slightly at your quiet whisper of his name, but he made no other sign of acknowledgment. He...didn’t look like you remembered. He still had his iconic purple scarf and strange hairdo you loved so much. But, instead of his normal black coat, he had a fluffy white hood around his head, and what appeared to be a black...straightjacket? Not to mention he had a new scar on the right side of his mouth, and a strange mark on his forehead.
Was this...was this really your missing boyfriend?
Cham-P had stopped a good distance from the strange sight. He was staring straight at the center of it all, and it only confirmed your suspicions. That really was Gundham. And then you realized.
He was a Remnant of Despair.
You were here to capture him.
You felt like you were about to cry. He glanced at the pager in your hand, then over at Gundham. Biting your lip, you placed the pager into your purse. You walked closer to the circle of animals, scooping up the Dark Deva as you did so.
“Gundham?” You called his name again. He didn’t move, only continued to stare at the ground. You glanced at the animals worriedly. Many of them were large ones like elephants, gorillas, even lions. You took slow steps towards your former love, keeping an eye on the guards around him. They watched you closely, and the lions snarled, but none made a move to harm you.
Letting out a sigh of relief, you continued to Gundham, now only a few feet from him. “Gundham, do you hear me?” You asked. “I-it’s me, Y/N.” He lifted his head up and opened his eyes. The two of you kept contact for a while until he closed his eyes once more. You felt your heart break.
“P-please, Gundham.” You shakily walked closer to him. “You don’t know how hard it’s been without you. I-I had no idea what happened to you. I thought you were out there, barely surviving, or worse you’d been killed!” You felt the tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you got within arms length from the man. “I never stopped thinking about you. I-I missed you s-so much, Gundham.” You looked down to your purse and held out your hands. Four little critters crawled out and looked sadly at the man before them. “We all have.”
The Remnant opened his eyes again at that, and when he spotted the hamsters, you swear you saw a spark of light in his eyes. “I’ve been keeping good care of them, Gundham.” You assured him as you placed them back in your purse. You looked up into his eyes sadly. “But I’m no Ultimate Breeder.” You gave a sad smile. “I...I love you so much, Gundham. God, I love you. I’m so happy to see you, b-but at the same time it hurts so much. It hurts seeing you like this.”
You slowly reached a shaking hand out towards him, half expecting him to stop you. But he didn’t. He simply kept eye contact as you slowly caressed his cheek. You sniffed as the tears finally began to fall. “Oh Gundham. You don’t know....You don’t know how badly I’ve missed holding you. I’ve missed you so much, my love.”
You knew what you had to do. You had to alert the Future Foundation of Gundham’s whereabouts. But you also knew what they wanted to do with the Remnants. They wanted to kill them.
You couldn’t allow that, no matter what he had done.
“I can’t lose you.” You muttered. “I thought I had already, but now that I know you’re actually alive...” You clenched your fists, and before you could stop yourself, you threw your arms around his shoulders in an embrace.
And almost immediately you were forced back, letting out a cry of agony.
There was a searing pain in your shoulder as you fell onto your back. As you looked over, tears stinging your eyes, you noticed an extremely large snake latched onto you. It soon began to curl itself around you, constricting you. You tried to get out of it’s grasp, but each move you made only made it hurt more.
You glanced back over to Gundham, about to beg for help, and were surprised to see he was standing. He glared at the snake that was slowly cutting off your air supply. “Arbo-K!” He spoke for the first time since you found him, and his voice boomed all around the deserted street. “Release her at once!”
The snake stopped what it was doing, and after a few moments of not moving, it slowly uncoiled from around you and unsheathed it’s fangs from your shoulder. You began gasping in air and clutching the wound. You looked to Gundham as the snake slithered behind him.
The Remnant began to slowly walk over to you. You looked up to him with frightened eyes. You loved this man with all your heart, but you didn’t know what he was capable of doing anymore.
He stopped in front of you, simply looking down at you for a few moments. And then he extended a hand. You looked at it warily before slowly accepting it. He pulled you to your feet, and when you were standing, you locked eyes with you. “Y/N?” He spoke, his voice gravely and low. “Is...is it truly you?”
You felt a spark of hope in your heart, and you nodded. “Yes! Yes, it’s me, Gundham!” You confirmed, barely stopping yourself from throwing your arms around him again.
The man looked you up and down, examining your uniform. “You...you belong to the Future Foundation.” He stated, his gaze returning to your face.
You nodded, your face turning to a frown. “Yes...and you belong to the Remnants of Despair.”
He nodded as we, sadly examining himself. “It appears I do. However...” He takes your hand in his. “I...I wish to be wherever you are.” Your heart did a thousand happy flips. “You do not understand the despair it brought not knowing your location nor your condition.” He looked to the ground. “In my state of mind, it is one of the reasons I did not search for you. Imagining you dead brought so much despair that my warped mind did not want to ruin that.”
You felt tears threatening to fall once more. “It hurt me too, Gundham.” You told him. “I wanted to know you were alright. I wanted to hold you, kiss you, to tell you how much I loved you. But...I thought you were dead. I never would have thought you had become....this.”
Your boyfriend sighed. “Unfortunately I fell to Junko’s manipulation.” He looked at your uniform again. “...I assume you were sent here to retrieve me, were you not.”
You bit your lip, then nodded slowly. “Y-yes...” You confirmed. “But...but they want to kill you, a-and I can’t let them do that. I won’t let them do that! I-I’ll tell them you’re better! T-that you snapped out of it, t-that-”
Gundham silenced your worried ramblings with a kiss. He pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around you and trapping you against him. You closed your eyes and placed your hands on his chest, enjoying what you had missed for so long.
When he finally pulled away, he looked at you, a soft smile on his lips. “Do not fret, my dark queen.” He spoke softly, running his fingers through your hair. “I am sure we will be able to work everything out.”
You smiled lovingly up at him. “You’re right, Gundham. Together we can do anything.”
You’re boyfriend chuckled. “Of course we can.” He held your hand gently and began to lead you away. “Now come. Before you alert your organization, let me tend to your wound.”
You nodded as your smile widened. You followed behind your once lost love, the happiest you had been in a very long time.
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lesser-mook · 3 years
I don’t have an issue with fanservice overall, just don’t shove it in my face (CONTEXT Matters)
Imagine reading a synopsis where a main heroine  gets into various situations because she’s too nice to say no. (Komori-San can’t decline)
Sounds wholesome, i like wholesome. 
I’d assume the story is to display her journey on learning how to say no and her failed attempts is the comedy.
Sounds like Slice of Life/ aka Slice of boring but it’s a weekend, so why not- 
You watch the anime, not even 2min in, and the first close up shot of the 15 year old child is NOT a reasonable full body shot where we see her face, like in the manga:
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You get this: 
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ooookay, definitely a sign of good writing 
Mind you, i come from Desert Punk (one of my favorites):
 Junko, the main femme fatale of the story (And if you know Junko, she was packing serious heat & she used that to her advantage.)
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So the context of the fanservice was, she took advantage of her assets.
Not her being taken advantage of by the situation because the Author & Studio assumes i’m too stupid to pay attention to the story on my own ability
So i can enjoy a well endowed lady, especially when (the context is) they’re grown women-- not a minor/kid
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Teens, especially in the West, do develop at an early age. It’s not like girls with figures like that don’t exist. They do, i went to school with girls like that. So her breasts being big isn’t the issue:
Why do you feel the need to emphasize & exploit it?  Is my question (Is that a focal point of her existence, what are you trying to communicate to me A GROWN ASS man or a 13 year old boy-  by doing stuff like this?)
All in all it’s a first world problem, i get it.
I only harp on this because it’s so creepily prevalent in settings where the female players are kids:
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I deadass made a bet that this was a Deviant Art porn commission,i thought to myself there was no way this shit was real.
I lost that bet.
Especially when back when Ochako got that melodramatic flashback scene during the tournament arc few years back. People swore on their mum (at the time) that My Hero was pioneering progression for female characters in shonen 
Yeah about that.....
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Pov: An anime about Superheroes
Funny how Raven is literally a half-demon in a one piece swimsuit & a cloak/Starfire is an alien rocking a mini with some midriff but both girls get more respect from their writers than all MHA girls put together. 
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And is allowed to be an actual characters with arcs & shit, and not just waifu props to support the boys from the background and get MAYBE 1 or 2 episodes to maybe be useful.
And a flashback, a slight change in motivation, and showing their friends their room is considered “character development”
Or a beach episode where they showcase their young little bodies in still shots (Because it’s not like we can use this time to develop them as people???? pfft nah)
They’re literally the the strongest (Starfire)/most powerful (Raven) members on the team. 
Want to watch a show where Teen Heroes get shit done? WITHOUT the juvenile bullshit? 
(TEEN TITANS 2003) for dayz
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Regarding Komori;
Because there’s a STARK difference compared to the Manga, this tells me that the Studio went out of their way to prioritize animating frames of a 15 year old kids breasts bouncing center-screen than just showing us the girl:
And in that panel of the manga she was holding a box, which obstructed the view of her chest from the front, so they also went the extra mile to remove the box so we could see her breasts in full
And no, i didn’t drop it because of one shot of her chest. I kept goin just to prove a point and yes you get more emphasis of her chest (as well as a character verbally pointing out that her breasts are big) as well as bouncy sound effects.....
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Because priorities. 
shame on me for wanting wholesome, good writing, where the kids are allowed to be kids & not sexualized and exploited.
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Guess i can just stick to ‘Kid Cosmic’ for that.
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I don’t mind fanservice, but that’s a hard pass. Why? Cause it’s unnecessary, and it’s gratuitous.
Mainly because of the context. It’s not what you do it’s how/why you do it. Period.
Further reminded why i keep taking mad breaks from 95% of Anime cause at the end of the day; Genre has a lot to do with it.
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malibvnghts · 3 years
abcdefgh i love you still and i know i always will til the end of time  ,  i won’t change my mind  ,  but it’s these muses  (  yes  ,  i know the song has a different meaning  ,  but let’s go with the vibe ok  ??  )  :  
>  mitsue  --  they’re still in love with the wakagashira that abandoned them  .  they honestly thought they had a future . . . and even when the man treated them like a prostitute  ,  mitsue still harbors feelings for them
>  remy  --  an immortal who had to watch the one he loves marry someone else or love someone else  ,  but he’s still explicably in love with them and can’t stop thinking about them even if centuries has passed  .  he had to break their hearts and that is a guilt that sits heavily with the immortal  .
>  akimi  --  ok but mating for life and losing said mate  ??  or lashing out on their supposed mate and losing them because akimi had been so overcome with grief and trauma that they didn’t know where to go with it so their mate had to withstand it and they know that no amount of apologies could rectify what they did  .
modern  :  akimi pushing away their loved one because they don’t want them to be involved in the nasty world of inheritance and the ozora family . . . so they result to breaking their significant other’s heart and shoving them away  ,  but still in love with them  .
>  meixiu  --  having tasted a moment of respite  ,  of normality and falling in love with someone . . . only to have that wrenched away from her because those who own her came back for her and to protect them  ,  meixiu had to be cruel and push them away  .
>  dokja  --  :))) this one . . . you don’t want me to get into because i always have 3000000 things to say about dokja
>  kieran  --  his late fiance that was murdered still holds his heart greatly  ,  he still has his fiance’s engagement ring on his neck  .
>  grayson  --  still very in love with the man that broke his heart in france  ,  though he knew that the man had been cheating on their fiance  ,  grayson was still very invested in their relationship and loves the man a lot  .  blames himself for what happened and not because the man had made a poor judgement  .
>  aeri  --  though she’s someone that’s had multiple one night stands . . . she may have had some feelings for the father of her child  .  running away when she discovered she was pregnant  ,  she feared rejection from him or the idea that he may scorn her  ;  rather than going through that heartbreak  ,  she runs away  .
>  wonjae  --  had been hurt by his ex when his ex turned their back on him when he was spontaneously OUTED  .  he blames his ex for this  ,  he doesn’t know the full story but he blames them and thinks his ex was the one who outed them  .  yet  ,  despite this nasty incidence  ,  wonjae still finds himself thinking of his ex and wondering what life would be like if things were still well  .  just seeing a glimpse of his ex still gets his heart to skip a beat  .
>  junko  --  the holmes to her watson . . . well  ,  though she ultimately still vehemently resents him for giving up on looking for her  ,  there are still times where she finds herself still very much in love with the other  .  still very much yearning for him . . . 
>  casia  --  though they broke up because of his ex’s harsh words about the one-sidedness of their relationship  ,  casia ponders if things would have been better IF he treated them better  ,  if he hadn’t been self-centered  (  truthfully  ,  he wasn’t . . . but he was gaslighted into thinking he was  )  .
>  others that might also fit  :  biming  ,  jieun  ,  rosalyne  ,  wren  ,  fumio  ,  damarys  ,  snezhana / tsaritsa  ,  lumine
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Legend of Hana Part 70
Warnings: This has mentions of blood and torture. If that makes you uncomfy, then please read below the cut
Rating: SFW
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Junko walked down the long halls of the dungeons she created, and spotted Mukuro, weak and very vulnerable. She smirked and leaned against the cell door. 
“It’s so funny to see you like this. You used to be so strong and now look at you. Guess becoming a Spirit was a mistake. But that just means that you’re back where you belong. Under my control,” she said. 
“Go fuck yourself, Junko,” Mukuro spat. Junko scowled and grabbed Mukuro by her hair.
“You’re lucky I haven’t killed you yet. But I can torture you. In fact, that’s just what I’ll do. MIKAN!” she said. The Ultimate Nurse, Mikan Tsumiki came bumbling in, ready to do anything Junko told her to.
“Y-yes, m-mistress,” she said. 
“Take this lowlife to the medical room. You can do whatever you want to her in there. And make it painful,” Junko commanded. Mikan nodded and opened the cell door. Mukuro tried to fight Mikan off but she was too weak to do so. Mikan took Mukuro into a creepy surgical room that Junko called “the Medical Room”. Mikan forced Mukuro onto the surgical bed and strapped her in tightly. Mukuro squirmed, trying to break free but it was no use. 
“What should I do? What should I do?” Mikan asked herself. She gasped and picked up a surgical knife. “I know!” 
She turned to Mukuro and cut open her stomach, causing her to scream in pain and agony. Mikan soon found what she was looking for and gave a very insane smile. Mukuro’s uterus. 
“It may not be Mistress Junko’s, but it’s the next best thing,” she said.
“Please stop! It hurts! Please! Just let me go!” Mukuro begged but Mikan didn’t listen. Mikan removed Mukuro’s uterus from her and stitched her back up. 
“You know, you’re lucky I did that. Otherwise, I would’ve left you here to bleed out,” Mikan said. Mukuro sobbed as Mikan walked away. 
Ansem...wherever you are...please help me. I’m scared...
After walking up the stairs of the Castle of Dreams, Aqua had now reached a grassy clearing with a small hut nearby. 
“Another world that was lost to the darkness?” she asked. She noticed  a glass coffin close to her right. “Hmm? Is that...?”
She walks over to the coffin and gasped as she saw the person inside. 
“Ven!?” she asked. She placed her hands on the coffin and looked at Ventus's unconscious body inside, but a moment later he vanished. She recalled him sleeping in a room within Castle Oblivion. 
Ven. What did you come here to tell me? I know I promised to wake you up. I'm sorry. But I have to find a way home before I can help you. I just want you to know that it's been you that keeps my heart strong. Keeps the dark away.
Aqua gently caressed the surface of the glass. She gasped and turned around, seeing a large, ornate mirror floating in mid-air and walked over to it.
“It's a mirror...” she said. She placed a hand on the mirror, causing it to start shining. Aqua recoiled her hand in surprise, but her reflection came to life and stuck its hand through the other side of the mirror to grab Aqua's. “What!?” 
Aqua was dragged into the mirror, and emerged through another mirror inside a large chamber. She caught her breath and began examining her new surroundings. Many spiral-shaped columns and altars containing runes on their walls populated the room. Aqua walked toward the center of the room and sighed. She turned around and was shocked to see that three mirrors surrounded her, each one showing blue fire instead of a reflection. They spun around her and proceeded to affix themselves to the walls inside three of the altars, firmly placed within the perimeter of the runes.
“What just happened?” she asked. Aqua returned to the mirror she entered from but it didn’t show her reflection. She lifted up her hand, puzzled, and began to contemplate her next course of action. “Those mirrors... Maybe they're a clue.” 
She entered one of the mirrors that surrounded her and investigated the world within it, all the while being taunted by a phantom-like version of Aqua's voice.
“Are you really worthy of being a Keyblade Master? Is there any point in continuing this fight? You'll never see the realm of light again. Your bonds of friendship only tie you down. Just let go of everything and fade into the darkness,” the phantom said. In the mirror world, Aqua traversed across the floating remnants of a mine and discovered another mirror at the end. She walked through it and entered an empty room with a reflective floor and walls resembling green flames. A single mirror hovered in the room, and Aqua walked in front of it.
“Is this what it means to face your demons?” she asked. The mirror started glowing. Aqua summoned her Keyblade and readied for battle. Her reflection, the phantom within the mirror, attempted to grab her, but she jumped backward to avoid it. The phantom reached its hand through the mirror and summoned a Keyblade of its own.
“Only your heart is hollow enough to be a demon's,” the phantom said as it walked into the room through the mirror, taking a fighting stance. 
“That's not true! My heart is strong! I'll prove it!” Aqua said and quickly defeated the phantom. After it was defeated, Aqua faced the mirror again. “Lily, Era, Terra, Ven...and now my own phantom? What could it all mean?” 
The mirror emitted a blinding flash and Aqua emerged in the main mirror chamber through the mirror that brought her to the mirror world. The mirror cracked. Aqua ventured through the next mirror world, consisting of a single staircase and a mirror at the top that seemingly transported her to the bottom. She was able to find the exit by turning around after being teleported. Aqua defeated another phantom of herself and returned to the main chamber, the mirror she entered the world from cracking. The last mirror world consisted of a series of columns that flipped the world when struck. Aqua was able to solve this maze and defeated the phantom of the world.
“That's all of them. Terra and Ven didn't have anything to say. But my shadow... She wanted to destroy me. I wonder if Era and Lily are okay and are safe,” she said. After returning to the main chamber, the last mirror cracked, Aqua made her way back to the mirror she initially entered the chamber from. “Never would have thought I'd become my own worst enemy.” 
She sighed and placed a hand on the mirror.
“I've talked to myself a lot since falling into these shadows. But with the phantom, it's as though all of my doubts have gained a voice of their own. She's the weakness in my heart,” she said and turned away from the mirror. 
I know I'm alone here. Have the uncountable hours in the shadows whittled away the courage I never really had?
“I'm losing this fight. The darkness has found the cracks in my heart,” she said as she clutched her chest. 
Is this...the last apparition before it takes me over?
Aqua sighed and left the The World Within to a new world. Maybe there, she could find some answers. 
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crazynekochan · 4 years
Dangan Persona AU
Palace #7
Ruled by Makoto Naegi.
Captive is Mukuro Ikusaba (held captive in cell; will be executed for her crimes in the alternate reality if not rescued in time; picked very much the worst day to dress as Junko).
Shadow manifests as Makoto but wearing a creepy long black cloak, like he is the judge, jury and executioner (which he is), who turns into a 4-armed angel, one wielding a shield, the other a huge revolver (like truth bullets), and the 2nd pair holding up the weight of the world’s hope on his shoulders as a shining globe that seems to get heavier as the battle progresses. It’s also immune to Curse skills, which is rather unfortunate because that’s what everyone was betting on it having since Lincoln (and therefore Makoto)’s weak to Curse skills.
Palace is Hope’s Peak as ala the first game but much more pastel, with the walls instead draped in soft silk, light shining down in jarring contrast to the giant metal plates over the windows. It gives everyone the creeps, especially when the 2nd half starts with much more blood and gore appearing on the pristine sheets and floors.
As a little peep to the next palace, this is also where they get a glimpse of a Shadow Nagito. The original had gotten curious and just barely went a bit into the Metaverse. He managed to get out right away, but not before causing his shadow to be spotted tending to a strange memorial garden of class 78 before vanishing.
Finally after frankly too many puzzles, they arrive at the midway point of Mukuro’s show trial at a near exact replica of the red door to the trial grounds. They open up and find the elevator, but what is much more relevant is the metric fuckton of Junko photos and Monokuma memorabilia all over the room, almost all of them horrifically destroyed in rage, aimed at the faces in particular. Since Mukuro was dressed as Junko the day she got abducted (Junko had a scheduling issue and made Mukuro dress as her for class, even though no one else really bought it), this makes everyone rightfully very nervous and reluctantly head down, despite the sick feelings roiling in everyone’s stomachs, because they’re not gonna like this. And nope, they didn’t like it at all.
They came out to see the trial already underway, 2 large stands loaded with masked figures to the sides of the room and a high circle of 15 podiums surrounding Mukuro, chained into a kneeling position as the Judges gazed down upon her. The party looks up to see them, and finds something rather strange. On one side are 9 funerary portraits on raised poles, with the 6 judges in black robes in front of them, all focused on Mukuro. The Judges are cognitive versions of the DR1 survivors, all looking much worse for wear (cognitive Hiro looks exhausted, cognitive Hina is silently sobbing with a funerary portrait of Sakura in her hands, even cognitive Kyoko looks like she was in mourning), with Shadow Makoto in the center as the chief Justice. It’s right at the ending of the trial, and Mukuro is declared guilty for conspiracy to end the world, to the disgust and horror of the crowd.
Mukuro tries to argue, saying that this must be a mistake, they have the wrong person. Shadow Makoto tells her that no, they know full well who she is, Mukuro Ikusaba (full name, no honorifics). He continues, telling her, in no uncertain terms, all of the crimes he knows of from the alternate timeline committed by the Ultimate Despair. “And to prevent that from occurring, we must tear the despair out, root and stem. Junko would be nothing without her little cronies, after all. What better way to end this right now than by her dearest sister’s death, leaving her powerless?” Then the Shadow has her trapped inside of a cage and sent down to the dungeons to await her execution, before the party can help her.
The rest of the palace works in a similar way to the first half, but everything goes into straight up horror movie territory. Like they were creeped out before, but now it was fucking all sorts of terrifying. It’s pretty much an amalgamation of all of Makoto from the other timeline’s trauma and survivors guilt from the first game. This part of the palace also has a bunches of minibosses that they have to fight through in the second half because holy crap, those things are fucking horrific. The minibosses are all the souls lost to the killing school life and it is very much not pretty. Sayaka covered in blood impaled with knives; Leon tied to a pole, pummeled to a pulp, chucking bloody baseballs; Chihiro with his head bashed in, using a mess of cables and screens to interact with the world; Mondo as a hellish biker that seems to be melting; Taka the terrifying sergeant with his head bleeding; Hifumi with his head bashed in as well, using his horrific Junji Ito-style magical girl drawings for attacks; a thing so burnt and smashed up that they could only identify her as Celeste because of the twin drills; Sakura as a silent warrior, constantly coughing up poison and blood. Even a makeshift “Mukuro”, hardly able to move from all the spears through her body. Holy crap, did that freak everyone out and make them very glad when they next saw their friends again at dinner because they’re alive!
The time limit this time is because Shadow Makoto, while being a twisted mess of repressed anger, sadness, and misery, is also fundamentally a good person and doesn’t want to kill Mukuro before she had even done anything, even though he knows that she’s guilty as sin of conspiring to destroy the world and everything in it (in the canon timeline). That’s actually where the party comes in, because by the time they clear the palace, the Shadow had finally decided that it was now or never and he needed to do this now. When they rush in to stop him, that’s when the boss fight starts.
The fight is genuinely hard as hell and the Shadow isn’t holding back. The attacks are all similar to the various minigames from DR1, just with a Persona flair. Makoto’s providing as much support as he can without being able to control his own persona, with the Shadow lashing out every time that Makoto offers his emotional support. Eventually, they notice that the giant ball of hope is getting heavier to the point of nearly crushing Makoto, who’s holding up the globe like Atlas holding the sky. His Shadow’s about ready to cry, begging the others to stop as Makoto encourages them all to keeping fighting and to not give up now. The battle only stops when they finally get Makoto to confess that he’s not always the bright ball of sunshine that they think he is and that even he needs help sometimes. With that resolved, the shadow returns to being Makoto’s persona, now instead of Lincoln, he is Logos (basically the closest to Jesus as I can get without making an even bigger mess in the MegaTen universe)
[Holy shit, I feel like I wrote a whole novel here! I’m ending this here, good night!}
Mod: The design for Makot's shadow is so flipping awesome. It’s so fitting for Makoto considering that he’s the main speaker during the class trials (cause MC and all) and this is literally a trial his shadow is holding, with the shields and revolver in each hand. Though my favourite is him holding up the worlds hope like Atlas with the sky, cause it’s still my favourite part of his character development that he admits in the DR3 anime that he’s sometimes really overwhelmed with always having to be positive as the Ultimate Hope but still keeps it up for ever (and as entertaining the anime was, it was one of the only good things it did story wise, but that’s a different topic altogether...)
The palace must be so disturbing for the party, cause up until now every palace was basically a fantasy place representing something of the person’s life/personality. But now they are in a twisted and later on gory version of their own school, and still don’t know anything of the past timeline. But things are starting to get unravelled now. Though most disturbing must be the memorial garden for their very much alive friends. The fact that the survivors, who were not among the memorial photos, are the judges who look like they experiences something very awful and traumatic. Not to mention the tons of destroyed Junko photos
That the minibosses are the victims in an all horror like fashion, where I’m imagining something along the lines of DR3 anime with Makoto’s despair hallucination, must be so brutal cause these are literally the “corpses” of their friends that are attacking them, who are in this timeline alive and happy
I can only imagine how hard it must have been for everyone to see how Makoto’s shadow actually is, which is basically being overwhelmed with all the support he has to give all the time. Cause everyone does lean a lot on Makoto (not that leaning on people is bad, but there is a limit how much one person can handle, even for Makoto)
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lailarain · 4 years
Warning: Spoilers for Super Danganronpa 2.5: Komaeda Nagito
Let's be honest, I'm only here for Nagito lol
(I really wanted to watch the english dub but I could only find the japanese one so yeah😔)
Episode 1(the only episode):
Wait isn't that other blonde bitch, peach hair bitch, and white hair girl?
Run of the mill guy my ass🤨
Wait isn't he the ultimate lucky student? He seems really unlucky. Is this even canon
Okay I googled it and this is canon so wtf is going on
Is this an alternative universe or some shit
Wait it's normally the other way around where Nagito's good luck gives everyone else bad luck
I see Soda is still a simp😅
And an idiot, apparently
Kazuichi is cool and all but this dude has gotta stop being a SIMP
Nagito is....speaking facts actually😳
Okay Nagito you're getting a little scary😀
Peko in the bush be like 😡
Fuyuhiko is still the same I see🤣
Can we get an f in the chat for Nagito
Or.....Izuru maybe?
Awwww Sonia had fun
He wants to avenge his friend aww🥺
Nagito what are you doing go with them🤨
Poor Nagi you're special too🥺
Wait did the screws just-
At least Nagito has come back to his senses😭😭😭
Ohhhhhh so THAT'S why Makoto was so florty it's because he viewed Makoto as a lot less awkward than he actually was
Well, at the very least, I'm happy to see an entire special centered around my favorite boi.
Okay, as for how I rate 「Super Danganronpa 2.5: Komaeda Nagito」、I think I'd rate it 9/10. I loved the idea, the story, and the way it was centered around my favorite character in the whole francise. I extremely enjoyed how wholesome the friendship of Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Nagito was. However, I was confused as to what was happening during the majority of it. And while there's nothing necessarily WRONG with that, I'm still confused as to why he would've wanted to be friends with Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko, of all people. I would've found it more realistic if it was instead Chiaki and Hajime. I also wonder how he knew that Hajime and Izuru were the same person from the moment he woke up, even though he was dead and not present furing the big reveal at the end of the second game. I'm also curious as to why he despised talent in the weird virtual world. It's likely that they answers to all those questions were obvious and I'm just a huge idiot tho. Overall, it was nice to see what could've been of Nagito, and to discover how much he actually does value friendship. It helped understand and grow to know better the lovable, chaotic boi that we all either love or hate, known as Nagito Komaeda.
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